#n driving really way too fast around my neighbourhood with people
loverboybitch · 2 years
had like 800 dreams at once last night i am feeling insane.//.
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ihavenocluedude · 3 years
Star-filled eyes
Fezco x Reader
Link to reading it on Ao3 
Link to masterlist      Link to Fezco masterlist
Word Count - 3898
Gender Neutral - no pronouns or gender mentioned at all... I don’t think at least
No warnings needed, just fluffiness imo
A/N - My first Euphoria fic... damn... Honestly I’ve been obessed with reading Fez x reader stuff the last few days so ehm... This is my contribution to it all :)  Imma add Fez to my requestable characters thingy but idk if I’ll add any other of the characters??? 
I think I saw someone describe the shop scene as his eyes being like filled with stars or stardust and that just latched onto my brain. And so here we have this (I mean just look at his eyes omfg). So uhm thank you to whoever I saw write that in some post :)
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It was almost easy to see when Fezco had a true interest in someone. Or maybe better described, had started crushing on someone, hard. The way his eyes seemed to contain the stars when he looked at them. The way his cheeks flushed slightly and the corners of his lips quirked upwards. It was subtle but still somehow easy to tell just by those signs. 
However, you had never expected those eyes containing stars to be aimed at you. You had seen them throughout the years. Aimed at others. Not that often but still aimed at everything from crushes to his first girlfriend. You had been there throughout all of that. But then one day you saw it aimed at you. The flushed cheeks, his eyes looking especially starry, stuttering through a word or two in a slightly more awkward tone than usual. 
It had happened on a night with just the two of you, he had been busy lately but you practically forced him into spending an hour or two just the two of you. Silence and a spot to look over the town that both of you grew up in. 
It had been quite a long drive, trying to find something that overlooked East Highland more than just a slow uphill road. But then you found it, a parking lot, placed higher than most of the town at least. It wasn’t a steep hill beside it or anything. More like a slightly steep slope down to the small winding road that had led up to the neighbourhood you had found the parking lot in. So there you sat at the top edge of the slope whilst the sun started lowering into the horizon. You had parked the car close so that you could use it as a backrest.
Most of the time went by without even talking, just spending the time listening to the sound of the town around you. Cars going way too fast for a town where most of the younger population of the town biked a lot. Once or twice you’d look at each other. Not out of concern or worry but just admiring and relishing in the peace that could happen just for a small amount of time. 
There hadn’t been a lot of peace lately. Big scary moments that you’d often learn about after they happened. You had known Fez for years but he never let you come with on the bigger deals or higher-up sort of dealings, just mostly parties and such. But that didn’t mean that you hadn’t seen scary situations because of him. You had seen people overdosing, seen people get beat up, seen Fez get hit as well as seen him hit someone else.
But in this moment, all of that could just fuck off.
It was just you and him. Probably getting dirt onto your clothing from sitting on the dirt-edge of the parking lot. Laying your head onto his shoulder after some time passed, wanting to be closer to him. 
Physical affections weren’t really that rare between the two of you but they also weren’t that frequent. He hugged you whenever he had been in scarier-than-usual situations, or if you had seen him in a fight. You usually run your hand once over his buzz-cut affectionately every once in a while. Most often when he was sitting in some ratty couch at a party and you had been walking around or danced or been somewhere else than right beside him. Using it almost like a greeting, a small ”I’m here now”.  
But this was slightly different. It reminded you of when the two of you were younger. Whilst you and Fez aren’t quite the same age, you just a few small years younger than him, you had met in middleschool. He had seen you and accepted you as a friend quickly. He had a gift for that. Seeing people that didn’t have anyone else and caring for them. His grandma sometimes came to pick both of you up from school. Fez was allowed to sit in the front with her but wanted to sit in the back with you. During those moments you often sat as you did now. Closely together, your head resting on his shoulder. 
It reminded you of that but it also made your stomach clench slightly in nervousness. Which confused you just slightly. It was Fez. Just Fez, whose house you had practically lived at a couple of times, a few days at a time. Fez who had protected you from everyone who had ever hurt you. Fez who had made it so that many more weren’t even able to hurt you. Fez who you had known for years and sat in the back of his Grandma’s car with in a similar position as this. 
But at the same time the clench of your stomach was almost expected, because it was also Fez. The Fez that made your cheeks flush when he complimented how you were looking. The Fez that pushed stray hairstrands back from your face and grinned at you when you looked at him after. The Fez that made your whole being lock up in jealousy when you saw him looking with starry eyes at someone else. 
So there you sat with your head on his shoulder, both of your backs against the front of your car. However almost fully leaning onto Fez once you relaxed into the small physical affection you had allowed yourself. Your knees up as you didn’t want your feet to fall asleep again like they had begun to do a while ago. The moment felt like a video buffering for a second. A small quiet gasp of air before you relaxed. And then he brought his hand up onto your knee. His thumb stroking your knee from the first second of it even being on there. 
And then he had looked at you. 
And there you saw it. 
The eyes full of stars, the typical smile and flushed cheeks. 
”Don’t look at me like that.” Slipped out before you even could think about it, a small chuckle along with it. Swatting his arm softly. 
”L-…like what?” He asked with the smile even more prominent. The dreamy look in his eyes still there but a bit more focused than a second ago. 
”You know…” You trailed off with your voice, gesturing towards his face quickly before looking away from him. You didn’t want to explain how you had seen that look on his face before. That you knew what it meant. It wasn’t even as if you didn’t want him to look at you like that, you always had. But faced with the actual situation, you didn’t know what the hell to say. 
It had simply bubbled up out of nowhere. 
”No, I don’.” He chuckled, shaking his head before looking out at the view. Now the air was charged. A tension in the air that wasn’t uncomfortable but also just urged you to do something. 
But he did before you even had the chance to, his hand slipping off of your knee, angling his arm in a way that pushed your head off his shoulder and slightly forward before he slipped his arm behind your head. Your knee slightly more cold than a few seconds before, but so worth it for the feeling of this. The feeling of his arm around you. His warmth and the scent of him surrounding you. 
No more words uttered once again as you slipped your arm that was furthest from him to rest against his torso, practically hugging him against you. Bringing you even closer, your head just resting almost right below his. 
”You good?” 
”’m Perfect.” you mumbled, as you nuzzled your head lightly against him. The tension was still there, almost feeling like a chanting crowd sat at the bottom of the sloped hill, chanting for you to do something more. 
You sat there like that for as long as you could. 
After just a short time your arm became tired of hugging him against you so instead both of your hands sank down and rested in his lap, taking the hand of his that wasn’t doing anything and playing with it. One of your hands holding his hand palm-up whilst the other traced his palm with your nails. 
A while later your knees started slumping and turning a bit more towards him, before finally resting them against his thighs. Feeling as if you’d lay completely against him if it wasn’t for the front of your car supporting your backs. Pulling up your hands and his to rest on your thigh to have it even closer than before. Still tracing the lines on his palm, sometimes just letting the tops of your fingers stroke against his slightly tougher skin. 
More time passed and before you knew it the sun had set and it started to get colder in the air. You had spent more time on this parking lot than what had been planned. But you also didn’t want to budge from the spot you almost felt cemented to. 
”We should go.” 
”Do we have to?” 
”No, but we should.” 
”Then just a little while longer.” You begged with a small smile, leaning your head against his arm more so that you actually could see his face. And there the look still was. It was going to kill you soon. You had daydreamed about a moment where he would look at you like that and now he just was. But you couldn’t possibly do what you had in your daydreams. You couldn’t just kiss him like your response often was in the daydreams. It wasn’t that easy. 
So you shuffled your head back into the space just slightly to the side of his head. Now nuzzling into the crook of his neck as well as you could. Feeling, more than hearing, the deep breath he took. 
”Just a little while longer.” He chuckled softly, his arm around you pulling you in just even slightly more closer. Arching his head so that he could kiss the side of your head. Making you shudder slightly. 
”You sure about a little longer? You not cold?” He asked in response of feeling the way you shuddered at his act of affection. As if it wasn’t just for that reason but the coldness that was creeping in now that the sun had set. 
”’m fine. ’m perfect.” You mumbled back, repeating your phrase from before. You didn’t want to leave this moment that still felt like a daydream. 
It took half an hour for the cold to actually get to you and making you shudder without Fez doing anything. 
”C’mon.” He simply said before taking his hand back from your hands and raising his arm off of your shoulders, standing up quickly before extending a hand down to you. 
”Let’s go.” He continued as you took his hand and he helped you up. The imaginary crowd at the bottom of the slope boo-ed and so did your heart.
--- — ---
“You wanna stay over?” He asked once you reached his house, parking right outside it. 
”I don’t know.” You shrugged, not wanting to make the decision yourself. Your mind was racing from before as it was. Spending the night might just make your thoughts speed up even more.
”C’mon,” He smirked at you ”stay? Please?” He added, making you look over at him. The expression practically the same as in the parking lot. 
”Fine Fezco.” You teased as you drove the car over to the nearest parking spot. 
In practically no time at all the two of you stood at his front door, him fishing out the key before opening the door. This was your second home. A place you could run to in the middle of the night and feel more safe in than your actual home. Even if it actually was a bit more known by bad people and more dangerous to be in than yours was. That fact never stopped you when all you wanted was to be in a close proximity to Fez. 
”Can you help me with the couch?” You asked softly, going over to the kitchen to drink some water before making up the couch to sleep in. 
”Why don’ you just sleep in my room?” Fez’s question almost made you spit out your water in shock. You hadn’t ever actually slept in his room. You had napped on his bed sometimes when he was doing small deals in the livingroom or you guys had been hanging out the whole day and you needed to sleep a bit before heading over to a party. But he had never been in the bed beside you. 
”You sure?” You asked tentatively, ready for him to just completely change his mind and shut you out to sleep on the couch. You had never minded the couch… not until this moment when you were offered to sleep next to him. He hummed in an affirmative tone before he walked into his bedroom. You gave him a bit of time, chugging down another glass of water that you wouldn’t sort of choke on out of surprise this time. And then you followed into his room. 
It was later than you had at first figured it to be, so Ash was definitely in his room, either playing on his phone and texting his friends or sleeping. If he had been in the livingroom he would’ve probably offered to make up the couch for you, leaving the possibility of Fez’s bed to not even be a possibility. So you were sort of grateful even if you missed the kid too. And you did know that in the morning both you and Fez would probably be teased even if nothing were to happen within the bed. 
The simple act of bed-sharing would be teased to the moon and back and then Rue would probably hear it too once the four of you hung out next… and then…
You need to shake these thoughts out. You don’t need more anxious thoughts on top of the simple but anxious act of climbing into a bed with Fez in it. 
Once you got into the room Fez had already taken off the sweater he had worn during the day, the long sleeved t-shirt under it getting slightly bunched at his neck before sinking down again. 
”Hi.” You said quietly, simply informing him that you were in the room, not wanting to accidentally scare him or anything. 
”You need something?” Your heart cracked a little, ”To like sleep in?” And you felt as if you had just had a heart attack only to be brought back with a defibrillator. Adrenaline rushing through you just for a second before starting to nod.
”Yea please.” Your voice sounded more tentative than you ever had heard it before, even if you felt like your heart and mind and daydreams were pleading for a shirt of his to sleep in. 
”Here.” He said before tossing over a t-shirt that you recognized immediately. 
”This one? Really?” 
”No… ’s nothing.” You replied quickly, sitting down on the bed, placing your phone on the nightstand next to you before pulling your shoes off and then the rest of your clothes before slipping the shirt over your head. Leaving you in your underwear and the shirt you had seen the two exes of his wear before. Hence the comment. First the look and now the shirt? 
The look you had begged for, wished for, daydreamed about. The shirt you almost wanted to burn. The amount of times that you had seen someone else style it or just slip it on before heading out with your Fez… it had always just made your heart clutch lightly in pain and jealousy. 
You kicked your clothes slightly away from the bed before standing up and walking out of the room to the bathroom that had your spare toothbrush. Brushing your teeth quickly and splashing your face with some water, drying it and then walking back into his bedroom. And there he sat on one side of the bed, in a different shirt, sweatpants instead of the jeans he wore earlier. He sat on top of the covers, checking his phone whilst smoking. 
You uncovered the side of the bed that you were going to sleep on and sat down, picking up your phone, sending a short text to your parents that you were sleeping over at Fez’s. 
They didn’t necessarily love him or his grandma and definitely not Ashtray’s name. But they had also been there throughout your whole friendship. They had seen you grow up together and how he protected you and heard the way you talked about him. Even if they wanted to separate the two of you, they also knew they couldn’t really. So they accepted the tall, ginger, freckled guy into their lives as well. Always automatically opening the door into their home whenever he came over to yours. As well as simply responding to texts like the one you just sent with a thumbs up emoji. 
You put on ’do not disturb’ before laying down in the bed. Instantly going to fix the pillow under your head, turning to your side to face where Fez sits. 
”You okay?” You ask quietly, pulling the duvet on top of yourself. He nods and hums an affirmative, pokes a bit more onto his phone, taking a long drag more of his smoke before placing both down onto the nightstand next to him. Fixing his phone so it’ll charge and putting out the glow out of his smoke on the little ashtray. He gets up for a second to get under the covers and slides in in front of you. 
The aspect of climbing into the bed when Fez was already laying down was anxious as it was but Fez climbing into the bed whilst you laid there… Felt like even more tension building up. He faced you as well. You simply laid there, looking at him, eyes flickering to different spots of his face. 
Your hand reached out to his face without even thinking about it, placing your hand on the side of his face, stroking his cheek softly with your thumb whilst your fingers scratched his beard. 
”C’mere.” His voice was even softer than usual. And whilst you did crawl a little closer on the bed your hand going away from his face to get closer more easily, you also started to overthink. Was this how it was for the people he hooked up with. Was this always how it had been like to share a bed with Mr Fezco himself? How many times had you daydreamed about a similar scenario? Daydreamed about getting to crawl closer to him and stroke his cheek, run your hand over his buzz-cut more than just once. 
”Stop thinkin.” He mumbles softly with a small smile before using the arm that was still sort of out-reached towards him to drag you even closer. Placing his closest arm under your head again. The hand that had dragged you even closer placing your other arm over his chest before starting to play with your hand like you had played with his earlier. 
”What changed?” You ask softly, your heart beating even faster as you for the first time addressed how the two of you acted differently tonight. 
”Nothin, nothin at all. Maybe we’re jus’ ready for it now?” His hand stopped playing with your hand, slipping up to stroke your cheek like you had done to him earlier as well.
”You think?” You question, you hadn’t ever thought that he knew how you felt towards him. But at the same time it could’ve probably been the most obvious thing in the whole town. Or Fez simply saw that you had looked at him with similarly star-filled eyes for years now. 
”Why weren’t we?” 
”I don’ know, baby.” He mumbles, using his hand to tilt your head up to look at him. ”Do you feel ready for it now?” 
”I’ve been ready.” 
”Oh really?” He teases with a small laugh, leaning his head down towards yours, touching his nose to yours. ”You been ready, huh?” 
”Since day one.” 
”I don’t believe that for a second, baby.”
”Reasons…” His voice trails off as he gets even closer to you, placing a short peck to your lips before you can argue back. Just getting a taste of your lips shortly before he gets lost in you. Getting at least one sweet kiss before he gets needy. He’s been waiting for this. And so he leans in again, kissing you deeper, slightly tougher. The way he’s always wanted to kiss you. The way he’s longed to kiss you for some time now. 
It took a long while for his crush on you to develop and when it first did he felt awkward about it. He had seen you as just family for quite a long time before you changed completely in his eyes. 
Though he always thought that maybe his mind knew from the start, knew that sometime in the future he’d fall in love with you. His mind didn’t need to adjust so much to the thought after all. As if his mind had planned for him to fall in love for real at the right time. 
That was the way he knew he had to bide his time. Wait for the both of you to be ready. So he kept his star-filled glances at you to when you looked away. He tried and succeeded with dating others, even if the reason of the breakup often was more than he let on. He bided his time, he knew that he couldn’t force it to happen. Even if he saw how you looked at him or how you reacted to him. 
He knew that he couldn’t ask you out to some date that he guessed would feel like the two of you drowning in awkward feelings during it. He waited for a moment like tonight when it felt natural. When it was just the two of you. When he could cuddle and hug you without there being a reason. When he could lean down to you and kiss you like his dreams had plagued him about for some time now. 
”Maybe I wasn’t before, but I am now.” You whisper softly when your lips part from each other. He nods with a small satisfied smile on his face. He hums affirmatively. 
”Good, I’ve been waiting for you.” 
”I’ve been waiting for you too.” 
”You’ve been getting ready.” He corrects with a chuckle.
”Why this shirt though?” You question with slight annoyance at the thought of his two exes that you also had seen wearing it. 
”Just’ve always thought of you in it.” 
”But you let them wear it too.” 
”Oh? You jealous?”
”Of course I am.” His teasing tone hadn’t been lost on you but you answer truthfully.
”It looks better on you.” 
”Damn right it does.” You chuckle even with the your cheeks flushing, feeling warmer than before at the compliment he placed. ”Is it mine now?” You ask, hoping that your true sentence ’are you mine now?’ is visible within the question. 
”Yea. Just yours.” He mumbles before leaning in again. 
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lavenderjacobs · 4 years
fluff alphabet - karl jacobs
tw; none just pure fluff >.< wc; 2K pronouns; tried my best to make it gender neutral <3
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A=Attractive (What do they find most attractive in a partner?) 
Karl just loves looking at your pretty face. He loves the familiar feeling he gets when he looks at you. He loves your nose and how it feels under his fingers. He loves the way your face fits perfectly on his shoulder. He loves cupping your face with his hands and looking into your eyes. It might be really cheesy, but Karl also just adores your smile. This man just melts at the way you’re entire face lights up when you laugh.
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B=Best memory (Their favourite memory of you) 
Karl is a simple man lmao. Obviously he loves going out and doing fun things with you. But he would way rather enjoy your company in private. Just the two of you. His favourite memories of being with you probably consist of being cuddled up and completely devoured by blankets while watching a movie. Or you sitting on his lap while he plays Minecraft, struggling to stay awake while he keeps planting little kisses on the top of your head. 
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C=Cuddles  (What type of cuddles do they like?) 
OMG KARL IS SUCH A HOE FOR CUDDLES. Whenever you two lay in bed together he just holds you so close to him the entire time. He just loves feeling you so close to him and knowing that you’re safe and happy. He loves being bigger spoon so he can wrap his arms around you and rest his head on top of yours, but he definitely won’t complain about being little spoon either. He loves resting his head on your chest, just listening to your heartbeat as he has his arms wrapped around your waist. 
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D=Dirty mind (Do they have a dirty mind?) 
Karl definitely has a dirty mind oops. He is very open about it too. He can be very soft with you but when he’s whore knee he just wants to have his way with you. That can mean planting sloppy kisses on your neck from behind you while your just minding your business in the kitchen, or giving you ‘that’ look when you come out of the shower with just a towel wrapped around your body.
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E=Effort (How much effort do they put in the relationship?) 
Karl is on it 24/7 to make sure your happy. He loves planning little dates, even if it’s just a walmart run or a drive around the neighbourhood, he just wants to spend time with you. Whenever you’re going through a tough time he will drop everything to make sure you’re okay. For example he could be streaming, and you would text him saying you’re sad, not knowing he would be streaming, and he’d just end the stream right there to go spoil you with cuddles and loving words.  
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F=First date (What was your first date together) 
Your pre-dating relationship was probably either a friends to lovers one, or an enemies to lovers one. Constantly teasing each other but everyone, including your friends, would know what was really going on. You probably got tricked into going on a date with him for the first time, both acting like you hated it but secretly falling harder and harder for each other with every second. 
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G=Gentle (How gentle are they with you?) 
This dude literally treats you like he could break you. He hold your hands like they’re little butterflies and plants the softest kisses on your forehead. He’s also super protective and possessive of you. He hates the thought of you going out alone, and whenever you two are at a party or something he’s just constantly holding your hand or having his arm wrapped around you, to show you’re his.
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H=Hands (Do they have nice hands?)
To be honest, Karl’s hands are probably one of his best features. He takes such good care of them and loves wearing rings. He also loves wearing black nail polish, and constantly wants you to polish his nails for him. He could easily do it himself but that’s not the point lol
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I=Impression (What was their first impression?)
The first time Karl saw you walk into a room he lost his breath for a second no joke. He was just so taken aback by your charming attitude and thought you were the most gorgeous person he had ever seen. He just immediately walked up to you to ask you for your name. 
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J=Jealousy (Do they get jealous often? If so what do they do?)
Karl is such a pouty little jealous boy. He gets really whiney and needy in public when you’re not giving him enough attention. Whenever he sees someone hitting on you, he just gets extra lovey-dovey with you, wanting to make sure everyone knows you’re his. You would know exactly what was going on but just play along with it. One time you joined him on a filming day with the mr beast crew. All the boys would give you lots of attention, making flirty jokes mostly just to mess with Karl. Which worked because oh my god you had never seen him so touchy. You would ask him what was up and he would act like nothing was bothering him. “I’m fine why? Am i not allowed to show affection to my gf/bf/so anymore?” 
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K=Kisses (What type of kisses do they like/give?)
Anything that has to do with touching you, Karl is a sucker for. (have I mentioned this man’s love language is 100% physical touch?) He litarally kisses your neck or forehead every 5 seconds, it’s just his way of showing he’s there. He doesn’t shy away from pda either. He won’t hasitate to kiss you passionately in front of a crowd of people. He doesn’t care who’s watching, all he cares about is you. 
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L=Love  (Do they show their love?) 
As I said, this dude’s love language is definitely physical touch. After that probably comes quality time. He will get super pouty if the two of you haven’t gotten to properly spend time with each other for a while. For example, whenever you’re on your laptop working on something for school or work he will get super whiney, constantly begging for you to get off your laptop and come cuddle with him. He’s less good at expressing his love through words of affection. Obviously, this man tells you he loves you all of the time, but he gets scared about having deep conversations about your relationship, he’s just scared he’ll say something stupid and mess it all up.
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M=Memory: (Their favourite memory in general?)
His favourite memory in general 100% has something to do with you. If he had to pick one, it would probably be that one time he introduced you to all his friends from the SMP. He’d be on a videocall on discord with Dream, George, Sapnap, Alex, Tommy, and Wilbur. They had been begging to meet you since forever, but he always said no, because he was scared they’d say something to embarrass him. But after some persuasion of you, he finally gave in. “HOLY FUCK I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU’RE REAL THATS SO POGGERSS!” Alex yelled when you joined the call and sat next to Karl. You burst out laughing. You all just played Minecraft and messed around with each other for that night. All of Karl’s friends really liked you, and Karl himself couldn’t be prouder. 
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N=Nickname  (What nicknames do they call you?)  
He has practically replaced your real name with “Baby” at this point. He loves calling you baby or babe in front of other people to show that you’re his. But when it’s just the two of you he would definitely be the type of guy to call you something really cheesy like sweetheart or darling. You love it tho :)
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O=Over  (What happened the one time you ‘broke up’?)
The only thing you and Karl would ever fight about would be whenever your schedules would clash and you would spend less time together because of work/school. A lack of communication and both being exhausted lead to a huge fight once. Ending with you both thinking it just wasn’t gonna work out like this. You had slept in a nearby hotel for a night or two, basically crying yourself to sleep every night, because Karl wasn’t laying next to you. After a few days of both being miserable you realized that the two of you are meant for each other. You showed up to your house again, and almost tackled Karl with how fast you ran into his arms. “I’m never letting you go again.” He whispered in your ear. 
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P=Parents (What would they be like as a parent?)
You and Karl both think it’s too early to have children, but you love just having endless conversations about how amazing it would be to have a little baby of your own. Just fantasizing about showing the little thing off to all of your friends, thinking of ridiculous baby-names together. Everytime you have these types of conversations you just melt at the thought of Karl actually being a dad one day. He’d be perfect for it. 
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Q=Quirk (Something special about them)
I’m not saying homeboy has abandonment issues but....whenever you get up in the middle of the night to go get some water or something, he either gets very twitchy in his sleep, or wakes up right away and asks you where you’re going. “Y/N?” He says with a sleepy voice. You reach out for his face in the dark and gently ruffle your fingers through his hair. “Only getting some water baby, I’ll be right back.” You reassure him. 
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R=Romantic (How romantic are they?)
Karl doesn’t want things to feel forced. He just wants things to be effortless. Big romantic gestures and fancy restaurants scare him. He has a very specific way of showing his affection to you and you know this, so you don’t expect him to wake you up with breakfast in bed or anything. Making it even more special whenever he does pull something like that. 
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S=Sad (What are they like when they’re sad?)
Karl didn’t really like showing any emotion to you whenever he would be sad, he felt like he’d be bothering you with his problems. But after you explained to him that you just want to be there for him whenever he’s feeling down, he started warming up to you. Sometimes he would just crawl in bed with you hiding his face in your shoulder. You would play with his hair while he talked to you about what bothered him. He always feels so comforted and safe with you.
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T=Together (What are they like when you’re together?)
Karl can be super hyper. Constantly wanting to do stuff like bake cookies or play minecraft with you. You’d obviously always be down to do these types of things with him. But he could also really find the joy in simple things like just watching a movie or getting his nails painted by you. Whenever you would have these types of moments, Karl just keeps cracking little jokes to make you laugh. He also would be telling you how much he loved you every 5 seconds. Just so you know.
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U=Understanding (How understanding and empathetic are they?)
Sometimes Karl can have a little trouble trying to get into your mindset. But he does think it’s super important to know what you’re going through and do his best to help you. Whenever you’re dealing with anxiety or depression, he makes sure to ask you what he can do to help you and be there for you. He tries to do as much research as possible, trying to find the best way to help you.
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V=Value (What do they value most about the relationship?)
Karl cherishes the relationship you have for so many reasons. One of the most important ones being that he can have fun with you. Both understanding each other’s type of humour, finding joy in the same types of things. He just loves that you know and understand exactly how his brain works, because it’s very similar to yours. 
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W=Wedding (Would they want marriage? If so what would they like?)
Karl literally proposed to you 2 months into dating. He knows you’re the one. It’s very clear to him. But after discussing it you both decided that having a wedding would be way too stressful right now. It’s definitely not that you wouldn’t marry him, obviously you would, but you both know that breaking up just isn’t an option, so why go through all that trouble, just to get it on paper? You both agreed on this, but after all Karl just wants to see that ring on your finger, just so he knows you’re his forever.
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X=X-Ray (How well can they read you?)
Earlier in your relationship, Karl would often have trouble reading you, he would be very hyper and touchy with you, and would just be completely oblivious to the fact that you where sad or tired or something. But as he got to know you better, he learned exactly how to tell when you’d be sad. He knew to get you some food, put on a tv show and play with your hair, without you having to tell him you weren’t feeling like going out or doing something extravagant.
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Y=Yuck (What they would never want in a partner)
Karl would hate to be in a relationship with someone who isn’t in it for the same reason as he is. He doesn’t like to ‘date around’. He want’s someone who was a very similar vision of their future, so that’s why he’s so lucky he found you. The most reoccurring arguments you two have are about not agreeing on your future. He finds it very hard to compromise and doesn’t just ‘agree to disagree’. 
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Zzz (How do they sleep around you?)
Karl just has to touch you in some way when he’s sleeping. Having his arms wrapped around you, having his legs intertwined with yours, resting his face in the crook between your head and shoulders, you name it. He also loves to hold hands whenever you two are sleeping. As i said, this man gets very icky about you leaving him when he’s sleeping. So, he just wants to know you’re there. All of the time.
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Can’t escape (the way I love you) ↬a.r
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A/N: This is a repost from my old account :) @th0ttie4tommy​ here you go :)
Warnings: cursing, use of wooden spoon, seX, canon typical voilence-ish)
WC: 3.1K
Summary: after running away from knockemstiff, Arvin finds his way to Cincinnati and finds a girl instead.
Pairing: Arvin Russell x Reader
Masterlist || Taglist
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Sleep didn’t come easy to Arvin now that he was hitchhiking his way to Cincinnati. Flashes of his daddy on the prayer log with his neck cut off, Lenora’s limp body hanging, the preacher bleeding his guts out and even the photograph of the whore- the Sheriff’s little sister- all played in his mind like a broken record.
Sighing, he leaned back on the seat and watched the long haired driver honk on the ongoing vehicles, the noises sending shards of pain up his skull. He really wanted to sleep, and maybe smoke a cigarette, but he didn’t want to think about the possibilities of what would happen if he slept in a random stranger’s truck.
Just the thought of sleep reminded him of the old man and the whore’s faces, making him sit up straight.
“You okay there boy?” The long haired man raised an eyebrow, looking at him from the corner of his eye.
Arvin shook his head, wincing at the movement as his sore body struggled to not give in to the strong pull of sleep.
“I’m good. How far away are we from the city?” He asked, gritting his teeth as he saw the Sheriff’s car go past them.
“We have a long way to go. Why don’t you take a shut eye meanwhile?” The driver said.
“No thank you. I’ll stay awake. Sleep is for the week and all.” He mumbled, fixing his cap.
“Okay, if you say so” The driver responded, shrugging and continued driving.
Arvin looked out of the window, watched as the trees passed by, a lonely dog making a trek as it wiggled it’s tail. His heart gave a thump, chest aching as the dog reminded him of Jack. He really missed the mutt, he didn’t deserve the death it got.
Pulling his cap over his eyes, he squinted at the slight indication of dawn, the pull of sleep too strong to ignore now. His mouth went slack and neck bobbed with the wobbly rout, a huge yawn leaving him, and before he knew it, he had fallen asleep.
“Hey kid! Wake up!” The man said, shaking out of his sleep. He woke up in a disoriented haze, head throbbing harshly against his skull, body heavy with exhaustion. Sitting up with a gasp, he saw that the man had stopped the truck, panic seizing his lungs. Was that it? Would the driver pull a gun on him just like those Henderson whores had?
Looking around, he noticed a small diner, stomach growling with hunger, as if in response to seeing the place.
“Whe- Where are we?” He said sharply, noticing the driver’s eyes trailing him. He shuddered at the man’s gaze.
“We’re at a rest stop. Figured you might be hungry.” He replied gruffly, getting off the side door, “You comin’ or not boy?”
“Yeah. Yeah I’ll be there.” He whispered. Maybe he could run away from here, hitchhike another ride to the city. His eyes landed on the board on the corner of the road. He was relieved to find that he was already in the city.
Before he knew it though, his feet were carrying him towards the diner, a cigarette making its way to his mouth as an invisible string pulled him towards the small place. He complied, too tired to make anything of the situation.
The bell rang as he opened the door, pushing himself inside before he could think. Taking an empty seat, he leaned on his hands as his heart stuttered to a stop.
Literally stopped.
It felt like he was in a parallel universe filled with coincidences, flashbacks of his old house back in Ohio, his daddy sitting on a ratty stool as he talked about his mama . Because in front of him was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He remembered his daddy telling him how he met his mother in a diner in a small town, just like the one Arvin was in right now.
Throwing away the butt in an ashtray, he tried to speak, but no words came out. He stuttered a small smile, looking at your bright eyes as you said something.
“What do I get for you honey?” You asked in a soft voice, oh your voice was such a melody.
“A coffee would be good.” He finally said, licking his lips and thumbing his wallet nervously. He hadn’t left with much money.
“You look like you need solid food and aspirin.” You smirked, pouring a hot cup of coffee in front of him. You slid a cheesecake, smiling at his surprised expression. “It’s on me.“
"Oh- I uhm. Thank you.” He nodded. He took a bite of the soft dessert, nearly moaning at its sweet taste. His taste buds were jumping from the onslaught of the sweet flavour, sighing as he sipped at the bitter coffee. It was the best food he’d had in a few days.
Turning around in his seat, he saw that the driver was nowhere in sight. Great. He had ditched him. Thankfully he still had his belongings with him.
Turning around again, he fidgeted with his fingers just as you appeared in the line of his sight.
“You’re not from here are you?” You ask, wiping your hands on your apron.
“No. How’d you know?” He raised an eyebrow, a smile appearing on his face.
“Well you look quite lost. Do you have a place to stay?” You leaned forward, the open collar showing just a little bit of your cleavage. He licked his lips, trying not to stare.
“I don’t actually. My ride ditched me.” He shrugged, “thanks for the cheesecake by the way."
"Oh it’s alright. The leftovers go to those bloated buffoons anyway. You looked starved, so I wondered why not?” You collected the cutlery from the other customers, shouting orders at the kitchen for the others. “You say your ride ditched you? My grandma owns a motel not far from here, I could get you a room to stay for s while."
"Oh no no no! That- you’ve already done so much for me and you don’t even know me!” He stumbled. He wasn’t used to this sort of kindness, considering the shit his life took in the past few months.
“It’s no trouble really! I’m just going there after this shift anyway, will probably stay in the penthouse for a while.” You said.
Before he could say anything to confirm or deny your offer, You were removing your apron, handing it to another girl as you hopped over the counter.
Fixing your dress and hair, you go to the back of the kitchen and yell something at the manager, walking out of the house, looking behind and silently asking him to follow.
Arvin tried to follow you, sighing in relief when he found you leaning against the wall in the back. But instead of calling out for you, he scrambled for a cigarette, groaning internally when he found only one left and lit it with a matchstick. Taking a drag, he breathed in the familiar burning in his throat, leaning against a pole.
He felt more than saw you eyeing him from the corner of his eye, heart speeding up like he was in highschool and had a crush on one of the girls or guys. He hadn’t stuck around much to date anyone, but the time he had making out with them was good enough for him.
“My name’s Y/N by the way.” You said, biting your lips as you looked at him.
“Russell Arv- I mean- Arvin Russell.” He stuttered, pulling out the joint from his mouth.
He took a deep breath, letting the silent roads and windy weather calm his racing heart down. He thought about leaving right there, not wanting to get someone who looked as innocent as you did, in a mess like his life was. Before he could walk away though, you were walking towards him, biting your lips.
“Uhh, so my grandma’s place?” You asked nervously.
“You barely know me and you’re letting me stay with you. For all you know, I could be a murderer.” He joked. You chuckled and made a face at him, dragging him to your Cadillac. He followed anyway.
(He almost laughed at how ironic he sounded, shaking his head internally.)
“Thanks for letting me stay Mrs. L/N” He smiled at your grandma as she shook his hands, enthusiastically shoving cookies down his throat and excited that you had brought a boy with you.
“She’s nice."
"She’s the best.”
He intended to stay for a day and hitch a ride, stay far far away from this place. He didn’t want to corrupt these people, he tried to reason. But he couldn’t let go, he just kept interacting.
(A little girl in the neighbourhood liked to play with his hat. He smiled at the small child, surprised to find the unadulterated happiness that radiated off the wee kiddo when he played with her. The people smiled a lot too.)
A day turned to two, two to a week and then nearly a month passed and no one asked him once why he lived with a girl and her grandma.
(Or why he flinched every time he saw a gun or an officer of law walk by).
He also managed to score a job at the diner, for washing the plates. He found that he didn’t mind helping people
You didn’t know how fast time could pass, and as it grew it’s sneaky tendrils, your heart grew a mind of its own as you spent days fantasizing your time with him, of you under him as he fucked you senseless.
Tracing his biceps, you leaned forward, mouth nearly touching his. He cupped your jaw, grabbing your waist and lifted you off the ground, slamming you against the concrete wall and kissed you.
Your mouth tasted like berries, which berries he didn’t know, maybe strawberries, fuck if he cared. Maybe it was your Chapstick.
“Arvin.” You moaned against his mouth, hands reaching for the collar of his shirt as he shoved you against the wall, holding your ass to keep your balance. His tongue swirled around your lips, hands sliding up your legs in a soothing motion.
You could taste the nicotine in his mouth, but you couldn’t be bothered. All you wanted was this beautiful stranger right now. A stranger who you felt like you’ve known your whole life.
“Shh sweetheart, don’t want anyone to hear us would we?” He whispered in your ear, holding his hands over your lips to shush you. You nodded, eyes half closed as you enjoyed the feeling of his rough denim rub against your thighs, the sheer friction of his movements causing heat to pool your gut.
“Arvin,” you moaned softly, running your hands through his hair, “Arvin, wait. I- I know a place."
He stopped for a second, Looking at you with a bewildered expression. "What kind of place?"
You gulped, getting off of him and walking around and outside the master bedroom, making sure no one was in the corridor. Following you, his eyes grew wide as he saw you open a door to a dungeon, switching on the flickering lights to reveal a small square area room.
The room was dimly lit and dusty. It was surrounded by racks but he could not see what was kept in them. In the centre though, was a single obsolete piece of wooden slab surrounded by long rods of metal attached to it. It must have been an old hospital bed- the kind the troops used. It sat flat against the floor. He looked at you again.
"My daddy used to bring things from the war, whips, guns, handcuffs. Everything. Everything.” Your low voice sent chills up his spine. With shaking hands, he scoured the cupboards, wiping off the dust from his fingers as he came across a pair of brass knuckles and handcuffs. Fingering them, he looked at you as you nodded.
“Do you- do you want me to use ‘em? On ya?” He said. He could feel his already hard dick throb painfully almost, the lust in your eyes making him feel things.
“Use them on me Arvin. I wanna feel you use the cold metal against me as you fucked me so hard I couldn’t walk tomorrow.” You suddenly push him against the cupboards, his back hitting with a thud as you traced his chest through his shirt, scrambling to remove off the offending clothing.
You scratched his chest lightly, fingers gliding against his pecs and abs as they clenched, moving in a sensual manner. He was impatient, you could practically smell his excitement in waves. The scent of his cologne was overwhelming in a way that made your insides tingle with your own arousal.
“Fuck- sweetheart.” He whimpered, his legs weak for you, waiting to feel your walls.
Kissing his neck and then chest and nipples, you dig your teeth around the skin, eliciting a moan deep from his throat. You were shaking with anticipation, hastily removing your frock and throwing it to somewhere. He held you for a second, admiring your body and giving you a gratifying look. His hands linger around your chest, unhooking your bra holding them as he kisses your chest while  bending down with trails of kisses down all the way to your tummy.
You pant as he reaches your navel, slender fingers sliding your panties off you as you sigh in relief, ecstatic that you were now fully naked in front of the boy of your desires.
He plunged his fingers inside your dripping core, your legs trembling as he licked off dripping cum from your folds.
“Already wet for me huh? Wait till I use these on you, how will you feel then babygirl? Want me to use them don’t you?” He urges, spreading your legs apart and moving you so that your butt hit the wooden plank. You whimper at the force, back arching as he dribbles your clit with his spit, licking it off you and then standing up. You immediately miss the contact, and thankfully it wasn’t for long before he came back.
He unbuttoned his pants so that he was too fully exposed now, his cock springing out made you crave for it even more now, but before you could do anything, he took your hand, cuffing it to the railing of the plank. You cursed at the tightness, adjusting your wrist so that they wouldn’t hurt. You whimpered when you felt a cold wooden spoon run along your chest. He held the dip of the spoon on top of them leaving indents, his other hand’s thumb kneading into your flesh.
“Is this okay princess? Don’t wanna hurt your pretty little hand. Just wanna hear you moan my name.” He whispered, voice cracking due to the octave it took when you gave a shrill cry of surprise, your other hand clutching at his hair, causing you to lose your balance and falling on your ass.
“I need you Arvin! I need you now please help me!” You cry out, your eyes devoid of tears but your voice showing your emotion. You were hungry, starved and his cock looked delicious. You just wanted him inside.
“A little patience would be appreciated.” He growled against your chest, biting at the sensitive skin. You must have said that out loud.
“I don’t know how much longer I can hold it in me.” You whimper, scrunching your eyes as he nipped at your neck, rubbing the tip of his dick on your clit. His tip was bright red, hard and erect. You wrapped your legs around his shoulder, bringing him down at you. His fingers kept playing while his mouth worked.
“I’m so wet Arvin, only for you baby, look at me, so wet.” The wooden spoon made contact with your chest again, sliding down to your ass as he gently nudged your back. He didn’t hit you, no, that son of a bitch teased you with slow motions of its cold surface. You kissed him till your lips were plump and red with blood dripping off the thin skin, his mouth leaving his lingering taste in yours.
Finally, finally, he slid into you. You gave a shrill cry as his member entered you, your walls clenching around it as if you wanted it to stay in you forever. You arched your back, your waist hitting his pelvis, causing it to slap around him. You unconsciously dug your fingers in his back, gritting your teeth at the sudden sensory input.
“So tight baby. Clenching around me like a fucking ant-eater. You like this don’t you darlin’? Like it when I slide in."
"Yes baby.” You whispered. Sweat dripped off of the both of you, your slicked bodies slapping against each other, “Oh I’m about to cum! Arvin!"
"Cum on me baby, cum on my dick so I can shove in harder.” He clenched himself, mouth forming an O as he felt you orgasm around him, his dick sliding out of you. Pumping his balls, he clenched his jaw at the sight of you, panting under him with your legs spread apart. “You’re such a good girl. Always listening to what I say."
"Because you’re the best.” You flopped down on the board, your back hitting it. You jiggled your arm that was held in the handcuff, the movement bringing Arvin toppling down to you. He fell on your breasts, face smushed in as if he was sleeping on a pillow. You erupted in a fit of giggles as he licked you with kitten-like strips.
“Did you like that? Was that- was that okay?” He huffed, probably as tired as you were right now. His muscles relaxed under your touch, unclenching as you ran your hands on his back. You hissed when you saw that your hand had caused bloody indents on his skin.
“That was amazing sweetheart.” You paused, “I’m so glad we met that day."
"Me too. I didn’t believe in love for a very long time after momma died, and then my daddy died, and then Lenora-” he said, choking on his tears, “- my sister, Lenora, that fucking preacher. He killed her."
"Arvin, baby I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry I can’t bring them back. But I can hold you. I can hold you forever if you want. I can love you."
You froze for a moment, realising what you had said. You had met only a month ago, and yet here you were, telling him that you loved him. Your heart did gallops when he didn’t answer for a while, and then you heard it. You heard him say those three words, a soft whisper in the night.
"I love you too."  
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space-helen · 3 years
Back to Vegas - Chapter 6
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Words: 2330
Pairing: Nick Stokes x Reader
A/N: Warning for Suicide and Violence. Low key inspired by the ending of Prisoners (2012)
CH1     CH2      CH3     CH4    CH5   CH6   CH7  CH8
Your lungs heaved as you made it into the breakout room. Standing by the door you gave Greg a smile as Nick came in behind you. The two of you had run slightly late and it was a miracle that you’d come in in time.
“Now that everyone’s here.” Greg clapped his hands together “We should get a move on. We have a Warrant for Hannah’s property and Sara and I went in there yesterday. We found some stuff that definitely connects her to the case. Grissom and Catherine started to make stronger connections with what we found and Nick and Y/N really helped look at the evidence all again objectively.” he paused “We’re pretty confident Hannah did this, we have a lead which says she’s been hiring a warehouse just outside of Vegas so we’ll be going there. Nick, Catherine and Sara you come with me to the warehouse. Grissom and Y/N hold down the fort here and start processing some more of the stuff we pulled from Hannah’s house.”
“This isn’t very like Hannah. We all should be extra careful.” Sara spoke up “She’s usually very clever in what she does but it looks like she’s gotten lazy. There has to be a reason for that.”
Greg agreed “Keep your eyes peeled. Alright, those coming with me lets go.” He was soon leaving the room and everyone on his team for the outing soon followed. Nick wrapped his arm around you for a very brief embrace as he left the room and pecked you on the forehead.
“I’d offer you a coffee but if the others are starting right now we should too.”
You smiled at Grissom “That’s fine by me. Lead the way.”
The man smirked and led you to the room he and Catherine had been working in.
The two of you began to work and it didn’t take long for Grissom to get a call. Excusing himself from the room you continued to fingerprint the case of vials found at Hannah’s place as you waited for his return.
“How do you fancy getting away from the lab for a little bit?”
“Sure.” you smiled as you stood up.
“Greg and Sara want you to do another quick sweep of the property to look for anything else, they also want you to pick up Sara’s kit because she left it there. One of them will come over to help you after the warehouse. I’ll stay here and continue processing this” he gestured at the items in front of him
You nodded and took down the address from Grissom. “I’ve printed the vials. They just need to be run through the system now.” 
“Have fun.”
“I will.” you smiled as you made your way out to one of the work vehicles.
The drive wasn’t bad and actually went by quickly. You’d never been to this part of Vegas yet and it didn’t look half bad. The neighbourhood looked friendly yet sparse. Hopping out of your vehicle nothing seemed out of the ordinary, it was quiet and no one was around. The door was locked and had tape over to show that no one had entered. 
You brought out your knife and cut down the tape to let yourself in. Spotting Sara’s kit you picked it up and left the door open as you returned it to the trunk of your vehicle.
Entering the house again you slowly took steps inside and felt the eeriness around you. It was deadly silent yet you felt like you could hear static and like you weren’t alone. “Hello?” you called out into the space.
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket so you slipped it out to read the text, you smiled when you saw it was from Nick. ‘She wasn’t at the warehouse. Greg, Sara and Cath are going to process here and I’ll be over with you soon x’
‘How can Sara process without a kit?’ you replied quickly.
‘Sharing is caring… we had a backup one in the trunk.’
You laughed ‘See you soon. Love you x’
You put your phone away and continued to walk around the house. Placing your kit down in the living room doorway you walked through to the next room which was an open plan kitchen and dining room. It was sparse but a camera on a tripod connected to a laptop caught your eye. There were items strewn across the table including a kit similar to the one you’d just processed for fingerprints back at the lab.
Moving in front of the camera to look at the laptop screen you noticed an exact reflection of what was in front of the camera, a live feed. You turned and looked away from the laptop screen around the room. That’s when the alarm bells rung, this stuff must not have been here when Greg and Sara processed the scene otherwise it would be at the lab. Slowly reaching for your gun you felt a stabbing sensation in your neck. 
The gun was knocked from your grasp across the room and you struggled against the person who’d come behind you.
“Just give in to it. Give in. You won’t be able to stand much longer. Do yourself a favour.” a woman’s voice came
You continued to struggle and managed to break yourself away briefly to see the woman’s face but it was blurry and your vision was swimming. Whatever she’d injected into you was already taking effect.
“Hannah? What did you?” you brought your hand up to your neck “Potassium?” you were feeling tired and like your tongue was heavy,
“Yes I am and no. It’s a nice little drug cocktail I mustered up when I heard you open the front door.”
You looked at your gun on the floor and tried to dive for it but that was a big mistake, your vision was spotting and Hannah kicked the gun away from your hand and stood on it, before giving you a kick to the stomach which rolled you over. “You really had to ruin my afternoon arrangements huh?”
She walked over to the table “It was supposed to be a nice little recording session to explain everything and finally end it all and be re-united with my brother. But no.” she turned around with another syringe. “You had to ruin it and take the peace away.”
You tried to crawl away on the floor and sit up to get away but she was soon back over at your side pushing you down and moving your hair out of the way. “But what’s one more casualty?” She forcefully pushed your head down to the ground, pain emitted there instantly. “Unfortunately I have nothing here that’ll kill you quickly besides the gun and that’s well that’s really not my style.”
Nick’s voice calling your name made her stop for a second. You tried your best to scream his but you had no clue what ever came out, the first dose of whatever she’d injected in your system already wreaking havoc on you.
You tried to struggle against her and push her away but it was too later, the needle had broken your skin and you could feel her injecting the concoction. She leaned down close to your ear and continued to inject the solutions as she whispered “Pitty I didn’t get to do this to anyone that actually worked on my cases before, that would have been more satisfying.”
Nick had entered the room to see her over you and saw her pulling the needle out of you and your body going limp. “Put your hands up.” he drew his gun and sent an alert out on his walkie subtly.
“I said put your hands up.”
Hannah eventually moved away from you and stood. “You don’t have long. The clock’s ticking for her already.”
“What did you inject!” he shouted.
She gestured to the table “Your guess is as good as mine, a little bit of everything.”
Nick peered at you to see your eyes fluttering open and closed as your head rolled on the ground.
“Step away.” he called to Hannah. 
“I don’t think I will.” she approached the table and picked up another vial. “You know I was saving this for me but I don’t think that’d do the trick quick enough. You wouldn’t let me have the satisfaction of dying that way.” 
She turned away from Nick as he took a step forward towards you as Hannah was slowly creeping away from you. Before he could really react he saw Hannah dive for something on the floor and stand upright again.
She held your gun to her head “Tell her I said thanks for the gun, but then again I might get the chance before you if she doesn’t make it.”
“No!” Nick shouted as he began to move towards Hannah for the gun. A bang had Nick freezing freezing, she’d shot herself.
Nick turned away in shock and shouted down his walkie talkie before coming to you with tears in his eyes. “Y/N.” he shook you “Y/N. Wake up please.”
He could see your eyes rolling in your head and you tried to open them. “Nicky.” you mumbled.
“Yeah Honey?”
“I love you.” it came out thickly “Remember that.” your voice sounded tired.
“I know Baby I know.” tears were threatening now “I love you too. Just stay with me ok?” We’re going to get you to the hospital.” he brought his fingers to your neck to try and feel your pulse.
He knew he’s asked for medical assistance and an emergency team but he couldn’t wait around. He knew it would be quicker to drive you. Picking you up he moved as fast as he could with you out to the car he’d arrived in, placing you across the back seats he hopped in the driver's seat and drove as fast as he could towards the nearest hospital.
“Y/N. Talk to me Sweetheart.” he begged as he drove.
“Please” he looked in the rearview mirror to try and see you but he could only see you lying still with limp arms. “Please speak to me. Please” he pleaded, tears very much collecting in his eyes. “We’re nearly there Honey. Nearly there, stay with me now. You’re going to be ok.”
He pulled up right outside the emergency room of the hospital and called for help as loud as he could while he moved you out of the back. Carrying you inside he was met by a team of people rushing towards him with a bed. He lay you down gently and kept brushing your hair out of your face and taking in your features as he rolled off what had happened to the staff. 
“Please just save her.” he sobbed, the tears finally falling.
“We’ll try our best Mr Stokes but you’re going to have to wait here.” A tall nurse spoke
“You don’t understand. She means everything to me.”
“We understand. Please just sit down and call someone.” the Nurse tried to push him back from the moving bed.
Nick took your hand and placed a kiss on it as the tears streamed down his face and the team around you started prodding your skin with different needles to draw blood and inject other solutions into your system.
He entirely froze in place when he let go of your hand and it felt like his world came crashing down around him as you turned the corner and were out of his sight. 
Flopping in a chair he opened his phone to see missed calls from Greg and Grissom. Pressing some buttons with no real aim he realised he was dialling Greg, bringing his cellphone to his ear he heard the man calling his name.
“Nick, what the hell is going on? It does not look good over here.”
“I’m at the hospital with Y/N.”
“I guessed as much. Is everything ok? The EMT’s arrived at the same time Sara, Catherine and I did.”
“She might not make it.” Nick tried to hold back his tears but the hurt and sadness was very much still in his voice. “Hannah-” he was cut off by some tears falling and he tried to compose himself to continue to Greg “Hannah attacked Y/N and injected her with God only knows what. I couldn’t wait.”
“Alright. Alright.” Greg’s tone had softened now and was less urgent. “You keep your mind on Y/N we’ll sort this out. I think Grissom was on his way to you. Look after her ok?”
“Yeah” his voice was wobbly and he brought his hand up to his eyes “I’ll keep you updated.”
Hanging up he leant all the way forward, crossed his arms over his lap and rested his head there and let out some more sobs. The uncertainty was killing him. He couldn’t bear to lose you.
He looked up when he heard someone walking down the corridor to him. He was only now realising that he’d picked a really quiet spot to sit down.
Nick was immediately on his feet as soon as he saw who it was, his phone fell on the floor but he didn’t care. He took a couple of steps forward and opened his arms to embrace the older man who had been a father figure to him for many years. 
“Pancho.” Grissom spoke sadly as he cradled Nick’s head and allowed him to cry.
“I can’t lose her.” Nick choked out.
“I know Nick, I know.” the man gently pulled away to see Nicks red eyes and tear tracks down his face. “Let's get you some water.”
Nick picked up his phone from the floor and allowed Grissom to lead the way. Grissom knew how much you meant to him and all he could do right now was be a shoulder to cry on because no one knew what the future held.
Next Chapter
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Nick Stokes: @wanniiieeee  @pumpkinfriend
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boldlyvoid · 3 years
Hypothetically | Chapter 25-27
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summary: Reader and Spencer were friends in kindergarten, she watched him grow up and explore the world while she was still trying to catch up to him. now that they work together, they fall in love incredibly fast.
friends to lovers, case of the week style story
A/N: Set between seasons 4 and 6, not following canon. all original crimes based on real-life stories.
Warnings 18+: Murderers, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Blood, Guns, mentions of autopsy, Fluff, Falling In Love, Friends to Lovers, bed-sharing, Riding, Unprotected Sex, Virgin Reader, Case of the Week, original crimes, Food mention, Smut, Oral Sex, Light BDSM, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Talk, obgyn appointments and info, Home Invasion, Past Rape/Non-con, Implied/Referenced Suicide, Emotional Manipulation, Grooming, Pedophilia mention, non-con oral (male receiving), Pregnant Sex, Daddy Kink, Breeding Kink, Homophobia, conversion therapy
Word Count: 18k
chapter 25
“What do you mean we’re working a missing dog case?” Hotch questioned his whole entire life at that moment as Mindy and Garcia explained the case they think they found.
“Sir, I promise you’re going to want to listen to this,” Garcia said softly, her green dress and pink hair pom-poms really reassuring him that everything was fine.
Y/N watched him roll his eyes and wish he was somewhere else, he had been getting more and more fed up with work lately. Having a hard time with Strauss, his wife, and the job in general. After Hayley almost died last year and being stabbed, he had the worst luck on the team.
“It’s going to take a minute for you to see what we see,” Mindy matched Garcia’s aura perfectly, dressed in a cat sweater.
“All 5 of these families have reported dogs missing in the Sacramento area. You think that’s not that weird, they’re probably stealing dogs for fights and step one in the serial killer handbook. But you’d be wrong,” Garcia explained, flipping from photos of missing dog posters to murdered families.
“The dogs go missing right, the parents put all their information onto a flyer, the flyer gets plastered into the neighbourhood where everyone sees it. The unsub takes the flyer, and the dog and returns it to the family just to get inside of the house. He learns what their safety protocols are like and then he decides to break in and murder,” Mindy laid it all out easily for them to follow.
“Is there any evidence that the killer is the dognapper?” Prentiss asked, chewing on the end of her pencil as she tried to wrap her head around it all.
“No,” Garcia pressed her lips together quickly. “But! Family number 5, they were murdered on Friday. Their crime scene is the newest, it’s where we’ll get the best idea of what’s going on.”
“Sir,” Mindy added. “If I’m correct about this, another family is going to die in 2 days. There’s been another small dog reported missing in Sacramento, the same type of family and everything. It’s a signature if I’ve ever seen one.”
“Send us everything you have, wheels up in 20,” Hotch sighed, taking his things and leaving the room.
“Is he okay?” Y/N asked Rossi.
Dave and he were the closest, Hotch never told his secrets of personal gossip to anyone else. He knew Rossi understood family problems the best. Having been married and divorced 3 times each.
“Don’t repeat this, Garcia that means you,” he teased her quickly. “He asked Hayley if she wanted more kids, after seeing you and JJ expanding the BAU’s gifted children program. She said she’d only have another baby if he took a few years off.”
“Oh,” Y/N wasn’t surprised. If Spencer wasn’t in the BAU he probably wouldn’t get it either. “He’s young, he can come back at any time, as you did.”
“Which is what I said to him. He just doesn’t know how he’d fill all the time yet, he doesn’t have an interest in fishing or cigars like moi,” Rossi explained. Standing up and straightening out his suit, “not to mention the writing chops to keep your brain fresh.”
“Come on grandpa, it’s time to board the plane you can brag later,” Derek patted him on the back. “Some of us like to stay active and have fun on our time off.”
“I’ll have you know I’m very fun,” Rossi argues as they leave the room. They were like a bunch of teenagers sometimes.
“Well, I’ll see you in a few days, just be in Vegas by Sunday at 2 pm,” Y/N frowned at Spencer. “Call me when you’re free?”
Spencer leaned in and kissed her softly. Rubbing his hand over her belly as he did so, saying goodbye to the little dude in there. “Be good, take care of each other.”
She smiled, wishing he didn’t have to go again. “We always do, come home to me safely boy wonder.”
In Penelope’s office, Mindy had basically moved in. It was big enough for the two of them and they worked together anyway. Sharing all the computer space, rolling around each other like crazy people as they switched jobs. That meant that Mindy’s office became Y/N’s office when she stayed back on a case.
Y/N would be 33 weeks pregnant as of Thursday, and officially Mrs. Dr. Reid by Sunday.
If everything went according to plan. This case seemed simple enough to get them home in time. If not, the flight from LA to Vegas wasn’t even that long. Y/N and Will had a plan if this was to happen, JJ and Spencer would head right to Vegas while Will and Henry flew in with Y/N. All she really needed was her wedding dress and hospital go-bag, and Spencer.
She wasn’t going to go into labour any time soon, Matty was still way too high and she was barely even having Braxton hicks contractions yet. If her body wasn’t practicing, surely it wouldn’t just start. She was a planner, she planned everything and this pregnancy didn’t seem to listen. All she wanted was for him to be born on or after June 10th, healthy and happy, that’s her only wish.
She hated cases like these, ones that made her sit behind a desk and just look at everything till it made sense. But it never did, not in her brain. Thinking like an unsub was the only time it made sense, but she never understood it. Kidnapping a dog just to kill a family was never going to be something one could just understand.
The only idea she had was to get someone inside the newest victims’ house and just wait for the unsub to return the dog. It would be the easiest way to bring him in for questioning. So she called Hotch.
“Hotchner,” he answered shortly.
“Hey, I was just wondering if you had a plan yet? If not, I’ve been thinking.”
“We’re trying to find a way to get eyes and ears inside the vics home,” Hotch explained, it sounded like he was driving and yelling over the speaker.
“I was thinking you could send in Reid or Morgan posing as a tutor or coach of some kind, then you can hide the equipment in the bag they bring in, it would be the least suspicious,” she ran her thoughts through to him.
“That would work, I’ll have the team see what we can do from our end,” Hotch ended the call abruptly. Still in the bad mood from when he left.
She couldn’t blame him, it’s a hard spot raising kids and having this job. Y/N and Spencer were still trying to figure out how they were going to pull it off. She couldn’t imagine what it was like for Haley, always being alone with Jack and half the time her life was in danger. The risk that came with the job almost didn’t feel worth it, especially when it meant losing your family on top of everything else.
They sent Derek in, with Penelope in his ear, as he set up the cameras and microphones. Setting up 24/7 patrol across the street in a model home. Meaning that Y/N’s job was basically over and all she had to do was kick her feet up and eat snacks until she could go home.
Spencer crawled into bed 2 days later around 4 in the morning, cuddling into her without even taking off his work clothes. She barely slept when Spencer wasn’t home, she opened her eyes when she noticed he was there, as if she hadn’t even slept yet.
He smelled like hotel soap and stale airplane air. “Hi,” he whispered as he tried to cuddle in close to her, being held back by her belly.
“Home just in time to have to fly out again,” she smiled at him softly.
“I know,” he sighed. “I doubt the bureau would like us if we used the jet to travel to a wedding. It’s bad enough we have one and no other unit does.”
“Are you excited or nervous?”
“Mmm,” she hummed along. “I’m nervous.”
“I still haven’t written my vows and,” she stopped herself, frowning a little as Spencer laid a hand on her face.
“What’s wrong?”
“It’s all happening so fast. I feel like I haven’t had a chance to enjoy any of it and I’m worried if this is how fast the lead-up is, then how fast will the night be over?”
“Oh bunny,” he cooed. “I’ll make sure we get a moment alone, how about we sneak off during the party and go to the swing and just spend time together? Really make the most of our day.”
“Okay,” she smiled again. “A part of me wishes it was just us.”
“How about this,” Spencer said as he sat up, turning on the bedside lamp before getting out of bed. He looked through his underwear drawer and pulled out the box the rings were in. “Marry me, right now?”
“What?” She laughed.
“Just me and you, marry me?”
“It won’t count this way?” She rebutted, sitting up as well as she squinted in the light. Trying to wake up more.
“you’re not religious and you hate the government even though you work for them,” he reminded her. “Having a sheet of paper and dedicating my life to you are two completely different things.”
“I told you I don’t have my vows ready!”
Spencer sat on the bed, sitting directly across from her as he placed the rings on the bed. Taking both her hands in his as he looked into her eyes. “Just make it up?”
“You’re insufferable,” she teased him.
“And you love me,” he teased right back.
“Fine, Spencer Reid, you big fuckin’ dork,” she couldn’t stop herself from laughing. “My whole life I’ve just wanted to love you. I don’t know how I managed to pull it off, but here I am."
She let out a long, shaky breath as she continued. "You complete me, I don’t feel right when you’re not around and I never want to lose you. Marrying you means more to me than just becoming your wife, I don’t care about the term or the tax benefits," she laughed as a tear fell down her cheek. he wiped it away quickly.
"I was perfectly content just being in your rotation. Being your partner for life is a blessing to me, I’m going to love you forever.” She picked up and ring and put it on his finger.
His eyes were glossy as he watched her shaking hand slip the ring over him. He loved her more than he even knew how to describe at the moment.
“Do you remember that one time you asked me to show you how a real man loves a woman?”
She laughed, looking down at her gigantic belly. “Kinda hard to forget when I’m carrying around this extra 30 pounds.”
“It reminded me of a quote I read on a swing one time,” he said softly, watching her eyes gleam as she knew where he was going.
“The unqualified truth is, that when I loved Y/N with the love of a man, I loved her simply because I found her irresistible. Once for all; I knew to my sorrow, often and often, if not always, that I loved her against reason, against promise, against peace, against hope, against happiness, against all discouragement that could be. Once for all; I love her nonetheless because I knew it, and it had no more influence in restraining me, than if I had devoutly believed her to be human perfection.”
“What’s that from?” Y/N couldn’t stop the tears from falling down her cheeks, she had never known what book he was reading. She always wondered what his thoughts were in that moment when their eyes locked in remembrance all those years ago.
“Great Expectations by Charles Dickens,” Spencer replied, starting to cry as well.
That’s when she remembered it, looking over at the book that had been sitting on his bedside table for months. It was the book he re-read the most, the book he was reading that first night in Wichita when she asked to crawl into his bed. The book he put down before they conceived Matthew. The whole time she was falling in love with him, the way she did as a child, he was reading the same book because it reminded him of her.
“I didn’t expect that book to hold such a place in my heart the first time I read it. I only brought it to the park with me that day because it was the closest book to me, and I was having a really hard day,” he stopped to wipe his tears softly. “Yet somehow, every single bad day in my life has been made better by you. You’re my greatest expectation, and the only one I’m trying the hardest to live up to.”
“I love you,” she replied to him softly. Holding his face in her hands now as she stared into his eyes, “you’re always going to be everything I’ve ever wanted and all I’ll ever need. You’ve met every expectation, and beyond.”
“I love you,” he smiled. He took her left hand off his cheek, sliding the silver band over her ring finger, pressing it snugly against her engagement ring. “forever.”
“And then some,” Y/N added before kissing him softly.
She smiled against his lips, sitting back and looking at him with complete wonder. “Dr. Y/L/N,” she teased him, pretending to tip her imaginary hat.
“Agent Reid,” he copied her causing them both to laugh again.
“So when is our real anniversary then?” Y/N asked softly, trying to remember what day of the month it was.
“It’s April 20th.”
“Our anniversary cannot be 4/20!” She panicked. “Oh. My god!”
Spencer laughed from down deep in his gut, laying down against the sheets as she smacked his arm lightly. “I’m serious, but that’s so funny though,” she laughed too.
She laid back against the sheets then, Spencer cuddled into her side. His face in the crook of her neck while laying a leg over hers. She held him as close as she could, Matthew really starting to get in the way of everything she did now.
She let out a deep breath as she settled with Spencer against her. “I love you so much, my husband.”
“I love you more, my wife,” he replied. The words sounding like heaven on his lips.
chapter 26
She let out a deep breath when the dress actually zipped up. She was so worried that in the last 2 weeks her body had completely changed. JJ finished with her zipper, fluffing her dress and making sure everything was in place.
Her mom was wiping her tears for the 4th time in the last hour, Y/N couldn’t stop laughing every time she heard her sniffle. It didn’t feel as life-changing as her mother made it seem, Spencer and Y/N were already married in her opinion, this was just a nice formality for their parents.
She could hear all the people talking in her parent’s yard, a few kids yelling as they ran around each other. People were already drinking, there was food and snacks all around. It was just a big party where they were going to tell everyone exactly how much they loved each other.
As much as she was ready mentally, her body was shot. The butterflies in her stomach wouldn’t leave, the baby was kicking from the anxiety in her body no matter how hard she tried to calm down. It was nerve-wracking to be so open in front of so many people.
It was even worse with the fact she hadn’t seen Spencer since yesterday. As much as he claimed he wasn’t superstitious, he really didn’t want to see her before the wedding. Claiming his mother was the worried one, Y/N let it slide no matter how much she hated sleeping in her childhood bed all by herself with a mini-gymnast in her stomach.
“Are you ready?” JJ asked her softly.
She nodded, looking in the mirror at herself one last time. “Can I have a minute?”
“Sure,” JJ smiled, taking Debbie with her as they walked out of her room.
She stood in the window, opening the blinds and looking out towards the swings once again. Spencer was sitting there, swinging while staring at her window.
She smiled, feeling the butterflies leave her system in a beautiful flurry as their eyes locked. She was ready, she had always been ready to marry him.
She walked out of the room and down the stairs, holding the railing carefully. She was just wearing a pair of crocs under her dress, not trusting her big clumsy ass with heels.
She waited in the foyer as Emily walked across the street to gather everyone. She was officiating for them, Spencer wanted her to be the one to marry them, she was the closest thing to a sister he had.
Every single important person in their lives was in the crowd. Even Spencers father was there, in the back, quiet. Diana was happy to see him, Spencer felt indifferent. Gideon came too, which made it a little easier.
They all walked across the street then, gathering at the end of the makeshift aisle they laid out in the park. Penelope played a simple wedding march, starting the ceremony officially.
Everyone stood, turning towards them. Chloe went down first, dropping flower petals in big clumps here and there before running towards her mom. Then it was Y/N’s turn, opting out of the whole bridesmaid’s thing for the sake of not having to pick and choose between her co-workers and sisters-in-law.
Her dad extended an arm for her, she took it as she softly smiled at him. He looked like he was trying not to cry, “ready?”
“Let’s go,” she whispered.
Seeing Spencer at the end of the aisle was like a dream. She began to walk towards him, every step closer made her heartbeat louder and louder in her chest. Before she knew it she was standing in front of him, her dad giving her a soft kiss on the cheek before handing her over to Spencer.
The idea of giving her away was weird. He wasn’t giving her to him, he was simply helping her reach him. And he always had been.
Spencer’s hand was soft in hers and they stepped towards Emily together.
The music stopped then, causing them to turn to each other and smile. It was time.
It felt more like time stopped, however, getting a sort of tunnel vision for each other as the rest of the world faded away.
“Welcome everyone, you can take a seat,” Emily cut into the moment. “A few weeks ago Spencer asked me if I’d marry him off to his best friend, I of course said yes because who can say no to that face?”
Everyone laughed as Spencer blushed. “Spencer is the smartest man to work in the FBI, we’re not afraid to admit that. From the day I met him, he was nothing but informative and kind, as well as shy and personal. It took a while to learn anything about him, but once you get to know him he’s like an open book. And it’s a good story.”
“Like most good fairy tales, it’s a story told in two parts. Starting with a meet-cute of cosmic proportions, a plotline that would make any other ’right for each other at the wrong time,’ story run for the hills,” Emily exaggerated.
“And finally, a reunion,” her voice was soft then. “I’ll never forget the day Spencer held the door open for Y/N, she walked in with a smile on her face that was almost as big as Spencers. He introduced us to a childhood friend that day, not realizing she would become part of our family.”
Y/N felt herself getting a little choked up, seeing Penelope and JJ wiping their tears just off to the side.
“It’s a story best told in the first person,” Emily laughed at her own joke. “So, without further ado, ladies first,” she instructed, stepping away from the altar to keep the focus on them.
“Well?” Y/N shook her head at him, motioning with her hand for him to start speaking. Making everyone laugh once again. Spencer’s smile was adorable as he giggled.
“Would you say— hypothetically, of course, that soulmates are real, Doctor Reid?” She questioned him softly.
He nodded, “I would.”
“Good,” she smiled. “Because I think you’re mine. And I think I’ve known that for a very long time. There was something about you, that first day I saw you. You weren’t shoving dirt up your nose or pulling on my hair. You were reading a book, I believe it was Matilda, you were all by yourself and you looked sad.”
“Me, being me,” she laughed to herself, “I marched over to you and I asked if you wanted to play in the sandbox with me. One small gesture changed the entire course of my life, you became a friend and then a stranger again in the blink of an eye. I know what it’s like to know of you and not be in your presence and it’s the worst.”
She didn’t want to cry, but she knew she was about to. “I know you’re my soulmate because my soul physically aches when you’re not around. Like magnets, I’m pulled towards you and I’m willing to crush anything that gets in the way. You and I were once the same cosmic rock just floating through space, separated for millions of years until the time was right.”
“I found you right when I needed you,” she wiped a tear off her cheek quickly. “When we needed each other. And I’m never going to let you go.”
She turned towards Emily, grabbing a ring from her. “With this ring, you’re tied to me for eternity now, the way things always should have been.”
“I love you,” Spencer whispered, wiping his own tears before holding her hands again.
“Your turn, pretty boy,” she teased him one last time, laughing to try and stop the tears.
“Most of you know the story,” Spencer began his speech. Staring into Y/N’s eyes, trying to forget there was an audience.
“We met in kindergarten, she was wearing a sundress with green and pink flowers, much like today. You had bangs back then and a cute pink bow in your hair. And you were as stubborn then as you are now,” he smiled. “Mrs. Richardson had told me twice that we weren’t allowed to put water in the sandbox, no matter how important it was to the construction of my model pyramids. That’s why I was reading my book. You went to your backpack, grabbed a water bottle, and poured it right into the sand without thinking twice about the consequences.
“I didn’t really see you again until I was 13, I sat on that swing with my copy of Great Expectations by Charles Dickens while you sat in your window way up there.” He pointed at her house, past the swing set. “I’ll never know what you were reading or what you were thinking, but I have the exact moment I saw you ingrained in my memory,” Spencer’s words were soft as his thumbs ran over her hands.
“Out of my thoughts! You are part of my existence, part of myself. You have been in every line I have ever read, since I first came here, the rough common boy whose poor heart you wounded even then. You have been in every prospect I have ever seen since – on the river, on the sails of the ships, on the marshes, in the clouds, in the light, in the darkness, in the wind, in the woods, in the sea, in the streets.” Spencer recited from memory.
“You have been the embodiment of every graceful fancy that my mind has ever become acquainted with. The stones of which the strongest London buildings are made, are not more real, or more impossible to displace with your hands, than your presence and influence have been to me, there and everywhere, and will be. Y/N, to the last hour of my life, you cannot choose but remain part of my character, part of the little good in me, part of the evil. But, in this separation I associate you only with the good, and I will faithfully hold you to that always, for you must have done me far more good than harm, let me feel now what sharp distress I may. O God bless you,” Spencer’s voice trailed off to a whisper as he reached the end.
“I read that quote moments before seeing you again, and part of me knew the universe had greater plans for us. And I knew, Love her, love her, love her! If she favours you, love her. If she wounds you, love her. If she tears your heart to pieces – and as it gets older and stronger, it will tear deeper – love her, love her, love her!”
“With this ring,” Spencer finally added. Lifting the last ring from Derek’s extended hand, placing it on Y/N’s ring finger where it belonged. “I vow to love you till my very last moments, and if heaven is real I’ll be waiting for your loving embrace.”
She wiped her tears quickly, looking up as she tried to stop her mascara from smudging. “You’re a dick sometimes,” she started to laugh before hearing the crowd do the same.
“You love me,” he teased her.
“I do,” she smiled, pulling him in and kissing him hard on the lips. Getting lost in his embrace as the world around them stopped.
Having every single person that she loved mingle around her parent’s backyard felt a little surreal. Her father and Rossi were smoking cigars together on the desk, Levi and Will were discussing training stories while Chloe and Henry chased each other around the yard.
Emily and Noelle were slowly dancing in their own little world to the music that played, not too far from Haley and Arron who had the same idea. Jack was talking to Derek, sharing stories about their favourite superhero.
Diana and Debbie were going around making sure everyone had a drink or a snack, discussing their children and showing off to everyone that was there. It was a lot to take in, but she wouldn’t change it for the world. This was the most perfect little wedding she could have ever asked for.
Spencer never left her side, holding her hand where ever she went for the majority of the night. Knowing she hated being the centre of anyone else attention, calming her down from all the eyes that were on her.
“Do you want to go to the swing?” He whispered in her ear when they were finally alone.
“Please,” she looked up at him with pleading eyes. Wanting to just be alone with him for a while.
She snuck out of the yard and across the street, Y/N sat down on the swing for the first time in years, her big belly thanking her for the relief. Spencer pushed her lightly on the swing, helping her swing in the late-night spring breeze in rural Nevada.
The light in her bedroom was still on, illuminating the empty room she called hers for the majority of her life. Still unable to process the fact that she did it, she married Spencer. She made a life in his orbit, she was happy and loved and making a family with the man of her dreams.
This was the best revenge she could have ever gotten on any childhood bully or predator in her life. Pure happiness, that no one could take from her. Knowing she did this on her own, meeting Spencer out of the blue and building a life of joy and peace was so unbelievably wonderful.
“Tell me what you’re thinking about,” Spencer asked softly as he continued to push her on the swing.
“I’m just amazed that I did it,” she said softly.
“Did what?”
“all this,” she waved her arm out in front of her. “I grew up, I made friends and a family and found the love of my life even after believing for so long that I never would.”
“the universe had better plans for you than you thought,” She could hear the smile on Spencer’s face as he spoke. “You’re so deserving of the world and then some, you’re worth the universe to me. Brighter than any star in the sky, more powerful than the big-bang.”
She dragged her feet along the sand, stopping the swing abruptly before turning around to see Spencer. His eyes glistened in the moonlight or the streetlight. Either way, his brown eyes were glowing as she looked up at him softly.
“Thank you,” she whispered.
“For what?”
She wrapped her arms around him as best as she could, pressing her cheek against his chest softly. “For showing me that love is real.”
“Being able to love you has been the best part of my life.”
She pulled him into another kiss, holding his face softly as she peppered kisses to his lips over and over. “You get me forever.”
“And then some.”
“Hypothetically,” she teased him lightly. “Anything is possible when the two of us get together.”
“I love you,” was all he could say before kissing her again.
They could hear the music travelling across the street for the yard, she wrapped her arms around him and swayed to the beat. Taking a moment completely alone with him to just appreciate him. To hold him close, hear his heartbeat through his suit jacket and just take it all in.
The rest of her life started at that moment, the birth of a new future. One with endless possibilities, endless happiness, and the most love in the whole world.
Soulmates, 500 years in the making.
Placing 500 more years of possibilities in the hands of Fate, who cradled them in her loving embrace. Making a future for them unlike any she’s made before.
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The birds chirping used to make her wake up with a smile, now it made her panic a little. She was so overly used to being woken up to a baby crying, a kid with a tummy ache, or the sound of fighting coming from the cribs in the twin’s room.
When it was quiet she worried, opening her eyes and looking around to see all 4 of her children cuddled up around her and Spencer. Completely asleep, and absolutely adorable.
Matthews’s face was beside hers on the pillow. His long hair falling over his face, just like his fathers used to all those years ago. She kissed her baby on the forehead, unable to fully understand that he was 10 now.
The twins were in the middle, Harper and Derek were attached at the hip all day long. Sleeping basically on top of each other, it was the only way they were peaceful. Since being squished together in the womb, they’ve become best friends and each other’s comfort person over the last 6 years.
Alice on the other hand was a daddy’s girl. Probably because she got the most time with him, 2 and a half years’ worth of all Spencer’s love and affection.
Spencer had quit the BAU when they got pregnant with their last baby, deciding he wanted to be with his kids full time. He wanted to be more present, to make more memories and just be a good dad.
Every morning Alice would find her way into the bed, she’d do whatever it took to get between Y/N and Spencer, cuddling into her father’s arms and going back to sleep. Almost every time, she would push her mom’s arms away, waking Y/N up in the process just to smirk at her as if to say; “haha my turn.”
She loved her little family. And they loved her too, she had been out of town for a week on a really bad case that required all hands on deck. They called her every day, begging her to come home soon, breaking her heart. So it wasn’t a surprise to see all of them snuggled in, taking in all the time with her that they could.
Matthews’s eyes fluttered as he woke up, his big beautiful brown eyes looking at her softly. “Mom,” he said softly with a smile before wrapping his arms around her neck and snuggling into her. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, Mr. Magoo,” she whispered into his hair, holding him close. He still smelled like her little baby, only bigger as he rested against her.
“Are we still going to Uncle Dave’s tonight?” He asked as he settled against her, wanting her to run her fingers through his hair. It calmed him as it did for Spencer, soothing his mind as it ran a million miles a minute.
“I think so,” she replied, picking him up softly and laying on her back more. “I think all your cousins are going to be there too.”
“Even Jack?” He asked, sitting up with wonder in his eyes. Jack was 15 now, and just the coolest dude in Matthews’s life. Much like how Spencer looked up to Hotch in the beginning.
“Even Jack!” She whispered with enthusiasm, trying to keep the others asleep but it was too late.
“Mommy!” Harper cried, pushing Derek away from her as she leaped into her mother’s arms.
“Hi sweetheart,” she couldn’t stop herself from laughing as she got smothered in hugs from the twins.
Spencer looked over at her then. Alice was snuggled into his neck, one hand on his shoulder, the other in his hair. She had always played with his hair every chance she could get. Especially whenever he held her or gave her a ride on his shoulders as they walked through the park.
“Hi,” Spencer smiled.
There he was, the love of her life. His smile made her feel at home, the love between them only growing every morning when they laid eyes on each other.
“Are you going to say hi to mommy?” Spencer asked Alice, rubbing her back softly.
She raised her hand to wave softly before dropping it back onto Spencer’s head with a smack, “ow?” He laughed lightly, making her bounce on his chest and laugh in response.
She was always quiet in the morning, leaving all the talking to her siblings. She was the calmest of them all, she was also the easiest of the 4 of them. She didn’t cry unless she was desperate for food or attention, she slept through the nights and was just all around not fussy at all. A literal blessing to their lives.
The twins were a lot, they knew they would be. She doesn’t miss the days and nights of them taking turns screaming. And she definitely doesn’t miss the ache of her body as two babies sucked her dry for almost 6 months. Breastfeeding kicked her ass the most, eventually making her lose too much weight and faint from low blood pressure, it sucked.
The outcome was beyond worth it. Derek and Harper were the craziest, funniest, loudest 6-year-olds in the whole world. If they weren’t writing a show, pretending to direct a spooky movie or pulling pranks on their father, they were planning to.
They had a specific dynamic, Harper was the planner and Derek was the do-er. Harper would come up with the sneakiest, worst ideas a child could have and somehow always managed to convince Derek to do it for her. A modern-day Jekyll and Hyde terrorized her home.
But Matthew, He was the sweetest. Being a single child till the age of 4 meant he was around Spencer and Y/N all the time, just the three of them. He’s shy but outgoing, he speaks his mind and he isn’t afraid to share his thoughts and feelings. He’s the best part of both of them but with all the confidence to follow his dreams. He was handsome and smart, he was sweet and kind, he was her baby. Forever and always, no matter how big he got.
He’s smart like Spencer, but not jumping through elementary school as fast. They agreed to let him decide when he turned 14. He deserved the chance to grow up with his own age group, to make friends and memories that were good and happy, to build the confidence to stand up for himself and others before he finished school. He didn’t mind it, he enjoyed helping other students when he finished his work early and asking for extra credit assignments.
And he liked being in class with Roz LaMontagne. They were smitten with each other from day one, always holding hands and playing nicely. JJ and Y/N always felt bad peeling them apart from each other at the end of a playdate, they were best friends.
It was like Roz had 2 older brothers with Henry and Matt, the 3 of them being so close in age they were often mistaken for triplets, with JJ and Y/N being their lesbian moms. It was a ruse that came in handy when they saw men checking them out, or when they wanted a family discount at the zoo.
Her life felt perfect, it was far from it in reality but she was happy with that. She worked long hours, her kids missed her every day, she didn’t see Spencer as often as she’d like and she was always tired. But that was what it took, she would work herself to the bone in an instant if it meant that she could come home and be snuggled like this every time.
“How was your week?” She asked Harper, brushing her strawberry blond hair behind her ear as she cuddled into her other side. Now having 3 children laying on top of her.
“Dad took us to the air and space museum,” Derek answered for her.
“No way!” Y/N enthused. “You need to tell me everything you learned!”
“The Museum is the largest of the Smithsonian's 19 museums and its Center for Earth and Planetary studies is one of the Institution's nine research centres. More than eight million people a year visit the Museum's two locations, making it one of the most visited museums in the country,” Matthew explained, remembering the sign at the entrance from memory.
“Wow, what was everyone’s favourite part? Maybe we can go again soon and you can all show me?” She suggested, riling them all up till they were bouncing on the mattress and screaming suggestions back and forth.
“Okay, okay,” Y/N settled them down. Watching them all sit-down and smile as they tried to stop laugh and listen. “Why don’t we go get breakfast and spend the morning together before we get ready to go to Aunt Penny’s party tonight okay?”
“I thought it was Uncle Dave's party?” Derek asked.
“It’s at his house but you know how aunt penny plans,” Y/N smiled at him. “How about you all go get dressed and pick something nice to wear while I talk to your dad for a bit?”
“Anything I want to wear?” Harper questioned her, very serious.
Y/N laughed, shaking her head, “something nice, but yes your choice.”
“Yes!” Harper screamed, hopping off the bed making the whole room shake as she ran down the hall. The sound of her bare feet slapping the hardwood carrying through the hallway in an echo.
“Matty, I’ll dress Alice, can you just watch her for a minute?” Spencer asked as he placed Alice in the middle of the bed.
“Sure,” Matthew smiled. “Come on Ali, I’ll read you a book?”
She put her arms out for her brother to carry her, and soon enough it was just Spencer and Y/N all alone again. Spencer and her both falling back against the pillows and sighing in the quiet.
Spencer pulled her into a hug, wrapping himself around her as he kissed her cheek, “I missed you so much, I hate when you’re gone.”
“That’s why I wanted to talk to you,” she said softly. “I got a job offer last night, and I think I’m going to take it.”
“What is it?”
“VICAP and the BAU are merging, even more, I’ve been asked to be the Chief of VICAP to personally overview the program and pass the information along to Prentiss,” She explained. “It would be a 9-5 thing, 5 days a week. I’d be home for dinner and all weekend long. We could have another baby or go on vacation? You know the possibilities are endless.”
Spencer kissed her again, “you’d be able to help people and be home all the time.”
“Exactly,” she smiled into his embrace. “I told them I’d let them know later today, they want me to start next month.”
“Follow your gut,” Spencer whispered, happy at the decision she was making either way.
“My gut is currently saying ‘feeeeed meeee’, so let’s get going!” She cheered as she tried to escape from his embrace.
He just held on tighter, tickling her stomach and kissing her neck, “help!” She cried, joking obviously and the kids knew that. Sure enough, 4 pairs of feet came running back into their room, dog piling them.
“I said help! Not suffocate me?!” She teased them as Spencer let her go, each taking a child and tickling them instead. Everyone was screaming again, giggling from deep in their stomach, feeling sick from how happy they were.
She loved every moment of it.
After 10 years, the BAU had gone through a lot of changes. Everyone seemed to come and go at least once, some leaving for good when their families started. But there were a lot of new faces now, once someone was on the team they were family.
It was a rare occasion for everyone to get together, especially now that almost everyone had kids. Spencer and Y/N went from being the 2nd set of parents to aunty and uncle to 8 kids in 10 years.
That meant that there were currently 12 screaming kids terrorizing Rossi’s beautiful backyard as the adults sat around the fire. “Please tell me no one here has a baby announcement to make, I don’t think I can handle a thirteenth,” Rossi complained, grey hair making him look more like papa Rossi than uncle Dave now.
“No,” everyone said in unison, laughing at the abundantly clear meaning. They were all too tired to do it all again.
“Like Spencer’s mom said, why have another when you can stop at perfection?” Emily joked as she leaned into Noelle’s embrace. “PJ is the best little guy in the world.”
“Spencer makes some great kids,” Y/N laughed. Remembering that time Emily nervously asked them if Spencer would be the donor for her child. Wanting her kid to be born with the best DNA she could think of.
“That he does,” Noelle smiled, looking into the yard to see PJ, Michael and Hank roughhousing like they always were.
They all had kids fairly close together, always making sure each new member of the BAU's gifted children program had friends who were more like family in their lives. Their small chosen family expanded not only in size but with the amount of love they shared for each other.
Henry was 12 now, Jack 15. They had always gotten along well together, being a little more on the nerdy side. They welcomed Matthew into their little group with open arms, as well as Roz.
Hotch ended up becoming Section Chief, taking a desk job so that he could spend more time with his family. They welcomed Jessie 6 years ago, right around the time Y/N had the twins. She was a spitting image of Haley with all the stern seriousness of Hotch. Seeing her and Harper try and work together was always funny. Harper and Derek were always trying to start shit somewhere, while Jessie ran to Y/N to tattle on them. It was the funniest dynamic out of all the age groups, and it was only going to get worse as they grew up.
“I don’t know,” Y/N sighed, looking at her kids as they all smiled and laughed. The joy they brought her was unimaginable, “I think 5 would be interesting.”
“You’re a psycho, and I should know, I’m an expert,” JJ just shook her head, blinking at the craziness. “I can barely handle 3.”
“Alice was so easy though,” she whined. “All of them were good, I miss having a baby who wanted to cuddle with me. It’s not fair Spencer gets all the attention now.”
“You could always quit, they’d love that,” he teased her softly, not wanting to wake Alice as she slept on him, tired from playing with everyone during the afternoon.
“My new position is going to be better for us,” she smirked.
“What position?” Penelope yelled at her.
“I’m going to be the VICAP unit chief,” she smiled, watching them all light up as they congratulated her. Starling the sleeping Alice on Spencer’s chest.
“I think I’ve done enough fieldwork, I’d like to cook more dinners and read more bedtime stories now,” she smiled. “I never thought I’d say that.”
“I don’t think any of us did,” Haley added. “I never expected Aaron to slow down, but when he did I think it was the best thing he chose to do. Jack and Jessie love having him around all the time.”
“To 10 plus years on the job, 10 years of friendship and the 12 new lives we brought into this world,” Y/N said as she lifted her can of ginger-ale, everyone following with their own drinks.
“To family,” Prentiss added.
“To family,” they all repeated.
Taking a sip before smiling at each other, everything ended up okay. It was more than they ever expected, and everything they hoped for.
The kids all fell asleep on the ride home. Spencer and Y/N each taking one of the twins upstairs first, placing them in their beds softly before returning to the garage for the others. Finding Matthew trying to carefully bring Alice inside to help his parents.
“Hey Matty it’s okay,” Spencer whispered, placing a hand on his back. “you go inside with your mom and I’ll take care of this.”
“Okay,” he replied, extremely tired as his eyelids drooped.
Y/N wrapped her arm around his shoulders, he was almost as tall as her already and she wasn’t ready for that. “Come on my baby,” she whispered as she led him into the house and up the stairs.
She helped him change into a pair of pyjamas before helping him into his bed, covering him in his adorable planet-covered sheets. She tucked him in nice a snug before sitting on the edge, looking down at him as he closed his eyes and settled in.
She brushed his brown curls off his face, making way for the kiss she was about to leave on his forehead. “Goodnight my Matty Magoo, I love you to the moon and back.”
“I love you to the edge of the milky way,” he replied with a small smile. “I’m excited for you to be home more. Dad worries about you and it makes him sad, I like seeing you both happy together.” He rambled all his thoughts out at night just like Spencer did.
She kissed his head softly, holding his cheeks in her hand as she looked into his beautiful brown eyes. “You are so sweet, have a good sleep and I will see you tomorrow. I love you.” She told him again, and she’d tell him a million more times if she could.
“I love you, too, mom,” he smiled one last time before closing his eyes.
She shut off his lamp, closing his door on the way out.
She stood in the hallway then, a hand on her heart as she thought about just how much she loved him. JJ wasn’t kidding when she said you grow a love so big you’d kill for them.
Back in the twin’s room, she made sure they were comfortable for the night, taking Harper out of the crazy dress and pants she picked out for the day. Tucking both of them into their little beds, kissing their heads before turning on their nightlight. They didn’t like the dark, and they liked to keep their door open a little so buddy could sneak in.
In her own room, she found Spencer in bed, shirtless with a book. He got sexier as he got older, it was impossible and yet it happened. Every year he looked different, in a wonderful way.
His hair was fluffy, his tummy was fuller— a dad bod as Penelope would call it. He wore glasses all the time now, having a hard time reading without them. It made him incredibly hot.
She changed into a cute pyjama set, satin shorts and a spaghetti strap top, wanting to get his attention away from whatever book he found this time.
She could feel his eyes on her as she changed, not wanting to look at him and make him stop.
He put his book down when she got in beside him, still on the right side after all these years. “What?” She asked him as he kept staring at her.
“Were you serious?”
“Yes I do think you’re sexy, I didn’t think you could read minds too?” She teased him.
“Funny,” he smiled at her. “Do you want another baby?”
She shrugged, “we could Russian roulette this and just see if it happens?”
“Seriously?” His voice dropped, softer than normal. “Because I would have 16 more kids with you if you wanted. They’re all so amazing, every time.”
“I know,” she felt her heart melt. “Matthew said you get sad when I’m not here, he worries for you.”
“All week, Harper wore her regular outfits because she likes making you laugh with her silly ones,” Spencer told her. They liked to share secrets about their kids at night. Basically profiling them.
“I love them,” her heart felt like it was going to burst.
“Come here,” Spencer requested, waiting for her to sit on his hips and look down into his eyes like she always did. She brushed the hair off his face, holding his cheeks in her hands.
His eyes are so much like Matthews, but it was Alice who looked the most like him. She had his nose, his chin, she was tall and skinny and just the most adorable copy of him. Every feature on him was in one of their kids, he saw the same thing in her.
“Are you sure?” She asked him softly.
“The only thing in the whole world that I know for certain is that I love you and this family. Even gravity is simply a hypothetical, but you and me… I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” his words soft and his expression softer.
She kissed him, pressing her lips against his for the first time in a while. It always felt like coming home, this was where she was meant to be.
When she pulled back all she wanted to do was look at him for a minute, to imagine what new little face the two of them could make together. All 4 of their children were so perfect, she couldn’t imagine a 5th possibility.
“Put a baby in me,” She whispered.
She didn’t have to tell him twice, he reached over to the night table to turn off the light before kissing her neck softly. His big, warm hands wrapped around her back, pulling her in closer to him.
He was so much different now from the first time they did this. Confident, stronger, older, but he was still her soft boy. He held her with care, kissed her like she was made out of glass. The contrast of his actions and the feeling of his rough hands on her body made her feel like she was on fire.
He pushed the straps of her shirt off her shoulders, dipping her back a little so he could kiss her cheek. He pushed her shirt down, freeing one of her breasts, holding it softly in his hands before kissing the newly exposed skin.
His tongue swiped across her nipple, making her gasp and grip his arm as she rutted into the feeling. He cradled her head in his hands, laying her back with her head now at the foot of the bed.
Still, between her legs, he pulled the satin shorts down slowly to see she never wore any underwear under them. He smirked, running his finger softly over her vagina, watching in awe as she spread her legs wider for him.
She could see how hard he was, his erection making a tent in his boxers as he teased her softly. “Still so perfect,” he praised her. “Look how tight you are, sucking my finger inside that tight heat.”
She tightened around him on purpose then, feeling his finger slip in even more. “Fuck,” he gasped. Moving down more to place a kiss on her clit.
Her breathing picked up then, even after 11 years of sex with this man, the thought of his tongue on her still made her shiver. He was just that good, always getting better every time he dove face-first into her.
Her back arched the second his tongue connected with her clit. Pushing herself into his tongue more and more as he explored her. Two fingers were inside of her now, Spencer’s mouth kissing and sucking and licking every single inch of her pussy as she quietly gasped into the darkness.
She wanted to scream for more, she always did, but she couldn’t anymore. There were 4 sets of ears just down the hall trying to have a peaceful night’s sleep, she had to remind herself of that every time.
“Fuck, Spencer,” she whispered, biting her lip so nothing else slipped out.
“What?” He whispered against her skin, kissing her groin and lower tummy.
“Please,” she begged softly, sitting up and climbing onto his lap once more. “Daddy?”
It had been years since she said that to him, not able to utter the words once he actually became a father. It lit a fire in him, pulling her in closer before he ripped the shirt off her body.
He held her against him, kissing her neck as he basically growled at the feeling. Becoming almost feral with the thought of fucking her. She was in love with the feeling, when he got rough with her it was the best.
She enjoyed every second of it, knowing she’d wake up in the morning with beard burn on her neck and between her thighs, not giving a single fuck. It was so worth it, the tickle of his facial hair on her skin beside his mouth, she craved it.
“I need you out of those boxers, sir,” she panted, holding his hair as he continued to kiss her neck.
He pulled off her, looking at her in the darkness with lust-filled eyes. “Lay back,” he instructed her.
She always listened, laying back against the pillows as he freed himself from the confines of his underwear. Crawling on top of her and hovering slightly as he looked down at her. He brushed her hair off her face, kissing her lips lightly before smiling.
“Tell me again what you want?”
She smirked, “I want you to put a baby in me, fill me up. Let me make you a daddy again?”
The noise that left his throat was enough to make her clit twitch again, it was deep and guttural and beyond sexy. He became an animal on nights like this.
She spread her legs again, wrapping her knees around him as he pulled him in against her body. “Fuck me, Spencer.”
He lined himself up with her quickly, dragging the head of his cock through her folds a few times before he began to push in. Little by little, achingly slow. Teasing her, knowing just how badly she wanted him to pound into her.
“Yes,” she sighed as he bottomed out, dropping her head back against the pillow softly.
Her hands roamed his back, waiting for him to start to move again. Digging her nails in when he finally did, pulling out slowly before pushing back in with effort.
“Ah,” she moaned softly, covering her own mouth as he started to move faster.
“Shhh,” he reminded her, kissing her neck again as he found his rhythm.
“Shut up and fuck me then,” she sounded desperate. “Please,” she added. Not wanting him to stop out of spite.
“Shut up and take it,” he ordered, placing his own hand over her mouth as he fucked her harder.
She couldn’t believe it, he was holding one hand over her mouth while his other reached for her clit, making her jolt forward at the contact. It was everything she wanted, it was rough and powerful and just the best reminder that she belonged to him.
Spencer was hers, she was his, they created this entire world together. She felt so overwhelmed, she wasn’t aware that she was crying at the pleasure till Spencer moved his hand off her mouth to wipe off a tear.
“Keep going,” she encouraged him. “Please, please.”
“Shhh,” he soothed her, “I’m going to make you feel so good bunny, you’re going to be so full, so beautiful carrying another one of our babies.”
That did it for her, she tilted her head back as she arched her back. Pulling Spencer’s fingers into her mouth so that she wouldn’t moan too loud as she came on his cock.
Spencer shuttered at the feeling, fucking into her with vigour as he tried to hold in his own moans. Sounding more like a whimper when he finally came, spilling into her with the force of a Mack truck.
He dropped against her body then, breathing deep into her neck. She wrapped her legs around him tightly, holding him inside of her so nothing slipped out. “Fuck.”
“I love you,” Spencer breathed against her skin.
She ran her fingers through his hair softly before kissing his forehead. “I love you more.”
They stayed like that for a while, only pulling apart finally to get cleaned up. Spencer turned back on the light, helping her to the bathroom quietly before stripping the sheets off the bed.
She returned to a freshly made bed and a dressed Spencer waiting for her. She put her shorts and a t-shirt back on, slipping into bed and cuddling into him once more. Having to look presentable for when the kids eventually came running into their room at 7 am.
She sighed into his embrace, smiling softly against his skin. “What was that Buddha quote you told me all those years ago?”
“When you meet your soulmate, remember that the act to bring you together was 500 years in the making. So always appreciate and be kind to each other,” Spencer replied softly.
“Goodnight, Spence,” she kissed his jaw softly as she snuggled in closer.
“Goodnight, bunny.”
the end
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I Had To Know Pain Before I Could Be Comforted
Pairing: Billie Dean Howard x Fem Reader
Requested by @steveyouarelate : “37 (Lie to me. I don’t care what you say, just lie to me. Make me feel okay again.) and 50 (I’m sorry I’m not enough for you) (with an happy ending, please) with billie dean x reader”
A/N: there’s a lot of crying and wallowing in self-pity in this one, you’ve been warned. I wanted it to have a tragic ending but you asked for happy, so here you go. I hope you’ll like it <3
Title is a line translated from this song.
Word count: ≈ 3 700
Someone catcalled you from across the street but you didn’t find it in you to care. You had no idea where you were. Night was falling, the cold, crisp air was biting your cheeks and making your whole body shiver. You could barely feel your fingers anymore. Your feet hurt. But the pain and the cold felt good. If you could, you would close your eyes and let yourself sink into it to forget everything else.
Your phone buzzed in your pocket. You ignored it. You kept on walking, straight ahead, left around a corner, past an old man sitting on a bench. He said something to you you did not understand. A car honked nearby. Let it. Let it hit you and put an end to your misery.
Your phone buzzed again. “Oh for fuck’s sake, leave me alone,” you muttered. But even as you said it, your hand reached in your pocket for your phone. Your heart swelled with a bubble of hope, that perhaps it would be her, that perhaps her words would be the right ones and they would make everything better. You turned on the screen and read your notifications.
Coming home soon? x
I’m making mackerel in white wine
It was the cold wind that made you tear up, nothing else. Certainly not the image of Billie in the kitchen, dressed in comfy clothes, sipping a glass of expensive white wine, hips swaying to some mellow jazz song as she chopped herbs and vegetables and stirred the sauce. Sassy, brave, confident, and just a little bit reckless Billie. How you adored her. She was everything to you.
Blinking back your tears, you texted her back a few words saying you were going to spend the night at your dad’s. That was a lie, but you really couldn’t face her right now.
And it wasn’t your fault, really. You had never meant to be so messed-up. But Billie – she was the sun, she was the moon and the stars in the sky and beyond, no matter how cliché that sounded, and you… you were lying on the ground covered with dirt. You were nothing. You had not achieved a single good thing in your life. You couldn’t talk to people without making a complete fool of yourself, you had no talent, no beauty, only a boring, dull personality.
You carried that knowledge in your chest like a rock. Most of the time its weight was bearable; but there were days when the rock seemed to expand and expand until it took all the room in your chest. When that happened, nothing could bring you relief. Negativity would cloud your mind. Dark little thoughts would chirp in your ears like birds in the spring. Useless, they would sing. Boring. Worthless, they would sing.
Today was one of those days. You had woken up with a feeling of dread and dejection and it had required all of your strength to get out of bed. Luckily Billie had left for work early; you didn’t want to bother her with your problems and your bad mood. And then things had just gotten worse and worse.
Today you had lost your job. Your boss had warned you several times before: you weren’t as efficient as your co-workers, you didn’t work fast enough, didn’t smile enough. You simply were not enough. So today he had held the front door open for you and slammed it behind you and had not even bothered to hide his satisfied smirk. Since then, you had walked. Roamed the streets, tried to make one with the cold.
Your phone rang. Billie’s name appeared on your screen. You stared at it for a moment before you accepted the call. You knew she may very well drive to your dad’s if you ignored her, and then what? She’d know you had lied to her. Besides, a tiny part of you was still hoping she would know what to say, she would just know, without you having to tell her, and that rock in your chest would turn to dust and flowers would bloom in its place.
“Hi sweetpea,” said Billie. Her voice was cheerful, but you knew her well enough now to hear the tinge of worry in it.
“Hey,” you said. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you beforehand. Are you mad?”
There was a soft clang, something metallic being moved. “Of course I’m not. But are you sure you’re alright?”
You closed your eyes and swallowed hard. “I’m fine. My dad just really needs company right now.”
Did she even care? Or was she relieved that you wouldn’t be spending the night together?
“I’m sorry you made dinner for me,” you went on, eyes still shut tight.”I should have warned you, but he –“
“It’s fine, Y/N, really,” Billie cut you off. “We have that wonderful thing called a fridge that I can use to store leftovers.”
A small laugh escaped you.
“But I’ll miss you,” Billie said. She paused, and again you pictured her, her free hand on the counter, fingers drumming, an apron tied around her waist, hair as perfectly done as if she were about to attend a movie premiere. Another small laugh escaped you, affectionate, incredibly sad.
“Me too. I’ll be back tomorrow. Love you.”You hung up before she had time to say it back. You weren’t sure you could hear those words from her right now.
What would she think when you told her you had lost the one thing that still made you a person of value to the world? You couldn’t bear to see the disappointment on her face. She would be kind, of course, and tell you not to worry. Maybe she would even say that she still loved you. But that wouldn’t be true. Billie deserved someone who, like her, had shot for the stars and made it. Someone who shone as bright as she did, someone she could be proud of – not a liability like you.
You walked. When you took a look at your surroundings, you realized you didn’t know that part of the city. It looked like a wealthy residential neighbourhood, big white houses with large porches, impeccably mown lawns. The streets were deserted. You walked.
Spending the night at your dad’s wasn’t even an option. He was too boisterous, too loud. Your best friend would know something was wrong the minute she’d take a look at your face, and then she would ask questions, demand answers you didn’t want to give her. So you kept on walking, dragging around that rock which after so many years had become a part of you. You didn’t even know if you would want to get rid of it. It felt like company now.
A bridge, across a canal. Past the city hall. You reached downtown, busy, wild, buzzing with life. People brushed past you and laughed at each other and talked too loudly. The city watched you roam without offering the least bit of comfort. You had tried to find solace in its streets hundreds of times before, fueled by the naive belief that the city would welcome you with open arms and a kind smile. But the city was indifferent and selfish. The city sneered at the lost souls that wandered the night.
Maybe you could get a hotel room. You stopped in front of the first hotel you found and stared at the door, but soon realized you were incapable of going in. It was as if your legs had frozen, as if some sort of force were pushing you away. So you walked on. Your heart was secretly singing for home.
But you couldn’t go home. You couldn’t do that to Billie. You were a burden to her, and that had to stop. She had too many great things to achieve, a whole future made of gold and diamonds and glorious victories, to be held down by someone like you. So shut up, you ordered your heart. Don’t yearn for something you do not deserve.
You walked. You walked until you were sure your feet were bleeding and every muscle in your legs was screaming in agony. A little past midnight your mind went numb. You walked. At 1am a dog barked at you, at 1:34 a drunk whistled and called for you to come with him. At 2:30 you finally looked up and realized your aching feet had led you back home.
You tried, you really did, to go away. Go back downtown, get a freaking hotel room to spend the night. Your feet led you to the front door, your hand turned the key in the lock. You could sleep on the couch, you told yourself. You could sleep on the couch, and leave at dawn before Billie woke up.
The house was dark and silent. You waited a few seconds, your heart beating fast in your chest, listening for any sound, any indication that Billie was still awake. Nothing. You took off your coat and shoes, and dropped your bag on the floor. You waited a few seconds more. When you had convinced yourself Billie was asleep, you tip-toed all the way to the living-room. The floor was cold under your feet, the walls seemed to be closing in on you in the dark.
You hadn’t eaten since breakfast, but you weren’t sure your stomach could hold food right now. All you wanted was to collapse on the couch and bury your face in the pillows and sleep. Forget that you existed.
Your right foot slammed into a suitcase you had not bothered to put away earlier in the day. A curse escaped you, low and angry, and out of the corner of your eye you saw something stir in the darkness of the living-room. You jumped, raising an arm to defend yourself, and squinted at the shape that straightened and turned, light from outside falling on strawberry blond hair.
Billie reached out to turn on a lamp and grimaced as the bright light blinded her. She raised one hand to shield her eyes, blinking away sleep. There was a red mark on her left cheek, and you quickly realised she had fallen asleep at the table while doing crosswords. She often did that, when she couldn’t sleep. Crosswords helped her focus when her mind was buzzing with too many thoughts.
She met your eyes, blinked again, and then she smiled. You stood frozen as if you had turned into a statue, the mad pumping of your heart the only sign that you were still alive.
You could have tried to make a joke. You could have lied to her again, said you had tucked your dad in and left. Instead, your throat closed up, your heart dropped into your stomach, and to your utter shame and despair you felt your eyes fill with tears.
You were so tired. How so tired of being you.
All you wanted was to sink into Billie’s arms.
For a minute there was only silence. You watched as Billie’s expression turned from surprised to happy to confused. Oh God, what would she think of you? How she would despise you. She would think you were a sad, pitiful creature and she would be right.
You prayed for something, anything, an earthquake, a meteor crash, a tidal wave even though you lived miles from the ocean, that would put an end to your miserable life.
Billie stood up, smoothing one hand over her wrinkled clothes. Only now did you notice that she hadn’t changed from work. Had she been waiting for you this whole time? Your heart tightened in your chest. No, that couldn’t be. She had probably tried to make the best of her one evening of freedom, her one happy evening when she could celebrate your being finally out of her hair.
“I wasn’t expecting to see you tonight,” she said with a small smug smile. She held out one hand as if to touch you and you flinched. She noticed, and her smile wavered.
“Are you alright?”
“I –“ With a shake of your head you took a few steps away from her, your throat thick with tears, and when you shot her a glance her face was blurry but you could still see the damned worry in her eyes –
“Y/N what’s wrong?” she asked, her voice getting higher and shaky as it always did when she was anxious. She walked up to you, but kept enough distance between you and her so as not to make you feel cornered.
“I lost my job.” The words tumbled out without permission. You were so tired. You just wanted to be held. “I got fired because I couldn’t do my job properly.”
That was it, then. You had lost her. She was seeing you for who you really were; the veil love had dropped over her eyes was finally being lifted.
You couldn’t look at her, so you closed your eyes and let your tears fall.
“I’m so sorry,” you sobbed, one hand coming up to your chest for it was too tight, it was crushing your heart and it hurt too much. “Billie, I’m so sorry I keep disappointing you.”
A hand, on your arm. A question, barely above a whisper. “Honey, what do you mean?”
A sob pushed out of your throat, loud and painful and so despicable. “I’m sorry I’m not enough for you.”
She let out a noise, a gasp, but to you it sounded like a contemptuous, mocking laugh, a laugh that said, Look at you, pitiful, pitiful little creature.
“Y/N,” she started, but you shook your head. You still couldn’t look at her.
“Listen, I’ll get my things, I understand. Just – let me sleep here tonight. Please. I’ll sleep on the couch, only for tonight, and then I’ll leave I’ll – “
“Y/N what are you talking about?”
You felt her grip on your arm tighten, acrylics digging into your skin.
“Just one more night, please, Billie,” you begged.
“Shut up. Stop talking. You’re not making any sense, honey.”
“I’m so sorry,” you cried.
A hand on your cheek. You almost flinched, almost recoiled, but you managed to stop yourself from doing so. There was no need to hurt her more than you already had.
“Please stop apologizing,” Billie whispered. Why did she sound so broken? “Tell me what to do. What can I do?”
You shook your head again, choked on a sob. Billie’s thumb was gently stroking your cheek, catching your tears and wiping them away.
“Lie to me,” you whispered. “I don’t care what you say, just lie to me. Make me feel okay again. Tell me I can be enough for you.” You opened your eyes, then, and looked up at her. And you could have hit yourself, you could have stabbed your chest and ripped off your heart, for her face was coated with tears that dripped down her chin, and her gaze was so terribly sad.
She let out a strangled breath. “Oh, Y/N… come here, come here baby.”
You didn’t even try to fight her. Your body sank into hers like a stone into water. Your hands slid up her back to grab fistfuls of her shirt as you buried your face in her shoulder. She wrapped one arm around your waist and put her other hand on the back of your head, pressing you closer against her. She was being so gentle, so loving, dropping kisses on your temple, murmuring sweet nothings in your ear – it only made you cry harder. Because you were going to lose this, to lose her, and you’d never have the strength nor the will to find that kind of sweet love ever again.
She started humming, a soft tune, as she rocked you like a child and you sobbed and wailed. Her voice was always a little bit raspy when she sang, a little bit out of tune, never quite managing to hit the right notes. Hearing her sing always soothed you. She ran her fingers through your hair, acrylics gently grazing your skull, just the way you liked it, because it always made your skin tingle everywhere.
Damn her, she knew you so well. She knew exactly how to help you calm down, how to make part of that ache in your chest disappear.
Minutes passed. Billie was still humming when you finally felt like you could breathe again. You turned your head, pressed your cheek against her shoulder – her blouse was wet now, you had done that, ruined it as you always ruined everything. You forced yourself to take a deep breath, relishing the smell of her, so precious, so loved – you would have to keep it safely stored in your mind to never forget it. Maybe, on the darkest of nights to come, when everything and everyone would fail to soothe your soul, if you closed your eyes tight enough you would be able to conjure her scent again, and then sleep would finally come.
Billie’s hand slid down the side of your face to cup your cheek. You closed your eyes, counted to three, then pulled away.
Her gaze was still so very sad when you met her eyes, but she managed to offer you a smile. She gracefully wiped a tear that rolled down her cheek.
“Why are you crying?” you frowned.
Billie let out an incredulous laugh. “Did you hear what you said to me?”
There was no reproach in her voice, only sadness, and that felt like a stab to your heart.
“I’m sor –“you started, but she interrupted you with a slender finger on your lips.
“I told you to stop apologizing.” She offered you another shaky smile, but then her brow pushed up in concern. “Did I –“Her voice broke. She swallowed, tried again. “Did I do something to make you feel like you were not enough?”
Did she… what? You weren’t sure you had heard her properly. Had those words really left her mouth, or had they been uttered by a malicious spirit? How could Billie, Billie who was so considerate, so loving, so utterly perfect – how could she think she had done anything wrong?
Her face crumpled as she misinterpreted your silence. “Oh no baby, I’m so s –“she started, but you interrupted her.
“No, Billie, you didn’t do anything wrong.” Your voice was hoarse from crying. You shook your head, biting your lower lip to hold back fresh tears. “You’ve been so good to me. The best thing that ever happened to me. The truth is, you’ve been too good and I don’t… I don’t want to hold you back.” She opened her mouth to protest, but you shook your head again, a silent pleading to let you finish. “Now that I’ve lost my job you’re gonna have to provide for me and I can’t let you do that. I can’t be a burden I can’t –“
Again, a finger on your lips. You fell silent. Something in you disappeared and you felt your body go limp, as if there was no strength left in you.
Billie’s finger gently tapped your lips as she gazed at you thoughtfully.
“I don’t mind providing for you while you look for another job,” she said after a while. Her brow furrowed. “Or maybe you should take a break. Maybe I should, too. We could go somewhere nice and relax for a while.”
“But I –“Another tap on your lips.
“But you –“you tried again, but again she interrupted you. You planted a kiss on her finger in retaliation, and were rewarded with a small smile.
“I couldn’t sleep without you,” Billie said in a low voice. Her eyes met yours, kind and vulnerable. “You’re not a disappointment, Y/N. It’s got to the point I cannot even imagine my future without you.”
You couldn’t help it: you dissolved into tears again. Billie cooed and gently guided your head against her shoulder. You clang to her, hoping you could get rid of your negative thoughts with every sob. It didn’t work like that, you knew it, but when you were in Billie’s arms it almost seemed life could be easy and kind.
You didn’t pull away when your tears subsided. You kept your eyes closed, enjoying Billie’s embrace, her hand running through your hair, her warmth. You felt thoroughly empty now, thoroughly spent. Sleep weighed on your eyelids. You wrapped your arms around Billie’s waist and pulled her closer still, breathed in her scent and let out a sigh.
“What happened?” Billie whispered after a while.
“I told you.” You nuzzled her shoulder. “I lost my job.”
“No, I mean… what happened?”
You got her meaning, somehow, as if your mind were perfectly attuned to hers. You hesitated. Swallowed hard.
“I don’t know,” you said in a breath. “Sometimes it feels like I can never be a viable option for anyone, especially not for you. I know it’s stupid, I know I have no real reasons to feel that way. But I can’t help it.”
Billie hummed. She dropped a kiss on your forehead, warm lips lingering on your skin. “I love you,” she said, voice firm and raspy. She ran one hand up and down your back, nails scratching gently.”And I want you, even when you’re at your lowest and ugliest, even when you don’t have a job.”Her hand slipped over your shoulder, under your chin, titled your head up. She waited for you to meet her eyes. “You’re allowed to not be at your best all the time. That doesn’t make you worthless.”
And as you gazed at her with half lidded eyes, her words sank into you and settled in your chest and bloomed there. Eased the ache. Maybe only for a few hours, maybe only for a few days, but it was all you needed right now. And somehow she had known exactly what to say. And she would know what to say the next time.
You blinked sleepily, and she cooed, smiled a smile that was half fond, half smug. “Do you need to get some shut-eye, my little bear?”
You rolled your eyes at her, but were betrayed by a yawn. Her smile grew into a smirk.
“Shut up,” you muttered, as you buried your face in her chest, nuzzled the exposed skin, and smiled.
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megalony · 4 years
We have to go
I know I’ve been absent for a few weeks but I’ve finally managed to get an imagine done. This is a murderer! Ben Hardy imagine that I might do a follow up part for if you all like it. Feedback is always lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie​ @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr​ @rogmeddows @radiob-l-a-hblah​ @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss​ @sj-thefan​ @omgitsearly​ @luckytrashgooprebel​ @scarsout​ @deaky-with-a-c​ @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac​ @vousmemanqueez​ @jonesyaddiction​ @ambi-and-sunflowers @milanosaurus @httpfandxms​ @saint-hardy​ @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls​ @mrsalwayswritex​ @rogerina-owns-me @hellsdragon​ @im-an-adult-ish​ @crazylittlethingg​  @tabsispage​ @allauraleigh​ @onceuponadetectivedemigod​
Murderer! Ben masterlist
Summary: Ben is a hitman and that means he has to be careful that he doesn’t put his family at risk. That means that when he is in danger, they have to move, sometimes in the dead of night.
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(Y/n) tiredly fluttered her eyes open, blinking to adjust to the darkness of the room before she slowly started to scan her eyes around for Ben. Her brain was so accustomed to being woken up in the night or early morning due to her husband that any noises she heard no longer set off her anxiety. It was normal to hear him looking around for his keys, his belt or his clothing when he got up early or came home late. And (Y/n) was no stranger to listening to him stumbling home from a late night, smelling of booze and crawling into bed and wrapping himself around her like a vine.
But as she slowly looked around for him, (Y/n) started to wake up a bit when she noticed Ben was moving around the room rather quickly. He was clearly moving things by the way (Y/n) could hear clothing being ruffled and items being picked up and discarded like tissue.
What was he up to?
There was no time for (Y/n) to try and formulate any words or sit herself up in bed before her heart jumped in her chest as she was suddenly staring into her husband's wild eyes. Ben was crouched down in front of the bed, his arms folded on the edge of the bed and his chin resting on his arm and (Y/n) could barely make out the small tight-lipped smile on his lips through the darkness of their shared bedroom.
"Hey baby. Sorry to wake you darlin' but I need you to get up cause we got a lot to do." Ben's voice was quiet as he knew (Y/n) had only just woken up due to him rushing around the room and he knew he would be confusing her but he needed her to be awake before he even began to explain what was going on.
He leaned forward and stole a quick but very desperate kiss from her lips, nipping at her lower lip with his teeth before he pulled back and pushed himself to his feet.
A groan escaped (Y/n)'s lips when Ben flicked on the bedside lamp before he went back to doing whatever he had been doing that woke her up. (Y/n) couldn't fathom what was happening but all she did know was that Ben was in his organised panic mood. When Ben had to get things done he made sure he did it but when it was something panicking him he started to get a bit shakey and moved and talked quicker than normal like life was moving on fast forward setting.
Ben was never a settled man, it didn't matter if he was oddly calm or if he was always thinking about something, he had to be moving and doing something. He liked to organise and reorganise the house, it helped him calm down and get his mind in order and he liked a clean tidy house more than (Y/n) did so when he was home he got to work. Sitting down to watch a movie was something he couldn't always do but he did try and relax, it just didn't seem to be in his nature.
"Ben... what are you doing?" (Y/n) slowly pushed herself up into a sitting position that made her head spin considering she had only just woken up. She wanted to go back to sleep, she wanted Ben to crawl into bed and sleep with her or even for him to just babble about his day and draw patterns on her skin until he dozed off. She just wanted to sleep rather than wake up and work out what he was doing now.
(Y/n) could feel her heart starting to pound against her ribcage in a way that made her body coil forward itch from how uncomfortable the feeling was. Ben was stuffing clothing into bags. He was packing up their stuff in a haphazard kind of way that (Y/n) had seen before.
The way she slowly said his name with a warning tone caused him to momentarily stop what he was doing to look at her.
"We need to go."
Those four little words were enough to force a whine past (Y/n)'s lips and make tears well up in her eyes without her even having to know the reasons behind Ben's words. In the six years that (Y/n) had been with Ben, she had heard those words a dozen times and she knew instantly that this was going to be a bad one.
Whenever Ben said those words it meant one of two things. It either meant that something had gone wrong with a deal or a fight and they would have to go away for a few days or weeks and then come back home. Or it was more serious and meant they would have to take everything and move homes altogether. (Y/n) hated when it meant they had to move and that had happened three times in the six years she had been with Ben. She knew what he did, she knew he was a hitman and that it meant killing people for large sums of money.
Ben loved what he did and he knew what kind of a man that made him. It made him a monster for killing people who either deserved to be killed or simply needed to be killed to fit someone else's plans and life. Ben was good at what he did and he had the kind of conscience where killing people didn't play on his mind at all, he felt no remorse for what he did. Despite being a family man and being someone who would go to the ends of the Earth to keep his family safe, Ben was a killer at heart.
But none of that mattered to (Y/n) because she always saw the other side to Ben. She saw the kind, loving and caring man who would do anything for her without her having to ask. She saw the man who smiled at her when she did nothing at all, the man who would wrap himself around her and just hold her because he wanted to feel her touch. (Y/n) saw a man who would do absolutely anything for her and for their children and that made her uncaring to what he did for a living.
But part of what Ben did meant that he had to have a normal home life, or as normal of one as he could manage. If people believed he was a good family man like he actually was, then they were less likely to believe that he was a cold blooded killer.
(Y/n) was fine with that. She was fine with creating a perfect family image for Ben because it was what she wanted, she wanted a loving family and Ben was a loving husband and father despite the cruel and heartless ways he killed people without even needing a reason to clear his conscience. But (Y/n wanted to have a home that she could decorate and make feel like it was theirs that they didn't have to uproute and leave when things went wrong. (Y/n) wanted to live somewhere where she had friends and family to talk to and be around, she wanted their boys to grow up in one place and have a permanent school rather than going to different schools and nurseries whenever things went wrong.
Leaving within a few days was okay, (Y/n) could deal with quickly packing things up and moving within a space of a week. That was okay, (Y/n) took at least three months to decorate each home they had in case they had to quickly move. She left items in boxes and essentials in easy places or bags in cupboards so if Ben did something bad they didn't have to run around and look for everything to pack up.
But they had been in this house for two years.
Billy had been born in this house and (Y/n) had it decorated lovely, they had nice neighbours for a change who weren't nosy or rude or creepy. (Y/n) had a lot of old friends in this neighbourhood and it wasn't a bad area to live in. She wanted this to be their home and to stay their home, she didn't want to take another long drive to a random destination and find a new home and start again.
Ben knew this.
Ben knew (Y/n) wanted a normal family life and a permanent home and he wanted that for her too. Before he met her Ben had a few flings and one night stands but had been dead set against being a family man because it would be too hard with his job. Then (Y/n) walked into his life and changed his outlook completely. She made him fall madly in love with her without having to do anything at all. They had two boys together and Ben loved when he came home and switched to being a normal family man, it made him so close to changing his job to something normal and reliable and more to the point, legal.
But he couldn't do that, deep down he would never be able to change that much so he did everything in his power to make their family normal, loving and happy.
"No. Ben we can deal with this... we'll call Joe or we'll just go for a week or two and say it's a holiday, Ben please." (Y/n) rubbed her hands over her face as she tried to think of anything they could do without really knowing what had gone on. She didn't want to move, they couldn't move right now it was bad timing, it was so bad.
"Baby, baby look at me." Ben moved until he was sat down on the bed next to (Y/n) so he could take her hands in his own. "Someone in connection to one of my old targets is here. Now they know me and if they find out about my last target they will put two and two together. This was always a risk and I need us to move before they spot me and things get ugly."
"Can't we just go for a few weeks-"
"I can't take that risk babydoll. My last target was an hour away from this town, that was close enough to home as it is and if someone says my name around here or this person sees me it will be a lot worse. I need us to be safe cause this person is dangerous and therefore we have to go. I've got a place sorted for now and then we'll search for a permanent place soon I promise."
Ben had targets, they were the people he killed because using names or any other tags made it too real for him and for (Y/n). Targets seemed easier, it was hard to imagine a person as a target. Sometimes in order to kill people Ben had to get close or talk to people who were close to his targets and that meant he took the risk of them recognising him. If this person recognised him and found out about someone who had been murdered an hour away from Ben's hometown it would be suspicious and Ben knew this man would know enough to suspect Ben of being a killer.
His first priority was his family and that meant that if someone was threatening their safety Ben uprooted them to keep them all safe. He also made sure he didn't take any jobs for at least two months in order to make sure things blew over and quietened down.
Ben could see the tears forming in (Y/n)'s eyes and it made his stomach churn to see her so cut up. He let go of her hands so he could hold onto her hip and cup her face with his free hand. His thumb smoothed over her cheek to brush away a stray tear before he leaned close and pressed his forehead against her own like he was trying to merge their thoughts together. Ben knew (Y/n) would eventually be okay with this, once they found a house she adored they would buy it and decorate it until it was perfect and Ben would do everything he could to make sure it was a forever home for them.
But right now he just had to move them all to keep them safe.
"We can't do a midnight flit, Ben. The boys... they won't understand, it'll be hard to move everything like it always is. And the baby..."
(Y/n) closed her eyes and leaned her temple more against Ben's as she wished this was just a bad dream she was going to wake up from at any moment.
The boys were five and two, they weren't going to understand why they were leaving in the middle of the night and not going back to the place they knew to be their home. They would be confused, leaving their friends behind and going to a new home, a new school where they would have to make new friends and get used to a new school system. It would be a lot for them to take in, the last time they had moved Billy hadn't even been born but it was a lot for Harvey to cope with since he had only been three at the time.
Billy had been born in this house, (Y/n) had hoped that was a sign that this might be their forever home and she wanted this baby to be born in this home too. She wanted to get through this pregnancy without anymore problems or worries happening to make everything turn upside down.
Ben knew this was bad timing, he had been afraid of something like this happening and he wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't the only option he had right now. (Y/n) had suffered a miscarriage when Billy had only been ten months old, it had been a short time between his birth and getting pregnant again only for (Y/n) to lose the baby and suffer a very bad haemorrhage which hospitalized her for a week. That traumatic event had panicked Ben because it had taken a toll on (Y/n) and Ben couldn't take any jobs for four months because he had to look after (Y/n) and the boys.
They had finally gotten to a better point in their lives where the boys were fine, their relationship was great and (Y/n)'s depression caused by the miscarriage was under control. Learning they were pregnant again had been a worry and a shock and (Y/n) had been scared of losing this baby too.
Ben didn't want to uproot their family right now when (Y/n) had been put on bedrest for the remainder of her pregnancy due to complications. He didn't want to take any risks when it came to this baby because (Y/n) losing another baby would kill her too and she was his whole world. But if he didn't move them all now he risked someone finding out about him and either the police would get involved or it would get a lot worse and he would have the risk of his family being put in harms way.
"I know, I know it's shit timing baby but we have to go now. I'm gonna go pack the car and I'll try and keep the boys asleep and move them to the car. You know the drill, doll."
He pressed another longing kiss to (Y/n)'s temple, carding his fingers through the hair at the back of her head before he slowly pulled away and stood to his feet. Whenever this happened, and it had only happened three times before, they had a drill to go through. They packed clothing, paperwork, money and any other essentials into backpacks and carry on bags to stuff into the car and then Ben or Joe would come back to the house in a few days and clear it out. They took the essentials and came back for everything else when it was clear and Ben would sort out the house in terms of cancelling the rental and cutting off the electric and giving back the keys.
A sigh escaped (Y/n)'s lips as she rubbed at her eyes that were so desperate to shed tears but she had no effort or will to cry. She was too tired and numb to cry no matter how badly she felt she needed to in order to feel better.
(Y/n) tried to busy herself getting dressed but she kept stopping and staring at the wall in front of her or finding her eyes locked onto Ben, watching his every movement. He had managed to rather neatly pack their clothes into two carry on bags within minutes and was now kneeling down at the foot of the bed in order to get the dark grey box he always kept there.
(Y/n) watched the way Ben's silver chain around his neck hung forward like a medallion trying to show him some kind of sign. The silver ring that hung so neatly at the end of the chain was slowly swaying back and forth, repeatedly tapping against Ben's chest each time it fell back towards him. With what Ben did for a living, he knew it was best to keep his wedding ring around his neck so no one could see it. If people did end up finding him and knowing what he did then at least they wouldn't know he was married and had a family.
It had only now dawned on (Y/n) that Ben was only wearing his black work jeans and nothing else, no shirt, no hoodie, not even any socks. She wondered what he had been doing before he woke her up, maybe he had gotten blood on his clothes and therefore had washed them or even binned them. Maybe he worked himself into a state and stripped off in a hot flush which had happened a few times before. Maybe he had been in the midst of changing clothes and felt he had to pack up before he finished getting dressed.
Without his shirt it allowed all of Ben's marks and tattoos to be on display, not that (Y/n) hadn't already gotten each one memorised so that when she closed her eyes she could still see a map of his body.
There was something about Ben's look that was so calming and affectionate despite the many marks covering his skin. He had scars littering his skin from where knives had cut through him during bad and drunken fights in the dead of night, he never seemed to go a single day without bruises of some sort forming somewhere on his person. And the tattoos he had made his body look like a road map. Ben had dates inked into his skin of when the boys had been born and the date of when he had married (Y/n), plus a few designs on his arms and his lower abdomen.
Ben had roman numerals tattooed onto each knuckle on both hands and he had the same design on the back of his neck in large black ink. All of these marks would normally warn people away from him, they made him look dangerous and as if he was a threat or just made him intimidating. But (Y/n) always seemed to overlook all the marks and the ink, it was as if the colours faded and she just saw the person Ben was. He seemed to loving and inviting to everyone despite his outlook.
(Y/n)'s staring didn't go unnoticed by Ben, he could feel her eyes boring into his skin like she was trying to burn him with her intense gaze but he paid no mind to her staring. It was something (Y/n) naturally seemed to do and it never bothered him.
He found the box under the bed that he had been searching for and when he took off the lid, he started placing all the documents into the small backpack he had gotten ready. The grey box was something they took everywhere with them, it contained their passports, the boys' birth certificates, their insurance numbers and documents. But it also held a plastic wallet filled with fake documents. Ben had fake passports, driving licenses, insurance numbers and legal documents created so that if things got tricky they could switch identities in emergencies.
It was harder now they had the boys because they couldn't go changing the boys' names and think that they would understand but Ben had to have the documents made just in case a new identity was needed.
He also kept a lot of money and credit cards stashed away because when they had to disappear like this, cash was the best way to pay for things because it couldn't be tracked like a credit card could.
Breaking out of her trance, (Y/n) slowly padded across the carpet to where Ben was knelt down in front of the bed. Without saying anything, she held her hand out to her husband who placed two credit cards, a driving licence and an unknown amount of cash into her hand. (Y/n) knew the drill, she would place all of those items into the seam of her handbag so if they got stuck or had to improvise, she could take them out of the hidden seam and start using them.
She leaned over and pressed a quick kiss to Ben's temple before she headed out of the room and quietly made her way downstairs. They had to be quick but they couldn't be too loud in case they woke the boys.
It felt like they were both in a trance or placed on autopilot because they knew what they were doing. The first time this happened they had been rushing around like headless chickens trying to remain calm. They had talked about what they would do if this situation ever happened but actually going through it was a lot different. But now it was a drill, it was a fire drill and they had to do what they always did to make sure everything went smoothly.
The couple bypassed one another in the hall and when going up or down the stairs to get the bags to pack the car.
(Y/n) went into Harvey's room and Ben went into Billy's room, both of them working in the darkness to pack up their son's clothes, essential toys that they couldn't go without and the bits such as bottles and beakers and nappies.
"Double-check there isn't anything you need to take tonight then go get in the car, I'll get the boys." Ben rested his hands on (Y/n)'s shoulders, slowly massaging his fingers into her skin before he turned and made his way into Harvey's room.
Ben grabbed a pair of socks and sat down on the end of Harvey's bed, slowly moving the cover so he could slide the socks onto his eldest boy's feet so he wouldn't get cold. He pulled the navy blue fluffy blanket from the end of the bed and was carful when wrapping it around his son before he effortlessly eased Harvey from the bed. His look-alike stayed motionless and in a sleeping state just like Ben expected, nothing every seemed to wake Harvey up, not even a thunderstorm or an earthquake.
He hated to do this.
Ben hated himself as he walked down the stairs, holding his son to his chest tighter with every step he went down. He didn't want to imagine how the conversation would go when the five year old woke up to realise he was no longer at home but was in the car driving to a new home in a new town. But it had to be done, and this was easier than waking Harvey and trying to explain everything to him right now.
It didn't take long for Ben to kneel in the car and slowly settle Harvey into his car seat with the blanket still tucked around him and his rabbit toy cocooned under his arm. Ben made sure the small emergency light in the front of the car was switched off for now so it wouldn't wake Harvey who couldn't stand any lights on in his room when he went to sleep.
He made his way back into the house and up to Billy's room, slipping a pair of socks onto the two year old and a jumper to make sure he stayed warm before he wrapped Billy's sleeping blanket around him and cradled him in the crook of his left arm.
Ben felt his heart jumping in his chest when Billy curled up into his chest, sighing as he tucked his face into Ben's side in his sleep. This was why Ben was doing this, he couldn't have anything happening to (Y/n) or their boys, he couldn't have them in danger because of him.
When Billy was curled up in his car seat safe and sound, Ben headed back inside, doing a double check of the house to make sure the essentials were in the car and all that was left were the decorations and household items that didn't need to be taken with them. He could see the pain in (Y/n)'s eyes as she looked around the house whilst pulling her cardigan tighter around her frame to fight out the bitter old of the early morning.
"I'm sorry, doll."
"I know. But can we just... try and make the next one a bit more permanent?" (Y/n) looked up at Ben with tired eyes that softened like melting chocolate when Ben wound his arms around her waist so he could pull her closer to his chest.
"We will, I promise. And this is just a precaution, I wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't to keep you all safe. We have a good cover up, anyway." Ben inched his hand under (Y/n)'s cardigan until the palm of his hand was resting against the side of her stomach.
He was only moving them for their safety, and their family was the best cover they could ask for. They had two young boys and a baby on the way, no one was going to think they were anything but an ordinary, loving family.
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specialagentsergio · 4 years
sweater weather
summary: The weekend before Halloween finds the BAU at a local farm, and there’s a bet on who’s going to solve the corn maze first.
pairing: spencer reid x gn!reader 
category: fluff
content warnings: none
a/n: happy halloween! this is just something nice and fluffy for the fall season. i ended up researching corn mazes in virginia for this. (liberty mills is an actual farm in the area)
word count: 2.1k
song: sweater weather by the neighbourhood
There’s three things every agent who starts working at the FBI’s Quantico office quickly learns about the Behavioral Analysis Unit.
First, the unit has the best case solve rate in the Bureau. Second, yes, they really do have their own jet. And third, everyone in it has a mean competitive streak. There’s no such thing as a casual bet with any of them.  
You’re no exception. You don’t make it onto one of the FBI’s most elite units by keeping your head down.
And it’s that competitive nature you all possess that finds you wandering through a corn maze on a chilly October afternoon with Spencer at your side.
It’s safe to say it gets away from you sometimes.
It started off innocently enough. Ten minutes before the end of work on Friday, JJ approaches Spencer with a question.
“Are you and (Y/N) busy this weekend?”
“Um, I didn’t have any plans,” he replies, then turns to you. “Honey?”
“Not unless sleep counts as a plan,” you say with a shrug. The team had returned from a case yesterday that had taken nearly a week to solve. You’d slept well cuddled up with Spencer last night, but still had plenty to make up for. “What’s up, JJ?”
“Well, it’s the last weekend before Halloween, and Henry’s been dying to go pick out a pumpkin,” she says. “So Will and I said we’d take him to Liberty Mills farm tomorrow to pick one out from their patch. But, he wanted me to ask Uncle Spencer if he’d come, too, to help him pick out one that’s perfect.”
Spencer’s face lights up immediately. “I’d love to.”
JJ smiles right back. “Great! He’ll be so happy.”
“You know, Liberty Mills farm has the largest corn maze in the United States this year,” he says. “On average, it takes thirty minutes to an hour for the first and second trails, and two to three hours for the third level.”  
Morgan joins the conversation. “And let me guess, pretty boy: you think you can solve it faster than that.”  
“I’m not sure, actually. I haven’t ever gone through a corn maze.”
You look at him incredulously. “Really? You, of all people, haven’t done a corn maze?”
Spencer frowns. “What do you mean?”
“You love this time of year. Corn mazes are just such a fall thing that it surprises me that you haven’t done one before,” you explain.
“I don’t love fall,” Spencer corrects. “I love Halloween.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Bold words from a man who’s ordered a pumpkin spice latte every morning for the last three weeks.”
You take a moment to enjoy the blush that paints his cheeks at your words, then speak to JJ. “What time are you guys leaving?”
“We’re aiming for around nine,” she says. “It takes about an hour to get there. We can give you a ride, of course, but I’m guessing the two of you don’t want to be crammed into the backseat of our car for that long.”
Truthfully, it wouldn’t bother you much. You know Spencer would take the middle seat so he could sit next to Henry, leaving you with the better one. But the man is made of legs, and he’d get uncomfortable quickly with them squeezed into a tight space. The last thing you want is for his knee injury to flare up and leave him in pain for the rest of the day.
“Yeah, we should drive up separately,” you say. “We can just meet there.”
“Now, hang on,” Morgan says. “Is this an open invitation for anyone? Because I’ve done corn mazes before and I don’t want to pass up the opportunity to beat Reid at something.”
“Oh, I’ll take up that bet,” Emily says. “Twenty bucks says Morgan and I get through it faster than Reid.”
Spencer frowns. “Two against one? That’s not fair.”
“Well, obviously, you’re going through it with me,” you point out, lightly swatting his arm with the back of your hand. “You’re on, Emily.”
Rossi, briefcase in one hand, jacket hooked over his shoulder, comes into the fray. “What are we betting on?”
“Whether Derek and Emily or Spence and (Y/N) can solve a corn maze faster,” JJ says. She does a good job of acting exasperated, but you know she’s just as invested as the rest of you. If it wasn’t for her desire to spend time with her son, she’d probably enter herself.
“Oh, I’ll put fifty down on the kid, easy,” Rossi says.
Hotch, descending the stairs into the bullpen, overhears this and sighs. “What have I said about office bets?”
“Technically it’s not an office bet,” Emily points out quickly. “It’s something we’re doing over the weekend on our own time.”
“Yeah, this isn’t pool,” Spencer agrees. “Twenty-five on (Y/N) and I.”
“What’s this over?” Hotch asks.
“Corn maze,” Morgan explains. “I’ll add twenty-five as well on me and Emily.”
You tear a piece of paper out of one of the notebooks on your desk and start writing. “I’m putting in thirty,” you say as you write it down. Spencer may have never been in a corn maze before, but you have, and you’re pretty great at them. “Everyone write down their bets on here.”
“What about you, Aaron?” Rossi asks as the paper makes it way through the group.
Hotch shakes his head. “I’m not getting into this.”
“You should still come,” JJ says, scribbling down her wager. “There’s a pumpkin patch you can take Jack to.”
“I did promise him we’d carve a pumpkin this weekend,” he muses.
Penelope toddles in on her high heels with her bag over her shoulder. “What’s going on?” She frowns. “Am I being left out of something?”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, baby girl,” Derek says, slinging his arm around her shoulders. “We’re having a family outing to some farm tomorrow—”
“Liberty Mills farm,” Spencer interjects.
Morgan rolls his eyes. “We’re going to Liberty Mills farm tomorrow. You in?”
Penelope’s face breaks into her bright, radiant smile, warming up the room just like she always does. “Of course! JJ, please tell me my beautiful little godson is coming, too.”
“You can even help him pick out a pumpkin,” JJ replies and Penelope squeals.
“This is going to be so much fun! I can’t wait!”
A breeze ripples the cornstalks as you navigate the maze with your boyfriend. You’re on the fourth trail, the mystery maze portion. Derek had insisted on that after learning that Spencer saw a picture of the main maze over your shoulder while you were looking up the directions online. You’d agreed that it was only fair to do the mystery section; his eidetic memory would make it too easy to get through the main portion now.
You shiver at the cold and press yourself against Spencer’s side. It’s around four PM, but the temperature has already started to drop, and it’s especially chilly away from all the people and attractions, isolated in the maze.
Spencer lets go of your hand and you open your mouth to protest, but he speaks before you can. “Hang on, I have something for you.”
Your eyes widen in surprise as he lifts the flap of his satchel and pulls out a blanket that really shouldn’t have been able to fit in there. He drapes it around your shoulders and punctuates the action with a kiss on your forehead.
“Have you been carrying this around all day?” you ask incredulously. It’s new; you haven’t seen it before. The fabric is incredibly soft and the design is made up of your favorite colors.
He nods. “You get cold faster than I do, and you get cranky when you’re cold.”
“Yeah, how does that work?” you muse, pulling the blanket around you tighter. “You’re so thin. I feel like you should get cold at least as fast as me.”
“Well, if we look at the laws of thermodynamics,” he begins and you tuck yourself into his side with a small smile. He rambles for a while and you listen patiently, nodding and giving him “uh-huh”’s every so often to affirm your interest (though honestly, a good portion of it goes over your head—most of your studies in college were focused on psychology and sociology).
“I see,” you murmur when he finishes, and it’s not a lie—you think you understand the basics. You briefly stop him from walking to press a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you for the blanket. I love you.”
It’s hardly the first time you’ve said it, but he still blushes. “Love you, too.”
“Now,” you say, taking his hand back into your grip. “Let’s win this bet.”
Sixty minutes later, a smile tugs at your lips. Spencer’s corrected you on a few turns, being able to say for certain if you’ve taken a path before, and now you’re close to the end of the maze. You can feel it. You tug on his hand, picking up your pace. “Come on. We’re close.”
“How do you know?”
“I just do.” You let go of his hand and break into a jog, recalling the hot apple cider stand you saw earlier in the day. You can’t wait to wrap your hands around a cup of it.
“(Y/N)—” he starts, and you look back just in time to see him trip over a root and almost fall face first into the dirt, just barely catching himself on his hands.
You try not the laugh, but a small giggle slips out. “Sorry,” you say, fighting a smile.
He just rolls his eyes as he pushes himself up. “Can you slow down?” he asks. “The cold is making my knee hurt.”
Your expression immediately drops. “Yeah, of course.”
Five minutes later, you’re exiting the maze. Rossi’s waiting at the end and cheers when he sees the two of you. “Ah, yes! I knew it!”
“We’re first?” Spencer asks.
“Of course we are.” You remove one arm from your blanket cocoon and place your hand on the back of his neck, pulling him towards you for a kiss. He hums happily against your lips.
He hugs you from behind as you wait for Derek and Emily, sliding his hands under the blanket and into your sweater’s pockets. They’re ten minutes behind you.
“Ah, come on, man,” Derek laments when he sees you.
“Dammit,” Emily sighs. “You two better be buying dinner tonight.”
“Oh, we’d love to,” you tease.
“How far ahead of us were you?” Morgan asks.
“Twenty minutes,” Spencer replies, and you don’t have to turn around to know the smirk he’s sporting.
You elbow him lightly. “Ten,” you correct.
The five of you meet back up with the others near the entrance of the farm. Penelope had held onto the small pumpkin you’d picked out earlier in the day and hands it to you now. You have paint back home that you’re planning to use to decorate it. Spencer had no desire to get one to carve; he can’t stand touching the pumpkin guts.
“So who won?” she asks.
“Well, going by Spence’s expression, I’m guessing he and (Y/N) did,” JJ says.
Henry lets go of his mother’s hand and approaches Spencer, lifting his arms in a request to be picked up. “We sure did,” Spencer says as he obliges. “Isn’t that right, Henry?”
You grin. “Dinner’s on us.”
The team’s seated at your usual table at one of the restaurants you all like to frequent. There’s smiles and laughter all around. Jack is telling his dad, Beth and Morgan about the design he wants to carve into the rather large pumpkin he picked out. Penelope, JJ, and Emily are chattering about Emily’s date tomorrow. (You’ve seen pictures of the woman and she’s gorgeous; Emily also seems completely enamored with her.) Rossi is following up with Will on a recipe he gave him to try. Henry has vacated his seat next to Spencer to sit on his lap instead, and both of you are helping him color in the picture on his placemat.
When JJ takes Henry to wash his hands, you take the opportunity to put your hand on Spencer’s knee. “How’s it feeling?” you ask.
“Better, now that it’s warm.” He pauses, then says, “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“Coming with me today. I had a lot of fun. I...” He fiddles with the corner of the placemat. “I never really got to do stuff like this when I was a kid. You know, because...”
You nod; you know what his upbringing was like. “Well, I’m happy to have been a part of it.”
Spencer leans into you, tucking one of his legs behind yours. You squeeze his knee lightly and he lets out a sigh of contentment. He stays like that until Henry returns. The food arrives shortly afterward. Before you take your first bite, you run your eyes across everyone at the table.
It’s a strange, mismatched family you and Spencer have, but you wouldn’t trade it for anything else.
tell me what you thought here!
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nastybuckybarnes · 4 years
Bodyguard  -  Six
Pairing: Bodyguard!Bucky X Politician!Reader
Summary: As a young and controversial politician, you face some opposition. After a death threat is made and your security is at risk, you agree to get a bodyguard. You don’t expect him to be the most irritating and attractive man on the planet. With a history so deep and twisted you never thought you’d figure it out, a terrible corporation is determined to take you out of the political picture; using any means necessary. The only question is, how far is James willing to go to ensure your safety?
Warnings: Fluff, Angst, Injuries, Violence, Language.
Word Count: 1.5K
A/n: Um hi it’s only been like a year or something haha oops. We’re gonna have one more instalment to this series!
You watch as Bucky, Natasha, and Steve argue over what’s best for you to do. Bucky is adamant that you stay in the safe house, away from those trying to kill you, while Natasha argues that putting you in someplace where they can get you could lead them to get answers about who wants you and why they want you dead. Steve, the poor man, is trying to play mediator between the two hotheads.
“What are they expecting me to do?” You ask suddenly, getting the attention of the three.
Bucky looks at you with pursed lips.
“You tried to come clean on national television and they thwarted that. I assume that they think the message got across.” You nod slowly, thinking that over.
“So why don’t I do something that they wouldn’t expect? If they think I’ll lay low, I should do the opposite, right?” 
An idea starts to take shape in your mind.
“I could make a public announcement from the safe house. Take a video and send it to every news station in the country to get my message across. Then, HYDRA will be exposed and I’ll still be safe here.” Natasha cocks her head to the side, eyebrows raised as she ponders it.
“Nat, no,” Bucky says instantly. She holds up a hand to silence him.
“We could have Stark secure the network. Make sure that no one can trace the video back here. She’d be safe and HYDRA would be exposed. It works.” You nod, happy that she’s agreed with you. Bucky sighs heavily and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“There’s no way I’m arguing with you two, is there?” You both shake your heads and he almost cracks a smile. Almost.
“Hello, all. I am coming to you from an undisclosed location to give you an update on the threat to America. It was speculated that the terrorists were from outside of the country, but I can confidently confirm that they are American citizens. They work for a terrorist organization known as HYDRA, and they’ve been operating since the 1930′s. Their goal, as of right now, is to strike fear in the hearts of the citizens and wage a war on the Middle East. We must not give in to them. I have been attacked many times, but I will not give in to fear. HYDRA will be stopped and they will be stopped soon. Do not engage if you see them. This is a message to the citizens of America and the terrorists of HYDRA. HYDRA will be stopped. And justice will be served.”
You rewatch the video one last time before sending it off, a weight lifting off of your shoulders while one settles on Bucky’s.
“It’ll be fine, James,” you whisper, taking his hand in yours. He sighs and shakes his head. “I have a bad feeling about this.” You wave off his concerns and stand up, stretching your legs and pulling him to his feet.
“Well... I think I know how to get your mind off of it.” He’s following you up the stairs to the master bedroom and you can’t help but giggle, all the while Tony Stark and Natasha are taking all preventative measures they can online, not wanting the video to be tracked back to the safe house.
Steve has called back up, to get extra security around the house, and sits in his car outside, watching the surroundings for anything suspicious.
You climb out of bed, grinning at Bucky’s sleeping figure. Rather than disturb him, you get yourself cleaned and dressed then head downstairs to make yourself some tea. The house, surprisingly, is empty, except for a note on the kitchen table written in Natasha’s neat handwriting.
‘Following up on a lead. Be back soon. Call if anything happens.’ You purse your lips and take a big breath in, hoping that this will all be over soon so that you can come out of hiding.
As you’re pouring the boiled water into your mug, a hand is coming up and covering your mouth. You go to drop the kettle, hoping the loud noise wakes Bucky, but a second set of hands grabs it and places it back on the counter.
You’re silently dragged from the house, tears in your eyes as fear spreads through your veins like wildfire.
Then you’re being shoved roughly into the backseat of a car, hands bound behind your back and a gag in your mouth.
You kick against the windows, hoping to break them and give yourself some way to escape, but one of your captors jumps to the back with you while the other takes off speeding down the road and away from safety.
The drive is long, with too many turns to count, and you feel yourself losing hope.
They finally pull up to a large house in the middle of an upper-class neighbourhood, the car sliding into the garage.
The gag is pulled from your mouth and then you’re being wrestled inside the house.
If you weren’t so focused on fighting the men holding you, you’d take time to notice how beautiful the house is.
Then you’re being pushed to sit down in a chair in the kitchen. You glare at the people holding you captive, angry and slightly terrified.
“You, my dear, are far smarter than you seem. Smarter than your father was.” You recognize that voice, and the fact that you do sends a shiver down your spine.
“President Pierce,” you state, not turning as the man walks into the room. He chuckles and sits down across from you, a smile on his face.
“You know, I thought you were dead for a while. Until that video came out. Stark is fast, but not fast enough. We tracked it down and found you. And look at that, you’re hardly surprised to see me here, are you?” You shake your head. You never had a good feeling about the president.
“Well, I’m not going to argue with you and tell you that I’m a good guy. Women like you can never see the bigger picture.” You roll your eyes at him,
“What bigger picture?! You’re trying to start a war with innocent people!” He chuckles and pats your cheek. “Oil. Oil is money. And money is power. Once we control the Middle East, we can start taking on Africa. And then Asia. Then Europe. Until the whole world belongs to us.” You shake your head, disgusted by his greed.
“You won’t get away with this. Everyone knows it’s HYDRA behind the terrorist attacks.” He clicks his tongue.
“Yes, that’s true. But all I need to do is make a convincing video of you confessing to lying, admit that you’re working for the bad guys, and then kill you. You’re a pawn in a bigger game than you know. And you’ve played your part beautifully. I’ll admit, you’re stronger than I thought, but even you can break.”
You open your mouth to speak when suddenly your phone starts ringing.
One of Pierce’s men hands the phone to him and he shrugs. “It would be suspicious if you left without your phone.” A gun is pressed to your temple and you squeeze your eyes shut.
“You’ll tell them that everything is fine and you just went out to grab a few things from the store,” Pierce instructs, accenting the call and pressing the phone to your ear.
“(Y/n)? Where the hell are you?!” Bucky’s frantic voice asks. You let out a shaky breath before answering.
“I’m fine. I just went to grab a few things from the store. You can chillax. And make sure you tell Sam to chillax too, okay? I know he specifically will worry so make sure you tell him to chillax.” He hesitates for a moment, suspicious and worried.
“I’ll tell him.” You feel your eyes start to sting.
“I’ll be back soon. I love you, James.” This is what really tips him off to something being wrong.
“I love you too.” He doesn’t hang up right away, he waits and listens to see if there’s anything to give away where you are.
One of the goons takes your phone from Pierce as he begins talking, hanging up after he’s spoken a few words.
“Steve!” Bucky shouts, dropping his phone and looking for the blond. Steve, Nat, and Sam hurry into the room, each with matching looks of concern on their faces.
“She’s with Pierce,” He says. The other agents look confused before Bucky turns to Sam.
“She kept telling me to tell you to ‘chillax’. I don’t know what that means but she said it more than once.” Sam’s eyes widen. “I told her that if she’s ever in trouble to say ‘chillax’. As a code word.” Bucky jumps to his feet.
“Fuck! I knew it! I fucking knew Pierce was with them. He’s gotta be.”
“Wait... you think that the President...” Natasha trails off and Bucky nods.
“Pierce is working with HYDRA.”
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nuttytani · 4 years
Just like a movie
fandom: ikevamp
pairing: vlad x gn!reader 
words: 2000+
warnings: mentions of food and that's pretty much it
a/n- this was my secret santa gift for my dear friend: @jiyuu-chan ! + if you enjoyed it; feedback is highly appreciated!
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People say that you are meant to meet a special someone in your life. Someone who would change everything, who would complete you like a piece of a puzzle- someone you are destined to be with from the moment you are born, a string of fate tying you closer.
Soulmates have a special bond with each other; a red string that is attached to their pinky- which can only be seen by them. Such is drilled into every child’s brain from a young age.
When you were younger, your father would always tell you stories of how he had met his soulmate, his wife...your mother. It was otherworldly he said, like nothing else- an indescribable moment, and he wanted you to just know when you had met yours.  
“One day, you’ll also meet your one and only, sweetheart!”
“Really? But���. how will I know?”
“Really! It’s simple. You’ll see a red-,” your dad said- looking a little too excited.
“DARLING- STOP! DIDN’T WE DISCUSS THIS!?? Don’t annoy the poor child…,” your mother screeched from the kitchen as she stormed to your place- giving her husband a sharp look before turning to look at you,  “sweety- you’ll know when that day comes, alright? Why don’t you go play, hmm?”
You only nodded meekly, and rushed upstairs- glad to have your dad stop talking. Your parents’ banter was now muffled, but your mind was clouded with thoughts of what your father was about to say. Perhaps your mother was right...it’s better not to know to keep the moment special.
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As you grew up, from kindergarten, primary school to highschool and finally college; you stood by and watched most of your friends find their other half- until you were the only one left. You’d always feel a dull pang in your heart...what if you were destined to be alone for life? When were you going to meet your soulmate? Will people keep on taunting you? These thoughts would lurk in your head, until you couldn’t think anymore. But now you were older and more carefree than before, such thoughts didn’t bother you any longer- at least not completely.
Every once in a while, your family and friends would dreamily tell you about their experience, while you’d just listen and nod. An exhausting cycle, where all your concerns would come rushing back to you. Then, of course, they’d never forget to ask about your nonexistent love life... It wasn’t fun to watch them shoot you a sympathetic smile and say “don’t worry, your time will come soon!”
Truly, having a soulmate or not didn’t matter to you, at least that’s what you think. It wasn’t uncommon for few people to be ‘alone’ although that was quite rare and an unfortunate occurrence. Why was it so hard for people to leave you alone? Real life isn't a romantic movie, like everyone would depict it as.
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“There we go! I think that’s it now,” the strawberry brunette sighed as he placed the vase of wildflowers on the coffee table. 
“Finally! I’m so tired,” you groaned, slipping to the floor as your back pushed against the couch.
Fumbling with the book in your hands, you motioned the man to sit beside you- not too long after, he too sat lamely next to you on the cold hardwood. Exactly five hours passed since you and your friend Charles began organizing your new house. The two of you were working nonstop- tirelessly to get the place looking more liveable and comfortable. It was a struggle, but the effort was worth it.
“You know...you owe me for this big time,” Charles announced cheekily.
“Spill it. What do you want Charlot?” Brows shot up your forehead, you knew that smile all too well.
“First of all...stop calling me ‘Charlot’ it’s weird! Only Faust calls me that. And to answer your question- I would like to eat your pancakes.” He flashed you a toothy grin.
“Sure whatever you say Charlot,” you snickered, “with coffee?”
With a roll of your eyes, you stood up and threw the book on the couch before heading to the kitchen. Straight away- you pulled out the mixing bowl and sieved the dry ingredients, while humming to a tune that was stuck in your head.
About a week had passed since you moved into your new house, it was a decent place and safe neighbourhood. But the best part about it was the fact that your house was a five minute walk from town. That meant no more lazy drives to the market, quite the bonus actually.
Remembering a task- you shouted to Charles, “Can you be a sweetheart and do me a favour?”
“Ask away child, your wish is my command,” he said with a flourish of his hands.
“Haha very funny- go get the mail”
“No no no- you’re forgetting something. What’s the magic word~” he sang in a high pitch.
“...Monsieur Charlie, can you please get the mail,” you huffed in annoyance.
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Sounds of pancake sizzling and boiling of the kettle filled the kitchen, you were too busy flipping the pancake to notice Charles' presence back in the living room. His eyes were squinting hard at the brown box and some mail sitting snugly between his arms. He looked back and forth between the parcel and your back before he cleared his throat, capturing your attention.
“Hey uhh...is your home address 216b?”
“No. It’s 215b- why do you ask?”
“Are you sure? Because your mail says-”
Before the man could complete his sentence; you snatched the package from him- your eyes widening momentarily.
“I suppose the addresses got mixed up…” Charles muttered
“Yea looks like it…”
The two of you just stared at the package, not knowing what to do. Your first thought was to drop it off at the right address. The house was just in front of yours, it shouldn’t be a problem and maybe you could introduce yourself to your neighbour at the same time.
A smoky scent filled the living, interrupting your train of thoughts; your nose scrunching up in disgust- “What’s that smell?”
The two of you stared at each other quizzically before exclaiming at the same time “THE PANCAKES!!”
[Unfortunately, it took a great deal of time trying to scrape the burnt pancake off your pan and clean it. The unknown package was the last thing on your mind.]
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“Thanks for the help Charles, I appreciate it.” You smiled at him.
“No problem, after all, I got to eat a good meal in turn,” he gave you a wink before bidding his byes.
The sky lost its pale blue colour and was now transformed into soft red and violet, all blending in to create a beautiful gradient with specks of white clouds adorning like freckles. A mop of unfamiliar silvery hair passed by your peripheral as you stared up the sky, taking a shy glance towards the man.
You stared at his back discreetly as he fumbled with the keys before opening the entrance to his house. 
‘216b’ the golden letters glistened. 
Huh. So that’s your neighbour! Maybe now’s the time you give him back the parcel, and that’s what you did.
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You knocked thrice on the emerald green door, while balancing the huge brown box on your other arm- waiting patiently while you internally panicked. Your hands started to sweat and the box started to slip. Rushed footsteps echoed from the other side before halting suddenly, the green door opened with a start; giving you a little shock.
Once again, you were met with the silvery haired man; his garnet red eyes flickered to yours and at that moment- you felt as if everything froze around you. Your heart started to beat way too fast, and your breathing became shallow- it felt as if you were underwater. A tingling sensation ran up your left hand, your eyes flashed down to see whatever the problem was- only to be met with a scarlet thread wrapped around your pinky. You looked at the man in clear surprise and he too- looked very taken aback as he followed your eyes.
The silence stretched far too long for your liking, with a clear of your throat- you introduced yourself to the perplexed man and spoke
“...I’m the new neighbour”
“Bonjour, how can I help you?” He stared at you with wide eyes.
“So err- the package— I mean...I-I believe this is your mail?” You motioned to the box in your arms, “Looks like the mailman mixed up our home addresses.” You swallowed the lump in your throat.
“Ahh! Why yes- actually I have yours as well- the mail I mean,” his eyes softened in understanding, “Please! Come inside.” He invited you in as he took the parcel from your hands.
“I wouldn’t want to intrude.” You shook your head meekly, still recovering from your speeding heartbeat.
“Not at all! Come in, please,” he insisted with shining eyes.
The house was similar to yours, the same white walls with wooden floors and fixtures- it had a relaxing ambience. You spotted several plants and flowers decorating the house, giving the place a much more peaceful vibe, you were too busy admiring the place to notice your neighbour returning.
He placed two plates of strawberries and tea on the coffee table which caught your attention.
“You have a lovely home uhh…”
“Vlad. I’m Vlad- my apologies, I completely forgot to introduce myself. How rude of me,” Vlad said with a slight smile.
When you turned up his doorsteps, you had no idea of what was to come- you definitely didn’t expect to finally meet your soulmate after all these years and in such a way. Now you understood what people meant by ‘feeling butterflies’
“No, it’s quite alright,” you chuckled while calming your jittery hands.
Vlad took a seat on the couch and pat the place next to him for you to sit. He elegantly picked the teacup and blew softly on it.
“So, how long have you been here?” he asked.
“Not too long actually, been just a week. I’ve finally finished organizing today,” you said while taking a bite into the deep red strawberry- the sweet juiciness making you sigh in delight.
“These strawberries are particularly my favourite- in fact, these were in the parcel you brought,” Vlad said with a deep laugh.
You gave an awkward ‘oh’ as you took a sip from your cup.
Not too long after, the awkwardness disappeared as you two got lost in conversation after conversation and more endless conversation, and a few giggles in between. It was quite easy to trust Vlad- he had a calming and serene aura and had you feeling comfortable in no time, perhaps too comfortable that you didn’t realize how late it was until you glanced at your wristwatch.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry- I lost track of time…”
Vlad gave a hum of acknowledgement as he eyed the wall clock, “It’s not that late.” He looked at you with twinkling eyes, ”Why don’t you stay for dinner? I’d like some company.”
“Hmm I don't know… I’ve overstayed my welcome,” You said with furrowed brows.
“Well I for sure know you haven’t —as I’ve said—I enjoyed your company.”
“Ahh fine! You’re good at tempting people you know?” With a grin, you folded your arms which earned a hearty chuckle from Vlad.
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Dinner went smoothly as you two chattered on and on. The two of you stalled your return home but stayed in each other’s presence by washing dishes, eating dessert, extra dessert, and washing dishes yet again until there was nothing left to do.
Once again, you stood at Vlad’s doorstep with a meek smile.
“I had fun, thanks for having me”
“Me too- and it’s not often to find that your neighbour is your soulmate,” Vlad gave you an impish smile.
“Yea— it was, just like—”
“Just like a movie?”
“You stole my words, monsieur.”
“Perhaps this is our movie,” he said while tucking a stray piece of hair behind your ear.
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a/n: if you enjoyed reading this, please don't forget to leave a like and/or reblog. feed back is always appreciated. + join my taglist here
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padfootagain · 4 years
A Very Rose Mistake (I)
Part 1: How It All Began
 Here we goooo!! New series! This is from a request from my 4.7k followers event, with the prompts 22 and 23 (I won't put them here, cause I don't want to spoil too much… you can check them on my post for the event if you want by doing a quick research.) by @paniconthepitch .
It's a fake-dating AU with the best friends to lovers trope, and it's gonna be a wile ride!!! There won't be any warnings in this fic except for some angst and tooth-rotting fluff, as usual for me :)
So, I hope you like it! I'm gonna structure the fic a little differently compared to what I usually do (even if it's nothing extraordinary), so tell me if you like this first chapter, so I know if you like how I've organized the fic!
Tell me what you think, please! I'm very excited and nervous to share the first chapter with all of you!
Oh, also, I don't like talking about the whole covid crisis in my fics (I write to mainly escape from it), so even though the fic happens this year, there isn't any virus around, so no one is breaking distancing rules or anything.
Pairing: Harry Styles x reader
Word Count : 4516
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                                                  Holmes Chapel
 It was a warm summer in Northern England. Sun high and warm and skies bluer than blue.
Your parents were unboxing some of your stuff in your new home, but it was the afternoon, and the weather was way too nice for you to stay inside. Instead, despite your tiny body, you had managed to climb on top of the stone wall that enclosed your garden and separated it from the street. Just a little patch of grass on the front of the house, but it was nice. You looked at the cars driving across the street, a thin layer of sweat making your forehead glisten in the sun because of how warm it was. You could hear your parents' distant voices through the open window of the living room. The air smelled of gasoline and blossoming roses from your neighbours' house. From time to time, a dog barked in one of the tiny gardens further down the street.
You were eating an ice-cream, that your mother had prepared for you by putting it in a paper cup. Some of it was sticky on your chin, but you didn't mind. It was good, and you were having fun looking at the new neighbourhood.
A little boy pranced out of the house on your right, carrying a bag to put in the bin outside the house. He seemed to be around five years old, just like you.
As he saw you sitting on the low wall, a curious expression settled on his features, and he tilted his head in wonder. He had never seen you before, and it was very surprising, as he knew all the children living in the street, even the ones who were older than his sister.
He thus decided to walk over to you and investigate.
You beamed at him as he approached, hoping to make a new friend already. It was your first day in this town, you reckoned it would make a great start for the life in your new home.
"Hi!" You waved at him, and his cautious behaviour slightly faded as he smiled back at you.
"Hi. Who are you?" He asked bluntly, a frown wrinkling his round face, chubby cheeks turned pink by the heat, and a bundle of dark blonde hair getting messy as he pushed a few locks out of his green eyes.
"I'm Y/N. My parents and I are moving in this house. Do you live there?" You asked too, pointing at the house he had walked out of.
He nodded slowly, seeming satisfied with your answer.
"Yep," he answered, popping the p at the end. "Why are you alone?" he went on, a lisp making him trip over his words a little.
"My parents are cleaning stuff inside. And I don't have friends here yet."
Again, he nodded at your explanation.
You remembered your grand-mother's advice about making friends, and reckoned that if you wanted to make the little boy your first companion in the neighbourhood, you needed to offer him something. So, you handed him the rest of your ice-cream.
"Do you want some?" you asked with a bright smile.
The boy decided that he liked seeing you smile. You were missing a couple of baby teeth, and it was such a happy gesture that he wanted to make you laugh instead.
He remembered the joke that his sister had played on their cousin that had made the whole table laugh. He reckoned that it should do the trick.
So, instead of taking the ice cream you were offering him, he jumped up and pushed it against your face.
And indeed, your face covered in vanilla ice-cream was hilarious, and he exploded with laughter.
But you weren't laughing at all, as the boy laughed at you. Instead, hot tears started to form at the corner of your eyes, and you looked at the little boy with so much hurt and betrayal on your features that his laugh died in his throat as quickly as it had formed in the first place.
When you started to actually cry, he was panicking.
"Hey, don't cry," he said, as if asking for a favour. "I... I didn't want to make you cry. I thought it was funny."
But you just kept on crying, and he felt so terribly awful seeing you like this that he found himself on the verge of tears too. Your eyes were turning puffy and you were sniffing, and seemed so miserable... he didn't want to see that look on your face, ever. He liked your face too much, actually.
"I'm sorry. It was a joke. Don't cry. Is it because you dropped the rest of your ice-cream?"
You didn't answer, quietly crying still, and he rushed to his house, running as fast as his little legs could carry him. And you were even more miserable than before.
So much for making a friend...
You were about to go back inside, finding no fun in being out anymore and wanting to clean up your face when you saw him running out of the house again.
He was carrying what seemed to be a container full of ice-cream and a spoon.
"Here!" He handed you the two objects, struggling to catch his breath after his run. "You can have mine instead. I'm sorry you didn't find my joke funny. Please, don't cry anymore."
Hesitantly, you took the objects from him, awaiting a new trick, but none came. You opened the box to discover some chocolate ice-cream, as promised.
"I'm sorry. I don't have vanilla one. But maybe Mrs. Richard has some... she keeps this kind of stuff all the time for when her grand-children come visit... do you want me to check for you?"
He seemed earnest, and his green eyes were full of concern. But you shook your head, eating a spoonful of his ice-cream.
"It's good. Thank you," you quipped, making him beam up at you.
He noticed that you weren't crying anymore, but you were pouting still, and he didn't like that look on you either. He wondered what more could he do to make you properly smile again.
"Why did you do that in the first place though?" You asked, interrupting his train of thoughts as he considered running to his room to get his new toy, thinking that maybe if he let you borrow it, you would feel better. But only on the condition that you didn't put ice cream on the red plastic car, of course...
"My sister made that joke to our cousin once, and it made everybody laugh, so I thought it would make you laugh too. I don't know why you didn't think it was funny, I thought it was fun!"
"You're not the one who got covered in ice-cream," you answered with sadness in your voice.
He bit down on his lip, and sheepishly shook his head.
"No... You're right. I'm sorry."
"It's okay. I like your ice-cream better," you admitted, and he beamed at you again.
"It's some very good ice-cream! My favourite!"
"Mine too. Want to share?"
He enthusiastically nodded. Climbing on the wall by your side. He handed you the tissue his mother always forced him to have in his pocket at all times. Maybe she was right, it was handy.
You took it with a quiet thank you, trading the tissue against the spoon and you cleaned up your face while he ate some ice-cream too.
And as you looked at him again, you reckoned that maybe it wasn't too late to make a friend, after all.
But you couldn't be friends if you didn't know his name. That would be rude.
"What's your name?" You asked.
He swallowed his mouthful too fast, making his brain freeze and you laughed at the silly face he made as a reaction. He had chocolate all over his mouth, but you reckoned that it made him look even happier.
"Harry. I'm Harry."
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 "What do you mean lying to your family about us? What do you mean you need a 'plus one'?"
You heaved a trembling sigh. You knew that you were asking an awful lot out of your best friend but you simply had no choice.
Your cousin's wedding was in two weeks, and if you went alone you would spend the entire day hearing about how sad it was that you were single, and everyone would try to plan a date fpr you with this cute colleague they had. It wasn't helping that you had decided to move back to England after you would complete your PhD in California. You could not even begin to think about the people at the wedding who would actually make a move on you as the night advanced and veins were slowly filled with more and more liquor.
No, you most definitely did not have the strength to go through this. And all you needed was a tiny lie to escape it all. One tiny lie that would last only for a day and you could actually enjoy the wedding instead of trying to escape from it. You liked your cousin, and knew she would be devastated if you didn't go, so you really had no choice at all.
And all your hopes of spending a decent day relied on your rockstar of a best friend.
Harry was frowning at you, sitting across from you around one of the tables of the Cafe Habana, his pink cocktail since long disregarded as he struggled to understand what was it exactly that you were asking from him.
It was unbelievably warm in Malibu, and your table outside was only salvaged by the weak breeze blowing from time to time. You were nervously fidgeting, your hands resting on the wooden table between you and Harry.
He rubbed his eyes and readjusted his sunglasses upon his head, his green eyes piercing right through you as you explained the situation one more time.
"I need you to accompany me to my cousin's weeding and pretend you're my boyfriend, so I will escape my family's disappointment and all the drunk single guests who will try to dance with me."
"You want us to pretend that we're together. Like... romantically together?"
"During your cousin's wedding. In front of your entire family?"
"And you think that I'm the best man for the job because...?"
"You're my best friend. You've known me basically all my life. You know me better than anyone else on this Earth, it won't be hard for you to pretend like you know all the useful details about me because you actually know them. You get along so well with my parents. Plus, you're an actor now too! Even if it's part-time... You'll do great! Consider it like a training exercise for your career in the movie industry."
"Absolutely the fuck not."
"Harry! Please! I need your help!"
"It's a terrible idea! No... no actually, it's worse than that. It's the worst idea I've ever heard! I can't pretend to be your boyfriend! In front of your whole family! I know your whole family!"
"Harry... please... I need your help, okay? You don't know how they are, it's going to be hell... Half of my family considers that I am a failure because I was not married by the age of 22, and the other half begins to think that the reason I am still single is that I am insane!"
"For their defence, you do sound a little bit crazy right now."
"Alright, alright... calm down," he mumbled, raising his hands before him in a gesture of peace. "I was just joking."
"Look, my family is... on that particular point, they're a pain in the arse. I need your help. I will not make it through the day without punching someone if I try to go on my own. And Cassie is so excited at the idea of me going to her wedding! And it's in Scotland! It's gonna be so pretty! Harry, please. It's just for one day."
He heaved a sigh, but you could read in the way that his eyes travelled back and forth from left and right and the way he tugged on his lower lip in between his fingers that he was hesitating.
It was all because of your cute little pout and sad eyes. He couldn't resist those. Never had been able to, even when the two of you were just five years old. Damn you and your adorable face…
"I'll let you eat all the cherries I get from my grandma's orchard this year," you offered, making him smile and shake his head at you.
But you read in his body language that you were winning.
"H, pretty please... just one day... one day... I'll go to all your shows for your next tour. I won't ever tell you again when I don't like one of your songs."
He laughed properly this time.
"Liar, you're too honest. You'll never manage to keep that up. That's why I like you so much."
"Okay... but I will go to your shows. And I'll give you cherries..."
He heaved a final sigh, but nodded this time.
"Alright, I'll do it," he agreed.
"YES!" you cried, jumping to your feet to walk around the table and hug Harry so tightly he could barely breathe. "I knew I could count on you!"
"I mean... if I get cherries..."
"As many as you want!"
You kissed his cheek, loud and ridiculously enthusiastic, making him force a wince to hide the way he longed to grin at the gesture instead.
"Alright, alright, calm down," he gently pushed you away and you sat back down into your own chair. "I have a few conditions though."
"Sure, fire away!"
"Rule number one: no kisses, nothing happens during the day."
"Of course! That would be frankly disgusting!" you teased him. "I'd never want to kiss you!"
"Hey! No need to turn it like that! Careful, or I'll change my mind!"
You rolled your eyes, but waited for him to go on, counting on his fingers.
"Rule number two: I won't sing or do any kind of performance at the wedding."
"She already has a band and everything, no worries. Besides, my aunt doesn't like your music, so she would never let that happen."
"That... was the second blow to my ego in the span of two minutes..."
"It's big enough, it can take it."
He playfully stuck his tongue out at you, and you replied with an adorable giggle.
"Rule number 3: if some elderly member of your family starts being all mushy about us, we drop the act and reveal the whole thing. This only stands as long as it doesn't hurt anyone's feelings."
"Sounds fair."
"And last but not least," he added, shooting you one of his annoyingly charming cheeky grins, "You can't fall in love with me for real."
You scoffed.
"As if! Don't get over yourself! You might have pretty dimples and a nice voice, but you're not half as charming as you might think."
"So… it's all safe! Deal?"
He offered you his open hand, and you shook it with a grin on your lips.
"Thanks, H. You're a real life-saviour."
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The sound of your cousin's happy shriek was so loud, you had to pull your phone away from your ear. It seemed safer to put it on speaker.
You were back at your place, alone, and had decided to call Cassie to let her know that you would attend her wedding, and would bring Harry along. You were cutting tomatoes to prepare a salad for diner whilst on the phone, the device set on speaker resting upon the counter by your side.
"Hi, Cass! How are you? How is the planning going?"
"It's almost ready! We've just found the flowers and they're perfect! But I wanted to call you actually, you haven't replied yet to the invitation. You're gonna come, right?"
"Of course, I'm coming. That's why I was calling right now. I just..." you cleared your voice before finishing your sentence, your heart rushing as you lied. "I just had to check if my boyfriend was available too, so I could come with him as my plus one. And he can come so..."
Cassie let out another cry full of excitement, interrupting you mid-sentence.
"Your boyfriend!? How come you've never mentioned him before?!"
"Hum... we like our privacy, let's say. But we'll have more time to talk about that at the wedding."
"Of course! We have a whole week to catch up!"
You frowned hard, feeling panic rise into your chest.
What did she mean by that?
"A week?"
"Well, of course! You're coming to the family event, right?"
"The family event?"
"Haven't you received my email?! For the whole week leading to the wedding it's gonna be our closest family members and friends in Scotland! We'll finish getting ready and have lots of fun! I've planned so many activities! You're coming to that, right?"
"Oh dear, I can't wait to see you there! It's been ages! Did you really have to move to the States? I've already asked Amy to get your favourite pastries, I know how much you love those snacks. I can't wait to see you... so, you're arriving on Friday or Saturday then?"
You had to tell her the truth. Had to tell her that you had only asked Harry for one day and not a whole week. He was so busy these days working in the studio, there was no way he could clear a whole week for you being notified only a couple of weeks in advance. A weekend could be done but over a week?!
You heaved a sigh. You would have to spend the week on your own, but at least, the news of a boyfriend coming for the ceremony would ease your family's mind. You could still escape most of their terrible comments about your love life.
"I haven't booked my flight yet. Not sure if I'll arrive Friday or Saturday. I'll keep you updated. My boyfriend will be working though, so he can only come for the weekend of the wedding."
"Oh, of course, I understand. What does he do?"
"Hum... he's in the... music business."
She heaved a sigh.
"Oh, Y/N, please, tell me you didn't fall in love with a penniless drummer again, like you did in high school. Not again, sweetie."
You laughed at the memories, shaking your head.
"He's not a drummer. And he's not penniless either. It's Harry."
"HARRY?! Wait… You mean… HARRY HARRY?!"
"I don't even know anyone else called Harry," you laughed. "Yes, Harry Styles, from Holmes Chapel."
"I thought the two of you were just friends."
"Hmm… We… decided to give it a try."
"Wow… Oh. My. God… wait until your mum finds out. Have you told her yet?"
"No, not yet."
"She's gonna freak out."
"Why would she? She knows him! She likes him."
"As your friend, sure! As your boyfriend… Your dad will chop his head off."
"Yeah… I'm a bit worried about my dad."
"You'll have to tell me everything about it, but I have to run now... There is apparently an emergency with the napkins."
"Good luck with that. See you!"
"See you!"
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"Hmm... H?"
"Hmm?" He looked up at you from the cup of tea he held in his hands, his long fingers encircling the porcelain to warm his hands.
It was a little chilly, or as chilly as an evening in early autumn could be in LA, at least. You were enjoying a quiet evening with him, spent in his garden. You sat in the grass, with stars and torchlights shedding just enough light for the two of you to keep on playing scrabble. You had stolen his multicolour cardigan when the sun had set and the breeze had turned colder. Harry wore one of his Treat People with Kindness sweaters.
In the distance, a siren rang and then passed Harry's neighbourhood. You could hear muffled laughter coming from children playing in a garden nearby.
It was quiet still, the whisper of the busy city shushed for the most part. Time seemed a little slower now, an effect of the night and the lack of constant busy flow of people around you.
"About my cousin's wedding I told you about the other day... have you booked your flight yet?"
He shook his head, blowing upon his too-warm beverage.
"I figured we should book the same flight," he answered.
"Oh no! I'll be going a week early."
"I thought you were only staying for the weekend," Harry frowned before taking a sip of warm tea.
You could have walked back inside to finish your game now that the weather was cooler. But it was such a precious moment you were sharing that you were too scared to break your bubble if you did move.
After all, evenings spent alone with Harry were too rare to be wasted away.
You didn't blame only his busy schedule and his numerous friends though, you were a busy bee yourself. Entering your last year of PhD and getting ready to write your thesis to become a doctor as an history major was a lot of work. You also had friends of your own that you enjoyed spending time with, and if Harry sometimes joined you at a bar, it just wasn't the same as spending time with only him.
So, you didn't ask him if you could move in the house when you shivered as the wind blew with more strength. Instead, you enjoyed the way his hands moved across the board as he placed his letters to form a new word, his fingers bare, for once not wearing any piece of jewellery.
"No, my cousin is actually inviting the close family a week in advance to spend a few days with us. She has apparently prepared tons of activities and stuff."
"Oh... shouldn't I go to that too, then? As your plus one?"
But you shook your head, a little embarrassed.
"No, I told her you might not be able to attend that but you would be here for the actual wedding. It's alright. You have enough work as it is."
"You're telling me that you're gonna get a whole week alone with your entire family?"
"Only the close circle but... yeah. It's alright though... they're not that bad. Just annoying with the whole 'being single and soon 30' thing."
Harry groaned.
"We're only 26, don't make me older than I am, I don't need a reminder."
He seemed lost in thought for a moment, before he would ask another question.
"Won't they bother you for that week if you go alone?"
"I guess... they're probably gonna pretend like I'm not actually bringing anyone, criticize you a lot for not coming for the whole week, especially as you're a musician and they consider that you don't have a real job..."
"For their defence… I don't have a real job."
You rolled your eyes at him but couldn't refrain a smile.
"Anyway... as long as you come to the actual ceremony, I should be fine."
"Nah... that sounds horrid. I'll come with you to the whole thing."
"It's alright! It doesn't bother me at all! Besides, I haven't seen your mum in a long time..."
His eyes grew round all of a sudden.
"Wait... we're gonna have to lie to your mum..."
"And to my dad."
His worried expression turned into one of fear.
"Oh fuck... your dad is going to kill me."
You laughed at him, but it was hard to hide your own fear at the idea of the two of you facing your father.
"Of course not! He likes you!"
"Likes me? Have you forgotten the closed-door incident that summer when we were 14? Cause I haven't... I thought he was going to strangle me or something..."
"We're not 14 anymore."
"Yeah, but we're going to tell him that I am really fucking his daughter this time. It's much worse..."
You couldn't refrain a bright wave of laughter, despite the genuine fear in Harry's eyes.
"It's not funny!"
"It is. It is kind of funny. Don't worry, he won't hurt you. You know my dad, lots of barking but no actual biting."
"What about when we mysteriously break up right after the wedding?"
"We'll just wait a few weeks before I break the news to them. I can even pretend that I'm the one who called it quits, if you'd like."
"I better hope so! Or I'm going to earn a good old sermon from my mum."
"Anne can be terrifying at times."
"That's because she's the sweetest the rest of the time. It's too rare, we can't get used seeing her angry at us."
"Hmm... I agree."
There was a short moment of silence while you played, placing letters on the board too and counting your points.
"So... when is your flight?"
"Friday in two weeks."
"Alright, I'd better check if there's some room left for me too then."
"Harry... you really don't have to do that..."
"I said I'd be your plus one for the event, and I will. It's alright. I'll come to the whole thing. But know that if your father ends up beating the shit out of me, you'll be the one responsible! If you weren't a broke student, I'd make you pay for my hospital bills too, but I'm not that cruel. The weight of my suffering and broken bones on your conscience will have to be enough."
You laughed, and he soon joined you, enjoying the way your happy features made crinkles appear at the corner of your eyes.
"Poor chuckaboo..."
"Oi! Don't start with that, lambkin!"
"Why not? You've been teasing me with that stupid nickname since we were 12, I can tease you with your own too!"
"Actually, they're pet names, not nicknames. Terms of endearment."
"Oh, sorry, Mr. Dictionary."
"Well, I guess I should have the title, as I am properly kicking your pretty arse at scrabble right now, lambkin."
"Considering that my boxing skills are far superior to yours and that I could actually kick your pretty arse if I wanted to, I would tune the narcissist down a little bit, chuckaboo."
"You've always been a terrible loser."
"You're even worse than I am!"
"How could you know? I always win against you."
You threw a few letters at him in response, making him giggle in the most adorable way.
And as he struggled to calm down and stop his snickering, you reckoned that you truly were lucky to have a best friend like him.
And if he wanted to come with you to Scotland then... how could you say no? After all, you did need all the help you could get to survive this week with all your relatives.
After all, Harry would be there, pretending to be your boyfriend. What could possibly go wrong?
Taglist : @emcchi @fishstick-knows @eldahae​
@ponycake27​​​​​ @horsesreign​​​​​ @xinyourdreamsx​​​​​ @jbluevelvet​​​​@notkeppeki @daynigt-dreamer-stuff @fudgeflyss​​​​ @stuckupstucky​​​​​@snek-shit​​​​​ @suchatinyinfinity​​​​​@i-padfootblack-things​  @buckybsarmy @heyohheyitsgabi​​​​​​@jigsawlover10​​​​​ @emyyjemyy​​​​ @addictedtofictionalcharacters​​​​​​ @staringmoony​​​​​​@madamrogers​ @cronias13​ @stylesfics-xx​ @mellamolayla​ @mariaenchanted​
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flowesona · 5 years
The Hermit - Yandere! Seokjin x reader
The Tarot Series
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Warning: Mentions of Suicide, Explicit Content
Seokjin could not find real love for the life of him. Everyone around him was too vain, too obsessed with themselves to care about him. Everyone was hungry for money, or attention, and it made him sick. In his desperation for romance he turned to the previously taboo area for relationships - the internet.
He could find someone that shared his passions. He was even prepared to pretend to like something, just to find that special someone. But luckily he didn’t have to seek out anyone as desperate as he was. She just stumbled into his lap incidentally.
He’d found that Discord was the easiest way to find friendly, chatty people to satiate his hunger for love. That was how he’d found her, on some server about a video game he’d played casually a few times. He’d been pleasantly surprised when she sent him a message individually, asking if he was down to play a few rounds with her.
He’d instantly asked his friend to borrow his console, since this girl didn’t use PC. Jungkook had been persuaded to hand over his console with enough bribery and guilt tripping, and Jin was set to win the game and her heart.
“What do you do for a living then?” (Y/N) was relaxed enough, sat back in her chair with her knees to her chest and eyes on the screen.
“I’m a model. You?” Her teammate answered simply. Sure, he was only beginning his career, but what harm could a little white lie do?
“A model? That’s really cool. Guess I’m going to be the ugly friend, huh?” She laughed, before going silent to focus on the game.
“You didn’t answer me. What do you do?” Jin didn’t seem content to let silence take over.
“I’m stuck in a permanent limbo buddy. I don’t really know what I want to do once I’ve graduated. If I graduate that is.” 
(Y/N) sighed, shifting in her seat slightly.
“I can help you. I’m successful enough to-” She laughed, cutting off his wheedling statement.
“Not happening. You can kill me before I let you become my sugar daddy, buddy.”
“Seokjin.” He responded quietly. “My name’s Seokjin, but you can just call me Jin.”
“Well, Jin if you want to help me out maybe take care of these people behind me?”
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
He’d finally convinced her to skype him, to allow him to see her face after weeks of asking. Jin’s fingers trembled as he typed in the username and sent the request, an odd feeling in his stomach. Anticipation but also a slight fear - what if she didn’t look how he imagined his ideal woman to be? What if he’d wasted all his energy on a catfish?
But the face that appeared on his screen was nothing less than that of a goddess. It was as if his fantasy had been projected before him, as if his Galatea had been breathed into life.
“Hey Jin? You okay?” Her words shook him out of his trance and he nodded eagerly.
“It’s nice to put a face to the voice.” He said light-heartedly, flashing her a charming grin.
“You catch the lea- oh hold on a second.” (Y/N) left briefly, leaving Jin to stare at his own reflection in pity, to see the sad man he had become doting endlessly after a girl who couldn’t talk to him for a full minute without being interrupted.
Luckily, he only had to suffer for a few minutes as she re-entered the view of the webcam with a decently sized package in her hands.
“Sorry about that buddy. I forgot that my shoes were being delivered today.” It was that repeated use of the casual nickname that was starting to make his heart ache. As if she saw him as a friend and nothing more.
“Hey, (Y/N)?” He called her attention away from her parcel, revelling in her ethereal face. “Do you have a boyfriend you’ve never told me about?”
“Nope.” She responded. “And don’t you even think about trying to weasel your way into that role.”
“Why? Would I not be the perfect boyfriend?” His tone was teasing but his heart was thumping in his chest at the conversation.
“You are the perfect friend, Jin. I would happily hook you up with one of my close friends some time if you’re looking for love.”
“Yeah….” Throughout the rest of their conversation there was a notable absence of Jin’s normal self. No matter how hard he tried he couldn’t convince himself to be happy when she could never be his.
Yet he couldn’t stop himself. No matter how much she talked about him being a friend he was constantly pulled further into his obsession with her.
He hadn’t even realised that he’d gone too far when he contacted the leader of their discord (a personal friend of hers) to ask her last name. He wasn’t even aware of how fucked up it was when he solicited a professional to dig up as much personal information as possible on her. There wasn’t a sliver of sanity left when he ‘casually’ took a stroll through her neighbourhood, waiting for her to bump into him and invite him back to her place.
Jin had gone crazy for her, and she didn’t even know.
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
“(Y/N), you could do a lot better.” The older man said sternly, taking off his glasses. She stayed silent, hands on her knees to keep them from bouncing.
“I know, I might have rushed it since I was so busy with-” As the pair spoke, they were unaware of the third party spying on them. Jin had found a peephole in the storage room next to the professor’s office, and was watching the whole interaction with a second hand anxiety for her situation. 
“Well, there’s a few ways that you could make it better. I haven’t logged the grade in the system yet, so you could try again. Or, you can do me a little favour and I’ll log it as a B plus.” Jin watched in horror as (Y/N) cautiously nodded and got down on her knees, her hands unbuckling the older man’s belt.
He felt like he was going to be sick seeing (Y/N) being so intimate with another man, but he simply couldn’t bring himself to look away. He started to imagine himself in her professor’s position, thinking about how it would feel to have her mouth on him, her mischievous eyes looking up at him, and before he knew it he had one hand in his pants and another covering his mouth, hoping the walls weren’t too thin and they wouldn’t be able to hear their voyeuristic partner. But it was over too soon, (Y/N) standing up to wipe at her lips and muttering some kind of thank you as she left, trying to fix her appearance.
Jin started to make himself presentable as well, wiping his hand on his jeans. He checked back on the professor, seeing that he was packing away his laptop, ready to go home for the night.
Jin had to do something to stop this monster plaguing his (Y/N)’s life, and fast. 
He slunk out of the janitor’s closet, hoping to fit in as he walked to the parking lot. There, after checking that there weren’t any security cameras watching, he waited. Only half paying attention to his phone, some music blaring through his headphones so that he was camouflaged into the university setting, no one was even aware that he could possibly have the means to kill tucked away the back of his jeans.
Finally, the professor walked out, a tower of books in his hands. Jin approached him with a charming smile.
“Need any help there, professor? You seem to be struggling with that!” He offered, his hand outstretched to take some of the weight off his shoulders.
“Oh, thank you young man. My car is just over here.” The man smiled gratefully, bending to let Jin take the highest books on the stack before leading him to his vehicle.
“Just put them in the trunk for me. Thanks so much for your help.” Once all the books were loaded, the professor went to enter his car only to be stopped by the feeling of a gun being pressed to his back.
“Unless you want to die, get in the car. Act natural.” Jin muttered in his ear, easing the pressure off his hostage’s back for a second. “Don’t even fucking think about running or you’ll be dead before you know it.”
The professor gave a shaky nod, climbing into the driver’s seat as Jin sat in the passenger’s seat directly behind him.
“I want you to go to your home. Don’t think about acting up to get pulled over, got it?” He hissed. 
“Why are you doing this? I swear, if it’s money you want I’ll give you whatever you need, no questions ask-”
“I thought you were smarter than to question the man holding a gun to your back. Drive.” Jin snarled, his victim jumping into action once he felt a jab through his seat.
Jin didn’t even feel bad. In his mind, it was all just, punishing the man who was coercing his perfect (Y/N) into such gross, indecent acts.
Pulling up at his residence, the professor felt slightly more at ease, thinking he could just give this maniac money or his valuables and just be free. But Jin had other plans.
“Your laptop. Bring it with you into the house. You’ll need it.” He snapped, keeping the gun low enough that it wasn’t obvious to passersby but high enough that it was still a threat. His hostage nodded sullenly, pulling out his briefcase and laptop bag.
“Now, we’re going inside your house. I don’t want any funny business, got it?” Jin said quietly, following the professor as he unlocked his front door and entered, disabling the security alarm.
“What do you want no-”
“Where do you normally sit when you’re thinking?” Jin interrupted.
“My study, why? Please, whatever you want just tell me-”
“Go there. Sit in your chair or whatever.” Jin held the gun up higher. “I’m getting impatient.”
Once he was seated, Jin finally said what he wanted.
“Get out your laptop. You’re going to write a confession about everything you’ve done wrong, the young girls you’ve abused and apologise for it all.” His victim turned as pale as a ghost.
“I-I didn’t do anything, what are you on about-”
“I’ve seen it.” Jin snarled. “Getting those girls to do you 'favours’ for passing grades? You’re sick.”
He pointed the gun right at the professor’s forehead, pressing the cool metal into his skull.
“Get writing already. If you miss anything out then I’ll know.”
It was silent for a while, the professor’s pages slowly creeping on and on, detailing every incident from the start of his career onwards until that very day, all of which had been pushed aside for so long by loyal colleagues. But his crimes were not to be ignored for much longer.
He finished typing, having left his name at the bottom of the account.
“Send it to the university board, your colleagues, your family and the Gazette. Everyone. They deserve to know who you truly are.” Jin commanded lowly. 
“Why are you involved in this? Who told you?” The scholar questioned as he started to type out the names of his colleagues, giving occasional glances up.
“You fucked my girl, (Y/N), this afternoon. I saw the whole thing, and I’m not happy about it.” Jin answered, his hands shaking slightly. “What gave you the right to ask that of her, to make her some common whore for you when she’s so much more? You’ll get what’s coming to you.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Okay, I sent it. Now what?” 
“Thank you. Now, you die.” The bullet was lodged in his victim’s brain before the man even had the chance to react, slumping forward onto his desk. Jin smirked, wiping the gun down before easing it into the corpse’s hand.
“I told you would get what was coming to you.” He taunted the corpse before leaving, praying that he hadn’t left a trace.
*.·:·.☽✧    ✦    ✧☾.·:·.*
“(Y/N), you seem different.” Jin commented, only half concentrating on his gameplay. Most of his attention had been drawn by how stunning (Y/N) looked through her webcam. She was practically glowing, and Jin was honoured to have a front row seat to her euphoria.
“Oh. It’s kind of fucked up that I’m happy about this, but my professor shot himself yesterday apparently. He was a real creep and it’s weirdly liberating to be able to talk about what he did.” She sighed.
“Really?” Jin answered, heart thumping.
“He made me… well, at least he’s gone. He confessed to everything, so at least his victims are at peace knowing his crimes have been exposed.” (Y/N) said uneasily.
“Well, at least he can’t hurt you anymore.” She gave him a warm smile, only for it to fade in a few seconds.
“Jin! Concentrate! If we lose this round I’ll gut you like a fish.”
He laughed, finally satisfied to see how (Y/N) was happy once again with her troubles gone no sooner than they’d arrived.
He’d found his true happiness was making (Y/N)’s life better from the shadows, being her ‘buddy’ to her face but her knight in shining armour behind her back. He didn’t care who it was, he’d cut anyone who was being toxic out of her life. All for his idea of love.
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wlw-imagines-blog · 5 years
The Darkest House on Christmas Day {Carol Danvers x Fem!Reader}
Summary: Hallmark movies are so overrated. You and Carol are pleased to learn that you are every hallmark movie’s nightmare; a couple of gays. After moving into a small, ideal town, you and your fiance experience small town minds and souls. There must be a way to get through the season in one piece.
Pairing: Carol Danver x Fem!Reader
Word Count:
Warnings: indirect homophobia, heteronormative themes
A/N: This was super fun to write, it was inspired by a Hallmark movie!
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Moving houses is always stressful. Moving houses a week before Christmas is unbelievably hectic. 
Your fiance, Carol, had assured you that the move would be a breeze; load up the truck in the morning, drive an hour, unload in the afternoon, then settle into the new house for the night. The new house was absolutely wonderful. The sweet little two story was at the end of a cul-de-sac, coloured blue with white shutters, and a large front porch.
The drive had been stressful to say the least. Going through snow and sleet on a highway of insane Christmas drivers. After an hour and a half, the two of you arrived, at your new slice of heaven.
“Get a load of this!” Carol called out, jumping onto the porch. She threw her arms wide. “It’s wonderful out here! There’s so much more space!”
You grinned, burrowing your face into your scarf. “It’s lovely! Much better than my shoe box in New York!”
Just as you were going to step off the porch, Carol wound her arms around your waist. “Come oooon, one inaugural dance to christen the porch, what do you say?”
You turned, throwing your arms around her neck. “I can think of a better to christen it.”
“Oh yeah?” She grinned, cheeks dimpling. “Wanna come inside and show me?”
You stole a quick kiss. “After we set up the bed, yeah?”
Carol hummed, distracted by your mouth. She dove back in, pressing sweet kisses to the corners of your mouth, before landing one directly on your mouth.
“Um, excuse me?” A voice pulled the two of you out of your reverie. 
Carol and you turned to see a middle-aged woman, wearing a Christmas jumper that could have been mistaken as a ugly sweater. She was bottle blonde and bristling, with heavy pale eye shadow and flared jeans.
“Are you the new... neighbours?” she asked in a bright, obviously confused voice. Her eyes darted from you to Carol.
Carol untangled herself from you. “Hi! my name is Carol Danvers, and this my fiance, Y/F/N Y/L/N. We just moved in two minutes ago.”
“Very pleased to meet you,” you said, reaching out to shake her hand.
She smiled and hesitantly shook your hand, eyes remaining cloudy. “My name is Brenda, I live next door with my husband Richard. We’re so... pleased that you moved in five days before Christmas!”
Her honeyed tones did nothing to sweeten her sour mood and bitter words. Carol blinked at you and you raised your eye brows in response. 
This wasn’t going to be good.
You intercepted before Carol could say anything too scathing to your new neighbour. “Right, we had no time before today, and we needed to be out of my apartment by yesterday. Five days is still a lot of time before Christmas!”
Brenda’s fake smile only widened. Jesus, this lady was making you sweat. 
“Of course! It’s just the neighbourhood has a theme every year; all white!”
The two of you balked, mouths open.
“Every house must be adorned with all white lights!”
Carol visibly relaxed while you breathed in deeply. “Lights! Of course. We’ll, uh, see if we can make time to put something up. We’re going to be pretty busy with moving.”
“I totally understand,” Brenda said in a tone that made her seem to not understand at all. “But you better put them up quick, you don’t want to be the only dark house of Christmas!”
“Yeah, I know what you mean,” you found yourself agreeing. “It was nice meeting you, Brenda.”
Brenda smiled and nodded, as to say yes, it is nice to meet me.
You and Carol waved goodbye as Brenda turned sharp on her heel and returned to her home. 
She turned to you. “Everything about that conversation was disarming. Her vibes are disgusting.”
“Hey, don’t be too mean; we might need to borrow a cup of sugar from her one day.” You laughed, shoving her gently. “Come on, let’s unload before it gets dark out.”
“Right!” She clapped her hands. “Then we can christen the house!”
You shushed her playfully then followed her to the moving truck.
With all your kitchen supplies in boxes, and no groceries in the fridge, you and Carol drove out to the nearest restaurant on the downtown strip. 
Downtown itself was festive and cozy. Lights were strung up on every shop, with wreaths and Christmas trees at every door and corner. People bustled about, shopping and spending time with their families. A gentle snow had started, gently peppering Carol’s light hair and landing in her eye lashes. 
You smiled at her, winding your hand in hers.
There was a small diner on the corner of the street. It wasn’t as quiet as you had expected for a Tuesday night. From the looks of the patrons, it was the usual crowd; the owner and his wife, enough women to create a book club, and a few bachelors loitering at the bar. No one paid you much attention.
Carol squeezed your arm. “I’m going to the little girl’s room, grab a table for us?”
You nodded as she left. 
The owner’s wife finally saw you as you sat down at a small table for two. 
“Well hello!” She wandered over to you. “How many tonight?”
“Two of us, thank you.”
“So, where’s your husband?” The perky woman asked nosily, eyes landing on your engagement ring. She was older, with grey hair and bright blue eyes. 
You paused uncomfortably, taking the napkin from the table. “My fiance is in the bathroom. We’ll order in a bit.”
She nodded, not aware of your sudden attitude shift. 
“My name’s Joan, i run The Diner with my husband, Don. We’re the town’s central hub for good food and even better company!”
“It’s a lovely little place.”
“Are you and your husband passing just passing through?”
“No, my fiance and I just moved in this morning. She was excited to visit downtown.” you stated pointedly. “It’s beautiful this time of year.”
“Wow, moving in just before Christmas!” Joan steamrolled along. “He was right! Downtown is absolutely gorgeous during Christmastime. The snow, the lights, and the people make the town absolutely dream-like.”
This entire conversation made your skin prickle. You looked past Joan and saw Carol leaving the bathroom, drying her hands on her pants. As discreetly as possible, you shot her a look that screamed help.
She picked up immediately and fast walked to your table. 
“Excuse me,” Carol turned up the charm by a hundred percent. “Just need to sit down.”
Carol’s presence turned Joan completely on her head at such a fast rate, you though she needed to sit down. 
“I-I, uh, right,” the older woman stuttered out as your fiance seated herself across from you.
“What looks good, hun?” She asked conversationally.
You hummed. “Pasta or burgers, baby?”
“Ooh, pasta sounds divine.”
Joan stood there, mouth opening and closing like a fish. “I’ll-I’ll send a waitress when you’re ready to order.”
As she left, Carol leaned over to you. “What was that all about?”
“That was Joan, she and her husband Don own the diner. I told her that we just moved into their small town; she was really excited to meet my husband.” 
“Oh. Did she give you any flack? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. This is a small town, we have to assume the worse.”
Carol reached out and held your hand. “We just got here, let’s give them the benefit of the doubt.”
You smiled and brushed off the weird interaction with Joan. The evening was pleasant, despite the looks that Don and Joan shot you and Carol. You and carol ate quickly, paid the bill, tipped 15%, and left without a word. 
That night, you and Carol set up the bed, and unpacked the toiletry boxes. 
After a quick shower, you went downstairs to the box-filled living room and found Carol sitting cross-legged in front of a long box. 
“So, I found the tree,” she gestured to the fake tree at her feet. “Wanna put it up?”
You groaned, flopping next to her. “It’s almost ten, hun, how do you have the energy?”
“I drank a red bull. Come on, it won’t take us too long!” 
It took a few minutes of convincing, but she managed to sway you into decorating the downstairs with garlands, tinsel, and wreaths. The tree stood tall, broad, and covered in silver and gold. 
It took plenty of effort, but the two of you managed to move the couch from the garage to living room. You flopped there, Carol burrowing into your side and wrapping her arms around your waist. 
“I’ll put the lights up tomorrow,” She whispered into your neck. 
“You don’t have to, Carol. Just ignore what Brenda said.”
“It’s not because of Brenda. I just want to put them up,” Carol replied with faux innocence.
You sat up and looked at her. “We have one million things to do, babe. Why the lights?”
“Don’t worry about it, boo. I’ve got it all under control.”
You shrugged, not having time to worry about it, as Carol began to kiss your jaw, hand sliding under your shirt.
You were pretty busy for the rest of the night.
The lights did not surface in your mind until the next morning, when Brenda knocked furiously on your door. 
“Hello?” You wore a bathrobe and had a cup of coffee in your hand.
Brenda was in her usual attire of mom-clothes and heavy makeup. “Hi Y/N! can I show you something?”
Without waiting for an answer, she grabbed your arm and pulled you outside. She turned and pointed to your roof. “Look.”
Carol had put the lights up before you had woken up. She had found the white lights, and had expertly hung them along the exterior of the house. To you, they were lovely. 
Brenda was pointing to a string of lights that hung on the garage’s roof. Among the row of white bulbs, was a single, bright red bulb that sparkled brightly.
“It’s red,” you exclaimed, pleased at how smart and wonderful your fiance was.
Brenda pulled a white bulb out from her pocket. “Here, I brought this.”
“Oh! thanks,” you were about to take the light bulb when Carol appeared at the front door. 
“Morning, honey,” Carol hopped down from the porch and joined you and Brenda. “You like the lights?”
“I do, babe, but why the red light?”
Carol looked affronted. “Have you never heard of the Spanish tale of the ‘One Red Candle?”
You suppressed a grin. “No, I haven’t.”
“Well, you must have, Brenda,” Carol turned to your neighbour. “Right?”
“Oh! Of course I have,” Brenda stuttered awkwardly. “I just didn’t know you practiced it!”
Carol took your arm and began to steer you away. “We have a lot to do today, Brenda, and we’re sure you’re busy too! Don’t let us keep you!”
Brenda didn’t have a chance to say goodbye, and you closed the door on her face. Pressing your back against the door, you pulled Carol flushed against you.
“So, what’s the legend of the One Red Candle?” you whispered against her mouth.
Carol snorted. “No fucking clue. I made it up on the spot.”
“That red light is going to drive her crazy until the season is over; you know that right?”
“I’m counting on it, baby.”
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Lawful Good
Javier Peña x Reader
Warnings: none, slow burn, little bit of angst, age gap(?), really bad formating (sorry I'm on mobile)
Words: 2.8K words.
A/N: this is my first fic in forever so please bear with any typos and a writing style I haven’t updated in awhile! Please feel free to comment or drop me a message with any kind of criticism or advice for writing. I’m planning to have a few chapters for this fic with it getting er... more adult(?) as it goes. Thank you so much for reading 🖤
Chapter one
Your alarm sounded. It was morning again and you grumbled as you stretched to hit the alarm and stop the god awful ringing.
6:30am. Monday.
It would take you a further 15 minutes to roll out of bed and drag yourself to the shower. Bogotá was one of those cities that never slept. It didn’t matter if it was 3am or 3pm, the buzz was the same. You could hear the city street below from your bathroom window, car horns and traffic sounds, occasional mumbled chatter just a little too out of range to hear properly. You loved it.
Sure the city wasn’t the safest, but you could easily say your neighbourhood back home in El Paso wasn’t exactly the safest either. The large US military presence there did little to comfort you, but it was what pushed you towards studying law. Living on the US-Mexican border all your young life had opened your eyes to the world outside of Texas. When you told your abuela that you had decided to go back to the country of her birth to study law so you could fight for people like her, refugees of crime and corruption, she had wept. Tears of pride and tears of fear. Your abuela knew all too well the dangers of the cartels, and the traffickers, and the corruption rife in every area of authority, but she also knew if there was anyone who could make a difference ‘it’s you mi amor’
You had stuck to your guns, and at the young age of 18 you had gone to live with your great uncle in Bogotá to study for you law degree, graduating with honours at the tender age of 22. Ever determined, you had taken on a masters of law specialising in criminal law. It was here you had gotten the attention of the DEA. An American of Colombian decent, fluent in Spanish and studying criminal law… well you were an opportunity too good to miss.
Another 2 years and a bar exam later and you found yourself at a desk in a cramped office at the DEA’s Colombian outpost at the US Embassy, working in a team dedicated to catching the almighty Pablo Escobar. It was messy work, and you were there essentially on janitorial duties. You swept away whatever hell the agents created and covered their backs with legal loopholes and the occasional bribe. You were their safety net… and you loved every second.
Though it always took you an extra 15 minutes to roll yourself out of bed and get in the shower on a Monday, by the time you’d rinsed the shampoo from your hair and wrapped yourself up in your towel you were eager to go.
You padded to your kitchen, still wrapped in your towel with hair dripping, and remembered how grateful you were not to be living with your great uncle anymore. You loved him of course! But having your own apartment, in the same block as many of the DEA staff and their families, was a dream come true.
You hummed whatever tune it was you’d subconsciously heard blaring from a car stereo in the traffic jam below and fixed yourself a coffee. You’d spent too long in the shower, for some reason deciding that Monday morning was the ideal time to condition your hair, so would have to skip breakfast if you wanted to be dressed and semi presentable before Steve arrived at your door to give you a lift to the office.
Steve was kind. A little too American in his thinking at times, but kind and considerate and loyal to a fault. He’d arrived in Bogotá about a year after you started with the DEA and you’d become fast friends. The fact that you’d always make an effort to translate any Spanish spoken in the office for him had endeared you to him and he’d made it his mission to silently act as your guardian; driving you to and from the office, inviting you to dinner with him and his wife Connie to be sure you’d eaten well that day, and, in your opinion the kindest of gestures, letting you leave a pair of trainers in his car so you could take your heels off at the end of a long day.
You looked forward to your morning catch up with Steve and quickly hurried about finding a pencil skirt and flowy white blouse for the day. You grabbed your heels and your bag and were just pinning your hair into a messy bun when there was the knock on your door.
Your embassy ID card held tightly in your teeth as your tried to finish your hair and open the door, you were greeted by a wry smile and a pair of aviator shades.
‘Javi!’ You mumbled through your ID card, finishing your hair and stuffing your ID into your bag ‘are you getting a lift with us today?’
‘I am your lift today, remember?’ you could never tell if he was amused or slightly annoyed.
‘Steve’s away? Connie’s sister got married at the weekend or something’ he looked away uninterested.
You’d forgotten in your morning haste. Steve and Connie had gone back to the States for the week for Connie’s sister’s baby shower… she’d been married for years…
Javier looked back to you, looking you up and down from behind the shades that didn’t quite hide his eyes well enough.
‘Shall we go? You ready?’ his gaze was on your eyes at last and you nodded, slipping into your heels, no trainers for you today.
You followed Javier down the stairs from your apartment down to the small parking garage at the bottom of the building. He was wearing those ever-so-slightly-too-tight jeans, that red shirt he never ever buttoned up fully, and that leather jacket that, despite the early morning heat steadily rising, he refused to take off.
He was handsome, tall with beautiful dark eyes and thick dark hair. He had a manner about him that said he new he was gorgeous and he liked people to acknowledge it, but on his own terms. He didn’t strike you as one who was comfortable taking a compliment when he wasn’t the one initiating. He could come off as arrogant and pushy, but for those of you who knew him, he was secretly soft. He had a hardened exterior, weather beaten and battered by years on the job and years in a city that could easily chew you up and spit you out. This particular job, the capture of Escobar, had been especially rough on him. Close shaves and near misses had damaged him somewhat, but there was still a spark of humour and kindness for those who had earned it.
You slipped into the front passenger seat of Javi’s jeep. ‘You know, I think this is the first time I’ve ever been in your car’ you said, looking around at the slightly stretched leather and the cup holders doubling as ash trays.
‘Uh huh’ was the extent of the response you got. Javi reversed on to the street and set course for the embassy.
‘Did you do much at the weekend?’ You attempted. If you weren’t going to get your full gossip session with Steve this week then you were going to at least try and make small talk with Javi.
‘No not much’ he replied, eyes fixed on the road ‘you?’
You shot him a look. You knew full well that he’d been up to something… or up in someone.
You lived in the apartment above Javier, and while you couldn’t quite hear the conversations on the street below your window, you could most certainly hear the screams and moans of the women who frequented the apartment below.
‘Not much either… a different kind of not much to you mind’ you grinned at him. He side eyed you and gave a little smirk before focusing back on the road.
The moment you’d been introduced to Javier Peña you’d clocked him as a ladies man. He’d been polite and professional as he smiled and shook your hand to introduce himself, but he’d also looked you up and down and slightly raised his eyebrow, liking what he saw.
You’d be lying to yourself if you hadn’t thought about it or what it would be like, but you quickly fell into a friendship with him and Steve which became far more important to you than being another of Javi’s conquests.
And yet still, you’d occasionally find yourself falling into that thought trap and have to snap out of it before your mind was irretrievably down the rabbit hole. You knew he was good, you had heard how good he was all weekend… but you didn’t have the luxury of being able to think of him in that way. You couldn’t risk your career over him.
And yet as you sat at your desks and he removed his leather jacket, flashing just a little too much of his chest through the barely-buttoned shirt, you found yourself crossing your legs and your cheeks turning just a little bit too red.
The day passed slower than usual without Steve’s banter. You missed him! This had been the first time in ages Steve hadn’t been there and it only made you more grateful to have someone like him in your life. You made a note to buy him a bottle of something expensive upon his return, just to let him know how much you missed him without actually having to say it.
You were jotting down your note when a hand covered your piece of paper and another reached over to take the pen right out of your hand.
‘What the f-’ you began sharply, looking up to see Javi standing over you. You bit your lip before you had any chance to think about your reaction.
He looked down and chuckled ‘it’s late and I want to go home, do you want a lift?’ He asked, putting the pen down on the desk and moving to stand beside you rather than over you.
You blinked back to reality, dragging your brain back from the depths of that damn red shirt. ‘yes please, I hadn’t realised the time’ you gently rubbed your eyes and moved to stand.
You stretched your arms out wide, pulling your blouse up ever so slightly so as to expose a flash of skin. You caught him looking, no aviators to hide behind in here.
He met your eyes and shifted his feet, slightly awkward but quickly snapping back to his usual self.
You shivered slightly. It had gotten cooler as the daylight had faded and in your rush this morning you had forgotten your jacket. Now the cold was creeping up your skin, leaving little goosebumps in its wake.
‘I forget how chilly it can get here’ you said, more to yourself than anyone else, but it was Javier who replied.
Returning from his desk he handed you his leather jacket. ‘Borrow this, it’ll be cold on the ride home, I want a smoke so I’ll need the window open’.
You took it, grateful, and draped it over your shoulders. There was no point trying to wear it as intended, the sheer weight of it alone told you it would swamp you, so you chose to wrap it round your shoulders holding it closed with yours hands.
‘Thank you’ you smiled, these were the acts of kindness Javi only offered his worthy friends.
‘Welcome’ he said, quickly inspecting you, perhaps liking the way you looked in his clothes?
He nodded towards the door and you followed him out in to the night air, shuffling in your heels… no trainers tonight!
As soon as you arrived back in the garage of your shared apartment block, your heels were off. Holding them in your hand as you padded barefoot to the stairwell.
‘Hey uh’ the voice behind you called ‘I know you and Steve usually have a catch up on your drives, he tells me about them sometimes’ Javi was looking up at you from the bottom of the stairwell ‘and I’m sorry I’m not as… not as chatty as him’ he offered sincerely.
You chuckled ‘it’s fine, Javi! I promise not to try and talk to you on the drive, I know you like to drive quietly… Steve tells me things about you too’ you winked then caught yourself and pulled a slightly startled face. Winking?! Who were you??
You drew a proper laugh from Javi ‘he also tells me you guys have dinner together a lot, do you want to come to mine one night this week? I’ll be your surrogate Steve’
You blinked down at him ‘how about tonight and you come to me? I don’t believe for one second you can cook as well as Connie and at least at mine I know there’s some actual food in the fridge!’
A flashy smile plastered his face ‘you’re on, but if only in part because you’re still wearing my jacket’.
You hadn’t even realised but you were still wearing his jacket. You slipped it off your shoulders, accidentally revealing a little of your tummy skin again, ‘come and get it then’ you beamed, not knowing exactly how innocent you had meant that to sound.
He followed you up the stairs and stood behind you as you slid the key into the lock of your door.
‘What have you got for me then?’ He leaned a little closer to your ear as he spoke, sending a shiver down your spine.
You felt him follow you in closely behind you as you turned to close the door.
Chapter two
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baekhyub · 5 years
It’s different - Mark Lee
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warnings : car sex, fluff
Alternative Universe Mark Lee Best Friends To Lovers AU!
You and Mark had always been good friends ever since you’d met . You made him when you first joined high school and from then you instantly clicked when you began talking to him as he was the locker next to you
Not to be mean or anything but mark and I have always been at different “social standards” as people awfully would call these days and all my friends would tease me for hanging out with him even though I loved hanging out with Mark more than anyone in the world
He knows everything about me
He knows what i like
He knows what I love
What’s my favourite food
My favourite show
My favourite movie
My favourite words
Basically everything we get each other and i love it but no one else understands it usually calling us a “weird pairing”
I remember when we turned 16 we would always go to the drive in movie theatre and it was so cute but I remember the first time I was really nervous , do I cuddle him ? Or not , do we share snacks or not? Is that just a couple thing
I always turned away the idea that I ever had a crush on mark but I only realised it when he wasn’t around me anymore
We graduated school and promised to talk to each other every day
We went to two different universities in two different places
Sure we talked for a few days but soon after everything stopped
No texts
No FaceTime
No phone calls
No meet ups
That was it
A few months back I tried texting him but someone replied saying they didn’t know who I was and I found out he’d changed his number
I tried to find him on Instagram but i can’t
So I eventually gave up and officially got not so much mad but quite upset at the fact he done that to me
The next week i decide to take a trip back home and I’ve never been more excited to see my family I haven’t seen them in so long being away in a different country for uni
When I arrive I greet everyone and it really truly does feel like home
I decide to hop in my car and drive round the neighbourhood
As I’m driving I lose track of where I am and as I look around I realise I’m in marks street where he lived I notice all the houses and trees in the exact spot from when I used to come to visit mark usually taking the bus and finally I reach marks house . I stop outside and look for a minute reminiscing the past and how much fun we would have together for basically nothing I start to tear up but quickly wipe away my tears , why am I so affected by this he’s just a stupid boy
When I am getting ready to drive away that’s when I see him
He walks out his house
He has blonde hair now he must of dyed it
He’s wearing a shirt with a black denim jacket and black ripped jeans with a nice pair of boots but where is his glasses he would always wear ?
He looks good he looks really good, better than I remember
I’m considering going out to see him
Is that weird ?
We haven’t spoke in a very long time
Does he even remember me ?
And he walks back in his house after getting something out his car
I decide I’m gonna do this what’s the worst that could happen , we’re older now and more mature
I park my car and I nervously step out
I come to his fence and pause for a second contemplating if I should really do this
I decide yes just do it
I open the gate and walk up the steps and finally I am on his porch for the first time in 5 years
I knock the door and I stand there nervously
fumbling with my own hands and then becoming sweaty out of my nerves
I feel my heart beat out of my chest as I hear him walking towards the door
He opens it rather quickly and then looks at me for a second and then goes
He practically shouts before leaning in to give me a hug
I hesitate for a second before deciding to hug him back
“I’ve not seen you in forever Mark”
“Yeah i know it’s been a long long time”
“You changed your number” I asked with a slight show of annoyance in my voice making sure he would understand
“Oh yeah sorry I got a new contract for my phone and everything and I couldn’t message you any way to tell you I had a new number so sorry”
“I was really hurt about that you know”
“y/n I’m so sorry, please let me make it up to you”
“how can you make up ignoring someone for 5 years”
“You’re right thats not forgivable” he pauses for a minute, the air silent and things starting to be awkward
until he finally speaks up again
“Wanna go see a movie”
“At the drive in” ?
“Yes at the drive in”
“It’s still open”?
“Yes I actually checked yesterday that’s when i got back”
“You checked why”
“Just to remember old times you know”
“I get you”
“So tonight for the movie”
“Yes that sounds great”
“I’ll pick you up later”
“See you”
I rushed to my car I was excited? nervous? kinda scared? I don’t know how I feel I have mixed emotions right now
It was finally later on in the evening and Mark should be coming to pick me up soon
I wore a pair of leggings and an oversized jumper with some trainers but did my makeup nice
Just as I finished applying my lipgloss I heard a knock on my door...it must be him
I quickly grab my bag and head to the door
“Hey y/n you look nice”
“Oh it’s nothing”
I closed and locked the door behind me and I got into his car which was definitely upgraded from when what he would drive when we were in high school
we arrived at the drive in still as busy as ever and parked in our spot, it was a horror movie, Mark and I’s favourite
he reclined the chairs back and we sat down together in the back seat feat up on the chairs in front
We already brought snacks from both sides and had them placed in front of us
As the movie began me and mark didn’t really talk
Both of us definitely too nervous to speak
But I decided to crack the ice
“Feels weird doesn’t it”
“Yeah it does, feels like yesterday we were 16, I miss those days”
“Me too , so much, you don’t understand”
“You know I literally loved you y/n”
“I love you too mark your my best friend”
“No” he laughed “I had the biggest crush on you”
I went bright red “oh really”
“Yes i would die every time we hung out”
“That’s funny”
“Sorry are you weirded out by that, damn I knew I shouldn’t of said anything”
“No Mark It’s funny because I really liked you too”
“Yes dummy I always liked you I can’t tell you how devastated I was when we didn’t talk anymore it broke my heart”
“Me too y/n but I thought the only way would be to distance my self from you so it would hurt less and it worked for a while but now I’m back here” mark paused for a moment to hold my hand, “I’m back here with you in the drive in, our place, where we would spend countless weekends and we would sit here and cuddle and talk about everything together”
“Yeah” he leaned in and looked down at my lips
I looked down at his before looking into his eyes and then I closed my eyes and kissed him , I finally did it I’m kissing Mark Lee, my crush since forever, the moment feels unreal, my dreams coming true
He pulls away and then pulls me onto his lap
I sit on top of him kissing him more roughly and I start grinding down onto him(feeling confident) he grabbed onto my hips and starting rocking me back and forth against him until I felt him go hard through his tight ripped jeans he threw his head back onto the window on the back seat and I took this opportunity to kiss up his throat and I started to bite leaving hickeys down his neck “fuck y/n”
He sat up and lifted his shirt over his head and he did the same with me, lifting my jumper off and then quickly un doing my bra and my nipples went hard instantly as they hit the cold mark leaned forwards and started to bite my right nipple and then sucked on it making me whine he then did the same with my left driving me insane
He started to leave hickeys down the valley of my breasts and then trails kisses until he reaches my mouth again kissing me passionately
“I want you to ride my baby girl but we gotta be quiet”
“Okay” I reply quickly wanting to get into it
Mark helps me taking my leggings and underwear off, not caring who sees, and then I help him take his jeans off , as soon as they are off I start palming him through his underwear and I can see he is already wet leaking pre cum
“Fuck y/n stop teasing and take them off”
I take them off painfully slow just to tease him even more
I run my hand down his length and lightly squeeze him before I line myself up with his length
“Are you ready”
“I have been for a long time”
I slide down onto him moaning when he finally fits all the way in
I start to bounce on his dick gradually getting faster as I grip onto the headrest for support
Mark and I moan in sync but we’re trying to be as quiet as we can trying to make sure no one can hear us
Mark reached his hand out and starts to rub my clit and that’s when my hips twitch and I lose my fast pace
“FUCK MARK” I say as quietly as I can
He starts to rub faster trying to make me cum
“I’m gonna cum mark”
“Try told it in for a bit longer”
“I don’t know if I can”
Just then mark takes his hand away and grabs onto my hips fucking up into to me to try chase his own release
I start to clench around him really starting to give up
“Okay cum now”
I cum all over his dick and he pulls out and cums on my stomach pumping his length to get the last bits out
Luckily mark had towels so we cleaned ourselves up and got changed by the time we done that the movie had come to an end and we left to drive back to his house
“Well that was the best time I’ve ever had there”
“Not for me” I smirk
“WHAT how, was I not good enough”
Mark was concerned but I was laughing just teasing him
“My favourite time is when you got out the car and tripped in the mud , you were COVERED it was absolutely hilarious”
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