#molestation mention tw
henryisabigfatbitch · 7 months
Hello, you can call me Asher, Henry, or Micah
I am a physical nonhuman due to delusions
I am a werewolf, fish, werebat, and dragon, Tornado/hurricane, ecosystem, and a Cuban crocodile-esque creature (bigger and longer)
I am a Holothere (werewolf, shapeshifter, vampire)
I am a samgladiator YHS fictionkin
I love GHOST
I am trans masc (typically masc presenting, I'm genderfluid) and homoromantic(?), omnisexual
Sometimes we use We/Us pronouns, this is sometimes an indication that we're stressed out or in a delusion but sometimes it just feels right.
My diagnosis':
Schizoaffective depressive type (schizophrenia+depression) 👁️🫀🌑💊
Bulimia Nervosa non purging type (Eating disorder) 🍖🍲🍜🍗
OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)👉👉👉👉✅ (or else)
SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) 🥲🫂🔊📸
Clinical Vampirism/Renfield's Syndrome (ties into my Holothere identity) 💉🩸🦇📌
I am an extreme maladaptive daydreamer and sometimes forget that I'm not that paraself, my paraselves include OCs such as Chip Zerthagil, Ruskchre Hirouriski, Kelpoltyosha, Fowl Krasikthia, all bogian species. Non OCs include, Alastor (Hazbin), Severus Snape (HP, I don't support JKR), Wednesday Addams (Wednesday Netflix), normal animals, Tigerstar (WC), Aizawa (BNHA), Izuku Midoriya (BNHA), Shirou Ogami (BNA), and one I will not mention because it is someone I idolize's OC and I don't wish to make them uncomfortable.
There is also Alastor, Fae, Sasha, and Gore who are extremely similar to alters but aren't alters.
A lot of my "OCs" happen to be paraselves so please be polite when talking about them
NOTE: Speculation, but I believe some of my paraselves turn into something similar to an alter when I'm under pressure or extremely stressed, they talk to me and comfort me
Post my shit to r/systemscringe and I will fucking obliterate you, fuck off, I'm not a system. (Not diagnosed with any disorder that might make me plural, minus schizoaffective)
Public proshippers (proshipping publicly for non coping reasons or for reasons such as it providing a safe outlet if you have a para)
Anti kink, y'all kinda piss me off, don't want you here.
Anti Reality shifting, I'm not talking about people who don't believe in it, I'm talking about people who go out of their way to harass shifters
Extreme anti endo (I MIGHT tolerate you ONLY if I really like you and you're a good person in general)
Anti alterhuman
Any people with HARMFUL PARAPHILIAS who think PRO CONTACT is okay, I'm not getting groomed and molested again, fuck off
Schizoposters (non-schizophrenic people posting things to trigger paranoia and delusions)
Elon musk supporters (he's a dickbag)
Political blogs (pro-Palestine is not political, it is anti genocide)
Ai bros (not much else to say)
Sorry if I offended you but I have a no-hate policy here
Other than that I'm a friendly person who likes making friends (I do have pretty bad anxiety though so it may take a while) :3
If you have any questions, send an ask
Me (might update sometimes)-
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fxtalitygod · 1 year
VII. ~Survival~
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Summary: You were determined to survive longer than anyone, even if you were set to marry him.
Genre: Historical AU, angst, mature, suggestive, arranged-marriage
Warnings: Dark themes, theme/depictions of horror, swearing/language, suggestive, mentioned pedophilia, child molestation, attempted child sexual assault, mentions of adult murder, implications of impregnating, implied Stockholm Syndrome, images/depictions of dead bodies, slight misogynistic themes (if you squint).
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: Soooooo... this is the shortest chapter I've ever written, but it wasn't my intention. To be honest, I kept becoming unhappy with the results and kept going back to fix it, but it never felt right. At the end of the day, I decided to touch into an uncovered territory of (Y/n) that I had debated on for a while and enjoyed the results. I promise the next chapter will be longer and will cover more bases! Enjoy Chapter 7 of Survival!!
P.S. I know I said I'd get this chapter out in May, but it's currently June 1st, 12:26pm (for me), so take it or leave it!!! (╥﹏╥)
JJK Mlist•Taglist Rules•
• Pt.I • Pt. II • Pt. III • Pt. IV • Pt. V • Pt. VI • Pt.VII • Pt. VIII
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"Y/n, wait up!"
You turned to see your little sister running over to catch up to your quick pace, grabbing her hand as she extended it to you. The two of you were pushing through the crowd in the market, holding on to each other as if it were for dear life. You would rather be damned than lose any of your younger siblings upon your watch.
"We need to hurry! We have to be home before Mother starts dinner," you noted breathlessly, "She cannot even start if we do not get these ingredients to her on time," referring to the basket you were holding close to your form.
Your sister gave an obedient response as she focused on your swift gait. You could only smile at the young girl's compliance— had it been any of your other more youthful siblings, they may have given you replies of retaliation out of their immaturity, but she was a sweet child who clearly looked up to and admired you. Turning your attention back towards the road of the market square, you saw that you were close to the exit that would lead you on the path home, sighing in relief as you slightly sped up your stride; however, before the two of you could exit you felt a hand wrap around your arm, pulling you and your sister into a secluded area.
"Now, what do we have here?" A gruff voice sounded, "Two pretty little buds have stumbled upon my path."
The voice was clearly a male's, and he was undoubtedly intoxicated as his speech was slurred, plus his stride was far from straight as he walked closer towards you. He circled the two of you like a vulture over a carcass, his eyes narrow and intimidating as he looked at your youthful figures, disgustingly licking his lips. The predator eventually moved into the light, revealing his aged appearance. The man was clearly an older one, his rough, oily skin and few missing teeth being a telling sign of his seniority; if he was any younger than you had assumed, he did not age gracefully.
“I-I’m sorry, sir,” you started, unintentionally stuttering as you spoke, “b-but we have to be home before sunset,” you finished explaining, your voice slightly cracking as you spoke due to the fear swelling in your chest. Despite your own terror, you tried to keep your stance straight to give your sister peace of mind, pulling the little girl behind you to act as her human shield.
“No worries,” the stranger chuckled, before reaching around you and grabbing your sister by her forearm before pushing you onto the ground, holding your chest down with his foot, “I’ll make you both into proper women before then,” the man closed his statement, making his advance on your younger sibling first.
You struggled as you tried to push the man’s foot off your torso, but your attempts were futile. The sick individual only grew tired of your punching, moving, and scratching as he decided to kick you to the nearby wall. Your gaze followed his figure as you weakly got up, only to be pushed into the wall once more, feeling cuts and scratches being made upon your flesh. The male took hold of something at the corner of your eye, still keeping your sister in a tight grip as she struggled. In moments, your hands and legs were tied, and a solid heavy stone was placed upon your lap to keep you from getting up anytime soon.
“Y/N!” Your sister screamed with tears in her eyes as the predator began to touch and kiss her pure skin with his contaminated flesh.
Your mind paced watching the scene, bile rising to your throat as you grew repulsed. Before long, the disgusting creature decided to yank at her clothes— that was the moment you snapped.
“Wait, take me instead! I’ll let you do whatever you want to me!” You yelled in haste. The decision was made with little thought, but as long as your sister was safe, you could live with the disgust.
The man paused to think for a moment before a repulsive grin overtook his expression, quickly going to restrain your sibling before removing your bonds. The moment you were free was the moment you were infested by his greedy touches. If the contact of his fingers and lips didn’t make you want to gag, the feeling of his bulge between your thighs made you want to vomit.
You thought that by sacrificing yourself for your sister's safety, you would be able to tolerate his blatant violation, but you could only feel your resolve weaken as his lingering touches began making your skin burn, but not in a good way. Despite your discomfort, you continued to indulge in his horrific actions, deciding to let out your emotions with tears and balled fists. Things weren't any easier as you heard the choked sobs of your younger sibling as she watched the setting, feeling your dignity and pride being washed away. Everything was going as the man wanted– he was getting his fixture of pleasure while two young girls suffered. If his hard-on wasn't a signal of his enjoyment, his chuckles and wretched words were an unmistakable banner.
"You're such a pretty little thing, so obedient for me. Y'know, I think that deserves a reward," the aged man cackled, moving his hands to remove his garments, changing course to strip you as well.
"(Y/N)!!!" your sister screeched, loud enough for her voice to echo in the alley.
Before you could say any words of comfort for the little girl, the man turned around, obviously not pleased with her outburst. The man's nostrils flared as he raised a hand and hit the young girl. The audible smack did not settle with you, and you could feel a temper you had never felt before build up inside you. You do not remember what happened next, but everything went pitch black for a second, and when you opened your eyes...
All you saw was the body of the pedophile lying on the floor, unmoving and breathless.
You stared at the lifeless figure, not knowing what to say as the scarlet liquid began to pool in a puddle beneath his form. Lifting your crown, you looked around to maybe see who the culprit of killing the man was; however, the alley was empty– just you and your sister. Speaking of the sibling in question, you swiftly moved to retrieve the girl only to see that her restraints were already broken and that she was unconscious, yet breathing.
Questions began to fill your mind, but you pushed them aside, focusing on the current circumstances. You wasted no more time as you went to lift the little girl onto your back, picking up the basket of ingredients before making your trek home. Although one problem was resolved, there was still another pressing matter...what would you tell your parents? Unfortunately, you did not have much time to think up an answer to that as you were now at your front door, sliding the object to reveal the worried expressions of your parents.
The couple rambled, asking what had happened, questioning why the two of you were late and battered. The more they interrogated, the louder the ringing in your ears started to develop, effectively drowning out their uneasy voices. You didn't know what to say or what to do. Would it be a good idea to tell them the truth? What if they wouldn't believe you? Would you be punished? How would they even react?
"We were playing in the fields and had an accident, but we're alright now. (S/n) fell asleep on our way back, she really exerted herself."
The lie was sour in your mouth, but you thought it was the better route when you pictured the corpse lying on the dirt floor. How would you explain such a gruesome sight? The answer is you would not because there wasn't an explanation to give– you didn't even know what had happened.
The night went on as usual, your parents buying your story and continuing regular activity. When your sister had risen, she didn't remember a thing, only saying the last thing she recalled was shopping at the market. Your parents didn't think much of it as they gave her a simple reply before having her eat with the family. When you were presented with your plate, you could hardly stomach the sight of the food; however, you knew it would be rude to waste a precious meal, so you ate and shoved whatever bile threatening to scale your esophagus down.
After the meal, you were tasked with helping your mother clean the dishes. It was quiet between you both as you scrubbed the dishware and bowls, not yet feeling comfortable to voice words. Although you opted to stay muted, your mother did not make indications she would do the same.
"Thank you for taking care of your sister," the woman started, giving you a warm smile, "she really looks up to you, and I could not be prouder of that."
Her words broke you then and there as your eyes glossed over, feeling tears cascade down your face. Your mom stopped what she was doing and took hold of your face to have you look at her, "Whatever is the matter, dear?"
"But I didn't take care of her. She got hurt today because of my incompetence. How can I call myself a good sister after that?" You choked out between quiet sobs.
"Accidents happen, my dear," the parent soothed as she pulled you in, petting your hair to calm you, "The best thing you can do is learn from them."
You could only nod into your mother's bosom, not trusting your own voice at the time being. Maybe she was right– you just had to ensure the incident wouldn't repeat itself. You repeated that statement mentally as she held you, so why did you still feel guilty.
"After all, you took care of it, my dear," your mother sounded, "You killed that vile man."
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Your eyes shot open, your breathing heavy, and your pulse uneven as you woke from your nightmare. It wasn't the first time that night terror had occurred, but you had to admit it had been a while since it had. Ever since birthing your children, the nightmares had been more consistent.
At first, they were an occasional occurrence, but as the months passed, once or twice a month turned into three to four times a week. Some lasted longer than others, and others were more frightening than some. Either way, your once dreamless nights began to fill with discomforting and restless evenings. Despite the abnormality of some of the dreams, you only deduced it as a result of stress. You kept yourself levelheaded on the outside, but within, you were drowning in your overwhelming thoughts.
Ever since your everlasting pact with Sukuna, things around the temple began to change significantly, at least for you. Perhaps someone with an ordinary eye would not notice these small changes, but you were focused on the finer details. Minimal adjustments such as staffing, specifically the addition of two new guards. It was not a large sum of security, definitely not an army, but for even one guard to join Sukuna's ranks was unusual. Your husband had not much need for any more manpower as he had plenty of that as it already was; however, the stranger part is that they seemed to be patrolling the areas where the mothers resided. This did not go unnoticed by anyone as rumors were already spreading, but everyone seemed to hold an opposite reaction from your own.
"Well, they definitely do not hurt my eyes.~"
"I heard from one of the kitchen maids that they're Sukuna's spies. Apparently, one of the moms here is being distasteful."
"Our dear husband protecting his prizes, how sweet.~"
"This was bound to happen since last year's inspections– truly disappointing how many failed progeny there were."
Meaningless jokes, endearing words, bustling rumors, but no mentions of concerns. You found this new detail far from good because the guards were not focused on the mothers nor the children but rather on the surroundings of the room they inhabited. Their eyes were cautious and were jumping from place to place, their forms tense, almost as if they were waiting for something to happen. Despite these prominent cues, everyone seemed to overlook it– you had heard a few women state that `Sukuna did not want them looking upon his prizes.`
"Y/n-sama, I've been requested to escort you to the gardens," a voice sounded; however, it was not your attendant but rather Uraume who had called out to you.
You had been seeing the individual more often than usual– what started off as passing glances and minimal greetings had turned into confrontational meetings and regular appearances; this happened to be one of those instances. It did not take you long to rise from your relaxed state, moving to take hold of your children before turning to Sukuna's right hand. Uraume did not say anything, only giving you a bow and a gesture to follow them to the gardens, where your attendant would most likely be waiting. Usually, the girl would be the one who greeted you on these mornings, but because of your recurring night terrors, you opted to have her take the time to focus on other tasks, telling her that you could wake yourself; however, when you first brought this conversation up, she hesitated on the idea. After some convincing, your attendant finally caved and gave you the mornings to yourself, but that did not last long.
It took around a week or two for Sukuna to figure out that you were spending most of your mornings alone, which your partner did not appreciate. Despite his detesting of the news, he did not lash out at anybody for it– the man seemed more apprehensive than infuriated. It took only a few days for Sukuna to appoint his direct helper to retrieve you. From then on, you were seen with Uraume for most of the morning before they left to perform their other duties.
You followed the individual down the corridor, glancing at the walls and what inhabited them. There wasn't much decorating the temple as Sukuna was not a sentimental man– he hardly kept his offerings unless they were of necessity. The walls were blank and lifeless, and viewing them could drive you insane if you focused on them.
"Y/n-sama, do you love Sukun-sama?"
Your breath hitched as you moved your gaze to look at the back of Uraume's head. There question left you speechless; however, it was not because you did not have an answer but rather their sudden interest that took you aback. The person did not vocalize their thoughts much, but you could always tell when they were thinking to themselves.
"Yes, he is my husband. Why would I not love him?" you quickly stated.
"You do not have to lie to me (Y/n)-sama."
You could not help but worry at Uraume's comment. Did they know your intentions? Were they going to remove your twins from your care? Had they already discussed this with Sukuna? How long did you have left?
"And where is your evidence of that, Uraume?" you managed to keep your voice leveled despite the anxiety creeping up on you, but you needed to keep your composure if you wanted to win this little tussle, being if you had to fight at all.
A chuckle resonated through the hall.
"You're right... I have no proof, only my own conspiracies. I admire your ability to hold that over me– your defensive side is a site to see. If I'm being honest, when you first came to the temple, I did not think much of you as I thought you were just another woman to bear Sukuna's kin; you proved me wrong (Y/n)-sama. I do not understand how you managed, but you have Sukuna-sama wrapped around your finger like I have never seen before," Uruame voiced, a lightness to their tone before continuing, "Perhaps it is for the best, after all, you are both seem satisfied with your current standing."
For the rest of the trip, you sustained the following stillness, only giving the individual a hum in response to their last comment. When the garden came into view, you internally sighed in relief, glad to rid yourself of this mind-wracking conversation. Too bad things couldn't stay that way.
"Y/n-sama, your village has started to retaliate against Sukuna's command. Truth be told, it has been going on for the past year; however, things have started to escalate— for the sake of your family unit, keep yourself on guard," The righthand warned, turning to leave you to your daily activities.
Just peachy, another occurrence to write down in your list of troubles.
You would not get proper rest in a while.
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@littlemochi @mistalli @youngbeansprout @bbylime @bangtan-forever1479 @idktbhloley @izayas-rings @o3o-aya @pyschopotatomeme @persephonehemingway @otomaniac @meforpr3sident @alurafairy @nezuscribe @my-simp-land @zukuphilia @niya729 @spiritofstatic @bbittersw33t @kashasenpai @decaysan @honeybaegle @ygslvr @outrofenty
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There are no stars. There is no light. There will be no future. (Requested by @thediscoelysiumlesbian )
Alt text: Screencaps from Revolutionary Girl Utena with overlaid text. 1: A closeup of Anthy's eyes, hair down and no glasses, staring down Utena in the moment she discovers Akio abusing Anthy. Text: "Oh, yes."
2: A closeup of Utena's eyes, wide with shock, from the same scene. Text: "This is real darkness."
3: A framed photo of Akio and Anthy, half in shadow as the window shades rise to reveal the room. Text: "Real darkness has love for a face."
4: Anthy's silhouette, hair flying wildly, pierced by many blades. Text: "The first death is in the heart." End alt text.
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Best and Worst of Both Worlds (part 33)
Tw: mentions of rape and molestation, Evangeline's insanity
Part 34
You sighed. Looking up at the white ceiling as the smell of antiseptic stings your nose.
Your landlord came by earlier to hand you your phone charger as per Yves's request. He avoided your eyes as he asked about your general wellbeing. Perhaps he felt guilty for letting one of his tenants go through such brutality. Or maybe Yves tore him another one for failing to protect you. Quite frankly, you do not know, neither do you care.
You gave him polite but short answers. You don't feel like talking to anyone now, not even Yves. It feels like the whole world is judging you and criticizing what you could have done.
He was nice, he even charged your phone for you. It's not like you could do it yourself, hooked on all kinds of antibiotic drips and wires. Not to mention, your leg cast.
You were wondering about Evangeline's hygiene, how did you get this infected from a couple of bites and scratches? Well. Whatever it was, you're glad shes just not here.
You did blame yourself for confronting her. Because if she didn't know that there was an issue between you and her, she wouldn't have paid you a visit.
But it was hard to say what her reaction would have been when Mr. Jones confronted her about the molestation in his car.
It felt like a courtroom with no jury in your head. You have a part of yourself prosecuting your being, while the other defending it. It's noisy and exhausting. You had no idea how to quieten it down.
You turned your head to the sound of your phone.
You reached towards it and checked what has set off the notification alerts. The cable is still attached to its charging port.
You received a voicemail from a number you didn't recognize.
"Sweetheart. It's me, Montgomery. I-I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I.." You heard him choke back tears. "That was fucking disgusting of her. It was so much worse than I first thought- I'm so fucking sorry I couldn't be there to protect ya', I shouldn't have trusted- I-I-"
You were confused at the sudden breakdown. He wasn't that distressed the last time you saw him, why is he crying as if he went through it instead?
You listen to him sob in anguish.
"...I couldn't get a hold of ya' through my old number. I had to get another one. Please call me back as soon as ya' can."
The message abruptly ended there.
You blocked this number too.
Frowning, did Yves tell him your business? That seems unlikely of him, you refused to believe that he would do such a thing. Then, who else did he...
The group chat with your housemates is blowing up.
Oh. The news got ahold of your story. Well that makes sense.
Even though you weren't identified, it was clear the news segment was about your horrific assault.
Some of your housemates were complaining that Yves told them not to speak with the media. And thankfully, they didn't.
There was very limited information given to the public as it seems like Yves is trying to control what others can know. The majority of the details were given by Evangeline herself. To your relief, she was held without bail.
From what you understood, she wasted her one call in jail to speak with news outlets. She didn't call her father, her mother or a lawyer. Evangeline admitted that she raped you in such a brutal matter, not leaving a single detail unsaid.
The article anonymized all the names she dropped, but you can guess she mentioned Montgomery and Yves at some point.
It was sickening, Evangeline told them that she's masturbating in jail to the thought of you. When asked what was her reasoning behind her atrocious acts, she replied that you were her greatest reward in life. She 'deserved' you for being your 'savior'. It was unclear what she meant.
They asked if she had any remorse for what she did. Evangeline went ahead and told them her only goal is to get out of prison just to fuck you day and night. You consumed her entire thought and you have to pay for it.
Evangeline claimed that she 'loves' you. You just didn't know what was good for you and it is her mission to fix that. She also hated you for throwing her away just like everyone else. Then again, she loved how you felt against her, so you were 'forgiven'.
You didn't get it. What was wrong with her? She seems so normal and fine, yet she's still trying to induce nightmares in you even when she's held in a cell.
You read on and saw that her parents refused to comment. However, it's mentioned that Evangeline was suspected to be too mentally unsound to stand trial. They have yet to evaluate her psychology, but judging on her unhinged reaction after all this, you think she is very likely to plead insanity and be sent to a mental facility instead of prison.
The University retracted her scholarship and expelled her. She must have thought that there was nothing left to lose, that is why she went all out in the impromptu interview.
You shuddered and stopped reading, not being able to stomach the mention of Evangeline anymore.
You wiped away tears from the hilt of your palm. Suddenly yearning for some company.
What a coincidence, Yves called you. Immediately, you picked it up.
"(name)..." His voice was soft and sympathetic.
You cried. You let everything out to Yves. It was hard to form a sentence, but you tried. It came out as incoherent garbles as you choked on your own tears. Nothing you said made sense to you, it did to Yves.
He listened. Letting his own droplets roll down his cheeks too. Yves knew there isn't anything he could say now to make you feel better. You heard it all before. The apologies, the assurances, the hatred towards your perpetrator... it became meaningless to you.
It's time for you to speak instead.
He knows you just wanted someone to be there for you.
And he will stay on the line as long as you need.
Yves's tears splashed onto his papers, creating ugly stains and smudging his blue ink around. Rendering some words as unreadable.
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kcyars99 · 2 months
it goes without saying that child molestaton is nothing to make fun of nor you should out the victim of sexual abuse because it’s the victims story to tell
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Drake has zero problems harassing and targeting the wives and fiancé of his rivals (pusha t and Kendrick Lamar) and targeting women who once were associated with him but want nothing to do with him (Rihanna, Serena, Megan) but had to be shamed into being a father to his own son
and while he’s sitting here talking about how Kendrick being a "woman beater” and his son not being his but Dave free he’s out there being friends with that leprechaun who shot at Megan four years ago advocating for his freedom which is never gonna happen , possibly hiding an 11 year old daughter , text messaging teenage girls like a lovesick boyfriend even though he’s old enough to be their father and him being loud and wrongo about his rivals rough childhood(see the critical and commercial flop The Heart Part 6 in which f Drake claims that Lamar fixates on the topic of pedophila because of his own supposed molestation as a child, labeling this "trauma from [Lamar's] own confessions". Drake traces this to Lamar's song "Mother I Sober" off of his 2022 album Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers, referring to the song as "that one record where you say you got molested". However, the referenced song is actually about generational trauma and Lamar's mother not believing him when he truthfully told her he had not been molested.)
so it’s a problem for Kendrick to have a successful hit making record breaking potential song of the summer and song of the year, which is a complete annihilation of Drake but it’s okay for Drake to make light of molestation, messing with his male rivals family members and children’s, being inappropriate with teenage girls and hide children and not take care of them and make light of the trauma of black folks more specifically black women traumatic experiences and hangs out with these women’s abusers and it’s all friends with them? Are you kidding me? Don’t make me laugh.
I don’t care if there’s a gummy bear, teddy bears, the bearstein bears, Chicago Bears, Chicago Cubs, Yogi Bear, polar bear, black bear, grizzly bears, mama bear , Jeremy Allen White from the TV series the bear, little bear from the children series little bear, Paddington Bear, corduroy bear, Winnie the Pooh, Bear Grylls, heck, even smoky the bear I’m choosing those bears over Drake every time because they are not a sassy immature biiich like him
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troythecatfish · 8 months
Recently I just found out that "Pedophile Hunters" exists and their job is to hunt down and bring pedophiles to the authorities. I just want to let y'all know about these relatively unknown heroes. I am truly grateful that these kind of people still exist because of them I feel safer and more secure. ( pedophile NOT referring to LGBTQIA people )
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gudaho · 1 year
no comedian should be 'cancelled' for doing drugs i sincerely do not give a shit
a heroine addiction is so vastly different from being a racist or molesting people. i cant believe we are still grouping drug use in with actual moral failings and crimes
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alitontress · 11 months
Q&A: Naoki Urasawa’s Pluto
Ask on the subject of Brau-1589’s knowledge, and Europol’s actions:
Regarding Brau1589, how did they know so much if they had no contact with the outside world? Is it because they're so advanced that they're able to garner signals from the other robots? Also, is it implied that when they removed the spear to kill Teddy, does that mean they die as well? Also on the subiect of Gesicht's child, Robita, what happened to them when Gesicht and Helena's memories were wiped? Were they dealt with by Europol? Is it something related to Adolf's brother's crime, on killing the robot children? Sorry for such a long ask, but I'm really glad to see another Pluto fan! I am overall really happy with the anime adaptation!
Don’t be sorry! I freaking love long asks! Here’s a long reply:
In volume 2 of the manga Brau-1589 learned about the outside world because Gesicht exchanged memory chips with him. Brau-1589 then knew everything Gesicht knew and even found the memories Gesicht couldn’t remember. Gesicht exchanged chips because he wanted Brau-1589 to tell him if his memory had been modified since Dr. Hoffman didn’t have an answer for him; Brau-1589 wouldn’t give Gesicht an answer but did freak him out by saying “500 Zeus a body” and then just started laughing at Gesicht. Gesicht was so overwhelmed by Brau-1589’s memory chip that he screamed in horror and quickly ejected the chip; his reaction afterwards was similar to someone getting sick and about to throw up. He tells Brau-1589 that he couldn’t read the data on the memory chip. In the conversation that’s also where Gesicht learns about Dr. Roosevelt. In the anime, Brau-1589 says that he knew Atom was awake, which Tenma finds impressive, but in volume 8 of the manga, Brau-1589 learns Atom is awake only after Tenma tells him.
Yes, it’s implied that Brau-1589 would die if the lance was removed, but Tenma could’ve fixed him up slightly, maybe? And we have Atom promising that they’ll see each other again, so I dunno... maybe he survived. I like the idea that he survived, but I also think it’s interesting that Brau-1589 would sacrifice himself to save humans by killing Teddy when, because he is/was the Blue Knight, he absolutely hates humans.
I think Europol would just send Robita to a scrap heap after they wiped his parent’s memory. Robita was tortured, molested (so others have told me, I don’t quite remember which volume or if that is actually implied), mutilated (while still alive), then killed by Haas. When Gesicht found Haas, there was the bag with the remains of Tobita’s body inside. Europol would need to do something which would leave no trace for Gesicht to find after his memory was wiped. It’s interesting to think what Gesicht did after he killed Haas. Gesicht might’ve taken Tobita’s body to Europol… or might’ve just been paralyzed in that alley, not knowing what to do, but just waiting for Europol to come find him. According to the manga, Gesicht wanted Europol to execute him after killing Haas… so I don’t know. The whole situation is depressing.
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midnight-omega · 1 year
Catholicism in Omegaverse hc
I have a real unhealthy obsession with making Super Catholic Characters and forcing them to Confront Their Catholic Guilt And Trauma all day every day and my omegaverse stories are no exception to this soo... I have some ideas on how to warp Catholicism to my omegaverses :))
Pls be conscious of any TWs i placed some of them in particular may be very upsetting pls skip them if needed! Also a long post so pls keep reading under the cut fr
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📿 Most basic tenants, core beliefs, rites (things like confession and confirmation), and services (mass, funerals, and wedding ceremonies) don't really need much changing and can stay true to the real world
📿 Typically God Himself and the Holy Family are depicted as totally dynamicless or a combination of all dynamics (Revelation 22:13, Revelation 1:8 worth the google lmfao)
📿 Historical Jesus (jesus the person not the religious figure) was probably a Beta but it's hard to tell since Rome sacked Israel destroying most early Christian documentation and followers.
📿 However sometimes when referring to the Holy Trinity dynamics do come up just like the Trinity is coded with gender irl. The Father (masculine) as The Alpha, the Son (masculine) as The Beta, and Holy Spirit (feminine) as The Omega
📿 All Saints have defined dynamics as many of them were real people. You'd typically pray to a saint that follows your own dynamic (an omega probably wouldn't pray to an alpha saint for help with an omegean issue for example)
📿 Orders that follow certain saints (think Franciscan monks for example) must be the dynamic of the saint or they cannot live with the rest of the devotees.
📿 Though the Church discourages speculation on the Holy Family's dynamics and refuses to take a position, Omegas have kinda claimed Mary for their own. Most Catholics who find an extreme importance in worshipping Mary are omegas
📿 Priests are mostly betas
📿 Betas have the easiest time getting into a seminary and convincing church officials of their vocation (a vocation is like your holy life purpose and in traditional Catholicism its either to fuck and make babies or to be a priest)
📿 Alphas are allowed in the priesthood but it is much more difficult for them to be accepted into a seminary. The church traditionally sees the vocation of alphas and omegas as the filling God's kingdom kind. Ruts also complicate things
📿 Chastity vows are still mandatory for clergy (ur mated to GOD now)
📿 It is assumed that betas have an easier time renouncing mating compared to an alpha (this is NOT true but the church is the church)
📿 Omegas are banned from seminaries and cannot enter priesthood. They are considered unclean and sinful by nature
📿 Eve is an omega hence the original sin being pinned on omegas (just like its pinned on women irl)
📿 Painful heats are considered part of God's punishment for disobeying His orders and partaking of the fruit
📿 Betas are not part of the creation story oddly enough (Adam the first alpha and Eve the first omega) and they're a little absent from the Old Testament, but they have a huge presence in the New Testament.
📿 Omegas do have a place in the clergy if they can convince the Church of their vocation. Omegas exclusively become nuns.
📿 Nuns are actually very valued simply because certain fields require that omegean touch. Teaching (Catholic schools are still very much a thing), childcare (orphanages and stay houses), and other social work (homeless shelters, food drives, anything that involves helping people in need) rely heavily on nuns
📿 The Church tends to wrongly make alphas masculine coded only and omegas feminine coded only
📿 its a major reason why many no long actively practice the religion
📿 Just like irl the Church struggles to keep up with modern times and this can be seen in the pairings they endorse
📿 The Church only supports a/o, b/b, a/female b, and male b/o pairings as these are the parings that can breed
📿 When a couple wants to take the next step and create a mate bond the Church asks that they HOLD OFF
📿 the Church strongly frowns upon sex before marriage and therefore mating before marriage
📿 Couples must complete pre cana first! and must marry like a good Catholic couple, in a Church under God officiated by a priest.
📿 Then the church asks they mate and make as many babies as possible lets go
📿 speaking of the Church irl still frowns upon contraception, so so does the omegaverse Church
📿 The Church also considers suppressants a form of contraception (and as a way omegas get around suffering for the original sin if the person is like crazy religious) so they aren't allowed
📿 Only in a medically needed situation are suppressants allowed
TW// Slightly NSFW for the next 4 bullet points
📿 Masturbation is also a no no both in irl and omegaverse Church
📿 So... relieving yourself during a rut/heat is frowned upon as this is a form of masturbation and God created the rut/heat cycle for babies not for selfish pleasure !! You have your heat and you deal with it !! You lie in your sinful slick and you pray !!
📿 Devout dynamics and clergy sworn to celibacy struggle with this (tho there is a black market for priest suppressants)
📿 Nuns and devout omegas have some of the worst heats, possibly even worse than a first heat just because they ignore their bodily needs and basic instincts in the name of religion
📿 This is viewed very... holy? Not sure of the right word here but it's held in high esteem and part of why nuns are such a big deal. Normal omegas tho aren't held so highly just bc they are free to mate
📿 Alpha admission into seminaries is rare because of this as well, Church authorities are wary of them being able to handle a rut like this
TW// SA, pedophelia, molestation for the next 4 bullet points
📿 There's a false statistic claiming that almost all sexual assault perpetrated by a priest are the crimes of alpha priests
📿 as said this is false, since the vast majority of the priesthood consists of betas most of the predators are betas as well
📿 SA, molestation, and grooming are still massive issues in the Church
📿 Male omegas are the biggest target of these crimes, though anyone can be affected. Male omegas are considered more vulnerable and easier to manipulate since the Church is very confused on the crossroads between gender and dynamic and refuse to update teachings (by this i mean since they create images of masculine alphas and feminine omegas female alphas and male omegas get lost. To someone from a devout pack/family with one of these dynamics it can be incredibly confusing and distressing to listen to church teachings making them more venerable to manipulation by gross old priests)
TW// NSFW for the next 2 bullet points
📿 The Church still frowns upon anal sex fr. Sometimes this confuses people to think sex with male omegas is sinful but anyone who paid attention in health class knows penetrative sex with a male omega isn't actually anal at all.
📿 The Church rarely clarifies this making it even harder for devout male omegas
📿 priests, monks, nuns, and clergy in general are expected to be as scentless as possible. It’s like a metaphor for shedding earthly desires and instincts to become a conduit for the heavenly. To be scentless is to be close to God. Some really devout older Catholics also strive to be scentless tho it’s not required of laymen
📿 it’s customary to wear heavy sent blockers to mass and abstain from communion or mass entirely if you are in heat or rut
📿 nuns close to children (pre school/elementary teachers, orphanage staff) are allowed to have scent as this helps the pups
📿 Children and recent dams (a person who has given birth) are also exempt from scent blockers, but all other laymen are certainly expected to wear their patches and spray on their covering perfumes before mass
📿 If a pre heat/rut or full heat/rut is occurring during a fast day the person is exempt from fasting and participating in any religious festivities
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Okaayy i think thats all for now fr might add on later
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
Please use your platform to bring awareness to this. It's more rampant than the abuse in Catholic churches but not talked about half as much.
⚠️heavy tw for ALL articles and content here- sexual violence, rape, details of abuse and pedophilia⚠️
To be transparent, I have not read as many stories and articles about Rabbi's and figures of authority/in devout sects in Jewish communities disproportionately sexually abusing and violating children of their faith as much as I have about those in the Catholic church, so I had to do a little bit of reading into this since I wanted to know more/and didn't want to approach this without looking into it beyond surface-level/superficially. I still have more to learn about, and I can always re-address this in future posts as well.
After looking into the article you sent, in addition to some of the sources I discovered -I saw that a lot of these sexual abuse, predation, and exploitation of young children is happening mostly in what would be considered 'ultra-Orthodox' spaces (although we some of the cases I highlighted below, that's not always the case -but as noted in the beginning, yes, this is where it is most rampant) -in this respect, in terms of 'reported' -it is similar to the Catholic church -a lot of this is under/un-reported for various reasons, including stigmatization and internalizations of shame, but also because abusers are continuously supported and victims and survivors of sexual abuse are often silenced.
In the case of New York's (Brooklyn's) Haredi Community, for instance, which I briefly read about -even when sexual abuse from Rabbi's was reported -many were still unable to come forward due to some of the reasons I mentioned (as well as with fears of reprisal) -but especially because Rabbi's in this space are the one's you're supposed to 'talk to'/consult with before going to the police to document your allegations... and the fact that these sex predators would only be moved to another space or re-assigned in their religious circles or wouldn't get punishment in the first place even if they were charged at first or brought in for questions -just like all rapists in the world who are too often NEVER penalized for their crimes -they're protected. It's just absolutely horrendous.
So truly, as you can see, there are many elements that would prevent victims and survivors of abuse to talk about what happened to them, as this is in many cases globally because of rampant rape culture -not believing those who experienced sexual violence, to victim blaming and shaming -and adding in elements of religion -especially those within devout sects. It's all incredibly heartbreaking.
Here are some notable cases I found through a wiki source -and again, TW similar to above before reading please:
And a recent case I found, as well as a recent article talking about the rise of sexual abuse in the Orthodox community:
I also found a Literature Review on this topic -I will try to explore some time soon:
Thank you for bringing awareness to this, and for sending this article my way. I don't know how many people this will reach or how many folks will look into/research more about the systemic sexual violence and abuse rampant and evident in some Ultra-Orthodox Jewish communities/spaces, but this is important to talk about because NO victim and/or survivor of sexual abuse and violence should ever feel shame, stigma, or fear for talking about their experiences. They should never feel alone. And I hope more is done to stop this from happening to so many children and youths.
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judas-officially · 17 days
guys can we as a society denormalize rape and molestation jokes maybe, cause having ptsd attacks in the school bathroom every other day isn’t our idea of a good time
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anti--transid · 1 year
I swear I hope radqueers are just doing this to piss people off but I know that isn't the case. I'm waiting for "transmolester" to exist because AS A MOLESTATION + CSA VICTIM I am not going to be nice
(Our new host split purely because of how triggering this shit is! Kuromi says hi)
Unfortunately, it does exist under the name "transrapist", I fucking hate it as a fellow csa victim, I want to commit violent acts whenever I remember that it exists
(we've split a fair few alters from it, stay safe! /gen)
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coockie8 · 1 year
y do u write such fucked up shit like the dark ace/lightning strike relationship like whats the point?
A couple of reasons.
1: I can. It's fiction, these characters are not real people, and if I wanna torture them I can do so without bringing harm to a real human being; discomfort is not harm, if you don't like what I write/draw, fucking block me like a sensible adult, or get off the internet if you're so young you need someone else to curate your online experience for you. I'm not your parents; I'm a random stranger on the internet.
2: To cope. With a lot of different things. I was groomed, molested, and raped as a child, and writing about similar things in fiction helps me to process. Posting it helps other people who might not be as creatively inclined to process as well; I know this because I had countless people tell me my writing helps them cope and/or process. And also Group Therapy is a thing.
I also suffer from deeply disturbing and violent intrusive thoughts. Antis are so worried about fiction turning people into predators that they never stop to consider a lack of a fictional outlet would probably turn me into a murderer.
So honestly, which would you rather? I write some fucked up fiction about cartoon characters, or I let the intrusive thoughts win and bludgeon my coworker to death with a lead pipe? :)
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cyarskj1899 · 2 months
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Drake has zero problems harassing and targeting the wives and fiancé of his rivals (pusha t and Kendrick Lamar) and targeting women who once were associated with him but want nothing to do with him (Rihanna, Serena, Megan) but had to be shamed into being a father to his own son
and while he’s sitting here talking about how Kendrick being a "woman beater” and his son not being his but Dave free he’s out there being friends with that leprechaun who shot at Megan four years ago advocating for his freedom which is never gonna happen , possibly hiding an 11 year old daughter , text messaging teenage girls like a lovesick boyfriend even though he’s old enough to be their father and him being loud and wrongo about his rivals rough childhood(see the critical and commercial flop The Heart Part 6 in which f Drake claims that Lamar fixates on the topic of pedophila because of his own supposed molestation as a child, labeling this "trauma from [Lamar's] own confessions". Drake traces this to Lamar's song "Mother I Sober" off of his 2022 album Mr. Morale & The Big Steppers, referring to the song as "that one record where you say you got molested". However, the referenced song is actually about generational trauma and Lamar's mother not believing him when he truthfully told her he had not been molested.)
so it’s a problem for Kendrick to have a successful hit making record breaking potential song of the summer and song of the year, which is a complete annihilation of Drake but it’s okay for Drake to make light of molestation, messing with his male rivals family members and children’s, being inappropriate with teenage girls and hide children and not take care of them and make light of the trauma of black folks more specifically black women traumatic experiences and hangs out with these women’s abusers and it’s all friends with them? Are you kidding me? Don’t make me laugh.
I don’t care if there’s a gummy bear, teddy bears, the bearstein bears, Chicago Bears, Chicago Cubs, Yogi Bear, polar bear, black bear, grizzly bears, mama bear , Jeremy Allen White from the TV series the bear, little bear from the children series little bear, Paddington Bear, corduroy bear, Winnie the Pooh, Bear Grylls, heck, even smoky the bear I’m choosing those bears over Drake every time because they are not a sassy immature biiich like him
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br1ghtestlight · 10 months
protecting gene belcher from annoying fatphobic jokes in the early seasons w/ my body
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the-fruit-tea-devil · 10 months
Chomos who were unalived
⚠️TRIGGER WARNING: Violence, rape⚠️
Chomos that were unalived part 2
1. Richard Huckle
Huckle worked as an English teacher to get close to kids so that he can groom them. He sexually assaulted almost 200 young children (under 12) from Cambodia and Malaysia and created a CP website. His murder: A guy named Paul Fitzgerald beaten, stabbed, strangled and sodomized him for about an hour. Turns out, Fitzgerald was also a violent s*x predator who even targeted minors.
2. Theodore Dyer
He m*lested a 9 year old girl. His murder: His bunker was a man named Steven Sandison, who was sentenced to life without parole for murdering his girlfriend. When he found out his new bunkie was a chomo, he told him to Dyer to shut up and find a new cell. But Dyer kept trying to justify his actions. Sandison had enough so he knocked this guy down and strangled him to death
3. Robert Munger
Robert Munger was serving 43 years in prison for CP possession and r*ping underage girls, including the younger sister of his killer Shane Goldsby. Shane Goldsby was arrested for stealing a police car but decided to give his life to God and become a man of peace during prison.
His murder: Then Robert Munger unfortunately became Shane’s new bunkie. Unlike Sandison, Goldsby gave his chomo bunker many many chances to be removed before killing him. He tried alerting the prison warden to remove this guy many many times. Not to mention, Munger kept talking about and even bragging about what he did. He even admitted to raping Goldsby’s younger sister. Once he found out, that was the last straw. He punched and stomped him to death. Because of this, Goldsby was given another 24 years in prison and he tearfully apologized to Munger’s family
4. Mateo Condelucci
What he did: Mateo Condelucci was convicted of cases of CSA charges, including 5 year old boy and a 13 year old girl. He served seven years total, if I recall correctly . (I’m no expert of the law but that is too damn low)
His murder: James Fairbanks, a school teacher and divorced father of two, apparently knew about what Mateo had done. He also felt Mateo could be targeting his children so he went over to his house and shot him. He was then given 40-70 years. Even his own daughter wasn’t upset about his death.
5. Klaus Grabowski
What he did: R*ped and murdered 7 year old Anna Bachmeier. He had also previously abused two other girls. The Murder: Little Anna skipped school and came over Klaus’s house to pet his cats and then he sexually abused her and strangeled her. He lied to the court by stating she tried to extort money from him. The mother, Marienne, then shot him 7 times at court.
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