#mumma yo go
mummy ne aaj bangan ki sabji bayai to meri bhn boli nhi khani mereko
mummy - tere paneer se to achi hai
bhn - sakal bhi nhi hai iski paneer jase
mummy - sakal to teri bhi nhi hai
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damelucyjo · 2 years
I think I'm gonna come on here and spew my thoughts and feelings about each episode rather than on Twitter. I think I'll also say more about each episode here than over there...
Anyway! I'll keep everything under a cut just in case. Although it's been a while since the episode dropped, I just wanna be safe!
Episode 1 - Smells Like Mean Spirit
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Here we go!
Oo scruffy Ted!! 😍
Why is she in his phone as 'Michelle Lasso'? I don't have anyone I really know in my phone with their full name. SHE IS THE MOTHER OF YOUR CHILD!!!
Still with the 'Ted has feelings for his ex' thing I see...
Henry's cute
Henry's been in London for 6 weeks and we saw none of it?! RUDE!
He still talks to Sharon! I love that
OMG these Lego characters are brilliant!! And Ted & Rebecca next to each other 👀
It looks like they had fun whilst he was there...
EXCUSE ME why the same shower scene from season 1?!
So this season is going to be about Ted thinking about where he belongs then?
BRENDAN HUNT'S PARTNER AND SON!!! He is one cute baby!!
Earl Greyhound Training Facility. Nice.
Sharon Fieldstone! You cheeky bitch!! I love her
Angry Rebecca is back. I'm in love
Hannah, looking delicious as ever 🥵
Something's wrong because he didn't rhyme? So true haha
I'm so fucking excited to see more Rupert this season!!
Ooo she's struggling with this, huh
She swears ALL THE TIME! Why did that one shock Higgins so much!?
Howdy & Yo. And then she nearly walked into the door frame. Amazing.
I need Dani's optimism
And Jamie's confidence haha
Roy & Beard's friendship is my favourite
FIFA reference, of course
His tiny car with those super cars is a great visual
Hello West Ham's Higgins
'Fuck you, Joe Rogan' Exactly.
'Angel, Mentor, Guru Rebecca' How fucking cute are they!! 🥰
It's Katy Wix!! Love her!
Keeley's office looks like a fun place... 🫣
Their friendship is gorgeous. I love this gossip dynamic
Rebecca's reaction to Keeley just throwing her coat 😂 Amazing.
Yikes?! Where did she pick that up, I wonder...
Don't cry Keeley!!
Aww, mumma Rebecca to the rescue 🥹 She's so maternal
We must protect Dani at all costs!!
I love spotting Will in the background, he's always doing something fun
Of course their driver was a cult leader
'Like an orgasm for the soul' You sure have a way with words, Rebecca
Gotta let Ted be Ted. Too right!
I KNEW that 'legend' bit was edited in the preview clip!
Loving uncomfortable, awkward Rebecca
And of course Keeley sees no problem is spending £200 on flowers because they look and smell nice
SHE SEEMS FUN!! Great Beard call back! 😂
Corporate Flying Object. Please never change Keeley!
She's eating meat again...👀 Hmm, okay
I can't wait for more Keeley & Rebecca bonding. It's my favourite
Fucking dumb-dumb line. Nathan is vile. Nick is brillaint.
They named him Disco purely for that line. Tell me I'm wrong
RUPERT! In his cartoon villain lair! Complete contrast to Rebecca's office
I fucking LOVE Anthony Head. He plays slimy so well
We're getting to see how Rupert charms his way onto people, interesting.
'Roy Kent, that you?' 'Get fucked' I just love him, guys!
'Why are you dressed like an umlaut?' Why ask if you have a matching one, Leslie??
MY GOD does Hannah looking FUCKING FIT in this episode. Only thought in my head every time she's on screen
Field trip to a fucking sewer! Let's go, boys!
Of course Henry asked to tour the sewer system because he watched IT and got scared. It is fucking smart, well said Roy!
'Twat' Well said Rebecca
Rupert is going to keep saying 'Wonder Kid' isn't he, because he knows it gets to Nate 👀
West Ham's press room isn't as fun as Richmond's
Oooo a King & I reference... okay, okay
I really wish spitting wasn't his 'thing'. It's gross. I know it makes sense, I still hate it.
Of course Jamie says poopy and not shit
I love how these boys trust Ted so much that they just went into a sewer, then asked why when they were down there
She's gonna break that laptop one day
Jamie being the one to reiterate the lesson they just learnt? Boys growing up!! AND HE'S RHYMING!!
Oooo she's angry 🥵
Rupert is laughing at me, Ted 🥺 ouch
And I am begging you, please, fight back OMFG 😭😭
I love how they highlight how different the press rooms are. They're all friends at Richmond, press included
And the contrast between Nate saying vile stuff and Ted saying encouraging stuff. Beautiful.
I'm kinda surprised though that Rebecca looks worried and doesn't trust him
But of course she's the only one who catches his baseball reference
Did Brett get in a Twin Peaks reference? Good for him!!
They're really highlighting the fact that kindness & comedy win, huh?
Ooo Rupert buying Nathan fancy gifts... so it begins!
Roy & Keeley not saying the same thing is very telling, I think
Firstly, why did it take them 6 weeks to tell Phoebe? And secondly, did they not actually discuss it themselves?Nobody knows what's going on!
Phoebe is so grown up! Asking the important questions
'Can I say a bad word? I think you're being stupid' I love her
Another conversation about why he's still in London? This really is going to be the theme of this season, I guess
Is moving that Lego Nate foreshadowing him coming back???
'Mommy's friend' 👀 uh oh
And that's episode 1 done!! Yes, I probably will be watching it on repeat until next Wednesday, thanks for asking.
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unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
Could you please write where you are a single mum and your girl (2-3 yo) loves Charles so much? You work for Ferrari and you bring her to the factory one day because she is a bit ill. And you have to go to warm her food or something and she stays with Charles for a second and when you come back she is curled on his lap. Maybe she is scared of storms and there is one or something like that. Charles and you are into a situation, not dating yet but with so many feelings.
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This is so cute. I was going to have dinner but the pic and the prompts appeared out of nowhere so...
Stepdad Charles under the cut
You carried your daughter in your arms around the factory, looking for Charles and Carlos so you could film a couple of things for youtube. She had the flu and was already feeling better, but she was still a bit weak for kindergarten. Your mum was busy so had to take her with you today.
"Hi guys, we have company today. Ellie wasn't feeling too well."
She was a shy girl, so currently her face was tucked in your neck and the drivers couldn't see her face.
"Oh, poor thing". Charles came a bit closer with a smile on his face and warm eyes. They had already met and Ellie was kind of smitten by him, even though she hid behind your leg the whole time. "Hi Ellie"
"Ellie, baby. Say hi. It's Charles. Do you remember him?" She nodded and turned her face. "Hi" You heard her whispering. Carlos came closer too, trying to get the kid to open up a bit. But it wasn't possible.
During the whole time you were filming, she sat on her baby cart. You could see how tired she was. She hasn't been sleeping well. Her nose was still red and she coughed from time to time, making both, Charles and you, look her way. It warmed your heart to see how much he cared.
This thing you had going on wasn't super serious. You both liked each other a lot, but you wanted to be careful with Ellie involved.
You turned around.
"Yes baby?"
"I'm hungry". She said in her baby language.
"Oh. Ok. I will go and get a snack for you, ok?"
She nodded as she rubbed her eyes. The room was pretty warm and she seemed comfortable, so you thought it would be better if she just stayed here.
"Charles? Do you mind if I leave her here with you for a sec?"
He looked a bit scared at first, but he collected himself and nodded.
"Of course. Don't worry. We will be okay, right Ellie?"
She hid under her blankie as Charles crunched down next to her.
"Thank you, Charles"
Once you got her snack ready, you went back. It had started raining and you knew she would be scared. When you got into the room, Carlos was gone and the baby cart empty.
Your heart started beating fast as you saw Charles sitting on a chair next to the window. Ellie was on his lap. The jacket Charles was wearing was over her shoulders, making her look so small. Charles had her arms around her and her head was on his chest. He was talking to her as he pointed outside.
"Those are lightning. It's like when mum turns the light on when she comes to your room. It's just light. Nothing more. Light is not scary, is it?" He said and looked at her.
Ellie looked up at him and said no with her head.
Thunder sounded in the sky, making her let a whimper and hide on Charles's chest.
You had the impulse to walk to them and take her in your arms, but stopped when you saw what Charles did next.
Gently, he kissed her head and put a hand on her hair. "It's okay, Ellie. I'm here with you and mum will be too very soon. Nothing will happen to you, okay? You are safe here. Thunders are loud, but they can't hurt you." He covered her a bit more with his jacket and she nudged her face into it.
You saw Ellie's tiny hand coming out and grabbing into Charles' bigger one. He kissed Ellie's little fingers and smile.
Only then, he noticed you. You were on the verge of tears. He was the one. Charles was the person you wanted in your daughter's life.
"Hey, YN. Are you OK?"
You nodded and walked to them, sitting in a chair next to them.
"She got a bit scared, so I pulled her out of the cart"
"It's okay, Charles. Thank you"
You leaned and kissed him softly.
Ellie moved on his lap, poking her head out. "Oh look. Like a little turtle!" Charles said with a huge smile, tickling her neck softly and making both of you laugh.
"Like a turtle". Ellie repeated.
You looked at Charles and he looked at you.
"I love you so much, Charles."
He was so surprised when you said those worlds. His only reaction was to pull you in for a kiss.
"I love you too, YN".
"I love you so much, Char" Ellie repeated in her own way reaching out to touch Charles's face.
You felt the tears in your eyes as Charles hugged her tight and kissed her forehead.
"I love you so much too, little Ellie":
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blissfulbqrnes · 3 years
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in which you and harry have a lazy day and spend your morning together
warnings softrry, harry is a horny bitch, swearing, fluff, pregnancy stuff
word count 0.06k
soft kisses were pressed to the side of your face and the feeling of harry ring clad hand rubbing against your stomach pulled you from your deep slumber. "g'morning sunshine, how'd yeh sleep" your long-time lover questioned from behind you, his accented voice was still riddled with sleep. "amazing, knowing your here next to me" he grinned at how cheesy and lovey dovey you sounded.
"yer quite the cheeseball this mornin'" he mumbled against your clothed shoulder, to which you hummed happily in response. you usually weren't a morning person but just waking up with your husband and the thought of soon having another little one running around made the butterflies in your stomach do somersaults.
his hands absentmindedly gripped your hips pulling you closer to him. "missed layin' with you like this, your belly's gotten much bigger, your tits-" he barely ran his fingers over your nipples, a damp spot on harry's old shirt from how you had leaked through, "they're so sensitive". the moment was interrupted by asher, the four-year-old busting into the bedroom as if he owned the place and running to your side of the bed.
he poked your cheek before speaking quietly, "mumma, breakfast?" he asked sounding like he just woke up and you could tell by the way his brunette curls stuck up in every direction. you nodded reluctantly and got up from your laying position, you put on your slippers that were sat right where you could reach them.
you followed behind asher as he ran through the hallway and down the stair to the kitchen, he had swung open the pantry door before you could even make it all the way down the flight over seemingly never-ending stairs, "bug, wait for daddy. mumma's gotta go potty" you told him. harry was on your heels making sure you make it down the steps without tripping over anything. asher nodded and climbed up one of the three stools that were set up by the counter, waiting patiently for his father to make his 'chocolate bread' and fruit.
by the time you made it back to the kitchen harry already had the container of fruit you cut up the night prior out, putting a few pieces of the various different fruits, popping a few into his mouth, as well as the nutella on toast. he put all of it on a paper plate and slid it towards asher. the dishes in the sink from last night's dinner caught your eye and you made your way toward the sink, "i can wash 'em if yeh want, love" he reminded from behind you.
"'s fine har, i got it," you replied, glancing at him over your shoulder. by the time you were finished with the dishes, asher had eaten the entirety of his breakfast, and he and harry had disappeared to get dressed for the day. your hand pressed against your stomach, rubbing small circles around the bump a smile you didn't even know you were wearing on your face.
harry had planned to take asher with him to meet with jeff for lunch around one o'clock, so he had a little while more to spend with his little family. asher held the railing as he walked down the stairs, his outfit was clearly picked out by harry, i mean putting your kid at this age in gucci wasn't ideal, but your husband insisted upon spoiling both you and asher.
"you look snazzy, mr asher styles! c'mon give us a twirl!" you started snapping photos of him and he spun around and made faces in the direction of your phone. "ah, and mr harry styles! how's the missus?" you attempted your best deep voice mocking the paparazzi's questions they always threw at you and harry.
"uh, how 'bout you ask her yourself?" he asked pulling your phone from your hands and snapping photos of you this time, "ah, y/n! y/n styles! who are you wearing?" harry asked this time faking an american accent, "uh, harry styles, the one year of fine line merchandise!" you hadn't realized he was recording you plugging his merch or after how you plugged the entire website.
you were first to break character nearly doubling over at harry's question about if he was good in the bedroom, "you can't talk like that in front of him" you slapped his shoulder, snatching your phone from his grasp. "oh c'mon. he's heard worse from your uncle on Christmas!" harry defended his actions, he wasn't wrong. uncle ricky had no filter and the mouth of a sailor.
"mumma, meatballs" asher asked once your laughter died down, you knew what he meant. he wanted to watch cloudy with a chance of meatballs, he saw it one time and now that's the only movie wants to watch anymore. "let's go watch meatballs, harold" harry grunted at the nickname but trailed behind you like a puppy in the direction of the living room. if he wasn't wrapped so tight around asher and your fingers, he would've refused, but he loves his babies and his baby mama.
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itskyliedarkplaz · 2 years
Sword bounded
Chapter: 1
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I seriously have the worst luck, don't I? Mom told me to clean the attic on the day off! Daman is lucky that he has his club thing that he needs to do. And that's not even the worst part! While I was cleaning the attic (it's a good thing our attic is not like the other creepy attics), some boxes almost fell on me!!! And now that room is even messier and I probably have a head injury! Why does this happen to me? I should be used to this, but I still get surprised.
"Aria!! Are you alright?! I heard a loud crash" [Aiyana's mother said coming hurriedly]
Mom helped me get up from the floor, and I got up but something sharp fell on my ankle. My mom sighed looking at me, "You should be more careful!"
"I was being careful Mumma!"
"Ok, ok, let's see if you are hurt anywhere"
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"Hey mom, is this your book?" I asked my mom as she took out the first aid kit.
This book caught my eye when my helper pulled out of the boxes, its cover had a really cool sword on the front. It reminds of a particular sword from an anime I had been watching.
"Oh, yes it is. It was very popular 20 years ago. I bought it, but I never have time to read it"
"Can I read it?"
"Hmm" Mom pondered, she took the book from my hands and read the back.
"Sure, " She looked up at me, "But, don't spend the entire night reading it, you have school tomorrow"
"Okay, fineeeee"
Mom had already packed the supplies in the tool kit and left to tend to her work.
After my mom left I punched my hand in the air and finally I can read romance novels, while I loved reading other genres. I haven't read any other romance novels, so this is a first.
Oh, mom left some of her files here, she will start looking for them again. Mom runs a business, quite a successful one. My perfect brother will inherit the business after he graduates.
Many people tell me that I should help mom and my brother with her work after I graduate highschool, but I am more into art and craft, embroidery, origami, painting sketching, calligraphy, sewing, knitting, and I wanna make something of my own some day.
Plus, my brother is even better than me, I am not good at studies and never have been, and even if I try I won't be able to compete with my brother(I am saying this with experience).
"Aiyana!" I heard someone call my name
"Oh, hello uncle! Do you need something?" I replied
My family moved foreign when I was six, coincidently the rest of our family lives here too, so we all live in a big house together, though some came quite..... bothersome.
"Where is your brother?" asked my other uncle, Surandra
"Oh, he's at school, it was supposed to be a holid-"
"Then why aren't you going to school?"
"Oh my, Did you lie to your mother?" My aunt piqued.
"...No, like I was saying before, it was supposed to be a holiday today but my brother needs to go since he has some club thing he needs to do."
"Oh, is that so. Hmm, alright"
"Do you guys need anything else?"
"No, you can go"
"Okay, bye"
My family owns a rather big house due to my mom's famous carrier, while there is only my mom, brother, and grandma and my aunty and her daughter, so it has just been us. But from time to time our relatives come and visit us. I don't really care about them but I don't know they don't like me, but I have a theory that it was because I looked more like my so-called father whom I have never heard from before. I have only met him a few times but they weren't rather good. I don't really get how me, looking like him make them dislike me, I mean I am me not him. Well, I can't do anything about that it's better if I don't want to waste my time on stuff like that, if they don't like me that's fine, it's their loss.
"I am back!!" My brother shouted as he came in.
"Yo! You look rather happy."
"Yo! Where is mom?"
"She should be in her office, so how was-" before I could finish, my brother rushed to my mom's office. I followed behind him, calling out to him.
"Hey! What happened?!" I asked him but I only got ignored in the end.
Daman went to my mom's office and said in an excited voice, "Mom! I won the national maths quiz, I came in as first!!!"
My mom got the brightest smile on my face i have ever seen before and rushed to hug my brother, "Oh my god! I am so proud of you Daman! You have made me so proud!!"
"Oh nice, Congrats dude" I went and did our signature handshake (don't tell Aisha we did that)
Our happy family was soon interrupted by some of our relatives(Were they seriously eavesdropping on us?) "Oh my! This calls for a celebration!!" one of my uncles said enthusiastically and gave my brother a pat on his back, "You have certainly proved you are the man of the house here!"
"It doesn't sound like a bad idea." My mom said "Oh and we can do it for Aiyana too, she got 2nd prize for her art competition too!"
Wait wa? But I got my results yesterday, and it's not like it was a big achievement either way. I only got a third prize which is incomparable to my brother's achievement, I mean he got first prize in MATHS QUIZ!! I only got the 2nd prize in arts. I wanted to argue with my mother but Uncle, Surandra. "Sister, no offense but shouldn't we just celebrate for Daman? Aiyana already got her prize yesterday, and Daman still hasn't received his prize yet plus he won a maths competition, I think it is better than any art competition"(for the last statement he gave me a stingy side eye).
"Yeah, Surendra is right Sister, c'mon I am sure Aiyana would understand. Daman has gotten a huge achievement, he came 1st. " Uncle Suraj agreed, while giving me a nasty side eye.
I mean I do agree with them but Daman won that fair, I did get my trophy yesterday. Plus they are right he came first, not failing in the end like me.
"Well, if you don't like it you don't need to come." my mom said with a stern tone. She looked so cool while saying that.
"Sister, I was only advising you na. Why are you getting so angry about it?"
"Hmm alright" My mom said before turning to my brother, "Why don't go and freshen up? Are you hungry?"
While my mom was talking to my brother, my uncles quickly fled from the scene (did mom seem that scary to them?). "Y'know mom they are right. I only won 2nd prize, it's not even that special. Plus, it's Daman's day, not mine."
"Aiyana, you still won 2nd place right? There were so many participants but it was you who got 2nd. You shouldn't listen to what your uncles says." My mom reassured me with her comforting words.
"They are probably jealous that you have better art skills than them" Daman joked
"Yeah, totally" I replied while chuckling at his joke. "If Daman is fine with it, then so am I"
We looked at my brother for an answer he shrugged and said, "I am alright with it"
"Alright then, If you are fine with it then I am too." I said with a smile.
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The party (well i guess it was just our family) went fine, everyone enjoyed themself. Neither me nor my brother really aren't interested in parties but we do bear with them from time to time. Oh and my mom gave me her book to read and it was... okay. While it has a good plot there are many plot holes in the story. Like the prince didn't like people who lack confidence or appear weak but when the heroine has a 'weak body' and low self-esteem and she is basically given everything without much effort. It would be nice to see her struggle and do things on her own to get her own goals but nope, whenever she is in trouble, she just calls for her knight in shining armor or her prince charming (I don't know why I feel like she is a pick-me girl). The side character is way more interesting than the MC! And I loved the side character and the villainess! OMG, she is A~MA~ZING~!! Purple hair with red eyes! She sounds so beautiful! 'The butterfly of the society!! That sounds like such a cool name!!! I like the second male lead too! He is a magical knight with a magical sword, who is searching for his lost sister.
I was really curious if the author wrote another book based on this. And I found out that, he is writing it, the cover of the book has been seen. I haven't seen the publishing date but it is based on the second male lead journey to find his sister. He name is Kylie Everette the long-lost sister of the second male lead. I think I forgot to mention that the crown prince (Male lead like always) and the second male lead are cousins, they fight to the death, with the ML(male lead) coming out as victorious. And the second male lead dying without ever finding where his dearest sister went. The FL is sad for him for literally two seconds and then go to her prince charming and congratulates him. Oh, and did I tell you about the two other male leads who died while protecting or curing the FL. It was kind of disappointing that the male leads died the way they did, they had sp much potential. But, this one is based on another universe? I think. It was really complicated but I wanna read it.
I think, I'll dig further into the fandom to find something.
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I quickly went to talk to my mom and I asked her is she could buy me that book but my mom got dragged away by the adults, I felt really tired and went to sleep. I woke up thirsty and went to the Kitchen to get a glass but while I was going to the kitchen i heard some noises coming from the dining room. It was our relatives and... grandma?!
I could hear them talking, I know it's not good to eavesdrop but I am curious what they are talking about.
"Today was amazing, wasn't it. Yes, I could never be more proud of Daman" Suraj Uncle said (I mean who wouldn't be he is so awesome)
"Yes, but I don't know why didi, insisted to make a party for her daughter! I mean, she isn't good at school nor good at art either, if she was she would have got first place" Said Surendra Uncle
"I don't even know why Sister keeps up with her, I mean she could have just left her at the orphanage" I heard my unclr say, and then he started cackling
A third voice came up which took me by surprise "Well this is what we should expect of Roy's child, I mean he was basically a good for nothing fool who had no job. I guess she inherited it all from him"
The voice belonged to grandma?!!
I know that my other relatives dislike me but I didn't really expect it from grandma. Wow, that... really hurts. I guess i was to hurt by the new information that I have gotten that I didn't notice the vase near the shelf and bumped into it and the metal bottle sitting on top of it fell. The others heard it and i could hear them question about it inquiring if they should investigate the source of the sound, I quickly fled like the coward I am, I was scared I reached the staired and heard some call me, I flinched
"Aiyana, I knew it would be you." it was Surendra Uncle "Of course it had to be be you, you are the trouble maker of this family."(I took a step back, he reeked of alcohol)
"What do- do you mean?" I managed to ask
"My sister was happy before you and that man came into this household" He stepped a bit closer ad put his hand on my shoulder "There is no need for you here, never come back" and with that, he pushed me.
Then everything turned black.
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I opened my eyes but My body felt weak. I felt so... sleepy....
I saw some figures, standing over me but I wasn't able to see them very well.
"Is ...." I can't make out what they are saying "....sister?" I heard someone say.
"...young master" I heard an older voice
Y-young master?! What's going on?!
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atlafan · 4 years
My Everything - Part Twenty
A Take it Slow Sequel
What happens with Harry and Y/N after he proposes? How will the two navigate the engaged life while also continuing to juggle their jobs, friends, and families? Let’s find out.
Warnings: fluff, slight angst, and smut
Words: 11K
a/n: THE LAST PART OMFG CAN Y’ALL BELIEVE IT?! I’M SO EMOTIONAL!! Take it Slow/My Everything has been my baby for so long now, it’s wild that it’s over. An end of an era for sure. I just want to thank everyone that’s been along for this ride. Whether you’ve been with me since February when I started Take it Slow, or if you just binged read everything - THANK YOU!! This is my favorite Harry of all my Harry’s, this was the first multi-fic I had written in a long time, and it feels good to truly complete it. This fic series got me back into writing in general. I’m sure at some point I’ll go back and write some blurbs about my favorite family, but for now this is truly it. I hope I put in everything you all were hoping for! FEEDBACK WILL BE MUCH APPRECIATED! (not proofread I’m sorry!)
When you got home in the middle of January, you saw Dr. Johnson right away. Your mother agreed to babysit Jack and Jessica so you and Harry could go together. She confirmed that you were pregnant, and at this moment you were roughly seven weeks along. You were riddled with excitement as you got into the car with Harry, you couldn’t stop looking at the sonogram.
“I wonder if it’ll be a boy or girl. I don’t care either way, but it’s still fun to think about.” You say to him.
“I know, I can’t really decide either.”
“Maybe a boy would be better. I know what it’s like to have sisters, and that it just no fun when you’re going through puberty. Plus, with Jessica so close in age they would fight all the time about sharing.”
“Jack may feel outnumbered with another girl, too.” He side eyes you. “The kids are at your mum’s, right?”
“Yeah, she picked them up. She said she’d bring them home after dinner, she wanted to spend the whole day with them since we were gone for so long, why?”
“Nothing, just…so we have the house to ourselves?”
“Besides Buster, yeah.” You shrug.
“Excellent.” He grins.
“What do you have up your sleeve, Styles?”
“Oh, honey, I’m gonna take you home and fuck your shit up.”
“Jesus, Harry.” You say, flustered. “You can’t say stuff like that.”
“Why not? I’m just being honest. I’m gonna get my head between your legs and just go to town, you’ll be begging me stop.”
You pinch your legs together and shake your head at him. You look out the car window. Even after all this time he still knew exactly how to rile you up. You look at him again, almost in disbelief that he’s going to be thirty-four in just a few weeks.
“What do you say, does that sound good?” He raises an eyebrow at you.
“Yeah, that sounds good.” You smile and take his hand in yours.
No matter how many times it happened, having Harry’s head between your legs was still one of the most thrilling experiences you’ve ever had. He knew exactly what you liked, he knew how to make it last a really long time, and he knew how to make you come within seconds. You felt so lucky that you weren’t one of those married couples who didn’t have sex anymore, or that didn’t make time for these types of things. Plus, he just thoroughly enjoyed it himself. It gave him pleasure. Hearing him moan and groan against you as he lapped you up made you feel incredibly confident. After your third orgasm, you pull his head up. He catches his breath as he looks at you.
“Want me to fuck you, or are you tired?”
“I…I was actually hoping to suck you off…sort of have a craving for your stuff.”
“My stuff?” He laughs. “The kids aren’t around, honey, just call it what it is.” He lays back next to you and shimmies his boxers down his legs. “Are you sure you’re not too nauseous or anything?”
“No, I’m really craving salt…and…well…what’s saltier than jizz?” You say shyly as he you get between his legs.
“Well, in that case, by all means, get your fill.” He smirks.
You plant a hand on one of his thighs while the other hand grips him. You lick up and down his shaft, ghosting your lips over his tip, really teasing him.
“Y/N.” He grunts.
You smirk up at him before wrapping your lips around his tip. He sighs with relief when he feels your warm mouth and tongue. You pump what you can’t fit. You didn’t want to push your gag reflex because you easily could throw up from doing this. You tongue at his slit and just take in the taste of his precome.
“Feels so good.” He says, almost breathless.
You swallow around him and his head rolls back. He’s trying not to buck his hips up, but it’s very difficult. You pump on him faster and he starts panting. Your mouth stays around his tip as his come shoots into your mouth. Your eyes roll into the back of your head at the taste and you swallow all of it.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you enjoy that quite so much.” He chuckles and pulls you down to lay on his chest.
“It just really hit the spot for whatever reason.”
“What a nice craving to have, I hope it lasts.” He kisses your temple and you both just lay there, relaxing.
It didn’t last. This was the worst pregnancy out of the three. You were nauseous all the time, and when your spring semester started back up, it was even worse. You were running in and out of the classroom. Your students knew something was up, but you hadn’t formally announced anything because it was still early. Not to mention Jack would ask you a million questions on your drive home with him. Which normally you liked, but not when you didn’t feel well.
“Where’s new baby gonna sleep?”
“In Jessica’s room.”
“In same crib?”
“No, she’s gonna get a bigger crib, and the baby will use her old one. It’s in the basement, we used it with you.”
“Is it a boy or girl?”
“We don’t know yet.”
“Jack!” You take a deep breath. “Mumma needs you to play the quiet game, please.”
“Because I have a headache, please, baby.”
You hear him grumble something, but at least he listens. You get him and Jessica inside, and of course she crapped up her back because it was just one of those days. You sigh heavily, and have Jack come up with you to color on the bathroom floor while you give her a bath. It was a wonder you didn’t throw up from the shit that was all over her.
“How come she pooped like that?” Jack giggles.
“Must have ate something that her tummy didn’t like.” You can’t help but giggle too. It was sort of funny now that she was cleaned up. “All clean, little girl.” You wrap her up in a soft towel and cuddle her to your chest.
“Mumma, can we have pizza for dinner?”
“You read my mind, think that’ll be good tonight.”
You get Jessica dressed, and set up in her pack and play, while Jack gets his hour of TV time. You started doing this so you could get some grading done, and an hour wasn’t that bad. Harry would take over once he was home anyways.
“Babe?” You hear him say it jolts you awake, you hadn’t even realized you fell asleep. “Take a little nap?”
“I didn’t mean too.” You groan. “I have so much to do.”
“The semester just started…”
“I have quizzes and knowledge tests to look over. I told Jack we could have pizza tonight.”
“Alright, I’ll pull one out of the freezer. What do you want to give Jessica?”
“Um, she can have a bubby, and, like, some mashed squash. It’s in the jar in the fridge.”
“Okay.” He steps further into your office and gives you a kiss on the top of your head. “You look beat.”
“I just mean…why don’t you go lie down for a bit?”
You sigh, but agree with him, and go to lay on the couch while Harry brings the other two into the kitchen with him. You rub your lower stomach to soothe yourself, and you actually feel a bit relaxed until the smell of pizza hits you and you run to the bathroom.
“Mumma’s sick?” Jack asks.
“She’s a special kind of sick.” Harry says as he feeds Jessica. “The baby she’s growing makes her not feel good sometimes.”
“I don’t know exactly how it all works, Jack.”
“I…I need to go to bed.” You say. You looked paler than a ghost.
“Are you coming down with something?” Harry asks, concerned.
“Yeah, it’s called being pregnant with your kid.”
“Sorry.” You nearly burst into tears. “I just, I’m a little frustrated, and I’m tired, and-“
“Go upstairs, love, okay? I’ve got it from here.”
You give everyone a kiss goodnight, and get ready for bed. That was basically how your first trimester went. You and Harry barely spending any alone time together other than when you’re asleep. You parented in shifts, and that was just how it needed to be until you gained some strength back.
You were hoping to know the sex of the baby in time for Harry’s birthday, but you weren’t far enough along yet. Thirty-four. Your handsome, loving husband was thirty-four, you couldn’t believe it. You stroke his cheek as he starts to wake up and he smiles at you.
“Happy birthday, baby.” You coo and kiss his forehead. “I’d give you a little something something, but I feeler dryer than a desert still.”
“It’s okay.” He chuckles and sits up. “And thank you. Just going out tonight with friends will be good. Thanks for putting all of it together.”
“It’s the least I could do with how amazing you’ve been. I know I haven’t been super pleasant.”
“Comes with the territory.” He pats at your lower stomach. “Couple more weeks and we’ll know if it’s a Joshua or Jane.” He beams.
“I know, I’m really excited.”
“Kinda like that we have a J theme, it’s cute.”
“You’re cute.” You smile at him and pucker your lips. He leans in and kisses you, but not for too long.
“Daddy!” Jack bursts into the room. “Happy birthday!” He and Buster hop into the bed, and he nearly tackles Harry down.
“Thank you.” Harry laughs and hugs Jack right.
“Oh, let me go get Jessica, we can all stay in bed and snuggle together for a bit.”
“Gotta love Saturdays.”
You smile and nod before going to get Jessica. You change her quickly, and grab her a bottle, and then bring her into the bed with everyone.
“This is what we should do your next maternity shoot, just a group shot of all of us in bed.” Harry says.
“That would actually be kind of cute. We could all wear matching pj’s.”
“That’s brilliant.”
Mornings like these you were grateful for. Just being cozy with your favorite people.
“How old are you, Daddy?” Jack asks.
“Thirty-four, I’m really old.”
“No you’re not.” You scoff.
“I am! Got grey hair and everything.”
“You have one! One little silver hair. You’re not like me who has to have their entire head dyed, you know.”
“You could grow it out, I wouldn’t care.”
“Mm, but I would. I don’t wanna have long silver hair, but on you…” You run a hand through his hair. “It would look good.” You lean in to kiss him quickly.
You had a babysitter come watch Jack and Jessica, so you, Harry, Niall, Sarah, Seth, Isaac, Mariah, and Rachel could all go out for dinner. It was a lot of fun. You ended up at a karaoke bar, and Harry and Niall sang a duet together. You couldn’t remember the last time you had so much fun with everyone. Your friends asked you how your pregnancy was going, and told you how good you looked, which was very kind because you didn’t think you looked at that great.
Harry was having a good birthday, and that’s all you really cared about. He got his annual piece of cake shoved in his face, and many pictures were taken before you headed home. You were in the back of an uber, and he had his arm around you, and was kissing on your neck. Sarah and Niall were in the row of seats in front behind you.
“Some things never change.” Sarah laughs and shakes her head. Harry turns around and glares at her.
“It’s my birthday, so if I wanna love on my wife, I’m gonna.”
“Was just commenting on how sweet it is.” She says facetiously.
“Here, I’ll shied her eyes.” Niall says tugging her into his chest.
“We can wait until we get home, it’s fine.” You say and Harry raises an eyebrow at you.
He hadn’t really asked for sex recently because he just knew you weren’t in the mood, and even this morning you said it wasn’t going to happen, so he was a little surprised at your statement. When you get into the house, he pays the sitter, and then looks at you after she leaves.
“We don’t have to do anything if you don’t feel like it.”
“I feel like it.”
“You do?”
“But this morning…”
“That was this morning.” You wrap your arms around his neck. “The kids are fast asleep, let’s go bone on the couch in my office so we don’t wake them.”
“Are you serious?!”
“Yes.” You giggle. “Come on.”
You take his hand and lead him down the hall to your office. He watches as you take your clothes off, and he takes his own off. He cups your cheeks and kisses you. You could taste the vodka that was lingering on his tongue from earlier. One of his hands slides down your body, and between your legs, and you gasp.
“Sit down, baby.” He says and has you sit on the couch. He get son his knees in front of you and opens your legs.
“Not a very attractive angle.”
“Why, because of this?” He runs his fingers over your stomach. “Or because of these?” He kneads both of your breasts. “I quite like what I’m looking up at.”
You chuckle and let him do what he wants with you. You run your hands through his hair as he licks over your folds.
“I should be doing this for you, it’s your birthday.” You grunt as he sucks on your clit.
“Are you kidding? What’s a better gift for me than this? Don’t be silly, angel.”
You smile down at him as he continues to make you feel amazing. It doesn’t take long for you to come undone for him since it had been a while.
“Alright.” He breathes and sits down on the couch. He helps you move so you can straddle him. You weren’t that big yet, but this was still ultimately the most comfortable position. “Ready for me?” He asks as he lines himself up with you.
“Yeah.” You slowly sink down on him and groan into his shoulder.
“Doesn’t hurt, does it?”
“No, feels good.” You kiss on his neck as he grips your ass to help move you up and down. Your nails dig into his shoulders and he grunts into your ear. “I’m sorry, Harry.”
“For what?”
“For all the times I haven’t felt like doing this. It’s like I’m not in the mood, and then when we finally get like this I can’t imagine ever not wanting to be this close to you.” You nearly tear up.
“It’s your hormones, Y/N, it’s okay.” He keeps an arm wrapped around your lower half to keep moving you, and then keeps his other arm wrapped around your upper back to keep you close to him.
“But I love you so much, and I feel bad.”
“Don’t cry, sweetheart, it’s okay. We’re close now, isn’t this nice?”
“So nice.” You bite down on the crook of his neck and suck on his skin, causing a moan to come from him. “Missed you.”
“I missed you too.”
You move yourself on your knees to give him a break, and he uses the opportunity to snake a hand between the two of you to rub your clit. Your nails rake down his stomach and he moans again.
“I’m not gonna last, babe.” He was start to breathe heavier. It had been a while for him too, obviously, you couldn’t blame him.
“Let’s come together then.” You nearly whine.
He rubs you faster as you bounce up and down on him. You slot your mouth over his so you aren’t too loud when you both cry out. You feel your release just as his shoots up inside you. You rest your forehead against his as you both catch your breaths.
“So fucking good, I love you so much.” He says and looks at you.
“I love you too.” You peck his lips and then he helps you off him. You wrap your arms around your stomach to hide the small bump.
“Oh, don’t even start.” He chuckles as he gathers up all the clothes on the floor.
“I’m self-conscious, I can’t help it.”
“This is your third time, and you still don’t see how sexy you are. God, and you just get sexier as your tummy grows, Y/N.”
“Good thing I have you around to remind me, huh?” You smirk.
“Exactly.” He pinches your bottom before you both head upstairs to bed.
You poke your head into both of the kids’ rooms, just to make sure they’re sleeping soundly, and then you get cleaned up in the bathroom.
“So, it was a good birthday?” You ask as you get into bed with Harry.
“Let’s see, cuddles with the family this morning, you made butternut squash soup for lunch, and then a night out with friends. Yeah, I’d say it was really good, honey.” He kisses your forehead as he settles in with you.
“Good, I’m glad.” You smile and smooth some hair away from his forehead. Harry reaches over and rubs at your lower belly.
“I’m really happy you wanted to do this again, Y/N. I know I was hesitant at first, but I can’t wait to have another little baby around.”
“Me too, and I’ll be on maternity for the fall semester, which will lead into winter break so I’ll have an extra month off before I have to go back.”
“That’s great! I started talking to Mariah and Isaac, I was thinking I could take the first month off the baby’s born, and then maybe do half days? I could get up and bring Jack and Jessica to daycare still. I think that’ll make things easier, rather than have everyone home at the same time.”
“I would go bananas will all three of them, I think that’s a great idea. Besides, Jack’ll be in preschool, anyways.”
“Yeah, I was looking into it, and his preschool also has a daycare, so I think we should switch Jessica and have her go there. They don’t take infants, so the new baby could go to work with you once you’re back. I think that could make things easier.” He yawns.
“You’re brilliant, babe.” You yawn too.
Soon, you’re both fast asleep in each other’s arms, happy and peaceful.
At the end of February, you have the appointment with Dr. Johnson you and Harry were most excited for: finding out the sex of the baby.
“Y/N…you’ve lost weight.” She says to you as you step off the scale.
“I’ve literally been able to go three days without puking. This baby doesn’t like me very much.” You pout as you get up on the table.
“Are you taking all the vitamins I’ve given you?”
“Yes, every day.” Harry stands next to you and holds your hand as Dr. Johnson gets the ultrasound ready.
“Okay, well, hopefully it will subside for the rest. I’m sorry it’s been trickier for you this time around.”
“It’s okay.” You sigh.
She moves the ultrasound around and you both smile when you hear the heartbeat.
“Are curious about the sex?” She asks.
“Very.” Harry says.
“Okay…” She squints at the monitor, and then smiles. “Seems like you’re having another boy, congratulations.”
You both tear up and kiss and giggle.
“Do you have a name in mind already?” She asks as she cleans your belly up.
“Joshua.” You say. “Joshua Edward.”
“That’s beautiful, I love that he and Jack will have the same middle name.”
“We thought it would be cute.” You nod.
You and Harry were absolutely giddy when you got into the car, giggling a ton on the drive to the university to pick the kids up.
“Okay, so, he can share with Jessica for a bit, and then-“
“Let’s just turn the guest room into the nursery.” He cuts you off.
“Harry, what about when your family comes to visit?”
“That room is big enough to stick a pullout in, we can sleep on that and guests can have our room. When they get older they can share, but you know he’ll be on a different sleep schedule than Jessica, she wouldn’t get any sleep with a newborn.”
“That’s true, I didn’t really think of that. Where are we going to put the extra bed?”
“We could stick it in the basement…I was actually sort of thinking we could get the basement partially finished, we could turn that into another guest room, or game room, or something.”
“Okay, money bags.” You laugh.
“I’m serious! I could do a lot of the work myself, and your dad could help with the electrical part. It’s already got all the dry wall up, just need to plaster, paint, and then put some carpet down.”
“If you would like to take that project on, then be my guest. Just promise me you’ll leave my little gym area alone.”
“Can do.” He takes your hand and kisses it. “I bet Jack’s gonna be so excited that he’s gonna have a little brother.”
“It’ll probably be more fun once they’re older, he’s gonna have four years on him, don’t forget. Joshua will be closer with Jessica.”
“Are we always gonna be so formal? I might call him Josh or Joshy.”
“Aw, Joshy is so cute! No, we don’t have to be formal.” You shrug. “I just don’t want anyone calling Jessica Jessy, I’d prefer Jess if anything.”
You both go into the daycare to pick up Jack and Jessica. You couldn’t believe she’d be a year old soon, just a month or so away. And Jack was going to be four in just two months. Time was flying way too fast.
Florida in March was literally perfect, even while pregnant. You were over being nauseous now which was good. Nannie was so happy you and the family were coming for a visit. There was plenty there for Jack and Jessica to do. Harry took them both in the pool that her retirement community had. Of course, all of the old ladies in the pool flocked to him, and you had to go in and help a few times.
“I can’t believe she’s almost a year old, I can barely pick her up!” Nannie chuckles as she snuggles with Jessica one evening.
“I know! She’s even started saying a few words. She can sort of say Mumma, Jack says it all the time so I think she’s being picking it up from him.” You say.
“And she says ‘ack’ when she wants Jack, it’s really cute.” Harry says. Jack was in his lap trying to keep his eyes open. “I think it’s time you went to bed, buddy.”
“Her too.” You get up and take Jessica from Nannie. Once they’re both down and tucked in you join her in the living room.
“So, there’s something I’d like to talk with you both about. Last time we spoke on the phone, Y/N mentioned that you were looking into getting a larger car, and I’d like to pay for it.”
“No, no way, Nannie, that’s way too-“ You start, but she cuts you off.
“It’s something I can give you that I know will last. You already have cribs and baby clothes and all that. You’ll need a larger car, and I wanna pay for it, so you’ll let me write you a check, and that’ll be that.”
“You can’t seriously expect us to let you just buy us a new car…” Harry says.
“Oh, but I do. You could take whatever one you’re not using off the road and save it for when one of them gets older, or you could trade it in, or whatever you feel like doing with it.” She shrugs. “I have more money than I know what do with.”
“Just because you write us a check doesn’t mean we have to cash it. We’re perfectly capable of buying our own car, Nannie.” You say.
“You’ll take it, you’ll cash it, and you’ll get whatever car you want. Save that money and put it towards their college funds, or for their bar and bat mitzvahs, you know as well I do those are just as expensive as purchasing a car.”
“That’s true.” You nod.
“Wait, what?”
“The parties can really wrack up, Har, we’ll talk about it later.” You sigh. “You really wanna buy us a car?”
“I do.” She nods. “You need something with three rows of seats, or at least an SUV instead of that little thing you drive. You’ll have three cars seats to worry about before you know it.” She smiles. “So, just say thank you and deal with it.”
“Thank you.” You both say and get up to hug her.
“You’re more than welcome, kids, I’m happy to do it.”
To say you were emotional on Jessica’s first birthday was an understatement. Your hormones were causing you to cry every two seconds. You were hosting a small party at your house, and it was great to have family over, but you were a blubbering mess.
“Babe, it’s okay.” Harry chuckles.
“I know, I just can’t believe our little girl is a year old already. And Jack’s gonna be four before we know it and starting preschool. It’s all too much.”
“Try not to think too far ahead, yeah?” He puts an arm around your shoulders and kisses your cheek. He gives your lower belly a little rub. “Don’t wanna stress this one out.”
“We should do the maternity shoot next month. I’m still feeling good about how I look, it would be nice to feel good in pictures.”
“Whatever you wanna do, honey.”
It was time for cake, so you hold Jessica on your hip while Harry holds Jack up. The three of you blow out the candles while Jessica giggles and claps. She got cake all over her face, which was her right as a one-year-old. It was a bittersweet day to say the least.
On the day of your five year wedding anniversary, you woke up to feeling lots of kisses on your cheek. Your eyes flutter open, and a smile grows on your face.
“Good morning.” You say as you look at Harry, who was already climbing on top of you.
“Morning, love.”
“You wanna have sex now? Don’t wanna wait until later?”
“You’ll be too tired later.” He mumbles as he sucks on your neck. “I’ve got a lot planned today.”
“Oh, honey, I’m just happy to be spending the day with you, we don’t need to go crazy.”
“I don’t think getting pedicures together is going crazy, exactly.”
“God, I can’t wait. I’m so grateful Niall and Sarah said they could babysit.”
He hums his response as he kisses on your chest, lifting your shirt all the way off. His hand slips between your legs, and you let out a small gasp. You raise your hips to grind against his hand. This was the part of the pregnancy Harry loved the most. You had leveled out a bit, and now you wanted him every second you could have him.
Once you’re wet enough from him just rubbing around your folds, he slides two of his fingers inside you. Your head rolls back into the pillows and you groan. His thumb rubs your clit in pressured circles. Your nails dig into his shoulders as you cling to him. He sponges his mouth over your next and over your chest.
“Harry.” You moan.
“Feels good?”
“Yes.” You start panting his fingers rub against your g-spot. “Fuck, yes, Harry, don’t stop.” You bite your bottom lip as you squeeze around his fingers.
“You’re so wet, baby.” He groans. “Come for me, come on.”
“Shit!” You cry out and clap a hand over your mouth as you ride it out.
He sucks his fingers into his mouth once he takes them away from you. He moves to up against the headboard, and helps you get on top of him. You slowly sink down on his hard dick after giving it a few pumps. His hands grip your ass to help you move up and down. You press your face into his neck to stay quiet.
“You feel so fucking good.” He moans and holds you closer to him as he thrusts up inside you. “Y/N.” He moans again. God, he wasn’t making staying quiet easy. You loved hearing Harry moan, but you wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to wake your kids up.
“H-Harry.” You can barely speak at this point. Your clit was rubbing against him, so you weren’t going to last much longer. You grip his chin, and hook your fingers onto his bottom lip to get him to open up for you. “You’re being too loud.” You groan.
He sucks on your fingers to try to keep it down, but he was really struggling this morning, for whatever reason. He was always into it, but today he was especially lost in the euphoria of your sex. You use your other hand to tug at his hair, and you look up to see his eyes roll into the back of his head.
“Oh fuck!” You moan into his neck as you come undone. Watching him lose himself never failed to get you there.
He moans around your fingers as he releases up inside you. You retract your hand from his mouth so he can properly catch his breath. You look up at him and he slots his mouth over yours. He licks into you, which normally you didn’t love first thing in the morning, but you were so far gone you didn’t care right now.
“Fuck.” He breathes and presses his forehead to yours. “You’re so fucking sexy like this, Y/N.”
“Harry, please.” You giggle.
“I mean it.” He cups your jaw with one of his hands. “Not only is it our anniversary, but you’re carrying another one of my kids. It’s all I could want.”
“Me too, babe.” You peck his lips. “Could you, uh, help me off?”
“Oh! Yeah, sorry.”
He grips your hips to gently lift you off of him. He helps you into the bathroom, and you both take a nice shower together. You kiss and pet on each other, but it doesn’t go much farther than that since you need to get the day started for Jack and Jessica.
“I was thinking we could have dinner, like, in Boston tonight, what do you say?” Harry asks as he gets Jessica’s diaper bag packed.
“That sounds nice, babe.”
You drop the kids off at Niall and Sarah’s, who were more than happy to watch them for the day. It had been ages since you and Harry had a spa day together. You loved it when you could get away to have one since it always reminded you of the earlier days of your relationship.
You both enjoy how soothing the pedicure is, falling asleep leaning on each other. With your feet getting more swollen by the day, this was exactly what you needed. Once it’s all done, and you make your way further into the city, Harry keeps his hand in yours.
“Feel free to snooze, honey, we may hit traffic.”
“You know how bad I feel when I sleep when you’re driving…”
“It’s really okay, I’d rather you be fully awake during dinner.” He smiles. “Go on, I know you’re tired.”
“That pedicure was just so relaxing.”
“We really got the works done today.”
“Mm, I’m glad we did. I love getting to do that with you.”
“Me too, babe.”
You end up dozing off, and you’re startles awake from Harry’s hand nudging your shoulder. You blink a few times and squint to see where you are.
“Are we at Castle Island?” You ask him.
“What better place to celebrate our five year anniversary than the very place I asked you to marry me?”
“Oh, Harry…” Your bottom lip starts to quiver.
“Don’t cry.” He chuckles.
“I can’t help it, this is so sweet.”
“Well, nothing’s even happened yet, we sort of need to get out of the car.”
“Right.” You laugh and wipe under your eyes.
Harry jogs around the other side of the car to help you out, and you both walk down to the park. Your smile grows when you see your friends and your kids. Sully’s had catered, of course, and there were twinkling lights strung up around the playground.
“Mumma!” Jack exclaims and runs over to you.
“Hi, baby.”
“Are you surprised?”
“Very.” You giggle and hoist him up onto your hip. Harry goes over to Jessica, who was in a stroller, and picks her up.
“Alright, family photo time.” Niall says. “Go on, Buster.”
The dog barks and plops in front of you, and Niall takes a few pictures. You all sit down at the various picnic tables provided, and reminisce about the day Harry proposed, and your wedding.
“I can’t believe how fast five years can fly by, and that’s just our marriage, we’ve been together, what? Almost eight years?” You look at Harry.
“Yeah, this September will be eight years.” He smiles at you and kisses your temple.
“Daddy, how did you ask Mumma to marry you?” Jack asks.
“Well, I could tell you or I could show you.” Harry fishes his phone out of his pocket and pulls up the video to show Jack.
“Mumma, look at you!”
“I know! I was cute young thing, huh?”
“Still plenty young and plenty cute.” Harry side eyes you.
“Mhm, keep watching the video.” You nudge him. It does bring a few tears to your eyes. “That was one of the greatest days of my life.”
“Mine too.”
“Harry, show him some pictures from our wedding.”
“Alright.” He chuckles and pulls a few up.
“Pretty suit, Daddy.”
“Thank you.” Harry kisses the top of Jack’s head.
“Your Uncle Niall officiated the whole thing, it was incredible. When you’re a little older we’ll show you more.” You say.
It was the perfect evening with friends. Harry still found little ways to surprise you, and you loved it. He could be so sentimental and made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
It felt like you had a party every month, but that was how things went when Jessica’s birthday and your anniversary were in April, and when Jack’s birthday was in May. His party was a little less family oriented, although plenty of family still came. You and Harry thought it would be fun to rent out a gymnastics studio for an afternoon for Jack and all his friends from daycare.
The other parents were eternally grateful because they knew all of their kids would sleep well after running and jumping around. Jack was overjoyed. He liked being able to do tricks on the trampoline. You couldn’t believe your baby boy was four, but here you were. He’d be starting preschool in fall, another thing you just couldn’t believe.
You couldn’t help but laugh as Harry sat on the floor with Jessica and helped her do little flips and jumps. Her laugh was hysterical. You rub your lower stomach.
“You’re gonna have the best Daddy in the world, Joshua.” You say to your stomach quietly.
The other good thing about having the party somewhere other than your house was that you barely had to host. You got to sit back with the other parents and just hang out for a bit until it was time for cake and gifts.
Needless to say, Jack zonked right out when you put him to bed, as did Jessica. Not that they needed to have a party every year for every birthday, but you could definitely see yourself doing more parties at other places. It was such a breeze today.
“Baby, you don’t have to do that.” You giggle as Harry rubs your feet once you’re in bed.
“But you were on your feet all day, you must be so sore.”
“A little, but it’s not too bad.”
“It was a good day, huh?”
“Very good. I feel like he’ll really remember this one, you know?” Harry hums his response. “I’m really glad we’re having this baby, helps fill the void of the other two growing up.”
“I wish I had that on camera because I don’t think you’ll be saying that once Jessica’s going through her terrible two’s. You’ll have her in one arm and an infant in the other.” He smirks.
“Mm, pretty sure I have a husband to help me with all that.”
“I’m afraid I’ll be busy helping our son with school work.”
“He’ll be in kindergarten by the time Jess is two, what school work could he possibly need help with?” You laugh.
“The alphabet, counting to one-hundred, coloring inside the lines.”
“If anyone’s going to be the homework parent, it’s going to be me. I am a teacher after all.”  
“I dare you to sit down and do some basic math.”
“God, okay, you can be the homework parent.” You bite your bottom lip when his thumb digs into a certain spot in your foot. “Thank you for this by the way, I admit I need it.”
“Anytime, my love.”
Once Harry’s done with your feet, he helps rub some lotion on your swollen tummy. Then he rests his head on one of your thighs while he talks to the baby. He tells him all about Jack’s birthday party. You cards your fingers through his hair while he does so. These were the sweet and tender moments that you’d treasure forever.
Later that week you had your maternity shoot. This time around you did things in the backyard on an overcast day, so the lighting was perfect. You all had summery clothes on, and you did something similar with the hand prints on your stomach with the paint like you had done last time. Jack showed Jessica what to do, and they both had fun pressing their hands onto your stomach. They did the same to Harry’s, which made you laugh because it looked silly with his tattoos. The pictures were gorgeous.
“Now I can get all three sets framed together, it’ll look so nice in my office.” Harry tells you as you both clean up the paint.
“I want one for mine too.” You pout.
“Of course! And one for our room.” He looks you up and down. “Last time, right?”
“I promised only three, didn’t I?” You put your hands on your hips.
“Just making sure.” He replaces your hands with his own. “You look so fucking good, have I told you that enough?”
“Harry.” You chuckle and swat at his chest.
“They’re napping, maybe we should go have a little nap of our own.”
“Hmm…would you go down on me?”
“Why wouldn’t I?”
“I don’t know.” You shrug. “It’s just something I’d like right now.”
He grins and yanks you towards the stairs to go up to your room. He yanks your shorts and underwear down your legs before sitting you on the bed. He kisses your lips for a bit, and then gets his head right between your legs. You both knew you needed to be quick, but that was no problem. Harry only needed a couple of minutes down there to get you moaning.
His warm tongue works wonders on your clit, and listening to him moan about how good you tasted was definitely helping you get to where you wanted to be.
“H-Harry.” You groan as your eyes roll into the back of your head. You feel him lap you up before he pops his head up. His lips were glistening.
“Do you think I could fuck you from behind?”
“Sure, I think that could work.”
He waits for you to carefully shift before grabbing your hips, and sliding in. He moans out as he thrusts in and out of you. You hook an arm around his head, and he wraps an arm around you to keep you flush with his chest. His other hand rubs your clit and your head rolls back. He licks into your mouth as you moan, and your tongue meets his.
“You’re so fucking sexy like this, Y/N, fuck.” Harry sponges kisses along your neck as you start panting.
“M’gonna come again.” You whine.
“Yeah? Thanks to who?” He says into your ear.
“You, Harry.” You look up at him and smirk. His eyes widen he starts to shake his head. “You, Daddy.”
“Christ!” He cries out as he comes inside you, you come to your release as well, but you can’t help but giggle. “That’s too powerful.”
“It’s why I only use it for special occasions.” You look back at him and he gives you bum a harsh smack. “Hey!”
“You wanted Daddy, right?” He smirks and gets off the bed to get a rag for you.
“Not that kind.” You rub the sore spot before laying on your back.
“I’ll try to remember that.” He says as he cleans you up, and kisses your forehead. “Sweet girl.” He coos.
It was late August, you were thirty-three, and ready to get his baby out of you. Everything made you uncomfortable, even putting clothes on. You mostly just wore an oversized tee shirt around the house. You were thankful to have the fall semester off for maternity. You couldn’t imagine teaching right now.
Harry had been working from home as much as he could. He still needed to go to the studio to take pictures, but he could edit from home. Jack hadn’t quite started preschool yet, so the kids were home with you for another couple of weeks.
As much as you liked the daycare at work, you were thankful you found a preschool that also had a daycare right next door so Jack and Jessica could still be dropped off to the same place. Harry made sure to ask you a minimal amount of questions every day, full well knowing anything could set you off in some capacity.
You were up walking around, pacing in the kitchen, trying to do anything you could to kick start things. Harry was in the living room with Jack and Jessica. It was too hot to be outside, even with the pool.
“Oh, fuck, Harry!” You call for him and he shoots over to you.
“What, what happened?!”
“My, my water just broke.” You point to the puddle on the floor. “I was just walking around and I felt this sharp pain and it fell out!”
“Okay, oh my god, okay, uh, the bags are in the car already, so we just need to get to the hospital, yeah?”
“Yeah! Oh my god!”
“Oh my god!”
“We’re having another baby!”
He kisses you and then goes to round up the kids before helping you into the car. You breathe as much as you can, hoping Joshua wasn’t going to just slide right out of you. Harry signs you in once you’re at the hospital, and you get wheeled into a room. Your mother shows up to take Jack and Jessica.
“Thank you so much.” You tell her.
“Of course, baby.” She strokes your cheek.
“Be good for Mimi.” Harry tells them. “You’ll have a new baby brother next time we see you.”
Jack beams at you and Harry, and gives you hugs before going off with your mother. Buster was off with Niall and Sarah. Everyone was being taken care of.
“How are you feeling?” Harry asks as he gives your hand a squeeze.
“Yeah, I want this one outta me, now.”
“Soon, baby.” He chuckles and kisses your forehead.
Joshua came much fast than Jessica did, thank god, and you were able to safely push him out instead of having to go under the knife. Harry sobbed, and so did you, with joy once you were able to hold little Joshua skin to skin.
“He’s so precious.” You whisper as Harry sits next to you with him. “We really are good at making cute babies, huh?”
“Mhm.” Harry says. “Three of a kind.”
Your mom comes in with Jack and Jessica, who were very excited, well, Jack was because he knew was going on.
“Come on in.” You say. “I missed you both. Come meet Joshua.”
Your mom sets them both on the bed so they can say hello. Harry reminds them to be gentle with the baby, well, more so to Jack as Jessica snuggled right up to you.
“Let me take a picture.” You mom says.
After a few photos, and a few snuggles with your mom and Joshua, she leaves you all be. As you look around the room at your now four favorite people, you couldn’t feel more blessed.
“I love you so much, thank you.”
“I love you too.” He pecks your lips. “Thank you.”
A few years later…
Jessica was just finishing up her last soccer tryout and technically her first practice. She was one of two freshmen to make the varsity team, and she was sort of nervous the older girls wouldn’t like her. She sees Jack’s car, previously her father’s, pulls up to the field to pick her up. He gets out and pops the trunk for her gym bag, and leans against the car.
“Holy shit…why is Jack fucking Styles here?” Andrea, a senior on the soccer team, says to a couple of the other senior girls.
“Um…he’s my older brother…did the last name not give it away before?” Jessica jokes.
“Guess I didn’t put two and two together…is he going to pick you up every day?”
“If he wants to keep driving my dad’s old car then yeah.” She shrugs and grabs her things. “See you all later.” Jessica waves goodbye and walks quickly over to Jack who helps her put her things into the trunk. “Thanks.”
“How was it? Which team did you make it on?” He asks as they both get into the car.
“Varsity…” She mumbles.
“Are you kidding?! That’s amazing, Jess!” He nudges her shoulder. “Guess soccer camp really did help.”
“And, you know, years of being drilled by Uncle Niall and Uncle Louis.” She chuckles.
“I’m really glad they gave up on me so they could focus on you.”
“You’re a good soccer player, Jack, you just don’t like it.”
“Did you finally find out what production the school’s doing?”
“Yeah, and I need a permission slip signed by Mum and Dad…I hate not being eighteen. Your practices will most likely finish before my rehearsals so you can either wait at the field or come to the auditorium.”
“Sounds good. Something tells me the girls will want me to wait at the field for you.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because the second Andrea McPhee saw you her jaw dropped to the ground. She’s probably still trying to reattach it.”
“Andrea, huh?” He mulls it over. “She is pretty cute, but I’m not really looking to start something up before I go to college.”
“I bet I’ll be first one the list for the past fest since they know we’re related. I’ll miss you when you go, but I can’t wait not to be known as Jack Styles’ little sister.” She rolls her eyes.
“What can I say? You got an absolute fucking stud for a brother, can only blame God and biology for that.”
“You’re annoying.” She nudges him.
He pulls the car into the driveway and they both head into the house. You were just getting dinner into the over. Joshua was playing around with his guitar up in his room.
“Hi, kids.” You smile at them. “Jessica, please make sure you throw all those sweaty clothes in the wash.”
“I will! Can you give me two seconds?”
“Oi, you just got home, chill out.” Harry says as he comes inside. He was just cleaning out the pool, which was Jack’s job. “By the way, no pool for three this weekend.”
“What?!” They both say.
“Jack didn’t clean out the filter, and I can’t have that.” He goes over to the sink to wash his hands. “So, Mum and I will be enjoying it, but you three won’t.”
“If it’s Jack’s job, then why are Josh and I being punished?”
“Wait, I’m being punished?” Josh comes down the stairs.
“Because you two should be learning how to do it too.”
“Harry…” You say and shake your head. “Why didn’t you clean out the filter like your father asked?” You ask Jack.
“I forgot…”
“Oh, well, how about I forget to give you the keys to the car this week?” Harry says, crossing his arms.
“Dad.” Jack sighs. “I’m sorry, okay? I’ll be better about it…”
“We’re gonna be closing it soon anyways.” Jessica rolls her eyes.
“Okay, changing the subject, did you find out what team you made?” You say to her.
“Yeah, I made varsity.”
“Varsity!” You squeal and go around the island to hug her, giving her a big squeeze. “That’s my girl!”
“Congratulations, honey, that’s amazing!” Harry says.
“Thanks.” She blushes. Jessica was very shy, other than when she was playing soccer.
“Jack, what did they say about the show you’re doing?” Harry asks, biting into an apple.
“Um…we’re doing Chicago, so I need you both to sign this.” He takes a piece of paper out of his pocket. “My director thinks I’d make a good Billy Flynn, so I’d really like to do it.”
“Oh! That’ll be fun. I’m okay with it.” You grab a pen and look at Harry.
“Yeah.” He shrugs. “It’ll be a high school version anyways.” You both sign it and hand the paper back to him.
“Thanks, I’ll need to practice my tap in the basement a bit, but none of the other boys ever took tap, so I think I’m still ahead of the game.”
“Just make sure it doesn’t interfere with my band practice.” Josh pipes up.
“It won’t.” Jack rolls his eyes. “Dad, are we still shooting that family’s thing this weekend?”
“A family reunion is not a thing…and yes, we are.”
“Cool, my lens just came in the mail and I’m dying to use it.”
“It did?! Let’s go look at it.”
They both go up to Jack’s room and you smile while Jessica and Josh sit down at the island.
“I’m really very proud of you, honey. Wait until we tell Uncle Niall.”
“Thanks, I’m really excited. There’s one other freshman, so I won’t be totally alone. The rest of the team are seniors and a few juniors. Everyone else is on the J.V. team.” She looks at Josh. “These girls are already swooning over Jack.”
“You’re kidding…” He says to her.
“Nope, and I was a little offended. This one girl was like, iS ThAT jAcK stYLes, and I was like…yeah that’s my brother.”
“Did they not realize you have the same last name? It’s not exactly common.”
“Maybe one too many concussions.”
They both giggle together. You were trying not to listen in too much as you were cleaning up the counter. It was no secret that Jack was popular at school. He was talented and handsome, not to mention he just had a swagger about him. There were people who thought it was girly for him to do theater, of course, but he just didn’t care, which made other people like him more. He had such a chill attitude, and he wasn’t full of himself, even if joked about it. Essentially, he was Harry’s clone. It worried you at times, though, because he often got asked to parties and hang outs. He didn’t date much, not that he filled you and Harry in on all that. You knew who his best friends were, and that was all the information you were privy to. He was close enough with Jessica, but she and Joshua were the really close ones. Guess that happens when you’re a year apart in age. It wasn’t always this way, but as they grew up a little, they got closer. Jack and Josh had their bonding moments too. They liked playing video games together, but with an almost five year age difference, Jack really didn’t have much in common with a kid going into eighth grade. You knew when they got older they’d have much more in common.
“I can’t believe the first day of school is just in a few days. You must be happy not taking the bus this year.” You say to Jessica.
“Yeah, I’m really glad you and Dad gave Jack the car. I’m gonna look so cool driving into the senior lot.”
“That’s if I don’t make you tuck and roll first.” Jack says, coming around to give her a half-Nelson.
“Let her go.” Harry says. “You’ll let us know when the open house is and all that?”
They both look at each other and grimace.
“Can’t Mum just come to that?” Jessica asks.
“I like to meet your teachers too.”
“Yeah, and they love to meet you.” Jack smirks. “It’s embarrassing.”
Harry had grown into quite the distinguished man. He had the perfect amount of grey in his hair, he had managed to stay pretty fit, that was mostly for you. Not that you really cared how he looked because you loved him, but he liked staying in shape to keep his stamina up. You had stayed in pretty good shape yourself, not to toot your own horn, but no matter what people flirted with Harry. It was the Brit in him.
“Dad and I will go together, then the teachers will know he’s very much not single.” You hook your arm around Harry’s waist and he kiss your cheek, getting a collective groan from your three kids. “You know, you three should be grateful you’re growing up in a happy, loving home.”
“Yeah, how many of your friends actually have parents that are still together?” Harry asks.
“I mean…it’s great, but…keep it to yourself.” Jessica says, sticking her tongue to pretend to gag. “I’m gonna go throw my laundry in.”
“Could wash my bandanas?” Jack asks.
“Yeah, go get them.” She shrugs.
“Wait I have some stuff too-“
“I’m not the laundry bitch, Jesus.”
“Jessica.” You sigh. “Help your brothers.”
“Just because I’m the girl doesn’t mean I have to do their laundry.”
“They’re just asking you to throw some things in with yours, can you just do it please? Or I could do all the laundry, would you three like that? For me to see all of your clothes?”
“No!” The three of them say and race upstairs.
“You’ve really learned how to clear the room, excellent.” Harry says, putting his hands on your hips and leaning in to kiss you.
“What can I say? I have a gift.” You giggle into the kiss.
The school year was going well. Jessica was a starting center-forward on the soccer team, and she played her heart out. Jack and his friends would often go to her games when they could, and the older girls on the team noticed. Jessica’s turn for a pasta fest was coming up soon, and she wasn’t sure how she felt about it, but it was happening nonetheless.
You and Harry worked to get all of the pasta and meatballs made. Seth had given you his recipe long ago, he knew how to make a really fucking good meatball. Jessica and Jack get home, and Jessica rushes around to get things tidy before all the girls come over.
“Please, I’m begging you all, don’t embarrass me in front of these girls.”
“Oh, so you don’t want me to mention the time you shit your pants in the pool when you were five?” Jack smirks.
“Jack, you’ve shit in that pool more times than anyone in this house, so unless you’d like me to bring that up, I suggest you play nice with your sister.” You grin at him.
“I was just teasing! Be cool, Mum.”
All of the girls come over, and luckily it was still nice out, so they’re all able to go outside. A few of them kick a soccer ball around. Jack and Josh were up in their rooms.
“This is such a nice house, Mrs. Styles.” Andrea says to you when she comes inside for more soda.”
“Oh, thank you.” You smile. Your last name still legally wasn’t Styles, but you got over correcting people a long time ago.
“Okay, garlic bread is officially done. We can feed ‘em now.” Harry says and Andrea’s eyes widen. “Hello.”
“Hi.” She squeaks and goes back outside. “Christ, Jess, your dad is a fucking DILF.” She laughs.
“Gee, thanks.”
You and Harry bring all of the food for the girls outside, and Jack and Josh come down to take some too. Things get quiet when Jack approaches.
“Hey, Jack.” Andrea says.
“Hey.” He smiles at her.
“I heard you got, like, the lead guy in the school play, congrats.”
“Thanks, I’m pretty excited.” He makes himself a heaping plate, and then goes inside to eat, as does Josh.
“You know…” You say to Jack as you and Harry sit with them inside. “I think that girl has a crush on you.”
“A lot of girls do.” Jack says nonchalantly, and Harry smacks his harm. “What?”
“You could be nicer about it.” Harry says.
“I was! I smiled at her, even had a little conversation. I was very polite. They all giggle every time I pick Jess up, it’s annoying.”
“They just think you’re cute, honey, there’s nothing wrong with that.” You say. “How are things with the girls in the show?”
“Oh, it’s good. Kat got Roxie, and Gina got Velma. We started blocking the court room scene where I get to use Kat as a puppet, it’s a lot of fun.”
“And she’s comfortable with sitting on you?” You ask, recalling how the stage production goes.
“Uh, yeah, she’s very comfortable.” Jack smirks. “Ben got Amos, and I’ve been helping him get off book. Like, all my friends got the best parts, which is great. We’re all gonna hang out Friday after school if that’s alright.”
“Does Jess need a ride home?” Harry asks.
“Nah, she has an away game. It’s home tomorrow, then she has practice, then away Friday. I’ve got the whole schedule memorized.”
“We’ll all be able to go to her game tomorrow, I’m excited.” Josh says.
“It’ll be a lot of fun, I think Niall and Sarah are gonna come too.” You say.
“Oh good, I’ll pack a cooler.” Harry winks at you and you shake your head.
“Jack, when’s Homecoming?” You ask. “I’d like to take you two shopping ahead of time.”
“Uhh, it’s in, like, three weeks I think? I should probably know since I’m nominated for Homecoming King.” He mutters.
“You are?!” You squeal.
“Mum, please, settle down. It’s not that big a deal.”
“Sure it is, do you know how thrilled I would have been to even be on Homecoming court when I was in high school? How did I raise the popular kid?” You look at Harry.
“Suppose I’ll have to take credit for that.” Harry says and you roll your eyes at him.
“Ha! That’s a quarter, Mum.” Josh says.
“You know, this was a stupid thing we started.” You huff and get up to put a quarter in the ‘eye-roll’ jar.
“You just say that because you’re the one that fills it the most.” Harry laughs.
“Maybe if you didn’t give me a reason to roll my eyes we wouldn’t need the jar. Ever think of that?”
Jessica’s game was very exciting. You set up chairs with Harry, Niall, and Sarah. Josh met up with his friends, and so did Jack, god forbid they sit with you. Sometimes you couldn’t believe how fast Jessica could run, she was like a bullet.
“She looks so cute in her uniform.” Sarah says to you.
“Doesn’t she?!” You giggle. “Cutest one out there if you ask me.”
“Let’s go, Jess!” Niall shouts. “She’s quite talented, my best work yet. I miss being her coach.”
“Cut the cord, mate.” Harry chuckles.
Jessica had some very fancy footwork, and she scored two goals that night. The team won, and it was very exciting. A ton of people ran onto the field, including Jack who scooped her, and got her on top of his shoulders so they could cheer. Harry was able to sneak a couple of pictures of the whole thing. It was really sweet to see.
“Okay! Put me down!” She laughs as Jack squats to get her down.
“That was a great game.” He says brightly. “I thought Uncle Niall was gonna pop a blood-vessel when I looked over at them.”
“Well, at least since we won he’ll be in a good mood, and that means we’re totally going out for dinner tonight.”
“Oh, fuck yeah.” They start walking off the field to find everyone.
“Jack?!” He turns around to see Andrea.
“Go find them, I’ll be there in a minute.” He says to Jessica and she nods. “Yeah?”
“Hi.” She tucks some hair behind her hair.
“Hi.” He smiles. “Great game, you’re an incredible goalie.”
“Oh, thanks.” She blushes. “Um, so…we both made it onto Homecoming court…”
“Yeah, we did.” He runs a hand through his hair.
“Are you going to the dance?”
“Mhm, I’m going with my friends…not really doing the date thing.”
“Oh.” She blushes harder. “Um, well…”
“But, I could sit with you at the Football game if you want since we all sort of need to sit near the field.”
“Um, yeah that would be great.” She smiles.
“Want me to just pick you up for it?”
“Cool.” He smiles. “I gotta going, but I’ll talk to you later.”
“Okay.” She smiles. “Bye.”
Yes, you were the obnoxious parents that went to the homecoming football game, but you had an excuse this year. Jack was on homecoming court, and tonight they were announcing who the king and queen would be. His competition were a few jocks and one other preppy kid. Josh chose to sit with you, Sarah, and Niall, while Jessica was off with her friends in the stands. They were all wearing their soccer jerseys in support of the football team.
Jack was sitting with Andrea, like he said he would. He even went to concessions and got them both a hot a chocolate. She was a lot cooler than he was expecting. They had started texting here and there, and he found out that Andrea actually really liked musicals, and was still playing soccer so she could hopefully get a scholarship from a good school.
You got especially excited once it was halftime. The dance team went out and did their thing, they were pretty good.
“You’re a better dancer.” Harry whispers in your ear.
“Shh.” You giggle as he kisses your cheek.
“Please, I’ll go sit somewhere else.” Josh groans.
“Sorry, we’ll behave.” Harry says to him with a smirk.
“Ladies and Gentlemen!” The announcer starts. “It’s the moment we’ve all been waiting for, please welcome your homecoming court!”
Everyone cheers as all the kids on the court step onto the field. Jack looked cute as ever in his beanie that had just enough of his curls peeking out. The announcer says who the third runner ups are, the second runner ups, and then it comes down to two more pairs. When he says who the first runner ups are, you squeal because that left Jack and Andrea together.
“…which means, Andre Nelson and Jack Styles are this years homecoming queen and king!”
The crowd goes nuts as the crowns come out, and Harry was already videoing the whole thing before you had a chance to tell him to.
“He won! Oh my god!” You squeal again.
Some pictures are taken down on the field before they’re all told they can go sit back down. The dance team comes back out to do another dance before the second half starts back up.
“So, uh…congratulations.” Andrea says to Jack.
“You too. Listen, I was gonna go stag to the dance, but…I mean, if you don’t already have a date, would you wanna go together?”
“Really?” She smiles.
“Sure, can’t have my queen walking in unescorted.” He smirks.
“Jack, I’d love to go with you.”
“Cool.” He throws his arm around her shoulders as they sit there.
“Mum, please!” Jessica whines. “My date is gonna be here any second.” You were just finishing make her hair look wavy.
“And I’m sure he’ll love the way you look.”
“No, I’m worried about Dad grilling him.”
“Your father will not-“ You hear the door ring.
“Okay, okay, you’re all set.”
Jessica sprints down the stairs, but cools it when she sees it’s just Andrea.
“Hey, Jess.” She smiles.
“Hey! You look so pretty.”
“Thanks, so do you.”
“Very pretty.” Harry say to Jessica.
“Dad.” She says with red cheeks.
“Right, well, I think Jack’s upstairs, getting that hair under control is a two man job, so I think Josh is helping him.” Harry says to Andrea and she nods. “I’ll go get the camera.”
The doorbell rings again, and you go to answer it.
“Hi, you must be Eric.” You smile.
“Yeah, hi, Mrs. Styles.”
“Come on in.”
Eric was a sophomore who Jessica had gotten to know during one of her study periods. He was extremely polite, and he had started coming to her soccer games.
“Okay, let’s see, I-“ Harry fiddles with his camera and then looks up at Eric. “Hello.”
“Hi, Mr. Styles.” Eric shakes Harry’s hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“Same to you. My daughter needs to be home by eleven.”
“Dad…Jack’s driving us.”
“Great, then make sure he brings you back by eleven.”
Josh comes down the stairs to join in on the fun, and Jack makes his way down too.
“Hey.” He grins at Andrea. “You look great.”
“So do you.” She blushes.
Harry takes a ton of pictures, making sure to get plenty of family shots with your three kids. You tear up a bit as you watch the four of them leave, and Josh goes back upstairs.
“What is it?” Harry asks as he flips through this photos.
He sets the camera down and comes over to you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You wrap yours around his neck.
“Our…first date was around this time of year.”
“That it was. Been together a while now, huh?”
“Mhm, and sometimes when I see what we have…well, I still can’t believe it was all thanks to Niall.” You burst out laughing.
“Oi, I would like to remind you that I’m the one who pressed him for the date with you after he showed me your picture.”
“Okay, you can take some of the credit.”
“M’just grateful you agreed to the date in the first place.”
“I’m grateful you were patient enough to stick around.” You peck his lips and smile. “Was taking it slow all that time ago as worth it for you as it was for me?”
“More worth it than you’ll ever know, my love.” He squishes his nose to yours. “My everything.”
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footballerimaginess · 4 years
I miss daddy
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Baby Prompt List  56 - Mummy I miss Daddy  Ben Chilwell  Word Count: 571  TAGLIST: @footballffbarbiex​ @lawsandother​ @henrythickcavill​ @meteora-fc​ @qwetyronerty​ @pom277​ @glam-khal​ @sanchos-dream​ @spursondele​ @emwritesfootball @footballxixstars​ @brewsterbabyy​ @kkim120​​ @trentaafc​​ @inaeterum​ @alexajanecollins​​  Another away game arrived and Ben was away in Europe, for the group stage of Europa League.  You were used to Ben being away after being in a relationship for 5 years with him, you missed him always. But seeing as you were now a mum, you had your little girl to look after on the evenings Ben wasn’t here.  You laid down on the sofa after putting Freya to bed. You were relaxing with your night time glass of wine while she was asleep. Well that was what you thought.  As you turned on the Leicester game, you heard Freya’s footsteps walking around the house. “Mumma” she whispered as you turned around saw her sleepily standing at the door.  “Hey baby, you need and should be sleeping. What’s up? You feeling poorly?” you asked her as she climbed onto your lap and laid into your chest.  “Mummy I miss Daddy” Freya whispered into your chest, as you played with her curly hair. “It is okay sweetie, Daddy is on TV see” you pointed at the TV as you moved her around to face it. “Dadddyy” she shouts as Ben appeared on the screen.  “How about I be a nice mummy and I let you stay up for a bit and you can watch the rest of this game? But yo have to promise that you fall asleep as soon as you get into bed” you demanded as she sucked her thumb, clearly showing you that she was very much sleepy. “Yay mummy, I will I promise” you smiled as you watched the TV making sure so she didn’t miss Ben being on the screen. “Good, now sit next to me. I need to make myself some food” you smiled as she crawled off of your lap and sat on the cushion beside you.  Freya was clapping every time the ball went in the box, not mattering whether it was Leicester kicking it or the opposition. She still didn’t get football at all. But she was still excited to be watching and hoping Daddy would appear on the screen.  “DADDDDY” Freya shouted as he was shown again. You quickly filmed her looking excited, jumping up and down in the chair. You wanted to show Ben how cute Freya was being.  Leicester won the game 3-0, you sent Ben the video of Freya celebrating so he can smile after today’s win. You pulled up Freya onto your hip and headed up to take her to bed. “Night night baby, sleep well” you smiled as you kissed the top of her head as she cuddled her stuffed bunny beside her. “Sleep well princess” you smiled as you left the room behind you, slowly closing the door.  You heard your phone ringing and it was Ben on FaceTime. “Well done Benji, you played really well. Me and Freya watched it together. Someone woke up missing you, so here we are” you smiled as he pouted. “Oh babe, she looked so cute in the video you sent me. I am glad she saw me though, she best be asleep up there” you laughed.  “I do too. I am having a wine and dinner, hope you are missing me” you smiled at him as you nodded. “I miss you too. I gotta go and jump on the plane” you blew him a kiss. “Love you” you mumbled as you waved and said goodbye to him. 
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mrs-hollandstan · 5 years
Hi so like I’ve just read your piece about Harry and the baby’s pacifier and like 😍😍😍 so like I know your probably I’ve robust but I had the idea of like Tom and you have a baby just a couple months old and a big event so Harrison offers to watch her for the night since you’ll bothe be home late but baby girl isn’t havin it and cries all night so he calls Tom and like he rushes over all super dad brings her home and like cuddles her all night just 🥰🥰
So cuteeeeee
You and Tom deserved the night off. You were both exhausted and Tom praised you up and down, squeezing your hand on the drive to a premiere. You had a good time. Of course you missed your little angel and Tom was fidgety, his hands not preoccupied with the little four month old ge always had connected to his hip. But he enjoyed himself, just with you and you both could swear that night was the first time you'd had sex since you were very pregnant with little Marley. And unknown to you, Harrison was struggling all night with his little niece, struggling to get her to feed from the bottle, trying to calm her when he gave her her bath, getting her to stop crying and get to sleep. Around two in the morning, your husband was rolling out of bed to answer Harrison's phone call, staying on the line only for a moment before he's hanging up and starting to get dressed, 
"What's the matter?" You ask. He shakes his head, 
"Haz is having trouble with Marley. I'm just gonna go get her." He reassures, but he's already protective over her, wishing he could just teleport to her, gather her up and soothe her. 
"I'll go too." You say, starting to redress in your pajamas. Tom doesn't have the energy to argue with you, and before you know it, you're in the car, driving to Harrison's house and knocking at his door. He opens the door, wailing baby in hand, 
"I'm sorry guys. I really tried but it kills me to see her cry like this and I seriously think it's been nonstop." He explains, handing your baby to her daddy who lifts her in the air and kisses her cheek, 
"Baby girl... what's wrong angel?" He speaks to her calmly, bouncing her against his chest. He offers his finger up, letting her clasp to it as he shushes her softly. You hug Harrison, watching Tom quiet his little darling with success after another minute, kissing her forehead, 
"That's my girl. It's okay huh? You're okay, you just missed your mummy and daddy just as much as they missed you, huh?" He coos down at her, your sweet baby girl staring up at her daddy in awe as Harrison sighs, crossing his arms. Walking over to Tom, you place your hand over Marley's belly, 
"She probably missed mumma more. She's got the goods huh my little cherub?" You coo down at her, her eyes following you. Tom hums, 
"Its alright Haz. It's nothing personal, she just doesn't like men other than her daddy." He tries to tell his best friend, but you click your tongue, 
"Untrue. She loves Haz and all of her other uncles but... she's used to only daddy holding her. She doesn't want anyone else." You reassure, rubbing over Harrison's shoulders. He nods, staring down at the little one now completely calmed by her daddy. Tom looks up, 
"We still had a successful night. Thank you for watching her." He tells his best friend. Harrison nods, leaning down to kiss the top of her head, 
"Of course. You know I'd always watch her." He tells you both, finding her bags in his own room and handing them off to you, 
"Sorry I couldn't give you guys a full night. She just really needed her 'rents." He apologizes. You shake your head, 
"Don't even worry about it. Dad here cares more about his baby than his wife." You joke, Tom clicking his tongue as he clips Marley into her carseat,
"Not true, both are just as spoiled. Baby girl just requires more attention and daddy is more obliged to give it to her huh?" He coos down to the sweet babe blinking sleepily in her car seat. He smiles before turning his attention back to you and Harrison, 
"Let's get home yeah? Let Haz get some sleep and go cuddle our baby girl?" He poses. You nod, standing on your toes to kiss Harrison's cheek, 
"Thank you for trying. We did have a good night." You reassure. He smiles and nods, bro hugging Tom before crouching to hold Marley's little hand, 
"Goodnight baby girl. Maybe when you're a little older you'll like stayin at Uncle Haz's." He says. Tom chuckles before picking her up, 
"Soon Haz, soon." He nods before opening his front door for you both. You both thank him again before you follow Tom out, standing just behind him as he clicks Marley's car seat into place. He turns, smiling down at you until you hold your hand out. His eyebrows furrow, 
"What?" You close and open your hand, 
"Keys. Get in the backseat with your baby girl." You say. He clicks his tongue, 
"I can drive, its fine." 
"Tom... I saw the way you were holding her, the way you looked at her when you got here and when you were holding her. The way you drove down here yo get to her, you're worried and upset and... I can drive. Just stay back here with her." You elaborate. He sighs, nodding softly,
"Alright, fine." He fishes in his pocket for his keys, handing them over and kissing your cheek. Stepping in front of him, you lean in to kiss Marley's cheek, 
"You've got your daddy wrapped around your finger baby girl." Tom chuckles, rubbing your back. You stand straight, placing a hand over his arm,
"Don't think her siblings'll be any different." He mutters. You scoff, 
"Assuming she gets siblings with the way she doesn't let us get any alone time." You tell him. He chuckles, caressing your cheek, 
"We'll get there love, promise." You hum, standing on your toes to kiss his lips, 
"Hope so... 'specially with how good it was tonight." He giggles this time, kissing you softly. You smile before gently smacking his arm, 
"Alright super dad, into the car with your girl." And he doesn't have to be told twice, climbing in beside her. And once home, he doesn't let her out of his sight, pulling the bassinet she sleeps in closer to his side of the bed in case she needs him.
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moonchildsaurora · 4 years
The Hercules of a Weapons Master/Mechanic
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»»—— Crew Member #8 of Space Pirates ATEEZ ——««
all aboard The Perihelion, welcome to the co-pilot’s log system! here you’ll be able to access the crew’s profiles should you wish to read about their journeys: (no nsfw content)
[CAPTAIN] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
“so you want me…to break them? As in literally or figuratively?”  
is the baby of the crew but actually the eldest in his own family
epitome of ‘don’t judge a book by its cover’. With a well-grounded and balanced mindset along with a great sense of independence and self-discipline
is a native Draerair born and raised on Corebos, a relatively peaceful planet where several clans co-exist across the different regions specialising in agricultural and metal work
[database file: Draerairs are shape-shifters by ancestral blood, however not every individual are born with the ability to shift into their bestial forms (though they retain some of their inhumane strength and traits). Each clan’s lineage has a specific beast they’re associated with. Individuals with the ability to shift can do so at will, be it partially or fully]
Jongho and his family are descendants of the Silverclaw clan, their associated beast is that of a bear. He’s the only one currently in his family that was born with the shifters ability, his grandmother was the previous individual with the ability
in his human form his hair is dark like the coals in his father’s workshop, honey tanned skin from hours of work under the sun and a gentle shade of hazel for eyes        
when partially shifted he gains a good 2 and half feet in height as bones and muscle mass expands, nails are elongated into claws, canines sharpened and eyes become more of an amber gold colour. Faint markings appear around his eyes as well as down his arms. Fur of black-brown shade emerge the closer he shifts into his beastial form
his strength is renowned throughout his clan, at the tender age of 5 he shocked the souls out of his parents after they found that he’s managed to bend the metal bars of his youngling playpen simply to get out so he could go on a mini adventure to find an afternoon snack
“oh sweet Zeus, we’ve lost the baby!”
they found out very quickly that he particularly liked snacking on fruits especially apples and sometimes would have to hide extras from him, otherwise they’d have none left
Jongho had always looked up to his father and his speciality with weapons forging. During his youngling years he’d be allowed to sit at a safe distance and observe, wide eyes with wonder when he looked at his father welding ambthanite metal together or carving a blade from crystalline emeyl
it was no surprise that Jongho followed in his footsteps and begun his apprenticeship by his 12th summer, his immense strength was a sure advantage when it came to being efficient and how easily some techniques were mastered 
“who needs a machine when you can just bend it with your bare hands?”
his younger siblings adored watching their older brother (it felt like déjà vu) build anything as small as a hunter’s dagger to fixing up parts of visiting ships. It’s also an extra treat for them whenever Jongho would crush fruity snacks single-handedly, because he loves hearing their joyous laughter and applause
The Perihelion had actually made a supply stop within the region that Jongho resided in to trade for food and energy cells. Under the recommendation from some of the market farmers, the crew were led to the Chois’ smithing workshop to fix up minor damages on the ship’s hull and to assess if any defence upgrades were available to be installed on such short notice  
“…I can’t tell if that’s Hercules or a beast hammering away in there”
the expressions on half the crew’s faces were priceless once they met Jongho, right after they saw him heave a 7 tonne slab of frerhil iron [database file: a common metal for heavy duty spears used by barbarians & warmasters] on to the bench without batting an eyelid
“you sure are one strong baby!”
“oh don’t worry, I get that. A lot”
and if it wasn’t for the overly toothy smile that Jongho sent their way that made the crew slightly nervous, it would’ve been the way his muscles flexed tauntingly as he gripped Mingi’s hand in a handshake during introductions Seonghwa nearly sweated out his worries just wearily watching that exchange
“I think what our lovely tech engineer meant was that you have a bab-ahh youthful face, yeah, youthful appearance! Not that you’re a baby at age”
“of course, I just passed my 15th summer not too long ago actually. So what can I do for you lot today?”
Hongjoong didn’t even try to hide how impressed he already was, he hadn’t come across too many shifters before and knew very little of their nature and abilities so this was great insight for him. He couldn’t care less with Wooyoung snickering in the background when his chest puffed out proudly after Jongho complimented his ship
Jongho was genuinely amazed that The Perihelion had managed to hold out until now (after hearing brief stories as to how the damages were acquired), without even having a ship’s mechanic for regular maintenance. His awe elevated when Hongjoong told him that he, a self-taught, was the one who worked and spruced the ship up from its near-scrap stage
Jongho’s father made similar comments when he came round to check up on his son and the workshop, even helping a bit with fitting in newer protective panels around the engines and windows. It wasn’t anything fancy, but Jongho did promise should the crew make another stop by in the future he’d have some better upgrades for them
it wouldn’t be till nearly 4 years later where their paths would cross once again in the city of Acreon. Jongho having made the decision to leave his home planet to start living life a little more, though he’d still pick up smithing-mechanic work along the way of his travels. Probably not the most ideal way to reunite with the crew, especially amidst a bar brawl of all things    
having not fought in his entire life (unless you count sand wrestling during his youngling days), Jongho was running entirely on pure adrenaline when he recognised Hongjoong and swiftly grabbed him out of the way – seconds before a stool came smashing down
“what th-OH hey! It’s you!”
the crew witnessed Jongho partially shift that time, almost bowling the entire crowd over with his solid mass to get Wooyoung and San out of the fray. Throwing them over his shoulders and bolting with the rest out the back door of the bar (Wooyoung’s shrieking could be heard down the street)
“thank you for that, really, we owe you one”
“do your evenings out usually end up like this? Never would’ve pinned you lot as the type to throw punches at a bar”
“listen here, that slimy loathsome spawn of a troll deserved it for inappropriate treatment of the dancer”
well at least Jongho couldn’t fault them for having good morals and standing up for it, though he wouldn’t be able to live it down come the following day when news spread throughout the city of ‘a beast from the nether realms’ being involved in the incident at The Illusion he dreaded getting an earful from his parents should his family ever catch wind of the news
Hongjoong invited him to tag along with the crew for the rest of their time in Acreon (highkey hoping this time Jongho would stick around more permanently), which allowed him time to evaluate the state of The Perihelion since it’s been a long while
Jongho officially became a member of the crew after he convinced Hongjoong to head over to Vostrilles, a place he knew had supplies of the latest ship weaponry and mechanical resources, and stuck by long enough to help with the upgrades that the crew pretty much adopted him into their wholesome chaotic family
he grew to thoroughly enjoy their company and now have the luxury of being doted on by his older sibling figures (he’d still deck anyone who dares call him a baby with the exception of mumma Seonghwa)
“watch your language! There are children on board”
the crew realised just how much they needed a proper weapon smith/mechanic on board after a few close-calls with a rival crews – Jongho’s newly installed point-defence canons had given the ship an advantage on its durability and defensive structure that it could withstand enemy attacks enough to make an escape
no one would openly admit that they cannot stay angry at Jongho for longer than 2 minutes, even when he was being in an argumentative mood
not to mention that everyone is extremely protective of their baby bro  
ends up being closest to Mingi, Wooyoung and Yeosang, the latter having a calming presence when he needs some downtime and he appreciates the other chaotic duo when they join in singing random duets with him (a habit he does whenever he’s in his workshop)
recently Jongho found some quality metal paint, he pitched the idea of giving The Perihelion a proper makeover – Hongjoong and others could customise the colour palette they’d like and finally give the ship the glo-up she deserves (no one noticed Yeosang’s little character doodles he so sneakily painted at random spots/corners of the ship hehet)              
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(moodboard made with love, by @s1ardusk​ ♡)
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abundanceofsoph · 4 years
SkyFire 1: Chapter 25
The last show of OTRA: November 2015
Word count: 2.2k
>Instagram posts
Aurora walked off the stage after the sound check to find Steve glowering at the side of stage. “You ok Pops?” she asked.
“Your father is going to kill us,” Steve mumbled.
“He’ll get over it,” Aurora replied, smiling with excitement. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to go work out what I’m going to wear.”
Steve watched his daughter walk away from him, his face softening at the skip in her step and he knew that no matter how angry Tony was going to be, it was worth it to see her excited about anything again. The smile on her face was worth it and he decided to wait to tell his husband until afterwards, when he would have videos and photos to help explain why she needed to do this.
Not long after the end of sound check, the boys’ families started arriving and soon the green room was crowded with people, voices rising above each other and plenty of hugs shared. Anne, Robin and Gemma were the last of the family members to arrive and after hugging each of the boys they were shocked to see Aurora and Steve amongst the small crowd.
Anne started tearing up as she wrapped her arms around Aurora. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Glad to be here too, Mumma,” Aurora replied with a soft smile, neither woman missing the double meaning in their words. Anne pulled back from the hug, grabbing the younger woman’s right hand to inspect the diamond ring with a smile a mile wide.
“Thank god that boy of mine finally plucked up the courage to ask you,” she said, her eyes darting over to where Harry was standing with his Steve, Gemma and Robin. “You make him so happy, love.”
“He makes me so happy too, Anne,” Rori promised. “I don’t know what I did to deserve him.”
“None of that,” Anne chided. “You both deserve to be happy and I’m just so glad you have each other. Couldn’t have asked for a better daughter-in-law.”
Aurora’s eyes started to well with tears in response to Anne’s kind words, and the two women hugged each other again before Robin came over to interrupt.
“Hello darling,” Robin greeted, hugging her tightly once she let go of Anne. “Congratulations,” he added, kissing her cheek and stepping back to wrap an arm around his wife.
“Thank you, Robin,” she said and then was distracted from the conversation when Gemma jogged across the room towards her.
“Thank you for coming to cheer him up,” Gemma whispered in Aurora’s ear. “I saw the videos online and hated how miserable he’s been.”
“Of course Gem,” Aurora replied. “I couldn’t stand it either.”
Harry joined them after a few minutes more of conversation, pulling Aurora against his chest with an arm slung low around her waist and they spent the rest of the afternoon before the show chatting with everyone and catching up. There was no sadness in this being the last show, and instead everyone was simply enjoying celebrating the last 5 years of friendships.
A section had been roped off at the front of the crowd for all the family member and Steve and Rori were in amongst them for most of the show. Steve found himself smiling at how much fun Aurora was having dancing with Louis and Harry’s sisters, and they were all singing along loudly as the boys whipped the crowd into a frenzy. Towards the end of the show, just before the boys started singing Little White Lies, a security guard came to escort Aurora backstage. As the song came to an end there was a lull and while Harry stepped out towards the front of the stage to talk with the crowd, Louis went jogging off stage towards where Rori was now waiting in the wings.
“Hey love,” Louis greeted Rori with a huge smile. “You ready to do this?”
“Absolutely,” Rori grinned in response.
“Alright, we’ll let Harold finish his speech and then I’ll walk out there with you. Sound like a plan?”
Aurora nodded and ran her right hand over the white blouse she was wearing, smoothing it out. She’d taken off the sling, while her hand remained in its bulky brace and tucked against her ribs to keep her shoulder or collarbone from hurting. She took a deep breath and turned back towards the stage to watch as the crew set up 5 mic stands in front of 5 stools and Harry’s voice filled the arena.
“How’s everyone doing tonight?” Harry asked, causing the crowd to roar in response. Harry chuckled before continuing, trying to soak up the feeling of being in front of such a large crowd, knowing it would be a while before he’d get to do this again. “Well I just wanted to take a moment to thank you all for spending your Tuesday night with us, and for being so incredibly supportive of everything we’ve done over the last 5 years. I know we were all meant to be here last month, and I just wanted to take a minute to thank each and every one of you for be so understanding and letting me drop everything to fly to New York. I love you all. The lads and I were talking last night, and we thought you deserved something special to say thank you, so we thought we’d add in an extra song tonight off the new album that’s out tomorrow.” Harry had to pause his speech as the crowd screamed with excitement, having already noted the extra mic stand and stool behind him they were anticipating his next words. “We’re gonna need some extra help with it though so I want you to give a warm welcome to our special guest.”
Louis grinned excitedly and held out his hand for Auroras. She laced their fingers together and they walked out onto the stage together, the sound of the crowd overwhelming loud. They both joined Liam and Niall who had already taken their seats behind the mic stands and Harry skipped his way back towards them all. “My wonderful girlfriend, Aurora Stark!” he yelled, winking at Rori as he took his seat next to her in the middle of the 5 of them. “This one’s called If I Could Fly.”
Given that no one in the crowd knew the lyrics, they instantly fell silent as the opening notes of the piano played out through the arena and Harry began to sing.
[Harry, Liam, Niall, Louis, Aurora, All of them]
If I could fly I'd be coming right back home to you I think I might give up everything, just ask me to Pay attention, I hope that you listen Cause I let my guard down Right now I'm completely defenceless For your eyes only, I show you my heart For when you're lonely and forget who you are I'm missing half of me when we're apart Now you know me, for your eyes only For your eyes only I've got scars, even though they can't always be seen And pain gets hard, but now you're here and I don't feel a thing Pay attention, I hope that you listen cause I let my guard down Right now I'm completely defenceless For your eyes only, I show you my heart For when you're lonely and forget who you are I'm missing half of me when we're apart Now you know me, for your eyes only For your eyes only I can feel your heart inside of mine (I feel it, I feel it) I've been going out of my mind (I feel it, I feel it) Know that I'm just wasting time And I Hope that you don't run from me For your eyes only, I show you my heart For when you're lonely And forget who you are I'm missing half of me When we're apart Now you know me, for your eyes only For your eyes only, I show you my heart For when you're lonely and forget who you are I'm missing half of me when we're apart Now you know me, for your eyes only For your eyes only For your eyes only
As they sang, the large centre screen filled with footage of the 5 of them writing Made in the A.M. Aurora had already watched it through when it was tested out during sound check and she was so impressed with the production team. They’d only been notified of the change at 9am that day and had turned around an entire visual segment in only a few hours. Aurora had edited her demo of the song that she and Harry had recorded over the summer and had been waiting to post it early next year, but she sent it to the team and let them use the footage. She’d smiled sadly as she watched it back early in the day, watching herself playing the piano and laughing so easily with the boys, a bittersweet tinge to the otherwise happy memories.
As the song finished, the crowd, who had remained quiet throughout the performance erupted into cheers and screams. She smiled wide, her eyes glistening with tears as she looked out across the sea of fans, all screaming for the boys. Harry kissed her on the cheek and Louis gave her a quick hug before she left the stage and the crew quickly removed the stools. The opening bars of Perfect boomed through the speakers as she was ushered back to where the rest of the families were still standing in their roped off area.
Anne swept her into a hug immediately. “That was incredible sweetheart.”
“Thank you, Mumma,” Rori replied, blushing slightly when Anne kissed her cheek and ran her hand along her right arm. “You and Harry wrote that together?”
“We did,” Rori nodded. “Couldn’t sleep one night and we just stayed up in the studio throwing ideas around and that came out.”
“Well it’s beautiful,” Anne smiled. “You should both be very proud of it.”
Aurora smiled brightly, turning back to face the stage, Anne’s arms still wrapped around her as they stood side by side. Towards the end of the song, Harry passed by their section of the crowd and after spotting them together he blew a kiss, happy beyond words to see his mum holding onto his girl and keeping her safe.
In the end, neither Steve nor Aurora had the chance to tell Tony about her going on stage before he saw it plastered across the internet. After a couple of fans tweeted about it, every gossip site or trashy news paper like the Daily Mail was running with the story. The boys were busy all day with multiple radio interviews for the release day of Made in the A.M but they all headed out for dinner to celebrate the album and to finally be able to celebrate Harry and Aurora’s engagement now that they were both in London together again. They were halfway through the entrée when Steve’s phone rang, Tony’s name flashing across the screen.
“What part of take it easy translates to an arena performance for you?” he yelled when Steve answered the phone.
“Tony…” Steve sighed, sharing a look with his daughter. “You need to calm down and let me explain.”
Aurora cringed, mouthing an apology to her father who waved it off before standing and leaving the room, knowing that his husband would want to yell and rant for a bit first before he was ready to listen to reason.
“I better go help put out the fire,” Aurora muttered to Harry before leaving the table. She followed Steve out of the dining area and into a service corridor. He was pinching the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger as Tony yelled through the phone.
“May I?” she asked softly, holding out her hand for the phone. Steve paused, looking at her for a moment before sighing and handing the phone over. Tony continued his rant, unaware that his audience had changed until his daughter cut him off mid-sentence. “Stop!” she said firmly. “I was sitting on a bloody stool the whole time, it’s not like I did a fully choreographed routine.”
“You said you were just going there to cheer Harry up and then you were coming home,” Tony reminded her accusingly. “There was no mention of performing.”
“Because it was a last minute idea,” Rori said. “Besides, I had fun dad. For the first time in weeks I had fun, so don’t you dare ruin this for me.”
Tony fell silent, all the wind taken out of his argument.
“Now Pops and I were in the middle of a very fancy celebratory dinner with the lads so I’m going to hang up the phone now and we’re gonna go back to that. I’m sure Pops will call you back when we get back to the hotel later. I love you.”
“I love you too kiddo,” Tony sighed, wishing for the millionth time that his daughter had not inherited his stubbornness. “Enjoy your dinner, and I’ll meet you at the airport when you land tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow.”
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redhairedwolfwitch · 5 years
What Was Hope Doing In Your Dream? Legacies x Noralise!Daughter!Reader
Maybe I Should Start From The End
[B/m/n] = biological mother’s name
You went to sleep like any other normal night. Lights out, curtains and doors shut.
You were lying on your back, right arm tucked under your pillow, left arm by your side. One leg sticking out of the covers and the other completely enshrouded in them. You jerked awake as you heard a scream. Pedro. You just groaned, rolling over and going back to sleep. Goddamn nightmares.
Your arm dangled over the mattress into the void of darkness. Cheek pressed into the pillow as a light noise left your throat. The knocking on the door made you groan, looking up as the door opened.
“Hey, good morning. Dr Saltzman wants everyone downstairs.”
“Its 2am.” You groaned, throwing a pillow at Lock who just caught it.
“Who holds a meeting at 2am?” “Alaric Saltzman apparently.”
“Well it seems important...so...come on.” Lock chuckled flicking on your room lights making you yelp at the sudden brightness.
“Yesterday I came into the possession of another Malivore artifact. It was my hope to find a method of containment before it signaled another monster but given the emergency meeting I’ve just called I’m sure you can tell how well it went.”
“Didn’t you go with Dr Saltzman and Hope yesterday to get Landon?” Lock whispered to you but you just shrugged. “I can’t remember honestly. I think it’s the exhaustion.” You whispered back, tugging your dressing gown further around yourself.
“I think it’s more than just the exhaustion.” “You don’t say [b/m/n].” Mary Louise retorted sarcastically.
“Sheriff Donovan has been kind enough to open the doors of the Lockwood Mansion to us so Mr Williams and Ms Tig are now in the process of evacuating our students in the lower grades.” 
Lock paled drastically at the mention of the Lockwood Mansion. Long since empty due to the passing of Mayor Richard Lockwood, Mayor Carol Lockwood and Tyler Lockwood, her father.
“I forgot the founding families of Mystic Falls still exist.” “And Lock is the last Lockwood standing since all the others have been murdered somehow...”
“Exam week will continue as scheduled, wherever you are, I know. I’m sorry. I can’t exactly call the state accreditation board and tell them that we’re cancelling the exams because of monsters. We’ll get though this. I promise.” Alaric finished, exiting the hall.
“You going to evacuate?”
“I’m not leaving my bed. I’m too tired to evacuate and if I pack to evacuate like this, I’ll probably forget something.” You admitted to Lock who just nodded, following you up back to the dorms.
“Also we have like 4 exams in the morning so...goodnight.” You stated, smiling at Lock as she reached her room, returning the smile before you continued to your room. The corridors and areas of the school falling more quiet as students evacuated. You practically jumped into bed as you landed with a flump, covering yourself with all your blankets until you were cocooned.
“What’s happening?” “I think she’s having a nightmare.”
You frowned in your sleep as you rolled over, landing uncomfortably in a car. “What the...” You mumbled eyes drifting from out of the window to the ones driving.
“Mumma? Mama?”
You stared in horror as the Phoenix Sword slammed into the car, catching Nora on the arm in the process.
“No, no, no, no, I don’t want to relive this, not again.” You whimpered, staring in horror as you watched your mothers began to chant and siphon the Phoenix Sword.
“There is no life without you.” “What about Y/n?”
“Oh god, there’s no time.”
“I love you.”
“I love you.” “No, no, no, wake up, wake the fuck up.”
“What the fuck!? I don’t know what you want, I don’t know!” You screamed as a cloaked figure grabbed you, pulling you from the car and forcing you to watch.
“YOU KNOW WHAT I WANT!” “NO I DON’T! NO!” You screamed louder as you watched, the car enshrouded in fiery orange and yellow sparks, black smoke choking you before you fell to your knees.
“NO!” You screamed, waking up in your bedroom in shock. A high pitched whimper escaped your lips as you turned on the lamp, eyes bursting with salty tears as your breathing increased.
“Mumma. Mama...” You whimpered wrapping your arms around yourself in attempt to hug yourself.
Nora whimpered as she tried to reach out to you, hand falling through your shoulder like it did every time as Mary Louise violently wiped at her tears. [B/m/n] stared in shock and horror at what had just happened, a bad feeling in her gut.
“I’m sorry.” Your voice crackled at your apology before you felt the wetness on your wrist. Blood. The red liquid escaping from a scratch.
You had been up since 5am, running on caffeine and grief as you showered away your tears, writing in your journal until 7am.
Another emergency meeting apparently.
“Our latest monster is a Night Hag, a malevolent spirit trapped on the astral plain that can only interact with us through dreams. In this case, nightmares.”
“Well, in the sense that what happens to you in your dreams seems to also happen to your in real life, yes. But the good news is we’re safe so long as we stay awake. I’ve lined up more evacuation schedules. They should be running all afternoon, so please, for those who don’t want to stay and fight, take advantage of them. All right, that’s all.”
“That hag made Y/n relive your sacrifice... she blames herself for you two dying.” [B/m/n] realised causing Nora and Mary Louise to frown. “Why would she blame herself...” “Mary Lou, we were coming back for her when Rayna came after us...”
“She thinks that if we didn’t come back for her-” “You two may have made it out alive.” [B/m/n] affirmed.
“Come on, we’ve got an exam soon.” You mumbled to Lock who nodded.
“I don’t want to go to Lockwood Mansion.” She admitted after a while causing you to turn around. “Nobody’s forcing you to... it’s the memories and the what if’s, isn’t it?” You asked causing Lock to stop walking, looking down at her feet and fiddling with your fingers.
“I did the same thing with my mothers. I’d have nightmares about how they died and wonder what if they survived, what would have been different... I’d spend so much time thinking of what ifs that I lost track of reality... Lock... as much as everyone who has a traumatic past like ours wants to, we can’t change the past-”
“What if’s...” Nora whispered to herself, wondering if there was an alternate reality where she and Mary Louise had lived and raised you or even one where [B/m/n] had lived and raised her only child.
“I know it’s just... I’m the illegitimate child of a now deceased founding family of Mystic Falls, I don’t want anyone to find out because I’m going to have to deal with it all when I turn 18. Anyway... class is that way I think-” Lock replied, changing the subject. You frowned at this before you began to walk to the class.
“I am running on caffeine and spite.” Lock grumbled as she threw a revision card at you. Physics. Delightful.
“Same but instead of spite it’s grief. Pretty sure the Night Hag tried to kill me last night.” you admitted in your tired state causing Lock to look up from her textbook readings.
“What. Why didn’t you tell me?” She asked, shoving the textbook to the side, now a lot more energetic than before.
“I was traumatised, bawling my eyes out at 4am over watching the same old scenes. My mothers in the car. The Phoenix Stone landing in the car, cutting Nora so Mary Louise began to siphon the sword. She wasn’t enough and was dying anyway from The Vampire Huntress’ blood... Nora started siphoning the sword too... saying there was no life without Mary Louise... they were coming back for me. One of my biggest what ifs is, if they didn’t come back for me, would they have not been caught by Rayna Cruz?” You admitted causing Lock’s eyes to soften.
Nora and Mary Louise exchanged blank looks, faces void of emotion but their eyes said it all. Broken despair.
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore, let’s just keep looking at Marxist explanations of social inequality.” 
“Okay...” Lock said apprehensively, eyebrows furrowed and eyes on your wrist where the Night Hag’s scratch was exposed.
“So MG has fallen asleep and I think Landon fell asleep during MG’s Dracula presentation apparently.” Lock mumbled to you as the two of you collected your batches of energy herbs to help you stay awake.
“Tastes like tea but it’s not tea.” You mumbled as you sipped the concoction with a slight grimace causing Lock to laugh, almost spluttering in hers.
“Please don’t make me laugh I don’t want to drink this stuff much, let alone spill it all over myself and smell of it all day.” Lock replied causing you to let out an amused breath.
“It doesn’t smell that bad, it’s just a little bit bitter.”
“Like Jed after Rafael beat him for the status of Alpha.” Lock replied causing you to raise an eyebrow. 
“Where is Rafael anyway?” You asked causing Lock to shrug.
“I think he saw more in his dream than he’s telling because he’s super awkward and avoiding everyone, especially Hope.” 
“Hope’s avoiding me and Landon too... do you think she knows something or is it Hope being Hope? I’ve known that girl since I was 7 yet even when I think I understand her, something else comes up.” You replied, waving your hands around in a dramatic shrug.
“Weren’t the crystals in your ring white?” Lock asked after a while, eyes locked on your fingers.
“The ring reacts to darkness... Malivore wiping memories made it react...” [B/m/n] realised causing Mary Louise to frown. “Just who was Angelo and why wasn’t he in some form of heaven?”
“He said he had a job to do.”
“Huh...that’s weird, I didn’t drop it in coffee this time either... I’ll look into it after we finish revising Infradian Rhythms.” You mumbled causing Lock to sigh.
“Periods and Seasonal Affective Disorder?”
“A black-winged what?” Kaleb asked causing you to glance at him before looking at Hope and Landon.
“Shape-shifting dream demon.” They both said at the same time causing you to roll your eyes. “I know it sounds bad but now that we know what the creature is, we can fight it.” Hope stated making you frown.
“How are they supposed to fight that monstrosity?” “I have no bloody clue.”
“How the hell are we supposed to kill a dream demon?” Rafael enquired causing you to butt in. “What he said.”
“Leave that part to me. But since I can’t fall asleep without compromising the location of the urn, I need someone else to pull it out of the dream plain and into our waking reality.” Hope explained making Lock grimace.
“An urn nobody else remembers or remembers where it came from.” She whispered to you causing you to hum quietly.
“They’re getting suspicious at least.” Hope knows more than she’s letting on.” “You don’t think because she’s a tribrid that she remembers things Malivore wiped away do you?”
“No. I mean, I’m not going to ask all of you to stay for this, it has to be your choice.” Hope stated making you sigh.
“I’m not leaving unless Hope does.” Landon stated, standing up.
“We already know the answer to that so...” Hope sarcastically grumbled.
“I’m not leaving unless Lock does.” You replied causing Lock to jump up along side you. “What are you doing?” She whispered frantically to you. “You can go if you want.”
“Pulling a The 100 season 6 and facing my demons.”  You stated determinedly, crossing your arms at Lock’s expression.
“What’s The 100?” “Another tv show Y/n watched from 2014. She likes the women in it...” Nora and Mary Louise raised an eyebrow at that as [B/m/n] just smirked at what she had just said.
“I’m a founding member of the super squad so I can’t bail.” MG stated, standing up with a hand over his chest, proudly.
“Y’all going to get yourselves killed.”
“Then our parents can move on from their suffering of having to watch us deal with these monsters all the time.” You mumbled to yourself making Lock glare at you with a warning look in her eyes.
“She better not. She has so much to live for, a whole life ahead of her.” “I think it bothers her it’s a life without us.” “How could it not bother her?”
“But if MG stays, I stay. No child left behind.” Kaleb replied.
“In that case, it’s naptime.” Hope snarked causing you to roll your eyes.
“I have a tendency to move in my sleep so we are not hugging or anything because I will probably kick you in the face or something stupid.” You mumbled causing Lock to laugh. “That or I just end up scratching you since I have a weird habit of having t-rex arms in my sleep.” That made you laugh as you sat on the large floor mattress cushion.
“Oh god they are flirting.” Lock laughed as she glanced over at the doorway causing you to turn your head. “Because I wanted to see that before I face a dream demon in my nightmares...” You replied sarcastically, grabbing your pillow to put under your head. 
Turning onto your side, you slipped one hand under the pillow, the other dangling with your legs as one of your legs tilted up at 90 degrees, eyes shut to face Lock who was lying on her back with her arms crossed.
“Here we go...” [B/m/n] whispered to herself, Nora and Mary Louise watching in anticipating, your body was twitching and you were making weird noises as you slipped into REM sleep. Stage 5 of the sleep cycle. Ultradian rhythms.
A prickling of fear hit you as you woke up in the familiar scene.
“This is just a dream, there is nothing you can do, mumma and mama are already dead and have been for years-” You mumbled under your breath, glancing around.
“COME ON THEN! DO YOUR WORST!” you shouted before you heard that scream, looking to your right, the scene changed.
“Lock? Oh hell no! You think using someone who is still alive will make me give up that urn?” You growled, realising you, Lock, Mary Louise and Nora were now in the car about to explode.
“Unlike the others she lives, but for how long? Everything you touch dies one way or another. Everyone you love dies.” The growl of the night hag made you glare.
“You say that but you’re not even in your true form.” You snarked, a smirk on your face.
“And neither are you, youngling.”
“W-what?” Your smirk dropped before you turned your head towards Nora and Mary Louise.
“I love you.” “I love you.”
“I’m too late.” You realised as the car exploded and you jerked awake in the real world.
“Hope? Hope!”
“Holy shit.” You mumbled, tugging you hand away from Lock’s as you awoke with hands outreached to each other. “Did they seriously reach for each other in their sleep?” “Yes, yes they did.”
“Are we alive, dude? Did we win?” MG asked, getting up off the floor.
“Hey, is everybody okay?” Rafael asked but you didn’t really react, getting up off the floor with self-hatred tugging at your feet.
“You see any dead dream demons laying around?” Kaleb replied sarcastically.
“Y/n? You okay?” Lock enquired, trying to meet your eyes that were trained on your hands. Your fingers trembled for a while before you pressed your hand onto the floor siphoning. You were the only witch left besides Hope. You needed to be ready. “Something’s wrong.” Nora realised, the blank look on your face causing her to pale slightly.
“Where is Hope?” Landon asked, distressed as heck.
“She was in my dream and then, I don’t know, she was gone.” Rafael stuttered making you look up with a frown.
“What was Hope doing in your dream?” You and Landon both asked at once as the ceiling lights began to shake.
“Holy nutterbutters.” Lock exclaimed loudly as the doors were blown apart and a winged creature was thrown through.
You began to chant under your breath as you spotted Hope, increasing the gravity around the demon to force it to stay on the ground as Hope lunged.
Hope was on top of the creature as you continued chanting, trying to force the creature to stop choking Hope with its clawed hand.
“Hope!” Alaric exclaimed as he ran in, throwing an arrow to Hope.
You gagged as Hope snapped the arrow in half, stabbing both halves into the creatures eyes, watching the creature fade into darkness.
A song echoed in your head as you and Lock followed the others from the gym.
“And now my favourite colour is blue...”
Standing in the middle of your room, all you felt was emptiness. Glancing around as memories filled you. Sleeping in between Nora and Mary Louise because nobody knew how to build a cot. Nora reading you stories and poems like her favourite, The Nymph’s Reply to the Shepherd. You remembered as a baby how [B/m/n] would sing one specific lullaby to calm you to sleep. You remembered Valerie taking you away from Mystic Falls after all that had happened. You also remembered Valerie leaving you at the school. Everyone you loved leaves you somehow. Hope and Lock were in danger. The twins were in danger.
“Where do we go, when it’s all over...” You sung quietly to yourself, glancing at yourself in the mirror. Just what did that monster mean when it said you weren’t in your true form?
“Y/n...” “Oh baby girl... I wish we could help her.”
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There’s a World Where All Your Dreams Came True
136 notes · View notes
sestra-inestro · 5 years
My Marvellous
Notes: This is part two of My Amazing. This one is much longer and not exactly written the best but what is? Contains a lot of flashbacks - I’m a sucker for writing them - and it’s focused around the readers life with Steve. I also prefer to name my readers June instead of Y/N, just a bit neater. And the alien species was a species in the Marvel comics but I’ve changed it a bit. And Ugo is inspired by Ghost from GoT, I just needed it.
1. My Amazing
Summary: You say thank you to another parental figure in your life.
Warnings: ENDGAME SPOILERS!!Smidge of angst, violence, fluff, talks of Tony Stark.
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Steve held your hand tightly through the entire funeral. Your eyes now stung from the amount of tears that had left them but you couldn’t stop them. Pepper placed the wreath onto the water and you watched as the arc reactor surrounded by flowers drifted away on the lake of their home.
You sniffle and take a deep breath and smiled. His sacrifice brought everyone together. Even after everything, everyone still came to honour him. You were proud, proud that his death meant something, proud that he was able to find redemption in the later years of his life for whatever he had done. And proud that he found his happiness.
You were now seated on the chair on the dock, Ugo next to you as you softly stroked his head He had grown a considerable amount since Tony found him. The small ivory puppy was now a big stark white wolf that reached your waist when he stood. He could feel the emotions you let off and never left your side.
“Hey.” You heard a soft voice behind you. You turned your head slowly to see Steve standing behind you.
“Hey.” You offered a soft smile and gestures for him to sit next to you. He placed himself next to you after scratching Ugo behind his ear.
“Just wanted to check on you. See how you were doing?” Steve said.
You looked out at the lake. The sun and clouds reflecting off the water as you remembered the flowers that graced it just hours before.
“Yeah, I’m good.” You said
Steve frowned. “Are you sure?”
“Positive.” You gave him a reassuring squeeze on the arm. “I think seeing everyone say goodbye gave me more closure and understanding.” You smiled to yourself. “I’m happy now.”
Steve smiled at back at you. He pulled his arm around your shoulders and pulled you to him. He kissed your forehead softly and sighed. You really were grown up.
“I might get a tattoo.” You immediately kill his thought.
“Excuse me?” Steve frowned and looked down at you.
You gave him big innocent eyes. “Yeah. Something sweet.” You watched as Steve narrowed his eyes at you. “Maybe a tramp stamp.”
You chuckle as you watch him cringe and pull away from you.
“Never happening.” He told you firmly.
“Yeah I know.” You beamed yo at him.
Steve smile down at you then offered his hand. “C’mon. I need you to help me with something.
You now stood in your pyjamas watching Steve get ready to go back and put the stones in their right timelines.
Ugo stood next to you also watching.
“How long is this gonna take?” You asked with your arms crossed over your chest.
“Five seconds for us, however long he needs for him.” Bruce said from behind his station.
You nodded and frowned.
“What?” Steve asked you.
“It just would’ve been cool to see a Guns ‘n’ Roses concert, you know.” You pouted.
Steve chuckled and shook his head.
“Or a Rage Against the Machine. Or Queen! Oh my god a Queen concert.” You were becoming dramatic.m, which made Steve smile more. You were definitely under heavy influence of Tony.
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Little you was reaching up the cupboard to try and grab at the record player that was player some of Steve’s old music. He was babysitting you whole Tony was having date night.
“Ah, ah, ah.” Steve moved little hand away from the needle and picked you up. “You could hurt yourself. Or even break the player.”
You crossed your arms and gave him a pout.
“No.” Steve said.
You pouted harder.
“No.” Steve said again, this time more sternly.
You pouted once again, pushing your bottom lip out as far as you could.
“You’re a minx, you are.” He pulled your body to lay in his arms and started to tickle you.
Your little giggles ran through his apartment as you kick and squirm in his grasp.
The buzz to his apartment block sounded and you both stopped and lifted your heads to look at each other with excited expression.
“Pizza time!”
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Steve could hear the loud music flowing from your room.
The voice of Freddie Mercury clear as day as you were still going through your Queen phase.
Tony was quite proud of himself as you grew to love the music he showed you. You had non-stop been playing 70s, 80s and 90s rock hits all month.
Suddenly, the music changed to a heavy metal rock sound and lyrics became fast and violent. Steve and Tony lifted their heads and looked at each other, confusion etched across their faces. The door to your room swung open and you waltzed into the kitchen, little Ugo following you with a happy tail and the music still playing.
Steve and Tony watched you carefully as you pulled juice from the fridge.
Steve cringed even more as he heard the foul language the singers were using.
“So...” Steve spike up. You turned your head, looked at him and raised an eyerbrow. “This is an interesting song.”
You smiled at him. “It’s different isn’t it?”
“Very.” Tony added in.
“What’s It called?” Steve asked as you put he juice back and grabbed your cup to head back to your room.
“Violent Pornography.” You said happily and walked passed him.
Steve’s face went pale as those words left your mouth. You were technically only 5, regardless of how old your body said you were. As they heard the door shut again, Steve’s head whipped around to glare at Tony. The man held his hands up in surrender.
“What? I didn’t show her System Of A Down. She found that all by herself.” Tony stuck his tongue out at Steve.
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Rhodey’s phone buzzed and your name flashed across the screen. Steve caught a glimpse of your name and his heart lurched. He hadn’t seen you in years. Since he went into hiding after going against the Accords, he knew that you would’ve stayed with Tony. No matter what.
Doesn’t mean he didn’t miss his little girl.
“June, where are you?” Rhodey asked.
Steve could hear your voice through the phone.
“I’m still in DC. I’ll get a private plane to Wakanda but I need you to take Ugo.” Your voice has become just a little deeper. You sounded like a woman. In the years he had missed you, you had grown much more. Now in the body of a twenty-something year old woman.
Rhodey turned from his place on the quinjet to see the big wolf waiting just at the entrance.
“Oh, hell no.” Rhodey protested. “That thing is not coming on the jet.”
Ugo growled at him and you scolded him.
“Be nice.” You told him sternly and Steve smiled. “You know he can’t be at the compound by himself. Just take him with you and I’ll be there soon.” You then hung up.
Ugo didn’t wait for permission and hopped on the jet and huddled himself in a secluded corner.
“Okay, cool.” Rhodey mumbled wearily as the steered clear of the full grown wolf.
“Ms Stark’s jet has entered the border.” Shuri’s voice sounded as Steve watched the jet land just before the kingdom.
He couldn’t see her as she walked into the palace but Ugo could sense her as she neared. He became excited and anxious to see her. Steve’s and Ugo’s ears picked up and heels clacked towards them.
The doors were opened and a woman dressed fully in white stepped through, Ugo leapt at her and she bent down to scratch him, back facing the team.
“Hey buddy!” You gleamed at the wolf. “Did you have to ride with the mean little Tin Man? Huh?”
The wolf whined loudly in response, making out how mistreated he was during the ride to Wakanda. Rhodey scoffed from his place next to Steve, making you turn your head to them.
Your face had formed and slimmed down in your body development. You stood and turned to them. You now had more curve to your body and you were a little taller. You were the physical embodiment of a woman and that made Steve’s heart lurch even more. The little girl who grew up around superheroes was now a strong woman who could clearly hold her own.
The entire team stepped closer as you stepped away from Ugo.
“You’re grown.” Steve uttered out.
“And you’re hairy.” You raised an eyebrow. “They don’t shave in Rome?”
Steve chuckled. Tony really rubbed off on you. You oozed his sarcastic comments. And the way you stood in a white pant suit, you took his fashionable influence as well.
You smiled as Nat rushed forward, pushing passed Steve to hug you.
“I missed you.” Nat held you close. Squeezing your neck and her face in your hair.
“I missed you too, Mumma.”
Nat stepped back and smiled so much her eyes squeezed.
Steve held his head low as he stepped towards you. He knew that you would’ve been upset with him when Tony came home after the events in Germany.
He looked at you with sorrowful eyes. The expression on your face was unreadable. He wasn’t sure if you would allow him to hug you or even touch you.
He knew what he did was what he thought was the best thing to do, but it also hurt some people on the way. You, emotionally, being one of them.
“Good to see you, Cap.” You told him, offering a tight smile.
“You too, June.” Steve’s shoulders sagged.
“Captain Rogers.” T’Challa spoke up. “We have hostiles just outside the border. We will need your help.”
Steve straightened up and put on his captain demeanour.
“Team. Suit up.” He said sternly. “Wanda, you stay her with Vision. June, you stay here too.”
“I can help you know.” You told him.
“No. Stay.” Steve have you a look, but you weren’t having it.
“You are not my captain. If it comes to it, I will fight.” Your voice rose and stood up to him.
Steve stopped for a moment. You had never actually yelled at him before. You cried yes, but never went against him. Rhodey placed a hand on Steve’s shoulder. “She’s good. She can handle herself.” He reassured Steve.
Steve nodded and walked passed him, not having the patience or time to argue with you.
“You got a suit?” Rhodey asked you.
You lifted your wrist to show him your beaded bracelet that Tony made you when your powers developed a year ago.
Rhodey nodded once before following Steve out.
Ugo walked up to you and whimpered slightly.
“We’ll be okay. You can do this.” You reassured him and massaged his ear.
Steve was at the end of his rope. The fight had gone on but now they were losing again. The Outriders were overpowering them and Vision and Wanda were out. Thor and his new companions were slowly tiring out. As Steve punches another Outrider away from him, a loud boom rumbled from behind him and shook the ground. Before he could turn around to see what he thought was an explosion, a flash of white shot passed him.
Your scream echoed in his ear as he followed the white streak and saw you. Surrounded by wisps of black energy. You didn’t scream, it was a war cry. Outriders flew backwards as a black transparent force shoved them. Others launched at you and you caught them mid air with your powers and flung them to the side.
One Outrider you caught with your hand and struggled with, while another went to come at you from behind. Before it could get to you Ugo’s snarl sounded and the Outrider was taken away in the jaws of the wolf, who was now much bigger than he had been before. Standing above everyone, Ugo tore into the Outrider splattering it’s blue blood everywhere.
He dropped the Outrider and you sent a massive wave of black energy to hold up a barrier and send them flying back.
Slowly, you turned to Steve. Your eyes were pitch black with power, you had a hard expression and blue blood stained your suit.
Steve now understood. You could on your own in the battle field. He accepted.
He nodded at you and raised an eyebrow. You held up your hand and closed your fist, the bracelet lighting up and creating a highlighted invisible force over your body. A protective suit.
“Let’s go.” Steve said and you two ran together into the Outriders with Ugo behind you.
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You stood with the Secretary of State. Secretary Ross always got on your nerves, ever since his smug face gave your family the Accords.
“Ms June Stark, please tell me why we shouldn’t arrest you and Captain Rogers.” He asked you. “Because as far as I know, you and your family of heroes is the reason everyone disappeared.”
You rolled your eyes.
“You’re not going to arrest us because we are your last hope.” You narrowed your eyes at him. “You think you are the only one who lost people. News flash. Everyone did.” You crosses your arms. Natasha also had a strong influence on you.
You were standing between him and Steve. Ross glared down at you, he knew he couldn’t do anything. All his authority went out the window when he walked into the room.
“You know, you don’t look like an eight year old.” Ross smirked at you.
“I don’t punch like one either.” You warned him. “Leave me and my family alone, and let us help the world.” You pointed at him with a blue bloodied finger before turning, grabbing Steve’s arm and walking out of the room.
“Thank you, June.” Steve muttered.
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You stood on the new spaceship with everyone, preparing to go after Thanos. Since Tony came back you’ve been losing yourself in your thoughts. You thought you lost him amongst the victims of the Snap and you were emotional.
Unbeknownst to you, Rocket was staring up at you. He knew you were alien, and he had a feeling he knew what type of alien. And you didn’t.
Without thinking, he pulled out a little knife and gave your arm a little slice.
You gasped and held your arm, looking down at him.
Fast, you punched the raccoon is the face and away from you.
“Hey!” Steve said in warning as he stepped in front of you and glared at Rocket.
“You don’t know what you are, you do.” Rocket groaned as he stood back up.
Steve turned to you to check out your arm, seeing it was healing itself fast and fine.
The green blood disappearing.
“What are you talking about?What is she then?” Steve growled at Rocket.
“Your species was wiped out by Ebony Maw a few years ago. I remember because I was there. You’re powers didn’t develop until your body reached twenty, right?” Rocket said, getting closer to you.
Steve still had a firm grip on your arm. He looked at you, sad. Your real family had died at the hands of someone who took your other father figure to space.
You nodded at the raccoon.
“You’re an Agullo. And you are the last of your kind.”
Steve turned and studied your face, seeing the skepticism in your expression and the stubbornness.
You looked him in the eyes with tears in yours. He rubbed your arm softly.
“It’s going to be okay.”
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“I’m sure they would’ve been amazing.” Steve said to you as you pouted. “Maybe later on we can go time travelling.”
You grinned at him and nodded.
You had taken the time to process Tony’s death and you were okay. He was confident that you were going to continue to be okay. With new friends and more influences. You’d be okay.
“See you in a bit.” Steve winked at you.
“And going in 3...2...1.” Bruce counted down and pressed his button.
The portal took Steve quickly and you waited from Bruce to count again.
“Junie.” Morgan’s small voice said from behind you.
“Yeah?” You turned and looked at her.
“Can you help me with this please?” Morgan lifted up a piece of paper.
“I sure can.” You walked into the house and followed her.
After helping Morgan you walked back outside to see Steve. Only to see nothing, the portal still closed and Bruce standing at his station.
“Where is he?” You asked.
Bruce looked at you and smiled. He pointed behind you and you turned and saw Bucky and Sam with an older man walking towards you.
The old man was holding a backpack and Sam was holding Steve’s shield.
“What?” You uttered in confusion.
You looked at the old man to see a familiar pair of blue eyes.
“Steve?” You raised an eyebrow.
“Hey there, minx.” The old man smiled. “I missed you.”
You frowned and tilted your head, processing the scene in front of you.
“What happened to just...” You looked at the portal and turned back to him. “coming back?”
Steve gave a tired chuckle. “You could say I found a reason to stay.”
“Yeah, well now you look one hundred.” You gesture to the new found wrinkles around his eyes, which made all the men chuckle.
“Well I did bring something back for you.” Steve opened the backpack and took out a red and white king crown.
Your eyes widened and you gasped.
“Is that...” Your mouth hung open and you couldn’t finish your sentence.
“The crown of the one and only Freddie Mercury.” Steve started proudly, holding out the crown.
“You stole it?” You asked incredulously.
Steve laughed and shook his head. “Tossed it right into the crowd during a concert in 1986.”
You gasped again. “You went to a Queen concert?!”
Steve smiled at your excitement.
“Here.” He offered you he crown.
You carefully held onto the crown and took it into your hands, gleaming at it.
“This was on Freddie Mercury’s head. And Roger Taylor’s!” You squealed.
“Am I forgiven?” Steve asked you.
“Oh, you are so forgiven.” You grinned at him and started to back away with the crown to show Pepper. “Hell, you can go back and do it again if you want. Bring me some more stuff?”
Steve smiled and shook his head and Bucky and Sam laughed at you. Bruce shook his head as he knew he wasn’t going to hear the end of your excitement any time soon.
“Maybe George Michael’s earring? Slash’s top hat?” You gasped at yourself. “I want that hat.”
Steve laughed again. He was glad.
You stopped in your tracks and ran back towards him. Being careful of his new frail body, you wrapped your arms around him in a hug. One he hasn’t felt in a very long time.
He lifted his arms and hugged you tightly.
“Thank you, dad.” You smiled up at him.
He smiled back down at you, little tears forming in his old eyes.
“No, thank you, minx.”
Part 3
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ramblingshit · 5 years
Jane Eyre - 1996 - 2/5
what even is acting. what even is a script.
wasn't gonna do this one but fuck it's aunt petunia and rogue. here we go.
lots of credits fairo. more credits. damn fukin eh - i hear you're a wicked child! lol hi. now we're talking about hell and where bad people go. 'keep well and not die' ahaha m8. fkn reed putting seed in that she's a liar. teach her at her prospects, don't let her come back, she's a lying little shit take her away from here. he's appropriately scary oh shit she's saying this in front of the priest. damn tear that lady a new one. unruly, obstinate, wicked, deceitful, man these people hate kids who act out. walks in and damn she's on teh stool already - IS THAT THE LADY FROM PERSUASION. damn she just got here and he's telling everyone to not trust her, she doesn't get to eat and has to stand - she's just done hours of travelling fuckin assholes. IT IS THE LADY FROM PERSUASION. shes got dark hair and dark eyes and shes like glaring at everyone like shes onna kill him in their sleep. lol enjoy helen while she's alive. eatin bread and cheese in bed like she's not gonna get crumbs. omg telling these kids how to stand properly what why this lady hate her she's gonna cane her for not washing her hands. bish doesn't even flinch go helen. 'cleanliness is next to godliness' alright crazy. this school is a lot more chill than most of the others - they're laughing and doing what they want as well as learning and playing games. making jane out to be a pro artist. oh no ol mate saw her with her hair out. no dont cut it. 'vanity?' shes out here with naturally long, red and curly hair and he's out here calling her vain? because he recognises it as lovely she must be vain about it? what a fkn dickhole get off your high horse sexist moron pig anus head. what. he's saying her naturally  iwgh what i don't even understand his shit - it isn't offending him thats the issue its her naturally occuring sin and vanity (because her hair exists?) that is the issue??  what. lol go Jane. NO. oh fuck go Jane go. this guyyyy. don't do it Jane. chin held high she only does it when Helen nods at her to. DAAAAAAAAMN. took of her own bonnet. if Helen's hair goes so does Janes. they stood together looked at each other and flipped their heads over for him to go snip snip, bish looked shock and actually stepped back in horror. What a bae. Helen's fkn dying send help. fuck this lady should not be working with children considering how much she hates children. o shit where's helen. her beds all rolled up. can hear her hacking away in the distance. yikes that sounds bad. jane be creepin. oh fuck she's a terrible actress even as a kid. who honestly thinks its a good idea to hire her. she lying in her dying friend's bed and she's breathing all over her. isn't anna paquin australian? no? ah new zealand fairo. oh fuck Helen's daed. she's trying to squeeze out tears ahah oh no. she can't manage it. anna go back to new zealand you suck at acting who hired you ever. Riparoonies helen. that was actually the greatest jane and helen moment i've seen tbh. oh damn cool transition as she walked from helen's grave - she went from kid to adult. whats this part down the midde all of them got. Miss Temple fam, persuasion lady, fantastic lady, crying as Jane leaves like her mumma. this jane is long-flat-faced with a long protruding jaw, and very tall and skinny. thornfield looks like its already burned down ahaha. straight up castle here. she's got her drawing stuff as well as her bag. nice friendly ol mate meets her and opens the gates - big ass square this is some game of thrones shit yearh this place is like medieval more than victorian. the middle parted hair and the curled twists behind her head they're pretty much exactly the same in most Janes. all chillin and chatting about this together rather than completely separate. adele actually legit sounds french rather than just pretending? noice. dreary, cold, dark halls. her room is bright and airy with a four-poster bed and bay windows and lots of very nice furniture. river runs beside it; enormous tapestries; main gallery with lots of furniture and paintings and sculpures all covered in sheets with windows open to let in light; the doors are very large and heavy. Janes got a very long neck she looks legit like a fkn swan lmao. ooh a rochester backstory. well-travelled, intelliegent, can't tell if he's talking in jest or in earnest, or if he is pleased or irritated, not a happy man. they're just walking about in his rooms. the sun shines bright but cannot reach them through the thick mist. they're very soft-spoken. god her head is so far forward she's like the alien - long ass neck stretching forward and then her chin and jaw stretching wayyyy forward. wack wack anatomy.  it's very dark and dreary. she's off for a walk leaving adele to do like 5 sums. oh she's been here five minutes and they're already meeting. the music is like ... not appropriately intense? he just sorta looked at her, the horse tripped over and then he was on the floor and she's like whoops uh you alright bro. he's outright lying and pretending that he's not rochester his hair is grotty he's got like no hair on top they've just tries to scraggle it. this is so stunted and awkward. i hope it gets better. he's very gentle and she's pretty nonexistent to far. my god very gentle man. what. is he even rochester? that's a german shepherd. noice. playin chess by himself by the fire lol. this movie would be made infinitely better by an actual soundtrack. they're all chilling together again it's interesting - adele and fairfax and rochester and jane. wait she's been here 4 months. it literally didn't show anything about her chilling here. she talked back and now he's grumpy lol. what a terrible start compared to like... every other first convo. isn't she supposed to be not great at piano and yet she's teaching adele -- wait now we're at another convo between the duo. this convo is the other half of --- wait now we're talking sketches? jesus she hmm what are they talking about she's being forward and fuck her chin twists forward as she speaks she kinda looks like the wicked witch of the west. he's judging her drawings like he can do better. this is a mess? the best part about this so far is adele.  there's no sense of time. adele is gorgeous honestly. she's pale and gaunt with bags beneath her eyes. wait here's the next part of the conversation. blunt and brusque replies from her. god they're so obviously acting its painful. they have no chemistry because the CONVERSATION IS ALL OVER THE PLACE. they've done it on pruspose to try stretch things out a bit but like plz EY why he scrunch up the drawing wtf. 'and remember the shadows are as important as the light'. dudes. these are private conversations? it would be alright to try it more naturally but they're just not the kind of things you casually say. it's impersonal and there's no intimacy. sit there and watch a kid dance to the sound of a music box. he's so grumpy looking. now snapping at the kid. he's annoying. like a violent dude he feels more like a nice guy quick to snap - definitely kinda unhinged. and now drunk. hmm i don't like it. she told him not to be mean to adele and he rages about her mother, 'you've made adele feel unwanted and unloved' damn this Jane goes for the throat. she's too good for him I can see it now m8. he's a psycho run. red flag red flag. don't like it. lol he wake up like huh.... oh look beds on fire... huh... well suppose i should sort it out... huh... fuck they're barely acting huh. do they even want to be here. how much are these guys getting paid. he's literally a drunk. and has she had a drink in her life? she just went for it? omg so impersonal - isn't he supposed to be already half in love with her by this point? camera angle just flicks forward and back as the conversation goes on and when theres action it just pans back to the widest shot ever lol just show the entire scene why give any emphasis or focus to anything who needs reaction shots and feelings of being in it rather than observing it. fkn ey. he's literally just an angry blitering brooding drunk yikes. he's staring at her tits? these conversations man... he definitely just said jade instead of jane. m8 don't tell me he didn't. there's more intimacy between all the servants and jane and feeling more like an actual squad living together than there is any feeling between rochester and jane. adeles got a frog lol cute. 'you're a fool,' jane tells her reflection. this music is so shit it's bringing everything down. rochester, who's been an unfeeling ass the whole time, holds her hand once and now she's got a big crush on him. she's very spirited - to the point where she could too easily be cruel. like it's not just a repressed forcefulness it's like a hidden rage. can see her going mad and chopping someone up with icy rage and poised pleasure. wonder if i'm in a mood and interpreting this wrong? but honestly. dancing rochester now? instead of singing. adele is glaring at Mrs Ingram who just insulted jane lolol go kid she's definitely the best part. the background people actually make this place feel alive and natural, completely unlike their FUCKING AWFUL conversations. jesus what. god could you have two people less interested in each other? i think this fairfax knows about bertha. there's a 'tapestry bedroom'? lol what does that mean. they're dancing, playing cards, piano, the lot. oh the walls are literally covered in tapestries, that's creepy af. theres so much blood my dude would be dead yo. will hurt like doesn't know how to act. wwait theyve skipped my 'fav scene'?? theyre shaking hands again, wtf is this. wait what shes just met stjohn n he;s the one telling her all about the reeds? petunias dying 'love me then or hate me as you will - you have my full and free forgiveness' - i cant forgive any version that misses that out: its so powerful as part of her character. stalking her while he smokes in the dark what a creeper. 'how cuold you be so stupid!' lol fight him Jane i dont even know how we got to kissing likr the movie is almost 2 hours and yet it feels SO rushed. literally took away all the secret courting and his sneaky declarations. shes a modern woman trapped in an old age.  she is so skinny. and with entirely stiff expressions. ew he makes me so uncomfortable. theyre not even trying lol. acting ey acting have u heard of it. just left jane at the altar like bye bitch.shes just in a giant empty ugly room. bertha is a very young and frightened girl but also very sick in the typical long white dress and long dark hair. god this guy is a whingebum. bertha understands everything he's saying. oh yikes lol she just whipped a log from the fire and went after Jane and Jane just put her veil back down with like a sigh turned and yeeted slowly away long ass veil over a white bonnet, silk cape thing in a dark hallway walking all miserable. she's outies lol he's just let her walk out? i love u and i love u. bye. bertha's taken another log from the fire and lit the wedding dress on fire along with the house ahaha. wait he let her leave the house then ran after her on horseback but had to stop after bertha lit the place on fire it started burning and we're actually seeing it happen? interesting. the house is burning, pepople are running, bertha's on the battlements and rochester is going up there to --oh fuck grace poole got yeeted over by bertha oh she's flying ahahaha jumped down to where she threw grace poole. rochesters in the fire. jane's off and racing. it's all happened at once. she went to stjohns, didn't even get dumped in teh marshes but down she goes after chilling in a coach for 3 days. shes been there a month. her jaw is so long and forward its creepy. again one fo the few telling her that she's wealthy from inheritance from her uncle. more backstory. she was deeply loved by her parents, now she's wealthy, lifes looking up but she's all upset after than asshole lol move on and be happy. she's hearing his voice on the wind like please chill. damn 6months. what. um. he's very awkwardly trying to propose? but its like the last half of the conversation with the first bit just cut out. so weird. she looks normal face-on. oh she decides after the proposal to go back - none of that chasing after voices nonsense. whoops that shit burned downnn. doggoooo is still alive. what a good boy. fuck me there's like no anticipation, no intensity, no build-up, no chemistry, it's so dry and cold and heartless. christ acting. act. acting. act. please. act. what is happening. act. she has the neck of a swan ol mate. fucking gross. their words are stilted, and not romantic in the slightest and especially not in their delivery. theyre walking with no kids but the dog but they're talking about the kids. oh my god. that was pretty fkn awful. like seriously not good.
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secret-rendezvous1d · 6 years
Alfs first time giving himself some pleasure? Do you see him going to Harry really confused as to why he’s hard?
I think, with the way that schools are developing and how information is becoming more and more easily accessible and much more in depth, sex education throughout his school life would do the most part of the birds and bees discussion. But, if he were to get confused over something happening to his body, like why he was suddenly sprouting hair between his legs or why he was feeling different between the thighs or why he was suddenly speaking with a deeper voice or why he ‘wet’ the sheets in his sleep, then I think he’d go to Harry for guidance and some male wisdom. I imagine he’d feel a little awkward having that kind of chat with his mumma. 
When it comes to masturbating, Harry is his go-to guy. 
As nerve-wracking as it would be, I think Alfie would really want to know the nitty-gritty bits of how to make himself feel good. He falls a bit shy in front of his father when he tells him that he’s touched himself in the shower and that he’s poked and prodded around down there and he’d explain how it felt nice and that he’s a little curious why it felt that good and why he wanted more. 
“D’yeh remember when I told you about, uhm, when you came to me when you had, uhm, when you had a dream? And yeh thought yeh wet the bed? And we had that big discussion on what it was?” Harry’s nervous as he speaks over his coffee mug. The Sunday newspaper, not that he had much interest in what the headlines were screaming at him, having been tucked back up and folded over and left by the fruit bowl on the dining room table. “Told you that it was a wet dream. That you, uhm, that you, Christ,” Harry coughs into his fist before he sits forward, “that you had a boner. An erection. We spoke about this, yeah?”
Alfie nods softly. His cheeks tinging a bright pink as he watches his father with tentative eyes.
“Erections are a sign of feeling good. That’s how men show they’re quite, uhm, quite satisfied and happy. You’re getting to that stage where you’ll be popping boners until you know how to control them,” he smiles softly to hide the build-up of nervous that filled his insides, “it’s normal to have them, okay? Completely normal. I had them more than you could imagine as a teenager.”
Harry nods; “when your mum came into the picture-”
He chuckles lightly as his son attempts to cover his eyes and his eyes at the same time. Shaking his bed-messed hair as he slumps down in his chair and knocks his knees against the panels beneath the tabletop.
“You’re trying to ask me how to have an orgasm, buddy. I think we’re both suffering here,” Harry informs him playfully, “they feel nice. You know when you really need to sneeze but you haven’t quite got there and then you let one go and it feels so much better?” Alfie nods. “Orgasms, they feel like that. Yeah. The feeling during the build-up might be really overbearing sometimes and it might take you some time to really get the feel for it. You just keep working through it. Once you’ve shot your, uh, when you’ve hit that big-time release, you shot semen. That’s where’s in yo-”
“I know that,” Alfie mumbles, “I just, I was curious about how to make myself feel, like, good.”
“Kids nowadays probably use the term wanking or something silly to make it less awkward because it can be quite a difficult conversation to pull through without wanting the ground to swallow you whole,” Harry snorts, “kind of like how you and I are feeling now.”
“So, that’s what they mean when they say ‘beating the bacon’? It means wanking? it means they’ve had orgasms?” Alfie questions as Harry nods softly, “okay. I get it now.”
Harry stands up from the dining table and reaches over to clap his son on the back.
“It’s normal to feel like you need to have some time to yourself, alright? That’s the feeling of being horny. Happens when you watch porn or see naked women or something that you find attractive,” he smiles, ducking his head down to press a kiss to his son’s head, “whatever floats your boat. So long as you’re feeling okay.” xx
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The Monster Behind The Mask: Remembering FRIDAY THE 13TH PART III
Friday the 13th Part III was released theatrically in the United States on Friday, August 13, 1982. 36 years ago tonight. Does that make you feel as old as Pamela Vorhees’ grey sweater? If the answer is a resounding ‘No, you fool – I was born in the 80’s, I had to wait at least a decade until I watched Jason mutilating camp counselors’, then welcome to this special look back on one of the more divisive Friday the 13th films. Grab your machetes, pull down your ice-hockey masks and don your wacky green/red 3-D spectacles, because we’re heading to Higgins Haven for some stabby-stabby fun with Jason Voorhees.
By the time Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981) came around in theaters, audiences had become swamped with low-quality slasher titles. Slasher film fatigue had set in hard, and although Jason’s second outing grossed over $21.7 million in the United States on a budget of $1.25 million, fans were disappointed with a rehashing of the original story, and it failed to pull in the original’s box office success. The fact that they gave no explanation to the ridiculous ending of Part II showed that the people in charge didn’t really put much value in the continuity or story progression. One thing everyone could agree on though: Jason needed to be scarier. He needed to be a real boogeyman. And to get there, there were going to need a gimmick to get that cold hard cash-vein open again. They needed…3D.
  A New Dimension In Terror
      The titles jumped out at you like Superman’s cosmic intro, only….cheaper looking. Not to mention a bombastic funky 70’s inspired theme that I totally dug, man. What you have to remember is that in 1982 although 3D film-making was still in its infancy (Jaws 3D anyone?) by 2010, it had become almost commonplace for any film released to be retrofitted for a new dimension of sight and sound. Friday the 13th Part III, however, paved the way for future 3D films. You may have a strong fondness for everything three dimensional, but for all the people that love donning plastic visors on their head the other bemoan the comically irritating ploy to cough up more money at the box office. I wear glasses and absolutely hate 3D films becuase it feels like I’m wearing glasses on top of glasses…which I am!
Unless you have your own pair of flimsy pre-revolutionary 3D glasses, (which I doubt you have) you’re going to see a lot of shots of people waggling sticks at the camera, having yo-yo’s thrown at them. You’ll also be treated to an overly long lingering shot of a crazy old man sticking an eyeball uncomfortably close to the screen. Steve Miner (who also directed Part II) returned to the director’s post to helm Friday the 13th: Part III and this new dimension of terror that continues straight after the events of Part 2.
The Higgins Haven Massacre
    Just like its predecessor, the film opens with an extraordinarily long recap of the previous film. We see final girl Ginny (Amy Steel) running away from ‘Baghead Jason,’ trapped in the makeshift cabin Jason has been holed up in with his mother’s severed head lovingly affixed to a small alter. Ginny tricks Jason into thinking she’s his mother, by donning her sweater and generally berating the child-like minded serial killer. Before she can use her machete on him however, Jason sees his mummified mumma’s head and avoids her killing blow. Paul (John Furey) appears and begins wrestling with Jason. While Jason is distracted, Ginny hacks him in slow-motion with his own machete. They assume he’s dead, but we see Jason slowly moving off the screen. Cue: Opening Credits.
Originally, Friday the 13th Part III was supposed to focus on lone survivor Ginny Field, (Sorry, Paul) who checks herself into a mental institution after her traumatic escapade with the pillow-wearing, dungaree killer. The film would have been similar in that vein to the popular Halloween II (1981), with Jason tracking down Ginny in the hospital, but that idea was abandoned when actress Amy Steel declined to reprise her role. Perhaps she didn’t want to be typecast as the scream queen for this particular franchise, but by 1986 she was again up on screen evading a knife-wielding killer in the slasher parody April’s Fool Day (1986). There was also speculation that producers were worried fans would reject a Friday the 13th which didn’t follow the established formula.
    I would love to find a script with this narrative, because the franchise may have steered in a different direction (or it could have died a horrible death right there and then). Every good franchise needs a protagonist the audience can root for. Alien (1979) had Ripley, A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) had Nancy and Halloween (1978) had Laurie. You could argue that Friday the 13th had Tommy Jarvis, but he didn’t appear until the fourth installment. Looks like Steel missed the boat on this one if the powers that be really wanted her as the series’ Final Girl. With 12 films, a whole bunch of novels, video games, and the short-lived television series under their belt though. it looks like they went the right way.
Our new group of young victims are as follows: New Final Girl Chris (Dana Kimmell), ‘Spanish Phoebe Cates’ Vera (Catherine Parks), hot and steamy couple Debbie (Tracie Savage) and Andy (Jeffrey Rogers), hippie potheads Chili (Rachel Howard) and Chuck (David Katims), and franchise favourite, the lovable self-deprecating prankster Shelly Finkelstein (Larry Zerner).
      The group arrives at Higgins Haven, a cottage (with a barn!) a mere stones-throw away from Packanack cabin, where the previous slaughter took place. The Scooby Doo/Cheech and Chong gang meet up with country farm boy Rick (Paul Kratka). It’s quickly established that he and Chris had a romantic tryst during their last summer at the lakeside cottage, and Rick instantly tries to get back to where things left off by feeling her up. Not cool, man. Not. Cool.
Chris explains that she wants to get to know him again but he responds that there are only so many ‘cold showers’ he could take. Wowzer. He essentially behaves like this for the entirety of the movie (bar one scene when Chris recounts a traumatic experience) but the weird thing is the filmmakers seem to want you to empathize with this guy – like he’s the hero of the movie. Film of the time, I guess?
      After some tomfoolery from Shelley (and without the slightest irony of axe-wielding maniac foreshadowing), we’re introduced to a group of bikers that marks the first time in the franchise we’re introduced to black actors. It’s just a shame that they turn out to be scumbags. All the while, Jason’s been hiding in the barn, looking menacing from an over the shoulder perspective. He dispatches of the bikers when they arrive at the cottage to take their revenge on Shelley and the gang, following an altercation at a shop in town. Don’t assume that Jason is here to protect anyone though. He quickly sets his sights on the college co-eds and, of course, things really ramp up when he dons the now iconic ice hockey mask for the first time.
People will argue what their favourite Friday the 13th movie is until the end of days. Did you like the characterization of the teenagers in Part 2 or 4? Did you simply enjoy the hack n’ slash nature of the original? Were you excited when Jason went to Hell? Some people just want to watch cheesy 80’s effects and have some popcorn while devouring grisly death sequences with their eyes. But something doesn’t sit right with the third outing. They could have gone a much deeper, darker route with Chris‘ that might have lead Mr. Vorohees‘ down a very sketchy road. I’m obviously talking about…
    The Final Girl
    Late in the film, we see Chris and Rick sharing some quality catch-up time together. Up until this point Chris has been hinting that something terrible happened to her but now she’s finally ready to share her story. Even after Amy Steel declined to return, it’s safe to assume that some fragments from earlier drafts were kept to highlight Ginny’s (now Chris’s) trauma from the previous movie.
Chris explains that, while on vacation, she came home late one night which caused her to have an argument with her folks. She fled her house and ran into the woods where she fell asleep under a tree. Some time later, she was awoken by the sound of footsteps. The footsteps belong to none other than Jason and he grabs at her legs as she struggles to get away. She goes on to explain that she woke up in her own bed the following morning, without any recollection of what transpired after she was captured.
    So what happened here? It’s unlikely that she would have survived an attack by Jason, so how did she escape? The series has been known for its nonsensical dream sequences and poorly crafted plot devices, but this is a pretty big moment for Jason. There are theories that she was raped by Jason and there are novels that further explain the story, but some people on the film claim this ambiguous resolution was always planned since actually outright calling it a rape would be too much for audiences to take at the time. Others say Dana Kimmell who played Chris, was a devout Mormon and forced the producer’s hand since she was uncomfortable with going so far as to call it a rape scene. However, at the start of the film, a reporter states that “Reports of cannibalism and sexual mutilations are still unconfirmed, at this hour.” It would seem that someone in the production wanted Jason to have a much darker streak than his previous appearances.
There are many articles and essays about The Final Girl in horror films, but this one scene could have changed the balance of how viewers perceived Jason Voorhees as a child-like killing machine with mommy issues, into something far more dangerous and disturbing.
    Friday the 13th Part III is a divisive film. The franchise needed a shot to the arm and ultimately it would be 3D effects supervisor Martin Jay Sadoff that inadvertently created a movie monster boogeyman. As it happens, Sadoff kept a bag full of hockey gear with him and the crew wanted a mask to avoid applying prosthetic make up on actor Richard Brooker all the time. This is the first film where we see Jason for an extended period of time, as opposed to keeping him in the shadows constantly. The plot is nonsensical, sure – the characters are paper thin and forgettable, the 3D effects are mostly a gimmick – but in the cannon of the series, it catapulted Jason to an iconic status. And for that, Part 3 will forever remain ingrained in fan’s minds.
How do you rank Friday The 13th Part III. Is it one of your favourites, or do you consider it one of the weaker additions to the franchise? Let us know in the comments below, over on Twitter, or in our Horror Group on Facebook!
You can also take a look behind the scenes of Friday the 13th Part 3D with host, Paul Kratka, in this insightful fan driven documentary featuring untold stories and interviews with several franchise favorites, never-before-seen location footage and set photography, as well as a touching look back on the life of Richard Brooker.
  The post The Monster Behind The Mask: Remembering FRIDAY THE 13TH PART III appeared first on Nightmare on Film Street - Horror Movie Podcast, News and Reviews.
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oh-styles · 7 years
Ok so Love is clearly too young to be in the "Kiwi" music video but can you imagine her behind the camera, playing with the puppies, chatting away to the kids and eating cake with them in one of the outfits that matches Harry's (one you've mentioned in previous stepdad!Harry content?
How dare you.
First of all, you’d be crazy to think he wouldn’t bring her; the second he told her there was going to be puppies and cakes at his video shoot, she’d be bouncing off the walls begging him to take her. I can see the missus bringing her a little later in the day, and she’d be dressed in the identical version of his suit, just in dress form – she insisted she have a dress.
She’d be running down the halls passed all the crew members, giggling and pointing at all the puppies, squealing, “Mummy, look, i’ssa puppy!” And that’s when she’d spot the familiar, lanky figure dressed in his identical patterned suit, chatting away with the director. “Daddy!”
His neck snaps back – he knows that voice from anywhere.
Harry would hold her hand and show her around the entire set, introducing her to all of the kids and crew members, and even letting her have some one-on-one time with her favorite dog of her choice.
“You’re dressed very beautiful day, aren’t you Lovey?” And she’d blush, hiding her face into his arm and giggling as he leaned down to plant a few kisses to her cheek. “Are you ready to see Daddy have a food fight?”
Her eyes would light up and she’d clap her hands, nothing but a giddy smile to answer his question.
Maybe her and her mumma are sat away from the fight as they share a piece of cake – not from the ground – as they watch Harry storm into the room with his stampede of little puppers, laughing away at his overzealous personality.
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