#my special boys!!!!!
togamest · 5 months
spring's temptation
Three times Kisaki Tetta attempts to confess to you, and one time it works…a little too well. -> 5,211 words. gn!reader (reader wears heels to a party), fluff, mutual pining, slow burn, texting, college universe/au, hankisa-centric, mentions of throuples/polyamory. pet names ("pretty girl", "doll") -> a/n: love a good slow burn moment. this is VERY very selfship coded...this may or may not have been modeled off of a text convo my partner and i have had in the past...whose to say! no smut/nsfw this go around, just good old fluffy slow burn. my entry into the enchanted forest network's spring feelings collab!
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INSTANCE #1: March 21st, 2005
Your eyes crack open to the sound of a lone mourning dove, cooing as it takes its place on a telephone wire, nestling next to its companion in the bright morning sun. It’s…warm. Warmer than it’s been the past few days. There’s a peek of pink and green from behind your curtains, asking to be let inside.
Your bed is soft, but with a groan, you arise, slamming your alarm off by smacking your phone screen and rubbing at your eyes. The smell of breakfast creeps into your nostrils as you get dressed, and a ping from your phone catches your attention as you check the screen.
Shuji <3
Ready yet, doll? We’re here.
Sure enough, two sets of bike tires faintly squeak against the asphalt, Shuji’s high-pitched giggle echoing through your now-open window that you release the lock on, pushing the curtains aside. Your two boys are down at the edge of the fence, Shuji pocketing his phone and looking up at you with a massive smile. His companion doesn’t make eye contact with you, fiddling with his shirt instead, his glasses slowly sliding down his nose.
You wave at them both, a grin to match Shuji spreading across your face. “Be down in a minute!” you call to him, and he nods, elbowing Kisaki to look up at you. He complies, begrudgingly, a blush flushing his cheeks as he looks up at you. He waves at you, and you cheekily blow a kiss at him, to which he flushes an even deeper scarlet and looks away. Shuji’s laugh echoes in your ears as you shut your window, making your way downstairs.
Your mother greets you quickly, making sure you have everything you need, before pressing a kiss to your cheek as you leave the house, bounding down the stairs and grabbing your own pink and blue bike to join the boys.
“There’s my pretty girl,” you hear Shuji say, walking up to you and leaning down to press a kiss to your temple, pushing your hair behind your ear. You giggle at it, your face a little warm as you take a sniff of the surrounding air. It’s spring, all right; there’s the scent of freshly cut grass, the sharpness of Shuji’s cigarettes, and the clean linen scent of Kisaki’s laundry detergent hanging in the air around you.
Speaking of, the boy in question seemed to be hanging back today. You peer around Hanma to take a look at Kisaki, who almost looks like he’s pouting. “What’s up, Tetta? Need some attention?” you coo at him, and he snorts, rolling his eyes. “Jesus, don’t treat me like a baby,” he says in a low voice, but you can’t help walking the two steps over to him and giving him a hug. His arms don’t wrap around your own, but you can feel his heart absolutely racing against you.
Hmm. Weird.
Hopping on your bikes, you make your way to the bakery around the corner for some fluffy confections. Your mother has always waggled her finger at you for doing so, complaining that you’re going to rot your teeth before you’re twenty-five, but you simply laugh and take a massive bite out of whatever pastry your eyes were set on that day.
Today, it’s blueberry scones.
They’re fresh, the daily special, the scent of warm bread and blueberry drifting through the air as you three pull up to the storefront, hooking your bikes up before wandering in. Hanma takes his place right behind you, a large hand splayed across the small of your back, with Kisaki next to you. Your arms brush every so often, and you can almost feel a flinch.
The woman behind the counter gives you a soft smile when she hands you your bag of treats, and you return it before exiting with the two boys following you closely. The breeze that hits you as soon as you walk out is ethereal, like that first sight of a daffodil peeking out from the snow, or seeing the suggestion of cherry blossom bulbs beginning their push through the trees’ branches.
“Wish it could be like this forever,” you whisper, and Hanma moves in front of you, his face so close to your own with a massive grin on his lips, giving you a wink before moving to his bike. You turn to look at Kisaki, who has obediently stayed back behind you and Hanma during the exit, but seems to not know what to do now, looking down at his feet.
“Right, Tetta?”
You saying his first name causes his head to jerk up, before he scrunches his nose. “I guess,” he says slowly, his words heavy. You roll your eyes, grabbing his shoulder with one of your hands, the other occupied with the bag as you flash him a smile, to attempt to get him to give one back to you. It almost works; you can see the hint of one tugging at his face.
His mouth opens.
“Yeah. I wish it could, but maybe it’s a good thing that it won’t.”
He says nothing more, moving to his bike to unhook it, Hanma already ready to go. “Come on, doll, you’re gonna make us late!” he shouts, and you huff, placing the bag on your bike’s carrier in front before mounting it yourself. You three make it to campus with plenty of time, Hanma’s claim of being late a far cry from the truth as always; he never failed to be the most dramatic of you three.
What Kisaki said somehow still weighs on you, and not even the still-warm blueberry scone in your hands can dispel the peculiar sense that weighs in your chest.
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Shuji <3 [5:32 PM]
Hey doll you seen Kisaki anywhere
You [5:34 PM]
nah why
Shuji <3 [5:40 PM]
Haven’t seen him in a few days. Kinda weird, right? Like I’m not trippin
You [5:42 PM]
no that’s not like him to ignore u. are u sure he’s not just at summer camp?
Shuji <3 [5:45 PM]
No, I checked his house because I’m a psycho :p and the cars are still there
You [6:17 PM]
hmm well maybe just leave him alone maybe smth went wrong at home
Shuji <3 [6:18 PM]
I guess……………
Shuji <3 [9:46 PM]
You ever notice how he looks at you?
You [9:47 PM]
huh??? the fuck does that mean
Shuji <3 [9:48 PM]
Nothin. Just feel like something aint right
You [10:20 PM]
shuji ur literally overthinking rn im sure he’s fine
Shuji <3 [10:31 PM]
Hmm. Alright. See you tomorrow doll <3
You [10:31 PM]
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INSTANCE #2: April 10th, 2010
Five years, and now you’re head of the garden club at school as a freshman in college. Of course, Hanma and Kisaki both made it into the same university, and you’ve all been enjoying freshman year with everything you have. You’ve both grown closer over the years, naturally; but that feeling you had with Kisaki all those years ago has since festered. You’ve pushed it away, consistently, but it never fails to linger. Hanma doesn’t notice, or is ignoring it, and frankly, you’re relieved about that. The last thing you want is him jumping down your throat about it.
You wander through the rows of colors, letting your hand drift across all of the soft petals as you approach the small outhouse, grabbing one of the straw hats left for the volunteers. You wrap an apron around you as well, tugging gloves on before you hear a cough behind you.
You almost jump six feet in the air as you whip around and come to face—
“My God, Tetta,” you say, exasperated, your hand on your chest in mock surprise, “don’t scare me like that! You could’ve just asked to come with me today, you know.”
There’s a hint of blush on Kisaki’s cheeks as he pulls the books in his arms closer to him with a tch and a roll of his eyes. “I guess, but it’s a public garden,” he points out, the know-it-all in him becoming even more loud, “anyone can come in and out. You should expect visitors.”
He’s right, he’s always right.
You wave him off anyway, handing him some gloves and a trowel. “Well, since you’re here, I’ll put you to work. I’ve got some flowers to plant where the pansies died last year, and I’ve dug them up already, so I’ll need your keen eye to know if I’m planting them correctly.” The sentiment in your voice is clearly not lost on him, as he all but throws his books into the outhouse next to your bags and tugs on the gloves, following you like a puppy as you move through the rows, landing on an empty bed with fresh soil.
It’s quiet, the activity; he pulls the flowers out of the store-bought plastic containers, and you tuck them into their new place, patting them once as you go to make sure they’re solidly planted into the soil. The bed becomes a flush of color as you both make quick work of it, with reds and yellows and purples exploding across the empty space.
There’s a problem plant that Kisaki ends up dealing with, whose roots have made it almost impossible to pull out. He’s been struggling for a few moments now, continuously trying to get it out and then reverting to another sprout and returning to the stuck plant after. Seeing his frustration caked with dirt on his face makes your chest flutter just a little bit as you reach over—
Your hands make contact, and even through the gloves, you feel a spark.
Your hand moves back unconsciously, almost yanking it to your chest as you play it off with a laugh, but Kisaki’s eyes go wide as he looks at you. There’s a beat of nothing, before he nervously laughs with you. “Must have some static electricity,” you say, attempting to smoothen out the awkwardness as you reach for the plant again, “but let me.”
He hands it to you, and you slip it out as easily as if it were never stuck at all, his jaw dropping and eyebrows scrunching in anger. “Well,” he begins, and he stutters as you look at him with an eyebrow raised, patting the problem child into the dirt, “I-uh-I just loosened it for you. Obviously.”
“Obviously,” you repeat back to him, but there’s no malice in your voice. The blush on his cheeks is even more red as he looks away from you, grabbing the next flower to remove from the pot, refusing to say more.
The sun is still high in the sky when you finish the bed, and it looks gorgeous as you sit in front of it, sharing water with Kisaki. His hands freed from the gloves, he reaches out to brush against the petal of a snapdragon, the cherry red contrasting nicely with his emerging tanned skin.
You don’t miss a beat. “Bless you?”
He laughs, then, a genuine laugh that you hadn’t heard in a while. His mood around you hadn’t gotten worse, but it hadn’t gotten better, either, since that day at the bakery. You still don’t know why he’d been acting so weirdly, why he said that he wished things would change; it had been five years, you’d think you’d know by now. Why did he think that? Were you and Hanma not enough for him after so long? Did something happen at home? Did—
“It’s the genus that snapdragons are from. It’s ‘cause they look like dragons when you squeeze them. They’re actually not compatible with themselves, a lot of the time. They can’t self-pollinate.”
You nod, humming. “Sure know a lot about plants, huh?”
Kisaki’s face couldn’t be redder or he’d look like a tomato. “Yeah. One of the weird things I like to study, I guess.”
You’re not sure what prompts you to move, but you do, so your hand is covering his own. Skin touching skin, the spark isn’t there, but there is an odd sense of warmth. The peculiar sense comes back again, one that you can’t put your finger on. It’s not weird or wrong, just���odd. Nevertheless, you don’t move away, and he doesn’t either. Your eyes meet, and it’s like time is suddenly frozen, waiting for a choice to be made. You can’t help but flicker down to his lips and back up, and you can tell he’s noticed as his white teeth appear to bite down on his bottom lip gently.
You cough, moving away, going to remove your hand. “Sorry.”
He shakes his head, gripping onto your hand so you can’t remove it. “Don’t be. We’re friends, right?”
The smile he gives you doesn’t reach his eyes.
There’s the peculiar feeling again, tightening your chest.
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Shuji <3 [9:26 PM]
Alright, doll, enough fuckin around.
You [9:26 PM]
Shuji <3 [9:27 PM]
You invited Kisaki to do the stupid garden shit with you and not me? :(
You [9:27 PM]
oh my god u idiot he literally just showed up of course i had to put him to work
Shuji <3 [10:08 PM]
Yanno if it were me I’d think you’re fuckin with him on the side
You [10:09 PM]
Shuji <3 [10:10 PM]
You sure about that?
You [10:11 PM]
YES???? why should i not think that???
Shuji <3 [10:20 PM]
Come on, you gotta notice. He’s not the best at being subtle
You [10:21 PM]
i rly don’t know what ur talkin about here but if he rly thought that i’d hope he would have a convo w me about it instead of brooding like an idiot as u seem to say
Shuji <3 [10:42 PM]
HAHA yeah. Hopefully he grows some balls and does something about it.
You [10:43 PM]
Shuji <3 [10:45 PM]
Nothin. Gnight doll <3
You [10:46 PM]
ugh fine gnnnn ilysm
Shuji <3 [ 10:50 PM]
Love you too
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INSTANCE #3: MAY 15th, 2013
“Kisaki!” you slur, your drink sloshing in its container as you stumble your way over to him. Hanma is behind you, one of his large hands keeping you steady as he meanders over with you, a matching grin on his own face as you both adventure over to your third, who is currently sitting at the bar nursing his only beer of the evening, scowling.
“What’s got ya so bummed out, huh?” Hanma asks, resting one hand on the bar and the other on your shoulder as you slide in front of him, between the two men, your eyes sparkling as you look up at Kisaki. His glasses are new, clear frames that make him look more mature. He’s forgone the buzzcut he used to have, instead opting for an undercut. No more dyed hair, either, at least not at the level he used to have. The highlights are more exact, a barber having done them rather than a fourteen-year-old rebellious boy.
He looks good. Too good.
Hanma has also changed quite a lot, although not to you. To you, he’s still the possessive boyfriend he’s always been, goofy and laughing and never taking anything seriously. He’s also opted for shorter styled hair, being much less ridiculous than his “skunk haircut” that you forever teased him about. However, he has a look that he gives Kisaki, one that you either hadn’t picked up on before or that you simply hadn’t noticed…
It looks like yearning.
Kisaki takes a sip from his beer before looking at Hanma. “You know this stuff isn’t really my style,” he drawls, a finger circling the rim of his glass, “I’d much rather be at home, honestly. Reading a book sounds like a much better use of my time.”
You clap your hand on him, ignoring the flash of shock in Kisaki’s eyes. “Come on, Tetta,” you whine, “life isn’t just about books. It’s all out here! Waiting for you to explore!” You brandish your arms around you, gesturing at the bar’s dance floor, crammed with sweaty bodies and solo cups and tongues inside of wet mouths, filthy noises barely being dulled by the horrifically loud bass echoing around the room.
Luckily, where you three are, it’s relatively quieter. Sofas line some of the walls. There’s a girl grinding on her choice for the night, her cherry red lips leaving faint marks on his cheeks as they kiss sloppily. There’s a hint of drool on his chin as his hands move to grab onto her hips, moving her gently against him, grinding her down onto whatever is hiding in his pants.
You tear your eyes away, only to see both Hanma and Kisaki staring at you. “What?” you exclaim, shrugging your shoulders, but the alcohol has a grip on you now. You need someone to touch you, and whether it’s Kisaki or Hanma, it seems to not matter to your horny brain. Your skin feels like it’s on fire with every moment that passes.
Your logical brain, however, goes for Hanma, due to the fact that he’s your partner, your lips brushing against his neck. “Kinda wanna go home,” you whisper against his sweaty skin, and you feel his throat rumble as he laughs, pulling you close to him. “Sorry, doll, this is my party,” he says, “but lucky for you, I have a good friend willing to take you home, since he wants to go so badly.”
You look over at Kisaki, who looks like he’s staring daggers at Hanma. There’s a beat of silence between them, tension hanging in the air so thick that you could cut it with a knife, when Kisaki sighs, finishing his beer and extending his hand. “M’lady,” he says, a smile on his face, and you follow him happily, planting a kiss on Hanma’s lips before you go. “I’ll let you know when I’m home,” you shout back, and he nods, lifting the glass at you and blowing you an air kiss.
The walk home is slow as you stumble, eventually ripping off your heels and choosing to walk in your bare feet. Kisaki doesn’t notice, moving a few paces ahead of you. Once he realizes you’re no longer right next to him, he looks back at you, and then at your feet, and—
“Jesus, why are you walking barefoot? Come here.”
You don’t get a chance to say anything before he’s picking you up, slogging you onto his back in a forced piggyback ride. Your heels thud lightly against his chest with every step he takes. “D’you work out or somethin’?” you slur, your cheek resting against his shoulder, your breath on his neck. He nods, effortlessly huffing as he adjusts you without you even doing anything, a squeak falling from your lips. “Tetta!” you exclaim, giggling, and you can feel his smile without even seeing it.
“I work out so I can make sure someone as pretty as you gets home safe without a scratch.”
Pretty. “Pretty,” you say slowly, weighing it on your tongue, “I s’pose I am. Thas’ a weird thing to say about your friend, you know.”
You’d always joked with Kisaki that you were just friends. Sure, he got touchy when he was drunk, and he did do things for you that felt boyfriend-level, but it was nothing serious. Hanma was always there, anyway, clearly the boyfriend in charge with his loud voice and raucous laugh taking up the space that Kisaki himself left for him. They’d been good to you, both of them; they’d always been good to you.
Your apartment appeared much faster than you wanted it to, having felt so content being carried by Kisaki that when he set you down in your entryway, you almost collapsed to the ground. You giggle at the mistake, picking yourself back up and dusting yourself off, before looking up at him.
You’d have thought he’d been looking at the stars with the way he looked at you in such fascination. You ignore it. You have to ignore it, because you can feel that peculiar feeling rearing its head again. It had been years since you’d felt it, so why now? What about right now, other than the alcohol flooding your veins, made you feel like this?
“Thanks for, uh, for gettin’ me home,” you say, breaking the silence and picking up your heels and going to move further into your apartment, but a hand lands on your arm. There’s a plea in Kisaki’s eyes when you meet them, but it’s gone before you fully realize it.
“You’re welcome,” he chooses to say instead, “make sure you drink some water.”
He disappears before you can respond, the door clicking shut behind him.
When the refreshing water hits you, after you meander into the kitchen and fill a glass, the realization does too.
The peculiar feeling, the feeling you’ve felt every time you come into contact with Kisaki. The feeling you had all those years ago when he’d mentioned how he wanted things to change. The spark between you two that felt so much more than just static electricity jumping from one’s skin to the other. The fact that he took time out of his day to come help you at the flower gardens (which you never questioned, either, oddly enough).
It all pointed to one thing, one staggeringly shocking revelation that you almost can’t fathom as you slide onto the linoleum floor.
You were in love with Kisaki.
Kisaki was in love with you.
And you, despite your best efforts, were in love with Kisaki and Hanma.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
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You [1:02 AM]
u fuckign bas tard u were rIGHT the wh OLE time
Shuji <3 [1:04 AM]
Hmm? Really? What was I right about?
You [1:05 AM]
You [1:05 AM]
Shuji <3 [1:06 AM]
Oh, yeah. He’s so fuckin bad at hiding it it’s kinda funny
You [1:06 AM]
You [1:06 AM]
You [1:06 AM]
Shuji <3 [1:10 AM]
I have, so many goddamn times. You just didn’t wanna see it <3
You [1:12 AM]
You [1:12 AM]
what do i do shuji. what the fuck do i do
Shuji <3 [1:13 AM]
Well, you still love me, right?
You [1:13 AM]
yes god i would never not love u im so fr
You [1:13 AM]
but wtf am i supposed to do about being into him too like how does that work
Shuji <3 [2:05 AM]
Well, there’s a lot I gotta tell ya.
You [2:06 AM]
like what????
Shuji <3 [2:17 AM]
You think you’re the only person out of the three of us that likes him?
You [2:17 AM]
You [2:17 AM]
You [2:18 AM]
Shuji <3 [2:18 AM]
God, I love you but you make it sound so fuckin weird lmao
You [2:18 AM]
Shuji <3 [2:25 AM]
Surprise lmao
Shuji <3 [2:25 AM]
So I’m guessin u can see how this is gonna work right
You [2:26 AM]
that,,,kinda makes it a lot easier
Shuji <3 [2:26 AM]
Yeah duh. Worryin for nothin. I love you but goddamn lol
You [2:27 AM]
oh my god shut upim gonna go to bed and pretend this didnt happen
Shuji <3 [2:27 AM]
You can try doll. But we’re gonna talk about it eventually.
You [2:28 AM]
yeah yeah okay gn i did make it home safe btw
Shuji <3 [2:30 AM]
Yeah Kisaki told me. Knew he’d keep ya safe considering he’s in love with you
You [2:31 AM]
Shuji <3 [2:31 AM]
Goodnight doll <3
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INSTANCE #4: MAY 31st, 2013
Having your boyfriend know that you’re in love with his best friend and also having the realization that he is also in love with your best friend is, frankly, a best case scenario for the ridiculously comical love triangle that you find yourself in now.
Neither of you have said anything to Kisaki, of course. It’s been a few weeks since the party, and you’ve both concocted a plan together; to drop hints and see how long it takes Kisaki to realize what’s going on. Given his innate ability to read people, you both bet that it’ll take him a week at best.
A week stretches into two, then three. Consistent touches are met with a smile but nothing more, helping out around his apartment gets a “thank you”, but he’s not giving either of you any room to move further or even bring up a discussion. It’s a bit ridiculous, actually, and while you know Hanma can last forever when it comes to a good slow burn (particularly if it involves Kisaki), you do not have the same patience.
It’s a wine night after you finish your junior year of university when it all comes out.
You three are piled up on the couch, and you unstick yourself to move into the kitchen, sighing as you pour another glass of wine. There’s a sound of shuffling, before you see Kisaki enter the kitchen with you, pouring his own glass. “It’s good, right?” you say, swirling your glass up to the light in mock analysis as he grins, the wine flushing his cheeks a sweet pink.
“Sure is,” he says, and the silence that fills the space after is…a little awkward.
“Say, I wanted to thank you for, you know, not making things weird.”
Your gaze moves from the glass to his face, and with the drunken flush on his cheeks it looks like he’s finally grasped onto a string of bravery.
“Weird about what?”
There’s a clink as his glass lands on the countertop. “Calling you pretty. Was just a slip of the tongue, I’m sorry. That wasn’t right.”
“Ever the example of honesty, I see,” you joke, sitting on the countertop with the glass. You can hear the TV in the living room slightly lowering its volume, and you know for a fact Shuji is listening in. Why wouldn’t he? The look you gave him after you left the room, the wink he’d tossed your way, he knows what’s going on.
Kisaki swallows so harshly that you’d think he was attempting to swallow an apple whole. He looks as if he’s debating on what to say, how to respond to that, because you know he’s not being truthful. He doesn’t know that you know, though.
Luckily, you don’t have to wait long, because he takes a deep breath, and out it comes.
“I’m tired of pretending that I’m not into you. It’s a lie, it’s a massive lie that’s been poisoning me for years and I am so exhausted with pretending that I don’t feel something for you.”
You stare at him in mock shock, trying your best not to laugh.
He immediately backtracks, his hand brushing against the back of his neck. “Fuck,” he whispers, “fuck, I’m sorry, now I made it weird, I know you’re with Shuji and I shouldn’t have said anything, I know, I—”
“God, Tetta, shut the fuck up for once,” you finally say, snapping. The resistance that you’ve held the past couple weeks has suddenly crumbled, watching him stumble over his words and ignore the love he has for you based on…what? Your commitment to Shuji? You’re basically a throuple anyway, it’s like he’s been blind to it all. Blind to the love that you and Shuji have for him.
He looks at you with real shock, and you roll your eyes, tugging on his shirt to bring you closer to you, slotting between your legs. “Shut up,” you repeat against his lips, and you crush yours against his own.
He’s speechless, unmoving, like a statue as you kiss him, slowly, gently attempting to unravel his nerves that are bubbling underneath his skin. Slowly, he softens in your hands, meeting the motions you’re giving him. He cups your cheek and tilts your head and his tongue slides in, skating across your teeth. You let out a soft moan into his mouth, but he doesn’t stop. The restraint is off, disappeared, dissolved in the space between you two.
He’s shuddering against you, like he can’t believe he’s doing this, but like he’s so excited to finally kiss you and break through whatever mental block he’s put up. He’s panting against you, red-bitten lips pounding as he looks at you. There’s so many emotions in his eyes; betrayal, shame, lust, excitement, all colliding in a wild kaleidoscope.
His voice is raspy, and he goes to move away, but you lock your legs behind him so he can’t move. He stiffens, looking back at you with surprise as you lean back, your palms flat on the countertop as you roll your eyes. “Tetta,” you respond, in a sing-song voice, “don’t apologize. I liked it.”
“But Shuji—”
“Are you stupid?”
He slowly blinks in confusion. “M-Maybe?” he stutters, alarm in his voice, and you giggle.
“You know he likes you too, right?”
There’s a snort that breaks the air, and Kisaki’s head all but whips to the kitchen entrance as he looks at his newly-emerged friend, brushing his long fingers through his black and blonde locks, grinning.
“Silly Tetta,” he teases, walking up to you two, “silly, silly Tetta. How are you so goddamn analytical but you can’t tell when both of your friends are in love with you? Fucking idiot.”
If Kisaki could get any redder, he’d be morphing into a tomato as he looks down at your lap, suddenly incredibly embarrassed. “I-I don’t know what to say,” he finally confesses, and you cup his cheek in the same way he did to you moments ago, pushing his face to look at you. “You don’t have to do anything right now,” you say to him softly, “but I would like to snuggle some more with you both, if that’s okay.”
Shuji laughs, swinging an arm around Kisaki and dragging him back into the living room. “C’mon, love,” he calls behind him, and you follow, bringing the wine glasses and placing them on the coffee table as you collapse onto the couch with Shuji’s head on your shoulder, Kisaki’s on your lap. Your hand falls into Kisaki’s hair as the other removes his glasses, and he hums, shockingly fine with the way events are progressing given his embarrassment earlier.
“Just me and my boys,” you giggle, and Shuji can’t help but laugh, pressing a kiss to your cheek. Kisaki joins him, brave again, kissing your other cheek.
Your face hurts by the end of the night, having the two men you love more than anyone draped over you. It’s more than you could ever ask for.
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divider credit: @/benkeibear networks: @thehoneypotserver @enchantedforest-network
disclaimer: DO NOT copy or repost my works for any reason. translations are acceptable, but please ask for permission first!
© kakuchari 2023-2024
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nipuni · 7 months
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A speedpaint video of this will be available at my Patreon on march 1st! 😊
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“Mama’s Boy….” 🎶
I don’t know why I do this to myself… i need to draw something fluffy next-
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The indescribable tension between an overworked and underpaid smut writer, and his biggest fan hater.
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egophiliac · 13 days
I think the theme is more loungewear than straight-up pajamas, but hey, I'm not complaining! (and -- look, we still have the groovies, I'm not giving up hope for animal kigurumi until I gotta)
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shameboree · 10 months
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havent drawn ladybugs in literally a year haha whoops!! anyway heres a princess tutu au ft knight marinette and magical girl adrien
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buckera · 5 months
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sethdomain · 2 months
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someone should write a species swap fic
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noodles-and-tea · 6 months
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special-boi · 6 months
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special request ai art by @special-boi
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sea-buns · 7 months
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is the special thing that porter drops dead on the spot?
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isolophilian · 9 months
i think we need to understand the gravity of how quickly Percy blames himself and his disabilities for the way his world is. how he's been made to believe over years and years that he's weird, that there's something wrong with him. Percy saying he should've been paying attention. Percy saying there's something wrong with his brain. Percy calling himself broken.. he's just a kid man
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skribbzy · 5 months
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Pov: sun is listening to u ramble about your hyperfixations <33
(If u saw this on discord already, no u didnt-)
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