#my god do they punch you in the chest !!! with the most emotion known to man !!!!!!
aturnoftheearth · 1 year
okay i’m home the chasm can open now
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clipartdinosaur · 4 months
Griddlehark Fics
I have read an absolutely insane amount of Griddlehark fanfics in the past few months so I figured I could make a like...list of all of my favorites that I bookmarked. I'm not sure if anyone will use this but if anything it will be for my own self-indulgence LOL. Just a heads up, this list WILL contain spoilers up to Nona the Ninth, so proceed with your own discretion. Anyway here we go!
(♥︎ = favorite!)
Short (<15k):
"By the Sword" by JeanLuciferGohard (2.6k)
The Reverend Daughter of the Ninth, Necrosaint, Ascended, the greatest bone adept in an Age, does one push-up, and collapses. Harrow does not beg for her cavalier. Harrow rakes her hair back and snarls, “Nav, I am going to unzip your cranial sutures. One by one. And zip them up again sideways.”
"Your Necro Questions Answered" by Magichorse (8.8k)
Syndicated columnist "Nav the Cav" offers a sympathetic ear to cavaliers across the galaxy and dispenses practical, no-nonsense, real talk advice on how to properly manage and care for your necromancer.
"A Lesson in Bones" by Magichorse (3.8k)
One of the laboratory trials at Canaan House compels Harrowhark to swap bodies with her cavalier. What will Gideon do with the power of the most talented bone adept in generations at her disposal? Nothing good, probably.
"Visions of Gideon" by tothewillofthepeople (13k)
Oh my god they were roommates...
"true love's kiss, or something equally nauseating" by corpsesoldier (4.6k)
She was where she needed to be. She was going to pull her necro out of this godforsaken tomb, end the game of musical bodies they were playing, and then everything would be all right. Harrow would be alive. And Gideon was going to give her shit for approximately the next myriad for not just taking what she’d offered and saving them a whole lot of trouble.
"The Big Warm Dark" by decalexas (haelstorm) (2.7k)
Gideon Nav knows how to swing a longsword, brandish a rapier, bridge the gap between life and death, punch the dead in the face, and maybe overthrow an Empire along the way. What she doesn't know how to do is reach for the girl who made all of this possible.
"carrion comfort, despair (not feast on thee)" by NotAFicWriter (5k)
Some time after Alecto wakes, Harrow and Gideon finally have a moment to speak to one another. Hearts are bared. Teeth are bared. Intentions are bared. It all comes at great personal cost (emotional honesty).
"never exhale all the way" by pigflight (1.2k)
Harrowhark paints Gideon's face.
"such an almighty sound" by CountingNothings (10k)♥︎
“I need you to marry me,” Harrow says, a propos of absolutely nothing that Gideon can see. And, uh, okay, this is not what childhood best frenemies say to each other upon discovering that both of their graduate programs have weird residence requirements. “What,” Gideon asks, “the fuck?”
"A Handsomely Dangerous Thing" by zoicite (1.5k)
Had Harrow ever looked at Gideon and felt pride before? Surely not. It sat like a tumor in her chest, a cancerous lump that had grown where it did not belong.
"How it didn't happen" by Nary (1.5k)
"How did you lose it?" Coronabeth asked, more softly than her sister's shrill voice. The group assembled at Canaan House barely knew her, and yet here they were, asking the most irritatingly personal questions, and acting as if they were being kind and thoughtful by prying into her secrets. "I dropped my pen into a vat of acid and reached in to grab it without thinking," Harrow said dryly. Coronabeth recoiled, screwing up her pretty nose. Ianthe looked unsure whether to believe her or not. Their meatslab of cavalier just stared blankly. "The Daughter of the Ninth House was blessed in this manner from her birth, as a symbol of her strength and power over the mysteries of necromancy," Ortus interjected. Harrow glared at him. "Oh," Coronabeth said, an expression of disgusting sympathy on her flawless face. "But then you would never have known who your soulmate was!" Harrow's glare intensified. "My soulmate is bones."
"Halcyon Nights" by Morike91 (10k)
It was hard to tell what was worse: feeling the full warmth of those unguarded honey eyes fall on Harrow, or watching them narrow in recognition and contempt, their warmth now hotter with something else.  “What can I get you?” It has been at least four years since Harrow last heard the voice of Gideon Nav, but it was still as familiar as her right hand. 
"I completely fucking hate you" by ClaraZorEl (7.5k)
In the coming weeks, Harrowhark learns an unfortunate great deal about Gideon Nav. The kind of porn she likes, the number of bread rolls she can fit into her mouth at once, that she always leans too heavily on her left leg when she fights but can do fifty-seven push-ups in a row without stopping, that her biceps rates 11/10 on the scale of good biceps, that her laugh rumbles like an army of skeletons, and most importantly, that she can’t fucking stand her. Gideon Nav is so grating that Harrow has no doubt she will be her undoing. OR Harrowhark Nonagesimus has been invited to Canaan University's ball. But to successfully represent her house, she needs a cavalier, and unfortunately, her only option is her least favourite barista from her least favourite coffee shop.
"A Thousand Teeth, Yours Among Them" by pipistrelle (7k)
"In the end, she poisoned Ortus; so it was Harrow Nova who walked out to the shuttle a half-step behind the Daughter of the Ninth, the chain of Samael Novenary wound about her offhand wrist, the black blade of the Ninth at her side."
"The Only Prayer We Know" by pipistrelle (12k) [Part 2 of "A Thousand Teeth, Yours Among Them"]
It's like a bad joke: two cavaliers (alive) and two necromancers (one dead) walk into a rebel faction of humanity, looking for a new life -- in every sense of the phrase. What they find is each other, and (in some cases) themselves.
"The Flames of Hell Are Warm" by silverapples (7k)
In which Harrow is a repressed evangelical Christian and Gideon performs burlesque in a lesbian nightclub. Feat. nipple pasties, chewing gum, and a steaming mug of gay coffee (wake up and smell it, Harrow).
"Necro Business" by rnanqo (1.6k) ♥︎
“Gideon,” you said carefully, “I will need to examine your mouth. Various structures, primarily the jaw, but also the lingual muscles—the tongue—” You stopped there. Your cheeks were going red, probably with indignity. “Yeah,” I said, a bit too loudly, “yeah, sure. Do it.”
"Holy Cross, Alaska" by softieghost (10k) ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
Harrow meets Gideon. They go through it together.
"my love will be your armor" by TheKnightsWhoSayBook (2.3k)
"The princess has a right to bestow her favor on whoever she wishes to win a match," Gideon tells her. "Are you going to?" "Why would I? I don't want to marry him," Harrow answers bitterly. "Do you want me to win?" Princess Harrow will be engaged to the winner of the tournament, and her only champion is her useless bodyguard Sir Gideon Nav, who isn't going to save her. Unless...?
"The Meaning Of The Word" by pipistrelle (8.4k)
Harrow, along with a good percentage of Canaan University's necromancy students, has the flu. Gideon has a lot of feelings that she is in no way equipped to handle. It's a tough week.
"(i shine only with the light you gave me)" by sashawire (1.7k) ♥︎
God prods, gently, “Even just starting with their physical description, and we can go from there.” “Imagine,” you say, from somewhere outside your body, “the worst shade of orange you’ve ever seen in your life.” * Harrowhark receives her saintly title.
"i will learn to love the shears" by corpsesoldier (4.7k)
The avulsion trial left Harrow's hair in a sorry state and Gideon offers up her expertise with a blade. Or, Gideon gives Harrow a haircut.
"The Titty Texts: A Work of a Stupendous Titty Nature" by EleniaTrexer (3k)
Gideon accidentally sends Harrow boobs. And then just keeps on sending them.
"can we start over?" by breeeliss (10k)
Gideon needs a tutor. Harrow needs someone to get her out of college gym class. All in all, a pretty straightforward arrangement to make with your ex.
"Dark Mode Enabled" by senseoftheday (12k)
Tech Company AU in which a certain Sales bro with no filter decides to ruin Harrow's life (and feature roadmap) by initiating the cross-functional project from hell. At least, Gideon has the decency to work remotely, and Harrow's new office crush makes some pretty great coffee.
"deconsecrated graves" by emotionsandphenomena (4k)
Gideon and Harrow got out of the cult they were raised in. Okay, what's next?
"settle up in heaven" by liesmyth (3k) ♥︎
“Isn’t this arrogance, Harrow?” Kiriona says. “Think you could fix what God couldn’t?”
"Quoth the Maiden" by Sarsaparilla (10.9k)
The bold outlaws Nova Hawk and Gideon meet for the first time on a narrow log-bridge. But is it really their first meeting? Or: what if Robin Hood and Little John were both lesbians?
"twice in a blue moon" by sinshine (8.7k) ♥︎
Gideon snapped out of her depressing reverie and blinked at her. "That's a really good idea." "Obviously," said Harrow, and it was only a little bit condescending. "Step one, sneak out of the party. Step two, acquire the necessary items at a store. Step three–" Harrow gestured vaguely at the deer in Gideon's hands– "And step four, profit." [G&H rush to fix a smashed snow globe that Dulcinea made so that Cam doesn't kill them before the clock strikes midnight at their NYE party. The fact that Gideon is back in her hometown after a long time away and she and Harrow have unresolved romantic tension is secondary and definitely won't be a problem.]
"It Came From Planet Slut" by LockedTombMemes (8k)
Well. Evidently going undercover to an Idan society fling in order to deliver a message to a high-profile BoE agent was a tits-out kind of look.
"Apostate's Yuletide" by sinshine (12.6k)♥︎
Gideon raised one eyebrow comically high. She smiled easily, erasing any hint of the anxiety that Harrow might have sensed. "What's with all the questions today?" Harrow huffed indignantly and fidgeted with the blanket draped across her lap, worrying the frayed hem with her fingers. "I thought your ego would appreciate the interest." "Yeah, but it's weird coming from you. I'm used to you monologuing, not playing twenty questions." "Perhaps it's a Christmas miracle," suggested Harrow, with an expression so absolutely devoid of joy that Gideon couldn't help but laugh. [Harrow and Gideon burn down a church on Xmas.]
"when it's over" by Adertily (2.5k)
Harrowhark had sworn to herself to live to see the girl in the locked tomb awaken. Alecto has risen. Now God is dead, along with everyone who had ever been dear to her - and Gideon has returned as a distorted creature. The war is over. Harrow wishes she could be too. Or: A character study based on Harrow's suicidal ideation and Gideon's determination to never run anywhere unless she absolutely has to.
"Supernova Bloom!" by sinshine (13k)
"It's just for a week, and then you never have to see me again," said Gideon. "I don't have time to find anyone else." And, "Please." Slowly, Harrow took her hand off the door and cautiously turned around. Gideon watched a dozen unspoken questions flicker across her face. She voiced none of them, but eventually settled on an expression of grim resignation. "I suppose I could suffer you for a week." [Gideon needs help getting her new flower shop ready for the grand opening. Harrow needs cash.]
"I still need your teeth around my organs" by sinshine (7.8k)
Although she was a beloved Daughter and a talented necromancer, Gideon's greatest vice was that she dearly loved to fuck around and find out. Knowing this, perhaps it shouldn't have been as shocking when she lifted one of Nova's hands, flipped it over, and kissed her palm. [4 times Gideon kisses Harrow, 1 time Harrow kisses Gideon]
"cuckoo, cuckoo" by sashawire (1.2k)
What Wake gives it is not a name. To do so would be a moronic, unnecessary cruelty. But she does deign to give it the microscopic dignity of a title, a goal, a purpose. Bomb. Eighteen years later, in the rubble of a once-sacred home, Harrowhark Nonagesimus reaches up and touches Gideon Nav’s grit-covered, blood-rimed face, splits a laugh like the world is ending, and calls her “flower.” * Six times God's unwanted daughter was nicknamed, and once she wasn't.
"my teeth will only cut your lips, my dear" by sashawire (<1k) ♥︎
Gideon chomps into her tongue as hard as she can convince herself, stifling a very dignified squawk. Her eyes water, Emperor’s left tit that fucking hurts, but—it works. Blood weeps from the bite marks, creeping down the back of her throat, up into her nasal cavity, staining her teeth. Okay. She has blood in her mouth. Blood that, somehow, needs to get into Harrow’s mouth. * Step #6: Consume the flesh.
"fifteen percent concentrated power of will" by surreptitiously (9k)
Teaching someone to do a push-up is a love language, when that person is very annoying.
"GHAZAL WHERE I'M BEGGING YOU TO TOUCH ME" by igneousbitch (12k)
You had your body and I had mine, and it was a miracle. Your hands against my face were a miracle. The rest of your meat attached to your hands was a prayer answered and a promise broken, but we were flush and gasping and alive, and Harrow—I really thought you might’ve kissed me then. But I felt it happen. The way your breath suddenly stilled, and your body locked up beneath mine, remembering. How with splintering gentleness, you pushed me away. “I’m so sorry,” was the second thing you said upon waking. The first thing had been my name. Stranded in a safehouse on an Edenite moon, Gideon and Harrow try to put themselves back together.
"catch you on the flip side, sugar lips" by corpsesoldier (4.9k)
Maybe if Harrow's brain runs enough scenarios, she'll find a way to keep what she's lost.
"hand to heart, I swear" by corpsesoldier (5k)
Gideon has a broken heart, and there's only one necromancer who can fix it.
Medium (15-30k)
"If you're doing it right you'll break their ribs" by almostnectarine (22.4k)
"How do you know Nonagesimus has gone somewhere dangerous?" asked Isaac. "Have you wired some kind of alert system?" "It's, uh. It's on the schedule," said Gideon. "I just... forgot. Because of the bread." Nobody was convinced by this, least of all Gideon. "It's a Ninth House thing," Gideon went on, backing away with increasing desperation. This was a slightly more plausible explanation, if only because nobody wanted to look too closely at what fell under the awful skeletal-ribbed and rotting umbrella of Ninth House things. "Gotta go—!" And she was out the door, gone. But it wasn't a Ninth House thing, except inasmuch as it was happening to the only two representatives of the noble and decrepit Ninth House on this quite literally godforsaken rock. Gideon knew Harrow had gone somewhere dangerous—knew that Harrow was back in the lab where they had only just completed a horrible trial—because she could see it, clear as day: an awful overlay on her vision of that terrible dangerous room and a pair of terrible dangerous hands drawing some kind of ward next to the plinth. The hands were definitely Harrow's. This was definitely a problem.
"If Home Is Where the Heart Is (Then We're All Just Fucked)" by JeanLuciferGohard (17k) ♥︎
When Gideon Nav gets a call that her ex-girlfriend, who never bothered to change her designated emergency contact, is in the hospital, she goes against her better judgement and responds. Everything after that just gets more complicated.
"blue gray green lavender" by smolranger (29k) ♥︎
Laser Radial sailor Gideon Nav just wants pass her classes, win a few regattas, and keep her head down. FJ sailor Harrowhark Nonagesimus has grand plans to qualify for the Olympics, preserve her parent's legacy, and save her home town. Despite the ties binding them together, the two have kept their college lives carefully separate for two years. But when Harrow's helm, Ortus, suffers a concussion mid-way through the fall season, their carefully separated lives collide. Harrow needs someone capable of taking Ortus' place for the remainder of the season or her Olympic dreams — and Canaan College's entire sail team — are in peril. And Gideon is her only option.
"Daughters of Hungry Ghosts" by zoicite (24k)
Harrow and Gideon and times they have (and also have not) shared a bed over the years.
"Disney World, Florida" by softieghost (24.6k) [Part 2 of "Holy Cross, Alaska"]
After the events of Alaska, Harrow thanks Gideon the only way she knows how: devotion. -- Chapter 3: The journey concludes. More confessions.
"we've got a good thing goin' " by sinshine (14.6k) ♥︎
“Not to sound ungrateful, but being here makes me wish that you had left me for dead,” said Harrow. Gideon had been staring hard at the face of the fountain’s statue. She was pretty sure that it was carved in the likeness of Naberius himself, but she didn’t want to say it out loud and make it true. She shook her head and turned to Harrow. “Leaving me to live out eternity in your bony sock puppet of a body? Hard pass.” Palamedes and Camilla shared a look. It was the mutual understanding of two people who had been trapped in close quarters with the bickering of Gideon Nav and Harrowhark Nonagesimus for far too long. [Team 69 hide out in Babs's vacation home. Because it's not like he's using it anyway.]
"Cake by the Ocean" by zoicite (15k)♥︎
Okay, so the thing was, Gideon had always been shit at plans. She knew that. Everyone knew that, but this--she really didn’t think it would be this hard! Gideon’s voice was like the least memorable thing about her. Bargaining her voice for a well-shaped set of human legs--that really should have worked in her favor.
"careful fear and (un)dead devotion" by sinshine (23k)
[Gideon and Harrow wake up back in their own bodies but both of them are missing large parts of their memory. Camilla tries not to kill everyone.]
"who ya gonna call?" by igneousbitch (24k)
“Fret not, honeybun.” Gideon shook her red hair out of her eyes, belligerent. “I’m not totally sold on your whole skepticism thing.” “Well,” Harrow said, ignoring the nickname. She turned to the rest of the room, clearing her throat politely before addressing the empty air. “Ghosts, if you’re real, give us a sign. Make a noise. Move something. Send a shiver down our backs. Whisper softly into Nav’s left ear—” “I seriously fucking hate you.” - (Casual sex and paranormal investigation. Not necessarily in that order.) (or: the Buzzfeed Unsolved AU in which Gideon is ready to fight a ghost, and Harrow just wants to be haunted.)
"Beneath a Blue and Foreign Sky" by zoicite (35k)
Harrow has a decision to make.
"A Heart Full Of Sutures" by Rohad (40k)
All Gideon wanted was to get outside and ride her motorcycle. No part of that plan had included eight weeks in Canaan Medical Center with a broken Pelvis and the meanest little doctor this side of the eastern seabord.
"Midnight at the Mithraeum" by zoicite (66k) ♥︎
It'd been two years since Gideon Nav gathered her wine key and her gaming license and escaped The Locked Tomb, a speakeasy-style cocktail bar managed by the hateful Harrowhark Nonagesimus. Now, dealing tables at The Mithraeum Hotel & Casino, things were really looking up. So when Gideon scored a date with the most beautiful showgirl in the Gilded Halls of Ida, the last thing she expected was to wake up married to her old nemesis and former coworker. The story starts the night of Gideon's date and alternates between the events leading up to the wedding and the weeks that follow as Gideon tries to navigate life married to someone who claims to want nothing more than to forget she exists.
"Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea" by pipistrelle (90k)
Being the journal of Reverend Daughter Harrowhark Nonagesimus, chronicling the journey of the Emperor's warship Cenotaph on its hunt to slay an immortal Resurrection Beast. Or: the Moby Dick crossover AU that nobody asked for.
"The Darkest Night, The Brightest Light" by eternaleponine (50k)
Harrowhark has known for a long time that her home's financial situation is dire, and not getting better. She has plans to fix it all, but can't implement them until she turns eighteen in a few months. When her parents announce that the best (perhaps only) way to save Drearburh is to marry off its heir, Harrow realizes the timeline has changed and she needs to take action now to save her home... and herself. Desperate times call for desperate measures, after all. Enter Gideon Nav. Detested foe, and Harrow's only hope.
"putting your fist through a thick sheet of glass (i know you don't want to)" by oretsev (46k)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus and Gideon Nav have always been at each other’s throats, and the animosity has only intensified since the death of Harrow’s parents. But when a car accident leaves Gideon without any memories of her past, Harrow sees a chance at the clean slate she’s wanted for years. Becoming involved in Gideon’s recovery assuages some of the guilt, but as she and Gideon become closer and increasingly involved in each other's lives, Harrow worries that some of her secrets may be more than she can atone for.
"semi-charmed kinda life" by strangedelight (182k+) ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎ ♥︎
Gideon asked questions. Harrow surprised her with answers. They reached an agreement; they decided to be smart, to be patient. Gideon made a promise, Harrow gave her one in return. Wait and see. OR the year is 1994, and Gideon and Harrow leave their small town for life in the city. OR team 69 roommates au only this time it's the 90s
"Intern the Sixth" by apocalypticTaco (33k+)
ADDRESSING THE HEIR TO THE NINTH HOUSE, OR PRESUMED EQUIVALENT: PALAMEDES SEXTUS, HEIR TO THE SIXTH HOUSE, PRESENTS HIS COMPLIMENTS TO THE NINTH AND REQUESTS A FORMAL ARRANGEMENT WHEREIN HIS MASTER WARDEN AND CAVALIER APPRENTICESHIP UNDER THE NINTH FOR FOUR YEARS IN EXCHANGE FOR THE SIXTH’S SERVICES. *Details to be discussed. Please turn to back page. Timeframe variable. Services and agreements variable upon the Ninth's request. An internship of this caliber is highly unprecedented and likely unheard of, but any information valuable to the Ninth and into the Tomb will remain undisclosed upon request; Primary experience and study is required as the Master Warden has already decided upon such being his final thesis prior to his end studies. No takebacks, no denials. Pleased to meet you. Palamedes Sextus, Heir to the Sixth and Master Warden and Camilla the Sixth, Cavalier Primary and Warden's Hand of the Library
"What's Eating Gideon Nav?" by labyrinthineRetribution (40k+)
After a miserable fifteen years at Blessed Saint Anastasia's School for Girls, Gideon's luck finally changes.
"We Have Always Lived in the Apartment" by labyrinthineRetribution (171k+)
John looks up from his Jack and Coke in drunken curiosity. "What's with the face, Harrowhark?" he asks, genuinely concerned. "Contrary to popular belief," Gideon butts in, "her face just fuckin' looks like that, bitch." She tends to use "bitch" as liberally as commas when off her ass. "You're piss drunk," you shoot back. "And you, my good bitch, are just as contemptible as the day you clawed your way up from Hell." - It is Harrowhark Nonagesimus' birthday, and it only gets worse from there.
PWP (basically):
"I'll hold in these hands all that remains" by corvidlesbian (6.5k) ♥︎
“Do you want me to try?” Gideon said. “What?” “You got all hot and bothered without me trying. Do you want me to try?” Their newfound habit of cuddling gets interesting.
"sting of a wasp" by brightbolt, imperfectlyctor (42k) ♥︎
"You’re a virgin,” Gideon said, testing it out. "Huh." Harrow didn’t like the sound of that huh. She knew Gideon’s noises, and that was a thoughtful, sinister huh. That was the same huh she’d made before putting canned tuna in Crux’s work boots. Her eyes narrowed. “What.” Gideon cocked her head to the side. “Is there a reason you’re waiting?” There was no judgement in the question— only genuine curiosity. Perhaps it was this that made Harrow more inclined to answer. “I don’t have the time to look for someone new,” She shrugged. “And my available pool is… somewhat limited.” “Well,” Gideon said, with just a hint of conspiracy in those glittering golden eyes. “If you ever want to change that, you have my number.” What? What? Harrow blinked. “What?” Or: the five times Gideon and Harrow successfully bone, and the one time they don't.
"Suckle, Honey" by zoicite (7.9k)
“You crave my juice,” Gideon accused. “I do not crave your juice.” “Fuck, you do though. You went off to explore that study alone, without your cavalier, using a key that I nearly gave my life for, and then you snorted some powder that made you crave my juice! Harrow. I never would have let you sniff powder from a ten thousand year old jar.” This was untrue--Gideon probably wouldn’t have noticed Harrow breathing in a puff of jar powder until it was too late--but it sounded like something Camilla Hect might say, so Gideon went with it anyway. Camilla definitely would have stopped Palamedes from accidentally sniffing old as fuck Eighth House jarred juice addiction powder.
"Five Times We Hatefucked and One Time We Didn't" by rnanqo (8k)
“Fuck you,” you said. “Fuck me yourself, you coward.” You ran a hand through my hair, fisted it, and pulled my head up. From here I had a spectacular view of your weird blown-out seething expression, like I was the worst thing you’d ever seen. Also a view up your blood-crusted nostrils. Choice. “Maybe I will, Griddle,” you said. “Maybe I will stop fucking you over and start fucking you." Gideon and Harrow realize, abruptly, that their hatefucking is no longer hatefucking.
"a call to motion" by groundedsaucer (coasterchild) (10k) ♥︎
Harrow and Gideon watch a porno.
"put her canine teeth in the side of my neck" by stranded_star (8.8k)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus is getting a PhD and a divorce. Against her better judgment, she goes out to the bar to celebrate and meets an incorrigible, absolutely ripped salt-and-paprika butch who takes her home and gives it to her good. To her horror, it's the best night of her life, and she sneaks home with her tail between her legs. Harrow has more important things to worry about - like raising her daughter and building the next stages of her career. But when her daughter's favorite teacher, someone named Griddle, turns about to be the Gideon she met at the bar, she's forced to contend with allowing herself (and her daughter) to find the happy ending she never thought they'd have. Featuring MILF!Harrow, Teacher!Gideon, and a very amused Camilla Hect.
"The Wound That Swallows" by seelieunseelie (7.8k)
Harrow can make out an uncomfortable amount of detail about Gideon’s body beneath. Powerful, strong as ever, yet somehow vulnerable for its supplication below Harrow’s. “Are we gonna get this over with?” Gideon says in a voice softly scratchy. She blushes then when Harrow sits on the edge of the bed. “It will hurt,” Harrow says. “Yeah,” Gideon says. “I think I can handle it.”
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natsfirecat · 3 years
Dance AU with Natasha Romanoff x Reader. Fluffy confession please! Thanks!
Go With Me?
summary: one high school dance can change your life forever
pairings: Natasha Romanoff x fem reader
word count: 5.2k
warnings: swearing, lmk if i need to add any more
A/N anon i’m so so sorry this took so long. i couldn’t think of any ideas for awhile, then my shadowban happened. but better late than never ig? also i turned this into a high school AU cuz it was the only idea i could think of with the dance part. hope you don’t mind and i hope you enjoy! :D
“Agh, shit, fuck, ow, no,” you barely made your way through the crowd of people before finding your friends. 
Why you agreed to do this in the first place, you had no idea. 
All you knew now, was that you were stuck and couldn’t leave.
“Finally,” Wanda said, grabbing your wrist and pulling you close.
“Only 10 minutes late, I think that’s a record,” Carol teased, earning an eye roll from you.
You sighed, then stepped up on the stand with them. 
You never really cared for high school football. But your friends practically begged you to go, claiming that you should at least go to one game this year. 
You were very much regretting your decision now, still trying to get away from all the bodies pressed together in such a small space.
“We’re already winning,” Peter said with a grin.
You smiled back at him, not that you actually cared how your school’s football team was doing. You just hoped it would end quickly.
When your school scored again, the crowd erupted in cheers, resulting in you cringing from all the noise.
“I’m gonna get something from the concessions,” you told your friends, just wanting to get away for a few moments.
You stood back up, then walked to the edge of the bleachers before hopping down. 
You kept walking until you stood in a short line of people, silently hoping the wait would be awhile. 
It wasn’t that you hated your school or anything like that, it was just that games like this weren’t your thing. You loved your friends and hanging out with them, but you’d rather do something with them in a smaller, enclosed space. It was just overwhelming being around this many people.
“You don’t look happy,” a voice interrupted your thoughts from behind you.
You shrugged, turning around to face her.
“It’s interesting, you’re supposed to be happy ‘cause our school is winning.”
“Why should a simple game determine my emotions?”
“I’m not sure, to be honest. It’s just what I’ve seen most people do,”
“Is it what you do?”
“No,” she admitted, laughing. “I don’t even come here for the game,”
“What do you come for then?”
“People watching,”
There was something intriguing about this girl. Her red hair fell perfectly down her shoulders as her green eyes stared into yours. 
“Natasha, by the way,” she told you.
“Well, Y/N, it looks like you’re up,” she said as she gestured to the concession stand worker waiting for your order.
You nodded, turning back around. You pulled out some cash, then just ordered a soda.
When the can was handed to you, Natasha got out of line and followed you back to the bleachers.
“Why didn’t you get anything?” You asked her.
“Not really in the mood, like I said; I don’t come here for football, so I guess I don’t come here for food either,”
You didn’t say anything, but grinned as she continued walking back with you. Your friends didn’t even notice that you brought someone back with you, they were all leaning over the fence shouting as the game commenced. 
“I like your vest,” you said to Natasha after a few moments of silence. 
“My sister gave it to me,” she replied. 
“So besides people watching, what else do you like to do?”
“I’m a dancer,”
“Do you dance for the school?”
“God no, my sister and I both do ballet with a group outside of school,”
You took a sip of your drink before replying. You couldn’t help but notice the way her green eyes never left you.
Before you could say anything, she continued on.
“My childhood wasn’t great, but ballet was one of the only things that kept us sane. Even though it could be hell at times on its own, I still loved it. I would pretend that I was on the biggest stage in the world. Besides my sister, it was the only thing I could smile about, ”
You began to frown as she told you her story.
“Sorry, I’m not quite sure why I’m telling you all of this,”
“It’s okay, I don’t mind,”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” you said, then thought for a minute. 
Before either of you said anything else, you made a decision and leaned in to wrap your arms around her in a hug. 
It confused the both of you, she would normally back away and probably punch someone who did that, and you weren’t that much of a hugger in the first place, much less for someone you’ve known for less than 20 minutes.
Despite your shock, you stayed there, holding her close. She wasn’t sure why, but she wrapped her arms around you too, savoring the moment.
When the crowd around you erupted again at the score, you held her tighter, focusing on her breathing while trying to drown out the other noise. 
You were smiling widely when you finally pulled apart,
“Can we take a picture?” You blurted out. “It’s just, I never thought I’d have fun going to a football game. You proved me wrong, and I’d like evidence to remember,”
She laughed, then nodded. 
You eagerly pulled your phone out, leaning back into her again. 
Her smile almost made your jaw drop, but you kept composed and kept your own smile while you took the picture. 
“Thanks,” you told her. 
“You’re in 8th period history, right?” 
She let out a satisfied breath, then turned her attention back to the field as the final few seconds were on the clock.
“Well, I’ll see you in 8th period then, Y/N,” she told you.
“You’re not gonna watch the end?”
“It’s 56-0, I really don’t think it’s necessary,”
You both chuckled for a moment before smiling at each other
“Bye, Natasha. See you!”
As you sat in the passenger seat of Carol’s car, you drowned out the voices of your friends and began to get lost in your own thoughts.
You rarely hugged anyone. You only hugged your friends on special occasions. You still weren’t sure why you hugged Natasha like that.
All you knew was that you wanted to hug her again.
You wanted to wrap your arms around her and feel her warmth as you buried your face in her neck. You wanted to feel her heartbeat against your chest as she pulled you close. You never wanted to let go.
“Y/N,” Peter said, breaking you out of your thoughts. “Who was that girl you were with?”
“Natasha,” you told him, trying to hide your smile. 
“She seemed nice,” Wanda pointed out. You shrugged in response, trying so desperately to hide your blushing. 
“I’m sure we’ll be seeing more of her, won’t we, Y/N?” Carol said as she faced you, giving you a knowing look. 
At this point, you knew your cheeks were bright red. 
Your hopes and Carol’s prediction came true, to no surprise at all.
As you began to walk to the cafeteria, you were stopped by a redhead suddenly stepping in front of you in the hallway.
You shifted your gaze to the wall behind her, hoping to prevent the blood from rushing to your cheeks.
“I usually eat lunch in here. It’s a lot quieter than the cafeteria. Wanna join me?”
“Yeah, I’d love that,”
She grinned, then motioned for you to follow her back into the room she just came from. 
Already in the room were two of the school guidance counselors; Fury and Hill.
“Hi,” you said to them awkwardly while Natasha pulled your seat out for you.
Both of them waved to you before turning back to each other.
“They’re old family friends,” Natasha explained to you. “They’ve helped my sister and me a lot,”
You nodded in response as she sat down across from you. Before saying anything else, she pulled out a bag containing a peanut butter sandwich. 
“What do you normally do in here?” You asked her.
“There’s a lot of board games,” she said, gesturing to the cabinet. “Before my friend Clint graduated, we would always play and keep track of who had the most wins. Obviously I did,”
You laughed, looking at the games.
“I love that. So what do you do now that he’s graduated?”
She opened her mouth to reply, but Hill answered for her.
“She challenges us to games now,”
“Does she win?” You asked with a smirk. 
Natasha almost looked offended as she began to eat her lunch. 
“What do you wanna play?” She asked as you had started to eat yours. 
You took a moment, looking at everything on the shelf.
“Chess?” You suggested. “I’m not very good, but I’ve been wanting to learn more about it,”
She smiled, then grabbed the chessboard and began setting it up.
You couldn’t help but notice how Fury and Hill whispered to each other every few minutes, glancing at you.
Once Natasha finished setting up the board, she placed it between the two of you.
She let you be have the white pieces, so you went first. Moving one of your pawns two spaces.
She mimicked your move with one of her own pawns. 
You moved your knight, she moved her bishop.
You moved another pawn, she moved her knight.
After a few more moves, you took her rook.
“Yes!” You said, pulling your fists towards your body in celebration.
She gave an apologetic smile before using her knight to trap your queen in the spot of protecting your king.
Fury laughed as Hill handed him a five dollar bill. Despite the fact that she had made a really good move, Natasha glared at them. 
You made a pouty face as you moved another piece towards your king, unable to move your queen out of the way. 
The look you were giving her just made it even harder, but she took your queen anyway.
Soon enough, she had you in checkmate.
“Well, I did warn you that I’m not very good,” you told her, shrugging.
She tossed a grape into her mouth, shifting her position so she was sitting on her knees.
“Want one?” She asked, changing the subject.
When you nodded, she tossed one towards you, expecting you to catch it in your mouth the way she did.
Instead, it landed on your cheek, then bounced onto the floor.
She laughed, then tossed you another one. This time, it didn’t even hit your face at all before landing on the floor.
“Natasha, don’t waste any more grapes,” you said, laughing.
“Fine then,”
She pulled out another grape, but instead of tossing it, she leaned forward and held it out for you to take it right from her hand.
Just as you swallowed it, the bell rang.
“You girls will not be late on my watch. Get to class,” Fury said, earning a frown from both of you.
The two of you exited the room together, waving goodbye to the guidance counselors.
“So, I’ll see you in 8th period?” You asked.
“It’s tempting, now that I have a reason to look forward to that class. But considering that there’s a test today, I think I’m better off skipping that class,”
“Oh,” you’d be lying if you said you weren’t disappointed. “Don’t let Fury or Hill catch you,”
“Don’t worry about me,”
You grinned, then waved goodbye as the three-minute bell rang.
As the rest of the day went on, you had one thing on your mind; Natasha Romanoff.
When you got home, you still had butterflies thinking about her. In fact, you probably bombed your test because you couldn’t get Natasha out of your thoughts.
Even when Peter facetimed you, nothing he said was registering. You simply stared off at the wall, tuning his voice out. 
“Y/N,” his voice finally registered.
“You didn’t answer my question, where were you at lunch today?”
“I was with Natasha,”
You angled the phone away from your face, knowing that there was no way you’d be able to hide your blushing.
“Wait really? Ooh, so when do we get to meet your girlfriend?”
“Shut up, she’s not my girlfriend. It’s been one day.”
Well, one day turned into two. Which turned into three, and of course that turned into four.
Now, you had been eating with Natasha every day for the past week. 
“Think carefully, Y/N,” she told you as you stared at the chessboard. 
You had been playing for around 10 minutes, and she had only taken two of your pawns, and one of your knights.
You grabbed your rook, and began to move it a few rows forwards.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you,”
“How do I know you’re not trying to trick me?”
“I guess you don’t. But you did say that you wanted to learn chess, right? You could think of this as me giving you a lesson,”
You sighed, then nodded at her. She gave you a satisfied smile, then placed her hand over yours and moved your hand until it had moved the rook to the right spot. 
“Now,” she said, smiling even wider. “You’ve trapped my knight. Your bishop is in the perfect place to attack it, but I only have one open spot. Now, your rook is covering that spot,”
You turned your head to the side, then looked at what she was showing you. 
“Okay,” you said, returning her smile.
“Would you look at that,” Fury’s voice interrupted you. “She’s learning.”
Another week had passed, and just as before, you spent every day with Natasha during lunch. 
Your friends knew, and they would sometimes look in at you guys, sending knowing smiles. You would shoo them away before they teased you. You knew they had good intentions though.
“Hey!” Natasha said, walking up to you in the hall.
“Nat!” You waved, meeting her halfway. 
“You’re on your way to English, right?”
“Yep! But I wanted to ask you something?”
“Well, I really like eating lunch and playing chess with you. But I thought maybe it’d be a fun idea if we went to the cafeteria and ate together today. Plus, I’d like to introduce you to my friends!”
She thought about it for a minute. Once she saw the way you were looking at her, she couldn’t say no.
“Really? Yay! See you there!”
She noticed her heart flutter as you made your way to your next class. She wanted to deny it, but all she could think about was the way you smiled at her. Rather, the way you’ve been smiling at her. 
She would never get tired of it.
“Nice to finally meet you,” Carol said to her, giving you a smirk. 
“Nice to meet you too,” Natasha replied, waving at all three of them.
“Y/N’s told us about all your chess games at lunch!” Wanda told her, resulting in a blush from both you and Natasha.
“Hi,” was all Peter said as he sat down. 
Natasha sat next to you at the table as you talked and ate with your friends.
She didn’t really care about what they were saying, so she tuned them out. She took a few bites of her food, but her eyes never left you.
You glanced over at her every few minutes, making eye contact and exchanging a smile before turning back to your friends. 
“So what are you doing next weekend, Natasha?” Carol asked, snapping the redhead out of her thoughts.
“Next weekend, what are you doing?”
“Oh. I hadn’t really thought about it if I’m being honest,”
Carol smirked at you, then at Natasha. 
Next weekend was homecoming. You and your friends had agreed to go together if you couldn’t find dates. Carol of course, was in denial about pining over Maria Rambeau. You would most definitely be pressuring her into asking her later. Peter wasn’t interested in anyone at the moment, and Wanda was still in the process of getting over her breakup with Vision. 
You had been fine with going with them, but you saw the way Carol kept looking between you and Natasha so you knew what she was thinking.
Before you could say anything, you were saved by the 10 minute bell. Even though you still had quite some time before class, you usually liked to get there early to avoid hallway traffic. 
“I’ll walk you to class,” Natasha offered as you began to get up. 
Feeling the butterflies appear in your stomach again, you waved goodbye to your friends and made your way into the hallway with Natasha at your side. 
You noticed the way her pinky brushed against yours as you walked side by side. 
“You okay?” She asked, noticing how red your face was.
You simply nodded, hoping you wouldn’t sweat from how nervous she was making you. 
Natasha stopped for a moment, held her hand against your cheek (which made your heart race) then smiled.
You stood there like that for a few moments until someone bumped into you, pushing you out of Natasha’s reach. 
You ended up against the lockers as the crowd of people began to overflow the hallway. Luckily, you happened to be right outside of your next class. 
Natasha pushed her way against the incoming flow of people until she was next to you again. You weren’t even sure why she did that, considering you were going to history class, which you had together. 
Once she was against the lockers too, she grabbed your wrist, and pulled you back into the hallway until you made it through the classroom doors.
You were breathing heavily at this point, but grateful to not be swamped by other people. 
Natasha finally let go of your wrist, then sat down at the seat she had been sitting at for the past few weeks. There were technically no assigned seats in the class, so she had moved from where she usually sat so she could sit by you.
She got her homework out, which reminded you of the fact that it was due today.
“Shit,” you muttered, pulling out the sheet that only had two sentences written. 
Natasha saw your panicked look, then pulled her phone out. 
“Okay,” she said, nodding as she pretended to be on a call. She met your teacher’s eyes as she continued the fake call.
“I’m so, so sorry, Miss,” she said in an exasperated voice. “I need to get home immediately, it’s my mother. I can’t be picked up, and Y/N is the one who drove me here. I’ll call Ms. Hill later and have her excuse our absences, but we need to go,”
Your teacher sighed, but nodded her head at the redhead.
Natasha continued her worried expression towards the rest of the class, but winked at you as soon as she got out the door, you following close behind.
“Nat!” You scolded as she began walking to the parking lot. “What was that for?”
“Helping you avoid a zero on a major essay. You’re welcome, by the way,”
“Yeah, but we’re not actually gonna have an excused absence!”
“Sure we will. I’ll convince Fury,”
“And if you can’t?”
“Relax a bit, we’ll be fine,”
You sighed before realizing you were standing next to an unfamiliar bike.
“We might as well leave early since we can. Hop on,”
She pulled her keys out, then grabbed her helmet from her bag.
Taking a step closer to you, she carefully placed it on your head before smiling. 
“What about you?” You asked as she sat in the driver’s seat, motioning for you to follow behind. 
She shrugged,
“I’ll be fine,”
That didn’t stop you from letting out a disappointed sigh before you sat behind her.
“Hold on tight,” she said as she looked forward, which you rolled your eyes in response.
As if you needed to be told that.
You let out a squeal when she turned the engine on, squeezing your arms even tighter around her. 
She chuckled, then looked back to make sure you were okay before exiting the parking lot.
You kept your eyes closed for at least the first three minutes of driving. You only opened them when you were stopped at a red light.
“Where are we going?”
“You’ll see,”
You huffed out another sigh as she began driving forward sometimes.
Of course this had to be the person you were hopelessly crushing on.
Natasha took you down a few roads until you reached the local part of town. 
She parked the motorcycle, then began to lead you through the streets. You were still feeling nervous about missing class, but the majority of your nerves were coming from the way Natasha’s hand kept brushing up against yours.
She stopped once you were in front of an ice cream shop.
“We ditched class for ice cream?”
“No, we ditched class so you wouldn’t fail. Ice cream is just a nice bonus,”
You laughed, causing her to smile widely. She couldn’t deny her own butterflies at this point. She loved hearing you laugh, and it made her even happier knowing she was the reason for it. 
She led you up to the counter, pulling her wallet out of her jacket as you looked through the options. 
Your heart melted at how she insisted on paying, she went as far as glaring at you when you even started to touch your own money. 
You got a single scoop of cookies and cream, while she got cherry vanilla. You exchanged another smile as you walked out of the shop, taking a few licks of your ice cream.
Instead of walking through the busy streets again, she led you behind the building away from everything.
At this point, you decided it was best not to question her. Which seemed to satisfy her as she led you to who knows where.
As it turns out, she was taking you to a secluded area with a few trees.
So naturally, she handed you her ice cream cone as she began to climb up the tree, stopping at a low branch. She took her cone back, along with yours, holding them both with one hand so she could use her other hand to reach out to you.
Once you sat next to her, you took your ice cream back, taking a few more licks while you sat there in silence.
You tried to calm yourself as you began to realize just how close she was to you. She seemed to notice this too, as she snaked her hand across her lap onto yours, placing it over your own hand.
That seemed to give you enough confidence to scoot closer to her, leaning your head onto her shoulder.
“Homecoming is stupid,” Natasha said, earning a nod from you. “Wanna go with me?”
You had been looking forward to it ever since she asked you. You still spent lunch with her, but you hadn’t held hands or done anything like that since that day. 
Your friends were almost more excited than you. Wanda and Peter completely took over for dress shopping, wanting to get the perfect look for you. Meanwhile Carol, took it upon herself to tell you everything you should do with Natasha at the dance. 
You had made an agreement for Natasha to pick you up at your house. And you made her promise not to pick you up with her motorcycle. There was no way in hell you would be riding a motorcycle in a dress, especially to homecoming.
So, she ended up showing up in a car. There was someone else in the backseat, a younger blonde girl. She looked out the window and waved at you as Natasha stepped out to greet you.
“Wow…” you said, looking at her dress. She looked absolutely perfect. 
“Hi,” she breathed out, admiring what you were wearing. 
At this point, you knew your face was about as red as her hair.
“Are we ready to go?” You asked, breaking the silence again.
She nodded, then opened the passenger door for you.
“Hello!” Came the voice from the back. “I’ve heard all about you,”
“Hi!” You said, waving to her through the mirror.
“Y/N, this is my sister Yelena.”
“Hi, Yelena! Nice to meet you,”
“Yep, so wonderful that you’re here with us, Yelena,” Natasha said through gritted teeth as she backed out.
Yelena rolled her eyes, then leaned forward to talk to you.
“She needed my help stealing our Dad’s car out of the garage. I told her I’d only help her if she gave me a ride too,”
“You stole your dad’s car for this?”
Natasha shrugged sheepishly, keeping her eyes on the road.
You hated the fact that your heart melted at that. You did enjoy Yelena’s company, but like Natasha, you were starting to wish you were alone with her in the car.
“You know…” Yelena began. “I’ve noticed how happy Natasha has been lately. It’s nice to finally meet the reason for it,”
“Yelena,” Natasha whisper-yelled, feeling herself blushing again.
You couldn’t help but giggle as you admired the redhead you were so desperately crushing on. 
Yelena’s knowing gaze switched between you and Natasha, she resisted the urge to make another comment the entire way to the school.
Once you arrived, Yelena got out of the car and walked in without another word, finally leaving you alone with Natasha. 
You met her at the other end of the car, where she took a deep breath before interlacing her fingers with yours. You tried to slow your breathing, worried that your nervousness would cause your hand to get all sweaty while she was holding it. 
As you made your way toward the entrance, she kept her gaze forward but never let go of your hand.
Even while standing in line, she kept her grip tight, but gave you a soft smile every few minutes. 
Once you finally got through the line, she walked even closer to you as you walked to the crowded gym. 
The music was loud, and there were people everywhere. It definitely wasn’t your scene. But, you were glad to be here with Natasha. 
“Y/N!” Came the voices of your friends as they ran up from behind you.
“Hi!” You said, turning around to face them. 
Carol smirked once she saw yours and Natasha’s hands, but said nothing. Peter grinned at the both of you, and Wanda gave you a friendly wink.
“Did you finally ask Maria out?” You asked Carol, who glared in response.
“Why not ask her to dance if you see her here?” Natasha suggested.
“Perfect timing,” you said as the music changed. “They’re doing a slow song right now!”
Carol sighed, then ultimately decided to take the advice as she left.
Before you knew it, Natasha had spun you around to face her. 
She had her arms wrapped around your body as she began to sway to the song. You let out a few shaky breaths, but kept your grip on her firm.
You stared into her green eyes, and your nerves suddenly began to go away. Of course, you still had the butterflies from being like this with her, but the nerves caused by your surroundings had started to fade.
You were no longer anxious about all the people and music, it almost felt like they weren’t there in the first place.
All that mattered was the girl right in front of you. 
“I have something to tell you,” you said, keeping eye contact. She nodded for you to continue, prompting you to take another deep breath. “I really really like you, Natasha. I’ve had feelings for people before, but it’s different with you. I don’t know what it is, but all I know is that I wanna be around you forever.”
She was now smiling wider than you’d ever seen. She leaned in close, your faces inches apart.
“I feel the same way, Y/N,” she said. “There was something about you from the moment we met. I’m not sure what it is either, but I wanna be around you forever too.”
Your heart did a backflip as she leaned in even closer.
Holy shit you were kissing.
It was like nothing you’d ever experienced before, her lips moved softly against yours as she kept her arms around you. You moved your hands up, putting one against her cheek and running your hand through her hair with the other.
When you finally broke apart for air, you both still had the biggest smiles.
“I’m so glad I went to the football game that night,”
“Me too,”
It didn’t take long before your lips were reconnected. At this point, everything was completely drowned out. Natasha was the only thing on your mind as her tongue began to explore your mouth. 
“Ladies,” a voice interrupted your moment.
Natasha glared at the teacher, but kept her arms tight around you, almost in a protective manner.
“While this is a dance, we have a firm rule here about public displays of affection. What I just witnessed was very much a violation of the rules.
Natasha rolled her eyes, then grabbed your hand once again. She led you through the crowd of people until you reached the door.
“Where are we going?” You asked.
“Well, apparently public displays of affection aren’t allowed. So how about private displays of affection instead?”
You grinned, then nodded as she led you back to her car. 
“I can take us someplace,” she offered.
You didn’t care where you were, you just wanted to be with Natasha right here and now. You already missed the taste of her lips. 
As you got back in the car, she only drove with one hand. The other was connected to yours. She brought your hand up to her mouth a few times, pressing a gentle kiss onto it.
Eventually, she drove you up to a hill, stopping at the top. 
She lay down on the hood of the car, motioning for you to join.
Once you did, she wasted no time in kissing you again. You couldn’t get enough of her, and she couldn’t get enough of you. 
“Thanks for making homecoming fun,” she said between kisses.
“Thank you,” you replied once she began to kiss your neck. “But I hope you don’t get in trouble for the car,”
“I think I’ll be fine. Besides, even if he finds out, I think he’ll be more understanding once he learns I did it for my girlfriend,”
“Is that okay?”
“More than okay.”
She grazed her lips against yours once more, unable to stop the smile forming on her face. She had never felt this happy with anyone before, and she couldn’t imagine herself being this happy with anyone except for you.
As much as you hated social events, you found that they worked out for you in the end. You were with the perfect girl, and happier than ever.
Eventually, you’d come to find out that your happiness would turn into forever. All because of Natasha Romanoff.
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zukkoxx · 3 years
mha boys doing the hickey prank on you
(w/ bakugo, kiri, shinsou)
bakugo 💥
you and bakugo’s relationship started with bickering and annoying each other till you drive the other crazy.
and that didn’t stop when you started dating.
now, it’s more of pulling silly little pranks on each other.
and each time you would try to one up the other.
well, the last prank you pulled in bakugo had him fuming, he was mad for a week.
so obviously he had to get you back even worse.
he got mina to help him, figuring she’d be best at making the makeup look like the actual thing.
she berated him the whole time, telling him if he broke her best friend’s heart she’d shoot acid in his eyes.
he brushed off her comment. you deserved this.
it was a little late in the evening after you get to bakugo’s dorm, finished with all the tasks you had to do today.
“hey kats.” you greet, placing your things on his desk and joining him on the bed where he was sitting on his phone.
he looked up at you, almost feeling bad when you gave him a genuine smile before snuggling up next to him. “whats up?” you say when he doesn’t respond.
“nothing. how was your day?” he quickly asked.
the two of you talked for a while about random stuff, and at some point you went up to kiss his cheek, laughing at a comment he made.
but you freeze when you see a dark, purplish mark on the side of his neck, in plain sight.
you furrowed your brows, wondering how you hadn’t noticed to before.
“katsuki...what’s this?” you ask, making him turn from his phone and look at you.
“what’re ya talkin about dumbass?”
“don’t call me a dumbass, what the hell is this on your neck?” you speak louder, pressing a finger under the mark.
“it’s nothing, probably a bruise from a mission-”
the blond widens his eyes at your deep tone and the way you said his name. he never really heard you speak like this unless it was towards a villain. but even then, you never sounded this serious.
“you and i both know that’s not a fucking bruise.”
he stares at you silently, not knowing if he should end the prank or not.
he decides to push on.
“i don’t know what you want me to say.” he shrugs, looking away from you. he couldn’t stand seeing the hurt in your eyes.
you scoff, trying to get rid of the pressure building in you throat. “you really are just a big asshole, aren’t you?”
he stayed quiet. “if you wanted to break up with, you could’ve just told me.” you try so hard to keep your tears at bay, not letting them cross your waterline.
but it feels like a dagger had been stabbed through your heart.
“and to think, i thought you could have actually loved me.” you chuckle darkly before trying to get off the bed.
upon hearing your words, bakugo quickly grabbed your hand, pulling you against him.
“i do love you-”
“let me go you asshole!” you push his chest, tears finally escaping. “we’re done! that’s what you wanted right?”
“y/n it’s not real! calm down.”
he holds your waist so you were sitting on his lap, keeping you still. you look at him, trying to figure out what he was talking about. “what the hell do you mean it’s not real?”
he stared at you for a second, almost scared that if he looked away, you’d be gone. but he eventually reaches to the table beside his bed and grabs a makeup wipe mina lended him. he quickly wiped the mark, staring at you intensely.
“see?” he turns his head, and you find the purple mark gone, only a slight red pigment left from where he wiped so harshly. “fake.” he holds up the wipe so you see the purple stains covering it.
“it was a prank.”
you felt like you could finally breath again, but your relief quickly turned into anger, and you punched bakugo’s chest out of instinct. he didn’t react.
“i hate you. why would you do this?”
“you pranked me last week!” bakugo states, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“i put pink dye in your shampoo katsuki. this was overboard.” you mutter, wiping your cheeks to get rid of sparse tears.
bakugo frowned, feeling even more bad about the whole thing. he had to admit, he took it too far. “you’re right. i’m sorry.” you didn’t respond, but accepted his apology.
“hey.” bakugo lifted your chin to look at him. “you know i love you, right? more than fucking anything.” you nod. “don’t ever doubt my love for you, or i may have to blow myself up for making you feel that way.”
you laugh slightly, bending down so you could hug when, pushing your face into his neck.
“you know i’m getting you back for this.”
kirishima often does things without thinking ahead.
not fully comprehending the consequences of his actions.
this was one of those moments.
it was april fools day! great right?
except kiri and the boys made a bet, wondering who could pull the best prank on someone in their class.
kiri took a while thinking about who he should prank. and eventually, a perfect prank to pull on his precious s/o came to mind.
a hickey prank. haha....ha. -_-
he had seen tons of videos where someone made a fake hickey and pranked their s/o with it. he always laughed his ass off at them.
this would be the perfect opportunity!
so he sprinted to ochaco’s back room, hers being the closest, and asked for some makeup he would return quickly.
he went to his room, doing his best at imitating the red, purplish bruise you’d often give each other.
when he thought he did the best he could, he leaves his room, trying to find you so he could get the prank over with.
he sees you in the kitchen, eating a bowl of fruit, chatting with jiro.
he makes his way over slowly, nervousness creeping up his spine with the amount of people in the common area at the moment.
he didn’t want to embarrass you, but he didn’t want to give any of the boys 50 dollars either.
he stood behind you, awkwardly waiting for you to finish talking to jiro.
jiro looks past you, motioning for you to check. you turn, eyes brightening as they land upon your boyfriend.
“hey kiri, what some fruit?” you push the bowl towards him, and he shakes his head with a dopey smile. “no thanks babe. just checking on you.”
you melt at his kind words, about to respond when jiro speaks up beside to. “i think you should be checking on yourself kiri. jeez y/n, are you human or a leech?” she covers her moth to stifle a laugh, pointing to a very specific spot on kiri’s neck.
you halfheartedly laugh, confused, and glanced at the area yourself.
you breath stops when you notice a big purple mark covering the side of his neck.
you didn’t do that to him...
kirishima stands uncomfortably still, not real really knowing what to do this far into the prank.
“kirishima? wha...” you can’t even speak, just utterly astonished at what you’re seeing.
you stare at him and shake your hands, waiting for him to explain himself.
“are you going to say something!?” you ask, the hurt in your voice making his heart break.
he didn’t like this. not at all. why did he do this?
“...fuck you kiri.” you spit, ignoring the fact that you still used his nickname while you were mad at him.
you walked away in a hurry, leaving jiro glaring at kirishima.
“what did you do?” she asked.
“i-it was a joke! a prank! i...it’s april fools!”
“well go tell them that!” jiro says, pushing kiri to go follow you.
kirishima runs after you, getting to you as soon as you enter the elevator to go to your dorm. he sprints inside, crashing into you in the process.
he looks at you with wide eyes when he sees tears running down your face. “why are you here?” you quickly yell.
“y/n it’s a prank! it’s april fools day, please baby! i’m sorry!” he goes to hug you. you don’t return it but you don’t push him away either.
“what the heck eijiro! that wasn’t funny!” you yell in distress. you were happy it wasn’t real, but the feeling from being absolutely heart broken to feeling better in the span of seconds was overwhelming.
“i know. i know it was stupid of me to even attempt this. i made a stupid bet with the others. i am so sorry. you know i’d never do this to you. please, forgive me.” he begs, holding onto you for dear life.
“i’m really upset with you right now, eijiro.”
“you should be. i don’t blame you y/n. but please, don’t leave me.”
you sighed, finally going to hug him back. “i’m not going to leave you kiri. i was scared you were leaving me!”
“i’d never! never in a million years!”
“i know, just don’t do that again. you really scared me.”
he nods against you. “never again.”
shinsou 🌀
shinsou was never good at expressing his emotions.
he was very reserved and even though you were his s/o, you often had trouble figuring out what was going on inside that complicated head of his
so when you laughed at izuku’s jokes, or praised shoto’s quirk
of course he wouldn’t tell you how jealous it made him feel. how it made all his insecurities rise up.
you didn’t mean to make him feel this way, god no. you had known the two boys longer than him and were used to having the comfortable playful conversations with izuku and serious quirk related talks with shoto.
but shinsou didn’t like all the attention you gave them.
and he couldn’t find a way to let you know how he felt that didn’t involve telling you. which he wasn’t going to do.
so he ended up doing the next best thing that came to mind.
make you feel what he was feeling.
he gets some makeup from someone he had already forgotten the name of and went to his dorm, doing his best to make the fake hickey at least a little believable.
he didn’t want the prank to be too serious, just to hit you with a quick realization that you had been making him feel this way.
so he waits for you to meet him in his dorm like you always do, and even leaves the makeup out in the open to see if you’d catch on yourself.
“hellooo my love.” you say cheerfully, and shinso smiled at your happy mood.
“hi y/n. had a good day?” he asked, sitting on the edge of his bed as you approached him, standing between his legs.
“mhm. but i missed you.” you muttered, pushing his face against your stomach as you hugged his head.
hitoshi frowned at your words. maybe this wasn’t a good idea. maybe he’s been overthinking and this stupid prank will just make things worse.
“so, what did you do today-”
you pull back from hitoshi and catch a glimpse of a bruise on his neck. you grip his chin, turning it to the side with slight force and narrow your eyes.
“what happened here?” you asked curiously
“nothing babe.” your boyfriend shrugs
“hitoshi is this a fucking hickey?” you asked after getting a better look, hoping to whatever god there was that his answer would be no.
“what does it look like?”
“don’t talk to me like that, you prick.” you seeth, and push his head away until he falls on his back on the bed.
“we’re over! i hate you.” you say the last part quietly, still not wanting to believe what you saw was real.
“wait y/n, it’s fake!” hitoshi yells before you could leave his dorm.
“how is it fake hitoshi? what, you had no real feelings for the bitch that sucked on your neck? do you think i’m stupid or something?”
“the hickey is fake y/n. i made it.”
you stared at him with deceiving eyes, crossing your arms and tapping your foot. “is this some type of mind joke hitoshi? i told you don’t use that shit on me.”
“please babe, c’mere. wipe it off.”
you slowly made you way back to him, gripping his chin to turn his head again and swiped at the mark. it smeared a little, but didn’t come off. you licked your thumb before rubbing it into the mark, finally making it disappear.
you pushed him back slightly, eyes still angry. “what was that all about? why’d you do that?” you ask.
“just thought it’d be funny.” he lies, looking away from you. you knew he was lying. he always looked directly at you when talking about something. especially something serious.
“do not make me even angrier than i already am shinso. fess up.”
hitoshi groaned, putting his hands over his face before looking at you with tired eyes. “fine, i got jealous of you hanging out and being friendly with midoriya and todoroki. i just wanted to get you back in a way.”
“so you pretend to cheat on me?”
“i’m sorry. it was really immature of me and i should’ve just talked to you. the makeup is right over there if you still need proof.” he points to his desk and glance at it, seeing the makeup sprawled on top.
you sighed, not wanting to forgive him so easily. but you couldn’t help it with the way he rubbed the back of your legs soothingly and looked at you with love filled eyes.
“ugh, you’re lucky i love you.” you state, trying to stop the smile growing on your face as you see him smirk softly.
“and i love you. more than anything. thank you for forgiving me.”
“and...i’ll try not to make you jealous. i really didn’t mean to.” you say, remembering the reason for the whole situation.
hitoshi shook his head. “you can hang out and be friends with whoever you want. i know you wouldn’t leave me or be unfaithful. and i’d never be unfaithful to you. i’m so thankful for you.”
“stop getting all mushy on me.”
i always see hcs where the boys get pranked, i thought it’d be cool to do the reverse. i can still do y/n pranking the boys if you guys would like that! hope you enjoyed this! leave a request here! -> 🥀
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annaraejackson · 3 years
You Have Something In Your Teeth
Pairing: Connor Stoll x gn!Reader
Warnings: Descriptions of battle, injury, blood, embarrassment
Words: 2,400
Summery: Connor is crushing on Y/N and saved them during the Battle of Manhattan, and Y/N goes to find Connor when they get back to camp to say thank you but it goes wrong for Connor
It was the Battle of Manhattan, and all of Camp Half-Blood was fighting to the best of their abilities. You stood alongside your peers, the friends you have come to know over the past few years, fighting bravely against the hordes of monsters that stood in front of you. Sleeping mortals littered the area around you, even though you and your friends had done your best to move most of them to safety. There had just been too many mortals in the city of Manhattan for that to be done.
You fought, holding your weapon tightly in your hands, stopping for a moment to catch your breath. Your hair stuck to your forehead underneath your helmet, breathing heavily. Sweat dripped down your face, your back soaked. You desperately wanted to sit down, just to breathe for a moment until you gathered even a third of your strength back to rejoin the fight. You noticed a group of telekhines making their way down a side alley that nobody had been covering, a large oversight in your opinion, and you took off running for them. You knew that if they made it through the alley they would be able to make their way to the Empire State Building, and even more importantly, Olympus.
“Hey! Flipper! Over here!” You shout, grabbing a stray shoe that was in the alleyway and throwing it, managing to hit one of the telekhines in the back of the head with and holding your sword in hand, glaring down at the seal-like monsters. “And where do you think you’re going?!” You sneer, standing tall through your exhaustion.
The monsters turned and glared at you, all of them baring their ugly teeth as growls sounded from their chests. “We are going to take over Olympus-” the middle telekhine said, “-and we are going to pave the way for Kronos to destroy the Olympians and take his rightful spot on the throne!”
The telekhines charged at you, and you instinctively raised your shield and charged back at them, holding your shield out to block their initial attack before swinging your sword around, lunging at the telekhine on the right, but making sure to keep an eye on the other two seal monsters. You had faced much worse than them during your time at camp, but you knew these particular monsters could be slippery.
If you somehow managed to let even one of them get away and to Olympus, that could potentially spell disaster for your injured friends that were being kept at the home of the gods.
You focused intently on your mission, your body begging for rest but your mind fighting through it. There was no way in Hades you were going to just give in now—not when your camp needed you most. Soon, the three telekhines that had been in front of you were just a gold dust on the ground of the alleyway, your breath heavy as you gripped your sword and shield in hand.
The battle behind you continued to wage on, and as you began to turn around you felt an intense dull pain in your side, and for a moment you thought you had gotten punched. You looked down, seeing a gaping wound in your side which spilled out blood, your nerves finally catching up to you as you felt the sharp pain. Within seconds, you let out a scream as you looked up with wide eyes, seeing a fourth telekhine that had come up behind you, one that you hadn’t even known had been following.
“Nothing can stop us.” The telekhine sneered at you, it’s teeth bared as it watched your every move. You placed one of your hands up against the nearby dumpster in an attempt to steady your already weak body while the other gripped your side, a sad attempt to hold back the blood loss, your knees giving out and causing you to collapse. You looked up at the nearly 7-foot-tall creature, which held it’s sword—glistening red with your blood—high above you, ready to strike down its final blow.
“Wanna bet?” A voice behind the telekhine said, and then suddenly a point showed through the creature's neck, it’s ugly eyes wide in surprise before it burst into dust, revealing Connor Stoll behind it, his chest heaving as he gulped in large breaths of air.
He wasn’t wearing a helmet, so his curly hair hung in his eyes and was sticking to his face and neck due to how much he was sweating, his arms glistening as he gripped his sword double-handed and his feet spread apart ever so slightly to help aid him in his balance. Normally, you never saw Connor without a grin on his face, laughing at some joke or pulling some prank, but today he looked almost terrifying. His lips pressed into a hard line, his face showing no emotion, and his eyes showing nothing but a sheer determination.
In a sick way, he reminded you of his brother, Luke. And you were suddenly very thankful that he was on your side.
As Connor studied you, his expression softened and he placed his sword back in the sheath, taking a few large steps over to you before he knelt down. “How badly are you hurt?” You didn’t say a word, knowing that if you did, you likely wouldn’t even make sense, moving your hand so he could see the wound. The edges of your vision began to blur, and you fell forward.
Connor managed to catch you, holding you in his arms. “Hey- Hey it’s okay! Don’t worry, you’re going to be fine.” Connor looked up and around, trying to think of what to do before he suddenly got an idea. “I’ll be right back- please don’t die while I’m gone.” He said, gently laying you down before he disappeared.
Wow, you thought, he truly has a way with people.
You managed to follow his request and not die, but you did lose consciousness.
You woke up some time later on Olympus, and spoke with Will Solace about what had happened. He explained to you that Connor Stoll had brought you to Olympus himself, but how he hadn’t been able to stay for very long since his troops needed his help. You had wanted to go find him and help in the battle more, but Will wasn’t sure you were healed up enough to rejoin the fight.
However, luckily it seemed like you weren’t needed in the fight after all. The war was won, and soon all the demigods were taken home, the most injured first, and then as many as possible. The rest of the day went by in a blur, although you scanned all the demigods you saw to see if you could track down Connor, however it seems like you just didn’t have the luck.
Once you were allowed to get up and leave the infirmary, you decided to start on your mission to find Connor to talk to him, going up to anyone you could find to ask if they knew where he was. One person said they had seen him at the Big House, but you didn’t see him there. Another said the camp store- again, out of luck. Finally, you just decided to check out his cabin to see if he was there.
You went up to the large building and knocked on the door, and you heard Connor inside talking with someone, likely Travis. “Connor?” You called, and suddenly the room went quiet. You heard what sounded like muffled arguing, and then the door swung open.
“Hey, Y/N! What do I owe the pleasure?” Connor asked, leaning against the doorframe as he looked at you, his hair disheveled so you figured he hadn’t been in the cabin for too long before you showed up.
“Hey, Connor. I just wanted to stop by and tell you thanks for saving me back there… if it wasn’t for you I don’t think I would have made it.” You said sincerely, kicking your foot back and forth as you looked at him, about to continue when you noticed his mouth was turning… black? You glanced behind Connor’s shoulder and saw Travis who looked to be biting back a laugh, rubbing his face.
“Oh you don’t have to thank me- if it wasn’t for Cecil then Will wouldn’t have been able to meet us halfway to give you ambrosia and nectar, which was what saved you for us to get you to Olympus and really patched up.” Connor said, rubbing the back of his neck as he shifted side to side awkwardly, but you still couldn’t help but glance down at his mouth which was, gradually, turning a darker shade of black.
“But I do have to thank you, that telekhine would have killed me if it wasn’t for you and your quick action… I really owe you one.” You said, biting the inside of your cheek to keep from laughing. Dear gods, you had wanted to give this guy a heartfelt thank you but now you were having to force yourself not to laugh. Be serious, Y/N.
Connor’s face turned a shade of pink and he looked down at the ground between his feet, in embarrassment. “Well, I’m just glad I could help you in time. I had seen you head towards the alley and thought you could use some backup, especially when I saw the telekhine stab you…” Connor’s voice trailed off as he thought back to that day, and you bit your lip.
Neither of you spoke for a brief moment, and you figured you should get out of there before you burst out laughing from seeing how black his mouth was again. “I should go, I gotta help with some after war stuff… I’ll see you around.” You said, giving Connor a smile before you began to turn around, but then you thought that maybe you should tell him about what was going on, so you turned again to face him. “Hey, Connor?”
Connor perked up a bit, looking hopeful. “Yeah?”
You paused, then chuckled. “You have something in your teeth.” His face fell, and Travis started laughing as you smiled at him, waving before turning to head off and do what you needed to do.
~~A Few Minutes Earlier~~
Travis and I had just gotten back from going to the Big House to check out the attic, examining our loot before we went to put it away. “So, what are we going to do now?” I asked him, laying back on my bunk and closing my eyes, wanting to rest after the past few days stress, making a face when I felt something hit my face so I opened my eyes and looked at him.
“We are going to try to raid some of the other cabins. Right now would be the best time to-”
At the front of the cabin, there was a knock on the door, so we both immediately stopped talking, hoping that whoever was at the door hadn’t heard what we were talking about. “Connor?” It was Y/N, and immediately I sat up and began to panic.
What did they want? They don’t sound upset. Then suddenly I realized something: my breath probably stank. I had been so busy these past few days rushing around trying to make sure everyone around me was safe and taken care of that I hadn’t had the time to brush my teeth since at least a couple days before. Yeah yeah, gross, but when you’re in a war you kind of just do what you have to do. “Dude, give me some gum.”
“I know you keep gum on you, give me some gum.” I said, reaching over and patting his pockets, trying to find which pocket he kept his gum in. Travis had a weird fixation on gum, so he almost always had some on him and when I needed some I usually just took from him.
“Get your own!” Travis said, trying to shove my hands away, although it was too late, I had already grabbed the box and pulled out a piece. “Connor seriously I don’t think-” I popped the stick of gum in my mouth, and Travis let out a frustrated sigh. “Fine, okay.”
I took a moment to chew the gum, then I went over to the door and opened it. The interaction was pretty short, and honestly it touched me. I had been worried about them ever since I found them in that alleyway, and I was glad that they came over to find me. I was actually thinking of calling out to them to ask if they wanted to see a movie with me sometime or something when…
“You have something in your teeth.” My heart absolutely dropped. Did I have some food or something in my teeth? Travis started laughing from behind me, and Y/N turned around and headed off, so I immediately turned and bolted over to one of my sister's bunks, digging around in it to find her mirror that she used for when she did make up. Once I found the mirror and held it up, I screamed.
My entire mouth was black. Oh. My. Holy. Hermes’. Headphones. My lips were stained a dark grey, not quite black but almost there, and my teeth were black as was the entire inside of my mouth.
I spun around, glaring at Travis who was holding his stomach, doubled over from laughter. “I told-” He wheezed, “I told you to stop taking-” he wheezed again, nearly falling over this time.
“It’s. Not. Funny.” I huffed, going to spit the chewed up gum in the trash can, the wad of gum pitch black as well as the spit that came with it. “That is so embarrassing, oh my gods. I was gonna ask them out, Travis!” I said, grabbing one of the pillows off the ground and throwing it at him, but he caught it easily.
That only seemed to renew the sense of hilarity my brother was feeling, because he started laughing all over again. “Maybe this will teach you to stop taking my gum!” He laughed, throwing the pillow back at me before he left, and I grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste, following him out and going to the bathhouses to brush my teeth.
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Hi! I love your writing! I live for every notification that you've posted something new.
I really like your fics where Coops are being fluffy and adorable, and the team finds them and are all adorable about it, like the Sirius cuddle one. I think that's my favorite.
Would you write Coops skating together before/after practice, and the team finding them and quietly going mushy watching?
I love those moments, too! This was an interesting (and difficult) fic for me to write, since I've never written Cole before, but I'm so looking forward to him in Vaincre. The song playing at the rink is 'American Gods' by ONR. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
Cole frowned. Upon Katie Dumais’ request, he had listened to “Hoedown Throwdown” enough times in the past two weeks to know the rhythm in his sleep, and that third beat just wasn’t lining up. He paused his attempt at working through the mess of his stall and straightened up, removing one earbud—sure enough, different music drifted from outside the locker room.
Someone else was at the rink.
He scanned the locker room, but saw no gear other than his own; two voices burst into faint laughter. Not the janitor, then. “Hello?” he called cautiously. It wasn’t against the rules for him to be at practice early, but maybe it was frowned upon by the others. Oh god, what if he became known as ‘the early guy’? The last ‘early guy’ he knew had become a suckup Coach’s pet, and everyone hated him for it.
There was a clatter, then more of the voices. Cole took his earbuds out and crept into the hall, wincing with each squeak of his sneakers.
Dumo’s at home, so it’s not the kids…Cole bit his lip as he tiptoed around the corner to the rink. “Oh, shit!” someone yelped before dissolving into laughter. He spotted two duffel bags on the bench, still full of gear, before a blur of movement flashed past and he had to duck behind the wall again to stay out of sight.
“Did you just trip over yourself?” Remus shouted across the ice from the other end with a wide grin. Cole craned his neck in time to see the captain nod, red-faced. “The great Sirius Black, everyone. Bravo, sir!”
Sirius skated over and checked him lightly—neither of them were wearing their pads, just skates and regular clothes. It was an odd sight. Cole felt a little like his two worlds were colliding. Off the ice, Remus and Sirius were kind (if a bit intimidating), and close with the team in a way he desperately wished for himself. On the ice, Cap and Loops were a wicked one-two punch that he idolized. They were careful with their words, and closed-off whenever media was around.
But out there, in their street clothes with well-loved sticks and a scattered collection of pucks, they looked so very different than the people Cole thought he knew.
A new song came on and Remus started doing the Sprinkler; Sirius had to sit down for a moment to catch his breath from laughing so hard, only to be dragged back to his feet and pulled along as Remus skated backwards. “If I have to get up, you have to sing for me,” he said with a groan, though his fond smile was visible from twenty feet away.
“Tell me all of my secrets, tell me all of my lies,” Remus sang, then paused. “And something, something, something…oh, American gods.”
Sirius shook his head. “Hopeless. Isn’t this your playlist?”
“I only added it for the drumbeat!” Remus protested, spinning him in a slow circle. “What, do you want to change it?”
“No, I want to watch you try to remember the lyrics while I push you over.”
“Wh—” Remus cut off with a squawk when Sirius let go of his hand mind-twirl, nearly sending him to the ice. “Son of a bitch!”
“Yes?” Sirius bit his lip and made a dash for the other end of the rink as Remus raced after him; Cole would never understand how someone so compact could build up that much speed in mere seconds. They chased each other in loops and swirls around the fresh ice, their voices echoing off the empty bleachers that didn’t hold a single fan or camera.
Realization trickled in like summer rain and he rested his shoulder against the wall. If he didn’t know them, Cole would have thought they were just some random couple, instead of two of the most famous modern athletes. He wasn’t watching Cap and Loops warming up for practice—he was watching Sirius and Remus screwing around in their free time, on the equivalent of a date.
Remus tried to dip sideways—a move that had helped him evade countless opponents, though Cole could never figure out—but Sirius caught him around the waist at the last second and lifted him off the ice. “Dirty play!” Remus called, sticking two fingers in his mouth to whistle. “Ten minutes in the box.”
“Ten minutes?” Sirius laughed. “I don’t think there’s an official penalty for picking other players up.”
“You wounded me.”
“My emotional state is in tatters,” Remus insisted as he kicked his legs halfheartedly. “I’ll never recover from this.”
“Are you sure?” Sirius set him down and turned him around, pressing a kiss to his forehead.
“I feel short when you do that.”
“I hate to break it to you, but you are short.”
“Tremzy is short. I’m above the national average for men’s height by four full inches.”
“Shortie.” Sirius caught his hands and pulled, skating backward across the ice as the next chorus began. “Show my life in a mirror, through the opposite side—”
“Singing won’t get you out of this.”
“—and we kill for that moment, when we long to take flight—”
“How do you even know this song?”
“Because I actually remember lyrics when I listen to music,” he teased, turning them in a wobbly circle.
Remus leaned back, using his momentum to slide closer until they bumped chests. “Poet.”
Cole forgot that they were people, sometimes. Just people, enjoying some well-deserved time out of the spotlight.
“Cute, aren’t they?”
Cole jolted and clamped a hand over his mouth to stifle his yelp of surprise.
James shot him an amused look. “They do this before every afternoon practice.”
“It’s so…normal.” He knew his bafflement shone through every word, but Pots seemed unbothered. Ahead of them, Sirius was lip-syncing to an old Paramore song as Remus tried to skate around him to get to the goal.
Pots raised an eyebrow. “What were you expecting?”
Cole made a vague gesture. “I dunno, actual practice? Running drills? The captain face?”
“The what?” James laughed quietly.
“The captain face.” He felt heat rise to his cheeks. “The one where it looks like you’re about to get reamed out by Cap at any given moment. It’s terrifying.”
“Reyes, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but that’s just his resting face.” Pots clapped him on the shoulder. “He’s the definition of RBF.”
Cole blinked at him. “This whole time, I thought he was gonna kill me if I slipped up.”
“I’ve been afraid of him for two months and that’s just his face?”
“You get used to it.” He turned Cole back toward the ice, where Sirius’ smile was brighter than every fluorescent light in the building. “But he only looks like that around Loops.”
They stumbled a little going through an awkward attempt at a waltz, but they recovered at the last second, and Remus pulled him in for a light kiss. Cole felt his blush creep to his ears. “Should we go?”
Pots shrugged one shoulder. “They won’t notice either way.”
“This isn’t…creepy? They’re basically on a date.”
“They’re at the rink, remember?” A gleam entered his eye behind his glasses. “That means we get to chirp them for PDA in the workplace.”
Cole paused for a second and looked back, where Remus was playing keepaway with Sirius’ beanie. They darted around each other, practically flying over the ice—their footwork looked as natural as if they were born doing it. “It must be hard for them.”
“Finding time to do this.” He glanced at James. “Everyone is expecting them to be one way all the time. I expected them to be one way all the time.”
James’ face softened and he draped an arm over Cole’s shoulders, leading him back down the hallway. “That’s what we’re here for. The best thing about this team isn’t our cohesion on the ice, or the Cup we won, or any of that. It’s that we’re friends, on and off the ice. As long as you remember that, you’ll never have to fit yourself in one specific box.”
Cole blinked at him. In two months of mentorship, he had never thought of James Potter as wise. “I swear you’re the same person that put shaving cream in everyone’s skates and blamed Harzy for it.”
James barked a laugh and ruffled his hair. “No boxes, Reyes. No boxes.”
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mydogisveryadorbs · 4 years
bad day | jj maybank x reader
summary: jj has a bad day and he just wants to be with you
warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of abuse, sad jj, fluffy ending (ofc)
masterlist :)
Tumblr media
(gif credit to the owner)
3.5k+ words
To the outside world, JJ Maybank has a perfect life. He has the best group of friends, he parties all the time, he has all the freedom in the world, and most importantly, he has you.
To the outside world, it is practically impossible for JJ Maybank to have a bad day. How can you have a bad day when you have a perfect life?
The only person in the world that knew that bad days are actually a common occurrence in JJ’s life, was you.
When the two of you had first started dating over a year ago, you too had believed that JJ’s life was perfect. His outgoing personality and carefree nature were what initially attracted him to you and he fought hard to maintain that persona. It wasn't until three months into your relationship that you realized that the blonde boy had it so much harder than you could've possibly imagined.
Truth be told, JJ didn't open up to you on purpose. In fact, if he had it his way, you would have never had to see him break down the way that he did.
You didn't know what to do when you first found your boyfriend laying on the bathroom floor in the Chateau, body shaking with sobs. At first, you thought he had been in another rough quarrel with Rafe and his friends. But when he looked up at you, tear stains on his cheeks and the saddest eyes you had ever seen, you knew this wasn't just some run-in with a couple of kooks.
It didn't take long for you to get over your original state of shock and comfort the boy. Your younger sister had bad anxiety and experienced panic attacks often, and still, you found yourself on the less prepared side when it came to soothing the blonde you adored so much. It was hard for you to understand that the tough, wild, teenager that you had fallen in love with was simply a cover for the fragile boy inside.
You can still vividly remember sitting on the bathroom floor for hours with JJ. Despite your unfamiliarity with your boyfriend’s suffering, there was not one second that you had even remotely questioned your love for him. If anything, seeing him in such a vulnerable state made your appreciation for him grow.
JJ himself, on the other hand, did not know how to accept the comfort you had given him. He was so used to being alone every time he was feeling down. So used to hiding all of his emotions from the people around him. 
The two of you went through many difficult nights of him pushing you away and trying to block you out. But just as fast as he was building up his wall, you were tearing it down.
JJ doesn't know the exact moment when he allowed himself to succumb to your solace. Still to this day, it's hard for him to believe that someone as beautiful and compassionate as you can possibly love someone like him.
The more he let you in, the harder it was to be without you and now, whenever he had a run-in with his father or was unsure of himself, his first impulse was to call you.
You never hesitated to comfort the boy, knowing that he would do the same for you. And as much as you tried to stay strong for JJ, sometimes everything got to be a little bit too much. 
JJ will never forget the day you were holding him after a fight with his father and you couldn't hold it in anymore. You let out heart-wrenching sobs into his hair. The sound alone brought tears to his own eyes and the two of you held each other all night, whispering sweet nothing to one another.
JJ is having a bad day.
He should have known when he woke up this morning and you weren't in his arms. He glanced over, immediately recognizing your small handwriting on a blue sticky note which was stuck to your pillow. The note explained that your parents had asked you to come home, but that you would come back to the chateau to be with him that night.
have a great day and don't miss me too much lovie!
His heart fluttered at your sweet words. How did he get so god damn lucky? Popping open his phone case, JJ folds your note and sticks it inside, just in case he needs to read it again later.
Despite the loving feeling he got in his chest while reading your note, his day quickly went downhill.
When JJ opened the cabinets above the sink to make himself a bowl of cereal, they were empty. He brushed it off and went to work with an empty stomach.
At the hotel, a group of kids bumped into him while he was clearing a table and he dropped a wine glass on the floor, shattering it. His boss chewed him out for 30 minutes before putting him on dish duty for the rest of his shift.
After work, JJ went to the local market and used his tip money from the day to buy a sandwich and a small bouquet of your favorite flowers for you. He knew you would make a big fuss about him spending his money on you, but he loved to see the cute look of surprise on your face whenever he got you something like this. It made whatever he had gotten for you worth every penny.
On his way back to the Chateau, JJ was stopped by none other than Rafe, Topper, and Kelse on their bikes. He tried his best to ignore them, knowing that you hated when he got into fights, but as soon as Rafe mentioned a snide comment about your ass, JJ immediately threw the first punch. He didn't realize until after the fact that one of them had stomped on the flowers he bought for you.
As much as he hated it, the blonde boy knew he needed to go home to get a fresh pair of clothes. He could always ask you to get a pair from the drawer of his clothes you had in your room, but that would require telling you what had happened and he didn't want to be a bother while you were with your family.
He knew he was screwed when he arrived at his “house” and saw his father's truck parked in the dirt outside. JJ hoped that he would be able to slip by without being noticed, but his horrible luck from the day continued.
His father was in the stage of his drinking where he was drunk enough to be angry with his son, but not drunk enough for JJ to outrun him.
JJ’s cheek throbbed on his walk back to the Chateau and he was sure that he was sporting a fresh black eye. His ribs were sore as hell and the only thing that kept him moving was the thought of seeing you.
When he arrived at John B’s house he instantly took note of your missing car. He prayed that you had simply walked and that he would see you laying on the couch when he entered.
There was someone sitting on the couch, but it was not the person JJ was looking for.
“Dude,” John B said when he noticed JJ’s figure standing in the doorway. “What happened to your face?”
“Where's (Y/N),” the blonde asked, ignoring John’s question.
“She called and said she wasn't sure if she would make it,” Kie said, drawing JJ’s attention to where she was standing. “Her friend Carlee’s boyfriend cheated on her, so she went to comfort her. She said she tried to call you, but it went straight to voicemail,” the curly-haired girl explained.
Glancing down at his phone, JJ noticed it was dead. His shoulders slumped. All he wanted was to see his girl after a shit day, was that too much to ask? He knew first hand your dedication to your loved ones, and he knew it wasn't fair of him to want all of your comfort and love for himself, but he couldn't help it.
You were too nice, he decided. But that's why he loved you so much, wasn't it?
“So what happened to your face,” John B asked again, taking a sip of his beer.
JJ glowered at his best friend. “What do you care,” he snapped. He knew he shouldn't take his frustrations out on John B, but you were his coping method and he didn't know what to do without that.
John B raised his hands in defense, standing up to grab another beer. “Jeez, dude,” he said, “Just asking.”
“Well maybe you should mind your own goddamn business,” JJ yelled.
The brunette boy halted his actions and turned to face JJ. “What the fuck, man?” he asked, voice rising. “You really want to do this.”
“Yeah, I do.” He definitely didn't. “You know,” JJ snapped, “Maybe if you spent time with your actual friends instead of your fucking kook girlfriend, you would know what was going on in my life.”
John B scoffed “That's rich coming from the guy who spends every waking moment trying to impress a girl who's way out of his league,” he yells.
JJ knows he's right. You were too good for him. But you chose him anyway. Why?
“Fuck you,” JJ sneers, shoving past his best friend and walking out the back doors. He needed space.
You were getting ready to leave your friend's house when Kiara called you. 
Carlee was a sweet girl, and her douche of a boyfriend definitely didn't deserve her so you told her exactly that. But this wasn't the first time something like that had happened between them and based on previous occurrences, you figured Carlee would go a week before she decided to get back together with him.
It was times like these where you really thanked your lucky stars that you had found a boy like JJ. The two of you had your moments like any healthy couple, but you knew in your heart that he would never do anything to purposely hurt you.
You smiled when you saw Kie’s contact. “Hey girl,” you answer in a country accent, giggling at the end.
“(Y/N),” she said and your smile dropped, immediately understanding that there was something wrong. “You need to come to the Chateau right now.”
Your feet skid to a stop and you feel your heart drop to the pit of your stomach. “What happened? Is JJ okay?” you ask her in a rushed tone.
Kie’s voice is shaky when she speaks. “He came over today with a black eye and a bruised cheek and when John B asked about it JJ kind of freaked out,” she explains. “They are screaming at each other right now. (Y/N), you gotta come quick,” you could hear yelling in the background.
“I'm on my way,” you assure her, hanging up. You run to your car, heart twisting in worry. It wasn't like your boyfriend to act like this so you knew something had to have happened.
You drove to the Chateau faster than you ever have before, getting there in under five minutes. The second your car pulled up to the house. You were flying out of your car and running inside the screen door.
“He's outback,” John B says upon seeing you enter.
Your eyes snap to him and they soften at the sight of his distraught face. “You alright, JB?” you ask.
He nods slowly. “I've never seen him like that, (Y/N),” John B tells you, his voice laced with worry. “You gotta help him.”
You nod your head, walking outside to find your boyfriend. You don't have to go far, spotting his hunched over the figure on the porch steps.
Slowly, you make your way towards the boy, and despite the fact that it's the middle of summer he is shivering violently.
You place a hand on his shoulder and he immediately flinches away from your touch. Your heart breaks at his reaction. “JJ, love, it's me,” you tell him softly, crouching down next to his body.
Hearing your voice, JJ lifts his head to look at you. His eyes are red-rimmed and filled with tears and the skin around the right one is hidden by blue and purple. Your eyes scan his face and you take note of the bruise on his cheekbone and his split lip. Your hands itch to remove his shirt, knowing that there are more hidden underneath.
The sound of JJ’s choked sob brings your eyes instantly back to his. 
“Oh, J,” you say sorrowfully, opening your arms for him. “C’mere.”
The blonde boy instantly falls into your embrace and you cradle his body tightly. He sobs into your shoulder and you feel a wet patch grow in your shirt. “I needed you, I need you,” he cries into your shoulder.
Softly shushing him, you run your fingers through his hair. “I'm here, J, I'm here,” you tell him, your heart aching for the boy in your arms. You don't know exactly how long you sit there, his hands clutching the back of your shirt tightly.
Slowly, his sobs die down before he is only sniffling every few seconds.
You pull back slightly, tenderly cupping his face in your hands. “Can we go inside?” you ask, gently brushing back the blonde curl that had fallen over his forehead.
JJ nods slightly and you stand up on the porch, helping him do the same. You bite your lip when you notice his subtle limp on the way inside. You notice how quiet the Chateau is and silently thank John B and Kiara for giving JJ the space he needs.
 Leading him into the bathroom, you help JJ sit on the counter and you quickly grab the first aid kit from the cabinet below the sink.
Opening it, you grab a cotton swab and an alcohol wipe to clean his lip and cheek, wordlessly realizing how many times you've had to do this.
“Why are you here,” the blonde boy asks abruptly. If you weren't paying attention you would have missed his small voice.
“What'd you mean, J?” you ask, continuing your work.
JJ sighs. “Why are you here?” he asks again, slightly louder, but still quieter than you are used too.
“Well, I was leaving Carlee’s house and Kie called me and told me that you-” JJ cuts you off, pulling away from your grasp slightly.
“No, (Y/N),” his tone is harsh but you can hear the brokenness laced behind it. “Why are you here? With me instead of with your friends? Or better yet another guy that can buy you nice things and doesn't have emotional trauma? A guy who's not broken?” he says the word with such hatred that it shakes you to your core.
“JJ,” you gasp, hurt flashing across your features. How could he think that? JJ instantly wants to take it back, but he wants even more to know your answer. “You are not broken, you hear me?” you say, honesty clear in your voice. “Your flaws are what make you, you. I don't need fancy gifts or expensive jewelry to make me love you! I love every single thing about you, JJ Maybank. From your head to your toes. I love you just the way that you are and there is nothing you can do to take that away from me. Ever.” Your voice is strong and serious. You leave no room for argument as you continue to patch up his face.
JJ doesn't speak again letting the words sink in, scared that he will break down for the second time that night. His eyes fall to the floor and he lets you tend to his cuts.
When you are satisfied with your work on his face, you tap the boy's arm lightly and his eyes snap to yours. “Lift your shirt so I can see,” you ask him, not making eye contact. When he doesn't move, your eyes lock with his. “Please, J,” you beg, in a quiet voice, “I need to see.”
The blonde knows he will never be able to say no to you, especially when you ask him that way, so he gingerly lifts his shirt over his head, tossing it to the side and wincing when he moves the wrong way.
JJ expects you to pity him. To tell him you're sorry the way everyone does. But you simply stare at his injuries, eyes welling with tears. And this, JJ decides, makes him feel infinitely worse.
Your hand reaches out to trace the large, purple-black bruises. JJ shivers at the touch of your soft hands on his skin.
He grabs your hand suddenly, pulling it up to his lips. “I'm sorry,” he says, voice cracking. “I'm sorry I dragged you into this.”
“Hey, hey, hey,” you say, using the hand not in JJ’s to run through his hair. “None of that, okay? I'm here because I want to be. And I will always be. No matter how many times you try to push me away.”
You feel hot tears on your hand and you quickly slide between his legs, pulling him back into your chest, careful of the bruises on his ribs.
“I love you,” JJ cries into the crook of your neck. “I love you more than anything else in this fucked up world.”
“Shh,” you say softly. “I know, lovie, I know. I love you too. Endlessly.”
JJ pulls back at your words, just enough so that he can look into your eyes.
You used to think your favorite color was purple. When you were ten you painted your entire room purple and even bought purple bedding. But the moment you looked into JJ’s cerulean eyes, it instantly became your new favorite color.
JJ looks from your eyes to your lips before leaning forward to kiss you.
The kiss was soft and passionate explaining every emotion the two of you were feeling. No matter how many times the two of you kissed, your heart raced like it was the very first time. 
Pulling away for air, JJ rests his forehead on yours. 
“What happened today, J?” you ask in a quiet voice. 
JJ bites his lip, leaning back slightly. His first instinct is to tell you that nothing happened and that he's okay, but JJ knows you wouldn't believe him for a second. So he recalls his day, telling you every detail. Just knowing that you know, makes JJ’s heart feel a little less heavy. “A-and I bought you these flowers from the florist on main, y-y'know the ones you love, and I couldn't even bring them to you,” he says sadly.
You caress his cheek. “Love, I don't care about the flowers, all that matters is that you're okay,” you assure him, honesty evident in his voice. “And as for your father, you are staying here or at my house from now on and the next time I see that son of a bi-”
JJ cuts you off, grabbing your hands. The last thing he ever wants is his father hurting you. “(Y/N), no,” he says, the vulnerability in his voice evident. “You need to promise me that you won't confront him. I don't want you getting hurt.”
You sigh, knowing how important this is to the blonde boy. “Only if you promise not to go back there unless I'm with you,” you compromise with him.
He nods, kissing your forehead gently. “Can we please go to bed,” JJ asks and you can hear the sleepiness in his voice. Nodding, you help JJ off the counter and the two of you walk to the spare room in the chateau. The two of you climb into the bed. You are still in your clothes from the day, but that is the last thing on your mind.
JJ moves his arms to wrap around your middle but you gently push his shoulder back. “Turn around, J,” you tell him quietly. You know that JJ secretly loves to be the little spoon and you secretly love to be the big spoon. He would never openly ask you to spoon him, but you can read his body language like a book.
He rolls to his other side and you wrap an arm around his bare middle, careful not to hit any of his bruises. You nuzzle your nose into the back of his tanned shoulder, breathing in his scent deeply.
“I love you (Y/N)” your boyfriend whispers, his hand reaching to hold your hand that is tracing his chest. “Thank you for being here.”
You press a soft kiss to his shoulder blade. “Always, JJ,” you tell him earnestly. “I love you more than anything.”
The blonde boy falls asleep in your embrace, feeling truly safe for the first time that day.
masterlist :)
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dameronology · 3 years
to all the pilots i've loved before {poe dameron} - 2/4
part two: laughter lines on tired eyes
summary: you’re in love with poe dameron. it’s both the most complicated and most simple thing in the galaxy - and it’s all shoved into a shoe-box under your bed, in the form of a thousand love letters. here’s to hoping he never finds them. (series masterlist)
warnings: this one's pretty angsty - mentions of death + loss
enjoy :)
- jazz xx
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Poe had always been terrified of losing you. It came with the territory of his job, but a lot of it stemmed from the fact you were person who he was closest with.
Dear Poe,
He tried not to think about it, really. Why would he? There was no point in pondering upon depressing scenarios when you brought enough excitement to his real life. He'd always known to some extent that there was a chance you could be lost in battle but that was a thought he shoved to the back of his head. It was locked away in a chest in a dark corner - another thing he didn't need to think about.
It occurred to me today that I'm probably in love with you. At first, I thought I was always just really happy to see you, but then I realised this morning, a MONDAY morning when I normally despise everyone including you, that I actually really wanted to see you.
But some things in life were unavoidable, and being dragged into a meeting room with a solemn looking Leia Organa was one of them. For Poe, it was an uncomfortably similar scenario to one he'd faced 25 years earlier. The General was more tired now, though - tired of fighting, tired of the war, tired of having these fucking conversations.
I'm never going to tell you, but as you know, I am famously bad at containing my emotions and I had to put this....somewhere.
They always started the same.
"I'm sorry."
Poe frowned. "What's happened?"
I'm sure it'll pass. I've had loads of random crushes in the past but they all went away. Do you remember Larry, the guy from the hangar, who I fancied for like a week last summer? And that very brief crush I had on Han Solo? Huh, maybe I have a time.
"(Name)'s squadron was flying back from Coruscant when the fleet took a hit," Leia's voice was shaky. Worlds away from her normal authoritative tone. "Three jets disappeared from our radars, including theirs."
"But you've found them, right?" He pushed. "You have to have found them-"
"- we've sent out several search parties," she cut him off. "They haven't found any wreckage on nearby planets, but that's good news, because it means they might have not been knocked down. It might be that they diverted to another planet to lay low for a few days."
I think it's the way you smile at me. You might not notice it, but you have these little creases by your eyes, and your lips always upturn even when you try to resist laughing. I really like your hugs too.
Poe sat up in his seat, heart rate suddenly picking up to a speed that almost beat that of his X-Wing. Clammy hands, sweaty palms, little black dots beginning to form at the edges of his peripheral vision. Suddenly, he was eight years old again, gripping the sides of his chair, throat as dry as the desert on a hot summer's day; brown eyes filled with sorrow and tears, feeling like a punch to her goddamn throat. She hadn't shaken that vision out of her head, not ever - and now, here it was all over again - the same face, the same creased brown, the same eyes. They were more tired now, with laughter lines etched around the sides, brown irises a little darker and more sunken. But Poe's eyes had never lost that spark - it had dimmed a little bit, but it was still there. Whether it would be after all this was hard to say.
And just...well it's you really, isn't it? It's the way you go out your way to make me smile when I'm sad and the way you'll fight anyone who makes me mad.
"Let me lead a search party," he begged. "Please, I'll find them in now time-"
"- Poe, you're too close to the matter," Leia replied. "You can help, though."
"Anything," Poe said. "I'll do anything."
"We've been trying to locate the back-up plans that (name) prepared for the mission - they should include a list of potential safe spots," she explained. "If you can find that list, we'll begin searching them."
"Have you tried their quarters?"
"I didn't want to invade their privacy," Leia said. "But if you happen to have a key, then-"
It's everything. It's your resilience and your humour and the way you see the best in everyone. The way you're never afraid to fight for what you believe in or stand up for what's right.
She was cut off by the sound of Poe's chair legs screeching against the floor. He was up in a split second, flying out the room without another word. His fists were balled up as he stormed down the corridor, nails digging into the palms of his hands - the pain of them piercing his skin was merely a reminder that all this was real. It wasn't a nightmare. He wasn't going to wake up and find you asleep in your room, safe and sound.
If Leia was right, and you were just laying low, would you not have said something to him? Found your own way to pass the message on? It wasn't like you to just disappear without a trace. You were always the organised one; the one who carried band-aids for when he inevitably burnt himself on a soldering iron, and the one who stitched him up every time he came staggering back from a mission, covered in minor scratches that he had heroically labelled battle scars.
You're amazing and I'm so lucky you're my best friend. This war is fucking awful but having you by my side makes everything a little less fucking awful.
Your room was just as you'd left it; tidy, but lived in. The jacket you'd stolen from him two years ago was strewn across your desk chair; the desk itself was piled high with random papers and forms, and there was a photo beside them of you, him, Finn and Rey. Some of your clothes were tossed on the bed, and your spare pair of boots was dumped in the middle of the floor.
Poe quickly scanned the room, before rifling around the sheets on your desk - but, to no avail. They were just random notes, and what looked like a letter from your father. He tried to recall any thing that might point to where you kept your mission plans - there had been the time you'd leant him your X-Wing maintenance guide, which was in a box under your bed.
This is probably something I'll take to my grave. Maybe I'll tell you about it in like 20 years when we're married to different people and meet up for Life Day. And I'll be all like 'hey, Poe! This one time when we younger, I was in love with you' and we'll laugh about it.
Falling to his knees onto the floor, Poe flipped your duvet up and began to peer underneath. Dust bunnies, a maintenance kit, your old blaster, the book he leant you nine months ago, and a box full of papers. After pawing about for a minute, he pulled the shoe box out and tore it open.
Now, it should be said that you had never considered the possibility that Poe would ever look under your bed without you knowing. Why would he? Unless he was creeping about, of course - but he'd never do anything like that. It wasn't in his nature, and you'd put the fear of god into him more than enough times for him to be clever enough not to do that. This was different, though; it was literally a matter of life and death.
I guess that means I think we'll still be friends in 20 years. And 40 and 50 and 60 and until we're old and wrinkly and too senile to fly a jet. I love you now and I'm sure I'll still love you then.
Tipping the papers out onto your floor, Poe crossed his legs and began to search through them.
He didn't see it at first.
All the letters that said dear Poe, I love you.
When he did, his heart stopped. Like, that full on, gut clenching, air-stealing, pulse pausing stomach drop. It only further added to his theory that this whole fucking terrible day was just a dream - but maybe, just maybe, this bit was a little less terrible.
Hands shaking (now for a different reason), Poe grabbed the first letter from the pile. It was dated to just over a year ago.
Love, (name)
There was a lot to unpack; firstly, you'd been in love with him for a fucking year. And you'd brought up the secret crush on Han Solo that you swore to never talk about - and did you really think he'd ever be too senile to fly a jet? Poe would have been insulted if that first revelation hadn't reduced his entire thinking capacity down to one, tiny brain cell.
Clutching the letter in his hands, Poe fell back against the bed. All this information - your disappearance and the declarations - was much too complicated for him to process all at once. The worst part was that you'd said you were going to take it to your grave and now...well now, you actually might have.
But there was still a chance - a chance that you were still out there, trying to find your way back to him. To your best friend.
You had to come back.
tags: @neverlandlibrarian @asphyzzz @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @ubri812 @taina-eny @dessinemoiunehistoire @fangirl-316 @princessxkenobi @brandyllyn
223 notes · View notes
fruitydiaz-archived · 3 years
for the prompts: #70?
70 — “After everything we’ve been through, you still don’t think that I love you?”
buddie fluff!
from this prompt list
“Do you think you’ll ever find love again?”
They’re in Buck’s kitchen, Chris sitting on the couch catching the end of their movie, while Buck and Eddie wash and dry their dishes, when Buck blurts the question out suddenly. Eddie pauses mid-wiping down a plate, and raises his eyebrow, turning slowly to give Buck an amused look.
“That’s a question,” He says after a moment. Buck flushes a little and rolls his eyes.
They’d been talking about a call they had this morning. It was one of those old married couples that always hit Buck right in the gut. He had sat to the side on the curb with the wife, while they carried her husband to the ambulance, and listened to her tell him their love story.
He didn’t even try to hide his tears as he climbed back into the truck with the rest of the team.
“I’m sure I will. I’m not interested in looking for it right now, though,” Eddie says, smiling over at Buck. “I’ve got everything I need right here, you know?”
Buck turns to look over at Christopher, smiling at the look of his face, transfixed on the movie.
“Yeah, I know,” Buck nods, turning off the sink and grabbing an extra towel to help Eddie dry.
“It just — don’t you get lonely sometimes? It’s been so long since I lived with somebody else. Sometimes I just think...it’d be nice to have someone to come home to.”
Buck’s starting to think maybe he shouldn’t have gone ahead and had that extra beer. He’s not sure what’s gotten him thinking like this. He and Taylor decided they were better as friends a long time ago — and since Eddie had broken up with Ana around the same time — they just filled the space for each other. He hasn’t really felt lonely in a while. He doesn’t really want someone else to be here...he wants Eddie to stay.
Eddie looks at him for a moment before he grabs the last plate from his hand and puts it away. He sighs and leans against the counter, reaching for his beer.
“You could always move in with me. Then you can come home to us,” Eddie says, like a joke. Except it’s not; he’s mentioned moving in to Buck at least a dozen times over the last couple of months, since they both got out of relationships and started spending almost every non-working moment in each other’s homes. Buck never seems to think he’s serious though.
“Right,” Buck chuckles, ducking his head. When he looks back up at Eddie, he’s a little shyer and quieter. It’s the look he gets when he starts to doubt himself, and it always makes Eddie want to reach out and shake some sense into him.
“It’s just different I guess. I want to come home to someone who loves me.”
That hits Eddie like a punch.
His body tenses up and he feels a wave of emotions building up in his chest. He’s hurt, for one, and angry.
“Buck,” He starts, running a hand over his face. He crosses his arms and sets his bottle back against the edge of the counter, glancing out the window. The city lights calm him a little bit.
“Why do you think I keep asking you to move in?” He asks eventually, his voice soft. Buck tilts his head to the side and shrugs.
“To save money?”
Eddie looks at him, unimpressed. It makes Buck shrink in on himself a bit.
“You don’t think it’s maybe because I want you there?” Buck blinks at him.
“No, listen to me, Buck. I don’t think — I don’t think you understand.”
Eddie looks down again and brings a hand up to his face, pressing his fingers into the bridge of his nose as he thinks. His head’s spinning a little bit — not drunk, just overwhelmed and dizzy — because of Buck. Because of all of these feelings he has about Buck that have been building up inside of him for years. Because it’s getting harder for him to pretend that he just wants to be friends with him.
These last months have been nice, the way they’ve slid perfectly into the empty spaces in each other’s lives. But any time they have a conversation like this, Eddie feels that fear spike up in him, the fear that he’s about to lose one of the best things that have ever happened to him. Sometimes he thinks he should just tell him, just rip the band-aid off and finally expose the softest, most vulnerable part of himself that he’s been guarding all these years. He knows Buck would never leave him — especially not over the fact that Eddie loves him. But things would change, they’d have to. And that’s the part that holds him back most of the time.
But tonight feels different. He knows Buck wants this as much as he does — he has to. But Buck will never be the one to make the first move, because he’s weighed down by his past: by the abandonment, the neglect, the fear that he’s too much for anyone to stick around for.
Eddie’s not sure how he doesn’t get it at this point.
“After everything we've gone through together, you still don’t think I love you?”
“I know you love me, Eddie—“
“No, Buck,” Eddie says again, and his voice is worn and exasperated. “No, you don’t. I love you. Christopher and I are here with you almost every night we have available. You keep the cereal we like stocked in your pantry just in case we’re here for breakfast. I keep those weird vegan protein bars you like. You have a drawer in my room with sweatpants and t-shirts and a spare uniform just in case. I broke up with Ana and haven’t even thought about another person in months because...I don’t want anyone else.”
Buck swallows hard.
“I don’t understand…”
“I’m in love with you, Evan.”
“I mean it. And you don’t — you don’t have to say anything back or...or try to let me down gently, or whatever. I just...I need you to know. You always say you’re alone and that no one ever really wants you. I need you to know you’re wrong.”
Neither of them says anything for a moment, and Eddie busies himself with his beer, trying desperately not to let the panic take over him, trying desperately not to feel like he has to pack up his stuff and grab Christopher and get out of there immediately. He’ll give Buck space if he needs it, but only if he asks.
God, he hopes he doesn’t ask.
“I love you, too,” Buck says eventually, quietly. Eddie looks up at him. “I’ve just...I really like you, you know? This thing we have with each other. It’s special...and it’s different. And I’ve always known that, so I just...I never wanted to risk losing it. I’m so used to people I love leaving, Eddie.”
“I’m never leaving you,” Eddie says instantly, confidently. Buck stares at him wide-eyed, before the softest smile Eddie’s ever seen spreads on his face.
“I know.”
Eddie’s pretty sure that they should kiss, pretty sure that that’s the thing that they’re supposed to do next, but he can’t move. He’s fixed to his spot against the counter and Buck seems fixed to his spot in front of the sink, because all they can do is stare at each other, grinning like two fools in love — because that’s what they are, aren’t they?
Eventually, Christopher’s movie ends, and he calls out for Buck and Eddie.
“Dad, Buck, can we watch another one?” He calls, a hint of mischief in his voice. He knows he’s usually only allowed one movie and then he and Eddie have to head home after dinner. Buck grins.
“How about I pack a bag and we head back to yours and we can start another one there. Maybe I can even...stay a couple of days?”
“You moving in already?” Eddie teases and Buck rolls his eyes.
“Well, you’ve only been begging me to for months now.”
“Yeah, yeah. Sure. Go pack a bag and I’ll get Chris ready.”
Buck nods and then turns to run up the stairs to grab his bag — but he stops. He turns around and looks at Eddie, a small smile on his lips and a glint in his eyes, cheeks a little red.
“Um,” He mumbles, taking two large steps to close the gap between them and ducking to the side. He leans in quickly and presses a shy kiss to Eddie’s cheek and then steps away.
Eddie stares at him, a little stunned. He’s never known Buck to be shy with physical affection, especially not with someone he likes, but it’s endearing and sweet and breaking Eddie’s brain a little with the realization that they’re actually doing it. They’re crossing this line.
Buck spins around and disappears up the stairs into his loft before Eddie can say anything, leaving his mind speeding a thousand miles a second into the future, imagining all of their future kisses, their future dinners, Buck moving in officially, no longer having to travel 20 minutes to see each other, no longer spending the night alone in his bed wishing Buck was there with him, waking up to his face in the morning, kissing him goodnight.
Maybe they’ll even get married. Eddie would like that. He’s pretty sure Buck would too.
Not that he’s in any kind of rush.
He’s got everything he could ever want right here, right now.
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mythicalninjas · 3 years
A Hard Choice To Make - Part 1
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"Go talk to him. It's the only way to wash your emotions away." April, the reporter of Channel 6, advise you.
"No!" Your eyes went wide "No, I won't!"
"Then do you want to live with it stuck into you for the rest of your life?"
You lower your head, not knowing what kind of response you should give besides this not-desired possibility. April is right.
Since you met the brothers—three years ago—you have created a strong family bond with all of them, specially with the fearless leader in blue who your heart shines for. You knew that something within you is brougth to life every time Leonardo is around, and it is kind of torture because you literally fell in love with this terrapin.
But there's a doubt haunting you: Is Leo with the same feelings about you? The objection behind it is almost invalid in your point of view. He is the leader of his group, known as being the only one who tries to keep his brothers in line, making decisions for each time they are out for patrol, dealing with the most heavy and difficult choices and moments throughout their adventures. And you... You are just a human as you always say.
You sigh, turning your eyes back at April "Ya know, I have no idea if he feels the same about me. I'm afraid of how he'd react from my declaration."
April leaves her desk, and sits next to you on the sofa in the living room of her apartment. "Y/N..." she said softly, landing her slender hand on your shoulder "Soon or late he will know; but if I were you, I would go talk to him. He won't figure it out alone". You nodded, staring at the floor again with your mind lost in an ocean of thoughts and emotions. "Try, Y/N. Do not let it consume you; or it will get worse" the reporter rubs your shoulder and embrace you in a comfort hug.
"Would you like me to talk to him?" She offered herself.
"No! No... I must be prepare myself first."
April let's out a soft giggle "Okay. Take your time, sweetheart. Call me if you need help." She smiled.
You let the comfort of her embrace take you completely as a help to try to kick out your anxiety, but your nervousness insists to stay. How would you say to the most respectable man that you're in love with? How would he reacts? Will he treat you in a bad or good way? You knew he wouldn't treat you like an idiot or something but even that you are not secure.
A few weeks has passed since April's advice.
You and Casey Jones were called by Chief Vicent to attend a meeting at NYPD police station for a debate about Shredder after his sudden disappearance in the day that Technodrome has appeared in the sky. And for your surprise you're not the only one who were invited.
Your mutant turtles best friends are there.
And speaking of them...
"Hey Casey and Y/N!" Mikey was the first one who came up to welcome you both as you enter in the police station. "Finally you're here! Chief Vicent is waiting for you" the young brother pointed at up stairs of the building.
You and Casey went quickly to the second floor.
Arriving there, Mikey pointed at one of the several rooms throughout the large corridor. From outside you could see three shells facing the only door of the small space, and your eyes shone. In the middle of the three massive terrapins, a blue and well-written kanji with a pair of katanas.
"Y/N? Are you coming or...?" Casey called, noticing your behaving.
You froze, desperate about what you would do with that handsome man a few steps away from you—actually standing on the other side of the table.
Gulping, you walked behind Casey as you both enter the room.
"Good evening, Casey Jones." the blond-haired woman nodded from the other side of the rectangular table, facing you both "And Y/N" she nodded again, sharing a polite smile. Other three pairs of eyes landed on you while you stand beside Casey "Hey, guys" Donnie waved with that cute grin he has. "Hey..." Raphael said with a neutral voice; and finally Leonardo who, as Chief Vicent, shares a nod and a smile.
Oh God, that smile makes your bones shiver.
"So what are the news, Chief?" Casey asked, leaning above the table to watch papers and pictures scattered above it.
"We got a prove that Shredder must be still alive" she continued "We have captured Karai who was with him in the day that Kraang has arrived on Earth for the first time, and has confessed that Shredder was teleported into Technodrome. It was the last time she has seen him" she finished, glancing quickly at Shredder's picture on her right side and then looked up at everybody there present.
"Wait, wait..." The hot head turtle interferes "Last time? But how? Karai and Shredder used to work together all the time! Perhaps she is laying-"
"We don't know, Raph." The leader cuts his brother, then Mikey continued "Or maybe Shredder is working for Kraang.", Donnie moved his body a bit to stand face-to-face with his brothers and continued "We do not know if all those suggestions are valid, but I fear what Mikey said. Shredder must be working for Kraang."
Chief Vicent nodded positively, leaning above the table "I wouldn't discard this possibility."
The idea of Shredder working for Kraang freaks you out. Shredder is known for being dangerous, and Kraang is known for being deadly; and the two of them together is a nightmare.
After a few minutes of silence, Casey questioned "So, what are we gonna do now?"
"Wait. For now." Chief Vicent responded, not breaking her eye contact with the Shredder's picture beside her, and the room was filled with Raph's indignation voice "Wait?! How much time of wait?!"
"Raph, more respect!" Leo punch his brother's arm, murmuring and shaking his head in disapprove by his brother's behaving.
You tried to not giggle by their brotherhood behaving.
"We don't know..." Chief Vicent replied "but all we can do now is use what we have available to find Shredder; and Kraang. I'm highly doubt that Shredder isn't on Earth. Maybe he was brought back by Kraang. As you said before, Donatello" she pointed "the atmosphere in Technodrome is toxic for those who have a normal cardiovascular system. Hardly Shredder would survive in that thing out there".
"There's an interesting point" Leo continued "But It's been months since his disappearance and till now no one has seen him. For sure, if someone have, they would warn us."
"Or they would help him" Raph participated one more time "We don't know if someone is his follower."
"You mean a new Shredder?" Mikey asked, surprised.
"I would freak out if it is true." You said.
"Me too." Chief Vicent agreed, sighing.
The worst nightmare of the boys is that another (or other) person ended up like Shredder. For sure someone out there have inspired themselves on that horrible assassin and perhaps will keep on doing his dirty work as a next generation of the Foot Clan. It must be happening in any city, state or country right now.
After two hours of debate, Chief Vicent has decided give a break, and then back to the reunion.
You are checking out your Pinterest in another small room of the building to spend some time. But your is mind busy thinking more about Leo than paying attention to the pics on your social media. You just scroll down, the pics passing through your phone screen quickly; then your mind focused in flashbacks of your conversation with April a few weeks ago.
You want to confess your love for Leonardo. You want to face him and say how much you love him.
But why are you feeling something negative inside you?
You sighed, without knowing what to do. Your eyes lift from the screen and scanned the small room around you. There's a desk with a deactivated computer in the left and a cupboard on the right. Cupboard? Why is it here in a office? Maybe this room is used like a kitchen. And speaking of it... where's the coffee machine and other stuff used by workers?
You shrugged, ignoring it and paying attention to your phone again.
"Y/N?" A familiar deep voice called from the door frame. You jumped and quickly looked up at the person.
Actually, at the turtle.
"Oh, hey Leo" you smiled, pretending you didn't got scared by his sudden apparence. But he was giggling a bit "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" he came in, picking up a chair and sitting beside you.
Butterflies started to fly wildly in your belly.
"Come on, Y/N! Say something!" you thought. "So... How's things going?". "Really, Y/N?! Is it all you can say?!" You coursed at yourself.
Leo glanced at you and says confused "Um... Things are great. Thanks." he smiled.
Now is the time. You have to tell! You want to tell! But you're fucking afraid.
Your thoughts says to do not do it but your heart says yes. You took a deep breathe, rubbing your hands on your thighs nervously and finally looked up at him.
"Leo..." You called softly.
"Hm?" He looked back at you in the eyes. It seems that your heart will get out of your chest, and you could feel your cheeks burning.
He just tilted his head, waiting for your answer.
"I... am gonna take some coffee. W-Would you like some?" That's it. You wanna punch yourself in the face.
He lift an eyebrow—at least you could see.
"Um... Yes, please". He answered, still suspicious about why are you acting that way. You got up from the chair where you were and walked out of the room, but before you could leave, Leo grabs your arm and makes eye contact with you, worried "Are you okay?"
"Why? Yeah! Why wouldn't I am?" You tried to act as normal as possible, but you couldn't hide it from him. This man can notice if something is right or not. And you fear that. You don't wanna mess your moment. You just want to relax with him, and not put more worry into him. Leo and his brothers are already dealing with Shredder's disappearance which is shaking them inside out frenetically. And the last thing you want is bother him with your love.
"I'll be right back." You gently released from his massive hand and left the room, leaving him alone.
"Damn, Y/N! What's wrong with you?" the whisper leaves your mouth and suddenly you bumped with another woman, hitting your shoulder with hers.
"Oh my God, I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"
"Oh, no. It's okay" the red-haired waved, grinning "I must apologize, I was distracted".
"Don't worry, I was distracted too." You giggled, then kept on your way to find a coffee machine which you have no idea where it is.
For sure your thoughts are torturing and preventing you by something you wish to do. You've been hiding your love for Leo for almost three years.
After ask a cob where to find a coffee machine you finally have found it in somewhere on the third floor of the police station.
"Okay, Y/N. You can do this" you whispered while you fill almost to the top two cups with the dark liquid. "You can do this. You can do this..." You continued to repeat, trying to fill you with courage.
"I'm ready. I can do this!"
Picking up the two cups with dark coffee youheaded back to the small room where the handsome man is waiting for you.
Stopping beside the door frame—you can't see what is happening inside the small room—you took a deep breath and get yourself ready for the long-awaited moment of your life.
Smiling, you walked in.
And froze.
Leo was there, as you expected, but he was kissing the woman who you accidentally bumped early on your way to get the coffee.
Your heart broke like someone has ripped it out from you.
It seems that the world has fallen under you; your body falling into an precipice.
You prepared yourself for three years for nothing. All the worries, expectations, and hopes you used to have, all that moments you've spent practicing what you would say to your best friend, all the great moments you and him spent. Three years of your life were wasted.
Leo and the red-haired woman broke the kiss and directed their eyes on you, surprised. You have to admit that you saw a light blush covering on his cheeks.
"Oh, Y/N." He said, smiling "Allow me to introduce you my girlfriend".
You felt a knot forming in your throat.
"Y/N, this is Melissa. Melissa, this is my best friend, Y/N." He used his hand to mention you and his girlfriend while introduce you both.
"Nice to meet you, Y/N." Melissa waved.
"Nice to meet you, Melissa..." You shares a small smile, hiding your frustrating, and waved back.
You take a step forward to place the cup on the small desk next to you. Some drops of the dark liquid slipped out from the object "You should drink before it gets cold, Leonardo." You simply said, trying so hard to not cry. The leader got surprised when you said his full name. It's rare to you do it. Since you both got intimate—as best friends—you started to say his nickname as you do with the others. He doesn't understand very well the reason of your sudden change.
"Um... Yes, I will". He pronounced every single word slowly, tilting his head a bit as he looks at you. Melissa noticed your uncomfortable expression and asked worried "Are you okay, sweetheart?"
"No!" you screamed mentally. "Yes! I am. I gotta go. Sorry." You whispered the last word, turning and heading out of the room, leaving the woman and your best friend together. Your eyes starts to get warm and a wet feeling of tears disturbs you completely; you refuse to cry in front of important and serious people from this place. So you forced your legs to walk fast towards the exit.
You were so distracted that you almost bumped Chief Vicent. You gasped.
"Hey, Y/N. We're going to back to our reunion right now. Have you seen Leo? I can't find him anywhere." the blond-haired woman asked.
"He-*deep breath* He's in that room." You pointed at the door in the end of the corridor. C. Vicent lift an eyebrow, studying your facial expression.
"Are you okay, Y/N?"
"No, I'm not!" You gulped as see Chief Vicent's eyes going wide by your anger, then you immediately completed, "I'm not feeling good..."
But before Chief Vicent had a chance to talk to you, you lower your head and ran away, the knot in your throat and the pain in your heart growing up wildly.
You couldn't stay in that building anymore, not with Leo there. Not with the news of his sudden dating with someone. All you want now is go home, lay down on your bed, bury your face into a pillow, and cry like there's no tomorrow—well, actually there's no tomorrow for you.
How much time Leonardo is dating? And why April didn't tell you about it? Or any of his brothers? Do someone know about his dating? Or does he didn't tell to anyone yet?
You don't wanna know.
Actually you couldn't blame him because he has no idea that you are in love with him.
And now you have to deal with a new reality.
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volleychumps · 4 years
hey heY HEY!!! I LOVE YOUR BLOG 🥺 requesting for iwaizumi akaashi kageyama and atsumu with a jealous s/o I love ur scenarios where the boys are jealous😍 this time maybe the other way aorund?? THANK YOU SO MUCH 💗
welcome to this whirlwind of fluff, angst, and slight crack
Volley Boys with a Jealous S/O  (Iwaizumi, Akaashi, Kageyama, Atsumu)
The girls that came to support Seijoh practically had their distaste for you permanently etched into their features. 
Sure, most of them were really present because of Oikawa, the setter known to make the girls swoon through a simple wink in their direction. Iwaizumi, for the most part, wasn’t the one being drooled over. 
But this one damn girl. 
“Iwa-Kun! I brought you a water bottle! You did amazing out there!” 
Your boyfriend doesn’t miss the clench to your knees as Iwaizumi glances at the girl, deeming that she did indeed look a little familiar, but...
“Uh, what’s your name again?” 
You stretch your arms behind your head, biting back a smirk as Matsukawa and Hanamaki give you a double high-five. 
“Don’t be silly, it’s Yui! We had math together? You...helped me out a lot?” The girl giggles, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear as you roll your eyes to the side, popping your head out from beside Iwa. 
“Hi, Yui! Fancy seeing you here!” 
Yui frowns, a smile becoming plastered over her previous emotion quickly. “Oh hi Y/N! What are you doing here?” She sits down on the other side of Iwa as the male doesn’t notice, sucking the yogurt out of a carton with his eyes trained on the match. You scoff, wishing Iwa would notice the situation he was in right now before smiling back, a bit too widely. 
“Just here to support my boyfriend and his team.” 
You don’t miss the sneer that flashes across her face as she crosses her legs, causing her skirt to rise a little higher as you sigh in slight annoyance as she returns her attention to Iwa. 
“Iwa...can we talk?” 
“Um, sure?” Your boyfriend blinks as Yui leans a little closer, practically touching Iwaizumi with her cleavage as you stand suddenly, heat risen to your cheeks as a feeling bubbles up in your stomach. A feeling you didn’t like. 
“What do you think of my outfit today?” 
“I didn’t really look.” 
“Well, you can look now!” 
You grit your teeth, slightly pissed Iwaizumi was either oblivious or too engrossed in the game to care. "I need some air.” 
Before you can walk off, Iwaizumi grabs you by the waist from doing so, snatching you into his lap with a clean sweep with his eyes still focused on the game, chin resting on your shoulder. You shift uncomfortably, and Iwa leans a little closer to your ear. 
“If you ignore it, it will go away.” 
The feeling disappears as you relax into your boyfriend’s hold, humming slightly in agreement as Yui becomes flustered, standing and claiming that her friends needed her before stomping off. You smile as Iwa scoffs from behind you, grip on your waist becoming a little tighter before he wraps his arms around you from behind, breath fanning over your ear.
“No need to get jealous, babe. You’re the only one I see, and that’s that.” 
You roll your eyes at the straightforwardness of the romatic words, but plant a kiss on his lips after turning on his lap, ignoring the groans from his teammates. Iwa blushes at the motion, but doesn’t scold you like he usually would before kissing your shoulder, away from his teammates’ view. 
“I mean it. I saw that eye roll.” 
“Didn’t doubt you for a second.” 
You yelp when his hands tickle your sides, laughing and ignoring the glares from the group of fangirls nearby. You make a show of intertwining your hands with his, kissing his knuckles and jaw as Iwaizumi feeds into it with slight amusement. 
“Enjoying yourself?” 
“Maybe you’d rather it be Yui?”
Iwa pinches your side, his turn coming to roll his eyes. “Don’t even say that, princess. You’ll just get yourself all riled up again.” 
Perhaps he wasn’t as oblivious as you thought. 
“Keiji, you literally let her wipe the sweat off of you with a towel.” 
“Please don’t do this...she was doing it before I even realized it.” 
“Was she also kissing your cheek before you realized it too?” 
You continue your stride through the halls easily, not stopping once as Akaashi walks at your side evenly meeting your pace for when it speeds up. 
“At least talk to me? Instead of running away?” 
You stall, legs frozen mid-walk as you snap your head towards your boyfriend to scowl. You had watched from the stands of a Fukurodani match as some girls from your school ran out excitedly after a win to congratulate the boys, and one had excitedly planted a kiss on your boyfriend’s cheek after oh-so-casually helping him wipe his sweat off with a rag. To say you were beyond pissed was an understatement. 
“Sure. Let’s talk.” You say a bit too sweetly, crossing your arms as Akaashi meets your betrayed stare with an even one. What pissed you off the most was he didn’t even seem guilty or upset that you were acting out. He hardly ever showed you anything. 
“Maybe you could have pushed her off? Reminded her that you have a girfriend who watched the whole 90 minute match just to support you? Or did you forget that when you let her touch you like that?” 
Your voice cracks at the end, and a flash of guilt passes over Akaashi’s face as you spin on your heel, not allowing him to see that your eyes had filled with tears of insecurity. You bite your lip as it quivers, mad at yourself for not accepting that Akaashi hadn’t initiated any of it, but still allowed it to happen in his usual polite nature. 
“Come find me when you want to talk again.” You say lowly, beginning to walk off when Akaashi catches your wrist before you can, silence filling the empty hall. 
“Let go, Keiji.” 
The defeatedness in your voice causes Akaashi to sigh, guilt finally eating at his chest as he gently pulls you into his embrace, the setter feeling awful that he was the reason for the wetness in your eyes. The last three days of silence from you had been more unbearable than he thought.
“I’m sorry.” 
“You’re only sorry because I’m mad.” 
“No. I’m sorry.” Akaashi gently lays your head against his chest as you feel your previous anger finally simmer. “Okay? I’m sorry. If I had known in advance this would happen, I would’ve never let it. I’m loyal to you.” 
Akaashi’s lips brush the top of your head as you sniff. “So please don’t cry.” 
“I’m not crying, I just really want to punch you.” 
“You can punch me if you want.” 
Your airy laugh makes Akaashi’s chest become lighter. He cups your face carefully, tilting your head upwards as he kisses the corner of your eye, tasting saltiness on his tongue as he kisses a tear away. 
“Only you. No one else.” 
“I’ll believe it when I see it.” 
You don’t realize you chose the wrong words as Akaashi gently presses your back against a nearby locker, lips tracing from your jaw down to your neck slowly. 
“Shall I show you, then?” 
“Are you crazy?!” 
“No one’s here.” 
“Keiji, I- you know what, screw it.” 
Akaashi smiles into the kiss you pulled him into, finally feeling peace in his heart now that it was no longer at war with yours. 
God forbid if he ever makes you cry again. 
You would’ve never thought Kageyama would be the boy you had to shoo other girls off of, but you would’ve never also thought that he would be the boy to not realize a single bit of it. 
“Kageyama, she was flirting with you!” 
“I...Tobio, what was she doing?” 
“Just stuff...she wanted to see how I set my fingers during the sets. She wanted to hold them and stuff...” 
Your blank look as he trails off makes the first year blink into realization before blue eyes snap up to meet yours with guilt brimmed in them. You groan, massaging your temples as you walk away, Kageyama catching up to you easily with his long strides. 
“I’m sorry!” 
“I don’t even have it in me to be mad at you.” You respond, a tad bit irritated that your boyfriend had let someone else fucking hold his hands. 
You brushed a lot of it off for the most part, really thinking your boyfriend couldn’t read into a lot of girls’ advances due to him being oblivious and stupid to anything not concering volleyball.
Until one match with this one girl- 
“Kageyama!! I came to today’s match too!” 
“Kageyama do your best! I’ll be cheering for you!” 
Literally someone needs to shoot you and someone needs to do it fast. 
This one girl in particular was all over him, touching his arms before they went to warm up, fixing his hair for him when he had to change into his jersey-
you were at the brink of using mental telepathy in order to convey to Kageyama that this was happening. 
“Want me to get rid of her?” 
“Suga, you’re like the least scariest person I know.” 
“By me, I mean Daichi.” 
“Just talk to him, dummy.” Daichi grinds his fist into your head as you swat it away, becoming deep in thought. 
You pout from your seat in the stands between the two co-captains who were also your friends, seeing Kageyama remain indifferent as the girl leans a little closer to him. You blink away the heat in your eyes. What was wrong with you? You usually handled it so well before...
Maybe you were becoming insecure?
Kageyama’s blue eyes dart over to your seat to see you looking down at your lap with a small, defeated looking smile on your face before he begins to connect the dots, standing suddenly as he startles the seated people around him. He pulls his arm from the girl’s grasp a bit harsher than necessary before pointing a finger at you, ears reddened and panic in his expression. 
“Kageyama-Kun, are you asking me...?” 
“No! I uh...my girlfriend. I have a girlfriend. So please don’t touch me like that.”
Kageyama promptly walks away from her as your jaw slackens, the setter marching his way up to you with business in his steps as he holds his hand out to you, blush set on his cheeks. 
“I...I’m sorry...again.” 
Your dumbfounded expression turns into a smile before you bust out laughing, accepting your awkward boyfriend’s hand as blue eyes dart everywhere but you. 
“I’m glad you realized, Tobio.” 
“C-Can we go somewhere else?” Kageyama flushes an even deeper shade of red, feeling multiple pairs of eyes on him from his gallant announcement. 
You nod energetically as Tobio pulls you out of your seat and into the mostly empty hallway, almost immediately letting out a large breath as his head falls on your shoulder from the height difference. 
“Were you crying...?” 
“No!” you say a little too quickly as Kageyama’s long arms wrap around your waist, burying his face in your hair as he hugs you tightly. Something he rarely did unless he was super serious, almost like when he confessed to you the first time. 
“Don’t cry because of me. I’m sorry if you were jealous...” 
“I was not jealous, and I was not crying, are you deaf-?”
“I like you!” Kageyama says suddenly, catching you off guard at the intensity of his voice. “I like you...I’m yours.” 
Your eyes widen for a moment before your arms raise to rest against his shoulder blades. You laugh a little bit, causing Kageyama to pull back with narrowed eyes and reddned cheeks. 
“What? Am I wrong?” 
“Nope.” you grin, leaning upwards to place an innocent kiss on the tip of his nose. “Same here. I’m alllll yours.” 
“Good. Then don’t sit with my captains anymore.” 
“Ohoho well look how the turntables-” 
“You did not just quote the Office in the middle of our moment.” 
Having a boyfriend that was known to be on the national level from his skills in volleyball? Fun...at times.
What wasn’t fun was how naturally flirtatious this boy could be sometimes. Even Osamu sent you looks of do you want me to beat up my brother when it seemed like he was being inconsiderate of your feelings. 
You roll your eyes, tapping your foot as you wait in front of the stadium, feeling a bit guilty about not being able to come see his match because of a previous engagement you couldn’t miss. Still, you wanted things to smooth over. You hated feeling jealous about girls who couldn’t keep their hands to themselves.
You blink as you look up to meet the greeting wave of Osamu, who walks up to you with a quicker pace than he usually does. “Atsumu left already. You should go.” 
“Y/N please, don’t let my idiot brother mess up-”
Osamu’s quick words are cut off with a giggle. 
Multiple giggles. 
“Atsumu-Kun, you looked so cool today!” 
“If I was your girl, I would come to every match, no matter what.” 
You feel a lump grow in your throat when your boyfriend emerges with two girls on either arm, giggling and clung onto his side like they had been glued there, Osamu sighs, covering his eyes. He had tried to save you the hurt you were bound to feel, whether what was in front of you was platonic or not. 
“Hey beautiful!” Atsumu calls to you from a distance as the girls all glare daggers in your direction, and you try to smile. You really try. 
But instead, you spun on your heel and simply walked away, eyes brimming with a raging feeling of jealousy and hurt you couldn’t explain. 
Yeah. Maybe Atsumu did deserve someone who wasn’t busy all the time. 
Osamu clicks his tongue as Atsumu watches your now retreating figure in slight confusion, hand going up to wave brightly at you now slowly lowering.
“Will you ever learn?” Osamu simply questions, walking off in the opposite direction as Atsumu palms his face, realizing he had just deepened the grave he had already put himself in with your trust. 
“I appreciate the offer, ladies, but there’s only one girl I want.” Unable to help himself with the growing feeling of distaste in his stomach, he adds, “I’d rather have someone with her own schedule than someone who would cling to me all day.” 
With that, and a new douchiness engraved in the girls’ minds, Atsumu runs. He keeps running until he sees you, only stopping when he successfully blocks your path, both arms outstretched from keeping you from going anywhere. 
“I’m not in the mood for jokes.” You say quietly, going to move around him as Atsumu takes the opportunity to scoop you up, ignoring the thrash of your legs as you simply give up, the tears you were trying to hold back slipping. God, you felt like a baby who didn’t get what she wanted. 
“You’re not getting put down until we talk.” 
Atsumu continues to walk, humming slightly as you stay silent for a few minutes, exhaling deeply when your thoughts are in array. 
“Am I...not enough for you?” 
The walk stops. 
“If there’s someone else you’d rather be with-” 
“Just kidding. Worst talk ever.” Atsumu cuts you off, kissing you in order to put a stop to your words as he holds you a little tighter, guilt eating inside of him from blatantly flirting harmlessly with all those girls, not realizing he was causing an immense amount of harm to you. 
Maybe he should start learning now. 
“Listen, beautiful-wait no I’m talking stop trying to escape- you’re my girlfriend. My one and only, beautiful girlfriend that I would never let go of. I wouldn’t do things like this,” he kisses your cheek. “or this.” your forehead. “Or especially this.” 
Your lips. 
“-with someone who isn’t you. Got that, hot stuff?” 
You press your lips into a line before nodding once, causing Atsumu to offer you a bright smile, finally setting you down to hold you by the shoulders. 
“Now, what can I do to make my beautiful girl smile?” 
What he didn’t know, however, was that he had already done plenty. 
“Don’t be like that! At least kiss me-” 
“Yes, love?” 
“...you might wanna tell Osamu that he took the wrong way home-” 
“oh shit.”
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Words: 3,185 Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader Reader pronouns: she/her Era: Alexandria Warnings: Language, violence, mentions of suicide, gore, sexuality, fear and anxiety, disturbing imagery, typical TWD stuff A/N: This is part of a series! Find the previous parts on the Masterlist! Summary: Someone dies and Daryl finally learns about Y/N's past.
Your name: submit What is this?
“Where ya goin’?” Daryl’s voice behind you as you headed to the gate, your recurve bow slung over your shoulder.
“Hunting,” you said. You’d been reserved since Hilltop and Daryl was worried.
He shifted his weight back and forth from one foot to the other. “Huntin’ what?”
You caught his meaning and sighed. “Food. I promise.”
He nodded and paced closer to you. “Good. Look, if ya want to go out and hunt them, I’ll go with ya. Ya shouldn’t do it alone.”
You nodded. “Been doing it alone a long time now,” you countered. “But I won’t today.”
Daryl nodded. That was about as good a response as he could hope for. “Alright.”
“Where are you off to?” you asked, noting the bag slung over his shoulder.
“Denise found a place she thinks might have meds. She asked Rosita and I to go with.”
Your stomach twisted suddenly and you felt unbalanced. You didn’t know why… it sounded like a routine supply trip. But eventually you shoved the feeling down and nodded. “Alright. Be careful…”
“Ya. We will. You too, alright?” Daryl wished he was brave enough in that moment to—to do or say something more. He could sense that whatever had happened to you, whatever you knew about the Saviors, it was eating you. It had been since Hilltop, and likely even before, probably since the run-in with those men when he was laid up with his ankle. That time when you hadn’t been able to sleep and he had stayed at your house… And he wished he knew how to lift that burden, how to make it stop or at least lighter, but until you were ready to talk about it there wasn’t much he could do.
You came back that evening with a deer. The gates rolled open to admit you and you headed toward home. That’s when you saw the crowd gathered on the porch of Rick’s house, but something was wrong. No one was talking and their expressions were grave.
You felt your stomach lurch. You slung the deer down onto your porch and started walking over. Daryl broke off and met you halfway. You gulped at the tightness in your throat. He looked pale. “What’s going on?”
He wouldn’t meet your eyes and he was chewing his bottom lip anxiously, drumming his fingers against his leg. “Denise,” he croaked, the gravel in his voice even thicker than usual.
You looked up, and the fact that everyone was gathered at Rick’s house and not outside the infirmary made what had happened clear. You felt like you’d been punched in the stomach. Your chest heaved with terrified breaths. “No… H—How?” you whispered.
“That guy with the girls I helped in that burnt-out forest, the ones who ended up fuckin’ me over, takin’ my bike and my bow… He’s one of them now.”
Your eyes narrowed. “The Saviors?” you asked in an undertone, your heart starting to race.
He nodded, finally lifting his blue eyes to yours. “Shot her with my crossbow right in front of us. Right—right in front of me.”
Your eyes glistened with emotion you were trying to hold back. “Oh God. No. No, no, no…” You were reeling. Your wide eyes had an unseeing quality.
Daryl gulped, speaking what was consuming him, a rasp in his throat as he fought emotion. “It’s my fault. I should have killed him. I should’ve made Denise stay back. I should’ve—”
“Stop,” you said forcefully, gently resting your hand on his arm. You stepped forward to look up into his face, which was now contorted with some emotion. “It’s not. Don’t do that.”
“It is. She wasn’t ready and I—I should have known they were there. We shoulda been more careful, not out in the open. I—It’s my fault,” he rasped.
You shook you head, holding his blue eyes. “No. It’s not. Even if you had killed him, we don’t know that anything would turn out differently. We don’t get to know. So, you have to stop.”
“I’m goin’ back tomorrow. I’m gonna track ‘em.” His grief and regret were turning into rage quickly.
“I’m goin’. He’s a dead man,” he growled.
Your eyes were wide and fearful. “Please, listen to me. Just wait. We can do this, but we have to be smart about it.”
“What’s smart is trackin’ ‘em before their trail disappears,” he growled. “I’m gonna kill that son of a bitch—"
You shut your eyes, a flash of emotion on your face and Daryl softened a little at the sight. “Just—come over later. We need to talk,” you whispered. You shot him one last look, the worry line you always got by your left eyebrow quite pronounced. You turned and went back to your house to deal with the deer you had shot. Daryl watched you drag it around to the back of your house and he thought that for even the weight of the deer, your steps looked heavy.
It was already late when you heard the front door open from your seat on the couch. “Y/N?” Daryl’s deep voice.
“In here,” you called back. His boots on the wood floor came closer and he appeared in the doorway.
“Ya alright?” he asked. You shook your head.
“No. You?”
He shook his head. “Nah.” Daryl sat down on the other end of the sofa, placing his own crossbow, recovered after the scramble with the Saviors that day, on the coffee table. He could tell you had been crying earlier. Your eyes were a little red. “What is it?”
Your heart was racing and you felt like you couldn’t draw full breaths. It felt like there was a weight sitting on your chest that was keeping your lungs from filling. You couldn’t meet his eyes. “I’m—I’m gonna tell you what happened to me. How I know about the Saviors.” You stared down at your hands and he heard you pull in a raspy breath. “I’ve never told anyone this…”
A shadow darkened Daryl’s face. “Alright.”
You sighed and licked your lips nervously. “I had a brother. He was two years younger than me. We were with a small group of people, holed up in some house, scraping in town for supplies. Just a group of survivors who fell together, like yours did. The Saviors showed up. They said they were going to ‘save us.’ Said we had to come with them and if we did they’d keep us safe and fed in exchange for labor. Of course, none of us trusted them. Who can you trust these days? We all knew they just wanted what we had, and maybe even just us, like commodities. We tried to fight. Almost all of us were killed and they got control of those of us who were left.” You passed a somewhat shaky hand over your eyes briefly. “Negan showed up. He executed one of our people in front of us. Bashed his head in with a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire and made us watch. Terrorized the rest of us. Spouted off a bunch of bullshit about how he hadn’t wanted to do it, but we had forced his hand. My brother and I survived, along with a couple of the others. They took us back to their headquarters.” You finally glanced over at Daryl and your striking eyes, looking wide and anxious, met his blue ones. “They call it The Sanctuary.”
Daryl thought of Denise, dying right in front of him. “I’m sorry,” Daryl said.
You shook your head. “I’m not even close to done.”
Daryl’s stomach hardened into a tight pit and he waited for you to go on.
“I knew right away that something was different… with me, I mean. They separated me from the group, from my brother. Shoved me in a tiny, completely dark, barren cell.” Daryl watched your brow furrow. “Just me. Alone. Sometimes I was chained up, handcuffed, sometimes I wasn’t. Every second of every day I just sat in the dark and wondered what horrible thing was going to happen to me the next minute. I didn’t understand why I’d been singled out at first, except maybe that I’d fought the longest. I didn’t know if my brother was alive or dead…” Your eyes grew faraway, detached, and Daryl felt like someone had twisted a knife in his stomach. You went on. “The isolation and hunger was bad enough but they had more in their playbook. They purposely kept me awake for days at a time—lights, loud music. Some real Guantanamo Bay shit. I lost track of time. I thought I was going crazy after a while. It was obvious they were trying to break me. And then one day, he came.”
“Negan?” Daryl asked. You nodded.
“He told me I’d paid enough for trying to fight. That he understood why I had and that I had a few choices in front of me. I could eventually die in that cell, I could work, or…” you trailed off and shut your eyes for a moment. “He told me he thought I was…different. That I was tough, brave because of how I was during the fight and after. He said he’d—he’d taken a special liking to me and said I could marry him, be one of his wives, and live the way we did before the world fell apart. All I had to do was take care of him and his wants and needs and he’d take care of me.”
Daryl was staring at you with a scowl on his face, his stomach twisting at your words. His eyes were narrowed and he was so still he looked frozen. Anger was boiling in his chest. You gulped, hoping to clear your throat but weren’t successful.
“I asked him if my brother was alive and he said yes. I told him I’d work. I just wanted to be with my brother. So, I became one of the workers in The Sanctuary. You work there to earn points, which you use to ‘pay’ for food and whatever else you need, but it’s never enough. It’s slave labor where every once and a while they throw you a peanut. Conditions are terrible. And after a while, my brother and I were both almost wishing we were dead. But at least we were still together.” You settled back more deeply into the couch and sighed. “Negan rules with an iron fist. If someone tries to escape, someone steals, screws up at all…” Your face contorted as you thought about what you’d watched him do. “I’ve watched him do the most—inhuman, horrendous things... unfathomable. I watched him burn people with a hot iron, brand people, beat people to death for not following his orders perfectly… And his men? They’ll do the same things in his name, some of them worse. The whole place is guarded, patrolled, locked down like a fortress. But more than anything it’s the fear that keeps people there… And I was trapped in it because all I wanted to do was keep my brother alive and for us to stay together.”
You stopped for a moment and Daryl watched as you tried to steel yourself to go on.
“It was like that for a while. We were practically starving, always just waiting for the next thing, the next trauma. And then I got sick… Very sick.” Your eyes flitted up to meet his. “A blood infection. I was dying. And they’ve got a doctor, medicine, but if you use them you owe more than you could ever pay—and that means they own you even more than they already did. It’s just leverage to them. My brother—” your voice broke. You squeezed your eyes shut for a moment and Daryl could hear you pull in a few slow but ragged breaths. “He tried to steal some antibiotics. To save me. And he got caught.”
You were silent for a long moment, trying to stop yourself from crying. Daryl just waited, feeling sick to his stomach, feeling enraged, wanting to tell you it was going to be okay, but knowing he couldn’t... Nothing he could say was going to fix whatever you were about to tell him. He knew that.
“I ended up in the infirmary anyway. I don’t even know how. I had been so delirious with fever and I can’t remember a lot from around then… But when I was better, eventually, Negan came to see me again. He told me they were going to make an example of my brother. He broke the rules and Negan couldn’t have people thinking you could get away with that. I knew what that meant. Negan would kill him horrifically. In front of me and everyone else.” Despite what you were saying, your voice was somewhat detached. It was like you were on autopilot as you explained, like you had told the story in your head a million times and were just replaying through it. Daryl thought you probably were.
“But he gave me another—another choice,” you said. Your tone conveyed that it was presented as a choice, but there was no refusing. “His offer still stood. If I ‘married’ him and became one of his wives, he’d spare my brother’s life and erase all of our debts.” Just saying the words made you feel sick and Daryl watched as you reached a hand out to clutch onto the arm of the couch as if you were spinning and needed grounding. “What could I do?” you asked, turning to look at Daryl again, your eyes frantic, devastated, shining with tears that you were barely containing. “I just thought—‘I need to keep him alive.’ That’s—that’s all I could think and I would deal with the rest of it later.” You opened your mouth to continue speaking but the words wouldn’t come out and your gaze at Daryl was desperate until you couldn’t look at him any longer.
“Hey,” he said. “Ya had to. S’alright. Ya didn’t have a choice.” He moved closer to you and was brave enough to gently lift your chin so you would look at him again, and the glistening in your eyes hit him like a punch. “Ya had to,” he said gently.
You nodded, shrugging vaguely. “I agreed. And Negan didn’t kill my brother but he cut off his hand in front of me and everyone else.” Your jaw clenched and you shut your eyes against the flashbacks.
Daryl stared at you in horror as you took a breath, trying to hold yourself together enough to continue. His face was growing darker and darker as you told the story.
“But we went on. He worked for points and I—” You couldn’t even speak of it. “For a while, that’s how it was.” You were suddenly silent and Daryl felt yet another twist in his stomach, apprehension about what was coming. You continued, your voice disconnected again. “And then one day Negan came in and told me that my brother—” you gritted your teeth against another wave of emotion. “My brother killed himself.”
You hurried on, afraid you wouldn’t be able to get anything else out if you didn’t rush through it.
“And the thing is—” your voice broke, “even that he didn’t do for himself. He didn’t do it because he was miserable there or because he couldn’t go on.” Your bottom lip quivered. “He did it because he knew that while he was there, alive, I wouldn’t leave. If he was alive, I wouldn’t try to escape. He killed himself to save me, to give me the option to get out.”
Daryl felt a sinking emptiness in the middle of his chest. For a moment he just sat still and watched as you struggled not to go entirely to pieces, but he couldn’t allow you to reel the way you were any longer. “C’mere,” he said gently. He enfolded you in his arms and you sank in against him, resting your head in the crook of his neck. He could feel your shuddering breaths and he held you tighter to him, his heart racing, feeling sick waves of horror and anger. He rested his chin on the top of your head. “Ya got out. You’re out. S’alright.” He smoothed a hand over your hair and down your back until you stilled somewhat. You pulled back only slightly to look up at him, your faces mere inches apart.
“Do you understand?” you whispered. “You can’t just go barreling after them, Daryl. You can’t. I—I can’t lose you.”
Daryl gulped, his eyes flickering between yours… But inside he was thinking that everything you just told him was exactly why he had to go...
“I hear ya,” he said finally. He pressed you tightly against him again, shutting his eyes and relishing the feeling of you beneath his hands, even while his mind raced. He held you for a long time, until you seemed to have calmed again. Finally, he pulled back and looked into your face. “It’s—it’s gonna be alright.”
You soaked in the reassurance of him, calmed by his deep voice, his hands gentle on your arms.
“It’s—It’s late… Ya gonna be alright if I go? M’sorry. I don’t wanna leave ya but I wanna check on everybody…” he murmured.
You nodded. “You should. It’s okay. They—they probably need you. I’ll be fine,” you said, knowing it was probably a lie. You were sure you’d have nightmares that night if you managed to sleep at all. You slipped from him the rest of the way and as you separated, he felt like you took some part of him with you.
“G’night,” he murmured, climbing to his feet and collecting his crossbow from your coffee table. As he picked it up, he couldn’t help but think about how the bolt that had killed Denise had left his bow. He should have killed that asshole when he had the chance. “Y/N. Ya should tell Rick,” he said, nodding. “Ya should. If ya can. It’d help him understand, ya know?”
You considered him for a moment. “Okay. I will,” you replied. You watched him across the kitchen as he made his way to the front door, the wings on the back of his vest catching the light differently than the leather, almost looking like they were glowing. With his hand on the handle of the front door, he glanced back at you and gave you a thoughtful look. You managed a somewhat sad smile at him, anxiety still pulling one of your brows inward, and then he disappeared outside.
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catxsnow · 4 years
Request: hi! i was wondering if i could request for wally where he and batsis are fwb (they've caught feelings for each other but haven't confessed yet) and then one of the batboys saw and they want an explanation so reader or wally just blurts out that they've been dating in secret the whole time and after they leave they just confess that they actually have feelings for each other the entire time? hope this make sense thank you!
Warning: mentions of the sex, swearing, the usual business 
A/N: Nothing to say tonight boys, I’m just tired. enjoy x 
Word Count: 2.5k 
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It wasn't supposed to end up like this.
Wally wasn't supposed to become a common occurrence and he certainly wasn't supposed to find himself in your bed every other morning. It was a stupid mistake the first time, one that repeated itself again and again until it became your normal. He was good in bed, you could give him that.
It started after a bad mission. Pent up frustration, trying to take it out on everything and everyone. You just happened to be in the same vicinity to use each other as a punching bag. Hurtful words and blame was thrown, but ultimately, it was Wally's kiss that released the most emotion.
Wally's kiss that led to shed clothes and hungry touches. Wally's kiss that led you to his bedroom where hours upon hours were spent trying to fuck out every feeling you had. Wally's kiss that led to many more nights just like that one. He had changed everything with that one kiss.
You kept this new relationship secret. No one on the team knew - not even your closest friends, not even your brothers. Your brothers - as much as they liked Wally - would kill him for using you the way he did. That truly was what you had with him, use of each others bodies and nothing else.
Chasing highs and running from lows. It was easier to keep with using each other than admit to yourself that maybe you wanted more than this. Maybe you wanted to be Wally for everything.
Friends with benefits were never supposed to catch feelings, yet you should have known that this was what would happen. It never remained just friends, and with Wally especially? It was impossible not to look at him as if he was the only person in the world that mattered. Truth is, he was.
Wally lied on his back, arms tucked behind his bed. His bare chest was exposed to the cold air but a layer of sweat still clung to him. A smile rested on his face at the memory of only a few moments ago. Hair a mess, clothes scattered in every corner of your room.
"What's that look for?" You teased. Wally's gaze tore towards you as you walked out of the bathroom. One of his shirts that had been left there hung off your body. So effortlessly, you looked so beautiful. He out stretched his arms as you walked past, grabbing your ass to keep you from going any farther.
In one motion, he pulled you back onto his lap, connecting your lips for yet another time that night. He gripped your hips, just over the bruises that he had left on you earlier. He was eager against your lips, craving even more than you had already given. Not that you minded, time with him was time well spent.
Wally didn't hesitate to flip you. His arms rested on either side of you, hips pressing against your in the most delicious way. Lips molding to yours, mastered after all these months together. Wally knew your body better that you knew it yourself. He made sure to know everything that made you squeal.
"Again?" the tease in your voice was still evident as Wally drove his hand up your shirt - his shirt. His touch was rough against you, different than how he ever was when you were around others. he couldn't even bring himself to speak, only nodding against your lips. The utter need he had for you was too overpowering.
His week had been terrible. One bad thing after another and the moment that he got some free time he was in your bed. Wally so feverishly fucked you into your bed, washing away the frustration that he had gained through the week and melting at the sounds of your screams for him. 
Your hands trailed down his chest, farther and farther until reaching where he so desperately needed you. Wally had still been bare from your previous round - but just as ready as he was the first time. he pushed himself deeper to your touch, needing more than feather light grazes.
"Hey, (Y/N) did you ever find that - Oh my god!"
Dick often times showed up to your apartment. Often enough that he had gotten a key, learning that knocking was not necessary, and that you were always there by yourself. It was always nice when he stopped by - whatever the reason for. You were always thankful that at least one of your brothers liked to stop and see how you were doing.
He never expected to come into your room to see his best friend naked and on top of you. Wally couldn't tell who looked more horrified, you or your brother. The blanket on your bed was pulled up to cover both of you while Dick still tried to process what was going on. You and Wally? There was no way.
"What the fuck is going on?" Dick suddenly got angry. His fists clenched at his side and he gave the deadliest look to Wally. He always wanted what was best for you - someone who loved you endlessly, not someone who wanted to use you just for your body. Now, you had gone behind is back to do the exact opposite of his hopes with none other than Wally.
You couldn't bring yourself to even explain yourself. Your face flared with warmth from the embarrassment you felt. Wally, you were sure was the exact same, but you couldn't dare to look at him. A string of words that didn't make any sense fumbled past your lips, seemingly only making your brother even more frustrated.
The more he thought about it the more he realized that this wasn't just a one time thing. This had been going on for a long time. Not so hidden marks covering your skin, glances at each other that didn't seem to mean anything at the time, touches that were more than friendly. Dick hadn't noticed any of the signs.
"Dick, I-"
"You've been using my sister!" He yelled. Dick had been protective of you your whole life. He was always the one to stand up for you when you couldn't and be there to keep you safe. It was part of being a big brother - something that he got to learn with you and he loved it. He was meant to be a big brother, to be protective. "You fucking -"
"Dick!" You shouted at him. He ignored you, trying to step towards Wally with pure anger in his eyes. In the blink of an eye, Wally had thrown on some jeans and stood on the opposite side of the room. He spun around in his spot and stomped towards the speedster once more. "Dick, stop. You don't understand, Wally-"
"We're dating!" Wally held his arms up in defense. Dick stopped in his tracks, looking between the both of you to see if he was indeed telling the truth. You were quick to cover the shock of his words before Dick looked over to you. His body relaxed, no longer thinking that Wally was using you only for sex.
"For months," you carried on. "It was my idea not to tell anyone." That was true. It was your idea to keep any relationship that you had with Wally on the down low. However dating - that was something that had never come up between the two of you. There were always times that you wanted to, but couldn't bring yourself to do it.
Wally wasn't into you the way you wished him to be. He was the one that started this - whatever the hell this was. It was his idea to keep it as sex only and at first it was so easy to do so. He made you feel good - what else did you need? Late hours of the night together but never seemingly enough time. You wanted more of him, and for the longest time you thought you couldn't have it.
"You're dating..." Dick looked even more confused than ever. It was a relationship that he never expected to see - you were never interested in Wally to his knowledge. Maybe after all these years, he didn't know you as well as he thought he did. "Why... Why didn't you say anything? Why didn't you tell me?"
Wally sped over to your side, keeping up with the act that you were truly together. Maybe it wasn't true and maybe one day you would have to tell Dick the truth but for now, it was easier this way. He didn't need to know that you and Wally had been exclusively fucking and nothing past that.
"Because I know you, Rob," Wally looked over at his best friend. He didn't want to loose him - which was the truth. However, hearing the sincerity in his voice, it made you wonder how real his words really were. How deep did he plan to take this little lie with you? You weren't dating, and you didn't have intentions to.
"I-" Dick was truly at a loss of words. He never expected this to happen and he still wasn't sure how he actually felt about it. His closest friend and his sister? It sounded like a disaster waiting to happen and he wanted no part of it. "Just... just let me try to wrap my head around this. I can't believe you both went behind my back."
"Sorry, Dickie," You tried to apologize but it was evident there was no sorrow in your tone. Dick ran a hand down his face and left your room, slamming the door with more force than necessary. He was furious at the both of you, however it would have been far worse had he known the truth. 
As soon as you heard the click of your other door, Wally collapsed onto your bed trying to figure out what he had just done. "What the hell was what?" You nearly snapped. As grateful as you were for his quick thinking, it might have just made everything worse. 
"I have no idea," Wally mumbled through his hands that rested on his face. He took a deep breath before looking up at you. Fear struck him in how you would react to his outburst. "I'm sorry. I panicked and I didn't know what else to say. Look we can tell him the truth - whatever you want."
"What if..." You trailed off. The words were stuck in your throat but now was as good as time as any to finally spit them out. You could feel Wally staring up at you, clinging onto you oncoming words with desperation. It took everything to peel your eyes open and speak. "What if it was true? What if we were dating?"
"You mean," Wally nearly choked at your words. You wanted to date? Him? He never thought that you wanted to. Always assuming that you just used him for pleasure and that was all. How long had you felt this way? As long as he did? "You mean you want us to be real? An actual couple?"
He hadn't meant to use that tone. Wally was more shocked than anything by this and he could tell instantly by your reaction that what he wanted to say hadn't come out properly. Your breathing faltered, tears ready to brim your eyes - what an embarrassment. Of course he didn't want that.
"Sorry, that was stupid, I sh-" Wally never gave you the opportunity to walk away from him - not that you could ever out run him even if you tried. It was a pro and con being friends with a speedster, they could be next to you in a heartbeat. Whether you wanted them to be or not, they were there.
Wally didn't let you get once step towards the door. The moment that you stood up and gave the slightest hint that you wanted out of there, he was blocking your path. He held a desperate look on his face - one that you couldn't read in the slightest. Nonetheless, you couldn't break away from his gaze.
You swore that those next few seconds happened in speedster time. Wally leaned down, pressing his lips against yours so softly that you weren't even sure that it had happened. Just as quick as the feeling was there, it was gone. HIs look turned to worry, as if you were going to chastise his choice.
"Wall..." You didn't notice yourself leaning closer towards him. Pressing your whole body against him like a magnet. Wally kissed you again, this time firmer, filled with confidence. He kissed you like he needed you, just like the first time. It was the truth, he did need you.
Wally's arms wrapped around you as you both tumbled sideways onto your bed. He refused to let go of you or break your kiss. Your touch like fire against his skin and still leaving an icy cold trail. He was filled with every emotion, every touch was beyond anything he had felt before with you.
"It's not stupid," he whispered to you between kisses. You looped your finger into his jeans, pulling him closer and tangling your legs. "Not at all. I want that, with you. I'm tired of doing this - pretending like sleeping with you all the time means nothing to me. It means everything - you mean everything to me."
"Do you mean that?"
"Yes," he rested his forehead against yours. Wally grabbed you hands, placing your palm flat against his heart. You could feel how erratic it was - just the same as when he was running. Now, he wasn't running in any sense. He wasn't running from bad guys, he wasn't running from his problem, and he wasn't running away from his feeling towards you.
"You're not scared of this?" You asked. Dating him was never brought up, but any time he brought up his past relationships it almost seemed like he was scared to get into a new one. Wally pecked your lips once before pulling away to look down at you. 
"Me? Scared," Wally grinned at his sarcasm. Your hand on his chest slid up until it cupped his cheek. He leaned into your touch. His eyes were warm as he met yours. No longer lust within them but an adoration that was always hidden within. 
"I'm not scared of anything as long as I'm right beside you."
804 notes · View notes
odellbeckendorf · 3 years
AU where Annabeth goes to the island Percy lives on every summer vacation. 
“Promise me you won’t laugh,” Annabeth said, glancing at him nervously. “That’s a tough ask.” “I’m serious, Seaweed Brain.”  Percy held up his hands in surrender. “Okay, okay. I won’t laugh.” She took a deep breath and regarded him once more. He smiled and nodded encouragingly, remaining patient with her. “I haven’t had my first kiss.” 
Her voice came out so quietly he barely heard her. And her head was turned away from him, honey blonde hair shadowing most of her expression. 
He muttered out a, “What?” in surprise. 
That was what she was worried about? And here he was thinking she was about to admit she had a third eye or something. That would’ve been so cool.  “I know,” Annabeth groaned, burying her face in her hands in embarrassment. “What kind of eighteen year old has never kissed someone? God, I’m such a loser.” He knocked his elbow against hers. “Loads, I promise,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “I mean, I’ve never kissed anyone and I’m eighteen. Well, next month I am anyway.” Her eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Really?” “Yup.” She found this very hard to believe for some reason. “B-but, how?! You’re —” she gestured wildly at his frame like that was supposed to explain something, “— you.”  “Eloquent,” Percy mocked, like she did so many times when he was the one struggling with his words. “It’s not that big of a deal, Wise Girl. Swapping spit with someone isn’t exactly a rite of passage, you know?” She apparently found this hard to believe, her surprise unchanging until something else entered her expression. It sobered her clearly. Worry began to spread in his chest. 
“Do you have someone that you’d like to kiss?” 
Percy felt his neck suddenly become hot. “I mean,” he stuttered. “yeah, I guess.” 
“Oh… um, do I know her?” She asked quietly, staring out at the ocean. 
“Probably,” he said slowly, gauging her reaction from his peripherals. “The island’s not that big.”
Annabeth nodded, keeping her eyes on her feet. “You should tell her how you feel, Percy.” Then, trying to change the mood, she added, “If it’s you, I’m sure she wouldn’t mind if you just walked up and kissed her.”
“Oh, yeah?” He laughed a little, bumping her shoulder with his. “How would you react if someone did that to you?”
Her smile died down as she thought for a moment. “Probably drop kick them,” she bobbed her head side to side, as if wondering if that was appropriate punishment. “Yeah, drop kick and then maybe a few punches to the throat for good measure.”
Percy sweat dropped, side eyeing her. “Yeah, uh, as fun as that sounds, I’d rather not have that happen right now. I have work in the morning.”
There was a pause. Silence spread between them as they both seemed to process his words. Percy’s eyes widened and he went stiff as a board. Fucking hell, did he really say that? He was about to try and say that it was just a joke, but faltered at the look on her face. She knew. Of course, she knew. This was Annabeth. 
His shoulders fell. “Guess the cat’s out of the bag now, huh?” He managed with a strained smile. The silence was painful now. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to say anything.”
“What?” She asked a little breathlessly, breaking out of her stupor. “Why?”
“It’s just a dumb crush, Annabeth,” he said with a short laugh that even he cringed at. “Don’t sweat it. Let’s just forget I said that.” He should’ve known it wouldn’t be so easy to get out of this situation. 
“What if I don’t wanna forget it, huh?” She challenged, eyes glinting with an emotion he couldn’t quite place. “What if I wanna keep talking about it? What are you gonna do, Percy Jackson?”
Percy struggled to understand exactly what was happening in this conversation. One moment they were talking about never kissing someone and now he felt like he was being interrogated for committing a crime.  This was something he was scared of more than anything. Falling for his best friend. If she ever found out, it’d without a doubt ruin their friendship and he’d lose her forever. He only had her for two months a year. If he lost even that… he dreaded to think about who he’d become and how unbearable that would be. He couldn’t even remember what his summers were like before she came into his life. 
And with her looking at him like that he could hardly breathe. Dead set, gorgeous, and imploring, like he was the only person left in a world torn asunder. Her eyes were blown wide, dazzling gray irises dilated and swallowed by black. Everything about her screamed of intensity and he couldn’t get enough.  God, she was beautiful. And her gaze kept flicking down ever so slightly to his lips. His self control was starting to rip apart at the seams. 
“Annabeth,” he whispered a little brokenly. Her lips were pink and pouty, and so, so inviting. He couldn’t hold back anymore. “If you want me to stop… just say the word.”
With that, he leaned in, cupping her face gently and slowly pressing his lips to hers. His heart raced to the point of bursting when she responded immediately. It was then that the warm breeze fanning against them built into a raging inferno. Her mouth was warm and soft, and her lips tasted like summer. So this was how a kiss felt. And then, all too suddenly, the coursing emotions running through him grew far more severe. He was kissing Annabeth. His best friend. And that was something infinitely better than just a kiss. Their foreheads pressed together and stayed like that as they pulled away, eyes fluttering open and lips parted, panting hard. Breaths mingling and hearts bleeding, it took everything for Percy to pull away from her. 
He cleared his throat. “So… am I getting drop kicked or punched?” 
Annabeth blinked at him like he was crazy but then realization seeped in and she threw her head back, laughing a melodious tune that would forever echo through his mind. “I haven’t decided yet,” she teased, reaching a hand around to cradle the back of his neck. “How long?”
“Fourteen,” he said a little shyly, resting his hands on her hips. “At the fair when you beat everyone at that one potato sack game. You were smiling so much, doing that little happy victory dance you do, and I knew I couldn’t pretend I didn’t have feelings for you anymore.”
Annabeth stayed quiet for a while, soaking in what he told her. And then, much to his shock, she started laughing again, leaning fully against him as he supported her weight. It wasn’t until she was wiping her tears away that he finally asked her why she was laughing. 
“You…” She shook her head incredulously. “You’re telling me we could’ve been doing this for four whole years?” 
Percy blinked, scrunching his brows. “You mean you liked me back then too?” Disbelief was clear in his voice. 
“How could I not?” She retorted, linking her arms back around his neck and kissing his chin. “You should meet yourself sometime, Perce. It’s kind of hard not to fall for you.” He closed his eyes for a moment to take it all in. This was certainly not how he expected this night to end. It still felt surreal. It felt like he was dreaming. But most of all, it felt wonderful. “Hey, Perce?” “Yeah?” “You can reflect on this later. We have four years of kisses to make up for.” A laugh tore from his throat as he pulled her even closer, chest to chest, the heat of her body scorching against his. This was perfect. Perfect and overdue.
“Then we’d better get started.”
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wicked-mind · 3 years
Soulmates: Chapter Three
Summary: Soulmates are connected on a deeper level emotionally and physically. They can feel what the other needs and wants. As hints, the universe grants tattoos on your skin to help you find your soulmate when you’re about to meet them. When Bucky’s soulmate tattoo appears out of the blue, he knows that she is about to come into his life, but the way she does is not what he was expecting.
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: Swearing, little bits of violence, heavy drinking.
All Writings Masterlist
Note: Russian bits translated from google translate
*gifs not mine
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Bucky took the card, examining it. It was like a pure gold credit card but the only name on it was his own- James Buchanan Barnes. His eyes flickered back to Y/N when she continued speaking.
“You should know, as soon as you guys hack that card, the buyer will know. They’ll assume I was killed trying to procure the information, but they’ll probably send someone to make sure I am, or a few someones.” Y/N said, tilting her head at him. Whoever the buyer was with the amount they offered, she knew they were powerful and would want to make sure she was compromised, “And with the amount they offered just to get the information, I’m sure they’ll be willing to track me to the ends of the earth.”
Bucky suddenly frowned at her words, realizing what she was saying. By taking this card, he was putting her in danger. But if he let Y/N give the buyer the information on the card, the buyer could be looking for a way to create more Winter Soldiers like him. He watched her carefully, “Come back with me. I’ll keep you safe.” He said walking towards her, placing his flesh hand on her cheek, “I’ll make sure nobody finds you, I’ll help you hide. I thought I would never find you, and I’m not going to lose you.” The words echoed honesty in his voice. Bucky would be whatever he needed to be to Y/N whether it was a lover or protector. And he was determined to keep his soulmate in his life.
Chapter Three - 
Y/N narrowed her eyes at Bucky’s suggestion, tilting her head so all her hair fell to one side. Every cell of her being was pushing her to say yes, but that wasn’t what passed her lips, “You want me to come live at the gigantic facility full of super persons?” She smiled a little bit, “At the place where whoever that buyer is will probably come next to get information, or you? I think I’ll take my chances running.” 
Bucky’s frown deepened on his lips at her words. God, she was so infuriating. He knew Y/N wanted him as much as he wanted her, he could feel it in his core how much she screamed for him but her actions and words never matched that feeling. Why couldn’t she just give into him? He spoke in a stern voice, “No running. Whatever this is, we can handle it.” He tried to sway her, but when he saw her emotions unchanged he tried something else, “Look, whoever the buyer is you say they’re powerful. You’ll be living the rest of your life on the run and that is no way to live, trust me. Stay at the facility for safety in numbers, and when we deal with whoever the buyer is, you’ll be safe to return to your life.”
Y/N considered his offer, folding her arms as she listened. She took a sigh before nodding with a twitch of her nose, “Fine.” She said, “But I’m not going back in that cell. There’s no color in there and I get antsy when stuck in one place. Plus, it’ll give me a chance to patch things over with Nat.”
Bucky took a sigh of relief and nodded, “We’ll find you a room.” He promised with a small smile. He couldn’t help but feel a small victory bubble in his chest, finally some sort of headway with Y/N. At least she would be close now so he could try to let her open up to the fact they’re meant to be. He watched Y/N pull out a small duffel bag, putting her clothes inside along with the red notebook. Then she looked at the half full bottle of whiskey as if debating to bring it, then shrugs to herself and puts it in the bag. She flipped her mattress over, revealing her hidden small arsenal. She picks up a few knives and guns, tucking them into the bag as well, “What’s the deal with you and Natasha anyway?” He asks curiously.
“Natalia and I just have some things to sort out.” Y/N said as she swung the now packed bag over her shoulder, “After you, tall, dark, and handsome.” She said, gesturing towards the door. She followed him back down the hallway and down the stairs, smiling when she saw Natasha with a foul look on her face at the sight of Y/N’s duffel bag.
“You gotta be kidding me.” Natasha said towards Bucky and Y/N, “She’s not moving in, Barnes.”
Y/N put a playful pout on her lips, “What’s the matter, Nat? Don’t want to be roomies again?”
Nat scowled at Y/N before turning to Bucky for an explanation. 
Bucky was confused with Natasha’s hostility towards Y/N, there must’ve been something from their past with each other from The Red Room. Whatever it was though, the hostility mostly came from Natasha’s side, “Look, if she stays with us she’s safe. She’s my soulmate, Nat. What did you want me to do? Let her go? Run and maybe get killed?”
Nat shrugs, “Wouldn’t of been a bad start.” She said before sighing, “Fine. Let’s get back.”
Y/N smiled at Natasha breaking, knowing that even without Bucky’s words she would’ve given in eventually. The three made their way back to the facility where Bucky gave the gold card to Natasha to go decrypt while he showed Y/N to an empty guest room across from his.
Y/N looked around the room, putting the duffel bag down and immediately going and shutting the curtains. It was a force of habit plus she mostly worked throughout the night so the daytime wasn’t really her friend. She turned to see Bucky leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed, smirking at her, “What?”
Bucky tilted his head at her question, “Nothing, darlin.” He said to her, “My room is right across the hall if you need anything.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes at him slightly, a playful smile on her lips, “Anything, huh? Thinking you might get a late night visit?”
Bucky chuckles at her comeback, nothing would delight him more than her sneaking into his bedroom at late hours, “If that’s what you want, it wouldn’t bother me.”
Y/N shrugged, “I’ll keep that in mind. Now if you don’t mind, I haven’t slept for over 24 hours on account of being locked in a cell all night and I should get a little sleep before talking to Nat.” She walks towards him, placing a hand on his chest and pushing him out of the room before shutting the door behind his godly figure. She bit her lip gently, before turning the lock on the knob and climbing into the bed. She had been sure to pull out one of her throwing knives to tuck under her pillow just in case.
Y/N awoke later that night, around nine. Darkness had taken over the sky and the stars were gleaming in the clear skies. She pulled herself out of the bed, determined to find Natasha and squash what was between them. They used to be best friends until they weren’t and Nat wasn’t a good enemy to have or to live with. She walks down the hallway until she could hear Natasha talking to Steve, Clint, and Bucky about her, pausing behind them quietly so she could listen to them.
“I feel really bad for you, Barnes.” Nat said towards Bucky who was scowling at her already, “Having her as your soulmate is nothing but bad luck.”
Steve frowned at Natasha, “What happened between you two?”
“She’s a backstabbing traitor. She’ll do anything for herself and leave anybody in the dirt that gets in her way no matter who they are to her.”
Y/N chuckles, making her presence known and the four quickly turned their heads to look at her, “C’mon, Nat. I never left you in the dirt.”
Natasha stood, walking up to Y/N glaring daggers, “Yes, you did.” She hissed out.
Y/N took a step closer to the redhead, staring her down with a smile on her lips, “Вы хотите об этом поговорить (Do you want to talk about it)? Lead the way, Natalia.”
“хотелось бы (I would like to). And it’s Natasha now.” Natasha said before turning and walking away, Y/N following behind her with a smile on her lips. Steve, Bucky, and Clint all got up to follow, curious about what was about to unfold. The two didn’t seem like the type to just ‘talk’ it out. When Natasha lead Y/N to the training room and into the boxing ring, it made a lot more sense of what they were going to do.
Y/N tilts her head, her neck cracking a little as the same smile sat on her lips as Natasha stood across from her in a fighting stance. Y/N raised her hands up, ready to fight Natasha, “Alright, you start.”
Natasha frowned and quickly moved forward, throwing punches at Y/N who was blocking them and never returning any blows, “You left me there. We were supposed to be a team after graduation and you left me there like the heartless bitch you always were! You were my person.” She said, landing one punch to Y/N’s face which caused her lip to split.
Steve shook his head at the sight, “Hey! This isn’t talking it out.” He said, climbing up in the ring to stop the two but Natasha and Y/N immediately landed a synchronized kick to his chest causing him to stumble back out of the ring, “Stay out of it!” They both yelled at their audience at the same time before turning attention towards each other again. When Y/N and Natasha were at the Red Room Academy together, this is how they would sort out problems when they were mad at each other. One person would talk while attacking and the other would simply block and listen before switching off.
Y/N narrowed her eyes at Natasha, a smile still on her lips, “Okay. My turn.” She told the redhead before advancing, throwing punches and kicks, most of them are blocked while some  landed, “I didn’t leave you. I left for you, Nat.” She said, landing a kick to the chest of Natasha which made the redhead stumble back slightly, “I left the day before my graduation because it wasn’t going to be my graduation.” She said, walking towards Natasha and throwing a punch again which was caught by her opponent, “It was going to be yours. And they were going to make you kill me just to see how faithful you were to them.” Those words made Natasha pause which Y/N was able to land a punch to her face, causing Natasha to have a split lip as well, “You really think I didn’t have the balls to kill an innocent and that’s why I left?”
Natasha frowned, coming forward at Y/N and jumping at her, taking her down and holding her into an arm-bar submission, “You’re lying! All you do is lie.” Y/N twisted her body, pulling her arm away from Natasha and maneuvering behind her, wrapping one arm around Natasha’s throat in a rear-naked choke, “Well, lying is the most fun a girl can have with her clothes on.” She said with a chuckle before continuing, “I knew you wouldn’t be able to kill me, so I left. And I never stopped being your person, I even found you a new one.” She adjusted her grip so Natasha was staring at Clint, “Your name came across one of my gold cards from SHEILD and I declined it so they sent someone else. Who do you think told Legolas over there to give you a chance instead of killing you?” Y/N released Natasha, standing up and looking down at the redhead, “I was still your person even if you weren’t mine. If you weren’t, I would’ve tracked you down and killed you myself for what you know about me.”
Clint suddenly looked uncomfortable, that was information he had never shared with Natasha as to why he chose not to follow orders and assassinate her. When he saw Natasha glaring at him as if to ask the truth he slowly nodded.
Bucky and Steve stood there listening to the whole ordeal, sort of shocked this is what they meant by ‘talking it out.’ Bucky winced slightly at every punch landed to Y/N, feeling the slight pain she was feeling on his tattoo. It burned for him to go protect her, but knew he would be met with hostility from the two women for interfering as Steve had.
Natasha stood up and looked at Y/N, breathing deeply. It looked as if puzzle pieces were being put together in her head. She quickly landed a quick punch to Y/N’s face as her hands were down, “Fine. That’s for not telling me.” She hissed out before a small smile curved across her lips.
“I deserved that one.” Y/N said after the punch landed to her cheek, wincing slightly before smiling at Natasha, “So, we good?”
Nat nodded, the small smile still on her lips, “We’re good.” She told Y/N, “Let’s go.” She said, slipping through the ring ropes followed by Y/N.
“So that’s it, you two are good now?” Steve asked the two women who looked at each other and shrugged, “Maybe next time you two can have an actual talk.”
“Not likely.” They both said at the same time before walking past the three men and out of the training room. 
Steve looked at Bucky and Clint, “Should we go make sure it’s really good now?”
Bucky shook his head, “Nah, I trust Y/N when she says their good. I think they need some time alone.” He said knowingly. He could feel what Y/N needed and it was time alone with Natasha.
The two made their way to the kitchen, Y/N pulling herself up to sit on the island counter while Natasha pulled out a bottle of whiskey and a bottle of vodka. Natasha passed the whiskey to Y/N who took it and untwisted the top and took a long swig of the amber alcohol, “That’s Bucky’s whiskey, probably shouldn’t drink too much of it. He likes his whiskey.” Y/N shrugs, looking at the bottle, “We’re soulmates. What’s his is mine and mine is his, that’s how it works isn’t it?” She said with a smile, “What happened to your soulmate? I saw that little green tattoo on your wrist when you punched me in the face.”
Natasha sighs, sitting next to Y/N on the counter and taking a drink from the clear bottle of vodka, “I made him mad. He went to space and hasn’t exactly found a way to forgive me.”
Y/N nods, “Space. Cool.” She said, “Well, if it makes you feel better, my soulmate was dumb enough to kiss me after seeing his paralyzed friend in the elevator. So that means you’re still my person even if I have a soulmate. You never would’ve fallen for that.”
Natasha laughed a little at the comment, “Yeah, that wasn’t his smartest moment.” She replied, “You know I never told anybody what happened to you.” She said gesturing towards Y/N’s hip where the large scar was, “Did you find him?” Y/N shook her head, “Not yet. One day I will though.” She said and looks over at Natasha, “Did you find anything from the card?”
“It’s still decrypting, should be done in the morning.” Nat informed with another swig from the vodka bottle.
The two sat and talked about all the things they missed from each other’s lives like old friends, taking shots after every story until both of them passed out in the kitchen. Natasha had at some point fallen asleep against the refrigerator with the half empty bottle of vodka next to her while Y/N fell asleep on the island counter top, snuggling the bottle of almost empty whiskey. Bucky awoke in the early morning hours to walk out and see the two, chuckling slightly as he saw Y/N snuggling his whiskey passed out on the counter. He walks over and touched her arm gently, trying to wake her.
As soon as Bucky touched Y/N, instinct took over, her eyes snapping open and she pulled a knife out from a hidden strap under her shirt, holding the knife against Bucky’s throat. As she blinked at Bucky, her drunk vision focusing on him, she lowers the knife, “God, you should know better than to sneak up on someone, lover boy.” She muttered out, sitting up so her legs swung off the counter and narrowing her eyes to focus on him.
Bucky looked at her, not feeling threatened at all. He looked at his almost empty whiskey bottle, “Wow, you almost drank all my whiskey.” He said with a chuckle, watching her trying to focus on him with narrowed eyes.
“I lived above a bar.” Y/N said with a small smile, “I’m practically an olympian when it comes to drinking. We are definitely going to need a lot more whiskey though.”
Bucky took the bottle from Y/N, twisting the top-off and chugging the rest before discarding the empty bottle in the trash, “Yeah, a lot more.” He said with a smile towards her. He walked over to her, positioning himself between her legs and setting his palms on the counter on either side of her thighs. He smiled at her drunk face, he had never seen anybody so adorable yet dangerous looking when completely hammered. He leans closer to her face, “How about you let me help get you to bed?” He purrs out to her.
Y/N smiled at his warm, whiskey smelling breath so close to her face. It sent a shiver up her spine and once again she could feel her body leaning forward towards his. She quickly looks over to Natasha asleep against the fridge, “Help her first. She’ll be mad if I leave her in the kitchen alone.” 
“Nah.. I got it.. I’m good.” Natasha said suddenly awakened from their talking, slowly stammering to her feet. She holds her hands out to balance herself for a bit, “I haven’t drank that much in a while.” She mumbles out, staggering down the hallway.
“Get used to it! I missed it!” Y/N yelled after Natasha before watching her disappear through a door. She looks back at Bucky, another smile creeping across her lips, “So bed… your room or mine?” She said with a soft bite of her bottom lip following and a raised eyebrow. The fire her tattoo felt was undeniable, it was reaching, screaming for him to touch her and to be with her.
Bucky kept his palms on the counter on either side of her legs, a crooked grin appearing on his features once they were alone. Being this close to her felt right, making his heart jump slightly. Everything about her in his eyes was perfect, even the infuriating bits where she pushed away their bond. It just made it more of a cat and mouse game for Bucky and he was determined to win. He didn’t need to respond to her words, he quickly placed his hands on her hips and swooped her up from the counter, leading her legs to wrap around his waist, “I think there’s more whiskey in my room.” He breathed into her neck while carrying her down the hall towards his room. The way her skin felt on his caused fire to corse through his body and he knew he was making Y/N feel the same way. He could feel everything she was feeling, all the desire and dare he say love?
Bucky steadied Y/N as she ripped off her jeans once they made it back to his room. He helped her slip on one of his t-shirts before pulling her into his bed. He didn’t want their first time to be when she was piss-drunk, even if she was teasingly kissing his shoulder non-stop once he removed his shirt. Bucky pulled her back against his chest, nuzzling his face into her soft hair. He could feel her breathing slow, slipping back into sleep. This was something Bucky never thought he would have, and even if the way she was around him wasn’t what he expected of a soulmate, he loved all the parts that made her Y/N. Even the ones that resisted him.
< previous part | next part >
Taglist: @vibraniumqueen​ @thatoneperson5000​ @dude-whatawave​
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thisissirius · 3 years
66 angst/Fluff list.
i tried to post this last night and tumblr decided my blog was illegal so it’s your fault :P
anyway. have some softness and love :) (with angst because i am me, after all)
(un)certain [ao3 link] eddie/buck, getting together
Buck closes the door to his apartment and leans against it. 
There’s no sound from within and Buck hopes that means Albert’s out for the night. He’s not sure he can handle dealing with Veronica adjacent drama tonight. His plans hadn’t even included being home at all. He’s supposed to be at Eddie’s, watching movies with him and Chris, and then sleeping on the couch. 
That’s changed thanks to Buck’s big mouth. 
“Why me?”
Buck frowns. “What do you mean why you?”
Eddie glares, and Buck thinks the worst possible outcome is actually a reality. “Why me?”
The look on Eddie’s face is still bouncing around inside of his head. 
Now that he’s home, able to process their fight-and Buck doesn’t even want to call it that when he fled to save Eddie the chance of rejecting him-Buck realises maybe he’s made a mistake. 
Not about confessing; he won’t ever be sorry for finally lifting that weight from his shoulders. 
The mistake is in running. Buck’s so fucking tired of running. Fumbling for his phone out of his pocket, Buck thumbs through to Eddie’s number and hits call. It rings through to voicemail and Buck curses under his breath, tapping the phone against his free hand. 
Eddie’s not the most emotional person. The opposite, in fact, and Buck hates himself for not factoring that in. The why me makes Buck’s heart hurt on Eddie’s behalf and not for the first time, he wants to punch everyone who’s ever given Eddie cause to think he’s not amazing. 
Buck wants to call again but Eddie doesn’t like being bothered and he sighs, wondering if he can wait until their shift in two days time to clear the air. They don’t fight. He can’t remember the last time anything between them had been bad. Since the supermarket anyway, and that was more about their mutual abandonment and Buck shakes his head. 
He should have known; Eddie only ever lashes out when he can’t handle what he’s feeling. In the supermarket it had been his perceived abandonment at Buck’s hands. Now, it’s the fact that Buck’s decided to spring hey, I think I love you, how great!!! on him. 
Except it’s Eddie. 
For all that Buck knows Eddie, sometimes he forgets Eddie’s kneejerk reaction to emotion is to get it the fuck away from him.
Hey, he texts instead. I know you probably don’t wanna talk- 
A knock at the door interrupts and he bites back a curse. “Albert, if you forgot your key-”
“You’re giving him keys now?” Eddie stands on the threshold looking uncertain, which Buck won’t stand for. 
Stepping back, Buck heads towards the kitchen, rolling his eyes. “I can’t make him wait outside for me to get home when we work 24 hour shifts, Eddie.”
Eddie snorts, standing next to the counter, hands by his sides. He looks-small, uncertain of his place. Buck wishes he knew what to say to make it go away. 
“You left,” Eddie says. He’s looking at Buck. Well, he’s looking at the clock behind Buck’s left shoulder. 
“I know.” Buck keeps his words soft. He leans against the counter, gives Eddie a rueful smile. “You’re not the only one that runs from his emotions.”
Eddie hesitates. “You want to?” He looks irritated with himself. “Run from your feelings, I mean.”
Buck knows he’s gotta tread carefully; there’s a part of him that’s hopeful, that if he and Eddie talk, maybe they can meet somewhere in the middle and be happy. The louder voice is telling him not to be an idiot, that he never wins that way, especially not with the way Eddie’s looking anywhere but at Buck. “You asked why you.”
“You asked why and I should have told you.” Buck watches Eddie’s mouth close and finally, his eyes lift to Buck’s. “It’s you because there’s nobody else, Eddie. There’s never been anyone else, not really. Since Ali,” he amends, at the expression on Eddie’s face. 
“Okay,” Eddie says slowly. “But you could have-”
“If you say anyone, I’ll punch you.” Buck sighs, pushing off of the counter and stepping closer to Eddie. “You’re a great father.”
Eddie flushes, turns away. Buck closes the rest of the distance between them, puts his fingers on Eddie’s chin. Eddie lets him turn his head and then Buck rubs a thumb over Eddie’s jaw. Casual intimacy has never been their problem and Eddie accepts it easily, lifts a hand to Buck’s hip. 
“You are. Chris is amazing and I know that’s thanks to Shannon, but it’s also thanks to you. You’ve been his sole parent for such a long time, and you always make sure he’s protected, cared for, that he knows he’s loved.”
“You help,” Eddie says, and his voice is hoarse. 
Buck nods, because that’s never something he doubts. “I know. But you let me. Because you’re also cautious, but careful. You’re funny, even when you don’t mean to be, and I know you care about every single person in your life, even when you’re hurting.”
There’s a heaviness to Eddie’s expression, to the way his fingers tighten on Buck’s hip. It’s hard for him to hear, Buck knows, but maybe he’s also desperate to hear it, to know someone feels that way. 
“You understand me without me saying a word.” Buck tips Eddie’s head back and Eddie takes a deep breath. “I love you. Because of you. You don’t have to do anything to earn it, or be anything other than who you are.”
“Sometimes I don’t know who that is,” Eddie admits quietly.
Buck smiles, slides his hand up to Eddie’s cheek, thumb against the soft skin beneath Eddie’s left eye. “That’s okay. I’ll still be there, loving you no matter what.” Grinning, Buck raises his eyebrows. “It also doesn’t hurt that you’re hot as fuck.”
Eddie laughs, surprised, and drops his head to Buck’s chest. Buck runs a hand through his hair, waits for the inevitable questions. 
“I don’t know if I can do this again,” Eddie says. Maybe he’s thinking of Shannon. Buck doesn’t say anything, lets Eddie work it out. “But if I do, I want it to be with you. Whatever that means.”
“It can mean whatever you want it to.” Buck desperately wants to kiss Eddie so he does, soft and quick. Then, when Eddie breathes a little shaky, flexes his fingers on Buck’s hip, he ducks in again. This time he takes his time, a slow press of lips, a slow slide of tongue, a soft moan in the back of Eddie’s throat. 
Eddie stares at him when they part. “Okay, we can definitely do that again.”
Buck smiles, but he wants to be clear about one thing. “Loving you is the best thing I’ve ever done.”
Eddie smiles and then it shifts into a smirk, heat in his face and oh yeah, finally Buck feels settled, like they’ve hit the same mark. “Until you do me.”
“Oh my god,” Buck laughs, burying his face in Eddie’s hair. He can feel Eddie’s body shaking with his own laughter. “You’re an idiot.”
“Probably,” Eddie agrees. “But you’re stuck with me.”
“Always,” Buck promises. 
There’s still a touch of disbelief to Eddie that Buck knows he’ll spend a lifetime trying to get rid of, but what a lifetime it’ll be. 
“Okay,” Eddie says, and it feels like a promise of his own.
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