#more than a checkbox
utilitycaster · 2 years
I acknowledge that the tag system on Tumblr is extremely limited in that you are trying to simultaneously permit other people to find things, permit yourself to find things, and permit other people to filter things out. With that said it is immensely irritating when people tag generic posts about a show that aren't about a ship or character with that ship or character. You might get some more eyes on it, but you're weighing that against people actually looking for ship or character content who are going to be like "why is this here" and you're going to lose people who block that ship or character. Like, just tag things with what they are.
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endcant · 3 months
explodes and dies and blows up and perishes
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hepalien · 9 months
Hey rarepair shippers, I'm about to change your lives.
The AO3 Primary Ship Search add-on for Firefox (it's called AO3 First Tag Search for Chrome) adds this little checkbox to the AO3 advanced search page
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And if you check the box, the search only returns fics where the pairing you entered is the first one tagged. This is better than the otp:true operator imo because it will show fics with secondary/background pairings too as long as your preferred ship is the main one.
You can even use the add-on in Firefox or Kiwi browser on Android mobile.
Have fun 😘
(more ao3 tips here)
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gikairan · 2 years
I swear once upon a time there was a quote going around from Ubisoft about how they'd never make an Assassin's creed game set in Japan for some kind of reason. Potentially that it would be "boring"?
I'm talking about a half remembered tunglr post from nearly a decade ago, so who knows how legit it ever was.
But I do find it INTERESTING how theyve finally announced a game set in Japan.
.... Two years after Ghost of Tsushima released to widespread acclaim and excellent sales. And plays pretty much like the pre-Origins Assassin's Creed games.
You can't convince me they didn't look at the reveals for Ghost of Tsushima and went "oh no.... we should have made this game" and finally changed their mind on making a game set in Japan.....
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mozzaroni · 6 months
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frobin nation 💪🔥
(image ids available in alt descriptions as well as under the cut)
Image ID:
Image 1: two colored line drawings of the character nico robin from one piece - specifically her pre-timeskip design - against a gray background. her design differs from the original in that she has dark-ish brown skin, a wide hooked nose, heterochromia - with a light blue right eye and a hazel left - and a more realistically slim form with a smaller chest and a thicker waist. she is wearing her third outfit featured in the alabasta arc. it features a light purple button up with the first few buttons undone and the sleeves rolled up past her elbows, purple bell-bottoms, and slightly bluer purple boots with gray soles. the drawing on the left is bust-up while the one on the right features her from head to toe, albeit it's less detailed than the former. she wears a small smile on her face in both. the full-body drawing has her standing up straight, left arm across her front and hand curling up and around her right elbow while her right hand is up towards her head, fingertips touching the right side of her face. a small purple heart floats next to her there.
Image 2: two black line drawings colored in with white, gray, and black against a white background featuring two characters from one piece: nico robin on the left and franky on the right, both with their respective pre-timeskip designs. they're both drawn bust up, leaning towards the POV, with their faces looking as if they took a picture of themselves really up close with a .5 lens. robin looks like her eyes are looking in two opposite directions with her nose taking up a large portion of her face due to it being the closest to the POV. she is smiling so so happily with her mouth closed. franky is in a similar state, with his eyes further away and staring straight at the POV, an open-mouthed grin creasing his face. you can see the inside of his nostrils a bit. the idea of the drawing was to show what each of them look like from the others' POV when their faces are really close to each other, but it moreso looks like they're just really happy to see the viewer, which i'm not too upset about if i'm honest.
Image 3: a simple black line drawing against a white background that features franky (with the same design as previously stated) bust up with an open mouthed grin on his otherwise regular expression. a three part speech bubble to his right states, "They call me 'SUPER FRANKY'", "the way… i am that… as in, i am 'SUPER'…", "and my name… is Franky."
Image 4: a simple black line drawing against a white background that features franky in the foreground to the right and robin in the background placed in the middle of the image. they both have the same designs as previously stated. franky is drawn shoulders-up and robin is drawn bust-up. the rest of her body is not visible since she's sat at a table across from franky. robin has her left forearm resting in front of her chest on the table and her right elbow resting behind her left fist. she has her face resting against her right hand and is staring at franky with comically large and wide eyes. she has yet another one of her famous small smiles on her face. franky is looking at the viewer over his left shoulder so his face is in a profile view, a closed-mouth grin on his smug face. a thought bubble that floats above robin's head indicates that franky is thinking, "the ladies love me" with an asterisk at the end of the sentence. to robin's right and our left, three lines of text that start with an asterisk say, "fact checkers have reported this as true" with a checked checkbox placed after the last word.
End ID.
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theabigailthorn · 6 months
Have you considered moving to america? you know there are a lot of blond americans in america, and most of them would be absolutely enchanted by a tall lady with a fancy-pants british accent
I've thought about it, for career reasons rather than romance!
It's a difficult question. If I were to move to the US, right now L.A. would be the place to go: I have contacts there and I'm developing projects there. It's likely I'd be able to have a better standard of living out there too. There's also the political angle: if the Conservatives win the next British election there's a nonzero chance I'll have to leave the country because if they pass a national bathroom law and I can't use a women's toilet, I can't go to work on a set or in a theatre! I know the US is worse in a lot of places, but at least over there some politicians are standing up for trans people, some politicians are trans, some cities are refusing to comply with discriminatory laws... There seems to be a better line of defence over there, in some places? The sorts of places I would be going to live anyway. It feels like in the US the extremes are more extreme: some states are worse than Britain, but some are actually better. I think the US entertainment industry is in some ways ahead of the UK on trans issues - I've had British people straight up refuse to work with me cause I'm trans even though that's illegal, and string me along for ages cause they think I'll be a diversity checkbox for them. Whereas in my (admittedly limited) experience American producers are more willing to give me a shot and don't see my transness as an obstacle. The producers of [SUPER REDACTED] are American and they gave me that role even though the character is written as cis and cis women auditioned alongside me! I thanked one of them like, "Hey, this sort of thing has never been done and it's not the sort of thing trans people are usually allowed anywhere near!" and she was like, "Bwuh? You nailed the audition, why wouldn't we give it to you?" I said to her at the wrap party, "The idea that a trans woman could be a [PERFORMER OF THIS TYPE] has not yet entered the minds of anyone outside this room, and when it does it's going to be a gamechanger for all of us." See also Nebula! I pitched Dracula's Ex-Girlfriend to them and they greenlit it 15 days later. Contrastingly, I emailed a pitch deck and pilot episode for a trans-led TV series to a bunch of British production companies back in August and a lot of them haven't even read it yet. I like working for Americans because they just seem to get it on a level that a lot of Brits don't, yet.
On the other hand!
The entire US entertainment industry is about to move to Britain! So, maybe the smart career move is to stay. My family are here, my home is here, and despite everything I do love this country. I would be sad to leave. But we'll see. The next few years are likely to be a little... unusual. My plan right now is to have one foot in both countries, and then perhaps at some point the acting industry will make the decision for me.
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phantomrose96 · 4 months
Hey not to go all "tumblr is a professional networking site" on you, but how did you get to work for Microsoft??? I'm a recent grad and I'm being eviscerated out here trying to apply for industry jobs & your liveblogging about your job sounds so much less evil than Data Entry IT Job #43461
This place is basically LinkedIn to me.
I'm gonna start by saying I am so so very sorry you're a recent grad in the year 2024... Tech job market is complete ass right now and it is not just you. I started fulltime in 2018, and for 2018-2022 it was completely normal to see a yearly outflow of people hopping to new jobs and a yearly inflow of new hires. Then sometime around late-spring/early-summer of 2022 Wallstreet sneezed the word "recession" and every tech company simultaneously shit themselves.
Tons of layoffs happened, meaning you're competing not just with new grads but with thousands of experienced workers who got shafted by their company. My org squeaked by with a small amount of layoffs (3 people among ~100), but it also means we have not hired anyone new since mid-2022. And where I used to see maybe 4-8 people yearly leave in order to hop to a new job, I think I've seen 1 person do that in the whole last year and a half.
All this to say it's rough and I can't just say "send applications and believe in yourself :)".
I have done interviews though. (I'm not involved in resume screening though, just the interviews of candidates who made it past the screening phase.) So I have at least some relevant advice, as well as second-hand knowledge from other people I know who've had to hop jobs or get hired recently.
If you have friends already in industry who you feel comfortable asking, reach out to them. Most companies have a recommendation process where a current employee fills out a little form that says "yeah I'd recommend such-and-such for this job." These do seem to carry weight, since it's coming from a trusted internal person and isn't just one of the hundreds of cold-call applications they've received.
A lot of tech companies--whether for truly well-intentioned reasons or to just check a checkbox--are on the lookout for increasing employee diversity. If you happen to have anything like, for example, "member of my college Latino society", it's worth including on your resume among your technical skills and technical projects.
I would add "you're probably gonna have to send a lot of applications" as a bullet point but I'm sure you're already doing that. But here it is as a bullet point anyway.
(This is kind of a guess, since it's part of the resume screening) but if you can dedicate some time to getting at least passingly familiar with popular tech/stacks for the positions you're looking into, try doing that in your free time so you can list it on your resume. Even better if you make a project you can point to. Like if you're aiming for webdev, get familiar with React and probably NodeJS. On top of being comfortable in one of the all-purpose languages like C(++) or Java or Python.
If you get to the interview phase - a company that is good to work for WILL care that you're someone who's good to work with. A tech-genius who's a coworker-hating egotistical snob is a nuisance at best and a liability at worst for companies with even a half-decent culture. When I do interviews, "Is this someone who's a good culture fit?" is as important as the technical skills. You'll want to show you'll be a perfectly pleasant, helpful, collaborative coworker. If the company DOESN'T care about that... bullet dodged.
For the technical questions, I care more about the thought process than I do the right answer, especially for entry-level. If you show a capacity for asking good, insightful clarifying questions, an ability to break down the problem, explain your thought process, and backtrack&alter your approach upon realizing something won't work, that's all more important than just being able to spit out a memorized leetcode answer. (I kinda hate leetcode for this reason, and therefore I only ask homebrewed questions, because I don't want the technical portion to hinge at all on whether someone managed to memorize the first 47 pages of leetcode problems). For a new hire, the most important impression you can give me is that you have a technical grasp and that you're capable of learning. Because a new hire isn't going to be an expert in anything, but they're someone who's capable of learning the ropes.
That's everything I have off the top of my head. Good luck anon. I'm very sorry you were born during a specific range of years that made you a new grad in 2024 and I hope it gets better.
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kawaoneechan · 2 months
My last reblog reminded me of a related thing.
Converting GIF to MP4.
I mentioned that sometimes turning an image into a WebP file actually makes it larger, right? And that it turned crisp pixel art into jpeg vomit?
GIF to MP4 is perhaps even worse.
For video clips, you can make a point, sure. I won't argue, it works great on those. Different compression systems for different inputs, y'know? Right tool for the right job?
But then you drop some nice pixel animation on Twitter or whatnot. The gif was of manageable size to begin with and crisp as hell. And Twitter converts it to mp4, you get weird quirks involving the final frame's duration which is why Aseprite has a checkbox in the gif exporter to compensate, your crisp pixels fucking melt, and if you're particularly unlucky the mp4 version will be bigger than the original, completely subverting the bandwidth argument.
But wait there's more!
They say gif files are always auto-play. That's technically true, there's no such thing as a play button on a gif... or is there? Discord for example extracts the first frame to a PNG and so long as the gif isn't fully scrolled into view it actually shows that static image instead, switching between two files as you scroll it in and out of view. So why not extract a static image, have a little play button, and when you click it the gif is swapped in? You can't pause it, but you can prevent auto-playing!
Argument two, related to the auto-play thing: shocking trap clips. First frame or two is fine, then suddenly blam you get to see something horrific instead. Well. Guess what?
It doesn't matter if it's auto-playing or not, if it's a gif or an mp4. Shocking trap clips are shocking traps. They're just one or two levels above trying to download a 640x480 picture of Anna Kournikova on a 56k dial-up connection only to find from the neck down they replaced her with a horrifying monster. And that is a single image.
I'm done here.
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planete777 · 10 months
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꒰ RED LINES .:. LN4 ꒱
( lando norris x fem!reader )
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IN WHICH. y/n finds her fate hidden within two red lines, and fears the demise of her and lando's relationship. [based on this ask]
pt. 2 .:. 'red hearts'!
WARNINGS. pregnant!reader, both her and lando aren't ready so there are discussions about potential abortions, mental break downs (i.e panic attacks, crying, you know the drill), angst, mentions of throwing up (no one does it i promise), attachment issues (like me fr), a little bit of fluff (because im not that evil >:])
NOTE. first non-high!lando fic!! i've never written a pregnancy fic, so like, forgive me if it's bad haha 🥲 i put so much effort into my banner, like i'm so proud of it lmao. anyways, enjoy reading luvs 💗
SIDENOTE. my askbox is open! feel free to send in any high!lando thoughts, scenarios and requests, or any other trope too 🤍
edited to add tag in banner
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y/n is almost blinded by it.
two bold, red lines.
she finds it completely comical how she didn't know it sooner, for the ink that runs down the result window is so palpable, it might as well have been written with a permanent marker.
the test taunts and mocks her as she stares at it in complete despair and confusion as she so sure that they had been careful. but now, she lets herself cry over spilt milk because having a baby, on top of mountainous piles of stress that came hand-in-hand with uni, was not a checkbox she would've liked to tick off amidst her status quo.
the bathroom pounds with an deafeningly eerie silence, as she stares, and stares, then blinks as tears flow, then stares again. her ears are swallowed by loud static and her vision fuzzes around the edges, making the test in her hand seem further away than it actually is, and she allows herself to completely fade out.
she feel utterly sick. like she wants to throw up, but the upcoming bile, instead, remains dislodged in her throat and presses immense weight into her chest. it shortens her breaths, she's hyperventilating as if she's been strangled, then panic completely overwhelms her. everything before her zooms in and out like a malfunctioning camera and the pregnancy test clatters to the ground as she digs the heels of her palms into her eyes.
she doesn't remember the last time she had a panic attack this severe, and neither does she know if she'll get over it solus. yearn for a presence beside her devours her brain and she wishes that lando–
the way her heart seems to squeeze in her chest is almost too animalistic to be normal, and it arrives at the thought of him being unacceptable of the baby. he's barely situated in one place, fuck, he basically travels for a living, and all her mind conjures is how he won't be there when she needs him most. she tries to wish it away, because just thinking about her makes her spiral even more and she knows she cannot survive with a child whose father decides to be absent.
codependency isn't great, that she's thoroughly aware of, but lando's presence brings a wave of comfort braided in the brightness of his smiles and the warmth of his embrace, and it has become her whole lifeline.
yet, the bathroom she's in feels too small and too cold to be anything other than unbearable, and her body feels to weak to remain upright, sliding down to the tiled floor. she sobbing and spluttering so much that lando can hear it from two rooms down, and he rushes into the en suite without a thought in mind.
he crouches down in front of her, hands flush against the skin of her cheeks. he's shaking, fucking terrified out of his wits, and his words are enunciated with a tremble.
"hey, hey, y/n breathe with me," he desperately takes her hands into his, and places it on his own chest, making exaggerated breaths as y/n's start to simmer. it feel like hours stretch by, the air surrounding feels tense with fear and devastation, and by the time she settles, y/n senses nothing but exhaustion.
"what's wrong, love? you're scaring me," lando gently asks, and she struggles to respond, mouth rid of any moisture as if it had been scraped dry. lando takes the initiative to look around in hopes that anything would give him a clue to his girlfriend's break down.
then he freezes.
the white stick lays there, gleaming and glowing like it's fucking sent from heaven, and he feels his heart plummet into the depths of his guts. he knows he can deny it all he wants, but it's undeniable, what he's seeing, yet prays like a grieving mother that what he thinks is not true as his quivering hands reaches for it.
two bold, red lines.
"oh fuck," it punches out of him, every inch of energy disperses like fleeing birds, "you're pregnant?"
it's so small, so timid that he almost doesn't see it, but she nods, and his arms fall like he's been shot and the test leaves his fingers. he swears he's drenched in ice cold water and he remains silent, bound by stunned numbness. his lack of response spurs y/n again, and she begins sobbing, pressing her face into her arms and wiping it furiously. all she thinks is that he doesn't want it, and out of sheer terror, she starts rambling utter shit.
"i can get rid of it, if you want, lando, just please i'm begging you, don't leave me."
he's crying himself now, doesn't know what to feel at the suggestion, but it makes him gag.
"get rid of it if i want to? fucking hell y/n, i'm not a prick like that," he fumbles out, words wet and hardly cohesive, "as long as you want to keep it, i want the baby too."
she looks up at him, eyes so full of hope that he immediately takes her into his arms.
"you sure, lando?" she's still hesitant, burying her head into his chest, and as further reassurance, he kisses her forehead, "as sure as i'll ever be."
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sobookobsessedreader · 10 months
I've been thinking lately about Granny Weatherwax as asexual representation, and while these thoughts are random I figured I'd post them and see if anybody has something to add.
First of all, I know Granny isn't canonically asexual. But. She's an old lady (I don't recall her exact age but I'd guess 70-80?) who is canonically a virgin. And she's okay with this! The text never treats this as a tragedy; she never feels regret over this, she has no desire to change this. Other things were more important to her than sex (or, for that matter, romance, but I don't feel able to analyze that angle of it), and that's okay! And while Nanny (who is certainly not asexual) finds this a bit weird, she's okay with it in the end, she accepts Granny's differing priorities. And it's just - Granny has never had sex, but she's not less for it, she hasn't missed out on anything, her life isn't any less fulfilling for the lack of it.
And that gives me, as a young asexual, hope. Because it's so easy to feel that I have to have sex, that if I don't I will have missed out on some checkbox of a complete life, that I will regret not having it. It's so easy to feel that sense of dread and hopelessness, that how can I be a happy and fulfilled adult if I choose not to have sex. But - Granny is a very rare character that I can read and see that no, I can be fulfilled and complete even as an old lady without ever having had sex, because that's not some prerequisite for what gives life meaning. And that's so rare to see but I really appreciated it.
Anyways, that's just my two cents.
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jonnywaistcoat · 1 year
Are there any personality typology theories that you are less sceptical of?
Honestly, no. It's fun and all, to create rubrics and classifications and to try and schematise the vast and messy contradictions of humanity, but to actually take that sort of thing seriously is at best a bit foolish and at worst profoundly dangerous.
Our minds are bizarre and twisted mazes of electricity and flesh, constantly growing and breaking in a thousand new ways. And you tell me you can group them into tidy little categories?
Beyond that, the methodologies are all fundamentally flawed: self-reporting at best gives a picture of a person's self-image; and anyone else trying to judge is either assessing their own projections and experiences laid on a stranger or ticking arbitrary checkboxes that tell you nothing.
You can be in therapy for years and never reach anything approaching the "truth" of how your specific mind works and why, yet someone wants to tell you there's a neat typology of personalities that's good for more than a dinner party chuckle? Nah, mate - they're either trying to sell you some bullshit, or they've already been sold it themselves.
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ok so this might be more prominent on pjotwt than the reddit or tumblr parts of the fandom but the whole joke/meme thing of “annabeth fell first but percy fell harder!!!” or “percy fell first and hard!!” and the just the general way percabeth is portrayed in the succinct jokes kind of tickles my hardass brain the wrong way.
i’m so sorry to all percy/annabeth fell first/harder truthers but i kinda hate caricaturing their relationship into these fixed loser-in-love checkboxes because, well, i don’t think it matters who fell first but only that they BOTH should have fallen equally as hard. ik the “harder” is to kinda balance the, uhhhh, loser energy of the one who fell “first” but again, something rubs me the wrong way about the jokes.
i love percabeth because they stand on equal footing, love each other equally as intensely and are the perfect foils and thereby strengths of each other.
and no, percy is not a yes-man for annabeth–he gets angry at her, annoyed by some of her choices, calls her out when it matters. it would not have made him a better boyfriend if he always just followed along with whatever annabeth wanted as some people portray him. that would have been devastating for their relationship. annabeth is not perfect, she is so wonderfully, beautifully, humanly flawed but she tries her very best to be a good partner for percy, as does he for her, and that's why they’re so special to me.
i see these captions of 12 yr old percy & annabeth from the show–a smug tone saying percy doesn’t know that he will give up godhood for the girl who he currently wishes would leave him alone or that annabeth doesn’t know that she will cry her heart out for the boy she currently is annoyed by and that––that puts everything into perspective. percy and annabeth don’t instantly like each other. they warm up gradually, become friends and then lovers.
they are allowed to be pissed at, annoyed by, tired of each other. they are allowed to disagree with each other. they are allowed to be minor rivals. they are allowed to hurt each other. all this, they are allowed to do and will do before and after they get together. their relationship will mature and so will they but their dynamic is so much more than just simple simping, or yes-manning.
because most important of all is that they challenge each other.
they are very different people who still managed to find common ground to nurture their relationship.
they fell for each other after they got to know each other. but again, it really doesn’t matter to me when which one fell for the other because i know that when they did, they fell equally as hard.
so yeah, i hope i’m not ruining the fun of the jokes but i’m anal and get annoyed by really small things so. you do you, really.
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chaoticevilspacewitch · 3 months
Why Bumbleby Matters
Yesterday was the first anniversary of one of the biggest kisses in queer media. Blake Belladonna and Yang Xiao Long, of the cult hit web show RWBY, confessed their love and smooched on March 25, 2023, and I was totally normal about it. I don't have all the manga and figures and a tattoo and half a million words of fanfic; that would be *crazy*, especially compared to socially-acceprable normal fixations like season tickets to sportsball games or thousand-dollar concert tickets. 
A lot of things make RWBY an important show. It's an animated action story that puts its four heroines unambiguously front and center, with arcs that are about *them*, and not as set dressing or motivation for make protagonists. It's increasingly represented sapphic, trans, and nonbinary characters across its nine seasons, and its won awards for taking its silly, cheesy origins and developing a complex story about broken heroes and traumatized villains finding themselves and struggling with love, loss, disability, abuse, and a whole spectrum of human experiences, with the fate of the world hanging in the balance. 
But what's important about Blake and Yang was that they got a real romance that, across nine seasons, they had to fight for. In an era where queer representation is largely still a diversity checkbox for most media (see: Disney crowing about having background characters looking at each other a little gayly while passing on movies like Nimona that actually revolve around queer relationships), or struggle to be more than titillation (Saltburn) and are swatted down by corporate censors (Legend of Korra and She-Ra were years ago, and this year's blockbuster Witch from Mercury was still officially "open to interpretation"), getting an actually romance cooked for nine seasons across ten years... y'know, like you'd expect from a straight slowburn... is huge. 
RWBY's studio was just shut down by Warner Bros, infamous for shelving projects for the tax writeoffs, so who knows if we'll ever get a conclusion to the story. But one year ago, we got a beautiful conclusion to Blake & Yang's love story, one that mattered to queer people around the world. 
cross posted from Patreon
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lurkingshan · 10 months
Only Friends is taking shape as a story about three dudes getting in over their heads trying to play games with men more experienced than them.
Mew thinks he is in control of his relationship with Top and ticking off the checkboxes on his little list, meanwhile Top is smarter and more calculating than he thinks and playing him right back while already starting to fuck around with Boston on the side.
Nick is reading way too much into Boston’s casual interest in him and already developing feelings despite all the warning signs, and he’s clearly not prepared to see Boston fucking around with other dudes.
Ray has all the careless confidence of a rich boy and thinks he can buy his way into anything, including Sand’s time and interest, but there’s already an edge of desperation there as he tries to keep Sand’s attention fixed firmly on him.
And all of these pairs are intertwined and tangled up with each other, so when the shit hits the fan it’s going to be absolutely glorious chaos.
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diabolocracy · 11 months
"There are children on the internet!"
Yes, and they can access most porn sites if their parents aren't paying attention to them by lying about their age and clicking a little checkbox.
If mommy and daddy didn't teach little Timmy not to copy-cat what he sees or reads in fiction, that's mommy's and daddy's fault.
If mommy and daddy didn't set up some child safety on the internet machine that connects indiscriminately to a wide variety of material posted onto the internet by a variety of people around the world that they let little Timmy play on, that's mommy's and daddy's fault.
If little Timmy isn't illiterate and sees tags and content warnings about something that he knows is going to squick or even trigger him, but he reads or views it anyway, that's little Timmy's fault.
If little Timmy is too immature to curate his internet experience--if mommy and daddy don't teach him how to do so, that's mommy's and daddy's fault. If little Timmy is old enough to be able to do so and he's still too immature to take such actions, that's little Timmy's fault, and perhaps his parents should be more involved with their child and less neglectful and negligent.
Maybe children shouldn't be exposed to the internet all willy-nilly. The internet as a whole is not child friendly and should not be, because way more than just children use it. There are child-safe websites and games that little Timmy can play on.
It's the parents responsibility to keep their child from wandering off and getting lost in meatspace.
It's the parents responsibility to keep their child from clicking onto some smutty fanfiction or xvideos.
Children on the internet are the responsibility of that child's parents.
Shocking, I know!
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fanficriter · 11 months
can u do kaidou shun dating hcs!?!?!?
Dating Kaidou Shun
Warnings - None
Characters - Kaidou Shun
Gender neutral reader
Notes - Sorry this is a bit short, I’m a bit sick atm
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- If you dress in Emo/Gothic clothes, expect him to fall for you like 10 times faster
- When he finally asked you out, he slide you one of those notes with the little yes or no checkboxes down the bottom
- He is definitely scared if the dark, he won’t admit it
- “The Jet Black Wings is scared of nothing! C-could you turn the light back on though?”
- He loves it when you play along with his little fantasies, it makes him feel loved
- LOVES physical affection!! But he does get very shy, especially when it’s in public
- Very shy when it comes to kisses. He will give you a peck on the lips and run away blushing
- If you surprise him with a kiss, he kinda just stands there for a moment, trying to figure out what just happened
- He is a clingy little shit tbh
- Loves cuddling with you sm
- He also love quality time, he’s inviting you everywhere everyday at all times
- Study sessions together always 🙏🙏
- If his mum likes you, expect home cooked meals every time you come over
- Literally is a shaking, nervous ball when meeting your parents
- “I promise to take care of them! I-indubitably!!”
- Your parents love him
- I feel like he really good with kids, so if you have younger siblings, they absolutely adore him
- Every time he comes over they will run up and hug him
- You feel like they love him more than you atp
- Has a huge hero complex, so he will protect you from all the bullies! But your usually the one whose protecting him…
- When his classmates make fun of him for talking about Dark Reunion, your always there to comfort him
- He doesn’t know how to swim, so you teach him. He tries to act tough though the whole thing
- “If I released my full power in the water… i’d course a tsunam- Y/N HELP IM DROWNING”
- For your birthday he always has a homemade present and a 10 page essay for a card
- He was definitely a night core kid
- Angel with a shotgun is HIS JAM (me to)
- He uses emoticon while texting
- “Hey angel! ^_^ Do u want to go get ramen with me tmrw? o(`ω´ )o”
- Can also speak irl with them??? He just does it and no one says anything about it
- Your name is his phone is definitely something like ‘My Fallen angel’ or ‘My Queen/King of Darkness’
- Is oddly good at singing?
- Every time he’s in the shower you hear him having his own little concerts
- He’s insanely talented at eyeliner
- Will sit in your lap and do yours if you let him
- This could very from being bacon and eggs, to being undead lovers, he doesn’t care! As long as he gets to look cute with you, he’s up for anything!
- He’s always talking about you to his friends
- “Me and Y/n went to the movie theatre yesterday!!”
- “Check you this cool ring Y/n got for me!
- “Did you see Y/n’s outfit today?”
- Your his first real partner, and he loves you a lot. You guys are always looking after each other!
- Also he’s a twilight fanboy so you have a twilight wedding 🙏🙏
I love Kaidou Shun goodnight tumblr (´-ω-`)
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