#my brother originally made this joke and i thought the world would love it like how i do
true-autistic-tales · 11 months
i love this character officer kill yourself
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justadeadreaper · 4 months
okay so I'm curious- puptrapping you say? That you'd need another post to go into? I'd like to encourage this please
You want to hear about puptrapping, you say?
Anon, your wish is my command.
Just so you know, this is like you encouraging a crack addict by finding them a new dealer. I am not joking because this is my obsession at this point, but I do encourage you to send in more asks about Omega!Makarov or ideas you want me to write about because I will. I never originally thought of puptrapping; instead, it was my dear friend @frogchiro who said that she thought he would based on a comment I made about him tying you down to make sure you cum in him. Also, do thank @frogchiro because she helped me form these ideas in our late-night rants, and she is my biggest encourager.
Now that I have written this, I am tempted to write about Omega!Makarov with pups or a fic based on this idea if anyone wants it.
Obvious warnings for puptrapping (omegaverse version of babytrapping) and all the shit that goes with it, Omega!Makarov spiking your drink with an omegaverse version of Viagra (that sounds so fucking weird), but also a big misunderstanding between Omega!Makarov and reader.
This whole idea is based on it being a misunderstanding. Omega!Makarov is a feared man; no one even knows he is an omega; you were only allowed that grace of knowledge due to being his alpha -specifically chosen for being the most desired for your size and strength-. Knowing how secretive he was about his second gender, you presumed that he would never want pups as it would reveal his identity to the world, and he could not have that, could he? Hell, you did not even think he loved you; he only used you to satisfy his natural instincts that come with being an omega so that he would not be on a constant edge from having his subconscious desires not be fulfilled. You enforced the rule around using some form of protection as you did not want to force or pressure him into having pups that he would never want in a million years.
But oh, you poor, dumb alpha. How wrong could you be?
Omega!Makarov is infatuated with you. As soon as he saw you, he knew that you had to be his; no one else would be able to satisfy him after he saw you. Yes, he may be a cruel, heartless man but he loves you in his own special way and let me tell you he loves you with all his heart! He genuinely does! Now, being that he loves you so much, it is only natural that he wants your pups; it is only made worse by him being an omega and having the natural instincts to breed and have pups that poor omegas like him have. He knew he wanted pups from a young age, even if he knew that he did not love like a normal person does. Another part of him wanting to have pups is his own relationship with his father. A narcissistic, bullheaded alpha that abused Makarov and his poor brother for being omegas, Makarov had to watch as his poor mother was abused for not giving that asshole the alpha sons he desperately wanted. His father was never nice to him; he was a horrid father who chickened out at the last minute instead of suffering the consequences of his actions. Makarov does not want to be like that; he instead wants to be the best father he can be and have as many pups as he can to shove it to the old man who damaged him so much, to embrace the one thing his father abused him for and always forced him to hide.
So, for you to say that you need to use birth control? That is the biggest insult to him! Do you not love him? Do you not think he is a good enough omega to have your pups? Are you just using him to get yourself off? Are you planning on just dropping him off one day? Why do you not feel like him? He wants your pups so badly, why do you not want to give them to him?
He damn near hissed at you for suggesting such a thing, but he decided to hold his tongue as he knows he will get his way, he always has.
Now it just. depends on what type of birth control you force him to use for what he does to still be able to have your pups.
Condoms? Expect every single one to have multiple puncture holes from the set of pins that used to belong to his mother. Small enough for you not to notice but just big enough to allow enough cum to come through to give him a nice litter of pups. But that is only if you are stupid enough to allow him to be the only one to supply the condoms or allow him to be around the box by himself for longer than two minutes. If you buy them and never let him near them, you can be sure that those things will rip because, for some reason, your knot was a lot bigger than it normally is causing the condom to rip.
Birth control? He is lying about being on it. The prescription he showed you was a fake he forced a poor pharmacist to make as the pills inside that he showed you were nothing more than sugar pills mixed with the omegaverse version of Viagra known as an Amplifa that helps people knot while also increasing their fertility that he forced the drug dealers he hires to make. Each day, he will take them in front of you, knowing that they do not work. But if you are the one to supply the pills, then he is finding any pill or herb known to man to counteract it so that the birth control fails.
The Amplifa he uses to spike your drink and his own have a few side effects. I imagine omegas to have a reverse knot to match an alpha’s knot, which means they are doubly bonded. How it works is by inflating the sides of the passage like how, for an alpha, the base inflates to lock inside; it is to make sure that the alpha is being milked of all their cum and that the omega is too tight for the alpha to pull out. Since both he and you have been spiked with it, it causes your knot to inflate beyond the point of it being pulled out while he is too tight that it hurts to try and pull out. It also makes the knots last for hours upon hours instead of the normal half an hour to an hour, as it makes you cum so much. Not to mention it makes you incredibly more horny so you could fuck for longer.
With everything prepared, he has sex with you.
Once you are close to cumming he leg locks you making sure you can not push him off as you cum. Your knot inflating inside him as he milks you dry, all while he is still moving his hips in a specific motion to cause more friction that stimulates you and makes you hard yet again. Wiggling his hips and whining as you have yet another orgasm while the two of you are stuck together as his reverse knot will just not let go. Watching as his tummy begins to form a bump already as it grows from how much cum you have stuffed inside of it with every orgasm. He puts on the “I’m innocent, I swear!” act; he uses all the manipulation tactics he knows, the fake tears, the lies, the everything. He is just a simple omega who was trying to enjoy sex with his alpha; he has no idea what is going on. Whining over how worried he is since with this much cum he is most definitely already pregnant, even if you were being safe. All of this while he continues to move his hips as you cum once more.
And as soon as you are asleep from exhaustion and overstimulation he is gently caressing his stomach as he purrs. He can already imagine the litter of pups he will be having in a few months and how much of a happy family you all will be...
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hollisxwrites · 5 months
Hi! I absolutely love your writing, I was wondering if you could write a luke castellan x reader. Where she’s been at camp for a while now and haven’t been claimed. But most people at camp think she’s Hermes daughter which Luke hates because he has a crush on her. But she’s known the entire time, just wanted to stay in that cabin with Luke and everyone else.
"you've got to hide your love away"
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not my gif or my song! all credits to the original creators.
luke castellan x fem! reader (lukes POV)
word count: 1.8k
warnings: some sexual innuendos (nothing explicit though), some crude language, kissing, another song fic! i'm sorry! premise of the first little section is luke denying feeling for the reader because the people at camp think they could be half siblings, but it's nothing weird so dw!
summary: the reader is incredibly close with the kids in the hermes cabin, so close, that she lies and says she has not been claimed by her godly parents yet in order to stay with her friends for as long as possible. eventually, she admits it to her closest friend, luke, and he is relived, as he is in love with the reader.
authors note: guys! i have reached 500 (!!!!!) notes on two works so far, and that has blown me away! thank you for all the request, i'm working on getting through all of them as we speak, and i am so excited to put out what i have been working on to you guys! this is a shorter fic and just kind of cute, so i hope you enjoy! keep sending request, i'm loving reading all of your thoughts about percy and luke! i am so thankful for this community. love you all!
My friends and I, Connor, Travis, Chris, Clarisse, Alice, and {reader} sat around a dwindling campfire on an oddly cold night in September.  A gentle wind blew, rustling the leaves around us, and sending the heavy smoke of the fire into the faces of Connor and Travis, making everyone sitting under the stars laugh at their dramatic performance of a coughing fits.  Everyone, that is, except for {reader}.  She always had a soft spot for people who seemed to feel unwell, even if it was for something as small as the brothers inhaling a little bit of smoke as a joke.  
{Reader} was unlike anyone else I had ever met, sympathetic, gentle, and kind.  Every time I saw her, I felt like my world was a little brighter.  Chris said I loved her, Connor said it was just because she is my “sister” through the camp, but I couldn’t pinpoint exactly what the feeling was.  She had not been claimed by her godly parent, or so she says. Everyone believes that her dad is Hermes, since he is typically a deadbeat dad, and people say he is too lazy to claim her.  I guess their thoughts made sense; she had lived in our cabin for two years, so Hermes really had no reason to claim her at that point.  It shattered my heart just a little bit, as {reader} was so beautiful, a type of beauty that is unique unto her, something I feared I would never get to experience again.   I thought I would not be able to fully love her if she was my sibling.  So, I pushed back any feelings I could have for her deep down in my heart.  No one knew about them, and I hoped they never did, especially if she was my sister. I didn’t want to be seen as some kinky weirdo. 
The Stoll's finally stopped their theatrics, and I was able to look at {reader} for what felt like the first time due to the long day we’ve had.  Everything from counselor duties to training to hanging out with friends, I hadn’t gotten to spend a lot of time with her the days prior.  I watched her every move, and every moment she enchanted me.  Holding her guitar that I had gotten her from an Apollo kid for her birthday last year, she was picking out random chords, humming along to a song that I didn’t recognize.  Conversation fell silent amongst our group as {reader} started to play the chords she had been fiddling with in more confidence.  She sang along to the expertly played chords in a clean, clear voice that mesmerized me every time I heard her sing. When she reached the chorus of the song, she looked me in the eye while she sang, causing my stomach to erupt in fireworks.  Her eyes shone in the darkness, made even more beautiful by the fire reflecting off them.  
Gather 'round all you clowns,  
Let me hear you say 
Hey, you’ve got to hide your love away! 
When she completed her song, the Stoll's clapped, and then repeated her chorus loudly, skipping around the perimeter of the campfire, shouting like drunken sailors.  Typically, I would’ve joined in their antics, but in that moment, I couldn’t even speak.  {Reader} was so beautiful.  Maybe Chris was right, maybe I did love her.  She sat her guitar down beside her, and leaned up against the logs that we used as makeshift chairs. She threw her head back laughing at a joke Clarisse made, and her laughter was almost as beautiful as the song she had sung.  I could have sworn at that moment that my heart was going to burst out of my chest.  Something about the energy surrounding her made me admire her.  I couldn’t take my eyes off her.  
Eventually, when the moon was completely risen in the sky, and the Harpies were about to come out, my group retreated to our respective cabins.  After showering and changing, I laid in my bed, staring up at the ceiling that was plastered with plastic stars, there to comfort younger campers.  I fiddled with the bracelet on my wrist that {reader} made for our friend group and exhaled deeply.  I had no idea what I was going to do.  That day had solidified for me that I was in love with {reader}.  Her aura was enchanting, enticing me every time she spoke.  I stared into the plastic stars for what felt like an eternity, when all the sudden, someone distracted me from my thoughts (thank the gods). 
“Luke?”  {Reader}’s sweet voice whispered.  “Are you still awake?”  I saw her figure standing next to my bed.  She was wearing a sweatshirt from her hometown and flannel pants that made her look warm and inviting.  Her hair was slightly out of place, and she looked frightened.   
“Of course I am, you know me.  Never asleep.”  I said with a sigh, sitting myself up on my elbows so I could see her better.  “Whatcha’ need?” 
She turned her head away from me, as if she was embarrassed by what she had to say.  “Nightmares.  Again.  I can’t go back to sleep, I tried.” 
I frowned, feeling sympathetic for the girl in front of me.  “I’m so sorry.  I know that sucks.  What can I do to help you?”  
“Could I stay with you?”  she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. 
“What do you mean?”  I asked quizzically, my heart racing, thoughts jumbling together at the mere idea of her staying with me.   
She rolled her eyes and shoved me over.  “I just need to be around someone right now, and you’re my best friend, so...”   
I moved over so she would have room beside me, and automatically, I could see her body relax.  I pulled my duvet over her, making sure she was warm, and shuffled over a little more to respect her space.  “Do you want to talk about it?” 
She shook her head.  “Not really.  I do have something that I want to tell you, though.”   
I laid down so I was facing her.  “You can tell me anything, you know that.” 
 “Of course I can, that’s why I’m scared to tell you this.  I don’t want you to hate me.”  I could see the agitation on her face, so I reached out to hold her hand, hoping to ground her.  Electricity sparked where our skin met, but at that moment, I tried to ignore it.  I wondered if she felt it, too. 
“I could never hate you.  I don’t care what you tell me.  You could tell me you hated sword fighting and I would still forgive you.”  I said, giving her my best sympathetic smile. 
She giggled at this, moving to play with the silver ring on my finger.  “I know.”  She swallowed hard.  “Luke, I have been claimed by my dad, I just didn’t want to tell anyone because I didn’t want to leave the cabin.  I didn’t want to leave you.” 
Resisting the urge to let my jaw drop, I looked at her, trying to find any sense of sarcasm in her gaze.  “Are you serious?  Who claimed you?  When?  Why me?” 
“Apollo is my dad."  She said shortly.  “A year ago, the first time I played the guitar you got me. He claimed me then. Also, why you? Look at yourself.  You’re the most genuine person who I have ever known.  I love you.  So much.”  
This time, my jaw did gape open just a little bit.  She loved me.  Oh, my gods, she fucking loved me.  “I love you too, but why are you telling me this now?”  I asked, curious as to why she was letting me in on this information at two or three in the morning.  
“That’s what my nightmare was about.  The lie had gotten to me, and you started to believe I was your sister, which is a horrible thought, and you dated someone, some Aphrodite girl who said I was too ugly to be loved by someone like you.  I didn’t want that to become my reality, so here I am.”  She said, her gaze traveling down to where our hands were still connected. 
My mind ran circles around her words.  She loved me.  She wanted me.  I guessed I looked lost, maybe even unhappy, because when I started to speak, she cut me off.  “So, what you’re saying is that...” 
“If you don’t like me that’s okay!  Seriously.  I know that this is random and ridiculous.  It’s just a stupid dream.”  She said, trying to pull her hand away from mine.   
“It’s not stupid, {reader}.  I love you, too.  I wanted you to not be a Herme’s kid with everything in my heart.”  I paused, eyes moving to her lips.  “Can I...”  At this, she softly pressed our lips together into the sweetest kiss I had ever experienced.  It was so soft, and some of her honey lip balm transferred onto mine.  She pressed a kiss to my cheek, my scar, my jaw, and my neck, before her eyes drifted closed.  “I love you, Luke, but I want to sleep.”   
“I love you, too, so I will let you sleep.” I responded, pulling her into my arms. I held her close for the rest of the night, basking in her scent and her warmth.  I was coaxed to sleep by her rhythmic heartbeat that I could feel against my chest. 
“WHAT THE HELL!”  Travis shouted.  It was probably nine in the morning, due to the emptiness and light coming into the cabin. 
I jolted awake, suddenly aware of another person in my arms.  {Reader}.  She had her arms thrown across my chest, head resting in the crook of my neck.  I rubbed my eyes with my free hand, trying to take in what was happening around me, trying to comprehend that the night prior wasn’t a dream. 
Travis and Connor stood near my bedside with stunned looks on my face.  Connor was the first to speak up after Travis’s initial reaction.  “Did you guys' fuck?”    
My face turned beat red. “No, dumbass!  Go away, she’s still asleep.  She just had nightmares last night and didn’t want to be alone.”  
“Sureeeeeeee.”  Travis drew out, smirking at me.  “That doesn’t look like you guys are just friends, Lukie.” 
I rolled my eyes and pulled {reader} closer, trying to ward off the Stoll's, trying to protect her from waking up at their loud words.  “Go away, please!” 
The brothers chuckled and walked out of the room, nudging one another.  I sighed and turned back to {reader}.  She didn’t stir in my arms, surprisingly, after all the commotion.  Holding her there made everything in my life make sense, and at this moment, I believed I had finally found my lifeline, my home. I pressed a kiss into her hair and contented myself with memorizing every freckle on her face.  
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kasagia · 1 year
hi, can you do a one-shot for klaus, where he has a crush on y/n, and they have a one-night stand, and Klaus is sad because he thinks he won't see her again, but then he gets the news that y/n n is pregnant with his daughter (reader gets pregnant, no hayley, y/n is Hope's biological mother) and klaus takes the news well, because it's someone he loves and takes the pregnancy as an opportunity to make t /n love him.
Making her love me
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x fem! reader Word count: 7,4k (way too long, sorry not sorry) Warning(s): smut mention, panic attack (a little), swearing, and typical TVD violence. Nonsense from me: I'm so excited to post it since it's my first request/ask or whatever I should call it. I hope it's basically what you asked for, Gallus Anonymous! <3
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Klaus Mikaelson loved Y/N Y/S.
The original hybrid was hopelessly in love with her since the first time he met her on his family's ball. He will always remember that day.
She looked like an angel. Well, maybe more like a devil (judging by the fact that part of her hair was arranged in two small buns imitating horns), but still, she was the most beautiful girl at the party (and maybe in the whole world).
When he saw her, dancing in her black-golden dress with one of Salvatore's brothers, he knew that this girl would be his at the end of the day. Even if he has to fight with these bloody, young vampires.
Unfortunately, Y/N didn't have the same feeling when she first saw him. As a proud member of a Mystic Falls group (who returned to the town after a school exchange), she was obligated to hate the Mikaelsons.
But she must admit to herself that the man with the British accent was incredibly hot.
Damon, noticing Klaus's sudden interest in his friend, decided to use this to his advantage and pushed Y/N into the arms of their nemesis. Klaus was delighted. Y/N disgusted.
The original hybrid stuck to her for the rest of the evening, forgetting all about Caroline. Y/N has since become Klaus Mikaelson's official distraction. And she wasn't happy about it at all.
Her friends would use the Siphon Witch whenever they needed to keep Klaus occupied or to ease his bloodlust after doing something stupid (like stealing white oak stakes right under his nose and 12 obedient hybrids. Great plan, Damon!).
Y/N would have to wisely bump into Mikaelson and spend some time with him until the Mystic Falls heroes fix the shit they made. At least the girl was much less stressed compared to her friends, and sometimes she really enjoyed the company of the hybrid.
Once, a man took her to a cafe-studio where little-known Mystic Falls artists would gather. She returned to the Salvator Brothers' estate in navy blue paint, with little constellations painted by Klaus on her face, arms, and neck. Damon barely refrained from making a sarcastic remark.
Fortunately, Stefan saved him from her very likely wrath, because every time someone makes jokes about Y/N's relationship with Klaus, she gets mad and loses control over her magic power. Once, Bonnie had to repair Stefan's motorcycle. The vampire learned his lesson then and tried not to annoy her again. Sometimes, though, he seriously considered letting his older brother cross the line. He wondered if Damon would cry over a damaged car.
With time passing, Klaus had only a stronger crush on her. Everyone knows that. Expect Y/N herself.
At best, she thought the hybrid regarded her as some sort of friend or a distraction between his villainous grand schemes. There could be no feelings between them. Not when she already had a very loving boyfriend whom the original hybrid found out about at a 1920s school party.
She bewitched him completely then. And he was ready to tell her the truth about his real feelings for her and try to make her his, but then he saw this other guy holding her like he wanted to hold her the first time he met her. For Klaus, this man didn't deserve her attention; that human didn't realize how valuable a treasure he was holding in his hands right now. Klaus wanted to go away and let Y/N enjoy dancing with this lesser man. He really does. But when she turned and looked at him with these beautiful, delightful eyes, he couldn't just disappear without exchanging one last word with her.
After all, Klaus was a selfish man.
"You don't mind if I cut into you." Klaus' voice came from behind me, making me shiver.
"Yes. Actually, we do." My boyfriend snarled, recognizing the guy who was "hanging dangerously around me." He had no idea about the supernatural shite we were in and I had no idea how to tell him all of this (or just didn't want to).
Klaus just smiled unfazed, catching his gaze.
"Why don't you go somewhere far away and come back in 20 minutes? You can be useful and bring the beautiful lady something to drink." my boyfriend dutifully obeyed, leaving me with a smug hybrid. "Shall we, love?" he grabbed my hand and pulled me to him, swaying to some slow, romantic song without waiting for my response.
"Why do you always have to prove you're the alpha male?"
"I don't have to prove anything, love, I'm the alpha male." he replied, offended. I rolled my eyes, sighing.
"You would've loved the 1920s, Y/N. Girls were reckless, sexy, and fun. They literally used to dance until they dropped." he turned me around, smiling slyly.
"Since they were so reckless and drunk, I suppose it was easier for you to find a lover then."
"You should be nicer to me. I'm leaving town tomorrow." I shifted my gaze to him, shocked by the information he had thrown at me. "I'd invite you to come with me, but we both know that you're not ready to accept my offer. Perhaps one day you'll turn up at my door and let me show you what the world has to offer."
"How many girls fell for it? A magical tour of the world with an all-powerful original who plays with them like toys?"
"You mark my words. Small-town boy, small-town life won't be enough for you." he said, completely ignoring my previous words.
"And how do you know what's enough for me?"
"Because I know you, Y/N. Do you imagine marrying that stupid man with whom you were dancing later? Giving him children, living too short to make your real dreams come true?" I wanted to look away from him, but he gently grabbed my chin, forcing me to confront him and all my fears at the same time. "You want love, trust, passion, excitement, and even a little power, and unlike this fool, I can give you all of this and more. Just say a word."
"But for what price?" I asked, taking a big breath.
I realized we were much closer than was appropriate for a dance, but neither of us cared. His gaze was moving from my eyes to my mouth. I licked my chapped lips unconsciously, stuck in some incomprehensible anticipation. Only for what?
"Kaus. Y/N. I finally found you two. We have a problem. Klaus' mother is back." Stefan interrupted the moment between us.
I swear I could hear a little swear from the hybrid before he took my hand and led me towards Stefan, who was hurrying away.
After that, T/N didn't get a chance to meet Klaus again. Since they were on opposite camps in finding the cure, Y/N tried to avoid the hybrid at all costs. He just wanted to use her. Seduce her with his sweet words to make her do everything he wanted. She had no other explanation.
Klaus, on the other hand, tried to get her out of his head in every way he knew how. He couldn't keep up with adding new canvases for the portraits of his one-sided crush. His siblings were starting to worry about him.
Especially after he found out her boyfriend was going to propose to her. (Damon has never been prouder of being a gossip boy.) This overflowed the hybrid's cup of bitterness.
Kol and Elijah walked around their brother like they were on eggshells. Rebekah, on the other hand, has no such pity. It was her occasion to tease Klaus, like he was doing whenever she fell in love (at least Rebekah didn't want to kill Y/N like SOMEONE).
But nevertheless, she was the one to tell Klaus that Y/N rejected her boyfriend's proposal. The original never loved his sister more. He was happy that Y/N was now single, and he even thought that in the near future he may have a little chance with her since there were no other competitors for her heart.
But even in his wildest dreams, Klaus would not have dared to think that Y/N would knock on his door that same day and greedily bite into his lips as soon as he opened it. And not that she'd start ripping his clothes off and pushing him into his bedroom (which surprised him, given that she knew how to get there without his directions).
He never would have thought that one night would change his life forever.
I sighed, rolling over to the other side of the bed as the first rays of sunlight somehow hit my eye. I always kept the windows closed. How come I didn't do it this time? Reluctantly, I opened one eyes to look at my treacherous bedroom window, only to found out that I wasn't in my room.
Also, not in my bed.
And not in any clothes.
As soon as I looked at the calm, sleeping, and clearly satisfied (judging by his disheveled hair) Klaus, memories of last night started flooding back to me.
Panicked, I looked around the room for my clothes, trying to ignore the sight of overturned furniture, a broken mirror, and even a dent in the wall. Unsuccessfully. My face has never been so close to the color of my blood.
Once I'd traced my things, I carefully got out of bed and dressed as quietly as I could, closing the vampire's bedroom door behind me. Now all I had to do was get out of the house full of originals unnoticed. Simple, right?
"Y/N, darling! What a pleasure to see you this morning. How do you feel?" Klaus' little brother jumped out of nowhere and threw one arm around my shoulders, making me come inside the house again.
"Hello Kol. Bye Kol." I tried to dodge him, but he sped up to stand in front of me.
"Wait a minute half-witch. You're going to leave my brother like this? After your… noisy night? He'll be devastated. Was he not up to the task? I could teach him a bit if that's a problem for you. You have my word that within a week you won't be able to stop…"
"Kol! For the bloody hell, stop this awkward conversation. I'm sorry for him, usually we keep him in a coffin." Rebekah cut him off and stood next to him, glaring at him furiously.
"Um… no problem, I guess. If you don't mind, I'm gonna go now."
With even redder cheeks, I ran out of the mansion and, at the speed of light, got into my car, driving far away from this town. I needed rest, and I knew only one person who would be willing to take me under their roof without any questions.
"Hi Katherine. Where are you right now?"
"Are you sure it's just food poisoning? Won't you die here suddenly? Do you want my blood?" Katherine flooded me with questions as I returned to our table.
It's been 2 months since my "great escape," as Damon liked to call it, from Mystic Falls. At that time, I was traveling with Katherine around the United States, doing what I wanted to do most: seeing the world (starting with small things like staying in all states). After the brunette gave the cure to Elijah (while experiencing her epic love story with him, which ended with her heartbreak over Elena's meddling and Elijah's doubts), she decided to accompany me on my quest.
I had to arrange everything in my head. What I wanted out of life, who I wanted to be, and so on.
That was the main purpose of this trip.
In fact, I helped Katherine heal her broken heart and tried to avoid the topic of Klaus Mikaelson like the plague. With small or big successes depending on the day.
Sometimes Damon, Stefan, or Bonnie would mention how snappy he'd become after my sudden departure or that he was asking them about my whereabouts. The worst was his drunken voicemails he left. They ended after the first month, but they were the biggest test of my perseverance. I had to piece my twisted life together before adding my love problems with the world's (nearly) oldest living vampire to the puzzle.
At least that was the plan until those New Orleans bitches got me.
As soon as we left the bar, some girls accosted us and knocked us out with magic. I woke up in some cold, dank, musty crypt with Katherine by my side. At least I wasn't alone. We both had a better chance of defeating those witches. The new thing in those two months was my sudden ability to do magic without any source of energy. It looked like my abilities were starting to screw up too.
"Are you Y/N Y/S?" one of the witches approached us, staring at me warily.
"One and only. May I know who I am having the pleasure of?"
"Sophie Deveraux."
"Sophie. Some time ago, I knew a girl with this name. She got under my skin too. She is dead now. You can guess what happened to her."
"Yeah. It's definitely her. I couldn't imagine someone more of this psycho's type." she told her friends. The women grabbed us both and led us out of the makeshift cell to drag us to the main hall of the crypt.
"Allright. Can one of us tell why you are holding us here?"
"We need you, sugar, but your friend is just an accessory, so if you want both of you to get out of this somehow, you'll keep quiet." seeing that I had no intention of objecting, the unknown woman smiled victoriously. "Good girl."
I gave her a sweet smile before breaking her neck with a flick of my wrist. There was a sudden commotion around us. Katherine suffered a brain aneurysm after one of the witches raised her hand on her. The brunette screamed once before someone else appeared in the crypt, tearing out the heart of the witch who was attacking her.
Elijah came to save the day.
"I thought you wanted to talk, and both Katherine and Y/N were supposed to be unharmed." he said in his legal tone, shoving his hands in his pockets as he stepped between me and Kath. The woman was as pleased with the presence of the original as I was.
"She started." Sophie pointed at me. Elijah turned to look at me. I shrugged.
"You make me." I answered her with a malicious smile.
"Y/N." the man said warningly. This noble bastard won't tell me what to do.
"Elijah. Nice to see you. Maybe you can tell us why we've been locked in some fucking tomb? Is this some kind of revenge of yours, or did we get caught in the crossfire of Mikaelson's skirmishes purely by chance?"
"I would like to know that too. You wanted to be heard. Speak, before I change my mind." he turned to the witches without changing his defensive position.
I gave Katherine a brief, knowing glance. The woman reluctantly nodded at me. Great. We have personal cannon fodder if things get hotter.
"Marcel Gerard, ruler of the city, forbade the witches of my coven to use any magic. We want your help. Especially your brother's."
"Niklaus? You have to make him go to town first. And as far as I know, she's not in the mood for any outings right now."
"Even if he gets a message from her?"
"Your mother didn't teach you not to point at people?"I growled at her as she did it again. "Besides, I didn't text… You have my phone, don't you?" I asked, realizing it was their only way of contacting the hybrid. The woman tossed me my phone with a sly smirk.
"Read." I scowled but followed her instructions anyway, wondering what it was that would make him stick his nose out of Mystic Falls.
"I need you, Klaus. New Orleans. Witches cemetery. Please help me. Yeah. I can already tell you that he won't come. We're waiting here for no reason."
"And why is that?"
"This news reeks of a damsel in distress from a mile away. I would never write to him like that. I also doubt if he even cares what happens to…" I stopped when I heard someone's scream in the distance. A man mentioned earlier had burst in with blood on his hands and lips.
Well… mistakes happen.
"Great! Now that we're all here, we can start. We need your help." The woman began to explain the whole thing about Marcel and the witches. Everything was clear except for one thing.
"And where exactly is my role in this Machiavellian plan of yours?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.
"And who said I would agree to it instead of just killing you all and taking Y/N out of here?"
"I can take myself and KATHERINE out, Klaus. I don't need your help."
"Oh, do you?" he took a few steps towards me to stand in front of me. I snorted, returning his dark gaze. There's no way I'll be afraid of him.
"That's how we get to the main topic." Sophie paused, catching our attention again. Klaus stood next to his brother, giving the witch his famous sinister look while he was waiting for her to continue. "You see, I have a special gift for knowing when a woman is pregnant."
"And how exactly is this fact important to us?"
"She's carrying Klaus' child."
I broke the sudden silence in the crypt with a very loud laugh.
"And you're insane or a very, very bad liar."
"I'm telling the truth! You're pregnant with his child." she tried desperately to convince us.
"Vampires can't procreate, ergo, I am not in any false pregnancy."
"Vampires can't. But werewolves can. And Klaus is both."
"That's ridiculous. Klaus, say something! She didn't tell the truth, did she?" I tried to find support from the speechless Klaus. By the way, I think it was the first time I saw him without words.
"Y/N, be quite for a second."
"What? Elijah, are you believing her?" the man responded with nothing, staring at me with a strange look.
Klaus walked over to me. He stopped a few steps in front of me, staring at my belly as if he was hypnotized.
"I can hear it." he whispered, looking at me in disbelief.
"Hear what?"
"The baby's heart."
"What? But... it's impossible." I suddenly felt my heart beating much faster, as I was unable to catch my breath properly.
"It is. Like being a hybrid or a witch without her own magic. And yet we're here. And we gonna have a baby."
"No. That's a lie. I... we... I need fresh air." I avoided the brothers standing in front of me and headed the way Klaus had come from earlier. Unfortunately, one of these witches blocked my way and grabbed my arm tightly.
"You're not going anywhere until we settle the details of our deal." right after she said that, I felt her hand being removed from me. I was pulled against someone's strong chest. The familiar smell of Klaus' perfume brought me a momentary sense of relief.
"Touch her again, and I'll make sure that's the last thing you gonna do before I take your miserable life away from you." Klaus growled, tightening his protective grip on me and scouring the present witches with a hostile glare.
"Calm down, both of you. Neither of you will have any use for her if she faints here. Klaus, take her outside. Elijah and I will take care of everything."
Klaus glanced at Elijah. His brother nodded, encouraging him to leave. The hybrid took my hand gently and led us out onto the streets of New Orleans. We stopped in a square. Klaus sat me down on a bench and knelt in front of me, carefully watching me take slow, deep breaths, trying to calm down.
When I was sure my magic wouldn't suddenly blow up the whole city, I opened my eyes tentatively to meet the vampire's concerned gaze. I swallowed, turning my eyes away from him. He was still kneeling in front of me with his hands on my lap.
"Are you better?"
"I think so." I glanced at him nervously, fiddling with the bracelets on my wrist to internally brace myself for asking the original thousand-year-old hybrid about something incredibly... stupid. "Can you... go to the one place with me?"
"Are you sure you want to go back there, love?" I shivered when I heard this familiar nickname. I missed this. Klaus misread my reaction as he shrugged off his leather jacket and covered me with it.
"Thanks. I don't want to go back there. I think, well, I need to be perfectly sure it's true that..." I stopped, unable to say the words aloud. It would have been too real then, and right now I couldn't accept even the slightest possibility.
"That we're going to be parents?"
"Yhm. Will you go with me to the gynecologist? I don't want to do this alone."
"Anything you want, love. I'll check the address." he sat next to me and started searching for the location of the nearest clinic on his phone.
As we sat together in silence, I began to wonder at the absurdity of this situation. And the improbable, rational behavior of the hybrid sitting next to me.
"Klaus?" I asked, yanking him off the phone for a moment.
"You're not... you know. Crazy about this? Or something like that. I mean... I thought you gonna ask me if it's yours, of course if it even exist, but still. You're so... calm. Like not you."
"Would you rather me to run mad around town and deny our baby?" I chuckled, imagining his lunatic walk through the streets.
"No. To be honest, I would have expected something like that than this, but it's a nice surprise. It's enough that one of us is scared to death. Thank you for keeping a cold head."
"Don't get used to it, love. C'mon. I know where to go."
In less than five minutes, we got to the building and waited in line. There were many other people in the waiting room, but what caught my attention the most was a couple sitting in the corner. Husband and wife. The woman was probably in her third trimester (or had quadruplets. God, please let me have only one if there are any.) The man whispered something tenderly into her belly, and she smiled at him with just as much adoration. Involuntarily, I imagined Klaus and myself in this situation. I glanced at the tense vampire next to me. He was also staring at the couple.
"Y/N Y/S?"
"It's me."
"Are you going alone or do you have any company, dear?"
"My boyfriend is coming with me." I said, taking Klaus' hand. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw an amused smirk on his lips. We started walking hand in hand behind the doctor. The vampire leaned toward me.
"Boyfirend, huh?" he whispered in my ear, clearly pleased with the situation.
"Don't get used to it, love." I repeated his earlier words, trying to imitate his tone of voice. The man chuckled, politely following the doctor with me.
I had to admit that it was funny to watch Klaus in such a... strange situation. His nervous, slightly stressed demeanor gave me courage as I lay there waiting for the ultrasound results. The cold gel tickled slightly, but I gritted my teeth, waiting for the final confirmation of my fate.
"There it is. That's your baby. Congratulations!"
Klaus put his hand on my shoulder and leaned gently toward the small screen. I stared at the tiny speck as if it were enchanted. It really was happening. I will be a mother.
"Do you want to hear your baby's heartbeat?"
"Could you give us first a second alone, doctor?" Klaus spoke as he saw me still staring blankly at the screen.
"Of course. I'll be back in a few minutes."
"Oh, my God. It's real. We'll have a baby." I choked out after a few seconds of silence between us.
"You took that information really quickly, love."
I punched him lightly on the shoulder, finally turning my attention to the man standing next to me.
"Stop joking with me. Aren't you scared? I mean, a few hours ago we were on the other side of the country, living our lives, and now we're looking at some stain, which is our baby. Are you that calm, or am I being dramatic?"
"Of course I'm afraid, but I know we're going to figure it out. Maybe if it were someone other than you, I would be paranoid and mad, but it's you. With you by my side? Nothing can go wrong." I burst into tears at his emotional confession. Stupid pregnancy hormones.
"Come here, you idiot." I wrapped my arms around his waist and snuggled into him. "I hope Katherine got our things back."
"Yes. Speaking about her..." he said, moving away from me to look at my face.
"She is staying with me and you're not going to kill her." I said it in a tone that left no room for any objection. It's been 500 years; whatever conflict there was between them should be over by now.
"Absolutely not."
"Yes? So be prepared that if this little one is a girl, she'll be named after aunt Katherine, who couldn't be there for her mom because her dad is acting like he's on his period."
"You know you've been pregnant for a few hours, and you're already using it against me?" he asked resignedly. The grimace on his face was a clear sign of my victory.
"Get used to it. You're stuck with me for a while."
"I think I can work with that. Let's go home. I think uncle Elijah and Katherine will want to see the first photo of the newest member of the Mikaelson family."
*Two months leter*
"Good morning, Y/N"
"Morning Elijah." I grunted from my book, never taking my eyes off the text I was reading.
"Have you eaten yet? Want me to make you pancakes?"
"Actually..." I didn't have time to answer, because an extremely happy hybrid came out of the kitchen with a large tray on which was my breakfast.
Elijah looked at his brother in disbelief as he sat comfortably next to me on the couch and began feeding me with a fork while I continued to read my book as if nothing had happened.
"Niklaus. Can you explain?" his brother was shifting his bewildered gaze between us.
"His werewolf hormones tell him to look after me. So when I told him I wasn't having breakfast today because I didn't want to stand in this heat by the stove, he made it his morning's main goal to make me a decent meal. At least Marcel and the witches will get some rest from him today."
"Werewolf hormones?" very amused Kol entered the living room, staring at the hybrid with a malicious smirk.
"Yes, brother. Werewolf hormones." Klaus' cool tone caught my attention away from the book.
"Of course... your werewolf hormones. So that's what they call it now. Just don't flood Y/N with this sudden tenderness, or the girl will get scared and run away from you again." before Klaus could make any move towards his younger brother, I grabbed his hand and moved him so that I could get more comfortable on his chest.
"He is weird." I commented as I took a grape from the bowl and popped it into Klaus' mouth, much to Elijah's astonishment.
"Weird? No. Just a little joker. I have to go now. I'll meet you later, Niklaus. Please, don't start without me."
"Do I want to know what he was talking about?" I asked, giving him a curious look.
"It depends. Will you get angry?"
"If it has to do with that teenage witch, Davina, that your adopted son treats like a daughter? Probably." his silence was an answer enough. I pulled away from him, eyeing him disapprovingly.
"Yes, love?"
"Promise me you're not going to hurt her."
"And what does it matter? I'm not Elijah, how sure are you that I'll keep my word?" my angry look, however, fortunately made him give up. "Alright. She'll be fine." he sighed, rolling his eyes.
"Thank you. On the way back, you can stop by the store and buy me more chocolate and ice cream."
"As you wish."
He got up from the couch, placed a quick kiss on my already-showing belly, and left the living room, passing Rebekah as she entered. His sister looked at me curiously.
"What?" I asked, fed up with her penetrating gaze.
"Nothing. You two seemd very... compatible with each other. I'm impressed."
"Well, he's the father of my baby. We have to get along. For the baby's sake, it's best if we're friends."
"Surely." she hummed, completely unconvinced.
"Rebekah. What do you mean?"
"I mean that "just friends" wouldn't act that way. My brother never treated anyone with such affection. He's doing everything he can to impress you. For a bloody hell, he even changed his plan to take over the city for you!"
"She is right." Katherine walked past her and threw herself on the couch next to me. "He does everything he can think of to make you fall in love with him. For example, that "almost date" at the best restaurant in New Orleans last week. Or the fact that you've been given unlimited access to his credit cards, safes, stashes of clothes, and God knows what else. Or that weekend out of town so you could relax. Do you think they seriously didn't have a second room with two beds in the hotel?"
"Nik used the one bed trope? He's even more desperate than I previously thought." Rebekah snorted as she poured herself a glass of whiskey.
"Even if what you say is true, which I doubt, I have no intention of changing anything. Klaus and I work well as friends, and for the sake of this child, we will continue to be them so."
"So you don't love him back?" Rebekah questioned, coming to me, so she could stay in front of me. Her evaluative look somehow made me feel guilty.
"It doesn't matter what I want or feel. The most important thing for me is my child and I will do everything to ensure at least a little normality for them. If Klaus and I tried to be together and it didn't work out... At least this child deserves reasonably normal parents."
"What if you were happy together and created a loving family? Wouldn't that be better for everyone?"
"It's not worth the risk, Bekah." I replied, getting up from the couch to escape the inconvenient conversation with the original vampire.
"Risk of what?"
Losing him.
I didn't answer as I left the room. I decided to hide in the library for the rest of the day and try to forget the doubts the blonde had stirred up in me.
But my wild imagination did not give up so easily. I began to consider a possible relationship with Klaus. Despite what I told the girls, I wasn't blind to Klaus'… flirtatious remarks and behavior. I saw every long, stolen glance at me, every quick look at my lips during any conversation, and most of all, the longing shining in his eyes that was so similar to mine and that I somehow managed to hide from him.
I wanted to spend my life with him. But I also knew that I'm not enough to keep him away from his scheming and fighting for power. For the good of this baby, I had to be content with being his formal one-night stand and friend at best. Even if my heart yearned for him every single day.
Thinking about my unattainable future, I didn't even notice when I got to the library. But I certainly saw two people kissing in the room.
Klaus and Camille. At least he cleared up all my doubts.
I was probably the only one who noticed how my heart shattered into a million pieces. At least until Klaus pulled away from her, confused, and spotted me in the doorway.
"Y/N." he whispered, terrified.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to interrupt… I'll leave you alone."
"No! Y/N, wait!" he shouted, trying to get to me, but before he got even a step closer, I used my magic to teleport myself to a New Orleans street.
I leaned against the building next to me as the first post-teleport symptoms started to hit me and my head started spinning a bit. I shouldn't have done it while being pregnant, but well… I couldn't stay in the same room with these two any longer.
Once I had recovered, I decided to order myself a hot chocolate and sit with it in the park to collect my thoughts. I had to come up with some clever, eloquent way out of this predicament. And most of all, refrain from crying.
Thinking about this situation, after all, everything happened as I wanted. Klaus had found someone else to adore, so I could stop worrying about the deterioration of my relationship with the Mikaelsons.
We would be friends.
Just as I wished.
The only problems were my stupid broken heart and festering feelings of jealousy.
I wiped a tear running down my cheek with the sleeve of my sweatshirt. I shook my head, taking a few deep breaths to calm myself down. Something that stupid couldn't get me off balance. I had to be strong. If not for myself, then at least for this little one.
My phone buzzed. I pulled it out of my pants pocket and glanced at the screen to see the photo of Klaus sleeping with me on the couch that I had set as his contact picture.
I remembered that night. It was one of the first month at the Mikaelson Mansion and also my favorite.
"Can't sleep?" Klaus stepped out of the shadows to stand in front of the fireplace, which flames I had been staring at earlier.
"Not even tried."
"May I?" he asked, pointing to the blanket that covered me. I nodded, opening the hem so he could slip into the space next to me. He put his arm around me, moving us into a more comfortable position. One of his hands automatically went to my slightly rounded belly. I sighed, resting my head against his shoulder, and returned to staring at the flames of the fire. "What's bothering you?"
"Remember when Tyler kidnapped me and…"
"Please tell me you're not going to lecture me again about how I shouldn't have attacked Elijah." he interrupted me with a groan of displeasure.
"I'm not, but your brother didn't deserve this. Even if he was talking some shit about you. You knew I would never believe it."
"You wouldn't?"
"Of course not. You always try to protect your family, not always in a good way, I have to admit, but still, I know you would never use your own child for your games. I trust you." he tightened his grip on me and cleared his throat.
"It's good to know you're at least on my side, love."
"Your siblings too. If you'd just let them in, maybe you'd see it too, but that's a topic for another time."
"I know better ways to spend my free time with you, love. One of them brought us to this situation." he smiled slyly, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
"Very funny, but we have to talk about something serious."
"I'm sorry. What are you thinking about?"
"Have you ever thought about whether there is a chance for our child to be… a tribrid?"
"Tribrid?" he asked, confused, stopping to play with my hair.
"You know. You're half vampire, half werewolf; I'm a witch, siphon, but still… Can our baby inherit all of this from us?"
"They might as well only have the gene of a werewolf, a witch, a vampire, or a hybrid. I think all options are possible. Maybe in my mother's grimoire we can find the answer to that question. These books are as old as the world."
"You can include the birth of a miracle baby in your search. I hope we won't summon a demon into the world." I joked, turning slightly to look at his face again.
"I thought you already knew that the demon has been walking around this world for a long time, and you're cuddling with him on the couch. By the way, it's our search."
"Our? You seriously want to just give me access to your mother's precious books? The same ones that have so much knowledge inside them that you won't let any other witch see them whole, or even your siblings?" I was shocked. I would never in my life expect something like this from him, but on the other hand, he has done astonishing things many times before.
"You're different."
"Like how?"
"I trust you."
"You did?" I whispered after a few seconds of silence. Those words were more striking than three others of equal importance he might have said to me. Klaus doesn't trust people that easily, I think he falls in love with them more often…
"You wouldn't be the first to hear about all my plans if I didn't. Besides, you're the mother of my heir..."
"Keep treating your family like a fucking dynasty, and you'll have to buy me a crown and my own castle." I cut him off when I heard that horrible term for our baby.
"Why do you need a castle when you already have your throne, love?"
"You're impossible." I chuckled at this awful attempt at flirting.
"That's why you like me."
"Maybe." I yawned suddenly, unaware of how tired I was. I felt the hybrid's soft, warm lips against my hair before both the blanket cocoon and his grip tightened around me.
"Sleep. I'll stay with you and I will chase away your nightmares."
"How did you know?" I asked, feeling him gently brush away the strands of hair that had fallen over my eyes.
"I know you. Besides, I can hear everything through these thin walls. I would rather hear your screams for other reasons than nightmares."
"Only yours." I heard as if through a haze before falling into a deep, peaceful sleep.
The next day, Katherine found us sleeping together and took a picture of us. One of my favorites.
Before I could answer the phone, I felt someone snatch it from my hand, and something hit my head at breakneck speed, knocking me out. Stupid witches.
~A few hours later~
I was kneeling in front of the crib that Katherine and Rebekah had set up after the whole witches' fiasco. After those damn witches kidnapped me, they cast some strange spell on me and the baby to speed up her (as it turned out) growth and thus her birth.
A few hours ago, I was a human pregnant with a hybrid. Now I was a heretic, the mother of the thyrbid, the most powerful creature on earth.
I guess life with the Mikaelsons was all about sudden, unexpected changes. At least they weren't boring.
Elijah, Kol, Klaus, and Marcel were running around the city, killing the last witches who had allied with Esther. Rebekah and Katherine have been delegated to look after me and the baby until the boys get the hang of the situation. A bit sexist, but I didn't have the energy to argue about it. Not after I so impressively returned to the graveyard and killed half the coven.
After feeding on the blood from the bag, the girls gave me a moment alone with my sleeping daughter. Her first day in this world, and she was already trying to get killed.
"Y/N." Klaus' tired sigh snapped me out of my thoughts. For the first time in hours, I shifted my gaze to something other than my daughter and met a face as tired and bloodstained as mine.
"Hi." he knelt uncertainly beside me, glancing at the baby sleeping in the cradle.
"She is beautiful. So similar to you." he whispered softly, afraid he would wake her up at any moment.
"She has a look of the devil in her eyes. That's all you."
The girl stirred in her sleep, as if hearing us talk about her. Two loving, child-infatuated looks appeared on Klaus' and mine's faces.
"She needs a name. You made a decision?"
"I was thinking about Zoe and Caitlyn. But I think we both know that Katherine Jr. is the best fit for her."
"God no." I chuckled, trying not to wake the baby after seeing his terrified look..
"Got a counterproposal?"
"Hope. That's actually nice. Hope Mikaelson."
"What? Are you not the father?" I asked teasingly.
"I'm but... I thought you'd want her to have your last name."
"Mikaelson suits her better." I replied with a shrug.
"Well, then I guess it will be Hope Y/N Mikaelson." I smiled at him, resting my head tiredly on his shoulder. We both stared in awe at the new member of the Mikaelson family.
"How did you come to that? Hope?"
"With Elijah's little help. When I found you… dead. Elijah said that I ruined our family's last hope by making out with this bartender, which, by the way, is not exactly true."
"No. Let me finish. I've never been so helpless and scared in all my life as I was a few hours ago. Never, not even in the worst, darkest moments of my life, have I been so broken, so despairing, than when I held your dead body. Whatever you think now, whatever you feel, the truth has to be told. I love you. I've loved you since the first time I saw you, and each day only brings me closer to you. You're the only one who can make me so mad, terrified, or happy. You taught me unconditional love, and even if you don't share my feelings, I want you to know that you completely changed me. It will be my life's purpose to make sure that our daughter and you are safe and satisfied." I stared at him with tears in my eyes, listening to his touching confession.
"I was so mad at you and Camille, but... I can't blame her; falling for you is as easy as breathing. Not when I did it a long time ago."
"You did?"
"Yes. And I don't want to hide it anymore. I can't hide it anymore. As I turned into vampire, everything I feel for you since all this time is more intensive. My desires, my love, and my longing - I feel them so much that I can't even imagine spending one more hour without your words, touch, or kiss. I don't want to live in a world where we're just friends. So if you promise that this is forever, then I..."
Klaus cut me off, pulling me into a longing, long-expected, passionate kiss. I moaned into his mouth, pulling him as close as possible by the strands of his hair. At one point, I bit his lip until it bled. My new ability was immediately activated. My fangs slid out of my gums by themselves, digging into his lip and sucking more of his delicious, sweet blood. We broke apart when we were completely out of breath. Klaus licked his lips, staring lustfully at my black-veined face and bloody mouth.
"I promise. You're mine. For always and forever, love."
"And you're mine. For always and forever."
"Aw... Congratulations, Nik! It only took you one child to make her yours. I thought it would take you at least three." Kol suddenly appeared in the doorway, interrupting our moment.
Klaus growled at him and threw the baby monitor at his brother. Kol dodged at the last second and tossed the device back at him, sticking out his tongue before he ran as fast as his legs could take him. I giggled, drawing the hybrid into a tender kiss.
Yeah, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
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skipper1331 · 1 year
Obsessed // Alessia Russo
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Alessia and you were lying on the couch watching modern family. Well, that was the original plan, however Alessia had a different one. The TV shouldn’t have your attention. Alessia should have your attention.
"Lessi, what are you doing?" you giggled.
The striker had her hands on your sides, pulling you into her while peppering kisses all over your face.
"I‘m so obsessed with you, baby." Her eyes were nothing but full of love. Still, all these years later she made you feel like a lovestruck teenager.
Alessia often used that phrase. Because it‘s true. That girl was head over heels for you and has been since the moment she met you.
Many years ago
Alessia and her friends were playing football in the park.
And then there was you walking around with your little brother. Normally, you would be studying but your mother was still working so you had to take care of your brother. You enjoyed it though. Your brother was a little sunshine. Smiley, goofy, laughing. A boy who enjoyed his life.
"I want a dog, missy. You know? It would be so cool! I could play with him all the time. While I throw him his toy I would train my arm. So I can be like gramps." Your grandpa was an absolute legend in handball. The same passion he had, your brother has now. And to be honest your brother was quite good at it.
So the reason why you were at the park was to let him play. You knew there was a little goal which he could use. Nobody used it. You have never seen someone besides your brother use it.
As soon as he saw the goal he ran to it and threw the ball. "MISSY! HURRY UP!!!" he shouted while you walked (slowly in his eyes) to him. His shouting got Alessias attention. She and her friends a bit away. But not only Alessias attention, everyones attention. They all shared a look before they looked towards the both of you. When Alessia saw you her world stopped. You might think of it as a cliche but Alessia Russo had never seen a girl prettier than you. She watched the way you played with your brother, the way you would jump in the wrong way so the ball would go in, the way you played catch and throw.
The whole time while playing with her friends she couldn‘t focus. She was too focused on you. Too obessed with you.
Her touch was sloppy. Her passes were sloppy. Eventually her friends gave up on having a good game. When they started their journey home Alessia thought about doing it too but she couldn‘t go home without knowing your name. She would regret it. Being bold in that moment she walked over to the two of you. "Wrong choice of sport, mate" she joked. "Hi, i‘m Al-" she couldn‘t even finish her sentence because your brother was so offended. "Excuse you! My gramps is a H-E-R-O in this sport." She didn‘t think that her choice of words would lead to this. She just wanted to get know you. "Scotty, be nice. She was joking." In that moment she could‘ve sworn that she was about to faint. Your voice was music to her ears. "I‘m Y/N"
And that‘s how your relationship started.
some years ago
Alessia and you have been a couple for about 2 years and you both couldn‘t be happier. But what Alessia was feeling right now was nothing but happiness. Her day already started shitty and it only got worse. Last night she forgot to charge her phone so this morning it didn‘t have any battery. As a result she couldn‘t read your daily morning messages. In school she found out that she left her homework at home which were due today and training in general was just not it. The worst part of all was that she missed you. She wanted to be in your arms. They would make anything better. Immediately after training was finished Alessia made her way home. She knew you were at her house waiting.
You and her mom were sitting in the living room talking about the new recipe she tried a few days ago when a moody Alessia came home. She didn‘t even say hello. She just walked up to you, grabbed your hand and pulled you along with her. In her bedroom, she wordlessly laid you down on her bed and flopped onto you. Instantly your arms went around her. Her face was hidden in the crook of your neck while she inhaled your scent. "Hard day today, baby?" you asked quietly. You could feel her nod. You pressed a kiss to her temple and started tracing patterns on her back, so she would calm down. You didn’t know how long you‘ve been doing it but when you heard her sleepy voice say "I‘m obessed with you" you knew she was about to fall asleep.
a few years ago
It was family trip time.
Alessias family had invited you to come with them to Italy. Of course you agreed. You have never been in Italy before and with all the stories Alessia told you about her nonna you were excited to meet her. Alessia loved Italy. How couldn‘t she? She loved everything about it. The food, the people, the weather, everything. And now the person she loved most came to the place she loved. She was excited. On the whole journey (the flight and car rides) to her nonnas she couldn‘t shut up about the things she wanted to show you. She was so enthusiastic and full of joy that you couldn‘t stop smiling (at her).
In the first week Alessia showed you around, took you on romatic dates and you, her and her family had almost every night a game night. It was perfect.
One night her nonna made dinner (she always did but this time it was different) she asked you if you wanted to learn how to make a real italian lasagna. You didn’t let that opportunity slip through your fingers. Her nonna showed you how to make the perfect lasagna and while she taught you it she also taught you some italian words and phrases.
Alessia was head over heels. She loved that her nonna liked you, she loved that you and her nonna connected so well. She felt special because you were special. Her nonna had never asked someone who was not blood related to help her make her lasagna. Not one of her brothers girlfriends, nobody. The only thing Alessia could do was watch. She watched you the whole time with big heart eyes. "You really love her, don‘t you?“ her brother asked, snapping her halfway out of her trance but not completely. “Yeah. I‘m so obsessed with her.“ she answered honestly, still with her eyes fixed on you. What she didn’t realize though was that her answer was in fact loud spoken. Not in a whisper like she thought. "I always knew you‘re obessed with me“ giggling you pressed a kiss on her cheek. Her face turning a deep shade of red. "Look at the lasagna we made!“ you stated with so much pride in your voice. You were really proud of that lasagna, hoping it would taste good. "It looks almost as amazing as you“ your lover replied whilst smacking her arm around your waist. "smooth“ the other Russo brother laughed.
The rest of the night was filled with a delicious meal, laughing and enjoying each others presence. That night was one of the happiest Alessia ever had. She was in the country she loved, around the people she loved most. She was at peace.
"Still? Years later?“ you whispered against her lips, an inch away. ”Yeah“ she breathed.
With that being said she kissed you. She kissed you like there was no tomorrow. She kissed you like you were the only girl in the world (because for her you were). She kissed you like she would do it for the rest of your lives.
After all those years Alessia was still obsessed with you and neither of you wanted it any other way.
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yuri-is-online · 6 months
Well, since you are feeling festive and so am I, could I have request a fic with Ortho? Just doing a little holiday decorating or some other tradition with a homesick prefect? I don’t know, I just imagine Ortho to be the type to be interested in holiday traditions from another world. Thanks!
Oh hell yeah this slaps. Originally I was going to write about tree decorating but then I had a thought and I didn't want the fic to come off as me info dumping for however many words. I hope this is something like what you had in mind, and happy holidays!
notes: they/them used for Yuu, Ortho is the main focus here but the other first years are mentioned, Yuu and Ortho decide to play Santa. I would absolutely love to hear about any personal holiday traditions of yours, dear reader, as I think those are always very interesting. As always, other fic can be found on my masterlist here.
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Christmas. Ortho had searched multiple websites, data banks, and even online journals to see if he could find any mention of such a word outside of the few instances he has heard it muttered by the prefect. He initially thought his searches weren't bearing fruit because Yuu pronounced it several different ways (Chrimis, Crisis, Chrysler???) but he has ultimately concluded those were likely jokes based off of their tone of voice.
That had been what finally made him ask, not even his brother liked laughing at his jokes alone.
"Oh that's one of the big winter holidays in my world." You had told him, trying to sound matter of fact but unable to hide the way your voice cracks with the strain of your homesickness. "I made the mistake of trying to remember a nursery rhyme while Grim was around and ended up telling him about Christmas stockings and now he wants one."
And now you have to explain the concept to him, but with much less pressure as Ortho listens carefully with growing excitement.
"Putting presents in socks! That's really silly but I suppose that there are some holidays here you might find really weird too huh?" Ortho can also see why Grim would be so excited about this particular tradition, a gift (in a sock or no) that has the potential to be made up entirely of candy, fruits, and other foodstuffs sounds very much like him. "So do we just need to find Grim some socks he fits in? You already have a fireplace to hang it on... or are you thinking about giving Grim coal?"
“Well-”  It had crossed your mind.  “Sometimes adults give chocolate that’s shaped like coal but that’s not really what’s bothering me.  You don’t usually use socks for this, you make these really big fake socks.  I wanted to make one for Grim, but while I was thinking about how I wanted to decorate it I sort of… thought it would be nice to make stockings for the others, y’know like Ace and Deuce and maaaybe Jack, but then I would need to explain it to them and I don’t want to do that.”
“Oh that’s easy, we just won’t.”  Ortho laughs and takes your hand to eagerly drag you towards Sam’s before you can question just what he means by “we.”   ~~~~ "Operation sock jaw is a go." Ortho mimics rubbing his hands together gleefully, his lab wear feeling deeply out of place in the unofficial official Ramshackle craft room. A small pile of carefully picked out fabrics and season appropriate accents are neatly folded at the corner of the table as you carefully trace out what you think resembles a pattern for a Christmas stocking as Ortho carefully watches.
"You have really good aesthetic tastes," you nod as you look over the drawings Ortho had provided "this one really matches Ace's clown vibes."
"I'm glad you like it!" He laughs. "I figured a harlequin pattern in Heartslabyul colors suited him perfectly! Deuce was a bit harder to figure out... I didn't just want to slap a playing card on it and call it a day. Jack was a bit easier with how often he searches for information on cacti and succulent care. Oh I can cut the cacti out of the felt if you like?"
"With scissors?" You tentatively ask, not entirely sure how your dorm would hold up if he decides to break out the lasers. But the suggestion seems to flatter Ortho rather than annoy him.
"Oh that'd be fun! I've never really had the need to use normie tools before, this will be just like..." his voice briefly trails off as he looks down at the scissors. You wonder if he is capable of zoning out, being a robot and all, but decide that isn't too far out of the realm of possibility as his next words come out in a stutter. "Hey Yuu, does this sort of feel like an anime to you?" It's not too unexpected a question for Ortho to ask, so you look down at your crafts and really try to think about an answer.
"I guess so?" You gently place the pieces you have cut for Ace's stocking down so you can look out at the snow blanketing the world outside your window. The scene isn't too different than one you might see in your world on a card. But then again- "There's a lot of tropes associated with Christmas in anime, there's an entire genre of weird rom com movies about it, so yeah I guess making crafts like this with you does sort of feel like something I would see in an anime?"
"I thought so!" Ortho happily begins to carefully cut the felt with the scissors, mimicking what he had seen you do with the little tuna fish for Grim's stocking earlier. "That makes me glad, if something is a common enough for people to fantasize about it in an anime, then it has to be really important to the people of your world. And yet no matter where I search I will never be able to find data about it in mine!"
"Doesn't that annoy you a little?" It would stress you, does stress you how familiar and yet distant Twisted Wonderland's traditions are to your own. But the smile Ortho gives you is one of such genuine excitement you feel at least a little of that stress fall away.
"It scared me at first, but then when I got my soul I realized that it meant I had a really good excuse to keep talking to you. More data is never a bad thing! You could give me and my brother ideas for a truly unique game or show, so please, tell me everything you can remember about your world. I'll make sure it's remembered." He means every word he says. It's enough to make you cry.
"Alright, but just remember you asked for it. Where to start?"
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blossom-hwa · 1 year
a detailed analysis of rizz levels across pretty much every group I stan 
chip ( @wingkkun​​ ) and I had a very interesting conversation about this a couple months ago. here are the results, complete with direct citations and paraphrasing from our instagram dms. I do not take constructive criticism but I will entertain debates in my inbox. think of it as a scientific peer review
table of contents (in order): txt | seventeen | stray kids | ateez | the boyz | honorary mentions (golcha, nct, p1h, beomhan)
(disclaimer: all of this is meant in good fun and is not meant to be rude or harmful to any member I talk about. I love every one of them and in the end this is all just a joke!)
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soobin: below the charts. this man has negative infinity rizz. less rizz than me and that’s saying something bc I only ever flirt on accident if I tried to do it on purpose the world would explode. the limit of his rizz as you approach any point is negative infinity and I do not feel sorry for saying this. in the wise words of chip, “we like you bc ur ultimate cringefail (affectionate)”
taehyun: net positive rizz. I'm definitely biased but also do not argue with me I will bite your face off. the amount of rizz he has is a true problem and I am not immune to it (neither are you). he’s so cute and he’s also so hot and smart and I'm never going to shut up if I keep going so I'll stop. positive rizz. off the charts. do not @ me.
beomgyu: please refer to hoshi’s bit below. they are one and the same. beomgyu had too much rizz it was eating him alive so his body compressed and converted it (lossless compression) to another form and now he’s a chaos monster who screams for a living and oozes what remains of his original rizz onstage. we love him for it
hyuka: +10 rizz because he’s cute. no more than that because he’s an overgrown baby (affectionate). he gives me a lot of brain damage but it’s just because of his plushies and his little brother energy so I feel like he could manipulate me with his rizz but it would only go so far before I either pat his head bc he’s so cute or I punch him in the face bc of the annoying sibling energy therefore he only gets ten points
yeonjun: after going through the entirety of our conversation I realize now that chip and I forgot to diagnose the rizz levels of the fourth gen it boy so now I'm pulling some shit out of my ass. net positive but low magnitude. I give him +3. mostly because he’s got insane stage presence and has the ability to kick beomgyu in the face but he’s soooooo pathetic. possibly reading skye’s ( @warmau​​ ) thoughts about him have influenced me but he’s pathetic hence the very very low magnitude of rizz. I am not sorry
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mingyu: rizzless. I direct you to this post I made because it’s factual and explains his horrifically low levels of rizz. do not be fooled by this man’s muscles he’s constantly screaming crying throwing up to be told he’s sexy but the second someone does tell him that he’s a blushing anime girl (affectionate) and we love him for it but he’s rizzless. negative off the charts
jun: rizzless but not in the same manner as mingyu he just does not know what rizz is. very similar to juyeon in this manner. the8 or dino have definitely tried to explain rizz to him before but he simply does not understand and does not care to. even if he did understand it I'm still not certain he’d care which gives him a lower magnitude rizz than mingyu which is better even if it’s still negative
the8: positive rizz with quite a high magnitude. I can’t quantify it but it doesn’t even matter because even though he has rizz he doesn’t use it. he’d rather tell us to stop having a parasocial relationship with people behind our little computer screens and ooze rizz via charisma on stage instead and I can respect that.
seungkwan: so much rizz. so much fucking rizz have you ever seen this man complimenting female idols on shows. have you ever seen this man tell idols they’re pretty and wonderful and beautiful in every which way without batting a damn eye and with so much earnestness I blush. cannot believe chip ever thought this man as on the same level of rizzlessness as soob smh
vernon: 0 rizz, but this does not mean he is rizzless. rizz is a spectrum and having 0 levels of it just means you are rizz neutral. purely neutral. no one has purely neutral rizz the way vernon does he’s simply so special. that one gose episode where he showed up in that rainbow hoodie with red glasses? that’s the epitome of rizz neutrality
s.coups: refer to daeyeol’s bit below. handsome. reliable. have you seen him with kkuma. I melt every time. unfortunately he is still horrifically pathetic and though we adore him for it this does unfortunately decrease his rizz levels drastically. without it he’d probably be somewhere at positive infinity but now he’s at like +8. the world knew that if coups wasn’t pathetic enough he’d be too powerful so they had to humble him.
hoshi: he doesn’t have rizz but it’s not like the nerds where their rizz levels are just buried in the negatives it’s more like the magnitude of his rizz was so high that it has since been compressed and turned into something else. so he has no rizz but it’s not because he was born pathetic, it’s because it was converted due to the law of conservation of rizz (real)
wonwoo: similar to taehyun in that they’re both very positive but slightly different. yes they are both gym rats yes they are both token introverts (sort of) but wonwoo is a gamer. their rizz is fundamentally different but they’ve evolved to be similar due to their personalities kinda like wings on bats and birds. as you can tell it’s been a while since I took biology
jeonghan: similar to lino in that he has rizz but he stole it. the difference between them is that lino has some natural organic rizz while jeonghan was born with none and stole all that he owns now. without this stolen rizz he would be a limp noodle dragging himself across the earth but now he’s a fairy. life isn’t fair
dino: negative but low magnitude. the first number I gave him was -14 I don’t really know why it was -14 specifically but the point is it’s supposed to be low magnitude. recently he began climbing my bias list and chip yesterday convinced me to change his magnitude to to something lower so I now give him -4. I am easily swayed
joshua: positive rizz in the same manner as jangjun et al. the man is fucking insane. insane charisma but also just plain insane. I'm not entirely convinced he didn’t steal some of it but while jeonghan freely admits that he stole it joshua keeps evading the question. there is a venn diagram of jangjun et al and lino et al and joshua is in the intersection
woozi: I considered an intersection between chanhee and the8 and I think woozi falls into it. perhaps I've just been gaslit into thinking he has positive rizz but let’s just roll with the thought. has some rizz like the8 (less than the8 though) but does not care to use it (like chanhee) and also doesn’t really care that it’s there. he just kinda lets it be
dk: net negative but low magnitude. I originally gave him -13 to bc I thought he was a step above dino but not by much. I still kind of think this way so I'm elevating him to -3 since dino got elevated to -4. sorry dino I think you’ll always be one step behind no matter how big of a crush I have on you
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lino: has rizz but in the wrong way. the man touches butts for a living AND he has cats he’s got to have some rizz hence the net positive but he also definitely stole some. please refer to my comments on this post for details he definitely does not organically have all this rizz but he’s stolen it and now it’s his you can’t ask for it back
chan: also has rizz but in the wrong way but also differently from lino. chan should not have as much rizz as he does but he’s got that “libra sun scorpio venus rizz” (chip) which makes him extremely dangerous. he’s a loser and for that I'd give him negative rizz but unfortunately he has an aura that separates him from the likes of mingyu (it’s the dilf dad energy) so he has net positive rizz of a dangerous magnitude.
jisung: we welcome another member to the ranks of the negative infinity rizz. do I even need to explain. does the anime girl babygirl pathetic cute energy not already do enough explanation for you. I should not have to spell out the fact that this man is rizzless at every point on the mathematic plane. I love him to death but that will not save him from the rizzless fate
seungmin: please refer to jangjun in the honorary mentions below. his rizz applies here. positive rizz. high magnitude. ridiculous for a man of his caliber but here we are. he’s got some weird mutant rizz and that’s all I can really say like.....what do you become when you have rizz levels +69,420. what do you fucking do. 
changbin: fluctuates between +10 and -10 like a sine curve (please refer to mingi’s bit for more information). his positive rizz is similar energy to yunho but louder and his negative rizz is just pathetic baby boy-ness. I adore him. big muscle men who are soft. I don’t have a section for wonho but if I did they’d be of very similar types. 
hyunjin: negative rizz. he’s an only child what else do I need to say. ferret energy. flails around. long limbs that he doesn’t know what to do with. so much baby girl energy I always want to laugh at him (affectionate). lovely boy so very lovely with such fucking negative rizz
felix: like jangjun and co his rizz got converted but unlike jangjun and co it was not converted to insanity. it was converted to something...... alien. idk how to explain it. asymptotic rizz, according to chip. weird behavior as x approaches infinity. I agree with this assessment. nothing earthly explains how this man is so ethereal so I have concluded that alien magic converted his rizz to ethereality
jeongin: ok so I did say vernon is the only one who’s truly reached rizz neutral but jeongin is pretty close. similar vibes. they’re both slightly insane of course but they are also more than likely to just stand there and vibe. this gives off rizz neutrality. jeongin is less neutral (probably tipped in the negative direction) but he’s getting there. 
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seonghwa: rizzless this man is the nerdiest nerd ever he is RIZZLESS. magnitude infinity in the negative region of the graph. he and soobin are two sides of the same coin the latter is a lanky little gamer dude and the former is a Star Wars nerd with a display case for his figurines. the absolute most negative rizz ever (affectionate)
yunho: oooooooo my god. positive rizz if I've ever seen one. so much rizz. so much fucking rizz. the magnitude of his rizz is off the charts and unlike the other insane ones his rizz didn’t get converted so he is DANGEROUS. if you ever meet this man in the wild run in the other direction you will not survive his pull. in the wise words of chip “yunho has |rizz| (absolute positive rizz)”
mingi: his rizz...fluctuates. like a sine curve idk. he alternates between having so much rizz it hurts and so little rizz it’s laughable. yes I have definitely been influenced by having seen him in concert twice (do NOT bring up the fact that he became a wrecker after the second). he knows he’s hot and will use that to the best of his ability but he’s also kind of pathetic and for some reason it doesn’t balance out so he fluctuates
jongho: has rizz. does not care to use it. falls in the same camp of the the8-ers (refer to the seventeen section) in which he prefers to simply ooze rizz onstage and kill everyone’s heart there instead of flirting with fans. respectable. also incredibly dangerous. everyone wants to hug him but if you try to his rizz will snap you in half but if not huggable then why hug shape?
hongjoong: net positive rizz but he’s convinced he has more than he does so I dock several points due to excessive confidence. panics too much when wooyoung tries to kiss him for me to restore them. if he gay panicked a little less then I might consider him having as much rizz as he says he does but alas he does not and so I will not. 
san: -10 rizz. negative but not too negative. he’s really cute and really hot but also really pathetic and I say this with the greatest fondness imaginable. remember that one poll where tiny voted him as the person they’d least like to vacation w bc he’d stay inside (don’t worry me too san)? same vibes. his patheticness outweighs his hotness and while they’re close, ultimately patheticness wins out. sorry not sorry
yeosang: net positive rizz but he does not use it. this is not by choice. he just doesn’t know how to. in fact I'm not fully convinced he knows what rizz is. in this manner he is somewhat similar to juyeon (refer to the boyz section below) except where juyeon’s rizz is negative infinity yeosang has some positive levels. in chip’s words get well soon yeo
wooyoung: falls in the same camp as hyunjae in that he has fully negative rizz and embraces this fact to use it as a weapon. dangerous man. fully insane. if his rizz was positive he’d be the same as jangjun and co but unfortunately he’s pathetic for hongjoong so his rizz is negative and is not handled the same way. 
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hyunjae: all of Bermuda line is rizzless to the max but in different ways. in hyunjae’s case he knows he is rizzless and fully accepts and utilizes this to his benefit. you’re telling me this man doesn’t know how pathetic (fond) he is? he’s self aware and will absolutely use this against you. as dangerous as those with high positive levels of rizz. watch the fuck out
younghoon: fully rizzless bc he’s in Bermuda line but is not self aware. in fact he protests that he does have positive rizz but look at this man. he has the energy of a dying victorian child trying to make it past this cold, cold winter. all you want to do is pat his head and coo at him to make him feel better he has no rizz. absolute negatives. 
juyeon: again, completely and negatively rizzless since he’s in Bermuda line but like younghoon he is fully unaware. in a different way though. why you ask? because this man definitely has no idea what rizz is. look at his sweet little eyes and tell me he knows. that’s right. you can’t. 
q: negative rizz. not as low as Bermuda line/seonghwa/soobin/etc. but still quite negative. the thing is no one ever tells him this or brings it up to his face because he’s dangerous. he may not know what rizz is but he does know what an insult is and if you say a word about his purported negative rizz levels you will not be heard from again. this is a warning. 
sangyeon: has net positive rizz. it isn’t super high but given the fact that I've just said four of his members have some of the lowest rizz levels imaginable it’s relatively high in the realm of tbz. can’t really explain it but he gets this rizz from his hot tired uncle energy that no one is immune to. have you seen him with his nephews? don’t argue with me. 
(at this point chip told me to stop making rizz comments bc their stomach hurt. I did not stop)
kevin: rizz levels -1. not quite negative infinity. in fact pretty far from it. still negative though and he’ll never recover from that. I'd say that I'm sorry but I'm really not no matter how much this man works out I will never be able to stop laughing at him to his face (in best friend fashion). love you kev
new: negative. not horrifically so like Bermuda line but still more negative than kev. you may be thinking what the fuck lina new has so much rizz wdym? you’re wrong. he doesn’t have rizz and he doesn’t care. his lack of care gives the illusion that he actually has positive rizz but he does not. do not be fooled
haknyeon: POSITIVE RIZZ. do not question the positive rizz of tangerine boy ju haknyeon. it may not be positive infinity but I do say he’s around +50ish and given the patheticness that surrounds him that’s pretty fucking good I’d say. so much rizz. so much true rizz. I love him
sunwoo: the most negative fucking rizz ever except he’s convinced it’s positive.  see without this unfounded conviction his rizz would just be somewhere around -50 and he’d be fine because Bermuda line exists but nooooo he decided to ruin it by being overly confident in his rizz powers so now he’s at negative infinity and one. sucks to suck.
jacob: (chip came up with this one) he has beomgyu and jangjun levels of rizz so like rizz off the charts but while a lot of it was converted into weirdness some of it stayed rizz so. hm. a tamer version of jangjun if you will. however beware because his rizz is once again increasing since he stopped playing league. watch out.
eric: negative rizz. same boat as sunwoo. their rizz magnitudes are the exact same and in the same direction (negative obviously) but it’s in a slightly different manner. both have unfounded confidence in their imaginary positive rizz levels but eric’s is in the manner of a teacher’s pet who thinks they’re popular while sunwoo is just plain mad
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jangjun (golden child): positive rizz and it’s terrible. I can’t tell you what the number is (it’s +69,420) but it’s really fucking high and I hate it. most of his rizz has been compressed and converted like hoshi’s to something resembling insanity but unlike hoshi there is a dangerous amount left. beware this man
daeyeol (golden child): +5 rizz. he’s handsome and reliable and if we got married I would be able to trust him to get things done. similar to sangyeon in that he’s got hot tired uncle energy but he’s also pathetic so he only gets five rizz points
mark (nct): negative rizz if I've ever seen one, but missing the negative infinity rizz by one point. I just need him differentiated from soobin and jisung and the other pathetic ones. mark is pathetic but I give him one point out of pity
beomhan (??): I don’t know anything about this guy except that he can’t cook and has high cholesterol problems from eating too many eggs but he’s in the same group as jangjun and co
keeho (p1h): I also don’t know anything about this guy except what chip has told me but I think he’s similar to chanhee and chip thinks he’s on sunwoo’s level. do with this information what you will
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tyrantisterror · 7 months
Fantastic Rants and Where to Find Them
So, back when the Herbie Porber movies were still being made, Warner Brothers saw the cash cow on their hands and decided they had to lock that shit down as much as possible to make sure they could milk it until its teats were chafed and withered to nothing. To that end, they bought the rights to every book the Terf Queen had written by that point - which included all the Henry Pansley wizard school mystery books, but also two gag books set within the Henry Pansley world: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, which was presented as an in-universe biology textbook for wizard children, and Quidditch Through the Ages, which was an in-universe book of trivia for a fake magical sport.
And at the time everyone with a brain who'd read those two books was shaking their head and thinking how dumb those corporate executives were to do that because, like, those aren't novels or novelas or short stories or narratives of any kind. They are, and I cannot stress this enough, a fake textbook and a fake trivia book about fake things written in a slapdash manner as a cheap gag. They existed for three reasons:
First, to sell something Herbie Porber related at a significantly lower price point than the actual novels so the Terf Queen could get more of that sweet, sweet Scholastic Book Fair money by having something poor kids could buy.
Second, to give a portion of the proceeds raised from that poor kid book fair money to charity so the Terf Queen could get some nice tax writeoffs.
And as a distant third, to expand the world-building of the Henry Pansley setting a teensie bit.
Now, as far as I'm aware, they succeeded at the first two well enough - tons of kids bought those cheap-ass thin as shit paperbacks when I was a kid, myself among them. Well, ok, I only bought Fantastic Beasts and skipped Quidditch because even during the height of my Herbie Porber fan days I thought the Terf Queen's imaginary sport was really fucking stupid and every time it popped up in the books I was bored as shit and tried to skim it as quickly as possible to get to the interesting stuff. I think I looked over the book once in a Barnes and Noble and thought, "Wow, I knew I thought real sports were boring as shit, but it turns out fake ones are even more so."
But back on track - goal number three was... kind of successful, I guess? Like, I don't know if you know this, but bestiaries of fictional animals are one of my big interests. I love a big book of made up creatures, and have collected many in my long life of thirty-four years. And as I said, I got a copy of Fantastic Beasts - technically several, because those cheap ass paperbacks disintegrated if you read them more than once, and I haven't met a bestiary that I haven't poured over several times, no matter how shitty. And despite how often I read it, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was, well... pretty mid, honestly. It's a book that's 99% world-building, and like all of the Terf Queen's world-building, it's overall mediocre and undercooked.
Like, in pure Herbie Porber style, it's mostly concepts that have been done in fantasy fiction and mythology dozens of times before with no real original spin on them whatsoever, often stripped down to their most recognizable elements alone. There are a smattering of original ideas that are actually interesting an novel, a few more original ideas that have potential but don't seem very well-thought out as is, and then some that are clearly just there to be a joke and are amusing for, like, a second, but also would quickly become annoying if they were given any focus.
I'll give a very me-specific example. As a fan of vaguely medieval european fantasy tropes, one of the metrics by which I judge a bestiary is "How does this handle dragons?" Because, like, I don't know if you know this, but I love dragons a lot, and the sheer variety of dragons in fiction is one of my favorite things in the world. There is a smorgasbord of different dragons a person can choose from just in folklore and mythology alone, and that variety is reflected in a given bestiary, the higher I think of it.
The Terf Queen's bestiary gives us ten dragon breeds... and they're all more or less the same except for scale color and minor variations in size. Oh, and their names, which are all based on different dog breeds because the Terf Queen thought that was funny. It's the worst of both worlds because it gets your dragon-loving hopes up that there'll be lots of unique dragons but no, they're just different colors, ho hum. Even the Chinese Dragon sticks to the same basic bitch wyvern body plan as the rest, when, you know, Chinese dragons have SUCH a different body plan than any of their European counterparts. It's downright insulting to the variety and creativity of this iconic folkloric archetype to reduce it to such a samey-set of monsters. Absolutely the most disappointing dragon entry in any bestiary I've ever read, just infuriating.
BUT, BACK ON THE INCREASINGLY DERAILED TRACK: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was never meant to be a "great" book. Remember goals one and two: it was a cheap cashgrab, a gimmick, a gag book. It was meant to be a disposable bit of fun - "Tee hee, here's a goofy textbook from this goofy wizard story that you kids will likely grow out of in a few years, you can read it in twenty minutes and not feel bad when you pitch it because there's very little substance to it, and it only costs three bucks."
The Terf Queen doesn't write textbooks, gag or otherwise, she writes novels, narratives, and in its original form Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was clearly just her fucking around with something whimsical and stupid for shits and giggles (and money, sweet sweet money). The original version of it was published with notes in the margin written by Henry Pansley and Donnie Stoat themselves, the two wizard hooligans writing little jokes and messages to each other with further references to other characters from the series, both to add more humor and because, again, the Terf Queen writes novels, and it was clear she couldn't commit to the "fake textbook" bit without working in some characters riffing it for her own sanity. And that makes it work as a gag book - you get a few laughs from the wizard hooligans playing MST3K with their shitty textbook, learn a little about the (undercooked and poorly thought out) ecosystem of the wizardy world, and then when you reach the back cover the spine of your cheap as shit pulp paperback book falls apart and, unless you've got a weird obsession with bestiaries, you throw the dying book in the garbage without a second thought. Three bucks spent well enough.
BUT, TO GET BACK ON THE INCREASINGLY DERAILED TRACK AGAIN: Warner Brothers bought the rights to this cheapo cashgrab gag textbook, and goddamn it, they were/are determined to squeeze Herby Porber's sore teats until every last drop of money milk spills from his chapped and bleeding nipples. They announced they were going to make a Fantastic Beasts movie towards the end of making the Herby Porber novels into films, and everyone with a brain sat there and thought, "Well, that's going to be a stupid cashgrab. Bet the Terf Queen's laughing her ass off at how dumb it'll be, too."
But the Terf Queen was not laughing, at least not for long, for once the Henry Pansley movies wrapped up, she was left with the horrifying knowledge that people didn't care for her non-wizard books all that much, certainly not enough to keep her rolling in sweet, sweet money. She needed that mega millionaire cash, and she needed it in abundance and she needed it quick. So when Warner Brothers asked her to write a movie based on her cheapo cashgrab gag textbook, she said, "Yeah, I can make a novel out of that! I - I'm a talented writer! People love my writing! They definitely love my writing and they'd love to pay money for things I wrote that don't directly feature Henry Pansley!"
So now she had to pretend that Fantastic Beasts, the cheapo cashgrab gag textbook about made up animals in a made up world, has a narrative. Not just any narrative, but a grand, sprawling narrative, one to rival, nay, SURPASS Herbie Porbie and the Seven Books of Wizard-Themed Coming of Age Nonsense. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, she assured us, was to be a magnificant tale, and one she planned all along, and CERTAINLY not a marriage of convenience to a completely stupid idea for a film that she was desperately sculpting into a narrative it had no ability to support for the sake of trying to recapture her already passed glory days as a writer.
And I think, in retrospect, this is a great illustration of the Terf Queen's great character flaw. She just can't fucking admit to a mistake, even when it's obvious to everyone that one was made. She will hop on board a sinking ship and keep doubling down on trying to get it to sail even as the water is up to her neck. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is a serious narrative now, not a gag textbook written to wring a few more dollars from school children goddammit!
Recent editions of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them took out the Herbie and Donnie commentary, by the by. They also added many of the new half-baked monsters that were introduced in the movies, in a shoddy attempt to pretend this was the plan all along, and that Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was always meant to be the seed of something great.
But it wasn't, and no matter how hard the Terf Queen pretends otherwise, it's obvious it wasn't. It's a cheapo cashgrab gag textbook, and that's all it really had to be, until greed and ego demanded otherwise.
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prince-toffee · 2 months
So, I rewatched the trailer over and over again, I stepped back, organised my thoughts, and I think I get it.
So first the Bad, then the GOOD, because there's actually a lot to like here.
The Bad:
So, the trend of companies kicking actual voice actors onto the curb and replacing them with celebrities continues. I remember being really angry when they first announced the voice cast, and I still am. It's quite literally the most boring, generic casting possible. You can not get much more white bread, milk toast than a Chris and Scar - I want to play an Asian woman and trans man - jo. Also, why is Chris Hemsworth here? Do he really need the money? Did Thor 4 damage his pockets that bad? There are so many talented voice actors that could've been Orion, David Kaye is a prime example Animated Optimus and Beats Wars/Unicron Trilogy Megatron, beloved by fans, if he was announced people would've been over joyed. I love Brian Tyree Henry, and he actually has some experience with va work as he voiced Jeff Morales in Spider-Verse, my original criticism still stands.... And Kegan, oh Kegan, I love you so much, Key and Peele was my childhood, and the Toad performance was perfectly fine, endearing even. But as Bee? I'm sorry, but no, that's not BumbleBee that's just actor/comedian Kegan Michael Key, I can't hear anything else. And it doesn't help that he's handed the worst lines.
Which brings us to the comedy. First impressions are EVERYTHING. And if you fumble that that hurts your film, and the perception of your film. I think that's really the problem here, it's a bad trailer not necessarily bad content. Packing the trailer with jokes for the sake of jokes and having that samey Hollywood liscensed music cringey feel to it. Like the guitar riff that played when the 'This Fall' card came up just made me turn off the video immediately. That's why I recommend watching the trailer without sound. Bee's jokes don't really land for me, I'm sure kids with love it tho, and that's good. But I'm sure all the jokes won't be bad, the final door gag is actually really funny. So I think it was just a bad joke that soured out feel of the tone at the beginning, which is unfortunate because like I said first impressions are everything. Because this is Josh Cooly, of Up, Inside Out, Toy Story 4 fame, I'm sure the film will have an emotional core to it.
A minor thing I don't much care for is having Bee be in the same age range as Orion, in my mind he's always constructed during the war at like the half way mark or near the end, he's the little brother of the group, and now he's old enough to remember Op and Megs before the war. Also he sounds way too old.
Oh, also I don't like Orion's personality.
Now for the good; I think the animations style is gorgeous. Would have I liked something Spider-Verse/Mutant Mayhem-esk, of course, but what are you gonna do? The stand out here is the environments, a visual feast. This might already be my favourite Cybertron, it's so different yet reminisant of the Cybertron we know. The fact that the surface transformers and shifts and changes is genius, very IDW Phase 2 inspired. And the fact that Cybertron is a techno-organic hybrid world ala Beast Machines is crazy! I love that, and wildlife! I bet that's how we get the cassettes. The character models are great too, you can actually tell what emotion is happening on a person's face. Gone are the days of faces being made up of razor blades and mandibles BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT INSECTS FUCK YOU MICHAEL BAY. THEY'RE PEOPLE! There's the nose, the lips, the eyes, and I can tell where one begins and ends. The eyes are gorgeous and detailed, and the face surface detail has smuges, wear, specs of dirt, metallic texture. Like, you nailed it! It's a person but a robot, you got it!
We see what we assume are the 13 Primes, Alpha Trion being the only survivor, maybe they were killed by the Quintessons and they took over. D-16, a ref to IDW and his toys designation in the toy catalogue, he'll obviously name himself after Megatronus ala TF Prime. He seems to have the Decepticon insignia before meeting The Fallen so maybe Megatronus' face is some sort of religious iconography, the Primes are a religion on Cybertron after all. It's all so fascinating, I can't remember the last time I was so excited to learn more about a new TF continuity.
Orion and D-16 are both miners and or workers, that's a refreshing take, no coptimus here. They've suffered the same way together, I bet story will be about dealing with that pain, what justice means, how far one is willing to take it and where justice stops and injustice begins. I know people are mad that the origins are a little different, but I ask you, different from what? Which continuity are you talking about? TF has never had a consistent singular timeline, and that's what I love about this franchise! It builds on itself with each new continuity! Take a bit of the old, mix it with new ideas and create something fresh, then that old guard leaves and a new team takes over and does the same and the franchise continues to evolve or should I say transform. Like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get, and new incarnations always give second chances to improve apon what came before. No Reboots, no risks means no Skybite, or Nemesis Prime, no Stasis Pods, Sparks, Protoforms, Energon ore, no Star Saber, Hot Shot, Knock Out, Airachnid, no All Spark, no Sari, no Bulkhead, no old grumpy Ratchet, none of that. Reboots are a part of this franchise's DNA. I sense the people that are complaining are the people who only value one continuity and discard all others.
It's really neat this universe's version of The Cast System is lower class worker protoforms being denied a Transformation Cog, it seems like it's reserved for the higher classes, the very thing that makes their species special and unique is denied to them. Also I didn't notice it the first time, but Alpha actually pulls the t-cogs out of the dead Primes which kind of signifies a passing of the guard, the old Primes failed, now it's your turn, and of course history repeats itself with the downfall of Megatron.
I like how Trion is covered and intertwined with moss and vines and has a beast mode, showcasing that he's of an older era now gone and forgotten.
Some other smaller stuff:
The sun looks like a holographic simulation, which makes me wonder, Cybertron doesn't usually have a sun, but there's plant life now, so what's up?
The cave that the dead Primes and Trion are in kinda looks like a Dweller.
Megatron's black helmet is a ref to Marvel G1.
That spin kick where Elita twirls her entire waist around is sooo satisfying. I love it.
I think that's a good point to end on. So, yeah, v excited.
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nerdy-talks · 9 months
Obey Me! Nightbringer Lesson 23 sent me on an emotional roller coaster!
I have always been and always will be a massive Mammon simp. I love him. Genuinely and truly.
So when he said this :
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I felt terrible for him, I wanted to hug/hold him and comfort him so badly!!
Because that's not true at all! ; ^ ;
Mammon is NOT awful. He's never been awful. Just because he has "greedy" desires... That could be said of everyone.
Mammon is a wonderful, passionate person and a loving, caring brother. He has been my favorite since the very beginning because I could tell just how sweet and kind and pure he is deep down.
He deserves the very best. He is worthy of everything good in all three worlds!
I love Mammon, I will always love Mammon.
Then when he finally awakens...
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You can hug me as much as you want, any time you want, nonstop, please never let go! TwT
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I seriously was SO much happier with this pact scenario than in the OG.
I mean... in the OG, Mammon only wanted his credit card. So it seemed kind of... forced? Not special?
But this time! Making a pact with Mammon is special. It's meaningful. It felt right. In my opinion, it's perfect! Kudos to the devs for this one 💙
And it gets even better :
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I legitimately wanted to cry. I actually felt tears begin to form in my eyes, no joke or exaggeration.
Me.... special??? No.... No way.... Never.....
I know it's "just a game", but that hit me HARD! I took it personally, and it meant so much to me. Especially coming from Mammon (ಥ◡ಥ)
Forget the pact, where's our marriage certificate already?! lol
Anyway.... I was completely satisfied with this Lesson. I'm happy we made our pact with Mammon and how/why it happened.
Originally, I thought maybe Nightbringer would follow the OG in terms of forming pacts, which would mean that Levi was next.
But from how this lesson ended, it looks like Asmo is actually next! All I can say is.... I'm super excited for more 💙
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stuckytoyoulikeglue · 9 months
I've been wanting to get my thoughts on Steve's ending off my chest for literal years and I read something earlier that finally prompted me to write it all down.
This is entirely my own, personal, biassed opinion.
I do not want a fight. Or even a 'healthy debate', if I'm being honest.
If you don't agree, that's cool, just move along, nothing to see here.
Please don't be mean, I'm a delicate flower and I can't take it.
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So... Like most of the people I've come across in my preferred branch of the fandom, I didn't love Steve's ending.
Unlike a lot of people, I didn't actually have a problem with the end result, just the motivation behind it.
Chris was done, Steve needed to be written out, Tony founded the universe and deserved to be its ultimate saviour, so the best case scenario was to give Steve a happy ending. I'm glad he got a happy ending. I love him, I wanted him to be happy.
The exact same story arc, only without it being his choice, would still have given him the happy ending that Marvel presumably wanted for him. It would have given him the girl that got away, and the chance to finally live the life that he thought he'd lost, and all without betraying his character.
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I still think it was incredibly dumb not to leave him trapped in the past (and making the most of it) after returning the stones, rather than having him choose to walk away (from everything, but especially Bucky, no matter how you see their relationship), but one thing that I keep seeing posts about (some joking, but most not), that I do not get at all, is why so many people seem to think that everything else would have played out exactly the same, just with him as Peggy's hubby instead of the man she married in the MCU timeline (I'm not debating here whether that was Daniel or not).
Yes, Steve's character was damaged by his choice to walk away, but he's still Steve. He wouldn't have sat idly by and watched Hydra sink its claws into the SHIELD Peggy was building in front of him. He wouldn't have just left Bucky to stew in Siberia. We don't even know if he actually put down the shield for any real length of time.
After all, he didn't return to pass it on to Sam until he was an old man, and the shield he passed along was a different shield. Maybe it was a new one that was made for him after his old one was lost to the ice, maybe he had it made specially to give to Sam, who knows? But what we do know as a result, is that whatever happened in his new timeline, it was not the same as what happened in ours.
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Personally I choose to believe that Bucky lives next door, the Starks come round for tea most weeks, and everyone just dotes on ickle baby Tony, not least his dad. They're still in touch with the rest of the Howlies, though they don't get to see them as often as they'd like, and ideally Zola is rotting in a cell somewhere.
Admittedly, I'm not sure what I reckon happened to the original Steve from that timeline. Maybe he didn't survive the ice, maybe they defrosted him early and the two Steves started a rota for playing Cap so they both get a chance to actually have a life in between punching bad guys. Maybe he's living in sin with Bucky, pretending he's our Steve's identical twin brother if anyone ever sees them both at the same time. It doesn't really matter.
My point is that damn near anything could have happened in that new, mysterious universe, because the only certainty we have is that it was exactly like ours until Steve went 'back' to it, and it was definitely not the same as ours from that point on.
Butterfly effect and all, Steve's mere existence guarantees that it's different and, as I already mentioned, the shield that he gives Sam provides concrete proof of it.
Of course, I'm not saying things necessary played out any better. Maybe SHIELD didn't fall, but the governments of the world did. Maybe Steve saved Bucky only for him to be hit by a bus mere weeks after he brought him home to Brooklyn. But in no world did Steve sit there casually tossing a salad while fully aware that his brainwashed best friend was off to murder the president.
That is all (for now).
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PS. I love Peggy. I'm still miffed they cancelled Agent Carter. I don't think having her marry Steve in an alternate timeline takes anything away from who she was or what she built in ours. Her legacy is entirely intact in our world, and in another world she was doubtlessly equally kickass, she just got to have Steve too.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 8 months
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Endure V: Anniversary
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Series Synopsis: You and Eren Jaeger have been best friends since the age of two, but the two of you are destined for an inevitable tragedy. The world you have been born into is cruel; it is one where friends are traitors and enemies are allies, one where you find yourself doubting everything you've ever known. In this life, mistakes are fatal, and you must be careful, lest you make one too many.
Chapter Synopsis: One year after the fall of Shiganshina, you live with the Rals. You tell Tullia about your past, and a legendary figure makes a visit to give Petra some exciting news.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x Female Reader, Armin Arlert x Female Reader
Chapter Word Count: 5.0k
Content Warnings: swearing, canon-typical violence, sexual abuse (non-explicit), major character death, angst, original characters included
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A/N: if you don’t like petra sorry because in m1ckeyb3rry land we love petra <3
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Flowers for Mikasa, a blank journal for Armin, and your heart for Eren. It wasn’t much, but it would have to do. Tullia followed you patiently, holding Merry as you gathered your materials into a basket before setting out for the large pine tree on the hill behind the Rals’ house. Though it wasn’t the tree Eren had loved so much when you were children, it was as close as you could get.
Today marked a year since your friends and family had died at the hands of the titans. You had already paid your respects to your brother and parents with Petra’s support, and now Tullia was joining you as you went to apologize once more to your best friends.
In the past year, you and the blonde girl had become closer than you had anticipated. She was fun and bright, and she made you laugh again with her silly jokes and her biting sarcasm. You had been the one to ask her to come with you. You weren’t sure you could face the ghosts of your past without her soothing presence.
She smelled like lavender and the rain, and her voice was high and clear when she spoke, though she did not do so much. It was not out of any sense of shyness or anxiety; rather, Tullia did not see the point in filling silence with unnecessary noise. It was a quality you admired about her.
You had still not told any of the Rals who exactly Eren, Mikasa, and Armin were. You could tell they were curious, but they respected your privacy enough not to push. However, it had been a year. You resolved that today was the day you were finally going to speak of your childhood friends, if only to Tullia and Merry.
Laying the bouquet of purple campanula flowers at the base of the tree, you let out a deep, shuddering sigh.
“Mikasa,” you murmured, “Your favorite color was red, I think, because of that ratty old discount scarf that Eren gave you. But they say campanula flowers symbolize gratitude and, well, I’m grateful to you. You were my first girl friend. You let me braid your hair and you looked out for me whenever Oskar and the others wouldn’t leave me alone.”
You knelt on the ground in front of the flowers before turning to Tullia and motioning for her to sit with you. She did so cautiously, as if worried you were going to shatter just by her mere presence. Perhaps a year ago, you would have, but not now. Not anymore.
“She was like a mountain,” you informed Tullia, who listened with wide eyes, “Strong and quiet and steady and dependable. I once thought that I had had to save her, but in the end, she ended up being the one that usually saved me. A lot of people did that, actually. But she did it the second-most.”
“She sounds like a wonderful person,” Tullia said.
“She was. She was so wonderful, Tullia. She had long black hair and dark grey eyes, the kind that you would look into and feel like everything would be alright, because Mikasa was there and things didn’t go wrong when Mikasa was there,” you said, and though it was agonizing to think of the girl, you did not cry, not yet. You believed you had run out of tears a long time ago.
“I wish I could have met her,” Tullia said.
“I do, too. You two would’ve been friends, I think,” you said before pulling out the blank journal.
“Min-Min, my Min-Min. You were the smartest person in these walls. I remember how much you used to love writing and drawing, so I hope you can use this up wherever you are,” you said, placing it next to the flowers. You did not even look at Tullia when you started talking, because if you moved, you were afraid you would burst into tears. Maybe you hadn’t run out quite yet.
“Armin used to tell us about this thing called the sea. A giant body of water filled with salt. We all promised to go see it together, but now, they’ll never get the chance, so I’m gonna do it for them. Armin himself was quite like the sea, though, so I guess they got close enough. He was calm and peaceful and gentle. Whenever I was scared or tired, I knew he would be there to sit with me until I felt better.”
“He must have been a really great friend,” she said softly. A lump grew in your throat, and you stubbornly swallowed it down.
“Yeah, he was. He got bullied a lot, and we would always have to fight the people that bothered him off. One of them had a crush on me, actually. Oskar. He’s d-dead, too,” you said. Tullia made a sympathetic noise.
“Eren always got mad whenever Oskar would try to flirt with me. He said I deserved better than him, not that I ever really liked him to begin with. In Eren’s eyes, that didn’t matter. It was an offense for Oskar to even look at me,” you said, and a few tears slipped through, splashing onto the ground in front of you.
“Can you tell me about Eren?” Tullia said, gently placing a hand on your shoulder. Merry nosed his way under your hand, and you began idly stroking his head to distract yourself.
“Sure. He burned brighter than the sun. He was so passionate and determined; what he wanted, he went and got. We met when we were two years old. Actually, my earliest memory is of him saying my name, that’s how close we were. For all of his fire, he was actually quite easygoing. He played dolls with me and had tea parties and let me braid his hair, though it was far too short to really do anything much with,” you said, more tears making their way down your cheeks.
“He must have loved you a lot,” she said.
“He did. Oh, I don’t think anyone could ever love their friends as much as he loved Armin, Mikasa, and I. When we were nine years old, Mikasa was kidnapped, and I went to go save her. That’s how we met and became friends; well, after the fact, of course. Once I arrived at the cabin, I realized how in over my head I was. I almost suffered the same fate as she had, but then he was there. He killed two grown men for me — and Mikasa, too,” you added as an afterthought.
“He killed two grown men at the age of nine?” Tullia said in surprise.
“Yes, and I convinced Mikasa to kill the third,” you said offhandedly. You could sense the way she drew back, but you didn’t care. If you had to go back in time, you would do it all again. It was what those men deserved, after all, for what they had done to Mr. and Mrs. Ackerman as well as Mikasa herself.
“That’s...um, wow,” she said.
“I guess. It’s what we had to do, so it’s what we did. Dr. Jaeger was furious and scared, but Eren knew that it was either the kidnappers’ lives or Mikasa and I’s. He made a choice, and I believe it was the right one,” you said.
“When you look at it like that, then yeah, you’re right. I’m glad you were alright, at least,” she said after a moment. You shrugged.
“Suppose it was only delaying the inevitable, though, but agreed. Anyways, ever since that day, he only became more protective. He had always looked out for me, ever since we met, but after I almost died, he followed me everywhere. He was worse than Mikasa, even. To anybody else, it would be annoying, but I didn’t mind it, for the most part. He — he was my hero,” you said, “and that makes everything so much worse, because he died thinking I didn’t want him around anymore.”
“What do you mean, if you don’t mind me asking?” Tullia said.
“No, it’s fine. It feels kinda good to talk to someone about everything,” you said.
“I’m happy to listen for as long as you need it,” she promised, and you allowed a small smile to grace your face in gratitude before you remembered your final conversation with Eren.
“He wanted to join the Scouts, like Petra, only he wanted to do it to get revenge for humanity and see the outside world. I wanted to be a Scout, too, though not out of some grand ideal of needing to be humanity’s savior. I just wanted to be with him, to see him be happy and be there when he finally obtained his coveted freedom,” you started. She nodded encouragingly at you.
“He didn’t want me to go. He said he’d have to take care of me the entire time, and I was better off staying in the walls, where he thought I belonged, even though he hated people that accepted the walls as safe. I was so angry, I told him I didn’t want him to protect me anymore, ever again, and that was the end of it. Then Shiganshina fell, and he was either crushed by debris or eaten by a titan. I wonder if he thought of me,” you said, and against your will, you began to imagine Eren’s final moments alive. You let out a choked cry, and then it was as if the dam gates had broken.
You began to sob harder than you had thought it possible, your tears watering the soil as you heaved.
“Why did he have to go?” you gasped out. Tullia was silent, rubbing your back slowly as you ripped at the grass that grew where you sat in an attempt to make the world feel the same pain that was stabbing at your heart. How could he have left you all alone like this? The two of you were supposed to be best friends, but best friends didn’t scream and fight and yell at each other. Best friends didn’t leave each other.
No, Eren had never really been your best friend, had he? He was the sun and the sky all in one; he was the blazing blue of the summer solstice and the scorching gold of the desert sands. He set you on fire and held you, cried for you, saved you as you burned. It only made sense that he had died so young, for no being could ever be so bright and last. He was a strike of lightning, illuminating the world in a flash of hair-raising electricity and then vanishing forever, leaving nothing behind but the rumbling thunder of his sole mourner’s cries.
He had been everything to you, and now you were left to deal with the sorrow of his passing on your own. You had grown dependent on him, but he was gone now, and you needed to make your own light if you wanted to continue to see the world. Perhaps it would not be as brilliantly colored as it had once been, but it would be enough.
You wished you could tell him about all of these revelations. You knew he would be proud of you, because you had finally realized that you did not need him, had never needed him. You only wanted him. Oh, how you wanted him; he who had been ever constant in your changing world. Yet when you wanted him the most, you were cursed to never have him again. Such was the universe’s cruel humor, and you knew that whichever god was up there, playing with your lives like you and Eren once played with dolls, they were having a good laugh at this stroke of misfortune.
So, to spite them, you stood. You stood and faced Tullia; Tullia, who was here and now. Tullia, who had been there when nobody else had been. Tullia, who was alive and not dead, Tullia, who was kind and funny and cared about you, in some small way. She raised an eyebrow at you, and she did not comment on the way you determinedly wiped away your tears, nor on the way no new ones fell.
“Ready to go?” she said.
“Yeah. I’m ready,” you said, and you turned your back on the bouquet of flowers and the blank journal and the tear-watered earth and Mikasa and Armin and Eren and your childhood and Shiganshina. Merry bounded ahead of you, and a breeze blew your hair back from your face, exposing it to the world around you.
And so you laughed in delight. They were still with you, in the way the wind played with your hair and the flowers bloomed in all different shades, each of them your favorite, and the sun shone its rays on your face, lighting you up with warmth and gold.
Tullia did not question this development, perhaps understanding that you needed it, perhaps not understanding but trusting you anyways. She walked beside you, and when she gave you a devilish grin and asked you to race her back to the house, you eagerly accepted.
You both took off running, and she won, of course, but you were not upset. You fell in the grass and rolled down the hill, the world a blur of green and blue as the heavens and earth combined. For a moment, the hues mixed into a peculiarly unique shade of jade, and you knew he was saying I love you, I’m proud of you.
“You guys are covered in grass! Filthy beasts, Levi’s coming over to have dinner in two hours!” Petra shrieked when you and Tullia ran in, snickering.
“Oohhh, Levi’s coming! Did you hear that, Y/N? Levi’s coming!” Tullia sang.
“Levi with the burningly brilliant mercury eyes and the neat dark curtain of hair that falls perfectly in his face and the chiseled jaw and the sharp nose and the six-pack abs and the probably HUGE —”
“Y/N!” Petra cut you off, “Don’t you dare repeat any of that when he’s here!”
“Sure, Petra,” you agreed.
“You’re in a surprisingly good mood, actually. Did something happen?” she said, as if just noticing how you had seemingly woken up from a long dream. The curtains on your life had been drawn back, the window thrown open, and you were inhaling deep gasps of air like you would never breathe again.
“Just feeling like I finally let go of some things and was able to realize that it’s a beautiful day,” you said.
“Well, okay then, I guess. Good golly, though, you guys need to take showers or something, really. Get! Get! I will not have you embarrassing me in front of humanity’s strongest soldier!” she said, shooing you away in the direction of the bathroom. You and Tullia obliged, giggling as you ran upstairs.
You allowed Tullia to get ready while you gathered your clothes. You usually wore Tullia’s things. Luckily, both of you had similar sense of style, so you were able to continue wearing almost a carbon copy of your normal outfit, with a navy skirt, fitted white shirt, and a loose tan cardigan that Petra had apparently knitted some years ago. The only difference now was that you no longer tied your hair up. With the loss of your white ribbon, you no longer had the motivation to put it up in the childish ponytail of your youth.
Tullia usually dressed in a black turtleneck tucked into a light green skirt, a light grey cardigan, also knitted by Petra (apparently knitting was a great favorite hobby of the older girl), with her hair neatly plaited into two twin braids tossed over her shoulders, loose strands escaping in the front.
“You can shower now, Y/N,” Tullia said, exiting the bathroom wrapped in a towel. Grabbing your own towel, you ducked into the room she had just left. The water was already warm, thanks to her having showered before you, so it did not take you long to get cleaned and ready (to Petra’s great relief).
“Can you cook?” Petra said as you traipsed downstairs. You shook your head no, though Tullia nodded in affirmation.
“Yes, Pet, you know I can,” she said. Petra wrinkled her nose and flicked her younger sister on the forehead.
“Your cooking is gross, T. I was asking Y/N, but apparently she can’t. Okay, you two, set the table and then make sure the living room is clean. I have no clue what the Captain wants, but we can’t make a poor impression on him. He’s a notorious clean freak, so we have to be good about this,” she said.
“I’ll get the living room if you set the table?” you said. Tullia nodded.
“Deal,” she said, beginning to take out the silverware. You had never really understood the purposes and differences between the different forks and stuff, so you left that to your friend, grabbing a broom and sweeping. Back in Shiganshina, you had been just as likely to use your hands as you were to use a fork and knife, so the finer aspects of table manners were beyond you, try to teach you though Petra and Tullia did.
But cleaning was something you could do. Eren had idolized Captain Levi and, having heard that he was obsessed with being clean, often made you practice cleaning so that you were up to standard. You doubted that even the Captain was as strict as your friend had been, but either way, it meant you were well prepared for this moment.
You wondered what Eren would think of the fact that you were about to have dinner with the legendary Captain. He was a near-myth in most households: about fifteen years older than Petra (which led you to believe her feelings were not at all reciprocated and, indeed, somewhat more of a celebrity crush than anything else), he had joined the Scouts one day and boasted the highest titan kill count of all humanity. Titans were nothing compared to the man, and you were thrilled yet scared to finally put a face to the name.
Your first impression was that you had not been expecting him to be so short. He was really, really, really short. A little bit taller than Petra, but a couple of inches shorter than even you at eleven were. Still, he carried himself with the air of someone twice his size, and despite his small stature, you found yourself believing every single story you had heard about him.
He had a baleful gaze that made it seem as though he was permanently discontent with the world around him, and dark, bruise-like shadows painted the skin under his eyes. A frown was etched onto his face, which might have been handsome if he would smile more. You couldn’t really see what Petra swooned over, but to each their own, you supposed.
“Who cleaned the living room?” he said as you sat on the couches to have a drink before dinner. The Captain had requested tea, while you and Tullia would only have water. Petra was having her favorite, a carton of tomato juice that she sipped on through a straw.
“Oh, I did, sir,” you said, jumping to your feet.
“...good job. It’s not half bad, I guess,” he said with a nod at you. You were taken aback before nodding slowly and sitting back down, pride swirling in your heart. It seemed that all of the “cleaning training” with Eren had really paid off, for you had just been complimented by Captain Levi himself. Petra and Tullia seemed similarly in awe, staring at you with wide eyes. Petra shot you a discreet thumbs up, and you did the same back to her.
“So, Captain, what brings you here? Not that you need an excuse to be here! I mean, you can come whenever you want, my house is your house, plus you’re my superior officer so you don’t even need an invitation actually, anyways um I think I’m rambling, gee, I’m so sorry!” Petra said, stumbling over her words and promptly closing her mouth when Captain Levi turned his dull gaze to her. If you squinted hard enough, you could almost see a flicker of amusement flashing through his eyes.
“Just relax, Petra,” he said. His voice sounded bored, as if there were a thousand better things he could be doing with his time instead of drinking tea in the Rals’ living room.
“Right! Yes, sir, I will relax immediately!” she said, saluting and then decidedly not relaxing, sitting with her back ramrod straight.
“I’ve been looking for members for a new Special Operations Squad. You know Eld Jinn, Oluo Bozado, and Gunther Schultz?” he said, ignoring her obvious stress in favor of getting to the point.
“Yes, Oluo and I graduated together. He was the number two cadet in my division,” she said.
“If my information is correct, you were the number one,” Captain Levi said. This was news to you. You had always known Petra was strong, but she had never told you that she had been number one. Judging by the way Tullia’s lips had parted in shock, she hadn’t known either. Petra did not acknowledge your surprise, instead nodding at the Captain.
“That’s right, I was,” she said. No wonder she had been able to save you back in Shiganshina! She was seriously strong — stronger than everyone her age in the military.
“Good. I want you to join,” he said.
“Huh?” she said.
“The Special Operations Squad. I want you to be a part of it,” he clarified.
“Huh?” Petra repeated. You had a feeling she was in some sort of shock at the moment. After all, how often did one’s celebrity crush waltz into their home, call them strong, and ask them to join their super special squad? It was not a regular occurrence, which just went to show how truly exceptional Petra was.
“Are you going to do it or not? I can always ask someone else, but the truth is that I’ve heard quite a bit about you from your superiors, so I’d prefer to have you as part of my squad,” Captain Levi said in irritation. You leaned over and pinched Petra to break her out of her daze. It seemed to have worked, as she shook her head to clear it before enthusiastically nodding.
“Boy, would I ever! Yes, yes, yes! Wow, I can’t believe you picked me! Thank you, sir! I promise I won’t let you down! I pinky swear!” she said, saluting and offering the Captain her pinky. He looked down at it disdainfully before arching a brow at her. She turned bright red, but before she could retract her hand, he interlocked their pinkies and shook them.
“Okay. I’m holding you to that, Ral. You’ll get more detailed instructions later on, once the whole squad is together,” he said, untangling their pinkies and standing, “Now, I had best be off.”
“Oh, wait, we made dinner! You can’t leave without eating!” Petra cried out in dismay.
“It’s true. Petra made us get all of the fancy forks out and everything,” Tullia added.
“Yeah, I don’t even know what all of those forks are called, but we have them,” you said seriously.
“Hm,” Captain Levi said, politely pretending to not notice the glare Petra shot you and Tullia, “I suppose it would not hurt for me to stay for dinner. Very well, then. What did you make, exactly?”
“Mashed potatoes and vegetable soup!” Tullia said proudly, “Petra made the potatoes but mommy made the vegetable soup, so I would recommend you eat that because Petra is a terrible cook.”
“Tullia! I am not! Captain, I’m not a terrible cook,” she assured him.
“I see,” he said, though at this point, he looked genuinely bewildered as Petra and Tullia broke into an argument about which of them was a better cook.
“That’s just how they are,” you whispered to him.
“Is that so? And who might you be? I was only aware of Petra having one sister,” he said, turning to face you. Despite the fact that you were taller than him, it still felt like he was looking down at you. Besides, the difference in your height was not substantial enough for you to actually tower over him, and with the way he was humanity’s strongest soldier and twenty years your senior, he was an intimidating figure, tiny though he may be.
“I’m Y/N L/N. I’m not related to Petra, I’ve just been staying with her and her family for the past year. She saved me from the titans after the fall of Shiganshina. My parents and brother were eaten, though, so the Rals have let me live with them,” you said. Captain Levi’s face softened, and he reached up to pat you on the head.
“Poor kid. Well, at least the Rals took you in, but if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask me, okay? I think I kind of know how you feel, so...yeah. Whatever. Or don’t, it doesn’t matter to me,” he said, drawing away with a scoff.
“Oh, thanks, Captain,” you said.
“Uh-huh. Let’s go eat now, or the food will get cold.”
After dinner, where everything tasted perfectly decent, despite Tullia’s warnings, Captain Levi bid you all farewell before mounting his large black stallion and taking off, back to the Scout Headquarters, which was apparently where he had lived, seeing as that was the address he had given the family for if any of you ever had to contact him.
“CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?” Petra squealed as soon as he had vanished in the distance.
“I KNOW! YOUR COOKING ACTUALLY DIDN’T SUCK!” Tullia squealed back. Petra scowled and tackled her sister. They began to wrestle on the floor, once again arguing about who was better at cooking in between punches thrown at each other, although now, it was also interspersed with comments about how Tullia had embarrassed Petra in front of the Captain. Letting out a gentle laugh, you headed to the study, pulling out a sheet of paper and a pen, leaving the sisters to their brawl as you began to write.
Dear Captain Levi,
What is it like being a Scout? I think I want to join the Survey Corps. See, my friend from Shiganshina wanted to go to the outside world, but he died, so I’m going to do it for him. I don’t know if I’m cut out to be in the military, though, so I’m a little worried, but I have to try. You understand, right? I guess what I’m asking is if you have any advice. If anybody’s strong, it’s you, after all. Maybe one day, I’ll be your subordinate and in your super special squad. Well, I guess I had better not get ahead of myself.
From, Y/N L/N
Your response came a week later. You were only alerted to the fact because Petra came storming into the house, a ginger colored whirl of fury and excitement, depositing an envelope in front of you as you ate breakfast.
“Now would you like to tell me why Captain Levi himself is writing to you? You had best not be bothering that poor man, he’s far too busy to be dealing with the likes of you,” she said.
“Oh, he finally responded? Yay!” you said, ignoring the second half of her statement and ripping the envelope open in excitement. Petra gasped in offense at the way you had completely brushed her aside before peering over your shoulder to read what the Captain had written to you.
Dear Y/N L/N,
Being a Scout is awful. You can die at any moment. You probably will die. Your friends will die. Your comrades will die. Strangers will die. But if you survive, you will be strong, like me, like Petra, like every other Scout that continues to fight, even when things get hard. It takes a special sort of person to willingly put themselves into danger for humanity, time and time again, often with little to no reward. Your friend must have been a special person, then. Are you?
My advice to you is to avoid the Scouts completely, but, if you are dead set on joining them, as I expect you are, then I will tell you that no matter what, you must keep fighting. Strength, speed, intelligence, power: none of those matter when you are faced with a titan. They do not care if you were at the top of your class or if you barely passed. In the end, a meal is a meal, and they will kill you if you do not possess an incredible will to endure.
Endurance. The word has many meanings, but the one I refer to is “the capacity to last.” Do you have the “capacity to last” when the world has gone to shit around you? When you are surrounded by blood, both that of your enemies and of your friends, will you crumble and break, or will you rise to the occasion? Would you give up your very life if it was necessary? Would you give up your friends’ lives?
These are not questions I can answer for you. They do not even have correct answers, to tell you the truth. You must simply ask them and earnestly reflect on the answer. Only then can you know if you have what it takes to join the Scouts.
I hope that one day you are not my subordinate but rather my equal. Something tells me that you have what it takes. You endured the fall of Shiganshina. You endured the deaths of your family and friends. You endured Petra’s cooking (Petra, if you are reading this, I am only joking. Your cooking was perfectly lovely, and I would be delighted to partake in your mashed potatoes again). You will endure this, kid. It will take everything you have, and you might not even recognize yourself when you come out on the other side as the victor, but you will endure, and one day, you might just outdo us all.
Sincerely, Captain Levi Survey Corps, Special Operations Squad
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dominustempori · 3 months
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire - my takes, thoughts and stuff I kinda got wrong
1) First off: things I definitely got wrong after thoroughly enjoying the teaser trailer…
James Acaster = NOT OSCAR BARRETT. Snarky scientist employed by Mr Zeddemore? Yes, absolutely. Anyone else get a slight Alan Tudyk vibe from his character?
Secret Society? Well, kind of? Not late 1890s but STILL Victorian era. And, why exactly would these “Adventurers” want to release a revenge-bent ancient deity? Because they can? For that matter, did they maybe kidnap Nadeem’s grandmother, or steal the orb from her? There’s so much more to her story (and presumably her family/predecessors in regard to keeping Garraka’s prison safe and hidden) we don’t know about…
On that note, Garakka wasn’t trying to escape the containment unit, he wanted to release all the ghosts within it (that the guys had caught AFTER 1984? after Peck originally turned it off? Gil, more details and context please!)
But I DID get Patton Oswalt’s character right! Li-freaking-brarian! And the whole “under-library?”Totally borrowed from the Video Game (Special Archives level!)
2) Couldn’t help these ideas, they just popped in there…and sort of in order of the movie’s chronology:
-How EXACTLY did Walter “Dickless” Peck go from the EPA to MAYOR OF NYC?!
-Darn that final edit! I liked the bit with “overruled! sustained!” from Paul and Finn.
-Couldn’t Winston have helped fix up the firehouse a LITTLE more over the last, what 2 years? I mean, it’s a business AND a single family home now!
-Also guessing they hauled as much of Egon’s equipment, tech and books as they could from Summerville to Manhattan, right?
-Love Janine being back and as sassy as ever…but mainly throwing in one-liners for the sake of exposition? Which I got a kick out of, don’t get me wrong, but they could’ve gone a little deeper with her character, possibly? Guess I’m still not happy with how much of Annie’s scenes got cut in “Afterlife…”
-Glad Callie’s embraced her Ghostbuster heritage. And look at her piloting that drone trap! Boom!
-OMG Phoebe. I have ALL the feels for her moreso than before. 15, frustrated, feeling isolated…and upping the acerbic sarcasm to 11…then doing something that very well could be read as, maybe more than purely experimental?, at least in my mind (look closely…when she gets into that extractor, her heart rate drops to 42 bpm). And what if something went wrong with the timer?
-And OMG when Melody double crossed her…was I the only one who thought they’d kiss, maybe? Anyone else think of that plot device from the newer DuckTales first season? Just me?
-Or did the orb and wax cylinder give anyone Venture Brothers season 3 vibes?
-Or how the “open rift over the firehouse to the spirit world” idea totally made me think of new Doctor Who, season 1?
-Oh yeah, Kumail is a fire MASTER, and NOT a Fire BENDER!
Damn, I need a part 2 after all these pop culture mentions. I’ll pick this up tomorrow.
Peace out, Ghostheads!
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artistmonkee · 1 year
Hey! So sorry to bother you but I saw you were active and I am CRAVING young justice season one content so I just wanted to send In a couple of request
1) roy being like an older brother (but not actually related) to the reader and getting her to do dumb shit with him
2) Any of the original 6 x plus sized reader
3) Artemis x insecure fem! Reader
4) Kaldur x suicidal reader
5) any of the original 6 x reader with and eating disorder
6) m'gann x badass reader
7) dick x Abused reader
8) wally x self-harming reader
9) platonic original 6 and reader who's insecure
10) platonic original 6 and reader who's being abused
Thank you for your time and I hope to see your writing soon (also could you make the reader not have powers)
Young Justice members x plus sized!reader
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•I feel like Kaldur would love his s/o no matter what body type they are. In fact I think he enjoys having a plus sized s/o!
•I think naturally because he is atlantian he is naturally cold blooded so he's Cold all the time. He can mostly handle the coldness but sometimes he just really needs the body heat. Thankfully your there to provide him that (⁠◠⁠‿⁠◕⁠)
•I think he would be confused if you ever told him you were insecure of your weight (or looks for that matter) because he naturally finds you perfect and doesn't see anything of you that you should be insecure about (although he doesn't get why people would get insecure of something that's apart of them anyway) so he remind you of how perfect you are and it shouldn't matter what other people think. Then lightly scold you for thinking negatively of yourself.
"Kaldur? What are you doing?"
Kaldur looks at you from his position next to the fireplace. He blushes slightly from embarrassment of you catching him trying to warm up while having a heavy coat and warm sweatpants on. "Sorry. I was just trying to warm up." You chuckle at his apology and pat the spot next to you on the couch. "Come here, love." He shyly comes up next to you on the couch. He sits and you immediately pull him into you, wrapping your arms around him into a tight warm snuggle.
He tenses at first, but slowly eases into you and your warmth.
He wraps his arms around you and rests his head on your chest, taking in a deep breath and releasing as all the tension and aches in his body dissipates from all the missions he's had to do recently.
"I love you,Kaldur"
"I love you as well, s/o"
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•Like Kaldur he doesn't care what size you are, as long as you love him and shower him in kisses daily you're good!
•He shares his love of food with you. If you're a baker/ cooker, bonus points! You both could be in the kitchen cooking up all sorts of stuff just to make for a movie date or for a group hangout! It brings you closer together.
•Now don't get me started on if you were ever insecure and tried to cut back on eating. "I'm sorry I'm just not hungry." " … Who are you and what did you do with my s/o."
•But for real you try being insecure with this man and he will point out every flaw you thought about yourself and point out that it's an "imperfection" he loves.
"Hey! Those were my cookies" you joke as he stuffed his face with the cookies you just made. "I'm sorry! But they're just soooo good! I can't help that I love eating anything you make." You blush and wave him off to the lounge room where all the movie stuff was "Go pick out a movie for us while I get the rest of our snacks ready!"
He chuckled at your embarrassment but complied and headed to the lounge.
"Anything for you sweet cakes!"
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•Conner I don't think would even notice that you were plus sized because he really doesn't focus on appearances. As long as you accept him, he'll accept you.
•I think it would take him a couple of months into the relationship to realize that you get insecure about your weight mostly because he doesn't know a lot of things to begin with and is honestly new to most things in this world.
•So it would probably take him finding you crying in your room and you explaining why to him to figure this out.
•At first he wouldn't get why you would be insecure in the first place before realizing that this is similar to how he felt when Kent rejected him for being just a clone of him instead of accepting him as family (I resented Kent for awhile because of this(⁠눈⁠‸⁠눈⁠) )
•He would then comfort you by holding you and telling you you're perfect and you shouldn't change for anyone. Of course there are times you would do this for him after an encounter with Superman but that's for another time.
"s/o? Are you in here?" His eyes widen when he hears the cries and sobs of his partner coming from her bed. Immediately he rushed to the bed and pulled the covers from over you thinking that you were hurt.
He looks at your disheveled face and his heart breaks. He scans over you to make sure you're not hurt while you try to hide yourself from him, not wanting him to see you like this.
He sighs in relief not seeing you hurt anywhere. However, that doesn't calm his racing mind of why you're upset.
"S/o what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asks in worry, cupping the sides of your face so he can look at you. As he waits for you to answer he wipes your cheeks as the tears slid down them. Nervously you avoid eye contact and instead focus on the big S on his shirt. "I-I just…… it's just so hard. Everyday I go to school I get picked on for my size and I just can't help but look at the mirror and see how right they are about me. I can never fit certain clothes and some clothes that are supposed to make you look and feel good it just…. Doesn't" you stop as the tears well up and slide down your cheeks again, another sob threatening to come from your throat.
Conner's frown deepens as he hears this and it hurts to see how lowly you think of yourself when you're like a goddess in his eyes.
He can't help but see the similarities between you and him about being accepted. Whether by society or by someone close to you.
He slowly crawls into bed with you, gathering your sobbing figure inso his arms and bringing you under the covers with him. You instinctively curl into him for comfort and you feel his fingers brushing through your hair soothingly.
"You are the most beautiful person I have ever known. It doesn't matter what size you are, or what your skin color is, or what clothes you wear. All that matters is that your you and you should never change yourself for someone."
You sniffle as a blush comes to your face from the compliment. "Thank you, my love. You don't know how much this means to me. I love you."
"And I love you,s/o"
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Dick Grayson
•Listen, listen. Your big spoon. Now there is no secret that he wasn't exactly tall nor very muscular and there's no doubt that you were the tall one in the relationship (until he hit his damn growth spurt) but I would feel like he would try to be big spoon but give up and just let you hold him.
•I feel like he would spoil you rotten with gifts, whether if it's comfortable clothes, snacks, or desserts he would get it for you.
•He's very perceptive and smart so if you were feeling insecure or sad about how you look or about your weight he would know way before anyone else. He would listen to you rant and would try to do something about how you feel. If it's because of someone talking down on you then he would use the power of being a Wayne to his advantage. Full on pulling up at your school in those black van things and having Alfred come along (Because Alfred loves you because you always compliment his cooking and even give him pointers on things.) And put on a big scene of how you're his partner and if anyone messes with you he won't be afraid to do something about it.
•But if it's because it's how you're feeling on your own then he'll offer to do something like sparring or going on a jog with you to help you blow off steam and see if you wanna keep doing that.
"Hey sweets!" You turn at the sound of your nickname. Only one person calls you that…. "Dick?! What are you doing here?!" You question him as he casually strolls up to you and wraps his arms around your waste. "Oh nothing! Just wanted to pick you up today and take you on a date." You look at him, your eyebrow twitching with annoyance once you realize what he's really doing as you watch him side eye the girls and guys that were picking on you for your weight the other day.
"Dick!" you whisper harshly, trying to scold him for using his fame and popularity to intimidate and scare your bullies. And what's worse. Is that it's working.
You roll your eyes as he leans up and kisses your cheek before pulling you back to the car that he pulled up in. Alfred steps out and opens the door for you both. You then notice he is also eyeing your bullies. You feel yourself flushing red from embarrassment but don't have time to indulge on that as Alfred greets you before Dick pulls you into the car.
The door closes and you watch Alfred head to the front of the car. You turn your head to the little maniac you call your boyfriend and sigh.
"You know you love me." You can practically hear the smirk in his voice.
"I'm starting to question it now…" you pause. "But this is why I love you, dork" you chuckle.
He smiles lovingly at your smile and laugh and responds back.
"I love you too, sweets"
I am finished! Thank you for asking me to do this because I had a lot of fun writing this!
And I will work on Artemis and Meghan for a separate one. I will also do the rest of these and will hopefully get them done soon! And if you don't mind I kinda combined 2 and 9 because I felt like it and it kinda matched. I am a big girl so I know the insecurities that come with it (but Aphrodite is helping me overcome these insecurities so I am working on it).
Also do not be afraid to ask for more stuff in the future because I will gladly do them. I However do have school and clubs so I might not update as often as I would want to. And if you want I can draw you oc's for fandoms. Just ask and give me details of the characters that you want me to do and I'll do it.
Anyway imma hit the hay because it's 12 and I'm running on 5 hours of sleep and I have archery tomorrow!
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princessozera · 2 years
On love and immortality... (Diavolo)
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Summary; @boozye's original request here; how would the om cast react to MC not wanting to become immortal? My first submission to this prompt is Lord Diavolo and let me just say- Dia stans you might want to sit this one out.
GN! MC (They/Them, 3rd ppov)
Warnings for: MC's death, Diavolo's a bit o.o.c to make this work
Word count: 1.5k (Optional ending has light end of season 2 (ch 40) spoilers and is +585 words)
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Lord Diavolo has always known there wouldn't be much time with MC- time does not bend to the will of a king, and even Solomon had gotten lucky (unlucky?) with his immortality. Diavolo had done a good job of ignoring the elephant in the room until MC mentioned the death of a relative. What was a passing comment to them had been cold water down the prince's back, a nasty little thought that festered in the back of his mind and would soon follow him- even into his sleep. Diavolo hadn't let the thoughts affect his work, but MC noticed the change in him. When they tried to bring it up, they couldn't get a full sentence out before Diavolo blurted out, "I can make you immortal, you could stay with us forever."
Of course, it was so simple! Well, not "simple". Could Solomon recreate his potion or did MC have to become a demon? There was a story about a magic stone in the forest- Diavolo was so busy hashing out the logistics, it took him a minute to realize MC was grimacing. It had never occurred to him that they wouldn't want to stick around. His first thought was that they were unhappy; was it the Devildom? Was it RAD and the students? Was it him?
Diavolo didn't go home that night, talking with MC well into the morning. They liked the Devildom, they liked him, the brothers- nothing was wrong. They just didn't want immortality. They tried their best to explain; there's a comfort to knowing there will be an "end". No ghosts, no spirits, no after life and beyond. Just time spent to the best of their ability, and maybe a few good memories to carry with you in those last moments. Having a 'deadline' so to speak, made these moments more important.
MC didn't say anything when Diavolo turned away, brushing his hair to the side as he quickly wiped away a few stray tears. Instead they took his hands and told him about their dreams. Jobs they'd want to take, events they'd like to see, skills to learn. It wasn't the most in depth plan, wasn't world shaking and revolutionary, but it was what they wanted. Their piece of happiness. They mentioned specific moments they wanted to live with him and the brothers, laying out these moments right up to their death. Knowing that MC wanted him by their side until the very end mollified him and despite his reluctance, he promised MC to let them die human.
They had such a short future together in the grand scheme of things- so why had fate ripped it away? It wasn't supposed to end like this, MC was supposed to grow old, a head full of light hair and facing their end with loving friends and family- not these bulky machines, a cold room, and lacking the energy to hold their own head up.
The brothers were already stuffed into the room, and Diavolo couldn't hear most of what Barbatos was reporting to him.
"Accident... ruptured... escaped... can't heal..."
It meant nothing to him as he made his way to the bed. He stood where the others had parted for him, taking Mc's hand in his own. MC rolled their head to the side to look at him, running their thumb over his knuckles. Diavolo couldn't just sit here and watch them die, "MC, this isn't your time. You promised we'd have years together."
"Well I assumed we did, and you know what they say about assumptions." MC tried to joke, but their laugh came out a hacking cough.
"We can't heal you, but maybe we could-" Diavolo looks over to Barbatos, to Lucifer, but neither had an answer for him.
"Please MC, let us turn- " Mammon took MC free hand, begging. They all knew about MC's wish, and most put up a better fight than Diavolo had, but MC never budged. Even now, they still found enough energy to glare at Mammon and speak clearly.
"Don't. You. Dare." Mc couldn't hold this anger for long, and soon enough was pressing themselves back into the pillows. It seemed to take the last of the fight out of them, and with a final smile, they mumbled, "love you guys."
A long, monotonous beat filled the silence in the room. Mammon buried his head into the hospital bed, and Asmo held himself tighter, paler than his jacket. Someone was sobbing, but a siren's pitch had muffled Diavolo's hearing.
A handful of lunches and festivals, a couple more vacations. Maybe a date or two if he was lucky. Was that really too much to ask for?
It wasn't.
"Turn them." The room jolted back to life as everyone turned to Lord Diavolo, but no one moved further. "Didn't you hear me? Turn MC immortal."
"Lord Diavolo-"
"I won't ask a third time." Diavolo waves off whoever spoke, "Human brains can survive up to 3 minutes after death without severe damage. Revive them and fix this."
"Mc made it well known that they never wanted immortality," Lucifer warned. "Would you really be okay with them hating you?"
"They'll be mad for a while, but they'll have an eternity to get over it. Are all of you really so willing to let them go?" Lord Diavolo looks at each brother, and Barbatos in turn, and no one tried to lie. They wanted MC to stay around a little longer, and Diavolo had known them best. If he was really sure MC would forgive everyone eventually, they would tolerate a few years of hostile stares and cold shoulder treatment.
Lord Diavolo hadn't stayed for ritual, already having spent an entire day in the human realm he was quickly falling behind on the tasks he needed to complete before tomorrow. Barbatos stopped by the study to give an update on MC's status. Neither spoke about the dark circles under Barbatos eyes, hair disheveled, and posture ever so bent. Diavolo dismissed him for the night.
Lord Diavolo was in the student council room the next afternoon, preparing for the council meeting when the door banged open with enough force to crack the wall. He turns to smile at MC as they ran into the room, he'd rather see this face full of anger and hatred than the cold empty stare he saw yesterday. He didn't even care that this anger was directed at him.
"Traitors! All of you!" MC pulled out a chair to knock to the floor, but the magic was still new in their veins so they sent the chair flying instead. Diavolo couldn't help but smile; with this strength MC would be even safer in the Devildom than before. Mc didn't see it that way.
"Is this funny to you?" Mc made a move for Diavolo, but Mammon and Beel flanked them in an instant, holding them back. "You swore to me! You promised you'd let me go!"
"I did. And I kept my promise, but you didn't keep yours." Lord Diavolo puts down a stack of papers and gives MC his full attention. "'Let you die human'", were the exact words you made me swear, and I did. You died and came back, humans are resuscitated all the time. You, on the other hand, promised me years together. And I intend to get them."
"If you think you're spending another minute with me after a stunt like this, you're wrong." MC pulls themselves free from Mammon and Beel, glaring at each brother as they made their way back to the door, "As long as I live, I don't want to see ANY of you ever again, and that's an order!" They slam the door behind them as they leave, and the brothers buckle at the knees. They share a look of alarm, never having considered that they'd be ordered to stay away from MC. The stagger to their feet and look to Diavolo, all the confidence in his words from yesterday gone.
"Still sure about your plan?" Satan words dripped venom, already feeling dread building up for having agreed to this plan.
"I sure didn't hear any complaining yesterday." Diavolo goes back to organizing the files, undeterred by the scene that had just played out. "MC has never been able to hold a grudge for too long before, even when they should have. Their anger will fade as their human memories do, we just have to wait it out. They'll grow to be grateful for this gift, and will always have a place at Royal Academy of Diavolo."
Even if they wanted to, they couldn't regret it now, they had no way to undo the immortality. So during the meeting that no one was paying attention to, the brothers made their own plans; keep MC's room clean for them, don't touch their things. Leave gifts and notes in places they used to frequent and hope that one day MC would remove their command.
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Very very optional ending:
(Tone of the extended ending: You go low, I go to hell)
"Take me."
"MC, baby, take me out to dinner first." Thirteen didn't look up from the cup of tea she was stirring, having heard MC running here from the second they entered the cave.
"You know what I mean," MC storms over to stand in Thirteen's line of sight. They looked kind of cute like this, mad and winded, but the image was soured by the knowledge of something unnatural at work.
"I do, and I was planning to come see you later this week. Solomon tried to hide your death and resurrection," a quick pause to sip her drink, " but he hasn't quite mastered how to conceal life forces."
"I don't want to be immortal."
"That rings a bell, you might have mentioned it once or twice."
"Thirteen-" there was a warning in MC's tone, but Thirteen gestured for them to take a seat and took another sip of her drink. "You were always a funny one MC. No one could tell you what to do, no one could impose their will on to you. I like that."
"We had a deal." Pain from the betrayal leaks into MC's words, but the shaking hands accept the cup Thirteen offered. "I plan to see it through even if he doesn't. I never cared for breaking a promise. "
"Amen to that, but I hope you don't mind if I steal a few more minutes with you." A lie, but a sweet one for MC's sake. Even when humans willingly walk to their death, although it wasn't usually so literal, there is always a desire to extend the final moments just a little bit. "Any reason you came to me?"
"I figured that if you could take Solomon's immortality away, mine shouldn't be a problem. And you might be the only person that completely supports me having to 'leave'." MC doesn't drink the tea, but let's the cup warm their hands. They sat in silence for a few minutes, with Thirteen sipping and humming in peace before MC spoke up again. "... Will they try to hurt you for helping me?"
Thirteen snorts, and swallows her tea before she can choke on it. "MC, there are plenty of forces stronger than Lord Diavolo, and even stronger than that butler of his, in this universe. And I happen to be the guard to one of them- he isn't putting his hands on me no matter how badly he'll want to."
MC nods, clearly relieved, "That's good. Thank you thirteen."
"Really I should be thanking you. Why are so many people hell bent on breaking the natural laws?" Thirteen finishes off her tea and stands up, leading MC out of the room.
"Will they know I'm gone?" MC holds on tightly to the rope bridge as the wind makes it sway, finally recognizing where Thirteen was leading them. "Or will you have to tell them?"
"The pacts breaking is a pretty obvious tell. It won't hurt them, but they'll know immediately. That's probably for the best." Thirteen holds their hand out for MC to grab and leads them into the candle room. Reversing the spell would be easiest here, and it's one hell of a final view. Thirteen leads MC to the center of the room, giving their hand a squeeze before stepping away. "How do you want to go?"
"Dealer's choice. Can't be worse than the first time."
"Then I'll make it painless for you."
And with a swing of the Reaper's scythe, MC's vision goes to black.
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succ-my-coke · 1 year
Trigun Stampede ep 1
I gotta say that the first episode of this remake is really living up to my hopes and dreams. While a shall forever be disappointed that it’s not a full redo I’ll be content with this I think. I’m gonna talk about my thoughts/feelings/observations about the new series and what’s different so far. THIS IS NOT A SUMMARY
1. Vash - I’m loving his characterization right off the bat, he’s goofy, kind, and has his serious moments, pretty true to his original character. I do like however that he doesn’t seem as jaded(so far) because they seem to be portraying him as younger than he was in the original. His introduction of a batshit evil laugh was amazing honestly. I had some initial issues with his redesign but I think it meshes well with the character. His arm being addressed and then instantly being used to make a joke was great honestly, very on brand. I think it’s really interesting that they are having him be more actively involved with the plants and their upkeep unlike the original where he only interfered occasionally.
2. Meryl - so far I feel like Meryl has been changed the most. She’s much younger in this, it’s called out specifically that she just graduated from a fancy school and seems to be very naive. Nothing at all like the original character. She does have her stubbornness and morals which is good and I think her over all character here will mesh well but may not be as bad ass and the original Meryl. Her design though is kickass and very reflective of how young she is
3. Roberto De Niro - A new character! One that I have nothing to compare against! I think he’s really ingesting so far. Obviously very jaded and aware of the how bad the world is but Al’s has some sense of morals. He doesn’t seem to be a reporter that cares about leads to much but he does know how to throw his status around and use it to help out.
4. Knives - we saw very little of him in this episode but what we did see was pretty cut and dry evil. He’s got and evil organ and some control over the wildlife of the planet, using it to spy on his brother. I did like the larger emphasis on him attempting to have Rem be saved as well as them. His design is extremely interesting when compared to Vash’s. Knives completely seems to embrace his inhuman tech side while Vash is trying very hard to look human.
1. I found the pacing interesting for the first episode. There’s already some man ikr things being addressed such as the plants and Knives and their connection to Vash. The new series obviously isn’t shying away from these things like the original material did and it makes me wonder about how the plot progression is going to go.
2. I am likening all things being used, the setting of Jenora rock and the references to the city of Julai (July I believe) and the direct reference to the Bad Lads gang. Speaking of which I am truly excited for the possibility or brilliant dynamites neon to be animated in this way I think it would be spectacular on all levels.
3. The people of jenora rock are used in two ways I think. 1. To show that Vash is a good guy and not what he seems to be despite his bounty. And he’s known for things despite his crimes. 2. That while the legend of the humanoid typhoon is widespread the bounty is not common knowledge.
4. The design for the plants are completely new as far as we’ve seen. I’m looking forward to seeing how they are going to address the design of the plants themselves, the original anime made them seem a little more monstrous than angelic and the manga was more angelic that human so I wonder agent they will look like. I also can’t wait to see what the red plant means.
5. The entire scene where Vash is begging for a bullet from anyone already shows so many things. The first being that Vash is a complete goof. The second being that Meryl has a strong sense of involvement with things, unlike her mentor. The third being that people are willing to help him even with his bounty, this being shown by Rosa giving a bullet to him. Also the scene is a great call back to the first episode of the original anime where something similar happens with Vash in a tight spot with no bullets however he has no one to help him out there.
Overall I’m really pleased with the start of the new adaptation and I’ll see you all on the 14th for episode 2!
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