#mod rant unlocked
Sulani Culture Skill Mod Update - New Trait Updated!
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Hello everyone! I have updated the Sulani Culture Skill mod to include more social interactions and moodlets for Sims with the Child of Sulani trait. This update also includes translations for Polish and Chinese Simplified and Traditional.
⛵ Update Includes
New Social Interactions and Moodlets for Child of Sulani Trait
New Interactions with Sims from Sulani 
Discuss favorite island foods
Chat about island cleanliness 
Complain about old island traditions
Rant about Island Tourists
Insist Fishing Competition is Rigged
Mock family heritage (Appears when Angry)
New Interactions with Sims Not from Sulani
Enthuse about Sulani Events 
Encourage to join Fishing Competition (Appears if either Sim has Loves Outdoors trait)
Tell Myths about Deadly Mermaids
New Moodlets for Sims with Child of Sulani Trait
Energized moodlet when attending Island Celebration event
Happy moodlet attending any Sulani Event
Happy moodlet while on the island if the island conservation has been fully restored
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🌊 Other Stuff In Update
Optional file to have all the features from my Child of Sulani Trait in the Child of the Islands Trait. This file would not include the Child of Sulani trait, but would have the game’s Child of Islands Trait function the same way, and include all of the social interactions, moodlets, and max culture skill from my Child of Sulani trait.
🐠 Mod Overview
Sulani Culture Skill mod gives Sims a new skill that increases when interacting with the Sulani Islands, interacting with Sims from Sulani, and engaging in Sulani culture. Leveling up this skill will unlock new social Sim and computer interactions and ways to take part in Sulani culture.
🐬 Mod Includes
New Skill
New Social Interactions for all Sims and unique interactions for Child of Sulani Trait 
New Computer Interactions for all Sims
New Moodlets for all Sims and unique  interactions for Child of Sulani Trait
New Object Interaction - View Buried Treasure (When finding the Heart of Sulani, Fingers of Sulani, or Eyes of Sulani, drag the item in world and click View)
Kava Party and Fire Dancing at bonfire are locked behind skill level
Mod The Sims
☀️ Credits 
French Translation done by braville Polish Translation done by Daisy1728Traditional and Simplified Chinese Translations done by Liquor
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So, I wanted to make a little bit of an update to my last post which was a very large rant about the video game Warframe. This is because I had a friend spend a few hours with me on the game giving me some pointers and helping me with some missions that I was stuck on like the very last assassination mission on Demios, I was stuck on that for so long because I couldn't do it alone and could never find or drag any groups of randoms there to help me.
Anyway, one of the things that my friend told me about was this thing called bullet jumping. Yes, I am sure that it may sound stupid that I had not picked up on this technique being like 40 hours into the game but, I didn't. What I had been doing up until this point was repeatedly sprinting and then sliding. I didn't even think to add a jump after the slide. So, I practiced that and then I, on my own realized that I could sprint, slide, jump, slide again, jump again and just repeat that to cover even more ground faster so I keep on practicing that and am getting a little better.
Something else that is positive is that I took it upon myself to go out and look at build information. Not only for my Warframe, Excalibur, but also for my Boltor, Seer and Exalted Blade. Now, there really isn't all that much I can do because I don't have the mods that the builds I found and like, at least, not yet. Like, the foundation is there but there is more to go but it's a nudge in the right direction for me.
A little bit of good and not so good here is that I finally got the Archwing built because I finally got some neurodes from the several hours I spent doing Void Fissures and cracking open all my void relics. The not so good is that I now realize that I am not a fan of any of the missions that involve using the Archwing. I especially HATE the rush missions because I just get turned around a lost a little to easily.
I still HATE Hijack missions with a passion so nothing has really changed there. I've not gone back to the Heart of Demios story questline because from what I read, one needs to be MR6 or higher to even have a chance at the double boss thing I am stuck on.
Now, to get more into complaint terrority here. One thing that I find very fucking dumb with Warframe is the over reliance on the microtransaction, specifically geared toward the in game currency of silver. I say this because I recently had this thought of doing a recolor of my Warframe and weapons. I wanted to do a simple black and blue when I realized that...I don't have a basic black. Like, I have a single strip of colors that have like two reds, one orange two blues, some purples, like maybe one green and three whites and that is it. My question is this. WHY IS THERE NO WAY TO EARN NEW COLORS THROUGH FUCKING REGULAR GAMEPLAY???? Before I go into my example, no, Warframe isn't an MMO and yes, I know that. But, the two MMOs I enjoy playing, Guild Wars 2 and The Elder Scrolls Online, not only do they give you a decent amount of dye colors to work with when you start the game, but you can also unlock even more dye colors by doing regular gameplay stuff. Why the fuck are color palettes in Warframe only obtainable by spending 75 silver on them? WHY CAN'T INDIVIDUAL COLORS BE UNLOCKED THROUGH GAMEPLAY!!!! It really would not have been all that complicated for the Warframe developers to have something like this but, no, it's all about getting that money from people buying silver.
The very last thing here is that I don't understand drop rates in this game at all. I spent some time on Cetus doing one specific type of bounty because of the chance for the Gara chassis blueprint to drop. Now, I never got it to drop so I looked on the wiki and it's graph is really confusing to me. Like, there a section of the graph where it said that it would guarantee to drop 88 plus 29 stages and says something about stage 2/A, B and/or C and I have no idea what the hell the A, B & C mean here. Someone else I know said those mean rotations but what the defines when a rotation starts and ends? These bounties only have three individual stages. The first is locating and taking over a drone, the second is to find some caches and the third is to find and defend the vault and that's it. So, where does a rotation start within those individual stages? I have NO idea! I don't think anyone knows, even if they say they know something about drop rates in Warframe. That same person told me that the 88 is the highest amount of times that one can attempt the bounty and not that I'd have to do the bounty 88 times for the thing to be guaranteed to drop. I still don't know or understand the drop rate graph but I think it just comes down to doing the bounty over and over and over and oooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr until I get that chassis piece. Then, do it all again for the system and neuroptics because I really want to try out and level up a new Warframe.
Also, I've had like one positive interation with randoms since my last post but, I still believe that Warframe's community are a bunch of toxic assholes.
Btw, if anyone that commented on my last post about Warframe that offered up help, my name is Warframe in Bellasar, same as it is here. Feel free to send a friend request, assuming it lets you and there's no technical problems there. If not, let me know on this post your name in Warframe and I'll send you a friend request.
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simsfaq · 11 months
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Mod Description by Lyralei:
Journaling is something sims have been doing for years! It's basically a cheaper way of writing your own biography... in fact, there are always some people out there who are curious about it! Do be aware of those sneaky curious sims though...From closer up, however, the way how it works is that the journal checks what the sim's highest moodlet/buff is (So one that affects them the most) and gets to write about it! :) There's a chance your sims will even share with you what they wrote! We're their llama overlords anyways. ;) Sims will also skill up their writing this way. It isn't as quick as writing a book, however...
The journal can be used from children up to elders! Just not pets :p It's also autonomously. However, if you ever left the journal on the ground and nothing fun is there to do for your sims, everyone will want to use it. (not that the non-journal owners can, they'll simply say it's not their journal ;)) So make sure to hide/put it in your inventory whenever you can!
Write about "X" in Journal - where X is depending on what your sims are feeling and wanting to write about ;) This option comes with 20 entries for each experience. That's 340 entries your sims can write!
The options are: 1. Write about Friendship - Sim got a new friend? He/She/They can write about it now! 2. Write about Abduction experience - Your sim got abducted by aliens! Good thing they can write about it! 3. Write about past life - an interaction for ghosts to communicate to their loved ones 4. Write about mourning - Will help a mourning sim to write about their losses. 5. Write about 'that amusing thing' - If your sims are in a really good mood, this shows up! 6. Write about bad thing - When stuff just simply sucks, they can write about that too! 7. Write about good relationship - Basically anything romantic-related that made your sim happy! 8. Write about 'sucky love life' - When they broke up or got rejected, they'll unlock this option 9. Write about pregnancy experience - Sims can write about their pregnancy experience 10. Write about Woohoo experience - nothing overly sexy of course! Just a wish for some sims to get particular hot tubs and vibrating beds :p So I kept this one 13PG :) 11. Write about toys and awesome events - For childish sims and children! They can now write about their experiences at school and their toys or even everyday lives. 12. Write about Teen experience - Because teenagers can also rant in their journals :p But yeah, they can write about their school experience and pimples and all the things teenagers basically :) 13. Write about vampire experience - One of the only occults I gave journal entries for. The other ones just felt like it wouldn't be worth it. Vampires can now complain about the sun and such in their journal :) 14. Write about Werewolf experience - When sims are in their werewolf form, they can write their stuff in here... beware that when they read it back, it might get awkward! 15. Write about Robots - Robot fans and robots (So, servos and plumbots) can all write in their robo-language about their robo-experiences ;) 16. Write about Brooding - Brooding sims now have a new outlet! They can write in their journals to feel a bit better about themselves and figuring out the meaning of meaning :p 17. Write in journal - Also considered as 'other entries'. This is just a fallback entry for when sims want to write in their journals but no moodlets/buffs are there to support it.
Pick up journal - If your journal ever refuses to be dragged and dropped in your inventory, then you can still pick it up! :) Relive... - Which shows a set of entries that have been written in the journal. So if you sim has only written about vampires and robots, it would only show those entries to relive ;) Read... - This shows ONLY for sims reading other sim's. It functions just like 'relive' but in this case, if the owner of the journal catches that sim reading, they'll get pissed off at them! Lock/unlock journal - This is one of the ways to prevent sims from reading a sim's journal.
Social interaction:
'Friendly...' > Ask about Entry from journal - When the sim is a friend of another sim, they will react somewhat positive on it, but when it's a sim that they don't really know well, it will make them yell :p However, this would require you to have read something that gave a sim the moodlet 'What the...' and 'Read a saddening entry'!
''Mean...' > 'Make fun of Journal entry' - After your sim read an entry of someone else's journal, they get the 'read someone else's journal' moodlet. This moodlet unlocks that interaction :)
Other Features: If you really don't trust your neighbors, friends family, and backpack, your sim can also hide their entries in the following places:
Behind the tv
Under their beds
In their dressers
In theirs end tables
Moodlets/Buffs: Some entries when being read can give you some moodlets... NOTE: Moodlets currently have a problem of either being shown empty or a bit of a weird image choice. I'm still looking into this to change!
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What the... - So the image shows +20 but this has been fixed (it now says -20). "What, in the name of our Llama overlords is this about?" I also need to make an icon for this. So hence it's blank!. Duration: 4 hours.
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Read someone's else's journal- "even though it's only but a bit thrilling to secretly get some insight into someone's private life, especially given how it was supposed to be secret." +1 (This also needs an image replacement). Duration: 4 hours
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Read Embarrassing story - That was... awkward! Let's pretend I didn't read that... (-10) Duration: 4 hours
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Read comforted entry - It's good to read that everything is okay now, it's just comforting to read! (+20) Duration: 4 hours
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Read a happy entry! - it's always great to read the entries that makes you happy! Duration: 4 hours
About the object itself: The Mesh and such are directly from the notebook/homework that you can find in the game. That did come with some complications though...
Can be found under: Office > Hobbies and skills > 0 simoleons. The reason it's 0, is because for some reason the price doesn't want to change :/ I tried putting it to 250 simoleans but that's somehow not showing up...
Channel stuffs: The journal is fully recolorable with 3 channels! One for the front panel of the journal, the back, and the 'rotation' bit of it :) Unfortunately, the journal doesn't animate in such a way I could actually show the third one because of some other bug I wasn't able to fix :/
Presets: It also has 3 presets. 2 of them are non-recolorable. The third one is. The first preset is a more medieval-inspired one and the second one is a ts4 > TS3 journal conversion :)
Bugs: Because a script mod never comes with some issues! ????
The journal sometimes happens to 'think' it's in use, but isn't. This makes it impossible to get the 'write in journal' interaction back. A way around this is to simply reset the object. Preferably through Nraas, but testingcheats should do the trick too!
The journal isn't fully animated, so it's not flipping to show the journal fully (and is therefore always open-looking). Still looking for a fix for this!
Certain packs can make it so the moodlets show as empty. They still function though! I just need to find some more time to add different icons in for it. I might do that for the coming week :)
Rarely, but it can happen, the journal could reset your sims. That's partially the way how EA's routing system works and if it can't figure out the surface type (including the ground) it does this. Or if the Jig couldn't be created. Which the game sometimes suffers from. So this is more or less an EA issue.
Unfortunately, I couldn't make it so that only journal owners could use the 'write' interaction because somehow C# didn't consider the variable instantiated (Even though it was) And therefore couldn't really get it to work on the test function. So for now, sims will just let you know that they're using a journal that isn't theirs ;)
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donotopendeadinside · 6 months
Mod is about to depression post, so if you guys aren't comfy with any vents or rants, you can keep on scrolling. I'm having a mental breadown.
TW: Mentions of SH, SA, Suicidal tendencies and just a bunch of sad shit.
My mother will never love me. Thats just the facts of my own existence. I wake up, lay in bed, stay in my room, hide away from EVERYONE, and sometimes just ignore people because I cant find the energy to talk. My mother hates me and my older sister, we share the same dad. We're too much like my father. She lied to me for years about my dad, calling him abusive, and all of these horrible things, blaming my sister for walking out of an abusive situation all so my sister could get stable enough to bring her baby girl home.
She thrives on control. Thats all she's ever done.
When I was 15, i contemplated taking my life. I told my mother how I was feeling, it spiraled into an argument. She told me, that if I was really suicidal, she'd unlock my step-dad's gun cabinet and give me his gun so I could shoot myself with it.
I have anger issues, but I stopped taking them out on people a very long time ago. Now, if im angry, I bite my arms just hard enough not to break my skin, because its all I can do to keep myself grounded.
My mother has neglected me and my older sister in favor of the youngest. She can fake anything and get me in trouble and screams when she doesn't get her way. She's 15.
I was S.A'ed in my freshman year of highschool by someone I thought was my friend. He got ontop of me and grabbed my chest. A teacher saw it but did nothing but walk into her classroom. The boy was never suspended, nor did anything else happen to him. My ASL teacher paired me up with a boy, we had to touch hands. She was already told that I wasn't okay with doing anything like that due to what happened.
She called me a liar and told me to get over it.
A few weeks ago, i nearly slit my wrists because I thought that I wasn't worth it. That i didn't deserve anything good to happen. My mom has kicked me out twice. Once over a single plate that was in the sink.
The second time was because I refused to lie to my father. He had just lost his wife at 46 due to pancreatic cancer. I refused to lie to him about why I couldn't go to the funeral. We couldn't afford to send me as I had just gone up there a few weeks prior. My dad bought me the ticket and flew me up to Tennessee.
My fiancee. I love him with everything I have, and im so fucking terrified of loosing him. He's everything to me, but hes reckless. Thats okay. But sometimes it worries me. I just wish he'd talk to me more about how he feels, instead of just lying and saying he's okay.
I'm terrified of the one good thing I have just falling between my fingers like sand, and I have no idea how to keep myself sane when all I know how to do is fear for whatever the hell could happen, be it my mother or something else.
Im so fucking scared and I don't know how to fix it. I come on this hellsite so that I can forget shitty things, and interact with people that I find cool.
But sometimes I just wish people would want to interact with me too... sometimes I dont want to be the one to initiate it. I just want someone to talk to me.
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oxcjae · 7 months
A Conundrum - February 2024 Update
So, yeah, I've been pretty quiet for the past year or so.
Last November, when I streamed Half-Life for its 25th anniversary, a reoccurring question from viewers was: "What you've been up to?" Well, it's about time to answer more fully:
I've been going on other ventures to follow my current interests.
While I still hold the Half-Life series near and dear to my heart, I've lost most of my interest in it and its mods/derivatives. The few times I've attempted to materialize an idea on Half-Life or (even) Gmod, the projects quickly fell short because of that.
Outside of two sketches, the few videos that I have finished in the past year are simple gameplay highlights that I share with close friends. While I thought about sharing them publicly, most outside viewers wouldn't care for them, and the content would harm my main channel more than grow it. Perhaps I'll release some future ones on my 2nd YouTube channel.
On the creative side, I'm still mainly "screwing" music and have released four volumes so far, and I'm currently working on another one to be released in the coming months. As simplistic as it is, something about creating a new vibe with pre-existing material (especially songs that I grew up with) currently has me obsessed. During this journey, I've unlocked memories of songs I haven't heard in 20+ years and exposed myself to classics that I've never heard before.
Speaking of current inspirations, not much related to the gaming world has inspired me. I momentarily ranted about this last year. The truth is that this is likely related to me simply losing interest in most gaming (especially Valve-related) content, since there (admittedly) has been good material around by other content creators. (Some of it can be seen in the "Likes" section of my Twitter account.) So, I've been shifting my attention to popular movies, shows, and even music videos for the meantime instead.
At this point, I've accepted that this may (finally) be the beginning of the end to my interest in Valve-related content after 20+ years. The next logical step would be to broaden my horizons by shifting my output towards variety content and maybe compensating by expressing my personality more in my videos. I could also eventually remaster my Half-Life 1 videos in 4K with my new PC. Whatever the future holds, I'm still alive for it.
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themaskstayson · 8 months
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Part three of the Wyll origin run
Ah man, this is a lot. I haven't had Gale so excited to talk to me since my first playthrough 500 hours ago it's kind of cute ngl
I'm thinking about Wyll being emo during the party cause the little scene is one of my favorites, and trying to cheer him up from his body dysphoria(?) but I also really, REALLY, enjoy the idea of Wyll stuffing his feelings down to make everyone happy since he can't be emo by the river since he's the party lead. Wyll is trying to keep the team morale high and then when he's alone in his bed he just cries to sleep. Cause, let's be real, no one is mentally capable to help each other when the player is the therapist.
Also, his funny lines are pretty good and I have been picking every single option to have Wyll just laughing the pain away.
So, we saved Karlach, asked her if she had any advice on horn care since I feel like that's a WAY better route to go instead of Wyll being depressed during the party when you are Tav amd makes more sense since Wyll is gonna mingle.
(Side rant: People say Wyll sucks because he's insensitive but like, come on. He's a DEVIL not tielfing! I think he's allowed to express how he feels uncomfortable in his new DEVIL body. "But tielfings have horns!" yeah okay but they straight up saw Wyll as a human like two days ago, they know something is fishy with the sulfer smell coming off him. You gonna say there's no difference??? Now THAT is insensitive /hj lol)
I also went to the Rest and Counsellor Florrick asked what the hell happened and once again Wyll joked that he was running with the wrong crowd. Unfortunately that backed fired and she said she knew since his father informed them which damn. Ulder is talking mad shit about his own son, that's crazy. Felt bad and then she had the audacity to demand my help???? Like I was gonna give it but damn.
Anyways, I was hoping to get to level 5 before the Goblin Camp but I didn't. So, we gambled it. Had Gut give me the sleep potion and got assistance for that. Knocked Minthara out cause I'm STILL trying to get that girl without being a bad guy. Then fought Ragzlin which.... that was rough. Gale did die but luckily his deas body did some damage to a goblin and Ragzlin. I usually cheese the fight but idk I decided not to this time around for some reason.
STILL not sure who imma romance. Flirted with Gale at the party, which was cute. I am leaning towards him cause I gotta stop romancing Astarion and Wyll all the time. And despite being a huge wyllstarion fan, Gale is doing something to my current need for a cute romance. Plus my other game I am romancing Astarion and Wyll (two Tav game yippee) so I should romance someone new. Karlach did not try to put the moves on me and I am not putting the moves on her so rip. First time ever Shadowheart and Lae'zel are meh about me, which is weird. I'll figure it out the next time I play but might be joining the Gale/Wyll club. I should find some fics to get into the mindset.
Also if anyone is reading these I should mention this is a modded custom game. Meaning I am using the mod honor feature unlock so i can have the playstyle with multiple saves, playing in a custom game that I cannot see the NPC HP, gave the NPC 100% more HP compared to the game 30% more. I want the multiple saves for story stuff cause I'm still trying out new lines but also I need the combat to be harder.
Honour Feature Unlock
Tactician Plus (best for party limit begone tbh this file I'm doing just 4 to a party tho but in other files with everyone, I use the 150% HP)
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mollymoo98 · 2 years
As a physical media collector and a media archvist myself it irks me so bad when other collectors gloat about how amazing and great physical media is and how terrible digital media is. some are so elitistic they outright refuse to buy anything digitally. it's totally cool to prefer one over the other and I do have a fondness for physical over digital myself but I'm not going to be a smug condescending asshole towards people who prefer digital or can only do digital. anyway here's some hard facts for some of you:
Yes digital games can sadly get delisted but 99.9% of times if you purchased it before you can still have access to it. Same goes for physical media btw. They don't reissue those puppies forever. If there's 500k copies out there in the wild it means only 500k people will ever get to own a copy of that game physically. Sadly both physical and digital can have a finite number going on for them. Some games that are on steam haven't been available for purchase (as new copies) for decades.
Digital and physical games can both get archived. "but you have to mod a console to archive digital console games" well yea true but if you can spend look up a 20 year old game's cracked exe off a dodgy site so you won't have to insert the CD everytime then you can do that stuff too, just saying.
Just buying 300 console games and putting them on the shelf isn't preservation or archivism. That's collecting. Archivism is when you actively back them up and store them somewhere for preservation sakes.
Physical games can also stop working and it doesn't even have to be disk damage or disc rot. It can be as little as the activation keys being tied to a server and the server that validated said keys being shut down. Also if the game is multiplayer-only then tough shit also. Owning that game physically isn't giving you any advantage in that scenario
Going back to cracked exes, DRM is a problem on both physical and digital (on PC) which means that archiving PC games is just as hard for digital as it is for physical
Piracy is an important part of archivism. One day your great-great-great-grandkids won't be playing the physical copies you get them but will get an archived backup. Piracy is playing the long game basically.
Disc Laser and console components die eventually or will die over the years. Owning a digital copy or having backed up your copy is often the only way around that. After install, on both modern consoles and PCs the game is all on the hard drive, the disc just functions as an unlock key. Damage your "key" and the game won't work despite all being on the hard drive
Physical games ultimately suffer the same fate as digital games in the end. Games get forgotten, don't get reissued, limited numbers of copies become even more limited as years pass.
My point is: stop complaining about which is better and start archiving those games you love so much. Stop having kneejerk smug reactions when media is removed because "PhYsIcAl iS bEtTeR" like shut up. I like physical media too but I don't have to be an obnoxious fucking jerk about how cool it is.
Rant over.
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possessionisamyth · 11 months
sorry this got long and rambling
from watching the fandom if RE3R had Nemmy be constantly on your ass I am willing to bet that it would have 100% gotten people bitching about it. with the way Nemmy works in the game how quick and nimble and violent (cat and mouse and Jill is the mouse) also Nemmy does one thing the Tyrant doesn't do Nemmy can come into the toolshed safe room (a really small room with two doors really close together then add in Nemmy I was always too scared to trigger it) and he is also in one big game of cat and mouse playing with its food (like out running him can be a bitch to do on any difficulty really but especially on harder difficulties when enemy placement is different I am not that good a player i am on a mouse and keyboard* and just not that good so i ended up watching a playthrough of nightmare and inferno before even attempting it on my own)
*part of my own critques of the game the button mashing when zombies grab you when you mash it doesn't hurt as much but it still doesn't work that well you know
The nightmares are actually something i find good i just wish they were longer and more of them (love the angst) but i understand why there wasn't more (one of my biggest gripes about them though that came about after watching someone play the entire game with a first person mod and it was really good and i wonder if the game had done well if they would have brought a official one I hope so)
i know fandom i know how fandom works and its usually annoying shitty places and youtube is the worst (so many rants about their changing the block system to hide user, how many steps it takes to block people on any device etc) offender honestly at this point looking at comments for anything is a test in how beautiful that delete account button looks (one day)
Like people act like the DLC should have been released at the same time as the base game but DLC for 7 came out in december (along with the complete gold edition if i remember right) and those dlc were actually being made at the same time as the base game it happened with RE2Rs Ghost Survivors DLC the free slightly pointless dlc came out in February a month (heck Shadows of Rose and the extra characters for mercenaries didn't come out until 2022)
people give RE3R for being shit for being short and interestingly if you look at the speedrunning community OG3 was around 40 minutes on speedrun RE3R was a little closer to 48 minutes so was RE2R time wise last time i checked
Like the game was really well paced for what it was and the developers and the debut director (who worked on the original game) wanted it streamlined with some more action and the stalker type wouldn't work as well (Peter Fabiano Den of Geek interview)
Another hamstring of the game is they went in the opposite direction of RE2R. RE2R had the unlockable unlimited weapons locked you can't use them to get speedruns and by the point you get them you have already done pretty much everything. RE3R have enough points you can have infinite rocket launcher by hardcore mode with points farming and use it whenever you want (i used it during inferno and got a s rank because after the 9th time i died in the first encounter with zombies i just went the the moment i get there i will get it out and use it. With the s rank everytime i died after that choice to use the rocket launcher i dropped a room in the hospital as Jill needless to say i shed them all)
anyways at this point and capcom for some reason do decide to bring out a "deluxe" edition or "gold" (from my understanding gold seems to be the finished edition) and i hope they do (I want to spend more time with Tyrell and Carlos) they somehow put it behind a wall where the fans that shat on it but still demanded more can't play it (not to be petty about it but i would be less petty if a certain show hadn't made the choice to add a alien in the form of a character who had been dead for years in the last 2 minutes of the entire show for reasons* for more context feel free to watch talistheintrovert's recent video if you want)
*show runner missed being called daddy showrunner knew that choices in the final season were shit (imagine RE5 where Chris kills Jill when she was a bad guy handing over evidence she was handing over to a lacky that he proceeds to leave on the floor and bounces leaving the lacky unharmed then joins up with Barry and they go on a tangent saying that there was nothing that could be done to save her. she was too far gone, she was a lost cause and basically acting as if they never cared about Jill to begin with all this happening a week after Jill sacrifices herself saving Chris from Wesker) and wanted to be praised by someone (some fans were really happy that one of the few characters who had a nice send off where they were held by their loved one as they died and was actually remembered after their deaths. they finally got closure... from an alien who outright stated they weren't that character they just looked like them for bs reasons... i would have been off anon but i also wanted to include this last bit but some of the fans for this character still scares me so anon it is)
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Okay, jokes aside-! Maybe if Nemesis killed the player more often they would've defended RE3R as being the Dark Souls of RE Remakes, and the toxic culture of "git gud" guys would've worked in our favor for getting the DLC. Yes, I'm delusional.
As for the gameplay mechanics on more difficult modes and their differences, I don't pay attention to that sort of thing. If I'm provided with an easy mode, that's the only mode I'll play. If there's only one difficultly level and I have the ability to change it in order to complete a game I enjoy, I will give myself infinite ammo, infinite healing items, and increase my character's speed or strength to do so. Mods are my friend because I'm the prettiest most delicate prince on the planet. <( ̄︶ ̄)> Yes, I'm bad at video games.
Plus, the original game when making all the right decisions is less than 4 hours. There was nothing to complain about. People think spending $60 on a game means you need 12+ hours of gameplay, and AAA game pricing has rotted people's brains in order to make that connection. These things should be cheaper and take much longer to produce and put out a FINISHED product on it's debut.
Extremely brief statement to say I know RE7 was the soft reboot but it got too much DLC I couldn't give less of a shit about, so it was pointless~.
I have no idea what show you're talking about, but I'm sorry it went bad.
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Salutations. And sure! I'll make an ask :]
So, could you give me a Warframe in a nutshell? I haven't searched at all —blame my volatile memory issues, also because I'd prefer your opinion— and seems pretty fun with all those weapons and characters. Rant all you want, I'll read it gladly :D
Sincerely, a non WF mutual.
PS: I can't say I already made this ask so, if I did I'm so sorry. It will happen again :(
the shortest summary i can give is: child abuse, trauma, robot ninjas, resource grinding and magic. in space.
you play as a Tenno, a sort of ancient warrior from the golden age of the solar Origin system. you used to serve a decadent and opulent empire ruled by people known as the Orokin but they were really bad and they did several fucky wuckies and died.
you have cool space magic powers thanks to the Void which is kinda like a higher and fucked up dimension of sorts.
you fight 3 main factions:
the grineer, a militaristic empire of slowly degenerating clones
the corpus, a merchant cult that worships profit and the Void
and the infested who are consumed by a techno-organic plague
i can't really say anything about the story beyond that because it would be a MASSIVE spoiler.
the gameplay is kinda like borderlands in that it's a looter shooter except:
there's an absolutely huge variety of melee weapons. yeah sure wonderlands might have some clubs and axes but warframe has gunblades, whips, hammers, katanas, scythes...
non-currency loot isn't randomly generated guns and instead comes mostly in the form of crafting materials or blueprints. yes this game has a crafting system and its literally required.
the main progression system is mods and not a skilltree (there are skilltrees but you unlock them at around ~50 to ~100 hours in)
you can switch out between different "classes" (the eponymous warframes) as you like (provided you actually own them)
there are other differences, like how critical hits occur (in warframe, they're a random occurence based on crit chance, just like how they are in wonderlands. you still get bonus damage for headshots but it's a separate damage bonus), but they aren't super major
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maximuswolf · 5 months
Rainworld rant/vent. I'm sorry
Rainworld rant/vent. I'm sorry This is the second time that this has happened, I'm playing as the slugcat saint, and it has sent me back to an earlier save twice. To the same fucking den in outskirts.The first time wasn't too bad, but the second time, I had unlocked saints ascension powers after visiting the last echo I needed in farm arrays. This was my progress from there: farm arrays - outskirts - industrial complex- garbage wastes - shoreline. This was over the course of several IRL days, I had also saved in several dens on my way to see moon so I could ascend her, and then my boy pebbles T-T But I was unable to do any of that because it sent me back to the den I slept in before I unlocked the saints ability. This is on my Xbox series X btw, I am pissed. Yeah I can just redo it, but I'm worried it will do the same thing. I cannot post this in the rain world subreddit due to the auto mod censors striking down any discussion about it's DLC downpour. If anyone has any insight on why this keeps happening, and how to fix it, please let me know. Submitted April 19, 2024 at 10:42AM by 0CldntThnkOfUsrNme0 https://ift.tt/8oyORrD via /r/gaming
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revlushaun · 6 months
a list of pet peeves about animal crossing new horizons that i can rant about for hours at a time when even marginally hinted at:
hourly music
pacing of unlockables
obscure requirements for unlockables
forced one-sentence textbox when talking to a villager the first time
removal of many villager minigames (time capsule, hide and seek, etc.)
lack of restrictions when terraforming
arbitrary restrictions to what can be changed (rocks on beach, dock length, resident services, airport colour)
pointless nook mile redemption requirements
no way to save in multiplayer
no way to join fast in multiplayer
lack of things to do in multiplayer
waterfall noise levels
removal of grass patterns (star snow my beloved)
lack of buildings on the island
inconvenience of harvey's island compared to main street
no bulk crafting
tools break w/o warning and way too fast
"island representative" holds authoritarian power
flowers take longer to remove
mystery islands and kappn are too overlapped
badge system replaced with nook mile achievements
all the furniture is worse than new leaf
gyroid designs were flat out replaced so old favs do not have a smaller version and sizing was removed entirely
blathers descriptions cant be accessed without the bug/fish/fossil/art even if theyre donated already
i will be coming back and adding more to this because this game could so easily have been perfect but its not BUT i have faith the next game will accomplish more because they can work really easily from the base of new horizons, stuff like updating bug/fish/art models to be in 1080p will already be done and easily ported over so the amount of time needed for a base animal crossing game will be shorter since a lot/most can be reused. i wanna think about what my perfect animal crossing game would look like and make a big post/journal abt my ideas so maybe someone with skill can draw/illustrate/modding ability would see and make it more a reality
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vandevos · 2 years
Week break’s over, guess it’s time for some new Vault news.
First thing I did when I got back on was to go ahead and get Waystones unlocked so I can move around a bit more easily though I do still plan on making a nether transportation system in the future. Also got started on making a slime farm in one of the chunks I found and I gotta admit it’s doing good even though I’ve only got two layers.
In terms of Vault runs I’m not doing as many as I used to. Biggest news was that I got killed by lag while looting a ornate dungeon POI. Otherwise my survival rate is way higher than when I started out.
Now for the big one: the Tool Update. On the one hand I like the core idea of the mod having more than just a pickaxe with different tiers you can work towards. I also like the idea that you can start with any base tool then use it to make your own custom tool. What I hate is that they made it way more complicated than necessary. If it had stuck to the original jewel concept and hybridized it with the new tools that would be one thing. Instead we’ve got a system where we have to choose between general utility or looting quicker since all chests and coin piles have a specialization you need to take to effectively mine them and (as far as I can tell) these specializations aren’t tied to any tools. Magnets being Vault gear kinda makes sense but it needs to be a bit cheaper than 2 NETHERITE INGOTS!!!
Okay sorry for the rant. Repost with your opinions and what tool you’ll be rocking.
Thanks for reading and happy hunting!
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just-antithings · 2 years
As another lavendertowne fan, I agree that first ask was very much in bad faith. She has expressed her own personal discomfort with some over-sexualized designs -especially for underaged characters- but I have never gotten the vibe that she thinks the people who enjoy these types of designs are bad for liking them. One of my favorite videos of hers was when she was drawing fanart for shows she doesn't like.
Shes super chill, and personal discomfort is totally allowed, the one underage character she draws her main complaint was definitely "they say shes 16 but looks the exact same age as the 8/9 year old" but also the her body doesn't support the boob size but she does keep the character busty. And the 1 revealing outfit she gets given she does in a way that still shows a similar amount of skin in practice. (She adds zippers everywhere that if unzipped would give a similar look to the original while making it so she has more access to areas perviously covered)
Also in her making websites cute girls she makes a character look like a Fujoshi and she means it in a positive way. I also love that when she does intersting topics (personifying poisons or plagues) she like give lessons on the topic and like puts a lot of research into her designs!
She is like regularly regarded as someone with a bad art style to which everyone has opinions but like
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Id hardly call this bad art, this is actually a screen grab from this video
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Which the third character not shown in the thumb is an animal character, and the drawing of the character are pictured above is in its source a humanoid dragon so like, also one that she did was clearly a racist stereo type so....... She also made she hulk a giant woman instead of just green in part 2 of this.
Still anon this essay is not for you as im sure you understand.
TDLR: she is super chill and is not down with shaming people for things, so as far as im concerned shes really cool and does interesting work and i think people should definitely watch some of her stuff/series before passing judgements.
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Laisse tomber les filles 3
Warnings: non-consent sex and rape; size kink; age gap; manipulation; tags to be added as story progresses
This is a dark!fic and Lee Bodecker x (short) reader and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Synopsis: You find yourself ostracized on campus by your shyness, but your reticence won’t deter an unwanted suitor.
Note: Lee’s slowly creepin’ and I hope you’re ready for it.
Thanks to everyone for reading and thanks in advance for all your feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 As usual, I’d appreciate if you let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
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You slurped the last of your shake through the straw, the paper cup damp in your cold hands as the heater blew out hot air. The foamy dregs of the drink were overly sweet and made your cheeks twinge. Lee popped the lid off his cup and offered it and you slipped yours inside. He pulled the straw out and stacked the lids, squeezing both straws through and setting it on the seat beside him.
He stretched his arm over the leather, his hand just behind your head and you listened to the deep voice of the narrator recount the eerie words of HP Lovecraft. You fidgeted and looked at your watch. The sky was dark and the stars twinkled down ominously.
“Um,” you uttered, “I think... uh…”
He looked at you and his hand hovered close to your shoulder, “what is it, honey?”
“I think I should get home,” you finished.
“Oh, why’s that? You don’t got class tomorrow, do ya?”
“I don’t but… well, I’m tired,” you rubbed your neck and sat up so he couldn’t touch you, “I had an early morning.”
“Well, of course,” he retracted his arm and straightened up, he pulled the car into gear and slowly pressed down on the gas, “you should get to bed, little girl.”
You scowled at the venom in his last two words. He’d been nice but he had no right to patronize you. You hated that most. People thought because you were quiet they could just treat you like you were dull.
“I’m not… not a little girl,” you eked out.
“Ah, I didn’t mean nothing by it,” he said as he pulled out of the lot, “you are little though, ain’t ya?”
You felt a peculiar heat creep up your neck and cheeks. You were short but you’d met a few people smaller than you. People came in all shapes and sizes. You didn’t comment on his stomach or the wrinkles around his eyes. Yet, the humour in his voice kept you from rebuke.
“I guess, I…”
‘I don’t mean it as an insult, you see?” he chuckled, “kinda cute you can’t reach the floor.”
“Mmm,” you inhaled and pursed your lips. You pulled the collar of your pea coat closed and wiggled your foot nervously.
“I see,” he said, “you got your friends waitin’ on ya, huh? Yeah, young girl like you don’t wanna be hanging around an old man all night.”
“I didn’t say that,” you said.
“Hey, I’m not stupid, I was only bein’ nice,” he interrupted, “you looked lonely and I… I got carried away.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t…” you scrambled as he passed by the college entrance, “I was… I don’t know.”
“Well, you’re in such a hurry, honey, you can’t wait to be away from me,” he ranted, “actin’ all sweet and shy but you just like the rest of them.”
“What?” you grimaced and watched the buildings pass by, “no, I’m not. I…” you felt guilty as if you’d done something wrong. All you wanted was to go home and lay down, but it felt like a personal affront. “I… lied.”
“What?” he asked as your voice fizzled.
“I lied, sir,” you confessed, “I don’t have any friends. Not really, just… classmates.”
“Nah, that can’t be true,” he scoffed, “who wouldn’t wanna be friends with a pretty girl like you?”
“No, no, please, I… I’m sorry, I just want to go home, okay? I’m tired,” you cupped your cheek and slumped in defeat.
He was quiet for a moment as he drove along. He turned along the line of residences and streetlights flashed over his profile as he stared at the road. He flipped into park as he stopped in front of your building and nodded. 
“Alright, I believe you,” he said at last, “I don’t wanna keep you up and I didn’t mean to get so upset. It's just, well, I like being with you.”
“It’s fine, thank you… for everything. The milkshake was good.”
“No, I mean it, it’s a pity no one else can see it,” he went on, “you’re real smart and nice. You got a pretty smile too when you show it, too.”
“Thank you,” you said quietly as you gripped the door handle, “that’s very kind. I should go--”
“Wait, wait,” he caught your arm, not tightly, but kept you from getting out as the door opened an inch, “can I come back? Next week, we’ll have another shake and listen to the show. I’m really curious what happens.”
“I don’t know, I… I have lots of work to do,” you looked at his large hand on your arm. He dropped it and wiped his palm on his brown pants.
“You bring your homework, honey, you can study and listen, I don’t mind,” he offered, “if you don’t want a shake, we can get some burgers and fries. Have a nice dinner?”
You smushed your lips together and thought. He hadn’t done anything bad enough to warrant that feeling in your gut. You were overthinking things just like you always did. Besides, he had to be almost fifty, he was just being friendly, he said it himself. 
And what else did you have to do? You didn’t have any friends and it was too late to start making them.
“I… okay,” you said softly, “my book club ends at seven. It’s over at Clover Hall.”
“I’ll find you there then,” he smiled, “now go on, before I keep you out any later.”
You got out and scooped out your bag with you. You closed the door and headed up the path without looking back. You got to the door and focused on unlocking it. Your hands were shaking and your mind was reeling. You always lamented being little more than a fly on the wall but it was completely overwhelming to be noticed.
You clacked away on the keys of your typewriter. Your dorm room was small and stuffy as dry heat rose from the dingy old radiator. You could hear your roommates in the kitchen as they gabbed and laughed loudly. You were jealous yet too intimidated to try and ingratiate yourself. You always just ended up in the corner as everyone else had fun.
Your assignment was to write a review of a primary resource borrowed from your visit to the archive. You carefully looked over the laminated manuscript between sentences. Your small radio played in the background and you couldn’t help but nod to the full tones of the jazzy music.
You were drawn from your entranced study by a knock at your door. It was unusual to be disturbed unless there were chores to dole out. You didn’t have time to wipe up their messes again. You got up and went to the door and opened it an inch.
“Hi,” you said meekly as Gina stood with a box in her hands.
“This is for you,” she held out the package, “it was down at the residence office.”
“Me?” you let the door fall open and took the box, “I don’t…” You looked it over but there was no address, only your name, “thank you.”
She left without another word and you nudged the door shut with your elbow as you turned. Your parents only sent you letters, they didn’t like to pay the pricy postage for a whole package. You put the box down on your single bed and peeled back the brown tape. The flaps came open and you peeked inside curiously.
You took out the skirt, a yellow plaid piece shorter than anything you’d ever owned. It was the new style found on the cover of Vogue. You put it aside and reach for the blouse, a pure white thing with bell sleeves. Lastly, a pair of knee high heels to top off the mod look.
There was an envelope amid it all, the note inside short and scribbled.
‘Saw this and thought of you, honey.’
You stared at the paper and folded it back up. It was a nice gesture but you couldn’t wear that. You couldn’t accept the gift either, it was too much. Every garment you owned was second-hand and you’d seen the prices of these clothes in the magazines. 
And, you wondered as you packed the box and shoved it against the wall, why would the sheriff buy you all that? His friendliness made you uneasy. It was suffocating and yet, you could find no fault in someone being too generous. 
You realised too, how little you knew about him. What if he had wife or even a family? What if he didn’t? What if he was only doing it to fill in some gap in his life? Maybe he was playing out some father-daughter relationship he never had.
Well, you could ask him next time you saw him. Or try to.
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oogaboogaspookyman · 2 years
Aliza: so uhhh... Can i help you?
MEMORY: no, but maybe i can help you.
Aliza: uhhh... I-i need an adult...
MEMORY: i am an adult.
MEMORY: by the way i only hit you because i have pent up anger towards your father. Take that.
✨Random Quotes From The Fam✨
Now with Dragon Ball Abridged and an alternate universe where MEMORY lived and they did end up rivals!
Mewtwo: IS THAT ME?! *He's pointing at MEMORY*
MEMORY: lol mad.
Mewtwo, on the ground, beat up by MEMORY: huh... This is a new feeling, pride in someone else...
Mewtwo: unfortunately it's overshadowed by all this UNYIELDING RAGE!!
MEMORY: what are you doing?!
Aliza: what am i doing?
MEMORY: thwartin' mah plans?
Aliza: thwartin' your plans?
Aliza: yes.
[mewtwo is up against some weird guys that look quite familiar... Maybe you've seen them on a wednesday?]
Mewtwo: please, just send them away from us, murder them, fuckin'... Anything!
Mewtwo, reading the script: "why am i ranting, i don't know, i should've ended this a long time ago"... Fuck that rhymed!
[Adam is playing Vs. Stickman, a mod of JZBoy, he's up against Daisy]
*he loses the first attempt*
Adam: ...
Adam: okay wait a minute, wait a minute!
Adam: can we talk about this? Like-
Adam: seriously, how did she go from nice to killer?!
Adam: like- look, first she was all like "a e a e a e" all nice and sweet and shit, then the next second she's like- *he jumps into a fighting pose*
Adam: "EY, LET'S FUCKING GO, MOTHERFUCKING BEAT YOUR ASS-" like what the fuck is that about?!
*Celeste, Mary, Crypt and Newtwo are all surrounded by black-eyes that are cheering on A BUSTER*
Buster black-eyes:
Buster black-eyes: *slam, The Bad Ending*
Adam: unlock the door, MEMORY!
MEMORY, canonically afraid of Adam: NO!
Adam, holding a bat: YOU LOCKED THE DOOR, MEMORY?!
MEMORY: A!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Celeste: sweetie...
Aliza: :<?
Celeste: give mommy the knife...
Aliza, actually holding a knife: :<??
Celeste: s-sweetie...
Aliza, still holding a knife: *confused bab*
Celeste: g-give mommy the knife, please...
Adam: reblog if you think [EXPLICIT] are cool.
Mewtwo, acting for fun: you mean this? *Pic of birds*
Adam: no like [EXPLICIT]
Newtwo: *pic of birds again*
Adam: no like- like hooters.
Mew: *pic of owls*
[Adam invited Mary to one of his vids, this is from "World's Scariest Tiktoks?"]
[they're watching a vid of mannequins]
Adam: oh god, i hate- i hate fuckin' mannequins.
Mary: ... You hate fucking mannequins..?
Adam: yeah i really do-
Mary: when this start..?
Adam: wha- n-no i-i don't mean that- *he's cracking up*
Mary: what did you mean then, Adam? What did you mean then?
*Adam is still laughing*
Adam: i just hate mannequins, i don't fuck them!
Mary: oh-
(@esmam1ss2n9shu773r thank you so much for this one XD)
Mary: i can do it on @/badassgirlfromthefics and you can do it on some-random-artblog so it can be a side bolt kind thing
Mary: blog kinds
Mary: linda
Mary: kinf
Mary: kinfd
Mary: kinds
Mary: kinda
MEMORY: Aliza... That little brat, but how did she..?
MEMORY: wait... That watch... That wasn't a watch..!
MEMORY: it was some kind of... Locator..!
MEMORY: which means... Which means...
CL4RA: she took the virus B)
Celeste: do you hear that??
Mewtwo: i FEEL that!
*screaming continues, it reaches the distortion world*
Giratina: what the devil is that???
*screaming continues, it reaches The Dead Wishman Island*
Jason Lavender: what is that? Oh Arceus damn it is that my wife? ANNE YOU ALREADY TOOK OUR DAUGHTER, WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT?!?!
*screaming continues, it reaches the future where a disabled celebi is trying to go to the past to stop the apocalypse*
Celebi: finally, once the time machine is built i'll finally be able to go to the past and stop this apocaly-...
Celebi: Dialga???
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maxismatchccworld · 4 years
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To keep it short. All wishes are under the cut. 
You have a wish? Read here how to get it added.
Thank you for doing this! I would love to see solar glass - the glass roofs from basegame, modded to act like the solar roof tiles from Eco Lifestyle.
I would love to see a mesh edit of the fireplace from EL, with the weird rocks replaced by the wood from the SE fireplaces! Bonus points if there's also a version without the weird box and shelf (so just the main fireplace body and chimney).
Hi there! First off, I love your blog and I think the Super Secret Simblr Wishlist is a really sweet idea! I’ve got a build mode submission for the wishlist that I’ve been looking for for a long time; I’d really love a wig stand with some hairstyles that can go on top if possible. I’ve seen it done by alpha creators but the only MM one I found, the download link no longer works and it broke my heart
Fantastic idea. Let's give it a shot! I would love to see if a creator could and would be able to create a maxis-match classic Ballet Workout Set. Including two simple Tutu's one classic short the other one long. A classic leotard, wrap top, wrap skirt, ankle leg warmers as well as a pair of thigh high ones. All in classic ballet colors black, white and pink. ;) Nothing fancy! If the creator wants some examples what I mean I could provide pics. But that would be so dope! ❤️
#SSSWish I'm half Filipino, but I hardly see any Filipino content in the Sims Community. I would love to own a Maxis Match Barong or Maria Clara dress for formal events in the game. I think it would be a great way to add more representation in the game, especially when I know there are a handful of PilAms and Pinoy players. Thanks for hearing me out, and thanks for all the work you do to make this games playable. I really enjoy all your hard work!
i love this idea! i’ve been wishing for a long, straight hair for male sims - like a conversion of CfHair LongStraight. thanks for reading n__n
#SSSWishlist hello! I would love if cc creators can consider making more patterns for Kimono/Yukata (traditional Japanese clothing). I find the in-game versions kinda bland, and there are not many floral Kimonos even though its commonly seen in Japanese festivals. Would appreciate if there's Japanese hairstyle cc with big flowerly accessory to pair with the Kimono too! Same for the male Yukatas, just not floral print maybe. If it's not too much, children's version is also appreciated!
#SSSWishlist Thank you so much for doing this! I've a small request for a mod that allows every destination (specifically the newer lots like Onsens and/or Rental lots) to be an option for dating location under "Ask XX on a Date"
For the SSS Wishlist, I would Love to see a set of three to four hairstyles, all with the same texture. Something like long hair down, a ponytail, and an updo, all with the same wavy or curly or straight texture, all with the same bangs or whatever. Just something that could be used to look like my sims change hairstyle now and them.
I would love to see some moth cc? Like wings and antennae? any colors are fine but I just think it'd be really cool!
#SSSWish: deco fidget toys like cubes and tangles (at4s has a great fidget spinner but there are so many more types out there)
Sorry I wasn’t to sure where to put the hashtag #SSSWish or where to submit the wish.
My wish is to have more swatches for the snowboard and skis. If there could be more LED designs, interesting designs and the swatches for kids for T-E boards. It would be great.
The other wish would be to have more Kimono designs in Maxis Match and/or recolors with more patterns. There are so many patterns that I have seen while looking at real life kimonos and there are so many patterns, styles and colors that are missing in the game.
#SSSWish Hi! And thank you for this great and sweet idea! I wish for a special piece of CC: a long wavy ginger hair based on LoL's Miss Fortune character. I have a pic to send to show exactly what i wish for... It's my dream hair for my sims! Thank you again for this idea. That's super kind ^^
This seems like a fun idea! What I have been wanting for ages (like since TS2 era ages) is a hair style that completely covers one eye, like Violet at the start of The Incredibles. Most of the peekaboo bangs hairs I've seen are a little *too* stylish and I mostly just want one where someone is clearly trying to cover up half their face with it.
That sound like a great idea! It’d be great if someone was interested in a more fantasy/medieval recolor of joliebean’s after dark top. I really like it by most of the colors are very bright. #SSSWish
Hi! I never send asks so I hope this is the right way to do #SSSwishlist . I would be over the moon if someone could create the Zimmermann 'Carnaby Embroidered Bird Dress' in black. I've had my eye on it for such a long time but I'm too poor to commission it lol. Hope this is ok! :)
Hello, not sure if I'm sending this the proper way, but I have a request for the SSSWish? So, there's still no ways of writing books off-grid that I know of, so I think a journal or typewriter or, I don't know, even a magical computer working on batteries would be great, I would just really love to write and publish books off-grid... Also, I think this is a very sweet idea, and thank you for this chance to make requests!
I would love to see snowy escape kotatsu recolors ! #SSSWish
I love this wishlist idea! I'd like to see the Miles Edgeworth suit by Lunar Eclipse on MTS for Sims 2 converted for Sims 4 very much.
I would love to see more horse poses with tack. Severinka’s horses are beautiful but it drives me crazy, posing sims on horseback with the illusion of tack (bridles, saddles, etc) I would love to see some Severinka shaped tack be made. Poses would be a bonus!
SSSWishlist: cc hair inspired by marlo thomas' iconic hair from the 1966-71 tv show That Girl. or really any cc of her wardrobe on that show
 #SSSWish I would love the more door from GF without the windows and maybe in a few more neutral swatches.
The Simblr Wishlist is such a sweet idea, thank you for this! I would love to see a cc hair based on Osamu Dazai’s from Bungou Stray Dogs! It’s such a pretty hair and I think it would translate perfectly into The Sims ♡
#SSSWish This is an amazing idea! I'd love to see some powerpuff cc, like HIM's dress or Mojo's hat. There are lots of dresses and hairs for the girls (and the rowdyruffs) but I can't find anything that really fits with the other characters. Thank you!!
For the wishlist, any sort of Sailor Scouts themed stuff! Not like stuff from the show but stuff that a fan would have!
#SSSWish - I would love to see a someone put together clothing that accurately reflects the Starfleet uniforms seen on the television shows, "Star Trek: The Next Generation" (collar version), "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" (colored shoulders) or the later movie uniforms (grey shoulders w/ colored undershirt). I've seen people asking for these uniforms for quite some time now, and I think, if done well, they could be a popular download. A separate chest combadge accessory would be nice too.
#ssswish this is such an amazing and fun idea! I’d love to see some cut pixie hair cuts (especially with an undercut)!
Hey there, that #SSSWish thing is a super cool idea! I do have a wish too - I would love to see the EL utility jumpsuit converted for male framed sims. It can be unlocked by creating an override and unchecking the frame restrictions in S4S, but then the body changes to a female frame. So if anybody out there could do that properly, I'd be extremely grateful :3
#SSSWish i've been looking all over for a version of a torc to use in my historical plays-- it's an old celtic type of necklace, made of iron, sort of twisted into a collar around the neck... i've seen sims 3 versions of one floating around, so if someone would even be so kind as to convert one of those to the sims 4 i would be so happy!!!
#SSSWish I would love to see any kind of MM D&D adventurer type clothing. Literally anything like top, pants, accessories, shoes. There is so much of it in alpha but so rare in MM. <3
#SSSWish Thank you for this awesome idea that brings the community closer during these not so good times :) I wish someone could separate the skirt from the Snowy Escape school uniform and make it stand-alone !
#SSSWish id love to see some tanline cc?
Hello im a jennifer lopez fan, and i was wondering if someone could make cc clothes (like a dress, two piece suit or whatever) with her iconic jungle print pattern?? Like in green swatch and red swatch and maybe plain black / white?? Hope it's not too much to ask! #SSSwish
Hi, for the SSSWishList I would love it if someone were to either convert or create a more dainty engagement ring type ring for the masculine frame, kind of like the rings glitterberrysims has made for feminine frames, like her pearl antique ring for example. I’ve always wanted more pretty and delicate rings for my male sims but i can never find any that truly work with the masculine frame without most of the ring being absorbed by their fingers lol
Super secret simblr wish! This is such a cool idea. I've been looking for Some haircuts with a mix of curly/wavy- epically mid-length ones. Also A decades challenge- appropriate camera. It feels a bit weird to have my sims whip out there cells to take a picture- I mean I did all this work to make you look like your in the 1910s and now THIS? Sorry for my rant lol. Thank you if anyone actually does any of these!
requesting some recolors of the toddler sp clothing! specifically that butterfly top hehe
I love the idea of the SSSWishlist! I can never find a counter/island set that matches the wood tones of ATS4's Irish Pub bar, I'd be so happy to have some.
I'd love to see more high-waisted, 1950's style clothes like circle skirts for SSSWish!
I hope someone can make a small mod that allows sims to browse for baby names on the computer. And maybe they could gain moodlets from it, like "I love these names" or "All these are terrible names for a baby"? #SSSwishlist
I’d really like to see some more MM earrings that feature multiple earrings. Maybe with some mix and match or something, I only know some basic like ringlets that have several so I’d really like some different kinds.
#ssswish I would love to see Fire Emblem: Three Houses inspired CC, primarily hairstyles! There are some really unique looks in that game and it would be great to have something a little different to give our Sims.
Hi! I'd love to add to the #SSSWish for any cc creator to maybe make a few more frames for our ingame photos, maybe some frames where we can put more than one photo like the Moschino frame, I love having a wall full of photos of my household but there aren't many options. Thanks for having this adorable idea!
For the #SSSWish I'd love to see some eyebrow piercings that look like small naturally growing horns/spikes, kind of like the spikes the Zygerrians in Star Wars have but over the eyebrow rather than on the chin/forehead. Been looking for CC like that and just haven't been able to find any yet, so would be really thankful if anyone could make it.
#SSSWish I'd love to see anything women's wrestling related. Hairs, poses, attires, a small wrestling lot or merchandise. It'd be fun to see what people come up with.
SSSWish - I would love to see some feminine cc made for the masculine frame! For example skirts, dresses, blouses and make up:)
HI! I'd love to see a heterochromia skin detail/tattoo of WildlyMiniatureSandwich's little sad eyes! They're my favorite! I'd do it myself but it comes out a mess. I'd prefer it in the acne skin detail or dimple skin detail if possible!
1. A new Maxis Match sofa or sectional set with a high backrest that people could actually lean on huhu. (or at least a recolor of RAVASHEEN’s Sofa, So Good Sectional.) 2. A Maxis Match version of Wondymoon’s Titanium tall wardrobe with mirrors attached to it. This is my dream wardrobe.
#SSSWish I really would like some more basic clothes for toddlers
#SSSWish I'd like more modest wedding dresses where the arms are covered.
I’m not sure that I have done this right and I hope I have. If not, I am very sorry. First off, I love this blog and thank you for doing this. I would really like it if someone did a MM hair for Lisbeth Salander (the style from the Rooney Mara version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo). I think that it would be a super cool piece of CC! Thank you so much again for doing this! Happy holidays!
I am always looking for more kids/toddler CC. and would love if there was something similar to the 7785 pattern by simplicity! This pattern is from the 1970’s.
Here is a link to the pattern i have in mind!
I wish for a lightning scar for my sim, like lightning hit on his neck and left a Lichtenberg figure
#SSSWish Hi! Something I would really like in my game is little mannequins with unfinished/already finished clothes on it (kind of like if your sim was working on making clothes for themselves and wanted to put it around their workshop)
#SSSWish I would love to see super glamorous toddler/child cc. Kind of like if they were a part of a super rich and famous family and had to go to a gala or something.
#SSSWish -- I would absolutely die for some D&D build/buy items. For example: dice clutter, DM screens, maybe even a map? I'm not sure how intensive that kind of thing would be. TIA!!
I would really like some more island living inspired cc! Or poses with two women, a toddler, and a baby (newborn, older, whatevs). Either or is absolutely okay!
#SSSWishlist i know i already saw some people here ask for more yukata/kimono swatches here and i would like the say i really do think we need them (not just for the adults but the younger ages too, id like for the toddlers kimono not to have the hifu? vest as well but that sounds more complicated). 
BUT for my wish i would like to see some proper tabi socks in the game, for all ages + genders, and also for the geta sandals to be made available for children and toddlers. Im not sure how difficult that would be for the tabi + geta but i think they would be a good to have since the kids always get left behind.
AF to CF Conversion
Hello. Wishing for a conversion of this dress…
…from AF to CF. Here is the link to the original. There is already a Toddler version, too!
Thank you!
1950s Style Hair(s) For Men
Wishing for some 1950s style hair for male sims, not as exaggerated as typical sims style. I’ve included four examples. What you choose to make (if anything) is creator’s choice. Thank you!
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I was wondering if anybody could make a structured corset top that has a v shaped lower torso, kinda like the ones you would see on tiktok? and if possible, maybe a tonya harding inspired ponytail with the puffy bangs? thank you!!!
I saw a request for feminine cc for masculine frames so I'm going to ask the opposite, so uhh feminine frame suits. I do not like seeing the crunchy chest from the base game suits. 😂
I would love anything dark academia for the chillier months- maybe a turtleneck sweater with a pinafore or plaid dress on top, or a blazer/sweater combo, etc. Obviously these are just ideas, but I think it would be so nice to see more of this kind of thing in custom content!
Thanks for reading (’:
I’d like someone to make a few generic maxis match tattoos, any styles but that looks more comicish than the ones I see around, that even claim to be MM. EA gave us very few choices and they don’t exactly go together (like using the ones from IL with BG ones just don’t quite work). Thanks in advance if someone picks out. ♥
Hello there! this idea is amazing, thank you :3 my request for the #SSSWish would be some cute cat and/or mouse ears for human sims that are not on a hairband or part of a hair. I’m thinking a hat or an earring accessory thing that goes on top of the sim’s head anime catgirl style :D I hope it’s not too much to ask :)
Hey there! Could somebody make some more long male hairstyles, like 80s rocker type ones? One of my favorite sims is supposed to be like an 80s rocker dude, and I have a really hard time finding hair for him. Long mullets would be welcome, and long rocker hair would be welcome too. Thanks!
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#SSSWish A dress similar to this would be so beautiful and versatile :)  I also think it would go really well with the new snowy escape aesthetic. If its possible I think it would look best with the same back, but a plain/simple front instead of the collar and detail shown on the front in the image. Merry Christmas!!!
So, there's still no ways of writing books off-grid that I know of, so I think a journal or typewriter or, I don't know, even a magical computer working on batteries would be great, I would just really love to write and publish books off-grid... Also, I think this is a very sweet idea, and thank you for this chance to make requests!
Hi SSSWishlist! Burberry CC! Skirts, scarves anything! For adults or kids or even pets, just all things Burberry!
Maxis Match Sweater Vest Acc/Top Inspired by House of Sunny's Suburban Knit
or anything kind of close/inspired by House of Sunny (maybe the Hockney dress/landscape knit?) bc I cannot afford it on my own, so putting it on my sims would be a sense of wish fulfilment. However, just in general, a maxis match accessory sweater vest
Hello :) I hope a CC creator can make it happen. I would love to see some maxis match eyelashes that are laptop friendly. I know pikypikachu already has created it but the final product it's not my cup of tea. I just want more designs if possible.
Hi! Thanks for hosting the SSSWishlist! My wish is a little vague, but I'd really like to see some feminine clothing tailored specifically to the male frame. I know there aren't hard limits on what sims can wear most of the time, but I just wanna see some catering to gnc/trans sims! 🧡
 I'd love to see more decorative kawaii plushies to put around my sim's room! The only ones I can ever find are for toddlers so I'd love to see some non-function ones that just look cute!
My wish would be for a recolor of https://www.patreon.com/posts/marcia-by-40546842 this hair in a peachy pink color for my sim self! Thanks so much!
More dance mods that aren't just poses. :D
I’d really like some ballet outfits for children through ya. A leotard with a simple wrap chiffon skirt in various colorways would be amazing!
I’d really really love a set of witcher school medallions - the versions from the games, not the series.
US-Style Military Uniforms
HI. Hoping for the US military dress uniforms incl. hats, maybe based around the StrangerVille dress uniforms. Since it’s MM anyway, I’m not looking for anything elaborate or “patriotic” just something to evoke the Navy and Marines, esp., primarily for storytelling purposes. If anyone has concerns this would not be used to depict or celebrate war nor as a political statement, etc.
My Super Secret Wish is a mod, or even a tweak of an existing mod, that stops toddlers from shying away from hugs they ask for during the “Check Toddler” interaction. It is *so* irritating to see a toddler respond to a❓with a ❤️ and open arms then step back, often with a 💔, and push the adult away. I’ve tried to stop it with MCCC but no luck.
One of my favorite parts of the game is creating a restaurant or a vet clinic, but the employees are impossible to keep satisfied and they all eventually quit. It would be nice if there was a way to keep them permanently satisfied, or at least make it easier. There is a mod for this but it is extremely outdated and doesn't work anymore. If anyone could update it or make a new one that would be great! 😁
I would LOVE for someone to edit the Get Famous button down female 3 quarter sleeve shirt with headphones around the neck and remove the headphones and ID badge. I don’t make CC so maybe this is too big an ask?
Edits of the eco lifestyle windows without those chunks of metal. i know it’s been done, but the version that i’ve saw online has a weird shadow. :(
Hey, it's about the #SSSWishlist , i don't know if it's possible but a mod that makes cats and dogs stop meowing and barking would be nice beceause i like using the kalino animals for exemple but the barking and meowing ruin the immersion. Thank you in advance if someone is doing it ^^
Hello, thanks you for this good idea.
I would like a mod that allows to rent a house instead of buying it.
It will be great if is not just for vacation or students in University.
#SSS Wish: I don't think I've seen much hanfu sims4 cc so it would be cool if someone can make some! ziseviolet is a tumblr with a lot of hanfu designs and could serve as a great resource.
Hi there! Thanks for doing this, it’s a wonderful idea!! I was hoping someone could create an edit of the Snowy Escape female shirt with the turtle neck underneath and open/unbuttoned shirt, here is a link. If they could make it so that the turtle neck and shirt can be different colours, like having the turtle neck have an option under accessories to change colours that overrides the original turtleneck’s colour would be amazing! Maybe they could throw in more colours and designs, like 90’s or plaid, that would be perfect
Thank you so much!
I would love to see more CAS stuff with simlish logos/writing! T-shirts (especially with the moschino tee mesh), sweaters, sweatpants, accessories… anything you’d like as long as you keep it simlish. Maybe even make more Harnocks stuff with the Henry Puffer logos that MLys released?
For the SSWishlist, could I request some more clean and chic looking booths? I absolutely adore putting in booths as many places as possible in my builds, but I don't come across much CC using it. Some bench like booths for lil cafes would be ideal <3
#SSSWish I know it's very specific for a wish, but I hope someone can manage to create a long silk nightgown or wrap dress, with an orange stylized koi fish pattern on a light green background. I can't find the tile (at storytiles) I've seen it on, but it was just so gorgeous.. I wish I had one irl.
#SSSWish I hope I'm not the only one, but I wish for some more clothes for my elder sims, cozy-looking grandma & grandpa clothes.
#SSSWish it's such a good idea, thank you! I really wish for a high waisted A-line skirt, with only une button placed on the side, with denim and coloured w polka dots swatches <3
#SSSWishlist I would love Padme's lake dress from Episode II of Star Wars, it's so flowy and beautiful and it would be so pretty to see in game!
how about more enby clothing, hairstyles??? we lacking
Dear #SSSWishlist, I think we need more hairstyles for alternative boys, specially more dyed short hairs, or at least masculine dyed hairstyles. I think our eboys, soft boys, scene boys and all the rest are lacking soooooo much... :(
#SSSWish- Rings that work for guys that also aren't super bulky. Most I'm finding are huge or don't work on guys at all/well. Thank you❤
modthesims.inforecolors for plasticbox's functional tea pot
hi! I love this little tea pot, but I’d love to have it in a variety of more vibrant recolors, including pink, aqua and yellow <3 thank you!
#SSSWishlist I like to give my aliens sims that space suit (that came with gtw?) in all their outfits but I would like more variation. I haven't found any recolours or different style space suits that match the in game ones so I would really like if someone made some. Thank you!
#SSSWish Recolors of CrypticSim's Maddy Palette eyeshadow!
#SSSW: So you know how some creators of CC hairs include an accessory with multiple swatches to better match the outfits you put your Sims in? I'd love to have an overlay like that for EA hair accessories too. No particular hairs in mind, I'd be happy with anything that comes up. If any creator decides to do this-- thank you so much!!
#SSSWish i would love a version of the snowy escape masc frame snowboarders sweater (the first swatch is red white and black with some text on it) that works for femme frames - i am dying to put my femme frame sims in it but the distortion around the neck ruins it for me T.T thank youu!!
#SSSWish - My wish is for any kind of run-down, beat-up, grungy, punky, build/buy items. Wallpapers/floors, items, anything! Everything I find is alpha, and having it in MM would be *chef's kiss*. Thank you in advance, so so so so much!
Hi ! There is quite a few things I’d like, but I narrowed it down to three “small” things:
- An accessory top with a high neckline and no sleeves - just to hide cleavage - maybe with some lace at the edge ? and several grey and pastel colors please.
- Some accessory prints for shirts, like those tukete has, maybe some aimed at kids and toddlers too ?
- Makeup for kids. Some people let their kids wear makeup in real life, but adult cc makeup don’t look right on kids, so if anyone is interested in trying… I’d like eye-shadow and lipstick, with some discreet options (but you can go all out too of course).
There you go, thanks everyone and happy holidays !!! 😊💕
#SSSWish (I think this is where I request things??) A high waisted conversion of those base game rose jeans. They’re super pretty, but I never use them bc of how low riding they are 😭
I would be eternally grateful if a posemaker could make a CAS pose very similar to Shai Hulud’s ‘Profound Hatred of Man’ artwork (image link below), only with the hands further apart on the chest. I’ve had an edit in mind for ages but haven’t found a pose that looks even remotely similar to that. Thanks in advance if anyone decides to grant this wish! https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61HuYY-zJBL._SX342_QL70_ML2_.jpg
Hello! I found your blog a while ago and fell head over heels in love with it, so let me say thank you for all this wonderful hard work you do! For my wish I would love anything maxis match Attack on Titan but if I could only have one thing it would be a maxis match version of Levi Ackerman's hair since we have nothing like that in game. Thanks in advance, and happy holidays!
I would love some recolours of the Nifty Knitting knittable Cable Knit Rug. It’s one of my favourites but the colour swatches in-game are limited. Thanks a whole bunch.
I really want a pair of a-bit-over-the-ankle boots that are slightly open around the leg with a relatively thick, medium length heel. Much like the ones Korean female idols wear during their performances. I have searched everywhere but haven't found a pair that look right. Glittery ones would be perfect but I can easily recolor them myself. Thank you! 😊
My #SSSWish would be a wedding veil that is not in the hat accessory section! I’d love to be able to have my sims wear eg a flower crown and a veil at the same time; but with the beocreations veils (which are the best ones I’ve found) you can’t do that because they are part of the same category. Thank you!
Now that Snowy Escape is out, I'd love to see some Japanese street fashion, hair styles, and accessories! There is a fair amount of stuff out there, but it's almost all alpha, unfortunately #SSSWish
Thanks for doing this, I really hope for more Lolita styles clothes / clockpunk oufits that are maxis matches and even more male fantasy outfits!
Love this blog and this idea! I'd like to submit a request for a set of cool-neutral eyeshadows, opaque, matte, covering the top lid. I wear this daily IRL and haven't quite found a dupe :)
#SSSWishlist - Oh hello! I hope I'm doing this right!! I would just be tickled pink if someone was able to make a MM picture of the Stanley Cup. I have a hard time finding any hockey CC and I would just be over the moon if someone was able to do this. Thank you! Best wishes! Happy holidays! <3
Hello! i’m not sure if its just my game bugging but the male child tiny living hair is broken and i don’t know where to start on fixing it. i tried to find a fix online but found nothing. in my game the hairline for that hair is so bad and its unfortunate cause it used to be my fav child hair. if someone that mods or makes cc could fix it or make a default replacement, i would forever be grateful.
This is such a nice idea, thanks for thinking of it! I really love the toddler bed that came with Eco Living and would love it if it were made into a single bed for children, preferably separated. Thank you!
Well then, may i bring in a #SSSWish of a very odd hairstyle... A high, side ponytail, with messy bangs if possible? Just one of those weird things i can do in real life, but seems near impossible ingame! Thanks to anyone who even considers making it, because i feel it's kind of an absurd idea in the first place.
I would love to see some creative and cool alien CC, specially genetics CC. <3 Thanks for doing this.
Hey!!! I have a #SSSWISH!!!! so is it possible for anyone to make more floor futons for sleeping? especially for toddlers? they really should have come with snowy escape!
#SSSWish I love to take family photos of my sims to put up around the house but I hate that I have to add a random sim to my household to take the picture. My wish is for a mod that allows you to select a sim that's in a pose and make them take a picture without having to come out of their pose and go to the camera. I would be forever grateful for whoever manages to pull this off!
#SSSWish thank you for doing this! I'd love to see some recolours of the tiny living rug, w different patterns too
#SSSWish I really need some simmer make this true: "Feminine" clothes for males. Dresses, skirts, make ups... I dont really care. I just dont want to skip the "masculine" label in the CAS to put them some cool clothes that doesnt fit good enough. Also, the clothes that are done for women, to do swatches for all genders. That would be amazing, thanks for this.
#SSSWish. First of all, thanks for all you work, this idea is brilliant. Second thing, I've been searching for Suits inspired in Harry Styles x Gucci like fancies with flower and all, and most important, FOR WOMEN. I will be really pleased if this idea comes to reality. Thanks!
Hello, I'm from Spain and I think we have a super rich culture so, maybe a Spanish simmer (or worlwide) would be please to do some Flamenca dresses, os something related tu Andalusian Aesthetic. Thank u! I love ur content #SSSWish.
Hi, first of all I love this idea and your blog! 💕 my request is an override for one (or more) of the super ugly City Living blouses - I haven’t seen one and they’re just the worst haha.
Could someone make a mod that gives all base game and DLC showers the option to chose "sing in the shower" like the City Living shower has already? Thanks so much!! #SSSWish
i do the wishlist thing here, right? i guess the thing i'd want the most in the game is ferrets, but that's probably very unlikely haha. the next thing would probably be more trait slots. there are mods that let you add traits in-game, but i'd like to just have that option in CAS, yknow? anyway, cheers, have a good one #SSSWish
Hi!! this is a long shot but i was hoping someone could make the bb missed opportunity #39? It’s a little stuffed puppy with a sweater and I’m distraught it wasn’t included in nifty knitting. Thank you!! <3
I have a wish which is very specific, but I’d be so happy to see it done. I would really love to see Ransom’s coat with a scarf from Knives Out recreated in sims (it’s this one, I’m not sure on how to add the picture here: https://www.pinterest.ru/pin/76350156171255013/). I really hope someone will like this idea. And thanks for creating such an amazing event!!!
#SSSWish I'd love to have pandasamacc's rocking horse retextured (and recolored if possible) so they'd look more maxis match!
#SSSWish I's like to see a wall art that is just a handle bar on an angle so you could out it in stairway walls. Metal colors, black and white and light, medium and dark woods.
What I would really like is just something cute for boys! Toddler or child is fine, but little boys get so little love in the community – it can be a hairstyle, an outfit, some bedding recolors with trucks and animals and such, even just a set of a few ‘boys getting into trouble’ poses. The sky is the limit!
Hello! This #SSSWish is such a fun idea~ Personally, I'd love if someone updated the Plantsims mods that have broken over the numerous updates. Like, G1G2's Revamped Plantsims, Triplis' Plantsim Interactions, and Simonch8's No Cooldown & Trait mods. I've always loved Plantsims since Sims 2 & 3 days, but my knowledge of modding (and especially updating mods) is near nonexistent, so I can't do this myself. It would be awesome if someone could do it so the community could enjoy Plantsims again~!
#ssswish i use both alpha and maxis match but im lacking on maxis match clothes that are really my style, is it possible for anyone to make like some really trendy tik tok clothes????
#SSSWish I'd love to see a subtle body blush in the skin details section that also tints lips slightly! 🥰 I feel like body blushes really makes the sims look more alive but they're so difficult to find in maxis match!
#SSSWish My wish is deco objects, anything from paintings to plushies, of Kirby the Nintendo character. I’m trying to make a Sim home for me and my sisters, one of whom adores Kirby, but I can find almost nothing Kirby-related. Other characters from the franchise such as Waddle Dee would be great too.
Anything The Outer Worlds related would be cool! The characters outfits, hair, traits, furniture, really just anything lol
I wish for weerbesu to add an option to UI Cheats mod to right click on a collection in the collectables tab to complete it. #SSSWish
#ssswish more like victorian cc for the decades challenge for categories that are neglected like kid, toddlers, swimwear, cold weather, etc.
#ssswish i would really love if someone could convert the snowy escape kids outfit with the blouse and pants to adult.
I would serious love if someone could make a flipped version of the Luxury Party Rectangles Bracelet for the right wrist! (It's the one that looks like staggered bars wrapped around the wrist and reminds me of a gauntlet.) #SSSWish.
#ssswish  i have 2 wishes if that is ok. first, i was hoping someone could make some nature prints like the framed botanical prints from cottage garden stuff, but with butterflies? or fruit/veg, birds, other bugs, anything really. my second wish is for someone to make a windsor style rocking chair out of the cats and dogs bench, if that is possible. i know that brazenlotus made an armchair from the bench if that helps?
I’d like to se a no-jealousy lot trait. A no-jealousy club perk would be nice too.
i’d love to see some demonia trinity’s or thigh high chunky platforms! 
How about an Elvis pompadour style or similar male hair that are short on top but longer in the back (not slickback long like Get Famous, just not tapered or shaved)?? :)
Hello! Thanks for this beautiful and sweet initiative! I have 2 requests: 1- Shop/selling/store cc that is a real maxis match. I’d like store furniture, packaging and proper showcases for selling goods, or clothes, or food that really match maxis content (think about a herbalist store, tech store or a country fashion store)
2- Start thinking about translate mods: I am an italian simmer and i really love how maxis turned the game in my language…it’s sooo funny!! they did such a great work and I really would like to see some awesome mods in other languages. I offer my help with italian translation to everyone!!
#SSSWish I will love a messy up bun without bangs ! ❤️ and a full body kawaii tattoos in colors, balck and with too 🙏🏼🙏🏼
Thanks!! Hope someone will be interested!!
#SSSWish I am a major occult fan and would absolutely die for new functional cc wands for my RoM Witches! I have heard they are hard to make but I figured I would see if anyone was willing to try.
I would love some cc for Journey to Batuu. I know most people hate the pack, but I'm a Star Wars fan so I love it. I would love some recolours of the clothes or some new Star Wars themed clothes that could be worn in Batuu. Thank you :)
Hello! It would be amazing if someone can update GrayCurse's Sims RANDOM TRAIT & ASPIRATION MOD or make something similar. #SSSWish
Hi! This is probably not a small ask, but can someone please update teanmoon's Darker Loading Screen Mod V2 wich includes darker launcher, loading screen and world selection screen. #SSSWish
#SSSWish Hello! I would really love it if a talented someone was able to make a Twilight werewolf shoulder tattoo ^^ Thank you!
I really love the new kotatsu table, and while not surprised, I was disappointed to find out that toddlers couldn't use it. It got me thinking, what if someone could make a floor cushion that functioned as a high chair? #SSSWish
Matching unisex high school sports (jersey/shorts) uniforms for teens. Can maybe use red & white spa day shirt as base for shirt?
#ssswish This is such a lovely idea! There are so many fun wishes! What I’d like to have (and I think would also be useful for other Simmers) is a wedding themed recolor of the “large pile of presents.” I usually put one of those piles in my wedding venue so that the bride and groom can “open presents” together. But the colors that are on the original are not what you usually see on presents at weddings. (I usually opt for the one that is mostly purple, since purple and lavender are my favorite colors.) What I’d like to have are recolors in white, white/gold, and white/silver. Maybe some white/pastels (especially lavender, pink and blue. The white/pastel recolors would also be nice for having a party that you call a “baby shower” especially if yellow and light green were also available. That kind of party isn’t in the game, but it should be!)
#SSSWish... Floor tiles that match the sidewalks!
#ssswish I love this idea and I appreciate you coordinating it! I would like to submit a wish please. I would like to ask if someone can convert the geta sandals from Snowy Escape to toddler and children please. Thank you to those who attempt it!
i LOVE THE IDEA OF A HOLIDAYS THEMED WISHLIST. I think it be nice to have a kids/nursery cc pack, with a toddler bed wivh look like a crib.
I would ❤️ love ❤️ a messy bun/pony tail with roots/compatible with a roots accessory; I’m obsessed with grown out hair 🙈
#SSSWish Hi! this is a great idea and i'd love to make a wish - i've been looking for a preset of full lips for male sims, specifically for Black male sims, that dont have that little bow in the middle of the top lip, if that makes sense! i've seen many of that sort for women, or for more 'white' looking sims, but never quite for black men! thank you and happy holidays!
#SSSWish I would really like it if someone could convert the floor-length dressing gown from Vintage Glamour for masculine frames!
Hi, hope I’m doing this right! I was hoping for something Ori and the Blind Forest/Will of the Wisps themed, something to get over how the games completely broke my heart. Maybe some plushies of some of the game’s characters I can put into rooms? I’d be fine with whatever, this is just a really cool thing you’re doing! <3
could someone make a short wall height version of the curtains from cats and dogs please?
I'd love to see anything based on Native American culture(s). Representation would be nice 💖 Thank you!
For the #SSSWishlist, I really just want to see someone recreate Geordi La Forge’s VISOR from Star Trek: The Next Generation. I think it’d look great and we can never have enough futuristic (and nerdy) cc!
I don’t see the #SSSwish I submitted on your public list (I forgot to use the hashtag before) so I’m submitting it again. I would love to see a mod, or tweak of an existing mod, that stops toddlers from pulling away from a hug after they asked for one in response to a Check Toddler. The toddler will hold up its arms with a ❤️ in the speech bubble then step back and refuse the hug, and the relationship takes a hit. I tried MCCC’s tuner to stop it but it didn’t work.
i would love some…chinese cc haha! With snowy escape there’s more build items that can be used, I’ve noticed there tends to be a lot of Japanese inspired cc even before that pack, but not a lot of things from other parts of Asia, especially ancient cultures or cultural items like instruments (decor), clothing, furniture (lohan beds), etc. I’ve gone looking but most of what I’ve found is locked behind chinese-only forums and is usually alpha…I just think it would be cool to see some mm stuff from other places esp as fandoms get more globalized
#SSSWish oh, please, i really want to see the "EA-faces replacement" that random townies get.. i'm from the sims 2 community and it's very strange to me that you put up with THESE faces.. ;; i want them (faces) to be more.."beautiful"?.. so yeah, it's my wish. i hope it's ok?
hi! #SSSWISH for a Carmen Sandiego (the 2019 netflix version) triangle choker? would love to see it in form!
#SSSWish I would love a down hairstyle using the same textures as either the rainbow ponytail from Get Famous or the rainbow top knot from Snowy Escape.
I just want a maxis match ragnarok loki’s hair
Just the Snowy escape bangs as accessories.
For #SSSwishlist, I would love to see someone recreating the Ikea’s Odger Chair in Maxis Match style, as it is one of my favorite chairs and it’s a shame that it’s not available in virtual form yet!
#SSSWish 🤗Thank you for implementing this idea, I'd been hoping that someone would do something like this for a long time. I wonder, would anyone like to try their hand at making a maxis match feather boa or a fur wrap around? They would be perfect for classy elderly (or sims in general).
I would love to see a conversion of the "Rustic stool" from Jungle Adventure from arm chair to dining chair.
I have a historical save, where I would love to use this.
#SSSwish I don't know if you're still taking these, but I really want a neck tattoo of feathery wings wrapping around the neck like a choker. That sounds specific but any style is really okay. Neck tattoos are so difficult to make!
Hi all i have in my sims4 wish list it more traditions for holidays! specially if they’re could be some snowy escape holiday traditions like visit a shrine or go skiing or something. really any new gameplay mods i love thank you all for your beautiful hard work #SSSWish
#SSSWishlist it would be really awesome to see a creator make a maxis match version of Urban Outfitters’ Joaquin sofa and armchair set, I think those look fantastic and will make a great addition to the game
#SSSWish: CC inspired in violet evergarden (anime) like Violet Evergarden or Luculia Marlborough hairstyles or even some of the clothes used on the anime. Merry Christmas!
#SSSWish I’d love to see a TS4 conversion of an old fave or two from TS2 – the tennis dress that came with the Apartment Life EP and the women’s nerdy cute sweater vest over untucked blouse from FreeTime (just the top preferred over the full outfit with the skirt) are the things I’ve been missing most, but anyone who wants to convert clothes from either of those two EPs or H&M stuff will make me super excited, they all had a lot of nice things.
This is an absolutely fantastic idea! I haven't been able to look around lately but I noticed that most rings/hand accessories aren't compatible with SkinDetail eyelashes. My wish is exactly hand accessories, specifically wedding rings, which don't conflict with SkinDetail eyelashes. It may be helpful to know that plumbobteasociety managed it in their RRS pack. Lastly, you guys rock!
#SSSWish If anyone is also interested, maxis match recolors of the folowing would be awesome!: Peace Maker's rockers with canvas seating like the Bamba rocker and Ddaeng Sims' Contemporary Pergola
For the SSSW, as a disabled simmer, I would like to see either a trait if possible or even just some CAS or Build/Buy items that are for disabled sims so I can that aspect into my save.
#SSSWish: I think it would be amazing if someone converted some of the YA-elder clothes from the sims 3 store ragtime in the big easy set (especially the vieux carre and big band swing dresses). Thanks :)
#SSSWish I'd like to see a deco pair of crutches that lean against the wall, if someone wants to make them :)
#SSSWish, Hello thank you for doing this! I would love to see more school uniforms. Particularly K-drama style uniform tops that have variations, such as blazers and the types of ties ( e.g. ribbons, bows, regular ties, loose ties, no ties etc. ), cardigans, vests, half-zips, blouses, button downs and crewnecks ( just some examples ) for sims that like to show off their own style at school, despite the uniform.
#SSSWish I'd love to see some riding pants ( jodhpurs ) and competition blazers for my equestrian sims.
#SSSWish: hey ho! my wish isn't all too specific but it would be awesome to see more maxis match historic or traditional clothing from all over the world (although preferably asia - varrying from everywhere) as well as build objects. please, remember, asia does not only consist of the east. thank you for your time!
Hiii thank you for doing this! Here are my two wishes:
1) This curly Rey hair from the lovely Shellanin on Twitter 
Tumblr media
2) A maxismatch bow necklace where it’s like a choker with a big bow at the back of the neck….Think Marie’s bow from Aristocats, but for humans!
#SSSWish a lip overlay or face overlay with specular mapping?
I would love to see a lobster claws accessory for hands made from Larry the lobster mascot from the Discover University Pack. Similar to HIM from the Powerpuff Girls.#SSSWish
Hi, I know this may be a super longshot because the venn diagram for the average simmer and this particular thing is probably two circles, but… it would be kind of neat for someone to make some MMA-styled gloves, for example here:
and here
#SSSWish I'd really like a hair based on Ardyn Izunia from Final Fantasy ❤️
#SSSWish i would love to see the tray from tiny living separated :) also i just want to say thank you for coming up with this secret santa!
#SSSWish, I would like more Star Wars cc, especially if it’s for Padme, Anakin, or Obi-Wan!!
Hello! Thank you for doing this! Something I am wishing for this year is a mm edit of a hair with a different colored underlayer (kinda like simpliciaty-cc's salem hair). I would love to have something like that in the game! #SSSWish
#SSSWish: Deco books with Simlish covers. Please and thank you if someone fulfills this. ^_^
I have another #SSSWish (if you don't mind). I don't know if it already exists but a mod which adds more family relationship options to CAS or the Sim menu. Like grandparents, cousins, step- and half-siblings, step-parents, etc. It would be easier instead of having to create additional Sims just to create diverse relationships.
#SSSWish Hi this is such an amazing idea! I would love a skintone set in s4simomo's V2 hair palette.
I would love to see some more truly alien clothing options for the aliens, the males especially. I sometimes like to dress mine up in complete different outfits for their alien and disguise forms. When I want to give there alien form a totally authentic feel, but a different outfit in every category, I have so much trouble dressing up the males. So some new alien options would be wonderful.
#SSSWish Ballerina outfits/clothes. SOOOOOO many ballerina poses but I can't find a lot of black swan type ballerina dresses (tutu dresses or skirts).
#SSSWish - Pet based holiday traditions would be wonderful! 'Take dog for walk', 'Adopt a pet', 'Brush your pet' for something like a 'national dog/cat day' :0c
I would love to have the "Easy Machine from Fred's PC Hut" computer from TS3 for Sims 4.
#SSSWish - hello! i would like to wish for a mod/fuctional lot trait which makes live in restaurants possible without the need of an additional lot. just everything packed into a single lot like littlemssam's live in business mod. that would be absolutely fantastic. best regards!
I wish for a formal dresses that looks good on plus size sims.
dear #ssswish i'm hoping for a family inspired poses. Maybe something like two parents, 1 or 2 children and a toddler. i'm unable to post links sadly, but if you look up @moonlitmjn on pinterest they've got a board called 'pose inspiration' that has a lot of inspiration for poses. happy holidays!
#SSSWish It would be amazing to see either teen/university age clutter items: open book stacks, piles of highlighters, simlish monster drinks, boxes of cheese-its that fell over cause you fell asleep at your desk…
Hello, I’ve found so many talented builders in this community (sadly not including myself) and I’m really wishing for a 30x20 lot to go on the island in Windenburg that’s sorta a tiny house cottage (?)… one to two bedrooms would be awesome, I’m personally okay with both cc usage and cc free builds. Thank u so very much in advance (:
#SSSWish i would love to see the little toy that’s on the eco lifestyle toddler beds as a stand-alone item :~) thank you for making this opportunity possible btw! happy holidays !!
Hi! Could someone please make more long messy male hairstyles, preferably curly or wavy? Think rocker/grunge styles. Its for my favorite sim and I would really appreciate it! Thank you in advance and I can’t wait to see what you come up with
Can somebody make some maxis match dreads for male sims? I see a lot of shaved sides for men or female dreads with clips and baby hairs, but I would love for some regular full head male dreads not too short and not to long!! #SSSWish
Ok so I hope this is the right place to ask my request on the wishlist? I read all the instructions and here but I couldn't find anything specific... I'm sorry if I'm too dumb... so what I want is a conversion of this from TS2 to TS4 modthesims. info/ download. php?t=324116 it is a window... thank you!
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