#my sock got all wet i think one of my shoes has a little hole
mysteriouslikeness · 9 months
I don’t know how to format on tumblr but uh-
Hi I’m dumping my Drabble from Elesa fall au
For some context of This AU:
Ingo fell to Hisui , has been gon a good two years. Then elesa fell when it was trying to get Emmet, leading Emmet down a rabbit hole to try and find them both knowing now what actually happened to his brother (he assumes after Elesa got taken that way) Elesa has memories, ends up in Diamond clan. Meets Ingo by chance and he can’t remember her but thinks she’s his lover (this is Elesa x Ingo and he never actually confessed before he fell) they both rekindle that love and try and find a way back to Emmet. Unfortunately they had a little too much rekindling and now have a baby on the way so all attempts to figure out how to go back stopped (especially after Ingo got desperate and hurt himself in his desperation).
This Drabble is from my OCs perspective. Feivel is who nursed Ingo back to health and was his friend through thick and thin. He was the only one told they they are from the future. He is Calabas apprentice of sorts but mostly travels to keep supplies flowing into Pearl clan.
>>>>>>>>>>>The Unseen Stars<<<<<<<<<<
It was raining in the Feildlands, the sky was covered in a soft blanket of grey. It was a light shower but it had gone on for several hours. There was plenty of mud on his boots as the ground beneath him tried to suction him there, damp with mud from a constant traveled path. The warm air despite the rain spelled for storms, the quiet rumble of a distant anger echoed across the land, faded to a soft hush by the time it reached Jubilife village. Feivel had made it to the village safe and sound, he’d gotten rather wet, the moisture was starting to soak in deeper to the under layers of his Pearl clan attire.
The River that flowed through the village was rising and active as he passed the bridge to the houses. In years past he would find his way to the other side, welcomed by uncaring eyes or not at all. He stopped at the door and paused to pet the wet fur of his companion. “Go find someplace dry.” He whispered to the Wyrdeer. The beast let out soft huffs as her dark eyes gazed at him before turning to leave, she was a welcome help in guarding the town, the little walls that had a roof made for perfect cover for a storm. The moisture mostly slid off her fur anyways, so Feivel wasn’t too concerned about her out in the rain.
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With his final goodbyes he slid open the door to the house. It was quiet, he’d missed dinner it would seem. Time was hard to tell when there was no sun or stars for guidance. The only indication of time he has was the dying embers of the hearth in the dim room. He sighed softly as he slid the door closed behind him. He took his shoes off and set his things down, dusting off some rain that was still on his garbs to let it drip away in the area before the house began.
After a moment he stepped up into the house, the soft sound of socks on wood and creaking floorboards filled the air accompanied by the pitter patter of rain on the roof. He walked past the kitchen into the bedroom, tired silver eyes met his. Ingo was holding tightly to Elesa, who was fast asleep in his arms, woken by the sound of Feivel entering. He’d become much lighter of a sleeper recently with Elesa expecting their child at any time. There was a pause of quiet acknowledgment before Ingo closed his eyes again and nuzzled his face back into Elesa’s hair. Now that Ingo knew he’d arrived he went from their room to go start the fire back up, gently giving it a log to last a short time before he too fell asleep. As quietly as he could he got the wood burning, striping off his outer layers and setting them out to dry. He sniffled softly as he sat down cross legged and watched the small flame dance, the distant thunder creeping closer.
In the morning he’d make them breakfast, check on Fujie, and buy them some more firewood… after that just process the herbs he’d gathered on the way. A simple day for a simple man. Feivel smiled a bit, he’d walked into a dark house many times before, built fires and cooked food for an uncaring man who supposedly was his father…. It had felt empty. It was nights where the darkness would consume him regardless of how bright he made the hearths fire. The brightness was never the light he needed, but a rage that burned and lashed out trying to consume, just as the darkness was. The room in his fathers house was the predator and he was the poor prey caught in the jaws of mediocrity. Lifeless. A home with no soul and only judgements. He can hear his father say in the back of his mind not to get the floor wet. The task of course was impossible, little drops had followed him through the house…. Not a peep from Ingo. He’d not said a word but with the look in his eye, the bother to check, he knew if something was wrong Ingo would have gotten up. He was acknowledged. No words needed to be spoken between the two men after all. They had held each others lives in their hands. On the mountain in the Icelands so many years ago, in youths haze of memories, he knew his father didn’t run to look for him in the snows that fell in the avalanche. He wondered if that was the weight he felt in the air when he’d gone to stay at his fathers house, the weight of the snow.
A dash of light caught Feivels attention looking at the door, a rumble soon followed. The house he was in now carried no weight. There was no darkness, angry fires or invisible snow. Just the soft bubble of anticipation. The room wasn’t dark, and the fires were gentle, Soon there would be a new life and a cry filling the air of the house. A family would say it’s first hellos to a baby. Ingo and Elesa had come a long way, and as a healer he wanted to be there for them. He shifted to lay down on the floor next to the hearth watching the fire dance and eat the log for nourishment. Waving little hellos and getting excited to find more parts to cling onto.
This house, was undeniably, a home. Full of life. Full of love. As he closed his eyes he could see Elesas smile and ingos bright eyes as he greeted them in the morning, like he’d done since they first welcomed him to stay in their house after it was built. The house was so welcoming and warm…. But he knew it wasn’t home for them. They had fallen through space and time to get here. What did their home feel like, he wondered. Did it feel like he felt with them? He knew they searched as best they could, rushing into danger trying to find a way back home…. It wasn’t till Elesa fell with child that they stopped and settled into building some life here. They Grounded themselves to a home in Jubilife. If they found a way back, would the house feel so warm? The thought left him feeling empty. Would he return to that darkness he knew all too well? He’d never thought much about his future up until recently. He wanted to know the warmth they longed for…. He wanted to know and follow them to whatever embrace it was that was on the other side. He wanted to step into the other side from a time far in the future, even if he was to turn to dust the moment he did. He could scatter himself in the winds of the world they called home and settle peacefully in the lands that gave life to Ingo and Elesa. He’d be happy just to nourish the flowers on the hill for one spring in their time.
The fire shifted and fell, the ash dotting out parts of the fire that once were stronger. He felt a bit cold as he drifted to sleep on the floor, wishing on stars he couldn’t see that there would always be warmth for Ingo, Elesa and the child they were to have.
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lingering-42-long · 1 year
I’ll be home for Christmas
Soap x f! reader
I don’t know what happened, but the original one either got accidentally deleted or I just never posted it! This is the first of the series. I’ll be home for Christmas. Enjoy
Warnings: none
John winced when he got the call from headquarters saying he would need to leave for duty on Tuesday, witch meant be on a flight to the shitty hell-hole of a place tomorrow. He hated being called at last moment. Being left out of the loop irked him to no end.
Soap looked over at the clock and noticed that his girlfriend would be home soon. She worked at a local pub by night in Sterling and her shift was nearing the end. Just as he was thinking about her his phone buzzed with a text. It was from (y/n). ‘Hey Johnny, I’ll be home in a bit on my way.’
John texted back ‘ok love. See you here.:)’ He noticed she called him Johnny not hunny or babe. She must be tired. He thought to himself as he got up to finish dinner. He hated having to leave her behind in such short notice.
The Cock-a-Leekie soup was almost finished when John heard keys outside jingle and the lock opening. (Y/n) came in on this chilly night.
“Brrrr. It’s cold out there” she shivered and hung her jacket on the peg by the door and was in the process of taking her wet shoes and socks off, when two arms snaked around her waist. “Aye mo leannan (yes my sweetheart). You’re cold aren’t ya?” His thick Scottish accent rolled off his tongue as he kissed her neck. A giggle could be heard from her lips “Already trying to flirt with me this late? “Lass if I was try’n to flirt with ya, I would’ve put more effort into it.” He gave a little nibble to her earlobe. (Y/n) smiled as she slipped on a pair of house slippers. “Something smells amazing. Are you making what I think your making?”
“Aye ghràdh (love).” Soap smiled as he dished out two plates.
“You really didn’t have to do that. It’s so late…” It was true. It was around 1:45am, but John didn’t matter. He knew he did not have much time with his Beloved. “No I don’t mind,” he smiled then his face dropped, “Also I got to tell you something.”
A frown formed on (y/n)’s face. “Let’s talk about it after dinner, ok?” John gave a quick nod and touched her cheek gently “tha gaol agam ort (I love you).”
A light blush formed over (y/n)’s face “I love you too”
Dinner was amazing and the two of them talked about (y/n)’s job and who was at the pub that night. John gave a slight snort when she was telling him about the idiot who kept flirting with her. “Did ye tell ‘em yur with meh?”
“Of course I did but you know how men are, he saw that as a challenge”
“Next time I’ll show him a real challenge” he huffed.
“No need. I took care of it quick.” She chuckled. “I got Bruce to start waiting on him.” The man Bruce, she was referring too, was a big hulking of a man and could scare anyone into submission if it came to one of his colleagues getting uneasy with a drunken idiot.
“Well at least he has been delt with.” John nodded. He was very happy that she could stand up in a fight. That’s one of the many things he loved about her.
“So…. What’s this bad news you have to dump on me?” (Y/n) asked already figuring it out but waiting for the confirmation.
“Lass I got called in for a mission… I know it’s bad timing.” So close to Christmas. It was both there favorite time of the year. It was going to be tough on them.
“Yeah really bad timing.” She bit her bottom lip trying not to let her tears fall. “I had made plans and everything too…oh well”
“Hey now mo aingeal milis (my sweet angel). Yer can still do those things, and the plan is to be home for Christmas… if all goes to plan tha’ is.” A simple touch to the shoulder almost sent (y/n) crying. She was a tough-ie but things that were very important to her still got to her. “I know…I just worry if you will be ok…if you will make it…”
“Aye Bonnie I promise ye I will com back home in one piece yeah?”
“Alive?” She asked
“Alive and well.” He chuckled. “Now go get ready fer bed. I’ll clean up and be there in a bit.”
She shook her head “I want to help…”
“Your tired. You’ve been working all night. Let me do this fer ya.”
“Fine.” (Y/n) trudged upstairs to their room and washroom were she took off her makeup and jewelry. She had worn the necklace and matching earrings that John had given her last year as an anniversary gift on Valentine’s Day.
She looked at herself in the mirror, tears still threatening to spill, a long night and now this? Pull yourself together girl. (Y/n) told herself but to no avail. When she made it to the bedroom to get changed for the evening, the thought of her boyfriend leaving her made the waterworks start as she burst out crying into her pillow, sobbing away. Perfect timing for Soap to walk in, catching sight of his overtired, crying girlfriend.
“Hey hey hey! What’s this Love?” Gently kneeling beside her side of the bed and placing a hand on her back.
“I’m sorry I must be tired, but the thought of you leaving for the holidays…” (Y/n)’s voice broke again as she tried to regain her composure.
“No don’t apologize, ghràdh (love). I wished I could have told you sooner.” He kissed her head gently. “I know this will be h’rd on both of us but we can work this out, yeah?” John got up and walked to his dresser to get on a pair of pants. He liked to sleep shirtless.
As soon as Soap opened the covers to get in, his girlfriend clung onto him. “Aye lass I got ye.” He chuckled and stroked her head. “I’ll wake ye up when I leave ok?” No reply just a nod into his chest. Softly, as if she would shatter in his arms, he hummed an old song and gently rubbed her back. This made (Y/n) break down and cry again. “I got ye let it out. Shhhhhh.” John murmured, now his own eyes betraying him as they stung with salty water threatening to hit his pillow and his girlfriend. He held (y/n) tightly, letting her cry to sleep, knowing that would be the best for her. Soon he was following in that pattern.
It was 6:30am when John began walking to the door with his sleepy girlfriend in tow, holding his arm. Soap opened the door, with his duffel bags in hand gave his (y/n) a kiss. “I’ll be back in a few weeks, you’ll see”
(y/n) nodded sadly. “Be safe out here ok? Kick there asses.”
He gave a small smile “I always do.”
John turned around to head for his car don’t turn back, dont fucking turn back. But he did and saw (y/n) standing there “fuck” he muttered a small choke. He dropped his bags and swiftly dashed back to her.
“Oh lass I am going to miss ye so so so much!” He was shaking. Trying to hold it in, trying to be the big tough Sargent he needed to be.
“It’s ok. You told me last night we got this, it’s not like we haven’t been in this same boat before. If we did it 100 times before we can do it one more time. I’ll be waiting here for you when you get back ok?” A smile laced with sadness stretched over (y/n)’s face.
He pulled himself up and nodded. She was right. With a final lasting kiss he went back to grab his bags once more and this time made it to the car without look back. Setting his stuff in the back seat, he then got into the front, starting the engine, and slowly driving out from the driveway. He could see her silhouette in the dim light coming from the living room as she stood outside watching him. Soap drove down the road towards the airport with one thought on his mind.
When I get back love, I’m going to ask you a question… I hope you say yes.
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hahhahahahahnope · 2 years
BTS Jungkook Smut-1
As you returned home from a busy day at work, lazily falling onto the bed and immediately thinking about your boyfriend Jungkook. You got off from work at 3 and he was supposed to get off at 3 too but he worked so much it was always late. You heard a notification pop so you checked your phone. It was a text from Jungkook saying "Long day today. Wear the white one." Your cheeks burned. You got in the shower, and cleaned yourself up. You were confused. Staring at all the lingerie you had in your drawer, you couldn't find the white one. Where could it be? Digging down and down through all the different shades of them you finally found it. YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES you thought. You quickly pulled your towel down and wore the lingerie. It was a one-piece, with straps connecting the lower part and the upper. As you picked up the towel and lay on the bed. Waiting, like a good girl. You tightened the straps as much as you could moving the lingerie as they were too tight. You kept rubbing your thighs together, you needed him so bad. You texted him "Can I touch?" His reply was "No" And you thought what could go wrong? I'd just touch myself once. But no, you didn't dare disobey him, you didn't want punishment. You knew he would have a bad day at work as his replies were so cold. You just lay there with your pussy soaking wet and a large burn down there, waiting for him like a good girl. After what felt like hours you heard the door open. In desperation, you cried out a loud moan, looking at his face. He closed the door behind him and took off his coat, tie, shoes, and socks. You noticed his large bulge. You didn't say anything, you knew he was gonna do something. He sat on the bed resting his back and head on the headboard and sighed looking tired and so scary. "I'm fucking tired, come here" You went into his lap gladly and let him kiss down your neck "I missed playing with your body," he says. You hummed in response turning around and wrapping your legs around him. He pushed you back just a little, to see the now wet fabric of your lingerie. "Already so wet, for me." "Just for you, Daddy." You said, wanting nothing but to make him feel good. Touching you made him feel good. Fucking you made him feel good. Doing things to you made him feel good. And you let him do it. His hand went to your straps and he tightened them even more, causing you to gasp and edge your hips further towards him. "D-daddy-" You mumbled. He removed the straps causing your bare pussy to be exposed to air making you shiver. "So damn beautiful. Mine. Just mine." He slid his fingers around your slit pulling it a little. Making a few circles around your center, he pushed your folds in the opposite directions with 2 fingers making your small center visible. "I'm gonna overstimulate you today. Is that alright?" He says. "Yes" You felt and sharp slap on your pussy and you immediately realized your mistake. "Yes, daddy" You corrected. You felt your slit being twisted harshly hurting a lot and his face turned scarier when you realized what you did wrong. "Y-ye-yes, daddy, You can do whatever you want to do to my body and I won't complain. "You rectified "That's a good girl, you're being forgetful today. You know I don't tolerate this type of behavior." He says. "I-I'm sorry, Daddy." You cooed. "You know why I'm angry today?" He asked. "No daddy, Why?" It was a rule. Always be interested in whatever he has to say. "I found out a client was fake." He says. His fingers still spread your hole and were starting to hurt your skin now. Such a sensitive area being exposed to air for so long. You rubbed your backside on his bulge. He removed his fingers and then, without warning, inserted one inside you.
0 notes
holylulusworld · 3 years
Smirk of the devil
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Title: Smirk of the devil
Summary: He’s the devil in disguise.
Square filled for @spnquotebingo​​​​​​: (“Believe me, I’ve been asking myself the same question for two years.” – SPN)
Word Count: 1,9k
Pairing: Clubowner!Dean x fem!Reader
Characters: Sam Winchester, Ruby, Gadreel, unnamed girl
Rating: Explicit
Warnings:  angst, language, smut, unprotected sex, a hint of fluff, mentions of cheating (implied), sadness, toxic relationship?, unrequited feelings, Dean hurt the reader more than once, hopeful ending but no happy ending
Divider by @firefly-graphics​​​
SPN Quote Bingo masterlist
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“Excuse me, miss,“ a young girl, barely twenty-one coos. She looks up at you with big doe eyes, batting her eyelashes. “I’m looking for Dean Winchester. He asked me to come here at nine.”
“No, you don’t,” anyone not knowing you would think you are trying to be rude to the girl, but this is so far from the truth. “Girls like you shouldn’t come to places like these.” you huff when the girl rolls her eyes. “You don’t want to meet up with Dean.”
“And you know this why?” she sasses, hands on her hips now. 
You can smell the strawberry chewing gum she tortured the whole time and can’t help but chuckle at her bratty attitude. Once upon a time, you were just like her.
Sweet, innocent, an intact heart beating in your chest.
“You’re not my mom. So, why do you think you can keep me away from Dean,” you’d like to slap her face at the ‘mom’ comment but bite your tongue. You never were a violent person. Maybe if you were, Dean would run around with one ball missing. “I bet you’re just jealous he wants me.”
What can you possibly tell the girl? That he will break her heart. That, once he has you in his clutches he will strip off your dignity, rip any pride left out of your chest and replace your former self with a drooling mess, begging him to do it all over again.
“Speak of the devil,” you whisper, watching Dean waltz into his club, the bunker, the place you first met. Those days seem a lifetime away. Back then you still were a cute and clueless girl, missing the way he tainted you with every touch and kiss. 
“I want to speak to him, now,” the girl pouts and you get the feeling she’s rather a girl scout wanting to sell cookies than her pussy to a man she won’t be able to handle. “NOW!”
“It’s your funeral, sweet cheeks,” you wave her off, walk past the girl to talk to Dean Winchester, the devil himself. Oh, how you wish you could tell him to go to hell, but you would only beg him to take you with him.
“Sweetheart,” he dips his head, shamelessly roams your body with darkened eyes, “you look ready to get eaten.” damn him, he smirks, and you get weak in the knees. “And you will—”
“Another of your fangirls,” you jerk your head in the girl’s direction, rolling your eyes. “Guess you are down to high school girls now, Winchester. Shame on you.”
“Jealous?” he cocks his head, watches you turn on your heels, ignoring your racing heart when he walks behind you, one hand on the small of your back. “So, how’s it going with your mysterious boyfriend lately?”
“Wonderful,” you grit out, already walking faster to brush Dean off. “I told you, no questions about my love life or I’ll quit once for all, Dean. Go, take care of your girl.”
It’s when he walks toward the girl that you allow yourself to admire his back, his broad shoulders, and, yes, his ass.
“Ogling my brother again?” Sam stands too close for comfort, but you don’t mind. “What’s the state of your on-and-off relationship? Who’s winning this round?”
“No one is going to win shit, Sammy. Dean wants to fuck every woman with a pulse, and I want a faithful man, period,” you turn your attention back toward the bartender who wanted to talk to you about the latest order.
“He’s hard to handle, I told you so,” Sam nudges your side. “Why don’t you lay claim on him and show any woman he’s yours.”
“Dean is not my man, never was,” you sigh, eyes filled with unshed tears once again. “When we met, he did anything to get me, and then, he dropped me like any other girl. I’m not what he wants, Sam. Dean lives for his club, Baby, and having sex with any woman he can get into his bed…”
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“Bunny hole would be the better name for this shithole,” you grit out, downing your first drink of the night. “Give me another one, Gade. I wanna get drunk tonight.”
“Sweetheart, you shouldn’t drink at work,” Dean sits on the barstool next to you, grinning when you grasp for the next drink. 
He easily snatches the drink out of your hands, downing it in one go, slamming the glass onto the counter. “Your boss could catch you red-handed and fire you or slap your ass. Whatever you prefer.”
“Go ahead and fire me, Winchester. This shithole will go down without the manager keeping it alive,” you quip. “Now let me have another drink. My shift is almost over.”
“Almost,” he whispers in your ear, fingertips sliding over your thigh to hike up your skirt. “How about we talk about this at my office in the back, Miss Y/L/N?” you place your hand on top of Dean’s to guide it to his thigh, hiding you shivered at his touch.
“Don’t hurt yourself, boss,” you lean closer to whisper the words. “I think you had enough fun with little miss sunshine not an hour ago. I hope you checked she was at age, Dean.”
“Jesus, I asked her to come around for a job, nothing else,” Dean grumbles, hand moving toward your thigh again. “I don’t play with girls, only with women.”
“Yeah, I remember how well you played with half of the female population in town,” snickering Dean slides off his barstool to stand behind you. He’s caging you with his body, places both hands on each side of the bar counter.
“You were one of them, and I remember you were so eager to get out of that cute dress you wore only for me, sweetheart,” he husks in your ear. “Come to my office, Miss Y/L/N, and let’s talk about your behavior lately.”
“If you insist, boss,” you hate you follow him all too eager.
While Dean waltzes toward his office, waving at people, you fight your way through the masses, unbeknownst Sam is following your every step with his eyes.
“She will fall for him all over again,” Ruby sighs. The brunette sips at her drink while sitting on Sam’s lap. “Can you not tell your brother to stop breaking my friend’s heart? She deserves better for fuck’s sake. Two years ago, she found a nice guy and tried to quit only to do the walk of shame the next morning.”
“I can’t help two fools in love to find their way. I tried, Baby. Don’t ask me to talk to my brother about love again. He’s stubborn. You know that Ruby.”
“I know, still, she deserves better than a quick fuck at his office only to end up alone and weeping on the floor for weeks after he had his way with her…”
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“Fuck, Y/N,” Dean groans with every thrust. “I’ve missed this tight little cunt around me.” you hate yourself for letting Dean in once again while he takes you apart.
What can a girl do when he has you pressed against the wall the moment he closed the door behind you. His lips on yours, his hands on your ass to heave you up to hold you against the wall.
His thrusts are more demanding tonight, his lips tender against your throat and his hand, well his hands hold you a little tighter. “Dean, fuck—we shouldn’t.”
“A little too late for regrets,” the devil moans in your neck, moves a little slower to drag his thick length against your walls. “You’re so wet for me, Sugar.” you whimper at the nickname. 
It brings back memories of all the nights he called you like that, voice hoarse and his eyes only set on you.
“Go to hell—” you finally choke out, still, you hold tight onto his shoulders when he starts to fuck up into you at a madding pace. 
“I’ll just take you with me,” he grips your ass tighter, moves you up and down his length while his lips do the worst thing possible – they claim yours in a bruising kiss, take your breath away. 
Dean moans against your soft pillows, ignores a single tear that runs down your cheek or that your cunt flutters around him.
“You’re mine, my girl,” he demands, hips jerking uncontrollably now. “Never gonna let you go. Just hold tight, baby.”
You grasp for his shoulders, dig your nails deep into his skin when you can’t hold back the approaching high anymore. A wave of pleasure washes over you and for a moment everything is like it should be—until it isn’t. 
His warmth fills you and you remember the way he ended things, right after he fucked you against the wall at his place.
“What if you let me fall?” there is so much fear and pain hidden behind those few words Dean stops moving for a moment. He just looks at you pinned to the wall, bare and vulnerable right in front of him. “Wouldn’t be the first time.”
“Why do you always keep coming back to me?” he nips at your lips, hands wrapping around your back. “Why, baby?”
“Believe me, I’ve been asking myself the same question for two years,” you give Dean a sad smile, eyes filled with tears again. “Maybe I’m a masochist and like to get hurt. I don’t know why I let you in over and over again only to get broken.”
“I hate to break it for you, but we have this thing going on for almost six years,” Dean laughs when you punch his shoulder. “Maybe a little longer.”
“I know, dumbass,” you shake your head. “Two years ago, I found a new job and tried to leave town, but then you dragged me back into your life, and since then…”
“You try to escape me and my charming personality…”
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“Why are you still here?” looking over your shoulder you wonder why Dean didn’t leave your place like he always does after he got what he wanted. “Isn’t one of your other girls waiting for you?”
“I told you that the girl was there for a job, not to suck my dick,” he kicks his shoes off and drops his shirt to the ground before he unzips his pants. “I want to stay the night.”
“Why?” watching Dean strip his socks off you frown. “Dean, you don’t need to pretend shit, okay. We both know I was just convenient again.” you turn around, not wanting to face the devil again. If you do, he’ll drag you down to hell again.
“Y/N, baby,” he crawls under the covers to press his face into your shoulder, “you’re not convenient to me. I swear, I asked the girl to come to the club for a job. She asked around at my mom’s place and I offered she can take over a few shifts. As a waitress, not for me to… you know…”
“How shall I know?” you hate that his warmth lulls you into safety. And you hate his arms wrap around your waistline even more. “All you do is to bang random chicks at your office. Just like you did with me not an hour ago.”
“You’re not a random chick, Y/N,” oddly Dean clings to you tonight. He burrows his face in your neck, not letting go of you until he feels your breathing even out. “Maybe you are the only girl I ever loved. I was just too afraid to keep you in my life.”
You can’t react to his confession as you are fast asleep. Dean doesn’t care. He needed to get it off his chest. 
“No matter what, you’ll always be mine, sweetheart. Come hell or high water,” he whispers. 
And maybe, just maybe, you’ll give him another chance to prove he’s not the devil, only a lonely man who messed things up years ago.
>> Part 2
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faeri-meadow · 3 years
Out with the old, in with the cold (Philza x reader x Technoblade) (part 2)
I'm glad people enjoyed the first part! Here's part two! Now this isn’t going to 100% follow the lore or the mechanics of minecraft, think of it as Minecraft AU with some real life mechanics and some extra enchantments! Sorry if that makes no sense, I kinda just went with what felt right! Enjoy!
TW: Two mentions of death, that’s all!
My dreamless sleep was interrupted by the feeling of someone lightly shaking me, "Time to get up mate, Techno's getting ready and I've made breakfast." I slowly opened my eyes, attempting to blink away the sleep that clouded my vision, I was greeted by the sight of Philza standing close to the couch, his face near mine. He was staring at my face, and I was doing the same in return until he gave me a warm smile "C'mon, I've got some more clothes for you to wear, yours are still wet. I tried to dry your shoes to the best of my ability, but you may need to borrow an old pair of mine and maybe Techno can show you where the leather smith is in the village." He patted a spot on my legs making me look down on the couch to see a small stack of neatly folded clothing, "Ok, and I can wear my shoes, you've already done so much for me." I sat up as Philza backed up giving me room to stretch. I started to get off of the couch, lifting the blankets and letting my feet touch the slightly cold wooden floor. "Your shoes aren't meant for this weather, ours are. I would feel a lot better if you wore one of mine, though you may need to wear a few pairs of socks to make them fit." He extended a hand for me to take, which I did, and pulled me up off of the couch, "I'll find the smallest pair I can and then get you a plate ready, you can go to change in the bathroom." I gave him a nod and picked up the small stack of clothes and made my way to the bathroom I was shown yesterday.
A few moments later and I was wearing another green sweater, though this one was slightly thicker, and long black pants that I rolled up at the legs because they were too long. I opened the bathroom door to see Techno getting ready to knock, eyes wide, "Oh, uh, I thought you may need some things, so, here you go." He dumped some items into my arms and closed the door, leaving me confused and slightly flustered. I went through what he gave me and found a bar of soap, a wash cloth, toothpaste and a toothbrush, as well as a hair brush. I got to work on my routine, starting with washing my face and ending with brushing my hair. Once I was finished I dried off the toothbrush and gathered the items Techno gave me as well as the clothes Philza gave me the night before and left the bathroom. I could smell eggs and bacon as soon as I opened the door, making me walk a little faster to the kitchen, surprising Techno and Philza. "Oh, hey mate! You can set all that on the couch and come eat, after you can try on these shoes." I nodded and turned to the living room, quickly setting the clothes and stuff on the couch and rushed into the kitchen, sitting down in the same spot I sat in the previous night. Breakfast was just as quiet as dinner was, and once again Philza took my plate and cleaned it off and then set several pairs of socks at my feet along with some slightly large leather boots. " We made sure to enchant a lot of our items when we first got here, I'm pretty sure all of our outerwear have water resistance." I smiled and said a small thanks as I got to work putting on sock after sock, glad that they weren't all the same size, giving my feet some freedom. Once I had a whopping six pairs of socks on, I could finally wear the shoes without my feet sliding around too much. I stood up from the chair I was sitting on and walked around a bit, making sure the shoes actually fit. When I was happy with how they felt, I went into the living room seeing both Techno and Philza speaking in front of the front door, my heavy footsteps making them turn their attention to me. Techno looked at me through the holes in his mask, "There you are, we were just talkin about you. Question, what are you hoping to find at the village?" I stopped moving for a moment, "Oh, umm, I'm not sure. Maybe a place to stay so I can gather materials again? I don't have anything to really trade with so I guess I'll just offer to work around the village so I'm out of your hair." I gave a shrug and headed to the door as the duo looked at eachother, a sigh coming from Techno causing me to turn around to see his slightly annoyed face and Philza's very happy grin, "I suppose... You can stay here for a bit... But don't get comfortable, you were willing to work at the village, so now you get to help out here." Looking in between the two I couldn't help the slightly confused expression that took over my face, " Wait, quick question, why are you so trusting of me? You don't know anything about me." They both looked at me surprised, and seemed to be thinking about my question, but Techno seemed to get an answer quicker, "Because if need be, we can kill you without a second thought. As you've said, you don't have anything, and I highly doubt you can take on the both of us. If you're ready to go then we should be leaving, I've got other things I want to do today." All I could do was nod as we both started out the door, however Philza stopped us, "Wait! I don't want you catching a cold!" He came up in front of me and threw something over my shoulders and clipped it in the front. I look at my shoulders to see a long black cloak that nearly touched the ground, while I was distracted I felt the hood being pulled up, "Good idea Phil, I'm pretty sure we both would be too busy to take care of you." I nodded to the both of them, my cheeks turning a slight pink as Techno and I turned around and waved at Philza, saying our goodbyes.
Techno'a POV: (bet ya didn't see that coming muahaha!)
I lead (Y/N) to the stables where I kept Carl, "We don't have another horse, so you're gonna have to ride with me." I didn't really give them time to respond as I saddled up Carl and then jumped on, holding out my hand for them to take. They seemed hesitant and were a little too slow for my liking so I grabbed their arm and pulled them onto Carl, sitting them right in front of myself. "You act as if you've never ridden a horse before." I all but huffed out. In return I got a side glare, "Maybe I haven't Blade, I never needed to. I never left my house, and if I did happen to, wherever I was going was in walking distance." I let out a chuckle at the tone they used and ushered Carl to start moving. The village wasn't too far, and I've walked there plenty of times, but when I have plans for trading, it's best to have Carl. I could feel how stiff (Y/N) was on in front of me, probably due to her lack of experience in riding horses but decided not to say anything and just continued on. 
Eventually we reached the village, people already out and about despite the frigid weather. Once I reached a fence post I jumped off of Carl and grabbed (Y/N) from their waist and took them off of the horse as well, tying a lead to both Carl and the fence. “Alright, here are a few emeralds, go grab whatever you need and meet me back here around noon.” They grabbed the emeralds and muttered a thank you, heading further into the village. I let out a sigh and looked at the sky to see I had about two hours before noon hit, and with that thought I headed into the village as well.
~Time skip~
As soon as the sun was in the middle of the sky I was back at Carl’s location, lugging some bags onto his back. It was only moments later when I heard heavy foot fall, “Did I make you wait? Sorry if I did, I had to get some measurements taken.” I turned around expecting to see dozens of articles of clothing only to be surprised when I saw a small bag in (Y/N)’s hands, “What were ya getting measured for?” They laughed at my confused expression and opened the bag, ushering me to see the inside, “It’s enchanted, it has a lot more space then you think. Oh, that reminds me!” They reached into the bag and pulled out two things, one being a handful of the emeralds I gave her and the other being a golden necklace with a small crown sitting at the end. “Here is what was left, and I wanted to get you and Phil something as a thank you! I know they were your emeralds, so you kinda bought it, but I plan on paying you back, every single emerald.” I gently took the necklace into my hands, confused as what to say, “Erm, thank you, you didn’t have to get us anything.” they simply shook their head and gave me a smile, “Lets head on back! It seems like you got a lot of stuff and I don’t want Carl to have to carry it for longer then he needs to.” I couldn’t help but try and read their expression, to see if there was any motive behind the act of kindness, but saw none. I gave them a nod and untied Carl, jumping on and grabbing their arm as I had before, and then we were off.
(Y/N)’s POV:
The village was nice, the people being very sweet when asking about where I came from. When I went into the jewelry store to find something for Techno and Philza I was asked what I was looking for, and when mentioning the two men who had allowed me to stay, the shop keeper directed me to gold for Techno and onyx for Philza, and to make everything better, I got a discount from the shop keeper, the reasoning being “They have already done so much for us, it’s the least I can do.” I was pulled out of my thoughts by two large hands grabbing my waist and picking me up off of Carl, “I tried calling your name but you weren’t respondin, you go on inside, I’ll put Carl away.” I nodded at Techno and hurriedly ran inside, warmth greeting me as soon as I opened the door. I started calling out Philza’s name while stuffing my hands inside the bag feeling around for his gift, smiling when my fingers wrapped around the cool stone. “In here mate!” I followed his voice down a ladder and into what looked like a smithing room, “Hey! How was the trip to the village? Find anything good?” I gave a nod while looking around the room, there were anvils, smithing tables, blast furnaces, and what looked like a cauldron full of different metals. “Mate? You alright?” I turned my attention to Philza who was now standing in front of me, the metal he was working on still red hot behind him, “Oh, yeah, I’ve just never really seen or used most of these things!” This caused Phil to furrow his brow, “You mean you’ve never used a smithing table? Or a blast furnace? Surley you’ve had to of used an anvil at least!” I let out a laugh and shook my head, “I guess compared to you guys I never really had much to begin with, I’ve used a furnace before, just not a blast furnace. I don’t really know what a smithing table is for, and I think I’ve used an anvil once or twice, mainly to stamp names into name tags.” Phil’s eyes were wide, “You’ve never had netherite? A smithing table is used only for netherite, it’s a material from the nether, the strongest material in fact!” I stared at his bewildered face for a moment before replying, “I’ve never been to the nether, I never really was an adventurer I suppose, I had everything I needed at home.” This only seemed to confuse the winged man more before he took a deep breath, released it, and then looked a lot calmer, “Well I suppose Tech and I will have to change that at some point! So what did you need me for?” He turned around and made his way back to the metal that was a little darker then before, and proceeded to dunk the metal into the furnace, turning it bright red once again. “Oh, I got you something while we were out, as a thank you of sorts!” I held out a silver chain, at the end sat a black feather made of onyx. The light from the fire seemed to dance across the shiny stone catching his gaze, “Oh mate, you really didn’t have to.” But none the less he slowly grabbed the necklace from my hands, eyes never leaving the detailed feather, “I did though, without you guys I would be dead. I practically owe you both my life.” His eyes left the feather only to catch my own gaze, “You don’t owe us anything, neither of us could just leave you out there.” He grabbed one of my hands with his free one, “I love it, it’s beautiful.” I gave him a light smile as I tried to pull my hand away, but instead of letting me go, Phil pulled me in for a hug, “Seriously (Y/N), please don’t feel like you owe us anything.” He held onto me for a bit longer before letting me go, a blush slowly spreading across his cheeks, “Sorry, I didn’t mea-” I cut him off by going in for another hug, “Don’t be, I needed that.” Once again his arms wrapped around my back, his head laid on top of my own.
“Ahem.” A throat being cleared scared us both as we quickly split apart, seeing Techno at the bottom of the ladder with a slight smirk, “Oh, I’m so sorry, did I interrupt something?” I could feel the heat rushing to my face and I rushed out an answer, “N-no, I was just giving him his gift, a-and he gave me a hug in return!” I couldn’t help the slight stutter, but that seemed to make Techno’s smirk widen, “Oh? I kinda feel bad now, all I said was a thank you.” He started moving towards me and within a few steps was right in front of me, “Guess I’ll have to make it up to you.” Before I could question what he meant, his arms wrapped around my back as he lifted me into the air, giving me a bone crushing hug, “Tech-no, can’t breath-” He held onto me for a bit longer, a slight chuckle making his chest vibrate before setting me onto the ground, “Okay, okay, now it’s time for you to help out (Y/N), Phil, you look busy down here so I’ll just take them with me to feed the animals and collect some crops, sound good?” Hearing no response I glanced at Philza who was giving a slight glare to Techno, but soon realized I was looking and dropped it, mumbling out a quick sounds good and going back to molding the metal in front of him into whatever he was turning it into. With his response, Techno and I headed back up the latter and outside to care for the crops and animals.
Philza’s POV: (Hehehehehe)
Once I heard the door upstairs shut I put down the hammer I was using on the rod of iron, and instead turned my attention to the necklace given to me by (Y/N). It hurt for some reason to hear that they felt they owed us, it made me think about what they may have gone through in the SMP to feel that way. A small part of me was happy when they hugged me back, I was worried I had stepped too far. However when Techno showed up that feeling was replaced with slight jealousy. I pushed away those thoughts away and instead focused on the previous part of our conversation. The fact that they never had a netherite weapon confused me as they had once lived in the SMP, and the citizens were noctorious for their netherite weapons and armor. I made a self note to speak to Techno about a possible trip to the nether, which he shouldn’t be too opposed to, but then thought about (Y/N). Neither of us know them well enough to know if they can fight which means we would need to keep an eye on them. Not only that but a lot of materials went into the creation of L’Manhole, so before a nether trip, a mining trip is needed. We could always ask them to stay back, but then they would think they owe us more, either way they need something to defend themselves if we were to leave. My eyes glanced down at the slightly cooled iron sitting on the anvil, and just like that I went back to work, this time with a plan.
~Time skip~
(Y/N)’s POV:
All of the animals seemed very happy to have their food for the day, and I was carrying a basket full of potatoes, carrots, wheat, and some beetroot. Techno was in charge of the meat collecting, and he seemed to be done as well as he approached me with a similar basket, though his was covered with a kind of tarp. We both nodded towards each other and walked towards the house, the sun starting to set, the figure of Philza was standing on the porch of the cabin, “Looks like we won’t need food for a while huh?” His icy blue eyes studied the baskets before he stepped towards the door and opened it for us. I stomped off my feet before I entered the house and made a bee-line for the kitchen, setting down the basket with a huff, Techno not too far behind me. “Oh, before we start putting things away and such, I wanna give you something (Y/N).” I looked at him confused when he went into the living room, coming back with something wrapped in a blanket, “Here ya go mate!” I unwrapped the blanket and saw a shiny iron sword, with my name scratched onto the base. I grabbed the handle of the blade, switching it from hand to hand, amazed at how light it felt, “Philza, I don’t know what to say. I don’t even know how to use a sword!” This caused both Philza and Techno to laugh, “Remember this morning when you asked us why we trusted you? And I said that we could kill you if we wanted?” Techno stared at me, a smug grin on his face, “I think we could teach you a thing or two about sword fighting. They don’t call us the Angel of Death and the Blood God for no reason.” I tilted my head slightly, “Angel of Death? Blood God? Sorry if this sounds rude, but I’ve never heard those names before.” For some reason the room went quiet, Techno and Philza looking at eachother, seemingly having a conversation, “That’s a story for another day Mate, how about we get ready for dinner?” I agreed quite quickly and rushed to the bathroom, grabbing out some of the clothes I bought from the village which consisted of sweat pants, wool leggings, some nicer long pants of various colors, a few sweaters, sweatshirts and jackets as well as (Whatever scent you want) scented shampoo and conditioner. I crossed my fingers and looked around the bathroom for some sort of closet or cabinets and saw a chest in the corner. I opened the chest and found towels, quickly taking one out and running myself a bath. I was quick to wash off any sweat that accumulated over the day and washed my hair. Once leaving the bath and emptying the water, I dried myself off and put on a pair of black wool leggings and a light pink sweatshirt as well as a pair of fuzzy socks and left the bathroom. I went into the living room, put down the clothes and the bags and ran to the kitchen where Philza and Techno were both cooking. “Hey, nice choice of clothes eh Techno?” Techno’s eyes lazily moved from the meat he was cutting up towards my form, as soon as he sees me though his cheeks go pink, “HEH?” Philza and I both started cracking up before I was ushered over to help make dinner. Within fifteen minutes the air was filed with a delicious smell of veggies and meat, the stew that we all worked on finally finished. Dinner was eaten quickly, however this time I grabbed the dishes and went to the sink. “You guys can head upstairs and go to bed, thanks for taking me out today Techno, and for the sword Philza!” Warm smiles bloomed onto both of their faces as they came over and each gave me a hug from behind before they headed for the stairs, simultaneously saying no problem, followed by a string of ‘Jinx you owe me a soda’. Once dishes were washed and lanterns were blown out I made my way once again to the couch, fire still burning keeping the air around me warm. I laid down on the couch and wrapped myself in the blankets, with a full stomach and a clean body, sleep came quick. 
AN- Once again, thank you for reading, and I’m sorry for any mistakes!
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devilrainbunnie · 4 years
Midnight Train
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Dabi x Fem!Reader
cw: smut 18+ minors DNI, chikan, dubcon/noncon, pet names, pervy dabi
You stood in the train station, feeling a bit out of place. Looking around at your surroundings, and wondering when your train was going to arrive. It was running a little too late for your liking. Not to mention the fact that it was late, and cold, you didn’t even have a coat. You were wearing a long sleeved shirt, a short black skirt, and matching thigh highs with some simple school girl like shoes. Which was kind of ironic for you to wear. At the moment, you were currently in your second year of university. Just coming back from an outing with your friends, and cutting it off early because you had work the next morning. You were always overly cautious anywhere near trains, just due to the nature of pervy men, and the amount of times you’ve had experiences with them. Not even to mention how intense it is around this area. You berated yourself internally for deciding to wear something like this out, but now you had no choice but to just try and deal with it for now.
Absent-mindedly you scrolled on your phone, to give you some sort of distraction from the anxiety you felt beginning to stir in your stomach, tightening your thighs together, and keeping your purse close to your body. Then soon, the sounds of a fast moving vehicle, and wheels breaking to a halt brought you out from beneath your phones gaze. Looking up to greet the train. You patiently waited until it’s gears locked into place, and the doors opened. Waiting until the small crowd of people walked out of the cart, and then following into it. The cart was decently full of people. But to your absolute demise, there was some substance on some of the seats that looked like a spilled milk tea boba. Which was why you had to stand. Opting for the back of the cart that had some people also standing around. One of them meeting your gaze. Hooded, cerulean eyes following behind you, as you reached your spot to stand. He must’ve got on with me, you thought to yourself. The person was a bit of distant from you, staring at you without remorse. It was hard to make out their features with the large hood they wore over their head, and it made you anxious. Holding your body closer to itself.
He was looking at you like a predator stalking prey, hungry, and ready to devour. A look that quite honestly was making your heart absolutely flutter against your rib cage. Then you did something kind of stupid, pulling out your phone again, and trying to focus all of your attention on it. Trying to pay the hooded man no attention, out of your peripherals, you saw him lift his hood back. But again, you were too scared to see what he looked like. No matter how intense your curiosity was. After a short while into the trip following that, you checked again to see if he was there, and surprisingly he wasn’t. 
That’s when you froze, instantly recognizing the feeling of someone standing just behind you. Too scared to gaze behind you, and the train suddenly causing the cart to jolt, your body mushed right against his, as your wobbly knees made you unstable on your feet. Perfect timing.
“S-Sorry!” you cried out, lurching yourself forward. His body following yours.
“It’s quite alright, doll face.” a husky voice whispered behind you. “I like your skirt, it’s cute on you.”
You didn’t respond to this, your blood was running cold, and your breath hitched inside of your throat. He made it a point to step closer to you, the heat radiating off of him was almost too much. The stranger was only an inch or so from touching your body, a hand reached to you hair, tucking it to the side as he leaned in. Body flush with yours, as he whispered to you. “It’s not nice to ignore people when they compliment you.”
“I’m s-sorry.”
“Is that all you know how to say?”
“I-I’m sorry I’m not trying to offend you--”
“Oh baby, you already did though. You hurt me real bad. Don’t you think I deserve something for my bleeding heart?” he taunted. Hands traveling in different directions, his large hand groping the flesh of your ass. This stranger just reached under your skirt to grab you, and  you to let out a little yelp, and his hand colliding with your mouth forcefully. “I don’t think you want to find out what happens to little girls who are loud, and bratty. I’m not gonna hurt you baby, just be a good girl, an’ let me take care of ya.” he raised the hand from your mouth to show you the tiny blue flame in his palm. Instinctively you shuddered, gulping down the lump in your throat. “Am I understood?”
You nodded, he grabbed your jaw, which forced you took look at him as his head appeared by you shoulder. “Use your words, like a good girl. Remember what we talked about?” he was quite attractive, despite all of the deep scars on his face. His black locks framing his face evenly, and looked quite fluffy. His scars looked painful, and so did all his staples. The piercings on his nostrils were cool though-- despite that, he looked like he had been through hell and back. It made you all the more confused, he was good looking enough to score any girl he wanted. Even with all of the scars and staples, girls probably drooled over it. So why did he bothering harassing you on a train? The man was probably just a full blown predator, and it made you start to panic worse.
“Y-yes, I-I’ll be quiet. I’ll be good.” you said with a wavering voice, tears forming in your eyes at the situation. 
“Mmm, such a good girl. Nice an’ sweet, just like I like ‘em.” he murmured against your neck, leaving a wake of wet kisses across it. Taking some experimental bites to try to find your sweet spot, and when he did, you writhed against him. Letting out the cutest little whimper. “Look at you, you’re so fuckin’ sexy.” he was thankful he spotted you initially, he really found a prize that night.
He was walking back from a bar, and he saw you approaching the train station. You looked so sweet, so soft, and so easy to taint. The way your squishy thighs looked in your socks, and how your ass’ curve was more prominent due to the skirts little ruffling drove him to you. Eyes lingering over ever inch of your body, he needed you the second he saw your cute face too. He just knew you were a sweet little girl, and he wanted to taste you before he lost you for good. Honestly, you were such a good girl for him right now he debated on taking you home. Sure, you’d be a lovely little pet to have around the house. He could sure use the company, and you were just so goddamn cute. The man would love to wake up every morning to face fuck you, or violate you a little bit before he started his day. I mean how could he not— just look at the way your pretty e/c eyes leaked tears out, and your plump lips pouted as his fingers dove for your pussy. So pretty.
This sick man decided to lick your face to wipe away the tears from your stained, heated cheeks. His long, calloused fingers rubbing against your clothed slit, making your hips buck at the pleasure of it. Little strangled moans being held down in your throat. Waiting for your slick to seep through the pretty light blue cotton, and keep it for later. “Has anyone ever touched you like this before? Hmm? Does it feel good?”
“N-No, plea-ah, please j-just stop.” you cried out, sniffling after you choked out the words. His fingers began to push your pretty little panties to the side, moving his fingers up and down your cunt. Finally able to feel that you were actually becoming a bit wet, he chuckled behind you. You let out a soft moan, the first one he was able to actually get out of you.
“Mm, you’re getting more wet by the second. You sure?” he teased. His opposing hand sleeping inside of your sweater, pushing a breast out of its cup, and squishing the flesh in his palm. Tweaking the nipple between his fingers, arching your back and wincing at the pleasurable pain. “You’re so sensitive, and I haven’t even put my dick in you.”
“Pl-please. I- just want to g-go home.” you whimpered as he continued to violate you, finding your clit and pinching the bud between his fingers. Watching as your breaths became ragged, and the way your knuckles turned white as you held on to the metal pole. The way his fingers were working against your untouched pussy right now, was making it drool. You hated how much that was turning you on.
“Turn your head.” he commanded, and you did. Meeting once again, his face at your shoulder, this time his hand slipped from your breast. Grabbing the opposing side of your face and slamming your lips against his. Surprisingly, his kiss wasn’t at all overbearing, or forceful as you thought it was going to be. It was slow, and somehow passionate, despite the situation. You kissed him back, just trying to be compliant. His lips were soft, despite his lower lip being badly damaged, and he knew how to use it well. The hand quickly knotted itself in your hair, causing you to gasp, and open your mouth for him. His wet muscle tangling in with yours, and with that, a deep guttural groan left the back of his throat. Combined with your little whimpers, created an odd symphony of pleasure.
With your mouth occupied, two of his fingers began running across your slit. Gathering the arousal between his fingers to act as lubricant. Then plunging the digits straight into your throbbing, and tight hole. Which made your body act on instinct, and you gasped loudly in his mouth. He pulled back, chuckling at how much you were reacting now. Panting like a bitch in heat, biting back a plethora of moans inside of your throat. He really wanted to hear you crying out to him, and moaning, but he didn’t want to cause too much of a scene. Who knows, if he’s really feeling up for risking everyone’s safety, mostly his own for some snatch— he’ll fucking do it.
“Do you feel good?” he asked you, kissing up your jaw again.
“Y-yes.” you whispered, your small hands struggle to stay up against the pole. The pace of his fingers began to speed up, causing a horrid squish-y sound to be heard in the atmosphere around the two of you. He was practically cumming at the sound of your wet sex being violated and how well you were taking him.
“Mm, I wish I could hear all those pretty sounds you’re tryin’ to hold back. God, you are just killin’ me tonight.” he moaned into your ear, taking it upon himself to start feverishly pepping your skin with his kisses as he pumped you closer, and closer to your end. 
He began noticing the way you were starting to clench against him, he assumed you were beginning to enjoy yourself fully now. His other hand snaked its way down your body to toy with your clit again as well, without intent, you mewled at the sensation. One of your hands coming you to cover your mouth, you anxiously looked around the cart. For some reason, no one was looking. Either they really didn’t want to look, or they were utterly disturbed by the sight in the far corner of the cart. Since no one was paying attention, you decided to act purely on desire since you were now worked up. Letting go of the pole you were holding on to, which the man behind you was quick to notice, thinking you were about to try to fight him off, the hand toying with your clit put a bruising hold on you midsection. You winced, both at the sudden loss of your breath, but also the fingers now violently crashing into your cunt, his breath ragged in your ear, causing a chill to run down your spine. “C-can I turn around?” you asked him. His movements stopped, you couldn’t see but he was looking at you completely dumbfounded.
“Why?” he said, sounding a little offended.
“Well t-there’s not a-lot of people in here. No one i-is going to care, I... liked uhm, kissing.” you murmured shyly, feeling pathetic and disgusted with yourself for wanting more. But the throbbing inside of your womb was now becoming almost unbearable, you could use something to take the edge off.
“What’s your name, baby?” he asked, his chin now resting against your shoulder.
“F/n, why?”
“F/n... you’re very naughty, you know that? I mean what kind of dirty slut wants to start kissing someone who just grabbed ‘em on the train? Maybe I was right, you are a special girl, huh?” he was quick to turn you around, pulling his hood back over his head, but not all the way. Your bodies were touching, and resting against the pole. So that way you could actually look at him. The fingers that were inside you, stuck straight into his mouth. Cleaning off your natural essence off his fingers like he had eaten the best meal he’d ever had. “At least you taste good. Sweet. Like fuckin’ honey or somethin’. C’mere pretty, I’ll let you try.” he leered down at you, his jagged scars twisting up in a cocky smile. Grabbing you by the back of your head, and crashing his lips against yours, sucking your bottom lip into his mouth immediately, snaking a hand of his into your hair. The other one traveling down south once again, pushing right into your slippery walls. Mewling against his tongue.
The sight must’ve been so erotic, they way you were pulling his face closer to yours by holding the back of his neck. Moaning, and panting into the heated kiss. His fingers inside of your pussy scissoring, and harshly pressing right against your cervix. God his fingers are so long.
He yanked your head back, looking at your features. Drinking in the sight of your half lidded eyes, kiss swollen lips and flushed expression. Your eyes silently begging him to keep at it, removing your arms from his. The man bit his lip, leaning back a tad to put his hand around your neck, reveling at how pretty and soft you looked like this. His hand never stopping it’s assault inside of you. “Sweet, right?”
“How close are you?” he asked, picking up his pace.
“Mmm, c-close. So close. Nngh.” The hand around your neck squeezed harder at the sides, making your eyes roll back as the thrusts of his hand picked up. The man stood over you once more, watching how your eyes kept rolling back into your skull, and how you biting so hard on your lip he was worried it might split. 
“Dabi.” he said, waiting for you to reply, and giving your neck a break from the squeezing. 
“My name, I want you to say it. Say it when you’re cummin’, I want you to remember who made you feel this good.” he kissed your cheek. “Will you be a good girl, an’ do that for me?”
“Yes D-Dabi. I’ll- be good.”
“You’re completely falling apart with just my touch.” he chuckled, leaning to your ear again, his hands dropping from your neck, to your thigh. Feeling to flesh of your ass again, this time he tried to hold your thigh to his hip, like he was expecting you to let him carry you. But in all honesty, it’s so he could rut his hips against your thigh and try to pretend for a second he was fucking you. Dabi reveled in the feeling of your soft skin against his fingertips. Bet it would feel even nicer against his dick. “I could fuck you right now, just whip out my cock, and stick it right in. I bet you’d like that huh? Me fucking you in front of all these people? I bet you wouldn’t even try to be quiet. Dirty, dirty girl. Maybe I should, huh-”
“No! No, p-please not here. Not in public. P-please Dabi.”
“I like seeing you beg like that, so I won’t this time ‘round.” he attached his mouth to your neck. Making it a point now to mark his territory, and watch you squirm. Wait-- this time around?! In that moment, you felt you were seconds away from bursting and his words meant nothing. His fingers inside of you continued to curl, and push you in all the right places. Your body quickly beginning to flood with a familiar euphoric sensation, knees growing weak, and the blissful feeling of stomach growing tight was all you could think about.
“D-Dabi.” you mewled out, mouth left to hang open. Your hands quickly clutching the jacket he was wearing, trying to feel like you had some control. “Please d-don’t stop, p-lease- oh!” 
He stared into your face as you grew closer. Dabi liked how hard you were tugging at his jacket, it confirmed for him that you were actually growing a lot closer than he thought. Despite the feeling of your gooey walls clenching around his fingers as if it was trying to suck them in. “Cum for me baby, you’re so close.”
“Dabi-- oh God, fuck- Dabi!” you cried out, a little bit louder than you intended. The coil in your stomach finally snapped, releasing the overwhelming feeling of your formerly restrained orgasm. Your tight cunny was clenching vigorously around him as he continued to pump into you, enjoying as you struggled to breathe due to how hard you had just came. Every inch of your body was jolting, trying to adjust to the come down of the feeling, and the man above you was watching with a smile. Dabi brought his free hand up that wasn’t covered in slick, and wiped some sweat, as well with stray hairs from your face. 
“Open up.” he said, removing his hand from your aching, and pleased cunt, shoving them into your mouth. Suddenly alarmed by the feeling of tasting your own arousal, and having his fingers try to climb their way down your throat. “Suck.”
So that’s what you did-- suck on his fingers, and he pumped them as well. Watching your pretty mouth try to take all of his abuse, and after he deemed them clean enough, he pulled them out. “You did so well for me tonight. We a couple minutes left of this ride, let’s make out.”
Before you could even respond, his tongue was already in your mouth and silencing you. During the time it took for you guys to get to your train stop, you did exactly that. Passionately making out for all to see, against a pole inside of a train cart. His hands palming your ass under your skirt like before, and your hands running through the tendrils of inky black locks. Honestly, you really should feel more ashamed than you currently are. Making out with the same man who was making you cry not even fifteen minutes ago, and letting him grind his erection against your thigh. But, you needed to fix that ache in your womb. You needed someone, or something, to make that coil snap.
Then soon, the train was beginning to halt to a stop, and the two of you pulled away. Your hands still locked into his hair. Holding his face close to yours. “That was fun, but I oughta head off now. I’ll be lookin’ out for you, so don’t do anything stupid, or run off on me.” you nodded, feeling threatened by his words, but also excited at the opportunity to see him again. Never in a million years would you think this of all things would happen, but it wasn’t anything to complain about. He pulled you in for another kiss, and following it by pressing another one to your cheek. “Get home safe now, ‘kay?”
“Okay.” you said in a hushed voice, as he pulled away from your body. Pulling his hood further over his face. Leaving you a stick, sweaty mess in the now emptying train. Adjusting your skirt, and top, combing through your now horribly messed locks. 
Before stepping out, you got a disgusted look from an older woman in the back of the cart. Shaking her head at you. But it made you let out a little laugh, stepping out of the cart on to the platform. Eyes scanning the scene for any sight of your scarred, and disturbed prince charming. But by that time he was long gone. Which kind of made you sad, but also relieved. Your mind was hazy, and clouded with a confused lust. Wondering if his words were true— were you going to see him again? Did you even want to? Why weren’t you freaking out right now? What is going on?
The entire walk home, was filled with your mind being so loud it was drowning out all of your senses.
Including the one that could’ve sensed the man following you home.
Don’t worry though, he just wanted to make sure his pet got home safely.
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doubleleoenergy · 3 years
Jealousy, Jealousy
Co-comparison is killin' me slowly. I think, I think too much.
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Pairing: sub!Steve Rogers x dom!Reader
Warnings: 18+ ONLY, oral sex (female receiving), pegging, fingering (male receiving), dirty talk, smut, cum eating
Word Count: 1721
Author’s Notes: I wrote this for the Maneater Writing Challenge via: navegandoaciegas. Using these prompts from the challenge list: pegging, “I’m not touching you unless you beg me to.”, and “Should've thought about it before you decided to piss me off”. Also, I have a thing for songs being the titles of my writing I guess, so queen Olivia is my inspiration for this.
This is my first fictional writing of any kind in about six years so please let me know any feedback you may have!
“You’re being fucking ridiculous” She’s rolling her eyes at him, following Steve into the bedroom. Steve was the one who suggested going out to the club tonight, the one who had invited Sam, Nat, Clint, and Bucky in the first place. She missed going out to clubs, after getting with Steve her partying days for the most part were long gone. At least, the BLACKING OUT parts.
Everyone had just gotten a few drinks in them and she was FEELING the shots of tequila coursing through her veins. She didn’t realize Steve would care who she danced with, him and Sam were deep in conversation when “No Guidance” came on, and he KNOWS how much you love to dance to it.
Nat was busy with some hot brunette bouncer by the wall, so she dragged Bucky along with her to the dance floor. Did she lean back into him and grind back against him? Yes, but she was tipsy. Did she expect him to roam his hands ALL over her body? No, not until Steve came and practically dragged her back to the car, refusing to talk to her until they walked in the apartment.
“Ridiculous?” He practically spat the words, turning around to face her. He towered over y/n, but she was definitely more bite than bark compared to him. “Why were you dancing with Buck anyhow? I’m your boyfriend, aren’t I?”
Her eyes bore into him at the words, did he really think she was going to apologize after that? “It’s not like I was fucking him Steve, and you don’t even LIKE dancing like that, let alone even going to the club. You know what? I don’t even have to explain this to you, I can do whatever I want.”
Steve took one step closer, his breath hot against her face. “You can’t just do whatever you want, not like that!” She’s had enough, her being was TOO big for her tiny frame and with the liquor in her system so was her EGO.
“I CAN do whatever I want, and what I want is for you to kneel.”
“Excuse me?” He cocks an eyebrow, but she doesn’t change her stance.
“I said kneel, that means to get on your KNEES. You know what that is, don’t you baby boy?” He knew what was about to go down, the second she uttered those last two words he knew he was in for it. Slowly, Steve slid down to his knees in front of her, eyes peaking up through lidded lashes.
“Please, y/n, I’m sorry-” She cuts him off with a finger to his lips. “Should’ve thought about that before you decided to piss me off. Talking to me like that, being jealous over Buck’s hands on me. Were you thinking that I’d leave you for him, get him to by my new BABY BOY?”
Steve lets out a whimper, cock twitching in his pants. “I don’t want anyone to be your baby boy, just me.” A smile appears on her face, slowly striding over to the bed. Her hands gently tug at the hem of her tight cerulean dress, pushing it over her head to reveal her bare figure underneath. She sits on the edge of the bed, stepping out of her silver stilettos before pushing herself back on the bed. She leans up on her elbows, beckoning him with her head. “Come here baby boy, you’re going to use that mouth of yours to make me CUM.”
Steve practically crawls over to her, eyes taking in her naked frame. He places his face between her legs and begins lapping at her core slowly, like a kitten. He knows not to put his fingers inside, instead placing his hands on her thighs for support. She groans under his touch, fingers roaming through his hair and giving a gentle tug.
“Baby boy, you know better than to tease me. Get me off, NOW.” Her words are soft but firm, and he doesn’t take but a single pause before his tongue is diving into her folds again, speeding up his tempo. She can feel her breathing stagger and her thighs instinctively clamp themselves around his head, holding him firm. “That’s it baby boy-” She’s cut off by the swirling motions to her clit, her body writhing underneath his tongue as she comes undone. Steve continues to lap at her, licking up all the sweet juices that are flowing from her core. He loves the taste of her, but he loves knowing he is the one giving her this kind of pleasure even MORE.
She’s coming down from her high, pulling his face off her with a smirk. “What a good boy, I think you deserve a reward, huh? Strip out of your clothes and get on your hands and knees for me.” Steve follows her orders, undressing out of his socks and shoes, then pulling off his olive-green tee and dark jeans. He tugs off his boxers last, hard cock springing out and slapping against his lower abdomen. Steve moves to the bed as instructed, pointing his ass high in the air.
“Open your mouth.” She moves to the side of his face, waiting for Steve to open and sticking two fingers in his mouth. “Suck, baby boy. You’re going to get these nice and WET for me.” He knows where this is going to go, making sure to lather them thoroughly with his saliva before she pulls them out.
“Y/N, please.”
“Please what? I’m not touching you unless you beg me to. And I know how good you are at begging, baby boy.” He groans instinctively, his hole tightening at just the thought of her using him. She knows just what to say to get him riled up.
“Please y/n, please fuck me, use me for your pleasure. I want to be your good baby boy, please-” Before he can finish his sentence she’s pushing both her sloppy fingers into his hole, Steve pushing back onto them. “So greedy huh? Baby boy, I’ve got to open you up nice, have to get you ready for your toy.” She’s sliding the fingers in and out of his hole, loosening him up. He’s making all those filthy noises, the whimpers that get her so turned on, and she can feel herself becoming wet AGAIN.
Fingers continue to push in and out of him until she pulls them out fully and spits on the two she had inside and now a third, moving them back into his hole. He looks so HOT pushing back onto the three now and she takes a moment to wiggle them inside just to hear him whimper for more.
“Y/N, please, I need to be fucked, want to be filled full of your toy. I need it so BAD, want to be your good boy on that big toy of yours.” She groans at his filth, pulling her fingers out and climbing off the bed to the dresser. She pulls out her favorite strap-on, a hefty black 8-inch dildo that matches Steve’s own length. Taking her time, y/n pulls on the strap and tightens it around her, the feel of the leather under the dildo bumping so perfectly on her clit. She takes a small bottle of lube out of the drawer as well, pouring some into her hand and lathering it onto the strap-on. Normally she’d love to see Steve’s mouth getting it wet before she pushes into him, but she’s starting to grow impatient.
Steve knows what’s about to happen and he moves to push his ass high at the edge of the bed, resting his face on his forearms, the most BEAUTIFUL arch you ever did see. She moves behind him, one hand on the strap, the other gripping his ass cheek. “Baby boy, you’ve been so good, you’re getting a reward. I’m going to fuck you and you’re not going to touch your cock. You will tell me when you’re close and beg me to let you cum.” She pushes forward, the dildo slowly slipping between his cheeks and slowly bottoming out inside him.
His whimper spurs her on, her movements in and out QUICKENING, her breathing ragged. “Such a perfect baby boy, looking so pretty on my cock. You just love this, don’t you? Wish I could bend you over like this in front of Buck.” Steve lets out a loud groan at her words, which only eggs her on more. The leather is still rubbing against her perfectly, a groan escaping her own lips. “Show him that the little dance him and I had meant NOTHING, that I don’t need a man like him when I’ve got my little SLUT waiting for me to fill him up with my cock and use him. Show him just how needy you get, how well you take it.”
She knows he’s getting close; she can feel his body shaking under her touch, but he has to TELL her. “Y/N, please I’m close, can I cum? Want to cum for you, want to show you what a good little slut I AM” With those words she pulls out, dragging him by the arm off the bed and getting on her knees on the floor.
“You’re going to cum on my tits and then LICK it all up.” She’s removing the strap, fingers rubbing at her clit and looking up at him. He’s towering her now, stroking his cock quick and making loud whimpers. She quickens her own pace, her own orgasm writhing through her as she feels Steve’s hot cum on her breasts, her name sounding like a curse from his breath. He lets the last DROP hit her skin before getting down to her level and lapping up all the sticky sweetness he let out.
“I’m sorry, I guess I just got jealous.” Steve always HAS to finish their arguments with a solution, even after sex. Her hands move to cup his face, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. “You have nothing to be sorry about, it was just a silly fight. Besides, it’s not like we go out much like that anyhow.” Another small kiss is placed to his lips, her fingers rubbing gently on his stubbled chin.
“But NEXT time we do, I’m dragging you to the dance floor with me.”
Taglist: @turtoix
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toastedkiwi · 4 years
Summary: You come home to Chris after a shift of bad calls.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Firefighter!Reader
Warning: nudity, showering, death of a child, and angst. Very angsty.
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When you walked through the door, Chris knew it was a bad day at work. You should’ve been home with him nearly 12 hours ago but you weren’t. You were saving lives. Trying to. Nothing seemed to go right.
“Hey, sweetheart,” Chris said softly.
You don’t greet Dodger or excitedly throw yourself into your fiancé’s arms and tell him all about your day. You’re out of it. Your face is covered in soot. Your hair is loose from your usual ponytail with some stray strands. You smell like sweat and a bonfire and he’s pretty sure there’s a mix of gasoline in there as well. You’re in your station tee and jacket. You changed into the skinny jeans you always wear.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, firefly,” Chris said.
You nod and let him take your hand. You walk up the stairs leaving your bag on the floor. He’ll grab it later.
“Have you eaten?” He asked.
You shake your head no but you don’t think you can eat. Not right now. Chris takes you to the master bathroom. He turns on the shower knowing the bathtub just isn’t right at the moment. You’ll wanna scrub every inch of your body from this day.
“C’mere,” he whispered.
You step closer to him. He pushes off your jacket from your shoulders and takes it off of you. It’s placed on the counter and Chris grabs the hem of your shirt. It’s pulled off and thrown into the hamper. Your shoes are kicked off and your hair is let loose. He unbuttons your pants and pulls the zipper down as you pull off your sports bra. The pants are pulled down with your panties. They come off along with your socks. It’s all thrown into the hamper.
“I’ll be with you in a second,” Chris said opening the shower door for you.
You nod and go into the steaming shower. He heads off and grabs some clean towels along with his bathrobe that you always steal from him. It’s set on the counter and he sheds his clothes before joining you. He pulls you under the shower head with him.
“Close your eyes, Firefly,” Chris said. “Gonna wash your face.”
He grabs your facial cleanser and squirts some in his hand. Your eyes closed with your face tilted up to him and he starts gently rubbing circles on your cheeks. The white foam of the cleanser starts turning a grayish black color. He can’t wait to see your face clean especially after not seeing you for about 36hours. You both have gone longer.
“There’s my Firefly,” Chris smiled after rinsing away the soap and dirt off your face and neck.
You don’t smile back. Your lip quivers. And tears well up in your red eyes. He wraps his arms around you tightly and you just break down in his arms. It breaks his heart.
“A- a little girl- she was- she was just four. She d-died in my arms. I- I couldn’t save her,” you cried looking up at him.
“I’m sorry, Y/n. I’m so sorry,” Chris said rubbing your back and holding you close.
You tell him about what else happens. He’s very grateful for that. He can’t have you going all quiet on him especially when you’re his rock. You see and go through a lot during shifts and he wants to be the person you can rely on. 
He washes your hair once you calmed down to whimpers and little sobs. You stick very close to him. You let his gentle hands roam your body getting all the sweat, the smoke, the soot, the dirt off your skin. He kisses you every now and again.
“I got you,” Chris whispered softly as he pulls you out of the shower.
The mirrors are fogged up. You’re shaking in your skin. He starts drying you off and then putting you in his bathrobe. He dries himself off a bit and wraps a towel around his waist. He kisses you next.
“I love you,” Chris whispered.
“I love you,” you said barely audible.
He puts down the toilet seat lid and has you spin around. He sits down on the lid with his legs spread and pulls you down. You sit in the space between. Chris grabs your hairbrush off the counter and starts brushing your hair. He gets all the tangles out and parts your hair to how you like. He runs his fingers through your soft wet hair with the oil that you always put in to keep it soft.
“I need ya to spin around, Firefly,” Chris said.
You stand up and he does as well. He grabs your moisturizer and sits back down. You sit in his lap facing him so he can do your facial routine for you. 
“I’m thinking we get you some Panda Express,” Chris said finishing up.
You shake your head no and bury your face into the crook of his neck. He cups his hands underneath your ass and stands up with you. He heads into the bedroom with you hanging off of him. His towel does fall off on the short journey over. Dodger jumps up onto the bed and Chris places you down. He wipes away your tears and kisses your cheek. He leaves your grasp and goes to the dresser. He pulls out a pair of boxer briefs and slips them on. He tosses you a pair of your underwear and searches for the perfect shirt or hoodie to put you in of his. He settles on a Patriots one.
“What do ya wanna eat?” Chris asked turning back to you. “You know I’m not a great cook but I’ll make ya whatever you want. I’ll take ya wherever you want. I’ll Uber Eats whatever you want.”
You don’t say anything. He sticks your head through the hole and you put your arms through the sleeves. You receive a kiss on the cheek. He presses your forehead against yours and looks at your red eyes that are already puffy from crying.
“You gotta eat. Or at least drink some water,” the blue eyed man said cupping your face.
“Water, please,” you whispered.
“Is that it?” He asked.
You nod.
“I’ll get you your water,” Chris said.
He presses a kiss to your lips before leaving you with Dodger. He’s sure to be quick since he doesn’t want you to be without him for long and he’s gotta keep an eye on you.
“Here ya go, honey,” Chris said handing you the glass of water.
You drink about half of it before putting it on the nightstand. Chris gets into the bed and wraps his arms around you. He pulls you on top of his chest.
“You feeling alright?” He asked.
You shrugged your shoulders.
“Well, that’s okay,” he said.
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The Beach - a The Rookie/Chenford Fanfic
“7-Adam-11, show us responding,” Jackson said over the radio as Lucy leaned back against her headrest defeatedly.
“I didn’t think I’d ever say this but I really don’t want to go to the beach.” “Like ever again,” she added even as she took the first turn towards their destination. 
LA was 4 days into a record heat wave and over that time Lucy had learnt a few important things 1) Unsurprisingly, extreme heat causes everyone to flock to the ocean. 2) It also makes people extremely irritable. 3) Lots of irritable people packed together in large groups leads to chaos and 4) wool uniforms are not ideal attire for patrolling beaches in temperatures around 100. 
So after 4 days she was over it. She had spent Monday with Jackson getting sworn at, honked at and nearly run over as they directed traffic at the busiest beaches in the city. She spent Tuesday with Tim breaking up beach brawls, confiscating contributing alcohol and watching bikini clad woman flirt with Tim. At least 8 different woman had asked him to rub sunscreen on them or suggested he take off his shirt to cool down. She had rolled her eyes so much she had given herself a headache. Although it may have been the sun. Yesterday, her and Nolan and responded to a report of a missing child who was feared drowned or kidnapped but turned out had followed the music of an ice cream truck four blocks and was found, about 30 minutes after the officers arrived, happily eating a fudgiscle. However, they were kept at the beach for the remainder of their shift by various citizens with complaints ranging from seagulls, wasps and possible sharks to thieves, streakers and possible melanoma. 
Now her and Jackson were headed back to a beach where the adjacent shrubbery was currently being consumed by a blazing bush fire, which was in all likelihood human caused and spreading fast. Therefore all hands were on deck as the LAPD worked with the LAFD to keep civilians safe, extinguish the fire and investigate its cause.
The rest of her shift passed in a blur as they interviewed witnesses, cordoned off the area, issued evacuation orders, ensured those who needed it got medical attention, joined a production line passing large buckets of water from the ocean to where the fire was burning and debriefed with their team which included Nolan and Tim, and Lopez and Harper. Luckily in the end, the fire was successfully extinguished, those living nearby were safe and happily back in their homes and the perpetrator, a cigarette butt flicker, was caught. But not until nearly 11pm by which time the entire team was exhausted, scorching and covered in soot and ash. With their job done the team of 6 headed away from the scene back along the beach to where they had parked their shops. They were right on the sand where they left them to create a barrier preventing people from wandering toward the fire and the beach around them was abandoned. Likely due to a combination of the late hour, the fire itself and the fact that the stretch of beach they were on was only accessible by walking about a mile from one of the main beaches on either side or by scrambling down the steep cliff behind them.
“Anybody want a cold one,” Nolan asked when they reached the vehicles, “well a hot one I guess” he amended as he pulled out a six pack he had confiscated earlier in the day from the trunk of his shop. Everybody made a face at the offer of hot beer but since the only light around came from the shops headlights shining in the opposite direction Nolan didn’t see them.
“Screw it, I’ll take one,” Angela said.
“Wesley and Patrice took the baby to meet the extended Evers clan so I have nowhere to be and now that I’m no longer breastfeeding I can have whatever I want. Even if that’s gross beer that’s been sitting in a hot car all day,” she explained.
“If we dig a hole near the water line it will fill with cold seawater and we can make a makeshift beer fridge,” Jackson suggested but Angela had already opened her can and was sipping away.
“I’ll help dig the hole,” Nyla offered. “I’d rather hangout here then go back to the station to do paperwork and Lila’s with her dad so I also have no where I have to be.”
“I’ll call Grey and tell him we’re clocking out and will do the paperwork in the morning,” Tim offered.
“Your staying?” Lucy asked a little too excitedly, “what about Kojo?” she quickly added.
“Tamara called several hours ago and offered to give him dinner, take him for a walk and put him to bed.”“She saw the fire on the news and rightly assumed we’d have our hands full,” he finished.
30 minutes later they all sat in the sand around their makeshift beer fridge. Shoes, socks and button up shirts discarded and pants pulled up to their knees. 3 flashlights were in the middle of the group, pointing skyward, their handles buried in the sand. They laughed as they went around and told stories.
“How is it still this hot?” Lucy asked a while later.  It was after midnight and the temperature had yet to even consider dropping below 90. 
She pulled her white t-shirt away from her skin fanning, herself. 
“I’m going swimming,” she declared ready to stand up.
“Your going swimming? Right Now? In that?” Tim asked gesturing to her cotton tee and woolen pants.
Lucy shook her head. “I was just going to go in my underwear but now that I think about it I don’t really want to have to drive back to the station in soaking wet underwear.”
Tim nodded as if this is what he expected but Lucy didn’t see him and continued.
“I guess I’ll just skinny dip,” she concluded.
Tim managed to both spit out and choke on the sip of beer he had just taken.
Everybody else’s faces were turned towards Tim and wearing amused expressions but they were saved his annoyance due to the limited light and the fact that his attention was still fully on Lucy.
“What?” She asked Tim, “It’s not a big deal. It’s dark. Plus everybody here has already seen me naked.” 
“Well except you,” she added, which earned another spit take from Tim.
Lucy rolled her eyes but couldn’t suppress a smile. She loved seeing Tim flustered, especially when it was her doing.
“What?” He finally managed to ask in a strained voice after a few harsh coughs to clear his throat.
“Everybody here’s seen Lucy naked but you,” Lopez offered, “although that was bound to change sometime soon,” she added.
Lucy and Tim both turned to look at her wide eyed. Nolan and Nyla were both hiding smirks and Jackson wore an expression of mainly panic as he spoke.
“She’s drunk. She has no idea what she’s saying,” Jackson offered before turning to look daggers at Angela and whisper something in her ear.
Lucy thought she heard the words bet, interference and disqualified but she couldn’t be sure.
When he finished Angela addressed them again. “Sorry, apparently my tolerance took a nose dive since pre-pregnancy. I didn’t mean anything by that I got you mixed up with Smitty and what’s her face,” she finished waving her hand disparagingly.
“Hmm,” Lucy said clearly not buying her lame excuse but Tim still had his mind on other things.
“Why has everybody else here seen you naked?” he asked, his tone almost suspicious.
Lucy laughed. “Are you jealous?”
He fixed her with his best TO look. “No.”
Lucy suppressed the urge to roll her eyes yet again and answered.
“Communal showers at work,” she began gesturing to Nyla and Angela. “Best friends and roommates” she added pointing to Jackson. “Life gets crazy. Sometimes closing doors or throwing on clothes just isn’t a priority,” she explained seeing Tim’s confused expression. “Also we had to help each other into and out of the bath after we were injured.” She didn’t have to specify her kidnapping or the beating Jackson took to take down Doug Stanton. This group knew. “It’s kind of ironic that when everything hurts all you want is a warm bath but when everything hurts it’s nearly impossible to get yourself into and out of a bathtub,” she finishes. “Oh and Nolan and I used to date.” She says it as almost an afterthought, super casual. But all the former TOs still look at her with shock.
“You and Nolan?” Nyla asks with a laugh. “Really?” “No offense,” she adds addressing Nolan.
“Ah, none taken?” Nolan replies, clearly confused by her reaction.
“When?” Lopez asks looking between the two P2s.
“For a couple months while we were in the academy. We called it off shortly after we started at Mid-Wilshire,” Nolan supplied.
“Wow, I just can’t picture it,” Angela continued shaking her head.
“Why would you want to picture it?” Tim spat. Then seemed to catch himself and schooled his scowl back into a blank expression.
“Why’d you call it off, anyway?” Angela asked. Half actually curious. Half just trying to do her friend a solid and take the attention off him.
“Bishop warned me that dating a fellow cop would brand me and could ruin my career,” Lucy answered and thought she saw Tim flinch. It was impossible to tell for sure with just the flashlights, nevertheless she added, “Somethings matter more-“ she was staring right at Tim now “-are worth the gossip, the assumptions, the risk.” As she said it she saw his expression change but she couldn’t read it. “But our relationship wasn’t one of those things. We’re better as friends, anyway,” she finished addressing the whole group but looking at Nolan specifically for confirmation.
“Agreed,” Nolan nodded holding up his beer.
“To friends,” Jackson said clicking his to Nolan’s.
“To friends,” everybody joined in clinking their cans together.
“So who’s coming skinny dipping with me?” Lucy asked as she started to make her way back to the vehicles where she could leave her clothes in a place where they’d stay sand free.
“I will,” said Angela, “pregnancy and caring for a baby really makes modesty go out the window. The two beers I’ve had don’t hurt either.” She began to follow Lucy to the cars.
“I’m in,” Jackson offered, “with you two practically glowing in the dark nobody will even notice me.” He teased as he got up to join them, earning a playful shove from Lucy.
“Nobody’s here to see anything anyway.” She retorted.
“Go ahead. I might join you later.” Nolan said and Nyla and Tim nodded in agreement.
10 minutes later. Lucy, Angela and Jackson’s clothes were inside Jackson and Lucy’s shop and they were out in the ocean. It dropped off quickly so they weren’t that far away from the beach even though the water came to just below Lucy’s shoulders. After four days of blazing heat and the fire on top today, the cool water felt like heaven to her. She dipped and dove through the water, relishing the cool and wiped at her face and hands to remove the soot that had coated them earlier. Beside her Angela was trying to show Jackson what her son does when they put him in the water. This led to reminiscing about childhood summers spent at the beach or in backyard and community pools. And before they knew it they were playing old games from those days. John and Nyla had joined them by this time. Claiming some combination of escaping the heat, joining the fun and more beer as the motivation. They were currently having breath holding contests.
“I win!” Jackson exclaimed as he came up for air to find everyone else already up.
“You cheated,” Lucy argued, “I saw you come up while I was still under. I had my eyes open.”
“I did not. Plus it’s pitch black under there you couldn’t possibly have seen anything.”
“Did Jackson come up?” Lucy yelled at Tim who was still sitting on the shore.
“I don’t know. I wasn’t watching,” he replied casually with a slight shrug.
“Yes you were,” Angela argued, “you haven’t taken your eyes off Lucy since she got in here,” then realizing what she said she quickly ducked back under the water. 
Everybody still above the surface froze.
Then after a beat. “So did he come up or not. I need to know if I won,” Nyla asked, all business.
“He floated to the surface but didn’t lift his head up. He won,” Tim offered defeatedly.
“Told you!” Jackson bragged.
“Rematch. 3,2,1 go,” shouted Nyla as everybody ducked back under the water. Lucy a split second behind everybody else as her attention was still on Tim. 
She came up about 30 seconds later just as a wave was passing by her and managed to swallow a good serving of water. She coughed and sputtered but before she knew it Jackson and Nolan were beside her and she was assuring them she was Ok just needed a bit of time to catch her breath. As she swam towards the shore to rest in the shallows she noticed Tim was just sitting back down and his pants were wet to just above the knee. But she didn’t let herself focus on it.
She swam to just in front of where he sat laying on her stomach on the ocean floor, head just above the water.
“You OK?” He asked shifting his eyes to her for the first time since she swam up.
“Ya fine, just swallowed a little water,” she assured him.
“Looks like you guys are having fun out there,” he nodded indicating the group still farther out.
“Ya the water feels amazing. You can’t honestly tell me that you aren’t hot.” She had meant it literally. He was sitting in above 90 degree weather with wool pants on. But then she realized he had taken off his white shirt and his muscled chest and stomach were currently on full display and the word took on an entirely different meaning. She was thankful for the darkness as it hid her blush but even that couldn’t hide the fact that she was definitely staring. 
“The ladies on the beach the other day will be so disappointed they’re missing this,” she teased gesturing to his bare upper half, hoping to give a probable explanation for the staring.
He gave a short laugh. “Not as disappointed as the meat bags who were wolf whistling at you will be that they’re missing that.” As he gestured at her he finally let himself actually take her in. Her hair was still up in its low work bun leaving her entire back exposed. The upper half of which was completely taken up by a tattoo, he had never seen before, although the light was too limited for him to make out the design. The rest of her body was hidden in shadows except her face which was now free of soot and make-up making her look young and vulnerable. Freckles brought out by the last few days of blazing sun were speckled across the bridge of her nose. Her mouth was twisted in thought and her eyes sparkled in the light of the flashlights. She really was beautiful.
While those thoughts flew through Tim’s mind Lucy was thinking about his comment about the wolf whistlers. That had happened at the very start of their shift and lasted no more than two seconds. Lucy wasn’t even sure they had been whistling at her and she had completely forgotten about it until Tim brought it up just now. Funny that he would remember. 
 They were both pulled out of their thoughts by a sudden commotion further out in the water:
Were being yelled over each other.
“What are they doing?” Tim asked looking at the group out in the water.
They were in a circle. Jackson had just given Nolan a high five then they were under again.
“I think they are playing the guess what I said under the water game,” Lucy chuckled.
Tim was about to reply but he was cut off by “How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood” being shouted in unison followed by bickering about who said it first.
“I’m going back out to join them. You going to come?” Lucy asked turning her attention from the group back to Tim.
“I don’t need to be a part of that.”
“Come on Tim. You’re hot and dirty.” She still meant it literally. Really. He was covered in soot. Stupid double entendres.
He raised is eyebrows.
“Just get in the water,” Lucy said splashing water at him to vent her frustration with how flustered she was getting.
He wiped the water from his face and a small smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. “Fine.”
Lucy beamed back at him as he stood up and walked back to the shop to discard his remaining clothes then turned her attention back to her friends.
“It’s not Angeles Direct, you’ve already guessed that three times,” Nyla was saying to Jackson
“That’s what it sounds like,” he argued “and it’s definitely closer to that than ‘embroidery period.’”
“That was my first guess. I heard wrong,” Nyla shot back.
“Oh ya cuz ‘and was dressed’ and ‘indoors divest’ were so much closer.”
Any further argument was cut-off by Nolan. “I’ve got it: Angela’s the best,” he said confidently.
“Yes and yes,” Angela confirmed.
“Your turn Nyla.” 
There was a brief silence as they all went back under the water followed by a flurry of screamed ���this is stupid.”
“Happy now?” Came a quieter voice beside her and Lucy nearly jumped out of the water. She had been so wrapped up watching her friends she hadn’t even noticed that Tim had made his way back down the beach and was now sitting beside her in the water.
She smiled and nodded. “Aren’t you?”
He gave a non-committal shrug. “We’ll see after I get roped into whatever’s going on out there,” he offered but there was no bite to it. He was even smiling, although mostly with his eyes, as he looked at their friends.
“Well let’s go find out,” Lucy replied as she led the way into the deeper water.
As they approached the group they watched them go up and down and listened to their guesses.
“And further than game”
“Comforters at game”
“Temperatures endgame”
“Stanford is endgame”
“Checkers is a game.” “At least that’s a real sentence”
“Bradford has game?” “That can’t be right he most definitely doesn’t”
Then just as Tim and Lucy joined the group “Chenford is endgame!” Shouted by Angela who upon realizing Tim and Lucy had joined them turned to Jackson.
“This ones not on me it was your sentence.”
Jackson stood stunned for a second looking desperately between Tim, Lucy and Angela then swiftly closed his eyes and yelled “MARCO.”
There was a brief silence then Nolan yelled “POLO” and everyone was swimming away from Jackson at top speed. Everyone except Tim who was giving Lucy a look that said. “See what you got me into? I told you so.” 
But she was busy swimming off with the others, grateful for the distraction. So he rolled his eyes and joined the game. The water did feel amazing although he wasn’t about to admit that to her.
Calls of MARCO POLO and laughter filled the air as everybody took their turn being it: Jackson tagged Nolan who tagged Lucy who tagged Nyla who tagged Jackson who tagged Tim who tagged Nolan who tagged Angela who tagged Jackson who tagged Tim who tagged Lucy. Well he meant to tag Lucy. He reached his arm out and jumped towards her “POLO” but she was closer than he thought and instead of the tips of his finger tagging her shoulder he jumped right into her. He hit her hard and she responded to being knocked off her feet and down into the water instinctively by reaching for the nearest thing to prevent drowning, which happened to be him. So when he opened his eyes her arms were around his neck and her legs around his hips and her face was only about an inch from his own as she coughed up water for the second time that day.
“Are you ok?” He asked moving a piece of hair that had fallen into her face behind her ear.
She nodded but continued to cough as he absentmindedly stroked her back.
 “You caught me by surprise,” she breathed “I didn’t know we were playing full contact Marco Polo.”
He let out a relieved laugh, “I’m sorry.”
“A real Tim Bradford apology I never thought I’d see it in person,” Lucy teased earning an eye roll from Tim. This close Lucy could see all the different shades of blue in his eyes even in the dark. 
“It was an accident.”
“So it wasn’t some sort of Tim Test to see how I would handle a fight in the water?”
“No. You got your last Tim test a year ago when you stopped being my rookie.”
“I can’t believe it’s been a year already,” she said. “Then again we’ve been through enough for an entire career,” she added as her hand reflexively moved from his neck where it was playing with his hair to the tattoo on her her ribs.
That’s when it dawned on her just how close her and Tim were, pressed together without a shred of clothing between them. She had felt so comfortable and content she hadn’t realized the gravity of the situation and what it could lead to. She was about to put some space between them when his hand covered hers over the tattoo marking her supposed day of death. The day he saved her from being buried alive. Although he would say it marked the first day of the rest of her life. The day she saved herself. 
And the desire to move away died in an instant. 
“I kept it,” she said quietly, “because of what you said.” “Because it’s a reminder that I’m a survivor. And that my team will always have my back.”
Tim was looking at her with an expression more open than she’d ever seen. “I have one of those,” he replied softly lifting her hand up and moving it to rest on his lower left abdomen. She was confused at first but as she felt the skin beneath her finger tips she realized it was scarred. The scar from when he was shot on her second day and she pulled him out of the line of gunfire.
She smiled and looked directly into his eyes. 
“It’s a good thing we have each other in our lives,”
“Sure is,”
She was just about to lean in and close the distance between them when a voice interrupted.
“Hey you two. Keep it PG or get a room. This is a family outing.” It was Nyla.
Lucy laughed as she untangled her self from Tim and in that moment she realized two things. 1) this was most definitely her family and 2) she would very happily come back to the beach. Maybe next time she’d just bring Tim, maybe even as her boyfriend.
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a-forgotten-spirit · 4 years
Wear It More (Dabi x reader 18+)
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Credit for photo is Casentine. I was unable to find the link to the owner even with searching the photo on google. It only came up with pinterest and a tweeter that has been deleted. If this is yours feel free to message me.  ________________________________________________________________
Pairing: Dabi x Reader  (18+)
Summary: Missing Dabi turns into Anger sex which turns into possessive sex. 
Words: +-4100
Warnings: SFW: Burning people, angry at Dabi, the league, wearing Dabi’s clothing, loneliness, sad, arguments, swearing, Dabi not listening, screaming, kissing, possessive, Dabi is so in love with you it’s obsessive, mention of murder, blood,  NSFW: Slight size difference, choking, being called baby/Princess, instructions, groping, whimpering, touching, fingering, dirty talk, moaning, ripping off clothing, rules, orders, pinned down, oral (receiving), punishment (the good kind), manipulation, gripping sheets, eyes rolling, tears of pleasure, begging, ruined orgasm, legs shaking, apologizing, being ‘owned’, hair pulling, intercourse (bonding), genital piercings, watching, rough (?), cremepie, orgasms.
A/N: HAPPY KINKTOBER! I will not be updating every day but I will be trying to do as much as possible. Again I say this is a hobby and I have school. However I do have a soft spot for the burnt boi. I am doing commissions, but I am also taking suggestions for future Kinktober updates. 
Masterlist  _______________________________________________________________
Waking up to an empty bed wasn’t uncommon, the fire user always had some mission to take care of, some person who wound up burnt to a crisp on the news, some new issue with the league. It was normal though I wished it wasn’t my normal. I had tried to make Dabi leave the league he always said we’d talk about it another time and then kissed me until I forgot about it. I sighed rolling around in the fluffy sheets, sitting up I put my legs over the bed feeling the chill in the air I made my way to the bathroom to do my daily routine without Dabi. Seeing his toothbrush bugged me, seeing his skin products made me want to throw them out a window. I walked out into the room with a growl, I loved him with all my heart and soul but it bothered me he cared more about the league than our time together, sure that was his ‘job’ but they didn’t care for Stain they just wanted the numbers. About to leave the room I saw a piece of fabric on the chair by the desk, walking over in anger that he couldn’t even just put it in the laundry I picked it up, a fluffy new jumper. Worn maybe once, bringing it to my face I breathed in his scent, I loved him more than life itself, his scent was like heaven, like a woodfire. Within seconds I was throwing my shirt off into the basket and pulling it on, Dabi was bigger than I, his height a major factor. Once the jumper was on I smiled and moved to put on some socks from the drawer, plain old shin-high black ones, just to keep me warm. A little counterproductive that I was only wearing underwear but after some food and a blanket I’d be fine.
Walking out to the kitchen I began to make food and without realising make some for Dabi as well, when plating I realised I had indeed made enough for another portion of the noddles with vegetables and chicken and his favourite sauce. I missed him, I was angry because I missed him. I put his portion in the fridge, we had at least moved to an apartment, it may be run by villains but it was home. I sat down and began to eat, alone. The food was good, more than good though that didn’t stop me from looking at the empty seat as I ate, washing the dishes after I had eaten I just wanted to go lay down and wallow for a bit. Walking back into the room I grabbed my phone from where it was placed and looked, no new messages, no surprise there. I was going to give this boy a piece of my mind when he got home. Moving back into the now cold sheets I wiggled until it was just my head out of the blankets, and played on my phone until I heard the door open a few hours later. 
Looking up I sat up from my warm place on the bed “Y/N I’m home” I heard the call out as he did every time he came home, his tone was off from the happy one he usually had but I didn’t respond only locking my phone and getting up from the bed to walk and stand in the doorway to our room. I crossed my arm staring at him. “Y/N are you home” he called out his back to me as he took off his jacket and shoes. 
“I am” I gritted out and his head turned to look at me and I stomped over to him “I am over you just leaving at the crack of dawn without a note, time or even just fucking message. Dabi I am sick of you just leaving with no notice, you spend all of your time with” I paused as he just stared at me, waving my hand in his face I huffed “Are you even listening” I asked and his eyes never left their wide look “Dabi” I called and threw my arms out in anger. 
“Is that my jumper” I looked down and then back up at his as he looked me over. Of all, I just said he only noticed I had stolen his jumper, that’s it. He saw nothing else with this conversation. I was astounded he really could not give two shits about this conversation. 
I didn’t care he was a villain or that he was bigger, stronger than me. My quirk wasn’t the best but I had one “Are you fucking kidding” his eyes met my own as they widened and he swallowed “Out of all the things I said you noticed I put on your fucking jumper” I shook my head and let out a yell ‘I’m done, I’m fucking done. I never see you and when I do you eat, sleep or leave again” I looked to him and his eyes had drifted back down “Dabi” I screamed. 
His eyes rose from the jumper, was he really that mad I had worn his clothing. I just missed him, not really any more. He stepped forward and eyes narrowed, I swallowed this time. His hand outstretched to grip my neck and he breathed out “You’re so angry” he whispered and his hand gripped tighter my own rising to grip his wrist as I swallowed. “You look so cute baby” his other hand moved along the rim of the jumper which sat on my thigh. A finger moving in between my legs “Open your legs for me baby” I shook my head, I was angry. I was angry and he needed to know. “Baby I will not ask again” eyes glowing I opened my legs and his fingers were instantly on my underwear, that I didn’t realise was wet. “You’re so good for me” his muttered. 
Leaning forward his lips crashed into my own as his fingers began to move around touching and groping. I whimpered as his hand tightened again. “Dabi” I whispered out “I’m mad at you” I looked to him as my breath hitched with the perfect circular motion of his fingers. 
“I can see that” he responded and moved forward “Why don’t I make it up to you,” he asked and I growled, that was a solution that will end. I shook my head and he tilted his own “I will stay home more, how’s that” he asked and I looked down, I was going to get my point across. His fingers went past my underwear and my knees buckled and he pushed his fingers between my folds. 
“Dabi” I moaned, it was instinct. I couldn’t help it, I wanted him. I wanted him so bad. I just wanted him that was the whole fight, I wanted more time with him. I wanted to see him more, spend more time with him was that so bad. I just wanted to be loved “Dabi” my legs shook not able to hold myself up. 
His hands left my body and I was hoisted into his arms, I put my head into his neck and breathed out my legs shook lightly, he always knew where to touch, where to press, he knew my body better then I did. We were moving, walking to the room and his lips came to my ear “I am going to ruin you Princess” I moaned into his shoulder. I was thrown onto the bed my body bouncing lightly and he was there, ripping off my underwear within a second. My hands came to the hem of the jumper. “Leave it” my hands stopped and I looked up “You look so fucking cute” he was ripping his own clothes off now. I looked down, this is not where the argument was meant to go but I never wanted this to end. My hands came to push the jumper down to cover myself as he unclothed, scarred skin and staples on show. “Come on move your hands” he whispered looking down to my flushed cheeks. 
“I’m still mad at you” I breathed my breath hard and uneven as I held the hem of the jumper tighter over my core. “I wanted an argument” I looked up to him, his eyes were narrowed. “I wanted to yell and scream at you, you can’t just turn it into this when I’m mad. I know you’ll go back straight after this” I finished my head clearing even if only for a moment. 
“Princess” he paused a smirk growing across his face “Move your hands” he pronounced each syllable with such anger that I couldn’t help the way my body swallowed and I shrank into the sheets of our bed. I didn’t listen to him, I gripped the jumper tighter “I will not ask again” he growled and I felt my body turn to mush as my hands let go and I was pinned to the bed. “Why are you being bad for me” I didn’t think I was being bad. 
“Wait what” I knew what that meant, I shook my head “I’m not being bad, I wanted you to notice how much time you’re away from me” I called out as he moved in between my legs and I could feel his heat along my thigh, I didn’t dare look away from his eyes. 
“You said you wanted an argument, you said you wanted to yell and scream” he looked at me and my eyes grew wide, why did I say that. That wasn’t meant to come out, I hadn’t even noticed. This was awful, what did I just do. “If you wanted to scream all you had to do was ask” his hands left my wrists and I knew damn well not to move them. 
His body folded and I could feel his hot breath on my core, I looked to the ceiling, that’s all I could do. I had dug this hole now it was my time to lay it in. A slow but purposeful lick came to my centre and I bit my lip to try and keep the sound in my throat from escaping. His tongue was hot as his hands gripped my thighs holding them open. A growl left his lips and I felt the vibration along my very spine. Another long lick from my hole to my clit then he began to swirl. I couldn’t move my hands, I’d be punished more if I did, I wanted to cover my mouth, cover my eyes from this embarrassment. His tongue was so hot as the tip swirl around my bud, my leg twitched and I could feel the twitch of a smirk on his face. 
His head rose and I didn’t look at him “It’s cute you’re trying to hold all of your noises in” he was crawling up my body his face now over my own “You look so cute baby” he looked over my face and smiled so softly I believe he could never do wrong. A hand came dragging along my core and I closed my eyes. “Eyes open” I opened my eyes “Look at me” my eyes slowly drifted to his own, a glowing blue like his flames, they burned through me. A finger teased my hole and I felt my chest heave. “Why did you want a fight,” he asked and I breathed out, just as I opened my mouth his finger entered me fast and without resistance. “I’m waiting for a response baby” my hands flexed and I breathed, I had to answer him. My mouth opened again but I only moaned with another thrust from his hand “I’m still waiting” he added and then another finger joined the first “Why aren’t you answering me” I couldn’t my leg twitched at his side his fingers moved continuously. “You know that’s against the rules” his fingers sped up. 
“Dabi” I whimpered my hands flexing and I saw his eyes drift to them then back an eyebrow raised, another rule I’d be breaking if I moved them. “Please” I wasn’t able to finish the word as my eyes rolled back and I moaned softly as he continued to move, this wasn’t fair. 
“You’re being so naughty tonight” he shook his head and his fingers left my insides to rub my clit and it was an overload of feeling as my eyes went wide and I bit my lip with a vigour unknown to the gods themselves. “Answer me, why did you want a fight. You know how I feel about us fighting” he asked slowly and then his fingers moved faster. I couldn’t stop as I moaned and my hands turned to grip the sheets, his eyes moved to them and then looked back, though he didn’t mention anything. “You are just not answering me tonight, why is that” I wanted to answer but as another moan was ripped out of my throat I couldn’t. He was moving so perfectly, he knew exactly what he was doing, he knew what this did to me, he knew everything. 
I could feel the pressure building another rule I’d break if I let it go “Dabi” I whimpered and my watery eyes met his own in pleading “Dabi” it was the only word my mouth could formulate. His eyes met me own and he waited “Please, I need” my head fell back my eyes rolling as he moved his other hand to pump his fingers inside me still watching my face. 
“Need what Princess, come on you can tell me” he paused still moving both of his hands to pleasure me in such a way, he knew I was going to cum whether I tried to stop it or not. I clenched my abdomen meaning I clenched around his fingers without meaning too and a small laugh came from his lips. “Come on what do you need,” he asked so innocently. 
“I need” I breathed out and choked back a cry of pleasure. “I need to cum” I moaned all thought leaving me. I needed to cum, I couldn’t care less about the fight. That’s what he wanted, he wanted me to submit and let it go as I had so many times before. I wanted to hold onto the fight but he treated me so well when he wasn’t away, he treated me so well. 
“You need to cum baby,” he asked his hands moving faster, the friction was perfect oh so perfect, I had no idea how his core strength could hold him over my body and also do this but I didn’t care this is what I wanted, I wanted him to take care of me, to spend time with me. “How badly,” he asked and my eyes rolled back with a powerful thrust of his fingers, the sheets would be soaked. He leaned down and I met his eyes he looked down to my lips and as I moved forward going to kiss him he smirked “You don’t deserve to” and all movement stopped and his hands left my body. My eyes went wide and my arms lifted from the bed only to be pinned back down to the bed and I tried to get any friction against my core. “Oh are you mad” he cooed and a tear rolled down my cheek as the pleasure faded. 
“Why would you” I breathed out my chest shaking with each exhale, my legs shook as they sat against his hips. “Dabi I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have” I began, I had no willpower against him, I wanted to fall at his feet, I wanted to follow him, let him do what he wanted. I was his. “Please” the apologies began, the whimpers and everything I had done came pouring out. My plans the whole day “I put on your jumper because I missed you, it smells like you, I’m sorry Dabi, I’m sorry please just please” the words fell from my lips like nothing, there was no filter, no thought only him. 
“See” he cooed a hand leaving my wrist to drag down my cheek, I instantly put my cheek into his hand “I own you” I nodded into his hand “You didn’t want to fight, you missed me, didn’t you. Fighting just gets my attention” I nodded again into his palm, like a cat, like some sort of pet. “I understand baby. Come on, let me make it up to you, you seem so stressed” hand left me and moved to open my legs as he moved forward “We can be one again, just say yes and we can be together” he whispered leaning down to kiss my forehead. 
His words ran through my head, we could be one. I was his, I was his. I belonged to him. I wanted to be with him forever. “Yes,” I whispered “Please, please” I began and saw his smile grow in fondness “Please I’m yours, I’m yours” I nodded eyes clouded in need and lust. “Please Dabi, I need you” I whimpered and felt him press to my core slowly, his hands held my thighs up and he looked down. “Please, please” I whimpered, I needed him. I needed him inside me. I needed to feel him. 
“You know I’d give you anything. All you have to do is ask” he whispered, I knew he meant it. If I actually asked him to leave the league he would, if I asked him to burn the world to the ground, he would. If I asked him to do anything he would make it possible. His lips crashed into my own just as his hips did. I felt so full and a moan fell from my lips as he did. Lips moving with so much vigour, I didn’t care anymore. My hands moved to run through his hair and then gripped harshly into his roots as he nestled his cock inside me. I could feel each vein, each piercing, each pulse. His lips left mine and he was breathing heavily “I’d do anything for you” a thrust of his hips had my hands falling next to my head with my eyes rolling back. “Anything, just say the word” his eyes were wide and his breathing hard, like a predator trying to convince the prey to step past the fence “Anything and it’s yours” he added hands moving to grip my thighs pushing them to my chest and moving his hips. “You’re mine” he breathed out and we met eyes “Holy fuck you’re mine, you’re actually mine” he was repeating himself with each thrust. 
I nodded my head not able to have words leave my lips, he was beautiful, oh so beautiful when he was like this. I didn’t care he was a villain, I didn’t care he killed people or that he was with the league, I knew he would never harm me. I knew he loved me, that’s why I stayed, that’s why I dealt with the late nights, the red water in the washing machine, the bloodied footprints at the front door, that smell of burnt skin, the click of the first aid kit at 3 am. I dealt with it all, for him, because I loved him. Because he loves me. 
His hands moved to behind my knees and bent them slightly, his hips moving to either be completely inside my being or completely outside, there was no in-between. My socked feet pointed with pleasure one of my sleeve covered hands rested against my mouth and the other on his abdomen fingers outstretched along his abs and scarred flesh. His cock was stretching my walls so nicely that I wanted to thank him, wanted to thank him for his opportunity, this amazing opportunity for him to have me, to have him. 
“I want to hear you” he moved down to whisper “Please let me hear how I’m making you feel” my hand moved and then he moved back and looked down to where he was entering my body, I flushed moving the jumper to hold it against his abdomen to hide what he wanted to look at, he slowed down holding himself as deep as he could go, as deep as my body could allow his cock, he was so big, so thick, so perfect. His eyes looked to my own, a blush covering my cheeks “Move your hands” is was so soft but I knew the undertone. 
“Don’t watch” I looked away, sure he had seen me naked, we were literally in the middle of bonding but the way he watched himself disappear inside me, made my walls clench and eyes flutter. “It’s embarrassing” I whispered, his cock was pulsing and so hot. So ungodly hot, he ran warmer than most but his cock was burning like his body wanted to ingrain into my own that without this heat I would freeze. 
“I want to watch us connect. I want it drawn into my brain, I want to be able to recite every single detail by memory. I want to be able to close my eyes and have a perfect picture. This is for us and us alone. I was your first and I will be your last, this is our thing that no one else can have” his eyes met my own again “You are mine, no one on this whole planet will ever see you like this” he paused “But me” fingers gripped behind my knees tighter “Move your hands” and I did moving my hands to beside my head fingers slightly curled and everything he wanted to see on full view. His hips moved out slowly and then back in “This, this is us” he whispered watching as his cock entered and existed me “No one will ever get the pleasure to call you theirs, no one but me” he nodded and then my knees were against my chest as he pistoned into my body. “You’re mine” he growled lowly “Forever” he added “More than forever” I didn’t hold back my moans, hands gripping his arms to ground myself. 
He was moving so fast and so perfectly into that bundle of nerves inside me like it called to him, he knew how to pleasure me, how to absolutely own me, he knew me, this was for me. The pressure was building, faster then I was ready, I clenched around his cock as my body got ready for release. “Dabi” I whimpered and his eyes instantly went to my own “I need to cum” I stuttered in between moans and a smile graced his face. 
“Wait, baby and we can cum together,” he asked and I did nothing but nod and clench my abdomen to try and hold on. My nails dug into his arms, the scarred tissue he couldn’t feel all that well, my moans were loud and my breathing uneven. His hips did not let up their pace or vigour as he began to groan himself. “Baby” my watery eyes met his own and he smiled “Together,”  he asked and I nodded. “You’re mine, forever” it was a threat and with those words, he thrusted as deep as he could possibly go and everything broke. 
My walls clenched around his cock harshly as my orgasm ran through every single one of my cells, each cell shaking and the orgasm ripping through my body like a burst dam, his cock was so deep inside me I could feel his hip bone pressing into my body, cock desperately trying to open the passage to my womb as his cum pumped into the awaiting organ. I whimpered and moaned my thanks as my eyes rolled back and my legs shook. His seed was burning like his body was trying to show my own he was here and to remember what this felt like. I never forgot. The shaking slowed down and his breathing eased but his cock never left my body, I didn’t want him too. This was the most connected we could be, I never wanted this to end. 
Dabi’s hand raised my head so I could meet his eyes and it was like I could see everything, we were connected. “You’re mine” I nodded “Forever” he whispered with a small smirk like he had won something everyone was after. “You look so cute in my jumper baby, wear it more. I want to be with you when I can’t” I nodded again and our lips met for another kiss. 
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lingering-42-long · 2 years
I’ll be home for Christmas
John ‘Soap’ Mactavish x reader
Warnings: sfw, a little angst, maybe make a pt 2, might be ooc, crazy Scottish Gaelic thrown in there, misspellings are dialect. 
My first SOAP opera. Lol puns aside I was in a Christmas mood, listening to Christmas music, at night, and feeling a little moody. I wanted to give this “Christmas” themed short a try. Let me know if I should do a Pt 2 on this. ALSO Gaelic in there, I tried to be as accurate as I could don’t kill me plz 😓.
John winced when he got the call from headquarters saying he would need to leave for duty on Tuesday, witch meant be on a flight to the shitty hell-hole of a place tomorrow. He hated being called at last moment. Being left out of the loop irked him to no end.
Soap looked over at the clock and noticed that his girlfriend would be home soon. She worked at a local pub by night in Sterling and her shift was nearing the end. Just as he was thinking about her his phone buzzed with a text. It was from (y/n). ‘Hey Johnny, I’ll be home in a bit on my way.’
John texted back ‘ok love. See you here.:)’ He noticed she called him Johnny not hunny or babe. She must be tired. He thought to himself as he got up to finish dinner. He hated having to leave her behind in such short notice.
The Cock-a-Leekie soup was almost finished when John heard keys outside jingle and the lock opening. (Y/n) came in on this chilly night.
“Brrrr. It’s cold out there” she shivered and hung her jacket on the peg by the door and was in the process of taking her wet shoes and socks off, when two arms snaked around her waist. “Aye mo leannan (yes my sweetheart). You’re cold aren’t ya?” His thick Scottish accent rolled off his tongue as he kissed her neck. A giggle could be heard from her lips “Already trying to flirt with me this late? “Lass if I was try’n to flirt with ya, I would’ve put more effort into it.” He gave a little nibble to her earlobe. (Y/n) smiled as she slipped on a pair of house slippers. “Something smells amazing. Are you making what I think your making?”
“Aye ghràdh (love).” Soap smiled as he dished out two plates.
“You really didn’t have to do that. It’s so late…” It was true. It was around 1:45am, but John didn’t matter. He knew he did not have much time with his Beloved. “No I don’t mind,” he smiled then his face dropped, “Also I got to tell you something.”
A frown formed on (y/n)’s face. “Let’s talk about it after dinner, ok?” John gave a quick nod and touched her cheek gently “tha gaol agam ort (I love you).”
A light blush formed over (y/n)’s face “I love you too”
Dinner was amazing and the two of them talked about (y/n)’s job and who was at the pub that night. John gave a slight snort when she was telling him about the idiot who kept flirting with her. “Did ye tell ‘em yur with meh?”
“Of course I did but you know how men are, he saw that as a challenge”
“Next time I’ll show him a real challenge” he huffed.
“No need. I took care of it quick.” She chuckled. “I got Bruce to start waiting on him.” The man Bruce, she was referring too, was a big hulking of a man and could scare anyone into submission if it came to one of his colleagues getting uneasy with a drunken idiot.
“Well at least he has been delt with.” John nodded. He was very happy that she could stand up in a fight. That’s one of the many things he loved about her.
“So…. What’s this bad news you have to dump on me?” (Y/n) asked already figuring it out but waiting for the confirmation.
“Lass I got called in for a mission… I know it’s bad timing.” So close to Christmas. It was both there favorite time of the year. It was going to be tough on them.
“Yeah really bad timing.” She bit her bottom lip trying not to let her tears fall. “I had made plans and everything too…oh well”
“Hey now mo aingeal milis (my sweet angel). Yer can still do those things, and the plan is to be home for Christmas… if all goes to plan tha’ is.” A simple touch to the shoulder almost sent (y/n) crying. She was a tough-ie but things that were very important to her still got to her. “I know…I just worry if you will be ok…if you will make it…”
“Aye Bonnie I promise ye I will com back home in one piece yeah?”
“Alive?” She asked
“Alive and well.” He chuckled. “Now go get ready fer bed. I’ll clean up and be there in a bit.”
She shook her head “I want to help…”
“Your tired. You’ve been working all night. Let me do this fer ya.”
“Fine.” (Y/n) trudged upstairs to their room and washroom were she took off her makeup and jewelry. She had worn the necklace and matching earrings that John had given her last year as an anniversary gift on Valentine’s Day.
She looked at herself in the mirror, tears still threatening to spill, a long night and now this? Pull yourself together girl. (Y/n) told herself but to no avail. When she made it to the bedroom to get changed for the evening, the thought of her boyfriend leaving her made the waterworks start as she burst out crying into her pillow, sobbing away. Perfect timing for Soap to walk in, catching sight of his overtired, crying girlfriend.
“Hey hey hey! What’s this Love?” Gently kneeling beside her side of the bed and placing a hand on her back.
“I’m sorry I must be tired, but the thought of you leaving for the holidays…” (Y/n)’s voice broke again as she tried to regain her composure.
“No don’t apologize, ghràdh (love). I wished I could have told you sooner.” He kissed her head gently. “I know this will be h’rd on both of us but we can work this out, yeah?” John got up and walked to his dresser to get on a pair of pants. He liked to sleep shirtless.
As soon as Soap opened the covers to get in, his girlfriend clung onto him. “Aye lass I got ye.” He chuckled and stroked her head. “I’ll wake ye up when I leave ok?” No reply just a nod into his chest. Softly, as if she would shatter in his arms, he hummed an old song and gently rubbed her back. This made (Y/n) break down and cry again. “I got ye let it out. Shhhhhh.” John murmured, now his own eyes betraying him as they stung with salty water threatening to hit his pillow and his girlfriend. He held (y/n) tightly, letting her cry to sleep, knowing that would be the best for her. Soon he was following in that pattern.
It was 6:30am when John began walking to the door with his sleepy girlfriend in tow, holding his arm. Soap opened the door, with his duffel bags in hand gave his (y/n) a kiss. “I’ll be back in a few weeks, you’ll see”
(y/n) nodded sadly. “Be safe out here ok? Kick there asses.”
He gave a small smile “I always do.”
John turned around to head for his car don’t turn back, dont fucking turn back. But he did and saw (y/n) standing there “fuck” he muttered a small choke. He dropped his bags and swiftly dashed back to her.
“Oh lass I am going to miss ye so so so much!” He was shaking. Trying to hold it in, trying to be the big tough Sargent he needed to be.
“It’s ok. You told me last night we got this, it’s not like we haven’t been in this same boat before. If we did it 100 times before we can do it one more time. I’ll be waiting here for you when you get back ok?” A smile laced with sadness stretched over (y/n)’s face.
He pulled himself up and nodded. She was right. With a final lasting kiss he went back to grab his bags once more and this time made it to the car without look back. Setting his stuff in the back seat, he then got into the front, starting the engine, and slowly driving out from the driveway. He could see her silhouette in the dim light coming from the living room as she stood outside watching him. Soap drove down the road towards the airport with one thought on his mind.
When I get back love, I’m going to ask you a question… I hope you say yes.
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virtueangel · 4 years
chapter one. 
wc: 2,034. original publish date: october 1, 2020.
Winter seems to drag on this year, pushing back Spring farther and farther until it steps off the chessboard of seasons completely. It's early April, but there is still snow piled up on the sidewalks, filling in the cracks of the concrete squares and melting into slush on the smooth surface. John F. Kennedy and Cleopatra walk down the sidewalk now, grasping hands dearly so as not to slip on the melted snow. Cleo is bundled up tightly in a black cardigan, John's varsity letterman jacket draped on top for extra warmth. She huddles close to the boy as she walks, trying to bask in some of the natural body heat wafting off of him. They like to walk in silence -- sometimes it's easier that way. Their questions don't have to be answered if they're never asked. But sometimes, the burden of carrying around the question is greater than the weight of hearing the answer.
"Why don't you ever take me on real dates, John?" Cleo asks in her shrill voice, almost whining.
"I don't know why you'd want me to, Cleo," he replies coolly, still grasping her hand. She wears elegant black gloves which hug her lean fingers fittingly. The cashmere is smooth and inviting against John's palm.
"Because some girls like romance, John."
"I thought you liked making out with me."
"I do!" She relaxes her hand, still holding onto John but not as violently. "But I don't feel like your girlfriend when I'm being shoved into a closet. I just feel like a pair of breasts and an open mouth."
John stares ahead nonchalantly. "That's because you're not my girlfriend, Cleo."
She lets go of his hand completely and scoffs. She shoves her own hands into her pockets -- John's pockets -- and watches her feet on the sidewalk. Her shiny black boots tick against the pavement, her movements slow and even steadier now that she doesn't have the boy's support. "Some girls like being girlfriends, too."
John sighs, shaking his head in exasperation. "We've been over this, Cleo. I don't date, but you like me and you're hot."
Cleo clenches her jaw. "That's a shitty thing to say, JFK. Don't you like me, too?"
JFK shrugs. "I like your ass."
The girl rolls her eyes, quickening her pace to walk in front of John. She slows down again, realising that the bottoms of her new boots are too slippery to risk a pace faster than normal. "Whatever. We're almost to my house anyway."
"What's that got to do with anything?"
Cleo lets out a huff before grabbing onto JFK for support again. She wraps her gloved hands around the loop his arm makes as it sticks out of his pocket. "I'm not gonna argue with you when we're right on the verge of a make-out session," she says.
"I thought you didn't want to be used for your body."
She shrugs before giving the shameless answer, "I don't, but you give exceedingly good head."
John F. Kennedy smirks. "Oh, you bet I do."
Cleo blushes, and tries to hide her face from John.
"But I can't today."
“What?” She asks. “Why?”
"Because I've got a lot of homework," he says, knowing it's a half-assed excuse.
Cleopatra turns to him, her eyebrow raised. "You don't do homework, John."
"I have to help Van Gogh today," John explains.
"Van Gogh?" Cleo repeats. John nods. "He needs your help?"
John rolls his eyes impatiently, wondering why Cleo can't seem to get it. Wondering why everything about her is so superficial that she can't understand that he has a best friend; why she isn't the only one who matters. "No, he doesn't need my help, he just doesn't like being alone on Friday nights."
"Neither do I," Cleo protests, batting her eyes desperately. She means the action to come off as flirty, but she knows she's going to lose this fight.
"So call some of your other friends. Abe, Joan-"
"Abe Lincoln and Joan of Arc are both cool enough to have plans on a Friday night," she combats.
JFK smirks. "Surely you won't let them be cooler than you."
Before Cleo can protest, they are walking up her driveway, her hands still wrapped around his arm. John walks her up the three steps to her front stoop, whirling her around so her back is to the door and her face is to him. He holds her gloved hands delicately, pretending to feel bad about blowing off his hot not-girlfriend to go spend time with his emotionally deprived best friend. It does sound depressing and lame when he hears it in his own head, but there's no going back now.
"Call me tonight?" Cleo asks, the slightest hint of a beg in her voice. She tries to hide it again under a flirtatious lilt, but it falls flat for the second time this afternoon. Cleo already knows what JFK is going to say.
"I never call, Cleo. People who are dating call, and I-"
Cleo cuts him off with an exasperated eye roll. "-don't date. I know."
"So why did you ask?"
Cleo shrugs. "I don't know. But I'm going now."
Nonetheless, she steps toward John for her expected kiss. He leans down to give her one, as per their afternoonly routine, but it doesn't bury itself as deep as usual. John keeps his mouth closed, despite Cleo's best efforts to engage him in the endeavour. When she realises her plan isn't going to work, she pulls away and scrambles into her house, swiftly shutting the door behind her to close off her embarrassment from the rest of the world. She has enough to worry about it seeping through the cracks.
JFK knocks on his best friend's door nearly ten minutes later, his feet sopping wet in his tennis shoes. He'd made a mistake when dressing that morning. He could see the snow intruding the sidewalk from his bedroom window, but he'd still opted for his sneakers, full of breathable holes and heat-accommodating fabrics. His big toe feels like it could snap off at any moment. He thinks if he were to take off his cotton sock and look at it, his toe would be blackened with the final stages of frostbite.
Vincent Van Gogh answers the door himself, wrapped in a fleece blanket and feet smothered in three layers of sock. Kennedy can't help but feel a little bit jealous, sure his toes are nice and cozy in their thick woollen fortress.
"JFK," Van Gogh greets the boy, standing aside to let him through the door. Van Gogh wonders how Kennedy ever could've noticed him at school; he stands at 5'5” while the varsity cross country runner was 6'1" last time he measured. Van Gogh is often a traffic cone to be tripped over.
"Sorry I'm so late. Cleo was bitching at me," JFK apologises.
"That's okay. I'm used to being alone," Van Gogh shrugs.
"But I know you especially hate Friday nights. You hate when there are sports games because the town gets loud and the drunken yelling echoes through the neighbourhood, bouncing off of the shingles and spinning like tops in your ears -- ear."
Van Gogh scoffs. "Spare me the poetry, Kennedy. You don't need to romanticise my mental illness, okay? It's not fucking fun."
"I thought you liked all that flowery prose -- all that girly shit."
The shorter boy shakes his head, feeling even smaller under Kennedy's scrutiny. "Don't talk down to me. And just because literature is written like a painting doesn't mean it's 'girly'. You like my artwork, don't you?"
"I like the one you did for AP art last year... the self-portrait."
Van Gogh smiles internally, secretly pleased with his best friend's answer. "I never thought I'd get a real compliment out of you, Kennedy."
"I compliment you!" He protests.
Van Gogh shakes his head, still wearing his smile. His lips are like daisies soaked in blood -- full and dripping. "Not without coating it in some condescending insult."
"Whatever, Gogh. You didn't want to be alone, and I'm here. So what now?"
"Well, so long as I'm holding you hostage, you may as well do some homework."
"I don't do homework," JFK reminds him.
Van Gogh smirks. "I know that, Kennedy. I just had to remind you of your morals before you go off and give me an honest compliment again. Weirds me out when you go soft, even for me."
JFK follows Van Gogh to his bedroom. The hallway walls are oddly bare and would go without notice if they hadn't been painted a murky blue. No pictures are hung, which strikes Kennedy as uncomfortably odd every time he visits his best friend's house. JFK's dads have hundreds of pictures of him stuffed into each nook and cranny of their house -- it's striking to see a pair of parents who care so little about documenting their child's early years.
Gogh pushes open the door to his room tentatively, almost as if he's scared there'll be an apparition seated on his bed. He shudders at the thought, trying to shake it off by opening the door all the way. He sits on a chair instead of the bed, nervous to accidentally sit on top of the ghost and give it a perfect chance to tunnel its way up into his organs. JFK notices the boy's shuddering and raises an eyebrow, taking note of the closed window and the blanket wrapped around his shoulders. Who knew such a small boy could be so hopeless at keeping warm?
"Cold?" Kennedy asks, and Van Gogh looks up from the spot on his hand where he'd been anxiously picking at a scab. "And don't do that; the skin's almost healed," he adds.
Van Gogh narrows his eyes at the boy on his bed. "Since when do you care whether or not my scabs are healed?"
JFK shrugs, nervous to admit that he feels like he has to care since his friend's parents so obviously don't.
"Sorry I snapped," Van Gogh covers quickly. "Reflex."
Kennedy nods dismissively as if to show that he understands.
A couple seconds tick by, filling the room like a hose in a swimming pool. The time collects in the bedroom, spilling into every corner and fault line crack of the walls. It begins to overflow, and that's when Van Gogh can't stand the silence anymore. He invited Kennedy over so he wouldn't have to drown in stillness. Why can't JFK talk, dammit? Why is he so self-absorbed that he can't carry on a conversation for longer than five minutes at a time?
"Do you wanna read a book?" Van Gogh suggests, but it comes out in an urgent blurt. Maybe that's for the best. It gets Kennedy's attention.
"I don't read books."
Van Gogh rolls his eyes, cheeks burning a violent fire from embarrassment. "That's because you don't have the attention span to," he spits. "I could read it to you."
JFK's head snaps up. Gogh's cheeks darken an even deeper shade of red and he can feel his heartbeat in his face. Fuck, he thinks. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Okay," Kennedy says at last. "Read me a bedtime story." His overconfident, annoyingly-flirty tone is back, and Van Gogh smiles in relief. The blood drains from his cheeks and his heartbeat follows, little by little.
He excuses himself from his chair to slide a book off of his shelf. Kennedy lies down on the bed, his head on the pillow and his too-long legs spilling over the edge. "Give me a blanket," he demands, clearly serious about the "bedtime" thing. Van Gogh rolls his eyes, but fishes a blanket out of his bottom dresser drawer and throws it over to Kennedy nonetheless. JFK has just finished unfolding the blanket and throwing it over himself when Van Gogh settles back into his chair, lifting the cover of the book with his long fingers gingerly. His nails grow out past his fingertips which is normally a girlish look, but Kennedy can't help but wash his eyes over the boy's hands anyway. It doesn't look girlish on Van Gogh. Nothing looks girlish on Van Gogh.
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metinthehallway · 4 years
It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year
Hello! Here is a simple little 3.5k fic! I thank @goldenbluesuit for hosting this spectacular fic challenge! I love what I've read so far and I can’t wait to keep reading. Also, thank you to @lilacobscure and @arrogantstyles for beta-ing and just being...awesome. I hope you all like it. :) 
Warnings: mention of the word bloke from a non-Brit
Annie has had it. She’s holding two of her fluffiest pillows against both of her ears and has her white noise machine droning on at full volume. And she can still hear the sultry bass of Andy Williams singing his little heart out. She can hear him as clear as day, as if he were performing his very own live concert in the corner of her bedroom. Don’t even get her started on the Christmas lights. Annie had actually gone out and bought an eye mask in order to sleep, as her windows faced the neighbors front yard where Annie’s neighbor, apparently, was the sole reason their local supermarket was sold out of blow up decorations and string lights. 
Harry Styles didn’t even have a lot of real estate to work with in terms of space. But he really made every centimeter count. One morning mid-November, whilst getting her mail, Annie counted about fourteen deflated pop-up corpses staked to the frozen ground, multiple candy canes lining his driveway that were about half the size of her, and masses of tangled lights strung up across every visible square inch of his home. If that wasn’t enough, he had a carefully crafted playlist he turned on every night at eight p.m. sharp that was approximately three hours and forty-nine minutes long before it looped back to the beginning song. She thought, fleetingly, that she should invest in ear plugs.
Annie prides herself on being a patient and understanding person. The only reason why she hasn’t held a covert operation at three in the morning to mercilessly stab a hole in each blow-up, or cut every single criss-crossed wire, or even ambush her neighbor while he walks out his front door in nothing but a fuzzy pink robe and no shoes, demonstrating that universal, oh shit the ground is cold, oh shit, oh shit, jerking walk, is because he only recently moved in next door. She was not about to be the one to ask him to maybe take it easy on the city’s power source, that she also needs electricity for her home, and also how do you fall asleep with this godforsaken music?
Annie is not prideful in this moment. All it takes for her to snap is hearing, “It’s the hap-happiest season of all,” for the forty-fifth time. With a loud groan, she tears off her beautiful, beautiful down comforter and stomps into her shoes, scaring Cindy, her sleeping Persian cat, off the bed. It’s two thirty-six in the morning, she realizes in a far off thought that doesn’t seem to make it to the forefront of her brain, and makes her way over to Harry’s front door. She has the immature urge to punch a smiling Santa sat atop a sleigh filled with presents as she passes it. All the lights are off in his house and Annie doesn’t feel a bit of remorse as she raises a half-asleep arm and slams it against the sturdy oak door of Harry’s house. For a full minute, it’s silent and there appears to be no movement from behind the door. A sliver of apprehension begins to worm its way into Annie’s bones. 
There’s a better way to do this, Annie. Like, in daylight, during normal people hours. 
She starts to turn on her heel, continuing her internal chastising and also external chastising, muttering to herself like a lunatic, when she hears the tell-tale creak behind her and a porch light flickering to life. Annie stands there, her right hand over her eyes, shielding them from the harsh yellow rays. She can make out Harry’s figure, dressed in flannel pajama pants that look like they were previously crumpled on his bedroom floor, a white T-shirt on backwards and inside out, and his signature pink fuzzy robe. His hair sticks up hazardously, sort of like a halo illuminated by the bulb behind him. His eyes are puffy, brows furrowed together and indenting a line in the center of his forehead. Lips as pink as a rose purse together as nostrils flare.
“Is there something I might be able to help you with?” Harry asks, a slight lilt to his gravelly voice. It’s a polite enough question, however it holds an air of carefully restrained annoyance. For a moment, Annie thinks she would be annoyed as well if someone pounded at her front door in the wee hours of a Tuesday morning. She quickly dismisses the thought, actually raising her hand in the air and waving it off as if it was a tangible thing. Harry raises one eyebrow. 
“Good evening, well- morning, my name is Annie. I live next door, I’m twenty-two Ambrose Ave,” Annie starts. She doesn’t know why she announces her house number. She watches his eyes flick to his right where an engraved twenty-four lies, and back to hers. Annie shakes her head slightly before launching into a speech she never prepared.
“I’m here because I think the way you decorate is rude. Do you think, at all, of your neighbors? How do you fall asleep? Do you even have a job?! I never see you leave your house! Not that I’m keeping tabs, I’m just genuinely worried for your electric bill,” she continues, pausing to take a breath. “I have not had a single good nights rest since you started all of this, back in November. I have never hated the sound of Andy Williams’ voice more deeply than I do this holiday season.”
“Excuse me—,”
“Ah-ah! I’m not done, sir. Some of us are employed and have to work at eight a.m., some of us have cats that wake us up in the ass-crack of dawn anyway with their screeches and need all the sleep we can get. Do you know I had to buy a sleep mask because of you? Because of,” she pauses, a red rotating light from a candy cane passing over her face ominously as she turns around and gestures wildly to the commotion around her, “all this?”
“Can I just say—,”
“And the music. Are you eighty years old? The least you could do with this god-awful playlist is add some Mariah Carey, some Buble; even Ariana Grande has some sick Christmas tunes. The ones you chose haven’t been remastered since nineteen thirty-eight,” she finishes, eyes a little too wide, hair disheveled and falling in her face. Her hands are shaking and her heart is beating entirely too fast. Confrontation has never been Annie’s strong suit, evident of the lack of response from Harry as she cuts him off throughout the duration of her mini rant. He just peers back at her, face as still as stone as an uncomfortable silence falls between them. Frosty the Snowman rears its nasty head and Annie finds herself slowly closing her eyes and clenching her fists.
The second Annie starts to open her eyes, she hears the light closing of Harry’s front door and two locks click into place. She stands there, mouth slightly open as the early December chill works its way into her bones. She stares ahead of her and a murderous look takes over her face, cheeks red with the winter wind, lips chapped and tears starting to form on her lash line from the cold.
“What a fucking prick,” Annie mutters to herself. He can’t even respond to her? How childish. She turns around slowly, walking back through the winter wonderland, feeling defeated. She didn’t know what she expected to feel after finally expressing her thoughts, but she knew defeated was not it. 
As she crosses the threshold into her home, she thinks, maybe I could’ve handled that better. Annie prides herself on her patience. She was not patient that night.
Over the course of the month, Annie and Harry bump into each other way more than either of them would like. Once, when the mailman dropped off her mother’s monthly care package to Harry’s house, another when Annie had to begrudgingly ask to borrow his shovel when she found her car snowed in one early morning and a broken handle on her own. 
They’ve even begun to see each other in the aisles of their local supermarket. Annie enters the store, unsuspecting and looking for ingredients to make her world renowned charcuterie boards for a work fundraiser. She stops in her tracks and almost drops her jar of green olives when she sees a familiar head of frizzy brown hair. 
Harry is hyper-focused, reading the back of a spray cheese can. Annie tries to sneak by him and grab a box of herb filled crackers. Tries. She is unsuccessful, however, when her purse strap catches on a display and yanks her arm backwards, making her lose grip of the glass jar. Everything seems to happen in slow motion, as she watches the jar sail past Harry and hit the ground, glass exploding all over his shoes. The chattering happening around her ceases, as all of the blood in her body travels to her face. 
“Clean up in aisle four,” deadpans a nearby worker dressed in a horrid shade of neon green. He sighs heavily, murmuring under his breath that he doesn’t get paid nearly enough to be picking up all of these olives. 
Annie is mortified. She is unable to tear her focus away from Harry’s soaked suede shoes.  It’s only when he clears his throat and shifts his feet that she raises her head.
“I see… that you’ve really got a vendetta against me,” Harry scoffs, eyes trained on his feet, where the olive juice has to be seeping into his socks. No one likes wet socks. 
“That was completely on accident! I swear! Why is that display sticking three feet into the aisle anyway? That has to be a a safety violation,” Annie pushes out in a rush. There doesn’t seem to be enough air for her lungs in this store. Especially not with Harry now looking intensely at her, almost like he could see right through her. She folds under his gaze.
“It’s okay. I didn’t like these shoes much, to be fair,” Harry shrugs. 
“No,” Harry says. 
“Oh. Well, I can buy you a new pair. How much did you pay for those?” Annie asks, pulling out her wallet.
Harry raises a single eyebrow, the left corner of his mouth turning up and a dimple appearing out of thin air. 
“Too much. Really, it’s fine. The juice is translucent enough. I’ll just use them as house slippers,” he says. He opens his mouth to continue, but is interrupted by the loud squeaking of a bucket skidding across the floor. The neon green worker returns, a dingy looking mop in hand and a frown on his face. His free hand makes the shoo motion to Harry, starting to swipe at the floor, completely ignoring the glass scratching the linoleum that’s mixed in with the olives.
“Do you want any help?” Annie offers, stepping forward to at least pick up the larger shards scattered across the floor. The worker, whose name tag reads Roger, holds up a single pointer finger in her direction and shakes his head. Annie takes the hint, while Harry just shifts his gaze between Roger and the mess on the tiles, mouth somewhat agape. She nudges his shoulder with her own and gestures with her head for them to leave the aisle. 
Annie makes her way up to self-checkout, Harry following suit. They ring their items up in silence next to each other. They find themselves walking through the front door together, and it’s only when they’re outside in the sunshine that Harry lets out the deepest belly laugh Annie has ever heard. 
“Oh my god, my toes are so wet,” Harry says in between breaths. “Did you see the way that bloke’s vein was popping out of his neck? I thought he was about to commit second degree murder right in the condiment aisle.”
Annie’s heartbeat starts to pick up and she begins to laugh along with him. Tears form in both of their eyes and they sparkle in the cold afternoon sunlight. 
“I feel so bad! I don’t even like olives. They were just for my stupid charcuterie boards,” Annie says, laughter dying down. She sighs, wiping at her cheeks. She looks up, meeting Harry’s eyes. He looks down at her, smile fading slowly but his face still holding traces of warmth. 
“Well, I should be heading home. See you soon,” Harry bids his goodbye. Annie nods her head in his direction and turns, palming her keys and unlocking her car across the parking lot with a chirp. She unloads her groceries into the trunk and slides into the drivers seat, thinking for a brief moment about the shape of Harry’s smile. 
The snow outside is falling. And it’s falling hard. So heavy and consistent that the power lines are drooping underneath the weight and the electricity in Annie’s house is flickering in and out. It’s Christmas Eve and all she wants to do is sleep the night away, then sleep the morning away, then sleep the weekend away. She draws back a curtain and peers at Harry’s lawn, the usual eyesore dark and covered in a blanket of sparkling white snow.
A sharp crack and the sound of something large tumbling to the ground close to Annie’s house makes both her and Cindy jump, eyes alert and tail all puffed out. She goes to open her front door to investigate and sees Cindy dart between her legs a second too late, a gray blur running into the stormy night.
“CINDY!” Annie yells, voice carrying eerily across the empty street. She takes off after the small cat, wearing only her pajamas and a pair of worn slippers. Annie loses her immediately in the snowfall. While outside, she sees the huge tree limb that fell onto Harry’s front yard, covering a third of his decorations, deeming a good chunk of them broken. She wonders for a short second why he hasn’t come out to check on the noise. 
Annie’s heart starts to race as she tries to get a rein on her growing panic. Cindy is a strictly indoor cat, only having been outside for vet visits. She thinks of what would bring her cat back home, yelling her name sweetly and kissing her teeth loudly. She starts to walk towards the tree line, snapping her fingers and chattering her teeth. 
“Annie?” She hears her name being called out from behind her. She throws her head over her shoulder and locks eyes with Harry, standing there in his infamous robe. He’s got his face turned away from the harsh wind and his face is scrunched up in confusion. “What on Earth are you doing out here?! Are you mental?” 
“Cindy got out! I don’t know where she went. She ran in this direction. She never goes outside, I don’t know what to do,” Annie exclaims, feeling the urge to tear at her hair. 
“Who’s Cindy?” Harry asks.
“My cat! She was scared by the branch falling and snuck right past me when I opened the door,” she explains, arms crossing over her chest as the chill of the night bites at her skin. She shivers, turning back towards the trees. They look like they’re beginning to come alive.
Harry looks her up and down and comes up behind her, wrapping that godforsaken robe around her shaking frame. She looks up at him, grateful for the extra layer. He has a serious look on his face, determined with a mix of compassion, and also curiosity. Annie is suddenly relieved that she has someone with her to handle the situation with more calm than she ever could.
“Why don’t you go inside and grab her favorite treats? And a blanket she loves? Something that smells like you would be best,” Harry says, listing off the necessary items as if he’s done this before. She looks at him, a bit puzzled, and he reads her expression easily.
“Our cats growing up were professional escape artists. I’ve done this once or twice,” he lets out a small chuckle. She nods and heads towards her house, grabbing everything they need and changing into a pair of winter boots and shrugging on a coat, shoving Harry’s robe towards him. 
“I got everything. Here’s your robe,” Annie says, unable to meet his eyes. She already feels indebted to him, and they haven’t even found Cindy yet. “Thank you for helping me. I’m just… scared,” she confesses, tears starting to well up. She presses her fists into her eyes roughly as if she could stop them from falling. 
Harry just nods, takes the garment, and starts shaking the treat bag. His deep voice carries into the night more than hers did as he walks around, zig-zagging across the snow. Annie holds Cindy’s favorite blanket that resides on her bed and wraps it around her. She follows Harry, both chorusing, Cindy! Cindy, baby! Come back! It’s too cold for you out here!
They walk the perimeter of Annie’s house, keeping to the tree line, when Harry shushes her. He stops in his tracks and listens to the silent night. Faintly, from the direction of Harry’s house, comes a small mewl. He walks briskly over, slowing his movements as he gets closer in order not to scare the small Persian. 
“Cindy? Where are you girl? Come out for your mama,” Harry half-whispers, half-shouts. He’s still shaking the treats lightly, starting to open them. From their right they can hear a crumpling of plastic, a flash of gray shooting out from underneath the collapsed blow-up of Santa on his sleigh. Annie cries out in relief as Cindy comes running towards them at full speed, crashing right into Harry’s legs. He scoops her up swiftly with one hand and holds a treat out to her in his other. 
“You had me so worried, Cindy! I cannot believe you. You want nothing to do with the outside world but decide to run out into the coldest night we’ve had so far! You’re crazy,” Annie half-sobs, holding the cats face in two hands. Cindy shakes the snow out of her fur and licks at Annie’s nose. Harry watches the interaction, feeling something unfolding in his own chest. He gestures for Annie to take her cat, picking long hairs out of his robe.
“I see everything’s all in order here, I’ll just—oh,” Harry lets out a grunt as this peculiar woman collides into his body, cat trapped between the two of them and licking at the pink fuzz surrounding Harry as if she were grooming a kitten. His eyes go a bit wide, arms frozen around Annie while she releases a string of, thank you so much, you have no idea how much she means to me, you didn’t have to do this but you did so I owe you, I’m sorry for what I said that night, I’m sorry about the olive juice, thank you, thank you, thank you, muffled into his chest. His hands find themselves resting on her back, stroking up and down in a means to calm her.
“Hey, hey… it’s okay. I know what it feels like. I’m glad she was okay,” Harry soothes. Annie pulls away, and a strange longing passes through his heart. He frowns slightly and clears his throat. 
“I’m going to go to bed now, and get this little gremlin inside. Thank you so much, Harry. I really do appreciate it, more than you know,” Annie says, a bit breathless. Snowflakes lay themselves to rest upon her eyelashes, lips pink from the cold and Harry has the innate urge to tuck a piece of unruly hair behind her ear. He blinks, forcing himself out of his head.
“Really, it’s no problem. I’ll be heading in as well. See you soon, Annie,” Harry declares. Annie realizes with a jolt that Harry just said her name for the first time. She’s suddenly overheating, and gives a single nod, holding Cindy tight to her body as she walks up the few steps to her front door. Harry watches her leave, only taking his eyes off her when he can’t see her anymore. He then turns around, looking at the demolition of his lawn. He inhales deep. 
Harry does a double take when he sees Annie outside his home the next morning, attempting to break apart the large tree branch. 
For the remainder of the season, Harry and Annie spend an inordinate amount of time together. From binge-watching their guilty pleasure TV shows to roaming the streets downtown at midnight, sharing the same love for empty places. It seemed as though, somewhere in the universe, a story began to unravel itself.
As the last snowflake melts on the first stem emerging from the soft ground, Harry kisses Annie. He wasn’t even planning on it. It was like second degree murder. He found himself looking at her looking at the bluest sky, the sky looking back at her like it wanted to kiss her as well; so he kissed her first. 
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pogueshomecoming · 4 years
if the world was ending - JJ Maybank
requested? nope
description: John B and Sarah are lost at sea. Pope and Kie's parents took them home. JJ is alone, and you're the only person he knows he can go to. Based on "if the world was ending" by JP Saxe and Julia Michaels. Takes place after season 1 finale.
fill out this survey to join my taglist, here’s my masterlist, and requests are open
warnings: anxiety, fear of being alone, mentions of a breakup, swearing... it's pretty mild, I think.
word count: 2.4k
JJ remembers looking at Pope and Kie as they held onto their parents for dear life, sobbing about the loss of John B and Sarah. He remembers the slight relief he got when Heyward pulled him into their family, but it didn't last long. It never did.
He remembers his heart thumping against his chest as he hears their parents say to them," Alright, we've got to get home and take shelter from the storm. It's only going to get worse." Pope and Kie gave him reassuring hugs, but it seemed like a goodbye. And then he remembers standing in the tent alone, with officer Shoupe. His body felt numb, all of the sounds around him seemed to travel through a tunnel before it got to him.
"Need a ride, kid?" Shoupe asked, placing a hand on JJ's shoulder. JJ shrugs him off roughly.
"Not from you, I'm good thanks." He chokes out before bracing himself and running out into the rain.
JJ stops once he's out of sight. He looks around. His best friend is gone, the one he saw as a brother. The one that helped him out more times than he can count. His other two best friends are at home, probably to be locked up for who knows how long because of the insane things they've all been up to recently.
To top it all off, he can't go home. His father has probably figured out that the keys to the phantom are gone. JJ is hurt enough, he can't handle that wrath right now.
His tears mix with the rain. The hole in his chest aches. What's left for him? What's going to happen next? He screams into the storm, being drowned out by the thunder that rolls overhead.
That last person he can think of is you, but you're gone too. Not gone, but out of reach. The two of you had broken up months ago, maybe close to a year now. Usually, JJ can think of you without feeling like his hearts been ripped out of his chest. Tonight is a different story. As his loneliness really settles in, the hole grows bigger. So big that even his shoulders ache.
To get his mind off of possibly never seeing John B again, he thinks about you. Your breakup hadn't been what either of you wanted, but more so what you needed. It was hard to explain to anyone else but each other. The goodbye was bittersweet. There were so many tears, but even more than that, there was love. JJ would love you forever, and that's something he never doubted.
He thought about your smile as he continued to walk with no specific destination. He thought about how your eyes sparkled every time you heard those three words come out of his mouth. He thought about how you'd been there at the lowest time in his life and maybe even the highest.
JJ blinks his tears away and realizes that he's at your house, standing on the front lawn. Your light is on, casting a glow into the darkness that surrounds him outside. It feels like yet another punch to the stomach. One second he was imagining fond memories of you, and the next he's standing in front of a house that was so familiar at one point, but it isn't anymore.
Suddenly, your blinds raise. You were just planning to see how bad the storm had gotten, and instead, you see JJ standing in the yard. He's absolutely soaked, his shoulders shaking from the cold. Dangerous winds swirl all around him as the thunder and lightning continue.
Without thinking, you pull your window open. "JJ?"
His head snaps towards you, a confused look on his face. His heart starts racing again.
"Come on, my room is getting wet."
JJ shuffles to the window, watching you step back so he can climb in. The warmth that hits him makes him shiver.
"What are you doing out in the storm? All alone?" Your concerned face is on, another thing JJ missed about you. His lip starts quivering, thinking about why he's actually here.
Just as he starts to cry, he feels your arms snake around his waist. Your hands press against his back to push him into your embrace. JJ feels bad for making a puddle on your floor and also soaking your clothes, but this feeling is so good and familiar to him that he can't pull himself away. He doesn't know how long it is before you step back, but your hands stay firmly against his sides.
"Alright, let's change your clothes, and then we can talk if you want to? If you don't, that's okay too, you can stay." Your voice is music to his ears. He wants to hold on tight to anything familiar, so he can remind himself that maybe he hasn't lost everything.
What he isn't going to do is think about how terrible leaving is going to feel. His heart will break yet again into a million tiny little pieces, and he isn't sure if he'll recover this time.
All he gives you in response is a nod because he doesn't trust his voice. Your hands move to the hem of his shirt, looking into his eyes for permission to take it off. He lifts his arms like a child as you pull the shirt over his head. Next are his shoes and socks and then his shorts.
JJ watches you as you lead him to the bathroom. His eyes are focused on your hands as you turn on the faucet of the sink and leave the room to find him some clothes. He reaches out to touch the water. It's so hot that it might've burned him, but the warmth he feels is fantastic.
"You can take a shower if you'd rather? I just thought scrubbing some of the dirt off of you with a rag would be easier." He jumps when you start speaking behind him, not knowing you've returned.
"N-no shower."
JJ takes the cloth from the top of the stack of clothes you have and dunks it into the water. His eyes are locked on his own in the mirror as he runs the warm rag over his skin. He's aware that you're still standing behind him. When he's done with the front, he rinses out the small towel and gets it wet again, holding it out to you and pointing towards his back. You take it.
It's quiet, but JJ is exhausted. His brain is battling with his heart. One says he should leave, the other thinks he should stay. Instead of looking in the mirror while you work, he looks at the floor.
You're sitting in bed against your headboard when he comes out of the bathroom dressed in the clothes you gave him. Some he'd left here and forgotten about. This shirt used to be one of his favorites. You scoot over and pat the spot you were just sitting in.
JJ sits at the foot of the bed instead, facing you. He plays with his fingers, tapping them against his crossed legs and wringing them together. His shoulders rise and fall with a deep breath he takes before speaking.
"Do you remember that talk we had one time? You were saying things about when the world ends, and I thought you were dramatic, but I let you talk it out. We agreed on something that night." Still, no eye contact.
"Yeah, J. I was afraid of being alone when the world ended. So we agreed that if we could foresee it happening, we'd spend it together. Our last moments." Your voice is soft, but you can tell by his tiny head nods that he already knew what you agreed on. He wanted to hear you say it, he wanted to see that you remembered.
"So... that's why I'm here, I think." JJ's cheeks heat up from embarrassment. His vision out of focus from not blinking as he looks at his lap.
"Oh, but... it's just a hurricane. We've been through them before, right? We'll make it out alive. The world isn't ending yet." He notices your hands reaching for his, and he lets you take both of them. Then, he finally looks up at you.
JJ's face is hot, his lip is quivering again. His stomach feels like it's dropped to his feet, there's a lump in his throat that he can't swallow.
"That's the thing... the world hasn't ended, you're right, but mine has. Or it feels like it. Haven't you heard the news? John B was wanted for murder, Y/N. He was framed, so we helped him leave town with Sarah. The boat got caught in the storm, a-and fucking Shoupe drove him straight into it. They couldn't find them. He's lost at sea or dead just like his father was. And you know what? We were all there. Me, Pope, and Kie. Guess who else was there? Their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Heyward, Mr. and Mrs. C. You know who wasn't?" His mouth turns into a permanent frown as he cries.
"There wasn't a damn person there for me. Kie and Pope left with their parents. They hugged me before they left, but it felt like a goodbye. How will the Pogues be the same without John B? Their parents were pissed at us today, Y/N. They found out all of the things we were doing to keep John B safe, and they were angry. Will I lose them too? And then, I was going home, but I realized that I took the keys to my dad's most prized possession. The Phantom. It's lost at sea just like John B, so I can't go there, or he'd kill me. He always keeps his keys around his neck; there's no way he hasn't noticed yet." JJ, let's go of your hand to wipe his tears. You crawl, so you're closer to him, and now your knees are touching.
"So I was thinking about what I usually do if I can't talk to any of them, but that hasn't happened recently. Well, not since we ended things. So then you were brought into my thoughts, and it felt like one more kick to the stomach. The final blow. I've lost everyone, Y/N. It feels like the end of the world." His shoulders shake as he finally leans into you. JJ doesn't think he's ever cried this hard, not even when you two broke up.
"Where am I going to go? What am I going to do on my own?" He feels you squeeze him tighter. You shift to your knees so you can pull back and lay him down with you. He doesn't protest.
You let him cry it out. JJ tries to even his breathing, he tries to calm down, but it only seems to make it worse. He starts to focus on your breaths instead and your heartbeat, but that's when he realizes that you're crying too.
JJ lifts his head, leaning back from you to look at your face. Your cheeks are puffy, and your nose is red and maybe a little runny. You're taking in small sips of air to try and stop yourself because you can see the panic in his eyes.
"Oh my god. No, baby, I wasn't blaming you. I never did, and I never will. We agreed that it wasn't our time then. Fuck. This is why I shouldn't have come here. I knew I'd be hurt after I left, but I was too selfish to think about you."
It's a mess, everything's a mess. He's upset. You're upset but not at him. He's panicking because he thinks you are, which makes you cry harder because he's crying harder now.
This was one of the reasons you two had to separate. You both would cycle through stages of depression and anxiety, and ninety percent of the time, it was fine. But there was that ten percent, the few times that you'd both reach breaking points at the same time. Neither of you would be able to console the other, so you'd both cry and be upset for hours until you were too exhausted to continue on.
And that's what would've happened this time, but suddenly, the lights went out. Thunder boomed so loud that the walls shook, and shortly after, a flash of lightning lit up the room for a brief second. JJ stilled, and so did you.
"Listen to me, JJ. I know you don't blame me, alright? And you know what, you're probably right. It's going to be different. Pope and Kie's parents aren't going to let them have as much free roam as before. All three of you really could've gotten in a lot of trouble. If John B is alive, it'll be a while before you hear from him. He can't contact any of you immediately because the police are still going to be watching you and the others. I-"
"You're not making me feel any better." JJ can't help but laugh, looking up at you but only barely being able to make out your features.
"I'm getting there, JJ. You know what else is going to be different? I'm going to be here. There is no way I can replace John B or fill the loss of him but I want to be here for you. You're not going to have to say goodbye to me again, and that's a promise."
Despite the darkness, you two make eye contact. JJ has always felt safe with you, but now overwhelmingly so. He's about to tell you he still loves you when the door to your room opens. JJ jumps up into a sitting position, his heart beating loud again.
"Y/N, I brought you a flashlight." Your dad clicks on the light and spotlights the two of you. "Oh, hello, JJ. You doing alright, son?"
JJ glances over at you. "Y-yes, sir. I-is it alright if I stay here tonight?"
"There's no other option, no one's going out in this storm. Make yourself at home."
The door shuts, and a sigh of relief leaves JJs lips. He's not alone. The world hasn't ended. He's going to be okay.
don’t forget to leave feedback or reblog if you liked it! thanks for reading :)
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10/22 Diary
I had a busy day, it was my second oldest siblings birthday today, I was woken up after only like 5 hours of sleep with my mom yelling in pain because she and my brother were moving out my sisters now old lazy boy chair and she got hurt pretty badly by a moving part. I got up to help after taking just a minute to calm down from waking up like that XD I also got hurt :p My right pointer finger got smashed for like 30 seconds but it’s not horrible, it doesn’t seem to be bruised enough to show through the nail at least
So after a few more hours my twin brother got here and we eventually left in his car to the beach, we were gonna spend longer there with grandma and a bonfire, but grandma didn’t feel good enough to spend that long driving today, about 2 hours, so we spent about an hour and a half at a beach we like :) 
We spent the time walking down and back up the part of the beach we were on, collecting sea shells and for my twin brother, rocks with shells embedded into them. we also spent a while at the.... I can’t think of the name, but the huge rocks covering the ground with holes in them that make little lakes with fish and crabs and snails and clams in them?
We grabbed the fresh made ice cream on the way home thanks to my brother who paid, and after dropping most people at home to wash the sand and such off and get changed cause we were varying amounts of wet, my shorts were extremely wet and I was freezing now that I had been out of the water for an hour XD
My twin and the brother (who didn’t really wanna go to the beach and also we couldn’t fit everyone in the car) went to get our favorite Mexican food, there was traffic so it took more than an hour to get there and back with the food XD
We ate our super yummy food and my sister opened her presents (she got a new chair cause it’s important for her and her scoliosis, that’s why we threw out the old one :p ) and after my twin also went to wash off cause he hadn’t yet :p after he finally got out of the shower we ate dessert
Some other not so great stuff happened cause my sister is special needs and so is my brother who stayed home, and they upset each other cause my sister who’s now 34 but has tested to be in the mental age range of 8-16 tops has for DAYS been upset and complaining and throwing not quite tantrums but closest thing I can call them. She’s done this for most holidays and her birthday like most of the time for her whole life, and it’s only gotten worse through the years. After so much shit my brother, who has aspergers, finally snapped, but they made up before we left for the beach so it didn’t really affect much of the day, no more then it would have if my brother hadn’t snapped, cause she would have been upset suddenly before we left even though she was doing better and was happy before anyways. 
She was fine the rest of the day until she opened the present from her dad. He doesn’t do shit for her while buying our other sister great gifts constantly and calling her all the time and visiting her, he’s legally obligated to take care of her till either she or her dies, but my mom isn’t bothering with him and doing all herself. I’m gonna stop there with that stuff cause it upsets me too much. But she told him things she wanted, he refused, said “how about I send you more snacks?” she can’t eat and doesn’t wanna eat that much snacks before they expire, but mom said that ONE TIME and that’s his fucking go to now for 2 years!!! he then tried to say “does she need socks? shoes?” and a few other clothing items, my mom told him “no, she doesn’t, I take care of her needs myself, she doesn’t need cloths what so ever” he essentially refused to send her anything that wasn’t FUCKING SNACKS or a need, mom told her “why don’t you just send her flowers, she would enjoy that” (she’s blind, she can smell and feel pretty flowers) he didn’t. He sent her MORE FUCKING SNACKS!!!! this might seem like an over reaction, but it’s been like this her whole life, getting worse and worse as time went by, oh, and it’s also his mom, she’s the same, they don’t like my mom and don’t wanna get her nice things my mom could also possibly enjoy. Also, she literally started crying when the opened the box of FUCKING SNACK!!! cause the present my moms friend sent her was 1000x better, it was a fluffy blanket with a cat on it. That is the bar, a fucking blanket, or pajamas with cats or dogs on them, but we won’t let him get her cloths anymore, because it’s NEVER her size, no matter how many times we tell him her size, and last Christmas he asked what she wanted and agreed to buy her a Taylor Swift shirt from her website, including sending him a link, and the size she would wear for anything he picked. Wanna know what he sent her??? SHITTY AMAZON THINGS THAT SAID I LOVE T.S. and guess what? THEY WERE HUGE!!! 
We all hate both of them, horrible dad, horrible grandma, and this is only the tip of the iceberg, they’re horrible 
Edit: just for the sake of transparency, the blanket ended up being from him, but that doesn’t really change much, he still treats her like a toy he can pick up and toss aside as he pleases
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(I kinda think Jared doesn't know about the cameras) OH.MY.GOD. I'm in //love// with the idea that Jared has NO clue about the cameras, and Jensen plans to keep them a secret until he catches his (petulant) little puppy breaking the rules again. Touching himself even though his Dom had given him explicit instructions not to that day. (1/2)
(Jensen was going to surprise Jared with something new that night but instead he finds himself having to punish his puppy, not only by telling Jared that he can't have his surprise but also with a brutal caning.) And when Jared denies that he'd broken Jensen's rule, Jensen feels a sense of "obligation" to pop in the video of Jared fucking himself with his Dom's favorite toy, playing it for his puppy while he turns Jared's ass purple. (2/2) 💕
Amber I love this so so much!!!!  💕 💕 💕 And I kinda had to do this:
Jensen doesn’t expect Jared to follow the rules. Doesn’t expect obedience. Jared’s a rule-breaker, has been since the moment Jensen first set eyes on him, counting cards bold as daylight on the cameras overlooking the casino.
But Jared’s rule breaking gets him in trouble. Gets others in trouble, too, and it had been a hassle to find a replacement for Murray after Jared got a little too cozy with his guard. Jensen had known Murray was developing feelings for Jared, but he hadn’t expected Jared to encourage it. And the panic he’d felt when the circuit in Jared’s collar was broken, knowing that Jared had taken it off but not knowing why - Jensen had dropped everything, run for the elevators, prayed that he’d get there in time to stop Jared. If Jared wanted to be stopped.
There’s been a tightness in his chest that Jensen couldn’t explain and it didn’t go away as Jensen watched his head of security administer an expert beating to Murray. Christian knew his business, left Murray bruised and aching and inflicted maximum damage without permanent injury, and Jensen gave him a generous bonus for his work. The tightness stayed while Jensen spanked Jared, each cry from his pet squeezing his heart more, and it stayed while he fucked Jared right in front of Murray, and it stayed while he brought Jared to the edge again and again, never quite letting him tip over into ecstasy. It didn’t start to loosen until Jared was sleeping exhausted in his arms, and Jensen stayed awake the whole night, wrapped around his pet and listening to the soft happy sounds Jared made in his sleep.
So Jensen doesn’t expect Jared to follow the rules, might even be disappointed if Jared stopped giving him reasons to punish him, but he can’t let something like Murray happen again and that’s why he has cameras installed throughout the penthouse one evening while he treats Jared to a luxurious night on the town. And once he’s got cameras installed, he doesn’t see a reason not to watch Jared while he’s busy elsewhere.
Jared doesn’t like to wear clothes when he’s alone, and Jensen revels in that discovery. Pulls out his phone every chance he gets to watch his pet stroll through the penthouse, miles of sungold skin on display, only covered by the black leather of his collar. Sprawled across the couch, playing XBox upside down with his head hanging off the edge and his feet high in the air, lifting weights with his skin glistening with sweat, filling the tub with mountains of bubbles and lying there until the water’s cool enough that he’s getting goosebumps all over his arms, belly-down on the bed with his ass bruised up from their playtime and reading. Jensen was a little surprised by Jared’s eclectic taste, everything from civil war histories to astronomy to true crime and all sorts of fiction. He didn’t say anything, but he had one wall of the living room covered in floor-to-ceiling shelves and a selection of books he hasn’t seen Jared read yet and Jared thanked him on his knees, sucked him down and gagged prettily on his dick and Jensen watches that recording almost daily.
Jensen’s favorite time to watch Jared is when he’s alone in his office, towards the end of the day before he heads back up to the penthouse to get his hands on his pet, with the lights low and a good cigar to go with his scotch. Jared, watching the clock while his cock starts to get hard and Jensen grins at the Pavlovian response he’s trained into his pet. And Jared touching himself, hands drifting over his chest, tweaking his nipples, sliding down over his abs to tease at his dick and sometimes he’s good. Sometimes, he doesn’t start to jerk himself off, goes back to touching his chest with his eyes glued to the clock and Jensen can almost hear the impatient whine and he only just holds himself back from running to the elevator to reward his puppy. (“Good boy,” he says while he binds Jared to the bed with his silk tie, and he bites Jared’s chest hard enough to break skin while he fingers Jared open and sloppy-wet, makes Jared come hard before he pounds into him, fucks him hard and stays inside with Jared clenching around him until he’s erect again and can start a slow, gentle roll of his hips while Jared begs him for more.)
Sometimes Jared breaks the rules, wraps his hand around his dick and starts stroking, runs his thumb over the head to gather precome to slick it. Rolls over onto his knees and reaches back and he’s really breaking the rules when he slides a finger into his ass but Jensen doesn’t feel angry at all. Jensen’s amused and aroused and he leans forward, cigar forgotten in his hand as he watches Jared unknowingly put on a show - best show in Vegas, and Jensen’s the only one who gets to watch. 
He should be angry, should be furious that Jared’s breaking one of the few rules he’s been given. “Don’t touch” isn’t ambiguous or difficult, especially when Jensen has time to fuck him into exhaustion almost every night lately, but Jared can’t seem to follow it and Jensen can’t help loving to watch, planning a punishment while his pet plays alone. And if Jared doesn’t know why he’s being punished… well, that’s part of the fun, really.
Jensen does get angry when he sees Jared pulling out a special toy box. Because there are rules and there are rules, and this toy box is kept under lock and key because Jensen knows his pet has trouble with following rules. 
Jensen hadn’t known his pet could pick locks.  He’ll have to adjust for that.
Anger can wait, though. Jensen leans back, sips his scotch and massages his dick through his trousers while he watches Jared open the box and pull out an enormous tentacle-shaped dildo. Jared rubs the tip of it across his face, licks it all over before putting his lips around the tip and suckling on it. He’s different like this, alone and unaware of Jensen watching him, goes slowly and teases himself the way Jensen teases him when they’re together. It feels like eternity before he’s got just half the tentacle in his mouth, and Jensen’s fucked his throat with that toy before so he knows it’s not inability that makes Jared take forever to get an inch more in.
Jared pulls the whole toy out suddenly, gasping for breath, and Jensen sets his scotch and cigar aside, opens his trousers and pulls out his dick in anticipation but Jared puts the tentacle back in the box and Jensen swears he’s not gonna let Jared come for a week if he doesn’t finish the show. Jensen’s breath hitches when Jared pulls another dildo from the box. A new one, one that arrived three days ago and Jensen hasn’t had the time to use it on Jared yet, and he’s going to need something special to punish Jared for this. He’d wanted to be right there, inches away, when he watched Jared’s ass open for the hefty knot at the base of this one, wanted to lick around the rim stretched taut by silicone, wanted to feel the resistance give way as he pushed the full twelve inches into Jared, and his pet has stolen that with his impulsivity.
Jared’s panting by the time he’s taken the entire length of the toy, and the knot pulls at his hole obscenely when he starts to fuck himself with it. Jensen leans forward again, strokes his dick in time with Jared’s rhythm, holds his anger while he listens to Jared’s whines and moans and the filthy wet sounds of the dildo in his lube-slick ass.
His puppy looks utterly wrecked, knees hitched up to his ears and cock resting hard and red on his belly while he thrusts the toy into his hole, punching the knot in with a violence Jensen hadn’t expected. His head is thrown back, exposing his throat covered in bites and Jensen’s mouth waters at the thought of adding more to the collection. There are bruises on Jared’s hips and Jensen knows his fingers would fit perfectly over them, keeps them fresh and blue-black every time he fucks his pet and he moans along with Jared when Jared presses his own fingers into the marks.
Jared comes moaning Jensen’s name, and it almost cools Jensen’s anger at his disobedience. Not quite though, and that’s why Jensen pulls a box out of his desk after wiping himself off with a soft silk handkerchief. He copies the video file to a disc, then whistles cheerfully as he slips the box into his pocket, heading towards the elevator and Jared. 
If Jensen didn’t have video evidence, he wouldn’t believe Jared had just fucked himself to an explosive orgasm less than five minutes earlier. His pet is fully dressed, down to socks and shoes on his feet, and he’s sitting cool and calm on the couch with a book. Barely even looks up when Jensen walks in, and Jensen tosses the box to him. Jared catches it by reflex, turns it over in his hands and looks up at Jensen curiously.
“Open it,” Jensen says.
A cock cage, nestled on a velvet cushion. Specially designed and made to Jared’s measurements. Gold, to match his skin. 
“Jensen?” Jared still looks confused.
“You’ve been playing with my toy, pet.”
“I haven’t!”
“And now you’re lying. I know I haven’t been neglecting you, so you don’t have that excuse.”
“I haven’t.”
Jensen can’t help being a little impressed at Jared’s insistence. He’s careful not to show it, just turns on the tv and plays the video. Jared’s jaw drops when he sees himself. Jensen smirks.
“You put on a lovely show, pet. I enjoyed watching. But still, you broke the rules. You’re going to be punished. And you’re not allowed to come - after all, you already have when you weren’t allowed. So put the cage on. I promise, it’ll help.”
Jensen turns towards the cabinet, takes his time selecting just the right tool for the evening’s work. He hears the rustling of Jared stripping behind him, almost lost under the sound of the video playing on the giant screen. When he turns around, a slender cane in his hand, Jared’s naked again, tanned and beautiful with the black collar on his neck and gleaming gold caging his cock. Jensen smiles then, steps close to Jared and kisses him softly.
“Alright, pet. On your knees.”
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