#my eldest daughter is having relationship trouble
veone · 11 months
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a typical thursday night.
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sl-ut · 15 days
the dangers of our desires
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(OH MY FUCKING GODDDDDDD why did i actually eat this up so hard (it could be actual hot garbage wrote this while stoned and dont have the patience to edit it)
pairing: stepmother!alicent hightower x targ!stepdaughter!reader
description: as if alicent didn’t have it hard enough, her youngest stepdaughter is returning to the capitol after spending most of her life in the vale, bringing with her more trouble than alicent could have ever imagined for herself.
warnings: stepmother alicent is most def a warning causssseeeee, alicent actually being so homophobic lmaooooo, some religious themes (guilt, trauma, sacrilege of a fictional religion), swearing, smut, unedited (VERYYYYYY, i got stoned and wrote this in one sitting so dont have high hopes for grammar), probably lowk kinkier than anything i’ve ever written but we gonna rock with it anyways, viserys traumatising yet another one of his kids, slight reader description (silver hair and purple eyes), sort of dub-con? (reader and alicent are both a lil tipsy in the end but they both want it so its fine)
words: 5.8K
date posted: 09/09/24
Alicent had been queen all of five months when her youngest stepdaughter was sent to the Vale, both as a political move recommended by her own father, the Hand, in order to restore a connection between the Crown and the Vale following the untimely death of Queen Aemma, and as an act of mercy the king, who wept each and every time he looked upon her little face–guilt and rage consuming him for what decision he had been forced to make in order to her to have survived her birth. 
The day of her departure is engraved so firmly into every single one of their minds, the king’s blank stare, his eldest daughter’s red and tear-streaked face scowling as she barked at her father, the Hand, truly anyone to change their minds, Otto Hightower’s stern order for a Kingsguard to take the eldest princess to her rooms in order to put an end to the scene she had been causing. Alicent felt vacant that day, silently staring into the distance to avoid watching as the princess was loaded into the wheelhouse before it began pulling away and out of the Red Keep. Of course, the entourage that followed her was almost ridiculously large for a child so young, larger than any that had previously accompanied the king himself, but both Rhaenyra and her father had a hand in ensuring maximum protection for the youngest member of the royal family for her long journey. As difficult as Viserys found it to be around his infant daughter, he certainly did not ignore the fact that she was the last piece of his late wife, and he felt that she needed to be well protected because of her status and out of respect for her mother’s memory. The girl was eleven months old.
Alicent made an effort to stay as distant of the young princess as possible; lingering in the doorway as Rhaenyra visited her nursery, avoiding looking directly at her friend as she held the babe to her chest and wept; taking on her duties to the youngest princess as her stepmother from a distance, insisting that any matters of the princess that did not concern the Crown could be dealt with by the princess’s personal household. It was more of a blessing to the new queen that she was being sent away–she no longer would be plagued with guilt each time she shirked away from the motherless girl.
Rhaenyra and Alicent’s already fractured relationship only suffered further after Rhaenyra’s sister was sent to the Vale, especially since Alicent soon after gave birth to her own child with Viserys, and Rhaenyra seemed to be under the impression that Alicent was far more involved in her sister becoming a ward of Lady Arryn than she truly did in order to put her own newborn son ahead. 
The first three years to follow were strangely calm in King’s Landing. Rhaenyra had married Laenor Velaryon, Alicent had given birth to three children of her own, and the realm was still, for the most part, at peace with itself. The youngest princess, last that Alicent had heard, had begun her early education, something that Alicent was supposed to be mostly responsible for arranging, though Alicent told Lady Jeyne in a letter that she trusted the lady’s judgement and faith to the Seven to see that the princess would receive a proper education befitting a Targaryen princess. Jeyne Arryn was a notoriously pious woman, often referred to by the crudest of Westerosi lords as the Maiden of the Vale; any noblewoman who takes an oath of chastity was to be noted with a nickname as such, Alicent noticed, though she’s certain that a man would be honoured and highly regarded for such piety. 
The queen’s perspective of the young princess had shifted in the years to follow–amidst the chaos that Rhaenyra and even Alicent’s own children had been causing at court, Lady Arryn’s letters of praise for the princess were a relief for the Hightower woman, she was the only of the king’s children who was able to refrain from causing her grief, only giving her a touch of a headache by association every time that Rhaenyra fought with her over the decisions being made for her; she needed to have the finest of Valyrian tutors, needed to be as connected with her dragon as possible, deserved to have dozens of new dresses and other luxurious gifts sent to her on a semi-regular basis. If Alicent was not willing to spoil the princess for her mere existence, Rhaenyra was more than willing to do so herself, writing to her younger sister as if she were her own daughter that had been sent away. From the way that the princess had been praised for her beauty, piety, and intelligence, Alicent had felt a breath of fresh air when the king made the decision to call his daughter home in hopes of securing her a suitable husband.
By this point, the princess was ten and eight, far older than most other Targaryen princesses had been permitted to remain unmarried. Rhaenyra had offered to assume the role of her guardian and host her younger sister at Dragonstone while they search for a husband, but Alicent was not blind to her intentions and refused to allow the heir to her sister to Prince Jaecerys–Alicent always been particularly disapproving of the traditional practice of incestuous marriage among the Targaryen dynasty, though she herself had permitted her own two children to be married in order to prevent her sweet Helaena from being swept away by Rhaenyra as a bride for her bastard son. 
In the first few weeks of her presence in the capitol, Alicent found her to be very pleasant. The letters from the Vale could not have been more truthful when they boasted of her beauty and wit, and she had proven to be just as charismatic and cultured in her Valyrian heritage as the most ideal Targaryen princess. She attended her lessons, enjoyed spending time with her younger siblings–even taking an interest in learning of little Daeron’s achievements in Oldtown. Then, as she seemed to become more settled in her new environment, rumours began to reach Alicent’s ears, and she was entirely unsure of how to deal with them.
She had noticed, on several occasions now, that the princess’s sworn protector, Ser Thomas, seemed to be far too comfortable around his charge, and could even be accused of caring for the princess far more than any white cloak should. Alicent was concerned by this, but beyond an intense questioning of both the princess and the knight about some of the rumours being spread, there was very little that she could do (especially considering that her own sworn protector did not hide his affections for her very well, either). The queen had hoped that this would be the worst of the drama, but she would be sorely disappointed in the months to come.
Princess Y/n had made an effort to surround herself with some of the other young ladies at court, constantly being accompanied by some, if not all, of her entourage at all times. Alicent saw nothing truly wrong with this, it was healthy for a girl her age to find companionship with the other ladies at court, but she quickly became alarmed at the sort of company she was choosing to keep.
Most of the ladies flew far below Alicent’s radar, all self-absorbed and desperate as the rest of the court to be any true threat. However, one Lady Mathilde appeared to be different; the girls were very close, often sleeping in the same bed, breaking their fast together, walking in the gardens together… Alicent saw from the beginning that she was cunning, and much too forward for Alicent’s tastes, often being found gossiping or flirting with anyone who would give her the time of day. She feared the impact that such a friendship would have on the princess, but Alicent could not risk insulting Mathilde’s house, who was already quite critical of the Hightower rule.
When she first caught wind of the impropriety that was supposedly taking place among the princess’s social circle, she knew she needed to step in. Far too many times now she had received complaints of the princess and her closest companions enjoying far too much wine in the gardens, or being quite loud well into the night when they all should have been abed, and her response to Alicent’s questioning was becoming more and more irritating for the queen; the modest, obedient girl had turned snarky and unapproachable.
Alicent had reached her wits end, getting the third complaint of the day for the princess’s daily activities, pushing past the knight at her door with a few tense words of dismissal, climbing her way up the stairs and through the unguarded door of the princess’s chambers, noting to herself to have Ser Thomas punished for leaving his post unattended. 
Her feet stopped abruptly, eyes widening at the sight before her as her breath caught in her throat. Before her, on the extravagant four-poster bed, Princess Y/n was splayed out with her shift unlaced to leave her chest exposed as the skirt was bunched around her hips to make room for the girl who knelt between her thighs. Her eyes were closed, silver curls splayed out on the mattress as she arched her back, fingers lacing through the dark locks of Lady Mathilde to hold her face snugly against her cunt. 
For a few moments, Alicent watched. The curve of the princess’s spine lifting from the feather-stuffed mattress, breasts lifting towards the ceiling as the cool of the evening air caused her nipples to harden into tight little pebbles; The sounds of her pleasure, whimpers and curses falling from her lips as the brunette sucked and nibbled at the sensitive folds of her womanhood. Alicent felt her lips purse in response to the involuntary watering of her mouth, fists clenching as she pressed her thighs together for a brief moment. 
She blinked a few times, coming back to herself. Neither of the young ladies seemed to notice the queen’s presence until she loudly cleared her throat, shaking her head to refocus.
Both girls sat up in surprise, the princess rushing to cover herself as the other hastily readjusted her hair and wiped her mouth on the back of her hand. The queen stared at them sternly for a beat before glancing up at the ceiling as she let out a deep sigh.
“Get out,” her voice was clear and commanding, stare coming back to the two figures on the bed and scoffing as either moved, “I said out.”
Lady Mathilde rushed to the door, pulling her robe over herself to protect her modesty as she escaped the princess’s chambers. Alicent did not spare her a second glance, instead choosing to stare directly at her stepdaughter, who seemed uncertain of whether she would be embarrassed or cocky for being caught in such a state.
“Your Grace,” The princess sat up straighter, “Apologies, but I did not hear your knock. As you can see, I was quite… indisposed.”
Alicent scoffed again, “Indisposed. Have you no shame? No decency?”
The princess rolled off of the bed, moving to pull her wine coloured robe over her shoulders and sitting at her vanity, “Decency. I was alone in my own chambers, it is not my fault that you do not feel the need to uphold some boundaries, stepmother.”
“I shouldn’t think it necessary, given your recent behaviour. How else could I prevent you from indulging in your depravities?”
“Worry not, Your Grace, my maidenhead is still intact, if that is your concern. My prospects for marriage will not be harmed.”
“No?” Alicent laughed cynically, “And when the court hears of your indecency? What then, when lords begin to refuse to entertain a woman of such immorality?” 
“I think my Valyrian blood would be enough incentive for most,” The princess scoffed, brushing through her silky hair, “I doubt any would truly care, so long as I provide heirs and a few moments of pleasure. My title and connection to the Crown is of much more importance than my chastity.”
Alicent stormed forward, grasping her stepdaughter’s wrist tightly in her own grasp, “Listen to yourself! Your father, the king, has spent more money than you can even imagine on bringing suitors here for you, hosting feasts and tournaments for you, offering you the finest of lifestyles and education–Think of the opportunities he has given you, and this is how you act?”
“My father,” The princess sneered, pushing herself up to speak directly into her stepmother’s face, “Wasted his coin in doing those things, not for me or for my future, but himself. He could not, in good faith, let me rot in the Vale until I am old and withered, so instead he calls me home, only so he can be rid of me for good. Nothing that fool has ever done has ever been for anyone except for himself–even now, he allows you and your father to rule in his stead, slipping the realm and his family into chaos and not willing to step in and protect anyone but himself–”
The room went dead silent after the loud clap of Alicent’s palm across the princess’s cheek. Both women gasped, Y/n reaching to prod at her swelling cheek while Alicent collected herself.
“You forget yourself. Your father is the king, and you will treat him as such. Everything your father does is in honour of your mother and the love he holds for you and the memories of her that he sees in you,” Alicent gulped, looking away as tears fell over the princess’s cheeks, “Lady Mathilde will be removed from court on the morrow. I should have never allowed her to accompany you in the first place. You will accompany me to the Sept for prayer tomorrow morning, and you will be taking extended lessons with the Septa. You will break your fast and sup with only myself or alone, and you will learn to respect your father, the king, and me, your queen. Now go to bed, and bathe yourself tomorrow morning–Your sin alone is enough to disgrace the sept, let alone any physical signs of it.”
With that, Alicent turned and fled the room, rushing down the stairs and ignoring the greetings of the white cloaks patrolling the halls as she marched into her chambers. She paused, raising her hands to grasp at her face in frustration. 
She cursed silently, then quickly blessed herself. Shaking her head, she began to pull at the laces of her own robe, falling into her plush bed and curling into herself. She was still for a few moments, waiting for her handmaidens to put out the candles and leave the room before she rolled onto her back, shakily pulling her skirt up to her hips and slipping her fingers between her thighs, head rolling back in both pleasure and annoyance at how wet she had become from watching the princess in such a primal, exposed state, breasts heaving with her stuttered breaths and husky moans. Alicent felt that angry bubbling eating away at her gut, intense jealousy surging through her at the thought of that girl touching her, tasting her in the most intimate way possible–what Alicent wouldn’t give to know how it felt to taste a Targaryen princess, a thought she had not entertained in many years.
Alicent grunted, hips stuttering into her own touch as her brows furrowed, unable to find a steady enough rhythm. She quickly rolled herself over, face pressed into her pillow and back arching to lift her dripping core into the air. She reached beneath herself, quickly moving to circle her clit with a steadier, more confident pace. A surprise jolt of pleasure wracked her body, shocked at how sensitive she was with that first touch as a heavy, dragged out moan filtered out of her, brows creasing in concentration as she fell into a steady, but rapidly quickening pace. Her fist tightened into the sheets, arm tensing to push herself up into a sitting position, legs widening impossibly further as she began riding her own fingers, hips stuttering as she reached her peak, and then gradually slowed to a stop. She slid her fingers out of herself, gliding them up her body until she was able to wrap her lips around them, tasting her own juices and imagining it was the princess’s instead. When she finally collapsed back on the bed, rolling onto her back and taking heaving breath as her heart slowed to a normal, steady beat. She laid there silently for a few moments before she finally closed her eyes in embarrassment, cheeks burning red at the memory of what she had done, and more importantly, what had stirred her on.
In the following weeks, she noticed the princess’s behaviour reverted to one that was more akin to how she had acted when she had returned from Vale. In the public eye, she had continued to portray the perfect princess, years worth of practised grace and charisma coming to aid her in impressing the visiting suitors, and even regularly accompanied Alicent to the sept for prayer. Alicent wondered, in the beginning, if she truly just had been in need of a reality check, to be put in her place in order for her to behave. Then, Alicent realised, no one–especially someone so deviant as the princess–returns to the light so easily without still being tempted by the sins of their past. The Hightower queen knew better than anyone that the princess was most certainly still indulging in her desires, and Alicent had just made it more difficult for herself to catch the princess in the act by sending Lady Mathilde away. 
For now, at least, the queen would have to settle with this arrangement. In truth, there was nothing that she could truly do to stop the girl from doing as she pleased, she just hoped she would keep it a private matter. That way, the queen would not have to deal with the matter, nor would she find herself in the position of witnessing and being influenced by the princess’s depravity. 
In fact, Alicent found herself coming to enjoy the princess’s company. She was, after all, dangerously charismatic and carried a wit that kept the queen on her toes. On a personal level, she truly did feel for the princess; her father made little effort to know her after months apart, and yet she was being forced into a marriage with some lord that she doesn't even know for his advantage. Alicent was once in a similar position, and she had a deep understanding of exactly why the young woman was so hostile towards her father.
The eldest son of House Tyrell seemed to be an ideal match for their own young princess. He was handsome, and seemed to have focused much of his time on earning a greater understanding of the princess’s Valyrian culture and heritage. He seemed quite taken with the silver-haired beauty, stealing her away to the dance floor at any given opportunity during the grand feast being held in his honour. Alicent was glad to see it, hoping that this issue would be resolved easily enough once she was focused on a husband of her own, but that itching feeling of suspicion at the base of her spine returned as she watched the princess be dragged away by her potential betrothed’s elder sister, spinning around the dancefloor hand in hand. 
The queen found herself lost in her cups that night. She had been sitting in between her frail husband and the droning lady of Highgarden, her high-pitched voice turning into an annoying ringing in her ears as she watched over the crowd, emerald eyes constantly in search of her stepdaughter in the crowd. On top of everything else, Aegon had been acting up once more, and Rhaenyra’s insistent involvement in her sister’s betrothal leading to the king’s heir, her husband, and all five of her children arriving in King’s Landing. 
She had found it difficult to relinquish some of her everyday activities with the princess to Rhaenyra, who had been at her side since they had arrived, fingers gracing her cheeks affectionately and insisting on doing her sister’s hair on her own. The youngest of Aemma’s children did not belong to the red haired woman, that much she already knew, but Rhaenyra’s presence seemed to pose a threat to Alicent.
Her wandering mind had drawn her eyes to the heir to the throne, where she and her husband stood off to the side conversing with some other lords. She shook her head, rolling her neck back as Lady Tyrell’s blabbering returned to her. Her eyes scanned the crowd, searching for the recognisable head of silver braids amongst the court, lips curling down as she failed to find her. 
Alicent grasped her cup, downing the remainder of the sweet wine and forcing herself to her feet. She barely offered Lady Tyrell a glance as she excused herself, quickly manoeuvring through the crowd. The queen spared no time, immediately turning and taking the far too familiar route to the princess’s chambers, though she only made it about halfway there before she discovered exactly where the princess had escaped to. 
Princess Y/n of House Targaryen was pressed against the stone pillar in a small alcove, helplessly pressing herself against the full figure of the eldest Tyell girl, moaning wantonly into their kiss and paying no mind to the fact that her stepmother had just caught her for the second time. 
“I thought we were past this,” Alicent frowned, the lack of emotion in her voice betraying exactly how enraged she truly was, sending a nervous shiver down Y/n’s spine. 
“Your Grace,” the Tyrell girl curtsied, separating herself from the princess in embarrassment. Alicent felt a touch of relief at how flustered she appeared in comparison to Lady Mathilde. “I–I…”
“Leave us,” Alicent did not remove her eyes from the princess, who shrunk into herself as the lady rushed down the corridor, barely gone for a moment before the queen was grabbing her bicep with a bruising grip and dragging her up the stairs. “I cannot believe you, just when I thought I had gotten through to you.”
The door to Y/n’s bedchambers slammed shut behind them, Alicent dragging the younger woman across the room and throwing her onto the bed, face first. The queen felt her own face burning red, unsure if it was caused by the burning anger inside of her, the wine, or the familiar feeling squeezing at the bottom of her stomach. The princess whimpered, pushing herself up to attempt to turn and face the queen when Alicent’s hand fisted itself into her silver locks, forcing her back down on the mattress.
“You will stay, I think I need to get my point across more thoroughly,” Alicent muttered, using her spare hand to tug at the princess’s skirts until her bare ass was left to the cool evening air.
The queen took a moment to admire her soft, plump flesh, dimpling skin leading down to the silver curls that peeked out from between her thighs. The Hightower woman inhaled deeply, collecting herself, before she finally brought her flat palm down against the meat of her ass. The princess cried out, skin singing with pain as her ring-clad fingerprints were burned into her flesh, limbs fighting to escape her punishment, though the queen seemed to be much stronger than she looked. Alicent continued her assault, watching with a sadistic satisfaction as her handprint was left repeatedly in the princess’s skin. 
“You forced my hand,” The queen grunted, “Everything I have done for you, everything everyone has done for you, and you still betray your duties.”
“I’m sorry!” The princess wept, “I tried, I did! I cannot help it.”
Alicent ignored her and the small pang at her heart, continuing to spank the girl before halting as her fingers landed on the apex of her thighs, a squelching sound echoing from the slap as her fingers found her dripping mound. The queen gasped at the wetness that soaked her fingertips, slowly pulling them away to stare at them.
“Look at you,” She muttered, “No matter the circumstance, no matter the woman, you are dripping and desperate.”
She finally released the princess, allowing her to turn and face her, whimpering as her sensitive ass pressed against the textured furs. She stared up at the queen for a few moments, letting out stuttering breaths as silent tears fell down her cheeks, then she pushed herself up, forcing her face into Alicent’s chest as she wrapped her arms around her, sobs wracking her body.
“I am sorry,” she wept, “I cannot help it, believe me. I wish I was never afflicted like this, but everytime I try to stay on a straight path, I find myself lost once more.”
Alicent’s hand came up to grasp at the back of the princess’s head, engulfing her in an affectionate embrace that was frighteningly soft in comparison to her previous actions. She whispered calming words to her, forcing her face back so she could speak directly to her.
“I understand,” She said, “Everyone struggles with their own afflictions…myself included.” 
“Even you?” The princess sniffled, “You seem so perfect.”
Alicent scoffed, “If I were perfect, my children would be well behaved, the realm would be at peace, and I would be satisfied without my own guilt and sin.”
Y/n exhaled, eyes flickering to the queen’s pouty lips for a brief moment before leaning up, nose brushing against hers. Their breaths mingled, lips ghosting one another’s in order to test the waters, allowing for Alicent to pull away before the decision was made.
She did not.
Alicent wishes she could blame the alcohol that she had consumed, but as her lips crashed against those of the princess, she was brought back to the many nights she had brought herself to her blissful peak with swirling thoughts of the silver-haired woman. Her hands grasped her face, holding her tightly in place as she continued her new assault, this time one that the princess was glad to receive. 
“We will fight this together,” the queen murmured, “We will help one another.”
The princess nodded, desperately pushing her face closer for another kiss, which the queen was happy to offer to her. She moaned at the princess’s taste, the sweetness of her tongue mixed with the sharp taste from the wine she had been drinking. Alicent finally pulled away, forcefully turning the princess around as she made quick work of the lacings of her dress, eagerly helping her remove and step out of the many layers of clothing she’d been wearing. She allowed herself to stare in awe as the princess turned back to face her, breasts heaving in anticipation of the queen’s touch.
“Beautiful,” Alicent murmured, fingers gliding up her sweat-glazed flesh to pinch tightly at one of the princess’s pebbled nipples and smirking at the whimper that escaped her kiss bitten lips. The queen released her touch, turning herself around and calling to the younger woman over her shoulder, “Take off my clothes.”
Y/n giggled behind her, hands finding the queen’s waist as her lips trailed her pale neck. Her voice escaped her in a husky whisper, breath hot against the queen’s ear as her fingers slowly pulled at the green gown, “Yes, Your Grace.” 
Alicent felt a shiver of desire ripple down her spine as her own clothes joined the princess’s in a heap on the floor. She turned as soon as her chemise removed and her skin was left completely bare, pushing herself as close to the princess as possible and capturing her lips in another kiss, both women fighting each other with ferocity and passion before Alicent finally subdued the princess’s attempt to seize control. Y/n pulled back, lips trailing down the queen’s neck, shoulder, and collar bones before she went to work on her breasts. Her tongue dragged over every inch of her bare chest before she finally focused on the hardened pink buds, sucking each into her mouth and offering them equal amounts of attention as she sucked, licked, and nibbled away.
Alicent moaned out, head tilting back as she felt the pleasure course through her. The thick red curls between her thighs felt matted with the amount of juices that had escaped her, and she’d finally had enough. She pulled the younger woman away from her breast, noting the whimper of disappointment that left her lips. Alicent kissed her again, indulging the princess’s desperation as she kissed back eagerly, before she pushed her back, pinching her cheeks together to force her lips into a pout.
“Get on your knees,” Alicent ordered, “Show your queen the fruits of the company that you keep.”
The princess wasted little time, kneeling between the queen’s thighs, leaning forward with an exploratory lick into the mass of red curls. Alicent gasped at the contact, fingers curling into the younger woman’s hair and forcing her face closer. The princess had not been at work for five minutes before Alicent raised her leg, resting her foot on the edge of the bed next to them, using extra support to begin thrusting her hips forward. She chased her orgasm ferociously, rolling her hips against the princess’s tongue, gripping her hair tightly as she guided her face into her and fucked her face ruthlessly.
“Gods, yes,” she sighed, staring down at the violet eyes of her stepdaughter, “You were born for this, to obey your queen.”
She let out a cry of pleasure as her orgasm rolled over her, caused by another person for the first time in her life. Alicent continued to roll her hips, slowing until the aftershocks came to a halt. She pulled her hips back, hauling the princess back to her feet to catch a taste of her own juices on the princess’s lips. Her hands carded down her back, down her back and grasping at the meat of her ass snugly, completely forgetting the tenderness of the flesh until the princess whimpered in discomfort. 
“My apologies, sweetness,” Alicent instead turned to gently massage the flesh, “Allow me to make it better.”
The princess was malleable for the queen as she helped her onto the bed, pushing her onto her belly and forcing her ass up into the air. The queen felt a stab of guilt as she stared down at the swollen skin of her ass, bringing her lips down to press gentle, loving kisses into the flesh before her fingers gripped the skin as softly as possible to spread her cheeks, mouth watering at the sight of her silver curls glistening with arousal. Alicent wasted no more time, pressing her face into the princess’s core with vigour, tongue working her tight hole before lowering to suck at her swollen and throbbing clit. The sounds escaping the princess were more than enough to encourage Alicent’s movements, working her sweet bud until her own release was gushing out, oozing onto Alicent’s tongue. The queen moaned at the taste, slurping up every last drop that she could find. 
Cries of pleasure left the princess’s lip as she shook with the aftershocks, offering no resistance as the Queen rolled her onto her back and paying no attention to what she was doing until another burst of pleasure shot through her at the unexpected feeling of Alicent’s hot, wet core pressing against her own. Both women sighed at the contact, Alicent’s hands coming to rest on either side of the princess’s head as she rocked her hips, pressing their lips together in a weak attempt at silencing their moans as she found a steady pace. 
The only sound heard in the room was the soft clapping of skin on skin, a squelching of their juices mingling together, and the desperate moans escaping both women. Y/n’s hands gripped Alicent’s waist tightly, raking her eyes over the queen’s body as she rode her, fingers crawling up her torso to find her breasts, squeezing and tugging on her heavy breasts. 
“Your Grace,” the princess cried out, back arching off of the mattress, “Pleas–Your Grace, I am close.”
“As am I,” Alicent muttered, head tilted back with her eyes closed, “Gods, gods, yes.”
The princess reached her peak first, body thrashing in the sheets as the wetness between her thighs dripped down onto the sheets, soaking both herself and the queen above her in her juices. Then, Alicent fell over the ledge, fisting the sheets tightly with one hand while the other grasped the princess’s throat, pulling her up to kiss her once more. 
The queen collapsed on top of the princess, red curls mixing with sliver as they lay entirely pressed together. Alicent pressed sweet kisses to the princess’s face, soothing her with gentle praises as she smoothed her hair away. 
“I love you,” The princess muttered, her voice strained with dehydration, “I love you, I love you.”
The queen fought back a smile, “I know, my sweet girl. I know.”
They kissed, this time slow and yearning, a silent agreement of the change in their relationship.
“This changes things, more than you know,” the queen sighed, “But the decision has been made, and I will do everything in my power to protect you from the dangers of our desires.”
“As will I,” the princess whispered, leaning up to taste the queen’s lips once more, both completely unaware of the figure peering at them from the doorway.
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https-genesis · 1 year
my baby, my baby | dad!jake x daughter!reader
Synopsis; Jake Sully wishes he did more when you were there. Now that you're not, he's losing a part of himself he didn't know he had in the first place.
Contents; angst no comfort haha, mom neytiri & siblings sullys, major death, depiction of gore, general avatar stuff, jake being a bad father, brief mention of suicide, long fic NO INCEST
Dictionary; Olo'eyktan - Clan leader, Tsahik - Interpretor of Eywa, Ikran - large winged creature, Sa'nok - Mother, Sempul/Sempu - Father/Daddy, Kuru - queue, tsaheylu braid, Tsumuke - sister
A/N; sad cries
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At first, you were the best thing to happen to Jake and Neytiri. Their eldest child, eldest daughter, future Olo'eyktan/Tsahik. Neytiri found out she held you in her womb shortly before the Sky People attacked Home Tree. She had told Jake only after, fearing he wouldn't want her to fight with the rest of the Omatikaya. After they won the war, Neytiri gave birth to you, their beautiful little babygirl.
During your first connection with Eywa, Mo'at heard the latter whisper about how you were destined to be a great, mighty woman. The first few years of your life, you learned everything you were taught faster than most Na'vi. At two, your sa'nok gave birth to your brother, Neteyam. He was a carbon copy of Neytiri, while your father's face was printed onto yours. With Neteyam by your side, you learned to speak the language fluently at three, and by four, you learned English. Jake taught you how to hunt, how to craft blades and how to carry yourself like a leader. Neytiri taught you the ways of the bow, the traditions of the people and how to cook the game you hunted.
Though it seemed picture perfect, after Neteyam's birth, your father became distant. He was erratic and he had trouble sleeping at night and the only way you could tell he was awake is because of his rushed breathing. Kiri came next, being a byproduct of what seemed to be Eywa and Grace, but she was a good child. More resilient. And a few days after Kiri's birth Lo'ak arrived, slightly unexpectedly. Having four children with the woman he loved made Jake ecstatic, but you felt you were slipping through his fingers as you watched him be a marine before being a father. Tuk was the last straw for him. He completely detached himself from whatever relationship you two had before and the only time you'd hold conversations longer than ten minutes made you feel sick with envy.
Even with the familial struggles, you still exelled in what you trained. When you turned thirteen, your Iknimaya was near perfect. Jake had told you stories about his, for it took more than a dozen minutes before his ikran, Bob, had calmed down. You approached the ikran's den slowly, with a rope in hand (your father had said it would make the task easier) and slowly crept your way inside. One by one, they flied off the edge of the cliff until one stood its ground. She was a striking turquoise color with stripes of deep marine blue, and Neytiri whispered to Jake how it resembled Seze.
You were a fierce hunter by the age of sixteen, and your siblings cherished you as much as you did them. You kept Lo'ak out of trouble and had a major influence on his behavior. You, Kiri and Tuk often gossiped about boys and you always tended to Neteyam's wounds alongside Mo'at.
The group stood and walked back the way you came from. Tuk ran in front of you again. "Come on, it is almost eclipse!" A hand then reaches out towards her right arm, then her left, and she's pulled towards a taller figure. The shriek she let out made your instincts act before your brain and the bow tou held tightly in your grasp came in front of you. You noticed five fingers and markings on their blue skin, but most strikingly was their off-green clothing and the heavy guns they carried.
The moment that you realized the Sky People had came back was deep in the forest, with Lo'ak, Kiri, Spider and unwillingly Tuk. As you walked, you could hear them bicker about each others presence until Tuk came to a slow halt in front on the group. You had accidentally came close to the abandoned shack your father had told you to never, under any circumstances, approach. There were other Na'vi, taller, bigger and covered from head to toe in fabric. Lo'ak reached Jake through his comms. To say Jake was appalled was an understatement.
You pulled your bow forward and reached for an arrow when the hand reaching behind your back was grasped by a much bigger one and you were pulled to the ground. Spider willingly dropped his, knowing whatever fate was left for him if he didnt drop the weapon would be worse than yours. The loud thud your body made against the forrest floor chocked you, and your bow fell out of your hand. A heavy weight was pressed against that arm, and you turned you head to see a boot. Kiri was grabbed by her kuru and her right arm, and you could see her wince in pain from it being pulled too hard. Your eyes shifted to Lo'ak, who was on his knees also held by his queue, as one Dreamwalker approached him, his hand resting on his firearm. You couldn't listen to their conversation, your focus being primarily on Tuktirey. The poor girl was too young to be here- you should've never let her come with you.
You had waited for what felt like hours, the sky was now dark. You knew that they were looking for your father, ex-human and ex-marine who came onto Pandora and disobeyed about ninety-nine of the hundred rules they had put in place. Rain poured heavily on your hair and down your shoulders and you shivered as you felt Tuk cower into your back. Momentarily, one of the Avatars glanced at you and you bared your teeth at him before giving him your most threatening hiss.
He grinned, wide and sadistic, and pulled your back to his chest. He held your arm so thight that it went numb and the tip of your fingers felt as if they were covered in small bugs. He brought a blade to your neck and pressed slightly, blood gliding down your collarbone. You heard your mother's call then, your ears perking up and your head turning in its direction.
"Demon! I will kill you as many times as I have to!" As the first arrow hit the first soldier, the one holding you in place tightened his grip on you before lifting the blade high above his head, very clearly planning to stab you. Another arrow pierced his arm as he fell backwards and even thought you saw a flash of long braided hair, probably your mother's, you didn't want to run. You turned and grabbed Tuk while your hand reached for Kiri's and you ran to a nearby tree. Pushing them to safety, Tuk climbed onto Kiri's lap and you smoothed down her soaked hair. "I will return, tsumuke. I have to find Lo'ak." You ran back near the shack and grabbed your bow that had been tossed aside. Three arrows. Eywa knows how many soldiers. Peeking from a bullet ridden tree you spotted Lo'ak in the same position he had been before, held by a Dreamwaker taking cover behind the large shack. Your drew your bow back and hit the Avatar in the shoulder and Lo'ak was pushed forward by its body. You ran towards him as quickly as you could and shoved him behind you, instructing him to run where Kiri and Tuk were hidden. You drew your bow again but this time quicker and shot another Avatar in the chest.
Unfortunately, you were too pumped by adrenaline to notice the blood pooling down your ribs and onto your loincloth, and didn't notice the sharp pain in your shoulder blade from your arm having been bend ways it shouldn't have been. When the forrest quiet back down you limped back to the tree you had left your siblings and saw the rest of your family, safe. A sigh was pulled from your noticeably bloody lips and you stumbled closer to your family before stumbling to your knees with a sharp wince. Jake's head lifted quickly thinking there was another round of soldiers, but the only thing he could see in the darkness was your form hunched over and breathing too heavy for comfort. He dropped his gun and tripped running to you while Neytiri turned to see her firstborn daughter laying on the forest floor, covered in grime and gore and whatever your wet skin came into contact with. She came to her knees next to your head and gently placed it onto her thighs while Jake tried to apply pressure on the bullet wound on your ribs. You couldn't see you siblings then because of how blurry your vision became.
"No... No, No, No... No Great Mother No. Please, not my child, Great Mother, Please!" Neytiri pleaded. Kiri had gripped her arm to stop her from ripping out her own hair. Jake pressed the wound so hard that you jerked away from him screaming in what could only be agony, and he weeped. You sobbed for your sempul to help you, to save you, to make you feel better. "You're alright babygirl... You're alright- It's.. It's alright." As you lost and gained consciousness, you could feel what seemed to be Neteyam's hand in yours and Lo'ak gently squeezing your shin. Tuk still laid in Kiri's lap and gently sobbed into her neck. You looked Jake right in the eye as you took your last breath, and he didn't even get to tell you he loved you. He wanted to shoot himself in the head that night.
Because they weren't in the comfort of the forrest anymore, your funeral was short and bitter. Since they couldn't bury your corpse into Home Tree, Mo'at suggested you be wrapped into blessed shawls woven from the finest fabric in Pandora, and your corpse be tucked into a large coffin-like basket. Every single Na'vi in High Camp attended your funeral and had even covered the casket with beautiful ornaments, while the children put sliced fruit and small wooden toys for your spirit to rest peacefully.
Each of your siblings had a gift for you. Tuktirey had her favorite Toruk toy, one Jake had carved himself and that was passed on to the other children. Kiri covered your casket with her favorite beautiful hand woven blanket that she had growing up. Lo'ak wasn't sure what he would give you. In all honesty, he didn't want to come to your funeral. He wanted to cry into his hammock and scream into his hands and pray for you to just come back. He ended up giving you his blade to remind your spirit of your fierce nature, how you never gave up and always protected the people. Neteyam was too in a dilemma. You were his big sister, his guide in this world and now seeing your cold and still body be lowered into a basket made him sick. He couldn't bring himself to come close to it, so he asked Neytiri to put his gift (which was one of the two arrows you had shot the day you died) onto your grave.
Neytiri had crumbled to her knees with what started as a whimper and now the rocks of High Camp absorbed her flowing tears. Jake held her close to his chest and held a firm hand to her head and while he felt anger and rage from seeing your covered body be dropped into a handmade shawl, he also felt guilt. He was so caught up in being Olo'eyktan and so caught up in being a warrior that he wasn't there for you. For his beautiful mate or for his children. You were only a year older than Neteyam yet you held yourself like a mature Na'vi woman and he started wondering (still holding a weeping Neytiri close to him) if it was because he was cold to you. Towards the end, Neytiri held your songcord to her heart and whispered its melody which painfully reminded her of you. How delicate yet strong it left her lips.
Jake thought he had felt it all. As a human, he had lost his brother and his legs, his entire life had flashed before his eyes too many times but this... this was different. He had lost you. His first child. His babygirl. That night, he decided with an unwilling Neytiri to leave the forrest. Leave far, far away were no human or Dreamwalker had been. He'd never see you again. Not in his dreams, not at the Tree of Souls, not today and not never. He'd lost you. You were dead.
Oh how he wished he had held you a little bit longer, and a little bit tighter.
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if me watching james cameron movies can't be happy, jake in avatar twow can't be happy
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shesjustanothergeek · 1 month
The Gods We Can Touch
Archmaester Gyldayn’s Testimonies of Princess Aelora Targaryen’s Youth
Masterlist of Series
Summary: The older twin of Prince Jacaerys Velaryon, you were a picture of the maiden, untouched and untainted by man's sins. At least, that was what Alicent Hightower believed when she held you in her arms moments after her old friend's labors. You were her shining light, her dream. Though you were never hers, she believed you were meant to be.
What will become of you as time passes and the Queen's shining light grows within the blackened darkness? Will her eldest son's morbid fascination with the light burn the realm? Or will her second son's obsession with the only daughter of Rhaenyra Targaryen change the course of the Seven Kingdoms as we know it?
Author's Note: This is kind of a filler chapter until I can finish chapter 7. I was planning on either putting this at the end of chapter 6 or the beginning of chapter 7, but here is as good as any. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I'll be able to finish chapter 7 by next Sunday. Thank you for your support and patience. Love y'all! (⁠*⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠~⁠♡
Chapter Warnings: mentions of childhood SA, mental illness, suicidal ideations, Targaryen queerness.
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Princess Rhaenyra’s eldest child blossomed into a captivating presence at Dragonstone, earning admiration from those close to her but invoking fear and ire in those who dared to cross her. Known for her unpredictable temperament, she would fall into fits of anger and sorrow, during which her judgment would become clouded, leading to subsequent regret. In bouts of profound grief, she sought solace in Aegon’s Garden with the company of flora and fauna, finding peace and consolation by tending to the roses and lilacs and fashioning delicate flower crowns for her siblings to wear.
When Princess Aelora was approximately ten and two, eyewitnesses observed her standing on the balcony railing for an extended period during one of her episodes, seemingly trance-like. Despite numerous attempts to persuade her to step down, she adamantly refused, stating her desire for a better view of the landscape. In response to this concerning behavior, Princess Rhaenyra took the drastic measure of ordering the balcony doors to be permanently sealed shut. The exact cause of her distressing episodes remains shrouded in mystery. While many attributed it to the infamous Targaryen madness in her bloodline, the Fool Mushroom believed it was linked to a specific incident involving Prince Aegon during her early years.
Late one night, he claims to have spied on Princess Rhaenyra and Prince Daemon in their bed chambers on Dragonstone. He overheard the Princess confiding in her husband about her eldest’s behavioral problems and impulsivity. He alleges that she confessed to a rape committed by Prince Aegon on her daughter while they were living in King’s Landing. However, this information is heavily debated, as there has been no further mention in oral or written records.
When Princess Aelora reached ten and four, scandalous rumors began circulating on Dragonstone about her relationship with her twin brother, Prince Jacaerys. It was whispered that their stepfather went to her rooms after reports of suspicious sounds emerging from behind closed. Prince Daemon was rumored to have discovered the Prince in a compromising position between the legs of the Princess. In response to the gossip, Princess Rhaenyra sent her daughter to study abroad at the Citadel and in Dorne as a gesture of goodwill, hoping it would ease her troubled mind. This separation was particularly difficult for the twins, as it was the first time they had ever been apart. Prince Jacaerys was visibly upset during this time, spending hours upon end sulking inside his chambers and absconding his duties until Princess Aelora finally returned home once they both came of age.
Nevertheless, Princess Aelora radiated warmth and kindness to all she encountered. She was admired for her outgoing and naive nature, and she took great delight in her love for nature, herbalism, botany, and medical techniques gathered from her journeys around the realm. Her fondness for citrus plants was evident as she carried the sweet scent of the fruits wherever she roamed, though they were difficult to cultivate on Dragonstone’s soil. Adorned in her late father’s distinguished Velaryon blue, she was never seen without the elegance of pearls, aquamarine, topaz, and sapphire, with a delicate headpiece and veil enshrouding her dark, lustrous locks.
When eligible suitors ventured to Dragonstone intending to court Rhaenyra’s eldest daughter, she dismissively turned them away, leaving the cock hurt Lords to return home scorned. It was said that during a gathering of the court, Princess Aelora boldly declared that she harbored no yearning for a marital alliance, as she found solace in the enduring companionship of her beloved dragon Gaelithox and her loyal brother, firmly indicating that she had no intention of entering into matrimony.
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IMO, the reader suffers from borderline personality disorder. People with BPD are often mistaken for having depression, but the main qualifier is periods of mania with impulsivity, which is more susceptible to hypersexuality and addictions. They're typically triggered by actual or perceived separations, disagreements, and rejections. Highly sensitive to abandonment and being alone, which brings about intense feelings of anger, fear, suicidal thoughts and self-harm, and very impulsive decisions. People with high-functioning BPD experience frequent negative thoughts, fear of rejection, and regret about expressing their feelings. I'm by no means a mental health expert. This is just my head cannon.
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Jace and the reader fulfill the Targaryen queerness. Who would've thought? XD
Thank you for reading! (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
P.S. the reader wears what's called a French hood. I couldn't find one that matched her aesthetic unfortunately.
Tagged Peeps: @millies0bsimp, @britt-mf, @marvelescvpe, @haikyuusboringassmanager, @discofairysworld , @lottiemsgf , @nessjo , @fiction-fanfic-reader , @qvnthesia , @hotvillianapologist , @p45510n4f4shi0n, @theendlessvoidofdarkest , @readerselegance , @gothamgurl2024 , @aleemendoza2425-blog , @vaylint , @ln8118 , @prettyduckling22 , @primroseluna
Bold means I couldn't tag you for some reason :(
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miaoua3 · 10 days
hi^^ can u req for a joshua fic where in bf!shua took gf!reader to a date to celebrate the eldest daughter day, and made her feel like a teenager again — amusement park date, matchy headbands, sharing cotton candy, shopping galore after (which she didnt really got to do stuffs bec she busy with her ‘eldest daughter’ duties ykeim 🥺). just joshua making her feel like she deserves this treat too. thank you!
(sorry english isnt my first language 😭)
heyy! (first of, your english is perfect sweetie, have more trust in yourself❤️), and sure you can- i love writing fluff with our joshua, he’s just so sweet that he makes it impossible to not want to write the fluffiest things with him☹️anyway, i hope you enjoy this and that you take it easy! love you
Care For You
Pairing: joshua x f!reader
Genre: fluff, comfort (no hurt), amusement park date, healing your inner child, joshua best bf ever, mentions of bad relationships with your parents
Description: after noticing that you had a hard week (as well as hard life in general), joshua decides that the amusement park date is long overdue for the two of you❤️
joshua has always been very observant of the people he holds and loves dearly. even the things they themselves wouldn’t notice, he does. it’s always been in his nature to give out comfort to those around him who have hard time.
so after he noticed you move a bit slower, talk a little less, your dark circles get a bit darker, your work keeping you up a little bit longer than usual, getting easily annoyed at little inconveniences, he knew what kind of week you were having and how much pressure you’ve been putting on yourself.
you were always a little bit of an overachiever-nothing you ever did seemed enough for you. you have always been like this, ever since he had first met you.
joshua, based on the few things and stories you told him, knew that these issues and habits stemmed from your early childhood and they continued well into your adulthood. being the oldest daughter, who always had to act perfectly and accordingly, who your parents always had to count on not to disappoint them, who had to be this perfect image of a daughter for your younger siblings to have to look up to, who had to, in a way, raise them yourself, certainly seemed troubling to joshua.
joshua’s heart always ached whenever he saw how unkind and cruel both you yourself and your family were towards you.
especially when he saw just how good, hardworking, and kind you were to everyone around you.
he always wished he could somehow help you. to see how kind and loving you were. to make you see how proud of you everyone was, and how highly they thought of you. to heal what he never even broke.
so, that’s why, on the saturday night, as you came home from yet another excruciatingly exhausting day at work, you were bombarded with his gentle smiles, hugs and kisses, as well as a dinner that he prepared for you.
you knew your boyfriend well enough to see that this was just a setup for something bigger.
so you weren’t even surprised to have him wake you up the next morning at 6am (on your only free day).
this better be good, you thought as you looked at him through blurry eyes.
joshua, who was already dressed, was sitting on the bed beside you, his big hand gently patting your head.
smiling gently at you, he then spoke “hey baby, sorry to wake you up but we have somewhere to be, get up so you can get ready”, he pauses to kiss your forehead before continuing “the breakfast is ready and on the table. cmon now”.
no matter how unhappy you felt about being woken up so early, you were ready to hit the road (wherever it may lead you to) an hour later, still a bit sleepy but also excited for the new adventure that your darling boyfriend was taking you on.
holding his hand while he was driving, you find yourself feeling at peace for the first time in more than a week-as a matter of fact, so at peace that you felt yourself slowly drifting off to sleep again.
just as you were about to drift off to the dreamland, you felt his fingers slowly let go of your hand to instead caress your cheek carefully and gently, as his whisper reached your ear.
“sweet dreams, my sweet girl.”
the next time you woke up, it was hours later and the car wasn’t moving anymore, and your boyfriend was nowhere to be seen.
you tried to look for any signs as to where you might be (or where your boyfriend might be for that matter), but just then joshua opened the door to the driver’s side and got in.
seeing that you were awake now, he immediately smiled. “hey sleepyhead, just in time”, he said as he stretched across the middle section to give you a brief peck on your lips.
you, still kind of clueless and disoriented, just ask him “…in time for what?”.
joshua, finding you absolutely adorable, just smiles as he responds “you will see in a little bit. but first- breakfast.”, and then he’s getting out of the car and to your side to open your door for you.
five minutes later, you find yourselves in front of a cafe. but not just any cafe.
you find yourself in front of a cat cafe.
something you have always dreamed of visiting since you were a little.
you, slowly and with hopeful eyes, turn to joshua and with a trembling voice ask him “really?”.
joshua, fighting the urge to puke from happiness and summon all of the gods possible just to high five them for letting him make you this happy, gently smiles as he tucks a bit of stray hair behind your ear. “really.”
that’s all you needed to hear to quickly jump and hug him tightly for a little second before grabbing his hand to drag him inside.
trusting joshua to order something for you that you will like, you immediately sit down on the floor and let yourself be surrounded by all the possible cats there are, cooing at them as they rub themselves against you and climb all over you.
you were a bit busy by giving all the cuddles to the cute, beige and fluffy cat in your lap to notice how adoringly joshua was looking at you, as well as him snapping a few pictures to have this day be remembered by.
after half an hour of you just being preoccupied with the cats, joshua finally called you to eat because your hot chocolate was slowly getting colder to the point it would be undrinkable.
after an hour of you eating (and cuddling with cats some more), you find yourself in the car again. joshua, still refusing to tell you where you were going to, was only smiling excitedly as he was driving.
whatever it is that he’s taking me to, it must he good you think to yourself as you watch his excitement bounce off of the roof of the car.
and as you stood in front of a huge amusement park, you understood his smug and excited smiles.
because this was better than good for you.
this was something you have always dreamt of doing, but were never allowed to do while growing up due to your parents deeming it “a waste of everybody’s time”.
joshua just looks at you-to see how you’re feeling, what you’re thinking. he was so excited to have done this for you, he has been looking forward to seeing your reaction since he thought of the idea.
ever so slowly, you turn your had towards joshua, your eyes big and glossy, looking at him as if they were saying “is this for real? im not dreaming?”.
joshua, with a proud but humble smile, just says “surprise”.
in one moment he’s looking at you, smiling at you.
in the next he’s trying to keep you both standing, tumbling a little bit due to you jumping onto him, your face burying itself in his neck, arms wrapping themselves tightly around his waist.
regaining his balance, joshua hugs you right back just as tightly, his big hand gently taming down your hair.
with all of the gratefulness you’re feeling for him, you whisper in a somewhat broken voice “thank you. thank you. thank you.”, repeating the words like a mantra.
joshua just closes his eyes as he kisses the side of your head, still softly patting your head.
to say that the whole day was spent doing nothing but what you wanted was a given. joshua honestly didn’t care what you were doing as long as it was what you wanted and that you were doing it together.
so, naturally, you two started by riding the teacups. and if joshua felt like puking every spin the cup you two were in spun into? well he surely wasn’t going to tell you and ruin the mood for you.
the moment you two saw the stand with silly headbands in the distance, joshua knew what your next stop was.
so that’s why not even five minutes later he found himself with mickey mouse inspired headband (that was also matching your own minnie mouse headband) on top of his head. and naturally, you just had to take millions of pictures of you two together because how could you not when joshua was looking so damn cute?
following that, you dragged him to the sweets stand, where there were all sorts of candies available. as he did the whole day today, joshua naturally paid for the candies too. he wasn’t surprised at all when you shyly asked him if you could buy you a heart shaped cotton candy-and of course he said yes.
how could he ever say no to the love of his life?
while you were sitting down on a bench, joshua was looking up at the map of the whole amusement park and what rides you could go onto next-all while you were feeding him pieces of cotton candy here and there.
seeing that the park had a lot to offer, you two decided to just walk around for a bit and explore what you could ride next while the cotton candy in your stomach settles down a bit more so you won’t have to puke it all out as a result of the said ride.
and so came all the rigged games.
the moment joshua saw you looking at the big white teddy bear that you can only win by hitting the target with an arrow, he knew that he was going to do everything in his power and spend so much money just to win you that stupid teddy bear.
(spoiler alert: it took him 45 minutes and much more than he expected to win that teddy bear but it was all worth it in the end as he watched you squeal and jump around with the said teddy in your arms, struggling to hold him in your arms due to its humongous size).
the moment you spotted the tank filled with little goldfish, you immediately dragged him to try to catch one. (this time, you did tell him to stop trying after 10 minutes because you felt so sorry for him trying so hard for you.)
after playing many more games (and losing terribly at them), you saw a booth that said “tarot cards- one reading 5$” and you again, dragged joshua by your intertwined hands.
for some reason, the woman that did the readings had the policy that only one person can enter the booth-which screamed ‘scam’ to joshua but alas, who was he to say no to you?
and so he waited outside for five minutes that it took for the woman to read you your cards.
when he saw you coming out, he noticed that you had a weird expression on your face-not quite sad or upset, but more so like you were processing some thoughts.
feeling a bit uneasy, joshua gently grabbed your arm and rubbed a tumb over your shirt as he asked “you okay, baby?”
breaking out of your trance, you smile reassuringly at him. “yeah. you should go in though. the lady is so wise and she really knows what she’s doing”.
at your insistence, joshua pushes the dark purple curtain out oddly his way so he can enter.
waisting no second, the middle aged lady spoke “ah, we have another sceptic and nonbeliever hier”, she chuckles as she focuses on mixing the cards together.
joshua just looks at her like a deer caught in the headlights.
amused by his reaction, the lady points her ring cladded hand to the chair across her “please, sit my child”.
still unsure and now also a little bit confused, joshua sits down and looks at the lady in front of him with furrowed eyebrows.
not paying his confused state any mind, the lady asks him “so, what will it be. love, money or career?”
joshua focuses all of his attention on her quick hands mixing the cards together, opens his mouth to answer before he gets interrupted yet again “love it is then”.
now thoroughly freak out, joshua just watches with wide eyes as she slowly takes out 5 cards and puts them on the table in front of them.
how the hell did she knew what i was going to say?
the lady hums as she looks at the cards with a thoughtful expression.
“you’re afraid that you’re not doing enough for your lady huh? I wouldn’t worry too much about that, if i were you. instead, i would focus my energy on making her open up more to you, she seems to be carrying a lot of darkness within herself. let her let it all out and you two will get even closer than you are”.
she then taps on the middle card in the first row with her long nail. “i sense some big energy from you, energy that could bring you two potential problems, but as long as you two communicate and always choose each other over letting the problem win, you two shall be fine.”
she then points to the card next to that one. “unfortunately, she will have to deal with a big heartbreak in the near future, someone in her close family will be the one to do it. that will be the time where you will have to be strong for the both of you and take really good care of her. but worry not, for you will help her tremendously at those times.”
the lady then looks at one of the card on the bottom and smiles “ah, so we are already at the stage where we’re looking for the ring huh. make it simple-the whole thing. instead of grand gestures, she will treasure you showing that you care for her much more. make it intimate and sweet.”
joshua blushes at being exposed, especially because he just started looking for a ring not even two weeks ago.
she hums again as she looks at the cards again, before suddenly grabbing his hand, turning it palm up towards her. looking at it for a second, she closes his hand and taps the back of it lightly. “you have nothing to worry about, you two have a love story straight out of a romance novel in front of you. just makes sure to always take care of her heart first and it will all be fine”, she smiles softly at him.
just as he was about to leave the tent, the lady calls for him.
“ans joshua?”
he turns around and looks at her with questionable eyes.
the lady smirks at him as she answers “go for the second ring. she will like that one much more”.
blushing furiously, he quickly escapes the tent and looks around for you before his eyes find you already looking at him.
approaching each other, you question him about how it was, all while he avoids answering your questions, saying things like ‘so stupid, who would even believe all that”, muttering profanities at the lady, all with rosy cheeks.
it is only after five minutes of walking away from the tarot tent that it hits joshua.
he never told her what his name was.
looking at you to his right, joshua just thinks to himself that…
maybe the lady had the right about the second ring being the right pick for you.
after riding more rides that made him almost puke your lunch out (the huge rollercoaster being the worst one out of all the others), joshua then starts dragging you by the hand, for the first time that day not being the one to be dragged around.
he seemingly knew where he was headed, his grip on your hand strong in fear not to lose you in the crowd, his broad shoulders and short hair being the only thing you could focus on.
the night was slowly setting on the sky, the stars barely visible due to all the light pollution in the park, and yet the only thing you could focus on is your lover in front of you and how warm his hand felt holding yours.
looking at him and on the whole day he organised for you today made you realise that this, right here, the person in front of you, was your true family. there hasn’t been a day since you two met where he hasn’t taken care of you and your heart. and then today? you can’t remember if you ever felt this…carefree and youthful. it had you wondering if this is how children should feel like? is this what it feels like…to have somebody love your inner child with all of its ‘faults’ and imperfections? you certainly wouldn’t know.
but looking at joshua…you just might be getting the idea about it.
you were so focused on your thoughts that you didn’t even notice where you were headed until you two were standing in front of what you could only describe as your dream come true.
a ferris wheel.
the minute you realised what was coming next, you gasped and started jumping up and down next to joshua, in process shaking him too due to him still holding onto your hand, his smile getting broader and brighter the longer he looks at you being so excited.
after a few minutes, your turn to buy tickets comes too. but for some reason, your boyfriend wasn’t quite done with being secretive and all that-because you find him whispering something to the man behind the counter, as well as handing him way more cash than the two tickets cost.
when you question him about it, he just smiles as he responds “you will see soon enough”.
your boyfriend had this weird habit, where he preferred sitting next to you rather than across from you, says that he would much rather feel pain in his neck from having to turn his head to be able to look at you than to reach across the table or whatever it is that is between you two to be able to hold your hand.
so, naturally, when you two enter the carriage, he sits right next to you.
and after a few minutes your carriage starts to move.
the view below you leaves you breathless. thousands of little lights in the distance, all twinkling in different colours. the people below you looking so incredibly small, you would’ve never guessed that they were right there, at the same place you two have spent the whole day.
you find yourself gasping and keeping your mouth open the whole time.
the fact you only realise later when joshua shows you a photo of you he took just now.
you carriage makes one full turn.
and then the second turn.
but then, on the third turn, it stops right on top.
just as you start questioning joshua what is happening, a single firework goes off in the night sky.
and then the second.
and then you lose the count of how many firework there are. multiple going off at the same time, looking like they’re fighting for the dominance, they all look so pretty, going off in so many colours and shapes.
you find yourself wondering…is this what a child feels like watching the fireworks for the very first time? it must be, because why else would you feel like this watching this beautiful sight for the very first time?
yes, your first time watching the fireworks.
something nobody ever knew about you.
not even joshua.
(or so you thought.)
after a few minutes, the magic comes to a stop, the stars now being the only thing to see in the night sky.
ever so slowly, you turn around to look at your boyfriend, a gentle smile grazing the edges of his mouth.
normally, joshua would find himself panicking at the sight of tears rolling down your cheeks. knowing (or, well, presuming) why you were crying, he just reaches with his tumb to wipe away the little droplet falling from your eyes.
to be completely honest, joshua never cared enough for firework and meteor showers like you did, probably because he has witnessed those things so many times, he forgot how surreal it must be seeing it for the very first time.
but looking at you right now, he found himself thinking one thing only.
joshua was never going to take one single firework going off for granted ever again.
smiling a little while his tumb still runs your cheek, he asks “did you like it?”
and that seems to have done it for you.
because suddenly, without any warning, you start sobbing, gripping the front of his shirt as you lower your head onto his shoulder.
joshua just hugs you closer, his hand gently patting your head.
through sobs you find yourself saying “t-thank you, thank you so much-so much f-for today, i-i can’t even- i- you make me so-so happy, you are l-literally my dream man, y-you are everything i have ever- i have always dreamed of i-i-“ breaking off in the middle of it to let out all the sobs you had to hold in in order to get your words out.
joshua suddenly brings both of his hands to your cheeks, bringing your face up and in front of his own.
with all the seriousness and honesty he possesses, he says “you are my dream come true too, baby. actually, better than any dream i have ever had. you are my reality, that’s what makes you even better.”
kissing joshua, right there, in the little carriage, you find yourself thinking one thing and one thing only.
if it were possible, you would spend decades being and feeling like a little child.
as long as you get to do it with the love of your life beside you.
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beiasluv · 2 years
Hello! Do you take request for platonic relationships? May I request for a fic where the reader is Neteyam’s twin and they died instead of Neteyam? Thank you!
neteyam x sister!reader
°:. *₊ ° . ° .•
a/n: yesss, i love platonic relationships, hope u like it :)
warnings: curse words, death :( and ye bad grammar bc i am potato 💀
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the tale of jake sully and neytiri began a long, long time ago. until now, they had a been blessed with a baby or should i say babies
the future child of the toruk makto bear great responsibility since a youngling. even the childbirth was not private, the clan gathered around the suffering neytiri to celebrate their heirs.
neytiri screamed as her voice cracked; she squeezed jake’s hand tightly, as if she wanted him to bore the pain. jake, who was helpless to his wife held her tightly and made an attempt to calm his own beating heart.
“a boy!” the first cry echoed the forest floors and a blue baby wailed.
“neteyam!” jake held his baby high up the ground, as an offering back to eywa. and like she had noticed, the wind blew heavily among the trees.
“neteyam!” the people of omaticaya chanted as they celebrated.
jake held neteyam against his mother, “he is so precious- ma ja-!”
“neytiri!” she held his hand tightly for the second time. “what is wrong? are you injured?” he looked for mo’at and she came hurriedly.
“this can’t be!” mo’at raised her hand high towards eywa. “ewya had blessed them with a twin!” “Tsleng kä! (eywa gives)”
“Tsleng kä!! (eywa gives!)”
“y/n!” jake held you up in his embrace.
“y/n!” the people chanted. as if eywa acknowledged her blessing again, the woodsprites surround your body and flew off into the wind.
a twin can only be so different yet so similar at the same time. you both inherited loyalty and obedience from your parents.
however, the eldest daughter can never deny that they are a daddy’s girl. and neteyam is a mommy’s boy. a fair trade
jake will always have a soft spot for you in his heart. the firstborn daughter of a toruk makto carries a great burden all the time. he had to prepare you since young to learn how to hunt, speak intellectually, and the importance of your people.
he will call you his ‘babygirl’ when you are going through tough times and it helps calm you down 👀
you would say you guys are both calm and collected. but if compared with each other, neteyam is still leaning towards his brain, but you leans towards your heart.
you are more emotional than neteyam and for good reasons.
whenever he gets too harsh on lo’ak, you were there to support and push him up. (sorry neteyam, but we know who is lo’ak’s favorite twin here)
however, twins are twins. you guys can fight each other and screw up one another, but you are always there to back him up.
“no, neteyam, can not have my food, but here is my liver if you are going to die.”
neteyam, being the eldest he is, is very protective of his twin sister. your human hand gained a lot of unwanted attention from the other na’vis. he made each and everyone of them to learned their lesson if they decided to judge your precious pinkie.
he is very picky of what you wear and where you go
“no, you can not wear that, cover up,” he whined.
“please, as if you are not showing your whole upper body,” you slapped his abs.
“no, this is different!” he raised his arms. “there are boys drooling over you wherever you go! do not think i didn’t notice.”
“it is normal of our culture! na’vis wear this!” you complained.
“i’ll tell mom you’ve been seeing a boy out,” he raised his eyebrows.
“nete! we are just friends!”
“then cover up.”
whenever the boys are in trouble, you have to go bring them back. dragging them by their ears are your favorite method.
now, they’ve learned when does your footsteps mean trouble from mom and dad.
“shit! she’s coming! run!” lo’ak tapped his brother.
“neteyam! lo’ak! i am not covering for you this time!”
“then, catch us!”
“don’t make me count!”
buttt, you still covered for them because they are your beloved brothers.
patching them up most of the time. kiri is also there to help you patch them up.
kiri and tuk are your angels for lifeee. teas? spilled. you guys have girls night all thetime.
the girls like to roam the forest floor and sometimes the lab. you knew kiri and grace have a special connection, and you were there to support here through the hard times.
kiri is your spiritual sister, Period. she loves to nap in the forest with you and swim in the waterfalls.
tuk is your baby, she is so supportive and lovely to be around. your baby sister who backs you up all the time.
when mom and dad goes too harsh on you, neteyam and tuk is always there to hold you up.
spider tho. no particular comment. you had always smelled stinky feelings towards him since the beginning, but seeing your siblings grow fond of him you didn’t say anything.
he is very friendly, to the point of being weird to you. you remember to keep a distance from him
bantering with neteyam all. of. the. time. who’s older or younger, classic. who’s taller, well, you kinda gave up after puberty hit him like a BUS
you are also protective of him. girls are always surrounding him with gifts and flowers. some even took an extra step to spy him through you.
nope, not happening.
the metkayina welcomed you guys with hospitality and same hostile behavior. which you didn’t mind, considering your dad brought much trouble to them.
you tried to be invisible to most of the people, staying away on the beach, swimming alone, or watching the sunset.
ao’nung took advantage of your solitude to make friendship. easy to say that your brothers are not happy with his attempts.
you agreed to talk with him as long as he stop bothering kiri, which he agreed swiftly. he didn’t agree swiftly to stop bothering neteyam and lo’ak, tho. but he gave in in the end.
“you have to breath in from here,” ao’nung grabbed his abs, sort of what flexing, you noticed.
“okay,” you breathed in deeper than you normally do, earning a chuckle from him seeing your puffed cheeks.
“not your cheeks, here,” his hand claps your area of shown stomach. unknowingly, his hand was burning on your skin.
“are you sick, ao’nung? your hands and face are burning,” you touched his forehead.
“oh! no! definitely not! i am fine!” he flinched his hands back. “so- sorry.”
“hey! great! you are learning to apologize!” you giggled at his words.
“only to you,” he mumbled under his breath.
“oh, nothing,” he replied.
“y/n! let’s go! dad’s calling!” neteyam ran over to you. “look who’s here, trying to get my sister?” (giving the eyes)
“you shut up!” ao’nung retorted back.
“hey! he’s not and don’t call my brother that, you guys apologize to each other…nete”
“s..sorry” “sorry”
for someone with ego as big as his, you taught him to become more selfless. the way your father taught you since a youngling. his parents were amazed by your successful attempts and welcomed you heartwarmingly.
his sister, tsireya, welcomed you with love and affection. she is quite the opposite of her brother, which you appreciated it quite a lot.
whenever your mom needs a second hand you will always be there for her. hugging her daily and giving her comfort. neytiri sings you daily to sleep just as it was in the jungle.
…and the war came, that demon you always loathed.
“y/n! y/n! no!” neteyam tried to keep your head above the water as he is fighting against the wave himself. “bro! take her!”
“shit!” lo’ak took your body on his ilu and cradled you in his arms.
“fuck! she took the shot for me, lo’ak! what am i going to do!”
“should’ve left her dead, bro,” spider said emotional-less.
“SHUT UP! TAKE HER TO DAD NOW!” neteyam commanded lo’ak who hurriedly tightened his grip on you.
“couz, do you know what the fuck did you just said!” lo’ak called his ilu to take off while neteyam is holding on to its harness.
“she said she will sacrifice herself for her family, and this is what exactly what it is!” spider shouted back. “she wants to be with eywa! back when we were younger!”
“we’ll get back with you, spider!” neteyam shouted as he fought back the waves. “you are fucking mad! she’s our sister! I’ll never lose her to a fucking bullet! pray for yourself that I’ll not pluck your eyeballs out!��
“DAD!” lo’ak called out jake on the rock. “bro watch her head!” lo’ak, neteyam, and tsireya lowered your body softly on the rough surface. everyone can hear their heartbeat as well as the liquid in their teary eyes.
“fuck, pressure! apply pressure on her!” jake took neteyam’s hand and place it on her blood soaked chest. neteyam placed his shaky hands as heavy as he could on your chest to stop your blood.
“it’s going to be okay, it’s going to be okay,” your dad muttered to your fading sight.
“d- dad, i want to go home,” you sobbed, as each word hurts to mutter out.
“i know, i know, we’re going home,” he smiled softly at you, trying to keep himself together.
“no, no, no, no, no,” neytiri held your body tightly. she cradled your face in her soft hands. you remember these soft hands, they are the one who brought you to bed every night, the ones who took care of you when you are sick, and the one who held you when you first broke your heart. now you felt as if you are breaking their hearts.
“i- i- mom- dad-“ you can’t help but your body is shaking hardly.
“yes, sweetheart?” “yes, babygirl?” your mom and dad replied softly and everything blacks out.
“no! nooo! y/n!” neytiri screamed her heart out, her hands traveled around your head and held it close to her chest. as if she is trying to retrieve her last memory like the first time she was breast-feeding you. “my child! my daughter!”
your brothers held your body close to them as well. neteyam taking your hand and knitting his ring with your pinkie finger, “you promise! you promised!”
“neytiri, neytiri,” jake held her closely. “they have our daughters, i need you to be strong.”
“let’s take our daughters back.” from that moment on, her eyes became as emotional less as a robot, grabbing her bow she took off.
“stay with your sister!” jake commanded.
“what are you doing, mad animal! i don’t even care for that child!”
part 2
today’s a great day to take care of yourself, 🤍
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Stay Away from the Altar - Hangman
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin / Wife!Reader; Seresin Daughter!OC (Rose) / Bradshaw Son!OC (Nick)
Word Count: 4.4k
This work, all my works, and my entire blog are 18+ Only.
Warnings: (Over)protective Dad!Hangman; Angst; Fighting; Rebellious Teenagers; Tense Father-Daughter Relationship; Teenagers Dating; Crying; References to Threats; References to Previous or Hypothetical Pregnancy Scares
Summary: Jake isn't ready to accept that his daughter is growing up. And he's definitely not ready to accept that his daughter seems to have fallen for Rooster's spawn.
A.N. You could read this as a sequel to my Left at the Altar series, since I used the name that I gave Hangman and Reader's daughter in that fic for this fic. But it's not 1000% necessary to read the series to understand this story.
And I meant to post this as part of Father’s Day, but let’s just ignore the fact that it’s a day late.
Master List
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Admiral Jake “Hangman” Seresin was a very accomplished man. He was the youngest man to reach the admiralty since Tom “Iceman” Kazansky and was currently the Air Boss of NAS Miramar. He had his beautiful wife and absolute love of his life still by his side with their twenty-year marriage anniversary just around the corner. And three beautiful children to brag about to the world.
Everything was going near perfectly in Jake Seresin’s life. And then his eldest daughter Rose suddenly snapped from his little princess and into a defiant teenager about to flee to a college on the other side of the country. And sure, Rose had mentioned going across the country for college before, but Jake was more than a little suspicious.
Why, you may ask? Because Washington DC was awfully close to Annapolis, Maryland. The Naval Academy. The Naval Academy that one little fucker was attending next year.
Nicholas Peter Bradshaw.
Rooster’s spawn was messing with Rose’s head and Jake was not going to stand for it.
Jake didn’t always have suspicions about Nick. He was a decently good kid. For Rooster’s kid, anyways. He was somewhat smart—not as smart as Rose, but he wasn’t dumb as rocks—and he didn’t cause too much trouble. And because of the handful of months between Nick and Rose, they were practically raised side-by-side, which was great until they hit their teenage years.
Because then Nick started to linger.
Spending so much time around Rose. Going to all of her games and all of her events, even if he had his own to worry about. Coming over to ‘study’ and to do ‘homework’ together frequently. Offering to give Rose and her siblings rides to school events or the beach. Always offering to help her and Jake’s wife too with anything to try and impress them.
Yeah, Jake had seen that game played before. He had played it himself back in the day. Successfully. Very successfully. He had the wedding ring, three full wedding albums, three kids, and nineteen and a half years of marriage to prove it. He knew all of the steps and all of the tricks to successfully convince a woman outside of his league to fall in love with him.
And, so, when Nick offered to take Rose for a ‘scenic’ drive in the Bronco, Jake put his foot down.
“What do you mean I can’t go?” Rose complained, glaring up at her dad. “It’s summer!”
“Exactly, so why don’t you go spend some time with your siblings? Or your other friends? Before you go all the way to the East Coast!”
“My other friends that just happen to be girls?” Rose emphasized, a scowl twinging at her lips.
“Yes,” Jake replied, causing Rose’s scowl to deepen.
“Why are you being so weird? Nick has driven me around all over the place!”
“You’re not going for a ride in that stupid bucket of bolts with him, Rose. And that’s final.”
“What is going on now?” Jake’s wife called tiredly, walking into the room.
“Dad won’t let me go for a drive with Nick,” Rose quickly explained, walking over to her mom.
“In the Bronco,” Jake emphasized, causing his wife to sigh.
Rubbing her face tiredly, Jake’s wife picked her head up and glanced between her eldest daughter and her husband. She knew exactly what Jake was concerned about, particularly with his emphasis on the Bronco. Taking a moment to come to a decision, Jake’s wife turned to Rose.
“You can go out with Nick in the Bronco, but be back by dark, okay?”
“But—” Jake started to protest.
“—Thanks, Mom!”
Rose hurried up to her room to change and to probably text Nick to come and pick her up while Jake stared at his wife with clear betrayal. In response, his wife shot him a knowing look and folded her arms over her chest.
“Jake, you’re overreacting,” his wife stated, causing Jake to gape at her.
“Do you want our daughter running around in the Bronco?” Jake hissed quietly, walking over to his wife. “Do you know what could happen to her there?”
“I’m sure that they’ll wear their seatbelts, Jake.”
“Babe, do you remember what we did when I took you for a ride in my truck? A nice slow ride on a summer night?” Jake asked, causing his wife to sigh again.
“Jake, they’re just friends.”
“That’s what we told your parents. Six months later, we were going at it like rabbits naked as the days we were born in the back of my pickup truck!”
“Jacob! For the love of—”
“—Why can’t you see that we’re losing her?” Jake interjected, causing his wife to pause for a moment.
The annoyed expression on her face dropped and she instead simply stared at her husband with a softer expression. Taking a step towards her husband. Rubbing his arm supportively, Jake’s wife reached out and grabbed his hand to give it a squeeze.
“We’re not losing her, Jake.”
“We are losing her,” Jake insisted, his voice coming out small. “She’s moving so far away in only a couple of months and she’ll barely have time to come home. She’s spent most of the last two years barely home between all of her activities and her friends. And I’m so proud of her, but she’s . . .”
“Growing up?” Jake’s wife suggested with a small smile. “Jake, she’s eighteen now. She’s not a little baby anymore.” Cupping Jake’s cheek with her hand, Jake’s wife offered him a small supportive smile. "She’s growing into her own person. And she’s your daughter so she’s stubborn as hell and won’t listen to anyone else while she does it. Least of all us.”
“But she’s going so far.”
“You’re in DC every other month,” Jake’s wife pointed out, rubbing his back. “And she has a phone. She’ll call us. She’s not leaving and never comin back, Jake.”
“She might if he gets involved,” Jake muttered under his breath, causing Jake’s wife to shoot him a look.
“Jake, they’re just friends. And even if they’re not, he’s a perfectly nice boy.”
“But, a Bradshaw? Really? She can do better than that.”
“I’m sure that Rooster would say the same if the situation was reversed,” Jake’s wife replied, shaking her head lightly. “But do not push Rose away by trying to come between her and Nick. The more that you make it seem like she’s rebelling, the more that she’s going to want to do it.”
“But I know exactly what the little twerp has planned!” Jake insisted, causing his wife to sigh.
“First of all, that little twerp is now taller than you. Second of all, Rose is a smart girl with a good head on her shoulders. She can take care of herself. Especially after all of those years of self-defense classes that you put her in.”
“She could kick his ass in three seconds,” Jake agreed, causing his wife to laugh.
“So, stop worrying about him. Just focus on spending time with your daughter, Jake. Okay?”
Pressing a soft kiss to Jake’s lips, she gave his hand a squeeze before walking off to continue on with her day. Jake stood there for a moment, thinking over his wife’s words, before the doorbell rang. Hearing Rose upstairs start to hurry, Jake quickly made his way to the door.
Nicholas Peter Bradshaw seemed a little surprised to see Jake standing at the door and subconsciously straightened up a bit more. Jake’s wife wasn’t lying—Nick was taller than Jake by a few inches, but he was like a little puppy in Jake’s eyes. And not just because Nick always wore a stupid lovesick smile on his face whenever Rose was around.  
“Hey, Uncle Hangman,” Nick greeted him politely, nodding to him.
“You should get in the habit of calling me Admiral Seresin, Cadet,” Jake replied calmly, causing Nick to subtly wince a bit.
“Yes, sir.”
Jake nodded curtly as Rose hurried down the stairs, dressed for the San Diego heat. Letting out a light growl, Rose darted around her dad, grabbed Nick by the arm, and started pulling him towards the Bronco that was parked in the driveway.
“Goodbye!” Rose called over her shoulder.
“Be careful!” Jake called after them. “And think before you do anything!”
“Goodbye!” Rose emphasized back at her dad.
After the Bronco ride, Jake was still on alert when it came to Nick Bradshaw. His wife told him to calm down each and every time, warning him that he was going to give Rose a ‘complex’ if he kept trying to police her life like that, but Jake could just feel it in his bones that he should not trust Nick Bradshaw around his eldest daughter.
And because his instincts were second to none, he was proven right.
Jake was just starting to drift off to sleep with his wife happily tucked into his side. It was a warm night in Miramar and the air conditioner was running full blast. The white noise helped to lull his wife to sleep but Jake had always been a light sleeper, so it took more for him to fall asleep. Jake rested his head on top of his wife’s when he swore that he heard a noise from outside.
Jake picked his head up with his eyes cracked open, suspicious. He was always on alert. His wife often told him that he took the role of protecter a bit too seriously, but Jake couldn’t give in even a little bit with that. For his own conscience.
Getting up from bed, careful to not wake his wife, Jake padded down the hall. Passing by his younger children’s rooms, Jake kept his ear tuned to try and hear the sound. He peeked out the window, trying to spot any sort of indication about what could have made the noise. Like the neighbor’s stupid dog. And when he heard the subtle squeak again, Jake’s eyes narrowed.
Rose Seresin, meanwhile, was trying to open her window. She tried greasing the sides of it during the day, but it still made that stupid squeak occasionally. Holding her breath and hoping that her dad, who she knew was a light sleeper, didn’t hear her, Rose opened the window and looked down to see Nick waiting for her below.
He smiled up at her and waved, causing Rose’s heart to flutter in her chest. It wasn’t exactly planned for her to fall in love with her childhood best friend. But, as her mom told her, sometimes the heart just wants what it wants. And hers wanted Nick Peter Bradshaw.
Blowing him a quick kiss, Rose grinned and slid one leg out of her window. Planting her sneaker clad foot on the roof, Rose carefully slipped out of her window and lowered it a bit more, just in case her parents check in on her during the next few hours. Climbing down the side, Rose prepared to kick off and drop onto the soft mulch below when a chill went down her spine.
“Rose Leslie Seresin, what do you think you’re doing?”
Startled, Rose’s grip on the ledge slipped and she fell a bit. And Nick, also startled and close to shitting his pants, tried to catch her, but he ended up just acting as padding for Rose’s fall. Jake, still dressed in his pajamas, hurried over to help his daughter.
“Are you alright?” Jake called, pulling Rose to her feet and leaving Nick on the ground. “Are you hurt?”
“No,” Rose sighed, brushing dirt off of her.
“Then why were you jumping out of your window?” Jake hissed, pointing up at the window to her bedroom. “In the middle of the night?”
Rose, who, all thing’s considered, was a bit of a golden child, froze in place, not really sure what to say. The evidence was right there, after all. And nothing that she could come up with would somehow make all of that go away.
“That’s what I thought,” Jake practically growled, before turning to look down at Nick. “What are you doing here, Cadet?”
“His name is Nick,” Rose stated, coming to Nick’s defense.
“And your ass is grounded,” Jake snapped back, causing Rose to shrink into herself. “I cannot believe that you would be so irresponsible, Rose! Running around with him in the middle of the night! Climbing out of your window! What the hell do you think that you were doing!?”
“Why the hell are you . . .” Jake’s wife called, stepping outside, before she spotted the situation at hand. Sighing, she took a deep breath before walking down to the scene. “Come inside. You’re going to wake up the neighbors.”
Once they were all inside, Jake’s wife told him to take a breath and to go and call Rooster to pick his son up. Rose sat on the couch, curled up on herself, looking like she wanted to burst into tears. Nick sat on the opposite side of the room, staring over at Rose, but unable to reach out to comfort her because then Jake might really bite his head off.
“Your parents will be here in ten minutes,” Jake grunted to Nick, who winced, before turning to Rose. “Do you have any explanation for this, young lady?”
“Jake,” Jake’s wife called to him softly, not wanting to see her daughter burst out into tears. “Give her a second to collect herself.”
Though he already had about a two-hour scold on the tip of his tongue, Jake bit it back. Mostly because he didn’t want to see his daughter burst out into tears either, even if he was livid about what he just saw outside.
He knew that he shouldn’t have trusted Nick Bradshaw.
Rooster and his wife showed up promptly, looking a bit concerned and harried. Rooster’s wife was completely embarrassed and practically grabbed Nick by the ear to drag him out of the Seresin household. With a quick apology to Jake and his wife, Rooster’s wife pulled her son outside and to the family car, leaving Rooster to drive the Bronco home.
But Rooster just had a few words to share with Hangman before he took his own leave.
“Go easy on her,” Rooster stated, causing Jake to scowl at him.
“As if I’ll take any sort of parenting advice from you, Rooster, after what your son just did.”
“Right, because you were a saint when you were a teenager. Never sneaking out or sneaking your now wife out in the middle of the night, right?” Rooster asked dryly, causing Hangman to narrow his eyes. “They’re eighteen, but they’re still kids. They make mistakes and they deserve a chance to learn from them. Don’t let your own fears fuck with her head. Cause it’ll take decades to undo that.”
Jake simply clenched his jaw in response, so Rooster saw himself out. Glaring down at the floor for a moment, Jake turned to see Rose burst off the couch and run upstairs to her room again. Jake’s wife walked behind her, trying to calm her down, but Rose kept going until she reached her room. Jake’s wife shot him a concerned look before hurrying up the stairs after her.
Jake stood where he was, hearing his wife lightly knock on the door and walk into Rose’s bedroom. Jake walked upstairs slowly after a few moments and quietly padded down the hall to Rose’s room. But he could hear his daughter crying before he even reached her door.
“Honey, it’s going to be alright,” Jake’s wife told her daughter, trying to comfort Rose.
“No, it’s not! Nick’s never going to want to see me again after this!”
“Rose, he probably wants to see your right now,” Jake’s wife assured Rose, probably squeezing her into her side.
“And Dad probably hates me!” Rose cried, causing Jake’s heart to shatter in his chest.
“Your father will never hate you, Rose,” Jake’s wife stated firmly, not giving her daughter a moment to doubt herself. “He’s just upset.”
“You didn’t see him, Mom. He hates me! And Nick’s probably going to break up with me now and . . .” Rose trailed off with just a couple of cries and gasps for air.
Lowering his head, Jake walked away from the door and back to his own bedroom.
A week had passed and Rose was completely avoiding Jake. If he walked into the room, she quickly left it or didn’t make eye contact. She spent most of the day up in her room, serving out the grounding that Jake and his wife agreed upon for sneaking out through her window. He wasn’t sure if she was in contact with Nick at all, but either way, he felt like he couldn’t ask.
And with only two weeks left until Rose headed out to the East Coast for college, Jake knew that he had to try make sure that his relationship with his daughter was salvaged before she left and probably never looked or came back.
Walking upstairs, Jake headed down the hall and knocked on the door to Rose’s room. She opened it a few moments later and her features instantly sunk a bit when she noticed it was him standing there. Lowering her head, Rose hid a bit more behind the door.
“What is it?”
“Let’s go for a drive.”
“Dad, I just—”
“—Please?” Jake interjected, causing Rose to glance up at him.
Ten minutes later, they were driving down the road, just the two of them, in Jake’s truck that they used for their beach days and family road trips. Rose was silent in the passenger seat, her gaze focused out the window and her entire body curled away from him. But Jake remained patient and focused on the road in front of him.
Pulling into the old diner that he used to take all of his kids to when they were small and his wife was either working or taking some ‘me’ time, Jake glanced over to catch Rose’s reaction. She frowned a bit and turned to look at him for the first time during their drive.
“Why are we here?”
“Well, it’s lunch time, isn’t it?”
They got out of the truck, with Rose being a bit reluctant, and headed inside the diner. They were quickly seated in a booth and Rose used the menu to put a barrier between her and her dad. Jake remained patient and smiled at the older waitress as she walked over to take their orders. Jake and Rose gave their orders before being left on their own.
“Did you get everything that you need before you go?” Jake asked Rose softly, who shrugged her shoulders in response.
“Most of it. We’ll just pick it up when we get there. That’s what Mom said to do.”
“Are you packed then?”
“Somewhat,” Rose replied, keeping her voice quiet.
“Are you excited?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
Jake folded his arms underneath him and let out a sigh when Rose kept her responses short and her gaze lowered and away from his own. She fiddled with the paper wrap holding the utensils together, doing anything to fill the time and avoid having to talk to him.
“Rosie? Can you look at me?”
Rose glanced up at her dad, sinking a bit in her seat. Jake straightened up a bit, his expression serious and concerned, but his voice remained low and calm.
“I don’t hate you, Rosie. I could never hate you. You’re my daughter. My baby girl. And no matter what you do, I’ll never hate you, okay?”
“I know,” she replied quietly.
“Why didn’t you tell me and your mom about Nick?” Jake asked softly and not accusatorily.
“Because I knew that you would freak out,” Rose explained quietly. “And I really like him, so I didn’t want to scare him away or mess anything up between our families.”
“And he treats you well? Makes you happy?”
“Yeah,” Rose stated, nodding confidently. “He does.”
“Did he ever make you feel uncomfortable? Or pressure you into doing something that you didn’t want to do but he did?”
“No. The whole window situation was my idea,” Rose replied, causing Jake to sigh.
“About that—”
“—Dad, I don’t want to talk about it,” Rose interjected, lowering her head again.
“Rosie,” Jake began, though she kept her gaze away from him, “I know that you really like Nick. But I don’t want you to . . . build your life around him. You’re only eighteen. You have your whole life in front of you. Both of you do.”
“I know. I’m not saying that we’re getting married,” Rose insisted, picking her head up a bit defensively.
“And that makes me very happy to hear,” Jake replied, causing Rose to sigh. “But I just don’t want you to get into a situation that you’ll regret down the line. I did a lot of stupid stuff when I was your age and I was lucky that in the end everything worked its way out.”
“I know. Grandma told me,” Rose stated, causing Jake to wince.
“All of it?”
“Just the bit about Grandpa threatening to shoot you when they thought you knocked up Mom,” Rose explained, reaching for her drink.
“Yeah, I remember that conversation,” Jake sighed, rubbing his face. “And I don’t want you to ever be put in that position, Rosie.”
“Dad, I’m not stupid.”
“Are you calling your mom and I stupid then?” Jake countered, causing Rose to press her lips together.
“I’m not going to answer because I don’t want to be grounded again.”
“Good choice,” Jake stated, sitting up a bit straighter. “The point is, I remember what it was like to be a teenager and everything that goes along with it. And I made a lot of mistakes with your mom back then and even later and I wanted to protect you from all of that. But,” Jake emphasized, causing Rose to raise an eyebrow, “you’re going off to college soon and I need to accept that you’re growing up.”
“I’ve been growing up for a while, Dad,” Rose replied softly, shifting in her seat.
“I know, but I was in denial because it’s scary how fast you grew up. And you’ve accomplished more than I ever thought possible,” Jake continued, causing Rose to nod slowly. “Hell, you’re ten times better off than I was at your age and you get most of it from your mom, that’s for sure, and I’m so proud of you and I know that you’ll do even better at college and . . .”
Jake trailed off for a moment, taken back to a different day, about fourteen years ago, when Rose sat across from him at a booth in this dinner. She was missing about three teeth in her smile and her hair was pulled back away from her face. And she had a ketchup stain in her dress afterwards that his wife was not happy about, but made Rose giggle when he was getting scolded about it.
“Dad?” Rose called, bringing Jake back to the present.
Blinking a bit rapidly, Jake stared over at his daughter, who seemingly grew into a young woman overnight. She wasn’t a baby anymore. She didn’t need him or her mom like she needed them before. And she was ready to spread her wings and fly high, like they always knew she could.
“I don’t love the idea of you dating . . . but if Nick treats you right . . .”
“He does.”
“And he makes you happy . . .” Jake continued.
“He does,” Rose repeated, nodding curtly.
“Then you don’t have to hide your relationship from us anymore.” Rose noticeably perked up, but Jake was quick to add his paternal disclaimer. “But that doesn’t mean you two get to just do whatever you want. No excessive PDA and don’t ever think about climbing out of your window like that again. You’ll break your neck and then I’ll break him for not catching you.”
“And if he gets you into any of the situations that your grandmother described to you about me and your mom back in the day—”
“—We won’t!”
“But if you do, I’m still an admiral. And if Nick wants to stay in the Navy, he better understand that I’m not afraid to call in some favors to serve him the consequences of his actions.”
“You mean Uncle Coyote?”
“I’ll call in a lot of favors,” Jake vowed, tapping his finger on the table threateningly, though Rose cracked a small smile in return.
The old Dagger Squad members who lived out and around southern California gathered during the last few days of summer to wish Nick and Rose good luck before they both headed out to the East Coast to start the next chapters of their young lives. Separate chapters or at the very least adjacent chapters in Jake’s mind.
Jake glanced over at where Rose and Nick were playing cornhole with a couple of the other Dagger kids when he felt arms wrap around his waist. His wife pressed a kiss to his back, between his shoulder blades, and rested her head against him.
“You made it right?”
“Mostly,” Jake replied, causing his wife to smile.
“I knew that you could,” Jake’s wife returned, walking around to his front.
“I still don’t like it. Or him,” Jake insisted as his wife cupped his cheek.
“But?” Jake’s wife suggested, rubbing his cheek with her thumb.
Jake sighed, turning away from his wife for a moment, before reluctantly turning back to face her. She arched her brow, like she knew exactly what he was going to say in response.
“But he makes her . . . somewhat happy.”
“I’m surprised that you survived that sentence,” Jake’s wife replied, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his lips that Jake returned happily.
Wrapping an arm around his wife, like they were the teenagers, Jake glanced over at cornhole to see Nick with his arm wrapped around Rose’s waist.
“Don’t get too comfortable over there, Cadet!”
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I recently read your theon fic and it's so good!! If you're still taking requests, would you consider writing something for theon again? Maybe a childhood friends to lovers with a Stark reader? It can be as short or long as you want and feel free to make it smutty!! And again love your writing! Going through the rest of your GoT fics now hehe
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Pairing: Theon Greyjoy x Stark!Reader
Warnings: smut cuz anon told me i could! 😂, implied sex work in the winter town, slightly manipulative reader? 🤔, cunnilingus, face riding, praise kink, first orgasms, secret relationship 🤫, nipple biting, implied childhood friends, mentions of periods, mentioned past face riding
Words: 2432
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"Oh shut up, Robb." Giving your twin brother a harsh shove, Robb merely laughs at you as you pummel your gloved fists against his shoulders. "Now I know you're just teasing me."
"Sweet (y/n), do you really think I would lie to my dear twin?"
Your eyes round as you gape at him. "You lie to me on a daily basis, Robb Stark!" Dealing him another smack on the head, Robb pleads for mercy from your tiny fists of fury. Seeing that he's given up, you let your arms fall back to your side, glaring at him. "There's no way. I've seen the two of you sneaking out to the winter towns. Probably to the brothels."
"You think so little of us men, don't you." He sighs and leans his back against the ominous face of the heart tree. To southerners, the face may appear quite macabre with the streams of red that streak out of it's eyes. Having been around it since the day you were born, it was never something to fear. Something to cower away from.
The castle of Winterfell was always hustling and bustling with the work of the many hands that were required to smoothly run it. Along with those of the large Stark family. Eight children including the Greyjoy ward, Theon, had the halls filled with loud shouting, singing, or laughing.
Out in the personal godswood that your family possessed, you and your twin brother liked to get away just to catch up. He was heir of Winterfell being the first born boy. You were separated from him and given the education that any other prestigious young lady of Westeros received. Unfortunately you never had lessons that overlapped with one another, despite your many complaints to your parents.
And what was your dear brother divulging to you? The fact that your father's ward Theon was so obviously smitten with you that even you were aware of his affections. You'd indulge your brother though and pretend not to know a thing. You'll keep your knowledge to yourself and utilize later. Pretend that you hadn't just been making out with Theon just a few hours prior. Robb may be your other half, but this was a secret that you couldn't truly share with him and swore Theon to secrecy. No, Robb was too close to Ned. He could accidentally let something slip to indicate your true relationship with the kraken boy.
A potential suitor for you, the eldest of Ned's daughters, hadn't been discussed fully though you'd heard whispers from the maids and lords in the halls. Trying to guess who your father would give you away to. Theon would not be a candidate.
"I just thought you should know how he feels." Robb hums.
"You know nothing real can come from it." Pointing out, you feel something seize in your chest. It thickens your throat so that pushing out your words was a struggle. "Theon and I. . . Even if- and I'm not saying I like him that way- even if we got together father would never allow it."
He purses his lips in response. "If we bring up the case properly, I believe father will hear us out."
You shake your head. Robb was ever the optimist.
"Don't say anything about it to father." Simply telling him, you use the trunk of the tree to help yourself get up. The weight of your gown skirts tend to pull you down. In response, Robb gets up as well and helps to dust you off. "Please Robb. I don't want Theon getting in trouble." That was the last thing the two of you needed was Ned to increase his surveillance toward Theon. While he cared for the boy, he was always wary due to the Greyjoy Rebellion. They'd proven to be untrustworthy and Ned being a realist always held concern that Theon would grow to be just like Balon Greyjoy.
You didn't know the Lord of the Iron Islands and Theon didn't speak much about him but from what little you were able to gather, you'd say Theon would be nothing like his sire. Lord Ned already felt like Theon was a bad influence on Robb with his cocky attitude and cavalier nature. He did not desire any of his children to adopt those traits.
"Okay okay." He's holding your hand as the two of you trudge through snow to get back to the warmth of the castle. "But. . . do you think you can be a little nicer to him now that you know he holds a flame for you? It's bad enough Sansa and mother always treat him coldly."
Frowning you glance at him. "I'm always nice."
You hate how he rolls his Tully blue eyes. "You're always frigid when he's around. You weren't like that when we were all children. You used to hang off him. But you've changed since. . . since you flowered. . ."
Again he finds your hands smacking his arm. "Please don't EVER mention my cycles again." Your cheeks were burning, embarrassed that Robb was even aware when you'd had your first moonblood.
As you enter through the kitchens, Robb's laughter rings above the other chattering. "My apologies. I forget that you're a proper lady now. Like mother and Sansa." He fake curtsies and you have half the mind to kick his shin until your septa shows up; breathless like she's been running around all over Winterfell.
"There you are!" She hisses and stomps toward you.
Robb abandons you to flee and save himself.
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Even with your slippers covering your feet, the piercing cold of the stone floor got past even the thickest of wool. Frozen toes were a small price to pay; especially when Theon will happily warm them up once you get to his room. There were a few obstacles you had to bypass in your route. Nothing you couldn't handle.
You'd made this journey many times in the past two years.
Robb wasn't being dramatic when he claimed your change toward Theon. From innocent children to teenagers, everything happened so fast that you weren't really able to comprehend what was going on with your own head. When Theon first arrived to your family, you were a small child. You and Robb grew attached to him immediately. For so long you saw him as a brother. Then it just stopped the moment you bled.
That's when you saw Theon. . . differently.
"I was wondering if you'd make it tonight." Barely stepping in front of his door but a second ago, you grin at his eagerness and let him pull you in. Quietly shutting his door as to not alarm anyone, Theon spins around and envelops you in his arms.
Nuzzling into the warmth of his chest, you sigh in contentment. All the stress of your day rolling right off of you. Even within the security of his room, you still kept your voice to barely above a whisper. "I thought about it. . . Robb's onto you, you know. I'm worried he'll discover the truth."
Theon sits you down on his bed, wrapping one of his fur blankets around you so that you could warm yourself up. Wandering off to the table in his room, he pours two chalices of wine. "Just tell him. I keep telling you he'd take the secret to his grave. Your brother would never risk getting you in that much trouble."
"Not consciously." Pulling the fur tighter, you focus on the softness. "He might imply something to our father in his attempt to help us. Robb thinks our lord father can be reasoned with about a relationship between the two of us."
He's quiet with his back turned to you, busying himself with stoking the fire in the hearth. You watch shadows cast by the fire dance along the broad width of his shoulders.
"Why wouldn't your father marry you to me?" Theon asks after a moment of quiet contemplation. When he faces you again, there's a streak of hurt in his eyes that makes your stomach drop. "It would strengthen bonds between the north and the Iron Islands. And I can't imagine you marrying anyone else but me. I knew from the moment we met that you would be my bride."
Any other time you might have laughed at the idea. Empathetic, you rise from the bed and float over to him; caressing his stubbled cheeks with both of your hands and drawing him closer. In a perfect world MAYBE your father would have considered marrying you off to the last surviving Greyjoy son. His blood was too precious to him though and you knew Ned would only ever choose a husband for you that hailed from the north. Especially since he knew Robb would raise hell if you were given to any other kingdom in Westeros. It was only right that twins stay together after all.
You know how to pull his mind away from such unpleasantness. If you fell victim to those thoughts. . . it would only make your life miserable. The way you handled your reality may not be healthy and this certainly should be addressed, but you were too scared to discuss it. Cowardice you knew it was. You covered it up with saccharine kisses that coaxed Theon to lower his guard.
Your world was full of lies. Perhaps not outright lies, but you were still omitting the truth to your entire family.
If it meant keeping Theon's kisses all to yourself, you didn't feel too bad about it.
This discussion would be brought up again in the future. That was inescapable. You rue the day when Ned finally decided on your husband. Theon would raise hell. You'd hold it off for as long as possible. The maiden in you wanted to believe in this fantasy that Theon thought would come true. Far more happy than what was in store for you in your future.
Having to bend slightly over your short form (you hated how much taller Sansa was than you. It wasn't fair. You were older than her yet you barely were an inch taller than Arya!), once both of you break the kiss for much needed air, Theon presses his forehead against your's, his nose brushing against you're cheek similar to the barn cat that you liked to cuddle with. Rubbing his scent onto you as a claim.
Swiftly his hands grab at your rear as he hoists you up into his arms, forcing you to wrap your legs around him for stability. His lips trail kisses along your neck up to the juncture of your neck.
"Do you remember when I first took you?" Theon asks, lips moving against your skin.
Your fingers curl, dragging him closer to you. If you truly could have things your way, you'd never let him go. Freezing the moment to never ending stillness. It was a selfish want, but you didn't care for you truly loved Theon; even if you could never say it out loud to him. If you did then he would do everything and anything to make sure you were wed to him. You didn't doubt that treason would be one of those options. You'd seen it in his eyes before when you let the discussion of getting married went on for too long. You couldn't indulge him.
How could you not remember the day he pierced your maidenhead? The very same day you broke down to him, admitting that you were uncontrollably attracted to him. Longing and desire replaced the once childish adoration you held for him. Ever since your first cycle, it was like your entire body was on fire when Theon was remotely near you.
When you admitted everything, Theon took you back to his room and. . . well. . . From between your legs he spouted nonstop words of adoration and utter devotion to you, his beloved Lady of the North. He confessed to going to the brothels in the winter towns but only so that he could learn how to please you in the bed in order to win you over. How else would he be able to compete against all the other lords that would come calling?
Honestly, you barely heard most of the words he was saying above the roaring of your heartbeat in your ears. A surprise that no one heard you screaming when you had your first climax. Terrified at first and not understanding what was happening to you, Theon ever so softly coaxed you with his tongue and soft touches until you relaxed and came. He encouraged you to shove your cunt into his face (his words, not your's). Even if you were afraid that you would suffocate him or break his nose. That would only make him more persistent. Your face was beaming bright red when he positions your entire body over his face and with the sheer strength of his arms, dips you up and down onto his tongue.
Theon folded you into positions you'd never imagined following that first encounter. From that moment on, you were his. And you couldn't imagine anyone else touching you like Theon did. When his fingers roamed over your skin, it was like he was reading from a book. All your sweet spots spelled out just for him in invisible ink.
From your hooded expression, Theon came to the proper conclusion that you did indeed remember that day which makes his lips curl into a wicked grin. His pupils are clearly blown out in the pools of blue.
Taking care to lay you down gently onto the surface of his bed, the furs around your shoulders fall and splay around you, revealing your nightgown and the small peaks of your erect nipples grazing against your shift.
Theon captures a nipple that poked from your shift. His front teeth softly put pressure making you mewl and writhe under him. You feel a hand glide up your thigh until it rests on your naked hip. "I think of it as the happiest day of my life. Not just because I finally got to fuck you, but also because you said you had feelings for me as I did for you."
Familiar warmth pushes past your lower lips that have you gasping and attempting to arch your back, but Theon makes sure you can't squirm.
Over the blood rushing through your ears and the numbing of your brain as he pumps his fingers in and out while easily sliding in a second and third one; you caught the low whisper of his voice.
"Whatever it takes. I'll make you my bride."
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pockeymcmockey · 2 years
𝔄𝔫 𝔈𝔶𝔢 𝔉𝔬𝔯 𝔄𝔫 𝔈𝔶𝔢 | ᴀᴇᴍᴏɴᴅ ᴛᴀʀɢᴀʀʏᴇɴ
Summary: After Aemond takes the eye of his niece as revenge, he realizes he's made a mistake he may never get to fix...
Warnings: Angst, violence, blood, major injuries, ages follow the show and not the book, Reader goes by female pronouns, reader is the only child of Rhaenyra and Daemon, conceived during the brothel scene, cute matching moment between Aemond and Reader.
Author's Note: This is the edited version whereas I realized the original did not build as much of a relationship between Aemond and Reader as I would've liked. I hope this is much better to read!
𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱 ℑ | 𝔑𝔢𝔵𝔱 𝔓𝔞𝔯𝔱
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A belching roar echoed throughout the stone walkway. Aemond's hand clutched the eye Lucerys attacked using his brother's dagger. Jacaerys stared with wide eyes at his uncle, whom was yet to react in any other way except sob for his missing eye. Guards and handmaidens rushed in at the gargling cry that intruded the quiet halls. Princess [Name] stood, frozen in horror at the act her younger brother has committed.
As the children were gathered in the King's chambers, Rhaenyra and Laenor were quick in their steps to reach their own children. Laenor checked on the boys while Rhaenyra sought out any scars upon her eldest's skin, only to find her unscathed. Rhaenyra held her daughter to her chest and turned to face her father and the Queen.
"What has happened? Why are my children scared out of their minds?" Rhaenyra breathed heavily, scared out of her own mind, worried about her children ending up as corpses one day. This wouldn't be the first time she found herself defending her children, finding that Alicent quite enjoyed trying to push punishment on them, especially her boys.
"Is this how you raise your children, Princess?" Alicent antagonized the Targaryen Princess with mocking words. "Allowing them to strike their own kin because of a beast?" The Queen narrowed her eyes at her former best friend, holding her youngest child close to her chest much like Rhaenyra. Aemond, while in his mother's hold, wouldn't take his stare off of his niece. She was older than him by two years, same age as his older brother, only months apart.
Aemond always had quite the strong feelings for his niece. Since he could remember she was always in the background, braiding his hair, sewing his clothes, fighting his battles. She was a gift from the gods to him. But he didn't want her to fight his battles. In fact, he almost resented her for thinking he was too weak to fight for himself. That resentment bubbled up into hatred, and he could think of nothing but.
Princess Rhaenyra, heir to the Iron Throne, sent her boys back to their respective bedrooms before checking once more that her daughter was unharmed. The younger Princess kept her apologizing gaze on Aemond, brows furrowed and a frown evident on her lips. Her eyes said "I'm sorry" but Aemond could only see pity, blinded by the hatred he grew to have for the girl.
Princess [Name] Targaryen, First of Her Name, returned to her bedchambers to sleep off the frightful events of the night. She found herself having trouble falling into slumber, fluffing up her pillow did not serve to alleviate her insomnia. Out of options—and patience—the princess asked for a bath to be prepared. When the white, pristine tub was displayed in front of her and the handmaids assigned to her aided in her undressing, [Name] sunk into the scolding water that would boil any other man.
The Princess dismissed her handmaidens, wanting isolated time to think upon what has transpired. Silence filled her chambers until a creak of her wooden door alerted her of someone's presence. Aemond stood with his hands behind his back in a defensive stance. His expression was one of true spite, vengeful, even. Before the princess knew what was coming to her, a scar was plastered on her left eye.
Blood slowly seeped out of the jagged wound slashed across her eye. The Princess held a trembling hand over it but the blood kept pouring. She used the undamaged eye in her possession to look up at her uncle, he wore the face of a boy who'd kill for his own greed. He was unfazed by the tears welding up in his niece's eye, or how she whispered his name repeatedly, asking him why he would do such a thing.
"An eye for an eye." Is all he spoke before storming out of her bedchambers to hide in his room. The Princess stood in the tub, droplets of translucency rolling down her figure and back into the mahogany puddle of blood. She used one hand to wrap herself in a robe while the other tried and failed to keep any more blood from spilling out. During her fiasco of dressing as appropriately as she could, Jacaerys and Lucerys both charged into her room.
"Seven Hells!" Lucerys cursed, earning an elbow nudge from his older brother. "What happened to you?" The youngest finally asked. Before the Princess could answer, their mother walked through, wondering why her children were still up. When she saw the damage made to her daughter's eye, the heir lost her resolve and sent a guard for her father.
When the King and Queen enter the Princess' chambers, they both find horrified expressions upon their faces. Rhaenyra sits beside her daughter, holding her protectively as Daemon checks his daughter's eye to see just how much damage his nephew caused. When the Rogue Prince was complete with his task of scanning his daughter, he turned to his brother and the Queen.
"That little cunt of yours blinded my daughter, brother." Daemon rested his weight on his sword, the Dark Sister, before speaking up again, "I'm sure he won't mind being a cripple for the rest of his life. I'll make sure he's still able to use his arms." Daemon chuckled at his own jest. The King raised a hand and shook his crown-bearing head, scolding his younger brother for speaking in such manners, about his own nephew at such.
"I'll personally have a talk with my own son if that's alright with you, dear brother?" Viserys Targaryen, First of His Name, King of the Andal, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm and Prince of Dragonstone, slouched toward his granddaughter. The two Targaryens, Grandsire and granddaughter, had quite a close relationship. Since she was born Viserys has done nothing but spoil her. She had the best than her own brothers.
Rhaenyra asked her father to step outside the chambers with her to discuss the issue at hand. The heir offered to leave for Dragonstone, feeling as the Red Keep is no longer safe for her children anymore. Viserys reluctantly agreed, wanting nothing but safety for his daughter and grandchildren. The Princess Rhaenyra calmly walked back inside the bedchambers of her oldest child, born full Targaryen with platinum hair and violet eyes that could pierce any mans heart with just a look.
The Targaryen heir and her children headed for Dragonstone that night. Just before leaving, [Name] caught the eyes of Aemond whom heard his parents quarrelling about his stunt this evening. Her gown blew behind her from the evening breeze and her hair that glistened like snow under the moonlight made her much better to admire from afar. Aemond looked away and to his hands, clenching them to where his growing finger nails left crescent stab wounds in his palms.
That night, the King and his wife, Alicent Hightower, berated Aemond for committing such a heinous act. The King more visibly upset about it than the Queen, whose only hope was that her son's recklessness wouldn't get him in too much trouble one of these days. Aemond spent the rest of his hours of the night wallowing in regret, knowing he mistook his hatred for Lucerys as his hatred for [Name], acting out on her instead of his attacker.
𝕾𝖎𝖝 𝖞𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖘 𝖑𝖆𝖙𝖊𝖗...
The Princess [Name], given the title "The Princess of Vanity and Vengeance" for her breathtaking Targaryen beauty and the relentless fist she pounds into her enemies. On this day, the princess bares an eyepatch over her eye, hiding the consequence of her moment of weakness. Of course, no one would blame her, she was just a young girl, but the older princess, the one who pierced armour and led armies, would not allow herself to be seen as such any longer.
The eyepatch she wears reminds her of her biggest failure. Failing to protect her family and herself. Would things be different if she had told on her brother? Would she still have her eye? Questions she asks herself everyday hoping she'd somehow, someway, come up with the answer. But for now, she will head to the Red Keep with her parents and brothers. Being the only daughter, and the oldest at that, came with many challenges as men were more hesitant to listen to her than if it were her brother Jacaerys or even Lucerys.
Riding in on dragon-back, [Name] lands her dragon, Llanerion in the center of the courtyard, announcing her presence through actions. The white-bellied, blue scaled dragon shook the grime off his scales and allowed guards to lead him to the Dragonpit. As the Targaryen family entered the Keep, Rhaenyra and Daemon split up, heading toward the King's chambers. The children were made aware of the King's illness but do not know the extent of it which is best left unsaid.
Jacaerys called for his brother and sister to join him on the training grounds, wanting to get some practice in if he is to be King someday. [Name] was offered the role of heir by her mother but has denied that privilege, only wanting to live alongside the King or Queen as a warrior fighting for her people. Her mother had never been more proud of her.
The Princess [Name] noticed a crowd of men circling two others but paid them no mind, offering her helping services to her brother who gladly accepted, knowing his sister was one of the best sword fighters in Westeros. The two eldest children of Rhaenyra stood at attention, their swords crossed in an 'X' position, readying for a match. As their swords began to clink and slice against one another, the attention of the men surrounding Aemond and Ser Criston were redirected to the heir's kin.
[Name] ducked under the blade of her brother and kicked at his calf, knocking him off balance and bringing her sword around to dig into his neck just a bit. "If you are to be King someday, you must know how to outsmart your opponent, Jace." The princess offered her advice to the boy on the receiving end of her blade. Jacaerys huffed and took the hand of his sister who helped him up.
Applause startled the princess when she turned around, only to find the matching eye of her uncle staring at her with an expression unreadable. She glared swords at him and sheathed her own into its holster, climbing the cobble stairs from the training grounds to the halls of the Red Keep. Lucerys and Jacaerys noticed the longing gaze their uncle gave their sister and they followed her actions, narrowing their eyes at the man who ruined their sister's life.
Aemond returned to his chambers after training, removing his eyepatch, noticing how the loss of the eyepatch did little to repair his vision. He smirked at his remembrance of his niece with an eyepatch as well, giving her the benefit of looking almost unnoticeable to the prince. But Aemond knows her eyes, he knows her lips and he wishes he knew her touch but he allowed anger and revenge to cloud his mind. He ruined what he could've had with her and now he may never get another chance.
@daddysfavoritesexkitten @dudfahsn @hey-airam @motherofdragons1998 @kittykylax @icarusignite @lilithskywalker @mintyard @omgsuperstarg @pinkybee926 @helloitsshitzulover @bobamai1 @applepyesworld @chrisevansgirlfriendsposts @caspianobsessed @sonnensplitter @sqrlgrl22 @solorubyjane @amethystwonders11 @marytvirgin @aphroditeisamilf @ephemeralninon @fairyunhappy @mikasakuchiki @shine101 @let-love-bleeds-red @zgzgzh @lilostif16 @landlockedmermaid77 @m1ndbrand @grippleback-galaxy @jeyramarie @gaemon-palehair @padfooteyes @bietchz
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crushedsweets · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons of Lyra and Toby’s relationship?
this has been in my inbox for like over a week by now because this is a big task in my head. i will focus more on the family itself, but obviously the siblings r there.
ROGERS FAMILY HCS UNDER THE CUT... tw for abuse and addiction, of course
ok. WE'RE GETTING PERSONAL HERE. im the eldest daughter of 3 so the way in which i project into older siblings is insane. ive also had an addict father(no where near like frank though let me clarify) so in general . . the story.. makes me feel very...... basically their relationship is very personal to me.
lyra is about 2-3 years older than toby.
frank's dad was in the vietnam war, his grandparents were in wwii, his grandparents in wwi, etc. so he went into military service right after marrying connie. for a long while, he was SUPER military strict. those kids were up, made their bed, and down for chores by 6am everyday. he made them do military time rather than civilian time. he was incredibly traditional, expected a perfectly clean household, a polite soft daughter, a strong bold son, perfect wife. he wanted the 1950s nuclear family model. so toby and lyra grew up in a very clean, strict, traditional household.
in my au, frank wasnt outright abusive until the kids were around 8-11. it was after he developed his addictions and lost his job. the kids really didnt understand what was changing at first, and legitimately were like 'omg dad isnt making us wake up at 5am everyday..... this is so cool'.
theyd start having sleepovers in eachothers room, slacking a bit on chores, going to sleep late, sleeping in. toby didnt develop his tourettes until he was around 7, so lyra and toby would walk home from their elementary school together. sometimes, theyd walk another friend home first, stop at convenience stores to get candy, pet a cat, etc. frank didnt say a thing for the first few months, just drunken grumbles along connies worried 'WHERE HAVE U BEEN'. if they weren't walking around the area, they were in the backyard playing soccer.
eventually the abuse began, and all of those little freedoms were quickly stripped from the kids.
toby developing tourrettes around this time was a painful coincidence, because not only did he experience abuse at home, but awful bullying at school. he was promptly pulled out after completing 3rd grade. he was only 8.
lyra would practically run home from school everyday, as fast as a 12 year old girl with a backpack could manage, just because she spent all 7 hours in school worrying about toby at home. connie had to start working to pay bills, so..
when toby was around 11 and lyra was around 13, toby started kinda just. being more distant. he was kind of a dick to lyra for a period of time, half because of everything he was going through, half because puberty is rough. his room started getting messy, lyra had to start picking up chores he was slacking on , etc. lyra isnt perfect and began to resent toby for this, and eventually, the two were kinda at eachothers throats for like 6 months. which isnt a lot, but for kids, its an eternity.
when franks abuse evolved from ''just'' verbal abuse, to shoves, to slaps, to full on beatings, toby started egging frank on. just to get him off of lyra and connie. obviously he couldnt feel it, and while it sure took a fucking mental toll, it was so much easier to just wait it out rather than listen to the girls cry.
lyra didnt even realize toby was doing this for a while, she just thought it was all part of him going through his little hormonal asshole phase, until one day frank made a fucked up comment about 'youre lucky that boy is always causing trouble. was supposed to be you'. then it kinda clicked and she very quickly tried to fix their relationship back to what it was.
frank eventually scared connie so badly that there'd be periods of time where she'd take the kids in the middle of the night, and run off to either her parents place, or even a random hotel in another city. she'd use cash, force the kids to keep their phones at home, leave literally everything behind and often make the kids pick out new toothbrushes at a random walmart. etc. it would only last a few days each time, and lyra fought so hard to stay strong while her mom cried and toby closed himself off.
she'd try to get toby to come to the hotel pools with her, try to get him to watch tv with her, try to get him to just fucking talk to her. he was often catatonic during these little runaways, once the confusion adrenaline and fear wore off
it wasnt until they went around a month without seeing their father, and frank had some weird fucking. 'those are MY kids too' thing and went to connie's parents house while all the adults were out, and forced the kids back home. this was the first time lyra was full on sobbing and begging and pleading in years. that was what shifted something in toby, too.
now tobys 13, lyras 15, and theyre on better footing. theyre starting to understand eachother. tobys back on keeping up with chores, knowing that either him lyra or connie was going to get beat if they were missed. sometimes he'd just silently come into lyras room and lay down and watch tv with her. they'd talk about books, about school, their trust was built right back up and toby ended up being the first to know about lyras school drama, gossip, boys, etc.
toby wasn't really socialized properly, since he's been homeschooled for 6 years by now. all the time, he'd hear lyras stories, and wish he could go to school. his mom would be horrified anytime toby asked, because all she could remember was her sweet boy coming home and crying into her arms after a day of being mocked and pushed around by peers.
so he began to live through lyra, in a sense ? he almost became a diary for lyra, and he kinda loved it. she was like a sitcom to him.
frank wasnt a good father by any means during this period, he was still awful, but he wasn't constantly looking for trouble. the kids kept to themselves, connie did everything she was expected to, he didnt give a shit about their grades or social lives. he couldn't even recgonize when lyra was coming home late.
lyra got her license the second she turned 16. the house had two cars, and its not like frank was ever going anywhere, so she was always going everywhere. she adored the freedom, and took toby wherever he'd let her. he only really left the house if he was going grocery shopping with his mom or something, so it was kinda weird now that he was just. going to malls. going to restaurants. going to parks. just Hanging Out. every now and again he'd stick around when Lyra was with her friends, but he didn't like them so it was rare.
sometimes theyd just drive together for a long time. at night, she was the one to take him to every hospital visit, she even got him to volunteer at a pet shelter she worked at for a bit. 3 years and they become so close again, and lyra is tobys best friend. she's his entire world because who else does he have ? he loves his mom, but she's married to the man he hates more than anything
toby was 16 and lyra was 18 when frank strangled toby till he passed out. thats finally when connie kicked frank out, forcing frank to go live on his moms couch. lyra was mortified and started spending an absurd amount of time with toby. she took online community college courses just so she could spend even more time with toby, and it didnt hurt to do so since frank wasnt there anymore. things were getting better for the family, frank was gone, lyra was in college, connie was working, toby was volunteering at shelters and even had a few acquaintances he'd talk to now and again.
lyra picked toby up from the shelter he volunteered at when the accident happened.
lyra and connie had matching silver necklaces with a circle pendant that had their initials. toby didnt cuz frank would get pissed if toby tried wearing jewelry, but when lyra died, toby immediately clung to it. he wears it religiously. the only time he takes it off is if he knows he's going to kill someone that day. otherwise, its always on him.
lyra died and was buried in colorado. toby lives in alabama now. so he really doesnt visit her grave often. only on her birthday, he'll scramble together some money and get brian, tim, and kate to agree to cover his uh. 'shifts' with slenderman, and take a few loooonnnggg train rides over to colorado.
he'll leave two bouquets of flowers. one for lyra, one for connie.
connie just feels in her heart that its toby. she has no reason to believe it, they've never bumped into eachother (toby's visiting at like 2am and falls asleep near the grave for a few hours), but she knows nobody else whos visiting lyras grave and leaving two sets of the same flowers.
toby and lyras childhood home was put on sale shortly after it was reconstructed from the fire, and connie moved in with her sister. lyras bedroom door was the only one that was shut and left unscathed after the fire (legitimately keep your doors shut if you ever have a housefire it can save entire bedrooms and even lives). the rest of the house was ruined, but not lyras room. connie kept every single one of her belongings, but she's put some photos out on the grave. tobys taken them, and connie believes it was him. again, she has no reason to believe it other than the flowers and 'why would someone take a photo of my dead daughter.'
anyway hi. in tears. i love them. sorry. i just retell their story over and over and get sad everytime
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elvestoneanzelote1 · 7 months
thought: m! Y/N is Fijirald’s eldest son, or simply the firstborn, or from a previous relationship. He fled the country at the age of 17 because of a quarrel with his father, a very strong quarrel, and fled to Japan, to Yokohama, where he became an entrepreneur and does charity work. Only kept in touch with my mother/stepmother (Zelda) and sister. Now, at 20 years old, he is one of the investors/associates of the detective agency and communicates well with the employees; He doesn't say anything about his family, except that they are in a quarrel. I lived quietly, but suddenly a guild comes to town... (be sure to do Platonic Yandere: Fitzgerald, and the rest is optional) thanks for your attention (*´˘`*)♡
A:n- 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵! 𝘐 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘪𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘣𝘺 𝘪𝘵.
𝘐𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳.
(𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘤) 𝘺𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘧𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘍𝘪𝘵𝘻𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘭𝘥 𝘹 𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘹 (𝘴𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘺𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘦) 𝘈𝘋𝘈.
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The moment the argument started.
Fitzgerald was much more frustrated than you. Why would you want to work somewhere secluded alone?
You have all the money!
His business will soon be yours!? Why
Can't you just accept that.
Yet you do not and argue with him as if you are going to be much more successful than he is...
And the fact you left after the quarrel he declare you as an outcast.
Which you happily agreed and left.
To Japan.
Though he won't admit but he was slightly guilty... And Zelda your mother try to reassure Fitzgerald.
Later on when the daughter died.
His sole hope wwd you who can... Do something about Zelda.
Despite he won't admit but he is just an overprotective father.
He already lost his daughter.
He can't lose another child of his.
When he find out you were with the Agencies.
He try to buy you out but Fukuzawa refuses.
Your freedom is your choice not his.
He try to ammend it... Try to talk it out and tell you about your sister... And... How he is guilty.
But the Agency had other plans.
They stopped him or you from talking which you were glad but not for Francis.
He was much more annoyed by it.
So when he got the chance during the agency been a criminal.
He make sure none knows you are apart of agency and took you away when the agency collapse.
As long as you are safe and within his watch that's all it matter.
As long as it is.
He will bear your hatred.
Of why he brought you here in a lock room
When the agency need your help.
Till then...
He will make sure you are safe.
For the sake for Zelda.
And for the sake of him been a responsible father... He failed to be once.
For today onwards.
He will make sure no trouble you shall ever meet again.
A:n- that's all! Good day night to all!
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nebulablakemurphy · 5 months
Total Eclipse Of The Heart (Part 9)
Jacob Black x Vampire!Swan Reader
This has been in my drafts for over 2 years 😂Proceed with caution, steamy make out session and some blood drinking.
Series Masterlist
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It has been ten minutes…maybe more since Y/N was taken into the Cullen’s meeting room. It’s been radio silence, since Bella and Edward came back from their honeymoon. When Y/N does emerge, Jacob knows immediately, something is very wrong.
“Jacob,” she reaches a hand toward him. “Come with me?”
Jake moves to stand, twining their fingers and allowing the vampire to lead him out the front door, down to his bike. He leans against it, expectantly. “You gonna tell me what the hell’s going on?”
“Bella’s pregnant.”
“With what exactly?” Jacob grimaces.
“Carlisle isn’t sure, they’re…we’re trying to figure it out.”
“So make them take it out of her, he’s a doctor.”
“Jake,” Y/N shakes her head, “she doesn’t want it out.”
“It’s her choice and I won’t take it from her.” She knows what it feels like.
“This is different.” This is fucked.
“She thinks Carlisle can turn her at the last minute.” Y/N fidgets with his fingers as she speaks.
“Can he?” The wolf clears his throat.
“It’s possible.”
“But not probable.”
“Baby,” Y/N frowns, “I don’t want to fight. I need you to help me, help her.”
Jacob sighs, “what can I do?”
Charlie is not so easily swayed, he knows Y/N knows something. He watches his eldest daughter intently at breakfast.
Bella is sick with some kind of bug, currently recovering at a luxury facility in Sweden. Or so the story goes.
The sheriff eyes his oldest daughter over the morning paper.
Y/N catches him, meeting his eye with an awkward smile as she forces a spoonful of cereal into her mouth.
“When did we start lying to each other, kid?” Charlie asks.
“When it became necessary to keep you safe. I think it’s the same on your end.”
Charlie is taken aback by this. It’s the most honest answer he’s got from her in months. “If you’re in some kind of trouble, or Bella is-”
“It’s not the kind of trouble you can help me with.”
“Wish you’d at least talk to me about it.”
“I wish I could, Dad.” Y/N admits.
“But you can’t. For the sake of my safety?” He knows this game.
“All of ours.”
Charlie sighs. “Do you know anything else about Bella? How she’s doing?”
“I know she’s alright.” For now. “That’s all I know.”
Days pass in a blur, Bella withering away as her belly grows.
“How’s dad?” She asks Y/N, curling both legs up under her, on the couch.
Y/N tosses her a blanket. “He’s alright. He misses you though.” She can’t imagine what he’ll be like when they actually…leave.
Bella nods. “How are you?”
“I’m ok.” Y/N lifts a shoulder. She has to be. “The baby could be here anytime now, I need to hunt so I’ll be gone for the day.”
“That’s fine.” Bella’s teeth chatter, she is so cold.
“I’ll leave Jacob with you, he can be your personal hot box.”
“N-no.” Bella forces out, “you don’t have to.”
“I’m not letting you suffer anymore than you already are, Bella.” Y/N mutters, bitterly.
Jacob is leaning against the doorframe, with his arms crossed, waiting for his queue.
Y/N makes her way over to him, feeling his arms encircle her waist, crushing her to him. She nuzzles into the crook of his neck. “Will you stay with her?”
“Yeah,” his words are lost in her hair.
She presses a kiss to his jugular.
“I would let you.” Jacob whispers, “if you want to try, so you don’t have to leave her like this.”
Y/N pulls back, searching his eyes. “No, Jake.” It’s come up before. Bite me.
“I’m not affected by your venom unless I’m already injured.”
“It’s no different than you drinking from an animal. I heal fast, it won’t be an issue.”
Y/N opens her mouth to protest.
“I can feel you,” Jacob reminds her. “There’s nothing to feel bad or guilty about. I want you to.”
“Are you sure?” Y/N doesn’t want to further complicate their relationship.
He nods, “come on.” They find an unoccupied room in the Cullen’s home. Jacob flops down on their cream colored sofa, patting his lap.
Y/N eyes him, warily. Climbing to sit over top his thighs, facing him.
Jacob brushes Y/N’s hair over her shoulders and out of the way. Kissing her lips, her forehead, her nose, “bite me.”
She finds a spot on the side of his neck, peppering his beautiful skin with her kisses, breaking it with her teeth.
Jacob groans, turning his head to give her better access.
Y/N whimpers as his blood fills her mouth, trickling down to ease the burning in her throat.
“You’re ok.” He swallows and she feels it against her tongue. “I love you.”
Fuck. Y/N rolls her hips against his. “I love you.”
“I know,” he guides her back to the opening on his neck. His heart beats faster at the pull of her sucking swallows, he hopes she never stops. Jacob sighs contently as she takes her fill of him on the Cullen’s sitting room couch.
Her lips are on his, the moment she’s finished. His bitter blood in her mouth, it’s not as good as the animals she’s accustomed to feeding from. The only thing making the taste bearable is the knowledge that it’s his. Jacob’s blood fueling her, filling her. Belonging to him so wholly.
Jacob tastes the blood and kisses her anyway. The wound on his neck has already begun to heal, he pulls her closer. He never wants her to drink from anything but him again.
Perhaps it’s the imprint, or the reincarnation, maybe it’s just love. Whatever the culprit may be, they are in it now, too deep to ever surface.
Only one thing could steal them from revelry now. The sound of Bella’s tortured screams. The baby is coming.
Part 10
Series Taglist: @vxidnik @remembered-license @itscheybaby @cole22ann @the-tryhard-twihard @zheezs14 @adaydreamaway08 @xcastawayherosx @moneteguiza @stinkii-boii @theatrechic26 @sylum @irrelevant-86
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hs-is-loml · 2 years
Till the End of Time. (d.t)
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Pairing: Daemon Targaryen x Fem!Targaryen!Reader
Summary: as times change you are closer to being wed off to another, and rising concerns between you and your beloved appear. will you end up together in the end?
Warnings: 18+. includes incestual relationship, oral f!receiving, unprotected sex, mentions of death, small mentions of child neglect, fluff (UNEDITED)
a/n: back with my new obsession with the house of the dragon!! hope you enjoy :) also idk if the ages go ten and six or six and ten but yk what i mean
word count: 4.54k
all translations of high valyrian come from google! english translations are in parentheses!!
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Longing for Daemon Targaryen was something you were pretty used to, sadly, With the Rouge Prince’s habits of getting himself into trouble always made it hard for you to see him. Though you never had a say as it was your father’s choice on how to handle him. Being the King's eldest daughter is more complicated than most people think. Especially when he crowned you his heir years prior when you were just of the age ten and six. 
You always doted on your uncle even from a young age though now ten and nine. He was the one to pick your dragon’s egg for your cradle. He let you ride on Caraxes with him when your dragon was too small to ride. Gave you lessons about your family’s history and the way they ruled. With your father always wishing for a boy, your mother always with a child or grieving over one, and your sister preferring Alicent Hightower’s company before yours. Daemon was the only one to ever treat you as a priority.  
You heard rumors about him returning from Dragonstone though you wanted to know for yourself. Daemon never held it against you when your father named you heir and Princess of Dragonstone. As you made it down to the dragon’s pit with your guard Ser Harwin Strong, you heard the notorious roar of Caraxes with a widening smile on your face. 
“Ser Harwin, you know how Caraxes feels about others. You may take your leave, I will be okay here,” you turned to your guard who knew better than to argue with you when it came to dragons. 
“Of course, Princess. I will be back here before the sun goes down,” he told you before making his way back.
You knew Caraxes could tell you were nearby because of the soft growls that came from him. You never once had a thought that Caraxes would ever harm you which is the same reason why you approached him and were able to place a hand on the dragon’s cheek. 
“I missed you too,” you whispered softly as he purred and leaned more into your hand. 
“He always did adore you more than he ever has me,” a voice you know all too well from behind you. 
“It is good to see you back, Uncle,” maintaining your focus on the dragon in front of you.
“It is good to be back, Gevie. Even more so with you here to greet me,” he smirked making his way closer to you before wrapping his arms around your waist from behind burying his face into your neck. (Beautiful)
“I take it you have missed me during your stay at Dragonstone?” you giggled placing your hands upon his arms and leaning back into him. Caraxes kept his eyes on you two for a second before getting bored and turning his head away. You laughed at the dragon’s attitude which seemed to resemble the same pettiness as his rider. 
“Nyke va moriot miss ao,” he muttered into your neck pressing light feather kisses from your ear down to your shoulder. (I always miss you.)
Though you were fairly certain some already knew about you and Daemon or at least had their suspicions, you two did a decent job in keeping what you two have to yourselves. More importantly keeping it from your father, the King himself. Even as the worries stayed at the back of your mind about when and how your father would react when he finds out, you paid no mind to them considering your father paid no mind to you. 
“Se nyke've missed ao,” you responded turning to face him and looking into his mesmerizing eyes. (And, I’ve missed you.)
“You grow to be more beautiful each time with every meeting,” he told you as he tucked a piece of your hair back into your tiara. 
“As dashing as ever, My Prince,” you felt heat rush to your cheeks. 
“I hear rumors about Lords trying to court you as of now. Is it true?” he growled under his breath finding solace in kissing your neck.
Ever since you came of age your father has wanted to marry you off to some wealthy lord with a decent standing. The idea of marrying another who isn’t Daemon Targaryen repulsed you to a different extent. 
“You know I would never submit to those disgusting pigs,” you muttered while trying to stile moans threatening to leave your mouth.
“How about me, Issa dōna niece?” raising back to meet your eyes and gazing down upon your lips. (my sweet niece)
“To you? Everyday,” you murmur before lightly pressing your lips against his just to pull back a second later.
You found yourself feeling content with the thought of being with Daemon. You knew no one could ever treat you better or understand your position as well as he could. You could also see him by your side when/if you were to actually rule. No one else could fill his position in your life. 
“No one will take you from me,” you knew he spoke the truth. If there’s anything your uncle is good at, it’s taking what he wants. 
“And I have no doubt,” you said as he pushed your chin up to get a good view of you. 
He smashed his lips against yours and pulled you even closer to close the gap between you two. You move your hands to go around his neck to try and pull yourself up to him. His hands moved down from your waist to your hips tightening his grip. Making you gasp slightly and allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth. You kissed until all the breath left your lungs and even then you never wanted to let him go. Scared to see him disappear and you married off to anyone but him.
You knew it was wrong, but that has never stopped you before from pursuing this relationship with your uncle. Not a piece of you has ever regretted giving yourself to him. He treated you better than anybody else. He has never given you a reason to not put your trust in him.
“It got annulled,” he whispers against your lips.
“What?” you had an idea but didn’t want to get your hopes up.
“My bronze bitch and I.” he spat as he said the infamous name he had given to his late wife.
You heard the rumors about what happened to Rhea Royce. Though it was stated that her cause of death was caused by a mishap with her horse during hunting, others found it odd that with the high skills of Rhea Royce on horseback is what would be her doom. Others suspected that the Rouge Prince had something to do with her death as it was always a known fact Daemon hated her.
Even with the length of their marriage, not a single child was born between the two of them. Some say that he didn’t even bed her throughout their marriage which leads to Runestone without an heir. He always would compare her to sheep and then proceed to call the sheep prettier.
“Does this mean I could call you to mine as well?” you questioned looking into his eyes shimmering in lust. 
“I have always been yours as you have always been mine,” he confessed while leaning down to rest his forehead against yours smiling softly.
“Avy jorrāelan.” (I love you.) 
“Se avy jorrāelan,” he replied pressing a light kiss on your lips making you blush easily. (And I love you.)
“The sun is almost down,” you said somberly knowing your lovely reunion with Daemon would come to a close when you see the sun start being replaced with the moon.
You dreaded the thought of going back to Red Keep and having to act as if nothing ever happened. You were sick of being pushed aside by your family and the council. You had to act as if everything was fine even when you heard about the rising dangers on the Stepstones. Your mother looked even frailer than she usually was during a prolonged pregnancy. 
“I brought something back for you,” he said as he reached his hand in his pocket pulling out a necklace.
“It’s beautiful,” going to reach for it before Daemon pulled it back in his hand closing his fist around it. 
“Do you know what it is, Princess?” he questioned you dangling it in front of your eyes.
“It is valerian steel, Uncle. Like Dark Sister” you answered keeping your eyes on the object in his grasp.
“Turn around,” he commanded.
You slowly turn your heel to turn your back to him. You reach up to your neck and remove the small diamond chain necklace that he gifted you the last time you saw him. As you pulled the necklace down from your neck, Daemon gently placed the new one upon you and kept his hands on your shoulders as he placed more kisses where the necklace lays.
“Now, You and I both own a small piece of our ancestry,” he whispered into your ear.
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The tournament being held for your mother’s birth of a possible heir to replace you had every waiting for the announcement of the babe. Though Lords and Heads vowed their allegiance with you, that didn’t stop them from wanting a male on the Iron Throne instead of you. Seated next to your father just behind Rhaenyra and Alicent you anxiously waited for Daemon’s turn. 
As it came time for him to choose his opponent, you had no doubt in your mind that his choice of Gwayne Hightower was to piss out the King’s hand, Otto Hightower. Your shared hatred of the hand was because of the pure manipulation he used against your father to further benefit himself. He was a sneak and a traitor that wanted you gone as heir.
Knowing this would be an easy win for Daemon you had no worry that he would get hurt during it. Though you could say the same for Alicent who was nervously picking at the skin of her nails as she watched her brother get ready to go against Daemon. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Rhaenyra placing a hand over Alicent’s as a sense of trying to calm her. It hurt knowing your younger sister didn’t have much interest in you, you held no major feelings of hatred against knowing the people she put herself around. 
Just like you presumed the match between Daemon and the Hightower son ended as quickly as it started. You stood cheering for him as you connected eyes with him. He gave you a smile that most people would normally never see from the Prince. When he made his way toward the stand, you hoped he would ask for your favor.
“Issa dōna niece, would you give me the honor of winning this tournament with your favor?” he spoke loudly keeping eye contact with you. (My sweet niece)
“Of course, Uncle,” you hear from beside you which made you snap your neck at the person who spoke.
“Actually I was talking about the other Princess,” which made you blush at the confirmation that he wanted your favor. 
You looked to your father as if to ask for his permission not that it matter to you anyways. He gave you a nod with a curious look on his face as he noticed the interaction between you and his brother. 
“Nyke jaelagon jeme issa biarves, uncle,” you wished him as you threw down the ring of flowers. (i wish you all my luck, uncle)
“Thank you, Princess,” and with that, he was off.
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The King was gone a long time when he left in a rush which you assumed was to go see your mother during her labors. There were whispers amongst all of you as everyone wondered if the King finally got his wish of a son. You understood his obsession with a son but that did not mean you weren’t scared about being replaced. 
You knew something was wrong like there was a dark cloud looming over King’s Landing. You stood from your seat to rush back to the Red Keep and find out what was going on with your mother. The feeling of dread was ultimately crushing the closer you made it to her chambers. It was a mess. Blood everywhere. You tried to make your way into the room but the guards wouldn’t let you.
You felt the tears stream down your face for the woman who gave birth to you. She might not have acted as a mother to you but you knew her thoughts about fulfilling her duties which she felt like a failure for not doing so. 
When you finally broke free from the guards and made it into the room where your mother lays on a stained bed with a cloth now over her. All the air felt like it was knocked out of your lungs as you tried to gasp air in whilst having a hand over your mouth in disbelief and another over your stomach as if trying to hold yourself up. You looked around the room to find your father carrying a babe in his arms. He got his wish. He just had to kill her to get it. 
“What is his name, Father?” you asked as you made it closer to him and the child he was carrying. You felt growing resentment towards your father and the child as they were the reasons your mother was now gone. 
“Fitting for a prince,” you told him.
“Would you mind to hold him, Daughter?” as he turned towards you motioning for you to take Baelon.
“Of course not,” you gently took the child in your arms. He looked so frail and delicate. You knew this was your father’s dream child. You just never knew the extent he was going to in order to achieve it.
Tears still streamed down your face as you studied the child in your arms. You knew how Rhaenyra would take this news considering she was closer with mother than you ever were. She would be devastated, and your heart broke, even more, knowing she has no clue while still being at the tournament.
You could not take it anymore and gave Baelon back to your father as you sank down to your knees crying for the loss of your mother. She might have not been a good mother because she was always tied down to child’s birth, but she had her moments with you that you truly cherished. Like the time when Rhaenyra was 5 and your father was always more interested in spending time with her than you, your mother called you to her chambers and spent the time telling you stories to make you feel better. She told you that as the eldest you deserved to be the heir over anyone else, and she wished for you to become queen one day.  
You screamed in angst calling for her, but no response. The handmaidens tried to care for you though with no luck as you pushed their hand off you. Your father tried to calm you with words that fell silent to your ears. 
“Someone call for Prince Daemon,” your father ordered one of the guards which you didn’t hear. The universe felt like it was crashing upon you and that the weight was unbearing with every second. 
“Where is she?!” the Prince came rushing into the room having just ended the tournament. He paused as he saw you on the floor crying.
He made no waste of time and made his way towards you and lifted you into his lap. One arm wrapped around your waist and another covering your head as he spoke sweet nothings into your ear to calm you. 
You clutched onto him as he was the only thing keeping you grounded. He held onto you as if he was trying to protect you from the dangers of this world. The King never thought he would see the day when his brother would care so deeply for another. He saw the interaction between you two during this moment, and something deep down in him was glad you had someone to look after you when he didn’t.
“Brother, I will take her to her chambers to rest,” Daemon spoke out to his brother as he carried you against his chest. 
“Yes, of course, do what you must.”
“Tell the guards to leave tonight, no one needs to hear her cries anymore than they already have, I will stay with her tonight, Brother,” he told him.
“Understood, thank you for taking care of her, Brother,” Viserys thanked his brother.
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“He killed her,” you whispered as Daemon laid you on your bed.
“What?” he asked in confusion while he took his place in bed right next to you take you back into his arms. 
“He chose that babe over her,” you spat out. “Daemon, what if someone did that to me?”
“No one ever will, my love. I will make sure of it,” he stated.
“They want to marry me away soon,” you told him.
“They will not take you from me,” pressing you against him tighter.
“You must be willing to let me go unless you choose to do something about it,” you admit to him lifting your head from his chest to look him in the eyes. 
He gives you an uncertain look of not knowing what to say. You took it upon yourself to give him a distraction from your situation and placed a kiss at the corner of his mouth before he captured your lips against his. 
You raised one of your arms to place your hand on his cheek to pull his face closer to yours. The kiss was filled with passion and commitment to one another. Daemon said what he need with the kiss and you knew that. The longer the kiss last, tense heighten, causing Daemon to sit up and pull you on his lap. You straddled him throughout the kiss, slowly rocking yourself back and forth against his hips. Increasing the friction and pleasure for both of you. You could feel him getting hard from underneath you which only caused you to smile into the kiss.
He broke away from you to move on to your neck and his hands moved from your waist to work on getting your dress off.  He untied the back strings to loosen it and slipped the straps off your shoulders leaving your chest bare. He went from your neck to your breasts quickly kissing, nipping, and sucking on the supple skin leaving love marks on them. He lifted you off his lap to stand and remove his tunic and pants. While you stood to let the dress drop and pool around your feet before stepping over it and laying back down on the bed. 
You both were bear to each other with Daemon moving and taking place between your legs. He leaned down to kiss you and traveled his hand down to your bundle of nerves slowly rubbing small circles with his thumb. You gasped at the sensation allowing Daemon to explore around your mouth. Daemon paused from kissing you and started moving down your body leaving kisses on the valley of your breast down to your stomach before going even lower.
He started his attack with his mouth against you devouring you like a starved man. Licking up and down between your lower lips, circling his tongue around your clit before closing in to suck on it. Your moans sounded like heaven to his ears. He slowly pushes a finger to ease in you, sliding it in and out with an occasional curl of his finger. The heat and pleasure were building in you waiting to snap. He added another finger in while stretching you out to get ready for him.
“Ao issi sīr ȳrda,” he groaned against you only adding more pleasure. (You are so tight)
“Mērī syt ao,” you moaned gripping the sheets in your hands. (Only for you)
He sped up his actions as you chased for your release and just like that it felt like something snapped in you. Your body tensed as your legs started to shake leading you to clench around his fingers trying to close your legs together only for him to move his other arm to spread them apart. He kept going through your climate making you press a hand against his head trying to push him off because of the overstimulation, but that didn’t stop him. He worked you through your high as you finally stopped shaking and started relaxing your body.
He got up from his position and went back between your legs, a hand on his hard cock lining himself up against your hole. He slowly pushed in letting out a hiss at how tightly your walls hugged against him. He pushed in all the way before stilling for a moment inside you allowing you to adjust to his size as you were never able to get used to it. You continued to moan as you felt him brush against your cervix. He was so deep inside you making you feel complete. 
After a minute, he started rocking back and forth before pulling out slightly to push back in. The size of his cock was godly and felt like it was splitting you into two. He bottomed out to quickly push himself even deeper into you. He groaned as he felt you squeeze your walls around him. You had tears falling from your eyes from the pure ecstasy that you were feeling. He leaned down to kiss the tears from your face before kissing you passionately against the lips. 
 The sound of skin slapping against each other, your moans, and his groans filled your chambers. Your moans caused him to speed up his pace and have a bruising grip on your hips. He repeatedly brushed against that spot in you causing you to tightly wrap your legs around his waist in order to push him deeper into you. 
“Daemon, I’m close,” you said softly through your moans. 
“I know, my love. Let go,” he encouraged you, feeling your walls close in on him. 
You released yourself around his cock as he searched for his own high within you. Before pushing one last time pulling you against his hips as you felt him spill his seed into you, thickly coating your walls. He lowered his head to your neck trying to stabilize his breath. You hissed at the sense of losing the feeling of being full as he pulled out and laid next to you. 
“You are the reason why I keep living,” you muttered as you turned to look at him.
“And you are the reason for my existence,” he replied back pulling you closer to him.  
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You walked around the room looking at all the lords' cups to see who needed their wine-filled. This was your job during the meetings of the small council though you didn’t mind it as much since it abled you to hear news and what happens through the Seven Kingdoms. This meeting was just a bit better considering your beloved was in the room as well. 
“Your Grace, I do think it is time to start looking at arrangements and proposals for our Princess here,” Otto mentioned to your father as he stared at you filling Lord Corlys’ cup.
“Excuse me?” you questioned not knowing how the attention transferred to you so quickly.
“You are of age, daughter. There has to be someone that has been able to catch your eye as of late,” your father responded to you.
“She is our heir and you want to give her to some unworthy lord, brother?” Daemon asked looking at your father and his hand with bewilderment which covered his true feelings of anger at the thought of you marrying another. 
“Daemon, she will be well taken care of with whomever she ends up with, but I do appreciate your concern for her,” your father said as he turned to his brother. 
“We shall organize a tour for the Princess soon,” Otto recommended to your father while the other members nodded in agreement.
“Your Grace, why don’t you marry her to Prince Daemon under Targaryen traditions? He is now widowed with the death of Lady Rhea Royce,” Lord Corlys suggested to your father which the King went silent at.
Your breath hitched in your throat at the anticipated response of your father. You moved your gaze to Daemon who was already staring back at you with a smirk on his lips. The idea of being able to marry Daemon filled you with hope about your future.
“Lord Corlys, don’t be ridiculous,” Otto glared at him. 
“No, I understand what you mean. You all may leave except you my brother stay,” The King directed everyone in the room. 
You waited for everyone to leave before making your way out but in reality, while your father was distracted by his own thoughts you hid behind a column near the door. 
“Brother, what do you think of this?” your father questioned Daemon with uncertainty.
“I think of no better option. Wed her to me,” Daemon admitted to your father, only furthering your hope. “When I offered up my place as heir, you said I could have anything. I want her. I'll take her as she is, and wed her in the tradition of our house.”
“Daemon, do not do this to her only because you want a chance for the throne. This is my daughter we are talking about,” your father warned him.
“I would not dare to do such things to her.”
“And if she were to be better off marrying another?” Viserys proposed to Daemon. 
“What better off rising the status of a measly lord?” Daemon retorted back starting to raise his voice.
“Daemon, I am not sure of this union,” Viserys voiced out his concern taking a sip from his cup of wine.
“I will take care of her. You know this.”
“But can I trust you to do what is best for her and our kingdom?” your father challenged him. 
“She deserves nothing but the absolute best,” Daemon stated. 
“Then very well, we shall start the preparation for this new engagement,” Viserys came to conclusion. Your father suspected the love you two had for each other but never got to confirmation of how deep it truly is. Now he sees Daemon is the perfect match for you, and after the years of neglecting your father as laid on you, it felt like it was the least he could do for you.
Your father exited the room leaving Daemon in his thoughts about Viserys actually coming to an agreement with him. The second the door shut you left your hiding place and ran to Daemon throwing yourself upon him. Arms around his neck as he wrapped his around your waist securely.
“You are mine,” Daemon whispered to your ear.
“Till the end of time."
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pinkthrone445 · 10 months
~Fire will rain tonight~
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Pairing:Brienne of tarth x Reader
Gender: mostly fluff, a little bit of hurt.
Warnlings : (+18) Alcohol, mention of deaths, spoilers for Game of Thrones. Tell me if any were missing.
Summary:You and Brienne were a couple, then she thinks she loses everything from one day to the next, until fate turns in her favor.
It was time to wake up, you knew it, but you didn't want to open your eyes or move. You sighed against your lover's bare back, you loved sleeping in that position, you hugging her despite the great height difference that the blonde took out of you. Her back was smooth but full of scars, with many freckles extending from her shoulders to her lower back. If you were given a piece of paper, you could draw all of their moles from memory. Carefully you removed the hand that was on her waist and ran all the moles with your fingertips connecting each and one of them, forming a perfect and delicate constellation
-"Good morning my princess"-Brienne muttered and turned carefully to face you, smiling sleepily. You laughed and kissed the tip of her nose and then caressed her cheek
-"Good morning my knight"-You responded in a barely audible whisper and kissed her bare chest and neck, causing her gentle tickles.
You were Katherine Stark's daughter, the eldest of her daughters and the one who reigned after Robb. You and Brienne met when your mother was visiting Renly and you went with her. The two of you felt an immediate connection, but it wasn't until Renly died and Brienne joined your mother to serve her that you began a relationship. Your mother and family knew about your relationship with Brienne, but no one else knew about it. The two of you even had had a small ceremony to swear eternal loyalty and love to each other. You were happy and felt love with Brienne, she was your love, she was all you needed to be happy.
Although Brienne was still half asleep, you were already quite awake, the events that would take place that day, did not let you sleep well, despite having a rather hectic and crazy night in bed with Brienne, you could not relax completely and sleep well. You really didn't want this day to move forward, because that would mean that the responsibilities of the two of you would take you on different paths for a long time, you will miss her so much, need her so much.
Carefully and trying not to let the blonde notice your plans, you began to kiss her slowly and lovingly, putting one of your legs on her hip and sticking closer to her. Brienne grabbed your leg gently caressing your thigh, making gentle circles as she enjoyed the kiss. You forcefully made her turn her body a little so that she was with her back completely flat on the bed and you sat on her hips, smiling innocently. The blonde put her hands on your thighs laughing, she had obviously seen your intentions, she knew you too well for you to be able to do anything without her finding out
-"My beautiful princess... I know what you're doing. You are taking advantage of your beautiful body and your addictive presence to distract me so that we stay longer locked up and in this room. But your mother will kill me if I don't take the prisoner to his lands and if you don't go to see the mother of dragons... As much as I would like to stay every minute of my life by your side, we have things to do..."-The blonde sat on the bed and hugged your waist clinging you closer to her, delicately hiding in your neck. She didn't want to leave either, this would be the last time you would be together in a long time and that made her feel sad like it made you feel.
-"It's my mother, if we don't follow her orders, I'm the one who's going to be in trouble, And it's a risk I'm willing to take to spend some more time with you"-You answered and that made her laugh
-"Don't you want to see your siblings again? "-The blonde asked and you nodded-" The faster we do our duties, the faster you will meet again and so will we"-She spoke softly and you sighed, you knew she was right, but that didn't make it any easier.
After a few more moments of gentle caresses and confessions of love, the two got dressed, she helping you with your dress and you helping her with her armor.
After saying goodbye to your mother and brother, you got on your horse and Brienne walked up to you, delicately taking your hand. For one of the few times in your life, your height on the horse surpassed the blonde, so it was her chance to look up to look at you
-"Please be safe, I'll be counting the days until we see each other again..."-The blonde spoke in a whisper. You knew she wanted to cry and that if she spoke louder, her voice would betray her
-"Please be safe too... I love you my knight"-You whispered
-"I love you more my princess..."-was the last thing you heard from her mouth before parting ways.
Days began to pass, days turned into weeks, weeks into months, and finally months into a whole year.
There weren't seconds of the day that you didn't go through your girlfriend's head. Even in the most dangerous situations she went through, she could only think that she needed to get out of it to see you again. Even when she was about to die from the bear's claws with which she had been imprisoned for some assholes amusement, the thought of you gave her strength to keep fighting until her last breath.
When she finally arrived with Jamie in the kingdom, one of the first things she tried to do was contact you, but she got no response from you or your mother. It wasn't until the presumptuous king began to speak that she learned anything about your family. The stupid young king was bragging to everyone how King Stark and his mother had been murdered at a wedding banquet. The blonde's blood froze, she didn't hear your name, but she still felt scared and couldn't help but ask
-"And the eldest of the Stark sisters?..."-she whispered to Ser Jamie that was by her side.
-"The eldest of the Stark women died a couple of months ago, the news traveled around the world. It is said that she went to visit the mother of dragons to make an alliance deal, but Daenerys didn't want to, saying that her only goal was to take the Iron Throne, not to make unnecessary friends or alliances. Lady Stark insisted, but her opinion didn't change. Then..."-Jamie was cut out by his nephew/son
-"Then! The stupid bitch tried to steal one of the dragons and the biggest one chased her to the edge of a volcano and burned her alive! Can you believe it? I always thought Starks were stupid, but not enough to want to face a dragon! They say it ended up smelling like roast beef. I would have paid money to see her scorched!"-Joffrey said in a mocking tone and Brienne just looked at him, trying to process what she just heard. You couldn't be dead, it couldn't be true...
Without noticing that her body was moving, the blonde came to your sister's side, Lady Sansa
-"I am so sorry, my lady, for the loss of your mother and your siblings, and for the engagement with one of the Lannisters... I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't imagine how much you must be suffering..."-Brienne whispered and Sansa looked at her
-"Thank you for your empathy, it's a relief to hear kind words amidst so much mockery and hatred towards my family"-Your sister replied with just a little smile
-"I had the pleasure of serving for your mother, an excellent and loving woman who loved her children very much... And your sister and I... We were good friends..."-Brienne tried to continue speaking but her voice failed her and her eyes filled with tears-"sorry, she was a very good friend with me and a strong woman... She was unique and beautiful, always seeing the best in others... She..."-Your sister interrupted her
-"She was your partner... Isn't it?"-Sansa consulted and Brienne opened her eyes in surprise-"It's okay, I'm no stranger to the things that attracted my sister and I know that men weren't one of her interests. And from the way you talk about her, I can tell that the two of you were very fond of each other... I'm glad to hear that my sister knew love before she left..."-Your sister smiled and the blonde smiled too,almost crying. The older excused herself and went for a walk in the gardens, so she could be alone and cry peacefully, so her heart could mourn your departure.
As the blonde cried, something caught her eye among the plants in the gardens, when she recognized what it was, she couldn't help but shed more tears. Carefully and without anyone seeing her, she approached the large bushes and crossed them, finding a completely brown wolf wagging its tail and approaching her very excitedly, jumping on her and throwing her to the ground, licking her tears and snuggling up with her. The woman hugged him tightly while crying. She'd recognize that wolf anywhere, Dust, it was your wolf. The same wolf that a thousand times accompanied you on campaigns and walked by your side, the same animal that stayed at the entrance of your tent guarding it and only letting Brienne in, the same wolf you grew up with, who was just another part of you.
-"What are you doing here? How did you get there?" -The blonde asked and the animal lowered its ears crying and getting closer to her, resting his muzzle on Brienne's chest, where there was a handkerchief that was yours and that you gave her, she hugged him tighter-" I know... I miss her too..."
A few hours later, Brienne took the wolf to her chambers, careful not to be seen.
Some days later, the wedding of young Joffrey Lannister took place, and with it, the poisoning of the young king and the imprisonment of the most suspicious culprit, his uncle Tyrion. Brienne didn't think the day could have more unexpected events until two guards entered the middle of the now broken party with a hooded woman, contemptuously shoving her in front of Jaime Lannister, as they uncovered her head, Brienne's blood froze, she couldn't believe what she was seeing. You, beaten, your face full of blood , your hands tied behind your back, but it was you, she would recognize your face a thousand feet away, she couldn't believe it
-"Take her to the dungeons, we will take care of her another time, there are matters that require our priority now"-Jaime said. When the guards lifted you up, a few seconds before covering your head again, your gaze and Brienne's met, for a second you felt relieved to see her alive, but then fear was seen in your gaze until they finally covered your head and took you to the dungeons.
Only one thing was going through your mind... What was Brienne doing there? Why was she with them?
Similar things were happening in the blonde's head, what were you doing there? How come you were alive? You were alive... Her heart had beaten again, before, what she wanted most with all her being was that you were alive, now, she needed to see you, to be with you.
In the middle of the night, Brienne was already on her way to the dungeons, told the guards that Jamie Lanisster sent her to interrogate you and they let her in. As she passed through the door, she saw your weak body leaning against one of the pillars, your breathing was heavy, the only light that reached you was that of the moon, the cell was cold and your body was shaking a little, your face was still full of blood. You looked smaller, more fragile, but she had never seen you more beautiful. Carefully, she came over and knelt beside you, taking your chained wrists in her hands, making a little effort, you opened your eyes smiling at seeing her there
-"Hi...my... My knight"-Your voice was raspy but your eyes shone for her
-"Hi my princess..."-She carefully caressed your cheek and you closed your eyes leaning towards her-"I thought I had lost you, all over the realms it was said that you had died, that a dragon ate you... I've already failed your mother, I couldn't believe I'd lost you too..."-She barely whispered and you opened your eyes again-"How did you get here?..."
-"I never...got to see her... Khaleesi..."-It was very difficult for you to speak because of how dry your throat was, carefully, from under her armor, the blonde took out a container of water and a bread wrapped in cloth, carefully she hydrated and fed you, and then cleaned your face a little of the blood you had, delicately she also covered your wounds. A little more recovered, you were able to continue talking-"I never got to see Khaleesi, the masters of Astapor took the city again and found me on my way, killed everyone who came with me, and kidnapped me... I served them for many months, until I got one of them to let his guard down and think that I wanted to sleep with him, I took him to a place far away from the others and killed him and took advantage of the opportunity to escape...I only managed to escape a few miles until one of their immaculate ones found me... It was the shore of a volcano... I knew what they did to people who tried to escape, the tortures they did... I thought about jumping but something happened... Do you remember how I managed to connect with my wolf and control him?... On the edge of the volcano I connected with something much bigger than a wolf, more dangerous, more powerful... Without knowing how, I managed to see under the lava and then over the clouds... I don't know how, but I connected with a beast,I burned the Immaculate and all the masters..."-Brienne looked at you in surprise, listening to your story without interrupting-" The fact that I'm here is no coincidence... I let them catch me because I want to avenge the death of my family..."- you whispered-"but I need your help."
-"Whatever you need my princess..." - she answered
-"I need you to tell Tyrion to ask for a trial by combat, I'll be his warrior... Then take my wolf and my sister Sansa and leave..."-You said quickly but the blonde interrupted you
-"No, I won't leave you, are you crazy? You can barely breathe right, you can't fight like this, I can't lose you again, I love you!"-The woman spoke with fear and desperation in her voice
-"I love you so much too... But I need you to trust me... Fire will rain down on the night of the trial by combat, fire that will consume everyone who is there, I need every Lannister to be there watching the battle, to make sure it is their last day of life. I promise you won't lose me, but I need your help to do this, I need you to trust me and leave town with my sister, I can't hurt you unintentionally, I'll fight better if I know you're safe. Please..."-You begged looking into her eyes and tried to caress her cheek but the chains prevented you from doing so and you sighed-" I need you to be safe away from that fight, I swear to you by the old gods and the new ones, they will be the ones who will die, not me... Trust me... My knight... I need you to listen to me, trust me, and do what I ask of you... Please my knight..."-you pleaded and she sighed
-"I will..."-she whispered
-"Promise me... Please..."-you pleaded again
-"I promise you for the most valuable thing I have, that I will do what you ask, I promise for the love I have for you my princess..."-She barely smiled and you nodded leaning a little to give her a soft kiss, savoring the salty tears of both hers and yours that mingled
-"Go now, it will be dangerous if they see you being here for a long time... I promise we'll see each other again my knight..."-She sighed, kissed your forehead, and got up and then left the dungeons.
A couple of days later, some guards came to take your measurements to make you armor for the fight, you explained to them that you only wanted your cloak and a sword, nothing more. Brienne had kept her promise and had arranged for you to participate in the trial by combat.
When the day of combat came , your chains were removed, you were fed well, you were given a bath, and then you were taken to the arena. In front of you was the biggest, tallest man you'd ever seen, even taller than the woman you loved. Everyone was smiling arrogantly, but especially your opponent and the woman who had hired him, Cersei. On the other hand, Tywin looked frightened and pale.
As the battle was about to begin, the giant was confused to see that your eyes had turned completely white and then a little red. The sky began to cloud over quickly, thunder and lightning began to descend. The warrior didn't stop because of that and started to run to meet you lifting his sword, when he was a few meters away, a giant claw crushed him. For a few seconds there was only complete silence, everyone was watching the giant dragon that was in front of you, then everyone started screaming and running, But it wasn't much help when the fire started raining down from the dragon's mouth, burning everything and everyone, nobody had time to escape, each and every one of them burned alive, all the Lanissters, dead. Your mind and control returned to your body and the dragon flew out, your body feeling heavy, tired, hot from the flames around you. But you felt great joy to see that everyone who harmed your family was dead. Your knees gave way and you fell to the ground breathing heavily, you knew that you had promised Brienne that you would come back to her, but you had never controlled something as big as that dragon for that amount of time. Even if you wanted to run, walk, or crawl, your body didn't respond. Your body fell to the ground and when you were about to close your eyes, you felt something lift your body, as if you were in the clouds, but you were too tired to understand what was happening, so you just let yourself be guided into the darkness of sleep.
A few days later, the warmth in your body began to become uncomfortable, waking you up from the rest you had so desperately needed. You wanted to rub your eyes but someone was lying next to you holding your hand as if their life depended on it. You smiled when you saw it was Brienne, but how? Where were you, what was she doing there? How did she find you? It seems that the blonde felt watched because she also woke up, smiling so much with teary eyes when she saw you awake
-"My princess, you're awake"-she whispered and kissed your hand
-"My knight... Where are we, what happened?"-Confusion was in your eyes and heard in your voice
-"You're crazy, that's what happened... Why didn't you tell me that what you found was a dragon? How could you not explain to me that you could control it? Do you know the kind of power you have? If I hadn't come back for you, you'd have died in the flames like all of them, did you think I'd let you go again? I'm so mad at you right now but I'm also so happy to see you alive..."-The blonde was going to keep talking but she stopped when you kissed her, a desperate kiss, a kiss that this time did show how much you had missed her and how much you needed each other. After a few minutes your lips parted but your bodies were very close, embracing each other. The blonde caressed your cheek and you caressed hers
-"Where are we? This bed is very soft..."-You asked
-"We are in kings landing... Everyone heard about your great victory, you won the respect of everyone, even from the most distant lands. Your brothers heard about this and they are here too, the elders voted and they want to appoint you as the new queen of this lands. The people love you and those who don't, don't dare to make a sound because of the great dragon that refuses to leave these lands because you are here. The fire was extinguished in time before it spread to the capital or other people, the place was cleaned and prepared. They were waiting for you to wake up for your official coronation..."-Your partner updated you on everything that had happened
-"I just wanted to avenge my family, I didn't do this for the crown... I did a massacre of kings, I don't deserve this for killing people"-you told her
-"You defeated a tyranny that had everyone on their knees, you deserve it..."-She replied
After seeing your siblings, talking to them, listening to their advice and opinions, and catching up, you agreed to take the throne. People wanted you there and it was better for you to be there instead of someone worse.
After your title became official, Brienne knelt beside you making you confused
-"Lady (Y/N), my queen. Before your mother died, I was her sworn swordsman. Now I promise you, that if you will allow me, I will protect and advise you and give my life for yours if need be, I swear by the old gods and the new... I'll be forever by your side..."-she told you and you smiled
-"Lady Brienne of Tarth, my knight, your oath brings me joy and is acceptable, from this day forward you will be the Lord Commander, you will serve by my side, not only as my knight, but as my future wife too"-You said out loud so that everyone who was there would hear you, some murmurs were heard but they didn't go any further
-"Are you really proposing to me in front of all these people? There are people from many realms here who may not like it" - she whispered in surprise. Your eyes returned to the blonde kneeling in front of you
-"I know this is unconventional, but my kingdom will be different and those who don't like it, can take their complaints up to Storm" -you said, pointing to the great dragon that was perched on one of the walls. Carefully, you saw the blonde again and made her title official by putting the sword on her shoulder and then smiled- "now get up lord commander, the only time I want to see you on your knees in front of me, is when we are in the room" -You whispered to her and she got up laughing. The applause could be heard, starting with your siblings and followed by everyone who was there. That day was one of pure celebration, your coronation and the title of Brienne brought great rejoicing. Undoubtedly, your lands and those of other kings felt that this was a time of change, many changes. Starting with the first official wedding between two women.
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So you're taking requests, huh? Could I ask for a Lady Lesso x Reader fic with a "secret" relationship? 😗 Something along the lines of Lesso having a whole damn family (like a wife and a kid or two) but no one at the school knows, maybe because they've never actually seen R. And then one day R comes to the school in search of her wife (for whatever reason, you decide) and basically everyone finds out and the students and other teachers are like "Lesso has a wife???". I've been exhausted lately and I could use some fluff and fun. ☺️
I thank you in advance and I hope you have a wonderful day! ✨️
> lady lesso x fem!reader
> requested? yes!
> content/warnings: pregnant R, shocking revelations, L finding fun in D's suffering
> a/n: this was adorable to write! i finally got to debut my OC, which is Millie/Millicent! 🥹 tysm for requesting!
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To my Ever,
How has your month been? Has it been miserable since I left? Thought so. I wrote this letter for you to know I am not dead... yet. But I know Dovey is planning something. I don't hold it against her, I am a Never after all. Bringing and causing trouble is what we do. I deeply miss you, the corridors of the good side has never been empty. Your eyes are the only ones that make the Good side worth to step on. How are the little Never-evers? Tell me if Milicent has been causing any trouble, I would gladly send a flying lizard in her dreams. But what about the bun? Have they kicked yet? Do write to me whenever they do. I would love not to miss it, but the children here would not last a day without me. Yesterday, Hort tripped on a root in the Blue Forest and got himself bitten on every part of his body by the roses. What an idiot. That's all I can give you over letter, I'm counting the days I get to be with you and the little devils soon. I love you.
- Your Never
“Write to you huh?” You smirked and caressed your bump whilst Milicent laid on your lap. Brushing Milicent's hair from her face, you pinched the girl's cheek. “How about we take a little trip to Nemmy?”
As soon as you mentioned Leonora's name to your child, Milicent dropped to sit down on the floor and stared at you excitingly. “We're going to see Nemmy? Me wikey!”
You gave your eldest a chuckle. “You wikey, huh? Then go on, pack your things!” With that, Milicent ran off to her room.
Smiling to yourself, you gazed at the portrait of you and Leonora on your wedding day. “I miss you, my Never.”
“I swear! Lesso, you always do this!” Dovey stomped in front of Lesso and plopped down on the chair.
Rolling her eyes, Lesso scoffed and massaged her temples. “What have I done now, princess?” Dovey was driving her mad. Leonora knows she didn't do anything, yet here was her counterpart scolding her.
Dovey grumbled and sat up straight. Waving her hands, Dovey conjured a piece of paper and flicked it on Lesso's desk. “Were you ever going to tell me that you have a daughter?”
Lesso's eyes widened as she listened to Dovey and read the contents of the paper at the same time. Written on the paper was- ‘Can't wait to see you Nemmy! Love, Millie.’
Breathing heavily, Lesso closed her eyes and folded the paper in half, hiding it at a cabinet in her desk. “You–” Lesso pointed a finger to Dovey's direction. “will not speak of this. To anyone. Understand?”
Eyes widening, Dovey gulped and nodded frantically. Dovey has had her moments wherein Lesso has been vile, evil, and unmerciful. But the Lesso in front of her was different. Dovey noticed the passion fueled by love behind Lesso's eyes. Relaxing slightly, Dovey fiddled with her thumbs and leaned forward. “So– a family huh?”
Sighing and leaning back her chair, Lesso nodded and conjured a photo frame. “Yes. Millicent is five years, turning six next month. The bun is due for another two months.” She explained to her counterpart. Lesso found something to laugh about as she watched Dovey panicking.
Stretching her fingers and blowing her baby hairs, Dovey took it upon herself to not look into Lesso's eyes. “May I ask, who?”
Lesso raised her eyebrow at Dovey, making the Ever restate her question. “Who's the lucky Never?”
Dovey winced at her words and watched as Lesso's face went through different emotions the past minute before it settled into a mocking smile. “Oh no, you've got it all wrong, Clarissa.” Lesso smirked at Dovey, knowing that her revelation will shock the Dean of Good. “Y/N is an Ever.”
Dovey gasped and choked on thin air at Lesso's words. Y/N... THE Y/N?! “You–” Dovey pointed her index finger at Lesso. “married Y/N? THE Y/N?!”
Lesso shrugged and gave Dovey a victorious look. “Well.”
Lunch came and Dovey found herself staring at Lesso and avoiding the Dean of Evil's eyes when Lesso shot her a look of annoyance. It wasn't that Dovey was... well surprised. She's more shocked than surprised. What she means is, Y/N of The Isle married someone like Lesso? The scariest person in their school.
Dovey continued to stare at Lesso, but her attention was gotten by a knocking on the door. Standing up, Dovey frowned when the fairies flew in one line. “The fairies never behaved like this before, Clarissa. What is happening?” Anemone, the one standing beside Dovey, asked the Dean.
But before Dovey could reply, a small child came barreling down the hall and ran towards Lesso.
“Nemmy! Nemmy!”
Every Ever and Never who had food in their mouths choked whilst the others had their jaws dropping as they saw the Dean of Evil stand up and meet the child halfway.
“Why hello there, sweet child.” Lesso knelt down and embraced the child whilst caressing her hair.
“Nemmy... I missed you! Did you see my wetter?” Millicent played with her mother's tie and looked up innocently.
Lesso hummed and nodded. “I did. Now where is your mother?”
Just as Millicent was about to answer, the fairies made way to the tired Ever. “Right here, m'love.”
Leaving Millicent a kiss on the forehead, Lesso motioned the child to run towards Dovey and Anemone as she waltz towards her wife. As you were arms length away, Lesso took your hand and dragged you towards her and locked you in an embrace. “How has my wife been?”
Not believing her eyes earlier, Anemone trusted her ears and gasped as she heard Lesso's question towards you. Leaning towards Dovey, she asked. “Lesso... has a wife?”
Millicent grinned up at Anemone and answered while holding up two fingers. “And a kid too!”
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There are many interpretations of the. Miguel and Gabriella and Miguel situation ans ALL OF THEM ARE GREAT but like...have my 2 cents...just hear me out...
Miguel in canon is an asshole in a major way largely because of his abusive upbringing, getting Eldest Daughtered from a young age trying to take care of his younger brother and protect him from George's violence and Conchata's...indifference/contempt? And he starts getting better once he becomes Spiderman, or at least starts thinking more about the consequences of his actions, and what the people in his life mean to him (shit still goes bad because his comics are insane)
If dad!Miguel never became Spiderman...it's honestly pretty likely he doesn't have that bit of growth and honestly, wouldn't have been a great dad. Not abusive, but I can imagine him being kind of absent and kinda emotionally neglectful, seeing how Miguels everywhere are prone to distancing themselves. Miguel also can't keep a relationship, either by breaking up or Spiderman Branded Widowing, so Gabriella wouldn't have had a consistent mother figure.
Alright, so, Gabriella, here, is being raised by a dad with so much baggage and the belief that its better to just keep her away from it (ei, keep her away from him), no real mom/mom is always changing because of Miguel's turbulent love life, maybe her uncle (depending on. Stuff) and maybe her grandma (depending heavily on Stuff). This is a fragile environment that does love her, but ultimately the adults in her life have too much shit going on themselves to effectively tend to her and her needs, especially as she becomes a tween
But our Miguel.
Our Miguel has every reason to love her wholly and unapologetically. Because he has done some very questionable things to have this child, and he treasures every goddamn second. This is a privilege he has comprised his morals for, and he isn't taking it for granted like Gabriella's actual father.
Meanwhile, Gabriella's dad fucking vanishes one night and the guy who shows up looking close enough to fool adults, he's everything she wanted from her dad. He doesn't raise his voice, doesn't get curt. He doesn't have a new girlfriend every other month. He doesn't have this tense, confused look in his eye whenever he looks at her. The guilt is still there, but it's something else. Its not her dad not knowing how to be better. She doesn't know what it is, but has suspicions.
Her papa looks at her like he's finally figured out how to feel about her, like she's finally stopped being another responsibility or chore to tend to. This one loves her even when she needs help with homework, even when she gets in trouble at school, evening when puberty hormones make her temperamental.
Gabriella doesn't know what happened to the first one, and she never finds out. She just knows that there's something...wrong, with the man she calls Papa now, but he loves her the way she always wanted...so it's fine, right?
Miguel, for his part, sees himself teeter towards their parents. Sees himself have the thing he wants so badly, would do anything for, and skirt the line their parents crossed, their whole lives. And then, that other man with his face dies. Maybe someone else, maybe Miguel really did kill himself.
Either way.
A child gets a parent who loves them, a parent gets a child who they can love freely.
So, it's fine, right?
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