#my dad definitely was no Madoc
I love the Cruel Prince/Folk of the Air series so so so so so much, there IS SO MUCH ABOUT IT !! But one thing I continually keep thinking about which tears me apart is Madoc and Jude’s relationship. Tiktok keeps showing me art of them and it hurts me every single damn time.
He literally killed her parents but took her and her sisters in, and he was the *only* thing in the new world she had besides her sisters. The way she bonded with him in learning to be brutal, fighting.
This is a pivot haha but it makes me think of what Jamie Lee Curtis’ character says in Knives Out about her dad. Something along the lines of “to keep up with him or gain his attention, you (she) had to come up with your own language with him”.
How so many daughters have to find something that bonds them with their dad. How my own sister did everything she could to gain praise from my dad.
Jude needed Madoc. That’s all she had. Despite HIM being the reason her life was destroyed. Him being the reason she has to live in this world, be bullied and abused everyday, to fight and fight for her place and be constantly in a state of survival mode.
Knowing of his betrayal. Of the King. Of later, her. But still holding onto that.
It makes me think about how so frequently despite what our parents do to us we still, some part of us, wants their acceptance and love.
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ali1552 · 3 months
Honestly, I want to make an Ode to Madoc.
As an editor, I think he really sums up a lot of the reasons why I love Holly’s writing so much.
(I’m going to yap for a while, but he deserves it.)
We’ve got the classical folklore call-to-arms: an ogre breaks into your home and slaughter your parents. What’s left for you, if not revenge?
Then realism, even in a folk world: you’re five, how the fuck are you supposed to avenge them?
- Then, a personal touch to make it even more scary: he’s not an ogre, but a redcap. He bathes his cap into his enemies’s blood. That’s how scary he is. Thanks to Shrek and other tales, Ogres aren’t that scary in the mind of a reader. But a redcap? Yeah, that’s creepy.
But redcap, or ogre, Madoc is the masculine traditional man, with it’s pros and cons. (I really don’t want to make this political, but he kinda is?)
If he were more logical, less violent, he wouldn’t have killed their parents. At the same time, was he a little less honorable, he would have left the twins there. They were toddlers, they would have died somehow.
Bringing them to Elfhame and glamouring them would have been a sign of weakness, because they’re not his problem, but he couldn’t kill children (I’m kinda sure he would, at least before becoming a dad).
Raising them himself is the true show of his character. He thinks of it as a punishment for himself, to pay back for his crime, but in reality it is just a second crime. Not only I’m sure he enjoyed it, but the ones who actually suffer from it are the twins, again.
Was he a little less self-centered, less focused on a world made of honor and punishments, he would have found them an accommodation in the mortal world. Or at least care enough to notice what they were going through.
But he didn’t.
And in the end, the murder wasn’t Jude’s inciting incident, but Madoc’s.
For Jude, it’s her childhood. And even if she spent her childhood in the magical kingdom of Elfhame, having a fucked up childhood is so much more relatable and realistic than avenge-your-parents kind of motive.
Back to Madoc, his “punishment” is simple: he will see his children amount to everything he dreamed for himself, basically every parent’s dream.
But since he is a very fucked up parent, he hates it.
To sum up my yapping, Holly manages to mix enough fantasy elements to make us dream, with enough realistic elements to make us see and feel them.
An ogre breaks into your home, slaughtering your parents. How does he feel about it? Will he be a better parent?
But there is no such thing as the better parent. Parents are by definition the most morally grey characters: if they’re good, they’ll do their best.
But that isn’t always the best.
So Madoc, the murderer, the ogre, becoming the parent is absolutely genius.
And it’s also why I’d dying to see Jude as a parent!
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adonis-koo · 2 years
Book Review: Folk of Air
I cannot believe it’s taken me this long to write this but I felt like I’m order to review the books, I wanted to read all of them before I gave a review! (Mind you I’ve read the main trilogy but I’m aware there are two complimentary novella books that I’ve yet to read, so I will not be touching on them.)
There was definitely aspects to this book that I absolutely adored, one of those things are surprisingly the first person POV, I feel like anyone who’s been on my blog for awhile probably knows by now that I’m not a fan of first person stories (particularly in the YA genre for many reasons) but I adored Jude’s narration.
Her grapple with feeling powerless and wanting power had me right there with her, on the edge of my seat rooting for her even in her worst moments, her powerful declaration of becoming worse then her enemies if she couldn’t be better. Willingly positioning herself to make herself stronger. But more then anything, I personally enjoyed the fact that Jude doesn’t try to justify her actions.
She’s very aware of what she’s doing, she knows her actions are heinous from the very moment she joins the Court of Shadows. It was such a slow trickling water fall of disaster honestly, I loved the slow build up in the series of Jude’s lust for power, first starting with the gias to not be charmed, twisting into grappling for the crown and eventually taking Cardan under her control.
Not only this but her sheer determination to do something was thoroughly enjoyable to read and watch unfold, even when she lost the battles or took the hits, watching her grit her teeth and her back up was easily one of my favorite aspects of her character (also her pure spiteful nature deeply resonates with me so maybe I’m biased)
I was also highly enjoyed her complex relationship with Madoc which was tainted from the very moment the book started. Him murdering her parents and fostering her and her sisters. The constant push and pull of their relationship and going from family to enemies.
Cardan was also a very fun character to read! While he was indeed cruel in the first book. There was just something so charming about his delivery, the longing stares that are filled with both yearning and anger. Not only that but the way he transitioned into enjoying his position as the king in the second book.
‘kiss me again, kiss me until I’m sick of it’ 😵‍💫
There’s so many things I enjoyed about this series, but out of all of them, I somehow really enjoyed the first book the best, watching Cardan and Jude continuously attempt to one up each other on pranks, and it eventually leading to her killing his best friend was just…🤣 horrendous but somehow amusing (granted she didn’t kill him to spite Cardan but you get my point)
But while I enjoyed this book, now that I’ve read the main trilogy I can’t help but wish there was more too it. Holly did an amazing job on some aspects of this book, but there were others I felt that severely lacked.
(I would also just like to state that these are my feelings and opinions and that while I feel it’s shame, I still believe it’s a great series to read!)
A lot of the characters felt very one demisonal to me, and maybe it’s because I’m a writer and reader who enjoys character relationships, I feel like they really make the story great, a great plot helps, I feel like strong we’ll rounded characters count the most. There’s more then plenty of examples.
The first being Jude’s sisters, Taryn and Vivi. We know them but at the same time we really don’t. Vivi was the one who swore to never forgive Madoc and so I assumed she would play a much bigger role in the series then she did, she’s a typical eldest rebel child who is, at most, a minor annoyance to the dad. I was really hoping we would see more of her pain and anguish against Madoc for murdering their parents (as she was the oldest and probably remembers it the best). But the most we see is a lack luster character who kinda remains me of a sassy Y/n from a draco x reader fanfic on wattpad.
(I’m writing this at 2 in the morning with only four hours of sleep so please bare with me)
We do get to see more of Taryn’s side of things during the first book, but once Jude decided to join the court of shadows, all bets are off, and so I felt like that would’ve been a good jumping off point to dive into the riff and feelings of alienation from her sister. But alas, that wasn’t really there either.
We also have Orianna, she first read as “the ugly step mother” trope but turns out she is just a very mild version of it and only to Jude due to how rebellious she is, and I once again would have loved to have seen their relationship played out in more detail.
The last character is unfortunately Cardan, and listen I LOVE him, I truly do, but I feel like we as the reader, don’t know much about him. I find it a bit odd that despite having two books titled after him, there really isn’t many scenes in the story with him in it, not only this but at the end of book one, he becomes the pentacle of the whole plot.
So I feel as though he should’ve been more included in scenes or had more then he did, and furthermore, their relationship. I went into the book knowing the romance was a subplot, but when the feelings are that conflicted by book two…😭 I’m sorry but it felt like it really should have been more at the forefront of the plot.
My policy with writing is “show don’t tell” so while I know Jude was conflicted with her feelings for Cardan is was shown so little that it felt only a little forced, especially given their lack of scenes together. And listen I’m not advocating for more romance. But moreso advocating for better tension, it the conflict is brought up during narration a lot but we don’t see it in action during the scenes except for a few times throughout the whole series. I feel like telling that side of the plot rather then showing it really didn’t help it’s case.
Cardan has some very memorable lines he says to her but it was difficult to really feel into it because they really only have about four scenes in the whole trilogy where there is tension of feelings involved. And if Cardan was a side character this would have gotten a pass, but he isn’t, he’s the main supporting male in the series that is at the center of the plot. Objectively, it all would’ve felt a lot more seamless to me if the conflict was more present in the plot then it was. This wouldn’t have required a lot of changes imo, just more dialogue between them with the right wording in any scenes and it wouldn’t just have to be them.
My point being it could have been worked better into the main plot that takes center stage.
I don’t want to be too harsh on the series of course! I still enjoyed reading it! But there was definitely some unmistakable flaws in the story that are difficult to forget. Publishing houses can be picky with word count so maybe a lot of things had to be edited out to fit a word count. It really seems that way because there’s so many characters and so little time to go into depth about all of them.
That isn’t to say it’s neccasary to go into depths with all of the characters but a heart to heart conversation between some and Jude would’ve done them a lot of favor in making them more fleshed out. That’s really my biggest let down with the story, so many characters have potential but a lot of them fell very flat. Another example being the gang at the Court of Shadows. We were introduced to Roach, Ghost and Bomb but hardly got any screen time with any of them during book 1.
But I wanted to wait for judgment on that because I thought we’ll maybe this is just setting the stage for book 2, and while in a way it very much was. We still didn’t get to see much of their side of things or really see them build any relationship with Jude.
In closing I definitely see the appeal of the Folk of Air series, it was very captivating and I thoroughly enjoyed the plot of Jude’s rise to power, the grapple to control it and her fall from grace. The ending was very nice! I was really curious to see how Madoc’s ending would play out as he is an integral character to the series but up until the moment I couldn’t see any other ending for him aside from dying by Jude in someway. I really enjoyed the plot twist of exiling him to the mortal world!
Even more so I loved that the series started in the mortal world and it ended in the mortal world with the final toast to scheming good schemes. All in total I’d rate the series a
⭐️ 3 out of 5 ⭐️
If you have any book recommendations you’d like to give or her my thoughts on please let me know down below! 👇
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Can you do Madoc and grima mog?
GVSKFJFKSKS GRIMADOC I– this ship sent my soul into orbit. completely unexpected, and i actually don't hate it at all. what is this madness 😂🙈 anyways, thank you for enlightening me this fine friday afternoon.
who reaches out to new neighbours?
Madoc. definitely Madoc. while he is slightly less intimidating and has operated under the High King's Court etiquette for decades, Grima Mog is feral and keeps chunks of dead people in her fridge. absolutely no contest.
who remembers to buy healthy food?
Madoc. Grima Mog would live off the neighbours if no one was there to stop her.
who remembers to buy junk food?
Grima Mog. her second favourite food behind blood is honey.
who fixes the oven when it breaks?
Grima Mog. Madoc has grown up with servants at his beck and call. wouldn't bother himself with something so menial. Grima Mog seems the type to know how to get her hands dirty.
who waters the plants/feeds their pet(s)?
Madoc. safe to say he has more of a parental streak than Grima Mog. and i'd like to believe Madoc is absolutely a plant mom/animal dad.
who wakes up earlier?
Madoc usually. he's more consistent with his sleeping schedule anyway.
who makes the bed?
Madoc. needs things orderly or he'll lose it.
who makes the coffee?
the servants probably lol. but barring them, then Grima Mog. Madoc doesn't seem the type to give himself over to any sort of addiction/dependency.
who burns the breakfast?
Madoc. spoiled baby. Grima Mog could make a decent breakfast from a shrubbery if you asked nicely.
how do they let each other know they're leaving the house?
slamming the front door really loudly and hoping the other one hears.
how do they greet each other when the other gets home?
sneak attack that turns into grappling and whoever draws first blood says "if the enemy leaves a door open, you must rush in" or some other bullshit Art of War quote.
who brings home little gifts like flowers/chocolate more often?
Grima Mog. but it's deffo not flowers or chocolate. more like weapons and war strategies. the occasional wood carving makes it in there too. like our Jude, she's very skilled with a blade.
who picks the movie for movie night?
Grima Mog. good thing they both have exactly the same taste in films.
their favourite kind of movie to watch?
the blood and violence kind.
who first suggests a pillow fort?
Oak. it starts off innocently, then turns into a full-fledged battle camp with opposing sides and takes over the whole house a la that one episode of Community.
who builds the pillow fort?
both of them. but they start on opposite sides of the room and race to "occupy territory" 🙄
who tries to distract the other during the movie?
neither. they're both too disciplined for that, especially regarding something so exciting as blood being spilled on a battlefield.
who falls asleep first?
Madoc. he's more on a regimented schedule than Grima Mog.
who is the big spoon/little spoon?
they both sleep lying on their backs, straight as boards, one hand on their bed blades. so it's more like big knife/even bigger knife.
god this was so fun, thank you 🖤
give me a ship and i'll domesticate them!
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What if Locke snuck into Madoc’s bedroom instead of Taryn’s
Locke felt a chill running down his spine. After all sneaking into Grand General’s stronghold without getting caught is no mean feat! Stars flickered, the sweet scent of roses was floating in the air. The breeze was as warm and moist as sin. That night the boy turn into a brave knight from a ballad, a fearless knight going to save a fair maiden from the clutches of a genuine monster. Locke was definitely no fighter, so instead of sword he wielded just a beautiful lyre. Wasn’t it a weapon enough to conquer the girl’s heart and pluck the red flower of her virginity?
The lad looked up and grinned, noticing the balcony door was open. Locke climbed a blooming apple tree, hopped on the balcony and snuck into the spacious bedroom. Liriope’s son raised his brows, pretty surprised with severity of the chamber he found himself in. How could ladylike, gentle Taryn live in this cell, lacking in any decorations, except from banners and two sabers on the wall? There were a very few pieces furniture in the chamber – only a carved wooden closet, a bedside table, a massive mahogany desk and a chair that looked pretty uncomfortable. In the middle of the room there was, four-poster canopy bed. Locke looked again at the crossed sabers. It isn’t Taryn’s room! – He realized. It’s Jude’s! He couldn’t have committed  a luckiest mistake! The boy smiled to himself, took the lyre off his back and sat on a wooden chair. Yes, it actually was extremely uncomfortable. That was Jude all over! Beautiful, full-figured Jude, anxious to become a knight and willing to get used to harsh conditions.  Locke looked at the bed with amused indulgence. He wouldn’t have guessed dainty Jude snores so loudly. Liriope’s son uttered a mirthful laughter then hit the strings with his fingertips and began to sing.
Oh lady fair, daughter of clay
I came to wash your tears away
A slave enthralled with your bright eyes
Effulgent lips and well – shaped thighs.
I came to sweeten this lonely night
Aching to hear your lovesome sighs
Leaving behind all of my shame
I came to taste you, oh my flame.
The canopy billowed, Locke shivered with excitement. Just a little while and he’ll have one of Grand General’s precious daughters in his arms. The boy was glad that instead adorable mellow Taryn he would taste fierce, hard-hitting Jude, as tart as sour cherries. What a lucky mistake – Locke thought once again. He couldn’t have been more wrong!
From behind the curtains emerged a tall man of sturdy arms and tousled fair hair. His gaping nightshirt revealed countless scars on his broad chest, his golden, split-pupiled eyes were glinting like the sharpest of blades.
“Are you fuckin’ crazy?” – Madoc yelled, getting right up to Locke in a single bond. The boy tried to draw back,  making the Grand General even more furious. At the drop of a hat Madoc whipped Locke’s beautiful lyre off the boy’s hands. “How dare you break into my house in the middle of the night willing to solicit me, you pervy little shit!” – The redcap growled, taking a swipe. Locke sprang back, spun around and make a step towards the window. The Grand General followed him. “Have you no shame? I am married!” – Madoc exclaimed, “Married! Married!” – He gnarred, swinging the lyre as hard as he could. Locke, startled and panicked, apparently had stumbled the way to get out of Grand General’s bedroom. “Married!” – the redcap cried out, “And the fact that my lawful wedded wife went to see her mother does not entitle you to seducing, I mean harassing me!” This time Locke failed to avoid Madoc’s strike, the lyre hit his head with a thud.
“I’ll teach you a lesson you’ll never forget, you no good layabout!”- He exclaimed, hitting Locke again and again. “I swear, you’d never feel like breaking into decent people’s abodes and molesting the master of a house again!”
“Have mercy, Lord Grand General, Have mercy!” – the boy squeaked. “Trust me, forcing myself on you was the last thing I wanted! I came to visit your daughter Taryn!” Madoc froze, as though he was  stricken lifeless with a thunderbolt. Taking this opportunity, Locke  dived through the window and scampered off into the night. The Grand General sighed and picked up a sheet of paper that had fallen out of the boy’s pocket. To his displeasure, Madoc recognized his seal and Taryn’s handwriting.
“You have a son, you watch the son. You have a daughter, you watch the entire neighborhood”, - the redcap sighted and headed forward Taryn’s bedroom. It was with a heavy heart that the Grand General knocked at the door.
“Give me a second, I’m coming,” – the redcap  heard his girl’s sweet voice. Thank gods you’re not, -Madoc thought, not without malice. After a while Taryn, flushed and wrapped in her far-too-fancy dressing-gown, showed up at the door. She looked every inch a demure young lady, yet the Grand General was not that easy to deceive, at least not after he had heard Locke’s stupid, dirty song.
“What’s the matter, Dad?” – Taryn asked, innocently fluttering her eyelashes. The Grand General said nothing, just showed his daughter the letter.
“You have understand, Dad, that I am not a little girl anymore. And I can’t help I’m pretty popular with boys,” – She chirped.
“Yes, I agree, you aren’t a baby girl anymore, so you must be aware you put your good reputation at risk. You can also guess your mother and I don’t want our daughters to become an object of either derisions or malicious gossip. You ought to leave the Isles of Elysium for some time, I mean until the rumors die down,” – Madoc said matter-of-factly. To his delight the mortal humbly hung her head in shame. Corners of his mouth curled in a smile – it seemed like Taryn, essentially a good girl, realized her mistake, but the truth was the young woman lowered her gaze so that her father wouldn’t see immense relief written across her face. A trip to a foreign court? Is it actually a punishment?  - She though, surprised. He’ll probably send me to the Court of Termites, where I will be dancing at revels, dally with fairy knights, and most of all, Jude is not going to spoil my fun.
“Where am I supposed to go, Father,” – She asked with anticipation, hoping Madoc won’t hear happiness in her voice.
“Can't believe you’ve actually asked me this question, Taryn,” – the Grand General raised his eyebrows, “Of course you will head over to the Court of Teeth where your aunt will start teaching you the military arts and battle strategies. Admittedly Grima Mog doesn’t agree with many of my views, but she’ll certainly help you get this Locke boy out of your head and in your spare time, she’ll teach you how to cook.”
“Say what?” – Taryn exclaimed. “Anything, please, anything but that!”- She cried out.
“It’s already settled, my girl. Tomorrow you’ll pack up and go to the north. Off to bed, you need to get some sleep now,” – He said crisply and departed with the feeling of a well-completed duty.
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thewickedkings · 3 years
Between the Two of Us ~ Chapter 10
Masterlist || AO3 ||  Previous Chapter || Next Chapter
Summary:  Jurdan High school AU. Rivals Jude and Cardan are forced to partner up  for a history project, and drama ensues. Filled with banter, pranks, an unhealthy amount of pining, and Jude being clueless as usual.
Trigger Warnings: Mild cursing. Please let me know if there’s anything I missed!
A/N: This chapter is even longer than the last one, at 4k words. Also, you’re welcome in advance.
That Sunday was one of the busiest at the café. Students were streaming in to work on all their assignments before Thanksgiving break, and by the time they caught a break, Jude was out of breath.
“Damn, I don’t think it’s ever been this busy,” Lili said, wiping her forehead.
“No wonder no one else wanted this shift.”
Lili groaned. “I have to go home and write not two, but three essays. I know I shouldn’t have procrastinated, but it was my birthday week.”
“I’ll help you edit them if you want,” Jude offered. For some reason, she actually enjoyed editing essays, and Lili had definitely taken advantage of that in the past. “And you know it’s called birthday, not birth week,” Jude snarked.
“Shut up, Ms. I-made-googly-eyes-with-Cardan-all-night.”
“I did not.”
“Yes you did. Now please tell me what happened, because I know something did. The sexual tension when you guys came back down was disgusting.”
Thankfully, Jude was saved by a customer who had walked in. But Lili was stubborn, and after Jude took her order, she pressed, “Nope. Spill.”
Jude grimaced before recounting the incident, which she now referred to in her head as ‘the bathroom incident.’
Lili gasped comically. “Oh my God. Cardan has more game than I expected. Kissing your thumb after band aiding it? Hold on.” She called out the customer’s name, leaving the drink on the counter, before returning. “Damn, that’s smooth.”
Jude groaned. “I know.”
“Wait, did anything happen when he drove you home?”
Jude blushed even more as she remembered the drive. They had been bickering as usual, as if that could stop them both from thinking about the increasing tension between them.      
And then the silence they’d both been avoiding like cowards descended. The painful, awkward as hell silence.
By the time they got to her house, Jude was anxious to get out of the car. She reached for the door handle right as Cardan spoke, staring straight ahead. “So we’re really not going to talk about it?”
She froze, not expecting them to address it. “Talk about what?”
“Cardan,” she mimicked, and he rolled his eyes.
“Fine then.” He pushed his door open at the same time as Jude.
“What are you doing?” “Walking you to your door.”
“I can walk to my door by myself.” Her foot caught on the edge of the sidewalk, and she’d stumbled before righting herself.
“Righttt,” Cardan drawled and followed her up the sidewalk.
She ignored him, pulling out her keys and unlocking the front door. “Okay, you can go now, loser.”
“Weirdo,” Cardan said.
“You’re a weirdo.”
Cardan snickered. “Nice comeback.”
“Shut up.” She felt his gaze on her back and was thankful for the dark, because she was blushing for no reason.
“You shut up.”
They both snickered like the immature idiots they were, and Jude knew she had steered clear of the conversation for now.
When Cardan reached his car, he hollered. “We’re going to talk about it.”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” she hollered right back.
Cardan just grinned. “See you tomorrow, Duarte.”
Her expression must have been doing something weird at the memory, because Lili snorted. “You’re in deep shit.”
“What am I supposed to do?”
“Um, maybe first off, actually admit you like him?”
“I do not.”
The Bomb raised her eyebrows.
Jude groaned. “I can’t like him. Not him of all people.”
“But you doooo,” the Bomb sing songed. “You and Cardan are in-”
“Lili, I will not help you edit your essay if you don’t shut up right now.”
She went silent immediately. “That’s just cruel.”
Jude grinned. “So… how’s Van?”
Lili glared. “You’re not subtle at all.”
“I wasn’t trying to be.”
She wiped down the counter, silent for a beat before she sighed. “Fine. He’s just- I think I need to move on.” Jude opened her mouth to interrupt, but the Bomb continued. “I know what you’re thinking. Yeah, I think he likes me like that, but I don’t know… he’s always so skittish when I try to take things further. And I don’t want to ruin things between us.”
Jude knew there was more to the story, but before she could say anything, a group of girls entered the café, and Jude had to take their orders. She dismissed it, figuring she’d bring it up later.
Jude didn’t see Cardan at school the next two days. Meeting her college application deadlines took up most of her time, and before she knew it, it was Thanksgiving Break. Vivi came home from college, and suddenly their house was much more lively than usual.
Before Thanksgiving dinner, Vivi stomped into Jude’s room and shut the door behind her. “I know I haven’t visited much, but what’s going on between you and Taryn?”
Jude pulled out her headphones from her ears. “Why don’t you ask her?”
“That’s what she said too!”
“Viv, just leave it.”
“Well, you’re going to have to figure it out, because even Oak’s annoyed at this point.”
“He is?”
“You are all idiots,” Vivi mumbled on her way out of the room, before popping back in. “Oh, by the way, I think your mac n cheese is burning.”
“Shit! Why didn’t you say that first?”
Throughout dinner, Vivi proceeded to force Jude and Taryn into conversation. The ease at which Vivi slipped back into their dynamic was uncanny after so many months away, but Jude supposed that was the way with family.
Madoc and Oriana carried the turkey to the table while Jude prepared for the grand reveal. Oak bounced in his seat in anticipation of what had becomes Jude Thanksgiving tradition. When Jude pulled back the foil to reveal her mac n cheese, it looked perfectly fine. Except for unmistakably charred edges
Taryn snorted. “It’s definitely better than last year’s.”
Jude cracked a grin. Maybe there was something to say about Thanksgiving in bringing the family together.
Jude spent the end of the break hanging out with Lili, Van, and Garrett. The weird energy between Lili and Van was palpable, and Jude instinctively looked for Cardan to raise her eyebrows at before realizing he wasn’t there. Cardan had texted that he was busy with family stuff on the group chat, and Jude couldn’t help but wonder if he was avoiding her. Logically, she knew she was being self-centered and he probably was busy, but the thought stung more than it should have.
Monday came far too quickly, and Jude rubbed her eyes as she walked to her first class, bumping into the last person she expected to see: Locke. For the past few weeks, she’d been messing with him, but not too obviously that he would suspect she knew about what he did. Her revenge plan was still brewing, but until then, she could have some fun.
She and Lili made a game out of replying to his texts with the weirdest responses, just to see how much he could take. Her favorite was when she had ‘accidentally’ sent him a picture of two tampon boxes, asking which one she should get. When he had responded with a ‘whichever one fits??’ Jude had exploded with laughter before clarifying that it wasn’t meant for him, except that it definitely was.
When she’d asked him if he wanted to come to dinner to meet her sister and her parents, with an emphasis on her dad, he had avoided her for the next two weeks.
Which made it even harder to control her laugh when his face paled when he saw her. “Sorry, I’d better get going. I’m going to be late.”
“Right. Let me know if you can make it to dinner. My dad really wants to meet you.”
Locke practically tripped as he ran away from her.
“Damn, Duarte, what did you say to scare him?” Cardan’s familiar voice drawled out from behind her, and a grin escaped her lips, a small part of her relieved that he sought her out. She hadn’t realized how ingrained he was into her routine until she hadn’t seen him for a week.
His pace matched with hers until they were walking side by side, falling into their familiar groove.
“Just mentioned how much my dad wanted to meet him for dinner.”
Cardan grinned and handed her a cup full of coffee.
“What’s this for?”
He rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry. It’s black. I don’t know why you would willingly drink that, but you do you.”
“Yes, okay, but why’d you get me coffee?”
“Consider it me paying you back for accidentally spilling your coffee that one time.”
“Accidentally, my ass.” She frowned at her cup. “It’s not poisoned is it?”
“Fine. If you don’t want it, I’ll find some other psychopath who likes black coffee.”
Jude hugged her coffee protectively to her chest. “No. Mine.”
“I figured. Also, we need to finish our project. It’s due…“
“Next week, I know,” Jude cut off. “We still haven’t bought a poster.”
Cardan groaned. “We should have gotten one from Dollar Tree.”
“Well maybe you could’ve gotten that instead of a tiara,” she said, grinning up at him as they stopped in front of her class.
Cardan rolled his eyes. “So are you free Thursday night?”
“Yeah. Text me when later.”
“Good. We’ll talk then,” he said, with an extra emphasis on the word talk. His eyes dropped shamelessly to her lips, long enough that it was anything but unintentional, before he smirked and strode away.
Jude called after him, unwilling to let him get the last word. “About the project!”
“Of course. What did you think I was talking about?” He disappeared before she could respond.
Kissing. She was thinking about kissing him. Ugh.
She grumbled angrily to herself as she placed her bag next to her desk. When she caught Taryn staring at her, she snapped, “What?”
Taryn opened her mouth to speak, but the bell interrupted her. “Nothing.”
After soccer practice on Thursday, Jude went home to take a shower. While blow drying her hair she texted Cardan to figure out when they were meeting up. He immediately responded with ‘can’t do my place,” and Jude frowned. After a couple messages, they ended up deciding to go to the library at Cardan’s suggestion.
Oak was throwing a fit over something or another as she headed out the door, and Oriana paused their argument to place a hand on Jude’s shoulder. “Heading out?” It wasn’t in an overbearing tone, just gentle.
“Yeah. To the library.” Jude hesitated, battling the urge to say something more. Oriana might not have been her real mother, but Jude realized what a blessing it was to have someone that checked up on her and cared the way Oriana did. She swallowed and said, “I’ll be back soon,” and headed out.
By the time she got to the library, Cardan had already texted that he was there. Seconds after she turned off her car, a knock sounded on her window, and she nearly jumped out of her skin. Cardan grinned sheepishly when she opened her door. “Sorry.”
She shrugged it off and handed him the poster she from the passenger seat. She glanced around the parking lot for his car. “Where’s your car?”
“I walked.” At the shock on her face, Cardan added, “Don’t look at me like that. Just because we live in a suburb doesn’t mean I have to drive everywhere. Plus, it’s only a fifteen minute walk.”
“Okay, but… car. Fast. Walk. Slow.”
Cardan rolled his eyes and tugged her wrist impatiently. “Come on, let’s go inside.”
They walked through the archway that opened up into the entry area of the library, ‘welcome’ inscribed into the stone. The wall behind the front desk was patterned with hexagons of different pastel colors, and the librarian behind the desk gave them a friendly smile. Her dark brown hair was tied up into a ponytail, strands of gray beginning to appear.
“Cardan, nice to see you. I see you’ve brought a friend,” she said to Cardan. Her honey-colored eyes glanced at Jude with curiosity.
“Um, yeah. Mel, this is Jude. We’re doing a project together.”
Jude introduced herself, trying to hide her own curiosity.
Mel smiled at Jude warmly. “It’s nice to meet one of Cardan’s friends.” Turning to Cardan, she added, “The back room is empty, if you two want to head there.”
Cardan thanked her and gestured Jude to follow him. They passed the kid’s section, which was littered with bright signs and seating, and when they were out of hearing distance, Jude asked. “So… you come here a lot?”
“Um, I guess. I came a lot when I was a kid, so sometimes I stop by.” The tips of his ears turned pink, and damn, Jude felt something squeeze in her chest at the sight.
His head jerked up at her response, and whatever he saw in her expression had him reaching for her hand and twining their fingers together. He tugged her hand, and she followed him through the stacks, the only sound their footsteps and the comforting hum of the library.
She grinned at the floor. This boy never ceased to surprise her.
They stopped in front of a room divided from the rest of the library by a wall of glass, and Cardan pushed open the door. The opposite end of the room was also completely glass, and the window looked out over the lake behind the library. A table with four chairs was on the left, and a cozy armchair sat on the right.
Cardan let go of her hand, and she ached to pull it back to hers, feel the warm callouses of his palm against hers. Instead she put the poster on the table and pulled out her laptop. “This is nice. I’m surprised no one else took it.”
“Mel saves it for me sometimes.”
Jude snorted. “You really do charm everyone, don’t you?”
Cardan sat down across her, humming in agreement. “It’s only a matter of time before I charm you too.”
“Keep waiting.”
Cardan kicked her leg under the table, and she bit back a smile. If his leg stayed there, pressed against the side of hers while they worked, neither of them mentioned it.
“Not bad, if I do say so myself,” Jude said, as she looked down at their poster. Yes, it did feel like a fifth grade science fair project, but Jude was still proud of it. Something about cutting and gluing things together made it seem so much more satisfying.
“Not bad? This is fucking gorgeous.” Cardan pushed his curls off his forehead, his silver rings catching the light. Jude’s brain automatically snagged on how unfair it was that guys could have such attractive hands. Like how did that even make sense?
Her gaze caught on them now, eyes tracing the veins and the flex of his fingers where they tapped against the edge of the table. She’d noticed that Cardan always seemed to fidget with his hands, unable to keep them unoccupied.
“Hm?” She pushed her thoughts away and tried to focus. “Yes, gorgeous,” she agreed.
He gave her a strange look, and she felt a flush creeping up her neck. She started hastily picking up the scraps of paper and tidying up the table. When she dared to meet his gaze, he looked like he was battling himself with something.
“What’s up with you and Locke?” Cardan blurted a few seconds later.
“What do you mean?”
This time, his words were a little more deliberate. “I know you’re messing with him, but does he think you’re… dating?”
“I don’t know. We only went on one date, and I pretty much scared him off when I mentioned my dad.” She shrugged, confused as to why he was bringing up Locke. “Does it matter?”
His hand stilled. “I guess not.”
Silently, the two of them worked until they had finished gluing on all the information. They cleared up the excess papers and started cleaning up.
“So when are you going to break it off with him?”
“Well, I was planning to do a whole revenge prank thing, but I haven’t fully planned it out yet,” she said contemplatively, scraping off the dried glue from her fingers.
When she looked up, Cardan was looking at her with a devious smile. “What?”
“I have an idea.”
The sky was dark when they arrived at the grocery store. As they placed their items on the counter to check out, the cashier gave them a strange look. Jude simply smiled and said, “Isn’t it such a wonderful night?”
At Cardan’s direction, Jude drove to a neighborhood a few minutes from Cardan’s, and they parked in a darkened spot on the side of the street.
Jude’s nerves thrummed in anticipation. She hadn’t been this excited in so long, probably since the last time she had pranked Cardan. She had to admit that scheming with someone made it all the more fun.
Cardan pulled on a black sweatshirt, and his eyes met hers as he pulled up the hood to cover his curls. The wicked grin he sent her made her stomach squeeze.
“You take the right, and I’ll cover the left?”
She nodded, and silently opened the door and stepped out as Cardan did the same.
They crouched on the sidewalk next to some trees and silently made their way towards the lone house at the end of the street. Thankfully, Locke’s car was parked out front. They hadn’t exactly planned for it if his car had been in the garage.
A car door slammed across the street and Jude looked at Cardan. “Where-”
He clapped his hand over her mouth before she could finish, and he pointed across the street. A car was reversing out of the house next to Locke’s, its headlights nearly passing over them. Her heart beat furiously against her chest.
The car drove away, and Cardan suddenly dropped his hand from her mouth. Her lips burned from the ghost of his hand, and her heart sped up for a completely different reason.
“That was close,” she whispered breathlessly, and Cardan nodded, his eyes darting away from hers.
They crept up his driveway, and Cardan passed her three rolls of plastic wrap from his backpack. Slowly, Jude unfurled the plastic wrap, and pushed it over the top of his car until Cardan caught it. He wrapped it over his side before rolling it under the car back to Jude. She hadn’t realized how painstaking the process would be, but they kept at it. The sound of the unfurling wrap seemed too loud against the silent night.
Twenty long minutes later, Jude passed the last of the last of the final roll of wrap to Cardan. She waited for Cardan to secure it into place, shifting impatiently on the balls of her feet.
A gentle whirring sound cut through the night, and Jude’s eyes flew to Cardan, who was tip-toeing back towards her from around the car.
“Run,” he whispered urgently.
She grabbed Cardan’s backpack from the ground right as a spray of water hit her arm, drenching her and the side of the car. She glanced behind her and almost laughed, realizing the sprinklers had turned on, not some sort of security device like she had thought in her panic.  
Cardan looked at her, his eyes glinting with laughter. “Come on, let’s go.”
She grabbed his hand and pulled him with her.
They ran across the sidewalk like criminals fleeing from a crime scene, narrowly avoiding the sprinklers, and Jude felt giggles breaking out of her chest. Her heart pounded against her chest, her breath coming out in pants. The cold water pressed into the skin of her arm, a sharp contrast to the warmth of Cardan’s hand in hers.
They ran all the way back to her car, and they finally stopped to catch their breath. Jude leaned back into the car, panting, her hands braced on her chest to hold her heart in.
Her eyes met Cardan’s, who was panting as if he had just been in a police chase, and a giggle escaped her mouth. And then another. And then both of them were laughing like maniacs.
“Who the fuck-” she laughed, “turns on their sprinklers-” another fit of giggles overtook her. “-at midnight?”
Cardan laughed harder, leaning into her, a palm bracing himself on the car behind her. “Your face,” he wheezed, “when the sprinklers turned on-”
She could barely breathe in. “The way you said run, oh my god.” She broke into another fit of uncontrollable laughter, clutching her stomach. Cardan wiped tears from his eyes as he tried to regain his composure.
Eventually, Jude’s laughter slowed. The sound of crickets chirping and cars whizzing by on the street behind the neighborhood settled into the air as they caught their breaths. Jude leaned back against the car, tipping her head back up to the night sky.
Cardan was still leaning into her, the moonlight casting a faint glow over his face. When she met his eyes, his lips tipped up in a little smile that sent warmth to her stomach.
With a will of its own, her hand reached up to push back his hoodie, cradling his jaw, and he swallowed, his expression sobering.
A breeze blew over them, lifted a strand of her hair from her face. Her heartbeat thudded against her chest, a different type of adrenaline shooting through her body as his eyes darted to her lips.
In an unspoken agreement, Jude leaned up, and Cardan’s head bent down to reach hers.
Their lips brushed hesitantly, a barely-there kiss, before Cardan pulled back slightly.
Oh. Oh.
“Jude.” His voice was hoarse, a question, a plea exhaled across her lips, and she silenced it with her mouth.
Their resolve snapped, and Cardan’s hand slipped to cradle the back of her head as his head dipped and his lips pressed into hers, again and again and again, warm and soft and desperate. Jude buried her hands in his hair, pulling him closer, until she was pressed against the car, his forearms caging her in.
She had never been kissed like this.
It felt as though they were running past the sprinklers again, a rush of adrenaline running through her body. Her lips parted under his, and he made a noise in the back of his throat that set her blood on fire. Her thoughts fizzled into nothing, everything except the two of them fading away.
When they pulled back for air, Cardan’s lips were swollen, and both of them were panting. He rested his forehead against hers, one hand still tangled in her hair, and Jude‘s eyes finally fluttered open.
“That,” Cardan rasped, “was worth waiting for.”
“Shut up.” Her voice was a little too breathless for her liking.
“Jude, Jude, Jude,” he murmured as he nuzzled the side of her face, and she felt goosebumps erupt on her arm. “Now you know exactly how to make me shut up.”
“Oh?” She tilted her head, barely close enough for another kiss, before shoving him back, hoping distance would help her regain her composure. “You wish. There are other ways to shut you up.”
He stumbled back with a breathless laugh. “I do wish.” He glanced around at the street, as if just remembering where they were. “We should probably go.”
“We should. Wouldn’t want to get caught.”
“Okay, right.” His hands spazzed at his side for a moment before he spurred into motion, opening her door for her with a roguish grin.
Jude didn’t exactly know what she was getting herself into, but she couldn’t bring herself to put an end to it.
A/N:  And there you have it, the scene that inspired this whole thing. It’s the first scene I even wrote, and everything else was just fun to write to lead up to it. I was about to cut this chapter off before the last scene, but I decided to keep it in because it takes me forever to update. Like I said at the beginning, you’re welcome 😌  I hope it’s as good as it was in my head 😭
Okay, but the fact that this is the tenth chapter and people are still reading?!! Thank you all so much for reading this and supporting this!! I probably would have abandoned this if not for you <3
As usual, let me know what you think in the comments!! Reblogs are appreciated :)
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destiniesfic · 3 years
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132 Hours, Chapter 15
“I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“But that’s ridiculous,” I protest. “You hurt me all the time.”
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The day is bright and pleasant, but the sunlight and soft breeze are an assault on my senses after my time underground. I limp to the ambulance, which is parked on the grass, rear doors open, waiting for me. I ease myself to sit in the back, next to Cardan, who inexplicably has a blanket tightly wrapped around his shoulders. When I’m no longer standing, I sigh. I’d thought that after sitting and lying down for days I’d be desperate to move, but it turns out I’m actually very tired. When no one is looking at us, Cardan leans over and nuzzles my nose with his.
I smile at him weakly. Everything is too much and not enough. It seems to me that I am watching Madoc and Balekin talk to the detectives from very far away, like they are characters on a TV show. I just want to go back to the Amagansett house—or my actual house, hours away—and curl up in a bed that’s mine. But that fantasy leads to complications too. What will Oriana say when she learns what I’ve done? What will Taryn say?
Not wanting to spiral, I search for anything else to talk about. “Are you cold?” I ask Cardan, glancing at the blanket.
“Oh, no. It’s for shock or something.” He looks down at himself. His kitschy t-shirt is partially obscured now. “But, you know, free blanket.”
“Yeah,” I say, like that makes perfect sense. My head is spinning. “Was Balekin… happy to see you?”
He sets his jaw. “He was glad I wasn’t dead, I guess. But that’s about the only thing I did right.”
I look down as my fingers curl into my palms. I don’t examine how much I want to wrap my hands around Balekin’s throat. “My dad knows,” I whisper. “About us. I think I’ve talked him out of killing you.”
“That’s good. I’d really rather not die after surviving all of this already.”
“You’re taking this really well.”
Cardan shrugs. “If we’re bonded now, and your father isn’t going to kill me, that means I’m part of your family. Dain is dead, and Balekin will find it harder to touch me.”
“Oh,” I say dully. No wonder he wasn’t that mad at me mating him. We can’t stay in the basement forever, but he still has a way out. It makes sense. I can hardly blame him.
“Not that I’m necessarily thrilled that your dad could have any sway over me, given that he’s maybe a murderer and almost as scary as you are.”
He cocks his head at me, sensing my reticence. “Jude.”
I look away.
He leans over again and nudges the nape of my neck with his nose. “Hey.”
Cardan chuckles, but it sounds nervous. “Jude, I’ve thought about mating with you since I was fourteen. And back then it made me feel panicky and trapped—”
“That’s just what every omega wants to hear.”
“God dammit. Look, I’ve always been afraid to want things—not clothes and shoes and shit, things that matter—because they’re always ruined. I always screw them up, or someone else screws it up for me. This is…” Out of the corner of my eye, I see him look down at his hands. “I didn’t want it to happen this way, because who would? But I want to help you through the next heat, and the next one. Actually do it right. I want to be your mate, Jude.”
I turn back around to stare at him, incredulous. “You want that?”
He nods, slowly.
“But you—you didn’t. For days, you didn’t. You held off and it should have been impossible if you actually—wanted me.”
“Well, it felt impossible.” He lets out another nervous chuckle. “I wanted you so bad, but more than that I wanted you to want me. I didn’t want to just go and mount you or whatever the hell I’m supposed to do. For once, I wanted to be better. Sounds crazy, right?”
“Yeah,” I say slowly. “It does. You wanted to mate with me so bad that you didn’t mate with me.”
“Jude. I didn’t want to hurt you.”
“But that’s ridiculous,” I protest. “You hurt me all the time.”
“Yeah, I did.” Cardan looks down at his knees. “But not like that. Never like that. I may have made some off-color jokes, but I would never have done what Valerian tried to do. I mean, I hoped I wouldn’t, and now I know.”
“You made me miserable.”
“I know.”
“I definitely shouldn’t want you as a mate.”
“No, I guess you shouldn’t.” Cardan sounds resigned, and hangs his head. “Well, the pheromone marker cleansing is kind of time-consuming and expensive and unpleasant, but I guess—”
I thought hurting him might feel good, but it just feels like a hollow pang in my chest. I ask, “You want me to be your mate, though?”
He looks up at me with those dark eyes. “Yes,” he says.
I nod. “Okay.”
“Okay?” He stares at me, a grin that he doesn’t dare unleash just yet tugging at the corners of his mouth.
“Yes. I hated you so much for so long because you smelled so good and you were so mean. So if you could stop being mean for a while, and you’ve proven you have, I think we could find some common ground.”
Cardan sniffs. “Well, I may have to remain a little mean. For the sake of my reputation.”
“We’ll see.”
“You don’t want me totally defanged, do you?”
“I haven’t decided yet.”
He laughs, then he lowers his head to nuzzle again, this time at the bite mark he left on my neck. I am flooded by his delight. From nearby, someone clears their throat. We look up to find a paramedic standing in front of us, face half-hidden by a surgical mask, patiently waiting for us to submit ourselves to examination.
“Oh,” I say. “Uh.”
Cardan, who is utterly without shame, is grinning when he straightens up. “Actually, we’re both fine, thanks.”
“That’s for us to determine,” says the paramedic. Something about him is oddly familiar, but his height and build are totally nondescript. Where could I have seen him before? “To start, we’re going to make sure you’re not concussed.”
Cardan just groans.
The paramedic bends at the waist and takes a penlight out of his pocket. “Just look into the light here for me.”
That voice. It’s the voice. I narrow my eyes at him. It is weird, on second thought, that he’s wearing a mask. It’s not like we’re possibly carrying an infectious disease. Cardan raises his eyebrows, but doesn’t move as the light shines into one pupil. “This is a surprise,” he says, without blinking. “And also, you have to admit, pretty dumb.”
“Suicidal,” I hiss through my teeth. I’m strangely angry. They had to know what a risk it was to come back. They could have gotten away clean. “What are you guys doing here? If my dad catches you—”
“Are you going to tell him?” the Roach asks. He doesn’t sound too worried, which irks me.
I press my lips together, then say, “I should.”
Another of the paramedics kneels at my feet, his sandy head bent. The Ghost. Certainly less conspicuous than the Roach, with his scars. He’s tall, sure, but handsome in a way that’s totally generic. In fact, I’d have a difficult time describing him beyond “tall” and “symmetrical.” He picks up the leg that he shot to dress the wound, once again.
“We had to talk to you,” he says. Always to the point.
Suddenly I am sure that if I turned and looked behind me into the ambulance, the Bomb would wink at me from the driver’s seat. Part of me is relieved they’re okay, and the other part is baffled and horrified at my relief. But they did take care of us through some pretty gross and awful times. They kept me fed, kept me hydrated, kept us company. Maybe it’s natural to feel some degree of attachment.
“Why?” Cardan asks, baffled, as the Roach shines a light in his other eye. “You guys should be on a plane to Morocco by now.”
“Morocco?” I ask.
“It’s pretty. Also, no extradition policy.”
“Why do you even know that?”
Cardan shrugs.
“Look,” the Roach says, “we’re short on time. Your brother and Madoc are going to come over and tell you Dain killed himself out of shame when his plan was discovered. He left a note, confessing, yadda yadda. It’s bullshit. He didn’t commit suicide.”
“What?” Cardan and I ask, in unison.
I shake my head, as if trying to shake off our now unshakeable connection. “Then what happened to him?”
The Ghost doesn’t say anything, or even fully turn his head, but without lifting his eyes from my leg, he somehow indicates where Madoc and Balekin stand, in conversation with the police.
“No,” I whisper. It sounds naive, even to me, but I don’t want to believe Madoc is capable of those horrors, even though the fear our kidnappers expressed when they spoke of him seemed real. “No, it—Dain was a client, he and Madoc were friends—”
“Do you think that would matter if Dain went after Madoc’s family?” the Roach asks.
My stomach turns. “How do you know Dain didn’t kill himself?”
“Because he wouldn’t,” Cardan says quietly. “He’s Dain. He’d think he’s clever enough to find a way out, even if everyone was closing in on him, and he’d probably be right.”
“We don’t know exactly what happened,” the Roach continues. He makes a show of fiddling with the stethoscope around his neck. “We just know that he was increasingly agitated about the way negotiations were going, and then we suddenly had no contact. I went to his office, then to his place. Coroner beat me there. Single gunshot wound to the chest, pistol with his prints on it. Seemed open and shut.”
I sense Cardan’s horror, and look to see that he’s gone pale. I lay my hand on top of his. Something tells me that he doesn’t have much of an issue believing that Balekin is capable of murder, even of a brother. And Cardan clearly didn’t like Dain, but what does that mean for his safety?
“You couldn’t have waited around and told us this in the basement?” I ask, feeling again like I am observing this all from afar, watching a scene in a movie that just happens to star me.
“We didn’t know what Dain told them before he died, so we had to clear out pretty fast. Left your stuff with the cops so you’d be found, left the door unlocked so you could leave whenever you wanted. Besides.” He raises one eyebrow. “You guys were busy.”
I flush; it’s true that Cardan and I couldn’t and wouldn’t have been able to go anywhere once we’d finally given ourselves over to each other. But all of this is too much. “Well, we can’t trust you.”
“You can’t trust your dad,” the Ghost says. “We’ve never lied to you.”
“You did shoot her,” Cardan points out. “Most people would say that’s worse.”
The Ghost just shrugs.
“Look, believe us or don’t,” the Roach says. “But you have to admit that something’s rotten here. You’re going to need help. Eyes and ears. And I also hear that one of you is coming into a very large sum of money and a considerable amount of corporate influence in a little less than a year.”
“There it is,” I mutter.
But Cardan looks delighted. “Do you guys have a business card you can leave with me or something?”
“Are you planning to kidnap anybody?” I demand.
“No, but I could use the help,” Cardan admits. “He’s right. Once I come into that inheritance, there’s going to be a huge target on my back.”
“We’ll call you. In the meantime, you’ve got a clean bill of health.” The Roach pats his shoulder. “Good for you.”
“Thanks, man.”
Out of the corner of my eye, I see two figures break away from the detectives and begin approaching us. I say, “You’d better clear out.”
The Roach doesn’t thank me, but he gives me a little nod before disappearing around the side of the ambulance, whistling. That’s what passes for honor among thieves, I suppose. The Ghost remains, having drawn the short straw, his generically handsome features apparently working to render him inconspicuous.
“How is she?” Madoc asks him. I make myself look up at his face and try not to think about how, if what the Roach said is true, he might have recently pulled the trigger on one of Cardan’s brothers. The other brother stands next to him, looking less sour than before.
The Ghost stands. “They’re both good to go,” he says. “It looks like she sprained her ankle a few days ago, but it’s healing well.”
“The wound on her leg?”
“Nothing serious.”
Madoc nods, and then turns to me. The Ghost melts back into the scenery as though he wasn’t even there to begin with. No mystery as to how he got that codename.
Balekin stands at Madoc’s side, both men casting shadows across our knees. Madoc’s arms are folded, and Balekin’s jaw is set. I see his eyes find my hand resting on top of Cardan’s, but for some reason I am not at all worried about censure. Not from him.
Balekin says, “We’ve been given leave to take you back to your homes to rest, provided you return tomorrow to give your statements to the police. No one here wishes to… prolong your ordeal.”
“Wait,” I say, my heartbeat picking up in my chest. “Wait. Nobody’s told us what’s going on. Where’s Dain? How do we know he won’t try again?”
“He’s dead,” Madoc declares. “When he realized he wasn’t going to get away with it, that he had no other recourse…”
I swallow. I had hoped he’d say something else, anything else. “Oh. I see.”
Cardan covers his discomfort with a snicker. “Well, good riddance.”
“We’re hoping you can help us fill in the rest of the gaps once you’re up to sharing what, exactly, happened over the past five days,” Balekin says.
“I don’t know how much help we’ll be,” Cardan replies, shrugging loosely. “If it was Dain, we never saw him. And the guys who took us all wore masks.”
I’m surprised at how easily he lies, but maybe I shouldn’t be. I have to reevaluate everything I thought about his childhood; it probably involved a lot of lying to Balekin. Madoc doesn’t seem to notice anything, and it’s hard to get bullshit by him. He just watches me with a quizzical expression.
“Well, maybe you’ll remember something useful after you’ve had your rest.” Balekin jerks his head toward the waiting car, already beginning to walk away, assuming Cardan will follow. “Come on.”
Cardan glances at me with uncertainty, then begins to stand. I take his hand again and pull him back down. “No.”
Balekin turns around. “What did you say?”
I stand now, keeping hold of Cardan’s hand. “I said ‘no.’ I’m sure you have business back in the city. Cardan can come stay with us.” I look at Madoc and try to reassure myself that he is the safer choice. “There’s plenty of room in the house.”
“There is,” Madoc agrees, his tone carefully neutral.
“So it wouldn’t be too much trouble.”
Balekin looks angry. He doesn’t want to lose his influence on Cardan. “That’s very generous, but I have just gotten my youngest brother back, and I’m not eager to let him out of my sight.”
“He’ll be under Madoc’s protection.”
“You have to admit, it does seem safer,” Cardan chimes in. He seems a little dumbstruck by the way the whole situation is unfolding. Maybe no one’s ever stood up to Balekin before. Certainly
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Balekin says, trying to loom over me. He is tall, but tall doesn’t faze me. “I’m his brother. I’ve been his guardian since he was a child. I will be taking him back.”
“Well, Cardan isn’t a child anymore. He’s an adult, and I’m his mate,” I say, sticking up my chin. “And he is coming with me.”
I yank hard on Cardan’s hand, bringing him to his feet, and start off toward the car Madoc came in. Out of the corner of my eye I see Cardan, smiling, give his brother a shrug. “Omegas,” he says. “What are you gonna do?”
What, indeed. I don’t even know what I am going to do. Everything that happened in the last one hundred and thirty-two hours seems to have pushed us so much further down the road to a strange and dangerous adulthood. I don’t know if either of us are ready for what lies ahead, much less ready to defy our dangerous parental figures or negotiate the relationship we’ll have once I’m in college.
But it doesn’t matter, not right now. Because I have just pulled off a bigger heist than the Ghost, the Roach, and the Bomb could ever dream of. Because Cardan’s hand is in mine. Because his smile is, as always, contagious, so I am smiling too. Because we survived our trial, so maybe we can survive anything. Because he would choose me, and I chose him. Because neither of us is alone. Because he is my mate.
The rest, we’ll figure out when it comes.
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wylanvnneck · 3 years
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This 2 part fic was written for the Secret Snusband Gift Giveaway hosted by @jurdannet​ and @jurdannetrevels​ for my lovely Knife Wife @lilacs-with-lavender​.
Rating: T for Tyrannosaurus
Summary: Inspired by an episode of my favourite Cop TV show, ‘Castle’, in which a bet takes place with pretty high stakes, although the plotline has been tweaked to fit this fandom. My Knife Wife said she loved the Enemies to Lovers trope so that’s what I’ve (tried to) write here and I hope you enjoy the story of Homicide Detectives Jude Duarte and Cardan Greenbriar and their mutual enmity.
Warnings: Not so graphic descriptions of murder and mention of drugs. (Really not sure what I need to tag, so please let me know if I’ve missed something.)
Posted as a Gift on AO3 | Part 2 | Masterlist
Part 1
“Victim’s name is Taryn Santorini, a metal sculptor by trade, she was found by her doorman fifteen minutes before we traced the address in Chloe’s hand back to her.” 
Detective Jude Duarte looks down at the motionless face of a scared looking brunette, a crimson splatter painting the tiled floor around her lifeless body. The room around her is a mess, clothes scattered everywhere, bed ruffled and unmade and metal figurines placed haphazardly throughout the little apartment.
“Lil, talk to me, what are we looking at?”
Before the white-blonde haired medical examiner crouched on the floor by the body can answer, a smooth dark voice that Jude so detests cuts through the air behind her.
“Why, Duarte, I’d say that the fact that Tara What’s-her-name was shot and killed is rather obvious.” The despicable excuse of a detective steps forward, a smug grin pasted to his face. Cardan Greenbriar, entitled little rich boy, over-confident bastard and sadly, her partner.
Patience, Jude reminds herself, patience was a virtue. 
“I meant, as I’m sure Lil knows, with what model was she killed and when?”
Liliver shoots her an amused sympathetic look before turning her gaze back to the victim.
“Looks to be a gun with a 45 caliber, same as the one used to kill Chloe Tatterfell. I’d say Taryn here has been dead for about 12 hours so pretty close to Chloe’s time of death, maybe just a half hour or so afterwards.”
“So chances are it’s the same killer.” Cardan interjects, the smug smile a little less vibrant now. 
“Yep. I’ll have to get her back to the morgue so  I can do a full inspection, see if I can find anything helpful.”
Jude steps back from the crime scene to give her some space, almost bumping in to the officer taking pictures of the area for later use. 
“Thanks, Lil.”
“Just doing my job, sweetie.”
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“This doesn’t make any sense,” Jude clips a glossy picture of their latest victim onto the precinct’s murder board. “Garrett and Van questioned practically all known associates of both Chloe and Taryn and none of them could recognise the other victim. There’s no obvious connection between the two and yet, for some reason they were both killed on the same day, by the same person.”
“And with the same gun.” Cardan is leaning back in his chair, his posture insouciant and his curly black hair falling lazily over his forehead. Surely that was a violation of precinct dress codes? Not that he’d care either way, rule breaker that he was. God knew it was only because of his daddy’s clout that he’d even graduated from the academy in the first place, whilst people like Jude had to work hard and save every penny and fight to get anywhere in the field of Law Enforcement.
“Ok, I’m going to head to the morgue whilst Van and Gare check through the victim’s phones and financials, see if Lil has anything for us.”
“I suppose, being the dutiful partner that I am, I should come with you?” Cardan’s drawl is as irritating as usual and Jude can hardly wait to get out of the proximity of his stupid raven locks and smoldering eyes.
“Please, you’d be doing us both a favour if you didn’t.”
“Aw, come now Jude you know you’d miss me.” He lets out a dramatic sigh as he half heartedly stands from his chair to join her as she speeds by towards the exit and she just barely resists the urge to throttle him.
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Lil bustles around her examining room as she adjusts the fluorescent lamps shining down on both the victim’s bodies’. 
“So, apart from the type of bullets that killed them, the only similarity that I could find between the two victims is the fact that they both have tattoos.”
Jude raises a brow. “Everyone has tattoos.”
From across the autopsy table Cardan’s eyes gleam as he smirks. 
“Oh really? You got some ink on you, Duarte?” 
His tone is disbelieving and Jude can’t resist messing with him a little.
She pastes an obviously fake flirtatious smile on her face and drawls in a sugar sweet voice, “Guess you’d have to find that out on your own, Greenbriar.” 
She bites at her lip for good measure and thinks once more of how bad she would be at flirting in earnest. Lil certainly couldn’t keep the laughter out of her gray eyes. Cardan, however, has a strange look on his face, one that Jude can’t quite decipher, but she’s pretty sure she’s just one-upped him and she can’t deny the slight sense of triumph that the thought gives her.
 She turns her attention back to the victims. “You were saying, Lil?” 
“I’m saying that these tattoos seem to have been done by the same artist. Look,” she pulls back the white cloth covering the body of Chloe Tatterfell, gently pushing a strand of brown hair off of her shoulder to reveal the cartoonish character of a rose, inked in with dark black ink.
She then turns to Taryn’s body to reveal a similarly styled tattoo of a mermaid on her wrist. Just as she’s pulling back the cover Jude’s back pocket vibrates and the sound of her plain ringtone travels through the air. Quickly she swipes upwards to answer the call and it’s Garrett.
“Yo, so we looked through the victims’ phone records and found a connection. Both Chloe and Taryn made a phone call on the day that they were killed to the same number, belonging to a Locke McCutchins, he’s got priors including robberies and domestic assault.”
By the time he’s finished speaking she’s already waved a quick goodbye to Lil and turned to walk out the door, not bothering to check if her partner was behind her.
“Alright, text me his address, let’s go pick him up.”
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“Locke McCutchins, open up, it’s the NYPD!” Garrett bangs on the door and the force is so strong that the wood vibrates as Jude clutches her pistol in her hand, body flat against the wall of Locke’s apartment with Cardan right beside her.
There’s no answer and the door is broken down as she, Cardan, Garrett and Van file into the room in a practiced motion that’s as familiar to her as breathing.
Right in front of them, sprawled across his couch, lies the dead body of Locke McCutchin, his tawny eyes still open and gazing unseeingly up at his ceiling, a dried red patch visible on his shirt.
Garret drops to the floor beside the couch, his sandy hair falling over his face as he leans over to check Locke’s pulse whilst the rest of them look on after having taken note that the apartment was clear.
“Body’s cold, he’s been dead for hours, entry wound looks to be about the same size as the other victims.”
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Jude scrunches her eyebrows as she stands in front of the murderboard for the second time that day.
“So, Chloe Tatterfell, Taryn Santorini and Locke McCuchins were all killed within the span of 24 hours, all with the same gun, presumably by the same killer and yet so far the only connections we’ve found are Taryn’s address that was found written on Chloe’s hand, the phone call from both women to Locke and the similar tattoos on both Chloe and Taryn, but not on Locke.”
“Hmm.” Cardan seems to materialise out of nowhere, carrying a paper cup of what smells like freshly brewed coffee. Jude was convinced that he took his coffee with added alcohol but she had yet to prove it.
“What’s with the glare?” he asks.
“It automatically deploys itself when you're around.”
He scoffs. Twirls his coffee around. Takes a long, slurping sip.
“Hey, Duarte? Don’t get me wrong, I mean, the feeling is mutual, but what exactly is it that makes you despise me so much? I’d like to know so I can make sure to keep doing it.” 
Jude barely deliberates over her answer before she responds. 
“Being an overly cocky, obnoxious jerk who has only managed to get this far thanks to his Daddy’s fat purse will definitely be the best way to make me hate you, trust me.”
He grins but there’s no humour in the curve of his sensual lips, his eyes are cold metal.
“You think that the only reason I’m a detective is because of my father?”
“Yup.” She makes sure to add plenty of emphasis to that one word.
Cardan opens his mouth as if to speak, stops, presses his lips together so hard that they turn pale before the colour returns to them when a slow smile spreads across his face, this time full of humour, but the decidedly darker kind.
“Let’s make a bet. If you can figure out what the connection between our three victims is before I do, I’ll go right up to Captain Madoc myself and request a change of partners so you can be rid of my ‘overly cocky, obnoxious’ self. Deal?” 
He was extending a challenge and Jude was never one to back down from those. Besides, the chance to be rid of him with no cost to herself or her reputation was too good to pass up on. Still, there had to be a catch, with Cardan, there was always a catch.
“And on the complete off-chance that you figure it out first? What happens then?”
“If I figure it out first...you have to come with me as my date to this party that my dad’s having in a couple days.”
Those last few words come out in a rush and Jude has to take a moment to decipher their meaning. Followed by another moment to wonder if she’d somehow completely misunderstood what he’d said.
“You want me to what?”
“Be my date to a party. Honestly Duarte, do you have any idea how many women would jump at this opportunity?” His tone is disgustingly nonchalant. 
“I-” she struggles to find the words. “Take one of them then! Don’t you have a girlfriend, Nicasia or something like that? Blue hair and eyes? High pitched voice? Talks a lot about how much she gets seasick?”
“You know, for someone who’s only met Nicasia once you do remember quite a bit about her.” His steady gaze on her is intense.
For some incorrigible reason Jude has to resist the urge to flush.
“I’m a detective. It’s my job to study people.”
“Right. Sadly, Nicasia and I are no longer together, if we ever were. I got bored. Hence, why I need a date.”
“I’m sure you could just take one of your scores of female admirers, you don’t need me.”
“Is that jealousy that I detect in your voice?”
“Look, the point is, I can’t be bothered having to deal with yet another simpering female who thinks that one night on my arm means a promise to a life-long relationship complete with marriage, a fancy mansion and exactly 2.5 kids. All I want is a companion for one night so I don’t get hounded by my mother for not having a girlfriend by which she can procure some grandchildren.”
“Oh so now you want me to be your fake girlfriend?”
He rolls his eyes up at the ceiling and she fights the urge to slap him. 
“It’s just for one night! Besides, I thought me winning was barely even a possibility to you.”
She makes a noise at the back of her throat. “It is.”
“Then I don’t see what the problem is. Do we have a deal, or not?” He holds out his hand, sculpted eyebrows raised in confrontation.
She doesn’t really think he has much of a chance of figuring it out before her, but he had admittedly also proven adept at figuring certain things out in previous cases so there was definitely no certainty that he wouldn’t win, for all her bravado. Yet, her competitive nature couldn’t bear the thought of surrendering, so she pushes her unease aside and grips his hand in a firm shake. 
There’s an awkward moment when he takes a little too long to release her hand from his grip. Once he finally does, the rather pointy tips of his ears reddening, they both turn back to the murder board and the view of their murder time line and crime scene pictures, furiously trying to connect the dots in their heads.
A random thought intrudes in her brain.
"Wait, what if Garrett and Van figure it out before we do?”
As one, she and Cardan both turn towards the opposite side of the office where the two officers in question sat in front of their computers.
Van was typing in data on his computer, eyes glazing over and the tuft of black hair atop his head trembling whilst Garrett, or, The Ghost - as he was sometimes called thanks to his tendency to take months before answering non-work related messages - stood eating glazed donuts with one hand and speaking to someone on the phone held in the other. Jude loved the both of them but she had to admit that they didn’t exactly paint the most inspiring picture. 
Once again she and Cardan are in sync when they promptly turn back towards the murderboard and proclaim, “Nah.”
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Van’s excitement is clearly written on his face when he walks straight up to Jude’s desk the moment she arrives at the precinct the next morning, slamming down a manila folder with the NYPD crest printed on it onto her neatly arranged table top.
Immediately she reaches out to open it, desperate for a break in the case that would not only put a three time killer behind bars but also ensure that she herelf wouldn’t commit murder if she lost the bet and had to pretend to be Cardan’s girlfriend for a night. The thought makes her want to shudder.
“So, I was looking into all of our victim’s financials and I noticed an anomaly. Two weeks ago on the 7th they each deposited 95 hundred dollars into their savings accounts, but we’ve got no way of tracing the money back because the amount is under the IRS’s investigative limit” Van takes a quick pause before continuing, “but that’s not all, both Taryn and Chloe have credit card charges for small amounts at a tattoo place called Fair Folk Inks down in Queens.”
“Great, that’d be the place where they both got tattoos, I’ll go down there and ask the owner a couple questions, thanks Van.” She puts the sheaf of financial accounts back into the folder and takes a quick swig of her usual morning coffee, black, no sugar before preparing to head out once more.  
“Going somewhere, partner?” 
She’d bumped straight into Cardan when stepping into the elevator and she lets out a small groan of frustration as she steps back from his sturdy form. He looks annoyingly chipper, usual cocky smile in place and laughter in his tone as he looks down at her slightly shorter self. His cologne is strong and emanates the scent of the woods and sunlight in the small elevator. The woods and sunlight? Clearly foregoing the rest of her morning coffee hadn’t been a good idea.
She’d thought she could make it out of the building before he finally arrived, necessitating in having to take him along as well, but clearly fate had other ideas. 
“Tattoo parlour. Queens,” she grits out.
“Let’s go then,” his tone is sickly sweet.
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“Hi there, you guys lookin’ to get inked?” asks the pink haired girl behind the counter in fishnet tights and a tank top, looking up from where she is perched on a stool behind the counter when she hears them enter.
The parlour itself is shiny and white, the smooth metal counter and two spaced out black leather tattoo chairs complete with wheeled stools are the only pieces of furniture in the small space. Mounted on the walls are designs, each of them evoking a sense of fantasy. A pixie there, a selkie here, an ornate dragon, all staring right back at Jude as she takes in their surroundings. She takes note of the fact that the pictures staring back at her were very reminiscent of Chloe and Taryn’s tattoos, solidifying her suspicion that this was where they had got them done.
Before she has time to explain the reason for their visit, Cardan pipes up.
“You know, I’ve been thinking of getting one of a slithering snake, maybe across my back? I believe it would add to my already abundant sex appea-”
“Actually,” Jude cuts him off with her most scathing glare, to which he irritatingly responds with a grin. “We’re here on official business, NYPD, we need to speak with the owner of this establishment.” She holds up the badge that she’s just extracted from her plain black wallet as she speaks.
“That would be Vivi, hang tight a sec I’ll go get her.” With a sway of her hips Heather trounces off behind a curtained section at the back of the parlour. 
Unable to stand still for even a few moments, her partner has already wandered over to the corner of the room, pointing at a pinned up design, ““That goblin over there reminds me of Van.”
She ignores him. 
“Oh come on Duarte, you have to admit, there’s a definite resemblance.”
She spares the quickest of glances at the design and it’s true, there’s a striking similarity, but she isn’t about to give him the satisfaction of agreeing so she simply makes a non-committal grunt of recognition.
“Tell me, are you always this tightly wound or is it just for the majority of your day?”
“Excuse me?” Her eyebrows have inadvertently traveled upwards on her face and she can’t believe he has the audacity to say what he just did, although really, she shouldn’t be so surprised.
“Come on Duarte, we’ve been partners for quite a while now and I don’t think I’ve ever even seen you laugh.” He’s standing a few feet away from her, his expression serious, not backing down.
“It’s called being professional.” She can feel the muscles working in her face as she hisses out the words through gritted teeth, blood pounding furiously. 
“Ahem.” She whirls around to find a tall bronze haired woman with striking cat-like eyes that were currently meeting her gaze wearing a lazy look of amusement.  
“Heather said there were some policemen who wanted to ask me some questions?”
Jude cannot believe that she had just gotten so sidetracked by her insolent partner that she’d forgotten why she was currently standing in the middle of a Tattoo parlour in Queens, clutching a set of regular sized close ups of three now dead people. She tamps down the irritation at her own actions as she thrusts out the photos in front of the woman facing her, Vivi, the pink haired girl had said.
“Yes, ma’am, do you recognize these people?”
She watches intently as Vivi carefully peruses the pictures before answering, “I know the two girls, Taryn and Chloe, we’re friends, I’ve even tattooed the both of them. I’m not really sure who he is.”
“Are you sure you don’t know him? Look carefully.” Cardan is all business now, stepping up to Vivi.
“I’m sure.” Vivi’s tone is almost defiant, daring him to question her again.
“You said that you were friends with the girls, how close were you?” 
“They came into the tattoo parlour at the same time about a month ago and we started up a conversation, we exchanged numbers and would meet up for a drink from time to time.” 
“Did they ever meet up with just each other?”
“Not that I’m aware of.”
“Can you think of any reason as to why they’d both be killed by the same person?”
“They’re...they’re dead?”
Jude had intentionally asked the question in a way that would require a reaction and she wasn’t sure that she was entirely convinced by the shocked undertone of Vivi’s voice.
 “I’m afraid so, ma’am.”
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“She’s hiding something.” Once again Jude is back in front of the murderboard, furiously capping and uncapping a whiteboard marker as her mind whirls. She’s full of nervous energy, on the brink of a precipice and she wants nothing more than to be able to push herself off of it.
“Agreed.” Cardan is pacing the floor between her and the murder board and his posture indicates that he’s just as worked up as she is.
“But what I can’t understand is why she would kill two of her acquaintances plus a random vending machine operator, I mean, there’s no clear motive.” She’s barely conscious of the slight pain that tingles as she worries at her bottom lip.
Cardan halts in front of the board, takes a hard look at the scrawled timeline on it before once more resuming his brisk walk.
 “And what the hell is the connection between these three victims? They lived in opposite neighbourhoods, worked in completely different areas and fields, never seemed to have been in the same place at the same time and yet somehow they were killed by the same hand. Also, where did all that money come from?” 
His phone chooses precisely that moment to start ringing and the sound of ‘Horns’ by Bryce Fox cuts through the tension. 
“It’s Liliver,” he mouths as he swipes upwards to answer and puts the medical examiner on speaker phone.
“You got something for us Lil?’
“You bet I do. I had scraps from the victims’ clothings tested to try and find a common link. What I found were traces of bleach, acetone, sodium chloride and ammonia.”
“Drugs. They were making drugs. That would explain all the money.” Jude is burning and luminescent with victory, until Lili’s next words cut her down.
“It’s not drugs.”
“How can you tell?”
“Because of what isn’t there. If your vics were making drugs, there’d need to be a couple more ingredients. That being said, they were definitely up to something.”
She lets out a sigh of defeat. “Thanks, Lil.”
Cardan hangs up before bringing his fingers up to his temples, massaging the sides of his head as he burns a hole into the board in front of him.
Jude bites back a scream. “This is like the start of a bad joke, a teacher, a sculptor and a vending machine operator walk into a tattoo parlour…”
He scoffs, “Yeah, except we don’t really have a punchline.”
“Other than ‘they made a bunch of money and got themselves killed.’”
There’s a lull in the air and the frustration is palpable. There was so much more than just their bet at stake here, there was the need for justice for these three victims, who regardless of their crimes likely didn’t deserve what had befallen them. Besides, there was no way that they could let a ruthless killer roam the streets freely.
Suddenly, Cardan whirls around to face her, once again bringing his pacing to an abrupt stop, with a speed to rival that of the animal that was his tattoo inspiration.
“Made a bunch of money,” he repeats. 
He sounds like he’s just jumped off of the precipice. She, on the other hand, remained firmly mounted to the ground. 
“A sculptor who works with metal, a chemist and a vending machine operator...I know what they were up to.”
Slowly, the light starts to dawn on her and her pulse speeds up. Yes, she thinks.
“Think about it, when counterfeiting money, what’s the biggest problem you face? Finding the paper,” he continues.
“And a vending machine operator would have an endless supply of one dollar billls!”
“Exactly, then the chemist would come in, using the chemicals that were found on the vic’s bodies to white wash those bills.”
“And then the sculptor would be able to fashion a set of metal plates with which to type in fake serial numbers’ so they can get larger denominations of money…”
“Right! So, plates, paper, there’s just one missing ingredient.”
Beaming smiles break out on both their faces when, in unison they reach the same conclusion. 
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The 12th Precinct’s interrogation room had contained many suspects from the time it was built. Some were innocent and some were guilty, but there was no doubt in both Jude and Cardan’s minds that the feline woman currently seated across from them with her legs up on the table was one hundred percent guilty. 
“So you think you’ve figured it all out, huh?” Vivi’s drawl is deceptively flippant.
“I think so.” Jude answers calmly. “For instance, we’ve figured out that you were involved in and likely the mastermind behind a counterfeiting operation that raked in a substantial amount of money. You provided the last ingredient needed, the ink from your tattoo parlour stocks that was used to print on the bills.”
Cardan leans forward. “We’ve also surmised that you killed your partners in said operation; Taryn Santorini and Chloe Tatterfell, both of whom you met through your tattoo parlour, just like you said.”
“And our third victim, Locke McCutchins? Yeah, we know he was your cousin, once removed on your mother’s side wasn’t it? A distant enough relationship for you to not be flagged when checking his family, but close enough for you to enlist him in your scheme so you had access to vending machine bills.” Jude continues, she and Cardan having perfected the art of interrogating together ages ago, their tactics working smoothly together alongside each other. 
Vivienne sneers. “So what? You have no proof.”
“On the contrary, ma’am, we do. You neglected to hide the metal plates that you got Taryn to make for you in a place that wasn’t under a loose floorboard of your room, easily found with the aid of a search warrant.” Cardan smiles.
“You also tripped up when you stored your used gun with matching ballistics to the weapon that killed our victims in the same place as the plates.” Cardan’s smile is copied on Jude’s face.
Vivi’s skin pales and her cat’s eyes narrow into slits as she bangs the table, hard, before slouching back in the metal chair, the fight leaving her.
“Well, I suppose the jig is up, as they say,” she drawls.
Satisfied, Jude stands up and gathers the notepad and pen that she’d left on the desk and then bends over the interrogation table to meet Vivi’s gaze.
“What I can’t understand, though, is why? Why would you kill them if you’d already paid them?”
The Accused smirks. “It was all that idiot Lockes’s fault. He’d gotten himself into debt with some mob shark and needed more dough to bail his sorry self out. I wasn’t about to give it, he had his cut and that was all. But then, he threatened to go to the cops and tell them about what we did. Couldn’t let that happen, so I figured I’d kill ‘em all of. Just to be safe.”
The casual way in which she speaks of her deeds chills Jude to the bone. Wordlessly, she turns her back on yet another cold hearted murderer and exits the room with Cardan right behind her.
They come to a stop in front of the now empty murderboard, its surface shiny and white, devoid of words, but not for long. There was always a murder happening somewhere or the other, Jude had been a detective long enough to know that.
“So, now that Vivienne Insmire, tattoo artist, mastermind and ink supplier of counterfeiting operations and killer of ‘friends’ and distant male cousins is safely behind bars, I think you and I have a certain matter to settle, Duarte.”
She’d been trying hard to avoid this moment all day, pushing back thoughts of her close defeat and what its consequences would be. It seemed like now, she'd run out of time. She gulps.
“I suppose-” she almost can’t bring herself to say the words, “I suppose you won our bet, then.”
“Yup.” He’s not even trying to hide his gloating, “and you know what that means.”
The noise she emits is one that is resigned. She knows what’s coming.
“I’ll pick you up at eight tomorrow.”
“Or I could just take a ca-”
“Don’t be late, Duarte,” he calls over his shoulder as he leisurely strolls towards the precinct exit, slinging his leather jacket over his shoulder.
If you’ve made it all the way down here, congrats! Here’s a link for part 2.
Tagging the lovely people on my short but treasured TFOTA taglist; @cupcakesandkittens​ (who helped immensely during the writing of this fic and who suggested adding in the interrogation scene❤) and my very own talented Secret Snusband, @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln​
Please let me know if you’d like to be added to or taken off of my taglist💕
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courtofjurdan · 3 years
One Chance part 17
Previous Chapter 
Main Masterlist 
A/N: Hey peeps, I know it has been ages since I updated this, but here I am with an update. By the way, when you see “~”, it means its switching to past and then when you see another one, it goes back to present. And I got all my info from google and tv shows for this chapter so if it is not entirely right, I’m sorry. This is the last chapter. I have an epilogue planned also. I hope you enjoy this!
Jude felt pain ripple through her stomach and then felt wetness down her leg. She looked down expecting it her water to have broken but instead she was met with blood. As the pain intensified, the blood got worse.
“Cardan.” “Cardan!”
At that moment she realized she was at home alone. She went looking everywhere for her phone. Finally, she found it on the kitchen island, and called for an ambulance immediately. She called Cardan next telling him to either hurry and come home, something is wrong with the baby, or meet her at the hospital when the ambulance arrives.
Cardan hurried home from his job. He got there after the ambulance arrived. He went with her to the hospital and she was admitted quickly. They needed to do an emergency C-section before anything worse happens to the baby. They rolled Jude to the operation room, Cardan right behind her getting dressed in sterile paper clothes.
She gave birth to her baby, and the whole room was silent. You could hear a pin drop. Jude began asking, “Why isn’t she crying?” She looked to Cardan who had tears running down his cheeks and she knew her worst fears were being confirmed. She started to scream, “No, no, no…”
“Jude!” Cardan put his hands on her cheeks. “Wake up, baby. It’s a dream.”
Jude opens her eyes, tears falling out. Her breath coming in pants.
“Take a deep breath with me.”
Jude copies Cardan breaths. After she is calmed down, Jude says quietly, “She was dead and I couldn't do anything about it.”
Cardan knew what she was talking about. He put his hand on her very swollen stomach, “Look she's okay. You feel her kicking and moving around in there?” A nod of her head. “That means she is happy and healthy in there. There is nothing to worry about.”
~~~ Jude is 38 weeks now. She’s now very round, extremely emotional, and has crazy nightmares all the time. Cardan is always there to comfort and care for her around the clock.
Two months ago Jude and Cardan moved into the house his dad had bought for them as a gift. It was a two story house with 5 bedrooms and 3 full baths. They decided to get a house where they could live forever. A house they could fit their ever growing family.
Cardan got closer to his dad. His dad finally met him halfway into wanting a relationship with him. They met at least once a week for dinner or coffee. Cardan got a job at his company, a very good paying job. Unfortunately for Jude, Madoc still hasn’t wanted to mend their relationship, but Jude is okay with it. She doesn’t want someone that doesn’t want her.
When Christmas came around five months ago, they decided to have everyone get them baby stuff rather than presents for themselves. They basically had a baby shower for Christmas. Jude liked it because she is not a fan of planning parties or events.
It’s now the end of May, and Cardan and Jude finally graduated from college. They got to do virtual college because of the current predicament they were in. They only had to go to some classes, but mostly they did it from home. Definitely this last month, Jude just wasn’t feeling up to do stuff. She is always tired and sore, and just needs to take it easy. ~~~
Jude looked back at Cardan as he wiped her tears away and put her hand over her stomach to feel her baby kick. She repeated Cardan’s words, “She’s okay. She’s okay. She’s okay.”
Cardan kissed her cheek. And rubbed her back as Jude processed everything.
Then she grunted, “I need to pee. So help me up before I pee in the bed.”
Cardan laughed before he got out of bed and helped Jude steady her feet on the floor.
~~~ Jude has to pee a lot. Cardan swears she has to pee every 20 minutes. Which means Cardan has to help her every 20 minutes. But he doesn’t complain to her, it’s half his fault that she does, but he wouldn’t change it for the world.
Cardan never realized how hard it was on women to grow a baby. He thought they just gained weight and got tired but no, he was wrong. He didn’t know how uncomfortable Jude would be as time got closer. He didn’t realize how swollen her feet would become, how sore her back would be, the amount of loss sleep because the baby was restless or she was too uncomfortable. It made Jude so strong in his eyes.
Jude’s chosen family, Van, Liliver, and Garret, and her blood/adoptive family, Taryn and Vivivenne, were always there for her. And her family was excited to see their niece and become aunts and uncles. Her chosen family was surprised when Jude came to them and mentioned about them being aunts and uncles for her little one. She explained to them that they were more than just best friends. They were more like brothers and sisters to her. They all had an unbreakable bond with each other.
Jude and Cardan have set up the nursery. Jude insisted that she wanted a faerie book style room. And Cardan gave that to her. It’s a room any little girl would want, and when it came to Cardan, he would give anything both of his girls asked. But seeing Cardan trying to put baby furniture together was the best thing Jude has ever seen. She sat in a rocking chair every night watching him struggle, it was the best entertainment. At one point, he decided to call for backup, and Van and Garret came in and helped. So then Jude got to watch all three of them struggle together. But they eventually got it put together.
Jude has started to have Braxton-Hicks contractions for about a month and a half. Cardan hates them. Everytime she has one and she stills, he starts to freak out and Jude has to tell him it’s fine and calm down. It’s not like he feels the pain from them. But Jude is secretly happy he’s there for her and he cares so much about how she feels. ~~~ Once Jude goes to the bathroom, she asks Cardan if he will make breakfast for her. Her breakfast included popping some toaster strudels in the toaster and putting the rich icing on top. Jude basically has been craving anything sweet. So if it’s sweet, Jude wants it.
They eat breakfast and Jude decides to go to the baby room and go through stuff/ organize. She is nesting. She has gone through the hospital bag about three times already, she’s organized the kitchen several times, she cleans everything that she is able to, demanding Cardan to clean the stuff she can’t. And again, Cardan does it, because he doesn’t want to be on Jude’s bad side at the moment.
When Jude was resting from her organizing, Cardan got ready and left for work for his dad’s company. Cardan insisted that he stay with her until the baby is born but she said she would be fine alone. In the end, Liliver came over the days Cardan had to work. Liliver liked to call it their “girl time” before the baby got there.
It was about 7 o’clock pm when Jude decided to get a shower. Cardan was off at 8, and he was bringing home food which was right up her alley.
Now dressed in her pajamas, which consisted to be some stretchy legging and Cardan’s t-shirt, she made her way back to the bedroom. When she met the threshold of the bathroom and bedroom, she felt wetness run down her leg. She paused. All she could think was “Is this really it?”
She called for Liliver. “Hey, Bomb!”
Liliver was there in a couple of seconds. She saw Jude’s pale face and immediately asked, “What’s wrong?”
Jude stuttered, “Umm I- I think my water broke.”
Liliver looked down and saw the puddle of water gathered at her feet. “Oh okay, yeah. So, let’s just go sit down on the bed, I’ll clean that off the floor, and I’ll go call Cardan, okay?”
They slowly made their way to the bed. Liliver got a towel and put it over the fluid to dry it up, and got her phone out and called the man of the hour.
“Hey Cardan, I need to come home. Now.”
There was a pause. And then he seemed to find his words, “Uh, why? What’s wrong?”
“Well, all I have to say is ‘are you ready to go have a baby?’ Jude’s water broke.”
Heavy, nervous breathing came back to her, “Oh my gosh, really? Okay, okay, I’m leaving now. Is she okay? Crap, no she’s probably not okay, what am I thinking, she’s having a baby. Do I need-”
Liliver stopped his rambling, “Cardan, stop, Jude needs you to come home. Everything’s okay right now. I’ve got it handled.”
“Okay, I’m leaving right now.” With that he hung up.
Bomb helped Jude get some shoes on and braided her hair so it was out of her face. Knowing if it was down, all her hair would stick to her face from the sweat that was already starting to bead on her head as her contraction got stronger.
After she finished having one, Liliver asked, “Jude, have you been having contractions today?”
Panting, she said, “Yeah. I thought it was just Braxton-Hicks contractions, but I guess I was wrong.”
“Why didn’t you tell us? Cardan would have stayed home with you.”
Jude glared at her. “Exactly, Cardan would have stayed home and fussed over me. I don’t want someone taking care of me, I’m a big girl.” No, what Jude didn’t say is that she’s scared. And saying it aloud makes everything a reality, and she is not ready to admit that yet.
Not fifteen minutes later, Cardan comes through the front door. He walks quickly to their bedroom. He sees Liliver and Jude on the bed. The former rubbing Jude’s back through her contractions.
Cardan bends down in front of her and gives her cheek a kiss. He grabs her hand and waits till the contraction passes, rubbing small circles on the back of her hand.
When it is over with, he tells Jude, “I’m going to change my clothes real quick, and we will head out, okay?”
Jude nods her head. Cardan can tell how nervous and stressed she is.
He gets up, changes into some sweat pants and t-shirt, puts some Nike high tops on, and goes back to Jude, bending down in front of her, “Okay, you ready?”
Tears immediately fill her eyes, which isn’t a shock, she cries about everything these days, but when her body starts to shake with nervousness, Cardan knows this isn’t her just being an emotional basket case.
He immediately has his hands cupping her cheeks, “Hey Love, what is it? What’s wrong?”
A sob wracked through her, “I’m scared, Cardan, I’m so scared. What if I fail her? What if something goes wrong?”
He put his hands on either side of her stomach, “Hey I’m scared too. But guess what? We get to meet our little princess today or tomorrow, and that’s all that matters. She is going to be so loved. You’re going to be an amazing mom, I know you will be. She is going to love you so much. It’s okay to be scared, but don’t doubt yourself.” He gave a kiss on the lips. “You’re so strong, nothing is going to go wrong.”
Jude opened her mouth to reply, but at that moment a contraction hit her, and the words dissipated from her lips. But Cardan was there to rub her back, and tell her to breathe.
After it was over, Cardan grabbed the baby bag from the living room and headed out to the car with Jude. Liliver promised she would clean up a few things and lock the house before she leaves. Cardan thanked her, internally grateful for such a friend.
Cardan helped Jude into the car, and then got into the driver's seat. He blew out a big breath, and a wide smile bloomed on his face. He looked at Jude and said, “Let’s go have a baby.” He leaned across the middle and put his hand on Jude’s belly and kissed her lips excitingly. It made Jude smile right back.
The car ride wasn’t too bad. Even though Jude grunted and cursed, she didn’t complain once. She held onto Cardan’s hand while he drew circles on top of it, asking if she was okay. Which just aggravated her.
Once arriving at the hospital, the nurses took her back to a room. The room had machines, obviously a hospital bed, a chair for Cardan, and in the corner was a little bed for the baby to be checked out in. It was so surreal to them.
Cardan helped Jude change into her hospital gown, and helped her lay in the bed. The nurse came and put monitors on her stomach, one looked at the baby’s heartbeat and the other could tell when contractions came and how strong they were. The nurse then started on IV to put her on some fluids.
Doctor Tatterfell came in to check how far she was dilated. Which was a 5, she couldn’t believe she was already halfway there. Hence, she has been having contractions since this morning so I guess it does make sense.
But now, at 10pm, the contractions hurt bad. She held Cardan’s hand like it was her last lifeline. And Cardan, the ever encouraging boyfriend, let her, and he massaged her back and whispered sweet nothings about how good she was doing and how strong she is.
She got into different positions throughout the hours to try and relieve some of the stabbing pain that pursued every 5 minutes.
After finishing having one, Jude said, “Cardan, next time massage my lower stomach and my lower back at the same time. It might help.”
So that’s what Cardan did. It seemed to be the best right now to relieve some pain. Soon a nurse came in asking if she wanted an epidural which she immediately said yes.
They again checked to see how dilated she was, and they told her she was at a seven, and then they went ahead and gave the epidural.
Soon, Jude was numb from the belly button and down. Cardan held her hand as the needle went into her back. He couldn’t believe how big the needle was though, he was very nervous for her, not that he would tell her that. But she took it like a champ. Cardan let her know that much too.
Now she was laying back down, getting in a comfortable position on her side. Cardan wiped a cold rag on her forehead, she had sweat quite a bit in the last three hours.
He laid the rag down on a tray and muttered, “You’re doing so good, baby. I’m so proud of you. Rest now while you can, okay? I’ll be right here if you need me.” He was going to sit in the chair they had provided him.
Jude spoke quietly, “You rest too.” Jude ran a hand over her stomach. “I have a feeling we won’t be sleeping much tomorrow.” She smiled up at Cardan.
Cardan softly laughed and kissed her lips right before he went down and kissed her belly.
Soon they both were resting and asleep. Jude got about 2 hours when she started to feel the numbness wear off. She didn’t wake up Cardan, wanting him to get as much needed sleep as he could get.
Taryn came in while they were still sleeping. Jude wanted someone there that could document this moment, and Taryn said she would happily record and take pictures of this monumental day.
But soon, the pain increased, which means her groans of pain got louder. Unfortunately, she couldn’t keep it quiet enough, and Cardan heard it. He rushed to her side and grabbed her hand.
After the pain subsided a little, she called out, “I feel a lot of pressure, Cardan.”
His eyebrows shot up, “You feel like you need to push?”
She nodded her head.
Cardan spoke quickly, “Okay, wait just a second, let me get a nurse.”
Cardan opened the door, went out the hall a little bit and got a nurse. In no time, Jude’s team of nurses and her doctor came into the room.
Doctor Tatterfell checked her and said, “Okay Jude, when you feel another contraction go ahead and push.”
Some nurses held her legs back while Cardan held her hand and let her squeeze it to the point of it feeling like it was breaking.
After 15 minutes of pushing, Cardan muttered into her ear, “You’re doing so good, Jude. I’m so proud of you. You’re almost done.” Cardan could tell how tired she was.
She pushed again and panted, “I can’t. I can’t push anymore. It hurts and I’m so tired.”
Cardan looked past her legs and back at Jude, “Jude, honey, you can do this. She’s almost here. She’s already crowning. We just need a few big pushes, and she’s here. I know it hurts, and you’re tired, but it’s going to be so worth it when this is all done.” Tears started to well up in his eyes.
Jude put a determined look on her face and breathed in deep, and pushed.
Cardan mumbled to her, holding her hand, “Push, push, push, push. Good job, baby.”
This happened two more times, and on the third push, Jude felt relief. She then heard her baby girl crying, and her baby was placed on her chest. She gathered her up in her arms, admiring the little body that wailed with life.
She couldn’t help the tears that fell from her eyes, couldn’t help the sob that tore from her throat. She heard the nurse ask Cardan “Dad, would like to cut the cord.”
He did, and turned back to his girls. Jude heard a sob to her right, and turned her head to see Cardan with the widest smile on his face, tears falling from his eyes.
Cardan looked at Jude, kissed her forehead, kissed the baby’s head and said, “She’s so beautiful.”
Jude sniffed. “She is.”
They took the baby away to be checked by the nurses and doctors while they cleaned Jude up from the rest of the birthing part.
Taryn was still there and did her part. She took pictures and recorded like she was supposed to. She cried while she did it. This was an experience she would never forget.
They weighed the baby and checked her height. She was 7.4 lb and was 19 inches long. Born on May 28, 2020 at 1:09 am.
Soon the nurse came back over with the baby. “Okay. Here she is.” She gave the baby to Jude. “Do you plan to bottle or breastfeed?”
“I plan to breastfeed.”
“Okay then let's see how she does.”
The nurse helped her get the baby to latch, it took a couple of tries but she did it. After the nurse saw everything was going well, she left the room along with Taryn to give the family some alone time.
Cardan cupped the baby’s head as she fed from where he stood, “Jude, you baffle me. You brought this sweet baby girl into the world, and you did amazing. You did amazing carrying her for the last 9 months. And now we get a lifetime of happiness together.” He gently grabbed Jude’s chin from where she was looking at the baby so she would look at him. “Jude Duarte, marry me.”
Jude’s eyes widened and she whispered, “What?”
“You make me the happiest man in the world. I want to live with you forever, I want to raise our children together as husband and wife. I want to attempt to be the man you deserve every single day for you and our family. You bring out the best in me. So will you make me an even more happier man if that’s even possible today and marry me?”
Jude eyes filled with more tears and she nodded, “Yes, Cardan, yes, of course.”
They kissed as the baby unlatched herself. Jude broke the kiss and looked down. The baby had gone to sleep. She looked at Cardan and smiled, “Okay, dad, are you ready to hold her?”
Cardan nodded enthusiastically and held out his arms. Jude met him halfway and gave him the baby. He sat down in his chair by the bed and gazed adoringly at her.
And for the hundredth time that day, Cardan cried. He let the tears roll down his face, unashamed. This was the happiness of his little family, his baby girl that had dark brown hair, and looked to be like golden brown eyes from the little bit she did open them, and his fiancé that blessed him with all this joy.
He looked down at his baby and ran a finger down her cheek, and with a thick voice, breathed, “Welcome to the world Liam Rose Greenbriar. I’m your daddy.”
All Cardan could think of was he was so thankful that Jude gave him one chance.
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wanderingpages · 4 years
For the pregnancy au, can we have madoc/oriana/ oaks réaction pretty please. Thanks ❤️
Pregnancy au
“Are you still mad at me?” Jude looks curiously at Cardan who had been stoic, no, subdued, since he had found her hours ago. Despite holding each other in the small twin bed until they fell asleep, the air still feels weighted between them.
Cardan blinks away from his thoughts to look at Jude across the dinner table, still in Vivienne’s apartment. She’s nibbling on bacon and curiously picks at a jar of organic peanut butter. “I was never mad at you. I should be asking you that question,” he admits. “I can’t believe I didn’t recognize any symptoms. You’re my wife. I think I know your body better than I know myself.” Jude blushes at that but still Manages to roll her eyes. She dips a finger into the peanut butter but makes a face after tasting it, missing the jars she had bought with her parents.
“If it helps, I thought it was an ulcer.” She laughs a little, “Vivienne told me I was pregnant. Well, she bought a balloon while I was getting stitched up.” Jude waves her hand, “I’ll explain later.”
“Who else knew?”
“Just Taryn.” She waves a piece of bacon in front of Cardan’s lips and he takes the bite as Jude says, “Madoc might have known. Apparently Taryn liked eating soap or something with Tapeworm.”
“Please stop calling your nephew tapeworm.”
Jude sticks her tongue out. “Anyway, I guess Dad figures it was a twin thing to have the same symptoms? But he definitely hid the wine from me when we ate dinner.”
“We’re going to have to tell them. I can’t believe my mother did that. I can’t imagine what’s going on back at Elfhame.” Cardan scoots closer, tugging Jude’s arms until they wrap around his neck. He grabs hold of her hips and guides her off of her chair and on to his lap into a straddling position. Judes breath hitches at this thinness of their clothing and her hips rock slightly, fingers tightening around the nape of his neck. “Pandemonium,” Cardan says in a breath.
“Hmmm,” Jude “your breath smells like bacon and I’m really, really turned on.”
Cardan smirks, “Yeah, I can tell.”
“Let’s give em twins,” she murmurs, pressing her lips to the side of his mouth.
“Not at all how that works, love.” Still his hands skirt up her thighs.
Before she can pull away to take her shirt off, the door to the apartment opens and Jude stares wide eyed at Vivienne who leads their parents and little brother through the door. “Oops,” Viv quickly covers Oak’s eyes and Madoc looks greatly displeased. Oriana sighs and pats Madoc’s shoulders.
“It’s the human hormones,” she explains like Madoc would settle his glare. Cardan groans and rests his head in the crook of Jude’s neck, holding her flush to him. Jude wiggles her fingers in a wave and laughs nervously.
“Hormones? You know?”
Oriana frowns, “Jude, all of Elfhame knows. And then some.”
“How? This was only announced a day ago!”
Oak tugs at Vivienne’s hand to see what’s going on. He wrinkles his nose and takes a seat on the sofa. Jude slowly unravels herself from Cardan and takes her own seat. “Why didn’t you tell us sooner,” Oriana pouts and settles next to her son. “Did you think we would be upset?”
“Am I getting another nephew?” Oak asks. “Tapeworm is pretty cool.”
Oriana gasps, “Oak! Do not call him tapeworm!”
“Niece, maybe,” Vivienne says. “Or something else, who knows.” Jude scowls at her and Oak giggles as Viv tickles his sides.
“Well,” Jude asks, “are you? Upset, I mean?”
“No,” Madoc says. “Don’t be stupid. I made you peanut butter.”
“Yes,” his wife contradicts, “that Asha got to announce it,” Oriana confesses. “I hate her.” Jude’s eyes widen in surprise but Cardan stifles a laugh. “You should have told us yourself.”
Cardan clears his throat and raises a brow at Jude. Jude sighs, “Oriana, Dad, Oak. I’m... Uh, knocked up.”
“Don’t be crass, Jude,” Oriana shakes her head.
Vivienne snorts, “still can’t say it, huh?”
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caitsbooks · 5 years
The Cruel Prince Characters as John Mulaney Quotes
Jude: I’m new in town and it gets worse.
Cardan: I quit drinking because I would black out, and I would ‘ruin parties’, or so I’m told.
Taryn: Am I gonna be nervous? I’ve been nervous for 35 years.
Vivienne: In terms of like, instant relief, canceling plans is like heroin.
Madoc: Sometimes babies will point at me and I don’t care for that shit at all.
Locke: I don’t know how to lightly make fun of people. I can’t be like, “Ah, look at your shirt!” I have to be like, “YOUR WIFE LEFT YOU.”
The Ghost: You are never too young to learn our national no snitching policy.
The Roach: I don’t look older, I just look worse.
Nicasia: “How could another person kill someone? How could a human being kill another human being?” And then I got cheated on, and I was like, “Oh, okay.” 
Balekin: My dad loved us. He just didn’t care about our general happiness or self-esteem. 
Dain: I’m definitely never gonna be president.
|| YA Books as John Mulaney || SOC || The Lunar Chronicles || ACOTAR || TOG|| The Cruel Prince || Wicked Saints ||
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bliss-delight-jr · 5 years
goofy and indulgent crossover
i already made a post about this, but i don’t know why i didn’t just copy+paste the text into an actual post, instead of posting the link to the document??? anyways, you can read more under the cut, plz enjoy
When Rose has free time, and isn’t helping out the Caretakers or Madoc with the Archipelago and whatnot, she’ll take trips to the Summer Country. Sometimes short, sometimes long.
Sometimes she will take friends with her - like Caretakers or other Magicians - but not always.
Rose could be anywhere from still a young teenager, to a young adult.
She goes to a concert in the early 70s and luckily meets the band members after the show. What follows could go one of a few ways (or a combination):
Rose meets them and is slightly/very intoxicated. She shares information on things that they definitely should not know, concerning the Archipelago and such. (only problem with this is that they might find her kinda crazy - which could be interesting - but they may also be intrigued or amused)
Rose meets them and they hit it off. She continues to go to their shows and interact with them over a long(ish) period of time. (Rose becomes roadie???? dunno…)
Question: is there Trouble or Evil in their midst? Or is this a chill AU? The boyz could become involved in something bigger, most likely due to Rose - or saved by Rose?
Either way, Rose, of her own accord, decides they would (probably) be good allies, mystorians (if those exist still), or even Caretakers (if that role isn’t already filled by someone else, like Bradbury).
The boyz visit the Archipelago! (Possibly through the gate at the Kilns?)
Or people and things from the Archipelago visit them
The boyz at this time aren't HUGE, but gradually, as they get busier and busier, they visit less, and are involved less
Potential Caretaker placements:
Freddie: principa
Bri: secundus
Roger: tertius
Roger and Brian could share the role of secundus, making John the tertius of the group
John: The Fourth One, Or tertius
Or - Fred and Bri could share being the principa, making Roger secundus, and John tertius
General headcanons:
Brian loves the badgers instantly - fast bffs
Brian loves all the animals and they love him
Freddie plays the piano with/for Edith
Brian is possibly the nerdiest, and so gushing and excitement and endless questions insue
John is so nervous but everyone loves him
Other Caretakers call Deacy “other John” - or start teasing Tolkien instead
“How do you do, Jirt” “for the last time, Geoffrey”
Freddie probably loves Tamerlane House yo - big, extravagant, beautiful
Freddie’s (family’s) religion of Zoroastrianism (pre-Islam) strongly connects with themes of cotig
This Is Not A Headcanon This Is A Fact
Freddie knows other languages, like Japanese, Spanish, Gujarati, and Hindi - this would help in understanding or translating parts of the Geographica and other things
He APPARENTLY knew some German curses as well
He also knows a Hungarian folk song???
Brian and Tycho Brahe
Freddie and Byron
Freddie admires and respects all the Caretakers Emeritus, buuuut he isn’t a big reader, and so he’s nervous to be around them
“So are you familiar with my work?” “Uhhh no not exactly” “Or mine?” “Erm, i’m afraid not-” this goes on for several minutes
The band performs for them and everything and it’s so great
Bert LOVES them - he’s a dad he likes dad rock
IF roger ever gets angry or volatile while their at T.H., he’ll just go outside and fuck shit up out there, so he doesn’t wreck the house and become exiled - everyone else just hears yelling and crashing and everything from outside
John: “roger you all right?” Roger, coming back inside, covered in leaves and twigs and dirt: “yeah”
Roger can be so blinded by rage, sometimes he doesn't give a shit, he loses control, he throws the only TV they have at TH out the window
Everyone is Smoking Buddies
They, for the most part, DO NOT smoke around the magicians - they are responsible(?) and caring adults - second hand smoking is bad
These boys time travel a lot??
Songs of special potential connections:
My Fairy King
The prophet’s song
Who wants to live forever
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hithren · 6 years
If they had a kid meme
General Appearance:
Special Talents:
Who they like better:
Who they take after more:
Personal Headcanon:
Because this community could use with something a bit more positive and cute, I’m hijacking this meme to try and spread a bit of it. Who doesn’t like cute kids, imaginary or not?
Just reblog off this original post with the above filled out and I’ll give you a little doodle based off the info you provide like what I did below. I can’t promise everyone will get one, just because it’s the holidays and I’ll be doing these as warm-ups in between working on commissions but, I hope to get a few in. I look forward to drawing all the babies. For same sex couples, specify if you’d like me to genetic splice what-if, or perhaps adopt!
( Also just to specify, could be for any one! You and your partner’s or friends couples, not my characters. Just make sure I can find a ref of the parents! )
Name: Erden Parnell. coming from the Mongolian name for “treasure,” I think Arshtat would perhaps have slipped into her native tongue calling him it, and it just stuck. His dad’s a mercenary too, treasure fits, right?
Gender: Male
General Appearance:
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Personality: Wild, reckless, independent. Erden is definitely the type to make his dad proud by picking fights and skinning his knees, while making his mother worry. High energy, high fun. Secretly a cuddlebug.
Special Talents: Breaking bones probably. His own, at least.
Who they like better: I think equal parts. But also extremely attached to Madoc’s hip. Wants to be taught all the fighting things and hear all his dad’s cool stories.
Who they take after more: Madoc, easily. I mean look at him.
Personal Headcanon: He’s probably taller than Arshtat by like age ten. He’d grow up just like his dad, right down to the axe-wielding and the snark. 
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gplusbfics · 7 years
I was wondering... Do you know of any other well made Garashir fics centered around raising children? More along the lines of the one fic where Julian takes in the Cardassian orphans from Bajor. I really enjoyed that one because of the humor (poor Julian, people assuming he's courting his new daughter), the pacing, and because I felt it was in character and not super mushy-- which I feel sometimes happens when writers tackle the ship. It felt believable to me.
Yes, I do know of few. Of the ones I have in my spreadsheet/database so far, here’s what I have:
by myrna123
Weight Worth Bearing (hurt/comfort first, then kids in epilogue)
Cookies (short sequel to Weight Worth Bearing)
by @tinsnip
Pitter Patter
(I love this set. There may be more I might have missed.)
by Aurora Nova
Altering Course(They don’t exactly adopt kids but create a sort of blended family including Cardassian kids.)
Madoc (nantmadoc)
Splintered: A Romance in Six Seasons(Again, they don’t exactly adopt, but Julian ends up fostering a Cardassian infant and also becomes the surrogate dad to a teenager. And I love this story sooo much!)
by JA Ingram
Garak Bashir Mysteries
This EPIC series (over 300,000 words) includes, among many other elements, adoption as well as an orphanage. It’s so long, though, I warn you, you may want to pace yourself :) And it’s while before you hit the kids, but definitely they are built out characters. (Eventually I will post a review of this.)
There are definitely more, some sentimental, some not. I am building my list and as I do, posting review. It’s going to be a long time until I post even the ones before I started this blog.
P.S. I may update this post with other stories as I remember them. I just added one in fact in an edit.
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destiniesfic · 4 years
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132 Hours, Chapter 3:
“Let me step on your back,” I say abruptly.
Read chapter 3 on AO3, or read below:
“Sherlock Holmes.”
I barely have to think about it. “Sherlock Holmes was an omega.”
“No.” Cardan sounds totally affronted. “No way. How can you even say that?”
For lack of anything better to do, we have been playing this game for nearly an hour. Mostly fictional characters, but some historical figures, too, who are up for debate. As much as alphas would love to lay claim to every known conqueror, it just isn’t realistic. Cardan and I have already gone back and forth on Alexander the Great and Ivan the Terrible and Ghengis Khan. Designations live in a kind of middle space between gender and sexual orientation, so people make assumptions based on the way you present in society, but also whether you’re an alpha, an omega, or a mythical beta is, technically, no one’s business but yours. So, especially in older stories, these things go unsaid or are discreetly left for the reader to surmise.
“Why would he be an alpha?” I challenge.
Cardan is sitting in his corner, one leg propped up, elbow on knee, same as before. He shrugs. “I mean, he feels empowered to take charge in crime scene investigations, he’s assertive—”
“You’re thinking of the BBC reboot,” I scoff. “The way Conan Doyle wrote his Holmes wasn’t like that. He was an expert, yes, and knew it, but he admitted it when someone bested him, and he went out of his way to help vulnerable people. People who had been scammed, or… single women.”
As bad as it seems for omegas and women—especially omega women—now, it would have been even worse in the stratified Victorian era. We still have our strata, but they were more codified then:
Alpha men
Alpha women/omega men (depending on the situation)
Omega women
And, of course, it was all way worse when race and class got thrown in. The point is that someone like Violet Smith of “The Solitary Cyclist”—a woman, assumed omega, and poor—would have been in real trouble without Holmes’ help.
“So he’s an omega because he’s nice to widows?” Cardan asks, with a glare.
“No, he’s an omega because he pays attention,” I reply. “Alphas don’t need to pay attention the way Sherlock Holmes does. You just waltz in and traipse all over whatever or whoever and always get your way. Who cares about the details when you’re an alpha? But Sherlock Holmes looks hard at the little things. You don’t do that if you don’t have to, if you’re not used to walking into a room and assessing threats, figuring out the balance of power. All the time. Because it’s exhausting, but you have to do it.”
Cardan is quiet for a beat too long, and I realize I may have actually said more about myself than about Sherlock Holmes. But he spares me by saying, “Surely we’re not all that bad.”
I make a noncommittal sound.
“Your dad’s an alpha, right?” he continues. “He took you and Taryn in after your parents died. He didn’t have to do that.”
I have to keep myself from snorting. No one who’s met Madoc would ever describe him as particularly nice or even giving. “Did you know Vivi has a pet conspiracy theory that he killed our parents in the first place?”
“Not himself, obviously. That he hired someone to sabotage the car we were in.” I don’t know why I tell him. The second it leaves my mouth it feels like a family secret, or an in-joke I’m not supposed to share. But I can’t stop talking. “I mean, it was just luck we weren’t killed, Taryn and Vivi and I. But my parents’ car was new. The brakes shouldn’t have given out like they did. Anyway, Vivi thinks he took us in because he felt guilty.”
“I mean, that’s… crazy to think your dad was involved.” But Cardan says it too slowly, and hastens to add, “He isn’t a supervillain.”
“Yeah, I know. Just with everything that happened after, the way he swooped in, she was always suspicious.” I feel my mouth twitch, but I don’t know whether I want to smile or scowl. “I think she wanted us to be like The Boxcar Children and run away to live in the woods.”
“Well, you’re getting the one-room, no-running-water experience now.”
I catch myself smiling—he’s funny—and force my mouth into a frown, scouring our little room again for anything useful. Nothing, nothing, nothing. Even the socket that would hold a bare lightbulb is empty. Finally, my eyes settle on the one tiny window, set close to the ceiling, letting in a meager amount of natural light that does seem to have grown brighter as we talked.
“Let me step on your back,” I say abruptly.
“You want to what?”
“Step on your back,” I repeat, exasperated. “Are you tall enough to reach that window without a stool?”
“Well, neither am I.” I fold my arms. “So I’m going to need you to give me a boost.”
He arches a critical eyebrow. “Why don’t you just sit on my shoulders?”
I blink at him. “Because… I thought you wouldn’t want to put your head anywhere near my crotch? Given how I reek and all.”
“But you thought I’d want to be stepped on? Jesus.” Cardan rubs a hand over his face. “What do you think I’m into? Look, I’ll crouch down, you get on my shoulders and look out the window. It’s not like I’m putting my face in your vag.” I shudder, and he adds, “We’ll never have to talk about it again. Okay?”
“Sounds great to me,” I say.
He nods and crouches down. I am not prepared for the way my heart thumps in my chest at the sight of the guy who made my life miserable since I was in seventh grade, who pushed me during gym, who whispered vile things in my ear whenever he could, who empowered other kids to do the same or worse waiting for me to climb onto his shoulders with his head bowed. It’s not real power, it’s just temporary, but it is intoxicating.
Then Cardan says, “Taking your time, huh?” and I snap out of it.
“Why the rush?” I ask. “Got somewhere to be?”
“I was thinking anywhere but here would be great.” He looks up at me. “Whenever you’re ready.”
I swing my legs over him and let him hoist me up on his shoulders. I haven’t exactly been invited to participate in a ton of games of chicken fight in the pool, so it’s been some time since anyone carried me like this. Maybe not since Taryn and I were very small, just after our parents died, when Madoc would help us get things from high kitchen shelves. I gasp when I’m lifted. Cardan is strong enough that it seems effortless, but I also hear him let out a small grunt.
“Not a word,” I say, dreading the jab he might make about my weight. “Move me closer to the window.”
“I wasn’t going to say anything,” Cardan mutters, but he obliges.
I am extremely conscious of his hands on my bare thighs, the way his muscles shift under my shoulders. Some alphas, like the guy who tried to grab me at the party, are kind of muscle-bound in an unattractive way. Not Cardan. Cardan has just the right amount to be fit and lean, with the bare minimum amount of body fat, but not so much muscle that he tips over into ungraceful. He’s a sports car of a person, lithe and elegant. It’s no mystery why his shirtless TikToks get so many views.
I get my hands on the windowsill so he’s not bearing my full weight, and then I groan. “Bad news.”
“Well, I definitely can’t fit through here. I can kind of see the sky, so I would guess it’s maybe ten a.m. Otherwise there’s just a window well. Plastic and dirt. I can’t make out our surroundings at all.” I sigh. “We’re in a basement.”
There’s an awkward pause, and then Cardan says, “At least we know for sure.”
“Yeah. Put me down?”
He does, and we go back to our respective seats, mentally reviewing what we know. The only door is, of course, locked from outside. The floor is bare concrete, the ceiling exposed insulation and tubing, so we might be in a storeroom of some kind, or an unfinished basement in an older house. Our kidnappers left us with absolutely nothing, so no phones. Even my keychain, with the Swiss army knife Madoc gave me before my first summer at sleep-away camp, is gone.
We are growing hungrier and more sullen with each passing minute when there is a knock at the door.
Cardan and I glance at each other from our opposite sides of the room. “Um,” I say. Are kidnappers supposed to be polite?
Cardan shrugs one shoulder, then straightens up, lifting his chin in a decidedly imperious way. Trying to summon some air of command, some macho alpha-ness that will help us out of this. It could work—it is half working on me, I begrudgingly admit to myself, because my stupid brain is wired that way—if we weren’t both grimy from sitting on the floor and still a little woozy from the drugs.
“Come in,” he calls.
The door is opened slightly, and the first thing to poke through it is the barrel of a pistol. A 9mm, by the looks of it. Cardan’s Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows.
“You kids willing to behave?” comes a voice. It’s a man’s voice, strangely melodious. I was expecting the sandpapery roughness of an old-school gangster. I know it’s stereotypical, but I’ve never been kidnapped before, and it’s not like they make a manual.
Cardan and I glance at each other again. I’m not sure what we’re looking to find in each other’s faces.
“Yeah,” I say. “We’re good.”
“Oh, good. I’d hate to shoot you.” The man pushes the door open the rest of the way, and I have to press my lips shut to keep from gasping. There are disfiguring scars that cut across his cheeks, down his jaw, even one across the bridge of his nose. I’m not even sure what makes scars like that, jagged and rough-edged. If it was a knife, it wasn’t clean work. Someone was making a point.
I am immediately relieved, though, because his resonant voice had made me think we could be dealing with a real alpha, someone whose words hold command. This man is of average height, average build. If not for the scars, for the obviously broken nose, he would be totally unremarkable.
“Who are you?” Cardan asks. I am reluctantly impressed that he manages to sound haughty in this situation. He’s sitting up straight with his back against the wall, one leg outstretched, the other bent, his foot planted on the floor. He’s resting his elbow on that knee, like it’s all effortless.
“Breakfast service,” replies the man, still pointing the pistol at us. He tosses a McDonald’s bag into the room, then he and the gun retreat, and the door shuts behind him. We hear the click of a lock and then, to my horror, the sound of a deadbolt sliding into place.
Cardan exhales and reaches for the bag.
“Don’t!” I exclaim. “Seriously, it might be drugged.”
“It—what?” he asks. “Now you decide to care about whether the food is drugged? This isn’t Flowers in the Attic, Jude. We’re hostages. They want to ransom us. They’re not going to poison us.”
I blink at him. “Flowers in the Attic? You’ve read a book?”
He rolls his eyes and reaches for the bag. “Well, if you’re not going to eat it, I will.”
When he opens the bag, the smell of sausage grease and egg hit me like a truck. My stomach growls. I am suddenly very aware that the last time I ate was before the party, and my nerves had kept me from eating much then. “What… is it?”
“Two McMuffins.” He looks up at me. “See? They don’t want to starve us. They’re keeping us alive.”
“They could still tamper with them. Sedatives or something. Keep us complacent, keep us from doing what we’re going to do, which is try to escape.”
Cardan arches an eyebrow. “Has anyone ever told you you’re unbelievably paranoid?”
I think of Taryn and purse my lips. “Did you know it wouldn’t kill you to take something seriously?”
He holds up one hand, fingers spread wide. “Okay. How about this. I eat a McMuffin because I am fucking starving, and if they put anything in it it’ll get me and work through my system faster. You can stay up scheming or whatever. If nothing happens after like fifteen minutes, you get to eat yours. Or if you decide to be stubborn, I’ll eat it. Deal?”
“It’ll be cold and gross.” I cross my arms. “But fine.”
“Good.” Cardan takes a McMuffin out of the bag—his hands are so big that it barely looks like enough food for him—and devours it in what must be record time. I turn my head away.
“Where’s the nearest McDonald’s, do you think?” I ask
“We were in East Hampton. They don’t have one there.”
“Uh-huh. That’s a good point.” I look back to see Cardan sucking grease off his thumb. “Dunno. Closer to the middle of the island, maybe?”
“Maybe,” I echo quietly. Without knowing how long we were out, it seems impossible to figure out where they could have taken us. “You’re right. We couldn’t be in the city.”
Cardan shakes his head. “Nah, don’t think so. Too quiet, and like you said, that’s definitely daylight, so people’d be out and about.”
“Yeah,” I say, looking up at the window.
He looks at the window, too, but doesn’t say anything, and we lapse into silence. It’s strange, to be sharing space with him, to be quiet. I could never have imagined anything like it, not with our fraught history. There’s no world in which Cardan Greenbriar and I could be friends, but, at least temporarily, we are not enemies.
“Did you like it?” I asked at last, when the silence stops being neutral and begins to make me feel anew how tired and tense I am.
“Like what?”
“Flowers in the Attic.”
“Oh.” He blinks twice, his dark eyelashes fluttering. “I read it a few years ago, but, yeah. I did. You know, it was nice to read about a family that was more fucked up than mine.” He raises his eyebrows. “Spicy, too.”
I scoff. “How can your family be so fucked up you’d read a gothic novel for catharsis?”
Cardan drums his fingers on his knee. “How much do you know about my family?”
“You’re old money. One of those alpha families that claims they’re pure alpha for generations.” Which is pretty much impossible, but everyone in that tier of society tells the same lie. Half the kids in my school claim to be pure alpha, and on paper both of their parents are alphas. But while alpha men and women can reproduce—they have the right gametes—it’s not easy. More likely omega egg donors, and, before that, omega surrogates who were well-paid. It’s no wonder they see us as breeders.
I start ticking off additional facts on my fingers. “Your great-grandfather was one of the great American magnates, but it was his alpha daughter, Mab Greenbriar, who really made something of his millions. Your dad was her only son, so he inherited the whole corporation. You have five older siblings: Balekin, Elowyn, Dain, Caelia, Rhyia—”
Cardan holds up both his hands. “Yeah, yeah. I get the point.”
“It’s all on Wikipedia.” I shrug, and to sound less like a weird stalker, I add, “And Vivi and Rhyia are like best friends.”
“You know, and I know you said it before, but I do forget Vivienne’s your sister. She’s so cool.”
I roll my eyes. “Thanks.”
I get it, though. He probably thinks Vivi’s cool because she’s an alpha, but she also gets points for being the family rebel. Her biological dad, Madoc, adopted us all after the car crash that killed our parents, but she never wanted to be the natural successor he hoped for. Now she plays rugby at an all-girls’ college, has three cartilage studs and a septum piercing, shaves half her head, and is defiantly, unapologetically queer. It’s a different path than I would take, but marching to the beat of your own drum is definitely something that appeals to people.
“By the way,” Cardan says, “it’s been a few minutes and I feel fine. Well, as fine as one can feel having eaten only one McMuffin. I don’t feel any worse.”
“Okay.” I hold out my hand. “Toss me the bag.”
The bag crinkles when he picks it up, then he looks inside. “I think I’m owed a poison taster’s fee.”
Cardan takes my McMuffin out of the bag, takes a bite out of it, then drops it back in the bag, which he proceeds to lob at my head. I catch it, face wrinkling in disgust. “Ew!”
“What? I need the calories more.”
I shake the bag at him. “I am not eating this,” I huff.
“We split the water bottle. That didn’t kill you.” Cardan sits back against the wall and closes his eyes. “Besides, who knows when they’re going to decide to feed us again?”
“You’re all so gross,” I mutter as I open the bag and pull out my breakfast. He’s right, and I hate that he’s right. I also hate that my hunger is enough to overcome my revulsion, at both the stolen bite and the undeniable fact that my McMuffin is now cold. I stuff it in my mouth, devouring the rest of it in only a few bites.
“Who’s gross?” he asks. “Alphas? Boys?”
“Alpha boys,” I inform him, with my mouth full.
“Big words from somebody whose designation’s known for leaking fluids everywhere.”
I fold my arms over my chest. “We’re not the only designation that leaks,” I point out. “We’re just the only one that gets shit for it. We’re the ones who’re thought of as gross while you and your type get to go around ruling the world.”
“Oh, sure. That has nothing to do with the way you guys are totally incapacitated for three straight days if you don’t take your drugs.”
“If we don’t get out of here, you’ll be just as screwed as I am,” I snap. “Stuck in a room with me? You won’t have a chance. We’re both going to become brainless fuck machines if that happens, so… shut the hell up.”
He does, to my surprise. I do too. I wipe my greasy hands on the McDonald’s bag, then crumple it into a little ball and toss it into the corner of the room. My anger is a living thing, running through my veins like electricity, vibrating under my skin. It’s been there for so long, but I would never have dared to say that to his face before. The rest of our situation is so absurd, so dire, it feels like there are no consequences for mouthing off at him.
That’s dumb, of course. There are always consequences. But at least they won’t be coming anytime soon.
“‘Brainless fuck machines,’” Cardan whispers quietly, and then he snickers.
“You—shut up,” I say, feeling unlikely mirth bubbling at the corners of my mouth. Cardan lets out another huff of laughter, and then I am giggling, and he’s laughing outright, clutching at his stomach. It’s ridiculous, all of my nerves coming out like that, but he’s laughing and it feels like there’s nothing for me to do but laugh too.
“Oh, man,” he says, wiping at his eyes. “I didn’t know you were a poet.”
“I’m serious!” I squeal, my abs cramping from laughing and trying not to laugh harder all at once. “That’s what happens!”
“God.” Cardan lets his head fall softly into the corner. “We are so screwed.” He points one finger up in the air. “Metaphorically. So far.”
“Jesus.” I cover my face with both of my hands. “Jesus.”
“Jesus was an alpha.”
I peek at him through my fingers. “He was not. He literally said ‘I am the Alpha and the Omega.’”
“I’m just fucking with you.” Cardan grins, his hair flopping in his face, but then his cheer vanishes abruptly. “Wait, you’re not actually religious, are you?”
I shake my head. “Not really.” But I still know that common theology holds that Jesus—and angels, and any other holy beings I don’t know about—are not alphas or omegas, but they aren’t betas, either. They are all things and nothing. Must be a good life. I pull my hands down and squint at him. “Were you worried about offending me?”
“Me?” Cardan shakes his head to toss his hair out of his face. “Nah.”
“Well, good.” I cross my arms again. “Because you’ve never cared before, and it’d really freak me out if you started now. Then I’d know we were both losing it for real.”
“I just thought…” He shrugs. “I mean, it’d be nice if one of us believed in something. That praying could help. I’d like to believe that. Seems tidy.”
“Yeah.” I let my cheek fall against the cold wall, too, and blink away the memories of screaming at the night sky, demanding someone give me my parents back. I can’t fall into that pit. I will not.
I just say, “I stopped believing that anyone was listening a long time ago.”
Cardan scratches at the wall with his finger. “Me too, Duarte,” he said. “Me too.”
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