#my type in men vs my type in women is just so funny
amethiosspouse · 5 months
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(gonna update this post when i find more blue men)
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Round 1 - Side B
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firestar art by @kudos-si-do
Propaganda below ⬇️
He fucked up so many people's lives so badly in just one decade (not on purpose) that the universe put him in the summoning pool of all world influencing souls. He doesnt really have any special powers but he does serve as a vessel for rasputin at one point. He's the guy who says "people die when they are killed"
please please please there's literally a type moon character in the gif on the top of this form so it's typemoonphobic if none of them get in but it shouldn't be her it should be kirei bc he's 50x funnier & more iconic than jeanne. funny lil murder priest who's fucking THE gilgamesh (from the epic of) in the church basement and dies in a knife fight w a 17 year old whose dad he wanted to fuck back in '94 before realizing that he was actually kinda lame and he's been bitter abt it ever since. he has an orphan torture factory in his basement but he's also canonically good at being a priest. he's so funny you should def try his mapo tofu i swear it's totally safe for human consumption and not made with any california reapers. did i mention he's a deadbeat dad.
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Priest claims to be Pro Life to make Sakura Matou the most miserable girl on the planet, but he dies anyway.
bro became a catholic because he loves suffering
He’s a priest. Kind of. Not a very good priest obviously. There is something seriously wrong and fucked up with that man. It’s so entertaining.
he's gotta be one of the most insane catholic men ever with a very in-depth and interesting relationship with his religion and his relationship with god also he's the sexiest man ever to be conceptualized in the known universe and all of time
Will never forget the 40+ minute monologue in heavens feel being a thinly veiled metaphor for abortion
he wants to torment churchgoers and make them face their failures and suffering but all he ends up doing is motivate them to improve themselves. cringefail moment for him
he's absolutely insane. the coldhearted mercenary that barely reacts to anything is terrified of kirei. he's super fucked up. his ult in stay night is literally him channeling divine power into something called kyrie eleison. he's the vessel of rasputin (on account of being a priest with a huge....no i shant say) the biblical beast in grand order among other things. he gets drunk with and tops gilgamesh from the epic of gilgamesh in the church basement after gilgamesh from the epic of gilgamesh bats his eyes a little too hard at kirei in some of the horniest shot scenes ive ever seen. he also used to be a heretical "fixer" for the church, cleaning up scenes that would expose shit to the public. uhh what else. he holds cool swords between his fingers like a kid pretending to be wolverine but in my favorite route he just squares the hell up with the protagonist and they fight to the death outside planned parenthood
Kitty jesus, he believes in starclan which is the kitty version of heaven/god and yea. All the warrior cats characters except those outside the clans or those that are atheist believe in the kitty heaven and would irl be bri-ish and christian as hell so. The authors are all older british christian women and so the way starclan is written is like undoubtedly that.
The main religion in the series is extremely catholic coded. Most clan cats believe in Starclan and the Dark Forest(or heaven and hell). There is a set of rule they must uphold and follow, where following them leads to heaven and breaking them leads to hell. Their religious leaders are sworn to celibacy, and the punishments that "code breakers"(or cats who break the rules) face are extremely similar to situations people with religious trauma have gone through.
OP notes: apparently converted to avoid getting his balls cut?? Idk. The discord yet wild for firestar so I had to include him because it's hilarious hehehe
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melonteee · 1 month
I keep seeing posts about gay Zoro, and I want him to be gay(if only so I can more fully enjoy Nami and Zoro’s relationship because it really is just like a lesbian and a gay man) but I try not to be the person who just has everyone as queer in their mind lol (not that that’s bad yk) so can you please just tell me like I’m a first grader why he is perceived as gay. Strange request, but I have a burning desire in my heart to know
Also I love your videos! You put my thoughts into one big digestible cake that I can share with my friends. “RAAAHHHH I LOVE ONE PIECE🐺🔥🐉” vs. “g’day, mate! As you can see, one piece is a perfect representation of an unclear dystopian, and it perfectly conveys the meaning of freedom, love, and joy.”
my biggest thing with Zoro being gay is just his reaction to...men?? fighting men???? he gets SOOOO excited to brawl with men in the weirdest way ever like, smirking and moaning and licking his swords type shit. The fight he had with Killer in Wano was crazy what the FUCK was that about??
But then when he fights women (in the few times he has) he just...isn't having as much fun HAHA like he's not the same freak at all. And then ofc there's the fact Zoro does not pay attention to women AT ALL apart from when they're actually IN his face and he's forced to, but he was the ONLY guy who did not peek on Nami and Vivi even though LUFFY AND CHOPPER DID??
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like I know ppl go "It's just cause Zoro is SOOO respectful" but then why didn't he stop any of them, not even Chopper or Luffy?? I think Zoro just genuinely does not care about women at all in fact he seems a little terrified of them LMAOOO
And then when he woke up in Wano, he didn't even say THANK YOU to Hiyori, and went STRAIGHT to fighting Sanji?? EVEN THE ZOROBROS WERE CONFUSED ABOUT THAT ONE HAHAH THAT WAS SO FUNNY PLEASE
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Also thank you so much! I'm working on a beast of a video right now so please look forward to it!
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zarasu · 1 year
What I think about Bingge
So, funny story: I did not start out liking Bingge. I doubt most people do. The first thoughts I had about him were "Damn, boy's fucked up" and "Who starts ripping off limbs without even asking questions first?" He seemed more like the final boss of a horror game than a fleshed-out character.
Then I finished the book and went "Ehh do I wanna read the extras?" Tbh, I skimmed a lot of them but the Bingge vs Bingmei one was one of the few I fully read, just because the premise sounded interesting.
And it was interesting alright, to see Bingge do something else than torturing people and ripping off arms. But none of it really made my brain light up until that little scene where Bingge watches Shen Qingqiu fuss over Bingmei. Then he asks him to come with him, to choose him, and Shen Qingqiu says no. Bingge returns to his own world, sad and alone.
"Well, sucks to be you," I thought, and "lol, I sure hope that doesn't awaken anything in me."
Two weeks later, I found myself lying in bed, thinking about Bingge with a single tear rolling down my cheek.
I really shouldn't be sad for him, I told myself. He has a big harem full of hot women to tell him how great he is all day. If he's not happy, then it's really his own fault.
But what if he's more the monogamous type, my heart wailed back. Or what if he's too fucked up to let anyone love him??
Ugh, alright, I gave in. Let's think about him then.
So, Bingge is a power fantasy made for incels. But even Bingge was Bunhe once. He shares a past with Bingmei and they are, at their core, the same person. And if you can say one thing about Bunhe, it's that he really has an undying hopeful streak. Sure, when Shen Yuan transmigrated, it took him a while to gain Bunhe's trust. But even after all the beatings and insults and humiliation, he did gain it.
Bunhe gave him his trust because he desperately wants Shen Qingqiu to love him. And, if not love him, at least like him. And if not that, then at least not hate him. When Shen Qingqiu actually showed notions of doing just that, loving him, he was all over that like a dog getting a treat and a head pat for the first time in his life.
But Bingge never got that. He hoped and hoped and kept hoping for Shen Qingqiu to show even a hint of affection and all he got in return was the firm assurance that, no, Shen Qingqiu would never feel anything but hate for him.
That has to give a guy issues. Probably makes him feel deeply unlovable. Hate himself, even. Binghe is a little dumb about things like these, he likely didn't give up hope until Shen Qingqiu physically pushed him into the abyss. He probably spent a lot of nights in the abyss crying into his dirty little sleeves.
But you gotta find ways to cope with heartbreak, right? So, eventually, lightly charred Bunhe stood up straight, turned his little determined protagonist eyes up to the sky and said: "I'm going to make him regret it! He will rue the day he cast me away!" And he went on to become stallion protagonist #1, demon emperor, conqueror, etc etc.
The thing is this: if you build your whole identity on the idea of making the guy who hates you regret his feelings, you're not really over him, you get what I'm saying? You're like, the opposite of over him. Not a good emotional state to connect to the hot women throwing themselves at you either.
So yeah, after that, Bingge did all kinds of things that aren't really that important, but eventually, he got Shen Qingqiu where he wanted him: in the water prison (also kneeling at his feet). And I'm sure I have an inkling of what went on in his dumb little head. It may have been something like:
"Aha!! Now I have the evil Shizun in prison, where evil men like him belong! Finally, people have told him how evil he is! I'm going to go and talk to him and make him see the error of his ways. And when the horror of what he did finally dawns on him, and he apologises, I might forgive him and give him another chance."
Shen Jiu being Shen Jiu, he probably laughed right in Binghe's face and also spit at him too, for good measure (as is, in this case, kinda relatable). So Binghe's righteous little plan didn't quite work out as he wanted it to. This procedure might have been repeated a few times but, well.
Binghe's emotions are already volatile on a good day. Add Xin Mo to that. Add childhood trauma and Shen Jiu to that. One time, he snaps and reaches out to rough Sqq up a little, just to make him regret his own behaviour. Underestimating his own strength, he rips off his arm instead.
Awkward situation, that.
What are you supposed to do after ripping off someone's arm? Maybe Binghe just went to bed and stared at the ceiling for a while, thinking about his life choices.
See, at this point, another person might have thought: "My life is going in the wrong direction. I need to change something, maybe go on a journey of self-discovery or something."
But Binghe has never been the best at things like morals and ethics, no matter what version of him we're talking about. Even Bingmei, who had a comparatively more stable home life, never really got the hang of that stuff (Turning some people into lifeless husks? Well, better than fucking someone, right? The man you love apparently just isn't as insane about you as you are about him? Time to destroy the world^^)
Anyway, you gotta go on, and I'm sure Binghe found some convincing enough arguments for why ripping arms off was an acceptable thing to do.
"But Zar," you may interrupt me. "How can anyone think that's an acceptable thing to do?"
See, in all honesty? I think, deep inside, Binghe knows it's not. But right next to that knowledge lies another knowledge: it's that he's unlovable. And if he's unlovable, it can only be because, at his core, he's already rotten. And if you're already evil? You might as well do evil things, doesn't make much of a difference anymore.
So things escalate, surely not helped by Xin Mo. Shen Qingqiu loses limbs with the same speed other people lose socks, and when even that doesn't heal him of his evil ways, Binghe comes up with the whole Yue Qingyuan plot. And when even that doesn't help, he loses his patience and kills everyone.
Then he sits there, on his throne, surrounded by hot women, fully charred, not so little anymore, and without a Shizun he can hope to one day convince of his worth.
There sits Shen Yuan, a world away, growing increasingly frustrated at how purposeless Bingge's life has become.
Then the extra happens, and Bingge gets transported to a world where another Binghe got everything he ever wanted: the love of his Shizun. And, all at once, the hope he thought he had killed and buried flares back to life, never having been dead after all, and burns Binghe up until he's nothing more than the bare bones of his desperation.
But the other Shizun doesn't love him. He only loves the other, inferior Binghe. He looks upon Bingge coldly before he sees his husband and his eyes turn warm. And it's like Bingge is looking at a funhouse mirror, at a world of dreams and wishes that never came true.
In the end, he's still as unlovable as he has ever been. And he goes back to his own world, and he feels flayed with the knowledge of everything he will never have.
And I just think it's impressive how Shen Qingqiu manages to break every version of Binghe without even trying.
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yaseraphinee · 3 months
astro observations 1 - focus on appearance and vibes
Hi ! Today I am posting my first ever astro observations ! Hope you like it! (if you do, there is more to come *mischevious smirk)
(REMINDER : I am NOT a professional astrologer. Everything I say are my personal opinions and not facts.)
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Aries rising men
-> Aries rising men tend to look either really "primal" or like a greek god that fell from the Mount of Olympus.
From the ones I have seen (which is rare like where are they hiding??l) they have thick straight eyebrows, are taller than average, tend to be on the skinnier/leaner side and tend to have a prominent cranium.
-> They also often look mad/like they are about to start a fight or they are just pissed off 24/7 (it's similar to Scorpio risings RBF but it's not as intense or shady it's more like "the fuck you're looking at ugly ass" lmaooo)
-> I knew a guy who was an Aries rising and he described himself as a professional hater. He loved cursing at people and just getting pissed off. He admitted that himself by saying stuff like "i love hating on people" and would, without any shame, try to find any opportunity to shit on people (just for fun though lmaoo)
This attitude/anger issues/cursing at people 24/7 can also be seeing in Vinnie Hacker for instance. *He is an Aries rising and the way his only screentimes in the Hype House show was him treatening to beat people's asses is so funny to me help-
Also , Vinnie Hacker to me (obviously) falls into the "greek god looking" type of Aries rising men.
(*but then he has cancer placements so maybe all that moodiness doesn't help him at all lmaoo)
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Men and women with aries stelliums often radiate libra energy for some reason. 
They look really elegant and feminine. They usually have really good manners, they are really soft spoken and sweet. They are super polite and charming. They seem generally approachable and have a nice smile on top of that.
ex :  Prayag Mishra aka the "pookie guy", PinkPantheress
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Prayag Mishra aka the "pookie guy"
-> He looks really well groomed which is a typical libra men thing as it is ruled by venus, the planet of beauty and harmony.
-> He is known for being sassy which i would typically associate with leo placements (and fire energy in general) HOWEVER libras and taurus, because they want to RECEIVE that princess treatment too, can also be quite dramatic and sassy but in a less upfront, all up in your face way.
-> His sassiness is paired with a certain flirtiness which is SOO libra.
-> Just read this article about him "combatting toxic masculinity". I don't know if I am reading to deeply into it, but this "toxic masculinity" and "sassy men apocalypse" thing feels really Aries VS Libra to me -> Masculinity VS Feminity which, again, proves how he radiates feminine energy despite having more masculine energies in his chart.
(that take is a bit of a stretch ngl)
-> Her appearance and singing is really angel-like. She sings with a really sweet and soft voice, usually about love.
-> She comes off a little shy at first, but mostly well-mannered and polite. She also smiles a lot.
-> The gentleness in the way she talks and the "Let's not make it political" screams Libra to me. All about keeping the peace and the harmony.
-> She is known for her fashion sense, which is quite "girly".
I also see a lot of men saying she looks "feminine", she has a lot of fanboys and they seem to adore her softness and her nice personnality (in addition to her beauty). A lot of them act a bit possessive towards her. it's like she brings out this "i'll provide and take care of you" type of energy out of men lmaoo
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-> I knew two guys with aries stelliums who came across really calm and composed, which sounds completely opposite to what Aries are stereotypically described as.
(one of the guys had a taurus rising and his stellium was located in the 12th house so maybe that is why he seemed much calmer and almost melancholic?)
Scorpio rising women
Scorpio rising women tend to have square/ rectangular and straight body types. Their shoulders tend to be really prominent and squarish.
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They are also usually of a smaller height, or just smaller than average. They also have a pretty prominent forehead and prominent cheekbones.
Here’s a visual example of Scorpio rising women : 
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Maya from XG - Scorpio rising (Tropical) (it is not confirmed since we don't know her time of birth but I think scorpio could be her rising sign)
Grimes - Scorpio rising (Tropical)
Bee’s Honey Tarot - Scorpio rising (Sidereal)
Lily Rose Depp - Scorpio rising (Tropical)
(/!\ all of them are skinny and most of them are white so it definitely doesn’t represent every Scorpio rising women out there but more so a sub-group that I have identified /!\)
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stay blessed 💋​💕​💗​💖​💅​
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Hi there! I'm a longtime USWNT fan, and I'm new to your blog. But I have to comment on this Brazil/Colombia dirty soccer stereotype.
I don't think it's a Europeans vs. non-European thing but I just think those types of tricks are accepted in the CONMBEOL countries because of the men's game. USWNT fans complain whenever we have to play Colombia and hope that our players don't end up seriously injured.
This is an old incident, but did you ever hear of the sucker punch to Abby Wambach by a Colombian player? You should Google it. And during the Gold Cup this year, Alex Morgan got into some beef with the Colombian players. That was actually pretty funny.
Brazil isn't as bad but they do dive a lot and waste time too. I guess because we play them so often we are used to it. So don't take it personal. That's just how they play!
ayyy, this sucker punch is wild! 🫣
again, this just goes to show that there are different ways of playing football around the world and you have to adapt accordingly. but getting sucker punched is absolutely unacceptable!
but also, this european vs. non-european dichotomy is so odd to me because europe is not a country! and in spain, we only recently got success and have been in the shadow of the rest of the world powers for so long. this was our very first olympics! and i've been a women's football fan for a long time and for most of my life the most dominant team has been the uswnt by far, like not even close, and they are a non-european team. and in the very first world cup i ever watched (2011) japan won it.
but if we are going to generalise, in my experience, european teams and definitely european fans are rather insecure when it comes to the uswnt. not the opposite! 🤷‍♀️
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maoam · 5 months
Naoya thinks women are inferior and his techniques resemble women's genitalia... this irony from Gege is amusing.
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It's also interesting because Japan has very glaring hypocrisy when it comes to men's genitalia vs women's genitalia due to misogyny.
The Shinto Kanamara Matsuri (かなまら祭り, "Festival of the Steel Phallus") is an annual Japanese festival where people literally carry a huge penis around. (Please don't laugh at my censorship, I just don't want the post to get flagged lol). This is seen as okay and celebrating the phallus. Aside from this huge dong, the festival features other phallic shaped things from decorations to food.
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Yet at the same time, Megumi Igarashi made international news after she created a kayak shaped after her own vagina using a 3D printer and was arrested for obscenity. However, the court ruled in her favour in the end. But the fact she was arrested for something like that while carrying a large penis (that was also much more clearly a penis than this kayak is a vagina, to the point I felt the need to censor it just in case) around the city is okay but this warrants an arrest speaks of the general society's view on men's superiority.
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I found some article and I screenshotted some bits so people can see some context.
So yeah.... there are all kind of ways they make money out of degrading women, but god forbid if women want to make silly art of their pussy... and really, I could see Naoya being one of those men who gets mad when woman says "vagina" out loud hahaha.
(There was also some older Japanese woman who made art of female genitalia that also got into trouble, but I wasn't able to find the article about it, I remember seeing it though.)
I think Gege is certainly aware of this type of misogyny in his country, he explores misogyny a lot with Maki's character and the Zenin family. Him making Naoya's techniques resemble women's genitalia is just funny when you know all this.
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blue-rose-soul · 2 months
"AU about Lilith being Alastor's bio mom"
Consider me confused and intrigued. Please go on.
You think you're confused? I have no idea what's going on here and it's my brain!
Okay, so I don't really have anything yet. How does Lilith end up pregnant with a human's child? I dunno. Who would Alastor's dad be? I dunno, I literally only just started daydreaming about this. Half-considering making his dad a gender-swapped Nicaise. I do think I'd have his dad be a Creole man in this AU though, even though I normally think his dad is white, bc I don't want to lose that part of Alastor's background.
But it would be so, so funny to see Lucifer's face when he finds out! And sad, give the poor guy a comforting pat on the back.
I'm torn between whether I'd have Lilith raising Alastor herself, or if she'd leave him with a human family. Actually, now that I've typed that, maybe Adam figured out the fact that Lilith had another child and was blackmailing her as part of whatever deal they set up.
I think this AU would make things worse between Alastor and Lucifer, with Lucifer actively resenting Alastor for being Lilith's son. He's definitely the type of petty who would respond badly to this situation. Adam and Lucifer are alike in this way and this results Alastor having a much, much worse time on the hotel's roof.
And this would probably also change how Alastor interacts with men vs women. If he was raised by a single dad with Nicaise's personality, maybe he wouldn't write off most men as stupid brutes. Maybe having Lilith as a distant or absent mom would sour his opinion of women. But then, if he still met and befriended Mimzy, maybe not so much.
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I’m back with yet another long post 
Going through Freddino’s filmography and body of work (because why not?) recently has been entertaining. I’ve changed my mind about a few of his work, some I used to like better, some I’ve fallen in love with again, and some I continue to hate. Ladies Man is one of those shows that I just cannot stand. I’ve watched it over a decade ago and didn’t like it. I thought maybe I’ll change my mind if I give it a second chance but it’s the type of a sitcom that just ages badly.
Ladies Man is basically the ‘Ugly Guy, Hot Wife’ trope. A trope is: a theme or device used in storytelling. They are usually common or overused. We can think of them like clichés, but on a greater scale.
There’s an entire website dedicated to TV tropes. This is their entry regarding the  ‘Ugly Guy, Hot Wife’ trope:
‘Huge Guy, Tiny Girl’ trope.
An excerpt from the entry: 
“While actors are held to a high standard of attractiveness, there are still leading roles available for plain looking guys, funny fat guys, and average joes (especially in comedy, which is one of the main reasons why this trope is so common in sitcoms). Many times, the guy is overweight due to the stigma. The beauty standard for women, however, is much higher; in order to be a leading lady it is an unspoken prerequisite that you are at the very least physically attractive.”
Freddino is huge (maybe not as huge as he is now but compared to every single woman co-star, he is pretty big), works with furniture, married to a hot, “small” wife. Another examples besides Ladies Man are According to Jim and The King of Queens though the latter is a bit better.
 If we can overlook the physical attributes, the characters and their personalities are not helping. 
This doesn’t apply entirely to the show but it has a fair resemblance:
“ [...] popular use of the trope is to have the hot wife be beautiful on the outside only, and on the inside she's a manipulative, materialistic, spiteful bitch who doesn't deserve her Henpecked Husband's kindness, especially if he is just a Meal Ticket for her. This could lead to An Aesop that looks aren't everything and that appearances are often deceptive.” From: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/HenpeckedHusband
Jimmy is a man’s man, he takes care of everyone, works hard, and just wants to play golf and Donna is just a meanie. She love shoes, she is controlling and wants things go her own way, gatekeeps the finances (and children’s names), withholds sex, doesn’t allow her husband to have adult magazines. 
I absolutely loathe shows that depict women as emotional and illogical and they get their own way at the end because their husbands lOvE them and “you can’t win with women”. I hate the “my wife is being unreasonable and illogical but I wove love her” premise in those sitcoms. 
Have you been in a relationship? Are you married? It doesn’t work like that at all. If it did, this is definitely abuse. 
This is somewhat similar to Boomer Humor (Google it) where either the husband hates the wife or both of them hate each other. I’m convinced Ladies Man was the blueprint of According to Jim because my god these two shows are practically the same and the plain misogyny is suffocating. 
The themes of the episodes: 
Jimmy vs Women (or should I say females?):
Every episode is about all the women being pitted against Jimmy while Jimmy is just trying to live/have fun/do something for himself. It always ends up with the women winning and Jimmy not only realizing his “mistake” but making it up to everyone. It’s like he can’t be himself, do the things he love, live his life without being punished. To a lot of women viewers, they’d consider this theme a “win” and a justified power move. It’s not actually and this just perpetuates the idea that marriage is a prison and men are miserable. 
Men are men and women are women: 
Men are visual beings, horny, ogle women. Jimmy and the young swimming instructor, Jimmy wanting sex after his wife just gave birth, Jimmy has/keeps an adult magazine, Jimmy defends men’s action regarding being attracted to other women. 
Donna is severely insecure, Donna is controlling, Donna and the rest of the women can go through public tantrums, Donna and the women’s idea of feminism is childish, Donna and the rest of the women can weaponize their tears (as in women only and exclusively cry to get their way).
Problems with the show: 
Half, if not all of the episode themes won’t be acceptable today. Scrutiny through the lens of modernity will lead to Ladies Man being an awful, misogynistic show.  The jokes won’t land in today’s world. Not only because they are not funny, but also the content will be unacceptable in today’s atmosphere. 
A simple example would be the young swimming instructor episode: they didn’t say how old she is but she definitely was a teenager or a young adult. Yet Jimmy was into her and everyone was okay with it because “boys will boys” thing. Do you think this will fly today? The show is just a repeated cycle of situations where misogyny and internalized misogyny are prevalent. 
It’s not genuinely funny:
I grew up watching American and a few British and Australian sitcoms. The 90s were a golden era for such shows. Not every show was good and humorous. I realize the 90s were a different era and humor was way, WAY different back then but there are many classic shows that survived the test of time. Compare Ladies Man to the Golden Girls (one of my favorite shows, not because Freddino is a huge fan). It was so progressive and surpassed its era. It is still one of the best sitcoms worldwide. English isn’t my first language and I’m not an American (or a western for that matter) but I can definitely say Golden Girl was a huge hit for more than three decades. 
Freddino is usually funny and he is a great  actor no doubt. Same can be said for Betty White and Dixie Carte. But they aren’t funny at all. The comedic timing is off for every character and the jokes just fall flat. 
You could say humor is subjective which is not entirely true:
Also, Humor does/sometimes change as you grow older:
The comedy scene was male dominated for decades
Another reason for this show being awful is that the writers of most sitcoms especially in the 90s were men. This explains a lot actually. Though I did check the writer’s page of Ladies Man and there were a few women writing an episode or two but it was not specified which episodes they wrote. The creator is a man though. I bet the episode of pressuring or nagging Dona into having sex is definitely written by a man.
I understand not everyone is the same. I actually did read IMDb reviews and was amused by the positive reviews. Rotten Tomatoes on the other hand is where shit got real lmao:
‘The fatal flaw is that nothing about Ladies Man rings remotely true. Not the characters. Not the relationships. Not the premise. Every scene is from Sitcom 101: setup, punch line, reaction; setup, punch line, reaction.”
Relationships are NOT like that. And yes it the typical, boring 90s sitcoms formula.
“Last time I checked, being whipped and belittled incessantly had little real comic value. Ladies Man is no exception.”
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redheadbigshoes · 2 years
Lesbians deserve to have their experiences shared without non-lesbians bursting in, invalidating or comparing those experiences and making it about themselves. Yes, other forms of "phobia" inside the community is terrible, I think we can all agree on that. But, lesbophobia is a specific type of phobia that needs to be acknowledged as well without non-lesbians trying to steal the voices of lesbians. It's stupid and hypocritical, it only divides this community more.
It reminds me of the gunshot vs stab wound thing. Both are horrible injuries and they're both valid and it shouldn't be a discussion of "well my experience with _phobia is worse" or "Oh so _phobia doesn't exist?" It should just be a conversation about individual stories.. But I don't think this community is capable of that anymore.. A lesbian's story about lesbophobia is not about us, it's about their story. If it was about us, they would indicate that.
Anyways, from a bi women to lesbians everywhere:
You're gorgeous and valid, I'm sending you all of the love. (and swords to fight lesbophobes with, I will help you :3)
I agree with you. I think non-lesbians treat lesbian experiences as if other sapphics would experience the same thing because they think our experiences are only revolved around being attracted to women, which couldn’t be further from the truth, they always forget how our lack of attraction to men is a huge part of our identity and it’s something they will never be able to understand.
I think people don’t separate sapphic experiences from lesbian experiences, which ends up making a lot of non-lesbian sapphics speaking over lesbians and our own experiences.
We have other terms to describe specific types of phobia such as transphobia, aphobia, biphobia, and I never see people saying those terms are not needed or that “all types of queerphobia are normalized” (kinda just to shut you from speaking about the prejudice you face). Speaking about lesbophobia and how it is normalized does not automatically deny other types of phobia are not normalized. It’s funny cause when people try to shut lesbians down they’re openly showing how right we’re about lesbophobia being normalized. Because it’s been normalized to speak over lesbians (which is something that I don’t see happening with people of other identities as often).
It’s very sad to think that a lesbian speaking about lesbophobia makes people so mad, because you can see how we’re not taken seriously and that people (even queers) don’t respect us or our identity. I think one of the things that most frustrates me about all of this is how I can’t talk about lesbophobia or lesbian experiences without non-lesbians invalidating me or making it all about themselves, because it seems like a lot of people only know how to respond to lesbians with either of those reactions.
You have no idea how good it feels to see a bi woman showing support to lesbians and willing to listen to our issues and what we face without invalidating us, making it all about themselves, or just reacting with rage and more lesbophobia. It’s very important that non-lesbians show this kind of support, because a lot of times it feels like lesbians are isolated and alone, that the only people that truly support us and listen to us are other lesbians.
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pillarsalt · 1 year
What's your opinion on the whole concept of "Transandrophobia/Transmisandry" VS "Transmisogyny" from a radfem perspective?
A little context of why the question: Lately (as in this month and so) there's been a lot of infighting in Transblr between TIFs and TIMS over the whole thing of "TMA" and "TME" ("Transmisogyny Affected/Excempt", take a guess wich one is for each sex), over if trans men can and do suffer systemic oppression for being both trans and male (or "masc"), if trans women can and do still hold systemic power for being "amab" and if one side can opress the other and yada yada
The "funny" thing it's that one particular drama that kinda starter everything was that a group of TIMs/a couple TIMs and some TIF pickmes (ex 4chan/lolcow-type users) between eachother started saying how "Those Transandro Trutring Cuntboys/Pooners need to be Puppypegged, fatten up and impregnated agaisnt their will so they become chiller and stop whining about false oppression" (exact same terms and core message) because there was a lot of popular liberal TIF blogs discussing that "Hey! Despite transitioning to ""mascs"" or not-women, society at large and even the stunning and brave transgirls from our own community treat us like shit and even below human! Isn't that weird?". Because of this the popular "gay queer masc" user @/spacelazarwolf called this groups of TIMs and self hating TIFs disgusting 4chan-y "transandrophobic" degenerates rigthfully, and it kinda just went down more since then to this day 🤷‍♀️
I gotta be honest my friend, my eyes glazed over reading this. Here's how it is: there is no transandrophobia and there is definitely no transmisogyny. There's misogyny and there's homophobia and there's creepy misogynist fucks pretending to be women. No matter what you think your gender is, female people can never oppress male people based on sex. Transandrophobia is just misogyny aimed at trans-identifying women. I guess you already know that, but reading all that mind numbing bullshit made me depressed about the state of the internet addicted idiots who live among us lmao. That nasty shit in the middle that you quoted is disgusting though, I hope at least this wakes up some of the women and girls who are entrenched in this to the fact that men will absolutely be predatory degenerates even (especially!) when they call themselves women.
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golbrocklovely · 5 months
im pretty sure we've talked about this multiple times before and no hate to the girl this is probably just me being insecure about myself but honestly im not even surprised about the girl colby is dating clearly shes had some plastic surgery done but i was really rooting for him to be dating a girl that's natural and it sucks to see all this plastic surgery on social media. it seems like the only girls guys date on here are the same body type; big boobs, big butt, small waist.. i guess i just wish there was more natural body representation if that makes sense
i've said my stance on this a number of times but i'll say it again just to make it a bit clearer.
while i understand why you might think this way, bc genuinely i've been in your shoes before, allow me to explain why i don't think like this anymore.
i wrote way too much so i'm sorry in advance lol
this is the first time, ever, that colby has admitted to dating a specific girl. we've seen some that we can guess he was with, or maybe had something going on there, but no actual full on confirmations. so there is really nothing to base malia off of.
we don't know what colby's type is. i know a lot of ppl think they have an idea but reality is we don't know bc we're not colby/we don't know him like that. he has been with a lot of different girls over the years and none of them are similar in anyway, body wise.
now, i know you're not trying to say this, but how your statement comes across is us vs them. or really "anyone that's gotten work done is lesser than those that haven't." bc if there really was no difference between someone that hasn't had work vs someone who has, you wouldn't be talking about this at all. you turn plastic surgery into a negative when in a lot of ways it can be positive.
but that's not to negate the negative effects society has place on women to look a certain way and thus the absolute rise in plastic surgery, fillers, and botox over the years. societal standards of beauty are bullshit and misogyny harms all of us.
i do have to ask, or just raise the question of… do you feel this same way about katelyn? or kat even? bc they were both skinny, pretty, dark haired girls that sam dated/is dating. and yet, you aren't asking him to date a more "natural" shaped woman. i just wanna know why colby has to be the exception. i'm also sure you know men in your own life who have types. do you call them out for only dating those types? just wondering.
i'm saying this as someone who has been in your exact shoes years ago. when i first got into the fandom, i genuinely was upset at colby for his dating habits and felt like he would never date someone that looked like me and that also led to me not ever feeling like i could be reposted by them for merch pics, bc bodies like mine just aren't as accepted.
but i need to make it abundantly clear: you have to stop relying on snc to make you love yourself. and i mean that in the nicest way possible.
snc are two random guys who most likely don't know who you are. you cannot rely on them to bring your self esteem up or to make you feel worthy of love. you have to do internal work and find a way to love yourself regardless of others, bc at the end of the day - you only have yourself.
i love snc, truly, but i don't give a rat's ass if they would find me hot. i find me hot. and that's all that matters. anyone that doesn't find me hot… that's their loss. bc i'm cute, have a big ass, and i'm funny.
10s across the board if you ask me lol
but to bring it back to snc, or colby specifically, the amount of insecurities i have towards myself were not his fault. he was not the one that made me feel like shit about myself, so i cannot take it out on him to try and fix me. he is one person with his own set of issues, who doesn't know i exist. and while it's easier to blame him and wish he was the one stand out, wattpad bf i wish he could be, reality is he too probably also likes a woman with big tits and a big ass. and there ain't nothing wrong with that, since he probably ALSO likes a girl with a personality too. bc fun fact, women with big tits and ass can also have a nice personality.
i'm not saying any of this to be mean to you genuinely. i get your thought process and feelings 100%. i just think you are placing a lot of your frustration on the wrong person. society as a whole is to blame for why you and i don't like ourselves. if anything, colby has helped me like myself more. i think we should try not to let his personal choices feel like a strike against us, if that makes any sense. he isn't dating someone like malia out of spite bc of plus size/natural body type fans. he's dating her bc he loves her, bc he found someone that makes him open up for the first time in a long time. and that should be celebrated, rather than shot down.
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galsinspace · 1 year
Barbie movie thoughts
I love talking about things at length so I gotta write down my Barbie movie thoughts
The Barbie movie intentionally does not have a grand message or mission statement. Within the movie, the character Barbie does not solve any problems in the real world because outside of the movie, the product Barbie can’t do that. Positive things can be done with Barbie, like representing a diversity of people, but ultimately Barbie can’t solve societal problems because she’s just a toy. She represents society, including positive changes in society, but those changes never happened because of Barbie.
So many details of Barbie becoming visibly “imperfect” as soon as she starts to “malfunction”!  When she’s visiting Weird Barbie in her blue outfit, her bra is showing through the fabric and there are a few hairs out of place. When she’s leaving for the real world, her braid is unravelling! So many little things to discover on a rewatch! It’s fun but also a representation of how women’s appearences are scrutinized by others and themselves.
The movie is also incredibly rewatchable just because of how FUN it is! There’s always something happening, it’s always visually interesting,and it’s just funny and enjoyable!
The character are also all so CHARMING
The Kens, even through their patriarchy arc, are likable and super fun to watch and make for a really sympathetic portrayal or how men get sucked into “manosphere” type thinking through their own insecurities, leading them to base their sense of self on external status symbols, but this does not actually solve their problems or even make them happy. I think this is also represented in Ken’s line about initially thinkingthe patriarchy was about horses and losing interest when he realized it wasn’t: it’s a funny little joke but it’s also a metaphor for how he thought this would make him happy, but it didn’t.
The Barbies are also likable and super fun to watch! And they represent womanhood in a similar way, with a bubbly girly environment where all the ladies love and support each other, but also parodizing really negative aspects like everyone acting like cellulite is the worst thing that can happen to you.
I think it’s essential to understand the residents of Barbieland as dolls who are like a funhouse mirror of humanity
Is it really their fault that anything goes the way it does? They are the way they are because of how people play with them. Barbie doesn’t understand that she’s hurting Ken’s feelings. She doesn’t seem to notice that he’s trying to kiss her. She’s never even considered where the Kens live. But did she have the capacity to?
I think in the end when she apologizes to Ken, that’s a sign of her becoming more human and developing a better understanding and more agency.
And that’s another reason there isn’t suddenly equality in Barbieland in the end: the other Barbies aren’t as aware and human as main Barbie, and Barbieland is still a funhouse mirror of reality representing how problems can’t be solved overnight and sexism is a pervasive issue that takes constant work over decades and centuries to overcome.
And Barbie doesn’t belong there anymore! She’s left Plato’s cave!
This has been talked about a lot but I thought it was just so beautiful how the movie twice took the time to just let Barbie take a deep breath and take in her surroundings and feel. You don’t see a lot of calm, introspective movies like that. You really get a feeling for what’s going on in Barbie’s head in that moment, making her feel so much more like a subject to empathize and identify with than an object to watch on the screen. And I think it’s especially rare to see women being written like this, like a real thinking person.
Speaking of dolls vs people:
I think the CEO and his group of besties businessmen are so comedic because they, too, straddle the line between doll and human! As representatives of a corporation, they are dependant on public opinion and perception and in that way also bound to only mirror society! Their issues are solved once the situation in Barbieland is solved, their opinion on Normal Barbie immediately changes with a prognosis of profit, they’re not thinking acting people they’re DOLLS
The old woman at the bus stop is as confident as the Barbies initially are (“I know I’m beautiful” and “Yes, I deserve this Nobel Prize!”) but without being as “perfect” as they are - her confidence comes from experience, and probably isn’t as easily disruptable as the Barbies’s.
The “deprogramming speech” is a fun little plot device but it’s also a representation of how women try to go along with the patriarchy believing that they can “win” according to its standards, not realizing that the system is rigged against them.
The Barbies had no built up “immunity” to patriarchy but neither did the Kens. They all fell for it, thinking it would be good for them (”It’s like my brain’s on vacation!”) but then quickly abandoning it when it fell apart upon closer inspection (this shit isn’t even about horses smh)
The scene where Barbie insists she isn’t smart or beautiful, complete with voiceover about how this is clearly not accurate, is perfect because we can see it’s bullshit. Even while she’s convinced she’s not good enough, we can see that she’s wonderful and it’s so obvious to us. Her feelings are real and familiar, but we are overwhelmingly and lovingly told that they’re also just wrong.
as @stardatewow pointed out to me, Sasha was wearing a pink top in the last scene :) she’s still herself and presenting herself in her own style, but she’s now gone through that step of “pink isn’t actually evil” that many girls know :)
love this movie
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Girls on Top ♀️
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I finally watched Girls on Top (starring Dawn French, Jennifer Saunders, Ruby Wax, Tracey Ullman, and featuring Joan Greenwood). My immediate thoughts were: wow, the title graphics and theme tune are extremely '80s. They feel so old! They're kind of almost cute in how old and nostalgic they are. Also, the board saying "COMEDY DEGRADES WOMEN" that appears briefly in the first series' opening credits before Dawn's glaring face is revealed amused me.
I can see why for marketing reasons this was dubbed the female version of The Young Ones. That must have been an almost guaranteed way to attract viewers in 1985. In fairness, Girls on Top is about four young women sharing a flat (well, three once Tracey left after the first series due to pregnancy). As well as this, Dawn's character (Amanda Ripley) and Jen's character (Jennifer Marsh) can definitely be directly compared to Rick and Neil, respectively. The two groups share similar struggles of paying the rent, the four of them are very different and don't get on, and the last episode ends with a bang. The central set in both shows too is, of course, the shared living space.
That said, Girls on Top isn't a cut and paste female Young Ones, for a number of reasons. It isn't as surreal, has a more developed outside world for its characters to exist in, isn't about students, and I believe the fourth wall is only broken occasionally - at the end of episodes, which is arguably just the actors half breaking character to address the audience. Girls on Top was also made for ITV, not the BBC, which I'm sure will have had an impact too. I think the differences to TYO are a good thing, to be honest.
Anyway, though Girls on Top takes a few episodes to warm up, I liked it. The contrast of personalities between the characters works - the way Ruby plays Shelley DuPont compared to the way Jen plays Jennifer feel at opposite ends of the comic spectrum at points, but both work perfectly for the characters. I always appreciate sitcoms where women are allowed to be flawed and awful people, rather than stock types for the funny male characters to play off. Girls on Top is very much about women; if it wasn't obvious through all the regulars being women, you can tell by the jokes and references to periods, feminism, diets, etc. Amanda in particular is a self-righteous, man-hating, second-wave feminist (and a massive middle class hypocrite - you can see the obvious comparison with Rick 😂). I guess you could say, while The Young Ones is about young people, Girls on Top is about women. Obviously, it's not that the characters in Girls on Top aren't young (although, they're not meant to be as young as the lads from TYO... apart from Mike), but the fact that they're women is more integral to the premise.
In the same sense, The Young Ones' characters all being men doesn't seem to be something the show chose hyper specifically. Man was and still is the default over woman, so the specific choice TYO made was to have a sitcom about young people; the fact they all happen to be men is secondary to that, though not at all surprising. Of course they're men. The experiences of young men are the default young person experiences, right? The experiences of young women have to be defined by their Womanness before their Youngness, right? That's a very stripped down way of putting it, not even addressing other important social factors like race and class, but you get what I mean. Interestingly, Lise Mayer has talked recently about how she thinks, retrospectively, they could have had one of the main characters in TYO be a woman but that at the time the characters were all written for the specific comics who played them, who were all men (again, apart from Mike 😂). Obviously, the dynamic between men VS the dynamic between men and women (especially if the split is notably uneven) would make for different comedies, particularly back then, but it's still an interesting thought.
To get back to Girls on Top, I think I'd have to say my favourite character is Jennifer. She is very dim and absolutely the group punching bag, like Neil, but I think the fact she doesn't go out of her way to look for sympathy makes her more sympathetic than Neil (and Neil isn't NOT sympathetic, as much as any of the lads are meant to be sympathetic, it's just he's also a passive aggressive bastard too 😂). In the final episode, when she finally gets the opportunity to get one over on Shelley and Amanda, we're on her side. Her obliviousness in the face of other characters' - particularly Shelley's and Amanda's - overinflated egos and neuroses means she gets a fair few punchlines, as well. I mean, how does one respond to their bossy, melodramatic diva of a housemate threatening to off herself?
SHELLEY: Now, leave! I've decided to commit suicide!
JENNIFER: Alright then, if you're sure you're okay.
Amazing. 😂
I'd say this show is worth watching if you're into the "alternative comedy" cohort. Aside from the main quartet, almost every episode features a familiar face as a guest star. Some of the guest stars even appear in multiple episodes (Helen Lederer, Pauline Melville). Here's a YouTube playlist featuring the first series, from the same account that ended Hardwicke House's 30 years of obscurity:
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leonidskies · 9 months
2023 Writing Reflection
This is a chunky one, so forgive me! I write fic. Sometimes (most of the time) I write lots of fic. It's basically a personality trait at this point, so I may as well ~talk about the thing~
I've posted alllll my fics for the year now. Last year I tracked how much I wrote vs posted, but this year I stopped tracking how much I was writing when I realised I wasn't going to hit my goal, but as always I wrote a TON (and posted only a fraction).
My posted fic stats for the year are:
208k words posted
80 fics posted (88 chapters total (avg wc: 2.3k))
55+ different character perspectives
33 different romantic ships
49 different platonic ships
29 different fandoms
Longest fic: 13k words
Shortest fic: 214 words
I posted fewer words this year compared to last, but the same number of fics - the numbers of perspectives and platonic vs romantic ships were pretty close, and I wrote for a couple more fandoms than last year. The stuff I wrote was more spread out, too (more on that soon).
I didn't manage to finish anything super long this year, which is a shame and I hope I can change that next year. I like writing longfic, but w a full time job this year I haven't had the attention span. I have several projects I'm really deep into that are unfinished!
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These are my cumulative vs 2023 ao3 stats - not gonna dwell on them a ton, but I'm coming up on the 1.7mil mark for fic published on ao3 which is exciting!! I also find it helpful (to me) to reflect on stats every so often bc engagement stats are "fake". By fake, I mean I wrote good stuff I'm proud of, but largely in fandoms that don't read the kind of fic I was writing. People who've known me maybe 3/4 years will know that I've worked REALLY HARD to detach worth from engagement, and I think I can say I've succeeded now!!
The following images are from my ao3 'top 10' for all the fics I wrote this year. First up is Relationship tag, which is pretty funny because I only wrote four relationships more than once....and two of them were a flavour of Shalvis. Shoutout to Handers for being up there two years running btw.
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My T>G>M rating distribution is almost exactly the same as last year, which is a thing?? I continue to be predictable. My relationship type distribution is weighted more gen, less m/m this year, but the rest are basically the same as before.
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I wrote less FE this year compared to last year by a significant margin, and a bit more Dragon Age, but Xenoblade remained a mainstay (I wrote more Xenoblade this year than last, actually). Also interesting is I wrote more evenly distributed amongst FE games!
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Anders is once again blorbo of the year as my most frequently written character, but written a lot less than last year - I wrote a wider variety of characters this year in general, actually! Shoutout to not one but TWO of my Dragon Age OCs (four of the five instances of Male Lavellan and all of the instances of 'Surana', which is an incorrectly wrangled tag for Nonbinary Surana) being in my top 10 this year.
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Below is my top 10 additional tags for the year - they're all pretty close together still, with no standouts I'm always writing. Interestingly, fluff is not my favourite thing to write but it still just kinda happens! More on trans characters later (I did a comprehensive analysis for myself ahaha).
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My 2023 in trans characters: I wrote 20 fics with trans characters, 21 with nonbinary characters, and 34 fics with trans/nonbinary characters total, which is a nice 42% of all fics I wrote this year. I wrote 52 trans/nonbinary depictions total, which is transing one gender per week (!!). Of those 52, there were 40 different characters I depicted as trans. 44 depictions were headcanons, 8 were canonically trans characters! This came to 23 trans men, 23 nonbinary people, and 6 trans women.
There were only six characters I wrote as trans more than once:
A(lvis) - 5 times. This was a chara who got revealed as canon nonbinary this year!
Adrel (my nonbinary Dragon Age OC) - 4 times
Alear - 3 times
Kagetsu, Shulk, and Byleth - 2 times each
Overall I had a really good writing year :) not in fic, I wrote a whole (!!?!??!) fantasy short story collection. I'm going to redraft + maybe more next year!! I'm really excited about it. I do have some goals for next year though - to finish some of my dang wips that have been sitting around forever, for one, and to write more for myself. I wrote a LOT of request fills and exchange pieces this year. Next year I want to write more thoughtfully + for me.
Ty to all of you who were here for the writing vibes in 2023. Here's to even more next year!
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22degreehalo · 10 months
Okay so a LOT of people have responded to my Barbie post so I really should be reading through all that first (but scawy) but I finally put something into words in my head
Every single man in the Barbie movie is a comic relief character. A pitiable, at least slightly pathetic, idiot.
Now. That is exactly the sort of thing that conservative commentators would point to to say that the movie hates men. And the Barbie fan's response, of course, would be that men deserve to be ridiculed, and that the movie isn't coddling them, and that men are acting like whiny babies for not being taken seriously when women never get that.
But I have the opposite take. The men all fit into that 'loveable himbo bumbling dad' type archetype. The relatable ordinary everyday man. The dummy who somehow manages to bag a hyper-competent 10/10 girlfriend in every Adam Sandler movie.
Yes, in many ways the idea of men having emotions is mocked; but also, the men get to be funny. There's a reason everyone posts memes about Ken and Kenergy and stuff over anything Barbie says. He's the fun one!
In that sense... the movie doesn't feel like it's reversing or parodying or commentating on anything at all. It's just bog standard gender roles in television: women are Closer To Earth and don't need to change much, but are pretty static and boring, while men are weird and funny and likeable and changeable, able to be bad but able to be redeemed, at the cost of having their more nuanced and sensitive emotions cheapened.
I wondered if it was meant to relate to the commentary at the end: that women HAVE to be perfect, and aren't allowed to make mistakes and be forgiven. But then in that case... why don't the women get to be funny, too? To anywhere near the same degree? Why doesn't the Barbie movie show us a silly, ridiculous, loveable himbo of a woman?
Why doesn't any woman actually get to do bad things and have them taken seriously? They complain about having to act perfect all the time... but are they not? When do we actually see those faults and failures, aside from as a result of 'burdened by the expectations of society' which of course is actually society's fault and not theirs? Barbie complains in the end about not really being good at anything, and that's good! But she still doesn't seem bad at anything, either. And nobody ever so much as implies that the way she treated those societally considered Lesser to her was actually pretty shitty.
The biggest difference between the way we portray women vs men in media, to me, is the idea of internal conflict and change. Women tend to just exist as they are, only impacted by external forces. They don't make conscious decisions to do things, or have their minds change, or grow into something different. They just ARE, flat characters.
Men, meanwhile, get to be tormented. Get to decide to work harder and then ultimately prove themselves. Get to be tempted by bad people, and make bad decisions, but ultimately show that they are capable of trying and working hard and doing better. It's not so much that men are allowed to be bad, as that men are allowed to consist of multitudes. Women usually just have to be one thing, and that's it.
And who is it who changes the most over the course of the movie? Who gets the big internal shift? Who has their understanding of reality challenged, and is affected by it, and makes decisions based on that, and faces the consequences of those decisions, and then ultimately decides to reverse things? It's Ken. It's just Ken.
I don't think it's super bad or regressive that Barbie starts out in an existential crisis and then just sorta ends that way. I think that's actually insightful, that mental illness can't so easily be overcome, that sometimes you really are changed by something and then can never make things 'normal' again.
But it's often pointed out that the relationship between the real-world mother and daughter never really sorta... goes very far. They disagree, but then the daughter shows sympathy to her mother, and that's pretty much it. We don't see much real change or conflict or true acrimony between them. We don't get a sense for internal thought processes. Of course, they're just side characters. But it adds to the whole of the movie and what the writers are comfortable doing with male vs female characters.
That the men are treated like babies for having feelings (despite being the oppressed group, in most cases here) is... discomfiting. But the sympathetic ending really does feel like a result of us only really being comfortable telling stories about men acting badly and being redeemed. Seen another way, yeah: men are allowed to act like babies and be forgiven. Barbie doesn't have the courage to do the same for women, even while decrying that same ideology. Not even at the very end.
Surely there has to be a better way to do this? Surely we can tell a story about women being expected to be perfect without them all actually being mostly flawless and Normal? Surely we can tell a story about the things men really struggle with, their problems that aren't taken seriously, without mocking all of them but then sighing and shrugging and going 'welll but we should be nice anyway :)'
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