#my hc: shiver goes by they/she
horizash · 2 years
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Shiver ✨ 💙❤️
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ryuttaeng · 4 months
omg omg please do mafia yeji as your girlfriend hcs !!
mafia!yeji as your gf hcs
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my first thought was that she would probably have problems with expressing her emotions to you. on the other side, it helps her on her job, which is mob boss obv
you’re kinda not interested in all that crime stuff and actually don’t care abt it. you were oblivious of any gangs in your city, so you almost burst out laughing when some dude in front of you explained that you just bumped into mafia leader.
you looked behind him, taking a proper look of the person you bumped into, and, to your surprise, she was stunning… yet, you thought she was about to kill you, her gaze was so cold it almost made you shiver? 😭 anyway… the woman just showed away that guy and she apologised for not watching where she’s going. jokes aside, it made you feel guilty because you were obviously the one who bumped into her and you started apologising too.
she would not hesitate to get to know you, but she just has no clue how to do that properly 😭 she will ask her followers to watch you and will ask them to protect you eventually, as the time goes. well, you could tell that some people that just appear at the same place as yours is weird, and when you were about to yell for help, they reassured you that everything is fine and explained the situation to you. “why can’t she approach me herself then?” you ask, out of curiosity. “our boss is just very humble person.”
you convinced them to make an appointment with her, and when her people told her that she’ll have an appointment with you she lowkey freaked out 🤞🏻😭 she just stood there 🧍🏻‍♀️ for whole two minutes not even blinking, her followers even started to get nervous but their boss just started mumbling something to herself, mentioning your name 😭
on your appointment date mob boss herself wore a dress, which is quite rare sight to see! she finally tells you her name and since that day you start to get to know each other better.
mafia!yeji as your girlfriend would be such a gentlewoman it makes me pull out my hair tbh… she’s very attentive and cares about you so much, she’ll send her followers to protect you from weirdos and just her enemies every day you go to work, and when she has some stressful situations or days and she hears her follower say 'miss y/n is outside, waiting for you.' yeji becomes most happy person to ever exist. she just loves when you visit her during her working hours and you also make her food, making sure she ate today 😭😭
lots of presents, very expensive ones, it always makes you either gasp or cry. she’ll be like “why are you crying honey? is it bad-“ “no! yeji, darling, its just so expensive!” and she’ll assure you it’s not when we all know the truth 😭 yeji also cries when you make her some expensive or huge presents, she’s very careful w them, because she cherish them 😭🤞🏻🤞🏻 my cutie patootie
yeji will be overall just most sweetest, supportive and caring person ever in relationship with you, which quite surprises her followers ‘cause she always has that cold face expression when she’s on work. but she’ll often will have struggles with showing her emotions, but you surprisingly very patient w her at those times and yeji is very thankful to you for that 😭😭😭
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This one has been circling in my mind for a while and I’ve been waiting for the full headcanons to open up for it.
M6 and MC have an argument, and MC abruptly left to clear their head. It’s been an hour or two and it’s begun to storm, and MC hasn’t come back yet. Whether MC returns on their own or the M6 end up going out to find them, they find MC soaked to the bone and freezing cold.
- 🌿
The Arcana HCs: When MC argues with M6 and gets stuck in a storm
-- to set the scene --
It was so inconsequential, you don't even remember what it was about. All you can remember is that you had decided to take a walk to avoid blowing the disagreement out of proportion, and before you knew it, you were a good ways away from shelter and a storm was rolling in. It's impossible to stay warm in the downpour that soaks your thin clothes. When you see your lover again, you're drenched, shivering, and much more lonely and depressed than you expected to be.
He originally tried to follow you out, if only because he could tell that you were upset and he didn't want you to have to deal with it alone. Once he saw that being alone was the point, he left it
Of course, being left by himself wasn't helpful. His anxiety began to blow the whole ordeal out of proportion, and by the time the storm hit, he was half convinced that he had ruined your life
It goes without saying that Julian and storms do not mix well
When you finally make it back to the front door of your home, soaked and shivering, it's eerily dark and quiet inside
Julian's curled up in the corner, anxiously wadding his coat up into a crumpled ball in his lap, sniffling because the fire went out
He's leaping up and fussing over you as soon as you walk in
Building the fire back up, bringing you a warm change of clothes and a towel, chafing your cold hands between his for warmth
He's babbling almost incoherently about how worried and frightened he was and it's not hard to realize half of it is the storm
It ends in a resolution shaky with relief, holding each other and slowly warming up as you both agree to try processing better
They're more than happy to give you space - if an independent moment to yourself is what you need to figure things out and self regulate, then please, have at it! Take your time and be safe
While you're gone, he'll try to take his mind off of things - and then get fidgety when he can't - and then get frustrated when his best option is to just ... wait until you get back
They eventually give up and head out after a couple hours to check on you, not realizing it's raining until they open the door and you're standing right outside dripping wet
All of the heartache is catching up and hitting him right now and he's bundling you inside, eyes full of concern and hurt on your behalf, trying to care for you without overstepping your space
You're freezing! Can they - can they hold you? Only if you want
As upset as he is by the poor state you're in, he's a little relieved that he has the chance to put things back in perspective without needing to scramble for elaborate words to communicate
They love you so much more than an argument - disagreements can be resolved, what matters is you, safe and happy, and loved
Fine. Take your space, and while you're doing that, she'll enjoy some time to herself as well. She doesn't take well to feeling brushed off, and this is triggering that just a little bit
Spends the whole time you're gone trying to be productive and muttering to herself about just wanting to fix the problem
Notices that the time drags on, notices the storm rolling in, and stubbornly stands by letting you have what you chose for yourself
And then blaming herself when you return soaked and shivering
This, though, this is problem with a clear solution that she can implement, and she drops everything she's doing to get you into a hot bath and full of warm food and dressed in soft clothes
She's not leaving your side for a moment
But she does want to talk - about how helpless she felt when she wasn't able to reach you to make things right, about how you deserve your space but she doesn't like to feel brushed off
Her tone is disappointed, not in you, but in herself
Highly likely to cuddle you and suggest a spot where you can take your space but she can still reach you in an emergency
You needing space is more than understandable. Take as much as you need, he'll be here when you come back
He doesn't love sitting with negative thoughts and feelings, but he's used to it and can handle it fairly healthily
He still worries, though, and when an hour passes and he feels the atmosphere shift, he's getting on his feet and walking out the door to track you down and bring you something rainproof and warm
He doesn't expect you to have walked so far, or for the rain to come down so quickly, or for you to look so small and feel so cold when he reaches you
You can stay upset with him if you want to, but he wants to carry you home. Please let him carry you home
You might be ready to talk about it, you might only want to mumble an apology for leaving without speaking, you might prefer to stay quiet. He'll still hold you like you're made of glass
He'll lay out everything you need and bring you a hot drink, focusing far more on the safety and stability of your home together than the thing that made you upset. You can talk about it later
She understands you needing space and you're welcome to take it but she hates being left alone to feel strung along and unimportant and she knows that wasn't your intention but -
By the time you walk in the door shivering, she's crying from frustration and working it out by aggressively cleaning out the cottage and making food from Nevivon
The first thing you hear when you walk in is a horrified gasp
She assumed you were fine, you're clearly not fine, don't tell her you've been out in the rain all this time! Get in here, she's fixing you up until it feels like it never happened at all. Talk to her!
Her main impulse is to scold you, considering how much you're accidentally reminding her of her brother right now
More than anything, she's worrying that her love for you might not be enough, that she was too pushy about talking to her and forced you away, that she wasn't clear about her core motive being love
To cut a long story short, she needs a decent amount of comforting too. After the scare, after she's fed and cuddled and snuggled you, she needs some safe, gentle hugs from you
He actually thought it would be fine. He's an adult, you're an adult, adults need space sometimes! It doesn't necessarily mean that he did anything wrong -
Okay you've been gone for five minutes and you left really fast and really quietly and the abandonment issues he doesn't want to acknowledge are making their existence felt
He's just going to distract himself and pout in self denial until you get back, and then give you a big hug when you do
What happened? Did you stay out in the storm like that, alone?? Are you that mad at him??? Tell him it isn't so!
It's not, thankfully, but after that roller coaster of emotions he's gluing himself to your side for mutual comforting purposes
He's drawing a bath, and then he's taking it with you. He's getting something warm to drink, and he's drinking it with you. He's hunting down blankets, and he's snuggling under them with you
Sometimes, in life, people make oopsies. He's lucky enough to have a partner who knows how to recover from them with him
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desultory-novice · 5 months
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"...I'm sorry..."
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"...Hee! Noir, you smell kinda moldy." "Yeah? And now you're going to smell that way too."
"...Because I'm not letting you go for anything."
Sometimes, the collar is a metaphor...
[Apologies AU Masterpost]
Also sorry if the first panel is unclear. Adeleine isn't trying to clumsily remove the visor, she's reaching in to touch his face to let him know she's there, as Noir is blind and deaf in this particular form, outside of what information the petals take in and transmit to him. They can't recognize qualities of the voice, ie, that it is his beloved little sister, simply that "some" voice is talking to him. They are also what transmits his "voice" (more like a droll, ghosty monotone) outwards.
Anyway, I was revisiting some of my favorite fairy tales, including HC Andersen's "The Snow Queen" (where the title originates) when I realized just how well parts of that story fit Adeleine and Noir.
In seconds, I'd written up a fresh script and was drawing this. It's a little rushed/uneven because I pushed myself to finish as quick as possible so that this could be my official last art post before my surgery tomorrow, figuring it was a good note to leave things on.
Call it ~fairy tale magic~ (although I imagine this is set sometime AFTER the Dark Matter Trilogy rather than during. Perhaps after Zero's "favorite tool" was discovered to be broken beyond repair and with Zero itself destroyed, 02 and the rest of the Dark Matter cut him off from the hive and left him to starve to death in the ruins of Shiver Star, where Adeleine eventually discovers him after revisiting her journey with the others) ...but at least we've got x1 Noir saved now!
(...How many more to go...? ^^; )
Because I know you folks care about lore, drone-type or unhatched Dark Matter "feed" off energy provided from the Hive Queen and they will burn in the light without their queen's protection.
Main game Shiver Star is actually MANY years removed from the Shiver Star Adeleine and Noir grew up on. (Adeleine fell through a dimensional rift halfway off planet and wound up on Popstar YEARS later than she left. It's a...complicated...story I'll tell later, while Noir has been Dark Matter for much longer than it seems) So, in addition to there being no more people there, there is significantly less of the kind of light that harms Dark Matter. (Is it, in fact, DUE to the lack of living creatures on the planet?? Dun-dun-dun?!)
Speaking of lore: "Wasn't there a literal parasite inside this version of Noir?? Like, an eyeball in his chest? Is that just gone now?"
It is not GONE, for no one goes through life without some consequences. Though it was starved into hibernation and made further dormant by ~the healing power of love~ Noir does retain some piece of Dark Matter living inside him. A creature inside that grows stronger feeding off his negative emotions. 
He will simply have to learn to control it instead of giving in.
...Just like the rest of us humans. ^_-
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hayleythesugarbowl · 11 months
Please write for Monica Geller x Phoebe's younger sister
I trust you with the plot
The One With Phoebe’s Sister || Monica Geller x Phoebe’s younger sister!reader
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⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • f•r•i•e•n•d•s masterlist • monica hcs ⋆୨୧˚
summary: oneshot where phoebe introduces the friends to you, her younger sister, and you are instantly attracted to monica but don’t know that monica is equally smitten with you
word count: 3.1k
warnings: none 
a/n: hope you enjoy this and thanks so much for requesting it. also many apologies it took so long for me to get to this ask and i hope it was worth the wait!! enjoy ✧🍒🎀
      “Alright everybody this is my sister, (Y/n). (Y/n), this is everybody.”
     Smiling widely, Phoebe gestures from the doorway to you and then to her friends, who are all lounging around the apartment. 
     “Hey,” you say shyly, taking off your jacket and looking around the room at your sister’s friends. “It’s nice to meet you. Phoebe talks about you guys all the time.”
     Your older sister had practically dragged you out of the airport and into the waiting taxi, overly excited to show you New York and everything she loved—you’d already been to her apartment, massage studio, and Central Perk, her favorite coffee shop. Now she beams as she leads you into a cozy apartment with purple walls and nicely arranged furniture. 
     You hang your jacket on the coat hanger and set down your bags as you gaze around the room. 
     “Ok, yay! Now I get to introduce you to everyone!” Phoebe leads you across the threshold into the living room, pointing at her friends as she goes. “This is Ross—” 
     You watch as the man who must be Ross gets up from his seat at the kitchen table and shakes your hand welcomingly 
    “It’s nice to finally meet you,” you say. 
     “The pleasure is all mine,” he replies and you smile.
      Phoebe pulls your arm, “And this is Chandler—” 
     Chandler waves awkwardly from his spot on the back of the couch. “Hey. Hi. Wow you look just like Phoebe. Well not just like Phoebe. Obviously. Because that’s Ursula. What I mean is, I can see the resemblance and you’re pretty, very pretty, and I’m going to stop talking now.”
    You chuckle and look back at your sister. 
     “Oh don’t worry about him, he’s just Chandler.” Phoebe waves a hand in the air. Chandler clutches his chest in mock offense.
     Phoebe continues. “Anyways, oh! This is Rachel.”
     The woman Phoebe refers to walks towards you “Hey sweetie, you must be Phoebe’s little sister. Oh it’s going to be so much fun having you here for…” Rachel looks at Phoebe.
     “Three weeks,” you interject, answering for Phoebe and smiling at Rachel’s kindness, “My flight back to (Y/h/t) is in three weeks.” 
     You can’t believe Phoebe’s life here. Lively city, amazing friends, and also apparently really good coffee, if Central Perk was any indication. You wish you could stay here for months, but unfortunately you have only a few weeks before you need to go back home to your city and everything that comes with your daily life. 
     “So that’s everybody!” Phoebe cheers, interrupting your thoughts, “Except for Joey but he said he’s coming over after his audition. And Monica…” Phoebe looks around the room questioningly.
     “Went to pick up some detergent or something,” Rachel informs her with an exasperated look, “Because you know, it’s not like the apartment isn’t already clean enough.”
     Chandler feigns a shiver, “Oh right, her Spring Cleaning Frenzy. Not to be confused with her Christmas Cleaning Madness or her New-Years Cleaning Hysteria. Although all are equally terrifying.”
    You chuckle. Your sister had told you about Chandler and his jokes. “We’ll I can’t wait to meet her.”
     As if on cue, a woman with dark hair holding grocery bags in both hands walks through the door. 
     Having set the bags down on the kitchen table, the woman begins rifling through her purse.
     Looking down into her purse she says, “Alright, before anybody says anything, I need these supplies and if anyone thinks differently they can start by cleaning the bathroom floors and—”
     “Oh Monica!” Phoebe exclaims, “You’re back! We have company!” She smiles excitedly. 
     You smile at the woman who must be Monica. You can’t help but notice her vibrant blue eyes and how her dark hair frames her face. Your sister didn’t tell you how beautiful she was. You suddenly catch yourself staring and quickly speak. 
     “Hi, I’m Phoebe’s sister, (Y/n). It’s nice to meet you.”
     Monica finally looks up. She sets her purse down hurriedly and walks toward the living room over to you.  
     “Oh, hi,” she says quickly, pushing her hair out of her face. You follow the movement with your eyes. “I’m Monica. But Phoebe already told you that. Make yourself at home. Please, sit.”
     Monica indicates one of the chairs in the apartment’s living room. You sit down.
     Monica takes the seat across from you next to Rachel and puts her hands in her lap eagerly. “So, your Phoebe’s sister, huh? Where are you from? What do you do? I mean, tell me about yourself.”
     “Woah, Mon, slow down!” Rachel says putting an arm on her shoulder, “You don’t want to scare the poor girl off the minute she gets here.”
     Monica looks at you sheepishly and Rachel laughs. 
     “No, it’s ok,” you say, amused and flattered by Monica’s enthusiasm. “I’m from (Y/h/t) and I’m currently going to school there, but I graduate next year. Not nearly as exciting as New York, though. I’m thrilled to be here.” 
     Monica smiles at you, “Well, my apartment is always open! You know, if you ever needed to stay here.” She clasps her hands together. 
     Chandler walks around the couch and sits on the back next to Monica. “Interesting, because when I asked to stay here last week when my apartment was being repainted because Joey thought ‘Fireball 2: now with more fire’,” he gestures in the air as if announcing a movie title, “was a good idea, I believe your exact words to me were to ‘take a hike’.”
     Monica shoves Chandler off the couch and glares back at him, “Yeah? Well then maybe you should take that hike right now.”
     Ross stifles a chuckle from the kitchen. Monica glares at him too and he quickly turns away. 
     Phoebe sighs, “Ok, guys? Totally ruining my whole meeting thing.”
     A chorus of “Sorry Pheebs” meets your ears but you just giggle. 
     “Anyways,” Monica says, “we’re all really glad you’re here.” She smiles at you and as she does her eyes light up causing you to smile back. She has a fire in her eyes and it makes her see like someone who is passionate about everything she does. Before she can catch you admiring her yet again, you get up and seize Phoebe’s wrist, guiding her away from her her friend and towards the other side of the room.
     “Pheebs, you didn’t tell me your friend was gorgeous,” you whispers emphatically.
      “Really? You think so? I mean compared to me…” she trails off and you roll your eyes at her. Phoebe suddenly gets an excited look on her face. “Oh hey, you should totally—”
     She gets cut of as someone else walks through the door. A man with dark hair wearing a New York Knicks jersey under a large coat steps into the apartment. 
     “Joey!” Phoebe shouts, dragging you to the door. “Meet (Y/n), my sister!”
     Joey looks you up and down admiringly as he takes his jacket off. “So you’re (Y/n).” He gives you a charming smile. 
     “Yeah, that’s me,” you say. “It’s so great to finally put all of your faces to names.” 
     “Oh, right, that’s everybody, yay!” Phoebe goes over to Joey. “So how was your audition?” 
     “Terrible, I blew it, there’s no way I got the part,” Joey mumbles distractedly and waves her off and saunters over to you, “So, it’d be rude of me if I didn’t ask you, how you doin’?”
     You open your mouth to respond when Monica rushes over to where the three of you are standing. 
     “Come on Joey,” Monica says, “I’m sure she doesn’t want to be flirted with by you the minute she walks in the door. Right?” Monica wrings her hands together and looks to Rachel for help. 
     Before you have time to contemplate what she just said, Rachel jumps in, turning to you.
     “Oh, honey don’t worry, Joey flirted with all of us when he first met us.”
     Chandler looks at Joey, offended. “You never flirted with me!”
     You laugh at the expression on his friend’s face. 
     “Anyways,” Joey starts, “(Y/n), it’s nice to meet you but Chandler we gotta go.”
     “Right, sorry guys, Joey and I have to bounce.” Chandler takes a last swig of the coffee in his hand and heads towards the door.
     “Knicks game,” Joey adds in explanation as he follows his friend, making to leave the apartment. “It was nice meeting you.”
     He winks at you. You give them a small wave and then they’re out the door. 
     Phoebe turns around, “So seeing as it’s finally just us girls—”
     Ross clears his throat. 
     “—oh right and Ross.” She gestures toward him and Monica snorts. She quickly covers her mouth, looking embarrassed. 
     “No no, I have to go anyway,” Ross says, with an air of confidence, “I have a date tonight.”
      “You?” Monica raises an eyebrow.
     “Yes,” Ross insists, “just because your love life is non-existent doesn’t mean mine is.”
     “Hey! I go on dates.”
     “With other people?”
     Monica wraps her arms around her torso. “I just haven’t found the right person yet.”
     You almost sense her glance over at you but you keep your eyes trained on her brother as he too walks towards the door. 
     “Bye,” you call out as he leaves. You like him and enjoyed the way he bantered with his sister. It reminds you of yourself and Phoebe. You two have always been close—closer than you are with Ursula—but you definitely get on each others nerves sometimes. 
     But mostly you liked hearing that Monica’s romantic life was less than perfect. It makes you feel better about your own love life—or lack of it—that someone as beautiful and kind as Monica is having trouble too. 
     You find yourself watching her as she and Rachel talk in tones you can’t hear over in the kitchen while Rachel helps her friend unload her remaining cleaning supplies from the bags on the table. Monica tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and you watch as she carries an armful of her purchases across the room.
     “I can tell you like her,” you hear Phoebe whisper from behind you. 
     “What?” You say, caught off guard.
     “I see the way you look at her. Like she’s, I don’t know, a goddess or something.”
     “I do not!” But you find yourself blushing in spite of yourself. 
     “It’s ok, I can tell she likes you too,” your sister offers encouragingly.
     “How could you possibly tell that?” You run your fingers through your hair nervously.
     “I know these things, (Y/n),” she says with a hint of mischief in her eyes, “I’m kind of a love genius.” She waggles her eyebrows. 
     “Oh yeah? And that’s why you haven’t been in a relationship in four months?” You tease. 
     “Ok, my powers don’t work on myself, you clearly don’t know how the cupid thing works.” 
      You laugh and she puts a hand on your arm, her ringed fingers laying gently on your sleeve. 
     “But seriously. I saw her looking at you too. And come on, she let you sit on the furniture with your shoes on! She’s never let me do that. Plus, Monica’d be lucky to have you. Your sweet and funny and pretty and, oh, you’ve had, like, no cavities! I mean anyone would be crazy if they didn’t want to go out with you.”
     “Thanks Pheebs,” you say, laughing and giving her a quick hug, “I love you”
     “I love you too, now go over there and tell her how you feel.”
      You glance at Monica, now sitting on the couch, a magazine in her hand as she shows something to Rachel. You look back at your sister with an eyebrow raised.
      “Yeah, no. I just met her and I’m not exactly the type of person to just go up and ask people out.”
     Phoebe gives you a look and then pushes you over to the living room and sits you down in the same chair you had previously occupied. “Hey guys, I forgot I have an, um, appointment with my psychic today that I just, like, totally forgot about so I’d better be off.” 
     She looks at Rachel pointedly, “Rach, would you care to accompany me?”
     “Uh, me? Why Pheebs?” She responds.
     “Oh, I don’t know. I just sensed this aura around you,” she gestures wildly with her arms, “and I thought you might need a psychic so….”
     Rachel, seeming to suddenly understand something, gets up quickly. “You know what you’re right! I felt a little weird this morning but I thought it was just bloating.” She shrugs and goes over to get her jacket.
     Monica turns around and fixes a look on Phoebe, “What so I don’t have an ‘aura’?” She puts air quotes around the last word.
     “No, sorry,” Phoebe says apologetically but then turns to you and Rachel, coughing, and mumbles a little too loudly, “Noteverything’sacompetition”
     Monica crosses her arms and turns around.  
     “So,” Phoebe starts and the other woman turns around to look at her again. “This is perfect because now you and (Y/n) can get to know each other until we get back. Ok? Bye Mon, bye sis!” She winks at you. You slap your forehead internally at Phoebe’s obviousness. You hope Monica didn’t notice. Phoebe shuts the door quickly and then they are gone, leaving you and Monica alone in her apartment. 
     You both turn to look at each other at Phoebe’s hasty departure. For a moment, the only sound is the far away noise of traffic until finally you decide to break the silence.
     “So, you know what I do, but what about you?” In reality, you knew exactly what she did because your sister talked about her friends to you all the time and you loved hearing about every detail. But you had to make some small talk. 
     “I’m the head chef at Allesandro’s restaurant,” she says, obviously proud of the fact. “I kind of like to cook.”
     “Phoebe says your food is amazing,” you compliment. 
     “Maybe I could cook for you sometime while you’re here? If you want.” She adds hurriedly. 
    “I’d like that,” you smile. 
     “So, what’s it like in (Y/h/t)? I’ve always wanted to go there.”
     “It’s nice,” you say “but I miss Phoebe a lot…it’s nice seeing how great her friends are here though. I mean, I’ve loved meeting all of you and seeing how caring and fun you are. She’s lucky to have you as a friend.”
     “She’s lucky to have a sister like you.” 
      You pick up a drink from the coffee table and hold it up in the air. “To Phoebe and how lucky she is to have us,” you say playfully.
     Monica picks up another cup and touches it to yours in a cheers, laughing.
     “You know, she’s told me all sorts of crazy stories about you…all of you,” you say. 
     Monica looks mildly frightened, “What has she told you?”
     “Oh, well nothing that embarrassing,” you lie. She gives you a look.
     “Ok, we’ll she did tell me that you dated your ex’s son…” 
     “What? I can’t believe she told you that! I’m going to kill her!” Monica looks outraged.
     “Told me what? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You look at her knowingly and she smiles. “Yeah, Phoebe’s a lot of things but she’s not exactly…discreet.”
     Monica laughs, “I know!”
     You laugh with her. “So, are you still seeing him? The son, I mean.” 
     “No, that was a while ago,” she points at herself now, “Hasn’t been on a date in months remember?” 
     She pauses and then asks you casually, almost too casually, “Well, I-I guess it’s my turn to ask a question so…are you seeing anyone right now?” 
     You take a deep breath. “No, I’m not. Like you said, I just haven’t found the right person.” You mean to stop talking there but you find yourself continuing. “Sometimes I feel like I’m waiting for something that doesn’t exist though, you know? Like what if I’m missing so many wonderful opportunities because I’m holding out for something unrealistic. I don’t know, I guess I’m just an idealist. I just want someone who cares about me and who understands me, someone who I can love and be loved by, not just something superficial, you know?”
     Monica looks at you intensely. You try not to squirm under her gaze as you fidget with the ties on your shirt and contemplate everything you just said. Usually you don’t open up to people that much or so quickly, but there’s something about Monica you just trust. You just felt like she’d understand. 
     Monica leans forward. “Wow, I-I totally know what you mean. So, is it ok if I ask you another question?” 
     At your nod she continues slowly.
     “If you did, um, have an instinct about someone…you know, that you thought was attractive and kind and charming and someone that you felt like you’d regret not having a chance with, would you maybe ask them to get coffee with you sometime?”
     She’s leaned forward even more and you two are close now. You breathe in as you look into her blue eyes and the way she’s looking at you, almost shyly.
     “I think I would,” you manage. 
     “Would you like to get coffee sometime?” Monica asks you. 
     “I would.” And you smile bigger than you have in weeks. Monica places a hand on yours. 
     At that moment, your sister walks in the apartment. 
     “Ok, you’d think after forgetting my ‘spiritual coat’ this many times—” she stops abruptly when she sees you and Monica, sitting there so close to each other, your hands interlocked. 
    “So you? And you?” Phoebe trails off and you and Monica both look at each other and then nod. “Oh yay, see I knew it!” She cheers. 
     You look at your sister, looking so happy for you and at Monica, looking at you the same way you feel about her and you think how lucky you are to have these people in your life and how glad you are you came to New York with your sister 
     “Well, that coffee isn’t going to drink itself,” you say to Monica. 
     “Let’s go,” she says. You both head towards the door. 
     Phoebe raises her eyebrows at you, “You two kids have fun!”
     You look back at Phoebe and mouth, “Thanks, Pheebs”
     “What are sisters for, (Y/n).” She smiles.
     You smile back as you follow Monica outside, shutting the door to the apartment and possibly opening the door to a wonderful new relationship. 
ˋ°•*⁀➷ i hope you enjoyed this!! i love writing for the friends characters so much and i hope i did them justice. have a wonderful day/night <3
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ebongawk · 3 months
oooh hellcheer hc is that eddie goes into fully nurse mode whenever chrissy’s sick. she has a cold? he’s fussing over her, making soup from scratch thank you very much bc he’s actually a great cook. cramps? he buys out her favorite chocolate from the corner store, he’s got three different types of heat packs ready, he’ll massage her belly for hours if that’s what it takes to make her feel better
Here's the thing: Chrissy was never home when Eddie got out of the studio on Wednesdays.
Wednesdays were their short days. The band's self-proclaimed 'recharge' days. The midweek break they all pretended to need that they'd written into their contracts so the fucking producer wouldn't throw a fit when Jeff dipped out at eleven to go meet his girlfriend at the train station, because Marie was in Boston Saturday night through Wednesday morning for work.
Eddie usually wandered in after a fast food lunch and a grocery run around one o'clock. Chrissy wasn't even off most days until four. So when he walked in the front door and was greeted with the curdling scream of horror queen Janet Leigh on the tube?
Yeah, Eddie about had a heart attack. Like full-on hand-over-the-heart terror.
"Sorry," Chrissy croaked from the couch as she frantically turned the volume of her vintage horror flick down. Psycho. Classic. Eddie hadn't even noticed her, she was so bundled up in blankets. A Chrissy burrito that could've passed for a rumpled throw blanket. "Sorry, sorry. You came in at the worst part."
Shit, she sounded awful.
"That's my specialty," Eddie breathed, dropping the excess number of grocery bags in the foyer and tripping over his own feet to make it to her side. "What's up, buttercup? How come you're home so early?"
Shit, she looked awful. All curled up and shivering despite the throw around her shoulders and the duvet she'd dragged in from their bedroom. Eddie automatically put a hand on her forehead, hissing at the burn beneath his palm.
"Think I caught the bug that's been going around on the publishing floor," Chrissy said, covering her mouth with the throw as she talked. Trying to breathe on him as little as possible. But her sinuses were so full, he doubted she could take in any air from her nose. "Editors were next, I knew it, but everyone insisted it'd stay quarantined upstairs."
"Morons," Eddie huffed, eyes raking over her face. Her blotchy, feverish cheeks; her bloodshot eyes ringed in the purple bruises of exhaustion. Her lips were dry, and Eddie sighed, hopping up and pressing a kiss to her forehead that she protested.
"You're gonna get infected," she grumbled. Eddie just shrugged, more firmly wrapping her up in her blankets.
"Did you take anything?"
"Grabbed some cold medicine from the pharmacy that's next to the office," she said, still covering her mouth. Exhaling a couple of rough coughs into the fabric. "Probably should've eaten something, but nothing sounds good."
Her sentences were choppy and slurred, which was how Eddie knew that this was serious. Having majored in English at BU, Chrissy's articulation refined to a fucking knife's point over the years. Ready to stab anyone who looked at her with a modicum of doubt when she explained what she did for a living.
His poor little Supervising Editor.
"Alright," Eddie said, hopping to his feet and pressing another kiss to her crown – this one not quite as protested as the first – before he rounded the couch to collect the grocery haul he'd bought that was entirely inadequate for a sick Chrissy. "Lemme get some water in the kettle, yeah? I'll make you some ginger tea and run to the bodega for soup supplies."
"Love, really, I'm fine––"
"Don't you I'm fine me, Cunningham," he called from the kitchen. Even though her last name had been Munson for damn near five years now. He loved the dopey little smile she still got when he reprimanded her with her maiden name. The eye roll. The huff of, That's Munson to you, Mister.
The huff never came this time. She was too tired to argue, he knew.
He started some prep work for what they had on hand while the water heated up. Mincing up a metric fuckton of garlic, grabbing some chicken breast from the fridge, grating most of a knob of ginger. They had some frozen chicken wing tips, but Eddie wasn't sure he had the time or patience to make broth from scratch. He mentally added store bought shit to his list, along with spinach and carrots.
Once her tea was ready, Eddie departed after stealing another kiss – this one to her cheek, which she yelled at him for as well as she was able and which he laughed at when her voice broke.
Another forty-five minutes later, after hauling ass to the store and back, Eddie had soup simmering on the stove, orange juice in the fridge, and three other types of medicine lined up along the coffee table to be taken after she'd eaten.
"I should go to the bedroom," Chrissy sighed as Eddie exchanged her empty mug of tea for a glass of juice. "Give you veg space so I don't get you sick."
Eddie scoffed. He'd grabbed The Two Towers from their nightstand, carefully depositing it on the arm of the couch before gently easing Chrissy's juice from her hands. He crouched down in front of her, leveling her with as withering a stare as he could muster around the worry he could feel lining his face.
"What kind of husband do you think I am, sweetness? To abandon his queen in her most desperate times of need?" She rolled her eyes, cheeks turned up in a slight smile. Eddie grinned, reaching up to pinch her cheek. Broadening her smile as much as she was able. "My fair lady needs her noble knight's assistance now more than ever! I ain't just gonna abandon you to squalor, baby. You know better than that."
She made a little noise of distress, and Eddie knew it was because she was terrified of getting him sick. Even though he played backup to Jeff, fucking his vocals could fuck the whole timeline for their next album.
He couldn't have given less of a fuck.
Tucking the blanket more firmly around her, Eddie carefully wedged his arms under her slight body, hoisting her up with a cracked little squeal from her raw throat before settling himself lengthwise on the couch, Chrissy in his lap.
"Shh, baby," he said, grabbing the book behind him and opening up to the bookmark. Picking up where they'd left off the last time he lulled her to sleep, just the night before, when she'd still been perfectly healthy. Harboring this bit of sick down deep enough that her body was still attempting to fight it off.
His voice, she'd told him once, was her favorite lullaby.
"So it was," he began to read, "that in the light of a fair morning, King Theoden and Gandalf the White Rider met again on green grass beside the Deeping-stream."
An hour later, Chrissy was out like a light. Breathing deeply through her mouth, with a little dribble of drool spilling onto his shirt and making him chuckle. He leaned down, kissing her hair and brushing it back over her ear.
"My poor little peach," he murmured, pressing the words into her scalp. The scent of ginger and garlic wafted through the air, and Eddie knew he should extricate himself from her embrace. Slip into the kitchen and turn the stove off.
But Chrissy let out this scratchy little snore, and Eddie figured he could give her another half hour.
"Love you, sweet," he said. And by the way she hummed in her slumber, snuggling even closer against his chest until her ear was pressed right up against her heart, Eddie thought, fuck, maybe she'd heard him.
(inspo ask)
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crguang · 24 hours
SUSHSNAJAH i love your kafmom hcs can you elaborate more on them?
YES YESVYESYESYES sure. i can do that.
you can’t look me in the eyes and tell me kafka’s not a boy mom sorry… she has a son and he’s her pride and joy, okay. she thinks he’s smarter than regular babies (“he has my genes, naturally.”) and brags about it to the stellaron hunters who don’t give a shit at all except firefly
“he sat up on his own. at this rate, we’ll have to get him checked out. hold on, i took a video.”
“oh my godddd,” silver wolf groans, “you really became one of those insufferable moms who only talk about their kid. disgusting.”
dad energy, like shes a dad. she’s that meme of chris hemsworth holding his kid by the leg at the beach. she checks the list of ingredients of whatever baby food you give her so she can feed him and goes, “i’m not giving him that.” (“kafka, it’s approved.” “by who?”) she always carries him on her shoulders. when he fusses and she has to hand him over to you for feeding, she says, “he wants you because you have the milk, but he told me i’m his favourite.” (he cant talk?)
kafka’s one of those dads who will spend half an hour having conversations with a baby who only babbles and giggles. if you come into the room and ask her what’s going on, she’ll say it’s “between him and her” and wink at your son like he understands what she’s saying
the baby rarely cries when she’s holding him. it’s sickening. she mentions it all the time. she’s a baby whisperer and you’d complain if that didn’t mean you get to take naps without worrying about shrill cries every half hour
funnily enough, kafka understands the fragility of the human body and even more so of a human baby. she does things like throwing him in the air and catching him to make him laugh, spinning him around, etc (it almost give you a heart attack every time to which she only replies, “relax, i got him.”) but she’s aware of his and her limitations so really, he couldn’t be safer with her
she has “days out” with him when she’ll take him somewhere for a morning or afternoon so you can rest and also to ease your separation anxiety if you have any. you need to be able to be without your baby and not die of worry but it’s hard😞
she’s not one of those crazy possessive boy moms who hate when their sons grow up and end up with “other women”, she just teaches him how to pull (“listen, this is how i got your mom wrapped around my finger…”)
she doesn’t smoke as often. she doesn’t really notice it even though it was a habit, cigarette smoke is dangerous for babies so she stopped. you mention it to her once and she shrugged like it was no big deal but she really loves that baby, dude…
she can be very firm. she’s a fun dad but she won’t tolerate disrespect towards you or him putting his life in danger because of stupid decisions he made. baby or teen, she can put her foot down and it’s very rare for her son not to listen to her when she does (she’s always smiling, imagine when her smile drops… shivers)
she’s weirdly understanding. i say it’s weird because she’s never done this before, but that’s precisely the reason why she kinda just follows your lead. she’s also very perceptive so you don’t often have to verbalize what you need, she’ll have it done. no more diapers? she already noticed and got some yesterday. your period is coming up? you’ve been irritable the past few days so she’s been taking more tasks off your plate. she’s just very astute in general and it helps a lot when it comes to having a kid
that baby can dress i’ll tell you that. she shops with him in the cart and asks him for his opinion on which item fits her best (he only cares about the toy in his hand)
she’s still a bad bitch and she has to remind you of that once in a while…
one of those dads who says no to a pet when their toddler becomes articulate enough to beg for one and ends up being the one to take care of it
she’s an early riser so when your son’s still an infant and wakes up during the night she’s often the first awake. depending if he’s hungry or not, she also takes care of it
if we pretend she’s not a deadbeat mom i swear she’d be a great parent like… she’d never in her life expect it to happen and the baby would definitely be an accident but hey! she steps up…!
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zoeykallus · 1 year
Hello there!
Hope you are doing ok and having a nice pre-christmas time. I enjoy very much your writing and honestly, this blog is a nice confort place for me. Thank you very much for your work.
I would like to propose a HC, if you like the idea.
I liked a lot the Jedi reader falls to the dark side HC's and I was thinking... What if Jedi reader is tempted to the dark side (maybe she lost her master in a tragic way or maybe is angry at the jedi council and how they are failing the people who really needs them,.... The reason you like the most, you are the artist) but the batcher she loves remains her who she really is and help her to see thought her anger/grief/whatever and prevent her fall to the dark side.
Thanks for reading!
Aloha! Love to read that! So sorry you are getting this answer so late, I was bombarded with requests in December, more so than usual, had to work through it all and some of the requests were quite extensive. But finally, here we go!
The Bad Batch x Fem!Jedi!Reader HCs - Remember Who You Are
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Warning: Angsty/Tension/Mention Of Violence/Fluffy
In war there are always victims, you see it every day. Yet the thought that it could affect you so personally is somehow distant, at least until your master, mentor, and closest friend becomes a casualty of war. Torn by grief and helpless anger, you begin to turn to the dark side. But there is someone who is a light at the end of the tunnel, someone who believes in you and reaches out a hand to bring you back from this destructive path.
You are in a rage, almost mowing Hunter down with your lightsaber as well when he gets in your way.
"Cyare," he says softly, almost in a whisper, yet his voice is very clear, "stop it."
You're breathing heavily, your hand clutching the hilt of your lightsaber so tightly that your knuckles stick out white.
"Get out of my way!" you snap at him, but you can already feel his gaze boring gently but firmly into yours, stirring something deep inside you, the gentleness, kindness and patience he has fallen in love with.
"This isn't you, look around, you've already won, you've ended this battle victorious. I know you feel pain, I know how unfair it all feels and how much you want to lash out. But that won't bring your master back, and he wouldn't want this to happen."
Kneeling behind Hunter are a couple of separatist officers you wanted to execute.
"You're not a murderer" Hunter says softly, "The woman I fell in love with is not a butcher".
The hand in which you hold the lightsaber begins to tremble unsteadily. He takes a step toward you, reaches out a hand, places it on your cheek.
"Open up to me, Cyare, put out your feelers".
You hesitate, but as you open yourself to the Force and focus on him, an affectionate warmth washes over you. His smile widens a bit, as if seeing in your eyes what you feel
"There she is, the sweet thing I fell in love with," he says, leaning his forehead against yours.
Wrecker and Echo keep an eye on the prisoners.
The lightsaber goes out in your hand, and you almost drop it, but put it back on your belt.
You take a deep breath, grateful for his closeness, his affection and the peace he exerts on you.
"I think I need a break from all the fighting," you say softly, "at least a few days."
Hunter says just as quietly, "I still have a few days of Shore Leave left. Do you want me to come with you?"
Your hands grasp his gratefully.
"That would be great."
His trust in you is unshakable. He stands in front of you, puts his gun away, surrenders himself to you, because he is sure you would never vent your anger on him.
"My love," he says so gently that the words are like a caress stroking your angry surface.
A shiver runs down your spine. You want to lunge, but Echo raises his hands and once again places himself in your path, in front of your targets.
"That's enough," he says a little more sternly, "These are our prisoners."
You reach out into the Force and want to push him aside, but something in his gaze slows you down. His gaze is reproving, but also gentle. It is pleading and also demanding. But most of all, it is loving. Echo knows you are suffering, and he suffers with you, he knows how much your loss hurts you, and he can at least sense how tempting it is to use the Force in anger.
He takes a step towards you, slowly puts his hands down and says, "You can't go any further down this path".
You haven't even thought about the words, but you hear yourself asking, "Why not?"
Echo looks at you sadly and says seriously, "Because I can't follow you down this path."
He takes another step toward you, reaches out his hand to you, places it on your sternum.
"Take a deep breath. You must allow the pain, you must not drown it in anger, even if that seems like the easier way, it's the wrong way."
Your lightsaber is still humming in your hand. Your heart is pounding hard, almost painfully, in your chest.
Through clenched teeth, you say close to tears, "I need relief!"
Echo comes even closer, takes your face in both hands, and looks at you piercingly.
"I know. And it will come, with patience and calm. Anger will only bring you temporary relief, you will be worse off afterward than you were before."
With a soft hiss, your lightsaber goes out and you finally lower your arm.
"Since when did you become so wise?" you ask softly.
Echo leans his forehead against yours and says with a soft laugh, "That's something you trigger in me."
You almost cut him in half. Wrecker gets in your way when you want to execute the captured separatist officers.
"Mesh'la, I know I'm usually the first to want to punish Separatists, but these aren't droids."
"I'm aware of that," you snap impatiently, "Get out of the way."
He shakes his head stubbornly. With a worried frown he says, "That's not you, that's not my 'Cyare' talking out of you. I don't know who she is, but she is something dark."
You know he's right, but anger and grief are tearing at your nerves, and right now you really have no patience at all for a discussion with him.
"Get out of the way, this is an order from your general!" you say smoothly but cuttingly, playing the rank card.
"I'm sorry, but I have to refuse that order".
His retort, doesn't sound defiant, it sounds sad and concerned.
"Put your saber down" he says gently, "Take a deep breath, think. Would your master want you to remember him in this way?"
You know very well that your master would not want that, ever.
Slowly, you lower the sword and let it go out.
"But how should I deal with this?"
Wrecker comes closer, takes off his chest plate, puts his strong arms around you and gently presses your head against his chest.
"Do you hear that?"
You blink and take a deep breath.
"Your heartbeat."
Wrecker hums in agreement and says, "It beats for you, every day. I believe in you and I'm with you. I don't know where we go from here, but you're not alone. We'll find a way to deal with it together"
He gets in your way and flinches a bit from your blade, which nearly scorches his chest plate.
"What are you doing?" you snap, angry and startled, "Get out of the way!"
Tech blinks, he takes a second to collect himself, you almost seriously hurt him.
"Cyare, that's not the Jedi way, but more importantly, it's not your way. You are not an executioner."
He puts his blasters away, adjusts his goggles, and takes a deep breath before saying, "If you take this step, there's no turning back. If you take these lives, separatist or not, you are a murderer. This is not justice."
Exasperated, you murmur, "Tech, you may know a lot of things, but you have no idea about this!"
He sighs, stepping closer to you, so close that your lightsaber almost touches his chest plate.
"I may not understand some of the intricacies of the Jedi, but I understand that they are peaceful, I understand that they protect life and do not take it. I know that you, especially, are full of compassion and kindness. This is not you, Cyare. Stand down."
"I am the general," you say angrily, "I give the orders."
Tech shakes his head.
"Not today, you don't. You are not in a position to make rational decisions"
Through bared teeth, you growl, "You better not piss me off".
Tech frowns sadly.
"I was going to say those words, eventually. But I had imagined the moment differently. I love you, Cyare, more than my own life. I have always admired you, your strength, your kindness, your sense of justice, the calm you exert on others. Where is that woman now?"
You blink, you didn't really expect Tech to ever mouth those words, but he had just done so.
Slowly, your hand with the lightsaber sinks and you let it go out.
"You love me?"
Tech smiles tentatively.
"Yes, indeed. And if you'll let me, I'd like to comfort you and help you cope with your loss. You're better than this, I know that."
He frowns as you line up the captured separatist officers in front of you. Crosshair senses the anger bubbling beneath your surface, he saw something break inside you when your master fell before your eyes. However, he doesn't quite know how to deal with it, how to react to it.
As you ignite your lightsaber and lash out, he holds his breath. But you stop just before the neck of one of the officers and stand motionless.
Crosshair looks at you, and for a while it's completely silent, only the prisoner's anxious, heavy breathing can be heard over the humming sound of your saber.
Suddenly, Crosshair says quietly, "If it feels wrong, then it probably is wrong."
You turn your head slightly and give him a sideways glance.
"Killing isn't really the Jedi way, is it?" he notes.
Silently, you blink, trying to pull your thoughts out of the morass of anger and grief and put them into an order that makes sense.
Quietly, you finally say, "Killing is not the way of the Jedi, no."
Crosshair steps a little closer and says quietly, "It's not my place to tell you what to do, you're the General. But perhaps you will allow me to remind you that your master would not have wanted this."
The hand with the lightsaber trembles slightly.
Your eyes meet and Crosshair says, "Kitten, I know you're stronger than this, better. That's why I admire you."
You swallow hard, the turmoil inside you is immense, but you pull yourself together as best you can. Your hand with the lightsaber drops, finally you let it go out and put it back on your belt.
"Make sure the prisoners are loaded, they are to be interrogated on the cruiser".
Crosshair shows a small smile.
Quietly, he says, "I knew you'd do the right thing."
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
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manawari · 7 months
this is the part i ask u abt ur destruction monarch hae-in hcs because i suck as stuff involving powers and idk what to do with destruction prince Kiwoo other than the fact rAwR FiREEeeeE!!!
all of these are from my fic that I will never get to finish smh
she has this necklace with a ruby pendant where she keeps her dragons. Like how Jin-woo keeps his army in his shadow, Hae-in keeps hers in her pendant, which also holds most of her mana. Hence, if she takes that off, then all of her dragons will be freed and her mana will be too powerful for her to handle if she's not in the same level as Antares.
When fighting her predecessor, Hae-in grows a pair of wings. Her horns also appear amidst the battle. Her wings are red, and so are her horns, and reddish scales also emerge on her cheeks — with her eyes in glowing red irises and obsidian scleras.
She is able to lit her sword in flames, from bright yellow to flaming red.
Hae-in can still stand even after losing a lot of blood because her mana naturally boosts her stamina if her powers are gradually draining.
Whenever she's feeling uneasy, her mana is affected. Terribly. She'd lose control, causing the ground to shake, and there is almost nothing she can do unless her soul is completely at ease.
Hae-in can reduce the sizes of her dragons anytime she wants.
After killing Antares, Hae-in takes his dragons into her army to make them her own.
Hae-in understands dragons whether in their own language or telepathy. This also goes for the dragons in the Shadow Army. The skill makes it easy for her to capture Kaisel and the other dragons' trusts.
Has an armor made out of dragon scales. She also has a dress made from the smoothest dragon scales.
Hae-in once turned herself into a dragon when battling Antares, but it's her first and last experience because she felt like her soul was being ripped into shreds while still moving.
Also, some fluffy headcanons? Hehe~
Her horns and wings can be quite sensitive to touches. Namely, if Jin-woo caresses them, Hae-in will shiver. He finds it amusing and even though she'll warn him, that won't stop Jin-woo from doing his ministrations on her wings and horns because Hae-in will still falter anyway and melt in his arms.
Hae-in treats her dragons like children. She always makes sure they are fed and will even do the hunting for them.
Her dragons call her in many names such as My Queen, Her Highness, and Great Dragoness.
Her dragons tend to be protective of her as well. Even towards her lover, so Hae-in has to reassure them beforehand.
When she's in her dragonoid form, Hae-in purrs — be it any affection from her mate, who first thought it's a low growl, but after realizing that it is actually a purr, Jin-woo likes every second of hearing it.
Because of her powers, Hae-in is naturally warm.
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bloody-spider77 · 9 months
More TicciWork stuff? More TicciWork stuff!
Based on my hc that Toby and Natalie have only ever drunken alcohol once
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The couple, 25 at the time, had just gone on a paralyzingly shocking mission. The mission was to kill a family, they'd both assumed before heading there that the family would be comprised of adults as they usually were but this time was different.
"We just killed a child." Clockwork says, wide eyed on the porch of the cabin, Toby by her side. Neither of them could truly believe it but it was their job. They couldn't have just said no and as painstaking as it was, they did it. Both their stomachs were still queasy from what they'd done.
Staring off into vast darkness of the woods, they gripped each other's hands tightly. "We just killed a child." Toby repeats in disbelief, they'd both always had a strong dedication to protecting kids like themselves by killing their parents but there was no reason for this, the people they'd killed were entirely innocent.
In the silent walk back to the cabin, they both knew it; they'd lost their morals of who to kill after working for Slenderman for so long. "What would we do if we had kids?" Toby eventually asks, it'd been on both of their minds. "I don't.." she struggles, "I don't know." she looks down at her boots.
In their struggle to find words, the screen door opens behind them and Tim sits a bit away from Natalie, next to him is a few 6 packs of beer. "Heard about the mission." he says, opening one of the cans and holing it out to her. For a minute she thinks back to her family, how her mother and father both suffered from addiction to alcohol but if her morality of who to kill was gone, why would one beer hurt?
She takes the can and chugs it. "Woah, woah, what a-are you do-oing?" Toby takes the empty, the initial worry of what they'd talked about when it came to the concern of addiction and how they swore they'd never indulge in those things, made his tourettes start to act up.
Natalie shuts her one working eye tightly before opening it again, "What's the point?" she mumbles, her defeated tone makes him shiver. "The point is that we promised each other we wouldn't-" he goes to say but Natalie extends her arms out in an exaggerated motion, "We promised we wouldn't kill kids!" she shouts.
He takes a second to assess the situation, she was right. He reached an arm over shoulder and she put her hands over her face, leaning into his arm. Hesitantly, his arm reaches over to the box that'd been pushed closer to them by Tim, who was nowhere to be seen. He grabs one of the beers and, retracting his arm from around Natalie, he opens the beer. She doesn't seem to notice or care, really.
They sit like that on the porch for hours, emptying can after can together, going between crying and laughing and crying again. This continues into three a.m. both of them plastered out of their minds, both their faces covered in warm tears that grow colder the longer they sit.
Once they're finally on their feet and tripping over each other, just before they go back inside, Natalie collapses onto him, wetting his sweater with her new tears. "Never again." he says, placing a hand on her chin. "We're never killing a child or drinking ever again." he says and nods, "Never again." they repeat to each other before finally going inside and crashing on the couch in the dark.
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theintrovertbean · 3 months
HC Request: How do you think Nadia would handle the shift from being the dominant partner in the bedroom, to being with a dominant amab that caters to her pleasure?
Also, I love your writing and thank you for holding this side of the fandom down!
Thank you ❤
So. I firmly believe that Nadia is not strictly dominant. The game itself gives us some basic characteristics, background, etc. to work with and we make up the rest for ourselves. With that being said, Nadia and dominant!MC could definitely be a thing. Sure, Nadia is definitely dom leaning, but it doesn't mean that a relationship between her and a more assertive MC wouldn't work out. It would. The same thing goes for the rest of the characters.
Using he/him pronouns for this MC. Ngl, I had the time of my life writing this and I probably got a little carried away.
It got sexual pretty quickly, so minors DNI.
Nadia x Pleasure Dom AMAB!MC
Well, well, well. The Countess is very intrigued. How exactly does MC plan on taking the reins? She finds it very amusing and a part of her is quite eager to see how MC would behave in the bedroom. It's not that she doesn't think MC could do it, but come on, this is Nadia. She is certainly not making it easy for him and most people would fail.
And oh boy, does MC succeed.
Nadia has finally found her match. It's both surprising and exhilarating and her mind is blown.
This actually comes in handy. Nadia is always taking care of others, that's her fate as the Countess. But when night falls and she returns to her chambers, MC is already waiting for her, eager to please.
She deserves to be taken care of too and MC is more than happy to service her.
First, he helps her take off her makeup. The Countess tells MC about her day and he listens, his hands gentle and caring as he wipes off the makeup from her face. Then he helps her undress, making sure his fingers brush against her skin, causing Nadia to shiver.
Together, they take a bath. He washes her beutiful body and her hair before worshipping her with teasing kisses, gente bites, and telling her about all the pleasurable things he's going to do to her. She gasps whenever he whispers something filthy into her ear. And when they return to their shared bedroom, Nadia is in desperate need of his mouth.
Edging and overstimulation are very much involved and Nadia is surprised by her own submission and the delicious, needy moans and whimpers that she makes. Who would have thought that being so gently, lovingly dominated could feel so good? She's more vocal than usual and at first she tries to cover her mouth with her hand, but MC orders her not to, and Nadia obeys. He may or may not have to tie her hands, tho.
By the time he's done pleasuring her with his mouth and hands (and perhaps a few toys or a bit of magic,) Nadia is pretty much begging for his cock.
There's nothing like feeling her legs around his waist, pulling him closer, and her hands all over his back, nails digging into his skin lightly.
Consider the weight on her shoulders and her ability to walk gone.
And when MC nears his own orgasm, Nadia begs him to come inside her. Breeding kink goes brrr
With pleasure dom MC, Nadia can still enjoy one of her favorite bedroom activities: facesitting. Tho every once in a while, MC might hold her thighs to keep her on top of him, making her come multiple times.
Seriously, Nadia needs this. Sometimes she needs to be fucked too. She works hard and having a partner who would put her needs first would make her life a lot nicer.
As long as Nadia is a happy, satisfied wife, nothing else matters.
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gravehags · 4 months
What's your hc for Cumulus and Cirrus's first time topside? I feel like everyone skips over that experience for them :(
I reblogged a post the other day that speculated Cumulus and Cirrus didn’t get along when they were first summoned and I totally second that. I think Cumulus had a hard time in the pit and is immediately on the defensive upon being summoned whereas Cirrus immediately lashes out. The change in climate was hardest on Cumulus, who would spend days in bed shivering and crying. Cirrus in the meantime goes toe to toe with Aether, who she considers to be the de facto leader of the ghouls. Aether isn’t combative at all though, much to Cirrus’ surprise, and acknowledges her strength and natural authority. Up until this point she had considered the other ghoulette a weakness in their armor but when she gets a real glimpse of Cumulus, run ragged with emotion and physical exhaustion, she's like "nope that's her that's my second in command and why the fuck is she crying who did this." The two ghoulettes are inseparable after that point.
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keef-a-corn · 1 year
Dat’s right, People, it’s time for ‘Keef watches TFP and you just get the notes!’
This is for season 1, episode 13: Sick Mind.
I write down the timestamps, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (an Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly off.
ALSO! I try my best to note points for every character, but tend to get a little caught up by Bee (although I think I do a pretty good job with the notes regardless) so do be warned.
00:07 - that’s amazing and so useful.
00:11 - hehe penetrate. + the kid’s faces look so funny.
00:12 - Bee’s looking at the roof. His gaze is too high for him to be(e) looking at the same thing everyone else is.
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00:24 - honestly I really like the way that line was delivered. Just makes it sound like Ratchet’s hypothesis was created on the spot.
00:25 - I just think it’s silly how they’re all just standing like that.
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00:30 - Arcee and Bee are in sync and I love it.
00:38 - Suspense, my beloved!
00:44 - didn’t even think twice about bringing his husband, huh?
00:51 - I don’t think he brought his medical ki- LOOK AT THEIR HEIGHT DIFFERENCE.
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00:57 - holy shivers.. the visual is so beautiful and yet so dark.
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01:07 - ‘lemme get us in first’ proceeds to make door.
01:12 - it’s at this point that it’s weird Ratchet doesn’t have a battle mask. Maybe he doesn’t need it. But I think he still would.
01:17 - Optimus checks to make sure Ratchet’s okay. Y e s .
01:31 - h o l y . Imagine seeing that!
01:34 - I was going to point out that they’re all the same model, then I saw the veins and the eye sockets and started crying.
01:48 - Ratchet touches da Booba.
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02:01 - why was that bot fastened up there?!
02:04 - It’s confirmed by this- if Optimus was to be bot in an apocalypse, he would let the group know. Also a slight detail I like is that Optimus goes to touch his eye, but doesn’t, knowing he’ll probably make it worse.
02:58 - everyone else staying very fair away
02:59 - Cybonic Plague like bubonic plague.
03:00 - why did they both look at Bee?
03:12 - if you ever get stressed, I recommend just watching Bee. The way his eyes wander away from the children is adorable.
03:20 - Goddamn. Amazing how he wasn’t infected.
03:40 - this is what we call foreshadowing
04:08 - That’s it. Smaller bots do cool ass gymnastics tricks when they feel stressed out. That’s my new hc.
04:16 - KnockoutKnockoutKnocko-
04:22 - he knows they’re there. He just doesn’t want to deal with Autobots.
04:24 - yes, I know Arcee’s there.. but where did Bee hide?? Like he’s yellow, he doesn’t have any hiding spots.
04:41 - Optimus is literally dying and is concerned Ratchet was infected!
05:22 - Bee’s little nod when Arcee says ‘it’s Megatron’
06:01 - She said the title!
06:32 - that was a humbling ‘no’
06:53 - The intensity of this scene is so well portrayed.
07:06 - with confidence I know Bee said ‘I’ll do it.’
07:09 - The way Raf’s voice breaks when he said ‘Bumblebee’
07:13 - shut up! This team is so supportive! It could make a grown man cry.
07:29 - Well that was rude.
08:38 - Dunno what’s going on with these two, but they should kiss.
09:08 - Arcee bending down to Bee’s level like she’s talking to a child.
09:23 - pretty visual
09:54 - delicious, more lore.
10:20 - Ratchet having to tell Bee it’s not Optimus after he was about to go hug him.
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10:34 - Bee hiding behind fake Optimus
10:38 - ‘One Shall Stand and One Shall Fall’ foreshadowing.
10:53 - it’s the intro!
10:59 - noo he genuinely got upset
11:09 - the little door wing bounce. ⭐️👄⭐️
11:13 - what the fu-
11:24 - Real or fake, Bee will protecc Optimus.
11:33 - amazing how Megatron will sooner remember Bee by his rank than by literally anything else. (It shows that he thinks he’s superior to Bee)
11:50 - let’s all agree Bee absolutely said ‘W h a t ?.’
Also the tilt! He’s like a little Puppy!
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11:51 - Megatron’s initial reaction is a mix of shock and horror. It’s short lived, but it’s there.
12:06 - Hehe I love how Ratchet pronounces ‘Bumblebee’
12:10 - The height difference! OH DEAR THE HEIGHT DIFFERENCE.
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12:27 - ‘what are you?’ ‘M E G A T R O N’
12:29 - They look like father and son rn
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12:38 - Ordinarily a logical theory as to why clones showing up would not be good is because they would be a road block to the protagonist. In this situation, it wouldn’t be unreasonable to assume that the primary reason as to why the clones showing up would not be good is because no one wants to watch Bulk, Bee and Optimus die.
12:42 - Why is Megatron so casual about Bumblebee now? Like he looks Bee in the eyes when Bee says something.
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12:46 - What?. Megatron gave Bee a moment to try and communicate with the imaginations.
13:00 - excuse me but what the fuck? WHY IS MEGATRON EXPLAINING IT TO BEE??
14:44 - this is such a serious situation… then there’s ‘Bumblebee’, such a cute and silly word.
15:07 - you’re telling me that Megatron looked so deeply into Bee’s eyes that HE REMEMBERED WHAT HAPPENED?!
15:32 - ya know.. he’s addressing Bee and is talking very calmly.. who is this because it ain’t Megatron.
15:35 - e v e n more calm?!
15:43 - the way Bee’s eyes move!!
16:33 - Megs ain’t even humouring Bee anymore. What the actual frag? If someone wanted to use sick mind as a reason why Megatron and Bumblebee could have a relationship (not love, more friendship or caretaker-) I would be 100% on board.
16:48 - What can we infer from this situation? That Bumblebee is not showing nearly as much fear and is most likely being a little snarky? Absolutely!
17:12 - a bit rude to say ‘speak now’ huh?.
17:20 - shooting Starscream would do no good, he’s already got his hand on the cord, if he’s his he’s going to accidentally pull it out. She’d be better off aiming at Soundwave.
17:51 - Okay, honestly got no clue what Bee could’ve said.
17:54 - I paused the show and it honestly looks like Megatron’s going in for a fist-bump.
17:56 - Bee looks at the formula, then at Megatron.
18:04 - ‘what the?’ Fight me. That’s what he said.
18:05 - Megatron honestly sounds like a parent doing a temptation test on their child.
18:07 - ‘what?’
18:48 - Ratchet became more animated in this moment.
18:53 - Why is the place being destroyed? Is that this risk of the C.P.P.?
19:04 - technically he didn’t.
19:08 - Megatron sounds kinda desperate at this moment. It makes sense considering that his mind is essentially breaking down around him.
19:30 - Amazing aim
19:49 - fun fact, I actually used this photo as a reference for Soundwave’s side profile.
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20:13 - there’s something so sweet about Optimus immediately putting his hand over Ratchet as support. + the gentleness of Ratchet’s voice.
20:18 - Bee gotta cheer rather than just clap… Now if you look at Raf, you realise Bee’s just copying him.
20:25 - as soon as Ratchet heard ‘physician’ he gestured at Bee.
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20:59 - (inference) the only reason that Soundwave had to keep Megatron alive was because there was brain activity, so wouldn’t now be a good time to tell Soundwave it would be best to give up on Megatron?
21:02 - The BOOOOW
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21:06 - Bee jolts slightly and his eyes dilate, how did no one notice that?
And that was Sick Mind!
Honestly I enjoy that episode a lot! And watching it right after predatory makes the episode even better!
The episode fleshes/metals (I’m so funny) out a lot of the characters and the impact Optimus has on their lives and how far some may go, especially Bumblebee. I also think that the episode does some justice for Megatron, showing that he's not pure evil and will listen to reasoning, and there’s a progress between him and Bee where he gradually shows Bee more respect, although the dynamic was short lived, it was still very refreshing.
The episode also sets up that Bee is really good with communication (despite the barrier) and persuasion, using what he knew about Megatron to get the cure.
Genuinely a great episode 10/10.
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Hello friend! ^^
Could you please do a mini HC about the Main 6 reacting to an MC who just...goes outside at night into the freezing weather, wearing shorts and a t-shirt, acting like it isn't cold at all. Because haha I definitely don't do that. I definitely have never done that in my life. Me doing that every night? Yes, more likely than you think. No, no, no. I'd never.
You're amazing and I'm proud of you 😎 Please, don't forget to take care of yourself.
Thanks, love you 🫂❤️
The Arcana Mini-HCs: When MC goes into the cold in a T-shirt
~ @theintrovertbean I love you too, friend!!! ^.^ ~
Julian: the time has come. he can finally, finally have his gallant romantic moment and meet your sweet shivering self out in the cold and take off that massive coat and drape it around your shoulders
Asra: comes outside with you in the same amount of clothes, because they want to know what it's like. gets concerned at how fast he starts shivering and puts a warming spell on both of you
Nadia: she's staying inside. she doesn't like the cold. she's staying inside and she's giving you a complicated look, MC, because she doesn't understand this and she's worried and trying not to judge
Muriel: ... if he didn't feel the need to stay relatively decent around you, he'd be wearing even less. the cold is his friend. the cold is his favorite part of the year. he's still giving you his cloak, though
Portia: she's pretty sure this is a challenge and Portia Devorak never backs down from a challenge. you'd better be ready to turn blue out here, MC, she's ready to show this winter who's boss!
Lucio: pouting inside. yeah, he can take the cold, but he doesn't like it (especially with a metal arm attached) but now you're outside like it's no biggie! It is a biggie, MC, it's a biggie because he can't join you!!
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splatoon-edits · 10 months
I'm of the assumption that you're a Shiver fan do you wanna explain some HCs or reasons you like her?👂👂 I'm interested (I like her too 😋)
oh boy. do you even know what you've done? I am going to talk about this blue creature SO MUCH!!!!! (no but fr thank you for enabling me to talk about one of my fav characters!!!)
I'm just gonna be rambling with no general direction, so i apologize if this gets a smidge confusing..... Everything else will be under a read more since i don't want this post to make it hard to scroll through my blog if it gets too long.
so.. Splat 3 was my first game in the series. I knew about the other splatoon games obviously, and i was eagerly awaiting splatoon 3 since by the time i got a switch it would have been a waste to buy splat 2. So i went into splatoon 3 with very minimal knowledge of the characters/setting.
But when i saw Shiver in the Deep Cut announcement trailer??? It was love at first sight. Blue is my favorite color and the swag Shiver has is off the charts. Plus the hype around a potentially nonbinary character?? And imma be honest, i'm a sucker for smug characters. Especially the ones who are secretly failures. It's just one of my fav tropes.
So in short: Shiver was a character who had a lot of appeal for me in the beginning. But slowly over time as i came to learn more about her and the rest of Deep Cut, i came to appreciate them even more in new ways. Shiver is smug, sarcastic, and can come off as mean or over the top. But she is also silly, quirky, and has a lot of love in her heart for others. She cares about Frye, Bug Man, and all of Splatsville. She says silly things that don't make sense. She likes puns. She takes the time to listen to Sheldon's rambles. She is so much more than what you see on the surface. And it can be so easy to see her teasing her bandmates and assume she is mean or cold hearted. But she genuinely is such a fun character!!!!
Her grace, her gnc swag, her cringefail aura, everything about her makes her an amazing character.
And now, for some headcanons in no particular order:
I kinda see Shivers gender as "whatever is funniest/best in the moment. Commit to the bit of genders. But if i had to pick one thing to headcanon them as it would be pangender or maybe genderfluid. Uses all pronouns plus some shark themed neos like bite/biteself and fin/finself and anything else like that. Im gonna be mostly sticking to she/her and they/them for this post just cuz i think that's what people will be most used to. But really any gender hc for Shiver is correct in my head. MTF? Correct. Nonbinary? Correct. FTM? Correct. Genderfluid? Correct/ Bigender? Correct. Anything and anything goes an i love seeing everyone's takes on it!
I'm gonna go ahead and say trans woman Shiver has a special place in my heart. I just feel like i never see anyone hc this but i also feel like it works?? Idk... The same can be said for genderfluid Shiver. I myself am genderfluid so i rlly like that hc!
Mayhaps has a touch of the tism. (me too) I just feel like she doesn't read social cues well. Can mask really well but doesn't do it around Frye and Big Man for the most part. I think all of Deep Cut is autistic tbh. With Frye having ADHD as well. (ME TOO)
I'm caught between the headcanons of "secretly rlly strong cuz of archery" and "lowkey weak cuz it would be funny to contrast w Frye being strong". But i lean more on the side of both of them being strong. Just Frye having more obvious muscles. But if you look at Shiver she def if strong. And graceful. Like a predator built for ambush or stalking. She moves with purpose. Ya know what i mean? Like she seems very graceful and delicate at first but that is NOT the case.
I gotta be careful or this will turn into general Deep Cut hcs cuz i wanna talk about Big Man and Frye as well lol
Loses her temper easily. Can be petty when things don't go her way.
Master Mega is very special to them. She spent a lot of time with him when she was younger and her parents were busy.
Shiver whistles a lot as a stim/just for fun.
Big Man and Frye are the best hype men ever for Shiver. There are certain points in the game where she says absolute nonsense but those two are right there to back her up. They also don't understand what he's saying, but they are gonna act as if it's the smartest thing ever. Shiver thinks she is the coolest thing ever and those two only enable her. (dw. every once in a while they knock her down a peg by returning her teasing)
Shiver is the type of person to spend 30 minutes making her food look pretty before she serves it. It has to look good or else.
Is a decent cook. Frye likes to steal bits of food from whatever she is working on so Shiver will playfully smack her with her fan and shoo her out of the kitchen.
Is very proud of her singing. She worked very hard to get it as perfect as it is.
Probably used to have a violent streak in middle school, would bite people. Has since learned to control her anger better.
Very confident. Isn't afraid of things like public speaking.
Gets annoyed easily when overstimulated. Sometimes snaps at people when the environment is too noisy/bright or if she is tired. Tries to apologizes afterwards.
Speaking of apologies, she is the type of person to do something nice for you or get you food/a present for you rather tha admit she is wrong. Is embarrassed easily and instead prefers wordless apologies.
Is flustered easily. One of the ways to easily make her lose her cool is to do anything remotely flirty or to bring up something embarrassing she did in the past.
I could probably ramble more but it's LATE and i should head to bed. Thank you so much for the ask!!!! I had a fun time talking about my favorite blue goofball. <3
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armed-saphire · 8 months
if you had been writing the women in metal gear what would you change with them (a lot i know) because i feel like just the idea of women being written well in metal gear will benefit us all
I'm answering but just so we all know my qualifications here are just that I'm a woman I am not a writer or game designer or whatever also as it goes on I get more pissed off so it gets a little messy structure wise hope that's ok anyways here's what I wrote:
Um ok, so it would take sooo long to write a full structured analysis so I'll give little things for each character. Uhh mgs1 make Meryl less of just a flat love interest stand-in because the rest of her backstory in that game feels like it’s shoehorned in to make it seem like she has actual character when she's just meant as the glorified damsel in distress (not to say she can't need help but a lot of it felt like a bunch of "leave me Snake, I can't help you I'm just a GIRL!!"). Also, this is just my personal HC but it would add so much to her if she was transgender but it's not like NEEDED- anyway also Naomi was meant to be brown idk what happened but I would return her melanin to her I think. Mei Ling is mostly fine character-wise but I would remove all of Snake's weird advances and comments about her. I would actually remove that from all of his interactions with women in that game I think. OH and Sniper Wolf should put the thangs away I'm thinking like a fur coat and also I want her whole character to be more than just a sexy lady with a tragic past. her speaking in a seductive voice 80% of the time and just being honestly creepy was stupid. I think she could just be a person maybe. that would be cool I think. She could've been just tough and standoffish and then revealed her true feelings as she was dying instead of all the weird seductive stuff
Ok now Mgs2, Fortune is pretty much fine but I wish she didn’t have her booty cheeks out on the seemingly cold big shell bc Raiden was shivering and sneezing like a little wet dog when he lost his suit so I'd assume she’s cold too. if she was wearing some cool pants or something that would be neat but other than that I think she's pretty well written. next Emma ummm her personality itself isn't the issue to me but I didn’t like how Raiden was kind of creepy towards her (not really but like. “You should wear contacts” I'll punch him maybe). Also, she should've had a cooler outfit but that's it. Honestly, I’d have to rewatch or replay Mgs2 to get a good grasp of her character but I see no crazy issues. Rosemary omg I think she’s fine but I hated how it kind of felt like it was Raiden and Campbell vs Rose and she always loses even in non-canon codecs it was so annoying. Other than that once again I will have to listen to the codecs again because I haven't heard all of them in a while. Actually, I just remembered I didn't like how she was kind of written to be oddly insecure?? Ig?? I mean she spent a lot of time in codecs talking about personal stuff and not the mission which I guess was intentional but I found it odd. Olga’s fine no notes. Don’t think there's anyone else. (skipping mgs3 bc it only has 3 women and I think they’re all written ok I don't have many issues.) Ok, mgs4 for the B&B unit I will refer you to this post because I’ve already talked about it. other than that Meryl was actually really good until the final part on outer haven that was so bad “I can't protect anyone” or whatever she said girl fuck off the only reason she said that was so that big strong man Johnny Sasaki could come to save her omg fuck you also Johnny Sasaki should die that's crucial to this anyway, Mei Ling was fine but I’d remove the codec call where Otacon and Snake say that Mei Ling probably just slept with older men to get to her job position I just think I wouldn't have that in the game probably. Naomi ok so I haven't finished mgs1 so I can't tell you exactly if what she does in Mgs4 is fucked up compared to how she is in mgs1 I mean personality wise but also I was eating a really gross ass sandwich when I watched one of her long cutscenes and it skewed my perception of her a bit oh also I would personally like to button her shirt up for her. uh idk Rose once again was fine but also I’m killing everyone for the mistranslation from the JP version of mgs4 that in English made her seem like some evil liar idk anyway you look that up if you really wanna know it’s on Twitter. uh who else does Sunny count doesn't matter she's fine no issues. 
GZ you already know what I'm going to say also TPP so I'm skipping it also I'm not wasting my time getting triggered for no reason so like read my mind or something
Because I skipped 3 games I’ll do MGR Courtney her character itself was fine I didn't like the codecs where 1 Raiden jokes that she should get lipo and 2 the call that's just Raiden and Kevin talking about how much they don't wanna date her also her design is so like beauty standards boring as shit at least make her look cool or something idk. and Mistral I’m so tired of femme fatale characters in Metal Gear it’s not cute it’s not like empowering the way it’s done her entire character is sexualized and it is JUST because she's a woman. I said this about Wolf too it’s hard to feel bad for a character’s sad war backstory when it is also very clear they’re just meant to be a sexual object with no substance it’s not cute either it's just stupid. Also, there’s other stupid sexist codecs about her too obviously lastly uh Sunny’s also in it she's fine whatever
also i just noticed i skipped peace walker but like whatever its fine lol
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