#my own best friend didnt invite me half the time
sporksaber · 1 year
I saw a little mood board slideshow on tiktok about a fabulous childhoods and was violently reminded of the fact that there was more than one time when people invited every girl except me to their birthday and slumber parties. I only knew about them because whatever group of girls I was sateliting around that day would inevitably ask if I was going. Because I had to be invited, everyone was. But everyone never included me.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 3 months
im bored so uhm have this sngy AU im brainstorming (jk i forgot about, i wrote this like 2 weeks ago yet only remembered when scrolling thru my writing) btw its just like the plot or whatever cuz most of it is supposed to be developing their relationship but i like being vague about that when writing the overall summary 😃 also i wrote this with the intention of only me seeing it so if there’s anything silly no you didnt — im kinda trying to incorporate the regular AU into this AU (which i do often lmfao) so some things are jsut me flailing around trying to make it pass off as natural
so like a song turned on when i was in the car today (2 weeks ago) and then i got this whole ass idea from it 😭
So! SaneGiyuu, modern AU.
Sanemi’s hometown was struck by a sickness that spread like a plague (ok it kinda was). Most of his family got it, except Genya and Sanemi. Wanting the two to have a chance, Shizu (the shinazugawa mother) gave Sanemi instructions and access to her bank account then sent him and Genya off to find a small apartment until hopefully the others recovered. Around this time, Sanemi had recently turned 18 (so it was winter when the family fell sick) and Genya was 13. Unfortunately, of course, the other Shinazugawa’s didn’t make it and Sanemi got a letter from some of the other villagers about this. Following the tragedy, Genya and Sanemi had to make a life for themselves. Obviously it was going to be hard and they were barely going off of what money they had left from Shizu. Sanemi ended up having to quit school so he could find a job, but he encouraged Genya to keep going, promising to help him along the way. Sanemi found a pretty solid job eventually, but as summer rolled by and Genya was out of school, he needed someone to care for him. Which is where Giyuu comes into the story!
Giyuu was living with Sabito—his childhood best friend—half renting half just being a roommate, struggling between university and trying to find a job. He (and Sanemi) were 20 by now. Tsutako had moved away some time ago with her husband and Giyuu wasn’t able to support their apartment by himself, so he had moved in with Sabito (who had assured Tsutako he would ‘take care of Giyuu’). Sabito also went to uni with Giyuu but, of course, had his own life. Giyuu was having trouble finding a job but he came across Sanemi one day, who spoke of needing someone to care for his younger brother while he was out working. Giyuu offered immediately to help and Sanemi was ever the grateful for it, hiring him as a babysitter. As it turned out, all Giyuu needed to do was be there and make sure Genya didn’t do anything stupid because Genya wasn’t of age yet and needed caring for. So Giyuu went on with school/finding small jobs here and there.
As time flew on, he became closer to the Shinazugawa’s. At one point he had fallen asleep doing some of his schoolwork while watching over Genya. Next thing he knew, Sanemi was shaking him awake. Sanemi was very forgiving about him falling asleep ‘on the job,’ and said Genya behaved anyway. Then he pointed out the homework Giyuu had been doing. As it turned out, Sanemi wasn’t going to school and had dropped out to support himself and Genya. Of course, if he had any other choice he would’ve stayed in school. So he requested Giyuu to give him some lessons—like tutoring—just so he could learn more. He promised to pay Giyuu double what he was already paying him so, of course, Giyuu accepted—rushing home and asking Sabito how to teach someone later.
Giyuu and Sanemi’s relationship progressed and they started referring to themselves as friends, even inviting each other over just for idle talk when they found the time. Sanemi probably started catching feelings first, touched by Giyuu’s willingness to help (whether or not it was for the money), and just finding it refreshing to have a friend. After leaving his village, Sanemi would’ve left his friends as well (Masachika?) and then he wouldn’t have anytime for things he deemed unimportant like friendship—though he did everything he could to make sure Genya had all the friends and freedom he wanted. So having someone just being there for him and actually helping him so much, both as a sort of job and just because he could? Sanemi definitely found himself drawn towards Giyuu, and it was more than just his lack of social life.
Giyuu took a little longer to come to terms with his feelings, which could be interpreted as falling for Sanemi a while after in one light. Most likely he had thought Sanemi as a ‘compelling individual’ but nothing more than a friend—at least consciously. He hadn’t thought about feeling romantic feelings towards Sanemi, simply because he had never come to terms with the fact that he was gay. In most of his life, Giyuu had tried forcing female love interests onto himself, confused about why he never seemed to like anyone. Tsutako had never been homophobic, of course, she was probably bisexual anyway, but the topic had never surfaced and therefore Giyuu was mostly sheltered from anything more than male/female couples. He never understood crushes so, expectedly, when he gained feelings for Sanemi, he ignored all the signs and called it close friendship.
However. Sanemi confessed to Giyuu almost a year after they had met. It would be summer, now, and the two had aged another year (both 21 and Genya at 16.) Giyuu was stunned silent but this is what got the little silly cogs working in his brain and he began the quick ascent towards coming to realizing that he actually liked Sanemi. Given that he’d never known he’d liked anyone before, Giyuu was obviously reluctant to get in a relationship now. But Sanemi was so sweet and forgiving with him that he wanted to try it out and then confessed to Sanemi, hoping the feelings were still reciprocated (and they were!)
And uh pretty much the end. Happy ever after ✨ (and sabito like: wtf are you getting a job or boyfriend.)
little extra! sabito and giyuu met through Urokodaki who was a daycare teacher and had adopted Sabito. The two had been practically inseparable since then.
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morethanmeetstheass · 2 months
Tell us the “sob story” 8O
lol im gonna put this under a cut so its not massive, but here u go, sob story!
so i think i mentioned that my former apartment got lit on fire, so i had to move to a new place because i was too fuckin scared to live in that place anymore. upside, the guy who blew up my furnace got fired, so W
lived in apartment 2 for a while, it was pretty good, but extremely lonely! i had no local friends At All and like, exactly 1 online friend, so i was wallowing in a sea of loneliness for like, a solid year and a half living there. woe is me, whatever. eventually decided fuck this place, i wanna move back to new york-- i went to uni there, i was born there, i loved it there so i wanted to go back. bought a house, WHEEE-- THAT was a hell of a nightmare, house had code violations, contract was a mess, it was a whole stressful thing. but we got it settled. i have a house now! so that's cool!
but it's also not! because i had a friend/situationship i guess? in new york and i invited them to live with me bc they needed somewhere to live, i'd feel more comfortable having a roommate bc im still afraid to cook and use heat or anything, it was a win win. we went on a few dates back in like, 2020, and i was like, we'll see where things go romantically! without really any expectations of whether we'd get together or not, since ive changed a LOT since 2020 and i really didnt know them all that well. but hey, potential partner! we'll call them jill.
wrench got thrown in THAT when i met a guy, oops! started modding for a pretty big youtuber who's also become one of my best friends, and met a wonderful guy. we very much fell for each other and are now dating. we'll call him levi. told jill hey, i met someone, so suna x jill isnt gonna happen. that didnt go well! jill was apparently much more under the impression that we were gonna date than i was, and was/is very heartbroken about it. whoops! so now i live with someone who is currently still in love with me, while dating someone else! yikes!
which would be fine if there wasnt also a shitload of drama about jill cleaning up their stuff! they've been here for almost 5 months and ive had to ask them dozens of times to please get their huge piles of stuff out of the middle of the floor bc i needed paths for the movers to get their stuff in, i need to unpack my own stuff, etc. they got so upset about me asking them to do this (bear in mind, literally the entire living room was full of stuff FLOOR TO CEILING, and i've given them plenty of warning on dates i was coming to renovate/paint/when my move-in date was) that they threatened to move out and i was like? ok? then move out LMAO. also their cat injured one of my cats and ripped a hole in his ear!
so yes, a lot of unnecessary stress and drama on top of already dealing with all the shit involved with interstate moving, new finances, job changes, relationship changes, all that. the upside being, im very very very happy with levi, im starting to feel settled in my new house, things at my job have calmed down, and things are overall pretty okay. im aware that im extremely privileged to be able to own a house (granted, in an area with a very low cost of living-- the house was like 150k which is actually a semi-sane house price, compared to my friends with 700k homes and stuff LOL) and that my problems arent really all that bad, but topped with the dystopian state of the world right now and the existential dread ive had for months because of it, its just Not been a good time in the suna world. but its ok. things are calming, im making the best of it, and we'll see how things go from here!
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j-onepostzz · 1 year
-The other woman-
reader x idol!bangchan
summary: you think you're not the right girlfriend for bang chan and all your insecurities lead to both of you breaking up. after a few years you are invited at bang chan's wedding as a guest.
BEFORE YOU READ: this chapter will include both text messages and writing. also support by rebloging and sharing, it means a lot to me <3. now please enjoy!
after you hugged the bride, jisung came after you. the reason? you didnt know, and really didnt care at that moment. all you needed was to go home and cry till you fall asleep.
"y/n, please wait. i want to talk to you, i need to talk to you."
"jiji, please... i dont have the energy to have a conversation right now, text me later, you have my number"
"okay... please go home safely."
"i will jiji"
then you walked away, leaving a melting han jisung behind you. he loved the way you called him jiji, a nickname only you use it. the nickname that always makes his heart drop to his stomach. he deeply loved you, but you were too blinded to see...to blinded by chan, it made jisung sad to see you and his best friend like that. he prayed for you to give him a chance... just one.
as you arrived home, drained out, you heard a notification coming from your phone.
1 new notification: han jiji🐿 sent a new message
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he was too sweet for his own. too sweet for this world full of heart breaking feelings. too good for anyone. whoever will take him, will be the happiest person this world will ever have. having a man like jisung as a boyfriend, is way too good.
you and jisung were really close. with just an eye contact, you could understand him the best. its the same with felix too, but jisung was another case. he was your other half, even bang chan couldnt understand how you and jisungs chemistry was "made for eachother." did it made chan jealous? absolutely not, because jisung is like a brother to him.
you werent that close anymore since the day you became chans girlfriend. jisung acted all happy, you were happy. you were smiling, so he was smiling too. he loved you too much and everyone knew it, excep chan, and you. you grew distant, it was you who initiated the distance. you loved chan so much. but hell you needed jisung when you broke up with chan.
you would reread the chat you had with jisung many times, to remember what best friends you two were. all the beautiful moments you spent with him and the boys. but that was all 6 years ago. no power would send you 6 years back to relive the moments.
you decided to get undressed and take a shower. maybe it was a good idea to have jisung over tomorrow, to spend some time with him. you deeply missed him, and there was no single thing to deny that. you felt a small rush of exitement in your body as you were thinking of spending time with your long best friend jisung.
there wont happen anything bad, right?
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burnedwriter · 2 years
"Stay with me"
warnings:none,angst to fluff,mention of hand injury,!gender neutral reader
backstory:this fic takes place after the events of the hotel
A/n:this man has been living in my head rent free and sadly there werent any fics of him so i took matters into my own hands
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It’s been 4 month since Charlie’s sudden disappearance,the last time you two met was when he told you about the offer he got from mister Du’met and how it was the best opportunity he has ever gotten for his docu-series but after that you never saw him again.You made countless calls but Charlie never seemed to pick up the phone nor call you back,you even called his neighbours to ask if they have seen him at all but they all end up saying the same thing ‘’the last time we seen him was 4 months ago’’.
‘‘What happened to you charlie?’‘you whispered to yourself before calling his number for the hundreth time hoping that he will pick it up eventually.
You were his closest friend,his best friend even,why would he ignore your calls without a solid reason,you wandered maybe he has a big project coming up that he needed to finish,you knew Charlie was a workaholic and how he cared about his projects,how he wanted them to be as perfect as possible but even then he would invite you to his appartment for some tea and talk hours upon hours on end.The thing that striked you the most when he talked to you was the passion he showed about his series,his eyes would glow like a child in a candy store,when he shared his ideas with you.
That bad feeling in your stomach growing each day it passed,what if the whole thing was just a huge trap and he got kidnapped or even worst.......killed.Warning him wasnt enough,it would go one ear out the other,telling you thats this is an opportunity once in a lifetime,trying to convice you that he knew what he was doing
‘‘come on Charlie pick it up’‘shaking your leg in frustration as another call went unanwsered.
You had enough,you were going to visit his appartment and try to get to the buttom of this,grabbing your car keys quickly,you head straight to your car and on your way to his appartment.
Finally arriving to his appartment,your finger pressed on the doorbell and to no suprise,the door didnt open but you werent going to give up so easily so you rang his neighbours doorbell praying they answer.
‘‘hello who is this’‘a voice of a woman spoke from the other side
‘‘hello!,im one of charlie’s friends,i came here to visit him but he didnt open the dooor,can you open the door please’‘
‘’of course!’‘ the woman exclaimed opening the door for you
‘‘thank you so much’‘you thanked the kind lady before you pushed the door
 Getting in the elevator,you pressed the button for charlies floor before the doors of the elevator closed taking you up
Upon arriving at the correct floor,you stepped out the elevator and got greeted by the familiar hallway and at the end of it there it was charlie’s appartment.You felt a knot n your stomach as anxiety and worry started to take over your body not knowing what to expect
knocking on the door,there was no answer from the other side
‘‘Charlie please,its me open the door’‘ you said with desperation in your voice to hear just a sign of life from him as you continued to knock on the door again and again but to no avail
‘‘and i really thought that this was going to work,im going to home’‘exhaling the breath that you didnt know you were holding,you started to walk back to the elevator feeling defeated by the whole situation,when all of a sudden you hear the door slowly open catching you off guard
‘‘Charlie?’‘you questioned
‘‘yes’‘you hear a voice that was trying to hidr behind the half opened door
‘‘What happen to you?,where have you been?,i was worried sick about you,i thought you died’‘you felt relieved seeing him again,however there was something wrong with him,he had dark circles under his eyes,indicating he hasnt slept well in a long time,his ingrown facial hair showed unlike the clean shaven look he always had,these were signs that he wasnt in good shape.
‘‘Can i come in?’‘you asked him,opening the door for you to step in the house and closing the door behind you.
You could barely see where you were going from how dark the whole house was due to the curtains being fully closed which was very strange since it was brought daylight outside.
‘‘What is going on??’‘
‘‘i dont want to talk about it’‘he said relactant to answer the question
Dragging him to the couche you capped his hands squeezing the as a sign of reasurance to get him to talk only to realize one of them was injured
‘‘its nothing i promise’‘
‘‘Charlie im your friend of how many years you can trust me with whatever is happening’‘you reasured him
‘‘i know and im sorry i kept you in the dark its just that...’‘his voice started to crack half way through the sentence
‘‘Charlie are you crying!?’‘you asked concerned,soon after Charlie collapsed on your chest as he wrapped his arms around your shoulders to a tight hug while you wrapped your own around his body.
‘‘Hes going to kill all of us,i put my crew in danger and its all my fault’‘his voice shaking and full of fear
‘‘it’s going to be ok Charlie,i am here’‘ you muttered stroking his hair softly trying to calm him down,capping his face with your hands,you wiped his tears that escaped with your thumbs before standing up.
‘‘how about i make us some tea and explain to me what is hppening’‘you said walking to the kitchen.
‘‘Can i ask you somehing?’‘Charlie asked hesitant
‘‘Can you stay here for the night?’‘.
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faghubby · 2 years
Found you part 2
Keri insisted I practice crossdressing everyday. Once I got home from work I shed my body clothes and put on my "girlie things." I was able to do my own makeup perfectly. People did start to notice things, even when dressed in my boy clothes. She had plugged my eyebrows to a high arch. And my nails where longer and shaped. Even with a clear polish they looked femine. It had only been a few weeks. But even my walk I noticed I swung my hips.
Keri had took great pleasure innwatching my discomfort. She had not unlocked me from the cage. And used her toys on my boi pussy several times a week.
She controlled everything. When I went to sleep. Woke up. I spent hours cleaning and cooking everyday. She did not forbid me from going out or seeing my friends I would just have to do it in a dress. Then one day her best friend Sara just opens the front door and walks in. She looks right at me with a big smile and hands me her coat. Then calls out to Keri and goes to find her. I am in total shock as I am frozen in a floral print dress stopping just above my knees.
"She looks amazing." Sara said as Keri and her came back into the kitchen.
"Does she know?" Sara asked.
"I guess I should tell her" Keri giggled. "Sissy bitch. I started fucking a real man. One who doesn't wear panties and take it up the ass."Keri told me and showed me a pick of a very fit younger man. Then one of his cock. It looked quite large.
"Keri, you didnt" I begged
"Hush sissy, what did you expect?" She said patting my ass.
"You could go out and find yourself a man too" she added.
"I'm not gay" I whined.
"No, your a sissy bitch. You will take it from anyone" Sara laughed.
"I invited all our friends over this afternoon, so you better get busy preparing some food for everyone" Keri informed me.
The first to arrive was her new man. He was taller then he looked in the pics. He made no notion to hide that he and Keri where a couple. As more people arrived I was introduced even to my friends as sissy bitch. And John as her boyfriend. No one was surprised. I found out Keri had kept everyone up to speed with my transformation. A friend of hers got drunk and sick in the bathroom. Keri had me rush to go clean it up. As I was on my knees cleaning the toilet. Pete my oldest friend came into the bathroom. He pulied out his cock.
"Keri says you can deep throat" he said.
"I am mnot suckinf your cock" I told him. He pulled me by the hair till my face was iup against his hard cock.
"You know you are going to" he told me. I swallowed and took it in my mouth. I sucked his cock like Keri had taught me with her strap on. Bit this was different it was warm and sensual. I started to get very excited sucking his cock. Tasting his pre cum. He stiffened and rammed his cock balls deep. As he unloaded his balls down my throat. I didn't spill a drop. As soon as I finished he zipped up and left. Another guy I didn't know stepped in and took his place. I didn't hesitate this time his cock was much bigger but still smaller then Keri's strapon. I sucked him off as well. Then Keri came in.
"Having fun?" She asked. I blushed. She sat on the sink and spread her legs. She wore no panties and cum was leaking from her pussy.
"Clean me up with your tounge" she told me. And I did swallowing my third load of cum in half an hour. When she was satisfied Sara did the same then our neighbor Mark. Offered me his cock. I swallowed 8 loads of cum that afternoon. Everyone was leaving as I cleaned up. Only keri's brother Leon was left. Keri and John where off somewhere. Leo came up behind me as I was washing some glasses. And lifted my dress.
"I am going to fuck you" he stated. He pulled my thong to the side. And spread my legs. He smeared lube over my hole but then I felt him try and push his cock in. I moaned as the head slipped in. And came in ,y panties thru the cage. Leo wasn't gentile or slow he piunded away on my ass. Smacking it as he did. He didn't stop until he came inside me. When he pulled out I was able turn and see Keri standing in the doorway.
"So happy for you sissy bitch now your a try faggot" she told me.
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mothrite · 1 year
Something inside me
SUMMERY; Max and Lucas both come to realizations that change their relationship for the better <3
WARNINGS; Slight Internalized Homophobia and transphobia, Billy Hargrove is the worst but he slays in this fic, trans he/they bi max, poly bi Lucas, Lumax, Byclair, Lucas has a crush on this friend and freaks out over it, Max experiences gender euphoria for the first time
AN; I’m so sorry this took so long Anon!!! I really wanted this to turn out well because I fell in love with this idea! Proof read by me againl!! (Btw this takes place pre season 3, post season 2) Ok so like, i started this in late 2022.... it's now late 2023. didnt have the energy to finish this and I want it OUT of my drafts
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Max hated it. Max hated every time someone would call them “pretty” “beautiful” or any other term of the sort. They just hated it. They hated being a girl and being told that they should wear more skirts and put their hair up more. They especially hated it when they were told to wear dresses to events. They just wanted to be free and be able to wear what they want. Max didn’t want to be seen as a girl and they weren’t really sure why. They didn’t know how they wanted to be seen
That was until mid June. Max had been forced to go out with their mom to some kind of meeting since Billy and Neil were both out. They had been wearing a hoodie and pants with their usual red vans, the hood covered the top half of their face and their hair was tucked into the back of the hood, in two braids. They weren’t exactly paying attention, mostly just reading random signs that scattered the hallway they were in with their mother when one of their mother’s recent friends approached them. They hadn’t really been listening to the conversation until they heard something that struck a flame in them.
“Oh and your son is so handsome! He just has the most amazing blue eyes!” Max’s head quickly turned to the woman in question who had long black hair and was clad in a flowing blue dress. A smile crept to the corners of Max’s mouth and they tried to cover their now red cheeks that had flushed in embarrassment and flattery. She thought I was a boy? But I look so…ugh.
The smile dropped and their fingers went cold when their mother had spoken up.
“Oh no no no, this is my daughter, Maxine.”
That day as Max was on their way home with their mother they kept thinking about it. Could people truly see them as a boy?
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He wasn’t supposed to. He wasn’t supposed to like him and think of him the way he does. Lucas beat himself up for it but he couldn’t deny the fact that he found his best friend, Will Byers, attractive. He couldn’t deny the fact that he gets butterflies when he sees Will smiling and talking to him. His heart would skip a beat whenever Will invited Lucas to hang out. He hated himself for it cause it felt so wrong. He knew he still loved Max. And he knew that it was wrong for a boy to like another boy that way.
He sat in his room, some music playing lowly on a radio that stood on his desk. He forced himself to get up and walk to the phone in the kitchen of his home, though his body resented the action after laying down and doing a whole lot of nothing that day. Just as he was dialing in Max’s number the phone rang and he picked it up.
“Lucas! I didn’t think you’d pick up so fast!”
“Will? Is that you?”
“The one and only! I was wondering if we could hang out at your place for a bit? You know just us without Mike and Dustin”
Lucas’s heart beat had quickly sped up at the words and his cheeks became dusted with a shade of dark red.
“That sounds great Byers, see you in 15?”
“See ya! Bye!”
Lucas Sinclair had a dilemma. One he couldn’t figure out on his own. He knew who he had to speak too, Eleven Hopper.
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theendwhereibegin · 11 months
Universally meant. Earthly bound
I am sorry it took so long for this update to happen. I`ve been on a bit of a downer towards the end of October and then things got hectic at work.
Most importantly, I didn`t want to offer you a half thought chapter just for the love of writing something, anything.
So here we go...
Part 6
This is crazy. Absolutely bonkers. Pedro Pascal in my house, in my kitchen, kissing me, dancing with me and having one of those soppy romantic movies moments. WITH ME! By now I was hyperventilating in my bathroom while he insisted to wash the dishes and clean the kitchen after telling him "No" for half hour. He won, obviously.
I knew I was bound to run into him one way or another as me and Oscar were very good friends. Hell, he even tried to set me up with one of his friends at some point and that`s when the penny dropped, it was Pedro he was trying to set me up with.
*Flashback Christmas Eve 2022*
It was another cold December day and I was trying to make my way to work. Families were passing me by at every step and I couldn`t help but watch them. I was 31 and all I had to show for myself was my career. I longed to have someone to love and to hold at night. I longed to have someone to connect with on a deeper level, but what I craved most, was to become a mother.
I refused to celebrate Christmas. Not because I didn`t like Christmas, because some of my fondest memories growing up happened during the holidays, but I didn`t want to sit awkwardly at a table filled with my friends and their families being alone once again.
Don`t get me wrong, I loved my friends and their partners. I loved their kids like they were my own, but I couldn`t bare sitting through one more Christmas dinner being asked when will I take the risk and start dating again, after all as my best friend Ophelia says " You aren`t getting any younger Olivia and you certainly can`t meet the man of your dreams sitting on your sofa while watching Netflix series now, can you?"
Oscar and his wife Elvira were the ones that made it their mission for me to meet someone. They called me once in a while trying to get me to come to dinner parties, or simply go out with them, but I refused every time. They were so lovely and their kids absolutely adored me, and I adored them, but it felt like every time we would get together the only topic they wanted to talk about was my love life.
Today wasn`t any different.
My phone rang loudly in my bag and looking at the screen I saw Oscars name in large letters. I let our a sigh and answered as I didnt want him to think I was totally avoiding him.
"Olivia, we are having a Christmas dinner party. Nothing crazy. Me, Elvira, our kids and one of my friends. He couldn`t go with his family to celebrate cause he had a project going on so, what do you say?" Oscar was like the big brother I never had, but always wanted, but sometimes I felt like blocking his number.
"Hello to you too Oscar. I am fine, thank you for asking. Oscar, you know how I am with dinner parties. I don`t like them, especially when you try to set me up with someone I don`t know! " I said in an exasperated tone.
"I swear to God I am not trying to put you in an uncomfortable position. I just hate the thought of you alone, plus my friend is single as well and he is a really nice guy. You might actually like him, you know? "
"Not gonna happen Isaac. Whilst I am sure your friend is a nice guy, I don`t want to be set up, you know that!"
"Fine! Stay alone for Christmas. At least stop by before the dinner so we can give you some of it at home. I know your fridge is always empty! You deeply annoy the life out of me Olivia!"
"Okay! But promise me your friend wont be there when I show up to pick up the food!" I knew Oscar and he thought of inviting the guy earlier so that I would bump into him, but I couldn`t say no to food. Elvira cooks some of the best meals I have had since moving to New York.
"I won`t. I promise!"
After work I made my way to the Isaac`s house, and like a true ninja, I managed to hide behind every mail box and bush I could find, in order to snoop and see if his friend was indeed not there. Knowing how Oscars mind works, its better to be safe than sorry.
I knocked softly on their door and two small giggles. Elvira opened the door just to reveal my two favourite trouble makers, their two sons.
"Auntie O!!!" said the eldest while hugging me for dear life.
Oscar was now using his kids as lethal weapons and I knew that because both of the boys were now looking at me with those puppy dog eyes I can`t resist. It took a lot in me to keep my ground and not give into their cuteness.
"Hey Olivia" Elvira greeted me with a hug. "I have your food ready to go. I am sorry you will not be joining us. Oscar has been moping around since he ended the phone call with you, but I understand. Don`t worry. We`ll catch up some other time"
"If it`s not my loner of a best friend." said Oscar while directing me with his eyes towards the kitchen.
"I am sorry that I won`t stay, but you know how I get in social situations. Your guy may be nice and all, but I am a wreck and I will make a very bad first impression" I said while sitting down at their kitchen island.
"You just think the worst about yourself, aren`t you? You wouldn`t be here and you wouldn`t be one of my best friends if you were the way you describe yourself O. I hope you know that"
"I appreciate that you didn`t get him here earlier than he is supposed to."
"I thought about it, not going to lie, but I didn`t want to give you a panic attack." said Oscar reassuringly.
Sure he was stubborn, but the thing about him is that he cared deeply about the people that he held close to his heart and he would never hurt them on purpose.
"If you wait for what that old lady from Chile told you, you`ll wait until you are old and grey Olivia. True love doesn`t happen while you are closed in your house. True love is out there, in pubs, parks, Christmas dinners. Not in front of your TV. " and he was right, but my previous relationship made sure to make me believe that the old lady from Chile was either high or drunk when she told me that I will find love in the strangest of places and that the forces of good will work for me to find it.
"I know Oscar. I am just not ready for any type of love at this point."
"He really did a number on you didnt he? I am so sorry O. Your time will come, maybe sooner than you think. If there is someone in this world that deserves happiness and love, its you." he hugged me and I made my way to the door.
Saying my goodbye`s I felt like I should have stayed maybe. They were my best friends and I felt bad for turning them down, but at the same time I wanted to be alone.
*Present Day*
I went out of the bathroom to find Pedro at the sink still washing dishes.
I hugged him from behind and rested my head on his back while letting out a deep content sigh.
"Hey there stranger. I thought you made a run for it" said Pedro while taking one of the hands that was wrapped around his waist to plant a sweet kiss on.
"That would be a weird move seeing as I live here and all that" his laugh vibrated through his whole body.
"True" and with that he turned around and planted a kiss on my lips.
"I don`t think I will ever get tired of seeing you blush baby. It seems to be happening quite a lot." he said while I tried my best to hide my face from him.
"I don`t blush. Its just very warm in here."
"Sure it is." and just as he finished his sentence his phone started ringing on the coffee table in the living room.
"Hey Oscar!" I heard Pedro greeting the person on the other end.
And that`s when my breath caught in my throat. I was meant to call Oscar back 2 days ago and with everything going on I completely forgot.
I could only hear Pedros side of the conversation and it was filled with "Yes" , "No" .
At the same time my phone started ringing as well in the kitchen and I raced to get it. Once I reached it I went into the bedroom to continue the conversation.
"Hey Elvira! How are you?"
"I am good. You are in a cheery mood. Did my girl finally go out and about?"
"No I didn`t and no I don`t sound cheery"
"So, Oscar made me call you because you always say no to him, but you kind of give in and say yes to me." I swear I rolled my eyes into another dimension.
"We are having a game night with the boys and they demanded that their auntie Olivia needs to join us. Before you say anything, think about the fact that you will say no to your sweet, loving, cute nephews."
"You have a way with words E. Why would you do this to me? You know I cant say no to them!" Pedros conversation must have been over because he was now leaning on the door frame of my bedroom with a smile on his face.
"Now, because its Monopoly as per their request, and our boys don`t really qualify to play alone just yet, I will have one on my team and Oscar the other, and we need at least 4 players to make it fun..."
"...Elvira, where are you going with this?" I said rather suspicious.
"One of Oscar`s friends is going to join us."
"I swear to God, your mission in life is to get me , at least laid" hearing this Pedro could barely contain his laughter and my face went bright red. To make it more fun, I put the phone call on speaker so that he can her Elvira as well.
"Its not our mission, well not the only mission. You are an amazing girl and you deserve an amazing guy, and this guy Olivia, this guy is like he was designed to be with you. You are both awkward at times, and funny, and loving and also, you both love our boys so much. Come on. One time. If you dont like the guy we won`t ever try to set you up."
"Promise?" I asked while looking at Pedro. He was now the one hugging me from behind planting kisses on the top of my head. He made it hard to concentrate.
"I promise O! I promise! So?"
"Fine, Ill be there but only cause I love my nephews and I can`t say no to them! "
"See you at 5!" and with that she hung up on me.
"I`m sorry P. I need to go or they will literally haunt me with this until my dying breath."I was now turned around face to face with him. He said nothing. He just looked at me smiling from ear to ear.
"Well we better get ready then, because if we are late Oscar is gonna have us killed. "
"Wait, that`s why he called you?"
"It seems like their mission isnt to get you laid." I tried avoiding eye contact with him but his fingers directed my chin up, and gave me no choice but to look at him. "Their mission is to make the two of us meet and we are going to have a bit of fun with that now, won`t we?"
He had a playful look in his eyes now. And while discussing our plan I got all excited about how everything will unfold.
"We won`t let them know we are dating" he said.
"We won`t, wait, we are dating?"
"Only if you`ll have me" he said while his lips were inches away from mine.
"I wouldn`t give you up for anything in the world" and the distance between us was now long forgotten. There was no drop of neediness in his kisses, it was just the constant need to be close to me, to feel me, to touch me.
As we looked at the clock it was already lunch time. While I would have loved to spend the day with him until we went to Oscars, we both knew that in order for our plan to work we needed to arrive separately and pretend we didn`t know each other.
Easier said than done. All I wanted was to be with him, near him. All I wanted was to hold his hand and steal kisses. All I wanted was to be his, but I needed to put my game face on.
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toastyliltoasts · 11 months
"I promise"
A/N : Yall I miss the damn SMP so I wrote this .. It has a happy storyline dw dw ..
Warnings : Light swearing (It has 'ass' lmao and some *cough cough* other stuff) , Sort of panic attack but not really ?
You try to adjust your baby blue coloured hoodie to 'almost' perfection using a mirror .. Today was the big day .. Your best friend Meme was getting married in less than 3 hours and you still couldnt figure out how to get your hair let alone clothes to look right ..
It was quite a ... fiesta when Meme announced his upcoming marriage to the lovely Wictoria (whom you've only heard of once or twice) .. Fiesta as in Socks refusing to believe Meme got engaged , Blaza and Tbh laughing their asses off and them almost getting sent to the ER just by the glares Meme was sending them (Because if looks could kill , They already dropped dead weeks ago) .. So it was quite obvious that everyone was underprepared for the wedding , Even the groom himself ..
Your job in the wedding being assisting with decorations , You had to get to the venue early and help the boys out with the chairs , the food (which you did not trust them with) and fixing the aisle but firstly you had to look like you could do all that .. After a few moments , You huffed a sigh of relief as you finally got your hair to a presentable sight and you took one last look in the mirror as you dashed off .. You're going to change before the wedding anyway , Might as well not ruin the good outfit ..
You flick a bead of sweat off your forehead as you looked around the venue , checking the mental checklist one by one ..
Chairs ? Check.
Aisle ? Check.
Flowers ? Check.
Food ? Ch- Well .. Half check ? .. You had to keep Muffin and Nadwe from turning the wedding into a war somehow ..
Your checklist gets interrupted by a sound of your own name and you crane your neck from your spot to see the one and only , Socksfor1 .. He's dressed in his usual spaceman outfit without the helmet ..
"Hey , You're early" You muse while dusting your hands on your already messy jean sleeves ..
"Eh you dont see Meme getting married to a cow everyday" He smirks as you both hug ..
"That for sure .. Meme said she's lovely though" You offer after you both break apart ..
"Yeah yeah .. Is that her ? Wictoria I mean .." Socks asks (after almost calling Meme a woman) , Tipping his head towards the wedding altar ..
"Uh I think so ? I havent been able to talk with her yet except for a few 'Hi's .. You're the one that invited her right ?" You question while your eyebrow travels to your hairline ..
Socks just shrugs while changing the subject ..
"Not to be a killjoy but are you wearing a hoodie and jeans to the wedding ?" He asks with a snicker ..
You immediately acknowledge your current outfit and nudge him in the ribs as payback when he laughs ..
"Of course not , You dumbass .. Says the person who wears an astronaut costume to the wedding and would you rather me wearing some fancy shit but drenched in sweat " You say , playfully rolling your eyes ..
"Ow .. No need to be so mean" He whines with a pout , slightly rubbing the area of impact on his ribs ..
"Yeah yeah you big baby .. I'll go change anyway .." You say while he replies with a 'be back soon please , I'll be bored if my favorite 'dumbass' is gone' to which you stick your tongue out at him ..
It doesnt take you long to change into your outfit , pat down the creases and fix your hair for the second time today .. Planning weddings were hard but as said before , You dont get to see Meme get married to a cow everyday ..
Socks smiles as you leave the changing room and sees your attire .. He'll be lying if he said you didnt look absolutely amazing .. He compliments you when you dramatically twirl to show off and asks you to come with him to get the guests .. You both run around , 'goofing around' being the correct terminology (I mean you worked hard , It was just a small reward) , until Socks sees Oompa and playfully calls him out for not being ready for the wedding while you act mock-offended ..
"Is that even legal" Oompa asks as you three wonder whether its okay to marry a cow ..
"I dont think this is legal" Socks replies with a light laugh .. You , Socks and Oompa share a look of nervousness until you hear Blaza ..
"Heeey Blaza .. Looking good , Looking good" You say as you greet him with a hug ..
"Could say the same to you , brudda" He replies as he ruffles your hair ..
"OH COME ON MAN .. I just fixed this" You cry out as you shield your hair from his wrath while he had the audacity to chuckle ..
"Blaza with the DRIP ?" Socks greets while bumping fists with Blaza ..
"Yeaaah .. Im looking kinda fly for this wedding , Y'know ?" Blaza says confidently while Socks starts to vent to Blaza about Oompa not being prepared at all ..
The wedding venue slowly started buzzing with people over the next hour as you and Socks greeted more guests .. You saw Muffin (With a weapon , might I add) looking at Socks with soulless eyes as Socks , Blaza and Oompa freaked out at being threatened with Muffin's 'weapon' .. You greeted both Muffin and Tbh with a hug (Eh Muffin's not bad at all .. Just has a questionable mentality but dont we all ?) and see Tbh doing some sorta crab dance with Socks and Blaza but just shrug it off ..
And you finally see the groom himself , Wearing a wedding dress .. You and Socks have a laughing fit , almost toppling over the carpet of the aisle itself .. But manage to keep it together long enough to greet Wolfster (Who confessed that he was just in it for the cake) .. And when Meme along with Laff start coming up the aisle , Socks definitely did not shake with silent laughter ..
"Memeee" You drag the last 'e' as you run over to hug him ..
"(Y/NNN)" He mirrors your actions and envelopes you in a hug ..
"You should've told me atleast a month before , You idiot .. I would've made it more presentable" You say flicking him on the forehead ..
"OW .. Im sorry IM SORRY .. That hurt like shit-" He cuts himself off mid-sentence seeing your glare ..
"You should be .. Anyways , Im happy for you" You grumble out reluctantly ..
"Thanks man" Meme says genuinely while patting your shoulder .. And soon you can visibly see the adrenaline start to set in in Meme ..
"Im actually getting married" He says while doing some dance that manage to crack both you and Socks up and also gets Laff to have an inner conflict with himself ..
"Im so happy for you Meme" Socks congratulates while doing a cursed dance himself .. Then Socks proceeds to 'compliment' Meme on how his dress matched his , soulless , eyes ..
Then before the actual wedding begins , Socks nervously realizes (and confesses) that he has infact invited not Wictoria but Bella , her sister .. And shamelessly murders her while you and all the others half-scream (Apparently , It 'had to be done') ..
And Nadwe coincidentally brings the real Wictoria and the wedding finally begins ..
Laff , as the priest , reads them the vows and Meme respectfully replies with an 'I do' to each rite (Even Wictoria responds... Verbally ? Even though Socks claims it could be a no) And halfway through the ceremony Nadwe interrupts the exchange of vows because he has to go to the 'bathroom' while in reality he goes behind a tree and proceeds to play vine boom sounds ..
And they move on from that incident as the time finally comes for the wedded couple to kiss .. Everyone cheers and hoots but your stomach churns .. You're happy for them , Really .. You know you are but something is just off .. Your eyebrows furrow together and your gut just screams at you when Meme nears Wictoria with passion some people only feel once in a lifetime .. Unbeknownst to you , You legs take you to the altar and push both Wictoria and Meme ..
It feels like time is messed up as you hear a sound of something loud followed by your friends' screams .. You feel the impact like bricks to your torso as you hit the ground , hard .. Your lungs feel like someone ran over them with a car .. You can still hear your friends screaming but its all oh-so distant .. All you wanted to do now was sleep for a bit .. I mean , Haven't you earned it ?
Your plans come out as foiled when you feel your arms and shoulder shaking .. Huh ? Definitely not doing that .. You try to focus on nothing but universe was just not having it .. It takes a long while for you to realise that you are being shaken .. Why cant people just leave you alone ?
You can feel your throbbing head being pulled towards something and your arms flailing around something ? Someone ? .. Damn , That must've been one hell of a fall .. Did you hit your head or something ? You must've .. That explains your head feeling like someone just performed surgery on you (Might be Meme , Who knows ?) ..
You lightly hear the far-off voice of the person dearest to you .. Socks ? What the hell was he doing ? Even when you're almost-dead (You guessed you were) he cant leave you alone ? Just why man .. You decide to try to open your eyes to savour him for his attempts atleast one last time ..
You see Socks' usual goofy , happy demeanor overshadowed by one of greif and concern .. You wish for the ringing in your ear to just scram so that you can hear what Socks is oh-so desperately trying to say .. Years of close friendship lead you to believe Socks is trying to tell you to get your shit together and focus (Atleast the latter part) ..
Warning : Small panic attack
You try to do just that and you can hear him trying to tell you to.... Breath ? But you're already breathing ..
You mentally roll your eyes and do so just so you could tell him to shut up .. Surprisingly , The pain in your lungs lessen and lessen the more you breath .. And , accordingly , You see a bit of relief etching on to Socks' face ..
Scene over
"God you scared the shit out of me" Socks whispers dejected ..
"That easy?" You croak out , a broken sentence to cheer him up , to which he offers a half-hearted smile ..
Then after some time you see Meme running over to you with a bit of gauze and some sort of bottle .. His face mirroring one of Socks' own , As if worry was permanently drawn on to his face .. Yet his hands are steady and swift as he cleans your.. head ? You mustve actually hit it or shit .. Well that explai- FUCK THAT HURTS
Your train of thought gets interrupted as Meme pours the liquid in the bottle onto an area on your head .. Your arms scramble around and not-so graciously holds on to Socks' hand as you grit your teeth after not-so graciously swearing .. Next time a warning would be nice , Yeah ?
After what seemed like decades , Meme wraps your wound with gauze and gives you a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder .. You weakly smile to lighten up the mood , making a mental note to not mock Meme's medical degree for atleast a month ..
"You should get some sleep" Socks offers ..
"Mm" You agree while your eyelids already droop ..
After that torture you definitely wanted to sleep so you slowly slip in to slumber , praying to everything to let you have this ..
You open your eyes to blinding light and immediately regret your actions .. You try to slowly creek open your eyes to minimise the impact and succeed .. You look around to see that you're in some place totally different , Your house ?
You recognize the familiar surroundings .. Bed , desk and windows- These are your ones .. Yet you take one more look around to confirm and see a tired Socks hunched over the bed , with his head on the said furniture , sleeping soundly while gripping on to your hand as if its his lifeline ..
You smiled to yourself as you carefully detached your hand from his , reached over your hand and ran it through his soft curls .. The spaceman awoke with a groan while rubbing his eyes as you retreat your hand to yourself .. Recognition flashed in his tired eyes as he scrambled to straighten up , all sleep gone from him ..
"(Y/N) ?" Socks asks disbelievingly ..
"Sup .. What'd I mi-" You croak out only to get cut off by a bear hug from the man himself ..
"My god I thought you were- dead" He forces out ..
"Me too ? The hell ha-" You start ..
"You fucking jumped on to that altar and hit your head on the steps like the dumbass you are .. Thats what happened" Socks said angrily as if he read your mind .. You let out a condescending sigh ..
"Im sorry .. I just-.. had a bad feeling and didnt know what else to do" You replied in a soft voice , hanging your head on your shoulder ..
"You shouldnt put yourself in last place .. Your life matters as well" Socks whispers , on a different approach which just did more to piss you off other than to see him so worried ..
"What else was I supposed to do ?" You ask quietly , anger slightly showing through ..
"Anything .. Anything else .. You could've atleast told me .. Did you even think of what would've happened if you got hurt ? What would you do then , Huh ?  What the hell am I supposed to do if something bad happens to you ?" Socks frustratingly runs his hand through his messy brunette hair as he shouts the last part which betrays the raw emotion like hurt and worry in his voice .. You place your hand on his hand , The one that isnt messing with his hair right now , and try to calm him down ..
"Im really sorry .. I didnt think that through .. Its dumb , I know" You say while settling on a hug to calm Socks down .. He hugs back immediately and buries his face in your shoulder ..
"Please dont do that shit again" He asks you so quietly that you barely pick it up ..
"I promise"
2609 words duuuuuudes (Btw 609 *Insert troll face*)
Update : Sadly it is 2662 words :'c
Update : GUESS WHAT ? ITS 2669 >:DDD
Les gooooooo
Im officially a certified writer /j lmao
Anyway , Hope you enjoyed
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queen-of-bad-opsec · 10 months
a person left my world almost half a year ago.
(expand this post to read more about my lament (warning: it is gonna be extremely shit))
they were important to me. there was a time where anything i did, i did for them. there was a time where they were the reason i pushed forward. where they were the thing that made life worth living.
that is to say, they were a good friend. the best, maybe.
i've tried to invite them back into my world many times. i think it only made it worse.
i still catch glimpses; hints of this person here or there. they clearly still exist. they are most likely doing very well outside of my world.
we have one very good mutual friend in particular. they didn't leave. i don't know what i'd do if they did. occasionally, the friend who left replies to their messages. never to mine, though.
one time, the friend asked why they had left like that. the exact words they wrote to them were "Flexx (that is me) said you became ghost again?"
they replied - "idk rly. maybe"
i had never felt dizzy before in the way that i did when my remaining friend showed me those words. my head was spinning, even though i was laying flat on my bed. i'd been dizzy before, of course. but never like that.
i still dont know what to think of those 3 words. at the time, i wrote a msg about how sad i was that i apparently had so little value that they didnt even know for certain if they were ghosting me (again - 3 months since last read receipt; that was 1.5 months ago; not a word since); that's what i felt at the time. maybe i was also trying to let them know just how bad it hurt that they left, in the hope that they might decide to return. not that it had any chance of working, but a cat can dream, can't i?
who knows - maybe they had some rlly good reasons to leave. for one, maybe there really were circumstances out of their control and mine that forced them to leave me behind. or maybe, i rlly was so bad a friend that their only chance of survival was to get away from me, so to speak. maybe i rlly was just another social obligation to them, gladly abandoned in exchange for things they actually wanted to do. maybe i deserved to be abandoned.
sometimes, i think back to those times we shared, and i remember all the little ways in which i mightve hurt them; i remember what a bad friend i was; how annoying; how inconsiderate. there are so many of moments of "ah. that is why they left".
and even if none of that is true - even if the only reason they left is because they are a bad person who's just like that, i don't think that i am capable of holding any kind of grudge. i have left my own share of ppl in my life behind unexpectedly and without warning or notification, meaning to reply eventually, but forgetting, and then suddenly finding myself unable to reply at all for fear of finding out how much they hate me if i do try to reconnect. it would be nothing but hypocritical of me to hate my friend for leaving w/out a word. who am i to judge.
i may not be capable of hating them, but i am still sad. it was all so good; we were having so much fun - and then they were gone. not a word, not a warning, just quietly walking away, leaving me behind.
and i was so close to telling them "i love you".
0 notes
pyrait · 1 year
Friends after graduation
Kinda want to vent ab my uni friends
About a year ago, I finally agreed to go to my faculty's halloween party with my friends. This party is fucking big, like it's known in my city by every university student, tickets are super hard to get by, it's in a huge club and everybody dresses up.
Historically, ive hated parties. On one hand bc my alcoholic parents didnt give me the best experiences to handle drunk ppl, and on the other hand bc i had a lot of bad memories of when i used to black out when i was younger. But, this time, it was my last semester. I had only gone to this party on my first semester and ive become sober since, so i thought itd be a nice symbolic gesture to go, plus my friends really seemed to want me to.
Anyways, it's the party and im having a painfully normal time. I dont love dancing but i do like to talk to a lot of ppl, and i know a lot of ppl here. So i say hi to everyone i see and at one point i mix my main friend group and another couple of friends i know. I have to go to the bathroom, so i tell both groups and leave for a moment. When i come back, oh surpirse, literally not a soul on the dancefloor, not even a stranger.
Ofc, i start to panic. I don't remember if id ever told my friends, but another reason why i hate clubbing is bc, when i used to blackout, i usually did it with strangers. Strangers who obviously didnt care ab me, and basically left me to die everytime i got too drunk. This was kind of a trigger for me.
My phone was at 3%, and i've been left to die. Again. This time by my closest friends.
So i use my phone frantically to ask through the groupchat where everyone left to. Fortunately, it's inside the club. But, again, this club is huge.
They dont respond until after 15 minutes. They tell me where they are. I run. Theyre not there.
This goes on for literally an hour and a half. I couldnt go back home bc i didnt have my phone to ask for a taxi, and my friends didnt go looking after me even tho i was the only one who wasnt with the group.
By chance i find them and i start angry crying and scolding my friends as to why they left me alone. I told them that they knew how parties made me feel and they still cared more about themselves than me. One of them said "Sorry for leaving you, we just thought youd be perfectly fine on your own".
Now that i've been graduated from uni for ab six months, ive been feeling extra lonely bc im having a harder time socializing.
It's true what they say: once we´re all "adults", suddenly no one has time to hang out. It's not like we all have jobs, the majority including me's all unemployed and looking.
But i still see them posting pictures with eachother. They invite all eachother but me. They all support eachother in their crises but me.
Okay, about hanging out, maybe i havent been the most present friend. Im that type of person who loves you deeply regardless of how much we text or hang. But about treating eachothers crises, im always physically there. I send a little message, or i try to pay a visit.
This is not a victim competition, but some of my friends literally just break down for anything. And we're all still there reassuring them that we'll carry them.
For me, it's not the same. It seems like they feel the same way about leaving me alone at the club as they do for everything regarding me.
Even though I spent two months in bed and tried telling the people around me that i was going through a tough time and needed some support, no one came to ask me how i was doing. Like, why even try to bother when i got it perfectly all on my own.
I cant do it on my own. I need people. What do i have to do to be more lovable? What does their connection have that i cant fulfill?
0 notes
imarawbu · 1 year
I've not posted in awhile.
Thing were OK until Friday. My husband's best friend got married. It brought back unpleasant stuff. He got into a fight with me and basically this whole week before I first realized that I wish I didn't have kids. I went to his best friend's fiance at the time bridal shower. I had to have my daughter with me because he can't/won't take care of her for more than 2 hours straight, he says she just keeps crying and he can't calm her down. I've had exactly one break from my daughter for more than 3 hours in the 7 months she has been alive. And he was texting me and calling and asking when I would be black because he still has not learned how to calm her. It was at another pre-wedding event for this woman as well.
The bridal shower was difficult because she was so fussy, I could barely eat, someone had to get food for me, I couldn't get her calm, couldn't interact or participate in anything- I couldn't even sit at the table with everyone else, then I had to leave early as well. I realized I could have enjoyed this even if she wasn't with me. This was on Tuesday. And I finally realized that this is how the next several years will be. I have taken her to other stuff, I went to a hangout with friends for the first time since I had a baby, I spent all my time taking care of a baby, it didn't really bother me. Even at the other pre-wedding event where I had to bring her (before the bridal shower event) it still didn't really bother me.
What happened on Friday is I missed most of the dancing and stuff that happened because I got to leave early while my husband stayed. I was upset for this reason, how he does the minimum help (I will give him credit for taking her for one hour and giving me time to eat). But still says I'm a mother so I'm not allowed to enjoy anything now. I was looking forward to this kind of wedding as I've never been to one before but I missed mostly everything.
The other thing that bothered me was how little effort my husband put into our wedding celebration since we got married during covid. We did a wedding celebration last year to make up for not being able to invite anyone to our wedding. It was nice but it seemed like we ran out of money when it came to the decorations and alot of things I didn't like. I paid for more than half of the wedding and he didn't take the things I wanted seriously. He has off and on promised a wedding in his home country for his family (and paid for by his family) since none of them could come for our celebration and it's the culture to have a celebration. After I completely missed out on and didnt know I wanted a real wedding in my first marriage, I wanted to go all out for my second. Instead it left a bad taste.
The other thing is they actually love each other or at least it's so early in the relationship and she has lots of friend who go out of their way to do nice stuff for her that they did alot of cutesy activities at the bridal shower and the wedding and the party after the wedding as well.
I went into this marriage unsure if I wanted it but knew I needed out of my current life and this was the only way out. He had some red flags and was emotionally and verbally abusive in the 6 months we knew each other before he proposed to me. So seeing someone in love with someone, especially at the place where I am now in the marriage, hurts.
I've been mentally ill my entire life, I only started getting friends after I divorced my ex. I have poor social skills from not having friends my entire teenage years. I had to ask some friends to do stuff for me like a bachelorette and what not. I paid for dresses, hair, makeup, and a limo to and from the venue for my bridesmaids, $3000 of my own money. Nobody did that kind of cutesy stuff for me.
But she made an effort to include me and has made an effort to get to know me since they got engaged, she included me in almost all her pre-wedding events, she didn't have to do that. The only reason she knows I exist is my husband and his best friend have a very intense friendship. They literally have no other really good friends besides each other, have known each other since high school (15 years) and have lived with each other for 10 years as roommates in college, grad school, and various moves to different countries and across the country. They are literally at each others apartments/houses almost every day- that has only recently changed since he got engaged. Apparently he listens to her and care for her opinion, whereas my husband tells me I do whatever he wants/says like it or not but I'm not supposed to tell people he behaves this way. His response is to tell me I'm so nice and understanding compared to most women- but it is nice to not have to deal with him for half a day.
Regardless the wedding. After, I was frustrated and upset. My husband's way of helping is to tell me to shut up, threaten to divorce me, and tell me to behave.
It escalated into my "last warning". There were some compromises discussed, but I doubt he will ever follow through with them.
0 notes
hanasnx · 1 year
❝ moth to a flame. ❞
── hobie brown x reader
MINORS DNI 18+ WORD COUNT: 2.9k SUMMARY: hobie’s sent to pick you up, but fights the power by sleeping with you instead. NOTES: takes place before across the spider-verse | hobie’s voice is hard to write for i tried my best | hobie is at least 18 they didnt specify in the movie but if hes not then hes aged up. WARNINGS: f!reader | established relationship (fwbs most likely but idk) | reader is a spider of her own universe | hobie has a nickname for you “bug” | no use of y/n | not rly edited mb | make out | light vag fingering | hand/height size difference (tried to make reader as ambiguous as possible) | usage of the word “cunt” | praise | dirty talk | objectification (mention of being used) | some degradation | sex a bit on the rougher side not too bad | (“quickie” kind of) protected and explicit sex.
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HOBIE BROWN lulls his head in the direction of the sound of his name. He hums in lazy affirmation as he fiddles with scraps in his hands. 
Jessica sighs, resting her fists on her hips when she shifts her weight. “Will you pick up your partner? She’s late, and she’s not answering her COMMs. See what’s going on.” 
“Prolly kidnapped; something vile.” Hobie responds, his device zaps him as if to punish him for his negative manifestation and he waves his hand to rid the sting. 
“Very funny.” she remarks, but it’s devoid of humor, crossing her arms and turning back to her blueprints. “See to it.”
He pushes off his chair with a huff. “Not her keeper, but just ‘cause you asked nicely.”
“Bug?” he calls through your apartment, having invited himself in with the spare key you keep under the mat. “Bug, it’s Hobes, I’m lettin’ myself in.” he warns loudly enough, shutting the door behind him. There’s no possibility you’re not home, he’s memorized your schedule by now. As he creeps closer to your bedroom, he hears the soft snoring emanating from behind the beads hanging in your doorway. A portière, decorated with a painted white, crescent moon. He’s surprised he didn’t wake you with all the noise he made, but he splits the strings down the middle, ducking in. From the looks of it, you didn’t waste time jumping into bed. Wearing a tank top and panties, cuddling the pillow underneath your cheek, the edge of the covers covering only the tips of your legs. Gingerly, Hobie crawls onto your mattress to lay next to you. His eyes take in your peaceful form, his large hand coming up to pet the hair back from your forehead, stroking down your back rising and falling with your breath. He had half a mind to swat your ass but figured he could get to that later. 
You murmur, and he scoffs. Did you sense him? Your parted lips appear so appealing, a passing fascination goads him to kiss you awake. His lips press against yours so gently. At first you have no response, but as he lingers, you stir. A content and groggy sound, and you tense your lips, chasing him. 
He obliges you, granting you a peck before propping himself up on his elbow. “Up late?” he asks, pinching the thin material of your tanktop between his fingers. 
“Bridge collapse on 51st, had to clean up. Didn’t make it back til…” you mumble, and peek your eye open, the brightness of the sunlight through your room temporarily blinding you. Your vision focuses on Hobie, and an instinctive smile stretches onto your mouth. “seven? Seven AM, I think.”
Your friend feigns a pout, cooing sympathetically, “Poor girl,” His hand ends its trail at the base of your spine, brushing his fingertips on your bare skin, dipping it underneath your ridden up top. Soothingly, he explores you, and your eyes fall closed, sighing in relaxation. “HQ was wonderin’ where you’re at. Sent me off to fetch you.” 
A pause, and your eyes fly open, picking yourself up to reach for your alarm clock twisting it to face you. “Hobie! Why didn’t you tell me?” you yelp. He’d been so sweet on you, you wanted it to last, but it’d lured you into a false sense of security. You stumble standing onto your soft mattress, kicking off the tangled sheets around your ankles to hop off. 
“Cool off, bug,” Hobie nestles further into your bed, folding his arms behind his head as he watches you. Lavender colored panties, not even big enough to cover your supple ass. He moistens his lips, biting down onto his piercing while you reach above you to grab a cardboard box from the top shelf of your closet. His thoughts now occupied by how he could get payback for earlier. “Why don’t we stall a bit?” he suggests, but the intention behind his words goes over your head.
“I can’t, I’m already in trouble with the bureau—“ you start, straining on the tips of your toes to balance the box on the pads of your fingers. You manage to pull it from its place, but you lose stability. Hobie appears behind you, beating you to catching it. 
You gulp, and slowly he sets the container in your hands. Directly behind you, he leans his head over your shoulder. 
“When’s a little trouble scared you off, heh?” His arms rest against another shelf, caging you in. 
His breath tickles your neck and you shy away because fiery heat sears your insides as it travels straight to your core. “C’mon, Hobes, don’t be like that. I’m trying to stay off the radar. Things are tense enough as is.” You duck under his elbow, casting aside the cardboard once you’d plucked your uniform from its spot. 
“Sure, sure,” Hobie nods, but his fake agreement doesn’t fool you. He shoves his hands into his vest pockets as he follows you out. “Listen to this though…” Attentively, you side-eye him, and he knows he’s got you interested. “Let’s ditch and catch up here.”
You narrow your eyes, a playful curl to your lips as you drop your arm holding your suit, and you rest your other fist on your hip. “Do you mean catch up? Or-“ Raising your hands, you form air-quotes. “‘catch up’?” 
Hobie scans your body, a generous look up and down, and he lulls back until his shoulder hits the framing, relaxing there. Jutting his chin, he offers a vague and cheeky response. “You decide.” 
You chew on the inside of your cheek, biting back a smile that threatens to display itself and exacerbate Hobie’s arrogant attitude. Having a cocky attitude is an attribute of his you can’t decide if you like. Your suit falls to the ground and you pick up the pace when you approach him. He anticipates your next move, stooping and clutching you when you leap into his arms. You secure your legs around his waist, cupping his cheeks to guide his lips to yours. 
It’s feverish, stolen breaths and parted lips, tilting your heads to deepen it further. The rush of rebellion always ignites a fire in you that Hobie is happy to fan. Neither of you thought of yourselves as exceptional kissers when you worked this fast, luckily you found each other, and your kissing styles fit together like puzzle pieces. Tightening your legs, you heighten yourself, as if to gain an edge by being taller than him. 
Hobie answers this by lumbering over to your bed, collapsing on top of you which you pay no mind to. As if you’re a couple of horny teenagers, he slides his hands underneath your ass, so he can grind into your crotch. Over his jeans, you can’t tell if he’s hard, but the delectable pressure makes you exhale through your nose. His fingers dig into your supple flesh, tasting all he can while his tongue is inside your mouth, chasing yours to explore. 
You had an urge to retract, to moan out his name and ask him to do something foul to you, but he beats you to this as well. Breaking the kiss, he impatiently relays to you, “Been fuckin’ horny for you, d’you know that?” 
The fabric over his zipper catches on your spread folds through your panties and your breath hitches in your throat. “I had a feeling.”
He moves quick, but you don’t mind it. You actually prefer it. The idea he came here knowing he was going to get some is enough to make you dampen. 
“Want me to do som’in about it?” 
“If you’re snappy about it, yes.” You adjust underneath him, searching for that friction, so he obliges you by pinning you with his hips to let you hump him properly. 
His tone conveys his amusement, “In a rush?” 
“Well, you did say I was wanted back at HQ. What are they gonna think if we take too long—? And we show up together?” While you talk, he rolls his abdomen, sweeping his hardening length over your clothed sex, and you shiver. 
He’s swift to derail your verbal thought process, familiar with your ability to overthink things. Your relationship with him is private, but that hasn’t shaken your feelings of inadequacy when you’re dwelling in someplace as daunting as the “spider-society.” Jumping dimensions without sanction or reason is frowned upon— if not an offense— and you and Hobie have a nasty habit of it. “We’re Spider-Men. World ain’t gonna save itself. We’ll tell ‘em we got caught up in som’in.” The word “spider-men” is simply a figure of speech. Contradicting its inherent gender by shifting his weight aside in order to find your sensitive nub, circling it with the pads of his digits. 
His skill with his fingers causes you to instinctively buck your hips. As confident as he was in his answer, you aren’t so sure that’d be acceptable to your superiors. Yet here you are, remaining underneath him. “Yeah, you did. I was ready to go before you pulled me in.” You want this just as much as he does. 
“Don’t act so innocent, you like this.” he calls you out and you try to change the subject of agreeing with him by fitting your hands between you, unbuckling his belt. 
“Hobie.” you croon sweetly, ceding your growing interest in what’s residing in his pants. 
He hooks a digit in your underwear, snapping the elastic against your skin as if to chastise your little show. “I wanted to go down on you first.”
“Next time. Just get inside me.” You undo his button next, and he’s pliant in your hands. Allowing you to shove his pants and boxers down until his dark treasure trail and a glimpse of his pubes are visible. 
“Tell you what,” To assuage you and your impatience, he daintily pinches the corners of your panties, pulling them down your thighs. “let me sleep over tonight.” 
You scoff at his dramatism and the way he stalls just to get a ride out of you. A level of hysterics sets in your tone as you react to him, “Yes! Yes, whatever you want, Hobie, I’d love that.” You shuffle away, reaching for the drawer of your nightstand to collect a condom. Your maneuver spreads your legs, and Hobie pervs on how you glisten. 
“Can't get over how lovely you are,” he muses, two of his curious fingers swiping from your clit down the surface of your sex, gathering the moisture there. Your head tips back, his touch— as fleeting as it was— is so heavenly. You try not to attribute that gift to his guitar-playing… at least, not out loud. “You know, I daydream about this cunt?” 
You sigh out his name, relaxing fully onto the bed while he lubes up his fingers with your essence, rounding your entrance to coax it to loosen. 
“You and your pretty sounds, stuck in my head. D’you know what you do to me, dove?” he emphasizes his sweet nothings with shallow dips into you. 
“Hobie, I’m so glad you’re here,” you confess. He’s not the only one that daydreams about the other. You’ve never shared your bed with anyone that makes you feel like Hobie does. A bit of kissing, a couple of certain touches, and you’re hounding him for his dick. “Do you want to fuck me, baby? Right now? I can’t wait any longer…” Who knows when you’ll have another opportunity like this?
Hobie— arrested in mid-motion to lean into your quivering sex, open and ripe for his taking, for his tasting— must steel himself. You want him now, and giving you head will have to wait ‘til tonight. “I dunno, bug, might be a little tight.” he warns, and thumbs your sensitive bud. You squeak and writhe, an ache blooming within you because of the absence of being filled. 
“I can take it, Hobes- God, please?” you beg, blindly reaching for his pelvis. 
Humored, he toys with you still. “Am I your god?” he teases. 
You huff and pick yourself up, snatching his wrist to shove the condom into his palm. He takes the direction— finally— and rips the wrapper with his teeth. “You are such a jerk.” 
“Pity you need this jerk to get yourself off, eh?” The words bring a grin to your face, and he yanks his pants down fully, rolling the latex onto himself. He catches your eye, witnessing the hunger in your dilated pupils, the anticipation in the way you chew your lower lip. You sit up, enveloping his gloved cock with your hand to lead him over. Obediently, he follows you, amazed at how a motion like that sent a painful throb straight to his dick. Whenever you get exasperated enough to take what you want from him, Hobie can’t help but tease you mercilessly in order to achieve that result. 
Balancing on his knees and his hand next to your cheek, he lets you direct him. His swollen head inclining into you, meeting a brief resistance. 
You reassure him, “It’s okay, I’m okay. Keep going,” You replace your hands, resting them on his nimble hip bones. Sinking in, that delicious stretch draws a moan out. 
“Fuck, yes. Music to my fucking ears.” Hobie captures your mouth in a kiss, swallowing those sounds, taking them for his own as he inches into you. Listening to them strain against the base of your throat as his cursory thrusts deepen. Unable to speak, you can’t admit to him how full you feel as soon as he bottoms out. His cock perfectly sheathed inside you, basking in the moment until you wiggle your hips, signaling for him to pick the pace up. He’s messed with you long enough, and he can’t pretend any longer how thin his self-control is wearing. Pulling all the way out, he slams back into you, the force of it rippling your body in a most pleasurable way. As if electrical currents of delight spark up your spine with each piston. 
Once he adopts a steady rhythm, he breaks the kiss, a string of saliva connecting the two of you after you practically fucked each other’s tongues. “I fucking missed you,” you breathe, gazing up at him with stars in your eyes as he adjusts your legs to fold over. Creating a new angle, your eyebrows twist as the tip of his cock hits a new spot. The web of his thumbs tuck in the backs of your knees, squishing your tits together in between your thighs. Bouncing with each of his thrusts. 
“Fuck, you’re beautiful. Could watch you do this all day. Takin�� my cock this good.” Your pussy slurps him up, emitting the most delectable and filthy noises. “So fucking wet,” 
“All for you, Hobie, all for you.”
There’s a certain part of himself that’s revealed whenever he’s around you. How susceptible he is to praise in these certain circumstances. Your loving words make him work harder, fucking you into the mattress, keeping you in that mating press. Unintelligible noises spill from your mouth, eyes rolling into the back of your head as you let him fuck you to his heart’s desire. The continual attention to that spongy spot inside of you makes that coil inside your belly tighten. The angle of the position, and how expertly he rolls his hips, causes tremors in your legs to surface. 
Usually, Hobie’s keen on staying verbal. Maintaining conversation with anything he can think of, but this time he’s different. Allowing himself to reduce to his basest desires. The kind that control getting the hell off, and using your body to do it. By God, are you fucking happy to do it. Unlike a vessel of pure pleasure, you’re beyond satisfied to let him abuse your hole like this until he’s milked clean because it edges you closer to your own release. 
It nears as Hobie rails you faithfully, and you claw at his biceps. Your walls involuntarily clench. 
“That’s it, baby, that’s it!” he commends, and you feel the ever-present heat on your cheeks warm further. “You gonna cum for me? All over my cock, yeah?” One of his favorite sensations in the world. How you flood around him until it seeps out of you. 
Sentences can’t form in your head, you can only nod furiously to alert him. 
“Go on, touch yourself for me.” You obey his suggestion, and when you lift your trembling hand, he helps you along. Enveloping yours in his hand, he guides it to his mouth, sucking on two of your digits, tonguing them to wet them. Once lubricated, he sticks them in between the two of you, rubbing your clit with them. You whimper. Every cell in your body screaming at you to release, and a couple circles to your nub and you unravel. 
Those tremors travel, igniting every nerve ending as he slows his roll to ride it out with you. Your orgasm is powerful, tensing up your body, including closing up your holes around Hobie who immediately stutters his hips because of it. How you tighten around him becomes the perfect opportunity. You’re so busy letting your euphoria wash over you, Hobie uses it to his advantage, cumming with you. 
The latex protects you, but you can still feel the temperature change inside of you. How things get more slippery, and your own liquid oozing out of you as he pulls out. Sweaty, and out of breath, he collapses next to you to ease the condom off of his softening length. 
A comfortable silence is broken by his cheeky comment, “Tonight, do you fancy another go?” 
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mulberrysilk · 3 years
best friend's brother sukuna who fucks u in your childhood bed with your stuffed toys around u!! im sorry to my melody and all my beloved sanrio characters they didnt have to see that BUT him just being a menace abt how small you are, how babie, how you need nii-chan to take care of u!!
My god…Sukuna is a menace.
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Sukuna x reader
cw: noncon, corruption kink, size kink, innocent reader, Sukuna has nii-chan kink
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“Awe, what’s wrong?” He pouts, fake concern in his tone as he caressed your cheek wet with tears. Your lips were trembling between your teeth and your arms were crossed over your chest, hugging your cute little stuffed toy tightly, seeeking comfort from the plush.
“P-please stop,” you whimper, thighs unable to close as his knelt there before you, thick, fat cock half buried inside of you. “S-Sukuna, please. It hurts.” The burn was shooting through your core, the stretch in your walls uncomfortable to the point you felt that he was ripping you apart.
“Awe, poor baby, want me to make it feel better?” You nod, hoping he took pity on you and would pull out, leave you alone. A whine leaves your lips when pressure is applied on your clit, his thumb rolling the swollen nub to ease the stinging of your chaste walls being split apart. Your head shakes from side to side, telling him you didn’t want or approve what he was doing, and he tuts. You should’ve been thankful that he was going slow and not fucking into you in the comfort of your own mattress. “Nii-chan will take care of you.” He purrs, inching his cock further inside of you, feeling your walls wrap around him. “You’re so tight, little one. Relax for nii-chan.”
You clutch onto the plushie you had been hugging while you slept before he invited himself in your room, trying to ignore the way your cunt began to throb around his length, clit begging for more attention. You hold back any sounds that dared to escape you, scared to wake up your parents across the hall and whoever may pass at your wide open window. The same window Yuuji would climb into many times since you were both children to hang out with you.
A pained squeak leaves you when you felt his fat cockhead nudge against your cervix, a deep sigh rumbling in his chest at the sensation of finally bottoming out. You glance down and your eyes widen, surprised to have taken something that big inside of you with half an inch to spare. He was too big. He was going to break you.
“Sukuna please, go away!” You cry, tears flowing down your cheeks, your arms letting go of your comfort plushie and pounding against his toned chest. “It’s—too much.”
“Don’t be a brat,” he growls, hands squeezing you hips, so tightly he was going to leave a mark. He was holding back as much as he could, the sight of your pussy split around him, trying to adjust to his size, was slowly making his patience deteriorate. “Be the good girl you are. It’s not that hard since it’s your nature isn’t it?” He purrs calmly, burning into his mind the sweet, torn, expression on your face. Cheeks streaming with tears, eyes glossy and lashes wet, your lips swollen from the way he had kissed you.
“Everything about you is good. Pretty too,” he continues, sliding a hand up your front, pausing to feel the softness of your breast against his palm, perked nipple poking. “You’re a sweet little thing too. So sweet to everyone around you…well except for me. You don’t think it hurts me when you’re so cold towards me?”
“P-please,” you whimper, as he slowly draws back, cock sliding out of your pussy till the tip was all that was left inside of you. “I-I’m sorry. I shouldn’t—we shouldn’t be doing this—I can’t.” Your tears overflow, grabbing onto the nearest plushie by your head when he thrusts back in.
“You’re so warm around my cock, baby. Don’t cry, nii-chan will make you feel good,” he brushes his thumb along your cheek, adoring the way you bit your lip to hold back any sort of sound to escape you. “You can make up for being so cold by warming nii-chan up, Hm? You say you don’t want this but you’re getting so wet.”
He must be lying, you thought to yourself. But he was right. You could feel your slick run down your stretched hole and your clit throb for more, you didn’t want more, did you? As seconds past, the hotter it got. So uncomfortably hot. Your body began to tingle with pleasure, begging for more. You repeatedly tell yourself that you didn’t want this that you didn’t want your best friend’s older brother to fuck you. Yet you were proven wrong when he slowly thrusts in and out of you, the hot blooded, ink tainted man before you, being uncharacteristically gentle as if he actually cared about your comfort.
You whimper and whine, feeling the wind get knocked out of your chest with the way his hips snapped against yours, cock feeling womb deep and heavy balls slapping against your ass. He was too big. He was ripping you apart…but…why was your body beginning to enjoy it? Enjoy the pleasure pulsating through your body. Soon enough, protesting was the last thing on your mind before it went numb, focused on the way he was making you feel, your whimpers becoming soft moans.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” he purrs, gripping your waist to pull you down on his cock you swore you could feel him in your belly. The bed rocks with his erratic pounding, the many plushies Yuuji had won for you in arcades from the long friendship you two had falling onto the floor. “Let nii-chan take care of you.”
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Bakugou loses once again
Warning: there is some cursing (mostly Bakugou)
Pairing: fem!reader × Izuku
Disclaimer!! this is a repost from my original blog to my blog dedicated strictly to writing 
“Look dumbass I don’t care anymore, all you’re doing is holding me back!” Bakugou
“I’m holding you back?! All I’m doing is loving you and caring for you!” You yelled back
“Well stop! I don’t love you anymore” he said
That was the final straw your heart was breaking, picking up your purse from its spot by the door.
“Good bye Bakugou” you whispered as your voice broke, you hadn’t called him that since you had started dating 2 years ago.
The tears didn’t start until the door closed behind you as you made your way down the stairs pulling your phone out of your pocket to call one of your closest friends.
“Hey!” He said cheerfully on the second ring “its been a little while I’ve missed you”
“H-Hey” you respond tears in your voice
“Where are you?” He asked his mood immediately shifting “I’m coming to get you”
“I’ll send you my location” you said
“Stay there I’m coming” he said and the call ended.
You sent him your location waiting inside the apartment lobby for him to pull up. When you see his car you run out immediately climbing into his car and hugging him tightly whispering teary Thank yous into his shoulder.
“Hey, I’m here for you” he said running his hands up and down your back.
“C-can we go please” you whimper
“Of course” he said slowly pulling away from the hug wiping away your tears.
He drove away going back to his place. Once at his house he got out and taking your hand leading you inside his house. It had been too long since the last time you had been to his house but it hadn’t changed, his home always felt so warm and inviting.
“Do you want tea?” He asked
“Yes tea would be nice” you said
He tapped the bar counter and you go sit on one of the bar stools. Watching him move around his kitchen as he prepares to make tea for the both of you.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked cautiously
After a moment of hesitation you nod
“We broke up, he told me doesn’t love me anymore and that I’m holding him back” you said as emotionless as possible not wanting to break down in tears again
“Kacchan” he said shaking his head as he poured the tea into two All Might mugs giving you one
“Well, doll, you can stay with me for as long as you want or need” he said smiling as he walked over and placed a gentle hand on your shoulder
“I’d like that thank you Izu” you said with a watery smile
He places the mugs on the counter and pulled you into a tight hug.
“Izu, I’m going to cry again” you whisper into his shoulder
“Then cry it out” he whispered back “I’m here for you”
“T-theres something else…” you trail off
“What else doll?” He asked pulled away to look at your face
“I-im pregnant” you whimper
His emerald eyes widened “does Kacchan know?” He asked
You shook your head “I was going to tell him but we got into a fight and he ended things” you explain.
He nods slowly as strokes your cheek gently.
“How far along are you?” He asked
“8 weeks, I only found out a few days ago” you said
“Whatever your decision I’ll support you” he said smiling
“Thank you Izu, you are the best” you said
“Let’s finish our tea and we can watch a movie or whatever” he said smiling
And you did just that you drank tea and watched movies with Izuku.
And over the following months you’d decided to keep the baby, and Izuku has been there every step of the way taking you to appointments, leaving late at night to fill your cravings or picking them up on his way home from patrol. And after several long and deep conversations you’ve moved in with Izuku and are currently dating he confessed that he’s had feelings for you since you’d met. But he settled for being best friends while you didnt date anyone then while you dated Bakugou.
One night while Izu is on patrol there’s a knock on the door you get up from the couch wearing one of Izukus shirts and a pair of sweats. You open the door and see Bakugou. Your eyes go wide
“What are you doing here?” You asked
“I’m looking for fucking Deku why are you here?” He said frowning
“He’s on patrol or at his agency” you said
“That’s a no on both part, his patrol ended and the agency said he left for the day” he said “and you never answered why you’re here”
“Then you beat him here, and it doesn’t matter” you said
You then see his car pull into the driveway and him get out with a bag of take out.
“Kacchan? What are you doing here?” Izuku asked frowning
“Hero team up” Bakugou said
“Okay, have the files sent over and we can meet about it tomorrow” he said walking past him into the house giving you a quick kiss on the lips
“I’ll take this” you say taking the bag of take out “talk hero work”
Izu smiled as you walked away “Thanks doll, was there anything else Kacchan?” He asked
Bakugou grumbled under his breath and stormed away
*time skip a few months later near the baby’s due date*
You were at home just getting out of the shower when your water broke, thankfully Izuku was still home.
“Izu!” You yelled from the bathroom
He came running in half dressed to go to his agency.
“Is it time?” He asked eyes wide
You simply nod. He dries you off and carefully takes you into the bedroom and helps you dress quickly and grabbing the hospital bags and everything you would need and loads the car while you’re taking deep breaths. He calls the agency and tells them he’s not coming in and to reschedule everything. He gets you to the hospital and after a few hours of intense labor the baby is born. Holding your son in your arms looking down at him smiling.
“Izu, do you want to hold our son?” You asked
He nods wiping his tears he gently holds him in his arms “hi there, little guy, you may not have my blood, but you are my son” he said kissing his head.
You and Izuku had talked he fully planned on stepping up to help you raise your son knowing first hand on how it was to be raised without a father.
*time skip again to the baby being 2 years old*
You hadn’t seen Bakugou since he showed up at the house, you still lived in the same city just different sides. One day when Izu you both decide to go to the mall to do some shopping. Kyo was between you and Izu holding both of your hands talking excitedly when suddenly behind you, you hear small explosions that came from someone not something
“Mama?” Kyo asked covering his ears looking at you
“Its okay baby its someone’s quirk” you said picking him up comforting him
“Let’s go play at the park okay?” Izu said leading you both out of the mall glancing over his shoulder seeing Bakugou following
You get to the park and set him down so he can go play. Izu walked up and kissed your head
“He’s coming” he whispered
You nod keeping an eye on Kyo as he plays. It’s not that you haven’t prepared for this to inevitably happen.
“You have a damn kid!” Bakugou snapped
“Yes and lower your voice yes we are outside but I’m not arguing with you” you said “either we can talk about this and you can get answers or if you choose to yell we leave and you get nothing”
His eyes widened “talk” he said rubbing the back of his neck
“I’ll watch him” Izuku whispered referring to Kyo
“You have a kid” Bakugou said
“Yes, he’s two” you said
He looked over at the kids playing and there was only one child that was about two years old and he looked exactly like he did when he was a toddler
“He’s mine?” He asked his eyes widening as he watched the child
“When you broke my heart telling me I was only holding you back and you didn’t love me I was trying to tell you I was pregnant” you said watching Kyo
“Daddy!” Kyo squealed as he jumped into Izuku’s arms from one of the platforms
Something inside of Bakugou broke seeing his own child calling his rival daddy
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fanficmemes · 3 years
Mordecai and rugby have a gay experience with Drake an josh
That's the title
This is the fic:
Its was a normal dick sucking night for Mordecai and Rigby. They were sucking each others dicks, while also thinking about new ways to suck dicks. Unfortunately, the two had gotten sick of sucking eachothers dicks.
“ Hey Mordecai! I love sucking dick and all, but can we try doing other things with our dicks? ” Rigby asked, with a dick next to his face.
“ I don't know bro… I only know how to suck dick, and not much else. ” Mordecai admitted, with a dick next to his face.
Mordecai then went back to sucking Rigby's dick, but this dick sucking didnt make Rigby happy.
“ NOOO!!! If the only thing you want to do is suck my dick, then I think we should start seeing new dick buddies! ”
Rigby was then about to walk out of the house to find a new dick buddy, but then when he opened the door, he saw two very famous guys.
“ Holy crap! You two are Drake and Josh from the famous Nickelodeon tv show Drake and Josh! ” Rigby said, while holding his dick in excitement.
“ That's right Rigby! We are here because we can tell that you and your dick buddy are suffering from dick withdrawal syndrome, so we are here to help! ” Drake explained.
Drake and Josh walked into the house, and stood in front of Mordecai. Mordecai was about to say something, but then looked down and noticed the large dicks on Drake and Josh.
“ Dang! I wanna put my lips on those dicks! ” Mordecai said, while grabbing his own dick.
“ Sorry Mordecai, but you gotta learn how to use a dick in different ways! ” Josh explained, as he and Drake grabbed Mordecai, and held him down.
“ Ahhh! What are you doing!? ” Mordecai yelled.
“You gotta learn how to take three dicks in the ass! Rigby, get over here!” Drake said.
Rigby then ran over, with his dick in hand.
“ Oh ya! I have wanted to put my dick in his ass for years! ” Rigby said.
Before they put their dicks in Mordecai, Josh did a dick roll call.
“ Drakes dick, check! My dick, check! Rigby's dick, check! Mordecai's dick, check! Alright, we are ready to go! ”
The three of them then stuck their dicks into Mordecai's ass at the exact same time. While they were fucking Mordecai with their dicks, Josh was jerking Mordecai's dick off.
They continued to use their dicks to fuck Mordecai for a few moments, until they started to get annoyed with Mordecai's screams. They tried to rub his dick more, but nothing would stop the screaming. But then Josh had an idea.
“ You two keep shoving your dicks into his ass, i'll be right back! ” Josh said, as he ran off.
Josh ran to the bathroom, turned the lights off, and preformed a ritual.
“ ...Dick...Dick...Dick… ” Josh mutered.
At first, nothing happened. But then… He saw a figure appear in the reflection. Just as he was trying to figure out who the figure was, the figure spoke.
“ Hello! Im Dick Cheney! Why have you called me? ”
Josh was very surprised that the ritual actually worked, but he was also of course happy to see that Dick Cheney was now here.
“ I need your help Dick Cheney! My friends and I are sticking our dicks in this guys asshole, but he won't stay quiet! We tried jerking his dick, rubbing his dick, and nothing is working! You gotta help us Dick Cheney! ” Josh pleaded.
Dick Cheney thought about it for a moment. After making up his dick, I mean mind, dick Cheney pulled his dick out, and got ready to be a very good dick buddy.
“ Now show me where your dick buddies are! I have a dick to take care of! ” Dick said, while holding his dick.
The two dick buddies then walked back to their dick buddies, and saw that Mordecai was still screaming. Dick Cheney was already annoyed by this, so Dick pulled his dick out, and got ready to make things quiet.
“Hi Mordecai, i'm Dick Cheney and i'm gonna shove my dick down your throat so that you will stop annoying your dick buddies! ”
Dick Cheney then shoved his dick down Mordecai's throat. Mordecai tried to scream, but Dick Cheneys dick was shoved so deep in his mouth, that Dick Cheneys dick was in Mordecai's lung. The dick buddies were quite happy with Dick Cheney's work.
“ Nice job Dick! Your dick sure did the trick! ” Rigby complimented.
“ Ya Dick! Your dick is quite amazing! You are a true dick buddy! ” Josh added.
The dick buddies then continued to fuck Mordecai. However, after some time, the dick buddies decided that they needed some more dick.
“Hey dick buddies, let me call up some more dick!” Drake said.
Drake then pulled out his dick phone, and called the gay dick loving cousins of the KKK… The GayGayGay.
“ Hey dick lovers! I know you guys want some dick, so us dick buddies decided that it would be best to invite you fellow dick lovers here! And just so you dick lovers know, we have 1 dick, 2 dick, 3 dick, 4 dick, and 5 dick. We have five guys worth of dick here! So be sure to give us dick buddies a visit! ” Drake said to the GayGayGay.
After five minutes of doing dick stuff, the GayGayGay finally arrived.
“ Hello dick buddies! We are the GayGayGay, and we are ready to do some dick stuff! ” A GayGayGay member said, while pulling out his dick.
All 10 of the GayGayGay members then went up to Mordecai, and shoved all of their dicks into Mordecai's ass. Unfortunately, the level of dick was way too much for Mordecai's ass, so Mordecai was literally torn in half.
“ Oh no! My dick buddy is dead! ” Rigby cried.
Rigby then grabbed his dick, and started to cry. But then Josh calmed him down.
“ Don't worry Rigby, we can use the power of dick to perform a dick ritual that can bring back out dick buddy! ”
Everyone then made a circle around their dead dick buddy, grabbed another dick buddies dick, and performed the dick ritual.
“ Dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick, give us the dick now! Dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick dick, we want the dick now! ” The dick buddies chanted.
Then suddenly, a bunch of white dick magic shot out of every dick buddies dick. The dick magic hit Mordecai's dick, and brought him back to life. When Mordecai woke up, he grabbed his dick, and tried to run out of the house while screaming.
“ Ohhhh no you dont dick buddy! ” Drake yelled.
Drake then grabbed his dick, and used it to dick lasso Mordecai. After he pulled him back, Josh grew his own dick to the size of a baseball bat, and then used his giant dick to brake Mordecai's legs.
“ AHHHHHHHHHH!!! Why are you doing this to me! ” Mordecai asked, while crying and struggling to escape Drakes dick.
“ Because… You are our dick buddy! And you will suck dick, ass fuck dick, lick dick, rub dick, dick dick, and more! ” Josh replied.
Mordecai was then dick fucked by everyone in the room. Eventually, the pizza delivery dick boy, the pool dick boy, and even Gay Greg got involved. Mordecai spent the next two weeks getting dick fucked, until he was finally rescued by Uncle Grandpa, Shadow the Hedgehog, David Chappell, and Colonel Noodle.
Mordecai was taken to the hospital, and then was put into the witness protection program. Mordecai fell into a deep depression, and committed suicide by choking on his own dick.
6.5/10 I deadass only held it hostage bc I thought it was funny 💀
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