#mrs roseheats
midnightmah07 · 13 days
Hello Mah! ♡
I'm actually so curious from your post on Trey that I just wanted to ask... if you were going to design Trey as a character, how would you make him look? ♡ (or, how would you want him to look?)
Thank you! ♡
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I will ramble a bit on my desicions, my inspirations and the personality traits that I changed/added since I also wanted to do something else with Trey's personality, sorry Sheepie I just think he's a tiiiiiiny bit boring to my taste💔
However!!! Before I go on and on I just want to say, this is NOT me hating on Trey by any means, while he might not be a character I'm excited about, I do understand that there are people (like our lovely Sheep here💙) who really love him and care for him just the way he is, and I'm happy for that!! I just did this because i thought it would be fun :)
Appearance!! (Ryu from Kimi ni Todoke, Kim Namjoon and Kurosawa from Choking on Love)
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I wanted to change Trey's hair DESPERATELY because I personally don't like Trey's haircut, I don't think it looks very flattering on him💔 So! I gave him a buzz cut!! While I'm always saying I love how men look with longer hair, I absolutely adore buzz cuts, so I thought an easy fix would be giving him a haircut that I think would be flattering to him, taking inspiration from all of these but specifically Kurosawa, I even gave Trey an earring like Kurosawa lol
I like thinking my Trey is more muscular than canon Trey, maybe even a bit taller? He's just a bit more buff generally speaking, I think that adds a fun touch✨
I also wanted to make his face shape similar to Namjoon, I made it a bit rounder and I also gave him dimples, which I think would be such a cute little detail everytime he smiled (which isn't a lot so... Hehe) :]
His clothes didn't change much, but I took inspiration from how Ryu wears his uniform, so I got rid of Trey's tie, but kept the rest the same! Also, I changed the placement of the clover symbol because I didn't like it before, I kinda still don't but? I think it looks better on the corner of the forehead
Trey's personality is lovely yes but a bit bland to me... So I took a lot of inspiration from Kurosawa, Ryu and even Mori from Ouran and decided to make him more reserved, quiet even. My version of Trey is a guy who looks intimidating on the outside, he doesn't smile all that often and he usually doesn't speak much, but he's actually a really caring guy, and helped Yuu and the others bake that tart with no problem really, as he wanted peace in Heartslabyul to be back again
I like thinking that my version of Trey wouldn't be like that when he was a kid, but he became more quiet after what happened with Mrs. Roseheats. So, my Trey would've felt so guilty for the humiliation his parents and Riddle had gone through, that he started believing it wasn't worth speaking out anymore, so he simply stopped speaking much ever since that day, he became super obedient too, and that's also part of the reason why he let Riddle continue with his awful behavior
My version of Trey would still be great a baking, and it would be a surprise factor for a lot of people, since he doesn't look like the type of guy who'd bake, (in my head Deuce even confused him for a delinquent, which couldn't be farther from what my Trey actually is lol) I think it'd be a fun detail to add... Also, I'm so sorry, but I'm taking away the Trey liking tooth brushing as a hobby... LIKE IM SORRY WDYM. THAT IS NOT A HOBBY DUDE. WHAT😭😭😭 My Trey is still interested in this very niche thing, maybe he even wants to be a dentist instead of continuing on with the bakery, but it's nowhere near the same level... His hobby could simply be baking itself
Anyways!! I think that's it?? I'm sorry this is WAYYYY TOO MUCH SJDJSJSKSKSJS BUT I GOT SUPER EXCITED..... Sorry to have changed your man sm Sheepie😞
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rainebowkitty · 4 years
Absolutist's Son, Queen's Devotee (Oofy Riddle Fic)
History is often warped over time as ideals change and people evolve. It’s no different for the Queen of Hearts and her legends of villainy. Only in the Twisted Wonderland her story paints her as the heroine, and poor, impressionable Riddle Rosehearts falls victim to the tyranny of not only his oppressive mother, but a boisterously absurd queen as well.
(Basically an angst fic I wrote on a whim about Riddle discovering that his mom and the Queen of Hearts are both villains terrible inspirations to look up to and how that realization literally shatters him. Oh, and for the sake of making sure he can’t deny it, the reader can make anyone relive memories and potentially alter them? by simply touching the person, so guess what kind of stuff he has to relive? I won’t spoil anything, but it’s oofy)
Warnings: Mentionings of beheading 
Now! Enjoy my first fic in weeks! 
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It was nothing but a mirage. It had to be. 
Riddle was hyperventilating, his chest heaving up and down in a sporadic pattern as he absorbed the news. His first instinct was to deny it, was to force those thoughts of corruption out with every inch of his small being, with every fiber of magic his shaking form possessed. 
But one couldn’t run from a vision, right? Pulling away did nothing as the images you pressed into his mind like a hot coal into his fist still lingered. How did you-? How dare you taint the Queen of Hearts’ legacy with such fallacies. How dare you challenge his mother’s golden rules, the very rules he tried to enforce in order to benefit Heartslabyul as a whole.  
What a laughable lie all of your conjurings were. It was the cruelest slap to the face as he pushed you off of him, his shoulders tensing as he backed up, almost hugging himself. But you just reached out once more. And Riddle, his arms crossed over his chest defensively, couldn’t move fast enough to slap your hand away. 
“STOP IT!” He screamed. “UNHAND ME!” 
But he was quickly lost to his thoughts, a blank expression dawning on him as his eyes stared at nothing in particular, mercury orbs wide in disbelief.
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A small, youthful redhead sat on a lonesome bench in a private garden. The boy was awaiting his new instructor’s arrival whenever a small rodent caught his eye. It was the most adorable creature the boy had ever seen. It was a pale cream color, small and petite with little spines poking from its back. Its curious, pink nose scrunched itself up multiple times as it sniffed the ground. It wasn’t long before it was sniffing the young boy’s gloved hand, ultimately deciding whether to name him friend or foe.
After the critter gave the boy a thorough security check, it allowed the redhead to gently pet its head with two fingers. Minutes ticked on until the spiny rodent allowed itself into the boy’s palms, pink nose now smelling a smiling face. Joyous, childlike laughter bubbled from the usually serious boy. It was so free, so pure in its form that you’d mistake him for any old kid with a thing for dressing up perhaps. 
But no, this boy was Riddle Rosehearts, son of a famous, stern healer, sharing a moment of joy with a wild woodland hedgehog. The two made quite the duo, both short in stature yet fierce in appearance with either spikes or a menacing glare to keep them safe. Anyone would’ve mistaken the two as friends; boy and boy’s best friend. However, Mrs. Rosehearts wasn’t anyone, and she wouldn’t allow her prestigious son to mingle with vermin such as this primitive hog. 
“Riddle, put that rodent down!” She commanded as she approached him. “I’m glad you wore your gloves today. There’s no telling how many diseases that thing has.”
The young boy hastily set the critter back on the grassy ground, the light-furred animal scampering under the bench and behind Riddle’s foot as if the boy was capable of protecting it from the intimidating woman. He couldn’t even bargain with his mother for the chance to have a real strawberry tart on his birthday, let alone secure the life of a defenseless hedgehog. 
“Sorry mother,” the boy would’ve muttered had the woman not pounded it into his head to speak clearly if he was going to speak at all. “Where’s my tutor?”
It was an honest question, one he thought was reasonable to ask whenever he was busier than any kid in town. It often felt impossible to remember everything and yet his mother just scoffed at his question as if he should already know the answer.
“We changed locations for your lesson,” she crossed her arms in annoyance. “I believe I told you during yesterday’s tea time, but I had a hunch you’d forget.”
Of course Riddle thought. How could he be so forgetful when she even reminded him? 
“Well hurry along now,” she tapped her foot impatiently as Riddle left with thin grace. He was so close to running, to sprinting just so he wouldn’t be any more tardy than he already was, but his mom would chastise him for that. He opted instead for speed walking, a heartfelt apology already forming in his mind to recite to the unlucky tutor. He knew people didn’t like their time being wasted and to do this in his first meeting with this particular teacher was unthinkable. He almost didn’t hear his mother’s last words as he sped off, but unfortunately he was conditioned to tune into her beguiling voice. 
“Please be more mindful next time, Riddle,” her tone was more bitter than she liked her tea and it didn’t take much imagination to guess the expression she wore either. “You’re on a strict schedule for a reason. Remember that.” 
Then she did something Riddle hadn’t heard her do in a long time. She chuckled.
“If you can remember, that is.”
Riddle picked up his pace without looking back.
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His mother’s distraught cries rang through the corridors as he dashed down them one by one. He checked each room, his hands clumsily fumbling with the knobs far too long for his liking. He was panting, short huffs of breath rippling through his small form as he tried not to trip over his heeled shoes with each panicked stride. 
“Riddle! Please!”
Another shriek. Riddle swore he heard a heavy sound trail his mother’s call, the thick, harsh reverb of it sending shudders through his already shaking body. When would he find her? When would he save her like the dutiful son he was meant to be? She always told him to be on schedule. Was this what she meant? Did her job as a healer leave her with such a tight grasp of time and its passing that she wanted to transmit that trait to her son too? “Son,” his mom wept, a crack in her usually smooth, authoritative tone creaking from her throat somewhere nearby. Riddle stopped dead in his tracks, the satisfying click of his heels dying with his momentum as he strained to hear anything over the throbbing of his own heart. It was silent again before he heard the precise cling of metal. That sound was followed by a burly chopping sound, the greedy blow of an axe striking its target as his mother’s sobs were abruptly cut with a gasp. 
Riddle felt the material of his gloves as his clammy hands clenched into fists. He felt an unquenchable fire bubble inside of him, but for the first time in years he couldn’t express it with his voice. Did all that time biting his tongue for his mother really leave him speechless during her death? Was yelling rendered pointless whenever he was so shaken to his core he was unsure his vocal cords would ever function the same way again?
His legs wobbled before his knees buckled, not allowing him to collapse or to take another step further. He was in the middle ground, so close to being able to escape while also being entirely numb. If he should run from whoever murdered his mother, he was left defenseless by shock, fear, guilt and shame. That desire to rescue her was now unachievable, so he surrendered, shutting his eyes tightly and awaiting the worst in his defeat.
Eternal seconds passed as tears trickled down his pale cheeks. Then he felt what he was waiting for; a clap on the shoulder. Wait, a clap on the shoulder? He almost jolted, but his frozen legs and body wouldn’t let him complete the action properly. Instead he almost fell over. He struggled to turn around and catch himself without face planting into the tiles, but he managed it, seeing his mom in perfect health, not a drop of blood in sight of her commanding presence. 
He had believed that presence was shattered. He had been so sure that the only parent he was ever devoted to had fallen and he had failed to intervene. He had failed to protect her, he had failed her as her son. And for a moment he was content dying that way by the same husky axe he was convinced someone stained on her flesh, her blood sputtering over an elite uniform well-known and revered across the world as the hope she inspired did nothing to save her in the end. He was ready to die a failing coward who’s magic was advanced for his age but deficient when it truly mattered. He was ready to be beheaded like the Queen of Hearts herself, like he was certain his mom had been. 
He was ready for that legacy, not one of crying before his mom as he stuttered out broken apology after broken apology for not reaching her in time, longing for her to tell him sorry for deceiving him in such a harsh manner. To tell him that for once she was the mistaken one. But that moment never came. Only lectures followed as he sobbed for his mommy, a mommy who would never comfort or console him. A mommy who only existed in the depths of his imagination, someone he had to force into his mind to even gain the willpower to sprint down these halls as he searched for that proud, loving figure.
But his actual mom was not that loving figure. There was a reason she chose to test him this way, and there was also a reason behind the oppressive axe as her method of execution. There was a reason he was seconds late to her calculated demise and a reason he thought he had to die the same horrible death. The same death as the Queen of Hearts.
Not her too.
There were flashes of a short figure sitting on a throne; glimpses of a wide, cruel smile as soldier after soldier was sent to the guillotine. Memory after memory cycled of someone royal and absolute going over daily tasks Riddle had grown so accustomed to. Directing people to paint the roses, hosting Unbirthday parties and kicking out the guests unfit to reside at such a refined event. Only this time unruly subjects were given a harsher punishment than simple banishment. They were disposed of to make sure the same mistakes weren’t repeated down the line. But no one was to mourn in the Queen’s court, only obey the current rule set which offered no times for heartbroken liegemen.
For countless years their activities were outlined for them, their stories pre-written until someone new and daring appeared in Wonderland. A fair lady named Alice, always depicted as malicious and mischievous for disregarding the absurd rules of such an exotic queen. However, now the Queen’s destiny was chosen, her agenda hand-picked by those she once ruled. She was the one being dragged to her untimely end by the very subjects who should obey her. Only it wasn’t the Queen’s turn to atone.
It was Riddle’s. 
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“MAKE IT STOP!” Riddle sounded increasingly desperate as he pushed you away once more. He was about to see himself die like the Queen he so virtuously admired. He would pay for all of her unjust punishments. He was left with his neck stretched across the bloodied plank of the guillotine, a sharpened blade raised high above his head ready to fall and end it all with one swipe. Or maybe it wasn’t sharpened. Maybe they wanted to see him suffer that much. Maybe those peasants wanted to see the Queen suffer that much as she shouted her last command to an audience now deaf to her cries. 
Riddle was gasping at the intake of knowledge. The tales always ended with the loyal subjects corrupted by a filthy miscreant named Alice. Why did she resemble you so much in this vision? You weren’t anything like her. You had no intention to harm Riddle or to taint the Queen’s name. So why were your graceful eyes looking upon him with such stinging pity? Why was your touch causing grandeur delusions beyond his control to prance along his brain like bunnies on a time crunch? And why did it all feel so real when the storybooks never lied to him before? Was this dorm, the Queen he held on such a high pedestal, really horrible enough that all it took was someone sweet like you to talk to the lowly peasants and humble nobles to overthrow her? To overthrow Riddle himself?
He swallowed hard as his skull ached, his shoulder blades burning as he backed himself farther into the thick wall behind him. You made no move to touch him, having realized he had seen enough to understand your purpose and the lie he’s been living. Even so, there was so much frantic confusion in each detailed memory that he craved for you to explain. 
“Why?” He croaked as he stared you down fearfully. “Why did you show me that?”
“Because you were living a lie,” you spoke soothingly, but it did nothing to ease the panic in his eyes. “You deserve to know the truth about those you look up to.”
“Y-you don’t understand,” his lip trembled. “I’ve made myself to be like them in every way. When I was overwhelmed trying to abide by my mom’s rules, I’d turn to the Queen of Hearts because her rules were simple. I could follow them. I was always right by her standards. But if she was wrong all along and so was my mother then… what does that make me?” 
You were unsure of how to respond. It wasn’t your intention to leave the boy’s ideals crumbling with the realization that his top role models weren’t deserving of such an incredible, dedicated follower. You wanted him to see that he didn’t need them anymore, but whenever everything he built his seventeen years of life upon could be linked back to his mother or the Queen of Hearts, you realized telling him might have been more detrimental to his health than anything else. And your silence to his question only further engrained this inferiority into his collapsing psyche. 
“I’m just as horrible, aren’t I?” He whispered loathingly. 
Once again you were silent. 
“ANSWER ME!” He shouted, tiny fists bawled in an attempt to deny their shaking. If only he knew that his entire body was quivering as he seethed, every ounce of showcased hostility suddenly evaporating as he backed into the wall again, almost cowering away as he became aware of his sudden lash out.
The trauma you unveiled, the bittersweet fairytale you wanted to share the true nature of despite Riddle’s solid belief in the tale he’s always been told, it was incomprehensible for someone so faithful. But what were you to do when your idea of showing him the grim reality wasn’t associated with the potential need to reassure such a fragmented boy of his own personal good deeds? 
“If you have nothing else to say,” he straightened his posture and hardened his expression, though the anxiety in his frame was still evident. “I’d appreciate it if you left.” 
“Don’t. Just return to your dorm,” he more so pleaded than commanded. “Please.”
So you left him to his feelings like he asked you to. It was a mercy you stayed quiet if you truly viewed him as suffocating as those he idolized for their severe disciplines and the success that seeped like bitter sap from following such intensive mandates. He didn’t want to know the truth behind your maze-like emotions for him just as he didn’t care to uncover the honest goals of those he strived to imitate when he thought he already knew and lived by them anyway. But if everything he was boiled down to the distorted perception of a nonsensical empress and an imperious, overbearing mother, then what original shards of himself could he rely upon for revision of his old ways? How could he become more than a Queen’s foolish prophet or the successor of an illustrious healer?
Most importantly, where did their wicked influences end and his own sense of identity begin? 
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If you enjoyed this, maybe I can write more following this realization of Riddle’s? I’ve also been told I write Riddle and his mom’s relationship really well so be prepared for more oofs involving that whole mess I’ll gladly accept headcanons you’d like to see play out between them. I’m here for your angsty needs, by all means ask away
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jangmi-latte · 4 years
Hello! May a I order Riddle, Leona, Azul, Kalim and Vil where each one deals with the type of girl that would bring them, how they met her, how they managed to get closer to her and how their relationship began? May it be in a headcannon form? Thank you!
❞ 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐈𝐬 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐌𝐞𝐭.. ❝
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➻ content: four smoothies! two served for now!
➻ warnings: uwu
➻ comments: i assumed these are like boyfriend headcanons and geeeh leona and vil in one request...and it’s lengthy too... hooking one reference setting again in one of these. wink, it's from one of the masquerade meals i made~
i'll be cutting these into two parts since it's going to be very long. vil and azul will be posted later! i had to remove kalim since tumblr was starting to glitch the longer it got and i didn't want to cut it into more than two parts. sorry kalim!
part two involving vil and azul
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...♔ I Met You...
➺ we all want to assume that you’re one of riddle’s childhood friends who snuck him out with trey and chenya or you met in night raven college. but no, you met him when you were being scolded by his mother.
➺ yes, you were being scolded by his mother.
➺ it happened one afternoon when you were playing ball with your friends and it flew over to his yard. you, being an oblivious ten-year-old, entered the private property through the fence and was just about to pick up the ball when one of the maids saw you and called after the mrs. rosehearts.
➺ when you were shamefully being scolded by her, riddle was curious about all the yelling going on outside that he took a peak from his study room window and saw you. tears were already dripping from your eyes as you hugged the ball to your chest.
➺ ah, the concern on riddle's face. sure, it isn't a surprise that his mother is being feared and highly respected by other people but you didn't have to experience something as cruel as being yelled at.
➺ he doesn't know the reason why but he surely did think you were stupid enough not to know you're trespassing.
➺ that was the first time he saw you. he never thought he would see you again. however, fate decided to play a little game and decided to make both of you meet again two years later.
➺ by the time he's thirteen and you're twelve, your dog somehow ran into the open gates of his home and started barking in his yard. you remembered the home to be the place of the rosehearts so you were a bit troubled when you couldn't find a way for your dog to come back.
➺ he saw you from the window again, this time he was the one who ran out to the yard, took the dog, and gave it to you saying, "first the ball and then your dog?" he questioned while you furrowed your eyebrows in surprise. was he the son of mrs. rosehearts?
➺ you changed a bit during those two years and riddle must admit, he was intrigued by you. maybe it was because he barely had any friends and he did miss the presence of both chenya and trey. having a girl friend is something he never had and would like to have one.
➺ you introduced each other by the gates. mainly because riddle was taught to be formal and greet first before spiking up a conversation. the dog was back in your arms and you would've lied if you said you didn't notice anything peculiar by the way his head would always look over his shoulder.
➺ it began with a simple, "how do you know i was the one who got yelled at?" "i was by the window. i never knew i would see you again." to "since we're getting to know each other, why don't we play?"
➺ "i can't..."
➺ you would've talked to him more if it wasn't for his mother's loud yells looking for him.
➺ but fate isn't greedy.
...♔ Closer To You...
➺ your concern for riddle eventually led to you going to the gates more often. if not the gates, then waving behind the fence in front of his bedroom window. he couldn't go out of the house so what did you both do? from conversing by the use of paper aeroplanes to using tin can telephones. old school but it's the only way for you to be able to communicate with riddle.
➺ you two eventually started to learn about each other. you knew about his mother, trey and chenya, him being accepted to nrc, and his sweet tooth. you barely played, yes, but that doesn’t change the fact the both of you grew to be the best of friends.
➺ trey and chenya finally got to know you when riddle got the chance to invite you into his house. how? his parents were out, leaving him with the servants and he was able to sneak you in. you video-called with trey and chenya that day and you two got to interact more. you were both fifteen that time – riddle turning sixteen.
➺ until the day came where riddle had to go to nrc. you were happy for him yet sad that you can’t see him for a quite a while. sure, there’s the internet, but the real-life experience is what you’ll miss. 
➺ you met by the gates again where you ran to him and gave him a big hug. riddle was surprised, not really used to such affection while you cried how happy you are for him and made him promise that you two would talk still during his time at school.
...♔ I'm Yours...
➺ you eventually started your classes in a different school. it led to you and riddle not communicating for months. too busy with school and the ultimate pressure of his and your parents has consumed most of your time to talk to each other. let alone get the chance to visit him when he comes home.
➺ the promise was sealed and that was the last time in months where you’ll see him as you watched him enter the mirror. he gave his very first message when he got sorted into heartslabyul.
➺ you were shook when you found out he became dorm leader in just a week of him being there.
➺ when you turned sixteen, riddle is seventeen, that’s when the relationship would start a ride. that one vacation where he came home, riddle was forced to go to some formal event. he didn’t want to be there so he went to the manor’s backyard and saw you.
➺ if you’re expecting as something as sweet as pie, then that isn’t how your and riddle’s relationship began.
➺ it came to the point you nearly forgot about riddle as you wanted to focus on yourself more. same with riddle. he was too preoccupied with school, dorm management, and dealing with his mother to even have the chance to hold his phone.
➺ the two of you being reunited has brought hidden feelings to arise. you both had matured in some way and damn was riddle baffled with the kiss you just gave him in that gazebo.
➺ okay, he matured. not you.
➺ you would think it was going to be awkward after that, but no. after your father found out about riddle, he let the roseheats know about your ever-so-hidden relationship and let the two of you finally interact completely. 
➺ ah, the constant visits both of you would do to each other’s homes. riddle taught you everything he knows. he never brought up the kiss, he was too embarrassed to do so.
➺ until you did it again in the same gazebo when he was tutoring you one afternoon.
➺ “why do you keep on doing that?!” he exclaimed and covered his face. he may be the strict dorm leader in heartslabyul, but please he’s just as stupid as you when it comes to relationships. your gullible self just giggled and straight out confused, “because i love you.”
➺ that’s when riddle realized his feelings for you too. there wasn’t any ‘will you be my girlfriend?’ questions. it was straight-up ‘i love you too’ (with a hushed voice while being the tsundere he is) from him that sealed the next step of your relationship.
➺ you both were each other’s first partner so it was quite awkward and rusty at first. riddle would be shy and yell at you yet you would just giggle and be all affectionate on him.
➺ he eventually got used to it months later into the relationship. he would support you, be more proud of your developments, and maybe be more affectionate (by more maybe just a simple kiss on the hand and cheek here in there). he isn’t big into pda so it was a surprise to adeuce, trey, and cater that riddle has a girlfriend.
➺ how did they found out? you paid him a visit one day at school and hugged him tightly which shook everyone to the core. maybe trey found out sooner than the others but awww...everyone shipped the both of you that riddle may or may not have been more happy let the others know about you.
➺ he just loves you okay?
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...❦  I Met You...
➺ we’re going to pull a lion king II in this one and say you were chasing a little butterfly and bumped into him one day that made the both of you roll down the hill. 
➺ leona recognized you as the daughter of one of the royal guards, noted by the uniform tattoo that adorned your bicep. the almighty respect he had for you was high, but why are you out here giggling and chasing some insect instead of training?
➺ your oblivious self was still on top of him after rolling from that hill. upon stretching your arms out, hovering over him, that’s when you made out the face of the second prince and immediately scurried away from him while saying uncountable amounts of apologies. 
➺  first meeting? not so really. more like the first time getting in contact with the prince since your parents are quite strict with who you befriend. did they explicitly say who you should and shouldn’t be friends with? no. so here you are embarrassed that you nearly brought the prince into an accident when you should be the one looking after him.
➺ you were young teens, maybe around thirteen to fourteen years old, when that happened. so, yes, leona was already the grumpy man he is. despite that, his skills aren’t as sharp as it is in the present day. when you both stopped rolling, you were whining while he was ‘growling’ at you – it wasn’t really a growl. try saying r through gritted teeth, that was the sound.
➺ “who are you?” he asked while fixing himself. stating your name, you bowed and remembered your training. ugh, how you wanted to be swallowed by the ground now.
➺ “i-i apologise, your highness! i’m supposed to be out looking for you rather than being careless–”
➺ “don’t call me your highness and i don’t need to be looked out for,” he grumbled. 
➺ oh, but that’s not your job now is it?
...❦  Closer To You...
➺ since it’s your job to look after leona, it’s pretty much obvious on how you two grew closer. if it wasn’t for your stubborn self ignoring his constant bickers of him being grown enough to not be looked after, you two wouldn’t be as close as when you two would grow up.
➺ “what are you reading, your highness?” “stop disturbing me!”
➺ you are a guard alright, but also his best friend. he wouldn’t admit it out loud but he did enjoy your company rather than being around his brother all the time. he finds your sudden persona change amusing. if you’re casually chatting with him, being all carefree, and one of the guards come in to check on both of you, you would suddenly stand up tall with a fierce expression and respond formally before reverting back to being your y/n self.
➺ he questions if you’re taking your job seriously.
➺ you grew up together side by side. there are ups and downs in your friendship, mainly due to leona’s high pride, but other than that, you became more of a sibling to him rather than his brother did. puberty did the both of you well and you eventually matured to become that motherly friend everyone needed.
➺ when it was time for him to move to school, your motherly side showed up. even though you knew he would be fine – those muscles don’t lie – being his guard AND friend, you made sure there isn’t going to be a problem with his transportation and his dormitory. separating from him means you can’t perform your duty as a guard, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do your duty as a friend either.
➺ with his stay there, you always called him or Ruggie. at least he has someone there that can look after him in your place.
➺ you would occasionally visit there (much to the savanaclaw students’ surprise) and make sure he’s alright. of course, leona would protest here and there saying you’re overreacting and such.
➺ “have you ate?” “time to wake up, stupid sleepyhead.” and all that. you still held that playfulness in you and leona never wanted that to change. if you’re protective to him then he’s protective over you too. you may be a tough and strong woman of the royal household, still, leona would look after you from the corner of his eye and make sure you’re safe despite the intense training you’re going through.
➺ he’s still thankful though.
...❦  I'm Yours...
➺ do you know what made leona love you more than a friend? when your nurturing side showed up. when? the birth of cheka. 
➺ speaking of cheka, when the little cub was born, it was in a lioness’ nature to look after other cubs and that’s what you instinctively did. you’re holding the future of the savannah in your arms and leona couldn’t help it but see you holding HIS child rather than his brother’s. 
➺ when the queen was resting, you would tend to the young child and leona would just stare at you. the older cheka grew, the more leona would fall for you.
➺ first, you didn’t leave him, second, you were there for him, third, you’re a wholeass wife-material. no, leona didn’t just see you as a potential partner, he doesn’t want you to leave his life at all which means you’re someone important to him. friends? nah, you’re going to be leona’s girlfriend.
➺ you grew up to be beautiful too. leona doesn’t really care for looks but seeing you mature so beautifully is a bonus to him. 
➺ you, on the other hand, already had a crush on leona during your adolescent years. until you were sure of your feelings for him, you eventually became more touchy than expected. either intentional or not, leona doesn’t mind.
➺ by touchy, you would hug him more often, hold his hands out of nowhere, play with his tail, etc. did leona mind? maybe in public, yes. if you were alone, however, he would just let you. you both are close after all.
➺ it was reflex, of course, very tough of a guard like you to act. “geez, thanks,” leona groaned. maybe it was kind of disrespectful, but believe it or not, it wasn’t leona’s intention to take advantage of you. he instantly got worried when you didn’t speak and just stayed still under the blanket.
➺ you were taking deep breaths with your cheeks red and all. your tail was uncontrollably flicking too. 
➺ “i saw that! miss y/n is my auntie now!” ah, damn now cheka saw that too. 
➺ it was leona who took the relationship to the next level when you were talking to him about something he can’t quite remember. he was just staring at how your lips moved and suddenly, he just kissed you. did he get a kiss back? no. instead, he had a kick to the stomach that sent him curling up while you buried yourself under the blankets.
➺ leona shooed the little cub away and removed the blankets to see you covering your face. he noticed your tail going whoosh so he gently held it. big mistake. you kicked his leg this time which made him fall on the bed and you sat on his waist and glared down at him.
➺ “remind me next time not to kiss you.” “oh, i will.”
➺ and you made the move this time and kissed him.
➺ now you’re his and his only.
➺ the whole royal household found out about your relationship after cheka started cheering about how he’ll get a little playmate/cousin after he saw you and leona kiss. honey, that’s not how kids are made...
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