#my oc' or at least if feels like it'd be weird. idk
ichorblossoms · 7 months
@magnolia-sunrise was talking abt their oc voices and asked me abt mine so i'm gonna ramble abt that under the cut yeehaw
for the most part they have unique voices in my brain, whether or not i a) have voiceclaims for them b) can articulate what those voices sound like c) can actually write them with different voices is another story but i'm giving it my best shot jfjdjjdjf
grimm- i answered this ask awhile ago and said i didn't have a voiceclaim for them and that was not entirely true bc the beginning of this song to the ~30 second mark is closeish to what i image their voice to be like. i found this song abt a month before i created honeybee so it's Embedded in my mind as a honeybee song despite it only partially fitting hdfgklfhd (timestamped where the lyrics begin)
basically low with a slight raspiness? breathiness? grimm definitely speaks with more of a drawl/twang/cowboy accent than this singer tho (its singing voice is NOT like this at all btw). it also might have some sort of almost-lisp or sound like it's talking around smthin in it's mouth bc its got bonus fangs and its jaw likes to act up
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bc of said fangs it doesn't move it's mouth much when talking so that results in a sort-of mumble. concise when they talk, but not clipped unless the situation calls for it. they'll hold a conversation just fine but they're defs someone you can have a whole conversation with and only realize after the fact that you still know almost nothing about them. also will deliver jokes with a deadpan
yarrow- their voice has actually changed a bit from my initial perception in that ask bc i'd say their voice is actually more mid-range and not low, just a guy who's been on t for several years. don't have any refs off the tops of my head, but they have a situational/varying accent depending on who they're talking to, having grown up in a metropolitan area but moved to a rural one later on- smthin that ranges from a slight drawl/twang to an "average" western american accent. VERY expressive and prone to rambling and talking too fast- he's not unsure of himself when he speaks, just has a lot of thoughts all the time, so he'll backtrack to other ideas and restate things and trail off adhd-style. good at being social, and lot of his charm comes from being polite/knowing when to be nice. has definitely adopted a philosophy of "it's okay if i'm weird because people are fine with it if you're nice"
some bonus writing of these two
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depending on whose pov the chapter is from i do try to make it sound like their voice/thought process but i am very much of the first draft and don't know what i'm doing ✌️✨
bc they've existed in my brain for so long, most of the ttw characters also have Voices and i wanna ramble abt them too hehe
serena- originally roberta colindrez' performance in alice isn't dead was The Voiceclaim for her but not quite anymore; i think there's defs a quality to her voice in that performance that aligns with serena's voice, but nowadays i imagine her voice to be a little bit lower and rougher (also timestamped)
she's pretty terse when she talks, but serena's funny bc most of her external standoffishness really is just an awkwardness that comes across as more bitchy that she'd like. but also she is Very sarcastic and has a low tolerance for ppl being dumbasses around her, so how fortunate she is to be in the company of chucklefuck 1 and 2 (pyrithaea and vance) for most of the story.
pyrithaea- there's a line in marigold by mother falcon that i animated a few years back and it's pretty solidly Her Voice. higher-pitched and can get annoying to some people, esp bc she talks a lot and too fast (also adhd style). very expressive and at times dramatic when she talks, doesn't have a full-blown "valley girl" accent but it's there
vance- the music video for still feel by half alive has been very intertwined with vance's whole vibe for like six years, and the lead singer's voice is pretty in-line with how i imagine his voice, except vance's voice might sit in his chest a bit more, if that makes sense? also talks a lot, not as fast as rithaea, but more prone to saying things that don't quite make sense hfgkfdhg. also very expressive and dramatic and gay with hints of that same valley girl accent
leon- actually funny bc the best voiceclaim i have is fucking. gerard way. raspy and kind of nasally and grating
always kind of sounds like their smiling regardless of if you can hear them. also the fucking laugh in this video is their vibe. not their laugh all the time but
skylar and phil don't have as-solid voices yet. skylar's defs smthin androgynous and phil...sounds like a zombie but idk if i want undead and raspy or smthin more light and ghostly yet
bonus ttw writings hehe
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skittsyteacup · 2 months
Tw vent. Not too hardcore on trauma just hardcore on description And stress (I don't think anyone reads these?? But if your ocs need trauma or issues ig????😭 This is just a convenient way to get things off my chest)
Spades and diamonds am I so fuck stressed lately!! I start a new job today, cool. Best friend A is moving STATES AWAY in less than a month, that's hip. Best friend B has spotty availability due to recovering from a surgery, awesome sauce. My younger sibling is moving out in less than a month, chillin. I'm being kicked out before the year ends, fucking. Cool beans. dude. Jesus God damned Christ.
I don't want to love my family or need to be nice to them!! I just fucking learned that me and my younger sibling both dislike my mother!!!!! My older brother keeps trying to act like my dad at the worst. Fucking. Times. And I'm going NUTS.
Basically Everyone™ at my new job LOVES my mother.
When getting kicked out, it's probably either I take my cat or cats or they get put in a pound or left outside. Fuck. Fucked fuck fuck fuck fucker.
Like do I leave early or what. God damnit. Advice might actually be useful, Tumblr. I'll try to censor and explain easily.
I'm 17 years old physically and I'm 18 on December 10th. I will be homeless but I have a couple options on housing.
A) I beg and beg and cough up all money to stay here with my mom, her fiance, and my older brother
B) I go live with my friend cat. Pros is I can bring my cat probably, cons are the transportation is unreliable and it's cramped.
C) I see if I can live with best friend b. Pros are I might get my own room or suchlike and I'm basically family, cons are my cat can't come I think.
My mental health isn't really the priority right now. I have a bit of things to take aka my clothing (about 1 large tote? Maybe), a 7ft shelf and the things on it, xbox, my bed if needed, and my stuffies(tote full). Other things are honestly sentimental or just small idk.
I'm still in school and I will be for at least 3 more years. Not including college, if I can go.
I make around $400 per check but this job pays less so it'll go down to about $250 I think?
I can't drive and I take medicine (prozac and meclizine), I'm also undiagnosed depressive and possibly (heavily) auDHD. I need to find a dentist too but wtvr.
On a list of things to do should I
A) start downsizing possessions to 3 totes max minus the shelf itself
B) start talking to cat about moving in, see how it'd work etc
C) pack a bit. Idk.
My options aren't a lot since my mom, who I'll start calling Diane now (not her first name it feels weird), places a 7pm curfew on me since I've been to a psych ward(self admitted). She tends to stick her nose in my business if I'm not too careful and anytime we're alone there's a 70/30 chance she'll mention me being kicked out and ask about it. I plan to keep being as secretive as possible, she isn't even aware of any arrangements or stress. She's not sheltering but she's not a good mom. It's a weird balance of careless and overbearing.
To inform more on my mom I'll write a separate post that'll probably be shorter but wtvr I'm just scared I guess. Mostly for my cat. He thinks I'm his mom or something so I'm scared that if I don't take him with me he'll die. Advice of any kind is appreciated, any questions too.
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HEYY *put shades on* I'm here to hear some business
I'm interested in hearing you talk about what caught your eye in The Tomato Can and I wanna know if you have an oc for it *Slides over a pink briefcase*
- 🍰nom
Hiiii~! *stares at the sun angrily because in no possession of sunglasses* I have business. *gives heavy pink envelope into the briefcase, gives a lil heart-sticker on the briefcase, slides briefcase back*
Also I didn't proofread.
I think I should start with the OC's I thought of because my analysis might take a while for you to read and I don't want you getting bored of my writing. So, I think I'd have two OC who could be friends of Milana. Let's think of a scottish buff woman, idk what to call her, but I thought of her looking like Merida from brave, but just--more muscles? And a Chinese one -please don't think I'm racist- who at first thinks that Milana is another easy opponent who doesn't take shit seriously when fighting against her, only to get her ass whooped in the process. I don't know, but I want to call her Mei or Feng, Idk, I imagine her having bangs which go a little over her eyes? But with like, a super serious expression, and Mei/feng is all about honor and has been fighting as some sort of family tradition, and when she looses against Milana does she try to copy her? But like, Mei looks at Milana like a student would look at his master, in such a way.
Milana: *Does laundry a certain way*
Mei/Feng: *trying to fold them in the exact same way*
Merida?? Pls help me give her a name: *joins as well because she wants to feel included too*
and just---wholesome shit, you know?
And then I just thought...why not a little more drama??
So I thought with a few new fighters just being mean girls and ruining Milana's day?? Oh! What if Milana had a female coach, who also doesn't look like a fighter because she retired! Let's call her Ms. Carmichael, and she is just the sweetest person, and then I thought about Milana, Feng/Mei, Merida???, Elijah and Kublai trying to bring Ms. Carmichael and Coach Trevor together and I think that would be cute too.... But let me hear your thoughts as well!
hello and welcome to ...
short-black-diamond's webtoon "The tomato can" analysis!
Here, I am going to point out some details I've found about when reading the episodes of the tomato can!
Also this will contain spoilers? Because I'm going to summarise some episodes, so read at your own risk!
In the very first episode, Elijah is introduced as a golden boy. His opponent is "Guy 'The Machine' Nevazno", (Nevazno means doesn't matter) but what caught my eye was what stood on his boxers. Baby wipes. On his grey boxers stood legit baby wipes.
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Like c'mon bro. I laughed so hard at this!!
But then, and I repeat, then there's this hot teacher, like I really wanna know her name. Like, bro, you don't understand-
I wish I could put her pic here, but then it'd be very weird, so you can just reread episode 1 again. Still, I'd do my very best to be a good student, because dayum she's hot. I don't get how he can sleep in her classes. (I secretly hope she will turn up later in the webtoon, if not I'm gonna cry.)
Then, later in the episode, Elijah is fighting against someone and barely wins, and there is another fight announced with Kevin "Bam Bam" Boseman. Please keep that name in mind, because I will go deeper on that name later on.
Anyways, in episode two, we can see Elijah barely winning the fight, and then he has some sort of afterparty all alone because his coaches didn't want to be seen with him (at least that one brother-Idk which one), and so, Elijah was just in a club or something and chilling with a drink. Then, Zach comes with his underlings? and just brings Elijah down.
Elijah warns him to leave, but Zach doesn't listen, and eggs the russian on even more, to which Elijah punches him and says something along the lines of "that was two years ago, bitch", which means that Elijah had all his fights with Zach (six fights) in the past.
(-I like to think that Elijah will beat Zach up in that tournament he took part in, let's hop for that to happen!-)
And, well, as the bodyguards interfere, tearing the boys apart, Zach was about to call him something, but Elijah just growls??? Wait, lemme just-
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Yeah, that's what I mean. I think Elijah wanted to break free from that guy's grip, but it would also be funny if Elijah just growled at Zach.
Looking into the next few panels, we can see J.J. (Joseph Jericho) and his assistant/secretary Hank (what's his last name?) conversing and Elijah wants to take J.J. out for a drink. And then---I also love this panel-
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Like, look at poor Hanks face. He angy bro. Look at him pout. Look at ugly jericho. This is why you don't have a wife, J.J. (He called Hanks wife shitty) IN THIS HOUSE WE RESPECT HANK'S WIFE.
And later on, when they're in some sort of restaurant, where Elijah wanted to ask Jericho about turning him into a golden boy, but before he could do that, Jericho slapped him with the cold truth. (I'm not going to write down what he said.)
But, then there was that TV show Jericho mentioned, "So you want to be a mixed martial artist?" (=name of tv show), where Elijah had a week to decide whether he'd like to join or not.
Now on to episode three, where some fighters are introduced. First, we have Joe Rumsfeld, whose nickname is GSM (Genetically superior male), and he wears something like gear?? Idk what he's wearing but it's not clothes according to Mr. Gills, the producer and director. BUt please keep in mind that he had such a headgear where it stands fight club- wait lemme just..Yeah, on the right is Joe, on the left V-cube. (idk who the person in the back is but nice jawline I guess?)
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Again, keep in mind what Alpha male (the person next to v-cube) is wearing.
Then we have Bokassa with his cool spiritual horn, and I love how he just--believes in it! (The horn is never wrong) We also have Oscar Castro Fontana, a brazilian, who wants to represent his country and bring the big money to his family. Ah, what a man. But I don't really get the size disadvantage because in the later episodes, he looked like he'd be the same height as Vasily.
Now on to my third favourite, Kublai Khan, my wonderful psycho killer, who scared the living shit outta Mr. Gills/dad and the rest of the staff when he answered their question.
AND THEN--THEN THERE'S..omg, jason Hardwood...also known as "Lil sturdy", but like bro...I can't, like everytime I read his name or think about him, I have to think that "Lil sturdy" ... just stands for ....little dick---I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME BUT I WANT TO MAKE MILANA BULLY JASON SO MUCH ABOUT HIS NAME LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW-
And now to Zach...Zach Heartly...if evil why pretty face? Like, hear me out. Why does he have that long hair?? like for what? I mean, I don't really like him, but he looks handsome-you get what I mean?? And then, later on, his hair just whooshes when he finds out that ELijah is joining too.
And then he sweats? Like what are you so nervous for, Hartly?? Scared Elijah might beat your ass this time?
Anyways, Jason hardwood/lil sturdy (omg I still can't stop laughing abt it) tries to rile up Kublai because he beat his elder brother, Johnny, however, Kublai makes him mad by addressing him by his brother's name, to which Izo Honda (Daimyo) has to hold him back. And now to Izo. He's a gossip lover. Like, look.
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But in the next panel he's just-
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Like bro😭😭
And in the beginning of the fourth episode, we can see the brothers (Elijah's coaches) argumenting with each other that Elijah is not good enough to become a golden boy. *sad diamond noises*
Also, later on -sorry that I am going fast forward tthe hole time, but- we see Vasily trying to make Elijah his friend and I think that's really sweet of him. Also Vasily promising Elijah that he'll teach him russian for the time being is just so wholesome, but Elijah is a lil suspiscious of him and doesn't trust him at first.
Also if we look at the guys interacting with each other, Medusa asks GSM abt his clothes which are not there, but-
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Kelvin Coin...bro I love this webtoon so much
Also can we look at Elijah? He's taller than Coah Trevor and Kublai and just
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Just look at them. I mean, yeah the size difference is not really there but still. Also why is Kublai's chin so pointy?? Trevor looks like he aged like fine wine (not that I'm calling him old) and Elijah is just so good-looking...it makes my heart go doki-doki (ok I'll stop☠)
In episode 5, Vasily invites Elijah to take some of his nerves away, but Elijah isn't really happy there. Also not Medusa giving Joe stank eyes for drinking from a bottle...look-
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What does Rhabdo stand for? I just looked it up and it stands for Rhabdomyolysis, which is a condition in which damaged skeletal muscle breaks down rapidly. (-> which I looked up on wikipedia) So like, maybe that, or it means sth completely else.
Also, another reason why Elijah is my fave, is because he doesn't drink alcohol. Then, we have Mario Di Vito (MDV), who gives Elijah his left hand to shake because he doesn't have a right hand. ELijah doesn't even address that, but the tattoo. MDV feels delighted (in my opinion) that he doesn't get asked by a stranger abt his missing hand, but gets warned by Elijah playfully who says that he won't go easy on Mario.
I'm happy that Elijah is like that. *happy diamond noises*
And then, it comes to the conversation of Joe talking abt memories, and that takes us back to the first episode, where I talked about Kevin "Bam Bam" Boseman, if you can remember.
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I think Kevin, Joe and Medusa were pals once, and maybe Kevin Boseman made it big as a fighter? I'm excited for what will happen in the future!
And then Joe talked abt college days and how they were drunk and a skunk, and then we have poor Mr. Gills/dad who looses it. Also the camera man is looking at them with a concerned face.
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And Elijah just laughes his ass off by dark humor, according to Vasily.
And then, in episode six, we have Trevor recommending ELijah and Kublai to fight one round to close off for the night, and The bearded coach sent Izo/drama lover over to see if they could finally use the cage, but then-
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izo runs towards his coach, and then-
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look at him being all excited. I mean I'd be like that too, but no one is as excited as him in the webtoon.
In episode seven, Elijah finally lands a kick with "double cheese and mayo", as coach trevor explains which is "the code for a straight a straight left and calf kick".
And well, at the end of the seventh episode, Kublai recalls his memories on how Coach trevor stopped his right leg, but then he remembered that Coach Trevor actually blocked his left leg, and it was Elijah who gave him that nasty bruise on the right side of his knee-leg part.
In episode eight, we can see Elijah being one pound over the weight limit because of the energy drinks, according to Kublai, to which Elijah gets an earful. Maybe I'll write Milana making Vasily and Elijah getting a diet?
Then we have our Alpha male who has to wear that to sponsor the TV show. Can't wear his rhabdo thingy anymore i guess lol
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As the fighers Elijah and Ethan are being checked by the security, Gills interviews the other fighters again. That blue haired guy, Donovan "the freak" Day says Elijah is the weakest link and that Ethan't going to win the fight easily. Alpha male exclaims that it's going to be a boring fight and that they should watch his instead. Stfu man no one likes u.
Then we have sweet Vasily who looks concerned on Elijah's behalf because of the wounds Kublai gave him, and our cool Bokassa, who says that Elijah will win, which makes mr. Gills perk up.
Also Elijah being 23? and Ethan 25? Damn, I dunno what I should expect- I actually wrote Milana being 20 in my fics, is that okay for you, 🍰-nom?
Now we know Hank's last name too, who is moderating the fight. Hank Morel, who is also vice president of the Pankration F.C. (idk what F.C. stands for)
I also love how Ethan tried to to the fake glove touch trick with Elijah as well, but homeboy got warned and info-dumped by Vasily and Alpha male. And well, Ethan got punched and nearly lost his balance and stood on wobbly legs.
That's it for this post! Thank you for reading this far! All the pictures I put up in this post do not belong to me but MAGNOZZ , WmW. Please support them on Instagram!
If you want to hear more about what I'd say about the webtoon, please like or comment, I'm all ears!
Please also read the Webtoon, it's really fun!
Read you in the next post!
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alliumbunny · 1 year
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I made the idea a while back but now they're here :)
Idk their name, but I just imagine them as another turtle brother because I think that's funny
His markings are inspired by Rise Mikey so in Rise He's probably the same species as Mikey idk
maybe they have the same turtle mother idk LOL
I didn't draw his eyes in this but they're a deep red kinda i don't remember atm ooo
They have absolutely no self-preservation skills and constantly gets into silly fights with everyone, normally losing against his brothers, because he's quite weak but very silly, it's always fun to duel with the silly little menace who seems to have confetti on them at all times <3
Idk what I want their weapon to be(is it weird that I think it'd be a mace?)
I think he'd be able to pull out fake guns that shoot out confetti and it confuses his 'victims' ehehehehehehehehe
very bubbly and has an obsession with bunnies(of course) which is the reason his mask looks like this
I'm never gonna be able to draw the length of those mask tails the same way ever and I think that should be canon to him because he's silly
I think that they'd mostly be "seen" with Mikey, because they're probably very similar(at least in 2012 and Rise, idk about the others eeee)
I like thinking of my "oc's" as characters within the story and how they'd be seen by the audience if they were actually real so if how I'm talking about him confuses you, ima real sorry :P
I feel like they'd be headcanoned as trans in every version and He'd be very Autism and ADHD Coded(They're me but turtle, what'd you expect :D )
I think they'd be more on the comedy side and they probably didn't fit well into the vibe of the more serious versions and got a overhaul on some(but because he's an OC, y'know, he stays the same to mmmeeee <3 <3 :3 )
He probably likes wearing cloths and is probably seen in hoodies and stuff despite certain versions of the brothers almost never wearing cloths Lol (kinda idk i'm bad at this bbrghvgfrihfbggfgfbkjdsjlewijds)
He gets pulled by his mask tails constantly if he's getting to excited(in my mind it'd mostly be in the 2012 version oooo) and there's probably a scene in every version where he gets stuck because of how long the mask tails are, maybe by a weapon, the tails get stabbed to a wall and he struggles like a rabid cat
I imagine the tails are actually much longer in the Rise version btw I think it's funny
He crawls on all four like a spider?? he just in general is comfortable on all fours, mostly when they were a child tho
Writing these is so fun <3
You'll probably see more of him again, maybe I'll figure out their name one day :D lol
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rainy-circle · 2 years
H, I, Z for the fanfic ask game!
putting this under a cut just because I never shut up SORRY. also THANK U FOR THE ASK STORM 💘💖💗
H - How would you describe your style?
DANG out of all the questions I was kind of hoping I WOULDN'T get this one because I'm TERRIBLE at describing my writing style hahah! Let's do this bullet point form because that's slightly neater than me just rambling with no direction. Note that I'm probably overthinking and hard on myself and these things aren't necessarily bad.
- I remember back when I was a teenager I think a reader said my writing was "sunshiny" and that's stuck with me I think. I tend to gravitate towards writing about good things happening to characters rather than bad ones, and even if they DO go through bad shit I just gotta give at least a glimmer of hope.
- I've always sort of felt like my writing is very... simple? I feel like I don't use very... idk fancy adjectives or verbs.
- Lots of italics especially with dialogue because characters will often say things with a particular cadence in my head and I like to try and translate that to text. Am I successful at it??? I don't know
- Also lots of run on sentences/repetition. I feel like Emotional Scenes get me to go into a kind of weird... rhythmic way of describing what the characters are feeling.
To summarize: I've been tippy tapping away on a keyboard for... like. Nearly two decades about fictional characters and people tend to go "This is good!" and I just smile and nod and go "Ah yes. All according to plan" while screaming on the inside. I have no idea what I'm doing or what my style is like
I - Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
Hmmmm. Reading-wise, no, not really, I don't think. I mean, what IS a guilty pleasure, REALLY. It depends on the person right? And honestly if it's written well enough and it doesn't outright squick me then I'm likely willing to give it at least a try.
Writing-wise... God. I am the biggest hypocrite because I constantly encourage other people to write that daydream universe! Write that OC/Canon pairing, eSPECIALLY if the canon character is a so-called Tumblr Sexyman!! but I'm always so so nervous about doing it myself. I'm getting better about it, I know I am, but. IT'S STILL HARD.
Z - Major character death—do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
Write it - no, not really! I won't say never because if it works for the story I'll do it, but I'm not gonna just do it willy nilly. I think it's much less likely to happen in my fanfic writing because I often specifically seek out fic that fixes character deaths haha! (Note: I will however, do near-deaths or mostly-deaths a la The Princess Bride. Like, someone dying, but only temporarily. Of course, for me, the setting HAS to have fantasy for that to happen but you get it.)
Read it - depends on the author. I'm probably not gonna click on a stranger's fic that's marked with character death, but if it's an author I know or an author recommended to me by someone I know, I'll do it. I GOTTA TRUST THAT YOU'RE GONNA DO IT RIGHT OKAY.
And there's no particular character who springs to mind immediately, but like, I LOVE kid heroes and I don't think I can do it if you're gonna kill them off, it'd just break my heart.
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celestialmancer · 3 years
Y’know come to think of it 
With how I’ve spent all my life going through literal hell & back...
Being judged over any oc/self insert x canon shit rly is just the least of my worries lmao
#idk the subject abt ppl worryin over bein judged over that came up recently & like.#with what i've been reflecting on throughout all this year & the sheer amount of shit I've endured in my life that's honestly very uh#trigger heavy & stuff well.#I really shouldn't care much abt stuff as trivial as this. i mean ig its easier said than done tho considering well.#abandonment fears + being tired of bein picked apart for literally anything like i have been all my life but like.#I just rly should learn to let go of that even moreso than I already do.#I mean i still do it anyway w the oc/self insert x canon shit & tbh it'd be neat to be able to encourage others or ike#help others do the same too cause ya know I KNOW how it feels to worry abt judgment but like#i'm whole ass someone who willingly & happily does that art for other people bc its fun making people happy & seein them enjoy themselves#with stuff like that if that makes sense?#ig i just worry too much about anything these days but that is definitely also rooted in trauma too#ITS ALL TRAUMA HERE /lh but in all seriousness like. idk for some reason with some oc/self insert x canon stuff I'm very shameless???#but then other stuff its like I get very 'oh no what will they think' so its really weird ig. but honestly its just like. fuck it man.#i've paid enough damages to life itself with how severe my trauma is & how deep it runs to where I'm having to really excavate all that#& finally fully process it & everything#to where frankly i rly shouldn't care anymore in general for any oc/self insert x canon no matter how 'cringe' it is ig.#plus ion like repressing any aspects o myself at all man that shit really ends up breeding resentment after a while for me so like. yeah.#i mean hell i was shameless w self ship stuff w/in the damn js@b fandom even like sdsdjfl. & my stuff generally is to like.#help me cope with a lot cause I really do be goin through it a lot of the time I just ya know keep on the dl abt it#ig i mostly have had these fears flare also bc groups i thought were not going to be judgy abt a recent char i like are??? v judgy??? i#just. & yes its absolutely abt the char i've drawn recently on my art blog sdjklf;ds but. yeah.#nonetheless this is long i'm awake it s 2:22 am i rly should sleep soon maybe#or at least work on things seein as i feel wide awake jflksds#ishtar rambles ;
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batakrim · 2 years
Would it be ok if i ask for miles hc when he was working but not as a freelance? I saw him using a dictaphone in one of you're art :0
Completely a OK!
Tbh dictaphone is a nice touch. At the time i was drawing that piece, I thought "Well if I just draw him writing stuff on paper, it'd be boring and no one would know what his profession is."
But seriously, i think dictaphones are neat and Miles should at least get one in his lifetime lol
Miles would likely to bring his dictaphone with him everywhere, especially when he's working. There might be an unexpected interview - just making sure!
Speaking of - he's an organized person. He plans everything, takes well care of his own body and appearance, and overall his environment - his coworker finds his desk to be extremely clean and organized
While his phone could work as a voice recorder, I think he'd just prefer a dictaphone more since it has specific feature and wont take any memory, making it more secure and separate between his personal and professional data
He was supposedly have a female assistant [though idk if it’s supposed to be his assistant assistant, or just a companion through MMA events], so I'd like to think if he was really close with her, until he got fired and lost all contacts from his workplace. Maybe I could make an OC, but not like, major character or anything (hahaha)
He was a young, handsome, healthy man. He didn't smoke back then. But finally started after he lost his job due to stress
Remember - he was charismatic. Well-known as "that wholesome guy" at work. His smile was contagious
Would be popular amongst the girls, I think. He just don't really seek romantic relationship at the time - all about married to his job and stuff (yes i referenced Sherlock because holy fuck i cant unsee him as Sherlock since day 1)
My guess is that he’s super messy when it comes to his belongings. Everytime his pen dropped to the floor it vanishes out of thin air like we always experienced back in our school days. He doesn’t even bother to name all of his belongings - well he did, but he just gave up as they just keep disappearing
Miles was a pretty moderate man when it comes to his own finance. He’ll be fine - it does gets harder after he got fired, though. Managing freelance job isn’t something to be taken lightly
So... I headcanon him having the same workplace as Blake and Lynn. Miles is a people person, so he feels like he can pull someone to his side and they’ll be friends in no time. Blake was [and still is] a shy and introverted man. Real awkward to befriend with, but Miles swooped him like a human swooped a kitten on a road and claimed it to be his friend - that’s how their friendship began.
Miles was more familiar with Lynn. The only reason he met Blake was because he was eating with her together at the cafeteria one day - and Miles can’t leave her fiance since
According to Blake, Miles was [and still is] weird and annoying
To be really honest, I’m afraid Miles is more of a “I’m opening up but not about my personal matters” person, so he most likely to lie a little or just not talk about his personal life nor his past even to Blake or Lynn. So both of them don’t really know the real Miles - well Miles start opening up to Waylon after the game’s events, but it’s for another story.
Miles can be very petty sometimes. He judges how Blake eats a pizza roll and they had some serious arguments about it. Miles apologizes hours later, though. “Impressive”, said Lynn.
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beatcroc · 2 years
gimme 17, 18, 19 for whoever(s) you wanna 👀
>Do they have a comfort food? Who makes it best? this is an unfortunate one bc i myself don't quite get the concept of comfort food so its hard to like. think abt/project that forward to other contexts. also the majority of them are like gods or otherwise not biological so they dont eat anyway dsjhfdjg ummm i think spurlocke is probably the only one who would, it'd have to be someone back from his homeworld but i couldn't tell you anything more specific than that. feel like the food situation in nk's domain is probably kind of shite overall on account of the whole 'being a tourist trap you're not supposed to live in for extended periods of time' thing, and also the no sun+life in stasis so nothing can grow there natively thing. its kind of just a whole mess. im getting off topic
amaranth just gets to have really good food all the time bc shes royalty so theres like dedicated royal chefs there or whatever. idk. shes adaptable but i'm sure she misses it if she stays Out And About for awhile, like many things about pangea.
ezekiel hasn't really. associated themself with anyone in that way since their og cohorts died off but they're probably like my only oc who can cook well and i tell you hwat they make a mean soup. bet that would Be someone's comfort food, if anyone knew about it.
>How do they cheer up a friend when they're down? not many of my guys are dedicated as Friends with the others and lot of the real answers here are circumstantial and depend on who's sad and for what reason, but for misc like. gestures of goodwill i guess??
sarah is the type to benevolently annoy you to help distract you from whatever, but also i'd like to believe she has some kind of weird metaphysical knowledge that she's a Cool Animal that has a lot of like, nostalgic charisma so she uses that too, by which i mean "hey kid you wanna ride around on a t-rex? yeah of course you fuckin do lets go"
the prince/lucille is pretty aloof, but i think he’d offer the classic walk n talk. it’s more or less what he does for stress relief alone and he doesn’t mind having someone else with him. i think he also likes stars more than most of my guys, and given the whole 'lack of sun' thing for nk's domain there are always plenty of them out. if you don't want to talk about what’s troubling you can talk about that.
amaranth is generally…not…kind enough to care about ppl like that but i bet she knows a lot of cool and/or weird spots in space to show someone. maybe you can go commit low-stakes crimes together or something [she will not trust u with something actually risky if ur emotionally out of it]. .. ....she does also still like to fuck so like. if that would help. well.
wilddog's options are extremely limited but i think it usually knows the favorite messenger of a given guy so if it suspects someone's Troubled it'll send that specific messenger to 'em.
eris would b like. touches you on the head while rasping heavily. it doesnt help at all but he doesnt really know how to do anything else. those who Are friends with him can probably recognize it as a friendly gesture at least even if it still doesn't really help.
ezekiel again doesnt really associate with anyone in a friends type way so they're definitely not going to be GOOD at anything but they're also not like. heartless. THEORETICALLY i could see them just being the type to like. be Around. see if you need anything. invite a guy in if it's someone they actually trust--their home may be lonely, but it's also warm and peaceful.
... i'm actually kind of shocked i can't think of anything specific for spurlocke since he's supposed to be like, THE friend & homie guy. maybe since he's the main one who's actively Social he doesn't do as well with one-on-one sadness? i suppose most of his actions would be more along the lines of helping to Prevent you from getting down rather than picking you up once you're already there.
>What's a guilty pleasure of theirs?
Tumblr media
i drew these a few days ago. in light of recent events. uhhhh nk has a nebulously canon pet rabbit that hes a fucking dweeb about. ...i don't know if i have any that are truly 'guilty' so much as just 'theyd be embarrassed about it'
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essayofthoughts · 2 years
36, 28, 23?
23. Dialogue or description? Why is the other one so hard?
If I know the voices of characters then dialogue is pretty easy, usually, and I like to get some idea of new characters, especially OCs usually by writing a scene with some dialogue so I know how they sound.
That said, description is generally easier for me, especially if I'm writing something Thinky, and I have found it frustrating, sometimes, when my description feels flat and I know I need some dialogue to balance it because sentence length variation isn't doing the trick but I can't. Fucking. Think. What. To Write.
So yeah, description is easiest, but I find dialogue best for pinning down a character. Idk why it's harder, but they serve different purposes to me anyway.
28. Any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing?
Okay so uh. Some people have commented on my description before, and its been described as having lyricism in at least one comment and... the tl;dr of this all is read poetry and figure out how it works.
Like, no jokes, that's why sometimes I'll write a description weird or use an unusual sentence formation or use a contrasting phrase - like "piece apart" instead of "piece together". The way poetry works is by ignoring conventional grammar to create emotive connections that allow you to grasp at what it's trying to convey without using 10,000 words to get there and yes, I can get wordy, but the thing is if I described everything in the excruciating detail I could it'd be so much worse - but if I use poetic tricks then I can cut that down by 90% if I go hard at it. That's kind of why I used the vignette style for so long because it let me basically make each scene a verse where I'm making sure the core impact and essence is conveyed. I do this with choppy action scenes too - you don't provide every detail but you provide important details that give the feeling and emotion that you want. You focus on small details that hit you. You use sibilance and alliteration and rules of three and sometimes you kludge together words with hyphens in a style like Norse epithets because that can be so much more evocative than trying to just describe it with regular words.
Over used this can absolutely go beyond purple prose and into urple but genuinely: be poetic. Look at poems and figure out what works. Tyger Tyger burning bright in the forest of the night what immortal hand or eye could frame thy fearful symmetry. Why is the symmetry fearful! Is it something you fear or is the symmetry itself afraid? The line construction suggests that one needs to be immortal to dare to frame this fiercely burning, perfectly matched creature, you see? What the hammer what the chain, in what furnace was thy brain what the anvil what dread grasp dare its deadly terrors grasp? The essence of this poem is telling you a tiger is terrfying. It's scary. It is burning bright it is forged in fire, it's brain was trapped in a furnance, it was hammered out on an anvil - this is a creature you dread. And when the stars threw down their spears and water'd heaven with their tears: did he smile his work to see, did he who made the lamb make thee? - The stars themselves are too scared to fight, their silver is the tears that cry from the skies beyond heaven itself, did God himself smile at this horrible creation - this thing which eats lambs, when he created those two! What is this dichotomy!
God I love The Tyger. Or... Dulce et Decorum Est, lets say - the latter two thirds only because I could go on forever about the poem as a whole:
Gas! Gas! Quick boys! An esctasy of fumbling/Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time/But someone still was yelling out and stumbling/and flound'ring like a man in fire or lime/dim through the misty panes of thick green light/ as under a green sea, I saw him drowning
in all my dreams before my helpless sight/he plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.
It goes from the slow of the first verse into this haste, into this panic, you speed up reading it because of that sudden rush and then it just stops and slows - as under a green sea I saw him drowning. You have to give that line it's measure, you have to let it go from all that rushed and broken haste and staccato description into this awful, painful exact witness: as under a green sea, I saw. him. drowning.
That comma after sea arguably doesn't need to be there but it is because you need to pause. There is beauty first, still in that energy of the fearful haste and then there is that simple, simple reminder I saw him drowning. You cannot take it as anything else. And then Wilfred Owen makes you stay slow, makes you stay with him and remember before my helpless sight, he plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.
Triple. Because we remember threes. And then:
If in some smothering dreams you too could pace/behind the wagon that we flung him in/and watch the white eyes writhing in his face/his hanging face like a devil's sick of sin/ if you could hear at every jolt the blood/come gargling from the froth corrupted lungs/obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud/of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues/ my friend you would not tell with such high zest./to children ardent for some desperate glory/the old lie dulce et decorum est/pro patria mori
This is a poem where, by the end, you should be spitting it. In the words of this poem you are witnessing a young man, just a moment slower than his fellows, die, choked out on his own poisoned, rotted lungs and the gas which did it, but it's not the gas Owen is angry at, not the man or even the other side - he's angry at those who told the lie that led this young man out there into this field where one second's slowness was his death, his angry at the lie and those who tell it, right where the blame should be placed and he is spitting fucking angry.
Or... The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam - only one or two of the translated stanzas because it's fucking long:
The moving finger wites and having write moves on nor all your piety nor wit shall lure it back to cancel half a line nor all your tears wash out a word of it
and that inverted bowl they call the sky whereunder crawling coop'd we live and die, lift not your hands to it for help- for it as impotently moves as you or i.
God I. I fucking love this translation of it because there's such imagery in the poetry, nor all your piety nor wit shall lure it back to cancel half a line - what's done is done and cannot be undone, nor all your tears wash out a word of it.
And then just that inverted bowl they call the sky whereunder crawling coop'd we live and die - GOD. "that inverted bowl" is so evocative and "whereunder" is a term you never here except in old texts or poetry and then the idea we crawl, we are cooped up, we are trapped here but that which traps us has no more power over our fates than we do just, fuck.
Look, I really like poetry okay. And I repeat the tl;dr: Look at poems, look at what makes them fuck you up right in the feels, and then use that yourself. You'll have some fucky sentence formulation and some weird punctuation but I promise it's so worth it for the leaps and bounds it'll give your descriptions. You can do this with other things - and should, really! - but poetry is the epitome to me. Poetry does all of what song lyrics can do without music to aid it, it has to set it's own rhythm - and as shown with Dulce et decorum est, it can slow and speed that as it pleases. And on that note:
36. How do you come up with fic titles? What’s the one you’re most proud of?
Applicable poetry. I've used the Rubaiyat and Dulce et Decorum Est to name fics before - and I've used song lyrics too - but I really like using poems when I can. I also like sometimes using excerpts from the fic itself, which is pretty common as a choice for oneshots and sometimes I just use the WIP title if I don't mind it too much. But if's most favourite of all of my fic titles uh...
So there's a secret with the titles for the rest of the Ghost Cass fics. I've got names for all eight parts, but they'll only be revealed as we come to each part but uh.
Yeah, suffice to say I'm really fucking proud of the titles I've got pinned out for that series. Not just Whisper - I do mean all of them, and how they fit together.
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ghosttbeef · 3 years
Idk who your main dude is but whoever that is is the one that these are aimed at :P 13, 19, 29
LOL I'm gonna Assume that's Milo bc he's definitely the one I yell about the most! but I will also throw Magpie in there bc I've been posting a lot about them lately too
How dangerous is your oc? Are they completely innocent, or someone to be feared? Do others know?
Milo is decently capable of holding his own in a fight, but mostly for self defense. He's also not at all quick to attack bc he'd rather de-escalate or escape from a potentially dangerous situation, so the odds of actually fighting him in the end are pretty low unless you throw the first punch. He's a lot more dangerous in like... a social sense if that makes sense? You can't really keep secrets from him if he sets his mind to getting them, and he's pretty damn thorough in his research. He can ruin your whole career probably! (though again, he's a good boy mostly so he's not going to do that unless you give him reason to.) He seems pretty non-threatening but he does have a reputation as a pretty capable agent within VASCU (status five babey!!) and also arrested like. 10 corrupt agents within the organization once so I'm sure folks there at least are no longer fooled and know he's not someone you want to cross.
Magpie is absolutely dangerous. They're pretty quick to resort to violence, and they were a whole assassin for a while. They also have like... claw implants from a monster in their hands so Y'KNOW. They can just leap on you like a mountain lion and tear you to pieces and by god they just might. They also just have bad vibes-- they feel like someone who'd try and take your lunch money. Definitely not innocent and absolutely a dangerous menace.
If your oc were to be arrested for something, what would it be for? For being too kind, for a legitimate crime?
I'm sure if you looked you could find something to arrest Milo for (and it'd probably end up being something to do with monster hunting or what ue did with the Accord) but it'd be kind of a pain in the ass. Partially just because he works for the government, but mostly bc he's kind of a square and really REALLY doesn't want to commit crimes and abuse his power there. But also like... VASCU has a whole secret super illegal facility that he worked in for a couple years so!! Who fucking knows the government and VASCU are a mess.
Magpie has a fucking laundry list of crimes. Several murders, assaults, breaking and entering, loads of property damage, probably tons of theft... a solid chunk of which they thought they were under protection for bc they were working for """the government"" but No they super weren't!! maybe some day they will get arrested for some of this shit LMAO
How empathetic is your oc? Or are they closer to being a sociopath? Any reason why?
Unfortunately for Milo he is empathetic to an exhausting degree! Like even disregarding his psychic powers he's got that in spades. He's in a weird situation where he either worries about how someone is doing too much or not enough and it depends solely on how close he is to that person. Because of the whole "my job requires me to root around in peoples brain and experience their traumas" thing he has to put a lot of emotional distance between himself and the people he works with despite sharing that experience and it's just... a lot!!
Magpie has done a lot of awful things to people but it's not through any lack of empathy (which i think is just. a gross reason to have a character hurt people yknow). They worry a lot about what people think about them (or at least, people in charge of them LOL) and also like... the number one way to break their Tough Exterior (tm) is to show vulnerability so they feel bad about being a dick lmao
i feel like maybe i didnt answer that last question quite right bc defining like. how people experience empathy differently and what that looks like for folks has always been something I've had a hard time wrapping my brain around
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