#mr deaf
bodhrancomedy · 1 year
A much longer, more in-depth video about Mr Beast’s 1000 deaf people hear for the first time video and why we’re criticising him.
(I studied theatre and film with a focus on both writing and analysis on disability for clarity)
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cherry-pop-elf · 10 months
George Weasley is Disabled, and it’s frustrating how easily people just brush it off or ignore it. So, imma fight that
George Weasley Headcanons For After The War
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He started to pick up sign language, and often uses it when talking to the young students who come into the shop. His sign name is “Orange Twin” Since orange is his favorite color
He gave Fred the Sign name “Purple Twin” by Proxy
He has a habit of leaning a lot. As to focus his good ear at people, in order to hear them
He rarely sleeps on his right side, because it cuts out all sound. And since he is a victim of fighting a war, he suffers paranoia from his PTSD. So dead silence is a no go
He’s rather self conscious about his missing ear, and will try and style his hair to hide it
It’s also a painful reminder that he isn’t identical to Fred anymore. In a morbid way, a physical reminder Fred is no longer with him. Not even in his own reflection
Given what spell that claimed his ear, Sectumsempra, he has multiple scars on the side of his head. Which also cut into his hair, and cheek. So he had to grow out his hair a bit, in order to hide them
He developed a real hate for things being to quite, so he’s always having some kind of noise playing. He just can’t sleep if his bedroom is to quiet. He just won’t
He makes jokes, and acts like it doesn’t bother him. More so because of other people than his own comfort. He was always the guy to make everyone else feel better. So he kinda bottled up the side effects of the trauma it gave him
He has phantom pain, so it’s not uncommon to see him rubbing the side of his head. As if his ear was still there
A real way to his heart is to kiss the scars on the side of his head. It makes him feel not so gross. It’s also something Fleur has done with Bill, so it triggers just that side of his brain to say “I am loved”
Kids often times point it out, but a child doing it never bothers him. It’s a case to teach them, and encourage their curious nature. If an adult does it? He gets very uncomfortable very fast.
George Weasley is a disabled man, and that’s ok. Disabled people exist, and he’s a man that survived a war. You can be young, and disabled. You can be pretty and disabled. Disabled people exist
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haveyouheardthisband · 8 months
Is poop rock a real thing and if so do you guys have any examples of songs/bands that would qualify as poop rock
no but it should be. im gonna crowdsource this does anyone have any examples of music that could be described as Poop Rock -r
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thesquirrelqueer · 10 months
thinking about deaf west spring awakening so here’s how i’d do a deaf version of be more chill
jeremy, michael and christine are deaf, all three of them sign
brooke is a CODA and knows sign language fluently, but she is hearing
jake does not know sign language at the beginning of the show, but you see him learn a little bit of it for christine as a way of showing him actually putting effort into his relationship with her
chloe can barely sign but knows some basic words from brooke
jenna cannot sign at all but is HOH and can read lips
rich is hearing and unable to sign UNTIL he syncs with jeremy squip, then he is suddenly fluent
mr. heere is hearing and is learning to sign for jeremy, this is part of why there’s a disconnect between the two of them
jeremy, michael, and christine have counterpart actors who act as their “voices”
jeremy’s “voice” is with him until the squip enters, then his “voice” is replaced by the squip until voices in my head
christine’s “voice” is with her the whole show EXCEPT for the guy that i’d kinda be into reprise and when she’s squipped in the play. so you actually see christine’s squip onstage because it replaces her “voice”
michael has a “voice” for everything except michael in the bathroom, which is only signed with backing music
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stinky-ahh-gay · 27 days
I just finished listening to the wisdom saga and i have so much to say
Number 1:
Number 2:
THAT'S WHAT JAY MEANT WITH THE "Waccha going to do about it champ?" WITH ANTILOCUS
Perfect, 5 starts 10/10 would recommend
Nuber 3!:
That mad voice was a little bit too much for me to handle, i will listen to it in loop now.
Numberrrrrr 4:
Number 4:
Love in paradise
For now i'm done I WILL come back because i'm only on 1 listen of the saga AND I NEED TO LISTEN TO IT ON LOOP FOR THE REST OF THE DAY TO CATCH EVERY SINGLE DETAIL
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photozoi · 10 months
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Progress has been made! The Not So Youngish Prince has decided that the smol child that looks a bit like him is a Keeper, and so Play Worthy.
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As long as Mr Mung plays by the rules climbing on the Prince is allowed. The rules are the game stops when the Prince has had enough.
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The fact that Mr Mung has replaced the baby needles with real teeth has helped, of course, as does the fact that he has learned some restraint. When his elders say "Enough!" he listens.
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You can't force friendships, you can only give them the space and time to grow. And when introducing a large, powerful, coursing breed to anything smaller that could be prey it is wise to go carefully.
Mung is 5 months old, Grampa Prince is 10 years. The age difference alone could be an issue. The Prince, however, has decided that Mung is his Mini Me, and their playtime is something he looks forward to. Mr Mung has gained another fan. <3
Mr Mung, Silken Windhound, 5 months Grandpa Prince, Borzoi, 10 years, deaf and partially blind
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missing-sock-misto · 2 months
Jellicle Ask game: 1, 3, 7
Hi! (So I wrote a drabble for number 7, lol)
1. Favourite Swing
I honestly really like George, simply for the headcanon that he’s actually a dog? It’s incredibly silly but I do think it’s adorable.
3. Favourite Replica costume
I Love Misto’s outfit. It says so much about his character, he's neat, fancy, helps him stand out of a crowd,
(Moscow 2005 Misto)
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I love the little black splotch on his leg, it's reminicent of the markings you'll see on actual tuxedo cat legs.
I also love that he has a single missing sock. Hence my username. Three white limbs, one black arm. It's very cute, is distinctive and unusual for tuxedos. (Which is why I don't like the Broadway revival giving him two black socks, one on opposite limbs. No.)
I also have a particular fondness for the more modern show number tuxedo, especially Xavier Pellin. It's more reminiscent of a figure skater outfit. The black velvet makes it a deeper black than Tugger's grey-black. But I like how the white patch ends just below his chest, while his chorus outfit ends at his midriff. it's like he buttoned up his coat XD
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I like the idea that Misto can shapeshift slightly, going from all black to tuxedo depending on his mood XD
7. Favourite sibling headcanons
Tugger, Munk and Mac are brothers and the sons of old Deut, though Munk has a different mom. Mac is the easiest to not make a Deuteronomy, but it is my preference.
Also while I love the ‘Misto and Victoria are twins’ headcanon, I actually prefer it when Misto is fully an outsider to the Tribe, or even something supernatural in the skin of a cat. Sometimes, this is how I play around with the "Eldritch Misto" idea. So I actually like the idea that Misto and Victoria are foster siblings. Victoria found Misto as a kitten, and they adopted each other. They call each other twins because they don’t know when Misto was born so they just share a birth date.
One idea: When baby Victoria, (who is the daughter of Bustopher Jones's sister), played around the home, she felt the shadows watching her. It raised the fur on the back of her neck, like after rubbing a balloon. Her siblings hated the shadows, arching their backs and opening their mouths in snarls she couldn’t hear. But the shadows didn’t scare her. At first she thought it was the Everlasting Cat watching her. But then she realized it was different. This was not the comforting glow she felt when she stared up at the full moon. This was a quieter feeling, mist on a moonless night wrapping her gently in silver. It was the tingle on her tongue as she looked at the sky heavy with clouds, while lights flickered and flashed overhead. The lights scared her siblings too.
She started tossing toys or bits of her food into the shadow. The toys returned, the food disappeared. Her momma thought she had made an imaginary friend. It was not imaginary.
But it was a friend.
One by one, her siblings found new homes in large hands that caressed them. Hands touched her and held her, but never chose her. Her mother licked her fur with static strokes, her chest vibrating gently. The vibrations fascinated Victoria. So many things made them. The regular thumps as the humans feet hit the floor, the shaking as a truck pulled up to the house.
One day, strange men whose scents she did not recognize invaded her home. Their footsteps sent percussive shocks up her legs. She hid, watching as they put wooden tables into cardboard boxes before carrying them away. She had to move as one by one her favorite hiding spots were taken- the men upending cabinets and removing blankets. Finally, tucked away somewhere high in a nook with no furniture, she was safe. She wiggled her toes against the floor of her hiding place, enjoying the rhythmic vibrations as the strangers moved so far below. Safe, she curled into a ball, and fell asleep.
When she wakes up, the house is empty, and she is alone. No humans. No boxes. No momma. She runs through the house, mouth open, throat vibrating in a way that got momma’s attention, trying to find someone, anyone. After hours of searching the desolate house, she gives up, curling up on sore legs. She shivers, both from cold and tears.
She is awoken by something hitting her back. She unfurls quickly, so quickly she loses her footing and slips on the floor. But her heart soars. Maybe her momma is back! She is greeted by an empty room. At her feet is one of her toys, a little ball. Her hope dies all over again, grief welling up in her, even more choking than before. She buries her face in her arms. She feels a thump as another toy collides with her back. She straightens once again, more angry than sad now. Can't she be allowed to cry in peace? Out of the darkness, another toy, a little round mouse, flies towards her. She bats it aside angrily and opens her mouth. She feels her throat vibrate. She'd see her mother flinch and rub her ears when she did that. She thought it had been funny. The darkness retreats, allowing the evening sun to filter through the room once again. She hadn't realized the room had been so dark. But instead of feeling satisfied or relieved, she feels even more lonely than before. She curls back into a ball, burying her nose under her stubby tail.
After a few minutes, the shadows return, coalescing by her side, a small pool of void. When it departs, a bit of food remains. At first, she thinks about batting it away too. Instead, she manages to eat a mouthful. Then another. Soon the food is gone, wolfed down into her empty stomach. She hadn't realized how hungry she had been. She nods gratefully at the dark, before curling back into a ball.
Day turns to night. She shivers in her corner, the loneliness almost colder than the autumnal chill. Her lungs shudder with soundless tears. She wants her momma.
The air takes on an electric thrum, making all her fur stand up on its end. She sits up, confused. Before her, the shadows pool together, growing thicker and denser, until a patch of Void sit in the corner of the room. Colors flicker in the depths, oil slick rainbows swirling in the black. She stares in astonishment as the shadows tighten, and then open their eyes. Unnatural electric blue and lightning yellow eyes glow back at her. They blink, and when they open again, they are no longer glowing. A kitten steps out of the darkness. It is her age, her size. No, it is more than that. It is her mirror, her inverse rendered in shadow. The only difference is that one of the kitten's eyes is yellow instead of blue. She blinks. The kitten blinks back. It approaches her cautiously. It is clumsy, as if it has never walked before.
It approaches until it is only a few inches away. She should feel terrified. But the strange kitten is familiar, misty night air and lightning storm rain. Almost out of instinct, she holds out her paw. The kitten mirrors, holding out its left. They touch. It’s like sticking her paw in an icy creek. She flinches away, startled. The kitten tilts its head, confused. Then its eyes narrow with concentration. It holds out its paw again, inviting. This time, the paw is warm beneath her own.
They curl up together that night, her old friend and her. She is warm.
When her Uncle comes to retrieve her, he is confused by the new kitten. He knows the kittens his sister had, and this was not one of them. Victoria clings to the stranger, tails twined together. He gestures as the black kitten and shakes his head. He was only here for his niece, for his family. Victoria puffs up, and wraps herself over the kitten, eyes defiant. He is coming with us, her eyes say.
Bustopher hesitates for a moment, before he chuckles. "I guess this is my nephew," he says outloud to himself. At least the two looked similar. Uncannily similar, really. A Victoria dropped in ink.
Some tension in the girl eases, sensing the change in her Uncle's demeanor even if she can't hear his words. He smiles gently at her, and gestures towards the door. She hesitates, tightening her grip around her new brother questioningly. Bustopher nods, and gestures again to the door.
He leaves with two kittens in tow. When the black kitten's face and paws turn white, a reflection of his own tuxedo coat, he is not as surprised as he should be. There was something unearthly about the kitten, too fluid to be natural. But he decides that this action is one of acknowledgement. He chuckles. "Welcome to the family,” he tells the boy.
Thank you for the ask!
Lol, I did not mean for that to turn into a drabble, whoops 😅
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silenthill2ps2 · 5 months
did i ever tell you guys about my deaf leon kennedy headcanon cuz there's no way in hell that man can still hear after firing guns so much without any headphones
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raydrawsss · 1 month
I edited my fav parts of this weeks video 😌
I love them sm- I actually can’t
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bodhrancomedy · 1 year
A little update and explanation (even if I’m late since I was dealing with a personal matter) on Mr Beast’s Deaf video and why it severely pissed off a lot of D/deaf folks. Including me.
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weepingfoxfury · 4 months
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The man on the radio is talking about Elvis, something to do with someone's 3 million loan that would have led to the sale of Graceland. Says he's never been, before playing 'Caught in a Trap.' I'm only half listening. The traffic lady is talking about jigsaws again, says she'll bring her puzzle roll in and that she and the man on the radio can go out on the grass and jigsaw together. Picnic anyone?
Weatherwise the temperature has dropped, but there's sunshine. Feels more like we're heading into Autumn again. The man on the radio plays 'The Last Rose of Summer' ... says he hopes that's not the case.
All about the ivy today. Alongside the moss, it's covering everything. Perfect conditions for everything green to grab hold. I'd better not stand still for too long.
My friend has a cousin called Ivy. Can't hold a note ... completely tone deaf. Rings her from Australia and sings her latest favourite tracks. Would definitely give Mrs Miller a run for her money.
A friend will be calling in today. He's jigsaw mad. I like to find eye watering patterned ones for him. The latest one has 1500 pieces and every one of them with ivy on. I'm sure he'll smile and say thank you.
Time to go ... coffee pot is calling and I need to get to it before the ivy does ...
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squidthoughts · 2 years
absolutely insane of Danny Elfman to sneak the Wednesday love theme into “It’s A Snood.” icon behavior perhaps
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trillgutterbug · 1 year
"While he waited for the slow tap to fill his cup, he pulled the lacing of the cassock open down his back, his arms bent behind him and his fingertips precise on the strings. He had laced it crosswise so that he could get out of it himself, although it didn't look as if it had been made for that. It had a red velvet ribbon in the back of the collar."
— natasha pulley coming for my fucking life with undisguised priest kink
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cherry-pop-elf · 10 months
((I tried to make Olive Weasley in HPMA))
“Introducing the Amazing George Weasley!”
“Guess there is perks to being partially deaf, because that should have been so much louder.”
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“Dad, do you think Uncle George would have liked me!”
“He would have ADORED you, sugar plum.”
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“Dad…..What happens if I’m not in Gryffindor-? What if I end up in like Slytherin….?”
“It’ll make it easier to spot you at your quidditch games. That orange and yellow hair will be sparkling against that green!”
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“Dad, is it weird that I like to go by Oliver and Olivia-? That sometimes I’m a girl and sometimes I’m a boy?”
“Not at all! I have two kids for the price of one! I’m the luckiest father in the world. I have a son AND a daughter! Who could hate that?”
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“Olive…..Olive come on out sweetie. It’s ok…..Sorry, she’s a bit Paranoid around certain people.”
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“It’s ok, love. Come on out. She’s VERY paranoid. I mean, wouldn’t you if your uncle is Harry Bloody Potter?”
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“And here she is! Sometimes he. My little Olive likes to go by Olivia and Oliver. But Olive is a good natural term, if you are worried. Did you know that she loves Herbology? She is so good with plants. I have her help her mother with the dyes! She is wonderful with extracting dye!”
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“Olive……What’s that burning smell?”
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“Mums gonna kill me for this one-“
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photozoi · 8 months
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Facing off against the Big Guy, Mr the Mung Bean vs the Young(ish) Prince
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Mr the Bean wondering if he has at last bitten off more than he can chew.
Mr the Mung Bean, Silken Windhound and the Young(ish) Prince, Borzoi.
Just FYI, for anyone unfamiliar with coursing dogs... we do not let the Borzoi play with the Silkens unsupervised. And when anyone looks like they are getting a bit amped, out they go. The size difference can be a real hazard, and even though the Prince is 10 years old and thinks he gave birth to the Bean and so is appointed his caregiver for life, mistakes can happen.
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goodiecornbread · 1 year
Every time I listen to TIFF Song, when Noah sings,
"Looking for that magnum opus"
My brain says,
"Looking for Mr. Holland's Opus"
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