#my tvd tag
jennifersminds · 6 months
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ELENA GILBER "necklace" Appreciation Post
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schrutexbucks · 24 days
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It's Founders' Day! I'm here to eat cotton candy and steal your girl.
The Vampire Diaries S1 E22 Founder's Day
one gifset per episode 22/171
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wearesociety · 3 months
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read here | the vampire diaries universe | bonnie/klaus | e | 12k words
His rich scent—spice rum and oak maybe? Surround her, as he places two fingers underneath her chin and raises her head to meet his gaze. Piercing ink-blue eyes stare into hers.
A warmth spreads on her skin.
He licks his lips. Senusal, it pulls at her gut. “It’s a maze until someone reaches out, then you're found.”
Bonnie finds herself entangled with a man, she knows she won’t survive.
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adanseydivorce · 22 days
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The Vampire Diaries (2009-2017) / The Dreamer Trilogy by Maggie Stiefvater (2019-2022)
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My newfound hobby: comparing Kol Mikaelson to smol and cute creatures
Kol the Fennec Fox
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And Kol the Barn Owl
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Please, somebody stop me until it's too late
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dragonlands · 29 days
I'm on bookstagram as well as. Here. And I find it so funny when people are like omg I ship Darklina I'm so twisted and weird! I prefer the villain in this book where the villain is written to be likeable! Tumblr would kill you guys. You would look at the list of most popular ships here and just die.
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I was thinking about how a lot of people who are into the Vampire Diaries are also into Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and how there are some obvious parallels between the shows and between the relationships of Angel & Buffy and Stefan & Elena and then Spike & Buffy and Damon & Elena, but obviously they aren't exactly the same ships or characters, and it's made me curious. Fans of both, is there a correlation in what you ship?
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cancerian-woman · 10 months
Tyler Lockwood discourse and “excuse” for how fans view him as worthless or unneeded is that his plotline ended in season 3/4 is so…wrong lmao. Tyler was not only the first introduction to werewolves/Lockwood legacy but he was Klaus’ first successful hybrid. But, no it would’ve been too much to center a plot on Tyler that has nothing to do with Caroline or Klaus. Tyler became an alpha, those hybrids trusted and respected him. Okay, then those hybrids were killed Tyler could’ve formed another pack. They can do more with wolf-related plotlines they just had to write those. Look at Hayley who was praised and worshipped as this werewolf Crescent Queen after she helped plot and kill those hybrids…but TO doesn’t acknowledge that ever. Supernatural world gossip spreads but that somehow never made it to the bayou…anyways…
The problem relies Forwood, Klaroline, Steroline and a bit of Klayley equally. Mainly Caroline and Klaus/Stefan’s popularity. Season 1/2 Caroline was ignorant as hell and disliked by most of her peers. Why? She always had something negative to say about everyone. Plus, her mental feud with Elena. So Caroline dates Matt who treats her terribly and isn’t over Elena. Then she’s placed with Tyler, she “changes” after this vampire transition. Forwood is equally new in being a vampire/werewolf. It’s easy to support them when Caroline is there as he transitions into a wolf. Shes not just this jealous raged teenage girl! She has feelings and emotions! Caroline’s sweet, caring, and protective these are reasons people should like Caroline. Most of time fans argue that Caroline was better as a vampire than she ever was as a human. Now, insert Klaroline and Klaus. Klaus gets to enforce power and control over Tyler. He enslaves him repeatedly, and constantly threatens his life. Tyler knows he can’t win against Klaus but he refuses to live by Klaus rules. Richard Lockwood, his abusive major daddy had already made his life hell by giving him standards to live by and abusing him.
Now this is getting long. But, Caroline gets to “see the good in Klaus” they get to have all these “moments” about nothing at all. Tyler isn’t there and unfortunately YES on Caroline’s end Tyler does look bad for being away but Caroline understood this and for awhile was the only person who got Tyler. Until, she didn’t the plot worked its way so we can uplift and praise Caroline in all her vampire girl-boss goodness! But, paint Tyler in a bad view. Klaroline was pulled out of the writers ass, there was no build-up and it’s often forgotten that Klaus intended to sacrifice both Caroline and Tyler but somehow someway Klaus is obsessed with this baby vampire lmao. But, “Tyler doesn’t love Caroline! He’s never there.” It’s not that Tyler didn’t want to be there, he was being treated like a slave. If the writers really and truly wanted to push Klaroline they could’ve done so without using Tyler. He wasn’t around anyways so what would’ve been the excuse? Klaroline wasn’t the plan but mildly benefits from mistreating Tyler/Michael Trevino and Kat Graham but pen in that.
Tyler’s entire family dies and we see Caroline comfort him through Carol’s death which Tyler fully blames himself for. Caroline gets this until she didn’t. She places an ultimatum over Tyler’s head. He chooses to leave, and it’s even a bigger nail on the head for the fandom. Tyler’s trying to kill Hayley and Hope. Which is ignored that Tyler intended on saving the werewolves as a species because Klaus DID continue to enslave and pick up werewolves turning them into hybrids for his own gain. Caroline sleeps with Klaus Tyler’s pissed and tries to keep contact at a minimum. You have Stefan in her ear all the time making comments about how Tyler’s violent towards her and all around a terrible person. When Tyler never abused her. Klaus was even in Caroline’s ear making her think Tyler cheated when that was never the case.
Tyler was used and needed for Caroline’s development and heavily plays a huge roll in her popularity. But, she doesn’t give half of that for him. In fact Forwood/Klaroline/Klayley and Steroline all functioned as a death to Tyler’s character. More so KC & Steroline ruined what good foundation Tyler did have. If Hayley could be some werewolf queen in TO. Tyler could’ve been hailed as a king in own bloodline. He could’ve found another group of friends to see as family. Jackson is a very similar character to Tyler. Lastly, Michael Trevino said for years that Klaroline was/is the issue with Tyler’s development.
side note: i forgot to add I firmly believe Caroline remains jealous of Elena throughout the entire show and expected Tyler to act the way Damon/Stefan does when Elena did something that was “bad” in their POV.
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tophsazulas · 4 months
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moodboard: bonnie & damon
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sacrialege · 1 month
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helpimstuckinafandom · 2 months
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Losing my mind fyi
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jennifersminds · 2 years
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The problem Damon... you talk a good game but you don’t actually know anything. She’ll never forgive you, and never for a vampire? It’s a very long time.
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laufire · 4 months
you gotta admire the commitment genre creators have when it comes to using black people as the stand in for the bigot in their allegories of racism (or gay people in their allegories of homophobia). I very much doubt a single person went to them and praised them for how smart and revolutionary and NEVER DONE BEFORE these storylines are (less due to enlightment than to indifference, probably). yet they keep at it.
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wowthatsextra · 7 months
So it's my birthday and I finally posted the vid I've been wanting to for YEARS. Happy my birthday to all of you! Love them love them love them
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blagueofchaos · 17 days
I'm living for your tags in my bonkai posts 🤣😍
Aaa I'm glad you're enjoying them!! I'm always saying things in my tags because I can't stop myself rambling haha, but it's nice to hear that people enjoy my random thoughts :) It's been fun exploring your Bonkai posts too! I've just been bouncing from ship tag to ship tag in the Vampire Diaries fandom lately; there are so many great dynamics that the fandom does a great job of developing. I'm just running around the multishipping buffet as it were, hehe :) I feel like Bonkai in particular is a very funny, sassy ship, and it's just neat to see all the different ways people are putting them together at different points in the storyline and so forth. And it's fun to find Vampire Diaries blogs that are still active; obviously I'm getting into the fandom a while after the show ended, but there's still a fair amount of activity in the tags, which is nice to see!
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riveriafalll · 9 hours
I’m gonna hop on the open tag from @illarian-rambling for the OC question taggg
Honestly it jump scares me sometimes to remember that I don’t actually post much for my ocs, my brain kinda assumes that everyone lives inside my head and knows all about my babies. I might have to actually start talking about them…
In other words, I’ll be using Cassie from the (place holder name) fic TVDeeznuts
My questions
What’s your shower routine?
Do you like makeup?
Is there any scent you associate a memory with?
What’s your shower routine?
Given the number of vampires with super hearing who regularly break into my house, I tend to shower pretty fast and with at least three signs on the door refusing entry while I’m showering. While Elijah and Finn are perfect gentlemen and will usually leave as soon as they realise I’m not ready for company, Kol and Rebekah have no sense of boundaries, and Nik insists he’s seen it all before and that there’s nothing I have that would surprise him. Other than that… shampoo and conditioner I guess?
Do you like makeup?
I love wearing makeup when I can, but given that at least something is trying to kill me at least once a week I don’t have much time to practise. Rebekah picked up most modern day makeup techniques pretty fast, so I let her do my makeup for any big events.
Is there a scent you associate a memory with?
A memory? As weird as it sounds, burnt toast is the best memory I associate with a smell - Jenna, my aunt, always managed to burn it in the mornings when we were all in a rush… she’s dead now, but whenever someone burns something I think of her…
Your questions:
If you had a YouTube Channel, what videos would you make?
Have you ever dyed your hair, or got a radical haircut?
What’s the worst book you’ve ever read?
Tagging: @brotrustmeicanwrite @cssnder @caxycreations @hyperfixation-tangentopia @lexywrite @rkmoon for this, and an open tag!
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