#my phone and my laptop both feature in my dreams pretty often
jacobsbrainrot · 3 years
as a family, dream
dream and you both enjoy family time with sebastian and kai
PAIRING cc!dream x fem!reader
WARNINGS swearing & a happy f-family🤢
NOTE kai uses they/them and sebastian uses he/him pronouns grr dad dream!!
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    CLAY AND YOU BOTH SAT on the creme-colored couch, you both had work and came home to relax and enjoy some time together, the kids as well. "mom, seb's on my laptop, watching porn again!" kai's voice rang from what sounded to be just above the stairs to the second level of the house, they were fifteen now, time flies when you're at your happiest.
your husband ran a hand through his recently-cut hair with a sigh, picking up the plates from the coffee table walking them into the kitchen, and sitting them in the sink. he mumbled swears under his breath, padding up the stair with loud footsteps.
the sound of your son's bedroom door opening and shutting quickly, made you get up as well going into kai's room, they laid sprawled on their bed, phone in hand scrolling through whatever social media they used these days. "your brother is such a damn handful" you groaned laying down next to them on the mattress.
"so is your husband" they huffed locking their phone, laying it face down on the navy blue comforter, they didn't love clay but they didn't hate him either, kai didn't know their biological dad, but they fought with clay quite a bit
you tried your best to change the subject, but before you could get the question out kai cut you off, "did you ever have a girlfriend, mom? before dad and clay, of course" they asked, glancing in your direction. it's been a while since you've been asked that question.
"um- yeah. maybe when i was around thirteen, a little younger than you i'm sure" you spoke, the whole family knew about your sexuality, you liked girls, boys,  anything and everything in between. when you were in middle school, you thought you were bisexual, and even more so when you met a girl who absolutely rocked your entire world.
"what was her name?" kai continued to bombard you with questions, "that's not important." you replied when she broke up with you, it felt like your entire world had ended, she was the only source of happiness you had, but being from two different places and only meeting over the internet was difficult, and it really strained on your guy's relationship and she had met someone else and liked them better than she liked you and sent you a message that read, "things are weird between us now, and someone likes me and i like them too, sorry. i hope we can still be friends" you didn't stay friends, all communication cut off.
it hurt a lot, but life went on. if you stayed with her maybe you wouldn't be as happy as you are now, with two kids and a husband that loves you dearly. "it was great while it lasted" you smiled over at her. your eyes scanned kai's room, the l'manberg ( clay had given both sebastian and kai their own after telling them stories about the old minecraft server he used to run. ) and the pansexual flag hung side by side, kai was proud of who they were and you were almost more proud of their courage to come out to you back when they were confused and questioning.
"is there any particular reason you ask, love?" you asked, they never really asked questions like this, there no issues you were simply curious. "there's- there's this girl in my social studies class, and god mom, she's so pretty and nice" kai practically swooned, a cheesy smile etched on their face. they continued babbling on about this girl, you could tell how much kai liked her. "you're very loveable, i'm sure she feels the same" the compliment made the small on their face grow even bigger, you were boosting their confidence and you could tell.
"how about you and clay-" at the mention of his name they groaned, hands covering their face, "let me finish, he's good at picking out stuff like that, I, on the other hand, am not. plus, you two can bond and not have to deal with seb for like, a full day." you finished, kai perked up at the mention of not dealing with sebastian."fine, only because you're keeping the demon spawn."
you got up from the spot you were laying and reached for kai's hands, when they complied, you pulled them up to you, "now, let's go watch a movie together. as a family!" you were excited, kai clearly wasn't, but they'd get over it eventually. flipping the switch on their room's light, they headed down the stairs while you went to knock on sebastian's room door.
muffled words were heard through the door and you took that as an opportunity to walk in, the door, "hey." clay breathed out a tight-lipped smile present on his features, the conversation they were having was probably something stupid about how to hide porn on computers. you knew the many stories about how clay, sapnap, and george had watched shit like that together on their pcs years ago.
"kai and I are gonna pick a movie to watch, maybe some popcorn. care to join us?" your eyes glanced between the two of them. sebastian jumped up from his bed, nodding and squeezing between you and his door frame.
another sigh left clay as he stood up from where he was sitting as well, his arms wrapped around you, pulling you into him, "this kid has a porn addiction" he smiled against the nape of your neck, breathing in the smell of you. you chuckled running your nails along his shoulder blades, "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" you smirked as he looked at you feigning offense. his hand came to his chest, he jokingly scoffed and stomped out of the room. you folling behind him.
overdramatic as usual, absolutely nothing new. the rest of the night you all spent together laughing at the movie and at each other. after two and a half movies, you all decided to call it a night. you made sure everything was turned off and made a mental note to wash the dishes in the morning.
peeking your head into kai and seb’s room, whispering ‘goodnight’ and ‘i love you’ and went to clay and you shared room.
the mattress was damn near calling your name at this point. clay was already on the bed, scrolling through his phone, most likely twitter, he still did the whole youtube thing. he had done a face reveal a few years before sebastian was born.
his fans loved you entire family, and requested vlogs pretty often, you had recorded a few times, but posted them on your youtube account rather than clay’s. you were very grateful for the support from them.
he looked up at the door, locking eyes with you, and a warm smile took over his face. he opened his arms for you, you reluctantly crawled into bed and snuggled up close to him.
“i enjoyed tonight” you mumbled truth be told, you didn’t hang out all together very often, kai didn’t like clay too much and sebastian was a too busy playing video games or watching porn on electronics that didn’t belong to him.
“me too, love. me too.”
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strawbeebo · 4 years
~♡ Damned If I Do ♡~
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Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Pairing: Kento Nanami x Fem! (She/Her) Reader
Warnings: ❌MAJOR SPOILERS!!❌ Seriously, if you aren’t caught up with the manga, don’t even finish reading this description lmaooo
Words: 5.5K
Genre: Fluff & Angst
A/N: this has shit that’s 100% me taking shit into my own hands and assuming the shibuya incident ends with things going well for those still alive and everyone returning to the Tokyo school for rehabilitation and mourning so ye ye ye. also i’m delving into completely unfamiliar territory so don’t @ me if it makes no sense LMAO
As always, if you enjoy this and want to see more of my work, PLEASE consider reblogging as it’s the best way for my works to get around and keepin’ me motivated to make more for y’all!
Gojō remembered the first time he met you, after all, how couldn’t he? It was actually a pretty funny situation, but if Nanami had a say in it he would heartily disagree.
It was his birthday, something Nanami had never put much thought into and actually preferred others to treat it in the same way. For the longest time, his birthday was just another day that happened to show that he had been on this hell of an earth for one year longer than the year before. It was a countdown leading to nothing when he had nothing he really wanted to live for, but when he met you, that seemed to change in a blink of the eye. Well, at least your relationship felt just like that, a ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ type situation, but despite that, the handful of years he had spent with you felt like something he never could have even dreamed up happening.
You had met by chance, running into each other at the grocery store. It was nothing special, he had quite a few more items than you did so he offered up the spot ahead of him so that you could get through more quickly. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately so, the line was still fairly long so you decided to strike up a conversation with him following your list of ‘thank you’s’. You thought he was nice, a little bit on the serious side and not overly cordial, but you could tell just from that short conversation that he was the type of person you could sit with and not say a single word and still feel comfortable and content. He had a sort of calming, mature air about him and with a handsome face to match, you couldn’t help but think about how surely a man like that had someone waiting for him back home, wherever that was. Either way, before your conversation could go on for long, you had to turn your focus to checking out, so you thanked him once more for letting you pass him and simply went on your way, not thinking in the slightest that such a minor encounter with a stranger would change your life like it had. Your life continued on as normal and so did his and, for a few months at least, things went on as such until the two paths of your respective lives came together once more.
This time, it was at a small café that you later learned was near his place of work, so he frequented it often. You actually didn’t see him at first, he had intentionally chosen a table that was at one of the corners closer to the entrance so he could be away from the noise of the front counter, but the cafe was a bit packed that afternoon so it didn’t really matter in the end. You had only noticed him because you were looking for a place where you could sit and your disappointment in the fact that there didn’t seem to be any empty tables was soon replaced with intrigue in response to seeing that vaguely familiar face. It took you a moment, but his unique features allowed for your memory to be jogged quickly as you made your way over to him after putting in your order, starting with a small wave to get his attention.
To your surprise he actually remembered you, though that was for the better since it made you feel a little bit less creepy about remembering him. You introduced yourself, something you didn’t feel like you had to do last time but for some reason with this meeting, you felt it was appropriate. He returned the favor, ‘Kento Nanami’ was his name, something that at first didn’t seem to suit him well, but who were you to say? Your small talk continued and, while you didn’t actually have any intention of ‘using’ him for the empty chair that sat across from him, the topic of how busy the cafe was came up and his request for you to sit with him followed soon after. You turned him down initially, you assumed he was working since he had both his laptop and his phone laid out in front of him and you didn’t want to be an annoyance, but he politely insisted it was not bother for him, so you eventually accepted his offer.
You were only on your break after all, so you figured it wouldn’t be long and that if you drank your coffee and ate your chocolate croissant quietly, he wouldn’t regret allowing you to share the small table, though once again to your surprise, it was him who started up another conversation a few minutes after you got settled. You talked about your respective work, his disdain for his job being clear as day even as he seemed to try and justify it either to you or to himself, but you almost felt bad speaking of your boring day to day job that didn’t seem nearly as bad as his. Aside from work however, you spent a lot of time talking about good places to eat in the area as it seemed you shared a love for good food amongst a few other things. He was as nice to talk to as you had initially imagined he would be, to a point where you had to cross your fingers and hope that he didn’t notice your interest peak and your eyes flicker to his ring finger when he happened to mention living alone. To be honest, you had never really been one to put yourself out there unless the person who you found an interest in had a clear interest in you in return, but when you stood up to leave, you felt compelled to slip him your number written on a piece of notepad paper you always kept in your purse, telling him if you ever happened to be out at the same time, you’d like to meet up for coffee or something another time.
He, much like you, wasn’t particularly romantically focused, but he accepted the offer nonetheless. If anything, he wouldn’t deny it was nice to have some company that wasn’t his coworkers. You were polite and all, though for some reason, he felt a want to get to know you on more than a ‘small talk with a stranger’ level. He didn’t have much to go on, but that was all the more reason to get to know you more, and that he did. You had one more meeting over coffee, and then once again, this time at a different café you had told him about. He liked to stick to his routine, but it was cute how excited you got raving about how amazing their cherry danishes were, so he decided it couldn’t hurt. From there his feelings of ‘it couldn’t hurt to go’ slowly turned to him waiting to see you again, for once tapping his pen in annoyance not just because he wanted to get out of another pointless meeting, but because he wanted to see you. You had become a breath of fresh air in his mundane life, one that made all those late nights seem slightly less exhausting and after some time, made the idea of making money for himself come second in his thoughts. Your coffee dates turned to dinners out, then to him cooking dinner for you, then to nights spent together that ended with both of you being late for work the following mornings.
You had gotten more than ‘close’ over the span of a year or so, so much so that after many evenings of you commenting on how you could tell something was wrong, he decided that you were someone he could trust with the information regarding his former work as a sorcerer and eventually, you were a big part in convincing him to go back to it, something that, thinking back, you both regretted and welcomed as a fantastic idea. Despite the injuries you’d see him with, he seemed...lighter, as if something that had been previously bothering him had vanished with him returning to the objectively much more relentless work. Still, you could tell he was happy in his own way and as cheesy as it sounded, if he was happy, then so were you. A few months after that and you decided there was no point in living separately if you were spending almost every night over at his place anyways, so the two of you moved in together. Things were about as normal as you could possibly imagine being with someone who did what he did, but with you, a sense of normalcy was all he wanted.
Another year passed and he fully welcomed his thoughts making the change from thinking about how he was going to live out the rest of his life in a tedious manner to how he was going to live his life with you in it. Hell, even his acquaintances could tell you were more than just some woman he was seeing because if you were, they wouldn’t know about you at all. He was rather private like that, everything about his personal life was very much on a need-to-know basis that in his eyes, they didn’t need to know, especially Gojō, but unfortunately you had asked for a few contact numbers just for emergencies and Gojō happened to be one of them. It didn’t take him very long to abuse said connection though, and before Nanami knew it, he was walking into a private party room of a small restaurant the two of you frequented often, only this time he was met with an obnoxiously loud array of ‘Happy Birthday’s being shouted at him. Still, the sheepish smile you wore as Gojō explained he had been secretly planning this little surprise party with you was more than enough to make him ok with his birthday being celebrated in such an over the top way. More than that, something about the way you interacted with his coworkers and students made him...oddly happy. The way you handled Itadori’s numerous enamored questions about your relationship, being able to hear that loud, full on laugh you let out at the stupid stories Gojō told about when the two of them were in school, and all the little small talk in between as you got to know eachother. He hated to admit to thinking of them as his family, but he knew there was no other explanation as to why he felt so fortunate to see you all get along so well.
That night felt like it went on forever, though slowly the party began to thin. The students left first, they had lessons early in the morning after all, and eventually it was down to him, Gojō, and you. You shared a drink with them before tapping out early with an apology, you had pulled an all nighter the night before and the exhaustion was starting to set in, but you insisted he stay out a little bit longer and enjoy himself and after a quick kiss on the cheek goodbye and a whispered “Happy birthday, Kento.”, you were off to hopefully catch the last train home. Nanami knew what was coming next as he could see the knowing look on Gojō’s face before he even turned back to look at him, and maybe it was the alcohol, but he didn’t mind the conversation that he knew was about to follow.
It started with a simple comment.
“She seems awfully nice. Too good for you, don’t you think, ‘Nanamin’?~”
If he were being honest, he would have answered ‘yes’, but that wasn’t something he really wanted to get into. Instead he brushed him off, making a comment on how he sincerely hoped he wasn’t suggesting that somehow Gojō would be a far better option for you, to which he laughed in return. They talked quietly like that for a while, after all Gojō hadn’t gotten to hear the whole story yet and he was intrigued about how this seemingly normal woman managed to wiggle her way into the overly serious and stoic Nanami’s heart. He didn’t ask that directly though, instead he just listed off different harmless questions about what you did for work or what kinds of things you liked. It wasn’t the answer itself that necessarily mattered, but with the way Nanami spoke about you, he could tell that he was simply taken by you. For someone so blunt and pessimistic, when he spoke about you, even if his tone didn’t change, Gojō could practically see the passion he held for you in his eyes. Still, he couldn’t let his carefree reputation be tarnished so to hide his interest he would crack a few jokes and, as always, Nanami would respond with something clever. The night droned on like that until finally, in a slightly more serious tone, Gojō asked a question that Nanami had already asked himself many times over.
“So, you gonna’ marry her?”
It was a simple question with a technically simple answer, however it took much more pondering than one would think. The life he lived was a dangerous one, one that rarely made room for romance at all, let alone marriage, but somewhere along the way, you had helped him break from his repetitive schedule of a life that was meticulously planned and for once, this was something he was certain of even if the outcome itself wasn’t so. The two of you had already had this conversation, more than once actually since he was the one who needed some convincing, so it was really just a matter of ‘when’ rather than ‘if’. Still, he didn’t have to let Gojō know that.
“....I’ve thought about it.”
“Uh huh. So can I see the ring?”
He should have known there wasn’t a single thing on this planet that Gojō couldn’t pick up on. With a sigh, he reached into the pocket of his suit jacket and pulled out the small black box that he had carried with him practically every day that he wasn’t working since he had bought the damn thing and placed it on the table. Gojō snapped it up almost immediately, flipping the lid open and lowering his glasses to look at the ring properly. It was simple, something that wasn’t surprising since Nanami didn’t put much meaning into materialistic things and you didn’t seem like the type to want something too excessive anyways.
“A sorcerer’s salary sure doesn’t buy much does it.~~”
The box was snatched away from him in a matter of seconds as he continued to laugh it off as Nanami mumbled about how ‘he shouldn’t have bothered’ despite the fact he knew Gojō was just messing with him. Slowly, the topic faded and after one more drink, they were back to their own personal realities which, luckily for him, involved slipping into bed with who he was sure was the love of his life.
The morning came and went and your worlds settled back into their odd sense of a different kind of ‘mundane’, one that involved curses and demons, but was saved by the comfort and love you had for one another. However even that could only hold up your spirits for so long and with every passing day, it seemed like Nanami was always coming home with worse news, and that was with him sparing you as many of the details as he possibly could. Even with him explaining it to you, there were still things you didn’t understand, but you knew that things were escalating in the world of jujutsu sorcerers and curses. The flashes of true normalcy and happy days seemed to appear so few and far in between lately, the days where you could visit him and the students he helped out with became a thing of the past as said meetings were deemed ‘unsafe’ by the higher ups.
Then, all at once, it seemed the steady decline of the situation seemed to falter just for a moment before sinking even deeper than any of them could have possibly imagined. You knew this mission in Shibuya was different from anything leading up to it just from the way Nanami spoke to you before he left. He made a point to never treat you like a child or as if you couldn’t handle the work he did, however this time, unlike before, he made a point of telling you about the amount of sorcerers that would be there and that they already had an idea of what the curses’ plans were. He was reassuring you that this would be no different than any other mission, and that alone was enough to let you know things were much more dire, but as if that weren’t enough, he held you with a lack of his usual confidence, keeping his arms locked around you for longer than usual before pressing a sweet kiss against your lips that you wished to god you could have savored more than you did. He assured you once more, told you he would call you as soon as he possibly could, and he was gone.
You didn’t even live that close to Shibuya, but with the amount of noise and the way the ground shook that night, you felt even people halfway across the world could feel the sheer amount of power that was devastating the area. You didn’t dare turn on the news, so instead you simply waited. You kept waiting until somehow, you fell asleep. You waited through your morning coffee that you could hardly stomach, waited through the calls and texts from coworkers and friends asking if you had seen the news, you waited and waited and waited. Every call that wasn’t from him became irritating, and as the afternoon passed and the sun began to set, you felt every wave of emotion fall over you. You began to agonize as night fell, calling Gojō you don’t know how many times before eventually falling asleep, no doubt due to stress.
You woke up to a call from the principal of the school Kento worked for, someone you had never even spoken to before, asking you to come to the school the following day. That wasn’t the call you were waiting for, that wasn’t who you wanted to hear, but what else could you do? How long could you reasonably wait to hear Kento over the phone apologizing for being so late and complaining about the amount of overtime these curses were running up? All you could do was agree to be picked up by one of the few sorcerers left, who oddly enough wasn’t the usual black haired man who you had seen drop off Kento on occasion. The young woman didn’t speak much aside from confirming your name, but you were glad for that as you didn’t know what you would say. Or rather, you didn’t want to ask the question that was clawing at your skull because somewhere deep past the threads of hope you were hanging on to, you knew what the answer would be. You could feel something was wrong from the moment you woke up that morning to right this second as you walked with bated breath before being asked to sit in a small lounge room.
It wasn’t long before you heard the slide of the door and were met with the familiar young face of Itadori and lengthy figure of Gojō who, for as strong as Kento had described him as, looked particularly exhausted and lacked that usual grin he always wore.
“...We need to talk.”
Never had those words made your chest feel so tight, but as the rest of his explanation spilled past his lips, you felt emptier than you ever thought was possible.
You knew from the beginning of the end that he was gone.
You knew, yet nothing could have prepared you for the words your heard cried from young Itadori’s mouth as he practically collapsed down onto his hands and knees with his head bowed to the floor as he sobbed out a whirlpool of apologies and regrets that made your stomach turn in knots. You felt cold and painfully numb, as if you were off in a dream somewhere watching all this happen, your brain scrambling for a way to prove that none of this was real. You didn’t feel in control when you got on your knees and hugged Itadori close to you, your own tears finally beginning to spill from your eyes as reality set in and yet, you still tried to mutter through your own weeping that it was ok, it wasn’t his fault, it will be okay. It felt like an eternity that you were crumpled on that floor next to this poor boy, your thoughts completely shut down by your emotions. You had talked about this so many times, sworn up and down that no matter what happened to him, you wanted nothing more than just just be with him. Now, you couldn’t remember how you convinced him of that, because suddenly you weren’t sure how you could possibly be ok with him gone. What was next? Did you even have a single faction of your future planned that didn’t involve him? Over and over your brain went back and forth, between acceptance of this new reality and ridiculous explanations as to the ‘fact’ that somehow, they were wrong. That they missed something, that Kento hated overtime more than anything else and would be waltzing in with nothing more than a few scratches and bruises and ask you what you were doing on the floor like that. It was then that you must have either passed out or dozed off as you could have sworn you felt the phantom of his embrace and his lips pressed to your forehead.
For all the late night dramas you watched on television, you could never quite understand what people meant when they said ‘it all passed in a blur’ in regards to what followed after a loved one passed away, but now you knew with certainty that description was not far off from reality. You felt as though you did nothing but cry for days, days that were spent at the school since the mere thought of going home to an empty apartment made you feel sick. Every time you thought you couldn’t cry any longer, there was always something, an item belonging to Kento being offered up to you or a question in regards to his funeral that would send you further down the spiral that you already thought you had reached the bottom of.
The numbness began to fade, slowly, but as awful as it sounded, luckily things around you seemed to be moving just as slowly due to the sheer amount of chaos there was to be dealt with. You tried your best to pull yourself back up again and you were fortunate for the lack of pressure from the others to do so because the reality was, you didn’t know what to do, so for a while, you really didn’t do much of anything. Some days you cried for hours on end, some days you were angry, some days you just didn’t feel much of anything. Days turned to months, though now some of those days were occupied by grief counseling that seemed to help the more you got used to it. You were finally able to return home, though even after another few months of counseling, it felt hard at times with how empty it was. Still, having all of Kento’s friends and acquaintances nearby helped and you all supported one another in the ways that you could.
Eventually you found yourself able to think about Kento more fondly and less about the fact that he was gone. You slowly began working again, you were lucky to have an understanding boss who didn’t have a problem with you having days here or there where you still couldn’t quite handle a normal work day. You also took your counselors’ advice of taking care of yourself physically quite seriously, though most of that motivation came from the fact that if Kento could say something to you now, he would be more than willing to scold you for missing meals or not drinking enough water. Little things like that were working their way into your thoughts more often and you found yourself able to smile again, pushing yourself forward with the idea that Kento would give you as much time as you needed, but you knew he would still hope that you’d be able to find your old flow of life once more.
It had been a while, you still felt off in regards to being social, but you had finally decided to reach out to Gojō and ask him out for a drink. To be honest, you hadn’t been keeping up with the sorcerers as of late. At first you obsessed over it, your lover had given his life over their cause after all, but it was doing you no good and eventually Gojō genuinely convinced you that he was going to keep you up to date on everything significant and let you know what was happening. As far as you knew, they were still in a bit of a recovery period, thought that was partially because the opposition had been awfully quiet while they were left with little to no leads to follow. Still, Gojō was more than happy to hear from you about something other than updates and happily accepted your offer.
He wasn’t surprised at your choice of restaurant being that same one both you and Nanami had loved, but he still felt ill prepared to face that longing look you had as the two of you met up in front of the place. You still looked worn down, but you seemed well off enough considering the situation and the amount of time that had passed.
“He pretended to be pissed off the last time we were here together, but he was really happy that day.” You started, nursing a cup of the shared bottle of sake the two of you had ordered.
“Really? I’m sure he’d deny that with everything he had.”
“Yeah,” You said with a short laugh and a tired smile. “He probably would.”
The two of you talked a bit about nothing in particular, you could tell he was avoiding any mention of his work and the current state of things, but you didn’t mind. That wasn’t why you wanted to see him anyways, though to be honest, you didn’t know exactly why you had wanted to meet up with him. Maybe you just wanted to feel close to Kento again, a part of you dreaming of a world where the three of you were chatting over drinks, just like before. Your chatter quieted, the silence between the two of you drowned by the quiet murmur of the other customers before you finally decided to speak something that had been on your mind as of late.
“I- um…” You started, the telltale tightening of your throat creeping up on you as you gently fiddled with your cup. “...I’ve- I keep thinking...or maybe daydreaming...I think about what would have- what we would have...been.” You finished, stumbling over your words in the process as you tried to fight back against your own emotions.
You knew that thinking about all the ‘what if’s’ was probably horrible for your mental state, but sometimes, when you were really alone with your thoughts, you just couldn’t help yourself. A part of you thought that maybe if you thought about it enough, if you wished for it hard enough, your dreams would somehow come true. Even knowing that in the end that could never happen, those thoughts were always bittersweet in a way. In the end you were and always would be happy for everything you had with him, even if your time together was cut short.
“This has been a topic of debate, you know.” He spoke, tapping a finger on the table a few times as if in thought. “The consensus was ‘don’t give it to her’ but I disagree and I think Nanami would agree with me for once, so I took it anyway.”
For a moment, you weren’t sure if he had heard you correctly, or maybe he didn’t understand what you were saying? Your questions were quickly snuffed out before you could even ask them though as a small black box was placed down in front of you and your heart just about stopped. Your mouth hung open as you looked at him and he simply gestured for you to open the box. You did just that, staring at the simple ring with a single pear-cut opal set in the center, a stone you had commented on loving seemingly years ago. Your fingers felt tingly as you reached for it, your mouth finally closing once you finally held it in your hands. All at once your emotions began to overflow with the tears that threatened to spill from the corners of your eyes.
“I’m no expert, but I think you woulda’ gotten married. Obviously I would be the best man and Nanami would find some new ugly tie to wear.” He said with an air of reminiscence for something that never actually was.
“You’d probably look great, but that’s a given. Then you’d party and get drunk and finally go home so you could do some stuff that would end up with us having some good news a few months later….Ok maybe no kids but I’m sure the two of you could make a damn good night out of it.”
You were silent for a moment, and then you burst out with laughter that quickly dissolved into crying as he handed you napkin after napkin to wipe your face with. You wondered how Gojō could make everything sound so simple and make you somehow both overjoyed and saddened at the same time, but after a while, you were left smiling even though you still had tears running down your cheeks.
“I’m sorry that couldn’t come true.” He spoke in a more serious tone, a gentle smile gracing his features. “-But, who knows? Maybe it could, someday, with someone. Point is, you should know that all Nanami ever wanted was to be happy with you. Whether or not that was for a hundred years or two, he was more willing to ride that train through than he was with anything else. He knew there was a chance that being happy with you could only last so long, but he’d want you to keep living and loving the things and people that you do. That’s what he fought for, after all.”
You nodded, laughing once more through your most likely obnoxious crying. You knew there was no way you could ever get over that want to have lived a happy life forever with Kento, but you also knew it would break his heart if you were never at least able to enjoy the rest of your life alongside the grief you held. You wiped your eyes once more, your tears finally ceasing, and you slipped the ring onto your left ring finger and lifted your hand up to admire it and everything it represented.
“Would you look at that!~ Guess he really did have an eye for perfect measurements.”
You smiled and gave him a nod, unable to tear your eyes away from the ring that now sat proudly on your finger. This was where your life and your love had led you, mourning for the loss of everything you had and yearning for the things that you now knew would have been, yet you knew from him proclaiming it many times that if there was one thing Kento cherished, it was the fact that you gave him something to look forward to, a reason to truly live rather than just go through the motions. He would want you to live the rest of your life just the same, even if it was without him. You would love those you held dear, you would laugh til’ you couldn’t breathe and cry until you ran out of tears. You would eat your favorite foods, sleep in on your days off for as long as you could, and be sure your calendar was marked with little “X’s” for even the smallest of things to look forward to. You would live your life to what you felt was the fullest with him in your heart throughout all of it until maybe, someday, you could see him once more to finish your story with a long awaited “I do”.
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yslkook · 4 years
#do you have the bandwidth (7)
#corporate masterlist summary: the closer it gets to the new year, the more memorable moments you have. word count: 6.1k warnings: cursing, alcohol, discussion of mental health a/n: ENJOYYYY and thank you to @taestybae​ <333
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After you had texted Jungkook after the holiday party, it seemed like neither of you went longer than a few days without texting each other. Most of it was for work related reasons- but Jungkook was aching to talk to you about anything outside of work.
And at work, his head spins when you spend a few extra minutes at his cubicle as you’re passing by-
“Your boss would be ashamed at the state of your desk plant,”
“We don’t all have a green thumb, okay-”
“You don’t need a green thumb to take care of a succulent, Jungkook! Look at it! She just needs a friend.”
“You be her friend then.”
“We are friends,” You murmur with a blinding smile, “Aren’t we?”
“Y-yeah,” Jungkook swallows nervously.
And then you had asked him if he wanted to have lunch with you and Seokjin, a request that had made his head spin. Do you even know what you’re doing to him?
From the oblivious smile on your face, he thinks not.
But it’s so easy to insert himself into conversation with you. You always look to him, to make sure if he has something to say, that he says it. You do that with everyone, really. Whether it’s at work or not-
“Hey, I made a lot of samgyeopsal last night,” You say, opening your container once you’re seated at the table, “Figured you’d want some?”
Jungkook looks at you and then the container a few times. His stomach rumbles and his heart flips, a betrayal of his own body. 
You’re already placing some in his plate without asking, along with some rice. It’s all so very domestic, despite the fact that you’re both in the middle of the office cafeteria.
“Jin likes samgyeopsal, too,” You muse, “Especially the way Grandma makes it. Grandma cooks so much better than me. She says Appa used to cook better than me, too.”
You laugh and Jungkook is stunned. He doesn’t think you’ve ever opened up about home to him before. 
“What else do you like cooking?” 
Your eyes light up as you rattle off different things you’re trying. You tell him you want to become better at baking-
“I’m a ready and willing test subject, here at your service.”
“Oh, really?” You snort, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
Jungkook eats his food in awe, his eyes wide and sparkling and lips tinted with sauce. It surprises you, how eager you are for his reaction. He moans in satisfaction, even closing his eyes as he chews.
Your face heats up. The noise that comes out of his mouth should most definitely be inappropriate for the general public of the office cafeteria.
“So much better than anything I could offer you,” Jungkook groans.
“I’m sure I’ll think of something, Jungkook.”
And while the end of the year means that things are starting to wind down with the holidays approaching- everyone is out of the office from Christmas Eve until the day after New Years- you still meet with your submissions team once before bowing out for the holiday.
It feels oddly nostalgic, as if you’re saying goodbye to friends rather than colleagues-
“Any plans, Sana?” Namjoon asks at the end of the meeting. All of your laptops are down, having finished your work about twenty minutes ago. 
This was the best part. Finishing the work early so that you could catch up with each other. Ever since Tokyo, you’ve felt the bonds between the four of you strengthen into something more than just workplace associates.
“Going to my grandparents’ with my dad,” Sana replies, leaning back in her chair, “You?”
“Visiting the family. I’ll be here for new years though,” Namjoon muses and turns to you.
“Oh, yeah. Me too,” You nod and Jungkook nods in agreement.
“Nobody’s traveling this year?” Namjoon asks, “We’re all wasting our youth. But our families are gettin’ older, huh?”
Namjoon is nothing if not tactful. 
“Maybe next year,” Jungkook jokes, eyes crinkling.
You groan and smack your palm to your forehead, “It’s too early for ‘next year’ jokes, Jungkook. Reign it in.”
“No such thing as too early,” Jungkook protests.
“You’re the type to come in the first day back and tell everyone that you haven’t seen them since last year,” You tease, and Jungkook lets out a surprised laugh.
“So what if I am? It’s a timeless joke!”
“Oh, is it?”
Namjoon rolls his eyes as you both playfully bicker. “Before we leave, since this is our last meeting for this project… Thank you for all of your hard work in the last few months. You’ve all really stepped up, and I’m proud to lead a team as strategic, smart, and flexible as this one.”
“Watch out, Namjoon, you’ll put a tear in my eye,” You interrupt with a grin. He shoots you an impressed glare and you shut your mouth.
“As you know, Tokyo will be here in February. And I expect nothing but the best from us. But until then… Enjoy the holiday, and be safe and well. And spend time with your loved ones.”
Jungkook catches the soft look in your eyes. You bite your bottom lip nervously, feeling like you have to say something. At least to Namjoon.
So you muster every ounce of bravery in you and open your mouth. “Thanks, Namjoon. For… everything.”
Well, nobody said you were a poet.
And sometimes you might text him after work, too. Sometimes you send pictures of your dinner and dessert to him. And he, without fail, compliments every single one of them with an array of emojis. 
Jungkook sometimes can’t believe it. He finds himself asking Taehyung if he’s dreaming- that you’re really texting him. Taehyung rolls his eyes and smacks the back of his head.
Sometimes when you try new wines with Grandma, you tell him about it. You send him snapchat videos once in a while, after a few glasses of wine detailing your assessment of the wine-
Hey. It’s me. Today, I tried this five year old pinot noir. Don’t even like pinot noir like that. Don’t you think all wines taste the same? Except pinot noir. Pinot noir tastes like the devil’s lettuce.
When you send him snapchat videos, his heart seizes in his chest at the flash of your name on his screen. The camera will be facing you, voice slurring and a little high pitched. In one of them, he thinks you’re in your bed, under the covers half asleep. 
And when he sends you little videos back, he stammers in nervousness. In fact, he drops his phone more than once while recording himself doing his skincare routine to send to you.
The fact that you willingly send him these silly snapchat videos of your sleepy voice, sends a flutter of butterflies through his belly.
Jungkook starts going to bed with a goodnight text from you more often than not.
You surprise him again, on a random Thursday night, asking him what he’s doing. It’s the Thursday before Christmas.
Normally, Seokjin is your go-to to text when you can’t sleep at night. But you find yourself curiously hovering over Jungkook’s text message thread more often than not these days.
Jungkook is playing video games and the moment he sees your name flash across his screen, he gets distracted. A chorus of protests echoes in his ears when he suddenly pauses to check his phone. It’s close to 1 AM, and he wonders what you’re doing awake.
you : hi you: what are you up to you: i cant sleep lol jungkook: is this a booty call? You: lmaoo shut up. if this was a booty call u would know jungkook: what’s a dude to think
Jungkook blames his next text on the fact that it’s after hours, also known as vulnerable hours.
jungkook: when a pretty girl texts u at 1 AM what am i meant to think you: idk, go ask whoever else is texting u at 1 AM 
Of course, you don’t take the bait. Who does he think he is?
you: i was just thinking about u
He pretends like his hands don’t shake as he types his response to you. It appears that he’s feeling brave tonight.
jungkook: want to facetime? 
His heart races in anticipation when he sees three dots on his screen. They go away in a flash and before disappointment settles in, you’re FaceTiming him.
Jungkook nearly fumbles his phone in his hand before he answers. 
“H-hi,” He mumbles in greeting, a tired smile gracing his features.
You cannot believe that you’re FaceTiming Jungkook. You don’t remember FaceTiming anyone who wasn’t Jin. You wonder if he can feel your nerves through the screen.
“Hi,” You say with a wave, “What are you wearing?” 
You wink at him, eyes dark, before bursting into laughter.
“I thought this wasn’t a booty call,” Jungkook deadpans. As if his cheeks aren’t pink from your words.
“‘S not,” You promise with a laugh,  “Were you sleeping?”
“Nah, I was playing video games with-”
“Oh! I’m sorry, I just barged in on your plans with your friends,” You say apologetically, chewing on your bottom lip, “I didn’t even ask if you were free-”
“Relax, I’m the one who asked if you wanted to FaceTime, remember?” Jungkook says soothingly, and you instantly feel your heart calming from the sincerity in his voice.
“Yeah. ‘Cause you thought this was a booty call,” You grin and Jungkook giggles.
What a sweet sound.
“I’m going to get into bed,” Jungkook murmurs, “Gimme a sec.”
He leaves his phone slanted on his chair, giving you a view of him walking away from you to refill his water bottle from the fridge. You can’t help but stare- even though his clothes are quite baggy, you can make out the outline of his ass through his sweatpants. 
He does have a nice peach. You’ve always thought so. You could probably bounce a quarter off of his ass. Not that you ever would.
“I feel like I’m in your pocket,” You say once Jungkook picks his phone up and heads to his bedroom. He makes sure the lights are off before heading in and closing the door and puts his headphones in his ears.
“You can be my pocket pal,” Jungkook says, getting comfortable in bed.
“How flattering.”
You’re cuddled under your covers on your side, the light from your nightstand illuminating your face. Jungkook sees dark circles lining your undereyes, and a tint of nervousness in your gaze.
You look cozy and cuddly, a little contemplative, and he wonders what’s on your mind. 
“Hey,” You say, voice turning a little serious, “Thank you. For… For answering my text. And for being my friend, in general.”
Your face is heating up, vulnerability pooling in your eyes. You want to look away- maintaining eye contact even through the camera feels like too much. But you’re working on it. You’re working on being more vulnerable to those around you. 
You want to let him in. It hurts how much you want to let him in.
“O-oh. You don’t… You don’t have to thank me for being your friend,” Jungkook stammers. How must you feel about yourself if you feel the need to thank him for just being a friend to you? “Are you...okay?”
Your eyes widen and you play with the hem of your shirt to distract yourself for a second. “Yeah-”
“You don’t have to pretend with me,” Jungkook says softly. 
You pause for a second, heart pounding in your ears. The only person you’ve ever talked to this about is Jin. But maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if you spilled your thoughts to Jungkook.
You’ve never been the best with words. 
“Um,” You say in a tight voice, “I just… I had a really hard day today at therapy. So I can’t sleep.”
Jungkook catches the hesitation in your tone. He’s not the best at comforting people, he thinks. But he’ll try, for you. For you, he’ll try anything.
“Are some days easier than others?” Jungkook asks, trying to probe what you’re comfortable with sharing and what you’re not.
“Yeah. I’ve had worse days, but this has been a tougher day than usual…”
“What do you usually do? On tough days?”
“Mostly just sleep. And then wake up feeling worse,” You laugh dryly.
“Maybe journaling would help. It’s a good way to get rid of the buzzing in your head,” Jungkook suggests and your eyes light up.
“Really? I’ve been thinking about it but I never know where to start,” You reply, “Do you journal?”
“Yeah, sometimes,” Jungkook nods, “You just write...Whatever comes to mind. Get it off your chest. You can make your journals pretty too, if you want.”
“I’ll look into it,” You muse, “Thanks, JK.”
Jungkook’s eyes turn into crescents as he gives you a blinding smile. “Talking to friends helps, too. Even if you don’t want to share everything. Just talking helps.”
Your smile begins to fall and Jungkook quickly tries to backtrack but you beat him to it. “I don’t… have many friends, Jungkook,” You say softly, “As you may have gathered by now. I don’t think I have much to offer.”
Another dry laugh. It breaks his heart a little. What do you think of yourself? Do you recognize when the room lights up when you enter it, when people laugh at your jokes, when people praise you? 
“You have me,” Jungkook says instantly, “You have me, you have Jin. I’m always here if you want an ear.”
“Even at 1 AM, when you’re playing video games with your friends and I’m the dumb bitch who interrupts-”
“Stop that,” Jungkook says firmly, “Yes, even at 1 AM. Especially at 1 AM.”
He reminds you of Jin, when he tells you to stop with the immediate self-deprecation. It makes you smile fondly.
“JK,” You say slowly, “I’m… here for you, too. If you ever need an ear.”
He throws you another blinding smile. It’s no surprise that your dreams that night are filled with that soft bunny smile.
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As Seokjin claims, the best way to get to know someone is over food. Not that he’s wrong- but it’s the first time you’re meeting Yuna and you’re incredibly nervous.
You feel like you’re going on a first date. This unfamiliar first date feeling keeps creeping back more and more lately. How bothersome.
Grandma even asks you why you’re so jumpy-
“You finally going on a date?”
“No! I’m meeting Jin’s new girlfriend. Her name is Yuna,” You roll your eyes.
She gasps, “It’s about time someone snatched that boy up, if you wouldn’t.”
You arrive about ten minutes early to brunch, tapping your foot against the floor restlessly as you scroll through your phone. You wait at the table for them to arrive-
Jin nearly screeches your name from across the restaurant. A pretty woman, Yuna you presume, only laughs at his antics. She loops an arm around his upper arm easily. Despite many of the restaurant patrons glaring at them for causing a scene, Jin pays it no mind.
“Hi,” You breathe and Jin pulls you to him for a tight hug. He holds you in his arms, peering at you as if you’re transparent. “You gonna let me say hi to Yuna, or are you gonna keep staring?” You ask dryly.
Jin gasps, clearly affronted, “I haven’t seen you in days! Excuse me, for missing my best friend.”
“You’re excused,” You grin, but squeeze his arm in appreciation.
Yuna waves at you from next to Jin, rolling her eyes at him. “If he ever lets go of you, maybe I can finally say hello…”
“I knew this was a bad idea. Bringing you both together,” Jin grumbles.
“Hey, you made your bed. Now lay in it,” Yuna says, rubbing his cheek fondly.
To your surprise, Yuna doesn’t pull you for a hug immediately. Instead, she shakes your hand. It might seem awkward to anyone else, but you appreciate it. You appreciate not being hugged by someone you had just met. Jin probably told her that you don’t like impromptu hugs.
You’ve been on edge all morning. But it starts to fade away, slowly. When you sit down next to Yuna and across from Jin. Jin doesn’t mind that you both are engrossed in conversation without him- in fact, he encourages it. He only watches with adoring eyes, drinking his coffee.
“How did you and Jin meet,” You ask curiously, “He gave me the big picture, but lemme hear the details!”
“Seokjin! You never told your best friend how we met?” Yuna gasps, hand against her chest dramatically, “I don’t know if I should be offended or not.”
“What! I did,” Jin pouts, glaring at her playfully.
“Oh, did you? Actually, I would be more offended if I was your best friend and didn’t know all of the details,” Yuna complains.
“Oh, I like her,” You grin, pointing to Yuna, “Bottom line, it’s Jin’s fault. So tell me then-”
“Well,” Yuna says, turning back to you, “As funny as it is, I met him at a coffee shop…”
And she tells you about how Jin started frequenting the same coffee shop for weeks in hopes that he’d catch a glimpse of her after the first time. Your heart aches only a little over the fact that you had no idea. It’s okay though- it’s not about you. She tells you that he had somehow figured out her coffee order and was waiting with her order when he asked for her number.
Yuna whispers that she was a sucker for him right off the bat, and you both share a laugh over that. Even though it’s only been a few weeks, a little over a month, you can see how much she likes him. And how much he likes her.
She also looks at you in the same way Jin does sometimes- like she can see right through you with knowing, curious eyes.
It doesn’t unnerve you as much as you thought it would.
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You’re on a mission, with two bags of fried chicken in the passenger seat of your car. Today, you’re planning on paying a visit to Jimin and Hoseok in their dance studio. They’ve been here for years, and you haven’t seen them. Not even once.
First date jitters settle in your belly again. You’re only making good on your promise to them in Tokyo- that you wouldn’t be so much of a stranger again.
Fried chicken and bubble tea would be the way back into their hearts. Hopefully.
With a deep breath, you park your car into the lot, away from the rest of the cars. And you take your time pulling the food and trays of bubble tea out of your passenger seat before arriving at the front door of the studio. One of the students who is about to leave sees you struggling at the door, and lets you in without a second thought. 
“Thank you,” You murmur and he nods at you before exiting the building.
You spot Jimin with his back turned away from you, talking to Hoseok. It must be something important, from how serious the expression on Hoseok’s face is. But Hoseok pulls away from Jimin when he sees you in the mirror that lines the wall.
He looks surprised, but gives you a bright smile. 
“Uh,” You say, with a weak smile, “Hi. I brought food.”
“Is that fried chicken?” Jimin says, peeking at the bags. You nod and Jimin smiles, taking the bags from you and setting them on the floor.
“And you got our favorite bubble tea flavors,” Hoseok says in approval. You help him set the food and teas in front of you and stretch your legs.
“You should’ve texted! We could’ve gone to dinner or something,” Jimin says, plating the fried chicken for everyone.
“Ah, I wanted to…” You trail off, “Wanted to see the studio. And surprise you both. It’s been a while, hasn’t it?”
“It has,” Hoseok murmurs, scratching his chin. His eyes are warm and sunny, just as you remembered all those years ago. It’s interesting, how it’s been so many years since you’ve held a conversation with either of them. And yet, it feels like no time has passed at all. 
You suppose that’s what adulthood is. And maybe you missed some of it while you were in your very own black hole.
“Tell me,” You demand softly, “Tell me everything. And where is Yoongi? Jin mentioned he has a recording studio?”
So they do- they tell you everything, from how they got the seed money for the school, how they train backup dancers and main dancers, and have just expanded their team so that they can train younger kids, too. 
“Took a while to get here,” Hoseok shrugs, “But we’re here.”
“Yeah. We are,” You say wistfully, “I’m happy for you guys. I remember...how this was your dream. In school. So… I’m happy to see it come true.”
“Ah, don’t go getting all sappy on us now,” Jimin teases and you roll your eyes.
“Hey, finish your bubble tea. Let’s dance it out,” Hoseok says. Your lips part in surprise, about to protest. But they’re both persuasive and you’re not immune to their charms.
So you dance with them, the music bouncing off of the walls, the mirrors and reverberating in your blood and making your heart pound. You dance with them, you laugh, and you even cry a little.
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Nerves seize you as you walk towards the karaoke bar from your Uber with Jin and Yuna. You had driven to Jin’s apartment and left your car there, to Uber (and pregame) with them. He refused to let you take an Uber by yourself all the way from home into the city. It’s been years and you’ve given up fighting him on it.
Yuna has an arm slinked around your shoulders as she leads you inside, seemingly sensing your nerves.
So many people, mostly faces you don’t recognize are at the karaoke bar. Yuna pulls you away, to introduce you to her girlfriends.
Yuri, Sooyoung, Seohyun. They talk to you as if you’ve been a part of their circle since the beginning. It makes you yearn for it- for girl friendship.
Yuri suggests a round of drinks and shots for everyone, and you go with her to the bar to get the bartender’s attention.
You catch Jungkook’s eye and you tell Yuri you’ll meet her at the bar.
“Hi, Jungkook,” You breathe, a little nervously. You smile brightly at him, opening your arms for a hug without a second thought. He also looks delicious, a fact that you had been all too aware of. He’s wearing a baggy white shirt and a bomber jacket, paired with tight, black jeans and combat boots. Two silver hoops sit pretty in each ear, and a metallic feather dangles from his right ear. He has his hair pinned back, exposing part of his undercut to you on his left side. On his right side, his hair falls over his eyes in an effortless waterfall.
You want to push his hair back. You resist the urge and clasp your clutch tightly.
He smells spicy and warm. Like always. You could drown in his arms, you think. You don’t want to let go of him, you quite enjoy the feel of his strong arms easily wrapped around you.
But he lets you go and you let him go.
“Hi,” He says, his eyes crinkling, “How’s it goin’?”
“Good,” You murmur, “You sober?”
“Nah, had a few drinks with Tae at home,” Jungkook says, pointing to Taehyung. Who’s currently chatting Yuri up at the bar.
“He’s trouble,” You laugh lightly.
“You don’t have to tell me twice. I live with the guy.”
Jungkook had seen you walk in with Seokjin and Yuna earlier. You were deep in conversation with Yuna, throwing your head back in laughter. He’s glad- he’s glad that you’re finding friends outside of Jin. He knows it’s hard for you to open up. But he’s proud of you for trying.
He knows this because you’ve told him. Late at night, via text. During vulnerable hours, as he’s dubbed them. He’s flattered that you feel comfortable enough to share such things with him. He’s only known you again for a few months, but the way you had been in the beginning is a stark contrast from how you are now.
You’d been mean in the beginning, a little rough around the edges. But now, you’re a little softer. He likes you like this. Jungkook doesn’t like when you’re deliberately mean. 
Even if you haven’t truly apologized for how you’d treated him in the beginning, he thinks it's mostly forgivable.
You look so pretty- is the first thought that runs through his head. As it generally always is. You’re wearing a black velvet off the shoulder top that proudly shows your tattoos off on display and a thin gold necklace at the base of your throat. A watch sits pretty on your wrist, your pants are tight around your thighs...
He could stare at you for hours. Jungkook loves the way your face relaxes when you laugh, loudly and genuinely.
Jungkook’s throat goes dry, the same way it did at the holiday party. He can’t keep his eyes off of you- your bare shoulders, the dip of your chest, the swell of your ass… 
If he doesn’t watch himself, he might have to rub one out in one of the dirty bathroom stalls. And this time, he probably won’t be so lucky to be alone in the bathroom the way he was at the party.
He just can’t believe how pretty you are, and how he gets to see you like this as often as he does.
Taehyung snaps his fingers in front of Jungkook, waving his hand in front of his face. “Hellooooo,” Taehyung says, “Anyone home?”
“Shut up,” Jungkook grins, shoving his hand to the side.
“The hell are you staring at?” Taehyung mutters, following Jungkook’s line of sight and sees you, “Oh. No wonder. Your girl’s here.”
“She’s not my girl,” Jungkook protests.
“Yeah, don’t I know it,” Taehyung scoffs, “You gonna make a move? Or should I?”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, shoving Taehyung’s shoulder. Seokjin approaches both of them, throwing an arm around them and Jungkook forces his eyes away from you. Jungkook smells alcohol on Jin’s breath- he’s screeching about how he wants them to meet Yuna-
“Jin, she’s right there,” Jungkook says with wide eyes, “You can just-”
Over the last few months, being under Namjoon and Seokjin’s tutelage feels like he’s gained two older brothers. While Jungkook was initially wary about developing such close relationships with colleagues, let alone superiors, the pull of friendship was too tight for him to really resist.
Jin smacks Jungkook’s shoulder roughly, “You think I don’t know that! That my girlfriend is right there! She’s with your girl-”
Jin’s smile twists into a smirk and Jungkook’s jaw drops. 
“Close your mouth, Kook. Lookin’ like a damn fish outta water,” Jin says smugly, “I know everything. Don’t you forget it, kid.”
Jungkook just pouts at him, “I’m not a kid.”
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“You kissin’ anyone at midnight?” Taehyung asks smoothly, with his legs spread and his arm over the back of the seat to face you.
You scoff, “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
He’s easy and fun to talk to. You don’t notice Jungkook’s smile dissolving into a pout.
Taehyung looks at Jungkook knowingly, with a smirk and innocent, dark eyes. Dangerous. “Wanna be my midnight kiss?”
He’s bold. You don’t think you’ve ever met someone as bold as Taehyung. But you understand why him and Jungkook click.
“You fuckin’ wish, Taehyung,” You swat his shoulder playfully, taking a long sip of your drink.
Jungkook crosses his arms across his chest petulantly. Taehyung knows about his not so secret crush on you. He’s doing this to annoy him, but also to tell him to get a move on with you.
But he likes slow, and he wants slow with you. If you’d ever give it to him. 
“Can’t blame a guy for trying,” Taehyung says loudly, looking over your head to Jungkook subtly.
“Oh, I can definitely blame you for trying,” You roll your eyes, “C’mon. Let me get us some drinks-”
“I don’t-”
“I know you don’t like alcohol. I saw they have this fancy peach and mango drink, thought you’d like it,” You shrug and Taehyung’s face splits into a broad smile. 
“How thoughtful of you,” Taehyung beams, ruffling your hair fondly, “C’mon, Jungkook. Our girl is buying.”
You and Jungkook both roll your eyes this time, and you let your gaze land on him. “Your friend is a nuisance,” You mumble to Jungkook loudly, grinning when Taehyung pouts at you.
“Hey! I can hear you!”
“Good, that was the point.”
You were happy to be in settings like this without needing Seokjin to be a buffer for you. You think it’s progress- you can’t remember a single moment in the last five years that you didn’t need your best friend by your side to get you through events like this.
And now, you’re alone with Taehyung and Jungkook. All on your own. You think he might be proud of you. You think Appa might be proud of you, too.
“What can I get you, JK?” You ask, leaning close to him at the bar to hear what he says. 
“Soju,” He says instantly, his breath close to your ear. A shiver trails up your spine at his low voice.
“Me too,” You murmur, “We’re the only ones with any taste in this entire establishment.”
His eyes crinkle when he laughs. You love the sound. Neither of you realize that Taehyung has long disappeared. 
You lean against the bar, pushing most of your weight onto your elbows as you both wait for your drinks. Jungkook is so close to you that you can feel the warmth radiating through his white shirt and his leather jacket. You had already teased him for his white shirt before-
“You must have a lot of faith in yourself and in our friends if you think that white shirt will stay white all night.”
“I’ve got my good luck charm with me,” Jungkook winks at you.
Who does he think he is? You know he’s not talking about a physical charm, from the way he’s looking at you with stars in his eyes.
“Any resolutions this year, JK?” You prompt him, wringing your hands together.
“Nah, not really,” Jungkook shrugs, “Maybe just go see my parents and my brother more often. I wanna get back into photography, too.”
“Photography,” You hum, “That’s so very you.”
“Is it?”
“Yeah,” You nod with a small smile, “You seem like… You know how to capture a moment, even if it’s something mundane. You could make anything special, Jungkook.”
Jungkook’s cheeks flush at your soft praise. He wants to make you feel special. “T-Thanks,” He mumbles, rubbing the back of his neck shyly, “Do you have any resolutions for the new year?”
“I don’t know,” You shrug, “I think this year… I want to let myself be happier. Not much of a resolution but…” You trail off, suddenly alarmed.
“Sorry,” You mumble, “Didn’t mean to kill the mood.”
“What?” Jungkook says with wide eyes, “You didn’t. Trust me.
“And for what it’s worth… You deserve to be happy. H-happy looks good on you.”
A pet name almost slips out of his lips. Almost. The beaming, bashful smile you give him makes his heart race and his insides warm. 
“Is that the only thing that looks good on me?” You bat your lashes at him, lips formed into a pretty pout and Jungkook feels his knees weakening. He swallows nervously. Do you even know what you do to him?
Before he can muster a stuttering reply, the bartender appears with your bottles of soju. You turn a little too quickly on your heel, your heel slipping out from under you.
Of course you’re going to trip and bust your ass in front of everyone. And most importantly, in front of Jungkook. You squeeze your eyes for the inevitable thump of your ass hitting the wet floor, but it never comes.
Instead, you feel a warm, strong arm wrapped tightly around your waist. You feel your back against a solid chest. Your throat instantly goes dry and you force yourself to turn in his arms to look at him.
“You’re clumsy,” Jungkook says quietly, only for your ears. His eyes are teasing, his voice low from the rumble in his chest.
“N-no,” This time you’re the one who’s flustered, “Floor’s wet…”
Neither of you move away from each other. Your hand is still tight around his bicep, his hand firm against your waist. How is it that he always makes you feel like you’re the only girl in the world?
He could kiss you. You could kiss him. He could kiss you. You could kiss him. 
Instead, you stay in his arms for a little longer. Both of you sipping on your soju and sharing sweet smiles and starry eyes.
At least until Seokjin whisks you away, yelling at you for not even having one drink with him yet.
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There are about thirty seconds left until the New Year. You can’t help it- you want to see Jungkook. He makes your heart flutter and pound at the same time- with his smile that you like to pretend burns a little brighter when it’s directed at you.
You find him, towards the back of the bar. He’s in conversation with Taehyung and Jimin but when Taehyung notices you noticing Jungkook, he grins to himself. And leaves the conversation, dragging Jimin with him.
You don’t notice that. You only see Jungkook.
The confusion in Jungkook’s doe eyes is cute, but it washes away when he sees you. His heart picks up again, throat going dry.
The countdown has begun already. Fifteen seconds left.
“Jungkook,” You say a little breathlessly. Jungkook can see the slick of tipsiness in your eyes when you flick your gaze from his lips to his eyes. You lean into him, chest to chest. Your voice catches in your throat when you realize your proximity.
You can see the mole beneath his pouty lower lip. Neither of you moves.
“Yeah?” He murmurs.
You could kiss him. He could kiss you. You could kiss him. He could kiss you. 
“I just-”
“I’m happy you’re in my life again-”
Jungkook says your name. “Me too. Really happy-”
His eyes are wide, unsure but sparkling. Adoring, even. And he’s looking at you like that.
A chorus of cheers erupt behind you and you muster all of your courage. To press your lips against his cheek gently. Jungkook’s heart stutters, singing at the lingering touch of your lips against his skin. It’s not much, but it’s enough for his cheeks to turn pink and for yours to heat up.
It’s just you and him in this crowded, noisy bar. Everything else fades away when you stand with him.
A soft gasp leaves his lips, blowing on your face. He gives you a bashful smile, and you’re surprised at your own actions.
Your name sounds so good on his tongue. Like honey.
“Happy new year,” Jungkook says softly. He dares to press his forehead to yours and you exhale shakily at the action. You feel warm all over, as if bubbly champagne has been poured into your veins. You feel his hand at your waist.
“Happy new year, JK,” You say easily with a disarming grin. 
Jungkook wants to kiss you, kiss the gloss right off of your pretty lips. But not yet, not here. Not when he hasn’t taken you on a date, when he hasn’t even held your hand yet.
Not yet. Not here.
The way he looks at you, as if you’ve somehow captured stardust in your smile, it excites you and scares you at the same time. You don’t think anyone has ever looked at you this intensely, as if they can see right through you.
It sets your nerves on fire. You sway on the spot, leaning into the warmth of his forehead on yours.
“Happy new year,” Jungkook says again, dimples on display. He wonders if you can feel the tremble of his hand against your waist. Or if you can feel the way his heart is about to explode out of his chest.
You think you could spend hours glancing into his deep, sparkling eyes. A flash of his cold eyes from months ago intrudes your memories, but it’s gone as soon as it comes. 
His brown eyes are so warm and toasty- ringing in the new year with his soft gaze on you like this feels right.
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tags: @koo-zy​
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eideticmemory · 4 years
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Description: I was messaged saying: “If you don’t write a young Matthew enemies to lovers fic featuring an obsession with sucking on boobs then what’s the point 😔.” So, here it is, folks! The ultimate College!Matthew fic.
PART 6! Read Part 5 here!
Miss you - The Rolling Stones.
Like Real People Do - Hozier.
Sweet Creature - Harry Styles.
Word Count: 4,619.
Rating: M.
Warning/Includes: Sexual intercourse, drinking, recreational drug use, a bit of angst.
Summer, Before Senior Year.
“You awake?”
“You were asleep, I’m sorry.”
“Matthew, it’s okay, really.”
“What time is it there?”
You pulled your phone away from your ear to glance at the screen, “Three in the morning.”
“Damn, [y/n], I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay,” you whispered. “What’s up?”
“Can we facetime?”
“I look a mess.”
“I’m sure you don’t,” he replied. “Please?”
You sighed, “Okay. Okay, call me.”
He did, and when you answered, you had the camera focused on your face, your lamp light on. 
“Oh, God, Matthew!” You shouted. “I thought you were going to show your face, you pervert!”
“My face isn’t hard right now.” 
“I thought you liked it?”
“You’re a disgusting little boy.”
“[y/n], please. I’m so horny right now, and I’ve been jerking off forever, but I can’t get off. Help? Please?” 
You rolled your eyes, shaking your head at him. “Dirty boy. Filthy boy.” 
“If this is your method of dirty talk, it isn’t working for me.”
You let out a dry laugh. His cock was front and center on your phone screen, his hand wrapped around it, jerking it slowly. “Tell me how to help, Matthew.”
“Show me those tits, pretty lady.”
You cackled, “Nasty!”
But you still pulled your shirt up, revealing your breasts, which were sitting pretty without the restraint of a bra. Matthew flipped the camera to his face at lightning speed, holding his screen close to his face. “When the fuck did you get your nipples pierced?” His voice was strained, high pitched, laced with shock and surprise. 
“Oh,” you said. “The week I got home. Before the tattoo shops closed.”
“Do you like them?” You asked.
“Matthew?” You called. 
But he was silent. Actually, he wasn’t silent, he was grunting. He was grunting, and jerking himself off, his wrist going numb from the speed and intensity that he was using. You froze the moment you realized what was happening, your camera perfectly angled at your chest. You watched Matthew’s face scrunch up, the way it always does when he’s nearing his orgasm, and your breath caught in your throat. He was so hot, geez. He stared at his phone, trembling, weak, panting quietly. He sucked in a sharp breath, and as he exhaled, the breath came out shaky and loud — louder than he intended — and he released himself all over his hand. 
“You good?” You whispered. 
“Ah, fuck,” he mumbled. His breathing was hard, raspy. He had to clear his throat before he spoke. “Why didn’t you tell me about the nipple piercings?” 
You giggled, “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he chuckled, wiping himself off before he fixed his pants. “Did they hurt?”
“Not really,” you shrugged. “It was quick, the piercer was nice.”
“Good, good,” he nodded. “Can I see them again?” 
You sighed with a bit of laughter mixed in, and you did as you were asked. The two of you stayed up for another five hours, talking, laughing, helping each other come. By the time eight in the morning rolled around, you were completely shirtless, and Matthew was close to falling asleep. But he didn’t want to. He kept on bringing up different topics, pulling you into all sorts of conversations, just so you would stay on the phone. 
“Matthew,” you whispered. “Go to bed.”
“If you go to sleep right now, you will wake up to titty pictures.”
He paused, “Throw in some ass pics, too?”
“You got it,” you nodded.
“Okay, goodnight, [y/n].”
“Goodnight, Matthew.”
And so began a very long, very horny, dirty, nasty quarantine. 
When you first arrived home, it was a constant waiting game to see who would call who first. When Matthew woke up without you that day, he held his phone in his chest for a long time, waiting for it to ring, to buzz, anything. But it never did. Because you were doing the same thing — watching, waiting, hoping. Matthew eventually got too swept up in his own move to reach out, so you sat at home for days without so much as a word. Until sunday night, when he finally called — horny and desperate.
You had to continue your online classes that Monday, after the long night of facetime sex, and he was all you could think about. All you could think about. There was radio silence for the first few hours of the day. You blindly rolled through your classes, glancing at your phone every few minutes. You finally gave in by the time you were in your last class, picked up your cell phone, and pulled up Matthew’s text messages. You didn’t know what to say, what to type, your fingers hovering over the keyboard. And just as you went to press a letter, a message came through. 
M: i had a dream about you
You bit your lip to contain a smile. 
Y: rly? what happened in this dream?
M: call me and i’ll tell you
You glanced at your laptop, your professor still rambling on and on. It was definitely unlike you to choose a boy over class. But, class was just about over. And Matthew wasn’t just a boy.
“Hey,” you said into your phone, smiling at Matthew’s voice.
“What are you doing?”
“Just finished class. What are you doing?” 
“I’m in class right now, actually,” he told you. “Animation.”
“Hot,” you giggled at the noise of his lecture in the background.
“Thanks. My dream was hotter, though.” 
“Oh? Was it?” You grinned, laying back in bed. 
“Yeah. You were a sexy nurse.”
“Matthew!” You exclaimed, erupting in a fit of laughter. 
“Okay, you weren’t a nurse. But you were there, and I was there—“
“We were both there.”
“Yes. And we were in my room, on my bed, and you were sitting on my face.”
You squeezed your thighs together, “Oh.”
“Yeah, it took some convincing, but you did it. And you were so scared to suffocate me, it was cute.”
“Cute, huh?”
“Sexy. I can visualize your body so well,” he whispered. “It’s perfect. You’re perfect.”
“Matthew,” a voice called. 
Your eyes went wide, you went silent. “Oh, shit!” Matthew exclaimed, noticing that his microphone had been on the whole time. He quickly left the online class, and sighed heavily. 
You could hardly breathe, you were laughing so hard. You cackled, you hooted, you howled. And Matthew couldn’t help but join you. “Fuck!” He chuckled. “I’m a dumbass.”
“Well, I’ve always known that.” You replied. 
“Facetime me, princess,” he requested. 
You did, and he continued to tell you about his dream. How he laid under you, could taste you on his tongue, feel your skin on his hands. It made you incredibly horny, and when you thought he wasn’t listening, you started to touch yourself. Your breath got shaky, and you attempted to keep it quiet — with no success.
“You touching yourself, princess?” Matthew asked.
“No,” you whispered, but it came out rushed.
“Oh, you are. I know that voice.” 
“And I...like your voice.”
“You do? Hm...you like to hear me tell you how hot you are? How much I want to be sucking on those perfect tits right now? Bury my cock inside you and fuck you until you can’t walk?”
“Fuck, Matthew,” you huffed. You’d never heard him talk quite like this before. It was steamy and overwhelming and so, so nice. 
“Tell me what you’re doing right now.”
“Just, uh, um, touching my clit.”
“Good, princess. Now, slide your fingers in for me.”
You sucked in a sharp breath, and did as you were told, your fingers gliding into you. “O-okay,” you murmured.
“Does it feel good? Does it feel better than me?” Matthew purred.
“Nothing feels better than you,” you said, before you could catch yourself. 
He grinned to himself, “Show me. Let me watch.” 
You flipped the camera around to present yourself to him, your legs spread open, your fingers pumping in and out of your core. “Fuck...” he said under his breath, his hand slipping into his underwear. “I’ve never been this jealous of someone’s fingers.”
You chuckled, followed by a weak moan. “Don’t be shy. Show me something, too.”
He let you watch him stroke his hard cock in his palm. Your hands were somehow moving in unison with each other’s. Matthew could tell you were getting close, from the noises you were making and the way your body trembled. His own orgasm pent up in his stomach, but he continued to edge himself until you came. But when you did finished, panting his name and letting out soft moans, he allowed himself to let go. His come shot all over his stomach, and you admired the way it coated his skin.
“Look what you did,” he murmured. 
You laid there, tired and blissed out beyond belief. “Don’t you dare think that we’re doing this all of quarantine, Matthew Gubler.” 
“We’ll see.”
The idea of spending five months away from Matthew was grueling to say the least. You’d gotten so used to him being right down the hall that you constantly had to remind yourself that he was all the way across the country. But, when you guys really got into the groove of things, the distance didn’t seem so bad. 
He always texted you goodmorning and goodnight. The two of you managed to obtain a 30 day streak on snapchat. He helped you with homework and you helped him with his. You texted each other tiktoks and funny tweets that reminded you of one another. You stayed up until all hours of the night, chatting and laughing and talking dirty to one another. You were on facetime with each other so often that your family began to ask who he was. “A friend,” you said. It wasn’t that believable, though. 
Things were great, despite you missing him like crazy. And then he sent you a text. It had a few attachments, and a message saying: forgot to send you these 😘. 
Intrigued, you opened the message to find a row of videos. Of you. Of Matthew. You two together. The first one you clicked was of him eating you out, and you swear, you flooded your bed. It was easy to forget, to lock away memories of him to keep yourself sane. But these videos — of you two fucking, him sucking on your boobs, you sucking on his fingers, sucking his dick — they were too much to bare. 
You hand slid into your underwear, your eyes trained on your phone as you watched Matthew fuck you. Headphones in, you listened to the sound of skin on skin, him whispering dirty things to you through his moans. You bit down on your lip, touching yourself, teasing yourself, too turned on to think properly. And so eager to get off that you forgot to lock the door.
“[y/n]?” A family member called, bursting into your room.
“Shit!” You exclaimed. You quickly hid yourself under the cover and paused the video. Your heart was beating out of your chest, and you promised not to make that mistake again. 
Matthew, however, didn’t get the memo.
“Nipple piercings, ma’am?” He pouted, looking at you over facetime one day. “Whip ‘em out.”
“Whip ‘em out? Is that how you ask?” You giggled.
He sighed, “Can I see your tits? Please? I’ll do anything.”
“Anything,” he nodded.
“Moo like a cow,” you said.
He was silent for a second. “You considering it?” You asked.
“I am, yeah,” he nodded. 
You cackled, and pulled your shirt up, revealing your bare chest. Just as both of your breasts graced the screen, Matthew’s mom stepped into his room to ask him a question. 
“Oh, dear!” She remarked, catching a quick flash of your chest. 
“Oh, no!” You shouted. You ducked out of the camera’s vision, and Matthew dropped his phone. 
“Hi, [y/n],” Mrs. Gubler said.
“Hi, Mrs. Gubler!” You pipped, your face beet red. 
When she left the room, Matthew and you erupted in nervous laughter. “I’m so, so sorry,” he told you. 
“It’s okay! Is she mad?” 
“No. She’s never gonna let me live this down, though. Anyways, show me those tits again.”
“Are you serious?” You pipped.
He gave you the eyes. His trademark ‘i’m horny and i would die for you, queen, please show me some titty’ eyes. 
You sighed, “Nasty boy.”
By the time you two were halfway through quarantine, Matthew and you had each other’s routines memorized. Well enough, that he knew what time you showered every night. He called you just as you stepped out of the shower, and when you answered, he was happy to see you naked and wrapped in a towel. 
“Well, well, well,” he smirked. “This is my lucky day.” 
“Shut up,” you laughed, setting your phone down on the counter, upright so he could see you. You dropped your towel to reveal your naked body, and he nearly drooled at the sight. “Don’t be a perv.”
“I am a perv.”
You rolled your eyes at him and grabbed your clothes, sliding your hoodie over your body. 
“Wait,” he said. “Wait, wait, wait. Is that my hoodie?” 
You froze, standing there in an NYU hoodie that came down to your knees. “[y/n]? Princess? Did you steal my hoodie?” He asked.
“Borrowed!” You exclaimed, your voice squeaking. “I borrowed it.”
“I’ve been looking for that hoodie. When did you take it?”
“Okay, when did you borrow it?” 
“That night...” You trailed off. “Before I left. I saw it laying there and it was a little chilly so I—“
“Stole it.”
He giggled, “It looks good on you. Really good.” 
“Yeah?” You grinned, twirling around in the hoodie, your legs exposed. 
“Oh, yeah,” he nodded. “Does it smell like me?” 
You nodded, “Yeah, it does.” That’s part of the reason you loved it so much. 
“Stay—stay just like that for me,” he pleaded. “Just like that.”
You held yourself still, posing your entire body in front of the camera for him to take you in. His hand had snaked down into his pants and grasped his cock, now delivering slow strokes along his shaft. 
“Like what you see?” You purred. 
Love what I see, he thought. But he only said, “Yeah.”
His wrist sped up, along with his breathing. “Fuck,” he panted. His eyes lowered into this sensual look, his teeth were gritted together. You gave him a sly smile, and turned around, lifting up the hoodie to show him your ass. 
“Oh, fuck!” He shouted. Suddenly, he hung up. While you stood there, confused, he laid in his bed and withdrew his hands from his pants. He closed his eyes tight, attempting to calm himself. Soothe the feeling in his chest. But it wouldn’t go away. He missed you. He missed you so much, it was heart stopping, soul shattering, and it even got rid of his boner. He could conceal it for a long, long time. But that hoodie...
That damn hoodie. 
Embarrassed from your last phone conversation, he almost didn’t answer when you called him that night. But he couldn't stop himself. When he answered the facetime request, he saw you — stressed, your face red and sad. “What’s wrong?” He cooed.
“It’s almost midnight and I have an assignment due and I have no idea how to do it and it’s worth a lot of points and I’m gonna have a heart attack.” You rambled. 
“Okay, okay,” he sat up. “[y/n], babe, calm down. What class is it for?”
“Advanced film. It’s a quiz, I just—“
“Send it to me.”
“Send it. I’ll do it.”
“You don’t have to,” you sighed. 
“But I want to. I don’t want you stressed. Just send it, I’ll get it done before midnight. I promise.”
You smiled at him, blinking away the stress-induced tears in your eyes. “Thank you, Matthew. Thank you so much. If you ever need help with anything, let me know, I’ll help. If you decide to take ballet next semester, I can really help.”
He laughed, and the two of you held each other’s gaze for a long time. It was full of softness, joy, bonding. A little love. 
“Anyways, uh,” Matthew said, clearing his throat. “Can I see your ass again?” 
You shook your head at him, laughing under your breath. 
Quarantine couldn’t be over soon enough. 
[PART 7.]
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just-a-creep-babe · 4 years
Fanboy (Jeff the Killer and BEN Drowned)
Thank you @scrollypoly for commissioning this!! They’re always so fun to write I’m 🥺💕💘💖💗💞💓💗 Also you mentioned both characters and I just?? Couldn’t choose??? So I did smthg for both and I’m sorry if this is way too long shdjdjdjdkfkcjfhdjfidof
~Requests are closed~ 
Masterlist: x
Jeff the Killer
Jeff clicks on the refresh button
He clicks it again
Still nothing
With a sigh like a low groan, he checks the time at the bottom of the screen
10:04 pm
You‘re late
Your show should’ve started four whole minute ago
He runs his fingers through coarse black hair, brows furrowing
“What the fuck”
He‘s already hard, having worked himself up at the thought of seeing you again, but just to worsen the anticipation, you‘re making him wait
Refresh refresh refresh
10:09 pm
He scrolls down to the chat
At least he’s not the only one getting impatient
He can’t but scowl at the loads of messages popping up, each and every one of them absolutely reeking of horny entitlement
As if those creeps could ever stand a chance with someone like you
Not that he‘s any different, but at least he isn’t half as brain dead as most of them
By 10:11 pm, he thinks maybe something isn’t right
He convinces himself to wait six more minutes before he really can’t take it anymore
People in the chat are starting to leave
Others are getting upset
How badly he‘d love to drive his knife across their throats—slowly and painfully, to watch their measly lives flicker out before him
They don’t fucking deserve you
He snarls a curse under his breath
He doesn’t want to resort to this, but he very badly needs to see you
So he grabs his knife, comforted by the way his fingers curl around the hilt, and then he’s getting up and shoving out of his room
Up the basement stairs and then up another flight of stairs, he finally finds himself in front of an all-too familiar door, closed shut with nothing but a faint light glowing from the bottom
His knuckles rasp against tinted wood
“Put it in your pants, I need help with something”
It’s all the warning he provides before barging in
The blond, as per usual, is sitting at his desk, legs crossed on his chair with a controller between his button-mashing hands
He hardly offers a glance at his intruder and smirks
“Shouldn’t I be taking it out of my pants if you want help?”
Jeff has to hold himself back from smacking him upside the head
“I need you to find someone’s address and then bring me to it”
BEN snorts
“Why should I?”
The scarred man folds his arms over his chest, brows quirking expectantly
“Remember that favor you owe me?”
He watches, admittedly gloating in self-satisfaction, as the other’s face reddens and the smirk‘s wiped from his mouth
“You, uh, you have their username?”
A few minutes is all it takes to find you, but the first try to hack into your computer isn’t successful
BEN pops out of the internet with a shrug, explaining how he can’t access your pc and that it’s probably broken
So they go through your phone instead
You’re in a room with a familiar bed and backdrop, which Jeff recognizes immediately
What, or who, he doesn’t recognize is the guy you’re with—who looks to be around your age and caught up in some kind of argument with you
Whoever he is, he’s yelling furiously and gesturing at a shattered laptop off to the side
The sound is warped through the screen
He can’t make out the argument, but the fact that the bastard has the nerve to talk to you like that has Jeff’s blood boiling
“Welp, good luck with that”
A harsh smack on the back fused with a static jolt shoves him out the screen
The transition from virtual to material existence has his ears ringing and the world spinning around him as he shakily tries to pull himself up
But then his eyes lock onto the fucker that was harassing you
And he sees red
He charges at him, knocking him to the ground and with a satisfying whack of the back of his knife straight to his temple—the body goes limp
Rage and adrenaline pump through his system
But then he hears you gasp, and it stops him dead in his tracks
Slowly, he tilts his head, bringing his full attention towards you
You‘re beautiful on camera, but god, you‘re absolutely ethereal in person
He almost can’t believe how good fear looks on you
There’s a pause, predator staring down prey, and then you’re bolting
But you can’t even make it through the door before he catches you arm, spinning you to face him and slamming you into the wall
One hand has your wrists pinned above your head, the other holding the sharp blade to your neck
The warmth of your body squirming beneath him, the beat of your heart thrumming against his chest—it’s exhilarating
He’s done this millions of times before, but it’s different with you
And he’s already addicted 
“P-please… please don’t hurt me”
Dark eyes roam over your features, taking you all in—and you shrink beneath his consuming gaze
“Mmh, don’t worry, Princess. I’m not gonna hurt you”
He presses the blade harder into you, continuing with a deep, naturally menacing hum
“Not if you don’t do anything stupid. After all, I‘d hate to ruin that pretty face of yours~”
He leans in closer, and his breath warm against your cheek
You squeeze your eyes shut, feeling his strong build nearly crushing your smaller one
He’s like a wall of muscle
It’s suffocating
“And I’d hate for you to lose the confidence to perform your little show anymore~”
The blood drains from your face at the mention of your show
He pushes the blade deeper into your throat and you feel his groin stir at the sound you make
Such a cute little whimper~
Your voice is quiet and small and shaky
His chest rumbles with a deep, appreciative hum in response
All those times he watched you, dreaming of having you beneath him—and now here you are, so perfectly trapped and already begging
You’re his
No one else could ever have you
“Don’t worry, Princess, I‘ll treat you right. I won’t let any fucking creep push you around or perv on you anymore. You’re all mine now, princess~” 
BEN Drowned
You’re completely unaware of how he watches you behind the screen
You take a seat on your bed, adjusting the camera, and then with the few presses of a button, you’re going live
Almost as soon as you do, Th1cc-M4st3r-Sw0rd-B01 immediately donates with the request of a private show
You chuckle, promising to come back later to the other viewers, and accept the invite to a private server
“Hey Benny Boo~”
You give him a teasing wink as his camera connects
He’s in his usual setup
His room is so dim you can hardly see anything, as per usual
All that’s visible is the lower portion of his face, revealing his mouth and cut jawline, along with his torso
He’s man-spreading on his chair, which also grants you a good view of the bulge in his pants at the bottom of the screen
“Hey, baby~”
He’s wearing his signature smirk, one arm thrown over the top of his chair, leaning back comfortably
“You have a good day at work?”
He tilts his head to the side playfully, and there’s something secretive in his amused grin, like he knows something you don’t
You pout
“It was boring, like usual. I just wanted to get home so I could finally have some fun~”
His teeth sink into his lip as you trace a finger between your breasts, and he hums appreciatively
“You know, you don’t have to work, (y/n). I already told you I could easily provide for you”
“Ha. And then what would I be doing all day long instead?”
He leans in, pearly whites gleaming through a shit-eating grin
“You’d entertain me~”
You roll your eyes and shake your head
“I doubt even you wouldn’t get bored of that. Besides, I don’t want the entire source of my income to rely on one stranger from the internet”
His lips part in feigned shock
“Oh? So I’m a stranger now?”
You cross your arms over you chest
Always with the games
“I’ve never even seen your face, of course you’re a stranger”
He lies back in his chair, contemplating
“Hm... I’ll show you my face if you give me your number~”
You run your fingers through your hair
It wasn’t the first time he’d asked for this kinda stuff—a connection to your private life, and while his offers were admittedly tempting, you weren’t sure you could trust him
There was just something strange and mysterious about him, despite his charms, and it unnerved you sometimes
“How am I supposed to trust you?”
He groans
“C’mon, babe. What do I have to hide? Why would I possibly betray you?”
You shrug, trying to keep things playful
“Dunno. Maybe that’s how you make all your money, by blackmailing camgirls and poor saps who just don’t know any better”
He gasps through the grin dancing on his lips
“You wound me, baby~ Is it really that hard to have faith in little old me?”
You shake your head again, but can’t help laughing
Suggestively biting your lip is all it takes to have him stirring in his seat again
His tongue swipes out at his own bottom lip and you can tell he’s craving the taste of yours
“Maybe if you showed me your face, I’d consider trusting you in the long run...”
You tilt your head, toying with the lace of your lingerie
“Mmh, maybe another day”
His voice is husky
You can feel his eyes, even despite the shadows draping over them, roam up and down your body, taking in every inch of you, mapping you out by sight alone
So you slowly work yourself up, teasing at your sides, your collarbone, then down over your chest and back between your breasts
“What else would it take for that number?” he murmurs, one hand palming himself through his pants, matching your slow, borderline torturous pace
“Why do you want it so bad?” you retort, voice a breathy hum
“Because I wanna see you more often, (y/n). And if you really can’t trust me, I wanna be able to work something out”
You thumb over your nipples, grinding your hips down onto nothing, trying to keep an innocent expression like you aren’t about to touch yourself and get him off to it
“Like what?”
“Meet up with me. We’ve known each other long enough, haven’t we?”
You know you shouldn’t agree
But maybe it‘s because you’re tense and horny, and you really are attracted to him, and you haven’t been getting nearly enough action recently
Or maybe you’re just sick of routine and want to try something different, something daring
Whatever it is, in a split-second decision, you find yourself agreeing
His face lights up with a grin
You spend the rest of the private show making arrangements to meet—in a public place, of course, before his time begins to near its end
“I’ll be seeing you there, babe~” he hums
His smirk never once falters
“Wait, I still don’t know what you look like”
He chuckles
“Don’t worry, you’ll know it’s me”
He reaches for his mouse, but his hand hovers over it for a second
“Don’t stand me up and you’ll have nothing to worry about~”
Then with a final click, he’s disconnected and you’re left facing a blank screen
A shiver crawls up your spine
You close the tab and get up off your bed
You need a shower
You’ll deal with your other viewers later
As you ready a change of clothes, BEN continues to watch you, reveling in your blissful ignorance of his prying eyes
He didn’t need your number and he didn’t need you to meet up with him
He could whisk you away at any whim and you’d be powerless to stop him
But he enjoyed this little game he played with you, and he’d promised himself he’d try to ease you into things before claiming you
Meeting up would grant him the perfect opportunity to gauge what you’d be like when he finally took you
But one way or another, you’d be ending up in his arms
You were already as good as his~
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writemekpop · 5 years
Lost Connection | Nakamoto Yuta
Pairing: Nakamoto Yuta x Reader
Category: Angst
Summary: When you’re with Yuta, it’s like a dream. But now you’re oceans apart and he’s slipping away with every passing hour. The fate of your relationship hangs on one video call. Will you find a way to fix your lost connection?
Word count: 1.7k
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You never quite understood why Yuta loved the rain.
Whenever it rained on your dates, Yuta would run outside and stand in the middle of the street, spreading his arms out and letting the droplets caress his smiling face. Then, he would sprint back to you with arms outstretched to engulf you in a hug, and you’d squeal and push him away, not wanting to get wet.
It was raining today - you could see the beads of water pelting onto the windows of your bedroom. Normally, you would have grumbled at the gloomy view and Yuta would have pulled you close and softly kissed your eyelids, so you didn’t have to see it.
But Yuta wasn’t here today.
It had been four months since he’d last returned to your shared apartment in Osaka. His schedule had been particularly busy this year, so he hadn’t had the chance.
Yuta’s hair was getting longer now, you’d seen it in the press pictures and the occasional selfies he’d send you. But with him being in Korea and you stuck in Japan, you hadn’t been able to run your fingers through it like you wanted.
You craved Yuta’s presence again – you missed the way he would flex his biceps under your dancing fingers and give you that knowing smirk as you rolled your eyes and giggled, tilting your head to the side and allowing him to press his lips to your neck.
But that was then.
Sometimes you loathed SM Entertainment for making you resettle in Japan. But all the hate you were getting after your relationship was exposed was getting too much for you to handle. This way, you could live a somewhat normal life whilst maintaining your relationship with Yuta. Luckily, your job allowed you to work remotely from anywhere as long as you had your laptop.
Your apartment was only ten minutes away from Yuta’s family home, and the both of you would often go there to have dinner. This set-up had worked quite well in the past, but lately Yuta’s trips home had gotten less frequent, and the once constant stream of texts and voice messages between the two of you had slowed to a trickle.
You left the bedroom you two shared, growing tired of seeing the empty place on the bed where he would normally lay sprawled. You trudged slowly through the sliding doors to the living room where your phone lay on the couch.
You and Yuta were supposed to video chat tonight, and you’d spent the first part of the evening making sure your makeup and outfit was perfect. You hadn’t straightened your hair like you normally do, because you know how much Yuta loves it natural.
At 9pm, the time you were supposed to have your “date”, you received a text from him saying: I can’t make it just yet, please wait for me. And so, you did.
That was four hours ago.
It’s now past midnight - your makeup is getting smudged and the exhaustion from the week is threatening to take over your body. You reach tentatively towards the phone to see if he has messaged, and as you do you see the familiar caller ID flash upon the screen.
You feel your pulse race as you sit down on the navy couch you picked out together last winter and accept his call. After a few seconds of static the video connects, and you finally get to see his face.
Both of you hesitate - not really knowing what to say to each other at first, and you use opportunity to take in his features. Yuta’s blonde hair is messy from all the times he must have run his fingers through it, and his face is glistening with sweat. He looks exhausted, and you swear his cheeks are getting more and more hollow each time you see him.
As you scan his appearance you feel a pang deep in your chest - you’d spent the whole evening feeling pretty sorry for yourself for having a boyfriend who was too busy to talk to you, but seeing his worn out form though the screen made you realise just how hard he’d been working lately.
“I’m sorry,” he said, after a deep sigh.
“Don’t worry about it,” you replied smiling weakly, silently praying that the tears that threatened to fall onto your cheeks stayed put.
“The company has a whole new agenda, so they’re making us stay late. I tried to get out for a few minutes, but I felt bad leaving the others. Jaehyun had to miss his dad’s birthday dinner tonight,” he said, shrugging wearily.
That was Yuta for you - always so considerate of the people around him. That was one of the reasons you fell in love with him in the first place.
Lately you’d found yourself feeling more and more alone. Sure, Yuta’s family were more than welcoming, but Japan never really felt like home to you. All your friends were either in Seoul, where you’d spent the last four years at university, or London, where you were born. Plus, your Japanese was weak at best, so you found making friends here difficult.
When Yuta was with you, however, all your worries would melt away. You could lie comfortably with your head on his chest for hours, just listening to his heartbeat whilst he absentmindedly drew patterns on your skin with his long fingers.
Yesterday you’d gotten a call from your mother saying that your niece had been born. You had felt so bad for not visiting your sister during the whole of her pregnancy, so you really wanted to go to England to be with her.
You let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“When are you going to come home?” You asked hesitantly, “Koko misses you…” You looked down at Yuta’s cat who was pawing at the hem of your midnight blue slip. You cursed at yourself internally and wondered why you’d made such an effort to dress up tonight - after all, what was the point? You had picked out this delicate piece because it was a Christmas gift from Yuta and you hadn’t had a chance to wear it for him yet, but suddenly you felt silly and exposed.
“Do you think you’ll be able to visit in the next few weeks?” you asked, carefully monitoring the tone of your voice so as not to sound too hopeful - you didn’t want to cause him unnecessary pain if he couldn’t make it.
“I really wish I could, but I don’t think so,” he replied automatically, not meeting your gaze.
Unable to control your emotions any longer, you huffed in anger and whispered “Typical,” under your breath, just loud enough to be sure that he would hear. The trip back to England was looking more and more appealing now.
Yuta instantly frowned. “Look, you know I have a busy job. If you’re going to be like this again then I’m just going to hang up. I’m sick and tired of you acting like this, you’re the one who agreed to move to Japan in the first place!” he snapped, glaring at you through the phone.
You knew Yuta didn’t mean to be this harsh - you guessed he was just as fed up and lonely as you were. Lately, whenever you two talked it always ended up in a shouting match. You had promised yourself that this time would be different, but the anger had been welling for days now and you just couldn’t help it.
Tears singed your eyes. You didn’t say anything, knowing that your voice would break if you did.
Yuta calmed down within a few seconds, his look of resentment transforming into one of concern. “I’m sorry baby,” he said. “I’ve just been so stressed out lately. Please hold on a bit longer, I’m sure my schedule will calm down in a month or so”.
You didn’t know if he was lying to you or to himself. You truly wanted to believe him, but you’d heard the same line a million times before and you were seriously starting to miss your family.
“I think I’m going to go home for a while,” you mumbled under your breath. Yuta’s brow furrowed at your statement. “But you are home…” he replied cautiously.
“I mean my real home,” you retorted, your voice coming out a little sharper than you’d intended. You know that those words would hurt Yuta, but you’d already sacrificed so much to cater to his idol life that you were too tired to care.
“Ok… well, come back soon,” he said, rubbing the back of his neck and looking at the floor. You swear you could see his eyes glistening.
“Of course I will Yuta…” you murmured in response, “but will you be here when I get back?”
Yuta pursed his lips into a line and said nothing. He didn’t have to; you knew what the answer was. He pressed the red button and hung up without saying a word, leaving your now tear-stricken reflection staring back at you from the black screen of your phone.
You wasted no time in gathering your things and booking a flight. The next morning, you dropped Koko off to Yuta’s mother, who gave you a concerned smile and a long hug goodbye.
At the airport your heart twinged when you saw the flights to Seoul. You wished you could just go and be with him, but you knew you’d be harassed the moment you stepped foot in Korea. You were thankful that his fans in Japan were gracious enough to leave you alone.
You took a deep breath and followed the signs to your plane.
Finally, you thought, I’m going home.
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notcanoncompliant · 5 years
Make It Better
Starker College!AU; Student!Peter/Professor!Tony (another excuse for me to write the word ‘panties’ repeatedly) (sorry not sorry)
Something’s off about Peter. Tony notices as soon as the kid steps into the lecture hall, and it only becomes more obvious as Tony actually gets the presentation going.
His favorite student (sue him, every professor has one) is hardly participating, and though he’s still obviously paying attention throughout, typing notes up as he goes, all of his usual enthusiasm is just…gone. He looks tired, or maybe sad.
Tony doesn’t think about how frequently he’s glancing over to check until Peter looks up and their eyes lock. The younger’s flare just slightly, and Tony feels like he’s been caught doing something he shouldn’t. Especially when a bloom of pink spreads across Peter’s cheeks.
He doesn’t check on him again for the rest of the lecture.
But he worries.
After he’s dismissed everyone and the students are filing out of the hall, Tony makes a decision.
“Parker, stay behind for a minute.”
Something in him is too satisfied at the way Peter halts almost immediately at the sound of his voice, stopping hard enough that he rocks forward slightly.
All the times Tony’s pulled Peter aside before this have been exercises in both self-restraint and masochism. The twenty-something is made of sunlight, brightness leaking out of his pores, and watching that split second of supernova excitement burst across his features when Tony tells him to stay is the instructor’s most guilty pleasure.
This time, though, there’s a quick spark, a flash of the light Tony’s (hoping for) familiar with, and then anxiety, and then the kid just looks…flat. Forcibly so. Like he’s hiding something.
The door closes behind the last retreating body, and then it’s just them in the empty lecture hall.
Tony moves to lean against the front of his desk, braces his palms against the wooden edge.
“Alright, kid,” he says, raising one hand to gesture vaguely at Peter, who’s stopped a few feet in front of him, “what’s up? You seemed pretty off today. Distracted.“
Peter winces, his eyes skittering down and away for a second before he looks back at the instructor.
"I’m sorry, Mr. Stark, I–it’s nothing, I didn’t mean to get–I still took notes, I wasn’t just–”
“Okay, Peter, breathe,” Tony soothes, “I’m not trying to berate you. You’re usually a little more active participation-wise, I wanted to check up on you. That’s all.”
He has to fight the urge to physically comfort Peter when those doe eyes (those eyes, those regular, normal eyes that Tony only ever notices as such) go pained and disbelieving and hopeful before the feelings are again poorly shuttered away.
“You don’t have to worry about me, Mr. Stark,” Peter says, smiling unconvincingly while the knuckles on the hand holding his bag strap turn white, “it’s nothing, just–just life stuff. I’ll be–it’ll be fine in a couple days. Tomorrow! Tomorrow, I’ll be fine tomorrow, participating and everything!”
Tony needs to accept defeat and let him go, bad poker face and all, but a not-good-very-bad voice in the back of his mind is muttering to him about the returned blush on Peter’s face. It’s making him think a little too much about the uncharacteristic unwillingness to share.
They’ve talked about things that aren’t related to curriculum in their frequent after-class discussions. Life comes up; they know some basic things about each other–favorite takeout, least favorite movies, places they grew up, etc.–and some things that are maybe not so basic–names of best friends, stories of first pets, how often they visit their parents, and so on.
But this is the first time he’s seen Peter so…flustered.
Thankfully (yes, thankfully) Tony’s conscience prevails and he decides not to push.
“Okay. Alright. But if you ever do need to talk to someone, my door’s always open.”
He gives Peter a quick smile he hopes is as comforting as he means it to be, pushes off the desk and circles back around to his seat. 
He’s proud of himself, he really is, Tony thinks while he blindly shuffles through some papers. Resisted temptation. Kept things on neutral ground. Breached no bound–
“My boyfriend dumped me.”
Tony freezes, his fingers flexing involuntarily. The crinkle of paper is loud in the spacious, empty room.
“That’s rough, I’m sorry,” Tony says, suddenly wishing he had something to drink. Water. Juice. Scotch.
He looks up at Peter with what he hopes is more empathy than the inappropriate excitement he’s feeling over the development, but he’s suddenly a lot less concerned with what his own face is doing when he sees Peter’s expression.
The kid’s not even looking at him, just staring off to the side with this heartbreaking shame written across his features.
“I…” Peter’s throat clicks when he swallows, “I told him about something I…like. And he, um…”
Oh, man. Oh, no.
“…he called me a pervert,” Peter says, quietly, “and I know it’s not a big–I mean, the word’s kind of a joke…but, he really meant it, you know? There’s a difference, when someone says it and they really think you’re–” he pauses, frowns tightly. “What I–it’s not even anything bad, not gross or illegal. And I know it’s not, but…for a second…”
Tony’s heart fucking shatters for him. There’s nothing quite like being genuinely kink-shamed for the first time, especially by someone you thought you could trust. For someone as genuinely sweet and kind as Peter, it would be completely implosive. He remembers similar devastation, hates seeing the confused, questioning pain on Peter’s face, the self-doubt.
He resists the compulsion to ask what, exactly, Peter likes.
“I’m sorry. That’s really shitty,” he says instead.
Tony doesn’t typically curse in front of his students (has to keep up appearances of professionalism somehow), and he preens internally when Peter huffs a surprised laugh. It’s a nice moment, both of them wrapped in shared experience (even if one party’s unaware), uplifted by just a hint of levity. Very Chicken Soup for the Secret Kinky Soul–
“Do you–,” Peter starts, blushing slightly, “–can I tell you what it is? It’d be nice to hear it’s, you know, not actually weird?” He’s squirming a little, his eyes dancing away again with nerves.
Tony might actually die. Rolling himself back a bit from the desk, he takes a breath and pastes on his last-ditch effort at an encouraging, platonic, smile. Slouches casually against the backrest of his chair.
“If you feel comfortable sharing, then shoot.”
He’s going for ‘mentorly’, he swears. This is definitely an appropriate conversation to have with his student. Definitely. Yes.
After a beat of silence, Peter shifts. Takes a breath. Swallows.
“I like…um. I like wearing pant–” the kid chokes a little, flushes darker, “I like wearing women’s underwear.”
“Ah,” Tony says. He tries to covertly lace his fingers together over the vicinity of ‘just below his belt’ and only succeeds in drawing Peter’s eye to where his hands have disappeared.
Before Peter’s eyes flip back up to meet his, Tony sees the kid’s tongue peek out to wet his lips in a subconscious motion.
Clearing his throat, Tony brings his hands up from his lap to fold them on the desk, leans forward. Watches the anticipation and uncertainty dance across Peter’s face. Hopes he’s coming off more supportive than interested.
“It’s not weird, Pete. It’s…not. Don’t worry about that.”
It feels hypocritical; essentially telling Peter not to think much of it, when Tony is going to have an impossible time thinking about anything else. He’s trying hard not to think about it right now, trying to avoid imagining clinging lace, or satin, or silk, stretched over Peter’s–
“Can I show you?”
Tony absently approves of the phrasing; that he’s being offered a gift, that this is something Peter wants to give him. The response he knows he should give is something along the lines of 'that’s not appropriate’, but the only one banging around in his head is a resounding YES PLEASE. 
When he gives up and nods in the affirmative, Peter slides his bag off his shoulder.
Tony’s expecting him to pull out his phone, maybe show him some pictures. Apparently, Tony’s going to have to re-examine his take on reality, because Peter does not pull out his phone.
The brunet lowers his bag to the floor and starts taking off his jacket.
Tony’s frozen, again, as the jacket hits the carpet beside the already discarded laptop bag. Frozen, twice in one day. Twice in less than an hour. Peter is a fucking trip. He’s a dream, he’s a hallucination–
–that will be immediately visible if anyone were to open the lecture hall door.
Peter seems to realize it at the same time. He’s across the room in a couple of seconds, reaching for the door handle, pausing for a beat…and locking them in together.
It feels a little like someone snaps their fingers in Tony’s face.
He’s about to let one of his students–his favorite student–basically give him a striptease. In his classroom. It’s beyond 'inappropriate’. This is something Peter should be exploring with other twenty-somethings, not a professor fifteen years his senior–
But…Peter had tried to explore it with someone else, hadn’t he?
“Mr. Stark,” Peter says, suddenly, “Is this okay?”
The younger man’s back in place, like he’d never moved at all, but now he’s shyly lifting the hem of his t-shirt with one hand and undoing the front closure of his jeans with the other, and Tony’s eyes lock onto the peekaboo of fire-engine red now visible beneath the worn denim.
“Yeah, Pete,” he says, voice rasping slightly, “It’s okay.”
Everyone has a breaking point, Tony reasons as he stares at the picture in front of him. There’s only so much he could possibly endure before letting go, and apparently his threshold’s pretty low when it comes to Peter; a few seconds of crepe paper resistance.
He stands slowly, comes around the desk. Peter doesn’t move, just watches him, brittle-sharp hope in his eyes. Tony’s aware he’s moving like Peter’s a frightened animal, and his brain both shies from and reaches towards how this could make him the hunter, more so than the awed observer. Though he is definitely both.
The way the kid’s chest heaves slightly on a sharp inhale, the way his lips part just barely when Tony lowers to his knees in front of him, are just more gifts, more memories Tony wants to etch into his brain and play on loop. He plans on showing just how grateful he is.
Peter’s flushing a lot brighter, but he’s not pulling away; he just pulls the zipper open a little further, revealing more of the delicate pattern that overlays Peter’s pale, smooth skin.
“Can I touch you? Kiss you?” Tony asks, voice rough
Peter gives him a shaky but enthusiastic 'yes, please’.
Tony groans and reaches for him, tugs the denim waistband down a couple inches and pulls Peter gently forward by the hips so he can drag his lips along the line where that softly-defined vee of muscle disappears under the thin lace. Peter’s hand slides into his hair, and Tony hums in approval as he presses drawn out kisses into the skin of Peter’s stomach.
When Tony grabs two generous handfuls of Peter’s ass and squeezes, those tentative, sweet fingers tighten reflexively.
“This is–you look edible, Pete. I’m so lucky you’re letting me see you like this.”
“Yeah?” Peter asks, breathless and wide-eyed when Tony looks up.
“Yes, sweetheart. Beautiful. Gorgeous…” He punctuates each word with another brush of lips to the border of lace and skin. 
He smells lightly musky and male through the delicate fabric, his cock hard and hot underneath.
Shutting his eyes, Tony gets lost in nuzzling at Peter, murmuring sweet nonsense, nipping and kissing and dipping lower, reveling in lightly musky male scent through the delicate fabric. Peter’s cock is hard and hot, and Tony can’t help but lave his tongue over the swollen head, humming when Peter shivers against him.
He pulls back to both attempt to calm down and check on how Peter’s doing; he hadn’t meant to get so worshippy–
When he looks up, he feels like his chest is caving in. Peter’s on the verge of tears, eyes red-rimmed and wet, and Tony pushes to stand.
“God, Pete, I’m sorry–”
He’s cut off with a muffled 'mmph’ when Peter grabs his shirt and yanks him down for a kiss. It’s short and hard and desperate, and when it’s over, Peter pulls away enough that Tony can see the almost-panic on his face.
“I–Mr. Stark, thank you, please don’t apologize, please don’t say it was a mistake, it felt so good, you felt so good, I don’t want to stop, I’ll stop crying, I promise–”
For a second, Tony’s furious with whoever made Peter believe he has to apologize for his tears (wonders if it’s the same dipshit who said no to Peter Parker in fucking panties), but Tony’s anger won’t help anything right now. He reels in his questions, and instead reaches up with one hand to swipe the fresh-fallen tears from Peter’s cheeks, a move that stops the flow of anxious word-vomit.
“If you want more, I want to give you more,” Tony says, using his free arm to wrap Peter’s waist and tug him gently forward. “I want you to have the world, kid.”
It’s too honest–Tony’s being way too honest right now; months of feelings and want trying to break free–but he’s not about to stop. Not when Peter’s staring up at him with heartbreaking, careful hope. 
Lowering his head, Tony presses a kiss to the corner of Peter’s jaw, murmurs his next words into his ear. 
“You’re amazing, Peter. So brilliant. So sweet.” He drops both hands to slide down Peter’s hips and around to the small of his back, slips his fingers just under the lace, drags them back and forth along the soft skin just above the curve of his ass as Peter arches against him with a shaky gasp.“That you look like a wet dream right now is really just a bonus.”
“Mr. Stark…” Peter breathes, surprised, his flush deepening.
Tony’s going to have to tell Peter to use his first name at some point, but he’s a little too selfish to do it right now, when the moniker sends a bolt of liquid heat swooping low in his stomach.
“And you’re going to make a mess in these for me,” he continues, tugging at the panties, “because I want you to feel good. Because you deserve to feel good.”
Peter’s staring up at him with a sweeter version of the supernova Tony loves, tentative hope and anticipation and want.
“Come on, sweetheart,” Tony says, tilting his head down to brush a kiss across Peter’s lips, “let me make you feel good. Let me make it better.”
@the-amazing-spidertwink, @starkercrossedlovers
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Just Say Yes
Inspired by this post by @politics-notmything. Wow. I did not mean to disappear for so long. I recently started university and have not had a chance to post in a while. However! I do have a few one shots ready to go that I’ll be posting in the coming weeks. And all of them are Soulmate AUs (because I’m a sucker for them)! Thank you for sticking around and I hope you enjoy the first part of this one shot. 💙💚
Word Count: 2314
Cathy awoke to the sound of her alarm blaring from her nightstand and groaned. It seemed like she had only been asleep for a few minutes and the aching tiredness in her bones made that seem even more plausible. Reluctantly, Cathy rolled over in her bed and reached out a hand to turn off her alarm.
The night before, Cathy had stayed up later than usual so that she could finish one of the dreaded papers for her literature class that was due that day. She had barely completed the essay but felt confident enough that she wouldn’t fail when she had decided to go to bed. After around four hours of sleep, Cathy was hoping that her three cups of coffee she drank last night had actually been put to good use. 
Cathy heaved a sigh as she slid out of bed, immediately missing the warmth while she searched for clothes to wear for her early morning class. After throwing on some jeans and t-shirt, Cathy began looking for her favorite hoodie. She found it near the foot of her bed and quickly put it on. 
 Cathy could always be found wearing her classic navy blue hoodie around her college campus, or any long-sleeve article of clothing for that matter. Most people assumed she was just always cold but the reality was Cathy was trying to cover up her soulmate mark from prying eyes. The length always attracted unwanted attention which more often than not made Cathy extremely uncomfortable.
Though, Cathy wasn’t embarrassed or ashamed of her soulmate phrase. On the contrary, she found the ramblings quite endearing and couldn’t wait to hear her soulmate let the jumble of words spill out of their mouth. Cathy momentarily rolled up the right sleeve of her hoodie to reveal the words that trailed down her arm, rereading the little monologue with a soft smile on her face.
It briefly mentioned her literature class which also happened to be the class she was about to walk to. Every time Cathy thought about snoozing her alarm and sleeping through the day’s lecture, she would remind herself that her soulmate could be waiting for her, finally ready to build up the courage to talk to her.
With that thought in mind, Cathy grabbed her backpack from beside her desk and slung it over her shoulders. She then slipped her phone and keys into her pocket and left her dorm room. On the way to her class, Cathy picked up a coffee from the campus cafe for a much-needed caffeine boost as she was still running on only a few hours of sleep.
When she made it to the lecture hall, Cathy quickly took a seat in one of the first few rows and chugged the rest of her coffee before the start of class. She pulled out her laptop just as the professor stood up in preparation to begin her lecture about the impact of the Civil War on American literature.
Just as the professor was about to address the class and begin her lecture, the sound of someone bursting through the doors echoed throughout the auditorium. Along with some other students, Cathy turned around to see Anne Boleyn standing in the entrance of the room, looking absolutely stunning despite appearing as though she had just jogged halfway across their campus.
From her seat, Cathy could see Anne’s flushed cheeks and chest heaving for air as she looked around the auditorium for a place to sit. Cathy felt her heartbeat quicken as she appraised the girl standing by the doorway, taking in how perfectly sculpted her features were from eyebrows to her jawline to her hips. Cathy gawked at Anne for a few moments before quickly composing herself again.
Right before Cathy was about to turn back around in her seat, she swore she saw Anne’s gaze land on her and linger for a couple beats with a ghost of a smile playing on her lips. But before Cathy could even return her smile, their professor spoke up and addressed Anne from the front of the lecture hall.
“Anne Boleyn! Please take a seat,” the professor called out loud enough for the girl to hear. Anne ducked her head apologetically and scurried to one of the free seats a few rows behind Cathy, much to the latter girl’s disappointment.
It was no secret that Anne Boleyn was attractive. Everybody on campus admired her when she walked by, or at least knew of her infamous beauty. It seemed as if everyone was vying to be her soulmate and have her sole affection. And, as much as she tried to deny it, Cathy couldn’t help but dream of what it would be like to hear her own soulmate phrase flow from those red-painted lips. 
Cathy quickly shook her head at the absurdity of that thought. There was no way Anne could be her soulmate. Anne was always centerstage in the spotlight while Cathy clung to the sidelines. Anne was well-liked and popular while Cathy mostly kept to herself and her few friends. Anne was funny and outgoing with everyone around campus while Cathy buried herself with books in the privacy of her dorm. Anne was perfect in every way, and Cathy would be lucky if a girl like Anne even noticed her at all.
Cathy sighed softly to herself. She could never keep Anne out of her thoughts for long. Though they had never formally spoken, Cathy had grown quite fond of the Boleyn girl, admiring her wit and intelligence every time she spoke up about the topics being discussed in their shared literature class. While most people thought Anne’s looks were the most beautiful part about her, Cathy couldn’t help but think her mind, with all of its humorous quips and insightful analyses, was truly the most attractive part of Anne.   
Cathy was suddenly snapped out of her thoughts by her professor moving onto a new topic. In a panic, Cathy looked up to the presentation and calmed down when she realized that she hadn’t missed much of the lecture. From that point on until the end of class, Cathy stayed focused on her professor’s words and took notes diligently, pushing her thoughts of Anne aside until later. 
After class was dismissed, Cathy packed up her things and exited the auditorium, throwing away her empty coffee cup on the way out. A few paces down the hall, she reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone, checking to see if she had any unread messages from her friends. Much to her relief, there were none. That meant Cathy had a few hours to herself until her next class, hours that would more likely than not be spent napping.
Cathy slid her phone back into her pocket and felt around for her keys. Much to her dismay, she didn’t find them. Cathy felt around her other pockets, only growing more anxious when she turned up empty-handed. Cathy turned around with the intent of going back into the lecture hall to see if she had dropped her keys in there, only to stop dead in her tracks when she came face-to-face with Anne Boleyn.
There was a moment of silence that passed between them as they stared at each other, both too nervous to say anything. After Cathy’s initial shock wore off, she looked down at her feet shyly and bit her lip in a vain attempt to stop herself from smiling. Anne Boleyn was really standing in front of her. Anne Boleyn actually wanted to talk to her.
 Cathy felt her heartbeat pulse rapidly in her chest as she nervously twirled one of her curls around her finger. “Hi, Anne,” Cathy finally said to break the silence, looking back up to meet Anne’s shining green eyes.
Anne visibly lit up at the small greeting before shuffling in place nervously as she addressed Cathy. “Hey! Catherine! I- um- you dropped these.” Anne handed Cathy her lost keys before continuing her rambled speech. 
“I’ve seen you around campus a lot with your friends and you always look super pretty and everything. Um- and the things you say in literature class are so smart. Like all of your comments about the authors’ biographies and how they play into their writing make me question everything I was reading. And, I’ve never had the chance to say anything until now but I think you’re amazing!”
Anne’s gaze suddenly dropped to the floor and rubbed her neck to hide her embarrassment. She took a quick breath before she continued speaking. “I’m rambling. Sorry! What I want to say is I really like you and I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me sometime.” Anne looked up with hopeful eyes as she waited for Cathy’s answer.
Anne’s words swirled in Cathy’s mind, leaving her in utter shock and unable to respond. Her eyes immediately darted to her right arm as she rolled down her sleeve to reveal a perfect transcript of what Anne had just said. Cathy didn’t know how to respond, her mouth left slightly ajar as she tried to process that Anne was her soulmate. Anne freaking Boleyn was her soulmate! 
Noticing that the girl in front of her was not responding, Anne fidgeted even more in her place. She noticed that Cathy was staring at her soulmate mark and had a sudden realization. “I’m so sorry! I didn’t know you had already found your soulmate. I’ll go.”
Anne quickly turned on her heel and prepared to flee the awkward situation she had just made. In that moment, Cathy finally came to her senses and grabbed Anne’s arm before she could leave. Anne turned back to her with a confused expression before Cathy spoke up shyly. 
“I actually just met my soulmate,” Cathy said quietly, hoping Anne would catch on that they were soulmates. Instead, Cathy watched as Anne forced a smile at her response.
“That’s great, Catherine! I hope you two are happy together,” Anne all but whispered, trying but failing to keep the pain out of her voice.
Cathy tried a different approach. “Anne, what does your soulmate mark say?”
A small smile painted itself across Anne’s lips as she looked down to her right arm. “Mine says ‘Hi, Anne.’ Pretty vague, huh? I hear it a lot so I never actually know who my soulmate is.”
“Well, now you do,” Cathy whispered as she showed Anne her own arm, for once excited to see someone’s reaction to her mark.   
A look of realization dawned on Anne’s face as she read the words of Cathy’s soulmate mark, the same words that had been spilling out of her mouth just moments before. Her realization quickly melted away into a soft smile as she shifted her gaze to look back at Cathy.
“I really should have scripted that. I’m sorry you have my stupid rambling permanently on your skin,” Anne said bashfully.
“No, it’s okay!” Cathy responded quickly before giving Anne a little smile. “It’s actually really cute.” Cathy watched as Anne’s cheeks turned bright red and had to stifle a giggle at the sight. 
“So, about that date,” Cathy continued after a brief pause. “I would really like to get to know my soulmate sometime.” Cathy smiled shyly as she waited for Anne’s response.
Anne lit up at Cathy’s mention of a date. “Let’s go right now! Are you busy?” Anne’s hopeful eyes stared back at Cathy, making her heart flutter at the sight. Cathy’s nap could wait.
“No, I’m free until noon,” Cathy responded with a bright smile. Anne returned Cathy’s smile before grabbing her hand and leading her away.
“Where are we going, Anne?” Cathy giggled as she followed Anne toward the parking lot.
“It’s a surprise, love,” Anne answered and squeezed Cathy’s hand lightly. Cathy blushed at Anne’s nickname which Anne noticed with a smirk.
“You like coffee. Right, love?” Anne asked, smirking wider as Cathy’s blush turned a deeper shade of red.
“Yes, Annie. I’m practically addicted to it,” Cathy replied, turning to see Anne’s cheeks flush at her own nickname for her. “How else would I have been able to write that insanely long essay about the use of metaphor in Uncle Tom’s Cabin?”  
“Fair point,” Anne replied with a laugh before she stopped and turned to face Cathy. “Well, this is my car. Her name is Sally.” She gestured to the green sports car parked in front of them with a nod.
Cathy gawked at the seemingly expensive vehicle in front of them before processing what Anne had just said. “Wait, you named your car?”
“Yeah,” Anne stated as if it was obvious. “Doesn’t everybody name their car?”
“You’re the first person I know who’s named their car, Annie,” Cathy said with a smile as she gently bumped her shoulder against Anne’s. 
“It might just be my family then,” Anne said with a laugh as she unlocked the doors and opened the passenger side for Cathy to get in. Cathy smiled gratefully at Anne as she slid into the leather seat. 
“Wow,” Cathy breathed out as she admired the interior of the sports car. She had to admit that Anne’s car was pretty impressive all around. It suited her perfectly.
“If you think this is cool, you should see the ones my dad has,” Anne commented as she closed her car door. “He co-owns this car brand so he gets a lot of really awesome sports cars custom-made. He gave this one to me when I went off to college.” Anne smiled fondly at the memory. 
“I never knew that,” Cathy replied, smiling warmly at Anne as the engine roared to life.
“Yeah, my dad was really busy with work most of the time but he always put family first,” Anne said before looking over to Cathy. “You ready, Cathy?”
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Survey #366
“you can’t take me from me”
If you’re a girl, have you ever had the urge shave your hair? No. Do you live by a forest? Not anymore. :( How old are your parents? Late 50s. What do you prefer: Small cars, hybrids, trucks or SUVs? Uh, I guess normal ones? Like the ones with four doors and not that horribly low to the ground. What’s the scariest book you’ve ever read? I've never read a book that was scary to me. Do your parents drink? Dad doesn't anymore, and Mom very rarely does, usually just for special occasions. Does downloading music without paying make you feel guilty? Yes, so idk why I still do it. .-. Do you have any pet fish? Nah. What’s your favorite seafood to eat? I only like shrimp. Does your house have air conditioning? Yes. Name the creepiest horror movie character for you: Ghostface, ever since I was a kid. I was horrified of him, and I still think his design is mega creepy. How many college degrees do you want? I wanted to get at most a Bachelor's (I never saw reason to go higher in the fields I was interested in, except for my brief wildlife biologist aspiration), but now I know I'm not getting any degrees. Do you like animals? I love animals. Have you ever written anything longer than 10 pages? Yes. What do you wear to sleep? Pj pants and a tank top. How many keys do you carry with you? One. Have you ever attended a professional sporting event? Yeah. Sometimes Dad and I would go to hockey games together. I don't really care for sports, hockey included, but it was still something we bonded over since I was normally in the living room on the laptop while he was watching it. Which do you value more, intellect or work ethic? Work ethic. Both are important, but I'd rather have a dedicated, worthy employee versus a lazy one that just happens to have brains. Have you ever been covered in mud? Yes, as a kid. Ever been to a cabin on a mountain? No, but omG I fucking wish. Ever lost your voice? Yes. Do you take your time when making an important decision? I take way too much time because I obsess over doing the right thing. Are you a cautious person? Very. Do you chew gum? Sometimes. What makeup product do you never use? A lot, really. Bronzer is literally never, I haven't touched blush in forever, and the same goes for foundation. Have you ever been offered drugs on the street? No. Have you ever seen a jellyfish? Only at aquariums. Do you ever put bread in your soup? UGH, NO. Bread should NOT be soggy. Do you want some soup? No, I don't even really like soup. Is there anything in the USB key slots in your computer/laptop? Yeah, the sensor thing for my wireless mouse. Did anyone ever draw on your face when you were sleeping? I don't believe so; I'd certainly feel it and wake up. Have you ever done that to someone else? Pretty sure no. Is there any TV show you watch religiously? No. Do you like the window seat or aisle seat on an airplane? WINDOW. I hate the aisle seat, mainly because I get dizzy when I can't see outside for some reason? I really don't know how that works, but when I sit at the window and can see what the plane is doing, I don't get dizzy. I also really want to just stare outside as I listen to my iPod. Has anyone ever really insulted you? Yes. Do you ever make banana sandwiches? I have a peanut butter and banana sandwich rarely. What’s your favorite movie soundtrack? Probably Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron. Phil went HARD, y'all. Did your parents teach you how to cook/bake when you were growing up? There were rare occasions where I helped cook, but I never really learned. If you could own any three fictional objects from any book/movie/show, what would you choose? (does not have to all be from the same book/movie/show) Ohhh, interesting. I'm going to include games in this, because that's what I'm most informed in. ... And I'm still blanking. OH! Definitely a Dreamvisitor from Wings of Fire, as I think it'd be pretty cool or even useful to see into other's dreams and even communicate. The Obsidian Mirror from the same series would also be pretty cool, but also seems somewhat immoral to me, I guess, to be able to spy on others. I mean it could be useful in some cases, but still. I somehow can't think of a third one, even after expanding my options to games. A lot of game objects are just too specific to their fantasy universe and not helpful in real life. What’s the shortest amount of time you’ve worked somewhere? Not even two hours lmaoooo. Have you ever negotiated a pay raise? No. Have you ever been a victim of identity theft? No. Do you know anyone who’s had their kids taken by Child Protective Services? No. What is your favorite smell/scent? Cinnamon rolls. How long can you run without stopping? I honestly don't think I *could* run without my knees immediately being like "um excuse the fuck out of you" and crumpling. What age do you want to live to? I know this varies from person to person, so I can't say an exact age, but I do. NOT. Want to live to where I'm a liability/require other people to take care of me, like give me a bath and stuff. No. Fuck-ing. Thank you. If you had a time machine, when would you go to? I'd honestly want a glimpse into my future, just to see how I'll be. At the same time though, I feel like knowing would suck if I saw something bad instead of a good life. Like, I'd possibly be suicidal again if it's just crap. I feel like if I was legitimately offered this, I would say no. Have you ever been infatuated with someone and you didn’t even know why? No. I think. Have you ever felt an earthquake? No. Is your more photogenic side your left or right? Well, because of how my hair is positioned, my left side. My hair is parted very far to the left, so the right side of my face is sorta cut diagonally by hair. Do you currently owe money to anyone? No. If you were ever to be on the news, what would you want it to be for? Something heroic, I guess. What’s the fastest you’ve ever driven? Accidentally, probably up to like 80 on the highway. Have you ever donated blood? Have you ever done a blood test? I have to both. Have you been inside of a burning building? What happened? Z O I N K S no. Do you believe in astrology/horoscopes? Nope. Have you ever dined alone at a restaurant? No. Have you been in a car accident? What happened? Yes. Some idiot was carrying wood in the back of his truck, and it wasn't secured whatsoever. He hit a bumpy spot, and some of the wood dropped to the road, and he began to swerve out of control. Nailed the side and bumper of my mom's car. Mom drove into a ditch, but in some manner to avoid us flipping over, which judging from the impact point, cops theorized was "supposed" to happen. Nowadays I am terrified to ride or drive behind trucks carrying anything in the back. Have you ever lived alone? No. Have you ever been stung by a bee? Once, on my leg. Have you ever bought stuff at a thrift store? Yeah, I love thrift shops. What was your very first email address? The one I still use now, so I won't share it. It fits me well, but I still hate sharing it, haha. It's just not very "adult-ish." How often do you take naps? Just about every day. Have you ever won a game of pool? Idr. Have you ever seen a tornado in real life? NOOOOOOOOOOO. Have you been in a long-distance relationship? Yes. Have you swam in the ocean? Yeah, I love it. Have you gone ziplining? No, but it'd be cool! Have you been rock climbing? No, just those mock walls at school field days and stuff. Have you hitchhiked? No. Have you had stitches? Where? My chin and then at the very base of my spine. Have you ridden in a taxi? What about an Uber/Lyft? None of those. Have you ridden on a horse? Not legit, but at childhood festivals where there are some horses that walk in a circle... the poor things. I would LOVE to ride a non-restrained, tame horse. Ugh, I wish I could have a horse in general. Their ability to bond with humans is magical. I'll never actually have one, though. I could nooot do all the care they require, and I don't plan on living somewhere where having a horse is appropriate. Have you taken part in a protest? What for? No, just boycotting. Have you ever signed a petition? Yes. I can't remember all of them. Have you ever been fired from a job? Why? No. Have you ever given someone else a haircut? No. What is the longest your hair has been? Just past the small of my back. Have you ever been stranded because your car broke down? No. Thank god for phones, lol. Have you performed on stage? What did you do? Yes, for school band concerts as well as dance recitals. Have you ever used a tanning bed? What about tanning spray? No. How do you prefer to celebrate your birthday? Just quiet and chill with my family, but still give me alone time, please. Who is the best cook that you know? /shrug Do you believe in Bigfoot? What about the Loch Ness Monster? The Loch Ness Monster I don't, but I find surviving sasquatches very possible. There's just too many reported sightings to be totally ignored. I'm not 100% on them still being around, though. I feel like we would've caught one by now. Do your friends tend to be male or female? Female. If you could change anything about human nature, what would it be? Our proclivity to violence when angered. Have you ever fainted? Yes. What skills would you like to learn? Cooking, how to handle money in various contexts, social skills... There's a lot of things. What animal do you have the most possessions *of*, or featuring? Meerkats, for sure. If you smoke marijuana, what is your preferred or typical method? I don’t. Do you remain friends with anyone you met at your first job? No. Are there any flowers planted outside your house? No. Do you have a favourite outfit that you like to wear for nights out? I don't have "nights out." When you have a soft drink, do you prefer it in a bottle or can? I like cans because the metal helps it stay cold. Who was the last person to embarrass you? What did they do? I don't know. When you’re upset, do you tend to comfort eat or lose your appetite? I am a BAD comfort eater. Who was the last person to send you a message on Facebook? Does/did that person go to the same school as you? My online friend Sammy. No. Has a stranger ever offered to buy you a drink? No. When was the last time you used a public toilet? Ummm I think for my birthday lunch at The Cheesecake Factory. Who did you have your first kiss with? Do you remember what colour his/her eyes were? Jason has brown eyes. Are there any themes from TV shows that you like to sing along to? That '70s Show and especially Supernatural.
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suckitsurveys · 4 years
What would you call your body type? Fat.
Are you a morning person? Eh. I have to be.
Have you ever been to Target? Countless times. I miss Target :(
Do you like iced tea? Yes. I should make some. 
When is the next time you’ll be at work? I’m technically at work right now.
Do you have a savings account? Yes.
Has anyone ever hacked your accounts before? Yes.
What color bedsheets are currently on your bed? Light blue.
Have you ever been to Disney World? If so, how many times have you been? Nope.
Does grammar and capitalization mean anything to you? Yes.
Are you good at wrapping gifts for others? Yes.
Do you have a dirty clothes hamper in your room? Yes.
What would you say is your favorite television show? BoJack Horseman.
Do you enjoy big holiday dinners? Yes. I’m so upset that we might not get to do that this year because of covid. Is your vision good? With my glasses on, yeah. ha.
Is there any piece of jewelry you’re constantly wearing? Earrings and my nose stud. 
What is one thing you desire as of now? For this covid shit to fucking end. And justice for Breonna Taylor. And actual equality. 
What kind of phone do you have? Galaxy S10.
If you could move anywhere, where would you choose? On a lake in the woods.
Do you blog a lot, if at all? This I guess.
Is your present hair color, natural? My roots sure as fuck are.
What makes you the most angry when it comes to people? IGNORANCE. I cannot wrap my head around people who don’t fucking give a shit about other people. 
Describe your current outfit? I’m in PJs.
What was the last thing you ordered online? A couple of outfits fro my nieces for the 4th of July per their request.
Have you ever felt as though you were drifting apart from a best friend? Yeah, and I did.
What color are your eyes? Green.
Have you ever worn color contacts? Nope.
What’s the best thing about a hug? Comfort.
Biggest fear? Having my fears used against me.
If you have a significant other, how long have you been together? 9 years.
Do you know any genuinely friendly people? Yes.
Do you buy your friends gifts? Yeah. What was the last thing you plugged in? The charger to this laptop.
How old are you? 30.
What color headphones do you own? They’re purple. I haven’t used them in a long time since I don’t go to an actual gym anymore.
Have you ever shopped at Urban Outfitters? Yeah, just a couple of times.
Where do you buy the majority of your clothing? Torrid and Target.
Would you rather wear necklaces or earrings? Earrings.
Do you consider yourself fortunate? I am in some ways.
Do you enjoy watching fights? Mark watches UFC and I occasionally catch myself getting into them.
Have you ever been in a physical fight? Not a real one. 
Do you tend to talk badly about people? I tend to talk badly about idiotic people who don’t give a shit about other people.
Where are your parents as of now? My dad is at home most likely and my mother passed away in 2013.
Does your computer cooperate most of the time? I guess.
Does your family have any cheesy traditions? Yes.
When did you last go to a book store? It’s been a while.
What’s the closest book store where you live? I think there’s a local one not far from here. How much money do you have on you right now? Physical money? None.
Favorite personal feature? My eyes and my hair.
Are you wearing make up at the moment? Nope.
Favorite television channel? I don’t have regular TV. Do Netflix and Hulu count as channels?
Describe any piercings or tattoos you might have? I have 5 piercings and 9 tattoos but I don’t feel like explaining all of them. 
Have you ever been fired from a job? No.
Are you currently losing a best friend? Eh.
Describe the worst day of your life: No.
Do you play any video games? Eh. Sometimes.
Would you say you hate anyone? Yes, my fucking brother in law.
Do you think freckles are cute? Sure.
Last time you went to the mall? Back in early March.
Name something that’s your favorite color: That’s in my favorite color? The LED lights above my couch. They’re currently purple.
Have you been to Red Lobster before? YES I miss it.
Do you judge by appearances? We all do to an extent. That’s what first impressions are.
Do you follow a certain religion? Nope. 
Who is your role model, if you had to choose? My dad.
Would you rather have nice hair or lips? Hair.
What are you most self conscious about? My stomach.
Do you have any family members who live out of town? Yeah.
Do you consider yourself short? Yes.
What room are you in? The living room.
Hoodies or jackets? Hoodies.
Are you outside a lot? Yes.
Have you ever been dumped via text message? No.
Do you like dreamcatchers? They’re pretty but they’re a Native thing so I don’t use them. 
What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? H 
Do you hate repetitive people and things? Eh, depends.
Do you think autocorrect is a blessing or curse? It can helpful and annoying at times.
Do you believe in any particular curses? Sure.
Ever play a Ouija board? Yes.
What movie scares you the most? I don’t really like movies like that.
What was your bedtime as a child? I don’t remember.
Reason why your favorite holiday is your favorite: Halloween is just so spooky and creepy and the colorssssss and even more exciting when you have kids in your life. Trick or Treating is so fun.
Do you work with any close friends? Nah.
Do you consider yourself spoiled? In some ways, yes, but I’m not a brat. I am fortunate to have very loving and caring and giving family members, my husband included.
Do you listen to any country music? I don’t not listen to country music, but there isn’t a lot I voluntarily listen to.
Favorite high school teacher: Fuck all of high school.
Do you ever get drunk? Sure. I don’t really like to often but sometimes I get caught up in what I’m doing or who I am with and end up drinking a little more than planned. But it’s not something I actively plan to do.
Have you ever had highlights before? No
Favorite number: 24.
Do you still sleep with any stuffed animals? There used to be two that chilled on the bed but they haven’t in a while. What is your biggest regret in life? Regrets are dumb.
Would you say you think you have a mental disorder of some kind? Yes.
Are you normally an independent person? For the most part.
Do you have any paintings? I do.
What is one clothing fad you wish never existed? I don’t care.
Do you like to be organized? Yes.
Have you ever failed a class before? Uh huh.
Ever been judged because of your weight? Of course.  What is your favorite breakfast cereal? Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
Ever had a wish come true? Eh.
Do you regret meeting any of your exes? No.
Do you own any coloring books? Yes.
What’s the meanest thing someone’s called you? My brother in law called me “coddled” once very shortly after my fucking mother died so, that. He was saying it because I stilled lived with my father at the time, so fuck him.
Have you ever bullied someone? Not intentionally.
Do you ever watch Lifetime? No.
Ever tried to intentionally sabotage someone’s grade? I don’t think so.
Do you own any brown clothing? Yes.
What color are your walls painted? Very very light blue
Last thing you drank: Water.
Have you ever seen a tornado in person? I’ve been very very close to one.
Do you have an inground pool at your house? I fucking wish.
What is the first digit of your phone number? 1. :P  What’s the prettiest town you’ve been to? Boston.
Do you tend to sleep a lot? No.
Silver or gold jewelry? I like both.
Do you sometimes celebrate holidays early? Depends.
Have you ever been in love? Yes.
What’s the best gift you’ve ever received? My nieces.
When was the last time you showered? Yesterday.
Would you consider yourself attractive? Eh. Not conventionally, no.
Has anyone made you mad today? Yes.
Favorite smell: Gardenia.
Are you afraid of insects? Not afraid. More grossed out than anything. 
Do you have any children? Nooo.
If so, what are their names? --
Would ever consider having children in the future? I don’t want to have children.
Have you ever lived on a farm? No.
Ever played any sports? Not on a team, no.
Do both of your parents have jobs? My father is retired and my mom was a stay at home mom when she was alive.
Where is the best place you’ve been on vacation to? Wilderness Resort in the Dells. GODDDDDDDD I WANNA GO.
Are you afraid people won’t accept you? Whatever.
Are you, for the most part, an honest person? Yes.
Did you make prank phone calls as a child? I did.
Do you like to make donations? Yeah.
What is your current ringtone? The Horsin Around theme song from BoJack in 8 bit. The same ringtone BoJack has in the first few seasons of the show.
Meet anyone from your past lately? How do you meet someone you already know?
Have you ever called a teen suicide line? No.
Have you ever caught something on fire? Yes.
Ever been obsessed with a show? Duh.
What type of perfume or cologne do you use? Differnt Bath and Body Works stuff.
What’s the last book you read? I’m currently kinda reading Someone Who Will Love You in All Your Damaged Glory by Raphael Bob-Waksberg.
Dream career: Event planner if we’re ever allowed to have events again.
Have you ever climbed a mountain before? Kinda.
At what age do you plan to get married? I got married when I was 27.
Ever been in a car accident? Yes.
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silvermyfanwy · 5 years
We Have A Ghost!
Someone was talking either to themselves or down the phone in the corridor outside the conference room Tony had given Peter to use for homework. Peter tried to work out who it was, but he didn’t recognize the voice. “JARVIS, who is that?”
“What do you mean?” JARVIS asked.
“There’s someone talking out there. Who is it?”
“In the corridor?”
“There is no one in the corridor.”
Peter frowned. “There was. I heard them.”
“Security footage from the last ten minute shows the corridor to be empty.”
“But I’m sure I heard someone talking!” Peter insisted.
“There’s no one there.”
Peter sighed. “I must be working too hard and it’s making me hear things. I’ll take a break.”
“I can smell grape juice.” Peter said suddenly.
Wanda looked at him like he was mad. “You can smell grape juice?”
Peter nodded.
Wanda paused for a moment. “There’s no grape juice.”
“I disagree.”
“Can you still smell it or can we go back to Mario Kart?”
“I can still smell it, but yes, we can go back to the game.” Peter sighed.
Two days later, Peter was sitting on his bed and sewing a patch onto his jeans when he got the strange feeling that he was being watched.
He knew he was being watched all the time, because of JARVIS, but he never felt like he was being watched. The hairs on the back of his neck had stood up and there was a disconcerting crawling feeling on his arms.
But when he turned around, no one was there.
The labs were one of the best parts about life at the compound.
It meant that Peter could do all the experiments he was allowed to and have rather a lot of fun at the same time. However, at times, there could be a small range of side effects to some of the experiments. Quite often, there were explosions, and at times they would leave Peter blinking stars out of his eyes.
The stars he was convinced he could suddenly see floating in front of him were not caused by an explosion. Peter just waved it off as Wanda playing a prank on him, unaware that Wanda was on an educational trip with Sam in New York City.
Peter woke up to the sound of the walls singing.
He went back to sleep, presuming it was the remains of a dream.
The next morning, he’d forgotten all about it.
Weird things continued to happen.
Doors slammed shut when there was no wind.
Objects randomly moved when no one had touched them.
Peter kept finding his room tidier than he had left it; and when he checked JARVIS’s security feed, there was no sign of anyone tidying.
Peter decided that enough was enough.
He was going to have to turn to the internet.
Peter sat on his bedroom floor with his back against the wall and a laptop balanced on his crossed legs. He opened a new tab and typed into Ecosia ‘is my house haunted’. A variety of results came up.
He clicked on a WIkiHow articled to see what would appear, and a found a test for ghosts. The strange things that he’d noticed matched up to all the signs for ghosts.
“Mr Stark, your building is haunted.” Peter said primly, standing in the doorway of the common room.
Tony looked up from his paper. “My building is not haunted, I built it. It’s not haunted and why are you calling me Mr Stark all of a sudden?”
“I thought it would have a more dramatic effect. And your building is haunted;  did a test for ghosts and apparently there is one.”
“Did you just get some test off the internet and try it?”
“Well, yeah, but there are all the signs of a ghost and I’ve been wondering about it for ages and-”
“Kid, I don’t think we have a ghost. Have you seen it?”
“Well, no, but-”
“Maybe your imagination’s just been playing tricks on you.” Tony suggested. “You’ve been working really hard lately. Take a break.”
Peter sighed. “Okay.”
He still thought they had a ghost.
After failing to convince Tony about the existence of the ghost, Peter turned to someone who he thought might be a bit more open minded.
“Wanda, I need your help with something.” Peter fond Wanda rummaging through Nat’s wardrobe. “What are you doing?”
“Looking through some clothes she’s giving away to see which ones I want. What’ you need help with?”
Peter took a deep breath. “Do you promise not to laugh?”
"Depends on what it is.”
Peter pouted. “Mean.”
“I’m your sister, it doesn’t count.” Wanda said. “Go on.”
“I think there’s a ghost.” Peter said. “And I need your help to try and spot it because I don’t think Dad will believe me if I haven’t seen it.”
Wanda’s eyes lit up at the mention of a ghost. “Ghost? Why didn’t you tell me sooner? Of course I’ll help. Why do you think there’s a ghost?”
Peter told Wanda about all the weird things that had been happening. “Can you use your powers to try and sense if there’s a ghost?”
Wanda thought for a moment. “I can give it a go. Where would the ghost be living?”
Probably the most mystical place there is.”
“Everything here is science-y, though.”
“Science is pretty mystical.” Peter pointed out. “Oh! I know! What about the room where the strange magic items get put!”
“Good idea.”
Peter and Wanda stood in the doorway to the room, both slightly too scared to actually venture in.
“Can you send out magic sensors or something?” Peter whispered.
“Sort of.” Wanda murmured. A glazed look came over her eyes and she reached her hands out, red fire crackling over the ends of her fingers. Suddenly she froze and her eyes came back into focus. “There it is!”
A pale, floating shape that looked rather like a plastic bag appeared in the air in front of them. They both screamed and scrambled to shut the door.
“What do we do now?” Wanda panted.
“I hand’t thought this far ahead.” Peter admitted.
Wanda looked at him incredulously. “Seriously?”
“I think we run.”
“Good idea.”
Wanda and Peter barricaded themselves in Wanda’s room and sat in a pillow fort to plan their next move.
“There’s no way Dad can say we haven’t got a ghost anymore.” Wanda said.
“JARVIS, have you got footage of that on camera?” Peter asked.
“Footage of what?”
Peter and Wanda exchanged a look.
“The footage of the ghost.” Peter said.
“There was no ghost.”
“The floaty white thing we just saw.” Wanda said. “Surely you’ve got footage of that.”
“In the storeroom on the third floor.” Peter added.
“There is no footage of the event you are describing.” JARVIS said.
The blood began to drain out of Wanda and Peter’s faces. “Something’s not right here.”
Wanda nodded her agreement.
“You stay and guard the room.” Peter said. “I’ll go and tell Dad what’s going on.”
“No, you stay and guard the room and I’ll tell Dad what’s going on.” Wanda countered.
There was a knock on the door.
They froze and exchanged a look of worry.
The door opened slightly and Loki stuck his head into the room. “Hello!”
“Oh hi Mr Loki!” Peter said, perking up. “Are you looking for Thor?”
“No, I was looking for you two, actually.” Loki said, smiling slightly sheepishly. “I believe I may have accidentally given you a bit of a fright.”
“Were you the ghost?” Wanda asked.
“The floaty white thing?”
“Yes, that was me.”
“Have you been making all the strange stuff happen?” Peter asked incredulously. “I thought I was going crazy!”
Loki opened his mouth to continue to speak but Wanda cut him off.
“Does our Dad know you’re here?”
Loki nodded and pulled a security pass out from his hair, which he waved at them. “He’s trying out some new security features and he wanted me to help test them.”
“So he did know why all the strange stuff was happening!” Peter said. “But why didn’t he just tell me it was you?”
Loki winced. “Uh, I’m not on particularly good terms with Thor at the moment.”
As if on cue, there was a thundering noise outside. “LOKI!”
Fear shot over Loki’s face and he darted into the room, hiding underneath he bed. Wanda and Peter peered over the edge of the bed at him.
“What did you do to annoy Thor?” Wanda asked.
Loki pulled a packet of Pop Tarts out of his pocket.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
How fast can you say the alphabet? I can say it quickly without my accent failing me, I guess? I’m too lazy to time it. What are you allergic to? None. How many serious relationships have you had? Just one. If you could read one person's mind, who would it be? I wouldn’t want to target one person like that. I’d only be picking my dog’s so I can hear what he thinks of me, ha. If someone dared you, what dare would you be afraid to attempt? Eating/drinking anything rotten.
How do you like your eggs? Scrambled or over easy. What's your most expensive piece of clothing? Probably my shoes. Most of them are several thousand bucks. What was your last big achievement? The last objectively big achievement I made was finishing the first half of my thesis and getting the go signal to finish the rest of it. But if we’re counting tiny steps that feel like big achievements, it’s having an article published in my org’s publication this week. I co-wrote it with JM and Rick, but it still feels nice to get to say I was productive during the quarantine. What famous person's memoir would you like to read? I’m willing to read anyone’s biography/autobiography since it’s one of my favorite genres. But at the moment I’m probably most willing to read something about Kim Jong Un since it’s generally hard to find material in North Korea as it is, and it would be fascinating to hear about their life and culture there. Have you ever had a "false alarm" moment, what was it about? Sure. A few months ago I was in Manila for a workshop and my car wouldn’t start when it was time to drive back home. Pressing any button on the key fob wouldn’t work and I couldn’t open the doors, so I was pretty much just locked out. I was already stuck there for a while and I was starting to panic, so I called up my parents to ask for help and they were already getting dressed to drive all the way where I was. Right before they left the house Jhian was mysteriously able to make stuff work and opened my door and I gave my parents the happiest “false alarm” ever haha. Do you know how to ride a bike? I don’t. My dad recently pumped air into the wheels of the bike that we have in the house so I can practice riding it throughout the quarantine, but I just can’t. I never did learn what my friends say when they tell me to just “find my balance.” If you could breed two species together what new animal would you create? No thanks. What 5 world leaders would you make sit down in a room to discuss issues? Isn’t that already the point of UN? If you were in the hospital who are the two people you'd want by your side? Gab and my dad. When was the last time you cried and what made you cry? Ooh ya got me. With this quarantine not letting me go anywhere and giving me new experiences, I’ve had no reason to cry lol. 
The last most vivid reason I remember crying was that one Wednesday in February where everything went wrong  – Andrew and I got red marks all over our thesis and we got practically yelled at over how bad our work had been so far; accidentally spewing peanut sauce all over the said thesis draft immediately after it was returned to us; almost losing this one thing for the org that I 100% WAS NOT allowed to lose, and having to ask Andrew to go back to campus at mid-fucking-night just to retrieve it and feeling shit the whole time for asking that of him; and having to deal with an unresponsive source for an article I needed to write and finish ASAP. I cried nonstop until like 2 AM that night. If you could ever take a street sign, what sign do you want? It’d be such a pointless steal, so no thanks. What is your favorite ride at any amusement park? Haha anything mild and for kids tbh. My stomach can’t handle rides. Have you ever raised money for charity? I haven’t spearheaded any fundraisers but I’ve donated for some, like whenever workers from exploitative corporations go to UP to visit some classes, talk about their struggles, and ask for support. How do you feel about growing older? I’ve got little time to be scared of it because getting old just happens all the time and constantly. I just take it for what it is and learn along the way. What wild animal scares you? Probs lion. I’ve never seen one in real life and movies and shows have conditioned me to think they’ll attack any human that comes close enough, soooooooo no thanks. I’d love to be corrected and to find out that they’re big softies, though. Do you think actors and athletes are overpaid? I can argue that for some actors, but definitely not athletes. Athletes bust their ass day in and day out and are in constant need of training, transportation, and the adequate gear, equipment, etc. Some actors just have to sit pretty and they wouldn’t even be good at it. Have you ever been alienated, if so for what? This was me for most of what you’d call middle school. People were starting to be more conscious of trends and using it as a basis for who to hang out with, so while everyone had a Blackberry, got side bangs, and listened to The Summer Set, I was struggling to fit in a place where my love of wrestling would be accepted. Of course there was none, and I felt left out for a while.
More recently, this was also me in applying for AIESEC but I’ve already touched on that a couple of times here. The alienation was so bad my friends and I just resort to laughing about my experience whenever it gets brought up. Have you ever not returned something you borrowed and if so what was it? I have a couple of Gab’s jackets, but she doesn’t mind me keeping them since I get cold quicker and more often. When you pack your lunch, what's your favorite packed lunch? Loooove when my dad makes curry for me to bring to school. What was the one most important thing you learned from your parents? It’s impossible to start at the bottom and work your way to the very top. I’m constantly worried about staying at the bottom, so it’s always comforting to see how far they’ve come.
On a parenting note, I’ve learned that I should talk to my future kids the way they are – kids. Ever since I can remember my mom has always gotten mad at me as if I was already an adult, so it’s made me permanently terrified of all adults/the idea of pissing anyone off. She would always just get mad, banging stuff around, and never explain to me what I did wrong, so to this day I get very self-punishing when I feel like I’ve done something wrong but don’t exactly know what it was I did.
How fast can you run? I used to be good as a kid which is what landed me on the track team in grade school, but I didn’t enjoy running so I did it less and less every year. Now I’m just meh at it. Have you done something you worry could come back to haunt you, what? Nothing that bad, no. What is your most favorite feature of your favorite electronic device? I’m very happy with the battery life of my laptop, considering how 1) my old Macbook Air only had a battery life of one hour, and 2) the laptop I had before had a damaged battery to begin with so I couldn’t even use it/bring it anywhere unless it was plugged in. The 10-hour battery life for my current one is a fucking dream for me lmao. If you had to build a small ark, what 7 animals would you save? All the endangered ones so like an elephant, Philippine eagle, panda, orangutan, tiger, and a rhinoceros. I’d save the last slot for a stray dog. What is your favorite Christmas or holiday tradition? I love going over to my mom’s cousins’ place and have our tradition of exchanging gifts singing My Monito/Monita. What novel would you love to be transported into to live out your days? I prefer non-fiction, soz. What is your favorite hiding place? MY CAR. It’s seen my worst breakdowns, my sleeping sessions in the middle of the day, and the days where I’m okay but simply need a break from everyone. If I feel like being alone I just head inside, recline my seat, and tune out the whole world. What is something your parents love that you actually love too? Indian food. Have anyone ever said "I love you" and you couldn't say it back. This is me with my mom. I’ve stopped saying “I love you” ever since I came to terms with the fact that she has brought a lot of trauma into my life and it would be unfair to the both of us (mostly me, heh) if I said it back. Have you ever ridden a camel? I haven’t. It would be very difficult to find a camel on this side of the planet.
What's been the hardest loss you've had to take? My grandfather and Nacho. What emotion is your least favorite and the one you are not in touch with? I hate feeling embarrassed obviously, but I’m regularly in touch with it because there’s always at least one event a day where I fuck up and I feel extremely embarrassed. Do you think facial moles or freckles are cute? I don’t mind them. They’re not a common facial trait where I live, so I’m more fascinated by them than anything else. Would you ever pick up a hitchhiker? I’ve read too many accounts of serial killers where hitchhikers were involved to feel skeptical about them but I know I’d also feel bad if I ignored them. I honestly don’t know what to feel about them as I don’t live in a hitchhike-y area.
What was your funniest computer or phone wallpaper? Eh, I don’t really pick wallpapers to find them funny. If you're searching for a relationship, where is your go place to look? Unapplicable for my demi ass. When and where are you happiest? Either anywhere with Gab or Skywalk with my orgmates. What was your favorite age, so far? 16 has so far been the year with the least fuckups. What is your favorite part of the day? Typically, it would be the moment I realize I’m done with everything that needed to be done for that day, like if my last meeting has ended or if I’m finished with my last class, and all that’s left to do is to drive home. What book have you read multiple times? The Septimus Heap series up til the 5th book (there are 7) only because in the past I had always made plans to restart and finish the whole series, but I never did get around to finishing it so I’ve only just kept restarting and restarting the books.   Do you keep a budget? No budget. What matters to me is at least being able to have savings at the end of the week, which is tbh not the smartest thing to do. Have you ever test driven a car you knew you weren't going to buy? Nope, I’ve never gone car shopping like that. Pretend you're doing an interview, what's the first question? Uhhhhhhhhhh idk depends on what the interview is for? What do you have a hard time visualizing? Everything. I’m not a very visual person and creativity is my weak point, so I genuinely struggle if I do have to imagine anything. Abstract reasoning has always been my least favorite part of tests. What makes you feel uncomfortable in group settings? If all of them already know each other and I am just starting to try and fit in – it’s worse if they’re all loud and extroverts. The former is what made my internship hard for me in the beginning, but thankfully they were all very nice and could tell I was shy so they knew not to overwhelm me by being too loud. What was your worst date ever? I haven’t had a bad date. Have you ever gotten in a bidding war on Ebay, if so for what item? Nope. If you had to pick one food to eat everyday for life, what would it be? Risotto or chicken wings. For dessert, macarons. Are you supportive of your friends even if you don't agree with them? As long as their choice doesn’t entail stepping on human rights, e.g. not being pro-choice or supporting a president that supports killing the poor, I’ll be fine with the disagreement. Have you ever used the opposite sex restroom in an emergency? Yeah I had a bad nausea attack one time and needed to vomit but I only had enough time to run to the men’s bathroom before I started throwing up everywhere, so that’s where I ran. What did you think was stupid until you tried it? Ube cheesecake. I really hate ube flavor and I hate everything it’s in, but I gave it a chance when a local bakeshop incorporated ube in cheesecake since it’s my favorite kind of cake. I ended up really liking it and now I often look for it when we have family get-togethers. What subject do you and your parents never see eye to eye on? Politics, duh. Where do you see yourself in 1 year's time? Having a job, out of the quarantine, maybe saving for a trip. How scared of the dark are you? I’m fine with the dark as long as I’m not somewhere that’s meant to be haunted. What is your favorite type of seafood? Crab fat, sashimi, eel, and sea urchin. What triggers your inner shopaholic? I don’t really have a trigger. I don’t even consider myself a shopaholic. I just shop for new clothes once I feel like I’ve been repeating my clothes too much. What is the rudest thing a person can do to another person in your opinion? Insulting dead parents is one. Except if you’re the Marcoses, heh. What public figure do you disagree with the most? President Duterte, obviously. I wanna barf just having to call him President. Do you think you could ever be a firefighter, why/why not? Nope, because I’m terrified of fire and I don’t have half the stamina needed to carry the shit they have to lift when they have to put out fires. What is/was your favorite bedtime story? I don’t have any. My favorite kids’ book was Corduroy, though. What was the last thing to make you feel happy? My dog going down the stairs and going straight to me for pats once he was done. What is your opinion on rats as pets? Rats are pests here so I find it pretty disgusting. I think hamsters are fine, though. What is something you're afraid to try? Cliff diving, bungee jumping... anything that would give me the sensation of leaving my stomach behind lmao. What cartoon character best describes you? Mr. Peanutbutter from BoJack Horseman. What keeps you interested in your goals or dreams? The fact that I went through so much shit as a child/teenager that I absolutely have to make myself happy in the end, and I can only do that by achieving my goals. What is your favorite actress beginning with the letter J? Jessica Chastain. What song makes you dance uncontrollably? Crazy in Love by Beyoncé, heh. If you wanted to live off the radar where would you live? I was gonna say Sagada but everyone knows it’s my favorite place so it’d probably be one of the first areas they’d start to look... so I’d go with Batanes. That place can’t get any more secretive with their sporadic phone signal and nonexistent internet/data connection. Do you like nachos, if so what topping is a MUST have? Melted cheese. Do you have any subscriptions? Netflix and (technically) Spotify. Which is better, Mario or Sonic? Mario. I’ve never played a Sonic game and I’ve only ever encountered him playing Super Smash Bros. Brawl, which is a Mario-themed game to begin with. Who is the most creative person you know? Alex, someone from my high school who can recreate any. thing. Art is in her blood; she was my seatmate for one sem and she was constantly doodling and drawing and making new stuff in every class we were in. Besides a pickle, what is your favorite thing pickled? I hate pickles and anything pickled :/ Not really in the Filipino palate. What did you do for your 21st birthday? If not, 21 what are your plans? I celebrated it mostly alone because Gab couldn’t be present. Angela made me feel better by taking me to dinner and an arcade.
Are you a role model for anyone in your life? I dunno. I hope so, for at least one person. What song do you hate the most? Any song by The Vamps or Meghan Trainor. Do you think you need to slow down and enjoy life more? Isn’t slowing down what we’re all kinda forced to do right now? Can you impersonate anyone famous? Eh, sure. It’s fun to copy Gordon Ramsay for one hahaha. If you could go back in time to change one thing what would it be? Going out of my shell as early as freshman year and avoiding the semester-long breakdown/depressive episode I had. Can you honestly say you're enjoying your life right now? I can’t say I’m unhappy lmao. I have no problem doing nothing at home for more than a month – besides, this already serves as the break I planned to have shortly after graduating. After this I’ll be really ready to start looking for a job. What is your favorite salty snack? Pringles. What is your favorite restaurant? Yabu, Torch, Pound by Todd English, or Frankies. Idk man, I’m craving so much shit now that I haven’t eaten out for more than a month.  Have you ever been in a play for school? Yeah, we were all required to be in all the annual school productions from kinder to senior year.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
What type of bread did you use on the last sandwich you made? White bread.
& What was on said sandwich? Bologna, sharp cheddar cheese, mayo, and spinach with a bowl of some olive oil mixed with basil and oregano for dipping.
How many doors are in your house? Like 10.
Got any bad habits? If so, what are they? Biting/picking at my nails and the skin around them, biting/picking my lips, picking acne, poor self-care...
What was the last compliment you recieved, that made you smile? I don’t even remember the last time I received a compliment.
Do you ever lie to your friends? Everyone lies.
If so, do you feel bad about it after? Depends what the lie was about.
Think you need to lose weight? How much? Definitely not. I actually need to put a little on.
When was the last time you watched a VHS movie? Uhhh. According to Google, DVDs became the norm in like 2000/2001, but I feel like we still used VHS tapes for maybe 3 years after that.
What event would you go back in time to see, if you could? Hmm. That’s a tough one.
Do you remember the last thing you said you wanted? Coach did a collab with Star Wars and they have a backpack that I really like. It’s too expensive, though. 
Who was the last friend you hung out with&what’d you do together? It’s been like 4 years since I’ve hung out with anyone outside of my family.
Who is the person, other than a spouse, that you are closest to? I don’t have a spouse, so no problem there. I’m closest to my mom and younger brother.
Do you know when to use ‘to’ & ‘too’? Yes, I know how to use both. I know how to use there/they’re/their, too.
Who do you currently live with? My parents, younger brother, and doggo. 
Favorite board game? I have a few. I love board games.
If you watched it, who was your favorite 'Hey Arnold!’ character? Ha, it’s on my TV right now. I like the whole gang. 
Have any good school pictures? or do they all just suck? My early school year ones are cute. The ones from 4th grade and up are ew.
How old were first kiss? 16.
Do you ever wonder what people think when they look at you? I used to think about that a lot more. It’s weird cause like... I’m very self-conscious and my self-esteem is shit, but I really just stopped even trying with my appearance. Me from a few years ago would be mortified with me now and the way I let myself go out the house. 
Do you like trying on clothes or not? & Why? No. It takes more energy than I care to give. Or just don’t really have.
What are your thoughts on marriage? I don’t see it ever happening for me.
What was your favorite toy as a kid? Barbies.
Do you still play with it or have it? I have them stored away in the garage.
Are you currently IN love with anyone? No.
Difference between loving someone&being in love with someone? Yes or no? Uh, yeah. Big difference. 
Don’t you hate when reruns on TV are in a random order? Depends on the show. If the storylines aren’t connected then I don’t care. Like with a show like Catfish, it doesn’t matter. A show like The Golden Girls, it does.
Do you ever watch any crime shows? I watch the ID channel sometimes with my mom. That’s her favorite thing to watch.
If so, which do you watch the most/is your favorite? Various shows on ID.
Ever smoke pot? Yeah.
Don’t you hate when people you love/care about annoy you with stupid crap? I definitely don’t enjoy being annoyed.
Do you ever get frustrated&say 'nevermind’ when people just don’t get it? Yep.
Still have feelings for an ex? No.
Have you ever SERIOUSLY considered any kind of plastic surgery? No.
What was the last thing you cleaned&why? I cleaned off my bed yesterday cause my mom was changing the sheets and such. I had to move stuff cause my bed has become a storage space for clothes and a desk for my laptop, coloring book, colored pencils, phone, remotes, and Nintendo Switch. 
Don’t those weightloss pill commercials just irritate you? No.
Before taking this survey, what were you thinking of? I was irritated about something.
How long have you lived in the current place you’re living? Almost 10 years.
Do you plan on moving anytime soon, if so where? We want to, but there aren’t any plans to as of now. As soon as we’re able to we will.
Does blood make you queasy? Yes.
Do you ever walk alone at night just because, or does that freak you out? I definitely wouldn’t do that. 
What happened in the last TV show you watched? Phoebe got to move up to the 6th grade, but she didn’t end up liking it so she went back to the 4th grade with her friends. It was an episode of Hey Arnold lol.
Do you ever correct grammar/spelling errors your friends make? Only in my head. I’ll sometimes point out typos to my mom and brother, though. I just tell them personally, I don’t put them on blast.
Or do you just not care about that stuff? I don’t put people on blast for it.
Don’t you think things are getting wayyy too pricey? Yeah. 
Facebook, wasn’t 'become a fan’ better than 'like’? No.
What do you think was the best year you ever had? Childhood years.
Are you more of a follower, or a leader? Be honest. I’m more of a wallflower, ha. 
Are your dreams/nightmares in black&white or color? Hm. I honestly don’t know? 
Or do you not even remember any of them? There’s that, but also I just can’t seem to recall if they’re in color or not.
Have you ever wanted to be some sort of hero outside of videogames? No. I’m no hero.
Will you admit that you’re at least somewhat superficial? I don’t think I am.
Most attractive actor/actress that comes to mind right this second? Alexander Skarsgard of course.
How often do you go to the mall closest to you? I never go anymore. I used to go pretty regularly back when I had a social life.
What physical features can you just not stand about yourself? Just about everything.
Do you still count with your fingers, even if only every so often? I still do.
The last flavor of gum you chewed? Minty gum is the only kind I like.
Have you ever gone on a road trip with just friends? No.
What was the last thing you had to drink & was it yummy? Yeah, it’s a white chocolate Starbucks Doubleshot.
What word or words do you think you say the most? “I don’t know” and “like.” There’s more, but there ya go.
Without trying, do you act differently around different friends? I acted a little different around different people. Not in a fake way, just different levels of comfortableness and different people bring out different things in you. You might be more outgoing and chatty with one person, but more chill with another. 
What was the last thing you drew/wrote on your own or someone elses’ skin? I have no idea.
Did you know your nose continues to grow/get longer as you get older? I think I’ve heard that. I don’t recall if it’s true or not.
The last time you spent money, what was it on & how much did you spend? Christmas presents.
What’s the most money you’ve ever spent on one piece of clothing? Hm. I don’t know.
Don’t you believe you’re not really a vegetarian if you still eat chicken Chicken is a type of meat and vegetarianism is abstinence from meat, so...
Who was the last person you avoided/ignored? Blah.
In elementary school, were you more of the bully or the bullied? Neither.
How much do you say you walk in a week outside of school &/or work? I spend majority of my day in bed. Most activity I have is going from my bed to the kitchen, bathroom, living room, or my parents’ room. Then there’s the doctor visits twice a month and the occasional trip to Walmart, the movies, or some other random outing.
Did the last person you talked to in person annoy you in anyway? They said something that kinda rubbed me the wrong way.
Where are you sitting right now? On my bed of course.
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closetcasefabray · 6 years
Blue + Yellow (2/2)
so i’m never drinking again (meaning i’m not going to drink until a few days from now), but i did some stuff around my apartment & recovered before looking this over. it’s in decent enough shape i figured i’d post it on my night in. so here's the second/final part of b+y, a soulmate clexa au. thanks for the likes & reblogs <3
(i also have some ranya companion bits & other cute shit in my head from this. hit me up in the asks or message me if you wanna know anything.)
(Part 1 / 2)
Blue + Yellow
Part 2 / 2
Once you’re old enough to be trusted on a computer, your parents let you use your dad’s old laptop (with safety settings programmed in, courtesy of your dad being a computer engineer and generally a protective father). You spend hours reading stories online about people seeing color. The romantics talk about how life burst into color as soon as they set eyes on their soulmates. The realists are more prevalent, like you, and they tell of their search for their soulmate, having seen color gradually after a few days. Some even reject the idea of soulmates completely, finding different kinds of love with other like-minded people. 
Your heart breaks when you read about the people who never see their soulmates again—whether a war-torn nation dividing them, or travelers who board a plane back home only to start seeing color as they leave, or sometimes death. But you feel reassured when you read about those who have lost a soulmate and find love again with someone else. Still, your heart aches at the idea of giving up on finding Lexa, even more when you wonder if she’s given up on you.
Your parents did all they could when you told them about Lexa those years ago, a few days after coloring with Lexa in the park, but they couldn’t get much information because of child protection and privacy reasons, especially because Lexa had been in foster care with her half-sister before moving. With a different last name in a city of millions, you know you’ll never be able to find Lexa, but that doesn’t stop you from searching Facebook and social media most nights. 
Once puberty hits, everyone talks about seeing in color. You never hide the fact that you have been able to see colors since you were five, but you don’t like talking about it much. It’s often something you keep to yourself and your paints. Most kids in your small town know it’s unlikely and often hope they don’t meet their soulmate here, but that doesn’t prevent their hormones from kicking into full gear.
When a new student arrives in the spring of seventh grade, you’re not surprised when you hear Octavia (amongst several others) has a crush. You’re also not shocked to hear that Bellamy confronts him after baseball try-outs that same day, telling the new kid, Lincoln, to stay away from his sister. You decide you like Lincoln when you hear he dodged Bellamy’s first swing and in turn gave the Blake boy a bloody nose. Neither of them get into trouble since it happened far enough from school grounds, but Octavia does get in trouble for giving her brother a fat lip as soon as he gets home for starting a fight with Lincoln. 
After punching Bellamy, Octavia calls you.
“I can see colors like you now,” Octavia says excitedly. “Just... wow, Clarke. You never told me how beautiful it is.”
She ends up rushing off the phone when her mom gets home and sees a beat up Bellamy holding bags of frozen corn to his nose and mouth.
Although Octavia is grounded for the first month of their relationship, there isn’t anything or anyone who can stop Lincoln and Octavia from falling in love because both puberty-stricken thirteen and twelve-year-olds knew as soon as they saw each other in fourth period English. It really is beautiful, seeing the world in color, but you don’t have the heart to tell Octavia that the colors you see haven’t been as bright since you were just a kid in a park.
Your mom never asks, but you know she’s thinking it when you tell her your top choices for college—Columbia, New School, NYU, Fordham, CUNY. You don’t talk to your mother often, not since your dad died two years ago, so you think she might not want to scare you away from opening up by asking questions.
“I like the idea of being somewhere I don’t have to drive to get to the best art in the city... or the world for that matter,” you say one night over dinner.
She nods in understanding. It is true that the city has that benefit, but you’re not sure if you’re rationalizing it more to yourself or your mother.
You drove enough to get your license, but you hate it. You’ve grown more comfortable riding in passenger seats because Octavia luckily loves to drive, and she talks and plays music loud enough to stop you from thinking too much. But it’s still too easy to get in your head when you drive on your own. You still tremble in your seat at large intersections, and your hands sweat as they hold the wheel because you don’t think you’ll ever forget the sound of metal being crushed and the silence that comes after.
“So wait,” your roommate slurs with a chuckle, “you’re telling me... you decided to come here... because you think your soulmate might still be here?”
“Way to make me sound like a total sucker, but yeah, pretty much,” you confess before downing another shot.
You just had the entire art department rip into your sophomore year portfolio, so you decided to put some distance between you and the art world and get drunk with Raven—a computer engineering student who transferred from UMass back to her home, New York City born and bred.
“You’re not like a sucker. Pretty sure you just are one, but I’m a bitter asshole,” Raven says with a smirk.
You smile and clink your beer bottle with hers before taking a sip.
Raven has good reason and you’re sure you would be much angrier with the world if in her shoes. She met her soulmate when she was fourteen, and they fixed cars and built things with their hands together. Then they were sixteen, riding on a motorcycle they had fixed up together, a car didn’t see them, and Raven just remembers waking up in the hospital with a shattered leg. “I can still see colors,” she said that night the whole story spilled out of her, “but it’s all... faded, I guess. Colors are pretty dull in my eyes.”
“Do you think it’s stupid?” you ask Raven. “That I thought I could find her again?”
Raven shrugs. “Don’t put your life on hold for someone who isn’t here right now,” she says. “If you really are soulmates, things will work themselves out. Until then, have fun, make art like you weird liberal arts kids do. Do whatever. Doesn’t mean you have to fall in love.”
“Makes sense,” you agree as Raven pours you both a shot and opens a couple more beers.
“Of course. I know what I’m talking about; I’m in the sciences.”
You kiss a boy who also sees color, but nothing about him feels special or makes your heart race. You both know you’re welcome distractions for each other, but he knows his soulmate is never coming back and you might always be looking for yours.
You kiss a lot of people and sleep with a few others too. Some can see color, some can’t, and some you don’t bother asking. It’s fun and nothing close to love, so it fills the gaps between those times you think about a little girl who brought green into your life and then everything else. You wonder what she looks like now, if she’s cut her hair, or if she’s somewhere thinking about you.
You fall for a girl with long, light brown hair. She has the opposite curse—born colorblind like everyone else but informed by doctors that she will never see colors. She has to learn to love the hard way—heart first. When you’re lying next to her in bed, and she hums as you trace her jawline, you wish you could love her the way she deserves.
You think she’s always known and that’s why she never said “I love you” because the response would be a lie or an apology.
She’s standing in front of you now, smiling that sad, knowing smile. “You showed me color in a different way,” she says before kissing you softly for the last time. She leaves you in your studio with your hands covered in verdigris.
You don’t know if it’s the lack of sleep or your eyes playing tricks on you again, but you swear you see a flash of green eyes and dark hair on your morning commute. You don’t know if it’s because you’ve been busy and single for the past couple of months, but you feel your heart swell, your blood flowing through your veins to your fingertips. You just know that when you get to your studio, your paintings look a little brighter and your hands find the paint on their own, blending the perfect shades for your last piece of your senior presentation.
Your advisor introduces you to more of her curator friends and they praise your work as you stand in the gallery beside one of your paintings of an eclipse, half the canvas is a haunting cerulean, the other half painted bright shades of yellow.
“I assume you gave Ms. Griffin the A she deserves?” jokes one of her colleagues.
Dr. Miles grins and hugs your shoulders. “I wouldn’t dream of giving her anything lower than that,” she says with pride.
Dr. Miles had been so impressed by your senior project, she invited some friends from MoMA to your show at the campus art center. You were already elated to have your work being viewed by such important people, but when Dr. Miles called you during senior week to ask if you’d like to feature your work at a gallery in affiliation with PS1, you almost burst. You could hardly process what you were hearing and when you did, after hanging up your phone, you screamed and jumped around your apartment, much to Raven’s hungover chagrin.
Since it was rather last minute, Dr. Miles managed to sort out most of the details while you prepared for graduation. Still in your apartment until the end of May, you were able to help move your work to the small gallery space in the Lower East Side on Rivington with some help from Raven. It didn’t feel real until you saw your name in the brochure for New York City Museums’ Summer Tour.
You excuse yourself to greet your mother and her boyfriend, Marcus Kane. They’re beaming as they look at all your work on display, but mostly they look happy together. You smile because your mother’s found a kind of happiness you haven’t seen since your father passed away. Of all people, you’re glad the first person to put paint in your hands is now the person adding color to your mother’s life again.
You give them both a hug and kiss on the cheek, asking how they like the city since they stuck around after your graduation. Someone offers them wine, and Marcus happily takes a glass and mouths to you, “Fancy,” and wiggles his eyebrows, making you laugh.
“Wow, your work is selling quick,” Marcus notes, sipping from his wine.
You’re surprised when you take in how many red dots are stickered next to several of your paintings.
“You’re taking us out to dinner when you visit,” your mom teases.
“I like lobster,” Marcus adds before wandering off to look at more of your work.
You find him a bit later in front of your favorite piece. It’s mixed media, with various New York debris scattered around the edges with the blur of a subway train speeding through the center, featuring green eyes that stand out from the grey. You didn’t put a price on it; you want to hold onto this one.
You’re taking inventory of all the sold pieces and confirming contact information with buyers as Raven continues texting you from across the street as she waits for you to wrap up. She keeps sending you ridiculous ideas of how to spend your newfound relative wealth.
You’re in the back office when you hear the door open.
“Raven, I gave you the passcode to help me move my stuff here, not so you can treat it like an extension of our apartment,” you say as you round the corner, flipping through the contact paperwork. “I’ll just be ten more min—”
You forget how to speak as you blindly set down the stack of paper on the desk, unable to look away from the figure in front of the door.
“Sorry. Your friend told me the passcode... I’d have come earlier, but I had to take the train in from Connecticut.”
You remember everything: the laughing leaves, the charcoal skirt, her brown hair, and those eyes.
“My sister only told me a couple of hours ago there was this art gallery I had to see,” she says, offering a small smile as she takes a couple tentative steps toward you. She picks up one of the small pamphlets about yourself and the exhibit. “Blue + Yellow,” she reads, “Still your favorite color?”
You nod, still struggling to find the right words to say. Maybe it’s because you never let yourself plan this part out; all your energy went solely into making her appear again. Now she’s here, right in front of you.
“Clarke Griffin,” Lexa says like she’s trying it out, putting the pamphlet in her pocket. “Clarke, with an e, Griffin...” She lets out a small laugh. “That would have made things easier.”
You let out a laugh of your own. “And you’re Lexa...”
“Woods. Well, now anyway, once my parents adopted me,” she explains.
"Woods,” you repeat. “Suits you. Woods, forests... like pines.”
Lexa’s smile broadens at that and you wonder if she’s played your last conversation as children over and over in her head like you have, as if sifting through memories for clues to find each other again.
“Is it stupid of me to have dreamed of meeting you again here?” you ask.
Lexa shakes her head. “Only if it’s stupid of me to have read every art section of every New York magazine for the past five years,” she admits, blushing lightly and looking away from Clarke. She notices your unsold mixed media piece and stands in front of it. “It must have been you,” she says, almost to herself as she deciphers the subway and her own eyes gazing out, “but I also thought I saw you walk by me or waiting on the opposite subway platform for years.”
“If it’s any consolation,” you say, standing beside her, looking at it as if from her perspective, “I thought that too. I painted this after I thought I saw you in March. Everything was grey in the rain, but then I saw you... Or thought I did.”
You watch her take in the painting, a look of awe. “Yeah, it must have been you then,” she says, lifting her hand to her chest as if she felt you too. Her eyes trace the grey-blue edges filled with bits of New York—a MetroCard, a crushed coffee cup, a newspaper, and a faded piece of paper with a simple cartoon boat with half the sky colored blue. “It’s always been you,” she says, reaching out as if to touch it but stopping herself.
She turns toward you. “Sorry, this is... a lot.”
You nod dumbly. Lexa smiles and takes your hands in hers. Your artwork breathes with you, seemingly radiating colors off the canvases. They’re singing as they all come back to you in full.
“I spent all my time hoping to find you again... I didn’t put much thought into what I’d say,” Lexa admits with an embarrassed half-smile.
“We have time,” you give her hand a squeeze. “You being here is... We don’t need to talk at all.”
Lexa closes the small distance between you and presses her lips to yours. Every stroke of your paintbrush for seventeen years has been a wish for this moment, and if magic exists, you’re sure it’s in art because Lexa is wrapping her arms around you, holding you, and you’re kissing her back. Like neon buzzing butterflies in your stomach, all the light and color makes its home in you and you’re in love exactly as it was supposed to be.
When you part, you’re looking into those green eyes and you don’t want to look away or wake up if this is all a dream. Lexa blushes under your gaze and you let out a laugh like a breath you’ve been holding in. “Hi,” you sigh.
“Hi,” she says quietly in return, her eyes shimmering like those leaves in the wind. “Would you like to get dinner with me?”
“Yes. Right now.”
“I’d like that. I just, uh,” you keep Lexa’s hand in yours, pulling her with you to grab your phone and keys from the back office, unwilling to let her go now that she’s here. You laugh when you see Raven texted you about a dozen messages, concluding with, you’re welcome. have fun. i’m going to meet with octavia and lincoln to help those poor souls around the city. you owe me several rounds. xox.
You walk out of the building hand-in-hand, and the city’s fast pace and noise welcomes you back to reality. It doesn’t feel jarring with Lexa still beside you, and you sigh contentedly. The city doesn’t feel lonely, seeing it the way you do now.
“I painted a sunset for you... well, several, actually,” you tell her as you walk down the street toward one of the restaurants Lexa likes nearby.
“Any paintings of your hair and eyes?” she asks, smiling at you and almost walking herself into the streetlight pole because she can’t take her eyes off you.
You laugh and kiss her cheek as you wait for the crosswalk sign. “I’m not a fan of self-portraits,” you say, “but you don’t need a painting of me now; you have me right here.”
“You’re right,” Lexa says, and that same look of awe washes over her again because she touches your hair, tucks it behind your ear, and leans down to kiss the corner of your lips. “I’ve missed you... That’s what it feels like.”
Like coming home, you think.
“I’ve missed you too.”
So you ignore the walk sign and kiss her again, under the golden glow of the streetlight to start making up for all that that time spent apart.
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positiveparker · 6 years
The Sting part 1 {series}
hi loves!! this is my new series called The Sting! I am working really really hard on it and this is the first part. I hope you enjoy and I would love to hear your feedback :)
- warnings ; swearing! angst!
- series masterlist
- main masterlist
- teaser 
- collection inspo
not my gif
Tumblr media
3 months earlier
September 1st
My feet pressed further into the pavement at every step. It was the first autumn morning of the year and I had woken up early. I didn’t sleep very well, I was an insomniac but that night was worse than ever before. I was half trapped in a dream, sweating and shaking. I almost couldn’t seep back into reality. It was the same dream I had been having since the accident. Both my parents perished in a huge hotel fire when I was six ‘The Hotel du Paris’. We had gone on a small weekend trip away to see the Notre Dame (it was my Dad’s favourite). He was a History professor at Oxford university meaning I didn’t see him much because he was always there. I lived with Mum in a flat near the centre of London. I usually brought myself to this same Starbucks just down the street every single day.
I pulled a hand out of my pocket and yanked open the metal door. A huge waft of heating hit my face and tingled my cold cheeks. It was 7am meaning not many people were filling up the seats. I approached the counter and smiled at the barista.
There were two baristas which worked at this particular Starbucks, Krista and Karen. they were twin sisters. Krista smiled at me like she usually did. “hiya (y/n)!” I always wondered how she was so lively in the morning. 
“Hey Krista” I grumbled sleepily
“the usual?” She grinned, picking up a medium cup and pulling off the pen lid of her black sharpie. She bit the lid between her teeth and started scribbling on the papery material. 
“actually, not decaffeinated today” I interrupted “I had a rough night sleeping” I explained
“oh, sure it won’t affect your anxiety?” She said softly 
“no I’m sure I’ll be fine” 
She nodded and then scribbled on the paper cup. The coffee machine hissed as we had light conversation over the soft indie music chiming out of the speakers. 
“so when does school start for you?” She asked
“tomorrow” I rolled my eyes and laughed 
“agh, ours starts in two days” She explained “so you’re going to uni right?”
“yeah, University College London” 
“wow” she gushed “that’s such a good school, I’ve heard they do great forensic studies” 
“yeah, well I’m actually going there to study crime” I explained, every time I thought about University it made my heart flutter. Of course I was excited but at the same time I was scared and didn't know what to expect. 
“oh, really” she smirked “a boy came in here this morning and he was telling me he is studying crime there as well”
“oh really” I replied curiously. Every time a boy around our age came in Krista always gave me this look, with wide eyes and a curious smirk. 
“I’m sure he’s still in here” She said peering around “Oh there he is” she mouthed pointing to the corner. A dusty blonde haired boy was sitting on one of the loungers with a laptop folded open on his lap. He had a small espresso cup clutched in his fingers and stared at his laptop screen with a concentrated face. He took a sip of his drink and set it down on the table in front of him, It made a small click when it hit the wood. He hovered his hands over his laptop keys and then started avidly typing. I looked back at Krista, she had wide eyes.
“he’s cute” she whispered with her hand covering the side of her face, I giggled and then looked back at him curiously. I mean she was right, he had big ocean blue eyes that were lit by his white computer screen and strongly cut features. He had a strong jawline but his face was soft and inviting at the same time. 
“here” Krista mumbled pushing my change across the counter followed by my steaming cup of coffee. I scraped the coins across the marbled counter and slipped them into my pocket, then I curled my cold fingers around the plastic cup and brought it to my lips, blowing on it slightly. I sat on the table nearest to the boy, he seemed interesting. I sat facing him so I could analyse him more. 
Every so often he would rapidly type and then stop to look off into the distance. I wondered what he was doing. He caught me staring a few times so I played it off by looking down at my phone. I unzipped my bag and fished my crime textbook out of it. I started flipping through the thin pages and licking my index finger lightly whenever I turned the page. I felt him staring at me intently but I didn't waver my look. His stare burned into my skull, it almost made me feel uncomfortable. Then again a part of me wanted him to look at me. Then I finally got the courage and looked back up at him, our eyes locked and his face cracked into a huge smile. He had two small indents at each side of his grin. I awkwardly smiled back and then looked back down at my book, I couldn’t wipe my smile off my face. I couldn’t focus on the words, my brain would look at the sentences but none of them would process.
“what are you doing?” I heard him say, my heart jumped and I sat up rigidly from my casually slumped position 
“uh-uh, I’m, um, I’m” I kept stuttering and looking down at my book and then back into his eyes. “I’m reading” I finally blurted out. He chuckled and then looked back down at his computer screen.
“what are, are, you doing?” I stuttered
“I’m trying to look for camera software” he explained, he chuckled down at his laptop. 
“what for?”
“oh” his face sort of dropped “oh, oh, my friend is shooting a movie” he scratched the back of his head and then went back to typing. I wanted to say something else but my brain couldn’t function properly. “wanna see?” He muttered looking up at me and smiling.
“yeah’ I replied grabbing my book and tucking my textbook under my arm. 
That morning we spent 2 hours looking at various camera software and talking about the crime course we were about to take.
“so what got you into crime?” I asked
“seriously?” He whispered “batman” he chuckled
“really?” I laughed
“yeahhh” he blushed “how about you?”
“probably watching too much CSI” 
“ohhh” he nodded, he clicked on something and then his face lit up. “this one” He pointed. I peered over at his screen. The website was black with bright lime green writing. ‘KRAD’ it said in huge writing.
“this is camera software?” I asked
“yeah” he smiled “the best” the way he talked about stuff so passionately made my heart clench. I had never met a boy who was interested in the same sort of thing as me. His passion and warm radiated onto me, I had almost forgotten about my sleepless night before. 
“oh shit” he said peering at the black rimmed watch on his wrist 
“do you have to go”
“yeah, I, uh, have this thing” he said vaguely, he picked up his khaki satchel and slipped his laptop inside. He stood up and turned around to look at me. “I’ll see you tomorrow then”
“yeah tomorrow” I replied, he nodded and then walked away. Him and Krista exchanged a friendly smile as he walked off. She looked back at me and smirked. 
October 14th 
Haz and I had been friends for a month and met up at the Starbucks every morning and then walked to lectures together. Since being with Haz my recurring nightmares had vanished. I guess being with him was kind of like a breath of fresh air. We got along so well and never ran out of things to say.
On this particular morning he had brought his friend Tom who was at the film school down the street. Him and Haz had been friends for a while.
“so Tom do you want to be a director?” I asked sipping my coffee
“yeah, I have always been really fascinated by the whole film making process. I nodded and smiled curiously, I felt Haz staring at me the whole time. 
“how is the crime course going mate?” Tom grinned nudging Haz. Haz smirked and then opened up his laptop which was perched on the coffee table. 
“well (y/n) I need to show you something”
“oooo” I gushed, Tom and I leant over to peer at his screen. Haz pulled up a website called crimeki.t’. Haz clicked on ‘radios’ and showed us a silver radio with black buttons.
“wow” I gushed, the radio tapped into all the police intercoms in the city. “is this for all of London like we talked about?”
“you aren’t even ready” Haz gushed “it’s the whole world!”
“no way” I replied 
“yeah, I’m gonna buy it for us” 
“Oh Hazzzz you don’t have to do that” I whined punching his arm
“no way” Haz retorted “I have wanted this for ages, and so have you” he hollered gesturing at the screen. We both chuckled and then stared at each other. There were times were we would just silently stare at each other, it was like we were talking with our eyes. Somehow I could tell what he was entranced by the things he was saying but really wanted to know what he was thinking. I definitely had a fear of the unknown, and not knowing Haz’s thoughts was one of them. 
“so Haz are you coming to my party” Tom smirked, Haz suddenly clenched up.
“what party?” I asked
“oh, my brothers and I are having a party for halloween.” Tom explained “you should come”
“yeah that would be great!” I smiled on the outside but really I was scared. I hadn’t ever been to a proper party yet but I wanted to impress Haz.
“you should come Hazzz” Tom whined
“oh, oh, I dont know” he stuttered
“it will be fun” I smiled softly
October 31st (halloween night)
I sat on my carpeted floor in my bedroom. I hadn’t really planned what I was going to wear yet. I went through my wardrobe hundreds of times and cleared all the hangers. My bed was piled full of clothes but nothing was costume worthy.
“(y/n)?” I heard my Aunt Annie mutter and push the door open “is everything okay?” My Aunt Annie took me in after my parents died. She moved out of her house in the country and we both lived in the old flat together. We were pretty close, she was like my surrogate mum.
“yeah, uh, I don’t have a costume” I explained, I huffed and Annie came over and we both sat on the bed.
“is this a party you’re going to?” She asked in her soft voice, her voice was so soothing. It was like melted butter being spread. 
“yeah with my new friends”
“is it a boy” she smirked
“yes but we are just friends” I uttered. Annie nodded and then stood up. She turned and stuck her hand out at me. 
“what?” I asked
“come with me” she announced pressingly. I stuck my hand in hers and she yanked me up off my bed. I followed her into my parents old room. Annie had kept it mostly the same but changed it a bit so that when I didn’t go in there a lump in my throat didn’t form. It still did, every time I went in their a bitter coppery taste filled my mouth. The room was so ghostly and empty even though it wasn’t. 
I slumped down onto the edge of the mattress and watched Annie open her draws. She opened them all and then her gaze hung on the bottom draw. She pulled out a long sleeved tight black jumpsuit.
“stand up” she ordered, I stood up and she held it against me. “perfect” she muttered. I grabbed it from her and walked over to the foot length mirror in the corner. The jumpsuit was tight meaning I couldn’t hide anything I didn’t like about my body.
“oh Annie I don’t know” I whined
“no way (y/n)” she protested “you have to wear this with confidence”
“what am I even meant to be” I chuckled at her
“cat woman” she replied and then her face sighed “you need the matching ears let me find them”
I carried on staring at myself as Annie wracked through her draws. She pulled out a headband with lace triangles stuck onto it for ears. She handed them to me and I smiled at her. 
“thank you” I said softly 
“no worries, I’m glad to see you going out” She grinned back shutting her top draw. I left her room and ambled back into mine. I decided to straighten my hair and pull it up into a high ponytail, I slicked it back with hairspray at the top and put on the ears. Then I went onto makeup, lightly brushing concealer, blusher and bronzer onto my bare skin. I used eyeliner and swiped on a large layer of mascara on my eyelashes. I pulled off the tracksuit bottoms and baggy top I was already wearing and pulled on the tight jumpsuit. I had to jump up and down to pull it over my body. It had a zip at the front and I zipped it all the way. It looked too formal so I undid the zip a bit lower to reveal my chest. I paired my black outfit with chunky black heels. My phone vibrated from my dresser and I hobbled quickly over to it.
Hi, should I pick you up? x - haz
I smiled and then started typing a message back.
Yeah, I’m ready X
15 minutes later I heard a honk from outside. My heart fluttered and I raced downstairs, trying not to fall over the big blocks attached to my feet. I hobbled downstairs and then shouted up to Annie.
“see you Annie!” I bellowed from the front door. I almost kept forgetting I was an adult now and could stay out as late as I wanted. It was kind of scary but also thrilling. I stepped out of our apartment building into the dark October night. Haz had pulled up outside in a navy blue Mercedes and was perching on the door. He was dressed in a white shirt that was stained with fake blood and ripped in various places.
“nice ride” I shouted, he looked up from his phone and grinned excitedly. He hand added blotches of purple and fake cuts on his face. 
“it’s my Dad’s” he smirked stroking the shiny metal
“what are you dressed as then?”
“a zombie school boy”
“ooo very walking dead” I mocked
“cat woman?” Haz asked pointing at my attire
“yes of course” I grinned spinning myself around. I looked up at Haz he was gawking at me. I blushed and then ran up to give him a hug. His body was warm against mine. 
He opened the passenger door for me and then hopped in from the other side. The radio was lowly chiming typical halloween tunes and we sped through central London. The roads were clear since it was Halloween night and everyone was either Trick or Treating in the neighbourhoods, staying inside or at parties. I could tell Haz was nervous, he body was tense and he had a stiffened jaw. I curled my hand over his on the gear shift. 
“it’s gonna be fine” I said softly 
“I know I know I just get nervous for big events like this” he stuttered shakily
“I am gonna be with you the whole time” I said softly, I rubbed my thumb up and down the top of his hand to attempt to soothe his nerves. As I moved my thumb up and down his knuckles his body started to loose tension and relax.
“how do you do that?” He chuckled breathily
“do what?”
“completely calm me down”
“I have had practise”
“what do you mean?”
“I used to get panic attacks all the time and I had to learn ways to calm myself down” I uttered feebly.
“oh, if you- you don’t mind me asking, why?”
“My parents died” I explained
“oh” he remarked “I’m sorry”
“no, no its fine” I assured him, I could tell in his eyes he really meant it. Usually when people told me they were sorry I could tell they didn’t mean it. Something about the softness of Haz’s face told me he really cared. “they died in a fire” I explained
“thank you for telling me” Haz uttered softly. He pulled his hand from under mine and placed it on the top of my hand and started stroking my skin with his thumb just like I did for him. We carried on like that until we reached Tom’s flat.
Apparently Tom and his brothers all shared a flat in Chelsea. They were all attending the London film school together. Haz parked his car just around the corner from their apartment building and we hopped out. My heels clacked as we walked down the pavement. Even though I was wearing heels Haz still towered over me. As we ran up the steps the motion sensored light flicked on and emitted a soft orange glow. Haz scanned the set of bells and rung the 12th one. My ears pricked up at the sound of muffled music echoing down the stairs. The door buzzed open and we started walking up the stairs, Haz lead the way up the dark steps all the way to the top. He stopped at a set of white doors and banged the shiny gold knocker on the front of one of them. The door flung open and the bass of techno music burst in my ears. 
“hi Haz” an average height curly ginger boy hollered drunkenly. Haz pulled him into a hug and then gestured to me.
“this is (y/n)” Haz grinned
“hi” I waved
“oh yeah, Tom told me about you. I’m Harry” He slurred, I was expecting a hand shake but he pulled me into a friendly hug. “come in, come in” 
Haz and I stepped into the darkness which was a house party. A few green and purple lights shone and spun on the walls but you mostly couldn’t see anything. Bodies were on bodies, dancing to the rhythm bouncing off the walls. Haz fished for my hand and locked his fingers in mine, I couldn’t see anyone let alone recognise any of the faces around me. 
“I need to find Tom!” Haz shouted over the music. As we got closer to the speakers the music boomed louder and louder until it felt like I was breathing it. The kitchen was lit lighter than all the other rooms, there was a huge counter covered in beer and cider. Haz grabbed us both raspberry cider and cracked them open. He one to me and I grabbed the cool metal and sipped it slightly. 
“(y/n)?” I heard a male voice holler, I turned to see Tom who was dressed in all black with blood oozing from each corner of his mouth.
“Hi Tom!” I said enthusiastically pulling him into a hug. 
He greeted Haz and then we seeped into loud conversation over the music. 
“I heard you met my brother” Tom announced “Have you met my other one Sam”
“no” I shouted back shaking my head. I was on my third cider now and could feel the bubbles rising to my head. 
“Sam!” Haz bellowed shouting over my shoulder. A taller darker haired boy with hundreds of freckles slipped next to Tom and waved at me. 
“Hi” he grinned. I smiled back. Sam was wearing a red t-shirt and black jeans with devil horns stuck on his head. We chatted for what seemed like ages as Haz and Tom slipped off to socialise.
“so what are you doing at Film School?” I asked 
“I’m studying movie scores” He replied “I’m really into music”
“that’s cool”
“I like your costume” He complimented “cat woman right?” He pointed at my headband. 
“yeah” I chuckled awkwardly. More and more bodies filled the kitchen, squashing Sam and I into the corner. 
“can I show you something?” Sam whispered in my ear
“yeah, yeah sure” I said. Sam grabbed my arm and I quickly perched my drink on a passing ledge.  He led me up the stairs and opened one of the 3 doors on the landing. His room was painted blue with a desk in the corner and hundreds of film posters all over his wall. He shoved himself on his desk chair and started logging into his computer. I perched on his mattress and watched him open up google.
“Look” he said after a few minutes of avid typing. I stood up and looked at his screen. He was showing me a picture of a diamond necklace. The way the light in the photo hit it made the jewels sparkle. I gawked at them.
“holy shit” I gushed “how much are they?”
“no one knows” Sam explained “allegedly the Duke recently bought them for the Duchess after they got married as a wedding present” 
“wait, how many carats?” I gestured at the screen. 
“let’s see” Sam muttered scrolling down and looking at the description “The “Incomparable” Diamond Necklace. The “Incomparable” necklace costs a monstrous amount mainly because of its valuable pendant stone, an internally flawless brownish-yellow diamond weighing 407.48 carats. This stone is set in rose gold and accentuated by 91 white diamonds” Sam started reciting.
“wait” I said pushing his hands over and typing into google “the worth of a 400 carat diamond necklace is around 55 million pounds” I announced
“woah, imagine having that kind of money” Sam gawked
“wait, aren’t the duke and duchess visiting London?”
“yeah in December, why?”
“she will probably be wearing this necklace right?”
“right…but what is your point”
“what if someone were to steal it”
“they would be crazy” he chuckled
“or would they?” I smirked at him. An idea burned through my body and started forming in my brain. The impulse burned my bloodstream and skin.
Taglist ;
@tomsfireheart @feelingsareharddd @lovelyh0lland @i-dont-wanna-o-mr-stark @hazeyholland @lookclosernow @choke-me-sweet-pea @whatareyouhidingpeter @spidey-pal @cutiepie-holland @radd-but-saddd @pinkcutepug
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eldritchsurveys · 6 years
When was the last time you kissed someone? >> Last night, in a dream, lmao. It was a strange dream (as usual).
Any recent purchases? >> An in-game purchase on one of the phone games I play.
Have you ever thought about giving up on life completely? >> Sure.
Have you seen the entire Harry Potter series? >> Yeah. I was going to do a rewatch alongside my reread but Chamber of Secrets dragged on so long that I lost interest. 
Do you still have both of your parents? >> They’re alive, but I don’t have them.
Favorite candy bar? >> I don’t think I have one.
Do you like being sensually bitten? >> Eh, depends.
If you wear eyeliner, what color do you use? >> Black. I have a gold one that I like, too.
Have you ever ridden a train before? >> Many times.
Where did your last hug take place? >> Inworld.
Have you ever fallen in love? >> I don’t know, maybe.
Do you live very far away from Kansas? >> Not very.
Do you enjoy cuddling? >> Inworld, yes. Outworld, nehhhh.
Do you play video games? If so, which one is your favorite?  >> I do, but I have a lot of favourites.
How many colors are in your hair right now? >> One.
Do you have your full license yet? >> No. I will probably never have it, which is fine because I plan on living in cities. Also, Sparrow drives.
When was the last time you felt nervous about something? >> I don’t know.
Do you ever make mixed CD's for anyone? >> Nope.
Is it windy outside? >> Doesn’t appear to be.
Do you have a pair of TOMS shoes? >> No.
Do you prefer black & white or colored photos? >> I like both. They convey different emotions.
Are you into gory movies? >> Some.
When was the last time you went to the dentist? >> Last year sometime... or was that 2017...
Have you ever been locked in a room forcefully without anyone knowing? >> No.
Do you have the same color eyes as your mother? >> Most likely.
Does your significant other boss you around a lot? >> No.
Have you ever been drunk? If so, do you get drunk regularly? >> I’ve been drunk, but I rarely get drunk.
Do you prefer winter or summer? >> Summer. I’m sure that’ll change once I move, but that’s acceptable.
Do you consider yourself a loner or a social butterfly? >> I consider myself neither, but I guess I fit the “loner” category more than the other, despite the fact that I do enjoy socialisation.
Do you know anyone who has overdosed? >> Probably.
Are you a fan of PDA (public displays of affection)? >> Not for myself. I don’t care if other people want to do it, seeing as the great thing about eyeballs is that they can move around and look elsewhere.
Have you ever been put to sleep for surgery? >> No.
Do you ever make Youtube videos? >> No.
What is one feature that you're self-conscious about? >> Hm.
Where are your siblings as of now? >> ---
Would you say you're a more serious or sarcastic person? >> I would say that I’m both, and that it’s situation-dependent.
What is your favorite online smiley face to you? >> I like :>
What is something that freaks you out no matter what? >> Uh, I don’t know.
Do you have any fetishes? >> I have a few. Although I think what I have is what would be called “kinks”, the more lax version of “fetish”. I don’t require those things to get off (unlike with fetishes), but they certainly fuckin help.
What color shirt are you wearing as of now? >> Black.
Are the lights in your room more dim or bright? >> Right now, they’re not on. But in general, I like the lighting to be on the dimmer side.
What is your favorite class? >> ---
Do you have any big regrets as of now? >> No.
Are you in love with someone right now? >> No.
Can you speak any other languages than the one you're fluent in? >> No.
Do you take a lot of photos? >> No.
Do you give away your phone number a lot? >> No.
When was the last time you took medicine? >> I took my birth control last night.
Do you have big ears? >> No.
When you were little, did you think band-aids healed everything? >> I don’t recall ever thinking that.
Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? >> Yeah.
Do you get along more with your mother or father? >> ---
Do you have freckles? If so, do you enjoy them or hate them? >> I don’t have them.
Where do you download music from? >> I don’t download music anymore, I just use Spotify.
Write something you'd like to say to someone right now: >> ---
Do you have a laptop, desktop or both? >> I have two laptops.
Have you ever met an online friend in real life? >> Yeah.
If you have a job, do you work with any of your friends? Do you like that job? >> ---
Who was the last person to call you? >> ---
What does the sky look like right now? >> Sunny, mostly. There are a few clouds floating around.
When did you last look in a mirror? >> This morning, briefly.
Did you like what you saw or were you dissatisfied? >> I don’t... recall having an opinion. It’s my face, I’ve seen it a million times, I know what to expect.
Have you ever cheated on someone before? >> Yeah.
What are the first three digits of your phone number? >> Nah.
What would you say is your favorite color, out of them all? >> Gold is nice.
Have you ever attempted suicide? >> Yeah.
What are you most known for? >> I have no idea.
Do you ever steal the ink pens from businesses? >> Nah.
What was the last movie you bought for yourself to watch? >> I don’t buy movies, but the last movie I rented was John Wick Chapter 2.
If you have any animals, do any of them live in the house with you? >> ---
Would you rather have curly or straight hair? >> Straight seems easier to manage.
Do you have a problem with body hair? >> I mean, I’m pretty much over it. Sometimes it’s aggravating, but mostly I don’t have a reason to care one way or the other.
Where is your best friend at the moment? >> ---
Is she/he there for you when you need them the most? >> ---
Have you ever been so depressed, you were put on medication? >> I’ve been put on medication as a teenager. But for most of adulthood I haven’t been in the mental healthcare system, so no one was trying to prescribe me anything.
Who did you last go and visit in the hospital? >> ---
What is one thing you think is gross about the human body? >> Excretion.
Do you have a BluRay player? >> No.
Have you ever witnessed someone being murdered? >> No.
What was the reason for the last time you cried? >> Frustration, probably.
Do you support gay marriage? >> Sure.
At what age do you plan to get married? >> 32.
Do you have any candles in your room? >> Yeah, but I rarely light them. I usually use incense.
Have you ever met someone who was obsessed with fire? >> No. Or, maybe, but they just didn’t talk about it.
Do you have any posters on your walls? >> Yeah, a few. Most of them were taken off the walls of Pyramid Scheme after I attended the show.
Ever make a friendship bracelet for someone? >> No.
Do you ever listen to mainstream music? >> Uh, of course.
Would you say you have extreme morals? >> I’d say I have the opposite.
Do you know what 'irony' means? >> I get confused about what exactly makes something ironic, so I just avoid using the word at all.
What have you been made fun of for the most? >> Oh, I don’t know. My appearance, probably.
Do you actually enjoy dancing? >> I sure do.
When did you last get a papercut? >> It’s been a very long time.
Do you watch any television shows from other countries? >> Sure.
Do you tell the truth for the most part? >> For the most part.
What time did you fall asleep last night? >> Somewhere between eleven and midnight, I assume.
Have you ever been in a physical fight? >> Yeah.
Who is your most favorite television/movie villain? >> I couldn’t possibly choose.
Have you ever been stabbed by something? >> Probably.
Do you ever cry for no reason whatsoever? >> No, there’s always a reason, even if I don’t know exactly what it is at the moment. Crying doesn’t just... randomly happen, like an itch. (Hell, even “random” itches have reasons, but they’re just under the surface or whatever.)
How many pillows do you normally sleep with? >> One.
Do you lose your remote often? >> We’ve never lost the remote...
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