#monday 7: thunderstorm
sowoozoo-7 · 8 months
Love, Lust & Litigation | Ch 6 (JJK, KNJ)
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Pairing: Jungkook x Fem Reader x Namjoon
Genre: lawyer!AU, coworkers to lovers, slow burn, eventual smut
Rating: PG-13 (whole fic M, minors DNI)
Warnings: alcohol consumption, swearing
Word Count: 4k
A/N: Happy New Year everyone! This chapter has been a long time coming. Hope you enjoy~~
mlist | ch 1 | ch 2 | ch 3 | ch 4 | ch 5 | interlude | ch 6 | ch 7
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The whirring of the hotel elevator reverberates through your head as you, Namjoon, and Jungkook ride up to your floor. You landed, finally, in another city after what should have been a direct, three-hour flight turned into a thirty-six hour travel nightmare. You were supposed to arrive on Saturday night and have all of Sunday to prepare for a week’s-worth of depositions. It’s your first class-action suit and you wanted to be fully prepared for Monday morning, but thanks to the reroutes, thunderstorms, and airplane malfunctions, every moment you spend with your eyes open is another moment without sleep. 
The firm booked a three room suite for the trip, for strategizing purposes, apparently. You suspect it was just cheaper, but at this point, you would take anything that has a bed. 
Namjoon sags against the wall of the elevator. Jungkook, the traitor, can fall asleep anywhere and managed to get some rest on the plane, but even he’s clutching the handle of his luggage for dear life. A headache that started at the beginning of your last flight pounds behind your eyes. You’re ready to wash the smell of airplane out of your hair and you desperately need to brush your teeth. Sweet, crisp hotel linen is in your future and it’s the only thing keeping you going. 
Before you left for the trip, you had the idea to sneak into Jungkook's room if the opportunity presented itself. Things have been going well with your maybe-boyfriend. You're still not sure what you are, and you're not in any hurry to define anything, especially since you blush like an idiot schoolgirl with a crush every time you see Namjoon. Namjoon, whom you have seen more in the past thirty six hours than you have in the last month. Endless meetings have kept him out of the office. Still, every time you see him, you can't help but notice Jungkook's eyes tracking him too. Things felt a little awkward at the airport as you waited for your flight, the conversation stilted, hesitant.
The elevator dings, and the door opens. Not that can spare more than a passing thought to all of that now. Your legs feel like lead, and you send up a quick prayer that the room isn’t in the furthest corner of the hotel, and that the keycard works once you get there. If the keycard doesn’t work, you may just curl up in a ball on the hallway carpet. 
Namjoon waves the keycard in front of the reader a few doors down from the elevator. It beeps green and you sigh in relief as the door opens to a kitchenette and a small living area. 
At first, you think you’re seeing things, that you’re just too tired to see the other bedroom doors branching off from the living room. That if you rub your eyes enough, two more rooms will materialize. Because this can’t be right. You get closer to the door to investigate, Namjoon and Jungkook behind you. 
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” 
Yeah, no. When all you wished for was a bed, you didn’t mean one singular bed. 
You’re the first to take action, locating the room phone and dialing reception. It doesn’t take long to confirm your worst fears. There was a mistake in your booking and thanks to conventions and concerts in town, the hotel has no other available rooms for the night. 
“So you’re saying there’s nowhere else for us to stay.” 
“The couch in the living room should be a pull-out couch?” At least the receptionist sounds appropriately apologetic on the other end of the line. 
You gesture to the couch, but as Jungkook tries to remove the cushions, they stay firmly attached to the base. 
You sigh into the receiver. “It’s not a pull out couch.” 
“All our couches are supposed to be pull-out couches,” she says in dismay. 
“Maybe this one sprouted legs and switched places with a regular couch.” You wince as the words come out of your mouth. It’s not her fault, you try to remind yourself. Don’t shoot the messenger.
“I do apologize ma’am. Normally, I would be able to resolve this issue but we don’t have any other rooms available…”
The poor girl sounds like she’s about to burst into tears. You can’t help sighing once more into the receiver. “I understand, but I expect this issue will be resolved in the morning? A three bedroom suite for the duration of our stay.” 
“Yes, ma’am. Understood, ma’am.”
The click of the phone into the receiver echoes through the quiet room. When you look up at Jungkook and Namjoon, they look back at you with dumbfounded expressions. 
“You’re mean when you’re cranky,” says Jungkook. 
You don’t have the energy to send a glare his way. 
“So, what do we do?” asks Namjoon. 
It’s clear none of you can think straight, not after all the regional airports and middle seat economy seats. No one moves. Your headache goes from pounding to piercing, and you pinch your nose to help you think. 
The clock on the bedside table ticks over to three a.m. You have had enough.
“Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. We have—shit—five hours before we have to be out the door. We’re all exhausted, we all need sleep. This is king size bed. There’s plenty of space for all three of us.” 
A look of panic comes over Namjoon’s face. “I’m sleeping on the couch.” 
You let out a bark of a laugh. “I can’t even stretch my legs out on that thing.” 
“I have to, it’s—“ 
“Go sit on the couch Namjoon, see if you can stretch your legs out.” 
He does. It’s almost comical how hard he tries to stuff himself into a comfortable position.
“See? We’re only getting a few hours of sleep, so we’re all gonna do this on a comfy bed. You know how important this meeting is tomorrow. If it doesn’t go well, all our prep will be for nothing.”
They still look dubious. You feel delirious with exhaustion. 
“Look, we’ll do this. It’ll be me, then Jungkook, then Namjoon.” You gesture to the bed, indicating where each person will sleep. “There’s plenty of room, we don’t even have to touch each other.” 
Jungkook nods along, but Namjoon makes a choked sound. “But you guys are dating.”
You and Jungkook share a look. Even thinking about doing anything remotely intimate is exhausting. Jungkook looks like he can barely keep his eyes open.
“That is the furthest thing from my mind, but if you’re worried, you can be in the middle.” 
He opens his mouth to protest again, but you put up a hand. “I don’t care what order we sleep in. I’m taking this edge, but I’m gonna shower first.” 
Showering is a sweet relief, and the warmth of the water eases your tired muscles. As you come out of the bathroom in a cloud of steam, you don’t even have it in you to be self-conscious about being in your pajamas around Namjoon, or to get all swoony about sleeping next to him. You start dozing off as soon as you tuck yourself between the covers, eyes heavy and mind tired. The sounds of the guys getting ready for bed sound distant to your ears. You don’t feel the dip in the bed as Namjoon gets in next to you, your dreams already swirling with depositions and settlements. 
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“I had to share a bed with my colleagues. This is unacceptable.” 
The receptionist, a different one from the one you talked to on the phone, glances over to Namjoon and Jungkook and fails to cover a smirk. Infuriatingly, they look refreshed and handsome as ever. You tried your best to look presentable, but it’s like you can feel the lack of sleep hanging in bags under your eyes. No amount of concealer could hide that. 
“I am so sorry. That must have been an awkward night.” 
“Don’t give me that look. I barely got any sleep.” 
She lets out a strangled giggle.
“And not because of that either. They both snore like grandpas who need CPAP machines. Will the suite be ready for us by this afternoon, or not?” 
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There’s a slow heartbeat beneath your ear, and it’s dragging you up to consciousness. 
Your mouth feels like cotton and just thinking that thought feels like someone reached into your head and squeezed your brain. How much did you drink last night? 
You don’t want to be awake right now. You don’t even know if it’s worth it to be alive right now.
Maybe if you close your eyes even tighter, you can convince yourself you’re not awake. You snuggle in closer and try to will yourself back to sleep.
A thought floats slowly to the surface. Your arm is wrapped around a waist, but it is not the enviably tiny waist you're used to.
You don’t panic, not at first. 
You crack open an eye only to squeeze it shut again. Morning sunlight streams in from the open window, sending a piercing pain through your head.
But… was that…? 
You look again, squinting against the brightness. Yes, confirmed. That is Jungkook’s tattooed arm draped across the same torso you’re clinging onto. You lift your head, blearily seeing that the has his head tucked into a neck. And that neck is attached to… 
Now you’re wide awake, your stomach flipping in surprise. 
How the hell did you end up sleeping on top of Namjoon? 
You poke Jungkook’s arm and you want to strangle him when he makes a bothered, mumbled noise and burrows his head deeper into Namjoon’s neck. The movement makes him stir, a deep grumble going through his chest. You feel it more than hear it. Your stomach does a funny flop again. 
Several things happen at once: 
1) Jungkook opens his eyes and freezes when he sees it’s not you he’s cuddling. 
2) Namjoon wakes up and clocks that you and Jungkook are sprawled on top of him. “This has to be a dream,” he mutters, the sound vibrating through his chest. 
3) You realize the funny feeling in your stomach isn’t because of Namjoon’s morning voice. 
No, your stomach feels funny because you had one too many cocktails the night before. And several glasses of champagne. Stumbling back to the hotel room with Namjoon and Jungkook, who were just as shitfaced as you. You all tumbled in through the door together and — 
You’re about to puke up the contents of your stomach. You bolt upright, pushing past the tight embrace of Namjoon’s arms around you. The only thing more mortifying than waking up as one of the slices of bread in a Namjoon sandwich would be to throw up all over the glorious sandwich. You make it to the bathroom, barely.
As you’re decanting the contents of your stomach, flashes of the day before come back to you. The claimants settling before noon on Tuesday. Celebratory cocktails for happy hour. Ordering too much sushi. A second round at a karaoke bar. Pulling Jungkook and Namjoon by their ties to your bedroom. 
The rumble of deep voices comes from your bedroom as you hug the porcelain bowl. You’re never having alcohol again, you decide. 
Once your stomach settles, you pull yourself to your feet. Your reflection in the mirror startles you. You look like shit, your hair knotted and tangled, mascara smudged under your eyes. The thought of Jungkook—let alone Namjoon—seeing you like this makes you want to heave again. 
Wait, no. You do have to heave again. 
It takes twenty minutes for you to be sure that your stomach won’t rebel again, and for you to wash your face and brush your teeth. Your hair, you decide, is a lost cause. You pull on a robe before leaving the bathroom, because even if you made a mistake and slept on your boss in your undies, you sure as hell don’t want to parade around without pants. 
Namjoon and Jungkook sit on opposite sides of the bed when you come out of the bathroom, two feet of space between them. Jungkook looks like a dream, because life is unfair, and he always looks like a dream. Namjoon, mere mortal, looks like someone that just woke up after a night of drinking, face a little puffy, and hair sleep-mussed. They’re in similar states of undress as you, in undershirts and boxers. 
Namjoon notices you first, but Jungkook speaks first.
”Are you okay?” 
His voice is hoarse. He always goes too hard at karaoke. 
“I’ve been worse,” you say, voice croaky from all the karaoke and all the puking. You clear your throat and try again. “I can’t remember when, but this is surely not the worst. Um, how are you guys doing?” 
Jungkook looks down at his hands, his gaze flitting to Namjoon. 
Namjoon scrubs his hands over his face and takes a deep breath. “I’m sorry,” he says, his deep morning voice sending shivers down your spine. “I don’t know what happened.” 
“We drank too much is what happened,” says Jungkook under his breath. 
Namjoon shakes his head. “Drinking is never an excuse. It wasn’t appropriate.”
You sink into an armchair in the corner of the room. “I’m pretty sure it was me who dragged both of you in here.”
“‘A win calls for a cuddle.’” Jungkook imitates you in a high voice. 
If you had a pillow and the energy, you would chuck it at him. 
A little crease appears between Namjoon’s brows as he frowns. “Still…” 
“I need an aspirin if we’re going to keep talking about this,” you say. Your gut is a jumble of embarrassment, satisfaction, and yearning, and combined with the queasiness, you want to hit pause on this conversation. It takes you a second to muster up the energy to heave yourself off the armchair, but you get up, somehow, and go to your suitcase to take out the bottle of painkillers you always carry with you. “Want one?” 
They both nod, looking as miserable as you feel. 
You make your way to the kitchen to get yourself a glass of water. They follow you like little ducklings, copying you as you swallow down the medicine and several gulps of water. It brings sweet relief to your scratchy throat. You want to chug the entire glass, but the water sloshes around in your empty stomach, making you feel a little sick. The clink of the glass on the counter shoots through your brain. You climb onto the barstools by the kitchen counter and rest your head on the counter, the cool marble soothing. Your headache starts to fade a little, but not by much. 
“I’m sorry,” says Namjoon into the silence.
“Stop apologizing,” you say into the counter, words muffled. “If anyone should be sorry, it’s me.” You hope the words sound sincere coming out of your mouth, but a voice inside of you keeps repeating that you don’t regret it at all. Not when you can still feel the warmth of him beneath you, the tight squeeze of his arms around you, too. 
He shakes his head. “It wasn’t appropriate. I’ll report myself to HR when we return to the office.” 
You sit up, room swaying a bit. Jungkook stands against the counter, worrying his lip ring with his teeth. Namjoon grips his water glass so tightly you fear he’s going to break it. 
“Did something beyond sleeping happen, and I’m not remembering?”
A look of panic comes over Namjoon’s face. “I don’t think so.” 
Jungkook shakes his head. “No.” 
“Okay, then. We’re all adults here. I wasn’t touched in a way I didn’t want to be touched.” You try not to cringe as the half-confession slips from your lips. “Did you feel uncomfortable Namjoon?” 
“No, but that’s not the point.” Your stomach does a funny flip and this time it is because of him. He doesn’t regret last night. “I’m your boss, and there’s a power im—“
“Jungkook,” you say, turning to him. “Were you touched in a way that you didn’t want to be touched?” He shakes his head. “Were you in a situation you didn’t want to be in?” He shakes his head again. 
Something shifts in the silence that follows. Everything has been all but said, and you’re left feeling unbalanced. Or maybe that’s just the alcohol still talking. The throbbing behind your eyes makes it hard to think straight. 
“There you go.” You put your head back on the countertop, unable to look at either of them directly. 
“Still—“ Namjoon starts. 
You hold up a hand without raising you read. “Stop beating yourself up about it. The worst thing we did was sleep in the same bed together. It’s not like this is the first time, anyway.” 
Someone chokes on water. You keep your eyes closed, waiting for the painkillers to kick in. 
No one says anything for a while. 
Just as you’re about to fall asleep hunched over the counter, Jungkook’s quiet voice jars you back to reality. 
“What’s the plan now?” 
“What do you mean?” comes Namjoon’s response. 
“We’re supposed to be here all week for these depositions, but now that they’ve settled…” 
“I’ll check with the firm.” 
You hear movement in the kitchen, clothes rustling, glasses being placed down. When you muster the energy to sit up, only Jungkook remains. He looks lost in thought, staring into space. 
“I’m gonna shower.” 
He only gives you a grunt in response, eyes focused on another plane of existence.
You stand under the spray until your skin is red and wrinkly. When you come out, the sight of the rumpled bed reminds you of how warm and tight Namjoon’s embrace as around you, how right it felt to be with the two of them in the same space. You want to wail, because you got a taste of the impossibilities you’ve been dreaming of. It would have been best to leave it to your imagination. Why did you have to give in to your drunk impulses? 
You pull on the closest comfy clothes that look clean and go to sit in the living room. Jungkook, also freshly showered, sits on the sofa, scrolling aimlessly on his phone. The way he’s looking through his feed, you can tell he’s not processing what he’s seeing. You slump down next to him and rest your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes. He takes his hand in yours, thumb tracing slow circles on the back of your hand. The repetitive motion almost puts you to sleep. 
You open your eyes to see Namjoon in the doorway, looking at you two on the couch as if he walked in on something forbidden. He starts to back out of the living room. You sit up, and take your hand back. Or maybe Jungkook takes his hand away; you’re not really sure.
“I didn’t mean to interrupt—“
“No, you aren’t. We were waiting for you,” says Jungkook. 
You feel like all the air has been sucked out of the room. Namjoon looks like a deer caught in the headlights, not knowing whether to run away or come closer. The three of you are standing on a knife’s edge, waiting for something to tip you to one side or the other.
“Did you get in touch with the firm?” clarifies Jungkook. 
Air fills the room again, and you slump back into the couch, winded. Back to pretending like everything is okay, then. Like nothing has changed between the three of you.
Namjoon clears his throat. “Yeah, we’re staying as planned.” 
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It’s Friday night, and the three of you are outside of the hotel waiting for a cab. Namjoon made a reservation on Yoongi’s recommendation for a trendy new restaurant that just opened. The cold, February air has a bite to it, and you pull your coat tighter around you. 
The world felt askew all of Wednesday and Thursday, as if you were on a ship permanently tilted by waves.  Work kept your mind off things, for the most part. As soon as Namjoon made the call Wednesday morning, Jimin and Hoseok got to work and scheduled a full afternoons of meetings for the remainder of your time on your trip. When you weren’t in meetings, you were in your room, sitting cross-legged on your bed as you answered emails and drafted briefs. 
During your free time, you had to remind yourself to act normally around Namjoon, as if acting normal was the only thing keeping everything from careening out of control. Every time you looked at Namjoon, he was either turning his gaze away from you, or looking at Jungkook with a sad expression on his face. Jungkook, on the other hand... you were worried he would chew off his lip piercing with how much he fiddled with it as he worked. 
Though by Friday morning, things felt like they settled down, with normal, easy banter between the three of you. It felt like a relief to laugh, and not feel on edge. You’re looking forward to going back home, to settling back into your normal routine. 
“Oh hey,” says Jungkook as he checks his phone, “it’s Valentine’s Day.” 
“Is it?” Your breath puffs out in a small cloud and you try to suppress a shiver. The longer the car takes to arrive, the more you’re regretting sacrificing warmth for fashion. You’re wearing your warm winter coat, but your legs are bare under your dress. 
Jungkook wraps an arm around your shoulders and rubs your arms to warm you up. He whispers into your ear, “Will you be my Valentine?”
Even though he whispered it, you see Namjoon stiffen out of the corner of your eye. 
You scoff and push Jungkook away, rolling your eyes, in an attempt to clear the tension. “It’s a stupid capitalist construct.” 
“C’mon, I’ll buy you discount chocolate tomorrow.” He pouts and gives you puppy dog eyes. 
Had you been alone, you would have made him beg for it. With Namjoon present, though, you want to kill Jungkook for acting like this.
Thankfully, the cab pulls up before he can do anything else. 
“Okay, but only because no one else is going to put up with your annoying ass.”
Luckily, there’s no more talk of Valentines on the way to the restaurant. You worry a bit if you’re going to be surrounded by lovey-dovey couples and if that will make the whole evening even more awkward, but unlike other places, there’s no red hearts plastered everywhere, no romantic candlelit tables with pink confetti. 
You get distracted by the good food in front of you and by the end of the main course, you forget about the tense atmosphere of the beginning of the night. A couple of drinks and everything gets right back to normal, the alcohol softening the edges of all the emotions you’ve been feeling. It finally feels like you’re at ease, like the three of you can go without blushing every time you make eye contact. It feels normal, instead of illicit, when Jungkook slips his hand onto your thigh under the table.
You’re laughing at a story Namjoon is telling about his first trial out of school, embarrassing in the moment, but hilarious in hindsight.
“Hey, hey, if it isn’t Rap Monster!” 
“Oh no.” Namjoon cringes as he twists to see who called out. 
Rap Monster? You try not to laugh as you exchange confused looks with Jungkook. 
“Who’s that?” asks Jungkook. 
“My past,” says Namjoon with a rueful smile. He gets up to greet the newcomer, a lean brunette with all the attitude of a carefree frat boy. 
“Hey man, how’s it going?” The man extends a hand out in a handshake.
“Hey Jackson. All good man.” Namjoon takes it and pulls him into a one-armed hug. “These are my colleagues.” He introduces you and Jungkook. “This guy was my freshman year roommate in college and we went to law school together.” 
“Oh, the stories I could tell…”
“Please tell us about Rap Monster,” you say. 
Jackson lets out a loud laugh. “Believe it or not, Namjoon was an underground rapper back in the day.” 
“No way.” 
“You never mentioned that!” says Jungkook. 
“With a name like Rap Monster, I’d like to leave that in my past.” 
“I’ll send you a link on YouTube,” says Jackson in a stage whisper, winking dramatically. He turns to Namjoon. “You should have told me you were in town for work! We haven’t caught up in ages.” 
“Big case. Took up all my spare brainpower, you know?” 
“Last big case, then? Rumor mill says you’re moving on.” 
You go cold. Namjoon’s eyes go wide, and he tries to get Jackson to stop talking, but Jackson keeps talking, unaware. You and Jungkook look at each other, then back at Namjoon, who looks like he’s watching a train wreck in slow motion. 
“What’s that all about, bro? Jumping ship just as we all thought you were about to make partner at Bang & Associates.” 
“You’re leaving?” 
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A/N 2: Sorry for the cliffhanger 😘 Next installment coming soon, I promise! I'd love to hear from you if you have any comments!
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©sowoozoo-7 2024
Please do not copy or repost. I do not crosspost anywhere else.
72 notes · View notes
lookingforhappy · 2 months
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transcript of Five's case files on the Hindenburg, the case that he solves for the Commission while working in management:
MEMORANDUM ON INTENDED EVENTS RE: HINDENBURG DISASTER May 6, 1937 The airship will complete its first scheduled demonstration flight for the 1937 season, between Frankfurt, Germany, and Lakehurst. It will depart from Frankfurt about 8:15 P.M, G.M.T., Monday, May 3, and will be due at Lakehurst on the morning of Thursday, May 6. It will be due out of Lakehurst at 10:00 P.M E.S.T, that night. Because of unfavorable winds encountered en route, its arrival at Lakehurst will be deferred until 6:00 P.M, Thursday evening, and departure will be postponed until midnight or later in order to reservice and prepare for the voyage. The ship is owned and operated by the Deutsche Zeppelin Reederei, G.m.b. H, of Berlin, W8, under den Linden, Germany. The flight, which is intended to be one of a series to be arranged into the United States territory during 1937, will be authorized by a provisional air navigation permit from the Secretary of the Navy to the American Zeppelin Transport, Inc., of 354 Fourth Avenue, New York City, as general United States agent of the Deutities at the Naval Air Station at Lakehurst. On March, 1937 the German Government will renew the airworthiness certification of the aircraft, reporting that all of its safety devices had been inspected and found satisfactory. Personnel, including officers, numbered 61, will be on board, of whom 22 will die as a result of the accident. Passengers, 36 persons besides the Crew will be on board. Of these, 13 will die as a result of the accident. Other passengers and members of the crew will sustain serious injuries. Total weight of the freight carried will be 325 pounds and will be stowed in the main freight compartment at Frame 125; 2 dogs will be kenneled at Frame 92, and 3 packages will be stowed in the control car. Mail will be carried in a compartment on the top of the control car. Of the freight and mail on a few pieces of mail will be recovered. The ground personnel will consist of 92 naval personnel and 139 civillians. Practically all of the gorund crew will have previous experienve landing airships. One member of the ground crew will die as a result of burns received during the accident. Across the Atlantic from Germany to the United States, the flight will be uneventful, save for retarding winds which will not be unusually turbulent. The route traveresed by the ship on this side of the ocean will be from Nova Scotia, vis Boston, Providence, Long Island Sound, New Forks and thense cruise along the coast for a few hours before retracing its course from Tuckerton N.J., to the naval Air Station.
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ATMOSPHERIC ANOMALIES PRESENT The 7:30 A.M, EST. U.S. Weather Bureau map of the vicinity, including the northeastern tier of states, Shows a disturbance over central New York and northeastern Pennsylvania, with a cold front extending from this center Southwestward to West Virginia. This front separated neutralized polar air to the east of the cold front which had become warmer and more moist and neutralized colder air to the west of the front. The warmer and more moist mass of air covered the Middle Atlantic states, southeastern New York and southern New England. --- The cold front advanced eastward during the day from central Peensylvania at a rate of 12 to 15 m.p.h., passing Lakehurst shortly after 3:30 P.M There was not quite sufficient surface heating during the early afternoon to set off a thunderstom at Lakehurst, and it was not until the front passed and some slight lifting of the air mass occured that a thunderstorm began, The records of the Naval Air Station show that the thunderstorm began at 3:43 P.M and ended at 4:45 P.M --- Telegraphic reports indicate, the thunderstorms in and to the west of New Jersey were not severe; nor were they of a well defined squall character. Between 12 P.M and 1:30 P.M E.S.T., these storms extended in a definite belt over the region of Harrisburg, Pa., northeastward to Bear Mountain, N.Y., and New Hackensack, N.Y. Between 1:30 and 2:40 P.M, none was reported. Between 2:40 and 3:40 P.M, Camden and Fort Monmouth, N.J., only reported thunderstorms. Between 3:30 and 4:30 P.M, Lakehurst, Mtchel Field, N.Y, and Floyd Bennett Field, N.Y., reported them. Between 4:40 and 5:40 P.M. none was reported; and betweeen 5:40 and 6:40 P.M, Floyd Bennett onlt reported one. Summarized, the thunderstorms in eastern New Jersey were of a local character and not severe. --- The New York Weather Bureau office bulletin issued at 1:20 P.M, May 6th, follows: "1800 G.C.T. Moderate wind shift with increasing and lowering clouds possible thundershowers New York and vicinity expected in middle or late afternoon Stop New York Scattered cumulus and small cumulo nimbus approaching from west - visibility excellent surface wind south 12 miles - barometer 29.68 falling steadily temperature 66."
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DATE: May 6 1937 0725 EST OPERATION: Hindenburg Disaster DAMAGE: Catastrophic PLACE: Lakehurst, New Jursey, 40.026088, -74.316592 LOCALE: Open air field WEATHER: Light rain PILOT: Commercial TOTAL HOURS: 567 ALL 63 NO TYPE LAST 90 DAYS: 179 ALL 62 NO TYPE CASUALTIES: Crew: 23; Pass: 13 OCCURENCE: Numerous expert and lay witnesses on the field testified as to where they first observed the fire on the ship. There was great diversity in this testimony for reasons that are very apparent. Among the most important of these reasons were the extreme rapidity with which the fire spread, the different positions of the witnesses with respect to the ship, the size of the ship, more than one-sixth of a mile in length, and an over-all height, equicalent to a twelve story building, and the fact that the interval between the first glimpse of flame and the impact of the main body of the ship with the ground was 32 seconds. The great majority of the ground witnesses who testified as to the first sppearance of fire were looking at the port side of the ship. After carefully weighing the oral evidence and transcribing to a master diagram the numerous disgrams on which the gound witnesses indicated their first observations of fire, we conclude that the first open flame, produced by the burning of the ship's hydrogen, appeared on the top of the ship forward of the entering edge of the vertical fin over Cells 4 and 5. The first open flame that was seen at that place was followed after a very brief interval by a burst of flaming hydrogen between the equator and the top of the ship. The fire spread in all directionsmoving progessively for ward at high velocity with a succession of mild explosions. As the stern quarter became enveloped, the ship lost boutanct and cracked at about one-quarter of the distance from the rear end. The forward part assumed a bow-up attitude, the rear appearing to remain level. At the same time the ship was settling to the ground at a moderate rate of descent. Whereas there was a definite detonation after flame was first observed on the ship, we believe that the phenomenon was initially a rapid burning or combustion - not an explostion. From the observations made, is appears that there was a quantity of free hydrogen present in the after part of the ship when the fire originated.
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HINDENBURG DIASTER INTELLIGENCE SUMMARY Place | Date | Hour | Summary of Events and Information | Remarks FRANKFURT April | 2. | A deviation occured in the subject's plot to detonate a controlled explosive device on the rear fuel tank of the zeppelin. An alternate plan is underway. | EF 5. | Progress in the creation of the subject's explosive device has stalled. An alternate catalyst is still viable. | SB 7. | The zeppelin has successfully completed it's seventh cross-continent trip carrying 19 crew members | - LAKEHURST May | 9. | Lakehurst Nacal Air Station recevied 8 new directives in preperation for the first cross-continent civilian flight of the zeppelin. German and American organizations continue to increase communications. | EF 12. | Progress continues on the controlled explosive device. Another player emerges in America, a linesman from New York. | SB 15. | The zeppelin is grounded for 2 days as high winds buffer the Western coast of the English Isles. FRANKFURT June | 29. | 300 feet of steel is salwed and loaded up at Frankfurt for repaits to the central gangway after miscalculations in the rate of expansion cause cells 15 and 16 to bend 4 degrees outside of normal variation. | EF Instructions regarding Intelligence Summaries are contained in Regula II and the Management Manual. Title pages will be prepared in manuscript.
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The airship will be placed in service early in 1936. It will bear the builder's numer LZ 129 and have been constructed by the Luft Schiffbau Zeppelin of Friedrichschafen, Germany, and organization which also built the 118 Zeppelin type airships. Briefly described, this type of design provides for frame work of duralumin metal girders with tension wires. There is division by fringe wirings of the bosy into different compartments, into which the gas bags are placed to received the lifting gas; a keel walkway to take certain load; a framwork with an outer cover of fabric to give form, and engine cars suspended from the frame outside the ship. The Hindenburg is a Zeppelin type airship, having an axial corridor constructed longitudinally through the center of the hull. During its 9 months of operation in 1936, this airship will make more than 55 flights; flying 2,754 hours, cruising 191, 584 miles, crossing the ocean 34 times, carrying 2, 798 passengers and more than 377,000 pounds of mail and freight, all without mishap. The Hindenburgs length is about 803.8 feet; height, 147 feet; maximum diameter, 135 feet; fineness ratio, about 6; total gas volume, 7, 063, 000 cubic feet; normal volume, 6, 710, 000 cubic feet. Weight of the ship with necessary equipment and fuel is 430, 950 pounds; maximum fuel capacity, 143, 650 pounds; total payload 41, 990 pounds, and total life is 472, 940 pounds. Cruising speed is about 75 statute m.p.h.; maximum speed is slightly over 84 m.p.h. Passenger space is entirely within the hull. The control system is the conventional Zeppelin type control, with two rudders acting as a Unit for horizontal control, and two elevators acting likewise for veritcal control. Emergency elevator and rudder control wheels are installed in the stern of the ship. An electrical gyroscopic device attached to the forward rudder wheel provides automatic steering.
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random-mailbox · 1 year
Random-Mailbox's Favorite Sailor Moon Fics - Week 51 - Furniture
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Second last post of the series is here! This week is light and fluffy as we look at furniture themed stories. (sorry for posting it a little later than usual on a Monday - this weekend completely got away from me).
As always, my apologies in advance for spoiling some of these for you (Fic Titles are linked to either FFN or AO3 entries).
My Own Little Stage: A Collection of Prompts: Chapter 1: Prompt: Rose Chair - @tinacentury
Neo Queen Serenity is VERY excited about new office chair she got for her King Endymion.
Usagi, Mamoru, and the Three Mattresses - @kaleidodreams
Finding just the right mattress that works for both partners is a very important step. Patience is an absolute must!
Little Strawberry Couch - @sailorspacecougar
Usagi might have forgotten to check dimensions on her latest online purchase, causing chaos when she insists that the old one needs to go before it gets delivered.
Usagi and the Spinny Chair - Star17P
Who doesn't love a spinny chair?!
at heart's rest (five scenes from a relationship) - @fated-addiction
In this story we get a look through the various stages of Usagi and Mamoru's relationship and the prominent role that their couch plays in it over the years.
Mamoru on the couch - @caelenath
Above is a link to the tag that @caelenath created for her musings on why would Mamoru have to sleep on the couch. Inspiring the Little Strawberry Couch story posted above and this amazing post where you should check ALL the reblogs / additions from @areptiledysfunction1107 , @danni-bunny , @linlamont , @master-ray5 , @riverlethe , @shnuggletea and @reispinkoveralls.
That's it for this week! Next Monday is my last and 52nd post of the series - wrapping it up with Crystal Tokyo stories.
Here are the links to the previous Tumblr posts in these series to explore more amazing works based on different themes - make sure to check them out if you haven't had a chance! (Click on title name to go to the post) - I will keep updating the list every week as new posts come up:
Week 1 - Groundhog Day
Week 2 - Established Relationships
Week 3 - Sex Positivity
Week 4 - Unfinished Stories
Week 5 - Darker Stories
Week 6 - Potions 🧪
Week 7 - Reveals
Week 8 - 👻Halloween🎃
Week 9 - Wrong Perceptions
Week 10 - Non-Senshi AU
Week 11 - In-Progress Fics
Week 12 - Mutual Pining
Week 13 - Enemies to Lovers
Week 14 - Slow Burn
Week 15 - Christmas Part 1 - Ugly Christmas Sweaters and Santa!
Week 16 - Christmas Part 2
Week 17 - New Years
Week 18 - High School AU
Week 19 - Slice of Life
Week 20 - Coffee shop AU
Week 21 - Huddle for Warmth
Week 22 - Friends to Lovers
Week 23 - ❤️Valentines Day❤️
Week 24 - Do a Grouch a Favour Day (or Cheer Up Fics)
Week 25 - Soulmate AU
Week 26 - Amnesia Fics (and resources)
Week 27 - 🍀St Patrick's Day🍀
Week 28 - Fix it Fics
Week 29 - Prompt: Mug
Week 30 - Flowers
Week 31 - Traditions
Week 32 - Dreams
Week 33 - Friends
Week 34 - Body-Swap
Week 35 - Medical Assistance
Week 36 - Sex Pollen
Week 37 - Psychometry
Week 38 - What If
Week 39 - Missing Scenes Part I
Week 40 - Green Jacket
Week 41 - Dr Chiba
Week 42 - Birthdays
Week 43 - Fluff
Week 44 - First Kiss
Week 45 - Reviving Shitennou
Week 46 - Tutoring
Week 47 - Thunderstorms
Week 48 - Food
Week 49 - Proposals
Week 50 - Locked In
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nicistrying · 3 months
Monday 17th June
Matt walked Maggie for me this morning as I was so tired from yesterday, fathers day was a pile of shit as usual. So I got up at 7 and definitely felt better for it. Stretched, had breakfast and went to work. It's busy atm but I finally feel confident enough that I can handle most of what comes my way.
The weather was good at lunch time so we went out to play
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Went back to work, did a good arm workout when I finished
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Tried on my contingency dress for the registry office in case I'm not feeling the short sparkly one on the day. This is not the solution I was hoping for, thd material is a bit icky and it doesn't fit me very well, it makes me pretty shapeless so I think it's a no ☹️ but then im having some body image issues lately so idk if it's all in my head
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Had smoked tofu stir fry for dinner, strawberries & nutella for dessert, and am now snuggling with Mags on the couch after the heavens have just opened for a big old thunderstorm. Poor Matt is on his way home on his bike 😭
Hot baths, bed time 😴 ngl I kind of love that we go to bed early and get up early these days
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atlantichurricanes · 20 days
Atlantic Tropical Weather Outlook issued by the National Hurricane Center in Miami, FL, USA
2024-08-30, 20:00 EDT
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Northwestern Gulf of Mexico: A surface trough of low pressure over the northwestern Gulf of Mexico is producing a large area of disorganized showers and thunderstorms along and just offshore the coasts of Texas and Louisiana. Surface observations at this time indicate that pressures are relatively high in this area, and there are no signs of a closed circulation. This system is expected to meander near the coast through much of next week, and some slow development is possible if it remains offshore. Regardless of development, heavy rains could cause some flash flooding across portions of coastal Louisiana and the upper Texas coast during the next few days.
* Formation chance through 48 hours...low...10 percent.
* Formation chance through 7 days...low...20 percent.
Near the Lesser Antilles and Caribbean Sea: Showers and thunderstorms associated with a tropical wave about a thousand miles east of the Lesser Antilles remain disorganized. Gradual development of this system is possible during the next few days, and a tropical depression could form some time next week while it moves westward, reaching the Lesser Antilles on Monday and continuing across the Caribbean Sea through the middle to latter part of the week.
* Formation chance through 48 hours...low...near 0 percent.
* Formation chance through 7 days...medium...40 percent.
Eastern Tropical Atlantic: Another tropical wave between the west coast of Africa and the Cabo Verde Islands is producing disorganized shower and thunderstorm activity. Some slow development of this system is possible through late next week while it moves slowly to the west-northwest over the eastern and central tropical Atlantic.
* Formation chance through 48 hours...low...near 0 percent.
* Formation chance through 7 days...low...20 percent.
$$ Forecaster Beven
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remembertheplunge · 8 months
My one year on the street
From the book “100 Years” by Joshua Prager:
BIRTH:   “Birth was the death of him.” Samuel Beckett, A Piece go Monologue
My margin note to above:
March 15, 2018
Re: Birth was the death of him” I wrote “Me!”
The Thunderstorms raged at my birth.
There was a double rainbow over 24 hour Fitness Gym parking lot last evening. I cried a bit-----
The heavens blessed my one year on the street.
(DJ’s first night in the house was 3/15/2017)
End of entry
Notes:  1/24/2024
When I was born at 7:05pm Monday June 20, 1955, a thunder storm was raging outside per my parents (confirmed by a Google search)
 Between mid March and late October 2017, I had on about 10 separate occasions different homeless men stay with me in my house. They would stay in the guest room for anywhere between one night and a few weeks. I also filled up bags with food, socks, tooth brushes and other assorted street survival items and pass them out in my travels. I did this in at least 12 cities. This is what I was referring in my margin note above when I referred to “my year on the street”.
I met some of the homeless men in the parking lot area of 24 Hour Fitness (now Valley Gym) off Ben Holt Ave in Stockton California.  That’s why the double rain bow had such an impact on me there.
I had some harrowing , wondrous adventures during the year on the street which I intend to detail in future blogs. It was one of the best years of my life. My homed  friends said that I was going to be murdered. My clients in Jail loved my work with the homeless.
I found it to be a healing time. I was never physical injured , but I did lose lap tops, cars (taken on joy rides and returned) my wallet, an I phone. It was worth it.
I came up with the phrase “You gotta get taken to get taken to." I saw things and went places no other homed person would go.  (BY homed, I mean people that have a secure place to live and a stable income) The loss of the things was a small price to pay for the insights I gained from street life encounters.
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floaroma-sanctuary · 1 year
Adoption Spotlight!
Thunder Thursday has swung right back around, which is fitting with the heavy thunderstorms hitting Floaroma today! Our star is absolutely LOVING this weather. It's Tide the Alolan Raichu!
Tide has a bit of a history. He came to a rehab center a few years ago as an injured wild Pokémon. He then was bounced from facility to facility until he was finally placed with us last year. Due to the amount of moving he had been made to do, he found it very hard to trust his caretakers as he was never able to bond with any of them. Normally, Pokémon are not moved around so much, but he met a series of very unfortunate events completely out of anyone's control. Tide is now doing significantly better and is ready to find his forever home!
Tide is a little timid at first, but he completely changes once he's comfortable! He is a very happy, easygoing Pokémon, and he loves to play. He loves being by the water, especially during very stormy weather.
Tide has had tough times with meeting new people, but he does like them. He just needs extra time to warm up to new people. However, little kids are too much for him. We recommend he go to a home of all adults or with older kids/teenagers. He does not have the same reservations with other Pokémon though!
Tide has a favorite conch shell that he likes to take with him everywhere. It will be adopted with him, along with the shell necklace he made in one of our arts and crafts times.
If Tide is the spark to your heart, message the Floaroma Sanctuary anytime, or stop in Monday-Friday, 8 am to 7 pm, or Saturday, noon to 5 pm.
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hccn-overseer · 1 year
Issue 25, 10/04/2023 - The Overseer
Issue Masterpost About the Overseer
Affiliate Happenings
By Roo
Joe Hills: (Nearly said Joe Hills and I think that says a lot about me.) Joe Hills.
Mumbo Jumbo: Mumbo Mug… I now know what to get everyone I know for their birthdays. 
Pearlescentmoon: Happy Wet Cat Wednesday to all those who celebrate.
ZombieCleo: Everyone, go check out Cleo's clock tower game! It is very cool and not inspired by Life SMP Mafia in any way, shape, or form. 
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Now onto other news under the cut!
Weekly Weather Report
By Lydia
Temperatures are represented using Celsius. Sorry, Americans!
Wednesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 12 degrees and a low of -5 degrees. Skies will be rainy throughout the entire day without any unusual effects. Temperatures are expected to become significantly cooler this week.
Thursday: Temperatures will reach a high of 8 degrees and a low of -3 degrees. Skies will be mostly cloudy throughout the day with spider web patterns during the sunnier patches.
Friday: Temperatures will reach a high of 6 degrees and a low of -2 degrees. Skies will continue to be cloudy with light winds of 10 miles per hour.
Saturday: Temperatures will reach a high of 10 degrees and a low of 2 degrees. Skies will be sunny all day with minor skyquakes during the early afternoon.
Sunday: Temperatures will reach a high of 12 degrees and a low of 3 degrees. Skies will be partly sunny with whispering winds throughout the entire day.
Monday: Temperatures will reach a high of 7 degrees and a low of -4 degrees. Skies will be rainy throughout the entire day, with the rain variation being prismatic: falling in rainbow-hued drops.
Tuesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 13 degrees and a low of 0 degrees. Skies will be clear throughout most of the day with a chance of thunderstorms in the early morning. Expect them to clear quickly if Bdubs is present.
Wednesday: Temperatures will reach a high of 11 degrees and a low of -2 degrees. Skies will be sunny throughout the day with patches of pink and orange hues tinting all areas during the late morning.
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Lost and Found
By Lydia
All of the following items have been brought to The Overseer staff’s office for safekeeping until they are claimed. If you recognize one of these items as yours, please visit us to receive your items, or contact us at [email protected]. Lost items will be sent to Twinkly Trash if not picked up after two weeks. Thank you! *Not a real email address.
Item 1: A guidebook on couple’s therapy This guidebook, titled So, You’ve Gotten Married In Vegas was found near Welsknight’s cathedral and appears to have been written in the early 2000s. The binding is well worn and notes are scrawled in the margins of most of the pages. The advice inside appears to have been written by a person who absolutely despises their spouse and desperately wants to divorce them. It reads as less of a guidebook and more as an angrily written diary of someone with an on-and-off relationship with their spouse over the course of 5 years. Staff members have noted feeling ill at ease when reading this book and have the strong urge to pawn it off to the nearest shop that will take it.
Item 2: A baseball card of Honus Wagner Perhaps the most confusing object dropped at the lost and found, this card was found near Impulse’s base and appears to be autographed by the late baseball player himself. It glows in the dark and has been said to whisper prices to anyone who holds it, seemingly random high numbers with no other context other than perhaps what the card could be sold for in another place.
Item 3: A painting of three women asleep at a table This painting appears to have been created sometime between 1982 and 1991, and depicts three women at a 1950s restaurant snoozing away at a colorful table filled with hamburgers, french fries, milk shakes, and waffles. The painting itself is drawn to mimic the cubist art style, and contains vivid colorations of the food more so than the people in the painting.
Item 4: A key ring full of ornate keys This key ring contains approximately 40 keys that are all designed in the style of 1400s French decor. It is unknown what they open or how they were acquired, but staff members have been using them to attempt to open everything that they are able to get their hands on.
Item 5: A kitschy cat wall clock This black cat wall clock has two eyes that tick back and forth in keeping time, as well as a swaying tail. Staff members have noted occasional meowing coming from the clock as well, and the office cats have plotted to see it destroyed over the next few days. If you would like to take this off of our hands, please do so quickly!
Item 6: Two bottles of hand sanitizer These large bottles of hand sanitizer were found near Pearl’s base, each filled half way. They have no unusual qualities and staff members have been using it as well, noting that it has a pleasant perfume mixed in as well.
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Fun and Games
This weeks fun and games are once again brought to you by Lydia and Azure!
Word Search and Crossword by Lydia
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Brain Teasers by Azure
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And that's all for this week folks! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful week!
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mrktimes · 2 months
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It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood... a beautiful day for a neighbor. At least most of this week! With the exception of Wednesday night and Thursday morning, it should be a warm, summery week in town! Watch out for storms Wednesday night into Thursday, which could cause some downed limbs or fast moving streams. Other than that, don't forget to pack up your old things for the community center on July 15th!
Sunday: 84°F / 63°F - sunny
Monday: 80°F / 67°F - partly cloudy
Tuesday: 83°F / 70°F - partly cloudy
Wednesday: 85°F / 67°F - PM thunderstorms
Thursday: 80°F / 62°F - AM thunderstorms
Friday: 80°F / 61°F - partly cloudy
Saturday: 80°F / 64°F - partly sunny
July 15 -- national give something away day.
TREASURE CHEST -- located in the suburbs, this consignment shop has a little bit of everything, which is perfect for those looking for something special. You can donate all of your gently used goods, for the days when they're not going to the community center, of course. Open Monday through Friday, 9-7, Saturday & Sunday, 10-5.
How do you feel about summer storms?
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tinseltownevents · 4 months
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Post tweets, gif chat starters, open paras/f2f.
Please tag EVERYTHING ttownmd24.
Please @tinseltownevents​ for all gif chat starters and open paras/f2f.
Click here for more details.
DAY: Showers early becoming less numerous later in the day. High 69F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 38%.
NIGHT: Cloudy with occasional rain showers. Low 58F. Winds SW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 55%.
FRIDAY, 05.24
DAY: Cloudy early with partial sunshine expected late. High 74F. Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 24%.
NIGHT: Partly cloudy skies. Low around 55F. Winds W at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 7%.
DAY: Partly cloudy skies. High 67F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 23%.
NIGHT: Mainly cloudy. Low 54F. Winds light and variable. Chance of rain 24%.
SUNDAY, 05.26
DAY: Mostly cloudy skies early will become partly cloudy later in the day. Slight chance of a rain shower. High 68F. Winds SSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 24%.
NIGHT: Mostly cloudy skies with a few showers late. Low 54F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 31%.
DAY: Cloudy with occasional rain showers. High 64F. Winds SE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 58%.
NIGHT: Variably cloudy with scattered thunderstorms. Low 56F. Winds SSE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 58%.
TUESDAY, 05.28
DAY: Cloudy early with partial sunshine expected late. High 66F. Winds SSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 24%.
NIGHT: Partly cloudy skies. Low 54F. Winds NNE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 24%.
DAY: Overcast with rain showers at times. High around 65F. Winds ESE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 48%.
NIGHT: Rain showers in the evening becoming more intermittent overnight. Low 54F. Winds S at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 51%.
DAY: Partly cloudy skies. High 66F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 24%.
NIGHT: Partly cloudy. Low 54F. Winds WSW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 19%.
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jasonstiff · 5 months
It's a Blue Monday, and we need some "New Order" for our chaotic weather in Montana & Wyoming! I'll have your 7-day weather forecast on KTVQ at 4:30, 5:30 & 10pm!
#Montana #Billings #Q2 #KTVQ #MTN #Wyoming #clouds #rain #snow #wind #thunderstorms #blue #BlueMonday #NewOrder #Monday #weather #wx #mtwx #wywx
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random-mailbox · 1 year
Random-Mailbox's Favorite Sailor Moon Fics - Week 48 - Food
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Today's post theme is Food! How bad Usagi is canonically in making it and what big part it plays in the lives of the senshi.
As always, my apologies in advance for spoiling some of these for you (Fic Titles are linked to either FFN or AO3 entries).
in your arms i’ll stay; my only love - sugared_lips
In this one-shot, Usagi is dealing with her insecurities due to the comments other senshi have made, finally letting Mamoru in to help.
Bento - bakaprincess85 
Having poisoned Mamoru once with cookies, Usagi decides she needs to learn how to cook properly. 
[side note: make sure you are logged into your AO3 account to access this story, it has been locked down with all the scraping and reposting on other platforms without writer consent]
Good Intentions - SaraJaye
Usagi attempts to make dinner for Mamoru with very explosive results
Snippets: Chapter 2: Bacon - @uglygreenjacket
In this OS, Usagi shows bacon full appreciation it deserves
Nothing a Little Cake Can't Solve - @she-dreams-in-pink
Usagi and Mamoru end up at an impromptu cake testing when trying to hide from the rain.
Box of Chocolates: Chapter 2: Day 4: Date Night - @kasienda
Juggling careers and little kids is HARD! In this short story, Mamoru and Usagi do their best to try and reconnect after 5 weeks 3 days and 4 hours of mostly surviving in the same vicinity.
My Own Little Stage: A Collection of Prompts: Chapter 2: You Look Hungry - @tinacentury
In a post break-up setting, Mamoru comes to Usagi's rescue in more ways than one.
Burnt Cake - @imjustheretoseetheprivateblogs
In this @smquickies2023 story, Mako is doing her best to try to work around a faulty oven and very distracting boyfriend.
That's all for this week, next Monday we will cover some proposal stories.
Here are the links to the previous Tumblr posts in these series to explore more amazing works based on different themes - make sure to check them out if you haven't had a chance! (Click on title name to go to the post) - I will keep updating the list every week as new posts come up:
Week 1 - Groundhog Day
Week 2 - Established Relationships
Week 3 - Sex Positivity
Week 4 - Unfinished Stories
Week 5 - Darker Stories
Week 6 - Potions 🧪
Week 7 - Reveals
Week 8 - 👻Halloween🎃
Week 9 - Wrong Perceptions
Week 10 - Non-Senshi AU
Week 11 - In-Progress Fics
Week 12 - Mutual Pining
Week 13 - Enemies to Lovers
Week 14 - Slow Burn
Week 15 - Christmas Part 1 - Ugly Christmas Sweaters and Santa!
Week 16 - Christmas Part 2
Week 17 - New Years
Week 18 - High School AU
Week 19 - Slice of Life
Week 20 - Coffee shop AU
Week 21 - Huddle for Warmth
Week 22 - Friends to Lovers
Week 23 - ❤️Valentines Day❤️
Week 24 - Do a Grouch a Favour Day (or Cheer Up Fics)
Week 25 - Soulmate AU
Week 26 - Amnesia Fics (and resources)
Week 27 - 🍀St Patrick's Day🍀
Week 28 - Fix it Fics
Week 29 - Prompt: Mug
Week 30 - Flowers
Week 31 - Traditions
Week 32 - Dreams
Week 33 - Friends
Week 34 - Body-Swap
Week 35 - Medical Assistance
Week 36 - Sex Pollen
Week 37 - Psychometry
Week 38 - What If
Week 39 - Missing Scenes Part I
Week 40 - Green Jacket
Week 41 - Dr Chiba
Week 42 - Birthdays
Week 43 - Fluff
Week 44 - First Kiss
Week 45 - Reviving Shitennou
Week 46 - Tutoring
Week 47 - Thunderstorms
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kevinjmann · 6 months
UKI -Episode 342 (International Women's Day Special)
UKI: Episode 342 (International Women's Day Special) is now here on Mixcloud
This episode is featuring:
1. @cateselna - Living
2. @micall - Porcelain Doll
3. Jimena Arroyo - Run Away With Me
4. 4th Impact - February
5. The Muse Frequency - Limitless
6. Meri Lu Jacket - Suitcase
7. Francesca T. Music - Truth Cannot Hide
8. Sophie Kilburn - Body On The Inside
9. Lilla Shy - Lonely
10. Sadie Fine - Dead Inside
11. Theresa - Full Moon Fever
12. Myahmakesmusic - Always Want You
13. Harlow Reign Music - Forbidden Forever
14. Laura Da Sousa - Thunderstorms
15. Jody Lynn Music - Sucker
16. Patti Dixon Music - Time
17. Jennifer Tefft Music - Caffeine
Broadcast on
Sword Radio UK- www.swordradiouk.com - Thursday 9pm
KrystalRadio Station - www.krystalradio.net - Friday 7pm
Pop Radio UK - www.popradiouk.co.uk - Monday 8pm , Tuesday 8pm and Wednesday 8pm
Bunka Radio (Columbia) - https://www.bunkaradio.com/ - Monday 1am
Charlie Mason Radio (USA) - www.charliemasonradio.com - Tuesday 10pm
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Chapter 1: A sense of Unfamiliarity.
Unit A: Is everything ready? Are we prepared to see if this works?
Unit B: Yes. Everything is good on our end. The machine is good to go.
Unit C: Remember, we need two specimens from this world to run tests. We need to see what effects will be had if we go through with this plan.
Unit A: I second that. This could go disastrous. Have we also double checked the calculations?
Unit D: Everything seems to be in order.
Unit B: Unit C are all the precautions in place?
Unit C: Yes. All the possibilities have been checked and prepared for.
Unit A: Wonderful, let’s get this show on the road…
I awoke dazed, Monday… I thought to myself the most boring day of the week. With Sans and Grillby on their honeymoon, Papyrus off at University, and stuck with my grandfather Gaster… This will be a weird five weeks ahead of me..I put my glasses on and dragged myself downstairs where I made a bowl of cereal. I looked at my phone and checked the news “Thunder Strikes!” The title informed me as I read through the news, something about a thunder storm last night.. I washed up and headed up the stairs to get ready for school. I saw a notification on my phone.
Asriel: Did you hear about the thunder last night?
Sho: Yeah yeah, I heard. Thunder is weird and I hate it.
Asriel: Yeah yeah. Anyways meeting at the library?
Sho: Sure, just need to get ready. Woke up super later than normal.
Asriel: Whoa, did the thunderstorm scare you?
Sho: Asriel you know I hate thunder with a burning passion.
Asriel: Alright alright. Just hurry up..
I threw on a white t-shirt and Black jacket. This combo never goes wrong I thought to myself. I threw on a pair of jeans and finally my bag as I left the house.
“Wait!” I heard someone yelp, It was gaster. “Shoto you forgot to brush your hair again.”
“Firstly, I prefer Sho, rolls of the tongue better. And Secondly I like my hair like this.”
“It looks like a lion’s mane.” He uttered while drinking a coffee.
“Wow, that’s new!” I laughed, I found this funny as I’ve heard my hair has been described as many things before. “Well I’m already as late as it is.”
“Well…” Gaster sighed “Good luck with your day kid.”
“You too..”
I began walking, out of the house and along the road. Something didn’t sit right today, I didn't know why I was feeling like this, whatever… I brushed off my gut feeling as I reached the library where Asriel sat waiting for me.
“Took you long enough, were you talking to Gaster or something?” He asked impatiently, gosh I musta taken awhile.
“Exactly that my good friend!” I confirmed with a big grin on my face.
We continued walking, Asriel was sixteen like me. He had fluffy hair and a turtle-neck shirt on today. He was also my best friend, someone I trust with my life. We continued walking until we got to the school, Kids were flooding in like mice finding a slice of cheese. We weren’t that late, I affirmed myself. I walked through the doors, where I looked at my phone to find my timetable, SOC1.
“Sho I’m going to meet with Akemi.” Asriel stated, slowly backing away from me.
“Alright I’ll see you in SOC1” I said walking in the general direction of the classroom.
My form was helmed by an Art teacher called Mr Heggarty. A young art teacher around the age of Twenty Three, he had short black hair and wore a ridiculous suit and tie. But it makes him stand out from the other teachers so I don’t mind much. I took my seat, taking my phone out of my pocket to scroll through instagram. Nothing new. Other than that thunderstorm nothing caught my eye, I put my phone back into my pocket and lay my head on the desk. I was swimming in thoughts, nothing is going to happen this week.. I deeply wished for something… ANYTHING… would happen. But I knew this wasn't the case.
I lifted my head and saw Asriel and Akemi at the door walking over. Akemi was another lad in my year. He has similar brown hair to me with a blue streak in it. He wore a red jacket around his waist with a white shirt. He’s also in a ‘will they won’t they’ situation with Asriel which I find funny as they are both not good at hiding their feelings for each other.
“Hey Sho” Akemi said, taking a seat behind me.
“Hey Akemi” I yawned, I musta gotten really bad sleep last night. I got a rubix cube out of my bag and began to fiddle with it to keep myself awake.
“Asriel and I are going out to the park after school, want to come?”
“Tempting offer but I have to decline. I have some Homework to catch up on. Plus I don’t wanna ruin the lovebirds” Akemi and Asriel blush at that statement and I laugh. However what I said did hold some weight, I was behind on homework which needed to be in by Wednesday. It’s an essay on an Inspector Calls my English teacher set for my class. I was around 50% of the way through it..
The school was eerily close to the science lab, just a bunch of nut jobs running impossible experiments. I concluded putting my rubix cube back into my back ready to listen to sir give off the form notes. I could hear constant chatter behind me, mainly about the thunder storm last night. I wanted to turn my ears off as best I could, but I couldn’t so I just sat there looking out of the window. The notes were flowing through one ear and out of the other.. And my day until lunch time was to write notes, listen, write notes, listen.
By the time lunchtime came around, after period three, I accepted the fact that nothing was going to happen and sat on the desk and ate a pizza. Soon Asriel and Akemi joined me.
“Did anything interesting happen in either of your two’s lessons?” I asked intently.
Asriel shook his head “Unless you want some kid getting isolated then no.”
I sighed and looked around. “Nothing happens at this school, it's so boring!”
“I second that.” Akemi affirmed, he was playing with Asriel’s hair as he said this.
Suddenly without no reason the speaker came on, the voice on there was that of the headmaster of this school, this must be a real emergency I thought as I finished off my slice of pizza.
“Due to a gas leak at the scientific research facility, Period four and five have been cancelled. Please make your way out of the school immediately” He firmly stated.
Students were rushed out of the school and soon we were all walking home.
“A gas leak?” I questioned “But isn’t that always to disguise the real cause?”
“Yeah but… No school for the rest of the day” Akemi started getting out of his seat.
“I guess you're right. C’mon.” And soon we were following the crowd of people.
“Well this is where I turn..” I stated, giving Asriel a fist bump.
“Sho are you sure you don’t wanna come?” Asriel questioned, seemingly wanting me there.
“Nono it’s fine Asriel really, go have a fun rest of your day with Akemi.” I answered looking down in the process. I really wanted to go with them.
“Well… Alright.. See you tomorrow I guess” Replied Akemi, seemingly gutted that I couldn’t go with them.
“See you Tomorrow Asriel, Akemi.” And like that they walked away. I turned in the opposite direction to walk home. At Least something did happen, I gathered my thoughts for a moment deciding to message Gaster.
Gaster: I’ve gone out for a bit. I’ve left the key under the plant pot.
Sho: P4 and 5 got cancelled omw home.
Gaster will take awhile to respond, especially if he’s on a date with Asgore.. I continued walking, my house isn’t far from here… It should take another what… ten minutes? Then I heard something, rustling of grass. I looked to the right of me where I heard the sound, I saw a figure. Against my better judgement I moved towards the figure then I started hearing voices of some kind.
“You're going to be alright Laval! C’mon don’t pass out on me goddamit!”. I continued looking and saw a crocodile in some sort of tunic attire with a gold chestplate and red spines on the top of his head. Then there was some sort of lion laying on the ground he looked injured. He had a red mane and similar attire to the crocodile but the colours were a bit different, more blue is used. The crocodile looked… panicked
“You two…okay?” I asked slowly, walking towards them. The crocodile turned towards me, he had an old wound in his left eye.
“I…” I looked at the lion then looked back at the crocodile “I don’t know what you're on about but he seems really hurt. I can take you up to my grandfather’s house until he gets home, he knows medical treatment.”
“LIKE I CAN TRUST YOU WITH LAVAL!” The situation is getting worse. I contemplated my next move carefully.
“Look, what’s your name?”
“Cragger.. Why does that matter!?”
“Okay… Cragger'' I said lowering my voice to a more gentle tone “Your friend is injured, however I can assure he makes a speedy recovery. Let me take you both to my grandfather’s house.”
He looked deep in thought, similarly contemplating his next move carefully like this was a game of chess. He continued to look back at the lion supposedly called Laval and me.
“Fine. Please help Laval..” He gulped moving to the side. I quickly got my phone out to message gaster.
Sho: If you see this message something’s come up while walking home. Please come home quickly.
“Alright so if you get under his shoulder as I do it should distribute his weight enough for us go get home and get him on the sofa for now.” I stated, we both began to get under his shoulder and carry him for the ten minutes. I didn’t dare start a conversation with Cragger until we got Laval to safety, he seems really worried at the moment. Finally we got to Gaster’s home where I searched under the plant pot as cragger continued holding the weight which came as a shock to me. I unlocked the door and directed Cragger to the couch where he carefully laid Laval onto as if he was a child going to bed.
“So!” I exclaimed loudly “What happened?” I took a wooden chair and sat on it whilst Cragger was playing with Laval’s mane.
“Well, me and Laval were just talking when this portal opened up and these… things in white coats took us through it!”
“White coats?”
“And we had to jump out of the window to escape, I landed just fine but he… landed on his arm.”
There was an awkward silence that felt like it lasted for centuries then there was a sudden ping, breaking the silence. I looked at my phone and saw a message from Gaster.
Gaster: Shoto is everything alright?! I’m on my way home now.
Sho: Yeah it’s fine now, I’ve gotten home alright. But… something has seemingly happened.
Gaster: What?
Sho: I’ll explain more when you get back. I need to go do something.
I got up from my seat and headed towards the kitchen. Cragger still looked panicky so I decided to make him a hot chocolate. Hot Chocolates always calm me down when I’m in a panicked situation, I looked for the powdered chocolate and eventually found it. I soon started the recipe and when I finished I felt honestly proud. I returned to Cragger with the mug of hot chocolate and he looked at it confused.
“What’s this? It isn’t poisoned is it?!”
“Nono..” I mumbled “This is hot chocolate, should calm your nerves a bit until Gaster gets here.”
“Thanks.. I guess.” He took the drink and drank a little bit, he looked like he liked it as he continued to drink it all the while staying by Laval’s side, determined not to move until Gaster arrived.
Soon, the door flung open and Gaster entered the room. He seemed panicked; he must have thought something happened to me.
“Shoto! Is everything…” He looked at the couch and his voice got more stern although still shown a ounce of care“...alright?”
“Well, not exactly. It’s a long story which I’ll get into later but TLDR: Laval here hurt his arm and passed out from the injury.” I answered, turning towards the couch where Cragger still was.
“He said you could help him. So please… Help my friend…” pleaded Cragger, still playing with Laval’s mane.
“Well… I can see what I can do..” Gaster Exhaled, taking a seat next to Cragger and examining Laval’s arm with healing magic. Cragger watched with fascination at the magic in front of him, I smiled. He looked genuinely shocked which is the first emotion that wasn’t panic or anger I’ve seen from him.
“Well, his arm is broken. That much is for certain.” Gaster revealed, he stopped doing magic for a moment. “But it’s nothing that I can’t handle.”
“Does that mean he’s going to be fine?!” Exclaimed Cragger jumping from his seat.
“Yes. He’ll be fine but it will take him a day to wake up.” Gaster answered, turning towards me expectantly.“However, no-one has told me what’s happened…”
“Oh.” I said looking at Gaster “Well you might want to continue healing his arm since It’ll be a long one.”
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Ima do quick notes as I look back on these chapters WAYYYYY after I wrote them. These first two chapters were really proof of concept, since I came up with the concept for the story whilst bored in english one day :P Looking back on this first chapter, it's actually insane how people liked this story to be lol
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atlantichurricanes · 12 days
Atlantic Tropical Weather Outlook issued by the National Hurricane Center in Miami, FL, USA
2024-09-08, 08:00 EDT
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Western Gulf of Mexico (AL91): Showers and thunderstorms have increased this morning in association with a broad area of low pressure located over the southwestern Gulf of Mexico. This system is forecast to drift slowly northwestward during the next couple of days, and environmental conditions are expected to become conducive for additional development. A tropical depression is likely to form during the next couple of days as the system moves generally northwestward and then northward near or along the Gulf coast of Mexico and Texas through the middle of the week. Interests along the western and northwestern Gulf Coast should closely monitor the progress of this system. Watches could be required for portions of the western Gulf coast later today or tonight. An Air-Force Reserve Hurricane Hunter aircraft is also scheduled to investigate the system later today.
* Formation chance through 48 hours...high...80 percent.
* Formation chance through 7 days...high...90 percent.
Central Tropical Atlantic (AL92): Showers and thunderstorms associated with an elongated area of low pressure over the central tropical Atlantic continue to show some signs of organization. Environmental conditions appear conducive for additional development of this system, and a tropical depression could form while the system meanders over the central tropical Atlantic through Monday and then begins to move generally westward at around 10 mph through the rest of the week.
* Formation chance through 48 hours...low...40 percent.
* Formation chance through 7 days...medium...60 percent.
Eastern and Central Tropical Atlantic: A trough of low pressure located several hundred miles southwest of the Cabo Verde Islands is producing a broad area of disorganized showers and thunderstorms. This system is expected to move very little during the next couple of days until it potentially interacts with a tropical wave that is forecast to move off the west coast of Africa on Monday. Environmental conditions thereafter are expected to be favorable for gradual development of this system, and a tropical depression could form by the middle or latter part of the week while the system begins moving slowly west-northwestward.
* Formation chance through 48 hours...low...near 0 percent.
* Formation chance through 7 days...medium...50 percent.
$$ Forecaster Papin
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theretirementstory · 1 year
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Bonjour et bienvenue, the temperature is 22c and we are due 31c. The weather has been changeable with thunderstorms in the morning and sunshine in the afternoon. Not that I was complaining, we needed the rain for the gardens and of course I needed the sunshine to dry my washing 😂.
The grass is full of dandelion leaves, clover and numerous other weeds and the weeds in the borders had grown so fast too! I went out to weed the borders as the soil was still damp and it was quite easy to remove them. I also deadheaded the hydrangeas and cut the lavender back, both of these tasks seem to have been exactly what was needed and everything looks so much healthier.
The above photograph is a look back to the beginning of May, when I was planning a visit to the UK, however four days later those plans were turned on their heads when I was admitted to hospital. In ten days I will be admitted to hospital again staying possibly another 4 weeks, I just keep telling myself that the sooner this stage of the treatment is started the sooner it will be finished.
I have been to the hospital for appointments with the cardiologist and pulmonologist. They told me everything was fine, would they have told me otherwise 🤔. I have also been sorting out payments due while I am in hospital.
I also had to go to the “Maison de Sante” for the transport vouchers for the upcoming hospital appointments. I was told to turn up on Wednesday. I arrived and the forms were there but not signed by the doctor. I sat for an hour while the doctor kept taking in his patients, in the end I interrupted his call for the next patient and asked him to sign the forms. The receptionist who dealt with me is the one who told me off for not speaking/understanding French and to be honest why couldn’t she have gone and asked the doctor to sign the forms for me? She was too busy having a conversation with someone who had “dropped in” with some homegrown vegetables and playing with the young child he had with him 🙄. I think you can tell I was not pleased with the service, it really did nothing for my blood pressure and I was pleased to get outside to “cool down”.
I went to Vendeuvre-sur-Barse again on Monday and I did think I wouldn’t have time for photos but as I had only photographed the chateau from the back I walked up the road to photograph it from the front. Although it is temporarily closed it does look pretty good from the front (see below).
Monique came to see me and she is going to contact sociale assistance about getting me a lady to clean the house. For the month following my hospitalisation I am not allowed to do anything other than light work.
Anie messaged to ask if I would like some mirabelle plums and to share à mirabelle tarte she had just made. Well who could resist that offer? Not me! I have mirabelles in the freezer and I also made a crumble which was very tasty.
My neighbours returned from holiday and brought me a lovely gift. They were pleased to see me looking so well and I was pleased to hear about their holiday.
“The Daddy” liked the music part of last weeks blog, so I have been thinking about other songs which have been important to me. Back in the 1960’s buying a couple of 7” singles was not cheap and obviously to get your money’s worth you would play both sides. So one song this week is a B side, it’s title is Everything Is Meant To Be by Cupids Inspiration, the A side was My World but even today I prefer the B side. The other song is from the 1970’s, it’s Sweet Illusion by Junior Campbell. I remember when my children were younger and we used to sing along to CD’s in the car, they always asked me why I “sang” the instrument parts of songs, well the reason is not only does a good song have great lyrics but for me it has to have a brilliant tune too.
My new passport arrived, I only applied on the first of this month and it was delivered to me in just over two weeks, amazing! I now dont feel that I am “lost” in France.
I do hope that I have time to be outside taking some photos next week, if I don’t manage it, we will have to view more photos from earlier in the year.
It doesn’t sound like a very busy week but believe me in between those appointments I have had to do the usual washing, ironing, cooking, cleaning, shopping and resting plus making time to ring friends who are happy to talk for an hour at a time! It is good though as I don’t see a day as a long period of time to fill, I can certainly fill it!
Jusqu’à la semaine prochaine.
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