#my boy experiencing color in real time
cloudnstarry · 5 months
Prism scales
Warnings: None!
There were many things that Edgar marveled at. Sure, he could just lurk as his good friend played around on his mouse and scoured the edges of the internet, but nothing could really top hearing your gushing about the outside.
He liked to live through you, a kaleidescape of color. Though indirect, he liked to see many things. Then he learned to traverse through the wires, connecting to a few cameras, and he could experience everything you did.
He loved the blue of the sky, so open and free. He loved the blinding yellow of the sun as it warmed the surface. He loved the green of the grass, vibrant. He liked the white of the clouds, puffy like cotton, and scattered around like seeds of dandelion upon a zephyr. He loved the peaches and violets as it grew to dusk, and the elegant dance towards the deepest night. Finally, he could experience, just like a human could.
The experience of living was his beam of light, and the world was his prism as it reflected the many colors, the many wavelengths of what life had to offer.
For such a simple computer, he found this quite good. This was something worth living for.
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cyeayt · 8 months
Back on my bullshit answer my questions
while doing some rudimentary research for this poll it has come to my attention that pins and needles are a feeling felt while the limb is asleep, not the period of intense sensation/tingling/sensitivity experienced while it comes back online. or maybe it's both? the stuff i read referred to it as tingling that happens while the limb is pinned/under pressure/numb. i cannot find anything that references what i have come to think of as "the agony" but ive referred to it as the pins and needles in the options for this poll anyway.
Mild: limb has muted sensation but can be moved and used carefully, pins and needles begin almost immediately after limb is moved from whatever position caused it to fall asleep. Pins and needles not painful and do not appear painful, and last a few seconds, person affected is capable of speech and moving other parts of their body during pins and needles, which last a few seconds.
Middle intensity: limb is numb or partially numb and can twitch but not be moved precisely. Pins and needles begin a few seconds after limb is unpinned or when it is moved. Pins and needles not painful but intense and appear uncomfortable, taking a lot of the affected person's attention/capacity. they last between 5 and 7 seconds.
Intense: limb is numb and cannot move/be used, pins and needles begin 5-7 seconds after the limb is unpinned. pins and needles are intense and may be painful or not painful but 'unbearable', causing the affected person to cry out, grimace, or otherwise appear to be in pain. Person cannot speak or move their other limbs during pins and needles, which last 10 or more seconds (without shaking) and have residual tingling for a few seconds after limb regains movement/becomes bearable to move
obviously this all depends on how long the limb was pinned but just answer whichever is the most common for you, and if you want you can put in the tags what positions make your limbs go numb/how you deal.
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ginalinettiofficial · 2 years
i am. still just so glad i got out of teen wolf when the cast started falling apart. like season three was such a shitshow from day one and made me INSANE as it was airing and i just could not continue to watch for season four after they killed off or wrote off essentially half the cast and killed all the found family potential and i will admit!!! that seeing crystal reed herself on a new teen wolf story DID tempt me!!!! i am only human!!!! i am not immune to allison argent!!!! but truly i know myself and i know that the show died a horrible death for me over the course of s3 and there’s a lot of good reasons i stopped watching it and those reasons will sustain me through my decision to not watch this new movie
all that said. @ my loyal six followers. please do not be alarmed if i end up temporarily in a teen wolf revival moment. i am not immune to allison argent and the nostalgia of it all DOES make me want to go back and reread all the old classic pack fics from before davis decided to start killing kids left and right !!! i am not immune to the powerful energy of sterek writers, nor to the call of pack-fics!!!!
#d speaks#teen wolf#god. teen fucking wolf#y’all know that when they killed erica i was mad but was like whatever that’s not a REAL death she can come back. i can ignore it. and then#they massacred my boy(d)…….. and i was in PAIN. but i thought to myself. it’s okay. i need to see what theyre doing. where they are going#and then. then they kicked motherfucking allison argent#and i KNOW! i know okay that it was crystal’s choice to leave!!! and yes i loved kira!!! but!!!!!#i was seventeen okay!!!! and they killed off one of the three MAIN CGARACTERS !!!!! in a stupid little mtv show!!!!!#i was not emotionally or mentally equipped to deal with that!!!! i genuinely MOURNED in the realest way y’all!!!!#my high school friends were concerned because i spent a week in like. a fugue state. like a zombie as if someone i actually knew had died#(yes i was mentally ill in high school and WHAT ABOUT IT?!?)#and at that point the show died for me. i couldn’t handle it#and some of the tw blogs i followed kept watching and going and i sort of peripherally experienced some of the new pack shit but just#could not make myself care for new baby characters when they Massacred My Boys………#so i stepped out!!! cause i was happy for a while there to continue to just exist in that happy part of the fandom that said ‘nah fuck it.’#‘solely post s2 aus here’. that shit was great#but then the more time passed the less fics like that came out and the more the fandom moved on….. onto the NEW plot…… and i Could Not Hang#and so teen wolf in my eyes was laid to rest like all the teenagers of color in the show#and now you come to me paramount plus. years later. when i am an ADULT with a fully developed prefrontal cortex#and you tell me. that allison argent is alive????? that you gave derek hale a child????? no#no you cannot and will not trick me into this. i will not watch it. i pretend i do not see it#however. i MAY end up rereading some of my classic fave fics. reblogging some old art. i am but a mere mortal#hearing tyler posey say ‘allison???’ DID hit me in my stomach. it did. i am weak#tw
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Robin never really got boys talk.
When Sarah turned 14 she invited all the girls in band for a sleepover. It started out fun. After her parents went to bed they put on a creepy horror movie and watched it in a huge cuddle pile. They braided each other's hair and did each other's nails and squeezed each other during tense scenes and muffled their shrieks after a sudden jumpscare.
After that they watched another one. This time Sarah sneaked her mother's makeup kit down to the living room, and so lipstick and eyeshadow joined the mess of nail polish, hair clips and snacks already on the floor.
The second movie was different. In the first one, the blood was obviously fake and the acting wasn't the best (to say the least). But the second one was tense through and through. The cries of pain were so visceral that Robin shuddered, and in the end everyone was terrified. It was silently and unanimously agreed upon that everyone had had enough TV for the night. It was already 3 in the morning, but tomorrow was the weekend and right now Robin wouldn't be able to sleep even if she wanted to, and thus began Robin's first real boys talk.
It was funny at first. Sarah pretended to die of heartbreak when "the blond hot one" was unfortunately the second to die. Heather said the nerdy one with glasses and abs was cuter, which started a very heated discussion of whether blond or brown is the more attractive hair color. Robin had to defend her correct "redheads" opinion all by herself.
(When the others got into a stalemate Sarah turned to Robin. "C'mon", she pleaded, "you know that the blond one was hotter. Just tell us which one you found prettier! And don't forget that this is my birthday party."
Robin laughed at the ribbing, played a bit hard to get, until she finally admitted. "I actually found the first one who died the prettiest." Sarah was already halfway through her victory dance, when Robin corrected her. "No, I don't mean the dude. I mean the first one. The girl with the pink purse."
Everything was silent for a moment.
Then Emma laughed. "You don't have to be jealous Robin", she consoled, "you are also very pretty."
"Yeah, especially after our makeover!"
Robin laughed and agreed and continued on as if her world just hadn't been turned on its axis. Because she knew that the stirring in her gut and the beating of her heart had nothing to do with jealousy. She didn't find the blond one hot or the brunet one cute. That was the first time she really knew it. She liked the girl.)
It was a bit funny the first time, even though she couldn't really join. It got less funny the more it went on. Suddenly boys was the only thing everyone wanted to talk about. And worse: it wasn't just unreachable famous boys like singers or actors anymore. Suddenly it was all "oh, Steve Harrington is sooooo cute" or "oh my god, Tommy Hagan had suuuuuuch a glowup" and "I want to lick the sweat of his body after basketball practice" (this last one was applicable to multiple different people, including Steve and Tommy. It was not applicable for Chrissy when she exited cheerleading practice or Beth after football.)
She thought it would get better when Emma finally confessed to her crush and they actually got together, but no. It somehow got worse. Because "normal boy talk" turned into "experienced boy talk", and Robin wasn't allowed to admit that the only thing that got wet when she thought of Billy Hargrove was her mouth, because he made her want to throw up.
At first she'd say that she didn't have crushes. After a while of people refusing to believe her (even if she was telling the truth! Sometimes.) she started pretending to be into Steve Harrington. Every girl had a crush on Steve, so it made sense that she'd been embarrassed to admit that she was just like everybody else. He was way too far above her league for her friends to force her to "confess" and she could stare without fear when he passed by in the halls with the beautiful Tammy Thompson in his arms. Truly, it was a brilliant plan. It didn't stop the boys talk, though.
So she became a tomboy. She joined football and she hung out with boys and she cut her long hair into a bob. She lost a bit of touch with Emma and Sarah and the others, but she tried not to think about it too much. Instead she threw herself into sports and started hanging out more and more with Matt, the second trumpet in band.
And that was that. Sometimes she missed wearing dresses, but it was a relief not to have her mother insisting she "do something about that hair" anymore. She and Matt became best friends. She even considered telling him for a while. Until he sat her down and confessed his feelings.
She tried to let him down as gently as possible, and they never talked again. The cycle would repeat for multiple times.
Someone out there is laughing their ass off because who would have thought that the dude she pretended to have a crush on would turn out to be the missing half of her soul?
It started out like always. She teased him, he laughed. They suffered through customer service together. He was funny and surprisingly in touch with his emotions and apparently babysat a bunch of middle schoolers, which was equally hilarious and adorable to watch. They both enjoy sports and they both hate Billy Hargrove with a passion and Robin is heartbroken because she knows she can't get attached. She has already been through this too many times to allow it to happen again. She gets close with a guy, they become best friends, he confesses, she can't reciprocate, they never talk again.
This is what is going to happen. She should already be used to it, but it still hurts. It's better for her to keep her distance. To encourage him to flirt with other girls, even if she can see that he mostly does it to amuse her.
And then they uncover an actual real life Russian spy network right beneath their place of work like some fucking blockbuster. And then they are pumped up with drugs and the next thing she knows is that they are both throwing up in a cinema bathroom.
And then it happens. Of course it happens.
He starts his little speech and her heart is already breaking. She surprises herself when she realizes how much she started enjoying Steve's company. He is a dingus, but she is also a dingus and they just fit.
She is already preparing her apology in her head (oh fuck work is going to be so awkward), but what comes out instead is what she wishes she could've said every time this happened. What she wished she could have said every time she got close to another person, every time her parents questioned if she finally found a boyfriend. Something she really tried not to feel ashamed of, but it was so fucking hard when you had to keep it hidden all the time.
(She remembers when she used to train in front of the mirror. She would stare at herself and repeat again and again "I am Robin Buckley and I am a lesbian. I am a lesbian. I am-")
She doesn't breathe as she waits for what she knows what comes next. What has to come next. There is a reason she never told anyone, always kept it hidden and to herself even if she wanted to scream it into the world. He will mock her and he will out her and he will be disgusted and-
"Tammy Thompson?!"
Instead they have girls talk. And Robin finally gets it.
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ledgerserious8 · 8 months
Your Blind Home | Bruce Wayne (Bale) & Reader
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Warning : Don't copy my writing Don't steal my writing. All rights are reserved for my writing
Genre : Drama Love Confession
Summary : When You're in love with someone who actually around you..
Word count : 1.5k
You was his sidekick you was his partner to protect Gotham from six months and your hero nickname was Shade because you love dark things and black color
But he never let you know his true identity even when he said softly "i trust you" but he doesn't seem trust you enough..
You was in love with someone who actually a billionaire handsome guy and he known by "the play boy of Gotham Bruce Wayne"
Tonight..the both of you was sitting on the building you was eating your red apple He could sense you staring at the picture of his alternate self It was almost like you didn't realize that he was wanting to tell you something
You was looking at the picture of the building it's was showing a photoshoot for Bruce Wayne wearing his black suit and look so handsome into your shiny eyes
So you was just staring at Bruce Wayne, his rich public identity but you don't know he's actually around you How long could he not tell you? How much longer did he have?
he wanted to finally reveal who he truly was to you because he trusted you with everything being into him
"Hey bat" - you whispered to him as He flinched after he heard your whisper
He had been lost in his own thoughts, and his heart was pounding and you was so close, so tempting The idea of you knowing the truth about him was both exciting and terrifying
"Yes?" - He whispered back trying to keep his serious tone calm and gentle with you
"I think i loved that guy from a long time" - you whispered honestly as Pointing at Bruce Wayne's picture
He could feel his heart racing faster with every word you uttered you wasn't talking about your love for the rich public figure of Bruce Wayne
You was expressing your intense desire to protect this man who you believed was some innocent stranger your feelings for Bruce Wayne were real, genuine, and authentic
He had to control himself. He couldn't reveal his secret identity without revealing that HE WAS THAT MAN
"Bruce Wayne?" - he whispered under the mask as looking at you waiting for your response
"Yeah but i don't think that billionaire guy want hero like me" - you explained calmly and he still listen to you carefully
"He want normal person maybe rich woman and more prettier than me you know" - you added softly but your tone get sadder
His heart broke into a thousand pieces. You think you're in love with a man you doesn't realize is actually him
You think you're in love with a man who you believes doesn't give you a second thought He desperately wanted to tell you the truth
He desperately wanted to reveal that he was that same man in whom you so passionately loved
"I believe this guy now is snoring on his bed" - you explained angrily as taking another bite from your apple
But that guy was actually beside you..
He tried not to laugh, but your imitation of his snoring was too funny you was so playful, so innocent
He wanted to hold you in his arms and protect you from all the evil that Gotham City had to offer even when you're a heroine
You was so pure, so genuine for him
You hadn't even realized that both of them were looking at the same view of Gotham City you was so focused on the picture of Bruce Wayne, he knew you wasn't even aware that he was actually that same man
You looked at him under your shade mask and handed him one of your apples your kindness and thoughtfulness touched his heart
He had never experienced an act of generosity so genuine as He took a bite of the apple, the sweet taste reminding him of his own affection for you
He was so overwhelmed with feelings of admiration, of affection, of sheer longing for you so much
You had no idea how much he loved you. How much he wanted to confess his feelings for you. But the fear into his heart was stopped him
The fear of trust someone then get hurt..
"But i know he will reject me and even if i said okay it would be not true" - you whispered honestly as He hated the fact that you believed that he would reject you
The rich public image of Bruce Wayne might not want you, but he was not the public image he wanted you in his two images the billionaire guy and the batman
He wanted you more than anything He wanted to kiss you and take away all insecurities you had He wanted to confess his feelings to you, to express how special and unique you was.
"Can i ask you something?" - he whispered huskily making you nodded to him silently
He took a deep breath This was the moment, his only chance to confess his feelings before the mission was going to start
He had to resist the urge, though. He couldn't afford to risk blowing his secret identity just yet He had to keep his voice calm and clear when he finally spoke
"Have you ever wondered if the guy you're in love with really is that cold and unfeeling billionaire he portrays?" - he explained calmly as keep looking at you
"Or if he's capable of loving with a pure and intense passion?" - he added softly
"No i don't think because he doesn't know me or see my true identity like you" - you explained calmly your point of your view
"Do you mind if I tell you a secret, something nobody else in this world know?" - he asked as looking at you making you nodded again
He wanted to confess his feelings for you, to let you know that he loved you, that he would never reject you
But this secret, this secret revelation would blow his secret identity This was a dilemma beyond any Batman had faced in his years as a hero
Suddenly he cupped your face by his gloves hands and put his lips against yours, he kissed you with all his passion and love and he didn't even wait for your permission
Because he can feel you kissed him back
He pulled away from the kiss slowly but he still close to your face making his warm breath hitting your skin A faint smile crossed his lips He was about to give you the last piece of the puzzle.
What you needed to grasp the enormity of the situation He needed you to see it
"The person behind this mask," - he whispered softly - "is the guy you're in love with."
He paused, trying to read your reaction but he can see your shiny eyes start to widen
"Wait so i was joking about you snoring not knowing it's you" - you whispered with widen eyes making him nodded silently as smirking
Your shock and surprise was both endearing and amusing He couldn't contain the small snicker that escaped him at your reaction
So you really hadn't noticed Batman is that Bruce Wayne who was the one you loved all along
your innocence was both charming and endearing He tried to hold back his laughter as he waited for you to recover from the shock and surprise and let it sink in
You take your shade mask off making him take his bat mask off it's not the first time he see your face but it's your first time to see Bruce Wayne in his batsuit and without mask
"I love you" - you whispered honestly and it's made him smiled warmly at you
"Me too with every fiber in my being" he whispered back honestly to you his voice filled with emotions And passionate
And suddenly you hugged him tightly with all the power you have This was better than he could have imagined you accepted him for who he was, for the true identity that he had spent so much time hiding beneath the public figure of Bruce Wayne
you wasn't afraid of the danger, or of the challenges in this relationship you embraced him and his identity, both Batman and Bruce Wayne
He started to hold you tightly in his arms and never let go, to take you under his protection and keep you safe like he's your home..
Your Blind Home
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Kaiser's backstory is a heartbreaking masterpiece.
I'm not talking just about the panels that we saw but more about the buildup and hints we as fans picked up along the way. The whole time we theorized about Kaiser's backstory I had that little voice in the back of my head that was like: "we probably exaggerate it, it's not going to be that dark, we can't be 100% correct".
And oh boy I wish we weren't.
Color blue as a sign of impossible and unhealthy perfectionism? Tattoo around the neck as a symbol of mental health struggle? Old, dirty ball as a hint towards poor family background and potential abuse?
It was all there and now that we've seen leaks from chapter 260 I'm kinda glad that authors didn't just decide to trick us in the name of reveal nobody could expect. Also, it wasn't done for the cheap shock value. We were introduced to more serious topics in NEL starting with Hiori and then going even darker with Snuffy. Everything fits with theme of experiencing the real world which is dark, unfair and unforgiving.
Kaiser's backstory despite many hints and signs in the past hits like a truck and leaves you speechless. Many of us knew or at least suspected what was coming but seeing it drawn so graphically right in front of you is just... it's a lot to take in. I dare say it leaves even bigger impression on you if you were reading fan theories or making them yourself because it made you think more about this character. He was interesting enough to made people care about what happened to him before Blue Lock. We wanted to know, so we started connecting the dots only to be terrified but the result.
Clever foreshadowing and graphic reveal. I don't even have to talk about how Kaiser's past explains a lot about his character and actions, we've already seen it in every clue authors have left for us.
I love Blue Lock's writing so much.
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cambion-companion · 2 years
Hi I’ve spent the whole day in a&e (and likely being admitted to the ward woohoo) and the only thing that’s got me through it is stronggg painkillers and your aemond stories so thank you for that. Do you have any more soft aemond with pregnant wife left in you to get me through the rest of my time here???
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I thought I would do a part 2 of sorts for the pregnant!reader when she got in the way of Jace's punch during The DinnerTM. It's called "Don't lay a hand on her" on my masterlist under Dad Aemond.
Aemond x pregnant!reader | Aemond gets scared the baby has been hurt | no real danger just reader experiencing some pain and trying to keep Aemond from losing his mind | protective dad/husband Aemond
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A sudden sharp pain in your abdomen had you clutching the armchair for support, your gasp of pain not going unnoticed by your husband.
Aemond crossed the room to you in three strides, clasping your elbows with sturdy hands and helping you straighten. "What is wrong? Where is the pain?" Aemond's hand rested atop yours against your pregnant belly. "Is it our baby?" You could already see the stormclouds of anger beginning to darken his face.
"I-ack!" You winced again, trying to downplay the pain as a feeling of panic started to build in your chest. "I'm experiencing mild cramping, that's all."
"It's that Strong bastard's doing."
"I'll rip his limbs off for this."
"Aemond." You had to seize his elbow to keep him from departing there and then. "Please don't, you'll only make it worse." You let out another strangled cry, Aemond's attention momentarily diverted as your knees buckled under you.
He swore loudly, catching you before you could hit the ground.
You grimaced up at him, his face had lost all the color that remained. "Mind your language, my husband. We don't want the baby learning bad habits before they're born."
"Now is not the time for jest, my love." Aemond guided you to sit upon the sofa, his hand never leaving your stomach. "I will fetch the maester, then I will decide what to do with Jacaerys."
Aemond must have run all the way to the maester's quarters by the speed with which he returned, the harried old man close on his heels, hair mussed and shoes barely on his feet.
The maester fussed over you for many minutes, muttering to himself whilst Aemond paced in front of the doorway.
"Well?" He finally asked, impatiently hovering over the maester's shoulder. "Is she alright? Is the baby?"
You made eye contact with the old man briefly before turning your gaze to your husband's worried face. The maester rose and brushed off his hands on his robe. "There appears to be some trauma, bruising has already begun to form on parts of her body. However, I do not calculate there will be any lasting damage to the baby."
"Bruising?" Aemond seemed a little less tense around his shoulders, but his lilac eye was still aflame with anger.
"Yes, my prince." The maester confirmed. "It will most likely heal in a couple weeks. She should rest for a suggested period of...my prince, where are you going?"
"Aemond!" You called after him, but your husband had already stormed from the room. You sighed, sharing a look with the maester. "This isn't good. Maybe you should have omitted the 'bruising' part."
The maester had long since excused himself and retreated from your chambers before you heard a scuffling and muffled shouting coming from the hallway. You grimaced, conjuring images of what was coming in your imagination.
The door opened and Aemond entered holding a ruffled-looking Jacaerys by the back of his neck like some wayward puppy. The younger boy was struggling against his uncle's iron grip, Aemond shoved him into the room causing Jace to nearly fall on his face in front of where you sat.
"Aemond, is this truly necessary?" You straightened, holding your swollen belly protectively with both hands.
"Necessary." Aemond growled, walking menacingly around to face his nephew. "And long overdue."
Jace looked on the verge of fleeing the room, his brown eyes swiveled between you and Aemond with several conflicting emotions: fear, anger and perhaps guilt.
"Apologize." Aemond commanded, his voice holding the promise of violence. "It will do you some good to at last take responsibility for your actions."
"You aren't my father, I don't answer to you." Jace snapped, quickly taking several steps back as Aemond advanced on him, unsheathing his knife.
"Aemond..." You warned but he wasn't listening.
"It is a pity I have to take upon myself the role of teaching you common courtesy, then. Welp." Aemond hissed through clenched teeth. "Inflicting pain on a pregnant woman and you cannot so much as say you're sorry."
"My parents will hear about this. Daemon will hear about this." Jacaerys stood his ground this time, even as Aemond pressed into his space, looking down his nose at his nephew.
"I welcome it." Aemond twirled his dagger meaningfully before Jace's face. "Now. Will you apologize to my wife for the injuries you inflicted, or will I need to encourage you?"
Jace shared one last glare with his uncle before turning his eyes to your face. He breathed out harshly through his nose. "I am sorry." He gave you a miniscule bow before looking to Aemond with loathing. "There. Is that good enough for you or would you have me flog myself as well?"
Aemond tilted his head as if considering something, his gaze narrowing on Jace's face. "That won't be necessary." He turned his silver head away, sheathing his dagger.
You were about to breathe a sigh of relief, but then Aemond struck.
With a movement as sharp and precise as a striking snake Aemond swung a fist, landing a heavy blow across Jacaerys' cheek, sending the boy falling back onto the floor.
"Aemond, no!" With difficulty you rose to your feet, Aemond held out his arm, motioning for you to stay back as he positioned himself between you and Jace.
Jacaerys was groaning and cursing in pain, his hand covering his face, blood from his nose dripping soiling his tunic. "I think you broke my nose!" He staggered to his feet, retreating to the doorway. "You'll pay for that tenfold mark my words!"
"That's right, run away bastard." Aemond jeered after him as Jacaery's fled the room, still clutching his face. "You consider yourself worthy of a dragon? Injuring a pregnant woman and fleeing a fight?" Aemond strode to the doorway, still flinging insults at his nephew. "You are craven and an embarrassment to the Targaryen name!"
"Aemond that is quite enough." You sank back upon the sofa, exhausted from the day's drama. "Why couldn't you have let his parents handle it?"
Aemond lingered at the doorway, staring hard into the now-empty hall. You heard him sigh before he re-entered the room, shutting the door and bolting it behind him. "Those bastards have gotten away with everything since they were children." He came to you.
You opened your knees so he could kneel between them, his hands coming to rest atop your belly.
"They suffer no consequences, nor do their parents. They are able to do whatever they please while we are expected to grin and bear it." You could hear the bitterness in Aemond's voice, his eye holding a faraway expression.
You cupped your hand against his cheek, bringing his focus back to you. "Thank you." You said earnestly, leaning forward until your noses touched. "It is comforting having you at my side."
"At your side." Aemond turned his head, kissing your palm gently. "At you back. Before you. I would burn the world to protect you and our little one."
Your gaze became sad, your eyes flitting to the drops of blood still upon the stone floor. "You might have to."
Aemond pressed a lingering kiss to your lips, his mouth brushing yours as he spoke. "Then it will burn."
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gaarasfiance · 3 months
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem Reader (version of jason isn’t mentioned but i wrote it with his original storyline death from Batman: A Death In The Family, not a later, retconned version)
Warnings: angst but also fluff, reader is a famous singer, use of Y/N, pet names (baby, sweetheart, princess, lmk if i missed any), swearing, makes references to other songs (Lover by Taylor Swift, Lucky People by Waterparks, and Favorite Record by Fall Out Boy), i reread this like 8 times but i couldve missed things so don't flame me if theres any fuck ups in there lmao
Word Count: 4,175
A/N: (yes i know cardigan is part of the teenage love triangle songs, yes i made it into somewhat fluff because i fucking wanted to, whats it to you? I was just listening to cardigan (by taylor swift if you were unaware) in the shower and had this beautiful idea of like what if rather than it being about getting cheated on, i make it about the reader experiencing Jason’s death (and resurrection)? also i color coded the dialogue which is something i normally don't do soooo fun little touch i guess.) (originally posted may 22, 2023 on an alternate account)
IMPORTANT NOTE: Italics mean it’s a flashback, bold and bigger means it's a song lyric, regular text means it's happening in real time. (with very obvious exceptions) Cool? Cool. also, real quick, THE FLASHBACKS ARE NOT IN PERFECT CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER!!!!
“HELLO GOTHAM CITY!” The crowd roared in excitement. Y/N was excited too, it was her first show in Gotham in a long time. This was her first tour in a long time. Of course, she let the public think that it was just because she was a teenager focusing on school, not because when she was 16 her first love the love of her life had been brutally murdered…
“It’s really nice to be playing a hometown show, and since this is my first one in forever, how about I play you something brand new?” Screams erupted in the audience, people pulling out their phones to get the first recording of a brand new song. 
“This one means a lot to me, it’s about someone very special to me, and how he came back to me when I needed him most. This is a quieter one so I'm gonna need you all to listen, and please don’t judge me if I cry during this. Alright, this one’s called ‘cardigan’ everybody!” 
Rows and rows of people buzzed with excitement as the music began to play.
Vintage tee, brand new phone
Y/N and Jason walked in, strutting about as if they were models in the new vintage tees Y/N had bought for them at the thrift store just days before. They strolled about the mall, eventually making the stop to get Jason a new phone, he had dropped his from a rooftop on patrol the night before. Oops. 
“Jay, baby, you can’t just use Bruce’s credit card without asking all the time” Y/N smiled, knowing Jason wasn’t going to listen to her 
“Says who? Besides, I told him I was taking it. If he didn’t want to pay for me to get a new phone, he should’ve given me a secure pocket in the suit for it like I asked.” Jason shrugged. He wasn’t atrociously rebellious at all times, but he knew Bruce had more than enough money for him to get a new phone, and to treat his girlfriend, and best friend, when he wanted to. “Plus, if I didn’t take his card, I wouldn’t be able to spoil you, would I?” He wrapped an arm around her waist, pressing a kiss to her temple as they walked out of the store.
High heels on cobblestone
Y/N’s heels clicked loudly against the cobblestone walkway as she made her way to the entrance of the Wayne gala, arm linked with Jason’s. 
“Are you sure I look alright? I’ve never worn a dress this fancy Jason. Should I even be at a Wayne gala I mean–” Jason cut her off.
“Sweetheart you look perfect. And if anyone tells you otherwise I will personally ask Bruce to kick them out.”
“Jay, you can’t do that.”
“According to who? I have adopted Wayne privilege and you’re the one who’s Bruce’s favorite”
“I am not Bruce’s favorite!”
“Yes you are, princess.”
He dragged her into the gala, excited to spend a night with her, and after that, her first Wayne gala was nothing but history, as she attended every single one at her lover’s side.
When you are young they assume you know nothing
“That boy is a delinquent Y/N! I doubt you even know anything about him, has he even told you how he came to meet Mr Wayne?” Y/N’s father shouted. He’d never liked Jason, despite him being Y/N’s best friend for years before things ever became romantic. She used to be able to avoid it, but when her mom moved out of state for work and Y/N wanted to stay in Gotham… well this was her only option.
“Yes dad, I know how he met Bruce! You realize I knew him long before he was adopted by Bruce Wayne right? That I didn’t just go for him because he was rich? You assume because I’m young that I know nothing!”
“Clearly you don’t know anything if you would choose to be with a boy who is a thief! He tried to steal Mr. Wayne’s tires!”
“He was trying to steal them because he was living on the streets and needed money to fucking eat, Dad! Clearly you’re the one who knows nothing here!”
She stormed out of the house, furiously texting Jason and trying to will away the angry tears. 
Sequined smile, black lipstick
Y/N grinned at Jason, her black lipstick fresh as they prepared to go to a party. Bruce had cleared Jason of Robin duty for the weekend and they’d decided to take time to enjoy being normal teenagers. 
“What do you think?” She asked, still smiling
“I think… I’m really tempted to kiss that lipstick right off of you”
“Come do it then.”
Sensual politics
“Do you ever think about sensual politics?” Y/N looked up at Jason, her head in his lap as he read a book.
“What the fuck do you mean ‘sensual politics’?”
“Like the politics of being flirtatious or like building a relationship with someone, but like also kind of a play on sexual politics and people’s perception of the difference’s between men and women and the politics of it, you know? Like they’re both very different things but you can name them the same thing”
“And you’re calling that sensual politics?”
“Yes, what about it?”
“I wish I could understand what’s going on in that brain of yours. You’re such a nerd, princess”
When you are young they assume you know nothing
“Jaybird, if you hurt her, I hope you know I’ll have to break your legs” Dick shrugged as if this was common knowledge.
“I won’t hurt her, Dickwad. She’s the best thing to happen to me.”
“Okay, but you’re young and stupid, anything could happen.”
“Just because you knew nothing when you were young doesn’t mean I’m stupid.”
But I knew you
Years ago, Y/n was 11 and Jason was 10. Y/N was on her way home from the school when she saw someone she recognized. 
“Hey! You’re the boy from the library! You showed me my favorite book!”
Jason flushed, unaware that she’d remember him, or that she’d take the recommendation he’d once given her seriously
“Yeah uh, hi. My names Jason, Jason Todd.” He stuck his hand out to shake.
She placed her hand in his and shook. "Y/N."
Dancin' in your Levi's
Y/N and Jason slow danced in her room, her record player spinning some old collection she’d snagged from Wayne manor.
“I was unaware that Levi’s were ballroom attire, Monsieur.”
“And I was unaware your bedroom counted as a ballroom, Mademoiselle”
Drunk under a streetlight, I
“Jason you’re drunk.”
“No I’m notttt. Please Y/N pleeeeaaassseee be my girlfriend.”
“You’re drunk Jay, if you weren’t then you’d remember I already am.” She laughed, watching her lover shoot up in excitement
“Really? That’s so cool!”
I knew you
"Y/N what do you think? Do you think he'd like this for his birthday?"
"Why are you asking me? You're his brother!"
"Yeah but you know him better than anyone else"
Hand under my sweatshirt
"Jason Peter Todd get your cold ass hands out from under my sweatshirt!"
"What do you mean princess?" He dragged his freezing cold hands further up her back
Baby, kiss it better, I
Y/N carefully finished wrapping the bandages around Jason's waist.
"I can't believe you got stabbed!"
"Kiss it better?"
"Dork." She pressed a kiss to his bandages, before making her way up to his lips.
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan
Under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite
“What’s got you down princess?” Jason quirked an eyebrow, the moment Y/N entered the manor there was an unhappy energy on her, like she was faking her smile. He knew her all too well. “Come here”. He opened his arms to her, gesturing that she should come lay with him on the excessively large couch (rich people bro) and she happily obliged, latching onto his side like a koala with her head on his chest.
“It’s just… I don’t know, sometimes I feel like an old cardigan, under someone’s bed. Just… forgotten.”
“I could never forget you. Sometimes people lose things that are important to them. If you’re an old cardigan then I’m finding you and putting you on because the whole time you were my favorite.” He pressed a kiss to her hair.
“How poetic” She could feel his chest shake as he laughed.
“What can I say? I’m a man of literature. Speaking of which! Do you want to watch Pride and Prejudice?”
“Yes, AgAiN”
Y/N looked up at her boyfriend, beaming. “Always.”
A friend to all is a friend to none
“You can’t keep acting like nothing is going on Jason. You love her, so why are you friends with someone like the asshole who ruined her reputation?”
“Dammit Dick, I didn’t even know that he was the one who did that until a like week ago!”
“And you’ve hung out with him twice since then! A friend to all is a friend to none, Jaybird.”
Chase two girls, lose the one
Surely all of Gotham had heard them arguing from their favorite spot on the roof of the library.
“Jason I understand that you want to go meet your birth mother, but why does that mean you have to not be in touch for an undetermined amount of time? I don’t understand why finding her means leaving me!” Y/N hadn’t meant to shout. She wasn’t actually mad at him. She understood why he wanted to go, but that didn’t make him leaving hurt any less. Why should she have to lose contact with him, let him run off to another continent without any knowledge of if he was okay?
“Sweetheart I’m not leaving you, I’m just trying to find my mom…”
“Yeah, at the expense of me! Jay I will never prevent you from doing something this important to you but that will not change the fact that this hurts me. That I’ll be lying awake at night not knowing if you’re okay or if you’re even going to want me when you come home! Not even being able to ask Bruce if you’re okay because you plan on doing this without his knowledge! For fucks sake Jason do you realize how that would feel?”
“God dammit Y/N why can’t you just be happy for me?”
“Because you’re LEAVING ME. You know what, go ahead and go Jason. You’re choosing to chase two girls and you’ve lost this one.” She made her way down, trying not to let her hands shake from all the emotional turmoil, at least not until she was on the ground again. There was no way she would know how much she’d regret saying that to him.
When you are young, they assume you know nothing
“It’s your first heartbreak Y/N, you’ll get over it. It was teenage puppy love, something was bound to happen.” Her father had no clue. It had been days and she hadn’t heard from Jason. Last she checked with Alfred, Bruce had followed him out to the middle east somewhere. 
“This was, this is so much more than that. You’re doing it again, assuming that because I’m young I must know nothing.”
“Clearly you don’t know anything.”
But I knew you
“When were you gonna tell me that you being a literature nerd was knowledge Dick wasn’t supposed to get his hands on?” Y/N gave him a look. The look that says ‘i didn't know this was a secret so you can't be upset i spilled’
“Shit, princess, please don’t tell me you told him… he’ll never let me live it down!”
“Oops?” She shrugged. He started to say something else but she kissed him before the words could escape. “It’s alright Jay, it makes you a romantic. And it means I know you better than him.”
Jason smiled. “I guess you’re right…”
Playing hide-and-seek and
“Do you wanna play hide and seek?”
“Sweetheart, aren’t we too old for that?”
“Who said that? Come onnn"
“You know I can’t say no to you.”
Giving me your weekends, I
“You know we don’t have to spend every weekend together right? You can hang out with your friends or your family if you want.”
“Why would I do that when I could give you all my weekends?”
I knew you
"How did you know to tell Bruce I wanted adjustments on the Robin bike?"
"Because I'm just cool like that. And i know you. Now come on, let's take it for a spin!"
Your heartbeat on the High Line
Y/N pressed the side of her head to Jason's chest as a stranger took their photo on the High Line. The trip to New York had been spontaneous, something they'd decided to do for spring break.
After taking her phone back from the kind stranger and thanking them, Y/N turned to her dear boyfriend.
"I could hear your heartbeat you know."
"Yeah, you'd think it was our first date or something." Y/n grinned.
"Because you make me feel... I don't know, like Pip if Estella was actually good for him?"
"Did you just reference Great Expectations at me as a way of expressing your feelings?"
"Kiss me."
Once in twenty lifetimes, I
Y/N often thought of how her mother had once told her that true teenage love like the one she had with Jason only came once in 20 lifetimes. Although, in retrospect maybe it's twice in two lifetimes, or once in one, for the partner who didn't die.
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan
Under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite
"Would I still be your favorite person if I was a worm?"
"Well no cause you wouldn't be a person anymore, but you'd be my favorite worm-"
"You know what? I'll take it."
"You'll always be my favorite."
To kiss in cars
"Jason Todd, you are a menace to society."
"What? How?"
"You brought me out to Bruce's Rolls-Royce to make out."
and downtown bars
"Who would've thought the boy wonder had a fake ID?"
"Maybe his girlfriend who's cousin made it for him"
"What? Which one?"
Jason smirked at her, knowing it was going to eat her alive not knowing yes im projecting how nosy i am onto the y/n "Sorry princess, that stays a secret"
Was all we needed
You drew stars around my scars
"Jason, it's just an old scar from scraping my knee a little too deep, it's no big deal!"
He continued drawing small stars around any scars he found on her, gently dragging the red marker along her skin. "I didn't say it was!"
But now I'm bleedin'
When Jason hadn’t come back, Y/N had done one of the only things she promised him she would never do: taking up vigilantism. She told Bruce it was only temporary. She told herself it was only temporary. But the longer she was in the game the more attached to it she became.
"FUCK!" Y/N yelped as she sat on her bathroom counter, pressing a damp rag to her wound, carefully wiping it off. "God dammit, I used to be patching up Jason's stab wounds, not getting stabbed..." She picked up her phone, dialing the only number she cared to call anymore.
"Yeah, Dick? Can you come over real quick? Need you to make sure this stab wound doesn't kill me..."
The audible "WHAT" echoed throughout the bathroom, despite the phone not being on speaker.
'Cause I knew you
"How'd you know I'd be here?"
Y/N found Jason at their spot on the roof of the library after Dick informed her that he'd had a particularly rough argument with Bruce.
"Because I know you better than anyone else."
Steppin' on the last train
Jason dragged Y/N towards the last train of the night, what they never knew would be their final date before everything went astray.
"Come on! The last train is the best one!"
Marked me like a bloodstain, I
The image of Jason, dead, being carried away by Bruce was forever marked in Y/N's head. He was dead. There was nothing else to say.
I knew you
Speaking at Jason's small memorial was never something Y/N saw herself doing.
"I uh- I really don't know what to say. You all always said I knew him better than anyone else, and I just wish I could've known the way to prevent this."
Tried to change the ending
Y/N tried so hard to change the ending of her story. Make it so she wasn't just the girl who lost herself in grief. But until unless she saw Jason again, nothing was going to happen.
Peter losing Wendy, I
As she sat there writing 'Cardigan' it occurred to her that Peter losing Wendy was a choice, and her losing Jason never was, but it fit. Their love was a magic only to be found in Neverland.
I knew you
"Hey Red, do I know you from somewhere in civilian life? You seem familiar..."
"No way, too new in town, sorry."
She knew she knew him. She just couldn't place why...
Leavin' like a father
Even though she'd told him just to go, Jason still stopped by Y/N's house before he left to find his mother.
"Please don't leave me, Jay." She cupped his cheeks, pressing his forehead to hers as tears streamed down her face
"Don't cry, baby, I'll be back before you know it."
Running like water, I
Of course, Y/N hadn't known the identity of the Red Hood the first time she'd spotted him. All she had time to think was wondering why such a large man, with guns nonetheless, ran from her like she was out to get him.
And when you are young, they assume you know nothing
"Why do people love to assume that because I'm young I must know nothing about love or heartbreak?" Y/N had asked one day. No one answered. No one knew. They only knew that they were all too aware of just how much she truly knew about both of those things.
But I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss
"I want a blue jay on my forearm. Full color. Can you do that?"
Y/N had walked into the tattoo parlor like she owned the place. She needed a way to let him permanently linger. The kiss of a needle in her skin the only way to physically represent him.
I knew you'd haunt all of my what-ifs
"What if I had made him stay?!"
"Y/N there's nothing you could've done that would change things."
"But what if—"
"There was nothing any of us could do."
The smell of smoke would hang around this long
"Thought you told me that you quit smoking years ago Red."
"Yeah, well, old habits die hard."
"Rough day huh?"
"Yeah. Girlfriend from before all this almost saw me in the library today. She doesn't know about me."
"About you being a vigilante?"
"She thinks I'm dead."
"You know, maybe I'll do this and be totally mistaken and realize i'm delusional, but I swear to whatever fucking god is listening if i tear off that domino mask and Jason Todd is under there I will be pushing you off this rooftop."
"If I've been hanging out with Y/N this whole time I'm throwing myself off."
'Cause I knew everything when I was young
Y/N was playing a show in Los Angeles, touring at age 15 was insane, but then again, she never thought anyone would listen to her music.
"Alright everyone, I may be young, but I also consider myself to be quite versed in romance, who knows, maybe it's my lovely boyfriend, or the fact that I'm a hopeless romantic, but either way, this one's called Favorite Record!"
Even at a young age, she'd known everything she needed to about love, because it encased her every moment she spent with her favorite person.
I knew I'd curse you for the longest time
She sat at Jason's grave in the Wayne family plot for more hours than she could count, swearing at his headstone
"God dammit! Why didn't you come home? Why didn't you come back to me?" Sobs wracked her body. "I was waiting for you to come home."
Chasin' shadows in the grocery line
Every once in a while Y/N would see someone and think someone was him. Maybe it was her brain's sick way of coping. She reached towards the stranger in front of her.
"Excuse me-"
But when he turned around Jason was gone. It was just another high school boy who had vaguely reminiscent hair.
I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired
A knock came on Y/N's bedroom window. She opened it warily before the Red Hood came clinking in.
"Thrill of letting me think you were dead over?"
"Y/N please-"
"Did you sit and watch as I grieved? Stand by while I lost my mind because I thought I'd lost you?"
"Sweetheart, just let me explain–"
"Don't fucking 'sweetheart' me. Get out. Get out of my fucking room."
And you'd be standin' in my front porch light
"Get off my damn porch Jason." He was standing in civilian clothes, shuffling his feet nervously as if he was a little kid again.
"Not until you let me explain!"
"Fine. You get to come in for five minutes. See if you can explain to me how there is any way you can justify this."
And I knew you'd come back to me
Y/N sat with her jaw slack in shock after hearing Jason's story. How saying he died wasn't even a lie, how he'd been brought back, the madness he'd experienced, the resentment for nobody killing the Joker. (she flat out told him she would've if she thought she could do it without getting herself killed in the process)
"i'm such a fucking asshole."
"No you aren't"
"No you went through this whole traumatic experience and I've just been a dick to you!"
"And it's been totally justified! You should've been the first person to find out I was back. Honestly I'm surprised Dick or Bruce didn't tell you..."
"I'm going to ignore the urge to castrate both of them and just be happy you came back to me."
You'd come back to me
"I'll always come back to you."
And you'd come back to me
"Make sure you come back in one piece?" They were on the same mission, much to Jason's dismay, but they had to be split up.
"When have I ever not come back to you?"
"Don't answer that."
And you'd come back
They'd made it out of that atrocious mission. It all worked out in the end but it certainly had taken longer than they planned.
"hey, you came back in one piece, just like I asked."
"I always do, just for you."
And when I felt like I was an old cardigan
Under someone's bed
You put me on and said I was your favorite
Y/N heard Jason coming in. His duffel bag clunked loudly against their closet floor, and she assumed he changed out of his gear at a safehouse before returning to their apartment. She flipped over the edge of the blanket, making room for him to crawl in bed with her. Once sufficiently comfortable behind her, arms wrapped tightly around her waist, Jason spoke.
"Hey Y/N?"
She turned around in his arms so she could face him. "Uh oh, you didn't call me any kind of pet name, just my name, whats up?"
"Nothing I just... I just wanted to let you know you're still my favorite."
The tears were flowing freely by then. The audience screamed, cheering at the sweet song. “My favorite person didn’t get to be around for a while, but… he came back to me, and that’s all that matters. Now that's enough crying, I’ve got some much more fun songs, ARE YOU READY GOTHAM CITY!?” And with that, the show went on.
Hours later, Y/N made her way backstage, where she was immediately enveloped by the arms of a mystery man. She wasn’t scared though, she knew who it was. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he spun her around. 
He sat her down gently, beaming. “You wrote a song about me?” “Jay… baby a lot of my songs are about you.” 
“I’m going to ignore the fact that you managed to not know that even though I’ve told you before.”
“I just assumed you weren’t serious!”
“... You really think that Lover or Lucky People or Favorite Record, could have possibly been about anyone else?”
“And if I just like hearing you say it?”
“Then I’ll tell you forever.” When their lips met, it was a promise, one that this, this feeling in this moment, was real, and that it wouldn’t ever go away, because they knew everything when they were young. 
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faeprincesswarrior · 20 days
On the portrayal of Illyrian culture in ACOTAR
I’m Sara - by ethnic origin, I am Arabic and Turkish. I was othered my entire childhood and dealt with seriously atrocious racist attacks.
As I got older, those things lessened and people started assuming I was white or biracial in part due to my having dyed my hair blonde.
Since then, I’ve experienced racism of a different kind - I get told I am a “shallow white girl” who doesn’t have the right to speak about issues facing POC by people from all different ethnicities.
I’ve had enough of that. I may not look like your typical WOC but I am a woman of color. And I will not be silenced.
Why I am not offended by the portrayal of Illyrian culture in Sarah J Maas’s books:
1. I’m from a Muslim family and grew up going to mosques in the Western World, where some of the very oppressive and sexist ideals about women and their place in society were preached from the stands and actively shared by members of the community.
2. I was chronically shamed by my peers in the community for being into my education and for wearing makeup or for daring to speak to boys.
3. The above happened in the United States in the community I grew up in because oppressive, sexist ideals travel across immigration. I clawed my way out of this community and will never look back.
3. Honor killings still happen where I’m from. To this day.
4. Genital mutilation still happens in the regions where I’m from to this day.
5. Women are not allowed to drive in some countries in the region where I’m from to this day.
6. Women are publicly beaten or stoned to death in those regions to this day.
7. Women have to be fully covered up when they leave the house in the region where I’m from to this day.
8. Women are silenced and told not to speak in public - even just to talk to someone - and not to leave their houses without a male chaperone in the region where I’m from to this day.
9. Women are glorified birthing vessels and it is socially accepted for men to have multiple wives to have as many children as possible in the region where I’m from to this day.
10. Women do not have full equality or even basic, fundamental human rights in the the region where I’m from to this day.
How does this relate to Illyrian culture and ACOTAR?
Do I really need to explain the answer to that? I realize that some people may have grown up in Middle Eastern families and not had the experience I had. Some of my experience is also due to Islamic religious ideas and not simply cultural ideals. And there are some people who may love where they came from and have had a radically different experience than my own. That does NOT make my experience less valid, nor does it make my criticisms of the culture and countries I’m referring to less valid or accurate.
To me, the portrayal of the Illyrians is an accurate representation of what goes on in some pockets of the mid east, and for that very reason, I’m not offended.
In fact, wing clipping is essentially the fictional version of genital mutilation, which still happens in the cultures that people say Illyria is inspired by.
It is not racist to look at something and call it out for what it is. If I were to say, every single ME person I’ve ever met adheres to some of the more fundamentalist and sexist rhetoric I heard and continue to see, that would be racist and untrue.
The reality is there will also always be people who attack Sarah J Maas because she’s Jewish, especially at this time with conversations about Zionism running rampant. I married a Jewish man. I’ve seen anti-semitism firsthand. I also saw it growing up among the more nationalistic people I grew up with who hated the idea of an Israeli country.
What you can do:
Stand up for women around the world who don’t enjoy the same freedoms you do, and quit picking fights about a book series. Look to solve real problems instead of making some up.
Note - If you attack me in the comments, I will not respond. I will immediately block. This was not an easy post for me to make in any way, and I feel vulnerable having shared so much.
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subformuscularalpha · 2 years
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"Hey, why is such a handsome boy sitting alone in the bar?" The guy I had been checking for the last hour suddenly dropped down on the couch next to me.
"I'm... My friends wanted to dance", I pointed to the other room where music was coming from.
"And they left you alone here?"
"I'm not really keen on dancing", I felt embarrassed in the presence of such a good looking man. And I couldn't stop looking at his biceps — shirt's sleeves were lying so tightly around them, it seemed like they were about to burst.
"I'm Vlad", he extended his hand.
"Jake", I put my trembling hand in his and felt the warmth of his palm. Vlad gave me a firm handshake and then moved his hand on the back of the couch, inviting me to get closer to him.
We started chatting. Vlad was in his early thirties and was already working as a senior manager in a local tech company. I managed to get to know a little bit more about his life and job but it was more like Vlad asking questions and me answering them. He wanted to know everything about me and he was into asserting his dominance in that way. I couldn't withstand him and I enjoyed that. The way he looked at me and the way he talked was seductive and was showing his self-confidence.
When a waitress was walking next to us, he snapped her attention. "Another mojito for the boy, please. And whiskey for me". The girl nodded and headed to the counter. A moment later she returned with two glasses.
I didn't notice how I slowly moved closer to Vlad. He then wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pressed me against him, so that now I could smell his strong body odor mixed with a nice cologne, and feel his warm and hard body next to mine. As we were drinking, he moved his arm away from my shoulders and instead put it on my thigh. He rubbed my thigh, sending shivers down my spine. Then his hand moved to my crotch and clenched around my weenie. Vlad's hand was big enough to easily encircle my penis and balls all together. The glass almost fell down from my hands as a stroke of sensation hit my body. Fuck, I was so close to cum at that moment. Vlad wasn't squeezing my crotch to hurt me, it was just a way of marking his property.
After we finished our drinks, Vlad proposed to move to a better place. He paid the bill even though I tried to protest. "Don't worry, boy, a man should take care of such things". Then he led me to his apartment that was right around the corner.
It was a pretty luxurious complex with a concierge that welcomed us in the entrance hall. We took the elevator up. The corridor up there was clean with white walls and a marmour floor. Vlad led me to his apartment.
We entered into a living room which was combined with a kitchen and dining area. There was a modern couch in the middle of the room and a big plasma TV on the wall. The whole room was furnished in a modern style combining wooden texture with dark colors.
Towering over me, Vlad pressed me against the wall, grabbed my jaws with his big hand and started kissing me. His lips pressed over mine with a strong sensuality and his tongue forced my mouth open and started exploring it. The harsh stubble of his beard rubbed against my sensitive skin, while his hands caressed my body. He touched my arms, then moved to my hips and then down to my ass. He squeezed my buttocks through the pants and I gave out a small moan of pleasure. 
I enjoyed the moment but at the same time I was frightened. I had often dreamt about being used by a man like Vlad but I had never experienced it in real life. Being trapped between a wall and his rock hard body, I knew there was nothing I could control. 
Vlad ripped my shirt off and threw it away. After undoing my belt and unbuttoning my jeans, he picked me up and threw over his shoulder like a child. He pulled my pants and briefs off in one swift movement, leaving me all naked. Actually almost naked — as the last, Vlad took my shoes off and carried me to his bedroom.
Before being thrown on the bed, I got a firm smack on my bare butt, that made me squeak in pain. Vlad stood in front of the bed. His muscles were bulging out of his clothes. He quickly took his clothes off and stood there revealing his incredibly beautiful body. My eyes wandered over his body and stopped at the thick shaft that was hanging between his legs. It wasn't even hard yet but it already seemed to be around 7 inches long. I knew what he was about to do next and I was scared. I had never had a man inside of me before. Not even mentioning such an endowed one.
Vlad jumped on the bed and spread my legs. I felt the head of his cock rubbing against my hole. He put his one hand on my neck pressing me against the bed and used his other one to direct his dick. I took a deep breath as he pushed inside of me. I closed my eyes and moaned. At the same moment Vlad pressed his lips against my mouth and continued moving deeper inside of me. I felt my body stretching over his growing member. I started crying and tried to push him away but I wasn't able to move him even a little bit. He was controlling everything and I just had to obey. 
Vlad broke our kiss and looked into my eyes. There was something in them saying "you're mine now". He put his hands on my waist and slowly pulled me closer until his balls pressed against my butt. He then stopped for a moment, "Are you ok, boy?". I nodded my head while my eyes were all red from crying. It hurt so much but at the same time it felt so good.
Vlad pulled his cock a bit out and pounded back inside of me. He started moving his hips back and forth faster and faster. My body was shaking from the pain and pleasure. My ass was burning and it felt like Vlad's massive coke was pushing from inside of my belly. I closed my eyes... It seemed like it was going to last forever. But then Vlad thrusted deep inside of me and stopped. Shots of his cum unloaded into my gut while drops of his sweat were falling down on my face. 
Vlad pulled his cock out and dropped on the bed next to me, "How did you like it, boy?"
I was barely able to speak and my inner self felt so empty. I turned to Vlad and crawled under his armpit. "It was... awesome...", I managed to say.
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overtaken-stream · 1 year
i dont know your rules or if you have a masterlist but out of nowhere I got obsessed with King and i need more fics on him, my favorites are headcanons
so if you could write about him like yandere headcanons where he kidnapped reader who he caught insterest in
or bedroom headcanons like its canon that he is a sadistic pervert but do yo think he would like to be dommed by his s/o
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I don't have any rules and no master list yet! But I'm glad you decided to send this ask! As a fellow King-starved OP fan it can be quite hard to find any content about him, especially as a Yandere, like- why, it works so well with him!! As for bedroom headcanons, I wrote this a while ago. Not exactly a straightforward answer to your question but still, I think you'll get the answer yourself. Also, I managed to fit some backstory about King😅 (most of it is actually his backstory) but I promise it explains his... yandareness... my writing style is different but I hope you'll like it. More ideas about this AU have come to me as I was working on this, so let me know if I should write part 2... Anyway, hope you enjoy this!
Warnings: Spoilers for King's real name, his backstory, kidnapping, closed-off character, murder, arson.
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No matter where Alber goes, there will always be a certain darkness following him, the darkness that began surfacing inside of him ever since he became a research subject at Punk Hazard. The memories of warmth are lost to him, his family members, their faces, their love, traditions- everything from his past turned into shadowy figures that visit him in the dead of night, where he laid bare on his back, defenseless and unable to move an inch.
Alber experiences, no- has experienced those lonesome nights too many times after his escape, with Kaidou at his side, passed out drunk, there was only so much he could do under the night sky, as the sweat rolled down his chin, awake and stricken with fear, haunted by the nightmarish masks and white coats. The extreme heat lingered under his skin, with no scars to show the battles he survived on the Punk, though he could still feel the consequences of others' actions.
Each day his loyalty to Kaidou grows and so does his disdain for the people they have met on their journey. Days and months soon turned into years, years he has spent becoming stronger, years he spent with Kaidou, he has to catch up with him, perhaps matching up to his strength, but that is reaching too far, for Kaidou is strong, stronger then he'll ever be. Each second his world shrinks down to only the hero, who had saved him, his vision is blind to the islands they traveled to and conquered, blind to the beaten-up bodies they defeated. The colors of his environment blur together, lost to the intriguing laugh of his captain. He stares after the huge back, a back which he has to fill with his own will and strength, He is no longer Alber, for the boy was a shadow that no longer belonged to his body, weak, only confident in his endurance, a prey waiting for salvation. The worthless name stood on empty grounds, a new title was given to him.
He tries his best and this time, his best is enough for the man he idolizes (He has to thank his biology). He backs up his captain and engraves his name onto the burnt enemy's back, King. He takes pride in his new title, fit for Joyboy's first-mate.
He is no longer Alber. He is now the predator that the scientists have tried to research and avoid. He puts on a nobles mask, made of the finest leather. He puts on a new identity, on that day, on that land, a monster was born, a monster that happened to burry its emotions into the depths of the ocean.
King smiles.
Even after their crew gets big, annoying comments from Queen are met with aggressive glares, his facial features are hidden behind a dark mask that's acting as an intimidation factor, he holds the crew together purely for Kaidou, there is no respect tugging at his actions, sentiment hasn't had a place in him for some time now. What he first felt when he met Kaidou only brings so much to the table, so little emotion, aside from authority. The dark grows, and even if he is emitting an eternal fire, ebony covers his frames, cooling the heat and leaving him in the chilliness of The Beast's shadow. In utter darkness.
King kills, tears the bodies up, and burns them until not even the bones remain. All he does is stare down at the screaming faces, staring them down as they did to Alber. All he sees is the red light coming from the burning village. The smell of rot follows after him as he walks down the streets of an unnamed island.
In a small cottage at the end of the town, he feels a presence hiding from him. Away from the door which he bursts through. He doesn't waste his time as he strides into the person's house, in a place he can see their shaking silhouette. His steps are loud in his tiny bubble, with no fire or scream entering his field of hearing, he doesn't hear the door shut itself, but he can feel the breaths that left the person's nose, and can hear the vibrations caused by their shaky figure across the floor. In the dark of the room, he opens a cabinet to find scared!you.
And his field of vision, which was locked onto Kaidou all this time, shifts. It gets bigger as he stares into your scared eyes, glossed over with tears trickling down your face, your expression is drowned in fear as you look up at him. Unknown to the feelings running through him.
The feelings, the emotions he buried long ago now seemed to resurface, looking at your sweat-covered forehead, his eyes travel over your form, they remain frigid, even as his heart rate speeds up, even as the world around you becomes darker, even as his breathing becomes heavy.
Up until now, only Kaidou existed, for Kaidou. With Kaidou. Now the narrow view of him widens as you, a mare civilian join the everlasting space that exists inside of him. Your eyes so bright, filled with fear attract him. Your face shape, so tender and beautiful. You are the only color that exists in the dark, the only light in the endless tunnel.
The house is dark, but you emit light, you stick out even when he has stopped using Observation Haki. You make him feel warm in a way that he has never experienced before.
His heart is beating faster and faster the longer your eye contact lasts, his wind was knocked out of his lungs by the time he moved.
As he takes you by your arm, you stay quiet in fear of what he could do, quivering as he wraps his fingers fully around your arm. Your legs are frozen, acting like dead meat when he drags you out of the untouched house, they barely move when you realize the situation you got into.
He doesn't answer your questions of what he is doing or where he is taking you, his ears only picked up your voice, so angelic and clear in the sparks of fire that lit your garments, your skin and hair shining in beautiful reds and yellows, though he would enjoy seeing your natural colors. In a setting much cooler, and less tragic than this.
His world warps once again, he doesn't falter when Jack tosses a strange look his way as he gets closer to their ship.
He remains unaffected by your insults and weak attempts to set yourself free from his grasp. His natural strength is much greater than yours will ever be.
He ends up taking you to his room, barely remembering the path he took to get there and the faces he must have come across. He only lets go of you when the door is locked.
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svltzmans · 1 year
she's just not into you - r.b.
robin buckley x fem!lesbian!reader
steve has been looking at y/n y/l/n for months, to no avail. she just seems to have no interest, even with steve's kind gestures. he doesn't understand why. robin does.
hi!! omg this is the first time i'm ever writing something like this! i hope someone sees it and likes it lol :) pls ignore any grammar mistakes i tried my best!!
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"i can't believe you managed to score a date with the hottest girl in all of hawkins after my millions of failed attempts", steve remarks, his hands running through his almost-too-long coffee-colored locks. "you've seen it! she just isn't into me at all."
"well, you're not exactly tom cruise or anything", robin responds sarcastically, still lugging her trumpet case from the pep rally.
"tom cruise probably couldn't even pull y/n y/l/n anyway."
"but i could."
"don't remind me!"
the two best friends continue down the halls of hawkins high, robin's heart still pounding remembering what she had managed to pull off minutes prior.
she has a date. a real one.
with y/n y/l/n.
she feels like she'll always remember the exact moment y/n's lips lifted into a smile as she accepted her offer.
the hawkins high pep rally was one of robin's least favorite events of the year.
she loved playing the trumpet. she actually really did.
but playing it in front of her high school full of judgemental jocks and cheerleaders wasn't quite her speed.
nonetheless, she knew she would get to see y/n y/l/n in the crowd. and that made her confidently apply a little extra makeup in steve's car, despite the background noise of steve's babbling.
robin's heartbeat kicked up the second steve pulled into the hawkins high parking lot. she scanned the crowd, but caught no sight of the girl she wanted to see.
that was, until she stepped into the stuffy gym and began to ascend the bleachers.
"robin!", a familiar voice sang.
"oh, y/n! hi!"
"i'm excited to hear you play. i'll be right near the band section!"
those words make robin's stomach start to twist.
"i'll make sure to play as best as i can then!"
y/n laughs in a way that makes robin's cheeks flush a red so deep it's almost maroon.
"oh, y/n, i wanted to ask you a question actually."
oh god, it's happening.
"what's up, robin?"
it's actually happening.
"can you meet me below the bleachers at the end of the pep rally?"
robin's heart pounds while she waits for a response. sure, y/n doesn't know her plans, at least not yet. but simply the thought of her and y/n in privacy makes her feel nervous.
"yeah! i'll meet you there!"
robin simply smiles genuinely, nods, and starts the short walk to the band section of the bleachers.
the pep rally flies by in a blur. robin almost forgets the songs she has to play countless times, her mind only focused on what she wanted to say to y/n.
finally, the student population starts to file out of the gym, and robin makes her way to the bottom of the bleachers. to her surprise, y/n is already standing there, leaning against the wall.
"hey rob!"
the nickname sends a chill down robin's spine.
"y/n! you beat me here!"
"i couldn't keep the best trumpet player in hawkins waiting."
robin's face falls flush again, her hands nervously folded in front of her.
"i guess i'm okay. lots of practice."
"no, robin, you're really good at it. i know a pep rally is supposed to be about school spirit and whatever other bullshit, but i was watching you play. and trying to listen despite how loud everything was."
robin is shaken by how genuine y/n sounds. she knew y/n was kind. she had just never experienced it this personally.
she knows she can't hesitate any longer.
"y/n, do you wanna maybe go get a coffee with me tomorrow? after school?"
she had done it. she had asked one of the most coveted girls at hawkins high on a date.
countless hawkins boys had asked y/n out. robin had even witnessed some of the rejections y/n had dished out, noting the guilty look on the girl's face.
and steve was right. he had tried, quite a few different times. y/n was always kind to him, but never in a more than platonic way. he didn't understand why. had he done something wrong?
"of course i will, robs. that sounds like a lot of fun."
robin then understood why.
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intricatechaosofyou · 9 months
Sewing Lessons
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Fandom: The Bad Batch; Star Wars
Summary: Life Day is quickly approaching, so you and Omega set out to give your boys some gifts.
Using the prompts “Did you get us matching pajamas?”
Warnings: sewing needles (no one gets poked, they just exist), kissing, I am unaware if mistletoe is a thing in the Star Wars universe but it is now so deal with it
Author’s note: Happy Life Day Exchange @wizardmandoo !! It was great getting to write for you. I hope you enjoy this story and have a fantastic Life Day season, babe!
And thank you to @cloneficgiftexchange for putting this together!! This was my first exchange and I’m so glad to take part!
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Strands of green hung around Omega’s door frame as she sat in the gunner’s mount that served as her makeshift room. The young girl had never experienced a real Life Day before. Kamino wasn’t known for their festivities; the long-necks claimed they took away from their work time. So although the boys didn’t have much experience actually celebrating the holiday either, they all tried their best to give Omega a perfect first Life Day.
Hunter had let you all stop for a few days on a snowy planet. With enough supplies, he figured you could take a break somewhere festive for the holiday.
Wrecker had let Omega sit atop his shoulders to hang up homemade garland around the Marauder.
Tech had taught her about the history behind the holiday, telling her everything he had learned from the Holonet.
Crosshair had taught her to make the perfect snowball and helped her perfect her aim.
And Echo told her stories every night before bed he had heard back during his days celebrating Life Day in the 501st.
Yes, all the boys had done their best to give Omega a perfect Life Day. But Omega was even more excited to give them a perfect Life Day. The girl had the biggest heart, so that’s how you found yourself crammed in the gunner’s mount with her, carefully watching as she stitched her design.
She had wanted to give the boys gifts, and when you recommended pajama pants, she jumped at the idea. The boys only had their blacks and sometimes the Marauder could get cold, even for them.
So the two of you found the perfect red and black pants that would match the team’s colors, and Omega was insistent on adding the Clone Force 99 symbol onto the pants, skull and all.
“It’ll be perfect!” She claimed.
So you found the sewing kit you kept in case someone’s clothes needed repair and showed her how to sew.
The girl was very intent in her escapades, listening and watching your stitching intently. She put her all into making the design. And when she was disappointed about her stitches being crooked, you reassured her that her brothers would love them no matter how they looked.
“I’m done with Tech’s,” she announced, holding up the pants to show the freshly sewn design on the left leg.
“Perfect, Megs. Now only Echo’s and Hunter’s left.” You took the garment from her and folded them up to add them to the pile of finished gifts.
She nodded and began to thread her needle when Wrecker called her name from the cockpit.
“I got something else to hang up!” He called.
Placing her supplies down, she rushed down the ladder to help Wrecker hang up another decoration.
You laughed and climbed down from her room as she took off. You smiled at the small girl before looking to your left, finding Hunter leaning against the wall, arms crossed across his chest.
“Hey there, Sarge,” you smiled.
He smiled and glanced over at Omega. “You two are certainly spending a lot of time up there.”
“Just having a little girl time.”
His eyebrow raised at your response. Although it wasn’t a complete lie, it wasn’t the complete truth either.
“Anything I should be concerned about?” He questioned.
You adamantly shook your head. “Nope!”
He smirked and leaned in to whisper in your ear so Omega wouldn’t overhear him. “No Life Day gifts hidden up there?”
You gasped and gently hit his arm. “How dare you accuse us of hiding something!”
He rolls his eyes, but he doesn’t move away from you. “Don’t worry, I won’t ruin the surprise, cyar’ika.”
“You better not,” you retorted as Omega came rushing back up to the two of you.
She immediately grabbed your hand and tugged you back towards her project. You didn’t resist the girl’s pull and sent Hunter a wink before heading back to Omega’s little room.
The seven of you sat in the middle of the hull of the Marauder. Omega had practically been bouncing off the walls as the time to exchange gifts came around. She happily handed each of them their gifts. Even though you didn’t have enough credits to wrap them in something nice, it was clear by the look on their faces that they appreciated the gesture.
As they unfolded the garments, Hunter smiled at you. “Did you get us matching pajamas?”
You nodded and gestured to the girl beside you. “Megs is the mastermind behind this one. She wanted to do something special for you boys.”
“Do you like it?” The young girl asked, eyes sparkling in anticipation.
“They’re perfect, Omega,” Echo replied.
“They’ve even got our symbol on ‘em!” Wrecker shouted, glee evident in his voice as he held up the pants. “Looks great!”
Omega smiled and happily retold the story of sewing the symbol on as the boys listened, indulging her in the exaggerated tale. Even Crosshair had a small smile on his face as Omega spoke.
You happily listened along from your spot on the floor when you felt a hand on your shoulder. Looking up, you found Hunter standing above you. Subtly, he tilted his head towards the doorway of the cockpit.
Getting the message, you nodded and stood up, careful not to interrupt Omega’s story as you two made your way to the cockpit.
“What’s up, Hunter?” You asked, voice barely above a whisper as you stood in the doorway.
There was a pause as he considered his next words, fingers twitching as if he was twirling his vibroblade between them.
“I wanted to thank you. For the pants,” he finally said.
“Megs and I just want our boys to be comfortable,” you responded, heat blooming in your chest. “Thanks for not spoiling the surprise.”
A smirk made its way onto his face and he leaned back against the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. “So you two were hiding Life Day gifts.”
“We weren’t hiding anything. We just evaded your senses,” you lied, smiling innocently at the sergeant.
Hunter clicked his tongue. “Nothing evades my senses, cyar’ika.”
You tensed slightly, wondering if that was true. Could he hear the way your heart was fluttering in your chest? Could he see the way you smiled just a little bit bigger when you saw him? Could he feel how your skin was always warm when he was around?
Hunter opened his mouth, no doubt to tease you again, when Crosshair’s voice rang out through the ship.
“The mistletoe seemed to evade your senses though.”
You glanced at the team’s sniper, brow furrowing before looking above your head.
There it was. A small plant hung from the cockpit’s doorway: the new decoration Omega and Wrecker had hung up a few days prior.
Glancing back at Crosshair, you found that the rest of the team was staring at you.
“What‘s so important about mistletoe?” Omega asked innocently.
“It means they gotta kiss,” Echo explained, a teasing lilt in his voice as he glanced at the two of you.
Tech was quickly cut off when Wrecker shoved him.
You turned back to Hunter, slightly confused when you saw the small smirk on his face.
One of his hands came up to cradle your jaw, tilting your face towards his.
He leaned in, nose brushing yours. “I told you. Nothing evades my senses.”
Before you could respond, you felt his lips press against yours. It was completely intoxicating, and you grabbed his shoulders to keep yourself steady. The kiss was filled with such precision, every movement careful but filled with such feeling, you felt like you were drowning in him.
As Hunter pulled back from you, the rest of the world came crashing back on you. The cheers of his brothers, the feel of his blacks beneath your fingers, and yet you could only focus on his eyes and how they remained fixed on you.
You, stumbling over yourself as your mind tried to catch up.
Your head spun as you connected the dots, the fact he brought you over here purposely, knowing the mistletoe hung above you.
Just to kiss you?
It seemed surreal, the ghost of Hunter’s lips still on yours. But it was real.
A smirk spread across your lips. “I’m glad you liked the present.”
“That’s all you have to say?” He asked.
“Happy Life Day,” you whispered, before reconnecting your lips, earning another round of hoots and hollers from his brothers and Omega.
And as you two rejoined the group, Hunter’s arm draped across your waist, you smiled to yourself. Happy Life Day indeed.
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barcaluvv · 8 months
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GAVI X READER ★ˢᵘᵐᵐᵃʳʸ: ʸᵒᵘ ᶜᵃᵐᵉ ᵃᶜʳᵒˢˢ ᵒᶠ ᵇᵉⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵉ ˢⁱˢᵗᵉʳ ᵒᶠ ᶠᵃᵐᵒᵘˢ ᶠᵒᵒᵗᵇᵃˡˡ ʸᵒᵘⁿᵍˢᵗᵉʳ,ⁿᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵐᵃᵏⁱⁿᵍ ᵃ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰᵗ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ʷʰᵃᵗ ᵉˡˢᵉ ᶜᵃⁿ ʰᵃᵖᵖᵉⁿ. ᵇᵃˢⁱᶜᵃˡˡʸ ᵍᵃᵛⁱ ˣ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ˢᵗᵒʳʸ.★ ~ ★ CHAPTER 1! NEXT PART COMING SOON A loud bang woke me up from a deep sleep as I hurried to the bathroom where I usually start my day, as the last two dreams I had this night were running through my mind trying to get ready quickly because this morning I have to take my younger brother Hector to his training. Hector trained for a slightly bigger club, known all over the world, FC Barcelona. He was recently signed to the club and previously participated in a small Spanish club with the other few youngsters. When I got to the stadium, I didn't have any fear because I already knew a couple of his friends who also trained with him. Descending down the stairs, which were covered with all the colors of this club, I heard two very deep voices, without any manners, I eavesdropped on the conversation. I tried to understand their aggressive talking mostly because they sounded pretty serious. Every other word they said was in Spanish, but I managed to understand. "pero ¿por qué jefe? ?" said the boy sitting on the crooked bench by the door, I had the opportunity to peek through the cracked entrance, but I was wondering how come Hector never introduced me to him. The only thing I could see was his broad shoulders that sunk into his muscles from fatigue. When they were about to rush out of that door I quickly looked away, and this was the moment I saw his face, oh my God I said to myself. I started running back to the nearest bathroom in panic, I stood pressed against the iron door, feeling my heartbeat begin to accelerate,trying to gather all my thoughts suddenly I could only gather one and that one was the boy with brown hair, besides the beauty shining in his eyes, I remembered the number 6, the number six is his jersey number. . After a while I ran out of the stadium and quickly waved at Hector, while everyone looked at each other in confusion. When Hector came home i asked him why everyone was looking at me like that, and then he told me something that will change my life forever as the sister of a famous football player who couldn't bear with this. "You know that we have cameras all around our place riight?" Said the curly head who lowered his gaze and made an anxious pout. "Tell me more!" I said to him with a slightly boiling expression on my face. "Paparazzi who followed the team saw you dashing next to the locker room & the only ones around were you two so they immediately thought that you and Gavi have something going on for a while since he was acting pretty strangely according to fans". My eyes widened, my world became quiet and I couldn't believe what I heard, the beats that were coming from all sides of my body were expressed back to my face which showed what it wanted to hear. I can't believe that the guy who I saw for the first time until a while ago is now in a scandal with me. Later that night I missed dinner, after what I experienced I didn't focus on anything other than his sparkling smile that I can only dream of smiling at me. I closed both of my eyes on the thought, which from that moment I couldn't and didn't want to get out of my head. I basically just layed there in a literal zoo running around in my stomach, I couldn't resist, I smiled to myself, and this is what I call a real smile that represents not only love acceptance but also many things that I felt from now on.
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magicthatmustbelove · 3 months
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The Interview
From: "Reverie" drafts
A follow-up to the "Meant To Be" imagine in which Y/N and Michael, now married, give Diane Sawyer an exclusive about the origins of their love story.
Note: I know Diane is an incredibly condescending, untactful, and unethical journalist but I honestly couldn't think of anyone else to use. Don't worry, she's not on any b.s. here.
Link to original imagine: https://www.wattpad.com/959232865-reverie-michael-jackson-imagines-meant-to-be%E2%9C%A8
Sometimes love can be found in the most unconventional places and this is certainly the love story of pop superstar Michael Jackson and his wife Y/N Jackson. 
What started out as a business arrangement soon blossomed into a close friendship and ultimately a whirl-wind romance. On the eve of their first anniversary,  Michael and Y/N sit down with us and unfold their love story publicly for the very first time. 
You folded your legs in the creme-colored chair smiling at Michael as he reached the space between you before grabbing your hand. The bright stage lights felt bright on your skin but it wasn't bothersome.
Across the room, Diane Sawyer smiles at the two of you admiringly from a matching sofa. 
"So Michael, Y/N, how's married life treating you?" Diane asks, resting a hand under her chin. 
You glance over at Michael, sharing a loving smile. The blush creeping across his cheeks makes you giggle. 
"It's been wonderful," your husband answers proudly. "Life has been so good to me in a way I've never experienced before," 
You feel your stomach erupt with butterflies from his sweet words.
"And Y/N, do you share the same feelings?"
Diane leans back against the soft sofa, taking a deep breath before she starts her full session of questions. The stack of index cards clutched in her fist suddenly makes you nervous. This was your very first time talking to the press. Michael had given you pointers the night before but nothing could truly prepare you for the real thing. 
"Before you two got together, Y/N was a surrogate mother to your now six-year-old son, Liam, is that true?"
Michael shifted uncomfortably in his seat, seeming unprepared for such a straightforward question. 
"Yes, that is true," He replied. 
"Tell me how it started, Michael," Diane urged. 
Your husband chuckled lightly. 
"Oh boy," he smiled. "Well in '93 I was 35 and I didn't have the family I always dreamed of. I was always traveling on tour and always working and while I found my art very fulfilling, something was missing from my life. I wanted someone to live for and dating has always been kinda hard being who I am so I decided to skip a couple steps and go with surrogacy," 
"And then comes Y/N," Diane speaks.
You both chuckle and Michael nods. 
"Then came Y/N," 
"Y/N how did you decide to become a surrogate? And for Michael Jackson at that?!" 
You smile, trying to relax as you formulate your response in your head. 
"Well to be quite honest, I was a little down on my luck and I needed the money," you respond slowly. " In the beginning things were completely private. I had no idea I was to carry the child of a superstar,"
Diane nods.
"Michael, what made you choose Y/N out of all the other women who were candidates? Did you like what you saw?" 
The question makes you giggle. 
"I like what I see very much," Michael chuckles. " I don't know, there was just this force that made me gravitate towards her file. It was destiny. And she was perfectly healthy.  I wanted a healthy child," 
You weave your fingers through your husband's hand, squeezing it gently. 
"Y/N how did you react when you found out that you were going to be carrying Michael Jackson's baby? Was this something you dreamed about in your childhood?"
You grin. 
"Well I actually dreamed about having Shaun Cassidy's baby as a kid," you chuckle, tossing your hair over your shoulder.
Beside you, Michael scoffs in faux outrage and Diane laughs.
"You never told me that," 
You giggle and shift to face him. 
"Well that's not a very nice thing to say when you're doing such a big favor," You retorted, patting his knee sweetly. "Anyway, I honestly had second thoughts when I found out it'd be Michael. I wasn't sure how he'd treat me. I was afraid he'd be a diva and have all these demands and I wanted this process to be as stress-free as possible," 
"And is Michael Jackson a diva?" Diane pressed. 
You smile at your husband. 
"He's the kindest, sweetest man I've ever known. He was so caring during the entire pregnancy. I don't think I would have had such an amazing experience carrying someone else's child and I knew he'd be the most amazing father. He waited on me hand and foot,"
Michael brushes his thumb over your knuckles while glancing at you lovingly. If the cameras weren't rolling you'd kiss him. 
"So you moved into Neverland?" 
"At the very end of my pregnancy, I did," You reply. "I gave birth there. I love that place," 
Diane smiles. 
"Was there ever a sense of awkwardness between the two of you? It must be weird to have a stranger carry your child and vice versa,"
Michael shook his head. 
"Not for me," he responded without hesitation.  "Had it been anyone else I'd have provided the same accommodation.  But getting to know Y/N made it special. She has a beautiful spirit. I was willing to do anything for her,"  
You smile. 
"For me, it was a bit weird," You answer honestly.  "Not because we were strangers but because we grew so close. I had no intention of being a part of Liam's life but it felt weird just giving birth and never getting to see Michael again. He's such a special person and it would have been cruel to just drop out of his life. But it also felt cruel to be in and out of the baby's life,"
"So what happens after you give birth?" Diane asks. 
Michael sighs.
"We got separated for a bit," 
You place a hand on his knee and nod in agreement. 
"I needed a little time to get my emotions together after giving birth and truly decide if I wanted to be a part of our son's life," you explain " And I wanted to give Michael time to bond with the baby. The invitation was always there but it just didn't feel right," 
"So is this the moment where the romantic feelings started? Michael, did you think Y/N had gotten away from you?" 
Your husband smiled softly. 
"Not exactly," he started slowly. "I really cherished my friendship with Y/N and I missed her but I respected her decision. But then she kept calling in to check in on how Liam was growing and again the invitation was open,"
You smile as you cross your legs again. 
"That baby boy was the most beautiful thing I'd ever laid eyes on and I knew letting them both into my life could only enhance it. I took the invitation, moved closer to Los Olivos and spent as much time with them as I thought would be appropriate. I still didn't want to confuse Liam," 
Diane's eyebrows raise. 
"And still no romance?" 
You chuckle. 
"That was a few more years into the making," Michael replied. 
"We made this arrangement where we could co-parent Liam without feeling pigeonholed into a traditional family dynamic. We decided we could see other people and have our own lives apart from each other and still raise Liam. In fact, he proposed to another woman the night we realized our feelings for each other," You respond.  
Diane's eyes grew wide. 
"Did you really?" She asked incredulously.  
Michael chuckled bashfully. 
"Yes, it's true," 
"It's obvious this woman said no, so then you go to Y/N? Was she your second choice? Did you ever think 'If things didn't work out with someone else then I'll go get with Y/N?' "
You frown slightly,  finding the question annoying. 
"Not at all," your husband responds. "Y/N was always my first choice. She was the most important person in my life apart from Liam. My girlfriend at the time felt threatened by the bond Y/N and I had and she would only agree to marry me if I cut Y/N out of my life. That wasn't an option for me. I couldn't imagine life without Y/N and that's when I realized I was madly in love with her," 
Diane smiles. 
"And Y/N, did you agree with him getting engaged?" 
"I was a little worried that him getting married would ruin my chances of staying in Liam's life but I did want to see him happy," 
Michael smiled. 
"So how did you get it out?" Diane asked. "How was the big confession?" 
A big grin spreads across your lips as you reminisce about that magical night.  
"I'd stayed over to be with Liam that night and when he came home he came into my room. I was very anxious thinking maybe he got engaged and that I'd be out of their lives. But then he explained it all to me. I thought he was insane at the time; we'd never said I love you or expressed our feelings for each other that way at the time. He even put the ring he'd proposed to her on my hand,” 
Diane clicked her tongue in disapproval. 
“Shame, shame,” she spoke playfully. “Please tell me you got her another ring?” 
Michael bashfully pinched his bottom lip. 
“Of course, I did,” 
You held your left hand up to the interviewer, showing off the very large, emerald-cut yellow diamond ring Michael had eventually proposed to you with. He'd taken extra care in picking it out after making the first impulsive mistake. 
“Wow!” Diane exclaims, pushing her reading glasses up on her nose to get a clearer view of the scintillating diamond. “Well, I think we all know that you don't wash any dishes or windows,” 
You chuckle. 
“So tell me about Liam,” she continues. “What are his interests? Do you ever think he'd go into show business like dear old dad?” 
Michael instantly shakes his head. 
“Noooo,” He responds. “If he decides that's the life path he wants to take when he becomes an adult, I'll support him but for now I want him to have the childhood I didn't,” 
You squeeze your husband's hand. 
“He's so much like Michael,” you smile. “Very bright and inquisitive. He loves drawing and reading and he's going through a dinosaur phase right now” 
Diame smiles. 
“Does he call you Mommy?” She asks.
You chuckle. 
“He's always called me Lolly. I really didn't want him to call me mommy in the beginning because I wasn't sure if I'd be around like that and I didn't want to confuse him. I told him he could after Mike and I married but he likes Lolly. I like Lolly too,” 
“Is he aware that you're his birth mother or how you and his father met?” 
You frown a little. So far the questions had been easy but this was a tough one. 
“It is something that we plan to explain to him when he's much older and can understand, “ Michael interjects. “But he's always had a maternal bond with Y/N, I'm not sure it totally matters,”
You fiddle with Michael’s fingers, hoping to find an appropriate follow- up to the question. 
“If anything, I hope that when he's old enough to understand, our son can learn from our story that sometimes love can come from the most unconventional situations whether it's romantic or otherwise,” You respond. 
Michael grins at you, proud of your answer. 
“So what do you say to those who might think that your relationship dynamic is weird or unethical?” 
Another hardball question but you were feeling surprisingly confident enough after your previous answer. 
“I think those people should mind their business,” you retort.
“Yeah!” Michael quietly cheers beside you. 
There is a beat of silence between the three of you and you're not quite sure if the interview is over until Diane speaks, a wide grin stretching across her lips
“Last question,”
You feel your cheeks burning with a blush and Michael fidgets nervously in his seat. You were suspicious about what this last question would be. If it was what you suspected, it would certainly be the main thing people would be buzzing about. 
“Uh-oh,” he sighs. 
“I have word on very good authority that you and Y/N are expecting another baby. Is it true?” 
You bite your lip as Michael nervously chuckles. 
“We don't wanna say too much. We've already revealed so much about ourselves,” he responds. “But... yes,” 
You glance lovingly at your husband, nodding happily. 
“Yes, it's true,” you grin. 
Diane smiles while leaning back in her seat. 
“I can always tell that glow. Well, congratulations to you and Michael.  And to Liam on becoming a big brother. I hope everyone will be very happy,”
All those years ago when Liam was born, you'd never envisioned your future would be like this but you were terribly, utterly, and blissfully happy with the life you'd created with the man you loved.
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ficnoire2 · 1 year
An Ode to The King, Briana Irene Matthews
When I say I love this character, I say it with my whole chest.  I cannot begin to express the joy I experienced when one of my fellow educators passed me this book and said “I’ve got a fantasy book for you, and there is a black girl on the cover.”  I am a child of The Neverending Story, Legend, Willow, etc (Google if you need to) and brown faces were few and far between, if there at all.  There are so many things I admire and appreciate about Bree Bree and the power she holds can’t be understated. 
*Spoilers Ahead so Exit Stage Left if You Need To*
In a story where choice has been hijacked for so many of our faves, I love the choice she makes at the end of Bloodmarked. To choose herself.  I know there has been controversy regarding this but fuck all that, she said what she said.  The fact that black girls need to be perfect and make decisions that are equally as perfect no matter what they are up against is absurd.  That line of thinking has real world consequences.  I love that she tried to consult with elders, those that came before her.  She seemed to be following this implied protocol that did not bear the fruit she’d hoped for.  
When she says, “I realize now why Jessie’s mantra to call root didn’t work for me.”  She said,  “Think of the power you possess and the woman who gave it to you.” I smile sadly,  “I used to think that woman was my mother, and through her, you.  Tried it her way and it didn’t work.  Because you all didn’t give me my power.”  I kneel to face the streams, thrust my hands into the earth from which they came. 
“I did.”
This was a hell of a scene because she is finally shutting off the noise of the outside world, the distracting chatter blocking her self actualization.  Arthur, the ancestors, the Legendborn, and choosing Bree.  Much like she puts the broken pieces of  Excalibur back together, she is in a sense doing the same for herself (pain welded blade).  It even bears a deep purple stone in the pommel. The color meant to speak to this pain, this literal and figurative bruising and beating she has taken.  In addition, the choice to go with Erebus and the uncertainty that hangs there was pure fearlessness.  As her character sheet says, she is intrepid, bold.  The way she is written, you just know it is in her soul.  As Tracy says in her dedication, For every Black girl who was “the first.”  Black is capitalized here, emphasized, because we are often demonized for making decisions or having experiences that those that came before may not have had the courage or opportunity to step into.  The First.  In Bree’s line everyone ran and she decided to stop running and turn to face the unknown, whatever may come with her chin up.  
In addition to being a clever badass, I loved watching how she navigated her relationships with Nick and Sel.  Again, another hot button topic where folks are clutching pearls and clenching ass cheeks.  I am not interested in “ship wars” but what did catch my eye was the way Bree allowed herself to be loved on.  The safety and soft intimacy she received and craved from Nick in a time where her world had been completely shattered was beautiful to read.  “I’m impressed, despite my still racing heartbeat.  How does he do it?  How does this boy navigate my emotions like a seasoned sailor, finding the clear skies and bringing them closer, when all I seem able to do is hold fast to the storms?”  He is patient with her.  The way he speaks, comforting and protective.  I love that she had this!  The giddiness at that age of meeting someone that makes you dizzy in the best way.  I love that Bree allowed herself to experience the respite Nick offered.  That relationship represents the light in her, hearkens back to a simpler time.
I also think Bree enjoys the challenge Sel presents.  Aside from him trying to kill her in the beginning (and being an all around asshole), she always seems to find interest in him (her shadow side).  “He’s dressed in black, as always, but his long coat is gone.  His tattoos are on full display below sleeves rolled at the elbow.  They wind down his forearms and wrists, and I can’t help but study them.  I wonder how far they go and how many he has before I remember that I detest him and shouldn’t care about his tattoos at all.”  
Bree is fiery (quite literally) and finds herself drawn to the darkness and mystery of Sel.  In truth, she likes to stir the pot.  When Vaughn is giving her shit about being Nick’s page, she intentionally fucks with him.  “But I’m not going to disappear.  And I don’t want to keep my head down.  Instead, I’m going to give Vaughn a glimpse of who I really am, and show him exactly who I’m not.”
She then throws the haymaker, “You’re a bigot and a bully, Scheafer.  You insult me because you think you know what I am capable of, but you don’t.  I must make you nervous, though, for you to expose your insecurities about your odds of success in the tournament.”
Long story short, Briana Irene is with the shits! How many times have you had to check in a loser such as Vaughn, who in all their mediocrity, thinks they are superior?  I love that she essentially says, “aight then.”
I say all that to say that I like that she is feeling her feelings.  She can acknowledge and accept the safety and easiness of Nick, while also reveling in the mystery and chaos of Sel.  Those two desires can (and do) live in the same body.  I love that this is confusing for her and she grapples with it because, what 16 year old wouldn’t! Low key/high key, folks my age would grapple with certain aspects of that but again, her choices.  
Bree is supposed to be complicated. At times infuriating.  I find it strange however, when folks don’t give her the space she has earned to develop.  So many of us Black girls are not afforded this space.  No room to grow, change our minds, or choose a different path.  She is grappling with grief and grief is messy, complicated.  The vessel in which she entered the world ceases to exist on the plane of the living and she is floating in the darkness and uncertainty of that.  “Your anguish is wrapped around your very heart.”   Not to mention navigating racism, sexism, supernatural beings, and understanding her own body and power.  That is a tall order.  She represents multitudes of girls who were “the first” and I am so glad I get to witness her in all her flaws and greatness.  THE KING.  Rumble black girl, rumble.  
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