#my answered asks ✨
outlawssweetheart · 5 months
Spare the Erron Black headcanons. 🫴
Warning, this is dark from the get-go because Erron's family are scum and he is not a happy man. (TW for: Mentions of child abuse, implied CSA, alcoholism, and suicidal ideology.)
My headcanons are thought of with MK11 retconned Erron in mind; however, it isn't really relevant outside of his hometown (which didn't exist until the 1920s). So really, you can think of this with either backstory you'd like.
His birth name is not Erron Black; he changed his name when he grew up and left Wickett. He wanted to reinvent himself.
Erron's father left either when he was a baby or before he was born. (Though, really, I'm kind of stumped because he said he didn't know his father, then found and killed him, and implied that his father is/was worse than Rain's father. Like... how? For leaving him with his mother? Or maybe it was just Erron's narcissism causing him to feel like his problem is always worse than anyone else's?? Idk, and I doubt the MK11 writers do either! 🙃)
Erron has an older sister, his only good family member. She's 3-5 years older than him.
The rest of his family were awful. His mom was physically and verbally abusive, the other adults were pretty much the same, and his cousins picked on him for being the "scrawny" one.
His uncle (mom's brother) was the worst kind of abusive. "Funny ain't the word for it" with the utmost disdain in his voice, my mind naturally goes to the worst scenario. Some redneck stabbed and killed the guy in a bar fight when Erron was a teenager, and he has been bitter since then that he was robbed of getting to kill his uncle himself.
His sister feels guilt for not protecting him from their mother or uncle, even though they were both just children. She didn't even know the SA was happening until he told her when they were older. (This is more of a headcanon for her, but it's in my mind, so I must mention it.)
He left home and changed his name in his late teens.
Erron is a bit of an alcoholic. No surprise, considering his life.
Subconsciously, Erron wants to die, but he thinks he wants to live. That's why he's so reckless, other than his thrill-seeking.
Erron has a weird relationship with morality. Part of him has very loose morals, part of him is an actual sadist, and part of him has a strange sense of moral superiority. (He freed Cassie and Jacqui from the BD for reasons unknown, he says Sindel seems "a little too proud" when bragging that she murdered Jerrod.)
He hates caring about others. And if he begins to care, he pushes them away. Examples are: Cheating on Nitara with Skaret, and dumping Skarlet "because he got bored." (Only partly true, as Erron does get bored easily.)
He's a smoker, but he's not addicted to them.
Okay, that's all I got that aren't Skarron headcanons. (I think.) I hope you enjoy this, and apologize for the long wait! 🫶🏽
Send me a character
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pixlokita · 7 months
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Aight 😔
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an-albino-pinetree · 5 months
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Holy shit back up-
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clownsuu · 1 year
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Ha melon bug
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Been having a craving to draw them as a lil beverage 😔💔🥄🥄
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2aceofspades · 2 months
5 & C? 👀
5.) The most recent character in your search history.
C.) Without looking at a reference.
Rottmnt Leo 🙌✨
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The continuation for that Alcina fic was fucking deliciousssssss skdjfskldfj
It got me thinking, I'm not sure if you've written a fic like this before or if you would even write one like this, but I was wondering what that situation (or one similar to it) would look like from Alcina's POV?
Hello, dears ♥️ In preparation for reaching ✨1,750 followers✨, I've been working on a little fic that was inspired by both this ask 🔺🔺🔺 (thank you 👀 I'm so glad you liked it jdhddjkd) , as well as this incredible piece of fanart!
But first and foremost:
Thank you all for following! 💋
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And as for the request, here you go! Written from Alcina's POV and just under 3k words 👀 I hope some of you will enjoy it! 😁♥️
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The Lady found herself in a foul mood as she made her way back into the castle. Met with nothing but absolute silence as she opened the large doors and walked into the even larger foyer. Of course, she expected no one else to be awake at this hour, save for her daughters who were still out on the hunt. Though, as she made her way slowly up the staircase, a faint sound could be heard traveling its way softly through the corridors. A quiet, subtle melody hummed just barely loud enough to be heard. But, of course, she heard it. She heard everything that happened within those castle walls - even when she cared not to.
“The audacity.. sneaking out at this hour.” She grumbled to herself, following the haunting sound. Her foul mood turning even more sour when she realized that her hopes of getting directly into a hot, soothing bath had been swiftly thwarted. Instead making it so she'd likely have to discipline someone instead. She sighed as the voice grew louder, leading her directly into the library.
A Countess' work is never done, Alcina, she thought to herself tiredly. Of course it wasn't. Why should she be able to enjoy the solitude of a hot bath and a glass of her favorite wine after running through the woods chasing after man-things all night? She huffed at the air, frustrated - irritation riddling her weary bones as she opened the doors to the large room - the soft humming immediately halting as she did.
“There's no use in hiding, dear. I may be tired, but I can still smell you from here.”
A murmured curse in response from a voice she knew all too well. She sighed again.
“Draga.. of all the nights to be breaking curfew..”
The Countess was in no mood and she could feel her patience wearing thinner by the minute. Of all people.
“Come out, pet, now.” She ordered through gritted teeth.
Slowly, the figure of her current paramour came hesitantly out from behind the bookstacks and into view. Skin pale and a look of sheer panic on their face.
“I don't believe now is the time for such informalities.” She responded sternly, cutting them short.
They swallowed nervously. “Right, of course. S-sorry, my lady. I.. I thought you were out for the night?”
Alcina scoffed. “As if that gives you the right to be disobeying my direct orders? Hm? Traipsing around the castle at all hours of the night.”
“N-no… it's just.. I-”
“Save it, pet. I am in no mood for excuses and you're the last person I wanted to have to discipline tonight.”
She rubbed the bridge of her nose and moved further into the room. A profound wave of exhaustion washing over her that forced a slight stumble to her stride.
When was the last time she had even fed? She wondered.
“My lady? Are.. are you alright?”
“It's nothing.” She snarled.
“Countess.. I am.. very sorry for disappointing you. And I know you're angry with me.” The human’s voice softened a little as they moved closer to her, fidgeting anxiously with their fingers. “But, if there is anything I can do? You know, to help.”
“There is.” She growled, “You can start by not being so incompetent!”
This time the words that came out were raw, primal - dipped in venom - the dragon within her inching closer and closer to the surface as her need to feed grew stronger. Albeit, the moment she saw her handservant flinch - coiling back at her words - she couldn't help but soften. Sighing, she turned to face them.
“I am sorry, draga. I seemed to have lost myself. While, yes, I am disappointed that you disobeyed the rules of this castle - you did not.. deserve that.” Alcina sat down in the chair closest to the fireplace and took a deep breath, her body overcome with exhaustion. “I fear it has been too long since I last fed. Which makes being around me at the moment rather.. dangerous. It would be for the best that you return to your quarters for now, pet. I'll deal with your punishment in the morning.”
“Oh. Of course, my lady.”
They bowed and then turned to leave before pausing.
“Uh.. Alcina?” They asked tentatively.
The Countess looked up, eyes heavy. “Hm?”
“Ah, if I may - you could.. use me.. if you wanted?”
Alcina raised an eyebrow. “Use you? How?”
“Ah.. heh.. that is, to feed? From me?”
The Countess stared blankly, shocked for a moment before shaking her head. “That's not necessary, draga. I have everything I need in my room.”
“I'm aware.. but.. you know. You're obviously quite exhausted and I'm.. well, I'm right here.”
They gave her a crooked little smile that she couldn't help but chuckle at.
“If you're trying to get out of your punishment, pet-”
“N-no! I'll fully accept whatever punishment you deem appropriate. I just.. want to help, is all.”
“Mmh..” The lady hummed in thought, mulling their very tempting offer. She was exhausted, this was true. And it'd been longer than she could recall since she’d had the taste of fresh blood in her mouth. Warm and pulsing and straight from the tap.
With the dragon in her so close to the surface, the worries of her losing control were imminent. And the thought of losing yet another partner - one as sweet and caring as they were, again - was almost too much of a thought to handle. Alcina physically shuddered at the thought, the warmth from the fire doing very little to calm her worries. Worries that her handservant must have quickly picked up on. Small fingers sliding into her own and a kind face looking up at her as they kneeled on the castle floor in front of her.
“Hey, I trust you.”
Alcina snorted. “Famous last words, pet.”
They chuckled softly. “How about this then.. is there maybe another part of my body that would be safer to drink from? Than say, my neck?”
The Lady smirked. “Mh, perhaps... your inner thigh would probably work.”
Alcina watched as a soft pink hue began to crawl across the human's cheeks. It was strikingly gorgeous basked in the firelight.
“O-oh.. well, ah.. that seems.. doable.”
A flash of crimson as her smirk widened. Her lover’s heartbeat quickening by the minute, thumping loudly over the soft crackle of the fire.
“Mhm.. are you certain? It may… hurt, quite a bit.”
Oh, how that blush grew even deeper at the Countess’ words. How exquisite it was. Alcina could feel the smugness seeping into the corners of her lips as she watched them fluster.
“I.. oh.. that's okay. I don't mind, my lady. R-really.” They replied, rubbing the back of their neck.
Not that they would've been the first of Alcina's suitors to be into pain. Far from it, in fact - it seemed to be a commonality in many of the lovers she had taken over the years. Whether it was just something that came with the territory - or more the fact that whenever they looked at her they found themselves thinking “big lady, break me” - either way, it was a noticeably recurring occurrence in the Countess’ love life.
“Very well.” Alcina replied, rising from the chair to her full height. “Pull up your skirt, pet, and take a seat.”
As dutiful as ever, her servant quickly obeyed and took their Lady's place on the large chair. A coy smile on their face as they pulled the simple fabric of their uniform past their upper thighs, exposing their supple flesh along with their dampened undergarments.
“Like this?” They asked with a smirk.
“Bold time for you to be acting bratty, pet. Don't you think?”
“Ah.. m-maybe?” They answered sheepishly.
And even though the Countess’ tone remained firm, she could only shake her head and chuckle as she lowered herself down to the fresh, warm meal that waited for her. A deep flush decorating the human’s cheeks as the Lady knelt in front of them, hands spreading their legs a little further apart for her.
“O-oh.. uh.”
The Countess looked at them curiously before leaning back. “If you're having second thoughts, pet-”
“N-no! I just.. ah.. this view is just.. really nice.”
An even smugger smirk grew across the Lady's lips. “Mhm.. is it now?”
“I mean.. yes?”
“Enjoy it while it lasts then, draga.. very rarely does one ever get me on my knees.”
The flushed servant almost choked in response as they quickly nodded, face as red as their employer’s lips.
“I.. mhm.. enjoying it. Yes.”
“Mh.. probably wet at just the sight, aren't you?” Alcina asked teasingly, forcing them to whine.
“A-alcinaa.. that's unfair.”
“And that's not an answer.”
The Countess' words grew a little darker, punctuating them with a firm scratch across the human's inner thigh, immediately pulling droplets of warm crimson to the surface.
They cursed. “Fine.. yes.. I am.”
“Mh.. good.”
A single sweep of her tongue over the fresh gash forced another whine from her lover, a fierce shiver rolling over their body. Alcina knew she was going to enjoy all of this maybe a little too much - but the needy sounds she could will from their lips was something she would never grow tired of. And as she leaned in a little further, with their metallic essence still warm in her mouth, she could smell just how aroused they already were.
Very good.
"Deep breaths now, pet. This is going to sting.”
They nodded softly in response, cheeks a brilliant hue and eyes widening the moment the Countess’ incisors began to lengthen, readying themselves to feed. Another swirl of her tongue over the spot she'd already marked. A rush of blood right below the surface, drawing the vampire directly to the proper vein. And as she gave her meal a final smirk, she took their thigh between two large hands and brought it to her mouth.
Whimpered breaths from her prey’s lips as sharp fangs seeped eagerly into their flesh.
A subtle moan from within her own as she slowly drew their essence into her mouth, savoring the exquisite flavor of them. They tasted even better than she’d imagined - sweeter, more refined - with metallic undertones fueled by a life force that only made her all the more hungry.
“You taste divine, draga.” Alcina murmured, her words reverberating deep into their skin before her fangs were sunk back in again.
The subtle flinch to the muscle that laid just beneath her teeth, the soft moan that fell from their whispered lips - the Countess knew if she didn't keep her control that she could very easily become ravenous for their taste. The pulse of it flowing warmly over her tongue as she swallowed it down, indulging herself in the life that danced throughout it.
They would surely make an excellent wine.
And even though the thought was morbid to most - to Alcina, it was merely a compliment. One of the highest in fact. Though, she found all the best tasting humans tended to be the ones she had no desire of actually killing. Ones that inherently touched her heart and moved her soul. But hell if she didn't appreciate any chance she got at a taste.
Her lover's growing moans were the only thing to bring her back from her thoughts - from giving into the primal force that always sat just under the skin - ready to take over. But gods, could she smell how wet they were for her. How their body squirmed every time she drew a long pull of blood from them. Their flesh heated against her lips, their strong musk enveloping the tiny space between them. And out of the corner of her eye, Alcina could even see that the chair beneath the human was readily growing damper.
”Good”. She thought smugly, a smirk beneath her blood coated lips when she finally pulled away to look up at them.
"Am I to believe you're actually enjoying this, draga? Are you really so needy?”
They whined at her ridicule, squirming even more - her teasing tone and slightly taunting words having the exact effect on them that she wanted.
“You will answer me if you expect something done about it.” She demanded.
Another whine.
“F-fuck.. yes, okay? It's.. it feels good.”
“Mh. Better.”
The Lady placed a gentle kiss to their inner thigh and then brought two fingers to the hem of their underwear, swiftly ripping the fabric from their body. Her patented smirk growing even wider the moment the measure of their arousal was reflected in the firelight - they were absolutely dripping for her.
“Well, well.. all this for me?”
“All for you. A-always.”
“Charming, are we?”
Alcina went to move a little closer but felt them tense, immediately making her stop. A single eyebrow raised at them inquisitively.
“It's just.. you're exhausted, Alcina.. you don't have to-”
“Hush. When have you ever known me to do something I haven't wanted?”
They chuckled, blushing sheepishly. “You have a point.”
“Plus,” she smirked, “I'm not quite finished with my meal yet.”
An even deeper blush. “O-oh. Alright, then.”
The Countess hummed in content when her lover finally relaxed, their head falling softly back. Their sweet scent immediately pulling her back in, lips quickly finding their pulse point while her fingers teased their entrance. With soft folds so wet that she found barely any resistance as she slid two fingers into them, generously stretching their core.
A single curl as the Countess closed her eyes, allowing her fangs to sink deep into the human’s flesh once again.
She couldn't help but to draw her gaze upward, to enjoy the view for just a moment. Her stunning love - flushed, legs spread - eyes closed softly in a mix of want and preparation. It truly were a shame, she thought, how mortal humans could be. To lose such a gorgeous sight was an offense to Alcina’s very being. That the world could ever lose such beauty? It was a thought that made her all the more eager - almost ravenous - to possessively stake her claim upon them.
To which she did..
With the Lady's fangs seeped deep within their flesh and her fingers buried in their core. Thrusting, curling. Matching the controlled pulls from their thigh as she feasted upon them. With each movement willing the most arousing sounds from her lover. Some breathy, some loud - moaning each and every time Alcina drove her fingers in a little harder. But it wasn't enough, not for her. The Countess wanted more. She wanted her name screamed out into the night in ecstasy. She wanted her claim imprinted into the stars themselves.
And she paid no mind to how many orgasms ripped across her lover's body. She cared not for how soaked both her fingers and the fabric below her became. Having now fed to her content, her mouth began moving onto marking the rest of their thighs. Nibbling and sucking over every inch of eager flesh that she could reach. Their essence dripping from the corners of her mouth and painting their skin in a dark crimson. Their body trembling, vibrating with desire until another orgasm ripped through them violently, finally forcing the Countess’ name from their tongue like a pious prayer. Their voice quickly falling to nothing more than a whisper - raw from unhindered pleasure.
“F-fuck, Alcina..”
“Mh, language.”
“Pretty sure.. it's warranted.”
Alcina chuckled before licking the excess blood from her lover's wounds, their thighs sufficiently covered in her claim.
“These should heal in a few days. I'll bring you some balm for them tomorrow.”
“Hm.. I like them, though.” The human pouted.
The Countess snorted. “Of course you do. My sweet little masochist.”
Feeling fully refreshed from her meal, Alcina had no intention of sleeping anytime soon, but she knew her handservant would certainly need rest after all of that. The loss of blood mixed with the intense dopamine boost would be enough to wipe anyone out. Without muttering a word, Alcina rose to her full height and picked up her lover's discarded underwear before lifting them up into her arms and into a full bridal carry.
“My lady-!”
“Hush, draga. You've lost a fair amount of blood, as well as other bodily fluids. You need to rest.” Even with the short walk from the library to the servants quarters, the body in her arms quickly grew heavy with sleep - the human’s breath nearly in a slumbered rhythm by the time they’d arrived.
“I’ll be back with some tea and something sweet for you, pet.” She said as she laid them gently onto their bed. “Please, try to drink and eat at least a little something before falling asleep.”
Her lover nodded tiredly, eyes heavy and cheeks flush with sleep.
“Mhm.. yes.. mistress…”
Alcina smiled and placed a tiny kiss to their cheek before walking towards the door. She was more than certain they'd be fast asleep by the time she returned, but she’d still do her best to make sure they woke up knowing just how much she treasured them.
Warm tea, their favorite pastry, some balm for their wounds and a note reading "Thank you for the exquisite meal, draga. Next time is on me. - xx, Alcina." would be there to greet them as soon as they woke up.
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A/N: If I ever make it to 2k, I might just finally do some bottom!Alcina for you all 👀♥️
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fluffy-ami · 1 year
May I request lee!Kunikida or Ango? If not, just go for any bsd character you like most <3
Have a wonderful day/night! <3
.......you will get both 🫵🏻 (i love u), I'll just post them separately and tag you once I'm done with my little Ango doodle! Have this for now✨🌸
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✨silly doodles silly doodles silly doodles✨ I am so normal about them I swear- (click for slightly better quality lol)
(Milestone ☁️ Top 5 Favourite Fandoms + Recently added) Requests are still open! 🌟
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Wait, girl in red? Are you female??
no i’m a ✨mystery✨
….but actually yes lmaooo
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castieldelamancha · 1 year
Castiel stares at Dean, standing at the doorway of his bedroom, his hands are in the pockets of his coat, one of them closed tightly around his gift.
"Okay, man, I've emptied a side of the wardrobe and a couple drawers for you," he doesn't really have any clothes yet, but Castiel appreciates the gesture immensely nevertheless, "you have your own side on this bed, you can come in." Dean doesn't even look up from the book he is currently reading and Castiel appreciates the little, if slightly annoyed, push Dean has given him to do what he has to do.
He steps in the room, closing the door behind him, "there is something I wanted you to have," he says, he takes his hands out his pockets, one empty, the other one holding the feather, Dean puts the book down and looks at him, expectantly, "before I set my grace free I had the chance to keep something of my old self with me," he walks to the bed and sits down heavily on the mattress, he opens his palm and shows the feather to Dean, jet black, glowing with the pulsating light of the last drop of his grace, that seems to shine brighter now due to its closeness to such a familiar and beloved soul for it, "I chose this feather, and I'd like you to keep it." His past is irremediably linked to Dean, as his present is and, if everything goes well, as his future will be. He is giving Dean a reminder of that, "the angel I was might be gone, but the memories we made together aren't." just like he gave him his heart a long time ago too.
Dean takes it from his open palm, reverently, cautiously, he shallows, looking at Cas with those eyes that tell him he is a bit at a loss of what to say, or what to do, even if he can tell he is also already working out where he is going to keep it so it's safe, even if the pass of time won't affect it in any way. He simply puts his arms around Cas, the tip of the feather tickling the back of his neck, he hugs back. Castiel doesn't need words to understand all Dean is telling him right now.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 26 days
When Tanjiro found out sanemi had a child he made a comment along the lines of “what type of woman likes a man like that” but when he found out it was shinobu’s sister he instantly regretted his comment
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what the fuck i’ve been thinking abt sanekana all day HWO DID YOU KNOW hmmghghghdv guys kanae’s dead js bc i can
Tanjiro looked like a child found guilty of taking the cookies when Shinobu popped up almost on cue, holding a small child in her arms. Sanemi instantly smiled at her, taking the baby and turning to Tanjiro with a malicious glint in his eye.
“Hi, little one,” Sanemi murmured to the little bundle in his arms, offering his hand which was instantly pulled down by little tiny ones. “We were just talking about you.”
“Oh, Kamado-san?” Shinobu said, glancing at him.
“…Hello, Kocho-san,” Tanjiro mumbled, casting his eyes down.
“Hello. What were you two talking about?” Shinobu asked curiously, swatting away Sanemi’s hand as the baby attempted to eat his fingers.
“Coincidentally, we were talking about you. Or, well, Kanae,” Sanemi hummed. He moved from Shinobu’s reach, letting the child continue to create a mess of his hand.
“Ah, yes,” Tanjiro agreed quickly. “But I should be going now…”
“No, no, stay,” Sanemi insisted. “You wanted to know about my daughter, right? And her mother?”
Tanjiro bit his lip, nodding slowly. “Uhm. Yes.”
Shinobu smiled gently. “My older sister was the mother.” She gave Sanemi a brief, but furious glare, before turning back to Tanjiro. “Why did you ask?”
“He was questioning Kanae’s… ah, taste,” Sanemi said, rolling his eyes. He booped his daughter’s nose and she smiled widely. “I don’t think he believed she did this willingly.”
Shinobu frowned. As much as she had… disliked Kanae and Sanemi’s relationship, he could count on her on being on his side. After all, she trusted Kanae’s decisions and eventually had grown to trust Sanemi as well.
“Kanae knew what she was doing, I believe,” Shinobu said to Tanjiro, who was turning very red at the moment. “Shinazugawa-san was very kind to her. He can be, when he wants to.”
Tanjiro spluttered. “Yes, I apologize, I’m sorry,” he stuttered. “I didn’t mean that… I didn’t know it was her, before…”
Shinobu hummed. “If it had been without mutual agreement, Shinazugawa would not be standing here right now.”
Sanemi sighed. “No, I wouldn’t,” he agreed.
“Yes, I’m sorry-“ Tanjiro mumbled. He bowed deeply, chanting out apologies until Shinobu waved him off. When he left, she turned to Sanemi, giving him an irritated look.
“You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”
Sanemi shrugged. “He started it.”
“You idiot.”
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outlawssweetheart · 8 months
I submit Nitara and/or Reiko for the character ask game (but really if you want to ramble more about Erron and/or Skarlet, go right ahead !)
Oh, I would LOVE to talk about both Nitara and Reiko! 🥴
How I feel about this character:
She's my baby, and I love her. She deserves so much better. She is horrendously underutilized by NRS, the fandom doesn't appreciate her enough, and for fuck's sake, don't get me started on MK1! But I will. Megan Fox's voice acting is terrible, and her voice simply sounds nothing like how Nitara should sound; she sounds like a bored Cali-girl. Her face doesn't look right (like Megan, but not as pretty?), but I can look past that because at least she isn't ugly. And her characterization? Nitara is supposed to be neutral, and now they've made her a complete monster who wants to enslave other races, force them to breed (🤮), and use them and their children she forces them to have for food. They've basically turned her into one of, if not the, most evil and sick characters in the franchise!
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Erron, a bit. But only a bit. And I guess the idea of her and Reiko is amusing to me for the obvious reason.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
I... don't think I have one. 🤔
My unpopular opinion about this character:
She should be a main character! And I hate her original look. Her look in MK2021 was perfect, Idc.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
I wish she'd been in MK11, I wish she had a real voice actor, I wish she hadn't been killed off after barely even existing in the movie, I wish her entire look was better in the games, and I want her to be a main character in my lifetime.
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How I feel about this character:
I honestly didn't care about Reiko other than as a tool for Skarlet's characterization and Skarron's relationship for the longest time, but he has grown on me recently. Granted, I think I've attached myself to him recently because Nitara in MK1 is so disappointing, and neither Erron nor Skarlet are there, and he's a Skarlet proxy to me, but... yeah, he's definitely grown on me. And he's hot now, so there's that! 😏
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Skarlet, a bit. But only a bit. Mileena by a spec. And, as I said, Reiko/Nitara sounds amusing.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
Shao, in the new timeline. I know some people ship them, and I'm cool with that because I'm a "Ship and let ship" gal, but it's just not for me.
My unpopular opinion about this character:
He should also be a main character. Or at least not a damn jobber. (Same for Nitara.)
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
Main character, or at least not a jobber anymore. And I wish MK2021 hadn't done him so fucking dirty. That was not Reiko! 😩
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Give me a character, and I’ll break their ass down.
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didi-champleve · 15 days
Do you have any pets
I had a bunch of asks like this on my old blog as well... it's odd for sure 🤔
no... no pets...
though sometimes there is a lil kitten that wanders around my flat 👀🤭
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an-albino-pinetree · 5 months
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From the studio that brought you Kinger, I bring you Longer
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unicornpopcorn14 · 8 days
omg so like, Dazai and the shipping container incident with him getting shipped overseas got me thinking... (I am super late to reading it 😭)
Chuuya, unaware of what happened in the moment because he had been sent overseas himself for an international mission, and he had to go out and scout a foreign shipyard for illegal weapon shipments.
AT THE SAME TIME, he conveniently receives a message forward by Mori to be on the lookout for one of their own agents because a Port Mafia member had been taken hostage around the location Chuuya was in.
Chuuya's ??? because why hadn't he been notified that someone was also either on the same mission as him or had managed to be such a bumbling fool that they got caught by foreign enemies. ANYWAY, he keeps an eye out for anything suspicious while still working on his own mission when he sees a particular area of the shipyard had been surrounded by armed foreign criminals, so he's ready to go bust some ass when they all swing the shipping container doors open and barge in to see Dazai there.
Chuuya just facepalms himself in disbelief because he can't believe Dazai followed him all the way to another country (even though it was totally coincidental) but also, he's not even surprised that Dazai managed to get himself caught by the enemy. Again.
They kick some enemy ass and Dazai gets shipped back home on the next plane back to Yokohama, and Chuuya overhears Dazai complaining to Mori on the phone: "What about my home?!"
Omggg you read my silly shipping container fic hehe *hidesss* /silly
Thank you so much for this omg <333 I genuinely cackled. There really is no end with the shipping container shenanigans huh jknfjew
Lmao Mori telling him to be on the lookout for an agent without specifying that it's DAZAI so Chuuya can take this seriously pffff
I can imagine Chuuya's shocked then angry as heck face when he spots Dazai like,,, he'd probably do a double take at first being like "is that really who I think it is?" and it quickly turns to "Fuck it is who I think it is..."
Dazai would be adamant that that was part of his plan (when it really wasn't) and complain that Chuuya's ruined it and it is somehow Chuuya's fault that he has no home now fjsbfkjebaf
Which will earn him a (justified) kick to the head 😭😭
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2aceofspades · 5 months
hi you probably got this question asked before. BUT who are your favorite duos in rottmnt??? >:D
btw i love the f!Cassandra and f!Leo they are my favorite duo (after disaster twins 🥳) but love your art and keep up the great work :DDD
Hi hello! 🙌✨ Oh! My favorite duo is Leo and Raph in the show 💙❤️ I don't draw them all too much cuz ✨EMD brainrot✨/pos, but I love them very much.
Here's a lil semi-old doodle of them that I never posted on here~
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Them 🥹❤️💙
I also like Donnie and Mikey as a duo in the show 💜🧡 I love how they interact with each other in the show
I will say though, my favorite duo in my own au is probably f!Cassandra and f!Leo cuz they've got such interesting tension between them. I would love to draw another comic with the two of them 🌟
Awwwwee! Thank you so much!! I really appreciate it 🤗✨!
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jessythebunny · 15 days
For Duck, What Ya Think Of Abby’s Upgraded Outfit? Also *Virtual Hug for Jessy(Bestie)*
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Oh also *virtuel hug back:3*
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