#my spirit animal x-men character
straykids-2000 · 2 months
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About me
Hi, I'm sage, I'm 25, and I go by any Pronounce.
I love K-pop,reading,scream,rain,anime,drawing,and descendants
I write for stray kids, enhypen, my babysitter a vampire, Naruto, and more
kinks/fetishes i WILL NOT write about: scat/piss play, noncon, incest/stepcest animal hybrids, feet (i hate feet, i'm sorry i just can't lol), age play
Kinks, I will write for: dom reader, sub character, dirty talk, bondage, blindfold sex, public sex, humiliation, anal, and more
I mainly write for dom reader and sub character cause there's not a lot and I write for male and female
So yeah if there anything you need just ask🙃
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polaris-likethestar · 21 days
lorna: not trying to brag or anything, but i can wake up without an alarm clock now simply due to my crippling and overwhelming anxiety, so...
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emmafrostdefender · 1 month
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a fine line between god and animal | logan howlett x fem reader
prologue - that which cannot be held in your hand | masterlist
your mother was a god-fearing woman. but she feared you much more. some part of you was wrong, at least in the eyes of god, but you answered to something much bigger. and so did he.
hi friends, this was written when i was struck with inspiration by the one and only ethel cain. of course, the inspiration was paired with my recent renewed interest in wolverine and x-men. some of the characters are more like how they are in the comics because the movie writers did them dirty! like jean slays in the comics okay! anyways, i wanted to write about wolverine and it be sexy in an ethel cain way. do we get the vibe? i hope so. also, i, in fact, do not have religious trauma but if you do this might be the story for you. enjoy.
warnings: cursing, religion, religious trauma (will pick up), lowkey a lot of blasphemy, people be bad sometimes, reader's mother was not chill, a ton of exposition (sorry!), i’m writing this mainly for practice (especially regarding dialogue, so that’s why some of it might be kinda choppy), definitely won't be canon compliant, 4k words
By the grace of some unholy god were you created.
The priest with silver hair expelled the demons from you; those crawling, crushing, wriggling, squirming demons that lived within you. Those demons that whispered in your ears, caressing your skull with a language lost to time. They pushed to be revealed. Today, your mother shoved you to your knees before the altar of your true Mother, the Mother of all. “Holy Mother, bless this rotten soul,” she whispered by your side, eyes clenched shut. You watched her. There were no tears, not for your lost soul. Your rotten soul. As if your morality was like an apple. Something that could shrivel up and die if left too long in the scorching sun.
Your skin crawled under the light that beat down on you through the skylights of the church. The air was thick with incense and smoke from the ever-burning candles. The stench filled your nose. Your mother grasped your hand in hers, forcing you to focus on her words. She spoke so quietly, so quickly, you’d think she was chanting some spell. Something to save you from your fate.
“Heavenly Father, take the Devil’s spirit from her body; take this ugly, horrid wickedness from her.”
You closed your eyes, not in prayer, but to lend your ears elsewhere. To the birds chirping outside. The wind whistling through the trees. 
You were connected to nature. In some primal, peaceful way.
Before your father died, he would take you into the woods and you would wander together. Sometimes you would pack supplies for overnight trips, sometimes you would bring nothing but your spirit with you. Now, you thought he knew that something was different about you before you did. When you were a stumbling child, he knew. There were days he would force you to lead the both of you back to safety after getting you lost in the middle of the woods. Force you to reveal yourself to him. The part of you that God shunned.
And you did.
Your spirit became one with the natural world around you. You could hear and smell and see. For what felt like the first time. It was a beautiful thing that came over you.
The trees spoke to you, in their ancient language lost to humanity. And you spoke back. Using sounds that had never before emerged from your lips. 
And they led you home.
Never once did your father ostracize you for your gift. That’s what he called it. A gift.
When you turned sixteen, your gift shifted. You fought back as it reared its ugly head at you. It pushed and pulled at your insides, begging to be released fully. The day your father died, lying still in a sterile hospital bed, it burst out of you. The monotonous tone that rang out death filled your ears as you lay beside him on the thin sheets. He wasn’t supposed to die like this. Not here. The thought blared in your brain. He should’ve been somewhere he could see the sky, the trees, the clouds, not the plastered ceiling of a hospital room.
In your memory, nothing changed. But your mother, eyes blurry with tears, watched as something inside you morphed. You became still, grasping your father’s hand, and whispered something that sounded to her like sin. The tongue of some animal, some demon. She watched as her daughter became something unholy. Your eyes went pitch black, your skin glowing with a soft light. And suddenly, vines were creeping into the room from all around.
Through the window, the door, from the cracks in the ceiling. Crawling to the thrumming in your veins. The winds answered your call, blasting open the window, broken glass scattering across the linoleum floor. Your mother screamed at the sound. 
As vines wrapped around your ankles, around your father’s bed, your mother watched as you continued your senseless muttering. She couldn’t move to stop you. She began to chant a prayer of protection. For herself, for her husband’s lifeless body, for your soul. 
Anger filled your spirit, the anger of a thousand year old mother. Tar filled your veins, smoke filled your lungs, oil in your eyes. The drilling, the pounding, the burning, the slaughtering. It all pushed into your brain as the vines choked your soul. And you screamed.
Your mother grabbed the metal tray from your father’s final meal and slammed it against your head.
And she continued to pray. Gripping your hand until it hurt. And you let her. Let her expel the demon from you. 
Your bare skin bathes in the moonlight shining through the early autumn foliage as you sit on your knees before a different altar. 
You cringe at the memory of your bruised knees and that crushing hold on your hand. Begging God to turn you into a flower, while your mother begged for your mortal soul.
You shake your head to clear the memory. That was ten years ago now. Seventeen and terrified of who you were, what you were. She was wrong about you and you were wrong about you. 
The day the priest came to perform another exorcism of sorts, something that had no effect on you whatsoever, a new man had entered your bedroom. A man in a wheelchair. Professor Charles Xavier. He saved you. 
Made your mother forget who you were.
And you came to live on a beautiful estate in upstate New York with people like you. Mutants. A word used in such a way you had never heard before in extremely rural Oklahoma. “What do you mean, mutant?” You asked, not sure if you should feel insulted.
Professor X looked at you from across the plasticky diner table, studying your features. You studied his right back. Soft eyes and a kind smile. Such a stark contrast from your mother’s severe gaze and thin-lipped grimace. “Mutants are like regular people, only with a mutated gene that gives them special abilities. I’ve been studying mutants and their mutations for decades. Each mutant I meet is unique and you are no exception.”
Your eyebrow raised ever-so-slightly as you sipped on a strawberry milkshake. “How many are there?”
And so began your relationship with Charles Xavier. He became your mentor, someone to go to for guidance. He assisted you in harnessing your abilities, treating them like a muscle to train rather than a burden to bear. And yet, every night you prayed to God that you could be rid of it. That you could go back home and live a normal life. 
In your years at the mansion, friendships blossomed all around you. You never made friends easily back home, but here they came quickly and firmly.
And you felt complete. You are complete. You remind yourself.
Something deep inside of you grumbles in response.
You ignore it and stretch your arms to the sky, cupping the moon in your hands. The moon is slightly out of your jurisdiction, but she controls the tide, which controls the winds. It all works in harmony, you’ve learned. When another girl with similar mutant abilities arrived at the mansion a few years after yourself, you became close partners. Storm, Ororo by birth, was your closest companion. She had striking white hair and a piercing gaze and a personality to match. In combat, she is your most trusted partner. 
You spin your arms in a practiced circle, beginning to feel the thrumming of power in your veins. Every full moon, Charles would send you out into the woods of the estate to become one with your abilities. He says the most dangerous mutant is a mutant that severs all connection to their powers. One that has no real idea what they are capable of. “They could destroy a whole city and not understand why,” he replied when you first asked him the meaning of these exercises. “You must be in tune with yourself if you ever want to feel some semblance of control.”
Control. The word forced a shiver down your spine. Mother Nature revolts at it.
And yet, you managed to tame the primal part of yourself. The part that screamed to be let loose. 
The world pulses around you as your eyes flutter shut. This is your favorite part of the night. When you merge with the natural world. When you feel and hear and see everything around you. The flapping of an owl’s wings. The beat of a young doe’s heart. The smell of the moss and the dirt and the stream miles away. You feel another heartbeat. This one is firmer. More distinct. It reminds you of the steady thumping of your father’s heart when you would lay on his chest as a small child. You can’t pinpoint its location. It seems to come from everywhere at once. A sense of serenity washes over you. 
And you simply listen.
You spread your fingers on the plush grass below you, feeling that heartbeat skitter along your skin and wash itself in the blood that pulses through your veins. You hear the sound of drifting snow, feel its cold sting before it melts against warm skin. Your eyes scrunch up as you focus. The thought of even wondering what you’re tuning into never crosses your mind. You just want to keep feeling and hearing. Your gluttony for the senses takes over and you taste the sheen of melted snow on this stranger’s skin as if you licked it yourself. Salt and something man. You hum. And then you smell something so distinctly like smoke that you are thrown from your reverie. Your body repulses against itself and you cough. Being connected to Earth has its disadvantages. 
Desire to return to that state of complete contentment fills your mind, but you stand. Your nude form basks in the moonlight for not a minute longer. You shrug a pretty little silk robe on and make your way back to the mansion. Although it is early October and New York has not yet succumbed to the winter weather, you still feel the keen chill of snow. 
As you slowly walk back to the mansion, the new thrum of energy courses through you. It spreads down your legs to the pads of your feet, which leave trails of newborn flowers. As quickly as they are born, they die. The circle of life and death. Darkness and light.
The exact breadth of your powers is still unknown to you and your fellow mutants. Before being taken in by Professor X, you thought they were limited to simply being one with nature. The memory of your father’s death and the events that quickly followed were hazy, but being far away from your mother and her religious zeal allowed you to connect to that piece of your past. To your chagrin, Charles refused to go into your mind to help you remember. It took you two months to fully remember the events. Memories came in dreams, waves of disconnected images all straining in your mind. The first night Charles sent you into the woods to “figure it out,” the pieces fell into place.
And you finally knew yourself again.
Now, you’ve chalked your abilities up to being a reincarnation of Mother Nature, a realization that pulls at the small cross that rests in the hollow of your neck. Despite the trauma incurred by your mother in the name of the righteous God, that part of yourself hasn’t been severed. You remember your father knelt in the church, clasping the chain around your neck, thereby forever bonding you to your faith. You’ve never feared any man you’ve gone against in combat, but you fear the one waiting to judge you.
If He’d even bestow that luxury upon you.
You look up at the sky as you step through the woods, drawing lines between the stars like the ancients. Stringing stories and myths and legends. You wonder if the monsters of olde were simply mutants, like you. Misunderstood and begging to be believed.
The soft glow of the mansion enters your vision. The weight of sleep hits you in the shoulders and you slouch to the back entrance. All the young mutants are asleep at this time, but you hear the skittering of a few rebels in the halls. The mansion never fails to awe you, with its tall wooden walls and bright windows. A far cry from your small rancher of a childhood home. You pass the main entrance and make your way up the stairs that lead to your bedroom on the third floor. This floor is for the older mutants, the X-Men.
Originally, you declined Charles’ offer to be a part of the mutant bad-guy-fighting team. A lack of confidence in yourself, you realized later on. The belief that something was still too wrong with you to even have the ability to help anyone. That belief changed rather quickly. 
When you realized there wasn’t much of a place for mutants in this world, you accepted his offer. You took on the name Proserpina, the Roman goddess of spring, at the behest of your teammates. Despite your initial disdain towards the alias, you soon grew fond of the name.
Your ears perk up at the sound of whispering voices down the hall.
Coming from Jean’s room.
Jean Grey is another member of the X-Men and another close friend of yours. You were one of the first people she met when she arrived at the mansion a few years ago. You were the first to confront her about her obvious feelings for Scott Summers, who is something of a brother to you, before she even recognized them herself. You are the first person she goes to whenever she feels out of control, which seems to be more frequently as of late. “He wants you and Storm to track them down,” she says in a soft voice.
“Just the two of us?” Scott asks.
You assume she nods.
You raise your eyebrow. Track who down?
Deciding to enter the conversation, you continue to her room and open the cracked door fully. “What, so Charles doesn’t want me tracking anymore?” You question with a hand on your hip.
They both stand in the center of the room and turn their heads to look at you. Jean rubs at the space between her eyebrows. “Not necessarily. He just isn’t sure you should go on this one.”
“Why? Is it because we’d be fighting Captain Capitalism or something?”
Scott quirks a smile. “He’s found another prospect for the X-Men.”
“And how does that impact my ability to find them?”
Jean approaches you slowly. “Don’t be offended, honey, but sometimes you come off a bit…”
“Bitchy,” Scott finishes with his arms folded across his chest. 
Your mouth drops open and you move to slap him or punch him or kick him, but Jean puts her hand on your sternum. “I meant to say, you can come off a bit guarded. And that isn’t always helpful with new recruits.”
“But no one is better at tracking than me,” you say with a pout. “Besides the obvious.”
“Sorry, babe, Charles isn't letting you come on this one,” Scott says with a grin. “Too bad.”
You flick him in the forehead and he flinches. “Asshole.”
“You can stay here and help me with my exercises. Charles is trying to get me to move a car,” Jean suggests. “I know,” she says in response to your eyebrow raise. 
“You can barely move a book without it flying at your face. Or, in most cases, my face.”
She shrugs. “Out of the frying pan and into the fryer, I guess.”
“Fine. I’ll be nice.” You turn to leave and toss a dismissive hand up behind you at Scott. “Good luck tracking without me, bitch.”
He hums. “Goodnight.”
As you shut the door he throws out, “Can’t wait to bring them back in record time tomorrow!”
Them. So it’s multiple. Interesting.
That night, your dreams are filled with images of your old church. The windows stain everything around you a blood red. 
You are on your knees before the altar of Mary. But today, her hands are folded away from you. She scorns you with a downwards glance of repulsion. You know this isn’t real. It’s not real.
Yet, your body burns in her gaze. Your skin is on fire and no one is there to quell it. You are chained to the floor by your hands, you feel your chest being cracked open to onlookers. Your heart is yanked from your ribs, your impure blood oozing from gray hands. Roaming hands belonging to a wisp of smoke pull at your bones, branding them in silver. Bugs crawl out of the cavity in your chest, maggots and cockroaches. You scream and the onlookers laugh. Your body vibrates with fear and disgust. And you scream. 
You wake with hands pinned to the bed by your own force, your necklace set between your teeth. 
Your nightgown is soaked in sweat, sticking to your skin. Your heartbeat pumps hard and fast in your ears, an almost unbearable sensation. Not the way you hoped the night would go.
Despite appearances, you are used to the nightmares that plague you whenever there is a full moon. With the resurgence of your power, comes a resurgence of memories. 
You spit the cross out of your mouth and slam your head against your pillow. 
Dawn has skipped across the sky, bringing streaks of hazy light into the darkness. You stare at the ceiling, allowing your heart to return to its usual rate.
It seems like the dreams are only getting worse with time. You thought they would subdue after a few years, but they’ve been building steadily. And you would never tell Charles that, lest he pry into your brain and see for himself. You couldn’t let him, or anyone, see that part of you. The part you worked so hard to tamp down. It would only make things harder.
Therapy for one?
You laugh in self-pity and sit up, your muscles tense. You stretch out your arms, moving them in circular motions as you control your breathing. The last thing the team needs is something else to worry about. Magneto, your main opposition, has been pushing harder and harder toward his goal of world-domination and mutant-superiority. Charles doesn’t need another burden. You crack your neck and stand. 
Your room has floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the gardens and the woods. A special request you made the first time you moved in. You can just barely see the sun beginning to peak over the horizon, glimmering off the dewy leaves. 
Someone knocks on your door. “Yes?” you ask, turning to face the entrant.
The only other person ever up this early is Storm. She stands before you in her leather suit, stark white hair hanging by her shoulders. “Put some clothes on, Charles wants to speak with you.”
“You don’t think he’d appreciate this?” You gesture to your sweat-stained dress.
“Bad dream?”
You shrug. “I was actually having very passionate sex with Christian Bale.”
“Slut!” She smiles, but her eyes see right through your lie.
You wink. “Always.”
Ororo is the only person you’ve let see the terrified side of you. The side that you keep locked away. And it makes your skin crawl when she sees straight through you. As if she’s the one that can read minds.
When you’ve changed into a sweater and jeans, you follow Ororo downstairs to the professor’s study. The sun has fully risen by now, along with many of the students. You dodge sleepy children and annoyed teenagers as you make your way to the study. 
“I’ll wait out here for you,” Ororo says softly as you open the study door. 
“I feel like I’m about to be scolded for something.”
She laughs.
You shut the door behind you and see Charles sitting at his desk. “Good morning, Professor.”
“Take a seat.”
You grin as you make your way to the plush seats in front of his desk. “Am I in trouble?”
He smiles back. “No, you’re not in trouble. But I did need to speak with you.”
You nod, allowing him to continue.
“I understand that you already know about the retrieval mission Scott and Ororo are to be sent on today?”
“Yes, I overheard Jean mention it to Scott last night.”
He hums. “How was your night besides?”
He’s referring to your monthly ritual. You smile. “It went well.”
“Anything interesting occur?” he asks with a quirk of his brow.
You narrow your eyes slightly. Is he asking about the dreams? You pivot. “Not really. I seemed to connect to someone far away, though. That hasn’t really happened before.”
He nods, a glint in his eye. He knows you’re omitting something. But he lets you get away with it by switching the topic. “I suppose you might be wondering why I’m not sending you on this particular retrieval?”
You shrug, trying to be as nonchalant as possible. “I mean, it crossed my mind. But it’s your decision.”
“I’m not sending you not because you aren’t useful, you must understand. Or because of you’re 'attitude,' which I must admit, I disagree with. You are truly the best tracker we have. And you are fairly good at calming new people down. However, I have recently been made aware of a plot by Lehnsherr to somehow use you to further his plans,” he says with a straight look on his face.
Before you register the second part of his statement, you feel smug pride at the fact that you were right and Scott was wrong. “Wait, he wants me?”
Charles nods. “Yes, it seems he believes your mutation would be useful to him. But I am not aware of how exactly.”
“How were you able to read his mind?”
“We were both at a speech given by Senator Robert Kelly a few days ago. I found his mind in my scan of the room. His is much different from everyone else.”
The unspoken part: We are connected.
The professor never seems to fully admit the strong connection he has to Erik Lehnsherr, but you sensed it the same way you sensed Jean and Scott. It might be different, it might be the same, but the history they share has never fully dissolved.
You wonder if a part of your mutation is sensing innate connections between people. That invisible force that pulls some together, while pulling others apart. That which cannot be held in your hand. You suppose it is something only nature could define.
He continues. “He believes that your connection to nature could be used in conjunction with his control over metal. How? I’m not sure. I’m not sure even he knows.”
You consider this, bringing your hands together. “So you’re nervous I wouldn’t be able to hold my own against his goons?”
“Not necessarily. But if you were abducted, we might not be able to reach you. It’s safer if you stay here with all the protections this mansion affords.”
You fight the urge to roll your eyes. “Are you sure that’s the only reason?”
“It’s the only reason I need.” He looks at you with such care that your annoyance pauses. “If not sending you on a monotonous tracking mission means keeping you from uneccessary harm, then I will do it. Even if it upsets you.”
You break his gaze and sigh. “Fine. I’ll stay.”
He leans back in his chair and smiles.
“I just hate seeing Scott’s ‘I-did-better-than-you’ face. He’s so smug,” you whine.
“You two have that in common, I see.”
The grin that spreads across your lips is impossible to fight.
Scott and Ororo board the jet after an hour of briefing from the professor about where the mutants are most likely located. Somewhere in Canada. Far, far north.
Before they head off, Scott ruffles your hair. “Hey, don’t look so disappointed. You can stay here and grow some flowers or something.”
You shove his hand away from you. “Shut up.”
“Save that fire for when we get back. You never know what these mutants are going to be like. They could be gearing up for a fight.”
“I think I’ll just let you handle that, since you’re so confident you’ll even be able to find them properly without me.”
“It’s not just confidence. It’s a guarantee,” he says with a grin.
“Whatever. Be safe.”
“Always am. Keep Jean company.” 
“Mhm. ‘Bye now!” You say with a wave of your hand.
Jean exits the jet where she was speaking to Ororo and comes to stand next to you. Ororo gives you a thumbs up and she and Scott exit your line of sight. Although you would never admit it, you like going on these missions to keep your teammates safe. And not being able to protect them itches at your skin. Before you go crazy pacing in the hangar of the jet after it takes off, just waiting for them to get back, Jean reminds you of her own practice.
“Time to move that car!” You say with gusto, hooking your arm with hers. 
You fight the urge to glance behind you. Your other hand comes up to worry the cross at your neck. They’ll be fine. 
ugh i know i know she didn't meet him this chapter aw man....
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ambrosialdesire · 2 months
Can I request yandere porco x reader who doesn't take him seriously/ isn't afraid of him or being bratty or whatever so he transforms to scare her
pairing: s4 porco x fem!reader word count: 5.9k warnings + tags: general yandere and obsessive themes, unhealthy relationships, past + current human-trafficking/purchase mentions, forced feminization/infantilization, stockholm syndrome development, forced proximity, torture/violence mentions (choking, starvation, drowning, tying up), drugging (sedation), prey & predator vibes, kinda psychological horror?, humiliation, slight praise, degradation, slight gaslighting, kinda mindbreaky, all characters are 18+ synopsis: you were an impulse purchase that he never thought he'd make before, and although he doesn't regret it, he's having a difficult time trying to soothe your feisty spirit. who knew that all it took was one transformation and a chase you'll never forget? a/n: i'm gonna be so fr idk how to write bratty characters LOL i rarely read bratty readers in general so i'm really free-balling this 💀 kinda simple and to the point compared to my other fics, esp since i've never wrote for porco before so this is like testing the waters and most likely SUPER ooc. it's also more of a psychological fic since i'm not in the mood of writing complete nsfw haha but i hope you enjoyed this anon! sorry it also took so long to be done but then took me like three days to make and edit 😅 (i still think it's a little sloppy, esp the end BUT that's what anon questions are for so i can sorta explain and piece it together more lol) again, hope y'all enjoy!! note: please keep in mind of the tags above and do not proceed if triggering or uncomfortable, especially if you are a minor!! do not read my or any other writers' dark content if you are underaged. this is a fictional work and does not reflect irl morals, do not believe this is how a real romance works or functions.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚.───
He hated when you got like this, putting up a constant nonsensical fight against him.
You'd be a perfect candidate to be his successor from the way you bite down into his skin when he tried to touch you, scratching up his face when he got too close, and always almost managing to slip through his grasp to dash towards the open basement door before he tugged the chain wrapped around your throat back towards him, watching you bare your teeth at him angrily. You were truly a wild animal, that's why he chose you in the first place.
Porco wanted to tame this wild spirit of yours, simply for the fact to see if he could.
Little progress was made, he made your purchase not long ago in the slums of Liberio, where the truly wicked and evil roamed to sell and purchase anything deemed illegal by the Marleyan government. As much as he refused to take these kinds of assignments, preferring to be back on the battlefield with Zeke and Pieck, Porco was already in deep waters for fighting with Reiner again. Not his fault that the Vice Captain's face was so punchable. Thus, here he was, being forced to shut one of the operations down that was said to involve a human-trafficking ring. Down he went alone in disguise, shuffling through the disgusting sweaty bodies of devil scum drooling over a piece of fresh meat on the stage.
He remembered got a good view of the bidding, eyeing each fearful chained-up person with boredom until you were pulled up. God, you really were the star of the stage. Two burly men had to tug your fighting body onto the crumbling wooden stage, a mixed sound of what could be a snarl and screech emerging through your cracked and bruised lips as you refused to move any further. You put up a good fight against the henchmen, the crowd jeering at the display of tug-o-war.
Once they managed to get you to the middle, the auctioneer started to ramble on about your pricing. Your hands may be wrapped in cloth and tied together, but the minute he neared you to show you off, you struck him with a mean uppercut, almost pouncing on him once he fell over before the two men held you back. Even then, you were thrashing around on your wounded feet, spitting out curses and howls at the fuckers beneath you, telling them that you'd hope they'd all burn and rot in hell.
He's the only one that snorted at that statement, feeling all eyes on him.
Porco really wasn't any different from those around him as he raised his hand up, offering over a thousand for the wild girl, more than what the other fucks around him could possibly afford. It won't make a dent in his bank account either because once he takes you home, the authorities would've already been called to the place. He gets to keep his money and you, while Marley gets rid of more scum; a two in one deal. You glared down at him, a burning fire settling deep within the darks of your pupils as he grinned back in return.
You were going to be a fun little purchase, that he's sure of.
He didn't really want to, but considering that you were a snappy little thing, you had to be down in the basement of his home until he managed to get your temper under control. The chain was long enough for you to reach the bathroom down there from the bed, but not long enough to reach the door. Once you managed to slightly calm down, realizing that your new "owner" was unfazed by your act as he leaned against the wall, you cautiously settled on the bed. You were still tense, unsure of what his intentions are.
"You got a name?" Porco started, finally breaking the silence as he crossed over his arms.
"You have my papers, don't you?" Your eyes squinted at him, the raspy retort coming quick out your mouth. He did, but he didn't bother looking at them just yet.
He scoffed, pushing himself off the wall, slowly stepping closer to you. "Snarky one, aren'tcha? Just tryna be a little civil here."
"Civility? Don't make me laugh. Buddy, you're the one that bought me. I think we both know that any sort of civility you had has been long gone the moment you raised your stinkin' fucking hand in the auction and brought me down here." If your temper wasn't enough indication of a need of reformation, your mouth definitely was.
"I'm surprised you even lasted that long in the slums with that tongue and attitude of yours, most would've been turned into chopped meat without even a second thought." You were about to say something back before he slammed his hand into your face, pushing your head into the bed and prying your mouth open with his fingers. A gurgle of a scream erupted out of your throat as you struggled to push him off you, but no dice.
"But I'm not like most. Me? I could crush your skull whenever I want, maybe slowly pull each of your limbs apart so you'll feel each tendon and ligament rip away from your sorry torso." Porco pushed harder until you got the message, silencing yourself as your face ached and throbbed from the pressure, yet your eyes still held that same vindictiveness from the auction that never seemed to quite be quenched. Your jaw abruptly closed around his fingers, a pained hiss slipping out of his lips as the pearly whites grinded into his skin.
He's going to relish seeing that light die from you, when you finally realize that he's the sole reason of your living, that you should've been grateful from the start that he's the one that bought you instead of the beer-gut ridden trash that wasted away in the slums.
Porco finally removed his hand out of your mouth, drool and teeth indentations staining his fingers. Light steam was coming off of them, the superficial wounds closing up. He knew you caught that, eyes focused on his hand.
"Now, get some rest. Training begins tomorrow."
‘•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’
When he said training, he meant torture.
That's what you thought as you experienced every debilitating and humiliating ritual he forced onto you every day. You eventually learned his name because of someone saying it upstairs — God you wished that the floors above were as soundproof as the basement's walls— Porco, but you called him 'piggy' sometimes, despite him trying to train you into saying sir. Simple, but it got him irritated real fast.
Porco was a strange man, you knew he was definitely not like the other men you've came across in your imprisoned life. Every wound you made on his person, no matter how deep you curled your nails into him or bite down as hard as you possibly could, he was left unblemished. Not even a fading scar or lasting indent, it was as if you've never injured him in the first place.
He bled, the taste of iron familiar on your tastebuds, but it really was like nothing occurred after a few minutes. You knew that he healed fast too, that weird steam came out of the wounds right after you inflicted it from what you could see with the lantern light, but you don't know why it did. Were you so out of touch from the outside for so long that new medical advancements were made?
He also disappeared for short periods of time, leaving you occasionally starving if he didn't leave enough food beforehand and surprisingly bored; he was really your only company nowadays, so it was quite frustrating to come to the conclusion that you'd even miss the bastard despite the shit he's made you go through. Once Porco came back though, he'd be a little nicer to you but that would last for roughly a week once you gotten sick of his company again.
He only sedated you when he needed your complete compliance or when he deemed you too much, your head rolling around weakly as he undresses and bathes you with him in the tub, the heightened sensation of calloused hands brushing against every inch of your skin. You may be out of it, but every other sensation was magnified. It was the only peace the two of you got with each other, even if you weren't a truly willing participant.
Porco was also quiet when it came to this activity, the steam and heat of the tub creating a slight flush on his tanned cheeks as he leaned back against the porcelain. His normally gelled-back blond hair would be damp and falling over his face, expression lax. You thought he was on the completely lankier side before since you rarely see him without the green coat, but no, he was quite muscular despite being pretty slender.
It made sense, he's lifted and thrown you like you weighed absolutely nothing, holding you down without much struggle, and letting you exhaust yourself while he looked completely normal.
He seemed disinterested in each other's nudity, though you did notice the first few times when he started the bathing routine that he took in every little detail of your body, eyes wandering more than usual. It's not like you could've stopped him and he never touched you sexually, only touching your privates to clean those areas. You've accidentally let out a quietly hitched breath here and there when he brushed those digits of his in-between your pussy, your drugged mind struggling to comprehend the feeling. You believed that he never noticed during those mishaps, not bothered in the slightest during it but whenever he got out of the tub first, it was pretty obvious he'd be partially aroused.
You wouldn't say that you were completely innocent in the act of staring at the other either, you've spotted his cock more than a few times and were slightly internally glad that he never took it for a spin against you. He must be a show-er more than a grower (if he was any lengthier hard, you might be in trouble), but he was notably bigger than the other disgusting men you've came across. Thank god for that, at least. It was finally nice looking at a man that wasn't built like a water buffalo in denial of balding and having the smallest dick around.
As time passed by, you feel like you confirmed your suspicions that he never really was interested in using you for any sexual needs, he was more into seeing how much it would take for you to break. Maybe he's done this to others to get his rocks off, but you'd never give into the sick man's perversions.
One thing that was prominent you've noticed while in his care was that he rarely made you do anything by yourself. He's the one that fed you with you on his lap, clothed you in stupidly feminine outfits from the start of the day to the night, bathed you alongside him. He cleaned and dressed any wounds you inflicted on yourself, but left surface scratches and bruises alone. Porco was in complete control and if you didn't let him take the reins, that's when the punishments rolled in.
Balancing books on your head as you stood on your tiptoes, if any of them fell or if you went back on your heels, he'd hit the back of your calves hard with a riding crop and restart the entire thing. Forcing your head over a bucket of freezing cold water, asking you difficult questions with no right answers to them, and pushing you down into it when you said anything that he didn't want to hear. He choked you out and left you intentionally starved for days when you refused to eat what he made, tied up and blindfolded in a tight closet with no indication of how long time had passed because you didn't want to wear what he chose, anything to ensure that you've learned your lesson.
You didn't, of course you never did. Whenever he asked if you had enough, you only just laughed at him and spat at his face, the punishments only ending once he got tired of it. Your stubborn attitude was the only thing keeping you sane in this world of yours.
No matter how much you were forced to endure endless embarrassment and shame, you'll never grovel or beg for mercy, not even shedding a tear for the agonizing pain you felt as you laid on the scratchy mattress every night. And besides, he wasn't the only one who tried and he most certainly would be the last once you figured out how to get out of here.
You felt a jab to your stomach, abruptly waking you from your short rest. The lights weren't even turned on, but even you knew that the next horrid day has just begun, a flashlight blinding you next.
"Morning sweetheart, you know what time it is? It's 3 in the morning, nice and early for our next session. Are you going to be good and let me put your outfit on?" The nicknames only started a few weeks ago, just because you were being obedient and compliant to his demands. It's to make you feel nice, to think that's what you should be doing to get on his good side.
Fuck, he's really insane.
Obviously since you were completely exhausted, you might as well let him take control again until you regained more strength. You nodded slowly, rubbing your eyes as he finally moved the light off of your eyes. He murmured something of a praise, stroking your head gently before going upstairs to retrieve the outfit. You sat there in silence, partially nodding off until you heard his footsteps near the door, body slightly stiffening.
You may not be outwardly afraid of him, but unconsciously, he made you become unintentionally afraid of the new fucked up punishments that he created. At a certain point in this life, it was undeniable not be terrified of something unexpected.
"A friend recommended this new place for women clothes since she noticed I've been in a good mood lately." Porco pushed the door open, a light pink babydoll dress in his hands. "Ain't it nice? Might be better than all the other ones I've put you in, the seamstress really has outdone herself, don't you think sweetie?"
Everything about it looked too short, ruffles and lace making most of the skirt and the sleeves overtly puffy. He may think he's putting you into something cute, but it was obviously something uncomfortable to wear. It's intentionally supposed to make you tick, you knew it was.
"It's..." You started, thinking about how to go around this without sounding offensive. "Pink."
He frowned, obviously expecting more from you but simply shook his head. Alright, that was a somewhat valid response.
"Still tired huh? Yes, most of your clothes are pink, but this one," He placed the dress next to you, along with the undergarments and shoes. "This one is for a special occasion."
Special occasion? A year must've already passed by since he purchased you, it wouldn't be all that surprising if he was celebrating that. You lifted your arms up and let him remove your nightgown, leaving you only in your underwear. Porco removed the dress from the hanger, turning towards you and pulling the dress over your head and arms, organizing it properly over your body.
Definitely too small now that you were wearing it, the bands around the arms making it feel like you were gonna lose circulation on them and your breasts nearly spilling out of the top of the dress, no matter how much he was adjusting it. The skirt was also way too revealing, just barely covering your panties but he soon tugged those off, putting on an even more scantily clad pair. He brushed out your hair, taking a few pieces and attaching a bow with it behind your head. The shoes were just simply white flats, the only part of the outfit that you had no problem with.
"There. Such a beautiful girl, wouldn't you agree?"
He cooed as he stood you up and dragged you to the bathroom, pulling off the drape that covered the mirror. You weren't allowed to use the mirror, that was what he said as one of the rules way back then. You didn't know why he asked that of you, but you've never seen yourself in years anyways, the details of your appearance foggy in each glimpse of a reflecting surface. The basement was dark too, the only sources of light being the flashlight or lanterns that Porco brings down here to see you. But this?
This was the first time you truly felt horrified at anything, bruises of varying colors littering around your skin, most prominently around your neck. You looked sickly, a pale complexion covering your skin, and bone-dead tired, eyebags weighing under your lower eyelids heavily. The only thing that looked decent on you was your brushed out hair and dress, despite how it squeezed at your almost feeble body.
"What... what did you do to me?" Your hands went over your face, feeling your very soul crumple into itself.
Porco snorted, his hand wrapping around your jaw and forcing you to look at the reflection. "Nothing. This is you, all you. The only thing I've done is the bruises but everything else is your fault."
You pushed him back, his body hitting the wooden door with a thud. Tears were starting to well up in your eyes since the first time in forever as you balled your fists at your side. You started wailing, curses slipping through your lips.
"Fuck you. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!"
"Y/N—" His tone was becoming angry, a warning.
Porco never said your name before.
You took off one of the flats and quickly threw it hard at the mirror, multiple fragments shattering off the wall. You grabbed the biggest piece that landed on the ground, feeling the palm of your hand cut open, warm blood spilling down your fingertips. Without a second thought, you lunged at your captor. Porco was stronger as he stopped you midway of your attack, but his hands slipped from the grip he had on your bloody hands and wrists, it was almost unnoticeable but not to you.
With the little strength you had left, you gave it your all, letting out a wrathful shriek as you jabbed the piece into his stomach, twisting it in as deeply as you could.
The world fell silent as you watched his blood seep through his shirt.
This was the first time you've looked into his eyes in the light and this close in general, the hazel color showing nothing but displeasure. You heaved slowly, taking in shaky breaths through your nose. Slowly, you released the shard and backed away from his still-standing body, the chain connected to you rattling along on the stony ground with your movements. Your eyes were still locked onto him, impatiently waiting for him to collapse so you can take the key out of his dying cold body.
Yet, that didn't happen.
"You're fucking pathetic, stupid even." Porco's hand reached for the mirror shard embedded in his gut, pulling it out with a slight hiss, as if it was nothing but a splinter. "If only, just only, you remembered that I can heal from any wound that your dumbass places on me, we wouldn't have this issue but I guess I gave your slow little brain one too many hits."
The steam was coming off of him again as he threw the bloody shard pack into the broken pile, your teeth baring at him.
"What the hell are you? Some kind of monster?" He laughed, pushing his hair back with blood, the red mixing in with the dark blond.
"Worse," Porco charged at you with inhumane speed, grabbing your throat and lifting you up in the air with one hand, your hands clawing at his forearm as black spots began to form in your vision. "I'm one of the worst monsters of them all. A Titan."
‘•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’'•.¸♡ ♡¸.•’
You awoke to find yourself in a forest.
Originally, you thought you died. It's been years since you've last seen the outside, even felt the wind's breeze go against your face and feel the rising sun's rays warm up your skin. Yet, as you opened your eyes, you reached out to the grass, feeling the smooth blades brush up against your fingers, you knew you were still alive.
Sitting up, you slowly took in the surrounding environment. Did Porco abandon you because he thought you were dead? A giddy feeling rose up from within, excited about the possibility of finally, finally having the freedom that you've desired for so long. You wobbly stood up, realizing that you were still in the outfit he made you wear, now stained with dried blood. Ugh, at least he should've had the decency to put you back in rags or something before dumping your 'corpse'.
How far were you from the nearest civilization? You'd be lucky if you managed to come across one before either dying of dehydration or starvation, hoping you'd run into an Eldian internment zone rather than a major Marleyan city. Maybe even dying here in the wilderness would be a better death than being around people again, considering that all of them would just disappoint you once more.
There was a sound of grass crunching, small branches breaking from behind you as footsteps drew closer.
"Awake aren't we?" Fuck. You turned around, seeing him standing back at a distance, still wearing his bloody clothes.
"I wish I wasn't now that I know you're here piggy. Goddamnit, why didn't you just fall over and die when I stabbed you?" You grumbled the last half, tugging at the bottom of the skirt dejectedly. From afar, you could imagine that his eyebrow was twitching in irritation once you mentioned the nickname.
"You're so annoying, you know that? It's been a year and no matter what I do to you, you still persist. Still convincing yourself that you can't be broken. You've really ran me dry to figure out what I can do to make that pretty little head internally pop, well, I got one more thing that'll make you finally listen to me." Porco fished out a small pocket knife out of his jacket, holding out his palm for you to see before he sliced the middle of it, blood immediately gushing out.
"I'll give you a 15 minute head start, timer starts when I transform. If you can hide or outrun me, I'll let you go free. No catches, you'll simply be free to walk among us again. But if I find and catch you," A cocky smile grew on his face, pointing the knife down at you. "You're going back to the fucking basement."
Wait. What does he mean by transform?
A flash of blinding lightning appeared abruptly right in front of you, gusts of wind nearly knocking you over. You covered your face to try and shield yourself from the sudden weather change onslaught, the sound of something crunching forming loud in your ears. The light finally faded away after a few minutes gone by, a huge shadow hovering over you instead. Hesitantly, you peered up out of your arms and gaped in horror as you stared at the monster in front of you.
Where Porco once stood, a bony skull-like faced Titan stood before you on all fours, a mane of familiar blonde hair wrapping around its head like a lion. It had a shorter and muscular stature than most Titans you've seen in books before your kidnapping, still towering over you but not as much as a normal Titan would. White-tipped claws on each of its digits were prominent on both its hands and feet, digging into the soft grassy ground beneath it.
What the fuck? What the fuck?! Your captor was the Jaw Titan user the entire time? Is that why he disappeared every now and then? Holy shit, you knew what the Jaw Titan user's dick looks like.
Its small hazel eyes glared down at you through the skull-like mask and you felt frozen to the spot, too afraid to make any move. Was he even still in control of himself in there? A guttural growl came out of it then, snapping you out of it.
Porco's waiting for you to move, he... he wants to chase you down. You have no other choice, and you'd rather put up another fight than to lay down belly-up.
You took off the other flat that still remained on your foot and threw it at the face of the creature, soon dashing as quickly as possible into the lush forest. In your head, you knew your outfit was going to be an immediate sore thumb in the surrounding greens and browns so you started to rip it apart as you ran, trying to scatter the pieces as much as you possibly could to throw off the trail. All you were left in was your thin underwear and even that was a risk to keep on, but it was all you had left to preserve the dignity you were barely holding onto.
As you ran, you felt every stray branch dig into your already-damaged skin and every breath you took in felt like needles in your nostrils. It was better than nothing, better than getting immediately caught by that thing. You don't know how much time has passed since you started running, all you knew was that you must've wasted precious seconds when you gawked at the atrocity of a Titan.
There was a whipping sound and then a thud, trees cracking and breaking behind you. The echo of birds flapping away from the source, cawing in alarm rang loudly in your ears and you felt immediate dread crawl up your spine. Your head start was up, he's coming.
You still ran as fast as you could despite the burning in your underused muscles, trying to find somewhere decent to hide in. An overgrowth, a bush, anything at this point. The sounds of whipping and cracking were getting closer and closer, panic bubbling in your stomach until you missed a step, falling over and knocking the wind out of yourself.
You cried out as quietly as possible once you got air back in your lungs, slowly sitting up with damp dirt clinging onto your bare skin. Taking a glance at the ledge you fell from, an idea popped in your mind. Underneath, it was wide enough to fit your body and deep enough for you to hide in, so long as you could cover yourself up with leaves and dirt. The sound of a gurgling snarl close by meant that you had little time to put your plan into action, and you grabbed the nearby shrubbery in handfuls, crawling into the space as fast as you could.
Laying on your back, your place the gathered materials on your body, completely covered from head to toe. You didn't know how it looked on the outside, but it had to be something that could be overlooked when he was searching around. It had to be because you were not going back, you refused to.
The close rumble of the ground almost had you scream out in terror, but you put your hands over your mouth as tightly as you could, your breaths shaky out of your nose. The thuds grew closer and closer, body jumping with each passing step, and then it stilled. You could slightly see what was going on outside, heart dropping when you immediately spotted him.
The Titan was just standing there, completely still besides his head moving around to scan the area. He must've figured out that your clothing trail had gone cold or that it was fake the entire time, but the one thing you knew was that he was quick to catch up either way. A hissing sound, almost sizzling, broke the silence. You watched as Porco's original body appear out of the creature's upper back, right near the neck.
What. The. Hell.
"You're here, aren't you?" His voice was calm, no hint of frustration or irritation. Porco had too much pride to proven wrong, he was confident that he tracked you in the right spot and you hate that he was correctly onto you.
"Your footsteps stopped not too far from here, y'know. You tryna hide now? Ran out of stamina? Twisted your ankle?"
You clenched your eyes tightly together, praying that he'll give up, that he won't find you. Never in your wretched life have prayed before, but you'd start worshipping the very god that'll manage to make sure that Porco won't look in this shallow cavern.
"Fine. If you don't want to reveal yourself—"
There was another sizzling sound, your eyes opening and seeing that he went back into the body, the creature beginning to move once more. The Titan then opened its bony maw, revealing a second pair of sharper teeth before an ear-bursting screech projected out of it, your hands shooting to your ears to try and cancel out the horrid sound. The scream kept wailing aloud like a never-ending storm alarm, your head beginning to ache. It felt like it was going to pop the longer it went on, tears forming at the corners of your eyes.
Stop it, stop it, stop it!
There was a slight ringing in your ears, but the screaming was gone and when you looked out of your hidey-hole, he was no longer standing there. Did he actually give up? You stayed still in the divot, head throbbing and heart pounding against your ribcage. You'll even wait until the next morning if it meant for any kind of confirmation that he was gone.
Suddenly, a claw came down on the roof of your cavern, the sharp tips just barely missing your body. It ripped away the dirt and rock, the sunlight blinding you as you sputtered out the pieces that came down on your face from the removal. Complete fear radiated off your expression as its unnerving mask stared down at your trembling form. You... lost.
You think that its — his — eyes were gleaming with glee right now, seeing how pitiful you looked, filthy and damaged. His hand reached for you, body stiffening as the fingers curled around you, picking you out of the hole carefully. The body of the Titan slumped down and the same hissing sound came out of the back of it, Porco reappearing once more.
"Took me only 30 minutes to find you, what a pathetic attempt of a run," He insulted, leaning his body over the fuzzy head of the creature. "Though, I will have to give props to you with the hiding. I wouldn't have spotted you until you moved in the hole from the scream."
"P-please... make this th... thing stop touching me." You almost whispered, the coldness and rough texture of its grip tight around your body. You hated that you were directly forced to stare at it, its eyes blank but still glaring deep within your soul.
"You afraid of it? You scared of the big bad Titan?" Porco taunted, his arm slightly moving and the grip tightening around you even more. You let out a strangled cry, your breathing becoming erratic. The feeling of the jagged bones jutting into your flesh like squeezing a balloon to its limit, the imagery of your organs bursting out of you, began to make you hysterical.
"Please s-st... stop! P-please! I... I don't want to die! Porco, I'm begging you! Get me out!" You started sobbing, blobs of tears flowing down your cheeks. You hated him, but you hated this monster even more. To think that they were truly real, a true threat to your fragile existence, it was something that was horrifyingly difficult to mentally process.
Porco gawked at your sniveling body, not even trying to wiggle out of the Jaw Titan's hand but still crying out to him for his help. This is what he wanted right? To see you completely give up, to depend on his assistance, to save you. He felt so fuzzy and dizzy on the feeling, almost like he drank too much liquor. Just to play around with you a little more, his hand twitched, causing the Titan to squeeze you even more.
You screamed out in fear once the pressure got even more narrow, your cries resonating louder within the deep forest as you simultaneously begged him to stop. Aw, how adorable but alright, he's had his fun for the day. This might've gotten the message across, let's see how long it'll last or else he'll have to do this again and again if he had to.
"Will you finally listen to me?" He finally spoke up, your teary eyes immediately meeting his and nodding furiously without hesitation.
"Yes! Y-yes I will!"
"And what do I want to hear from you?" You sniffled, looking completely drained of all fight.
"I-I'm sorry... s... s-sir. I wo... won't ever do i-it again."
Porco thought he never felt such euphoria in his life until he heard your apology, a wickedly proud grin growing on his face. He pulled himself out of the Jaw Titan's back, watching the creature start to steam and deflate as he reached for you, peeling its fingers off of your body and helping you down. Unexpectedly, you latched onto Porco once you got on the ground, your arms wrapped around him tightly in a vice hug. You... never did that before.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" You repeated over and over again, your tears wetting his coat. "I won't fight you again, I-I promise sir."
His hand reached over to your head, light stroking the tangled strands as you trembled against his body. "That's what you get for being a bitchy brat, you don't want me to do it again right?"
You shook your head in response, gripping onto his clothes even tighter at the thought of being chased by that thing again.
"Then you gotta listen to me better, okay? You listen, no Titan. And now that I'm reminded of your bad manners, you've torn up that pretty dress of yours earlier. That wasn't cheap, you ungrateful bitch. How are you going to make it up to me?"
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Worry began to fill up your still-teary expression as you pulled your face out of his shoulder. You were taking every insult with a grain of salt, dismissing them completely. "I-I'll do anything to make it up to you, sir."
Porco really wasn't any different from the devil nuisances down in the slums, an excited shiver going through his system. If you're really offering anything, then he might as well get what he deserved out of you, he's been waiting a year for it after all. He lifted your face with one hand, rubbing away a smudge of dirt off of your skin with his thumb.
"We'll discuss what you can do about it later. Now, let's go home and get ourselves cleaned up, you smell like mud and look like shit." Another apology slipped through your lips as he moved forward with your hand in his, the corners of his mouth curling upwards with pure joy.
The animal within you has become neutralized, the flame dying and being left behind with the fading Titan behind the two of you.
Porco finally got what he paid for.
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thebunnednun · 5 months
New profile pic!! Oh and updates 4/14/2024 (Master list too)
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Finally, something that looks like me!
Oh, btw the names Angellica or Angie for short. I don't mind being called BUNNEDNUN either babes.
Now let's get down to business,
An updated schedule will be as follows:
Mundane Monday: The beginning of the week is always dreadful so let's make it fun with some crack fics. Memes, Memes, MEMES galore!
Tearful Tuesdays: Angst posts will be the main thing on here. I'm thinking of some hurt and comfort fics. I'm already working on a Buggy fic for this. I'm not opposed to happy endings but in general, think of an onion cutting itself for these. They don't all have to be romantic and I'm creating something for Trafalgar Law here.
Wonderful Wednesdays: I will update two of the current fan series on this day maybe three if I have the time. So far the list includes:
*Enchanted meeting (Buggy The Clown x Straw-hat reader)
*Shadows of the Blade (Dracule Mihawk x Assassin reader)
*Capturing hearts (Iñaki Godoy x Photographer reader)
*Please Don't Hate Me! (Juan Ruiz x Imperfect reader
*Whispers of the heart (Dracule Mihawk x Maid (Pirate Queen) reader)
*Love Sick (Buggy the Clown x Straw-hat reader)
*Bound by Justice (Sabo x Marine! Reader)
*Carnival Confessions (Portgas D. Ace x Straw-Hat! Reader)
*If you only knew how much I love you (Sabo x Straw-hat! Reader x Ace)
*Make you mine!~ (Trafalgar D. Law x Cheeky~ Crewmate! Reader)
*Throw Me Overboard! (Buggy the Clown x Fm! Reader)
*Gone Fishing! (Sabo x Sea creature Straw-Hat! Reader)
*Good neighbors (Farmer! Bakugou Katsuki x Gardener! Reader)
*Dancing Under the Stars (Red-Haired Shanks X Bar/ DanceClub Owner! Reader)
*In the Arms of a Stranger (Charlotte Katakuri x Bride! Reader)
*Unexpected Dinner Guests! (Koby x Straw-Hat! Reader)
*Tempted to touch! One piece Men x Fm! Reader (Multi fic)
*Shadows in the Night! (Trafalgar D. Water Law x Ethereal spirit! Reader)
*Sweet dreams!~ (Trafalgar D. Law x Hot Doctor Wife! Reader (Modern Au))
*Golden afternoon (Monkey D. Luffy x Crew mate! Reader) *LOYALTY (Katsuki Bakugou x Sugar Baby! Reader)
*You're my Coffee (Shouta Aizawa x Pro Hero/Teacher! Reader)
*Overworked (Katsuki Bakugou x Stressed! gf! Reader)
*Build a Boyfriend (Mirio Togata x Pastel Goth! Reader)
Sanji, Usopp, Nami, Ace, Law, Robin, Boa, Chopper, and Zoro will be loading soon. I have many, many, MANY, ideas but no time right now.
Thoughtful Thursdays: Just some random conversations and ideas thrown out there. I'll try to host polls so you guys can vote on what you want next. Basically a rest day for me though because there's just no way I could write everything in one shot. (/@ ~@)/~* I've tried and it ends with me updating around 3AM or sum.
Follower Fridays: Requests from followers are posted. If you have a story request or anything you want to ask go ahead and do so on this day. Just make sure you send them in early so I can get to it in time. If you send something the day of I might be able to make it happen.
Sexy Saturdays: Send me your best Saturday night requests: ie dancing, funny adventures, or crazy antis with the one-piece crew or another fandom. I'm very familiar with Naruto and MHA (and any other anime honestly I doubt there's anything you could request that I don't know.)
It's all about having fun and having those Saturday night vibes babe!~
Sweet Sundays: Romantic One-shot posts! Any character of age and as long as it's not a child. I would be open to doing a reader insert where they are a parent or parental figure though. I find them to be very endearing.
As always your requests are welcomed and comments are very much appreciated. Sorry again for being gone for so long. I want to pick up my serious especially and make the chapters juicy again.
I also have a spring tee shop for merch related to all the stories!!
Every little bit helps me to pay for my tuition! <33
Thank you guys again for your patience and understanding.<<333
Don't forget to check out my a03 account of the same name!!
My new goals are to keep up with the schedule and get 50 followers by the end of the month! I wanna keep growing our family. :3
Most of all, remember that you are safe here and loved.
Until next time my loves!~
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keisukes-number1 · 2 months
Fem!Baji x fem!reader imagine - Manicure
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CW: Genderbent!baji, Aged up baji! (If you don't fuck with that then u should block me), Catcalling/harassment, brief mentions of Kazutora/chifuyu (ALSO genderbent), Violence (not directed at reader), Suggestive material towards the end but no smut otherwise.
Note: This work isn't proof-read so don't be suprised if there is alot of errors. Constructive criticism is appreciated. Reblogs and comments are ALSO appreciated. Minors and blank blogs DNI or you will be blocked.
© keisukes-number1 (2024) I reserve all rights to my work. Please do not copy, repost or translate my works. Thank you.
Divder credits by ianrkives
Affiliated with @pixelcafe-network
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Imagine that you are strolling through the city with her, the sound of nail files delicately shaping nails, the scent of lavender-infused lotions, and the gentle touch of the manicurist's hands as they pamper your fingertips and toes still fresh on your mind—a luxurious treat you both deserved. Then you see some guys leering at you, but she snarls at them venomously, "What are you looking at?" Anyone with working brain cells knows that challenging her is a fucking death wish because she's just looking for an excuse to knock out their teeth. As the guys approach, one of them admires, "You're stunning," while the other boldly asks, "What's your socials?" And now you're trying to get her out there because the last thing you want is for her to be arrested for aggravated assault, so you're just telling them, "We aren't interested," only to be cut off by one of them, "Why is it always the basic bitches that yap the most?" "You gotta be crazy to think that we want you when there's a bad bitch right there?"
A chilling sensation crept down your spine, leaving you breathless as if a fist had struck your stomach. In an instant, your earlier confidence evaporated, leaving only a void of self-doubt. He isn't wrong; a damming voice speaks to you, and according to her, you're as basic as they come. A plain Jane. That's right, how did you forget? You were unremarkable, merely existing to occupy the space, much like a non-playable character; you weren't anyone special, at least not in the same way as Baji. It seemed that no matter where she went, she had a magnetic pull on people. Her honey brown eyes shimmered in the sunlight, complementing her tanned skin. Her impeccable sense of style, including a pair of leather trousers that accentuated her figure, never failed to catch your attention. With a personality as radiant as the sun, she effortlessly assumes the role of everyone's big sister, and she has a devoted following of admirers who would do anything to get her attention. Her kindness towards animals is truly remarkable.
She possessed qualities that differed from your own; while she may not have been the most intelligent, her appearance and kindness more than compensated for it. She's absolutely incredible. An enchantress. You couldn't help but feel a sense of insignificance in her presence. The question lingered in your mind: Why you, of all people? You aren't Chifuyu, whose unwavering devotion to Baji resulted in the latter torturing the former with her life over her blond hair and seafoam eyes. Her captivating presence turned heads, leaving men stumbling over words and feet in a futile attempt to capture her essence in a photograph, yet none could do justice to her true allure. You sure as hell weren't like Kazutora with those sandy yellow eyes, her two toned hair that cascaded down her back like a water fall, and sporting a tiger tattoo that gave her a dangerous, alluring vibe to match her personality.
You've witnessed her stride with the poise of a runway model, yet her spirit is as wild as a party in full swing. She's the instigator of your escapades, suggesting reckless activities like arson, exploring abandoned places, and indulging in forbidden thrills. What made it worse was how casual she was with Baji—how they'd argue, fight, and greet each other with casual slaps as greetings. They were thick as thieves with how close they were, to the point where if they weren't together, then they must've had issues. Why do you think she deserves better than someone so plain? You don't deserve her. You can't keep up with her adventurous spirit, and you're constantly dragging her down. She's out of your league, and sooner or later she'll see you for the bum you really are. She'll find someone better than you who can keep up with her, and you'll be all alone—
You were interrupted from your thoughts to see her hand swiftly connect with the guy's jaw, hattering it and sending a cascade of teeth flying through the air. The force is so intense that it spins him around like a top before he crumbles to the ground. Shocking his little friend, who immediately tried to swing at Baji, "You little bit—" Without wasting a moment, he attempts to swing at her, but she swiftly intercepts his fist. With a vice-like grip, she crushes the bones beneath her grasp, leaving him desperately struggling to break free. "Let me go! BITCH, LET ME GO!" he shouts, desperately attempting to break free. However, she ruthlessly applies pressure to his hand, causing him to collapse to the ground in excruciating pain. With her unwavering strength, she prevented his body from succumbing to the ground, keeping him suspended in a precarious state between standing tall and crumbling under the weight of exhaustion.
With a deliberate and calculated motion, she gracefully raises her hand, each joint clenched with precision. Her intention is clear as she wants him to witness the impending strike. And then, in one swift and powerful motion, she delivers a devastating blow, causing his teeth to scatter and his nose to shatter. She relentlessly unleashes a flurry of devastating blows upon his jaw, leaving his nose and cheeks shattered in her wake. With unwavering resolve, she delivers a mighty right hook to his gut, causing him to expel his breakfast and lunch in a display of sheer force. Finally, she dismisses him with a casual toss, treating him as nothing more than discarded trash.
In the lingering silence, she halted abruptly, her hands coming to rest gently on your shoulders, a weighty tension hanging in the air like a thick fog. She fixed her gaze on you and growled."Listen to me, y/n; what they said was wrong. I'm so sorry that they said that. Nobody, I mean nobody, especially not those SHITS has any right to talk about you. You hear me?" You gaze towards the ground, a tumultuous blend of anger and sadness washing over you. Her words provide a small solace, yet the sharpness of their heartless remarks continues to haunt your thoughts. Uncertainty begins to creep in, casting doubt on your worth in her perception.
"But what if they're right? I mean, as compared to you, I'm—" Your last doubts are immediately put to rest as her body slams into yours. You attempt to wiggle away, your sound muted as you let out a startled cry. Nevertheless, she pulls you nearer by the waist, and to your surprise, you end up kissing her back. Her mouth is so delicate that it presses against yours. In an effort to intensify the kiss, you cup her neck in your arms and pull her closer. As her tongue entwines with yours, you find yourself completely absorbed in the moment.
She slithers her long, perfectly manicured nails downward to clasp your full derriere, eliciting a moan that you are unable to hear, and the kiss feels as though it goes on forever. The world around you fades away as time seems to stand still. The kiss lingers, filled with a mix of passion and longing. Eventually, the need for oxygen pulls you apart, a string of saliva connecting your lips as you gaze at each other with darkened gazes and hearts racing.
"Stop thinking about what others say; I love you for you," she whispers against your lips, her eyes filled with sincerity. In that moment, you realise that her love is all that truly matters. Baji wouldn't be with someone if she didn't think they were worth her time. "Okay," you respond, feeling a sense of reassurance and acceptance wash over you. With Baji by your side, she kisses your forehead before taking you by the hand. "Come on, let's go get some yakisoba. We'll split it, okay?" As you gaze at her, a determination wells up within you—you'll do anything to protect that smile. "Absolutely," you respond with a soft chuckle, "we'll split it. 
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gotranting · 3 months
Cregan Stark one-shot ideas?
He had 5-7 minutes of screen time, and it was enough to remind me where my allegiances lie. Team Black, Team Green...drama on both sides. Just give me more Cregan and more Northern scenes, that's all I ask.
Having said that, if anyone gets inspiration from these ideas, feel free to write them out, just tag me! Maybe, I'll actually try to do it myself, but for now let them just sit on my profile.
Cregan Stark x reader where she is a Northener but lives somewhere alone in the woods. Her home is guarded by wild animals, she has bears with which she is connected, and is what you would consider a witch. Cregan knows of her considering that he consults with her when his party goes out to hunt in order not to kill any animals whom she protects. She also comes to help when it is needed to heal some of his soldiers. And let's say that Cregan gets injured at one point and stumbles somewhere near her cabin. She finds him, and brings him in, sewing the wounds and stopping the infection from spreading. During that time, Cregan and her become closer, and he takes a liking to her, noting how she pays attention to each wound (I mean it's always a fluffy scene when one person take care of a wounded future love interest). He also sees how she cares for her animal companions, and yet she is still firm with him, not allowing any unnecessary movements until he heals. Of course the Warden of The North becomes a wee bit smitten in the end. How that develops is up to you.
2. The Northerners are preparing a feast for the Old Gods and the ending of the Winter. Large bonefires are being built, and the Common Folk are all gathering to celebrate. It is a wild affair - the Northerners are known to be wild, but during these festivities there is a sort of primal feeling to it all. People are dancing, it is as if some of them are in a trance at that very moment. It is also a festivity of fertility when young men and women jump over the fires, and come together while the Moon keeps watch over them. Cregan also attends the festivity, happy to be among his people. As he watches them dancing, he sees one person standing out. She jumps over the fire, without expecting to find a partner afterwards. She dances with the others, spinning around, happy to celebrate their Gods. I remember a line "head thrown back, throat to the stars, 'more like deer than human being.' To be absolutely free! [...] To sing, to scream, to dance barefoot in the woods in the dead of night, with no more awareness of mortality than an animal!" So that is how Cregan would see her at that moment. And of course that he inhales sharply when he sees her like that, but he looses her in the crowd of people afterwards. The girl stays in his mind, yet he believes he won't see her anymore, considering he has his own duties to fulfill. So imagine the surprise on his face, when the girl comes into the castle one day to ask of him that he controls the amount of animals his men are hunting. Winter will come again, but there needs to be some balance in nature. He agrees, yet takes the chance to ask her to join them in the hunts in order to consult him on the areas which are best to hunt and where they can gather enough food for their people (no other reason). She agrees, and from then on...it's up to you.
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3. I usually imagine a Northern character (and it can be a reader or OC). But it can also be a daughter of Rhaenyra and Daemon. She was trained in fighting by her father and she has inherited her father's spirit. Cregan arrives to Dragonstone one day in order to discuss certain matters with the Queen. He is already good friends with Jace, so one day Jace shows him around the castle. They stumble upon the girl as she is training on the beach. She does not dance around, her movements are sharp and Cregan can see she would be a deadly opponent. Jace, the big brother that he is teases her, and she returns back just as well. I'm not sure where to go after this, but Cregan and the reader are introduced to one another, and the reader asks Cregan if he could teach her some of the Northern fighting strategies. When they finally do duel, neither holds back - who wins is up to you, but as with every fight scene they do get quite close to one another (heavy breathing while looking at one another of course) a few times. At the end I do imagine them ending up in a shack similar to where Rhaenyra and Daemon were in that scene. It can be after another fight, only that time it becomes something more. Cregan has to go back North, and the girl has her own duty in the war to come, but they do not forget one another.
4. Back to the North and Pagan festivities...if you have watched The Vikings, do you remember this scene?
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And if Cregan were to witness it...I do not think he would be shocked, but perhaps if he were in a sort of awe? Or that he felt respect for the woman in front of him and the whole fertility ritual taking place.
I have some more ideas, which I'll type out at some point.
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nerdieforpedro · 4 months
Our Umbra of Life
Chapter One of Fire and Fury Series
Pero Tovar x Calista (fat/plus size OFC)
My entire masterlist and blog are for readers 18+ MDNI. I do not consent to my work being used in AI, recommended on TikTok, borrowed or plagiarized.
Word Count: 2784
Summary: We meet our mercenary and dragon, both on their last legs. How will they survive? What is the cost?
Warnings: References to death, graphic descriptions of injuries, arguing, Sassy Pero, trying out enemies to lovers trope (long way off everyone), a little Spanish?, colors, time period misogyny
Notes: I wanted to try writing a fantasy Pedro character fic and figured Pero was the perfect man for the job! Thanks so much to @tinytinymenace @604to647 @fhatbhabiee and @megamindsecretlair for beta reading my first chapter for me. ☺️
Let me know what you all think! 🤭
Main Masterlist/ Pero Tovar Masterlist/ AO3 Link
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Two flickering flames
I share the same sense of urgency and finality that the creature does. Can I find it in time? Do I even know how to fuse two spirits together? Are we even compatible? I may still die despite trying. But I must do something, my soft carmine glow is being replaced with pallor. That arrogant libertine believes me dead, yet I’m only two steps away from it. The smoldering one, reeks of that colorless creatin - devoid of even the kindness to kill the thing outright. He left it to suffer the same as me. It is human. No matter, it is injured, and I will need to bargain with it to keep the eternal night at bay. It will claim my soft green and slate access to the heavens, maybe I can reclaim it after this ordeal, I have lived through worse. From the human’s anguish, conviction can bloom in revenge. I may yet become we.
This means there’s still hope.
Mierda (shit)! I survived a war, countless battles, fell hundreds and men and this…being killed by a fucking dragon and now knowing that the damn things are real?! This is bullshit! What other life was I supposed to live? A sword has been in my hand since I was five years old. The coin I’ve earned, the scars my body bears, the small group of villages I finally feel welcome in. I’ll lose everything. To hell with it! I can smell my flesh cooking in my armor. That white dragon’s flames aren’t extinguishing, I still feel my insides burning. This forest’s greenery is all the same except…dammit my vision is starting to wane…water. I hear the rush of water. If I can get there and submerge myself in its healing embrace, I may be able to make it back.
Everything will not be in vain, I will live.
Iron, burnt flesh, leather and…desperation.
Two souls are on the brink of death. When they meet, is it just for survival? Can differences be bridged upon a common goal?
We wonder if they may collapse from the strain on the essence of one’s core. A soul is meant to only be tethered to a body, not stretched across two and mingled with another.
The Fall
Animals scurry away from the clear waters of the rushing river. They know that stench and it hangs in the air, growing nearer. An unknown’s demise is happening now.
The lush emerald grass crunches under his heavy boots. With each step he becomes more encumbered, dripping fresh crimson down his armor coating the green with the dark red liquid. Pero Tovar is dying. Alone. His trusted friend William is nowhere to be seen, nor is his horse for that matter. Maybe he should have given the damn thing a name. It’s not important right now. He’s within ten feet of the water’s edge. If he can just jump in, the burning to his chest and stomach will cease. It has to. He didn’t force himself from beneath the shadow of the rock that bore scorch marks from that bastard dragon’s white-hot breath just to fall short of his goal. Tovar had lived a violent life, one that began young and grew increasingly dangerous as he aged. He’s not a young man anymore. He should have been retired at this point, in his mid-forties. It’s ancient for a mercenary. A small plot of land with a house that he planned on fixing up himself waited for him. Beckoned him back to make it into a modest home. Tovar might even be able to find someone to share it with. He would need to be alive for either of these things.
With heavy eyes stained with scarlet Pero creeps toward the water, extending his sword arm. The echo from his body’s thud two feet away from the river makes him groan. He’s so close, yet, he has not the strength to pull himself forward. Tovar’s left arm remains under him, limp and burnt as he had tried to block the flames with his non-dominant hand. It was in vain. Strangely his armor only had some light burns, it was his skin that broiled underneath his supposed protection. It now caged in the heat and Pero needed both hands to remove its pieces.
“Human. Can you hear me?” It’s a soft soothing voice. Pero knows it’s either a ploy for a demon to have him sell his soul or Death mocking him for not stopping at the brothel before taking this extermination job in this village. “Human. There shall be no eternal rest for you yet. I have need of you.” He’s needed? Bah, the voice is lying. He failed to report back that the monsters are dead so what good is he now? Someone else can easily take credit, maybe William. No, he’ll come looking for him. Might he run into the white dragon too? That dumbass would and he���ll die too. Hopefully quick, not agonizingly slow like this.
Darkness is beginning to take him as is the cold. Pero cannot feel his limbs nor tell if he’s moving them. “Hmmpf, you care nothing of your life? Just to let it slip away like this. You appeared to be a warrior of some sort. Do all human warriors lay on their belly and wait for their final breath? Such a pity.” This voice, such torture before death to be mocked like this, couldn’t he have died in battle?
“I’m already in hell only hearing this voice before I die. Goddammit.” The mercenary laments.
“Are all humans fools like this? Why will you not heed my words? I am not trying to reach you for simple vexation.”
“Stop with your flowery words then. Say what you actually need. I’m not going to listen to you the entire time before I leave this earth.”
“Such arrogance from a lesser being. Had I had any other option, but I do not. I can keep you alive long enough to complete the process. It will be painful, the combining of essences. But we will both hold fast to our mortal coil yet and seek our shared purpose of revenge.”
“What do you know about my need for vengeance? Silly voice. If it means I can live, then I can find you and shut you up in addition to killing that fucking white dragon. I’ve done worse than ‘combining essence’ in my life. Whatever the hell that is. I’ll agree. I need to see, move and fight. I will not succumb without another chance at battle.”
“Counting on your need for spilling its blood was the right call. You’ll feel me enter you. Do not resist me. I shall call your name. What are you called?”
“Pero Tovar. Make it quick. There’s a bright light. I’m trying to avoid it, but it’s getting closer.”
“Do not rush me. It is my first time attempting this. Pero Tovar.”
“Just my damn luck, an amateur silly voice.”
“Call me Calista you weak mortal. I shall not suffer being called names. Once you are revived, I will teach you who is more powerful, Pero Tovar.”
“Call me Pero, silly voice Calista. Do you not know what last names are?”
“I think I shall make it hurt more just for you Pero.”
“That’s provided you can revive me and not mess up whatever essence you mentioned. You best not kill me Calista. I’ll find your idiotic voice in the afterlife and stab the throat that creates it.”
“Big talk for a mostly dead human Pero. Enough. I will begin.”
Tovar felt pressure, his entire being is forced down into the ground. He is still in the shadows and cannot see. A presence is near, that much he can tell. He notices that the aching burns from before no longer bother him, they’ve been replaced by throbbing bubbles that are pushing against whatever is pushing him down. His body feels like it’s contorting, and he screams, cursing and agreeing with some faceless voice in his final hours. Pero figured with this much pain, he could have been torn in half and not know yet. “I’m being made into a filthy demon’s plaything! Fuck!” The scar on his left eye begins to simmer, tingling before growing, setting itself ablaze. His fingers touch his face, he doesn’t feel anything causing the pain in his scar. That same voice asked how he felt with glee, this asshole was enjoying his pain. “You bastard! Kill me or revive me but hurry it the hell up!” The bubbles tingled in the shape of a hand; it was pulling at something in Pero’ chest. It didn’t feel like an organ but something even more critical.
It’s wrong that it’s being touched and bent. Kneaded with something foreign. A wave of rage and disgust washed over his body briefly before he was able to regain control of himself.
A Fighter’s Rise
His body becomes still. He isn’t sure when, but now he’s on his back and wrenching to vomit. Sitting up, Pero dry heaves before coughing. Wait.
The mercenary is sitting. The wind is on his face. He no longer smells his burnt flesh. Dull aches from head to toe, but his legs and feet are attached to him and so are his arms. The rippling waters tickle his ears as he takes in the sights. He can see everything. Out of both eyes. “Dios mio (My God)!” The gruff mercenary exclaims, slowly rising to his feet. He can stand and he doesn’t feel heavy, no pressure. “Qué pasó (what happened)?” The grass that he had been laying on is covered with different flowers. Some he could identify, others he had never seen. “Why are all of these here?”
The soldier of fortune was alive and that was the focus right now.
“I told you I could bring you back. It appears things went mostly as planned, simple Pero.” The same voice he’d been hearing ringing in his head was further away, but closing in on him. Drawing his sword, Tovar readied himself for battle.
“The flowers symbolize what has happened here. They all have their own meanings, though I doubt a brute such as yourself would appreciate their significance. Lower your weapon. Do not bite the hand that brought you back from the brink of death.” A rush of air is all that Pero’s eyes are able to capture before he’s flat on his back again, pinned by his arms with what looks to be a large woman standing on each forearm. His broadsword slices the ground next to his head, cutting a curl or two of his dark locks and drawing blood from his cheek.
Warm chestnut skin adorns her legs as a silver and mint green dress wraps her body. It’s lightweight and seemingly has no protective value. Underneath the dress he notes different shapes to her body, similar to a woman who is well nourished. Many places to hold and most appear soft. She looks to have thick thighs and legs as well, but her undergarments are smaller than what he’s seen human women wear. The skin of her thighs are completely exposed to him. Her shoulders are exposed and her fingernails are a deep crimson, almost as if they have been dipped in blood. Her eyes remind Pero of warm honey fresh from the comb with hair that calls upon the midnight hours. As she speaks, he watches her raspberry lips with shock and amusement, “Do you not see who is the greater of our pairing Pero? You will remain beneath me as the creature who is controlled by his desires.”
The mercenary grinned and licked his bottom lip, “I would say you are the one with base instincts you reptile. Pinning a man like this when speaking of desires only leads to one outcome. Whatever great being you’re supposed to be and not aware of what human men think of when a woman has her legs open in front of him.” Was he really interested? Mildly, he hadn’t been to the brothel for a warm cunt since before this latest job. Pero was trying to unnerve her since she was acting ‘mightier than thou.’ He hated those types, looking down on everyone. She is literally looking down at him though.
“You disgusting ingrate. You will not move me Pero.” Pressing the soles of her feet into his forearms, she squinted her eyes. “I am called Calista. You will show proper reverence to a dragon! Should count yourself blessed to even meet me, let alone be essence bonded with me.”
At this, his signature scowl is on his face, “I was nearly killed by a dragon and now I’m partnered with one! You damn crazy woman!” Calista drops her hips and uses her shins to continue to pin his arms. Leaning over Tovar, one hand is wrapped around his throat, her nails dug into his skin. Gripping a handful of his hair with her other hand, her breathing was beginning to quicken. The honey of her eyes became a deep jade and flames of the same color puffed out of her mouth with each exhale.
“Damn humans…degenerate, reprobate humans. That I have to lower myself to someone like you to survive…We will be together until our goal is met and Acanthus is dead - the white dragon. Be prepared lowly Pero. I shall use you until completion of my goal.”
Tovar ended up laughing at her words. He’s sure she’s serious, her claws are around his throat but the woman dragon or whatever she is, will make whatever journey this will be a funny one for sure. Huffing, Calista gets off of Pero and waits for him to stand before tossing his sword at him. The scratches on his throat heal and she clicks her tongue.
“We must discuss our predicament so you understand what I am doing for you and the both of us. Sit by the river you sought out. I will come to you shortly.”
Pero spat on the ground at her feet and nodded, claiming a seat on a large rock next to the river.
The Dragon’s Lament
Calista stood, peering up at the sky. She would miss it. She was grounded now, stuck in this human form with such a body. And tethered to this lewd and foul man. She needed to survive, but at what cost? “Great Elder Bahamut, what have I done to deserve this? Why did you only exile that vile serpent? They should have been burned to ash.” She looked at Pero’s wide back, his hair was dirty but soft and his voice was a dulcet tone that made the scales she had left vibrate.
Taking steps toward her new other half, Calista felt unfamiliar sensations. Pero made her stomach churn, she spat in the same manner he had, except blood came out with it. She wipes her mouth as her once booming voice has lightened. Still rich in its depth, but didn’t vibrate the very air. “Dammit. My wings, my voice. Does this mean my magic as well? Just to survive, just because I wanted to remain my own dragon.” The short walk toward Tovar appears endless to her, each step heavier than the next. “Weak, shifty human. Pero you must-“ Her voice cut off as she fell forward as the mercenary had in the same spot. Shivering in the resentment at how frail her body was now, Calista gasped. A boot was next to her head.
“Who is above who now, you haughty dragon? You look sick. I would be stuck with a half-dragon that can’t move.” Pero heard the thud and rose from his seat next to the water. The creature did appear to be posturing to cover for something. Now he knew, whatever she had done to keep them both alive had grave consequences for her. What did it mean for him?
“Vamos la arpía pequeña (Let’s go little dragon).” Pero slipped his arms underneath her body and turned her over. She may have been exceedingly prideful as a dragon - something to have pride in, but she was also beautiful, there were scales dotted along her skin that varied from silver to magenta. He lifted her and surveyed his area, they’d need shelter for the time being until she woke up or nightfall came. His eyes seemed sharper than they had been, he didn’t remember being able to see that far, spying a cave about three thousand feet away. “Maybe there might be something to this. Not telling her that though.”
Measured steps toward the cave gave Tovar ample time to think and consider next measures.
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One who might pin Pero down…for reasons:
@tinytinymenace @604to647 @jessthebaker @megamindsecretlair @soft-persephone
@rav3n-pascal22 @iamskyereads @sherala007 @morallyinept
@soft-girl-musings @readingiskeepingmegoing @bishtrouille @yorksgirl @inept-the-magnificent
@avastrasposts @perotovar @connectioneverywhere @alltheglitterandtheroar @all-the-things-2020
Chapter Two
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themissinghand · 1 year
Hello! If your requests are still open, may i ask for a stanley snyder x reader? (fem, or GN) Where the reader is xeno's sibling? It's ok if not though. Just dont get pressured from the requests :) (also, if i may reccommend a manhwa, I suggest you try to read return of the mount hua sect if you like action and murim (it's rlly good trust me), or omniscient reader's viewpoint if you haven't read it already (my favourite) but if you like romance manhwa's with a medieval setting, either "your majesty please spare me this time" (unlike most romance manhwa's the mc in this one doesn't get over their hatred for the crown prince so quickly and and immediately falls in love with them. she's very conflicted and the emotions she feels are well written and she's not always "girlbossing" her way through. fantasie of a stepmother/stepmothers marchen is also a really good one.
sorry i went on a rant there, but thanks for thaking the time to read this and have a nice day/night!
Dr. Stone: "Who Did This To You?"
Requested by: Anonymous
Note: Hey! Requests are open! Thanks for your patience, I really appreciate it. I love to try and write different things so getting requests is exciting for me. This is a bit different from how I write but hopefully I did it justice. Also, thanks for your manhwa recs, I already finished the novel for ORV (literally my fav) and read the manhwa for Your Majesty Please Spare Me This Time. I read a bit of Stepmother's Marchen and Return of the Mount Hua Sect a while back but haven't caught up with it yet. Definitely down to write something for manhwa!
Summary: In which no one messes with Xeno’s sibling and gets away with it. Or there's tension between siblings and Stanley is just a puppy (or is he?).
Pairing: Stanley Snyder x GN! Reader!
Warnings: Will contain violence and swearing. Spoilers for the characters, but no plot. For anime watchers, don't search up Xeno or Stanley if you don't want to be spoiled!
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Jealousy is a mental cancer.
(Y/N) knows it well, especially since they have such an outstanding older brother named Xeno Houston Wingfield.
Unlike their brother, (Y/N) is a troublemaker, a free spirit, and most importantly, a fighter.
Instead of lab experiments and academic competitions, (Y/N) spends their time in the gym and fights street thugs that bullies the weak.
At first, (Y/N) hated their brother, for Xeno always, always cared more about his science experiments more than them, and had the love and attention from everyone.
Also, he always had his best friend Stanley around him to keep him entertained.
Stanley Synder was chill and abnormally attractive, so much so that every time Stanley greeted them, (Y/N) was blinded by his appearance.
So what if he looks good? He was annoying.
No matter how much (Y/N) avoided Stanley, the man would find them some way somehow, and it was frustrating to have a literal man-puppy follow you around!
So (Y/N) ignored both of them out of spite.
But one day, when (Y/N) heard loud curses and the sound of painful grunts from a suspicious alleyway (that they knew gangs and thugs frequent), they rushed in without a thought.
They assumed that the person getting bullied might be the old lady that sold shoes, or the nerdy student at school, or the little boy who saw something he shouldn’t see.
People who are too nice, too vulnerable, and too trusting of their own good.
However, this wasn’t the typical thug that (Y/N) beat up often, they were men dressed in formal suits with bats and batons in their hands.
“What the fuck are you doing?!”
“Who the fuck is this kid?” The smell of cigarettes drifted into the air.
“Get out of here kid, we’re not looking for a fight. It’s this kid our boss has beef with.”
The person they were beating up were also not what (Y/N) was thinking of at all.
They weren't nice, vulnerable, or naive.
So when the person that (Y/N) saw was their brother, slightly beaten up and wet from water, they felt another type of emotion.
But (Y/N) didn’t know why.
“What are you doing here, Xeno?!” (Y/N) clutched their hands into fists.
“Hey, you know this kid?”
“Yea, I know him damn well.” In the next instant, (Y/N) kicked a metal bat out of a thug’s hands and used it as a weapon to fight.
Panic and curses filled the air as people yelled out profanities. But (Y/N) was used to this environment, this situation of 1 vs too many.
“Hey kid. We don’t have any business with you. Just with that fake little NASA scientist behind you.”
(Jealousy is a mental cancer)
(Y/N) never back down from a fight.
“Xeno, run.”
“What? There’s a zero percentage chance that you will win, and a very low chance that I’ll escape anyway! It’s more logical that I-”
(Ignorance runs in our blood, Xeno doesn't know (Y/N))
“There’s a hidden shortcut.” (Y/N) whispered, “Ran back and then take a sharp left, there’s a narrow walkway but you’ll fit through. Then you’ll find an apartment door - knock on it and tell the uncle there that I sent you.”
“What?! How can I-”
“Don’t you always take the logical path? Then do it. Stop being so emotional. It’s not like you care anyway.”
((Y/N) couldn’t see it, but Xeno immediately frowned and a bitter expression appeared on his face for a solid second before he turned and ran.)
“Catch him!”
That was their cue.
In the middle of the all-out brawl, (Y/N) maneuvered their way around like a slippery little snake, avoiding thugs with parkour and fighting back like a wild animal. They threw punches that sent people flying and kicks that sent people tumbling to the ground.
“I know you, you’re that troublemaker!” (Y/N) looked up with an arrogant smirk, and wiped the blood off the side of their lips.
“Yea, I know.” (Y/N) dodged the swing of a bat, and kicked one of them in the balls.
Unfortunately, someone grabbed (Y/N) from behind.
“I got you now-” But little did they know, (Y/N) is not one to be captured so easily. By leaning backwards and kicking the incoming fighters, it sent both of them back from the inertia, enough for (Y/N) to break out of the hold and kick all of them to the curb.
With so many taken out, it was quiet enough for them to hear sirens in the background.
“Fuck! I’ll fucking kill you and your brother the next time I see you!” Seeing them run with their tails tucked behind their ass was satisfying.
“Ha, what a joke. There won’t be a next time.” It took everything for (Y/N) to not fall over from fatigue and explain everything to the police, then they provided the police with camera footage and recording so the police could hunt them down.
The police insisted on bringing (Y/N) to the hospital due to the various injuries they got on their body, but (Y/N) instead just said they wanted a ride home. With a little bit of convincing, the police eventually listened and did as they said.
“Another person jealous of Xeno huh? Not surprised.”
"Xeno Houston Wingfield was the one that called for help." (Y/N) didn't say anything to that but simply looked outside the window.
When (Y/N) entered the house, they immediately went to their room, disregarding the worries from Xeno, and their parents.
“Fuck.” A string of curses left their lips as they tried to treat themselves with a first aid kit. It stings like hell and it doesn’t help when they’re extremely tired.
“(Y/N), it’s me. Stanley.”
“Go away.” (Y/N) replied with annoyance, they don’t need Xeno’s pity or get blinded right now.
“It’s just me.” (Y/N) watched the door silently.
“If you don’t open the door, I’ll kick it open.” With Stanley's playful tone, it sounded like something he would do out of spite.
“Fucking- alright. Happy?” Exasperated, (Y/N) opened the door and dragged the annoying prick into their room, before slamming it shut, not caring if Xeno was there at all.
“You look like shit.”
“Thanks Sherlock.” Before (Y/N) could sit back on their bed, a hand reached out and grabbed their arm. With a forceful tug, Stanley spun them around.
“What the fuck-”
Sharp, predator eyes are what shut (Y/N) up.
For the first time in a long time, (Y/N) felt…nervous.
Stanley tilted (Y/N)’s chin up to get a better look at their face and the injuries from the fight. A hiss left their lips, but no words dared to come out when being stared down by those watchful eyes.
(Y/N) was both nervous and confused, just what was happening right now? What happened to the literal man-puppy?
But nothing came out of them in this tense atmosphere.
Stanley gently wipes away the streak of blood by (Y/N)’s mouth without saying anything.
(Y/N)’s heart skips a beat as Stanley finally directly looks them dead in the eye.
Stanley’s voice quiet and tense, their anger barely restrained.
“Who did this to you?”
It took a moment for (Y/N) to collect themselves.
“It’s none of your business.” (Y/N) tries to pry the hand away, but Stanley only tightens his hold.
“Yes it is.”
“Yea?” (Y/N) challenged, glaring at the older man, “And what are you gonna do about it huh?”
For a moment, (Y/N) saw an uncharacteristic violent glint in his eyes, bringing shivers done their spine.
“No one can hurt you and get away with it.”
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a list of media that I was obsessed with (or still am) and I now know it's because I'm nonhuman (with explanations)
the x-men movies and x-men: evolution- general themes of not being normal/not fitting in with normal humans. wolverine, nightcrawler, rogue, beast, mystique- all beastly/shapeshifter characters that I love. I used to watch one specific episode of x-men: evolution over and over again because there's one part where rogue uses her power on Sabretooth and she gets fangs and claws and its super awesome.
wild kratts- got to see and learn about lots of cool animals!! and ofc they have cool suits that let them change into whatever animal they interact with. in one episode Chris's suit malfunctions and he goes kinda creature mode as a Tasmanian devil (my favorite episode, if you know you know)
wolfblood- the intro slaps major ass- so does all the music actually. werewolves going to high school in England (my dream.) I was IN LOVE with Rhydian, I specifically remember packing up all my art stuff dramatically just like he does when he runs away. also a werewolf getting adopted by vegans is so funny to me. lots of late nights staying up watching and imagining myself running through the woods with them.
teen wolf- a classic in the werewolf community. I never finished it, I found it a bit weird at points, but I definitely liked the transformation scenes.
my babysitter's a vampire- vampires are kinda eh to me but there were other mosters in that show, including werewolves <3
H2O: just add water- 🎶🎵CUZ IM NO ORDINARY GIRL🎵🎶 I genially just love this show. I wish I was a magic mermaid. the cove with the moon and the glowing water was so cool to me. aohr narh! cleaoh!
fairy tail- the first anime i ever watched <3 not my favorite but i still love it. magic system is cool, there's monsters and dragons and flying cats. Natsu is my favorite, he has a super special dragon power and at one point i think he kinda turns half-dragon? idk its been like 6 years since i watched it. this was right around the time i started drawing and making my own characters, so i made my first ever self-insert oc- she was a super bad ass half fox girl that wore chains and spikes and was ofc friends with Natsu.
Naruto and Naruto: Shippuden- my favorite anime, I will never not love it. Naruto has a giant fox spirit sealed in his belly and goes crazy feral wild sometimes and its so awesome. foxes are my favorite animal, and yes I did make a self-insert that was friends with Naruto and also had a piece of the fox spirit sealed in her.
blue exorcist- main character rin finds out hes half demon and son of satan (very cool!) he gets pointy ears and fangs and a tail (!!!) hes treated like a beast and something to be feared when his friends find out but they eventually come to accept him :3
the last unicorn- I have this movie on DVD so I frequently watch it. the OST is absolutly unmatched and the animation is beautiful. the unicorn gets turned into a human and is confused about her identity, which is so me fr. the song "now that im a women" was a huge part of some of my artworks in art school, I used it to talk about my gender identity (it also applies to my nonhuman identity obv)
the curse of the were-rabbit- werewolf but cuter cuz its with bunnies. stop motion transformation scenes are really awesome.
howls moving castle- howl save me. save me howl. turn into a big owl beast and please come save me. I love the sound his big talons make on the tile when he comes back from fighting in the war <3
princes mononoke- literally my first post on this blog was my beautiful wolf mother moro. i wish i was her i wish i was the wolf princess i wish she was my mom plz let me get adopted by giant wolves in a magical forest plz. also my favorite Ghibli movie ever.
luca- this one is recent and oh god. this movie got to me so bad and gets to me every time i watch it. its gay AND nonhuman?? i love those lil Italian fish.
wolf walkers- very obvious choice, but i haven't even seen it yet !!!! its not available on any streaming services i have but I've seen enough clips. also the secret of kells and song of the sea are amazing movies by the same studio and i love everything about them. and we got that banger song (we are running with the wolves tonight.)
sweet tooth- such a good show. half animal people lets go! they are literally hunted down and have to go into hiding, and then theres that super cool group of older teens with the cool masks. i would definitely be apart of them (if i wasn't half animal) ((I totally would be)) cant wait for the last season and im also sad its ending.
this is all i can think of right now... theres also countless videos on YouTube that I'll probably never find again so </3
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s10127470 · 5 months
The MCU Synergy Problem
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It’s been a month since X-Men ‘97 came out, and just about everyone’s has already pointed what makes it so good.
-Staying true to the spirit of the original while still striving for its own identity
-Staying true to the characterization and depiction of the characters, and in some cases, improving on their characterization such as in the case of Jean Grey and especially Morph.
-Introducing new concepts, elements and characters that haven’t been explored in other adaptations yet.
-Having so many callbacks to the original while not coming off as nostalgia pandering.
-The animation and action! MY GOD! The animation and action!
Really, the only problem people have with this show is the weird love triangle between Rogue, Gambit and Magneto.
We already had to deal with the infamous love triangle Cyclops, Jean and Wolverine in the original, we did not need this.
Not only is this just unnecessary, it’s also just weird since in the original, it was never even implied that Rogue or Magneto had any sort of history between each other at all.
But here, they met during Rogue’s days with the Brotherhood. And I think when they met, Rogue was still a teenager.
During that time, the two grew an attraction towards each other and although it’s not explicitly stated, it is implied that they did….ya know…
Although I do enjoy Magneto, unlike a lot of other people, I can acknowledge that he’s kind of an awful person.
He’s a supremacist, a terrorist, a mass murderer, a violent, abusive psychopath, and a deadbeat father (well, when he used to be a father but we’ll get to that soon).
But never though that “groomer” would be an addition to that list as well.
All I can say is that….if this show took place in the modern day, Magneto ain’t beating any allegations.
But besides all that, another major positive people have with this show is just how….comic booky it feels, which is something that’s been lacking with a lot of Marvel content for the better of a decade now.
But before we get into that, let’s take a little history lesson.
Marvel was founded all the way back in 1939 by Martin Goodman….but it wasn’t called Marvel at first, it was actually called Timely Comics. But by 1951, the name of the brand was changed to Atlas Comics. 
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During this era, the comics saw the introduction of several characters include The Human Torch (the android), The Whizzer, Miss America, The Destroyer, the original Vision and The Angel. 
But the two most notable characters introduced during this time were none other than the patriotic fighter of justice Captain America and the anti-heroic aquatic incel Namor the Sub-Mariner.
But Marvel would become the comic book powerhouse we know them as today starting in April of 1961, when Altas Comics was changed to be part of the newly-named Marvel Comics brand, helmed by the legendary duo of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby.
And over the course of the 1960s, Marvel would not only quickly become the biggest name in the comic industry (only being rivaled by who else, but DC), but also introduce many of their most recognizable stars.
This would include the likes of The Fantastic Four, The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Ant-Man and The Wasp, Iron Man, The X-Men, Daredevil, Doctor Strange, The Inhumans, Black Panther, The Silver Surfer, Black Widow and Hawkeye, and of course, the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.
And in addition to tons of, in the words of Yogurt…..
Marvel would also see plenty of entries into the wider world of television. 
From the anthology series Marvel Super Heroes, to the acclaimed five-season run of The Incredible Hulk starring the legendary bodybuilder Lou Ferrigno, to the absolute meme-fest that was the 1967 Spider-Man cartoon.
But Marvel really found their footing amongst the public consensus in the 1990s, largely thanks to their animated shows.
We had X-Men ‘92, Spider-Man, Iron Man and Fantastic Four ‘94, and The Incredible Hulk ‘96. 
What made these shows stand out from their predecessors was that they strived to actually be adaptations of their respective comics.
Yeah, prior to these shows, all of the cartoons were largely villain-of-the-week shows with little to no continuity and apart from the characters, didn’t really take a whole lot from their source material.
But these shows actually went out of their way to actually adapt storylines from the comics, had ongoing plots, and much stronger characterization than before.
And even besides that and of course, merchandising, Marvel was making quite the name for itself in the world of video games. Most notably the ones that were made by Capcom, which included the likes of The Punisher, X-Men: Children of the Atom, Marvel Super Heroes, X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse, and most famously of all, Marvel vs. Capcom.
Their status among the public consensus became even stronger when the 21st century rolled around.
This was largely thanks to the multiple films based on Marvel Comics properties that came out during the 2000s.
This included the likes of Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy, Ang Lee’s Hulk film, Tim Story’s Fantastic Four duology, Mark Steven Johnson’s Daredevil, and (Sirs whose names will not be mentioned here at all)’s X-Men series.
And apart from the merchandising (which was stronger than ever before thanks, the 2000s would also see some of the best video games based off the Marvel Comics and its IPs.
Marvel vs. Capcom 2: A New Age of Heroes, Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction, X-Men Legends and its sequel Rise of Apocalypse, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and Spidey himself had a multiple of great games from this era.
From ones based off his cinematic outings, to ones based off his alternate universe escapades (Ultimate Spider-Man), to ones that featured the characters’ worst voice actor to date and was responsible giving us that famous depressed Spidey walking meme (Web of Shadows).
But everything would change for Marvel in 2008 with the release of….
This film would not only serve as the invincible armored Avenger’s first outing on the big screen, but would also be the start of one of the most well-known and influential pieces of media in Marvel’s entire history…..
The Marvel….Cinematic….Universe….
Just about everyone knows about the MCU.
It only not made the characters of Marvel even bigger than before (along with introducing some of the more lesser-known characters to the general public), but also helped popularized the concept of the shared cinematic universe in general.
The franchise has gone on to become one of, if not, the biggest and most successful film franchise in history and has left a major impact on the world of cinema and even Marvel themselves.
And unfortunately, not really for the better…..
Everyone has already pointed how much of a negative influence the MCU has had on the media we consume.
From the multiple failed attempts from studios who desperately wanted to trend chase by making their own cinematic universe, only for these attempts to end up being massive failures, to a lot of writing in many films post-Avengers having this quippy and observational sort-of-write that while beloved at first, has gone on to become seen as annoying and tiresome…..
But I really want to focus on the effect it’s had on Marvel as a whole.
To start this off, let’s look the place where this MCU effect has been the biggest problem…..and it’s ironically enough, the comics.
Ever since MCU began, Marvel has been adapting elements from the MCU into the comics, which became especially more apparent after the first Avengers film.
And while Marvel is no stranger to adapting elements from Marvel media outside the comics, it’s never been to this extent.
This synergy has seen major changes in the appearances and characterization in many of its characters, including…..
-Iron Man being portrayed as far more snarky and quippy than he previously was. At first, people were on board with this change, not only because people liked Robert Downey Jr’s portrayal, but also because during the mid-2000s, Iron Man was not a popular character. Not in the frankly overused and tired “nobody knew who Iron Man was prior to the release of the first film” way. But more in the sense that everyone hated him during that time. This was largely thanks to the absolute clusterfuck known as Civil War, which turned Iron Man into a full-on villain. Plus he was indirectly responsible for One More Day, aka the worst Spider-Man story ever written.
-Loki became far more heroic and started looking and acting more like his MCU counterpart. Hell, the Loki we know today isn’t the same one introduced back in the 1960s. That Loki died all the way back in 2010, and the one we know today is essentially his reincarnation. And this reincarnation was not only introduced in the exact same year that the first Thor movie released, but in the exact same month as well!
-Thor started acting far more goofy and air-headed like his MCU counterpart following Thor: Raganrok.
-Hawkeye started giving off what could be best described as “uwu small bean tired dad” in the Matt Fraction run, which started just 4 months after the first Avengers film.
-Agatha Harkness having her appearance changed into that of a much younger woman following Wandavision.
-Introducing the Ten Rings following Shang-Chi, and having the titular hero being the user of them instead of just being Bruce Lee like he had been for last 50 years.
-Literally everything involving the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Its also led to tons of the characters getting somewhat phased out like….
-Iron Fist, due to the poor reception of his MCU show and complaints towards him being a “white savior”.
-Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne, aka the original Ant-Man and the Wasp, who were also two of the five founding members of the Avengers. But despite that, neither of them appeared in the first Avengers film. And although it was a loose adaptation of The Ultimates, Hank and Janet were still present in that story as founding members of the titular team. Hell, Hank definitely has this the worst as he was killed off back in 2015, and was only recently brought back from the dead…..and he’s an old man now. I wonder why?
-Valkyrie, who was not only killed off permanently after Thor Ragnarök, but replaced with not one, but two characters very similar to the Valkyrie that appears in Ragnarök.
-The Inhumans, who had a major push in relevancy in order to promote their upcoming movie and TV show. But after the former got cancelled and the latter ended up being a massive flop, they ended up being banished to the shadow realm and barely acknowledged anymore. Also, the reason for their push plays into a later point.
-Quicksilver, which also plays into that later point I just mentioned.
-Black Panther, who Marvel seems to be somewhat edging out in the comics literally because of Chadwick Boseman’s passing.
And worse of all, retcons……such as…..
-Quicksilver and The Scarlet Witch being revealed to have never been Magneto’s children nor mutants at all….shortly after the release of Age of Ultron.
-Shang Chi’s biracial heritage being rewritten to have him being fully Asian shortly after his film.
-Nebula, in addition to being made to look and act more like the movie version, also was revealed to be Thanos’ adopted daughter and Gamora’s sister….just like in the movies. 
-Ms. Marvel being revealed to have been mutant all along instead of an Inhuman…..just months before the release of The Marvels.
-Thor and the other Asgardians are not mythical beings, but actually aliens who were mistaken for gods by humanity….who just so happen to use magic (yeah this is a weird one because it constantly keeps flip-flopping between one or the other).
-Nick Fury being revealed to have had an illegitimate son who looks exactly like the MCU Nick Fury, who himself was based on the Ultimate Universe version of Nick Fury, who was African-American and modeled after Samuel L. Jackson. This is really weird because if they wanted a Samuel L. Jackson inspired Nick Fury, they could’ve easily just waited for the 2015 Secret Wars event and just had the Ultimate Nick Fury be one of the surviving inhabitants of the Ultimate Universe to be brought over to the 616 Universe along with Miles Morales, The Maker, and that son of Wolverine everyone forgot the existence of (even Marvel themselves!).
So yeah, as you can see, this is quite a problem.
Marvel has essentially been trying to make the comics resemble the movies rather than the other way around.
Which has not only gotten annoying and tiresome, but it’s also pretty disingenuous.
I mean, you’re pulling from a source material that has literal decades of content and lore to use, and now you’re actively trying change and contradict that lore just because of a series of movies adapting said source material?
This is obviously because they’re trying to appeal to new Marvel readers who came right from the movies.
But for some reason, Marvel seems to believe that general audiences have never heard the word “adaptation” before.
But this isn’t just an issue for the comics, it’s also an issue for…..pretty much every medium Marvel can be represented in.
For over a decade, Marvel has been essentially trying to push the MCU as the default everything.
Anything Marvel related: it all has to be similar to the MCU and barely anything else. And if it can, just utilize any of the comics written post 2010.
It’s pretty much the same problem that a lot of recent Spider-Man media suffers from.
When they’re adapting stuff, it’s almost always from the cartoons, Brian Michael Bendis’ Ultimate Spider-Man and Dan Slott’s run on Amazing Spider-Man.
And this has often come to the detriment of many of the non-MCU projects released during the 2010s.
Three of the best examples of this I could think of were Avengers Assemble, Square Enix’s Avengers, and Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite. 
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Avengers Assemble is famous for being the Marvel cartoon that was only created just to ride on the success of the first Avengers film.
But in spite of this, it was apparent during the first two season that this show was striving to have its own identity. Specifically utilizing some of the lesser-known faces of Marvel.
But as the series went on, the MCU got bigger and bigger. And as a result, the show started to get bogged down by MCU synergy.
From having storylines that were obviously done to tie into whatever movie came out not that long ago, to even changing characters appearances in order to better reflect their MCU counterparts.
The best example of the latter was with Falcon, who was a member of the main cast.
During the first three seasons, he actually stood out from the rest of the team visually as his outfit wasn’t trying to emulate the MCU.
It wasn’t emulating the comics either because I think that outfit of his was wholly original to this show.
But during season 4, Falcon ends up going through a time warp. And when he comes out, he’s been aged up from a young college-aged man to a grown man around the Avengers’ ambiguous age range and is wearing an outfit similar to his MCU counterpart.
Now we come to Square Enix’s Avengers.
My God…..was there anything this game did remotely right?
Or at least competently?
And one of the many flaws of this game was its roster.
And this actually plays into another major point on how stifling MCU synergy is.
Ever since the first Avengers movie, whenever the titular Avengers appear in just about anything, they’re almost always shown having the same roster.
That being Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk, Black Widow and Hawkeye.
Sometimes there will be other members like Falcon, Ant-Man, Wasp, Black Panther, Vision and Captain Marvel, but that’s because those guys are also major names in the MCU as well.
Like for God’s sake, switch it up a bit! 
For the next major thing the Avengers appear in, how about we have a roster based on like…..
The Heroes Return roster, or the Hickman roster, or the Englehart roster, or the New Avengers roster, or the Stern roster, or the West Coast roster, or even the Classic roster!
But back to the Avengers game, they didn’t even commit to that never-changing roster I just mentioned!
When the game released, the Avengers video game had Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Hulk and Black Widow as the main Avengers roster until Ms. Marvel joined up.
Yeah, Hawkeye didn’t appear as a part of the roster until his own DLC with Kate Bishop!
As for the other additions to the roster, we had Spider-Man, Black Panther, The Winter Soldier and the Jane Foster Thor.
Yeah, when looking at this game as an adaptation of the comics (which it barely was), the roster is absolutely pathetic when you look at the INSANE amount of members the Avengers have had over the decades.
And when looking at this game as an adaptation of the MCU, it didn’t even commit to that!
This is even more of the case when you look at the list of characters they initially had planned, but they obviously had to drastically cut all that for the sake of time constraints.
Hell, if you want to see something really sad, just look at the villain roster.
Over the 3 years this game was around, it only gave us 4 (yes 4) villains.
M.O.D.O.K., Taskmaster, The Abomination and Klaw….
Yep! Just these four schmucks!
No Red Skull, no Mandarin, no Baron Zemo, no Leader, no Ultron, no Kang the Conqueror, no Absorbing Man, no Wrecking Crew, no Enchantress, no Whirlwind, no Crimson Dynamo, no Circus of Crime….
Hell, they don’t even have Loki, the most popular and well-known Avengers villain!
It’s even more sadder when you consider the DLCs, i.e Spider-Man, who despite having undoubtedly the most well-known rogues gallery in all of Marvel, not one of them appear at all in his DLC!
In the wise words of a young redheaded YouTuber who likes to talk about Spidey….
“How easily you got showed up by Fortnite!”
If you want more detail on the history of this game and what went wrong, I suggest watching Matt McMuscles’ What Happened video on the game, but basically the reason that the game was the way that it was due to the laziness and apathy of Square Enix, the inexperience and slight incompetence of Crystal Dynamics, having WAY too many cooks in the kitchen (i.e., they worked with five studios, all of which were located in different parts of the world), and most of all, the utter greed of Marvel.
And funnily enough, this game ties into my next talking point…
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite! The fourth and possibly final game in the series….and is regarded by just about everyone to be the weakest game as well.
Just like Avengers, one of (if not) the biggest criticisms of this game was the roster.
Infinite had a roster of about 36 characters, having the second smallest roster in the series’ history, only surpassing Clash of Heroes’ 15.
This was quite the surprise when compared to the previous game, 3’s 48 characters and especially 2: A New Age’s 56.
As for the roster itself, it was made up of both veteran characters and new characters.
Returning from the previous game, we had Spider-Man, Captain America, Hulk, Iron Man, Thor, Doctor Strange, Dormammu, Ghost Rider, Nova and Rocket Raccoon.
Also returning were two faces that hadn’t been seen since 2: Venom and Thanos.
As for the new characters, we had Captain Marvel, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Black Panther, Gamora and Ultron.
Yeah not exactly the most interesting roster.
And I’m sure many of you noticed by now, there’s something notable characters missing from the roster.
Namely the X-Men, their villains and Doctor Doom, all of whom have been staples of the franchise since the beginning.
And there’s a reason for that….
A very, scummy reason….
I already mentioned this in my X-Men: The Next Mutation post, but it does bare repeating her.
As the MCU became more popular, Marvel became focusing on pushing the Avengers as their premiere superhero team, with the Fantastic Four and X-Men essentially being dethroned.
Along with that, their relevance in the comics notably began to degraded, and barely began making appearances in media outside the comics.
The reason for this, apart from Marvel focusing on cashing in on the Avengers, was because despite still owning the overall rights for the FF and X-Men (which, why wouldn’t they?), their film rights were still owned by 20th Century Fox.
Since Fox was pretty much a rival company to Marvel until Disney bought them out, Marvel basically saw any form of FF and X-Men representation as free-marketing for Fox.
So they decided to essentially not to allow any FF or X-Men related characters to appear in any media outside the comics and even reduced their overall presence as well.
Which is why Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch and the other non X-Men mutants were retconned into not being mutants, why Quicksilver himself has been sort of been an afterthought in recent years, why the Inhumans were pushed so hard, and why the FF and X-Men characters weren’t in this game.
Plus the justifications and excuses for this from the developers are absolutely hilarious, because you can just tell that they’re lying through their teeth while being held up at gunpoint by a bunch of Marvel executives.
Oh yeah, let’s bring up the other biggest elephant in the room and want led to Square Enix developing Avengers.
After Infinite came out and got quickly abandoned by the player-base, many people at Capcom have come out to reveal just how awful it was working with Marvel and Disney.
They weren’t just pushy with who and who couldn’t be in the roster. 
They were also pushy about how the characters that would be in the roster would be portrayed (specifically wanting them to heavily resemble their MCU iterations) and even changing their themes to be exactly like the MCU ones. 
Hell, this pushiness was so bad that for the trailers, they did not want the Marvel characters to be depicted as losing!
This was also an issue back during 3 as well, but it was essentially amplified during this game.
This really shows just how petty Marvel really is….
They’re willing to ignore and downplay the existence of two major players of their brand that people have loved for decades and were created by the two men them helped make the company they are today.
They’re unwilling to compromise and it has to be their way or the highway.
And this pettiness eventually came to bite them in the ass as Capcom’s statements about working with them eventually reached many of the other big video game developers.
And soon enough, when Marvel was trying to find someone to develop Avengers, none of the big game developers wanted anything to do with it!
Eventually, they did find a developer with Square Enix, who already had experience working with Disney via Kingdom Hearts.
It’s actually ironically hilarious that the heads at Marvel believed all three of these projects would actually be successful because of the MCU synergy, but they all ended up being flops because of said MCU synergy!
But this desire for MCU synergy has not only negatively affected non-MCU project of this time, but even ones that either came out before this desire or….never came out at all.
I’m sure many of you remember The Avengers: Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.
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This show was essentially a love letter to the Silver Age comics of Marvel  and strived to be an near-faithful adaptation of many classic and even recent Avengers storylines, while also having its own unique spin on it.
Hell, in some cases, the EMH versions of these storylines are actually better than the originals, especially in the case of Secret Invasion. 
Sadly, the show got cancelled in 2012 after 2 seasons and 52 episodes…and to this day, EMH probably has one of the dumbest and scummiest reasons for cancellation in television animation history.
The reason this show was cancelled because Marvel wanted to replace with it a show that was more in-line with the MCU, aka Avengers Assemble.
Yep! Not low ratings. Not bad critical reception. Not budgetary reasons. Hell, not even bad toy sales, which was a major reason for a lot of action cartoons around this time getting the axe!
And it doesn’t get much better from here.
During the 2010s, there were a lot of promising Marvel projects that never saw the light of the day, with two of the most notable being the animated Deadpool series and Marvel Era.
Following the success of 2016 film, FX and Marvel Television decided to collaborate to created an animated series based on the merc with the mouth, with Donald Glover (yes, that Donald Glover) being one of the main showrunners, alongside his brother Stephen.
However, the series was cancelled almost a year within its development, with the main reason being that Marvel wasn't particularly big on the vision that the Glovers had for this series.
And apart Donald speculating racism on Marvel’s part (which given that Jeph Loeb was meant to be an executive producer on this series, that possibly could be the case), another possible factor for the show’s cancellation was because of Deadpool’s connection with the X-Men, and during this show’s production, Marvel was still in their “the X-Men don’t matter anymore” phase.
And it really sucks because the pitch animation for this was really good and made this seem like it was going to be a very fun show.
New we come to Marvel Era.
Out of all the cancelled projects, this was perhaps the most interesting.
Marking a first for their animated shows, this would’ve been an anthology series released in 2014 to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Marvel Comics.
It was going to be produced by Powerhouse Animation (best known for Netflix’s Castlevania series) and it was gonna have 7 stories, with each one being themed around a different decade and focusing on a different character.
There would’ve been a 40s story focusing on Captain America, a 50s story focusing on either Wolverine or Namor the Sub-Mariner, a 60s story focusing on the X-Men, a 70s story focusing on The Heroes for Hire, a 80s story focusing on The Punisher, a 90s story focusing on the aforementioned Deadpool, and a 2000s story focusing on Captain Marvel.
This honestly seemed like it was going to be a really great show, which was enhanced by the absolutely gorgeous animation of the pitch trailer.
Unfortunately, Powerhouse announced that the project was cancelled because it wasn’t what Marvel Television were focusing on.
Which is code for: Marvel didn’t want it because it wasn’t MCU adjacent….
To wrap this up, I just wanted to bring up the reason I made this in the first place.
Over the last few weeks, there was a leak for a upcoming episode of X-Men ‘97, which showed a shot of Captain America’s shield.
And this led many people to somewhat groan, believing that this was yet another case of MCU synergy. 
And although this was proven to be false, it really does speak volume with how much influence the MCU has had.
Although it has brought lot of Marvel’s star characters into the mainstream, the MCU has shaped and changed them so much, that it seems like they can no longer exist as characters who have existed for literal DECADES.
They always have to be associated with a film franchise that has existed for about 1/6 of their existence in fiction.
But I think the biggest takeaway to all this is that this constant MCU synergy kinda shows a lack of reverence for Marvel’s legacy.
Look at this merchandising from the 2010s and 2020s....
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In most of this merchandise, the character roster featured is almost always the same.
The Avengers, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man and the Web Warriors, and the Guardians of the Galaxy.
The Inhumans were also apart of this roster until, as I mentioned earlier, got banished to the Shadow Realm....
Occasionally you'll get some of the other cosmic characters like Nova, She-Hulk and some of the street-level heroes like Daredevil, Elektra, Ghost Rider, and The Heroes for Hire.
But those are few and far between.
But other than that, it's largely the four I mentioned earlier.
Because they're the main faces of the MCU, and as we all know, everything has to be related to the MCU in some way....
But now let's compare that to some Marvel merchandising from the mid-to-late 2000s and early 2010s....
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Upon seeing this, you can tell that there’s a far greater sense of appreciation for Marvel.
This merchandising pulls from nearly every corner of the Marvel Universe you can think off and features characters from the heavy hitters, to the borderline obscure.
Plus it still heavily features the Fantastic Four and X-Men characters, who, may I remind you, spent a good chunk of the 2010s having their presence greatly reduced and their existence constantly threatened or denied because of movie rights!
All in all, Marvel really needs to stop the MCU synergy.
In spite of what they think, it’s clearly done nothing but harm and stifle many potentially good (even great) projects.
Not only that, but it’s also gonna start harming the Marvel brand itself with how homogenized they’ve made everything and the rapidly increasing lack of interest in the MCU.
Plus its also brought out the worst in Marvel.
From cancelling projects for stupid reasons, to showing a lack of respect for the legacy they’ve build, to literally being difficult to work with because of how they want everything to be their way.
But things do seem to be looking up a bit….
There’s been the multiple of Spider-Man media of the last few years , which has been one of the few Marvel projects that aren’t bogged down by MCU synergy.
Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur also ended being shockingly really good, and although it does have some MCU synergy, it’s pretty minor.
And now we have X-Men ‘97.
It does appear that there’s some kind of movement in Marvel to actually start making projects again that aren’t being made to be a glorified MCU circle-jerks.
And hopefully, this could led to some really unique and interesting projects, specifically for this year.
Since remember, this year marks the 85th anniversary of Marvel Comics, so that’s pretty big!
But then again, their corporate overlord had an utter embarrassment of a year for their centennial….
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And Marvel themselves also contributed to that as well….
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tavtiers · 8 months
Rogue of Time analysis?
The Rogue of Time [symbols: domino mask, gear]
The Rogue class is based on Robin Hood.
The Time aspect’s main themes are endings and destruction. You can find its official description here.
A Rogue of Time is among those who use physical existence. This is the “classpect group” they belong to. Members include: the Knight, Page, Thief, and Rogue of Space/Time. These classes are all opposites or inverses of each other that use the Space/Time dichotomy (physical existence). A description of classpect groupings can be found here.
The Rogue of Time passively steals the Time aspect. Passive classes are guided by others or act for the benefit of others. They are more likely to be kind, but less likely to stand up for themselves. Thieves and Rogues steal their aspect and everything it symbolizes to grant it to someone else. Simplified, the Rogue of Time is motivated by others to steal endings and destruction.
In personality, the Rogue of Time lacks self control and has a strong desire for closure. Personality descriptions can be found here.
Their archetype is the Free Spirit Harbinger, defined by reckless endings and destruction. Archetypes are explained here.
Their opposite is the Thief of Space, who actively steals creation and beginnings.
Their inverse is the Knight of Space, who actively utilizes creation and beginnings.
A classpect or “god tier” is an individual’s best self. All classpects go through a journey from unrealized, to struggle, to realized. When a character is unrealized, they neutrally exist as their inverse. On their struggle, they will wildly flip back and forth between their inverse and true classpect. In their worst moments they will act as their inverse, in their best their true classpect. When realized, they will stabilize as their true classpect. They will still have room to grow, but will become happier, more successful people.
This means that the Rogue of Time begins life motivated by themselves to utilize creation and beginnings. When their struggle arrives and they are at their worst, they will continue this behavior in negative extremes. However, when at their best, they will find purpose in instead stealing endings and destruction for others. When realized, they will stabilize and continue to steal the Time aspect passively, in a positive way.
They share their archetype with the Witch of Heart, the Harbinger Free Spirit.
The Rogue of Time would quest on a planet similar to the Land of Cubes [Rogue] and Time [Aspect]. An example would be the Land of Parcels and Ticking. An explanation of planet naming conventions can be found here.
Two possible gods, or denizens, to reign over their planet would be Chronos (God of Time) or Hephaestus (God of the Forge). Other Time aspect denizens can be found here.
When the Rogue of Time completes their planet quests and dies on their quest bed, they would rise to ascension on the wings of crows (symbols of death). A list of soul animals can be found here.
The characters that I have currently classpected as Rogues of Time are: the Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who, Romana II from Doctor Who, Mulan from Once Upon a Time, Tracer from Overwatch, Quicksilver from X-Men, and Ke$ha from Ke$hastuck.
If any of the links not connected to my blog break, the content can be found on my Google Drive.
Official Aspect Descriptions
Personality Descriptions
Aspect Denizens
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eudaimaniacs · 16 days
dating cliff booth headcanons! (cliff booth x female reader)
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character/universe: cliff booth (once upon a time... in hollywood)
warning/s: mentions of smut and spoilers for both the movie and book
notes: i am back from the dead and it is quite funny. looking back at my past works, it's a bit of a mess with the characters i write about from anime to pedro pascal. wrote this since cliff booth is one of my favorite movie characters and he makes me horny. i got inspired from reading the book and let me tell you, cliff is freakier there. i am unsatisfied with the lack of cliff booth fanfics here! anyways, enjoy! (scroll if you're not a fan or haven't watched this movie)
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Dating Cliff Booth is like the wind; it is free and cooling. His chill demeanor and unrestricted spirit match the hot, searing Californian weather.
Long night drives in his Karmann Ghia are the best. Even though there are countless men with expensive cars, Cliff's broken-down one satisfies you more. You lay down on his lap as he drives anywhere that leads the both of you. Cliff drives fast on the vast road but still manages to sneak in a few kisses.
During the day, you persuade Cliff to go to the beach to chill, have a picnic, or have sex in his car. Afterward, both of you go for a swim on whatever beach he drives to.
Sex with Cliff is mindblowing, to say the least. He does it anywhere: the car, kitchen table, in the middle of nowhere, movie sets, etc. This man's sex drive is unbelievable, and you can't fathom how you keep up with it.
Whenever he's not in the mood, Cliff encourages you to be naked in the comfort of your shared home. He adores your body, especially when you wear things he likes: babydoll dresses, miniskirts, sheer dresses, his Hawaiian shirt, and graphic t-shirts. Cliff won't let you tear yourself down with the beauty standards of Hollywood.
Even with the controversial age gap and relationships Cliff has had in the past, you ignore people's comments and continue dating the chill Hollywood stuntman. Men like him are hard to find in the movie industry, and you wouldn't give up dating him because of other's opinions.
Walks with his beloved pitbull Brandy are fun as he recounts stories of his time in war and career as a stuntman. Cliff truly loves the two females he has in life right now.
You met Cliff when you starred in a movie with Rick Dalton. The two of you hit it off instantly. Even if he's not Rick's stuntman, Cliff remains humble and starts supporting your movie career. You don't see him as an assistant but an equal partner.
You try not to ask Cliff about his deceased wife as it might anger or trigger the tragic memory. When your friends press you about the issue, you have a heart-to-heart conversation with him, and Cliff tells you the truth but explains his side. You sympathize with your partner and promise not to bring the topic up again.
Overall, Cliff Booth may look like a stereotypical Hollywood stuntman and womanizer, but his hippie vibes and free spirit say otherwise.
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eudaimaniacs - 2024
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loosesodamarble · 1 month
the fictional men you mentioned are all so handsome can you tell where and what type of media are they from.
Aha... So I kinda forgot that this ask was in my inbox for a few days. But hey! Now I'm getting to it! Sorry to make you wait, Anon!
Hopefully, getting the answers you seek will satisfy you.
(For anyone who doesn't know what Anon is talking about, I made this post a few days back where I shared some of my favorite characters and explained their similarities.)
Now, onto the answers.
First off, are Nacht and Morgen Faust. The people who frequent my blog are most definitely already familiar with these two. They are my ultimate blorbos. Do not separate me from them. Anyways, they're from the manga and anime series Black Clover.
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They're both introduced during the Spade Invasion arc so for any anime only-s out there, they don't get that much presence. In the manga though, oh boy is there stuff happening for those two!
The lovely redhead I shared is Karma, from the dating sim Cinderella Phenomenon (and the fandisc Evermore).
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I had so much fun when I played his route the first time. And OOOOHHHH! His story in the fandisc! And I think it's thanks to Karma that my love for weapon wielding love interests was solidified.
The next (and only other) pair of characters from the same media are Saint Germain and Herlock Sholmés. They come from the dating sim Code Realize series (there's the original game "Guardian of Rebirth" along with two fandiscs, an anime adaptation, and a stage musical).
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Their backstories are so tragic and I want only the best for them. The few moments when they're both on screen make me giddy, no joke. Also, I never thought I'd be into guys who wear top hats but then these two exist!
The next character, Paschalia, is from the dating sim Radiant Tale (which had its fandisc [Radiant Tale Fanfare] released in English just this summer!).
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I binged his route in one night and he's changed my brain chemistry~! I'm honestly putting off replaying his route for the good ending because I want to forget as much as possible and relive his story as fresh as I can.
The next character I shared was Kageyuki Shiraishi, from the dating sim Collar x Malice.
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He's such a funny little guy with his love of cats and inability to understand basic human decency. He's also very sad and his Tragic Love End has art that punched me in the gut, shook me down for cash, and then lovingly kissed me on the head before walking off.
Lucas Proust from Virche Evermore: Error Salvation. (Also, not to brag but I pre-ordered the fandisc Epic Lycoris which I'm very much looking forward to this autumn.)
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He literally gets done so dirty by the writers of the game. I want to fix his situation but I also want to see him continue to suffer because his misery is kinda beautiful.
Blond #3 is the lovely Shion Mayuzumi from Variable Barricade.
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Chronic kept man syndrome. Former model. Gaslighting king (I don't even know how much I'm exaggerating by saying that). Honestly, I want to indulge his laziness. He makes it so tempting...
Bringing in style from the Kyoho era is Kinji from the game Winter's Wish: Spirits of Edo.
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It's actually been a while since I've played Winter's Wish and Kinji's route specifically since I'm trying to complete, like, five games at once. But I do remember kicking my feet and giggling at the fluffy romance scenes.
Next there's Orlok from the games Piofiore: Fated Memories and Piofiore: Episodio 1926.
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He's such an adorable assassin! And he kills for the sake of the church he belongs to! Don't worry, he gets better. He's the love interest that gets Fuegoleon-ed in his good ending.
And last but not least is Il Fado de Rie from Cafe Enchanté.
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A literal angel of a man. So beautiful and divine and helpless and clueless. Also, very adorable that he has a love for dating sims while being a dating sim love interest.
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garbage--account · 2 months
for the ina11 ask game 2, 7, 10, 22, 30!!
Oh boy hehehe (TW : long ass post)
2. What your favorite OG season and why ?
No hesitation : season 2, the alius arc. Because looking back, i think it made or solidified what inazuma eleven is. The wacky plot, the tension, the plotwist, the characters, the places, the dramas, the villains, the development, etc. (I must admit i like it so much because of Fubuki but the others reasons still go) You can't tell me season 2 isn't legendary. Period 💅
(Side note : ironically, i used to hate that season at the beginning the first time watching it because i was so emotionally attached to S1 characters i didn't like what pain they had to go through. The anime was mostly wacky, and suddenly it was sad 😢)
7. What is your favorite ship ?
Trick question. It actually depends on when you ask me. I think my first ship was GenSaku, then i used to be a die hard GouFubu shipper, i kinda like EnKaze because of doujinshi on youtube. When i grew older, i was really into SomeFubu and i was surprised of that. In the AreOri era, i liked Haizaki x Asuto (idk their ship name sorry), then AfuHiro, NosaIchi, and the crack ship ever : HiroAtsu (it makes sense to me ok?). Currently, SakuSasa altered my brain chemicals (Level 5 made us waste no time to ship them in chapter one). I actually enjoy all ships as long as it can make sense in canon (not mandatory actually see HiroAtsu) and the fanon about them is bombastic (the fandom literally made me like a polycule ship aka the break trio and i wasn't ready for that 😭).
10. Most evil adult antagonist ?
Canon : Garshield because trigerring a war is not cool + blackmailing children to let you make experiment on them is 🤮
Emotionally : Irina. Not only that bitch almost have the same name as me and mistreating children, especially your own son, really ?
Fanon : we made Kageyama even worst in fanfiction (i am living for that)
22. What is your favorite intro and outro ?
In summer, i blast Jounetsu de Mune Atsu at full volume to imagine i am chilling in a tropical island and the most handsome man to ever exist comes to invite me to set the dancefloor on fire with the most extra and dramatic dance possible while people watching are aroused n jalous. In reality, i have to work and i can't dance. Was it too much information ? OK, moving on.
For my fave ending, i hesitate between Ruuysei Boy and Maji Bomber. Shoutout to Seishun Oden to emulate early France Gall's carreer in the 60s for a late 00s anime about sakka bois.
30. Do you have controversial opinions ?
You can judge if it's controversial or not, but here goes nothing :
Nosaka is a bitch and i hate him
Atsuya (S2) is more an allegory of loneliness, fear and guilt than a spirit possessing Shirou's body or a legit alter ego. Fubuki was never meant to represent DID or mental disorder accuratly but to teach us something more general through his character development.
The Break Trio are men of culture (not a hc, i can explain, it's not that kind of culture).
Level 5 made Aphrodi appear rarely but at the pivotal moment in the seasons on purpose to add him an aura of mystery so we have no proof he is not a god and we can't argue with him. (He is also an allegory, he is the obstacle to deal with to go from zero to hero).
Kozoumaru is a bitch and i hate him.
By adding brainwashing or magic, Ichihoshi's backstory could have been 1000x better.
Asuto is not a Tenma copycat or a bland character. Did you see him throwing hands at Haizaki and Nosaka at the same time and punching his "dad" or did i watch a different version of AreOri than everyone else ? He is just the most normal and down-to-earth protagonist so far and IE fans hate that because we like our main boy unhinged af. His only ick is that the scenarists forgot him during Orion but he had good bases to write a banger about him. (@ghostreader16 and i have a blast discussing him)
Shinjou shoud have not been a good guy.
Midouin is forgettable af but everyone agrees with me.
The new Raimon manager, the big tiddie green hair girly : she's amazing 💘💖💗💗💗💓❤️‍🔥
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tepkunset · 2 years
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X-Men Evolution ft. Alpha Flight
Been enjoying X-Men Evolution recently, and it made me think about how great an Alpha Flight episode could've been. Hell, there was a Captain America one, so why not?
Anyway, some thoughts about what an Evolution version of the characters might be like:
Age 16, Québécois
Super-speed, flight, can create blinding light by linking with his sister
A jerk, but in his defence is straight up not having a good time. Only does homework for the classes he likes
Backstory only semi-unlocked because it's none of these clowns's business: Kid on his way to being an Olympic-level skier who is hinted to having been blackmailed into joining AF by Guardian, but mostly remains for the sake of his twin sister he only recently reunited with
I didn't bother designing new superhero outfits for JP and JM because why mess with existing perfection?
Age 16, Québécois
Super-speed, flight, can create blinding light by linking with her brother
Either very outgoing and bubbly or very shy and quiet, (depending on if she's Aurora or Jeanne-Marie of course). Definitely forgot about the homework
Backstory unlocked: Raised in a very old-fashioned Catholic boarding school hinted at to be abusive, until running away as Aurora and was found and recruited by Guardian. Really not sure how her DID might be handled in a kid-friendly cartoon, but I think it should still be present because I don't see why children can't be educated on such things
I originally had her civvies designed to reference her 2.0 yellow costume, but then I liked the idea of JM wearing blue and JP wearing pink too much
Age 14, Newfoundlander
Super-speed underwater, can breathe underwater as well as on land
Just happy to be here; tries too hard to seek validation from everyone older than her. Agonizes over not being able to go to public school due to her looks
Backstory unlocked: Was adopted by a small coastal family and raised in a very happy environment, joined AF because she wanted to see more of the outside world and genuinely believes Guardian is teaching them to do good
I literally just drew her in a wetsuit for a superhero outfit lol
Age 15, Albertan / Tsuut'ina
Deus ex machina mystic powers
Running on anxiety and bitterness towards Guardian. Won't let you copy her homework but will help you with your own for as long as it takes
Backstory unlocked: She and her father were recruited to Alpha Flight as what she believes is a PR stunt for so-called Reconciliation. Her magic circlet helps her control her mystical powers, but unlike in the comics she's capable of taking it off
Of all the characters I was most excited to design a new age-appropriate look for her, since 90% of her outfits in the comics look like they're racist Spirit Halloween costumes
Age 17, Nunavummiuq / Inuk
Animal shape-shifting
Easily forgotten from being so quiet, very prim and proper behaviour that can sometimes come off as up-tight. Studies above and beyond regular homework because she feels like she has to work twice as hard to be respected
Backstory semi-unlocked: With her parents divorced, Anne was used to spending the school year down south with her father and summer up north with her mother, but when her powers started manifesting, her father scorned her and wanted to give up his custody. Instead she now spends her school year under the care of Department H
I hate Snowbird's comic backstory so much; the whole "she's 100% white because her mother was a goddess who temporarily transformed into a white woman to appeal to her white father" makes zero sense and also has gross connotations, so I decided since this is my adaptation, she's not a demigod but rather just a mutant, because why not...
I thought about giving her tunniit, but since I know so little I figured I wasn't the best person to depict them
Age 17, British Colombian
Super-strength, super-stamina (when in gamma form)
Biggest nerd in any room, pretty chipper. Will do your homework for you just for fun
Backstory unlocked: Walter was taken in by Department H after being branded as a failed experiment by a group of scientists playing with gamma radiation—except the experiment didn't fail, turning Walter into a gamma mutate, but one with control over himself and the transformation
I had such a hard time trying to decide what to do with this bitch... His power is to turn into a 'cryptid' that is just lifting from spirits across multiple Indigenous cultures so that's really awkward, but I didn't want to leave him out since that felt weird? I do imagine this version of him having a different personality though, where he's less annoying
Age 35, Ontarian
Flight and super-strength granted by super-suit
Thinks acting like a Cool Dad™ will make children like him. Believes recruiting kids to work for the government is justified because they have superpowers, but at the same time hypocritically insults the X-Men
Backstory unlocked: Oil corporation research and developer who designed a super-suit for oil extraction, except then the Canadian government put him on the payroll to head Department H for monitoring superhumans in Canada
I knew I still wanted him to be decked out with the maple-leaf because it fits his asshole nature, but I wanted to make him look like he's trying too hard to be Hip
Age 40, Albertan / Tsuut'ina
Healing mystic powers
Is the actual Cool Dad because he's so chill and actually cares about the well-being of the kids
Backstory Unlocked: A surgeon who turned to traditional medicines in attempt to save his wife when western medicine failed her, and though he he did not succeed, he did discover he had innate mystical powers, putting him on Department H's radar. Just here to protect and patch up the children the best he can
Age 42, Saskatchewanian
Says thinks like 'back in my day' and 'eh' unironically way too much, low-key waiting on that inevitable divorce between the Hudsons
Backstory semi-unlocked: Is mostly there to train the kids how to be superheroes and survive the experience
Like Snowbird I think Puck's backstory is some bullshit that they should've just left alone instead of trying to create this magic explanation for his dwarfism and chronic pain... just let him be disabled! Disabled superheroes exist! So again, in this version he's just a mutant who happens to also have dwarfism and chronic pain
Age 37, Albertan
Guardian's wife, tries to be a Team Mom and make up for her annoying husband
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