#mr avery
theallegedbird · 1 year
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oh mr backwards don’t you know?
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soranatus · 8 months
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DC’s Spring Breakout (2024) anthology, John Timms main cover
Spring has sprung! Flowers are blooming, bees are buzzing, Harley is breaking King Shark out of Belle Reve prison…all is right in the DCU as both heroes and villains face all sorts of different spring breaks. Breaking out of a coffin? Lex Luthor has that covered. Spring break training? Send in Superman! Breaking out of your shell? Batman and Mr. Freeze explore that possibility through a connection in their shared past. Breaking down a worthy adversary? Katana and her sword of souls might just be able to tackle that. And it wouldn’t be a spring break without a Teen Titans beach trip! All these and more in DC’s Spring Breakout! — eight breakout stories to put a spring in your step!
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Audrey Hepburn, her first husband Mel Ferrer, and Mr. Famous in the backyard of their Los Angeles, California home in 1957 Photography by Sid Avery
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kyngsnake · 1 year
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in all his yippee-ki-yay glory.
additional outfits under the cut
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comicmancer · 5 months
I like this
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gorogues · 6 months
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Spoilers for Speed Force #6!
You can see some preview pages here.
Unfortunately it looks like the writer got word late that the series wasn't being continued, as things are wrapped up rather abruptly and it feels like some plots are left dangling. However, I also get the feeling that the ending is left open and there's a possibility of things being continued at a later date, which will hopefully be the case. Cadence is still hanging out with the heroes and her vaguely-sinister plotline is unaddressed, and I'm not sure what's happening with Fiddler and Klarion at the end -- although Klarion is clearly still manipulating him somehow, and appears to have an agenda of his own.
Fiddler is understandably upset that his company was taken from him, but I'm not sure whether he grasps how fully he was betrayed by his 'friends' who didn't care about his well-being during the concert at all. And ouch, it's got to hurt to have been riding so high and be accepted by younger people, only to lose it all and get dismissed as "an old dude"; it doesn't help that the new artist actually does make him look old. It's just a difference in art styles, but it makes him seem like he's aged significantly overnight. So he's had a great fall, and time will tell if this development is picked up again, but now he's got a legitimate grievance with Mad Mod, Music Meister, and Sebastian Stagg, and a less justified (but probably real to him) beef with Wallace and Avery. There's certainly fodder for future stories right here, and it's good to see him being used again.
Mas Y Menos are brought into the kids' friend circle at the end of the issue, indicating that they're at least pals with Wallace and Avery even if they don't end up joining the Flash Family. We'll have to wait and see if they will, but at least they're now on the Flashverse writers' radar and have friends within the Family.
So I think the ending to the series is rather hasty and harmed it as a result, but that was likely due to sales/marketing and wasn't the writer's fault. Hopefully Jarrett Williams will get to write more of the Flashverse and possibly continue Wallace and Avery's adventures, and it was definitely nice to see them get the spotlight for a change. It was also good to see the Fiddler here and get a surprising amount of development for a lesser-used villain!
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jamcarven · 6 months
guys the fact that the tiniest snippet of tgg has got me giggling so hard, im not gonna survive when the actual book comes out. 😭
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atlasdoe · 8 months
i've been watching bojack horsemen for the first time and i have the urge to write a snape centric fic inspired by the show
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Where Did Alisa’s Dad Go?
Mr. Ortega is in one scene in the first book. He is mentioned by Alisa one or two other times in the first book, and then NEVER TALKED ABOUT AGAIN. Like??? Avery gets his phone number???
Also- in the final gambit, does NO ONE think to inform him that his daughter’s been kidnapped? Alisa doesn’t canonically have siblings, but her dad is IN AVERY’S CONTACTS. You have time to threaten Mr. Laughlin that you’ll burn a maze down (how does she expect to find people without Alisa?) but you don’t have time for a quick call to a probably worried father?
Maybe Nash or someone told him, but I find it HIGHLY unrealistic that he wouldn’t come banging on the door to help get his daughter back.
In conclusion- justice for Alisa and her father.
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amphibizzy · 10 months
for my birthday im punching gender Avery in the floating balls with one silly mime
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acmeoop · 2 years
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A Crossover Like No Other “Who Framed Roger Rabbit” (1988)
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jesterjamz · 6 months
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this was super fun to do! thanks to everyone who participated!
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aggravateddurian · 11 months
WIP Whenever
I was tagged by @medtech-mara for the weekly WIP report. Here's the latest stories.
Cyberpunk RED: How to Save a Life
"My name's Avery, I'm a netrunner."
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Cyberpunk RED-era Data Entry, using default Photo Mode frames and backgrounds.
Yesterday I revealed Avery Greer, an FIA netrunner. She's cynical, possibly clinically depressed (my notes say that she's pathologically unable to smile) and desires change in her life. She has already decided that her future does not involve the NUSA or the FIA. She may already have plans in motion to engineer her escape.
She works under a senior FIA agent named Hunter 'Bishop' Wilkes. Bishop is ride-or-die for the NUSA and has already been betrayed by a netrunner before (their AV was hacked by a netrunner who made a covert deal with an African militia to hand over FIA secrets in exchange for safe passage to Nairobi, and from Nairobi to Luna). He already suspects that her change in behaviour could be a prelude to betrayal, and already has her under close watch.
You're gonna see more of her.
Bakeneko: Select images from their latest show
A teaser for a photo story coming next week!
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Vega Hawse sings Bakeneko's first original song Wolverines!, written by Dorian 'Durian' Bautista (image credit: NCT News)
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Another day, another pic in the screamsheets of So Mi living her best life in NC with Vega (this displeases Myers).
In 2078, Dorian Bautista (y'know, Dorian, the former corpo, turned fixer, then rockerboy) founded a band named Bakeneko ("Changed Cat"). They originally were a Samurai cover band, but something was off about their sound.
Then V came back... well, kinda. Vega's technically genetically 33% Johnny Silverhand and is a hybrid consciousness, but one with all of Johnny's memories and skills, as well as perfect knowledge of every SAMURAI song. Dorian reached out, and after some slightly mocking encouragement from Johnny, Vega joined Bakeneko and became the band's frontwoman.
In mid-2079, Bakeneko signed on with Silverhand Studios. While they still do SAMURAI covers, Vega (and by proxy, Johnny) and Dorian are working on an original EP, due to come out in 2080. Rumours that Kerry Eurodyne will appear in one of the songs are currently unconfirmed by N54 News.
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Warning: the following story references torture
The agent sat in the darkened room, his face and chest bloody. Electrodes were still attached to the more sensitive parts of his chest and torso. A black-uniformed soldier with blue glowing techgogs threw a bucket of icy water over the agent. He yelped as the ice pelted his bruised and bloodied skin, "Wake the fuck up, fedscum!"
"What the fuck do you want!?" screamed the agent, "just tell me what you want! I'll tell you anything! Just make it stop!"
A man stepped into the room, temporarily blinding the agent as the light of the hallway blasted into the room. He turned to the soldier, his blue eyes glowing in the darkness, "That'll be all."
Mr Blue Eyes circled the FIA agent, "Who was your target?"
"It was a traitor."
Mr Blue Eyes produced a stun baton, and without a second thought, drove the baton into the man's ribs. He cried in pain as electricity coursed through his vulnerable flank, "Specifics, please, Mr Jordan."
"It... her name is Song So Mi. She attempted to kill President Myers. There's a one million eddie bounty on her head."
He nodded, putting the baton back on the tool bench, "See, you can be cooperative... I'm going to let you go, Mr Jordan. In a few hours, you'll be back in Langley, no doubt being treated by the FIA's best medtechs."
"But not without conditions," Mr Blue Eyes told him, kneeling and grabbing the man by the jaw so his eyes met the agent's, "You'll be sending Ms. Myers a message. Night City is off limits to the NUSA, and by extension, so are Song So Mi and Vega Hawse. If me, or my associates, find your agency operating in our city again, and especially if we find you harassing them, there will be consequences."
"A-are you nuts? Myers will never listen to that!"
Mr B shrugged, "You can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink, Mr Jordan. All you need to do is deliver the message to the FIA, and you'll be home free. Do we have an accord?"
Jordan bowed his head, "Fine."
Mr B turned to the soldier, "Find this man some clothes and bring him to NCX. He has a flight to catch back to Washington."
"Yes, sir."
That's about it for this week. Normally these come around Wednesday, but today's the day I guess.
People have probably already been tagged for this, but I'm gonna tag: @genocidalfetus @byberbunk2069 @theviridianbunny. Absolutely no pressure involved, only if you want to :)
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kyngsnake · 7 months
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crispytoastyt · 2 years
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This is the first half of Season 2 of the Pipsqueak Sets. As like I stated earlier, it is a collection of pop culture characters, original characters, and obscurity.
You may have noticed the background color looks different than the previous one. The colored background represents the season. So let's say that Season 01 had a grey checkered background while this has a light-blue checked background.
This also applies to the Pipsqueak Commission Sets as this is a lot easier to distinguish. One example is that Pipsqueak Commission Season 01 has a golden honey background. I will post them up later on.
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gorogues · 9 months
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Spoilers for Speed Force #3!
You can also see the preview pages at Adventures In Poor Taste.
Things keep going from bad to worse for Avery and co, and the Symphonee app hasn't even been revealed as (likely) evil yet. They've probably got even more challenges ahead of them!
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