alphachamber · 1 month
Notizen aus dem Untergrund
Was bring eine Person dazu, zum Feind seiner Gesellschaft zu werden? Von einigen ‘Ungeheuern’ der modernen Geschichte, haben wir genaue biographische Details über deren Entwicklung vom unauffälligen Normalbürger zum Psychopath. Besonders in den Strukturen autokratischer Regime existieren Individuen, die, Dank ihrer erschleimten Stellung, innerhalb ihres Umfelds ihre Herrschaftsphantasien…
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ebatbuok · 3 months
Les émotions primaires : trois d'un coup, la surprise, le dégoût, la col...
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fremdwortlexikon · 5 months
Der Mensch sei zweifellos ein Fehler der Natur, aber der Kleinbürger sei die Erhebung des Fehlers zum Programm.
Martin Walser, Ein fliehendes Pferd
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latristessedelange · 2 years
 Je m’éloigne du  tourbillon bruyant
De ces humains déchéants de médiocrité
J’adopte une soudaine crise de lucidité
Dans ce vaste égout emplit d’excréments.
Maîtresse vie, je ne suis pas de ce monde
Et me suis enfuit de ces sales vomissures
De ces pathétiques cadavres de pourriture
Refusant d’être ainsi apôtre de l’immonde.
Des voix résonnent dans ce sombre couloir
Ou dort ma répulsion face à leur monologue Et je me dresse désireux d’être nécrologue,
Voyez chaque jour ces hordes décadentes
De cet infect troupeau à envoyer au mouroir.
Ces fruits de bêtise sortis d’une fosse septique,
Qui ne vivent que par leur cerveau syphilitique
Au travers de leur ineptie et stupidité dissidentes.
       LaTristessedelAnge 2007
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lonelyneuron · 20 days
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c0mr4de999 · 22 days
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kiszkiloszki · 6 months
"Adiós" (animation + music)
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werewolfvegan · 4 months
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bunnighost · 7 months
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deerioni · 1 month
So many parents think they’re great parents for wanting their kids to not die,
but wouldn’t sparing your child this world and this world’s trauma be even MORE loving?
Isn’t it MORE devastating to have a suffering kid than a dead kid??
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funeral · 9 months
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Eugene Thacker, "Misanthropos" in Wound of Wounds: An Ovation to Emil Cioran
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insaniquariumfish · 8 months
Some people have love for humanity, but no compassion for it, no real empathy for human beings that goes beyond the surface level and superficial. Being a misanthropist with compassion is better than being a philanthropist who thinks that there is ultimately nothing fundamentally wrong with the world, who thinks it's okay if all the horrors that humans are subjected to continue to persist, because they think "everything balances out in the end" or because "everything happens for a reason" or some shit. Like I'm sorry, but we definitely tolerate toxic positivity and allow it to masquerade as healthy optimism out of a fear of ever validating anything that seems "too edgy" way, way too much. At some point a desire to only think normal thoughts that aren't cringe turns into intellectual cowardice and moral laziness, and you've definitely reached that point if your attitude towards the abundance of heinous suffering in this world is just, "oh gee well that sure is unfortunate, but you know, ultimately life is beautiful and everything is okay, and none of that stuff really matters in the grand scheme of things, life is still inherently good, etc. etc."
If there is no form of suffering so heinous to you that you would rather vaporize the planet than allow it to continue for one more day, then I'm sorry but you are someone with a hollow and performative affection for your species. Valuing the mere presence of human minds over the actual experiential quality of the lived realities of real humans will always be oonga boonga brain shit to me, I'm sorry. Like your primal drive to support the species' survival is dampening your higher moral functioning. I would rather live in a world where there's just three clones named Sally who are immortal and always happy, than live in a world where millions of people are enduring unspeakable horrors every single day, sorry. "The beauty of life" and "the wonderful tenacity of the human spirit" mean nothing to me when there are people living their entire lives in slavery and little girls are getting gangraped to death. The fact that people regularly take their own lives because their pain is so unbearable that they'd prefer to just cease existing should tell us all we need to know about the value of quantity vs. quality on this issue. Life itself is not inherently good any more than anything else is, and more life does not automatically equal more value and goodness. If you see nothing wrong with throwing new people into this world despite knowing what it could have in store for them, what potential fates they, or their children, could endure, then you only love humanity in the way you love coffee or a good book. You love the idea of humanity. The ideal of humanity. What humanity represents to you. You love humanity as a concept, not as a collection of individual human beings with thoughts and feelings.
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wiredphonez · 1 year
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human kid who is off-putting and strange and mischievous
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