#my piggy bank is now empty though
wynnyfryd · 10 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 34
part 1 | part 33 | ao3
Steve ducks his head against the flurries falling outside The Hideout as he makes his way for the entrance and tries really, really hard to not to feel totally out of place.
He agreed to meet Robin and her friends here separately because he was coming straight from a shift, but he’s kind of regretting that now. The only black thing he had in his wardrobe that was at all weather appropriate was a tight-fitting black knit pullover with a high collar and a silver zipper down the front, and he feels like some dorky, supportive golf dad coming to cheer on his rebellious son after a long day out on the green. The light wash jeans and silver wristwatch aren’t really helping matters.
Jesus. He should have let Robin dress him.
The guy at the ticket counter seems to agree because he gives Steve a weird look when he approaches and asks, “Are you lost?”
“Uh, no.” And if it comes out slightly more bitchy than he intended, well—
“Five dollars,” the guy scowls.
Strike that. Maybe it didn’t come out nearly bitchy enough. “The flyer says it’s two.”
The guy eyes him up with a tight, sarcastic smile and pops his chewing gum. “For you it’s five.”
Oh, my god. Operation Woo Your Man might be dead before it starts, because Steve’s about to smash the ticket booth window and pummel this fucking guy.
“I already got yours!” Robin calls brightly, jogging up behind him on the sidewalk and waving a lime green wristband. “He’s good,” she tells the guy, then tells Steve, “Eddie said to give you this.”
Ticket guy frowns, and Steve gloats as Robin fixes the bracelet to his wrist. Yeah, buddy, you heard that right; I'm with the band.
Robin drags him into the bar, and he stops her just inside the door, hugging her tight enough to lift her up on tiptoe, smacking a kiss to the side of her head. He jostles her around until something in her neck pops, and when he lets her go she groans, “Oh, my god, do that again.”
She spins around, crossing her arms over her chest. Steve grabs her by the elbows; shakes her like a piggy bank until her spine goes crack-crack-crack.
“Wow,” she sighs dreamily when he sets her down. “Marry me.”
“You can’t just marry me for my massage services.”
“I know; it’s tragic. Anyway, come on.” She takes his hand. “Everyone’s already at the table.”
“Who’s everyone?”
Robin doesn’t answer — probably can’t hear him over the loud rock music pouring through the speakers — but she weaves them through the venue, skirting the edge of the main floor.
Steve’s never actually been in here, but it’s pretty much what he expected: black walls, black floor, black leather jackets on the handful of regulars. The stage is off to their left, already set up with Eddie’s band’s gear by the looks of it, though he doesn’t see them anywhere. Must be backstage getting ready.
In front of the stage is a small, empty dance floor, flanked by rickety tables with mismatched chairs, and overhead there’s a balcony with a sound booth and more seats. To their right, the main bar: a long, ancient dark wood counter that’s been graffitied to absolute shit, covered in band stickers and beer labels and ‘so and so wuz here’s, and just up ahead, lining the far wall, Steve spots a row of wraparound booths.
Dark red leather, the stuffing spilling out through time-worn splits. Only one of them is occupied. Steve can’t make out much from this distance beyond the vague shape of the people sitting there, but considering it’s the only table with any chicks at it, he figures that’s their group.
Suddenly, Robin stops. Turns around to look at him; drops his hand and bites her lip. “Okay, so. Don’t get mad…”
Steve narrows his eyes. He knows that guilty grimace. Whatever it is, he’s definitely about to get mad about it, or at very least annoyed. “What did you do?”
“I didn’t do anything.”
“Okay!” She steps to the side, and he marches toward the table to try and get a better view, Robin trailing after him, rambling, “For the record, I really didn’t do it, I swear! But, like— well, Beth is friends with Fred, and Fred is on the school paper, so I guess he just—”
The details shift into focus: tiny frame, rigid posture. Big, curly dark brown hair.
Oh, son of a bitch. No. No.
Nancy Wheeler’s here.
part 35
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added tomorrow please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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hawkingsbarkins · 4 months
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January 12th ‘82
“Noodle dinner again, Eddie says moneys tight right now. I feel bad about being a burden even though they tell me not, so I emptied my piggy bank and put all of my pocket cash in Wayne’s jacket. It will be like a late late Christmas gift.”
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zeltqz · 2 years
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+pairings - rindou haitani x fem!reader
+syn - the story on how you fell in love with your childhood best friend and reunite with him years later.
+genre - angst, fluff, smut, slow burn, friend->lovers
+word count - 8.4k
+cw - childhood friends, mutual pining, unresolved sexual tension, rindou and reader are stupidly in denial, and hella oblivious, heartbreak, abandonment issues, oral sex, body worship, drinking, no gangs AU, drunk sex (both reader and rin were out of it)
+rating - no underage consumption / 18+ only / dni if under 18 / ageless blogs dni
+taglist - @anxious-cherry-pie @sheeshizzy @sleeplessreader @magentaviolette @gajeelstan @nalyana
You first met Rindou at eight years old, when you were leaving your ballet class with your mother. On the way out, you peeked through one of the spare open doors to see a young boy practicing his splits in an empty room. Though it was only a couple of seconds you got a glimpse of him, you were already fascinated by the sheer fact alone that he could do the splits.
In your ballet class, no one could do them yet. You were competing with this other girl—the two of you being the only ones closest to the ground. You were determined to beat her, determined to talk to this boy and get him to teach you.
So you waited.
Your next class, a week later on Saturday, you told your mother to drop you an hour before your ballet class. You ran towards the door to the room you saw him in last time, but it was empty. So you checked the next one, then the one after that. Opening each door led to an empty one.
Fifteen minutes you’d spent searching through empty rooms. 
It’s clear he wasn’t here.
Your stomach rumbles loudly and you frown, all disappointed and hungry, as you walk to the entrance of the building over to where the vending machine is. Reaching inside your tiny backpack, you grab a couple coins you had taken from your piggy bank this morning and choose a chocolate bar.
Unknown to you, Rindou walks out from the bathrooms, dusting his clothes off and lining up behind you for the vending machine. You grab your bar and begin to walk away, not before catching a small glimpse of the blonde hair from yesterday, then you drop your gaze onto his face then scream.
It’s a miracle the floor was empty, only the receptionist at her desk typing away but didn’t bother to pay the two of you any attention. Rindou gets startled and flinches for a moment, before looking at you confused. “What?”
“YOU! You’re the guy from last week!”
You should really shut up now before you reveal that you’d been staring at him that one time, and now made it your life goal to search for him.
“What guy…?”
“The splits! You did them!” 
“Uhhh, yeah? So?” Rindou gives you one last look before reaching inside his pocket, grabbing a coin and putting it into the machine. You watch as a soda can drops out from the bottom and he bends down to grab it. 
“I—how did you learn how to do it? I really need to learn and I thought you could help me.” Your grip on your bag straps tighten as you wait for him to finish drinking his soda. It seems like forever, that one sip turned out to be him downing the drink for almost 30 seconds straight, all the while maintaining eye contact with you.
Just as he stopped drinking for air, your eyes sparkled, waiting for him to spill the secret, only for him to bring the drink back to his lips. 
He’s doing this on purpose.
“Hey! Stop wasting my time and tell me!” You’re so tempted to knock the drink from his hands and let it spill onto the floor, but one glance at the janitor mopping the floors on the other end of the room had you shaking your head, discarding your plan immediately.
Rindou laughs and removes his drink from his lips, forearm coming up to wipe the drops of soda from his lips. “Fine. I’ll tell you, but you cannot repeat the secret to anybody. Promise?”
You nod so fast you get dizzy. “Let’s pinky promise.”
“No. I don’t do that.” 
“Oh.” You feel a bit disappointed but don’t complain. He’s teaching you the secret to flexibility. You follow behind him with a smile as he walks towards the hallway with the rooms, throwing the can into the bin on the way out. The two of you enter an empty room and he closes the door behind him. 
“Okay, what now.”
Rindou looks at the clock, seeing it’s only 1:34PM. He knows most classes start at 2PM, so he doesn’t have long to teach you. He ends up showing you a couple stretches he does at home while he’s watching TV or playing board games with his older brother. The stretches hurt your thighs, but Rindou told you that’s how you know it’s working. But if the pain gets unbearable, then you should stop and take a break before continuing.
Taking his advice, you’d spent the next month doing those same painful stretches and it wasn’t long before you were the first person in your ballet class to ever do the splits.
You found Rindou at the park one day while you were hanging out with your friends. You didn’t keep in touch with Rindou, not seeing him at the leisure centre often, so once you saw him, you practically bolted towards him, all out of breath and talking way too fast for him to understand what you’re saying.
“Woah, calm down and talk slower.” 
You nod your head, taking a couple minutes to catch your breath before repeating what you had said earlier, about how you were the first one to do the splits in your class and you had gotten rewarded for it.
“Oh. It’s no problem.” Rindou smiles at you. You give him a toothy grin back and you’re tempted to hug him, but decide against it, not wanting to make things more awkward. 
Rindou had expected you to leave the second you thanked him, but was left confused as you stayed, eyes watching his every move with a smile on your face. “Are you here alone?” You ask him the question, looking around the park bench, seeing nobody else around him. 
“No. I’m here with my brother.”
You look around one more time and Rindou scoffs. “He’s not here right now, idiot. He’s on his way.”
“Ohhhhh.” You jump onto the park bench, resting your feet on the seats and sit next to him. “I’ll keep you company then.”
“Okay…” Rindou didn’t know if he was comfortable with this, but he never pushed you away or ignored you. He answered every single one of your questions that you’d asked him, trying to know more about him as a person. From your little questionnaire, you found out that he’s only one year older than you, he’s been doing gymnastics since he was 5 years old, he has an older brother called Ran, and lives with his single mother. He likes the colour blue—it doesn't matter the shade, whether light or dark, he loves it and even said he wants to dye his hair blue one day. You told him he’d look weird, he said that’s the point, and how he likes to stand out, which is why he loves doing the splits because it weirds people out.
His brother came around 10 minutes later, holding a plastic white bag in his hands. “Here, take it.” He lazily tossed the bag onto Rindou’s lap and you watched as Rindou dug through the contents like a mole digging through the earth. The smile on Rindou’s face when he saw the packet of jelly beans he’d been craving all week made you smile too. Rindou had a moody face most times, barely ever smiling or laughing, so to see this side of him over something so small made your heart twinge.
You were too focused on Rindou, and he was too focused on his candy, that you didn’t notice Ran scanning you up and down. “Who are you?” He asks after a moment and you break contact with Rindou’s face to look at his brother. If you had thought Rindou was tall, Ran was even taller. Long blonde hair into pigtail braids stopping around his mid shoulder. 
“I—uh—” You didn’t really know what to say. You can’t introduce yourself as ‘Rindou’s friend’ because technically, you weren’t friends. You barely spoke to him unless it regarded information about gymnastics and that was around a month ago. 
“She’s my friend.” Rindou speaks out for you, mouth full of jelly beans that made Ran’s face cringe up in disgust. But he was happy for his brother that he hadd managed to make a new friend.
“Cool. What’s your name?”
Rindou eagerly listened in too, waiting for you to say your name. It was then he realised he didn’t even know your name or anything about you. 
“Just call me [Name].”
“Nice name.” Rindou sends you a small smile before chomping down on the jelly beans again. Your friends, the ones you had arrived at the park with initially, approached the bench asking you if you were coming to the swings with them.
You shook your head and said you want to hang out with Rindou. They thought it was a bit weird at first. Hanging out with boys, but didn’t speak much of it and went down to the swings. Rindou was confused, why you chose him over your actual friends. But the outcome wasn’t so bad, because the two of you hung out even more often since then.
You were 11 years old when you’d dropped out of ballet and stopped doing anything flexible with your body. You’d just grown out of it. Rindou had also stopped, but it was a year before you. He was still insanely flexible that it pissed you off how he still had it in him even without stretching for all those years.
Puberty was probably the worst time of Rindou’s life.
It was then he realised he had some sort of feelings for you? He didn’t even know himself, it was confusing. When he had the talk with his mother about his body, and how he was ‘changing’, he coughed it up as bullshit, to which she punished him for swearing. But he didn’t take it back.
His mother gave him a list of things he wasn’t allowed to do with you anymore, like holding hands, sleeping on the same bed, and hugging. Rindou thought it was fucking ridicuous. There’s no way he just turned 13 and now all of a sudden everything is appropriate. Especially when you were his best friend.
He was extremely possessive over you, liking the fact he was your only male friend, because he felt favourited. Like you personally handpicked him to be best friends with out of all billions of guys in the world. You also felt the same about him. 
Rindou then realised why his mother told him a list of things he can’t do with you. Because you were also going through puberty aswell. He and his other friends had begun talking about suggestive topics, ones that shouldn’t even be in the minds of boys his age—but his one friend, Shion, had shown Rindou a porno magazine he stole from a store, and as they went through it, Rindou then realised exactly what his mother meant.
Because that same afternoon, when you had come to visit him, he shamefully found himself staring at more intimate personal areas of you, ones that not even a week ago, he wouldn’t even dare look at, or even care about.
Things became so awkward. For you, and for him. He couldn’t get you out of his mind, his young perverted mind practically objectifying you inside his mind every time he saw you, so he distanced himself from you. Barely spoke to you, barely came around to your place anymore. He hated the way whenever you tried to hold hands with him, he would instantly flinch as a reflex and retract his hand as if you had cooties, or when you’d hug him and he wouldn’t deepen it like he used to, instead patting your shoulder once before breaking the hug. 
You were sad about the situation. A part of you had a feeling this was coming because the entire friendship, all those years back, you never thought someone as cool as Rindou would ever settle with someone like you.You thought it was only a matter of time before he distanced himself and hung around more ‘popular’ people or whatever.
You could only imagine the surprise on your first day in college,when you saw Rindou again for the first time in 5 years. He looks so much different, yet the same at the same time. He was stuffing things into his locker as you mustered up the confidence to approach him. 
What were you going to say? It’s been five fucking years.
Five years before he abanonded you, left you without a single trace, not even an explanation. He just avoided you. Will he avoid you now? Is there even a point? Thoughts plagued your mind and before you even knew it, you turned on your heel and walked the opposite direction.
You were half way down the hallway before you realised your class was in the opposite direction. The direction you were currently avoiding because of a certain someone. You just hope and pray that on your way past, he doesn’t recognise you, or ends up ignoring you just like he’d been doing for the last 5 years.
It’s going well. Everything is going well. You think. Though your head is facing the ground, eyes are unsure what's ahead of you because you’re refusing to look up—he still recognises you.
You practically freeze but don’t stop walking, fingers on your bag strap tightening as you count your footsteps in your head to distract your brain from the realisation that he recognised you. 
A hand tugs at your arm, and the numbers in your head come to a halt the moment Rindou stops you from walking. “Did you hear me?” 
Yes. You did. But you lie.
“Oh, I didn’t hear you. Hey…” It takes all your energy, but you look up at him. It’s the first time in years that you looked him directly in the eyes. He looks different. Way different. But those eyes are still the same. Those beautiful eyes that you always stared into when you were younger. His face is more defined now, which is normal because he’s 17 years old. His arms are more muscular now, concrete evidence that he’s been working out because he used to have very thin arms. His hair is now infact, blue, a colour you’d imagined in your mind the second he told you on that bench years ago his favourite colour is blue.
Rindou doesn’t consider himself an awkward person. He always speaks his shit upfront, doesn’t really have anxiety either. He and his brother were confident individuals, which is normal for boys who happen to get as much attention as they do now.
Yet, he found himself struggling to speak to you. It’s been years since he’d gradually stopped contacting you, a mistake he regrets even to this day. He didn’t mean to—he just felt so bad for you. He didn’t want to ruin your great friendship because his hormones decided to betray him. Things had gotten so awkward the moment he started thinking of you that way, and he knew things wouldn’t be the same.
Also because—he realised he loved you. He realised it at 14 years old, when all his friends were getting girlfriends, the only person he saw himself with was you. He tried getting a girlfriend—her name was Shiko. She was pretty, nice, popular too. Everyone at his middle school shipped them, but things just didn’t feel right. He found himself thinking about you during the span of their 4 month relationship. He even called her your name once, to which she was offended, but forgave him rather instantly. 
The moment he realised he loved you was the moment he knew he fucked up. Because you most definetly hate his guts now. He would hate you too if you had just stopped talking to him out of the blue with 0 explanation. 
He barely saw you around town either. You two went to completely different schools so that was also off the list. He missed you.
But was too scared to see you again.
Rindou looks at you now, throat dried and tongue-tied, thinking of words to say. On one hand, he was happy to see you again, excited almost. You’d grown up so much. You still look the same as you did, only your features have gotten sharper—a common occurrence of puberty. He’d recognise you in a huge crowd without hesitation. 
He keeps his eyes up, not wanting to make that same mistake he did when he was 13. He scans your face, trying to soak your features into his brain so he could replace that picture of 13 year old you inside his mind. 
“Hey… how’ve you been?” Rindou wants to slap himself. This is so awkward.
“I’m good. Yeah.” You try not to focus on the fact he still hasn’t moved his hand from your arm yet. You try not to focus on the feeling of his hands burning through your jacket sleeves, melting his handprint onto your skin. It’s hard, but you try your best. “How are you?”
You don’t want to know. 
Don’t want to know his life since he magically disapapeared from your life. Don’t want to hear about how much happier he is now that a loser like yourself wasn’t holding him back.
“I’m okay, yeah.”
“Nice.” You gently remove his hand from your arm and readjust your bag on your back. “Well, it was nice seeing you, but I got class now so—”
“Do you maybe want to hang out?” Rindou cuts you off, speaking without thinking the second he saw you about to leave. He wasn’t ready to see you go, not again. He doesn’t know another opportunity he would get to talk to you. Doesn’t even know where to find you after this. He’s not letting this chance go. 
Please say yes. He repeats over and over in his head as he watches you look down at the ground, weighing the pro’s and cons.
On one hand, you get to hang out with Rindou again. Your best friend. On the other hand, he did betray you—abandon you for 5 years without a simple explanation. You were so lonely, you didn't even make any other friends because none of them were as amazing as him. He had set the bar way too high and you weren’t sure anybody else could reach it.
It was fear; it kept holding you back and you weren’t sure you needed anymore mental strain on your mind. “I can’t—I’m sorry Rindou.”
He didn’t even bother to hide the disappointment on his face. Just as soon as you start walking again, he stops you. “Wait, can we please just talk? This weekend? I can take you to the park? Y’know…like old times.” When he see you bite your lip—an action you did when you were nervous or was deep in thought—he decided he needed to step up his game more.
Using his grip on your arm, he moves his fingers downwards—it’s a very risky move, but he’s all about risks—and holds your hand. “Please?”  
He knows—no, he hopes that his desperation is feeding into you, hopes that you can see how badly he wants you back in his life. The moment he held your hand, goosebumps erupted along your arm. It's a miracle you’re wearing a jacket right now, so you can’t embarrass yourself.
“Okay…we can talk after school.”
“Really?!” His face lights up, and you think it’s adorable.
“Yeah.” You quickly retract your hand from his own, stuffing it inside your pocket. “But I really have to go to class now, I don’t wanna be late.”
“Okay, I’ll meet you there, after school. Maybe 4? That good?” You nod and say no more, quickly rushing down the hall before you were late. 
Rindou spends the next hour or so preparing what exactly he’s going to say to you. You just make him so nervous, he’s never nervous to talk to someone, yet alone a girl. The second school’s ended, he’s heading over to the park, the same park he refused to visit and avoided all these years because of the sheer amount of memories flooding his brain the second he looks at it.
Rindou must’ve taken longer to arrive because by the time he gets there, you’re already there, sitting at the top of the slide as you scroll on your phone. Just staring at you was enough to get his heart pumping twice as fast. He climbs the ladder up the slide and takes a seat next to you. The area was so confined, both of your legs were touching and it left your faces heating up. You couldn’t look him in the eye, just waited for him to start speaking.
“Can you look at me?” Rindou’s staring at the side of your face as you look down at your hands, fiddling with the ring on your index finger. You stiffen when he asks that question, taking a moment before you lift your face up to him. You knew you both were close, but it wasn’t until your nose almost brushed  against his the second you looked up that it hit you how close the two of you were.
“I’m listening.”
“I’m sorry—for what I did back then. It was stupid of me to just leave you, I don’t know what happened—” A lie. He fell in love with you, that’s what happened, “I was so dumb back then, and I regret everything, I hope you know that. If I could go back in time, I’d never have done it. I really hope you can forgive me [Name], it’s an outdated apology—years overdue, but I want to cherish the time we have right now and maybe…start over? If you want to of course, it’s truly up to you, your the—” 
You begin laughing and Rindou has to stop talking because he isn’t sure whether to be angry that you’re laughing at him pouring his heart out to you in an apology, or whether he should be angry at himself, hating the way the sound of your laugh blesses his ears. 
“What’s so funn--”
“You’re stupid, Rin.” He knows you don’t mean any harm by it, because you’re smiling. He’s too busy focusing on the fact you called him his old nickname ‘Rin’ that he doesn’t see you leaning in for a hug. In the heavily confined space, it’s a little bit hard to get comfortable and hug you better without his elbows digging into the metal poles.
Rindou swallows, hard, the moment he wraps his arms around your body. It wasn’t enough. Taking another risk, he lifts you from his side onto his lap. You look up at him, confused, but words die inside your throat the second he deepens the hug. It’s much better now, having more arm room to fully wrap his arms around you, embracing you in his warmth. 
Any passerbys would probably be looking at the two of your weirdly, two kids hugging at the entrance of the slide, but none of you cared. You lifted your arms to wrap around his neck, resting your head just next to his neck, on his shoulders. He smelt amazing, so good that you found yourself closing your eyes, shifting closer to smell him better. 
This is creepy, you thought, but it didnt stop you. 
You aren’t sure how long you two hugged for; could’ve been 2 minutes, could’ve been 40 seconds. Time had stopped the entire length of the hug for the both of you. 
“Ran’s turning 20 in two months,” Rindou mumbles against your temple, his lips tickling your skin, “Do you want to come to his party with me?”
“I—I don’t know… parties aren’t really my thing, Rin. There’s way too many people there and I—”
The nickname again. 
“I’ll be there for you. I won’t leave your side the entire time.” He pulls away from the hug and you look up at him. “He’s gonna get alcohol, legally, since he’ll be of age, and it could be fun? You know, just both of us?”
“You won’t believe this—” You start, hiding behind a little laugh, “but I’ve never gotten drunk before.”
“What?” Rindou looks down at you, shocked. “No fuckin’ way—you serious?” He’s waiting for you to retract the statement but instead you shake your head.
“I mean it! For one, I could never buy alcohol, second, I dunno, I’m just scared.”
“Why are you scared?” He places his hands on the wooden surface behind him, leaning back to get a better look at your whole face. “Alcohol ain’t scary. Well—it’s bitter and strong, but nothing scary.”
“It’s not the drinking part that’s scary—It’s the fact that you’re not in control of your actions that’s scary.”
Rindou thinks back to all the stupid things he’s said and done all the times he was drunk and finds them more funny than scary. “The worst thing I did when I was drunk was get matching tattoos with Ran.”
“What?!” You shift on his lap to get a better look at him. “Tattoo? Where is it?” You lift his arm up, pulling up his sleeves and examine the length of his arm thoroughly for a better look for a tattoo. You also took the opportunity to get a better look at his build without coming off as creepy. His arm muscles tense under your grip and you have to bite your tongue. 
“It’s not there—” He chuckles, removing his arm from your grip. You watch with confused, wide eyes as his hand comes up to the hem of his shirt. He takes a moment before slowly pulling the material up past his stomach. From the second he lifted it, thick black ink appeared and as he lifted his shirt higher, the ink just kept appearing and your eyes followed the lines until his hands came to a stop. “There’s more—but I don’t think it’s appropriate to show it in public.” He exhales shakily, the muscles on his stomach tensing up as he watches your eyes examine all over his chest
He’s never felt self conscious before, not underneath your gaze. Your hand reaches out for a moment but you quickly retract it and look up into his eyes. “Can I—”
He’s silent when he nods; watching your fingers gently graze the tattoo from the bottom. Your lips are slightly parted as you run your fingers upwards, slowly, not even realising how much tension you’re causing him because you’re too engrossed in the tattoo, so many questions fill your mind the longer you run your fingers along it.
“Di—did it hurt?” You say the moment you reach the top, just where his fingers holding his shirt up, preventing you from going further. 
“I was drunk, so no. I can’t even remember it.” 
“Woah.” You look back down at it once more before biting your lip, deep in thought. Rindou would kill to know what you were thinking about—wants to know if you felt that tension earlier, if you were doing it on purpose to see how he would react, or if you were just genuinely interested in his tattoo.
“It’s only on one side.” You point out, “is it like a puzzle or something?”
Rindou shakes his head. “Nah. Ran has the other half.”
“Woah.” You repeat, genuinely impressed at that work of art on his chest. Your mind wonders, if you and him and remained friends all those years—would you have gotten that same tattoo with him? How would it even work—? 
“So—do you wanna come to his party with me? I promise, I won’t make you get matching tats with me if you get too drunk.”
You can’t help but smile. Fuck—you missed him so much, that you’re willing to head out of your comfort zone just to hang out with him more. “Yeah, I’ll go.”
During those two months prepartion for Ran’s birthday, you and Rindou used the party planning as an excuse to hang out with each other more often. He would walk you home after school, but since he was a year older, his classes ran on for an hour longer, meaning you’d wait outside his class for him. He’d take the train with you home, sometimes if you both were really bored, you’d walk the distance. 
This was only just the start. 
The start of your newfound friendship. The beginning of a new era. And god—were you excited.
His birthday finally rolled around and it was packed. It hit you just how many people loved Ran. His house is filled with random people you’ve never seen before, recognising a couple people, third years that go to your school. 
You take an earbud out from your ear, leaving it to hang low as you manoeuvre your way through the house, trying to find Rindou. You were wearing a simple outfit—but you had unknowingly grabbed the necklace Rindou’s mother picked out for him to give to you on your twelfth birthday. All the Rindouless years passing by made you forget about the necklace and its importance. But the second Rindou saw it, memories came flooding back. 
“You still have this?” Rindou points out about an hour after you had arrived, not knowing a proper way to bring it up. You turn to face him and the moment you do, he grabs the necklace, looping a finger around the simple chain. 
The action causes you to stiffen. He doesn’t break eye contact, waiting for you to answer the question. It’s not until you realise silent you’re being that you remember he was talking to you. “Oh! Yeah, I mean—I never threw it out.”
“Word? How does it even fit? It’s been years, no?” He doesn’t remove his fingers and to make matters worse, a very drunk and hyper person pushes past you aggressively, causing Rindou to grab onto your waist to keep you in front of him, not ready to see you get washed away into the crowd of very horny, drunk teenagers. 
The second you register his hand on your waist, your brain stops functioning. “It’s a pretty necklace—I didn’t want to throw it out.”
It’s not that pretty. The both of you know it. It’s just a simple silver chain. No jewel, no pendant, no diamonds.
 No, anything. 
It’s only pretty and special to you, because the person who gave it to you was pretty and special to you. Rindou gives you a smile before a random girl taps onto his shoulder, whisking his attention away. 
You can’t help but frown as you watch her whisper something into his ear. It’s awkward. It hit you how many girls actually like Rindou—and you can’t even blame them to be honest. 
Look at him. 
“Not today, I’m busy.” Rindou responds a moment after and the girl frowns for a moment before her eyes land on the birthday boy himself. She fixes the straps on her dress, and pushes her boobs up before fixing her face and heading straight towards him. 
“I hate it when girls do that,” Rindou says after a moment and you take your eyes off her form to look at him with an intrigued brow. 
“Do what?”
Rindou looks down at his drink and shakes his cup a little bit, watching the liquid swish around the walls of the cup. He lazily shrugs before continuing, “Thirsting over me and Ran. I mean—maybe he likes the attention, and I used to, but it’s getting annoying now. Like, I’m my own person, not just some sex object to satisfy you. Y’know?”
Rindou realises he’s ranting and instantly closes his mouth. “I mean, You probably get it, don’t you?”
“Get what?” 
He wishes your innocence was just an act, one you used to attract guys towards you, but these two months he’s spent you made him realise you truly were slightly innocent when it came to these sorts of conversations. Makes him wonder if you haven’t lost it yet. 
“The whole being used and stuff. Don’t you have guys after you?”
You shake your head. “Nope. I’ve never done that stuff before.” Rindou stops shaking his drink, fingers squeezing around the cup as he looks at you.
“You serious?”
“Bu—but you—” You’re so hot , he thinks, but doesn’t say aloud. “Not even one guy wants you?”
“Jeez, when you say it like that, it makes me sound like a loner.” You say with a laugh at the end, but now you’re actually deeping the situation. You’re almost 19 and haven’t even had your first kiss yet. “Ohmygod, I’m going to die a virgin.” You say without thinking and Rindou watches you, confused, as you practically have a mental breakdown in your head.
“You good?”
“No! I mean, shit, I need to find a boyfriend, or at least lose my v-card before I turn 19, this is so embarassing, god—” 
“I mean—I coul—” He instantly closes his mouth, realising just how stupid that idea was. He just rekindled his friendship with you, now he wants to ruin it all because of a stupid offer. “Nevermind. And it’s good that you’re a virgin, y’know—” He stops talking because you’re not listening to him, he can tell by the way you’re biting your lip, probably thinking of a bunch of boys in your class you could potentially lose it to. 
He wishes you’d just open your eyes and look at him. He’s right there. But in your confused mind, you don’t think someone as hot and cool and Rindou could ever get with someone like you. Infact, just looking at that girl from earlier, it’s clear Rindou hooked up with girls like her before. All pretty and confident—things that you believed you weren’t.
So Rindou was off the hook. Not even a possibility.
“Dude, dude! RINDOU!” A loud deep voice startles you, and Rindou. Shion is practically out of breath when he places a hand on Rindou’s shoulder, using him practically as an armrest. “Ev—everybody’s downstairs—beer pong—” He says between breaths, then points a finger towards the door, “Go.”
“I said—” Shion finally gets his breath back, now standing up tall. “Everybody playing beer pong downstairs and they called for you.”
“Beer pong?” 
Rindou turns around to face you, completely ignoring Shion’s drunk ass. “Yeah, beer pong it’s basically—” You listen to him explain the rules of beer pong, the both of you completely ignoring Shion who keeps on tugging the back of Rindou’s shirt to get his attention.
“Fuck off, Shion. I’m talking.” Rindou punctuates his sentence by wrapping an arm around your shoulder, tugging you gently to his side. His voice gets a tad softer when he looks down at you. “Do you wanna play?”
“I don’t know…”
“Please? For me?” 
You find it difficult to say no—but you do anyway. “I can just watch you and I’ll cheer you on.”
“Nah. I want you on my team.”
“Stop fucking flirting. Are you playing or not?!” Shion is starting to get annoyed, scoffing loudly before heading back towards the door he entered through. Rindou looks at you one more time, the question still lingering on his tongue before you finally give in and nod. 
Rindou is smiling the entire way downstairs. By the time you get to the basement, you see a pool table along with around 15 people downstairs. The only people you recognise is Shion because of earlier. There’s two boys on the other end of the table, one with long black hair, one with crazy pink hair and scars. 
“He’s here!” Sanzu quickly points to the other end of the table. You both are being dragged to the opposite end of the table, you being in front as Rindou stands behind you with his hands on your shoulders. You were so fucking nervous. The cups were already set up in a triangle, half filled with beer. 
“Are you ready to lose?” Koko sticks his tongue out as he flips the coin, catching it on the back of his hand before covering it with his spare hand. “Heads or tails.”
Rindou squeezes your shoulders to get your attention before he whispers into your ear because the room was far too loud for him to speak at regular volume. “You choose.”
You turn around to look at him, ready to protest before someone is yelling ‘HURRY UP!’ 
“Tails?” You blurt out quickly, seeing Koko remove his palm from his hand. His face scrunches up in annoyance as he shows the coin facing tails.
“Yeah! Suck it, Kokonoi.” Rindou laughs from behind you before stretching along the table to grab the ball. “Throw it into a cup, just like I told you.” Your fingers brush together as you nod your head and take the ball from him. You toss the ball into a cup, only for it to bounce off the top and flop back onto the table.
You frown but quickly cheer up when you hear Rindou console you, telling you it’s common for that to happen. You notice Rindou never steps away from you to get a better shot, he stands behind you; his chest against your back the entire time, the close proximity is making you feel dizzy and lightheaded—and you haven’t even tried alcohol yet.
One hand on your shoulder as he makes his shot.
The game was more fun than you thought. Though you and Rindou lost because Sanzu was surprisingly amazing at aiming, you had drunk around 7 cups of beer, and you started to feel a bit lightheaded. You tug on Rindou’s sleeve to pull him down to your level to whisper into his ear. “I’m ffeel-feeling a bit dizzy.” 
“For real? Damn, you a lightweight, huh?” You furrow your brows as he speaks even though you’re barely registering what he’s saying. “I’ll take you upstairs, c’mon.” Rindou holds onto your hand, giving it a tight squeeze to reassure you that he’s there.
It helps and you drown out the noise of his friends screaming at him to come back and play another round. You drown out the loud blast of music coming from the living room, drown out everything, only registering the lock on Rindou’s bedroom door locking the moment you enter inside.
“Sit down on my bed, there.” You obey, even though the ground looked like it was about to eat you whole, you crossed the distance and fell onto his bed, sinking your face in his black sheets. 
You hear the sound of a fridge opening, looking over at Rindou who grabs a bottle of alcohol from his minifridge before coming to sit down next to you. “R-rrreally Rin? You’re drrinking more?”
“I’m not drunk yet,” He begins to pour it into a cup, “I’m a heavyweight, so I gotta drink loads before I get drunk.”
“Ohh,” It explains a lot, why he’s practically normal and functioning like a regular human being, unlike you, struggling to keep your eyes open but at the same time, feel a sort of tingling running down your legs that make you want to run around. It’s confusing.
“You wanna try some? You might like it, it’s better than that nasty beer.”
“Yyeah. That beer was really horrible,” You cross your legs and watch as Rindou passes you his cup. Sober you probably would’ve been a little too shy to drink from the same cup as Rindou—but you barely had time to overthink any scenarios. Gulping down the drink that in fact, tastes much better than that horrible beer.
“Oh my god.” You grab the bottle from Rindou and he watches you, amused, as you pour more of the wine into the red cup.
“Slow down [Name],” He tries to get you to drink slower, but you’re not listening, already gulping it down too fast.
You want to puke.
But you don’t stop drinking. It tasted…sweet? But also, really bitter? You didn’t know, all you knew was that your mouth loved it, and wanted more.
Rindou eventually could see that you were clearly drunk now, your tispy behaviour long gone now as you stare up at his ceiling and your fingers draw imaginary circles into the air.
It’s adorable.
You’re adorable.
It takes Rindou six more cups of that heavy wine before he’s joining you. The two of you are laughing at the ceiling. You aren’t sure what you’re looking at, but the room is spinning and you can’t stop laughing.
“Rinnn,” you stop laughing and sit up from the bed to turn and face him. He nods at you to continue talking. “Why did you leave me those years? Was it something I did?”
One thing you should know about drunk Rindou, is that he has no filter. 
“Cause I was attracted to you; jerked off to you, and had thoughts about you.” He places his hands behind his head and looks back up at the ceiling. “So I felt guilty, and just avoided you.”
“That’s it?” You frown.
“Yeah—? Wait, why aren’t you mad? Aren’t you all about feminism and that shit, not wanting to be objectified or whatver? Abolish the patriarcy, sexism whatnot?”
“I mean, I am. Fuck the patriarcy, but still. I don’t care that you did that to me.” You shift to lay down on the bed, propping yourself up on one elbow before turning to face Rindou. “Besides…I also thought about you like that.”
The world stops for Rindou at approximately 10:23PM on a Friday. 
“What?” He turns to face you, both of you don’t care about the close proximity, your nose brushing together as you both subtly lean in closer. “You did?”
“Yeah…only a couple times.”
“What exactly….” Rindou shifts closer to you, using one hand to lift your leg up to rest on his own, “did you think about?”
You break the eye contact only for him to drag your face back to his eyes. “Answer me.”
“I—” You swallow. Even though your mind is hazy right now—both of your minds are—you still feel the long forgotten anxiety come back the moment he asked you this. “I can’t remember.”
“When was the last time you fucked yourself thinking of me?” He’s so close. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up when you feel his lips brush against your neck. He’s not kissing you, no—he’s just waiting for the right moment. The second he hears you exhale shakily, he presses a kiss on your skin, slowly moving upwards to your jawline. “Answer me.”
“Last week—”
“Hmm.” Rindou hums against your skin, dragging his hands down your body to rest against your waist. “And you forgot, already?”
“Yeah…?” Your voice trails off into the moan the second he bites down against your skin. Your hands fly to his hair to keep him in place, subconsciously pressing him closer to your skin. “Fuck—that feels so nice.”
You moan again when he hums, the sound vibrating against your skin. You aren’t sure what came over you, but you’re pushing him onto the bed and climbing over his to straddle him. His hands instantly fly to your hips, keeping you atop his own as you lean down to kiss him. 
He meets you halfway, letting go of one of your hips to cradle the back of your head, but also to ensure you’re not going anywhere. He tastes a bit like a mixture of beer and that strong wine, but you don’t care. All form of sense overridden from the sheer fact alone that you’re straddling your bestfriend/crush while his tongue is currently down your throat.
You’re not sure where to put your hands, having his drunken kiss be your first, so you rest them aside his head, gripping onto the sheets of the pillow beside him. There’s a tingly feeling down there, that only grows stronger when you move your hips front to back, practically grinding against Rindou’s crotch.
The second your clothed cunt grazes his cock, he’s gripping you in place, moving you along his length at his own pace. His iron grip rocking you back and forth prevents your movements, and you slowly lose control of your own pleasure, but it gets amplified the second Rindou breaks away from the kiss.
“Take off your shirt.”
You nod, sitting back up straight and remove your shirt from over your head. Rindou’s mouth goes slack, slightly agape as he looks at his bestfriend in just her bra. It feels sinful and dirty, seeing you this way, a way he’s imagined for so long and never thought he’d experience the real deal.
“You’re so beautiful—” Rindou doesn’t waste any time, sitting up abruptly as he sucks more lovebites onto your neck. You throw your head back, allowing him more room and perfect access to your body. The feeling of his soft lips making their way from your collarbone—down to your chest makes you squirm.
“W-wait—” You call out and he pulls away to look up at you, confused to see if he’d crossed any boundaries. You reach behind yourself to unfasten your bra and he groans when he sees you naked, topless atop of him, for the first time. 
“Goddamn,” His lips are back onto yours, kissing you passionately and professionally. You wind your fingers into his long hair whilst he grips onto your right breast, kneading it in his big palms—tilting his head to readjust the positioning of the kiss.
You arch your back into his touch; also deepening the kiss. Rindou lets go of your breast and quickly flips your positions. The next thing you know, you’re underneath him, squirming under his heavy gaze. He rakes his eyes from your pretty face, down to your bare chest, all the while licking his lips—his brain thinking of 1001 ways to devour you.
He leans down to your chest, pressing soft kisses against your areola to tease you. The feeling of his nose brushing against your nipple had you biting back a moan. The air around it was so cold, you needed his warm mouth to fill it. “Rin…c’mon—please?” You breathlessly beg, eyes rolling back when he listens to your request, sucking a nipple into his mouth.
The sheer warmth had you arching your back upwards, forcing him to take more into his mouth, and gripping onto his thick hair strands. The sensation is amplified, tenfold, the moment  he flicks his tongue against your nipple, rubs slow circles with the tip of his tongue before pulling off, making sure his lips stay attached to your nipple until he’s pulled off far enough.
He repeats this with the other one; all the while tugging at the waistbands of your pants. You gently push him off you, raising your hips slightly so he can shimmy your pants down your legs. Tossing them somewhere on the ground, he lifts his own shirt up and over his head, and it’s then you finally get to see the full tattoo.
Rindou’s eyes widen when he looks back down and realises he accidentally shed your panties too along with your pants. He’s staring down at you bare and naked, and you’re about to close your legs from humiliation but he stops you—using both hands to spread you apart.
He mutters something underneath his breath, using two fingers to push your folds apart. The wet squelch made his cock literally jump in his underwear. “You’re so—so…wet.” Before you could even tell him to stop looking, he dives in, using his tongue to lick and suck at the slick coating your folds before sucking your clit into his mouth eagerly.
“God—fffuck—” Your voice was shaky as you gripped onto his hair, literally pulling the strands the longer you felt his tongue flick your clit at top speed. Rindou hums into your cunt, licking you up from top to bottom before tickling his tongue at your hole. It was hard to squeeze through, but he managed it well. The moment his tongue slid in, he grunts, hard, when you tug at his hair, uncontrollable moans leaving your mouth as he fucks you with his tongue.
“Rin—Rindou, I’m, I—fuck, gonna cum—I’m gonna—!” Rindou digs his nails deeper into your thighs, leaving crescent shaped marks on your skin as proof he was the first one between your legs. Your back arches as your muscles convulse and contract, practically drowning him between your legs as you cum.
Rindou retracts his tongue from your pussy and cleans you up, licking your folds a couple more times before shifting to your thighs, giving you a couple lovebites to further reinforce his presence before kissing his way up your perfect naked body, reaching the top as he kisses you sloppily. Your hands tangle themselves in his hair again, pulling him even closer to you.
After a couple more minutes of kissing, your hand trails downwards, tugging at the waistband of his pants. “Please, let me…” 
“No. I can’t—” Rindou tugs your hand away from his pants. It’s different when he’s giving to you, not taking from you. He can’t explain it. Even in his drunk, hazy mind, he knows it won’t be right to let you touch him like that, no matter how hard you beg.
“B-but I want to.” You sit up, pulling him back next to you. You lean down, giving him another kiss to distract him. He’s quickly melting into the kiss, cradling the back of your head to feel you more. You slide your hands down his body, into his pants and start to rub against his cock. 
Rindou actually groans into the kiss, breaking it to curse under his breath when he feels you play with his tip, rubbing circles along the slit. “Shit, [Name], keep going.” He leans back against the pillow and removes the stray hairs from your face as he watches your hand through his pants jerk him off, slowly.
You frankly, didn’t know what you were doing.
The two of you knew this was wrong. Not only are you bestfriends, but you aren’t supposed to be this way when you’re both not in the right state of mind.
You both knew but it didn’t stop you both.
You flop back down next to Rindou after making him cum. Your wrist aches, but it’s all worth it when Rindou snuggles up next to you, wrapping you tight in his grip and gives your bare shoulder soft kisses.
You weren’t sure what was going to happen next. A part of you wants to remember this moment forever, but when you wake up, you know last night would’ve been just a blur. 
i was too lazy to proofread it so ignore mistakes hehe....🙎🏽
reblogs are much appreciated thank you for reading to the end☹️
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marshallpupfan · 3 years
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As promised, here it is! The entirety of my Marshall collection!
I started this whole thing in 2019, back when I bought one single figurine to place in front of my computer monitor. Over time, as I became a bigger fan of Marshall and realized just how absolutely crazy I am about him, I ended up buying a few more things until... well, until it eventually became what you see here!
Also, let me tell you one other thing; I never realized just how much I had until I started rearranging/reorganizing a bunch of it! 😅
I figured I’d briefly talk about each section. So, let’s get started!
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The majority of the plush dolls I own are on the right. They used to be located on the bottom of the big display case, but after I started to get so many more, I figured I’d transfer them to their own thing.
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Some of the larger plush dolls are on the bottom (with some tiny dolls included because I couldn’t find spots for them elsewhere), and above are the ones that often get released during each new sub-series. Hopefully I’ll get to add the Rescue Knights plush soon, whenever it shows up. I just hope I can find a spot for it! lol
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Though most of these are plush dolls, I reserved one shelf for miscellaneous items I couldn’t find spots for on the big display case.
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Right in the middle is my TV, with a Ready Race Rescue poster above it. I also have some figurines here of various pups, though I’m hoping to add all of them some day (and perhaps others, like Claw). If you’re curious, my laptop is connected to my TV, and the image you’re seeing is my desktop wallpaper. 
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I put that wooden wall art on this wall, along with the badges that came with some of the figurines. Things were a bit bare, so I printed off some of my favorite screenshots/pics of Marshall to go along with them! The one with the lucky collar is my favorite, since that smile he has there is simply the greatest thing ever. 😁
Now, onto the big display case.
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The bottom two shelves house all of the vehicles I’ve collected. To make them appear nicer, I placed their respective figurines next to them. Some of the smaller ones, such as the True Metal vehicles, reside right below them.
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The shelf above the vehicles has most of the figurines that’s released over the years. Can you believe Marshall’s worn so many different outfits? Fireman, EMT, Air Patrol, Mighty Pups, Dino Rescue, Pup-Fu, Moto Pups, Ultimate Rescues... the list just keeps growing!
Above that are other items I’ve managed to find, such as a snow globe, Christmas ornaments, ceramic piggy (puppy?) banks, an alarm clock, bobbleheads, a big color-changing lightbulb (that large head in the back-right), candy dispensers, bubble makers, shampoo bottles, among many other things!
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And now, the last two shelves of the display case. 
The bottom one here has other misc. items I’ve collected, including lunch pails, a few Marshall-focused DVDs, Good2Grow Bottle Top heads (still missing one), more Christmas ornaments, coffee mugs, among other things. The thing in the middle is a light-up talking coin bank, which I actually imported from the UK (the first overseas item I added to my collection).
The very top houses some of the bigger plush dolls I couldn’t find room for on the right side. I included some others up there, just to fill up the empty space. There’s a few other jumbo plush dolls I hope to add here, whenever I can find them for a good price.
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And last, but not least; this singular plush. It’s one of my favorites, so I like keeping him next to my bed. I suppose you could say I consider him a companion of sorts.
Well, there you have it! Pretty crazy collection, huh? There are still a few more things I’d like to do to spruce up the whole thing a bit, like make some better shelves (the one holding the figurines is starting to bend), and perhaps paint them so they’ll all match. For now, I’m quite happy with it, and I hope you guys enjoyed seeing it!
So yeah, needless to say, I wasn’t kidding when I said I’m totally crazy about Marshall! He really is my #1 favorite animated character of all time, and I feel this collection is a testament to not only that, but just how absolutely awesome/amazing I think he is! 😉
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mxvladdy · 4 years
What do you think would happen if MC (in an attempt to keep it away from him) tucked Goldie under their boob?
[A bra is the best wallet but underneath even a C-cup boob is damn near Fort Knox (or the tower of London, I.e. Impenatrable fortresses)]
lmaooo. Let’s us gather round and pray for Mammon’s remaining sanity. What little remands. The himbo never saw it coming. I’m weak and got a little spicy at the end, apologies if that’s not what you wanted my heart was thirsty for ONE greed man;.;
  A/N I originally called this work Tiity prison bc I have a sense of humor lol.
Hope ya like!
To say he is conflicted is an understatement. Depending on when and where you do the titty lockdown will change how he reacts.
If it's at school, he is a mess. I’m talking about the works. He’s red in the face, can’t focus, and sweating the whole rest of the school day. He is definitely torn between fighting his goldie withdrawals and making a pass at your chest.
He won’t do the latter, as much as he threatens it. He may be scummy but he has a code of conduct (most of the time). You get a kick out of watching him try not to stare at your chest and getting smacked by Lucifer when caught.
If it’s on Lucifer’s orders to keep his card away from him he’ll have a bit more control but will bitch the WHOLE day. Honestly, you might give it back just to shut him up.
He won’t outright grab your chest or physically try to snatch it. He’ll try to be sneaky about it. Dropping stuff and making you bend over to grab it. “I swear I ain’t try nothin’”. Right.
If desperate enough he’ll just downright pick you up off your feet and jiggle you like a piggy bank. Like I said, he has a code of conduct. It’s just kinda flexible sometimes.
“C-come on! Give ‘er back.” Mammon pleads, pulling off his classic bagger’s pout. Good thing you were immune. His toned arms cage you in, your back resting on one of the school’s marble walls. “How am I going to buy lunch?”
“I made you lunch.” You laugh. Ducking under his arms you make your way to the dining hall ignoring his flustered shouts. He’ll follow soon enough. The promise of your cooking and potentially nabbing goldie back was too great for him to ignore. Sure enough, he slinks in a few minutes after you. His shades now out and perched on his nose. Even hidden under the tinted glasses, you could see his flushed cheeks and darting eyes. “Better eat now, Beel is going to join us today.” You say around a mouthful of food. He whines but forces himself to focus on his quickly cooling food.
He follows you even closer than before after lunch, barely a hair’s breadth from your back. His clever fingers pinching and pulling at the bottom of your shirt in the crowded hallway. “Please~” He whimpers through his teeth after your swat his hands away again. “I swear I won’t use her.”
You plop down at your desk. “If you’re not going to use her, then she is safe where she is.” You stick your tongue out and give the boob hiding goldie a lovely squeeze. Mammon groans as if stabbed, teeth bared and fangs growing in a mix of frustration and want. “Babe come on. Ya’ killing me.” His eyes are glued to where your hand rests.
Before you can respond a leather-clad hand smacks Mammon across the back of his head. Mammon yips in fright. “I will kill you first if you don’t keep your eyes up at the board.” The cold warning from Lucifer was enough to shut you both up for the rest of the class. You watch him disappear when the bell chimes. His next period was across campus while you were stuck here for another hour. Your phone buzzes the moment his designer boots disappear out the door.
Pretty Boy: what did you do to Mammon?
You: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
You catch Asmo’s eye from his seat a few rows back from you. He winks at you, thumbs flying across his lit screen.
Pretty Boy: Bull- tell me your secrets. I haven’t seen him that flustered in eons, not since Helen paid a visit.
You: Got “asked” by Lucifer to keep Goldie away from Mammon for the day. A limited edition car he wants just got released. Luci is still paying off Mammon’s last shopping spree, so he’s on ice till tomorrow afternoon.
Pretty Boy: Ouch- you not telling him where it is?
You: Oh no. He knows exactly where it is. He is just too nervous to go for it.
You hear Asmo’s scandalous gasp behind you earning you both a glare from the professor. You bite your tongue to hide a chuckle. The professor turns with a huff, and Asmo starts up all over again.
Pretty Boy: Is it in your pants! Can I take a look ;*
You: No and No.
Pretty Boy: Ah- he was always a chest man. Good luck with that, he can hold out for only so long :)
What does that mean? You whip your head around waiting for an explanation text. Asmo has the gall to ignore you, busy reapplying his lip gloss. Even if he wasn’t looking at you, you knew that impish smile was for you. Turning back around in your seat you shiver, now you weren’t sure if you should be scared or excited.
The rest of the day passes quietly. Too quietly. It gives you the jitters. Every corner of the school could be a potential hiding spot for one conniving demon. You weren’t expecting him to attack you, not outright. Yet, you were expecting some sort of retaliation. The last bell of the day came sooner than you expected and it was time for afterschool activities. Packing your bag you wave off Beel and Satan, assuring them you would be fine to walk to the music and arts wing by yourself.  They had their own clubs to get to anyway.
Making your way to your activity you feel the hair on the back of your neck began to rise. Something wasn’t sitting right with you. You look up and around. No one was in the corridors, not even a stray teacher rushing to the breakroom. Odd. You peak over your shoulder and frown. Even the air was still. Chalking it up to a probably very haunted school, you pick up the pace. Even if you didn’t believe in the ghost stories like Luke, it was best to just never find out. No matter what hallway you took or how fast you walked the feeling of being watched only intensified. Your flight or fight instinct kicked in.
Who could you call if you need help? Where in the hells was Mam- was that your pencil case? You skid to a halt bemused. There, in the middle of the floor was your favorite case. The calico kitty design stares up at you innocently from the floor. You open your bag to double-check. You could have sworn you had thrown it in there after last period. Did it fall out? Had you taken this path before? You approached it cautiously, bending down to grab it.
Strong arms wrap around your waist locking around you like a spring trap. They lift you up and up and up. It was so sudden you could do nothing but squeak in surprise, pencil case clutched tightly to your chest. Were you really going to die here? Caught in such a childish trap...wait.  “Seriously Mammon!” The fear disappears, replaced now with exasperation. He grunts ignoring your words to shake you slightly. You yelp feeling goldie and your bra shift. “Oh, my Gods. Mammon! I know you can do better than this.”
“Shut up! I’m desperate.”
Unbelievable. "That's the best you got? Really, I’m kinda insulted." Mammon stops shaking you, his arms loosening enough for you to turn around to face him. He looks up at you batting his long lashes. “Put me down.” It wasn’t a pact order, but firm. He pouts but sets you back on the ground gently. Not before giving you a hearty squeeze. You catch his hand sneaking up the side of your shirt with a raised brow. "Why didn't you just make a grab for it in the first place?"
He scoffs turning pink. "'M allowed ta just cop a feel whenever I want now?"
"Absolutely not, not in public at least. I like you breathing."
“Could have fooled me,” Mammon chuckles. He glances around the empty hallway then back to you. A slow rolling purr starts deep in his throat. "Though, there is no one here now." Slowly his dexterous fingers glide back over your sides. His touch is searing on your shirt. You could feel goldie pulsing underneath the cotton of your bra. The plastic seemingly growing warmer than your skin as his hand travels closer. You do nothing, watching his face grow hungrier with each passing centimeter as he gets close to his prize. “What’s stopping me now?”
“Just you.” He stops at the side of your chest, eye wide and greedy. You could feel him trying to temper himself. His adrenaline, fear, lust, and his raw cardinal desire thicking the air around you. It all pulsed red hot in his veins and travels down to yours. He wanted more than just goldie now. His natural magnetism pulling you in closer. You wanted him, you wanted him to just take it- take everything. The pact mark slams shut, its heat snuffed out like a candle. "Mammon?" Had your teasing gone too far?
"Hold tight to her till tonight." He growls tapping your chest possessively. His many gold rings resemble talons as he drags his fingers across the stitching of your school uniform. "I'll come for her tonight," He leans in, smoke and leather clouds your sense. "and I'll be taking a tithe for all the trouble you caused me too." His husky promise sends a shiver down your spine, gut twisting in anticipation. Mammon's bright blue eyes jump over your shoulder, a frown grows on his beautiful face, he could hear footsteps approaching from your club room. Probably the angels looking for you. Brushing his lips across your cheek he parts, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Be ready. You know I always come to collect."
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dameronology · 4 years
love in the time of PTA meetings {marcus moreno} - 1/5
summary: despite what pinterest shows, being in a parent in the twenty first century is hard; especially a single parent. your kid takes up your entire life and the idea of finding a fairy tale is laughable - that is until you finally attend a p.t.a meeting and cross paths with a certain marcus moreno.  {series masterlist}
warnings: i do not have children. i don’t know children work. this written entirely what i have seen them do in the sims 4. also, swearing. 
- jazz
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Leaving work early was never a good look.
Leaving work early because your child had managed to set fire to a trash can was...well, it was something else entirely.
After rushing out of a very important meeting and parking your car in a did-you-park-it-or-crash-it manner, you were sprinting across the play ground and towards the front entrance. Having given up half way through, you’d kicked your stupidly high heels off and held them in one hand, trying to organise your slightly disheveled hair as you entered the building. Most parents might have been nervous to collect their kid after a call from the principle, but this was a regular Tuesday for you. Jack was a good kid, perhaps just a little...misguided. In your books, it was impressive that a five year old had managed to discover pyrotechnics, though you sensed the school might have been a little less lenient about it. 
‘Hey!’ You greeted the principle with a smile as you breezed through the doors. 
Jack was in a chair by the front desk, a gleeful look on his face when he saw you. As far as he knew or cared, he got to go home early and watch Paw Patrol for the rest of the day. 
‘Afternoon.’ He replied. ‘You’re lucky it was only a phone call.’
‘I know, I know.’ You grumbled. ‘I’m sorry. He’s...adventurous-’
‘ - he singed off his class mate’s eyebrows!’ The principle cut you off. ‘Given Monday’s biting incident, I see it fit that Jack take the rest of the week off.’
‘Right.’ You sighed. ‘Thank you. And sorry again.’
‘I’ll email you a list of...behavioural specialists.’ He muttered.
‘There’s nothing wrong with my kid. He’s just...curious.’ You insisted. ‘C’mon, buddy. Let’s go home.’
Jack sprung up from the chair, taking your hand in his and skipping out the door beside you. Parenting had been hard enough when you’d been married, and even harder now that his dad was out of the picture. It meant that everything fell on your shoulders; school runs, packed lunches, earning money, staying sane. You barely found the time to sleep, let alone go to soccer matches or take him to extra curricular activities. It meant that the stay-at-home mums - the ones who drove minivans and had specified walking shoes and shared memes about parenting on Facebook - muttered about you. 
I heard Jack’s mum couldn’t make it to the parent-teacher association meeting because there was a divorce hearing. 
Look at the kid’s lunch! Oh the saturated fat, the horror!
What do you MEAN your five year old isn’t vegan?!
Frankly, you wanted to whack them over the head with their own damn vision boards. So what if your kid was a little rough around the edges? He’d discovered fire today! If it had been in the stone ages, that would have been impressive. The kind of thing that would have earned him a McDonald’s, had the fast food chain been around at the dawn of time. With the way things were going, paired with the fact you knew your fridge was empty, it looked like you were heading for a Happy Meal anyway. 
‘So do I get all week off?’ Jack peered up at you, tugging on your arm.
‘Yup, all week.’ You sighed. ‘But it’s not a reward, okay? It’s...’
You stopped in your tracks when you saw Marcus Moreno’s car pull up in the lot. Naturally, it was expensive and electric and perfectly between the white lines. He gave your less-than-stellar parking a frown as he breezed by - not that you noticed. Frankly, you were too busy admiring him. You saw his face more on the news than you did in person, but he was beautiful. Talk, dark, handsome and mysterious, but also...friendly and approachable. He’d held the door open for you once two years ago and that had been it for you. There had been whispers about the fact he was a widow, though you’d tried not to pay attention to them. It wasn’t anyone’s damn business. You knew he was a good dad; you’d had the chance to meet Missy when Jack had got his head stuck between the playground fence and she’d helped pull him out. She was sweet and well-behaved and clearly well brought up. Could you say the same for your own kid? Eh, parenting was all trial and error. 
‘It’s what?’ Your son’s voice dragged you back to reality. ‘Am in trouble?’
‘What?!’ You jumped at the question. ‘No, I just...’
‘Because Principle Eikner said I’d done something bad.’
A small sigh escaped your mouth; placing his backpack on the ground, you knelt down to his height, gently placing your hands on his shoulder. ‘You haven’t done anything wrong, little man. We're just gonna take a few days out to talk about the rules and what it means to do the right thing, okay?’
‘Dad always said not to listen to the rules.’
‘Your dad said a lot of things.’ You reminded him. You stood back up, offering your hand to him. ‘Let’s go home.’
After a few minutes of bartering and the promise of a McDonald’s, you finally made your way back to the car, now with Jack attached to your back. If giving him a piggy back ride meant getting home quicker, it was a price you were willing to pay, especially since the other mums were starting to arrive to pick up their kids. The parking lot was slowly filling up with minivans - compared to your decade-old Honda Civic. It had seen better days, and one too many run ins with other cars and parking lot bollards. Still, it got the job done. 
‘Oh, I’m so glad to see you!’ You froze in your tracks again. This time, it wasn’t because of Marcus Moreno’s otherworldly presence, but rather due to the sound of the resident soccer mum. 
‘Carol.’ You turned around to face her (slowly, given the five year old on your back) with a forced smile on your face. ‘Hi.’
‘I take it you’re here for the parent-teacher’s association meeting?’ She gave you a phoney grin, handing you a leaflet. ‘I know you couldn’t make the last one, because of your...d-i-v-o-r-c-e hearings.’ 
‘I can spell!’ Jack chirped from behind you.
‘It’s okay, buddy.’ You reached up to ruffle his hair, smile not faltering. ‘But yeah, you’re right. And what about it?’
‘Nothing.’ Carol quickly shook her head. ‘So you are coming to this one? It starts in ten minutes.’
Truth be told, you’d no idea there was even a meeting tonight. You usually ignored the damn things until the news letter came out, and then you could read it from the comfort of your sofa with a glass of wine. There was nothing you stopping going tonight, aside from your intense hatred for them. 
‘I wanna get home and watch South Park!’ Jack chirped from behind you.
‘I don’t - I mean...I don’t let my five year old watch South Park.’ You said. ‘He walked in on me watching it one time and...point is, yes, I’m here for the meeting!’
‘No, you’re not-’
‘- Jack, just sssh!’ 
Carol blinked in surprise, but her phoney smile returned a moment later. ‘Excellent! I’ll see you inside.’
You inwardly groaned. Why had you just done that? You fucking despised sitting in a stuffy gym for the better part of an hour, listening to the perfect mums bang on about healthy eating and limiting their kids’ internet time. You already questioned your parenting skills as it was - the meetings only made it worst. You didn’t assimilate into that crowd; they were all married, with big houses out in the ‘burbs and bank accounts that could cover their kids ever-expanding interests and activities. Meanwhile, you were living on one wage and your two-bedroom apartment had a balcony, not a back garden. If Jack wanted to go on a field trip, you usually had to save up for months. You didn’t know if you envied the other mums’ lives, but you certainly weren’t jealous of how they viewed working mums and single parents. 
‘That lady is mean.’ Jack murmured from your shoulders.
‘Yeah buddy, I know.’ You nodded. ‘Guess we’re going back to school.’
Lugging the kid and his bag back up the school yard and towards the building was exhausting - at least it was your work out for the week done. By the time you’d reached the gym and placed Jack back on the ground, your shoulders were aching and you were disappointed to see that the refreshments didn’t have any alcohol. Was it too late to sneak out? The fire exit was right there and-
‘- shame this thing doesn’t have any wine, huh?’ A man was stood next to you, arms folded across his chest as he stared at the luke-warm jug of coffee on the table ahead. 
Tall, dark hair, stubble and with a faint hint of expensive aftershave you pretended not to notice? Hello, Marcus Moreno. Goodbye, ability to form coherent sentences.
You blinked in surprise. ‘Yeah. I could do with a glass. Or ten.’
‘So you hate these things too, huh?’ He smiled. 
‘With a passion.’ You returned the gesture. ‘I’m only here because Carol and her Karen Committee kept muttering about me not being at the last one.’
‘Yeah, same here. I was attending an emergency meeting about nuclear arms in Vienna, but I guess this is more important.’
‘I was...’ in court, signing documents to end my marriage, ‘otherwise occupied too.’
Marcus nodded in understanding. ‘Kids alone are a full time job, huh? ‘Specially when you’re the only one who’s running around after them.’
He knew about your situation and in return, figured that you knew about his. He’d heard the whispers about the divorce and presumed that the loss of his wife had been subject to similar gossip. The environment amongst the parents was shockingly similar to high school and things got around pretty quickly. You both hated it, especially given the nature of both your circumstances; death and separation was not something other people should have been talking about. Especially when you all you wanted to do was mind your own business and raise your damn (chaotic) kid.
‘Yeah, tell me about it.’ You replied. ‘My kid is like...a baby crackhead, as well. He’s been sent home twice this week and it’s only Wednesday.’
‘Oh, Jack’s your kid?’
You let out a groan, holding your face in your hands. ‘Yeah. Famously so, apparently.’
‘No, it’s not a bad thing!’ Marcus chuckled, pulling your hands away. ‘He played a brilliant baby Jesus in the Nativity last year.’
‘Aside from when he bit one of the three wise men, yeah.’ You could feel your cheeks heating up. ‘Missy actually helped him once. She seems really...not at all like my child. Which is good.’
‘She told me about the fence incident.’ He nodded. ‘May I ask why he was shoving his head out of the school gates?’
‘He saw an interesting looking slug.’ You replied.
Your conversation was interrupted by Carol, who had now climbed up on stage. She tapped the microphone and cleared her throat, gesturing to everyone to sit down so that the meeting could start. You wanted to curse her. Whatever giddy conversation you were having with Marcus was a thousand times more interesting than the PTA. At least you could revel in the fact he didn’t want to be here either.
‘Shall we?’ Marcus gestured to two empty seats a few rows back.
‘I mean, it’s an aisle seat, which is good for a quick escape if Jack decides to be Jack,’ you nodded in agreement. ‘Hey kid, c’mon!’
Turning away from the other kids, Jack sprinted towards you, hurling himself into your lap as he sat down. You let out an oof! and a groan. He wasn’t as light as he used to be a toddler. He stayed still for a moment, tiny hands clasping yours, before he realised who you were sat next to. The kids’ impression of Marcus was not quite the same as yours - he’d only seen him on TV, with the likes of all the heroes. You couldn’t remember their names (but in your defence, they were kind of ridiculous). 
‘Are you a superhero?’ He reached up, poking Marcus in the cheek. 
‘Jack!’ You hissed. ‘You can’t-’
‘- yeah, buddy.’ Marcus ruffled his hair. ‘But it’s my day off today, so I’m doing all this boring stuff instead.’
‘Can you fly? Do you know Miracle Guy? Have you fought aliens? Do you have a super suit? Do you know Iron Man? Wait! Can I be a superhero?!’
‘No, yes, yes, no, no and maybe when you’re older.’ He counted the questions off on his fingers. ‘But for now we have to keep quiet for the meeting. That would make you a superhero.’
You wanted to marry Marcus Moreno.
Seriously, you wanted to marry him.
His little comment had kept Jack quiet the entire meeting. And it was a long fucking meeting indeed. The last time he’d shut up for that long was...probably before he learnt to talk. You loved he was full of curiosity and questions, but he didn’t always understand that there was a time and a place. At least now you knew what would shut him up. 
‘How does Miracle Guy fly? Is Batman real? Are you rich? Do you know Wonder Woman? How does her lasso of truth work?’
‘Jack.’ You groaned. 
You were walking out of the school now and down towards the car park. Missy was in tow, tapping away on her phone, whilst Jack trotted alongside you and Marcus. He’d been spewing questions at the poor man pretty much since the meeting had ended - and yet, he seemed happy to answer them. Excited, even. It was clear that he loved his job.
‘You gotta give Mr Moreno a break, little man.’ You said.
‘Hey, just Marcus is fine.’ He replied. 
‘Hey Just Marcus, I’m dad.’ Missy chimed from beside you, not even looking up from her phone. It was...impressive, actually.
‘I already regret buying her that.’ Marcus murmured. 
The two of you eventually reached your cars. The Civic was still terribly parked across two spaces - you were a good driver, you’d just been in a rush. The dents and scrapes all over the doors and bumper implied other wise but hey, we move. You had a thousand and one other things to save up before a new car. Putting down the deposit on a house - one you could actually own, maybe a little further out from the city - was your number one concern. Paying off your divorce attorney came after that. 
‘It was nice to meet you properly.’ You pulled your keys out your back, tugging four empty packets of crisps and three bags of gummy worms with it. 
‘I’m not done asking questions-’
‘- you gotta let Marcus go, JJ.’ You peered down at Jack. ‘Sorry. He’s a little obsessed with the Heroics, but I guess you’ve worked that one out.’
‘Can I visit your base?’ He continued, ignoring you. 
Marcus knelt down to his height, a grin on his face. ‘I’ve got a free window tomorrow afternoon. You wanna come by? Your mum tells me you’re off school for the rest of the week.’ 
‘Really?’ You blinked in surprise. ‘I mean, I’m sure he would love that but I’m at work and he’s gotta go to my mum’s.’
Your mother also doubled up as your baby-sitter. In an ideal world, you would have been able to afford a professional, but this was very much the opposite of an ideal world. It was the real world, and you were constantly juggling a thousand things at once. Never in a million years would you have changed it but there were days when you wanted to cry. When it was 9PM and Jack suddenly chimed in that he had a science project due the next day, or when he refused to eat his dinner because his chicken nuggets weren’t shaped like dinosaurs and fed them to the dog. 
Marcus looked, on the surface at least, like he had his shit together. He worked in a public facing job and he always looked put together. His car wasn’t covered in bumps and bruises and the inside probably wasn’t covered in yoghurt like yours. He seemed as though he got more than five hours sleep a night and his child was well-behaved. 
‘I’m sure we can work something out.’ He said. ‘If you give me your number, I’ll give you a call.’
‘Uh, yeah! Of course.’ He’d asked for your number. No big deal. 
You switched phones - naturally, his was much more high-tech than yours - and entered in your respective numbers. The whole thing made you admire Marcus even more; he didn’t have to have your tyrannical son over to his office, yet he offered to. He’d clearly seen how excited he’d gotten and it seemed like he’d found it endearing. 
‘Are you okay?’ Marcus asked quietly, suddenly putting his hand on your shoulder. ‘You suddenly zoned out.’
‘Yeah, sorry.’ You rubbed your eyes. ‘I got about three hours sleep last night. I would blame it on the terrible twos but I guess it’s the...fucking awful fives?’
He quickly turned his attention to Jack, opening the car door for him. ‘You wanna hop in? I’m just gonna talk to your mom about you visiting, yeah?’
'There’s Cheetos in the centre console!’ You called after him.
Once Marcus had shut the door, he turned around to face you. There was silence for a minute, and he just kind of...stared at you. You couldn’t read his expression or quite figure it out, but he had an eyebrow quirked and a look of...concern? Sympathy?
‘I recognise that look. It’s the help! I’m suddenly a single parent to a five year old and it feels like the world is eating me alive look.’ He said. ‘It’s the exact same one I had six years ago. Missy was about Jack’s age when...when it became just me and her.’
You softly smiled. ‘It’s not been easy.’
‘You’re doing a good job, okay?’ He gave your shoulder a light squeeze. ‘And if you ever need him off your hands for a few hours, I’ll gladly give him a tour of our headquarters.’
‘Thank you. So much, for both of those things.’ Your eyes fell to the ground. ‘It’s a refreshing change from Carol and her Pinterest boards and half-assed invitations to potlucks.’
‘God, I can’t stand all that.’ Marcus chuckled. 
‘I gotta get back now because I can see that Jack is about smush Cheetos over my break pedals but I’ll...’ you trailed off, forcing yourself to look at him and smile. ‘I’ll call you.’
‘I look forward to it.’ 
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This is a fairytale inspired Weak Hero fic for Halloween. (Wolf Keum x fem/reader)
Disclaimer: This is not my picture, wasn't able to find original artist to credit.
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"It HAS to work this time." I mumbled to myself as I finished setting up the trap.
I had already tried everything else to catch him! From standing in an open meadow, completely exposed, while pretending to pick flowers. To skipping through the woods, whistling loudly down the path. God, I even faked a fall, just to add to the effect that I was as innocent and helpless as a baby bunny. Only to end up with nothing but a dirty dress and bruised up knees as the outcome.
And my last plan completely emptied out my piggy bank, when I decided to spend all of my allowance on this stupid bright red hooded cloak. Thinking the color would stand out in the dark woods, and I would grab his attention.
It didn't.
I was running out of ideas. Plus I could only give my parents the same lame excuse, that I wanted to visit my grandmother, so many times before they would start to catch on.
But in a way, it was my parents fault I was in this mess to begin with. Since THEY were the ones that insisted I take grandma some hot soup, on that cold day, a few months back.
That was the day I first saw him. As I was simply strolling through the woods to grandma's house.... Ok. Maybe more like stomping and huffing through the woods, but those are just the minor details of it.
Anyway, I was just on my way to grandma's house, when a rustling off the trail made me stop in my tracks. My heart beating wildly in my chest as I looked frantically around for any signs of danger. I had heard the stories from the young maidens in the village, of ferocious beast roaming in the woods. That they wouldn't hesitate to gobble up any unsuspecting girl whole. In one, single, solitary bite.
And then, just as some rays of light penetrated through the tree tops, I saw him. He stepped out onto the trail. The sunlight shining against his purple matted fur. His claws doused in red, while droplets of blood fell from his jaw.
I stood perfectly still and held my breath when his ear suddenly twitched, and he turned his head in my direction. His beautiful, dull, gray eyes pierced right through me. He lifted his head and sniffed the air for a second, before he turned and walked away.
I let out the breath I was holding and fell to my knees. My face flushed as I clutched angrily at the hem of my skirt. 'How? Just how is it, that those stupid bitches from the village, failed to mention how freaking hot the beast in these woods were?'
That moment was the catalyst to my many attempts to meet the handsome Wolf again. And even though trapping him was a bit extreme, I simply couldn't help it, since I was at the end of my rope and had run out of options. I mean, what is a girl even supposed to do to get ravaged around here!? Right?
So now here I was, crouching down in some bushes, waiting for the Wolf to step into my trap. A trap that consisted of a large enchanted cage. One that I "borrowed" from a nearby guild's headquarters. A cage that was strong enough, that no monster could ever hope to escape from. I had also carefully seared a big slice of steak, just enough for it to give off a mouth watering aroma, but still remain bloody. And I had even baked a fresh batch of cookies, just in case.
The steak and cookies were set up on top of a wooden plate, on the ground, right below the cage that was dangling from the tree tops above. Held in place by some strong rope I had also "borrowed" from my father's barn.
With everything in place, all I had to do now was wait.
Luckily it wasn't long before I began to hear footsteps approaching the area. And I had to pinch my lips together, to keep from shrieking with delight, as I saw MY Wolf step through the brush and into the clearing I had carefully created. His nostrils flaring with each inhale, as he took one step after another, closer to the juicy steak I had placed on top of the plate.
I held my breath as I watched him crouch down to sniff at the steak, and just as he reached for it, I cut the rope to release the cage. It quickly came crashing down, effectively trapping the Wolf inside.
As soon as the cage fell over him, he leapt up and began raming into the bars as he tried to escape. But he would just end up receiving a painful zap everytime he made contact with the bars, due to the enchantment placed on it by the guild.
I gave him a minute or two to calm down before I stepped out of the bush I was hiding in. Immediately his head snapped in my direction. "Who's there!?" he growled out.
I took a few more steps and stopped once the small rays of light hit my skin. I put my hand up in the air. "Hi there. Don't worry I don't want to hurt you or anything. I live in the village nearby." I quickly said.
He narrowed his eyes at me and let out a low growl as I kept approaching. "What do you want?"
"Me?" I asked in return as I finally reached the cage. "I just wanted to see you again is all. Wow you really look just as amazing as I remember." I mentioned excitedly. "Your ears are still soo cute, and your teeth are still so pointy." I added taking in his features fully.
He scrunched up his nose baring his fangs at me. "It's so I can eat you better!" he snapped back with a snarl.
"Eat me?" I asked with a giggle. "I don't believe you. Especially since you didn't eat me up last time. When you had the chance."
He scrunched up his eyebrows with a confused expression. "The fuck is that supposed to mean?"
I frowned at the comment and tilted my head to the side. "You don't remember me? Are you saying  that just to hurt my feelings since I trapped you?" I paused for a second to see if he would respond. When he didn't I continued. "We ran into each other a few months back. Remember? And I've been through these woods hundreds of times since, just trying to see you again. But you've been so elusive, so you see I had to go through these measures." I explained with a pout.
The Wolf narrowed his eyes at me and pressed his forehead against the bars, only to receive a zap, and quickly pull away. "Listen here little girl. How about you let me go this instant, and I'll think about letting you live."
I let out a small giggle and shook my head. "No can do. You see I caught you so now you belong to me. That's how it works out here in the wild right? You catch something and claim it as yours? Look I even got you a pretty little collar." I said, happily digging out the black leather collar from my bag.
He let out a below of laughter that echoed through the woods, sending birds scurrying in all directions. "Are you crazy!? That is NOT how it works!"
I wrinkled my forehead as my eyebrows met in the middle. "Are you sure? Because that's not what I read from the books in the library... Hmmm, or maybe that was about leprechauns and not wolves?" I questioned myself as I rubbed my chin in thought. "Oh I know!" I exclaimed excitedly. "We probably have to make a pack first right! Like we mix our blood together... or something else that's similar." I added with a slight grin.
He lunged at the bars and let out a loud growl as he got zapped again. "Let me go NOW! You crazy bitch! Before I make you regret it."
I instinctively took a few steps  back and I crossed my arms with a loud huff. "You're being really rude you know! You have no idea how hard this was to pull off, or how much work I actually put into this!" I started arguing, when the Wolf started pacing back and forth in the cage. I clicked my tongue and stepped back up to the cage."You know the least you could do is look at me when I'm talking to you!" I proclaimed irritably, before a sudden realization hit me. "Wait. I've been noticing something for a while now. How come you keep squinting and shifting your eyes around? Are you having trouble seeing?"
He snapped his head towards me and bared his fangs with a low growl, but didn't answer the question.
"I think I know what might help." I said as I started rummaging through my bag. "Here it is." I stated pulling some eye glasses out. "These are actually my grandma's. She's terribly farsighted and I'm supposed to take them to her, but maybe you could find use for them instead."
I placed the glasses on the ground just inside the bars and took a couple steps back. After a minute the Wolf cautiously approached the side of the cage and picked up the glasses. "The fuck am I supposed to do with this?" he grumbled out as he moved the glasses around in his claw.
I held back a giggle and moved forward again. "You lay them on the bridge of your nose silly, and look through them with your eyes." I instructed.
He turned the glasses over in his claws a few more times before placing them on his nose. Once he did he flinched back a little and quickly removed them. He looked at them weirdly before trying them on again. This time a smile spread on his face, showing his sharp white teeth, and he turned to look at me. "So this is what you really look like huh." he commented as he slowly eyed me up and down.
I gave him a friendly smile and took a step closer. "Do you like them?" I asked excitedly.
He shot me a glance before turning to look at his surroundings better. His gaze eventually finding the steak on the floor. He shrugged nonchalantly and sat down next to it, where he then picked it up and started eating. "Not bad." he stated, without bothering to look up as he took another bite.
I leaned in closer to the metal bars and pointed to a wrapped up bundle. "I made cookies too."
The Wolf's eyes darted to the bundle and undid the knot on top to expose the golden cookies. He picked one up and popped it into his mouth, after a second he nodded his head in satisfaction and grabbed himself a handful. He looked over at me, as I sat with a smile watching him enjoying my food.
"Alright, so just tell me what I have to do to make you open this cage and let me out." he stated in a flat tone as he continued to munch on the remainder of the baked treats.
I frowned at his question. "What do you mean? I just want you to be my wolf is all." I stated matter of factly as I picked up the leather collar for emphasis.
He glared down at the collar before looking up at me. "I'm no one's fucking lap dog!!!... But. We can try to work something else out instead. As long as you open the cage that is." he finished with a charming smile that left my heart fluttering in my chest.
"How do I know you won't eat me up if I let you out?" I asked concern evident in my voice.
The Wolf only smiled larger as he strolled closer to me. "But isn't that what you really want?" he drawled out in a low husky tone that sent shivers down my body.
I felt my cheeks heating up at his statement, and was left speechless.
"I can do that AND more. All you have to do is Open. That. Door." he stated as he pointed to the latch on the side of the cage.
I could feel my whole face heating up at the endless possibilities of what the "more" in his statement could stand for, and I slowly stood up and walked to the latched door. I then carefully removed the key from inside of my dress pocket and I inserted it into the lock. I hesitated for a split second as I glanced up to make eye contact with the Wolf. He sent me a charming smile that melted my heart, and I automatically turned the key. The heavy lock falling off the door with a thump, as it hit the ground, and letting the door swing open with a loud creak.
I stepped back giving the Wolf enough space to walk out. He took one step outside the cage, then another,  before he stopped and started stretching his limbs with a satisfied groan.
Then in a blink of an eye he lunged at me, and pinned me down painfully to the hard ground. He brought his face down, with a cruel smile on his lips, until our noses were almost touching. "You know you're really lucky that the food you provided filled up my belly. But DON'T even begin to think, for one damn second, that you're getting out of this without paying the consequences."
I looked up into his face and watched as he hungrily licked his lips. I then swallowed in an attempt to push down the lump that had formed in my throat, and I smiled  back up at him. "You promise."
He kept his gaze locked on me. His eyes turning into small crescent moons as the smile widened on his face.
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beelspillowpet · 4 years
Filthy Otaku - Leviathan x Fem!MC
Another thing I’ve been whipping up for when I hit 100 followers on this account~ I recall seeing a snippet from someone else about degrading Leviathan and I couldn’t help but dive into that topic more here~ I love our little Otaku snake boy so much  ♡
Content Warning!!! Degradation kink, slight edgeplay, generally just being mean, but is still somewhat soft towards the end. MC is a female.
You didn’t need to hustle. Life in the Devildom wasn’t always easy, but one thing that kept you neck deep out of trouble was money. The Avatar of Greed let you in on a little secret; life down here in the Devildom wasn’t too different from life in the human realm. Get a little bit of cash to spend, you’ll have demons dancing in the palm of your hand.
What started as a little joke quickly devolved into a means of getting consistent cash. It was like a little daily piggy bank, spilling its contents for you to keep forever. You somehow never suspected the creepy Otaku to be the real pervert in the family; especially with Asmodeus right there.
After your shower, you felt clean and refreshed. Nothing felt better than pampering your skin after a long day. To get into nice clean clothes, and then crawl into bed to wake up the next day. Or at least whenever Lucifer woke you up. You still weren’t used to the day/night cycle, without a sun to tell you to wake up.
Now, though, you added something new to your shower routines. You slipped into your new pajamas, silky smooth. Asmodeus had wanted a pair like that for a while, and questioned how you got your hands on it. The others did as well. You gave a sly grin, “That’s a secret~” you purr. The secret was the Third Born.
You walked down the hallway in nothing but your robe. After knocking a few times, you opened the door without giving the phrase. You didn't need it. No one else came into his room at these sorts of hours. “Levi,” you say boredly. He sits up from his bed (bathtub, really) and removes his headphones. His face is flushed.
“I’ve got a new pair for ya’,” you smirk, reaching into the pocket of your robe to pull out your underwear. It was a pair you had just taken off before your shower. It only made sense that deprived freaks like Leviathan would be into this sort of thing. Using the underwear of pretty girls to jack off with, sniff, and do whatever else it is weirdos do with them.
Leviathan scrambled from out of the bathtub and over to you. His clammy hands reached for the used pair, before you snatched them away. Your other hand came out, curling the fingers and uncurling them.
“Grimm,” you instruct. “I want cash in hand, before I hand anything over. So go get my grimm.”
Leviathan nods, going back to his bathtub and leaning over it. You stare at him, admittedly a bit turned on by how excited he is to use a new pair of your underwear. He returns with a hand full of grimm, and another hand with your used up underwear from the previous day.
“I figured you might… want them back?” he tries, but doesn’t offer them with the grimm.
“No,” you say scoffed. “I don’t want my used underwear back. That’s disgusting.” he cringes a bit, but takes the new pair in place of his grimm. You step back and look him over once. He’s flushed, a bit out of breath, and very shaky. “You were just jerking off, weren’t you?”
He shamefully nods, not looking you in the eyes. You smirk. This might be your chance to try something out.
“You really are a disgusting otaku freak.” You spat out. He shuddered. “That one was free, by the way.” He lowers his head and steps back towards his bathtub. He had expected you to leave, but you just stood there, confident smirk on your face. “I want to try something.” you say. “I want to watch you sit in that chair,” you point to his gaming chair across the room. “Touch yourself. I want to see how a revolting freak like you gets off.”
He swallowed, his knees weak. He wasn’t sure how much more he could take already. He sat in his chair across the room, sliding down his pants to present his hardened cock. With both pairs of used underwear in his hands, he wrapped the silk fabric around his girth and stroked slowly. He was slow now, giving soft pants every now and then. You were getting bored quickly.
“Yank it already, god dammit. Or are you making love to my fucking panties?” You scowl. You’re almost running across the room now, going through his drawers. You know he’s got a toy or two hidden in here somewhere. If not for- aha. Your eyes land on his bathtub, where you know he keeps his Ruri-Chan body pillow. You pace towards it, reach inside, and pull out the body pillow. His eyes widen in fear, his hand stilling.
“W-what’re you-”
“I wonder if I cut a hole in her face and stick a onahole inside, would that get you off faster?” You muse. “Face-fucking your cute Ruri-Chan pillow for me. I bet you’d thought of doing it before, am I right?”
“N-not to R...Ruri-Chan, no…” he trembles. You raise an eyebrow. He must be lying, but you don’t press on it.
“Have you thought about me?”
The color in his face drains. Bingo.
You drop the body pillow back into the bathtub lazily, creeping towards him. “Stroke yourself, you pathetic bitch.” you sneer. As if he was a fully charged battery, his hand stuttered back to life. It was robotic, as if he were merely following orders. “That’s right. Mm, you’ve thought about it, haven’t you? Fucking me silly in your bathtub. On the floor. Against the wall. You’ve thought of doing horrible things to me, haven’t you, Levi?”
“Yes,” he breathes. “I-I’ve thought of you. Your body, d-doing lewd things t-to you, aah…”
“Tell me.” You cooed, right next to his ear now. “Tell me some of the things you’ve wanted to do to me.” You turned and kissed his temple. He choked on his own spit for a moment, stroking himself harder.
“I-I can’t…” he sobs. “P-please, it’s too embarrassing…”
“Tell me or I’ll never give you another used pair of underwear again.” You threaten. His eyes open and he jolts away from you, staring bewildered. “I mean it, Levi. I can just give my used panties to another sweaty, fat bastard. Someone somehow much less useful that you. But…” his eyes brighten, a distorted smile slowly creeping across his lips. “If you tell me… I might bless you. By taking your virginity for you?” you pout innocently.
He pants, squeezing his cock in his fist. “Re...really?! You’d let me-?”
“I don’t want you to speak another fucking word. Not unless it’s about what you imagine doing to me. Do you understand?”
“F-fucking your thighs…” he starts slow. He licks his lower lips before continuing. “M-making you were thigh highs and pushing c-cock…. Between them.”
“Am I only wearing thigh highs?” Your hands start massaging his shoulders gently. “You like when I touch you, huh? Even if our knuckles brush, it just makes you so hot and bothered doesn’t it?”
Leviathan let out a puffy sigh, stroking himself slower. You eyed his hand as he kept talking. Occasionally butting into his fantasies. Your touches roamed from his chest, to his neck, where you unceremoniously choked him for a few seconds. There was a time where you took to slapping him, and even thought of spitting on him. While you didn’t deny the fact that he would be into it, it still stopped you from going through with it. You weren’t an idiot; if you pissed him off somehow, he would tear you to bits. Maybe fuck you before doing it, though.
You stood up straight, hissing. “Are you edging yourself?” you question. By now he was a shivering mess, barely able to string words together. “Fucking loser. You’re so desperate for pussy. You’re wanting for me to open my legs like a cheap whore for you. You want to fuck me?”
“Y...y-yes… Want to… please you…”
You smirk. “Good boy. You might be worth something after all. Well then? Get up. Now.”
It took him a moment, stumbling out of his seat and on to shaky sea legs. You opened your robe and discarded it on the floor. “By the way,” you start, a smile on your face, a smile in your voice. “You’ll pay for this too, in the morning. Even more if you cum inside. Got that?”
With that, you sit in his chair and slouch. “Get to it then, you worthless sack of shit. Make me feel good. Make your mommy- your master- your precious senpai feel good. You think you can do that? With your pathetic otaku dick, you think you can please me?” You lift your knees up to your chest before opening your thighs slowly, a cocky grin spread across your face. You move down to your pussy and trace circles across your clit. He’s watching, cock in hand, hunched over like an animal.
Just like one, he pounces.
He barely shoves more than half of his cock inside you and you’re clamping down hard on him. You give a choked groan that dies somewhere in the back of your throat when he immediately starts thrusting in. His hips are moving at an uneven, wild pace. He pulls almost all the way out, leaving you empty, trying to suck him back in. Then he bottoms out all in one thrust, making your body spasm.
“Fuck!” You yell, nearly kicking him in the face. “Calm the fuck down!” He leans forward, now hovering over you. “Fucking freak! I said calm down!” he doesn’t listen, too wrapped up in the pleasure of your fresh, wet pussy to do anything else. One of his hands grabs your ankle, the other his supporting him against the chair as he pounds into you. His hips crashing into yours leaving a bruising pain on your ass. His balls slapping against your skin, and his harsh breathing reminds you of a fish out of water, gasping.
You grit your teeth and decide the only thing you can do is hold on and hope he manages to get some sense into him. Hoping was a stupid idea, especially for someone like Leviathan.
“Fucking stupid otaku,” you groan. “This is how you fuck a lady? This is how you treat her? Like a blow up doll?! You’ll never amount to anything. Absolute trash.”
He seems to hear just fine when you’re degrading him, because with each harsh word, his thrusts get harder. He’s practically dragging you against his cock now, pushing and pulling you. His hands find purchase on your hips and he quiets down for a moment, head dipping low. You can feel his clammy fingers tightening their grip before stars burst behind your eyeballs.
“Fuck! God you’re such a slut! Yes!” You’re squeezing down on him, clenching on to the chair for dear life. You were so busy insulting him that your own orgasm literally blindsided you.
There was a distinct growl that came from Leviathan, and he muttered in a dangerous tone. “Came on that cock, huh?” An uneven laugh followed. You could barely form words, still riding out your high while he continued with his frenzied pace. It wasn’t long after before you felt him spilling himself inside you. You contorted at the sensation, but with practiced ease, stilled after, allowing him to finish.
As he slowed down, still riding out his high, he let go of you. He muttered a soft apology as he began to pull out, stepping away. Your legs dropped to the floor and you sighed, content. You could still feel that distinct ache in your fingers from tensing on the chair so fiercely. “Fuck, Levi…” you pant.
“I’m s-sorry…” he stammers. He reaches out to help you stand, and when you get a steady footing under you, you sigh. “Do you need any help?” he asks, picking up your robe off the floor.
“No,” you smile. “I just need another shower is all. Thanks, though.” You didn’t feel like keeping the façade up. You were exhausted after that brutal fucking. You needed a nap.
It’s not like you were always mean to him. It was just strict business, and he didn’t seem to mind it. You treated him nice everywhere else. You never quite understood why he was so into this degradation kink, since he was such a powerful demon. But everyone is into their own thing, you guess.
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queenofimagines · 4 years
Request: “Hi! Can you do a request where the piggies are at a beach party and the kooks show up and one of them tries to drug you but JJ notices you acting weird around the kooks and takes you back to the chateau and takes care of you? I know it’s weird but I love angst mixed with fluff and ur a really good writer I feel like you can do it! ❤️❤️”
Warnings: Unconsensual drug use
Notes: None
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The party is in full swing. With multiple kegs stationed around the beach for everyone and the various drugs that you were sure the kooks brought being graciously distributed, you had no doubt that tonight would be a banger. Oddly enough this party wasn’t planned by you or any of your friends. A kook, one of Rafe’s friends or cousins or something, had decided to throw this party to “promote business”, which you could only guess meant that the illegal substances being passed around were courtesy of him. Since your arrival, numerous people had come up to you offering to share whatever it was they were smoking or taking, but neither you nor the rest of the pogues were very keen on harder drugs. The most that the Pogues had ever really done was weed, and even then you had only smoked once, disliking the tickle in the back of your throat when you smoked. JJ had often suggested edibles but you had heard they were sometimes unpredictable and decided early on to stay away from them. Your friends were very much respectful of your decision and even went so far as to step in when they saw someone peer pressuring you. The amount of times JJ had physically stepped between you and whoever it was trying to coerce you to just try whatever they had was astounding, especially since JJ was basically an advocate for bad behavior. It was just such an instance that landed you where you were now. 
JJ was in front of you, shoving the boy that had been a little too pushy when convincing you to try the cocaine he’d bought from Rafe. The boy was harmless, you could tell just by looking at him, but JJ was about ready to rock his shit, so you quickly got in the middle of the two, gently coaxing JJ to back down with the promise of a dance instead. Time seemed to fly by as you and JJ drank one cup of beer after another, both of you beginning to feel the affects early on in the night. After being crashed into by a young girl you didn’t recognize, your beer spilling on your white tank top as the teen profusely apologized, you quickly left to get another beer after telling your accidental assailant not to worry and to keep partying. JJ quickly began to dance with her, both keeping distance as they danced.
With how crowded the area on the beach that had been designated as the dance floor had been, you were surprised to see so many people hanging out near the kegs. The group was so packed you could barely even see the keg, let alone get to it. You tried as politely and unobtrusively as possible to weave your way towards the keg when a heavy hand fell on your shoulder.
“Need some help?” Turning around it was yet another face you didn’t recognize, although you would have to admit he did look a little familiar, at least in the sense that he dressed and held himself in the same manner that many other kooks did. He flashed you a smile, holding out his hand for your cup.
“Oh uh... Yeah thanks.” You replied, handing him your cup. The boy grabbed your cup and made his way through the crowd with ease, filling your cup before making his way back to you. You briefly lost sight of him when someone bumped into you, saying a quick sorry before moving on.
“I haven’t seen you around here before.” He said, still holding your cup.
“Ah, well, I don’t make it up to Figure 8 very often.” You replied awkwardly, waiting for him to hand you your drink.
“Makes sense, I’d definitely remember someone as hot as you.” He said, eying your chest. You felt uncomfortable, quickly realizing that the beer you had spilled on yourself earlier had made your shirt see through and the boy was now blatantly ogling your boobs. The once seemingly unsuspecting boy had now seemed like a sleaze as he made no effort to hide the once over he gave you, even moving to the side n an attempt to get a look at your ass.
“Okay, well I’ll just take my drink and get going.” You said, desperate to get out of the situation. He handed you your drink with a smirk, the complete opposite reaction that you normally would have expected when blowing a guy off.
“See you around.” Was all he said as you turned back to the dance floor to find JJ. When you finally spotted his mop of blonde hair nestled in a dark bandana, you practically ran to him, still feeling the boy’s eyes on you. When you reached him you found all of your friends together, all dancing and drinking and all in all just having a good time. You instantly felt safer and began to dance with them, drinking and laughing along to whatever they were saying, though if you were being honest you couldn’t really tell anymore. As time went on and your cup slowly emptied, you felt like your body was becoming heavy. You found it hard to focus, trying to spot your friends but finding that all the faces surrounding you were unfamiliar. You then felt a hand gently cup your waist, instantly thinking it was JJ, you leaned into the person, only to find the the cologne was much to expensive to be the one JJ usually wore. You looked up and saw the blurred face of the boy who had helped you before, an unsettling smile slinking onto his face at the state you were in. The boy slowly began to lead you away from the crowd. Somewhere in the back of your mind you knew this was a bad idea, but you were much to out of it to put any of your thought together as the boy led you to a more secluded part of the beach.
JJ had noticed you were gone before anyone else had, he figured you must have paired off with someone but when he took a headcount of the Pogues, he realized everyone was still here. He knew you would never let yourself be alone in a sea of strangers in such an inebriated state but as he looked around her couldn’t find you anywhere. His eyes almost skipped over the retreating figure in the distance, but when he took a closer look he realized it was you after you looked back towards him, a confused expression gracing your features. JJ wasn’t sure if the guy you were with was your friend, most people on the island were friendly with you and often hung out with you at these parties, but as you stumbled in the direction the unknown boy was leading you, he felt like something was off. At first he brushed it off, turning back to his friends and trying to dance along to the music, but as time went he felt more and more uneasy, finally deciding to follow you just in case something was wrong. When JJ looked jack to where you had been, you were gone. Panic slowly rose in him as he ran to try and find you. It didn’t take long as JJ had found that you were one of the most easiest people to spot, his eyes always finding you wherever he went if you so happened to be there too. a group of boys were surrounding you, all of them talking to each other and attempting to keep you upright. JJ knew that you would never agree to that many people touching you, especially if you didn’t know them.
“Hey!” He called, quickly walking towards the group of boys.
“Hey! What’s up man?” One boy asked, stepping in front of you.
“What’s going on?” JJ asked, deciding not to answer the boy’s greeting.
“Oh nothing.”
“Nothing? Really?” JJ peered behind the boy to get a look at you. He knew something was wrong and his one goal was to get you out of this as safely as possible. No violence, a mantra that you seemed to repeat to him every time he was about to get into a fight, just like you would be saying now if you could.
“She doesn’t look alright.” JJ said flatly.
“She’s fine.”
“You alright, sweetheart?” JJ asked you. You couldn't answer, barely able to. register much of what was happening around you.
“I said, she’s fine.” The boy insisted.
“Look man, she’s obviously not alright, and you fuckers obviously aren’t from around here. Let her go and I’ll see to it that none of you get arrested for assaulting an unconscious girl.”
“And what makes you so sure we will get arrested?”
“What makes you so sure you won’t?” JJ knew the kind of guys these were. They weren’t from around here and he was sure they weren’t privy to the way the Outer Banks worked. JJ knew that if they did decide to keep going, nothing would happen to them, in which case he wouldn’t heed your no violence policy, but he also knew that if he played the role just right, maybe the boys would think he was the sone of an important official or something. And he was right.
The boy in front of JJ hesitated before calling for his friends, all of them quickly leaving, but not before shoving you towards JJ. You stumbled into him, holding on to his shirt for dear life as you swayed on your feet.
“JJ?” You asked.
“I’m right here, sweetheart.”
“I don’t feel very good. I’m tired.”
“It’s okay, you’re okay. Let’s just get you back to the Chateau and you can have a nice long sleep, okay?” You nodded your head in agreement. JJ began walking towards the Chateau before picking you up bridal style after realizing you could barely walk. The he arrived, he laid you down on the bed that John B had lend him. JJ debated on whether or not he should switch your shirt out for one of his, ultimately deciding to do so, thinking about how gross you’d feel if you woke up with spilled bear still on you. He threw your shirt into a hamper and left to get you a glass of water for the morning. When JJ was done, he stood next to you, gazing down at your peaceful face and reflecting on how odd this whole situation was. You were the one that always made sure everyone else was safe at these parties and here you were, drugged, JJ was sure. He was just relieved that he got to you in time.
JJ turned to leave, when your voice gently disturbed the silence.
“Where are you going?” You asked.
“I’m going to sleep on the couch, I'll be right here.” You shook your head, unceremoniously slapping your arm down next to you.
“Jus’ sleep ‘ere” You slurred. JJ hesitated before slipping under the covers where you immediately curled into his side and fell asleep. JJ softly threaded his fingers through your hair, thinking about how tonight could have gone very differently. He almost cried at the thought of you getting hurt, even moe so at the thought that if he hadn’t been there to stop it from happening, no one else would have. That night JJ promised himself that no matter what, he’d always look out for you the same way you looked out for him.
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clairenatural · 4 years
look at you, strawberry blond
destiel, 1.8k. pining, fluff, growing up together, etc! minor character/parental death, vague mention of John’s A+ Parenting. based on the mitski song  (this is a repost because the first one got deleted)
I love everybody because I love you
Castiel first learns what love is when he’s eight years old and Gabriel, sixteen, is grumbling about driving an hour out of his way to find his girlfriend the rare chocolates she likes for Valentine’s day.
“Why?” he asks his older brother, and Gabriel sighs, melodramatic as always.
“That’s love, little bro. Remembering the little things and then putting in the time to make it happen.”
Cas thinks about when he told Dean his parents don’t let him eat candy. He thinks about how Dean has given him half his Kit Kat bar every day for the last year.
He thinks about the time he scraped his knee falling off the jungle gym and Dean spent the rest of recess picking dandelions to make him feel better. Yellow is his favorite color.
“You’ll understand when you’re older, Cassie. Love is about sacrifice, and commitment--” he goes on, but by the time Michael cuts him off, yelling from his office that you’ve only been dating for two months, Gabriel, stop preaching to Castiel, Cas has already sprinted up the stairs to his bedroom.
A broken piggy bank, $1.50 in pocket change, and several pleas to Gabriel later, and Castiel tucks a king-sized Kit Kat into Dean’s valentine box.
When you stood up, walked away, barefoot
It’s eight years later, one summer in high school, when Castiel realizes that there’s a difference between loving and being in love, and that he is, in fact, in love with his best friend.
He realizes this as he watches Dean walk away, sandals discarded and unnecessary in the soft grass, back to the picnic tables to get them both more fruit punch. It’s the annual junior class picnic, the official welcome to being upperclassmen, and the August sun casts a warm glow over Dean’s freckles, and Castiel knows.
Two seconds later, he watches Dean nearly get hit by an errant frisbee and completely forget his punch mission in lieu of playfully tackling its thrower, Benny Lafitte. He watches Lisa Braden, giggly and glowing and perfect as always, yelp as she’s almost caught in the crossfire, and Dean winks at her as he releases Benny.
He swallows thickly and turns his attention back to the patch of grass they’d been laying in, flattened where Dean had been just a few moments before. He wishes he hadn’t come to this particular realization.
And the grass where you lay left a bed in your shape I looked over it and I ached
I love everybody because I love you I don't need the city, and I don't need proof
Castiel goes to college in Chicago and pretends like the two-hour drive between them doesn’t mean anything. And it doesn’t, until Dean’s father gets a job back in Kansas halfway through his freshman year. Dean goes with him even though he’s an adult because the alternative is letting Sam deal with John alone, so Castiel spends most of that summer in Lawrence, dodging both his friends in the big city and his family back in Pontiac. He tells them all that he’s studying Kansas’ role in the Civil War, assisting in research back at the University, but he and Dean spend two months going on road trips with Sam.
His sophomore year John dies and Castiel flies back for the weekend, explaining his sudden departure as a family emergency and getting an extension on two papers. Dean holds his hand at the funeral but won’t look him in the eyes for two hours after, even as he refuses to leave Castiel’s side.
The boys move in with Bobby but that summer Dean shows up in Chicago, explanations lined up about not worrying about Sam anymore and wanting to see what about the city made Cas keep coming back. Castiel gets an internship and pretends like that was the plan all along. He quietly cancels his plane tickets to South Dakota.
All I need, darling, is a life in your shape I picture it, soft, and I ache
Reach out the car window, trying to hold the wind You tell me you love her; I give you a grin
Dean stays in Chicago. He moves into Castiel’s empty room when his original roommate moves out, he finds work at an auto shop, and he starts taking mechanic classes at a community college. Castiel isn’t sure why—he doesn’t want to ask. Afraid to look the gift horse in the mouth and risk having his happiness bitten off.
Then Dean starts talking about a girl. Then Castiel meets the girl, Cassie Robinson, and it all makes sense.  
He pretends it doesn’t sting every time Dean brings her up, that the way his face lights up doesn’t burn, that he doesn’t feel physically ill the first time he meets her.
By the time Dean tells him he’s in love, gushing about Cassie in a way eerily reminiscent of Gabriel twelve years earlier, it’s turned into a dull ache that Castiel has mostly contained in the back of his chest. They’re on their way to Cassie’s apartment, the first stop on their way to a cabin spring break of their junior year, and the ache is suddenly threatening to break through his ribcage.
But the sun is warm on his cheek, and the radio is playing a soft summer soundtrack, so Castiel allows Dean’s happiness to wash over him long enough to forget who—or, more importantly, who isn’t—causing it. He grins at his best friend before turning his gaze back out the passenger window of the Impala.
Oh all I ever wanted was a life in your shape So I follow the white lines, follow the white lines, Keep my eyes on the road as I ache
Look at you, strawberry blond
Dean and Cassie break up, and Dean drinks for a month, but Castiel getting into Stanford for grad school distracts him just long enough to go back to normal (a normal that does not involve thinking about how Dean nearly kissed him when they were both drunk the night he got his acceptance).
This new normal involves staring graduation in the face, and California beyond that, and moving out of his Chicago apartment somewhere in this middle, which also involves coming to terms with moving away from Dean.
Until Sam gets his own acceptance to Stanford a few months later. Then Dean starts sending him links to two-bedroom apartments, and using “we” when talking about the move, and looks just as confused as Castiel when he asks about it.
“Well, yeah. I mean, with you gone, and now Sam—You thought you were going by yourself?”
And even though Castiel vaguely thinks this is a bad idea, and living with his best friend who he’s been in love with for his entire memory had been hard enough for the two years they’d been doing it, he can’t say no. Because every time he gets up the nerve to say something Dean calls him over and shoves his laptop into Castiel’s face, talking about hiking trails and flower fields and front lawns and dogs, and that quells any doubt he had.
They move to Palo Alto, into a townhouse with a lawn and a communal garden. Dean adopts a golden retriever.
Fields rolling on, I love it when you call my name
Can you hear the bumblebees swarm? Watching your arm
Two months into Castiel’s first year of graduate school they have a picnic, taking advantage of the lingering warmth of the California fall. Sam is off in the field playing with Zeppelin, obviously having used the ‘come meet my brother’s dog’ excuse to invite the pretty blonde woman (Jess?) chasing the golden with him. Dean is rambling about Star Trek and Castiel is paying half attention, the majority of his focus on the reading in front of him because professors don’t consider picnics an extension-worthy excuse.
He’s just started to get invested when he hears a yelp and looks up to see Dean Winchester, his best friend, most trusted confidant and the possible love of his life, swatting a bumblebee. Cas gasps, reading forgotten, and lunges across the picnic blanket to grab Dean’s wrist. “Dean.” He chastises, and Dean gives him a look.
“It’s a bee, Cas.”
“It’s a bumblebee, which are essential—”
“To our ecosystem, yeah, but it’s pretty essential to me that it doesn’t sting me.”
“It won’t sting you if you don’t swat at it.”
“You didn’t see the look on it, man. It meant business.”
“Bees are attracted to sugar. You probably just smell good.”
Dean grins. “You calling me sweet, Cas?”
And, well, no. He isn’t. He’s talking about the empty pie tin next to Dean. But the words make him realize just how close they are, how far he’d moved into Dean’s space in his efforts to stop his hand, how the force of the movement had pushed Dean almost back onto his elbows.
He opens his mouth to respond the way he usually does to Dean’s cavalier flirting, but the words don’t leave his mouth—which is, somehow, he swears, closer to Dean’s than it was a second ago. Just as Castiel is preparing to push back, clear his throat, and add this moment onto a growing list of almost-but-not-quite moments stretching back years, Dean sucks in a breath and closes the gap.
Castiel reacts before his brain can fully comprehend what’s going on, bypassing any shock entirely and kissing Dean back immediately. He lets go of his wrist, instead bringing his hand to the side of Dean’s face, stroking his cheekbone with his thumb. Dean pushes himself back up and wraps an arm around Castiel’s waist, pulling him essentially into his lap, and then they’re kissing, and Dean smells like summer and tastes like apple pie, and Castiel suddenly understands more than ever why bees are always buzzing around him.
It feels like a lifetime until it’s over, until they’re just staring at each other and out of breath, both scared to say anything and break the magic they’d accidentally created. The silence is only broken by a shout from across the grass, followed shortly by a tennis ball that nearly misses them, followed by 65 pounds of golden retriever that does not miss them and nearly topples Castiel in his pursuit of the ball. And then Sam comes running after the dog, still shouting—apologies, this time—and then there’s Jess, laughing hysterically, and then Castiel has to scramble out of the way because Zeppelin has made a U-turn, interpreting the whole commotion as a game of keep-away.
Dean meets his eye above the chaos and grins, and the sunlight hits his dirty blonde hair, and it’s so breathtaking Castiel almost forgets to smile back.
I love it when you look my way.
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aminotvxq · 3 years
Hey look what I bought this week! :DDDD
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This is the star-patterned Gucci shirt worn by Yunho in his Thank U MV!!
I was saving money for this outrageously expensive goddamn designer shirt since May as a way of handling my empty heart and frustration while waiting for Yunho..... And then, found a much cheaper, secondhand option early this week🤯🤯 I could afford the used one with my budget, even though it was still heavily priced😂
After making sure the shop doesn't sell counterfeited designer items (cuz u-know, the fake designer good is a massive industry that helps to fund criminal organisations), so I broke my piggy bank stuffed with paper money and coins, added some more cash, and finally ordered it😍😍
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So, can I be officially accepted as a member of the 'TVXQ Faction' now? 😎😎
I felt so lucky as this particular secondhand shirt for male only came in S, but it's still really big even for my overweight female body shape...... which leads to a conclusion that Yunho's frame is no smaller than this shirt😳😳 holy cow he's really a big guy😎😎 if only I could feel his epic embrace.......😳☺🤭🤭 *cough cough*
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Emergency! Plushy babies are playing with your luxury shirt! Yunho please come back before it's too late!! Or these brats can damage your Gucci!!!!
The end~
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raunchyom · 4 years
Vices, Not Virtues: Charity
[ Chapter 2 ]
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A/N: Man, this took a helluva lot longer than I thought it would. It also ended up being a helluva lot longer than I thought it would, despite what I said on the last chapter. Oops. Hope y’all like long fics ^^’ Tagging: @devintrinidad
word count: 3k || warnings: n/a​
Since arriving in the Devildom, you’d been perpetually busy. 
Whether baking with Luke or shopping with Asmo, reading with Satan or snacking with Beel, practicing magic with Solomon or playing body pillow for Belphie, going to class or doing mountains of homework-- it was always something, and it always added up to a very full schedule.
Today was no different. Lucifer had insisted on keeping you until you were practically asleep in his study last night, only relenting because you had class the next day. And it wasn’t as if you could fall asleep when you got back to your room-- you had things due tomorrow, and a full schedule to try and get back on track of.
You’d mostly succeeded on the homework front, even finishing with enough time for a solid 4 hours of sleep that night. The pre-class D.D.D. tutorial you’d promised to Simeon happened right on schedule, and you successfully stayed awake for your entire first and second periods. You snuck out of third period to help Asmo with his latest fashion emergency, then managed the rest of third and fourth period without a hitch. You spent lunch listening to the newest anime-oriented drama from Levi, then attended the last of your classes. A text popped up from Beel just thirty minutes before school was over that he made a mistake, and needed your advice. You went ahead and offered to help clean the kitchen, already guessing what had happened. Overall, it was a pretty standard day.
Well, standard or not, once you’d gotten back to your room-- and finished cleaning up the wreckage that Beel had severely understated in his messages-- it was late, with a lot left to do. You opened your door, mentally blocking out how much time it should take to complete everything. Your math left you confident that you could get 4 hours of sleep again tonight, maybe even 5 if you really focused. You set your backpack down, feeling better, and flopped into your desk chair. The second your butt hit the cushion, you felt your D.D.D. buzz from your pocket.
You groaned, head hitting the desk with a soft ‘thunk’. Didn’t your phone know that you were busy?
As if it could hear your thoughts, the device vibrated again, eliciting a sigh. Pity party successfully waylaid, you dug your D.D.D. out of your pocket and checked the notifications.
It was a string of texts, all from Mammon. First he asked what you were doing, then where you were. The next one said to forget both of those; he needed you to come help him with homework in his room. When you hadn’t answered fast enough, he began to spam you with angry emojis.
He was acting like a brat, but that was his version of begging. He was always struggling in his classes, and your tutoring usually helped; you couldn’t fault him for wanting to improve his grades. And so, ignoring everything you had to do, you decided to help him. After all, isn’t that what being a good friend is all about?
You stood up, tossing your backpack on again. If you factored your study session into your schedule, that would put you at 4 hours of sleep tops. No, the likelihood it would only take an hour was slim; probably 3.5 hours of sleep. Another text-- make that two-- made your D.D.D. buzz again; both demanding you reply, the second saying you didn’t have a choice in whether to help. ...Maybe 2.5 hours.
Your first knock on his door was met with silence, and you briefly considered leaving to do your own homework. But no-- you came to help, you should help.
“Mammon?” You tried again, knocking louder.
“Finally! Get in here already!” He yelled through the door.
Mammon was on his couch, backpack tossed a good ways away from him. Though he had a textbook on his coffee table, and plenty of papers scattered across the surface, he didn’t seem to be working on anything specific. It didn’t help that he was upside-down on his couch; his legs thrown over the back cushion and head hanging off the front. It wasn’t the typical doing-homework pose, but far be it from you to tell what Mammon was thinking.
“You sure took your time!” He tossed his D.D.D. to the side, pointing an accusing finger in your direction.
“I walked straight here when I got your texts.”
“Yeah, well, you should already know when I want ya here.” He huffed, then practically fell off the couch amidst his panicked backpedaling. “Not-- Not that I want ya here, I mean! The Great Mammon doesn’t want some human around, crampin’ his style! I just--!” He rolled into a normal sitting position, the redness in his face no longer the result of being upside-down. 
“You wanted my help with homework, right?” You tried to throw him a life raft, but it went right over his head.
“What? Homework? We had homework!?” He asked, now looking frazzled for a different reason. You took a deep breath, briefly wondering how this scatterbrain remembered to put pants on every morning.
“Mammon, why did you ask me to come over?” You finally asked, trying to get him back on track.
“I asked… oh! Yeah! I uh…” He glanced at his table, a mess of papers that he hadn’t looked at since dumping them out of his folder. He looked back up at you expectantly. “Mc, do you have any money?”
...Oh, so that’s what this was about. It was hard not to feel disappointed that he had lied to get you here, but at least he got right to the point. “Yeah, sure, what happ-- ah, whatever. How much do you need?” 
You reached for your wallet, hoping to just fork over the grimm and go back to what you were doing. He hadn’t asked in a while, so this was probably legit. Probably. He would promise to pay it back, with every intention of doing so, and then forget to, or run into more debt. It was a vicious cycle; you were happy to not be a part of it. Well, at least it was nice while it lasted.
“What? No, that’s not-- ya shouldn’t be handin’ out money like that!” Mammon nagged, effectively freezing your hand in midair. If he didn’t want money, why was he asking? “You don’t needta give your stuff away to people just ‘cause they ask, that’s how people take advantage of ya!”
At first, his behavior didn’t make sense, but the gears started turning on what was going on. You shoved your wallet back into place, trying not to sound as exhausted as you felt. “Is this because of Lucifer?”
“Lucifer?” He echoed, confused.
“You know, his whole idea of giving you guys a week to…” You gestured vaguely, not wanting to say ‘teach me to sin’ for multiple reasons; “uh, talk to me?”
“Whaddya mean Lucifer?” He sounded affronted at the thought. “It was MY idea!” He huffed, crossing his arms.
“You thought of this?” It was surprising, but you felt inclined to believe him. He didn’t like to admit that he cared; he wouldn’t suddenly lie about being worried enough to bring it up to his brothers. Either way, as sweet as it was, good intentions wouldn’t save your grades. But maybe if he had gotten you into this mess, he could get you out of it. At the very least, he might be able to get you out of today’s lecture. “Mammon, I really appreciate it, but I don’t have time to--”
“Exactly! Ya never have time!” He launched up off the couch, flinging his arms out dramatically as he spoke. “You’re always givin’ it away to everybody else! Just like your stuff, and your grimm! Do ya ever even spend anythin’ on yourself?” 
“Of course I do.” You replied easily. He made it seem as if you were emptying your pockets for anyone who asked. You weren’t some human piggy bank, you bought yourself stuff all the time.
“Oh yeah? When’s the last time ya bought somethin’ for yourself, then? And food doesn’t count! Neither does stuff ya need for school, or takin’ care of yourself. When’s the last time ya bought something just ‘cause ya wanted it?” He asked, hands on his hips.
“I, uh…” That was a lot of rules. You tried to flip back in your mind. You weren’t exactly a big spender; certainly not since you’d arrived in the Devildom with so little time to work for extra cash. To Mammon’s point, you could only think of things you bought out of necessity. A snack when you didn’t have time for lunch. A new pair of shoes when yours were falling apart. Some toiletries when you needed them. A new uniform when your jacket was torn beyond repair, and you didn’t want to bother anyone about it.
“But you’re always buyin’ stuff for others!” Mammon let your thoughts wander enough to make his point, but he had to cut in eventually. “Remember how I usedta ask for money all the time?” 
“I mean-- it’s been a while.” It was a meager attempt at defense, but it was true. You couldn’t remember the last time he came to your door, brown-nosing his way into your pockets.
“Yeah, well, when ya first got here, you gave your grimm away freely, always buyin’ stuff for people-- so I thought ya had a buncha money. Then I heard Lucifer sayin’ ya don’t have much, and you were sayin’ ya wanted to save some, so I stopped askin’! But nobody else knows, so they keep askin’, and you keep givin’ it to ‘em! I know you don’t have stuff to be givin’ away either, I’ve been through--” He caught himself before he admitted it out loud, but you were well aware of the fact that Mammon had rooted through your stuff at the beginning. He had stopped at this point… you hoped. “No one here wants to take advantage of ya, but they don’t know they’re doin’ it. Ya gotta tell people not to ask for so much-- I mean, I’m the avatar of greed, and I feel bad takin’ your stuff! I bet the others would feel the same!” 
It was hard to tell whether he cared more about your financial situation or about making his brothers feel guilty. “I think--”
“Don’t even get me started about your time!” Mammon didn’t let you get a word in edgewise, advancing towards you as he ranted. He didn’t realize he was doing it; the action a subconscious result of his rising emotions. You took a few steps back, but soon bumped into furniture and had to stop. “You’re always busy, and ya got tons’a homework, but ya never say no when people ask for help! Do ya even have time to be here right now? Or do ya have somethin’ you could be doin’ instead?” 
It was a fair point, but hard to take from the one who’d brought you here. “It’s fine, I like to help out.”
“Help yourself out!” This was the second time within 24 hours that you’d gotten chewed out for not taking proper care of yourself. There was a familiar churning in your gut-- a leaden mixture of guilt and anxiety. Not to mention a dash of adrenaline from being within range of an angry demon. That last one happened a lot around here, though. “Try sayin’ no to people once in awhile! You stretch yourself too thin and eventually there’s gonna be nothin’ left!”
Mammon finally took a breath, letting his shoulders slump as he exhaled. He averted his eyes, his voice much softer when he next spoke. “Besides… I miss ya, Mc. You keep givin’ away your time, and overworkin’ yourself, and all of a sudden… I never see ya anymore.” 
His gaze flitted back to your face, and it finally dawned on him just how close he’d gotten. He was nearly pinning you against his pool table at this point. His face turned bright red, and he leapt backwards, crossing his arms to maintain his pride. “A-Anyway! You don’t owe anyone anything. So stop acting like it.”
“I don’t act like--”
“Oi, and don’t interrupt the Great Mammon!”
You rolled your eyes, but conceded. He had been difficult from his very first text tonight, it was probably easier to just humor him at this point.
“Ya play therapist for the house all the time. Ya mediate fights, listen to people’s problems, give out advice when you’re asked-- even when ya don’t know what to say. Maybe it’s about time ya let us know when ya aren’t up to it. I mean, no one's gonna fault ya for takin’ a vacation day.” It wasn’t a perfect metaphor, but it conveyed his point well enough. “The house has been a lot calmer since ya got here. Everybody knows it-- you do too, dontcha?” 
It was true that you’d been complimented on your demon-wrangling skills by many people before. ...Including the brothers, oftentimes. “Well, yeah, but you guys should always be able to come to me. I want to be there for you.”
“Well I wanna be there for you, too!” Mammon blurted, looking desperate. Well, until he realized what he said, his expression then switching to panic as he frantically backpedaled. “I mean-- we do! T-They do! Or-- everyone else does, but I-I’ve got better stuff to… Ah, what am I sayin’? We all wanna be there for ya, Mc. But that means when ya have a hard day, and we ask if ya have time... ya gotta say no. How would you feel, if ya learned that we all forced ourselves to be around ya?”
A pang of guilt shot through your chest. “It isn’t like that; you guys aren’t a burden. I want to help--”
“Yeah, and I wanna sell Levi’s expensive shut-in stuff for extra cash, but sometimes ya gotta think about what ya wanna do versus what ya can do. I’m not very… I mean, I dunno about uh, emotions and... all that, but…” Suddenly Mammon’s tsundere thing made a lot of sense; he was a lot better at denial than candor. “Well, ya can’t help us if ya can’t help yourself!”
Again, he had a point. This time he wasn’t being a hypocrite, so it made it harder to come up with a rebuttal. “Everyone has bad days, I don’t have to shut people out whenever I’m not at one hundred percent.”
“Man, you sure are lucky Lucifer has a soft spot for ya. All this back talk would get me in hot water.” Mammon sighed. “Just listen to me for once, wouldja?”
You crossed your arms, unimpressed. He chose to interpret it as a yes.
“I know ya wanna have some free time. And I know ya wanna keep some of your money saved up, whatever it’s for. Well… If sayin’ no is hard for ya, maybe we can start ya off with a test drive.”
“A… test drive...?” Nope, he lost you.
“Y’see, I’ll take the fall tonight. I’m gonna say we’re studyin’. Or that I’m still givin’ ya my peace. But… go back to your room, do whatcha want. Don’t matter what-- homework, sleepin’, whatever. Just don’t let anyone take it from ya. Matter’a fact, if someone asks for ya: practice sayin’ no. If ya gotta give ‘em a reason, tell ‘em it’s my fault.” 
“You sure?” He was essentially offering to be your guard dog for the night, which was quite a monumental task-- especially since people already assumed Mammon was at fault for things in general, and wouldn’t hesitate to take their anger out on him.
“Yeah, yeah; just don’t go and think I’m gonna keep doin’ this forever! Ya gotta learn to say no on your own, without me havin’ to do it for you all the time! I got goldie to worry about, I don’t need another credit card overspendin’ itself and-- w-well, I just don’t wanna haveta deal with it if ya run outta money and come cryin’ to-- oi!” You wrapped him in a hug, able to feel the shock run up his spine at your sign of gratitude. 
“I-I toldja, I ain’t doin’ it for you!” Mammon protested, but near instantly caved; stealing the chance to hug you back. He puffed out a defeated breath, adding, “I’m gonna watch out for ya human, I mean it. I wanna make sure you can keep gettin’ better, so… If ya ever gotta turn someone down in the future, or tell ‘em no for any reason, and ya can’t bring yourself to do it… You can always tell ‘em it’s on me. I’m your first man, you can always depend on me to help ya out.”
“Thank you, really.” He held you for just a beat longer before he relented, switching back to his brusque demeanor the moment he let go. 
“Yeah, yeah, keep thankin’ me and you’re gonna waste all your free time before it even starts. Get outta here already! I got stuff to do too, y’know.” He waved you off, but he was refusing eye contact for a reason.
Leaving Mammon’s room, your steps felt light, and a rush of warmth flooded your chest as you recalled his praise. Sure, it was followed by nagging, or saying it wasn’t always good for you-- but it was definitely nice to hear that the brothers really did think of you as their confidant. 
You stood a little taller; almost as if you felt a sense of pride.
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sporadiclilbook · 4 years
Bad Dreams
You never knew why you always had the same nightmare everynight. It always started with you waking up to a vast emptiness, with the cold creeping up to you. Not to mention you've always felt like someone was staring at you when you woke up from these dreams. You didn't think much about it until your things started to disappear from your own room even though you've made sure to lock both the doors and windows.
But it wasn't some expensive things that was missing but rather boring everyday things like a pencil or a simple ribbon that you use to get your hair out of the way. It was quite odd, really. Who would steal these things from you? They could've gone for a family heirloom that was hidden behind the loose brickwall or your piggy bank that contained all the Moras you've been saving and yet your supposed stalker did not take them.
You decided to talk with Amber and Kaeya about it the next morning at Good Hunter and suffice to say they were quite worried and shocked. "Eh? You got a stalker?" Amber said while eating her food. You nodded "Yeah but why would I have one? I don't remember doing something amazing, I'm just a normal Knight of the Favonius with a Hydro Vision." Kaeya shooked his head "If it's a stalker like what our Deaconess have, couldn't you just lure them? Surely they're not that sneaky."
You stared at your drink and replied "I just feel like they have a connection to my recurring nightmares.....What if the dreams is a sign?" Amber looked at you with worry in her eyes but she smiled at you "Don't worry, If something happens to you, I'll be ready to rescue you in a heart beat!" You looked at the Outrider with a smile "Thanks Amber, but I'm sure I'll be fine. I'm a knight after all." Kaeya just chuckled "They're right Amber. There's no way this stalker of theirs is more than they could handle. After all, if it was, something would've happened now, wouldn't it?"
You nodded "Kaeya's right. I'm sure sooner or later they'll be caught by the night patrolling guards." Kaeya then stand up "Well enough chit-chat, I'm sure the Acting Grand Master is waiting for us at the head quarters. I'll meet both of you there." With this your day went as usual.
But what you and Amber didn't know was the look that Kaeya was giving you the whole time when you were talking about your supposed "stalker". He scoffed at the thought. You? Having a stalker? Not on his watch when he was your stalker the whole time. Oh how he loved the look on your face when you tossed and turned when he was looking at you, asleep, having nightmares about him. Perhaps his Cryo Vision is the reason why you felt the cold creeping up on you. But ah, you could never accuse him though. He knows how naive you are, always too trusting. He just hopes the Anemo Archon forgive him for manipulating his darling a little bit too much.
After all how could he not? The look in your eyes was full of kindness and hope. Kaeya wish he can see them drain from your eyes one day but he must be just a little bit more patient before he could.
Soon, he'll keep all of you to himself only. Never to be shared by any other.
A/N: If this looks horribly paragraphed it's probably because I wrote this on my phone. Apologies for bad grammar, English isn't my first language and also if he's OOC.
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anthonyed · 4 years
Idk why after watching idhu enna maayam movie it's not that good tho but would definitely make a really good plot for a fanfic or you could totally make some really cool headcanons
No wait anon!! You have to elaborate on that like who is who cause I'm getting the gist but idk if my gist matches yours. I've never watched it myself (cause im a terrible cinema snob, thanks to my indian gene), but i just googled the detailed plot and on a flash in my head it's like this
Steve (let's make this bastard pre-serum) is a struggling art student who reasons his romantic heart (when really his pockets are just running dry) to start up a site in which he accepts commisions to draw comics telling ppl's "love story" (or the tales of their crush) in order to unite them with their lovers.
Tony is the rich guy who pays him extra to tell his tale: all flourish and grand - big money, big panels, he argues - and it's about a guy crushing on this hot barrista in a fancy ass café
Said barrista is our charming Bucky Barnes who also happens to be Steeb's bff (let's borrow this soap opera feels from mcu shall we) since forever.
Two panels in, Bucky already knows it's that cocky asshole who is a regular at the café he works for and he doesn't even like him like that; how could he when he gave his heart out, signed and sealed to Stevie when they were sixteen and that punk doesn't even know it.
And Bucky knows Steve needs that money for his next semester's tuition fee. So when Tony turns up the morning after with the printed copy of his commisioned comic strip, Bucky says, "Nice drawing. I hope that couple meets."
Tony makes another order and this time he specifies, "Spell the name on the badge as Bucky."
Now that he knows loud and clear who he's drawing for, Steve begins to sweat because he doesn't really like this idea of helping somebody else propose to the love of his life.
He needs the money sure. But he's not going to earn it like that. His heart is already broken from unsaid rejection (cause dumbass thinks Bucky likes Tony too) So he sends a firm "no" to Tony. Which prompts Tony to contact him directly via - *shudders*- a phone call and offer a bigger amount; "I'll pay for entire college fund. Treat it like sponsorship." And Steve still says, "No, Mister. I can't."
Tony pulls the theatrics and proposes to Bucky. In the cafe. At 8pm. On one knee and all. Bucky steps out of the counter, grabs Tony's free hand (in his other he got roses ya see) and he places his regular order in it. "I've got my knight, playboy, go try your luck somewhere else," he kisses the poor chap's cheek cause he feels bad. Of course he feels bad.
Steve on the other hand had just crossed the street when he sees Tony's dramatic proposal through the glass, no sound just pictures. He high tails out of the place, not even remembering that he was about to fetch Bucky for his Birthday dinner that evening.
*cue sad pining/moping montage between steve and bucky here with a sprinkle of pensive tony*
Steve's phone rings and rings and it's the same number: Tony's. He ignores them all. When a new number calls, he picks up, it's regretably still is Tony. "Look Mister -," he starts but Tony cuts him off with a short, "I know." And he asks to meet so Steve empties his piggy bank assuming Tony's gonna want his money back.
Except Tony asks something else, "Why don't you just tell him?"
"How can I? He likes you," Steve grumbles.
Tony laughs, shakes his head and mumbles unbelievable. "But he likes you instead."
And ik ik... it all seems to be like Tony's the poor guy but the plot twist is that Tony was dared by Natasha (who he plays poker with when he feels wild enough to risk his sanity which is occasionaly) to "please for fuck sake those two nimwits need to fuck each other. Asap)
And Tony wins the dare.
He still thinks Barnes cute though.
Except now he also thinks Barnes' tiny knight with sharp pencils is as cute as he is.
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Where in Fiction Would You Spend Christmas?
It’s been a staying-in kind of year. That New Year’s Resolution you made to travel more? It’s gained 20 pounds, started cutting its own hair and is now in a jigsaw club with your neighbour Ken. The only marathon you’ve completed in 2020 is a Battlestar Galactica rewatch. The only mountain you’ve climbed is the metaphorical one it takes to shower daily. That beach trip you’d planned? It went okay actually. You made some bells by selling coconuts to Nook’s Cranny and dug up a bunch of Manila Clams with a flimsy shovel.
For obvious reasons, escape is on our minds this year more than most. So we started thinking, if you had your wishing socks on, where in the collected imaginations of everyone who’s ever dreamt up a film, TV show, game or book, would you spend the holidays? On the holodeck of the Starship Enterprise or roasting on an open fire with The Simpsons, exchanging gifts with Ewoks or witnessing Scrooge McDuck’s transformation from miser to philanthropist first hand?  
To get things started, here’s what our writers picked…
Alec Bojalad would spend Christmas … reveling with the Sterling Cooper staff on Mad Men
If I’m to indulge this hypothetical in which I’m torn away from one reality and thrust into another, one thing is very clear: I will have to be extremely intoxicated to avoid my heart exploding from the stressful terror of it all. Thankfully, I know exactly where in pop culture to go to get absolutely blitzed: Mad Men. In terms of sheer debauchery, a Sterling Cooper Christmas party probably falls somewhere between a Bacchanalian orgy and Valhalla itself. As Don, Roger, Bert, Peggy, and company gather together to celebrate another successful year schmoozing clients and sexually harassing one another, I will don my finest 1960s attire and infiltrate the festive event. 
As Don Draper wonders who this soft-bodied weirdo in an ill-fitting suit is, I’ll catch up with Harry Crane about television. Then I’ll ask to see Bert Cooper’s weird tentacle porn painting. Sometime around my 9th J&B Whisky on the rocks I’ll visit the secretarial pool and beg them to demand better treatment because “you’ree ssssooo strong and eleganttt. Don’t listen to thessseee men. They’re Mad Men.” Hopefully I’ll be taken away to an old-timey hospital at that point, given electroshock treatment, and return back to my own continuity.  
Ryan Britt would spend Christmas… at Deanna and Will’s cabin from Star Trek: Picard
When Jean-Luc Picard uses the spatial projector to zap himself and Soji across the galaxy to the planet Nepethene, the result is a cozy pizza dinner with Will Riker, Deanna Troi and their daughter Kestra. For those who had been pining for more ‘90s nostalgia in this Trek series, the episode ‘Nepthene’ delivered, but with a strong shot of realism. Although Picard was written and created before the Covid-19 pandemic, the idea that Riker and Troi would leave the busy and crowded life of Starfleet, and retire in a remote cabin to protect their family is a choice many have actually faced in 2020. As people around the world have fled pandemic epicenters and tried to put shields around their own families, the peaceful and remote home of the Riker-Trois represents the optimistic ideal of Star Trek with a quiet, and very close-to-home twist. 
Spending time with the Riker-Troi family would mean great conversation, great music (oh the jazz!) and, above all, great food. I would happily put my own family in their ‘pod’ if only so Kestra could teach my three-year-old daughter the best way to construct a bow and arrow, and of course, how to learn that secret language of butterflies. 
Then, after the kids were in bed, having a glass of wine or some Romulan whiskey with Will out on the porch sounds pretty damn perfect. 2020 has been tough. A bear hug from Riker seems like the perfect Christmas gift of all. 
Caroline Preece would spend Christmas… at The Muppet Christmas Carol’s Penguin Skating Party
Ever since young-me set eyes on the ultra-festive world of The Muppet Christmas Carol I’ve wanted to visit. I can’t imagine a better way to spend Christmas Eve than in the cuddly version of Dickens’ cautionary tale, helping Kermit and his co-workers tidy up Scrooge’s office for the holidays, dancing down the snowy London streets and attending the Penguins’ annual Christmas skating party as the ultimate topper to a perfect evening. 
As well as being super-merry and joyous (‘tis the season), judging by Kermit’s performance on the ice, they let anyone take part.
It could just be the general lack of socialising and festive frivolity in 2020, but Bob Cratchit’s hopeful walk home from the office (remember the office?!?) on the night before Christmas has always epitomised the idea that the anticipation of Christmas Day is the best part. Add to that a trip to the market to pick up some singing vegetables, or the cosy Cratchit dinner with Miss Piggy and their gaggle of pig and frog offspring, and it’s a version of old-timey festive cheer that will always hold a place in my heart.
Louisa Mellor would spend Christmas… with the strippers in Hustlers
This choice won’t reflect well on me. It’s neither edifying nor improving and has a core of savage capitalist consumerism, which is probably what makes it so Christmassy. Midway through Lorraine Scafaria’s Hustlers – a film about a group of strippers who right the wrongs of the 2008 financial crisis by drugging Wall Street guys to run up their company credit cards – there’s a scene that’d make anyone’s heart grow three sizes. 
A dozen lap dancers gather for Christmas in a high-end apartment, their daughters and a grandmother in tow. Dressed in luxe loungewear and chunky gold, their skin glowing like a sucked butterscotch, they swap gifts, smile and sing and dance and thank the lord for their sisters. Expensive elegance is everywhere. Someone gets a fur coat, somebody else a pair of animal-print Louboutins. The woman who dips the dancers’ tits in bowls of ice before they go on stage is given an iPhone 4. Mostly though, they give each other affirmation. Without a natural hair colour, nude fingernail or a man in sight, it’s a dream family Christmas. Picture a Norman Rockwell painting with Jennifer Lopez in gold lamé, a cashmere Santa hat and a balcony bra. Feel-good festive perfection. 
Michael Ahr would spend Christmas… secluded in Hogwarts
Some may have found Harry Potter’s winter holidays without his friends rather lonely, but I can think of nothing more magical than having the vast empty halls of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry all to myself. Why let the staff have the warm, dry, magical snow that fell annually in the Great Hall all to themselves? Not being of school age myself anymore, I might choose to share a butterbeer (or perhaps a hot buttered rum) with Dumbledore and Hagrid by a roaring fire.
I might even be tempted to make the trip to Hogsmeade to see all the shops decked out with lights and blanketed in snow. I’d still be able to enjoy the comparative solitude without all the kids running around, but I’m almost certain there would be a group of carolers wandering about the square, never mind the singing enchanted suits of armor back at the school. And of course, if I could pick a particular present, I’d choose to receive the same amazing gift Harry received that first Christmas from Dumbledore: his father’s Invisibility Cloak. I’d likewise pass it along as a family heirloom to my own children on some Christmas morning to come.
Jamie Andrew would spend Christmas… in a Deep Space Nine Holosuite
At first, I entertained the idea of spending Christmas in Baltimore with the denizens of The Wire, mainly because I liked the idea of children running up and down the streets hollering, ‘Omar’s coming!’ moments before the shotgun-wielding Robin Hood of the Hood came swaggering down the street wearing a big red coat and a white beard, tossing out bank notes and whistling ‘We Wish You a Merry Christmas’. Then I realised that the chances of me ending up a corpse inside a boarded-up derelict building before the turkey was even cooked were surprisingly high, so I thought I’d try Christmas with Frasier Crane and family instead. Unfortunately, my foreknowledge of Martin’s and Eddie’s deaths would cloud the occasion, and I’d probably spend all night slumped crying in Martin’s recliner, unable to tell anyone why I was so upset without violating the temporal time directive. 
Best, then, to spend Yule time on Deep Space Nine. Christianity and its associated festive traditions don’t appear to exist in the 24th Century, so after saying hello to Sisko and co., and maybe playing a bit of Dabo at Quark’s, I’d probably spend the rest of my time in a faithful Holosuite reproduction of a 1990s Irish bar on New Year’s Eve getting absolutely wasted with fellow Celt Chief O’Brien. Now THAT’S what I call Christmas. 
Juliette Harrisson would spend Christmas… in Narnia
Not, of course, the White Witch’s eternal winter, when it’s always winter but never Christmas, but a regular Christmas in Narnia. It would, of course, be a white Christmas because otherwise, how would Father Christmas come and deliver presents to everyone? So I could spend the season in a snowy woodland surrounded by magical creatures, and be in with a chance of a really good present. Or possibly a sewing machine.
Read more
Why Chronicles of Narnia’s Santa Claus Celebrates Christmas with Weapons of War
By Juliette Harrisson
The Rod Serling Christmas Movie You Never Saw
By Chris Farnell
On the first moonlit night when there’s snow on the ground, Narnian fauns, dryads, and dwarfs perform the Great Snow Dance, with the fauns and dryads dancing around while the dwarfs throw snowballs that don’t hit them (an often forgotten detail from the book version of The Silver Chair!). I would join in, although possibly not throw any snowballs as my aim isn’t that good. Then I’d go back to Mr Tumnus’s for sardines and cake on Christmas Eve and talk to him about his somewhat dubious taste in books (just what is Nymphs And Their Ways about, eh Tumnus?). I’d spend Christmas Day up at the castle of Cair Paravel, eating and drinking like a Queen, and then I’d go visit Mr and Mrs Beaver on Boxing Day for a feast of leftovers and maybe a little light ice fishing.
John Saavedra would spend Christmas…celebrating Life Day with Star Wars’ Poe Dameron 
No one has ever cared so much about Life Day, the Star Wars galaxy’s own version of Christmas, as much as ace pilot Poe Dameron does in the Lego Star Wars Holiday Special. From decorating the Millennium Falcon and choosing the right Life Day sweater to roasting the traditional tip-yip (also known as Endorian chicken), Poe shows there’s something much stronger than the Force in the Star Wars universe: holiday spirit. Who knew the Resistance hero best known for his knack at blowing stuff up had such a soft spot? 
Hanging with Poe on Life Day would mean chestnuts roasting on an open exhaust engine, drinking whatever passes for cocoa in the Star Wars galaxy, hanging out with Wookiees on their homeworld of Kashyyyk, singing festive carols in Huttese, and finding just the right Life Day tree for the Falcon. It’d also mean dancing to the hip tunes of Max Rebo’s drum (the rest of his band is unfortunately no longer with us) and partying with Lando Calrissian, Finn, Rose, Rey, Jannah, Mon Calamari, Jawas, Rodians, Ewoks, and maybe even Chewie’s son Lumpy. If you’re not sold by now, your taste in holiday parties might be bantha poodoo. 
Elizabeth Donoghue would spend Christmas…. at The Office’s Classy Christmas
Dunder Mifflin has many memorable Christmas parties, but Steve Carell’s final festive special includes some of my favourite things about The Office; weird Gabe, Michael’s enduring hatred of Toby, and Michael and Holly’s adorable relationship.
After Toby announces he is taking a leave of absence for jury duty (‘Thank you, Scranton Strangler. I love you. You just took one more person’s breath away’) Michael learns that Holly will be returning to Scranton and demands that Pam’s regular Christmas party must get classy. What makes a Christmas classy? A backwards Kangol-esque Santa hat, a red velvet smoking jacket and a quarter of a jazz quartet of course.
I would actively enjoy watching Dwight take down Jim in their snowball fight (total bully, needs to be taken down a peg or two), get drunk with Kelly and Meredith, dance with Phyllis and Erin and learn more about the enigma that is Creed. And although it is slightly more subdued than their Benihana and Moroccan Christmas parties, I’m sure we could keep the party going at a Poor Richard’s after-party.
Kayti Burt would spend Christmas … on Themyscira
The Amazons’ decision to opt out of the “Patriarch’s World” has always been a relatable one, but never so much as in The Year 2020. Historically, I’m not really a beach person, but Themyscira, aka Paradise Island, has a lot going for it: warm weather, a supportive community, and live sporting events where you don’t have to worry about some drunken dudebro spilling cheap beer on your toga. 
As far as I can tell from the Wonder Woman movies, no one (besides Young Diana, who’s usually working through some stuff) ever seems to be having a bad time on Themyscira. And why would you? The pre-Crisis comics incarnation of the island (which I am going to choose to accept as my holiday canon) includes indigeneous kangaroo-like creatures called Kangas that the Amazons ride like horses. Diana’s is called Jumpa; mine will be called Jimmy Hoppa, and we will explore the island’s cascading waterfalls and cliffside terraces together. In the evenings, I will attend performances at the Themysciran amphitheater with my new Amazonian friends or, if I’m feeling introverted, catch up on my book reading and crossword puzzles.
Listen, I wouldn’t want to spend forever on Themyscira—I’d miss my friends, family, and TV shows (Themyscira doesn’t seem to get a good wireless signal)—but a few weeks (or months, especially as I will be quarantining for my first two weeks) for Christmas 2020? Bring me to the enchanted feminist utopia.
Alana Joli Abbott would spend Yule… at the coven house from the Nightcraft Quartet
Witchkind, as presented in Shannon Page’s Nightcraft Quartet, don’t celebrate Christmas, but they do love a good Yuletide celebration. Page’s witches and warlocks are separate from humans, long lived, and magical. Young witches train in the magical arts at a coven house, living there like a dorm; the adult women of the coven (always numbering thirteen) may be involved in scientific research (like protagonist Callie), medicine and healing, or reading Tarot, and they teach their specialties to the young witches. The coven house is a central place where women gather to live, to practice magic together, to celebrate, and to honor traditional rituals. While Callie’s coven in San Francisco has their problems, the community there is caring and genuine, full of both youthful energy and centuries of experienced witchery. 
One of the perks of editing this series is that I get sneak peeks into parts of the story readers haven’t seen yet—including Yule decorations. Rather than cutting down dead trees, witches coax living fir boughs to weave along the walls and mantles, accented with red ribbon and gold—coins, beads, chains. I can imagine the cozy San Francisco coven house filled with witches all rushing to perform their tasks to make the perfect celebration, some of them convincing the fir boughs to expand in just the right ways while others brew hot chocolate or prepare the feast. I picture them eating in the large hall, voices lifted in joyful chatter, and then making their way out to the grounds beyond the house to celebrate beneath the stars, singing midwinter songs and looking forward to the next year. After months of 2020 with smaller communities and less human contact, being surrounded by such a vibrant, magical group of women sounds like just the right way to end my year.
Rosie Fletcher would spend Christmas… with the Roy family from Succession
Go hard or go home, they say, so since I can’t go home this year, I’m going round the Roys. That is, of course, the family at the centre of Succession, a show peopled by the very wealthiest and utterly worst. Festivities would be held at the home of patriarch Logan Roy. His children and their partners would be obliged to attend. Logan would hire a chef to cook, waiting staff to serve, some of whom he would abuse. I would give them sympathetic “I’m sorry” looks but do nothing, secretly thankful Logan’s ire wasn’t focused on me. 
In all likelihood I would be a figure like Greg (the egg), or Tom Wambsgans – mostly tolerated, vaguely despised and very much the second class citizens of the Roy clan, skulking on the periphery as Kendall, Roman and Shiv compete for Logan’s love and oldest son Connor comes up will another entirely ridiculous life plan – I dunno, maybe this year he’s decided that his next career move is to become Santa Claus. 
The food would be extraordinary. The booze the very finest – how long before, like Greg, I would be claiming the bottle of vintage rose champagne I had just motored through was ‘not my favourite’? And the dinner table conversation would be electric. Electric like an electric shock – sharp, painful, disorientating, unexpected. 
So Christmas has become too commercialised? Fine, fuck it. I’ll take the eye-wateringly expensive gift that’s grudgingly bestowed on me, I will gorge on the finest cheeses known to man and coat my tongue with port made from molten rubies, knowing I am on my way to moral bankruptcy and doing it anyway. Go hard or go home…
Kirsten Howard would spend Christmas… singing along in the closing moments of Scrooged 
You’d be hard-pressed to find a Christmas movie that feels as genuinely uplifting during its climax as 1988’s Scrooged. Bill Murray’s arrogant TV boss Frank Cross, having been visited by the Ghosts of Christmases Past, Present and Future, disrupts a live broadcast of A Christmas Carol to rant openly and honestly at the cast and crew (and eventually you) as he makes a passionate case for a life less invested in exploitation and capitalism, and eventually kicks off a collective singalong of Annie Lennox and Al Green’s version of ‘Put a Little Love in Your Heart’.
That’s where I’d like to be this Christmas. Not just to sing along with Bill, but to be around people immediately swept along by the much-less-explored altruistic route of ‘no fucks given’. 
Also hanging out with Bill Murray, though, of course.
So much of the last few years has been a public race to the bottom of Nothing Matters Mountain, but even if it hadn’t all been so demoralising and forced so many of us to reevaluate our priorities, Frank’s message of redemption in love and living as well as we can, while shrugging off our own heavy expectations of success, still feels really special. 
This Christmas, there is light at the end of the tunnel. We may not be able to grab the nearest stranger and sing “put a little love in your heart!” at them right now, but we CAN carry that feeling with us into 2021. As Frank says: “There are people who are having trouble making their miracle happen”. We can always try and find time to stop focusing on our own for a while and to help them.
David Crow would spend Christmas… chilling with Harold and Kumar
Not many people are aware of this, but A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas is the best Harold and Kumar. It may not have the pop culture cache of their medicinal-fueled quest for mini-cheeseburgers, but it does have something very special, indeed: Wafflebot. If you’ve had the misfortune of living your life oblivious to Wafflebot’s existence, allow me to introduce you to a greater world of wonder and magic.
Wafflebot is the best Christmas present to ever come out of Santa’s Workshop. Displaying an eerily sophisticated artificial intelligence for a toy meant only to cook delicious breakfasts, Wafflebot can make you waffles any time by just popping the top and letting that batter drop. But he can also do so much more! Vaguely aware of the concept of friendship, this brunching Frankenstein can learn how to love and appreciate his owners… and defend them from any threat with scalding hot projectile syrup!
With the ability to serve breakfast, save your life, be manipulated into dangerous attack mode, and learn how to see the real you, all while playing a mean drum solo, Wafflebot would make any Christmas a sweetly warm experience. And then Harold and Kumar, and I could also steal a Christmas tree from NPH or something.
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The post Where in Fiction Would You Spend Christmas? appeared first on Den of Geek.
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seokjinchuriki · 5 years
Cherry Blossom | knj
Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Word Count: 2198
Genre: I guess Angst? Fluff!
Summary: you can’t shake the feeling of loneliness and namjoon is there to try to help, sequel to Hit Deep
Warnings: hitting rockbottom, very brief mention of not wanting to be alive
a/n: writing this was a bit harder? since i’m still going through what happened in hit deep... i did go paint pottery and made a piggy bank for my sister, as well as visit the prairie dogs, and the conversation between you and joon in the car was basically the conversation i had with my aunt over text
Hit Deep Cherry Blossom
"I hate you. I hate the way you treat me like your mom. You treat me like shit and it's draining me, I am so tired. So tired to the point where I don't even want to be alive."
You were rehearsing. Looking at yourself in the mirror. You were drained. The bags under your eyes could tell you that much. Your face was sunken in and you looked like an older version of yourself.
Have you always been like this? Have you always been an empty shell?
No. You were usually an optimist. You were bright and carried a nice aura with you everywhere you went. You looked nothing like the youthful girl who was happy to just be able to wake up in the morning. Yet here you are, preparing your friendship break-up speech in the mirror. You weren't even sad, you just wanted it to be over with.
Namjoon told you that you shouldn't keep letting people step over you and he was right. It was hard to listen though, when your entire life is based on helping others, taking care of others who never thought once about taking care of you.
"Is it bad to say I hate her?" You asked Namjoon, who was driving, his eyes focused on the road, despite that, you knew he was listening to you. You were a bit distraught, with this heavy feeling in your chest that hasn't gone away in days.
"No, of course not, but is that really how you feel?" Namjoon gave a click glance over to you, making you smile at him, "do you really think you hate Soomin? Or do you hate the way she treats you?"
"I just... I guess I just really hate the way she makes me feel and there are days where I can't stand her. I just can't and I feel awful about it." You said, quite softly, but Namjoon heard you and he was trying to figure out a way to respond to you that would best help you, but he didn't know how. He didn't know the exact way you were feeling. He didn't know and he wants to give you the greatest advice he could.
"Blossom... You know, you don't have to take this all on your shoulders. It's not your responsibility to take on someone else, especially someone who is an adult like Soomin." The man beside you said, moving his hand from the gear shifter to hold your hand. Which was a very boyfriend thing to do, and it made your heart flutter, just like the nickname he gave to you did.
You and Namjoon were just friends, but you have always hoped for more. He doesn't depend on you like everyone else does and you're both independent, which makes the relationship lighter; fluffier. He listens to you and you listen to him. You give each other the support you both need, but in a mutual way.
"I just don't know what to do anymore, Joonie." You were beginning to cry, or at least you could feel it. Your cheeks burned and your eyes began to water. Things were finally starting to tumble down, but you were glad it was in front of Namjoon. The wonderful Namjoon, the boy with the biggest dimples and the thickest frames you could ever see for glasses.
"I know, sweetie. It's hard to be friends with someone when you're over-extending yourself and they don't reciprocate. You're a very kind and caring person, that's just who you are and people tend to take advantage of that. You're just going to start resenting her even more and I know you won't tell her how you feel, but I don't want you to blow up either." Namjoon had pulled the car over so he could talk to you better, to only focus on you without the dangers of a car accident, "you need to do things on your own and stop worrying about her, not entirely, of course, but you can't put all the focus on her. You have to take care of yourself, (y/n)."
He was looking at you now, his soft brown eyes giving you a supportive and loving look. You just wanted to kiss him, but you can't imagine how you look right now. With tears running down your cheeks and a red nose.
Namjoon thought you looked beautiful. You were always beautiful.
"Let... let me take care of you." He said, putting a hand on your cheek and wiping away your tears, "I know you're an independent woman," you giggled at his comment, "but let me take care of you. You deserve it. You deserve to get all the love and care that you give away to people, if not more."
You were silent for a bit, probably in a Namjoon-induced trance of some sort. Staring up at him with your watery, doe eyes.
You decided to do the unexpected, to be spontaneous for once in your life.
You kissed him.
And luckily for you, he kissed back. It was an innocent kiss, just two people in love. Namjoon was in love and so were you.
Now, you just stared at each other, which might look weird to other people from afar, but then again, what weirdo would stare into someone's car just to watch two people have an intimate, emotional moment? Oh yeah! A weirdo.
"I don't deserve you, Namjoon. You treat me so nicely and you help me with all of these stupid problems... I owe you so much." You managed to let out, hurriedly, as if this moment were to end and it'll be like nothing happened.
Namjoon looked at you with wide eyes, "Blossom... don't say that. Don't say you don't deserve any of this. You deserve the world. You deserve love. You don't owe me anything, okay? Just... just don't morph yourself to fit anyone's standards or to be the person they need because that's not you and that's how you lost who you are. I don't want to be someone who forces you into a mold. I want to be the person that helps you find who you are. The person who helps you become the person you were, or an even better version of that."
You were speechless, unbuckling your seatbelt and jumping out of your seat to give Namjoon the biggest, tightest hug.
"Thank you, Joonie... I- uh, I love you."
"I love you too, (y/n)."
Time's were a bit better, you were discovering yourself, finding the things you enjoyed and the things you didn't enjoy, and Namjoon was there to support you along the way.
You and Soomin don't really speak often anymore, since every time you come back to dorm she's always sleeping and you're always away, studying, working on your research, or just hanging out with Namjoon.
"Are you sure she'll like it?" You asked, looking at the piggy bank in front of you, covered in multiple pastel colors. You and Joon were currently at a 'paint your own pottery' place and you were currently painting a piggy bank for your sister, while he painted a plate.
"She's a baby, so I doubt she'll have a big opinion, but if she did, she would love it. She would love anything you give her. You're her big sister, (y/n)." Namjoon said, looking up from his intricate plate to give you a smile. You smiled back, of course.
The piggy bank in front of you was cute, and you put your whole heart into it, painting splotches of different colors on it, then outlining it with black. You wrote her name on it in big bold letters, and while it wasn't anything professional, it was cute and made with love.
"Blossom, what color do you like most?" Joon asked, he knows your favorite color, it was (f/c), but he wanted to ask you, because you always enjoy talking about the things you've come to enjoy in the last month. You answered him, rotating your neck to ease the pain you felt from leaning over and painting intricately, you looked so cute and you had a little paint on your nose. How? Neither of you had any clue, but you, yourself, were art.
When you looked up, you saw that Namjoon's giant handprint was on his plate, and you immediately understood why he wanted your favorite color, which he had at the ready beside him. Ready to pour out onto the plate so you could dip your hand in there and press it down onto the plate beside his.
With no words spoken, he poured the (f/c) paint onto the paper paint. You placed your hand on the splotch, covering the entirety of your palm, and he moved the plate to where it was pointed towards you and with a happy and at ease look on your face, you pressed your hand down in a place besides his handprint.
"I have (f/c) hands now." You just said, but Namjoon knew what was coming... and there it came, you pressed your hand into his cheek, softly, of course. You weren't slapping him.
He quickly did the same, and now you both looked a fool, but neither of you complained.
The next day, you and Namjoon decided to visit the Prairie Dog Town just along the way. Since you enjoyed looking at the cute little animals.
"Namjoon! Be careful! Don't drive over them... They may have a set space where they all live, but that doesn't mean they won't venture out!" You warned, watching as the little mammals ran across the dirt road right in front of your car. They were use to visitors which probably explains why they weren't so scared, but you worried nonetheless.
"How did you discover this place, Blossom?" Joon asked, parking the car in a designated parking zone. You immediately jumped out of the car, happy.
"During freshmen orientation! I wanted to see if there was anything to do and I discovered this gem with my aunt. Isn't it great? Look at all the cuties!" You exclaimed, watching as one of the prairie dogs went into his already dug hole as you approached. There were a bunch of them just sitting on their butts and eating, which made you giggle because of the cuteness of the entire picture.
"You know, they're cute. Just like you." Namjoon said, you heard the tell-tale sounds of a picture printing from one of those polaroid cameras, where did he pull one of those out? You have no clue, but he had just taken a picture of you staring happily, with the biggest smile on your face, at the cute little animals that roamed the area freely.
In the picture, anyone could tell how happy you were. You were content.
You weren't very happy for long.
Soomin was overbearing, tiring, and she was questioning why you never drove her around any more. Why you didn't offer to pay for her like you always did. Just questioning everything you used to do, but worked so hard not to.
You had only asked her how she was and how were her lectures for the day, like any regular friend would, but not everything can stay beautiful for long.
You haven't practiced your friendship break-up speech in so long. You didn't know what to say. Anything and everything you could say would make you feel bad and eat you alive. It was a lot easier in the mirror, when the only person who listened was your reflection.
The mason jar where you stored your feelings exploded, the shards coming out to pierce your heart. You told her all the things you told Namjoon. You weren't mean. You weren't harsh. You were vulnerable and tears rolled down your face. You couldn't do this, especially as Soomin yelled at you, telling you how bad of a friend you were. Belittling you with every word she spit at you, yet, you didn't hate her. You could never hate her. You put that in your speech, but it was never true.
You can hit rockbottom, and you can climb up, but once something knocks you down, you continue to fall until you reach the ground again. Each fall makes it harder for you to get back up.
You ran out, and to your surprise, adding to the cliche of your story, it was raining, but despite that, you ran. You ran until you reached the place you felt safest.
You stood outside his door, soaking wet, eyes puffy, and nose stuffy. You were shaking and sobbing, waiting for the man who made you feel like you were on cloud nine.
Namjoon opened the door, surprised to see you standing in front him, shaking like a leaf. You ran into his arms, and he let out a grunt, but embraced you nonetheless, petting your wet hair and telling you that it'll be okay and giving you sweet words that make the world around the both of you disappear.
Your life was a mess. You were a mess, but at least you had Namjoon.
And Namjoon was glad to have his Cherry Blossom.
a/n: i dunno about this ahhhh
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