#my baked bean clowns
mossheartz · 1 year
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they were so homoerotic. and for what.
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trinkerichi · 7 months
How I made my own vintage Pomni!
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Based on this tutorial, with my own modifications and sewing pattern!
Let's begin!
Here's a total list of the things I used here.
Shiny fabric: blue and red
Acrylic paint. Colors: White,red,blue,black
Gold ribbon
White sculpey clay
Tin foil
Mod podge (for sealing the paint)
Jingle bells
Dark brown yarn
And depending on how you want to handle crafting the body you can either follow the original tutorial and make one out of any fabric you'd like, filling it with plastic beans and stuffing,
Or you can do what I did and cheat a little! I actually used the body of a beanie baby to save time. You'll find tons of these guys at the thrift store, usually for about a dollar each. The one I used for Pomni looked like this.
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All I did was carefully undo the stitching on the bear's head and set Pomni's clay head in the opening!
Now for the steps! The first thing I did was gather my materials and make a concept sketch.
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Then since I already had a body for Pomni, I rolled a ball of tin foil slightly smaller than I wanted the head to be, and covered it in sculpey clay. Then I molded the face into a nice cute shape! Don't worry if the back of the head is lumpy, you won't see it under the hat and hair.
Make sure to add a neck that tapers outwards at the bottom so the head stays in the neck hole of the plush body!
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After baking the clay, I painted the head white and sketched out the face lightly with pencil before painting on the details. I even added a little bit of glitter to her eyes! Then when I was satisfied with the face, I sealed the paint with mod podge. It added a nice shine to her face which adds to the porcelain look!
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I'd bought a clown doll at a thrift store with a similar outfit to the one I wanted to make for Pomni, which I reverse engineered to make my own pattern! Here's In-progress Pomni wearing the other doll's outfit.
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I cut out these patterns to use for the outfit.
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After cutting out the pants they should look like this when put together and folded. Turn them inside out and sew them together at the middle, including the crotch. Leave the top and the pant legs open.
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The sleeves should look like this cut out and folded. Make sure they're inside out just like the pants, and sew these at the sleeve openings at the top. Remember to leave the neck hole open!
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Here's where we add the ribbon at the ends! Fold up the base of the pant legs and sleeves to hem the ends, and scrunch up the gold ribbon to sew around the borders while you're hemming them. It'll scrunch the ends a little bit, giving the outfit that poofy look.
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Then turn it inside out!
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I sewed the bells on and put the outfit on pomni! Then I simply cut another piece of ribbon and made a little ruffle for her neck. It's not sewed to the outfit just so it's easier to take on and off.
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For Pomni's hair I got the yarn and combed it out with a fine tooth comb until the texture became softer, and then used a flat iron on it (VERY briefly. just for a second!!!!) to straighten it out. For more tips on this look up yarn doll hair tutorials on youtube! Then I just glued it to her lil head and styled it like so.
I don't have any progress pics for the hat but it was pretty simple. Just cut out the shapes and sew them up!
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Then add the hem with a ribbon folded in half, and the bells!
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TADAA! A baby pompom for you!
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catindabag · 9 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (68)
*We need tents, bro* Read [this] first.
Mizzen: Yo, Blondie, when will the food man arrive with my salmon? I’m
Coryo: For the last time, Mizzen, we just have to wait-
Mizzen: I’m done waiting! Where is my salmon and lemon sauce?!
Coral: Gremlin, shut up-
Mizzen: Where is Mr. Salmon and Mrs. Lemon sauce?!
Coral: Mizzen, stop-
Mizzen: Where are they, Sea Witch?!
Coral: Ugh. I’m not dealing with you today.
Mizzen: *is now shouting at the sky* Mr. Food Man, where art thou?!
Coryo: It’s been 5 f*ckin’ minutes since we called the Pizza Palace! Your stupid salmon can wait!
Mizzen: But-
Coryo: We haven’t even ordered Dill’s Green Bean Casserole and Wovey’s pie from the other store!
Mizzen: Mr. Salmon-
Coryo: My sweet boyfriend is still on the phone negotiating with some bastard wearing an ugly pizza clown suit for Panem’s sake!
Mizzen: Mrs. Lemon Sauce-
Coryo: *turns to Sejanus* My love, the little gremlin is bullying me!
Sejanus: *is still on the phone* Mr. Cheesy Clown, could you please wait- No? What do you mean no?! My gorgeous fiancé is getting bullied by a kid right now- What do you mean by difficult?! I’m not being difficult! You’re the one who won’t sell me a f*ckin’ salad for 10 bucks- Hello? Hello?!
Coryo: Babe, what’s wrong?
Sejanus: My Coryo, my love, the ugly clown from the Pizza Palace just hung up on me!😭
Coryo: The audacity! Should we sue?
Sejanus: Hug me! I’m sad!
Coryo: Come here, Seji Pie.
Sejanus: Yey! *hugs Coryo*
Coryo: *comforts a “sad” Sejanus* There, there. We can just order again from the other Pizza Palace across the street.
Sejanus: Can we order some bread?🥺
Coryo: Are you going to throw it?
Sejanus: Yes. I want to throw bread at that mean pizza clown, my love.
Coryo: Sure. Whatever you want, Babe. We could even do it tomorrow after class.
Sejanus: We should throw 2 breads-
Lucy Gray: Why do you want to throw freshly baked bread at a clown?
Sejanus: Because it’s the right thing to do.
Lucy Gray: I don’t get it.
Sejanus: Because that f*ckin’ clown is dead to me!
Lucy Gray: What?
Sejanus: He’s dead to me!
Lucy Gray:. . .☹️
Sejanus: Isn’t that right, my love, my Snow Angel!😍
Lucy Gray: Coryo-
Coryo: It’s a District 2 thing.
Tanner: Really? Throwing bread to the “dead” is a District 2 custom?
Coryo: Yes. Yes, it is.
Tanner: That’s bullshi-
Marcus: Blondie isn’t lying. I even threw bread at Sejanus before he left D2 for good-
Sejanus: That was a gift!😭
Marcus: No, it wasn’t! You and your evil scheming old man are dead to me now and forever!
Sejanus: Marcus, you meanie!
Marcus: I’m not Marcus!
Sejanus: Sabyn, help me!😫
Sabyn: Sorry. I can’t and won’t. You and Mr. Plinth are technically dead to me as well.
Sejanus: Coryo, hug me again!😭
Coryo: My love, calm down. I have to call the other store and order Dill’s casserole-
Mizzen: Can we order bacon pizza? I never had bacon pizza before.🥺
Coryo: No.
Mizzen: Bacon pizza-
Coryo: Ask your Mentor.
Mizzen: *evil smiles* Ok.😈
Dill: *coughs* By the way, are you guys only here to provide us food?
Coryo: And water.
Dill: That’s not the point.
Coryo: If you want beer or posca, just ask Anderson or Dennis. Those two will give you a crate for free.
Dill: What about our other essential supplies?
Coryo: Other essential supplies?
Dill: You can’t expect me and Wovey to just sleep on the ground without pillows. We want pillows.
Lucy Gray: And I want love-
Sejanus: We can’t provide you love.
Treech: We don’t want your stupid love! We want gear!
Otto: Outdoor equipment!
Coryo: Like what?
Dill: Beds, blankets, pillows-
Circ: Television!
Teslee: A clock!
Lamina: Firewood?🥺
Panlo: Portable toilets!
Ginnee: Torches and marshmallows!
Hy: *coughs* A doctor.
Lucy Gray: Hair curlers! I want hair curlers and makeup!
Coral: Duct tape. The largest and strongest one that you can find.
Coryo: Why would you want me and Sejanus to buy you duct tape?
Coral: So that I could shut Mizzen’s mouth at night.
Mizzen: I heard that!
Coral: *turns to Mizzen* Go to your corner and stay there until the sun sets!
Mizzen: No!
Coral: Then shut up and cry!
Mizzen: No bacon pizza for you!
Coryo: One extra large duct tape it is. Anything else?
Coral: An ice box for my beer and some good quality rope.
Coryo: Sure. We’ll give you 2.
Coral: Thanks.
Treech: How about a birdcage?
Coryo: Why do you want a birdcage?
Treech: I’m allergic to rainbow colored birds.
Lucy Gray: Hi.
Treech: Shoo! I’m allergic!
Lucy Gray: Let me sing you a free song about the birds and the bees instead!😀
Treech: Leave me alone, you weirdo!
Lucy Gray: You can’t ignore me and my songs forever, Treechy!
Lamina: Can I have a box of tissue?
Coryo: We’ll order a truckload just for you.
Lamina: But-
Coryo: Do you want 2 truckloads?
Lamina: Make it 4.😭
Coryo: No problem.
Brandy: I want a knife.
Coryo: No weapons allowed.
Brandy: A sandwich maker.
Coryo: Too expensive.
Brandy: A talking bird.
Coryo: Lucy Gray is enough.
Brandy: A spoon?
Coryo: Ask your Mentor.
Sheaf: Can we just order some high quality camping gear instead?
Coryo: You guys want a tent?
Dill: A big tent would be nice-
Jessup: A neon green inflatable tent that glows in the dark!
Lucy Gray: A dome tent with a recording studio inside!
Treech: A tunnel tent that can fit in my pocket!
Sheaf: A yurt that can accommodate 40 raccoons and a bear!
Panlo: Ew. No. I don’t want to share a yurt with a bunch of rabid rat-dog creatures every night!
Sheaf: Panini-
Panlo: They might have rabies!
Sheaf: It’s gonna be fun!
Panlo: For you! Not for me!
Sheaf: Don’t be a coward!
Panlo: *turns to Coryo* Blondie, do me a favor and ask your sugar daddy-
Coryo: Boyfriend.
Panlo: Ask your clingy sugar daddy to buy us 24 cabin tents and some comfortable sleeping bags before the day ends.
Coryo: I have to ask the Class President first-
Panlo: Please! I beg you! I can’t deal with these people anymore!
Marcus: And I can’t deal with that “thing” hugging you all day.
Coryo: What thing?
Marcus: *points at Sejanus* That thing.
Sejanus: Marcus is so kind and so shy around me. It’s so cute.☺️
Marcus: Ew.
Coryo: But it’s just the first day-
Panlo: I was stuck with them on that ugly ass train for 3 straight days, sweetheart!
Sejanus: Coryo’s my sweetheart!😠
Panlo: Go back to crying!
Sejanus: Babe, Bread Boy Pablo is hurting my feelings again!😭
Panlo: Blondie, please!
Coryo: Fine! We will go to the Capitol Home Depot later and buy you your tents!
Hy: *coughs* And sleeping bags.
Coryo: Cute or simple?
Hy: Simple-
Sol: Cute! We want cute!
Hy: No. Listen to me-
Sol: Blondie, my partner is sick. He’s asthmatics. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about.☺️
Hy: *coughs* That argument doesn’t make sense!
Coryo: Cute it is.
Otto: And don’t forget 5 pillows each.
Coryo: That’s too many-
Otto: 5 flower pillows. Don’t argue with me. I’m right.
Coryo: Fine.😑
Sol: Coloring books.
Coryo: That- *whispers to Sejanus* Babe, are coloring books allowed?
Sejanus: As long as they’re pro Capitol or pro Ravinstill.
Coryo: *turns to Sol* We’ll buy you a box of cheap crayons and a Bichon Frisé puppy coloring book.
Sol: Ok.😢
Ginnee: How about romance novels and banned books? Are they allowed?
Coryo: Odyssey or Iliad?
Ginnee: Twilight.
Coryo: No.
Circ: Television.
Coryo: No.
Circ: Television. 32 inches. Flat.
Coryo: Can’t.
Circ: I won’t bother you again.
Coryo: It’s still a no-
Circ: I will cry.
Coryo: Fine! We will buy you your f*ckin’ flat screen TV! Happy?!
Circ: Very.
Teslee: Yey! Best escort ever!
Coryo: I’m not an escort.
Tanner: Whatever you say, escort.
Coryo: I’m Birdy’s Mentor!
Lucy Gray: And escort!
Sejanus: My escort!😍
Facet: Can you buy me a hot pink tent? I want to sleep fabulously.
Coryo: Sure. Sparkly or shiny?
Facet: ✨Sparkly✨.
Velvereen: Can mine be a huge white PVC wedding tent?🥺
Coryo: No. That can’t fit inside the tribute’s enclosure.
Velvereen: How about a medieval cube tent with an electric fan?
Coryo: Do you want to add some weird raccoon tapestries to make your little royal abode more cozy?
Velvereen: Please.
Coryo: Anything else?
Wovey: Monopoly.
Coryo: Which version, sweetie?
Wovey: Cheaters Edition.
Coryo: Ok.
Bobbin: Posca.
Coryo: A bottle or-
Bobbin: A crate.
Ginnee: Make that 3.
Dill: *turns to Reaper* Hey, Reaper, do you want anything?
Reaper: *is still busy praying* Panem, give me the normal one. The normal one who’s rich like a Ravinstill but not a Ravinstill.
Dill: Reaper-
Reaper: Give the f*ckin’ Ravinstill to Dill instead! Give it to her!
Dill: Not again.😑
Coral: Watch and learn, Shorty.
Dill: I’m not short-
Coral: Yo, Ash from the trash!
Reaper: Are you talking to me?!
Coral: Yes, you!
Reaper: Say that again! I dare you!
Coral: Ash no cash, what do you want from Blondie?!
Reaper: A one way ticket home!
Coryo: Not available.
Reaper: Normalcy!
Coryo: Sorry. That’s impossible.
Reaper: Sleeping pills!
Coryo: Ask your Mentor.
Reaper: Your pretty ✨feet pics✨!
Coryo: Heck, no!
Sejanus: You better watch out, Reaper. You better watch out!
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Tinder profiles for my One Piece hotties 😍 - Part 2
Part 1
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First of all, that isn’t my real name but I could be your King if you like😉
Height: 613cm
Prefer someone close to my height so I don’t break my back leaning down.
The wings are real and no, you can’t touch them…but if you’re real patient, I might even take off my mask😉
PS: I’m not into BDSM, I just dress this way for other reasons.
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Hello there, beautiful people!
It’s your boy, Queen…out here in these tinder streets look for love like every good artist needs!
Looking for a special someone who loves red bean soup and can handle me being the lead performer that I am!
So hit me up and I’ll get you a VIP pass to Onigashima for my performance!
“If you’re sad, add more lipstick and attack!” - someone cool
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Just using this app to get my modeling career going also maybe more clients to be a professional MUA.
I don’t mind dating though if we have a connection.
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Single father of a certain pirate who wants to be the king of the pirates.
Looking into dating again since it’s been a while and I need to get back out there.
Likes: reading, being at the gym and messing with the weather.
Dislikes: rice, the world government and birds
I have a face tattoo, but I haven’t been to prison on anything…just did it in my younger years.
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You like pastries? Guess what?
I make pastries and baked goods!
We already have so much in common so just swipe right already and I’ll whip you up a batch of chocolate croissants for our first date!
PS: if you need a cuddle buddy to keep warm, I got you boo😘
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Let’s get one this straight, I’ll always have the best hair in this relationship and you’ll have to live with that for the rest of your life!
Not liking clowns and dismembered bodies is a dealbreaker!
Let me show you the world through this warlords eyes and don’t blame me if you fall in love😎
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No gold diggers!
I maybe a doctor but I don’t want to attract the wrong attention if you know what I mean.
Just recently gave up being a pirate and decided it’s time to settle down and meet someone special to share the rest of my life with.
Even though I’m a doctor, I have a pretty relaxed schedule so I can always make time for you and our dates.
So swipe right already!
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No bots allowed unless I can experiment with you😁
I travel a lot so it’s difficult to meet new people so apparently this is the next best thing!
Let’s meet up on an island, party hard and wake up on a beach married!🥂🍺🏖️
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I actually don’t play with fire but I do smoke so that always gets the fire department’s attention🔥😂
Looking for someone special who wouldn’t laugh when I set myself on fire or fall down a couple of times a day….or at least someone who will help me up!
And yes, I’m a natural blonde.
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Cat-dad seeking future cat mom😻
No, that’s not my real name and no, it has nothing to do with an owl!
I love cats and want to meet someone who also likes cats just as much as I do!
Ever been to a cat café, no? Well let’s go then!
PS: I’m a chain smoker so…yeah…hope that’s not a deal breaker.
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blazybunnyy · 7 months
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ABOUT ME: (here are some facts to help get to know me) 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
Age- 19 y/o
Name- Kenzi!
Job- I work at Wendy’s rn but I’m in college for nursing!
Hobbies- Video games, Coloring, Drawing, Baking, Girlblogging, Walking, Shopping, Smoking 420, Watching YouTube/Netflix/Disney Plus
Fav Color- Pink 💗
Fav Animal- Bunnies, Kitties, Rats, Snakes, Hamsters
Pets-Two rats! Their names are Stormi and Syrup
Dreams-To have a decent size house with a big kitchen and a big backyard and my own laundry room, to have a nice husband and four kids one girl and three boys. I want two nice cars and I want to be a famous twitch streamer
Artists- $uicideboy$, Lana de Rey, Ghostmane, Melanie Martinez, Jazmine Bean, etc
Things I Hate- creepy men, the color orange or brown, vegetables, country music, cowboy shows, clowns, doctors, the dentist, the city I live in.
Things I Love- my boyfriend, video games, hello kitty, strawberry milk, my rats, the color pink, oiud, icecream etc.
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candycryptids · 3 months
Baking you a cake and sending you the bestest birthday wishes because you are the bestest bean!! Happy birthday to you friend! Hope your day has been wonderful and continues to be wonderful into the days of your unbirthdays!!
🥺✨🌸 WEH THANK YOU…!!! This is so sweet… my friend sent some cookies home with my husband from work so I got to have some tasty treats after dinner it was GREAT X3
Did you know that, like clown fish, who swap sexes to balance the population, the African Reed frog will do the same thing? I got walled trying to find more information on a kind of frog (the Green Frog I think?) that swaps sexes as Tadpoles based on water temp! …. There’s also apparently real danger from a chemical in a common pesticide turning the frogs gay into females, something called Atrazine! The world is so mysterious ! And we gotta stop using so many pesticides
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such-justice-wow · 2 years
the stuff about the brit food being bad is so stupid. like yea i used to think that way then my dad dug out an old recipe from when he lived there as a kid and it was good, idr what it was anymore tho. like people so forget that herbs are a thing for seasonings and end up being the back end of a flavor when you eat instead of the forefront like spices are. and alot of the food thats clowned on is like almost explicitly poor people's famine food. its stupid on so many levels
All cultures have good and bad food its just that the bad British food became a meme and it makes me sad because there is so much good British food and a lot of it is the poor people food
Like i had spaghetti hoops on toast as a kid because I hated baked beans, it's a nostalgic memory for me. It was also a cheap meal for when my family wasn't doing great and we had nothing else or my mum was too sick to cook.
But we also had shepards pie and roasts and other food growing up. Also a lot of microwave meals because they're normally in offer in 3s and that was one each. They were kinda shit and bland lol
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Felt like doing some headcanons about the kitchen utensil family
Of course, Tea and Kettle are both the main cooks of the family (Bean too when she visits) and that being said, they're kind of the rulers of that space. If you step in without permission, you will get whacked with a spatula. Tea is teaching Mugman how to cook however, and he's doing a great job. Cuphead is too wild to focus, and Joe is too clumsy. He probably could cook if he didn't tangle his fingers while grabbing a pan or something. Chalice can bake though, and she teaches Siphi how to as a sisterly bonding thing. (Not that Tea can't bake, she was mentored under Saltbaker after all.) Cuphead likes to decorate the treats at the end. I've kinda wanted to do sick headcanons, so here's my first real shot at this. Joe, as I mentioned in one post, is an absolute baby over it. However, at the same time, he doesn't become a baby about it until he's literally unfunctional and realizes "Holy shit, I need rest and possibly have an eye kept on me" so then he becomes scared acts like a child. (much to Tea's dismay and amusement) Tea, on the other hand, unless it's REAL bad, nobody really notices since she masks it up real good. Someone might chalk it up to allergies even. The main hints she's sick is she won't cook as much both out of not wanting to get the others sick as well as just being tired. The kids are as you expect, they're kids and not as used to being sick as they haven't been here very long yet. Except Siphi, she's pretty sickly and is just used to it. Kettle is immortal he's fine. Cuphead tries to act all tough and all that jazz, yeah, sneezes and falls on his ass and his mother tells him to get it to bed. Mugman often fakes being sick so he can stay home and read. Chalice is just the "Get away and let me rest I'm tired and grumpy" Here's a kind of "first time seeing this" parental freakout 'angst' thing, but the first time Tea saw one of the boys scrape their knee or something, despite it being the most minute thing in the world, she had a small panic attack, thinking in a ptsd way that it was all her fault. Joe handled her a moment, then handled the boys, then handled her again. Even if he himself was starting to freak out. Mugman's anger issues. Joe, surprisingly, if you hit his limit, has an off the walls type of temper tantrum as well. It's rarely seen, and with good reason. It used to be much more frequent, but with practice, he's reigned it in really well (hence why he doesn't blow up every time Cuphead sends a rocket up in the house.) So, he helps Mugman with his own anger issues. Joe has a lot of brother-like workers at his jobsite. (he's the boss) When he got notice that Cuphead was being born, he tried to start up the truck, but it being the rinky dink piece of trash it is, ofc wouldn't start up in the heat of the moment. They managed to clown car pile together to get him there despite Cuphead already being born, and bros literally tried to get in BEFORE Joe. He had to lock them out for a few to have peace with his immediate family. He let the secondary in later, of course. But goddamn- Hope you like my dumb au headcanons please tell me what you think, it fuels me to make more
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pinkprimrose05 · 1 year
3 choices. Arc V (Fandom) for 2 and 10. Yuri (Character) for 5, 6 and 7. Yuya (character)for 2 and 15. If you take on all 7 of these questions I will tie you upside down and play whale noises until you chill. Take care!
Put that rope away, yes, thank you- aaaand here we go!
2) my three favorite characters and why I love them so much:
I should preface this by thanking you for my most recent microcrisis, AKA the abrupt realization that somehow, somewhere along the line... the Theatre Kid Agenda™ has discreetly overtaken my top 3 list.
Speaking of the list:
1- You thought this would be Yuuya, but as it turns out... it's Yuuya! lol.
I'd go ahead and wax the usual poetry about the layers and symbols and all that jazz, but you've already seen me gush about that several times over, so I'll just focus on the babyboy factor for once instead. Yuuya may not have wet kitten energy even at his angstiest, but he sure is a sunshine bean of debatable genuity, and that's just as adoptable!
Looking at him alone is enough to make me want to offer comfort ok. I'm stuffing him in a blanket burrito and shipping him off to my place for a long, long break and some overdue therapy. We can cope with life together, cry a little, cry a lot, bake sweets to recuperate, melt into happy little puddles after a good treat, and then nerd out about theatrics and play a few duels to test silly strategies! This kid is my Son and he deserves all the best things in the world, so for every bit of pain he goes through I'm giving him a truckload of comfort.
2- You may have noticed this in ARC-V Month, you may have picked up on it through my sporadic, scattered mentions of the guy, but if not, then here's a fun fact: I have more than one ARC-V blorbo.
Introducing the central piece of a great many of my conflicted thoughts, confused feelings, paradoxical opinions, abrupt perception shifts, and eventual (semi-)begrudging affection that had me questioning my taste in pixels for like a whole year:
I've known this fucker for 5 years, hated him for a solid 3, and then woke up one winter day in 2023 and realized that oh shit, he managed to land himself a spot in blorbo tier. Is this what people mean when they say a character grew on them? Were my feelings playing the most long-winded joke on my mind for 4 years? Trust me, I don't know. What I do know is that maining his deck was definitely an endearing factor, and so was the 3rd ARC-V watch (this is where I started uncovering most of the easter eggs I know about the show, so perhaps the build-up made me a touch biased over time, but I genuinely found the 136-139 marathon more entertaining than annoying for once. We speak not of 140).
TL;DR: I think the lettuce clown is neat. Past me would have a stroke if I told her I'm a Zarc apologist now tho.
3- Super Duper Ultra Hyper Extra Mega- ok I'll stop now.
Sawatari is actually the one surprise in this list to me because, huh, I didn't realize how much I liked him over other nearly as cool characters until I put them side by side and pondered who brings me more joy when on-screen. I thought 3rd place would be someone like Yuugo, maybe Serena, but it seems I've taken a spontaneous shine to the banana peel?
(Help how does this keep happening why am I weak to clowns lmao)
See, Shingo's character may be on the simpler side by virtue of being the... designated comic relief, but that simplicity is part of his charm! The mix of charismatic and pathetic aura is a also rare thing, you know- It's not easy to be so cool and cringe at the same time and make it feel natural. That takes skill.
And speaking of skill, Shingo has my respect for always putting up a good fight, even in the games he loses to all sorts of jobber bullshit. He's a genuinely good duelist and a great entertainer, and I love that for him!
10) how many fics I've read that are set in it (approximately and making exaggerated guesstimates):
Guesstimate: Around a thousand. I've been around the fandom long enough to read all sorts of fics on ff.net and Ao3 (among other sites), and it sure feels like I've seen a lot, looking back.
Actual number: Approximately 600, rounding down. On Ao3 alone. Huh, I was expecting the number to be like, 200, so this is not too far off, actually! Maybe the reason the fic count feels higher than it is because the memorable reads tend to be REALLY long multichapters. Why are these so common in the ARC-V tag, by the way? Is it the allure of crossovers? The canon divergence AUs?
(The answer is both, and a few other factors as well. Good for us, I say! Longfics are a serious test of commitment, and I'm glad to see and follow so many talented and dedicated authors!)
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xxprincess1x · 1 month
I was tagged by @ofmd-ann to find out what my veggie ID is! Thanks so much for tagging me 🥰
Love that peer review, yes I am an absolute clown for s3 of ofmd 🤡🤡
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Also this is gonna sound so stupid but I actually squealed when I got this result! 😅 for context, my husband and I are kinda cringe, and have loads of pet names for each other. One of which is bean (normally the baked variety but close enough). So when I started the quiz I was sort of hoping I would get a bean, but didn't think it was an option. Well, you can imagine my surprise 😄
Find out your veggie ID! 🥕
I tag (no pressure):
@celluloidbroomcloset @epersonae @edandstede @allthinky @five-very-happy-years @captainclickycat @endevouring-to-surprise @paleoleigh @margaritaville @iamadequate1
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jadedvibes · 3 years
My Girl
Summary: A quiet night of baking with your new boyfriend turns into something extra steamy when he finally gives you what you want for the first time.
Continuation/Part 2 of Nightmare Barns, but can be read as a standalone.
Pairing: neighbor!Steve x reader
Warnings: 18+ only, smut, fingering, oral sex (f), unprotected sex, excessive amounts of fluff, swearing, soft Steve, vague holiday-themed baking, and reader is bad at flirting in a funny way for a sec.
Word Count: 3.2k
Like, comment, and/or reblog to put a giant smile on my face ♡
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You unlocked the door to Steve’s apartment and immediately felt the scent of warm vanilla take over your senses. Ever the baker, it seemed like your boyfriend was always trying out a new recipe, and today was no exception. Steve had given you the key to his place earlier in the month so that you could do your laundry whenever you wanted to. And while you thought it was far too early for something like that, he said it wasn’t a big deal and that it would make your life easier since you spent so much time at his place anyways.
He did not, however, tell you how happy it made him to come home to you. Nor did he mention how much he cherished the nights you spent in each other’s company. There was nothing Steve loved more than having you come straight to his place after work — as if your home was with him.
Hearing the shower running, you decided to settle in while Steve finished up. Just as you set your bag on the counter the oven timer went off. Considering Steve’s absence, you grabbed an oven mitt to pull out the baked goods, but before you could put it on, two large arms wrapped around your waist and halted your movements. Steve bent down to kiss your neck and whispered, “Hi baby, don't worry about that, let me get it for ya.”
You leaned into his touch, “It’s no big deal, Steve. I can handle a little hot metal,” you said softly, as you turned around to peer up at your boyfriend. He kept his hold on you, and you placed your hands on his broad chest as you leaned up to give him a sweet kiss.
Steve beamed at you as you parted, “I know, but I’ve gotta protect you, be it from killer clowns or hot food,” he said with a lopsided grin. He slipped on the mitt and pulled the cupcakes out of the oven, placing them on a cooling rack.
You shook your head and giggled at his ridiculousness. “Gosh, you’re too much.”
He shrugged as he turned towards you with a big smile on his face, “I know, I can’t help it. Gotta keep my beautiful girlfriend safe. You can help me decorate though.”
“Oh, so I can do something after all,” you said sarcastically, playfully nudging his shoulder.
He let out a laugh, “I know I’m being a bit much. But we became official less than a week ago, and I don’t know. I’m protective over you— I’ll try to ease off,” he said begrudgingly.
Steve knew he was acting a little crazy, but after you agreed to be his, he has had trouble playing it cool. He liked you so much from the moment he met you, and knowing you were his girl made him lose all sense of rationality. Along with that, he couldn’t deny that after all the late night chats, baking dates, and romantic strolls around the National Mall he had fallen in love with you. He adored you so much, and he would do just about anything to keep you happy. He was only waiting for the right moment to tell you.
“Thanks babe, I know how hard that is for you, so I appreciate it,” you teased, leaning up to give him a quick peck on the cheek.
Steve chuckled while he walked to his cabinet to grab a couple ingredients.
“So what are you baking up tonight?”
“I thought we’d go simple with some vanilla bean cupcakes that we can decorate however we’d like. I’ve got all kinds of holiday-themed sprinkles and decorations to choose from.”
You beamed at him, “Ooh I love that, sounds great babe.”
You hopped onto a bar stool and watched as he started assembling the ingredients for the frosting. While he measured the powdered sugar you shamelessly ogled him. He was sporting the coziest cream cable-knit sweater that somehow emphasized his mesmerizing deep blue eyes and made him look like the softest teddy bear.
You knew that you had gotten lucky in the love department. Steve was more than handsome, he was also a true gentleman that consistently treated you with kindness. Whenever you brought up how wonderful he was, he’d just blush and tell you that you deserved the world and he was simply happy that he got to be a part of yours. Thoughtful, strong, with a jawline sharp enough to cut glass, and —
Steve’s voice cut off your reverie, “Tell me about your day, sweetheart.” He caught your gaze with a boyish smirk that made your heart beat faster.
Heat rushed to your cheeks as your brain hurried to return to the present moment. “Oh, it was good. Got a lot done, helped avert a couple crises and even landed a new donor for the center. How was yours?”
“It was nice, worked a bit on my upcoming gallery opening, and now you’re here, so it’s a great day.” He smiled as he mixed the ingredients together.
Your sweet sweater-clad boyfriend made you feel many emotions often, and today was no exception. You had recently realized that you had become completely smitten with him somewhere along the way. Maybe it was when you woke up in his arms after a rainy day movie marathon and you realized you’d never felt safer. Or perhaps, it was when he surprised you with your favorite breakfast foods for dinner that one night you texted him that you were hungry. You couldn’t say for sure, but the fact remained, you were undeniably in love with Steve Rogers.
Quietly getting up, you walked around the kitchen counter to wrap your arms around him from behind.
He put down his wooden spoon and grabbed your hand, bringing it to his lips to gently kiss. “I missed you today, honey,” he breathed out.
“I missed you too, Stevie. Do you think we’re getting to be a bit too clingy?” you asked jokingly, as you squeezed him for emphasis.
“No way, I think we’re just right,” he let out a laugh. Steve could not get enough of you, he was incredibly happy with the way you were together.
With your arms still around him, your mind couldn’t help but think about how the sweater was soft, but the man underneath was not. Steve was 220 lbs of pure muscle and you desperately wanted to know what he could do to you with a strong body like that. A dreamy sigh fell from your lips as you let go of him, opting to stay occupied by setting up the cupcake decorations.
In the last couple of months the two of you had gotten unbelievably close, but you were still dancing around the next step with each other. Sure, you kissed all the time, and you’d even slept in the same bed together a few times too, but the two of you had yet to take it any further. Steve was nothing if not respectful and cautious with you. That was one of the many things you adored about him, however, you couldn’t deny your desire for more.
You wanted to feel all of him, and you were ready to finally do something about it.
You hopped up on the counter while he mixed the frosting ingredients together. “Is there anything I can do for you, Steve?” you asked in a sultry tone.
He looked over with a confused grin, “Um, you can help me fill the piping bags if you’d like?”
“How about you fill my piping bag instead?” you asked in your most seductive voice. Oh my god, what the hell does that even mean Y/N?
Steve was bewildered by your words and sudden shift in tone. He looked at you with an absolutely perplexed expression. “Baby — did you bring piping bags with you or…?”
You groaned in embarrassment and hit your forehead with your palm, huffing out a breath. “I’m trying to seduce you but I’m doing a really bad job at it.”
Steve’s breath hitched in his throat and his eyebrows raised as realization dawned on him. “You were seducing me, you want me to fill —,”
“Okay okay, that was a really weird way to ask for se—,”
Before you could continue, he crashed his mouth on yours, kissing you hard, and grabbing your face with both of his hands to hold you in place. You moaned as his tongue slipped through your parted lips, demanding, and rough. His hands moved around your neck and kept your lips against his as he kissed you as though his life depended upon it. You spread your legs and knotted your fists in his sweater as you pulled him against you, needing more.
Steve’s hands trailed down your body, squeezing and touching you greedily. You gripped his hair as he kissed down your throat, nipping at your neck, and massaging your breasts over your clothes with his large warm hands.
He pulled back to look into your eyes, “Are you sure you want this? I’d wait as long as you want to.”
You grinned as he stuttered a breath, trying to calm himself because he sincerely meant it. Steve wasn’t with you for the wrong reasons, he cared for you, just as you were. That only made you want him all the more.
You leaned forward to nuzzle your nose against his, “I really want this with you, Steve. I’m sure.”
He smiled brightly, “Okay, darling.” He pulled you in for a bruising kiss as his other hand trailed down your body until it met the hem of your sweater dress. He slowly dragged it up, and you adjusted yourself to help, raising your arms to finally let him take it off, leaving you in your black lace lingerie.
“So fucking beautiful.” He shook his head with a smirk on his face, taking a deep breath. “I am a very lucky man.”
“You’re about to be, but only if you get a move on it, Rogers,” you whispered, teasing the adorable man.
Steve smiled, wrapping his hands around your legs and pulling you to the edge of the counter. He skillfully unhooked your bra, sliding it down your arms as his dark dilated pupils slowly took you in.
Heat rushed to your cheeks as your normally soft boyfriend looked at you like he wanted to eat you alive. “God, baby I want you so bad,” he breathed out.
His soft warm lips latched onto your nipple as he kneaded the other roughly. In no rush, his lips brushed over your breasts, kissing and sucking until he was satisfied.
You ran your fingers through his hair, and he groaned as he kissed his way back to your lips. Deepening the kiss, he twisted your panties to the side and ran his long fingers through your slick. He cursed under his breath when he felt how soaked you were. Teasing your entrance, he slipped his middle finger into your center. Skillfully stroking your tight walls, he added another finger, the heel of his hand rubbing against your clit as he went. Steve was knuckle deep in you, curling his fingers just right around that spot that has you seeing stars.
“Steve” you whined against his lips, squeezing your eyes shut as a surprisingly sudden orgasm took you over — you felt him smirk as he worked you through it. He pulled back and looked at you with lust-blown pupils as you shakily rutted against his hand. Steve thought to himself, that he could watch you do that all day, but he wanted something else more.
“I’ve dreamed about eating you out on this counter more times than I can count. Do you want to make my wish come true?”
You nodded eagerly, who were you to deny him his dream? Steve hooked his thumbs in the sides of your panties, easing them off. Kissing his way down your legs, nibbling, sucking, and taking his time as he pulled off your final piece of clothing.
Steve stood up and looked at you in awe, you looked absolutely gorgeous with your legs spread open — all for him. “I’ve wanted you for so long, honey,” he said as he stepped back to take off his own sweater and jeans. “Didn’t want to push you, not until you were sure.”
“I’ve never been more sure about anything,” you said as you tugged at his boxers, silently telling him to take those off too. He grinned at you before obliging, shaking his head in disbelief as he thought about where he was. You barely got a chance to properly check him out before he leaned in to kiss your neck.
Steve continued to kiss you softly on his trail down, eventually reaching your wet core. You laid back as he lifted your legs off of the counter and onto his shoulders, opening you up to him. You whimpered as his nose nudged your throbbing heat.
With a firm grip on your ass he flattened his tongue, licking through your folds, sucking your clit, and giving you everything you needed and more. You moaned wantonly as his relentless tongue circled your clit, over and over. “You’re so delicious, baby,” he mumbled against your pussy.
Steve was a man on a mission, and it wasn’t long before your thighs trembled around his head as euphoria washed over you.
You whimpered out as he only increased in fervor, prolonging your pleasure with his wicked tongue, and lapping up everything you gave him. You cried out and your back arched off the counter as he pulled another orgasm out of your shaking body.
Finally satisfied with himself, Steve lowered your legs from his shoulders. You sat up slowly, with a blissed out look on your face as you caught your breath. “Fuck, Steve, that was… unexpected,” you murmured out, running your fingernails over his solid chest, admiring his glorious physique. He looked at you with a devious smirk and you wiped away the slick you noticed on his chin. Swiftly, he grabbed your hand, licking it off. Fuck.
As your eyes roamed his body you finally got a look at his impressive hard leaking cock. Oh hell. Is that going to fit?
You looked up at him with wide eyes and a bashful smile.
As if he could read your mind, “Don’t worry, I’ll make it fit.”
His confidence and certainty made you eager for him to do just that. “You better,” you said before moving to get off the counter.
He grabbed your hand before you could hop down. “Are you sure you still want to? We don’t have to tonight if you’re too tired,” he said genuinely with a soft smile.
Steve was perfect, absolutely perfect. You had never met a man as considerate as him. Most other guys would be quick to get things moving, but no, not Steve. You thanked your lucky stars for giving you the best boyfriend.
Tracing your fingers up his forearm, “Steve, don’t make me beg for it,” you said with a mischievous smile.
“Yes ma’am.” He beamed as he scooped you into his strong arms and carried you to his bedroom. Once he reached his bed he gently set you down, pushing the covers over so the two of you could get in. You both turned to face one another side by side with matching grins as you contemplated the next move.
You wrapped your hand around his neck and kissed him softly as he slid his hand down your leg and lifted it up over his hip. His cock rubbed against your pussy, and you didn’t think you could wait another second. “Please,” you whimpered.
He reached down between you and lined himself up, shifting his hips as he eased his way inside your heat, making you moan out in pleasure. He was so big, but he had taken his time with you and made sure that you could take him just fine. He stretched you out slowly and stilled once he was fully seated inside you, taking a moment to gently kiss your lips.
Steve pulled back to meet your gaze, rolling his hips and hissing as your tight walls clenched around him. You squeezed around him so perfectly, he couldn’t believe just how right you felt. You tried to match his pace, but before you could he rolled you onto your back.
With steady deep thrusts he drove his hips into yours. Taking your hands with one of his and holding them above your head as he took you apart. His ragged breaths echoed in your ears, and you chastised yourself for waiting so long for this. “Feels so good, Steve,” you slurred out, wrapping your legs around him, pulling him as deep as he could go.
“Baby, you were made for me,” he murmured in the crook of your neck. You shuttered as you felt his fingers circle your clit, rubbing it until you were a whimpering mess. Steve looked down at you, so unbelievably stunning, and all his. He felt overwhelmed by his emotions for you. He had to tell you how he really felt, he couldn't hold it in any longer. “I love you. I love you so much, honey.”
Steve felt you tighten around him at his words, but before you could respond the coil in your belly tightened. He smiled as you bit your lip, trying to control yourself. “Come for me, my love.” Unable to control a damn thing, the coil snapped at his command and you screamed out his name as pleasure surged through every inch of your body.
Feeling you clench down around him, Steve finally found his release. Groaning out your name as he emptied himself inside you. After a few more hard thrusts, he collapsed onto the bed next to you.
The two of you tried to quiet your heavy breathing, as you both considered what had just happened.
Your boyfriend made love to you for the first time, and he confessed his love for you. That happened right?
Steve quickly moved the blankets up so that you were both wrapped up tight next to one another.
You rolled onto your side to look up at him once his breathing slowed. “Steve, I—,”
He turned towards you, and his tired blue eyes met yours. “You don’t have to say it. I just needed you to know, I couldn’t go another moment without telling you — I’m all in, for as long as you’ll have me.”
“Okay,” you nodded with a slight smile.
“Okay,” he agreed, a lazy smile tugging at his lips as he leaned in to kiss your forehead.
“Actually not okay. I love you too, you big lug. I’ve loved you for some time now, and somehow I find myself falling for you more and more each day. I need you to know that too.”
He smiled and cupped your cheek with his hand. “The prettiest girl in the world loves me back,” he said more to himself. “Thank you for being mine.”
“Thank you for making it so easy to want to,” you whispered, taking in his gorgeous azure eyes. You gently stroked his jawline and his long eyelashes fluttered shut, a content smile on his pink kiss-swollen lips.
Then you gasped, suddenly remembering — “After sex cupcakes now?” you asked excitedly.
Steve let out a laugh as he leaned in to kiss you chastely, “Anything for my girl.”
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jessilynallendilla · 2 years
Dylan Hollis Baking Quotes Without Context Part 2
“Hold on, I need to take my teeth out.”
“This is fascinating because it seems chronologically wrong to find this in a 1940’s cookbook which means it must be pretty special, or that time traveling, keto, athleisure influencers exist.”
“These are roof tiles.”
“How many eggs? Nine!”
“...I really just JFKed this cake.”
“You don’t want the sky beef, that would be scary.”
“Now I’m scared of lots of things including the IRS, clowns, and English Majors, but what I’m most afraid of is beans where they don’t belong.”
“Now we can serve this with anchovies or sardines, how about a swift death?”
“Quarter cup corn syrup...well be done by Christmas.”
“Into a jar...it’ll take just twelve years.”
“Mr. Cheese, I’m so sorry.”
“Take that Big Peppermint!”
“You were swimming in animal fat, how does it feel?”
“Also, an obscene amount of brandy, look away kids.”
“I feel like I’m exhuming a body.”
“So they look dead but my house smells amazing.”
“Beep at me one more time-!”
“Now this recipe calls for calf or mutton liver, but when I asked about mutton liver to the butcher he just asked if I was okay.”
“Let me get my lard bucket.”
“Well, it’s great, so long as you don’t have to eat it.”
“What do you think we garnish this with, did you guess mayo?”
“Call the police!”
“There’s no Jell-O in here just the dark arts.”
“One and half cups scolded-you useless-!”
“Eight inch is preferable, it sure is Betty.”
“Well drained of course, like my hope.”
“At least nothing hatched.”
“Well, some didn’t make it, which is unfortunate because it means some did.”
“Well, that was utterly horrendous, thank you.”
Handling multiple sausages. “Ah, yes, brings back memories.”
“Now we seal and shake vigorously, preferably to kill whatever demon we summoned.”
“What are we making, glue?”
“Let’s take a dump.”
“Then you get to bake your dump.”
“Then we add more ketchup.”
“In Australia and New Zealand this recipe is actually protected by law, bake it wrong? To Jail!”
“I love oats, they taste like grandparents.”
“I did have convert this entire recipe from grams into freedom units.”
“Now I say that disrespecting donuts should carry a life sentence so let's see if we’re going to jail today.”
“You know a lot of things start with potatoes, french fries, hashbrowns, famine...communism.”
“So, the stock market has crashed and we can’t afford any butter, eggs, or milk, but little Johnny still wants a cake for his birthday, selfish brat.”
“I chose this one to die.”
“Hello child, neugh, goodbye child.”
How did that not stick, are you a witch?”
“I told you not to trust me!”
“Now we get our can of spam and we cry.”
“Wonder what demon we’ll summon today?”
“Is life insurance expensive?”
“It’s well known, here in America, that they’ll deep fry anything that isn’t bolted to the earth, including zucchinis, hot dogs, and several species of large bird.”
“Are you ready to die?”
“A whole bag of potato chips!”
“Ruffage is what dead people called fiber, and this is enough to incapacitate one medium child.”
“And we leave this to soak for a half hour, just to make it edible.”
“Now we just-eeugh-try not to die...”
“How long does sadness take to cook?”
“There seems to have been a murder.”
“Have you no mercy?”
“Just imagine cooking this and telling yourself that everything is okay.”
“You don’t measure this in calories, no, you measure it years taken off your life expectancy.”
“Where’s Johnny?” “Johnny is gone.”
Part One
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eremiie · 3 years
Kay miss charm what side of tiktok are the aot characters in?🤨
what side of tiktok the aot characters are on;
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eren is on straight tiktok with a sprinkle of like funny videos and a sprinkle of like informational videos (he skips these though) and a sprinkle of alt tiktok... a slightly diverse king, and he only gets off of straight tiktok when sasha and connie start clowning him
levi does not have tiktok. when you send him them they go to the web browser goodbye.
armin is on the tiktok with like the rlly creative people who bake and draw and do arts & crafts and make candles and shit, somehow this dudes tiktok is AESTHETICALLY PLEASING??? he has a few informational videos here and there too!!!!
jean is also on straight tiktok but on straighter tiktok than eren rip. connie and sasha always clown him also but he’s liked so many videos it’s hard to get off😩
connie and sasha are on the same tiktok bro. the weird videos with the cursed sounds and the fucking MMD dance videos and they get alt tiktok videos too, THEY WERE ON BEANS TIKTOK ONCE FIGHT ME ON THIS
reiner barely uses tiktok so he’s like by default on straight tiktok, if he tried though he’d get like... idfk videos of people cleaning their houses, a little bit of everything, just because he’s conflicted and happens to like every video on his fyp to be nice
porco doesn’t use tiktok much either but he gets the chain videos, like the ones that’ll be people just sitting there duetting someone else or the “tell me your darkest secret.” type tiktoks, we don’t know how he got here but... also people singing, IDFK????
colt gets a variety of tiktoks as well but it’s mostly like also cleaning videos and people baking and just showing off their prized posessions and shit, it’s kind of wholesome :0
zeke gets people showing off their cars, fucking truckers, old people, those like old guys trynig to be sexy, and his tiktok is fucking grimey, pls dont go thru his fyp
mikasa is on alt tiktok but we don’t know how she got here either. i just refuse to put her on straight tiktok bc i just don’t think she is. she has like people showing off their outfits (usually grunge aesthetic??), pretty people just recording their faces (with the eyeliner and the blush and the wolf hair,ufhjak beautiful), her fyp is pretty cool, also some zodiac stuff & occasional workout videos 
hange is on informational tok, with the doctors doing surgery, the random science expiriments and fun facts, the psychological tricks, all that good stuff, also gets a few alt tiktoks occasionally
historia is on baking tiktok, zodiac tiktok, fucking crystal tiktok, tarot card tiktok, selfcare videos, motivational videos, working out and getting fit videos, inspirational videos. shit like that
hitch is on the selfcare tok, with occasional motivational videos, REALLY PRETTY GIRLS, people showing off their outfits, occasional crystal & zodiac videos, a tad bit of alt tiktok and a tad bit of straight tiktok here and there. she has like a perfect balance tho idk what she did
annie is on ????? her fyp is random. you never know what you’re gonna get because she uses tiktok once a year and decides never again
pieck is like armin, baking videos, people selling their products, creative people, tarot cards here and there, astrology vids here and there, people knitting and shit, its comfortinggg
yelena is on the... i just burst out laughing LMAOOO, i don’t mean to slander my girl but she’s on the tiktok where people think they’re tough and will like make those cringy “who’s your daddy? you like that, huh?” tiktoks with a black and white filter 😭, someone uninstall and reinstall the app for her PLEase
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always-andromeda · 2 years
tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
thank you, for the tag, @starlightsearches!! (I was also tagged by @sweetums0kitty so thank you too bb!!)
relationship status
single, babie!!! are we surprised? no????
favorite color
yellow all the way! I also adore oranges and browns.
favorite food
It switches around a lot! Sometimes it’s salmon. Sometimes it’s Alfredo noodles. I had spicy tuna with sushi rice recently and I swear…I could eat it forever.
song stuck in your head
Ride or Die and Bang Bang by Hippo Campus. And Where’d All The Time Go by Dr. Dog!
last thing you googled
the distance between norway and Sweden lol oops
Almost 10:00 PM
dream trip
Disneyland! I’m a certified Disney adult so I dream of dragging all my friends to Disneyland.
last book you read
City of Thieves by David Benioff
last book you enjoyed reading
Where Am I Now? by Mara Wilson
last book you hated reading
It by Stephen King. Never even finished it, but the second I heard about the underage sex scene, I had to tap out.
favorite thing to cook/bake
Bread! I cook and bake a lot in general but bread is my favorite to bake. Yes, I am starting a sourdough starter soon!!
favorite craft to do in your free time
I do a looooot of cross stitching!
most niche dislike
beans. Idk. It’s random but it’s the first thing I thought of lol
opinion on the circus
The only aspect of circuses that I enjoy are the acrobatic and gymnastic performers? And clowns. The art of clownery is so fun.
do you have a sense of direction
Absolutely not. My sense of direction is absolute garbage. Ever since I was young, I’ve never been able to maneuver my way around anywhere unless I am SUPER familiar with the place.
I have no specific tags! So if you see this, tag, you’re it!!! No take backs!!
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samanthamulder · 2 years
tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
thank you @jackharkness 💗
relationship status: 🧍‍♀️ favourite colour: wine red favourite food: this mango curry with green beans that my dad makes 🥰 also any type of bread :) song stuck in your head: this flight tonight by joni mitchell time: 15:28 dream trip: hiking in the pacific northwest 😌 last book I read: Im Stein by clemens meyer last book I enjoyed reading: ⬆️ (mostly lol) & the lonely castle in the mirror by mizuki tsujimura (I REALLY loved that one!!) last book I hated reading: probably the midnight library (i hated every page of it sgshsjsj sorry)
favourite thing to cook/bake: to cook - this kind of potato omelette with feta cheese and sweet corn (that sounds so weird but trust me it's delicious!); to bake: chocolate banana muffins :)) favourite craft to do in my free time: obviously gifmaking and I also love to knit and crochet! most niche dislike: phew idk about niche and idk about actual strong dislikes...i have a lot of pet peeves tho :') opinion(s) on circuses: be the clown you wish to see in the circus 🤡 (this question made me snort laugh idk whst to do with it??) do you have a sense of direction: in life? or as in navigating places? Probably neither lmao
tagging: @davisbette @softiescully @delphines @swinging-stars-from-satellites @bellamuertes @endlesslydeath @jimmymcgill 💞 (clearly not doing 10 but yeah..)
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itsmoonphobic · 3 years
Dream SMP characters and my interpretation of them:
-Techno: The smell of Dirt and soil,blood,wine and old books. Silk pillowcases,golden jewelry,mosaics,stained fingertips, grand staircases,scented candles,storyteller,lazy smiles, secretive,slow dancing,sad resting face,elegant language,cold weather,confident,doubts himself,philosophy, messy braids,glowdust flakes, poetry,graceful movements,neat and cursive handwriting, greek mythology, oriental music,pale skin,libraries,sarcasm, long-lasting friendships,quotes,frosted windows,layering clothes, know-it-all,rude but endearing,pile of papers,cherry blossoms,muted colors,overthinks everything,devotion,logical thinking,insomniac,scattered mind,castle walls,laid back,tired eyes,long debates,show over tell,lingering touches,rulebreaker, dirty palms,old movies freezing feet,old habits,late nights studying,early riser,skips meals,eye bags,tea with milk,velvet jackets,dimly lit by streetlights,ancient wood floors,flowy curtains,art museums, gravely morning voice,echos in the middle of nowhere,sleepy whispers,nostalgia everywhere,red lipstick stains,loves animal more than people,calm and quiet, healing stones,parked car conversations,sharp jaw,obsessed with memes,violins,doves, doves,floats instead of walks,unbroken promises,twisting and winding hair around fingers,nail biting, repeating phrases,mist secret scars,rumors,always wearing earphones,metaphorical, emotions fragile as a flower, speaks with his eyes,fluttery eyelashes,dog lover,forehead kisses,calligraphy,pretty knives,cares too much,lopsided grins,messy desks,talks for hours no,rolling his eyes all the time,powerful strides,wants to conquer the world,slender hands,good grades, dusty book covers,wax stamped envelopes,vintage mirrors
-Phil: The smell of cold air,pine trees and sandalwood.Dead birds and mothballs,stops on the sidewalk to make sure nobody is left behind,morning person,herbal teas,crows,eats breakfast outside,constellations,family portraits on walls, chirping and whistling,crime documentaries,cool father figure, graveyards,weeping angels,meteor shower,many friends but only a single close one,contagious laugh,fragile teacups,fog, early mornings,fuzzy blankets,springs of thyme,bare feet, empty streets,rosemary stems,flickering lanterns,burnt wood bowls,feather collector,antique silverware,a sky full of stars, skylights,torn pages,overstuffed bookshelves,makes you feel comfortable whenever you talk to him,organized,full of ideas, believes in magic,gives the best advice,lost in his own way, warm hugs,scrapbooks and bullet journals,old cars,soft features,daydreaming,bright eyes,getting lost in the woods,moonlight,self knitted sweaters, stargazing on tailgates,the universe,hand in hand with wandering hearts, garage sales,questioning life but feeling at peace,attic bedrooms and haylofts,pursuing science and desiring art, photo albums,hopeless romantic,dark chocolate,open windows and quirky morning rituals,actually knows what brunch is, succulents,a kind-hearted loner,free-spirit,plaid button-ups, always ready to let you rant,abandons projects quickly, complicated past,bold moves,goes with the flow,aims for things that seem unachievable,lives in extremes,knowing smiles,constantly busy with something new,soft touches,love at first sight,naps alot,subsequent tea stains,sparkly eyes, abandoned barns,handwritten notes,feather quills,fascination with the sky,whispering secrets to the wind,great with kids, takes a backpack everywhere,hugs trees,big winter coats,road trips,knows tons of medical info,bites his nails,comforting presence,lost souls,city lights from a high rise
-Wilbur: The smell of fire,smoke,caramel and coffee. Stands up for people who can't for themselves,emotional wreck,loves his family too much but still yells at them,soft turtlenecks,sits in different spots every time he eats dinner,chipped nailpolish, songwriter,probably depressed,wakes up in the middle of the night to write down random thoughts,heartbroken teenager songs,dark psychology and deep meanings,globes and maps, wants to travel and make lots of memories,curls of steam, earbuds in,spattered ink,good singer,keeps to himself,old music and dusty vinyl,the type of person that you could stare at for hours,loud laugh,ride or die,dreams about his future, believes in fresh starts and new beginnings, messy and tangled hair,summer nights,soft features,deep thinker and dimples, having crushes,musicals and theater, half finished diaries and laptop stickers,mixtapes,quirky love notes, secretly kinda insane,always ready for coffee,thrift shops, beachy waves, bonfires,probably drives too fast,cutoff jeans, cream and sugar,nude colors,always creating new problems for himself, fights for equality,long debates and tired eyes, tapping a rhythm and humming quietly,spends all his time on social media,beanie galore,trench coats,foggy glasses,cozy sweaters, dancing around his room to the Beatles,looking out the window when the sun is setting,birkenstocks,guitar strumming on a warm summer evening,bells and chimes,subtle sadness, the feeling of diving into a deep pool,perfect proportions,too many playlists,holding hands,pretty boy,sew on patches and bomber jackets,candid photos,warm sun on bare skin,dancing silhouettes on the sunsets,beach walks at midnight,messy but cozy room,different mood every minute,singing his favorite song at the top of his lungs,sharp grins,haunted houses, paranormal stuff,late night snack runs with friends,explores creeks and lakes,double checks everything he does,walking through hot sand,backyard campfires,acoustic songs,photo booths,train platforms at night,s'mores,sun bleached arbors
-Tommy: The smell of plastic,fresh cut grass and musk. Does the bare minimum at School,unless genuinely interested in a topic,doodles on the side of his paper,movie marathons,empty coca cola bottles everywhere,rope swings,glossy nailpolish,lots of energy,life of the party, kidcore ,can always make you laugh,loves photography,eyestrain and bright colors,bruised knees and untied shoelaces,paperballs in class,brand new red converse,denim jackets,pins and clips,chalk drawings in the middle of the road,every text contains emojis, garden sprinklers,graffiti,wreck this journal,vibrant dyed hair, scribbles and highlighter pens,carnivals,involed in many things, watermelon flavored anything,loves to climb trees,screaming on playgrounds,oversized t-shirts,stained glass windows, anklets,skateboards and hula hoops,milkshakes on the front porch,social butterfly,always in a hurry,pinkie promises,tangled headphones,melted crayons and gummy bears,bean bags and hummingbirds,spinning around till he gets dizzy,chaotic and crazy yet so fun to be around,rushing into things too quickly, roller coasters and derbies,doesn't get knocked back by criticism,cans of fizzy drinks and neon lights,skips school,tye dye shirts and nitendo games,impulse and class clown,sticks stickers on stranger's things,pickpockets his close friends,has to carry a walkie-talkie around with him at all times,sleepovers and sneaking out through windows,pockets full of change and random buttons,stands out in crowds and makes friends easily, pretends to be fearless but is scared of the littlest things,trips and rips his jeans daily,uno cards,social butterfly,music discs, fights with his family but would actually kill for them,broken handwriting,flannels and jerseys around his waist
-Tubbo: The smell of honey,fresh bread and citrus. Lowkey soft, hugging a teddy bear,pressed flowers,eats alot of bread,big hoodies,fairy lights and blanket forts,prank calls while holding in your laughter,beeswax candles,sidewalk dandelions,gentle cuddles on the couch,pastel yellow and cute doodles,flower crowns and diasy chains,plays the ukulele,fascinated by bees and supports local coffee shops,outdoorsy sunshine addict, sparklers and iced lemonade,festivals with fireworks and fireflies in mason jars,homework done as soon as its assigned, watercolor paintings,giggling uncontrollably,long hugs and lazy cartoon afternoons,park dates and forehead kisses,cutting pants into shorts,messy wild hair and pear lollipops,has tiny random braids decorated with golden yarn,hearing the crinkle of leaves underfoot,suprise piggy back rides,adult swim shows and lip gloss stains,being goofy without meaning to,bounces in his step and stops to pet stray animals,baked bread and washi tape bracelets,bike rides and summer picnics,rolling down a hill in the spring and bringing home grass stains on his jeans, waving at someone across a crowded room,spontaneous hang outs and self made clay rings,sitting in the warm sunlit grass on early spring mornings,rock painting and hiding them for other people to find,picking apples from trees but needing to be held up in order to reach one
-Ranboo: The smell of peppermint tea,denim and rain. Is there for everyone but never themselves,regrets things they said but can never find the nerves to apologize,clumps of mascara and winged eyeliner,writes down every tiny thing in notebooks, loves children and their friends,forgetting that they already grabbed a waterbottle,drawing on condensation windows,rainy days and puddles,always on the edge of a breakdown,elevator music and long limbs,old tape recordings and cassettes,moss covered ruins and greenhouses,wanting to be in multiple places at the same time,different colored socks,long hugs and head pats,reading under the covers,collages and spray paint,record players and walks alone through the woods,loves playing by creeks and collecting stones,always wondering and worrying about things they shouldn't,vivid dreams and leather jackets, silver necklaces and piercings,snoozing their alarm clock, seeing the moon in the early morning,blurry photographs and windswept hair,downpours and comfortable silence,wrapping gifts and handing them over with shaking hands,sitting on a rooftop and spontaneous plans,lofi sounds and long train roads,deja vu moments,randomly dissapears and sipping tea, cold concrete and city parks,tickets and brochures from places they visited,dusty parchment and desperately trying to be a good person,wikipedia articles and lace-up boots,often loses track of time while talking to people they love,sings to the radio and avoids conflict if possible,can't sit still for five minutes, perpetually in an emo phase and knows more than they let on, hawaiian shirts,henna tattoos and sparkling water,sleeping in complete darkness and the relief of falling into bed,midnight thunderstorms and anticipation for the coming day,lucky charms and the sound of rain hitting the windows
-Dream: The smell of apples,eucalyptus,vanilla and green tea. Freckles and smiley faces,glow sticks and wrinkled linen, probably a really good singer,wild laughter and jellyfish, popular,tanned skin and cruising with the top down,doesn't take shit from anyone,analytical and self assured,beachy waves and dreamy sunsets,running barefoot,likes being active and on the go at all times,sassy and dramatic as fuck,dream catchers and hammocks,glow in the dark stickers on his phonecase, feisty and a sense of danger,brought home stray cats when he was a child,falling in love with strangers,waking up early and continue laying on the bed,golden hours and 4pm naps,soft aching hands burried in messy hair,center of attention,static and heavy breathing,old percy jackson books under the bed, throwing pebbles at the closed windows of his friends' room, retro diners at 2am,adrenaline junkie and nighttime thriver,will go insane if cooped up indoors for too long,deadlines till last minute,oversleeping and coming home past midnight,naturally a really good surfer,hugs from behind and neck kisses,checking the fridge at 1am,ice cream in bed and cat cuddles,always picks up over facetime
Might make more parts for some of the other guys :)
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