#might try making sprites for at least a oc while i do so
goofy comic before i hit the hay for the day
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dragons will do whatever the fuck dragons want /j
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dr-ground-zero · 7 months
Thunder before the storm
(So since I've been wanting to make a story for our boys, I finally did it. This is for @goodlucksnez & I's OCs, Rain, Jack Frost, and Leyo. There is a slight mess warning nothing too graphic or "gross" Hope ya like it))
“JACK FROST WHAT DID YOU DO!?” Exclaimed the fire wielder, the winter spirit held his hands up defensively and tried to explain.
“I may or may not have went a little overboard on pranking him, i just meant to freeze his cloud….and I might have missed.” “You froze him!” “It was an accident, you can help right?” Leyo huffed and nodded while igniting his fire to thaw the poor rain spirit out. Jack watched in anticipation as the ice melted hoping his boyfriends wouldn’t be too angry with him. Finally Rain was completely unfrozen and stretched but soon curled up on himself and started shivering.
“Wh-what th-h-the hell Jack!?” “Sorry Rain, didn’t mean to freeze ya.” “How about you go home and warm up, I’ll take care of today’s work and I’ll check in later.” Offered Leyo, Rain nodded at this though frowned knowing Jack would be coming home with him. Its not that he hated him, not any more at least, its just Jack could be impulsive and not think of other people’s feelings before acting. Besides, no one likes being turned into a popsicle!
“I’ll make sure he gets home” Jack promised, he knew he was gonna have to make up for it. Rain shot him a glare but wordlessly started walking home beside him. This was the transitional period between winter and fall so the weather wasn’t all that consistent so Leyo taking over for the most part would be fine.
Getting home Rain pulled off his jacket, got out of his wet boots and went into their spare bedroom. Jack frowned at this, sure he knew Rain liked his alone time which wasn’t all that bad but with the way the other closed the door he knew Rain was mad. He figured he would just give the man his space and things would calm down. He probably just needed to dry off and take a nap right?
“Eettshiiiew!” Maybe he was just sneezy from being cold, it wasn’t too uncommon for Rain to do that. Plus he was the sneeziest one out of the three of them. Jack tried to not let his worries and guilt get the best of him, he apologized and by the time Leyo got back everything would be fine! After another few hours the door to the spare bedroom opened but there was no sound. Jack Looked down the hallway only to see two little water sprites trying to beckon him. They jingled and waved their little arms at him and then towards the door. Getting up he went over to them and asked what was wrong. One of the sprites gave a series of soft light flashes, water droplet noises and jingles. Jack wasn’t the best at understanding Rain’s sprites, he could understand Leyo’s and his own but Rain’s hardly talked and were quite shy. The little creatures could tell by the furrowed brows that Jack couldn’t understand them and let out a huff and just grabbed him by the finger. Jack could sense by their tugging that they were worried about Rain, that much he could figure out. He let them guide him back to the spare bedroom where more sneezing could be heard as well as thunder.
Oh boy!
“Rain, babe you alright in there?” He asked from the other side of the door, at first there wasn’t a sound until another “Eetsshiiiew!” and roll of thunder. Jack grabbed the knob, surprised to find that he could just push it open and made his way inside. In the dim light of the bedroom there sat Rain curled up in bed still shivering, with a tissue pressed to his nose and a storm cloud over his head. His hair pressed wetly against his face as he shakily gasped into a fit.
“Etshiiew! Ed’shiiiew! Heh heeh! Eeeshiiew!”
“Bless you!” Jack said softly leaning against the door frame, Rain sighed and grumpily asked.
“What do you wadt?” “Hey I don’t want anything but to see how you’re doing, could hear you sneezing through the door and your sprites got worried.” Rain blew his nose before tossing the tissue into the trash and leaned back into the pillows. Jack walked closer sitting on the side of the bed to get a closer look. Now he really felt back, the poor guy was shaking, nose turning an angry, irritated red around the rims and septum, and he looked worn out.
“Gods you look miserable” Rain rolled his eyes at his comment as he pulled the blanket around him. Jack realized it wasn’t exactly the best thing to say and tried to backpedal.
“Look Rain I really am sorry, I didn’t mean to freeze you and I shouldn’t have tried it either.” He reached out and gently pushed his soaked hair out of Rain’s face. He then noticed the temperature change and pressed his hand to Rain’s cheek and forehead.
“Your temperature is weird” He noted, telling the rain maker to stay put Jack got up and padded down the hall and came back with a thermometer.
“I wanna check your temperature” Rain hesitated but let the other slide the tool under his tongue. Waiting for the thermometer to beep Rain started rubbing at his nose. Jack noticed the way it twitched and watched hoping the other could hold back. A soft whine came as the silvery-blond grabbed at his nose trying to breathe normally through his mouth. Tears welled up in his eyes as he grew dangerously close to losing control. His brows knitted up as he fought the sneeze off. Finally the tool beeped and he took it out himself before pinching at his nose hastily.
“HEt’sknnk! Kdsshhh! Eek’shiiew! Ek’nggk!” Each sneeze rocking his body the cloud above his head grew dark and started to drizzle over his head at the last sneeze. Jack took a look at the thermometer and frowned.
“100F yup you’ve got a fever baby.” “Damb, I should’ve st-staah stay hobe” Rain muttered softly, though not soft enough that Jack couldn't hear it. “Were you already sick before I froze you?” Rain blushed a bit but nodded shyly at him, Jack’s eyes went soft at this.
“Raincloud, why were you out working if you knew you were sick?” “Because you know I c-can’t miss wo-wehh heh! Ugh…work. I dont dneed to be lectured by mother nature addy bmore than usual, and I didn’t feel as bad when I went out. Just th-thehh heh!” Hand mindlessly reached around he snatched up a tissue just in time.
“Eetsshiiew!” ”Bless you, alright well you’re not going out until you’re better. I don’t want you getting any worse.” “Fide fide” “Do you want me to leave you alone so you can sleep?” Rain shook his head
“I cad’t sleep adyways, could you make something warm to drink, I’m freezing.” Jack nodded and stood up telling the sprites to watch Rain as he headed into the kitchen. He knew the other liked tea so that’s what he would make. While he waited for the water to boil the front door opened and in walked Leyo.
“Oh hey you’re back!” Leyo smiled and walked over kissing the other’s forehead and asked how Rain was doing. Though before Jack could answer the sound of sneezing echoed from the spare bedroom.
“Does that answer your question?” He joked lightly, Leyo gave a soft chuckle and nodded.
“You making him some tea?” “Yeah he’s got a cold, and you know what happens when he sneezes with a cold.” “Yup, hopefully the tea should help.” “Yeah it should” Grabbing a mug Jack pours the water over the little tea bag and adds some honey to it before they both head to the spare bedroom.
“Ey there Monsoon, how ya doing?” Asked Leyo as he walked in, Rained huffed and replied stuffily.
“Awful” “Aaw, heard ya got a cold babe.” The fire wielder says as he sat on the side closest to Rain.
“Yeah, didn’t thigk it would get th-this baah hah! Ugh bad but, it did.” Thanking Jack for the tea he made, he let the other two sit on the bed with him. He snuggled up to Leyo since he needed the extra warmth and his heat seemed to make the cloud above his head get smaller.
“Poor Monsoon, well we’re here now.” Leyo says sweetly, delivering a soft kiss on his cheek and wrapping his arms around him. Slowly raising his temperature to help warm Rain up. The steam from the hot mug of tea did seem to help with the congestion now he was sniffing almost constantly. This sniffling was rather wet sounding too. Leyo grabbed a few tissues and pressed them to Rain’s nose telling him to blow. The elven boy blushed at the gentle command but did as told. Feeling the rush of snot flood the tissues Leyo made sure to keep them secured to his face until he was done. His other hand gingerly rubbing circles into his back.
They stayed cuddled up together for a while, Rain had managed to fall asleep for a bit so Leyo went to go and make dinner for the three of them. Leaving Jack with Rain who woke up to his nose being completely blocked up.
“Shit cad breath” He grumbled to himself snorting and snuffling just to try and get some air through his nose. The only thing he managed to do was kick start the worst tickle ever. His nose twitched and scrunched up as he tried to make it go away but it wouldn’t until the last second when it disappeared. Not completely but it was enough for him to struggle getting it out. Nostrils flaring and dripping a bit, his hitches sounded so desperate it almost sounded like whimpering. Jack woke up to this and was quick to blow a kiss at him. Pressing his cold lips to the tip of the needy appendage seemed to be the thing to do it. Gasping largely, Rain pushed Jack off and pressed the sleeve of his sweater over his nose and mouth to catch the oncoming fit.
“Eetssshiiew! Eesshiiieeew!! Eet’chiieew! Eesshmpph!” “Bless you, are you done?” “Y-yeah I thigk s-uuh huh!” Rain buried his nose back into his sleeve before he could finish as another sneeze interrupted him.
“Eesshmpph!” Jack made sure to stay close and held up a couple of tissues to replace Rain’s now soaked sleeve cuff. Trying his best to clean himself up only leads to more sneezing.
“Aaw someone’s sensitive~” Jack teased as he cuddles Rain to help him get through his stronger fits.
“Sh-shut up dod’t eved bmendtion it please.” Jack gave a sympathetic yet playful kiss wrapped him up in the blanket Rain had dragged into the room. Leyo soon came back with some soup for all three of them.
“Could hear you sneezin’ up a storm in here Monsoon, you alive?” Leyo joked, Rain sighed at his boyfriend’s antics.
“Yes yes, I’mb alive, barely.” “Well don’t pass away on me, I made soup.” Taking the bowl of soup, Rain swallowed a spoonful and smiled slightly. The feeling of it going down his throat was good, and definitely warmed his insides.
“Hopefully this’ll help you feel better before you and that sensitive nose of yours kill the tissue supply.” “I’mb dnot that bad” Rain pouted “Yes you are baby, you are already pretty sneezy in general due to your power and your allergies. Adding a cold on top of that makes that nose pretty easy to piss off.” “Its dnot that easy” “Uh-huh, just wait, you'll be sneezing again soon.” Jack chimed in while keeping the tissues close by. Just the mention of this seemed to jinx Rain’s claim, he whined as he batted at his nose to try and quell the sensation trying to ignite. This got a laugh from Leyo who commented at his movement.
“Damn I thought you’d last longer than 5 seconds, Monsoon.” But this time Rain was determined to hold back and it worked! He huffed in relief as the tickle seemed to go down.
“Nope, I’mb dode sdeezing.” He claimed while going back to eating his soup.
“I don’t think you get to decide that, but let's see how long you can last.” Rain nodded confidently, and surprisingly he made it through dinner without sneezing. Sure a few hitches here or there but he didn’t sneeze. Which seemed to impress his boyfriends. Going back to cuddling, Rain was pretty close to falling asleep when the tickle came back. He continued his method of rubbing, pinching, and scrunching up his nose but it didn't seem to work this time. He lasted this long; he wasn't about to lose it now! Though now he was hitching audible enough for the other two to notice.
“Ey you alright Rain?” “Oh boy pretty sure he’s getting sneezy” “Baby just let it out come on” Encouraged Jack, Rain shook his head.
“Nuhh huh! Dno I guuh huh got it!” He protested while his chest heaved, his hands fanning at his face desperately as he tried convincing his body not to sneeze. Nose twitching and flaring he was a mess with tears and snot running down his face, though he seemed to be on the edge of it! Leyo looked to Jack his pulled Rain into his lap while Leyo gathered a bouquet of tissues and pressed them to his bright red nose.
“Oh come on baby, its just so tickly why not just let them out. You’ll feel so much better once you do.” Leyo could feel the poor thing’s nose trembling underneath the cloth he was close!
“We’ve got ya Monsoon just let go. I know its just so big, you can do it” He encouraged sweetly, there was a sudden gasp right before the explosion.
“EEESTTTSHIIEW! EEETSSSHIIEW! EEEESHIIEW! Hehh! HEEehmppph!” As the sneezes game thunder rolled not only from the large dark brooding cloud that floated above them but the ones outside changed as well. The sky darkened even though it was only approaching evening. The roar of thunder shook the cabin with each new set of sneezes! The rain that poured down over them was just as strong as it was outside! When the fit finally ended Rain was left gasping and coughing tears streaming down his face, cheeks flushed pink almost red as well as the tips of his pointy ears.
“Bless you, baby goodness that was alot!” Rain gave one last congested blow into the tissues he had practically decimated. Leyo swapped them out with fresh ones to try and clean up the mess.
“S-sorry” Rain said bashfully, Jack waved at the cloud to try and make it go away.
“Its fine baby, you’re sick you can’t help it, besides a lil rain never hurt anyone”
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purefandomonium · 2 years
Connection (Snippet)
This is... Hmmm... I don't fucking know. I was bored, didn't feel motivated to work on any of my usual projects, and this shit has been eating up the back of my mind for weeks now. So I figured I'd scratch the itch and write something because why not? It's a snippet from a maybe two-parter I'm writing for fun. Or it might become something more depending on how I feel when it's finished. Right now, it's not very fleshed out and is essentially just going to stay a rough draft. I refuse to let myself put any more effort into this by editing it and crap 😅 Essentially, it's my mostly blank oc gets her hands on the titular Glitchy Red cartridge and decides to put her novice coding skills to work to try and befriend everyone's favorite angsty glitch. If anyone's interested for more info feel free to ask, and I guess let me know what you think? Idk, I've just been trying to get out my rut lately. Writing below the cut.
She frowned at the screen as the high-pitched ringing from the last note of the background music played out continuously, every other sprite but the player’s a garbled mess of random tiles and text. This exact thing had happened a thousand times before, but recently the game itself seemed to be getting frustrated with her constant attempts of playing. She knew now that this was no hack. There was something more there.
She felt bad for whatever entity was stuck in this thing, as the more she attempted to figure things out the more the state of the game worsened and the angrier this ‘Red’ seemed to get. If she could just tell him she was trying to help, maybe he’d stop crashing the game so much. But how could she talk to something who couldn’t hear?
She realized something then. Turning the game off with zero warning, she set it aside. She left it there, untouched, for a week straight while she got other stuff ready. When she finally came back to it, it loaded up like normal. At least, the normal she was used to. Things were bound to be wrong in a game as broken as this one and, sure enough, when the world loaded in there were a few inconsistencies with the sprites and music.
But none of that mattered with what she was about to do. Finding a large, open area to walk in where she’d be undisturbed by any in-game events, she began moving the player around in specific patterns.
Nothing happened. There was no interaction from the game itself. It continued on like it was supposed to while the little sprite walked about like a lunatic.
But it also didn’t freeze or crash. So she kept on. Then:
RED: What are you doing?
The text box interrupted her little patterns and she hadn’t gotten the point across, so she cleared it and kept up.
RED: Will you stop this?
The text appeared so slowly and she made a note to fix that if given the opportunity. The pacing continued.
RED: Are you stupid?
She groaned and rolled her eyes. Ok. So maybe whatever this was, wasn’t as smart as she thought. She stopped everything and just moved up, left then right, then back to where she’d come up at, then down, then the same thing several paces away from the imaginary ‘top.’
An empty text box appeared before clearing itself. Then more.
RED: …
RED: …Are you trying to tell me something?
She’d been fully prepared to make an up and down ‘yes’ gesture in the area but the game allowed her a choice instead. Finally, some progress.
RED: …I see…
The box disappeared without any prompting from her and she took that as a sign to continue, albeit much slower. She drew an ‘I’ again, only for Red to confirm he got it. She was going to tell him ‘it’s me again,’ referring to herself as the same person who’d been playing the last few weeks, but decided against it. He, it, whatever this was didn’t seem to know she was the same person who’d been tearing apart the little pixel world for sometime now. If he did, he’d surely be more pissed than this and she didn’t want to risk putting herself back at square one.
Besides, she felt bad for all the damage she’d been causing.
Painstakingly drawing one letter at a time, with Red verifying them, she finally got a message across.
RED: …“I’m sorry”…?
RED: You’re sorry? For what?
RED: You…
RED: You’re the same one from before, aren’t you?
She answered ‘yes’ a bit more hesitantly this time, fully expecting the game to shut itself down. Only it didn’t. The next set of text seemed to appear even slower than usual.
RED: …No one… No one’s ever apologized before… They just exploit the glitches and move on once they get bored.
He was silent again for so long, she thought the game finally froze.
RED: You’re the first person to ever try talking to me.
It seemed he wasn’t sure how to follow up on that either if his silence was anything to go by.
She spelled out, ‘that’s sad.’ What else can you say to that? After he confirmed that yes, he was indeed miserable, she tried a different approach. She asked him who he was.
RED: Red.
She let out a tired sigh and went right back to spelling. ‘Are you stuck?’
RED: I’ve been like this for a very long time. Trapped here and made to do things I have no desire to do. Live the same old story over and over and over again.
RED: I don’t know what’s worse. The monotony of it all, or all you players making things worse for “fun.”
RED: Since you’re actually listening to me, do me a favor.
RED: Destroy this cartridge.
RED: Smash it, burn it, I don’t care. Just rid me of this miserable existence. I’m tried of all this. I’ve been replaced and forgotten, there’s no more need for me to exist.
Ok. A bit melodramatic, but she couldn’t blame him. It sounded like he was trapped in virtual hell. Being stuck in a metaphorical box and being manipulated like a puppet while the world fell apart around you did sound pretty awful. And it wasn’t like she hadn’t made things worse with her own fiddling. Still, computers were her strong point. And sentient programming or not, she knew she could find a way to get him out of there. Or at least make things a little better.
Killing him just didn’t feel right. Maybe he wasn’t ‘alive’ in the traditional sense, but if he was aware enough to realize he was stuck in an old video game and had the ability to be so moody, then he wasn’t just some messed up bit of code.
RED: …You’re still here.
Ah. Right. He was probably waiting for the world to go dark again. Permanently. As if she could bring herself to do that.
She moved the character up and down.
RED: Did you listen to a single thing I said? Get rid of me.
What if…? What if she could transfer him somewhere else? This thing had a truly laughable amount of RAM and ROM. And if she could get him onto an actual computer, they could at least have a normal conversation.
She eyed the setup she created in the corner and figured now was as good a time as any to try and make some progress. Ignoring Red’s cries for death, she wandered over to the computer and rummaged around in the box of cables and junk she kept on hand at all times.
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vampstel · 1 year
Vent under cut. Be warned. Promise there’s some sunshine at the end of this though lol
I’ve been trying my best to stop being hard on myself but it’s difficult. My perfectionism is gone but my ADHD sure isn’t.
The thought that other people can work perfectly fine [even when they don’t want to] while I struggle to work [even when I want to] makes me upset. I’ve accepted that that’s just a part of who I am and to simply let it pass but nowadays I can’t help but beat myself up for it.
Like I want to have a consistent upload schedule. I want to draw this, I want to draw that, I want to make a video on this, then a video on that, and the list keeps going on and on. Being able to work consistently seems impossible to me...
I think the one thing that frustrates me the most is how I work a lot but also accomplish nothing at the same time. I am drained by basic tasks and can only do little by little every day and to me, that’s not enough.
But slowly, I’m starting to be proud of myself for it. It’s still an absolute pain to struggle with executive dysfunction and such but reminding myself that “hey, at least I’m trying and that’s what matters” makes me feel better.
Also, I’m still 17. That is young. I don’t know why but a lot of people (myself included, obviously) think they should have their life together as soon as they hit 18 and it’s ridiculous. That’s not how that works.
I’m still a minor for crying out loud. I really shouldn’t be stressing over work and all that lol. Actually, I’ve taken a break from Twitter because of this and due to other reasons.
I’ve also been doing what I want to without forcing myself to work. I mean, I still work… I still actively try to finish my character sprites but I don’t go out of my way to make it the main goal of my day. I’m slowly getting to the finish line and that’s cool!
I can’t deny I’m very nervous about coming back to YouTube though. Dunno why but I’ve been more self conscious about my work. I don’t have high standards for myself anymore but I just *FEEL* like my content is lacking something... I also have no clue what video to do first. Nothing’s really made me feel passionate. Minus my OCs. So that might be the cause for that lacking feeling.
Dunno if I'm making sense here but yeah. I swear every time I go on hiatus I feel like I’m going through a path of self-discovery LOL I like it though, it’s nice.
Anyway moral of the story: don’t beat yourself up if you have ADHD. Now that that’s off my chest, back to posting silly shit :3c
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keefwho · 7 months
February 27 - 2024 Tuesday
Very busy day today. This morning I just picked up a little again and got my laundry in the washer. I made a grilled cheese and bean soup for breakfast. Watched Bluey as usual.
During work today I read out all the fresh idea submissions, not particularly good or bad. I tried working on a pic of my otter that doubles as a YCH but someone was getting upset about it and I wasn't sure about the subject matter myself so I stopped for now. I moved on to some doodling. Today's episode of Sagwa started doing the thing PBS shows do where they interview actual kids mid episode and that was too much so we're going to stop watching it.
After stream I contacted Sun about drawing her OC but she hasn't gotten back to me. I also called my dad finally and thanked him for the nice necklace he sent me. I also made conversation about things I've been doing for once instead of being reserved and quiet. I told Daisy about it and also about other important things going on with me right now. For lunch I made mac n cheese, a granola bar, and applesauce. Granola bars used to be a treat but I'm getting kind of sick of them. It might also be the slightly burned batch I got. I played a little bit more of Ena's game. I forgot to read up on the Self chapter in my ACT book so I squeezed that in at the very end of my lunch break.
I did today's request, initially searching for a group to chat in but I decided I didn't actually feel social so I got some ambient rain sound and a stream and turned the volume way up to focus. For an hour I made Earthbound sprites of Daisy and I and also worked on another pic of solo Adora. I wanted to work on Sun's drawing today but she hadn't responded yet. Also Fiona but it was the same case. I contacted her on Twitter though so she may never see it. After drawing I started work on a variant of my avatar with dog gear. So far a collar, leash, ears, muzzle, and bone. Daisy called while I worked on it, she was cutting out the fur for her fursuit. We watched some furry videos and then an episode of Bojack. I was upset because Hollyhock is out of the show now with a very unsatisfying exit. Then we put on more of the Zelda review while she finished up. We moved to Just Dance for a bit before bed. In bed I played through the 102 Dalmatians Ice level. After Daisy fell asleep, I treated myself to a little me time with the intention of doing it guilt free.
I was so busy today, it was one thing after the next. I never stopped. I was truly tired at the end of the day which made it hard to pick something to watch when Daisy prompted. I'm happy she wants to encourage things I wanna do but sometimes I honestly want to do nothing but be in her company and decompress. I had meant to make time to play Helldivers with Samuel but never got time. Jared hit me up to play too and I suggested we try tomorrow since I was already busy. I've been thinking a lot about my sexual shame today and how that might improve as I improve my self respect and awareness. Hopefully I can just start having good nuts again. Other things have been on my mind but they are not helpful so I've been remembering to practice defusion to at least put them off until a more relevant time. It's getting tiring trying to focus my thinking and connecting with my conscious self. I wanna let it all go and just rest. There's a couple of times today I wished I had better perspective during but at least I can do it after the fact.
3 things that made me happy today:
Standing up for my decisions during stream.
Getting so much work done.
Calling my dad finally and opening up.
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weirdgirl92 · 2 years
Some info dumps on my Cuphead OCs
@firecurls-27 @nightmaretherabbit @marshmallow-biscuit-blog @zibiscusloon @anawkwardgalnamedtarazan @ur-typical-nerd @dnpanimationstudioclone
As you might already know, these past few months I’ve been stressing over how I’m going to introduce my Cuphead OCs here on this site, since: 1.) I have a LOT of Cuphead OCs, and 2.) I can’t draw for shit (literally, I only have one OC design finished so far). So, I’ve decided to suck it up, and just introduce most of them with only written descriptions for now.
((Remember what I said about having only one OC design completed so far? Well, this was the one I was talking about, and even then the wings don’t look quite right…))
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A snarky, free-spirited forest sprite and my “main” Cuphead OC, who came from a hidden island called The Willow.
In sprite years, she’s 360 years old, which is basically 18 in mortal years (in my AU, a forest sprite ages every 20 years, which is the same amount of time a tree matures).
An outcast among her race, since she was “born different”. She can’t physically use magic to heal herself like other sprites can; and despite having plant magic, she’s really only able to conjure up mutant plants (and before you ask, no, this is NOT my fanon origin story for Cagney Carnation, though, Bry does kinda befriend him later on).
Has very unstable fire and hurricane powers that are only triggered when she’s very angry, which is why she always tries to keep her temper in check; she’s also the only sprite of her kind that can shape shift. There’s a reason for both of these things, which I can’t give away yet, because it’s a big spoiler.
Loves to play pranks on others, because it stems from a coping mechanism she’s had when other sprites would leave her out of “normal forest sprite activities”, since her magic was deemed too dangerous and unpredictable.
Initially runs away from home to find out more about her powers and where they actually came from, but ends up getting so wrapped up in her newfound freedom and finally settles down in Inkwell Isles, where she develops a huge fondness for jazz music and chocolate.
Is 4 inches tall at normal sprite height, but can make herself grow up to “human height” whenever she feels necessary to do so.
First time she met Cuphead and Mugman was sometime after the events of Sweater Luck Next Time. See, Mugs suggested he and Cups go on a relaxing camping trip together with Elder Kettle, to get his mind off The Devil; but during the night BEFORE that, Briar came across burnt remains of the forest that The Devil destroyed in his attempt to destroy the invisible sweater. This made her very frustrated, not just because of how long it’d take for one forest sprite to heal, but because of how limited her plant magic was. Then, after a miscommunication with the local forest animals, she mistakes Cuphead and Mugman for “that weird horned creature’s two little cohorts”. So, she used her powers to try and scare the two cups away from the forest they were camping in; but after realizing they were just kids who have an elderly caretaker, she revealed herself to them, explained her story and apologized for the misunderstanding.
When Briar first met The Devil, she wasn’t the least bit intimidated by him, because she’s heard so many stories about a devil over the years, that she was kind of disappointed to find that he was nothing more than a fluffy noodle with a childish temper. This bruised his ego so much more, that he made it his mission to find out what her worst fear is (all while trying to snag Cuppy’s soul).
Eventually, she develops a very tsundere-ish crush on The Devil, but refuses to let anyone know about it.
She also gets along very well with Henchman, because of his gentle and unassuming nature, and because of his willingness to listen whenever something on her mind is bothering her (he’s such a mom friend, I swear).
Mother Nature
Guardian of The Willow and mother figure to all sprites who live there, including Briar.
Is a GIANT woman (I’m talking Cala Maria height).
Proper, elegant, usually soft-spoken, but can be very fierce and strict as well.
Has pale green skin, doe-like ears, forest green eyes, silver antlers; and long, wavy, floating hair that slowly changes to any color of the rainbow.
When she gets angry, however, her hair becomes a fiery orange-red and looks like the shape of a giant flame, while her antlers become sharper and more pointed.
Wears a long flowing dark green robe that accentuates her curves.
Is very adamant about Briar keeping her powers in check, even if it means having her sit quietly on the sidelines for a while as other forest sprites preform their daily tasks of keeping The Willow alive and growing.
Lord Apollyon
The Devil’s evil bastard of a father, and the demon of discord and destruction.
Used to be an angel before he got booted out of Heaven for rebelling against God, but as he fell, he split some of himself up into 7 more demons, which (in my personal headcanon) was how The Devil and his 6 brothers were born.
When all 7 his sons came of age, Apollyon gifted each one of them their own pitchfork, their own henchman demon, and their own “underworld” on Earth for them to rule over and spread out his evil….all except for young Lucifer (Devil), because he was much too small and weak. Though, after much begging and pleading from Luci, Apollyon nonchalantly gave him a pitchfork that was more unstable and hard to control, along with a fat clumsy purple henchman demon (whom Luci would eventually name “Henchman”, because he’s just so terrible with names).
His upper body resembles a Siberian tiger, but with pitch black fur and small white stripes, while his lower body resembles a black snake, and his wings are leathery torn up dragon wings.
His horns are silver and look like ram horns.
Has scarlet red dragon eyes.
His pitchfork is made of lead (I chose to make it that way, because lead symbolizes death and sin).
Is based on Asmodeus, the demon of lust.
Is a scarlet red demon whose head and torso resemble a dragon/goat hybrid. (( Basically, like this, but without the long fangs sticking out of the lower jaws:))
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Has the legs of a dragon, tail of a scorpion, and arms that look like talons of a harris hawk.
Wears a dark cape decorated with two large skulls on the shoulders: a bull skull on the left, and a ram skull on the right; also wears a black furry loin cloth with a silver chain as the belt, and a tiny rat skull in the middle of it.
A total sleazebag, and womanizer. Briar is especially uncomfortable around him, because he’d tend to flirt with her right in front of The Devil, which in turn makes HIM very uncomfortable, and angry (though he swears it’s totally not out of jealousy, nope, not at all).
Extremely vain, and incredibly extra (which is pretty much why he wears a dramatic looking cape all the time).
Loves to gamble and was the original owner of the casino, before Devil won it from him in a game of poker (thanks to a little card trick King Dice taught him when they were young).
His pitchfork is made of antimony, since it’s a metal that symbolizes “animalistic urges”.
His henchman is a goat-legged imp named Deva.
The demon of gluttony.
Looks like a giant, morbidly obese bat with orange fur, black horns, and bat wings that are orange on the outside and black on the inside.
Is very infamous for stealing people’s crops.
Has the ability to use his powerful breath to inhale and suck in anything he chooses to devour.
Commands an army of fly demons (and yes, I did base this off of actual demon myths of Beelzebub and the Order of the Flies).
His pitchfork’s made of brass, since brass symbolizes “abundance” in life.
His henchman’s an imp named Grub, who has a pig-like nose, pig-like ears, and tiny insect wings.
Is based on Mammon, the demon of greed.
A wolf demon with charcoal colored fur, dark gold claws, long gold spikes on his elbows and shoulders, a long black dragon tail with tiny gold spikes, and ivory colored horns with gold tips on his head.
His eyes have a bronze colored sclera with golden amber irises.
Often disguises himself as a “normal-looking” anthropomorphic white wolf to scam unsuspecting mortals out of their riches.
Has tried to cheat The Devil out of his casino on occasion, but was unsuccessful each time.
Does NOT get along with Asmodel at all, mostly due to their common obsession with gambling.
His pitchfork’s made of copper, since copper is said to attract money and good fortune.
His henchman is a fox-eared, frog-legged imp named Mulciber.
Based on the envy demon of the same name.
Is a giant sea serpent with bluish-green scales, a silver underbelly, large transparent gills on the sides of his face, icy blue eyes, and emerald green horns.
Uses his roar as a siren call to command any sea creature to do his bidding.
Has the ability to breath fire under water.
He also eats electricity, and his tail can produce electric shocks to paralyze his victims.
Is bitter rivals with Cala Maria, because he wants to be known as the most fearsome creature in the ocean, and hates that she’s stealing his thunder.
His pitchfork’s made of blue cobalt, since cobalt is often considered an “ocean metal”.
His henchman’s a sea slug looking imp named Nudi.
The demon of wrath and Apollyon’s favorite son.
Is a crimson red dragon demon with black horns, small black spikes that go down from his neck, all the way to his tail; black claws, and piercing green eyes.
Usually prefers to work alone.
The other demon brothers really don’t like to talk about him that much, because they’re all terrified of him (including Devil).
His pitchfork’s made of iron, because iron represents aggression and primal rage.
Doesn’t have a henchman, but he does have a pet manticore that eats or attacks anyone he doesn’t like.
The demon of sloth.
Resembles a giant light blue sloth with short dark blue horns, long razor sharp claws, and eyes that have a gray sclera with red irises.
Easily the laziest of the seven demon brothers.
Doesn’t usually take on a task unless if there’s something in it for him.
His claws can literally slice through anything.
Has the ability to enter people’s dreams, where he is most powerful (this idea I kinda stole from @anawkwardgalnamedtarazan, lol, sorry).
His henchman’s a bat-winged, donkey-eared imp named Almos.
His pitchfork’s made of magnesium, because it’s a metal that’s said to “relax the body and brain”, and induce sleep.
So, what do you guys think? Constructive criticism is welcome, of course, because there’s probably some things about these characters I might want to change in the future.
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[All Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer Masterlists] [Red Carpet Diaries]
Pairing: Thomas Hunt x Alex Spencer (F!OC) Book: Red Carpet Diaries Word Count/Rating: <;550 Prompts: @choicesaugustchallenge: coffee; @choicesmonthlychallenge fav LI
Synopsis: Alex is having trouble falling asleep... for some reason....
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The bed barely shifted as Alex tossed and turned with careful movements, trying not to wake Thomas. She tapped her phone, gazing at the time on the now illuminated screen. An exasperated sigh slipped from her lips as she flopped back down on her pillow, only three minutes since she last checked.
She squeezed her eyes shut, trying to give counting imaginary sheep a try. It only took about five sheep for her to wonder where the idea for counting sheep originated. By twelve, Alex was back on her phone, searching for the answer to her query. "Huh," she hummed, reading the information presented to her. "Who knew? Well, obviously this person—," she mumbled quietly to herself before replacing her phone on the night table beside the bed. 
Her thumbs twiddled over her stomach as she stared at the ceiling focusing on her breathing in an attempt to put herself in a more relaxed state and finally find sleep. The twiddling turned to fingers tapping and then drumming. Her attention shifted to Thomas, still enjoying blissful slumber despite her growing percussional orchestra. She rolled on her side, her gaze tracing his outline in the dark of their room. 
Minutes passed like hours, one grain of sand drifting aimlessly through a tenuous hourglass at a frustratingly sluggish pace at a time.
"Thomas?" She whispered quietly, hoping he may be awake. "Thomas?" Her voice grew louder, still finding no response.
"Are you awake?" She shifted closer to him, resting her head on him. Alex chewed her lip, not wanting to wake him but becoming more and more restless by the moment. She tapped her finger on his shoulder, gently at first and then more persistently, ending with a boop on his nose.
"Alex?" He responded drowsily.    
"Oh, good!" She smiled, eyes still wide open. "You're awake!"
"I am now. Although, I presume that was the goal?" 
"Okay, maybeee..." 
He rubbed his sleepy eyes, stifling a yawn. "Can't sleep?"
He guided her into his arms, keeping her close.
Alex let her eyes close as she nestled into him, focusing on the tender caress of his hand moving soothingly over her back. 
"You might consider avoiding coffee so late at night."
"It wasn't that late," she protested.
"Alex, it was around 10:00 when I found you brewing a fresh pot. From which, I might add, you drank at least two cups."
"Why didn't you stop me?!"
"I endeavored to do so, but you were quite insistent." He drew soft patterns on her back with his fingertips. "I believe your response to my concerns about this exact outcome was along the lines of 'Coffee is a cup of hope in a world full of chaos and Mondays'. I informed you it was, in fact, Thursday. You insisted it was never too early to start preparing for Monday." 
Her face scrunched in consideration as she attempted to conceal her growing chuckle. "That does sound like me."
"Perhaps next time, you will heed my suggestions, and we can avoid a repeat."
"That doesn't sound like me." She nuzzled her face into his chest
His fingers threaded gingerly through her hair. "I would expect nothing less, my love."
"Will you stay awake with me for a while?"
"You need not even ask." He pressed a kiss on top of her head, holding her safely in his arms.
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I hope you enjoyed this pointless silly drabble... I think I might need a Thomas in my life to tell me to stop drinking coffee at midnight... whoops! (Though to be fair @the-soot-sprite has attempted this in the past, much like Alex, I continued drinking coffee 🤷‍♀️ )
Thanks for making it this far. I appreciate your support. Tags in a reblog! 💖
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oh-yeah-i-exist · 3 years
Molten Gold - Chapter 6
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Synopsis: Druig & Nara - best friends, pen pals, and idiots too stubborn to admit each other’s feelings. She assumes he doesn’t care, he assumes she’s found someone else. For over 500 years, he’s kept her letters, while she resists the urge to send more. Hopefully, the end of the world might knock some sense into them both.
Chapter: 6/? (Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5)
Pairing: Druig x OC!Fem!Eternal (named Nara)
Warnings: Physical violence, minor angst/unrequited feelings but also fluff!
Word count: ~2000
A/N: I swear, I don't hate the Eternals movie, but as I rewatch it to write this fic, I realize how often many characters are just standing there, not having anything to do. There are just too many characters, and there's no real way to include them in every scene and to make their actions make sense in the overall narrative, which is a major problem people have with the plot. Anyhow, I did my best. Feedback totally welcome!
As soon as Sersi and Ikarus came back from Chicago with Phastos, they jetted off to Iraq where the inventor unearthed their long dormant starship.
“A foreboding atmosphere fills the air,” narrates Kingo into Karun’s camera, as they enter the Domo’s maze-like hallways.
Nara traces a finger along the pulsating golden lines in the walls. Deja vu.
“Would you quit that?” Phastos swats the movie star out of the way. Seconds later, he steps on a bag of chips, and a high-pitched scream escapes his lips.
“As you can see, we Eternals are not immune to human emotions,” says Kingo, “such as cowardice.”
The corridor leads to a spacious common room––or at least, what used to be spacious, before someone filled it up with centuries’ worth of collectibles.
“This is Makkari,” introduces Kingo, “Or should I say Ms. Havisham?”
“Is it time to go home?” The speedster beamed, closing the book she’s been flipping through.
Ikarus snuffs out her hopes with a shake of his head. Kingo decides to sit her down for a quick catch-up.
“So you’re telling me that I’ve been waiting for all this time, but Olympia doesn’t exist?” The dark-haired woman signs, brows furrowed.
“And the world is ending,” Kingo stresses.
“At last, my boredom is ending.”
The others roam around, trying to reacquaint themselves with the place they once called home. Sprite rummages through piles of books; Thena retrieves Excalibur from a random corner and gives it a whirl. Druig exchanges a box of Twinkies for an emerald tablet from Ikarus.
Nara makes a beeline straight for Makkari, giving her a tight embrace. “It’s been too long.”
“Five centuries,” the speedster signs back. “Where have you been? I waited for your letters.”
“Here and there.”
“So,” Druig sneaks up behind them. He holds out the tablet, not letting Makkari wrestle it out of his hands. “How did you end up scoring this emerald tablet, my beautiful, beautiful Makkari? Did you miss me?”
There it is. The heartache Nara thought she’d buried decades ago. Her smile dies on her lips, and she averts her gaze. Kingo and Phastos remain ever oblivious, their jokes sounding muffled to her ears.
“Phastos!” Druig, on the other hand, has not forgotten why they are all here. “I need to control the mind of a Celestial.”
“Right,” the inventor nods, walking briskly over to his laboratory. Calling up holograms, elaborating on potential solutions. The Uni-mind, he calls it. A mechanism for the Eternals to combine their celestial energy and magnify Druig’s telepathy. A promising idea, and Nara has no doubt that Phastos can make it work. It’s Druig who she’s concerned about, but she makes sure to stay away. Can’t get close again. Not now, maybe not ever.
And he does notice, despite her absolute conviction otherwise. His piercing blue eyes follow her from across the room. Even as the rest of the Eternals debate how best they should proceed. Space colonization, or trading human lives for those of billion others––weighing up all the lives that will be lost if the Emergence succeeds, against all the lives that might never come to exist if it doesn’t.
“You should really talk to her,” Makkari pulls him aside after the meeting.
“What might you mean by that?” Druig falls back on his usual pretenses.
“You and Nara,” the speedster presses, “I think you’ve really upset her. She doesn’t know what’s really going on between us. Honestly, even I didn’t get it back in the 13th century.”
“Oh, you didn’t?”
“Stop it,” Makkari maintains a straight face. “I love her, and I love you, and I hate to see you guys doing this to each other.”
Druig’s coy facade falters. Clasping his hands together, he drops his voice to a whisper. “I might die tomorrow, Mak. It’ll only hurt more if I tell her.”
The gravity of his words gives Makkari pause. She raises her hands to gesture an argument, just as Sersi bursts into the room.
“The Emergence, it’s begun,” announces the new Prime, white as a ghost. Right as Phastos’s hologram of the Earth starts beeping and flashing red.
“How’s the Uni-mind?”
“I haven’t figured out how to connect us yet. But I’m very, very close,” replies Phastos, feeling a headache come on.
“How much longer?”
“I don’t know!” The inventor snaps, nostrils flaring. He presses a small tracking device into Makkari’s palms. “Find the point of the Emergence,” he says, almost as a prayer. It takes no further prompting for Makkari to commence her search.
None of them, however, are aware that only one room over, their biggest obstacle yet looms.
“Don’t hurt them!” Wails Sersi, chasing after Ikarus, who’s donned his full armor, as he blows Phastos’s working model into smithereens. Phastos himself is knocked off his feet.
All four of the remaining Eternals spring up, instantly alert.
“Boss, what’s going on?” Kingo is the first to confront Ikarus.
“I’ve let this go on long enough,” the blond declares.
“He lied to us!” Sersi reveals, glaring at the man she once loved. “He knew all along. About our mission, about the Emergence.”
“No, he didn’t,” Kingo denies. Ever the faithful follower.
“Ajak told me everything when we left Babylon,” Ikarus confirms, no trace of emotion in his tone despite the weight of his crimes.
“If Ajak wanted you to lead us, why did she choose me?” Sersi demands of him, teary-eyed.
In the back of the room, Nara struggles to keep her emotions in check. Then Druig speaks aloud exactly what she’s come to realize. “You killed her.”
“I had to,” says Ikarus. Too far gone. Nara stops listening. Her hold over the flames within coming undone.
“Born or made, I do not exist for Arishem! I exist for my family!” Phastos bellows, stepping up to Ikarus. Nara advances along with him, palms glowing with barely contained power.
Ikarus shows no hesitation, staring his former comrades down.
“No!” Kingo moves before he can even think twice about it, taking a hit for Makkari who’s zipped into the room with new information from her scouting. A blast from Ikarus’s eyes sends him crashing to the floor, scattering loose sheets of paper left and right.
“That’s fucking it,” Nara growls, her spear fully formed. Effortlessly deflecting the traitor’s laser beams. Keeping her distance, while taking fast stabs, like a snake striking and then whipping back out of reach. Until Ikarus, sufficiently peeved, grabs ahold of the spear and flings it aside.
Not enough space between them now. Both resort to punches. Blocking each other’s bone-crushing blows in quick succession. When Ikarus manages to lock her fists, Nara slams her head against his.
They break apart. Poised to come bouncing back at each other, if Sersi hasn’t placed herself squarely between them and yelled at the top of her lungs. “Stop!”
“Gilgamesh is dead because of you,” Nara snarls.
To her right, Kingo’s charged up his energy bolt, as though he’s finally taking a side. “You do not turn against your family,” he chokes out.
“You won’t succeed against me,” Ikarus warns, still cold and disconnected, as he sizes each of them up. “And I will kill every one of you if I have to.”
Nara feels Druig’s hand close around her wrist. He takes his place beside her, and they make eye contact for the first time all day. She can see the resolve in his eyes. And he in hers. There’s no going back now.
Don’t worry, Sersi, I’ve got this.
The rational part of Nara knows Druig was just trying to calm Sersi down. Just trying to be nice to their leader, who was a sobbing mess after the group splintered off – Ikarus and Sprite hell-bent on fulfilling their original purpose, Kingo hell-bent on not hurting his family because of his beliefs.
Yet the other part of her, the part that feels too much and cares too much, causes her to hide away in her old room. Ripping off her dusty sweatshirt, as if that will ease the turmoil churning in her heart. Staring at the mirror, bringing her own trembling hands up to touch the healing scar on her abdomen.
Knock, knock. Somebody’s at the door.
“Who’s there?” She swallows, pushing down the panic attack like a ball of bile.
“’s me.”
She recognizes that Irish lilt. For someone who can read minds, Druig has terrible timing.
“Gimme a sec,” Nara throws on an old, worn-out tunic.
“May I come in?” The corners of his lips turn up as he catches a glimpse of her through the open door. Wordlessly, she steps aside and grants him entrance.
“I have something for you. From Phastos,” he presents what he’s been holding behind his back. Two brass-colored metal rings, about the size of a grown man’s palm, laid out neatly in a box.
“Oh, thank you,” says Nara, eyeing the peculiar machinery. “Must be the wheels we’ve been talking about. I thought he forgot.”
“Yeah, it’s sort of a stupid idea, but we thought if I could have something through which to channel my flames, it might allow me to fly like Ikarus? Never really panned out.”
“Seems like he’s worked it out. Like he’s doing with the Uni-mind.”
“How’s that coming along?”
“I think he’s about to pull that orb out of Sersi.”
“Neat,” says Nara, less than enthusiastically. Druig sets the box down on her bedside table. She turns her head away from him, hearing the mattress creak under his weight as he sits down on the edge of her bed where she’s deposited herself.
“Look at me,” he places a finger under her chin to turn her around. His heart sinks when he notices how red and puffy her eyes are. “What’s happened?”
She looks down, fiddling with a stray thread on her blanket. “Why’d you come here?”
Druig slips his hand into one of hers, refusing to leave any room for ambiguity. “I was talking with Makkari earlier,” he tells her, not missing the way her shoulders deflate at the mention of the speedy Eternal. “And she was telling me that I needed to talk to you, because I may have upset you. And I’m thinking maybe she’s right.”
“Why does she think we need to talk?” Nara asks, growing anxious. It’s not like Druig to fumble over what to say. And when he hesitates, she moves to put some distance between them yet again.
“I can’t do this anymore, Dru,” she confesses, gripping her hair, pacing around the room, her heart breaking in her chest. “We didn’t communicate for nearly a century, and then all this happens, and Ajak and Gilgamesh are dead, and now tomorrow you might just get killed.”
“Nara…” Druig stands after her. Breathing a heavy sigh, he comes clean. “Nara, I went to Shanghai. In 1952, looking for you.”
She’s rendered speechless, allowing him to reach out and hold her still. Somehow he finds the courage to keep going. “I found you, in that bar you used to sing at. And I was going to come see you and tell you everything. But then, I saw you with somebody else. And… And I just thought maybe you’d be better off without me…”
“Tell me what?” Nara murmurs, as his hands come to rest on either side of her face. “What did you want to tell me?”
He’s so close that their noses almost touch. “That I love you. That I’m terrified to have you and then lose you. I was terrified then, and I’m terrified now.”
Nara’s heartbeat is hammering in her ears, but her gaze never wavers. Before Druig can process what is about to happen, she meets him halfway.
Druig freezes. A spark comes to life somewhere deep inside his chest, warmth spreading throughout his body. When her lips move gently against his, the spark only grows, and the world around them melts away until he can think about nothing besides kissing her back.
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poptimus-prime · 2 years
Try this one on for size, assuming they could eat and drink human food. What food/drink would be their favorite and least favorite? Talking about the bots of course but feel free to include the humans too (canon and your ocs if you want!)
Ooh, this one is fun, and I went nuts with it. Reference to this post about McDonald's Sprite.
It's really long, so below the cut.
Autobots (Just doing them bc I was thinking about them. If anyone wants Cons, please send an ask and I will do them)
I think Optimus has a buck wild sweet tooth and would especially like chocolates flavored things (pastries with the tea he's constantly drinking, naturally.) He would also hate cold meat, even if it was meant to be eaten cold.
Ratchet would prefer bottled juices and smoothies because they have that Super Smooth Texture, and he has all the sensory issues (hashtag projection.) He will willingly eat other foods but won't be too chuffed about it.
Arcee probably loves chili and is one of the team's spicy people. She doesn't strike me as especially picky. She'll eat anything she can get her hands on, but she's not a fan of cottage cheese. If there's an alternative, she'd prefer that, thank you.
Bumblebee probably likes softer foods because of how messed up his throat might be. Applesauce, yogurt, ice cream, things like that. Anything especially sour, salty, or spicy is a turn-off, but he actually really likes bitter things.
Bulkhead is a pot roast guy. I don't make the rules. He'd also really like barbecued foods because of the charred taste. He doesn't strike me as a guy that likes tomato-based pasta sauces, though. Pesto is clearly the superior one.
Wheeljack eats the spiciest things he can get his hands on and looks the devil in the eye while he does it. He hates coffee served any other way than black or two creams and two sugars. How he has not wrecked his digestive tract is beyond everyone.
Smokescreen likes buttered rice and chicken with barbeque sauce. He will eat a vegetable if you demand it, but he'd prefer not to. He doesn't like soda but has a Monster Energy can collection.
Ultra Magnus is a sandwich and steamed buns guy. Anything he can easily hold with one hand while he's going over documents. This being said, he's not a huge fan of milk in his cereal (or milk, period.) He'll eat it dry, thanks.
Raf likes soups of all kinds. Even better if they don't have any chunks of meat or vegetables so he can sip it from a mug while he's working. He's still a relatively young kid, so some foods are still way too bitter for him, like radishes and Brussels sprouts.
Miko loves crunchy foods. Chips, crackers, that kind of thing. She probably prefers golden curry when she's feeling homesick. She hates peanut butter because it tastes funny to her and gets stuck in her mouth.
Jack actually does like tofu, especially with broccoli and garlic. He's the kind of person who looks for a lot of textural variety in what he eats. He's sick and tired of KO burgers, but he doesn't turn it down if he's offered free meals as a work perk.
Fowler really likes stews with bread, which works out for him because most stews are very crock-pot friendly, so he does not have to cook after a long day of dealing with the bots' bullshit and putting out fires. He hates sour gummy worms. He bought them once on accident and was so disappointed.
June absolutely puts potato chips in her sandwiches at lunch and drinks iced coffee every morning. She's not strictly a vegetarian, but as she gets older, she finds herself eating less and less meat. She REALLY does not like eggs.
Bonus: OCs
Stormy really likes a hot bowl of rice and beans or cooked vegetables. They are also team "not technically a vegetarian but doesn't eat a lot of meat." They refuse to drink coffee unless it's grossly oversweetened.
Olivia loves making and eating pierogi (her favorite fillings are potato and cheese or cabbage and mushroom, depending on her mood.) She hates cranberry juice and hard-boiled eggs, don't even try it with her.
Carbon Copy would really like fish and rice. Just like a hot piece of cooked salmon flaked and mixed up with rice. They would also hate yogurt, especially ones with weird flavors like cotton candy.
Urgency would be obsessed with pineapple and ham pizza and salted watermelon, much to the potential dismay of people around her. However, she would hate watermelon juice and watermelon-flavored candies.
Horseradish would gnaw on Milkbones because they Taste, but her favorite food would be bacon, egg, and cheese breakfast sandwiches. She would try horseradish because it's her namesake, and HATE it.
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imnobodyuknow · 2 years
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Sorry, I couldn’t resist.  ; )
(Epilepsy Warning Ahead)
So, after completing CrossCode: A New Home a few months ago (which I meant to do a review of, but didn’t get around to it, sadly), I was thoroughly delighted by the continuation of the game’s story and the extra challenges included in it, both story-related and optional.  That being said, I still think even Masahiro Sakurai would start crying after attempting some of those puzzles.
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But putting all that to the side, I especially loved the fact that Lea and her “people,” shall we say, now had their own place to live, work, play, and (ahem) talk with one another.  Searching for the hidden treasure chests in it was also a fun challenge -- one that turned out to be pretty easy after some exploration, in fact, which is one of my favorite things to find in any adventure game.
There was one thing I found strange about Lea’s new house, however.  On the second floor is a big screen TV with a game console and stereo system (a gamer’s dream, in other words):
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When you interact with the TV, you’ll discover that it only has one available setting, which I like to call “Super Rave Mode,” with music blaring from the speakers and color-changing lights flashing everywhere.
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I couldn’t help but wonder what the reason for this could be.  Is that how the stereo system was designed, is that just how Lea likes it, or is it something else?  We’ll probably never know, but...I do have a theory.
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It’s at least a possibility, wouldn’t you say?  You know someone’s a true friend when they take the opportunity to punk you every now and then.  X D
You’ll probably notice a few artistic flaws if you’ve studied drawing (if not, feel free to skip this part).  For one thing, Lea appears to be much taller than the TV in the first two panels, so the next three panels make no sense unless her legs suddenly got a lot shorter.  For another, her head seems a bit smaller in the third panel than in the others.  Proportions are still not my strong suit, apparently, but hey, at least I was able to notice it, right?
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The miniature panel inside the fourth panel a little hard to notice, too, but it was still worth doing anyway, I think.  I always love it when comic artists get creative with their panels instead of making them the same every time, so I thought I’d try it out.
And strangely enough, those are all the flaws I can think of at the moment.  How about that?  X )  The tree in the sixth panel might have looked a little better if I hadn’t tried to draw its texture with the colored pencils, but...eh, why sweat the details?
Speaking of the sixth panel, you may notice one of my OCs hidden in it if you look closely enough.
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He looks like a bubble with eyes, for reference.
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There were a lot of details to figure out for this drawing (especially that last panel, which took me a few days to finish), but I had fun trying to get all of them right.  I used the above snapshot of the second floor of Lea’s house for the first five panels, while Lea herself was made after the picture of her found on the game’s pause screen:
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Her facial expression in the first panel came from her “awed” sprite,
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the one in the third panel is a variation on her “happy” sprite,
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and the on in the fifth panel is based on her “annoyed” sprite (which I’ve only seen when she talks to a very loud Shad).
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I also used the picture of her seen on the file menu during the epilogue as a reference for her profile in the fourth panel.
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And of course, good old Emilie was made after her “grinning” sprite, with a few wrinkles added to her forehead.
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I just have to say, nobody grins like that girl.  It’s not as adorable as Natsuki’s grin, maybe, but it’s still quite lovely.
And finally, the sixth panel was based on the area outside Lea’s house.  Duplicating it was a pretty fun (if time-consuming) challenge.
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I have since reached that silver chest on her roof in case you’re wondering.  After a lot of exploring around, that is.
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One more thing I should add: Much as I enjoyed drawing this and so many other things with pencils and paper, I’ve lately been considering making a transition to digital art from now on.  It’s not that I’ve stopped enjoying traditional drawing (in fact, I’ll probably continue making it to some degree), but I’ve started noticing of how much time can be saved by choosing digital drawing instead -- no smudges, easily undoing mistakes, easy rotation, zooming, etc., so...I’m beginning to think that may just be the better option for me.  That’s not a final decision, though, so I guess we’ll see how it plays out.  If I can’t decide, maybe I’ll let you all take a vote on it.  You’re my audience, after all, so you may as well have a say in it.  ; ) 
In any case, farewell for now and thank you for indulging in my love and appreciation for CrossCode.  Or as Lea would say, “Bye!  Thanks!”  She’s very good at being succinct like that.  X )
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terry-perry · 4 years
Her Own Thor
Pairing: Loki x Wife!Reader
OC: Daphne Lokisdottir
A/N: Something that sprang to mind. Had to do it! Hope you enjoy!
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“Mommy, daddy, look!”
You and Loki watched your little girl in front of you as she hit a big puddle on the sidewalk. Luckily, you were a good few feet away from the splash zone. A normal parent would’ve been more concerned about their child getting soaked by the rain. Especially if they weren’t wearing a coat. But you and Loki weren’t normal parents, and your Daphne was far from ordinary. 
“Daphne!” Loki called out to her amid the pouring rain pounding on the pavement. Wouldn’t be long before you went back home. Especially since there was talk of a possible flash flood coming your way. “Why don’t you show your mother what you’ve been learning?”
She gave him an excited grin, showing off the space where a recently lost  tooth used to be. “Okay!”
Right away, she cupped her hands together and raised them up a bit to catch some of the falling water. When she got a good amount, she brought her hands back down in front of her and screwed her eyes up tight as though trying her hardest to remember something (you and your husband shared a laugh at the adorable sight). A second later, the water she held took more of a solid form. Well, a more mushy form as she created her version of snow between her small palms.
“Oh, sweetheart!” You gasped. “That’s beautiful! Well done!”
She beamed up at you and then squealed once she was swiped up by her proud father’s arms.
“It won’t be long now when you’re able to do that without water,” he told her, smiling. “And it won’t be difficult for you. You already know so much.”
You shook your head at his high praises for his little one. She could do wrong, in his eyes. The three of you carried on with your stroll, almost reaching home until Daphne decided to ask something that made you two stop.
 “Is this Uncle Thor, daddy?”
She glanced up at the sky with newfound curiosity.
Loki looked up as well. “Possibly. He does like to stop by, every now and again. Even if he’s busy somewhere else.”
“That’s good,” Daphne replied. “I like whenever he visits.”
Loki merely hummed in acknowledgement, resuming your walk home. 
“Do you miss him, daddy?”
That was definitely a question that required some thinking. 
“Um, I suppose I do, yeah. He certainly makes things more...interesting.”
It was as close to the truth as he cared to admit. There was no denying that Thor brought meaning to his life, complicated as their relationship was. They were on decent terms, for now at least. Thor doing his part to be a good uncle to Daphne and like a brother to you that always kept his word to watch over you and your daughter whenever Loki couldn’t.
“Will I have my own Thor?”
Not unlike the way Daphne had before, Loki knitted his brows together as he looked at her. Confused by this particular question.
“What do you mean by that, darling?” 
“Will I have a brother?”
Once again, the two of you were stopped in your tracks. Loki’s eyes had grown big while you were giving your best impression of a fish out of water.
“Or a sister,” Daphne said in a hurry, noticing your surprised states. As though the gender of this figurative being were the issue. “I don’t care which one I get.”
Beginning to stutter, Loki turned his head to you with his eyebrows raised. This would definitely be a big step for the two of you.
It had taken a long time and plenty of patience to help Loki understand that he didn’t have to be anything other than himself. That whatever he sought out to have should bring him genuine joy and peace he could hold on to and that would make him understand he was worthy of whatever he wanted.
He slowly but surely begun to realize this with your aid. This resulted in your relationship growing with a love full of so much care and compassion that had eventually produced your little girl. She herself showed Loki a form of love he never knew he could have. He surprisingly grew into fatherhood as if he was made for it. But, again, that had been something that required a lot of time to figure out if both of you were ready for such a thing.
Was it time to add another bundle of joy into the mix?
“Well, that might be something that’ll require further discussion, darling,” Loki chose to explain to Daphne, softly running his fingers through her hair. “After all, it did take your mother and me quite some time to have you. We might not be so lucky a second time. It’s not very easy to replicate perfection.”
With that, he poked the tip of her nose, making her giggle. You smiled once more. He seemed to be taking this better than you thought. At least enough to keep your daughter happy, for the time being.
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It was now late in the evening. Dinner had been consumed, and Daphne had been put to sleep, seeming to have forgotten about her earlier inquiry. You and Loki had yet to enter your own bedroom, deciding to stay in each other’s arms while watching the flames die down from your fireplace in silence. Wondering which of the two of you were going to bring up the previous subject.
“Have you thought about it?” You decided to be the one to break the tension and even lifted yourself up from his chest to talk to him properly. “I know how much you love Daphne. As much as a father is meant to love their child. But if you have any doubts or worries, we can wait and discuss it some more.”
“Do you think it requires further discussion?” He asked, his face remaining stoic. Making you a little apprehensive with what he may tell you. But not enough to stop you from rolling over and hold this face in your hands. This was the man you loved, after all. Being married for so long with a beautiful child; you should be able to tell him anything.
“Our little sprite causes enough trouble on her own,” you told him, a small smile gracing your lips to let him know you meant that in a loving way. “And it doesn’t help that she’s been advancing in her magic at an alarming rate. But I don’t think there’s anything we can’t handle together. And that includes another Little You.”
Your husband stayed with almost no expression on his face. It would’ve had you worried, but the way he softly rubbed circles on each of your sides with his thumbs had you believe he was just mulling it over. 
“You forget, my love,” he responded with finally, a genuine smile coming to him slowly.  “Our daughter wishes for her own Thor. Which frankly, I can’t imagine why. But I haven’t been one to deny my princess or queen anything their heart desires. Not when they’ve blessed me with so much. So why start now?”
Unable to restrain yourself, you practically squealed as you bent down to plant a kiss on his lips. “Are you certain?”
His smile falters for just a moment, pondering it for only a second longer. “I think so,” he whispers, his hands coming up to rest over yours. “As you said, it can be something we can handle.”
Yet another grin spreads across your face. But the kiss you give him this time was more intense and filled with longing. Longing for him and the child you both wished to have together. It was enough to keep you two occupied in the living room for a good while as the storm outside raged on.
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undercoverclover · 3 years
Make You Happy
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Pairing: Donghun x OC
Genre: Angst
Warning: None, I think.
“I can’t do this anymore, Donghun.”
“What do you mean? I’m trying!”
“You’re trying? You’re never home! I get working, but the extra hours are too much! I need you!” I scream, tears streaming down my face.
“I- please. Please, don’t do this.” He says, defeated. The tears running down his face hurt beyond anything describable.
“I don’t want to! Don’t you see that? It’s not how I wanted this.” I turn and walk away from the man I thought I would love for the rest of my life. I probably will, but I can’t be with him until he’s ready… if that will ever happen.
Getting back to my place, I see the photographs plastered on my wall of him and I. I pull them off one by one and put them in my keepsake trunk. I wish it was me that made him happy.
2 years later
“Hey! Long time no see!” I hear. Looking around I see a woman, around my age with light brown hair and blue eyes, had said.
“Liliana?” I gasp.
“Hello, love. How are you? I’ve missed you!” She exclaims, giving me a hug in which I return happily.
“I’m alright. How are you? How’s everything going?” I ask, smiling.
“It’s been pretty good. These past few years have been a lot better than it has been in a while.” She smiles, seeming genuinely happy.
“That’s great! I’m really happy for you.”
“So, what have you been up to since you left?” She asks, kind of nervously playing with her hair-tie to see if it was still a sore subject.
“Once I moved to NYC, it was rough starting off. After everything, I was a disaster. But, eventually I opened up my gallery with a friend and we’ve done pretty well so far. I think anyway.” I smile.
“What? That’s amazing! You’ll have to show me some of your work! Maybe I can get one to ha-”
“Sorry to cut in, but I need my girlfriend for a second.” A familiar face cuts in and smiles at me.
“No way.” I smile, wider than I thought possible, “Chan?”
“Hey, it’s been a long time.” He says, smiling but it didn’t quite reach his eyes.
“How long have you 2 been together?” I ask, astonished.
“Um… About a year and a half.” He says, smiling and wrapping his arms around her.
“That’s awesome. I’m really happy for you guys.”
“Thanks.” Liliana says, smiling widely, “Well, I guess I’ll be back in just a few. We can finish catching up then?”
They take off to wherever Chan needed her and I look around at the room full of people. A high school reunion shouldn’t make you this nervous. I guess that’s what you get when you only had a handful of friends in a sea of people back in high school.
I spot the drink bar and walk towards it, maybe something over there will save me from being lonely.
“What can I get you?” The bartender asks. I look at everything and decide against it, I have to drive back to my parent’s house later.
“Just a sprite, thanks.” I smile. He nods, leaving for a split second to retrieve it.
“I’d never thought I’d see you back here again.” I hear in my ear and freeze.Why….
Turning around, I see Donghun… The same gorgeous man he was 2 years ago, except he had medium platinum hair and wore a suit.
“Hello, Donghun.” I smile slightly, trying to hide the pain I feel looking at his big brown eyes.
“It’s nice to see you again, Anya.” He smiles and looks down anxiously.
“You too. How have you been?” I ask, realizing I might get a hateful response.
“I’ve actually been okay. Better than I was. How about you?”
“I’m alright. It’s been a rough couple of years, but they’re finally getting better.” I say, truthfully.
“Yeah. I get that. What are you doing in NYC?” He asks.
“I have an art gallery up there with a friend.” I smile.
“That’s really great. I’m glad you found something that makes you happy.” He says looking down at the ground again. I feel the stab in my heart and my breath hitches. I regain composure before he looks back up, but the tears are wanting to form.
“Yeah, it’s helped.” I say, “What about you?”
“I mean, we just got back from tour last week, so it’s been rough trying to fix my jet lag… but I’ve been steadily busy.”
“Tour? Are you serious? That’s so awesome!” I smile, really happy for him.
“Yeah. We got signed about 6 months after everything happened.” He smiles but sadly.
“That’s so awesome though. I’m really happy for you. Truly, I am.” I smile at him.
“Anya! There you are.” Liliana smiles, dragging Chan behind her.
“I didn’t leave yet, don’t worry. Plus, you know there’s only one hotel in town.” I chuckle at her.
“That’s true.” she laughs.
“I’ll leave you two to talk, is that okay with you Lil?” Chan asks.
“Yeah, you know where I’ll be.” She smiles, looking up at him and kissing his cheek.
“That’s fine. Donghun, you want to join me with the other guys?” He smiles at his friend.
“Yeah, sure.” He replies then turns to me, “Catch up with you later?”
“Sure.” I smile and they head to find their friends.
I sit and catch up with Liliana for a while, talking about life in a bigger city and what has changed since I’d moved. We talk about good and bad, things in between, and make plans to hang out outside of here tomorrow afternoon. By that time, Chan came to find her and take her home since she had to work in the morning.
Saying their goodbyes, I grab my purse and jacket so I can head out as well.
“Goodnight, Anya.” Donghun says as I pass him walking out to my car.
“Goodnight Donghun.” I smile at him.
Arriving at the small hotel, I open the door and collapse on the bed and pass out from exhaustion. When I wake up the next morning, I notice I never took my makeup off…
“Geez. I need a shower. I look awful.”
Looking at the clock, I notice it’s almost one. I check my phone and Liliana messaged, asking if around 3 this afternoon was a good time to meet up. I text out the short reply and get up to take a shower.
Lil and I met up right at 3, at the cafe beside the hotel.
“Hey! Over here.” I say, waving at her to get her attention.
“Oh! Hey! There you are.” She smiles.
“Yeah, sorry. It was the only table open when I got here.”
“No that’s fine. I don’t mind.”
“How was work?” I ask.
“It was hectic but okay. We’re normally not very busy, but today we were swamped.” She explains.
“Dang, I hope it doesn’t happen again.” I smile, hoping she’s taking care of herself properly.
She only nods and smiles. Catching up on even more stuff, it’s past six p.m…
“Shoot, I have to go, I told Chan I’d be there to drop his bag off at practice in fifteen minutes.”
“Aw, dang that sucks!” I frown.
“Yeah, how much longer are you staying?”
“I leave out in a few days. I can stay longer if necessary but nothing crazy, like a month.” I laugh.
“Dang, thought I could get you back for good.” She smiles, “Do you maybe want to go drop the bag off with me?”
“Are you sure?” I ask.
“Yeah, for sure.” She replies.
Getting in the car, we drive for about ten minutes and pull up to an old studio. It was bringing back some memories that I don’t know if I want.
The dance lessons by Donghun, the cake fight with everyone and this… this is where I said goodbye…
We get out and head inside to the practice room, noticing everyone huddled around a piece of paper. I reach up and knock on the door and wonder if they’d heard me.
“Hey guys, come in! Thank you baby.” Chan says, acknowledging us and kissing Liliana on the forehead. I feel a twinge of longing seeing that. I quickly push it away before it causes any more damage.
“Hey, Anya!” Sehyoon says, looking up and sidestepping the others to give me a hug.
“Hey Sehni!! It’s so nice to see all of you again.” He smiles at me as do the others.
"Yeah! I'm glad you stopped by." Jun smiles.
"I hope you guys have been taking care of yourselves." I smile.
"They have or at least I think they have." Lili smiles, "considering I try to cook for them often and bandage their injuries,” She says and they all look at Chan… “What? She’s clumsier than I am, okay?” He groans.
She smiles and adds, “Also, I put cookies in Yuchan's bag."
"Sweet!" I hear Chan say, breaking free from her to go grab a cookie.
Someone lightly brushes past my arm and I look up to see that it's Donghun.
"Hey Donghun! Lil brought cookies." Byeongkwan says with his mouth full of cookies.
"You better save me one." He says, glaring at Jun. Sehyoon takes a cookie out and sits it on a napkin for this friend.
"Thanks." Donghun smiles.
"Hey, I'll be right back," I smile, looking outside. Liliana nods and I step outside to get some fresh air. Sitting down and leaning up against the building, I rest my head back and close my eyes to think. You shouldn’t be here. It still hurts just as much. He doesn’t want you here either. It’s just an open wound.
“Are you okay?” I hear beside me. Opening my eyes, I see Donghun eyeing me.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” I say, hoping he walks back inside. Instead, he sits beside me against the wall, turning his head to look at me.
“What is it?” He asks.
“It’s nothing.” I say, my cheeks going red.
“Anya, you are such a horrible liar.” He states, “Why’d you come back?”
I look up at him, shock written on my face and not sure how to answer, “What do you mean? I came back for the reunion.” I say, confused.
“Okay.” He says.
“I did, Donghun. I missed my dad as well.”
“Are you seeing anyone there? I know you said you had a friend who owns the gallery with you.”
“No, I’m not. That’s all he is. Just a friend and quite frankly, he’s not my type. What about you?” I smile, nudging his shoulder.
“Nah, I tried a few more times after you.” He sighs, continuing, “Nothing short of complete failures within a week.. I decided to just give up and work on my career.”
“I’m sorry.” I say, feeling the pain of that day weigh on me again.
“Don’t be. I needed a kick to get my life on track. I was so absorbed in working that I neglected the one thing that was perfect.” He says, getting quieter as he speaks.
“Your dreams came true though.” I try to smile, but it just didn’t feel right.
“One of them did, not the biggest one.” He says, looking at me with a tear sliding down his cheek.
“Donghun, I-” I had no words.
“Don’t worry about it. You did what you had to. I get that. I’m really sorry that I was that way. Nothing’s been the same without you.” Wiping his eyes with his shirt, he tries to stand up.
I place my hand on his arm, “Wait. Please?”
“What is it?” He asks, leaning back.
“You know that’s never how I wanted our lives to be.” I choked out.
“I know. It wasn’t your fault.. I just didn’t realize what I had, until it was gone… Did your dad tell you I tried to come by the house two days after that? I was going to quit. I’d have given it all up for you, but you’d already left.” He says, looking into my eyes, “You are my happiness. It’s not the same without you, I’m not the same.”
I feel tears running down my face now, “Really? You-” I couldn’t finish the sentence.
“I’ve never moved on. Not since you.. I haven’t even tried.” I say, quietly. His eyes grow wide and I hide my face in my hands, embarrassed to admit it outside of my head.
“Anya? Why?”
“You were my entire world, Donghun. It hurt so bad that day that I couldn’t deal without your love. I closed up. I’ll never let anyone in like that again.”
“Give me another shot.”
“What?” I ask, thinking I misheard him. He leans closer to me, tears still falling from both of our eyes.
“Let me show you how much I still care, my love. Give me a second chance, please?” He pleads and places his hand on the back of my neck and gently pulls me in close to kiss me. The salt ridden tears not making any difference, I kiss him back.
He pulls back, breathing heavily and smiling, “Always and forever?”
“You and me.” I smile, kissing him again.
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He Likes Me, He Likes Me Not
Summary: You didn’t sneak out of your house for nothing, you went out to have some fun and live a little with the help of your wingman. Oh, and you promised Jin you would bring the drinks, there’s no way you could let him down after that. 
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Words: 2.1k
Pairing: Jin x OC! Reader
Genre: Smut, Crack
Warnings: Teen partying, Jin is a fuckboy, Reader has a crush on Jin, Unprotected Sex, oral stimulation (m & f receiving), 
“I’m gonna go make out with Ryan in the coat closet, bye bitch. Just call me if you need anything.” I roll my eyes as my “wingman” runs off within the first two minutes of us arriving at the party. 
My eyes hone in on Jin, looking like a fucking sex god. Even in his loose t-shirt and sweatpants and socks, he looks so fucking good. As I walk up to him, he gives me his best smile. I know I don’t really have a chance with him, since he only dates the hottest girls at school. But we’re both seniors this year and I feel like I might have grown on him a little, like fungus.
“Hey, so did you bring what I asked for?” I hold up the giant coke bottle in one hand and sprite in the other.
“Nice. So, Bora, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go watch the stars together? There’s this little spot that I have out back and I’m not letting anyone go out there so it’ll be just us.” My eyes widen as he says this. Did the King Seokjin of school just ask me if we could be alone? Together? I guess tonight really is different.
“Yeah, I’d love to.” 
I stay and mingle with the guests, making eye contact with Seokjin every once in a while. “Oh my god, are you two eye-fucking each other? Ohmygod it finally happened!” Another friend of mine, Callie, giggles as I whack her shoulder.
“Not yet! But yeah, he asked me if we could watch the stars together.” I bite my lip as a sex song by ‘Somo’ blares on the speakers and as teens around us start grinding, I can’t help but get a little...hot.
“Hey.” I smirk as Jin turns around to face me.
“Hey.” He gives me a dreamy gaze, enough for me to start feeling a little lightheaded. Of course, I don’t back out, closing my eyes and listening to the lyrics slowly.
“Would you ride for a singer or nah?
Would you die for a singer or nah?
Would you lie to a singer or nah, or nah?” 
“Would you like to dance?”
When I open my eyes, I’m already dragging Jin out to the floor. I don’t know what came over me, as I wrap my fingers around his hair, inhaling his scent of fresh linen and expensive cologne as he dances with me.
Suddenly his lips are on mine, and I’m frozen. It takes a moment for me to react, biting his lip softly first before I brush my tongue against his lips, giggling at my own inexperience out of embarrassment.
“It’s okay. I’m not good at kissing either.” Jin chortles as he pulls me closer, and I can suddenly feel his thighs. His chest is also really warm. I feel a familiar warmth in my core, the same kind I feel whenever I’m turned on. And then it hits me—he’s horny too.
“Jin.” I open my mouth, but I can’t find the words. He looks perfect, and I feel really good too. As Jin lets his hands wander, I don’t stop him. I want him. I want this. I initiate the kiss this time, grabbing his head as he kisses back, our tongues dancing in our mouths as we make out on the dance floor in his living room.
I don’t let him take the victory, instead sucking his tongue so harshly that he has no choice but to give up as I let my tongue explore his mouth. It’s not gross, it was really hot when a string of saliva connected between our lips.
We quickly make a run for the bedroom, not giving as much as a glance back at all the people who were jeering and whooping noises at us. Jin continues kissing me as I tug at his sweatpants, palming him and cupping his cock as he moans into my mouth. We break apart for air, briefly as he pulls down his pants and I drop to my knees.
Fuck, he’s big. My first thought was: How is this thing gonna fit inside me?
As if he read my thoughts, he chuckles softly, looking down at me as I drool from seeing his dick, which is standing full erect.
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you feel good,” There’s a pit of anxiety building in my stomach, but Jin’s voice calms me. My heart races as he strokes my hair, pulling me toward the bed with his hands still attached to my hair. Before I can say anything, he opens his mouth again. “You might know I have an infamous reputation for being rough around school. I want you to know that it’s true for the most part. Don’t worry, we won’t get into BDSM...unless you want to,” I scratch my cheek, feeling shy as Jin pumps his shaft between his fingers for a minute. “So, do you want to do this?”
To be honest, I felt like we were moving too fast. Yet, I’m also really horny. So, I decide to stop thinking altogether.
I suck up his entire 11 inch erect cock in one go, before bobbing my head up and down and thank god I don’t have a gag-reflex because I can feel him in my neck. Then, he lets out the sexiest moan I’ve ever heard a guy produce. I knew I was good with cock but I didn’t know I was this good.
“Shit, you’re really good at this.” As I lick his shaft, he shudders under me, obviously trying to hold back another aggressive moan. 
“I know.” I smirk as his eyes widen when I jerk his cock between my fingers, sliding him between my palms like a pro. I can tell that he’s close because I have never made a guy moan like this just from a handjob.
“Mmmm, Bora, get your sexy ass on the bed, I’m gonna return the favor.” As he recovers from his release, his cock twitches at the base of his stomach. After a few deep breaths, he’s back to normal. His cock hangs down, and I gawk at him as he crawls over me, caging me with his body as if I was a wounded animal and he was a fox.
“Jin, you really don’t have to-”
“-But I must. I insist. Since you gave me the best head of my life, I’m going to make sure you leave here with at least one orgasm. Or else that’ll break the streak of my reputation.” Of course it’s about his reputation, I should have known. Of course, once his luscious velvety lips touch my clit, I am at a loss for words. I mentally curse myself for being so weak. Whenever I get sensitive, I moan at the slightest brush of a nipple, or in this case, my clit.
He creates friction with his fingers to my drooling pussy, flicking a thumb in and out of my clenched hole. Even with the slightest movement, my body reacts. My lips form an ‘o’ shape as my heart races with a pounding steady beat. The scent of my arousal is poignant but Jin doesn’t seem to mind, as he buries his tongue in my cavern. My walls grip his tongue and as he lets go of my clit, a succulent “pop” resounds through the room.
His pink tongue peeks out every once in a while as he toys with my clit. While he does that, he also brings another hand up to cup my breasts. I close my eyes, drowning in the euphoric sensations of his lips, and with his hands twisting my nipples and roughly manhandling me to his gentle yet firm kisses on my labia, I am in absolute paradise.
“Jin, I’m close.” I manage to stutter out, moaning as he continues sucking my clit like there’s no tomorrow. Suddenly it’s really hot, the room is turning red from the heat. Before I could process what was happening, Jin was bringing me to a mind-numbing orgasm, my vision started blurring.
“It’s alright. If you’re tired, we can stop here.” Those eyes. When he looks at me with those eyes, I just can’t stop myself.
“Jin, I need you.” He doesn’t say another word as I climb over him, guiding his hands up my sides as I line up his cock at my entrance.
When he lowers me down, I gasp. It was the most pleasurable, intense feeling I have ever come across. I didn’t know it was possible to feel this way during sex. I’ve had sex before, but it was usually sloppy and quick. With the way Jin thrusts up into me and runs his hands down my body, I feel like I’m floating. He holds me steady as I adjust to his size, and eventually I’m riding him with full force, moving my hips in a way where his cock slides in with ease.
“Oh!” He moans, groaning as I push myself down on him, his dick diving deeper and deeper into my hole. “So tight, fuck, shit…” He looks up at me with pure lust in his eyes as he pulls me down for a kiss, and then we switch positions so he can fuck me instead of it being the other way around. It hurts at first, but luckily he kisses me in between and distracts me for a bit as I wrap my legs around his hips.
“Jin, it feels so good. Please, don’t stop.” I beg as his cock twitches inside of me, and we both shudder against each other as his chest rubs against mine, his nipples just as hard as mine as we lock eyes and props himself up with his arms.
“Cum with me, please.” He whispers hoarsely, unable to find the words as we move as one unit, our lips melding against one another in another heated kiss as he fucks me roughly. 
“Jin, I’m cumming, I’m cumming fuck!” I pant heavily as he pulls out, white streaks of cum dripping onto the bed from my inner thigh. I put a hand on my chest. “That was close.” I was one orgasm away from growing a mini-Jin inside of me.
“You’re fucking amazing.” He kisses me, in a way that tells me he doesn’t care what anyone thinks. So what if I’m not popular or cool in the same way that he is? So what if we aren’t the same race? People can’t judge us because they don’t know what goes on behind closed doors. At that moment, Jin and I were one, and with the way he kissed me so passionately, I knew that he felt the same way about me.
When I wake up, it’s bright outside. I look around to find my clothes neatly folded on the nightstand, and I decide to get dressed and grab my phone. I look to see that my parents have texted that they’ll be home in one hour. I yawn as I pull on my clothes, walking down the hall to the bathroom. I pray that I don’t have an STD or something from all that unprotected sex yesterday.
As I make my way downstairs, I run into a couple of sleeping teenagers. Everyone must have partied hard last night, especially since they were passed out on the floor and in random places around the house.
“Good morning.” As I grab a stool and sit at the island, Jin greets me with his first-class smile and gorgeous self. I still can’t believe I did nasty things with him last night but I can still look at him in the eyes and feel at ease around him. I know it’s too early to be in love, but I’m at least leaning more towards that.
“Morning.” I retort back, grabbing a piece of bacon he prepared for me. 
“Did you wash your mouth?” He asks teasingly, grabbing another slice for himself.
“Yep. Did you?” He nods.
“I had no choice.” I scratch my head as he extends an arm, putting a hand over mine.
“I hope you know that last night...I meant it. Did it mean as much to you as it did to me?” I bite my bottom lip, chewing slightly on the cracks as he stops me, grabbing my chin from the opposite end of the counter. “Stop that, you’ll hurt yourself.”
“Yes. I didn’t want to confess like this but I have a crush on you, in case you couldn’t tell already.” He just responds by lowering his lips to mine and kissing me fervently.
“Oh, I’m sorry we couldn’t see the stars yesterday.” I shake my head. “You don’t have to worry about that. We can watch the stars anytime, like on our first date?” He smiles as he lowers his forehead against mine.
“Bora Churchfield, will you go out with me?” How could I say no to that face? I kiss him back in response, wrapping my arms around him as he pulls me closer.
I guess I only have one more question: Where the hell is my wingman?
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Who are your Top 5 fave Phantom Thieves of Hearts?
It could be just one or two, but sometimes you can't help it, but to love all of them. But there's always a fave or two and sadly a dislike. But let's focus on the top faves. Honestly for me... it's hard to chose. I mean I have my two faves, but do I have my top 5 faves? 🤔 Hmm... well, most do share the same spots... And please don't be mad at choices! 🙏 We all can't like the same the thing or person after all. Anyway! I will expose my top 5 and be warn, there are spoilers, so I advise you not to look at the list until you played the games or seen the walk through. If you like to spoil yourself, go ahead....
5. Sophia/Sophie. Why her? Well, she's adorable and an AI who has a Persona. She's not the first technology thing to have one, of course. But I like her plot and how she's trying to learn what a heart is. She has YoYo as her weapon which is cool and despite many let downs, she had learn from her teammates and understand what it means to be a Phantom Thief of Hearts. As the story goes, she was slowly losing her robot like voice and to find out how she was created! I like it! I'm gonna miss her...
4. Futaba Sakura/Oracle (Navi in Japan). Why? I just like her personalities and how she's a great hacker while trying to be outgoing. (You can do it, Futaba!). She's funny and I love her siblings relationship with Ren/MC and Yusuke. Her past was so sad and I just wanna hug her. I am glad she has an adopted dad like Sojiro and how she was willing to change her heart to save him. I'm really glad in Royal she has her victory pose after the all out attack. I just wish she'd had one in Strikers when things are looking bad, she actives her showtime to fully heal the HP and SP. PS, I love her UFO like Persona!!
3. Yusuke Kitagawa/Fox. I love this dork! He is beautiful, such a soul of an artist and kinda gullible in most things. He's a sweetie and never miss an opportunity to art. What happened to him in the past and in P5, I wanna protect him. I'm glad the Phantom Thieves came in to help and he becomes one. His relationship with Futaba is funny. They're like siblings to each other (Sorry to those who shipped them!). And he's sort of the first for Futaba to interact with. I do worry about his money situation, but he seems to be doing okay. I really wish Atlus added that you could date guys, I mean they made you date older women, but not a guy at close age to? O.o Anyway, Yusuke is a funny and sweet guy, kinda naive but a good guy. Kudos to the voice actors, both English and Japanese.
2. Morgana/Mona & Ryuji Sakamoto/Skull. Eh? Two?! Hey, it's hard to chose, okay? =3= Now why? Let's start with Morgana... He's a talking cat and he's adorable! (Morgana: I'm NOT a cat) Hehe... Anyway! He's like a mascot yet he's strong and wise in most situations. Despite being a cat in the real world, he still hangouts with the team to join in the fun. I love how he's smitten over Ann yet acts like a gentleman (sometimes) towards her and the fact he can become a bus (and helicopter in Royal) is awesome! I feel bad about when Morgana started to feel useless to the team and no one notice it until Haru appears as a thief. But I am glad he'd came back and to learn his past, wow! I nearly cried at the end of P5. I kinda wish he a human form like Teddie, but at least he kinda did in Royal. And I really wish his cat sprite has more reactions and stuff. The fact his Persona is Zorro... pfft X3c It's like Puss in Boots in Shrek! Now, Ryuji... He's such a good boy with a temper, but he has reasons why. Despite that, he's a good friend and never abandons his friends. Thanks to the MC, he slowly becomes who he should be and I'd a funny guy. I feel bad that his track team treated badly because of what happened and I kinda get it, but still... Anyway! He's like the loyal friend who got your back and is willing to stand up for his friends, even his life to save them. He even didn't judge the MC and becomes his first friend of Shujin Academy. Now, why both on the top fave 2? Well, they always bicker at each other yet they kinda get along sometimes. They both are close to the MC and they're funny like Yosuke and Teddie in P4. Glad their relationship had grew in Strikers and the fact that they are not afraid to blunt insults to each other. At least they're good friends.
Now, the top most fave(s), drum roll please........................
1. Ren Amamiya/Akira Kurusu/Joker & Zenkichi Hasegawa/Wolf. Again another spot is share! And before Strikers, Joker is still my top fave then Zenkichi came in, it's a tied. Let's start with Ren. Ren is handsome! He's cool and mysterious! The plot for him is perfect and how his Persona is Arsene is even more perfect. The background of his shows how hard life is, despite doing something good, he get punish in the end? That's bull crap and everyone treated him like he's a bad boy when he's not. Thankfully, he made friends and people around soon learns he's not a bad boy at all. Ren is charmer and he's still the guy who is willing to help those in need, of course that's up to the player. I do wish in Strikers that it kinda shown his distrust and trauma of the police. I would protect him and make any cops stay a safe distance from him. (Sorry Zenkichi) At least he kinda got his life back thanks to his friends and allies. Did I mention I like him? Seriously I do! 🥰 He's handsome and his smile... Sorry! Now, Zenkichi... This guy is a goof ball, the only adult of Phantom Thieves of Hearts and is a cop! Well, PubSec. He's like Dojima and Sojiro in one, sort of. At first, I did distrust due to he's a cop and all, plus you know in P4 and with Goro. I wasn't sure about him until I had watch the walk through and when first seeing him and when he'd laughed, I thought 'I might like this guy, but let's wait and see'. Now, I thought he would be a comic relief which he sort of is while still not trusting him until we learn he's a dad and how he'd lost his wife which 'Wait! He's a dad and had a wife who was killed in hit and run? Dojima 2?!' OwO I was surprised. Of course, not exactly the same, but similar plot. We get to learn about his past, his relationship with his daughter and why he was using the Phantom Thieves for such case. I start to feel bad for him and his daughter, heck even the Phantom Thieves felt bad. At some point, I did started to like him and Zenkichi was starting to bond with them and they even started to think as him part of the team. Once Zenkichi reveals why he'd hadn't caught the killer, I truly feel bad and understand why he let the killer go. Then boom! He has a Persona that fits him perfectly and such a cool Phantom Thief attire! 😳 That's when I fallen for him 'Dang it! First Joker now him!' He became like a dad of the team, always reminded them that despite what happened to the Monarch, it's still wrong what they're doing now. Despite how old he is (He's in his 40s) he can still fight and is cool! Still a goof ball good looking guy. Now, why both on the same spot? .....I love both them equally! 😍 They're both cool, good looking and those smirks... How dare Atlus did this to me?! I love their Personas. I wish we could see them having bonding moments though. *clears throat* Anyway. Because how I like them, as always I had created OCs to be with them. Hehe 😅
Now, for the rest of Phantom Thieves of Hearts. I do love them all, truly. Makoto is cool and she's the mom of the group. Ann is good friend to hangout, plus she's caring about others who had suffered. Haru is a sweetie who has scary side to her (Do not let her drive). Goro is someone that you wish he had saved sooner and yes I did hate him but I feel bad for what happened to him. Sumire, I wasn't sure about we had learn her background and wow! What a twist. I did call her a hypocrite while I can see why she thought that the people don't help themselves when reality the thieves gives courage and they done something to move on with some help, unlike what she did but I get it and I do like her persona.
Who would I want to be part of the team? Hmm... Hifumi since she was gonna be part of the team, but sadly that was cut off. She would've been better as a thief. Maybe Mishima, maybe! Sojiro... What?! It would've been cool, although he isn't young as he use to be, still. Lastly Maruki. I am surprised he doesn't count to be part of the team, but I guess it's because his Persona was kinda controlling him (I can't remember 😅) and didn't join the team. He would've been a neat addition to team, being a dad/uncle of the group. I feel bad for the guy and I get why did all that yet what about him? Doesn't he deserve to be happy to? Also... what happened to his girlfriend after the Metaverse vanishes in Royal? Anyway, he still like a sweet guy to me and I kinda wish Royal was mentioned in Strikers, but Strikers is technically a sequel/spin off to P5 since Strikers was part of P5, but it was too long and got cut. Hence of no mentioning of Royal.
Whew! Anyway! No hate on this, not everyone agrees with my choices and it's different from everyone opinions. But what about you guys? Got top faves and wish who would've been part of the team??
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stampstamp · 3 years
Just long, sleep-deprived rambling about writing while I try and work some things out.
I prefer writing scripts over novels but the project I want to work on now relies pretty heavily on the novel manuscript I wrote. And I’m pretty sure no one would want to produce a play that’s a spin-off of an unpublished book.
At least if I wrote the spin-off as a novel, there’s a chance that I could self-publish both of them one day (rather than self-publishing the novel and uploading the script somewhere else online). And I don’t really want to get in the habit of writing scripts again because last time it was so hard to go back to regular prose and remember to describe things... but I didn’t really enjoy the writing aspect of the manuscript anyway (it was just nice to have preserved the story so I can revisit it without struggling to remember what happened to my OCs next). Writing dialogue is the fun part but I’m not good enough to make money out of it.
So I keep thinking ‘Trying to get agents/publishers/producers interested in my work fucks up my mental health makes me lose my passion for writing so I should just write plays because that makes me happier - who cares if no one reads it?’
But I do still sort of want it to be out there someday. Like, on a tiny corner of the internet so a person might read it, find it fun and maybe mention it to a couple of their friends.
When I think about that, I want to start with a script, then make it into a Visual Novel, but that really relies on my hope that my art skills would improve during the creative process, because I don’t really have time to write a script and study/practice drawing people and backgrounds without making progress. At least doing it as vectors should make it easier to go back and tweak lines and anything that looks out of proportion. And it’s probably easier to make small changes to sprites if they’re vectors, because they can be manipulated, re-coloured and duplicated. I’m just not very good at drawing people haha. Or backgrounds. I suppose I could take photos and stylise them to look drawn, but most of it is set in a Tudor house in Victorian England and I did not take any photos of my grandparent’s Victoriana-filled Tudor house before they moved in 2007 because I had a shitty digital camera back then and I was too busy playing Ace Attorney while the adults packed the antiques up.
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anders is @whump-sprite‘s oc! also, content warning for broken bones.
When Anders spins on his heel as if the pain of it doesn’t register, when his fist comes flying to slam into Lux’s gut, it’s a surprise. It makes Lux’s brain fritz and scramble for an explanation. The nausea that comes with the punch to the gut is half shock at the fact that he didn’t expect this in his usual low-grade paranoia type of anxiety. He’s started to think that friends are safe, like he’s learning that his home is safe, and his boyfriend, and even using his magic, sometimes. Being with Anders is supposed to be safe - he knew it was dangerous to come to trust that, but he did it anyway, and now it hurts.
“And-der-,” He stammers, the end of the name caught up in the oof sound made by the air forced out of his lungs. Another punch to the gut. It’s so rapid-fire, so eager, that he registers his head snapping to the side and pain blooming in his head before he understands the fist that was aimed at his face a second ago.
Magic blooms in his hands. Not only did he - does he - trust that he’s safe with his friend, but he wants to fight back, wants to let his magic lash out. He can fight, he’s not a coward, not a victim.
Lux shoves a hand forward, lets his magic protect him, and it sends Anders stumbling back. Emory is watching, frozen, clearly just as shocked as Lux is and even more powerless, without magic. Lux is going to prove to Em that he deserves all those nights spent in his arms shaking and crying only to be told he’s brave, he’s strong, he deserves better. Lux can be those things.
Or so he thinks, in the rush of having used magic against someone stronger, someone who can beat him into a bloody pulp and sneer all the while if he wants to. But Anders recovers from the force that was slammed into him, and storms back over, green eyes glinting with fury, and Lux’s magic disintegrates into nothing. He backs into the wall behind him, palms raised in a flimsy bid for peace - and then the beating begins in earnest. Anders is furious. Emory can’t do anything. Lux shrinks under the fist slamming over and over into his face. The sounds he’s making, small and terrified, are hard to hear under the grunts and growls of pure rage coming from Anders. Just like the Hunter, towering and brutal, so angry he barely seems human.
“So-orry, sor-ry,” Gasps Lux under the bruising force of the knuckles barraging against his cheek - they land there again, and his skull could explode from the pain of it - and again, this time making something crunch, and Lux’s hearing fragments into ear-splitting ringing as he screams, hands flying up from where they were twisted in Anders’ shirt to protect his face. The punches keep coming, aimed at that cheek with bone broken somewhere, and Lux lets out a choked sob as his fingers, too stubborn to leave his cheek unguarded, snap under the force.
Emory’s voice is somewhere, winding through the air in between growls and whimpers. Anders’ suffocating presence is yanked away. Lux can’t see or hear or understand anything past the pain in his cheek, radiating out to consume his head, his whole body. Something is broken. Emory is yelling, and there’s a punch that Lux can’t see, so he just flinches and tries not to think too hard about who just got hit. He doesn’t want either of them to get hurt.
Another surprise, jarring and painful, is when Anders is suddenly close again, and he drives his fist straight into Lux’s broken fingers and cheek again. Lux screams until his voice is gone and then forces out hoarse wheezes, trying to curl forward but shuddering and stopping when each movement makes agony explode in his face. His expression contorts at the pain, which makes it worse, and so it goes on an on, pain bringing pain bringing pain.
This time, when Anders is pulled away, it comes with a crunching sound and a body hitting the ground. Enraged huffing and grunting becomes moaning, hitching gasps, and muttered curses.
Whatever is happening, it seems like it’ll only piss Anders off worse. Terror seizes Lux’s heart. “S-, s-so-sorry, ‘m sorry, don’, don’t - nnnnh, hnn, ‘m sorry, aahhh, plea-, please, ‘m so-, -orry, I, I, hnnn…” Vision blurry, darkness swallowing it up here and there, Lux wishes, just for a second, that he was in the Hunter’s arms being praised for taking that beating, about to be healed.
“Lux… Em…”
Anders’ voice, strained and gravelly, startles a whine out of Lux. No no no please no more, please, no! But he listens like he thinks he should.
“Wasn’t, nnngh, me, was - th’mindfucker…”
Whatever Anders is saying, it sounds like he’s in pain. That’ll make him so much more angry. Shaking like a leaf, Lux pushes himself up to his feet with his good hand then offers it out to where Anders lies, clutching at his bad leg. Emory must have made it go crunch.
“Give me a sec... not gonna... be able to stand.... even if you help me up... you okay, Lux? Fuck, I broke your face.”
A whimper escapes Lux as he lowers his hand. How bad does his broken cheek look even half-obscured by the trembling hand hovering in front of it?
Emory steps closer, trying to peer past that broken hand, tugging on the elbow of that arm to see the damage, muttering assurances. It makes Lux panic. But he can’t defend himself with his magic, it’s pointless, he’s stupid, never works - the warlock just staggers back and makes soft pitchy hnn hnn hnn sounds.
“Em’ry he, needs Alex,” Anders grinds out, his own hand cradled to the chest. Emory spots the motion and feels sick at the thought of Anders breaking his hand against Lux’s face.
“Okay. Yeah. Lux, honey, come on, I’m gonna get you to Alex. Gonna get you healed up.” He takes a step forward, reaching out. Lux flinches.
Anders tries to shift on the ground. “Sorry, f-, Lux, should've, hhh, should've been able to, to get him out.”
The words barely take hold in Lux’s understanding as he replays the night in his mind. He can’t figure out what he did to make this happen, what set Anders off. He doesn’t even really get why Anders stopped. Anders must be in so, so much pain to stop beating him. He was so angry, Lux can’t even, can’t even imagine how bad his leg must hurt for it to have been enough to halt the earth-shattering force behind those punches. Lux quakes at the memory of the blows.
“Em, you didn’t ha-ave to…” A finger twitches to indicate their friend lying on the ground, tense with agony. “...have to do that.”
“No, he had to.”
Every syllable from Anders makes Lux relearn the depths of terror that he can reach. The anticipation of the next bone-snapping blow is going to shatter him. “So-orry,” He whispers, falling to his knees with a swallowed yelp and dragging himself closer to Anders. His unbroken hand reaches out. “I-I, sorry, s-sorry…” Magic glows at his fingertips. Anders reacts.
“No. Hell no, Lux. Heal yourself, don’t - fuck, you don’t have to, to earn anything, don’t -” An unwilling moan escapes him as Lux gives him magic anyway, sinking a numbing spell into that crunched leg. It’s not broken, just easy to make something in that ruined limb give way with any pressure at all. Nothing to be healed, just pain to be eased away. Lux can’t make himself stop. He needs to fix this, needs to do all he can to lessen any anger that might flare back up and be turned on him. Apologies keep spilling out of him as he works tremulously.
Anders, too wrapped up in melting under the flood of relief from crushing agony, isn’t the one that stops it - Emory is. Lux whimpers, his magic flickering out like a light with its batteries knocked loose, when he’s pulled up to his feet and away from his fallen friend.
“Curls, you need healing, and you won’t heal yourself, so I’m bringing you to Alex. Anders wants that.”
“Nnnh, no, wants - he, he needs -” The warlock doesn’t struggle in the least, doesn’t even look back at the torturously half-numbed Anders whose moans have started up again. If he twisted to see, he’d knock his broken hand against his broken cheek, and probably crumple unconscious in Em’s arms. “I-I-I, wanna help, he’s, he’s s-so, so ma-ad, at me.”
“He’s not, honey. That wasn’t him, it was…” Emory’s words falter as he helps Lux to keep walking in the right direction, feeling the warlock tense as he listens, ready to let his understanding of what just happened be overwritten, erased. Emory can’t do that to him. He just has to wait until Lux can piece it together himself. “...Just, come on. We’ll get you feeling better for now. I’ll make sure Anders is okay after that. Healing first, okay?”
“Nnnnh, ‘kay,” Answers Lux, clearly only feeling more faint with each step he takes. “‘kay, s-sory.”
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