#millie x castiel
wrenwinchester · 2 months
I haven’t talked much, if at all about Cas and Millie’s friendship, and that’s probably because I haven’t thought much on it. I mean, there’s a lot to think about. For one, she knows Cas is in love with Dean by season 7, and after Purgatory is when she realizes Dean is in love with Cas. But of course she doesn’t say anything, because well, it’s Dean, and they’ll figure it out in their own time. (She feels immensely guilty for this after Cas dies end of season 12, (if that’s what ends up happening because that’s a long ways away in my writing process. (I’m totally fine I promise)) but really, anytime Cas dies she wishes she had told the two of them that they weren’t the only ones in love with the other.)
As far as Cas and Millie go, they get along well for the most part, but at first, despite the fact that he pulled her brother out of hell, and saved him, piecing him together again, she doesn’t trust him. She takes longer to trust him than Dean does, it’s not until after the end of season four when he helps Dean escape from the room, and they finally help her to stop Sam from killing Lilith that she finally really like trusts him trusts him, and stops being so cold towards him.
When Cas dies, (end of season 12) Millie takes it about as bad as Dean does, not quite but pretty close, and Sam has to hold it together for both of them, something he barely does. Part of the reason Millie isn’t as bad is the fact that she takes care of Jack. She didn’t go to apocalypse world, she stayed with Mary and Kelly, and instead of following Mary out to save her brothers, she stays with Kelly, with Jack.
When Jack is born and Kelly dies, Millie lays a baby in his crib to go check on her brothers, she gets outside just in time to see Mary fall through the rift with Lucifer, and Cas lying dead on the ground. She just about lost it right then. There was still so much she had to say to her mom. And Dean was never gonna be okay after this.
She stays with Dean as Sam runs inside, she’s still in shock after all, but follows Dean up the stairs as he calls for Sam. After Dean shoots at him, Jack still knocks her out with her brothers, but she has a bond with him. He says something to her though, something comforting. So she feels bonded to Jack, as he does her.
I’ll make another post about Millie and Jack since this one is supposed to be about Cas.
Millie goes to purgatory with Cas and Dean, (one of the few things I’m sure of despite the fact I have like 9 years worth of story to write before I get there and things change but you know. Ideas are endless, so we’ll see what happens.)
Anyway. Millie loves Cas, he’s a third brother to her which is funny considering that both her brothers are actually in love with the angel, Cas only being in love with Dean, and neither brother thinking they are worthy of an angel’s love. Or that Angels are even capable of love sometimes. Despite the fact that literally everything Cas ever does after raising Dean from perdition was for the Winchesters, because he thinks it will better their lives or keep them safe or just flat out save them. “Always happy to bleed for the Winchesters.”
Millie and Cas is a tough relationship for me, like I look at Cas and watch him interact with the winchester brothers, and I honestly don’t know how he would interact with Millie, I’m sure at first, he doesn’t see a point in interacting with her, since she’s not one of the chosen vessels for Michael and Lucifer, even if she could be, but he tolerates her, if only to stay on Sam and Dean’s (mostly Dean’s) good side. When the words “Sam Winchester, the boy with the demon blood” come out of Castiel’s mouth, Dean has to hold Millie back from clocking him, in part because it wouldn’t do anything, but also because he doesn’t trust these “angels” and the fact that she doesn’t seem needed by them, pissing them off probably isn’t going to be a good thing, as they could kill her with a snap of their fingers. Millie sees Castiel as a threat the entirety of season 4, and is still wary of him going into season 5, but as time does on, he grows on her, and she eventually sees him as family by the end of season 5, he’s a brother to her.
When Sam takes Lucifer, Michael, and Adam to hell with him, and Cas comes back, and brings Bobby back, healing Dean’s face after he let Lucifer beat him bloody because he needed Sam to hear him. She lets him go. Millie realized after everything Cas has done over the last two years that maybe, just maybe he is on their side.
Cas is probably the only person she allows to frequently call her Millicent, though he doesn’t always.
When Cas opens purgatory with Crowley, Millie is distraught. Dean may have been out of the life and Sam dead, but Cas still could have talked to her. She could have told him he was being dumb. She stopped trusting him. Even when they got him back and he took on Sam’s hallucinations, she was so mad at him. And then in purgatory, things only got worse, Cas left, Dean prayed to him every night, and she “prayed” to him too, but they were wildly different prayers. She called Cas a coward, and yelled at him. When they finally found him, she stayed angry. Until they reached the portal. Until she realized he wasn’t coming with. Until she realized how much her words actually affected him. When she, Dean, and Benny got topside, she continued to pray to him every night, unsure if he could hear her apologies and remorse.
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blowsomey · 1 year
st5 concept trailer!!
hello byler nation, i posted this two weeks ago, in case you haven’t seen it yet!
as I’ve said before, I’d love to hear your thoughts about it so if you could watch it and let me know what you think of it, it’d be awesome :))
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prpfs · 8 months
Heyo!! 18+ roleplayer here!! I was wondering if anyone would want to roleplay with me? I have a number of fandoms and I will list them and who I can play!! I would prefer a OC x CC double up, but I will also take CC x CC! I do not do OC x OC!!!
☆Criminal Minds☆
Who I can play: Spencer, Aaron, Derek, Emily, JJ, Struass, David, Gideion, Luke, Matt, and Garcia
☆Avatar the last airbender☆
Who I can play: Anyone from the Gaang, Jet, Azula, Ty Lee, Mai, Iroh, Ozai, Roku, Hakoda
☆Legend of Korra☆
Who I can play: Korra, Asami, Mako, Bolin, Tenzin, Pema, Lin, Iroh II, Bumi, Kya, Zaheer, Gazahn ((idk if I spelled that right)) Jhu Li, Varrick
☆Teen Wolf☆
Who I can play: Derek, Peter, Chris, Stiles, Scott, Lydia, Allison, Jackson, Ethan, Aiden, Kira, Malia
☆Helluva Boss☆
Who I can play: Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, Stolas, Striker, Crimson, Barb, Ozzie, Fizzie, Loona, Verosika, Vortex, Bee
☆Hazbin Hotel☆
Who I can play: Alastor, Angel, Charlie, Vaggie
Who I can play: Quinn, Brittany, Santana, Finn, Rachel, Sebastian, Artie, Puck, Marley, Kitty, Will, Emma, Sue
☆Stardew Valley☆
Who I can play: Sebastian, Alex, Haley, Shane, Harvey, Abigail, Robin, Demitrius, Gus, Pierre, The Wizard
☆The Flash☆ ((CW show))
Who I can play: Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Iris, Joe, Harry, Hunter, Henry, Nora, Wally
Who I can play: Dean, Sam, Benny, John, Mary, Bobby, Rufus, Garth, Castiel, Crowley, Jo, Ellen, Anna
like if you're interested and anon will get back to you
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roleplayfinder · 8 months
((Forgot to add my age, sorry!)) ⚠️💋 Heyo!! 18+ roleplayer here!! I was wondering if anyone would want to roleplay with me? I have a number of fandoms and I will list them and who I can play!! I would prefer a OC x CC double up, but I will also take CC x CC! I do not do OC x OC!!!
☆Criminal Minds☆
Who I can play: Spencer, Aaron, Derek, Emily, JJ, Struass, David, Gideion, Luke, Matt, and Garcia
☆Avatar the last airbender☆
Who I can play: Anyone from the Gaang, Jet, Azula, Ty Lee, Mai, Iroh, Ozai, Roku, Hakoda
☆Legend of Korra☆
Who I can play: Korra, Asami, Mako, Bolin, Tenzin, Pema, Lin, Iroh II, Bumi, Kya, Zaheer, Gazahn ((idk if I spelled that right)) Jhu Li, Varrick
☆Teen Wolf☆
Who I can play: Derek, Peter, Chris, Stiles, Scott, Lydia, Allison, Jackson, Ethan, Aiden, Kira, Malia
☆Helluva Boss☆
Who I can play: Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, Stolas, Striker, Crimson, Barb, Ozzie, Fizzie, Loona, Verosika, Vortex, Bee
☆Hazbin Hotel☆
Who I can play: Alastor, Angel, Charlie, Vaggie
Who I can play: Quinn, Brittany, Santana, Finn, Rachel, Sebastian, Artie, Puck, Marley, Kitty, Will, Emma, Sue
☆Stardew Valley☆
Who I can play: Sebastian, Alex, Haley, Shane, Harvey, Abigail, Robin, Demitrius, Gus, Pierre, The Wizard
☆The Flash☆ ((CW show))
Who I can play: Barry, Cisco, Caitlin, Iris, Joe, Harry, Hunter, Henry, Nora, Wally
Who I can play: Dean, Sam, Benny, John, Mary, Bobby, Rufus, Garth, Castiel, Crowley, Jo, Ellen, Anna
I can roleplay on discord or tumblr! Like this and I'll come to you!
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autisticandroids · 2 years
not to become a disciple or something. but do you have any media recommendations, like books/films/shows. because i like the way you think. sorry for mass rbing btw
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Smiley also knew, or thought he knew - the idea came to him now as a mild enlightenment - that Bill in turn was also very little by himself: that while his admirers - Bland, Prideaux, Alleline, Esterhase, and all the rest of the supporters' club - might find in him completeness, Bill's real trick was to use them, to live through them to complete himself; here a piece, there a piece, from their passive identities: thus disguising the fact that he was less, far less, than the sum of his apparent qualities… and finally submerging this dependence beneath an artist's arrogance, calling them the creatures of his mind…
this passage from tinker, tailor, soldier, spy is what i think of every time anyone tries to put me on a pedestal as Tumblr User Autisticandroids. like genuinely my main skill is making connections with other people and essentially propping myself up through them, though of course i don't really do it on purpose.
anyway unfortunately my taste in media isn't going to contain what you want i don't think. i'm going to give you an extremely random list of things i like. not favorites, but just stuff i enjoy.
my favorite episode of star trek: the next generation is season six episode fourteen "face of the enemy," but if you're going to actually get involved with star trek i would recommend deep space nine instead. when i want to alienate people i put on an episode of the prisoner (1967) because i love that show but it's deeply unenjoyable. i unironically think kill la kill is a great anime. the private life of plants is probably the tv series i've seen the most times.
talking to you, talking to me by the watson twins is underappreciated and contains some of my favorite pieces of music. however, the only thing i've listened to lately is the rise and fall of ziggy stardust and the spiders from mars by david bowie because it's a castiel thesis to me.
passing by nella larsen is one of my favorite books ever, and when i first read it i had this free online version where you could actually turn the pages, i think it was this version. i think speaker for the dead is wildly underrated but feel vaguely guilty about recommending orson scott card. a bad book that has brought me a lot of joy lately is absolute friends by john le carre. as a kid i really like the underland chronicles by suzanne collins. a while ago i read the three body trilogy by liu cixin and while the second one dragged and was rather poorly translated, i enjoyed the first for its creativity, classic scifi feel, and understated spookiness, and i enjoyed the third for its dark camp and comparatively strongly drawn characters. even the second had acceptable elements, but mostly because i was tickled by the fact that it reminded me a little of the futurological congress by stanislaw lem.
i just finished relistening to the white vault, a horror podcast which i like a lot but am more ambivalent about now that i know the ending (it wasn't finished the first time i listened). if you hate horror, my favorite non-fiction podcast is you're wrong about.
my favorite source for horror short stories is the scp foundation, and here are some faves.
my favorite movie is alice (1988) dir. jan svankmajer, which is an adaptation of alice in wonderland. it's very much a childhood nostalgia watch for me, unbelievable as that might seem. here's a link, but this version is in czech with english subtitles, so you might have to scout around if you want the english version. not that this movie has much dialogue. a rather eclectic selection of other movies i've liked that i just thought of in the last ten minutes is bride of re-animator (1989), x-men (2000), d.e.b.s. (2004), mirrormask (2005), isolation (2005), the host (2006), hard revenge millie (2009), black swan (2010), excision (2012), the handmaiden (2016), and swallow (2019). my movie taste is probably the closest you'll get in terms of media recs that you might enjoy based on my blog, since i hate movies and can only be tempted to watch them if they cater to me. but also big trigger warnings for some of those lmao.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 6 months
Whisper on a Star Chase
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/etoA6M2 by Stardust_Warrior The Men of Letters remained a powerful secret society, and like all secret societies, infiltrated various government organisations to keep an eye on things. Agent Dean Winchester is a legacy and after busting his ass at the FBI’s Kansas City field office for five years, he has finally moved onto the big leagues in DC, handpicked to partner with the enigmatic Agent Castiel Novak who is in charge of the Supernatural Files, also known as the S-Files. Castiel is determined that the supernatural exists and will defy everything and everyone to prove it, especially when it comes to unravelling the mysteries of his own past. Dean is well aware that the supernatural exists, but his job is to disprove Castiel’s findings, and keep him from finding out what’s really out there in the dark. Which would be easier if he weren’t insanely attracted to him. An attraction that may not be entirely one-sided either. Words: 4526, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Multi Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Mary Winchester, John Winchester, Samuel Campbell, Deanna Campbell, Millie Winchester, Henry Winchester, Rufus Turner, Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Eileen Leahy, Daphne Allen, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Anna Milton, Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Jody Mills, Donna Hanscum, Other Character Tags to Be Added Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, John Winchester/Mary Winchester, Ellen Harvelle/Bobby Singer, Deanna Campbell/Samuel Campbell, Henry Winchester/Millie Winchester Additional Tags: Original Character(s), Alternative Universe - FBI, Human Castiel (Supernatural), Enemies to Lovers, Inspired by The X-Files, Background Case, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Demisexual Castiel (Supernatural), Eventual Smut, Everyone deserves better, Alternate Universe - Men of Letters (Supernatural), Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Castiel and Dean Winchester Have a Profound Bond, Dom/sub Undertones read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/etoA6M2
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ao3feeddestiel · 6 months
Whisper on a Star Chase
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/YRqGEA2 by Stardust_Warrior The Men of Letters remained a powerful secret society, and like all secret societies, infiltrated various government organisations to keep an eye on things. Agent Dean Winchester is a legacy and after busting his ass at the FBI’s Kansas City field office for five years, he has finally moved onto the big leagues in DC, handpicked to partner with the enigmatic Agent Castiel Novak who is in charge of the Supernatural Files, also known as the S-Files. Castiel is determined that the supernatural exists and will defy everything and everyone to prove it, especially when it comes to unravelling the mysteries of his own past. Dean is well aware that the supernatural exists, but his job is to disprove Castiel’s findings, and keep him from finding out what’s really out there in the dark. Which would be easier if he weren’t insanely attracted to him. An attraction that may not be entirely one-sided either. Words: 4526, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Multi Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Mary Winchester, John Winchester, Samuel Campbell, Deanna Campbell, Millie Winchester, Henry Winchester, Rufus Turner, Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Eileen Leahy, Daphne Allen, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Anna Milton, Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Jody Mills, Donna Hanscum, Other Character Tags to Be Added Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, John Winchester/Mary Winchester, Ellen Harvelle/Bobby Singer, Deanna Campbell/Samuel Campbell, Henry Winchester/Millie Winchester Additional Tags: Original Character(s), Alternative Universe - FBI, Human Castiel (Supernatural), Enemies to Lovers, Inspired by The X-Files, Background Case, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Demisexual Castiel (Supernatural), Eventual Smut, Everyone deserves better, Alternate Universe - Men of Letters (Supernatural), Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Castiel and Dean Winchester Have a Profound Bond, Dom/sub Undertones read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/YRqGEA2
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fandomoniumflurry · 5 years
Grey Hairs
Reckless Abandon Drabble
Catch up with the series here
615 words. only warning is some swears
Taggers: @keepcalmimthecupcake @becs-bunker @janai-mcgarrett @hunterswearingplaid @fangirl-moment-x @a-fan-fighting-for-equality   @50shadesofsubtext @oneshotdeanshort @winchester-lover999 @ambermei​
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“It’s not the end of the world, Mills. Trust me, I would know.” Dean commented with a scoff as he leaned against the wall next to her. The blonde was too busy staring at herself in the mirror, fingers combing frantically through long locks. “Dad had tons of greys when he died. And look at Sam. He’s younger than you and he’s practically white headed.”
“I can hear you.” The voice of their youngest brother echoed off the bunker walls as he moved down the hallway toward them.
“The point is, it’s one grey hair and you pulled it out so it’s done.” Dean continued with his arms crossed over his chest.
“Two grow back whenever you pull one out.” She squealed with panic. “That’s just an old wives’ tale, Millie.” Sam added as he stepped down into the bathroom and he filled the mirror as he stood behind her. “You might not even get another one for a while.”
Millie’s eyes narrowed as she scowled at both of her brothers. “If it’s not the end of the world, why are you both still standing in here?”
“It’s entertaining.” Dean stated flatly and Sam didn’t miss a beat, nodding in agreement with pressed lips. “Now that you’ve stopped squealing and we knew you’re ok.”
“Uh huh.” She didn’t seem amused and the boy’s faces split open with wide grins. “You guys are assholes.” She growled as she gathered her hair into a tail on the back of her head. She tied it into a messy half bun and with a huff she spun on her heels and pushed past her brothers. “I was gonna make breakfast but you two children can eat cereal.”
“But we don’t have any milk.” The pout was clear in Dean’s tone.
Then just use your beer, you alchy.” She threw back.Dean looked at Sam.
“We’re out of beer too.” Sam nearly died of laughter at the face his brother made.
“Grey hair has always been considered a sign of wisdom and character.” Millie jolted slightly at the new voice added to the conversation.
Her hazel hues lifted to find bright blue orbs and just like always, she couldn’t help but smile. “Good morning to you too, Castiel.” She tired to sound nonchalant as she walked past him.
“Good morning, Millie.” The angel smiled as he turned to follow her steps towards the kitchen. “Grey hair is just a sign of hard work and stress. I am surprised you don’t have more at your age.” He knew he had spoke wrong when she stopped dead in her tracks and whipped around to look at him.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Cas floundered as he tried to find the answer to her question.
“It means,” Dean’s hand clapped down on Cas’s shoulder and he brought himself to stand beside his friend. “That Cas has a bad case of foot in mouth disease. We’re getting him checked out, don’t worry.” He patted the angel’s chest firmly with a chuckle before moving into the room.
“I’m an angel, Dean. I can not catch a foot or mouth disease.” That made Millie’s eyes roll and her lips parted in a giggle.
Sam smacked Cas’s back  when the taller man moved around him. “What are we talking about now?”
“Cas’s disease.” Dean informed as he filled the coffee pot with water.
“Disease? Is it fatal?” Going along with the joke, Sam showed no sign of concern.
“It can be if he doesn’t shut his mouth soon.” Dean added.
“I’m perfectly healthy.” Cas commented with a wrinkled brow.
Millie touch was more gentle than her brothers. “We know, Cas.” But she was still giggling softly.
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rooveyst · 6 years
A friendly psa
Just a friendly reminder that while it’s okay to ship fictional characters, it’s not okay to ship the real actors that are portraying those characters.
Ex: shipping cas and dean from supernatural is okay. Shipping the actors (Misha Collins and jenson Ackles) is not. Both of these actors are married, Misha has 2 kids and jenson has 3.
Ex #2: shipping eleven and mike from stranger things is okay. Shipping the actors (Millie bobby brown and Finn wolfhard) is not. These kids are only 13 and 15 years old, And the duffer brothers (the creators of stranger things) have said that if the shipping of the actors doesn’t stop that they might have to kill off mike.
Ex #3: shipping Steve Rogers (captain America) and Bucky Barnes (the winter soldier) is okay. Shipping the actors (Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan) is not. Those guys are just good friends. They’re not, never have been, or probably ever gonna be, in a relationship.
Liking and shipping a fictional pair is one thing, but bringing it into the actual actors life’s is another. Just stop. It’s not okay and it’s makes a lot of actors really uncomfortable.
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because-i-simp · 2 years
Get To know the Mun!!!
OKAY!! ALL RIGHT ALREADY!!! I have been tagged THREE TIMES with this shit by my favorite twins once each--and an aditional fluffy pink spider on my main-- on my Angel Blog--AND my OC blog!! THE SHY AWKWARD SIMP SHALL SPEAK OKAY!?
But let it be noted that @pinkpizzapastaspiderprincess22 and @angeldustedwebofhearts @get-dusted 
Tagged by: The assholes (lying) that I mentioned above-- The wonderful twins @pinkpizzapastaspiderprincess22 and @angeldustedwebofhearts  and @get-dusted (( I got twinned, that’s not fair and totally cheating by the way TWINS ARE MY WEAKNESS!!)
Three Ships:
and idk if this counts-- but OCX Canon ships because LOVE
--unless this is meant to be like my currently active ships? In that case I have ONE-- AracknissXRoxenne (Aroxniss)
---Look guys I am a SIMP I have way too many ships, get together with me we can talk LOL
Canon Ships:
Destiel (Dean Winchester X Castiel) (Supnatural) --I haven’t finished all of the series yet my heart isnt ready so maybe it’s not canon but IN MY HEART it is canon
Millie X Moxie
Sam Winchester x Gabriel (Supernatural)<--- I have never thought of this??? but I am keeping this shit here because SUPERNATURAL and uhm CURIOUS???
First EVER Ship:
Uhm I think the first time I ever got serious about shipping was probably the YuGiOh GX era shipping Rival Shipping Chazz X Jaden LMAO
Currently consuming:
...A can of Soda (Pepsi if ya wanna know) 😅
Last Song:
"Use Me Up (Angel's Order)"- Paranoid DJ <---- Also this XD
Last Film:
Last film I watched wasactually Castle in the Sky like an hour or so ago LMAO
Currently Reading:
All my damn notifications on Tumblr like DAMN YALL GOT NO CHILL XD --jk jk I LOVE getting Notifications and interactions and asks and Tagging me in random ass shit 
I’m totally NOT looking at the three Spider bitches that tagged me for this
My turn to be the asshole and tag some bitches >:D
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daenerys-targaryen · 3 years
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  about me / before you follow for mobile users *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
info under the cut
Name: Leah Pronouns: She/her/they/them Age: Twenty-three Country: USA Race: White Sexuality: Bi / Queer / Pan / whatever Political party: Democrat / Liberal Zodiac sign: Capricorn MBTI: i-nfp
Tracking #userleah and I will reblog pretty much anything and everything if you tag me in it!
Past urls (I’ve had a lot): toonlovetothinkstraight, maybeyoulostyourself, thisloev, this-loves, iitwasrareiwasthere, stormborn-daenerys, isildurs, arwens, daenerystargaryenbitch, tayloralisionswift. thiisloveistreacherous, kingdomlightshined, 1989s, nowimyourdaisys, jumpsthenfall, begyouonmykneestostay, drugismybaby, likedaylight, howyougetthegirl, comeinwiththerain, daenerys-targaryen, 100letters, womenkilling
*This is meant to inform you, the potential follower, that I do not support and/or like the following things. You may still follow at your own discretion, but that means you may see posts about my dislike for them, etc. It also means that I will definitely NOT follow you back if I see any of this on your blog.
Below are the following things I DO NOT like/ or blog about. I suggest you don’t follow me if you:
Are homophobic, transphobic, biphobic, racist, sexist, islamophobic, albeit, pro-life/anti-abortion, antisemitic, pro-cop, a trump supporter, etc (basically if you’re just an awful person).
Are anti: Taylor Swift, Daenerys Targaryen, Arya Stark or Emilia Clarke
Ship: reylo, starker, thorki, jonsa, or kaylor
I will not reblog:
Harry Potter / Fantastic Beasts
Shadow and Bone
Rey x Kylo content
Below are the following ships/fandoms/people/characters I DO like/blog about. if you don’t like any of these, I suggest you do not follow me.
taylor swift
winona ryder
shane madej
ryan bergara
emilia clarke
keanu reeves
millie bobby brown
lil nas x
olivia rodrigo
billie eilish
sadie sink
andrew garfield
tom holland
vera farmiga
zoe kravitz
robert pattinson
the office
stranger things
the good place
buzzfeed unsolved / watcher
the witcher
once upon a time
disney / pixar / dreamworks
lord of the rings / the hobbit
star wars
the mummy
the hunger games
all spider-man films
detective piukachu
studio ghibli
how to train your dragon
pride and prejudice
the last of us (part 1 mostly)
buzzfeed unsolved
trixie mattel
technoblade (never dies!)
Joyce Byers x Jim Hopper
Katniss Everdeen x Peeta Mellark
Daenerys Targaryen x happiness
Ed Warren x Lorraine Warren (fictional)
Neo Anderson x Trinity
Geralt of Rivia x Yennefer of Vengerberg
Diana Prince x Steve Trevor
Peter Parker x Gwen Stacy
Peter Parker x Michelle Jones
Dean Winchester x Castiel
Eleanor Shellstrop x Chidi Anagonye
Jim Halpert x Pam Beesley
Piper Halliwell x Leo Wyatt
Joyce Byers
Jim Hopper
El Hopper
Max Mayfield
Will Byers
Frodo Baggins
Samwise Gamgee
Geralt of Rivia
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Ciri of Cintra
Katniss Everdeen
Peeta Mellark
Neo Anderson
Trinity (Matrix)
Daenerys Targaryen
Arya Stark
Lorraine Warren (fictional)
Norma Bates
Dean Winchester
Eleanor Shellstrop
Chidi Anagonye
Pam Beesley
Jim Halpert
Peter Parker (andrew!spidey specifically)
Tony Stark
Thor Odinson
Carol Danvers
Diana Prince
Bruce Wayne
Other stuff you should know about me:
I talk a LOT (so much so that I got the tag banned) and my talk tag is #leah rambles
ask tag is #leah has mail
Top three T albums are reputation (obv), folklore and fearless
I love music and will post random lyrics using the tag #song post
I love Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen with my entire fucking chest and I will defend her until my dying day
I love Taylor Swift and she follows this blog
She’s liked 18 posts
I hate Donald Trump with every fiber of my being and if you support him get off my blog
I am a dog and a cat person
I was in the Reputation Stadium Tour movie during All Too Well of ALL SONGS!!!!!!!!!
My favorite color is yellow and I have a tag dedicated to it (pink is my second favorite!!)
My birthday is December 30th
Furthermore, big three signs are: sun capricorn, moon gemini and rising aquarius
I’m an optimist and a romantic at heart
Follow me at your own discretion, ask me if you have questions.
Thank you for reading if you’ve made it this far! Have some memes that I think describe me:
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atc74 · 4 years
Soul to Souls - Twenty
Warnings: Mentions of labor, fluff, some more fluff, worried!Dean, fluff...it is just a huge fluff fest
Summary: Since she was four years old, Annaleigh has seen the same boy in her dreams. For twenty-five years, she grows to love the boy that has now turned into a man. Dean Winchester just lost the only family he has ever known. The guilt drives him to work harder than ever before. He works to forget the pain, until he meets Annaleigh and she turns his world upside down. What she learns changes both of their lives forever, but what will he do when he discovers the truth? Will he accept it or run back to the only life he has ever known?
Pairing: Dean x OC Annaleigh
Word Count: 1650
Beta’d by: @amanda-teaches​, @katehuntington​, thank you both for being my guides! Dividers and cover art by the amazingly talented @talesmaniac89​.
A/N: This was my very first series I ever wrote four years ago in September 2016 and I am so happy and proud to bring this back home. Thank you to everyone that is enjoying the story so far. You’re probably going to get a couple chapters a week, trying to wrap this up before the new series starts.
This is the very end. Thank you so much to everyone for sharing this journey with me, a second time. I hope you love this little family as much as I do!
Like Dean’s scent? Buy it here from @scentsfromthebunker!
Soul to Souls Master List
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Sam arrived at the hospital the next morning with the twins in tow to meet the newest member of their family. Dean greeted his brother and his two older children. Holding their daughter, Annaleigh watched from her bed as he settled the twins into the large rocking chair in preparation to hold their baby sister. She gently transferred the baby into Dean’s arms, kissing him lightly. 
“Okay, you two. You have to be gentle now. She’s really tiny, okay?” Dean spoke to them softly as he set the baby on their combined laps. “Millie, Robby, this is your new sister, Sammie. Samantha Karen Winchester.” 
Dean glanced up from his children to catch his brother hastily swipe a hand across his face. “Come ‘ere.” 
“I thought you didn’t do chick flick moments,” Sam scoffed, trying to conceal his emotions. 
Dean pulled his brother in, hugging him tightly. “You know I love ‘em. But, don’t tell anyone, I’ll kill ya.” 
“Yeah, I know,” Sam laughed, sniffling. 
“Babe, I don’t want to interrupt your moment, but would you mind getting me some more ice?” Annaleigh held out the empty pitcher for him, and he grabbed it from her. 
“Coming right up. Sammy, watch them, please,” Dean called out to his brother as he left the room. 
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Annaleigh and Sammie were discharged with a clean bill of health later that day, and she was excited to get home. She may have just given birth, but it was still her husband’s birthday. She had texted Sam as soon as Dean left to pull their vehicle around, hoping everything was ready. Her phone buzzed in her hoodie, and she pulled it out to see a text from Sam. She smiled, knowing it was going to be perfect. 
“Are my girls ready to go home?” Dean smiled as he entered the hospital room. 
“Yeah, we’re more than ready, Daddy.” Anna returned his smile, ensuring Sammie was strapped into her carrier, the cover ready to be zipped up to keep the frigid January wind out. 
“Okay, Mama, here we go,” Dean announced, throwing his wife’s bag over his shoulder before gently picking up their newborn. Anna grabbed the diaper bag, and they headed home with their new baby. 
With precious cargo in the backseat, Dean drove slower than normal. He checked on his girls frequently through the rearview mirror of the new three row sport utility vehicle. He had given up driving Baby on a regular basis when the twins were born, but when they found out they were expecting another baby, Dean insisted on a larger truck, so his family was safe and sound. He now only drove his beloved Impala on date nights with his wife. 
Rolling to a stop right in front of the walk, he hurried from his seat to help Anna out of the back. “Okay, Red, take it easy.” Dean held her hand as she slipped from the captain’s seat. He quickly went to the other side to grab the carrier before helping Anna to the door. 
“Hey, pretty girl,” Dean cooed, gazing down at his newborn daughter. “Welcome home.”
Annaleigh made her way through the door with Dean right behind her. He set the baby carrier down then turned back to retrieve the bags from the truck. Anna peaked around the corner of the archway to see everyone ready. She winked quickly at Sam before reaching down and releasing the straps to gently lift the Sammie into her arms. She joined the rest of the family in the kitchen to wait for her husband. 
They heard Dean’s heavy footfalls on the porch before the door opened once more. “Red? Where’d you go?” He removed his boots and walked around the corner into the kitchen to find his family. 
“Happy birthday!” The extended Winchester clan exclaimed, catching Dean by surprise. 
His eyes slowly scanned the room, taking in the faces of his family. His incredible wife and their new daughter, standing with their almost four year twins. The smiling face of his brother, his arm around their neighbor, Jody. Bobby, his surrogate father, and Castiel, the angel who raised him from perdition. Dean felt his eyes well up, finally allowing himself to let out the overwhelming flow of emotions he had experienced in the last twenty-four hours. 
From the apprehension when Annaleigh went into labor, to the fear that something would go wrong during the birth, to the joy and relief when Sammie finally took her first breath. To have his family, the people most important to him on the planet, in one room, meant more to him than he could possibly express in words. He didn’t even know if the words existed for what he was feeling. 
Anna passed the baby to Jody, before rushing to Dean and engulfing him in her arms for the first time since before their daughter was born. “Happy birthday, Baby.” 
Dean let the tears flow freely as he held tight to his wife. “I love you, Red. Thank you so much for this.” 
“Daddy! Daddy!” Millie and Robby ran over to Dean, each holding a gift for their dad. 
Dean lowered himself to wrap his arms around his children, bringing them both into a bear hug. When he released them, he took their proffered gifts, holding onto them to open later. 
“Happy birthday, brother.” Sam engulfed his brother in a warm embrace, like so many they had shared before. 
“Thanks, Sammy.” Dean clapped his brother on the back before letting go. He exchanged quick hugs with Cas and Bobby, before reaching Jody. 
“Thank you for being here for my family,” he expressed his gratitude and lightly kissed her cheek. “And, you’re good for my brother. I’m happy for you two.”
Jody smiled, a blush creeping up her cheeks as she glanced over at Sam, holding his new niece, looking happier than he had been in years. “Thank you, Dean. I’m happy, too.” 
“Daddy, open your pwesents!” Robby hollered, shaking them in front of him. 
Dean took the less than subtle hint from his son and sat down at the table. “Which one should I open first?” He looked between his two oldest children, a smirk on his face. 
“Mine!” They yelled out together. 
“No mine.” Millie shoved her gift out. 
“No, Millie. I said mine!” Robby protested. 
“Hey, hey. Calm down, both of you,” Annaleigh broke up the potential fight before it could really get started. “Your sister is sleeping, and it’s Daddy’s birthday. This is not how you act, is it?” 
“No, Mama. I’m sorry,” Millie murmured. 
“I’m sorry, Mama,” Robby echoed. 
“Okay, now please have some patience. Daddy will open them when it is time for presents, okay?” 
“Yes, Mama,” they replied in unison. 
“Well dinner is ready to be served, if anyone is hungry,” Jody announced to the family. 
“Yes! I’m freaking starving!” Dean exclaimed, the group laughing, because when wasn’t Dean hungry?
“I’m going to put the baby down,” Annaleigh said, taking her from Sam’s arms. 
“I’ll come with you,” Dean said. “We’ll be back soon.” 
They climbed the stairs hand in hand. Thankfully, Sam and Jody had moved the bassinet and baby monitor to their bedroom. Annaleigh gingerly laid Sammie down on her back, swaddled tightly. She was already asleep, and they held their collective breath, hoping she would stay that way for at least an hour or two. After a few minutes, they closed the door and headed back to the kitchen for dinner, baby monitor in hand. 
The mood in the kitchen was jovial. The Winchesters had much to celebrate that night, not just Dean’s birthday, but the birth of another child, a healthy family, and good friends. Watching his family, Dean decided he couldn’t be happier than he was at that moment. 
“Is it time for pwesents now?” Robby groaned. 
“Yeah, buddy, it is,” Dean laughed. He closed his eyes and blindly reached for the pile of presents. He opened his eyes and started tearing into the paper to reveal a picture of him and Millie, inside a frame that read “Daddy’s Number One Girl”. 
Millie threw herself into Dean’s arms. “I love you, Daddy. Happy birthday.”
“Thank you, baby girl. I love you, too.” 
“Okay, Robby, your turn.” Dean opened the second present on the table, and was again met with a picture of himself, this time with his son, under the hood of the Impala, both of them smiling ear to ear, with grease on their faces. The frame read “Mechanic in Training”.
“Buddy, thank you. I love this, so much. I know you’re going to take good care of Baby someday.” 
“Love you, too, Daddy. I pwomise I will.” Robby wrapped his arms around Dean’s neck. 
“Thank you guys so much for being here.” Dean smiled, filled with emotion, meeting each of their eyes as he looked around the room. 
“Babe, there is one more,” Annaleigh came up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist, a present in her left hand. 
“Red, you gave me a baby for my birthday, what else could you possibly give me that I don’t already have?” 
“Just open it, dude,” Sam demanded. He was sitting across from Dean, Jody pulled into his side. 
Dean carefully pulled back the paper. Inside he found another picture, this one of all three of his children. The frame read Daddy’s Little Angels. He sniffed slightly, a tear rolling down his cheek. “When did you take this?” 
“Sam took it this morning when you went to get me more ice chips,” Annaleigh told him. 
Dean collected himself for a moment, breathing deeply. “I don’t know what to say.” 
At that moment, Dean knew his happiness knew no limits. He knew each day would be different, and there would be good days, bad days, and great days. But, his happiness would grow by leaps and bounds, just like his love for his family.
Did you like it? The nicest thing you can do for a writer is reblog their work and tell them, and others, how much you like it!
Soul to Souls tags: @emoryhemsworth​​ @flamencodiva​​ @iwantthedean​​ @jensengirl83​​ @deanwanddamons​​ @smol-and-grumpy​​ @kbl1313​​ @waywardbeanie​​ @whatareyousearchingfordean​​ @princessmisery666​​ @shy-violet-soul​​ @lastcallatrockysbar​​ @winchesterxfamilybusiness​​ @fangirlxwritesx67​​ @squirrelnotsam​​ @michellethetvaddict​​ @magssteenkamp​​ @wonder-cole​
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stiles-o-dylan24 · 4 years
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Here is where I will put a request that was sent in that I have accepted and am currently working on plus a rough schedule of when it will be posted. If you would like to send in a request please read the guidelines here first!
My requests are currently closed until I get through these, however, feel free to send any in to me still. The closed status is for the sole purpose of there not being a schedule right now and I don’t want to make you wait while I try to get my life sorted. So if you’re wanting something quickly, just keep that in mind when you send something in to me for the time being.
Join my Taglist here
Requests accepted and are WIPs as of 2nd Nov 2023
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◆ I'm a sucker for those fics where the reader is there from the start in the maze and see her through all that happened but that's a lot of work and I won't ask you to do that if you're full of work and other things bc that's a lot 😅 idk maybe reader is taken from WIKED with minho and they safe her and newt doesn't die so they have an happy ending and much fluff, kisses, love (maybe angst when she thinks he's dead but plot twist he's not they got there in time with the serum) - request submitted by anon
I Will Follow You || Newt x OC (Emmie)  final edits stage - scheduled to start posting: 2024 
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◆ FFH Rewrite || Peter x Stark!OC(Millie) - requested by anon
You’re My Home  writing process - scheduled to post: 2024
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◆ 9-1-1 Rewrite || Eddie x OC (Avery) - requested by anon
Spark the Flame outlining process - scheduled to post: tba 
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◆Steve Rodgers marvel rewrite || Steve x OC (Caroline) - requested by anon
A Product of War  outlining process - scheduled to post: tba 
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◆ Teen Wolf Movie in IABY universe w/ Staddy 
IABY the movie outlining process - scheduled to post 2024
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unnamed outlining process - scheduled to post tba
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◆ Heloo don't know if someone already asked you this, but my TikTok is randomly full of criminal minds edits after a while and my love for the show (spencer Reid) is back now and I just wanted to know if you would ever consider writing a story about him? All I want is some angst kidnapping shit and girl I remember your angst scenes on IABY and let me tell you, masterpiece, so just so you know, I would love to read something about Mr Spencer Reid (and I just think you are full with a lot of writing now with every story that you wanna post so obv there is no rush and I will patiently wait for it, if you want to/feel like writing something NO PRESSURE PLS I PROMISE)Just do your think babes, I trust you completely, just a little nice angst to cry about (possibly with a happy ending but it's on you)  - request submitted by anon
unnamed outlining process - scheduled to post 2024
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◆ can you write something like stiles being and alpha and having to turn the reader (they're both in love with each other but are oblivious to it) so when the reader is in heat stiles can't control himself and they end up having sex and confessing their feelings for each other - request submitted by anon 
Be My Luna  writing stage - scheduled to post: 2024 
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◆ heyy i don't know if you're taking requests but if you are could you do a fic where brett is bullying liam or something and y/n dunbar protects him and starts raging on brett and then he kisses her - like all fluffy and cute. btw i love your works they're frickin awesome - request submitted by anon
You’re an Idiot  writing stage - scheduled to post: 2024
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◆ Staddy first time extended scene to include the *smut* - request submitted by a lot of you ;)
IABY Chapter 59 writing stage - scheduled to post: 2024 
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◆ IABY Addy’s 18th bday *smut* - request submitted by a lot of you
Tattoos & Birthday Cake   writing stage - scheduled post: 2024
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◆ Once everything calms down for you...what can I do to get you to write a Castiel x OC or even better Misha x OC? Pretty please with a Cherry 🍒 on Top! The OC should be short, with blue and purple hair. Is quick witted and sassy. For a story with Cass, she could be Bobby's niece or Winchester step-sister closer to Sam's age so she is not so young. She could run an inn that is suddenly haunted and calls the boysin for help. For Misha...an AU like a Crossing Jordan or Bones scenario...She’s a med examiner or lab tech. He's the detective or FBI agent. - request submitted by @stixnstripesworld​
unnamed outlining stage - scheduled post: tba 
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◆ IABY extended scene/add on scene- Addy confining in Stiles about her wolf’s bane hallucination she saw from season 2 - request submitted by anon
IABY Chapter 57 writing stage - scheduled post: 2024
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◆ hey i know your not taking request right now but, I just rewatched how to lose a guy in ten days and I was wondering wether you could do a stiles stilinski au series where he makes a bet that he can get any woman to fall in love with him and the reader is journalist and she writing an article about how you can get a playboy to settle down as i love your writing and would die if you would do something like this? Thank you in advance! - request submitted by anon
unnamed outlining stage - scheduled to post: tba 
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◆ Crossover of Teen Wolf & SPN, OC sister!winchester and ultimate love interest being Stiles- set in college years. Smut if you’re comfortable, either one shot or maybe a mini series? Whatever you’d like! - request submitted by anon
unnamed outlining stage - scheduled to post: tba 
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◆ Okay not sure if you’re still taking request but, I want to know if you can do one with Isaac and reader where he comes back from France and tries to get back on her good side. And he ends up having to help save her (the reader insert and maybe it starts off angsty and fluffy at the end) - request submitted by @mya-bleu
unnamed outlining stage - scheduled to post: 2024
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◆ But maybe a derek x reader fic or something where she's pregnant? The pack suspect something but don't realise it until Scott senses she's pregnant cuz he can hear the heartbeat or smell her hormones changing. They ask if she's told Derek and she hasn't but she realises if Scott could tell then Derek must too and when she finally tells him, he's like "yeah I knew, I could tell a couple of weeks ago like Scott but wanted to wait until you were comfortable enough to tell me" and they're really excited to have a baby of their own? Thank you!! Sorry if its a long and complicated request too! - request submitted by @sunwardsss​
12 weeks writing stage - scheduled to post: 2024
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◆ A request please where the reader and Derek make a bet to see how long it takes the pack to realise they're together and the winner gets whatever they want from the other 😂 - request submitted by anon
Can’t Get Enough writing stage - scheduled to post: 2024
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◆ I'm really sorry for making a request when they're closed but I hope you don't mind me asking, ever since you said you'd write for Chris I haven't gotten it out of my mind. Reader is one of the high school teachers and has to do parent teacher conferences and the reader and Chris just hit it off immediately and start seeing each other in secret but the pack and Allison eventually find out? - submitted by anon
Conferences & Secret Kisses writing stage - scheduled to post: 2024
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If you have sent in a request and do not see it on this list that means 1 of 2 things:
I have already answered your ask and either I’m choosing not to fulfill the request OR I need a question answered or more info to complete your request so search through my page under the tag of your username and #requested
or tumblr impersonated a Dino and ate your ask so please send it in again!
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Non Requested WIPs 
◆ Scary Movie Night - Steve Harrington
writing stage - scheduled to post tba
◆ Give Me a Chance - Steve Harrington
writing stage - scheduled to post tba
◆ From Work With Love
writing stage - hiatus but planning to start posting again 
◆ Soulmate Mitch Rapp collab with @lettersofwrittencollective​
◆ 25 Puzzle Piece Bingo - mixed between Stiles, Stefan & Dean
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Rewrites I Am Wanting to Start 
◆ Outer Banks - JJ x OC (Cordelia)
Our Paradise on Earth outlining process - scheduled to post tba
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◆ 9-1-1 - Eddie x OC (Avery)
Spark the Flame outlining process - scheduled to post tba
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◆ The Walking Dead - Daryl x OC (Maddie)
You’re All I Need outlining process - scheduled to post tba
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◆ Pretty Little Liars - Jason DiLaurentis x OC (Aubree)
The Games We Play outlining process - scheduled to post tba
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◆ Game of Thrones - Robb Stark x OC (Eleana)
Survive the Great War outlining process
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◆ The Last of Us
unanmed outlining process - scheduled to post tba
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◆ The 100 - Bellamy Blake x OC
unnamed outlining process - scheduled to post tba
23 notes · View notes
drakesroyalromance · 4 years
Master list of my writing:
Drake x MC: Ongoing:
just crash (it’s our time now): Stuck in a situation that is her definition of shitty, Riley asks Drake a very personal favour. Ongoing.
Sneak peek
Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Letting go: Liam attends the wedding he thought he was going to have.
six (ish) sentence sunday: Riley’s slightly sadistic dream comes true.
I’m the Bad Guy (duh): Emma has an accident the morning after her engagement to Drake in the safehouse that turns everyone’s world upside down. Nothing will be the same, no matter how hard Drake tries. Co-written with @mind-reader1.
Chris x MC:
that’s why (i still get jealous): With the future looming ahead, Chris and MC try to figure out if they fit into each other’s tomorrows. Takes place between chapters 8 and 9 of The Senior.
Jake x MC:
i don’t wanna miss out on the holiday (but i can’t stop staring at your face): On her Christmas vacation with Diego, Millie runs into the person she was least expecting and most hoping to see again. Takes place after the Rourke ending.
Damien x MC:
She watched as the light danced in Damien’s eyes.
“Sloane, Hayden, I’m glad you’re both here.”
Liam x MC:
“Are you sugar personified or something?”
Dean x Castiel:
Third wheel: Co-written with @mind-reader1. Part 1
Part 2
Betty x Jughead:
Birthday: It's the second time Betty and Jughead will be celebrating his birthday as a couple - and Betty is determined to make it better than the first.
[A one-shot for the International Fanworks Day prompt: What does your favorite character—or your favorite pairing—get fannish over?]
Punish you: “Because if you did..I might have to punish you.”
Love and Confusion: When his life long friend Betty confesses her love for him, Jughead is forced to introspect his own feelings.
[An AU in which Betty and Jughead never dated in Season 1. Inspired by One Tree Hill's Lucas and Peyton.]
Fool me once: When the Black Hood targets Betty for a second time, Jughead Jones is clear on one thing: He's not going to lose his girlfriend again.
High on you: The five times Betty Cooper pretended like she was fine, and the one time she didn't; featuring the person who never stopped noticing.
in another life (i would make you stay): When he asks her for forever, he doesn't expect to take away their right now.
we fell in love (as the leaves turned brown): They both thought they knew what coming back to their hometown for the summer after a year away at college would entail. They definitely did not expect to be working with each other.
Or to like it as much as they do.
if you can’t be next to me (your memory’s ecstasy): Can trust, once broken, ever be rebuilt?
Slightly tipsy + attracted to your lips
An unhappy marriage
Broken down car
An unconventional way of saying I love you
Karaoke machine
Broken promise
Under the bed + the wrong person + words I can’t say
Gossip Girl:
Dan x Serena:
Different: An AU of Dan & Serena where Dan publishes a different version of his Serena chapter - the "wrong" one.
Set in 6×08, It's Really Complicated.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 6 months
Whisper on a Star Chase
Whisper on a Star Chase https://ift.tt/v5LwFGP by Stardust_Warrior The Men of Letters remained a powerful secret society, and like all secret societies, infiltrated various government organisations to keep an eye on things. Agent Dean Winchester is a legacy and after busting his ass at the FBI’s Kansas City field office for five years, he has finally moved onto the big leagues in DC, handpicked to partner with the enigmatic Agent Castiel Novak who is in charge of the Supernatural Files, also known as the S-Files. Castiel is determined that the supernatural exists and will defy everything and everyone to prove it, especially when it comes to unravelling the mysteries of his own past. Dean is well aware that the supernatural exists, but his job is to disprove Castiel’s findings, and keep him from finding out what’s really out there in the dark. Which would be easier if he weren’t insanely attracted to him. An attraction that may not be entirely one-sided either. Words: 4526, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Multi Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Sam Winchester, Mary Winchester, John Winchester, Samuel Campbell, Deanna Campbell, Millie Winchester, Henry Winchester, Rufus Turner, Bobby Singer (Supernatural), Eileen Leahy, Daphne Allen, Garth Fitzgerald IV, Anna Milton, Ellen Harvelle, Jo Harvelle, Jody Mills, Donna Hanscum, Other Character Tags to Be Added Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, John Winchester/Mary Winchester, Ellen Harvelle/Bobby Singer, Deanna Campbell/Samuel Campbell, Henry Winchester/Millie Winchester Additional Tags: Original Character(s), Alternative Universe - FBI, Human Castiel (Supernatural), Enemies to Lovers, Inspired by The X-Files, Background Case, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, John Winchester's A+ Parenting, Bisexual Dean Winchester, Demisexual Castiel (Supernatural), Eventual Smut, Everyone deserves better, Alternate Universe - Men of Letters (Supernatural), Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Castiel and Dean Winchester Have a Profound Bond, Dom/sub Undertones via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/LnNVXuc January 03, 2024 at 10:27PM
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'You're the best Man of Letters'
Characters: Henry Winchester x (male)Reader ; Sam Winchester ; Dean Winchester ; Abaddon ; mentions of Josie, Child John W. And Millie.
Warnings: Spoilers of S8 and S9.
~ SPNmasterlist ❤~
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'Henry will be a man of letter soon, so he'll need some help to be around the bunker without getting lost or something wrongs, if you dont have a problem with that we was espected you could help him. Mister (Y/L/N)'
(Y/N) smiles a bit, you're a man of letters and you always want to help the new members when they enter in the secret society. 'Yes sir, I'll be glad to help him' Your boss smile and shake your hand with you, you stay in the room waiting to your boss get the new member.
'So, Henry this is (Y/N) (Y/L/N). He'll be your coworker, whatever you need you only have to ask him.'
'Yes sir.' Henry smile to you 'Good morning, my name is Henry Winchester. Nice to meet you'
You looked him, feeling yourself get blushed, he was a gorgeous man. 'The plasure is mine.' You said, shakin your hands with his. You can't help with that but you start to feel like Henry and you in sometime will be more than coworkers, maybe he'll become a good friend after all. You look at his hand and see the little ring in his finger, maybe he is married. 'Oh, congratulations '
'Thanks you' He said before move his hands behind him. 
'May I... Can I ask how long ago you got married?' You asked to him before leaved the room with Henry behind you. 'My apologies if that was a personal question, I didn't mean that to make you feel unconfortable'
Henry laughed a bit and you felt your heart beats faster for two seconds, you get blushed. You didn't know that, but you're going to fall for a married man. You shake your head before still walking with Henry. 'So, I gonna show you the bunker and you can ask me anything in the proced. It's okey?'
' Perfect, thank you very much sir. And my apologis if you get involved to do all of this for my fault.'
'No, its okey.' You said, smiling at him. 'I always be glad to help you, so please callme (Y/N).' Henry smile a bit, starting to follow you when you leaved the room. 
Time pass faster and you were so glad to meet him more, Henry was a very interesting person and, for you, He'll be the most pefect Man of Letters. He told you about his wife Millie and his little son's John, the way he spoak about them with you proved the truly love he feels for his family. You didn't talk a lot about you, there is nothing you can tell him, you were just an orphan, your father was a hunter and he was killed by a demon when you was five years old. Your mother, well, she leaved you when you was a baby.
'You really love your family, that's wonderful.' You said to him, he smiled to you. Both of you were in the library, searching for a spellbook for certain information you need to get to help a hunter.
'Thanks you, but what about you?' You looked down to the floor and take a breath before talk
'I'm alone, my mother left me when I was a baby and my father died in a demon hunt.' You left the book on the table, seaching the spell list. 'Nor a girlfriend, I never had dates. So, I'm always be very lonely.'
'(Y/N)... My apologies, I- I should not have asked that ' He give you a little smile, you didn't look at him and that make him feel bad with himself. ' I'm sorry ' He puts his hand on your cheeks, making you looks at his eyes. 'Don't be sad for my mistake, just forget it and smile. its okey? You have a wonderfull smile.' You will never tell him the strange feeling growned inside you in that moment, but you only want to get lost in his eyes. You never liked another mans before him, but Henry it was diferent to any person on the world, you like it, you like the way he's unique.
You love him, but he is married and never will looked you the way you start to look at him
' (Y/N)? ' Henry asked you, with worry in his eyes. You were looking him in silence with tears in your eyes. Did I hurt you so bad with my question? ' Please don't cry.'
' I'm sorry.' You said, cleaning you tears from your cheeks, Henry still in from you but this time he has his hands on your sholders. 'It's okey, we - we need to finish our work.' You'll go to read the book but Henry didn't let you go from his hands. ' Henry, I'm fine.'
'No, you not.' He said before hugs you.
You can't tell him, you're starting to love him, a marriage man with a little child, and it was scaring you. 'I'm sorry Henry.'
'For what?'
That time you didn't anwser him, you just cried in silence in his arms. For the next three days you didn't pass a lot time with him, you feel strange when Henry talks with Josie or another person on the Bunker. Henry tried to talk with you about your emotions and your sad look on your face, but you excuse yourself saying it's nothing and everything will be okay. but isn't, because you fall in love with him and you know that will be a problem, you know probably Henry only see you like a little brother.
'(Y/N)! We- We need to talk' Henry said, trying to stop you. Both of you, an also Josie, are going to be sent to a religious convent on Milton, Illinois, before you two left you will need a little reseach for the case. You look at him, you were to tired and hurt to ignoring him anymore. 'Can we talk (Y/N)?'
' why not?' You smiled, trying to get away from him. Henry stop you against the wall.
'Why are you like this?'
'What are you talking about?' You asked, looking at his eyes, " He looks worry, but why? I'm just a collegue for him, he have a wife and a son. "
'You- you were so... I dont know what I did or what I said, I dont know what I did to hurt you like that... You are not yourself and I'm worry about you.' Henry sigh, he was nervious. In the last days, he noticed how important you're for him. 'I need to know... Because I really care about you (Y/N)' You find yourself brushing hard and looking at the floor. 
'I...' You said, but another person broke the little moment saiding something to you two. Your boss was seaching you, because its time to go to your mission. Henry looks disapointlet with the interrumtion, but he is more relaxed because he knows you will talk to him about this later. 'Lets go Henry, we have a long travel to do' You smiled at him, and Henry retorn it to you and grabbed your hand. 
'What ?'
He was trying to tell you, to tell you how special you are for him, how many things he was feeling for you. But he didn't, He couldn't tell you anything. And that was killing him, because on Milton you got possesed by Abaddon and she slaughter the Mans of Letters the day of his inisiation.
He never spected to travel to the future, he never spected had to kill you to save the life of his grandsons. Unlucky, before get the shot from Dean's weapon Abaddon left your body, making the three Winchester see you die slowly for the bullet on your abdomen.
'(Y/N)!' Henry scream and caught your body in his arms, Sam and Dean hurry up and try to call  Castiel to saved your life but it was to late, the angel it was bussy and you was losing many blood. 'Everything will be okey, just stay with us (Y/N)' Henry voice sound so weak, like if He was going to cry.  
'Henry... I'm sorry, she was trying to - to possesed your body and I- I was scared, because I didn't want to lose you..' You whisper to Henry, he was alive because of you saved his life in 1958, and that makes you happy. 'You was... Under my supervision...' Henry looked how you skin lose his natural colour and become  pale. 'I'm proud of you... You are the best... Man of Letters ' He smile a bit sadness in his eyes, '(Y/N) you are the best Man of Letters.' You smiled at him 
'I... love you Henry'  
Henry lose his smile and tears were slowly down in his cheeks.
'I'm sorry (Y/N)... I love you too...' He kissed you on your lips and you smiled a bit before closed your eyes.
'Dude, wow. ' Dean said, Sam was impacted to. 'I saw many weird things but I never spected to see my young grandfather kissing an another man after shot him' Sam punch him in his shoulder, 'Dude, C'mon! We need to find where Abaddon is.'
'I'm going to stop her.' Henry said, with a dark tone on his voice. 'And you two, are going to help to find the way to kill that monster. '
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