kigens-art · 2 years
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Based on true story me with my bf while watching Batman 
follow my other social medias:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kigenartz
IG https://www.instagram.com/kigenartz/?hl=en
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jennhope12-blog · 7 years
Can’t sleep, brain won’t shut off....sleeping meds not helping me fall asleep so that’s not good. I’m exhausted and today was emotion again so I just wanna sleep. Hope you and I both get some! Night! #cantsleep #sleepingissues #brainwontshutoff #mentallyill #bpdisorder #borderlinepersonality #exhausted #tired #tryingtosleep #invisibleillness #yournotalone #depressivedisorder #depressionsucks #personalitydisorder #ptsd #mentalillnesswarrior #mentalhealth #mystory #myexpirience #realshit
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kathehfit · 7 years
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Tomorrow will go live on Instagram! At 11 am Est. I will be talking about super Saturday! And will talk about news and updates for Beachbody! New and exciting new are on the raise!!!! I will answer any questions you may have I welcome you to join me tomorrow! Please share with your friends. #liveoninstagram #beachbodyphilly #beachbody #teambeachbody #fitness #healthylifestyle #supersaturday #iamteambeachbody #coach #myexpirience #news #updates #pickaprogram #newprograms #newproducts #newlook
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jennhope12-blog · 7 years
Therapy group support session #2 and I’m a mess since last night just thinking about it. Was Uber emotional last time, I was super triggered. But those people that have strength to share and open up I’m in such awe of... so brave. Here goes nothing.... #therapy #supportgroup #mentalhealthawareness #mentallyill #mentalillness #mentalillnesswarrior #borderlinepersonality #bpdisorder #bpd #boldlybpd #tryingtogetbetter #learning #sharingmystory #myexpirience #blogger #vlogger #stigmafighter #realshit #emotional #reallife #yournotalone #invisibleillness #depressionsucks #wecandoit
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jennhope12-blog · 7 years
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#bpdthoughts #borderlinepersonality #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #borderlinepersonalitydisorderproblems #bpdmom #bpdblogger #bpdwarrior #boldlybpd #quotes #truth #tryingtobereal #myexpirience #feelthis #mentallyill #mentalhealth #mentalillness #invisibleillness #yournotalone
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jennhope12-blog · 7 years
There’s some seriously crappy and hard choices that need to be made on this recovery journey. And it sucks, I shouldn’t have to choose between my health mental or otherwise and taking care of my family. That makes no sense and yet that’s reality. So here I am at a familiar crossroads and all it does is add stress I’m supposed to be lessening in my life! No quick fixes on this journey I’m learning.... #mentallyill #mentalhealth #hardchoices #workingonmyself #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #bpdisorder #boldlybpd #learning #growing #tryingtoadult #tryingtogetbetter #yournotalone #mystory #myexpirience #yegblogger #fighter #mentalillnessawareness #invisibleillness #survivor
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jennhope12-blog · 7 years
It’s a me thing, I want approval or a pat on the back. I want to know people support me and that I’m doing a good job. But that’s a me issue.... I shouldn’t need approval or a pat on the back. Just doing my blogs my vlogs should be good enough. But I want to feel I’m special, I want things to be about me. It’s a me issue. I’m working on it, but it’ll take more work than maybe even I thought. I take it so personally when I do something like get a blog post published on sick not weak or my writing for Healthy Minds Canada and it feels like nobody cares. Like it’s something everyone can do or does. And hell maybe it is... again it’s a me issue. Just my getting my story out and helping others not feel alone should be enough. It is,somewhere inside! Me issue!! #mentalillness #mentallyill #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #borderlinepersonalityrecovery #borderlinepersonalitydisorderproblems #bpdmom #bpdblogger #boldlybpd #sharingmystory #myexpirience #yournotalone #meissue #attentionseeker #blogger #vlogger #poet #writer #tryingtogetbetter #learning #fighting #stigmafighter #advocate
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jennhope12-blog · 7 years
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I will use myself as an example. My hubby took this rare pick of me smiling and posing... I never do this. My husband is a great photographer but I'm not into myself. I gained 50lbs on my last round of meds and now I don't know who I am inside or out. But I'm trying to remember that I have those in my life that love me. That will hold those memories close when I'm not with them anymore. So I'm trying to move out of my own self loathing and remember that I'm making memories for those I love. I hate this picture.... HATE it but only because it's of me and that's my own issue to work past. But those that love me deserve to have pictures and memories. I want that for them and for me. One day I'll look back and feel differently. Or at least that's the goal.#sharingmystory #myexpirience #stigmafighter #mentalhealth #mentalillness #mentallyill #bpd #boldlybpd #selfimage #learning #tryingtogetbetter #makememories #lookpastyourself #blogger #vlogger #mom #wife #workingonmyself #yournotalone #fighter
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jennhope12-blog · 7 years
Don't mind the crazy hair lol.... today's been a good day. I got out for a nice long walk with the hubby and my fur baby Lucy. Took a bit to convince me but once your out and walking on a beautiful day it feels good. And I had my first #blogpost for @healthymindscanada published today!! And that's exciting.... I'm trying to hold onto the joy these things bring. I'm struggling but I am trying. Good things happen in their own time.... and good things do happen!! Have a good day guys!! #mentalhealth #mentalbattle #mentalillness #mentallyill #bpd #bpdfighter #boldlybpd #advocate #gotoutside #goodthingshappening #tryingtogetbetter #learning #invisibleillness #yegblogger #vlogger #poet #stigmafighter #fighter #sharingmystory #myexpirience
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jennhope12-blog · 7 years
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Find and follow me on Facebook!! Just a girl with BPD sharing her story.... share with someone that might benefit from my ramblings!! Let's connect and let's help each other!! #myexpirience #facebookpage #facebook #boldlybpd #mentalhealth #mentalillness #sharingmystory #learning #advocate #vlogger #blogger #yegvlogger #poet #wordpressblogger #writer #mom #wife #bpdgirl #survivor
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jennhope12-blog · 7 years
Job interview tomorrow, I feel like I've had a few of those this year and that's not normal for me. I'm having a hard time juggling being a responsible parent , adult and being stuck in a child like immaturity..... I know I need to work to take care of my family to keep a sense of being a human. But I can't say I don't wish I could just stay home do therapy and fix me. It's a hard balance I'm still trying to figure out.... but here's hoping this new opportunity will be just enough I can do it and not be overwhelmed. I hate letting myself and people down. #tryingtobereal #tryingtogetbetter #tryingtoadult #adulting #mentallyill #mentalillness #bpd #bpdproblems #fighting #fighter #invisibleillness #responsibility #blogger #vlogger #mother #wife #poet #findingmyself #mystory #myexpirience
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jennhope12-blog · 7 years
Medication upped in dosage, so I guess we shall see. But it's hard cause my doctor just isn't educated in this area and so it's like I'm learning with her and that's a bit aggravating, I know she means well and she's trying. I just know I need more then meds I need therapy and stuff. I'm not doing good and I just hate that I feel I have to be in the hospital to be heard. Why should it take me being that ill, that defeated. But on goes the battle..... I just want to feel better. #mentallyill #mentalbattle #mentalillness #boldlybpd #bpd #bpdthoughts #fighter #tryingtobereal #tryingtogetbetter #medication #learning #education #blogger #vlogger #mystory #myexpirience #sharingmystory #advocate #invisibleillness #yournotalone
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jennhope12-blog · 7 years
Love is hard, for everyone!!! But add mental illness and well it feels hopeless. I mean who would want to be with someone that falls apart all the time, someone that is a different person day to day?? It's hard. And we look for reasons for things to be wrong, for reasons to push away or not trust. We sabotage everything else in our life so of course we would in love too. But it is out there and it is possible. I've been with my hubby for 19 years and I promise bpd and mental illness were not on the agenda when he signed up. But it's part of me and he loves me so even though we fight, he doesn't understand sometimes doesn't want to. Even though it hurts him and he wants me to just be ok. Even though there's a million reasons to leave he chooses to stay. And Ive felt that feeling of ill never find someone, I'll never find love... I really did. But I was wrong and when I stopped looking it found me. It's not easy or pretty but it's possible!! Don't give up!!! Love is somewhere for you!❤️#mentallyill #mystory #mentalillness #bpd #bpdwarrior #bpdthoughts #boldlybpd #fighter #advocate #foundlove #canhappen #yournotalone #vlogger #blogger #invisibleillness #possibilities #tryingtobereal #tryingtogetbetter #learning #sharingmystory #myexpirience
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jennhope12-blog · 7 years
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Outside, how I love outside! Fall is my favourite, the smells the colours the crisp air in the morning and evening. Just wish it didn’t take almost all morning just to get out of bed. That I didn’t second guess doing anything all day. That the voice in my head wasn’t trying to sabotage my day my productivity. It feels good to get up and get out even if to the bank and store... but that damn voice hates when I even try!! Everyday battle!! Today I won.... kind of!🙄😊 #mentallyill #mentalbattle #mentalhealth #yournotalone #invisibleillness #borderlinepersonality #borderlinepersonalitydisorder #bpd #boldlybpd #depression #outside #lovefall🍁 #feelsgood #tryingtoadult #tryingtogetbetter #learning #advocate #sharingmystory #myexpirience #blogger #vlogger #writer #poet #mother #wife #survivor
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jennhope12-blog · 7 years
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I’m so guilty of this, I’ve been every colour of the rainbow.... I’m settled into blonde right now (sort of my natural colour)..... but I can’t say if it’ll last more than a few months!! P.S I love this colour on the picture!! Hmmmm. #dyinghair #alwayschanging #nosenseofself #mentalillnesswarrior #mentalhealthadvocate #mentallyill #depressivedisorder #depression #ptsd #anxiety #borderlinepersonalitydisorderproblems #bpd #boldlybpd #yournotalone #invisibleillness #blogger #myexpirience #mystory #thoughts #bpdthoughts
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jennhope12-blog · 7 years
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It’s hard to not have relationships with close family. I’ve missed out and now my kids are too. I’m so sorry me myself and I are the reason they feel excluded. The reason people keep their distance. Breaks my heart! #family #missingout #mydisorder #bpd #boldlybpd #mentallyill #mentalillness #myfeelings #myexpirience #mystory #yournotalone #invisibleillness #depressivedisorder #depression
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