#my english lit brain really came out on this on
shit-talker · 1 year
One of my absolutely favourite things about Across the Spiderverse, other than the amazing sound and visuals, is the small little metaphorical forshadowing we get.
My person favourite is the cakes. When Jefferson and Rio are talking to Miles's teacher, she tells them that Miles "wants to have his cake and eat it too" which is impossible and Miles bursts in and says "unless you have two cakes." And it's such a subtle way to hint that Miles has conflicting intreasts, and that's his biggest issue. He wants to be Spider-man, but he doesn't want to sacrifice the people he cares about. And in case you think I'm grasping at straws here, they do more with the cake when Miles literally decides to buy two cakes for his dad because he cannot fit the writing on one, but by the time he gets home after doing all his Spider-manning both cakes are destoryed. It's forshadowing not only to the fact that Miles desperately wants both things equally, but by trying to have both of them, he's going to cause detrimental damage.
The idea of having things in double is a general reoccurring theme in ATPV. We see it with the cakes, and we see it when Miles and Pav talk about Chai-tea, and Miles tells the spot not to call it an "ATM Machine" because M means Machine. The constant reference to the unnecessary repetition is almost representing the duality of being Spider-man and how taking on that role means making sacrifices and potentially harming your normal life, but it's also forshadowing to the fact that in the end, we have two Miles's. We have Spider-man Miles and Prowler Miles.
Things in this movie come in doubles and I absolutely fucking love it 😭
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ohbabydollie · 29 days
currently imagining a jaded, deadpan lit teacher!schlatt. super intelligent, incredible teacher that all his students adore and love to learn from, but they all swear to god they’ve never seen him smile once
then comes along absolute ray of sunshine teacher!y/n, probably teaching some kind of fine art, and it is just like a moth to a flame. he cannot stay away from you!
you meet for the first time in the teacher’s lounge and he’s a little taken aback, he doesn’t know what it is about you but something makes his little brain flip a switch and it’s all sunshine and rainbows. not much longer after that, you start becoming friends, sharing cool little things about your interests or the subjects you teach.
he does a pretty good job of hiding these feelings from the kids, just because he wants to keep that side of him private from his students, but one day he slips up. you sneak in during a class of his during your free period to return a book he recommended to you. when you walked out, he had no idea that he was smiling but apparently the students noticed.
“mr. schlatt, were you just smiling?”
“finish your essay.”
also am i allowed to be 🥥 anon
ofc, welcome 🥥 anon
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before you came along schlatt was the most obviously exhausted and stressed teacher, but his students loved him.
from stapling mcdonald’s job applications on failed tests to talking about his cats. his students very clearly loved him and adored him, but he just seemed so sad in a way, especially when one of them got him to talk about his dating life.
single, with multiple failed dates under his belt
then you transferred to the school after the last art teacher had quit.
he had heard about you from his students, the new young single art teacher making sure to emphasize on the single part, but he always told them to focus on getting their assignment done over focusing on the teachers dating lives.
he really didn’t care for you, probably would be done in a few weeks if you couldn’t handle how rowdy and rough some of these kids could be. he gave you a month at best.
then you came into the teacher’s lounge getting snack after snack out of the vending machine as he watched in silence. not out of judgement, but he was just mesmerized completely
the concentration on your face as you punched in number after number watching the snacks fall before grabbing a cardboard box to place it all in was all so adorable to him, he didn’t even realize he had been staring until you looked over at him with a big smile.
“hi, i don’t believe we’ve met!” you chirp, “i’m y/n the new art teacher” you say extending out a hand for him to shake. he politely takes it, giving you a semi-awkward smile
“i’m jay, i teach english in b103” he says feeling himself turn red
“oh wow! i’m only down the hall from you, my room is c102” you say parting from the hand shake and picking up your box “well i’ll see you around” you say pushing the door open
and just like that you were gone as soon as you came
and schlatt had a new goal in mind, you
the next period he had came back better than ever. his normally deadpan and tired voice had more excitement and life to it and his students noticed for sure, waiting until the lesson was over to pry into him, but they all got the same response.
“jus added a shot of expresó into my coffee this mornin” he says starting to grade the assignments from his last class.
they had assumed that was it, nothing more to it until the next week where he seemed to be radiating with joy, when they pried into him again all he said was, “jus had some coffee from my favorite spot this mornin, nothin else”
he hadn’t mentioned it was with you.
over the next few months they noticed more and more change, fixing his hair more often, wearing his nicer clothes and whatever he could to look better.
as a student asked “so who’s the lucky lady?”
you had walked in holding a book, causing the room to fall silent. you practically floated to his desk as everyone watched you.
“hey, thanks for letting me borrow your copy, it was really good” you say handing him the book
“oh..it’s no problem, anytime” he says softly as you smile
“ ‘kay, well i’ll see you later, oh and your glasses are a little smudged” you say heading to leave as he watches in awe.
once you’re out, he’s taking off his glasses, smiling to himself with a small chuckle as he cleans them off, basking in the moment, completely forgetting his students were there until someone speaks up.
“mr. schlatt, are you smiling?” he asks teasingly before schlatt immediately drops the smile and goes deadpan again
“finish your assignment before i fail you”
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hwapetals · 4 months
[02:36] - seonghwa
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every little sound of a notification from your phone made your body jolt with excitement, then disappointment as you laid down, staring up at the cute darth vader plushie blankly, praying for time to go by faster. 
your hands darted out to hug it, pressing your face into the fabric with a groan. what was taking him so long? at this time, seonghwa would have already called you, and he would be rambling on about his day happily to you.
he was studying overseas, having gotten a scholarship for english literature and your timezones were vastly different. it was either that you would stay up late to talk to him, or he would have to, but you were willing to stay up late for him. 
your legs kicked against the bed impatiently, getting up slightly to check your phone again, before you jumped. your phone rang loudly with your ringtone, seonghwa's profile picture showing up on the screen. 
you squeaked loudly from happiness, your heart pumping quickly from the adrenaline as you accepted the call.
"finally! i missed you," your eyes locked onto his figure on the phone screen, though it was angled downwards, so that you could only see from below his chin. despite that, you didn't care, as long as he was there with you. you grinned almost stupidly, a little giddy from getting to see him and talk to him.
"i missed you too, i'm sorry for calling you so late, the bus came late," seonghwa apologized, straightening his shirt as he piled some of the contents of his backpack onto the desk. "today was so tiring, ugh. but seeing your cute face makes everything so much better."
you laughed, shifting on the bed to sit against the headboard, propping your phone in between your knees as you pulled your legs up, a little closer to your chest. seonghwa just always knew how to make you feel appreciated, with his cheesy one-liners.
"oh, shut up," was all you could muster up, a loud yawn resonating through your room before you spoke again in a softer tone, rubbing your eyes. "what happened today? your professor giving you a hard time?"
"not really, just that he made us study a ridiculously cryptic poem again. thinking of it makes my brain want to eject itself out of my head in an attempt to self destruct," seonghwa replied, panning the camera up with the help of his book to allow you a full view of his face. he looked as stunning as always, his eyes shining with affection for you. your face was lit up solely from your phone screen and your bedside lamp, in an effort to not strain your eyes much.
"you always have weird ways to describe what you're thinking," you blurted out. it wasn't a bad thing, you found it cute. and plus, it was easier to empathize with him in that way. 
"i know, i'm an intellectual," he said, snorting softly, embarrassed at his own satirical praise. seonghwa leaned in, paying attention intently to you as you spoke, rambling slightly about your day.
as time passed, you felt yourself get sleepier and sleepier, and it seemed like seonghwa noticed, frowning slightly.
"isn't it like super late for you now? you should get to sleep," seonghwa said after he finished his sentence, something about the cafeteria food there. "you look really tired."
"but i want to talk to you," you tried to protest, but it seemed like seonghwa was firm on you getting your beauty sleep. he was stubborn, even more than you, and he won again. "okay, okay, you're right. i feel like i'm about to pass out."
"oh, dear," he cooed softly, pouting slightly as he leaned in a bit more. he didn't really want to part from you, wanting to talk more but he cared more than you were not too sleep deprived. "why not stay on call with me? i can study while you sleep and you can get some comfort knowing i'm on the other side of the line."
your eyes lit up from his suggestion, and you nodded happily at it. it was a great idea for you. 
"what if i snore?" you asked, raising an eyebrow briefly before leaning back with a soft groan.
"doesn't matter, i think it's adorable. now, sleep! i love you," seonghwa demanded in a playful manner, with a tinge of seriousness in his tone. he blew a kiss to you, definitely wishing he was there to kiss you in person, but this would do for now.
"i love you too, i'm gonna snuggle with your plushies to pretend you're here in person. goodnight, make sure to call me earlier tomorrow," you mumbled, blowing a kiss back to him. a chuckle could be heard from the speakers of your phone as you put it aside, next to your head on the pillow. your hands were occupied, holding the plushies tight to your chest, remnants of his scent and cologne on the material.
seonghwa could feel his heart ache slightly, panging with loneliness as he sighed. but your soft snores and mumbles as you slept soothed him, relaxing him as he worked on his assignments, wishing to see you and hold you securely in his arms again in the near future.
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the---hermit · 8 months
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Messy desk on a gloomy autumn day
If you couldn't tell I get to the end of the week and I am too exhausted to even consider writing my daily post. This Saturday in particular was a really heavy day I was deprived of all energies, and to be quite honest I don't feel at my best yet. Other than being sick, last week I worked a lot, and had to wake up even earlier than I usually do, so it was a bad combination of things. I am now starting to feel a bit better but I am not fully recharged of energies. The good things that happened in the weekend were the fact that I found the time to sit down and watch the new episodes of Our Flag Means Death, and I also started a reread of the Something Is Killing The Children graphic novel series. The sixth volume has just came out in Italy, and although I have not found a copy yet I feel like the spooky season is perfect for a reread. Today had a quite stressing start, because I decided to tackle my most anxiety-inducing task: officializing the classes I will take on my uni's website. Of course it went terribly, I had to do the procedure twice, and there are some new techinical problems that will hopefully be resolved quickly. After doing that and emailing a professor I gave up on everything else because I felt like I just had a fight to the death and I barely got out of it alive. Thankfully in the afternoon I had a bit more energies and I managed to finish my first read of the play I am currently studying for my English lit class, so the day was not a complete waste of time.
cozy hobbit autumn activities and productivity:
read first thing in the morning
fought with my uni's website and won (kind of, because I also had to send an email to fix some problems but I dif what I could so I count that as a win)
emailed a professor to get his opinion on whether I could take his class with my unsure prerequisites and not only he answered very quickly, but he was also quite polite and told me that thankfully I can take that class and if I'll need more materials to help me with what we'll be studying he'll recommend me an additional book so that I can take the exam
did a bit of planning on what classes I will be taking this year and what I'll wait to work on next year (it's a very general guideline to help me figure out what I'll be doing with my academic life in the next while)
did a very quick weekly set up in my bullet journal
(finally) updated my reading journal
finished my first read of The Merchant Of Venice
daily Irish practice on duolingo
listened to podcasts to shut my brain off
worked on a series of future posts
📖:The Book Of Lost Things by John Connolly, The Merchant Of Venice by William Shakespeare
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juleswritesstuff · 1 month
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Jealousy, jealousy
Hi! Ok so I have been in a 'Challengers' brainrot ever since it came out and this is what I gave birth to. This little fic doesn't have anything to do with the movie, it just lit a light bulb in my brain and I went with the flow. I know it may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I was inspired and...this is the result 🤭.
Hope you like it 💗
English isn't my first language so I apologize in advance for any mistakes.
Regulus Black was a possessive prick.
Or so Barty said.
“Merlin, didn't you notice the way he was looking at that guy ? The bloke is lucky he is still alive”
“Stop looking like a rabid dog, blondie is not even looking in Potter's direction”
“I swear you can't just curse a random dude for talking to Y/N, Reggie. He was just asking her about the books for Salazar's sake !”
So yeah, Regulus was apparently a possessive guy.
Then why hadn't you nor James ever noticed or even witnessed it ?
Barty and Evan always told you and James how Regulus would get fired up as soon as he noticed someone just as breathing in your and the Griffyindor's direction.
But both you and James thought it absurd. 
Regulus Black ?
The always calm and collected headboy of Slytherin ? The guy with the stone cold stare and the stoic expression ? The same quite boy that liked to read and write poetry, looking at the stars and sleeping in on Sundays ? 
Jealous ?
You and James had a good laugh.
If you had to consider one of you as the ‘jealous one’ most of the times that would've been James. The boy couldn't go a second without yours and Regulus eyes on him, pouting his way through it to get the attention of his partners, and sometimes sending dirty looks to people who were being a bit too insistent and pushy.
But it never got beyond that. 
Other times it was you even. Having two of the most handsome boys in Hogwarts as your boyfriends was fun, until random girls tried to slip Amortentia in their cups at dinner, and a weird green concoction in yours.
Then it wasn't fun anymore.
The points deducted from your House were definitely worth seeing the two girls jinxed to puke slugs for a week.
So it was always either you or James. Never Regulus.
He was always calm, put together and, weirdly you must say, extremely affectionate. 
So Barty's words didn't really make sense to you and your Gryffindor boyfriend.
Until that night.
Gryffindor had won a match against Ravenclaw. One of the biggest and toughest matches of the last three years (or so James said), so partying was mandatory.
For a night the Gryffindor common room was opened to everyone who wanted to have fun, relax, and possibly and most importantly, get wasted.
The room was full. 
People from every house were there, the sound of muggle music filling your ears (David Bowie, was it ? Salazar, Remus sure talked a lot about that guy).
After getting a drink you spotted some of your housemates talking to Remus and Lily. Dorcas, Pandora, Barty and James were there too.
You walked up to them holding your, now full, glass of firewhisky mixed with some sort of juice. Courtesy of Sirius.
“You guys keep hogging my boyfriend here. I wasn't even able to congratulate him on his victory” You said, arms going to circle James’ neck, careful not to spill your drink, as you left a kiss in his lips.
“You did so good up there” you whispered on his lips before smacking another small kiss on them and letting go.
“Did I ? Must've been my lucky charms” he said grinning, hands still on your waist as he took in the sight of you in Gryffindor colors. A rare occurrence, happening only when the match was a big one. 
In all honesty both you and Regulus would've rather died than ever wear red and gold, but James needed to know that the two most important people in his life were there for him, so you made an exception.
Well, that, and the jumpers you always stole from him that were too big on both you and Regulus, but they smelled of James and they were a lifesaver in the nights where you couldn't sneak out to pay him a visit.
“Speaking of” James lifted his eyes to look around the room, scanning it in search of a particular mop of ebony curly hair and stormy eyes “where's Reggie ?” 
“Was talking with Evan at the drink table. Said he would be here in a minute” You answered, taking a sip of your drink.
“Good, I have to thank both my charms. Can't miss one” James said with a goofy smile, one that could only be considered lovestruck.
The same kind of smile that curled your lips, too. 
“Don't think you'll have to wait for long” added Barty with a smirk on his face, trying to hide it with the rim of his cup as he took a sip.
You and James shared a look of confusion.
Suddenly a voice spoke up.
“Hey, James. Nice match you had up there ! I think it was really thrilling-”
Cole Aleberstine, sixth year Hufflepuff, came to congratulate James as well.
You knew him seen as you had Divination together. He was a quiet and shy guy, and you were almost sure he had a crush on James.
Which was hilarious considering the whole school knew James was a taken man. A very taken man.
You never considered him a problem, he actually looked like he was terrified most of the time. His little infatuation with James was never acted upon.
You actually found it rather endearing.
But apparently not everyone thought the same.
The poor guy couldn't even finish talking when a louder than usual “Baby” was heard, and suddenly a flash of black hair and gray eyes was in front of the Gryffindor chaser, surging on his tiptoes, fisting James’ shirt in his hand and yanking the boy towards him in a hungry kiss.
James let out a yelp in surprise, and then proceeded to literally melt in Regulus' arms and at the mercy of his lips.
Oh, you knew that feeling all too well. The way Regulus kissed like he was starved, like it was the end of the world and only the taste of your lips could save him.
Yes, Regulus Black was a hell of a kisser.
And you were sure James was in heaven right now.
Being used to it, you didn't have much of a reaction (the butterflies in your stomach begged to differ), but the flabbergasted faces of your friends were pure gold.
Even Remus and Sirius, who were more than used to your and the other two boys' antics, were left speechless.
You let out a snicker.
When you turned around Cole was gone, no trace of him whatsoever.
Regulus then parted from James’ lips and turned his head, looking at the empty place that was previously occupied by the Hufflepuff.
The most imperceptible smirk peaked on his lips, like he had won the lottery or something.
Your eyebrows slightly furrowed.
What ? 
And then it clicked.
The way Regulus was definitely at the drink table before Cole showed up and then, as soon as he opened his mouth, he stormed there like a fury, kissing James like his life depended on it, like he wanted to swallow him whole, like he wanted everyone to know that the Gryffindor chaser was his.
A grin spread on your lips.
Oh, Barty was right.
Regulus Black was a jealous prick.
And he made sure that everyone knew by claiming you and James.
And only then your brain realized that all the time he was extra handsy in public, which was very uncharacteristic of him, he was trying to literally mark the territory.
A part of your brain wanted to find it a little excessive, but the other, more prominent, part found it extremely attractive.
Barty sent a knowing look in your direction.
“Damn, I must've been really good then” 
The obvious ‘I told you so’ written on his face made you shake your head lightly in complete disbelief.
Said James, who looked thoroughly snogged, lips plump and glasses crooked on his nose.
“You were alright I guess” Regulus said, trying to appear as unimpressed as possible, but the sweet smile tugging at his lips betrayed him.
James loved when Regulus was a little mean to him, all in good fun, of course, and it was entertaining for you to watch.
“I should start playing Quidditch too if this is the treatment we get from our boyfriend” you added, a playful offended tone in your voice.
“No need for that, my love” Regulus said with a proper smile this time, detaching himself from James, picking you up and twirling around once before kissing you softly but just as eager. 
Funny thing ? You could still taste James on his tongue and it made your head spin.
His lips were like silk, molding perfectly with yours as you let out a content sound.
“Yeah, better not. I'd probably end up with a broken bone every two weeks”
You said chuckling and a little breathless, as he put you down gently, hands still on your hips.
“But- I mean, if you want to you can of course”
“I already have one boyfriend with enough broken bones, I definitely don't need my girlfriend doing that too” he said as he tucked a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
He added.
“I was joking Reggie, don't worry” you said smiling, endeared by him “I definitely like it more when my feet are on the ground” 
“Pity” interrupted James “You would look so hot riding a broom with the wind in your hair” he stated, drinking from his cup.
“I'd say I ride enough things already, don't you think Jamie ?” you said with a smirk and a raised brow.
James proceeded to choke on the alcohol in his mouth, while Regulus’ cheeks tinted a splotchy red.
“Ok, enough” said Sirius, his face distorted in horror “there are certain information that we really don't need to know” 
“Speak for yourself, Black. I wanna know everything”
Barty said, wiggling his brows. 
Regulus threatened to make him bald for the rest of his life.
Laughter roared, and the night proceeded as smoothly as a party at Hogwarts could ever go. 
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fics-n-stuff · 11 months
Steve walked into the Munson trailer one day to find Eddie in the kitchen singing, lightly headbanging along to the accompanying instrumental that was playing in his head while he washed the dishes. This was not unusual. What was unusual was that Eddie was not singing in English.
Steve shut the trailer door slowly and quietly so as not to catch Eddie's attention, and slowly moved forward while listening to Eddie sing. He didn't want to interrupt yet.
A couple of minutes passed before Eddie turned and noticed Steve. He jumped, letting out a small yelp, which made Steve chuckle.
"Jesus, Harrington! How long have you been there?"
"A couple minutes."
"And you didn't think of saying anything?"
"I was trying to figure out what language you were singing in."
"Oh." Eddie grabbed a tea towel to wipe his hands on. "It was Danish."
"You speak Danish?" Steve asked in disbelief. Eddie nodded casually.
"Yeah, my mom was Danish." He shrugged. He dropped the towel and sauntered over to Steve, draping his arms over his shoulders before pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "Did I never tell you that?"
"No, you never told me that. You're Danish?"
"Yeah." Eddie laughed. "I know I don't really look it. You know, dark hair and dark eyes aren't really the expected viking features. Unfortunately I look more like my dad. But my hair was lighter when I was a kid."
"You speak Danish?" Steve's brain was still catching up with all this new information.
"En lille smule." Eddie grinned. "Min mor talte dansk tilt mig."¹
"I don't know what you said but that was really hot." Steve muttered. Eddie laughed. "So what was that song you were singing?"
"Me and my cousin in Denmark write letters to each other. He sent me a tape with some music he thought I'd like and one of the songs got stuck in my head."
"Will you teach me some Danish?"
"Selvfølgelig!"² Eddie's face lit up. "Nobody's ever cared that I was Danish before. A lot of people literally didn't even know that Denmark is a country."
"I think it's really cool. I wish my mom had taught me Italian, I only know the things my nonna always said, which is mostly swears and insults."
"Hey, that's useful stuff. That means you can shit talk people without them knowing what you said."
"Yeah but it would be nice to have a functioning knowledge of the language too." Steve shrugged.
"Det er ikke så fantastisk."³ Eddie said with a shake of his head, though his lips were quirked up in a smile. "There isn't really much point when nobody else understands."
"Except that being bilingual is hot." Steve smiled.
"Er det rigtigt?"⁴ Eddie exclaimed amusedly, grinning again. He leaned in to press another kiss to Steve's lips, longer and more tender. He pulled back and rested his forehead against Steve's, letting out a tiny contented sigh. "Jeg elsker dig."⁵
I just came back from visiting family in Denmark and I had the idea of Scandinavian Eddie so here's a teensy tiny ficlet. I was gonna make him Norwegian because Norway is more known for their metal music than Denmark, but I don't speak Norwegian so I felt uncomfortable writing any Nowegian sentences. I don't really speak Danish either but I could at least kinda know what I was writing, and I kept it pretty simple so almost all of it is stuff I know anyway. 💕
¹"A little bit." "My mum spoke Danish to me."
²"Of course!"
³"It's not that great."
⁴"Is that right?"
⁵"I love you."
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irisxstardust · 1 year
— snow on the beach » e. williams
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a/n: i've been obsessed with this for days now i had to get it out of my brain. if something isn't right or factual, no it isn't. hope u enjoy anyway. also idk if this'll have multiple parts i just ended it where it felt right. also i'm bad at summaries just read it anyway. based off the taylor swift song hyperlinked here.
summary: you're minding your own business when the familiar book in your hand sparks ellie williams' interest. a couple french fries and cold drinks later, you're on her surfboard learning how to surf; you've always wanted to learn, but actually learning seemed as rare as snow on the beach. so what happens when it snows on the beach?
cw: (very minimal) swearing, suggestive desc, its really just fluff tbh. didn't describe reader or their clothing/hair at all. surfing is a pretty inclusive sport as is so there's no worries there.
pairings: (loser) sufer!ellie x beachy!reader
wc: 2.5k
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You stand up, quickly rubbing grains of sand off your backside before turning to face down your towel. Grabbing it by the corners you lift it up and sake it, clumps of sand falling away into the ground beneath you. 
The wind had been extra harsh all afternoon, leaving a fine dusting of sand all over your beach gear. You would huff, stand up, shake out your towel, and flop down on it only to repeat the process again twenty minutes later. 
You sit back down on the towel, picking your book up and flipping back to your marked page, little sand grains embedded in creases in random pages. 
The book was new, one you'd bought with the beach in mind, and all you wanted to do was read it. Obviously, the wind had other ideas - as did the universe. 
"Good book." 
You hum, head shooting towards the speaker. A young woman comes into view, hair short enough that it cups her jawline, wearing short black shorts and holding a cream-colored surfboard.
"That's a good book. I read it last year in my English Lit. class. Worth it," she nods, eyes glancing from your book to your face.
You recognized her from countless beach days prior - she always came alone, always left alone, and almost never spoke to anyone aside from a polite "morning" or "see you later" to other surfers. She was in some of your classes too, only the science or math ones, though, and you were fairly certain she was a STEM major. 
"Oh, yeah! I'm only halfway through but it's really good so far," you smile, "only got it to read here." You shrug and pull your legs in, sitting criss-cross on your towel, mind swimming as your eyes skim the girl.
"You come to the beach just to read?"
You roll your eyes, "it's not a bad thing - plenty of people do it." 
She doesn't respond aside from the nod of her head, eyes now focused on the ocean in front of you. 
"There's not many surfers today," you say suddenly, "watched them all leave a few hours ago." 
She nods, "yeah, I haven't been here in a while either; hasn't been any good waves recently." 
"Didn't look like it."
She chuckles, her eyes glancing over at you again - up, down / down, up. She scans your little area as if she was looking for something before bringing her eyes back up to your face. 
"You didn't bring any water with you to the beach?"
You shake your head, "I left my bottle on the counter at home." 
She exhales loud - laughing quietly, "Wanna grab something with me?" Her head gestures toward the restaurants on the boardwalk though her eyes stay trained on you. 
You ponder it for a moment before marking your page and setting your book on your towel. "Where were you thinking?"
She grins, "which is your favorite?" 
"So, how long have you been surfing?" You ask, hand resting gently around your cool glass of water. 
She swallows a bite of her fries and leans back, looking up in thought. She finally looks back down and shrugs, "couple years. Ever since I moved here, basically." 
"Is it fun? It looks fun," you turn to glance at the beach through the window before turning back to the girl - now known as Ellie. "I love to watch people surf."
"Oh yeah, I love it," she smiles. "You've never tried it?"
You shake your head, furrowing your brows out of surprise, "oh absolutely not," you scoff. "That'd be like if it... if it snowed on the beach - fucking insane." 
She shrugs, "you never know until you try it." Her eyes have a devious tint to them, her voice suggestive. 
So you walk out of the restaurant together, across the beach to your towel and her board, little whips of excitement flashing through your veins. 
"Is it hard?" 
"Nah," she shakes her head and scoffs, "just gotta get used to it. You can practice here for now." 
She flips her board in the sand so it is facing the right way, waxy side up, and she pats it a few times with her hands. 
"The wax might feel a little weird but it's not really noticeable in the water," she says, resting on her knees to the side of the surfboard. "Uh, here, lay on it." 
"You have to lay on it," her face it blank, ears red. "You know... in the water when you start paddling towards the wave... you have to lay on it." 
"Oh! Yeah..." but your feet are unmoving. You stand there, at the edge of her surfboard, rethinking the position you put yourself in. 
"Here, I'll show you." 
She stands again and you step back. 
She drops herself on top of the board, straddling either side of it while looking up at you. "If you're just sitting there you can sit like this: one leg on either side of the board. It's easier to lay down when you sit like this." 
You nod, eyes scanning her sandy legs. Her top is digging into her sides tightly and you think that looks uncomfortable as she shifts her position. 
She shifts so she is laying on the board, stomach flat against it. "That's how you'll lay down. Just-" she does it again. "Like that." 
You nod, again. You're briefly rendered speechless while you watch her muscles flex as she lays down again. 
"Then," her voice snaps you back to reality. "When you're ready for the wave, you gotta jump up-" she props herself up with each arm holding either edge of the board while her legs jump to the center of the board. She stands slowly, "like that." 
She laughs softly as she meets you face on again, your eyes wide. "You do that in the water?" 
"It's not that* bad it's just... it takes a minute to get used to," she shrugs. "Wanna try?" She steps off the board into the sand behind her. 
"I don't really know anymore..." but you step over the board anyway, slowly lowering yourself onto it. You repeat her motions, just a little slower and shakier, as she watches from the side. 
"Oh see!" She says as you hop to your feet on the board. "You're basically a natural." 
You try to hide your laugh but it comes out as a snort anyway as you narrow your eyes at her. 
"Am not. I told you, it's like snow on the beach." 
She shakes her head, grin still plastered on her face, "but believe it or not... it really does snow on the beach in some places."
You snicker, "maybe I should learn there." 
She laughs, "just try it again! You'll get better." 
So you repeat the process again: sitting on the board, laying down, then jumping up. And again. And again. And - guess what? - again. 
Once you're not shaky on the board Ellie smiles and picks it up, "ready to actually try?" 
"Waste of time if I don't try after all that," you snort.
"See? Now you get it." 
You laugh and walk towards the water beside Ellie, swinging your arms by your side. 
She wades through the water, looking back to see if you've run off yet or not every so often. Once she decides you're both in far enough she pulls the board across the surface of the water to you. 
She helps you swing a leg over and onto the board, the back of it dipping a little. She scoots you forward, hand on your lower back, before she hops on after you. 
"Comfy?" She asks, kicking her feet a little and sliding up so your back is pressed against her front. 
"Oh, yeah," you nod sarcastically, "could take a nap right here." 
She scoffs, "I hope you drown." 
"Is that any way to talk to a friend?" You ask incredulously, feigning offense and surprise. 
"I wouldn't play so innocent, babe." She says, and the sarcastic tone is there, though you still can't help but to inwardly squeal and kick your feet at the pet name. 
The banter broke with your pause and Ellie began to talk about how waves work and the different parts of them.
You, however, were mostly only paying attention to the way the veins and tendons in her hands, that rested on your knees, flexed as she spoke. Your eyes traced her hands, from white knuckles to the tips of her long fingers, it was like you couldn't tear your eyes away from them. 
"You good?" She asks, one of her hands tapping your upper arm. 
"Yeah! All good," you lie, cheeks flushing with heat. "Just... watching the water," you mumble. 
She doesn't seem to entirely buy it, but she shrugs it off anyway as a small wave begins to flow in your direction. 
"Let's just ride this one out so you can get a feel of it," she suggests, kicking her feet and twisting the board so you both are facing the shore. 
Your eyes scan the sand, searching for any forms of life. It's pretty dark now, you think, everyone's gone home for lunch. We're alone.
The wave softly brings the board forward all the way up to where you started. 
"Not too bad?" Ellie questions, and you can feel her warm gaze on the back of your head. "No snow on the beach yet?"
You shake your head, laughing, "not yet, but the night isn't over yet either." 
She laughs and little wisps of her hair tickle your temples as she leans just *that much* closer to push the surfboard back out into open water. 
"How 'bout this one?" Ellie asks, eyes roaming past you to the horizon, the wave standing proud as it pummels towards you. 
In the hours that came after your first wave, you'd managed to flip your position so you were facing Ellie. You completely forgot about actually trying to surf, only riding out every small wave that came from nearby boats. 
"Oh, yeah. How are..." 
"I'll just hop off," she shrugs. 
You pause for a second too long because Ellie is sliding off the board and pulling your leg to get you to flip around on the board. 
"Remember; lay down then hop up, kay?" She presses her hand on your thigh, giving you a reassuring squeeze before backing away and treading the water a few feet away from you. 
You inhale shakily, wondering if it was too late to back out. 
The wave comes quickly, and you twist the board with it, quickly finding Ellie's eyes as you turn. 
"Now!" She cheers, motioning for you to stand. 
You put your hands flat on the board and nervously walk your feet to the center of the board. You stand shakily, legs half bent and arms held out to try and help your balance. 
"Wait- Ellie!" You shout, watching the water crash down around your board as the wave pushes you towards the shore. "How do I get off-"
You slip back, losing one of your feet as you try to balance yourself again on the board. Before you can process what's happening, the world is spinning from view and you are splashing through the water, thousands of little bubbles clouding your vision before you close your eyes. 
You surface quickly, coughing a little from the sudden water intake, but Ellie swims up beside you, pulling her surfboard to your chest so you can rest against it. 
"That was great!" She laughs, "I forgot to tell you that you'd fall but-"
"I hate you." You say sharply. 
"Fun though?" One of her brows raises in curiosity and you can't bite back the smile that's slowly forming.
"A little," you pinch your words and Ellie grins.
"Wanna go in? It's getting pretty dark. Sharks like to come out at-" 
You make a face, "get me out."
Ellie laughs and holds the board as you push it down and sit on it again. The newfound, strong, waves push you back to shore quickly and within minutes you're shaking out your sandy towel and wrapping it around yourself. You dry off and cover your swimsuit with a sheer coverup, sliding on some sandals and putting your book in your tote bag. 
"That was... surprisingly the best day I've had so far this summer," you say softly as Ellie walks you back to your car, the leash of her surfboard dragging on the ground between the two of you. 
She smiles and glances at you quickly before looking back down at the ground, "was it the surfing or..."
"Not entirely."
She bites the corner of her lip before looking back up at you, "wanna do something else, then? Together?" 
"Got anywhere in mind?" 
"Town's pretty full of tourists right now but... I know a few places-" 
You point out your car in the lot, leading her down one of the aisles. You reach the car quickly, opening the trunk to throw in your dirty towel before turning back to Ellie. You hold the strap of your tote bag with both hands, like a little kid, as you skim Ellie's figure once again. 
"That'd be great. You have your phone on you?" 
She mutters some random answer before patting her wet and empty pockets. 
"That's okay," you pull a pen out of your tote, "I don't have any paper though-" 
"That's fine- um, here," she holds her hand out towards you and you wrap your hand around her wrist, beginning to write out your phone number on her forearm.  
"Let me know?" 
Her cheeks are pink as she nods, eyes reflecting the soft moonlight as she stares at you with the biggest star-eyes you'd probably ever seen. On the water, Ellie was some macho man, confident in herself and all that she put into the world; but off the water, Ellie looked like a scared little girl who had no idea what was going on ever.
"Thank you," you start, "for the lesson and lunch."
She smiles, breaking eye contact and looking at your feet before looking back up and beginning, "anytime. Seriously, if you ever want to go out again you can text me. I don't mind taking you out, I'll just have to bring another surfboard." 
You laugh before opening your arms and pulling Ellie into a hug. As you pull back you kiss her cheek, squeezing her shoulders.
"Oh, of course, I'm never taking anyone else to the beach again." 
She nods and laughs, almost choking on air as you pull away and towards your car. You get in and wait for Ellie to walk to her car before pulling off and driving into the road, heart pounding. 
You turn the radio up, hoping to distract you from your myriad of thoughts for just a moment. The song is halfway through, but you recognize the song almost immediately. 
I can't speak afraid to jinx it
I don't even dare to wish it
But your eyes are flying saucers from another planet
Now I'm all for you like Janet
Can this be a real thing, can it?
Are we falling like snow at the beach? 
Weird but fuckin' beautiful
Flying in a dream, stars by the pocketful 
You wanting me tonight, feels impossible 
But it's comin' down, no sound, it's all around
Like snow on the beach
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a/n 2: if ur reading this i hope u enjoyed 🫶🏻🫶🏻 lmk if there's any typos. inbox is always open. love u all😚😚
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juyomiao · 1 year
take the chance - ricky
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ricky x gn!reader
genre: fluff !!! , best friends to lovers
word count: 791
warnings: ENGLISH ISNT MY FIRST LANGUAGE!! so theres going to be mistakes !!! , alcohol consumption but its barely mentioned , is it considered underage drinking if it'd only be considered as underage drinking in countries where the drinking age is above 18/19 ,, (i feel bad for u if u r from any of those countries fr)
note: first actually written work im kinda # nervous my writing skills r .. definitely writing !! this is cringe cliché and based on a dream i had like a month ago . yes im a lesbian yes i dream abt kissing ricky thats completely normal . (friends dont read this i want to disappear rn as i speak)
You've been to countless parties since the half of the previous school year when your best friend Ricky became popular out of nowhere. You still don't know where that popularity came from, he's always been good looking, it's not like he had some kind of glow up.
Sometimes you think it's more of a curse than a blessing, with all the times you've been dragged to a party you were not invited to because Ricky, being the introvert he is, refuses to go anywhere without you and, consequently, getting dirty looks from everyone for tagging along and 'leeching' off of Ricky's popularity.
Even now, when people have more or less come to terms with the fact that you two are a package deal, you still despise parties, only appreciating a few things about them, like drinking for free and… nothing else, really.
It's not like Ricky enjoys them either, he'd rather stay home with you and watch some romance drama as you eventually fall asleep with your head on his shoulder. But it's not like he can reject every single invite thrown at him. So you two came to a compromise: one weekend at a party, one weekend at your house.
The boredom of awkwardly standing in a corner as you silently watch yet another drunk couple make out, careless of the countless other people surrounding them, soon gets to you, and you blurt out a question.
"Have you ever kissed someone?"
Ricky's calm expression falters for a second, his eyes widening. He just hopes the dimly lit room is hiding the blush creeping on his cheeks.
He's your best friend, how do you not know?
Well, Ricky is a private person and, even having known him for years, he barely talks about his romantic life, so you've never dared prying into it.
"Of course," he says, after composing himself "You?"
You shake your head, breaking eye contact with him. "And I don't think it's going to happen any time soon," you sigh. At this point, it's a hopeless mission.
Ricky is convinced if it wasn't for the loud music in the background, everyone would be able to hear the cogs turning in his brain as it processes this information.
His best friend – whom he has had a crush on since forever – has never kissed someone.
Ricky looks at you through the corner of his eye, wondering if he should take the chance and possibly change your relationship forever – for the better or the worse, he doesn't know.
To you, though, it just looks like he's side-eyeing you with his usual unreadable expression, and you think you fucked up. You assume he's judging you, because not only are you a complete, bitchless loser, but you brought the conversation up yourself.
"Forget it, I don't know why I said that, sorry, now you probably think I'm weird and…" you start rambling, and to Ricky, that's the cutest thing he has ever seen.
God, he's really that down bad.
Suddenly, an idea pops up in his head.
"Can I kiss you?"
The abrupt question leaves you speechless, your words dying in your mouth as you look at him like he has grown a second head.
"What?" It sounds dumb once you say it, but you genuinely think you misheard him. There's no way Ricky, of all people, would ask you something like that.
Ricky smiles, "I said," he turns with his shoulder leaning on the wall so he can look at you directly "Can I kiss you?"
You blink at him, dumbfounded "Wha- what? Did you… what? Did you actually say that? Am I hearing this right?"
Ricky nods, clearly amused by your reaction
"If this is a joke, it's not funny, like, at all."
"Why would I be joking?" Ricky's expression goes back to deadpan serious, he inches closer to your face "So? Is this a yes?"
You nod slowly, still trying to process what's happening. You shouldn't want this, you shouldn't be so tempted to kiss your best friend. But you are.
Before you can overthink it any further, Ricky closes the space between you two. He's hesitant at first, his lips barely brushing against yours, but when you clumsily try to reciprocate the kiss, he takes the lead.
It doesn't feel special, or magic, or like anything else people have described their first kiss as. It's just two best friends who realized their feelings for each other. And to you, that's perfect.
"So… now what?"
"How about we get out of here and go on a date?" You sigh, shaking your head, "Ricky, it's…" you check your phone "1 AM, where would we even go?"
He seems to genuinely think about it for a solid one or two minutes "McDonald's?"
note 2 bc i cant stfu : WHY IS THE ENDING SO RUSHED I WANT TO SCREAM.. but i've wanted to post this for like a week now so im posting it anyways , pls leave some feedback if u liked it 🫶🏻
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irisbleufic · 10 months
so i was (as most american high schoolers are) made to read the great gatsby for english class.
i hated it. i didn’t understand it, stuff just. did not compute in my brain.
and then i read it again outside of english, and really enjoyed it. english teachers like symbolism, but they only want certain symbolism.
and then i found a rabbit hole of nick and jay. and then i found out copyright had run out in 2021. and then i found The Pursued and The Pursuing. just. holy fucking shit am i impressed.
nick and jay. then nick and jay adopting pam. i love them all so much. so so much. thank you so much for writing that, for giving us some happy historical queer people. we need more happy historical queer people.
This is one of the things that drives me up the wall about high school English instruction and is also one of the reasons I love teaching it at the college level so much. There’s more to literature than just symbolism. The writers of even classic lit told these stories because they loved the OCs they came up with, because they loved the plot idea, because they couldn’t not write the thing. Literature is enjoyed 90% of the time outside a classroom context, and symbolism is not the first thing we consider. It’s whether or not we feel something. The writers of these works wrote to feel something.
I’m so, so glad you were eventually able to enjoy The Great Gatsby on your own terms, and that you read and found my sequel! The Pursued and the Pursuing was a labor of love for me as the original novel was for Fitzgerald. We’re people telling stories to other people first and foremost. Symbolism and analysis have a place, but for most readers, that place is not at the top of their list!
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sunnysoulzz · 5 months
Hi!I was wondering if you could do more Dean Taylor smuts,Im so obsessed over him it's not even a joke anymore bro,and it's such a shame that there's not enough smuts of this scrumptious man.If you can,can you write a smut about him?I would really appreciate it,thank you!!!🙌🏻💋 (if I wrote any of this shit incorrectly, English is not my first language so excuse me 😭)
Ofc!! I’ve been wanting to write smth for a while but had no inspo + dean is so 😩 he NEEDS more smut
How abt some forest sex? :3
Contains: forest sex, smut, dean x reader, quickie, not in canon at all, also this is kinda short
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The sun was beginning to set, and there was already problems in the house. Dean, your boyfriend had begun growing agitated and aggressive. You tried your best to call him down, telling him it’ll all work out and it’ll be ok. Eventually Paul got annoyed, telling Dean to go fuck off in the woods for a while to “check for any way they could escape” or something. Dean obeyed, mainly to get out of the house. You followed.
It didn’t take him long to forget about checking around the house and just go looking around the woods, you didn’t say much, just enjoying the night air and the dread of what would happened if Paul’s whole plan didn’t work out. You looked over to Dean, he lit a cigarette. He turned to face you before eyeing you up and down.
“You know..I really feel like I gotta blow off some stream” he mumbled, he tilted his head down, looking at you through his lashes. It was obvious what he was getting at, and how could you say no. You smiled, “I can help with that.” You moved forward wrapping your arms around his neck. His hands moved to your waist as he moaned into the kiss. He pushed you up against a near by tree, moving down to kiss and suck at your neck.
His hands moved to the waistband of your pants. “Please- fuck- I’m so pissed off right now, can we fuck?” He mumbled into the crook off your neck. You moaned, “yes- please-“.
It didn’t take long for your pants and underwear to be discarded on the cold forest dirt. Dean unbuckled his pants, not bothering to take them off before he slammed into you. You threw your head back. “Ah- what if Paul or Jenna comes looking for us?” You moaned, trying not to be too loud. “They won’t. We just- gotta be quick” he groaned out.
He continued slamming into you, the tree felt rough against your back, but the feeling of Dean inside you was heavenly. His eyes were filled with lust as he looked into yours. He moved forward, kissing you. You moaned into his mouth. “Fuck I’m close” he moaned. “C-can I cum inside?” He looked at you softly, his thrusts never slowly. “Please!” You cried out.
It didn’t take long for his thrusts to become sloppy, he bottomed out inside you, you both came at the same time. You leaned against the tree after putting your clothes back on, trying to catch your breath. He leaned into you, kissing your cheek “we gotta hurry back” you giggled. “Mmm..” he responded. You couldn’t see what you looked like, so you just had to pray you don’t look like you just had your brains fucked out.
I’m ngl- I wrote this in one sitting so sorry for the spelling mistakes! Hope this is ok! I’ve been very hyperfixated on Tyler the creator atm, which is odd- so sorry abt not posting lol. My request are always open!
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segredosjogados · 1 year
My first Richy fic
Ok, things you need to know:
1. This fic was written first in Portuguese. I don't feel comfortable in posting in Portuguese, but if you'd like to read it Portuguese, let me know 'cause I can post it.
2. I like to write in first person, this is one of those. 
3. +18 /sexual themes, high graphic description 
🥘🎶💓 welcome to my wicked mind 🐦⚓️💕
Richarlison left the room following the delicious smell of lunch being cooked in the kitchen. He tried to guess where that cuisine came from, which didn't smell Brazilian or English.
"Good morning my love!" I said with a wide smile on my face, stirring a pot with a bunch of vegetables inside.
"What are you doing this morning? I thought you were still sleeping, but I woke up and you weren't in bed." he commented as he opened the fridge and took out a jar of green juice, drinking straight from the top of the bottle.
"For fuck sake Richarlison, that's fucked up! Grab a glass to drink the juice, please!" I complained, throwing the dish towel at him lighltly. Richarlison drew back and pretended to be in pain. I looked right into his face in disbelief at the drama "Seriously, now drink all the juice and wash the jar" I demanded, pointing to the pitcher and the sink.
"I won't do it at all, I'll put it back here" he replied, opening the fridge again to put the juice.
"No you fucking won't. The sink is over there and you will wash it, so…" I answered back, hitting the wooden spoon on the pan, making a loud noise that made him jump.
"You talk like you don't put your mouth on my p-" he replied and I cut him off as quickly as possible.
"Richarlison!" I was mortified with embarrassment, even though there was no one there. He had a point, but that didn't justify it. "Would you please - " I tried to ask, but he cut me off again, this time moving his body closer to mine, putting me between him and the kitchen counter.
"Why doesn't that complaining little mouth of yours do something better?" he whispered, brushing his lips from my neck to my ear, making my entire body shiver and my legs shake. Not to mention my beyonussy  who was desperate and sparkling. I tried to focus on the pan in front of me, on low heat, and the vegetables simmering. But that melee touch was too lit and it was going to burn.
"Is it? What do you want that mouth to do? It needs to be very specific," I whispered back fiercely, trying to rationalize my brain and the fireworks between my legs.
"You could use that attitude and get down on your knees real slow" he started, putting a hand on my shoulder, pulling me down. I obeyed, bending my knees and reaching up to his waist. "Now you open that little mouth of yours that talks a lot and put it to good use" he said, picking me up by the neck and gripping my hair. I didn't have time to think twice and pulled his shorts down - and he was only in shorts - and used my hand to gently pull the little pombo out and pumped it a few times before putting it all in my mouth, deep throat really. He felt the pressure and placed his hands on the counter in front of him, trying to keep himself standing while I did him just the way he liked. Hearing his moans was music to my ears, trying to keep his posture and low voice when I knew he just wanted to whisper in my ear, like every night. But I let him try to maintain his posture, using my tongue to try to pull the best sounds out of his mouth. I kept my eyes closed because I'd rather feel than see, but when I opened my eyes and looked up, he had his eyes tightly closed, his head half turned back and his chest rising and falling, breathing hard. I knew it wasn't long before he came and that I was going to need to hold on tight.
And it didn't take long.
When he came, his knees were shaking and I concentrated on not laughing and not choking.
The feeling of him in my mouth is always unique. It never matters if I feel my throat burn and tears run down my cheeks, it's always a unique feeling.
When Richarlison let out the "ahhh" I knew my job was well done.
I got up, I kissed his neck and suck his weak neck spot and warned him "Next time you want to hold this attitude with me, I'll earn something"
"It's like you boss me around" he teased, trying to pull away from me. "What are you doing for us to have lunch anyway?" he asked, as if nothing had just happened.
"So what? Do you even care about it? It must have burned already" I went to look at the pan and saw that the sautéed vegetables were already too sautéed indeed.
"If you have an attitude with me like that again, you'll kneel again," he snapped, looking straight into my eyes. I got close to him, face to face, our breaths mingling.
"Bet" I replied in a low voice.
"All fours" he replied, in his turn, with a firm voice.
I knew this was going to be a hunt.
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yourimagines · 6 months
Smut with Sean Strickland 😊
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Gif is not mine
* Triggers: 18+, smut, swearing and fluff
Sean was acting like a jerk. The whole day he was grumpy, whining, swearing and just being an total asshole to me. So I started to ignore him, not reacting to him at all. “Y/N babe, did you already start with our dinner?” Sean walked in looking over at me. “Babe?” He snapped his fingers, trying to get my attention. “Hello? Why are you giving me the silent treatment?” He crossed his arms and huff’s. “Okay never mind…” he turns around and storms off, probably to our bedroom. I sighed and stood up, following him before he tears everything thing down in our room.
“Sean I want to order takeout, I’m not in the mood for cooking dinner by myself.” Sean sat down on our bed, looking up as I walked in. “Oh now you do talk.” “Sean cut the bullshit with me.” “Me? Bullshit? You are ignoring me.” I rolled my eyes at him. “Yeah because you are acting like an dick to me. I’m your girl not some side bitch.” He groans and grabs his face. “You don’t understand, I’m frustrated and you make it worse.” ‘Frustrated? I can help you with that.’ I walked over, straddling his waist. His face immediately lits up. “Hello mama’s.” His hands went up to my hips, squeezing them. “I don’t know if you are deserving this tho, I don’t like to be scoffed at.” He rolls his eyes. “I’m not doing that with you baby, it’s yes or no, not this begging shit.” He was rattling about he’s not going to beg and shit. “Okay, then I leave.” I tried to stand up but he hardens his grip on my hips. “No, no you stay.” I shook my head. “Nope, you don’t deserve it.” He whines out as I got out of his grip and walked away from him. “Okay okay, fine. I need you baby, please come back.” I smiled and went back to him. “That’s for the begging part tho I’m not doing anything more for you.” “We will see Sean, we will see.”
My hands was laying on his shoulders as I was lazily riding him, hips rolling into him as he lay on his back, smiling at me. “You’re beautiful, so fucking beautiful.” His hand went from my cheek all the way down to my waist. “You’re mine darling.” He squeezed my waist as I quicken up the pace. “Fuck baby, just like that.” His hands roamed around my waist and my ass. “You like that?” Sean nods and moans. “Yes baby, I love this.” I bite down on my lip and leaned a bit forward, still riding him as I started left a trail of kisses behind in his neck. “God, baby please…” he moaned out. I smiled and kissed his lips. “Please what?” He groans and squeezes my ass. “I can’t help you love if you don’t tell me.” I changed the rhythm and he whines softly. “Baby, just ride me or I will fuck your brains out.” I smiled against his lips. “I am fucking you, mr Strickland.” I leaned back and moved a bit quicker, causing my breast to jiggle a bit more. Sean picks that up and grabs them, playing with my nipples. I bite down my lip, as a soft moan rolled over my tongue. My hands roamed around his chest as I felt that I was getting close. “Sean baby, please touch me.” My hands rested on his chest as one of his hands travels down, rubbing my clit. “Fuck daddy!” A louder moan escaped and he looked at me with a smirk on his face. “Come on baby, let it go for me.” Sean’s other hand moved to my neck, his fingers curled around my neck, slightly squeezing me. My mouth fell open, a moan escaped and hit my high. Sean moved his hips underneath me as I came. “Fuck baby.” He grunted and came right after me, filling me up.
Our panting filled the room. Sean smiles at me pulls me closer, my head lay against his chest as his hands rested on my lower back. “I really needed that mama’s.” I kissed his chest and smiles. “I know baby, I know.” Sean grabbed the blanket and wrapped me up. “I want you keep him warm.” He started to nibble on my skin in my neck. “You want to sleep like this?” “Yes, just lay on my chest, I want to be this close mama’s.” Sean was still a bit whiny but I gave him what he wanted. I moved a bit to be more comfortable while he’s still inside of me. “I love you mama’s.” Sean looked at me with an tired expression. “I love you Sean.” I kissed his chin and closed my eyes, trying to get some sleep as I felt him getting hard again. “We could do round two?” He whispers. “Okay mr Strickland but now is your turn to ride.” He smirks and flips us over. “I never say no to you mama’s.” Our night was a very long one…..
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makeupinthedrawer · 2 years
richkid!niall x tutor!fem!eader | college au
authors note: hi!!!!!! i’m back!!!!!! i know it’s been a criminally long time since i posted something but i really love this and hope you love it to :) if you do please leave a comment and/or reblog. likes are so nice but actual feeback really encourages me to post and makes me feel like it’s not just bots liking my posts lol. as always my reader can be of any height, weight, or race pls let me know if any of the language used is isolating.
prompt: A and B are casual college friends when the holiday season rolls around. A plans to go home to their luxurious life but decides to stay when B tells them they can’t go home for christmas. A decides to keep B company and give them the most amazing christmas ever.
word count: 6.4k
upcoming content: fluff!! mentions of financial issues
series masterlist | full masterlist
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the snow seemed to be falling in time with the clock ticking, noting every passing second that your professor went on and on about something Austen, something Shakespeare. london quickly became a blanket of white, the flusters blanketing the entire city in frost. your stare was glued to the window, your professor totally drowned out as your pen lightly tapped against the blank notebook page. it was a shame it really was, that you couldn’t pay attention because you were hoping that English lit would be the distraction that could keep your mind off the upcoming holiday season that was destined to be spent holed up in your studio apartment, props to student affiliated housing that came in your scholarship, with holiday movies lightly playing in the background of your wallowing.
a slight wave passed through your glance but your brain disregarded it, you’d get the notes from someone anyways. it wasn’t until it happened two, three times that you managed to blink out of your dazed state and look in the direction of whatever brought you back to reality. directly across from you sat niall horan. leaned back in his seat, subtly just enough to keep him out of view from the professor. his big blue eyes quirked at you as he mouthed “you okay?” it was hard to not get lost in his gaze like you did earlier but you had more self-conscious this time and just nodded, sitting up and facing the board, robotically writing down whatever the professor was saying even if it had no context. despite that, his stare lingered and it took everything in you to not snap your eyes back.
niall horan. you didn't even know why he was taking English lit in the first place if he was here for football, but he was… and he wasn’t doing the best. which resulted in him rushing up to you one day during the second week of classes and spitting out his begging for tutoring as fast as he possibly could. you were so startled you agreed without really thinking about anything other than increasing the amount of space between you because the wall of spiced cologne mixed with what you think is vanilla on some days when you get lost in a daydream, and sweat, and just him, took over your senses. along with his large hands outstretched toward you in a plea. “r-really?” he asked, an incredulous look passing over his face as his george elliot book that was just passed out to everyone dropped from his grip. you opened your mouth but quickly snapped it shut, just nodding at him. his gape turned into a smile, and a glint entered his eye that reminded you of the one you saw in the reflection of the charm on the old necklace you thought you lost. “how could i be so lucky?”
“oh wow, that’s great! thank you so much! okay, so… i can give ya my number and we can discuss when to meet? or you can send me your schedule like? honestly, whatever works for you.” he said, pulling a pen out of one pocket and rummaging through his other for what you assume was a piece of paper.
“oh wow, that’s great! thank you so much! okay, so… i can give ya my number and we can discuss when to meet? or you can send me your schedule like? honestly, whatever works for you.” he said, pulling a pen out of one pocket and rummaging through his other for what you assume was a piece of paper.
“oh here,” you spoke, reaching around to unzip your bag and tear a piece of your notebook, but suddenly your head whipped around at the feeling of your hand engulfed in his. before you knew it his name was scrawled in loopy handwriting against your wrist, along with his phone number. the sight of his long fingers against your skin was the final push of this situation going from odd to overwhelming so you looked up and straight ahead, only to see a lighter-haired boy smack his forehead with his palm at the sight of you both. you recognized him as sean mullholland, having seen him and niall together often. 
“alright, just message me whenever! whenever you have time! but not too late y’know? i really can’t afford to fail this next exam.”
you opened your mouth again and just found yourself nodding, watching as his head tilted at the repeated action. god he probably thought you were fucking mute. “i- i mean yeah, no problem.”
the confusion on his face quickly turned to one of relief and pure gratitude. “thanks so much! so i guess i’ll see ya around.” he said, and with a final smile he turned and walked back to his friend.
“wait… niall!” you called, noticing his book was still on the ground.
he spun around quickly, “yeah?” 
“your book, you’ll need it… y’know for the test.” his eyes widened as you bent down to pick it up, his shoes quickly coming into our eye line as he reached for it, but it was already in your hold.
“aw, jesus, ‘m already messing up. thanks, thanks again.” the trepidation in his voice was a large contrast to who he was, or who you thought he was to be more accurate. you saw him every day in class talking to his friends with a smile on his face, and he was part of the university's football team so his name was overheard in conversation often, along with his picture or him with other members of the team in the school’s newspaper. he seemed to be regularly happy, confident. and that’s without the fact that he was… quite handsome, in your opinion. and the opinion of many people on campus. i mean, it’s just undeniable. thick brown hair that would fall across his forehead, that would sometimes curl by the ears if he hadn’t cut it in a while, paired with a perfectly sculpted nose and the smallest hoop earrings that were so endearing you thought about them all day when you first noticed them. but the kicker was the oceans he kept behind his irises. seeing him nervous before you, both hands gripping his book like a stress ball lessened some of your initial intimidation.
“you’re gonna be okay, niall.” you said simply, looking up at him through your lashes, keeping your face as blank as possible. he looked down at you, eyes tracking every inch of your face and it involuntarily heated up. it was as if he was searching for a lie, but he didn’t seem to find it.
“yeah, yeah.” he remarked, hand going up to scratch at his neck as he dropped his eyes to the ground. he started walking back to his friend, but backward this time so he was still facing you. “hopefully. thanks again, really, i’ll see you around?”
you raised your wrist revealing his name and number still printed there with a smile that he replicated and sent you a nod of approval and disappeared around a corner, allowing you to let out an immense breath.
that was six weeks ago, and you’re now halfway through the semester. you’ve met with niall dozens of times already, holed up in a study room in the back of the library. you’ve learned a lot about him: how he takes his coffee, that he’s color blind, that his favorite band is the eagles and he saw them when he was four and that’s why he learned how to play the guitar, you couldn’t think about that one for a long time because it made you lightheaded, and that he was “well off” as he’d put it, but the soft, cashmere cardigans he always wore and the vintage car that was parked outside proved he was more than,
“when me ma and da got divorced she moved here to london and started her own business, she’s worked really hard for a long time, to send me to school and stuff ya know?” he revealed once, during a late night study session turned game of twenty questions. he was always doing that, studying for an hour then getting bored or burnt out and asking you questions or digging through your bag to find the snacks you hide in the back pocket. when you caught him the first few times he would wipe his mouth with the back of his hand and shove your bag away, now he just sends you a smirk and pull the cellophane baggie out for easier access.
you would consider him a friend. he’s carried the title of your crush as your roommate would put it, but it all sounded too childish, too middle school, it didn’t sum up the uniqueness of how he made you feel, how no one had made you feel before. along with tingly fingers and a rapidly beating heart, he also made you feel a tad… jealous. you could relate that your parents also worked really hard for a long time to send you to university but if it wasn’t for the scholarship you got, you definitely wouldn’t be here in the heart of england studying literature with some of the best professors in the world. 
bitter sadness crept into your heart as you snapped your notebook shut and placed it in your bag, class ending was just another sign of time moving on and the closer christmas came where you would have to be here, in a new continent all alone because your parents couldn’t afford a plane ticket to get you home and back in time for classes again.
walking out of class, a presence you became all too familiar with loomed behind you, you could recognize him based on the feeling of the hairs on your neck sticking up. he didn’t make you nervous anymore, but the nerves that turned into feelings of longing seemed worse, in your opinion. “hey ya” he spoke, voice low and accent thick.
“hey, niall.”
the two of you walked in step for a few beats before he started up again, “i- i just wanted to see if ya were alright like… you seemed a little spaced out there for a sec, thought ya were checking me out with how ya were staring at me but-”
“oh god i’m so sorry niall, i wasn’t- i- i wasn’t staring at you i just… i just got lost in my head!” you exclaimed with wide eyes, of course you dazed out staring directly at him, unblinking and dead-eyed, you wanted the floor to fall from underneath you. but all he did was laugh, joyful and boisterous, pale cheeks tinting red with emotion.
“no need t’apologize darling, quite like it when ya look at me anyways,” he smirked.
you rolled your eyes, refusing to let yourself take his banter as anything more than what it was. “well… us both being distracted is going to make tomorrow’s tutoring a bitch then huh?”
he laughed again and nodded, “yup! but we’ll figure it out together, right?”
“of course” you replied, with a smile that didn’t really reach your eyes but you couldn’t bring any more positivity out of yourself, the homesickness was too powerful.
his cerulean iris’s tracked down your face, as they always seemed to do when you found yourselves in these little staring matches. “y’sure you’re okay? we can skip tonight if ya want.”
“no, i’m okay. anyways, like you said, we need to teach each other the material.”
“yeah… well, i’ll be there usual time, kay?” with a nod you went your separate ways and you began the ten-minute walk to your apartment. 
“hey! oh, watch out!” your roommate cried as you nearly tripped over an overstuffed duffle bag.
“sorry! i was going to move it, but then i just got all wrapped up!” she cried from her cross-legged position on the floor, hands sticky with tape and clumps of discarded wrapping paper sat around her.
“it’s okay… do you want any help with that?” you offered, kicking your shoes off. she nodded vigorously and you both dissolved into laughter.
“thanks so much, i don’t know why wrapping is so hard! i mean… i love when the scissors do the glidey thingy against the paper, literally so satisfying right? but after that i realize i cut off too much or too little and then i tear it when i try and fold it and it’s just all going to hell!”
you just nodded and measured out an appropriate piece of wrapping paper for the doll box and slid the scissors against the dotted lines, folding the ends into triangles and holding them down, allowing her to stick the tapes on the end. “i’ll do the actual wrapping, you man the tape.” 
the two of you sat for around ten minutes, creating a decent-sized stack of neatly wrapped boxes. “do you wanna watch a movie later? we can watch the holiday episodes of that cartoon you like.”
“i’d love to but i have to meet niall later for tutoring.”
“ahh, still teaching the football star how to read then?”
you rolled your eyes with a laugh, “he knows how to read! cut him some slack, shakespeare is hard for anyone.”
“tell me about it, i barely passed when i took this class last year.”
“so yeah, i’ll be gone for about an hour or so. when do you head home?”
“i’ll be at the train station tomorrow around two, then i should be home at like six, i’ll keep you updated though.”
you nodded approvingly. your roommate was from england, but lived a while away from london. you’d seen pictures of the quaint countryside home she grew up in and it reminded you of a storybook.
“you know… my offer still stands. we can totally just buy you a ticket now and you can spend the holidays with me. it’ll be fun, i promise! we have the spare room and my parents already love you for getting my calculus grade from a D to a B!”
you just laughed again, dismissing her offer once more. “i appreciate it but really, i’ll be fine here, i swear. i’m not just saying that, i just… even with your family, i’m still going to feel lonely, if that makes sense. i just don’t think i’d be able to enjoy myself, and then i’d just beat myself up all over again for not being in the moment”
she nodded understandingly, “i get that.” 
 “don’t worry, really, have a good time! and i’ll have a bunch of cookies here for you when you get back.”
“ugh! that’s what i’m going to miss the most while i’m away!” she groaned and started packing the presents away in her bag.
the time rolled around when you had to go meet niall so with a quick goodbye you laced your shoes and head out the door. your arms wrapped around yourself as your sweater did little to block out the frost. with quick steps you hurried inside the library, allowing the slight heat to relax your muscles.
the peace that came with the library only lasted a few moments as the familiar clambering of niall’s entrance began, the boy could never be quiet. twisting past chairs and shelves, donned in his football kit, he pressed his face against the small window sending you a grin that made his cheeks push up. you smiled up at him and unlocked the door.
“‘ello darlin’, sorry ‘m late, practice ran long” he breathed out, collapsing into the plastic chair beside you, resting his head against your shoulder, catching his breath. this wasn’t the first time he showed up from practice, but he hadn’t ever invaded your space like this. it was impossible to not get lost in his scent or his panting breaths fanning your skin and his shorts exposing and stretching out against his thighs.
“woo! needed to catch my breath! got ya all sweaty, sorry.” he whipped his towel in your face, making you scrunch your nose up. he giggled and did it a few more times until you yanked it out of his hands.
“niall.” you said sternly.
“yes.” he repeated in the same tone.
“we need to study or not have a towel fight!”
“right, right. maybe another day then.”
you both started taking out your books and laptops. “we have so much stuff lined up for another day, don’t we?” it’s what you guys would say whenever you got distracted by some random activity.
“oh yeah, this towel contest comes after our who can eat the most cookies contest and me teaching ya how to play football, right?”
you giggled and he felt his smile widen and the tips of his ears turn red. “god, i’m gonna be so awful.”
he scoffed and shook his head, “‘m sure ya won’t be! and even if y’are, i’ll be your coach! and y’know i’m pretty fucking good if say so myself!” he tipped his head back with his nose in the air. you laughed again, he always made you laugh. 
“i dunno ni, i saw that yellow card!”
“don’t bring up the yellow card!” you said at the same time
“i- i don’t know what you want me to say! why’d you get a yellow card?” you teased, watching him grow annoyed at the penalty he got at last weeks game.
“that was a stupid call and you know it! you know that ref hates me! that shite was so fucking stupid.”
“i know, i know, i’m just teasing ya.”
“yer mean when you wanna be, darling! do people know that?”
“nope! i have a very carefully curated my english major image.”
niall kicked the chair back so it rested on its back two legs as he threw his arms behind his head. you always marveled at the way he took up so much space. or maybe that was just how you saw him. he peered down at you as you packed up your things. niall loved these secret moments where he could just bask in observing you. the tremors running up his fingers was a sensation he was used to, as they twitched by his side with the urge to brush your hair out your face. this happened often, the first time he was taken aback, shaking off the unfamiliar feelings, but it was already out of his control. the day he clamored towards you, his being became yours. his courage had yet to follow, though. so for now, he settled for the moments he could make the heat rise to your cheeks.
“niall?” you drawled slowly, taking in his half-lidded gaze. he blinked a few times and cursed himself for getting lost in his daydreams.
“s-sorry darling, what were ya saying?”
“oh nothing, just if you have anything exciting planned for the break?”
“oh yeah! my brother just had a baby, wee little thing, so me ma and dad and i are flying to ireland to go spend christmas with them. theo’s first christmas and all that!”
“i didn’t know you were an uncle, ni.”
“yeah, a few months ago” he said, showing you a photo of him cradling a tiny baby in his arms and you couldn’t stop the awe that escaped you
“niall that is literally the cutest thing i’ve ever seen!”
“awe thanks babe, yer pretty cute too” he said, throwing his arm around you, dissolving into laughter as you rolled your eyes.
“i’m talking about the baby and you know it”
“whatever ya say!” he quirked an eyebrow up at you and you mirrored his smile.
“well, it sounds like you have a great couple of weeks ahead of you.” you replied, turning away from him and starting to fiddle with your worn copy of Hamlet, little pieces of the page edges flaking off.
“hmm yeah… i mean i hope so, you know how it can be, family drama and all that.”
the way his tone sloped into something melancholic before he lifted it up again “what about you?”
you took a deep breath, words stuck in your throat. you knew niall came from money, lots of people on campus did, and a lot of people didn’t. no one really cares. you knew you had no reason to be embarrassed, you earned your spot here just like, or even more so than anyone else, plus it was college, not high school, and there weren’t any bullies or rumors. but it was easier to say that logic than shake off the insecurity that crept up your spine whenever your differences came to light. the period of silence followed by people awkwardly backtracking to take back their words about their new things or vacations as if they offended you. it didn’t at all, as long as people were nice, you didn’t care how much or how little money they had. but it was still embarrassing and niall heightened all your feelings by just being him. you figured the best thing to do was just be honest and casual, if you didn't make it a big deal then he wouldn’t either.
“oh… i’m just staying here.”
“what?” niall let out, the chair falling forward so the front legs hit the floor with a resounding clang.
you squeezed your eyes shut, so there was that whole casual plan down the drain,
“yeah…” you murmured, not really knowing what to say.
“why?” he asked. a voice far in the back of his head that sounded all too much like his da or mully was telling him to shut the fuck up and mind his business, but the image of you spending the holidays all alone, and you often complained about how shotty the dorms heating was, so you’d most likely be cold too, was very troubling for him.
you pulled at the adjusting strap of your bookbag, twisting it around your fingers. you took another deep breath, you were an adult and niall was your friend and any comments about your situation would reflect more on him than you is what you told yourself as you finally looked over at his wide eyes and lips slightly parted, concern written across his features.
“well,” you began, silently curing yourself as you turned your head again, the weight of his stare was too much to bear. “it’s just- kinda expensive to like get a flight home and back in time for classes again.”
and there it was, the silence that you tried so hard to avoid. the silence of people trying to scramble for the right words to say, as if they could offer up the perfect solution when it was just life.
niall felt the silence eating away at the two of you, feeding off the palpable energy. “say something, anything” his brain shouted.
“come with me” what?
“what?” your head snapped up.
“c-come with me… if you want.” his brain was still trying to make sense of his sudden invitation, but it felt right in his heart.
“no niall. i can’t.”
“why not?”
you sighed, your body tired of having this conversation with your roommate the week prior. “niall you just told me about all your plans, with your entire family and their newborn baby. i’m not gonna crash that.”
“y’won’t be crashing! i swear! mully’ll be there, he ain’t family!” he was drawing at straws and you both knew it, but it seemed his heart sent him on a mission.
“sean mullholland? you mean your best friend since you were five? that’s not the same.”
his palms grew damp as he wiped them against the polyester shorts. he couldn’t stomach the idea of you being alone. not when you could be with him. something sick licked at his chest at the news that you couldn’t be with your family. he was devastated for you, having coaxed many crazy childhood stories from you when he managed to carve out a break from studying. but he very much wanted you all to himself. outside of the four walls of the library study room, and this was his chance. 
“well yes, but, it’s not-”
you sent him a sad smile, putting your arm through one of your bag straps. he hadn’t even realized you packed up.
“you’re sweet niall, but seriously, it’s gonna be fine. it’s not a big deal. you said and honestly, you’ve been saying that so much over the past few days that you were starting to believe it. you just wanted the holidays to be over at this point.
niall threw his bag over his shoulder and followed you out of the library. the cool wind hit your skin as you pulled your sweater sleeves down your hands. niall was bounding down the street, wracked with nervous energy. he was counting down the days until christmas but now it was coming too fast. as was your residency hall. “b-but… don’t you want to spend time with me? i mean, hanging out with me for the holidays won’t be so bad.” he murmured and you stopped in your tracks. it took you back to the day you first met, the vulnerability. he looked down at you, his big blue eyes glistening with gold flecks.
the two of you spent time together outside of studying every now and then, but rarely jus the two of you, and never outside of school, save for that one time he rescued you from a bad date last season. his car picked up the autumn leaves as he spotted you walking home, miles from the school, eyes full of unshed tears. it was the first and only time you ever sat in his car, the leather seats and his comforting words cushioning you after a terrible night.
ever since then, things between you shifted.
“of course that doesn’t sound bad at all. i just… you don’t need to feel bad for me, okay? and we’ve never really hung out outside of school before yknow? i wouldn’t want to make it awkward. besides, it’s one christmas, spend a good time with your nephew, uncle niall.” you joked pulling out your keys. niall’s chest deflated as he nodded.
“you did good today, ni. you’re gonna be fine on the next exam.” you spoke, before sending him a smile and closing the door behind you.
always so nice, he thought. that’s what you are. nice. smart. funny. beautiful. his system was overwhelmed with feelings for you. the idea that he made you feel bad killed him. he heard enough from his friends that he needed to man up and just ask you out already, that he was going to lose his chance. niall sighed as he walked into his apartment, mully sprawled out on the couch, suitcases packed by the front door. “oi mate, how’d the reading lessons go? y'know the alphabet yet?” he called, eyes not leaving the screen.
“almost, lad.” niall replied half-heartedly.
“”aye, what’s wrong? did you do bad?” mully asked, looking over the couch at his friend. growing up with niall, mully quickly learned that he was one of the funniest people he’s ever met, and also that he was very sensitive.
niall sat down beside him and told him about your situation and tried to explain his feelings that he couldn’t fully admit to himself. 
“well why don’t you just stay here, then?” mully offered.
“i dunno, just stay here for christmas, or just move your flight and fly in christmas eve instead of this weekend with me. you can have yer alone time and do a bunch of romantic shit.”
niall began to think about it, his earlier dread melting away. “that could work but i think yer forgetting that i can barely speak around her, mate! what would i even do?”
“i don’t fucking know! just give her a nice christmas, pull out all the stops! lord knows you can afford it.” mully remarked.
“yeah, yeah… you’re right! this is good, this is gonna be good.” niall said, jumping off the couch.
“where ya going?” mully called.
“i have to start planning!”
it was december 20th and break had started four days ago. it wasn’t so bad at first. the first day of coming home to an empty apartment was relaxing. it was nice being able to take a long shower and cook leaving the kitchen as messy as you wanted. the second day was the same as well, playing your music as loud as you wanted and putting on your favorite cartoon for hours then pigging out some more. it was the third day when it started to get old. your younger brother had been calling you every hour with whatever new development happened at home and you appreciated the updates but the dial tone filled you with loneliness and each call was just a signifier that christmas was almost here and your family was all the way over there.
the day was easy to be distracted by, walking around the city and seeing all the light displays, stopping at the fancy bakery more often than not because you needed it. but the night came and the snow whistled loudly but it was drowned out by the echoes of niall’s soft and pleading voice that played in repeat on your head and his crestfallen and all too soft face was projected behind your eyelids. sometimes you’d dream against your will of being in his parent's big house, wrapped up in a blanket that he slept under for years, his accent even thicker due to being around his family. the two of you laughing together lying in the snow that probably wasn’t dirty and mushy like it was outside your window. but then you woke yourself up and forced yourself to remember that once the semester ended, which was on the horizon, the two of you would go your separate ways and you’d be nothing more than the girl who helped him pass a required english class that he’d never think of again.
pulling your sweater out of the dryer you quickly put it on, letting the warmth overtake you. walking laps around your small living room as if something new would appear the next time you went around. “oh god, this boredom really is going to kill you.” you muttered.
the sharp raps at the door had you shooting up staring at the wood. “i’m going crazy.” you whispered and then the knocks were heard again. you looked through the peephole to see your favorite brown haired football player leaning against the doorframe. dressed in dark grey trousers and a white turtleneck, you took a second to take him in. “‘ello? ya in there darling?” he asked, looking through the peep hole on the other side. this brought you back to earth and you jumped back. niall? niall was at your door. five days before christmas when he should be in another country, you yanked the door open, eyes trailing down his figure as if to check if he was real.
“‘ello darling!” he smirked.
“niall, what are you doing here?”
he just gazed at you, his stare unwavering as a look of adoration took over his face. now it was time for him to check you out. top half covered by an oversized sweater, falling just above the hem of tiny sleep shorts that he quickly looked away from for his own good.
“go pack a bag.”
your heart faltered, “what, why? ni- i told you i can’t go with-”
“not that. just, go get some change of clothes, or not. i quite like what you’re in now.” he drawled, accent dancing against your skin. but you couldn’t let yourself get distracted.
“how come?” you asked softly, “why are you still in london?”
his palm came down and rested against your cheek, his large hand pretty much covering the entire half of your face, his thumb resting at your jaw and his pinky just under your eye.
“i’m still in london because you’re still in london, my pretty darling. and i spent a shit ton of money turning my apartment into a christmas magazine spread and i don’t wanna sit there all by myself. thought you might like it… i know i would if you were there.” he said, hoping you couldn’t feel the tremor running through his fingers as he poured his heart out.
“i would like that, too.” you whispered and his smile split his face.
“okay, okay good” he said, as if he thought you;d say no. “alright well then, again, i’m a big fan of the shorts” you scoffed and tried to pull them down as much as you could, “but the other people in my building might not, if you want to get changed real quick.”
you nodded excitedly, “yeah okay!” you dashed back into your room, taking a moment to take a breath, then break out into a happy dance, practically bouncing around your room quickly packing your bag with a change of clothes, a charger, your toothbrush, and comb, and then the small, wrapped present you had tucked in the back of your drawer, niall’s name written on the label. you bought it a few months ago, just thinking of him, and now seemed like you could actually give it to him.
“alright, i’m ready.” you said, locking the door behind you. with your back turned, niall draped your bag over his shoulder and led you to his car. the snow had lightened, as if the weather knew you’d be speeding down the streets of london in niall’s ridiculously expensive car with the top down, cool wind whipping your hair back.
niall could’ve spent the entire weekend just driving around with you, the wind carried your giggles and light remarks at sights you’d never seen to his ears and in the middle of december, he never felt warmer. you pulled into his apartment complex parking garage. you walked off the elevator with wobbly legs, it was hard to believe this was real, that niall just came and saved you from your winter nightmare.
“home sweet home” niall muttered, turning the knob and revealing his decorated living room. the expansive room was decorated lavishly, complete with a shimmering tree in the corner of the room, dozens of blankets draped over the large, cushy couch. the kitchen was a different story, batter in places you could not figure out how or why it got there and it seemed like he ran out the door without closing both the fridge or the oven.
“don’t look over there!” he squeaked, covering your eyes with his hands, “focus on the nice set up niall spent hours putting together.”
you walked to the center of the room, taking it all in. hours earlier when he was setting it up, he couldn’t help but feel stupid, thinking that you would decline his advancements, or that he’d make the room look ugly, or that he’d royally screw up the cookies. but seeing you in his space, the gold light dancing across your face making you look even more cozy and inviting than ever, it was all worth it.
“this really is incredible, ni. w-was this all for me?” you asked meekly. you couldn’t fathom that he would ditch his family, and spend his money and time for you, but the way he was staring at you said differently.
“of course it was, i told you,” he said, lightly grasping both your hands and sitting you both on the couch. “i didn’t want you to spend the holidays alone, and i wanted to spend them with you even more. when we were talking in the library, you said i invited you because i felt bad for you, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. i invited you because i wanted to spend time with you, i want to spend all my time with you, if i’m being honest. i tried to get the entire break, but as romantic as me ma thought this was, she said i couldn’t miss actual christmas. so this little world is ours for the next few days, if ya want.” his voice was so soft and so sweet and he was saying things you hadn’t even dreamt of.
you always imagined your feelings for niall would be a distant memory you’d look back on fondly, or that if you did, it would be full of awkwardly polite rejections that would ring in your head on bad days. but here in niall’s living room, the snow building up outside, and his entire being overtaking you a hundred times over, you knew nothing could go wrong here.
“niall this is the sweetest thing anyone’s ever done for me. y-you didn’t have to do this.” you began but he cut you off with a tsk.
“oh pretty darling, you just don’t get it do ya? you are the sweetest thing that’s ever happened to me. so nice and patient with me, making me laugh and putting up with all my shit. i want you here all the time and i want you as more than a friend.”
“i want you as more than a friend too.” you whispered and his eyes lit up like the lights strung above you both. “i think about you all the time. it makes my brain all fuzzy and my heart speed up, but i like it. and you showing up at my door today was the best- hmph!”
all you knew then was the feeling of niall’s lips on yours, one hand cradling your neck and the other resting laightly against your back. you placed both your hands on his chest and kissed him back, having no choice but to succumb to the feelings. as his tongue slid across your bottom lip, he pushed you back, falling onto the couch and his forearms held him up above you as he pulled away.
his smile was massive and you were sure yours matched.
“you make me crazy, baby.” he spoke, voice low and raspy, eliciting a gasp from you.
“i never want these days to end, i don’t wan t you to go.” you whispered.
niall looked between both your eyes, then back down at your lips, only for him to boop your nose, causing you to flinch. “yer so cute” he whispered under his breath, he knew how you felt, you’ve only been together for the past hour, but he was already addicted to the feel of you all around him.  but it’ll be okay, with you it always is.
“i don’t want it to end either, but we’re together now. and when we’re not, i’ll just visit you in my dreams.”
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shelbystales · 2 years
Let it burn - one shot
Tommy Shelby x Reader - Masterlist
Summary: You get sick of waiting for him to change. you need him to listen to you. maybe trying to set fire to his opium will do?
Warning: Swearing, angst
A/N: Hi guys, sorry for the absence. I'm really struggling with vet college so I had to take some time to deal with this. And on top of that, the story I was most involved in (the gypsy wit) kind of stopped drawing attention and I was a little disheartened. But writing here is kind of therapy for me and this story here came to my mind because I find it hard to believe that tommy decided to stop drinking after Polly died… I can imagine a few dark months before he came to that conclusion. maybe this will turn into a series… I don't know.
English is my second language so I apologize in advance for the grammar mistakes.
put it down!" he said with one of his hands pointing at you. Signs of his stress making you smirk.
"What? This?" you asked sarcastically swinging the lit lighter in your hand
"I'm not kidding y/n," he said again, his voice deepening.
"Do you think I fucking am?" you asked angrily
You could see his brain working nonstop to try and figure out a way out of this situation. At least he looked sober now. He blinked multiple times and breathed deeply, lowering his head.
You might feel sorry for him, but you were so tired of putting up with his shit the last year. It's not that you didn't feel anything for him, on the contrary. You love him too much and that just makes everything he's done much worse. Since Polly died he did horrible things that made you sick. He had been drinking like never before, drunk most part of the day and opium was back on his bedside table.
Also, he neglected you, as if he were sick and tired of you. When he fucked you, it felt like it was just you in the room. He looked like an empty shell. He's been more irritable, impatient and rude… and you accepted everything, you allowed him to do all this because you fucking love him.
But here you are now, with a lighter in your hand in the basement of your house, more specifically, in the safe, surrounded by his dirty money you filled with alcohol minutes before.
There was no turning back now.
"So what's your plan here, hm? Burn all the money we have? Is that your genius plan, ey?" he asked mockingly "Do you think that's all the money I fucking have? Do you think I'm dumb enough to keep it all in one place? in one day this vault will be full again. And all this shit show you are making will be for fucking nothing. How will that help you, love?"
"You're smarter than that, Tommy. We've been married for years, do you really think I don't know about all this?" you smiled "oh darling, we both know it's not just money you keep here. How many days until you get your dear supply of opium full again? Oh, and I know you don't have it stored anywhere else... too afraid Arthur will use it all" You said, now mocking him.
He sniffled and lowered his hands to scratch the bridge of his nose, his stress sign.
"Y/n please stop this nonsense, you will get hurt," he said looking at you and taking a step closer.
"As if you fucking cared!" you screamed
"You don't think I fucking do?!" he asked angrily
"no" you replied bluntly "I don't"
He frowned, looking hurt " You really think that?"
"How could I think anything else, Tommy?" You asked angrily "You came back from your "business" in America a month ago, can you tell me how many times you slept at home? How many times did you sit down and have dinner with me? how many times have you kissed me? You don't even look at me anymore, Thomas. You don't care if I'm safe, whether I am home or not, whether I have another man!" he shifted the weight on his legs "although you certainly have another woman" you forced a fake smile "what else can I assume from all this? hm? that you love me?"
silence, that was his answer. He just stared back at you for what seemed like an eternity.
"What will that fucking help with, ey?" he finally said as he pointed at the lighter in your hand
You scoffed "really? That's all you have?" you asked hurt and he didn't answer "well, weirdly the idea of you suffering makes me happy" you smiled "we both know how the opium is your refugee these days... Do you remember when that was my job? to hold you..." you said trying to hold the tears as the shaky words came out of your mouth.
"Trust me, I do," he said. You took a deep breath trying to regain your composure. "Put this away, y/n. Let's talk properly, hm?"
You shook your head, feeling the anger in your veins again.
you've been begging to have a proper conversation for months, look at the length you had to go to make him listen to you. You can't just give in to him when he uses the pretty word.
"I've been trying this for a long time, Thomas. I'm fucking done" you said moving your hands "I've been miserable for a long time. And now because you say "please" I should smile and please you?"
"Y/n this is taking too long and getting too risky, just stop it. Be reasonable, money and drugs aren't the only things that will burn if you drop that" he said
"You don't fucking understand, do you!?" you screamed, getting agitated "I don't care Thomas! I fucking love you, you moron! I gave you my life, everything I had! To try and make you happy, to try to be the relief you needed in your miserable life. I don't know what happened on the way but you changed! I used to be the most precious thing in your life and now I'm just as valuable as john and he's dead... which is funny because that's how I feel. Dead. too miserable to even be happy for our child's accomplishments," you shook your head "If I had married a fucking dog I would be so happier."
Before you knew it, Thomas was a foot away from you, gripping your wrist tightly and taking the lighter from you. You tried to fight him but he was much stronger.
"Fuck you!" you yelled with all your power, grabbing your wrist as his sharp and brusque movement hurt you. Tears now running down your cheeks.
He walked a few steps away, he turned to you with his hand on his mouth. he was now angry, irritated, and pissed, that you could tell. But why? you didn't actually do anything.
He got the cigarette from his pockets and slid it onto his lips before lighting it.
"I don't even know who you are anymore," you said and walked towards the door.
He positioned himself in front of you blocking your path as he lit his cigarette with your lighter.
"get out of the way" you ordered angrily and he shook his head inhaling his cigarette.
"let's calm down and talk," he said making you roll your eyes
"I've said everything I have to say, Thomas. I'm done and as far as I know, so are we" your own words hurt you as soon as they left your lips.
You didn't want to admit it, but you already knew that you and Tommy couldn't function anymore, at least not if things continued as they are. Coming to terms with this was not easy.
"so let me pass and leave me alone," you said, defeated
"I thought that was the problem," he said jokingly and you rolled your eyes at him. he inhaled his cigarette smoke a few times before speaking "you can go if you want to... seek your happiness elsewhere. I won't stop you... get in your way" he cleared his throat "but I want to make it clear that I don't want you to go"
"I don't care what you want" you replied in a whisper as you looked at your wrist. you looked at him and added, "that's what put me in this position".
He nodded "are you going to leave or are you going to listen to me?"
"I'm listening, aren't I?!" you replied annoyed and he smiled.
"Always," he said while smiling "let your guard down for a minute will ya?" you nodded reluctantly "good" he approached you and left a soft kiss on your lips "I see what I did but you need to understand that I had my reasons" he took a deep breath "I can't let other people close to me pay for my mistakes again, y/n."
"and you decided it's best to have no one around you?" you asked ironically and he shrugged his shoulders
"in a way it's a solution" he replied
"dumb. a dumb solution," you said and he smiled
he caressed your cheek cleaning your tears "Polly's death hit me and I still can't understand it... I still love you and miss you. but this..." he pointed at you and then at him "sounds like a bad idea"
"Bad idea was your dumb solution," you said
"you think?" he asked taking a drag on his cigarette which was almost at the end at this point
"What did you want to avoid with that, tom?" you asked "you wanted to prevent other people from hurting me right?" he nodded "and what are you doing?"
his eyes took in your face as if your words had had the effect you wanted. he looked at the floor and took a deep breath.
"maybe you have a point," he said looking back at you and you nodded "ok" he took a deep breath "I see your point. now tell me you'll give me a chance to try and do better or I'm really going to need what is inside this place"
you took a deep breath. this was probably the first real conversation you've had since Polly's death. you understand his pain and the stupid logic behind his actions. You've given him second chences for stupid mistakes before, and so did he. You love him and so does he. Is it fair do just give up?
"Well, what's one more chance given our track record?" you asked and he smiled
"Good..." he said and tossed the cigarette butt still lit on top of the pile of money.
"Tom..." you said, as he guided you by the waist out of the room.
"let it burn. I won't need it" he said and the two of you left the basement.
As you climbed up the basement stairs, he said making you stop "oh, you should know that I never stopped worrying, y/n. I have men who report to me all about your day. That's how I know you don't have another man. God bless his soul if you did". he said making you laugh. there's the jealous Tommy you love. "and not wanting to say you're wrong, but already saying and with great pleasure as I do: I haven't had sex with any other woman"
"I find this hard to believe," you said
"then don't believe it" he shrugged with a smug look
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desomniis · 10 months
Crimson, Gold and Azure Blue | Chapter 7 Excerpt
WIP | 7/? | 39,572 words | RWRB-inspired Charlos fic | Enemies to Lover | Fluff | Royalty AU | Slow Burn
"Hey," Carlos greeted, reappearing at their table. His hair was a little bit of a mess, shoulders visibly tensed.
Charles, attempting to keep his voice steady and light, joked, "Took you long enough. Were you doodling the borders of the modern Spanish Empire on some toilet paper in there? Strategising the reconquest of the former colonies.”
At first, Carlos looked confused, but as he caught on to what Charles was saying, his laughter rang out. "If your washroom came equipped with a decent marker, and if the toilet paper wasn’t practically see-through, I might've been tempted.”
Feigning offence, Charles retorted, “I'll have you know, those were top-quality 3-ply.”
Carlos smirked, "We use 4-ply at the pavilion."
“Always one-upping me,” Charles commented. “Here, have some eclairs.”
“Didn’t know we’re having eclairs for dessert.”
“Yeah, it was exclusively just for me. But I figured sharing is caring, so.”
“Wow. Your concern for me is finally… blooming.”
“Take one piece before I change my mind.”
“Thank you,” Carlos said, his eyes glistening like he just cured his hunger for something.
Carlos bit into the eclair, his eyes closing in delight as if he'd just tasted a piece of heaven. Then his face shifted, euphoria morphing into deep contemplation, staring at the pastry like it held the secrets of the universe. Charles blinked. He was sure he didn’t get the ones from his actual secret stash full of infused—
“You alright, mate?” Charles asked, before he could finish the thought.
Carlos hesitated, looking up. “Charles, can we— can we talk? somewhere private preferably.”
Panic flitted across Charles' mind. Did he find out? How? Is my guilty face that obvious? I'm seriously rubbish at lying.
“I, uh, sure…” Charles stammered, racking his brain."There's a quiet sitting room inside. Shall we?"
Charles led the way to the sitting room, the thick carpet beneath their feet muffling their footsteps. The room was dimly lit, with heavy drapes drawn and only a few lamps providing a soft, warm glow.
“I swear I didn’t hear anything,” Charles burst out “I mean, I did overhear, but I can totally act like I didn’t. I'm like a vault of royal secrets, trust me. Well, almost. Except for that one time with Arthur when…” Charles' words tumbled out in a rush.
“Wait,” Carlos interrupted, “were you in the garden just now?”
Charles shifted uneasily. “I, um… Let's just hypothetically say if I were there, it'd be by pure accident?”
“How much did you hear?”
“Nothing! Nada! I heard nothing…”
Carlos raised a doubtful eyebrow.
“Alright, snippets,” Charles admitted. “But I had no idea who you guys were talking about.”
Carlos leaned on one of the tables, as if for balance. “It was— it was about you, Charles,” Carlos admitted.
Charles raised his eyebrows. “Me? Wow… he really doesn’t like me, does he?”
Carlos bit his lip, not meeting Charles' gaze.
“But why? We don’t talk. I know next to nothing about him, apart from the fact that he’s the spare to the English throne and he talks about climate change and stuff but! I bet he knows nothing about me as well.”
Carlos hesitated, a light flush appearing on his cheeks. "He, uh, knows a fair bit about you, actually. You came up in conversation, maybe once or twice.”
“Once or twice?”
“Perhaps more than a few.”
Charles's eyebrows knitted in confusion. “You talk about me to him? What on earth for?”
Carlos shifted uncomfortably, looking like he'd rather be somewhere else. "You see… you’re interesting, Charles. I… I'm drawn to you. More than I've ever been to anyone.”
Charles squinted. He swore he was sober and Carlos was speaking English, not some alien language. "I still don't get it,” Charles said.
Carlos sighed and closed his eyes. “Dios, You really can be oblivious, can’t you?”
Before Charles could comprehend the comment, Carlos closed the distance between them, grabbed his face and kissed him.
Carlos was kissing him.
His lips crashed onto his own like a wave meeting the shore, sweeping him off his feet. Charles had to clutch onto the hem of Carlos' shirt to ground himself.
He wanted to pull away, to make sense of what was happening, but every touch, every sensation pulled him in further, beckoning him to be lost in the intoxicating mix of Carlos' cologne and champagne. He was lost in the warmth of Carlos’ hand as it slid up his nape, fingers tangling in his hair, the other gently pressed against the small of his back, pulling him closer. He was lost in the gentle graze of Carlos’ stubble against his skin, sending shivers down his spine, and the soft strands of his hair tickling Charles' cheek.
He tried to fight it, he really did, but he was completely and utterly lost in the kiss. No one had ever kissed him like that. So he allowed himself to be lost, to surrender and open himself up to Carlos. It was probably one of the best decisions he had ever made.
Eventually, the fervour kiss waned, leaving only the warmth of Carlos' breath ghosting over Charles' lips. Golden eyes met azure blue, and for a moment, everything else faded away.
"Hope that clears things up,” Carlos whispered.
It did.
And that, was precisely the problem.
Read the whole chapter here. Ask me questions!
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millerflintstone · 2 years
I don't know exactly why I've not been active on tumblr. Part of it is that I've been in my head a lot without really wanting / needing to write out what's in my head onto any type of medium and feeling kinda withdrawn in general. Part of it is that I know I will do other things to avoid doing the thing I need to do.
I also have been reading via audiobook a lot. I picked up Stephen King's Fairy Tale via Audible credit and decided to go through his books starting from the beginning. I'm not sure I'll touch Cujo though. That's one of his books I've actively avoided because when I got into him in middle school, I was very scared of dogs and didn't want that to get worse. I can't remember the title of another one of his I started but put down because I could tell there was a rape scene coming up at the beginning of the book and nope, no thank you.
But going through his books reminds me of my sister. Especially the early stuff because it was her copies of his books that I would borrow. I remember when IT came out she got it right away and it was sheer torture waiting for her to finish it so that I could read it.
And it also reminds me about how when I was younger I also wanted to write but never really worked on that other than getting an English lit degree. Is there a part of me that wants that still? Unemployed Marilyn is unsure.
I don't know. But those are the things rattling around in my brain I need to explore in some fashion.
Other things!
I am sick. Unfriendly's boss has been sick for a couple of weeks and hiding in his office mainly. Unfriendly started feeling down on Friday and I started feeling it on Saturday. It could have been his boss or GrammyC. She was feeling ill but I didn't find out about it until after the fact. We had hung out earlier in the week a couple of times last week.
Our rapid tests have expired and the one I tried only gave me the faintest control line, so I dragged my ass to an urgent care today and got tested. Rapid test is negative. Flu test is also negative. I'll find out about the PCR test in a couple of days. But it feels like a normal cold for me. I know it could still be a variant though.
And folks - re-reading The Stand while feeling like you're coming down with something in these Covid times was maybe not the best idea. That's such a bleak book overall. And it's really interesting re-reading it in 2022 vs 1987 (which I think is when I first read the 1978 version) vs 1990 (when the uncut version came out and was another book I had to wait for my sister to finish)
Gigabyte is good. I've incorporated some treadmill sessions with her. I'll have to share video of that. She's currently passed out on a heating pad.
So hello. Gonna check my @ s and reply and drink some Thera-Flu and maybe pass out while watching the new season of The Crown.
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