#more like anon criticism tbh
uncle-fruity · 2 years
my much younger friend took T for a smaller period of time and de-transitioned when it didn't help her mental health, it did harm her singing voice permanently. she lost her upper range but didn't take it long enough to gain on the alto/tenor front, she cannot sing some of her own songs anymore. please don't dismiss what she went through, I hate that I was so casual in encouraging her to try this while knowing that she was a professional vocalist.
So, the thing about this is that T is not something that should be taken lightly. It should be something that the person taking it has thoroughly considered, understands, and has come to terms with.
And, I mean, I get it. Sometimes you don't know what you want until you try it and realize it isn't for you. Deciding that you don't vibe with the trans identity and de-transitioning is extremely valid, and it's okay to be disappointed with the results of taking hormones; it's okay to regret it. I would never claim that hormones are for everyone, or that hormones will give you your most ideal body, or that taking hormones makes you a better, more valid trans person. So, before you start taking hormones, it's extremely important to check in with yourself and figure out what your transition goals are, what the hormone could do to your body that you aren't fond of, and come to terms with the fact that, yes, taking hormones will permanently change you in many ways. Are you prepared for that? If things go sideways, will you resent yourself for trying anyway? If you aren't sure, you shouldn't rush into it no matter what the people around you are telling you to do.
HRT is a deeply personal decision, and I personally think it should be prefaced with a LOT of self reflection and self awareness. Under no circumstances should it be taken as a quick fix to underlying mental health issues, because that stuff doesn't just disappear because your body changes. Even dysphoria can persist through hormone therapy. And though hormones can be majorly beneficial & ease a lot of discomfort/distress if you're dysphoric about your gender presentation, HRT should not be the only treatment a dysphoric person should seek out. Mental health needs to be addressed, when possible, with a professional, with a healthy support system, and with a lot of hard personal internal work. Or as many of those things as the individual can manage. I'm sorry it has to be like this.
Also, is your friend's voice permanently harmed or permanently changed? Because there's a big difference there. Will she never be able to sing anything again? Has a professional told her that? Has a doctor looked at the state of her vocal chords? How long has it been since she stopped taking T? Has she tried training with her new voice to see if she can find a range that works for her? Can she sing nothing, or can she just not sing stuff she used to sing? Can she not make new songs of her own to sing with her new range? How young is she? AFAB voices don't finish changing until well into their mid/late-20s, maybe even later. So depending on how young your much younger friend is, her voice may have even more changes to go through, more richness to develop with time. Is her voice truly, honest to god harmed or does she feel that way because she's in the middle of processing grief & loss? The whole framing of this feels a little bad faith to me, tbh.
And like... not to be rude, but is it possible that you're feeling guilty about the encouragement you gave her and have projected dismissal of how serious a decision HRT is onto my post because you feel like you were dismissive at the time? A post which was largely meant for transmascs already pretty sure they want to go on T & need to hear about positive experiences -- and not a post that was written under the assumption that those transmascs will become one of the small percentage of people who choose to de-transition (which, again, super valid! but not what I was talking about, not who I was centering in that post). A post that can be summed up as, "There's nothing inherently bad about taking T, vocal drop is change not irreparable damage and singing skills can be rebuilt. Don't let TERF rhetoric scare you if you're under the impression that T will make you incapable of singing, just be prepared to say good bye to your current voice." I even included a whole paragraph expressing how it's okay & normal to have strong feelings about the changes, and how it's healthier and more responsible to seek out therapy or supportive peers.
So idk anon. I'm sorry your friend is (assumedly) having difficult emotions around her HRT experience. Maybe it would be good to seek out de-transition positivity posts to show her that she's not alone in her experiences and that it's okay that she went through a big change and came out different on the other side. That doesn't make her less worthy of expressing herself with her voice. That doesn't make her smaller or stupid or ruined or damaged. It just means that things are different. And maybe she just needs to know that there's a place for her, that even if everything you said is true about her voice being permanently harmed (again, I'm SO dubious of that claim, especially coming from a random anon) -- even if that was true, and that door was closed to her, there will be so much time for her to find new doors to open in her life, new ways to fit into the world, new passions or skills that she might not have thought possible before. Maybe she needs to hear that she isn't broken, and she didn't destroy her future. Maybe she needs to hear that it's okay if her expectations fall short, because honestly that happens a lot in life, and no one is fully in control of their future. Maybe she needs to know that it's okay that she is who she is, no matter what changes she went through or will go through.
Cheers anon
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genericpuff · 24 hours
i find it funny that one of rachel’s drawings of herself in the afterword that just went up is just fully persephone. is that something she does a lot?
Alright so I've been making it a general rule for myself to like, not harp on Rachel in any way outside of LO as much because frankly the horse is dead now and there's not much left to say outside of what can be analyzed in hindsight. I think despite everything I have to say about her and her work, she still deserves to get away from this nonsense and I don't wanna spend eternity hovering over her shoulder.
But the afterword was posted within the LO series and is clearly meant for readers of LO in the functioning of being an afterword so let's just call it fair game LOL
I will say, on the whole, it does feel very honest and sentimental and I can respect Rachel for taking the time to write out and illustrate her afterword in a way that was personal to both her and her fans. I can understand why she went at it from the angle that she did and I'm not gonna fault her for that.
But there's also something that feels deeply... disingenuous about her approach right from the starting gun. I will say, before I continue, that I'm well aware I am biased towards Rachel as a creator, and I fully acknowledge that I could very well be reading too much into things. This is just my opinion, take it with mountains of salt.
I can get looking back on your own childhood, your past self, whatever, and going "see! it all got better!" because sure! For a lot of creators like Rachel, it must be wild to look back on where they came from and there's a lot of sentimentality on expressing that through an afterword like this where she reflects on where she came from. Though she STILL didn't acknowledge her other comics outside of LO, I can understand if she wants to leave those skeletons in the closet.
But I feel like her drawing herself as a child who's being given an Eisner by her adult self and all that just feels like some gross attempt to disarm any criticism of her because "don't make fun of me, I'm just a sad lonely baby girl!"
She's not a child. Child Rachel didn't grossly misappropriate Greek myth into their own self-indulged vanity project. Child Rachel didn't claim herself a folklorist of a culture's works only to bastardize them completely. Child Rachel didn't create a hostile environment within her fanbase by bullying anyone who she perceived as a threat, sneaking into critical spaces to try and cause trouble, and writing her own clapbacks into her comic. Child Rachel didn't claim to be challenging misogyny and purity culture only to reinforce misogyny and purity culture through her own self-insert baby-virgin-gets-rescued-by-rich-tycoon power fantasy that regularly glorified abuse towards women and the lower class.
30-almost-40-year-old Rachel did though.
At best it comes across as really cringe sentimentality from a Greek-weeb (heh, greeboo) and goes to show how much Rachel inserted herself into Greek myth without ever absorbing its messages or cultural contexts, it was all about her and her feelings as a sad New Zealand girl with dyslexia who thought Persephone's story was about another sad girl being rescued from her "horrible childhood".
At worst it's an active attempt to play on people's heartstrings by drawing herself as a child who people will naturally not want to criticize. I don't want to assume she's doing it intentionally, I really don't want to leave her afterword on a bad foot, as I can definitely understand as both a creator and a person who struggled with learning disabilities in their own childhood how and why she wants to pay homage to her past and where she came from... but let's just say, as someone who's also gotten way too "lost in the sauce" concerning personal self-reflective projects, I think there's a lot to say about how this confirms that Rachel made LO entirely for herself, about herself, without any actual intention to respect the original myths, because she never truly separated them from herself when she was a child. And, in my humble opinion as someone who has Been There with the self-insert OC's and self-reflective angsty plotlines, I can fully attest to the fact that that's not fucking healthy. Even with personal projects, you NEED to learn to get your head out of the sauce, you NEED to learn to objectively separate yourself from the narrative so the story doesn't fall apart under your own hubris and ego, you NEED to learn to draw a line if you want to have any sort of identity as a human being outside of what you make for people. And that's with just normal original stories, this was a story based on Greek myth which doesn't belong to her.
And this goes for a lot of the things she's said and done in the past, so much of her own "sources" even are tethered to things that she read / watched in her childhood and only vaguely remembers, as if she never mentally left her childhood at all, which just... if the point was to highlight her past and the traumas she went through and how they contributed to her present, an Eisner isn't going to validate those experiences. And drawing attention to her past through the lens of her childhood self absolutely 100% does not absolve her of the negative effect her work has had on the modern Greek myth zeitgeist nor the things she's said and done as a 38 year old woman who should absolutely know better.
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The community she entered and took from will forever remain changed by her influence and taking, in many ways not for the better. She has the privilege of walking away and never having to think about it again, with all the awards and accolades that were bought for her, the bravado that she built around being a "folklorist" with zero credentials, and the platform she was given over many other creators struggling to even be heard.
That "place" she claims to have now was built entirely on inserting herself into another culture's works and doing nothing but taking, taking, taking, while offering nothing in return but vanity and lip service. That "place" was paid for and brought to you by Webtoons.
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longing-for-rain · 1 month
its so funny when katongers claim that aang has the highest emotional maturity among the group (while putting zuko down and calling him a loser with nule emotional regulation ofc). The times ive seen them say "if it werent for aangs wisdom zukos ass would be dead actually!!" is... really smth else
Actually I love this argument because it’s so easy to turn back on Aang if this is really the logic you want to go with.
If it wasn’t for Zuko, Aang would have been captured by Zhao in Book 1 and Katara and Sokka would have died from sickness while he was taken back to the Fire Nation.
If it wasn’t for Zuko, Aang wouldn’t have learned firebending in time.
In fact, if it wasn’t for Zuko, Aang wouldn’t have even known about Ozai’s plan to burn down an entire continent on the day of the comet, and he would have been completely unprepared, leaving him to sit and watch uselessly as Ozai carried out a second genocide.
You can make this argument with any character. No character truly stands on their own; all of their actions depend on and influence the actions of other characters.
So your move, Aang stans, because this isn’t a game you’re going to win.
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jayjay-thejet-plane · 2 months
Heyy I'm the "why are all the good supernatural artists terrible people" guy. My point was, your art is genuinely amazing and I love how you draw characters and use colors ect ect, excepttt the fact you like incest. like actually what the fuck it's like a punch to the gut
What a lovely compliment fr, thank you!
I like sam and dean’s relationship specifically… its not like i like irl incest🤨
I was a bit of an anti once… and then neutral, but ive realized its all a bit silly
Do you truly believe every person who has ever made a film, written a book, or made art that includes illegal stuff (murder, incest, noncon, torture, cannibalism, underage, blackmail, physical assault, robbery, cheating etc. (the list goes on)) is a terrible person?🤔
People portray fictional characters doing sketchy shit all the time, we generally dont assume they think its chill to do irl… nor do we think they are bad people for liking to make horror movies for example
I promise you that horror film makers genuinely enjoy making fucked up gory shit, so why cant i enjoy drawing some fictional brothers making out? Do you think incest is worse than torture and murder🤨 i personally would rather some siblings fuck each other irl than people get tortured irl but maybe thats just me
Obviously you dont have to like my wincest art, if it gives you the ick thats totally fair! I get the ick from plenty of things myself. But maybe dont base your judgement of others/morals on your ick response…
Live and let live💙
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utilitycaster · 1 year
My unpopular opinion is that Im0dna is a great example of "just because someone knows you the longest, doesn't mean they know you the best". They don't really underwater each other like other people in the party already do
Hi anon,
So the ask meme is done but I don't actually know if this was intended as part of that, as I also have the sort of personality that solicits unpopular opinions into my inbox anyway. (Also I am guessing underwater is a very funny autocorrect mishap for understand; I have been there).
Anyway, yeah. I think my favorite meta I've seen is that what Imogen and Laudna actually ask of each other is just to be there - because it is true that they have both lived incredibly lonely lives. For what it's worth I think loneliness/missing someone is perhaps the most common thread among Bells Hells, with a secondary theme being victims of circumstance/irrevocably altered by events beyond their control, and it frustrates me that a lot of framing of the ship ignores that Imogen and Laudna are not uniquely suited to understand this about each other. But it is true they have experienced loneliness that, in my opinion, is at least partially self-inflicted (also not unique) and that their response has been to be there for each other.
But it also means there's little room for change, because change threatens that status quo, and there's therefore no space to delve deeper. It's a little bit of the classic problem of if you start a romantic relationship with a friend and then break up, you might lose both the romantic relationship and the friendship. But it's more than that - Chetney and Imogen have zero romantic interest in each other and aren't even terribly close within the party, but when Chetney asks Imogen if she's okay Imogen is actually able to answer with some amount of honesty without pretending everything will work out, as she's not worried about making sure he feels comfortable. Deanna, who's known Imogen for less than a week, is able to address Imogen's constant use of psychic powers in a way that's not unkind but is in fact the honest sort of thing a best friend should be able to tell you. Or for another example, FCG's tendency to strongly urge people, including Imogen, to confront their pasts isn't always the most skilled, but it usually comes from a place of good intentions, whereas Imogen and Laudna's relationship feels...unconsciously transactional? I think we saw in the gnarlrock fight that they're just absolutely terrified of being in a fight and don't really know how to resolve conflict in a way that actually moves forward rather than smoothing things over. Like, it's not an unfair relationship - they're both getting the same companionship out of it - but there's not really space for one person to be angry at the other or to feel wronged. There's no room to breathe.
Anyway - I think the party split is really illuminating this! Imogen is benefiting immensely from this arc, as it both spotlights her relationships with other party members and gives her some time to process after being the central focus for so long. While I have to admit that Team Wildemount is the one I'm far more interested in for a number of reasons (fantastic guests, all the main PCs have cool plot hooks to explore, I love Uthodurn and Molaesmyr) I do hope that we get to see Laudna similarly have a chance to branch out (pun kind of intended).
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piqued-curiosity/714824491771035648 and this is the post it's about: biphobia-central/710642957130268672 I'm sorry to gossip but this pisses me off so much. She really thinks it's ridiculous and unjust that bi women are mad she went out of her way to express support and admiration for a rape apologist that said bi women are just like TIMs. Of course she'll lecture bi women for "getting hung up" on something stupid and trivial like what worthless dick worshipers we are, but she won't ever ever criticize her friends reblogging those things uncritically. She doesn't see it as a bad thing if the woman she reblogged it from believes all those things lol the bad guys are obviously the dick worshipers that won't tell her she's justified for supporting this. Also like.... she's seriously comparing a random tumblr user that calls bi women dick worshipers to Andrea Dworkin? The prostitution and rape survivor that spent her life campaigning for women? Yeah Dworkin said some out there stuff but she's living in some fairy tale if she thinks Dworkin wasn't heavily criticized always. Just shows how she thinks the rape and effort of OSA women are insignificant compared to merely being a lesbian. Why doesn't she compare her beloved to the other random tumblr users here and now who get called porno shit by her buddies like once a month for saying they have a bf?
If someone frequently uncritically likes, reblogs, and interacts with biphobic/lesbophobic/misogynistic others, it's generally because they agree with the biphobic/lesbophobic/misogynistic others. Oh, it's infuriating, I just don't understand how some people can see an online friend/mutual make offensive, sexually degrading, or intellectually dishonest comments and simply look the other way. Like, whatever happened to being 'pro-women' and 'female-centric?'
There are unfortunately a huge number of radfems and radblr orbiters who do this and I'm honestly not surprised by P - I see her name pop up when I'm trawling through some of the most hateful biphobic blogs in the likes (but I can't say I know a lot about her specifically) (she's a recommended blog for some of them lol).
The comparison seems really lazy. Who's the rape apologist? Oh, and what do you think of the original 'postmodernism is bisexual supremacy' post?
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kohakhearts · 4 months
Lol you reblogged that post back in 2021 about Harry being a “psychopath” and you had a lot of interesting things you said in the tags, I was wondering if you could elaborate on the whole “bpd Harry” thing and also his negative character development? Thanks!
hi! thank you! i actually wrote a whole post up about why i think harry is pretty textbook borderline here. (be warned: it’s VERY long, lmao.)
not sure how much i go into his negative character development in this post specifically, but to address that - basically like…a lot of his flawed thinking patterns are emphasized and reinforced throughout hbp and dh in particular (whereas his—albeit very justified—anger in ootp is never something he actually works through and is just written off as a result of voldemort possessing him, for example. so like…he never actually DEVELOPS as a response to this. his anger conveniently disappears when voldemort kills the horcrux part of him). everything regarding the development of his relationship with ginny, his use of dark arts, his impulsive self-sacrificing behaviours - genuinely kind of icky to read, and all framed by the narrative as acceptable, if not good. and don’t get me wrong - characters can absolutely do and believe things that are morally reprehensible without it being an endorsement of those behaviours and beliefs by the author. but that’s not the intention behind hp, at all. it just doesn’t make sense thematically.
anyway the tl;dr here is hp is not well-written, lmao. thematically, the narrative disagrees with itself constantly. most things are very surface-level in a way that might be compelling to a younger audience, sure, but ultimately does a disservice to the characters and the story. as a result, harry suffers from a sort of ambivalence that makes him a very difficult character to meaningfully analyze, imo. (side note that i definitely think from a strictly literary perspective, hp is a very interesting case study in, like, trends that have characterized published works in an era of like. cultural transition from postmodern expressions to post-postmodern ones. but that’s a whole other topic lol.)
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saetoru · 2 years
what are your favorite bollywood movies? or just your most favorite
okok so i know ur asking for my favs but an anon also asked for recs so im gonna combine them in one ask
so for recs, starting off with some older classics
kabhi khushi kabhi gham, kal ho naa ho, kuch kuch hota hai (you have to HAVE to watch these first 3 its literally the law) and then main hoon na, 3 idiots, english vinglish (this one is emotional for me as a daughter of immigrants), devdas, judwaa, bhagban, jodhaa akbar, tare zameen par, yeh jawani hai deewani, bodyguard
and then for more newer ones,
my personal fav is badrinath ki dulhania, just bc idk i rly like the story and the character development of both of them — its not the best on this list but its still my all time fav / comfort movie
but also — padmaavat, bajirao mastani, kapoor and sons, gully boy, bang bang, bar bar dekho, heropanti, abcd (there's 3 and i like them all)
and yeah i think this is a rather good list for now KJASHGD
my personal favs off this list are yeh jawani hai deewani, badrinath ki dulhania, padmaavat, bajirao mastani, and bar bar dekho !!
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hoshiyoshis · 1 year
Oh my goodness! I love historical clothing! I don't know what it is about it. I have a (potentially stupid) question, weren't corsets essentially a bra of sorts and sometimes helped with posture? Or did I get that wrong? Hope you're having a good day/night!
hi nonny! i feel that btw idk what got me into it aside from maybe a love of detail?
not stupid at all! corsets were essentially what a bra does today: it provided structure to help a person's outfit function better. i think you can say that essentially were a bra but, like... longer since they more-so covered both the chest and the torso (until the invention of the bra, which separated them into two pieces).
corsets also do sometimes help (since i've heard of people who use them now for the same purpose) with posture! while corsets can slightly restrict movement in terms of how easily a person can bend at the waist (you're supposed to lift with your legs when it comes to carrying heavy things anyhow), they helped with posture by basically making you shift some weight off of your spine.
i could go into it more if u would like (although it'd take me a bit since i do light research to make sure i'm remembering things correctly), but i hope that answers your questions! have a nice day/night as well <3
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whateveriscatchy · 2 years
I don’t like fandom fighting but I just want to say that I don’t think all Louis’s fans - want him to be as big as Harry - and I know we love the relationship we share now - including the chance to meet him - but why is Louis’s music not played on radio stations? Not the BBC or Capital or even the smaller stations here in the UK. I’ve requested his songs a hundred times since BTM came out and he is not getting any radio play - so he has no chance to get more fans. More fans = longevity as an artist. That is BMGs job. I can’t get annoyed at them being called out.
Fans can’t get Louis played on radio or play-listed on Spotify and it’s frustrating to see an AMAZING album top the charts then disappear unless you are a fan who’ll search it out. (Or have many CD/vinyl copies to choose from!) 😊
I’ll be honest here, anon. I’m like truly the worst person you came for this because I truly have no idea what the politics are or how to get radio plays to happen, especially in the US or UK. I’m mostly here for a good time, and I leave most of the discourse to other blogs.
And I’m not sure I completely agree that more fans means longer longevity as an artist either. At least for Louis. Because I’m thinking of how places had to upgrade their venues to accommodate the demand for Louis’ first world tour. Or how Louis’ album did reach number one in the UK or was trending in the top 5 for multiple other countries. Louis is not really like a small artist, struggling to make his music career more profitable.
I think we just compare all of the 1D boys’ fame and career a bit too much to Harry’s, and it’s not the best comparison imo.
That being said, I truly have no idea why he’s not getting airplays in the UK and USA, and would love it if his songs were played more in the radio.
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bilbao-song · 2 years
"jeffrey haters" is so funny to me even though i completely understand what you mean. im not in any elo groups so the most ive seen is Youtube Comment Discourse but they're always so dramatic
UGH you're so right. i generally don't engage with them but i go through phases of heavy lurking and let me just tell u there are some bafflingly insufferable people out there. some of the things they start collectively losing their minds over are so bizarrely out of touch with reality/sometimes just wildly insensitive (and as u have said, dramatic), that i just. idk it starts to feel like some kind of weird social experiment. like i'm not even exaggerating, 99% of the time it is the most petty shit ever and usually boils down to "major scandal!!!! local man is not okay with [thing most normal people would not be okay with]" but then they act like he was like, engaging in cannibalism or something. i would be so intrigued to see how these ppl react to actual problems within their own lives or perhaps just one of those bands/any given form of media at all where like half the people involved in making it were committing minor atrocities on a semi-regular basis
the only good thing about it tho is that it makes it really easy to identify people i probably will not like jhgsdgsd
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soracities · 2 months
Anti intellectualism is at a high these days tbh. People's attention span has also turned to shit--and i say this as someone with adhd, Its not solely the mental illnesses people have its the over consumption of short form (and frankly inane) media that has ruined people's ability to sit and listen to anything that takes more than 30 seconds to say.
And also people dont seem to want to think critically anymore. No one wants to read, no one wants to learn, no one wants to understand or listen, no one wants to be challenged or feel unpleasant and uncomfortable, a lot dont even want to teach the kids anymore. If it doesn't immediately affect them and if it doesn't spark pleasure then it's brushed off and ignored.
This is one reason why lots of us hate booktok for example; its not that reading mediocre works for pleasure is bad (i mean i know i get my fix of silly unchallenging fiction when i need it) its that you refuse to read anything else. Idc if you read fairy elf porn or whatever it is thats circling around there these days, but you have got to do something constructive and hard sometimes lol
tbf i also blame our dystopian, collapsing society for this outcome. When you're overworked, sick and everyone around you is suffering and dying, you cant afford food or to pay your bills and you still have to work a soul crushing job for 40+ hours a week the only thing you would want to do is turn your brain off and rot
anon, you have encapsulated each and every one of my feelings & thoughts on this so precisely like from the dystopian existence to the social media hellscape of defanging ur attention to sell it back to you in 90s video clips like this is It !
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verysium · 7 months
😏 coming right up anon. gonna channel my inner critic and not hold back on any of these.
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brother complex. not much else to say except that he needs to get a life. not everything is about metaphorically crushing your older brother's dreams and brooding in the dark hate of retribution.
competitive but only because he is a desperate whore for external validation. ignores everyone but craves the attention of a sole person named sae itoshi. was defeated by isagi once and has never let go of it since. has a one-track mind that is impossible to derail. stubborn when he wants to be.
probably a virgin and will continue to be one until his late 30s.
has not known a single day of peace ever since sae ditched him for the popular girlies. as a result, he has developed a very concerning case of social awkwardness. his idea of a conversation involves a brick wall and thirty minutes of you staring at his resting bitch face. constantly looks like that one grumpy cat meme. judges you for your poor decisions but then gets aggressively defensive when you point out his own mistakes.
reeks of so much teen angst that even metallica can't save him. the problem is that he has nothing to back up his emo persona. his insults lack creativity and, unfortunately for him, phrases like "lukewarm" and "half-baked" and "hell" do not make his words carry more weight. uses the f-word but in the most embarrassing context that it makes you facepalm and internally cringe.
zero social awareness. this boy's head is empty. the lights are not on up there. there are no picture frames or furniture. the curtains are drawn, and there is not a sliver of clouds or sunshine. cannot read body language and does not know what a filter is.
the source of all of rin's stress. he is the original trauma projector, creator of generational cycles. not even subtle about it. "turns out i was wrong. i thought japan was incapable of ever giving birth to decent forwards." sir....with the way you worded that, you knew exactly what you were doing when you gave rin false hope.
swears but it's even worse than his brother. literally called his elders a "fatso and bob cut duo" and "insect turd." i mean....there is a line between what is considered a legitimate burn and what is a first grader making up insults in his coloring book.
has a horrible haircut and no fashion taste. i already talked about this previously, but it was so bad it deserved a second mention.
a freak but tries to justify it rationally. like what do you mean you can tell a person's athletic ability from their buttock size? just admit you have a kinky fetish already.
somewhat of a coward but i'm gonna give him some leniency due to his tragic child genius backstory. tbh he's just an eighteen-year-old boy who needs a goddamn break.
alexa please play clown music. this man sets himself for failure and then wallows in self-pity when he actually fails. like what did you expect? you knew what was going to happen the moment you challenged isagi like that. it was most definitely your fault you got violently humbled.
has a borderline god complex (currently calls himself an emperor but has not evolved into a deity yet.) unfortunately, he does not stand on business. cue the dramatic meltdowns when he realizes there is an actual gap between his ability and his reputation. if you're going to lie, at least make it believable.
insecure and mentally unstable. he probably cuts and re-dyes his hair every single time shit happens. no wonder his locks get shorter every time.
lazy when it comes to anything that is not football and expects others to do it for him. demands princess treatment wherever he goes. unfortunately, not all of us have servants with no self-respect like ness.
"it is not enough that i should succeed, others should fail" type of person.
does not wear shoes and even if he does, it's sandals. put them grippers away.
a literal sloth who has so much potential but uses none of it. has no intrinsic motivation of his own, so if he's going to do anything, it has to be you behind the wheel, making sure he gets put to work.
does not have a close relationship with his parents, and so he has no sense of community, holidays, or traditions. no fun at all if you want him to do things like christmas shopping or birthday celebrations.
rots in bed all day and then has to nerve to ask you to carry him around. your back better be strong because his 190 cm body is not going to be light.
not loyal (need i say more.)
second male lead syndrome. also known as that one popular guy who's always picked last.
acts like a victim but then when you realistically tell him to how to change his situation he refuses to do so. you cannot ask for advice and then take none of it to heart. no wonder you're still not over your ex.
"i can fix him" mentality. no, you can't. you are a seventeen-year-old child, not a licensed therapist and nagi isn't even all that.
touch-starved to the point he will stay in a toxic and abusive relationship in order to gain some scrap of affection. just because you were the black sheep of your family does not mean you can lose all sense of personal dignity.
probably stalks all the people he hates. has a burn book like regina george from mean girls. cuts out and glues little pictures of kaiser all over his bedroom. doodles hearts all over it with glittery gel pen. isagi's face and name are scratched out of every team photo.
delusional and prone to mood swings. medicated but at this point, he is beyond saving.
a home wrecker. has ruined more relationships than he can count on ten fingers yet still manages to smile like he's some angelic saint.
solves jigsaw puzzles for a living (not very cool if you ask me.)
has some unresolved anger management issues. probably repressed all his negative feelings when he was younger, so it all comes out when he's on the field. unfortunately, his twilight-sparkle-friendship-is-magic agenda is not going to work if he keeps cussing out his teammates like that. but then again, he is the main character, so i guess his plot armor makes up for his pitfalls.
says that he's a good guy but then holds personal vendettas against rivals he doesn't like. boy was so ready to throw hands when #kaisagi was trending on the internet. but when you actually think about, he's similar to kaiser in more ways than he'd like to admit.
has the worst case of high and mighty "holier-than-thou" attitude. isagi put his ego in check, but it still peeks out from time to time.
he was the ugliest baby when he was born. i am not going to hold back on the child barou slander because it is true. no, he was not a cute and lovable bundle of joy. he looked like a demonic gremlin.
he needs to take more risks in life and try cross-dressing. simply imagining him in a maid uniform will not suffice. it needs to be made into a reality.
with how nit-picky he is, i doubt people can realistically stay within a 1-meter radius around him. unless you are a clean freak yourself, his constant complaints will start to get annoying after a time. even if he does have good intentions, he needs to let people have a little breathing room sometimes. a messy room is not going to kill you.
this boy's brain is smooth. no folds. no gray matter. no intelligence either. his pencil and eraser have been left untouched since day one. if he wasn't crazily good at football, he would be unemployed and homeless in the future. not even a mcdonald's wants him.
one of those people who will do the literal opposite of whatever you say. you want him to stop talking? well, now he's never going to shut up. you tell him not to step on a pile of dog shit? well, now he's going to walk right into it. you want him to quit running around and act normal? well, now it's his life's mission to make you as annoyed as possible. please pray for your hair follicles because at the end of the day, you're not going to have many left with how much he makes you want to tear your hair out.
has the cerebral capacity of a toddler. if he thinks monsters are real, he's going to think anything is real. super gullible when it comes to any form of scam, ploy, or trickery. the only way he would not be fooled is if he's also played the same prank before.
a brazen pervert. says the most out-of-pocket things and refuses to apologize for them. sometimes it comes out a little too sleazy for your liking.
"to me a goal is fertilization! a shot is the seed and the goal is the egg!! and the birth of that joy i call an explosion!! my genes are gonna knock you up!" let us give ourselves a moment of silence to digest this quote. only shidou ryusei would come up with a sperm and egg metaphor to describe football. (i guess protection means nothing to him.)
has no empathy. if you dislike him or cannot keep up with him, you're a literal nobody in his books. no sportsmanship. no compassion. no self-awareness.
you cannot say "balls" to him in a serious tone without him misinterpreting it as something dirty. that alone should tell you enough. stay the hell away from him.
where do men get the audacity? right here. from this little bastard. he invented the term "shameless slut." boy was getting off during the u-20 arc and on live TV too. no wonder sae said he was disgusting.
and finally, he comes from a long line of cockroaches. he's even got the antennae to prove it.
i think this might have been a little excessive, but i have no regrets about it. you're welcome anon ♡
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neuvistar · 1 year
I just want husband!scara to breed me for god's sake😭💔💔
you r so so real for this anon i want him to breed me too that man is fine as hell god i want him so bad (alsoalso! small thirst waha my baddd :< if u wanted me to write something abt this pls lmk! <33 i’ll try my best) Uhmuhm this is kinda short noy proofread whoopsies, and minors do not interact
tbh like ive always imagined kuni as someone who has a huge thing for breeding n all that. when you whispered that you wanted him to breed you that night, oh my oh my prepare yourself because you’ll be up all night being bred by your sweet sweet husband <33 all those fantasizes about breeding you so good n so well enough to the point you bear his child would probably come true tonight. scara’s breath quick and heavy as he pressed you against the mattress with your legs shaking against him, his hands engulfing the flesh of your tits. he’s soso desperate, and your soft pleas for him to keep going and how u wanted him to breed u all full weren’t helping his desperation, instead it made him even more desperate than he already was
fingers dig deep into your hips, his harsh thrusts bringing out the neediest moans out of u as he came a second time, more of his cum seeking out of your aching cunt as he pulled out, his cock was painted with white just like your insides, but it wasn’t enough for him <33 “more, more please.. a few more, f’me.. want to fill you up even more, please .. ah. i’m addicted to you. wanna breed you till— fuck.. please” god he’s addicted to you, he’s always been. you couldn’t believe that scaramouche.. formerly the balladeer of the fatui harbingers, kunikuzushi, kabukimono, was on top of you, begging to breed and fill you up to the brim until he was sure you’d bear his child. you’re not complaining though <33
in conclusion! im very confident w the thought that kuni has a breeding kink, i mean.. he’s good with kids already, if he’s capable of showing kindness to kids n capable of taking care of them, then he’s capable of taking care of his own younglings, am i right? (he has a breeding kink foreal i will not take any criticism)
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gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
please can i get headcanons for gojo,geto and nanamis love languages please! thank youuuu
But of course you can Anon!! I read this request and instantly got ideas, so thank you for the ask <3 without further ado,
Now Presenting...
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Starring: Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, and a bonus Ryomen Sukuna ;)
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The Touch Starved,
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Satoru Gojo
PHYSICAL. TOUCH. Gojos love language is physical touch, no I’m actually not taking criticism at this time <3
“But Narrator! He always has his full body condom (infinity) on!” I hear you yell. And Yes, dear reader, that’s the point.
He’s spent so much of his life unable to let anyone get close. Touch is inherently an act of trust, and he doesn’t touch anyone.
So the first time you hug him, and he actually lets himself experience intimacy, he actually turns into a puddle and melts in your arms.
And that shit is basically coke, he’s had a taste and he can not get enough.
When you’re driving he’s touching your thigh, you’re going to sleep he’s cuddling you close, you’re taking a walk he’s holding your hand, watching a movie on the couch and his head is in your lap. You get the idea, if you’re around he’s touching you
If you really want to make his day, offer to play with his hair. There is a 40% chance he’ll tear up about it.
Honestly, I genuinely feel like he’d be a little bit annoying about it. Random hugs and kisses constantly happening, it would be hard to get anything done, I’m not gonna lie
He’s kinda like a cat! The moment you try to get any work done, he’s crawling into your lap and you gotta work around him.
Hold on, wait, where's my cat meme-
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It’s Him.
I’m being serious, cup his face like that and watch him turn to putty.
Moral of the story: Gojo just wants to be held
Man is never defeating the Baby Girl allegations
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The Sickeningly Sweet,
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Suguru Geto
Suguru was born with a silver tongue in more ways than one and he knows how to use it.
“You’re breathtaking, you know that?” “How did I get so lucky to have someone as magnificent as you?” “My darling is so talented, what ever will I do when the world learns to appreciate you as much as I do?”
He’s going to single handedly raise your self esteem, watch him. He is going to pour honeyed words over you like a warm, safe shower
….Look, I’m not good with words, BUT HE IS! You get what I’m trying to say!
He would leave little notes for you to find around the house with sweet little messages. Just to give you a little dopamine rush, ya know?
He definitely sends you random texts throughout the day letting you know that he’s thinking about you and missing you.
God help you on any holiday that could possibly call for card giving. Valentine's Day, Christmas, your birthday, your anniversary, He’s going to write you a card, and it’s going to make you cry. It’s a personal goal of his.
Doing simple household chores has never felt more rewarding tbh.
Like, yea, you’re going to do the laundry anyway. But having him tell you how thankful he is for you and how much he appreciates it really makes getting through the task easier.
Would writing a song for someone count as acts of service or gift giving?...
Doesn’t matter, he writes songs for you, there I said it.
He’s 100000% The type of boyfriend that points out how attractive you are Every. Single. Time. He sees you in any state of undress. Prove me wrong, you can’t. Doesn’t matter if he’s seen it 101 times before, He’s going to call you hot.
Honestly he’s a major confidence booster.
Ngl, part of me thinks I’m giving him too much credit but oh well LMAO.
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The Always Helpful,
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Kento Nanami
Nanami is giving me Acts of Service tbh.
Like, he’s 1000% the “I will make you breakfast in bed” kind of husband material, and that is an act of service if I’ve ever heard it. 
Honestly, He just wants to do anything he can to try and make your day a little bit easier.
If that means doing the dishes even if it’s technically your turn, then so be it!
Doors might as well not exist to you when you’re with him, he will open them all
“I noticed your water bottle was empty. I got you another one.” “I know you’ve been stressed lately, I made your favorite for dinner tonight.” “Here, let me get that for you.”
He was made to be a caretaker tbh.
You can read between the lines there as little or as much as you’d like
If he catches you doing a chore, he’s going to find a way to help, sorry I don’t make the rules.
You’re washing the dishes? He’s drying and putting them away. You started cleaning the living room? Perfect, he’ll clean the kitchen. Oh, you washed the laundry? Looks like he’s gonna fold it and put it away.
He wants you to feel like you’re in a partnership. I genuinely don’t think he buys into this traditional idea that one partner makes money and the other takes care of the home front. Homemaking is a team effort god damn it!
It goes both ways though. If you really want to make him feel loved, a warm home cooked meal is the way to this man's heart.
He’s going to make the next meal to show his appreciation though.
 Someone put this man in a maid dress tbh.
I need me a Nanami tbh lol
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The Ever-Present,
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Ryomen Sukuna
OKAY sooo here’s the thing. It’s fuckin Ryomen my guy. Love languages almost require conscious acts of love, or to at least ya know admit you’re in love. In that sense, Ryomen doesn’t have a love language; he actively mocks the concept of “love languages” as humans refusing to accept the fact that their emotions are all just chemical reactions in their brain designed to make them want to fuck.
That being said, it's Quality Time. 
Ryomen’s love is always quiet. It’s him sitting in the same room as you while you read, casually talking with you while you do chores, or insisting on being in the garden while you tend to it because “It’s my (his) garden, I’ll be here if I want! Don’t think I’m here for you.” He absolutely is there for you.
His biggest act of love is letting you sleep in his room with him. That's quality time by definition my guy.
He genuinely gets so jealous when you spend time with other people because that's how he defines love. It's the person you want to spend time with (Don’t ask him about it, he won’t admit it) so you spending time with other people means you love them. And he can not handle the idea of you loving anyone that’s not him.
Remember when I said Satoru was like a cat? I take it back, Sukuna is like a cat. He wants to be in the same room as you but the last thing he wants is to be perceived by you.
He just wants to watch you read your book and not be grilled as to why he insists on being with you all the time. He’s clearly just, uh…enjoying the fireplace! Duh! Foolish mortal, why would he vie for your affections?...so, uh..whatcha reading?
He will never admit it, but his favorite thing in the world is to sit in the garden with you, listening to you talk about flowers while he pretends not to care.
This is followed closely by holding your close to him at night, whispering words of affirmation to you you will never hear when awake. 
I think that spending quality time with you is the only way Sukuna knows how to show love. I think he often gets overwhelmed by physical affection. He’s not used to it, and he didn’t immediately take to it the way Gojo did. Words of affirmation are out because he’s not a wordsmith unless he’s making threats. Can’t do acts of service because his ego would never let him do a favor for anyone else, and he can’t find any gifts that feel worthy of you- none of them feel right. So, Quality time it is.
Words may fail him, but he’s aware of how he feels. And the soft intimacy of listening to your favorite music with you, watching you hum along and dance makes him feel so viscerally raw, that it’s almost enough to make him admit there maybe more to love than just chemicals making you want to fuck. 
Should I just write a fic at this point? Maybe because GOD I am a fucking sucker for soft Sukuna. Yes I am aware I am part of the problem, I do not care, give me 2 weeks. I can fix him!
Just imagine stargazing with Sukuna for a second. Imagine listening to the crickets chirp off in the distance, both of you are aware that it goes against everything he’s ever said for him to be out here with you, and both of you know better than to acknowledge that fact. You know you’re not supposed to love him because he claims he will never love you, but as your hand meets his, and you watch him tense for just a second before relaxing under your touch again, you both know it’s only a matter of time now. 
 I always get carried away on Ryomens section in these.
I just really love my weird little demon dude lmao. 
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muffinsin · 4 months
Ok, please dont pressure yourself too much! Please delete my requests if there, well, shit.
Anyway, readers been dating one of the sisters for a while n for some reason or another rs mother visits. But rs mother isnt exactly the greatest mother to r and to summarise abuses them, emotionally or physically up to you tbh. Holding them up to ridiculous standards and tells them she wished she had aborted them, generally just being a bit of a dick- making fun of how the reader looks and thinking they have ownership of the reader and her body bc shes their mother. Lady Dimitrescu is not tolerating this in her castle and as much as she wants to ignore it she cares for reader bc her daughter loves them (idk if that makes sense) so she comforts reader like a mother should, praising reader when their mother has just shouted at them or something.
Queue to the sister finding Lady Dimitrescu reading to reader whilst there curled up on her lap with a blanket. (Motherly)
Idk if any of this makes sense, feel free to completely change parts of this.
With fruitiness,
Deluded anon
A rare Alcina post here! Because the prompt was just too adorable and I love this tall murderous woman as a mother figure🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ this one’s quite Alcina centered for once :)
Keeping this Bela/Cassandra/Daniela neutral for once! :)
You know, today is the day your mother is coming over. You know, it was bound to happen, too
The moment she picked up on you living in a grand castle, she suddenly acted interested and invited herself
A declination of her “request” is not possible. Aside from this, your lover is most keen on meeting her
You haven’t yet had the courage to tell her about your mother, nor about the woman she truly is
How can you, when your lover’s mother is just perfect?
Alcina is kind, and caring. She’s strict, but out of love. She shows affection, and she practically showers all three of her daughters in praise. She never fails to comfort them or point out that she is proud of them no matter what
Neither of the Dimitrescu family members notice your yearning look when you watch your girlfriend hug her mother and receive a kiss on the cheek or forehead in return
It’s breakfast time- your favorite time. In general, mealtimes are your favorite. It’s the times of days when all sisters and their mother are together
Alcina never misses it. She always pauses her work, even on busy days, to spend this time with her daughters and you. It feels almost like a privilege to sit among them, sometimes
However, now all you feel is dread, and yet: still hope
Perhaps your mother will be influenced by Alcina, positively
Still, you feel dread knowing she will be here shortly
A few hours later, you stand in the main hall and fiddle with your girlfriend’s dress as you wait for your mother. You know, she won’t be much longer
You almost flinch when the heavy doors open, yet can’t help the involuntary smile when you see the woman that has birthed you step inside
Your smile falters when she immediately begins to complain about the cold and the frustrating path it took to get here. Your girlfriend chuckles nervously, as though unsure what to say, and you can only join in
Then, your expression turns to a hurt one when she begins to criticize things and you already
Starting with the state of your clothes- a little rough looking from your roughhousing with Daniela earlier today
You blush in embarrassment and shame as you’re scolded, your hand squeezing your girlfriend’s tightly
Next, your posture is criticized. You stand straight again, tears welling in your eyes at your mother’s words
Unworthy. Filthy. Ragged. A waste
You’re quick to greet her and ask her how she is doing when she scolds you for this, too
But it seems even that can’t be done right, for she simply starts scolding you for not checking in more often
After all, how is it she only learns months later that you are dating one of the “monsters” of the castle?
Her displeasure makes it quite clear, even if it has been already: she intended for you to work there and earn her money until your demise
You flinch when she steps closer to you, as though to examine you
You spare your girlfriend a pitiful look as she attempts to interrupt, yet is cut off by your mother’s tsks again
She comments on your clothing. One of your favorite outfits, made to ruin by her. The colours, the fabric, the style is all criticized
Then, your body
You flinch when a finger sharply pokes your stomach
“And I thought they would feed you less, here”
The comment stings, and has both, you and your girlfriend, tense up. Her, in anger. You seem to only shrink into yourself
You know, she’s looking for a way to keep back your mother without causing offense. She is still your mother, after all
You hold back your tears when you’re criticized again, your hair, your face, your arms and hands
“I love them and how they look”, your girlfriend protests when your look as a whole is criticized
This makes you jump in surprise, and whimper when it causes your mother to finally turn to your partner
She examines her, as if determining her worth
She scowls at the tattoo on her forehead, yet her features soften at beautiful hair, a regal-looking face, a smooth neck sporting a necklace with a very obviously expensive gemstone
Smooth skin and a seductive figure, a beautiful, if gothic, dress clinging to her and hugging her body and curves perfectly
Your mother laughs for a moment
And it stings when she points out: you’re not at all worth your girlfriend’s time
Of course, your lover immediately corrects this. She assures: you’re her everything
And yet it is only met with a scowl
Your eyes snap back to your mother when she calls your name, her own eyes icy cold
Upon being asked how much money you make, you fall silent
Living at the castle and being in this relationship, you don’t make any. You work, yet not for money, but to support the staff and ultimately Alcina. You don’t get paid, simply work to keep busy and support
After all, why would you be in need of money? Your girlfriend’s money is yours, now. And hers is Alcina’s. Being paid for your work would only come from your own pocket, ultimately
You don’t dare tell your mother about this. You refuse to risk her taking any of the money that belongs to the Dimitrescu family. A warm flutter spreads in your chest momentarily as you realize: it includes you now
Yet, this doesn’t satisfy at all, and you flinch as she throws up her hands and yells
After all, she sent you to this place to earn money for her! And here you are, empty handed and happy? She’s fuming
She screams, calls you a mistake, a waste
When your lover steps in front of you, arms crossed and yelling back at last no matter the consequence, you take it as an opportunity to slip out the room
You run, tears blurring your vision as you sob so violently, your body trembles
You aren’t even sure where you’re running off to, or for how long you have been running
You’re ashamed as the staff sees you sob and run last them. You just want to get out of sight
You’re running fast, and before you know it, push through several doors until you burst into a room
Only when Alcina gasps in surprise at the intrusion do you notice you’ve stumbled, seemingly automatically, into her office
Her eyes are wide, and for a moment she looks ready to strike
Then, her eyes soften. She knows the little human that has stumbled into her study. You are no mere staff member- you are the that has wooed her daughter
She frowns in concern at your state. Your heart beats so fast, unnaturally so. You’re distressed
Your expression is pained, and tears stick to your cheeks and jawline
She can’t help but care for you. You are important to her precious daughter- as such you have grown into the countess quite a lot
You sob quietly as she gets off her chair and moves towards you. A door is closed, and a large hand sets on your backside
It’s guiding you, you realize, towards the large chair in the corner
To your surprise though, she sits down before you can. To your even grander surprise, you’re lifted on her lap
Ignoring the blush of embarrassment on your cheeks, you can’t help but reach out to feel the fabric of her dress
For a moment, Alcina watches you as you fiddle with it. It seems to help you, even as you still cry a little
You feel her large hand on your back, the other set over your knee, covering it whole. Her thighs are large and steady, but comfortable, and there is a warmth naturally radiating from her body that the sisters seem to lack
You feel grounded, with her here. It makes you feel better, even as you sit in silence
You find three loose strands on the dress, and she watches curiously as your fingers immediately move to it
Her hand hovers, ready to stop should you pull like her two youngest daughters like to do
You aren’t, though. Alcina watches in confusion as you begin braiding the little strings between your small fingers
You work gently, and meticulously
When you finish, you trace the tiny braid
“What meticulous grace you possess, little one”, she praises, her eyebrow raised curiously as she traces the tiny thing with her index fingertip
You can’t help but feel a light, happy feeling in your chest at her words, and feel it settle there among the darkness caused by your mother’s words
Your tears have dried, and yet new ones roll down your cheeks at the mere memory of her words just before
You aren’t quite sure you’re ready to share her words yet, but thankfully, there is no need
You feel her move about, until you find yourself pulled close to her, with your head comfortably resting against her chest. It’s rare you feel this at ease, even as sobs wretch your body. You feel warm when her arm slings around you, as though protecting you from the evil of this world
You see now, how the sisters are so devoted to their mother. You couldn’t quite understand from your own experience, but it’s clear: Alcina is different from your mother in every way
You sob quietly as you turn, your body tucked into hers. Due to her height, you fit perfectly against her stomach and chest
You cringe a little as you notice your tears wet her expensive dress, yet as you attempt to pull away, a hand comes up to the back of your head
Not strong, or forceful. Not even threatening. Reassuring, rather. She wants to keep you there
“Don’t mind them, little one. Tell me what happened”, she demands gently
You feel yourself relaxing against her, your hand coming up to hold onto her dress
When you open your mouth, it takes a few second for words to spill out. Then, you can’t stop yourself
You cry as you talk, slurring and stuttering, whimpering and trembling. But her piercing, golden eyes are warm and stay on you, and her arms do not untangle from around you. She does not interrupt you either, and yet it feels like she understands every little of your broken words
Her brows furrow in anger quickly at the words spilling from your lips
How dare someone treat you this way? Alcina thinks a lot of you. Obviously, or else she would not allow her daughter to be with you. She would not have a fool for her precious darlings, after all
Lucky for you, Alcina approves of you. And as such, she is enraged by your mother’s words
“Unworthy?!”, she gasps, utterly shocked upon hearing your mother said such a thing
“I am yet to deem people unworthy”, she protests. A silent, but honest phrase. You catch the meaning: you are worthy, according to all whose opinion matters
You feel yourself calming down a little again as she talks, praise after praise of your qualities falling from her lips
You’re quite surprised she has paid you much mind, really, but feel content in her arms
Eventually, as she talks, you feel yourself calming down
Your head is tilted upwards against her chest, and you feel your eyes slipping shut as she traces your features with her fingertip
Alcina watches curiously as she does this, first tracing your brow and nose, then your cheek
She remembers doing this the first time, with her eldest daughter back when she was a child and experienced distress the first time. Seeing as it calmed her down greatly, it’s now her go-to
And it seems to calm you, too
You don’t notice you’re hugging her and pushed up against her until she shifts her arms and you find yourself curled up in her spacious lap
Through heavy eyes you see her pick up a book, and with a tired smile on your lips, you cuddle closer as she begins to read
You don’t recall the last time you felt this relaxed with anyone that wasn’t your lover
As her words turn muffled the more sleep takes over you, your eyes feel heavier and heavier
Your mother’s words no longer linger on your mind, instead all you focus on is the comfort and love you feel in the moment, the happiness and acceptance
You don’t notice when your eyes slip shut, but with a smile, you fall asleep at last
An hour later or so, Alcina jumps when her door is slammed open again
This time, her daughter is the one entering the room, her fist clenched and a scowl on her face
“Mother, I’m going to kill someone!”
She laughs fondly at the remark, the book clasping close as she rests it on the small, unoccupied space left on her lap
Just as her daughter attempts to sit down there too, she shrieks in surprise and swarms backwards upon finding the space occupied by- you
Alcina smiles at the adorable expression on her face
She pulls you a little closer, then extends her arm and gently pulls her confused daughter closer
“Come here, my little fly”, she coos, sensing the woman’s anger at your mother. As expected, she purrs and eagerly leans into the countess’s touch
Alcina smiles lovingly as she, at last, too climbs into her lap, settling comfortably and purring contentedly
Even in your sleep, you feel your lover pull you closer, and even as you sleep; a small smile shows on your lips
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