#mrs-gucci answers
mrs-gucci · 2 years
Will you take any requests for Mills??
absolutely I will! I am thirstin' HARD for commander mills, so I'll certainly give him a try :)
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lemoncrushh · 3 months
Sometimes It Be That Way
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Summary: Soon after a breakup, Lilliana met Harry...but their relationship may have been doomed from the start.
Warnings: Very angsty!
Word Count: 2281
A/N: Real Harry and OC fic written in 2017. I had been working on a long fic during this time, and I think I was just in the mood for some angst. Inspired by the Jewel song of the same name.
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We had a rocky relationship. I reckon it was inevitable since we'd had a rocky start.
Seven months earlier...
I wrapped my coat tightly around me as I struggled to open my umbrella. I cursed at the rain, the cold, the hotel awning that barely kept me dry and my bloody useless and poor excuse for an umbrella.
"Fucking hell!" I screamed, giving up and throwing it on the wet pavement. "I hate you!"
"Um...I dunno if that was called for."
Twirling around to find where the voice had come from, I came face to face with someone I not only did not expect to see, but probably the last person I wanted to see...other than maybe him. I'd known he was in London. I'd already seen his picture plastered on massive signs around the city as well as in the newspaper and on the telly. And had it been any other moment in time, I might've felt my heart flutter and my breath catch in my throat. But he'd caught me on the worst day. Scowling, I turned back around shoving my hands in the pockets of my coat.
"It was absolutely called for," I mumbled.
"Oh, but you can't say things like that to inanimate objects." I heard him say as he walked around me and bent down to retrieve my discarded umbrella.
"What?" I rolled my eyes.
Standing up straight, he looked at me and smirked. "They can't fight back."
I felt a breath sputter from my lips as I shook my head. Was this guy for real? Oh, that's right. He was Harry Fucking Styles. Mr. Perfect. He wasn't real. He was merely a figment of everyone's imagination, conjured up by gold dust and television producers. Holding out his hand, my umbrella still halfway open inside it, he raised his brows.
"Now what on earth did this thing ever do to you?"
Grabbing it from him hastily, I pressed the button again to try to eject it.
"It doesn't fucking work!" I spat. "Bloody piece of shit!"
"Lemme see. Here, take mine."
Harry held out his solid black umbrella, no doubt some designer one like Gucci or some crap. I took it, determined to watch him make a fool of himself as he fumbled with my cheap red polka dot one. But much to my surprise (and dismay), after just a couple presses of the button and movements of the runner across the tube, he got it open.
"There," he grinned with pride.
"Hmm," I sounded, switching umbrellas with him. "Thanks."
"You're welcome." Harry lifted his eyes to the sky, then back at me. "Doesn't look like you'll be needing it now, though."
"Ugh," I groaned, noticing the rain had stopped. I snapped the umbrella closed and tossed it into my bag. "Fucking story of my life."
Instantaneously, I covered my mouth just as Harry threw his head back laughing.
"Oh my God, I did not just say that," I mumbled through my hand.
Harry continued to giggle with glee, no doubt mocking me and my discomfort. I muttered a few curse words under my breath as I turned around and walked down the pavement, trying to find a taxicab.
I could hear his expensive boots clicking behind me before he caught up to me. Ignoring him, I opened the cab door hurriedly and slipped into the back seat.
"Wait!" he called again, reaching the open door. "Where are you going?"
I caught the expression on his face, a flitting moment of hesitation as he eyed his surroundings before he slid into the back seat next to me.
"What are you doing?" I asked as he pulled the door shut.
Instead of answering my question, he leaned forward and told the taxi driver an address. It was a familiar location to me, a restaurant I used to frequent.
"Hello," he smiled at me as he sat back in the seat, his dimple making me want to punch him.
"What the hell?" I narrowed my eyes.
"Are you always this crude and impolite, or is it only to polka dot umbrellas and men who try to help you?"
Pursing my lips, I knew there was no comeback I could give. He'd called me out on my own shit.
"Harry Styles," he held out his hand.
"I know," I nodded as I shook it. "Lilliana Richard."
"I know," he echoed.
I made a face. Of course he knew who I was. I wasn't famous, but only by association. My boyfr- er - ex-boyfriend was Jackson Humes, brother of Lolly Humes, a model-turned-actress. Occasionally my name and/or photo would pop up in articles about her if I was out with Jackson at one of her celebrity functions.
"I suggest we start over, Lilliana," declared Harry.
That's what I'm trying to do, I thought. But of course, he meant him and me.
"Fair enough," I sighed. "How do you reckon we do that?"
"Let's start with lunch, yeah?"
I swallowed hard, nodding. "Okay."
"Good," he smiled, his dimple this time making me smile in return.
It was then that I actually got a good look at him. He wore a long black coat, matching jeans and old scuffed brown boots. His head adorned a green beanie, and it looked like he was growing his hair out again, the curls longer than I remembered seeing before. To put it mildly, he looked beautifully cozy, and he smelled heavenly.
We reached the restaurant after only a few minutes of small talk. Harry paid the cabbie just as discreetly as he got us a table in a private corner. After we ordered, he folded his arms on the table and leant forward.
"Sorry?" I asked, almost spitting out my water.
"You're still dating him? Or no?"
I bit my lip, folding my cloth napkin in my lap. "No."
"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know."
"How could you?" I said a little too harshly. "We just broke up."
"Ugh," he lowered his head. "That's...just?"
"Four days ago."
"Oh. Sorry."
I sighed and gazed around the room. "It's okay. I'm fine."
I felt the tears welling in my eyes as soon as I uttered the lie. I shook my head before dropping it into my hands.
"No, I'm not."
"Hey..." Harry whispered, reaching his hand across the table as my body shook with sobs. "Lilliana. Do...do you wanna talk about it? Or...we can go if you need to."
Regaining my composure, I wiped my eyes, sure my mascara had run down my face already.
"I hate him," I groaned through my teeth. "I hope he goes to hell."
"Ouch. What happened? If...if I can ask."
"I walked in on him shagging another woman, that's what happened," I said bluntly.
"Oh, fuck."
"Yeah. I'd come to London to surprise him. But I'm the one who got surprised. Yay me."
The waiter came with our food then, but both of us sat in silence as we stared at our plates. It was me who actually spoke next.
"I spent four days in that hotel room crying. This morning was the first time I was able to step foot outside."
Harry looked at me for a while, seeming to study me. I noticed how his eyes appeared kind and concerned, but mostly how green they were.
"No wonder," he shook his head.
"No wonder what?"
"Your attitude when we met. The 'I hate you' was not for the umbrella. It was for him."
I blinked in agreement. Harry's shoulders fell as he looked at his untouched food. Then placing his napkin on the table, he waved at the waiter who walked over.
"Sorry, mate, but can we get these to go?"
Harry had ended up taking me to his place that day. It wasn't like he was trying to put the moves on me, or anything romantic really. I reckon he was just allowing me some privacy to cry and let it all out. I cried on his sofa and his shoulder well into the evening. We ate our food from the restaurant, and it was probably the best meal I'd ever eaten in my life.
I saw him again a month later when he was in Manchester where I lived, and he rang me, suggesting we get together for a drink. My initial reaction was no. I still wasn't completely over Jackson. But I was getting there, and Harry had been so kind.
Something happened that night. Unexpectedly, yet with an insatiable heart, I let myself fall in love again.
Even after our relationship became public, some of my friends worried that I'd rushed into it too quickly, and that Harry was just a rebound romance. I assured them that wasn't the case, that I was in love. But one thing was certain. I had a jealous bone which resulted in me expecting the worst.
Harry and I quarreled a lot because of it. And although I wanted so badly to stand my ground, deep down I knew that one day it would most likely be our ultimate demise.
One night we were at a party in London, given by his friend Nick Grimshaw whom I adored immensely. I was rounding the bar when someone poked me and called me a name that not only wasn't mine, it was Harry's former girlfriend's. I lost it. They laughed it off, saying "whoops", but I wanted to spit in their face.
Harry found me in the toilet ten minutes later as he knocked on the door to get me to come out.
"Lilliana!" he called. "Come out, love! Jesse was just kidding. He said it was a joke."
"Some joke!" I cried.
"Babe. He thought it would be funny."
"Do you hear me laughing?"
"Lil. Come out, please. Or I'm coming in."
Sniffling, I opened the door slowly. "I wanna go home," I declared.
Harry sighed. "Fine."
When we arrived at his house, we both walked upstairs to the bedroom without so much as a word. I stood in the middle of the room, staring out the large window. I could feel myself start to shake with the threat of more tears, but none came.
"Lilli..." Harry whispered behind me.
"I'm sorry I ruined the party," I mumbled.
I heard him sigh loudly, exasperated. I knew. I was getting to be too much for him to handle. I could already feel the goodbye coming. I braced myself for the end.
"Baby, you had to know Jesse was joking."
"It wasn't funny to me, Harry."
"I know. It's just...it's kind of an ongoing gag we have going because press loves to make up lies. And anytime I'm even seen with someone else, her name is brought up."
I spun around. "That's supposed to make me feel better?"
"Well yeah. 'Cause I'm with you now. Even Nick and Jesse said they like you and think you're more fun to be around that anyone I've ever dated. That should make you feel good, yeah?"
"I don't care what they said! It doesn't mean shit!"
"So, whining and sulking is what you choose instead?" he scoffed, shaking his head. "Lil..."
Harry stepped closer to me, taking my hands in his. "Lil...I love you. I really do. I tell you that all the time. I show you. Why isn't that enough?"
"I don't know," I cried, wiping a stray tear that had found its way to my cheek. "I guess...I guess I'm so afraid I'm gonna lose you."
"I'm not Jackson, Lilliana."
I shut my eyes tight, the sound of his name still cutting like a knife.
"I don't cheat," he added. "Never. I never have, and I never will. When I'm with you, I'm with you only. And you're the only one I wanna be with, Lil. Why don't you believe that?"
I took a shaky breath as he spoke his next words.
"I know you were hurt before, terribly. But it's been seven months now. You can't keep doing this."
Swallowing hard, I opened my eyes and nodded. Then I pressed my palms to my eyes, seeing a kaleidoscope of colours before I blinked and looked Harry in the eye.
"You're right. I swear, it won't happen again."
I turned for the closet and pulled out my suitcase, dropping it on the bed.
"What are you doing?" asked Harry incredulously.
"I'm going back home," I replied, shoving as many clothes inside as I could. Then I grabbed my phone and booked a taxi to pick me up.
"Lilli...what the hell? You can't..."
"I'm sorry, Harry. I'm so very sorry."
I zipped up my suitcase and carried it past him to the hallway.
"Baby, I didn't mean...this isn't what I want," he followed me down the stairs.
"Isn't it?" I stopped at the bottom, turning around.
"Yes. You want someone who isn't going to be worrying every minute that she's gonna find you in bed with someone else. And you know what? You deserve that. I'm so sorry it's not me."
I reached the door and opened it, standing in the doorway.
"Lil, please," I heard him beg.
I turned to see him with the most bewildered look on his face. It hurt me to hurt him.
"You're absolutely right, Harry. I can't keep doing this. Let's not make it any harder. We know what's best. I love you."
Blowing him a kiss, I shut the door behind me and walked outside the gate where the taxi met me.
I'd cried for four days over Jackson. Over Harry...I cried twice as long.
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yuzurujenn · 5 months
[2024.05.01] GQ Japan x Yuzuru Hanyu - JUNE ISSUE
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Yuzuru Hanyu’s Challenge
After winning two consecutive Olympic gold medals, Yuzuru Hanyu, who turned professional in 2022, is taking on a new form of expression: an ice show that the produced entirely on his own. The extraordinary figure skater danced in front of the cameras, dressed in items designed by Gucci’s new creative director, Sabato de Sarno.
Photographs by Taro Mizutani Styled by Tetsuro Nagase Hair styled by TAKU VOW-VOW FOR CUTTERS Makeup by COCO SEKIKAWA OFFICE Words by Kosuke Kawakami
The unique path that Yuzuru Hanyu walks After entering the studio and exchanging a few words with photographer Taro Mizutani, Yuzuru Hanyu operated his smartphone as if convinced of something. A gentle piano piece played from the speakers. It was ‘aqua’, a piece composed for his daughter by Ryuichi Sakamoto, who passed away last year. Moving his body flexibly, as if surrendering to the music, the studio had transformed into a beautiful, dignified and tense space that no one could step into.
“When I saw the lighting directly above me, I thought it looked like the sun, like light from heaven. Mr. Mizutani also said, ‘I want you to look up. I want you to look up and think about something’. I thought it feels like a prayer, so I chose ‘aqua’ because it fits the image".
As a figure skater, he was won all sorts of accolades, including two consecutive Olympic titles, two World Championships, and four consecutive Grand Prix Final titles. He has also received the People’s Honor Award. In 2022, he became a professional skater in order to ‘pursue the ideal of Yuzuru Hanyu’. Since then, he has held numerous self-produced ice shows and solo performances at Tokyo Dome, Saitama Super Arena, and other venues.
“Even though I turned professional, I don’t think my fundamentals have changed. The world I’ve always wanted to express, the artistic nature of figure skating and the athletic aspect of it has not changed. During competitions, there are always rules and there are times when I had to perform in a certain way. But in the world of shows, I have to satisfy the audience in 360-degree, I have to use my brain to create the videos that will be played at the venue and I have to think about the words that I want to convey. I am expanding and deepening my thoughts to areas that I have not considered before.”
Just as a musician plays music and an artist uses a paintbrush, Hanyu uses his body to express himself.
“What’s fun about it is that when everyone watches it, I get to see a lot of different opinions, people think about it in different ways and each person interprets it in their own way. What I'm doing, I believe that what I am creating is a ‘path’. The values, background, past, future, and so on become the path, and along the way, one may notice something or feel something. I want the audience to see it and share it. I’m really happy when people say that they enjoyed the journey and are glad that they walked the path. That makes me happy and that’s why I feel like I can continue on this path”.
When asked if he thinks it’s more fun now that he can express and create freely than in the competitive days when he was bound by rules and forced to compete, Hanyu thought for a while and then denied it.
“I don’t think it’s good enough just to feel fun. Ever since my competitive days, I’ve always believed that competitions aren’t about having fun, and I’ve never wavered from that philosophy of mine. There are some people who say you can only perform well if you enjoy it, and I understand why people think that’s the right answer. But for me, if I have fun, I feel like I’m not being serious enough. There is a certain kind of performance that comes out because of the tension, and that is what allows me to train hard every day. Even in the creative field, when it comes to creating something, it is not good just to have fun. Of course, it’s possible because there’s also fun in it, and I’m able to create because someone sees it and enjoys it, which brings me joy and happiness. But if I continue to only feel fun, I may end up with just empty words and a false worldview with no depth.
Hanyu says that he feels he lacks ‘vocabulary’ as an artist.
“Vocabulary is also necessary for physical expression. If I want to show a scene just by moving my hands a little, I need to know the techniques to do so. I have to learn how to move my hands in such a way that it looks beautiful, and engrave it in my body. Let my nerves learn it, let my brain study it, and eventually I will be able to do it. It’s not like I can dance like a professional dancer or ballerina, but I’ve been figure skating for more than 20 years. Because of this, I have the potential to create new expressions by learning their techniques. I believe that if I study hard and able to do it on the ice, I will become a unique presence”.
There is no goal, no rivals to compete with. Yet, without hesitation, he continues on his own path.
“Being on the ice is like my ‘native language’ (laughs), so if I move away from it, I am no longer Yuzuru Hanyu. The knowledge, experience and soul I’ve cultivated since I was four years old are there, a place where I can express myself from the bottom of my heart. Of course, I’ll probably start to decline as I age, but if I continue to use the language of figure skating for another 30 years, there may be a form of expression that can only be created at that particular time and age. I believe there is such a possibility, and I think I must continue to strive for that possibility”.
Yuzuru Hanyu, as the one and only Yuzuru Hanyu, continues to move forward focusing on expression on the ice.
GQ Japan - June 2024 issue, released on 2024.05.01
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More: 1 https://twitter.com/GQJAPAN/status/1782938296944857402 2 https://twitter.com/GQJAPAN/status/1785448080340337135 3 https://twitter.com/GQJAPAN/status/1783692480782704746
Full article published online on 8th May 2024: https://www.gqjapan.jp/article/20240508-yuzuru-hanyu-cover-story
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dairy-farmer · 5 months
Unknowingly A Meta AU? owo ? Tim with a Dream Manipulation power he doesn't know he has? Because it can effect HIS dreams. And no one ever mentions it.
His parents? Wearing all sorts of gifts and old jewelry from various sites. They are gucci. Completely untouchable. So the few times Baby Tim DOES show up in there dreams as a kid, when they are in house, they write off as "weird but pleasant".
After all? Who doesn't like to dream about playing with your kid? Going to a fantastical theme park or something? Having a family picnic? It's JUST a nice dream, right?
But! Not everyone has such protections.
And Baby Tim? Gets fixated. Curious. Falls asleep wanting to KNOW. Perhaps, thinking about one member of the Wayne family or another. And since his range is growing? Wayne Manor is juuuuust close enough. Barely, at first. Then easily.
And it's innocent at first. Of course it is. He's just a small child, full of questions. Was Mr. Batman like him as a child? Where did Mr. Pennyworth come from? What was living in the circus like? And so? They dream.
Bruce, playing with a child his age, on the lawn as his parents watch on fondly. Alfred, back too his youth, full of mischief as he runs the streets of his little English town along side friends long dead. Made young once more. Dick, laughing, underfoot, as he and his new friend run roughshod all across the setup site. His parents fond but exasperated.
Such meaningful dreams.
Private, though.
No need to mention them. Or realize the whole household is getting such dreams all at the same time.
And the dreams persist. Tim forever having questions. Or just wondering. Not thinking much on WHY he seems to have such vivid dreams. He's always had them. Surely everyone does. Storybooks certainly seem to suggest that.
Dick leaves. Jason comes.
Dick notices he's started having... nightmares. Chaotic, dark, brooding dreams. Of failure and lose. He doesn't connect things... yet.
Jason doesn't fuckin TRUST these happy clappy, golden sunshine n puppies dreams. The fuck is this? The fuck are YOU? Tim doesn't see a reason to lie. It's just a dream, right?
Uh huh.
Riiiight. Say, Timbits, you ever been tested for that Meta gene thingy? Asks Jason, who has clocked what's happening here, basically night one.
No, why? Asks the clueless neighbor kid.
Before Jason can think of a... polite...ish... way to call him thick and his parents dense as bricks, he wakes up. Gets to spend the whole day looking into the Drake's. Finds out the kid is basicly isolated in that great big house of his. Decides he's... NOT gonna be saying anything.
Welcome to dream land, you little weirdo. Just don't scramble his brains or touch stuff he says not too.
Then? Dick visits. Tim is thrilled. And Dick? Gets his first GOOD dream in weeks. No "what if's", no haunting seconds too late, just? Good moments. Everything languid and lit by golden light. Untouchable.
Him and Kori, between missions, exploring each other. Everything pleasure and light. Grinding. Gasping. Groaning in pleasure as they found just the right angle, sweat catching the light like diamonds. She was beautiful. HE never felt more desirable.
But something niggles in his brain. A sense of being watched, that hadn't been there then. Fascinated little eyes. Blue. Not Jason. Poorly hidden in the corner of the room. He... he should be alarmed. Focus. This isn't for little eyes. Should kick him out. But Kori's here. And everything is soft and so GOOD. He keeps getting lost in that instead.
Is aware, so aware, of little eyes that trail his body like eager hands.
It shouldn't make everything better.
But it does.
And NOW? Now Tim has NEW questions. As puberty closes in fast and without mercy.
And Bruce's dreams certainly have answers. His every desire and fantasy laid bare. Past loves, current lovers, fantasies about coworkers. Being watched. A curiosity. An amusement, perhaps? His brain struggles to pull free of the pleasure and focus.
But eventually, his iron will allows it. He HAS trained for this, after all.
He gets the jump on the... imp? Fae? Youthful looking creature. But touching them just pulls him back under. So he kisses them instead. Strips them. Hands finding places that make them squirm. He's not sure HOW he finds himself fucking them, but he never wants to stop.
And after that? Neither does Tim. He'd never imagined THAT was an option! It felt AMAZING. Which leads to all manner of wet dreams. For every Heroic guest Bruce has. During the day? Prim and proper, everything above board. But in SLEEP? They are pounding their new brother/son incoherent.
Just? Imagine them trying to trigger wet dreams? Trying to get attention in the evenings, so he'll think about THEM before bed. Pouting when their dreams were pleasant nothing instead of Tim Time. The guilty PANIC of guests who TOTALLY boned Timmy drooling and fucked stupid in the Dream Space, now having to sit across Batman, and pretend they didn't do that. Not realizing he totally let them.
Can't get caught, if it's not physical! Dream Sex!
and they're completely guilt free because its a dream😌😌😌
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
xiao zhan’s mfw interview clues, talismans and matching ads. 🎤
based from the ones released today: v magazine, tencent fashion, tod’s and mr. bags. nothing too big, just some connection/s to already established cpns. feel free to appreciate and enjoy the interviews for what they are even without clowning. 🫶🏼
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* V Magazine China
when he talked about superpowers, he has changed his answer from being invisible, he just wishes that there will be no disputes in the world. tho the topic is really about what he wants a parallel world to be like. interesting answer. i’m gonna wait for wyb to have an interview with a similar question and see if they will match 😂😂😂
he also answered that his style is more casual and comfortable which is exactly the same as wyb answered a similar question. not that we ever doubted how similar their personal style is. they may choose or prefer different pieces, but it has the same feel. this is who they steal each other clothes and blend in when they want to.
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how he answered the question what he learned about style is to subtract. which may mean less is more or something like that. it matches what wyb said he learned about a different thing — acting. so i see this as a similarity between them, they don’t do overdo things.
🎤: If you had two hours of free time, where would you like to spend it?
🐰: Just strolling around. A city-walk.
I hope he does this with WYB! We was this happen in a lot of ZZ’s vlogs.
🎤: What is the most surprising thing from Gucci 2024 Autumn/Winter Women’s Wear show?
🐰: I think the biggest surprise is the bag. I like it very much, the shape of the bag is very avant-grade and bold.
His interest in bags is here again 👀 In his 2019 interview for MFW, he was asked about what his favorite accessory and he answered bag. The CPN happened because WYB was asked in an interview of his promotion of a jewelry brand (Emphasis ) about what jewelry he will give to his loved one. he answered a bag. lol. the question is about a jewelry but he still answered something different. who is he thinking about? a certain someone who loves bags?
🎤: Do you have any unforgettable anecdotes during the Chinese New Year that you can share with everyone?
🐰: There seems to be no Chinese New Year because I spent the Chinese New Year with the crew.
A confirmation what we already know, that he spent CNY in HD. the thing we won’t ever know tho is if WYB was there. Tho some clues point to the answer being yes.
* Tencent Fashion interview
Not much here but he just repeated how he loves bags. Lol. && how his priority is to film. I imagine the same is true for WYB.
* Tod’s interview
I didn’t share the translation for that. sorry! here it is in all it’s glory. not much cpn tho because the questions are centered on his clothes and the show.
🎤: After watching the first show of Tod's new creative director Matteo, can you share with us your first impressions?
🐰: Excited! and then when I was watching the show, I have been taking pictures all the time. Because there are many coats which I like it very much, including the bags, and I think it’s a brand-new attempt. You can see the second show, which is very unique especially it is placed at the tram stop in Milan — I heard that this tram stop is still in active service, can still be used.
🎤: What are the highlights of today’s outfit? Can you introduce it to us?
🐰: Today’s outfit is a more elegant and low-key style. It is a design of the collar on this coat, in fact you can see that it is actually a leather material, this collar can stand up, then you can put it on here and put it on in another way. Then, include this pair of shoe which is also my favorite loafer and this belt, it is also has a very unique design, it has a hemp material and then combine it with leather.
🎤: If you were asked to recommend one of the most “Italian” items you saw on the show today, which one would you recommend?
🐰: Ah~ it’s so difficult! I think there is a lot of it — I think it’s leather, I think everything about leather, the coat including leather on it’s shoes and trousers.
🎤: What are the three must- have travel stuffs during fashion week?
🐰: phone, passport, also…also the (important) card.
🎤: In a series of film and television works, how do you think different costumes help shape the character’s image?
🐰: It does help yourself to get into the role better.
🎤: You have been to Milan Fashion Week many times. Compared with the first time, what changes do you feel this time?
🐰: This time I felt more relaxed and also more cordial. There is a feeling of going home, especially there is DDV Yeye ( Tod’s CEO ) just now, he always tell me how he always welcomed me back says “Welcome back!” I felt woah! that moment was very warm. Then, of course there is conscious lifestyles of Tods that can’t live without.
🎤: Not long ago, you sang “As You Wish” at the Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala. What kind of New Year wishes do you have for everyone?
🐰: (smooth and healthy) for everyone
* Interview with Mr. Bags
this is year 3 of his interview with him! it’s one i’m waiting for cause xz is comfortable with & i feel like he can get away with asking more personal questions.
🎤: Yes, then I saw your personal clothes later I did serious study and research of it on internet. I think our Xiao laoshi really have a personal style, is very good at dressing and I just found out that — for example you will wear some hats, then the scarf and then you will also wear some of these big coats?
XZ: That’s right.
🎤: It looks warm, it has a sense of youth.
XZ: In fact, I felt it safer and then it’s more comfortable because I’m actually myself, in terms of personal clothing I prefer not too many colors, It is mainly; gray, black series and white colors. Those that are comfortable to wear and can’t go wrong and also most effective.
same thing about his personal style and what colors he chooses which is very close to wyb’s.
🎤: I also heard that Xiao Zhan is actually a very homely person. If it weren’t for work then you would just stay at home so I wonder what you usually do when you are at home?
XZ: Actually, I can also play games, sometimes I will have fun, but for most of time I spend my time working out.
this matches some recent fake rumors. 😭😭😭 especially with the part about how xz prefers to stay-in. and then how he likes to play games! who does he play games with??? WYB. there are already a couple of fake rumors and interviews of them talking about the two playing! it’s so nice to hear it from xz.
p1 is GG recently, from his flight back home and p2 is a not so clear photo of WYB’s phone during HB screening where you can see what looks like a yellow paper. I have no question that GG does this, we have seen it before. but i like the idea of WYB doing something similar, maybe GG even drawing one for him. and this may be the reason why they chose this type of card case.
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Finally, the matching ads by Shu Uemura and Loreal. Two different brands and products but I can’t help but see the similarity with the ads 🥹🥹🥹
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 months
Gucci King
Pairing- Tae x Named Reader
Word count- 4.2k
Includes- Semi public sex, brief blow job, table sex, missionary, oral, pussy eating, fingering, cum eating, cock riding, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @marvelfamily3000 @amyz78 @blueie-things
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Taehyung Masterlist
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I turn around from the table of clothes in folding to see my supervisor walk towards me
“He’s coming again. He just called. In an hour. He requested you again, so you have to stay ok?”
I know who he’s talking about
Kim, Taehyung from BTS
It’s no secret that Taehyung loves Gucci
And I happen to work at the biggest Gucci store in Seoul
Since he’s famous, he can’t really go out in public much
So when he or any of the other guys want to shop here, they come after closing
Or we close the store for them, which is what’s happening today
“Oh ok”, I answer
“Show him all the new items we got in the back. Get him whatever he wants. You know what to do.”
I nod
Taehyung comes once or twice a month every month this past year I’ve been working here
And he always requests me to help him
Just me
And all the employees and managers leave when he comes
They don’t want to crowd him
So it’s just me and him in the store
I’m not dumb I know how hot he is
But his personality is what made me fall in love with him
He’s sweet, caring, thoughtful, funny and unique
His smile kills me
He talks to me while I show him the clothes and accessories
He stays for a long time every time he comes
I always wonder why he picked me to help him
I was here one day last year, working until closing
I was told that a celebrity was coming after closing and when he came I had to leave
The manager handled all the celebrities who came in
When he came, I was in the back, pulling out clothes to be displayed the next day
My manager walked in with the guy
“Joanne, you can go home now”
“Ok.”, I turn and my voice caught in my throat
Kim, Taehyung or V from BTS was standing next to him
‘Don’t look shocked. Be professional’ , I thought to myself
I smiled at him, “Hello. I hope you have a good time shopping here.”
He was staring at me, wide eyed
Why, I’ll never know
There’s nothing special about me
At all
I looked at my manager, “I’ll see you tomorrow”
I looked back at V and said, “Goodnight”
He just stared
I smiled again and high tailed it out of there
Outside I was calm but inside I was dying
Taehyung was there, staring at me
Hopefully I didn’t come off as too much of a fool.
Apparently I didn’t because the next day my manager told me that Taehyung requested me to help him next time he came in
So I’ve been here every time he comes
I always get so excited when he comes
I love spending time with him, even though I’m working
I just want to kiss him and tell him how I feel
That I love him
But I never will
First because I’ll get fired and I need this job badly because I have a 14 month old baby to take of
She’s my everything and I need this job to provide for her
I’m all she has
Her father left as soon as I told him I was pregnant
Haven’t heard from him since
Second because it’s fucking Kim, Taehyung, why in the world would he want to be with me out of everyone in the world?
A nothing special 24 year old with a baby?
He wouldn’t
I’m not delusional
And I’d die of embarrassment from the eventual rejection
So I keep my mouth shut and just be happy I can even talk to him without body guards
Tae comes in an hour later
I’m still fixing those damn displays
“Hey Jo”
I yelp as I turn to him
“Oh Tae, I mean Mr. Kim, I didn’t see you come in.”
He laughs, “It’s ok Jo, your manager let me in and left. No one else is here.”
“Thank god”
I breathe a sigh of relief
If my manager heard me call him Tae I’d get yelled at
The first time I spoke to Tae, I called him Mr. Kim
He said I didn’t have to call him that, so instead I said “V”
He didn’t like that either
“So what do you want me to call you?” I asked
“What? I can’t call you that”
“Why not?”
“Because my manager will kill me. And you’re famous and you don’t know me…”
“It’s ok. I want you to call me Tae. In front of your manager you can call me Mr. Kim so you don’t get in trouble but when were alone, call me Tae.”
“Uh..ok…I guess that’s ok”, I relented, “You can call me Jo for short. If you want. Joanne is fine too.”
God I’m so awkward
“Alright”, he smiled
Fuck, his smile
It’s gorgeous
Ever since then he calls me Jo and I call him Tae
“So what did you come to get this time Tae? Another shirt? Belt? Shoes?”, I ask
My head snaps up to him
I totally didn’t hear that correctly
He didn’t say “you”
No way
I’m just hearing things
“Uh, what did you say?”, I ask
“You. I came for you”
She's staring at me like a deer in headlights
“Mmm….me? What are you talking about?”
I had a thing for this girl the first time I saw her
She’s fucking beautiful with her big eyes, long hair, gorgeous smile and body to die for
First it was just lust
I just wanted to fuck her
But when I got to know her, I fell for her
She’s all I fucking think about
I don’t even want to buy anything when I come here but I do just so I can see her
After seeing her last time, I can’t do it anymore
I want her to be mine
I love her
So I came to get her
And have fun too
“You, Joanne. I want you. That’s why I’m here. That’s why I keep coming here. For you”
“I….I…”, she stutters
I quickly close the distance between us and kiss her soft lips
Fuck, it’s everything I wanted and more
I pull her against me and her arms go to my neck, holding me to her
The kiss gets more heated and I’m so fucking happy right now
I pick her up and put her on the table next to me so she’s eye level with me
I attach my lips back to hers and she lets me slip my tongue in her mouth
Her tongue brushes mine and fire shoots through me
I drag my lips down, kissing her neck. She moans a little and I’m so turned on
I want her
I’ve been waiting for this for a long time
I whisper in her ear, “Baby, I want you. Now”
“Tae…I don’t…I don’t know..”, she gasps from the kisses I’m giving her, “Please. You don’t know how much I’ve dreamed about this.”
“Y….you have?”, she asks
“Yes. I want to be with you so badly, make you scream my name and moan. I want to make you cum over and over again. I’ve been waiting so long to do it. Please. Is that something you want?”
I hope to god it is
I’ve imagined making her cum so many times and I want to do it already
“Yes Tae, I want that. I want you.”
I kiss her lips again and pull her off the table
For now
I take her shirt off, kiss down her body until I get to her pants which I pull down quickly, along with her panties
Then I kiss back up her body and take her bra off
She rips my shirt off my head and undoes my belt, dropping my pants down to my ankles
Just as she reaches for my boxers, I hold her hands and say, “Wait”
She looks up at me confused
I just smile and say, “I want to see you first. Cuz once you take these off of me I won’t be able to control myself”
She bites her lip and nods
I move back and take her in
She is so hot
I never thought she’d look like this with the clothes she wears to work
Clothes that cover everything
The huge breasts
The tattoos she has on her hips, her sides, her ribs, her collarbone, the front of her thighs
She has one arm covered in a sleeve tattoo
She has a belly piercing and what I think is two hip piercings
God I just want to lick her body everywhere
“Jesus Jo, I didn’t know you were so fucking sexy”, I say, touching her tattoos and hip piercings
She shivers at my touch
“Please Tae, I’m nothing compared to you and your beautiful body”, she says as she starts touching me
She reaches down again and pulls my boxers off
She looks down and her eyes widen, "Fuck Tae, that’s huge!”
It is?
I mean I don’t know
I don’t go around looking at other guys to compare to
I feel her touch me and I jump, surprised
“It’s ok baby”, she says
My heart burst in joy when she calls me baby
Fuck, I love it
She wraps her hand around me and starts moving it up and down
I moan from the pleasure and close my eyes
I haven’t had sex or had anyone touch me in the year since I’ve known her
I couldn’t, all I wanted was her
No one else compares
She doesn’t know it but she ruined all other girls for me
It’s just her
I’m so into what she’s doing that I jump when I feel her mouth on me
My eyes fly open and I look down
She’s sucking my cock
And she’s amazing at it
All of me is in her mouth
But she’s not gagging
She’s moving her head back and forth, sucking and licking at the same time
I didn’t even feel her go down on her knees
I move her hair and hold it in a ponytail
“Jesus baby, your mouth feels incredible”, I moan
I see her smile as she continues
I’m so close but I can’t cum now
I want to make her cum over and over like I always wanted to
And I can’t do that if I’m not hard
I gently push her head away
She looks up at me, questioning me with her eyes
“Stand up”, I say and she does
I pick her up, put her on the table and open her legs wide
I don’t waste anytime, I need her now
I push inside and she shouts
Christ, she’s so tight and so soaked
I made her that way
“Jesus Jo, you fit around me so fucking well. Like you were made for me”
She feels incredible
Better than I could ever imagine
Once I’m all the way in, I pull almost all the way out then slam back in
“Tae!”, she moans
I pull her closer to the edge of the table and start to mercilessly pound into her I kiss her while I move- her lips, her neck, her chest
“Baby you feel so good. So fucking tight”
She just moans
Then I suck on her nipple and she goes crazy, thrusting her hips to me as I slam inside
My cock hits a spot inside her and she screams, clutching my arms tightly
“There Tae, Fuck me, don’t stop”
I found her spot and I slam into her in there over and over, with her screaming louder after every thrust
“You like it there baby girl? There?”, I tease
“Fuck Tae yes!”, she moans, “Call me that again Tae. I love it”
“Baby girl?”
She nods, “More Tae, more”
“Anything for you baby girl”
The next time I thrust in that spot, her body shakes and she screams my name when she orgasms, “Taehyung! Yes baby! Oh god!”
Feeling her cum is the best feeling in the world
She's clenching my cock so tightly and it feels amazing when I push in
But the best is her reaction
How tightly she holds on my body, her face in my neck screaming my name and her shaking
I keep pumping in her and still hitting that same spot over and over
“Tae, fuck Tae”, she yells moving away from my neck, “Tae, if you keep….ggg…going…I’m..ggg…gonna..”
“Yes baby. I want you to cum again. I love the way you feel. I want to watching you. You’re fucking stunning when you cum.”
“God Tae, you’re fucking amazing”
I smile and kiss her, still thrusting
“Tae, Tae”, she moans
I feel her getting ready
“Jo, baby girl, cum baby. Cum on my cock again. I love when you do.”
“Taehyung, Taehyung, oh Taehyung”, she screams as her orgasm goes through her
Fuck, fuck
She feels so good
“Again”, I yell, thrusting hard hitting that place again ruthlessly, her pussy spasming hard around my cock
“Tae! Tae, if you keep…”
“Slamming the spot, you’ll keep coming?”
She nods
“Good. I’m not stopping”
“Tae!”, she moans
“I told you I want to make you cum again and again. That’s what I’m going to do”
“Fuck”, she cries
It’s fucking amazing
I thrust into her a few times and she cums within seconds, every time
I get her to orgasm three more times this way
“Tae. I can’t....I”, she cries
“Yes you can. Please again baby girl. Again”, I beg
Another slam and she screams, coming again, her back arching and I have to hold her up
“Yes baby girl. Fuck yes. You’re so beautiful”
I pull out when she stops shaking and lay her down on the table
I’m not done with her yet
Not for awhile
I kiss down her body
When I get to her hip piercings, I lick them
“Mnmmm”, she moans softly
I bite on one and pull a little
“Tae”, she whimpers
Now it’s my turn to get on my knees When I kneel, her pussy is right by my mouth
Right where I want to be
I open her legs
She’s wet again
And she has a piercing there
In her clit
“Fuck, did that hurt?”, I ask
“Huh?”, she asks
“The ring you have here”
“Oh no. I forgot about it. I lost a bet and had to do it. I never took it out”
I can’t wait to play with it
I lick up her pussy and she jerks
“Tae, what?”
“I wanna play baby girl. Let me”
She moans nodding
I just smile and lick her again
“Fuck”, she groans
I move my tongue rapidly and she whimpers softly
Finally I lick her clit and she shouts
I close my mouth on it and suck making her shake
I play with her piercing, licking around and on it but when I bite and tug it, is when she screams and her hips fly up pushing her into my mouth more
She puts her hand in my hair and pulls
I groan in her when she does that
It feels good
While I pull at her piercing, I slide two fingers in her and she jumps again
I start pumping my fingers while I fuck her clit with my mouth
“Fuck, Tae how are you fucking good at everything? Your tongue, your hands, your fingers, your cock. You’re amazing with everything”
Her words make me happy and really boost my confidence
After a minute, she pulls my hair hard as she cums
I pull my fingers out and keep licking her
I taste some of her and I’m blown away by how incredible she is
I keep going moving to her clit again and back down to the rest of her pussy
“Baby girl”, I call her between licks
“I want you to cum on my tongue ok?”
“Shit Tae”
“Please? Can you do that for me?”
“Yes baby. Anything you want”, she answers
“Good girl”
My tongue slips inside her and she cries out
“Fuck, it feels so good baby”
I move my tongue and she yells, shaking and coming all over my tongue
Fuck, she’s so good
I can’t get enough of her
I lick her inside again and she orgasms again
“Mmmm”, I moan, loving her taste and swallowing her cum
I pull away letting her lay on the table for a minute, breathing heavily, while I sit on a chair, breathing heavy too
She sits up and she looks at me then gets off the table and comes closer
“You want something Tae?”
I nod
She smirks, “What do you want?”
“You want me to do what?”, she laughs, “Tell me what you want baby. I’ll do anything you want”
She so hot
So I tell her what I want
“I want you to ride me and fuck me hard baby girl.”
She instantly climbs on my lap and slides down my cock until I’m all in
Then she moves, going up and slamming down on me
“Fuck”, I moan and grab her hips
“Baby”, she moans in my ear, “You feel so fucking good. You’re so hard. I love you in me”
Jesus she says all the right things to get me off
“I want you in me all the time”
“Fuck Jo. I don’t ever want to leave either”
She kisses my neck and pulls my hair while squeezing my cock while she moves
“Jo, god, baby girl”, I yell
“Cum Tae. You let me cum so many times. I want you to now”
I tighten my grip on her hips and I take over, slamming her on me, just listening to her screams
I love making her scream
I’m getting closer, just a few more slams and I’m gonna cum
“Taehyung!”, she screams as she explodes again
Feeling her cum makes me orgasm too
“Joanne! Baby fuck!”, I shout, coming inside her.
Oh god it feels so fucking good
“Tae, Tae, Taehyung”, she screams and I’m shocked when she cums again
“Tae” she whispers, laying her head on my shoulder
I wrap my arms around her, holding her close
I reach up and run my fingers in her hair
I have to tell her how I feel
Right now
I don’t want her to think I just wanted sex from her
I want so much more
“Joanne”, I call
“Yea Tae?”, she answers
“I love you”
She lifts her head and looks at me
“I love you. This wasn’t just about sex Jo. I’ve fallen in love with you and I want to be with you”, I say looking down
Waiting for the rejection
Why would she want to be with an idol, whose always busy, who goes on tours for months at a time?
But I want her to know that I’ll make time for her, that she doesn’t have to worry, she’ll be my number one always.
“I love you too Tae”, she says
I lift my head so fast to look at her
She’s smiling at me
She reaches up and cups my face
“I fell in love with you too, all these months you’ve been coming here. I get so excited to just see you and talk to you”
My body fills with joy
She loves me too
“We can be together?”, I ask excitedly
My heart drops when she says, “I don’t know Tae.”
“Why Jo? Is it because I’m an idol? Because I promise you’ll be my number one starting right now. I promise I will spend time with you. I’ll take you to photo shoots, music video sets and when I go on tour. Please Joanne. I don’t want anyone else but you. You’re the only girl I think about, the only one I can even look at.”
“Tae…it’s not about you being an idol. I believe that you’ll spend time with me. That’s not an issue.”, she says
“Then what is it baby? What’s wrong?”
“Tae. There’s something you don’t know. Something that no guy, idol or not, doesn’t want to deal with”
No way
There’s nothing that will make me not want to be with her
I’ll do whatever I have to to call her mine
“What is it Jo? Nothing you say will make me not want to be with you. So just tell me so I can tell you it’s not an issue”, I smile at her
“I uh…I have a daughter”
That’s it?
That’s what she thinks will make me run away?
No way
“She’s uh, a year and two months. Her father left when he found out I was pregnant. I don’t have any family here. My mom brought me here when I was little. But she died a few years ago. So I’m on my own with my baby. She’s at daycare now. ”, she explains, “It’s just not something anyone wants to deal with. I get it. She’s not theirs and I don’t expect anyone but me to take care of her. But once a guy hears "baby", they run. You’re an idol Tae. You’re young. You shouldn’t have to be with a girl who has a baby and can’t put you first. And your ARMYS will be so upset. It’s just a bad deal for you all around.”
She’s looking down
I lift her head and brush hair from her face
“Joanne, I don’t care that you have a baby. I love kids. I can’t wait to be a dad and have kids. Family is most important to me. I’m not running away because you have a baby. It doesn’t scare me. I don’t care that I’m an idol, I don’t care if ARMYS are mad. I love them but I’m not letting them tell me who to love or be with. And I love you. I want you. I can help you with your baby. I can be dad if you’ll let me. I just want you”
She's shocked but she’s smiling too
“Will you be with me baby?”, I ask her again
She nods, “Yeah Tae. Yes. I want that so much”
I pull her to me and kiss her
I finally have her
When we pull away I ask her, “So what’s my baby’s name?”
She starts tearing up, “Tae are you sure?”
“Baby, I’m positive. I know I’ll love her when I meet her. I love her mom and I know she’s going to be just as awesome. And I promise I can be dad, ok?”
I love kids
Kids have always been part of a future I want
And I want a lot of them
Her having a baby doesn’t scared me one bit and I’m actually excited to be a dad to her baby
I don’t know how but I know she's my one and I’m never letting her go
And that includes her baby
She nods tears running down her face, “Yes Tae. If you really want to”
“I do. What’s her name?”
“That’s a beautiful name.”
“Thank you”
“Maybe we should get dressed baby?”
She giggles and it’s the cutest sound in the world
She climbs off me and starts putting her clothes on
I follow and do the same
Once we’re dressed, I tell her, “I still have to buy something so your manager doesn’t get suspicious.”
“Oh ok”, she says
I go to the woman’s section this time and I grab some clothes for her
A few shirts and jeans
I hope they fit her
“Here”, I give them to her
“Uh Tae. These are girl clothes”, she points out
“I know. They’re for you.”
“What? Tae no, I don’t need clothes.”
“Yes you do. I’m the Gucci king and you need Gucci clothes to be my Gucci queen”, I joke
She looks at me and bursts out laughing
“Ok, but I can buy them myself", she giggles
“No you’re not. I want to buy them for you.”
“Tae, I’m not gonna let you start buying me things ok? I can buy my own stuff. I’m not with you for your money”, she argues
“I know that. But I want to do this for you now. Please just let me.”
“Fine but just this. No more”, she gives in
“Yeah yeah, ok”, I say
“Ok baby. Ok”
I pay for the clothes, then ask her what she’s doing now.
“I have to get Emery now.”
“Oh good. I’ll come with you”
She stares at me in disbelief, "You want to come?”
“Yeah Jo. I wanna see her. I’m going to be around her all the time. I’m sure she’s beautiful like her mom.”
She blushes, “Ok Tae”
She locks the store and I grab her hand
“Tae, uh there are people around. Shouldn’t we keep it a secret?”, she asks
“No Jo. I don’t care. You’re mine and I’m proud that you are.”
She smiles, “I love you Tae.”
I lean down and kiss her
“I love you Joanne”
We leave, walking with our hands intertwined
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ncrdyboyz · 5 months
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ꒰ ७.*´. ꒱ . . . VARSITY AT THE 2024 MET GALA !
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VARSITY sent members DIAZ and KAZ to the 2024 Met Gala, and both definitely understood the assignment when it came to the theme!
Diaz showed up dressed in OCEAN ROYALE, a fairly new brand started by S3ABORN3's Min Jooha and Acid Flower's Reyna Jang, both who are Kpop idols under the same company as VARSITY. As well as fellow member Kaz, he was seen exiting the limousine, only to turn around and offer his hand to none other than Jooha himself, whom he had revealed to be dating since 2023. His outfit was designed by Reyna, his childhood friend and main rapper and producer of famous Kpop girl group Acid Flower.
Kaz, meanwhile, was dressed in the Spanish brand LOEWE, wearing a piece that was custom designed just for him. He noted in an interview that he chose the final design because it reminded him of his small home in Japan, as well as his boyfriend, Niraiin Erin of S3ABORN3, whose relationship had been revealed in 2020.
"It was really nice to pick and choose which outfit to wear because they were all so nice. Ultimately, I chose this one because it reminded me of home and all the good memories I had there with my boyfriend Erin. The pond near my house had lots of lotus flowers and he loves lotus flowers. . . so yeah. Love you, Erin!" he laughed, blowing a kiss at the camera before quickly moving on.
However, even with all the fun and glam, there were paparazzi who seemed to not like Diaz and Jooha's relationship; when they stepped out together in their matching outfits, some were heard muttering homophobic and racist comments towards them. Kaz, the better English speaker between the Starborn group, made sure to let Diaz know, who in turn led them right past the paparazzi and not giving them any more chances to take their pictures. The leader was visibly angry, with a grinding jaw and raised eyebrow as he walked right past the group of paparazzi. Many Smarties were outraged by the behavior and called them out for being homophobic and racist, demanding that an apology be made for the disrespect.
For the afterparty, both men decided on some sort of loosely fitting clothes: Diaz dressed in GIVENCHY in a v-neck top and cropped blazer and loose pants, and Kaz in a loose shirt and pants from GUCCI. Both were seen having a good time at the party and talking to various attendees.
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ꒰ ७.*´. ꒱ . . . VIRAL MOMENTS !
Diaz was asked if his outfit was to celebrate Cinco de Mayo due to its slight similarity to Mexican style embroidery, causing him to look confused before answering with, "We don't celebrate that shit unless we're from Puebla or the United States. Why would I do that?"
Kaz was seen looking uninterested for most of the event and afterparty, more focused on his phone texting his boyfriend than socializing — but he did end up talking to a few attendees, and was spotted chatting it up with Cléo and Felix of Stray Kids.
Diaz was seen acting as a gentleman so often with his boyfriend Jooha that even non fans of VARSITY were asking about the 'hot guy who revived chivalry.'
Diaz and Grayson of TWILIGHT were spotted together, politely greeting each other before being asked to pose together for a photo — which resulted in a funny moment where the two struggled on picking a good pose, eventually landing with them simply standing side by side, making a heart with their hands.
Kaz and Diaz were spotted later at the party talking with The Boyz's Thomas, both smiling happily as they posed several times for photos together. Diaz was seen exchanging numbers with him and teaching him Spanish, which made Kaz laugh.
Kaz was seen walking around with a lollipop in his mouth and several in his hand, offering one to each person he spoke with. When asked about the lollipops, he simply responded with, "Don't worry about it," before offering one to Emma Chamberlain and Anna Wintour themselves. It earned him the nickname 'Kazu-pop' by Smarties and 'Mr. Lollipop' by the locals.
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ib: @anqelblccm + @f1rstime ily besties !!
JOOHA can be found in @s3aborn3
GRAYSON can be found in @f1rstime
CLÉO can be found in @hausofanya
THOMAS can be found in @hwangyozz
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ideasarestuckinmyhead · 5 months
The song "Suger Daddy" by Qveen Her by kinda reminds me of Auron and Rook in a way.
If possible could you do a one shot based on this song of Auron and Rook, if not that's fine.
-☯ Anon
Give me the card, please?
When Auron and Rook's relationship got out finally every magazine and paparazzi asked them if they were his sugar baby. They answered no obviously, they didn't really get gifts because they didn't want him to spend money on them. They fell in love for his personality not his money, plus the gifts they did get were full of thoughts of them and to their preference like if it was a clothing piece. The type of fabric, cutting, and size was tailor to them and if wasn't their preference he'd just buy another.
They thought it would give the public their fill on their relationship but no. Of course it didn't people are nosy, like these fucking trophy wives at this gathering. Rook was in a simple classic outfit that Auron made for them, matching set and it looked so sexy on the both of them. Rook didn't care what these people thought of them but these fucking ladies and men even kept asking them questions.
"Well how much does he spend on you?" Looking up and down the lady in front of them was decked in Gucci. Rook simply said enough to make them not look fake, unlike that ladies dress. It got them a huff and the lady walking away from them.
"Child he has all that money and you don't wanna use it?" Greedy eyes looked at them, these one piss Rook off. They told the man that they had so much money they didn't know what they wanted to use it on. Happens when your partner has so many comas in his bank and loves to spend it on you when you wish. His jaw got clenched at those words and simply nodded.
"By the way you act so coldly to us I'd think Auron simply has you to fuck." Everyone hushed at those words, Rook turned slowly and saw some nepo baby looking back at them. They seemed a year younger than them, Rook didn't even flinch as they got in their face. "Your not a sugar baby, your just a slut he gets to use when needed." Gasps and 'oh's' were heard as the crowd parted for Auron to come to Rook.
"Mrs. Goldburg, I think I misheard you. Did you just call my partner a shameful name?" Glaring down at the blonde copy and paste bitch who tried to look innocent. Her name, what was it again? Rook wondered as they downed their glass of champagne.
"Oh, your name is Aubrey. Aubrey Goldburg, your family has been doing business with Auron for a while, yes?" Questioning the younger woman as they gestured a bus boy to them to place their glass down. Aubrey, surprised Rook even known her name nodded watching their moves.
"You will no longer be working with us. A shame really, your father was a respectful man when I met him last year when making the contract. I actually was the one to introduce him to my lover." Nonchalantly saying as they took another glass from the bus boy they saw Aubrey blink rapidly.
"W...Wha-" She was cut off abruptly by her Father rushing to the scene. His face grew pale as he saw who was in the middle of the crowd with his daughter. Richard really needed her on her best behavior, but of course she had to act out in their family name.
"Aubrey, dear, what did you say to them?! Rook, my friend I deeply apologize to you for my daughter." Richard knew he needed to kiss ass so bad right now but also knew that Rook would ignore him so he looked at Auron. Which was a bad idea because he was glaring down at the man who he was just sharing a drink with a minute ago.
"Richard, look. I'll be nice since I do see you as a true friend of mine I met when i first came into the public like this. Your contract with us will be suspended, Auron?" Not looking at their partner they knew he already notified Trish to fucking burn it if necessary.
"Of course dear, I will be exterminating that contact as soon as we get in the limo." Everyone began whispering and gossiping about the two Goldburg's in the middle as the power couple of the high society shot them down from fame with simple words. Rook didn't even show any emotion as Aubrey began to cry because her family contract with Auron was everything. A long tried sigh was heard by everyone as Rook threw a glass by Aubrey.
"Auron, take me home. This girl ruined my mood to enjoy this party." Annoyance was heard in their voice as they began walking to the door gesturing the coat man to get their coat quickly. Auron followed right behind them as he talked quietly with them. These actions caused everyone to talk about what just happen and sadly Richard was trying to calm his daughters cries but she started to just scream random things.
"And Richard?" The said older man snapped his head at them as the room quieted to hear them, "I'll have Auron recontact you if your daughter is properly taught etiquette of how she should act to the people who help her. Good night everyone." Leaving swiftly with Auron to the limo their words shook the high society that attended that night.
In the limo Auron was looking at them in his lap as they slumped into him. Tired form having to keep their guard up around those fucking assholes, but ripping that bitches life apart in front of her made it worth it.
"Are you okay, dear?" Softly spoken as Auron pet their head, and kissed their head. Rook nodded, feeling like being nonverbal was the best choice by speaking so much at this event. But then an idea came to them, how about they show those asshole's a real sugar baby?
"Auron, I want to spend money. Can I have the card, please? For tomorrow?" Sweetly asking and this clicked quickly in Auron's head as he nodded smiling a them.
"Of course dear." Happily saying as Rook doesn't usually use his money to throw at their problems. No matter what they bought the money would come back as quickly as it left.
"Thank you, sir." Seductively saying as they kissed his cheek. Giving a giggle as Auron kissed them in return, this turned in to them having a bit of fun in the back seat. As Rook woke up they saw a Black credit card by their table side, smiling at the note Auron left saying 'buy anything dear, I'll cover it.' Rook got dressed up in the most expensive outfit Auron bought them and went straight to a big mall. They even invited Aubrey and some of the people from the party Rook actually enjoyed talking too.
"Hhmm, Aubrey where should I shop at? I want to just spend money because I can." She took them to Prada, Gucci, Louis Vuitton and other stores Rook couldn't bother remembering. While shopping Rook sighed in annoyance as no one was trying to help them, didn;t these people know who they were?
"Hi, I was here for a while can I have someone help me please?" politely asking a worker who huffed and went to get a manager. Who rudely told them that they would't have anything for them, Rook pissed off then decided to ask. "How much can I buy this mall for?" The manager started to stutter asking them what they mean. "Ugh never mind I'll just ask Auron." This caused the manager to sweat more.
Ringing up Auron Rook looked at their entourage and smiled "I'm just going to buy this all so I can just take what I want whenever you know? Just sssooo much easier on me!" Then turning to talk to Auron about buying the mall. After a few minutes, Rook closed their phone and walked back to the manager. Giving him a big smile as another man rushed to him, greeting Rook first before telling him quickly.
"Sir, this Mx is now the owner of our shop. It is nice to meet you Mx." Sweetly saying as he tried to seem composed in front of them. Rook just nodded as the other manager looked shocked as everyone looked at him to see what he would say.
"Mx I apolog-" Rook held up their hand and sigh deeply before looking around and stopping at the new man that rushed ot them.
"Your the new manager now, got it? And you your fired get the fuck out." Everyone looking was staring at the now ex manager. Who simply nodded and walked to the back of the store, because what do you do in this incidence?
Aubrey looked in awe as Rook commanded five people to help them choice something to wear. Rook threw things they thought were ugly to the workers that were rude to them. And giving tips to the workers that were nice to them, showing to them that if they ever try Rook again they'd make their lives hard.
"I'm tired of this shop let's go somewhere else. I think I want a smoothie." They yawned as they wore a fur coat and had a whole new outfit that fit them perfectly. And just like that Rook had the best shopping spree as they walked in to a shop and grabbed whatever they wanted. Who would stop them? No one, even when there was paparazzi asking them why they bought the mall when walking out to their new limo.
"I just wanted to shop. Why? You have something to say?" This caused the paparazzi asking them questions stumble over their words. Rook shrugged them off as they got into the limo, after giving commands to the men holding their things to take it to the pent house. While in the limo they fanned themselves and started to complain how shopping made them tired.
"We should go to a spa!" One girl said Lizzy, she was really sweet telling Rook the options there. Rook nodded and told the driver to go there, everyone was chatting as they got in. Enjoying their time gossiping about the couples and drama between families. Then it was 6 pm, Rook sighed deeply again everyone looked at them as they pouted.
"Sorry everyone, I'm tired from having so much fun with you all. I think I'm going to go back to my lover now. I'll have limo's drive you home. Hugs and kisses to all of youu!" Rook said as they got in to a separate limo. They smiled as they saw Auron in the limo, giving him a smile as they showed off their outfit.
"Don't I look amazing? Too bad it'l probably only be wore a few times after this. Oh well!" Giggling as they leaned on Auron getting their battery recharged with him. They then asked about Auron's day, he went on about doing a recontact and how Richard was groveling the whole time. They fell into a silence as they felt this hectic day come to a end as they got back to the pent house.
While they enjoyed their time inside tabloids and articles were going insane how "Sugar Baby to the cold CEO rich man spent so much money in one hour alone." Rook had a feeling that they would be enjoyable to read so they decided to leave that for tomorrow for when Auron had a day off to make fun of them with Rook.
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freedomfireflies · 2 years
I’m looking forward to Friday now, can’t wait to see Mr. And Mrs. Hey Soul Sister😩
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You stare at the document in front of you. The words, the ink, the instructions all blur together as the tears find their way to your eyes.
Sign Here.
Easy enough. A simple signature and you’re rid of him forever. The nightmare can finally be over.
You swipe your knuckles along your cheek, ridding yourself of the embarrassing admittance of your disappointment. You’re not sure why you’re so upset. This is exactly what you wanted. It’s what he wants, too. Finally, you can go back to your mundane life and leave Harry Styles and his endless parade of press and photo-ops behind.
The pen hovers above the page, tight between your fingers, waiting to be used. You’re hesitating but you’re not sure why. 
Sign the fucking document. Sign it and go home. Sign it and leave him behind.
You look up at the clock. Five minutes until eight. He’ll be arriving at the carpet for his new movie about now. He’ll smile, he’ll wave, and he’ll answer questions. You can practically hear him now.
What are you wearing? Uh…Gucci? I believe? Yeah. Gucci. 
Can you describe the movie in three words? Uh…heartbreaking…exciting…cinematic.
Cinematic? Yeah, you know…it just…it feels like a movie, y’know?
Sure, sure. And where is the missus tonight? Oh, she’s at home tonight, yeah. Bit jet-lagged from our trip.
Then, they’ll ask about the flight. If you’re both happy to be in New York. He’ll lie and say you are, even though he’s the one in New York and you’re still at his home in L.A.
He’s already signed the papers. Signed them the day they were delivered. And then…he left. Without a word. Without a goodbye. Without a handshake.
You were okay with that. Because seeing him…having to face what you said, what you felt…it was too much for even you.
You stayed to pack up your things. You wanted to be gone by the time he returned. Which would be tomorrow, just before his sold-out show. 
Before things…well, ended, he’d offered to let you and your friend come along. She was thrilled. You were reluctant but you had to admit, some of his songs were growing on you. And not because you actually liked the songs, but because…well, you suppose it doesn’t matter anymore.
You shake the thought from your head. Eye the papers. Grit your teeth. Take a deep breath. Just sign them, dammit. He did. Far too easily. In fact, you should be a little offended he was so glad to be rid of you. Didn’t even feel the need to say goodbye. After everything.
He’s a pig, you decide. He’s a pig and an asshole and he’s starting to remind you a little of Homelander from The Boys. Which is a character you only know because he made you watch the entire show.
So…there. He’s Homelander and you’re Starlight or whoever the fuck else and you’re gonna sign these papers and be rid of him forever. You’re gonna be the hero of your own life.
And you do it. Scrawl your name across the page, holding your breath the whole way, and before you know it…it’s over. 
It’s over.
You lean back, eyes on the document as every weight on your shoulder suddenly lifts.
You are officially no longer Mrs. Hey Soul Sister.
Truth to be told, you don’t know how to feel about it but you won’t let yourself feel anything about it because there’s just not enough time to cry over some guy with glitter up his ass.
You’re done.
You spend the rest of the day packing your things and saying goodbye to the home you’ve grown so used to. The door he had you pressed against. The mirror he fucked you in front of. The floor he ruined you on.
You leave the papers on the kitchen counter. They’ll be the first thing he sees when he walks in.
You readjust the strap on your shoulder and take a deep breath, preparing yourself to leave this odd blip in your life behind.
Once the door shuts behind you…it feels like everything is gonna be okay.
You spend the next day at your friend's apartment. She doesn’t pry for information. She doesn’t try to cheer you up. She turns off his song when it comes on during shuffle.
Most importantly, she offers to go pick up your favorite food for dinner and you could cry with gratitude.
Once she’s gone, you slump over to the sofa, pulling the blankets further around your body as you let your eyes fall toward the fireplace, watching the flames flicker along the brick, listening to the crackle. 
You take a deep breath, one rogue tear falling free before you have the chance to wipe it away, and you ask yourself how long it’ll be before he’s out of your system. For good.
“What the fuck…is this?”
You look up, terrified and startled as you see Harry suddenly standing about ten feet away, waving something in the air. 
You gasp, fingers clutching the soft throw blanket a bit tighter to your chest. “I…Harry, what the hell are you—”
“You just left?” he bellows, taking a step, vicious stare finding yours. “No note, no nothing? Just divorce papers?”
You blink. “Well…yeah, that was our deal—”
“No, fuck that,” he laughs, rather bitterly as he shakes his head and looks around the small apartment. “No, you…I thought we were gonna talk it out.”
“Talk what out? You left,” you remind him. “And you signed them, too.”
He stares at you for a moment, teeth gritting together as he tosses the papers in his hand toward you. 
You catch them, a bit confused but rather curious as he nods his chin at you.
You look down.
You see your signature. Your name.
And right above it? Right where his should be?
Mr. Hey Soul Sister.
“I…don’t understand,” you whisper, looking back up. “You know that’s not actually your name, right?”
He scoffs, hand running through the soft curls on his head. “Yes, I know that. I just…I thought if you saw that…maybe…maybe you wouldn’t sign them.”
Your head tilts. “Harry, why…what the hell is going on? I thought this is what you wanted.”
“Yeah, well…so did I,” he grumbles. “But when I came home and you were…you were just gone, I didn’t know what to do.”
Your heart sinks. Don’t do this to me. Please. Please don’t do this to me. “Harry…”
“Oh, don’t Harry me. No, we…look, I left because I knew you wanted your space and I didn’t wanna push you but I thought…you know, I thought after a couple days you’d finally be ready to talk.”
You sigh as you glance over his face. “That was sweet but…there’s nothing to talk about.”
“And why the fuck not?” He takes another step, no longer annoyed but livid. “Huh? You told me you loved me and then you left.”
You scoot toward the edge of the sofa. “Yeah, I left because you don’t love me.”
“Says who?”
You blink. He doesn’t.
“Says…says you, dipshit,” you remind him. “You made it very clear this was just a business deal to protect your image, and that’s fine, but now we’re done.”
He straightens up. Regards you carefully. “Maybe I don’t wanna be done.”
You straighten up as well. “And maybe I can’t do any more maybes.”
This settles in the air between you both for a moment, the only sound that of the crackling fire a few feet away.
He nods once. Takes another step. “I don’t want to be done.”
Your jaw tenses. Undeterred and unimpressed with his motivation. “You’ll find someone else to keep on your arm, don’t worry.”
“I don’t want someone else.”
“Well, you don’t want me.”
“I always fucking want you.”
You lean back, eyes wide and heart racing. You wait, just for a moment, to see if he’ll retract it. Shake his head, change his mind. 
He doesn’t.
He takes another step. “I said…I always fucking want you. Why the fuck do you think I made up all that shit about the divorce ruining my image?”
You feel your breath hitch. “What…what do you—”
“Oh, come on. You don’t think I really give two shits about a couple of articles, do you?” he snorts, now a hint of a smile on his lips. “They’ve been calling me a womanizer and a playboy for years. You think this is where I’d get insecure and squirrely?”
“Then…then why?” Your hands wave in the air, desperate to grasp onto understanding. “Why put us through all this if you…why?”
He shrugs now, eyes falling to the floor. Almost ashamed. “Because I didn’t want to let you go. I knew it the moment I met you in the bar and you started screeching like a dying whale trying to sing that song.”
Your eyes narrow but you feel yourself smirk.
“And I knew what I was doing asking you to marry me. And I knew that you saying yes was the best moment of my life. And I knew that I didn’t know anything else…except you.” 
He looks up.
“And I figured we had the rest of our lives to work out all the details,” he murmurs. “I just didn’t figure you’d actually leave.”
The blanket falls from your hand, collecting on your lap.
“Har, I…I…” You stand, fingers shaking slightly as you step up to him, soft gaze falling across his face before your palms find his chest and you shove. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Why didn’t you tell me any of this before?”
He stumbles but he’s fighting a grin. “Because I wasn’t sure if you really meant it. I thought maybe it was a…Stockholm Syndrome thing or something. That you’d realize you just felt bad for me and I…look, I didn’t want your pity.”
“That…is so…” You sigh before pushing him back once more. “Stupid. That is so fucking stupid. All this time? I mean, all this fucking time we could have been—”
His hand slips around the back of your neck and before you know it, he’s yanking you forward and kissing you quick.
You go silent. Surprised and confused and so fucking happy you’re not sure what to do with yourself. 
He doesn’t deepen the kiss. Doesn’t attempt to go any further without your permission. Just wants you to know…
Wants you to know what?
You shove at his chest for a third time. Softer. Just enough to part your lips and regain his attention. “Har…what are you doing? What…what is all this for?”
He takes a deep breath, forehead pressed to yours. “Just had to get a running start.”
“What? What fo—"
“I love you.”
You suck in a sharp breath. Hear those three little words ringing in your ears, over and over and over. 
His palm finds your cheek. Caresses it softly as he meets your eye. “I love you. I want to stay married to you. Forever. To you and your tone-deaf pitch and your dad jokes.”
You laugh, despite yourself.
“I want to spend the rest of my life, in sickness and in health…with you. And I promise, I will love you through all of it,” he whispers and your heart just about soars. “And I promise to spend every day…teaching you why Dancing Queen is so much better than Gimme, Gimme, Gimme.”
You laugh again, fingers slipping into his hair as you stretch up onto your tiptoes to kiss him. To really kiss him. To taste him, to have him…your husband. 
However, after a moment, he steps away from you, and you feel gutted until you realize why.
He reaches toward the sofa, plucking the document into the air before throwing it into the roaring fire, smiling proudly as he faces you once more.
“Now, you’re officially and forevermore…Mrs. Hey Soul Sister,” he declares.
And as you kiss him again, happier than you’ve ever been, you can’t help but think one thing…
Maybe Harry Styles isn’t so bad after all.
Thank you so much to the original requester for trusting me with this amazing idea and for letting me explore it a bit further! I hope it was everything you wanted and that I could do it justice!
And thank you to everyone that kept up with it and felt excited along with me to see where these two idiots wound up! I love you all so much! 💞
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~ Previous Part
~ Other Harry Blurbs
~ Full Masterlist
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misschanadlerbong · 2 years
Tangled Up
A/N: This was supposed to be uploaded yesterday but I am a lazy writer lol. So pretend like this is a little something from me to all of you for V-Day. Also, this is my first FRIENDS fiction and really did not see many Chandler fics so here it is. Honest feedback is welcomed :)
Summary: You just moved to Paris for work and one day bumps into your high school best friend Chandler. Seeing him desperately in search of a place to stay, you invite him to stay with you. You were already in a relationship but would the entry of your best friend change anything for you?
Pairing: Bi-sexual!Chandler Bing x fem!Reader
Genre: F.R.I.E.N.D.S!AU, Chandler!AU, angst, fluff, suggestive
Warnings: Swear words, mentions of sex, make-out, mention of alcohol, insecurity.
Word Limit: 2.5k
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You were a woman in her late twenties who recently moved to the most beautiful city in the world, Paris. What could be more exciting to work for Gucci in the fashion capital itself? It had been a couple of months since you moved here, and Paris was nothing like your hometown Normandy. Sure both places were part of the territory of France but Paris was the city. Everything was fancy, different, and difficult.
Slowly and steadily, you were getting the hang of the big overwhelmingly serene city and one day you decided to explore a new restaurant that gave a perfect view of the river Seine while having your meal peacefully, You ordered yourself a bottle of white wine and chef’s special.
A familiar face approached your table with your wine, “Chandler?”
“Y/N?” he questioned.
The man was Chandler. Chandler Bing. He was one of your best friends from high school and you guys have not been in touch for the past six or some years.
“What are you doing here?” you asked.
“Umm, working.”
“I mean here in Paris?”
“I could ask you the same question Y/N,” you were confused at this attitude of his. But it was also true that Chandler could never answer any questions straight, this was him being classic Chandler.
“I work here, at Gucci. Isn’t that amazing? You tell me! I thought you were aspiring for uh… not a waiter I guess?”
He looked down at the floor in embarrassment and said, “I came here in Paris to get a new shot at life, I still am figuring out life.”
You asked him to join you at the table and you both started talking about the good old days when the only thing you had to worry about was school and stuff but now there are endless bills, a job, rent, appraisal, etc. You exclaimed, “I am surprised you still remember me.”
“Of course, I do, we were best friends. How can’t I?”
You sipped your wine and said “Well, because you were popular and certainly did not care about introverts like me. I mean we hung out a couple of times but still, you only talked to me when you had to copy notes or when you broke up with your girlfriends or boyfriends.”
Chandler chuckled awkwardly “and look where am I being popular and look at you! Having a real job in Paris and a decent place to live. Being popular couldn’t even get me a comfortable place to live.”
Even though you guys didn’t talk in a long time, he was your friend and you impulsively asked him to live with you as your roommate. It would be nice to have someone live with you in an unknown city who can also cook for you and crack you up with his witty jokes.
You put the offer in front of Chandler, and he was surprised as if you asked him for his kidney.
“Really? Would you be able to handle me as your roommate?”
“Handle you? What do you mean? What could you possibly do?” you questioned raising an eyebrow at him.
“Would you be able to keep your hands off your insanely hot roommate? Isn’t that against the rule or something?”
You scoffed, “Hot? You? Don’t think so highly of yourself Mr. Chandler Bing.”
You both chuckled and enjoyed a nostalgic meal by the river. Since then, Chandler was living with you, and it was blissful to have him back in your life.
One evening you came back home tired and all you wanted to do was relax on the couch, watch your favorite show, and eat something sugary. You opened the door and saw Chandler making out with an unfamiliar girl on the couch. As soon as you saw them you yelled “What the fuck Chandler?” and poor Chandler scared of you threw the girl off himself and she fell on the floor. Chandler quickly puts his shirt on while walking the girl out of the apartment.
“I am so sorry Y/N, by the way, this is Janice.”
The girl laughs in the most annoying way you have ever imagined and stretched her arm to introduce herself. You shake her hand and say “Bonsoir stranger, get out of my house. Au revoir.”
“Why is she so cold?” asked Janice while walking out of the door.
“I’ll explain it to you later baby, bye see you!” said Chandler.
“I told you not to bring girls over when I want the place to myself. And on the couch? Seriously? You have a room,” you complain.
“I could bring guys over if you want. I bet you’ll like that.” He winked at you smiling to himself. You groan at his response and go to your room slamming the door shut.
After a while, there’s a knock at your bedroom door, you open it and to your surprise see Chandler with hot sizzling brownies out right from the oven. You settled yourself in your bed with the brownies breaking the ‘no food in bed’ rule.
Chandler stands in front of you apologetically and says, “I am sorry, it won’t happen again.”
“No, it’s okay, I overreacted. I am PMS’ing and at work, I got yelled at by my boss. She doesn’t seem to like any of my ideas, and she even scolded me in front of my other colleagues.”
“I am sorry to hear that, but you are Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N. You show her that you are better than any of the other employees because I know you are, and I hope the brownies help with your PMS.”
He gently kissed the temple of your head and started walking out of your room. You ask him with a mouth full of brownies “Aren’t you gonna have these?”
“Nah I had a couple while baking. Do you need anything else? I am leaving for Janice’s place.” He asked before shutting your door.
You gave him a look and said “No, have fun!”
“Sure will!” he replied through the other side of the door.
On a lazy Sunday evening, you hopped on the couch where Chandler was watching television and put your head on his lap staring at the ceiling you shot a question at him casually, “Any plans for V-Day?”
“Nothing, why?” he replied.
You sat up straight to face and said, “Nah, I just wanted to know if you are doing anything because I am.”
“Going on a date? With me?” he smirked.
“Oh, you wish Chandler Bing.” You rolled your eyes and continued “of course, I am going on a date, with my boyfriend,” emphasizing the last phrase of the sentence.
“You have another man in your life that I didn’t know of?” he exclaimed.
“Okay drama queen, easy there. His name is Antoine, and you didn’t know because I was just looking for a fling but things serious and he asked me out on a real date. Additionally, I wanted to let you know that you can have the place all to yourself in case you want to invite any special somebody as I will be staying the night at his place.”
Chandler gave you a look from the side of his eyes and you just simply smiled.
Valentine’s Day finally arrived, not that you were a big fan of this day but you were in the city of love and you wanted to consume every square inch of love this city could give you. This was your first Valentine's Day in a city like Paris and you were genuinely excited. You wore a red bodycon satin dress revealing your sexy cleavage. You were feeling confident about your look and were deciding upon what shoes to wear until you heard a knock on the door.
“Who’s there, Chan?” you shouted from your bedroom.
Chandler opened the door and replied “A man with flowers” with a look of confusion on his face.
You came out of your bedroom looking chic and approached the man, both of them were startled to see you.
“Wow” exclaimed Chandler in awe under his breath.
Antoine became very conscious of Chandler’s reaction and looked at Chandler with apprehension. The air in the room was awkward but you turned it around by distracting your date giving him a peck on his lips and greeting him “Happy Valentine’s Day baby”
He kissed the back of your hand like a gentleman and gave you flowers. While you were putting the flowers in water the men introduced themselves to each other.
Chandler stretched out his arm saying “Hi, I am Chandler. I make jokes when I am uncomfortable.”
Antoine shook his hand and said “Bonjour! Chandler, what an unusual name.”
Chandler smiled at his response and added “Antoine what a usual name to find in Paris.”
You couldn’t help but giggle at his sassy answer. That was your best friend Chandler who will not be embarrassed by anyone even if it meant putting your relationship at stake.
The introduction of your boyfriend to your roommate was not smooth and easy as you hoped for, but you did not want anything to ruin your romantic date.
You were in Antoine’s car as he has driving he held your hand with his free hand. The night was bright, and the city lights were gleaming with the glow of love in the air. You could see lovely couples walking sideways off the road holding hands and spending time with their loved ones. It was a sweet evening.
Out of the blue Antoine asked a question, “Why didn’t you tell me you had a roommate?” You could hear insecurity in his words. You dodged the question by saying “Today’s our day honey, let’s not talk about him tonight.”
Since that day, you three use to hang out together. Though Antoine questioned a couple of times about Chandler and your relationship and insisted you stay with him instead. But you always use to change the topic because no one could have that much control over your decisions. You were the one in charge.
One night Antoine was staying over for the night and you both were just talking about random stuff staring at the ceiling and holding hands.
Out of nowhere, Antoine asked a question in a serious tone “So, who’s the better lover? Chandler or me?”
You were surprised to hear that and could not understand where all this coming was from.
“I mean there is no chance that you guys haven’t slept together ever, I could the way he looks at you and the way you change when you are around him.”
You sit up straight and in an irritated voice ask him “Where is all this coming from? How could you even say that?”
You both got out of bed and started arguing and yelling at each other. You did not even know how from one thing you came to a completely different topic. Whilst fighting you both reached the living room and Chandler came out of his room hearing your voices.
You did not expect to see him tonight as he told you he was working late. You felt bad fighting in front of him and wanted to take the argument somewhere private.
“What’s happening, guys? Is everything all right Y/N?” he asked with a concerned look on his face.
“Antoine let’s talk inside our room and Chandler is it nothing just a normal couple argument, you can sleep.” You suggested.
Antoine interrupted “No no no, you stay right here, it is all happening because of you. So, tell me how’s it going huh?”
Chandler still could not understand anything and asked, “How’s what going?”
“You fucking my girlfriend” yelled Antoine.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” questioned Chandler.
“Antoine for god’s sake stop accusing my best friend like that. Mind your tone!” you shouted.
Antoine starts coming at you in a rage and yelling at you. Chandler did not like the way he was talking to you so he comes in between defending you putting Antoine at a distance. Furious Antoine tries to punch Chandler out of his way and they start getting physical. Antoine was attempting another punch at Chandler until you yelled at both of them.
“Get out of my house right now, Antoine,” you demanded “No one gave you the right to talk about Chandler this way. You are such a manipulative, possessive, and insecure person. Get out right now, it’s over!”
Those words came out of your mouth in so much anger that you could not even realize what you were saying. Antoine grabbed his things and walked out of the apartment slamming the door hard.
“Y/N, are you okay?”
You ignore him and go into your room. Chandler stood in the middle of the living room thinking about whether to go in your room to comfort you or not. He decides on the former and knocks on your door and as he comes inside he finds you sobbing.
“I am so sorry Y/N, I know it’s my fault. I was hanging out way too much with you guys. I can understand why he feels what he feels. I will talk to him first thing in the morning and will move out.”
You hold his wrist and say “don’t you see what’s happening? It’s not your fault. Since high school, it had always been you. You came back into my life and so did my buried feelings for you. It changed everything.”
“You like me?” questions Chandler in shock.
“Of course, you dumbass.”
“How come you never said anything to me before?”
“I was afraid about the way you would react, and I did not want to ruin our friendship. What if I scared you off?”
Chandler gently wipes off your tears and hugs you “I would have never judged you. Out of all the girls or boys you were different Y/N. I was naturally attracted to you…I still am.”
Your heart skipped a beat hearing those words. You look deep into Chandler’s eyes and have long eye contact until Chandler hesitantly initiates a kiss. That night a stupid, sarcastic, and clumsy best friend turned into an insanely hot roommate whom you could not resist. You instantly gave in and started kissing him back with equal passion and hunger.
The night turned into the best sex you have ever had in your entire lifetime. It was gentle yet passionate and you could feel a connection that you have never experienced before.
The sun poured through your window, and another day had dawned in your life bringing new hopes and aspirations in your life. As you open your blurry eyes from sleep you find Chandler gazing at you.
“Argh you are watching me sleep, it’s so creepy.”
“I don’t care, you look so adorable while sleeping.” He cupped your cheeks and planted a sweet kiss on your lips.
“I…” you were cut off by the doorbell and you wondered who could be there at your door this early in the morning.
“I got it” suggested Chandler and realizing he is naked jumped back into the bed.
You chuckled and put on your night robe while tossing him his clothes. You go and open the door and see Antoine standing in front of you with your favorite flowers meanwhile when you were processing your thoughts, Chandler comes from behind shirtless asking “Who’s there sweetheart?”
Chandler freezes at his position on seeing your ex-boyfriend at the door and it follows a pin-drop silence between the three of you.
A/N: oh my god, that is some serious mess. What do you guys think would happen now? tagging @mrstaylorswift because she loves friends as much as I do <3
Shower your love by liking and commenting on the post. Refrain from copying, plagiarism, or posting on any other platform, honest feedback is welcomed.
P.S.: I also upload on Wattpad @immafreakingmoonstone, feel free to check out my account :)
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beardedmrbean · 4 months
Nobody would have a "shred" of sympathy for a teacher accused of having sex with two teenage pupils if she was a man, a jury has been told.
Rebecca Joynes denies six charges of sexual activity with two teenagers including two while she was in a position of trust.
Joe Allman, prosecuting, said if Ms Joynes, 30, had been "Robert" Joynes and the complainants had been girls, it would not have been suggested to them they were "up for it" or the ones wanting sex, "because that would have been quite obscene".
Ms Joynes said she had made "mistakes" but denied underage sex.
'Attempt for sympathy'
The court was previously told the teacher was already suspended from her high school job and bailed for alleged sexual activity with boy A, 15, when she allegedly began a sexual relationship with the second youngster, boy B, who fathered her child.
In his closing statements at Manchester Crown Court, Mr Allman said Ms Joynes was making a "naked attempt" for sympathy by having a pink bonnet - from the baby fathered by one of the underage boys she is accused of having sex with - tucked visibly into her trousers during the trial.
He asked the jury: "Is what is going on here, is: she hopes you will treat her very differently because she is a woman and not a man, and you will see this case differently because she's a woman and not a man?"
He suggested Ms Joynes would like jurors to forget she is a responsible, mature adult teacher and the boys were teenage children and school pupils.
"It has the effect of warping the picture, so she almost becomes the victim and the boys the perpetrators."
The prosecutor asked the jury to imagine a scenario where a male teacher exchanges Snapchat messages, buys one girl a £350 belt and takes her back to his flat, while a second teenager falls pregnant to "Robert" Joynes.
'No sympathy'
"You would not have one shred of sympathy for Robert. This thought experiment drags Miss Joynes' defence into the light."
Previously, the court heard how both boys sent her flirty Snapchat messages before Ms Joynes took boy A shopping and bought him a £350 Gucci belt, then took him back to her flat on Salford Quays where they allegedly had sex.
Ms Joynes told the jury she ruined her "dream job" with "mistakes" by meeting up with the two teenagers and having them back at her flat, but denied underage sex.
Michael O’Brien, in his closing speech for the defence, said boy A had lied about what had taken place between him and Ms Joynes while boy B had “put the boot in” while being interviewed by detectives.
He said meeting students outside school was wrong, but not a criminal offence.
Mr O'Brien also said boy B had given “unclear and inconsistent answers” to questions.
He added that Ms Joynes and Boy B, were in a “perfectly legal relationship” which the teenager had chosen to “twist the dates” and “put the boot in”, to say sex began earlier when he was at school and aged 15.
Ms Joynes denies the allegations.
The trial continues.
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mrs-gucci · 1 year
Omg I’m just thinking how his rut probably gets more and more intense the longer it goes before it’s done. And I’m thinking about him not being able to care that your pussys sore from all the abuse he’s given you recently, and he just has to pound into you once more until his fuming overflowing you, even if it hurts you a little. He’ll make you cum anyway after he warms you up, even though all your internal muscles are sore too from coming so much too. You’ve never felt so used and abused. He’ll make it all up to you later!
Please write this :D
I love, love, love this, but you didn't mention a character! let me know through another submission who you'd like this to apply to (flip, clyde, jacques) and I'd be happy to write it!!
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Lips Like Sugar - Tony Stark X Female Reader
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Title: Lips Like Sugar
Tony Stark X Female Reader
Additional Characters: Natasha, Sam, Bucky, Steve, Bruce (Mentioned), Paparazzi, press, tabloids (Mentioned), Friday, Fury (Mentioned), and Thor (Mentioned)
Requested by: Anon!
WC: 3,260
Warnings: Sugar baby/Sugar daddy vibes, slight age gap, awkwardness, anxiety, nervousness, slight suggestiveness (blink you miss it), teasing, taunting, Tony, rumors mentioned, Tony's whipped, soft Tony, slight angst, insecurities mentioned, and fluff
Stepping out of your Mercedes-Benz, you pressed the button on your keys; smiling at the sound of the quick beeps as it locked. Adjusting the many bags on your arms, you raised your hand and adjusted your Gucci sunglasses before walking into the Avengers Tower. You greeted the receptionist with a warm smile before walking over to the elevator; your heels clicking and clacking against the white tile floor. You adjusted your shopping bags in your arms once again before speaking, "Friday? Can you take me to Tony, please?" You called out to the AI, glancing at the ceiling of the elevator.
"Absolutely, Miss. L/N," Friday spoke, activating the elevator, "Mr. Stark has been wondering when you'd arrive."
You hummed, glancing down briefly at your bags, "Hope I'm not late for anything?" You muttered out loud, not really asking for a response from the AI, but she answered your question.
"Nothing is on the schedule today. Mr. Stark and a few of the other Avengers are on the Common Floor."
You nodded just as the doors opened, your eyes landing on a few of the Avengers just seemingly hanging about. You didn't really have a good friendship with any of the Avengers, which saddened you. Well, you had Steve, but it just felt like the others judged you. They seemed to judge you based on how you met your boyfriend, Tony Stark. 
You were a freshman in college, at the ripe young age of twenty. You had just started college after taking a year off to save up to even get into the college of your dreams. But, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, in just a month, you were broke, and not even your job at the coffee shop down the road from campus could resurrect you. You lived off of ramen noodles and whatever free food you could get around campus, it wasn't really the life you thought you'd be living; being a broke college student with dreams. 
But, because of your major, and the specific class that you were in, you had the opportunity to join your class for a lecture. This lecture would be held by none other than Dr. Bruce Banner and Tony Stark. Sitting in the front row, sitting posed and straight-backed; you were ready to give all your attention to the teachings. You were very interested in what the two Avengers did, relating to science, of course. But, them being Avengers was one of the reasons you felt so giddy inside. 
Well, you never thought anything other than learning something new would come out of the lecture, but no, you had caught the eye of the Tony Stark. Tony was talking about the newest invention he had made to help neutralize Gamma rays but as he was explaining, his eyes landed on yours. He fumbled slightly, but as quick as he stumbled, he regained his composure. Tony had been taken aback, you were gorgeous. His eyes lingered a little longer than necessary before he cleared his throat and continued talking. He kept stealing glances at you though, and it took you a while to even notice. And when you did, you couldn't help but feel like a deer in headlights. What could you say; he was a handsome man, sure. But, he was also the Tony Stark. 
Now, Tony didn't make any real moves until he accidentally overheard that you weren't able to pay for the next semester of class. That day, while you were walking back to your dorm, Tony came to you with a deal of a lifetime. At first, you were shocked. Tony Stark was asking you to work for him as his assistant, and in return, he'd pay for your college tuition. It sounded pretty great, right? And it was, in the beginning, when paparazzi and people, in general, didn't know about the two of you. 
Now, you didn't think you were Tony's Sugar Baby, but that's what the press thought. They dug up everything they could about you and found out, somehow, that Tony was paying for your tuition. And seeing that you were seen going to the Avengers Tower every couple of days; it would seem that you were his Sugar Baby. Though, as the weight of the overbearing paparazzi took its toll on you, you realized that maybe you were one. Technically, when you look it up on Google, a Sugar Baby is ‘a younger person who provides romantic companionship or sexual intimacy to a wealthy older person in return for gifts or financial support.’ Now, Tony gave you financial support, and you did spend time with him and work for him in return - sometimes grabbing a coffee; but nothing romantic or sexual... And he did give you a few gifts here and there- Oh, God, you were Tony Stark's Sugar Baby.
That didn't last long though, because the more you and Tony spent hanging about with one another, the closer you got. Now, your job as Tony's assistant was to help Pepper, his head assistant, if you will. You'd double-check his schedule for any possible mishaps or mistakes and bring him paperwork to sign. And over the past couple of months, you began to develop affection toward the billionaire superhero. You didn't know when it happened in those months. But one day you suddenly realized that you loved whenever Tony finished an invention, seeing the smile on his face made your heart skip a beat. And you loved watching him work at his lab, tinkering with things. One morning, when you went to grab the files that needed to be signed for the day, you entered his lab where you found him leaning over his desk, deep in concentration. That sight of him alone made your chest feel tight, and your stomach do somersaults. And he wasn’t even doing anything. 
Tony wasn't really good with his feelings, really any feelings in general. He was prone to using sarcasm and wit to cover up his true emotions. So, he usually ended up bottling it up inside. But, with you, it was different; you saw through all his tough exterior. You saw a genuine human being, a hero, a man that was actually willing to put himself through hell for others, and for the greater good. Tony wasn't really used to that, sure there were the fans, but all they saw were the dollar signs. Tony knew there was something about you the day of the lecture at your school, and he knew he was in trouble. Never had he ever felt this way for anyone, that tightening in his chest and the warmth of his cheeks when you walk into the room; whether that be for him to sign something or to remind him about a meeting with Fury. Tony Stark wasn't good with emotions, but he fell for you and that realization scared him. Scared him because he didn't know how to handle them. And, on top of that, any relationship with you could never be, he was way too old for you. But you were so beautiful, intelligent, kind, and funny... He wanted to be selfish.
You did take into account the age gap, and you've heard of worse; twenty-four years wasn't that bad. Now, age is just a number, just as long as both parties are consensual adults. Anywho, you never thought in your wildest dreams that Tony would ever think about you in a romantic way. You thought he just saw you as some kid, and well, his first nickname for you was 'kid.' But, after seven months of working for him, Tony actually asked you out on a date. And to his surprise, you agreed to go. 
You thought he'd take you to some fancy restaurant, ride up in a limo, and share a bottle of champagne, but it was actually the opposite. Tony ordered takeout, knowing how much you love Chinese, and even got a private screening of one of your favorite movies at the theaters. It was the sweetest and the most romantic date you had ever been on, and that date led to another, and another, and another...
You and Tony had gone through a lot together, from feeling Tony insecure about his age and you constantly worrying when he went on missions; you both got through it all together though. You were always there for him when he was feeling especially anxious or insecure, holding him after terrible nightmares, and being there when just life in general seemed hard. You were never one to sit back and watch Tony struggle through the difficulties, you always jumped at the chance to help and protect. And he did the same. He knew that his promises of coming home safe meant everything to you, that there were times when you just needed him beside you, and Tony would always make sure that you knew how much he loved you. You were grateful that you even got to the point of joking around about the whole 'sugar baby' fiasco. It was awkward at first, sure, but now when he sometimes calls you ‘sugar baby,’ you just laugh.
And now, two years later, yes, it was still hard to go out some days, but not for the reason of being claimed to be Tony's sugar baby, but for a whole new reason entirely. Now the press, tabloids, paparazzi, and whoever was trying to stir up that you were nothing but a gold digger, just with Tony for his hard cold cash. Which is anything but the truth. Yes, Tony buys you tons and tons of gifts, but most of the time they are heartfelt and not just a giant bunny that takes up space. And, yes, you enjoyed some of the presents he did give you, but you didn’t care for the gifts or the fancy dinners, or the nice cars. You cared about Tony. You had gotten to the point of acceptance; you knew that as long as you were with Tony, in any way, you were going to have to deal with all the drama. And it was worth it. He was worth it. You loved him and he loved you, and that was all that mattered.
Though you didn't care about whatever the press brought up, you felt that you needed to prove to the other Avengers that you weren't just with Tony for his money. For the past two years that you had been at the Avenger Tower, you had only met some of the Avengers a good handful of times. Steve and Natasha the most out of them all. Most of the time they were on missions and that didn't give you much of a chance to meet them when they were states or countries away. You had an inkling that their hesitance around you when you were in the same room was because of the rumors about you, but the rational part of your brain told you that that was just paranoia. Maybe it just takes them a while for them to warm up to others, you could see that. All a misunderstanding. Anyway, the point is that you wanted to try and get to know the others, even if it would be a bit awkward. 
"Mr. Stark, Babelicious has arrived." Friday's voice echoed throughout the room, making you groan. You hated that nickname Tony gave you.
All eyes turn to you as you walk your way to the bar of the kitchen, setting a few bags on the ground, one of the bar stools, and the last two on the bar counter. You let out a sigh as you took off your sunglasses, setting them too on the counter. You could feel their eyes burning on the back of your head as you shuffled through the bags, you made sure you had everything; but before you could even begin to put anything away, you heard your name. 
"Y/N! Babe! You're back. Goodie." He greeted you, with a kiss on the cheek, , his scratchy archer beard making you smile. “What treats did you bring me?”
"Hey, T, I brought what you asked." You answered softly, taking out the groceries, "You said that we were out of the coffee grounds you like so I got those, and I made sure to grab more chocolate sauce since you practically drink all of it on our ice cream Sundae Sundays. I also got a box of PopTarts for Thor on the off chance he visits. Along with other foodie stuff that was on the shopping list." You informed him, immediately going into your 'girl boss assistant mode,' as Pepper called it; looking up at Tony after you finished unbagging the other groceries, letting out a happy little sigh.
"You’re an angel, babe.” Tony thanked you, before continuing, “Did you get yourself anything?" He then asked, leaning against the bar counter, unable to take his gaze off of you; you looked amazing today, just like every day.
You only shook your head, "No, I didn't need anything." You spoke and Tony sighed, reaching his hand up to brush a few stray hairs out of your face and behind your ear.
"You know you can get anything you want, right? If you see something you like, just get it. I'm a billionaire, I can afford it." He told you, smirking slightly.
"It’s not that I don’t think you can afford all I desire, my love. It’s just that I don't need anything. I got you." You countered and Tony chuckled lightly.
"Well, you deserve it all." He responded, making you hum.
"Well, what I deserve right now, is a good ol' nap." You muttered, placing your hands on Tony's chest as his hands secured tightly around your waist, “And I need some handsome someone who could put the groceries away.” You spoke slyly, looking up at Tony with an innocent-looking smile, "I'll be in our room if you need me, okay?" You asked; tracing your fingers over the outline of the arc reactor over his ACDC shirt. 
Tony nodded, practically swooning after you leaned up and placed a quick kiss on his lips, lingering there before you headed down the hall. Tony stood there, savoring the soft touch of your lips, the scent of your perfume filling his senses, the warmth radiating off of you. He missed you already.
"You're whipped, man." A voice called out to him, breaking him out of his thoughts. 
Tony turned and moved around the corner, his eyes meeting four other pairs. He almost forgot they were there. Sam sat on the couch next to Bucky and Steve as Natasha sat on the armchair; most of them were smirking or had mischievous looks in their eyes, Tony didn't like it.
Tony frowned slightly, clearing his throat as he got to putting the groceries away as quickly as he could. "I'm not whipped, Rocket Man," Tony replied, only making Sam let out a taunting chuckle.
"No, you're whipped, bro. She's got you wrapped around her little finger." The Falcon said, earning a snicker from Bucky and a roll of his eyes from Steve. "You don't stop buying her stuff."
"Yeah," Steve said, "You buy her gifts all the time. Just yesterday you tried to buy her another car."
"Can't have just one." Tony muttered, putting the bag of potatoes away.
Natasha then spoke, looking up from the book in her lap, "You bought her a vacation cabin in Norway.”
"See? I give great gifts," Tony tried to defend himself. “For her and friends.”
Sam gave Tony a small glare, "You give terrible gifts, last Christmas you gave me a shower curtain."
Bucky nodded towards Sam, "That's actually pretty nice-"
"It had Bob Ross's face plastered all over it. With the words, ‘I’m a happy little tree’." Sam deadpanned, making Bucky frown.
Tony only huffed, rolling his own eyes, "Anyway, ignoring the hate I’m getting present-wise, you can't blame me that I'm a catch. I'm hoping you all don't believe the tabloids or news. She's not out for my money, so stop worrying. But that doesn't mean she doesn't deserve someone who can treat her like a queen." He spoke sternly, standing up for you, "And, well, if you look around, I can do that." He spoke, waving a hand dismissively around the room.��
"We are just looking out for you," Steve gave Tony a smile, "I'm glad you two have each other, Tony," He started, "If she makes you happy, then we're happy for you." He added, making Tony sign dramatically.
"This place is getting too sappy for my taste. If you need anything ask Friday, I'll be with my lady love." Tony spoke, hiding that he was actually appreciative of Steve's comment and unknowingly confirming that he was indeed whipped for you. 
Softly opening the door, Tony slipped into the room and slowly shut the door behind him. The living space was dark and quiet, only the soft sound of the afternoon birds chirping could be heard outside the curtain-covered windows. Tony took off his shoes, practically dragging himself over to the bedroom; he was also tired after a long day of being rich, and talking to Fury. The door was ajar, allowing the Iron Man to gently push it open and sneak inside; not wanting to wake you from your well-deserved nap.
Going over to his massive closet, Tony grabbed a tank top and sweatpants before changing; heading over to the large king-sized bed where you cuddled with Tony's pillow, held tightly to your chest. Tony admired you for a moment before he got under the plush, warm covers. Holding himself up on his arm, Tony brushed your hair out of your face, not wanting to wake you but you were holding onto his pillow with a death grip and he sort of needed that back. 
"Baby, you're holding my pillow hostage." He muttered, no louder than a whisper, his voice deep; watching as you mumbled something he couldn't quite understand before letting the pillow go. Pulling his pillow under his head, Tony got comfortable, his arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you into his warm chest.
Whether you were awake or still dreaming, you swiftly wrapped your arms around his waist, hiking your leg up to hook there as well; your usual sleeping position. "Tony?" You called out to him softly, a voice as soft as a mouse.
"Yeah, babe?" He asked, matching your gentle tone, his hand on your waist rubbing up and down; his fingers dipping under the shirt that you had stolen from him.
"I love you," You whispered, your words slow and sleepy, turning your head up to look at him.
Tony hummed, his voice deep and slightly raspy, "Love you too, Y/N/N," He answered before nuzzling his nose briefly with yours. "Give me some sugar?" He then asked teasingly, loving the little, sleepy smile that graced your soft features.
Leaning up slightly, you pressed your lips on Tony's, your hand running through his hair, causing Tony to shiver slightly, his heart fluttering at the feeling. As you pulled away, he smiled down at you, his eyes softening when they met yours and you let out a tiny content sigh and closed your eyes once more; digging your face into the crook of his neck. Tony let out his own sigh, his arm tightening around you as he shut his own eyes. You both drifted off to sleep almost instantly, lost in each other's arms and dreams.
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wongyuseok · 1 year
bias tag game
tagged by: @lee-minhoe (ty beloved 💜)
rules: you're going to pick 10 of your biases (or as many biases as you have and then fill in the rest of the spots with idols you like) and number them 1-10, then answer the questions below. try not to look at the questions before you make your list!
tagging (ofc only if you want to): @cheolmatez @sunminshine @boobzi @kimsmingyu @janggtoco @choiyeonjuns +anyone else who sees this and wants to do it!! Pls tag me if you do 🫶🏻
questions below the cut
My Bias List (narrowing down to 10 biases was an impossible ask. I'm still very much in my exo brainrot so I have all 3 of my exo biases on this and also moon taeil ily. Also sorry to all the women I bias. I could literally make a list of 10 gg biases and do this a 2nd time):
Minho (shinee)
1. Between 7 and 5, who did you bias first?
Minho. Choi Minho is my og bias wrecker. Plus I started stanning shinee in 2010 before seventeen was even a thing. Wonwoo was just a babe in the woods at that point 😂
2. Between 2 and 6, who are you more attached to?
TAEIL v. DOKYEOM?? Well, it should come as no surprise to anyone but the answer is Moon Taeil. I adore that man with my whole being (I hope he's recovering and resting well rn). Lee Seokmin is very important to me too, but he was up against my moon man and stood no chance. Sorry, DK 💔
3. If you were to spend the day with either 3 or 1, who would you choose and what would you do?
I have to pick between Kim Jongin and Byun Baekhyun??? This game is rude 😒 but ofc I'm choosing Baekhyun. Mel had a really cute answer to this that I'm not going to be able to compare to. But I feel like Baek just needs a break. So I'd probably choose to do something chill (I say as tho I wouldn't be a basket case and like I can speak Korean). Maybe go to a coffee place, preferably one with baked goods, near a park or a river and just take our coffee (and pastries) to a nice spot to chill and talk. Maybe get some pizza for lunch. Play some video games (truthfully I'd probably just watch HIM play since I only play single player games due to being shit at them). Idk 🤷‍♀️ I'm bad at this lmao
4. What is your favorite physical feature about 9?
HIS SMILE!! I know he's known for his sad eyes while singing but COME ON!! LOOK AT HIM 🥺 (yes, I'm stealing mel's idea of including a picture, but mostly bc more people should know and love Donghun)
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5. What is your favorite part of 6's personality?
Dokyeom is like the literal embodiment of sunshine. He is so bright and happy!! You can tell he loves life and finds joy in little things. His laughter and smile is such a serotonin boost! I know that he feels and thinks about things deeply and can be a little (a lot) hard on himself. But he's got this big, big heart. I just love how full of light he is, yk?
7. Between 1 and 2, whose closet would you raid?
Why do I feel like neither Baekhyun nor Taeil have much that I would want to raid from their closets? 🤔 idk that I pay that close attention to their own personal styles either tbh. I think I'm picking Baek tho. I don't have a great reason other than I know he's always wearing these oversized things. And oversized clothes are cozy 🤷‍♀️ I'm stealing one of that man's hoodies and keeping it for the rest of my life thanks so much
8. What is a style that you want to see 3 try?
I don't feel like I have any notes for Mr. Gucci. Jongin has a much better grasp on fashion than I do. AND he's done pretty much everything and can pull off the craziest things.
9. Between 5 and 4, who are you closer to in height?
Minho, but I'm not actually close to his height either. Chanyeol's just a tol boy™️
10. Between 10 and 9, whose music do you like the best?
Oh man this is such a difficult question. Out of the 2, Kihyun's the only one with solo work. But Donghun's voice is SOOO 👌🏻💯🤧👏🏻👍🏻 I feel similarly about Kihyun's voice tho. If we're saying between a.c.e's music and monsta x's tho...?? I *think* I'm choosing a.c.e's, but kihyun's solos are so good 😭😭 this is such an impossible decision to make 🙃
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cassieuncaged · 1 year
[ 📚 ] what books does your muse have on their bookshelf? what books would they like to have? if your muse isn’t an avid reader, is there anything they collect or might like to collect?
[ 🧱 ] how would you describe your muses’ morality? what are their core values?
[ 💸 ] if your muse had no shortage of money, what would they buy?
[ 😇 ] what would your muse do if they became a god?
For Maggie, Sabrina and Reggie?
Answers Beneath the Cut
[ 📚 ] what books does your muse have on their bookshelf? what books would they like to have? if your muse isn’t an avid reader, is there anything they collect or might like to collect?
Little Women, Jane Eyre, Mrs. Dalloway. She enjoys reading a lot of female author. She'd love a leatherbound copy of Alice in Wonderland
[ 🧱 ] how would you describe your muses’ morality? what are their core values?
Maggie's an angel with core values including honesty and loyalty
[ 💸 ] if your muse had no shortage of money, what would they buy?
She'd attempt to solve world hunger and would donate millions and to charity.
[ 😇 ] what would your muse do if they became a god?
On a similar note, she'd end wars and grant the world peace.
[ 📚 ] what books does your muse have on their bookshelf? what books would they like to have? if your muse isn’t an avid reader, is there anything they collect or might like to collect?
She doesn't read books. Instead she collects Vogue magazines and Louboutin heels
[ 🧱 ] how would you describe your muses’ morality? what are their core values?
Sabrina is very selfish and puts herself before others often. Beauty, self-love, and wealth are her core values.
[ 💸 ] if your muse had no shortage of money, what would they buy?
So many luxury brands like Gucci, Prada, etc.
[ 😇 ] what would your muse do if they became a god?
She'd smite her enemies and people she didn't like
[ 📚 ] what books does your muse have on their bookshelf? what books would they like to have? if your muse isn’t an avid reader, is there anything they collect or might like to collect?
Two of her favorites are Heart of Darkness and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
[ 🧱 ] how would you describe your muses’ morality? what are their core values?
She believes in the greater good but understands that sometimes blood needs to be shed to get there. Integrity, independence, and efficiency are her core values.
[ 💸 ] if your muse had no shortage of money, what would they buy?
She'd pay off any debts and would purchase a custom Beretta. She doesn't need a lot
[ 😇 ] what would your muse do if they became a god?
She'd avenge her father before ridding the world of all evil and wrong doing.
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missroserose · 2 years
Whumptober Day 7: Silent Panic Attack
{Author's note: today's entry is a direct prequel to the amazing @zmediaoutlet fic "cheyenne," where Victor Henriksen finally tracks down a very different Sam and Dean Winchester. If you like this, or even if you don't, check it out—some of the bleakest, most beautiful writing I've encountered in fandom.}
He picks up his Louis Vuitton briefcase on his way out from his office.  It’s heavy, filled with documents for the next few workshops and speaking engagements, corporate mission statements and HR disclosures and God knows what else waiting for him to sign, validate, acknowledge.  It’s a demanding job, running a consulting firm; clients constantly pushing you around, employees constantly needing things.  Almost as bad as a family.
“Mr. Winchester.”  His assistant trots up to meet him in the tiny mincing steps her Michael Kors pencil skirt allows, Gucci heels clicking on the marble floor of the hallway.  He takes her in at a glance:  hair tidily coiffed and streaked with fashionably-blued grey.  Dove-grey Armani blazer carefully arranged.  Cream-colored silk shirt clearly a tier down—Banana Republic, maybe—but he’s not feeling at his best this evening so he’ll let it pass.  “I have your itinerary for the upcoming week,” she says, swiping at the iPad in her hand.  “Cerberus Group has postponed, but I worked with scheduling at Richard Roman Enterprises to fill the gap.  And JPMorgan wants to know if there’s any flexibility in the attendance requirements for their booking next month—it’s the holidays, of course, several of their board members have personal and family leave planned—”
He turns his head to look at her.  Not frostily, not mildly, not glaring, not soft.  It’s a look utterly devoid of any emotion at all.  He knows, because he practices it in the mirror every morning; it’s remarkably versatile.  Even his assistant, whose hair was a warm rich brown when she began working for him, stops speaking when he turns it on her.
“They know the terms,” he says, after a moment.  Quiet; his voice is always quiet.  He’s never needed to raise it.  “If they wish to maintain the prestigious opportunity afforded by a Pathway To Success workshop the entire board must be present.  No exceptions.”
The assistant swallows, then ducks her head in acknowledgement.  He really should say something about that shirt.  Tomorrow, maybe.  “I’ll pass along the message, sir,” she says, carefully polite.  
He gives her a measured nod.  “Was there anything else?”
“Only another message from Agent Henricksen.  He’s still trying to get in touch with you about your brother.”  He can feel the muscle twitch at the corner of his eye; it must be visible, because she continues all in a rush.  “I looked him up, sir, thoroughly, just as you asked.  Academy transcripts, employment records, even his gun safety ratings.  He’s the real thing, definitely.”  Sam still doesn’t answer; she bites her lip.  “I.  Didn’t know you had a brother.”
“We don’t speak.”  He can feel his fingers tightening around the grip of his briefcase, wonders if the knuckles have turned visibly white.  “Were there any further details in the message?”
“No, sir.”  The barest hesitation, then, “Not in the message.”
He flicks an eyebrow up, a silent command.
She shifts her weight to one foot, holds the iPad against her chest.  “It’s…while I was looking into the agent, sir.  It’s not in any of the official press channels.  Not yet.  But there’s gossip that he’s finally run down that killer.”  She won’t meet his eyes.  “The one on the posters.  The one…with the same last name.”
So.  His secret has finally come to light, and his brother is—arrested, or dead.  He can feel his heart pounding, the adrenaline dumping into his bloodstream.  Run, his body says.  Leave.  Go.  Start somewhere else.  Somewhere they don’t know you.  You’ve done it before, you can always rebuild.  He closes his eyes, takes a short, sharp breath in.  Lets it out.  Ignores the voice beneath his body’s voice, the one that lives deep in his hindbrain, the one that sounds like a desperate, trapped child—Dean’s in trouble!  Go find him!  Help him, you’re all he’s got—
“Sir?  Is everything all right?”
The assistant’s voice draws him back to the present.  He ignores the thumping of his heart, the creak in his knuckles, the tension in his shoulders.  This changes nothing.
Well.  Almost nothing.
“Cancel my appointments this weekend.  I’ll be taking leave to deal with a personal matter.”
“Of course, sir.”  She taps a few times on the tablet, swipes between a couple of screens, doesn’t comment on the novelty of the request.  “And if the press calls?”
The thought of press attention is enough to set his heart pounding again, but he covers it with a tight-lipped smile.  “Refer them to the local FBI office.”  He prises his fingers from their grip, re-hefts the briefcase.  “And inform the flight crew that the plane needs to be ready.  I’ll be traveling.”  He doesn’t wait for the assistant’s acknowledgement, only continues his stride towards the door as if it had never been broken. 
It’s only when he reaches the door that he realizes he’s been humming under his breath, something tuneless and familiar.  He stops immediately, but the long-forgotten lyrics flash into his brain regardless, like unwelcome karaoke:
For now I smell the rain, and with it pain, and it's headed my way…
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