#multi-spatial thinking
gudguy1a · 1 year
Productive & Effective Success - Using Analytical (& Critical), Strategic and Creative Thinking
(repost of an older paper, content that is still very timely) SUCCESS Successful Workplaces & Employees THINKING – Analytic, Strategic, Creative Analytical (& Critical) Thinking Strategic Thinking Creative Thinking KNOWLEDGE Cognitive Diversity Quality Control / Continuous Improvement Conclusion        References                                                               SUCCESS Yes,…
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mindshelter · 1 year
relationships to mourn because they will never appear again: kon and kyle. two characters that emerged out of the same tragedy and found themselves abruptly under the overwhelming pressure of living up to their predecessors... with a lot of immaturity to grow out of as they gradually become pivotal figures in the superhero community.
if this friendship had been allowed to flourish i think kon would have developed a lot of admiration for kyle—sure, kyle is a bit of a tool, but he's kind. he's helped teach kon the value of patience and trusting the process—and himself—through art, feeding into his creativity to not only support a hobby but improve his ttk. green lantern constructs—especially the ones kyle can make—are also probably our best analog to the more unconventional ways kon has harnessed his ttk (eg. using water vapour from clouds to build a multi-storey castle). that's a task that probably requires... a frankly terrifying degree of spatial intelligence that they both apparently share. they make art together. kyle gets him into wood-whittling.
on kyle's end we know he tends to adopt an older brother role (or at least a that of a dubiously useful mentor) to those younger than him and struggling with their identity. kon is just... physically a lot bigger than the last one. kon probably whines to kyle about his love life only for kyle to earnestly give the most dogshit advice possible and send him the wikihow on How To Come Out (With Pictures). it's hard to tell if kyle is being serious. kyle please stop saying i'm "brave" you are also bisexual what is wrong with you
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Do Gallifreyans have some sort of Braille for the visually impaired? Do we have any idea how it'd look?
Do Gallifreyans use a Braille-like system for the visually impaired?
To begin with, it's important to note that blindness/visual impairment appears relatively rare on Gallifrey—only a few known Gallifreyans have completely lost their sight, and each has found their own way to adapt to it. This matters because eyes are very important on Gallifrey, as Gallifreyan technology often uses retina scans.
Unfortunately, there is no known documented equivalent to Earth's Braille on Gallifrey, so there is no real idea of how it might work.
... But never let that get in the way of some theories.
👆Theoretical Gallifreyan Braille Systems
In human terms, Braille is a tactile writing system that relies on touch. Gallifrey, with its five-dimensional tech, might push this concept further. Imagine a Braille that conveys letters and words through touch and dimensions beyond typical human perceptions.
Multi-Dimensional Touch: Gallifreyan Braille could utilise a form of tactile feedback that incorporates temporal and spatial dimensions. Each 'dot' could represent different states depending on temporal phase shifts. So, a single touch could convey layers of information about an object or concept, not just its name or description.
Sonic Enhancements: Gallifreyan Braille could integrate sonic feedback to help convey more complex information. Different frequencies or vibrations could be used to add layers of context or emotion to the tactile experience.
Holographic Projections: For a society that can manipulate light and space, why limit Braille to a static surface? Holographic projections that can be felt and manipulated in the air could be an everyday reality for the visually impaired Gallifreyans, allowing them to 'feel' the data as it floats before them.
Neuro-Sensory Integration: Taking it a step further, Gallifreyan Braille might directly interface with the nervous system, allowing a user to 'see' through touch by translating tactile information into visual-like perceptions in the brain. This method would bypass traditional sensory routes and offer a direct, immersive experience.
🏫 So ...
While Gallifreyans may not have a direct equivalent to Braille, we can certainly have lots of fun thinking about it. Of course, you may decide all these theories are rubbish—the floor is open!
Could a Time Lord be deaf or mute after regeneration?: Sensory impairments from regenerations and how society could perceive these people.
Factoid: How do Gallifreyans cope with extreme vision loss?
Do Time Lord-specific disabilities exist?: Types of disabilities specifically for Gallifreyans, both known and theoretical.
Hope that helped! 😃
More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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mathhombre · 7 months
Summer Math
As usual, great work from OURFA2M2.
REU Programs
Discrete and Continuous Analysis in Appalachia
Program Runs: June 3 - July 26
Application Deadline: March 4th
Undergraduate US citizens who expect to graduate AFTER July 26, 2024, and especially such students attending university in the Appalachian region apply for the DCAA REU. The projects center around probability and data analysis, as well as linear algebra and combinatorics. 
Participants will receive a $4,800 stipend and paid housing for 8 weeks during Summer 2024.
Participants funded by DCAA must be US Citizens or Permanent Residents of the United States. Students who are women, underrepresented minorities, first-generation college students, and those whose home institution have limited research opportunities in mathematics are encouraged to apply.
Applied Mathematics and Computational and Data Science
Hosted at University of Texas Rio Grande Valley 
Program Runs: June 13th - August 12th
Review of applications will begin on March 15, 2024 and offers will be made by April 1, but competitive late applications may be considered until April 15. 
Students will work collaboratively on group research projects in applied mathematics, mathematical modeling, and computational and data science, including applying theoretical models to physical and biological phenomena. In the application the student should choose one of the two possible research topics:
Wave Phenomena and Mathematical Modeling
Mathematical Modeling of Spatial Processes and Deep Spatial Learning
Only US citizens or permanent residents are eligible. 
Women and underrepresented groups in Mathematics are encouraged to apply!
Stipend $5400 plus $900 meal allowance and $1000 travel expenses. Housing will be provided. 
Computational Modeling Serving The Community
Program runs: June 10th - August 16th
Application Deadline: March 31st
Held Virtually in 2024
The focus of this REU is computational modeling to serve and enhance communities. Students will be involved in multi-disciplinary, community-based research projects and trained in computational thinking across different disciplines. In doing so, they will gain an understanding of the potential and limits of these tools and how they can serve diverse communities.
The activities of this virtual REU Site will involve a 2-week training followed by an 8-week research project completed under a faculty mentor’s guidance and with the involvement of a community partner.
Only US citizens or permanent residents are eligible. 
Students from institutions with limited STEM and research opportunities (such as 2-year community colleges) and tribal colleges/universities are specifically encouraged to apply.
Stipend $7000 + $1400 meal allowance and $2200 housing allowance
REU Program in Algebra and Discrete Mathematics at Auburn University
Program Dates: May 28 - July 19
Application Deadline: March 25th
See the program webpage for more info on problems and ares.
Participants will receive a stipend of $4,500 and will live near campus at 191 College with housing paid.
NSF funding is restricted to US citizens and permanent residents. Other self-funded students are welcome to apply.
Polymath Jr.
Program Runs: June 20th - August 14th
Application Deadline: April 1st
Application Here
The Polymath Jr program is an online summer research program for undergraduates. The program consists of research projects from a wide variety of fields. For more information go to the website linked above.
The goal of the original polymath project is to solve problems by forming an online collaboration between many mathematicians. Each project consists of 20-30 undergraduates, a main mentor, and additional mentors (usually graduate students). This group works towards solving a research problem and writing a paper.  Each participant decides what they wish to obtain from the program, and participates accordingly. 
Program runs: June 16th - August 10th
Application Deadline: April 2th
In 2024 the MathILy-EST topic will be combinatorial geometry of origami, an area that mixes discrete mathematics, geometry, and analysis, under the direction of Dr. Thomas Hull.
MathILy-EST is an 8-week intensive summer research experience for exceptional first-year college students. MathILy-EST provides early research opportunities each year for nine college students who are deeply but informally prepared for mathematics research. The focus of the program is on first-year students, with second-year and entering college students also considered for participation.
Stipend- $4800, housing and meals included. 
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Summer Internship
Programs Begin: May and June
Registration Deadline: March 29th
Summer Internship ProgramThe JPL Summer Internship Program offers 10-week, full-time, summer internship opportunities at JPL to undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in science, technology, engineering or mathematics. As part of their internships, students are partnered with JPL scientists or engineers, who serve as the students' mentors. Students complete designated projects outlined by their mentors, gaining educational experience in their fields of study while also contributing to NASA and JPL missions and science.
Women in Data Science Livermore 
“WiDS Livermore is an independent event organized by LLNL ambassadors to coincide with the annual global Women in Data Science (WiDS) Conference held at Stanford University and an estimated 200+ locations worldwide. All genders are invited to attend WiDS regional events, which features outstanding women doing outstanding work…This one-day technical conference provides an opportunity to hear about the latest data science related research and applications in a number of domains, and connect with others in the field. The program features thought leaders covering a wide range of domains from data ethics and privacy, healthcare, data visualization, and more.”
Hybrid, free event: In-person at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, or Virtual
Registration Deadline: March 1, 2023
Date: March 13
The International Mathematics and Statistics Student Research Symposium (IMSSRS)
Date: April 13, 2023.
Location: Virtual
“IMSSRS is a free conference for all mathematics and statistics students (high school, community college, undergraduate, graduate) to share their research with the rest of the world, to learn about current research topics and to hang out with like-minded math and stat enthusiasts. Presenters must be students, but everyone is welcome as an attendee. Please feel free to share this opportunity with other students who might be interested.”
Abstract submission and registration deadlines: March 22, 2023.
To learn more, please visit the the IMSSRS website. 
Online Undergraduate Resource Fair for the 
Advancement and Alliance of Marginalized Mathematicians
Ashka Dalal, Gavi Dhariwal, Bowen Li, Zoe Markman, tahda queer, Jenna Race, Luke Seaton, Salina Tecle, Lee Trent [email protected] ourfa2m2.org
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somerunner · 3 months
Thinkin about a few fic prompts I never wrote in my big ol' Spacebattles prompt page. Which I will get around to updating as soon as I actually write the second chapter of any one of my Cradle fics. It's been suggested that I should get an Ao3 account and frankly I might do that as well.
Anyway, a couple prompts:
Prompt/premise 1:
"A Call to the Dark City" is a multi-cross fanfic, with three guys who are main characters from their works. Cradle would be compatible with this because the main characters are all power-gamers, and they each come from a world with a labyrinth or spatially-whack space. And Lindon (and a few of his buddies) fulfills both of those criteria. Anyway, I was thinking of writing a short fic that's post-Waybound, where Lindon (or not necessarily him) joins the party, briefly.
Also, another web serial that I'm reading right now called "12 Miles Below" has a power-gamer main character and a sorta-labyrinth structure in it, so I might write a fic with him in it too. He's wayyyy less powerful than anyone in Cradle so he wouldn't upset the balance of the party, so writing a fic with him in it would allow for something longer.
Prompt/premise 2:
I'd like to see the battle that the Winter Sage had that produced the massive wintersteel-producing blade in the mountain. I'd like to think that she needed to vent her grief after the loss of the Sword Sage, but I don't remember when she had this battle. Could have been before his death.
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sybilius · 1 year
Old Internet Fridays #5: Leah Decter's Founder
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Founder by Leah Decter
What’s this?
What’s this website?
This is the portfolio website of multi-media Canadian artist Leah Decter. Her art "social-spatial dynamics of settler colonial contexts and consider the ethics of being-in-relation in spaces of Indigenous sovereignty" (from her About).
This specific link is to a video/performance piece in collaboration with Cheryl L’Hirondelle. In it, Decter fills a canoe bucket by bucket with water, while L’Hirondelle sings "Kitaskihkanaw" -- a Cree song inspired by Woody Guthrie's "This Land is Your Land"
Okay, how did you find it?
I had the notion to find some interesting works from a university webpage. Professors and grad students tend to be the type of people given some hosting space who have the free time to use it for something or other (I say this as an ex-PhD student). Decter is a research chair at NSCAD, so after getting her name from the NSCAD site, I went digging for her portfolio.
How’s it doing on Internet Archive?
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12 saves, so doing solidly enough! One disappointing but not at all surprising factoid is that the Vimeo video (https://player.vimeo.com/video/234082488/) is unsaved. What's more, it doesn't seem to be possible for Internet Archive to save it. So while I think the ideal experience of this art piece is probably in one of those projector rooms in a gallery where you feel a contemplative peace and thoughtful discomfort wash over you on a fairly uncomfortable bench...you should enjoy it now, with this post, in case the video ever goes away.
What delighted you the most?
It's so simple, it's the whole video (plus the wonderful music) --but my god, the idea of bailing in a canoe until it sinks. Wow.
Honestly, as someone who canoes, is white/settler Canadian, and thinks of the canoe both earnestly and with some complexity as a powerful Canadian symbol: this was so clever. I was rapt waiting for it to go down. Great piece. Really excellent commentary. I encourage people both to watch and read the artist statement.
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Unveiling the Best Learning Resources Toys for Child Development
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In the dynamic world of child development, choosing the right learning resources toys can significantly impact a child's growth and cognitive skills. Let's uncover a selection of the best options that seamlessly blend education with play.
1. Building Brilliance with Blocks
Building blocks are not just for play; they're essential for developing spatial awareness and fine motor skills.
Choose sets that encourage creativity and problem-solving.
2. Puzzles: Piecing Together Cognitive Skills
Puzzles engage young minds in critical thinking and problem-solving exercises.
Opt for varying difficulty levels to challenge and stimulate cognitive development.
3. Games That Educate: Play with a Purpose
Board games aren't just fun; they enhance social skills, strategic thinking, and even introduce basic math and language concepts.
Look for games that balance entertainment with educational value.
4. STEM Toys: Building Future Innovators
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) toys introduce kids to these fundamental concepts in a playful way.
Foster a love for learning and curiosity about the world around them.
5. Artistic Expression: Colors and Creativity
Art supplies like crayons, markers, and drawing pads nurture creativity and fine motor skills.
Encourage self-expression through artistic endeavors.
6. Musical Instruments: Harmonizing Development
Mini keyboards, drums, and simple instruments enhance auditory skills and rhythm appreciation.
Unleash the potential for a lifelong love of music.
7. Early Literacy Tools: Adventures in Reading
Interactive books with textures, sounds, and simple words lay the foundation for language development.
Make reading an enjoyable and interactive experience.
8. Outdoor Exploration: Nature's Classroom
Magnifying glasses, binoculars, or bug-catching kits instill a love for the environment and curiosity about the natural world.
Learning extends beyond the classroom into the great outdoors.
9. Coding Toys: Tech-Savvy Fun
Age-appropriate coding games and robots introduce basic programming concepts in a playful manner.
Prepare kids for the digital age with entertaining coding experiences.
10. Inclusive Toys: Building Empathy and Understanding
Multi-player games that emphasize cooperation and teamwork contribute to emotional intelligence.
Encourage social interaction and understanding of diverse perspectives.
Incorporating these learning resources toys into a child's playtime not only ensures a good time but also lays the foundation for lifelong learning. Strike the perfect balance between education and fun to foster a well-rounded and engaged young mind.
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collapsedsquid · 2 years
Although many surprises undoubtedly lurk down river, it is already clear that the advent of ‘catastrophic terrorism’ in tandem with what may likely be the worst recession since 1938 will produce major mutations in the American city. There is little doubt, for instance, that bin Laden et al have put a silver stake in the heart of the ‘downtown revival’ in New York and elsewhere. The traditional central city where buildings and land values soar toward the sky is not yet dead, but the pulse is weakening. The current globalization of fear will accelerate the high-tech dispersal of centralized organizations, including banks, securities firms, government offices, and telecommunications centres, into regional multi-site networks. Terror, in effect, has become the business partner of technology providers like Sun Microsystems and Cisco Systems, who have long argued that distributed processing (sprawling PC networks) mandates a ‘distributed workplace’. In this spatial model (of which the Al-Qaeda network might be an exemplar), satellite offices, telecommuting and, if the need be, comfortable bunkers will replace most of the functions of that obsolete behemoth, the skyscraper. Very tall buildings have long been fundamentally uneconomical; indeed the absurdly overbuilt World Trade Centre—a classic Rockefeller boondoggle—was massively subsidized by public-sector tenants.footnote23 (Will the hijacked airliners someday be seen as having played the same role in the extinction of skyscrapers as the Chixulub asteroid in the demise of dinosaurs?)
Despite massive plans for ‘hardening’ and ‘terror-proofing’ downtown public spaces and monumental buildings, however, most white-collar workers and managers will prefer to consume enhanced security closer to their suburban homes.footnote24 Physical security retrofits—the reinforcement of building structures, vapour-and-trace detection systems, bollards and traffic barricades, bomb mitigation containers, smart doors, metal detectors, bomb-proof trash cans, biometric surveillance portals, reduced surface and underground parking, and so on—will impose huge and unavoidable expenses for cities trying to shore up their downtown economies, but they are unlikely to stem the new exodus of jobs and tax resources. Massive public-sector subsidies to developers and corporate tenants likewise may slow but probably won’t reverse the trend toward deconcentration. In addition, as self-advertised ‘world cities’ hunker down for the long siege, urban economists and fiscal analysts must wrestle with the new demon of ‘de-globalization’: the portion of global service production and international tourism that may be lost forever.
I sometimes think back on the “fortress suburbia“ vision of ~2000 where locked-up suburban subdivisions would be opposite total urban blight that seemed like the inevitable future, instead we got “gentrification” as the major issue of ~2010.  Seemed like that might happen with covid too, although that’s still up in the air it seems like I’m not gonna get lucky enough to have my area blighted and get a goddamn rent reduction.
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acacia-may · 11 months
Ooo for the WIPs; what are the Time Next gen fics 👀? And the Vanessa’s father one? Those sound interesting 🥰!
Hi Lyra! It's so nice to hear from you. Thank you so much for your ask and for your interest in my wips, dear! 💕
I will confess that I haven't worked on any of my Black Clover Next Gen fics in a while (I have one, Portals and Potatoes) that has been in progress on AO3 since last year that I really need to go back to one of these days), but I am very fond of the two with "Time" in the titles (which are both from the same "Future Problems" series).
"Crossing the Time Line" is Spatial Brothers-centric. Kalon, Finral's time-traveling son in my AU, accidentally sends his father and Uncle Langris (who get along now) back to the Royal Knights Exam which they have to try their best to recreate without anyone finding out they are from the future--shenanigans ensue.
"Find Me In Time" is more angsty and serious in tone and is about the next generation of magic knights (mostly everyone's kids plus a few others) especially the Black Bulls squad when Yami's son, Katsu, is the captain. In a desperate attempt to retreat from a terrible battle with a Zogratis descendant (A/N: do not ask me which Zogratis the villain is related to--I honestly never thought about it because I don't wanna know lol), Kalon accidentally brings his captain several members of his squad [including Henry's daughter, Summer, Gauche and Grey's daughter, Mira, and Asta & Noelle's son, Kai], his best friend, Anni Boismortier (Charmy & Rill's daughter who is on the Aqua Deer), and his sister, Lia, (who is in the Golden Dawn) to safety in the past for a short respite in which they are comforted by their (young) parents.
As a bonus (to end on a happier note), "Captain Magna" is also a Next Gen story about the next generation Black Bulls squad but it takes place earlier (or in a different timeline) when Magna is the Black Bulls' captain. Trying to get his squad back to their base, Kalon accidentally takes them to the Black Bulls' hideout nearly two decades in the past where they are discovered by (canon-age) Magna and Luck. It's all lighthearted shenanigans.
The "Vanessa's Father" fic is one I would really love to come back to someday, but it became such a big (multi-chapter) project that I think I got a little intimidated and had to leave it for a while after it hit around 5,000 words. In briefest summary, Vanessa finds her biological father, Cyril Swann (OC), and agrees to meet him. Most of the story is told through flashbacks in which Cyril explains how he came to have Vanessa and, ultimately, was (forcibly) separated from her by the Queen of Witches.
I'll put the basic backstory and also a snippet from the wip under the cut since I'm not sure how to explain more without a lot of ramblings. 😅 (Warnings: mentions really unhealthy arranged marriage for the purpose of producing children only)
Vanessa's father, Cyril, grew up as the youngest child of the House of Swann, a lower-tier noble house in the Clover Kingdom. His family's only claim to fame was their mediocre wind magic, and the fact that Cyril's older sister, Channary, married into the Noble House of Sandler (eventually becoming the mother of Alecdora). Cyril is the only member of the Swann family in nearly a century not to have wind magic, having inherited string magic from his mother (who was specifically chosen to marry into the family because her magic was so weak it was not suspected to be passed down to the children). Cyril was close to his mother whose name was also Vanessa, but after she dies, he is treated as an outsider by his father and three older siblings: Cecil, Crispin, and Channary, as his string magic is considered fairly useless by everyone including Cyril himself who mainly uses it to change the strings on his violin.
Cyril lives next-door to Finral's (eventual) mother, Calia, who is his dearest friend and like a sister to him. Calia has what is considered a weak "summoning magic" that lets her move things with her mind (both in her line of sight and by picturing them), but it attracts the attention of the Noble House of Vaude and a marriage is arranged between her and the current heir, Ledior (like with Cyril's parents, the hope is that Calia's magic will be so weak that it won't prevent the Vaude spatial magic from being passed down to any children). Calia is a very sweet, if a bit naive, young lady and a talented pianist who loves to play accompanied by Cyril's violin (she considers him quite talented when Cyril just thinks of himself as mediocre). They also love to have tea in Calia's garden and to play with Cyril's cat, Reddington.
Shortly after Calia's marriage is arranged, one of Cyril's elder brothers, Crispin, trespasses in the Forest of Witches thereby breaking a treaty between the Witch Queen and the Clover Kingdom. Her Majesty the Queen of Witches is going to have him executed for breaking the treaty until Lord Swann (Cyril's father) negotiates with her and basically gives her Cyril/his hand in marriage in exchange for Crispin's release since she's interested in his string magic. The Witch Queen wants the power to control destiny, and with her Future Sight Magic, she has been able to see the future in which her daughter, Vanessa, exists, has the power to control fate, and uses a string-like magic. Having this power over destiny is far more important to the Witch Queen than her hatred of men so Her Majesty essentially wants to use Cyril to have Vanessa and then agrees to let him go.
Cyril eventually fancies himself in love with Her Majesty (and calls her Regina ("Queen") even though he isn't entirely sure if that is even her real name), so he agrees to the arrangement, marries her, and never feels forced into the relationship or into having children. Even though their "relationship" is cold, business-like, and more than a little problematic, Cyril tries his best to make it work and get Her Majesty to love him but, of course that doesn't work out. Her Majesty pities him, but that is really as much affection as she is capable of. [A/N: Their dynamic is very much "I Love You (As Much As Someone Like Me Can Love Anyone)" (YouTube) Warnings: some language and a few spicier/suggestive jokes in that song].
Eventually they have Vanessa together, and Cyril loves his daughter dearly, more than he could have imagined he could love anyone. He is actually the one who names her--naming her Vanessa after his beloved mother. His daughter is Cyril's pride and joy, but Her Majesty thinks he is a bad influence (being a man and all) so she tries her best to keep them separated from each other until eventually she kicks him out of the Forest of Witches altogether after Vanessa presents with her magic meaning the Queen has no more use for him. He isn't sure what happened exactly: one night he fell asleep in the Forest of Witches, the next night he woke up back in his old room at House Swann. The forest is well hidden so he could never find it again and even if he could, Her Majesty would never let him back in and he wouldn’t be able to break through her magical barrier (that Asta eventually breaks through his anti-magic).
When Cyril gets back to Clover, several years have passed. In that time, his best friend, Calia, has died from complications giving birth to Finral (and her husband has remarried quickly which doesn’t sit right with him). Cyril’s eldest brother, Cecil, died in the line of duty as a magic knight, and his other elder brother, Crispin, (who is kind of responsible for this whole mess in the first place) has taken over House Swann as next in line, but he can’t/doesn’t want to run anything so Cyril has to step in & actually keep their House going behind the scene (all the logistical things like making sure servants get paid, money is properly invested ect.). He spends his most of his days being touted around and shown off by his family (seeing as he’s technically a ‘prince consort’). Cyril is a very unpretentious and straight-forward person who hates the limelight, but his older brother and sister, Crispin and Channary, are not above using him and his status as a ‘prince consort’ to further their own standing & influence. Though Cyril tries to explain, nobody quite understands (or wants to understand) that he isn’t actually a prince consort so, unfortunately for him, he gets dragged around to a lot of fancy dinners and noble parties he doesn’t want to be at where sycophants try to suck up to him and/or try to arrange marriages with the daughter they’ve heard he has. [A/N: I actually played around with the idea of him ending up at a party at House Vaude at one point and running into a tiny Finral & Langris, but never did anything with it].
Eventually, Cyril reaches a certain breaking point where he just retreats from the public eye and tries to live a quiet life with his cat(s) while missing his daughter terribly and playing a lot of sad violin music, which is how no one has ever really heard of him before. House Swann was always a lower tier Noble House on the outskirts of the Noble Realm anyway so he was quickly and easily forgotten. He visits his sister & his nephew, Alecdora, from time to time, but he does not get out much.
Cyril is very heartbroken over losing his daughter and has never really forgiven himself for having to leave Vanessa, even though he didn't have a choice. Cyril suspected that Vanessa was in Clover and heard rumors about a powerful magic knight from the Forest of Witches with the power to control destiny, but he felt like he didn’t have the right to just show up out of nowhere and infringe on her life. He thinks she probably hates him for abandoning her and being absent and that there isn’t anything he can do to make it up to her, so he just lets it be and leaves her alone.
Eventually, however, he runs into Langris at a party hosted by Cyril's nephew and Langris' squad mate, Alecdora, and Langris recognizes Cyril's unique magic. After talking to him, he sort of puts together that he must be related to Vanessa and mentions it to her. Vanessa debates it for a little bit but eventually reaches out to Cyril and asks if they can meet. He explains the whole story, and Vanessa realizes that they're both victims of Her Majesty and that she has always been connected to him.
Now, there might be an author-given, actual reason why Vanessa’s fate power presents as a cat but in this story, but for this backstory, I kind of linked it back to her dad in a way. The strings are his power after all & even if this fate manipulation is combination magic (her majesty’s future sight + dad’s strings), it is powered by love. It’s the strong bonds she has with her Black Bulls family that help her unlock it, but in my mind (in this universe anyway) there might be something subconscious there where she’s pulling on a happy memory & bonds she doesn’t quite remember with a father who loves her which is why Rouge looks like her father's cat, Reddington (I was a little worried that naming the cat “Reddington” would be a bit on the nose though...)
Cyril and Vanessa reconcile and start to rebuild their relationship and really become part of each other's lives. Cyril would have been a wonderful father if he had been given the chance, but Her Majesty stole that from him. I like to think that going forward they get to have a close bond with each other, and if Vanessa ever has children, Cyril becomes a wonderful grandpa to them.
But I think I have rambled enough about all of this. 😅 Here's a small snippet from a scene that takes place when Vanessa is very little and Cyril is still in the Forest of Witches (and sneaking out to see her).
“Papa!” Vanessa called to him excitedly before Cyril held a finger to his lips and shushed her gently—carefully tiptoeing over to the small bed which had recently replaced her crib. Since Her Majesty did not want him to spend a lot of time with her—often citing the corruption that would likely accompany a more masculine influence, Cyril had used to sneak out in the middle of the night to curl up next to his daughter’s cradle. Now that his little girl was getting older, however, he was having to find more creative ways to sneak out to visit her when Regina was too preoccupied with other things to care to stop him. After all, Cyril was sure she saw everything in her Forest and especially in her own palace so there was no hiding from her, but there was definitely a hierarchy to her concerns so he learned to schedule his visits around those. Now, for instance, it was very late, and Regina was holding court. She wouldn’t be bothered with coming to stop him from playing with his daughter. 
“How are you, Nessie?” he whispered with a bright smile as he gave her a gentle kiss on the top of her head. 
Vanessa beamed at him. “Happy.” 
“I’m glad.”  
“You are happy, Papa?” she asked, slipping her tiny hand into his. 
It was probably her favorite question, and like always, he smiled and assured her, “Of course, I’m happy. I’m with you” before he kissed her cheek causing her to giggle and laugh. Cyril stifled his own laughter so as not to draw too much unnecessary attention—a bit difficult seeing as Vanessa’s constant cheerfulness and beaming smile were simply infectious. Cyril remembered fondly that even when she was still a baby, Vanessa had this way of staring at a person with a bright smile until they smiled back at her—almost like a little game, as if she wanted everyone around her to be happy. When she got older, she took to asking them outright. 
Before he could say anything more, Reddington jumped up into bed curling up next to Vanessa with a contented purr. The otherwise grumpy cat was particularly protective of the little princess, though Cyril was sure he would deny it if he was able. Even so, he was often snuggled up next to Vanessa relishing her attention and adoration—until she playfully pulled on his tail, that is, causing him to yelp and hiss before Cyril once again reminded her how to pet him gently and soothed him with an extra helping of catnip. Reddington purred again as Vanessa pet his soft fur. 
“Happy, Red?” she asked—tilting her head as if genuinely waiting for the cat’s response. The cat mewed, and Vanessa smiled, seemingly pleased with this answer. 
“I have something new to show you,” said Cyril, taking a seat at his daughter’s bedside. 
“New amimals?” Her eyes seemed to light up when she asked, and Cyril nodded. Vanessa was always delighted by the little dolls and animals he made for her to play with out of his thread magic, particularly when Reddington had tired of them or was off sulking somewhere and no longer wanted to play. When Cyril wasn’t able to visit her, he was thinking of new things he could create and practiced making them with his magic. He had actually gotten pretty good at making them move as well, entertaining her with kittens that arched their backs, puppies that wagged their tails, fish that wiggled their fins, and little birds that flapped their wings causing Vanessa to giggle with glee for hours. 
Vanessa’s eyes widened in wonder as Cyril held out his hands to her, forming his threads into the shape of a cow that moved its head up and down as if it was grazing in a pasture. 
“What’s this?” she asked curiously. 
“It’s called a cow. They make a silly sound: 'moo’,” he demonstrated, and his heart could have melted as his little girl burst into laughter and stared up at him with wide, joyful eyes. Her violet eyes were the one feature she had inherited from him. Cyril couldn’t help but wonder if someday when she got older, if he was no longer around, she might look at herself in the mirror and wonder where those eyes had come from and think of him, if only just for a moment. The thought caused his chest to ache and filled him with an unbelievable sadness, but he knew it was only a matter of time before Regina dissolved their arrangement. 
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Text: Blue’s Birthday: A Learning Adventure. Happy birthday to Blue! Steve, Tickety, Slippery, and all of Blue’s friends need help preparing for Blue’s birthday party! There’s so much to do. Create a personalized card for Blue, select a special present, play lots of multi-level learning games, explore in and around Blue’s house and yard...and of course, find and solve NEW Blue’s Clues. Help Steve figure out what party favor Blue wants to give her guests, what she wants to eat, and more. With so much to explore, create, play, and solve, every day can be a birthday celebration with this original adventure. Help Steve and pals prepare for Blue’s extra special day. Meet new characters and discover new locations. Look, it’s Birthdayland! Record Blue’s Clues in your very own Handy-Dandy Notebook! A clue! A clue! You found a clue! Three clues have been found. It’s time for the thinking chair and solving a game of Blue’s Clues. Create a personalized birthday card for Blue. Mailbox will deliver it to the birthday party! What surprises await at Blue’s birthday party? 2-disc CD ROM game features: 4 NEW Blue’s Clues games. 9 multi-level learning activities and 4 creativity games. An interactive Handy-Dandy Notebook. Adjustable levels of difficulty. Birthdayland, an enchanting new world to explore. NEW characters and places to discover. 4 Blue Skidoo locations. Hundreds of ever-changing clickable surprises. Easy-to-use, in-depth Help File. Blue and her friends help you learn essential early learning skills, including: Critical thinking and logical problem-solving. Deductive reasoning. Spatial perception and relationships. Sorting, classifying and matching. Colors, shapes, and patterns. Sound discrimination. 
Image ID: The box for the game Blue’s Birthday: A Learning Adventure. In addition to screenshots from the game, the upper left corner has an image of Blue floating while carrying green, yellow, and red balloons. She is wearing a blue party hat with dark blue spots and yellow spirals. She has a green party horn. In the upper right corner, blue has a white birthday cake with three tiers. The cake has pink and blue circles, triangles, stars, and diamonds. Next to it is a white and blue present with a blue bow. Blue is licking the cake. End ID. 
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the-fae-folk · 2 years
when you talked about the Vadelairn in your stories. not only did you say that the desert where they were was further from where Faerie borders our world than the distance between earth and the large magellanic cloud, but you said that the creatures can get too big to live on land and swim through space. How big is your version of faerie? And how does space work?
Ah yes, so you noticed my little secret there. For those who might wonder, the Large Magellanic Cloud is 158, 200 Light Years away from our humble planet. This means that light, which can travel the distance of 91.601 million miles from our sun to us in 8.3 minutes, takes 158,200 years to travel to that truly enormous distance. If we attempted to convert our distance from Light Years to Miles it would be something along the lines of nine hundred twenty-nine quadrillion nine hundred ninety-eight trillion five hundred thirty-four billion thirty-seven million six hundred forty-nine thousand nine hundred eighty miles (929,998,534,037,649,980mi).
To travel that distance at even a brisk 70 miles per hour on a straight highway would take you thirteen quadrillion two hundred eighty-five trillion seven hundred billion years (13,285,700,000,000,000yr). Helpfully, the Large Magellanic Cloud is among the closest of the galaxies near to our Milky Way. There are plenty more that are much further out. Now that's a very large distance, impossibly, unimaginably large. Far too large, as anyone who knows even a little bit about astrophysics, for a planet of the kind we are familiar with. Most notably, any solid type planet would have long since collapsed to become a gas giant, then a star, and finally a black hole long before it ever reached the size of what we're suggesting here. If that is the case, then we might try to imagine a different sort of realm. A flat plane that begins at the border between our worlds and reaches infinitely in three other directions. Such an existing spatial structure is, as far as we are aware, impossible in our universe. The logical conclusion must then be that the world of Faerie, as they call it, is not only another world... but another Universe entirely. Such a strange thought. Another Universe, different from our own. Of course that immediately brings up issues with the very word "Universe", which is defined to mean everything that exists. So instead we might call it another reality, another bubble of existence that is separated from our own and seems to operate by very different natural laws. For simplicity's sake let's simply refer to them as our world and Faerie. It would be difficult to determine exactly what Faerie is like. This is because it's very unlikely that any human who wanders into such a place is seeing it as it truly is. For all we know it could be a multi-dimensional construct that exists upon a multitude of levels of reality and across vast distances of space. That's not even considering that the Fae might be able to treat Time as a physical dimension and live here and there among that as well. Thus I think we might try to imagine Faerie as a flat world that goes on forever in three directions with an unknowably vast amount of space above it. But having it be like that would cause so many basic physical problems that pretty much everything would stop working if I want the world to even attempt consistency. However, there is a much simpler and more elegant solution. One that I actually introduced through some of the poetry and backstory of Faerie in my tale. The stories about their ancient King when he visited other worlds. "Across the sea he came alone o’er glass-like waters deep. While far below at depths unknown strange creatures lay in sleep." And then later when it mentioned his flight from the dying world. "The Faerie King, or so it's told, he fled back to the shore, where once he’d come from worlds so old to search for something more."
You see, it isn't so much that he's crossing an ordinary ocean to different continents. No, he's traveling outward to different realities, different universes if you will. The implication is that the Faerie are powerful, and collectively they're much more powerful than anything humanity can achieve. We don't know if their king collapsed only a single world or the whole universe he stole light from, but whatever he did it required immense power and knowledge that we do not possess. They came to the world we call Faerie, as the poem mentions at one point. It already existed. So I have a brand new reality whose laws of physics are entirely up to my direction, and a race of beings of incredible power. My solution was that they simply warped reality itself, rewove it. If planets like we know them existed, they were woven together, remade. And in the process the people themselves became inextricably woven together with the world they were making. So while the world itself is made up of many once separated parts, it is essentially endless, just as the night sky above them is equally infinite. Glamours and illusions of immense world-bending power allow for some continuity such as a sun rising and setting, while also allowing for journeys across the world to places with different suns and moons, or places without any day at all. One of the more interesting ideas that surfaces when we talk of creating things, whether writing or art or anything of that nature, is the idea that sometimes when the conditions are right... the creation itself seems to take up a life of its own, it grows bigger than its own creator's ability to truly understand or control. The same effect can be amplified by a thousand times in a creation involving multiple creators. So thus I imagined that in their remaking of this universe, they made something that became more than they intended, something beyond their ability to control or know fully. In their hubris they sought total control, and it seems as if all reality told them no and ripped it from their grasp.
If belief is all that it takes to bend a whole universe and reweave it into something that shouldn't work but does because you believe it to be, then that belief would be self limiting. Belief in fear and confusion, in forgetting and in weakness... those things become real with that belief. But there are also always those who wish to explore, to create, to wonder and dream. You cannot do those things without a horizon of the unknown, without something to be explored. So too does their belief in these things affect their reality. For all their power, they cannot simply exercise it at any given time, they are limited in every way by the very act of creation. They aren't really cognizant of all this in a way that matters. Many younger fae, born in the eons since the reweaving, don't understand at all, and thus have a very different idea of the power their own people once held and the nature of their own world. To be entirely honest, while some of this is and will be relevant to the story of Ardri and his friends, it's really not necessary to know the over-complicated metaphysical philosophy that I regularly ponder while worldbuilding. We look at contemporary fantasy these days and find that people have a desire to create big complicated systems of magic and power, to outline all aspects of this constructed reality. While that's fine, not all kinds of fantasy really need that, and some suffer from it. Some of the power that fairy and folktales have in their telling is sometimes that the magic ISN'T explained. That it lies beyond the understanding of the protagonist (usually a human), and seems to follow a set of rules that they don't know. Part of things is that they must learn something of those rules, must gain some ground, enough to move the story forward, but that there's always much more that simply remains unexplained, a mystery. This same rule of the unknown holds true for many styles of fantasy writing, even well into the world of novelization. But it can be a difficult art to balance the things the reader MUST know in order to make sense of the story, and what things the writer will need to know and decide but NEVER actually tell us in so many words. There is so much advice on how much to worldbuild and how much of that to reveal, but the truth is that the answer is necessarily ever-changing and it simply takes a lifetime of practice to become somewhat decent at getting it right when you tell a story. I myself find a great deal of comfort in excessive worldbuilding, and I will be glad to answer whatever questions about it that you ask, but all my story really needs you to know is that the world they live in is now is vast, wondrous, and strange, and that faeries once traveled between worlds and allowed their hubris to cause irreparable damage to some of those worlds.
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cambrian-creature · 1 year
I fucking dare you to infodump Inception lore I dare you, do it coward
Be me: (loves hearing my friends infodump about things they care about)
You've opened a can of multi-layered worms, my friend.
I'm gonna talk about the Hallway Scene. Have I told you about the Hallway Scene? It's on the second level, in the hotel, and they've missed the first drop. The first drop was supposed to be when the van one layer up went off the bridge, but they didn't time it right so now they're in freefall and that means there's just no fucking gravity on the second layer.
Shit's floating everywhere, people are floating everywhere, my guy Arthur's floating everywhere while in the middle of a fight.
But here's the thing about that: this movie is live action and it's fucking 2010. They can't CGI this and make it look good. And they can't have bad CGI cause it's a big-budget slick sci-fi action movie and ya boi Chris is not gonna settle for shitty CGI. So what do they do? They build three fucking identical hallways. There's the main set, another that's on its side like a big tube, and a third that fucking SPINS. And you're gonna say "well Cam, that's not revolutionary, they did that for Space Odyssey in like the early 60s" well did they make a guy float in the 60s? I don't know I haven't seen Space Odyssey. I don't think they did though.
Anyway. On top of that, there's also a room that spins, which is way harder to deal with cause it's so much bigger and there's way more space to just fucking fall.
So with their three spatially fucked sets, they're ready to film. They call up Joseph Gordon Levit's go-to stuntman and- SIKE! There's no stuntman. It's all him. They just fucking put JGL through the spin cycle and he made it look SO COOL. And weak-ass Leonardo DiCaprio had a stunt double for his role of "pretend to be asleep and get floated around on some wires" lmao. Imagine asking for a stunt double for that after hearing the guy playing your sidekick did THAT. I would simply die. And if you're wondering why I'm not mocking Elliot Page for the same shit, it's because I like him and I do not like dicaprio.
Anyway. You asked me about lore and I am so sorry for going off about the technical bits it's just like my favorite practical effect ever and I take every opportunity to talk about it.
In terms of lore, I never see anyone talk about this but I'm obsessed with how much they change the world? Like obviously there's the scene where Ariadne bends Paris in half like a sandwich and then makes a bridge out of mirrors, and it's immediately shown why you Shouldn't Fucking Do That (see: stab wound), but later we see Eames bend reality so casually all the time.
He changes his own appearance several times, and at one point pulls a grenade launcher out of absolutely nowhere like goddamn Bugs Bunny. And it's fascinating to me as a character detail.
Now that I'm thinking about it, Cobb, Arthur, and Eames all ensure control over their very tricky environments in such interesting ways. Like Cobb tries to control his wife, mentally bringing her back from the dead, trapping her as a shade in his memory. This backfires spectacularly, becoming the main conflict of the movie.
More subtly, we see Arthur's need for control in his appearance (they're thieves in an abandoned warehouse, he doesn't need to wear a waistcoat and keep his hair perfectly jelled all the damn time) and his fondness for paradoxes like the infinite staircase. He needs to have the upper hand on his opponent at all times Just In Case.
Eames, by comparison, seems way more chill, generally a "go with the flow" kinda guy, but I feel like he relies on his tricks a lot. He casually manipulates people, gives himself an extra weapon, probably cheats at poker. I think he's just as messed up as the rest of them.
So putting aside Cobb's severe everything, I wanna look at Arthur and Eames. We learn very little about any of the characters aside from Cobb, but what little we do learn can be built on to form vague yet cohesive backstories.
Arthur is ex-military. My evidence being some of his speech patterns, his knowledge of dreamshare tech as a military tool, his experience with it that implies he's been at it for a long time (it hasn't existed for very long), and his apparent need for organization and order.
In contrast, Eames is a con artist. We first see him playing poker in a dingy bar, his whole job is to lie and manipulate people, and he keeps a sloppy, unprofessional appearance that's probably really good for making people underestimate him.
Both are highly skilled, very experienced, and shown to be good at improvising when shit goes down. Honestly, I think they make Cobb look like an absolute fool most of the time. He's like the guy from Teen Titans who doesn't have any powers and just says "Teen Titans go!" instead of doing shit. I don't like him very much in case you haven't noticed. Cobb, that is. I'm pretty neutral about Robin.
Anyway. Good Movie.
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nerdyenby · 1 year
As a person on the internet, I have opinions. Here are my thoughts on various mcc games (I love mcc to the ends of the earth, this is as critical as I get, heads up)
Ace Race: 7/10. Solid game, should have gotten boring by now but contestants getting crazy invested and/or losing their minds keeps it entertaining. Very much looking forward to alternate routes spicing it up. Main critique would probably be how individual it is, most people mute for it but that makes it a good reprieve towards the middle of the event. I think it fits best 5th or 6th but no later.
Battle Box: 7/10. I like the multi-round structure where it’s a bunch of 4v4s, it counters a lot of the bad luck that can put teams at a disadvantage in other pvp games. I really do enjoy it in concept but I often find myself zoning out, though that’s highly dependent on the vibe of who I’m watching. Battle box could fit anywhere but I prefer it early-mid event.
Buildmart: 8/10: One of my favorite MCC games conceptually. The best thing about MCC is how there’s something for everyone and there’s nuance and a variety of games that cater to different skill sets. Buildmart gets a disproportionate amount of slack simply because it was popular to slander it almost two years ago. If it got played more people would get better at it and wouldn’t dislike it as much, I bet you. Buildmart is a communication and strategy game first and foremost. It also caters to spatial reasoning and organization, but it really is a unique game that relies on skills that aren’t weighed as heavily in competitions like this. When it comes to game order, buildmart just does not belong in the first half, I can’t explain it, it just doesn’t. Late game or nothing (and for buildmart, it’s usually nothing)
Bingo: 8/10. Bring back my baby girl, she did nothing wrong. Hater’s gonna hate, she did her best. Bingo is probably the only MCC game that caters to skills inherent in Minecraft itself. Its minecraft championships, let people who play the classic game have someplace to shine. Bring bingo back, enable pvp (it would be so funny, please), and keep it in the first half. Scuffed was so real for having it as an early game, ideally I wouldn’t have it first first but I respect the hustle. She’s too intense to be right off the bat, but I think she’s a great 2nd or 3rd game.
Grid Runners: 10/10. Best MCC game, fight me. Bingo is my baby girl in that I will see her in the distance and realize how much I miss her, that I will fight off anyone who threatens her honor. Grid Runners is my love, my darling. The frequent oscillation between chaos and synergy, the panic of being absolutely clueless and the satisfaction of figuring it out, no one else is doing it like her. I’d love to have grid as a 6th or 7th game but I can understand why people put her early, she’s a good icebreaker and doesn’t leave much room to adjust your gameplay based on how the tournament’s going.
Hole in the Wall: 9/10. Up there as one of the more frustrating games to lose but it combats that with its multiple rounds. Hitw is always a blast and somehow manages to consistently make everyone go absolutely insane, it’s amazing and I love it. It’s everything a movement game should be: it’s skill based while still having a luck factor, it’s competitive without being overly sweaty, and it encourages team interaction and communication. Hitw finale in MCC30 was iconic, but she’s also a good opener. Ideally I’d place her mid-late but she can fit well anywhere.
Meltdown: 7/10. Good game, fun concept. They took a familiar game style and put a creative spin on it. I freaking love that MCC has a shooter game, however it’s another game that just feels bad to lose. It’s only really fun when you’re team’s doing well and I don’t feel like I’ve seen enough of my povs pop off enough to properly appreciate it. I think Meltdown solidly fits in the middle of the tournament, ideally being played 4th or 5th.
Parkour Tag: 6/10. If I’m honest, I’m a bit of a parkour tag hater. (I don’t actually hate it obviously, it’s just one of my least favorites). It just doesn’t have much room for fun in it, in my opinion. It’s too tense and stressful and sweaty. That said, it does have its moments and from a gameplay perspective it’s ingenious. Parkour tag is an early game, no doubt about it. 1st or 2nd or not at all, in my book.
Parkour Warrior: 8/10. Was very close to being a seven but the sheer shenanigans of having a bunch of people losing their minds in a discord call bumps it up. Favorite thing about pkw is easily the fact that one of the main vods to review is one of Purpled in which Ranboo is screaming their absolute lungs out in the background. That is the energy of parkour warrior. A team holding hands saying “oh hey I did it” and “OH SWEET FRICK FRACKING SPAGHETTI!!” In the span of ten seconds. Chaos aside, you can tell how much love and care went into making V2 an irrevocably fun and good game. Parkour warrior is an early-mid game, preferably 3rd or 4th.
Rocket Splee Rush: 8/10. As you might’ve been able to guess, I love unconventional movement games. Implementing a common game style in a creative way is the thing MCC is best at (other than everything else, of course). Rocket spleef is a unique twist on movement that allows players with different skill sets get a chance to shine and it incorporates a bit of pvp. RSR is a pure middle game, as long as it’s played, I’m happy.
Sky Battle: 9/10. Best pvp game right here, folks. Like with parkour warrior, the care and attention Noxcrew put into making this game the best it can be is palpable. Skywars is such a classic you’d think it couldn’t be improved upon but they did. It’s always such a beautiful mess with so many glorious moments. Skybattle belongs in the last half, preferably 6th or so.
Survival Games: 7/10. Ah look, the other pvp game. I love survival games as much as the next guy but it is probably the single worst game to lose. It’s stressful and tends to leave little room for banter and is downright miserable if your teams the first or second or third out. That said, every game has its upsides and survival games probably has the greatest opportunity for legends to be made, when people pop off in sg it is not forgotten any time soon. Survival games is probably my default skip, but it definitely belongs towards the end, preferably 7th followed by sot.
Sands of Time: 10/10. It’s time to talk about the second best game in MCC /hj (I genuinely cannot choose between grid and sands, I just say grid is my favorite because it doesn’t get as much hype). Honestly there’s nothing to say about sands of time that hasn’t already been said. It’s a beautiful and brilliant game in and of itself. I am a firm believer that sot should never be out of rotation. It’s not an MCC if it doesn’t end with sands of time (an early sands is better than no sands, but sot was made to be the grand finale).
TGTTOSAWAF: 6/10. It’s pretty good as an early game but is downright miserable to be played late. If people give up hope, they just spend the game messing up other people which just feels eh to me, even when the person I’m watching is the one sabotaging. A bit of bullying is par for the course though, and keeping it light is what makes MCC MCC. Should be played exclusively in the first half imo.
Here’s my overall ranking (my favorite to least favorites)
Grid Runners
Sands of Time
Hole in the Wall
Sky Battle
Parkour Warrior
Ace Race
Battle Box
Survival Games
Parkour Tag
And here’s a breakdown by my preferred game order:
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itsjustmarle · 1 year
Someone once said something like "Biophilia"
The second sample I addressed concern the feeling of integration and cohexistence with nature in our human circumstances. What I mean in this case is little bit difference from the concept behind Organic Design.
Let's cover it deeply
BIOPHILIA. The term is derived from the Greek words for “life” and “love or affection;” making its literal translation “love of life.” The term ‘biophilia’ was first coined by social psychologist Eric Fromm (5. The Heart of Man, 1964 ) and later popularized by biologist Edward Wilson (Biophilia, 1984).
The sundry denotations – which have evolved from within the fields of biology and psychology, and been adapted to the fields of neuroscience, endocrinology, architecture and beyond – all relate back to the desire for a (re)connection with nature and natural systems. That we should be genetically predisposed to prefer certain types of nature and natural scenery, specifically the savanna. Biophilia is man's innate biological connection with nature that leads to improved psychological and cognitive functions.
“In every walk with nature one receives far more than one seeks.”- John Muir, 19 July 1877
This concept is strongly related to the sampe I'd like to indroduce: Biophilic Design.
I begin with an overview of Biophilic Design, citing the results of numerous behind-the-scenes studies. The knowledge challenge that has emerged from the research articulates the relationships between nature, science, and the built environment so that we can experience the human benefits of biophilia in our design applications, which are known to enhance our lives through a connection with nature.
The intent should be to present the foundation necessary for thinking more critically about the human connection with nature and how biophilic design patterns can be used as a tool for improving health and well-being in the built environment.
With the emergence of the green building movement in the early 1990s, linkages were made between improved environmental quality and worker productivity.
The translation of biophilia as a hypothesis into design of the built environment was the topic of a 2004 conference and subsequent book on biophilic design (10. Eds., Kellert, Heerwagen & Mador, 2008 ) in which authors identified more than 70 different mechanisms for engendering a biophilic experience and outlined three classifications of user experience: Nature in the Space, Natural Analogues, and Nature of the Space.
The past decade has seen a steady growth in work on the intersections of neuroscience and architecture, both in research and in practice; even green building standards have begun to incorporate biophilosophy, especially for its contribution to the quality of the indoor environment and connection to place.
More recently, biophilic design has been promoted as a complementary and mainstream strategy to address workplace stress, student performance, patient recovery, community cohesion, and other challenges familiar to health and overall well-being.
Nature-Design Relationships:
Stepping back to the Biophilic experiences, we can split them into three categories:
Nature in the Space addresses the direct, physical and ephemeral presence of nature in a space or place which provides multi-sensory interactions (Common examples include potted plants, flowerbeds, bird feeders, butterfly gardens, water features, fountains, aquariums, courtyard gardens and green walls or vegetated roofs)
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2. Natural Analogues addresses organic, non-living and indirect evocations of nature. Objects, materials, colors, shapes, sequences and patterns found in nature, manifest as artwork, ornamentation, furniture, décor, and textiles in the built environment.
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3. Nature of the Space addresses spatial configurations in nature. This includes our innate and learned desire to be able to see beyond our immediate surroundings, our fascination with the slightly dangerous or unknown; obscured views and revelatory moments; and sometimes even phobia-inducing properties when they include a trusted element of safety.
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Much of the evidence for biophilia can be linked to research in one or more of three overarching mind-body systems – cognitive, psychological and physiological – that have been explored and verified to varying degrees, in laboratory or field studies, to help explain how people’s health and well-being are impacted by their environment.
Good Biophilic Design?
Biophilic design is the designing for people as a biological organism, respecting the mind-body systems as indicators of health and well-being in the context of what is locally appropriate and responsive.
I will mention couple of key strategies examples that have proven useful in framing, prioritizing, or influencing decision making in the design process:
Vernacular architecture -using native, drought tolerant plants to create landscape designs that resemble the climate of the surrounding landscape – can each be effective strategies in designing for a resilient, biophilic experience.
Rural, suburban and urban environments - where human-nature interactions are abundant, and this regular exposure to nature has restorative qualities that we perhaps take for granted.  In the narrow streets of Vienna, Austria, restaurants rent parking spaces for the entire summer and set up tables and temporary landscaping to provide outdoor dining. This brings nature into the urban core and within walking distance to a greater number of people, opening up the possibility for micro-restorative experiences.
I know this post is turning into a never-ending story, so I will leave one last interesting resource for the curious :)
I would be very grateful to know that you enjoyed the content and even more so if you felt like leaving comments and interacting in any way.
Until next time, have a nice day! 🌹
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Hack The Experience will reframe your perspective on how your audience engages your work. This will happen as you learn how to control attention through spatial and time-based techniques that you can harness as you build immersive installations or as you think about how to best arrange your work in an exhibition. You’ll learn things about the senses and how they interface with attention so that you can build in visceral forms of interactivity, engage people’s empathetic responses, and frame their moods. This book is a dense bouillon-cube of techniques that you can adapt and apply to your personal practice, and it’s a book that will walk you step-by-step through skill sets from ethnography, cognitive science, and multi-modal metaphors. The core argument of this book is that art is a form of cognitive engineering and that the physical environment (or objects in the physical environment) can be shaped to maximize emotional and sensory experience. Many types of art will benefit from this handbook (because cognition is pervasive in our experience of art), but it is particularly relevant to immersive experiential works such as installations, participatory/interactive environments, performance art, curatorial practice, architecture and landscape architecture, complex durational works, and works requiring new models of documentation. These types of work benefit from the empirical findings of cognitive science because intentionally leveraging basic human cognition in artworks can give participants new ways of seeing the world that are cognitively relevant. This leveraging process provides a new layer in the construction of conceptually grounded works.
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blatantvirucide-a · 2 years
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BODY MOVEMENT — You like to move, dance, wiggle, walk, and swim. You are likely good at sports, and you have good fine motor skills; you may enjoy taking things apart and putting them back together. Incorporating body movement into your learning will help you process and retain information better. SPATIAL — You remember things visually, including exact sizes and shapes of objects. You like posters, charts, and graphics; you like any kind of visual clues. You probably enjoy drawing. Effective techniques of enhancing your learning using your spatial intelligence include creating and/or using pictures, maps, diagrams, and graphs as you learn things. SELF — You have a very good sense of self. You like to spend time by yourself and think things over. You will often take in information from another person, mull it over by yourself, and come back to that person later to discuss it. You like working on projects on your own; you often prefer to learn by trial and error. Effective techniques to enhance your learning include keeping a journal and giving yourself time to reflect on new ideas and information.
pulled this off my multi !  feel free to steal !
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