#my girl has been through a lot someone give her a hug
baxteravenue · 2 years
Try A Little Harder
Summary: Jack is used to not hearing no, whether it’s for music or girls... especially girls. You however don’t care that he’s Jack Harlow and is telling you hi and that you’re pretty. He’s going to have to try a little harder.
A/N: This came to me after jack said in an interview that he likes when girls are a bit more harder to obtain and he finds it a turn on when they diss him lmao. He’s such a Pisces. 
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“And who’s party is this again? Which rapper are you f*cking today?” You playfully joked as you walked into the dark club, “You know I didn’t come to LA to party.”
Your friend laughed, “What exactly did you come to LA for then?” 
It was true, you weren't a fan of Los Angeles. It had to be your least favorite place in the world but every once in a while you were forced on a plane to the forsaken place. It helped that your best friend lived there and that it was warm but overall Los Angeles just wasn't the place for you.
Your friend gave you a look which made you smile before responding, “And you of course.”
“Aw Y/N, you’re too sweet. My best friend in the entire world.” 
You shook your head, “Uh-uh. You’ve gotten me to stay way longer than I intended to. I want to go home. Plus I’m here, which you know me, you know that I really love you if I’m here.”
Here happens to be a party, full of people who know people and so on. You know people of notoriety are here because Zack Bia propped up on a small stage DJing and laughing with a crowd beside him. You’re sure that the Insta girl you dislike is somewhere around here which makes you automatically want to go home.
“I can’t do Instagram girls.” You say with a sourness to your tone. 
Mila your friend nods, “I was hoping she wouldn’t be here but since Drake’s here of course she is.”
You and Mila are not mean girls by any means but when people do you wrong or talk crap about you, it’s easy to be mean back. Especially to girls who show no type of respect.
“Are you actually in LA or do my eyes deceive me?” Drake cheeses as he spots you, instantly engulfing you in a hug, “Mila you got the princess here?”
Mila laughs, “She’s here for work supposedly.” 
Drake had always been nice and a really good friend. A lot of people who even experience one-fifth of his fame let it get to their head but not Drake, through everything he’s stayed pretty humble for his level of fame and a great friend. 
You nod, “I am… I’m leaving tomorrow.”
“Tell her to stay, Aubrey! Tell her! I’m so lonely here.” Mila whines, which makes you laugh. 
Drake just laughs, before waving someone over to us. 
You turn spotting a tall white man talking to the group of girls you despise entirely. You can feel your bitch face appearing as he walks up right next to you, someone who willingly hangs out and chooses to talk to those girls doesn’t seem like someone you’d want to talk to.
“It was nice seeing you Aubrey, come visit in New York.” You give him a quick hug before trying to walk away.
“Wait Y/N, this is Jack… You know Jack right? Jack Harlow. We just dropped a song together, I spent last weekend with him in Kentucky. Jack, this is Y/N.” Drake has a mischievous smile on his face as he introduces the two of you.
You give Jack a look, the smirk he has on his face already annoying you. “Nice to meet you Y/N.”
“Right,” You mumble, before turning back to Drake. “I mean it. Come and visit me.”
Jack and Drake watch as you walk away, Mila right behind you. “Damn. What did you do to her to completely diss you like that?”
Jack licks his lips a bit, shrugging. “I don’t know but… that kinda turned me on. It’s been a while since anyones acted like that with me.” 
Drake gave Jack a look before laughing, “Oh man Y/N isn’t one of those girls that plays hard to get. WHen she doesn't like someone she doesn't like someone.”
Jack’s smile instantly fell, “Man what the hell did I do?”
You turn to Mila, grabbing a drink from the bar. “Jack Harlow? The rapper? Was I supposed to be amazed?” 
Jack Harlow, you knew of Jack Harlow and unlike everyone else he didn’t really intrigue you… at all. You heard his name more than anyones though in the last week with the release of his album. 
“Oh shit, he’s coming over here.” Mila looked over your shoulder. 
You turned around confused, coming face to face with his chest, before looking up at his face. 
“Hi.” He smiled. 
You looked back at him and then at Mila who was smiling at the situation, then back to him. “Can I help you?”
“You’re hurting my feelings Y/N.” Jack spoke, his accent peaking through. 
You laughed, tilting your head. “Do I know you?”
He shrugged, “Maybe. I mean I’ve only been trending on everything since my album came out.”
“Not too much on the cockiness Jack, it’s not as attractive as you think.” You hummed, looking over his shoulder at the Insta girls eyeing you both down, “Shouldn’t you be back over there?”
Jack doesn’t care to even turn around, “I like it over here though.”
“I don’t like you over here though, you’re taking up all my air.”
“You can have it all, I’ll hold my breath.”
You let out a laugh, not being able to hold back the smile any longer. “You don't quit do you?”
Jack shakes his head, “Not for anything. I want to know why you don’t like me?”
“Like I said, I don't know you.” 
Jack leans in closer, bending down to your ear. “Then get to know me.”
You smirk, taking a step back. “I’m sure that’s worked on multiple women but you’re gonna have to do a little more than that. Goodnight Jack.”
Jack couldn’t stop thinking about you. As soon as you walked into the party, a mean mug on your face but a smile appearing as soon as your friend began talking to you he just knew he had to have you; had to talk to you; had to know you.
It felt like fate to him when you walked up to Drake, it gave him a way in to talk to you. A quick text sent to Drake while he was talking to you to get him to introduce the two of you. It was all supposed to be easy until the two of you locked eyes for the first time and you looked anything but pleased and then you just dismissed him like nothing. 
You’re gonna have to do a little more than that…
Jack could play that game, and he could play it well. 
You were so happy to be home, to be back in your bed and back on east coast time. You had a surprising amount of fun and you loved being with Mila but there was just no place like home. 
“Uhm Y/N, were you expecting flowers?” Your roommate knocked on you door, walking in with a huge bouquet of tulips.
Your eyes widened and a smile appeared on your face as you took the bouquet of flowers into your hands, “No but these are my favorite so even if they aren't mine I’m not giving them back.”
“No they’re yours, says your name and everything on this note.”
“Note?” You question, picking up the card and reading, “Y/N you said I had to try harder… I’m not a dumbass, I know your favorite flowers aren't gonna cut it but it's a start. I’m in New York for some business and I would really love to take you to dinner tonight… I’m sending a car later on at 8 if you feel like coming or not. I hope you do… Love, Jack. AKA dude from the party in case you didn’t remember.”
“Who’s Jack? Did you meet someone in LA? Y/N you have to tell me, you hardly ever date!” Your friend feels giddy with excitement for you.
“Jack, like uhm… Jack Harlow.” You bury your face in your hands as Noelle gets even more excited. 
“Of fucking course you go to Los Angeles for a couple days and come home with one of-- if not thee hottest rapper out right now begging you for a date!” 
“Noelle, calm down. He’s cocky… like really cocky and I’m sure he’s only doing this because he hasn’t heard no in forever.” You shake your head, “I’m not going.”
Silence takes over the two of you.
“Okay but he’s so cute Y/N, and he’s smitten I can tell just by that card!”
You furrow your brows. But is he really? Is Jack Harlow really so smitten with you that he found you somehow in New York and wants to take you out? He even went out of his way by finding out your favorite flowers. He sure is biting a bullet by sending a car for you and him waiting for you wherever alone.
“F*ck it.” You shrug, laughing at Noelle’s dramatic reaction to you agreeing to a date with Jack. 
Within a few hours you find yourself standing in front of the full length mirror in your room, observing the outfit you chose, the makeup you had on and the way your hair was styled. You purposely chose not to go all out.
“Miss Y/L/N.” The driver in front of your building asked, opening the door to the blacked out cadillac.
“Thank you,” You smiled as you slipped into the backseat of the car watching as the driver closed the door and got into the driver’s seat before taking off. You leaned forward, “You don’t happen to know what Mr. Harlow has in planned do you?”
The driver chuckled, “Not a clue ma’am he wouldn’t let me know because he knew you’d ask and he thinks that because I am a softie I would tell you.”
You laugh along, “Well would you have?”
“Oh of course Miss Y/L/N.” He nods, “But I assure you Mr. Harlow is a nice guy and he doesn’t do this at all really so he must like you a lot.”
The rest of the car ride is quiet besides the soft sound of music coming from the radio, you watch out the window as the car crosses into Brooklyn and then into what looks like an abandoned lot. 
The car stops, you feel confused as you get out of the car and see Jack standing there with a smile on his face. 
“Thanks for dropping her off Lenny, I’ll text when we’re ready.” Jack says bidding the driver off, before turning back to you. “Hi.”
You smile, looking around. “Are you going to murder me?”
“No Y/N. I’m not gonna murder you.” Jack laughs, shaking his head. “I’m glad you decided to come.”
You shrug, “Well you know I didn’t want you waiting out here all night, that’s just mean.”
Jack holds his hand out, “You ready?”
You walk ahead, choosing to be a little more hard to get. “Where are we?” You look around watching Jack just shake his head with a smirk.
“Follow me.” 
You do so, following someone you don’t know at all into a dark building not even being able to see your own feet. “Jack, it’s really dark.”
You feel his hand interlock with yours and this time you don’t hesitate to squeeze back, instantly getting closer to him. “I got you, I got you. The switch is right around---”
Suddenly all the lights in the building are and your eyes widen at the scenery. “Holy sh*t.”
It’s an old movie theater, really old and beautiful. You look up at Jack finally noticing how close the two of you are which causes you to step back quickly. “This place is gorgeous.”
Jack nods, “It was built in the 1920’s but didn’t open until mid 1930’s and it stood open until maybe late 50’s and then it was shut down until the beginning of June 1985 when it held the New York Premiere for The Goonies.” 
You look back at Jack surprised, “How do you---”
“You tell a lot of people that your favorite movie is The Goonies.” Jack smiles.
“How the heck did you even find all of this out? How were you even able to rent this place out?” There's just no way Jack did this for you, there was no way.
“Finding out your favorite movie was easy, finding this place was a little harder and getting them to give up the place for a night was even harder. Getting them to show the original film they got from the premiere now that was almost impossible.”
“Jack you didn’t.”
“You told me to try a little harder and I’m tryin’ Y/N, I do really like you.” Jack rubs at the back of his beck.
“You like how I look, but you don’t know me enough to like me.” You mumble, “You all think you like me but you don’t. You like my instagram, you like my photos, the way I look at parties but you don’t like me.”
Jack shakes his head walking up closer to you, “I like that you say your favorite color is periwinkle because in middle school you didn’t want to be basic and say your favorite color is purple. I like that your favorite book is Anne of Green Gables because your elementary school librarian recommended it to you and it made you fall in love with reading. I like that your favorite movie is The Goonies because you always wanted to go on an adventure and find lost treasure, and that your senior quote was Goonies never say die. I like that if you scroll down all the way to the bottom of your instagram, ten posts in a row are of you singing horribly loud at a Taylor Swift concert. I like that even though you probably didn’t really want to come, one of your reasons to come was the thought of me standing alone waiting for you.”
“How did you get all of this within 46 hours?” You smile so hard, your cheeks begin to hurt.
“Mila.” Jack blushes. 
You bite at your lip, “You named your album Come Home The Kids Miss You because your fans commented that on all your pictures. The earliest memory you have of rap is your mom buying late registration by Kanye and playing it in the car for you. Even though people call you an industry plant, if you really dive deep you can see that it’s not true and you’ve completed every step to get where you are. You and your mom look identical it’s endearing and you need to start wearing your glasses again because the lazy eye is lazying.” 
“Stalker.” Jack smirks.
“Same to you.” You smirk back.
“You wanna watch The Goonies now because we got like two hours top before they kick us out of this place.” Jack points back to the seating area and the snack bar.
You walk up ahead, grabbing a thing of popcorn. “You couldn’t pay for three hours?”
“If you give me a second date I will.” Jack cheeses.
You roll your eyes playfully sitting down on one of the red seats, “Tell them to play the movie Jackman.”
Jack turns back to the small room the projection is coming out of, “Hey you guuuuuuys!”
“Horrible impersonation.”
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Emma to Diary
Dear Diary — that’s how you’re supposed to start off, right? I feel kind of silly writing this, since I never thought I’d keep a diary, but what can I say. I guess Tatiana Lightwood inspired me. I feel like I should give the diary a name though, something friendly, so I can write “Dear Clara” or “Dear Bruce” instead of Dear Diary. Bruce is growing on me, actually.
So I thought I could use this to organize my thoughts. I’ve been jotting things down in little notebooks the whole time Jules and I have been traveling. (Did you know that there are a lot of fey creatures who have been incorrectly classified as demonic by the Clave? Like Curupiras? Most of the old bestiaries direly need correcting.)
It’s actually quite odd to be standing still after rushing around the globe for nearly a year. Julian has really thrown himself into this whole restoration project. I think it appeals to his sense of care and deliberation. He loves working with his hands (and I like watching him work with his hands) and figuring out projects. In addition to everything else, he’s painting a mural in the ballroom. He won’t let me in to see it. He says it’s a surprise so I have to live in suspense, I guess!
I really hope that when this place is all fixed up it does something to de-creepify the place. I joked about it to Dru when I wrote to her but I still get that sense that things are lurking in every shadow. Even when I turn my witchlight up to its brightest, it just highlights the weird cracks in the walls and the strange stains on the plaster. I can’t explain it but I feel like a long time ago, something awful happened here. It’s in the chills up and down my spine, and in the strange way the glass in the windows fogs up for no reason, or the odd cold spot halfway up the stairs. I keep wanting to reach for Cortana, but this isn’t the kind of thing you can fight. It’s just a feeling.
And sometimes it isn’t there — I spent a perfectly normal afternoon today digging through boxes in what used to be the kitchen. We pulled a lot of them up from the cellar (which is so spidery I will plan to refer to it from now on as Spidertown. I haven’t seen this many spiders since Thule. *shudder*)
Some of the boxes have perfectly normal stuff in them. There’s some beautiful silverware and china that belonged to someone named Barbara Pangborn (must have married a Lightwood or Blackthorn.) Fancy linens and tablecloths with the Blackthorn symbol of thorns woven around the edges as a border. A big box of broken toys and china dolls marked “Grace Blackthorn.” There was a runed dagger shoved down among the broken doll heads so my guess is she was a little girl just starting training. Aw! (Though the doll heads are creepy.)
Julian came in when I was partway through unpacking, and decided to help by cleaning out the fireplace grate. He got completely covered in soot and was coughing, so I dragged him into the modern wing, pulled off his shirt, and started mopping him off. And well, he was shirtless and dirty and looking at me with those gorgeous blue-green eyes and what can I say?
I jumped him. We backed into the bedroom kissing like crazy and toppled onto the bed and got soot all over the sheets and it was worth it. (And that’s all the details you get, Bruce. Stop asking.)
I can’t believe I ever thought Jules and I were just friends. It’s almost like I loved him so much I couldn’t see all of it, how big it was. I was standing inside it, looking for that kind of love without realizing I was surrounded by it. Does that make sense, Bruce? I’m not a writer so I’m probably terrible at expressing this kind of thing! I know I often feel like I should tell Julian I love him more, but he never says anything about it, and so I try to tell him in other ways than words. The way I curl up against him when we sleep, the way I come up behind him and hug him when he’s concentrating on something (not when he’s painting, though, or there’d be splotches on all the canvases!) The way — wait a second. Is that someone knocking on the door?
[One hour later]
Bruce! You’re not going to believe it but Cristina is here! And Mark and Kieran are with her! I don’t even know how Kieran managed to get away from Faerieland — something about him making a vow to the land that he’d be here for less than three sunsets — but I’m so happy to see them! Cristina and I danced around like maniacs and hugged each other, and somehow Mark and Kieran managed to convince Julian we should go out tonight and see London. We’re all going to wear clothes from the Super Groovy Sixties closet and hit as many pubs as we can. I can’t wait, Jules and I need a break. London, here we come! Prepare yourself for Partying Shadowhunters!*
*And a faerie King.
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eufezco · 2 years
#SUMMARY — your lovely night with fezco gets interrupted by a friend of yours.
#WARNING — english isn't my first language.
#GENRE — fluff, angst (?), mention of sex 1 time
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You loved this, it was like your safe place and you waited all week for this moment. It was like a routine; every Friday night, you'd stay at Fezco's, you'd have the funniest time watching a movie with him and Ash, sharing a couch with your boyfriend and enjoying his hands in your hair, and then, you'd go to his room, have the greatest sex ever and finally fall asleep between his arms. But tonight was different.
You were lying on the couch, head on Fezco's legs while his fingers played with your hair when someone started knocking on the door like crazy. As a reflex, you sat down and looked at Ash and then to Fezco, who was ready to open the door. "We good ma'." He wasn't expecting anything bussiness related, not on a Friday night when he keep it for youespecially for you. Fezco glanced at Ashtray who was just as confused as his brother. You moved to the other couch feeling scared and seeking refuge next to Ashtray. Your boyfriend checked through the window who was outside before unlocking the door.
"What's up kid?" You heard your boyfriend and both you and Ash let out a sigh, relieved. "You look like shit." Rue bursted into the house looking all sweaty and heavily breathing.
"Yeah, I fuckin' feel like shit. I think I'm going through withdrawl and I- I need something."
Fez closed the door shut. "I can't help you. I don't have nothin' here." Rue huffed. After the raid, Fezco found a safer place that allowed him to keep his business away from his house, and since you were around most of the time, it was better this way because he didn't want to put you in any danger.
"You gotta have something. That's bullshit."
"Don't know what to tell you. I don't keep nothin' at the house no more." The girl huffed at your boyfriend again.
"Hi Rue Rue." You smiled at her, relieved that it wasn't anything related with Fezco's bussiness.
"Oh hey. How you doing?" You answered her that you were doing great and asked her how she was doing back.
"I have never been better." She looked at your boyfriend again. "Can I- Can I use your bathroom?" Fezco nodded. He went after Rue and you followed him, leaving some distance. Both of you stopped when she entered the bathroom.
"Where did you come from?" Rue didn't answer. You gave your boyfriend a worried look. "Yo, you all right in there?"
"Rue, are you okay?" You insisted and knocked on the bathroom door.
"Don't- I'm fucking- I'm shittin' my brains out. Please, guys, go away." You frowned, why you couldn't believe her?
"You want some Pepto Bismol or somethin'?" You heard her shouting a "No. Just go away" to your boyfriend. He stopped insisting.
"Should we go back to the living room or..?" Fezco nodded and hugged your waist with one of his arms and gave a quick peck to your lips.
Ashtray wasn't worried at all. He was just there on the couch watching the TV as nothing happened. He must be so used to Rue irrupting like this. Fezco sat down and you curled up in his lap. "Imma go and see how she's doin'." Fezco said after a few minutes and moved your body carefully. You were ready to go after him. "Stay here with Ash." You were worried about him, of course about Rue too, but you kinda knew how a person going through withdrawal could act. You did as he said until you started to overhear the conversation they were having.
"I'm in a lot of pain, Fez please."
"Give it to me! Let go!","You gotta leave the house."
What the fuck was going on? Disobeying Fezco's orders, you got up from the couch and followed the sound of their voices. What are they doing there? Seeing the door of his grandma's room open was extremely weird. Even more if someone was in the house besides him, Ash and you. You were getting to the room the moment you saw Rue pushing your boyfriend out of there with such an extraordinay force. Fezco's body slamming into the wall of the hall and you covering your mouth as soon as your boyfriend hit the wall. "Fez!" Not giving you enough time to reach him and angry as hell, he got into the room again chasing after Rue. Your boyfriend took her between his big arms and dragged her out of the room.
"Stay fuckin' away y/n!" Fez shouted at you. You stepped back sticking your body to the wall. Rue was kicking the air as she tried to scape your boyfriend's grip. He held her tighly but she was angry, nervous and going through withdrawal so Fezco needed to use more force than he would've ever used with Rue.
"We not doin' this shit today! Not with her here!" Rue was calming down after she realized that she couldn't escape your boyfriend.
"I'm sorry y/n, I'm sorry, please Fez you don't have to take me-" He opened the door and kicked Rue out of the house. A still angry Fez turned around after closing the door, not wanting to know anything else about the girl. He walked past you and got himself into his room, slamming the door after him. You went to the door of the house and watched your friend lying on the ground.
"Do you need me to call your mom or something?" She almost didn't let you finish your question after hearing the word mom, she said a "No. Shit, I'm fine." She wasn't, and you'd definitely call her mom later. "I'm sorry Rue, I wish I could help you."
"Baby can I come in?" You knocked gently. This hasn't been a nice situation for you either but it was Fezco the one that dealt physically and mentally with Rue and if he needed some space you'd give it to him, you just wanted to check if he was okay. You heard a soft mumble from him meaning that you could come in. Fez was sitting on the edge of his bed, elbows on his knees and his hands covering his face. "How are you feeling?" You closed the door again and kneeled in front of him, moving away his hands so you could see his face.
"I'm sorry 'bout all that." He didn't need to be sorry. You shook your head. This wasn't his fault.
"Don't apologize Fez." You gave him some time before you spoke again, his glossy eyes telling you indirectly that he needed it.
"She tried to steal grandma's pills and shit." You now understood why Fez acted like that.
"You did what you had to do. She doesn't need more pills, she needs help. And that was something so wrong for her to do. You did good Fez. And I'm fine so there's no need to say sorry." His hands felt enormous between yours. His big blue eyes staring at you while you comfort him. "Did she hurt you?" Fez shook his head. "Come on let me see." You stood up and Fez leaned forward, his head against your belly so you could've access to his back. You lifted his t-shirt, revealing the skin of his back. It was red but nothing that would kill him. "If It hurts I can put you some lotion, I think it'll alleviate you." Your hand ran across his irritated skin.
"Nah I'm good. Thank you tho." Fez put his t-shirt back on as he got up from the bed. "You good?" He asked back, you nodded.
"I'm perfectly fine I promise."
Fez fell into your arms, hugging your body and hiding his face on the crook of your neck. "I love yo', I'm sorry."
You caressed the back of his head. "It's all good baby."
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lunarticxenia · 3 years
Moon Signs Pt. 2
Hi guys here’s part 2 of the moon sign series! After I post this, I’m going to be focusing more on answering your questions, I have a lot to answer. Thanks so much for all the support! Without further ado, here’s Libra through Pisces moons! 
🌵Libra Moon: You guys LOVE attention, and you don’t even try to hide it LMAO. One of my good friends is a Libra moon and he literally loves to say outlandish things just to get a reaction from us and to get attention from us if we’re not talking to him enough in a conversation. Libra moons also love relationships and if underdeveloped they may feel incomplete without one. They can also be very dependent on their partner for happiness as well. However, they are romantic and in love with love. They’re also extremely sensitive and are very feminine. Even in men, it gives them a more feminine touch to their personality. They also hold their morals in very high regard. They have their set morals and won’t change them for anything or anyone. They also tend to hate conflict and usually shy away from confrontation. They’re also too nice, WAYYYYYY too nice. You guys need to be more assertive LMAO. They’re also extremely optimistic and if they don’t believe in that particular way they at least try to be optimistic with others. They’re always reminding you the glass is half full. Also, Libra moons are mad clingy. Even with those they’re not dating LMAO. My Libra moon friend whenever I try to leave the FaceTime Call, he’s like “Don’t go... :(”. They just love to be around the ones they love. They’re also in love with beauty, and all things beautiful in the world. They’re lovers of music, art, film, and literature. Libra moons also have a softness in their eyes, I can’t describe it. This girl I used to like has a Libra moon and her eyes were just so soft. They’re also extremely indecisive, they tend to flip flop between who they wanna be and what they wanna do. They also aren’t shy when it comes to compliments, they will compliment TF out of you. They’re the best hype man. They also put others before themselves a lot, and can be very shy upon first meeting them. However once they feel comfortable around you they open up. One last thing, I feel like they tend to like anyone who’s nice to them...don’t attack me. LMAO.  
🌵Scorpio Moon: I feel like Scorpio moons have about ten different playlists relating to their emotions and still won’t open up to anyone about how they feel. Scorpio moons I feel have such intense emotions that they just don’t deal with them and they tend to implode after a while. I relate to them a lot in that respect tbh with my Sun square Moon, because that’s how I am. You guys are also super passionate and super creative. Every Scorpio moon I’ve met has been really creative in some way whether it be makeup, fashion style, or artwork. I’ve also noticed that this is a very alluring placement, there’s this intriguing way about them, and like Aries Moons, they have a fire in their eyes. Their gaze is INTENSE. They’re also very selective with who they let close to them, they don’t let just anybody in. They’re also very good at reading other people and seeing people’s true intentions. They have an extremely good intuition. If underdeveloped this can be used to manipulate other people, as well as being compulsive liars. Scorpio moons are also very protective over the ones they love. If you mess with anyone they care about, they will kill you. End of story. Also I feel like every Scorpio moon I’ve met has been through the wringer, like they’ve really had some hard experiences, it’s so sad to me. Scorpio moons are also extremely stubborn, remember this is a fixed sign. Scorpio moons ain’t playing, once they’ve settled on something, they’re not budging. Also, can we just say, masters at investigating people. These are the friends you want stalking your ex’s social media. They will find out everything. They’re also really good psychologists as well, almost all the Scorpio moons I’ve met are actually Psychology majors LMAO. They’re very good at finding the root causes of people’s issues. I also feel like Scorpio moons undergo a lot of transformations in their lives. I’ve known a Scorpio moon for about 10 years now and he’s undergone so many different transformations in his life. Mentally and physically. They’re also extremely sarcastic and have a tendency to be pessimistic. They’re also mad scary when angry. I’ve seen them angry before, as an Aries moon, even I get a little scared.... love y’all tho. 
🌵Sagittarius Moon: The funniest people ever. Sagittarius moons always have me laughing my ass off. Their sense of humor is very diverse. They tend to stick with sarcasm and like to say outlandish things to make people laugh. Also, I feel like Sagittarius moons tend to go for science/math oriented careers or at least have an interest in those subjects. I know four Sag moons, and they’re all in STEM it’s actually crazy. They’re also extremely blunt and honest, especially when it comes to people they don’t like LMAO. They make it very clear when they don’t like someone, it’s so funny. They’re also just so much fun, like they’re genuinely so much fun to hang out with. I feel like I’ve never not had a good time hanging out with a Sagittarius moon. I feel like Sag moons however tend to struggle with asserting themselves a lot of times, until they get really fed up.  They’re very much go with the flow kinda people, and this can be to their detriment especially with the ones they love, they don’t wanna rock the boat. However, they also make really good mediators and are good at settling arguments. They also really like to travel, and likely have traveled a lot. All the Sagittarius moons I know have traveled to at least 4+ countries. They love traveling the world, and I’ve also noticed move or want to move far away from their childhood home. They wanna explore everything the world has to offer. My cousin who’s a Sag moon left her parents’ house to move a few states away and my other friend who’s a Sag moon wants to move to the other side of the country. These individuals also tend to like foreign culture as well. I’ve noticed Sagittarius moons tend to like foreign music or foreign tv shows. I feel like they also tend to ignore their emotions when they get sad and just don’t like to deal with their emotions. They also don’t like to talk about how they feel and will brush sad things off because it’s just too upsetting for them. However, once the emotions boil over, just like their anger, they will blow up LMAO. I’ve also noticed that they’re really good at teaching people things? Like my Sag moon friend explained this Chemistry equation to me I couldn’t understand and I got it after 10 minutes. Natural teachers. 
🌵 Capricorn Moon: Guys, it’s okay to open up. You don’t have to pretend to be so strong all the time, you’re not weak for showing your emotions. Anyway, Cap moons have high expectations for people, and will not tolerate any bs from people. I seriously commend them for that. I feel like Cap moons struggle with how their points are being expressed, they can say one thing, but it’s seen as something else. While Capricorn moons may struggle with expressing their emotions, I haven’t found them to be closed off or cold when meeting them. Every Capricorn moon I’ve met has warmed up to me very quickly and have been super nice. I feel like they’re very friendly and once they have a conversation with you they’re really warm and kind. Also, they’re not afraid of anything?? Except for showing their feelings maybe. But like, they’re so open to trying new things like scary rollercoasters and aren’t afraid to fight for themselves if they have to. Also, super fucking ambitious. I wish I could be ambitious. These people will really have like three jobs, be in school, and tend to household responsibilities. I don’t know how you guys do it. Now everyone says Capricorn moons are just analytical and systematic when confronted with conflict, and I personally haven’t found that to be true. If they feel wronged?? Nah. They’re not going to be systematic or logical or anything. They will go off. As for personal challenges, yes they’ll be more analytical. But I feel like everyone boils down Cap moons to emotionless and machine-like nerds, which I find to be very untrue. Capricorn moons are very soft once they’re vulnerable with you, and genuinely feel like they’re bothering people when they show their emotions and feel weak for showing them. Also I’ve noticed that their mom is a big motivator for their success. Their moms always push them to do their best in work and school. If poorly aspected, they could feel too pressured by their moms to do well. Also, they’re so underrated for being funny. They have a really dry sense of humor and it’s well developed. I also feel like they get overlooked for putting others before themselves, when it comes to the people they love they’ll do anything for them. Brb gonna go give my Cap moon friends a hug. 
🌵Aquarius Moon: You guys are just so unique. There’s something unique about each and every Aquarius moon, whether it’s a quirk or a hobby. These people are literally the best to talk to. It’s so easy to have a conversation with them, they really can talk about anything. I’ve also noticed that Aquarius moons tend to be interested in astrology and tarot and things of that kind. Every Aquarius moon I’ve met has been really interested in it, and even involved in it. I feel like they also have big dreams, and have big plans for themselves. Aquarius moons also love to get lost in their music and tend to use it as an escape. This can be a problem because they tend to avoid dealing with their feelings. They also go between reacting to things really heavily vs not reacting at all. It just seems like it goes back and forth. They speak up with things are unjust however only to their friends or online. They just don’t like to deal with face to face conflict in that regard. They also give really great advice. My best friend is an Aquarius moon and she always gives me the best advice. She knows me better than I know myself tbh. I feel like Aquarius moons relish in being unique LMAO. I’m 99% sure they had an “I’m not like other girls” phase. I feel like this placement always tends to space out and daydream a lot. They also aren’t the types to just lash out at people, their anger is more subtle (unless they have other placements of course). I feel like Aquarius moons also have a lot of friends but they tend to have a small group of friends that they tend to be super super close with. They’re also...really charming? I don’t know what it is, but like every single one I’ve met has been really charming and likable. They also have a really goofy sense of humor and love to do wild shit to make people laugh. I feel like some downsides of Aquarius moons are that they tend to be too analytical and rationalize things too much, and they inadvertently invalidate other people’s feelings. Aquarius moons are also super open minded to all opinions. I have a friend who I tend to disagree with on certain issues but they’ve always been open to hearing my opinion. They also love to travel too. I’ve noticed that as well. 
🌵Pisces Moon: To think, I was almost one of you guys. No seriously I almost was, if I were born four hours earlier I would’ve been a Pisces moon LMAO. Anyhoo, Pisces moons are just so sweet. I don’t know how else to start, they literally are the sweetest people and give off this mystical type of aura. They’re very otherworldly. Also, these people daydream 24/7. They put Aquarius moons to shame in daydreaming. This girl I like is a Pisces moon and I always catch her daydreaming LMAO. They’re also extremely sensitive too and feel things so deeply. They try to hide how they feel from people, but you can see it in their eyes. I can always tell when my Pisces moon friend is upset just by the look in her eyes. They also tend to be introverted and it takes a while for them to warm up to someone. My co-worker is a Pisces moon and it took 2 weeks for her to finally start talking to me LMAO. They also have really vivid and wild dreams too. I feel like my Pisces moon friend is always telling me about some wild dream they had like that they were in a castle or in an ocean. They also can be really moody, they can be fine one second and then get really sad out of nowhere. Their emotions are like the ocean. I feel like another downside of Pisces Moons are that they can be very manipulative however this is really with any underdeveloped water moon/sun placement. I also feel like they tend to be escapists a lot. They don’t like to deal with reality a lot, and they see the best in everything and everyone even if it’s to their demise. They’re also super friendly and are nice to everyone they meet, even if they’re reserved they’re still very sweet. They’re also extremely creative too, I feel like every Pisces moon I’ve ever met has some sort of creative hobby. My co-worker who’s a Pisces moon is working on becoming a photographer and her stuff is AMAZING. I think that’s because they see the best in the world and the beauty in everything; and they know how to show that in their work so others can see the world like they do. They’re also super empathetic and are really good listeners. You can talk to them about anything and feel understood. :) 
So this wraps up my moon sign series! I hope you guys liked it! Again, don’t take offense these are just my opinions on each moon sign! Hope you guys enjoyed, and if you don’t see your moon sign here it’s likely in part one. 
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ponyo737 · 2 years
Basically Marinette mothering everyone
It started with Nino and Kim back in kindergarten
If they got hurt, she had band-aids
If they needed a hug, there she was
Nap time, she would do her best to tuck them (most to the teachers' amusement)
Her basically being a mom became a joke between them
She babies her class, more so after she becomes class president
She's not a flustered mess around Adrien and actually acts like a functioning human being around him (or acts like a mother)
When it’s cold, she carries sweaters in the size of the ones she KNOWS will forget theirs (she may sometimes forget hers but never forgets the other's)
She adores babysitting, even if the kids sometimes are little demons, she absolubtly loves it
When it’s time to get scores, she brings cookies and gives those who got 18/20 or more on their exams
Everyone is very jealous of Max and Adrien, who often get high scores in every exam and thus receive cookies every time
Kim and Alix compete a lot and the winner always immediately turns to Mari for praises
Either Adrienette or Lukanette
Adrienette because Adrien getting babied by Mari as Adrien and Chat and even more babied post-reveal and/or post-Hawkmoth
Lukanette because Luka acts like a dad sometimes and Mari acts like a mom so they will smoother the hell out of people
She usually fixes her classmates clothing and no matter how much they insist she doesn't allow them to pay
Her mothering people as Ladybug
After they're akumatized she asks if they're okay
She comforts children after they were akumatized
She coos at little August after they defeat Gigantitan and insists that she can carry him, no Chat, don't take him away from me
She assures Mr.Ramier that it's okay and that he shouldn't blame himself for getting akumatized too much
She comforts people and always lets them know that feeling is okay
When it's someone's birthday, she will make little cute cakes as gifts that everyone loves
She sometimes gets baby fever, which makes her incredibly moody
When after a baby was akumatized while she was feeling baby fever she burst into tears while holding them
Marinette acts like a proud mother A LOT
She has a camera full of pictures of her friends
If the Adrientette is platonic instead of romantic, then Adrien is like, this is my maman now, no, I'm not replacing mom, but Mari is my maman now.
Gabriel was very confused when one day Adrien started babbling something about a mom (when he finally showed for dinner, that is)
Kagami is very confused when Marinette goes mother hen on her for the first time
"what is happening?" She will whisper to Adrien from where she is leaning her head on Mari's shoulder after fencing practice (Adrien is lying on her lap)
She adopts her friends with parental issues
The class introducing her to others like "This is my mom"
She babies Marc
She often tells him "Do as I say, not as I do" because they're both anxious beans
She absolutley ships Marc and Nath when she notices they both have crushes in each other and wingmans for either of them
Luka recognizes Marinette from those times Juleka mumbles about her and is happy to meet the girl who babies his sister almost as much as he does
She babies the kwami after she becomes guardian
She makes them their favorite snacks
Makes them tiny accessories
Cuddle sessions with all of them and they have turns to sleep with her
They don't call her Master, most call her Mari or Marinette and some even jokingly call her maman from time to time
Some of them have gone through bad holders like Nooroo and Duusu and although it may have been years ago she still comforts them about it
Plagg is one of those who had many abusive holders in the past and Mari smoothers the hell out of Plagg when she sees him (he eats it all up like a stinky pice of camembert)
Plagg is one of those who teasignly calls her maman
She is conflicted on who to give the shovel talk when Alya and Nino start dating because Alya is her BFF but Nino is her childhood friend (she gives it to both of them at the end)
When Lila comes around, the class is actually smart (Marinette raised them better than that)
It starts when it weirds them out when Marinette doesn't baby Lila, sure, Lila may be new, but new classmates have always been mothered by Mari if at least a tiny bit
They start investigating
They do research instead of believing their every word
They fact check
They ask for evidence about the things she has made
They don't really believe what she spills about Mari because it just does not sound like her
You know how Adrien tells Mari about the high road? Here he mentions it but Mari immediately tells him that's wrong and explains why
She learns that children are stupid, and she's not talking about the kids she babysits, she's talking about her classmates
"Alix, no- are you really asking why can't you skate down the stairs?"
"Nath, sweetie, please go home to sleep, you can finish this drawing tomorrow"
She makes pride month accessories for her LGBTTQ+ friends
Mari is very protective of her classmates
More so with:
Adrien, regardless of if it's platonic or romantic, she is very protective of him, she gives him snacks because he doesn't eat enough, she often takes him away from Lila and Chloe if they're hurting him, comforts him about things at home
Chat Noir, she is protective of him as both Mari and Ladybug, as LB, they hold each other close after hard battles if they're free, she hates watching him die in battles, so she too tries to protect him, and she sometimes brings him croissants for after patrol because he looks exhausted and as if he were to pass out, as Mari she feeds him too, he sometimes doesn't eat enough or skips meals (he feels too lonely eating) so they have dinner or breakfast together, she invites him into her room for cuddling, and pets him as both LB and Mari
Rose, in this she already knew about Rose being sick and mother hens her a bit more than the others, it's not too obvious, but she worries a lot about her, she or Juleka are usually the ones that take her to the nurse's office ans they both visit her at the hospital
Nathaniel and Juleka, the two of them are extremely anxious and have gone through a lot by Chloé as years went by just like her, she is always encouraging them and supporting them
Nino and Kim, they have been babyed by her the longest and so she grew protective of them as time went by
Ivan, people are quick to judge him and he had been bullied a lot for his size, she hates it when people are rude at him for no reason or blame him for his looks or the way he seems to act (he may seem rough but he is actually a sweetheart)
She gives them their favorite food
Lots of cuddles
She assures them they can just call her Mari or Marinette and don't need to call her Master and jokingly tells them that they can even call her maman if they want
They call her maman
She has pet names for her classmates and some she uses in general for everyone
Doesn't matter if it's platonic or romantic, Luka is the one that babies Marinette and will do it often
At first Mari is confused because she usually is the one doing the babying and is this what it feels like???
She likes spending time at the Liberty with Luka because they often just snuggle while Luka strums his guitar
Marinette is very touchy, Luka discovered, and she loves cuddling
He makes sure she eats enough and stays hydrated when she's going through a inspirational/creative time where designing is one of her top priorities
He will often call her pet names like my melody, sweetness, baby, sweetheart, honey and sometimes more
When Luka meets Marinette it's almost all like canon except when he calls her "Ma-Ma-Marinette" she just giggles because of how much it sounds like Mama Marinette
(May make more, IDK)
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04mxfutbol · 2 years
Habits Never Die (Rose Lavelle x Reader)
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A/N: This fic idea has been on my mind for a while now and I’m just now writing it lol (: Enjoy!
You were sitting on a blanket in front of a body of water in Tacoma, Washington. Your friend sitting next to you, a friend who wasn't a friend for a long time. 
“So we’re good” You ask as you support yourself on your elbows. Your now friend again sitting next to you. 
“We’re good, catching up with you really means a lot to me. I think we both needed that closure of a chapter.” Your friend says which makes you laugh. 
You fix your posture which reveals your Rose Lavelle jersey that you bought at an OL Reign game. Unbeknownst to you, a pair of uswnt members were also sitting and enjoying the view as they were in the area for an upcoming game against the OL Reign.
“Hey look it's a Rose jersey. Sick.” Tobin says. Christen turns her head to spot the jersey Tobin kept talking about.
“Aw that’s cute.” Christen says as she pulls her phone.
For being private people, Christen unlocked her phone to attempt to take a picture of you.
“Rose did say if anyone of us finds her a qualified person to go on a date to let her know right?” Christen asks Tobin.
“Yes, but-.”
“She’s perfect for Rose, well dressed, clearly a fan of Rose. By the pride wristband, I’d say she’s qualified.” Christen says. Tobin shakes her head as she doesn’t know what to do.
“Here, do as I say. Just shoot her a text to come, we did see her on the way here.” Tobin says. Christen nods her head as she shoots Rose a text to come over and “spend” some time with them.
Meanwhile you were continuing to talk to your friend. Grabbing your camera you took some pictures of the view and taking some pictures of your friend.
“I have to get going, but let’s do this more often, it’s nice to have you around again. I forgot and missed how much of a ray of sunshine you are for me.” Your friend says making you chuckle. 
“Let’s make it a weekly thing.” You say and your friend nods as she gives you a hug. You are then left alone, laying down, looking up and seeing clouds, it’s definitely going to rain, but what's new.
You soaked up all the fresh air, enjoying a nice Thursday evening. Your Red Bull in one hand and a leftover slice of pizza on the other. Perfect. 
“Fuck am I single.”
Meanwhile the two players behind you suddenly realize that maybe you were on a date and they definitely screwed up. 
“We didn’t think this through.” Christen says, Tobin shaking her head rapidly.
“It wasn't my idea. It wasn't my idea. It wasn't my idea.” Tobin repeats.
“Damn it.” You shout as you drop part of your drink on the jersey. “Such an idiot. Too precious to get dirty and what do I do? Get it dirty.”
Tobin and Christen continue to panic as they now try to make something up for calling Rose to “spend” time with them, not that they didn’t want to spend time with her but they had other intentions when they had called her.
You try to dry the jersey but it was too cold to bare with at the moment. You slip the jersey off of your body, but while doing so someone comes up to you.
“Hi, are you interested in a flyer for a new coffee shop that’s opening next week?” A girl asks you and you nod.
“Cool. You guys have any tea? I love coffee but not as much as I love tea.” You say. The girl flips the flyer over for you and you chuckle as you see the menu. “Well that’s smart.”
“Hope to see you there.” The girl says as she walks behind you and towards the two players.
“Yeah for sure.” You say and go back to doing your own thing.
Meanwhile behind you, something else was going on.
“Hey guys, what's up.” Rose says as she stands in front of the two women.
“Sit down and enjoy the view with us.” Christen says as she scoots over to make some room for Rose.
“The view is great here, lots of dogs pass by here all the time. It’s great.” Rose says.
“Hi are you guys interested in a flyer for a coffee shop that’s about to open next week?” The girl asks the now three women.
“Oh we’re not from here.” Tobin says, motioning to herself and Christen.
“You two may not be from here BUT I will gladly take one because I am from here, well I live here.” Rose says as she grabs the flyer from the girl. “Do you guys have breakfast sandwiches?”
The girl once again flips the flyer but this time for Rose.
“That’s convenient.” Rose says as she looks over the menu.
“That’s funny, that’s like almost what the girl behind me said. She also said something along the same question, very similar.” The girls says motioning behind her to where you are. You were shirtless and trying to find a hoodie in your bag. Rose laughs as she hears the coincidence.
“Thank you, I’ll be sure to go.” Rose says. The girl nods her head and leaves. Rose turns around to face the two women who are talking amongst each other. “You guys wanna see some pictures of Wilma? They’re great I promise.”
“Sure.” Tobin says. Rose goes to grab her phone when she lets go of the flyer.
“No!” Rose shouts as she tries to run in her flip flops.
You hear a sudden no and turn around to see a very pale person running for a piece of paper. You quickly forget trying to find a hoodie, and run to grab the paper. You run and grab the piece of paper before it would be falling into the water. You get up and see you’ve scratched your stomach from sliding on the concrete.
“Here you go.” You say as you hand the woman the paper. “Oh hey it’s the flyer.” You look up and see it’s the one person you’ve absolutely swooned for.
“Thanks.” Rose says as she grab the flyer from you.
You blank and stand there in awe as you rapidly blink. A smile forms on your face as you register who you’re talking to.
“Sorry about your stomach.” Rose says.
“Oh that? Pfft I’ve been through worse, don’t worry about it. If I would’ve known it was the flyer for that coffee shop I would’ve just let you take a picture of my flyer.” You say as you put your hands in your pockets, fidgeting with the small coin you have. A habit you had picked up as a kid, usually happened when you got nervous.
“You live around here?”
“Born and raised here, well not here but around here.” You say quickly. “But I’ve lived here in the state my whole life. Love the Pacific Northwest. You?”
“I’m here for work, I think I’ll be here for maybe three years? Maybe more, I kinda like it here.”
“That’s cool. Yeah it’s great, lots of places to explore if you look for it right.” You say nodding your head. “Helps that this state is just so beautiful and helps me with my work.”
“What do you do for work?”
“I’m a photographer.” You say nodding you head as you rock back and forth on your heels.
“Oh no way! My friend over there is a photographer too, she’s kind of new to it but she’s good at it.” Rose says pointing behind her.
“That’s cool.” You say and Rose nods her head. “I actually have my camera with me if you maybe want to see some pictures I’ve taken?”
“Yes! You got any pictures of dogs?” Rose asks and you laugh.
“I do, I have a lot. I take pictures of many things, that sounds kinda creepy. I swear I’m not a creep.”
You both walk over to where you had your bag with your stuff. Your eyes widen as you see the jersey is out in the open.
“Wait a minute.” Rose says as she looks at you. “That’s my name.”
“Look I swear I didn’t do what I did just because it’s you. I swear I didn’t know it was you, it just so happened to be you.” You ramble as you try not to creep Rose out. “I just thought it would be better if you know I didn’t go all like ‘dude you’re Rose Lavelle let me get an autograph’ because I do believe it’s kinda wrong if you’re just trying to enjoy your time out”
“Creeped out? Oh god no, I just don’t really see my jersey around much. That’s awesome. Hey guys look she has my jersey!” Rose shouts as she grabs the jersey and shows the two women.
You look up to see Christen Press and Tobin Heath.
“Oh my god.”
The two women look up who quickly give Rose a thumbs up and a smile.
You quickly grab your camera from your bag so you don’t seem too shocked to see two of your many favorite players. You turn your camera on as you show Rose the pictures you’ve taken.
“Wow, these are so cool. Is this at the market place?” Rose asks and you nod your head.
“Yeah, I’ve also gone up on the big wheel to take pictures, the ferry, even the space needle. I get great pictures.” You say as you show Rose more pictures. While Rose looks at the pictures you take the time to finally put a hoodie on.
“Here come meet my friends, like I said one of them is a photographer.” Rose says as she leads you towards the two women who look like they definitely don’t want to be bothered but it’s Rose. “Tobin she’s a photographer, she takes good pictures. She’s like super good at it by the pictures she’s shown me.”
“I wouldn’t say that.” You say. Rose asks if she can show Tobin your pictures in which you obviously say yes because how do you say no to her, she’s so sweet.
“These are sick.” Tobin says.
“Oh, I’m Y/N I guess I should’ve started with that.” You say as you put your hands in your pockets again. “Nice to meet you.”
“I’m Christen, that’s Tobin.” Christen says and you gulp.
“Nice to meet you. Big fan.”
“We have a company, I don’t know if you’ve heard of it but it’s called Re inc. We could really use a photographer like you.” Tobin says as she looks at you then Christen. “I can’t do all the photography and I’m not the best at it either.”
“Hey woah, we just met this person. I just found someone who loves dogs as much as I do and lives here, someone that isn’t famous, I think. Are you famous?” Rose asks you and chuckle shaking your head.
“I’m nowhere near famous.” You say. “But yes I’ve heard of re inc, I love the purpose of the company. It’s inspiring.”
“She’s perfect for you Rose.” Christen says.
“Huh?” You ask.
“We’re not on the same page here. But how about you give me your number and I can contact you for maybe some photoshoots?” Tobin asks and you smile widely. “Would you like that? Because I’d love to have you on the team.”
“I’d love that. Yes.” You say quickly as you and Tobin exchange numbers.
Meanwhile Christen pulls Rose aside.
“She’s cute huh?” Christen whispers to Rose.
“Christen don’t you like have Tobin?” Rose whispers in disbelief.
“What? I’m talking about you! Don’t act like you two weren’t flirting.” Christen whispers making Rose laugh.
“She’s cute I’ll admit it.” Rose says.
“It was nice meeting you all, but I need to head home to finish my work.” You say as you shake all their hands.
“Lovely meeting you Y/N.” Christen says and you smile.
“Likewise.” You say. “Bye.”
“Bye.” The three women say.
You walk back towards your stuff, packing everything up so you can go home to editing your pictures. You pick everything up and look back to the three women. You bite the inside of your cheek when you take a deep breath and walk back over to them.
“This is going to sound weird but Rose would you li-.”
“Yes.” Rose says instantly before you could even finish your sentence.
“You didn’t even let me finish.” You say laughing.
“Sorry it’s a habit. Okay then, finish.” Rose says and you feel your cheeks heat up.
“Would you like to maybe go out to grab some coffee at that new place that’ll open next week?” You ask.
“Yes.” Rose says with a smile.
“Cool. Well umm, here’s my number.” You say handing her a piece of paper. “Just shoot me a message so I know it’s you.”
Rose quickly grabs her phone and texting you.
Unknown: It’s Rose (:
“Cool.” You say with a smile. “I’ll see you soon then.”
The following week came by and sure enough you both hit it off good. Laughter and a small trip to the market place. Buying her a bouquet of flowers, roses specifically.
Days turned into weeks, which turned into months, which turned into years, which turned into and I do in front of your friends and family.
Rose learned about your habit and she also found it cute but made sure you were okay when you stuck your hand into your pocket. An easy sign she could always pick up on if you were nervous.
Rose would once again interrupt someone before they finished talking. That being the wedding officiant which would be Christen. Rose didn’t wait for Christen to say the line when she blurted out I do. She had a habit of doing that and you loved it, something you learned by the third date you went on, you thought it was cute. But Rose interrupting Christen is something you always remember.
“Do you Y/N Y/L/N take Rosemary Kathleen Lavelle as your wife?”
“I do.” You say with a smile. One hand in your pocket as you felt the coin inside your pocket.
“And do you Rosemary Kathleen Lavelle take Y/-.”
“I do.” Rose says cutting Christen off.
“Seriously? You didn’t let her finish.” You say laughing. “How am I not surprised?”
“It’s a habit.” Rose says making you all laugh. Then pulls your hand out of your pocket. “Just like you have this habit.”
“Habits never die.” You whisper and laugh as you look at Rose.
Her habit never went away, neither did yours. When you were about to announce that you two were adopting a baby, Rose once again blurted the news out before she was supposed to. It was only the beginning for you both. But Rose’s habits never die and you loved her for it. Just like she loved you for your habit of having a coin in your pocket.
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abadbitvh · 3 years
A cookie for her cookie.
⊹₊ ⋆ 𝑎𝑢𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑟 ꜜ
┊𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: 𝐽𝑖𝑛𝑥 𝒙 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
┊𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: 𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑒
┊𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡𝑠: 1k
┊𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: 𝑦/𝑛 𝑖𝑠 𝑎 𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑟, 𝑗𝑖𝑛𝑥 𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑠ℎ𝑖𝑡 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑝𝑜𝑟𝑜-𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑘𝑒 𝑔𝑎𝑟𝑏𝑎𝑔𝑒.
┊𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑒: i wanted to try poro snax until I read they were the same as real pet food. Now i only wanna try poros..jk. Also this is fluff bc i didnt know if you guys wanted smut or fluff :D
 ╰┈┈┈┈┈┈ ˎˊ˗ ꒰ 🏷 ꒱
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“I saw her.”
“Huh?” y/n turned around in confusion, furrowing her eyebrows for a mere second before relaxing them. “What are you talking about?”
“I saw Vi,” Jinx responded, “but then it wasn’t her…”
“Have…” she hesitates, noticing the glint of sadness in Jinx’s eyes. “Have you told Silco?”
“That brute told him,” Jinx answers, letting out a long sigh before falling onto the couch behind y/n, “do you have any food? I’m starving,”
If anyone knew Jinx more than anyone, it was y/n, they have been together ever since they were kids. When she left with Silco after the incident, Jinx never forgot about her friend, the only friend she had left in Zaun and the only person she that was left from her family. Even though they have lost connection for a few years, they eventually managed to find each other during a fight and despite everything they have been through, not once have they lost the undeniable love for each other.
“Stop eating my food!” Y/n wailed, leaning back on the couch and turning to face Jinx with a pout.
“Why would I do that, cookie?” Jinx replied, shifting her body so she can wrap her arms around y/n’s neck and bring her head close for a hug, “if you don’t feed me, I will cook something and you will have to eat every. single. bite. of it.”
If there was anything Jinx can’t do, it was simply cooking. Yes, she’s a brave woman, she’s been through a lot and she managed to stay alive, she was the bravest out of everyone— and that’s barely anyone— in y/n’s life, she’s smart and she’s fearless, but the thing is…she has her limits, and cooking was one of those limits—unfortunately for her girlfriend.
For some unknown reasons, every time Jinx tried to make them something to eat, it would always ends up with a disaster, whether it is the ‘food’ exploding, something else catching on fire or it just tastes…worse than some food they sell around the city, and that itself is already awful. Nothing Jinx cooks is edible. Even water isn’t potable when it comes to her.
“So what’s it going to be, cookie?”Jinx spoke into y/n’s ears, her painted nails gently scratching y/n’s cheek, still hugging her head securely between her arms.
“You know…after thinking about it, you should eat the food,” y/n laughs nervously, “that’s what girlfriends are for, right?”
“That’s the spirit, girlfriend!” Jinx mocked, putting more of her weight on the poor girl below her as she moved even closer to her. She pressed her lips to y/n’s ear, giving it a teasing kiss before whispering into it, “but I feel like cooking.”
You see, Jinx was able to tell from the very first time she’s cooked for her girlfriend that she didn’t like the food. The girl even got sick from it. But still, y/n insisted that it was ‘the greatest meal she had ever had in her entire life’. And ever since that day, Jinx decided it was her duty to expose the lies of her girlfriend.
“I…” y/n looked around the room, heart pounding nervously inside her chest as she tried to look for an excuse, “I feel like taking nap, don’t you feel like taking one?”
“Nap?”Jinx asked dramatically, turning y/n’s head to face her, “you want me to nap while knowing my little cookie haven’t had my food in so long?”
With a sigh, y/n turned her body to sit facing the gunner laying on the couch, “look…” another sigh leaves her mouth and she places her hand on Jinx’s cheek, “I think pow-pow and fishbones agree with me when I say we need to sleep.”
“You don’t look like someone who needs to sleep, you look like someone who needs food!” The crazed Zaunite exclaimed, sitting up on the couch and accidentally hitting y/n in the face with one of her braids.
A small ‘ouch’ escapes the other woman, her hands quickly shooting up to hold her eyes.
“Oh no, cookie!”
“I’m fine, it’s okay,” y/n said reassuringly, letting go of her teary eye to show it to Jinx, “But I will get better if we take a nap instead of cooking.”
“Actually, I got you a gift!” Jinx said as she rummaged through her pockets.
“…why?” Y/n murmured.
“What did you say?” Jinx asked, still searching for whatever she had found this time.
“Nothing, I love you.”
“Found it!” Jinx crowed as she finally pulled the ‘gift’ from her pocket, “A cookie for my cookie,” she held the said cookie up and pushed it towards her girlfriend.
“Did…did you make that?” Y/n asked.
“No!” Jinx cackled, “I stole it from the Pilties! Look, it even has a heart on it!”
Y/n took her time staring at the snack between her girlfriend’s hand, until finally, a smile broke into her face as she reached over to grab the cookie from her.
“Thank you, Pow,” Y/n said as she carefully broke the cookie in two and handed one half to her blue-haired gunner.
“It’s called a poro…something,” Jinx explained, grinning as she accpted the half from her girlfriend, “that’s what I managed to read before escaping!”
The two looked into each other’s eyes, both giving a small nod before bringing the snack up to their lips to take a bite.
Soon enough, the room was filled with gagging noises as the two tried to find somewhere to throw up whatever perfect shaped garbage they have eaten.
“What the hell is that?!” Y/n yelled, throwing the rest of her half away, “It’s disgusting!”
“Pilties are gross!” Jinx exclaimed, still gagging in disgust, “I have an idea!”
Y/n gasped, eyes widening as the other woman stood up in hurry then reached a hand to pull her up as well. For someone with a lean build, Jinx was strong and despite being with her for years, Jinx’s strength never failed to surprise y/n no matter how many times she had ‘handled’ her.
“We are going to Chuck for drinks!”
“It’s Thieram, babe.”
“Nice try, cookie!” She cackled, dragging her girlfriend towards the door, “now let’s go cheer Chuck up!”
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@bestgirlb @gaiasmight @jinxedthearcane @edgybubbles-blog @fainetra @viisahottieeeeee @anvcins @akirvhs @cisiavx
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primofate · 3 years
im feeling kinda akward since its my first time requesting,i really really really like your writings and im wondering if you could do some angst for albedo, anything you feel like tbh, but if may i be a little selfish i was thinking on something like he hurt you, so you break up with him or maybe he break up with you and regret later, im in love with the genius and your writings so why not lol, hope you are doing well, xoxoxooxox
Thanks for the request anon. <3 Sorry it took so long, but I’m feeling angst today so here goes. Let me know what you think <3
Scenario: Breaking up
Characters: gn! reader x Albedo
Warnings: angst, break ups, regrets, did I say angst?
Categories: angst in Part 1, comfort in Part 2 (It was getting too long so split it into two parts)
Read: (Part 2) (Part 3 - Final)
These days you found yourself alone in your shared home. It had been nearly a year since the two of you decided to live together. Maybe that was a bad idea.
You were smitten. He was such an intelligent man, and truth be told you loved how his mind worked. He was silent and mostly kept to himself at first, but with you, there were subtle touches, fleeting kisses. Oh and his eyes, the way his eyes brightened or the way his lips turned up at the sight of you. The way he held you close at nights, up until the morning.
Gone were those days. 
He was hardly home. The intelligent man you had fallen in love with, was also a workaholic. Perhaps you should’ve seen it coming. There were so many signs.
Maybe he changed. Maybe you changed. But the little things weren’t enough anymore. He came home just to sleep and wake up, and he was off again. 
“Bedo, have you got some time off on the weekend? We haven’t been up to Starsnatch Cliff in a while,” you had prodded him a few days ago, wondering if the problem would be solved if you made the first move. 
“Sorry, Y/N, we’re just about to discover more about the properties of electro crystals... It’ll be useful if we want to sustain higher energy concentrations on...” and just like that he had gone off a tangent explaining the whole thing. You smiled a little, it was still endearing how excited he got discussing those things. 
But you couldn’t help but be lonely at how he seemed to love his research more than you. 
‘Maybe I just need to be more proactive. That’s it! I’ll go and visit him at the lab today!’ Surprising him was one of the things that you had always wanted to do. But not a lot of things got past Albedo. He was observant like that. You made a quick run to the bakery, getting him some croissants and welcomed yourself into the Favonius Headquarters. 
You looked up at the sign on his laboratory door. That sign was always there though, Klee had told you about it, and Sucrose had also talked about it once or twice before, telling you that it wouldn’t be a good idea to go in if the sign was up. But when was it ever down? So, you shrugged, and pushed the door open with a wide smile.
“What are you doing here?!” There’s a wild look in Albedo’s eyes the moment you step in. He didn’t appreciate being disturbed. You tilted your head a little at his reaction, you weren’t expecting that.
“Oh, since you’ve been so busy these days I just thought I’d drop by and give you something to--”
“Y/N, did you not see the sign on the door? No disturbances, even from you,”
“I’ll just be quick, I’m just dropping this off,” you lift the paper bag from the bakery and lay it down on the nearest table. Albedo closes his eyes with a sigh. 
“...We’re working on something dangerous right now, I don’t have time to eat. Please take it back,”
Surprisingly, you obey quite quickly, and take the paper bag back into your hands. Annoyance start to pulse in your veins. “Anything else you want me to do? Maybe disappear so I don’t bother you or your research so much?”
Sucrose had been standing there the whole time, and you can see the slight wince on her face at your cold statement... But Albedo had returned it ten fold, snapping an answer back. “Yes, Y/N, that would be excellent, don’t get in the way. Stop being irritating at the wrong moment,”
You didn’t expect how much it would sting. Your shoulders slump downwards at the realization that this... had gone too far. You couldn’t take it anymore. Sucrose opens her mouth, but doesn’t know what to say looking back and forth between you and Albedo. 
The Kreideprinz had continued with his task as if nothing had happened at all, but he knew what he said. He didn’t want any interferences nor accidents happening in the lab and that was the only thing he cared about at the moment. 
Your foot moves to step back, but your eyes are glued to Albedo. You can only see his back. His hair tied up neatly, the shoulders that you loved to wrap your arms around and his hands that were always gentle. You took a good look, drinking the whole scene in like you hadn’t had a drop of water in days. 
This was the last time you would lay eyes on him and it broke you into so many pieces. You turned away without another word, Sucrose staring at the door, before she decided that she needed to follow you. “I-I’ll be back, Master Albedo,” she rarely ever abandoned an experiment, but she knew that you needed a friend right now. 
Ironic, because it should have been Albedo running after you, but instead the green-haired girl caught up to you just as you reached the fountain in the middle of Mondstadt. “Y/N!” she jogs, and stops when you do as you hear your name.
Tears prickled your cheeks, but they were more of frustration than sadness. You stand there for a moment, drying your tears and turning around towards Sucrose, gaze on the pavement. “Y/N...” Sucrose approaches carefully, hand resting on your shoulder.
“...I don’t know anything other than Albedo, Sucrose,” you start, a curtain of memories flashing through your mind. “...Without him, there isn’t much reason for me to stay in Mondstadt,” Sucrose shakes her head rather hastily. “H-He’s just... a little occupied right now, Y/N, I’m sure he doesn’t mean what he said,” You close your eyes, the scene repeating in your head.
“Anything else you want me to do? Maybe disappear so I don’t bother you or your research so much?”
“Yes, Y/N, that would be excellent, don’t get in the way. Stop being irritating at the wrong moment,”
A hard lump forms on your throat at how hard you try not to sob. How hard you try to keep yourself together and Sucrose sees it from the way your lips tremble. “Sucrose, please watch over him,” and that is also the last that Sucrose sees of you. 
That night, Albedo arrives home exhausted, just as he always does. But now that he was home, he could at least expect a warm meal and a warm hug. A soft smile tugs on his lips at the thought.
When he turned the lights on, he was met with a strange stillness instead. His hand stays on the switch as his eyes scan the living room. It was...quiet. There were no plates on the table, and there were no sounds from the kitchen.
Deep in the pits of his stomach there’s an anxiety that starts bubbling up. He brushes it off, opting instead to check the kitchen. “Y/N?”
His footsteps hasten as he opens the bedroom door, expecting you to be curled up there, asleep. 
Albedo takes in a shaky breath. You were probably just out in town, doing some late night shopping. Yeah, that’s it, perhaps you just didn’t have enough ingredients for dinner today and--his eyes land on the bedside table.
The photo frame is gone. The photo of the two of you standing side by side together with comfortable smiles on your faces, his hand on your waist, and the house on the background. 
He throws open the closet doors. Your clothes are gone. Your shoes are gone. Even your scent seemed to have disappeared. The anxiety that was once a small bubble in his stomach had started to claw it’s way out, wrenching his heart in places that he didn’t know could hurt. The tears pooling in his eyes were so foreign that he didn’t even know what was happening until he hears himself gasp back a sob.
You’re gone. 
Suddenly it was so hard to breathe, but he pulls himself up and out the door. There’s no way. Where would you go? Perhaps you were just around Mondstadt, trying to get a breath of fresh air to calm your nerves. He searches everywhere. The church, the tavern, the Good Hunter and even atop the rooftop of the Favonius Headquarters. There was a decent view of the city there, and his eyes roam the streets, just to get a glimpse of you.
“...Please...” There’s another lump in his throat, his eyes dart around looking for any small sign of you. 
“Albedo? Tired?” you ask as he returns home one day. He merely lets out a small “Mm,” and pulls a chair out from the dining table to sit on. You walk into the kitchen to fetch him a cup of tea, and he snatches your hand to press a soft kiss on the back of it. “Thank you, love,” 
“...Please!” his grip on the stone walls of the rooftop tighten. His vision blurs.
“Al! Don’t do that!” you try to swat his hand away from the pot, a short laugh coming off of your lips at how mischievous he could be sometimes, trying to dip his finger into the sauce. He has a grin on his face as he successfully tastes the sauce off his finger, making a sound of approval as he draws you in for a light kiss on your forehead, “It’s good, as always,” 
His legs buckle, and he finds himself on his knees, hands fisted upon the cold stone wall. “At least tell me where you've gone! I can’t--” he doesn’t know when the last time he cried was, but whenever it was, he doesn’t remember it to be this bad. The pain was unlike any injury he had, it grasped so tightly at his heart.
“Anything else you want me to do? Maybe disappear so I don’t bother you or your research so much?”
“Yes, Y/N, that would be excellent, don’t get in the way. Stop being irritating at the wrong moment,”
He furiously shakes his head because he knows that it was his fault. “I didn’t mean it, please give them back,” as if there was someone else who took you away. As if there was a God listening to him right now. 
He realizes that the worst of it was not that you had left, but that you had left no traces of you behind. No photo. Not a piece of clothing. Not a trace of your existence.
Nothing for him to hold on to.
That night, he dragged himself back home. Face flushed and hot from the tears he had shed and the ones he was attempting to hold back.
That night, he painfully got into bed.
Taglist:  @larkspyrr @rim0na @sweeti-pie @l3mon-mxshroom @hai-q-haikyuu @tkshoki @kyquu @KimbapSana @fanfictionenthusiast
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footygirl114 · 2 years
Surprise? (Leila Ouahabi X Reader)
This prompt was from the lovely and supportive @onlyhereforthestories. Hope I did the prompt justice for you! 
The hardest thing about the final home game was watching your girlfriend and teammates all breakdown because they knew that Leila was leaving to play for Manchester city next season.
The hardest part for you was keeping the secret that you were going to play for Manchester United next season. You hadn’t told anyone this but Alexia, the only reason your captain knew was because she was your best friend and she caught you on the phone when you and your agent were discussing it. She was upset but understood why you did it, she has been helping you keep it a secret from the team ever since.
Its not that you were hiding it, its that you didn’t want to take away the spotlight from your love, she has bled Barcelona, has been through the thick of it with these girls and deserved a proper send off. Where you had only signed 2 years ago to be closer to her. 
Watching her breakdown in tears with her teammates and friends was so difficult. You hated when she was upset. All you wanted to do was come clean, but you had a plan to tell her and couldn’t spoil it now. 
“So Y/N, are you going to become my new partner in crime since my current one is leaving?” Patri asks as she comes up and wraps her arm around your shoulder.
You smile at her and say “Of course I will, I won’t be as good as her though” with a shrug.
Patri squeezes you tighter and lowers her voice and says “are you doing okay? it has to be hard knowing that she’s leaving you too”
Before answering you have to bite your tongue to make sure you don’t give anything away “We will make it work, at least we will be in the same time zone.”
“Yeah if she went to the USA it would have been a lot harder for you guys” she reminds you. 
You feel arms wrap around your neck and someone hoping on your back, you know its your love and you say “por dios babe, are you done being a cry baby?” 
“Yes, Jenni is gonna steal the golf cart again, wanted to see if you wanted to take a spin with us” she tells you while she remains on your back like a monkey. 
You squeeze her legs at this and shake your head and say “no you enjoy it baby, think of it as your victory lap” 
She jumps off your back and kisses you cheek saying “Te amo babe” as she runs off. 
You shake you head watching your girl run after her friends like the clown she is. When you came to the team 2 years ago you were worried about how affectionate she is with you, but the team just accepted it. She’s like that with everyone, but she was never afraid to show how much she loved you the most. 
“We’re really going to miss both of you, you know” Alexia says as she comes up behind you. 
You look over at her and say “You know you can also come with us”
She laughs at you and says “sobre mi cadaver”
“It was worth shot, but I am going to miss you” you tell her and put your head on her shoulder, she wraps and arm around you back and returns the sideways hug. 
“Come on, lets get everyone moving and back to my place for the surprise” she tells you with a push on your back. 
You and Alexia had planned a team dinner at her house after this match. It was to celebrate the perfect season, but was also going to be when you told your love your big surprise. 
Its after dinner has been eaten that Alexia stands up and bangs her knife on her glass to get everyones attention. “Amigas, I just wanted to say that I love you all, and am so proud of every single one of you. We wouldn’t have gotten the perfect record if it wasn’t for everyones contribution” 
“Bow down to La Reina” Mapi yells out, making Alexia blush slightly. You use this distraction to sneak into the house to gather your self and your surprise. 
“el silencio Mapi, Im serious here. We are going to miss every single one of you that is leaving, but know you will always have a home with us, and are always welcome back” She says. 
“salud” yells out Jenni with her glass raised. 
“salud” is the response from the team, Alexia caught your eye and gestured for you to come out of the house. 
You step out side in a red Manchester united Jersey. You walk out towards the team, and its Patri who spots you first “Oi! Y/N! I think you have the wrong jersey on” 
At this everyone turns to you, but you only have eyes for Leila. She stares at you with a confused expression, you head towards her and grab her hand. “Y/N, you know I signed for Manchester CITY right?” she puts the emphasis on the city. 
“si, I do” you respond back cheekily with a smirk on your face. 
“Why do you have a UNITED jersey with Ouahabi on the back then?” Asks Jenni who’s come around the table to stand behind you. 
At this you reach into your pocket, kneel to the ground and ask leila “Well, Im hoping that will be the name on the back of my shirt when I start my first game with Manchester United next season” 
You can hear the gasps of the team around you, but all you can focus on is the eyes of your lover. She has tears gathering in the corner of her eyes when she asks “Y/N, babe, I need you to be clear here, Im not following” 
“Leila, I love you, you are my home, and I want to spend the rest of my life by your side. I knew I couldn’t stand being apart from you for the season so I signed with United. I want to be by your side through your new adventure, I want to be your biggest cheerleader, except on Derby days” you get a laugh out of her through the tears that are streaming down her face. 
“I just have two questions, Will you be the reason we have matching names on our shirts next season? Will you marry me?” you ask her and open the box you have been holding to reveal an engagement ring. 
“YES! Y/N I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with the same last name as you” she tells you. 
At this you place the ring on her finger, stand up and pull her into your arms and kiss her deeply. You can feel the tears on both of your cheeks as you fight not to smile. You break the kiss to smile at her and spin her around. 
All around you, you hear your teammates, your family cheering for you both. You know that you made the right decision and that you both always had a family in these girls no matter where you are. 
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twiceinadream · 2 years
Twice React- S/O Makes Them Hold Their Pee
Requested: Yup
Request: Can you write one that TWICE member holding their pee?
a/u: Hey, everyone! Long time no see (haha), this is officially my first post of 2022! I’ve had a lot of ups and downs these past two months and I’m glad to say my life is going a lot better than it has in the past. I attended, Twice III, in LA so if any of you went we might have seen each other but just didn’t know it. Thank you all for being so patient and for all the love and support you’ve given me! (I’m aware this is React is a bit out there but I tried my best)
Category: NSFW and Fluff
C/W: Contains Pee (but nothing too kinky other than holding and peeing on S/O)
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“You think this is funny, don’t you?”
Nayeon squirmed in her seat as the pressure in her bladder grew, the constant water you had given her throughout the day had been suspicious and it seemed she was right. The two of you sat in a crowded theater just as the credits started to roll and you could tell she had reached her breaking point, “Y/N, please. I really need to go.” You weighed the options in your head, “Can you hold it till we get home? I’ll make it worth your while.” The promise in your voice was enough to convince your girlfriend to hold out a little longer as you hopped into the car and sped back home. You quickly brought her into the bathtub as you had her strip below her waist, “Ready baby?” Nayeon nodded as you reached a hand between her legs, finding her already soaked, “Someone’s enjoying this.” Your fingers made tight circles around her clit as she gritted her teeth trying to prevent herself from peeing. “Y/N, I really need to go.” You continued pleasuring her before slipping a finger into her entrance, “Did I give you permission?” She shook her head as she grabbed the sides of the tub, “I…I really need to go.” You continued fingering her as you drew it out for as long as you could, “Okay, let it out, Nayeon-ah” Nayeon let out a guttural moan as she bucked her hips up and threw her head back as waves of pleasure wracked her body. Mixed with her release you felt a stream of something warm dribble down your hand as she came down from her high. “I’m sorry.” Nayeon blushed as she looked down at the mess she had made. “Don’t be, you did great, Princess.”
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“I can’t believe I agreed to this.”
You could barely contain your smirk as you pushed another full glass of water towards your wife as she looked at it with a pained expression. “Y/N please.” Jeongyeon winced as you pressed against her swollen bladder. “Not yet, baby. I think you can take one more, I might let you go after this.” With nothing to lose the Korean woman quickly downed the glass, she could literally feel the water make its way through her body as she pushed a hand between her thighs to prevent herself from leaking. “Good girl.” You couldn’t help but smile as you got up from your seat and began walking towards the bathroom, “You can go now.” Jeong practically tripped over herself rushing to the bathroom but you stopped her before she could reach the toilet. You kicked off your pants as you sat on the edge of the tub before guiding her to rid herself of her shorts and sit on your thigh. She looked at you in confusion before you simply said, “Go ahead.” Her jaw dropped, “Wait. On you?” You nodded curly before taking in her nervous expression, “Color?” Jeongyeon bit her lip, “Green.” At her answer she swallowed every ounce of pride she had as she closed her eyes and tried to relax, the second she felt the first dribble of pee seep out she quickly stopped as she looked at you again, but you remained emotionless as she finally just let go. Hot streams of pee ran down your leg as Jeongyeon buried her face into your neck, tears of relief and shame rolled down her cheeks as she felt embarrassed and euphoric all at the same time. You gently kissed her cheek as you felt her finish, “Hey, it’s okay. You did amazing.” Jeong sniffed as she hugged you, “It wasn’t too gross was it.” You smiled before pecking her lips, “It was honestly hot as fuck.”
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“You’re mean Y/N-ah.”
Momo whined lowly as she hesitantly down another bottle of water, you bit back a laugh as you placed your hand above her bladder and pushed down lightly. Causing your girlfriend to squeak and press her thighs together to prevent herself from leaking. Momo grimaced as you chuckled at her discomfort, enjoying the way the Japanese woman squirmed under your gaze, “Ready to give up?” Momo nodded as you grabbed her hand in yours and led her to the bathroom. You sat yourself on the edge of the tub and sat her on your thigh, “Alright, go ahead, Momoring.” She looked at you in shock as her mouth floundered for a moment, “W..wait, on y..you!?” You nodded as she grabbed the hem of your shirt, her eyes squeezed shut as she tried to hold off peeing, “Okay.” You cupped her cheek as you made her look into your eyes, “Go ahead.” Momo bit her lip as you felt a little trickle of warmth come down your leg then it turned into a small torrent as her head fell into your neck, her sniffles were muffled in your neck as you kissed her head. “Good job, Momoring.”
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*Pouts in Japanese*
Sana could barely stand still as she pressed a hand between her legs to prevent herself from letting go. You had made sure she had kept thoroughly hydrated throughout the day even going as far as attending their concert practices so you could continue pushing more full water bottles towards every time they took a break. By the end Sana was rubbing her swollen belly as she barely made it out into the hallway, you made a show of helping her claiming that she was just tired as you made your way to the bathroom. Her eyes brimmed with tears as you sat her down on the toilet with her panties still on. “Y/N, I really need to go.” You shushed her as you kissed her on the head, “I know baby, you did so well for me today. You’re free to go whenever you want.” Sana looked at you in confusion, “But, what about my…?” You smirked as your girlfriend shifted uncomfortably trying not to wet herself, “I want you to ruin them for me.” The Japanese woman looked like she wanted to protest before a sudden urge to urinate began overtaking her senses, she bit her lip as she released the tension in her bladder. You watched as the fabric of her panties got significantly dark as she moaned lowly at finally being able to pee. Sana looked up at you when she finished when you leaned down to kiss her, “Good girl.”
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“How was this a good idea?”
Jihyo couldn’t help but blush as your eyes traced over her body as she stood in the bathtub with nothing other than a pair of panties on. She crossed her legs uncomfortably as she felt the need to pee grow even stronger within her as you continued to stare. A small whimper left her lips, “Y/N, I need to go. Please.” Her fist clenched and unclenched at her side as she tried to distract herself from the need in her bladder. You hummed thoughtfully, “Well, by all means, Hyo, you’re free to go whenever you want.” You watched her eyes light up with a hope until you held up a very full glass of water, “When you finish this glass.” She looked at you in shock for a moment before she shakily took the glass from your hand, “F..fine.” You smiled as you sat back on the chair you had brought into the bathroom as she brought the glass to her lips, you watched as the liquid disappeared and your girlfriend’s eyebrows knitted together in frustration. The water was a lot colder than she had expected and she could practically feel it filling her bladder with each sip she took. Until it was finally empty and she handed it back to you, “There.” She twisted her body where she stood to distract herself from peeing, “Can I please go now?” You smiled at her proudly as you nodded your head. Jihyo closed her eyes as she finally let her body relax and released the hold she had on her bladder, it started as a small trickle that darkened the front of her panties before turning into a full on river as you both could hear it hit the bathtub floor. You smirked as you got up from your chair to kiss Jihyo’s temple, “You did great, Jihyo-ah. I’m so proud of you.”
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“Oh my…”
Mina could barely contain her gasp as she gingerly pressed her hand against her very full bladder. You couldn’t help but hide your smirk behind a glass as Mina glared at you from across the kitchen table. “Y/N, please, this isn’t funny.” The Japanese woman scowled as you feigned innocence, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Mina bit back another retort as she crossed her legs to prevent herself from peeing at the kitchen table, you noticed and decided to tease her some more, “Fine, why don’t we go out shopping today, it’s such lovely weather out.” Your suggestion seemed innocent enough as Mina stood from the table, “Okay, just let me go to the bathroom.” You stood with her as you gently directed her towards the front door, “I don’t think so, why don’t we make our trip a little more interesting?” You furthered your point by pressing lightly on her bladder so Mina had to squeeze her thighs together. The Japanese would be lying if she didn’t find the idea intriguing as she decided to play along, “Alright, but you’re paying.” You smiled triumphantly at her, “Deal.”
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“Come on, please.”
Your girlfriend whimpered lowly as you pressed onto her swollen bladder, a look of desperation and shock colored her face as a little dribble slipped out. She was quick to push a hand between her legs to stop the leak and hold off from peeing right then and there, “Y/N, oh god.” You smiled evilly before letting up on the pressure and allowed your girlfriend to relax a little. “You know what, I think I’ll let you go right now after all.” Dahyun’s eyes lit up ever so slightly, “Wait, really?” You nodded as you looked her up and down, “Yeah, right here, right now.” Your girlfriend’s face paled immediately as her mouth opened and closed like a fish, “You…you can’t b..be serious.” You shrugged, “Unless you want to wait longer, by all means…” Dahyun sighed, “Fine, I’ll do it.” You smiled internally to yourself as you motioned for her to continue, “Okay.” Dahyun’s face was completely red as your eyes were trained on her as her eyebrows knitted together and you watched in amazement as the front of her jeans started to grow dark as did the inside of pant legs as she peed herself. Your jaw dropped as you watched her, she was panting when she was done as her legs wobbled a little where she stood. You approached her slowly as you gently held her as you led her to the bathroom where you had prepared a bath for her ahead of time, “You’re amazing, Dahyun-ah. Thank you.”
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I can’t…”
Chaeyoung was practically at her wits end as she sat on your lap with a very full bladder. You didn’t help her in the slightest as you continued priding and pressing against her swollen bladder as she practically shivered on your lap to prevent herself from letting go. “Oh god, Y/N, please. I really can’t.” You raised a skeptical eyebrow at her knowing Chaeyoung was prone to acting her way out of punishments - you knew her limits and knew how far to push her - she hadn’t mentioned her safe word so you continued to egg her on. “You sure about that baby?” You smiled evilly as you moved a hand to play with her clit and the other to press on her bladder every so often, her breath hitching. She let out a mix of a moan and a groan as she grasped at the fabric of your t-shirt, “Y/N, please, I’m really gonna…” Before she could finish you pushed a little too hard on her bladder and her eyes squeezed shut as she suddenly felt herself release all over your lap all at once. You looked at her in shock as you felt the warm liquid trickle down your legs as she buried her face into your neck when she finished, “Y/N, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to. I…” You shushed her gently as you stroked her back, placing a kiss on her temple as you hugged her, “It’s okay, Chae, you did such a good job. I’m sorry I pushed a little too hard.” Your girlfriend nuzzled into you, “It’s okay, I just wasn’t expecting it.” You laughed a little, “Me neither.”
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“I’ll get you for this.”
The Taiwanese woman had a light blush covering her face as you handed her another glass of water. Her thighs were pressed tightly together as she tried her best to distract herself from the dull thrums of need emanating from her bladder. You idly sipped a glass of water in front of Tzuyu as she tried to look away from the liquid, her cheeks held a red hue as a whimper emanated from between her lips, “Y/N, I really need to go.” You hummed thoughtfully pretending to actually think about it, “I don’t know, you have been a brat these past few weeks.” Tzuyu took on a defiant look, “No, I haven’t.” She tried to argue, but you just raised a skeptical eyebrow at her, “Is that so?” You let a small smile take over your lips, “Then you wouldn't mind waiting like a good girl, right?” The Taiwanese woman bit the inside of her cheek to stop a snarky remark from coming out as she pressed the palm of her hand between her thighs to prevent herself from peeing, “As you wish, Y/N.”
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supernaturalgirl20 · 2 years
Okay, I’m coming at you with my Joel Miller Req 💜
(Might be a little cheesy, but idc 😋) My birthday is coming up in a few months, I’d love to gather a couple of fics for my favourite characters to read on said day 🥺
So, my req is everything a S/O could ask for from their partner (Joel) on their birthday. Kisses, Fluff, Smut, just generally all the love and attention from them, the moment the ‘reader’ awakes.
I trust you to do the rest, thank you my love! 🥰
Chloe I am so sorry this took me so long to write but I hope you like it 🥰🥰
All I Need is You
Pairings: Joel Miller x f!reader
Warnings: Smut 18+, explicit, unprotected sex, PinV sex, oral (female receiving), kisses, fluff.
A/N: first time writing for Joel and this scared the s*** outta me, why is he so intimidating? 😉also I wasn’t going to post this today (b cause I posted yday) but I have to, it’s been in my asks so long I feel bad 😬
Comments and reblogs really appreciated 🥰
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Joel groaned as he slowly awoke, the light from the morning sun shining through the curtains, illuminating your beautiful face - and your very naked body. He doesn’t know how he got so lucky; having you in his life was certainly not part of his plans here in Jackson. He’d tried damn hard to ignore his growing feelings for you but you weren’t nothin if not stubborn.
He lets his fingers run along your arm, goosebumps forming in their wake. He smiles as you stir a little, nuzzling in closer to him. God you were gorgeous in the morning’s. Halting his movements, he holds his breath until you settle down again. He didn’t want you to wake; not just yet.
Today was your birthday and he wanted it to be special, to treat you like a queen. He figures it’s the least he can do after everything he’s put you through. Placing a soft kiss to your head, he slides out of bed and dresses quickly before heading towards the kitchen.
First order of the day: breakfast. He wanted to make your favourite - pancakes, and Ellie had helped him get all the supplies he’d need for today. Where’s the goddam pan? Rummaging around the cabinets - he doesn’t hear footsteps gently descending the stairs - and is startled when he turns around to see Ellie standing in the doorway.
“You're making an awful lot of noise,” she says with a teasing smile on her face. “Well I can’t find nothin in this kitchen. Y/N normally does all the cooking.” He huffs in frustration before looking to Ellie for help. “Will you..?”
“Move over old man.” Together they make the fluffiest pancakes with a side of scrambled eggs, topped with a little bit of syrup. Joel looks over the tray of food, making sure he has everything before he makes his way back to you.
A contented sigh leaves your mouth as you begin to wake, the feeling of someone gently shaking you rousing you from sleep. Opening your eyes just a fraction you see Joel perched at the edge of the bed, a bright smile on his face. “Hmm, come back to bed baby.”
“As much as I’d love to, I’ve made breakfast. Happy birthday darlin.”
Awake now, you sit up and rest against the headboard - eyes taking in the tray of food. “Joel, you’ve made my favourite. Aw baby, thank you.”
“Gotta start the day out right, I’ve got a few things planned for today.”
“Like what?”
“Well now that would be telling wouldn’t it,” he says, sending you a wink before he begins to slowly move towards the door. “Take your time darlin, and when you're finished get dressed and meet me downstairs.” A nervous excitement bubbled up inside you as you tucked into breakfast. I wonder what he has planned?
When you finally came rushing down the stairs, you were greeted by Joel packing his backpack. He smiled when he spotted you and quickly closed it over - hoping you didn’t see what was inside. “Ready darlin?”
“Yep…can you at least give me a hint?”
“Afraid not baby girl. Come on, we gotta get going or the day will be gone.”
When you make your way outside, Ellie comes rushing over and pulls you into a tight hug. “Happy birthday Y/N. You’re gonna love what he has planned,” she whispers in your ear. “Come on now, I ain’t got all day.” Joel shouts from atop Callus. You look at him slightly confused. “We’re leaving?”
“Come on baby girl, ride up front.” Joel helps you up and you nestle yourself into him as you both take off. As you reach the gate Tommy smiles up at you both, a knowing look on his face. “Happy birthday Y/N. Enjoy yer day and we’ll see you both tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow? What did he mean by to…”
“Hush now, we don’t want to attract any unwanted attention.” What the hell is going on?
Joel didn’t speak on the trek to - wherever it was he was bringing you - except to ask occasionally if you were ok. It felt like hours had passed since you left the safety of Jackson and your ass was starting to get sore. “We’re here.” Really? It’s just nothing but forest. Is he joking?
Suddenly you let out a gasp as you come upon a small wooden cabin - nestled among the trees and just on the edge of a lake. “Joel, this is beautiful.”
“Sure is,” he says, his gaze fixed on you. “How’s you find this place?”
“Found it a couple of weeks back on patrol, thought it’d be a nice surprise for your birthday.” He hops off Callus and helps you down, giving you a quick kiss before telling you to go inside. “Gonna just settle Callus for the night. Be right in.” The cabin itself is small - it has a small kitchenette, a couch by an open fire and one bedroom with an en-suite - but it’s clean. “It’s not much, but eh, I wanted to have a night away - just us.”
“Joel baby, this is amazing. This is the best birthday ever, so thank you. How is this place so clean though?” Joel shuffles from one foot to the other, his hand scratching behind his head. “I kinda…I’ve been coming here a few times since I found it…wanted it to look nice for ya.”
You walk over to him and wrap your arms around his waist, eyes gazing up at his handsome face. “You are something special Joel Miller. I love you.”
“Love you too, darlin. Why don’t you head down to the lake, have a swim?” Reaching up you kiss him softly on the lips, “I think I might. Are you going to join me?”
“I’m gonna get started on dinner.”
Laying back on the grass - drying off after a quick swim - you're startled by the sound of Joel cursing. Fuck! Shit! Throwing on your top, you quickly make your way back to the cabin to find him standing over the stove in a flustered mess. You can’t help the little snicker that passes your lips. “Something funny darlin?” Walking towards him you reach out to take the pan off him, “hey, why don’t we just cook together?”
“I wanted to…”
“I know but I prefer this anyway, it means we get to spend even more time together.” You're like a well oiled machine the way you both work together, the perfect team. “You go take a seat baby girl, I’ll bring it over.” Opting for the couch you sit back and cross your legs, turning your gaze to Joel. He’s really made an effort.
“You're not sitting at the table?”
“Nah, that’s not really us, is it? I don’t need all the formalities baby, let’s just be..us.”
You catch him smiling as he slowly brings everything over to the couch. He hands you a beer and your heart practically leaps out of your chest. “No way! How did you get this? It’s my favourite.” You moan as you take a swig of it, the cool refreshing drink setting your tastebuds alite. “I can’t tell ya all my secrets darlin.”
You both eat in silence - a peaceful silence, one that only comes from being completely comfortable in each other’s presence. Joel finishes his food and lays back against the couch, hand resting on his stomach as he lets out a contented sigh. “You sure know how to cook, woman.”
“I’ve my nana to thank for that, she taught me everything.”
“Thank you nana.”
He sits up then, eyes focused on you and you can tell from the glint in them that he’s nervous. “Joel, are you ok? You seem..a little….”
He stands abruptly and moves towards you, kneeling down in front of you. Is he? No..he said he never wanted this.
“Joel, baby you're scaring me..”
“I’m sorry baby girl…I’m just…I’m a little nervous.” He reaches into his back pocket and holds out a small wooden box. Looking into your eyes, he slowly lifts the lid to reveal two beautiful rings - two bands made of wood with a beautiful design carved into them. Your heart is fluttering within your chest and you reach out to hold your hand over his, eyes gazing into his.
“Joel I…I’m happy with how things are…you don’t have to do this just for me.”
“I know baby girl…I know I said I never wanted this, and I didn’t….but then you came into my life like a goddamn hurricane and I’ve thought about nothin else. I love you Y/N and I want the whole goddamn world to know you are my woman. Will you marry me?” The tears are streaming down your face now as you nod your head, “yes! Yes I’ll marry you.”
“I can’t give you a big diamond engagement ring, seems pointless with the state of the world, but I made these wedding bands for us. Carved them myself. Here, let me put it on ya.” You give him your hand as he slides the band on and you cry happy tears, lunging forward and capture his lips in a searing kiss. “I love you Joel.”
“Love you too baby girl. Will you do the honours?” He says holding up the box containing his band, which you happily take and slide onto his finger. “We’re married!”
“We’re married. Can I take you to bed now, Mrs Miller?”
“I thought you never would.” A squeal escapes your lips as he lifts you - your legs wrapping around his waist - and walks you to the bedroom. Laying you down gently, Joel quickly rids you both of your clothes. His eyes glaze over with lust as he stands taking in your naked form. “So fucking beautiful baby girl.”
He crawls up the bed towards you, his lips trailing light kisses along your thighs. His breath is hot as he hovers over your aching cunt. You list your hips, desperately needing him to touch you. Please! You whine and he smiles at you before me burying his face into your curls. Ooh! You moan as your back arches off the bed, hands finding purchase in his hair. He moves your legs over his shoulders and buries his tongue inside you.
You writhe beneath him as pleasure begins to build. He alternates between licking and sucking and shoving his tongue inside you that you are a complete and utter mess on the bed below him. That heat begins to form and you can feel yourself getting closer to that edge and you all but scream his name as your orgasm consumes you.
“Taste so sweet baby girl,” he says as he moves up your body, peppering light kisses along your skin. He’s flush against you and you can feel the tip of him nudging at your entrance but you push him onto his back. His hands grip onto your waist, steadying you as you straddle him. “Wanna ride your baby.”
Wrapping your hand around his thick cock, you pump him a few times before lining him up and slowly sinking down onto him. He groans - his head pushing into the pillow, the feeling of you wrapped around him making him dizzy.
His hands grip your hips as you begin to move above him - hips rocking over him. Sitting up he pulls your nipple into his mouth as he grabs you tight, pushing you down onto him.
“Joel…fuck….feel so good….I’m gonna…Ngh!”
“Come in baby….want you to come all over me…wanna feel you..”
“Fuck…oh fuck…Joel.”
You shudder in his arms as your cunt clenched around him - his trusts becoming erratic- sending him over the edge. He spills inside you, coating your womb. He never comes inside. You move off him and lay beside him, curling yourself into his side.
“Joel baby, you…you came inside…you…”
“I know darlin…I’m sorry I shoulda asked first but I figure, we’re married now so…”
“You're serious?”
“If it happens, it happens. Part of me would like to be a dad again, after Sarah…Hmm…and Ellie is getting older now, she doesn’t really need me any more.”
“Well I’ll always need you.” You tilt his chin towards you and place a soft kiss to his lips. Pulling away, you admire the ring he gave you. “I still can’t believe we’re married, baby. Today has been the best birthday, thank you.”
“Anything for you darlin, or should I say Mrs Miller.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to that.”
“Well you better, because you’re going nowhere now baby girl. You're stuck with me.”
Pic of rings:
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Permanent tag list: @lunaserenade @anaaaispunk @maievdenoir @elinedjarin @seasonschange-butpeopledont @alberta-sunrise @dihra-vesa @pintsizemama @athalien @loserrlauraa @thorins-queen-of-erebor @pascal-rascal424 @ikinmahlen @pascalisthepunkest @dindjarinneedsahug @almaeunice @jediknight122 @prostitute-robot-from-the-future @colorlesswhispersunknown @stevie75 @rosie-posie08 @hauntedmama @greeneyedblondie44 @prettylilhalforc @giselatropicana @phoenixhalliwell @sherala007 @its--fandom--darling @donnaa @javierpinme @luxmundee @littlemisspascal @hayley-the-comet @ezras-channel-rat @misspearly1 @writer-darling @misspearlssideblog @sara-alonso
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Jane Banner x Reader - Cold Hands and Warm Lips
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Summary: How many times can you keep Jane Banner warm for her to fall in love with you.
Warnings: (+18), mentions of murder and violence, explicit content, explicit language, cursing, smut, oral sex (r giving), dom/sub/switch dynamics (slightly), sex toys, teasing, kissing, mentions of sexual abuse, angst, mentions of trauma, trust issues | Spoilers from Wind River.
Words> +10k
A/N>is Hello all! My first time writing for Jane Banner, and well, this was intense. This is actually my early birthday present to my dear @abimess, who asked me for a story about this character she loves so much. And well, here it is. I really hope that she, and all of you, enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Good reading, everyone, and forgive any mistakes, especially geographical ones, if you have been to Wind River and things were different from this fic.
All Works Masterlist
It could be so fucking cold in Wind River.
Even in spring, when there was almost no snow and the animals were out hunting, the wind was cold.
So now, at the height of winter, you could barely get out from under the covers to pee at night.
Grunting through your teeth, you forced your legs beyond the frigid air of your bedroom, and headed into the bathroom, mentally cursing for having that extra cup of tea before you went to bed.
After relieving yourself, you almost fell over in fright when you heard a noise at your door.
"What the fuck?" You muttered confusedly, looking at the clock in the room across the hall. Three in the goddamn morning.
Another knock had you cursing before walking to open the door.
You were quite surprised to find Ben Shoyo, chief of the local police, on your doorstep.
"Good night, Y/N." He greeted with a smile as he hugged his arms, the icy cold seeping inward. "Sorry to show up like this, the vehicle broke down and it's starting to snow really hard."
"It's okay, Ben. Come on in." You said before stepping inside.
In the low heat of your kitchen, you poured some of the remaining tea while the man sat at the counter.
“How are things up here, kid? You haven’t been to town in a while.” Ben asked after taking a sip of his drink. You shrugged your shoulders.
"Honestly, Ben, it is not going very well." You confess. "Not after Natalie."
Ben clears his throat.
"I’m sorry, it was stupid of me to ask." He said with a guilty expression.
"No problem." You mumble wanting to change the subject quickly. "The blizzard should lessen in the next few hours, feel free to use the phone, the television or help yourself to food. I need to get some sleep before my shift tomorrow."
"Alright thanks again girl." Ben said before you left the room quickly.
Ben has known you long enough for you to trust him. So as soon as you get back to your room, you fall asleep.
When you wake up in the morning, he's gone. There's a note on the counter saying "I ate the rest of Aiyana's Succotash. Come to the police station and see me, I'll buy you lunch. You need to get out of the house."
You mentally cursed him. Aiyana was your neighbor. Well, you don't know what the distance limit is for someone to be considered a neighbor, but since almost all Wind River houses are isolated in small villages, you refer to Aiyana and her family as your neighbors, even if you have to drive twenty minutes by car or sledge to get to her house.
The point is that she makes the best native american meals, and because you spend a lot of time alone, she also sets some for you. It's been that way since your mother, who used to be Aiyana's best friend, passed away when you were a teenager.
Your shift as a forest ranger was reduced to part-time with homicide investigations into the dam area, so once you're done around mid-day, you drive your truck back through the city area, to the police station.
The place is not crowded, but as the locals recognize you, you greet them with shy nods and smiles before entering the building and heading to the reception.
"Good morning, Siu." You greet the police officer you’ve known since you’re little with a smile.
“Wow, long time no see, stranger!” She comments amusedly, leaning on the reception counter in front of her. You laugh lightly. "How can I help you dear?"
"I’m having lunch with Ben today. Is he around?"
She makes a little face. "Oh yes, he’s talking to the hollywood."
"The FBI girl." She says. "She arrived a few days ago, for you know why. She says she's here to help, but we know what outsiders are like."
You mumble in agreement, and Siu sighs lightly.
"But they should be finishing by now." She says. "I think Lambert will take her to the mountains."
"Cory? I thought he worked alone." You comment and Siu just shrugs, turning her attention to the reports scattered on the reception desk. "I'll wait here, Siu. Thank you."
“No problem, hon. Call me if you need anything.”
You waited for more than ten minutes before Ben left his office. And he was not alone.
You were surprised at how immediately attracted you felt to someone you were seeing for the first time.
Well, in your defense, she was a very beautiful woman.
“Y/N! Hey!” Ben greeted as he laid eyes on you. “Sorry about the time, I was finishing things up with Jane.”
You exchanged a quick look with the woman before Ben rushed over to introduce you two.
"This is our ranger." He began politely, patting you on the shoulder as he said your name next. "And this is Jane Banner, special FBI agent."
"Pleasure." You spoke as you reached out your hand to her, and completely ignored how your skin seemed to tingle at the brief touch as she greeted you back.
"I'll be going now, Ben. See you later." Jane informed the chief before she left. You waited for Ben to check with Siu if there were no calls before you two went out to lunch.
"How are things in the investigation? Any progress?" You asked as soon as you were outside, frowning slightly as the sun rays hit your face.
Ben sighed.
"I really wish I could say yes, girl." He responded by walking beside you towards the local restaurant area. "But at least we're going to pay Chip a visit this afternoon."
You were surprised to hear this. Natalie's brother wasn't exactly the talking type. And that's exactly what you said to Ben, who just chuckled.
"I know that." He said. "But Miss Banner wants to try everything. And Cory is helping us."
"Well I hope you guys find something." You say.
You reach the food trailers, and after Ben buys you lunch, you sit at one of the tables with your orders.
"How are things with you really?" He asks. "I know Natalie's death moved you, 'cause you two were close and everything, but beyond this. Have you been doing anything besides watching the forest?"
You were slightly annoyed that Ben summed up your friendship for years with a simple "you two were close", but wishing to preserve the peace of lunch, you just mumbled that the forest kept you busy enough.
"Last time you were back at my place, you were seeing someone, weren't you?" he asked casually, making you laugh. Ben loved good gossip.
"I was, but it didn't work out." You answer. "And don't worry, I'm just fine by myself."
"Well I heard that Derick is single again." It starts. "He is a good boy, works hard."
"You sound like my dad, Ben." You retort, making him laugh.
"Well someone has to take care of you up here." He comments and you laugh softly as you shake your head.
After your mother died, your father decided to move back to the southwest. You didn't go with him because Wind River was your home, but he kept in touch by phone. Since you were sixteen, the village and the snow have been your only family, and it was normal for you that people like Ben, Aiyana or Natalie's parents would treat you like their own family.
Your lunch with Ben didn't last much longer after that. He was good at small talk, but whenever he tried to ask more deeply about your life you swerved the subject to him again.
Saying goodbye, you decided to take a walk around town before heading home. You were needing to restock some kitchen stuff.
The community market was simple and small, and sold practically everything, as it was the only one.
Even so, you were a little embarrassed to find Agent Jane at the counter.
"Hey, Ranger." She greeted almost ironically when she noticed you approaching the line. You noticed she was shopping for winter clothes.
"Hello again, Miss Banner."
She lets out a nasal laugh.
"Just Jane is fine." She commented. You cleared your throat, looking away.
"It's not polite to call strangers by their first names." You retort and she tilts her head slightly, surprised by the formality.
"I really don't mind that." She gently insists. "We're not that formal in Vegas."
"This is not Las Vegas, Miss Banner." You retort seriously. "And we only use first names with friends in Wind River."
You don't know why you're not being friendly to her. But from your experiences with outsiders, it's justifiable. It makes no difference, Jane, like all those who came from outside, would be frightened by the brutality of this place and leave. Outsiders always leave.
Jane looks almost disappointed with your hostility, but the cashier is tending to her and she doesn't attempt any further conversation.
After paying for her clothes, she glances at you quickly before leaving, but you don't smile back.
When you get in your car, and drive back home, you want to believe that the emerald eyes are on your mind just because it was something exceptional in your daily routine.
You valued tranquility.
Even more the tranquility of your home, in the middle of a blizzard, with a book and a mug of hot chocolate in front of the fireplace.
So when the silence was broken by hard knocks against the door, you thought it was the gods testing your patience.
The second interruption in four days.
It had to be a test.
Putting everything aside, you shuffled to the front door, and barely had time to absorb a snow-covered from head to toe Jane Banner before she rushed past you.
"Yeah, sure, you can come in." You ironically mumbled.
"I'm sorry I just needed to get out of the cold." She commented through gritted teeth, hugging her body with her arms. You rolled your eyes as you closed the door.
"What are you doing here?" You asked, crossing your arms.
You took pity on the way she was shivering from the cold, and waved toward the fireplace. Jane moved quickly in the direction and sat by the fire.
"I was supposed to meet the rest of the team up further in the mountain." She counts, her voice coming out stale with the cold. You tell yourself that you're only getting a mug to serve her hot chocolate because you'd be in trouble if a cop died of hypothermia on your carpet. "But all of a sudden it was snowing, and I couldn't see anything. I got out of the car to try to locate myself and I nearly froze to death. Luckily I saw your lights on."
"Luckily." You muttered wryly as you walked back into the living room, a full mug in your hands that you handed to Jane as soon as you reached her.
She looked surprised at the kindness but thanked you sincerely.
"So you live alone here?"
"Do you like it?"
Your short, sharp answers made Jane look away awkwardly, taking a long sip of her hot chocolate. You sighed, walking towards the landline phone on your wall.
You checked, but just as you expected, there was no signal.
Nor is your cell phone in your pocket.
Fucking great.
"You'll be stuck here for a while, Miss Banner." You warned when you returned to your place in the armchair, noticing that Jane continued to shiver from the cold. "But as soon as the blizzard ends, you must go."
"Why?" she asks curiously. You think she regretted having said anything because her eyebrows furrow slightly, but she doesn't back down.
"Because this is my house and I don't like strangers."
She looked surprised by your response. You sighed before kneeling in front of her, raising your hands to the sides of her head.
"Excuse me." You muttered before removing the burrow, watching the snow falling on the carpet. Jane just looked at you, waiting, but clearly thankful for the cold sensation dismissing a little. "Your clothes are covered in snow, Miss Banner. You'll continue to be cold if you don't take them off."
"I don't have anything else to wear."
You moved away, feeling your face heat up. That's not what you meant for her to do. You mind immediately thought of her taking her clothes, one by one, but you push those thoughts away the same second they came. Clearing your throat, you got to your feet again.
"You can use something of mine." You said. "I'll get some blankets too."
It took three minutes for you to return with a set of sweaters to the living room.
Jane had removed her coat, and you scolded yourself for immediately noticing the bulge of her breasts in the social shirt she was wearing.
Maybe Ben was right, being isolated in the mountains wasn't so good for you.
Handing her the clothes, you also pointed to the bathroom, where she could change.
While she did, you busied yourself with collecting the small mess of objects you left scattered around the room.
Jane couldn't tell exactly what she found so intriguing about you. Maybe the right word was attractive.
She just knew she was in the middle of a blizzard, in the bathroom of someone she'd only seen once, trying to figure out why her body shivered at the smell of you on the borrowed clothes.
She thought it best to be satisfied with the warmth that filled her body with the new clothes you handed her, and to completely ignore any other sensation that comes from wearing your clothes, or from being able to smell your scent if she tilted her face a little more.
On her way out of the bathroom, she couldn't ignore her own curious nature, tied or not to her work, and let her gaze roam over the photos on the walls from the hallway to the living room.
She stopped walking when she noticed a specific photograph.
"Careful not to break." You warned when you noticed Jane, standing in the hallway with one of the frames that were on the hallway table. You walked over to pick up the snow-soaked clothes she was carrying, but Jane looked at you seriously.
"How do you know Miss Hanson?" She questioned and you raised your eyebrows.
Sighing slightly, you reached for the clothes, and when she handed it to you, you turned your gaze to the photograph.
It was a few months ago, you and Natalie went out drinking with some friends, until it got too cold to be outside. Someone decided to take one last photo as a souvenir of that afternoon, which had been so much fun. It was the only photo you didn't return to her parents.
"We were friends." You muttered before turning back to the living room, intending to put your clothes on the heater.
"Has anyone come to talk to you about the investigation?" She insisted as she followed you.
You busied your hands with the snow on the clothes while Jane stood behind the kitchen counter, arms crossed, waiting for her response.
"No, Miss Banner." You muttered.
"If you two were friends, Ben should have told me..."
"Well you are here now, Miss Banner." You interrupt impatiently, the clothes properly spread out on the heater, and you turn to her with a serious expression. "Ask what you want to know."
"Where were you that night?"
You let out a short laugh.
"Is there anyone who can confirm this?"
You ignore the growing irritation that is building in your chest.
"What are you implying, agent?"
Jane almost hesitates, and you want to roll your eyes at the way her fingers tremble slightly toward the holster at her waist.
"Nothing Miss Y/L/N." She answers. "I'm just trying to figure out what happened here."
"My best friend was murdered, Miss Banner. That's what happened." You retort through gritted teeth, and you stare at each other for long seconds in silence, before she sighs.
"I didn't mean to..."
"It doesn't matter." You interrupt. "The blizzard will last a few more hours, but we don't need to talk to each other. I have books, and you have your phone." You declare before walking past her, heading back into the living room.
Jane rubs her temples with her fingers for a moment, mentally cursing herself for having offended you, before following you back into the room.
It will be a long afternoon.
You and Jane managed to remain silent for forty-eight minutes.
You expected the cold to subside and the blizzard to pass soon for her to go away, but that's not what happened.
You know that Jane also noticed the increase in the wind outside, from the way the windows started to shake and you had to get up to put on the protection and keep the glass from breaking.
You didn't look at her when you went back to your chair, pretending to be focused on the words when your attention really was on the way Jane was hugging herself with her arms, a thick blanket wrapped around her as she remained seated on the carpet, facing the fire.
"Do you want another blanket?" You grunted grudgingly, not taking your eyes off the pages.
"How are you not cold?" She responded with another question, looking impressed.
"I am cold Miss Banner, I'm just used to the feeling." You clarify, and finally look at her. "So, you want another blanket or not?"
She gives you a humorless laugh.
"I don't think the blankets will serve any good." She retorts. "They don't seem to be helping at all."
You roll your eyes slightly, closing the book. Your gaze studies her for a moment, and then you let out a breath.
"Please tell me your socks are dry."
She blinks in confusion, looking at you and then at her boots before turning back to you.
"Unbelievable." You grumble getting up.
You leave your book on the table and go out to your room, Jane frowns in confusion and stays that way until you come back, socks and slippers in hand.
You kneel in front of her, placing the options beside your feet, while your hands rest on your thighs.
"If you don't warm your feet, the rest won't do." You explain and nod to the boots. Jane blinks in surprise before starting to take off her shoes. "How did you get your feet wet like that anyway?"
"There was a puddle of ice at the entrance." She grunted in embarrassment.
"Oh, it's for the foxes." You comment and noticing her confused expression, you rush to clarify. "They walk through the snow, and sometimes they can't find water. I made a little lake at the entrance, but I had some problems keeping it unfrozen."
"That's…sweet." She comments, imagining you taking care of a little fox. You feel your cheeks flush at the sudden compliment, and you quickly look away.
With her wet boots and socks on the floor, you hand the other pieces to Jane before picking up the ones she's taken off and standing up.
"Thanks." She says as soon as you turn around and you resist the urge to look at her before you go and put her clothes to dry.
When you come back, she's wearing your slippers, and she looks lovely, making you smile.
"What's it?" she asks as soon as she notices your expression. You shrug, leaning over to check if the fireplace needs more firewood.
"It's nothing, miss." You retort but you can't resist. "I just thought it's not that intimidating an FBI agent in sponge bob slippers."
Jane laughed. It was quick and adorable, and it made your stomach churn with nervousness. You looked away from the fireplace to her.
"You should feel warm in a few minutes." You say. "Keep your feet close to the fire."
You returned to your seat in the armchair, but this time, there was a pleasant silence between you two, the tension from before completely gone.
It only took a few minutes for Jane to let out a satisfied sigh, finally warmed up.
"Damn, this is so much better." She comments with the blanket around her, and you smile at her beyond the book.
"If you want, there's still some chocolate."
As she gets up to the kitchen, she notices other photographs, and you understand that's why she's next asking "How long have you been a ranger?"
"Four years." You respond by settling yourself better in your chair. You have a vision of Jane in the kitchen, reaching for some chocolate and using the mugs from before. "What about you? How long have you worked at the FBI?"
She bites her lip thoughtfully.
"It was three years last month." She comments when she finishes pouring the drink. You notice she got a mug for you too. "Most agents get an important promotion. I got paperwork in Las Vegas."
You frown slightly, surprised by Jane's bitter tone. She walks back into the living room and hands you one of the mugs before taking a seat on the sofa.
"What's wrong with Vegas?"
She sighs.
"Not exactly what you expect when you become a special agent."
"What? rich people using too much narcotics isn't the thrill you wanted, Miss Banner?" You joke ironically making her smile.
You guys take a sip of your drinks, Jane caressed the handle of the mug for a moment before speaking again.
"I was looking for something different when I joined the FBI." She counts. "And I ended up being put to work with musicians using marijuana in the beach area."
"What were you looking for?"
She shrugs softly, looking thoughtful.
"I wanted to help people." She declared. "But really help them. Not like the local police, always limited. No, I wanted the FBI. The possibility of getting to the root of the problem."
"Do you think you'll find the root of anything in Wind River?"
Jane is surprised by your question, but you just look at her without hesitation.
"I'd like to." She says. "But it's hard without cooperation."
You take a sip of her chocolate before placing the mug on the table.
"You're not the first person to come here and make promises, Jane Banner." You informed her. "And it sure won't be the last."
"That might be true." She retorts. "But I can be the first to keep my word."
You look at her for a moment before getting up. She looks at you curiously, but you leave the room, only to return a moment later, a small box in your hands.
You sit next to Jane on the couch.
"That's all I have on Natalie." You say as you push the box onto the agent's lap beside you. "Maybe something here will help you."
Jane looks at the object in surprise, opening the box and analyzing everything in it.
"I returned almost every photo I had of her to her parents." You say with a certain nostalgia in your voice, remembering how emotional the whole day was. "But I wanted to keep some things with me."
There were friendship necklaces and bracelets, drawings, lighters, guitar picks, flowers. Several pieces of memories of your friendship.
There was also a photograph that caught Jane's attention.
"Who are these?" She asked, holding the small photo in her fingers.
"The oil boys." You replied almost annoyed. "All idiots if you ask me. But Natalie fell in love with that one here." You said as you signaled at the photograph, which was one of the only records you had of the boys, being taken by Nat herself on the day she first visited the oil company with you and the other girls. "At least Matt was the less of a jerk of them."
Jane smiled at the comment, but her expression faltered afterward.
"Where is Matt?"
You shrug.
"At the oil drilling site, I think. He works there with the rest of the guys." You count. "I actually haven't seen any of them since she died."
Jane blinks in surprise.
"Yeah? And where is that?"
"Not far." You say. "When the blizzard passes, maybe Ben will take you."
Jane is thoughtful, and you look at the box once before she's asking again.
"Can I try using your phone?"
"Of course, Jane."
It's the first time you've only called her only for her first name, and you're distracted by the box to notice. Jane almost forgets that she was going to get up to try to call the local police chief, but she ignores the way your soft gaze made her cheeks heat up to move.
The blizzard lessened, and the phone started working again, albeit precariously.
As Jane struggles to be understood by Ben amid the screeching noises of the phone call, you close the box and place it on the living room table, getting up to remove her clothes from the heater, figuring Jane should leave soon now that the snow is less aggressive.
And a few more minutes later, she's actually leaving.
"We're going there right now." She counts. "Ben will get more guys to join us."
"Right." You say, scratching your neck awkwardly. "Are you already leaving?"
"Why are you wanting me to stay?" She plays with a smile and you chuckle shyly, surprised at the flirtation.
"It's just that your clothes haven't dried yet." You say and she looks behind you at the heater with a disappointed grimace.
"B-but you can keep those. Then come back here when you’re done in the fields.”
Jane smiles, nodding in agreement. The two of you awkwardly stand for a moment in the room, before she clears her throat.
"Well I better be going then." She says advancing towards the door. "Thanks for, well, everything."
"Don't mention it." You say when accompanying her. "Watch out for the puddle at the entrance."
"Yeah, I'll remember that." She jokes and you laugh before grabbing one of the bigger coats you've been hanging and handing it to her, only to receive a surprised expression. "I'm already wearing a lot of your clothes, I don't want to overdo it."
You laugh, coming over to throw your coat over her shoulders.
"I really don't mind." You guarantee, watching her put your coat correctly. "I won't let you freeze to death in the snow, miss."
"Alright, alright." She grumbles, her cheeks flushed. "See you later?"
"Yes, Jane."
She ignores how much she likes to hear you calling her by her first name to turn for the exit.
It's very cold, but the blizzard has completely stopped. You wait until Jane reaches the car and starts to get back inside, surprised at how immediately you miss her company when you see the empty room.
Pushing the thoughts away, you start arranging the blankets that were left in the room, and the mugs too.
Jane doesn't come back.
Not for the next few hours, or for the next three days.
You'd like to say you didn't care, but you did.
Until Ben was calling you.
"Sorry I didn't give you any news before, girl." He spoke over the line. "We solved the entire investigation on Tuesday. I'll explain everything to you, come meet me in town?"
It was going to snow again, but you drove anyway. In the worst case, you would be stuck in the city hotel until you were able to climb the mountain again.
The police station seemed to be in a mood of palpable grief.
You were surprised to find so much movement in the morgue area, but you didn't ask.
Ben was already waiting for you at the front desk, and you resisted the urge to ask about Jane the moment you greeted him.
"I have a lot to talk to you about." He stated before he signaled down the corridor to the interrogation rooms. You frowned, but went with him.
"Is this about Natalie?" You asked as you entered, taking a seat in one of the chairs.
"Yea." he said, looking tired. You noticed he was limping slightly too.
"Are you okay, Ben?" You ask. "You look wounded."
"Well, I got shot."
He quickly gestures that it's okay as he see you ready to get up and you look at him with concern.
"It was the security guards from the oil company." He counts. "Must have been the biggest action I've had here in ten years."
"You sure haven't been doing that much of field work then." You retort provocatively, making him laugh before he takes the chair across from you. His expression becomes more serious, and he takes a deep breath.
"Matt Rayburn is dead."
"He was murdered the same night as Natalie, by his colleagues." He continues and you let out a surprised sigh. "He tried to protect her, and he was beaten to death. She ran away, but she didn't survive the cold. And well, you've seen the rest."
Your eyes fill with tears, but you don't let them fall, feeling the anger quickly replace the grief.
"Where are the oil boys?"
"Dead." He answers. "They attacked our team as soon as we started asking questions, everything quickly turned into a hail of bullets."
You frown immediately. "Did either of you get hurt?"
"Oh yeah." He says sadly. "Lost Jake and Louis, plus we have three more agents injured."
"What about Jan-Miss Banner?" You asked, correcting yourself in mid-sentence, but it was enough for Ben to raise his eyebrows slightly, surprised by the question.
"She's in the municipal hospital." He counts and you feel your heart race. "She was shot in the chest, but she'll be fine. I think Cory went to visit her, you should do the same."
"I will."
Ben smiles in surprise.
"I didn't know you two were friends."
"I didn't say that."
Ben laughs at your defensive grimace. "You're not exactly known for visiting outsiders at the hospital, that's for sure."
"Are you saying I'm not a friendly person, Ben?" You return it in the same tone, and he laughs.
"Friendly? You are more bitter than Sui's coffee!" He teases by making you lift your middle finger towards him.
You know Ben is trying to make you laugh because of the weight of the statements he made a few moments ago, and you're grateful for that.
Sighing lightly, you both get up.
"Thanks for telling me the truth, I wouldn't expect anyone else to have the guts to do it."
Ben squeezed her shoulder lightly.
"I know how important she was to you." He says. "And I'm sorry."
"Thanks ben."
"Now go visit your girlfriend."
"Fuck off, old man."
He just laughs before you leave the room.
The hospital was almost forty minutes away, so you went back to your car.
It would snow again soon, so you'd better hurry.
When you finally arrived, after parking the car, and giving your name at the front desk to a nurse who didn't seem too willing to let you in, you finally made it to Jane's room door.
"Good afternoon, Cory." You greeted the man sitting in the chair in the hallway by the door. He looked surprised to see you out of the mountains, and honestly, you could say the same about him. "How are you doing?"
"It's good to see you, Y/n. I'm doing well." He says getting up. "What about you?"
You shrug, and he understands.
“Are you here to see Jane, I presume.”
“Yeah.” You say. “Is she okay?”
"She had surgery, but she'll be fine." He responds by looking momentarily at the door before turning back to you. "She will be happy to see you."
You shift your weight between your feet, frowning slightly.
"She…she mention me?"
"She complained about a grumpy girl at the market." He counts with a smile. "And then she was wearing a ranger coat. It wasn't hard to put it together."
You feel your face heat up.
"We didn't... that's not what...."
Cory laughed at your embarrassment, gesturing slightly.
"It's not my problem." He interrupts you by gently pushing you towards the door. "C'mon, go talk to her."
"What about you?"
"I need to visit Natalie's parents." He says. "I will be back later."
Jane was asleep when you entered.
It was definitely weird to see her hurt. It made you feel helpless. But knowing she would be okay was enough to relax you for now.
You closed the door gently behind you, and looked around.
The room was simple, and you noticed that there were some flowers just like Cory's garden in the window. He was getting soft.
You didn't want to wake her up, so you went to sit in one of the armchairs and wait.
When you did however, you ended up sitting on something, and when you moved to find a stuffed alligator you couldn't help but laugh softly.
The sound was enough to wake the woman in the bed beside you.
"Hey." Jane called out to you softly, making you look up at her quickly.
"H-hey. Sorry I didn't meant to wake you up." You say getting up to stand beside the bed.
Jane looks at you with tired eyes, most likely from all the events, but her gaze is gentle.
"One gunshot is all it takes to get you off that mountain, huh?" She jokes making you let out a nasal laugh.
"Actually I just came here to get my coat back, I've been needing it in the snow." You retort with false seriousness, making her smile.
"If you don't mind the bullet mark, you can take it."
You laugh softly, watching her. She seems to be healing from her wounds very well, the cut on her forehead is already practically closed. You bit your lip before asking.
"How are you?"
Jane sighs softly.
"Beyond the physical, Jane."
She looks away, a sigh slipping out.
"Tired." She says and you nod gently. "Did you hear about what happened?"
“I did.”
She looks at you again, and you notice the tears in her eyes.
“I’m really sorry.”
“Yeah, me too.” You say as you managed to give her a sad smile despite the way your heart aches at the thought of Natalie.
"But this is past. She wasn't the first, and she won't be the last."
Jane frowns slightly.
"Why do you say that?"
"Because it's the truth." You answer, and then sigh lightly. "Do you know about Cory's daughter?"
Jane nods in agreement.
"She was Natalie's best friend." You count. "When Emily died, things changed between us. I was…attached." You say, letting out a humorless laugh. "It wasn't Natalie's fault she couldn't feel the same way."
Jane blinked slightly, understanding. You continued.
"We've started fighting a lot in the last few months." You say. "Because of Matt. I told her he wasn't good for her, and that he was just as idiot as the boys that worked with him. I was driving us to my place, but we kept arguing, and she told me to drop her off at Matt." You declare with emotion, twisting your fingers nervously. "I was so jealous and so angry that instead of apologizing, I did as she told."
"You were her ride." Jane sighs in surprise, all the pieces of the story coming together.
You swallow the urge to cry.
"If I knew they would do this to her..."
"You couldn't have known." Jane interrupts reaching for your hand on the bed. "It was not your fault."
"I drove my best friend to her killers, Jane." You retort bitterly, letting the tears flow. "It's nobody's fault but mine."
Jane shook her head, squeezing your hand.
"This is not true." She says. "It's the killers' fault, and theirs alone. Please, you can't blame yourself for this. You didn't know."
You take a deep breath, controlling your crying. Jane settles down on the bed, her free hand reaching your face as she gently wipes your tears away.
"You kept your promise." You sigh then, looking at her. "The investigation is over."
"You helped me." She retorted. "Without your help, they might never be punished. You brought justice for what was done to your friend."
You sobbed, and Jane pulled you to her. You rested your face against her collarbone, crying softly as she massaged your back.
"Thank you, Jane." You whispered before pulling away a few minutes later, wiping your face on your sleeve as she looked at you tenderly.
"Any time."
Only now did you notice that she kept your hands together, and your gaze immediately dropped to it.
Jane smiled shyly when she noticed you looking, and intertwined them completely, making you blush.
"When I get out of here..." She starts off uncertainty, and you look at her. "You, I don't know, would you like to do something?"
You smile, stroking her hand gently.
"We don't have a lot of entertainment options here in Wind River, Jane." You comment. "But I get the impression you like hot chocolate."
She chucked softly, nodding.
"Hot chocolate with you sounds amazing."
"Agreed then."
The two of you exchange shy giggles, and you're silent a moment longer before you tell her you should leave, your shifts just went back to normal that week.
"Will you come back?"
"I was thinking of stopping by my house to get your clothes. They're dry now." You comment with a smile, Jane bites her lip.
"Or maybe you can leave them there. So I have something to wear when I come to see you."
You felt your face heat up, but you managed to respond.
"You could also wear nothing when you're there."
You can feel the new tension in the air, but all Jane did was glance to your mouth, her eyes darkening.
"Wouldn't I be cold?" She asks in a whisper.
"I'll keep you warm."
You saw the ghost of her smile before she broke the distance, her lips meeting your in a sweet but firm kiss.
You let your tongue slide across her lower lip, begging for passage, as your free hand landed on her neck, and you both sighed at the new sensation as Jane slid her tongue against yours.
But the kiss didn't last long, because Jane let out a low moan of mixed pain and pleasure, and you pulled away, understanding that she was still in the process of recovering.
You smiled in embarrassment at the look she gave you as she pursued your mouth, her free hand twisting the fabric of your shirt to keep you in place.
"Easy tiger." You warned her in an affected voice. "You are still healing."
"I think you should kiss me to make it better."
You laugh, but obey, kissing her very gently this time. In Jane's opinion, too quickly as well.
Then you pull away completely, and she grumbles softly when she sees you standing up.
"I'll be back tomorrow." You say with a smile, fixing the crumpled part she did to your blouse.
"I'll be waiting." She comments with a mischievous look, causing you to smile awkwardly before bringing your faces together again.
Your intention was for a quick kiss, but she slid her tongue against yours and made you gasp. You used all your willpower to pull away.
"See you, Jane Banner." You said a breathless goodbye, hurrying to leave before she succeeded in getting you to skip your shift time.
Over the next few days, you visited Jane Banner three times.
With your work on schedule again, you didn't have time to get back to the forest station without being late if you made your way down the mountain to town, but Jane understood.
Cory also kept her company.
When she was finally discharged, it snowed.
So hard that your only option was to sit inside grumpy like a child, complaining to the walls about how unfair it was that there was a blizzard on the day the girl you liked was free from the hospital.
Then to say you were glad to see her on your doorstep was an understatement.
But happiness was replaced by worry as you remembered she had just come out of the hospital, muttering about driving to see you but barely making it through the snow as you pulled her away from the cold.
"Jane, you've lost your mind." You complained rushing to get the excess snow off her clothes, seeing her shiver as she looked at you with her face flushed. "Driving up here in the middle of a blizzard just after being shot. Crazy woman."
As you helped her remove her wet coat, she just chuckled softly at your comments, following your movements.
"I am cold." She stated, looking at your mouth while her coat fell to the floor, but you were too distracted while kneeling to unlace her boots.
"Of course you're cold! Did you see outside? So irresponsible." You kept complaining until you finished. When she stepped out of her shoes, you looked up, meeting her almost embarrassed gaze, and only then did you become aware that you were on your knees in front of her.
"Will you keep your promise?" She asks in a whisper. You swallow dry.
"What promise?"
"To keep me warm."
You let out the breath you didn't even know you were holding.
"I will."
Jane bit her lower lip, and you lifted your hands up her legs, caressing her to the fullest extent, making her shiver in anticipation as she watched.
Your hands slowly crept up to her belt clasp, and you exchanged a confirming look with her before opening it.
You could hear your unbalanced heartbeats in your ears, but you unzipped anyway.
Jane remained still, breathing shallowly as she watched you slowly lower her pants to the floor until you removed them completely, and she stepped to the side for you to toss the garment over her coat.
You turned your attention to her exposed legs again, resting your hands on the backs of her thighs, gently pulling her forward to kiss her skin at the same height.
She sighs at the contact of your lips on her skin, and you start to lift the kisses, making sure to maintain eye contact with her dilated pupils, accompanied by her flushed cheeks.
When you licked her inner thigh, she moaned hoarsely, her hand inching into your hair, a gentle but firm grip.
"Don't tease." She asked through her teeth, her breathing quickened. You gave her an innocent smile.
"I'm already on my knees for you, miss."
"And what a vision you are." She retorts in the same tone, releasing your hair to unbutton her own blouse, her gaze on you the entire time.
But you decided to continue your original idea, and reached up to her panties, reaching at the sides and pulling the item down.
With the garment off, you had a view of Jane's exposed and visibly wet intimacy, and you sighed, feeling your own pussy begin to tingle.
You turned your gaze to her, bracing your hands on the back of her thighs, waiting for confirmation.
Jane removed the shirt completely, tossing it to the floor, before working on her bra. You thought every second was being too long, and moved your face closer to her cunt, kissing her lightly and smiling at the way Jane let out a breathless moan, struggling to remove her bra.
But your smile turned to a groan as she finished removing her bra and grabbed a handful of your hair, pulling hard to make you look at her.
"Don't bite." She commands before forcing your face against her cunt, and you both moan at the contact.
Your tongue slides between her folds, and you delight in her taste, and the way she was wet and hot. Your hands firm on her thighs, and her hand in your hair as Jane lets out breathless moans as she feels all the pleasure you give her.
"That's it darling…keep going…" She guides between her whimpers, your mouth devouring her with adoration. She tastes like heaven, but she's hot as hell. "Oh... fuck....right there."
The sounds were working for you too, your pussy was soaking wet in your pants, and you pressed your thighs together as you sucked on Jane's clit and she forced your face forward in a reflex to prolong the sensation.
You suck, and take your tongue as far as it will go, making sure to press your nose against her clitoris. Her taste and smell intoxicate you in the best possible way, and the sounds she is making are almost enough to drive you over the edge.
Jane begins to shiver and whimper when she''s close, the grip on your hair tightening, encouraging you to keep fucking her relentlessly.
"Don't stop...my god...." She gasps with no ability to maintain a coherent sentence, your hot mouth driving her insane.
You feel the way she throbs on your tongue, her walls tightening around you, and you keep up your pace, until she cums.
Jane climaxes with a high, throaty moan, throwing her head back as her whole body trembles in spasms and you hold her firmly by the thighs, ready to keep her from falling to the floor as you watch her try to normalize her breathing, your mouth still on her intimacy, licking gently at her clit, until she whimpers from the overstimulation and pulls you nicely by the hair to stop you.
"Come here." She commands in a husky voice and you sigh as you take your hands off her thighs, rushing to be on your feet. She releases the hair grip to cup your face with her hand, bringing your lips together in a passionate, fervent kiss, her tongue exploring your mouth eagerly and making your head spin.
Your hands land on her waist, and as they start to go up, she gasps, breaking the kiss as she feels your palms against her breasts. You move forward to join your lips together again, but she squeezes your throat gently, making you grunt horny.
"I want your mouth." She warns as she uses her free hand to pull your hand away from her breast, using the hand on your neck to grab your hair again and pull your face towards her breast. "That you can bite."
You smile against her nipple, using your mouth to stimulate. Jane closes her eyes, giving in to the feeling of having you sucking and biting her nipples as you move your hands down to her ass, squeezing the flesh and pushing her hips against you, making you both moan at the contact.
It wasn't long before she was ready for another, her hips pushing against yours more frantically.
You cupped her nipple hard, and sucked, releasing the skin after you were sure it would mark, causing her to moan loudly.
But you could feel your edge reaching out to you, after you had tasted her, it wasn't going to take much for you to cum, and you wanted to do it on top of her.
So you reached up to her hair, tugging gently as your mouth moved against her collarbone, the change in dominance made Jane gasp in surprise.
You licked all the way from her neck to her ear, whispering "Bedroom, now." before biting her earlobe.
Jane brought your mouths together again, and the kiss broke into gasping moans many times around the hallway, until you stumbled into the bedroom, and you fell on top of her on the bed.
"You're wearing too many clothes." She comments breathlessly once your kisses have moved down again, making you smile against the skin of her neck.
You pulled away then, ignoring the dissatisfied grunt she made at the loss of contact, to remove your clothes quickly.
Jane bit her lip at the sight of you naked, but you didn't give her time to absorb anything, rejoining your mouths as she pulled you into her lap by the waist.
You thought you were boiling from the inside out, the feel of Jane's pussy against yours was utterly maddening.
Your tongues luff together as you thrust your hips forward, the friction making you both moan into the kiss.
You needed control not to completely give in to the sensation as you pushed Jane with one hand back onto the bed and sat up against her warm center.
She looked at you with some curiosity beyond the lust, breathing out of rhythm through her mouth as you bent slightly to reach the head of the bed. Your toy was there, a double dildo.
"You trust me?" You ask as you lift the object into her field of vision, seeing Jane's eyes widen slightly. You waited, and then she finally nodded.
You pulled away only to fit the dildo between you two, Jane holding her breath in anticipation. You penetrated her first, not having a hard time with the way she was soaking wet and the plastic penis easily slid inside, and she threw her head back on the pillow, moaning at the sensation of being bottom up.
You fit the other end to your entrance, settling into her lap before lowering your hips against Jane, gasping at the feel of the dildo sliding between your walls, your pussy throbbing against the plastic.
You rest your hands on Jane's waist as she gazes at you adoringly.
"You feel good?" You asked breathlessly, using all your control not to move.
“You like this?” You sigh as you force your hips forward, the movement makes you see stars, but it's Jane's hoarse whimper that's taking you over the edge.
"More." She asks, putting her hands on your thighs, trying to pull you forward.
You follow her request, swaying against her lap and feeling the dildo inside your pussy, the sensation of pleasure so absolute you can't keep your eyes open.
You dig your nails into Jane's stomach, tilting your ass to ride the dildo, and the whole movement makes her moan loudly, whimpering at the feel of the plastic penis inside her.
It doesn't take long for you to find a rhythm, your hips forcing against each other in sync, the dildo inside your cunts making you both whimper with pleasure, until it becomes too much, and you feel the hot grip at the tip of your belly close to explode.
"J-Jane... I'm..." You gasp loudly, keeping your rhythm, your pussy twitching and clenching against the plastic.
"Fuck...Me too.... don't stop..."
You came together, in a loud moan, as you arched your back and Jane sank her nails into your thigh.
You collapsed on top of her, sinking against her body, as you both tried to normalize your breathing.
Sighing softly, you moved to remove the dildo from inside you two, now completely soaked with your juices, and toss it onto the mattress as you returned to Jane's embrace.
Humming sweetly, she traced your back with her hand as you rested your arm at the height of her breasts.
"Is that enough to keep you warm?" you tease, making her laugh lightly as she looks up at you with lazy eyes after cumming twice.
You let your gaze wander, and frown slightly when you notice the mark a little below her neck.
"Is this where...?" You begin as you trace with your finger, and don't need to conclude for Jane to confirm. You look away from the bullet scar to her. "Are you sure you could have put in physical effort after that?"
Jane smiled mischievously.
"Absolutely not." She replies, making you look at her with fake annoyance, which causes her to laugh lightly. "But it was worth it."
You ask with your tongue between your teeth, and she murmurs yes as she moves closer, kissing you tenderly.
It is gentler, but it is even more intimate than any kiss you two have ever shared.
Jane puts her hand on your waist, and you rest your chin against the arm above her chest.
You stare at each other in silence for a few moments, but she can tell that you are pensive.
"What is it?" she asks gently, her fingers again caressing your back. You sigh.
"I was thinking about you." You confess making her raise her eyebrow in amusement, but the expression fades as you continue to speak. "About the time you’ll leave."
"Do you want me to leave?"
You sigh, shaking your head. "It doesn't matter what I want, Jane."
She frowns slightly.
"That's not true."
You pull away to lie on the mattress, your back on the comforter and your gaze on the ceiling.
"I'm going to miss you when you go back to Las Vegas."
Jane is silent for a moment, and then she is moving to look at you, still lying in bed.
"What if I stayed?"
You turn your head to her with an incredulous expression. Jane doesn't hesitate.
"I mean it." She says and you sigh.
"Outsiders always leave." You repeat the mantra you have learned and ignore the way Jane frowns, moving away. You grab your shirt from the floor as you look forward, sitting up in bed.
"We're a one-night-only thing, then?" She asks almost angrily, sitting up properly on the bed like you. You sigh.
"I'm not the one leaving."
"I'm not leaving!" She retorts and you turn to her.
"Of course you are!" You insist impatiently. "Or do you plan on living in the city hotel for years to come? I don't know how much the FBI is paying, but I bet not that much."
Jane sighs irritably, rolling her eyes as she looks away. You're right.
"This was fun, but we need to be realistic." You continued to get up. "You're going to finish the reports and leave. That's it, we don't need to make this big."
"I'm in love with you."
You freeze.
And when you look at her with wide eyes a moment later, Jane is rubbing her temples lightly.
She sighs before looking at you.
"I am..."
"Don't." You interrupt, your voice hoarse with emotion, feeling your eyes fill with water. Jane blinks in surprise.
"What?" She asks confused. "Why can't I say? It's the truth. I'm-"
"Stop it!" You cut it again. "I want you to leave."
"What are you talking about?"
"Go away." You repeat in earnest, ignoring the way your heart is pounding and you want to cry.
Jane looks at you with hurt, then lets out an incredulous laugh, getting up to leave the room.
You took a deep breath to keep the tears away, waiting long minutes to follow her.
When you arrived in the living room, Jane had all her clothes on, and your first action was to look out the window to see the current blizzard situation, but it was over. Just like your story with her.
Jane hesitated as she opened the door, looking back to find you with your arms crossed, an unreadable expression on your face.
“Is this really goodbye?” she asks with tears in her eyes. You hold hers, lifting your chin.
"Have a nice life, Jane Banner."
Her lip trembles from crying, but she just nods and turns away, closing the door.
When she's gone, you collapse in sobs against the wall.
The next few days are not good for you.
You barely eat, your appetite has gradually disappeared due to the emotional distress, and it is so cold that you don't feel like getting out of bed.
However, you find yourself being forced into town when your coffee runs out, and mentally cursing, you put on your winter clothes, and go after your keys.
You choke lightly when your gaze finds the changes of Jane's clothes that you had left unpacked on the couch to return to her, and ignoring the urge to cry, you take the items and the key from the countertop, deciding to get her address to mail the clothes to.
It wasn't snowing that heavily, but you keep your eyes on the road. A few minutes later you reach the town and decide to stop at the police station before going to the market.
You are very frustrated to learn that Siu cannot give you the personal address of a federal agent.
"I'm sorry, but I don't even have access to that kind of information." She informs you in a low tone, looking at you curiously. "What do you want with this anyway?"
"She left some clothes at home, I wanted to mail it." You say and regret your choice of words immeditately as you see Siu's expression change.
"I knew it!" She exclaims mischievously. "I said it was weird that she always asks about you. Since when are you two sleeping together?"
You sigh.
"We're not." You say. "Well, we did. Once. Twice. B-but that's not important. We're not together. Are you sure you can't get her address?"
"I really wish I could help you, but I can't. I'm sorry."
“It’s okay Siu, thank you anyways.”
On the way out however, you bump into Cory leaving his truck by the grocery store.
"Hey Lambert!" You call him as you approach. "Any chance you have Jane Banner's address?"
Cory looks at you with a mixture of surprise and concern.
"Thought you would know that."
You sigh looking away.
"We're not together, Cory."
"And why do you need the address?"
"I'll return her clothes."
Cory raises an eyebrow at you, but you roll your eyes impatiently.
"So, you know?"
"I knew the old one."
You frown, confused and Cory clarifies:
"You know she's moving, don't you?"
He gives a short laugh, waving for you to follow him toward the grocery store.
"Jane talked to her superiors while she was in the hospital." He counters as you walk into the store. "I think she wanted the Wyoming region to be her area of operation. And well, nobody wants this place, so her boss made no objection to her transfer."
You widen your eyes at the whole story, but occupy your hands with the groceries that Cory points you to pick up from the shelves.
"She got a place in Thermopolis, decent price, and I think her apartment in Vegas will cover everything."
You are really shocked. And Cory clears his throat.
"You know, she's a good person." He comments. "I'd be happy if things worked out between you two.”
You look away to the floor, upset.
"Don't even go there, buddy." You asked. "We would never work out. It was special, but it's like they say, outsiders always leave."
Cory laughed at your sentence, stopping walking.
"What are you talking about?" he asked.
You made a bothered expression and Cory rolled his eyes.
"Kid, when people say that around here, they are referring to tourists and land explorers." He retorts, and then his expression softens. "You know, not everyone who isn't a native goes away. Not everyone is like your father."
You feel your cheeks heat up, and you look away quickly, busying yourself with grabbing a packet of coffee from the shelves.
Cory sighs, straightening his posture as he looks at you.
"I'm sorry." He says. "It was insensitive to say it that way."
"It's okay, you're right." You say upset, controlling yourself not to cry. "My father abandoned me here without looking back and now I don't trust anyone. You can start acting as the town therapist now, Doctor Lambert!" You tease armagely before throwing the coffee into the little basket he carries and turning to leave.
Cory calls you a few times but you don't come back.
You sit in your car, trying to control the mixture of anger and hurt that takes over your chest, and you must have done this for long minutes because Cory comes out of the grocery store with the bags and knocks on the window in your car, waiting for you to roll down the window to hand you the coffee.
"The address is on the receipt." He says as soon as you put the bag on the seat. "Some of the outsiders stayed here, kid. I stayed, and so did you."
He states with an earnestness before walking away. You think about his words for long moments before you decide to drive to Jane's house.
Nature, however, seems to have different plans.
It starts to snow heavily, and you are looking to stop on the road when you almost crash your car.
Cussing quietly, you realize that it is just another driver who had the same idea as you.
Squinting your eyes, you sigh in surprise when you realize that it is Jane's car.
You reach for the clothes in the back seat before you get out of the car, hugging your jacket because of the cold.
You tap the glass gently, startling her, but when she recognizes you, she quickly lowers the window.
"What are you doing here?" she questions confused.
"I could ask you the same thing." You return, ignoring the way your stomach flips with nervousness at seeing her again. Jane rolls her eyes.
"I was just going home." She replied.
"Well, I was going to return your clothes." You informed as you lifted the change to her and tossed it into the passenger seat through the window. "Good luck in Thermopolis, Janne Banner." You said before walking away and she blinked in confusion as she hurried to remove her seatbelt and get out of the car, the sound of the door opening making you stop walking and turn to her.
" You know I'm moving?" She asks in surprise.
"Yes, Cory told me."
She hesitates, opening and closing her mouth once before actually deciding to speak.
"It's close." She says. "Thermopolis, I say. It's close from here."
"I know."
Jane pulls a strand of hair out of her face, seeming to take courage.
"Does that change anything between us?"
You frown slightly, looking away and then back at her.
"No, Jane." You reply, and she looks down at the floor immediately. You sigh, taking a step forward. "But the fact that I am in love with you, does."
She raises her head quickly, surprised at the confession. You give her a shy smile.
"You living in Vegas, Seattle, or even on the moon makes no difference to me." You continue as you approach her with slow steps. "What matters is that I am in love with you. And I will stay in love with you even if you are on the other side of the country."
When you reach her, she lets out a relieved sigh, her eyes watering. You lift your hands to her face.
"I'm sorry I made you cry before." You whisper to her. "I shouldn't have told you to go when I wanted you to stay."
She smiles, letting the tears flow as she shakes her head slightly.
"It's okay." She whispers back, her hands coming up to rest in yours on her face. "Your hands are cold." She remarks in the same tone, and you giggle, but when you make mention of moving away, she guides them to her waist, on the inside of her coat.
"Leave them here, I'll keep it warm for you." She says making you smile with flushed cheeks, as she slips her arms around your neck.
"My lips are cold as well." You joke and she bites back a smile, resting her forehead against yours.
"Let me warm them up too." She says before breaking the distance.
From that day on, kissing Jane Banner in the snow became so comforting that it made you forget how cold it could be in Wind River.
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rafescoke · 3 years
Obsessed ; Rafe Cameron
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: “Till death do us part.”
Warnings: Mutual toxic relationship! Rafe being overly obsessed with reader, heavy smut
A/N: 900 followers wtf ily <33 so sorry if this isn’t my best work :(
(Y/N) laughs as the feeling of his soft lips peppers her lower abdomen. It has always been so exquisite. She almost doesn’t want to let go.
“Rafe!” She sighs, throwing her head back. “We have to go to your sister’s birthday dinner.”
“Just stay,” he replies, trailing his wet kisses down to her thighs. She shivers from the tingling feeling in the pits of her stomach. “We don’t have to go.”
“Of course we do,” she answers, running her fingers through his hair. He groans when he feels a sudden tug, but he likes it.
“I have to make a good impression on Sarah and your parents, baby.”
“They can’t stop me from loving you,” he chuckles, finally parting from her skin and staring up at her (E/C) orbs.
How can someone look so magical?
“Rafe, come on,” she sighs, bending down to plant a kiss on his cheeks. “You can do anything to me tonight.”
“Anything,” she nods, laughing slightly when he goes straight for her stomach again. “If you keep doing this I will leave you hanging tonight.”
He pulls away, groaning. “Okay, okay. Come on. Let’s go.”
Being in a relationship with Rafe Cameron feels so amazing yet surreal. She heard things about him before, how he was having a hard time trying to fight his anger issues and his addiction, but she always felt intrigued by his presence.
Every time she went to a party hosted by some kooks, her eyes will always meet his blue ones.
It felt like fate.
Rafe holds her hands in his as they walk down the carpeted floor to the big table filled to the end with their friends and a few family members.
“Woah, this is a big family,” (Y/N) smiles, tightening her grip around Rafe’s fingers.
“Rafe, you’re early today,” Ward greets, and (Y/N) smiles before Rafe pulls her to his back, as though shielding her from him. She quirks a brow.
“And this is (Y/N), I assume?” He asks, extending his hand out. (Y/N) smiles and wraps her hands around his.
“Yeah,” Rafe grunts, and pulls her back to his side.
“(Y/N), I’m glad you can join us,” Rose appears, her red lips pulled into a warm smile. “We’ve heard a lot about you.”
(Y/N) looks up to Rafe, her heart beating. Did he tell them about her?
That’s the last thing she would ever guess from him.
“Hey, nice seeing you with Rafe, (Y/L/N),” Topper smiles, and Rafe watches as he helps her down to her seat. He raises a brow but decides against it.
“Hey, yeah,” (Y/N) replies, glancing at Rafe and back to Topper. “It’s nice seeing you here, Tops.”
Rafe’s hands travel to her thighs, tracing invisible circles whilst glancing around the table. He doesn’t feel like making any new conversations with anyone, and he definitely doesn’t appreciate the way Topper is more chatty with his girl than before.
Since when is Topper interested in the same girl as his?
His grip around her thighs tightens. Maybe it’s the annoyance from watching his own best friend flirting with her. Or maybe it’s the anger coursing in him when she does the same thing.
“Hey, you brought a girlfriend!” Sarah greets, bending down to give Topper a kiss on his cheeks. “(Y/N), right?”
“Yeah,” (Y/N) replies, extending her hand to greet the blonde Cameron.
Always the crowd-pleaser, her.
The whole time the dinner sets out, Rafe can’t wait to just get the event over and bring his girlfriend home. He never wants (Y/N) to get closer to his family, and doesn’t intend to. The last thing he wants is for Sarah and (Y/N) to become best friends.
“Yeah, and then guess what?” Topper asks, waiting to drop the punchline. (Y/N) laughs at the enthusiasm, and then shakes her head.
“I didn’t even get it!”
“What?” (Y/N) laughs, eyes shut and hands clutching onto her stomach. “You were never this funny, Tops. What happened?”
Here we go again with the Tops. Why is she even calling him that?
Rafe pulls her chair closer to his and whispers into her ear. She perks up from his hot breath. “Let’s go home.”
“We haven’t sung the birthday song, Rafe,” she sighs. “Come on, let’s just wait for another half an hour.”
And she returns back to Topper like he isn’t there.
Rafe stands up, scraping the linoleum floor of the restaurant as he did so. A few family and friends stare at him, but without giving them a glance, he pulls (Y/N) up with a grip around her arms.
“Rafe, ow! What are you doing?”
“We’re leaving, come on,” he grunts, retrieving his phone from the table and stuffing them in his pocket.
“Why? We’re not done yet?”
“Yo, man, what’s up?” Topper asks, being so confused after getting stopped midway of him trying to tell another story. “You haven’t seen the cake yet.”
Rafe doesn’t say anything and continues to pull her away to the exit. She moans from the tug in pain, but her expression is plastered with an apologetic look to everyone around the table. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” (Y/N) yells, prying his arms away from his grip and immediately starting to apply pressure to the pain. 
“I don’t like seeing the way you’re talking to Topper,” he finally speaks, walking straight toward his jeep. He stops after a few seconds, looking back to his shoulders to see if she’s following him, and resumes his walk when her angry face follows him.
“We’re just talking. Rafe, I don’t appreciate you pulling me away like this just because you’re jealous.”
He stops walking and turns back to look at her. “You were practically begging him to fuck you, (Y/N). Don’t you realize it?”
What. The. Fuck.
“Fuck you, I’m not getting into the car with you,” she says, slowly feeling hot tears filling up her eyes.
“You are, and that’s final. Get the fuck in.”
He steps closer to her, trying to get ahold of her, but she’s quick. She moves away, blocking his view of her face so he doesn’t see the tears that are streaming down her face.
He’s got way too far this time.
“(Y/N), get in. Let’s talk about this on the way home. Come on.”
She doesn’t move or say anything, but when Rafe finally engulfs her into a hug, she doesn’t let go. It’s crazy how he’s able to make her feel absolutely worthless yet needed at the same time.
“I’m sorry, baby. Get in the car with me?”
And she goes in after him.
. . .
Rafe has never discarded a girl’s clothing faster than he unclipped the hook of her bra.
(Y/N) sighs, still so sore from yesterday’s activity, but she wanted this more than before.
She had never thought about how hot her boyfriend looked when intoxicated, but after tonight’s party, all she wants is to have all parts of him.
Rafe helps her down to her knees, piling her (H/C) hair up into a high ponytail and letting her fingers wander around the waistband of his boxers. He throws his head back, the anticipation killing him.
“Quick, quick, come on,” he grunts, opening half of his eyes to see if they’ve got an audience. The bathroom seems deserted, and he looks down at her again.
She starts with her kitten licks on his tip, watching as he squirms and his breathing becoming heavier. She likes it like this; she feels totally in control.
“Don’t tease,” he groans, tugging her chin up so she can look into his eyes. “You know better, baby, come on.”
She takes him whole, and he can feel himself hitting the back of her throat. He groans, throwing his head back because the feeling still amazes him every time.
She grazes her teeth against his member, sending vibrations throughout his whole body and he has never felt this amazing before. He groans, stopping her movement with his hands before he could get sent into complete oblivion.
“What’s wrong?” she pouts, and that’s enough for Rafe to pick her up and throws her against the sink. She yelps, but her heart is thumping excitedly.
“Wait, wait, you can’t,” she whispers, holding his prying hands into a halt before he can touch her in the throbbing areas. She bites her lips, “I’m sore, remember?”
“I’m not gonna let you touch me without letting me touch you back,” he grunts. 
He wants all of her.
“Rafe, we can’t,” she chuckles, turning herself forward so she’s directly facing him. 
“I’m sure you can handle it,” he whispers, pushing her against the door and letting her breath tickles his jaw. He can’t handle another few more hours of not touching her; he’ll go absolutely crazy in any minute.
His hand trails down to her aching core, and he watches as she jolts upright.
“Are you sure you don’t want this, baby?” he coos, “Because you’re wetting my hands.”
 (Y/N) attacks his lips with so much force he topples backward, and Rafe’s back hit one of the stalls’ door. He groans, feeling himself getting harder than ever, and pulls her away with his fingers around her neck.
“Do that again, and I’ll make sure this is the last time I’ll be fucking you.”
Before she can reply to his snarky remark he turns her over so her front is pressed against the door. She groans, cheeks flat against the blue door.
Rafe brings one hand slowly up to her neck while the other trails down to her core, collecting her juices with his fingers before he brings them up to her pink lips. He gets closer to her ears, his own mouth watering.
If she ever thinks he would stop, she’s completely in the wrong.
“So wet for me, baby,” he whispers, playing his fingers against her lips and watching as she struggles to taste herself. “So eager for me?”
“Please, Rafe, do something.”
Rafe groans, his cock swelling painfully. Oh, he loves listening to her pleas and her begs. He can come undone from all of that hassle.
Her own hands grab the one playing with her lips and bring it closer to her pussy, and she sucks in a breath while pressing his fingers into herself. Rafe bites his lips, being so close against her he’s basically fucking her through his pants.
She knows how to move against him, and it drives him crazy. His lips are slightly parted as he watches her fuck herself with his fingers, soaking his own digits with her juices. The bathroom is now filled with her lewd noises, and Rafe wishes this moment will never end.
“People are going to hear us,” she complains, but she doesn’t do any effort to stop his fingers from entering her. She throws her head back against his shoulder, and Rafe uses the opportunity to leave a trail of wet kisses down to her neck. 
“Let them,” he whispers. “Spread your legs, baby, come on.”
She doesn’t do anything, still so absorbed with the euphoric feeling starting to form in her stomach. Rafe groans, hating it when his requests are getting denied, and stops her hands from forcing his into her.
“Why’d you stop?” she moans, half annoyed when the familiar knot starts to dissipate into the thin air.
“You’re getting comfortable,” he replies, and before she can say anything else, his hands quickly pull her skirt up to reveal her glistening pussy under the orange lights of the bathroom.
“No panties?” he licks his teeth, waiting.
“Just making it easier for you,” she shrugs, and Rafe almost comes to his end at the sight of her all smug and proud. He wishes for nothing other than to wipe that look off her face, but he kind of likes it on her. 
Rafe pushes himself into her and hears as she squirms from his size. After so many times they had done the deed, he would have thought she would have gotten used to him. It gives him a certain pleasure when she does the same reaction when he first enters her.
Rafe pushes up one of her knees, widening her up, and starts going at her at a much faster pace. The sex with Rafe always ends up rough, but tonight’s leaves some kind of a different feeling in her.
“You like that?” he whispers, tightening his grip around her neck. “You feel so good around me, baby.”
She doesn’t reply, still so high from the exaltation as she presses herself more against him if that’s even possible to reach her high. She moans against his shoulder, shutting her eyes and feeling her hot tears wetting her cheeks.
“Mhm,” he grumbles. “I know baby, come on. Let me help you.”
Rafe’s orgasm explodes as he lets out the hottest moan ever, filling her up with his seed and feeling her clench around him. 
There is no doubt that this girl is absolutely driving him insane.
And he loves every part of it.
She melts into him as she reaches her high, head thrown back and lips parted, and Rafe involuntarily wipes the tears pooling under her eyes. She opens her eyes once she’s finally regained her balance, helping herself off Rafe and pulling her skirt down.
She places a soft kiss against his cheeks, feeling so tired she can pass out in the toilet. She walks to the sink with Rafe’s arms around her waist, still so unsure if she’s fit enough to walk on her own. 
She looks up at Rafe through the big mirror, watching as he stares down at her fingers under the running water.
“How do you know where I am?” she asks, tilting her head to one side. “How do you know I’m in the club?”
Rafe’s eyes go back to focus on her mesmerizing orbs. After a while, he answers back. “Why? Are you cheating on me?”
“You know it’s not like that, Rafe,” she sighs, closing the tap and pulling a cheap tissue paper from the side. “I’m here for my friend’s birthday party.”
He doesn’t reply, and she bumps her shoulder against his.
“You’re not stalking me, are you?”
Rafe pulls her against him and breathes into her scent, “Of course not. It’s just fate that I met you here.”
She caves in and pulls him in for another kiss. 
. . .
Is it normal to feel watched at all times?
The typing motion stares back at her as she tilts her head at the computer screen. She really doesn’t get it. 
Her phone vibrates against the dining table, and she answers the call without a glance at the name. 
“Hey, Tops? What’s up?” She greets, finally cracking a smile after a whole day of being worried over being watched. 
“I’m wondering if you’d like to help me out with a gift I bought for Sarah. You know, since you’re a girl.” 
She stays in her position, her mind fleeing back to a certain brunette she had just kissed an hour ago. 
Would he be okay with this? 
It’s not like she’s cheating on him. It’s just helping a friend out. 
“Yeah, sure, I’ll be at your house in a few minutes.” 
Rafe has been nothing but a sweetheart to her. There may be some times his issues accidentally slipped in, but she was gentle with him. She caressed him until he was okay again, and they never spoke of it again. 
She glances at the red mark around her arm from Rafe’s grip a week ago, and grimaces. 
“Hey, Tops, sorry I’m so late. I stopped by for gas just now.” 
Topper smiles, allowing her into his mansion and motioning her to the living room. A few gifts wrapped in purple and pink wrapping paper stare back at her, and (Y/N) widens her eyes. 
“Holy shit, you’re truly a great boyfriend.” 
Topper laughs, patting the empty seat beside him and pushing a small velvet box in her hands. “What do you think?” 
“Is this for Sarah?” She smiles, showing her pearly white teeth. Topper can’t help but notice the dimples on her face. 
“Yeah. Do you like it?” 
“Yeah, I love it,” she nods, moving the small box around to get a better view of the ring under the light. “She’s a lucky girl.” 
Two hours later, Topper holds the door open for her as she smiles at him. From a distance away, they look like a couple in love. 
It’s no surprise that a certain figure a few cars away is clenching his fist and jaw whilst staring at the two of them. 
“Thanks, (Y/N), you’re the best,” Topper sighs, pulling her into a side hug. “Give Rafe a hug for me, yeah?” 
(Y/N) laughs, pushing his shoulders playfully and walking down the steps to her own car. “I always know there’s something between you two.” 
She doesn’t feel like driving back home and decides to stop by at an ice cream place to get herself a milkshake, even when it’s already 10 p.m. 
She likes it when she’s all alone on the island at this time of the day as she’s free to do anything she wills. She drives straight to the store, oblivious to the black jeep following her from behind. 
“Can I get an oreo milkshake?” She smiles, watching as the cashier nods and goes back to the back to make her milkshake. She opens her phone, and taps on the first name on her contact. 
Hey, I miss you :) 
A few seconds later, her phone dings. 
Rafe: Did you have fun? 
“Your milkshake.” 
(Y/N) jolts up to the sudden voice, and smiles apologetically at the cashier before getting her drink. 
Have fun? What? 
“You didn’t reply to my text.” 
“Jesus fucking Christ, Rafe!” She exclaims, holding her hand out for support on the counter. She glances at the cashier, but he seems to be in the back again. “What are you doing here?” 
Rafe looks down at her and god, she has never felt so small than ever. She gulps and places her drink down, because this is slowly starting to make sense. 
“Rafe, are you stalking me?” 
He doesn’t reply, but it’s enough for (Y/N) to turn on her heels back to her car. 
The constant feeling of being watched. The random motions outside of her window and the pair of eyes she felt everywhere when she was out with some friends. 
“Wait, wait, (Y/N)!” He groans, pulling her hands and halting her walk. “Please don’t leave, okay?” 
“How can you do this? Don’t you trust me enough?” She yells. His jaw tightens, and she involuntarily takes a step back. “Rafe, you’re scaring me.” 
“I’m just protecting you, alright?” He grunts, “And what the fuck are you doing at Topper’s house?” 
Oh. So this is what everything’s about. 
“None of your business,” she shoots back, and with a final thrust, she frees herself from his grasp. 
Rafe laughs, wetting his lips. Before she can say anything else, he pushes her against her car door and watches as she squirms. 
“You’re my fucking girlfriend, of course it’s going to be my business.” 
There’s no way out of this, not when everything she’ll say will be regarded as a lie. Unless. . .
“Yeah, I fucked Topper,” she whispers, cheeks pressed against the cold metal surface of her car. “Is that what you want to hear?” 
“Hm,” he sighs, and flips her over in a swift. She yelps, having to face him directly now, and all of her brief confidence dissipates into the air. 
“Wanna say it again?” He whispers, his lips so close to her skin she can feel his heat. 
She stares into his eyes again, feeling so scared now that he’s got her cornered, but the exciting feeling growing inside of her seems to outweigh all her fear. 
“I fucked your best friend.” 
“Wrong answer,” he answers, and pulls the car door open before pushing her in. 
Rafe’s lips attach themselves against her collarbones as she grunts softly, pulling on his hair and fighting against every energy in her to push him away. 
But she seems struck by his touch again. She can’t let go. 
“Wanna get so smug on me again?” He groans, fingers trailing down to the button of her jeans before he pops it open. 
(Y/N) throws her head back against the seat, so engulfed in the feeling she doesn’t ever wanna let him go. Rafe notices the change in her behavior, and god knows how much it riles him up. 
“Rafe,” she grunts, “Don’t play with me right now.” 
Her hands reach for his fingers, but he slaps her hands away. 
“Do that again and I’ll fucking kill you, (Y/N), I swear to fucking God.” 
(Y/N) bites her lips, because a death threat shouldn’t leave her all perked up. 
“Please,” she whispers. 
“You know I’ll take care of you, right? And you’re going to let me take care of you. Can you do that?” 
“Don’t see Topper again—” he tugs on her chin, “—or I’ll fucking kill you for real.” 
“Yeah,” she nods eagerly. “Please, baby, touch me?” 
He chuckles and bends to her eye level, watching as she tries to contain herself. 
“Till death do us part?”
He grips her thigh, “Till death do us part?” 
“Till death do us part.” 
@okayshoto @joselyn001 @onceuponateenagetrash @dyingsleeping @iwannabeapogue @meaganjm @rafesobxs @flossy2929 @unfortunatekiwitrash @scottybitch @asimpwriter @amaya124 @tommy-tommo @thatshithurted8 @fallincindy @marvelwhor3 @rafeswh0ree @kookap @supernaturallydc-blog @blank-velvet @alaniskauany @kiiim8 @witchywrter @kaitlyn2907 @heyimflo @overcookedpastasause @tsukkiswifeey @spidey-d00d @anonymousobxfan @gotmeinloveagain @chicagoblackhawkslover96 @lexi-writes @classydragonthingknight @belongtoyou-u @badbussylol @savannah-elliott @angelreyesgirl100 @haterpenny @beehappyyy @alwaysclassyeagle @maybankslut @kayleea122 @clearbolts @lovelyxtom @christianaevans @jemimah-b99 @opierdalacz @dangerdolns @wildflowerliv @classygirlything21 @pogueslandia @alwaysclassyeagle @rottenstyx @wxn-drlst
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wrappeddinplastic · 3 years
All too well
Thought of this while listening to cinnamon girl by lana del rey and decided to write this instead of sleeping
Your relationship with Klaus throughout the years.
Parings: Klaus mikaelson x fem oc
Warnings: Klaus being a jerk, cheating, a little fluff (wow), angst, toxic relationship, kind of a yandere vibe lols
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                                       10th century 
"Fiona. Fiona, stop. I want to come with you."
The girl only laughed as Niklaus chased her through the forest.
“You'll have to catch me first," The girl spoke. He didn't have to look at her to see the smirk on her face.
"I will." The boy declared.
He kissed her hungrily, moving from her lips to her neck.
She couldn't quite enjoy the moment as she remembered the two women she had seen him with earlier.
He didn’t attempt to hide his infidelity after Katerina. She had realized he truly didn't care anymore.
She opened her eyes to see Elijah with Celeste. Jealousy ran through her body. He looked so happy. She couldn't remember the last time Niklaus had looked at her that way. With love and not lust.
She perks up instantly as Rebekah walks into the room, her fingers intertwined with Emil's. She had suspected Rebekah was seeing someone but, she would have never guessed it was the governor's son.
"Are we interrupting?" Rebekah asked, seeing the two.
"No," Both Fiona and Elijah answered.
"Yes," Klaus groaned into the girl's neck.
"Dearest Fiona, Elijah. You've only ever wished happiness for me. Emil and I are in love. Please, let me turn him,"
Fiona smiled brightly running to hug her sister-in-law.
"Rebekah that's lovely. I'm so happy for you," She cupped her face as they giggled happily.
Hugging once more.
“Thank you sister,”
She turned to face her husband as she heard him chuckle.
"Rebekah, the governor has graciously agreed to hide a lot of our indiscretions. It would not do to turn his son into one of us," Elijah spoke.
"Please. For me," Rebekah begged.
"Well," Fiona tried but was quickly cut off.
"It's not going to happen, sister. If we turned every man you dropped your knickers for, then human beings would cease to exist and we'd have no bloody food,"
"Niklaus! You are out of line," He sent his wife a sharp glare before grabbing Emil by his throat.
"Brother," Elijah spoke but was ignored.
"Niklaus. Niklaus!" Fiona followed her husband
"Niklaus, no!" Rebekah tried.
The sound of Emil's neck being broken after Niklaus drops his body over the balcony made her stomach churn.
Klaus roughly grabbed Fiona's arm dragging her to wherever.
The last thing she sees is Elijah consoling a sobbing Rebekah.
She had convinced Klaus it was time to wake Rebekah.
"Well, it's about time. I was bored waiting but I did so want to see your face, and it is, indeed, priceless,"
"Niklaus, stop taunting her,"  Fiona knelt beside Rebekah.
"You bastard. What day is it?"
"I have been daggered for a whole week? Marcel – what have you done to him?"
"It's 1887, Rebekah. You've been daggered for 52 years,"
"I'm sorry, Rebekah," Fiona apologized, seeing the look on her sister's face.
"Niklaus presented him with a choice: he could choose to undagger you and live out the rest of his human days with you, or,"
"No," She turned to face her brother, who held an emotionless look on his face.
"He could turn him instead, as he's always wanted, in exchange for giving you up,"
"No. He wouldn't do that to me,"
"Oh, but he did."  Klaus spoke with a chuckle.
Again. He had cheated again.
Of course, he had broken down and played the victim.
"I'm sorry, but I promise this was the last time. I promise, please just don't leave,"
"Ok. I'll stay,"
He smiled and he kissed her cheek affectionately.
"I love you. Always and forever," 
“I’m going to check on Rebekah,” He spoke before leaving her by herself.
"Always and forever." She mumbled, looking at her ring.
                                                       “Please, Niklaus. We can not leave him. He’s my son. He’s our child!” He turned from her pleading eyes.
“I’m sorry, but we have to leave him.”
She sobbed uncontrollably.
He wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly.
"Enough! I've had enough. Enough of your empty promises and lies!"
He watched her closely, an emotionless expression painted his face.
"What exactly are you saying?" He spat sharply.
"What does it sound like I'm saying?"
He arose from his seat.
"You will watch your tone with me! I will not allow you to disrespect me in my own home!"
"Our home! That's exactly what I mean. I am leaving you!"
"You will do no such thing!"
She couldn't even react before she felt something pierce her heart.
She looked down to see an object she recognized all too well.
"You promised," She whispered.
"I'm sorry. It had to be this way,"
"It didn’t. You’re not sorry. You never are.”
She couldn't leave him. She was stupid to think she ever could.
So now, she watched in jealousy as he played with his child alongside Hayley.
It was unfair. Niklaus had never wanted children, and now, he had one. She had searched every grimoire, asked every witch, begging nature for a loophole but she never found one.
After everything he had done to her, she couldn’t stop loving him. Their love was strange. It was rare. She remembered everything all too well.
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
A/N: it's just a little something, nothing hardcore like last time lol! it's def on the fluffy side.
PAIRING: husband!Harry X Reader
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“Harry? You alright in there?” you call out after him teasingly, even though he hasn’t been in the bathroom for that long.
“Perfectly fine!” you hear his voice from inside, shuffling around in the room as you sit on the couch, waiting for him patiently.
You haven’t done any dramatic outfit reveals lately, since his fits for the shows were almost the same just in different colors, but H said tonight he is finally switching it up. So here you are, waiting for your husband to give you a runway walk in his Nashville night one outfit. You’ve been thinking about what it could be, theories varying from see-through lacy shirts to crop tops. Oh yeah, you would love to see him in a crop top, dressed like men in the nineties, that would be so hot, though not quite his style.
“You ready?” he asks from the other side of the door.
“Never been more ready!” you giggle, your legs bouncing excitedly when you see the doorknob turn.
“Here I come!” he announces and then walks out with his little funny walk, hands bent in the wrist like little girls do, a silly smile on his face as he approaches you.
And he looks fantastic. The powder colored sparkly suit is amazing, fits him so well, especially on his thighs. Goddamnit, you already want to get him out of it! You jump up from your seat, walking closer to him when he opens the jacket, revealing his shirtless torso, only his suspenders running across his chest in such a delicious way.
“Shut up!” you gasp, staring at him as if he was art, but in a way, he really is art to you. Reaching out your palms cup his stomach just above the waistline of his pants, the warmth of his body mixed with the hardness of his muscles is the sweetest feeling under your touch. “Harry Styles, you are such a tease!” you giggle, eyes meeting his proud look. You both know the fans have been going crazy for another revealing outfit since the show in Vegas. This will absolutely love this one.
“You like it?” he grins at you, hands finding your waist as he pulls you closer, kissing your cheek.
“Well of course! You look fabulous!” you giggle, stealing a kiss from his lips quickly. Your hands slide to his naked back under the jacket and you can’t hold a satisfied hum back how perfect this fit is. The shirts tucked into his pants didn’t let you do this, but now you can feel his skin with no problem, whenever you want to. “This outfit might be my second favorite after the Vegas one,” you grin up at him, running your fingers up and down his back, your nails gently scratching him just the way he likes it when you’re in bed. He is incredibly cuddly, almost like a baby and loves to get you to scratch his back and head, whining whenever you stop.
“Mmm, you need to stop or the concert will start late,” he hums and you feel his muscles relax under your touch, his lips pressing to your forehead.
You stay like that, tangled together, just showering in the joy of the moment. You’ve been married for almost a year, but it still feels like you’re spending your honeymoon. It doesn’t matter where you are, Harry always makes you the happiest and you truly hope this feeling will never go away.
It’s a little hard to let go of him, but you wouldn’t keep him up from his concert. You watch him climb into his little box, steal another kiss before the lid is on and then take you usual spot backstage to watch the show. As usual, he is giving one thousand percent. The stage is on fire, the fans are going wild and you just love seeing him this happy, doing what he loves the most.
Sometime during the show a fan asks Harry to do her gender reveal. You instantly feel the excitement grow inside you as he takes the envelope and teases the crowd, reading what’s written in it. You don’t even realize but you’re holding your breath, eyes glued to your husband on the stage, talking about someone else’s baby and it got you wondering…
The past few months you’ve been continuously thinking about finally trying for a baby. Now feels like a good time, everything is going well in your life, you’re finally married with Harry, something you really wanted to happen before getting pregnant and tour would be over by the time you’d reach the second trimester. That is if you succeed instantly, but you know it might take a few months.
“A little baby girl!” Harry announces on the stage, the crowd erupting in screams as he falls to his knees celebrating the joy of a soon to be mother.
You want him to talk about your baby. To reveal your baby’s gender, to be this excited about your baby. You want to have a baby with him. Period.
As the show carries on you think about bringing it up to him, no use in delaying it. You can talk about anything with him, don’t have to stress about what he might say.
When Harry leaves the stage ending the concert, you’re waiting for him near the curtains, his eyes finding you right away, running up to you like an energetic little boy.
“You were so good!” you laugh when he picks you up, twirling you around, his lips peppering kisses into the crook of your neck.
“Let’s go,” he breathes out, pulling you after him into the dressing room.
He doesn’t mess around too long, you’re out the door in about thirty minutes, heading back to the hotel. Harry’s hand never leaves you, he is either holding your hand or squeezing your thigh, waist, he is obviously in a good mindset, maybe even feeling sentimental a little. It’s the perfect opportunity to bring up the baby talk.
When you’re finally back in your room, hidden away from everyone and everything, you’re just about to bring it up, but he beats you.
“Did you see the gender reveal?” he asks with bright eyes as he moves around the room, plugging his charger into his phone, setting it down to his night stand.
“Yeah. A little girl!” you chuckle. This could be a great moment to tell him what you’ve been thinking about, but you notice that he has something else to say, so you wait for him patiently.
He grabs your hand and pulls you until you both are sitting on the edge of the bed. Licking his lips he takes a deep breath before looking into your eyes and you’re holding your breath again, just like earlier.
“Y/N, I’ve been thinking a lot lately. And just know that if you want to wait longer it’s totally fine, I just wanted to put it out there. This gender reveal just made me so emotional and… and I think this might be a good time to start it… but if—“
“Harry, I want to try for a baby,” you blurt out, cutting his rambling off. His mouth hangs open as he stares back at you, slowly, you see his eyes watering and before you could get out another word, he throws himself at you, hugging you so tight he almost crushes you.
You both start laughing, tears are flowing and you end up lying on the bed, tangled together, just enjoying this moment when you decided to start a family. Though you already think of him as your family.
“So we’re gonna have a baby?” he whispers after long minutes of just lying in each other’s arms, staring at one another with stupidly wide grins on your face.
“Well, we gotta make one first,” you giggle and Harry kisses your face all over in excitement.
“Oh, I’m good at that. Practiced a lot,” he cockily answers, making you laugh.
“Did you?”
“Mhm, want me to show it to you?” his smirk grows as he rolls on top of you, his hips settling between your legs.
“Wouldn’t pass on the chance,” you breathe out, pulling him down to kiss you finally.
Thank you for reading! Please like/reblog if you enjoyed!
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saintlike78 · 3 years
Hey, can you do a poly marauders x fem reader where they get jealous because a slytherin boy is flirting with her because she has a snake ring ? Sorry if that was oddly specific, also you can decide if it’s fluff or smut ☺️
The snake ring and the snake [poly Marauders]
A/N: I loved this idea! Thank you so much for the request! I decided not to do smut since I haven’t written a non-smut poly Marauders fic before, but I hope you still enjoy it.
Pairings: Poly! Marauders x Fem! Non-Slytherin! Reader
Words: 1.5k
Warnings: Fluff, polyamorous relationship, flirty Slytherin boy… Idk, but let me know if I missed anything.
The sound of pages being turned and voices speaking lowly filled the large library. The book in front of you had long lost its appeal and the words were all blending together as your mind wandered. You were daydreaming of the boys that occupied your thoughts, as they so often did. Your elbows were resting on the table, your fingers mindlessly fiddling with the golden snake ring placed on your right pointer finger. You loved your ring; it never left your finger and you never intended it to. It had been a gift from your three boyfriends when you had celebrated six months of being together.
The three boys were sitting a couple of tables away from you, having been shooed away as they often were the cause for your lack of concertation.
They often spared glances in your direction, not actually paying attention to their own work, as they were just waiting for you to be done so you all could head back to their dorm.
You were so caught up in your little daydream that you hadn’t noticed the boy with the green tie taking a seat beside you, a small smirk adorning his face.
“I like your ring,” he said causing your gaze to snap to his face.
“Thank you, I like it a lot as well,” you said with a smile.
“A pretty ring for a pretty girl… it would be even more perfect if you were in Slytherin,” he said moving a bit closer to you. You figured he did so just to observe your ring better, you were painfully blind whenever someone was flirting with you, and it often got you in trouble.
You laughed a little, “I don’t think I would fit in very well with you lot, but it would be fun to try to be a Slytherin just for a day.”
“I could show you our common room someday,” he offered, scooting even closer, your shoulders practically touching.
“I would love to see it! I want to see all the common rooms before we’re done with school… I’ve already seen the other three, so I’m only missing yours,” you said excitedly, completely missing the flirty suggestion that the boy had insinuated. You were just excited, hoping you could bring your boys with you, so you all could see the dark common room in the dungeons.
It was at this moment Sirius decided to look in your direction; his jaw almost hit the floor when he saw you sitting shoulder to shoulder with another boy, not just any boy but a Slytherin boy.
“Oi lads, look!” Sirius said while pointing to you.
The two other boys looked up from their books and were equally as shocked when they took in the sight before them.
They all saw you laughing at something the boy had said and none of them missed the sly smirk that had taken over his face.
The jealousy was growing in each of them, a frown taking over their faces as they observed you, blissfully unaware of the Slytherin boy’s intention.
You were just too nice for your own good and loved making new friends, especially from other houses, which your boyfriends often admired you for, but right at this moment, they wished you would just be less nice.
“I can’t handle this,” Sirius seethed, angry jealousy churning in his gut.
“She’s just being nice,” James tried, even though all he wanted to do was to shove that boy as far away from you as possible.
They watched as you tipped your head back, letting out another laugh. They were all memorized by the sound of your pretty laugh, but anger boiled in all three of the boys at the fact that someone else was causing such pretty laughs to leave your mouth.
Sirius’ eyes rolled up in his skull so many times, you would think they wouldn’t come down again.
“Well since she’s no longer studying, we can go join them,” Remus suggested, to which both boys nodded and quickly gathered their stuff and bolted towards your table.
“You can come by later tonight,” the Slytherin boy, whose name you had learned was Harry, suggested.
“Wouldn’t it be more fun to see it in the daytime? Then I could see the lake as well from the windows,” you said, still not picking up on his intentions.
“We could do it both during the day and during the night,” Harry said with a wink.
“That would be so fun,” you smiled, very excited to finally be able to see the Slytherin common room.
“What would be fun, Bunny?” Remus asked, your three boys now standing by your table.
“Oh hi! Harry here has invited me to see the Slytherin common room, so I’m finally going to have seen all four common rooms,” you said with a happy clap of your hands.
Remus, James, and Sirius all mentally facepalmed at how completely gullible you were.
James and Remus moved to sit on the other side of you, while Sirius went with the more territorial approach.
He stood beside your chair lifting you from it, “Up you get, pup.”
He then, not so gracefully, sat on the chair pulling you onto his lap hugging you close to his body.
Harry sat beside you, moving his chair away, so he wouldn’t be sitting so close to Sirius.
“And who might this be,” Harry asked, slightly annoyed and confused.
“Oh yeah, sorry… these are my boyfriends, James, Remus, and Sirius… and this is Harry,” you answered, also introducing Harry.
“I was hoping they could come to see the common room as well since they haven’t seen it either.”
“Uhm, I thought it would just be us… Uhm, but I guess,” Harry answered clearly confused, causing your three boyfriends to smirk.
“That would be so great, so we’ll come later this evening if your offers still on the table?” you asked hopefully.
“Uhm, yeah, sure…” Harry answered awkwardly.
“Yeah, it’s gonna be so fun, isn’t it Harry?” Sirius said, not really looking for an answer.
“And how nice of you to invite our girl to see your common room, wouldn’t have expected such niceties from a Slytherin,” Sirius added in a passive-aggressive tone, seeing right through Harry’s offer.
“Yeah… no problem, mate.”
“But we’ll all see you later then… bye,” Remus said and waved goodbye, a not-so-subtle hint for Harry to leave.
“Uhm bye,” Harry quickly scurried off, not wanting to agitate the boys any further.
You moved so you could sit sideways on Sirius’ lap, so you could see all three of their faces when you talked to them.
“What was that all about, pup?” Sirius asked, trying not to seem jealous or angry.
“What do you mean?” you said with a slight tilt of your head, not understanding what he meant.
“You were going to go to the Slytherin common room with him?” Sirius clarified.
“Yeah...? I mean, I was going to ask if you could join right before you came over, but then you came and he said you could come as well,” you were utterly lost, not understanding why they all seemed so angry.
“Oh, darling, you are absolutely adorable,” James laughed, causing Remus and Sirius to do the same.
A frown pulled at your lips, you weren’t very happy with being the bud of the joke and you were even less happy with not understanding it.
“I don’t understand what’s so funny,” you pouted.
“Aww, puppy,” Sirius smirked and kissed your pouting lips.
“Harry was flirting with you, he didn’t actually want to show you his common room, he did want to show you his dorm room though,” Remus explained causing your frown to deepen.
“Oh… I thought he was being friendly,” you mumbled in a small voice fidgeting with your fingers in your lap.
“You’re just our sweet girl, being nice to everyone, even when you shouldn’t,” Sirius said kissing your cheek and rubbing soothing circles on your back.
Your face turned red with embarrassment, and you buried your face in the crook of Sirius’ neck inhaling his masculine scent.
“I just wanted a new friend, and I made him think that I was going to hook up with him,” you said sadly, your voice muffled by Sirius’ clavicle.
“It’s okay, Bunny, you’re just bad at reading when people are flirting with you,” Remus said, trying to suppress his urge to laugh.
“Yeah, just think about how long it took before you realized we were flirting with you,” James said with a small laugh.
You let out a small laugh at that, thinking back to before you got together and how absolutely oblivious you had been.
“But I would never purposely flirt with anyone else, I didn’t mean to give him the wrong idea,” you said lifting your head, wanting to make your point very clear.
“We know, pretty girl, we just want other guys to understand that they shouldn’t flirt with what clearly doesn’t belong to them,” James said, reaching for your hand across the table and squeezing it.
“But do you still want to go see the Slytherin common room?” you said jokingly.
“If we really want to see it, I could just force good old Reggie to give us the password,” Sirius said with a slight laugh.
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