#my back hurts so bad its like someone stabbed me 20 times
giverofempathy · 1 year
period cramps so bad i have to crawl instead of walk because walking hurts too much 😍
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badalivie · 11 months
[10:20 PM]
“You’re smoking.”
“Yeah. I never quit.” Doyoung pulled out a box of Marlboro Red's from his coat pocket, picking up what seemed to be his 5th cigarette based on the ashtray. He placed the stick between his lips and reached for his zippo lighter. The one you gave him for your 2nd anniversary.
The sound of the end of the cigarette beginning to burn made you roll your eyes. “Why am I not surprised. You haven’t changed at all.”
“You say that like you’ve kept in touch with me these past 9 months” Doyoung's zippo lighter made a satisfying click as he swiped it shut and tossed it back into his pocket. He took a long drag of his cigarette, then exhaled in the opposite direction, remembering how you said you hated the smell of cigarettes.
“We broke up. I wasn’t exactly obliged to.”
“Fair point.” He admitted, taking another drag from his cigarette. He glanced at you for a moment, uneasy with your silence. “You're not gonna nag me? You hated when I smoked."
“Its not my business anymore, Doyoung.”
You were right, he knew that. So why did that sentence stab at his heart the way it did? He bit his lip, holding the smoke in his lungs for a little longer that time. When you were together, he found your nagging at him to quit smoking as probably one of your most annoying habits. Yet now he wanted to desperately to hear you nagging him again. He wanted to hear you care about him.
This meeting place had become bittersweet for the two of you. 2 years ago this is where Doyoung had asked you to be his girlfriend. Now, it's the place where you first met each other after one of the nastiest breakups either of you have ever faced. Doyoung had never felt you so close to him yet so far, but really he only had himself to blame.
“How have you been?” Doyoung's hand flicked the spent ashes into the tray as he spoke.
“Can’t I ask?”
Something about him pissed you off, maybe you hadn’t fully moved on. Seeing him still hurt and irritated you, but at least not as much as before. “I’m fine.”
“You seeing someone new?”
“No.” Saying this almost felt like an admission of defeat to you. Like saying "no, you had too much of an effect on me to meet other people". It made you feel weak. Especially when you'd been hearing rumors of Doyoung fucking a new girl practically every day since your breakup.
“I see…”
“Hm, that’s unexpected.”
“What?” Doyoung blinked and turned to face you, grinding his cigarette out on the ashtray in the process.
“You didn’t really seem to care about me all that much so I thought picking up another chick would be a piece of cake for you. Actually, my bad, you picked up multiple chicks. I guess none of them stuck, manwhore.”You hissed
Doyoung’s eyebrows crashed together and his mouth cracked slightly open in disbelief “Are you kidding me right now?” Doyoung raised his voice, heat rising to his head.
“Don’t raise your voice at me! Am I wrong?! You know damn well you've been seeing new girls every night!” You knew you had no right to be upset about that. But that didn't take away how worthless his actions made you feel.
“Y/n! I'm not upset about you calling me a manwhore, I'm upset you're denying the fact that I loved you.“ He wanted to say more. When you broke up he thought of all the things he’d say to you. He’d apologize, plead, explain, everything. But now you were actually infront of him he could barely get any words out. "I love you, Y/n."
You took a deep breath, calming your nerves “Well apparently not enough.”
Doyoung felt his heart sink down to his feet. It wasn’t the truth. He loved you more than himself, more than life itself, but he was still guilty. He was guilty of loving you more than he was willing to admit and lying to himself and you that he didn't. Maybe he was selfish for wanting you back, knowing how much he hurt you, but that didn’t make him want you any less. It shattered him when he lost you —the person who cared about him most in the world.
“Listen, Doyoung. I don’t want to fight you anymore, can we just put this past us?” Your expression softened, taking yet another deep breath. “Officially.”
Doyoung paused for a moment. “I don’t want to fight with you either…" He sighed "Deal.” He pursed his lips and nodded eventually, still unable to say anything. That made you smile. You always found the way he bit his lips cute. You used to tease him and say he looked like a bunny for it. Oh and how he loved it. How you’d cup his cheeks and kiss his nose. How you’d cuddle his head into your chest, how you’d talk to him. He loved everything you did. And he still did. Doyoung froze. God, when was the last time he had made you smile? He found himself mesmerized, unable to look away from your face. He missed your smile, he missed this, he missed you.
For you, that moment lasted only seconds, yet for Doyoung, an eternity had already passed before you pat his arm and turned to leave.
“Hey y/n!” He blurted out, making you stop in your tracks. You turned to face him, and in that moment he could have sworn time stopped. You were beautiful, it was just when he saw you for the first time. He had fallen in love all over again. “For what it's worth, I really did love you. You made me the happiest person I'd been in years. I would have crossed the ocean for you, and I still would. I'm sorry I never found a way to let you know that."
“Thank you for saying that, Doyoung.”
"I'm sorry I didn't say more. Please believe me."
Maybe it was something about the way his eyes turned glassy, or the way he had an expression on his face you've only seen once in your entire time knowing him. But for the first time in a long time, you saw the Doyoung you fell in love with. "I believe you."
"Goodbye, Doyoung."
"Goodbye, Y/n."
(this may or may be part of a draft im currently writing ok bye)
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lonesomedreamer · 3 months
SNW Liveblog Snark: “Hegemony”
here it is at last, my final slog through snw that no one asked for!
I’ll never forgive this show for introducing Roger Korby for no reason. but ig I shouldn’t be surprised: they also made T’Pring a legitimate “love interest” for Spock since the first episode…
beaming up looked more “realistic” in the 60s than it does on the very high-budget snw…
why is there a delta slapped onto every single object on the Enterprise? is the Federation, in fact, a giant corporation that needs to brand itself?
how many times can these writers go back to the Gorn??? there are only 20 episodes, and the Gorn have already been the Big Bad in like four of them. (the fact that there’s a Big Bad at all is its own problem, imo.)
“sometimes a monster is just a monster.” no, bad. please go watch some TOS.
the Big Bad Gorn have what are essentially magical powers that counteract almost all the Enterprise’s tech…because the plot requires them to ig!
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this is the “command” crew?? even the CMO…? funny how only two of them are wearing command gold.
I’m nitpicking with this—I understand that there’s some overlap in starship roles, so TOS!Spock can be both the head of the science division and the first officer. nevertheless… “command” is its own distinct division in this show’s universe!
and sure, Bones spent way too much time on the Bridge, but it was never implied he was in a “command” position. he had also never stabbed an ambassador—in Sickbay AND while on duty—in“self defense” or otherwise, but I digress…
Pike: I need volunteers Spock, Uhura, and Number One: we volunteer! Pike: no, not you
someone please just write Sam Kirk out of the show already
why would anyone be surprised that Spock has never seen a zombie movie? (I mean, has Spock seen any movies? are movies even still a widespread form of entertainment in this universe…??)
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this show does not deserve her
everything about the Gorn subplot is, as always, pessimistic and dark and deeply un-Trek-like. slaughtering baby aliens, however dangerous they are, also just feels…gross.
Pike actually manages to half-ass a line that sounds like actual Trek philosophy (instead of murdering these creatures we don’t understand, maybe we should learn more about them!) even though it contradicts what he said earlier in the episode about monsters.
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please don’t be Scotty. please don’t be Scotty.
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oh, for fuck’s sake.
also…if we’re still pretending that this is a direct prequel to TOS, Spock, Uhura, and Scotty have all had experience with the Gorn before the events of “Arena,” yet none of them mention that while they’re together on the Bridge watching their captain battle the Gorn captain to the death…???
Pike’s girlfriend is alive, which is fine, but that also means more screentime will be wasted on their subplot… this show didn’t need any more new-old characters (Scotty?!), and trimming some of its peripheral characters (Batel, Sam Kirk, etc.) to focus on its core cast wouldn’t have hurt.
[unconfirmed theory about the Gorn] “if that’s true—” well, it’s pretty big IF, right?
“[Christine] beamed back to the Cayuga.” “Gonna be honest, that is not great news.” wow, stellar dialogue.
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I’m glad Spock still has his box o’ blue light, even on this nightclub nightmare of a Bridge…
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they really cast this stunningly beautiful woman just so they could totally waste her. it boggles the mind!
“Placing those rockets is a near-impossible task. No human can do this. I, however, can.”/ “I am the only member of the crew who can pull this off. If it is to succeed, it must be me.” everybody loves Spock, but why can’t a human do this whereas a half-human half-Vulcan can…? explain please??? (they won’t.)
there are so many “witty” dialogue exchanges on this show, but they’re so rarely actually funny or charming that they usually end up being cringey and/or tonally dissonant wastes of time instead of effective comic relief. (here, Scotty apologizes for eavesdropping but says it “wasn’t my fault you decided to have a secret conversation in front of my sleeping spot”…did none of these scripts have an editor??)
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Christine is alive? I’m shocked!
there’s no feasible way anyone on the damaged ship lived. even in the surviving structure, they’d be directly exposed to, well…space. but at the same time, no one watching believed Christine was dead, right?
and if Christine has been there, alive, the whole time, is she (as a nurse) not going to see if anyone else might also have survived??
Christine managed to restore limited power/life support to one area of the ship despite the massive level of destruction, and then the best way she can think to communicate with the Enterprise and Spock is via…flashlight?!?
but WHO could’ve predicted there would be Gornlings on Scotty’s abandoned shuttle in a town that’s been overrun with Gorn—oh.
“that thing chose not to attack?” maybe it’s not a thing at all, Pike. or (more likely for this show) maybe Batel’s already a host for Gorn eggs and therefore not a target.
why is Spock’s task somehow impossible for a human? I still want to know…
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lmao, nice try…if anyone has plot armor, it’s Spock.
so this is an adult Gorn? (it’s wearing a space suit.) yet it makes no attempt to communicate in any way…which suggests to me that SNW is not going to gradually transform the Gorn into nuanced/compelling antagonists the way people have predicted. hatchling or adult, they’re just the SNW equivalent of xenomorphs.
you know when you shouldn’t turn slowly around with your weapon for dramatic effect? when your boyfriend is about to be murdered by a bloodthirsty alien!!!
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here for any Spockstine I can get. this is still ridiculous, tho.
also, that is not how physics works!
Uhura and Number One grinning at each other when Spock says “two to beam up” like they somehow know Christine is one of the two…the single survivor of that shipwreck could’ve been literally anyone (and no one even thought to check for survivors in the first place)! just because the audience knows information doesn’t mean the characters automatically do, too. dramatic irony is a thing?
brb starting a gofundme to send these writers to a Literature 101 course.
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can you beam that many people up at once? and shouldn’t the bioscanners be able to filter out or at least detect Batel’s Gorn infection…?
there’s no way Montgomery “over the moon about being confined to quarters with his technical journals” Scott received bad grades at the Academy. whatever. he’s quirky now or something.
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she should be the captain of her own ship on her own show. that is all.
as usual this season, Pike is indecisive when it matters most and seems borderline incompetent. this is precisely the kind of no-win scenario that Starfleet officers are supposed to be able to handle.
and ending the season on a cliffhanger is pretty lame. but then so is the entire Gorn subplot.
well, this one was a mess in a misleadingly straightforward package, and it’s not even technically over. a two-year cliffhanger…tough sell.
this is SNW’s second or third trek-does-horror episode in a complement of only twenty. that’s not great. the writing isn’t, either; plot points are predictable, dialogue is cringe, and a great deal of the action seems to rely heavily on circumstance and/or luck (Scotty and his tech skills being on the planet, Christine being alive/finding Spock, etc.) but worse, this isn’t any kind of morality play. by their own admission, it’s a zombie movie. and it’s not even a good one.
The Good: a crumb of Spock/Christine content after this very show spent the last three episodes torpedoing that ship—Rebecca Romijn is gorgeous and gets to do something, if only for 5 minutes—Scotty is well-cast (much better so than Paul Wesley’s Kirk).
The Bad: the Gorn being horror villains (again) violates everything Trek is supposed to be about—bad/nonsensical science everywhere—one of the weakest/most out-of-character Spock outings to date (and I don’t mind him being upset/grieving Christine, but the writing for him was not good this week)—introducing yet another TOS character on “Pike’s” show—speaking of…Pike’s overall behavior and decision-making (or lack thereof)—no one on the Enterprise checking for survivors, broken scanners/sensors be damned, in the wreckage before they planned to destroy it.
I say it every time, but at this point, I’m not expecting anything more or better from season 3 on. But I do hope Spock and Christine get to smooch a few more times.
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pinkvelve · 2 months
some tag i found..wee woo wee woo we
2. Age: 20 😊
3. City that you live in: right in thid moment fc co
4. What do most people not know about you?: i think russia is the coolest country ever
5. What do most people know you for?: being insane
6. Hobbies: listeing to music from seven years ago...reading...reading something different...writing
7. What are your passions?: psychoanalyzing people
8. What do you search for in a significant other?: also being insane
7. What are you most proud of?: having new jeans in my top five literally every week
8. When was the last time you had a significant conversation with someone you love?: save me just came on
9. Have you ever collected anything? What was it?: maybe stickers i guess. or notebooks
10. List 10 things off of your bucket list.: TEN?
northern lights
live in spain
ride a train
go to japan...omfg so bad..
read all of jjk
paint somethinga ctualy good
GO to bts concert..
make this dumb clock i keep putting off
go austria/swiss
11. What was the last thing you learned?: dude idk actually my dad was telling me about the grand canyon earlier and he said if the damns were let back out the water would be so poisonous it would kill all the natural environment of the canyon. so
12. How many relationships have you been in?: girl you mean SITUATIONship
14. Turn offs: constant validation
15. Favorite food: onigiri
16. Favorite drink: chai
18. Are you optimistic or pessimistic?: i'm bipolar
19. Do you sleep during class?: actually no...i don't know how that's possible. now listening to music is a different question
20. What is the most expensive thing you own?: probably my computer i guess
21. What is the cheapest yet most useful thing you own?: a pencil? or tissues..
22. How many times a day on average do you check your phone?: ELRIS? HERE I AM
23. Text or call?: do NOT call my phone
24. Opinion on long distance?: np for me
25. What is your definition of success?: not wnting to d!e
26. Favorite song?: OHHHright now...uhhh...tumblr girls or champagne coast
27. Favorite artist?: new jeans geazy childish gambino
28. Celebrity crush/crushes? male: kim taehyung female: karina
29. When was the last time you read for fun?: literally fifteen minutes ago
30. Favorite flower?: in bloom by zb1
31. What is the best gift you could receive right now?: not something i'm writing on this.
32. Any guilty pleasures?: snapchat
33. What is one thing you would like to change about yourself?: i wish i would listen to more music instead of the same EFFINg songs
34. What do you search for in a friend?: not being fake
35. How many times have you said "I love you" in the past month?: i love you by 2ne1 comes in my mind for no reason
36. Where did you last go other than your room/home?: costco...........
37. Why do bad things happen to good people?: because people ARENT GOOD AND BAD.
38. In your opinion, what hurts more? Being left out or being stabbed in the eye?: left out omfg. what do yall know about that
39. How many green shirts do you own?: DUDE SO MANY
40. Do you like anime?: i cannot tell you how many sukuna edits i liked earlier
41. What do you invest the most time in?: reading dumb things writing stupidthing s
42. What was the name of the last book you read?: YALL DO NOT WANT TO KNOW THIS...omfg... eternity enshrined by apartment
43. What's the difference between loving and liking someone?: for me its like if they haunt you. then you are in love 😊
44. Where are you most productive?: the library
47. Do you believe world peace will ever exist?: sorry i skipped some
48. Do you have any allergies?: sometimes my body just shuts down wjen i eat things
51. What was your last dream about?: i genuinely have not remembered any of my dreams for like two months
53. How many countries have you visited?: cinco
54. What is your favorite medium of art? (Music, dance, painting, etc.): ALL OF THE LISTED ONES.
56. When was the last time somebody complimented you?: that's a good question
56. If you switched bodies with someone, how would you recognize yourself?: i would just know? tf
57. Do you consider yourself mature?: honestly no
58. How many days in your life do you think you have wasted on tumblr?: like five maybe
59. What is your favorite quote?: WAIT...goes to pinterest board
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dude like. omfg
60. If you started a new religion and you had to create 3 rules or commandments for your new followers to live by, what would those 3 rules be?:
gojo satoru
fushiguro megumi
ryomen sukuna
62. Do you believe in the death penalty?: yes actually
63. What are your goals for life?: spain
64. What do you think your soulmate is doing right now?: girl...i know what they're doing
65. If you could live anywhere, where would you live? The place can be in an imaginary, fantasy, or the real world.: i just answered this spain
66. What were you like in 2013?: happy asf because it was 2013
67. Do you have a job?: JOBLESS 💜
69. If you could change one thing about society, what would it be?: NO MORE Inflation
70. How many all-nighters have you pulled before?: probably like fifteen
71. Is tumblr your favorite website? If not, then what is your favorite website?: no tf it's ao3
72. What is the craziest thing you would do for a million dollars?: girl anything
73. Does money equal happiness?: its part of it
74. How many times have you experienced true happiness in your lifetime?: i'm experiencing it right now listening to that one laboum song
75. How many times have you experienced true sadness in your lifetime? last december when taehyung and jk enlisted
77. When was the last time you looked at the news?: actually my mom had the news on when i walked downstairs today. there was a shöotīng in aurora if anyone is shocked by that
78. If you could say one thing to the world, what would you say?: gojo satoru
79. What is your favorite animal?: swiss mountain dogs
80. If you could earn a million dollars by pretending to be dead for 3 years, would you do it?: ALREADY DONE? where's my check
82. What time do you normally sleep? How many hours of sleep do you usually get?: well right now it's 3:20 so that's a really good question
83. Does age necessarily equal maturity?: maturity is a dumb word
84. What is your favorite clothing store?: ragstock
85. In the winter- beanies or gloves?: neither
86. Would you rather have wings or a fish tail?: bitter sweet just came on
87. If you had the power to erase one person from the world so that nobody remembered him or her except you, would you do it?: dude yes
88. What do you fear the most?: rejection
89. How many digits of pi can you recite?: 3.14..5 ?
90. If you could travel back to one year and relive it again, which year would it be?: 2016 ONE BILLION TIMES OVER
91. Describe yourself in one word.: stupid
92. Describe your last victory.: not crying when run came on
95. Would you rather forget all of the past or remember everything in vivid detail?: i do not want to know what would happen to me if i remembered everything in vivid detail
96. Have you ever broken a bone before?: no 💛 the power of infinity
97. Is it harder to love or to hate somebody?: it's the same thing
98. Coffee or tea?: chai
99. What are some little things that you do that have changed your life in a positive way?: listening to loona
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100. karina
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kat-holden · 3 months
There is no one I can tell this, only you. Not even the real you. Either you wouldn't care or be distraught of my actions. So the only one that will ever know is the non-existing "you" trapped in my head, made to listen.
I have faced death before, so much you know. I stared into its face once when I was 18 and for a second I thought I succeeded. Not once have I thought that I should have survived that day and in many ways after my unsuccessful suicide attempt it has felt like I died. Gone was the carefree, cruel girl of my teens and out of the pain a new, sadder version was born. One that did not care for the second chance that was given to her.
During the last fifteen years I have sought ways to either succeed in my attempts of killing myself or numbing every feeling I ever felt. It never felt worth it. It never felt right, for me to be alive and my baby to have died. It never felt fair for me to continue on this empty existence when I have so lightly made the decision to take away a life that was barely formed.
I died that day, on the gynecological chair, or maybe I died earlier, when I got raped by someone I trusted. Whenever it happened, since then I have been a walking ghost, starved for love and attention. Knowing I have been used and tossed aside, I never allowed myself to believe that anyone will ever seem me as something more than what I really was - stupid, easy, a thing they tossed around and then threw out.
Thus I worked hard to prove myself right and deep down I knew why I always ended up in the same situations. Bad relationship, never going beyond the desire of the flesh. And I faded into the background, hiding my real self deep down, where none can find it and hurt her again. I took that scared 18 year old girl and that hopelessly romantic 17 year old teenager and buried them deep.
I built walls and personas. I crafted faces and created what I call the "rollodex of answers". For every situation I had a prepared line. For every person I had a complementing personality. My friends liked drugs and parting, so did I. My friends liked jazz and fancy bars, I hopped on that train. Men I met did not care if they were married or in a relationship - so did I.
I ran with it. All of it. I let life happen to me and from behind glass eyes I looked at me spiraling downward. Doing drugs, having risky sex, drinking until I had blank spots in my memory. Waking up on curbs and in rooms I did not recognized, next to men I did not know. I slept in taxis and got fucked in public bathrooms. And all of that just so that I could forget death. The one I caused and my own.
But it always caught up to me, you know. On quiet nights when life wasn't turbulent going at a 100. That feeling that life is fake, that I should have died crept and crept and seeded itself deeper in my mind. And this is when depression and the desire of death also arrived. Since 18, when I plummeted three floors down to hardened earth, I have tried to kill myself two more times. None successful.
You do not know about these, for I decided to spare you the details. But I can tell you here.
The second time I tried was when the love of my life left me for good. I spent a month crippled with sadness. I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat, all I could do was sit, huddled by my front door crying and begging the empty air for him to come back and save me from my misery. After that didn't happen and I cried all the tears I had I wandered the city streets at night, stupidly thinking that there must be some psychopath with a knife to stab me. I tried the darkest parks and the seediest alleyways but no luck. In the end I decided to walk into on coming traffic, but never anticipated that the drivers wouldn't want to kill a drunk and drugged 20 something year old on purpose.
Then I got over it.
Fast forward to a year ago, when I started feeling depression creeping in, my marriage falling apart and everything repeating itself. Of course back then I had you, but still the call of death was stronger. The feeling that people could happily go on without me crushed and suffocated me. The guilt over what I did more than a decade ago hit me like a truck. And as I was going more and more silent, as I was ignoring your texts, as I was falling down that familiar void I decided to try again.
This time I would be smarter. Do it at night, do it with pills. And add alcohol. Make sure everyone's asleep. So I did, I said goodnight to everyone. I was on my sixth glass of hard liquor and I had enough sleeping and anxiety pills bought with my personal prescription to put myself to eternal sleep. So I poured one last time, popped around 10 or 20 pills in my hand and I held them out.
I stared death in the face again. Hands shaking, tears rolling down my face. I wanted the release so much. One move and it would have been all over. They would have found me in the morning, chocked on my vomit or died of a heart attack. Did not matter I wanted it to stop. I wanted to feel nothing, forever.
But I had this worm in my head, this nagging voice repeating over and over again. It started quietly as if from a distance and then it grew louder and louder. "You shouldn't kill yourself, because then things, good things, won't be happening to you." Over and over like a broken record.
You said it. A couple of days ago.
I clenched my fist with the pills and I stood - a choice between life and death. Sitting on my bed one ear hearing the call of release, the other you nagging on and on about how things won't happen to me if I am dead.
Such simple words, but yet they stuck. So I got up and flushed all the drugs I had, everything. No more I told myself. I will do better. Not for you, not for anyone else, but for myself. Although you did play a huge part in this.
This year, I am clean of drugs and sleeping pills, not so much alcohol, but hey in due time. But I am going to kill myself. Metaphorically of course. I told you around the time when you left, that I will leave. And I will. Things are in motion for my departure and the "me" you knew will die here in this scorchingly hot, god forsaken town. She will be put to rest, together with whatever I had for you. And I will leave and make a new identity, a new face and add a few more responses to my "rollodex of answers."
She was good for only one thing - a good time, maybe be her friend because you wanted to fuck her. Whatever she was to you, she will soon be dead. As is our friendship.
I will not say goodbye yet. Only when I hear it personally from you. But the person you meet might be a different one than the one you left.
Always yours, even in death,
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ptergwen · 4 years
love is more than a word
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w/c: a very ouch 3.6k
warnings: so so so much angst and an unhealthy (ish) relationship
summary: after nearly four years together, peter has stopped trying
a/n: listen y’all i don’t know what came over me when i made this but i think it’s the saddest thing i’ve ever written? uh try to enjoy tho
you never thought this would happen, but you’re getting tired of peter. it isn’t your fault. that cliche it’s not you, it’s me line doesn’t apply here.
at first, you actually did find yourself believing the it’s me part. you’d came to the conclusion that you expect too much from peter. he goes to class, he works, patrols, sometimes parties, takes you out when he can. he’s got a lot going on for a full time college student, which is a busy life to lead on its own.
it’s why you don’t complain when he wants to spend the night in and order a pizza instead of cooking together like you’ve been wanting to try. it’s why every time your friends ask you two to hang, you have to reluctantly explain that peter is passed out at eight o’clock on a saturday.
there’s a lazy “wanna make out?” some nights, if peter isn’t yawning when he steps through the front door. even that has lost its enjoyment. kissing peter doesn’t give you the rush it used to, the taste of his strawberry chapstick not flooding your senses and intoxicating you. it’s become predictable. comfortable. boring.
peter is boring.
you’ve slipped into unspoken routine. say your hello’s, work on separate assignments in different rooms. peter eventually yells something like “babe, you hungry yet?” across the apartment, his passive way of asking you to make dinner. you usually order takeout because why make an effort if he doesn’t?
you might watch one of the ten movies peter has liked since before the start of your relationship. he’ll usually fall asleep during it. no surprise there. his overpacked schedule exhausts him, which you’ve talked to him about spreading himself too thin. peter is too nice and can’t say no, so this is where it leaves him.
the main reason you’ve stayed with him is that he can’t take care of himself. he’s clueless about paying the bills, sorting his laundry, simply remembering to drink water. peter wouldn’t be able to go a week without you. he even says it himself.
“crap, i totally forgot about these,” when you picked up his special ordered textbooks from your school library. “can food go in the garbage disposal?” a rare time you didn’t wash the dishes. “thank you, y/n/n. you’re literally a lifesaver,” whenever you do a task for him that someone in their 20s shouldn’t need assistance with.
you didn’t used to mind much. he watches over the city every night. you felt you should return the favor. spider-man could use some help, too. after the almost four years you’ve been together, peter has become completely dependent on you. it only got worse when you moved in together your junior year. you’re concerned how he’ll manage later in his adult life.
you’d think he’d be a little more passionate about your relationship considering how much he needs you. you know peter still loves you, of course he does. that’s not what the problem is. he’s become content with the mutual feeling, so he doesn’t try anymore. he expects the spark to keep itself lit.
no more random joke of the day texts that he used to send you. he stopped surprising you with your coffee order in the morning, the one that he memorized the first time you two went to a starbucks. what you initially found most endearing about peter was that he remembered every little thing you told him.
he put whatever energy he had into showing you that he listened. he’d do it all with rosy cheeks and that toothy smile of his. it seems now like he’s under the impression that being in a long term relationship means none of that matters anymore. there’s no need to impress you, keep you guessing, make you feel special.
tonight is your breaking point. as you go over all of this in your head while peter lays peacefully next to you, you can’t take it. you’ve been making so many excuses for him. you lie to yourself. you’re desperate to believe this is okay and normal and you can work this out, and you can love whatever version of him this is.
but, you can’t. you can’t do it. you need to tell him now because if you sleep on this, you’ll end up feeling bad and be stuck under these suffocating blankets forever.
“peter?” you whisper his name, your back turned to him in bed. you haven’t cuddled each other to sleep in a while. his arms don’t make you feel held now, they make you feel trapped. you’ve been forcing yourself to ignore his look of hurt when you reject his open embrace.
“peter?” you speak louder after a moment of silence, except for his occasional snores. a loud one escapes him before they stop altogether. his eyes stay shut as he mumbles out a, “uh... huh?” your heart is thudding through your entire body. you take a breath in from your nose. “i wanna break up.”
the breath you let out next is one of relief, those three words that have been scratching your throat for months finally out. peter slowly turns his head over his shoulder. he blinks rapidly at your motionless figure. you’re still not facing him.
“what?” is all he says. his voice is surprisingly steady, the confession not yet registering with his sleepy mind. his eyes are burning into you. “i wanna break up,” you repeat and squish your face further into your pillow. peter suddenly sits up, flicking on the lamp on his side. he tries to sling an arm around you. you move further away until you’re at the edge of the bed.
“i’m serious, peter. everything we had, it’s gone.” your words cut through him harder than literal knives he’s been stabbed with. “i- i don’t understand. where is this coming from?” he rakes a hand through his mess of curls. you turn onto your back, looking up at peter. his eyes are fixed on your lower half.
he’ll most definitely cry if he meets your eyes. he really doesn’t want to cry, not ever again when you won’t be here to make him feel better.
“it’s been coming,” you almost scoff at him as you prop yourself up against your pillows. peter’s teeth tug at his lower lip. “all we do is this.” you gesture to your bed, slapping your hand down at your side. “i get tired,” he speaks quietly, refusing to look at you. “i know you do, peter. i know, but you’d be a lot happier if you ever listened to me.”
your statement comes off as condescending to him. he works up the courage to look you in the face. “are you kidding? all you do is boss me around, and i take it. i’ve never once complained.” anger is coursing through his veins and voice. at the situation, that he’s about to lose the one stable part of his life. you’re getting pissed, too.
“that’s because you can’t do anything yourself!” you throw the blankets off you and swing your legs over the bed in one motion. peter hops out of bed entirely. “my whole life, i’ve been on my own half the time,” he spits as he comes over to stand in front of you. “sorry for taking you up on your offers to help.”
your peter would never spew that shit out. he wouldn’t guilt you for something he’s in the wrong about. this peter takes you for granted. he has no clue how fucked he’d be without you.
the first time you spoke to peter was on your way to history 227. you’d recognized him from your class, much more interested in the pretty boy taking notes with his tongue stuck out than whatever war your professor would lecture about.
he was carrying some books, a pencil case that didn’t fully zip, and a five subject notebook. you watched him do his balancing act through the halls until his legs started to wobble. a knowing smile on your face, you tapped his shoulder. it was a gentle one so you didn’t scare him and make all his things fall over.
“can i carry something for you?” you laughed out and pushed one of your backpack straps up on your shoulder. peter only stared at you, his doe eyes prompting you to reach for his pencil case. “uh, no, it’s fine. i got it. see?” he proved that to you by hiking everything up in his arms. he gave you a smile of his own.
“are you sure? we’re going to the same place,” you’d checked again and pointed at his impressive pile. “i’m not gonna steal your sharpies.” “really, i’m fine,” peter insisted with a heart clenching chuckle. “you can have one, if you want,” he offered and attempted to unzip his case, one handed. you put your hand over his to stop him.
“wait until we get to class,” you let go of him, leaving the tips of peter’s ears a shade of pink you’d later fall in love with. “i’ll sit with you.”
peter was once determined to do things on his own, to be self-sufficient. it used to be something he was proud of. now, he’s completely incapable of holding his independence.
“we’re done, peter.” your tone is short, you getting to your feet. “you’d probably forget how to fucking breathe without me, but call it bossing around, i guess,” you laugh bitterly and go over to your drawers. peter’s face falls as he grabs your wrist, stopping you when you pass by him. “where are you going?”
no answer. you pull yourself out of his grasp with your lips pressed into a stern line. peter follows you step by step over to the dresser. “wait, wait. don’t leave, baby. please,” he begs you, getting onto his knees beside you. you’re pulling random clothes out as quick as you can. a science t-shirt peter outgrew is in your hands.
peter used to give you all his old clothes. the signature smell of his cologne lingered no matter how many times you washed them. they kept you calm on nights he was out late patrolling or away on missions. peter would sport a smirk whenever you wore them out in public, pulling you closer to him and complimenting the look.
it started when he was packing for his first mission since you two had begun living together. he’d realized he became too buff to fit in some shirts. remembering how many times you’d giggle at their funny sayings, peter gave them to you. you threw one on and thanked him with a peck on the cheek. it became your tradition.
peter would set off for a new continent, but a piece of him would stay home with you.
the stretched out hoodies and ripped sweatpants just sit in your drawer now. another meaningful thing discontinued. whatever he doesn’t want goes to may for donations now. the memory of what they used to mean to you makes a fit of rage burst through you.
you slam down his ‘find x’ shirt in the space between his knees and yours. you’re on a mission of your own this time. you aren’t going anywhere until you get rid of all the stuff that went from him to you.
“y/n, don’t do this. i- i love you. i love you.” peter chokes out, tears filling his eyes. his vision is clouded while you toss more clothes to your side. “i love you, y/n/n,” he whimpers again, and this time you briskly push the drawer shut. the whole dresser shakes. this is the most emotion either of you have shown in the past few months of your relationship. it’s a little too late.
“love is more than a word, peter. you have to back it up with actions.” you’re doing your best not to cry. the memories of how loved peter made you feel play in your mind. he briefly wipes under his eyes and shakes his head. he’s so oblivious. “i thought i- i did.” “exactly, you did. you gave up at some point.” your voice gets weaker as a tear drips down your chin.
you didn’t plan on breaking down when you imagined this moment. part of you wishes you could give him another chance. most of you knows it wouldn’t do any good for you or peter. you’re not right for each other anymore. he outgrew some sweatshirts, you outgrew him.
that takes you all the way back to it’s not you, it’s me. it’s really both of you.
for the last time, you pull peter in for a hug. the two of you need this. he loops his arms around your back, keeping them loose around you as he tucks his face into the side of your neck. you’re a mix of tears and sharp breaths with your chin on his shoulder. you bring a hand up to the back of his head, grabbing a fistful of curls.
he sobs right into your ear, effectively destroying whatever composure you had left.
even though you’re not in love with peter, you haven’t stopped loving him. somewhere inside of him is the goofy boy who asked you out on a post-it during class. the kindhearted man who gave so much of himself to the world and saved enough for you. the one whose fingertips left goosebumps on your skin with every touch.
seeing him like this, having caused it feels like a dull pain rippling in every part of your body. you’ve been there to soothe him during countless breakdowns over the years. you managed to stay strong for all of them. this is the only exception. he lost people, felt down about life, made mistakes. you were there to pick up each piece and put them back together.
the one mistake peter made that you can’t fix is not loving you right. you became his rock, his anchor whenever he let grief and sadness rule over him. you’d get him back to himself. he could’ve at least bought you flowers once in a while, or done anything that showed his gratitude. every iteration of awful put together isn’t enough to describe how he feels.
“i’m so- i’m so fucking sorry, baby. i don’t deserve you. i never have,” peter murmurs as he cries, wetting your skin that his face is still pressed into. your fingers pull roughly at his hair. hot tears overflow from your own eyes. “i should’ve done more.” his voice cracks on the last word. “that’s all i wanted to hear, pete,” you breathe out and pull away from him.
“does that mean you’ll stay?” he croaks, arms still wound around your body. his eyes are hopeful when they lock with yours. a frown pulls at your lips. “only for tonight. i should... one of us should sleep on the couch.” “oh,” his voice is gravelly, so he clears his throat. “i’ll do it.” you’re not going to fight him on it for once.
peter removes his arms from your waist, you sitting back down on your thighs. you give him a blink and you’ll miss it smile because you can’t keep one for long. it’s to let him know you’re not mad. you were at the start of this conversation, then he took accountability. you also came to terms with the fact that the downfall of your relationship was a joined effort.
there are more factors than peter not giving you what he should have. time, different goals, new outlooks on life. you can’t hate only him because a whole bunch of things lead to this.
instead of a smile, since he physically can’t put one on his splotchy face, peter brushes the pad of his thumb over the corner of your lips. he gets up to leave the room, but you stop him with a “wait!” he freezes in front of you. you get out a hoodie from his pile of old clothes and stand up. “it’s cold.” you put it in his hands, earning a grin that he didn’t think was possible.
“thanks, y/n,” peter sighs and holds the hoodie against his chest. “goodnight. um,” this is the part where he’d usually say i love you. “sleep well, okay?” the replacement stings for both of you. you’ll have to learn to fall asleep without hearing that phrase first. as much as you didn’t feel it anymore, you’d become used to it. “you too, peter. night,” you say softly.
you head back to your bed while peter walks out the door. he glances at you once, and you’re already settling under the covers. he shuts the door behind him before finding his way to the couch.
your bed has always seemed too small. it’s gigantic without peter. you aren’t sure how you feel about that yet.
peter lays across the couch, the hood that doesn’t quite fit him pulled over his head. he’s only wearing it because you gave it to him. you doing that not even five minutes ago was how you backed up your love with actions. it’s so easy. silent tears spill from his eyes at the realization.
he wishes on every star that he could’ve figured out he wasn’t doing enough sooner. you’d be together right now, had he just caught on. there was a time he prided himself on knowing you fully and completely. how to turn you into the shy one with certain combinations of words, what your schedule was each week so he could plan his free time around it.
your relationship became something he thought would last unconditionally. if only he was able pinpoint the exact moment he went wrong.
you’re right in the other room. he can go in there and bawl, plead for you to take him back. how could he do that and claim to love you, though? you’ve made it clear you‘re over him.
the best way for peter to show you he loves you is by letting you live your life, without him in it.
you don’t see peter again for weeks. he moved back in with may, and you got to keep the apartment. you were the one who took all the care of it, anyway.
your semester ended at the perfect time because peter isn’t in any of your new classes. the city is too big to bump into each other. you’re free from the hold he had on you, which would’ve been four years long since yesterday. you’ve been good at picking up his broken pieces for too long, and now it’s time to pick up your own.
for all the hangouts you missed on his behalf, you made up for it. you called mj the day after your breakup and met for lunch. she never explicitly said it, but she took your side. peter had a feeling because when he had the same idea as you, to lean on his friends for support, she never reached out.
betty is indifferent, ned stays cordial with you. his real loyalty is to peter. you can’t blame him.
peter hasn’t been doing well since you broke up. he’s not eating enough, he can’t focus on work of any kind. you were right when you said he would forget how to breathe without you. he often wonders how you’ve been.
he finds out today.
you’re walking around campus, heading in the direction peter just came from. he has a class in the building your last one was. the two of you are on the same sidewalk, opposite sides. he almost doesn’t recognize you.
mj is on one side of you, a guy he’s never seen before with an arm around your shoulders. you’re all laughing about whatever dumb thing your professor said during the lecture. your hair, which is done in a new style, flows behind you in the spring breeze. a smile takes place on your glossy lips. the smile is directed towards that guy. your new boyfriend, peter assumes.
you look amazing, and not only physically. you seem happy with your small group of people. peter hadn’t been able to give you that happiness in years, so it’s nice to see you got it back somehow.
he must have stared too long because you notice him. you fall behind mj and your potential boyfriend, both of them wrapped up in discussing your next project. peter stops walking. you do the same. he’s not sure if he upset you, or what’s going on. his instincts tell him to apologize. his mouth stays closed.
that infectious smile of yours appears once again. you thought about peter yesterday, it being your anniversary and all. you’d only let yourself remember the good things. they outweighed the bad ones when you look back on everything.
“aye, grandma! get over here!” mj calls to you, your boyfriend nudging her side. “take your time, y/n/n. i’m not in a rush to write seven long ass pages.” you laugh to yourself at the two of them. peter fiddles with the zipper on his jacket. it’s from the drawer of things you used to wear. “one sec!” you yell back.
“hey,” you turn to face peter, who’s giving you a tight lipped smile. “how’ve you been?” “i’m okay. just, you know,” he shrugs and clasps his hands behind his back. there’s a short silence before peter says, “you seem good. really good.” he smiles for real this time. “yeah, i am. i hope you are, too,” you tell him and genuinely mean it.
you’d like to catch up soon, but it’s not right yet. you both need more time. “i’ll see you around?” you’re already starting to walk, backwards so you can see peter. “uh, sure. bye,” he gives you a quick wave and continues on his way.
you get back to mj and your boyfriend, his arm returning to your shoulders. they waited for you by the stoplight. “what’d ya get up to over there?” he teases, mj suspiciously watching your face for any tells. you carefully think through your answer with a grin. “love.”
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mrpenguinpants · 4 years
Genshin: University AU [V1]
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I love modern au. Or any “everything is fine, no one died, it’s just a fever dream” au. Half of me is thinking, damn maybe I should answer this serious- LOL HAHA no. That’s not happening. Time to crack my knuckles and let my brainworms take over again.
Once again, this is 90% crack 10% content. I want to switch up my characters from the last brainworm post but I included Kaeya and Diluc.
Today’s appreciation post goes to twistedwishes. Hey! I’ve been seeing you pop up a lot lately and thanks for the support 💕💕 I hope things are going better for you and you’re doing alright^^ I feel kinda bad for making appreciation posts on crack fics but hopefully this is somewhat funny haha. 
Genshin: Holding Hands [V1]
Genshin: When you’re cold [V1]
Genshin: Roommate [V1]
Genshin: Royalty AU [V1]
[taglist]  <- if you want to be added, please read this first.
  @mikeysbike @hanniejji@unionwitch @musekala @twistedsunnshiii @stanzastic @akaasea @xoneaboveallx @adoring-ghost @asheseiler @childelover @dilucsz @dai-tsukki-desu @thicmitten @youaskedfurret @diaxfeliz @wintergreen-aix @dandelily @thegayrubberducky @lovelykittycatmeow @yuunoagivesmelife  @dokidokisama @simpygrimoire @minakohasmanyhusbandos @strwbrry-lia @tigerpriestess @yuu-yuukurotsuki​
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Absolute pretty boy who has braincells, but only if Kaeya is not there. In his mind, Kaeya’s presence makes his room loose 40% of their common sense. He can’t prove it just yet but he’s working on it. He majors in accounting but also has a minor in marketing, logistics’ management, fia- he majors everything business related. He’s going to become the next Elon Musk through smarts or by getting the competition drunk. There can be no contest if he’s the only candidate. He’s actually a hard working guy that overworks and stresses way too much. You have daily “Diluc recharge” evenings where he just hangs onto you while you go through your day.
“Don’t fucking talk to me until I’ve had my coffee,” except there is no coffee - he drinks grape juice out of juice boxes and his only energy boost is when he meets up with you - and that’s his constant mood. So he usually only hangs around you and Jean, since she has childhood friend status and is actually an angel. By default, Lisa is added and Diluc doesn’t mind her but if he see’s Kaeya, it’s full on war paint mode. If he's not busy with work or studies, he's usually with you either in your dorm or his apartment.
He has a fanclub and he seriously hates it and tries to do everything in his power to get Ningguang to take it down. Shouldn’t this be against his rights? But she refuses for whatever reason and makes a whole speech about free will. No matter what he does, someone manages to take a picture and it get’s printed in the university’s newspaper. The only bonding time he has with Kaeya is every Monday, where they collect and burn all the universities newspapers before anyone can get their hands on it. You always bring marshmallows to make smores during their arson activities.
“When I graduate I’m going to burn this school down to the ground. That’s not a threat it’s a promise.”
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Is secretly the leader of the Diluc fanclub - not that she likes Diluc, she’s in a questionable platonic poly marriage with you and Beidou - but it was the easiest way to gain funds for the student council. Which she is the president of, so rip Diluc the fanclub stays. Ruthless business woman I tell you. But she can run in heels so her danger factor rises by at least 20%.
Majors in social sciences and law but more specifically the political science & government. She saw the Imperial State Crown that the Queen of England wears and says yes, that’s mine now. If she’s not with Beidou and you planning on “how to infiltrate the state government just for lols”, then she’s with Keqing, Ganyu, and Zhongli discussing student council things. Should they or should they not tell the student body that they can see everyone’s search results? Sit back and relax as the school goes into chaos. 
She’s probably the scariest person on campus No, she is the scariest person on campus. She’s the scariest person on campus. But secretly she’s popping 20 aspirins just to make it through a night. She has the digestive system of steel. She still holds the title of "seriously do not try and beat her in a drinking game it's never going to happen" and that's her proudest achievement in life but sadly she can’t put it on her resume. Kaeya is still trying to beat her out of spite but so far it hasn't been working. You’re seriously concerned for her when she get’s challenged but Beidou gives you a way-to-hard slap on the back and cheers her on. If Ninngguang somehow get’s alcohol poisonings she’ll somehow find away to make a profit out of it.
"I'll let him die, I'll get the insurance money."
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One day he chugged too much mouth wash, passed out, and somehow woke up in university majoring in law. His idea is that if he is apart of the law, he can therefore stand above it. To be fair, his only goal in life is to say “I am the manager” and he can go live the rest of his life in bliss or as a hermit. He’s secret best friends with you but wouldn't be caught dead beside you. He will stab a bitch if you ever get hurt but will still trip you on the way home. Seriously, you have no idea why people find him attractive. Your guess is it’s the eye patch or the clap of his ass cheeks that keeps alerting everyone.  
He’s apart of the newspaper club and if anyone asks: No, he has no idea who keeps taking all the newspapers and burns them in the back of the campus. Originally, he joined because he was nosy and needed to join some type of club for his resume. He sometimes feels bad for his junior assistant Amber because he keeps tricking her and says that Diluc is secretly a demon that is trying to steal all the jobs and is apart of the lizard government hell bent on eradicating the human race. He even brought out a whiteboard for this joke, he’s dedicated to his job ok? 
The type of guy to try and be humble and say his work is “okay” but will choke a bitch if anyone agrees. He tends to leave everything last minute and says that it’s his drug since actual drugs could land you one year in prison and a maximum penalty of $2,000. You have to awkwardly hold in your concerned mother head shake when you see him speed running his assignment literally right when the professor is walking around to check if students finished. 
“I was taught how to lead not to read.”
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Broke wallet #2. Zhongli is broke wallet #1 but Childe simps for him so is he really a broke wallet at this point? In this essay, I Mona Megistus, will explain why I have the rights to the title “Broke Wallet #1″...
Believes that astrology should be an actual career path but refuses to take astronomy as her major. I can read the stars not a textbook that tells me how to calculate the mass of the sun divided by the fucks I give. Instead she went into Philosophy and cries to Albedo, who is an actual prodigy genius- sir lend some braincells to everyone else please?, that her professor keep turning her paper down because “star reading” is not an academic source.
Fischl wants her to join the occult club because, surprisingly, Mona is very good at telling people’s fates through her crayon sketch ouija board. She thinks first year Fischl is cute but is put off by the cosplay roleplay that she has going on. She would join except that stupid hat wearing gremlin in her lit class would make fun of her if he found out.
You gave her half your lunch one day and bought her a doughnut "because she seemed upset" and "out of the goodness of your heart" whatever the hell that means. She thinks you pensioned it but once that thought comes she takes a bite. Poison from a doughnut is not the worst way to go out, classes are hard enough. She’s waiting for the lord to strike her down anyways. 
“Its not about passing, its about doing better than everyone else.”
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Slept through most of highschool and people question how he got into university. He’s a music major (wow how fucking original is that), and if anyone asks him to serenade someone or just do anything, he’ll do it for the right price. Or if you buy him alcohol because he still keeps getting ID checked. He’s banking on Kaeya actually becoming a lawyer or being on good terms with Diluc so he can finally stop being arrested for looking like a toddler.
Takes one step into classes and quickly nopes out and goes back to bed. Professors have no idea how he hasn't dropped out or failed. He just has some god given talent. He does whine at you to pretty pretty please with a cherry on top tutor him because you're such an angel and would never leave your poor but awesome best friend hanging right? He needs to get this essay down but how he is suppose to explain how the number 10 is symbolic and connects to the universe or the meaning of life. Do you think he can just say it’s apart of his culture and make up some random myth to pretend it looks like he knows what he’s doing? 
He’s honestly going with the flow and put his brain on the back burner all of highschool and only now realizes wait, I actually have to use my brain?
He’s been banned from most club chats since Venti has the no chill card. Someone says “lol I look ugly today.” and he’ll respond "yup, you look like a cow." and he get’s banned. Zhongli keeps a speed run timer on his phone just to document these occasions.
"Sad spelled backwards is das and das how it be sometimes."
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An actual dumbass that somehow does well. He eats sandwiches with the crust off, this heathen. Surprisingly he’s studying to become a physical therapist but most of his experience has come from breaking his own bones. You’re scared how he's going to be if he actually becomes a therapist. If he'll make bets with his patients or try to one up whatever crazy injury they get into. Everything is a challenge to him that sometimes the best way to deal with Childe is to knock him out. 
This man really knows the way to a Zhongli’s woman's heart. Through micro transactions. Mona saw him accidently drop $20 and just shrugged and walked off. She has never been both spiritually and physically offended in her life. She did take the $20 though. As much as you hate leeching on Chile when he’s basically a walking wallet that probably uses bills as tissue paper, you can’t help but give him puppy eyes while planning on how to get into his will. If he even plans on having one, he might honestly write “whoever wins in a gladiator style duel in my funeral’s tournament, they will get my fortune.”. 
Any sport the university offers Childe is probably in it. Which is how he met Zhongli, challenged him to a fight, proceeded to have his ass handed to him, got a backhanded compliment, and screamed to you he was in love and how he found his soulmate. He's secretly very sappy and has cried and watched every Disney and Pixar movie at least 28 times.
God if it isn’t Scaramouche, it’s Childe that ruins the aesthetic. This is why I hate you. Why do you people enable me like this, it isn’t even good. This is pretty much a @ yourself moment and I vibe hard with Venti. This entire post was just to make a joke about the clap of Kaeya’s ass cheeks alerting the guards.
This week might slow down since I have classes and assignments. My reply’s are gonna be late too, sorry;; (oh and thank you to everyone that was so supportive and nice when I mentioned it. All of you. Beautiful 💕💕 )
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beatleszeppelin · 3 years
You're A … Inexperienced
Summary: On watch one night you find out some thing that Daryl has never done. And you offer him some experience
Category: Friends to Lovers, Eventual Mild Smut, just a good ol' time
Paring: Daryl x reader (second person)
Warnings/Includes: General Walking Dead grossness, Smut (but not in this chapter), swearing, use of weapons, non-graphic hunting, mention of past child abuse, (let me know if you see anything else)
Word count: 2.1k
Chapter 1: Truth
The night was off to a slow start since you and Daryl had taken watch. The sound of the chain link fence rattling in the wind served as a pendulum in the back of your mind. A chill in the late summer air made the concrete you used as a backrest cool to the touch. Both of you sat against the base of the watchtower on lookout, since the two with the regular shift were on a run.
“Know any games to play to stay awake?” You asked, slumped against a wall, and turning to look at Daryl, who was sitting cross legged, head rested in his hands.
“No,” he replied, “should get some cards or somethin’.”
“Yeah, next time we go into town.”
The night had become dark, no moonlight deciphered the sky from the inside of your eyelids. Time ticked on and before you knew it both of you had fallen asleep.
The rattle of the fence shocked you out of your sleep, and you saw an arm reaching through the fence trying to grab at you. Although a decent distance away, you could still see it’s skin peeled back up to it’s bicep; raw meat dangling behind the wires, so it could fit the exposed bone deeper through the fence.
The growling must have woken Daryl up, because by the time you were standing to go and kill the bloody thing, he had handed you his knife to use. You took it graciously and tiredly walked over to kill it, looking much like a zombie yourself.
Stabbing it through the eye, you could feel the pop of penetration to the skull, and with that it fell to the ground dead, fully dead. With all of its weight moving downwards, the force must have been too much, causing it’s limb to stay on the side of the fence opposite to it’s corpse. You hoped backwards as the appendage reached for your ankle, then shriveled up like the rest of its body.
Returning to your space adjacent to Daryl, you handed his knife back, and sat down breathing heavily.
“You rest, I won’t go back to sleep,” he said leaning on his hip to pull his red rag out from his back pocket. The knife you had used was laying on the ground next to him, beaded with blood.
“No way I’m getting back to sleep, I can hear my blood pounding in my ears.”
“Tell me if you need ta though, ‘cause I’m good,” He said, reassuring you.
You just shook your head and leaned against the wall, propping yourself up with a gun by your side.
You rolled your shoulders back every once in a while to stretch your back. Daryl mindlessly fiddled with a rock that he picked up off the ground. The sky was now dark and all of the stars in the night could be seen. Nothing like this would have ever been possible before. As the stars moved and passed with the coming hours, your tiredness from before seemed to return.
Neither of you had spoken in quite some time, which wasn't weird for you now that you have been taking shifts with Daryl for sometime. At first it was weird doing nothing with him, it was like he wasn't comfortable enough with you to converse, but now you know it's quite the opposite. You guys can communicate by means other than just talking. However, silence needed to be broken if you were going to keep him company until sunrise.
“I miss coffee,” you broke silence, plucking some grass and throwing it past your outstretched feet.
“Huh,” he snickered.
"I don't think I appreciated it before, I don't even remember drinking it that often."
"Don't even remember the last time I had it." He said and spun the little shiny rock he had in his grasp.
“I do,” you said.
He readjusted his position to be facing you holding his knees up to his chest with his chin rested on top. His head tilted down, but his eyes looked up at you to continue.
"Was a date, or not a date, but a meeting. I was out at a cafe, with the TA, for the psych class I was in. And he ordered for us, and after I explicitly told him to get almond milk, he didn't."
"Why?" Daryl asked with conviction.
"Because I'm lactose intolerant and I had to kick him out that night because my stomach hurt so bad." You picked a few sticks up from the ground and broke them into tiny pieces. The stick sprinkled across the ground, and disappeared in the surrounding weeds.
"Didn't mean why are you lactose intolerant, I meant why didn’t he get ya what ya wanted?" He furrowed his brow for a second.
“I don’t know, never thought about it, maybe he’d just forgotten or something. Doesn’t matter, he wasn’t even that good in bed.”
Daryl threw his special rock in the air and caught it swiftly. For just a second it had sparkled in the air, before he held it in his fist like he would never let it go.
“I bet you’ve been on bad dates, too.”
“Nah,” He said and threw his rock across the land and wrapped both his arms around his legs.
“What!? Okay, I guess your fucking perfect,” you said scoffing in a half joking manner.
“No, just didn’t go with too many people.” He mumbled.
“And all of them just happened to be great?” You questioned.
“Never said that,” He tucked his chin under his arms, that still rested on his knees, “I never went on any good ones neither.”
“It’s kinda hard to believe you didn’t date much, I mean, look at you,” you joked, but also couldn’t deny the genuine admiration that he evoked from the people that surrounded him.
“Nah, forget I ever said anythin’. Let’s just go back to sittin’ here.” He turned his head to the side in which the sun would eventually rise.
“No, please, I just came up with a game idea,” you begged.
“Hmm?” He glanced over.
“Truth or dare!” You exclaimed, failing your attempt of hiding your excitement.
“Nuh uh. Not subjecting myself to that shit,” he said tersely.
“Come on, I wanna know about these dates you didn’t go on, and you could dare me to do stupid shit in the mean time,” you said with your shoulders sagging.
“Ain’t gonna ask you nothin’,” he said stubbornly.
“Okay, then it’ll be one-sided truth.” You had as much enthusiasm as a little girl at a sleepover as you asked, “Truth or da…”
“Okay, when was the last time you got drunk?” you started him off easy.
“Uh… CDC.”
“Wait, the CDC? Like the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta? How have I not heard about this before?” You asked. If this was the easy question,then this game may be more fun than you had previously thought.
“Yeah, stopped there, it’s gone now though,” he said nonchalantly.
“It’s gone? You would think it’d be better guarded or something.” You were astonished by the first question, and immediately got excited for the night to come.
“Blew up. My turn,” he said and pondered for a second, resting his chin on his palms like a winsome child. “What was his name?”
“Who’s name?” You wondered if this was what he was wasting his first question on.
“Coffee date guy,” he raised his eyebrows ever so slightly.
“I don’t remember,” you shrugged.
“That ain’t how this game works,” he argued back with a pout.
“Okay fine, I think his name was Bryce,” you gave up.
“‘S a douchey name.”
“He was a douche… probably dead now.” You looked down at the weeds growing, plucking a few and tying them together, waiting for someone to speak. You looked over at Daryl, who was patiently waiting for his question. He actually looked like he wasn't completely hating this game.
You thought for a minute, wondering how you could crack the boy in front of you. After some thought you said, “What was your first date like?” It was the perfect question, because really you could not imagine what he’d say.
“I told you, never did that type of thing.” He brought his thumb up to his mouth and started rubbing his lip as he talked.
“Okay then, who was the first person you ever did anything romantic with?” you asked.
“‘S not romantic, but there was this one girl that Merle’d bring out drinking with us sometimes. Name was Candy or something.” He mumbled around his thumb.
“Aww, little 20 something Daryl going out with a girl named Candy,” you teased.
“Wasn’t 20, I musta been ‘bout 13 or 14,” he recalled.
“I thought you said you’d go out drinking together?”
“Yeah, we’d go to this bowling alley, ‘cause they don’t card, and they had a pool table and a back room, I used to pay Merle t’ get me drinks.”
“He have to buy her drinks too?” You questioned.
“Nah, she was ‘bout his age I think, and he’d never buy something for someone else,'' he looked off.
“Wait, she was his age, and they let you drink when you were just a kid?” You tried not to chide.
“Hey, ain’t it supposed to be my turn?”
“Sorry,” you stopped.
“You said you were in a psych class, was that what you were gonna be?” He looked interested, as he inquired, studying your face as he awaited your response.
You explained “That’s what I went to school for, but who knows, I minored in fine arts. Truth is I hated psychology, but my parents needed me to make money for myself, otherwise I could have lived happily as a broke artist. Doesn’t really matter now though,” you trailed off. “Speaking of, what were your parents like?”
“Mean, drunk, dead.” He put it bluntly.
"I'm sorry, I didn’t know. How old were you?"
"With my mom, I’s 9. I was out playing with kids from around where I lived. They were all on bikes and wanted to chase this fire engine trying to see somethin’ exciting. I ran behind, and when I caught up I realized it was my house that was on fire. My mom had been smoking in bed."
"I'm really sorry about that, I didn't know about your mom or anything." You looked at him genuinely, giving a sympathetic smile.
"Was a long time ago,” he shrugged off. “Now for you. What art did you do?"
“I drew, painted, took pictures, everything really.” You added kindly.
He tilted his head back until it hit the wall, he stretched out his legs, and looked up at the stars as he said, “I’ll have to see that sometime.” “It’s not like I still have any of them,” you said, perplexed at his interest.
“Oooh, who was your celebrity crush as a kid,” you asked, “like who did you have posters of above your bed?” “Ya’ know Blondie,” he looked over to get your reaction. As he saw you nod, he said “Yeah, had a Debbie Harry poster, ripped out from a magazine.”
You laughed, and the questions continued; some questions resulted in stories others sat in stillness. The morning was short to come as the warm glow of the sun peered over the trees, and chirping birds made themselves present.
“Okay, what was your first time like?” you pestered.
You were met with a second of awkward silence, before he stumbled over the phrases “ I never, I mean… I did, it wasn’t like that though.” He brought his thumb up to his mouth again.
“Are you trying to tell me that you’re a…” he dipped his head down, and looked up at you through his hair. A sickly puppy could make your heart hurt any more, so you danced around your initial wording and asked “uhh, inexperienced?”
“Morning!” sang through the fields, and Daryl had been saved by the bell. Carol stood alongside Carl to take over for the morning shift, and relieve Daryl of his painted flush. She extended her hand out first to you, helping you up. Then to Daryl, letting the hand holding linger as she instructed for you guys to go get some rest.
The walk up was silent, but just before parting you joked with him “If you ever need some more experience, you know where my cell is.” You had said it quiet enough where he could ignore it, but you knew he heard it, because he silently split, seconds after you said it.
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imonthinice · 3 years
The Criminal Psychology Majors, Jason Todd x Fem!Reader Part 13/?
Word Count: 3.2k
Author’s Note: Part 13? The unlucky part??? I’m evil
Y/N - Your name, A/N - Any name ( your best friend’s name).
I don’t know when this will be posted because time is dumb! But I do think I’ll have something prepared for Jason’s birthday<3
Hope you’re all well!
Warnings: Swearing, Eludes to sex, Mentions of injuries, Mentions of underage drug use (Do Not Condone), Mentions of sexual assault, Eludes to trauma, no beta bitch we die like Jason Todd
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 8) (Part 9) (Part 10) (Part 11) (Part 12) (Part 13) (Part 14) (Part 15) (Part 16) (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20)
The next morning, Jason and Y/N would wake up in the same bed. Y/N would get up and stumble her way into his ensuite, trying not to wake him as he was still injured. It had been 4 days since his injury, and he was hoping that the next day he’d get his stitches removed. She would grab the clothes she wore the day before and walk into the ensuite.
She would fumble with her makeup a bit, realizing it had run slightly from the night before. Before just realizing it would be a lot easier if she took it all off. She wasn’t wearing heavy makeup, but it was just enough to hide what she thought were imperfections.
She wasn’t wearing anything, so she just threw on all of her other clothes and threw her hair up.
When she exited the ensuite, he was still sleeping in the bed, but his clothes were strewn across the room. She paused her thoughts to clean up his clothes and put them in his laundry basket.
She touched her nose to test if it was still warm and painful, which brought all the pain to the forefront, and it was still warm to the touch, she knew it was inflamed from the head-butting incident and looking in the mirror.
She didn’t think it would hurt this much, and she winced at the pain.
Jason would start groaning in his sleep, she assumed it was because they didn’t close the blackout curtains before they had their fun the night before. So she went to go close them when he went and grabbed her thigh, she laughed quietly.
“Good morning, Jason,” she said as she closed the curtains before  leaning down to see his face, and what was obvious bedhead.
“Hi,” he whispered before pulling her back into his bed.
She laughed, “Sorry, baby. I had to get up and get dressed.”
“Lame,” he whispered and curled into her.
“Jay, you’re naked,” she said.
“Thank you Sherlock Holmes.”
“Oh shut it, you should get dressed,” she suggested.
“Yeah, I should,” he said as he left the bed, crawling over her and going to his dresser, thank God he didn’t have any IVs and blood bags anymore, so he could walk without having to drag those around anymore.
She didn’t stare at him, because he nose started pounding and she whimpered.
“You alright, Y/N?” Jason asked her.
“Yeah sorry, my nose is killing me.”
“Well that’s what happens when you head-butt someone.”
She laughed, “I’m sorry okay, I panicked.”
“That part’s obvious.”
“You could pretend to care that I’m hurt, Jay,” she joked.
He laughed as he put on his boxers and his pants, “I could, but I also think you were being reckless, I worry,” he searched for a shirt, “I worry that us being together is putting you in danger,” he said as he found a shirt.
“Well, I like the danger, if there is any.”
“I’m pretty sure there’s a danger,” he put on his shirt and fumbled with his hair, “It’s obviously because you’re attached to Bruce, you heard that man ‘I wonder what Bruce will give me for you’ he knew we had money. You need your car back.”
“I can’t afford the fees,” she sighed.
“Bruce can pay them, you know.”
“God no, I would feel so bad, I’ll just take the subway or something.”
He sighed and went back to her, cupping her face, “Please let my dad pay the fees, it’s dangerous out there,” he leaned his forehead against hers and closed his eyes, “I can’t stand that you got hurt linked to your shenanigans with me,” he kissed her.
“I guess it’s me being protective,” he said, “But I think it’s a reasonable thing to be concerned about, Y/N.”
“I’ll figure it out, I swear.”
“You figuring this out involved you head-butting your attacker, I get it was quick thinking, but my god woman, that was dangerous,” he said.
“You literally got stabbed protecting your best friend,” she argued.
“Okay, good point, but I’m prettier than you so I win,” he joked.
“What kind of fucking logic is that you bastard!” she joked.
“The kind of star-crossed lovers or something, I don’t know, I don’t write, you do.”
“I’ll sell our story to Warner Brothers, we’ll make millions off of us.”
“Two lovers, harassed by the press in the media, spend most of their time hiding and protecting themselves from the disgusting eyes of the media and the man who attacked one of them,” he said in a news broadcaster voice, “Amazing, isn’t it?” he joked.
“The kind of story Artemis said Dick would eat up.”
“Oh, he would. Man’s a sucker for a romantic story.”
“Well, maybe he can sell his and Barbara’s romantic story to the Warner Brothers, he’d probably make millions too, if it’s worth anything.”
“Well, they’ve known each other for years, and when they finally started dating, myself, Steph, Cass, Tim and Damien all celebrated to an extent, we all saw it coming from all those years of them knowing each other,” he paused, “They actually fought a lot when they were younger before they dated, it would be normal to hear Dick and Barbs going at it about how they hated each other.”
“That’s such a meet-cute stone-cold-woman meets goofy guy story that I hate it.”
He laughed, “They’re so gooey, it’s so cute that I want to vomit.”
“That’s valid. We should be cuter so that they want to vomit.”
“I like your thinking, Y/N.”
“You always do, I have good ideas, Jason.”
“Only sometimes.”
She laughed. It was true, someone with always good ideas wouldn’t have head-butted her attacker, but it’s not like she carried knives or guns around to defend herself. She was considering getting a conceal-carry permit, just because she truly was shaken up by the event.
But a little trauma makes for good stories, and her story with Jason was just starting.
Dick decided he’d drive her to her class that day, she didn’t think it mattered that much, her attack, but she realized that a lot of them didn’t want to see her hurt, even if they barely knew her.
She figured it was a kindness that they all possessed. She heard stories of the Waynes paying off waitress’/waiters’ student debts. She heard stories of the Waynes being polite to their ‘lower’ counterparts of the world. She knew they wer kind people, so she wasn’t shocked when Dick insisted he drive her to her class.
“So, Y/N, what are your intentions with my brother?” Dick joked.
“Oh no, not this, I haven’t prepared my answerers for this exam,” she retorted.
“No, its a pop quiz, you have no chance to prepare.”
“Fuck. Can I drop out of this class?”
“How would you even accomplish that?”
“Tuck and roll out of the car, probably,” she joked.
“You ever done that before?”
“Nope, you?”
“Did it on a dare, Jase dared me.”
“And he calls me reckless,” she laughed.
“Well, we were still in high school at the time, we’re supposed to be reckless,” Dick said.
“You ever met a college kid? We’re supposed to be reckless too.”
“He’ll get over it in time, Y/N. I promise. He just needs time to accept that you’re going to be as reckless and opinionated as he is, no one really refuses each other like you two do, and I’m sure you don’t mean it to be like that.”
“I think you’re reading too far into it, Dick, we make compromises.”
“Then why is your car still an issue? Bruce can cover the cost no questions asked.”
“I don’t know,” she admitted.
“Maybe it’s something to think about.”
“Are you always this brotherly? I need to know what I’m getting into here.”
He laughed, “You really do keep out of the press, don’t you?”
She took that as a yes, he is that brotherly and would continue to be. She didn’t mind, she never had a brother growing up so this would take some time to get used to, but she did not mind at all. She just figured she’d have to keep her partying ways even further down in the depths of her secrets.
They didn’t need to know what she did and what was done to her, she even ignored those problems herself. If they came out, then so be it, but if she could keep them hidden, she would.
“What were you like back in high school?” Dick asked, trying to fill the silence.
“Probably not the type of person that your dad would want Jason to be with,” she admitted.
“Care to elaborate?”
“Honestly? I don’t want to talk about it. You’d probably have to get me hammered to talk to you about it.”
“Well, maybe one day you’ll go to a gala. And after you’re wasted, I’ll ask you about it.”
“I’ll hold you to it.”
“I’m sure you will, Dick. I’m sure you will.”
“Well, we’re here,” he said, “You have my number right?” 
“I do, I do.”
“Good, call me if you need me to come get you and take you home, or to the Manor. Either or, no questions asked,” he laughed, “I expect the same when you have your car back, to be fair.”
“Consider it a deal, thanks Dick.”
“Anytime, really.”
She closed the door and waved him off, but when he pulled out of the lot, the press was at Y/N’s ass. She ran though, she ran far to get out of there.
Class was the usual. She wrote her normal psychology notes, sitting in her class, concentrating as she scribbled down the notes that she struggled to read.
When she was done and getting read to call Dick to come get her, her old friends from Metropolis showed up at her school.
“Hey! Y/N!” Christopher yelled when he saw her leave her class.
“Oh my god?” she said before running to hug him, “What the fuck are you doing here, dude?” she questioned, before looking at the rest of the car and seeing Justine, Kaitlin and Thomas, “What the fuck are all  of you doing here?”
“C’mon party girl, we’re taking you to your pale, you get dressed, and we’re going out,” Justine urged Y/N to join them, “Just like old times, man.”
“Yeah! We haven’t partied in weeks since you got your scholarship! We know you’re busy and trying to discipline yourself, but we can go party every once in a while, girl!” Kaitlin added.
“You know we miss you too,” Thomas finished.
“Alright, I need no more convincing, let’s get going,” she said as she hopped into the car and they went going to her house. She thought on the drive there, What if I fall back into old habits, and I’m doing so well, what if I fall off?
She couldn’t have more thoughts because before she knew it, she was in her house sending Jason a quick text,
Hey baby, I can’t come over tonight. Old friends came by.
Oh. I hope you have fun, I’ll probably be with my brothers. how did you even get home?
They drove me. I promise I’ll be over tomorrow and you’ll have me all day and night long, though.
That. That is exciting.
It should be.
She got dressed.
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And she sent Jason a photo of what she was wearing (like the picture above) just to get him going. Before running out of her place and hopping back into the car.
“You always dress to impress, don’t you?” Thomas asked.
“I dress like I know what I’m doing,” Y/N joked.
“Never change, Y/N, never change,” Justine joked back.
She walked into the club she frequented back when she was in high school, but the Gotham one. She had a fake ID, and she used it well and was in the club before the rest of her group knew it.
Justine would grab her hand and take her to the bar, Fuck, she thought, Here we go. And they ordered drinks. 
The rest of the night was a blur of people, drinks and her friends.
She knew she overdid it from the minute she woke up, in her bed, feeling around for her phone in her messed up and torn up sheets. Het body was covered in bruises, she noticed between harsh blinks from the pouding headache she was nursing. She remembered why she didn’t party as hard anymore. She didn’t even know how she got home that night. She found her phone and turned it on, 8:00am it read. She checked her messages, adn there was Jason, at 7:00am he said;
Are you awake yet? 
To which, she replied: I am, why?
How drunk were you last night?
I think blackout. I don’t remember much. 
I can tell.
Tell me I didn’t do anything stupid.
You did something stupid.
What did I do?
You called me at 3am and told me you loved me, followed by saying you threw up at one of your friends. I don’t even know how you got home.
Well that’s not that bad.
You told me about your past.
When were you going to tell me you’re a recovering alcoholic?
I don’t know.
Come here. Come over. We need to discuss this.
Alright, alright. I’ll be there soon.
Dick will come get you in an hour, actually. Don’t leave the house without him.
I won’t.
She got up and looked at the mirror at herself. She was covered in bruises, her makeup was smudged, her eyes looked sunken in and her hair was a mess. She sighed, knowing she fucked up, and wiped off her makeup and got in the shower. She quickly showered and put on a turtleneck and a pair of jeans.
It was to hide the bruises from Jason. She assumed someone had physically assaulted her, possibly sexually. She only had that thought once before she pushed it very far down and swallowed it. She went to go make coffee, but her head was racing at the ideas of last night and what she said.
She was fucked up and she did fuck up. She knew she shouldn’t have drank. but she did. And she knew Jason was either really pissed or really sympathetic. She was scared at how much she might have discussed when Dick honked his horn and she left the house.
In the car, Dick tried to break the silence, “You should have told someone, anyone. We’re all really good at listening, Y/N.”
She wiped away a few tears that were pooling.
“You didn’t need to hide from us, Y/N.”
“I do.”
“No, Y/N, you don’t. Jason’s probably more mad that you didn’t tell him over you actually being a recovering alcoholic. You called him last night and let it all spill out. Everyone knows, you don't need to hide anymore.”
“Of course I did,” she said, swallowing more tears and her voice breaking.
She wanted her past as an alcoholic to die when she moved out of the city, because she didn’t want everyone to know how broken she was, fighting with addiction. A lot of her anxieties and treatments of people make sense with her past addictions, but that doesn’t mean she liked them.
She hated that girl, the wild party child who almost drank herself to death, her body was just recovering fully from her escapades when she went out clubbing. She knew this was going to be an issue, but she didn’t know how to fix it.
He looked over at her and caught eye at one of her bruises that was peaking over her turtleneck. He tried to not stare, but she noticed.
“Don’t ask about it, Dick. I don’t know what happened.”
“I think you two will get through this.”
“I hope we do, but realistically,” she paused.
“Don’t think like that.”
They pulled into the driveway and the minute Dick unlocked her door, she was out of there, speed walking to the door and then to Jason’s room.
She opened the door to find him reading a book, she would have smiled at this, had she not been certain that they were about to fight.
“Oh. You’re here.”
“Yeah, I just-” 
He cut her off and got up from his bed, looking ever-so disappointed in her as he walked to the door of his room. She expected the fight to take place in the hall, so she tried to step back when he grabbed her forearm with one of his hands and yanked her into his room. She assumed maybe, just maybe his room was soundproof so his family wouldn't have to hear the yelling. He closed the door once she was in and stared at her.
She gulped, expecting him to let loose on the argument now about her drinking and her confessing she was a recovering alcoholic, but instead, he pulled her into a hug, which she yelped at.
“Jason?” she said, shocked.
“Shh,” he broke from the hug and cupped her face, “It’s okay, really.”
“But I hid it from you...”
“You know, we’ve only known each other two weeks or something, right? I get you hiding it, I just wish it didn’t come out like that,” he laughed and kissed her quickly, “Besides-” he noticed the bruise on her neck, “What’s that?” he asked, grabbing her hand and clutching it.
���There’s more?” he asked.
“What, I mean, uh... uh... no?” she stuttered.
“Take your shirt off.”
“Or tell me the truth.”
“So there’s more, who hurt you? Did you fall?” he asked, getting a little bit heated, really squeezing her hand.
“I don’t know.”
He cupped her face, “That’s okay,” he leant his forehead against hers, “It’s okay, I promise, I do. I just really don’t want you to get hurt.”
“I don’t try to,” she said.
“Seems like trouble likes to follow you,” he said.
“Well, you found your way to me so I’d have to agree,” she joked.
“Ha ha. How’s your nose?” he said as he broke contact with her to go sit on his bed, she followed.
“It still hurts, but I can’t tell if that’s from last night or from my shenanigans with the attacker.”
“It could honestly be a combination of both, depending on what happened to you, have you asked your friends for the full story yet?”
“No. I’ve been scared to.”
“I don’t blame you.”
“I’m going to. Right now.”
“I support your decision on that,” he said as he turned on the TV in his room, but then Y/N paused.
“Reports are in of a group of friends, who all got arrested last night, for bodily harm of a man who attempted to rape their friend, Police say., the suspects in the attack are Christopher Green, Justine Wong, Kaitlin Benoit and Thomas Harthrew. More to be coming soon.”
“Thank god that girl had those friends.”
She turned to Jason, “So,” she paused, “I’m glad you think that, because, those are my friends.”
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bugsy-maria · 3 years
Casifer x Reader
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inspired by the song Bruises
I heard the door close with a click, I knew that they would be gone for a bit so I ran to the dungeon. I grabbed the materials that I'd need to summon crowly. I knew something bad would happen. I mean, of course, I would know I watched the show back in my universe. I just needed to protect Cass from making that stupid choice I knew he would make.
I said the spell that Sam taught me a while back. I waited for a bit and Crowley popped up behind me in the library. I looked up and around at him before proceeding.
"I need you to put me in Lucifer's cage," I stated simply keeping a monotone voice and serious face.
"What is it with your bunch and wanting to go in there?!" he exclaimed like his usual self.
"Something bad is going to happen and I need to stop it. so, get me in there."
"Look (Y/N), I love you like one of my own demons but I would not let you in there."
"It would have been easier to just say you hate me," I mumbled under my breath
"You know what I mean. I'm not letting you go down there."
"I wasn't asking, take me there now," I said my voice rising a bit as I knew that every minute we bickered the closer Cass is to say Yes.
"I said no. besides they're out already, there's no one to save." and as his raised voice died down he disappeared.
Black and blue, I'm on the edge Forgave you with your hands around my neck You steal my breath, you throw me away I'm only left with bruises Always played too close to fire I thought I saw the devil in your eyes You pull me down, I can't act surprised I know you're kind, the truth is I sat on one of the chairs in the library waiting anxiously for the arrival of the two brothers and the angel. I heard the click of the door again and shot right out of the chair I had been occupying the past couple of hours. I looked at sam and dean, they were just about the same as when they left. "Cass" followed right behind them.
"How did it go?" I asked, already knowing the answer while hugging them when they got to the bottom of the stairs.
"You already know." sam said with a chuckle. I hug dean but not "Cass". I went back to my seat, not sitting, and patted the table telling them to sit with me.
"I know but it might be nice to hear how it went for you, you know?" I looked at them and noticed that they both shared a glance at one another, thinking it was weird that I didn't hug the angel as they knew I might have most likely a tiny small somewhat big secret noticeable crush on him.
They all soon sat Cass next to Dean, Sam next to my chair.
"I'll go grab some beers, yeah?" they all nodded in response, I left to get the beers from the kitchen. I came back to hear them talking about me acting weird but I just brushed it off and walked in. "Here they are!" I said having two bottles in each hand.
"Oh just what I need," Dean said grabbing his when I placed the bottles down. we spent that night drinking a little and talking about nothing. it was about an hour or two before Dean said he was gonna crash, about 20 minutes later sam said he'd hit the hay. this left me and Cassifer to be alone.
"Why didn't you hug me when I came in?" he said in Cass's voice.
"Oh drop the act I know you're not Castiel," I said, standing up and grabbing the empty brown tinted glass bottles.
"So you know," he said in more of a menacing voice.
"Of course I do."
"And you won't tell." he stands up
"Of course I won't" I turned around and started to walk to the kitchen
"Well, I guess we'll have to keep it that way huh?" I heard his chair squeak on the wood floor.
"They'll find out on their own anyway," I said looking over my shoulder. No chains, no ropes Don't need 'em, I'm not going home Can't be alone You hurt me and I pull you close I woke up sore, everything hurt. the events of last night flashed in my mind when I took in my surroundings. my surroundings being on the floor of my room with books all over the floor. I push myself up painfully and stumble out of my room. I walk to the kitchen with my hand sliding along the walls like normal.
I go into the kitchen to see the two brothers eating eggs toast and dean was eating bacon. they stopped talking about turkey bacon and looked at me. upon seeing me dean shot up along with sam after him.
"What happened to you?" Dean asked, his big hands grabbing my face, turning it to get a better look on all sides.
"I ran into a wall," I said simply while shrugging my shoulders and closing my eyes.
"A wall doesn't leave handprints around someone's neck." sam said with worry laced in his words.
"Well it did," I said as I pushed past dean to grab a plate for myself. I picked up the spatula and scooped some eggs onto my plate.
"Oh are you sure you wanna eat that (Y/n)?" I heard Castiel's voice from behind me. I sighed before thinking about it. maybe the reason they didn't take me with them to get sam out of the cage was that they knew I'd only get in the way. ill need to train and be thinner to save them the next time right?
and with that thought, I scrapped the food off my plate and put it down on the counter. I turned to see both brothers staring at him in shock. I mean it's not their fault. they didn't know that Cass wasn't himself right now.
"I hope you burn in hell." and with that, I walked out. I knew that it wasn't much of an insult to an angel that was imprisoned in a cage with no interaction by his own father, but to the boys thinking that I said it to Cass it was the best one out there. they know that I love the angel to death and wouldn't think twice before jumping in front of an angel blade for him. they would be able to tell that something is wrong I know it.
I can't tell you why When you kill me with a smile I don't wanna lose it Wish I could unchoose it All I have are bruises Let you see inside my mind Got no tears behind my eyes I don't wanna skew it Wish I could undo it All I have are bruises After a while, he stopped hurting me as he found out that I was already putting myself in hell. I could never stay mad at Cass so I've started hugging him and whispering "I'm sorry's" over and over. it's gotten harder and harder to sleep lately. I'm exhausted all the time from not eating and overworking.   Black and blue, I still regret Forgive you even when I know what's next But I'm not scared, I'm outta my head Lay down to rest with bruises Cross my heart and hope to die I knew I saw the devil in your eyes If love is hell, I guess I gone blind At least you're mine, the truth is Today was the day, the day no more scars and bruises would be left on my skin. the night that I could go to bed at a normal time with my favorite angel/person in the whole universe.
"(Y/N)?" I heard his voice fly through the hall on the other side of my door. I got up and walked to the door, my hand stretched out in front of me. my hand hovered over the handle, i hesitated while my mind raced with thought about this all being a sick messed up dream. if it was I sure hope it would never end.
my boney digits wrapped around the nob and in a swift motion the door was open. I quickly looked left down the hall then right, where I saw him standing there having me.
"Cass," I sighed and ran over to him, stumbling over my feet before i got to him and quickly tied my arms around him as tight as I possibly could as to make sure he could never leave me.  I felt his arms wrap around my now small and thin frame. his warmth covering me like a blanket.
"I'm back." he mumbled into the hair on the top of my head. No chains, no ropes Don't need 'em, I'm not going home Can't be alone You hurt me and I pull you close He pryed me off of him and looked me in the eyes. I didn't look at them before this but now that I had I realised that it wasn't actually him. Cass hadn't come back, it was only Lucifer playing yet another sick game.
"Oh come on that was too easy." his smirk spread on Castiel's face. "I mean one would think that you would have learned by now that Castiel is never coming back home." he lowed his face down to mine, "But that's whats unique about you, you're so so so so stupid." he said shaking my head with his hand.
"No, no Cass is going to come back i know he will." I said with determination in my voice.
"This isn't a TV show!" he shouted then slapped me so hard that I fell, my head hitting the hard wall. Upon hearing the noise sam and dean ran into the other side of the hall. their knifes out, I heard dean say something before running up to him and sam running up to me. i saw dean get stabbed with his own knife. sam tried to pick me up and take me away but was killed. I was too sund by the scene to make a noise.
"There now it's just us." he wiped his hands of the trousers he wore. "Its stupid you know." he looked at me and kneeled down to almost my level. "Its stupid that you would eve think Castiel even thinks of you like someone important to him. he doesn't even see you as a friend you know." and there was that smirk again. I can't tell you why When you kill me with a smile I don't wanna lose it Wish I could unchoose it All I have are bruises Let you see inside my mind Got no tears behind my eyes I don't wanna skew it Wish I could undo it All I have are bruises
I woke up in a cold sweat, I've had the same nightmare for months, ever since Cass came back but I never asked him to be around me when i slept because everything that Lucifer said gets to me. I know he doesn't see me as important or even like a friend.
I sat on my bed remembering the bleeding bodies of Sam and Dean and the shit-eating-grin on castiel's face that was put there by the devil himself. after about 30 minutes of sitting there I finally got the gutts to get up and ask Cass to help me sleep. he doesn't sleep but it has always helped me sleep with him and I cuddling.
my bare feet touched the cold floor and the light patter of them could be heard from the occupants of the rooms I was walking by. i made it to cass' room where he didn't do much, mostly just reading. i knocked on the door then heard a couple steps from inside the room. the door opened and there stood Cass in all of his glory. the real one.
"(Y/N)? what are you doing up?" HIS voice asked.
"I had a nightmare." i said looking at HIS eyes, making sure there was no sign of Lucifer.
"Oh, come in." he stepped aside letting me walk in, softly closing the door behind me. I fell onto his bed, the meletonion in my body kicking me, and boy did it kick hard. I felt the side of the bed next to me dip. "What was it about?"
"It was the night you came back but it wasn't you it was still Lucifer and he killed Dean and Sam." I said leaving out the part about what he had said. I felt his arm drape around my waist and the other one go underneath me to hug me tight and close to his chest. I felt the blanket cover him and me.
"Oh Angel, you have nothing to worry about. it's always going to be me from now on." HE whispered kissing the top of my head. an action he did quite often but everytime he did it I got butterflies.
"Good night Bee."
"Good night Angel, i love you."
"I love you too." I said with a smile spread so far on my face it covered half of my face.
I can't tell you why I'd let you kill me with a smile I don't wanna lose it Wish I could unchoose it All I have are bruises Wish you saw inside my mind I got no tears behind my eyes I don't wanna skew it Wish I could undo it All I have are bruises
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natrashafierce · 2 years
I finally watched Love Actually and I did not expect to dislike it as strongly as I did!
I could have handled the corniness (which I expected) if it wasn’t also so weird and skeezy. If that captures people’s idea of romance circa 20 years ago then I get why people have given up on sex and dating nowadays and say weird stuff like they “don’t know what love is.” Love is not committing adultery (needlessly hurting others and destroying their capacity for trust so you can orgasm is the opposite of loving behavior), or wanting to have sex with people you don’t know especially well (that’s lust), or being insane at the airport (that’s the human condition), or being grimly bummed out because the chick you wanted to fuck has a mentally ill brother who sometimes needs her attention (why was getting cock-blocked once a dealbreaker if they’re allegedly in love?). It’s also certainly fine to move on after the death of a spouse, but it was pretty weird how he was intent on doing it within the span of a few weeks, and with someone with whom he had no meaningful connection. I’m clearly supposed to feel happy for him, though, which is what gets me.
I truly don’t mind seeing the full spectrum of human confusion and frailty depicted so long as I’m not supposed to experience it as something it isn’t, but the movie pushed the idea that most of this stuff was sincerely romantic. I’m supposed to be moved by people making terrible decisions and chasing things that aren’t good for them psychologically, and I’m supposed to recognize that as “love." My heart is supposed to do stuff in response.
That famous cue cards scene… maaan, that was uncomfortable. People watch that and their hearts melt at two people who don’t know each other betraying their spouse/best friend for NOTHING? It’s so romantic? What? How narcissistic does someone have to be to feel vicarious excitement at the thought of being in her place? Also, the audience shouldn’t bat an eye that the groom in that relationship had prostitutes at his bachelor party, and his back-stabbing best friend arranged for that? It's just a little joke-sy about characters we're supposed to instantly like! The movie is just a clusterfuck of mostly selfish people who are terminally horny. None of it had anything to do with love.
Also, why was that particular “romance” depicted as romantic, but Alan Rickman’s affair with his secretary was rightfully depicted as skeezy? Would you rather have your spouse fuck a coworker/subordinate, or your best friend make an intense declaration to your spouse? They’re both quite bad, right? The second one is arguably worse?
I feel like an alien when I watch this stuff because I’m not digging for things to nitpick. I have an immediate visceral reaction to the scenes that I think is pretty normal and rational, yet the narrative does not seem to have such a reaction on its radar. That’s a surreal feeling. It’s like watching a good-guy protagonist get shot but everyone acts like it’s wonderful. Like, I've never even been cheated on but I'm feeling pain for this guy? Which I'm pretty sure I ought to, no matter what this movie apparently thinks?
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Creative types like to do this thing where they take an attainable ideal like love, but then fuck it all up and say ohhh that’s “real,” that's “the reality,” that's what things “actually” are. And people internalize that when it doesn’t reflect on anything except that artist's worldview and self-fulfilling low expectations. It’s edgelord stuff to say such a story is about “love” instead of lust or obsession or other assorted personal failings; it's a transparent attempt to make something seem deeper than it is. It's not even objective on a semantic level, much less a conceptual level. I remember my copy of Lolita said it was "the only real love story of its time" and, well, are you fucking kidding me? Yet people sincerely allow themselves to take their cues from people who have no idea what words mean, or have to willfully pretend not to in order to function.
I wish people would let “love” have its own meaningful definition where people get intense fulfillment by connecting with and doing right by one another. Instead it's fashionable for people to insist on redefining love so their disappointing ideas about unhealthy and destructive attractions fit in the goalposts. It's become this misguided way to look sophisticated and intellectual to espouse that love is dark and shitty, actually, when really it just means someone has a psyche and vocabulary too limited to talk honestly about whatever dark thing they're obsessed with. We don't actually need to redefine love for any particular era or whatever. It fucks with people's potential for happiness to define ideals out of existence.
But if we didn't let confused and disordered people redefine love, then people would have to face themselves. They would have to acknowledge that love is this whole other real experience they have not begun to facilitate in themselves -- often because they were too distracted by pettier, easier ideas that let them off the hook for how they view themselves in relation to other people. Or they want an excuse to avoid looking for anything better because painful things happened in their past. But just because most people need to let go of a lot of false ideas is not a good reason for everyone else to pretend things mean things they don't, or things are fulfilling that aren't fulfilling. If a person is settling for something destructive, or shitty, or nothing at all, does it really change anything for the better by allowing them to believe that's what is meant by the term "love?" Their situation has the same limits and disappointments it always had, the only difference is they can't get stuck in it due to confusion about what's available.
It has genuinely fucked people up to absorb ideas like this for decades. I feel like I didn’t truly get how impoverished people’s understanding of love was until I was in my 30s. I realized people mean the empty things they say and are genuinely influenced by the distorted ways love is depicted in the art they consume. There’s very little attention to ethics or how people choose to fashion their character. People don't realize that often they struggle to find love not because of how they look or petty social issues they may have, but because their strength of character and kindness isn't wowing anyone to tears. They're not making anyone feel so intensely relieved and moved about life itself that it's an obviously great idea to pair off forever. Rather, most people have such self-absorbed, petty personalities that pairing off with them is a dumb gamble; no one could be moved to do so except under pressure of anxiety or loneliness, which it bears repeating: is not love. They're frequently arguing, or frequently complaining, and they don't derive enjoyment from what they have to offer others. But "love" stories are just like oh, maybe if I’m hot enough, someone who’s also hot and inexplicably obsessed with me will do intense things to make my heart flutter, and I won't have to mature or self-actualize or be nice most of the time!
Anyway. It was also too corny a movie to be genuinely funny, but when that kid jumped through airport security I just about lost it yelling, “HE’S GONNA 9/11!” so that sustained me through the final minutes.
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Patched up with the doc
'For a request, would it be okay if I asked for Herman taking care of a reader who got injured outside of a trial? I do kind of want it to be an angsty moment at first, but it just turns into fluff and comfort. I don't want smut or anything. Just Herman being a gentleman and showing the reader his affectionate, caring side. They both might not admit it at first, but they really like each other and always wanna be extremely close; Hugs and cuddles.'
This was the prompt, and here's what I went with! Enjoy a bit shorter of a fic featuring our good doctor, Herman Carter, taking care of a slightly belligerent reader!
It was just like any other day. You’d gone to the saloon in Glenvale with a few other survivors to just hang out. You couldn’t remember what you went out onto the upper deck wrapping around the saloon for, but you were cursing yourself for it now.
It was humiliating to be dangling with one leg partway through the broken floorboard. Whatever reason you had for coming out here was not worth it as you tried to pull yourself back up without further hurting yourself.
You weren’t having much luck, low curses leaving you as you prayed no one would come out to check on you. The last thing you needed was any of the other survivors, or entity forbid, any of the killers, to see you in such a pathetic position.
Being clumsy and mucking up a gen or two was bound to happen. Not making it to a pallet in time, no big deal. But something this pitiful was not something you wanted anyone to know about or see. You would never live it down.
You could picture the laughing stock you’d become if people caught wind that you literally fell through the floor and hurt yourself. You fell from greater heights during trials and had no problem rolling through it on the balls of your feet. Hell, there was that place in the Gideon meat plant that was way higher than the saloon and you’d never had trouble with that.
One last growl of frustration left you before a sharp intake of pain left you holding still after you definitely stabbed yourself on part of the broken board.
A barely audible whimper followed not soon after, the splintering wood jabbing at your torn skin. You could feel the blood dripping down your shin from where you had scraped yourself up, and from the fresh stabbing from trying to free yourself.
And just as you were going to try to move a different way, you heard the footsteps make creaks from somewhere behind you.
This was the worst case scenario, you could hear it was someone heavier than any of the survivors that had come with you. There’s no way Feng’s or Meg’s footsteps would be that loud.
Dread filled your heart as you whipped your head around, grimacing as your shift made the wood dig into you again.
And the eyes that landed on you lit up green when they saw the position you were in, awkwardly hunched onto the deck, obvious pain on your face and one leg dangling at just above the knee into the broken hole.
“Here, let me help you, my dear.”
Herman took purposeful steps towards you, intent on helping you free yourself and seeing to your wounds he caught the slightest glimpse of when you shifted in place.
He stopped, shocked at your sudden outburst.
You held an almost trembling hand up, as if that would keep him at bay. And it did, for a moment.
“I-I’m fine. I can do it myself. I don’t need any help, I’ll be fine.”
And as if the universe was amused in your suffering, when you tried to lift yourself once more from the jagged hole, a piece of wood lodged deeper into the beginning of your thigh, causing you to gasp out and almost choke on your pain.
“You don’t seem fine, y/n. Please let me at least assist you in getting out, I insist.” He’d moved forward a few steps, approaching slower, and eyeing the floorboards cautiously now.
You struggled again, throwing the same hand back up as you grit your teeth.
“I said no! I don’t want your help!” The tears were pricking at the corners of your eyes, stinging like you’d just cut up onions. Your nose burned as you held them in. The pain and humiliation leaving you a mortified and stubborn mess.
He hadn’t stopped in his approach, moving to the side and gently touching your arm with his hand, rubbing a small soothing circle on your shoulder.
“While any other time you saying no I would listen, I really must insist. You have injured yourself quite seriously, and are having a difficult time freeing yourself. I’ll get you up and out of that, and then we can head to Lérys and get you cleaned up. You’re sure to have splinters, and those are nearly impossible to remove on ones own, especially at the angle you’ve got them at.”
He sounded so matter-of-fact that you couldn’t even argue further, just holding in the tears and trying desperately not to sniffle and sound even more pitiful than you were sure you looked.
You tried to reason with yourself that at least it was Herman to find you and not someone like Danny or Frank. They would have probably laughed at you and gotten everyone else to come out and point and laugh with them.
You tried not to break down into tears of frustration as Herman moved around to your front, being careful of where he stepped and testing out the weight first before fully committing to the step.
He bent over, taking a moment to observer where the most damage was that he could see, the front of you leg just above the knee.
He simply hummed out in acknowledgment as he saw a rather large sliver of wood having made its home in your thigh, looking rather painful.
“Alright, I’m going to move you back just a bit and then lift you straight up. You might bump into the boards, but I’ll be able to get you up and standing just fine.” His hands moved to under your arms, taking care with his grip so as not to cause you any further discomfort.
At this point, you mutely accepted defeat, simply letting him take the lead as he adjusted you minutely before finally lifting you up, your leg not even brushing against the boards.
You felt even more miserable as you realized just how easily he’d gotten you out versus your own painful struggling that ended up with you hurting yourself more than doing any helping.
Once he had you out of the hole, you’d expected him to set you down on your own feet, but you were not expecting him to only rest you on them for a moment only to lean down to scoop you into his arms, injured leg on the outside.
At your bewildered look, he smiled gently. “Can’t have you walking with your leg like that, and Lérys is a bit of a walk.”
You wanted to protest, but at the same time you were getting your first good look at your leg, and maybe you really should just let him help you patch it up.
You weren’t even sure if Claudette could truly help fixing it up at this point.
So instead of fighting him on it, you nodded numbly, withdrawing into yourself so you wouldn’t give into the urge to start bawling like you’d been struggling with the whole time.
He went down the back steps, avoiding alerting any of the others to your condition, having noted that you were not in the mood to have anyone see you like this. You hadn’t even wanted him to help you, going so far as to try to pull yourself up and hurting yourself further.
No words passed between the two of you as he made his way towards Lérys, avoiding anyone else that you might have gone by with ease.
The relief you felt when he finally crossed the threshold into his realm was visible, pulling a very soft chuckle from him. It was nothing like his usual laughter. This laugh held a gentle mirth in it, a light but non-judgemental amusement.
“Rest assured, y/n. Your dignity is safe with me.” His thumb rubbed a small but soothing circle on the arm it was pressed against as he finally made his way into the building of the hospital, making a beeline for the closest room with the right equipment in it he’d need.
After carefully placing you on the hospital bed inside the room, he immediately went about gather the supplies he would need onto a rolling tray.
It did not take him much time at all to ready everything. There was a bottle of antiseptic, two pairs of tweezers, one big and one small, some gauze, a needle and some suture thread. It seemed you’d be getting stitches today.
At least these would be in a sterile environment with steady hands, unlike the ones you received during trials.
A meek “Thank you.” barely made it past your lips, your gaze staring at the gashes in your shin and the bit of wood protruding from your thigh.
Herman looked up from his readying of items, a soft smile gracing his features.
“It is not a problem, y/n. You were in distress, and I am more than happy to help.” He reached out, patting your uninjured leg for a moment before returning to the task at hand.
At his touch, you felt a warmth blossom in your chest, but you didn’t want to think about that right now. So you instead locked your gaze on your leg as he started meticulously cleaning your wounds and removing all the splinters you’d managed to get.
After the first touch sent near white hot pain through your body, you’d decided it was probably best not to watch so you laid yourself back, staring instead the ceiling as you balled your fists in an attempt to stay as still as possible.
Thankfully, the good doctor was precise in his movements and had you sufficiently patched up in seemingly no time at all. Considering the amount of damage, having to sit still for 20 minutes really hadn’t been that bad.
You let out a shaky breath in response to his question of how you were doing, still trying to hold your tears that had never left you in.
The weight of his palm against your upper arm startled you into opening your eyes and looking up at the now blue eyes of the doctor.
“It is okay, y/n. It’s understandable that this kind of injury is quite painful, especially considering the entity will likely not heal it until your next trial.” There was understanding in his face, a tenderness you’d never seen on him before.
It was foreign, but not unwelcome. You still felt plenty embarrassed by your situation, but the voice inside your head happily reminded you that it could have been worse.
Although, at the gentle press of his hand, the dam that had been holding back your emotions finally burst.
Hot tears trickled out the sides of your eyes to disappear into your hair behind your ears, the sensation feeling strange and only adding to your already frazzled nerves.
You sniffed once, twice, then let out a small but frustrated sounding whimper as your hands came up to rub almost viciously against your eyes.
Why of all times to loose your cool was it in front of a killer? Granted, he’d helped you and had never treated you poorly outside of trials, but this was beyond mortifying.
Your outburst didn’t phase him, knowing that the survivors already had a stressful enough existence with the trials and not having their own places unlike the killers. Living in a makeshift tent with just the campfire to keep the place lit up wasn’t easy for any of them.
He moved his hand to the top of your head, gently running his hand down it a few times, effectively petting your hair while he let you cry it out.
You instinctively turned into the touch, your body curling in on it’s side while you reached out blinding to grab the hem of his shirt while you tried your hardest to cry quietly.
Content with just letting you take your time, he continued the gentle petting of your hair, taking a small step closer so your arm wasn’t so outstretched.
A low hum left him, intent on soothing you in any way he could.
He’d been a bit off put by your almost venomous refusal of his help at first, but looking down at you as you slowly stopped crying, the hiccups starting and seeing you scrub your sleeve at your face to try and wipe away the tears there.
His other hand moved to stop you from rubbing your face anymore, offering you the pocket square he always had one him.
“No need to dirty your clothes when this is here. It is what it was meant for, after all.”
His encouraging smile was enough to have you taking it with no resistance.
And after you’d dried your face and blown your nose, he helped you sit up, hand lingering at your arms for a moment before he tilted his head.
“I know this is rather unorthodox, but would you like a hug? I believe it would benefit you, and to be completely honest, I wished to comfort you so this whole time.” His eyes were a gentle white now, as he waited patiently for your response.
A light blush took over your face, trying not to feel any smaller than you already felt.
Turning your face away before giving a small nod had him smiling at your own bashfulness.
And that’s how the first hug you’d received after coming to the entity’s realm happened. And there was many more to be had with the doctor, as you had been quick to find out.
Maybe it wasn’t so bad accepting help sometimes.
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Request from @iwannagotospaceforever​: Could u do a Fred Weasley x reader maybe with prompt 12 and 13???
12: “I’m Fine!” “Y/n, there's blood coming out of your head!”
13: “You’re cute when you want to stab me”
A/N: I love this!!! I hope you guys enjoy, feel free to leave me any feedback or requests you might have <3
Prompt: You and Fred have been friends for a while, you’ll hang out together on school grounds, pull pranks with Fred, and just seem to get along well, unless its on the quidditch pitch, where your competitive natures can get a bit out of hand.
Warnings: Reader is not in the same house as Fred (Gryffindor), Swearing, mentions of blood, Frenemies type shit, Fluff, terrible quidditch writing
You walked onto the quidditch pitch, resting your broom against your shoulder as you swung your other arm, excited for game day. You were determined to win this round, Gryffindor having won the last couple games, and you were not going to let your house fall into the same fate. You had been getting up early the past two weeks, trying out new flying techniques, working on your stamina, and practicing chaser moves with Fred. 
You and Fred have been friends since fourth year, having met in Snape's potions class when your concoction may have blown up in Snape’s face. After that you were constantly hanging out. Fred joined in of course, pulling pranks and just talking about random things in general, but for some reason, you and the older twin just had a connection. It might have had something to do with your competitive natures constantly keeping each other on your toes.
You spotted him on the other side of the field with George, each carrying their beaters gear and walking to the Gryffindor rest area. His eyes met yours and a smile spread across his face as he waved. 
“You’re going down” He mouthed, his hand that was once waving now having a thumb pointing downwards. You smiled back.
“Fuck off” You mouthed back, going to give him the bird before you suddenly remembered Dumbledore was watching, and he probably wouldn’t appreciate the gesture.
Fred made a fake sad face, making you laugh a bit before returning the gesture. Suddenly Lee Jordan's voice rang through the bleachers.
“Good afternoon everyone and welcome to the third game of the season, today we have Gryffindor against (Y/H). Lets have a good game, and may the best team win.
This signaled for you and the rest of your team to get on your brooms and fly up to the starting point, forming a circle with the other chasers on your team as well as the chasers on Gryffindor.
There was a bit of silence, before madam Hooch opened the trunk, releasing the bludgers and the golden snitch, before finally throwing the Quaffle into the air, officially starting the game.
After a few minutes you had finally gotten your hand on the quaffle, headed to the goal, and towards Fred and George. You saw George moving to block your left, and moved right, now having to face Fred. You had been practicing with him for the past few weeks, so you knew his weak spots, but he also knew yours. You faked going for the far right goal before quickly turning and going through the middle, scoring your team a point.
“That's ten points to (Y/H)!” Lee’s voice rang out, causing cheers and boos to ring through the crowd. You flew up beside Fred, having a moment before the next play started.
“You need to up your game Weasley” You said jokingly
“Please I saw you from a mile away” He joked back, suddenly making you think that he might have let you score.
“I swear to God Weasley, if you are going easy on me im going to kill you” You said, giving him a look, before starting to fly off, but not before Fred got in the last word.
“You look so cute when you want to stab me!” He said, causing you to look back at him and giving him a pose, causing the both of you to laugh, but secretly you had butterflies going insane in your stomach.
Did Fred Weasley just call you cute? You weren’t blind, you thought the twin were quite attractive, but every once in a while, you couldn’t help but think about Fred specifically, about how the sun caught his hair, or how his eyes crinkled when he smiled, or how he was able to laugh every day, but also made sure that you felt heard. 
You were quickly snapped out of your thoughts however when you made it back to the starting circle, putting your focus back into the game.
A few rounds later and you were 20-20 with Gryffindor. You had just gotten the ball again and was headed towards the goal, Fred facing you, a smirk on his face which only motivated you more. You were only a few seconds to scoring the goal, when Fred's face changed from irritating smugness, to worry. You didn’t have time to make out what he was saying before the right side of your head suddenly erupted with a sharp pain, and you were spiraling towards the ground.
The fact that you were still on your broom didn’t make the fall to bad, but before you knew what had happened, you were laying on your back looking at the sky.
“Looks like one of (Y/H) chasers got a good knock by one of the bludgers, that gotta hurt” Lee Jordan said
Madam Hooch was knelt beside you, asking you about the pain when Fred suddenly landed next you, running over and kneeling by your side.
“I know you said to not go easy on you but I swear it wasn’t me” He said, quickly, causing you to laugh a little.
“Fucking coward” You mumbled suddenly realizing that the game was still going on.
“Fred what are you doing go play I’m fine!” you said, finally sitting all the way up, your head spinning a bit.
“Y/n, there is blood coming out of your head!” Fred said, making you lift your hand to poke the side of your head, only to pull it back to see blood. Before you could say anything else to get Fred back to the game, Lee Jordan's voice rang through the crowd.
“Harry Potter has captured the Golden snitch! Gryffindor wins!” Lee said, causing the crowd to cheer.
“Well that sucks” You groaned. All the practice, only for the golden boy to catch the snitch AGAIN. You reached out your hand to Fred, motioning for him to help you up, which he took. However as soon as you were on your feet your head started to spin, but Fred saw you sway and caught you.
“I want you to go straight to the medical wing to make sure you don't have a concussion, Weasley can you take them?” Madam hooch said, making you roll your eyes.
“I don’t need to-” You started, not thinking your injury was such a big deal
“I would be happy to” Fred said before smiling at you, you glaring at him in return.
A few minutes later and you were sitting cross legged on on of the bed in the hospital wing, Fred making it his job to annoy you while  Madam Pomfry to checked on you.
“Be honest doc, how long do they have” Fred said, causing you to roll your eyes and swat his arm, which caused him to laugh.
“Y/N will be living for a long while, but you do have a very mild concussion, so I don’t want you to do anything labor intensive for the next week.
“What? But quidditch!” you practically yelled, horrified at the news.
“I don’t want to hear it, now at the end of the week, I want you to come back in so we can see how you’re healing, as for the rest of the day I want you to relax” Madam Pomfry said, giving you a sympathetic look before leaving to check up on someone who had a bad encounter with the wrong Polyjuice potion.
“It could be worse” Fred said, trying to lighten the mood, causing you to glare at him.
“How could it be worse?” You asked
“Well you could not have me to keep you company!” Fred said, causing you to groan.
“Death would have been a kinder fate” You said, before quickly laughing at Fred’s shocked expression. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding” You said, moving to get up, which Fred helped you do without fully realizing it.
“Are you sure you want to stick around? I can’t do any strenuous activities so I’m basically the most boring person in the world right now” You said, causing Fred to shake his head.
“Impossible, you could never be boring, but I have an idea if you’re up to it?” Fred asked, quirking a brow which made you suspicious, but you agreed non the less, nodding your head.
“Excellent, adventure awaits!” He said, before walking off while still having his arm around you.
A while later and you were sitting outside by the black lake, underneath a tree. You had been spending the last few minutes throwing rocks in the water, just watching the ripples.
“You think the squid is mad that we keep throwing rocks in his house?” You asked, causing Fred to laugh a bit.
“Why do you think I brought you along? If he suddenly wants to kill us I know you're going to be way slower than me.” Fred laughed, laughing even louder when you shoved his shoulder.
“Typical, you only bring me places to benefit your secret agenda” You joked, leaning your back against the tree.
“Nah, you're to pretty to sacrifice” He said, suddenly tensing up realizing he just said that.
You were feeling something similar, your face heating up as you shook your head, trying to dismiss the comment as something platonic. He just felt bad because you got hit.
“Fred, I am in dirty quidditch clothes, with crazy hair and a bruise on the side of my head, I wouldn’t describe myself as pretty right now” You said, thinking he would make a joke and that would be the end of it.
“Well I disagree” He said, the sincerity in his voice surprising you, you turned to look at him to see he was already looking at you, before looking down at his hands.
“You really scared me today” He started “When I saw you get hit, and saw you falling, I was so scared. I kept thinking of how it happened, how I could have stopped it, how you were probably out cold, but then I got down there, and you were the same you always were, calling me lame for not intentionally trying to kill my friend at quidditch” He finished, his joking tone returning a bit.
“I think the term I used was coward” You said, smiling a bit.
“Yeah, that I am, not because of quidditch though” Fred said, smiling a bit, but you weren’t, stuck trying to think about what he could be talking about.
“Fred, you pull pranks on professors for fun. You stole your parents car, for fun. I don’t need to say all the crazy things you’ve done to know you’re not a coward. Why do you think that?” You asked.
“Because I never told you about how I really felt” Fred said. Suddenly the butterflies in your stomach returned, causing your face to heat up.
“What?” You asked, not quite believing what you were hearing.
“I like you Y/n, I have for a while, but I haven't said anything because I was afraid you wouldn’t feel the same way, and I didn’t want to ruin our friendship” He said, still not looking in your eye and instead looking out on the lake.
“Well then I guess where both cowards” You said, causing Fred’s head to suddenly snap to look at you, which made you laugh a bit.
“What?” It was now Fred’s turn to look shocked. Instead of answering, you just shake your head and put a hand on his cheek, closing the space between you two and connecting your lips. Fred took no time to respond, moving his hand to gently cup the side of your face that wasn’t bruised. We stayed like that for a moment, before finally pulling away for air.
“Well, that was unexpected” Fred said, making you laugh.
“What that I like you back or that I’m such an amazing kisser even with a head injury” You said, making him laugh in return.
“Speaking of which, maybe we should stop, Pomfry said no strenuous activity and I wouldn’t want to-” Fred started but you knew he was joking.
“Just shut it and kiss me dumb ass” You said, smiling as he reconnected your lips again, this time the kiss going a bit further, his tongue sweeping your bottom lip. You opened your mouth, your hands moving to his hair and-
“Oi no snogging with a concussion!” George suddenly yelled from a bit a ways, Oliver and some of your team mates following.
“Mind your own business” Fred said, making you laugh.
“And here we are, trying to be good friends and make sure you haven't died or something” George said, shaking his head in feign disappointment. “This couldn’t have waited a week?”
“No!” You and Fred said in unison, causing the group to laugh before making their way back to the school, wanting to give you two some privacy, but not before George gave Fred a quick thumbs up, glad that he finally made his move.
“Well I’m glad you didn’t wait to tell me” You said once everyone was out of earshot.
“Me neither, except we still have to wait a week to-” Fred started, a suggestive smirk on his face.
“Fred Weasley I swear to God!” You yelled swatting his chest, causing him to fall into a fit of laughter which you quickly followed. Maybe getting hit by a bludger isn’t the worst thing that could happen.
Ah, to be hit in the head by a giant ball and be comforted by Fred Weasley. The Dream. TBH I know this ending is trash! But still I hope you enjoyed it, let me know if you have any recommendations or feedback! Also @iwannagotospaceforever​ I hope you liked it!
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finiteuniverse13 · 3 years
Bravo's Banned List
With the help of @bravo-four-seal-team, @@jayhalsteadfan-2417 and @rebelwrites, we made a list.
A list, posted on various walls throughout the Naval base, the plane and the cage room. About 1/3 of it is typed up, the rest is in hastily written pen. Made by Blackburn to try and corral Bravo. It's doing its best.
Tag: @rebelwrites @chibsytelford @bravo-four-seal-team @velvetcardiganbucky @supervalcsi @abby-splace @itsonautopilot @thegirlwhoisalwayswriting @pinkrockstar19 @softi92 @mrsmarvelous1995 @jayhalsteadfan-2417
Just so you're all aware, this is a 6.5-page document.
0: On the days of Adam and Swanny’s Death, leave the group be to remember them. I will not protect you.
1: Brock Is Not Allowed Coffee. No exceptions.
1.1: Do not leave Metal alone with Brock when Coffee is around.
2: Dick jokes are not required in briefings
3: If a single one of you bastards get between me and my coffee, we will be having issues
5: You made the dog sad; you die.
10: Dirt bikes (don’t ask)
13: Fire. That is all
16.1: Scratch that, they stab people with the metal cutlery. Let them suffer the consequences of their actions. They can eat with their hands.
19: BOY BANDS (not allowed to be played on the plane)
19.1: GIRL BANDS (for the love of god, they will try and imitate them)
19.2 RAP MUSIC (they think they are the next Eminem and will make your ears bleed)
20: Do not tell Jason he is not allowed to do something. He finds a way to do it
20.1: Apparently Ray will do the exact same without question
21: Do not leave any members of the team with upper brass. (How did you make an Admiral with years of combat CRY!)
22: Clay is under Jason’s protection don’t go after him they will not find your body
22.1: If Clay calls Jason dad just leave it ok
22.2: Actually, check on Jason, he’s been standing staring for the past hour now
24: Only Trent is allowed to call Metal by his legal first name. Ensign Williams learnt that one the hard way.
25: Paintball is banned from the base the last time it was extreme and got violent
26: The transformers movies because clay tried to do a stunt it ended badly
27: Thumbtacks apparently
28: Any Marvel movie (Jason you’re not Captain America)
28.1: DC movies are out as well
28.2: Disney Princess movies as well (don’t ask)
30: Do not leave phone unlocked around Sonny, he will not hesitate to change everything
38: Grenade launchers are not required for every mission Trent
42: Yes, Clay does know an Admiral by name. Don't ask questions you don't want answers to.
45: If Clay starts angrily ranting in a foreign language, don't worry. He's thinking out loud, not plotting to destroy the base
45.1: If Clay is calmly talking in a foreign language just back away slowly
48: SpongeBob is a Bad Idea because they are way too Annoying and make References (I’m looking at you, Clay)
52: Sharpies. When I find whoever gave me this sharpie tattoo sleeve, there will be hell to pay
57: Red paint. I went to check something at 3 am and Clay was painting a satanic ritual on the floor
58: 3 am checks are a bad idea. (I have seen things, people!)
62: Explosives are to be locked away when not on mission Sonny and Clay will try and play catch with a live homewrecker
62.1: I expected Metal as a Master Chief to know better - he falls under the same rule as Clay and Sonny.
63: Don't wake Clay when he is sleeping back away slowly and leave the room
64: If I'm sleeping, back away and leave the room. Interrupt me if they've broken a rule, or if the base is actively being bombed. If not, I don't care.
65: Have multiple phone chargers or they will disappear and you’re not getting them back
68: If you call Clay anything other than a nickname expect to get punched or stabbed or sniped in the ass when least expected
68.1: Metal will stab you. Please remember he has a shovel and lye in his truck (WHY DO YOU HAVE IT)
68.2: Don't try to take the shovel and lye off of Metal
69: NEVER say the number 69 around them they are all immature children and expect tongue in cheek comments
70: NEVER interrupt Sonny when he is eating breakfast, he is grumpy in the morning
72: If they are all asleep make no sound - YOU WAKE THEM THEY ARE YOUR PROBLEM NOT MINE
73: For the love of god, stop giving Clay earth mineral nicknames. This is the third time this week I've watched Sonny empty limestone dust from his pack
75: Do not give them hammers! What is wrong with you people?
79: Do Not talk to Trent unless it’s after 2 coffees
83: For the love of god, don't ask Metal if he ever did nude modelling in art school. He will begin stripping, literally anywhere
91: Cerberus is a good boy and you hurt Brock you die
98: Super Glue (never again)
100: Do not give in to their peer pressure while they are drunk, I will not be doing it again
100.2: Sweet Caroline won't work twice
103: Don't tell Sonny he looks good in pink because you better believe he will keep wearing it (and probably some girl clothes too) to keep getting compliments
115: HAIR DYE (Why did you dye Metal and Trent’s hair pink?!)
115.1: Face paint (Sonny, their faces did not need to match their hair)
116: Do NOT touch Clay, Charlie team learnt that, and someone ended up nearly losing a finger. (And it wasn’t because of the dog)
117: If they offer you a drink whilst smirking DO NOT take it
118: Sea shanties – if I hear one more SEA SHANTY while we are FLYING
119: If you hear someone shout incoming, run, it’s not an attack, it is Bravo, someone has done something and they’re coming to tell me
120: Vegemite is not allowed in the base after Jason let Clay eat it
122: Hawaii 5-0, if I hear one more thing about how we should hang people of the rook of buildings I am going to shoot someone
124: Mortal Kombat (Clay was acting like Scorpion for a month)
130: Itching Powder (looking at you Brock)
131: DO NOT TOUCH JASONS TOMATOES - you will get a bamboo cane jammed into your thigh
138: Laser Tag is fun until someone gets hurt (Sonny and Clay you know what happened)
138.1: Laser Tag! (Ray needed to go to the hospital guys, come on)
143: Basketball. My nose will never be straight again.
144: Bravo and Ice skates don’t mix (the only person good on them is Jason but no other member of Bravo is allowed on the ice again)
144.1: Same goes for rollerblades
145: Ash Spencer is not allowed to be alone with Clay (Jason punched him last time he was on base)
145.1: Do not leave Jason, Metal or Sonny alone with Ash Spenser, it’s going to end up with a murder charge.
146: Clay is Jason’s adopted kid and needs to be supervised when Jason is away
153: SCISSORS - Jase cut a chunk of Clay’s hair in the night now the base is a war zone
153.1: DONT FUCK WITH COVERBOY'S HAIR see point 68 for consequences
154: NAIR (why do you even have it?)
156: Call Of Duty (Clay must be supervised when playing it)
157: Do Not leave Clay unattended with Metal (They are both recovering from the ONE CHIP/DEATH CHIP Challenge)
158: Marshmallows (don’t ask)
163: The Hunger Games (are not a good training exercise)
164: The Olympus Has Fallen movies are not allowed to be mentioned in any given time)
173: If you mention the word ice-cream just run, run for your life
176: If I am sleeping STOP THROWING PAPER AT ME
177: Yelling FOR NARNIA is not an appropriate battle cry
178: The Fast And Furious movies (Clay you are not Brian so stop)
182: Nap time is important if their asleep do something else but if you wake them run like hell
190: Any movies about WAR are BANNED (I need a drink to talk about that one)
200 (From Bravo): Blackburn isn't allowed any more paper
200.1 (From Bravo): or pens
200.2: (Blackburn) Handcuffs. They handcuffed me to my desk and wrote that
200.3 (Blackburn): Bravo will not be allowed to tell their Commanding Officer what to do
202: Who keeps giving them superglue? This is the 8th time we are having to unglue Sonny and Clay’s hands
203: Do not let any of them take point on Briefing EVER
205: Are you serious? Paperclips! Do not give them PAPERCLIPS
206: Leaving anyone unattended with fire is a bad idea - I can still smell burning
210: This is Sparta (Jason don't kick people off the roof)
213: Ash Spenser is not allowed on base. DEVGRU heard about what kind of dad he is, and now its kill-on-sight
214: Puppy dog eyes because Clay has been using them on anyone to get out of doing paperwork
218: DO NOT PUT LION KING ON - they will cry like babies and there’s no consoling them over Mufasa
220: If I have to explain why BRAVO will not be joining teaching GREEN TEAM please see rule 1 and understand from that then ask the Green Team Instructor. (Brock terrified them by running the O Course in 30 minutes, all because someone gave him coffee)
220.1: And yes, that is the on the 50-minute-record O course. The time hasn’t been counted since it involved performance-enhancing substances
222: Gray’s anatomy (That is all)
228: HATS ARE NOT ALLOWED IN BRIEFINGS (Sonny you know what you did)
229: MAGIC MIKE AND MAGIC MIKE XXL (still haunts my dreams)
233: I am begging you can you please BE NICE TO THE FLEET ADMIRAL (it's the 3rd time he's left in tears)
234: Chocolate - just run ok
235: Please stop re-enacting the screen from titanic when we are on a boat (I’m looking at you Brock)
237: Monopoly got violent last time and Jason got punched
237.1: In fact, any board games turn violent even snakes and ladders
237.2: Board games. Just please stop playing board games
240: Why am I revisiting the nerf guns people? IT WAS A FAMILY BARBECUE! (You lot need to learn to let your kids win!)
241: Brock is banned from Cooking - I do not want food poisoning again
246: If they pass out around the fire pit for the love of god move them Clay and Sonny tend to like melting the sole of their boots on the flames even when passed out
251: Plastic cups only (this rule is to stop sonny from smashing them)
254: Why am I needing to revisit Sharpies? They aren’t allowed them, give them Crayola's or crayons
254.1: Scrap that YOU CAN’T EAT THE CRAYONS
256: Clay you are not Spiderman get off the walls
258: Don't mention Hawaii five 0 just don't
258.1: They will attempt the intro to it, it’s just painful
259: Don't mention Harry Potter because they will all cry over different characters deaths
287: Soup is now banned (Ray. I honestly thought you were the normal one of the team. I am disappointed)
321: If you see Clay and Sonny cuddling just walk away, pretend you didn’t see anything, one of them had a bad day and the other is the only one they will confine in
322: Don't mention the Philippines or India just don't
330: If Metal and Trent are talking, just leave them be. (No one wants to know if Metal is yelling about something stupid Trent did)
331: Popcorn is not allowed on base it ended up in everyone's gear
342: Non-Aerosol Deodorant. (Two of them tried to eat it before realising it wasn't edible)
344: Aerosol Deodorant. (Metal and Sonny used it with lighters. to create a flamethrower)
344.1: Side note LIGHTERS ARE BAD
345: Headphones. DO NOT ASK
346: Rubber bands are not slingshots
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Forever
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One Shot: More Cushin’ For the Pushin’
Summary: Steve is starting to see the effects of the serum depleting. Can Katie convince him that, well, she doesn’t give a shit?!
Warnings: Bad language and a heap of smut! (NSFW, no under 18s.)
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Rogers (Stark)
A/N- So you all got @sweater-daddiesdumbdork​ to thank for this…. and yes, this is utter head cannon about the serum but, indulge me!! 
If you are currently reading Stark Spangled Banner for the first time as it reposts, then this contains MAJOR spoilers and you might want to wait until you’ve finished before you start Stark Spangled Forever.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Stark Spangled Forever Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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“Sweetheart…” Steve sighed, gently catching Katie’s hand as it snaked over his belly under his Henley. She stilled and looked at him, her eyes narrowing slightly as he shook his head “I’m not feeling it tonight, I’m really tired.”
Katie sat up from where she’d been tucked under his arm as they sat on the sofa and flicked her pony tail back over her shoulder. “Alright. I’m gonna go up.”
“Honey…” he began to protest but she stopped him.
“Stevie, its fine. You said you’re tired so...” she gave him a smile that didn’t reach her eyes “I’ll see you upstairs.”
She curled her legs out from underneath her and stood up, padding from the room making sure to keep her face straight as she left. As she climbed the stairs, that horrible cold feeling washed over her from head to toe as she blinked back tears. Tears she felt pathetic for. This wasn’t a big issue…she got tired sometimes and pushed Steve away. Granted, that had happened like 4 times in the entire time she had been with him, but still…
Despite her self-reassurances, deep down she couldn’t help that little stab of insecurity in her brain. Steve had been acting off for the past 5 days. They’d had no fun of that nature whatsoever. Whilst his affection in general hadn’t particularly waned she’d noticed he wasn’t as handsy as he normally was and he hadn’t tried anything with her of that nature at all. He’d even taken to wearing a t-shirt in bed, which was basically unheard of, and it was almost as if he didn’t even want accidental skin contact with her.
Katie had brushed it off as him merely being tired. She knew he’d been reading through a lot of papers from his students, the first semester of the year was ramping up meaning Emmy was asking for his help too.  Jamie was also excelling at his baseball which was taking up Steve’s entire Saturdays as he took him to practice, assuming the proud dad role from the side-lines, Rori was attention demanding as ever and Harry was teething....
So yeah, this was totally down to Steve being tired. Nothing else.
At all.
Nothing to do with him going off her.
Katie took a quick glance in the mirror, her hands smoothing over her hips and stomach which had taken a battering from 3 children, before she shook her head and headed into the bathroom.
Downstairs Steve was cursing himself. There was no mistaking the flicker of hurt that he’d seen in Katie’s eyes when he had pushed her away. He hadn’t meant to be so abrupt but he had been grappling with something internally for a few days now that he didn’t particularly know how to deal with. He ran his hands over his face before he stood up and turned off the TV. He let Lucky out for a pee before he made sure the doors were locked and headed up the stairs. He looked in on all his kid in turn, knocking lightly on Emmy’s door as she was home for the weekend,  and when she told him to come in he poked his head round finding her led in the dark, her face illuminated by her phone.
“Going to bed Em.” he said gently “Don’t be on that all night.”
“Yes dad.” she rolled her eyes and he arched an eyebrow at her. 
“You might be 20 but less of the cheek.” he teased as she flashed him a smile.
“Love you pops.” she grinned cheekily.
He snorted “You too, sleep well.”
With that he shut the door and headed into the bedroom. Katie was in the en-suite, he could hear the tap running. Taking a deep breath he moved to stand in front of the mirror, gently casting his eyes over his reflection. At first glance he didn’t look that different but hitching his top up slightly he glanced at his torso, and there was no mistaking it. The definition in his abs had definitely decreased and the hard plane of muscle seemed to be giving way to something less toned.
The door to the bathroom opened and he let go of the hem of his top, just a little bit too late and Katie paused, looking at him.
“Everything ok?” she frowned.
“Yeah.” he nodded, brushing her concern off. “I’m going for a shower.”
He headed to door of their bathroom, and then she spoke softly, her voice cracking and her words made him stop in his tracks.
“Stevie, you’re scaring me.” she said gently and he turned to face her. The utter hurt on her face made him want to die, as she blinked and looked down at the floor .“Why are you pushing me away all of a sudden? We haven’t had sex in 5 days now. Don’t you…” she trailed off, not looking up, her words catching in her throat as she struggled to voice the question she was petrified of hearing the answer do “Do you not want to or something? I know I’m not what I used to be Steve, but…”
Steve felt his chest contract as he looked at his wife, his heart breaking that she could even think that he didn’t find her attractive. He hadn’t up until then given a second thought as to how his actions could be making her feel as insecure as he was and right now he hated himself for that.
“No, honey…it’s not that. God, it’s nothing, like that, at all.“
“Then is it someone else?” she cut him off quietly, raising her head to look at him, her eyes swimming with tears.
“What?” he looked at her, utterly stunned.
She swallowed, “I asked if there was someone else.” she held his gaze
“Jesus, fuck, no!” he shook his head, appalled at the mere mention of such a thing “Of course not.”
“So it is me.”
“Katie…stop…” He stepped forward and took both her hands in his “You’re beautiful. I swear this isn’t you-“
“Oh, don’t you dare give me the this isn’t you, it’s me line or I swear to God…” Katie glared up at him and he gave an exasperated groan.
“Honey, I swear…this has nothing to do with you.” he tried to assure her, pulling her in closer and wrapping his arms around him but it didn’t work.
“Then what is it?” Katie whispered into his chest and he pulled back to look at her, his hands cradling her face “Baby, talk to me.”
With a loud sigh he moved away, sinking onto the foot of the bed, He reached out, his hands on her hips and he pulled her in between his legs so she was stood looking down at him, her hand resting on his shoulders.
“I noticed a few things recently.” he said, his head looking down at the carpet. “About me…” he glanced up “You know how Bruce ran all those tests on me after I came back after those 15 years?”
“Well he said then that the serum wasn’t infallible. And that over time it would most likely work itself out of my system. But the older I got the faster that would happen.”
“I know Steve.” Katie frowned, “We went through all this.”
“Well I guess I just wasn’t prepared for how fast that was gonna happen, that’s all.”
“What do you mean?” she pressed “Are you sick?”
“No.” he shook his head “Nothing like that. Just…” he shook his head and snorted “God this sounds so vain but I guess I’ve gotten that used to looking in the mirror and seeing myself in such good shape, spotting that I’m changing…well, it was a bit of a shock and I was worried…”
“About what?” “That you might not…” “Oh, Stevie…” Katie blinked “That’s what this is about? Your stomach?”
“You noticed?”
“Well, yeah.” she shrugged, her hands rubbing his shoulders “I’m your wife…it hasn’t happened all of a sudden, it’s…” He groaned “I knew you’d seen…”
“Yeah, and I don’t care!” she sighed, shaking her head “Soldier,I know as much as anyone how hard it is coping with changes to your body.  And so do you, it must have been a shock when you actually had the serum in the first place…”
“It’s not just the muscles.” he sighed, waving a hand to his beard. “This is going grey, my hair is too. My knees were ever so slightly aching after my run the other day…”
“Ok, first off…this…” she reached down, her nails scraping through his beard “This is hot. There’s a reason Brooke calls you the silver fox… and why half your students write that they want to do very rude things to you on twitter, which by the way really grosses Emmy out…”  Steve chuckled a little, his hands sliding up the back of Katie’s thighs as she cocked her head and looked down at him. “And as for the rest of it, so what if you’re going a little...soft...around the edges.” “Soft?” he looked up at her, a small smile curling at the edge of his mouth.
“Well, it’s not like you’ve gone fat Steve.” Katie shrugged, “But whatever, the point is you’re hot and you still turn me the fuck on, maybe even more so now than when you were that pristine, fresh faced Brooklyn boy I first met in that Boxing Gym all those years ago.”
He looked at her, studying her expression as she cupped his face in her hands, keeping his gaze on her.
“And don’t tell me you don’t believe me because if you do that means you’ve been a big, fat liar about the fact you tell me that you find me even more sexy now than before we had kids.” she arched an eyebrow and he snorted a she moved to straddle him where he was perched on the end of the bed, her knees falling either side of his thighs.
“You’re the man I wake up to every morning, the man that kisses me fucking senseless, the man that’s helping me raise our children, the man who can still bring me straight to me knees with a single look my way.” she smiled.
“A single look?” he quipped.
“Yes, and you know it.”
He shook his head before he sighed, his hands resting on her hips. “I guess I’m just worried that one day…it’s all gonna be gone and…” “Remember what you said to me when I had Jamie?” Katie cut him off “When I was struggling with how I looked and to try and make me understand you asked me how I’d feel about you if we woke up one morning and the serum effects had all gone?”
She held his gaze before she continued “I told you then that it wouldn’t change a thing about how I felt about you. Did you believe me?”
Steve was silent for a second before he nodded “Of course I believed you, Doll..”
“So why on Earth would you suddenly think any of that has changed?” she looked at him “Serum effects or no serum effects… I don’t give a fuck Steve, you’re mine.”
Steve believed her, of course he did. He knew all this was in his head, but fuck if it wasn’t hard to let it take over, thinking back to being that little kid from Brooklyn that no one gave a second glance to.
“I got one word for you baby.” Katie said softly, her hands gripping at the hem of his Henley “Dumbasses.”
And jesus, suddenly he was catapulted back to that moment some 15 years or so ago on their first date,
“Well, personally, I think all those girls that picked Bucky over you were dubmasses. I’ve seen the photos of you before all this happened…” she raised her free hand and held out her index finger, and gestured up and down his torso “You were sweet”
He chuckled and took a drink of his beer “You know I heard that a lot…you’re really sweet and all but…“
“Like I said…”she leaned back in her chair slightly, “Dumbasses”
He shook his head as he peeked up at her, “Fucking hell I swear to God you can read my mind at times.”
“Nope…”she said, pulling his top up “I just know you. Now take this off.”
He arched an eyebrow but didn’t protest, instead he held his arms up so she could pull his henley over his head before she pushed him back, making him lay flat. He easily shifted them both, so they were a little further up the bed as her fingertips gently traced down his biceps.
“I love how you can wrap me in these, keep anything and everything from hurting me.” she looked at him, her eyes locked onto his as she started shifting slightly, her hands continued down his forearms before her fingers found his, lacing them together. “How your hands can be so gentle and soft yet also hard when I need them to be, how they’d kill for me, for any of us.”  she raised his left hand to her mouth and brushed her lips over his platinum wedding band “A soldier, a man made for fighting yet who’s  been nothing but gentle and loving with me and the kids…” she moved his hands to both her hips before she leaned down and pressed her lips to his, before she pulled back and smiled at him as she started sliding down his chest, peppering kisses down his sternum, the kisses punctuated by her words “my husband, my best friend, my lover, my baby daddy….”
Steve’s breath hitched a little as she moved downwards, lips gliding over his treasure trail and she peeked back up at him with those lust blown pupils and bit her bottom lip “You know how good this makes me feel, when you press against me over and over when you’re making me yours.”
She moved back so her hips were once more straddling his and Steve flexed underneath her. All that rubbing and brushing against him with every move she made had gotten him hard as fuck.  He was aching for her.
Feeling him she looked at him, grinning. “And there’s certainly nothing soft about that.”
Steve let out a little chuckle and he couldn’t help but relax and enjoy right where they were at that moment. “You might have had a hand in that.”
Katie grinned. She loved having that kind of power over him, it was a fucking turn on.
“I’ll have a hand in your pants in a minute Soldier.”
“A minute seems an awfully long time to wait…” he said, pushing up against her again as she let out a soft sigh at the feel of him.
“Another reason I love you.” she smirked “Because I know you’re gonna leave me seeing stars within the next half hour. 10 minutes if we’re skipping foreplay.”
“Is this not the foreplay Doll?” he asked, his hands gripping her hips, fingers brushing the strip of skin just above her sleep shorts where her top had ridden up slightly, and he groaned inwardly as he saw her nipples were hard, peeking at him though the soft material of her cami.
“We can call it that if you want…” she said, rolling her hips, grinding against him again.
“You’re killing me sweetheart.” he groaned.
She rolled her hips against his again, splaying her hands on his chest “Nope, I can’t feel a shred of weakness underneath me…” “Ok…” Steve said, and with a swift movement he flipped her over so he was underneath him drawing a startled gasp from her which merged into that adorable, dirty little giggle he knew and loved “I’m done talking now.”
“Good.” She said, fisting her hand in the chain round his neck she dragged him down for a fierce, demanding kiss before she pulled back and looked at him “Fuck me like you own me, Cap.”
Her words fired something in his belly and he let out the growl that had been bubbling in his throat. His lips pressed to hers as if his life depended on it, his hands reached down and grabbed the straps of her top, pulling down harshly, the sound of ripping fabric filling the room.
Katie pulled back and looked at him “Did you seriously just do that? Again?”
“Look, sweetheart.” he glanced at her “You told me to fuck you like I owned you. I’m trying. So shut up.”
Whatever quick response Katie had been thinking up died in her throat as with a quick movement Steve grabbed her hips and flipped her over, once more drawing that dirty little giggle that he loved so much from her throat. His fingers gently traced a line down from her neck to the base of her spine before he gripped at the flesh over her hipbones and pulled her upwards so she was presented in front of him. Taking more care this time, he slid her shorts down, before he shimmied out of his sweats, his fingers tracing the inside of her thigh, bending over, his lips following their path. As he got to the top of her inside thigh, his kisses became gentle bites and then without warning he inserted 2 fingers inside her.
“Fuck…” Katie stuttered, her hips bucking backwards. Steve’s fingers started to move, gently, then harder, his mouth kissing all around the top of her thighs as she moved back and forth, fucking herself on his hand. He watched her for a minute or so, his fingers curling and pushing…and then they stopped. Katie whimpered, and Steve smirked as he bent over, nipping at her neck.
“You know I love you, right?” he said softly, his mouth caressing her pulse point as she rolled her head back, his hand slid up to her throat holding her face still as he kissed her, hard.
“Yeah, I love you too Solider” Katie panted into his kiss.
His fingers danced over the soft skin of her outside thighs and both his hands pulled her backwards as he pushed straight into her, making her cry out softly at the depth.
His rhythm was slow at first, hands on her hips before he quickened, the depth of this angle driving Katie wild. She writhed and moaned as he filled her, brushing against that spot inside her and she couldn’t get enough of him, her face buried into the pillow, pelvis pushed back against him as he thrust in deeply, again and again.
“You’re all mine…” he said hoarsely as he leaned forward, his chest pressing into her back as his teeth grazed her ear, biting down softly, “There’ll never be anyone else, never baby girl.”
His voice was punctuated by his grunts as he thrust into his wife again and again, his fingers tightening on her skin, knowing full well he’d probably leave bruises but not giving a shred of care. And neither did she, the more people that saw those marks, the better, the signs she was his for the world to see…it drove her wild with passion and lust and she couldn’t help but rock back against him, begging him to push deeper, drive her to the edge and back again, which he was more than happy to do.
“Say you believe me…” Steve all but growled as he thrust into her fiercely, his hand tightening slightly around her throat causing her to grab at the sheets in her hand “Say you believe me that there’s no one who comes close…”
“I believe you…” Katie cried out loudly, her voice punctuated by desperate moans as she tilted her head back as he continued nipping at her neck, pounding into her. “No one else.”
She was lost, lost in the sensation of her soldier fucking her senseless, just like she had asked him to. Those hands that she loved, that were normally so soft and gentle with her were now gripping at her hips, curling into her soft skin, pulling her back with each thrust. His lips, the ones she was so used to whispering soft nothing into her ear, or placing gentle kisses to her neck were biting and sucking at her throat as if his life depended on it, praising her, telling her what a pretty girl, amazing momma and beautiful wife she was. Coupled with the consistent pounding between her legs she was lost in an utter whirl of love and lust and she could feel the coil in her belly beginning to tighten as Steve maintained his pace, not once relenting.
Steve could read the signs well enough by now to know she was close. Moving one hand he slid it down between her legs, stroking at her clit drawing a loud gasp from her lips as she bucked back onto him, her legs trembling.
“Stevie… I’m gonna…”
“Come on doll…” he said gently into her ear “Come for me…”
“Oh, God…”  her voice was low, soft, as her words became nothing but a babble of noises as she lost control, her body shaking as she cried out, the world tipping on its axis completely as she became completely unaware of anything other than the sensation between her legs as she came, hard, pulsing and tightening down around him.
Steve felt it, he always did, and he continued to drive into her, fucking her through it before he realised he wanted to see her, wanted those green eyes he knew and loved locked onto his, so with a quick pull back he moved out of her and flipped her over again onto her back before she could even think about what he was doing. With a grunt he buried himself into her again, propping himself up on his elbows, his hands cupping her face as his lips crashed onto hers for a dirty, sloppy kiss that was all mouth and tongue.
He reached down, grabbing at her knee, slinging it over her shoulder as he rutted into her, driving hard, over and over, the dirty noise of wetness filled the room, skin hitting skin as he picked up the pace driving and seeking his own release. Katie’s hands gripped at his back, her nails digging into his shoulders as he thrust again and again, her eyes locked onto his. His pupils were blown with desire, those baby blues she knew and loved had darkened to a steel grey and knowing that after 15 years and a lifetime of ups and downs that she could still elicit this effect on him was enough to blow her mind. She loved this man, with every single inch of her body, and always would.
Steve dropped his head, his hips not once faltering as his mouth nipped at her chest, sucking, biting, the bruises forming almost instantly but he couldn’t give a fuck. This woman was his, no one else’s, and in turn he wanted her to realise that. He needed her to understand that there wasn’t a single person on this fucking planet, hell, the universe that would ever make him feel like this. As his lips moved to that spot on her neck he dropped her leg down and felt her breath hitch again and she let out a soft wail, her hips bucking upwards as she wrapped her legs around him, heels digging into his ass.
“I got you baby…” he whispered, his voice punctuated by his own pants “Come on, give it to me…” With a gasp, her head titled back, eyes fluttered shut as her hands gripped at his strong arms and she came again which was enough to send him catapulting off the edge right behind her. Her legs grew tighter around his slim hips, gripping at him, pulling him closer as he stuttered, groaned and then pitched forward, his torso slick with sweat as he lay still, face pressed into her neck, surrendering to the utter bliss that consumed him.
Steve gently kissed Katie’s neck, breathing deeply. That had been intense and felt like it had risen from his very toes. His mind was still caught in that post-coital fog of bliss, and his body felt like it was light, floating even, but as Katie shifted underneath him, her lips gently pressing to his temple, he realised he wasn’t floating, nor was he light. He went to move, to roll off her but she caught him immediately, her hands flying to his arms as she looked at her.
“Don’t” she whispered.
“Honey I’ll crush…” “No, you won’t” she shook her head, “Relax, please soldier just…”
Steve licked his lips, and gently dropped back onto his elbow, pressing a little more of his weight on top of her. Katie sighed, her forehead resting on his collar bone, face nuzzling into his chest, her hands softly gliding up his back. Despite his worry, Steve felt himself relax into his wife as he held her in his arms. Katie sighed contently.
“Feels so nice, just lay here…” she said softly, pressing a kiss to his chest. “You always pull away far too fast.”
Steve took a deep breath “I don’t mean to Doll, I just know I’m way bigger and…” “Steve…” Katie moved her hand so she raised a single finger to his lips, shushing him “Stop.” After a moment or so of tensing up he allowed himself to relax completely, her hands dancing up his spine and he gave a soft hum of contentment as she pressed a kiss to his jawline and he felt her lips curl into a smile against his beard.
“What?” he asked softly, moving so he looked down at her.
“Nothing, just I love you.” she said honestly, her eyes locking onto his. “Forever.” Steve chuckled as he pressed his lips to hers “Good, because I’m not going anywhere.”
“Glad to hear it.” Katie smiled, brushing a hand through his hair “And for the record…I’m all about more cushin’ for the pushin’”
At that Steve let out a loud laugh as she giggled along with him, his mouth once more claiming hers
“Looks like I am too, baby girl.”
After another minute or so, Steve finally relented and moved, his softening cock pulling out as he rolled over onto his back, giving a sigh.
“You ok?” he asked.
“Yeah, course…I could use a drink though.” Katie smiled.
Steve leaned over, pressed a kiss to her mouth before he moved, located his boxers and after a promise of being back soon he headed out onto the landing.
Emmy emerged from her room at the same time, leaning on her doorframe as she shot him a look “You two are disgusting.”
“What?” he blinked, standing still as he looked at her.
“Seriously…you need to soundproof your room! I mean how would you feel if you heard me and Pete?” “I better not hear you and Pete.” he shot back, hands falling to his hips as he fixed his eldest with a glare.
She shrugged before she looked him up and down, and rolled her eyes “Fuck, I’m glad Brooke isn’t here…I’m sick of her telling me you’re a snack…”
With that she turned back into her room, shutting the door behind her. Steve stood still, looking at the now closed doorframe before he grinned to himself.
“Rogers, you still got it.” he laughed softly, before he bounded down the stairs to grab a bottle of water.
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A Miraculous TikTok Account
Part 20
I get a little fight scene. As a treat.
Ladybug hated fire.
Maybe that was why Hawkmoth seemed determined to have at least one fire type akuma a month. She didn’t know if or how he knew, but it seemed like something he’d do.(Maybe he played Pokemon, she mused, and knew that bug types were weak against fire types. She doubted it, though.)
But the problem, somehow, wasn’t currently the giant fire demon. It was that they were falling very quickly.
She reached past Carapace to grab ahold of the back of Rena’s suit and unfurled her wings. She pulled the woman closer to her and forced herself to a quick stop, which was decidedly NOT fun. Her brain rattled in her head as she felt the boys tear past them and Rena made a choking sound when her suit dug into her.
But she’d managed to stop them from falling. And with four meters to spare. A new record!
She changed her grip on Rena to hold her in her arms and checked her throat as she slowly made her way down. A little red and irritated, but fine.
She set her on the ground and looked around for the boys.
Chat had landed on his feet with ease. Carapace had made a staircase out of plates and was doing that awkward half-run people do when they start falling down the stairs and need to go fast to stay upright.
She set her down and allowed herself to breathe.
Cool. No one died.
(Yet. She suspected that Chloe would be getting at least a little punch once the akuma was gone if the look on the other holders’ faces meant anything.)
Their not-so-smooth entrance had apparently been noticed by Cinderella. How did she figure this out?
“FOOT!” Warned Carapace, which wasn’t really needed because the giant foot was hard to miss but whatever.
The four scattered like the rats in Ratatouille. The world shook in a way that nearly threw her off-balance and it took everything in her not to go skidding across the asphalt on her stomach.
She ducked behind a currently untouched car -- a bad idea considering if the car caught on fire the gasoline would blow her sky high but it was cover so she was ignoring it --  and looked around wildly for some sort of inspiration.
Rena was nowhere to be seen. Ladybug figured she was attempting to get civilians to safety.
Chat and Carapace had taken it upon themselves to attempt to distract Cinderella. They yelled for her attention from random spots and then attempted to not become stains on the pavement as the increasingly annoyed akuma attempted to squash them under her heel or sent a trail of fire after them.
Ladybug vaguely noted that Cinderella was rather slow to react, which wasn’t abnormal for larger akumas, but it was still good to note that in case she could use that...
She considered making a tripwire with the streetlights. It was a classic. Unfortunately, though, she doubted that the streetlights were strong enough to stop something as big as this particular akuma.
(Also, her yoyo string catching on fire or getting caught under Cinderella would not have been good.)
She felt a hand tap her shoulder and nearly jumped out of her skin. She turned to look and Rena and scowled at being pulled out of her thinking process. “What?”
Rena winced a little bit at her sharp tone but pointed out the fire hydrant nearby. “Help me with this.”
She looked over at it and nodded. She wrapped her yoyo around it and the two of them threw their weight into trying to cut the hydrant in half.
No dice, unfortunately.
Time for more drastic measures.
“Go get cover.”
“But --!”
Rena looked like she was about to try and argue again, but she stopped herself and ran to hide in a building.
Ladybug pushed the car to the hydrant and climbed on top of it.
A tear-stained (was it still called tear-stained if she cried lava?) face turned towards her.
A trail of flame went straight for her and Ladybug barely had time to think ‘oh fuck’ before the car beneath her exploded.
She went flying -- in the bad way. A weird weightlessness overtook her and she struggled to unfurl her wings through the haze. She hit a nearby building and it took everything in her not to cry out as her own ribcage did its best to poke holes in her.
She slid to the ground and rested her head back against the concrete. Everything hurt. She was pretty sure she’d felt her brain hit the back of her skull and every breath rattled in her lungs and her ears was threatening to drive her insane and every bone she had seemed to be trying to break out and…
She just wanted to close her eyes and sleep… just for a minute...
A new, sharp pain flared across her cheek and her eyes flew open to see Chloe standing over her.
“Don’t die on me.”
She attempted to swat the giant bug away so she could sleep, which didn’t work because her body was currently not responding to her wishes. She had to settle for a slurred ‘fuck off’. All she got was a tiny scoff as the woman pointed her spinning top at her.
If Ladybug could move, she would have cringed when honey covered her. It was so… weird feeling, honestly. It was even weirder to feel her bones mending and her blood slowly seeping back into her. She’d been doing it for years and yet she doubted she’d ever get used to it.
Within a minute, Ladybug could move her limbs. She reached out and Chloe took her hand, pulling her out of the honey...
Ah. Fire. She’d forgotten about the fire. Somehow.
Probably because the water that had erupted out of where the fire hydrant had once been and now the fire was struggling to get near them. (Her socks were drenched, though, so she could hardly think of this as a positive.)
“What’d you figure out?”
Chloe gave her a slightly annoyed look but she started explaining: “Cinderella is only wearing the veil, the dress, and some shoes. I couldn’t find any pins or belts, so unless Hawkmoth started hiding the akumatized items it has to be one of those.”
Ladybug nodded and looked up at Cinderella. What could they do? Usually the akumatized object was obvious...
Rena materialized next to them and the two immediately reached to push each other behind themselves. Then they relaxed.
Ladybug winced internally when she heard Chat give a cry of pain. They were on borrowed time.
“You got a plan?” She asked. Her pride wasn’t worth her housemates’ lives.
Rena hesitated. “I have one for the veil.”
They waited in polite silence for her to continue, and when she didn’t Chloe made a tiny motion to say ‘get on with it, will you?’
She beamed. “One of you needs to fly Chat up to destroy it.”
Ladybug considered this and then nodded. “Queenie, I’ll leave that to you. I can get the dress with a lucky charm. Can you and Carapace destroy the shoes?”
Rena nodded seriously.
There was a flicker of light around them and Cinderella paused mid-stomp. She made a confused sound that was audible miles below.
Chat and Carapace looked like they were going to collapse -- out of exhaustion or relief, it was hard to tell.
The women walked over and Chloe went to work on healing Carapace.
“What’s the plan?” Asked Chat who, besides the arm that appeared to be doing its best imitation of a staircase, looked fine.
The women exchanged looks as if to say ‘I’M not going to tell him, you do it’, and this was enough for Chat to figure out that whatever it was he wasn’t going to like it. Or maybe it was the fact that Chloe didn’t seem all that concerned about healing him up.
Whatever had tipped him off, he fell back in the water and groaned.
Thank the kwamis for Rena’s powers. Why hadn’t Master Fu given someone this miraculous sooner? Fights were SO much easier with her around.
Rena and Carapace had taken to latching onto Cinderella’s feet and attempting not to get thrown off as she kicked building after building in search of… something? Maybe them, maybe the person who had gotten her akumatized, they didn’t know for sure.
Chloe had taken Chat up to her head to Cataclysm the veil.
Ladybug had summoned the largest sword she could while still making it functional and positioned it over the top of Cinderella’s dress, preparing for her drop.
And all of that was met with zero resistance, because the akuma couldn’t see them.
“NOW!” Yelled Chloe.
Chat started screaming as he was dropped onto the flame-covered veil and she ignored the taste of bile. It would be fine soon, the akuma would be gone and they could fix it, she reminded herself.
But it might not be gone if she didn’t do anything soon, so she should probably get on with it.
Ladybug fought her normal self-preservation instincts and stabbed the giant flame demon, then flew downward as quickly as she could.
The akuma attempted to get away from the sword currently splitting her and her dress open, but it was too late.
She was just cutting a cake she was just cutting a cake she was just cutting a cake that was SCREAMING --.
Just a cake!
And then the sword was slicing through nothing.
She peeked her eyes open and found that someone else must have gotten the akuma. She dropped the sword and looked around wildly for a falling body.
She caught the person who had been Cinderella and vaguely registered the sound of Chloe whizzing past her to catch Chat.
Ladybug glanced down at the sword steadily falling to earth and winced, willing it to disappear before it managed to do any damage to the newly-resurrected people below.
She allowed the person to rest her head against her shoulder as she slowly made her descent, her fingers combing through her hair soothingly.
It was done.
@nathleigh @sassakitty @th1s-1s-my-aesthet1c @blueslushgueen @woe-is-me0 @ladybug-182 @cas-and-their-refusal-to-write @trippingovermyfeet
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