#monopoly: the empty lot
waferefawafer · 2 years
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1st batch of yakuza draw the squad meme, god why are they so silly i love and miss them so much
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cinnajun · 11 months
ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗: keep it quiet | ktr
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summary | after an encounter with your best friend’s brother in the middle of the night, you can’t help but falling in love with him—and, perhaps he can’t help falling in love with you, too.
genre | kim taerae x fem!reader, university!au (but over the summer), best friend’s brother!au, y/n is an international student from the united states (sorry for all non usa people)
warnings | alcohol, i plagiarized business proposal, mentions of sex but not explicit
wc | 3.6k
a/n: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAERAE!!!!! i’ve always felt like he was so best friend’s brother (+ hanbin is brother’s best friend in case u were wondering) so here’s my best friend’s brother taerae manifesto (@taerrrrrae asked to be tagged)
ft. kep1 members (dayeon is taerae’s sister), billlie members, lsfm members
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i. silencieux
The moment you wake up, your head is spinning and you know you’re not drunk enough to throw up, but you sure feel like you’re going to. Kazuha is asleep with her head on your stomach, and you don’t remember when she ended up there (when you fell asleep, you know she was still playing Monopoly in the living room). To your right, Dayeon is asleep face down on the floor, snoring loudly, and to your left, Sheon and Tsuki had made it up to Dayeon’s bed.
The room is dark, which is disorienting, given you fell asleep when the fluorescent overhead light was still on. As best as you could, you removed Kazuha’s head from your stomach, trying to push yourself up off the floor. A glance at Dayeon’s Hello Kitty-themed, digital clock tells you that it’s 4:34 in the morning, which means you slept for around five-and-a-half hours.
During that time, you’d slept off a lot of the alcohol, but you were still feeling slightly buzzed—the buzz wasn’t enough to keep the hangover away, though. You must’ve drank your weight in vodka, which was not good for you, but Kazuha had insisted on you showing them what an American college kid party was like. And, since you’d been to a single frat party during your senior year of high school, you’d been able to pull it off to an extent (you ordered red solo cups and called it a day).
Deciding you needed to drink some water, you stumbled over Dayeon and emerged out into the hallway, nearly knocking into the wall as you did so. The house was empty as far as you were aware—her parents had gone on vacation, which was why you’d been able to drink all day in the first place. According to Dayeon, though, her older brother was supposedly getting home that night.
You assumed he would probably be asleep by now, so you continued on your conquest to the kitchen, practically falling down the stairs because you didn’t turn the light on. But, once you made it to the bottom, there was nothing in between you and getting your water.
Except for a boy sitting at the island in the kitchen, a mug in one hand and a phone in the other. He’d dimmed the lights in the room, which you didn’t know could happen, and he was blissfully unaware of your presence. At that moment, you registered the quiet sound of bossa nova playing as well, which meant he probably hadn’t heard you stumbling down the stairs.
You froze the moment you saw him, immediately weighing your options—you could either go back upstairs and search for water in Dayeon’s room (or just drink from the tap, which you didn’t want to do but would sacrifice if need be) or you sucked up the anxiety and got a huge cup of ice water.
You didn’t have time to decide, because he turned his head towards you, seemingly confused as to why you’d stopped. “Oh, I thought you were Dayeon,” he said, and you practically swooned.
You didn’t know Dayeon’s brother was point-blank beautiful. His voice was deep too, and you briefly wondered if he’d somehow stepped straight out from a k-drama. He was dressed like he was in a k-drama, too, wearing a black t-shirt and baggy, red sweatpants with a pair of wire-rimmed glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose.
“Um, sorry,” you replied, feeling a bit stupid. Your voice sounded foreign in your ears, and you were praying to the gods above that you didn’t sound drunk still. Taerae shook his head, offering you a reassuring smile. You nearly passed out as a dimple bloomed on his cheek, and you began to wonder how Dayeon had never told you that her brother was perfect.
“No, go ahead and do whatever you need to do. I don’t think you were expecting me to be here.”
You nodded haphazardly, taking a few steps toward the cabinets. Taerae went back to scrolling on his phone, where you quickly realized he was reading a book. You picked up the pace, rushing past him and towards the cups that were on the counter. Grabbing one, you quickly filled it with ice and water, suddenly forgetting who was sitting behind you.
Hurriedly, you chugged the glass, practically rejoicing as the ice-cold water flowed down your throat. With a content sigh, you let one of the ice cubes fall into your mouth, and you began crunching on it.
“Are you the one that’s going to be staying with us this summer?”
You choked on the ice, panic flowing through your entire body. You practically swallowed the rest of the cube whole, spinning on the ball of your foot to face him. In your drunkenness, you’d forgotten that you were going to be living at this guy’s house for the rest of your summer and hadn’t even tried to make a good impression.
“Oh, yeah, right. That would be me, yes. I’m [First].”
“Taerae,” he replied. “If you ever need anything, let me know. I have a car.”
It took everything in you to keep your jaw from dropping. The more you learned about this guy, the more insane you felt—whenever Dayeon talked about him, she spoke like he was the biggest loser on the planet. But, right now, he seemed like the farthest thing from a loser.
“Well,” you said, clearing your throat. “I’m going to go back to sleep.”
He smiled at you again, nodding. “Sleep well. I’ll see you tomorrow morning. If you’re up before me, the hangover medicine is in the mirror cabinet.”
You felt the warmth rush to your cheeks when he said that, and you rushed to put your glass in the sink and disappear from the room. “Thank you,” you mumbled, speed-walking around the island. Then, as if he was a psychic, he put his hand on the edge right as you walked into it, protecting you from the stabbing pain of a rock-hard corner. With much more fervor than the last time, you choked out another “Thank you!” before practically running up the stairs and back into the sweet escape of Dayeon’s bedroom.
ii. silencio
A couple of days into your stay at Dayeon’s house, you and Taerae found out that you both went to bed late and woke up early. As a result, your most active times were around the same time; so, the both of you often found yourselves sitting with one another.
Every night, it would be the same set-up: Taerae reading a book and drinking tea, which you found out was chamomile, while you sat across from him, working on the homework for your summer class. Then, at around 3 in the morning, you would pack up for the night. You’d then wake up before him and much before Dayeon, make your breakfast, and while you were eating, he would emerge in the morning.
You also quickly learned that Taerae had, quite literally, no flaws. Once, he sat next to you at the dining table, and he smelled like fresh laundry. On top of that, his breakfast of choice had been a piece of toast with raspberry jam which, for some reason, made you even more enamored with him.
During the day, Taerae didn’t go out much. If he did, he was going to see friends, and Dayeon seemed to be in love with one of his friends (his name was Gyuvin, and he was younger than her, which she didn’t like). She often told him to bring his friends over, but Taerae would just laugh at her and leave with car keys dangling from his hand.
He also restated his offer to take you anywhere you needed to go several times, though it was often directed to both you and Dayeon. You found that very sweet, especially for an older brother—a lot of things about his relationship with Dayeon were picturesque. If you’d had a sibling relationship like theirs, you figured you’d be a very different person.
All in all, he was very kind, which was fatal to anybody with a conscience (especially paired with his face). If the word “beautiful” was a person, you were half convinced that Taerae would be him.
You’d be, quite frankly, utterly stupid if you didn’t try and grow closer to him. So, that’s exactly what you did—at night, when Dayeon was fast asleep and you two were the only ones left alive in the house, you would emerge from the guest bedroom and sit with him. You never spoke unless he spoke first, and generally left him to his own devices, hoping somehow that just sitting in the same room as him would make him fall madly in love with you.
Soon enough, the two of you fell into a routine. You’d sit at the kitchen counter on one of their high stools, either studying or playing random games on your computer while you listened to a podcast. Taerae would read and drink tea, listening to various types of music (from jazz to trot, which you found entertaining).
Then, you made a bold move—instead of sitting at the kitchen counter, you sat yourself down at the table, in the opposite corner. Taerae looked at you for a brief moment but didn’t say anything, which made you feel decently impressed with yourself. In your delusion, you were convinced your plan was “working,” even though you had no proof that he viewed you as anything but Dayeon’s friend. 
And then, it happened. One night, Taerae was out with his friends later than usual, and you’d felt a little discouraged in pulling your little scheme to hang out with him. But, you figured that, if you didn’t go sit down there at least for the hours you usually did, you’d look suspicious (and fall behind on your schoolwork). So, you set up shop, spreading out your books and papers across the table while you compiled them into your notes.
When he got home, it was around 1 in the morning, and you could tell he was drunk from the way his cheeks were flushed (and the fact that he didn’t hang his car keys—in fact, his keys were nowhere to be found). He nodded at you as he walked to his room, shuffling his feet and yawning. You nodded back, suppressing the smile you felt itching at your lips. A moment later, he came out, wearing the same red sweatpants and black sweatshirt that he loved so much.
You then realized that you’d never been able to watch him make his tea, so you found yourself staring at him the entire time he did—from getting out the tea bags from the cabinet to him adding a plethora of little ingredients, like honey and a single drop of cream.
Then, he turned, and you immediately averted your eyes, staring at your computer screen. Taerae sat next to you instead of sitting on the opposite side, still leaving a chair in between you two. You felt yourself tense up but tried to give the illusion of being as relaxed as possible in hopes of keeping your silly crush a secret.
This time around, Taerae didn’t read a book and sat drinking his tea. He put his music on as usual, settling on the same samba jazz he’d been listening to the night you first met. He leaned back into his chair, and you continued to fight the urge to stare at him from the corner of your eye.
“You want to know something?” he asked, a little slur to his words. You looked at him, raising an eyebrow.
“Depends on what ‘something’ is.”
“We barely talk,” he began, laughing at himself. “But I think about you all the time. When we’re not sitting here together, I almost feel miserable. You live in my house and I still feel like we don’t spend enough time together.”
“Woah,” you said, eyes wide. “Are you sure you want to be saying this when you’re drunk?”
“When else would I say it?” he snorted, brushing his hair out of his face. He took another sip of his tea. “I’ll probably regret it in the morning, but at least it’s off my chest. Don’t tell me how you feel. Just go back to your work.”
You cleared your throat, buffering for a moment. Then, you did as he asked, and went back to furiously typing away at your study guide. About fifteen minutes later, Taerae got up and put his mug in the sink, disappearing deeper into the house—but he left the music playing.
iii. silentium
You didn’t see Taerae until the next night. He didn’t come down in the morning, and you noticed his shoes were gone from the rack next to the door. When you asked Dayeon when she emerged from her bedroom at nearly 1 pm, she said she’d gone to get his car and ended up deciding to spend the day with his friend Matthew.
You found it hard to keep a straight face in front of Dayeon for the rest of the day, wanting nothing more than to spill out all of your feelings to her, as she was your best friend. You also knew that she would likely be less than pleased that your stupid plan to get her brother to fall in love with you worked, so you kept your mouth shut.
It was also out of respect for Taerae, too, as he was probably dying of embarrassment while he was out with his friend. And, as you expected, he arrived back to the house well after Dayeon had passed out, eyebags prominent under his eyes.
You were sitting at the dining table playing Tetris, listening to a random podcast that talked about random items and events that piqued the hosts’ interest. He didn’t go into his room or make his tea this time, just sitting down next to you (with one seat in between, of course).
You took your AirPods out and paused your game, leaning back into your chair. “Sorry,” he said, drumming his fingers on the table. “If I made things weird, that’s not cool for you, ‘cause you don’t have anywhere else to go. I’ll probably be out and about more when my parents come back.”
You stayed quiet, devising a plan in your head. Part of you was exasperated that your stupid sit-in-the-same-room tactic worked, and the other part of you was screaming in your head, banging on the walls, and giggling maniacally.
You slid into the chair that separated you two, feeling your heart pounding in your chest. Then, before he could turn to look at you, you planted a quick kiss on his cheek. You felt like a middle schooler doing that, but it was the only thing you could come up with before Taerae gave up and left you alone.
He turned to face you, eyes wide and cheeks red, like they’d been last night. For a moment, you stared at each other, not saying a word. Then, you got an idea that made your head spin at just the thought of it—it was cliche and straight out of a movie scene, but you couldn’t help but want to actualize it.
Taerae seemed to have the same idea, as he leaned over and kissed you with a sort of fervor that you weren’t expecting. You couldn’t help but return the kiss, putting your hands on the sides of his face and pulling him closer to you. He pulled away for a second, tugging his glasses off his face and practically throwing them on the table.
Taerae’s lips were soft against your own, plump and perfect to kiss. You were close enough now that you could smell his cologne, which was light and airy, and you felt like a thousand flowers were blooming in your chest. Taerae ran a hand through your hair, which nearly made you swoon (if you weren’t already swooning.
You must’ve made out for a good ten minutes (at least that’s what it felt like), hugging him close to you like if you were to let go he would disappear in a second. The only thing that managed to draw you apart was the loud sound of Dayeon’s bedroom door opening, which caused you to practically shove him away from you. You nearly fell out of your chair as you rushed to get back to your original seat, patting your hair down and shoving your AirPods into your ear.
Taerae grabbed his glasses, pushing them on carelessly while he stood from his chair and nearly ran to where he kept his tea mugs. He began making his nightly tea, although you could see his hands shaking as he filled his electric kettle with water.
Dayeon skipped down the stairs and over to you, wrapping her arms around your shoulders and leaning down to hover her head above your shoulder. Then, she plucked out your earbud, putting her phone in front of your computer screen.
You prayed to every god that she couldn’t smell Taerae’s cologne on you, trying to focus on her screen. It was a wall of texts, the contact being easily identifiable as Taerae’s friend, Gyuvin. You scanned every word, bringing your hand up to scroll through them.
“He asked you out?” you blurted out, not thinking about the implications of saying that right behind her older brother. It was a panic reaction, a last-ditch attempt to get her away from you so she wouldn’t find out that you’d made out with her brother in her living room. Taerae spun around, and Dayeon detached herself from you immediately, staring at you with betrayal in her eyes. Taerae looked at her with betrayal in his eyes, too, and you suddenly realized that he knew that she had a thing for his friend.
“I knew Matthew wasn’t telling me something,” Taerae scoffed, causing Dayeon to shrink into herself. “How dare you date one of my friends? In what world is that legal?”
“Do you want a free pass to date one of mine?” Dayeon argued back, which caused you to look away with guilt filling your veins. “I’ve had a crush on him for years, I deserve this!”
You hoped that she never found out about you and Taerae.
iv. quiet
It was the night before Dayeon’s parents got home, two weeks before your dorms opened back up, and Dayeon had gone out with Gyuvin, one of his friends, and a couple of your friends. You’d been invited, but you lied and said you weren’t feeling well, thinking of the opportunity to spend the entire night, alone, with your now boyfriend.
Then, he went and ruined it. You stared at your neck in the mirror in absolute horror, looking at the red mark that was blooming on your skin. Taerae sat on the counter, watching you search through your plethora of makeup bags for the green concealer you’d bought back home.
“I can’t believe you did this to me,” you said, finally finding it in your bag of eyeliners. You immediately began dabbing it onto your neck, picking up your beauty blender and trying your best to blend it out.
“This is not my fault,” he shot back, frowning. “I barely even sucked that hard. This is on you. If you didn’t bruise so easily, we wouldn’t be here.”
You shivered, picking up your normal concealer and beginning to spread that out on the green blob you’d created. “Never phrase it like that again. And, for the record, you bit me. I felt it.”
He huffed, hopping off the counter and walking behind you, wrapping his hands around your waist. You blended out the normal concealer as well, letting out a sigh as it (mostly) disappeared. “The night before your parents come home and you do this to me. How cruel is that?”
“Maybe it’s a good thing. Then we won’t have to sneak around for two weeks, right?”
“I would rather die than have your parents assume that I’m having sex with their son, but okay,” you replied, sighing. You stared at him in the mirror, now, putting your hands on his arms. He stared back at you, putting his head on your shoulder. “Either way, I don’t like hickeys. My friends used to show up to school with them all the time, and sometimes they’d end the day with one they didn’t have at the beginning. It always grossed me out.”
“Then it’ll never happen again,” he replied, squeezing your middle. “Promise.”
Taerae kissed your shoulder, humming. “Dayeon’s getting home soon. We should go to bed.”
“Is she coming home?”
“Gyuvin texted me that he and Kazuha are bringing her back. He said she doesn’t feel well, and that she thinks you got her sick.”
“Awkward,” you giggled, nearly frowning when he let go of you. You turned to face him, and he put his hands on the counter, trapping you in between him and the ledge.
“Good night, my love,” he said, pecking you on the lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow morning. Be ready for our two weeks of hell.”
“I wouldn’t dream of anything else.”
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thank you for reading !
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 4 months
"Brothers' Night!"
Click, click, clack, tap.
The familiar sound of his little brother's typing sounded around the corner as Sonic rounded it and made his way into the lab. Tails was zoned completely into whatever he was working on, his eyes glued onto the screen, not even shifting as he tried to reach for his juice box and swiped at empty air twice before he found it and took a sip.
Stifling an amused grin, Sonic wandered closer and leaned an arm on the fox kit's head. "Whatcha doing?"
"Uh . . . making calculations and preparations for an upgrade on the Tornado's integrated drive generator. I want it to be a bit more durable in case of another crash."
"Ah." Sonic stared blankly at the screen, deciding to pretend he knew what that meant. He nudged Tails's shoulder. "Have you eaten today?"
It took Tails a moment to respond. "Yeah, I had lunch, I think."
"You think?"
"Uh huh." Tails started typing again, then squinted at the screen and zoomed in on something.
Sonic frowned thoughtfully.
"So did you hear what Amy and Cream were up to today?" he asked, trying to test something.
"They went camping out in some canyons last night, and they're out hiking today! Amy said we could join them next time!"
Sonic grinned and shook his head, then glanced at the clock. It was past their normal dinnertime.
In the blink of an eye, he'd rushed off, readied up the living room with blankets, pillows, and a few small tables, then dashed back, scooped his brother into his arms even as he yelped, "Hey—!" ran back to the living room, and dumped him into the couch cushions.
"What gives?" Tails demanded, shaking his bangs out of his eyes. "I was in the middle of—"
"Nope!" Sonic interrupted, striking a pose atop the coffee table. "Break time, lil bro! Or should I say, brothers' night! Complete with a meal of your choice, storytime, board games, maybe a pillow fight, a sleepover, and no screens for the rest of the night!"
"Wh-What?" Tails stammered, looking somewhere between thrilled and horrified. "But what about the integr—"
"Tomorrow, bud!" Sonic hopped onto the couch next to Tails and dragged him in for a noogie. "You, little man, have spent way too much time working in front of screens today. Do you have any idea how bad that is for your eyes? This is an intervention!"
"I suppose . . ." Tails mumbled, but he was grinning. "We haven't done this in forever."
"Precisely why this is a perfect time to do it!" Sonic flipped off the couch and regained his pose on the table, even as Tails protested that he was going to dirty up his living room with the dirt from his shoes.
And so the evening progressed. Tails convinced Sonic to take his shoes off to spare all the blankets and pillows. Tails chose pasta for dinner, and they had mint ice cream for dessert (at least, Tails did; Sonic just had chocolate, since he was a bit sensitive to mint). They played an infuriating game of Monopoly that lasted two and a half hours. Tails won, and Sonic got his revenge by chucking a throw pillow at his brother's face.
It ended up escalating into a full blown pillow fight.
Somehow that turned into a karaoke battle, which then turned into a comedy show by Sonic with lots of sassy commentary from Tails. They made popcorn and stuffed themselves with far too much junk food, until 3 a.m. hit and they found themselves lying around half-buried in the mass of pillows and blankets, each getting more and more loopy as the conversation spiraled.
"Beef can't get sick," Tails found himself mumbling. "Dead meat doesn't get sick."
"I was talking about the possibility of cows turning into zombies, not contaminated lunch meat," Sonic muttered drowsily in response, breaking into a yawn.
"If the zombie cows die, do people still get turned into zombies if they eat them?" Tails asked, his voice muffled as he spoke into a pillow.
"I thought zombies don't die."
"Well, if someone blows them up in a bomb, they'd probably die."
"They'd be disintegrated. And then no one could eat them."
"Or they'd just turn into fiery zombies."
"I don't like zombies. Can we change the subject?"
"You started it."
"No, I was talking about . . . something else entirely. You just thought I said 'beef.'"
"What were you talking about before?"
". . . I forgot."
Slowly, they both lapsed into silence, until both had drifted off to sleep. They slept in till noon the next day, and even though cleanup took a while (neither of them remembered spilling half the popcorn into the couch), neither had any regrets.
Tails had forgotten just how much he loved Brothers' Night, but he was determined never to forget again. And he couldn't thank his big brother enough for dragging him away from his work to do it.
I literally just whipped this up on the spot lol. I LOVE DE FLUFF!! Also the late night conversation about zombies and beef was heavily based off a near identical late night conversation I had with some friends at a sleepover a couple weeks ago 😋
Edit: here's the AO3 link
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itsonlydana · 4 months
"passenger princess" | chapter one
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the hobbit | a modern!AU by itsonlydana
❱ pairing: Thranduil x fem!reader
❱ wordcount: 2,9k
❱ summary: the chaotic mess of playing monopoly drunk with your best friends
❱ warnings: alcohol
❱ an: the first chapter.. excited for you to read this! This has been heavily edited from my ao3 post soo have fun <3
general m.list + series m.list
🌿 reposts and comments are appreciated, they motivate me a lot - especially with longer projects <3
"Oh, would you look at that; you landed on my street. Again."
"What? No fucking way."
"Blondie, if I don't see my money in ten seconds I'm cutting your hair while you have your beauty sleep."
"No, you wouldn't dare!"
Across from Legolas, Gimli just flashed him a toothy grin, so wide and full of mischief, before leaning over the multitude of cards in front of him with a challenging tip of his head.
"Try me."
"Fine." Legolas drummed his fingers on the table, breaking the staring contest and waving it off like it had never bothered him. "Don't drag it out any further, Gimli, tell me what I owe you, and let me go my way."
For a moment Gimli pretended he had to look for them, but everyone at the table had noticed how his fingers had twitched for the green card as soon as Legolas had rolled the dice.
"You ended up on Oxford Street, which normally would've only cost you $26, but since I have not one, not two, but three houses, you now owe me a wonderful 900!"
And as in previous rounds, Legolas now quite unemotionally pulled two orange paper bills from his carefully sorted, rather tall, stack and received an already slightly worn 100 in exchange, which he accepted with a bitter grumble.
This exchange had happened so many times this evening that you now only rolled your eyes with a smile at the banter, sipping on your bottle of beer to avoid being drawn into the discussion in the first place.
The rivalry between Legolas and Gimli, playful in its purest form and with not an ounce of real bad blood, had become a permanent part of your life after you befriended the two of them.
Although it had slightly thrown you off at first how they went from harmless conversation to competition in seconds, you couldn't imagine your life without it.
In such a fast-paced modern world as this, you sometimes found it hard to hold on to friendships and avoid losing your grip in the swift whirl of time; in the case of many friendships that were strong at the time, you couldn't even remember if there had been a real goodbye, or if they had simply... disappeared - left behind or run ahead, who knew?
With Legolas and Gimli, however, it was different.
You met both of them on the first day of college, had run into both of them, literally, when you tried to get to your first class on time.
A class with a professor you'd only heard bad things about Visitor's Day. The hushed whispers of scared students, their eyes telling you more than what they actually dared to say on campus.
You were close to being punctual, wouldn't it have been for Legolas and Gimli. The duo stood in front of the closed lecture door, simply staring through the tiny window and looking like they would rather perish than actually open it.
Their looks of fear mirrored yours and it was clear that all three of you had heard the stories of students getting their heads ripped of by Professor Sauron. That man had strong feelings about tardiness– and it was only your first day.
You of course rushed to apologize, babbling that you hadn't seen Gimli, and no, it wasn't because of his size but rather due to your lack of attention, and please could they stay on your side when you go into the hell of public humiliation?
By some wonder the Professor had his back turned to the auditorium to fill the blackboard with the required reading list, as you snuck along the stairs and miraculously dropped into the last three empty seats without getting caught.
And when you had breathed a sigh of relief, the brunette who sat on your right passed you the attendance list he had kept with him a little while longer, as if he had suspected that someone else would be late.
That's how you met Aragorn. The ruggedly handsome brunette added to your trio and was conveniently organized enough to lend you and Gimli a pen for the first week.
From day one, you formed an inseparable unit, whether on campus, in the numerous bars you frequented, or in the parks where you often spent your free time - rarely were any of you seen without the others and you would never hear the others utter one single bad word about the other.
You practically did everything together, from classes, many of which you shared – often to the annoyance of professors and fellow students due to the vibrant and occasionally noisy atmosphere you created– to lunches lounging under the campus's shady trees, with Aragorn reading poems from his literature class, and you occupied with braiding Gimli's long-grown beard while Legolas dozed in the longing stares of bypassers, gossiping and flirting.
On weekdays before exams, you either barricaded yourselves in your tiny dorm room, for it was the closest to the library, quizzing each other up and down the subjects, writing flashcards, most of which you wrote, to give to Legolas and Gimli afterward, and after exams, you forced your way into bar after bar, leaving your marks in benches and stools, squeezing into cramped photo booths in brightly lit clubs.
The first trimester passed swiftly, much like the initial semesters of the second, which you were presently struggling to handle.
It was the college life that everyone probably dreamed of, that every movie romanticized, and even you sometimes couldn't believe how perfect everything was.
Certainly, not every exam resulted in a perfect score and not every day was adorned with rose-colored glasses of happiness perched on your nose.
Yet, be it a poorly performed test, a date lacking sparks, or a random low point, your boys stood steadfastly by your side, offering unwavering support.
Today was no different.
The day had started with you waking to the sun and not your alarm clock and getting your ass handed by Professor Sauron.
It continued with some pretty demotivating feedback on an essay you'd worked many late nights by your Herbology Professor Baggins.
He did offer you a pat on the back that probably meant to cheer you up but felt condescending considering the amount of red ink staining the essay you'd crumbled in sweaty hands.
Adding that to Professor Sauron's embarrassment of you in front of the entire class sank your already low spirits to the basement.
Not even Aragorn's consoling hand, which remained steadfastly by your side throughout the day, guiding you from one class to the next, mumbling soft words and trying to cheer you up with soft kisses to your forehead, could lift you out of this emotional abyss.
How you survived that day was a mystery but after eight hours of you pouring out bad energy like radioactive waves, Legolas must've had enough of your moping and the grim expressions you fired at anyone who shouldered you in the hallway.
With a determined, "We're going to my place," the blonde had put his pep talk plan consisting of a trip to the liquor section of the supermarket and an order from the delivery guy into action.
It was this very plan that had gotten you into your current situation.
Slightly drunk at the kitchen table of the House of Oropherion.
A Monopoly board in front of your nose, around it several empty beer bottles. Pizza boxes scattered on the countertops and bags of all sorts of sweet stuff that Legolas had sweepingly pushed from the shelves into the shopping cart, blowing pink bubble gum bubbles.
The guy seriously had a snack-problem and a spending habit that surely made for a good intervention.
Within a few hours, you had turned the otherwise pristine and tidy kitchen into a battlefield that looked a lot like the one in your dorm.
Whereas the one in the dorm was used by twenty young women and many of their partners, and this one just by four.
Just as in the dorm, loud laughter echoed through the entire house, accompanied by your shared playlist.
Legolas had set it playing on the expensive stereo while preparing his snack bowl.
It was a chaotic mix, Legolas pop music, Gimlis folk metal and Aragorns indie rock while you sprinkled in a few classical songs or added whatever else was missing.
Quietly, you hummed along to the hottest chart song of this summer.
Your spirits had risen by now, thanks to your best friends, even if it did look like they were about to go for each other's throats over a denied exchange of a road.
"My Lady," Aragorn interrupted the rising argument between Legolas and Gimli and held out his hand with the dice to you, "Please stop this madness and continue the round so we can finish this eventually.. hopefully today"
Grinning, you accepted the dice, "I will do my best, my lord," while Gimli muttered into his beard, "Not my fault Barbie isn't giving me what's rightfully mine."
As expected, the idiots fell silent as soon as you gave the dice a quick shake in your closed hands and then tossed them across the table with a clatter.
Of course, in the face of eventual earnings, everyone immediately calculated where you would end up and who might rip off what little money was left in front of you.
Two threes.
And everyone groaned in annoyance.
Only you grinned as you dragged your silver dog figure across the Park Lane and Mayfair field decorated with a few of Legolas hotels, right over GO and landed on your own field.
Another round where you survived on the 200 notes from pulling over GO, anxious not to land on one of the hotel fields from the others.
Because, unlike the others, greedy little hoarders who acquired your properties, swindling you with meager donations, you possessed only the two modest brown streets, yielding little profit.
With each move of yours, the others hoped you would finally end up on one of their plots and finally be eliminated, but as if fate would have it, you seemed to be avoiding it just fine.
"And she lives another round," Aragorn raised his beer bottle in your direction and winked "Any bets on how many more you'll survive?"
You snorted as you shook the dice in your hand again. "You're not getting rid of me that fast."
The dice clattered across the board, two ones and loud rumbling from the boys, you moved to the community chest square laughing.
Reaching across the board, you grabbed the top card of the cards and dramatically pulled it up to your chest.
To your left, Legolas drummed his fingers impatiently on the table, and even though Aragorn has so far stayed away from the competition between Legolas and Gimli, he too now nodded his chin questioningly at the card.
At an almost agonizingly slow pace, you turned it over, keeping eye contact with your boys for a while, though, before looking down, skimming the printed text, and laughing out loud.
"What does it say?" Legolas inquired, trying to lean toward you, dark eyebrows raised questioningly.
"Geez, tell me it's a bad card."
"You can decide that for yourself, Gimli," chuckling, you held out your card in such a way that the three of them almost bumped heads, so fast were they bending to the center.
"You've got to be kidding me," Aragorn slumped back in his chair with a moan, and Gimli slammed his hands flat on his thighs, cursing a string of words that in their pure filthy form would make anyone else blush.
You were only spurred on by them, and laughter burst out of you, loud and full of glee.
"I'd like a hundred from each of you right now, it's my birthday after all," you smirked, holding out your hand.
Aragorn was the first to put a bill on it, and even Gimli, though he stressed that he would get it back before you ran out of laughter, handed over something from his well-guarded account.
"Laaas, what am I waiting for? A birthday song?" you asked.
Legolas raised a perfect eyebrow and slid you a bill looking so bored that you almost bought it, "You can wait a long time for a song."
"For the chance to hear your voice dedicate a song to me, I'd wait a thousand years," you sang, winking with a sugary smile on your lips.
"Or I'd just watch the recordings from last night's karaoke, I'd even get a love song from you as a gift," dramatically you grabbed your chest with both hands and threw your head back
"And wouldn't that be oh so romantic?"
"Please," he scoffed, "If I'd really tried you'd be on your knees in seconds. Babe, I have charm."
For a moment you manage to pulled yourself together, looking into Legolas' eyes, holding his challenging gaze from which you didn't know to interpret if he truly believed his statements himself.
Then you heard Gimli's dirty laugh.
The redhead hands hit the table so hard that several of the hotels flew in all directions, and with them your composure.
With a rather unfeminine snort, you threw yourself backward in your chair, your head craned back and your arms folded in front of your stomach; there was no saving you from the laughter that bubbled out of you like hot water on a stove.
"Your charm?" you gasped, trying to blink away the tears in your eyes.
Unsuccessfully, because when you saw Legolas stand up indignantly and toss his blond hair over his shoulder, the tears flew unstoppably down your cheeks.
Sure, you were aware of what a charming man Legolas could be; you were teasing, not blind.
It took nothing to perceive him for what he was, and that was a flawless beauty. That angelic face, long blond-gold hair flowing over his shoulder, and eyes ever so gentle, marked him a natural beauty and unfortunately, you couldn't deny that what came out of his mouth most of the time made most men and women's hearts swell.
You were friends with him, though, and the idea of being even remotely touched by his charm made you laugh beyond control.
And you heard all the bullshit the guy yapped about when there was no one around he wanted to impress.
"What?" Legolas asked, and in his voice, a challenge that, voiced by the beer, didn't bode well, "I don't want to sound too arrogant" –snickering from the three of you– "go fuck yourselves, I'm charming! I'm sure, oh I bet, that you would fall for it!"
And before you would have objected much, he took a big swig from his bottle and slid down from his chair.
Right in front of you.
Onto his knees.
It was the look of firm conviction in his eyes, the way he reached for your hand and gently held it like it was made of cracked glass against his chest, that made your laughter turn into a silly giggle.
Legolas, even though he was swaying a bit and his words were no longer flowing too loosely from his tongue, was a sight you wouldn't any time soon. "My darling friend, whose attention I do not deserve–"
"Now that's what I call true words," grunted Gimli, who had also leaned back in the meantime and received a punishing look from Legolas before the blond turned back to you.
"–whose attention I don't deserve and that yet has me blossoming, like the first flowers reaching out to the sun, for you are the light in my life. Everything that connects us tugs at my heart, it cries out for more and I'm afraid I can no longer remain silent about my feelings"
Ironically, at that very moment, he paused, seemed lost in thought and stroked the back of your hand with his thumb.
Not that it helped him really.
But you waited patiently nonetheless, letting Legolas continue to play the role of the poet.
He looked back at you from the far distance in which his gaze had become playfully entangled, and you saw the twitch of his lips, the sign of a cheeky grin he tried to keep down.
It didn't matter what words made him fight the grin, though, Legolas didn't get to say them.
Thanks to the music, which had faded into the background but still sounded through the sound system, as well as your group's silly fooling around and never-ending laughter, you hadn't heard the front door unlock, or the footsteps in the hallway.
It wasn't until an amused-sounding "Oh, am I interrupting?" rang out in a very familiar voice behind you that you became aware of the new presence in the room.
Immediately, the hairs on the back of your neck stood up, the deep voice rolling over your entire body like sweet honey.
You heard Aragorn laugh, a murmured, "You've lost your girl, Las," and the blonde in front of you groaned as he struggled to his feet.
"Great, wow, I was literally so close to getting her around. Thank you so much, Ada," Legolas scoffed.
You followed his gaze, eyes falling onto the man casually leaning against the kitchen counter.
And your heart jumped inside your chest.
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taglist: @mushroomemeralds @mssuguru @solartoge
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vclvetfleur · 11 months
Obedient Chapter 6
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roman roy x fem! reader
Summary: You have been spending a lot of time Roman that you finally had time to spend with Jess. You both go out for shopping and invite someone to your dinner plans.
Warnings: veganism, implied addiction problems
Word Count : 4.4K
Notes: So sorry to do this to my meat lovers and dairy lovers, but OC is canonly vegan. It'll be a funny bit later on, but as a vegan I approved it. sorry.
Chapter 6: goodnight texts
You said your goodbyes to Roman for the day, finishing some things off before you left his office. You were just waiting for Jess to finally finish up with Kendall so you could both head out together for the day. You got the text from Jess before heading to the elevator to meet with her. She turned the corner and sped walked over to you, quickly pulling you into an embrace.
“What are you both up to?” Kendall asked in a friendly way. Despite having to deal with Roman being really nasty to him, he was kind of cheery. It could’ve been genuine, but Jess knew that was just the front he put on around everyone to make them think he was stable.
Kendall was anything but stable. He just hid it well enough by being more likable than his siblings and more understanding than his father. He played his cards right and he was strategic. He wanted to gain everyone’s respect and he thought by trying to be the cool guy that he would keep it. He wanted respect, but his need to be liked overpowered his personality entirely.
In reality, Kendall relapsed again a couple weeks ago. After trying to take down Logan and spending hours and hours out of his days to take Logan down, after Shiv’s wedding he completely cowarded to his father again. He was an empty shell of the man he was before.
Worst of all everyone knew he relapsed again. He tried to act as if he had it under control and as if barely anyone knew, but we all saw through it. He was a complete mess. Roman even had to fish him out of trap house after smoking crack with some strangers he found at a bar. Kendall’s addiction turned into a darker turn than it had ever done before. And no one could stop it, no matter how hard they tried. Truth is, Kendall didn’t want to be sober. He just wanted to forget.
He wanted to stop thinking about it.
And being high was the only way to stop it.
But of course, Logan knew and used it to his advantage. It was another play he had on hand to take advantage of his children. He always had some kind of leverage to make them bend at his will. He had a lot, while they had none. It was like playing Monopoly with toddlers for him. Roman’s weird and queer behaviors. His fear of intimacy and the fact the last person he had sex with was the girl who blew Tom, and he couldn’t even manage to even properly do it. And everyone knew. Cause every girlfriend Roman had outted his sexual problems to everyone out of frustration.
Kendall’s intense drug issues and the fact he was too weak to run the company. He couldn’t even properly overthrow his father. Kendall’s whole life was set up for CEO, but Logan wasn’t ever planning to step down, even in death. Kendall was just Logan’s bark dog. He did what he asked in hopes to get the position he’s fought his whole life for. He wanted to be nothing like Logan, but everything like Logan at the same time that he got his weaknesses and strengths. An absent father and backstabbing family member to not just his father, but his siblings too.
And Siobhan. Well, the only thing Logan had against her was she was a woman and a liberal. Two things Logan couldn’t stand. He saw those qualities as weak. Powerless. She was never going to be taken seriously. Cause Logan created an atmosphere in the office that allowed the man at the top to use their power against women. And he gave them the courage to use their manhood to exude that power. Along with his company ATN spewing alt-right propaganda. He knew the company would not take Shiv seriously. They would think she was gonna change too much around there and weren’t going to have ‘creative freedom’, as if Logan wasn’t already feeding them his own agenda.
Reality is he didn’t stand anywhere politically. Just whatever would give him more power and money. Cause whoever got elected did so because of him. He looked for men who were powerful, but also scared of Logan and his power. And he spread an agenda to the American people. Logan knew his influence. And knew none of them could live up to it. Cause they were all too soft, despite fighting to be as aggressive and terrible as him.
Kendall just wanted to be like Logan despite what he said. But also wanted to be liked. He didn’t know which was more important.
Jess felt pity for him. She had seen him go through it. She knew Kendall more than most. He practically treated her like a personal diary.
She just gave him a comforting smile and answered for the both of you. “Well y/n just got her first paycheck and we were gonna go shopping for new office clothes for her. And to get dinner, but don’t be scared to call me if you need me.” She reminded him. He nodded before stepping in the elevator with the two of you. “So-uh-where are you both gonna get dinner?” He asked you both. You looked at Jess, assuming she would know since she was the one that offered. She didn’t think about it though.
Kendall always seemed to be stumbling over his words. It kind of seemed like he over thinks about everything he said. He taught too much about it. “No clue, we were probably gonna grab a table at whatever was near and good enough.” She confessed.  Kendall tried to find of a spot for the two of us before finally coming up with one.
“You both- I think at least- should go to- it’s incredible really, its new- to this place. Uh fuck- what was it called?” he tried to remember. He spent a while before finally remembering the name. He snapped his finger, pointing at us “Boulud Saud!” He seemed so proud of himself for remembering it. He didn’t really remember names of places like that. Just where they were.
“How do you even spell that?” You laughed, pulling it up on your phone. You all left the elevator together, you and Jess heading towards the subways as Kendall seemed to follow.
You unfortunately always had to look up the menu to places. Because you were scared to admit this to Roman, but you were had been vegan for a couple of years now. I know it was truly a crime of humanity and to some people’s culinary experiences, but you were. Kendall tried his best to spell it out before you all just stopped on the street to find it. Unfortunately for you it didn’t work out for you. “I can’t. Sorry.” You apologized to both of them. Jess because you needed to now look for another place and Kendall for wasting his recommendation.
“Uh why?” he asked. He took it as a blow to his personality. As if he messed up already. In his head, you rejected him because you had an issue with him. His fear of being unliked surged up. You took a deep breathe dramatically, putting your wrist over your head, reaching out to Jess. She just giggled, holding back, watching the dramatic scene play out. “Don’t hate me Kendall, but I- I don’t eat meat. Or egg. Or cheese. Or anything with animals. Ugh I’m awful I know.” You whined, hiding your face.
Kendall was just happy enough that you were actually being friendly to him. You didn't dislike him. He really thought you would since you worked with Roman. But you weren’t like everyone in the building. You were like Jess. You weren’t raised with money. You didn’t find a need to pick and play games like everyone. Work was work. And Kendall wasn’t use to it. He was so use to everyone using things against him and using him for their own gain. He just laughed at you. “Wow. I-I-I don’t know if I could forgive something so repulsive” He played along, stuttering over his words as he usually did.
“It’ll be fine Ken, we’ll just go to one of our usual spots.” Jess reassured him. He nodded and figured it was his time to depart from the two of you. A sadness washed over him again. He had to be alone. Alone with whatever he was thinking. With all of his anxieties. Jess saw it. “Unless you don’t mind meeting us for lunch. It’s not really fancy though. It’s just normal people food.” She shrugged. You looked at Jess then Kendall, you weren’t sure why he had to join since you did expect just a day alone with Jess. But you wouldn’t mind it. Just caught off guard.
“No-uh-no-it’s alright, you both just have your-uh-fun girl thing.” He tried to make himself not look pathetic. But he did. That whole family was. It was a tragedy to watch. Almost Shakespearian.
“No come on, is it cause you don’t wanna eat with normal people?” You asked jokingly. He tried to rebuttal, but you caught him off before you could make him more nervous and upset than he was. “We’ll text you the place before we get there. We’ll see you there.” You offered. Jess appreciated how sweet you were being. It was only 40 minutes of your day. You both had the rest of the day to be spend with Jess. You could just end up at Jess’ apartment later.
You waved goodbye to Kendall, locking arms with Jess. You walked your separate ways as you started your day with Jess. You both decided against the subway and walked to Soho instead. It was only a 15 to 20 minute walk, and it was a beautiful day out. A bit chilly, but just chilly enough that it felt nice.
“So you and Roman.” Jess started as if it was going to turn into a talk. “You enjoying the job?” This felt like a trap. Depending on how you answered could cause Jess to have a talk with you and you weren’t sure if you wanted to have one yet.
“Yeah, Roman is actually trying now.” You shrugged. You avoided her looks.
Jess knew you. She knew how to spot certain hints about your life. You spent 2 years together in a dorm room. Jess was 2 years older than you and moved out, but you still hung out after and even spent nights with her after the semester was over. So, you basically lived with her for 3 years, technically, considering all the months you spent with her during your summers and winters off and even after you left college, you spent weeks with her before you got your expenses together. So, if anyone knew you, Jess did.
“I’ve never seen him at work this much. Last time I saw him at work, he came on his window.” She brought up. You stopped, your jaw dropping almost immediately before you slapped your hand over your open mouth. You looked at her, practically screaming WHAT?
“No fucking way!” you hysterically laughed. You needed to make fun of him for that later. Honestly it wasn’t entirely too surprising. You could expect that from him. “I thought that shit would end after leaving minimum wage.” You tried to say your sentence, but you couldn’t stop laughing.
“Nope. Most fucked up, like a month before you got here, Logan pissed in Logans office.” She bit her bottom lip in amusement, trying to keep herself from breaking out laughing on the street.
“SHUT UP! OH M- What the fuck is wrong with this family?” You shook your head. It was the craziest thing you could ever expect. This is like reading stories of what your favorite celebrity used to do when you could get away with terrible shit.
“You don’t even know the beginning of it. It goes so much deeper than that. That was all within a month or two.” She revealed. You practically begged her to tell you more, but she had too much already. If someone were to find out she said anything, she could get in serious trouble. All thanks to the NDA that they were made to sign. You let it go. You didn’t want to press too much.
You and Jess went from luxury store to luxury store to buy you suits and dresses for work. It was so nice to have Jess around. She knew what it was like being like me. She went through the same exact thing when she first got hired. She knew exactly what kind of mistakes to avoid and what to actually buy. Her first mistake was buying something from Zara.
You had been carrying bags throughout each store, not even paying to attention to how much you swiped, cause no matter how much you did swipe, it didn’t decline. How much did you get paid? You decided to check later. Right now, your arms hurt, and you needed to put the bags away. Thankfully Jess’ apartment was only a couple blocks away.
You rushed inside once Jess unlocked the doors and set everything down. “Fucking hell…” You moan, rubbing your wrists. You laid on Jess’ couch before looking at your phone to see texts from Roman. You decided to change his name to Rome. It was better than what he had put in your phone before.
You giggled, immediately texting back since you hadn’t been able to respond the entire time you spent time with Jess. You and Roman were just getting close. It was normal. You both just enjoyed being around each other. That’s all. Jess found you smiling a bit too hard at your phone. You had a certain glow to you. Jess has seen this glow before. Back in college whenever you’d pick your boy of the month. “Ooo who’s that?” She asked, sitting next to you, leaning down to see your phone to only see Roman’s name again. Her face dropped. Someone fucking dig up Jesus Christ or find him immediately cause God is dead.
“Nope. Fuck y/n, this can’t-“ she was way to stunned. You put the phone down and looked up at her.
“Oh calm down, we’re just being friendly.” You reassured her. You sat up, placing your phone face flat. You never did that around her. Only others when you wanted to hide something. But you didn’t do it consciously. It just was a reflex.
“Y/n promise me. You cannot get involved with Roman. I love you way too much for you to go down this path.” Jess held your hands in hers. She noticed the phone. She knew something you didn’t. You thought she was being extremely dramatic. You didn’t have a crush on Roman. He was just nice to be around. Disgusting. But nice. It was fun. You both had fun with each other.
Besides he was your boss. You’re professional. You knew what could happen if you got involved. You already thought about it. You knew a relationship with Roman could never exist unless you wanted to risk your job possibly. You read the contract. It’s not that you’d be terminated, but there were consequences you weren’t willing to take. But it was also about the public scrutiny you weren’t willing to deal with.
“Nothing is gonna happen Jess, he’s Roman. And plus, you know me. I would not ruin a good thing for something so stupid.” You scoffed. “Hey, don’t forget to invite Kendall to dinner.” You reminded. You just needed to find a place that he wasn’t going to be too uncomfortable in. You weren’t sure if he’s eaten anywhere normal before. He probably had $40 appetizers wherever he ate. You both settled on Dirt Candy. It was a restaurant you always wanted to try but couldn’t afford. It was a Michelin star restaurant despite the name and the appearance of the outside of the restaurant. But the fact it had a star was probably enough for Kendall.
You picked your phone back up and continued to respond to Roman, except trying to hide it better. You held back your smiles enough and tried to not stare at it as often. But it didn’t fool Jess, she saw right through your façade.
You were just making stupid jokes and updating each other on what was happening. You told him you had went shopping for clothes earlier.
‘you gonna do a little show for me tomorrow?’
‘can you ever not sexualize everything i do?’
Jess decided to ignore. She trusted your judgement enough, but entirely, but enough.
“Okay he’ll get there by the time we do.” Jess tried to get you organized. You pulled away from the screen and asked her to repeat herself. She sighed and just walked, knowing you’d follow. You grabbed your jacket and followed Jess around as if you were her assistant now. But you had always followed her around realistically. She was like the older sister you wish you had. You admired her. She was the coolest person you knew. There was nothing she could do wrong in your eyes. Except when you argued about mediocre and mundane things. Then she could do a lot wrong.
You got to the restaurant with Jess, waiting for Kendall. You both just got your drinks.
Jess liked spending time with Kendall. Her job was stressful only when Kendall made his life stressful, which he did a lot; especially recently. She felt pity for him. She saw his potential and knew he can make it far if he could just get over his insecurities. He was smart. He knew what he was doing. But his ego was getting in the way of his success. His dad was constantly in his head.
You watched as the tall black haired man walked into the restaurant searching for you both. He noticed the two of you and made his way over. You and Jess got up to greet him was a hug before sitting back down. You waved the waitress down so Kendall could order a drink for himself as well. He got a menu and looked over what to order. But he couldn’t for the life of him settle on anything.
“Uh-hi. So how was your-uhm- what did you guys exactly do?” He asked you both.
“We just went shopping. I needed a wardrobe for work.” You shrugged. You already had your choice set in place. Jess too. You both just waited for Kendall to make a choice. “I’ve honestly been wearing the same button up for the past couple of days. My outside clothes don’t really fit the office.” You shrugged. “I’m shocked you had anything that wasn’t either see through or more than 5 inches of fabric.” Jess overly exaggerated. You mimicked her before flipping her off. “Wow Roman is really rubbing off on you.” She joked.
“How dare you compare me to him?” You let out a gasp. Your lip curled into a smirk, sipping on your drink. “Credit, you knew me before. So, you know for a fact I’ve always acted this way.” You tried to point out, but Jess really wanted to know your feelings for Roman. She tried to see how’d you even react to him being brought up in conversation. But you barely had one. In fact, you tried to even avoid texting him because you wanted to prove it to her. You did not have a crush on Roman Roy.
“Where’d you two meet again?” Kendall interrogated. Everything was usually about him usually. He did love to talk about himself and what he did, but since his life has been crashing down, he had nothing to brag about, nothing to uplift himself.  
“Oh ya, a strip club. Jess was my pimp.” You clearly lied, Jess kicking your foot lightly under the table.
“College.” She corrected you.
“I think Jess is right, Roman is rubbing off on you.” Kendall said with a quickness that apparently the entire Roy family had, as he stood with Jess. You looked at him in shock. “I grew up with him. I should know.” He raised his hands up in defense before bringing the waitress over as he finally settled on something.
“I’m not that bad though. Come on, right?” You asked the two of them as they ignored you to order their food, essentially giving you their answer. They were joking, but they did assume you were acting like Roman purely because of how much times you both spend together. Kendall more so because he didn’t know you before, Jess less because she knew you were always this quick and witty. But she couldn’t help but remind herself of the way you were glued to your phone. She had to see it for herself in person though. How did you act around him? “Oh, screw you both” You huffed, crossing your arms. “You’ve started to act more like Kendall then.” You tried to fire back; your chin raised up. But really Jess hasn’t. She’s just more grown since when you first met.
“How?” Jess asked amused. Kendall leaned in amused as well to hear what you had to say about him.
“Well, you dress nicer now.” You tried to make any point you could. "You're a lot classier." You mocked, flicking your wrist and batting your eyes.
“Yea cause of work.” She corrected you. “Boo try again.”
“Fine uhhhh….” You thought for a while.
“I don’t think she has anything.” Kendall pointed out to Jess. She nodded at him, agreeing as she watched you with amusement as you tried to pull something out of your ass.
“Oh! I know! You’ve been more docile. You’re not a party girl anymore.” You pointed out. But again, you were only pointing out the fact she’s aged and gotten more mature than when you had first met.  “She used to down at least 8 shots a night in college.” You lied to Kendall.
“Kendall parties.” Jess pointed out. Unfortunately for you, you didn’t understand the double meaning.
“Yea at rich people stuff.” You made a point, but you didn’t know Kendall enough to know how he was. I mean just a few weeks ago he was at a club doing coke with his cousin. Well not with. He made his cousin do it. But he had to pretend to be sober in front of everyone, despite everyone knowing that truth.
“No-I don’t- how about one night I’ll show you.” He offered. You raised your eyebrow, wondering if it was really the best idea to do so. “It’ll be a good time. Trust me.” He left the offer on the table for you to take. You looked at Jess, her shrugging at the request.
“Okay. Next time Kendall Roy is going to party, I’ll be there.” You laughed.
Kendall wasn’t as bad as Roman tried to paint him as. You didn’t understand the dynamic they had. You didn’t know where all this resentment came from. Anytime you seen them, they plotted against the other to ruin the other. They seemed to hit a rough patch.
Honestly, the only issue was they had hit was Kendall trying to recruit people to vote Logan out. Roman was supposed to vote for it, with Kendall, but Logan refused to leave the room. It was a sight to be seen. No one had seen Logan so angry before, despite his health not being in the best shape. He threatened to fire whoever voted against him. And he did. He even took Roman to put his hand down before he got the chance to put in his opinions. And Romans eagerness to please his father mixed with fear of his father, he did what he was told.  And Kendall continued to try to ruin the company. He wanted it gone if he couldn’t have it, not even considering his own brother. He said it was because he wanted Logan to step down, but it was only because it wasn’t his. He thought it was his birth right. But after the accident, Kendall was back. But he knew his future with the company was practically nonexistent now that everything transpired. Now Roman was being offered everything he was promised. And the two brothers had no idea, but so was Shiv. Logan was setting them both up as he did with Kendall years ago as a kid.
You just felt sorry for them. They didn’t seem to have a lot of people around them or anyone to fight for them. They were both dealing with their father and decided to turn their issues into a competition rather than seeking refugee within each other.
The Roy family was an American Tragedy.
The three of you spent awhile in the restaurant together, even after eating. When you finished you just ordered dessert and drinks. Jess watched over Kendall though. She did truly worry about him. The three of you actually had a nice time. Kendall was nice. He was a lot more respectful than Roman was. Just not as intense. He had an intensity that was just different from Roman’s. His was more comparable to Logan’s intensity. He was fun, but still very corporate to you. He was always careful of what to say and how to say it. He always wanted to play safe. No wonder Logan set him up for CEO. If you didn’t know any better, you thought Kendall would end up running Waystar one day.
You split up, giving Kendall a hug before leaving him alone. “Don’t forget to invite me to your totally awesome and not uptight rich people party!” You shouted, walking backwards as you cupped your hands around your mouth to amplify the noise. He nodded, putting a thumbs up.
You turned around, walking with Jess. “He’s fun.” You started.
“See, that’s what I’ve been telling you. That’s why I was so upset you’d be Roman’s assistant instead.” She reminded you. If only Jess got to know him, maybe she’d like him better. But there was no changing her mind. She’s seen how Roman has been. Especially to Kendall. Roman was vindictive. He didn’t even feel any sympathy for what Kendall was dealing with, in her eyes. He just did Logans dirty work and pushed him farther down.
You and Jess had just the entire night together before you decided it was time to get home. You were exhausted. You just decided to get an uber, knowing carrying Louis Vuitton and Chanel and other designer bags down your neighborhood at 1 am in the subway wasn’t safe.
You laid on your bed and finally got the courage to look at your bank account. Before you look login to your bank account you saw one last text from Roman.
‘night. see you tomorrow’
You smiled to yourself, powering your phone off for the night.
Note: Sorry about the end of the chapter if it's a little sloppy. I wrote it while half asleep.
Chapter 7
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ilguna · 1 year
☼ lucky charm (Finnick Odair) ☼
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summary; believing that he'll fail the next game that'll win hufflepuff the quidditch cup, Finnick comes to you asking for felix felicis.
warnings; swearing, rule breaking
wc; 2.9k
notes; hogwarts au
Ever since you found out you could make money from illegally selling potions to other students, you haven’t stopped.
You didn’t realize there was such a demand for potions, otherwise you would’ve started sooner. You could be rolling in more galleons than you know what to do with—not that you aren’t already. You will say, though, that it’s extremely time consuming, and they’re lucky you have nothing better to do at Hogwarts.
You’ve tried joining the extracurriculars, but they’re not nearly as entertaining. You don’t have the talent for quidditch, and you were told that by the Captain when you tried out last year. And the last thing you want to do is try out for the frog choir, that’s a ticket to get laughed at.
Actually, you were hoping that Snape would finally come out with a potions club that you could go to instead of studying in the library. As much as he hated to admit it, he told you that you were one of the best potion makers that he’d seen in years. He called you a bright student and then made you promise to never repeat those words to anyone else.
If you could, you’d shove it all in the slytherin’s faces. You’re sure that they’d be pissed a hufflepuff is accomplishing feats they should be doing with their eyes closed. After all, Snape is their house professor, not yours.
You draw a line through a name in your notebook, drawing an arrow to an empty space to write a note on why their order is cancelled, when you hear your name. You look up, closing the notebook in the process to hide what’s inside.
There’s not a lot of people that know you make potions under the table. There’s only a select few people that do, and that’s so you don’t end up getting caught. Your closest friends try to keep their ears out for those who are serious about buying, and they subtly lead them to you.
The only house that you refuse to help so far are the ravenclaws, because they believe in fairness more than the other houses do. They’ll turn in cheaters without a second thought to it, because no one should have an unnatural disadvantage. It’s bullshit. 
You get by without them, anyway. This is just a side hobby, it’s not like you’re saving up to buy anything. You could stop whenever you wanted to, but that just risks losing the monopoly you have on the business. You’re the only one that willingly sells the potions at a low price without complaining. And also, your potions aren’t fake. You’re a reliable source.
You’re met with the faces of a few of hufflepuff’s quidditch team. The one that’s standing closest to you is the one and only, Finnick Odair. Lately people have been saying that he’s going to be the huffelpuff seeker prodigy, and your house hasn’t had one of those in a long time.
“What can I do for you?” You ask, placing your quill in the ink bottle to hold it temporarily.
“Can we talk privately?” Finnick asks, “I have a favor to ask of you.”
“Sure, I’ll meet you in the hallway in just a moment.” You look between him and his friends, “Are we all talking…?”
“No, just me and you.” He smiles.
He walks off with the other two, you make a funny face at their backs. You’re not sure why all three of them approached you if he wanted to talk to you in private. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he needed moral support to talk to you. You can’t imagine you’re a hard person to approach, though.
You flip the notebook back open, taking the quill to write the note quickly. He cancelled because he needed the potion for a later date, and would prefer for it to be freshly produced. You write the new date next to the note, and then you leave the notebook open to dry while you put the rest of your things away.
You like to use lunch and after dinner as times to catch up on the potions. You refuse to do them in the morning because you’re too tired to operate. You tried a couple of times, and those were the times you set the bathroom on fire and exploded a hole through the stall doors. Your hair still hasn’t grown correctly since. 
You pack the rest of your bag, and then head out of the Great Hall to find Finnick Odair. You have a feeling that it’s going to be about the potions. The people who approach you to ask usually start with wanting to speak in private, because that’s what they’ve been instructed to do by your friends.
You pass by Finnick’s friends, and every single one of them has their eyes on you. You ignore them, leave the doors, and find that Finnick isn’t hiding too far away. You follow him into an empty hallway. 
He takes in a breath, “I heard that you sell potions.”
“Yup.” You stop a few feet away, “Who told you about me?”
“Annie. She said that you’d be able to help me.” He says.
Your eyebrows twitch, “What are you trying to fix?”
“Well, it hasn’t happened just yet. Hufflepuff could win the quidditch cup next game, and I don’t think I’ll be able to do it.” He runs a hand through his hair.
You know what he’s looking for. He wants Felix Felicis—liquid luck. It’ll ensure that everything he does in the game works in his favor so that they win. The only issue is that you don’t sell liquid luck to the quidditch players because it’s a sport aimed for talent, and it’s cheating. It’s the same reason why you didn’t take it before your tryout, it’s unfair.
You can feel your face fall, already beginning to shake your head to tell him no. He must’ve known this was coming, because he clasps his hands together.
“Please, (Y/n). I don’t want to lose this game.”
“And I understand that, but I don’t sell to quidditch players. It seems like Annie already told you I was going to say no, anyway. So why are you bothering?” You cross your arms.
“Because I thought you’d understand the pressure to succeed.” He says, “Everyone is expecting me to get the snitch, and there’s no way I stand a chance against slytherin. They crush hufflepuff every year.”
You almost want to tell him it’s a talent issue, but that’s a sure way to get on the bad side of Finnick. That’s the last thing you want, considering he’s fairly popular in the hufflepuff house, and a lot of people would turn on you for it. Although, you’ve gotten mouthy with plenty of other quidditch players before, and they’ve never turned around and gotten you in trouble.
“Did you tell the other quidditch players that you were planning to ask me this?” You ask.
“No, I told them that you were going to lend me notes for potions.” He says.
You reach into your bag, pulling out your placebo potions notebook, the one you use for class. The real one you have is filled with every detail on how to make a perfect potion. If Snape ever had that in his hands, and found out that you were studying like that, you’d get questioned for it.
You hold it out for him, “Here.”
“Please, I’ll do anything.” He says, taking your hand in his, “I’ll pay extra, if that’s what you want.”
“What I want is to not get in trouble because you’re reckless.” You raise your eyebrows, “So you’ll promise me that you will not breathe a word of this conversation to the professors. If they find out that I gave it to you, you’ll be banned from quidditch, and I’ll be in huge trouble.”
There’s a cute smile forming on his face, “I promise.”
“You’ll be paying triple the price because it’s last minute, and it’s against the rules.” You pull your hand away, “Felix Felicis takes six months to brew.”
“Thank you, (Y/n), I mean it.” He says.
“I’ll see you before the quidditch game on Saturday to give you the dosage so that you don’t kill yourself.” You give him a smile, “I want my notebook back after you win the game.”
“Sounds like a deal.”
You honestly thought that Finnick Odair had to be one of the most confident quidditch players you’d seen in your life. While everyone else hesitates when it comes to the snitch, he never does. He’s always on top of searching, even if there’s nothing to look for at the moment.
He might think that he doesn’t stand a chance against slytherin’s seeker, but he’s the reason why the hufflepuff team does. If it weren’t for him, they would’ve lost the last game that was played against gryffindor. The gryffindor’s had scored so many points against hufflepuff, and if they’d made another ball through the hoop, they could’ve won the game despite the fact that you guys caught the snitch.
There’s nothing scarier than being neck in neck with points. Gryffindor was behind by ten points, and right when they went to make another score, Finnick caught the snitch, letting you win by ten whole points. You don’t think you’ve ever seen a game that bad in a long time.
Besides, it’s not necessarily Finnick’s fault, it’s his teammates that are a bunch of dead weight. If they could block the hoops like they’re supposed to, then there wouldn’t be any close calls.
That’s why you’ve decided not to give him the potion. 
Finnick comes around the corner, and you immediately reach into your bag to grab the vial of pumpkin juice you dyed to look like Felix Felicis. You don’t think he’s seen a genuine bottle in his life, but you wanted to make sure that he wouldn’t call you out for it.
“Hey,” He breathes, shaking his hands to get the nerves out. They’re supposed to play any minute now.
“Hey.” You smile, carefully pouring a tablespoon’s worth of pumpkin juice. He takes it from you, making a face as he downs it. And just in case he’s done his research, you pour him one more spoonful.
“Doesn’t taste very good.” He murmurs.
“I could’ve told you that.” You laugh, “Got a breath mint?”
“No time, I’m going to be smelling on the field anyway.” He pulls out the galleons from his pocket, dropping them into your hand, triple the payment, just like you asked. When he wins the game tonight, you’ll give it back and tell him the truth. “When does it take effect?”
“You should feel it soon.” You shrug, “I’ve never taken it myself, but that’s what everyone else says. You should get back to the field.”
“Will you be watching?”
“Yeah, I’ll be sitting with Annie and them. I’m sure you’ll see us.” You nudge him to get walking, “We’ll be cheering you on. Good luck!”
“Thank you!” He waves, and then jogs off.
You drop the galleons into your back, cap the pumpkin juice, and then head for the stands, where you’ll be sitting for the next few hours. At the top of the staircase, you find your friends, who have chosen front row seats to ensure they’ll be able to see you.
As soon as you sit down, Annie is turning to you, “You better hope that he wins, he’ll be pissed if he finds out. I’ve been hearing the slytherins are planning to be aggressive today.”
“They’re always aggressive. And he doesn’t need luck.” You hold onto your bag tighter, “I believe in him.”
The game starts when Professor McGonagall throws the ball into the air. The balls and the quidditch players are nothing but a blur as they zip around. As promised by Annie, the slytherin’s aren’t even trying to hide the fact that they’re borderlining breaking the rules.
From the very moment the game starts, you’re on the edge of your seat. The quidditch commentator keeps everyone up to date with the score because the balls are flying back and forth. The scores are continuously going up, without a hint of slowing down. The hufflepuffs will be in a fifty point lead, and then the slytherins will pull moves you haven’t seen before, and then they’re in the lead.
You don’t think you’ve ever been so into a quidditch game before. All the other times you got bored halfway through and opted to go brew potions to catch up on orders. You guess it’s different now, because it’s personal. You just shorted Finnick Odair out of liquid luck, and if he loses, he’ll know it, too.
He’s already acting differently out there, he’s doing more than he usually would, and it’s helping his teammates keep consistent, while he searches for the snitch. Hufflepuff is currently at a seventy point lead, if they caught the snitch now, you’d win. However, neither team has even seen the snitch yet.
Hufflepuff scores another ten points, and you watch as a few of the slytherin players share a look, which is the sign they’ve given each other to step up their game. It seems as if Hufflepuff has caught onto it, though, because it’s a tough match. The bludgers are hit back and forth at players, nearly causing several concussions. And no matter how many times they throw the quaffle, it never makes it past the hoops.
This goes on for thirty minutes, everyone is getting increasingly frustrated, which means that the game needs to be ended before someone actually ends up getting hurt. You can see Finnick searching, and then his head suddenly darts to the left, and he takes off.
“Yes!” You cheer, getting to your feet to peer over the stands. This causes the whole crowd to follow you, realizing that Finnick could win the hufflepuffs the cup.
Finnick chases the snitch in between stands, around the hoops, under beams. He disappears several times, and comes back, still pursuing the snitch. The slytherin seeker has caught onto this, and he tries to keep up with Finnick’s pace, but Finnick’s always been persistent.
The slytherin seeker gets too close, Finnick slams his foot into the girls’ broom, sending her spiraling away into the tarp that covers the stands. While she tries to recover from this setback, Finnick has gained another inch on the snitch.
When suddenly, he reaches forward, and grabs it.
“Hufflepuff has secured the snitch!” The commentator roars over the microphone, “The game has ended! Hufflepuff wins with four hundred points, while slytherin loses with two-hundred and fifty!”
Everyone in your section erupts into noise, celebrating Hufflepuff’s win. There’s cheering, a few stray whistles, clapping and stomping to show pride. Finnick finds you in the crowd, and points at you.
You laugh, and then turn to Annie, shaking her shoulder, “I told you!”
“I’m sorry for doubting you.” She mutters.
“I’ll see you in a few, we should go get butterbeers.” You tell her, starting down the aisle, “You know, to celebrate.”
“Let’s meet at the fountain!” She shouts, you give her a thumbs up.
You’re one of the first people out of the stands, allowing you to get to the bottom much faster. You can be in there forever, taking it one step at a time because people like to fuck around on the staircase.
The quidditch players have already cleared the field, so you hurry to go and find Finnick before you lose your chance. You’re sure that they’re all going to go and hang out together to celebrate, and you won’t be able to speak to him alone until tomorrow. It isn’t that big of a deal, but you’re sure the guilt’s got to be kicking in at any minute.
A hand grabs your wrist, yanking you back. You turn to shout, expecting it to be an angry slytherin, but you’re met face to face with Finnick, who’s as pale as a sheet.
“I shouldn’t have taken that.” He mutters, you look behind you to make sure no one’s coming before pushing him behind a corner to talk to him. 
“What was I thinking? What if they find out?” He runs a hand through his hair. His breath still smells like pumpkin juice. And he wasn’t wrong when he said that he’d smell, he needs a shower.
“Listen to me—” You start.
“Why would you sell that to me?” He asks.
“Finnick!” You grab his arms, “It wasn’t Felix Felicis, I lied to you.”
He stares at you for a long second, blinks once, and then his eyebrows push inward, “What?”
“I gave you dyed pumpkin juice, I didn’t give you the real thing.” You tell him, reaching into your bag to pull out what he paid you. You take his hand and drop the galleons into his palm, “I’m not stupid enough to break the rules like that.”
He shakes his head, “You gave me pumpkin juice? What if I lost?”
You beam, “I knew you could do it without the luck, Finnick. You’re a talented seeker, you don’t need potions to win games. Did you see yourself out there? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you play better!”
Finnick laughs, “A placebo effect.”
“No, your true potential!” You smile, “I’m sorry for lying to you, but I couldn’t go through with it.”
“I’m glad you didn’t.” He rubs the back of his neck, “Do you have any plans?”
“Yeah, Annie and I are going to go to the Three Broomsticks.”
“Would you mind if I joined you?” He asks.
You shake your head, “No, I wouldn’t.”
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Uh, Guys?
My Masterlist
Pairing(s): Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader, Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader, Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes x Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Warnings: There Was Only One Bed, no smut (i know, rare for me these days), idiots in love. bi!reader, bc both bucky and natasha are hot and i’m so fucking gay. implied bi!natasha bc she also likes bucky. mentions of guns, shooting, blood, and medical supplies. nervous!reader. best friends to lovers x2. it’s just pretty fluffy
Word Count: 2417
Summary: You get put on a mission with both the infamous Winter Soldier and Black Widow to take down a Hydra base. You get shot and the extraction plan goes haywire but Tony knows a safe house. The only issue? There’s only one bed and you have a massive crush on both assassins.
“Okay, HYDRA missions are officially the worst.” You said into your comms, running through the halls, away from gunfire, towards the computer terminal. You threw the door closed behind you and quickly looked around for any agents or doors that could be used to attack you. Seeing that you were leaning against the only door, you grabbed a chair and shoved it under the doorknob.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Natasha asked through the comms.
You nodded before remembering she couldn’t see you. “Ah, yea-um, maybe.” You said, plugging the USB in. “I’m in the room with the computer, but I’m pretty sure I got shot.”
“I’m on my way to you, Y/N.” Bucky said, jogging towards where he knew the terminal was.
“Don’t bother, I shoved a chair under the door so nobody can get in and I’m not moving it just for you to carry me out of here. I’m fine, I’m still standing, and- oh, okay, I’m bleeding more than I thought, but I’m fine.” You replied, downloading all of the files on the computer for Tony and FRIDAY to sort through later.
Bucky sighed audibly through the door, “Really, N/N? Let me in please, just so you don’t accidentally bleed out alone?” 
You checked the files to make sure they were downloading properly and moved the chair enough so you could open the door to make sure Bucky wasn’t being impersonated by a HYDRA agent. “What’s the password?” You asked, knowing that everyone on the team had a secret password with the other in case of something like this.
Bucky chuckled, rolling his eyes and leaning in the doorway slightly. “Monopoly.” You sighed dramatically and moved the chair out of the way, letting Bucky in. “You didn’t believe it was truly me?” He asked, dramatically offended.
“Buck, with the way technology is these days, they could probably clone you. Hell, the clone could know the code word and you’re not actually here with me, it’s an agent that’s gonna kill me.” You sat back down, continuously downloading their files and deleting them off the computer once you had them.
“Well, doll, you know that’s not it.” He said, leaning in the doorway to be able to watch you and the hallway.
You chuckled, watching the last of the files download. “Yeah, I know, but it could be.”
Bucky watched drops of blood continuously drip onto the floor. “Are you sure you’re okay? You look like you’re bleeding a lot.”
“I’m fine, Buck. This is not the first time I’ve been shot. It’s not important.” You said, pulling the USB out and turning to him.
“Where is it?” He asked, raising an eyebrow.
“My bicep is going to be fine.” You replied calmly, walking out of the room and jogging back towards where the three of you landed after parachuting out of the quinjet.
“Did you just try to convince me that your arm wasn’t important?!” Bucky shouted after you, jogging to catch up, the both of you running out of the building and to Natasha.
She raised an eyebrow at you and Bucky, motioning around to the empty clearing. “First of all, your arm is extremely important. Secondly, apparently, they booked more missions than extractions, so we have no way of getting home for the immediate future. Third, Tony has a safe house about 3 miles northeast of here, and he sent me the coordinates. Apparently we’re stuck together until at least morning.”
Bucky nodded at Natasha’s words and started walking northeast, you and Natasha following behind. You quickly fell into a rhythm of just following their footsteps as you got lost in your own head. It wasn’t that you were scared of Natasha or Bucky, not at all. You and Nat had been best friends for years, and Bucky was one of the only other people you would go to when you were feeling out of it. Your current issue was that you had feelings for them both, which had ruined your last relationship, since your ex-girlfriend figured out that she was not your priority. Cradling your arm to your chest, Natasha and Bucky finally realized you weren’t contributing to the conversation and turned to look at you.
“N/N?” Bucky asked softly, snapping you out of your trance. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” You said, sighing. “This just hurts a little more than I thought. How much further do you think it is?”
Nat smiled, laughing at you a little. “Darling, it’s been 10 minutes. We have a while to go.”
“It’s not still bleeding, is it?” Bucky asked again.
“No, the bullet lodged in my shoulder, so it’s not bleeding. Let’s just go, please? I’d really like to sit down.” You replied, walking past them in the direction you had all started in.
Natasha and Bucky gave each other a look before Bucky jogged over to you, picked you up bridal style, and kept jogging. Nat was jogging after the two of you, figuring that Bucky would want to get you to the safe house, stitched up and bulletless as soon as possible before your injury got any worse.
Twenty minutes of light jogging and your complaining that you could walk perfectly fine and Bucky didn’t need to carry you anywhere passed the time quickly, and before you knew it, the three of you were standing on the porch of the safe house. Natasha opened the door and allowed Bucky to take you inside. 
“Uh, guys? I may be hallucinating from blood loss, but there’s only one bed.” You said, tapping Bucky on the shoulder.
Natasha and Bucky shared a look, Bucky setting you down on the bed. “Tony did this on purpose.” She said, sitting next to you. “You know we’re gonna have to take your tac suit off to dress the wound, right?” 
“Yeah, I know.” You said, wincing. 
“Are you okay?” Bucky asked, cradling your arm as he slid it out of your sleeve.
“I’m just in a bit of pain, and I’m not wearing a shirt underneath this.” Bucky’s eyes widened. “It’s comfier without the shirt and the fabric crinkles weirdly, but I’m wearing a bra.” You reassured him. “You aren’t gonna see everything, Buck.”
“I’ll still feel better if Nat does it.” He said, shifting his weight between his feet.
Nat glanced between the two of you. “I can’t do that. I can’t stitch wounds, Buck. It has to be you, especially because that’s Y/N’s dominant arm.”
“Yeah, I can’t pull the bullet out and stitch my own wound shut this time, unfortunately.” You said, shrugging with your unwounded arm. “But if it would make you feel better, Nat can help me out of my suit. I’m wearing a pair of shorts and I’m sure that there’s an extra shirt around here somewhere that I can wear.”
“I can absolutely help you out of your suit, honey.” Nat said, reaching for the zipper.
Bucky averted his eyes, blushing, as Nat helped you out of the mission-necessary tactical suit. “I’m gonna go find the medical kit I know Tony must have in here, shout when you’re ready for me.” 
“Okay, Buck. Sure.” You said softly, wincing as your shot arm came out of the sleeve.
“Don’t mind his nervousness.” Nat said, moving towards the other shoulder. “He hasn’t really been with anyone since waking up from HYDRA and getting the trigger words taken out of his head. And I know he likes you, so that doesn’t probably make things better.”
Your eyes widened. “Bucky likes me?”
Natasha nodded quickly, “He’s not the only one. Do you have feelings for anyone?”
“I- um, yes? I just don’t want to say anything.” You said, averting your eyes from where Natasha was sliding your tac suit down your body.
“Why’s that?” She asked.
“I have feelings for more than one person. And I’m friends with them both and they’re friends.” You blurted out, feeling her hands skim over the band of your bra.
She nodded in response, slipping a finger in the band. “This is cute. Where’d you get it?”
“Ardene, you’d like it. I get a lot of stuff from there.” You breathed a sigh of relief that she was going to let this topic slide.
“Do I know either of them?” She asked, sliding your suit down further.
You nodded. “Both of them. Quite close, actually.”
“Am I?” You shivered slightly as you felt her breath ghost over your stomach. “You know it’s okay to talk about feelings, honey.” You hummed in agreement, mulling over in your head whether or not to tell her. “Buck or I won’t judge you.” Nat pulled your suit off and ran her hands up and down your calves a few times in a soothing motion.
Bucky popped his head back into the room. “What aren’t we judging?”
“Y/N has a crush on two people she’s friends with, they’re friends, and I’m apparently quite close to both of them.” Nat explained, keeping eye contact with you and slightly raising one eyebrow to make sure she got the facts right. You nodded once, sharply, fighting the urge to crawl under the covers and curl in on yourself.
“Oh, baby doll.” Bucky said, coming to sit next to you on the bed. “You know you can tell us anything.” He wrapped an arm around you and you burrowed your face into his chest. “Oh shit, this is something you’re really nervous about, isn’t it, doll?”
You nodded, knowing now you were going to have to tell both of them the truth. “I like you.” You said softly, knowing Bucky’s super-soldier hearing would pick it up.
“You like me, baby doll?” He asked, rubbing your back as Nat came to sit on your other side. You nodded again, attempting to burrow further into his chest. “Hey, that’s okay, sweet pea. I like you too.”
“Nat told me that.” You said softly, feeling the glare from your best friend burn into your back.
“Who’s the other one, N/N?” She asked sharply.
“You.” You said into Bucky’s chest, knowing he pointed at Nat when he heard you say it.
“Me?” Nat asked, surprised. 
You nodded, pulling your head out of Bucky’s chest, but not willing to meet either of their eyes. “Of course it’s you guys. It’s always been the two of you there for me.” You paused, letting them mull over what you just said. “It’s why Meg and I split.”
Bucky turned you to face him so he could start pulling the bullet out of your shoulder. “How so, baby doll?” Nat rested her chin on your other shoulder, holding out a hand for you to squeeze.
“Well, she didn’t like the fact that I was constantly on missions, which is literally my job, so that didn’t help matters. But the other thing is that she said I looked at you guys differently than her, treated the two of you better.” You said, looking down and squeezing Nat’s hand.
Nat rubbed your back, knowing that if you hadn’t told the two of them this, you hadn’t told anyone. “She broke up with you because she could tell you liked us?”
You nodded. “She said that if she wasn’t my first priority then we weren’t meant to be. And work is always my priority.”
“But then it’s us?” Bucky asked softly, stopping the bleeding of the removal from the bullet before he stitched you shut again.
“Yeah.” You said softly. “She didn’t like that much.”
Bucky stitched you up, and as he had changed out of his suit while finding the medical kit, pulled his shirt off for you to wear. “Here, sweetheart. You’re all stitched up.”
“Oh, thank you, Buck.” You said, putting on his shirt, the nickname and his scent lighting your insides on fire. You sighed softly, curling up under the covers and rolling away from both of them, not knowing what to say to your two closest friends now that you had spilled your heart to them and they didn’t say anything.
Nat knelt next to you on the bed, gently placing a hand on your busted shoulder. “N/N, please don’t pout. Buck and I have talked, because we both like each other, and you. We want to try to make this work.”
Bucky knelt on the floor, cupping your face in his hands. “We don’t have to move quickly, baby doll, we just wanna be with you, if that’s something you’d be okay with.”
“Yeah.” You said softly. “I’d be okay with that. But how does something like this even work?”
“Baby, this is like any relationship, we’ll figure it out as we go. Communication and comprehension is key. And we’re pretty good at that.” Nat said, gently rolling you onto your back. “So why don’t we just start with cuddles? And we can go from there later.”
You nodded, moving over to the middle of the bed so they could both crawl in with you. “Is this okay? Or did you guys want to be closer to each other?”
“This is perfect, baby doll.” Bucky said, reaching across you to throw his arm over both you and Nat.
“Yeah, perfect.” Nat said, snuggling further into your side.
“Yeah, this is everything I’ve ever wanted.” You said, leaning your head against Nat’s while curling further into Bucky.
“Quick take a picture!” You heard somebody exclaim to wake you up. You were still very disoriented, having just woken up and you hadn’t even blinked your eyes open when light flashed behind them. 
“What the fuck is that?” Nat mumbled into your shoulder, eyes closed still.
“I dunno.” You mumbled, wrapping an extra arm around her. “Don’ really care either.”
Bucky pulled you both closer. “It’s Sam and Steve here to pick us up.” 
“But ‘m comfy ‘n sleepy.” You mumbled into Nat’s hair.
“I know you are, baby doll.” He said, beginning to untangle himself from the cuddle pile the three of you were in. “How about we all go for a nap back at the compound after we let your bullet wound actually get checked out?” Once untangled, Bucky picked you up in one arm and Nat in the other to carry you back onto the quinjet.
You nuzzled into his shoulder. “That sounds good.”
“So how did this all happen, punk?” Steve asked, taking you carefully from Bucky so neither you or Nat were dropped.
Bucky glanced between you and Nat fondly. “We’re all idiots.”
Taglist: @chrisevansdaughter, @buckybarnesandmarvel, @sarahrogersevans, @nana1000night
Let me know if you want to be added or removed!
Yall I am so sorry that it’s been so long since I posted, but this is finished now and I hope you like it. I hope to get a lot more fics out by the end of August bc then I’ll be moving and starting at a new school and it’s gonna be a whole thing.
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yowyowyaoi · 10 months
Sasori’s Daily Texts from the Akatsuki
From Tobi/Obito
You can gloat all you want but the fact of the matter is you’re wrong; NOTHING is eternal. 
But can you keep it up without chakra strings? 🤔
Asleep or awake it’s all the same thing.
Go ahead and tell them. They’ll just think you’re crazy 😜 
I’ve tried but Hidan is insufferable and the only way to truly hurt Kakuzu is in his wallet.
Ok please just look at this tooth I feel like it’s throbbing out of my head 😣
Me and you? Teaming up? What a novel idea … REJECTED.
It’s not ridiculous. When you were human did you never just eat a bag of sugar?? It’s so soothing.
He said no cats or dogs. Not a thing about birds. And besides if Itachi can have 900 crows I can have a parakeet. 😤
From Zetsu
I don’t know why YOU get to keep all the best bodies every single time 😒 Your art isn’t more important as my stomach.
I licked his arm once but my goodness he had such a bitter aftertaste.
Clay and gunpowder. Sometimes aftershave.
It wasn’t me this time. Must have been an animal. 🤷🏻‍♂️
Me either! No Bowel Movement Club 🥳
I imagine it’s only the first blow that truly hurts. After that the body goes into too much shock to register the pain. 
From Nagato
Well I figured that with your expertise in puppet chakra control, my bodies wouldn’t be that much different to you.
Redhead unity ✊🏻
Let’s be real, here; Konan is the one running this thing.
I can if it’s cut into very small pieces. And drink lots of water afterwards.
At least yours wasn’t a goddamned pervert.
Clearly I can’t stop these things. All I can do is strongly advise you three use protection with them. Our organization is not equipped to care for babies.
I’ve never really had time to properly train it. I’ve never even heard that much about it before. Maybe Itachi will know.
Yes but I firmly believe we choose our families. And I chose this one. Even Hidan.
From Konan
No, thank you. I’ve learned to appreciate my flaws and live with them.
Okay once again, PLEASE read that book I got you on how to talk to women. For the love of God. 🤦‍♀️
Actually most of them make me sneeze; that’s why I started making paper ones lol 
Of course I can teach you. Why do you want to learn? So you can dance with a certain someone 😏
Yeah, preferably one that’ll give me a pick-up in the mornings.
If you use your chakra strings to make him trip down the stairs I will love you for forever.
I know you don’t eat but you should come for the conversations.
I know he’s been using mine the bottle was full 3 days ago and now it’s almost empty 😡
From Kisame
Itachi and I are traveling past there on our next mission. If you write down what herbs you need I’d be happy to pick them up for you on our way back.
I’m sorry; if I’d known you wanted to use the body I wouldn’t have chewed off the hands 😣
Well I suppose both have caffeine but to me, tea is more calming.
I understand but if it happens again, tell him I won’t be looking the other way. 
I don’t know. If he’s not sleepwalking he’s up for days at a time. I’m worn out trying to keep up 🫠
Please join us; Monopoly seems like it’d be your game.
I stayed until they wanted to do karaoke. Then I snuck out the back door.
That’s more Zetsu’s thing. I only do it if I’m really hungry.
Ah but, if you’re truly going to live forever, why not have some fun with life?
Yes I’ve noticed. Everyone has. But I’m fairly certain Deidara sees nobody but YOU in that way.
From Itachi
My thanks.
Not so bad today actually 
I would just say “ignore it” but he’ll probably throw a bomb into your face so 🤷🏻‍♂️
Well I was going to paint it yellow so it’d be more cheerful but Kisame thinks it would drive me crazy after a few weeks.
Watch the video I just sent and tell me that’s not Hidan 😂
Kisame said to ask you two. Tell Dei they have bakudan.
They just like to sit on top of them. I promise they aren’t pecking or causing any damage to the wood.
One of the funniest things I ever read. Laughed so hard I had to go to bed early because my head was pounding so hard after. But don’t tell Hidan, he’d kill me.
I’m not sure. But after I die you’re free to take one of my eyes and put it into your puppet to see.
From Hidan
No really DO you have one? 🤔
Wtf are you gonna do tho like won’t you catch on fire in the sun?!
He’s my best friend and I love him in a not gay way. So it IS my business asshole.
Thanks puppet dick, I’ll make Kakuzu pay you later. He prob won’t but 🤷🏼‍♂️
No fuck that, that cake was MINE they’re just being little bitches about it 
Damn could you be any gayer for him?
Wait, CAN you fly??
Stop being stingy puppet fuck just give me an arm that shoots fire it’ll be an early birthday present pleeeeease 
Idc get this thing out of my room it’s creeping me tf out 😒
From Kakuzu
I’ve tried but the only way I could see it legitimately working is if I sewed his mouth shut.
Oh of course. I’m always happy to spend an evening surrounded by culture.
That would be ideal but you know how sensitive Leader is about his appearance.
Yes but it’s the most expensive there. You’d be better off disguising yourself and getting it from your old village.
Honestly, at 91? I’m surprised it hasn’t turned to dust yet.
Perhaps Kisame would join us. Give us an evening away from the wives.
I know but what else could we do? He refuses to accept treatment. The only way we could “help” is slipping it into his tea.
Page 34. I wrote notes along the side of the diagram.
I would rip out all of my hearts before I let anyone, including you, spend money on something like that.
From Deidara
No but I’m pretty sure you enjoy making me beg.
Wasn’t me. And you can’t prove otherwise 😈
Your lack of appreciation for my art is truly the most horrible thing about you 😒
Well tough shit it’s MY turn to choose and that’s what we’re doing
Well yeah it’s awkward but I don’t want you worrying. I’m *yours*. I’ve made that clear.
Idc I’ll wear it every single day 😭
If Itachi or Kisame asks, me and Hidan were with you from 12-5 yesterday. Okay?
Keep sending pics like that and you’re gonna end me 🥵
Oh come on pleeeease? I’ll feed it and walk it and everything!
My bed or yours? 
Did you make it yourself?? Awww thank you Sasori 🥰
It’s not the only thing that’s tight ~ 😏
A real boyfriend wouldn’t question it he’d just bring a shoe and come kill it !
Hey at least I found BOTH arms this time!
Geez that sounds so boring. Can’t he send Kakuzu and Hidan instead?!
You know I hate that word … but yes, forever. And ever and ever and ever. 💛
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winterrhayle · 21 days
winlet headcannons for @deprivedmusicaljunkie (i answered ur ask and then my tumblr decided to make it disappear so ?? ????? ???????? idk)
scarlet and winter try to be together as much as possible, so when winter is travelling for her role as lunar ambassador, scarlet joins her, and when winter doesn’t need to be anywhere, she lives on the benoit farm with scarlet. winter likes the open air and the animals, and scarlet likes finally to be home (and wonders how empty the house would’ve felt if she had returned with nobody after her grandma’s death)
ignoring scarlets protests, winter names all of the animals on the farm, and upon realising that those animals she’d become so attached would be eaten, she ends up becoming vegetarian
winter is a permanent passenger princess in scarlets hover because both her and scarlet are concerned about the idea of winter learning how to fly. its for the best.
all of the rampion crew members have highly busy jobs, so winter and scarlet decided to make their farm a safe haven for all of their friends, they can visit whenever they want, no questions, no warning needed. they have bedrooms ready for everyone all year round (all hand decorated and personalised by winter), complete with clothes, cleaning supplies, and anything that they would need in their day to day lives. the farm becomes kai and cinder’s go to ‘holiday’ spot, as its private, simple, and honestly the extravagance of new beijing palace is nice but after seeing it 24/7, they prefer to relax in a more unadorned spot, where they get to live an easy life (for however many days off they are able to take) with only their close friends, the farm animals, and the open sky. 
scarlet is a monopoly god. winter is a scrabble academic there is no love when it comes to their competitions.
winter still has her princess wealth so she very constantly splashes her money by buying scarlet a lot of gifts, your coffee is too hot? here’s a coffee heater i got you. bad hair day? here are 70 hair products hand picked by yours truly that may help. hover engine is malfunctioning? don’t call cinder to fix it here’s a brand new hover, only costs 2,000,000 univs 😊 scarlet loves the gifts, but her favourites are always the ones winter makes by hand
scarlet sleeps from like 8pm - 6am, and when shes waking up, in her peripheral vision she can see winter just starting to go to sleep (tlc is set in the future so i like to imagine that winter is a doomscroller on whatever app she has on her portscreen, just like me)
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^ winter and scarlet texting while winter is at work
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starryriize · 7 months
what i associate with | xikers
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a/n: this is a repost and tbh i think i might do this for all the groups i write for🫶🏼
minjae • puzzles, four leaf clovers, abstract art, waking up at 3am, old maps, stargazing while sitting in the trunk of a car, eating ice cream, watching movie marathons, bold colors, soft covers, kissing your lover at sunrise, making music with random objects, eating home cooked meals, the first day of spring
junmin • crisp suits, laughter that lasts too long to be a normal laugh, just dance battles, random acts of service, chinese checkers, watching cherry blossoms fall, going to shopping malls, dancing while cleaning the house, sushi conveyor belt dates, going to the zoo, playing ball with dogs, watching classic disney movies
sumin • watercolors, rain, pretty hairstyles, dark chocolate, kissing your shoulders, late night swims, skylights, city nightlife, comfortably wrapped in many blankets while watching reality shows, drinking milk out of a wine glass, wearing sunglasses to every occasion, playing music from a gramophone
jinsik • going for boba dates, water gun fights, pillow forts, karaoke that goes on for hours, spontaneous parties, celebrating every little accomplishment, color-coordinated outfits, playing genshin until there’s no more resin and quests to finish, staying up late and pulling an all nighter
hyunwoo • laying in an empty field, snowball fights, playing the piano while singing to you, running in the rain and laughing at how drenched you both are, watching vintage james bond films, going shopping for flower bouquets, walking through bookstores, arcade nights that last longer than expected from “friends”, sleepovers, going to the zoo to solely watch sharks
junghoon • dance dance revolution, watching tangled in the middle of the night, road trips to the nearest beach, nerves before competitions, classical concerts and seeing orchestras, slow dancing with your lover in an empty parking lot at night, spilling coffee on his shirt and giggling about it, dad jokes all the time, wanting to leave the party early to relax in bed, hot cocoa, stacks of books that have yet to be finished
seeun • teasing others out of love, going out for boba at noon and coffee at night, tripping over shoelaces, making comedy, watching the powerpuff girls, going to concerts, lego sets, evergreen trees, christmas lights that go on for miles, festival cotton candy, strawberry lemonade, waffle cone ice cream, relaxing baths after long days
yujun • watching cheesy romance shows, swimming when no one is there, buffets at expensive hotels, rewatching harry potter out of boredom, working out when no one is around except for friends, playing monopoly competitively, karaoke while drinking chocolate milk
hunter • teaching you how to make traditional thai dishes, going shopping together, picking flowers, iced coffees even in winter, afternoon tea, classical music, playing, silk pillowcases, go karting, playing video games until dinnertime, going for long walks, golfing in posh suits, m&m yogurt
yechan • laser tag, classic iced coke with ramen, playing many instruments for fun, watching detective shows, concerts in the shower, relaxing jazz, warm chai tea, falling leaves, beach balls, melting ice cream, silent giggles in a very serious situation, ferris wheel rides, chocolate dipped strawberries
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
31+94 for timkon 👀 ? or dealers choice
31. “You haven’t lost me.” 94. “I won’t lose you too.”
How did it come to this?
How did he not—Tim is supposed to be some kind of strategist! He prides himself on his ability to think on the fly, to adapt to any situation, to always come out on top. He strives to think things through, he pats himself on the back for being observant and analytical, he—
How did he not see this betrayal coming?
All around the room are empty chairs, chairs where his friends once sat, unwinding with him, ready to fight by his side, laughing. Now the only one here is Tim.
Tim isn't laughing.
Movement flickers in the doorway, and his head snaps up. But it's just Kon, and his shoulders relax slightly, though he doesn't move from the corner by the window. Not yet.
"Hey." Kon comes over to him instead. "Thought I'd find you in here. Still brooding?"
"I should've expected something like this." Tim folds his arms over his chest, trying not to focus on the bitter tang of defeat. He's going to be tasting it a lot more in the near future. "I can't believe I got fooled into complacency so... thoroughly."
"Still brooding," Kon confirms, more to himself than to Tim. He doesn't seem half as destroyed by this loss as Tim does, though, and a horrible thought strikes him.
He turns to face Kon, reaches for his hands, holds them tight. "What do I need to do to keep you on my side? I won't lose you, too. I won't let them take you."
"Rob." Kon squeezes his hands back with a soft huff of laughter. The sunlight streaming through the window makes him almost glow, a sharp contrast to the shadows surrounding Tim. "Relax, babe. You haven't lost me."
Relief cuts like a knife. Tim's shoulders slump, and he sighs, dropping his forehead to rest against Kon's collarbone. "So it's just you and me, against the world, huh?"
"Something like that," Kon starts to say, amusement clear in his voice—
"Conner! Did you find him?" Bart hollers from somewhere down the hall. "'Cuz I'm gonna eat your share of the donuts if you're not back in five! Four! Three—"
"I don't have a share of donuts!" Kon hollers back. "I didn't take the bribe, remember? I'm not gonna be in the weird Monopoly commune!"
"Boo!" Anita appears in the doorway, a half-eaten donut in her hand and a wicked grin on her face. Tim glowers, but she just points at him and laughs, salting the wound. "Down with the bourgeoisie! Can you believe Conner's a class traitor?! Just because he gets capitalist dick!"
"Listen," Kon says. "I'm loyal. A sugar baby can't just betray his daddy like that. Besides, it's not just capitalist dick! I get capitalist love."
This is, without exaggeration, the literal worst day of Tim's entire life.
He hides his face in Kon's shirt and groans. "I'm never agreeing to board games with any of you people again."
"Sure you won't," Anita teases. "Well, we'll be setting up in the den, so come on when you're done brooding!"
She saunters away as Tim groans again. A brush of TTK pats the top of his head sympathetically.
Man, his friends are the worst.
♥ angst/fluff prompts ♥
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
to be loved by — izuku
Author’s Note: Boyfriend!Izuku bc he makes my heart go 💥💥💥 aka my brainrot for him’s overflowing. 😂☺️ *insert throbbing heart here* 😭💓 DON’T MIND ME IGNORING MY ♾ WIPS!
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to be loved by — izuku
Midoriya Izuku x Reader
Word Count: ~2,000
CW: explicit language, mild sexual content
Boyfriend!Izuku who makes a mental note of how you fold your clothes, and where you put them away, so he can do the laundry properly
“Why is the hamper empty, and where are my clothes?” you raise an eyebrow, slightly concerned, albeit mostly curious. “Check your drawers!” he beams expectantly, not even blinking, hands sweaty, “And the closet!”
This man gets an 11/10 on laundry duty 😌
Boyfriend!Izuku who delicately undresses you to whatever degree you prefer if/when you fall asleep fully clothed
Boyfriend!Izuku who (if you ever work a food service job) comes in toward the end of your shift to drive/walk you home, and immediately locates the nearest broom so he can help
Does he use One For All to make it go faster? Does he ?? He does ????? Duh
“I’d feel awful just sitting and staring!” eyes narrowing, “And don’t you dare try to split your tips with me!”
Boyfriend!Izuku who encourages you to get dressed up, no matter the occasion, bc turns out he really does listen whenever you lament over all the nicer clothes you own, but never get the chance to wear
Boyfriend!Izuku who’s the reason you’re usually late to aforementioned occasions: did you truly believe you could get dressed up w/o him needing wanting to take a bajillion photos of you ?????
Boyfriend!Izuku who makes an effort to swing by your favorite bakery ~once a week to surprise you w/ a slice of pie for dessert-before-dinner
He’s never offended if you’re not in the mood for it right then and there, but, “No worries baby! It’s the thought that counts.”
He may or may not eat a lot of pie, as a result
He also may or may not get a lot of pie for free #adorable broccoli perks #you mean to tell me you wouldn’t give him free pie if you got to ring him up ??
Dw tho! He tips generously to compensate 😅
Boyfriend!Izuku who makes sure your pencils—graphite and colored—are always sharpened (if you use mechanical pencils and/or pens, then you somehow never run out of refills/ink)
You’ve yet to catch him in the act, btw
Boyfriend!Izuku who babies you a lot tad when you’re sick
I adamantly disagree w/ the hc of him being a neglectful partner. 💔 Yes he has ambition, discipline, and goals and tunnel vision regarding those goals, and yes he gradually learns how to balance being a Hero and a lover. 💞 Is he perfect? Ofc not! Is he fucking clueless alrightalright he’s a lil clueless lol about how to cherish those closest to him? N O P E !!!!!
✨end tangent✨
Boyfriend!Izuku who: cooks soup from scratch, concocts freshly chopped ginger + freshly squeezed lemon + freshly harvested honey (jk lmao the honey’s from a bottle) tea, tells his primary sidekick he’s unavailable to work for the day For personal reasons, please only contact me IF AND ONLY IF there is an emergency DEKU? SIR? Oops heh nothing major! My partner’s feeling unwell Sir… WHICH IS A VERY SERIOUS MATTER, and does basically whatever the fuck you feel like doing
Binge your newest obsession until his vision blurs? ✅
Play Monopoly until he feels like crying? ✅
Massage your feet until his fingers cramp? ✅
Watch you bathe until he swears you’ve turned into a prune? ✅
Read aloud to you until every sip of water in the world wouldn’t be enough to save his voice? ✅
Boyfriend!Izuku who’s lowkey relieved that you typically just request cuddles, and then pass tf out halfway through the movie that he got to pick
“I don’t care, Izu. S’more for you than me,” you mumble, cheek warm as you nuzzle into the dip between his shoulder and chest. “You know I’m never bored simply snuggling with you, right?” he murmurs softly, lips tender as they graze your hair, bicep flexed protectively, happily, around your waist, palm snug on your hipbone. “Mmm, but just in case,” you protest sleepily, thumb tucked securely into the hem of his shirt, “Your tummy’s cozy.” Ears pink, abs flexing subconsciously teehee, he kisses your hair again—firmly this time—palm shifting briefly to your stomach, “Yours is too,” patting lightly, “The coziest.”
Boyfriend!Izuku who chops various veggies to pair with hummus and other dips, bc if it gets you to mindlessly munch aka remember to eat, then it’s worth the extra effort on his end
Boyfriend!Izuku who has to put your # on Do Not Disturb while he’s out w/ his mom and/or friends, bc he’ll remain glued to his phone otherwise 
You do your best to avoid texting him if you know he’s busy, but sometimes he forgets to tell you his plans
Boyfriend!Izuku who’s significantly less reckless nowadays, bc I promise to come home to you Forever? For as long as you’ll have me
Hold up
I made myself emotional typing that last sentence 😭
Boyfriend!Izuku who appreciates how you rarely berate him if and when he does acquire injuries on the job
You’re not mad? Why would I be mad? I got hurt I stubbed my toe yesterday Baby… a stubbed toe isn’t the same as a broken arm and a lacerated thigh Are you mad at me for stubbing my toe? No? And I’m not mad at you for being thrown into a building They’re still not nearly the same?! Shh Izu, no need to think so hard *head pats*
Boyfriend!Izuku who turns off the light bc he’s already bundled you up for the night
Don’t bother attempting to beat him to it in the warmer months — he’ll just use One For All
Boyfriend!Izuku who’s written sooooo many notebooks worth of info about you (in the least creepy way possible)
He’s got tutorials for maneuvering your plethora of moods (Note to self! Do NOT pull out tutorial for JUST WOKE UP as soon as they wake up), doodles of you ranging from Not Too Shabby to You Should Be Insulted That It’s Supposed To Be A Doodle Of You, lists upon lists upon lists of your Likes and Dislikes, and exactly 1 pg (the last pg) that’s yours to write in
He never reads what you’ve written until he actually reaches that last pg, and he always cries when he inevitably gets there (and reads it)
Has he almost ruined a couple notebooks w/ his waterworks?
[✅] Yes [ ] No
Boyfriend!Izuku who has your cafe order memorized (if you like to switch it up, then you order, but he pays for it)
In return, you regularly prepare katsudon for his work lunches
Boyfriend!Izuku who casually holds your hand under the pretense of being cute, and then refuses to give it back bc he misses you
“Izu? I, uh, am trying to work?” you pull at his steady grip, unimpressed glint in your stare. “And I’m holding your hand?” he smiles widely, stubborn divot creasing his chin as he squeezes fondly, “You have a very nice hand!” Snorting quietly, you nod toward your desk, tone stern, “How about you hold my hand in… an hour or so?” Mouth twitching in defeat, he relinquishes your hand… and then promptly sits on the floor beside you, scarred biceps hugging just below your knee as he pouts upward at you, “I’m not moving.”
Boyfriend!Izuku who, if you’re not a green thumb, waters your plants: “Izu! My plant! This might be a new record!” you squeal, “Can you believe I bought it half a year ago?” Whooping with delight, he pecks your earlobe, dutifully admiring your plant’s waxy, healthy leaves, “I’m so proud of me you baby!”
Boyfriend!Izuku who, if you are a green thumb, buys you plants
He has a notebook, whether you are or aren’t a green thumb, for describing and naming your plants—like the Plants vs Zombies Almanac—from their D.O.P. (date of purchase) to their ups and downs, and their D.O.D. (date of death)
If you aren’t a green thumb, then he has an entirely separate notebook dedicated to their obituaries
Boyfriend!Izuku who cuts the tops off strawberries for you (I hced this for Tokito Muichiro in bff, but it’s so sweet that I had to hc it for Izuku too 🥺)
Boyfriend!Izuku who’s grateful that you ask for his opinion(s), but knows deep down that if you show even the barest inkling of a preference, then he’s highly likely to go w/ it
Boyfriend!Izuku who lets you choose your seat on the plane (you generally end up snoozing w/ your head on his shoulder anyway, so it’s a win <window>, win <middle>, win <aisle> situation)
Boyfriend!Izuku who accidentally-on-purpose becomes a hoarder bc he keeps everything you gift him
It was quite an emotional evening for him when you finally went through his ~collection together and tossed/recycled some of it
Boyfriend!Izuku who sends you funny memes first—before sending them to anyone else—bc it’s okay if he gets distracted and forgets to send them to Iida, Uraraka, or Bakugo, but gosh forbid he forget to send them to you 😤
Boyfriend!Izuku who informs you when he’s going to take a shit, bc he doesn’t want you to worry about him disappearing for so long
Boyfriend!Izuku who swaps meals w/ you in an instant if you side eye/drool over his choice more than your own
He genuinely enjoys most foods, so don’t feel too badly about his sacrifice!
Boyfriend!Izuku who highkey likes being teased about how whipped he is for you, bc he’s oftentimes anxious that his devotion to you isn’t as obvious as he thinks it should be (bc yanno, #tunnel vision regarding his Hero goals), so the fact that friends and randos notice how head over heels he is for you ?????
That’s a win in his (note)book(s)! 🏆
Boyfriend!Izuku who, through trial and error and COMMUNICATION, figures out his boundaries
Sure he’s whipped 😍, but you never (intentionally) walk over him either 👍
Boyfriend!Izuku who brings along an additional hoodie anytime you go out, bc he LOVES the glint in your eyes when you bury your nose in its collar (near the drawstring holes is where his scent’s the strongest)
“Izu? I brought a jacket.” “But baby, mine’s better.” 
Idk about you, but I wouldn’t argue w/ him *puts on his hoodie* *contented noises* 🥰
Boyfriend!Izuku who wears anything you buy him
Do you abuse your power? 👀 Ik I would… at least a lil 😇
Boyfriend!Izuku who belts karaoke w/ you bc if you’re giggling and having a good time, then he’s laughing and having a great time
Boyfriend!Izuku who dances in the kitchen w/ you while waiting for water to boil, popcorn to pop, and dinner to burn onions to caramelize
“Oops?” he grimaces, lid lifted off the smoking pot #pun intended, “I guess we get another dance session!”
If you don’t want to burn the second dinner, then you’d best set a timer
Boyfriend!Izuku who isn’t whipped; he’s in love
Boyfriend!Izuku who doesn’t give a damn what, who, where, when, why, or how it’s labeled
If it means he gets to wax poetry about your sneezes outshining the stars; your kindness aching his heart; your touch redefining secret language
If it means he gets to call you at 1am, rasp in his soul as he whispers You complete me heart in his throat as you respond Midoriya Izuku, you’ve always been whole soothing fullness in his belly as he revises his initial statement Thank you gentle tingling across his scars as you promise You’re always welcome
He knows this to be true
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maitanii · 1 year
AN: Lol I'm way too inspired. These are just my thoughts and headcanons. I ship them. And I love them. I'd love to write about them, and I'll probably do.
my masterlist!
- Seishu and Koko met when they were 5. Koko thought he was a foreigner so he didn't talk to him for some time, until he heard a bad word coming from the blonde's mouth. His first instinct was to scold him, but then he realized the quiet guy was not European as he firstly had thought. He spoke Japanese, but he didn't talk too much.
- Turns out, his mother was from Estonia, and married a Japanese man. Both of them moved after his sister was born, and Seishu was born and raise a full Japanese kid.
- Returning to their friendship, Koko and Seishu quickly became friends. Or that was what Seishu thought the whole year.
- Koko didn't know what they were, because Seishu only spoke when he had to curse someone or to tell him bless you when he sneezed. But when Seishu's birthday came around and he was the only guest, their friendship consolidated. It was that same day when he met the love of his life.
- Akane Inui was only 11 when she was introduced to Kokonoi Hajime. She grabbed his cheeks and told him how cute he was before going back to her room to do her homework. Little did she know that the black haired guy's life was about to change. Seishu didn't understand a thing, so he kept watching cartoons while eating his birthday cake.
- Seishu used to receive a lot of attention because of his looks. People noticed he was a foreigner, and that was cool. However, the moment his sailor mouth was put to work, girls will fly away from him. And he was happy with it! Girls were boring anyway, and they had cooties. Koko slapped his face everytime that happened.
- Kokonoi was used to receive praise because of his marks. His parents weren't really strict with him, but still expected him to be as successful as them. Seishu thought it was great to have someone's homework to copy. He only had to answer Koko's questions about his sister, which he lied about most of the time. Don't judge him, but he didn't know what was her favorite food or which character she wanted to marry from that famous J-drama.
- Seishu loved cars and bikes. He had a collection of hot wheels that filled two entire shelves. Neither of his parents knew where his love came from, but they were happy watching their usually quiet son singing Grease Lightning from the top of his lungs.
- Koko liked board games. He was the best at Monopoly and Cluedo. His father knew that his son was made for the world of strategies and economy. He brought him as much as he could to his office to prepare him for his future.
- When Akane died, a big part of their friendship did too. Koko was not the same, but neither was Seishu. After the funeral, her name was not mentioned for years in their conversations. In fact, their talks were almost empty of content.
- Seishu filled his emptiness with violence, and Koko with money. Their paths were together only for the sake of a friendship that was slowly dying.
- When the Tenjiku fight occurred, Seishu thought about telling him about the kiss. About how he was completely aware of what was happening but didn't dare to move. About how he didn't refuse because maybe he wanted it to happen. But he decided to stay silent, because he knew that if he spoke, the little hope that he still held to revive their friends could fade away. It wasn't useful anyway, because their paths took different ways that day.
- Strange as it may sound, Seishu wasn't sad. Maybe nostalgic, but not sad. He knew that their friendship didn't die after the fight; their friendship ended the day Koko saved him instead of Akane. That didn't mean Seishu didn't care about him. He was sure he loved Koko. But he was a rational human being (sometimes too rational for his own good) and the best option was to let him go, until both of their hearts could get over the hole that Akane left.
- Koko decided to follow Mikey. Another blonde to the collection. Sanzu was the strangest creature that he had ever seen, but he was good at poker. After the KMG recruited new members, he discovered that the Haitanis were infuriating, but they knew how to make money (he had to make some deals with Ran before). Mochi was always asking him to but things on the Internet because he didn't know how to use technologies. Kakucho was the kindest out of them, but he looked like he wasn't aware of anything half of the time, so he decided to not speak too much to him.
- Seishu was doing fine. He finally found some guys to call friends. He was invited to parties and he finally decided to develop his love and sexual life. He finally was Inui Seishu, not Akane's brother or Koko's dog. But he couldn't help but wonder about a certain brunette. So he searched him. Day and night. But he never succeeded in the task.
- They are 25. He is a millionaire (and a criminal) and Seishu works in a shop that makes enough money to pay his bills.
Koko decided to pay him a visit. He looked through the dirty window and he saw him. He was wearing a plaid shirt and was laughing about something that Draken said. Koko smiled. At least one of them found happiness. He thought about going inside. But he left when he noticed a pair of green eyes looking straight at the window.
- They are 30, one living in a small town with a big doy, and the other saving the ass of one coworker who had been shot. Seishu always wanted a Golden Retriever.
- They are 45, with a few wrinkles more, one taking his son to his mother's house, and the other making sure his door was locked correctly. He didn't want to have the same fate as the Haitanis.
- They are 50. Seeing each other in a police office, one to make report that a few pieces were robbed at his shop, the other after being suspect of a first degree murder.
They are 50 but once they were 5.
Once they were 12.
Once they were 15
and they'll forever remain 20.
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lexygabe · 4 months
northquido headcanons
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disclaimer: i was bored af lately so i decided to write down all of my thought about this stupid assholes
tw: use of slurs (it's fucking liquido and north come on you know they would) and nsfw content but this is under a cut
• this one is for the veterans that followed me on wattpad, the 🎀💋🤩💌👯‍♀️bread 💌❤️‍🔥❤️❤️, to be more specific brioche bread is liquido's equivalent of giving someone chocolate box,
• their relationship doesn't get in the way when it comes to their rivalry,
• their love language is using the most fucked-up insults you've ever heard of. liquido calls north 'dirty dumb blonde fag' and north tells liquido that he is the biggest stupid cunt he ever dated. they love each other 🥰🥰,
• to everybody's surprise this relationship is good for them. since they are dating, both north and liquido spend more time on training,
• liquido is much of an attention seeker so it's very hard to see them being apart,
• when they are in the same room with other people and liquido starts to acting up, north is like: "oh my god, sit the fuck down🙄🙄". at first liquido didn't listen to what north was telling him but over time when north told liquido, for example, to shut up: liquido shut up. "hold it": liquido holds it. "tell him": liquido tells him,
• when it comes to north, liquido always mocks him. when something happens liquido says things like that to north: "say you are sorry", "thank me now", "😜😜say: please liquido😵‍💫 i can't live 🥺🤭 without you". unfortunately, north knows that he needs to say all of these things because otherwise liquido will be offended at him a whole day,
• type of couple that was shipped by fans long before they started dating,
• when it comes to being romantic, they are romantic on the level of a third grade student. north gives liquido some 'awesome, diabolical, fun as hell rocks' he found on the beach and liquido sends him pictures of drawings that he made on some documents or nda's (del aqua was pissed off) (those drawing looked like if they were made by preschooler),
• the most romantic thing they've done was placing receipt with written love confession into an empty alcohol bottle and throw this to the ocean. soon after that beach guard reported them to police and they have to pay a fine💀💀,
• north sends liquido every "blue haired girl" meme,
• another easter egg for my wattpad followers: north teaches liquido how to ice skate (it ended up horrible),
• liquido is the master of making the scene in public. he is sitting on north's lap in the most random moments and places, he gives north a slap on the ass when there are cameras everywhere, etc.,
• north on the other hand, hits liquido in the shoulder, elbows him in the stomach or pokes him between the ribs with his fingers.
"it wasn't funny😐😐😦😬"
• north is crocs and liquido is flip-flops,
• they don't care about privacy in the bathroom. when one of them is washing their teeth - the other is peeing, etc.,
• don't let them play uno or monopoly,
• btw they are playing a lot of traditional games when they have lazy days,
• the couple that wouldn't marry each other til their 60s
• they are drawing dicks on a cast if one of them broke any bone.
• when they are making out there is a lot of saliva, teeth and blood (because they bite each others lips every time),
• if you see them during a quickie, you didn't predict. just go away,
• someone already mentioned it but breath play, liquido likes it especially. yeah it also applies to swallowing,
• dirty talk and i mean a lot,
• tbh liquido is the one that is doing blow jobs and giving hand jobs to north, this is my man's cup of tea,
• north is one wild mf, my man is searching for that g spot inside those hydra cheeks (im sorry, pls forgive me),
• hickeys💋💋💋.
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gay-cryptidz · 4 months
The Comfort Between Your Scars
Chapter 9
The rest of the afternoon went comparatively well - though the bar wasn't exactly high. Noah seemed a lot more relaxed around Joel than before, probably because he didn't need to worry about what information he should or shouldn't reveal as much anymore. The two of them stuck together for most of the day, only going their separate ways on occasion when Joel was talking to some of the other parents and Noah used the opportunity to check on Jamie. He didn't seem to be a big fan of the other adults, avoiding any small talk and rarely weighing in on any conversations, giving vague answers when he was asked something directly. He got along with Tommy fairly well, though.
As the sun began it's descent and a comfortably cool breeze started setting in, Noah and Joel were sitting at an almost-empty table, watching the children each of them raised running around the backyard, chased by Tommy. Silence had fallen between the two a while ago and Joel was just about to start worrying about Noah, who seemed just that little bit distracted.
"What time is it?", he asked almost absentmindedly.
"Half past seven"
"We should head out, got an appointment later and I gotta get the kids home"
"They're not gonna be happy about leaving", Joel chuckled. Desmond nodded with a sigh before getting up to tell his siblings the day would have to come to an end.
"Hey, kids. We gotta go"
Jamie pouted.
"Actually, I was thinking, could Mari sleep over?", Sarah asked both him and Joel.
"I'm sorry, we can't do sleepovers when I have work. Don't want Jamie to be alone"
"But he's only gonna be alone for like an hour, right? He can handle an hour!", Mari protested.
"Mari, we've talked about this. I know it's not fair but I need you to watch him while I'm gone"
After watching their back and forth for a minute, Joel decided that maybe this was a good opportunity.
"Well, if it's fine with you, they could both sleep over. And you, if you want. We've got the space, the kids get to hang out and I can drive you wherever you need to go"
"I don't know, I mean-"
Noah hesitated, the girls begging him to agree, before sighing and kneeling down to meet Jamie's eyes.
"What do you think, kiddo? You wanna stay here for the night?"
To seemingly everyone's surprise, Jamie nodded enthusiastically.
"Alright then, yeah, sure", Noah sighed, standing up again and almost being knocked right back down by the squealing girls rushing to hug and thank him. When he finally managed to shake them off after a moment, they ran to give Joel the same treatment. Noah shot him a fond smile, walking back over to the table while the kids ran off again.
"This is gonna be horrible", he chuckled. "But thank you"
"Yeah, they're gonna force us to play Monopoly all night. Someone brought over a bottle of wine today though so at least we can numb the pain after they kick our asses"
That got a snort out of Noah.
"So when did you wanna head out? The kids should be fine with Tommy so I can drive you and pick you back up"
"Oh, you don't have to-"
"Did you wanna stop by your place first?"
"Joel, really, you don't need to, I can just take the bus"
"No, please. I'd love to have an hour of peace before going to board game hell"
Noah flexed his fingers in his usual manner, considering.
"Well, if you're sure... thanks"
They waited another half an hour or so, Joel saying goodbye to the last few guests, before Noah asked Jamie and Mari if they needed anything from home and the two of them got into Joel's car.
The drive to Noah's apartment was quiet, the silence growing increasingly unbearable now without the background noise of children playing and parents chatting. Joel was a little surprised when Noah hesitantly invited him inside.
The apartment was small and not in the best condition but Joel thought the siblings had made the most of it with the pictures and drawings scattered across the walls. Noah led him to a room with a bed and a TV on the floor, surrounded by toys and books, and gestured for him to sit down. While he was packing a bag and getting changed, Joel looked around.
The furniture's paint was chipped in places, the wallpaper looked old with stains here and there and the small desk in the corner of the room, that seemed to have been intended for drawing, was covered with stacks of documents and bills. The silhouette of the chair in front of it was obscured by a heap of laundry.
Noah suddenly appeared in his field of vision again, leaning on the doorframe in his usual work outfit, holding a backpack shaped like some unidentifiable cartoon monster.
"It's not exactly as nice as your place"
"Well, you make it work"
Noah shot him a small smile and nodded towards the door. Time to go. The silence grew heavier than Joel thought possible when they started driving again. He stopped Noah as he was exiting the car.
"Are you okay?"
Noah finally looked over to him.
"Yeah, just work, y'know. Don't exactly love it. But bills to pay, mouths to feed, right?"
Joel hadn't fully realised until now what a toll Noah's work seemed to take on him.
"I'll wait for you here. Just- just be careful, yeah?"
He smiled at him then. "Been doing this for more than half a decade, don't worry about me. I'll be back in like an hour"
And with that, he shut the door and vanished in the fancy hotel across the street. Joel turned on the radio and tried to push down his rising anxiety as he waited. It would be okay. Noah wasn't stupid and he knew he could defend himself if needed. It would be fine.
Thanks for reading!
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liliallowed · 4 months
What is Lilith's Garden?
I think I have a bunch of drafts in my other acc @lilibanned and have written some story summary in my master post there!
here's the explanation of the lore:
it's a game I've been planning on making ever since I was like... 10!
granted the ideas changed a lot and I did a LOT OF overthinking.
but the premise is the same.
there's a garden and each tree is a seperate world. each branch is a different story.
sometimes souls can jump from one branch to another giving you a classic Isekai phenomenon or a reverse Isekai.
it can also be done manually in some more developed world trees with either magic or technological advancements.
in some world magic IS technology.
in some technology is magic.
some worlds are post apocalyptic but life continues to grow and even after humans are completely instinct, love still finds a way between two very different beings.
sometimes it's a battle of farsight. people from the future return to the past except there's a sharp competition to grasp the monopoly of the timeline between the time travelers.
(what you thought you were special? nah. there'll always be someone that's one step ahead.)
sometimes you're an insignificant insect, sometimes a giant creature of ineffable proportions.
the gardener, Lilith is the goddess of existence.
there is also "the empty" and the "Chaos"
reality is the boundary between everything at once and nonexistence.
sometime trees wither. sometimes they OVERGROW and there's weeds.
if all trees die then the void takes over that area and claims it.
if it's overgrown chaos manifests and claims it.
then there's what chaos and void create when the two meet...
hold on I believe I have a graph for that-
I can't find it...
anyways! instead of how one would assume there's either existence and void, no! there's a third state of being that our brain just straight up can't understand.
(I mean it can't really understand true inexistence either since in order for something to not exist there needs to exist something to understand the lack of it-)
it's called chaos. everything at once. I'm talking like... where physics just doesn't apply. matter is false and true. logic is false. all logic is irrelevant.
your brain literally won't understand it even if it's THERE in the place. it'll only see "everything at once" but that's not even the reality that's there. it's just what the mind interprets...
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