#minato is all grown up now!! look at him!!
cobaltfluff · 2 years
sobbing... seiya... nikaido... my best boys..... ksdjdshjkhh i cant articulate my feelings right now... but all i can say is 🥺😭😭😭
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issybee06 · 6 months
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(adj.) emotionally confused or uncertain
The mission wasn't supposed to go this way. It was a B-ranked mission that took the two teams four days in the middle of the Earth country to complete, and they were just on their way home.
Kakashi should have foreseen this somehow, despite being just a Chunin with no Dōjutsu to see into the future. He still should have been prepared.
They all should have.
The enemy had strung on them when they were at their lowest, chakra exhausted from a previous battle.
Kakashi hadn't seen the man grab you, nor had he seen the blade covered in poison being stabbed into you, all he saw was the expression of pure terror Rin had on her face as she witnessed the scene.
He heard though, the screams of Kushina as she raced to you. The cried of Gai as Genma held him back from running after his sensei. Minatos calls to head to the cottage a mile back.
Now here he was, standing in the doorway of the Cottage as Rin and Kushina frantically tried to save you.
Obito, Genma, and Gai sat on the porch, eyes trained forward in horror. If you died… you'd be the first friend any of them had lost.
Kakashi, he didn't turn away. He watched as Rin, with tears streaming down her face, dug through all her medical bags searching for her antidotes.
He watched as Kushina grabbed a kunai to cut open your shirt and sports bra, and he watched as Minato held your hair back as you leaned over the shitty old kitchen table to throw up your own blood.
Your face, sweaty and flushed from the fever that was beginning to rise. Your pretty eyes that he had caught himself looking at were blinking tiredly. Your hair was wet, stuck to your face and knotted around your head.
Kakashi couldnt look away.
You were still pretty, he thought. Even if you looked like death.
Minato had to force him, pulling him away from the scene as Kushina pulled the fabric from your front, exposing the wound.
“You don't want to see this.”
Good Minato, who despite dealing with three kids in the middle of the war, still tried to keep them somewhat pure from the horrors of this world.
Kakashi, as soon as he turned away, knew you were going to die.
You had been insignificant to him for most of your lives, just another face in the classroom you two had shares.
You were nice, he knew that, but being nice got people killed and he was certain you'd die if you ever got into a battle. Back in the academy, you were quiet, nice, and friendly but insignificant to him.
You had changed since he had graduated before you, and left you to grow.
You turned into a fighter, not as good as Gai but you were above average. You fought with everything, all you had and it impressed Kakashi how much you grew.
Being Kushinas student must have done you some good, because you also held a fire similar to hers.
Maybe that’s why you had rushed to Genma, fighting the enemy that had knocked him out.
Maybe that’s why you had cut the man’s face, scarring him.
Maybe that’s why you were grab by your throat, held down and stabbed with the poison covered blade.
Maybe it was because now you were dying on a rotting table inside of an abandoned cottage in enemy woods.
Maybe it was because you were stupid, rushing to save your friend with no consideration for your life.
Maybe that's why he had grown to love you more than a teammate.
You used to be so insignificant in his life, but now you were everywhere.
*first post, might make this a series!*
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mixelation · 8 months
i was like "i should towards finishing my fics on ao3" and then i opened google docs and wrote some other nonsense instead
anyway here's the minato-and-naruto quasi time travel thing i keep threatening to write
The problem with Hiraishin accidents was that they tended to be… strange. Most jutsu accidents ended with an explosion or a blade slipping or something like that. Hiraishin accidents ended with you standing in random places, sometimes with random pieces of clothing missing. 
Minato was a little surprised to end up in a park, but not immediately worried. He was still in Konoha, and all of his clothes were in place. The interesting part was that when he tried his experiment, it had been 2 PM at the height of summer. Now it was dark and markedly cold. 
He was in a park near the outskirts of the village. Hokage monument loomed in the distance. 
Minato blinked a few times as his eyes adjusted to the dark. This end of the park had a playground for children. It had several street lamps, but half of them were out. He was currently standing next to a slide, which was covered in graffiti. These details seemed odd to him, as he’d been an advocate for Konoha’s park maintenance. Konoha sinking all their funding and manpower into the Third Shinobi War meant Minato had grown up playing on rusty and half-broken equipment, and he’d promised his unborn son that he’d have nicer places to play. 
Minato was never going to get to be a father, and he saw this as all the more reason to support infrastructure changes to improve the village for families that did have children. He owed it to baby Naruto. 
Ah, well. This park was pretty far out. Maybe it was somehow getting missed. Minato mentally filed the problem away to address after he’d figured out if he’d… blacked out for a while, or whatever had just happened. 
There was one other presence in the whole park. A little kid was playing in a sandbox. Minato wondered where the kids’ parents were, this late at night. 
Minato approached the kid, making sure to make enough noise to be noticed. The kid froze in the middle of making some sort of… sand pile… and looked up at Minato with suspicious eyes. 
“What?” the kid demanded. He had light colored hair sticking out from under a knit hat. He scowled at Minato very seriously, which was adorably hilarious on such a young face. “What do you want?”
He must not recognize me, Minato decided, amused. It was dark, and the kid was pretty young. 
Minato squatted at the edge of the sandbox. There were random patches of grass in the sand. The kid puffed himself up, his scowl still in place. 
“Hey, kid,” Minato said. “I need some help. Can you answer some questions for me?”
“What questions?” the kid asked. “I’m allowed to be here, you know!”
Minato felt his stomach tighten slightly at the wording. It was so close to how Kushina used to talk, and this kid was about the age Naruto would be… 
Get a grip, Namikaze, Minato thought. This type of distraction was probably why he’d screwed up the Hiraishin to begin with. He needed to focus. Lots of people probably happened to speak like Kushina. 
“Actually, the park is closed after dark,” Minato said gently, and the kid looked scandalized. It was very cute. Minato winked. “Don’t worry. I won’t tell anyone. Afterall, I’m here after closing too, aren’t I?”
The kid relaxed into a pout. He eyed Minato up and down, and Minato tried to look as friendly and unthreatening as possible. 
“You’re a ninja!” the kid finally said, visibly brightening. “You have a hitai-ate!”
He pointed. Minato grinned. 
“Sure am,” he agreed. 
“Then why do you need help from me?” the kid asked, eyes wide. 
At this point, it would have indeed been faster and more efficient to just teleport back to his office and ask an adult questions. But this kid was very cute, and Minato liked talking to the youth of Konoha. 
“I had a jutsu accident,” Minato said, very seriously. The kid’s eyes basically bulged out of his head. Adorable. “I’m afraid to tell any other ninja, in case they make fun of me. But you won’t make fun of me, will you?”
The kid got so excited he actually ended up on his feet, waving his arms intensely. Sand flew everywhere. 
“No way!” the kid yelled. “Everyone makes mistakes, you know! That’s what the old man says whenever I mess up, and I mess up a lot, you know. I don’t like when people make fun of me! So I won’t make fun of you, and if the other ninja make fun of you, I’ll beat them up for you!”
“Whoa, whoa!” Minato said, putting his hands up. This kid was enthusiastic. “That’s very nice of you, but you don’t need to beat anyone up for me, promise. Why don’t you hear my questions first?”
The kid took a deep breath. 
“Okay,” he said. 
“Do you know what time it is?” Minato asked. The kid shook his head. “Well, do you know what time you left your house?”
“I dunno,” the kid said. “But I didn’t come here from my house. I came from the Academy, you know! I’m training real hard to be a ninja too!”
The kid rambled for a bit, and Minato frowned as he listened to the story. The kid had had detention after class, after some prank he’d pulled on his teacher, and then he’d come immediately over to the park. He said he liked coming at night when the park was empty, because other children often wouldn’t let him play with the “good” equipment. 
“Usually I have to wait until after dinner,” the kid was saying. “But in winter it gets dark real early, you know!”
The kid did know the date. 
“Can you tell me… the year?” Minato said slowly. 
The kid told him.
If the kid was right, Minato had gone back in time five months. So that was… a new way for the Hiraishin to be messed up. What a terrifying discovery. 
When Minato, lost in thought, didn’t ask follow up questions, the kid was unperturbed. He continued to ramble about his ninja training. 
At least, if Minato really was back in time, it was only five months. If he couldn’t figure out how to undo it, he could just lay low those five months until his past self also winked out of time, and just step right back into his life. Unless that wasn’t how time travel worked…? Tobirama had written some theories on time travel and seemed to think it didn’t work that cleanly… 
“...and then I’m going to be Hokage!” the kid cried, pumping a fist in the air. 
Minato grinned, despite the situation. This kid was a riot. How had he not noticed him before? 
“I’m sure you will be,” Minato told him, reaching forward to place a hand on the kid’s hat, like he would to ruffle hair. “Thank you for helping me.”
Minato stood. He wanted to go to his office as soon as possible to get to work verifying he had time traveled, and maybe consult Tobirama’s old writings, but he also couldn’t just leave this kid alone. He’d drop him off at his home as quickly as possible, he decided. He’d love to see this kid’s reaction to realizing who he was. Or to getting to see his famous Hiraishin. 
“Hey, kid,” Minato said. “My name is Namikaze Minato. What’s yours?”
The kid didn't seem to recognize the name at all. But he beamed up at Minato, showing all his teeth. 
“This means we’re friends now, right?” the kid said. “I’m Uzumaki Naruto!”
The kid continued to ramble about how cool it was to have a ninja for a friend, but Minato couldn’t hear him. 
He couldn’t hear anything. He couldn’t see. He couldn’t breathe. 
Was this a joke? A sick prank by a villager? Or attack, even? A cruel, evil genjutsu, maybe? 
Minato suddenly wanted to flee, or maybe he wanted to fight, or to disappear forever. He had no name for this emotion, but he did push out his senses, tapping into his Hiraishin network. It lit up in his mind, scattered across the village. 
It was wrong. There were fewer markers than there should be. And… one extra one. 
Minato's gaze turned back to the kid in front of him. The kid had one of his markers in him, burning brightly at his stomach. 
“Hey, hey,” the kid said, taking Minato’s hand and tugging. “Are you alright, mister?”
Minato tried to dispel a genjutsu. Nothing happened. The kid was still staring up at him with blue eyes the exact shape of Kushina’s. 
“Na… naruto,” Minato said, the word feeling too intimate to be spoken out loud. The kid just blinked curiously up at him. “I… I need to take you home. Where are your parents?”
“Oh,” Naruto said. “Don’t worry about that! I don’t have any, so I can stay out as late as I want, you know.”
Minato stared at him. 
He sat on the edge of the sandbox. 
He stared at the kid some more. 
“Are you okay?” the kid asked, dubious. 
“Do you know who the Hokage is, Naruto?” Minato asked weakly. 
“Oh, yeah!” Naruto said. “Old man Third!”
“It’s not the Fourth?” Minato asked weakly. 
Naruto shook his head vigorously. “Nope! ‘Cause he’s dead.”
Minato did not have Tobirama’s theories on time travel memorized, but he had read through them. One theory was that true time travel wasn’t possible. Time was just infinite probabilities, constantly diverging with every decision anyone ever made, and one couldn’t go back in time because time simply wasn’t linear like that. 
But one could hop into a different probability. A different timeline, where things played out just slightly differently.
Minato also knew there was no way to fake a Hiraishin marker. His past self in this timeline made one and put it in this boy, the same way he’d wanted to do for baby Naruto when he realized the baby had to become the Kyuubi’s next container, before everything collapsed into Minato’s first and greatest failure as a father. 
Minato put his head between his knees and concentrated on breathing. 
“Whoa, mister!” Naruto cried and helpfully patted his back. “Are you sure you’re a ninja? You don’t seem very tough.”
Minato laughed weakly, staring at the dark grass from between his knees. “You said you wouldn’t make fun of me.”
“Yeah, well…” Naruto stuttered out. 
Minato sat up and looked at his son. It was too dark to see every detail of Nruto’s face, but now that Minato knew to look, he looked just like Kushina. He even had the unusually chubby cheeks Kushina had hated as a kid. 
He wanted to hug him, to kiss his cheeks and beg for forgiveness. 
He also knew that would probably freak the poor kid out. 
“Sorry, Naruto,” he said finally. “I have… I have more questions. Can we go inside somewhere?”
Naruto squinted at him. 
“Are you some kind of loser ninja?” he asked. “You’re crying.”
Minato laughed. He was crying. How embarrassing.
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seoheesoo · 6 months
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What if Sakumo were alive and how Kakashi's life would have changed after Naruto was born
[Part 6]
"I can't believe it's been nine months already!" - Obito said excitedly.
The teenagers arrived at the Namikaze family's house. Kakashi raised his hand to knock, but the front door suddenly opened. A young woman came out of the house.
"Tsunade oba-san!" - Kakashi smiled at the woman, who looked at the three teenagers with a surprised look.
"Kakashi! Look how you've grown!" - Tsunade extended her hand and patted the guy’s hair. - "Have you come to visit Kushina?"
The teenagers nodded.
"Come in, she just woke up", - Tsunade stepped aside. - "I'll go see Sakumo-san for now."
Obito and Rin bowed to the woman in farewell.
"Why do you call Tsunade-sama an aunt?" - Obito immediately asked as soon as the woman disappeared around the bend.
"Because Jiraiya is my uncle", - Kakashi shrugged and entered the house.
"So what?" - Obito screamed. - "You're always like this. You can never answer a question directly. You're annoying!"
"Be quiet", - Rin shushed him. - "You'll wake up the baby."
The teenagers took off their shoes and walked into the living room. The door to the bedroom was slightly open. Obito and Rin knocked and entered the room, while Kakashi hesitated at the entrance.
"Obito, Rin!" - he heard a woman's voice. - "Glad to see you."
"Kushina-san!" - Obito rushed to her first. - "How are you?"
The woman was lying on the bed. Traces of fatigue were visible on her face. She smiled softly at the worried teen and squeezed his hand tightly.
"I’m fine", - she reassured the guy.
Obito did not take his eyes off her, in which anxiety was noticeable. At the same time, Kakashi finally entered the room. While Obito and Rin were talking to Kushina, Kakashi moved closer to Minato.
"Do you want to hold him?" - asked the Fourth Hokage as soon as Kakashi was nearby.
Hatake nodded uncertainly. Minato smiled encouragingly at him and held out the child. Kakashi carefully picked him up and pulled him closer.
"Hey Naruto, wake up", - Minato bent over the baby. - "It's time to meet."
The child in Kakashi's arms began to stir. His eyelids fluttered and after a moment he opened his big, blue eyes. Kakashi turned his back to everyone and pulled the mask off his face with one hand. His lips stretched into a gentle smile.
"Hello Naruto", - he said softly. - "My name is Kakashi."
Naruto blinked.
"I’m so happy to finally meet you", - Kakashi leaned over the baby and touched his cheek with his finger. - "From this day on, I will be your big brother. And I will always be by your side. I give you my word."
"Kakashi! I want to hold Naruto too!" - he heard a loud voice behind him and quickly pulled the mask over his face.
"Wait", - he muttered and hugged the child tighter.
"Hey, that's not fair!" - Obito immediately pouted. - "Give him to me."
Kakashi shook his head stubbornly. Minato and Kushina laughed.
"Come on, Kakashi, let Naruto meet his other siblings", - Minato put his hand on the guy’s shoulder.
"Okay", - Kakashi muttered displeasedly and handed the baby to Rin.
Three years have passed since Naruto was born and four years since Minato assumed the post of Hokage. Konoha was rapidly changing under the leadership of the Fourth Hokage. The first thing Minato did was remove Danzo from all affairs and abolish the Root. As soon as Kakashi turned seventeen, Minato appointed him head of the ANBU. Not only focusing on changing the ANBU system, Minato also advocated reforming the police department. By concluding an alliance with the head of the clan, Fugaku Uchiha, with the support of Obito, Minato was able to change the attitude of the elders and residents of Konoha towards the entire Uchiha clan.
In addition to changes within the village itself, Minato actively advocated signing peace treaties with other villages and ending bloody wars. The long-awaited peaceful era of shinobi has arrived.
Kakashi was patrolling the borders when he suddenly felt familiar chakra. He stopped abruptly, and his team members immediately froze nearby.
"Go ahead, I need to check something."
Having waited for their nods, Kakashi headed towards the supposed location of the familiar chakra. He landed silently on a tree branch and glanced at the ground. In the middle of the edge of the forest stood a child. Kakashi jumped down. The child turned around and shuddered in fear.
"Naruto", - Kakashi called him quietly.
The boy covered his face with his hands in defense. Kakashi mentally cursed. The child had never seen him in his ANBU uniform before. Kakashi removed the Hound mask from his face and then quickly pulled off the black mask as well.
"Naruto", - he called the child again. - "It's me."
The boy slowly moved his hands away from his face and turned his gaze to the guy.
"Kashi nii-chan!" - with the speed of the wind, the boy rushed at Kakashi and hugged him tightly around the neck.
"I’m sorry I scared you", - Kakashi said softly, stroking the child’s back soothingly. - "What are you doing here? And why are you alone?"
Naruto was silent, still trembling slightly from the emotions he had experienced. Kakashi decided not to put pressure on the child, giving him time to come to his senses. After a few seconds, he felt a familiar chakra approaching. He quickly pulled his black mask over his face and carefully broke the hug from the boy.
"Genma, captain of the Hokage's personal guard", - Kakashi turned to the arriving guy and deliberately emphasized his position. - "Would you like to explain why the hell the son of the Fourth got lost in the forest alone?"
The guy put his palm forward and frowned.
"Do you remember that five days ago the Fourth sent me on a mission to Hidden Sand Village? I returned an hour ago and was immediately informed that Naruto had escaped."
"Escaped?" - Kakashi clenched his hands into fists. - "So, what did your incompetent subordinates tell you? Isn't it their responsibility to protect and monitor the Fourth's son? How could a three-year-old child escape from their surveillance? Do they even understand the danger they put him in? What if something happened to him?"
Genma jumped off the branch and came closer to the guy.
"According to them, in recent days he began to run away more and more often. And it became more difficult for them to find him."
"They also have the audacity to come up with excuses for themselves?" - Kakashi’s cold voice cut deeper and sharper than any dagger.
Genma glanced worriedly at his right hand, which was beginning to gather chakra. The accumulated chakra crackled and enveloped the guy's entire arm in blue bolts of lightning.
"They were very unlucky that it was not the Fourth who found out about this, but me. Minato sensei could have spared them, but I won’t", - Kakashi growled in a slow and low voice. - "I'll kill them."
"Kakashi, stop", - Genma took a step forward, standing in the guy’s path completely without any fear. - "You're scaring Naruto."
Lightning flashed and disappeared. Kakashi turned around and met the gaze of frightened eyes. Hatake dropped to one knee in front of the child.
"This is the second time I’ve scared you, I’m sorry", - Kakashi bowed his head guiltily.
"Kashi nii-chan, I didn’t mean to", - sobbed Naruto.
Big blue eyes filled with tears.
"I ran away and now you’re angry with me", - the child said in a broken voice, rubbing his eyes with small fists.
Kakashi's heart sank. He extended his hand and hugged the boy tightly.
"Naruto, I'm not angry with you", - he whispered, feeling hot tears on his shoulder. - "Listen to me carefully, Naruto Namikaze, I will never be angry with you. You will never disappoint me. And you should never be afraid of me. I will always be by your side to lend you a hand or lend my shoulder. I will always be behind you, protecting you and guiding you. You should never worry about this."
The boy's small arms hugged his neck tighter. Kakashi could feel the child's heart beating fast in his chest.
"Do you promise?" - the boy asked in a quiet voice.
"Promise", - Kakashi vowed, putting all his love and devotion into one word.
"I knew I would find you here", - Kakashi heard Guy’s voice, and then felt Might sit down next to him. - "You weren’t near the gate and I didn’t find you in the apartment. You usually meet me after missions. Something happened?"
Kakashi could feel his excitement. Guy knew him too well, he could read all of Kakashi's hidden feelings just by looking at him. Hatake felt Guy's hot hand gently squeeze his palm.
"It’s interesting how much has changed in the village in the three months that I was gone", - Guy decided not to put pressure on Kakashi and decided to continue the conversation, giving Hatake time to find the right words. - "Did Naruto acquire some new techniques? I can't wait to meet him tomorrow and show him some new moves."
Kakashi snorted quietly. Guy loved Naruto very much and if it were his will, he would spend every free minute with the child. Kakashi liked to watch them train while sitting under the shade of a tree with a book in his hands. Guy and Naruto were very similar to each other in Kakashi's eyes. Both had immense energy and literally glowed from within, like two bright suns. And usually, when Guy went on long missions, Naruto's company brightened up the days of waiting for Kakashi. But not at this time.
"I’ve been having nightmares a lot lately", - Kakashi said in a hoarse voice.
Guy tensed.
"Every night I dreamed that I was losing everyone I cared about. Father, Duy-san, Obito, Rin, Minato sensei, Kushina-san, Jiraiya ji-san… They all died right in front of me, and there was nothing I could do to save them. I just watched helplessly as they left."
Guy silently listened to Kakashi's monologue. Hatake could feel how carefully and tenderly Guy squeezed his hand.
"And every night I woke up with a scream in my throat", - Kakashi sighed heavily and turned to face the guy. - "But, you know, there was something that helped me break out of these nightmares and come to my senses."
Guy waited with bated breath to hear the continuation of the story.
"You", - Kakashi finally said.
Guy's gaze warmed. The tense shoulders relaxed and the corners of the lips curled into a soft smile.
"Thinking about you brought me to my senses", - Kakashi continued. - "You know, my brain never formed nightmares about you. Because I know better than anyone that I simply won’t be able to stand it if I see something happen to you. I can and I was able to survive nightmares about all the people close to me, but I know very well that if something happens to you, I will break."
Kakashi pulled Guy's arm, forcing him to move closer. And then put his head on his shoulder.
"You are my anchor, Guy. Always have been. As a child, you always brought me down to earth when I acted like an arrogant kid. In my youth, when I was drowning in the blood of my enemies, you pulled me to the surface, not allowing me to choke. You became my support and my strength."
Guy gently ran his hand through the Hatake's hair.
"I often think about the future when I look at Naruto", - Kakashi admitted. - "This child was born in such a cruel world, but I want to change this world so that he does not have to experience the horrors that you and I once went through. I want his whole life to be filled only with happiness, joy and love. Sometimes I worry that he is too energetic and that it might put other people off. But, you know, this child is special. There is something in him that, on the contrary, attracts other people to him, makes them follow him. Very soon he will go to the Academy. Because of his parents' status, I was afraid that the other kids might shun him, but he manages to befriend every kid he meets. He has already made friends with Itachi's younger brother, the Kazekage's son and the children of Ino-Shika-Cho."
Guy smiled. Kakashi's voice changed when he spoke about his little brother. Guy could feel Kakashi's boundless love for Naruto.
"These are peaceful times, but sometimes this calm scares me."
"I understand what you mean", - Guy nodded.
"It’s like everything can collapse in an instant. It’s like this whole world is an illusion."
"That’s not true, Kakashi", - Guy objected softly.
"I want to believe", - Hatake sighed tiredly and closed his eyes.
He felt like he was falling asleep. And he knew that next to Guy, all the nightmares would finally recede.
"I missed you", - Kakashi said. - "Three months is too long. I was afraid that you wouldn't come back."
"I will always come back to you", - Guy gently hugged him by the shoulders. - "In this world and in all others. In this life and in all others. In every reality and in every universe, I will always return to you. Only to you."
Kakashi smiled.
"Sounds like the most serious promise", - he teased the guy.
"This is my self rule", - Guy lifted Kakashi’s face and softly kissed his forehead.
"Maa", - Kakashi pulled off his mask and covered his lips with his own, feeling Guy’s happy smile. - "I love you too".
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
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sea-of-dust · 5 months
Can you please do the sees girls being on their period and their male s/o trying to help them and comfort them but he has barely any clue what do do?
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S.E.E.S girls x M! Reader
Imagine being on your period and your boyfriends in shambles
N: what if I looked you right in the eyes and told u I've been listening to tricot so much it's beaten Raise A Sulien on my spotify board. LISTEN TO TOKYO VAMPIRE HOTEL RAAAAA
Warnings: Mentions of blood/bleeding,
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Nothing can go wrong! One cramp it's over. Totally wiped, Terror shock, smackdown, crit hit she's down. She's gonna turn into Minato real quick
"Urrgghhhhhhh" "you alright" "Nooooo" she whines arching her back "can you try sitting down somewhere" "there's no seats" "you can lean on me then" solver of all problems despite being the most confused man on earth y/n!! The one person from keeping her from stealing Minatos eyebags and overall tiredness
You'd try to take her to the mail to cheer her up, mention karaoke opening up and she's able to run over in milisecounds. "I heard your call" "did you here this a discount because of the anniversary" she'd get so excited she ran to the wrong direction
You'd also buy her gifts during this time, specially the jack bro claw machine gifts and new music that comes out
You pamper her so much she'd tease you on it. "My humble servent!" "Yes?" "Bring me thy homework! Filled with thy answers" "we can do it together" "what a great suggestion" there would be times she'd ask for piggy back rides in public aswell and people would catch you zomming around with her on your back shounting like she were on a roller coaster
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She'd get a bit bratty, apologizing for it later. "It's so embrassing I'm sorry you put up with it" "it's fine don't worry about it" she growns knowing she's probably going to act similarly next time.
You'd hear her express more often than she usually does, which is terrifying, she groan alot, huff, squint more, yea just don't get her frustrated or catch her after the average conversation with jinpei. "HES JUST SO UGGHHH" "I'm sure he didn't mean it" "he won't shut up he's so lucky you're here" you already imagine her arguing with him and him responding with "holy yapington!"
The type to hide under the blanket and poke out if you bring snacks. "I brought you snacks yukari" you place them on the mattress and watch them being taken in secounds "...oh that was...somethin" don't let your intrusive thoughts win though, once you put your hand there you're being dragged under with her near instantly.
She'd trip a bit more often. Would lean on you alot if she's fallen alot that day. "Sorry just a bit dizzy" "don't worry about it, not like the floor isn't used to it by now" her face changes to a disapointed frown, you apologize near instantly
She'd hit you with the classic. "Hey, would you give me the whole world if you could?" You pause knowing the trick question. You try to withhold your sweat as you hold her hand. "Not just this world but the whole universe." "y/n..." she smiles, embracing you. "You're so sweet" now just avoiding every question like this or answer with the most crazy thing and she won't hit you with a "so other planets belong to other women?" These are mostly jokes tho but she'll act like she holds a grudge
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Won't let it show until it has a kick to it (enough to have someone start leaning on stuff) she believes she can handle it as usual but this one...eh not so much, of course you wouldn't know much either until she straight up told you she felt weak
So when you convince her to take the day off you get everything for her from class. "Even though she was on her period she mustn't slack" was probably what she would say, she'd try to attend school but if she couldnt you'd be the first person she told
She gets you to do her daily activities for her and honestly props to you. You'd attended student council in her place, ask her classmates for notes, stop by a market or two if she asked. "I'm sorry if I'm bombarding you with these tasks" "it's fine.." you'd probably wonder why you got so used to writing in two notebooks a little too quickly
She would go to tartarus in this and just be like "I got it" she indeed did not have it. She'd come back to the dorm totally wiped but she'd try to keep the "I'm fine" act going and then as soon as she gets in bed she's knocked out. She doesn't even tie up her hair which is where you come in, the routine saver!! "I can't thank you enough" "don't worry at all about it"
She'd also get pretty clingy on her period, you're casually seeing her vulnerable you're not going to leave just yet. "Don't go" "?" She looks blankly at the foot of her bed, you sit down with her "how long would you like me to stay" "...." her cheeks turn a bit pink "until I feel better" getting to see her flustered gets your mouth to tease into a smile. "I can do that" she'd definitely think about it when her periods over and just regret every action, yet wouldn't mind asking you every once in a while
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You gotta have that dawg in you to date fuuka/ref and a bit of inferrance skill
She would try to not let it show as it would drag others down but she can't really hide it well around you. "Here" you hand her a pad "I thought it hid it well this time" she pounts a bit disapointed "you can't really hide how you get a bit paler when this happens, do you want me to make something" "you don't have to..." "I'll make you that thing youve been wanting me to try" she narrows her eyes "tough offer"
If she did go to school with you, Yukari would comment on how low on energy Fuuka seemed to be. "She looks kinda down" "yea I've been trying to cheer her up a bit but nothings really working" Yukari narrows her eyes at you "you didn't happen to upset her did you" you scratch your head "no she's just on her period maybe sweets or something" She'd be so embrassed if you brought up the time she thought you upset Fuuka, and then see you come in with those Japanese gummy foods to make with her.
You try to tuck her in and make sure she has as much rest as possible, she might resist because of s.e.e.s but you being blissfully unaware just say "im sure they'll understand you can't go today, they're just a club" she would toss and turn thinking of shadows ending up with asking you to stay with her because she couldn't sleep
Unrested Fuuka and she's on her period? You don't need just the dawg you need god. "I feel like I'm letting everyone down.." "they know you need to rest Fuuka it's alright" she grips at your shoulders. "Yea but I still feel horrible for it" "Fuuka how about this I'll bring you notes and your homework and we can do it together" she sighs "then I'll drag you down!" She tears up, noticing this you hug her. "Fuuka, we're in the same class if anything I'm just being a mail man, you won't drag anyone down if you're willing enough to keep up so you don't have to ask many questions when you get back" she lossens her grip on you looking up to see your face "really?" "Really"
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Im...you think her blood streams oil? She'd probably compare a period to a malfunction or just feeling aggressively glum for a week
"Y/n I don't know why but I feel so fatigued" "did anything happen?" "No, not that I'm aware of" "must be your version of a period" you shrug your shoulders not even sure if that's even right. "I'll see what I can do" you had no dang clue so you just decided to tuck her in bringing a stuffed animal just incase
She'd law down super awkwardly just full on still. "Do you think my limbs will get caught in this blanket?" "Should I replace it?" "No it's quite comfortable"
She'd also get a bit clumsy, which is horrible when tests come along. "I seem to have put the wrong choice despite knowing the correct answer" "that happens to all of us" you sigh reminding yourself of all the times you put the wrong answer to find out later the correct one. So asking to study is critical even if she still dosent know the material she has spirit!
She would come to school, this doesn't stop her from staring down at you as soon as class was over, just scarier. "You gotta stop doing that" you shiver after the 9th jumpsca re this year alone. "I'd like to take you to your next class" "thank you Aigis please don't do this to wake me up" "I think it would be effective" "effective in giving me nightmares" thank god those jumpscares only happen for a few days
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trans-duckling · 5 days
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A Slow and Tender Love: Decision
For a while, Kurenai looked as if ready to hit him with one of the several toys Mirai had.
“Why are men so stupid?” she sighed.
“I blame the testosterone.”
Obviously, his friend didn’t want an answer to the question, judging by the glare she sent him the next second. They were sitting in her living room, Mirai sleeping in a soft blanket just a meter away from them. She looked peaceful, and the Hatake wished to be her, without any worry in his mind.
“Look, Kakashi, I’m going to give you my honest opinion, because that’s what I did with Gai” at the mention of that, his head lifted up in surprise. Just as he was about to open his mouth, she interrupted him: “No, I won’t tell you what we talked about, the same way I won’t tell him about this conversation. I’m not a delivery hawk, you have to figure out your shit alone.”
“Answer me this” Kurenai continued after a minute. “What is that you want with Gai? A sexual relationship like the one you had before?”
“It wasn’t just…!”
Except that it was. The Hatake didn’t even need the judgmental look from his friend to know that saying otherwise would be a lie. If he separated the relationship he had with Gai in their rivalry and… anything else, most of their activities together —eating, talking about each other, exchanging advices— were done during a challenge. Which meant that the rest was just sex.
“I just… Don’t understand what is suddenly the problem” he all but mumbled. “We had a good thing going, an easy thing—”
“Easy for who?” Kurenai rudely intervened. “For you? Because it meant that you didn’t have to think too much about it, or put a label to the relationship?”
He dutifully shut up after that. His friend sighed.
“Kakashi, if what you truly want is just a sexual relationship with Gai, he already gave you his answer and you should respect it. However, if you wish for more…”
But, what did more mean?
Looking around, the Hatake tried to imagine how that conversation would be if Asuma was still alive. He would probably be sitting on the ground next to Mirai, eyes fixed on her with a love smile and for the first time in a long time without a cigarette in his lips. Or maybe he would be at the kitchen, preparing dinner. Later, once Kakashi left, Kurenai and him would sit on the sofa and enjoy a movie while their daughter slept in her crib. And, when one of them fell asleep, the other would carry them to bed.
Was that what Gai wanted? Was that what he wanted?
Having someone to hold or be held by in bed. Knowing that Gai would be at home with dinner ready for when he came back from the office. Or having his ninken running towards the door when Gai came back from a mission, glad that he was back because he was a member of the pack. Just… Whatever they had before but… more.
His heart skipped a beat.
“I think you have your answer, Hatake” Kurenai smiled.
He did. And it was troublesome. Because acknowledging it also meant to give himself a chance to something that, until then, he had only observed through others’ eyes —Minato and Kushina, Kurenai and Asuma, even some of his students now— or read about in books. It was scary, even for a high skilled shinobi. But, after everything, he thought that he deserved an opportunity. And Gai did too.
Half an hour later, when Kakashi entered his house, he walked straight to the bookshelf next to bed. His collection had grown quite a bit during the last few years, mostly due to presents from his students or friends. And no, not all were erotic novels. In fact, just as Gai had pointed out, he had a rather large amount of romance books. So, he took out his favorites, found a paper and a pen on his desk, and started to work out some ideas. 
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damien-wolfram-art · 1 year
Not if, but When
It was a lazy morning in The Hidden Leaf Village. The wind blew gently through an open window to a young couple cuddling in bed. The man, Minato, read a book gifted to him by his sensei. His flushed cheeks betrayed the truth of his guilt as his wife, Kushina, lay in his lap still snoozing. He and his students had a mission later that afternoon, but he wanted to get through one last chapter before he got ready.
Kushina mumbled something before lifting her head from her husband’s lap. Her bright red hair was a wild mess that matched Minato’s blond bird’s nest. “Morning, y’know,” she greeted him.
“Good morning, Kushina,” Minato responded, quickly hiding his reading material.
Kushina squinted at him, wiping the drool from her mouth to speak, “hey…was that one of Jiraiya’s…”
“Uhh…” Minato was busted.
Kushina sprung to life and jumped on top of Minato. “It was! Minato you naughty little- do I have to remind you? You have a mission today y’know!”
“Well, uh… you see….”
“You should know better than to read that stuff before a mission! It’ll distract you! You know the shinobi prohibitions!”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Minato reassured timidly.
Kushina rested a bit firmer on him and she could feel him pressing back through her netted underwear. She sneered, “oh really? Then you should be able to handle this too.” She rocked her hips and the two of them threw their heads back, huffing in lecherous gratification.
Minato considered himself lucky that Kushina was feeling as hot as he was that morning and wasn’t looking to pound the prohibitions into him with her fists. Those were the types of mornings he loved the most. “I can’t wait to see you later if everything works out today,” he said.
Suddenly, he found himself wrapped up in the powerful sealing chains of his jinchuriki lover. Her hair had grown even wilder, and she pulled the chains tighter with a powerful tug. “What did you saaay?” she hissed, pushing up and in close to her husband’s face. “If?” She forced a threatening smile. “Whaddaya mean if, y’know?!”
“It’s just-”
“Just nothing! You will be coming back y’know! There is no if!” She got up, releasing him and hopping off of the bed “Sooo you can be plenty excited to see me later when you get back! After all,” she looked back and said, “you want the rest, don’t you?”
Minato smiled nervously and swallowed a lump in his throat. A bead of sweat rolled down from his brow. Somehow, he was even more excited now. He had no choice. He would have to make it back.
Part of a collaboration with @flawlessstriker
Here it is!
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
I wanted to share this Kakashi AU in fic format, but I don’t have the energy for that right now. So! I’ll just share it as bullet points :D.
Warning: could be triggering for people with eating disorders (maybe?)
•The Hatake and their wolf-like characteristics used to be well known among shinobi and greatly feared
•however, as their numbers thinned attention turned elsewhere and the clan was all but forgotten
•the individual members were respected for their skill and strength, but the name of their name had lost much of its weight. Lost it’s inherent threat.
•Thus, everyone forgot that the Hatake were closer to canine than any other, including the Inuzuka. Forgot that their minds and bodies were always wired to be a bit more feral than the rest.
•But kakashi hasn’t. How could he when he felt the storm brewing beneath his skin and the howl in the back of his mind. Felt the hunger that wouldn’t be satiated by butcher’s meat and felt the whine of something starved and desperate in the back of his head.
•H e ignored it. He didn’t deserve to feel full, didn’t deserve to be free of pain, didn’t deserve to eat when his mistakes made sure those he loved never could again.
•Kakashi knew he was thinner than he should be. Had weaker chakra than he should considering his heritage, skill, and experience.
•But no one else did. Even deprived of the food Hatake needed to be their best Kakashi surpassed them. No one remembered the stories of the Hatake but him. No one would know that the lack of fresh undrained meat was slowly killing him. He liked it that way.
•Or at least that’s what he thought until his blonde haired student ducked through his apartment window with a serious look painted across vulpine features and a deer slung across his back.
•kakashi couldn’t help the way his body perked at the smell of fresh meat and still warm blood.
•Kakashi didn’t think he deserved to eat when so many of his precious people were dead, but if his student and last connection to his sensei chose to bring him food, Hatake food, because he was worried about him…maybe Kakashi was wrong.
Kakashi needing fresh meat — still warm, still bleeding — but denying himself it because he doesn’t feel like it’s deserved is very in character. Constantly punishing himself for things that are not his fault.
(A pup, he had been just a pup not yet grown into his fangs and still a bit unsteady on his paws when he was forced to find his way in a world of blood and pain. When he was leashed and called a dog.)
Kushina had always looked at him with knowing eyes with hands painted red as she broke down whatever fresh kill she had gotten from… somewhere. Had nuzzled into his hair like his father once had and huffed with dissatisfaction before placing more on his plate.
“Eat. You’re still too hungry, little wolf.”
(Her own meals had also been rather red for polite company, but Minato hadn’t complained. Has smiled at the both of them like he understood.)
Then they were gone.
And Kakashi was alone again.
Long missions with ANBU had meant no one looked twice if he came back with a fresh kill, but he had always passed it off to let it be charred and burnt and broken down in a way that made the wild part of him in the back of his head whine in sorrow. He ignored when Itachi, all seeing as ever even for all he was a pup now, snagging a few too-rare pieces and slipping them into Kakashi’s portion. Ignored now he wanted to growl when his kills were broken down and cooked.
Ignored it all.
He was a dog now. Not a wolf.
And then, years later when the ninken all nosed his hair and huffed as Kushina once had, as his father once had, when they were returning from ever summons with fresh kills to be laid at his feet and snarling at him when he divvied it up between them instead, when a sunshine kit that was his just as his grumpy little bird and temperamental kitten nuzzled against his side and pulled back with a huff and a sneeze he knew.
Even before Naruto flashed him that fanged smile, half in his window with blood from his kill staining his orange jumpsuit he knew.
Kushina’s son, Minato’s son.
And pack always took care of each other. Even if one was being too stubborn to listen.
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Late Again
Prompt: Camera
Words: 1,421
Obito was late, again.
No one was particularly surprised by this, but with every second that past without him running breathless into the training field Kakashi grew more and more impatient. He’d started by drumming his fingers against his arm and slowly progressed to grinding his teeth in aggravation.
“Kakashi,” Rin greeted him with a smile when he looked her way. “He’ll be here soon. You should be nice when he arrives.”
The last thing Kakashi wanted to be was ‘Nice’ when Obito was making them wait to begin their training. Perhaps he’d find some forgiveness in his heart if Minato-Sensei would at least let them begin training without Obito, but he was adamant that the whole team needed to be together. 
Kakashi wasn’t even allowed to go off on his own to occupy himself. If he tried Minato-Sensei would grab his shoulder and hold him in place, and as good as people said he was he wasn’t anywhere close to being fast enough to avoid his Sensei.
“Oh come on,” Rin leaned in and bumped her shoulder against his, giggling when he grunted. “Obito’s trying hard.”
“No, he’s not,” he growled out. “That’s the exact problem. He’s not trying.” No matter what is was Obito was always finding excuses for his less than stellar performance. Either he’d say he was too busy helping other people, or he’d claim none of it would matter when he unlocked his ‘super special sharingan’ because then he’d be stronger than even Kakashi. 
There was never an instance where Obito accepted his own shortfalls and genuinely tried to change them. Rin would make excuses, Minato-Sensei would laugh and tell them all to get ready for training, and then everyone except Kakashi would forget about it until the next time.
“Really,” he sighed, waving a hand towards Rin’s face and earning himself a smack to the arm when he almost hit her. “You’re too easy on him, Rin. Sensei as well.”
Minato-Sensei’s hand came down on his head, flattening the usually spiky hair under his giant hand. “What was that?”
“You heard me,” he grumbled. “You’re both always letting him off with a warning, or a laugh. He’s not learning anything from you going easy on him. If he wants to be a better shinobi he needs to take training seriously. Including being on time.”
“Obito has grown a lot as a Shinobi since our team was formed,” Rin reminded him. “He still has a lot of growing to do of course, we all do, but you can’t deny he has grown.”
The urge to roll his eyes grew stronger with every word Rin said.
“He has grown,” he admitted. “And he’s a good shinobi when he puts his mind to it. The problem is-”
He didn’t get an opportunity to finish his sentence because at that moment a cloud of dust began to form in the distance and just a few seconds later Obito came to a screeching halt in front of the rest of them with a camera clutched in his left hand and sweat pouring down his face.
“Obito!” Rin clasped her hands together and grinned at their teammate. “You made it!”
“Forty five minutes late.” Kakashi grumbled under his breath only to have his Sensei shove his hand down hard enough that he was forced to bow his head to avoid injury.
“That doesn’t matter,” the hand vanished just before Kakashi could unsheeth his Kunai, saving itself from getting sliced for the utter disrespect that his Sensei had shown him. “Now that we’re all here we can begin training, right?”
Obito took a deep breath and grinned. “Right!” He extended his hand out in front of himself and cringed when he noticed the camera still clutched between his fingers. “Oh, right. Sorry. One second.”
Seeing his teammate looking around, no doubt searching for the case that his camera went in, Kakashi surged forward and snatched the object from Obito’s hand. “Is this why you’re late?” he asked, avoiding Obito hand when he tried to snatch the camera back from him. “What were you even doing?”
Straightening himself up, Obito placed his hands on his hips and frowned Kakashi examining the camera. “And here I thought you were a genius,” he huffed, earning himself a glare from Kakashi. “It’s a camera, smarty pants. It’s for taking pictures.”
A memory popped into Kakashi’s head at that moment. A quick moment that had been seared into his memory for eternity of Obito leaning into their Team picture kissing the glass right over where Rin was in the photograph.
“Oh, more pictures of Rin?” he asked, smirking under his mask when Obito’s widened with panic. “Ran out of pictures to ki-”
“Anyways!” Obito yelled at a volume that was way too loud for any reasonable shinobi. His face was turning a shade of red that Kakashi had never seen before, his eyes daritng between Rin and Kakashi. “T-trainin! We should start training.”
This time Kakashi couldn’t stop even hope to stop himself from rolling his eyes. “We should have started training an hour ago,” he reminded his teammate as he turned the camera over in his hands and examined the back. “You were late, again.”
“I was busy!”
“You were distracted,” Kakashi corrected him.
Seeing Rin taking a step towards him, he turned his attention to her and made sure to hold the Camera just over his shoulder so she couldn’t try to snatch it away from him. “Kakashi, come on,” she insisted, holding out her hands as if she expected him to just hand her the camera. “Give it back, please.” there’s a pained sound that Obito makes when he says the ‘please’. As if saying the word is physically harming him.
For all Kakashi knows, it is. It’s not like Obito to use polite words, especially when it was Kakashi he was speaking to. Most of the time he preferred to yell out demands and whine when he didn’t get his way. 
“Mmm, no,” he answered her pleas. “Unless…” taking one more look at the camera, he smiled as an idea came to mind. “How about a deal?”
“A deal? For my camera?” Obito stomped his feet against the ground. “Just give it back!”
“I will,” he assured his teammate. “If you can get it back,”  Obito lunged towards him, but Kakashi side stepped him with ease and watched as he fell face first into the dirt. “Come on, I know you can do better than that.”
“Kakashi..” Rin stepped forward, no doubt with every intention of trying to talk him out of his latest training idea, but before she could get another word out Minato-Sensei appeared behind her and laid a hand on her shoulder. When she glanced up at him he smiled. 
“You two have thirty minutes,” Minato-sensei smiled at them while pulling Rin back. “Once the times up we’re going to train, got it?”
Lifting his head out of the dirt, Obito glared at Kakashi with a look that would have surely killed anyone else in their spot.
Thankfully, Kakashi wasn’t as weak willed as other people. He was used to people giving him looks like that whenever they saw him, even if he wasn’t doing anything wrong. Sometimes they’d glare at him with even more hatred.
The anger that Obito expressed was at least justified.
“Good luck,” he held the camera up so Obito could get one last good look at it. “You’re going to need it.”
With that, he was gone. Vanished into a puff of smoke while Obito screamed after him with promises of a swift, painful vengeance if anything were to happen to his precious camera. Although Kakashi didn’t take those threats all too seriously, he did take a moment to stop near a nice bush some distance away from his teammates where he promptly hid the camera away.
If Obito asked, he’d say it was so he could mess with him, but truthfully Kakashi didn’t want the camera to get damaged. All he wanted to do was mess with his friend. Perhaps teach him a lesson about being tardy to team training.
Obito would never forgive him, and he’d certainly never listen to anything he had to say about his terrible habit of being late, if he allowed the camera to be damaged in the scuffle that was sure to follow.
Once he was sure it was hidden from view he returned to the task at hand.
Making sure Obito didn’t catch up to him in the next thirty minutes.
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tsukuyomii45 · 2 years
your thoughts on obitoxfem kks also give me some headconan
I love them just as much as I love Madara x Fem!Hashirama (vice versa) and Gaara x Fem!Naruto!
I think genderbender pairs are underrated, and they have an amazing charm to them.
Anyways, let's get to the headcanons, which is in the canon au (some angst ahead):
It's a complete love/hate relationship. Know-it-all girl vs Boy who wants to beat the know-it-all in everything.
Fem!Kakashi sort of developed a small crush on Obito when they were younger, but she was the type that was avoidant, and was too afraid of being vulnerable. She had a habit of denying her feelings and burying them inside.
While Obito tends to always challenge her or rub at her face some of his achievements, he finds himself reaching out to fem!Kakashi whenever he sees her brooding or sitting alone. He tends to just hang around and talk to her about anything, just to wipe off the sad or grim expression she often wears.
Fem!Kakashi finds herself feeling irritated when she sees Obito giving his attention to Rin, and this would be the first time she admits that she actually really likes the attention he gives her, even if he's being annoying or consistently challenging her.
When Obito hurts himself, fem!Kakashi finds herself grumpily reaching over to have a look at his injuries, and takes the gauze or bandage out of Rin's hand to wrap him up, scolding him for being so careless.
The more time she spent around the stubborn Uchiha, the more Kakashi has grown used to his presence, so when he's not around, she would find an excuse to seek him out, whether it's a challenge or to reprimand him, or just to follow him around whenever he's helping an elderly.
The day that Obito got crushed by the boulder, was the day Kakashi cried so hard and told him that there was no team without him. His words about her being an amazing Jounin always rings in her head. His "death" truly devastated her, and she ends up regretting not letting him know of her feelings for him.
You can imagine the shock she feels when Obito is revealed to be the masked man during the war - but that's where her feelings and emotions start to go haywire. During their battle in the Kamui dimension, she wavers in the middle of the fight, knowing that she is unable to kill him no matter what - and Obito takes advantage of that by pulling her closer to him and holding her tightly, showing that he's aware of her feelings for him, and he tells her that "they can have it all" and that they can be together in their own world.
When Obito gets defeated, Kakashi attempts to kill him once more, but when Minato stops her, Kakashi lets out her grief and tears, beating her fists at his chest and scolding him for his ways, telling him that she would've been by his side and he would never have to be alone, and she would be the one to heal the hole in his heart if he let her. Obito looks at her with a pained expression, fully realizing Kakashi's love for him and imagining what it would've been like.
Warning: NSFW
In an AU where they live together and Obito's the Hokage while fem!Kakashi is his wife/lover, they'd have the kinkiest sexual relationship because Kakashi loves to try out the positions and sexual acts that she tends to pick up from Icha Icha Paradise.
She's very protective of Obito and Obito is the most supporting man for her, who loves to show her off and show off that he's married to Konoha's top Jounin protégé.
Fem!Kakashi tends to annoy Obito for attention, because she just loves his reaction.
Pillow talk at night is their favorite.
They tend to argue about whether fem!Kakashi should keep her dogs inside the house or leave them in their summoning dimension.
The Kamui dimension is technically their "sex dungeon" LMAO.
Their favorite quality time is training together and walking fem!Kakashi's dogs. :3
That's all for now!
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narrators-journal · 8 months
ryomina hanakaki au bc they’re doomed or ryomina orgasm denial and ryoji’s a whiny bottom bc they’re silly
Ngl, this sort of au is probably gonna stick w me now lol. I’m not usually one for angst, but I did my best to make this good and painful in that department heheheheheh. Bc while I love Ryomina, no beloved ship of mine can escape a bit of pain lol. I hope you enjoy it tho!
CW: Spoilers for p3! Both implied and outright said! Do not read if you don’t want anything to spoil your playthrough, bc this is set in late-game timing!
Every week day, the SEES’ chosen dormitory would sit still and silent in the late morning hours. And, that day was no different from those ones. Even with a thick layer of clouds to dampen the already weak winter sun, the dormitory sat almost empty. After all, winter break had ended, and classes had started back up. And even as The Fall crept closer and closer, grades couldn’t be allowed to slip too far.
What else would they be doing though? They can’t train their personas before the dark hour, so what does that leave them to do other than go to school? Sit and rot inside? Ryoji thought as he sat against the heavy metal door of the dormitory’s roof. His once lustrous eyes dull as they watched the lint-colored clouds boil and stir above his head. Wouldn’t that be poetic. The brunette thought with bitter amusement, I give Minato a month to decide what to do about me, and then I reap his friends one by one while I wait.
If Ryoji hadn’t felt like the wrong breath would break him, he may have laughed at the morbid thought. Fill the chilly winter air with a sound that wasn’t the depressing gurgle of his breaths or the distant coughs of the only SEES member that occupied the massive dormitory building that day. Minato…
Despite being the harbinger of the fall and thus not human, in the few weeks Ryoji had attended Gekkoukan he’d grown a softness for the asocial wildcard. A soft spot that the many girls and boys who’d taken a shine to him hadn’t managed to achieve. Even with how sweetly they treated him. Which, in the moment, had stirred up twinges of guilt for them after each date. But, now that he’d realized his true identity, that guilt had not only switched targets, but taken root to bloom a bitter flower. After all, how could Ryoji grow to care for a human so fast yet so much, and still look into those smokey eyes and tell him that he’d end the world in a few short months? Yes, Ryoji was never known for compassion and good timing, but confessing to his affection for the wildcard only a few hours before confessing to his deception felt a step too far.
A wheezy cough drifted up from Minato’s dorm room to draw another shakey sigh from the brooding brunette. “What did you expect? To grow old with him?” He muttered darkly to the still chill of the season, his words punctuated by a coughing fit of his own.
But, the fit that tore through his already aching body wasn’t the result of a simple cold. Ryoji Mochizuki was Death, he could streak through Antarctica with nothing more than a shiver, so the flu wasn’t something he had to worry about. Plus, the flu didn’t leave a thin, delicately curved petal of crimson in Ryoji’s pale palm. What did famously choke its victims with the silky petals of flowers though, was a more insidious disease.
But, as he watched that petal wither and yellow in the cold air of the winter, Ryoji still didn’t fear for himself, only Minato. After all, he was a god, he didn’t need to breathe. So, whether his lungs inflated with petals didn’t matter. On the other hand, though, was his beloved wildcard. The deadpan wildcard who had coughed up his first snowy flower petal a mere three days after Ryoji had came across him in front of that train station.
Back then, Ryoji was new to the world, stupid. He’d seen Minato at the stairs of the train station and thought he’d found an angel with the way the soft light of the full moon made a halo of light on his hair, and that same silver glow set the snow alight with winter fire.
But, that was weeks ago, at that point. Back before the roots of the toxic flowers had begun to sap the color from Minato’s skin and sheen from his blue locks. Back before Ryoji had destroyed his life for the second time.
Maybe all this could’ve been avoided if I’d not made myself known… He mused while he stared down at the petal he’d coughed up. Images of all the petals he’d seen Minato stealth into his pocket or toss away on repeat in his head. If only I’d kept to myself like I was supposed to, Minato would’ve left Tatsumi port. He could’ve spent his remaining days blissfully unaware and happy instead of choking to death.
But, when his inhuman senses picked up yet another of Minato's rough coughing fits, the gentle splash of his tears in his palm were all he could do to help. Yet another fight that Minato wouldn’t have had to face if Ryoji Mochizuki hadn’t been so selfish.
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queen-ofsunflowers · 2 years
Ryoji pov of birthday scene please
drop one of these bad boys in my askbox and i will post, without editing
POV — something that’s already happened, retold from another character’s perspective
the original scene and chapter can be found here!
Apologies that this scene ended up short. Ryoji wasn't present much until the very end, so there wasn't much to work with here. Still pretty sweet, though.
Why Ken was so insistent on dragging him out of the dorm that evening to walk Koromaru, Ryoji had no idea. He had wanted to spend the day in his room, focusing on his schoolwork and trying to ignore what today was.
His birthday often brought bad memories to mind. He had never been given the chance to celebrate like a normal child. It felt more like a marker. A checkpoint. It was usually an examination by his mother to monitor his health and several more exams to see how much his power had grown over the course of the year. Always professional, always difficult, always harsh.
Especially since it culminated in a duel against his father, and Kuro Mochizuki never held back. Not even against his own son. If it weren't for the healing potions his mother created, Ryoji would be the bearer of several nasty scars from those duels.
With how... persistent his mother had been lately about trying to talk to him and given how he had to avoid her at every twist and turn at school today, all Ryoji wanted now was for the day to end.
But it was hard to say no to Ken, or to Koromaru for that matter. Just when Ryoji thought that he had won against Ken's pleas, Koromaru had come up and started whimpering, pawing at Ryoji's pants and tugging on them with his teeth. The familiar really wanted him to come. And... well...
It was impossible to say 'no' to their combined puppy dog eyes.
When the dorm came back into view, Ryoji sighed in relief. Almost out of the woods. Koromaru started barking, darting ahead of Ken and Ryoji towards the dorm's door.
"Koromaru!" Ryoji called, trying to get the familiar to come back. But Koromaru kept up his barking.
"Koro-chan!" shouted Ken, rushing forward to catch up to Koromaru. What was up with Koromaru? He was usually so well behaved on their walks, rarely barking or running off like that. Did he want to get back to the dorm that badly? ...to be fair, Ryoji wasn't sure that he had been fed before they left. Maybe he was just that hungry that it was getting harder to wait?
As he approached Ken and Koromaru waiting on the front step, Ryoji could've sworn he saw the curtains move and the lights go out. Koromaru had finally stopped barking.
Ken opened the door, darting inside with Koromaru at his heels. How did this boy have so much energy...?
"We're back!" Ken called out into the dark, he and Koromaru rushing forward in the dorm's lounge. Ryoji raised a brow. So his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. The entire lounge was shrouded in darkness.
"Why are all...?" Ryoji mused to himself, confused. Everyone was in the lounge last he knew.
Suddenly, the light came back on. The sounds of pops filled his ears. Glitter and confetti went flying into the air. The members of the dorm had emerged from various spots around the lounge, crowding around Ken and Koromaru. All of them had party poppers in hand, with the exception of Minato who had a messily decorated cake in his. The lounge had been decorated with paper streamers and a few ribbons, all in Ryoji's favorite colors.
Ryoji stood there, blinking and not sure how to process the sight. "What is all of this?" he asked.
"Duh, it's your birthday," said Kotone as Akihiko brushed confetti from her hair. "So, we're celebrating. We have a cake and everything." Minato held up said cake in his hand to show him, almost looking proud of it.
They were... celebrating? They wanted to celebrate his birthday?
“You think we’d forget, man?” said Junpei, looping an arm around Ryoji’s shoulder, nearly breaking him from his thoughts. “It’s not every day that you turn seventeen!”
“I…” Ryoji wasn't sure what to say. He... He hadn't been expecting this at all. They rarely celebrated any of the dorm members' birthdays aside from Mitsuru getting some sort of dessert for them to enjoy at dinner and getting a few gifts from friends. So all this... He shook his head, releasing a small cloud of glitter and confetti that had gotten stuck in his hair. "Thank you."
“Thank Minato,” said Yukari, gesturing over to the witch in question. “It was all his idea.” Ryoji blinked, looking over at his boyfriend. Minato glanced down at the cake in his hands, looking almost flustered.
“After what you said yesterday, I thought that you could use something like this,” Minato explained.
An unexplainable, overwhelming emotion filled Ryoji's chest. He dashed forward, Akihiko luckily snatching the cake from Minato before it could end up smashed all over his chest so Ryoji was free to wrap his arms around him. He was so happy...!
“Little tight!” Minato said with a groan. Oh.
“Sorry,” Ryoji said as he pulled back. He was smiling and couldn't stop himself. The joy overwhelming him was so much that he almost could cry. He never thought that he would ever have a birthday celebration with his friends in his life. All of this...! "But thank you."
Ken's stomach growled loudly.
“Is it alright if we get started?” the boy asked sheepishly, arms around his stomach in embarrassment. Ryoji held back a laugh. Koromaru wasn't the only one who hadn't had dinner after all.
...why was everyone suddenly staring at him?
“It’s your party,” said Akihiko. “Your call.” Oh, right!
“Absolutely!” said Ryoji with a swift nod and an unwavering grin.
Everyone ducked into the dining area to get the celebration properly started. Ryoji took Minato by the wrist to stop him from following. Before his boyfriend could ask what he was up to, Ryoji pulled him in close and kissed Minato's forehead for a proper thank you.
"Seriously," he said in a low tone, "thank you."
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mixelation · 6 months
so one big difference between async!minato and the minato i normally write is that he's young. (he starts off 19 and then i'm imagining most of the relationship shenanigans are happening when he's 21-22.) he has not yet grown into the pink apron wearing house husband he will desire to be. he lives in a studio apartment with barely and furniture and mega bachelor vibes, not because that's all he can afford (he has no generational wealth but he's been a jounin for YEARS so his paycheck is good), but because he spends so much time outside the village and it has never occurred to him to upgrade his living situation. he owns like two outfits that aren't a uniform. he never cooks because he has yet to be assigned a team/acquire a partner that he wants to feed.
he's like "tori i would rather you come live in konoha with me for safety reasons" and she looks around his apartment and then at him in extreme judgement. is she technically homeless? yes. but this would still be a downgrade.
(also "just moving to konoha" DOES have a vetting process and tori has, in fact, committed a lot of murder of konoha ninja. like she promised him she'd stop, but also she DID do that)
so minato ends up spending a lot of time fretting. he's seen what tori does when left alone! it's was charming and sexy when they weren't together but now he's worried about her dying! or getting hurt! she is so squishy...... also there's a very real threat of her causing major intentional incidents.
but also. at tori's core. she just wants to live comfortably and fuck around with her hobbies. she would be basically harmless if provided with a nice home, a hot shower, and some nice takeout food options
minato: i need to buy a house to prevent my girlfriend from overthrowing the government
jiraiya: what
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fightaers · 8 months
to Iruka // ❛ Thank you for looking after my son. ❜ Part of Minato reestablishing himself in the world was through listening to Naruto talk about everybody who had been even slightly good to him, and Iruka ranked high up on that list. ❛ I always knew you were a good kid. ❜
iruka's sure he must've fried his brain during the recent war.
pretty sure, even though he wasn't much on the front line to speak of seeing as he's relegated more to recovery, assisting the medic nins, or employed for miscellaneous tasks like border security or transportation of vital scrolls. whatever it is, iruka knows, comparable to most of the shinobi during the fourth war, he was pretty damn lucky to have survived with nothing much but a few bruises and scraped knees. he's still convinced he must've been drugged up somewhere though, or had been put under some sort of genjutsu because there is no way he is seeing the fourth hokage, naruto's father, in front of him. sure, he'd heard rumours— but.
iruka's face heats up. though, if he were to be honest, he doesn't quite know from what exactly, based on the interaction so far, that he feels tremendously shy about. is it the very fact that the fourth had pointed out how he'd cared after naruto ? or was it the following statement to being called a kid ? a kid. had they met before when iruka was young ?
iruka remembers attending festivals, sure, sitting quite comfortably over his father's shoulder when the village celebrates its seasonal holiday and witnessing the hokage giving speeches or simply making his appearances and whatnot, but he didn't think he had ever personally been introduced to the fourth hokage as a child. no... his only affiliation with the office had genuinely started when the third took special note of him. but that was after the kyuubi attack. that was after iruka had to bury his parents into the ground. by that point, namikaze minato was among the fallen as well.
or maybe it's the guilt. which does settle quickly once his surprise over the entire thing fades. guilt, of course, because the lord fourth may have said what he said — thank you for looking after my son — though in truth, iruka didn't think he'd done half as enough. had he had more power... maybe more experience... or mizuki hadn't been in the picture, naruto wouldn't have known the meaning of loneliness at all, let alone ostracisation. iruka would've taken to the adoption paper much sooner, but he didn't. by the time he realises it, naruto's already grown. he'd become an integral figure in all of the ninja world, and iruka's guilt grows itself into becoming regret — though pride has always outshone it.
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to the fourth now, iruka bows his whole body. ❛⠀it was an honour being able to teach him, fourth-sama. truly. that... that boy— ❜ the academy sensei hesitates, before he gathers his breath, and continues, finally meeting the fourth's eyes. ❛⠀naruto taught me many things as well. i wouldn't have become the man i am without him. if anything, i ... i hope you are proud of who he has become as well. i know i am. ❜
random asks, accepting.
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finitevoid · 11 months
of course but as they get older soren shares less classes with ike because ikes a mediocre student. in elem school greil fought for them to be together as much as possible but now they are grown men who take ap classes (brashears limited selection of them. No ap calc bc for soren). Soren had to be talked out of (greil yelled at him) taking easier classes to be with ike
greil is kind of sorens father figure but when he brought up adoption to him soren lost it and thats when he knew there was some faggotry going on. Soren has been chilling (greil calls it freeloading) in his house to escape the Horrors since 2009. greil threatens to adopt soren when he misbehaves. He also gets soren to do his taxes but not as a punishment he knows he can just make soren file taxes
As soon as almedha smells ike she demands to meet his dad. And soren refuses but shes determined and calls their school and they immediately know who shes looking for. Greil agrees and he lectures her on how to parent soren except she doesnt give. A shit what this beorc has to say and changes nothing
prompt 9 persona 3.? Sparks are by definition brief and abrupt w hich is kind of sad *minato dies* UKE DOWN!!!!!! Im corny
I have a question about your au. Is the beorc laguz dichotomy just completely transposed into this universe. Can laguz still turn into animals. Do real life human race dynamics exist also or is it just beorc laguz. Also hi
Greil realizing the faggotry because soren pitches a fit about the threat of adoption is hilarious. Him threatening him with adoption to get him to behave is also hilarious.
Almedha when soren misbehaves : I love you I’m sorry you’re insane
greil when soren misbehaves: Stop or I’ll adopt you
What horrors is soren avoiding in this au. Is it the exact sam e
All art is corny we must submit ourselves to the risk of being corny in order to authentically portray the human experience anyway I will fill the prompt in a separate post . Thank you
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shadow-bringer-ao3 · 1 year
ripples reach far from a single pebble (she is far from a pebble)
Shouto had been so happy when his quirk came. It meant he could be a hero, like his dad, like All Might. Even better, it was ice and fire. Both of his parents quirks! The day the fire sparked and flickered around one hand, ice creeping it’s way up his opposite arm, he thought was the happiest day of his life. His mom started crying, though. Fuyu-née and Natsuo-nii were just quiet (always quiet unless Dad is gone and Shouto doesn’t understand why). His dad is smiling but it’s with too many teeth, too wide. It’s not a nice smile, not like the ones Mom gives him or the ones his sister and brother give. It’s a bad smile and it makes him shrink into himself, letting the ice melt and the fire sputter out. He doesn’t want to see that smile.
The next day, Fuyu-née wakes him up. She looks scared and sad. There are tears on her cheeks and even half asleep, Shouto does his best to make them go away. She doesn’t smile or stop crying. She just says sorry, over and over, as she makes him get up and get dressed.
"D-dad- Endeavor," and his sister cuts herself off, scrubbing at her eyes. Shouto stumbles after her, through hallways he’s known all his (short, so very short) life. The training room is the room everyone in the house knows and avoids. It’s where Dad stops being Dad (was he ever ‘Dad’? Did he ever care?) and starts being Endeavor. Shouto doesn’t want to go to the training room but Fuyu-née tugs him along and she’s still crying, still saying sorry, but now she’s getting quieter. Quieter like how she gets around Dad, not a happy quiet.
Shouto is scared, really scared, for the first time in his life and it’s the fault of his Dad and his sister.
The day he got his quirk should have been the happiest day of his life but when he faces his own Dad, fire raging and smiling a too-wide smile with too many teeth, he quickly learned that it was the worst. His fire (fire he got from his Dad- from Endeavor) flickers and rages and burns. Shouto learns to be quiet, like his siblings, learns to fear the fire.
More than the fire, his nightmares star Endeavor, who was supposed to be a hero (his hero, his dad).
"Hello Shouto," the woman with red, red hair says too loudly, grinning so widely all he can think about is Endeavor’s smile, with too many teeth. She’s loud even though Endeavor’s around but Fuyu-née and Natsuo-nii and mom seem happy that the woman is here, happy like they haven’t been in so long, and Shouto decides he likes the woman, even if she’s too loud.
"I’m Kushina, your aunt. Call me Kushina-née," she introduces, hands on her hips. Shouto can only offer a small smile, hand tightening on his mom’s. She squeezes back, comforting, and Shouto doesn’t hide behind her leg when Endeavor glances down at him.
"How long are you staying, Kushina-chan?" Fuyu-née asks, so quiet. Shouto almost can’t hear her, not in the absence of Kushina-née’s loudness. The woman hums, cocking one hip in way that seems only vaguely familiar (Fuyu-née used to do that, back before when Endeavor was still Dad, and she wasn’t always so sad).
"Just for a few days. Minato and Naruto’ll pick me up when they come through," she says and Shouto doesn’t know who Minato or Naruto are but if they make his family happy like Kushina-née does, he thinks he’ll like them.
Kushina-née, he finds, is nice. She’s bright and loud but mostly she’s nice. Not nice in the way his family is- she is overwhelming in her kindness and gives more than she takes. She offers and laughs delightedly when he accepts but never makes it his fault when he doesn’t. They eat around steady conversation, now, instead of the awkward quiet Shouto’s grown used to. Even Endeavor seems nicer. Shouto doesn’t believe him, though. He’s not a nice man and Shouto doesn’t want to get hurt again.
It’s almost too good to be true. Mom and Fuyu-née and Natsuo-nii are smiling and they’re happy, even if they’re still quiet. But Kushina-née is loud enough to make them sound not-so-quiet. Shouto has a bad feeling about it all, even if he’s happy. Endeavor doesn’t like stopping training and Shouto is scared.
Scared Kushina-née will still be here when Endeavor starts training again.
Scared she won’t care.
Scared she’ll let it happen and offer sad, sad apologies.
And Endeavor does start training again. The fourth day of Kushina-née’s visit, Fuyu-née wakes him up. She’s scared. She’s scared and sorry and crying and Shouto knows. His break has come to an end and that means training and training means Endeavor.
Training’s harder than normal. Maybe it’s because Kushin-née’s here now, in one of the guest rooms. Maybe it’s because he could almost see Dad for those few, short days, underneath Endeavor. Maybe it’s just because the training is harder. Shouto tries to keep up. He does but it’s too much and he’s too weak and he just wants to go back to yesterday and the day before. He wants those days forever- not this. Not training and the too-loud quiet and the tears.
There’s a rush of golden-yellow fire. It’s taller than he is and too wide for him to dodge. He needs to make an ice wall, needs to- to- do something- There’s a flicker of red and Shouto can’t tell if it’s fire or blood or (red, red hair). The fire goes around him. It shouldn’t but it apparently doesn’t care about what it should or shouldn’t do because it does.
Kushinia-née’s in front of him. Her hands are spread and she’s angry. But she’s not angry at Shouto- she’s angry at Endeavor and that’s new. It’s new and scary but Shouto doesn’t care. He’s tired and Kushina-née’s here, protecting him, so he sleeps.
(Later, he’ll remember the burns on his aunt’s hands. Later, he’ll remember the golden chains and blood-red not-fire. Later, he’ll remember a lot of things.
Most of all, he’ll remember how safe Kushina had felt and how nice she was. How angry she was when she found Endeavor training him.
And he’ll remember all of this and he’ll realize that Kushina, not Fuyu-née or his mom, Kushina is who he loves the most.)
Part 2
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