#morgan’s writings📝
gayhoediaz · 27 days
for the word game...hurt? help? head? hand? <3
For a split second, there seems to be a flicker of hurt on Buck’s face - but it’s gone as soon as it appears, leaving Eddie to assume he must have imagined it.
Eddie can't help the moan that escapes him, the sound rolling from deep within his chest.
Eddie isn’t sure why he opens his eyes - not sure why he tips his head back up, and looks out across the club - but for some reason he does, and it’s right then and there that his breath catches in his throat, his chest tightening - heart skipping a beat, his veins simultaneously roaring with fire and injected with ice, frozen solid with panic.
The curls on top of his head are wilder than Eddie has ever seen them before, and Eddie longs to sink a hand into them, to tug at them, to massage his scalp, to hear the moans that would leave his lips as he accepted the touch - sexual or merely appreciative, a part of Eddie doesn’t care.
give me a word, and if it’s in my upcoming buddie fic, i’ll post a line it appears in 💌
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love-that-we-were-in · 10 months
He’s breaking down the last of the boxes when she approaches the driveway, tupperware clutched between her hands like protection. It’s a face he knows, even if he doesn’t recognise it that well after years spent in the Texas sun, and he’s glad she catches his eye before reaching the door. There’s this confidence to her that none of them had as kids, the comfort in knowing her place in this town, and he breathes slowly when she changes course and heads for him instead.
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readingcoco · 6 months
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Writing Masterlist 🌵
Link to all my work on Ao3 Painted Red 🖤 Chapters: [1] [2] Arthur Morgan x Reader - Explicit - Longfic Summary: Your years as a Working Girl have made you an expert in men and all that pleases them, but when a new sandy-haired Deputy arrives in town, you can't understand why he gives you and the other girls working in your parlour so little attention. It becomes your mission to figure him out and hopefully make some money along the way - RDR2 longfic that runs alongside the events of the game, beginning in Rhodes. Peach Flesh 🍑 Chapters: [1] Arthur Morgan x Reader - Explicit - Oneshot Summary: Arthur and a plus-size reader pretend to be married to con a rich heiress out of her jewels. Everything goes according to Dutch's plan until they have to work out sleeping arrangements. Beta Reading 📝 I like to help writers in the RDR2 community with their fics when I have time. My availability status will be updated here! Status: OPEN Click for more info Picture credit: @foundynnel
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Writing/Narrating a Story ID Pack
Requested by Anon
Adeshwar, Adrian, Agatha, Allan, Andersen, Aniya, Areli, Arqam, Austen, Ava, Booker, Charles, Christian, Clyde, David, Davina, Demophon, Devan, Edgar, Eliot, Emily, Enitan, Enrest, Fyodor, Gabriel, George, Hans, Homer, James, Jane, Jim, Joanne, Kaleo, Kartar, Kateb, Kathleen, Keith, Khaliq, King, Leo, Malachi, Margaret, Mark, Masal, Morgan, Nathara, Neda, Peter, Poe, Prabhakara, Ptah, Quintessa, Raqim, Rawiya, Sarjena, Scott, Seda, Stephen, Tariku, Teagan, Virginia, Vladimir, William, Xenophon, Öykü
book/books, create/creates, creator/creators, fiction/fictions, ink/inks, narrate/narrates, narrator/narrators, note/notes, notebook/notebooks, paper/papers, pen/pens, pencil/pencils, quill/quills, speak/speaks, story/storys, text/texts, watch/watchs, word/words, write/writes, ▶️/▶️s, ✏️/✏️s, 🎙️/🎙️s, 🎞️/🎞️s, 🎤/🎤s, 👁️/👁️s, 💬/💬s, 📃/📃s, 📖/📖s, 📜/📜s, 📝/📝s, 🔊/🔊s, 🖊️/🖊️s, 🖋️/🖋️s, 🗣️/🗣️s, 🪟/🪟s
A Story Writer and Reader, A Voice From Above, The One Who Knows The Story ,The One Who Plans The Route, The One Who Tells The Story, The Script Writer, The Writer, [prn] Who Mastered Writing, [prn] Who Reads the Script, [prn] Who Wrote The Story
Coffeecandique, Estoirecyrean, Journalistgender, Loregender, Novelajoyic, Spreadsheetic, Virusnarratoric, Writacademic, Writegender, Writergender
Other mogai
Create Omninoun, Narrator Archetrope, Narrator Emsoul, Narravior
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smolwritingchick · 20 days
Hey hope you’re doing well and sorry to bother you I just wanted to asked are you gonna have Morgan involved in Punk and Drew feud cause Morgan and Punk are close?
Thank youuuu! Hi! No, you’re not bothering me! I’m answering the asks out of order like usual but will get to the rest of the asks soon!! I got a little busy lately so writing has been on hold a bit but will get back into things soon!! Also trying my best not to get sick with the constant change in weather, high and low temperatures and all.
Ooooo you know what? That’ll be really cool to write how I’d add her in it. 📝 I have all these storyline ideas and want to make them into what if scenarios for the story so I’ll add this to the list!
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winterandwords · 1 year
📝 Contextual use of physical description and how it informs a character's identity
THIS IS NOT WRITING ADVICE! At its core, I guess it's about showing-not-telling, but I'm not into issuing instructions. There are no rules here.
It's an approach I take in my own writing that I've thought a lot about, refined over years, and am sharing because it might be useful or relevant to other people. I am in no way saying this is the only way or the best way or the way that will suit your story or your characters. It's the way that suits my stories and my characters. OK? OK.
I use physical descriptions very sparingly and rarely outright state someone's height, build, hair colour, or eye colour. When those traits are mentioned, it's usually from another character's perspective - what would they notice and why? I tend to refer to physical traits only when they inform a character's personality and experience in relation to the story.
This is partly because I love the idea of readers imagining my characters how they see them. Do I have a clear image in my head of every character I write? Yes. Do you have to have the same image in your head? No. It's also just a matter of preference. I don't particularly connect with straight-up physical descriptions of characters in stories. They're not bad or wrong. They're just not really something that clicks in my head as significant when presented as a list of details.
Example: Noah from November Breaks and Spin Cylinder
So what does he look like?
Noah is in his mid-forties at the beginning of November Breaks and getting closer to fifty in Spin Cylinder. He's 6ft 4 with a muscular build and broad shoulders. He has greying dark hair that's short in the flashback parts of November Breaks and longer in the later parts. He grows a beard before the present-day section of November Breaks. His eyes are dark blue. He's conventionally very attractive. Does he look like a big, built Jeffrey Dean Morgan in my head? Yes. Does he have to look like that in anyone else's head? No.
(Did I choose his height because that's my spouse's height and it's really handy to have a living human reference for height, build and physical strength so I can ask someone things like "Could you lift that?" etc? Also yes. Welcome to why that specific height and build shows up in my MCs more than once)
At no point do I outright state any of those descriptive traits (apart from his eye colour, but we'll get there in a minute). So how do I show them?
People get out of Noah's way in the street. He's accustomed to it but feels not-so-great about it sometimes, suggesting that it relates to a consistent aspect of his appearance.
He feels uncomfortable in small spaces, for example, not feeling like he fits right at tables in cafes (borrowed from my spouse's experiences and something I would never have thought about on my own because I'm 5ft 2)
He can physically overpower other adult men easily and doesn't feel intimidated or threatened by objectively threatening people or situations, even when there are weapons involved.
He can move corpses around without much effort.
Brett's first impression of him is He could really hurt me (desirable) with the observation that he looks like "someone who could throw a heavy punch" and has "shoulders that could hold up the world" and "arms that could crush the breath from my lungs and stop my mind from racing" (Brett is a very poetic masochist)
Brett also mentions "Silver like the strands interrupting the dark of your hair" when he's remembering a grounding exercise that involves counting things of a chosen colour.
Perry flirts shamelessly with him, refers to "Those big blue eyes" and asks if he used to model with "You look like an advert for everything you’re wearing" (Perry is a delightful twinky surfer who is one of the lighter elements of the books and a joy to write)
Noah is neither surprised nor flattered that someone assumes he might have been a model when he was younger, showing that he's accustomed to moving through the world as A Handsome Man rather than being perceived that way by one person who happens to find him attractive.
Growing his hair and beard is part of an attempt to distance himself from Clichéd Contract Killer Aesthetic. These traits are first referenced by Max, who has known him for years, as recent changes at the beginning of November Breaks, and Noah talks about them as aspects of his appearance that he struggles to reach decisions about or make peace with.
His mid-life crisis is also referenced at the very beginning of November Breaks, giving a suggestion of his age.
He goes to the gym. It's about routine and control, not about looking a certain way, but it still indicates what his physical build is likely to be especially when combined with Brett's descriptions of him.
Another layer of connection between his appearance and personality is that he never once describes himself as being good-looking, fit, strong etc or shows that he values those traits. Why does this matter?
Trope subversion, my beloved! Noah could easily be perceived as an aggressively no-homo big macho meathead tough guy based on his appearance and his job, but he isn't. At all. He is, in fact, 100% pro-homo, charming and polite, and has extremely refined tastes, valuing luxury not for status but for quality.
His observations of other people rarely relate to specific physical traits. Rather, he compulsively notices how people behave and how they connect with their environment and the people in it. How everyone else looks is mostly irrelevant to him. How he looks is mostly irrelevant to him too.
This isn't as much to demonstrate depth (this isn't a "not like other men" situation, I promise) as it is to show the privilege inherent in not having to care about his own looks because he's always been perceived as attractive. This exists in contrast to Brett, who is fully aware of the power of his appearance and knowingly uses it to his advantage at every available opportunity.
If you want to see any of this in action, November Breaks lives on Tumblr at @novemberbreaksbywintersimpson. Spin Cylinder's WIP info is here (correct as of August 2023) and snippets can be found in my #spin cylinder tag.
That's it for now!
I have lots of topics like this that I could happily ramble about if anyone's interested. I really don't want to come across like I'm telling other people how to write or suggesting that I know better than anyone else - I'm not and I don't. I'm just an obsessive weirdo who thinks a lot about everything.
Let me know if you'd be interested in similar posts in future about other aspects of how I build characters and stories 💜
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 months
💖: Answered here!
📊: Current number of WIPs
…oh boy 😅 let’s see…10, by my count. Barry POV fic, 1x15/1x16 fic, Aroace Morgan fic, Morgan & Jesse roommates fic, Lucy AU ESB fic, CK AU interlude fic, CF AU reunion fic, daddy issues AU intro fic, Savitar & Nora fic, Bumizumi AU Book 1 fic
(ofc most of these aren’t being actively worked on currently. I’d say 4-5 are actively being written, the rest are backburner WIPs)
📝: What is one growth area you have for your writing?
Descriptions. I struggle with white room syndrome sometimes…and often even when I correct for that, I tend to sometimes overcorrect and get lost in descriptions 😅 trying to find a middle ground though! Dialogue comes much more naturally to me, but I’ve gotten better at managing descriptions over time
🤔: What is the hardest part of writing fic?
Editing 😂 not even so much writing, because at least with writing, I give myself permission to just write terribly. Editing is where the work happens: where I figure out what’s crucial to the story and what isn’t…aka which parts need to be cut, which can be hard. Same for when I have to cut chapters down—the last fic I wrote for the Morgan AU had pretty long chapters (about 6k) and I’m trying not to write chapters much longer than that 😅 even that was pretty long for me
🧠: What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
Maya Fey time travel fic!! This is an idea that flits through my head from time to time…as it has ever since I first played T&T in 2019. I keep trying to make it into a fic of some kind, but…we’ll see. Though I do hope to write a Maya-centric fic at some point regardless
🍰: Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave)
spiky twink rebooted (originally called “the adventures of spiky twink and the burger queen”) by @darealsaltysam for sure! It's an Ace Attorney high school AU chatfic. Usually AUs like that aren't my jam, but this is the one exception I made, and you won't regret it 💞 it's hilarious and wacky and the dynamics are fantastic. There are chatfic and prose portions, and both are spectacular. I can't recommend this enough if you're an Ace Attorney fan—I promise you, it's so worth it
Another one is AITA for accidentally starting a karate gang war? by @bobakick! Covers the events of Cobra Kai s1-s3 in Reddit form...and an absolute favorite of mine that I come back to so many times 😂 always makes me laugh and puts me in a good mood
fanfic ask game!
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halfmoth-halfman · 1 year
3k follower celebration 🎉
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time to get the good vibes going again with a follower celebration!!
i'll start off by just saying how absolutely stunned and grateful i am that so many of you have not only followed me, but for all the love and support you guys have shown me!! i appreciate every single one of you and thank you from the bottom of my way heart!! 💜
i'm gonna do the same emoji/ask game celebration that i did for my 2k, but this time i've added and changed up the emojis to make things more interesting 👀
starting today through next friday (may 26th) feel free to send me an ask, anonymous or not, along with a matching emoji or two from below the cut!
🎮 fun games
send me a game of your choice - could be fmk, top five, this or that, would you rather, or anything you like
💌 ask me anything
ask me anything you want to know about me
🎼character soundtracks
send me a character or a ship and i’ll make you a playlist with 5 songs for them
🎶 playlists
pick from one of my spotify playlists below and i’ll give you 3 random songs from there 1. here there be monsters (my spooky halloween playlist) 2. stealing these lyrics for fic titles (my fic title playlist) 3. oops, i played it again (songs that i put on repeat to make sure they end up on my spotify wrapped) 4. we do be drivin (roadtrip playlist) 5. a bowl of goldfish (a playlist of the songs that i love but keep forgetting the names of)
🖼️ moodboard
send me a character or an aesthetic (or both!!) and i’ll make you a moodboard
✂️ snippet
i'll give you a snippet from a random wip
👽 the cryptid collection
this one has to be off anon, but send me an ask and i'll tell you which cryptid you remind me of
🌟 faves
send me a subject (video games, movies, books, characters, etc) and i'll give you my top five
⚰️ the retirement home
send me a number 1-20 and i'll talk about a fic idea i had that i scrapped/retired/never got around to
📝 drabble requests
send me a character from the list below, a word or two, and a fic genre and i’ll write you a 100-200 word drabble (Ex: Ghost, Scars, Whump) ✨i don’t write smut, but i don’t mind a little bit of spice✨ alejandro vargas alex keller arthur morgan kyle "gaz"garrick john "soap" mactavish john price phillip graves rodolfo parra simon "ghost" riley
there's no limit to how many emojis you can send, just please don't spam and be polite!!
everything will be tagged with #mothie3kcelebration!!
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missyrdr2fan77 · 1 year
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I am tired of trying to find that FANFIC of Arthur Morgan traveling to the future.
So is there anyone willing to write a FANFIC, of Arthur making it to the future like LOL Marty McFly did. Yes I know Marty McFly traveled to 1955 but he also traveled to 2015. ⬅️ I added that Back to the Future reference, and yes I have seen all 3 movies.
So if possible, could there be things like this. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
Francis Sinclair: so we know time travel is possible because of him.
Somehow add that NPC in story if possible.
Plus you can either keep the TB or not keep it.
If possible make it female reader please.
And it can be 18+ MA like the game.
I would write this FANFIC myself but I suck at writing. 📝✍️
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halsteadlover · 2 years
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬 𝐈 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫✒️
☾ ℭ𝔥𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔤𝔬 𝔓𝔇
Jay Halstead
Adam Ruzek
Kevin Atwater
☾ ℭ𝔥𝔦𝔠𝔞𝔤𝔬 𝔐𝔢𝔡
Will Halstead
Connor Rhodes
☾ ℭ𝔯𝔦𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔞𝔩 𝔐𝔦𝔫𝔡𝔰
Spencer Reid
Aaron Hotchner
Derek Morgan
☾ 𝔉𝔬𝔯𝔪𝔲𝔩𝔞 𝔒𝔫𝔢
Charles Leclerc
Lando Norris
➪ 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐉𝐀𝐘 𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐀𝐃 𝐎𝐍𝐋𝐘
𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐆𝐮𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 📝
I always try to write out every request you send me but there are some topics I don’t feel comfortable writing about so please read this before sending a request ❤️
Every fic I write is ‘character x female!reader’ at the moment but I’m open to write oc in the future.
I don’t write about non consensual topics, r*pe but some fics may have some mentions of them so I’ll put a TW.
I don’t write ‘character x sister!reader’, I don’t feel comfortable about thinking about characters I thirst about as siblings lol.
I also don’t write fics between character of the same sex since I don’t feel I have enough knowledge to write about these topic and I wouldn’t do a good job.
Cheating between the two main characters is not a topic I write about although it might be mentioned.
Please send requests in my inbox, so I can keep track them otherwise I may forget them.
𝐌𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐨𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐞 💖
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clovermunson · 2 years
welcome to my 500 followers celebration! in honor of this milestone, i will be hosting a two-week long stranger things-themed celebration (from november 8th — november 22nd) where y’all can send in any emojis you want! below is the list of emojis, and you can send however many you’d like, and anyone can participate in this if they want to! thank you all so much for 500 lovely followers of this little hellhole that i call my blog!☺️ — xo, morgan🖤
tagging moots to spread the word: @bookshelf-dust @nelabelievesindragons @kc-needs-coffee @ardent-musings @cupids-crystals @jackys-stuff-blog @velvetcloxds @catohphm @aceyanaheim @onlyfreds @danceworshipper
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📼character association — send this + a description of yourself (can be long or short) and i’ll tell you which stranger things character you remind me of
🧇leggo my eggo — game time! send this in for a cym, fmk, this or that, or any other games! (please specify which one)
📝notes from the upside down— send this + a character (and scenario if you want!) and i’ll write a little blurb for it (limited to ten nine eight seven spots)
🔦stuck in the upside down— send this (and a description of yourself/how you ended up in the upside down if you want to) and i’ll tell you which character i think would save you from the upside down!
🎧running up that hill — send this + a character for me to tell you which song i think would save them from vecna, or which song i think would save you from vecna
🍦scoops ahoy — send this for me to tell you which character would share ice cream with you at scoops, and which flavors you’d get
👾palace arcade — send this for me to tell you my favorite arcade games (you can tell me yours as well if you want), or which game at the palace arcade you’d have the high score on!
🎸eddie’s guitar — send this for some song recommendations from me!
📸jonathan’s camera — send this + a character for me to tell you which candid photos they’d have, or which candid photos you’d have of them in the st universe!
☕️coffee and contemplation — send this to vent, rant, or even just ramble to me!
☎️joyce’s phone — send this for me to tell you which character would always call you when they have a problem, and/or which character you would always call for help
❤️you’re the heart — send this + a description of yourself (can be long or short) along with your gender preference, and i’ll tell you which character i’d ship you with!
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masterwords · 2 years
🤬Is there a WIP that you hate?
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
🤬Is there a WIP that you hate?
Oh. Yes. So many! I have this one with Sean & Hotch in the snow that I hate because I can't figure out what to do with it, and another with Hotch & Jessica at college that I also...can't figure out what I want to do with. It's always that. I get so far and then it's like...well fuck. What do I do now? What is the purpose of this really? At least with Hotch/Morgan I can just be like well...I'm lost but I'll make them kiss and that's enough. Doesn't work that way with siblings. LOL
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
It smells like manure and hay, the smell of a childhood summer working for his neighbor's farm. Where he grew up, everyone was considered a neighbor because no one lived terribly close together. Everyone in town was his neighbor. But this farm, it was right up the road and he would walk there in a flurry of dust, kicking gravel and scraping his worn old school shoes until they were thin. He would shovel slop for the pigs and he would lay hay and he would milk cows, everything that they needed help with because their children were all grown. It wasn't any problem, he got paid and all of his friends did too. It could be smelly, those syrupy hot summer days, but they always ended with a dip in the icy creek.
Manure and hay, gravel, it's a perfect storm of memory and he shifts his back against the ground now searching for hurts. For injuries. For a reason that he's here instead of running, instead of home with Jack.
For an ask in my inbox for an abduction story but...I just can't seem to get into the right headspace to write anything but the softest fluffiest stuff right now.
Thanks for asking! <3
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eularosea · 2 years
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Arthur 📝 & Thorne Morgan
Inspiration from @verai-marcel wonderful writings 🥰
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eldrai · 2 years
100 followers celebration
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There’s 100 of you lovely people (well, technically 107 by the time I got around to arranging this) which is crazy to think about - in a good way. To say thank you I’ve decided to hold a small celebration!
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Things to send!
🎵 - send me a song and I’ll tell you what CM character I associate with it. Alternatively, send this + “shuffle” and I will shuffle my spotify playlist and tell you what character the first random song makes me think of!
Mutuals 🎹 - send this and an album and I’ll tell you a song from it I associate with the S3+ era team. May take me a little while if I’ve never listened to it before!
📝 - send me this and a character and I will tell you a headcanon I have about them
✍️ - send me this and I’ll give you a line from the WIP I am or most recently worked on
📓 - send me a headcanon or idea of yours and I’ll give you my thoughts on it
Mutuals 📚 - send this and I’ll tell you what I associate you with / what you remind me of
Mutuals 📖 - ask me anything (within reason)
✒️ - send me a prompt from the list below!
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To request a prompt, please send in the number and section it is from and at least one character
E.G: 5 from angst with Hotch and Morgan?
One character or two is fine!
If you’d like a specific character out of a pair to be the one saying the line, feel free to specify - if you don’t, you don’t have to.
If you’d like to request multiple prompts, please send them in separate asks
If you send in a prompt from the misc. list and have a particular ‘direction’ in mind, feel free to specify (e.g. angst, fluff, etc.); if you don’t, you don’t have to.
As much as I love writing, I (unfortunately) have real responsibilities and so requests aren’t likely to be answered immediately. I don’t think anyone here needs to hear this but please be patient.
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Angst Prompts
Want to hurt one of our favourite characters? Let’s be real, if you’re here, the answer is probably yes.
It’s three in the morning.
Trust me on this
Don’t touch me.
If you die, I’m gonna kill you.
Let me do this. Please.
You need some sleep.
I didn’t know where else to go.
I said I’m fine.
Stay with me!
Just shut up
I just wanted to hear your voice.
I’m not leaving until I know you’re okay.
Fluff Prompts
For the nicer moments.
You did all of this for me?
I’m not going anywhere.
Your hair is really soft.
You stayed?
Do you know you talk in your sleep?
You’re a terrible liar.
Aww, you were adorable as a kid!
Be careful, it’s hot.
If you cry, I’ll cry, and that’s not gonna be good for either of us
Why’d you stop?
You have a really nice smile
Is that my shirt?
Misc prompts
These could go either way - tell me if you know the direction you want them, let me decide if you don’t! 
How are you feeling?
I told you this was a terrible idea.
I could get used to this
Why are your feet so cold?
You’re staring again
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So that’s the celebration! 
I want to say thank you to all of you. Especially @hotchley​ for all her support and generally being a great friend and to @jaspxr for making the gorgeous banner and dividers for this!
Tagging some of the people who have made this such a great community to be in: @anastasiahotchner @criminalmindsvibez @olivinesea @masterwords @will-on-the-internet @louisaland @pretty-boys-book-club @ssa-atlas-alvez @ssa-sarahsunshine @whump-town @piratesofpenzance4 @infinite-tides @ropoto @arsonhotchner @gravygremlin @sarcvstiel @unionjackpillow / @84hotpockets
Appreciate you all :)))
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morceid · 4 years
tags i use
pluto’s brain rot: op tag
pluto writes: writing liveblogging/writing
pluto’s creations: anything i make that isn’t drawings or writing
pluto’s art: drawings
good morning crusty crew: good morning tag/my dreams
pluto’s pictures: any pictures that don’t have to do with art
qwee: my queue
school struggle😤: anything that has to do with school
gay people: moreid
kisses and cookies: morcied
my fav transgender gfs 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩/pretty people: garceid
anything diabetes related: diabetes💉
pluto weaves webs: web weaving
mutual tags
@jelle-jareau - juno🔍
@jemilyology - jae👁
@moss0ntherocks - moss🗣
@thejeidhater - annie🕯
@perpetual-goodvibes - emily👣
@peanutbutterworm - al🤭
@sunnymulti - sunny ☀️ ☀️
@derek-morgan-love-squad - derek🥰
@hotchsbabygirl - anj🎂
@yeetmeintotheunknown - spacey☮️
@veraiconcos - lucy🙌
@moreidism - iqa💚
@penemily - rose🦾
@morciaa - grace😪
@sunlightgalaxy - priya🌀
@hotchrocket - liv📛
@swag-ghost - simi🚪
@wannabemerida - eliza🪡
@jordantodds - frankie 🔱
@reese-the-edgy-enby - reese🅰️
@ssajelle - layla🐻
@agentshortstacc - joey🌊
@nonbinary-spencie - robbie🪱
@suburban--gothic - drey💧
@greenaway-lewis - lucy📍
@lgbtbau - maya🏏
@scandinavian-punk - yashasree📎
@sunflowrly - sunny ☀️
@thestrawberrygirl - elle🍓
@sapphoprentiss - jamie🧢
@dilaudidiot - spencer🧼
@tarajareau - monroe 👾
@elizabethxolsen - abbie💗
@themetaphorgirl - caitlin📖
@gluten-free-challah - soap🤠
@wheelsup - ri🥸
@willowrose99 - will🌹
@froggybagels - froggy♻️
@enbyspencer - jo🙏
@toddspoet - athena📝
@sadspencer - finn🤝
@angelreid - isa🐼
@dayytonababy - ryan ❤️‍🔥
@moreidsdaughter - becca❤️‍🩹
@fisherkinq - shay❣️
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babyitsmagic · 6 years
📝 Raphael
@mythsandmonsters || send a ‘📝’ to see what plot I’d like to do with our muses.
SO MANY THINGS. i don’t write raphael often bc he doesn’t tend to cooperate for long but i love my socially awkward son.
he needs friends. he needs friends so bad. he’s the angel of loyalty and rn the only loyalties he has are heaven and michael and gabriel. which aren’t necessarily different things but also are. not at all the same. give him friends who aren’t gabriel!!! give him people to care about!!! gIVE HIM A MORTAL TO BE PROTECTIVE OF but do note that the last mortal he was protective of was morgan and that ended. very. bad. so.
ships!!!! give him more ships!!! he can be so soft when he’s in love and it MURDERS ME but he never really loses his edge when he’s like this so still soft but also like.... god if you fuck up, he FEELS it so deep bc he’s the angel of loyalty and he just feels betrayal so much more than most oh my god. also raphael (and also simone!) are heteroflexible and i could write a million plots of them slowly discovering that they’re into someone of the same gender.
also just raphael becoming v protective of frey??? sounds adorable tbh. probably a mess eventually but. adorable.
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