#mike edit 1/2
briefcasejuice · 2 years
real and canon argument they've had btw
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liar-or-lawyer · 2 months
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royalarchivist · 5 months
Ironmouse: Like, they're ghosts–
Mike: You guys look so good together!
Ironmouse: –what are they gonna do, cry?
Mike: Maybe jumpscare you to the death? I dunno, he's doing to me right now!
Ironmouse: I'm a demon, I'm scarier than a ghost!
Mike: Oh, you're a demon? Really?
Ironmouse: Yeah, I'm a demon. Surprise!
Mike: [Mike slowly backs away from her]
Ironmouse: Are you afraid? Don't be afraid of me! Oh god, I should have never said anything! [She runs away crying]
Mike: [Chuckles] I'm not afraid of you, beca– I'm just surprised, you know? I didn't know you were a demon. I'm not afraid.
Ironmouse: Well, you know, I don't really tell people, but like... I don't know, the other day I had a conversation with Empanada, and I told her about it, and she made me feel so comfortable, and I thought, "You know, maybe it's okay if I tell everybody!"
Mike: No, it's ok to be a demon! Not every demon is evil. Or, you are evil?
Ironmouse: Don't worry, I'm not evil– What? I'm not evil!
Empanada: the best, coolest and prettiest demon :D
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henry-fox-biggest-stan · 10 months
Stranger Things is THE gay show to me
Music by D_R_E_W on youtube
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thefloatingwriter · 2 years
“homosexual behavior? in my clubhouse?? more likely than you think.” - ben hanscom, at some point probably
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Stranger Things as Text Posts 9/?
[Eddie Version] [Max Version]
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ralk-is-peeved · 1 year
i uh have some designs for my Chapter 3 take I'd like to show off here, of course two of them aren't mine, they're the real deal
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Hope you like them
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thight jeans, loose morals
Billy Hargrove moodboard
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kermit-the-hag · 2 years
Stranger Things fandom after Season 4:
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alli-minium · 2 years
Stranger Things s4 trailer but with a higher budget and better actors
i’m Robin and Argyle
my little sister @willbyersbowlcutfr is Steve and Enzo/Antonov
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mishoarts · 5 months
Few differents between Canvas and Original :[What we know so far]
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1-Bus graveyard gang were a little older (16)
*Aiden had a rented van to drive,
Ashlyn's parents weren't military, they worked in a family friend's restaurant.
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--Ashlyn used to work as a dancer on Saturdays ( she's still under the age but the owner allowed her because he knows how much she likes dancing, as long as she covers her face )
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3- Ash's parents design 
(Mike fans how you feelin rn )
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Ashlyn was more like an introvert who hates socializing than someone who just doesn't like people(and kinda a little shy lol)
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However, she still had that "done with everything" energy ✨
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5- Witch Curse
In canvas, the curse didn't start with the sorrel weed house, it's originally from a trap in the witch house 1642 
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*there wasn't a tour guide (no jasmine) they went in all by themselves
And unlike O. Ashlyn hearing phantom noises since childhood, C. Ash started hearing them in the witch house -(and got possessed immediately)-
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6- Colored speech-bubbles:
Ashlyn > green
Aiden  > yellow 
Tyler  > brown 
Taylor  > orange 
Logan > blue 
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7-Aiden :
Instead of our lovely cupcake we have in Original, Canvas Aiden was known as the crazy psycho of the school who no one dares to get near him (except Ben ofc), -- like a suspicious evil weirdo --
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BUT the funny thing is that C.Aiden fears hights while O. Aiden is suic/idal careless who likes jumping (lmao)
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8- Teacher
Instead of Thomas, it was a normal kind teacher called Mr.T, who tried to push Ashlyn to socialize.
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9- T twins
-changed race, 
Tyler's personality was a little different ( less grumpy)
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Sadly, the available Canvas chapters ended at this panel before the website moves to Original, so that's all what I know (if you know anything else tell)
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[ All Canvas credits to Red ]
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I had to make this so you can have some background information before I post random translated panels.
In case you don't know where I got these, there're 9 chapters from canvas translated to Arabic on some unofficial website.
Some panels have a weird font type, that's just my hand writing I didn't have that time to edit them 🗿🤚🏻
__[ This took me too long to make pls like 🫠]__
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hippielittlemetalhead · 6 months
Part 3 (One of Us) of 'Never Took The Time (To Forget)' previously known as 'Hopper Adopts Steve But Make It Sad'
Part 1 (Hop fucks up), Part 2 (Pride and Prejudices: Joyce Edition)
Here's a bit more for you filthy animals 😘
Much like he's come to expect from the small soldiers these children have fashioned themselves into he's not surprised when they come pouring out of whichever of the twins' rooms they shoved themselves in like codependent sardines. He's not surprised by the looks of anger and disappointment and confusion. Claudia Henderson's kid -Dustin- looks on the edge of tears with a grim set to his mouth that reminds him of when the kid's mom is beyond words in her slow-burning fury. El and Will have matching looks of disappointed confusion.
What he's not expecting is the way Mike and the younger (usually more volatile) Sinclair are holding onto an incensed looking Lucas. Lucas who has always been the polite one when it came to addressing adults and the one to preach caution and thinking plans through. Lucas who has been quiet and withdrawn since Hop came back, spending his days at the edge of Party affairs when not helping in the rebuilding efforts around town or sitting at Max's bedside.
"What the fuck, Hopper?" The kid spits out and that seems to snap the rest of The Party into action. Will goes to join the two holding Sinclair back but Dustin starts near incoherently yelling in that screechy pitch only that kid seemed to be able to hit about bullshit cops and useless adults and to let Lucas go. "He idolized you, man! Would tell us all the time that you were 'one of the good ones' that if we ever needed anyone and he wasn't there, to find you. That you would take care of us because that's just what you did for people. Because you were good!"
"Lucas, chill out man." Mike pants though he's also glaring daggers at Hop.
This is where Joyce (god bless her) decides to step in. "Lucas, honey-" She says with her soft voice and big wet eyes and that warmth she seems to infuse into everything she touched. "It's complicated. There's some things you just don't understand and-"
"No! You two don't understand! Steve is GOOD. He's good and he cares and he takes care of everyone else and he always kept us safe." The kid seems to be losing some of his steam, pulling at his friends less and resigned to shaking in barely contained fury. "He gets hurt and he gets back up and he apologizes for taking a fall in the first place! He's just Good."
"I know he's been good to you kids and I appreciate that, I really do Lucas." Joyce says, her voice a little stronger, that steadiness returning. "Sometimes people in our lives can do bad things to others and we don't see it because we care about them and that's not always a bad thing. But we have to remember that the people who were wronged are allowed to be upset and that's normal to feel and-"
"You mean like Jonathan?" The room goes quiet. Will looks resigned but not surprised by Lucas' question but the rest of the kids look just as confused as him and Joyce. "Did you really think Steve broke his camera -in the school parking lot of all places- for the hell of it? Did you seriously never question it?"
Hop feels something twist in his gut. He had been so caught up in the search for Will and wrangling a frantic Joyce that he hadn't paid any attention to small-town squabbles like two teenagers having it out in the school parking lot, the destruction of personal property or what might have triggered it. He looks over the kids' heads to see Jonathan and his stoner buddy standing just outside his door. The friend looks confused but Jon is looking at his mom who hasn't noticed him yet like a man preparing himself for the gallows.
"Mom." Joyce's eyes snap from where they were locked on Lucas up to her oldest son. "Mom, I-"
"What are they talking about Jon?" It's quiet. Quiet and scared because everyone in the room knows that whatever secret reason Lucas (and maybe Will?) seems to be the only one to know Steve had for picking a fight isn't going to be good. Jonathan's mouth opens like he's going to say something but no words come out. "Honey, what did you do?"
"He took pictures of Steve and his friends the night Barbara Holland disappeared."
"Will?" all eyes except Lucas' (who is still glaring daggers at Hop) are on the two brothers. One scared and almost pleading the other disappointed and resolved.
"He hid in the bushes and took pictures of Steve and his friends with Nancy and Barbara. There were pictures of Barbara at the Harrington place before she died and he never told anyone. But there were also-" He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes like he can't look at his older brother who has hung his shaggy head under everyone's heavy gaze. "There were pictures of just Steve and Nancy. Alone together. In Steve's room."
There's a sharp gasp that he thinks came from Joyce but he's too busy watching the young man he's come to consider a son. His head is still lowered and his shoulders are curving in on themselves as he shakes off the hand his long-haired friend tries to place on his shoulder.
"Oh baby," Joyce's voice is wet again. A tone of horrified disappointment to it that Hop has only heard her use when talking to or about one other person. "Tell me you didn't."
"Then he-" Will clears his throat like this one is what gives him pause. "He was caught developing the pictures in the school's darkroom. All of the pictures. And he had zoomed in on Steve's window. Nancy was the center of the shot." The kid's eyes flit over to Mike (who is now turning an interesting shade of red as he glares at Jonathan) before he blushes and looks at the ground, "She uh-"
Lucas does not seem to share Will's newfound hesitance in the face of an enraged Mike Wheeler. "Most of the upperclassmen argue if she had a bra or not but they all seem to agree she didn't have a top."
"Oh my god." Everyone was frozen as Joyce began to crumble. "Oh my god." He reached out to catch her, her nails digging into his arm through his shirt sleeve as she stared unseeing at her oldest son.
Jonathan started forward. "Mom, I-" a hand in the middle of his chest stopped him. "Will, please, I need to-"
"Just stop, man." Lucas sighs. "You started this shit, you gotta deal with it before you hurt someone else besides Steve."
"I didn't mean to hurt Steve."
Hops feels himself frozen to the spot in a way he's not used to anymore these days. His mind is working overtime picking out all of the charges that could have been pressed even against a boy of 15/16 if any of the kids in Harrington's inner circle had told an actual adult about the situation. The veritable legal hell that would have been brought down on Joyce while searching for a son legally assumed dead.
"Is that what you told yourself when you helped Nancy cheat?" And it just kept getting worse.
Joyce gives off a whimper and the kids gathered make varied sounds of shock and disgust.
"They were broken up."
"Were they? Cause everybody at school and half the town seems to all know about you and Nancy disappearing together when Steve was still calling her his girlfriend and then you all showed back up to school, Steve beat to hell again and Nancy hanging all over you. The basketball team STILL talk about it."
He's heard enough. "Alright, that's it!" He yells out over the children yelling and Joyce demanding answers and Jonathan's friend trying to say something about there being some sort of explanation. "This doesn't help us help Steve."
Lucas shakes off the loose hold Erica and Mike still had on him and crosses his arms as he rolls back his shoulders and tilts his jaw up to fix him with a glare. The kid's stance is almost arrogant but Hop can't help but notice the way he rests his weight on his off side, his shoulders back and his posture straight without his chest puffing out ridiculously like Hop is used to from teenage boys gearing for a fight.
"I think you've helped enough, Hopper." It's quiet and biting and he lets himself have a moment of grief for the childhood these kids lost, and the fact that he's almost positive Lucas didn't pick up this easy confidence from anyone else in their monster fighting club but Steve. "You and Mrs. Byers want to play nice now cause you feel guilty and that's all well and good but what happens when Steve does something else you don't agree with without explanation? Or he and Jonathan or Nancy get in another fight? When we finally get rid of Vecna and the Upside Down for good? What happens when you don't feel guilty anymore?"
"I can't make any sort of promise you lot will believe. And lord knows I'm pretty shit at keeping them anyways. I just want to be able to try."
"He mourned you, you know. When we were told you didn't make it." That weight is back in his chest. "He held himself together around us but there were- there were moments we could tell. He and El really bonded over that. Over you. Over losing you."
"I didn't know."
"Of course you didn't. You didn't want to know."
"There's no way I can make you believe me. That I want to fix this."
"We want to, Hopper." Dustin butts in, placing a hand on Lucas' shoulder and limping up next to the other boy. "But from what you and Mrs. Byers were talking about... There's just a lot that makes a lot more sense and it doesn't inspire a lot of faith in either of you."
"We need to discuss this as a Party."
"That means letting us take care of it. Steve's one of us and you hurt him."
"I understand."
"So you and Mrs. Byers have got to wait till we say you can talk to Steve. That he's ready for it."
"Now, kids-"
"No they're right, Joyce. We fucked it up on our own and- and he trusts these little shits more than he trusts us right now. We've gotta do the same."
Joyce sighs, "Fine."
She's not happy about it and honestly neither is he. But if the last few years and his stint in a Russian gulag and the subsequent escape taught him anything it's maybe he needs to trust his people to do what they need to do.
The kids scurry back to whichever of the Twins' room they came from, led by a newly determined and involved Lucas and a furiously muttering Dustin. Jonathan and Joyce make their way to the kitchen and Hopper decides he's going to let them have that conversation in as much privacy as they can with a house as full as theirs.
Hopper sits in the living room, runs his hands through his hair that's finally growing out and pulls them down his face before resting his chin on steepled fingers. He hates sitting and waiting and relying on someone else for the next steps. But all he can think about is the sound Steve made. The look in his eyes. The pride in his voice the last time he heard him say, "My Hop."
That's it!
He stands up so fast his bad ankle protests and his knees pop. He limps to the front door, yelling out to the house that he has to go, has something to do. Calls out he has his walkie and that El needs to be ready on time. Then he's out the door.
Part 4.1
More coming soon! Hopefully! Work went from an active team of about 12 to 5, not including the managers we lost ssssooo... Yeah fun times. 🙃
So here's a tag-list, hope I didn't miss anyone. Feel free to yell at/with me in the comments or ask box. If you see your old tag in my list tell me your new one so I can fix it.
@thelittleclare @jackiemonroe5512 @0body0disphoria0 @strangersteddierthings @lingeringmirth @dead-cherry-bitch @irethsune @ink777 @the-daydreamer-in-the-corner @ledleaf @pansexuality-activated @paintsplatteredandimperfect @kinryuuki @katdeerly @yikes-a-bee @altocumulustranslucidus @ohimamarigold @child-of-cthulhu @samsoble @sensationalsunburst @xxbottlecapx @y4r3luv @rocochen20 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @flustratedcas @rootbeerandmusic @vinteraltus
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y3llow-hoodie · 6 months
bit of a self indulgent ask, but i Adore your vast!jon au and i was wondering if by any chance he made friends with mike crew at some point 👀👀?
(I’ve always thought mikes character could’ve been explored more in canon, maybe if he survived daisy’s attack jon would’ve come back w more questions or smth, maybe this time he actually accepts his tea offer lmao)
Actually a few people asked me if vast!jon would be friends with Mike crew.
Imo, he would be an outside party that is not involved with Simon Fairchild’s affairs, but Jon heard of him and met him a couple of times.
When jon finally catches on that something isn’t right, he goes to his place and asks for answers (this would happen around end season 2 probs)
Here a lil comic about it >:)
Edit: I friggin forgot to add mike’s scars, now it’s all fixed 👌
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Vast!Jon AU _ 1-2-3-4-X-6-7
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Stranger Things as Text Posts 7/?
[Eddie Version] [Max Version]
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beanzbeanz001 · 7 months
Reasons why glammike is canon (fuck you)
1. Blue ass eyes
HES GOT THOSE TERRIFYING WHITE PEOPLE EYES!!! like how you could see that Elizabeth possessed baby when her eyes turned green? EXACTLY. (I’m choosing to ignore that blue eyes fit into his overall color palette)
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We can forget the fact that they’re two different shades of blue because Mike had a completely different shade of skin in 83 so I feel it doesn’t matter whatsoever
2. Gregory 🫶🫶
Gregory looks almost EXACTLY like cc I don’t wanna hear SHIT!!! of course he’d wanna protect this kid!! He feels guilty for fuckinf killing one that looked just like him!! Also I feel like he’s why Freddy malfunctioned on stage,, like he saw Gregory and thought “oh shit he’s come back to haunt me” and had a seizure
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3. His ruin design
You see how he doesn’t have a head? Guess who else doesn’t have a head. HIS BROTHER!! and you see how he’s got a fucked up stomach? Guess who got dragged into a stomach? HIS SISTER!!! That’s right. Parallels.
Also he’s torn to fucking shreads just like his dad
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4. Arson
I don’t know what to tell you it just runs in his dna. His robot ghost dna.
He’s got like what? 4 counts of arson? He just enjoys setting shit on fire idk
5. I want him to be
I think it would be cool
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Thanks for coming to my ted talk
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