#mmmmm need to work on so many things
s0ulryo · 2 years
König with a Medic S/O Scenario *:・゚
[König x Reader] Synopsis: König getting patched up by his favorite medic —you. Tags: Soft, konig lovers we rise, established relationship (i forget to put this tag on a ton of things whoops), mentions of distress (?) Notes: Prolly ooc, not proofread, his voice is so mmmmm, also my brain blanked so many times while writing this so im vv sorry for the wonky formatting
Thank you @uselsshuman for letting me write about this!
(Reader is always gn unless specified otherwise.)
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König dislikes a lot of things. He wouldn’t say he hates anything but the list of dislikes has grown over the years. For example, König dislikes crowded places, the smell of cigarettes, getting injured, having to go to a medic to treat his injury, having to see you — who is a medic to treat his injury, having to get chewed out by you for obtaining an injury — you get the point.
So here he sits, listening to you freak out about the injury he obtained while being deployed. He knows you don’t mean any harm by it; you’re just concerned for his safety — König appreciates it, he really does — but he’s also a little stressed out by your current commentary.
“Oh my God — König, how the hell did you manage to do this?”
He honestly doesn’t think it’s that bad; sure, the wound looks terrible — but it doesn’t feel too horrible, so it can’t be too bad, right?
“König, are you listening to me? König, are you alright?”
König’s very thankful for you. He thinks you’re awfully nice and very understanding about his feelings, and in all honesty, he’s not sure how he managed to get with someone like you, but he’s not going to question it — he’s just going to enjoy it.
“Sorry, could you repeat what you just said?” König mumbles out sheepishly.
He can’t help it. You’re exceptionally attractive, and König now realizes his arm is in an exceptional amount of pain — and bleeding tremendously. ‘Things like attractive S/O and immense amounts of pain due to physical injury usually make it difficult to focus,’ he reasons to himself.
Sighing, you shake your head. “König, please try to avoid getting injured — this is the second time this week….”
Nodding softly in acknowledgment, König continues to watch you gather the supplies you need to patch his arm up; his eyes flicker around in discomfort, bouncing his leg up and down to keep his mind occupied. Sure he’s sustained worse injuries than this, but getting patched up has always made him anxious.
Swallowing thickly, König tries to place himself out of this situation – somewhere nicer than your medical workspace that smells like antiseptic – anywhere else than here.
He watches you set to work, his eyes closely following the movement of your hands on his arm, cleaning the wound gently, trying to make the process quicker and easier on him.
He’s vaguely aware that his breathing got heavier or how he’s feeling light headed, heart in his throat – vaguely aware that you’re calling his name.
“…ig” “…önig”
He can see you talking, but he can’t hear you very well; bouncing his leg more rapidly, he tries to say anything to tell you how he feels, but he can’t get any words out.
“..ey…hey big guy – look, I’m here, you’re alright – okay?” You try to get him to focus on you, not necessarily your words but just on you.
"Try to take a big breath, big guy – yeah, just like that – breathe in, breathe out…You're doing great König.”
Following your instructions König (tries) to take a deep breath in and out, focusing on what you smell like and your voice. König feels a little stupid, he’s gotten shot – almost killed before, but he can’t take a little doctor's visit? So yeah, it's definitely a critical hit on his ego; he’s just glad it’s you with him.
After calming down a bit König bites the inside of his cheek, diverting his eyes to the door to the far left of the room. He considers bolting out of your office – he won’t have to get patched up, and he won't have to face you, so it’s a win-win situation—
“König dear, don’t try to run out of the room,” you tell him firmly, more so for you than for him – if he decides to make a hasty exit, you conclude that you would not be able to catch the injured man.
“…Am I that obvious [Name]?”
“Yes, dear…You are pretty obvious.”
The silence in the room was deafening, not super awkward – just a bit tense.
König sighs, visibly deflating in his chair; he mutters an apology, watching your figure look in the bottom drawer of your desk. He feels like he’s back in primary school when kids would make fun of him, leaving him all embarrassed.
Well, in this situation, he feels more ashamed than embarrassed.
He continues to watch you shuffle through the drawer until you find what you were looking for – suddenly, you turn to him, smiling triumphantly, motioning for him to stick out his hand to take what you were holding.
“What is it [Name]?” König asks, reaching out for the unknown object in your hand.
Upon further examination, König realizes the object is made of solid metal and cylindrical – resembling a car transmission.
“It’s a fidget toy! I like that one personally because I like the feeling of the transmission shifting gears – but I have some other ones if you would like.”
König stares at you dumbfounded. Diverting his eyes to the small toy in his hand, he starts to mess with it.
“König, I’m going to continue patching you up, alright? Please let me know if you need anything….”
Nodding, he continues to mess with the toy in his hand, gnawing at his bottom lip to suppress a smile.
König, a man that stands at six foot ten inches, just received a fidget toy from his medic S/O – how could he not smile?
“König, I’m done cleaning the wound, but you’ll need some stitches, alright? I’ll try to make this as quick as possible.”
König continues to watch you work while shifting the fidget toy from first gear to sixth gear, grateful for the newfound distraction from the distressing environment he’s currently in. He’s also immensely thankful that you are walking him through everything you do – even though he’s not entirely listening.
“Finished! All patched up, big guy – how are you feeling?” You say, tying off the final stitch on König’s arm.
“Better – I feel better,” König says, fumbling with his words, speaking with such haste, appearing as if you caught him off guard.
“Great, I’ll write down the care instructions for your stitches, so you don’t forget �� come back here in two-ish weeks to remove the stitches, alright?
Standing up, he shyly extends his hand out to you, offering to return the toy you graciously lent him.
“Oh, you can keep that big guy – you seem to like it…So you can have it.”
König stares at you dumbfounded again, shifting his gaze from you to the small toy in his hand, back to you.
“…You sure?” König asks you quietly.
“Positive.” You respond, pushing his extended hand back towards him. “I want you to have it.”
König thinks he’s going to combust.
His awfully nice, exceptionally attractive S/O just watched him break down, patched him up, and gave him a gift. He’s not sure what he has ever done to be treated with such care, but if he thinks about it any longer, he might start to cry.
Bending down, he mutters a ‘thank you’ into your neck, tightly wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
“König..?” He hears you say softly, “Can we stay like this for a while..?”
Humming in approval, he pulls you closer to him, slightly swaying side to side, putting more of his weight on your body to keep you in place.
You don’t know what injuries König will acquire the next time he’s deployed, but for now, your mind is here – at this moment, with König holding you in his embrace and the steady beating of his heart proving that he’s alive and that he loves you.
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myahs-delulu-palace · 2 months
Human or Doppel…?| That’s not my Neighbor| Francis Mosses x F! Reader OneShot
After another stressful day of work as a doorman, [Name] reaches her apartment and go inside, she finds Francis sitting on the sofa reading a book. [Name] remembers buzzing him in earlier but can’t help but get a little paranoid now…what if he was being a really perfect doppelganger? Just waiting to strike…she starts to tense up a bit at the thought.
Francis takes his eyes off his book once he realizes [Name] came home, but he could tell something was off already.
"Mmmm Darling? Is something wrong?" he asked when he saw her staring at him.
[Name] snaps out of her trance. "Oh uhm…nothings wrong, just tired from work today…those doppelgangers are a lot of work…" [Name] didn’t want him to know what she was actually thinking…if she did, and if he was actually a doppelganger…she’s be fucked even more early…
Francis sets his book aside and gets up. He slowly walks towards her. She can smell a milky smell from him. He wraps his arms around her waist. "Mmmm…Are you sure everything is alright? You have a serious look on your face."
[Name] forces a smile as she looked at her husband’s tired eyes.
"I’m sure, I’m fine honey…" she was obviously lying, a whole ass fetus could tell she was lying…[Name] was a really bad liar when she’s nervous.
Francis could see through your forced smile. He was starting to worry. "Mmmmm…You don’t look fine darling. Are you sure nothing is wrong? I’m getting that feeling that you have been having doubts about me being a Doppelganger..."
[Name] froze…'fucking hell…how did he figure it out so quick!?' she thought to herself. "What…? What uhm…what makes you think that…?" She was still tryna lie even though she was caught so easily.
Francis noticed her sudden change in behavior. This confirmed his suspicions. His expression softened as he tightened his arms around her. "Darling....the past few days...I could see it in your eyes. I could see that you have been having doubts about me. Am I wrong? Please don't tell me.....you think I'm a Doppelganger..."
[Name] looks at him for a bit deciding whether or not to tell him the truth…Francis sensed her hesitation and gently lifts her chin up. He gently looks into your eyes and softly says.
"Darling, please.....don't be afraid to tell me the truth. I can tell you have doubts about me. I know that there are many Doppelgangers out there and you have encountered them at work. Darling...please tell me the truth. Is that...it? Do you think I'm a Doppelganger?"
[Name] sighs and nods her head finally admitting it. "I’m sorry Francis…it’s just…this job and these doppelgangers…they’re getting to my head…these doppels are getting smarter and smarter and it’s making me paranoid…"
Francis sighs as he gently rubs her back. He kisses your forehead and holds you tightly. He whispers into your ear. "I understand Darling. I understand your fears about the Doppels. But I promise you one thing. I swear to you, that I'm not a Doppelganger. I'm real. I'm not a fake. I'm a real man who loves you. I'm your husband..."
[Name] sighs as she lays her head on his chest for comfort, she was glad her paranoia was wrong…she really needed to relax right now after this stress…
Francis can tell that she was overwhelmed with everything. He rubs his fingers through your hair gently and speaks in a soothing voice. "Why don't you forget about your work for the time being and just relax. I'll make you hot cocoa with chocolate milk just the way you like it, sound good?"
[Name] lifts her head up to look at Francis in his eyes again. "Yes, thank you Francis…I’m lucky to have you…" Francis softens with a smile as he continues to stroke her hair. He leans in and gently kisses [Name]’s forehead. He breaks away with a soft chuckle.
"Mmmm....I'm lucky to have you too Darling. I'll be right back with the cocoa okay?" [Name] nods as Francis let her go, she walked to the living room and sat on the couch waiting for her dear husband to come back.
In the kitchen, Francis mixed the hot cocoa. As he mixes the cocoa on the stove, he hums a tune to himself.
Five minutes later, Francis brings the mug of cocoa to the living room. He walks over to the sofa where [Name] is sitting. He sits next to her and gives her the mug. "Here you go Darling. Fresh hot cocoa for you with extra chocolate milk. Just the way you like it.
[Name] takes the hot cocoa carefully and blows on it a bit before drinking it, it tasted sooo good! Francis made the best hot cocoa. “This is making me feel better already, I love you Francis…thank you again for comforting me…”
Francis smiles softly as he watches her drink the hot cocoa. He wraps his arm around her waist and brings her close to his chest. "Mmmm...I'm so glad. Glad that I could reassure you. I'll always be here for you whenever you are feeling nervous. I love you so much Darling...I really don't know what I would do without you in my life...You're everything to me."
Francis' words made [Name] blush as she cuddled next to him on the couch and continued to drink her hot cocoa, they remained next to each other the rest of the night…
I just thought, “this will make a great fanfic! :p” and now here I am on the toilet writing this out. Hope you enjoyed reading! I’ve been dying to make a “That’s not my neighbor” story and I finally made one! I would’ve made a twist ending but decided to just go wholesome if that’s alright. Maybe I’ll make an alternate ending…
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sabertoothwalrus · 8 days
OK PREFACING WITH IM SORRY IF I ALREADY SENT THIS EXACT ASK BUT MY WIFI KILLED ITSSLF AS I SENT IT SO IDK IF IT ACTUALLY WENT THROUGH. but in case it didn’t . i know youve gotten this countless times in the past because i blog stalked just in case youve mentioned something similar before but i need to know if you have any specific inspirations when you draw exaggerated expressions specifically like these two images of marcille. ive actually cried laughing over this comic and being able to communicate this type of visceral emotion is such an insane skill and ive followed your art for probably close to a decade through various fandoms so watching you develop this style has been fucking awesome and epic. like i cannot articulate how funny these are to me i just need you to understand i look at this comic to inspire me to draw now. the closest comparison i can draw to the feelings they evoke are like those mspaint reaction images and also mspaint tails i included for reference even though you probably know exactly what im talking about anyways but its actually so much harder to do that intentionally when you study art. also i lied you literally don’t even need to answer this i just had to let you know how obsessed i am over your silly comics and now ive written out a whole ass discussion post about it. im sorry if this is weird at all i think my daily prescribed amphetamines r wearing off and i know this is such a dumb specific thing to fixate on and im so sorry if its not something you want to hear about your art. ive just always seen that as an artist this type of expressive stupid silly style is something that comes after a significant amount of time and practice and study and style development despite being “simple” in theory. its just so cool to have worked with your own style so much that youre able to go “off model” from it and still maintain consistency with the rest of the piece. i said it already and im sorry this is actually rendundant now but the ability to communicate such raw emotion somehow decreases from at its height when someone is a beginner artist learning how to proportion and keep a steady line and what looks “normal” but somehow it all comes full circle because taking all that experience and using it to almost return to where you started but in a fully informed and intentional way so you can make choices to draw characters like this when the situation calls for it is just dhcidogakgoshfhw. i think i need to cut myself off or im going to talk in circles im sorry tumblr user sabertoothwalrus i just am fascinated by your style and progress and the years you’ve dedicated to art can be seen in so many places but this is just one that stands out to me specifically.
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MMMMM what a fun question!!!
I'm not gonna lie, I think it's just Letting A Drawing Be Bad. I definitely think the people that struggle with this the most are people who have genuinely very pretty art styles, to the point of being kind of perfectionist about it. and to Draw Funny often means Drawing Fast and Weird. Pretty is kind of the antithesis of funny (unless being pretty is the punchline). do drawings that make yourself laugh. tracing/lining funny sketches almost always makes them less funny.
one of my favorite types of humor is when it skews more deadpan, actually. This is one of the reasons I love Adventure Time. minimal expressions and flat line delivery + absurd context is a really good combo. the key to comedy has more to do with contrast! if your drawings are allllll crazy ren & stimpy all the time, they're not funny anymore cause it's just "normal". if it's all subdued UNTIL it's extreme, and vice versa, then it's funny. The reason this comic is so funny is because of the complete lack of any expression. I feel like the one you sent of Marcille shouting "WHAT" is funnier when you know how much she tries to be dainty and feminine and delicate, how much she values her appearance, and how averse she is to "gross" or "weird" things.
something I find really annoying (and this is with comics/animation in general, not the expressions themselves) is when the joke goes on for too long. Like you'll have the joke, then the punchline, and THEN the characters reacting to the punchline??? Like the author didn't trust that their audience would find the joke funny, so they basically drew in a laugh track. But, this is distinct from a character's reaction being the punchline (like how the examples you gave from my Marcille comic are). MY POINT IS sometimes expressions aren't as funny on their own as you think, and context can affect how you feel about it!
as far as inspirations go!
my own face! even if I don't have a mirror, I like making the expressions myself so I can "feel" where the points of tension on my face are, and it gives me a sense of what to exaggerate.
my brother's art, believe it or not! we've been trying to make each other laugh with our drawings since we were kids, and he's really good at it.
ATLA has some great expressions
OK KO has been a reallyyyy good source for me lately. That show is so tailored to my sense of humor and the expressions and line deliveries feel exactly like the kinds of things I'd come up with. The tone, timing, and art style are all really close to the tv show pitch I'm working on, so when I feel like I've "strayed" too much from it (like after drawing a bunch of dungeon meshi, and my art feels tighter and... idk "manga-ier"?) I like to go and watch a couple episodes of OK KO to loosen back up
A lot of things like OG Spongebob, Calvin & Hobbes, the Simpsons, Chowder, etc etc
memes in general. if it makes you laugh, keep it in mind
and lastly, I wouldn't say I ever try to mimic funny expressions I see. Like if I watch a show for inspo, I'm not pausing it to copy specific drawings, I'm just trying to notice patterns and pay attention to what about it I find funny.
talking about being funny is really bizarre and I dunno if it makes it lose some of the magic. Ultimately it's something you can't think about too much, and just gotta go with your gut.
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hothothotch · 6 months
hi sweetheart! after you absolutely killed my last request and cleaned every dish with it MM MM MMMMM I'm back
this time, DBF!Hotch. The two of you got caught on your dad's new security camera beside the house that you didn't know about. Your dad tries to send aaron home to chew you out on it but Aaron gets all defensive and refuses to let you take the fall for both of your actions (maybe this leads to aaron's first acknowledgement that he loves you, 😮‍💨) but yes just protective!hotch standing up for you and your relationship 🦋🦋
Hello I'm baaaack!
I'm finally taking the web off the asks that got lost on my inbox when I disappeared, so you may see me for a few days!
Requests are still open, and you're invited to send anything Aaron Hotchner on my way.
Thank you for your request!
LUCK: sucess or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions. Chance considered as a force that causes good or bad things to happen.
With you, it was usually bad things.
Of course, there were exceptions — like when you graduated in law, only a few months ago; or the day your father (the Senator) allowed you to go for a guided visit to the FBI to study it's many Units just because you wanted to see law being applied on different contexts; or — and this one was your absolute favorite — when you stumbled into your dad's best friend, Aaron Hotchner.
The latter one had been an absolute blast.
Aaron Hotchner was BAU's Unit Chief, and thanks to his ties with your father, he had been the one responsible for your tour of the sixth floor. Aaron had been attentive and careful, he embraced your curiosity as if he was being paid to give someone a tour, and not to find serial killers.
At the end of your tour, he offered you his number because, "I was a lawyer, so if you ever need something, or another tour, just give me a call".
One week later, you called him to ask for advice on a hard case you've taken at the law firm you were working at; Aaron asked you to dinner so you could talk privately about it, and helped you go over the case files. You also talked some more about your private lives — how he had an 8-year-old son, how you had a dog, how both your jobs took more time from you than you wanted. At the end of the dinner, there was another one scheduled.
Aaron had to reschedule that one (a case in Alaska wanted his immediate attention), but he knocked on your door first thing when he came back, a bouquet of flowers (sunflowers, to be exact) in hand as he proposed you'd go out for that delayed dinner. You accepted right away.
The third date was at your home, and that was the first time you kissed. The first time you've done way more than kissing. By the time Aaron left your home that night — staying over wasn't an option when he had a son at home —, you were sure there was nothing you wanted more than a solid career and to have that man's hands on you again.
That was when things started to go wrong.
You've had your fourth date scheduled when a pipe at your home exploded, causing a flood to start in your bathroom and spread all over your house; and while you weren't excited to go back into living with your father, that was the only available (and financially worthy) option, because you certainly wouldn't ask Aaron to let you live with him.
No. Nope. Absolutely not.
It wasn't like you were dating, on the romantic sense of the word. Yes, you had feelings for him; yes, you messaged so often that people had asked more than once if you were in a relationship; and yes, you did way more than just making out like hormonal teenagers whenever you had a second to be together.
But Aaron had a son, and you had a golden retriever (and said golden retriever was too attached to Aaron, to be honest), and a month and a few days of hookup wasn't enough to justify calling someone and saying, "Hey, mind if I crash down at yours while my pipes are being changed?".
"Yes, honey" Aaron nodded, looking down at you as he played with your hair, "That's exactly what you should've said".
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head in bewilderment. That was probably the third time you've been having that discussion, but it was the first time you've done it personally since Aaron had just came back from a case.
As usual, Aaron spent the night at home with Jack (he did invite you to go over, but you didn't feel like you were this far in your relationship to say yes) and appeared first thing in the morning at your father's house to see you. Now, you were lying together on the backyard, Aaron looking down at you, prompted up on his shoulders as you laid on the towel you brought out.
It was intimate, cute. The kind of moment you wouldn't have anywhere else, since the two of you lived on apartments. It was special, as if there was something more going on there, something unspoken.
Frightening. That was the word to describe it. And yet...
"I'll keep that in mind next time" you replied, a smile spreading on your face at the sight of the smallest quirk on his lips, "I like it when you smile, Aaron".
Aaron's smile widened, and God — you could feel your heart beating faster at that godly image, at the fact that you had put that smile on his face, the realization that his look of adoration was for you, and not any other woman.
"I like it when you smile, too" he whispered, leaning to press a soft kiss against your lips, "Even if this is not a rare occasion, because you're the softest person I've met".
"Oh, come on!" you pushed him away, and even if it was nothing more than the touch of your hand against his chest, Aaron pretended to fall backward on the towel, a silent invitation for you to lay on his chest, "I'm not soft!".
"Yes, you are" Aaron replied with a laugh, "Even more than Garcia, and she's essentially a marshmallow".
You gasped at his words, placing your hand on your heart as if he had offended you, "I can't believe you said that! I am a serious lawyer!".
"Never said you weren't, honey" Aaron pointed, pressing a soft kiss against your head, "Just that you're a very soft lawyer, that's always good to everybody".
"Which some would point as a weakness".
"Some are stupid" Aaron shrugged, "You are not. You're the best lawyer I've met, and I know you can do great things, baby".
You didn't know how to react to his words if there was an appropriate way to react. On these few months you've been seeing each other, Aaron had made a point of cheering you on whenever he could, and even managed to watch some of your court hearings (a benefit he got from being both an ex-lawyer and an FBI Agent), always having some strategic input for the next one.
Aaron has been helping, and has been hearing. He believed you even when you weren't sure your father believed.
God, you loved that man.
"Thank you" you whispered shyly, moving to kiss his lips, "I don't know what—".
"What the fuck is happening here?".
So, here's where the word luck suddenly turns into unluck. That specific moment in time, when you realize that the feeling of something missed you've been nurturing, had nothing to do with a lack of word to define your relationship with Aaron, but with the fact that at the end of the day... your father had no idea you've been dating Aaron.
It wasn't like you were hiding it from him — you've been open about dating someone, and he was aware that he knew that someone, but in truth you've never properly told him who that someone was. And while you wanted to say it was pretty obvious (because you've lost count on how many times you and your dad talked about Aaron when having dinner together), your dad had never been the one to read between the lines.
So, yeah. That was kinda your fault.
"Dad!" you stood up immediately, thanking every god available you and Aaron had decided to just lay outside, and not do something else, "You're home early".
"Yeah? You tell me" your dad snorted bitterly, looking between you and Aaron with anger written all over his face, "I was watching the security camera because I know this is when you get Lucky ready for her walk, and what do I see? You and Aaron here together! What was I supposed to do?".
You had some answers on your mind, but none of them seemed important as you looked around, eyes half-closed as you studied the space around you, "There are no security cameras on the backyard".
"Thank God I put on some last week!" your father pointed, "I thought you'd be safer if I did, and now I see that was providential for some other reasons".
You noticed when Aaron stood up beside you, his hand touching the small of your back softly, "There's no reason for you to talk with that this way".
"No reason? No—" your dad stopped, pinching the bridge of his nose for a second before he pointed at Aaron, "You, I want you out of my house. And you—".
For a second, you thought you'd been the one to mutter that simple word, that you had dared to say 'no' to your father to defend a... situationship with Aaron; it made sense because in your heart you wanted — craved — to tell your father that he couldn't tell you who you could date, or to put your "I'm an adult" speech to use, but you hadn't been the person to retort.
It had been Aaron.
"What did you say?" your father barked, his eyes twitching in nervousness.
"I said no" Aaron replied, taking a step in front of you, "You're not gonna talk like that with her. Not today, not ever".
"I'm her father—".
"That doesn't mean you don't owe her respect!" Aaron retorted, his voice louder than your father's, "You wanna talk about us, that's your right. You wanna know about us, that's also your right. But to scream with her in order to get some manipulated answer, that's not happening, not on my watch".
You knew you were supposed to step up and say something. Maybe you should tell Aaron to leave, so you could talk privately to your father; maybe you should stand with Aaron and leave with him because, honestly, you were dreading this specific talk.
But having Aaron defending you?
You've decided to study law because you knew what it was not to have someone on your back. Of course, your father had defended you in some instances, but there were other moments he'd made it known he'd step out so you could solve things by yourself; it did help you build character (as he used to say), but you missed having someone patting your back at the end of the day, or helping with the fights you just didn't feel ready to fight.
Aaron was just that person.
You didn't know if it was because he was FBI or it was his lawyer side rubbing in again, but it didn't matter — Aaron was fighting for you. Fighting for what you had.
God, you really loved that man.
"Okay" your father humphed, both his hands on his waist as he looked directly at you, "Then plead your case. And I hope is a good plea, because I didn't pay for the best university is this country for you to give me some lame reasoning—".
"Shut up!".
Yeah, this time it was you. And you knew that if you didn't go on with that, you probably would get too afraid to continue, so... "I'm an adult, dad" you cringed at how lame your words sounded in front of what Aaron had just said, "I won't say there isn't an age gap..."
"Twenty years" your father pointed between gritted teeth.
"But I'm an adult!" you stomped your feet, holding Aaron's arm, "I'm 28, I'm a lawyer, and I..." you closed your eyes, biting your bottom lip before those three words escaped her lips, "I can make my own decisions, dad. I'm not asking for your permission, I'm asking acceptance".
Silence. Deafening silence.
"Can I talk to Aaron?" your father asked finally. You could read anger all over his face, the way his jaw was tense and his hands were closed in fists, but you could also see defeat in his eyes — the realization that it didn't matter what he did or said, you'd stick to what you had with Aaron.
And you were proud of yourself.
You looked up at Aaron, waiting to see if he wanted to have this talk with your father, even if you knew he was too much a gentleman to refuse something like that (you had your doubts he'd ask for permission if he ever decided to pop the question — but why the hell were you thinking about that?), which was quickly confirmed with his curt nod, "Okay" you whispered.
With a gentle smile towards Aaron, you made your way towards your dad, stopping your walk beside him before whispering, "I love him. Please, don't fuck with that".
He didn't answer, nor looked at you. Taking it as your leave, you walked back inside the house, closing the door behind you — but not quick enough not to hear Aaron's final words.
"I fucking love your daughter, man. Please, don't fuck it up".
Maybe you weren't that unlucky, after all.
Thank you for the request!
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ellastone-olsen · 6 months
Hi there! Can I request Agatha Harkness x virgin! reader with smut? I thought maybe Agatha and reader first time
Something super soft 🥹🥹
Stay with me - Agatha Harkness
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Summary: The date ended in Agatha's bed. There's only one thing you didn't tell her. This is the end?
Pairing: Agatha Harkness x f!reader
Warnings: SMUT, top!Agatha, sub!reader,fluffy fluf fluf and again fluf, a lot of kisses, hurt/comfort, first time, age gap, a little dirty talk, praise kink
Word count: 1.5k
AN: Hi anon! Thanks for the request! I've been feeling sad and anxious lately so it felt really pleasantly to write something sweet like this. I hope you'll enjoy <3
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You don’t remember how many dates you’ve gone on together but you already knew exactly how it would end today. Agatha sat opposite you in a stunning white suit with a revealing cutout at the chest. Usually the woman wore something more modest, but her outfit today, more frequent touching and obvious little teasing spoke for itself. The prospect of a night with her filled you with excitement, excitement and... fear. You never told her that you were a virgin, afraid of disappointing the older woman with your childish inexperience. Besides due to the age difference, you always tried to be older than your age for her.
You poured yourself another glass of red wine, which she carefully ordered to suit her taste. Dinner was coming to the end, a hand with a neat red manicure rested on your thigh. "If you're done we can go." Something dropped in your stomach. “Will you stay with me tonight?” Oh my God... Your cheeks flushed with color and you just nodded shyly and silently began to get ready. Agatha noticed that you were unusually quiet, took your chin and raised your head to look at you. “Superstar, is everything okay? If you want to go home, tell me, I’ll take you.” Her blue eyes looked at you with boundless tenderness and your heart shrink. You shook your head “No Aggie everything is fine.”
Agatha's dark purple Nissan parked in the driveway. When the front door closed behind you, Agatha’s arms wrapped around your waist, pushing you closer to her. "Hi". Your heartbeat quickened. "Hi. We were together all evening, did you forget?” She studied your face for a few seconds, her eyes shining, the woman gave you a smile before leaning down and pulling you into a gentle, slow kiss. Sometimes she treated you like you were made of porcelain. Your hands grabbed her shoulders and then slid into her mischievous dark hair. Her chest pressed against yours and the feeling was driving you crazy. Only after a minute or two did Agatha let go of you and bury her face in the crook of your neck. “Shall we go to my room?” A quiet whisper broke the moment of silence.
With slow steps, without breaking the kiss, she led you to her large plush bed. You've already been in her house, woke up with her in her arms, but it never went as far as now. You fell onto the bed and Agatha straddled your hips, kissing you over and over as she began to lightly grind you. When her mouth descended on your neck, your back arched from the feeling of her light bites and kisses, she found your erogenous zone too quickly and accurately. “Oh my God Aggie, so good..” She pulled away and looked at you with the question “Already? I haven’t started doing anything yet baby.” Your cheeks turned red and you buried your face in the pillow, avoiding looking at her.
Agatha began to add 2 and 2, analyzing your behavior throughout this evening. Holy shit..."Baby?" She tried to get your attention back. “Mmmmm?” You muttered something into the pillow. The woman gently took your face in her hands, turning you to look at her. Agatha decided not to delay and ask directly, “Are you a virgin?” While you were thinking about telling the truth or lying, the silence dragged on and she didn’t need your words to understand that the answer was affirmative. “Why didn’t you tell me? What if I hurt you?" Tears began to accumulate in the corners of your eyes, it seemed to you that she was angry at you, you thought that now she would leave.
Agatha took this as a sign that you didn’t want all this and began to get off you. Her heart sank. You stopped her by grabbing her hand. “Stay” little whines and sobs came from you. The woman sat down next to you on the edge of the bed and wiped away the tears from your face with her thumb. “I don’t understand baby, talk to me.” There was clearly concern and excitement in her tone. You took a couple of breaths. “I wanted to be old enough for you. I thought that you would leave if you found out that I’m not as experienced as you.”
Agatha sighed and took your hand. Her face moved closer to yours and small kisses peppered your cheeks. “How could you even think that? If I had been embarrassed by your age, we wouldn’t have even had one date. Please tell me everything from now on." You sat up to look into her eyes. "Aren't you upset?" "I'm only upset because you didn't tell me." You wiped the remaining tears from your cheeks and reached out to her for a hug. "Sorry Aggie."
Your lips found hers again and the older woman returned to your lap. "I'll be careful." She whispered and her deft hands began to undress you. When the upper part of your body was freed from clothes, her lips fell on your nipple, softly biting and licking the bites. Your hand slid into Agatha’s hair, pressing her closer. The feeling of her mouth on your chest made you needy and wet. You began to rub your thighs, which did not go unnoticed by the older woman. “Does my baby girl want more already?” “Mmmm yes Aggie please.” Another kiss, but more bold than before. Her tongue finds the entrance to your mouth and she begins grinding your thighs again, eliciting a series of whines and sighs from you. “Fuck...” You grab her hips to help her move. It’s Agatha’s turn to moan, “Damn baby, you’re so beautiful, I want you so bad.”
Your hands took off your jacket along with her tank top and threw it somewhere on the floor of the room. The sight of her bare breasts made your mouth water. "Can i?" Such a sweet question and your puppy dog ​​eyes drove her insane and she wordlessly pulled your head towards her. You played with her nipples, then moved to her neck, your hands found their way between her legs through the fabric of her pants, but she grabbed your wrist. "No no no, now it's about your pleasure." "But I..". You didn’t agree when she got off you and undressed you completely.
Her eyes darkened at the amount of moisture between your soft thighs. She kissed everywhere: neck, chest, stomach, thighs. You squirmed and whined under her. "Please, please touch me." She gave in and settled between your legs, softly licking and sucking your swollen clit. "OH MY GOD FUCK AGGIE." The scream that came out of your mouth was music to her ears. “So sensitive and responsive. God I won’t stop until you cum all over my face.”
Another series of licks, you are the most delicious thing she has ever tasted, she was already addicted to the feeling of your thighs around her head. “Do you want my fingers inside baby?” She stopped and bit her thigh. “Yes please, I need it so much.” You covered your face with your hands, mumbling inaudibly. Agatha rubbed her cheek against your thigh, teasingly. “Have you ever touched yourself? Did you put your fingers in that pretty pussy?” A hum of agreement came from somewhere above. “Tell me how it was? What were you thinking about when you came?” Shame consumed you all. Your hips rose towards her mouth, urging her to take action. "I won't continue until you answer."
Through shame you began to speak. “I...I thought about you that evening. I just returned home after our date...” Silence filled the room. "Continue." The woman insisted and bit your thigh. “I’ve never done anything like this before. But you were so beautiful. I couldn't resist. I did it and when I came I thought only of you.” You said it in one breath, two of Agatha’s fingers were already rubbing your entrance. The woman was very flattered by all this. “You’re a good girl Y/N. Such a good girl for me.” The tips of her fingers were in you, “Such a pretty little thing.” The praise made you clench tighter around her. “Someone likes to be praised.” Her fingers went even deeper and were completely inside. She waited for your permission before moving. Her fingertips rubbed and hit that nice spot inside you so well. “FUCK FUCK GOD YES.” You screamed as she took your clit into her mouth again. The stimulation felt so good, you raised your hips to meet hers and grabbed her hair with your hands. Your wetness dripped onto her palm, and it didn’t take two minutes for you to cum around her. “That’s it baby, so wet and tight. This is all for me." The woman prolonged your orgasm and then licked you clean. You were lying on your back, she got up and lay down next to you, pressing her lips to yours. "My good girl."
You remembered that Agatha had not cum yet and finally tried to take off her pants. “Show me how to please you.”
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igotanidea · 1 year
Transient : JT x reader
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Request: as a part of my celebration : Jason x daydream(ing).
“Jay?” her little sleepy voice came from behind his back and he immediately spun around to lay eyes on her figure.
She had a rough week, filled with work, long hours, massive amounts of things to do, places to be, people to talk to. No wonder that after five days of such grind she was just exhausted.  It was an introvert nightmare to be put amongst too many stimuli.
So instead of spending Friday evening on cuddling on the couch and watching movies with her boyfriend, as planned, she just simply feel asleep. And it was just so sweet to watch her like this.  
“I’m sorry….” She yawned and looked down apologetically “I know you really wanted to relax a bit, but I just…..’ she yawned again, her eyes closing since she had no power to keep her open “…I’m sorry, Jaybrid….”
“Hey. Stop it.” Jason cupped her cheek and caressed it gently “you need rest, baby. It’s normal. You’ve been working so hard, it’s only natural. My little workaholic.” He smiled and picked her up bridal style, holding her close to his chest and carrying towards the bedroom. Despite everything it was always surprising for her that he was able to lift her with no effort. And it was just so nice and comforting to drift off in his arms. Feeling like he would be the one to take care of her. To watch her and not let her get hurt. Y/N was used to being strong, she was a tough, resilient and independent woman, but knowing she had someone to share her burdens and worries with, was making her melt. A single memory of Jason was making her melt. And she knew it worked both ways, for him  as well as for her.
“Jason?” she muttered into his chest, locking hands on his neck, even during that little walk wanting him closer.
“Yes, princess?” she kissed her temple
“I love you…..”
“I love you too, baby.”
“Will you be here when I wake up? Promise me, you’ll come back to me safe…..”
“I promise. Now, sleep.” He laid her onto the bed gently, putting the covers over her body.
“You’re not gonna undress me for bed?” she chuckled
“Wouldn’t you like that, love?”
“mmmmm…..” her gentle snore had to do for an answer and Jason’s eyes started watering. All the feelings he held for her just finding the way out. Somehow she always knew how to strike that sensitive part of him, and surprisingly he was not afraid to be vulnerable with her. Having someone to care about, to pour all his love into, to care about, to talk to…. How did that happen to him? When did that happen to him?
“Sleep tight, princess. It’s all gonna be fine…..” he whispered watching as she rolled over to the other side, his heart clenching due to all the feelings stirring inside him.
And now she was awake, standing in front of him.
Due to some magic, during the night she lost her work clothes, in which he put her to sleep and was now wearing one of his old shirts. Too big for her, serving rather like a nightgown, covering only the tops of her thighs.
“Hi.” He smiled lightly, not daring to step towards her to break that peace, silence and reverie. It was unreal. Sun shone through the curtains, leaving reflections on the floor and on their faces,  the whole world just stopped for a second to let them indulge in the moment of being together  with no pressure, no expectations, no plans.
Just them.
Nothing more was needed. Jason just wanted to watch her like this forever. With messy hair and a bit blurry, yet sparkling eyes. God, those eyes that could burn right into his soul. And her smile. The lightest, almost unnoticeable yet lightening up her whole face. And it was meant just for him.  
“Hi…” she smiled back, rubbing eyes and stretching her back, goosebumps forming all over her bared legs.
“You’re…. wearing my shirt….” he stuttered
“I woke up at some point in the night and needed you. That was the closest thing to that I could get at the time. It smells like you.” her eyes sparkled, her mind still somewhere in the dream. “You’re never getting that back.” Her fingers clutched on the material and she hugged herself. “
“Don’t you want the original, now that I’m back to you?” he reached hands towards her and she dived into his arms, sighing deeply, inhaling his scent “See, princess? Told you it’s better.”
“Are you hurt? Do you need anything?” she mumbled, arms wrapping tightly around him
“You. Just that. Just let me daydream with you in my arms."
Life has a tendency to make you constantly pick up the pace, be busy, in a hurry, running around and dealing with things.
But moments are what counts the most. Seconds, when the gazes of two people who are in love met. A single brush of aligned hands. A stolen kiss. A hug.
Details that can make things better.
A single minute to let oneself daydream and get lost in the other person.
The most precious gift.
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crow-n-tell · 1 year
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I had a lot of trouble with this lil guy. Weird lil music men aren't easy to shift over when their body's are so... Weird. Still, here! Hermit Crab Music Men!
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If you wanna see what went on in my mind for this come right this way...
So a lil info about these boys! These lil music men have adapted to live in the safe shallows, as well as some undersea areas if need be - having two different palettes which match... you've probably guessed by the additions of orange in the music mans usual pastels
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Acid mushrooms! I realized as I was trying to get it all sorted that they are a nearly identical color scheme so it worked out that their colors are a little wacky. Not that real life crabs aren't a bit audacious in their colorings too. Actually the deep sea version of this guy is based off a purple crab called the Palawan Purple Crab who comes from the Philippines.
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Their colors are more so for other crabs of their species to recognize them, or so I've read, but in this particular scenario it suits our lil music man as a sort of camouflage too.
Aside from it being a sort of camouflage, it also gives you insight into these lil guys diet. Most of what (I really need to come up with a name for these guys, but all I keep thinking of is crab rangboom. like crab rangoon? but a sound pun.) they eat are poisonous, which has directly affected how predators view them. Yea see, there are certain families of crabs which are toxic only because they are eating things that should not be eaten.
So music men don't have a lot of predators, other than those who have natural immunities to things like that... ahem, moon.
I imagine that the crabs closer to the surface tend to a little smaller than knee high for an average height human, where as deeper sea versions of them are a lot bigger... Like... I DONT KNOW, Leviathan big? After all these are just lil guys, lets not forget about the big music man!
Next topic is... oh yeah!
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Seismic communication is basically communication through vibrations. Not just through the water, actually it's used by spiders which we can all sort of agree is what the OG music boys are. Spiders use seismic communication when it comes to their webs in particular, able to sense through vibrations in their web if they've captured prey.
Similarly a lot of sea creatures use vibrations as means of communication. Not only in the way spiders do, but sensing out prey; but by avoiding predators or talking to each other. Crabs in particular use all three, but in terms of communication to one another its been noted they will rub their legs together like crickets to talk to other crabs.
For our lil crabby boys, their claws are fashioned sort of like the the original music man has. Hollowed out in the center, they are able to click their lil crab claws together to make sounds and vibrations which distress and confuse their prey long enough to snatch em up and eat em.
Of course they also have the very on brand to SB behavior of just being a literal face hugger if they come out of the shell.
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m...mmmmm..... no... noo....ooo.......
I guess the only thing left to mention is his lil
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I struggled with how i'd give this lil guy a top hat. Then. I remember how WEIRD barnacles are. You see a lot of barnacles that look a lil something like this:
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But they come in many variations!
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And I hate all of them! they are great for designs, helpful in this case, but I get nauseous when looking at them and I can't even begin to understand why.
Sorry if my adhd really popped out on this one, I am actually holding back some of the mostly irrelevant information about colors and uh, other stuff.
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missygoesmeow · 3 months
missy's tips for honour mode :) (it's very long I'm sorry) (oh and here be many spoilers) (but pictures too!)
please note I am not a pro gamer or anything. I sucked so bad when I first started this game (I had no idea wtf I was doing). Like seriously. I didn't know what an action was. what a bonus action was. "No movement left". WHAT DO YOU MEAN NO MOVEMENT LEFT. I had played DnD once before.
I literally bought this game because of Astarion.
I usually play one game and that is Overwatch. the only other time I stopped playing OW was to play Resident Evil: Village because of Lady D. vampire marketing works on me. specifically evil vampire. damn u Neil and Maggie.
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if you have any questions about a specific boss or something feel free to ask! I didn't fight everyone though - like I did not do House of Grief because I didn't need to and also it's hard :)
I think a lot of it just came on down to...
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ANYWAY. letsa go! this is very rambling!
Like I said in my reply to anon, the best tip is to do tactician FIRST. You’ll get destroyed otherwise. I didn’t finish my tactician run but I did get to act 3 and I did most boss fights (Gortash, Raphael, Cazador). Bosses have legendary actions in tactician and it’s fucking annoying. All the homies hate radiant retort….
Another tip is fucking collect everything. It’s hard to get gold and certain potion ingredients later on. Potion of Speed (you need hyena ears for this) is the BEST. I used them for my Ketheric fight (second phase) and killed him in three turns. I also used them for the final fight and used one or two with Raphael and Orin.
Smokepowder Barrels. I think people call this Barrelmancy? I didn't use them much. I hoarded them for one reason and one reason only.
To blow Raphael.
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His soul pillar towers that is. To blow up his pillars. His big long pillars.
Okay I'm done.
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(also I did use three in my last fight against the brain - popped them next to it and blew 'em up) Elixir of Bloodlust - sooooo handy with Astarion!
Invisibility Potion is a must - I used this to escape fights when three people were deaded (this happened a few times😅) and get my good friend Withers to bring them back.
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bonus tip: don't go into a fight with half your spell slots because you think "she'll be right". she won't be...as seen above
HOLY FUCK WITHERS. You can pickpocket Withers. I used Astarion to get our money back anytime I resurrected, changed class or got a hireling - he doesn’t care if you fail either, just keep trying.
DON'T BE DUMB LIKE MISSY Don't be like me, don't half pay attention in cut scenes and accidentally press the wrong dialogue option. Or else your good friend Lae'zel will turn on you and you will have A Bad Time.
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Gale has a stressful day💗
The githyanki are scary and actually now that I think about it, those were usually the fights I had to run away from like a leetle biatch.
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Halsin has a stressful day 💗
I forgot that Psionic Backlash is like a thing that does damage and that if your entire worm filled party does it and the person you are casting is at like...say 19 health...they will die because that is not Passive Damage.
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And then Jaheira will leave because you murdered her friend.
(I lost Shart, Lae'Zel and Jaheira in this run) GENERAL STUFF
Always surprise the enemy if you can, it’s a massive advantage!
Get the eye from Volo. This run was not about looking pretty, it was about getting any advantage I could get. Let that man poke out your eyeball. And make sure it’s your Tav, you will mostly likely swap companions and it’s just better if it’s you. It's helpful in a lot of fights but especially Auntie Ethel
Become half illithid. I did this with my Tav, Gale and Minthara. Astarion was a little bitch about it so I didn’t give it to him but I wish I had made him do it.
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She looks Not Great but she can fly (sorry Astarion but Z'hera only likes pussy)
Being able to fly is just SO helpful and cull the weak is OP! Also mmmmm worms :)
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A Giant Woman (my tiefling) as a Paladin - Oath of Vengeance.
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I broke my oath when I ascended Astarion but you can just get it back. Oathbreaker is still good (that’s what I was in my tactician run) but I wanted my channel divinity charges. I started with the Everburn Blade from the cambion Commander Zhalk on the Nautaloid (when you get Shart, give her the Command Spell and use “Drop” so you can just yoink it off him and save a fight). My final weapon was the Nyrulna which you can get in Act 3 at the Circus. To get this you must pickpocket the genie to take his ring and then play his game. He will accuse you of cheating and send you somewher. The prize at the end is this weapon. I love it. I just went invisible and walked through, I didn’t fight the creatures there.
Astarion - the classic gloomstalker/assasin. I had one level assasin and then did 6 levels ranger before going back to assassin. So he was 6 levels in each. With him ascended, he does INSANE damage. I never swap out that vamp, he’s too useful.
Shart/Minthara - I lost Shart in the Shadowfell - wouldn't let her murder Dame Aylin.
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a simpler time. before I killed my beloved and my brain was full of worms.
I had to fight her (it was very sad). I changed her class to Life of Domain Cleric. I then made Minthara my cleric when Shart died (same build). She replaced my lover and my cleric <3
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i love my new evil girlfriend
Gale - Evocation Wizard so I didn’t change him at all!
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he's so hopeful. and Z'hera is very gay.
If it’s throwable (like invisibility) group the gang together to throw one on the ground to get you all - saves using multiple.
Potion of Speed has an effect called lethargic that is active for one round after the potion ends. This means you miss a turn. HOWEVER! If you drink another one on the last active round of the potion, your Tav will become lethargic immediately and next round you’ll be fine :) I did this for the Ketheric fight.
It’s also helpful (because of lethargic) to not have all characters take the potion in the same round (if you give it to everyone). I never did, I usually gave them to Gale and my Tav.
I hoarded so many scrolls. I had so many dimension door scrolls at the end.
I did get the Necromancy of Thay and did all the things. And then I never used it :)
I saw this on reddit! Pretty much what I did was get a hireling - Cleric - and have that Cleric cast Heroes' Feast on my party.
The affected entity is immune to Diseases, Poisons, and being Frightened, it makes all Wisdom Saving throws with Advantage, and its maximum Hit Points are increased by 12
Lasts until long rest!! I also then cast Freedom of Movement on everyone in the party. I then cast Warding Bond on someone - usually Gale because he's a squishy boy :) If I knew it was a BIG FIGHT! I got another Cleric to cast Warding Bond on another party member.
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you can see Heroes' Feast (the condition is called Thoroughly Stuffed) and Freedom of Movement. These all last until long rest!
Pretty much any other companions were respeced as Cleric (though I made Jaheira a Wizard same as Gale so I could use her). I did this so that I could use Divine Intervention multiple times within the game!
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I used Opulent Revival and nothing else
anything can kill you in honour mode. even an elevator.
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it crushed me. somehow.
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thanks Larian
(if you want proper guides definitely go to Reddit!)
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cali · 7 months
im a different anon but im just curious what advice you would give to someone whos been pillbugging it for um. over a year now
mmm i cant really answer how to stop having depression which im guessing is what u mean + i dont know how ur head works but ive been living mostly NEET-ly for more than 2 yrs now and everyday im getting a better curve at dealing with it so i can tell u what works for me.
half the time when im pillbugging hard im paralyzed by a nontangible fear and the only thing that could stop it is adressing wherever the fear is coming from but the confrontation of the topic, trying to figure out where its even coming from, is terrifying too so i dont do it and stay swimming in tar. theres a sentence people keep saying when they explain why they watch 2 hour video essays "it makes my head go quiet". thats the enemy, the thought, not the person saying it. long term i mean. when its short term anguish that can be bridged by pillbugging its fine i think but if ur "making ur head quiet" for more than a month i urge u to make it go really loud again but thats hard. the only times i can try and confront those thoughts is when i feel otherwise nice, if i got externally forced to have a fun day, hike with my papa, date day with my girlfriend, sometimes just got myself to make a nice meal and it helped, when u feel better its a little less scary and u can maybe try and think out of it a little better. also i think on those days youre generally more positively charged so u got more hope outlook. COOL. i think this is why some people do meditation. im not good at it so i dont really know but i think its a brave pasttime of tackling unpleasant ideas. i used to try and dope my way out of it with lsd cuz everytime i used it it kind of forced me to confront whatever trouble i had but ive forbad myself that cuz i didnt want to rely on it as crutch + it was just unpleasant to get hit over the head everytime. now i only do it when i feel good already (havent done it in half a year lol). sorry, drug tangent. also weed is synonymous with pillbugging 4 me.
otherwise, rituals.... mmmmm..... when therapists and whoevers say stuff like take daily walks daily exercise take daily shower i think all of those are like half about the direct benefits they give and half just about doing anything regularly. cuz it helps. during pillbug hours the point for me is kind of to have time pass as fast as possible so the timeframe to hurt is reduced which is counterproductive cuz if it flows u by rlly hard u cant really grasp onto anything to get off the ride easily. and its never going to come really easy theres no probable single action or event that is going to singlehandedly pull u out of the mire, no rapture, no healing vitamin, its always going to be slow and tedious and boring and stupid but a routine is a nice framework to start that. brushing ur teeth is nice. and when u do something daily the days start becoming more tangible again and u will be able to tell how many days ago tuesday was. maybe u can think abotu what factors motivate u and twist them to do your biddinggg. shame and dissapointment works really well for me if i tell someone i will have this done by then and i dont it usually overpowers the malaise or whatever other reason has been making me not do it prior. but this requires social bonds and i cant guarantee u have those. in summer i started doing therapy cuz in germany i need it for transgenderism and shes also a good beacon for that, if she says do something until next time we meet i dont want to dissapoint her. other than that, um idk, everyting else is just kind of part of that. take walks even if u dont want to think about things even if its scary. be brave like childrens book illustration of knight slaying dragon. and then maybe u get a princess kiss
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chloessleepystories · 9 months
Sisters part 5
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Don’t want to be
Alone now, Chloe stretched her sister’s nude body out, face-down, on the couch in the studio, and, straddling Kenzie’s calves, began rubbing her sister’s thighs and hips with her favorite lotion. Kenzie moaned at her touch, her soreness and ache being soothed away by her big sister’s strong hands.
“You took those cocks like a queen, my pet,” Chloe murmured. “What a good girl, I’m so proud of
you ...”
“Mmmmm thank you ... You know I love pleasing my sister ...”
She massaged Kenzie’s perky round bottom, licking her lips. “Yes you do. It feels so good to obey, doesn’t it.”
“Uh huh.”
“You’re going to take lots of cocks for me, angel. But there’s only one pussy you’re addicted to, isn’t that right?”
“Yoursss,” whispered her limp, broken sister.
“Good girl.”
Chloe was feeling a lot more tender toward her sister than she used to. After all, the girl had given her so much pleasure. And she wasn’t the little genius, lording her brains over her anymore. Nothing wrong with a little aftercare.
And anyway, Mom had always taught her to take good care of her toys. Chloe giggled to herself.
“Turn over now, babe. I need a taste.”
Chloe luxuriated for a moment in the sweet taste of her sister’s juices, mixed with the tang of the boys’ cum still dripping out of her cunny. She sucked tenderly on her clit, grazing it over her teeth (to an arched-back moan from Kenzie) before plunging her tongue back into her folds.
She cupped Kenzie’s perfect bottom with both hands and feasted. Finally, she raised her shining face to say, “You love this don’t you.”
“Oh fuck I do ...”
“You’re my suggestible little dimwit, aren’t you?”
“Am I?”
She was about to say, “Yes, you are,” when she paused. Without saying another word, Chloe devoured her sister’s pussy thoughtfully.
She was giving suggestions every time she did that, she knew. Even asking the question was putting an idea into her head, and confirming it seemed to cement it even further. And she’d spent plenty of time making sure that any of Chloe’s suggestions seemed like very, very good ideas to Kenzie.
Should she lock it in, even more than she already had, that Kenzie was, by nature and by definition, suggestible? A suggestible dimwit, to be guided by ANYONE’s input?
She sat back on her haunches, two fingers working deep inside her sister’s pussy.
“The subliminals in my music have lowered your inhibitions,” she mused aloud as Kenzie moaned, “and have been making you think less and giggle more. That by itself has been making you more horny, and in turn more suggestible even without the subliminals directly impacting your need for sex, and need for physical validation.”
Kenzie began pinching her nipples, writhing, lost in pleasure. She let the words pass her by without comprehension.
“Knees up, princess,” Chloe said, and Kenzie instantly lifted her knees to give her sister greater access. “Rub your clit,” she said, and she did.
“Let’s see, there have been messages about obeying Chloe, and about being a good obedient sister. Wanting to please your sister. But did I ever ... You know, what I didn’t think to do was make that connnection for you. So that you’ve been listening to suggestions from ANYONE, not just me, and thinking they’re great ideas ... I never said you only obey your sister. Is that right?”
“Uh huh ... uuunnggghhh ...”
Chloe hadn’t really thought that Kenzie was listening. “It is?”
“Yesss ... I’ve heard so many good ideas this week ... It feels good to do things for my sister, like stupid good!! And I love agreeing with Chloe, it makes me feel so warm and tingly, I’m such a good devoted sister oh fuck that’s good ...”
“But ... honey? Listen ... does it feel good to obey other people besides me?”
“Oh yeah!!!! Like, the other day ... ohhh ffffpleez I needa cum ...”
“Not yet,” said Chloe, slowing her fingerwork, watching her sister’s hands flit from her nipples to her clit to stroking her belly, her whole body on fire with need. “Who else?”
“The other day, some – some boy told me I liked it when he came on my titties ... and uunnghh ... an’ I realized he was RIGHT!! I LOVE it!! I came instantly, the next time somebody came on my boobies!!”
“You did??”
“Uh huh!! I just wish I had bigger titties, so it would feel even better, and I could get more cum on them!!! Oh godd, rubbing cum in my big giant boobs I’d cum over an’ over ...”
“Umm ... Wow. OK.” Chloe had removed her fingers completely, and was sucking on them absently, enjoying her little sister’s taste. “What else?”
Her corrupted sister was molesting herself mercilessly, her eyes pointed toward the ceiling but dazed and unfocused. “Ummm ... well just now I found out what spit-roasted means!! And I found out I like it so much it makes me cum buckets!!! I can’t wait to do it again!!!”
Chloe watched her for a moment. “OK, I gotta think about this. Go ahead and cum.”
When the screaming had subsided, Chloe brought iPod #3 to the limp form of the girl. She was completely drained in body as well as mind. “I’ve got some work to do, hun. You can listen to your favorite song while I work, okay?”
Kenzie barely stirred. Just stared at the wall, a little drool dribbling from the corner of her mouth.
Sisters ... Sisters ...
You are such a good devoted sister ...
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valkyrayn · 9 months
MANY THOUGHTS AND THEY'RE ALL FILTHY. man be looking fine and sexy as fuck in that first pic. reminding us that he RICH RICH. the way he looks so matured too like he's absolutely giving rich DILF vibes. we'd be fucking in every corner of that limo on every surface until all the windows are fogged up and the whole car shakes
AND HE LOOKS ANGRY TOO i'm guessing it has something to do with them finally going public with their relationship(?). but fuck. angry marius can take me in every way possible. he can destroy me and i'd thank him
and also the second pic omfg the kabedon against the telephone booth and in the rain so you know they wet but i know for sure my girl is DRENCHED MMMMM. the SIZE DIFFERENCE TOO. she's so smol with his suit around her and the way he's so fucking tall towering over her like that. TIL' THE PHONE BOOTH BREAKS
when she tiptoes to kiss him brokdfhgjhdg i'm screaming. the thing about marirosa is the sexual tension on top of it being soft too i'm going insane i'll scream about it more when i'm off work WE'RE SO FED
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xzaddyzanakinx · 16 days
I’m a writer too and I have some stuff that was real popular and people are like more more more! And sometimes you don’t know which way you want to go, but that decision will shape where the story goes. Sometimes you think you’re almost done, but then you realize nope. No where near done. The story just opened up so many doors, and you can’t be lazy and half ass it, so you stew. Time ticks by and they want to know what’s taking so long, are you ok?
No. You’re not ok. Your attention to detail and imagination is trying to kill you. You have so many ideas, they slap you so many times, it feels like you’re surrounded.
Sometimes it’s good to go read your work from the beginning. That helps me.
Just know you’re a great writer. You really are. This is a complex character that you have somehow made likable, which is extremely difficult when they’re obviously a fucking psycho. Somehow I still want it to work, knowing he has killed people and he’s completely fucked up. And not just personality disorder level of fucked up… full on should not be out in society fucked up.
Anyways, take your time, you’re doing great. Hope this helps you.
Oh and also, don’t judge this post as if it’s my writing ability. These are the only place I can be messy
Honestly this is so very sweet. Writers ❤️ writers and that is genuinely one of the best things about tumblr. I feel so loved and supported😭
I’ll def try reading it all over! I’ve done that in the past and it seemed to help.
You’re so right tho bc I have so many thoughts and it’s all in random paragraph clusters I just have to piece them together!
I love each and every one of my readers and I want you to know I will try my hardest to get the next update out by 12:00 am Sunday
Also Ani really is fucked up bro. Yeah BPD but mmmmm it’s beyond that. He started out like a bit 🫣 bpd and it turned into 🧐straight up psychotic needs to be institutionalized for society’s sake.
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bebepac · 1 year
The Last Part
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I am participating in @choicesflashfics prompt: If you think I’d ever love someone after you, then I have failed in showing how much you mean to me”  will appear in bold.
I am also participating in @choiceschallenge-may2023 for engagement.
Thanks @peonierose​ for sending me an ask that helped a part of this fic come to fruition
This is the next to the last chapter of the Rotten Apple.  I decided to make the final, the Wedding be it’s own chapter on its own.  A lot of stuff is going to happen in that chapter.  Sorry it has been so long since updates, hopefully, you will believe the wait has been worth it.  
The Book: TRH
The Series:  The Rotten Apple 🍎
The Pairings: Eleanor x Nico (Eleanor x M!OC) 
Word Count: 2500ish
Warnings and ratings: Brief mention of mental illness/ Teen
Mood Music Monday Song Inspiration: The Call : Regina Spektor
Summary:  Elle and Nico have their first huge fight as a couple. Liam comes to visit Ellie and her family in Greece. 
Original post: 05/20/23 at 7:57PM  EST.  
She stared at him in silence focusing on his eyes; they were completely unreadable.  
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 She could always tell what was going on in his mind when he let her see him.  The two of them were identical in that aspect.  He could hide his true feelings from her, if he wanted to, and so could she. The look in his eyes scared her, until they brightened, and twinkled at her and a smile filled his face and more importantly his eyes. He had the most endearing smile line crinkles, which in turn made her smile.
Elle sighed in relief.  
“You’re happy.”  
“Of course I would be! Were you worried?”
“We didn’t plan this Nico…”  
“We didn’t plan Ana either, and I don’t regret how she came to be for a second.  Are you sure? How long have you known?”  
“Just since this morning.  I took a test, two to be exact, because I have been feeling off for the past few days. Both were positive. My doctor would like me to come in to confirm.  They might need to adjust some of my medications to make sure everything is safe for the baby, and for me. The earliest she could get me in is this Friday.”  
“I would like to go with you.  I want to be at every appointment with you. I don't want to miss anything. We both missed crucial points of Ana's life. Let's not make that mistake again."
The way he was looking at her now, enamored and proud, the way he gently caressed her stomach, was the way she had wished he had looked at her, when he had found out about Ana…. but those were different circumstances. Their life together was progressing in a natural way.
Elle rolled back over in bed, It was barely dawn. When she moved, she felt Nico's grip tighten around her. He softly kissed her earlobe and whispered softly in her ear.
"Go back to sleep, she's not up yet."
"Just because she's still sleeping doesn't mean that we have to."
"Mmmmm….wonder what's on your mind?"
Nico softly kissed her neck, nipping at her skin, grinding his hips into hers.
"Feels like the same thing that is on your mind."
Elle licked her lips pulling Nico's shirt off.
"A little delight to keep you in a good mood at work?"
"Yes, I love that idea."
“Then maybe you should lock the door?”  
Nico jumped up quickly turning the lock before returning to bed with Elle.
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Ana was out of school home with Elle for the day.  
“Stay home with us Papa.”  
Elle still had that nonchalant look  that she always did, softly shrugging her shoulders, with a little smirk to her lips, 
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which had Nico grinning.
“I would if I could Honeybee, but you and Mommy don’t get many days alone together, and you two should take advantage of it.”
Nico winked at  Elle as he kneeled for a moment to kiss Ana’s forehead.  Then he stood and kissed Elle’s lips, grazing her stomach with a feather light touch.
“You could stay home with us, if you want. We don’t mind.”  She emphasized the word 'could' to him to let him know he was wanted there by her.
“No it’s alright.  Have a girl���s day together, and I’ll bring you each a surprise home later.”  
Ana pushed Nico towards the door.
“Bye Papa!!!!”  
Nico lightheartedly laughed.
“Guess I’m being kicked out then.” 
 “Have a good day.” 
 Elle smoothed down the lapels of his uniform tugging him close to kiss him once more.
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“I’ll be back home soon.”
“With a surprise at lunch?”  Ana chimed in.
Both Nico’s girls watched him walk down the driveway to his vehicle.  He gave one last wave as he drove out of sight.
Elle began her day of  cleaning 
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entertaining Ana, trying to make it a special day just for them,  unfortunately her stomach did not want to let that happen. Morning sickness happened throwing a monkey wrench into all of her plans. She remembered having bouts of sickness with Ana, but this was every day, now, multiple times of the day.
Elle was doubled over in the bathroom hugging the toilet when she heard the door open.
She couldn't speak as another wave of nausea hit her again.  
"Mommy are you okay?"  Ana's voice was full of fear.
"I'm just feeling a little sick. I'll be alright."
Ana burst into tears.
"Are you going back to the hospital?"
"No Ana. I'm not. It's not the same kind of sickness as before."
"Are you sure?"
"I'm sure. I'll be out in a minute."  
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Ana slowly closed the door behind her, leaving Elle alone.  Elle decided to make some more tea to make her feel better, better yet maybe it would be a good idea for her  to just drink some every afternoon. Ana looked truly mortified at the fact that she was sick, and afraid of the thought of her going away again.  They hadn’t told anyone about the pregnancy yet, and were waiting after Elle’s doctor’s appointment to share the news with everyone.  She tried to cheer Ana up
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 before Nico came home from work to no avail.  
Ana was still unusually quiet at dinner, and Nico being so perceptive and intune with Ana, noticed immediately.
"What's wrong Honeybee?"  He playfully nudged her, smiling down at her.
She looked at Elle for a moment, then turned to him  shaking her head, shrugging her shoulders.  
Nico’s smile immediately faded, his facial muscles tensing slightly, an overwrought look taking over his face.
"Ana? What's wrong baby girl?" Nico was concerned.
“Nothing.”  Ana whispered, still failing to make eye contact with him while picking at the food on her plate. Something was wrong, and Ana was upset enough that it was affecting her appetite.
"Don't lie to me. You look at me when I talk to you, young lady."
Because of the sternness to Nico’s voice, Ana immediately  looked up from her plate.
"Tell me the truth Ana." he urged.
Ana's eyes filled with tears.
"Tell me Ana."
"Mommy's sick again."
Surprised flashed in his eyes as he dropped his fork, it hitting his plate with a loud clatter.
"Elle? What is she talking about?"
"I'm fine. I have been going to my therapy check ins. I haven't….seen him, Nico, I promise. I wouldn't hide that from you. You believe me right?"
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Nico looked from Ana to Elle.
"What did you see Mommy do Ana?"
Elle gasped.
"Nothing! It can't be what you’re thinking! I didn't do anything Nico. I didn't."
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Nico completely ignored her, focusing on Ana.
"What did you see her do, Honeybee?"
“Nico…”  Elle’s voice was low, pleading and timid. 
“I didn’t do anything…”
Ana looked at Elle. “Mommy…..”
"Nico…don’t do this."
Again, Nico ignored Elle speaking to Ana sternly.
“Don’t look at her.  You look at me and tell me the truth.” Nico raised his voice. “NOW! Eliana. I mean it.”
“It’s okay Ana.  Tell him whatever it is you saw.”
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Immediately Ana’s eyes shifted to Nico’s.
"She was throwing up in the bathroom. She’s been sick a lot."
Relief washed over Nico’s face, and his smile returned.
"That's all you saw Ana?"
Ana nodded.
"Will Mommy have to go away again?"
"We should tell her then. I think it's time. We don't want her to be worried."
"You're right. She's scared."
"The reason Mommy is sick is because we have a baby on the way. Sometimes the baby makes Mommy's tummy upset."
"Did I make you sick when I was a baby?"
She looked between both of  their faces, but Nico couldn't answer because honestly, he didn't know.  Elle answered for him.
"I was sick a lot, but it was worth it because we have you now."
"And you know what this means Honeybee?"
She shook her head not understanding.
"You're going to be a big sister and you'll be able to help with the baby, like you do with Aunt Athena."
"Not with dirty diapers."
"Especially dirty diapers!"
Elle rose from her chair to walk around the table to Ana.
"I realize now how much I scared you, and how worried you were about me, and I'm sorry Ana."  
"It's ok Mommy, I just want you to stay with us, with me. Don't leave me."
Ana hugged her middle, and Elle gently stroked her hair.
"Never again."
Later that evening in their room Elle was giving Nico the cold shoulder.
"Elle, I'm sorry."
“You really thought I had hurt someone?  And that I wouldn’t care enough about our daughter to let her see me do it? Really Nico? Why am I even here if you have that little faith in me?”  
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Nico looked absolutely ashamed of how he had reacted. He took her hands, pulling her closer to him.
He was met with silence; Elle was livid with him.
"What do you want me to say? What should I say right now?"
She yanked her hands free from his.
"I wanted you to say you believed me! But you didn't Nico! You looked to Ana for a confession of my wrongdoing!"
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"The truth Elle....is I thought it might be the baby. You told me they might have to adjust your medication and that would have been my fault. Your medication was working just fine before the pregnancy ....…. And you’re pregnant because I got carried away in the moment and didn't use protection. That was my fault for not being careful."
He wasn't winning her over, Elle still looked angry.
"Nico, what we are building is supposed to have trust as a foundation, and what you just did to me in front of our daughter was the antithesis of that!"
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Nico hung his head for a moment.
"I know…. All I can tell you is the truth, Elle. I was afraid. Every single time I get too happy, something goes wrong. And I thought…this is it. Here it is. The proof that we were fooling ourselves thinking we could do this… be together after everything that happened between us."
Elle's eyes that were filled with tears met his.
"You feel like that too?"
Nico nodded. 
"I feel like I don't deserve this. Like I don't deserve to be happy. But the only times I've been truly happy in my life is when I am with you."
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She nodded.    
"I agree, even when I was trying to fight it Nico.  I know things are not perfect for us. Far from it. Maybe this is something we could think about working on together in therapy. Since it's something we both struggle with. Maybe it will help us both to work on it together."
"I've never been to therapy before."
"Never?!? After everything?"
"No, my family just looks at it a certain way. We deal with things on our own."
"Getting therapy doesn't make you weak Nico."
"I know that but…. It's just not what we do."
"Therapy really helped me, when I really made an effort and was honest with myself, along with taking the medication prescribed to me. I wouldn't be here now with you and Ana without those two things in conjunction. We should do everything in our power to make us stronger."
"I'll do this for you Elle. For us. We'll go."
Nico studied Elle's face.
"There's something else. Tell me Elle."
“The way Ana looked at you Nico.  She doesn’t look at me like that. She’s never looked at me like that.”
“It’s because I've had to discipline her when she has misbehaved. It usually doesn’t take much more than a stern voice to get her back in line. Ana has a very sensitive soul.
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 She reminds me of your sister Liberty in that aspect.  Like Liberty, Ana was trying to protect you. She loves you so much Elle. I love you so much. I'm sorry that I had such little faith in you when you are showing me every day you have truly changed.”
That Friday appointment confirmed what they had expected it would, meaning their little family in seven more months would have a new little baby boy or baby girl as a new addition.  Nico had made a request.  The first person he wanted to tell was her father.  He wanted to invite him there for a visit.
Her father had agreed to come into town for a visit. In less than a week’s time he arrived on her doorstep smiling carrying a bag of gifts, and an even bigger surprise.
“Hi Father…. OH MY GOD!!!!!  LIBBY!?!?!?”
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"Hi Ellie!"
She made the first gesture giving Libby a hug first and then her father.  
“Father, this is an amazing surprise. Thank you!”  She hugged him again.
"When Libby found out I was coming to see you here in Greece, she wanted to visit too.  You look very well Eleanor."
"Thank you Father. I feel better. Come in. Nico is not home yet, but he’s on the way. And dinner is almost ready."
"You're cooking?"
"Yes, I really enjoy it."
"It  smells wonderful."
"Thank you."
“How are things?”  Libby inquired.
"They're wonderful. I really love living in Greece, with Nico and Ana."
"You always did love Greece, even as a young child.  Are you happy Ellie?"
"Yes I am. The happiest I've ever been in my life.  It’s a dream come true.”
Ana came running up to Liam to give him a hug.    
Liam kneeled immediately, catching her in a hug.
“My beautiful granddaughter.  How are you?”
"I’m good!”  
Father’s guard Tomas did a check around the perimeter of the house.
“All clear Your Majesty.”
“Thank you Tomas.”  
“You look very well, Your Highness….’
“Thank you Tomas, but you can call me Eleanor, or Ellie.”  She still liked it that only Nico and his family called her Elle.  It felt very special to her.  
They decided to eat on  the patio since it was a wonderful night.  Conversation and laughter filled the night air.  
Elle smiled as her father heaped seconds of her meal onto his plate.  
“Ellie, this is amazing.  I’m genuinely in awe of your cooking skills, in such a short period of time.”  
“Well, I’ve had the best teachers here, and I really enjoy it.”  
Nico patted his stomach.  “I’ve gained over four kilos since she’s been home.”
“And I don’t mind that at all.  We both have gained some. The food just tastes better here.”  
“But that’s happiness. You two are happy together.”
“We are.”  
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“Speaking of, would you mind taking a walk with me King Liam, there are some things I wanted to discuss with you.”  
“Of course. Let me just finish….”  He took a few more bites of the food from his plate.  
“There is dessert father.  Your favorite.”
“Let’s get this walk in Nico, it might need to be a spirited run.”  
“We’ll start  at a fast paced jog and see how that goes."
Elle and Libby laughed as the two started to jog down the driveway.
"What do you think they're going  to talk about?"
"Isn't it obvious?"
Libby stared at Ellie in silence waiting for her to connect the dots.
"You silly!!!!  Father insists the two of you have an announcement to make since you invited him here. Are you engaged? I know you're not wearing a ring unless you’re hiding it?  Are you engaged Ellie?”  
“No, he hasn’t asked.”
“Would you say yes if he did?”
Elle opened her mouth to speak but Libby immediately cut her off.  
“Of course you would!  I don’t even know why I even asked that. Well if you’re not engaged….”  Liberty’s eyes went wide.
“Are you pregnant again?”  
Elle choked on her drink.  “Why would you say that?”
“Could it be your mini me, that’s playing in the yard with your dog Icarus right now? You’re not denying it.  And you’re drinking water, not wine.”  
“So what? Nico is drinking water too.  He doesn’t drink anymore.  He only keeps wine in the house for company.”  
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“You’re still not denying it Ellie….”
Elle nodded. "Yes, I'm pregnant.  He wanted to tell Father first."
"Think that's all Nico wanted to talk to him about?"
"I don't know, that’s all he told me he was going to tell him."
Nico and Liam
“I think this is a great spot to take a break.”  
Both Liam’s and Nico’s jogs stopped, pausing at the dock.  Both were relieved for the breather, neither were in the same shape they had been in when miles were easier to run and after a run, the two had spared for hours on multiple occasions.  
Before Nico could begin speaking, Liam spoke first.
“How is Eleanor doing?”
“She’s fine, she’s happy here, with me and Eliana.”  
Liam shook his head.  “How is she really?  We both know that’s how it started before, and then she started losing her grip on reality; she needed help.”  
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“She is really doing well, King Liam.  She takes her medication daily, she goes to a therapist, we even see one together.  This is the most emotionally healthy she’s been in a very long time. Honestly the both of us are in a better place because of it.”  
“That’s really amazing to hear Nico.  And how is she with Eliana?”  
“Like no time has passed.  Ana loves her mother  as much as I do, which is why I wanted to talk to you alone.”  
“Alright, what do you wish to talk to me about?”
“Elle has been living here with me and our daughter for the past four months as a family and the past two of those, we have rekindled our relationship. With your blessing, I would like to ask Elle to become my wife. I have had my mother’s ring for her all this time, and now I feel like we are ready for this.  We’re having a family get together tomorrow night, and I would love to ask her while you and Liberty are still here visiting. She won’t say it, but she needs and misses all of you.” 
“We have missed her too.  I talked to Eleanor for a bit before you came home, she is very content with her life here with you. That’s all I ever wanted for her, was to find her happiness, and she has.  You have my blessing Nico.”  
“There’s more.  We also wanted you to be one of the first to know.  The home we are creating for ourselves, and our family is growing. We just found out last week Elle is pregnant.”  
“Then congratulations are in order. I would have never thought the two of you then, would have found your way back to each other now.  I remember telling Eleanor not to expect anything from you, because of what she had done.”  
“I love her, and I see her even when she has the broken pieces, and she sees me, even though I have mine, and somehow this just works.”        
“I see that now.”  
Party at the Karahalios Home
“Who is he?  Another of your cousins?  You have so many I can’t keep track of them all.”  
The young man had asked Liberty to dance for the fourth time.
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“Actually no, he’s the son of a friend of the family.  We’re not related.”  
“He seems rather taken with Liberty.”  
“A little too taken.”  
“Father please!  Let her have some fun.”  
Liam crossed his arms over his chest.  “I’m watching him.”  
After more dances were enjoyed by all, Nico got the attention of the family crowd.
“Thank you everyone for coming out tonight, I can honestly say I’ve never been more content with the life I’ve been given and it’s all because of you Elle.   Can you come join me please?”  
“Go!”  Liberty gently pushed Ellie, she looked surprised as she walked across the lawn to  take Nico’s outreached hand, Ana stood by his side.
“If you think I'd ever love someone after you, then I have failed in showing you how much you mean to me.  Together we have made a family and a happy home.   The time we spent apart did both get to this moment.    I found love in your laugh Elle. And we both know, and remember a time when you didn’t laugh or smile a lot.  But that’s over now, because I’m here, we’re here. It’s just us Elle.  It’s always been us against the world.
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You are a loving mother, and you have put Ana first, from the moment you found out about her existence.  Even when I couldn’t see.”
“What are you doing Nico?”
“What I should have done the moment you walked back into my life again.  I love you Elle.  I love everything about you, including the little broken pieces, that somehow heal when we’re together, in both of our hearts.  
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Say yes to the next question I’m about to ask you, because I need you to, I want you to, and I believe you might want to, too.”  
Elle’s eyes filled with tears as Nico got on one knee.
“What is your question?”  
“Elle, will you marry me?”
“Yes!”  I will marry you!!!”  
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1800-fight-me · 2 years
Congrats on 2k! How about "I really want to kiss you right now." With Matt?
Matt Murdock x gn!Reader (No Y/N)
Rating: M- This is 18+ so minors better get off my lawn!!
Warnings: Allusions to sex
Word count: Nearly 500
Author’s note: Thank you and thank you for this ask! I intended to make this sweet but my horny thoughts for Matt immediately took control... I make no apologies.
P.S. Here’s a link to my masterlist if you’d like to check out my other writing! And here's my Matt Murdock masterlist!
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You stared at him while he worked. He’s so goddamn pretty sometimes you forget to breathe. He’d agreed to allow you to come to the office because you promised you would be good and not distract him from all of his very important lawyer work that you didn’t understand. 
You were supposed to be doing work of your own but you couldn’t possibly focus on it as Matt sighed in frustration and yanked his tie off. 
His jaw clenched as he ticked it to the side and you had a memory of another time he took his tie off. 
That time he used it to tie your hands together above your head as he laid you back on his bed and….. You shook your head to try and clear your thoughts. You really needed to get a grip and not let your horny thoughts get the best of you. 
You need to be supportive and not be a distraction to your boyfriend. 
Clearly this new case wasn’t going well so far if his many late night work sessions and annoyed sighs were any indication. 
You bit your lip and held in your sigh of longing. Why does he look so hot when he’s frustrated? 
“Sweetheart,” he said in a warning tone. 
“Yeah?” you squeaked out, entirely too flustered already. 
“I thought you had work to do,” he said in a teasing tone. 
You cleared your throat and looked down at the papers laid out in front of you. 
“I do. I totally do. I am so focused,” you said unconvincingly. 
“Mmmhmm.” He had a smirk adorning his pretty pink lips and you were immediately distracted again. 
He stood and walked over to you. He leaned down and placed his hands on either side of the desk in front of you as he pressed his chest to your back. 
“What are you thinking about?” His cheek grazed yours as he nuzzled you. 
His nose traced your jaw then down your throat before you heard him take a deep breath. 
“Mmmmm…I think I know what you’re thinking sweetheart, but tell me anyway,” he said, his voice low and deep in that way that made you clench your thighs together. 
“I-I really want to kiss you right now,” you breathed out. 
“Oh? Really, is that all?” he teased as he pressed soft open mouthed kisses to your neck. 
You sighed and laid your head back on his chest in order to give him better access. 
“Maybe I was thinking about a bit more… I just didn’t want to be a distraction,” you said breathlessly. 
He spun you around in your chair and leaned over you to press his full lips to yours. 
“I like when you distract me,” he said with a smirk as he pulled back. 
“Oh thank god,” you said and you kissed him desperately. 
You managed to distract him the rest of the night and well into the next morning, much to your delight.
Everything taglist:
@spideysimpossiblegirl @dinandgone @ohpedromypedro @littlemisspascal @tombraider42017 @kirsteng42 @just-here-for-the-moment @salome-c
Matt Murdock Taglist:
@mindidjarin @hotnmad @samwisethegr8 @catholicdaredevil @sobachka-korol @carters-things @enjoymyloves
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palant1r · 1 year
What do you think would happen if Matsuda listened to Light and shot everyone in YellowBox?
This is the perfect opportunity to post a snippet I have that I still haven't found a fic for...
Ide and Matsuda went out on their second night back in Japan at some bar near NPA headquarters that Matsuda always forgot the name of, and five drinks in, Matsuda’s tongue got looser than his lips.
“I’ve been wondering,” he said, “why’d he want my help?”
Ide blinked. “What?”
Matsuda gestured ineffectually. “Y’know. Light, in the warehouse. The hell did he think I could do for him?” He shrugged his own question off. “Eh, he was probably just desperate…I mean, Takada was dead already and he begged for her, he really lost his mind.”
Ide thoughtfully leaned his chin on his hand with a little quirk to his lips. He was used to going back there by now, as Matsuda treaded those boards again, over and over till they wore to nothing beneath his feet. “Well, let’s walk through it. You’re in the warehouse. You’re siding with Light. What do you do?”
“Lidner first,” Matsuda said immediately. He could see the scene like it was before him. He wasn’t usually good at visualization, but that warehouse was always there. It was easier to see than dismiss.
“Smallest target, I’d want to get her before she could move. And she wasn’t distracted by Mikami. Then…then the other guy. Near’s other guy. Rester, that’s the name. I could probably get both of ‘em before one of you shot me, but only with one shot each. So they probably wouldn’t even die, not if they got an ambulance fast enough. But that would’ve given Light time to write Near’s name.” He takes a swig of his drink. “Mikami would try something, and Gevanni would stop him — let’s say that keeps him busy; Mikami was handcuffed, but never underestimate the strength of crazy. Aizawa would kill me. You would get Light, or maybe Mogi would. Gevanni would get Mikami under control. Then medical attention for Lidner and Rester. Three to five casualties. Kira loses.”
“Okay, okay, okay,” Ide said, gesturing like a keynote speaker. “Near’s team is dead or occupied. You anticipate us drawing our weapons and pull out your second gun —“
“Ide, I just had the one gun.”
“You slide across the floor, firing with each weapon —“
“That’s not how it works! Dual wielding’s just a movie thing, I’d miss every shot —“
“Dropping Aizawa and Mogi first, then me.”
“C’mon, Ide, I’d hesitate! That would have given you time.”
“Mmmmm, I don’t think you would. You didn’t hesitate to shoot Light, right? Once you decide a shot needs to be fired, you fire it.”
“Okay, fine. I do some John Wick shit, Near’s team is dead, you’re all dead, it’s just me and Light. And Mikami, I guess.”
“Light picks up the notebook and writes both your names,” Ide said. “That’s what he hoped would happen.”
They looked at each other for a long moment. Then they burst out laughing, high and bubbling like champagne, Matsuda slapping Ide’s shoulder as if he could sap Ide’s strength for himself.
“Our imaginary Light watches too many movies,” Ide said.
“Yeah, man, no kidding. D’you know I taught him to shoot a handgun once? First time he fired it he dropped it. Took three days before I gave up.”
“Okay, seriously, though,” Ide said. Matsuda’s smile turned like he’d tasted a lemon. “I think Light knew he couldn’t kill everyone there, even with your help.”
“So why tell me to shoot you? Why not give up? Just the desperate ravings of a doomed man, or…”
Ide shook his head. The amber light of his drink scattered onto his face like a sunset, and for a brief moment he was the brightest thing in the room. “No, I think he was trying to win.”
“I’m no Ryuuzaki,” Ide said. “I don’t know Light — never knew how he thought, not really. But…in the end, he was trying to justify himself. Trying to prove that he was right.” He swirled his drink, and the sunset turned to water. “If you’d sided with him, it would have proved something. He’d still have died, but he’d have died vindicated.”
“Hm. Neat theory, but you’re forgetting something.”
“Light never gave a shit about what I thought.”
“Maybe not,” Ide said. “But in the end, what you believed meant everything.”
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Your posts of Donnie12 are my LIFE SAVOR!
Donnie is probs the hardest brother out of the bunch I can get a character grasp outside of smart, sarcastic brother that’s a bit of a simp. I didn’t wanna do him injustice in the fic I’m writing so if it’s no trouble, can you make a list of your head cannons of him pls?
No trouble?! No trouble?!
Excuse you! I love any excuse to spread my love of the purple genius and educate people on why he is a lovable green bean! In reality, I should be thank you for this ask! Thank you!!!
*ahem* *looks through millions of notes*
Hmmm… This sounds like a character development type question? Let’s check out my headcanons for those…
Mhmm, mhmm, mmmmm, ah!
Mikey and Donnie have bonded over being the youngest brothers the same way that Leo and Raph bonded over being the eldest. Donnie appreciates Mikey because he’s the one person that he doesn’t feel like he has to prove himself too. Mikey treats him as an equal and he’s the only brother who (somewhat) supports his hopes of winning over April. He gets annoyed with his little brother’s antics like all older siblings do, but that stems from the fact Mikey does many things that trigger his OCD. He forgives him easily. Just like Donnie understands Mikey’s hyperactivity; Mikey understands his brother’s compulsive nature. 
Donnie and Raph are brain and brawn, and when they compare one another in that way, they always hit walls in terms of their relationship. Raph will always have a strength that that Donnie can’t tap, which will make him insecure. Donnie has brains that Raph can’t tap, so that makes him insecure. When they can look past this, there’s a lot they have in common. Passionate, strong-willed, and determined to protect their family no matter how it effects their well-being. They’re the middle children, so they know how it feels to have less attention then the heir and baby brother, and when to be there for each other when it counts. 
Donnie and Leo are the most mature of the group. While Raph only jokes about it, Donnie truly sees Leo as- in a sense- perfect. He’s a confident older brother who lives up to expectations, never fails when they need him most and never stops trying no matter how difficult things get, carries his families burdens without faltering, acts only in their best interests, can face death without blinking, and can even flirt with the girl that he likes and get a positive reaction in return. 
Leo is everything that Donnie aspires to be, but fears that he never can. He’ll do just about anything to earn his approval, and feels like a failure when his inventions or experiments can’t reach his expectations. Donnie’s willingness to complete tasks does lead Leo to push to hard. The team genius does have his limits, and will snap when the pressure gets to much. That’s usually where their arguments stem from. He desires to prove himself, and gets frustrated when anything gets in the way of that. 
I mentioned that Donnie has OCD. THIS IS CANON. And lemme tell you it explains SO MUCH. What IS headcanon is my theories about what OCD does. So here we go: 
-Donnie can’t tolerate people messing with his stuff. Everything has a place and they are set there for good reason. When his brothers come in and touch his things, it risks ruining the order he has for his lab. (It may look messy at times, but he put those things there, so that’s deemed their place, at least for the moment). 
-OCD comes with emotional irregulation, which is why Donnie tends to go from calm to high-strung at a moment’s notice. Even though it drives them nuts at times, his brothers understand that him letting it out as an unnecessary shrill rant is healthier than him locking up the stress and fear that could be dangerous to his mental health. They’ll tease him for it, but have never actually pushed him to stop. 
-His OCD also gives him a constant anxiety, which he usually chooses to handle by working or studying in order to make the nerves go away. He does his best to keep it under control in battle by focusing on the mission, even if his brother’s constant pushing to “go faster” makes it all the more difficult. 
-Because of the intrusive thoughts that come with OCD, Donnie sometimes sees himself the way that humans do; as a monster and a freak. One of the reasons that he got so obsessed with April (after the original crush wears off) was because she was a human who accepted him as he was, and he wanted to prove his fears wrong by winning her over. His compulsive tendencies lead him to do things like stalk her and build questionable gifts. His brothers understand this, even if they don’t approve. 
Donnie can’t handle being sick. He’s no germaphobe and he won’t hesitate to care for an ill family member (if they’ll let him. Raph can be stubborn). It’s being sick itself that he can’t handle. He’s investigated every sickness known to man, and it always ends up being his undoing. He’s terrified that whatever he has is so much worse than the simple fever that his brothers keep telling him it is, and is convinced he’s on his death bed. The only way to keep him calm is company and contact. He’ll continue to irrationally fear for his life, but he takes comfort in knowing that he’ll die surrounded by those he loves. 
Donnie has been shocked and electrocuted so many times that his body has actually developed a tolerance to it. He theorizes it has to do with the mutant cells adapting to the abuse. It comes in handy when he’s strapped down during Fourfold Trap.
Donnie would do a lot for Leo. Space Heroes is where he draws the line. He doesn’t understand his fascination with it and can’t go a minute without pointing out an inconsistency in the plot or questioning Captain Ryan’s morals. After a few months, Leo had to start waiting until he knew Donnie wasn’t around to turn it on. 
Better safe than sorry. 
Out of all his brothers, Donnie is the last one to learn how to talk. Not because he couldn’t or struggled, simply because he chose not to. He read and he could interact with his brothers and father with chirps and churrs. The day that he did choose to talk, he shocked Splinter out of his fur when he calmly used full sentences. 
Donnie built Metalhead to assist the team and never stopped trying to make him worthy of Leo’s approval. At some point along the way, he subconsciously started looking at Metalhead like his own kid: Someone to be taught and taken care of. After losing him, Donnie just couldn’t bring himself to make another, because he knew his lil’ buddy was one of a kind. 
Everyone thinks that Donnie hates Leo’s wars with the toaster, but in reality, he doesn’t mind. The repairs are never difficult and his older brother always feels guilty for putting something else on his list, so he hangs out with Donnie as he fixes it. Donnie enjoys the excuse for bonding outside of training or missions. Leo even helps Donnie around the lab sometimes, as it’s mention in an episode when someone knocks against the ShellRaiser that Leo “just waxed her!” 
Leo’s the only one who knows about Donnie’s nightmares about Slash. Not only is the memory of being sought out and forcefully separated terrifying, but Donnie knows Raph still cares about ‘Spike’ and doesn’t want to hurt him by reminding him of what Slash did. He’s relieved when Slash goes to the good side, but being around the large snapping turtle still makes him nervous.
If I keep going, I will headcanon myself into oblivion- THAT’S ALL, FOLKS
Maybe. Possibly. For now :)
Thanks again for the ask!!
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