#then i actually woke up so uhhhh a lot going on there
loverboybitch · 2 years
had like 800 dreams at once last night i am feeling insane.//.
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brainrot-stitch · 3 months
Chronically ill tss light steve truthers wya....
Anyways chat u won't believe what I have on the mind rn
There's an episode early steve saga where light steve traps sabre in the snow thing and builds a house or temple or whatever and Sabres like "come on man I'm already sick this is cold:(" or whatever. Do u guys remember that. Or am I actually js fucking crazy and making this shit up wait hold on let me go check rq I FOUND IT "come on man I already have a cold you're letting me stay out in the snow and all that?" At 9:38 on the video where he first finds light steve. Giggles and kicks my feet imagine if sabre got sick(er) and light steve being both a steve and a cold icy snowy guy didn't know that. That the cold is not good for ppl. So sabre gets sick and light is like ?? Idk if this is a good idea or not it's 7 am I woke up at like 2 or maybe 4 I'm not sure I mightbe delulu
ANYWAYS random yapping woooo none of this is gonna b coordinated
Anyways anyways yea rainbow steve trauma from the experimenting and machines early steve saga but also. Sabre being scared of deep water and/or drowning. Because of both blue steve and rainbow steve mann that mf has almost drowned a LOT over and over again. Just so much water. Rip 💔💔 rainbow is like "let's go swimming!!!" One day in the rainbow town and Lukas is like "yea sure it's a hot day out that would b cool" or whatever and Sabre is like "uhhhh hahsha yeaahhhh sureee.."
Uhhh uh um
Early tss light and sabre spent a good amount of time together especially alone. I like to think they bonded during this time both off and on screen. Cuz like bro rarely shows up in the rainbow town era and past that idek. But even tho light and sabre aren't as close as rainbow and sabre I still like to think they're real good pals :3
Idk if I've said this before maybe I have maybe I haven't idk but sabre when nervous or thinking or worried and anxious or whatever will pace around or take walks or whatever. But will he completely silent (unless he's muttering to himself which I can totally see happening). But like his footsteps are light and near silent because of the muscle memory or whatever from being an ASSASSIN because that's so real to me I'm such a 'sabre was an assasin in the past before tss/rq' believer u guys don't understand how derranged I am about this. Anyways yea he will accidentally fnaf jumpscare ppl just like showing up behind them or whatever its so silly
Also I am as much of a human sabre believer as I am an avian sabre believer. Like yeah let that man be a bird but also not depending on the mood. Both r awesome
Galaxy steve does NOT know how to spell gorgeous don't ask why this is necessary information. It's real he told me himself I swear
MORE ASSASSIN SABRE BS he's a super light sleeper from having to wake up at the slightest noise and be on guard all the time. He still frequently wakes up if he hears smth his subconscious perceives as abnormal. Also i think he'd have a pretty high pain tolerance but it gets higher as tss goes on because he gets struck by lighting so damn much u can't tell me his nerves aren't at least somewhat fried 😭😭😭😭give bro a break PLEASE. Also I think posture would be a big thing like he's all played back and relaxed and silly but when they have to go like sneak somewhere they (rainbow and lucas- or js whoever he's with at the time idk) can physically see as he slips back into old familiar habits with practiced crouching and silent footsteps and staying in the shadows and all that.
Lukas was also an assasin remember. Remember guys. And his assasin skin has a scar on his face and a blind eye I think wait let me go check
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YEAH. YEAH so he totally still has that during tss. Giggles and kicks my feet and twirls my hair. Anyways I haven't finishes Sabres assassins creed series yet but I think Lukas would be used to Sabres habits but he himself would have more guard habits than assasin ones. Like the posture and unconsciously reaching to rest a hand on his sword in that classic templar (is that how it's spelled??) guard fashion as like an idle thing to do w his hands before remembering its not there.
Oh also another thing on the sabre vs water didn't he like. Didn't he almost drown a few times during his assassins series too? Bro water has got it OUT for him 😭 😭
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA for trying to kill my FUCKING clone?????
Okay okay. So I (18F) wanted to go on a date, right? Except I had two dates at once. I go to a magical school with lots of magic and stuff so I figure, I'll find a magical solution. You know how it is. SO I used a magical emerald to duplicate myself so that my clone could go on one date and I could go on the other, and then I would just dematerialize her later, whatever. Uhhhh well my clone turned out to be evil. I told her to go on the date and I would just dematerialize her and she TURNED EVIL AND KILLED THE SCHOOL'S HEADMASTER?? And then everyone thought I did it just because there was camera footage of a person who looks exactly like me killing the school headmaster!!!!!
So I got broken out of school jail for it. Then she killed my dad in order to hurt me and started acquiring a bunch of other magical emeralds that made her all powerful and immortal, and then she DESTROYED THE UNIVERSE. The entire universe. And killed every single person in it, including ALL my friends and family. Well, I couldn't kill her because now she's all powerful and immortal. SO I was like oh geez I gotta act and I used the power of the emeralds to trap her in an alternate universe with a bunch of fake memories. She killed my dad and she made herself hotter than me so I gave her fake memories of having a dad who died and made her look really plain looking and stuff. I figure, if I can't kill her, I gotta trap her. So I put both of us in an alternate universe version of our school with alternate universe versions of my friends and tried to act like a normal student and stuff. I had to kill another student and replace him so that I could also be at the school and no one would notice me, and I started taking potions to look like him so that no one would catch on that I also wasn't from this universe. A teacher at the school found out I wasn't who I was, and I had to kill him to keep up the ruse, but it was super necessary to stop my evil clone.
Well... my clone woke up and figured out who she was and that the name and face and memories I gave her were fake. She kept pretending to be an average plain nobody because she didn't know who I was yet. Then a bunch of stuff happened with souls, and my original friends woke up in the bodies of their alternate universe selves. You know, my friends who my clone KILLED!!!! And she started bonding with them and pretending to be their friend and talking about how she was having a "redemption arc"! So I explained everything to them! I was like hey, that person you think is your friend is actually my EVIL BITCH CLONE who DESTROYED THE UNIVERSE and KILLED ALL OF YOU. And they were all like, "sorry, but she's our friend now." WTF!!!!!!
Anyway, we had a swordfight, left the school, and she went off to do adventures with them, and I've been training to kill my evil clone for the last year or so, because she's my evil clone. She's like objectively evil. She killed my dad. She DESTROYED THE UNIVERSE. But now she's all like, ohhh I'm so sorry I did all of that, that was really messed up of me, I had just been created and I didn't know right from wrong and I was scared you were going to dematerialize me, I'm better now, I'm going to leave you alone, please stop following me around and trying to kill me, I don't think about you at all, etc etc. AKA she is MANIPULATING MY FRIENDS after STEALING THEM from me. I just need to kill her. When I kill her, she won't be able to hurt anyone ever again. And then my friends will realize she was manipulating them. Anyway, I did a monologue at my evil clone about all of this and she told me I was an asshole and to leave her alone. Obviously I'm in the right here, but I thought I'd ask anyway, AITA?
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johnslittlespoon · 7 months
and at the end after john's been taken apart by firm hands and stern words, my god
uhhhh just woke up and read this and i’m dying like actually. i had to copy this line because i agree that the talking definitely does it for bucky. if buck was just spanking him in silence he’d probably still like it but when buck starts to almost scold him it pushes him over the edge. maybe sometimes buck purposely doesn’t talk because he really wants to punish bucky and bucky has to ask but buck is an asshole about it and just goes “well what do u want me to say?”
ESPECIALLY because gale isn't a particularly talkative person– we see john does most of the talking for the two of them lol. so when gale actually himself get going, lets loose and has fun watching john squirm as he degrades him, it would be such a 180 from the buck john is used to and it would drive him up the wall.
silence is a punishment in itself when they're playing out this dynamic, and then john having to quietly and bashfully ask for gale to "talk to me, please" is another layer of punishment because it's embarrassing and makes him flush, having to ask for it.
just a quiet whine at the "well what do you want me to say?" because that's not fair, that's mean. gale reading straight into the meaning of the whine, cooing cruelly, tilting his head.
"is that too mean?" john nodding pitifully. gale runs his hand through dark curls, humming as though he understands, only to get a fistful of his hair, pulls his head back, purrs out a "tough luck, darling."
and it would be so rare for gale to get like this; he really is a big softie, it takes a lot to get him mad. but when he leans into that frustration after john's given him a day from hell, his low voice and steely eyes would be enough to have john ready to beg for forgiveness asap.
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yakuzacanons · 10 months
Hello lovely human! Can I request some headcanons of the guys comforting their s/o after a particularly bad nightmare? 🥺👉👈 (you bet your ass I woke up in cold sweat about half an hour ago and my immediate thought was "damn, this would make for an awesome prompt)
FINALLY I have gotten to ur ask, my apologies for the wait. You are the very last on my list of quite old backlog so I'm glad to be caught up and I appreciate your patience. Headcanons below dat cut.
Kazuma Kiryu
Would just hold you, rubbing his hands on your back or shoulders to soothe you. Wouldn't ask you to talk about it but would listen if you wanted to talk about it. Mostly would just tell you to breathe and hold you gently.
Majima Goro
If you wake up in cold sweat and sit up suddenly or make a loud noise, you might honestly scare him awake too. He might think a threat is nearby at first and be like "Huh?? Wha happened?", nearly springing out of bed. Honestly, that reaction alone might just get a laugh out of you enough so to forget about the nightmare. Otherwise, he'd just hold you while lying down and stroking your hair.
Saejima Taiga
Two words: bear hug. You are getting a bear hug. You are having a bear hug until you feel better or until you fall asleep again. Hell, use his chest as a pillow if you want too while you're at it. That's it, that's all there is to it. Certified Saejima strategy.
Akiyama Shun
Bless his sleepy ass but he is half asleep while trying to comfort you. Rubbing his eyes sleepily while hearing you out. Just drapes his arms around you and leans his head on your shoulder until you both pass out again.
Tanimura Masayoshi
Would ask if you want to talk about it. Either that or he'd volunteer to go get you some water or tea to calm your nerves. Would sit up and hear you out while holding his pillow against his chest.
Ryuji Goda
Honestly, he'd probably try to make you laugh or take your mind off of things. Might say something dumb like "Next time, just make sure I'm in yer dream. And I'll fight all the bad guys for ya." He might not have much to offer in words but he'll find some way to make you smile before the night is through.
Nishikiyama Akira
Actually he's also prone to nightmares so he gets it. Pretty good at soothing you. Would help you slow down or monitor your breathing if it's a particularly intense one.
Daigo Dojima
The second he knows what's happening, he's sitting up in bed, holding you against his chest tightly in his arms. You can talk about it if you want but Daigo also perfectly understands that sometimes you just need to be close to someone and weather the storm. Also one of the boys who'd run his fingers through your hair a lot.
Mine Yoshitaka
He'll sit by the edge of your bed, holding your cheek in his hand or gently stroking your hair. He wouldn't go back to sleep until you felt comfortable again or until you start sleeping again. Mine doesn't really sleep much and is a light sleeper anyways.
Tatsuo Shinada
Similar reaction to Majima except his dumbass would fall right off the bed and onto the floor. His tumbling antics might just make you burst out laughing. Man's a natural slapstick comedian. He'd immediately ask if there's anything you need or that he can do to help. Would also apologize for falling over, as if that's something he'd need to be really sorry about in the first place.
Ichiban Kasuga
Goofy fluffy head is tucking you right back in bed and snuggling you up tight. Would say something like "I'll protect you from the nightmares, don't worry!". He'd also just nuzzle you with affection until you felt better. He wouldn't get surprised to the level of Majima or Shinada but he would at first be like "uhhHH what do I do, what's going on??"
Tianyou Zhao
Like Akiyama, he's a sleepy head. He'll sit up, eyes half open and hair all mussed up. He'd hear you out while leaning his head against the wall or he'd bring you a glass of water and extra pillow for added comfiness. Don't judge him too hard, he's just a heavy sleeper.
Joon-Gi Han
Also prone to nightmares, probably the most out of all the boys. Honestly doesn't sleep much so he might already be awake when you wake from your nightmare. Might even notice you're having one and wake you up for you. Would lay next to you and hold your hand or drape his arm over you until you fell asleep again. Unfortunately not great at offering words of reassurance.
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cookinguptales · 5 months
So my dad and I went on a road trip a few years ago. We hit a lot of national parks, ghost towns, bizarre little tourist traps, the weirdest things we could find in Vegas, etc.
(Also, we accidentally went to an alien-themed brothel but I guess that's another story.)
We did... go to Death Valley... but it was not a great experience. lmao
To preface, it had been windy for a lot of our trip, which affected our stops to varying degrees. By far the two worst situations were in Petrified Forest and Death Valley. We still sort of enjoyed Petrified Forest, even though I literally got blown over a few times and the pictures weren't great. We actually talk about going back there some time to see it better because I do love fossils.
Death Valley tho...
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I do like deserts, to be clear. I think deserts can be really, really beautiful. And I think maybe in much, much better circumstances, Death Valley might be beautiful. But it was not beautiful that day, and we are not making plans to go back.
We'd actually planned to stay there a couple nights, but the wind had basically kicked up a dust storm that was so bad that it cut power to the entire park. This is very dangerous in a place like Death Valley, where you can literally die if you get stranded. Like... they call it that for a reason. It was April, so less hot than it would be later, but it's still a desert in the middle of freaking nowhere.
When we finally got to our hotel, we found that it had lost power and probably wouldn't be getting it back for a day or two. That meant very little by way of food options, absolutely no internet, and, probably more importantly, it meant we wouldn't be able to charge our cell phones. The gas station also was not working.
So even though we had quite a bit of gas in the tank, the prospect of potentially running out of gas with no cell service or internet in a place called Death Valley was enough to run us out of town. We saw a little bit of the place before we left, but visibility was so poor that it was difficult to see much.
(And... I have to be honest with you, it was not the most visually interesting desert I've ever seen.)
In the end, we ended up just canceling our hotel stay (they couldn't check us in anyway) and driving to Lone Pine. Which was beautiful.
So uhhhh here are some scenes from Death Valley. Mostly, after a certain point, taken from inside a car. Because we were in a fucking dust storm.
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To know just how bad the wind was, here's a video from when we stopped at the hotel/fuel center. Please keep in mind, if you turn the audio on, that I was in a truck.
For this next section, the gas station we stopped at just outside of the park, please just know that I double-checked the time stamps and this was early evening but it was not dark yet. You can kind of see how the sky was blue from some angles, but the sun was still being blotted out by the storm. The closest I've experienced to that otherwise is the odd sort of half-light you experience during an eclipse.
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And then we got to Lone Pine and it looked like fucking this when we woke up. lmao. One of the most beautiful places I've ever been. What the fuck.
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spiral-tap · 6 months
Devil Woman - Part 1
In Jane’s room.
Daria: …is it just me, or are they louder than usual?
Jane: Trent got a new amp. Sounds like he’s still working out the kinks.
Daria: Oh
Jane: Let’s go say hi.
Daria: No…that’s uhhh…
Jane: C’mon, Jane said, tugging on Daria’s jacket sleeve
Jane: Yo, Trent! You wanna turn it down a bit?
Trent: Are you kidding? Gotta get the reverb just right.
Jesse: You guys outta come to the Mystik Spiral gig tonight. We’ll put you on the list.
Trent: Yeah. I’ve got someone I’d like to introduce you to—-
Jane interrupted: Noooo that’s okay. Not tonight. Daria and I already have BIG plans.
Daria: Ummm…we do…?
Jane: Yes. BIG plans. Don’t you remember, Daria? Actually, we’ve got to go now. Later.
Jane said tersely as she dragged Daria up the basement stairs.
Trent: Oh ok. Next time 
When they were safely back in Jane’s room, Daria asked: What was that about?
Jane: Oh nothing. I uhhhh just wanted to uhhhh get your thoughts on my newest piece., she said, pointing to an almost blank canvas
Daria: Uh-huh. What’s really going on?
Jane: Damn. Sure can’t get anything past you, can I? 
Daria: What can I say? I’m just too good at reading people.
Jane: Trent has a new girlfriend, and I didn’t want you to know.
Daria: You mean he’s back with Monique?
Jane: No, they really broke up for good that time…
Daria: Oh
Jane: But you know Trent. It’s probably just some random girl he picked up at a club. I’m sure they’ll be broken up by the end of the week.
Daria, shifting her gaze away from Jane: And uhhhh…what’s she like…?
Jane: Dunno. I haven’t met her yet.
Daria: Uh ok. Maybe I should just go home…
Jane: C’mon Daria. Don’t go. We still have the Sick Sad World marathon tonight.
Daria: I guess I could stay…
Jane: It’ll be fun., Jane said, turning the TV on
TV: Bikini clad and foaming at the mouth?! Rabid babes with rabies. Tonight on Sick Sad World!
The next morning, Daria woke to the unexpected smell of food cooking…? At the Lane’s…?!
Daria: Hey Jane…Jane…
Jane: ….hurgh…?, Jane groaned
Daria: Do you smell that?
Jane: Hrmmm…?
All of a sudden, there was a faint tap on the door. Then a familiar voice called out “Janey” as Trent entered the room.
Trent: Janey, there’s breakfast., he said, pausing briefly, “Oh. Hey Daria.”
Daria, after an uncomfortably long pause, mumbled “…Hey” as she reached for her glasses. Her face flushed as Trent’s outline came into focus. 
Jane, pulling her head out of her pillow: …What are you talking about Trent? …And put some damn pants on, we have company.
Trent: Hmmmm? Daria doesn’t mind, do you Daria?, Trent chuckled as he walked out of the room, scratching his stomach. The sound of his coughing faded as he made his way down the stairs.
Jane: Wait. Did he just say breakfast?
Daria was silent.
Jane: Daria…? Hey Daria…? Hmmm…Hey girl with the red face who’s forgotten how to speak.
Daria: Huh?
Jane: Oh nevermind.
Daria: Oh, I—-
Jane: Let’s go investigate this alleged “breakfast.”
As they turned the corner into the kitchen, there she stood. An unfamiliar woman. 
She was tall, curvaceous, and…bursty. In fact, she was almost too bursty for the tight black crop tee she was wearing. She had long auburn hair, green eyes, and a dangly bellybutton ring that stopped just above the top of her denim miniskirt.
Jane: Uhhhh hello there.
Trent: Hey. Janey. Daria. This is my girlfriend Esmeralda. She made breakfast.
Daria frowned. “Girlfriend?” she thought. The word stung like a splash of ice cold water to the face. “Is Trent really dating someone like her?” She didn’t look anything like Monique. Was she really Trent’s type? Just what exactly IS Trent’s type? Her inner dialog was interrupted by the new woman.
Esmeralda: Good morning!, she said cheerfully
Jane: Oh hey
Daria: ummm hello, she muttered quietly
As the girls sat down, Esmeralda said “Sooo Jane, Daria. Trent’s told me a lot about you.” Turning to Jane, she continued “He said you’re quite the talented artist. And you Daria. He said you’re a writer. That’s so cool.”
Jane: I’ve been known to dabble in the occasional oil paint or two.
Daria muttered: “Uhhh yeah”
Trent: Daria, Esmeralda’s like…a writer too. She’s a journalist.
Esmeralda: I just do a bit of freelance work for some magazines.
Trent: In New York City. She’s the real deal.
After another uncomfortably long silence.
Esmeralda: Ummmm I made blueberry pancakes, bacon, and eggs. There’s coffee and orange juice too. What would you like?
Jane: Oh uhhhh. I’ll have the works.
Esmeralda: How do you take your coffee?
Jane: black
Esmeralda: And you Daria?
Daria: Oh uhhhh…I’m not really hungry.
Trent: Have a pancake Daria. They’re good.
Daria: …oh. Ok. I guess I’ll have a pancake. Thanks.
Esmeralda: Coming right up!
Jane: So where did all this food come from?
Trent: Esmé went shopping this morning before she came over
Daria: Esmé?
Esmeralda: Oh, that’s just what Trenty calls me.
Jane: Trenty…?, Jane chuckled 
Jane: So “Trenty,” how did you kids meet?
Trent: We just, ya know, hooked up after the Mystik Spiral gig a few weeks ago.
Esmeralda: I’m doing a piece on metal bands in middle America, so I’ve been going to gigs all summer. And one night I met Trent.
Trent: We started talking after the show and it was just like…meant to be, ya know? She gets me.
Jane noticed the growing look of anguish on Daria’s normally expressionless face as she pushed a sole blueberry around her plate.
Jane: Well, it was nice to meet you. But Daria needs to get home now. She’s got to ummm…
Daria: Help my mom…take Quinn…to the uhh…
Jane: …doctor. They’re putting her down.
Daria: Don’t wanna miss that.
Jane: Bye bye!
Daria: Uhhh bye
Trent: Later
A look of concern washed over Trent’s face as he watched the two exit  the room. “Hmmm” he sighed.
On the walk to Daria’s…
Jane: Don’t look so down. You heard Trent, he said they just hooked up after a show.
Daria: Yeah. I did hear Trent. That’s the problem.  Or did you completely miss the part where he said they’re meant to be?
Jane: Trent barely knows this chick. 
Daria: He knows her well enough to invite her into your house to make breakfast.
Jane: We’re not too particular about who comes into Casa Lane.  Plus it’s early. He’s not really a morning person. He probably didn’t even know what he was saying.
Daria: whatever
Jane: Trent’s a bit ummm idealistic when it comes to dating. He used to say the same stuff about Monique, and we know how that ended.
Daria: I guess you’re right…but she’s so…you know…
Jane: What?
Daria: Just forget it
Jane: Out with it, young lady.
Daria, flustered: She’s all…bouncy. Like Quinn. Is someone like that really Trent’s type? I can’t compete with that.
Jane: Oh. Yeah. She sure wasn’t Trent’s usual type, I’ll give you that. But…It’s not a competition. And besides, girls like that don’t have the brain capacity to be interesting.
Daria: Uh huh
Jane: C’mon Daria. She’s pretty. Men are dumb when it comes to pretty girls. I’m sure they’ll break—-
Daria: If she’s pretty then what does that make me?
Jane: I didn’t mean it like that—-
Daria: …sorry, I know you didn’t. Anyways, thanks for walking me home.
Jane: See you tomorrow?
Daria: Maybe
A few days later. On the phone…
Jane: Hey
Daria: Hey
Jane: Mystic Spiral has a show tonight, and Trent asked me to see if you’re coming.
Daria: Trent…? Asked…about…me.?
Jane: Yes, you.
Daria: I don’t know…I just don’t really feel like going out…
Jane: Trent thinks you’re avoiding him.
Daria: I AM avoiding him…
Jane: I could sure use the company.
Daria: Alright, I guess
Later that night at the club…
Trent: This song is called Devil Woman.
/ Your hair is red like fire / Your body is my desire / It’s hot where you touch / But I can’t get enough / Burn me with your love / Whip me with your words / Devil woman, drag me straight to hell / Devil woman, drag me straight to hell / Yeah
Trent: We’re Mystik Spiral. But we’re thinking about changing the name.
As Trent exited the stage, Esmeralda ran up and kissed him.
Daria: I think I’m gonna be sick
Jane: Can I get you anything? Glass of water? Bleach for your eyes?
Daria: How about a glass of bleach?
Jane: I’ll see what I can rustle up at the bar.
Jane: Here’s a soda.
Daria: What about the bleach?
Jane: Fresh out, I’m afraid. Oh lookie! Here comes Trent.
Daria: Great…,she muttered
Trent: Hey Daria
Daria: Uhhh hey
Jane: Where’d your girl go?
Trent: Hmm? Oh, Esmeralda. She went to talk to Jesse about something. So…Daria…what’d you think of the set?
Daria, thinking to herself, “It would have been better if the floor had opened up under the ‘Devil Woman’ and dragged her straight to hell.”
Daria: It was ok
Trent: Hmmm, Trent sighed
Trent: Well, thanks for coming. You haven’t been around much.
Daria: Yeah. I’ve been busy.
Trent: Can’t be helped, I guess then. Well, I’ve gotta help them load the equipment into the Tank.
As he walked past Daria, Trent put his hand on her shoulder and whispered “Give her a chance, Daria.”
Daria: Huh?
Daria turned around, watching Trent disappear backstage.
Jane: What’d he say?
Daria: Oh, nothing.
Jane: Oh no…no secrets, missy.
Daria: He told me to give her a chance.
Jane: Who? Esmeralda?
Daria: I guess so. He didn’t say.
They suddenly felt a hand on each of their shoulders. It was Esmeralda.
Esmeralda: Hey. The band is gonna be here for a while, so I was wondering if you wanted to get some pizza. My treat.
Before Jane could get an excuse out, Daria said “Sure.”
A little while later, at Pizza King.
Esmeralda: Are you sure one pie is gonna be enough?
Jane: Maybe. At least until the band gets here.
Daria: Yeah
Jane: So how does our humble pizza compare to the stuff in New York City?
Esmeralda: It’s cheesy. It’s greasy. It’s good.
Daria: So what are you doing in Lawndale if you live in New York?
Esmeralda: Oh! I’m back visiting my parent’s for the summer.
Daria: Oh
Esmeralda: I say visiting my parents…but they actually just needed me to house sit while they’re on a cruise.
Jane: That makes more sense.
Esmeralda: Gotta stay on their good side. They’re paying my tuition., she chuckled
Daria: What do you study?
Esmeralda: I’m studying mathematics…and philosophy.
Daria: Really?
Jane: Didn’t Trent say you were a writer…?
Esmeralda: He makes a bigger deal about that than he should. I just do a bit of freelancing to help pay the bills.
She paused long enough to take a bite of pizza.
Esmeralda: It wasn’t until I met Trent that I decided to pursue writing more seriously. Like as a career. There’s not many people out there who just do exactly what they want to and chase their dreams. Your brother is really special.
Jane: He’s certainly something else…
Daria shifted anxiously in her seat. She’d agreed to go out with Esmeralda reflexively, because of what Trent said. But the more Esmeralda talked, the worse Daria felt. She’d secretly hoped that this would be an insight into just how vacant and uninteresting Esmeralda was. Confirmation that she still had something unique to offer.
Daria: I don’t feel so good. Bathroom., Daria blurted as she rushed away from the table with her hands covering her mouth.
Just then, Trent walked in with the rest of Mystik Spiral.
Trent: Hey Janey. Hey Esmé. Where’s Daria?
Jane: Bathroom. She wasn’t feeling too well. Bad pizza. I’m gonna go check on her.
Trent: Let me.
Trent walked over to the bathroom door and knocked softly.
Trent: Daria? You in there?
There was no response.
Trent: Hey Daria. It’s me. Trent. Can you come out? I wanna talk.
Daria splashed some water on her face and rinsed her mouth out before slinking out of the bathroom.
Trent: Not here. Let’s get some fresh air.
They exited through the back door to avoid walking past everyone else.
Daria: You wanted to talk to me?
Trent: Yeah. You ok?
Daria: Uhhh…I guess
Trent: Why don’t I give you a ride home? We can talk in the tank.
Daria: Shouldn’t we say something?
Trent: Nahhhh. Jesse is probably going to eat at least two pizzas by himself. We’ve got plenty of time. They won’t even notice.
Daria: Ok. Thanks
Driving back to Daria’s house, in the tank.
Trent: Hmmm. Daria, I…
Daria: Yea, Trent?
Trent: I’m sorry.
Daria: For what?
Trent: You know…everything.
Daria: Huh?
Trent: The timing just wasn’t right…for me to introduce you to Esmé.
Daria: Oh
Trent: Hmm. She’s good for me, Daria. And I always kind of felt you understood the way I think, so I thought you’d like her too…
Daria said nothing. She shrank in her seat, wondering if the drive home from Pizza King always took this long. Trent looked over at her. A frown swept across his face as he furrowed his brows.
Trent: I haven’t seen you around the house much. Janey misses having you around.
Daria: I told you, I’ve just been busy…
Trent: I know. But it’s kind of lonely in the house…without you.
Daria: What?
Trent: Come around the house again, ok? Even if it’s just for Janey.
Daria: Ok…
Trent: Looks like we’re here., he said as they pulled in front of the Morgendorffer house.
Daria: Yeah. Thanks for the ride.
He leaned over and gave her a peck on the cheek before she could get out of the car.
Trent: All right then, Daria. See you around.
He leaned against the steering wheel, watching her walk inside before heading back to the band, Jane, and Esmeralda.
The next day, Daria called Jane.
Daria: Hey
Jane: Feeling better?
Daria: Yeah. Sorry for just leaving like that.
Jane: No sweat. Trent explained that he drove you home.
Daria: Is that all he said?
Jane: He’s worried about you.
Daria: I tried, Jane. I tried to give her a chance. But she’s not just some shallow, air headed groupie…
Jane: I know…She’s actually pretty cool…and she’s good for the kid. Trent hasn’t been this happy in a while…I’m sorry.
Daria: Yeah…hey, can I come over?
Jane: Really?! Sure. Of course.
Daria: See you soon
Jane: See ya
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makur0 · 2 years
hiii hope u r having a great day ! ur writing is so..... [froths] /pos
is it ok for me to rq a "morning after sex" fluff fic w keito? im a complete sucker for aftercare/morning after sex fics lol. also i have mo idea if this counts as non-nsfw since this is a bit suggestive so uhhhh u can ignore this rq ! i dont wanna trouble u !!
thanks in advance ^_^ (btw sorry if im not making any sense i only got two hours of sleep last night lmao)
hmmm ok! in fact, let's do all of AKATSUKI (cause why not lmao)
Keito Hasumi is a GOD at aftercare... maybe even more so than when you actually sleep with him. I will admit he follows a strict schedule and throws you off a bit, but after a while it's common between the two of you and definitely relaxing. I don't think he's the type to stay in bed and cuddle after an hour or so the two of you wake up; he's going to likely wake you up around 8 sharp and bring you into the shower, then you guys can snuggle as he gives you the massage of your life. And as you are getting dressed he'll set up all these scent sticks that he knows that will have a calming effect on you. And his favorite part: You guys sit down together and read quietly, basking in each other's warmth and silence. His aftercare is mostly mental aftercare, but will still make sure the physical side is well taken care of.
Kuro Kiryu may have a lot of energy to burn whenever the two of you go at it, but the following morning he's out. It's likely you wake up before him, his snores muffled by the blanket, and you get out of bed to do your morning routine and recover from last night. But even if the man is knocked out cold he knows that your warmth is now missing, and will fight in his sleep to try and gain it back. When you walk into the bedroom again he has his face shoved in your pillow, splayed all over the mattress. Because he's been fussing so much he woke up just a little bit to realize your presence in the room, and opens his bleary eyes to see you all freshened up and all. Will definitely complain that you didn't wake him up so that he could do it for you. But no matter- within a second your diving back into the sheets, hooking onto Kuro like a koala and shoving your face into his chest. General aftercare is just bear snuggles and nothing else :)
Souma Kanzaki would have to be taught how to do proper aftercare, just like sex. To be honest I feel like the first few times he would be needing the aftercare, you cooing little cute things into his ear as you force his sore muscles to relax. But after a while he gets more attuned to it, and soon enough he'll be the one to give you those well-needed massages and sweet words. Generally though it's never directed toward just one person, but you guys hold down each other. Either one needs it more than the other, or you guys just stay in a stiff blanket ball until you get hungry. Deadass tbh-
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chaotically-coz · 15 days
Entry #1, sep 11 2024.
Dear diary,
Yeah.. i dont really know what im trying to do here, but i suck at venting so i guess this is a better way for me to actually say stuff.
Saying ‘dear diary’ sounds kinda weird tbh, im probably gonna come up with a new name or something, idk
Uhh… today hasnt exactly been the best, it wasn’t the worst either.
I woke up late and ended up being like- 40 minutes late to school. I dont feel like being yelled at by my teacher, especially considering the fact ive already been late several times, and its only the first day!
Anyways, i pulled the ‘i threw up’ card and managed to skip… i know i shouldnt have. I shouldnt have faked my way out of school.. i dont know why but i just cant go back to seeing that look of disappointment.
We’re only about 5 days into school and i already feel like im disappointing everybody i know. Irl friends have noticed ive seemed different in school.. i just feel so out if it lately. Almost like im.. not really there? Like im moving in third person. Like a part of me just feels.. empty. Im trying, i really am!
I think one of my closest friends saw my scars the other day… thats not good. I know she saw them, i pulled my arm away and we never discussed it but still,,
A lot of my other friends have been distant.. one of them i have like, no classes with. The other one moved away.. i have most of my classes with the same people, i guess seeing the same people over and over is getting tiring.
I can feel myself falling behind in subjects, but im seriously trying!! I cant help but zone out- or get distracted. I cant pick up the teaching or understand ni matter how hard i try. Ive suspected i had ADHD for a while, pretty sure my friends have too. Im too terrified to ask my mom for a proper diagnosis, and i dont want to self diagnose myself, so i guess ill just wait untill everybody stops thinking im stupid and actually suspect things.
Aaaaanyways, i didnt do much today aside from staying home. I watched tv most of the day, which i know is lazy but like… my chromebook charger is broken so i cant really do much else. I could go outside or take a walk. I know i need to practice for cheer and dance.
I did my brothers hair today, that was really funny, we screamed the lyrics to stupid songs.
The thought, “am i forgettable?” Has been playing through my mind alot. Like.. i know that im chaotic and an arsonist and whatever but.. what else?
Is that really all there is to me? What am i really like? Do people view me how i view myself? I guess I’ll never really know the true answers.
I just.. i feel so forgettable. Like.. if i dissapeared.. nobody would notice. I just.. idk.
I dont feel like myself. I wanna feel normal.. i dont care if ‘normal’ meant a being of chaos and destruction, and pretty mentally ill.. atleast i felt like a person. I’d rather feel like that than feel so empty.. i dont like this.
Ive gained weight.. talking abt stuff like this on the internet is kinda eughhhh but still. I feel like i need to vomit every time i eat.. or just stop eating.. i dont feel comfortable in my body anymore.
I’m trying to stop venting so much, i feel like im beginning to do it too much, and people are getting tired of me.
Drama club starts on friday!! Im pretty excited for that. I cant wait to get back into theater.
Uhhhh yeah! Theres a bunch more but idk how much i can fit into one entry, its pretty late so im probably sleeping soon. I guess thats it!
Entry completed
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firecoloredwater · 1 year
Fic authors self rec!
Oh boy I've been tagged twice now, by @planeoftheeclectic and @denialcity. Thank you both!
(And uh, since I somehow didn't actually get notifications for either of those and just noticed while scrolling, if anyone else has tagged me in... anything, really, and I didn't respond, sorry about that! Tumblr is being tumblr apparently.)
Rules: Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass this onto other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Going to tag uhhhh @domoz @asukaskerian and uhhh what's a people I've never met a people in my life. what's a tag. I'll go shake discord a bit and come back with more tags in a reblog probably.
These are... not in any particular order of preference, I will just make question marks for a year if I try to sort them that way, so this is just the order I grabbed the links in. Which means newest to oldest.
1: Roots Grow Up - Naruto (Founders)
I still don't like the title, but I like basically everything else in this fic (including one detail I've decided on but not posted yet so... can't say). I am planning to add more, but the first chapter (which is all that's posted now) stands alone pretty well, since I wasn't sure whether I'd continue it at all when I first posted it.
The premise is that Kawarama didn't die, but instead lost his memory and has been living as a civilian farmer when Hashirama and Tobirama find him, a few years after founding Konoha. 0 people were prepared for this discovery.
It's been fifteen years since Isamu was found, badly injured and unconscious in the forest. He woke up with amnesia, but his origin was pretty obvious, so he doesn't even miss the memories. It's been fifteen years. He's grown up, earned a place in the town that took him in, and even gotten married. His not-so-mysterious past doesn't matter. Not until shinobi wander into town, anyway.
2: Blessed Sacrifice AU - Naruto (Founders)
Cowritten with @codedredalert aka @denialcity, on hiatus while we both deal with Life, but there's a large and excellent chunk up already and so many cool things planned. So many!!!
Also, turns out I REALLY LIKE cowriting. Which is kind of old news because I've been doing forum RP for a decade+, but I wasn't sure if that would translate to fic. Turns out the answer is definitely yes.
BSAU is basically taking the "red eyes blessed" trope and digging into the like... worldbuilding repercussions of that, as shown through Izuna. And also crows.
Also comes with LOTS of fantastic art from Red!
Mythology-religion freeform AU where Tobirama is considered blessed by the gods by the Uchiha, but they still need to deal with him as an enemy, so Izuna is ritually disowned from the Uchiha and given a special role responsible for protecting/fighting him.
3: Somebody Else's Dream - Girl Genius
Written as a gift for khilari! I can't remember what the exact prompt was, but I ended up writing an elaboration on the canon detail that Mechanicsburg was founded when a Heterodyne decided he wanted a town, so he just had his people build one.
The main character is an OC who was kidnapped to become a non-military member of the town, and the story is about how he ends up settling in. It's a very weird balance of a "finding your place in the world" story and "this is still kidnapping actually," and I don't think it would work in most fandoms, but since Girl Genius canon is a perpetual balance of heartwarming and "wow that is somehow worse than a war crime" already, I think it worked out really well, and I'm still very proud of it.
Also I suffered over the accents in this. But it worked!
Faustus Heterodyne wants civilians for his newly built town. What the civilians want is generally different.
4: Jager Search - Girl Genius
Also written as a gift, this time for sparkagatha. It's the future, *vague handwave* everything is resolved, the OT3 are together and Klaus has accepted that he can leave Agatha alone and the revenants are being cured, happily ever after.
...except that some of the "wild" jagers are still missing. So Agatha sets out to find them.
Not much to say really; I can see spots where I'd write it differently if I wrote it now, but that's mostly things like "would have slightly changed the characterization," not big issues, and overall it still holds up very well for being... close to eight years old.
Most of the detached jägers heard of the Heterodyne's return and came home, but a few are still missing. Agatha learns this, and decides to fix it.
5: Didn't Dream This - Death Note
Oh if I wrote this now tumblr would annihilate me. ~Problematic~ yay!
I'm not sure I'd say this is a good fic--if I was writing it now I'd write it so differently that it just would be a different fic--but I was clearly working out something about sexuality and relationships and the stuff (not) in my head that I've ended up labeling "being aro."
Basically: Mello and Matt are straight, and they decide to be together anyway. I'm glad I wrote it, partly because I know I wouldn't think or dare to write it now.
Mello doesn't want to die alone. Solutions can exist without working out the way anyone wants. (Psychologically intimate interaction is really a better description than romance.)
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marialikeswritting · 2 years
Howell wizard x fem reader
'Nice to meet you'
Fluff/comedic fic
When I tell you this man is my type of man he is my type of man,well I have multiple but today it is his time to shine
Also saw not much of him and I wanted something with a fem reader dont worry more gn reader with this guy will be made by me in da future
Also I just learned about giff images so you better pray I dont abuse my power
Anyways here you go fellow simps
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The first time you two had ever knew of each others existence was when you met Cass, you weren't in the boxing club like her,but you had to be since toast was your friend or she just said it often enough you just don't mind at that point
Cass and you actually hung out together alot even more after she left boxing, she taught you a few defens skills and you...well you just had a lot to do,and what I mean is you where all over the place sometimes you'd model for her in your new knitted cardigan and awesome new dresses,next you both are having a karaoke battle your decent to say the least
"Hey (y/n) come with me" said Cass who had been knocking on your door on a Saturday afternoon "bruh I just woke up" Cass gave her a look "you think I care. Come on let's get you dressed" the greenette drag her friend to her room then to the closet,and opened it "pick an outfit you crazed fashionista" (y/n) huffed "fine"
After getting dressed Cass left with her friend out of the house
"So where are we going Cass" (y/n) looked to her friend as she smoothed her hair "we are going to the cat cafe one of my brothers made you haven't been ther and I just realised that haha" you looked at her shocked "I didn't know you had brothers let alone a cafe?!" "What yes I have multiple times I've told you how annoying they can be dummy!!" Cass flick her friends forehead,(y/n) winced in the pain " I have a bad memory Cass you know thissssss" (y/n) wines "yeah okay whatever sparkles now come on your gonna love the cute cats we have" Cass persuaded and it seemed to work since her friend seem to lift her head a little and smiled
Then out of nowhere "*sniff* ooo is that vanilla" she question (y/n) on the perfume she laughed a little and then responded "yup spot on once again bestie" Cass celebrated a little in the corner as she walked along side her friend "so how many brothers you go Cass" she looked at her friend "I got six and they are a handful but I deal with it I guess"
After walking along the sidewalk for a few minutes the two arrived at the cat cafe
"Here we are" Cass extended one arm dramatically making (y/n) roll her eyes "okay now let's get inside dummy" Cass pushed (y/n) to the door and got the two inside "EVERYONE I BROUGHT MY FRIEND GET YOUR BUTT'S OUT HERE" sounds of plates crashing and shuffling where heard from the kitchen making (y/n) a little concerned
"Hi I'm bee nice to meet ya" a girl with brown hair and a happy smile greeted "oh hello bee I'm (y/n)" she introduced herself
Bee smiled and ofer something from the tray she was holding"here try this their supper good" "oh uhh-" then out of nowhere someone bust burst through the door from the kitchen and started yelling at bee "bee you better not be eating the food of some customer..again"
Bee seem to panicked "no no I would never I was just uhhhh...oh yeah greeting Cass's friend (y/n)!! look isn't she just gorgeous right!?!" The guy in question turned to face the girl that bee had just referred to"hello-*choke* *cough**cough*"he fidgeted whither his hair
He was stunned looking at the girl right before him she was absolutely gorgeous and her outfit elevated how she looked 100 times she wore a light pastel green and pink cardigan a pastel yellow skirt whith little hearts even he noticed she was just so pretty as him heck maybe even more she looked so so
"Cute." Did he just said that oh no he did
He slap his mouth shut and went running to the kitchen leaving a confused and pink-dusted cheeks (y/n) she hold her hands and smiled gently flattered "thanks" she mumbled under her breath "what was that" Cass turned to her friend who quickly dismissed her question "you know what whatever let me introduce you to the guys so you obviously just met Howell who has for some reason called you cute as a first Impression, then there's wesley say hi" he waved at you "good, now then there's Crisp obsessed white clown stuff" crisp looked offended then huffed and turned around to do something "then there's Deckard"
Time went on and she kept on introducing her brothers but there was only one thing on (y/n)'s mind that guy Howell he seemed like the type of guy she would like to be around even by the short interaction she had to admit he looked supper adorable and kinda hot in her opinion she just must befriend him at once! Was all she thought
"Here try this" Cass offered (y/n) another plate of food made by the lovely Deckard "oh thanks" she dived into the food as it was placed before her
Cass went into the kitchen her happy expression faded as she looked at her brother Howell "are you really gonna stay in here the whole time she is out there or are you gonna be a manchild and mope around because you dont know how to start a conversation whith my friend" he blushed at his own embarrassment from earlier "no way I cant I lost my touch I'm not extravagant as I usually am I cannot face her" he retorts "come on you cant stay in here forever dummy" she looked at him with a waist eyebrow making him sigh "whatever you do you but ima murder you when we go home" he shivered at the tought
He had two options it seemd one get over it and talk to the pretty pastel girl that is beyond the kitchen doors and possibly face more embarrassment on his end
Or two get his ass whipped by his sister who would not hold back even if he'd beg and bribe her with anything he owned
Better go with the first option he couldn't risk bribing Cass with his beautiful workout equipment it looked better on him anyways
So what found fake confidence he walked out the doors and straight to the table the pretty pastel girl sat at,as he approach he sprotted bee not doing her work "bee" his tone and demeanor change and bee tense up as the other girl whatch in curious at the following interaction,he placed a hand to bee's shoulder "could you please get orders I can handle stuff here thanks byeeee" bee quickly scattered out of there,leaving Howell with (y/n) he nervously pulled out a little notebook to go for others a pen and then looked straight at the (h/c) girl "hi there uh what's your name cutie?" Wow now he's bold "I'm (y/n), and you are cariño~" (y/n) leander forward whit her elbows propped at the table
she was bold too I mean ofcourse she was she's well it was obvious to Cass as she looked at the two "ugh she's into him fuck he better not mess things up or ima kick his sorry butt" they all stopped and collectively thought 'he better not mess up' Cass then turned to them "why are you standing there get to work dummies!!" They all scattered to do their won things "*sigh* I'm surrounded by idiot's" the she went to go back to work
"So what would you like to try from the menu. Anything interests you cutie" Howell smiled making the girl's heart flutter he was just so different from the short time she has been in his presence a good different and a hot one at that "well I would like to try you're waffles" he raised an eyebrow "waffles it is then,how do you want them hmm?" (Y/n) put a hand on her chin and thought for a moment "I want then with syrup, chocolate chips, and wip cream please" she put her menu down and Howell took it "coming right up"
Time then seem to fly by as the two talked and she got a few more things to eat,the food was just to good then (y/n)'s phone buzz and she picked it up and saw that she had to go "awe man I got to go" she spoke in a sad tone,Howell looked at her with his own sad smile "oh well do you want the check now?" She looked at him and smiled and smiled a few hundred Bill's "this will about cover it" she got up and started to walk away "hey wait this it too much and you need your change!" She then wrote some numbers on a piece of napkin(y/n) looked back at the green hair boy and smirked "it's fine pretty boy you can pay me back with a date and her you go" he nearly choked on his own saliva and looked at the paper she gave him confused "wait what!" She was out the door by then and he went after her "I said what I said see ya!!" He stood there stunned and red tinted cheeks he hadn't noticed his siblings right the with him until cass put a hand on his shoulder the aura became tense "your gonna take her on that date right" it sounded more of a command than a question,he gulped "why ofcourse what kind of a man would I be to ditched such a fine woman such as her" he defended himself still blushing cuasing the other's to notice "ooo Howells got it bad!!!" "20 buck they get together" "Ha 30 if they get married by the end if the month" cass turned around "Hey that my bestfriend your talking about!" She stared to chase them around while they all scream in laughter
Howell was left outside to think about (y/n) she ayre was something truly different he then took out the napkin she gave him and once again was shocked "she-she gave me her NUMBER AAAAHH OH MY GOSH!!!" Bee then came from beside him "wow you scored today nice" she finger gun him and he got annoyed "go back to work bee" she quickly oblige and left immediately leaving Howell alone to stare happily at the napkin
While (y/n) was waking around the sidewalk smiling to herself about the cute pretty boy she had just met "hehe this will be great" she stared at the sky and thought about the endless possibilities that will happened with the so call pretty boy she had now decided to nickname just that pretty boy hehe
Something was going to happend that would change the path of these two people and it was going to be awesome
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bizlybebo · 3 months
hi im feeling insane about william wisp again and thought I would share some thoughts about him
-i wonder how long he was dead before he woke up (the first time). did he wake up surrounded by caution tape and police officers, or was he alone in the forest? was he out for multiple hours? days? maybe even a week? were people looking for him? was there an investigation? did people think he was murdered? (ive been watching a lot of murder mysteries lol)
-how long was it before he even noticed he was dead? did he not even notice he had no pulse until season two (when he was told he was clinically dead)? did he think he was alive and just could come back from the dead because funny ghost powers? is that why he was so afraid of his wisp form? because he thought he couldn't come back? HOW DO YOU NOT NOTICE YOU DONT HAVE A PULSE. seriously.
mmmmm headcanons
-he probably wore gloves + tried to cover up as much of his skin as possible after finding out he was decaying, so he didn't scare people.
-when he got the heart and came back to life, I think his hair got darker again, so like a grey instead of white. (that also gives cool smoke vibes because of his smoke powers)
-after season two, he now has no scars because his actual body was destroyed, so whatever he's got now hasn't been scarred yet
-TRANSGENDER!!! you cannot tell me he's not transmasc. the dead name joke is right there.
uhhhh hope you enjoyed my ramblings i really wanted to talk about this absolute nerd of a character. im so normal about him
honestly in my brain i’ve always seen william’s death as this weird, blippy kind of traumatic experience. i think he fell, and was out of it for a second or two, but his body just. kept going. so he had to, too. maybe he dissociated like crazyy or he didn’t think he was real, but stuff just. kept going after the end and it freaked him out but it happened. i realllyyy love the interpretation of his death being a bigger thing, though. waking up surrounded by police tape, his mother in tears, his father clutching her shoulders trying to keep her together without falling apart himself. or william going “missing” waking up days or weeks later and just. having to walk back home. guhahahhdwjj this is soo cool
SMOKY HAIR WILLIAM SMOKY HAIR WILLAIM !!! him having smoky grey hair while he has the smoke powers….. puuigbebtjwjtj i’m obsessed
OK YEA IM SO GLAD SOMEBODY ELSE THINKS WILLIAM HAS NO SCARS/ETC ON HIS BODY POST-EP39. no spoons to pull up the post right now but i think that him having a “fresh slate”, getting his closure, and also burying that heart dakota gave him is so much more cathartic than insisting he still has dakota’s heart, or that he still has the heart transplant scar, etc. yes, it’s kind of sad that he doesn’t carry vyncents blood and dakotas literal heart with him anymore, but his entire story is a metaphor for moving on. finding himself. and i thjnk itd be closure for the others to bury those parts of themselves with william.
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poems-of-a-lover · 1 year
these are fun :00 6, 9, 10, 13! also is 20 supposed to be river?? what is a rivier lol
- cat anon
YEAH IKR i love these so much
6: what would you do if you woke up one day and no one knew you? probably just. lose it. i would actually go insane and lose my mind and justjsfhskjdf id go bonkers
9: what are you interested in but have never done anything about? i wanna learn how to play guitar. and also possibly crochet. skateboard. ice skate. all that kinda stuff theres a lot skjdffh
10: how many ppl are currently in your dms? UHHHHHH i have a friend on here i talk to, and theres the guy im talkin to and then my friends on discord that i dm, there arent a ton of ppl i dm just bc its hard to make conversation with ppl sometimes
13: favorite band? i like dead poet society a lot, uhhhh nirvana, and tame impala altho technically its only a band for performances but kevin parker writes and performs and produces everything for recording on his own so idk if that counts
and yeah i think its river!!
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mischief-incarnate · 2 years
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Ely was on the warpath, well at least for her.   Ghalyn was nowhere to be found and she had questions.  She needed some answers and that left Taalys.  She knew he would be someplace in Valdrakkan.  Most likely taking a much-needed break in the inn.
            Sure enough, there he was with a Draenei sitting in his lap?  That made her pause a moment as Ely was not interested in a stranger hearing her woes.   Then they both glanced over, and she made note the Draenei had only one eye and a matching facial scar Nikko did.   So the Zandalari was in disguise it seemed.  A quick magical scan told Ely this was a transformation and not illusion.  Interesting and certainly Taalys’ work.
            Ely self consciously pushed her curls from her face and joined them at the table.  “How have things been here for you?”
            Taalys gave a little shrug.  “There is a lot to piece together.   So many places and beings that need help.   Thankfully there are enough of our types to go around.   And yourself Ely?  Though looking at you,” he paused to give her a once over look, “you look frustrated.”
            “Do I look like or give off plushie vibes?”
            Taalys gave her a confounded look.  “Pardon me?”   Even Nikko was now paying attention, regarding Ely intently with her one good eye.
            “You heard me,” she huffed, puffing out her cheeks.
            “You absolutely do not give me those thoughts, nor do you have that aura,” Taalys said, brow furrowed.  “Care to share with me why you needed to ask this question?”
            She paused, ordering herself a tea then looked back at the two.  Nikko was actually paying attention now, shifting in his lap to peer at Ely.   The mage squirmed under the scrutiny of the huntress, all thoughts of being sassy to Taalys vanishing.
            “I spent the night in a tent with a man, who was obviously not you and also not my brother.”  Ely looked anyplace besides at the couple, making note of Nikko’s surprised snort and Taalys’ mouth falling open ever so slightly.   “Nothing happened!  Well, except that he sleep snuggled me.  He was on the other side of the tent but migrated over.”
            Nikko made a dismissive snort at that.
            “I see… so how does the entire plushie thing come into play here,” Taalys asked, taking a casual sip of his ale.  His eyes remained glued to the mage though.
            “Well the snuggling thing.   It is, was all he seemed interested in.   I gave him hints I found him interesting.  I didn’t even stab him when he pulled my hair either,” she was back to huffing in annoyance.
            “Yes, not stabbing is an excellent way to convey interest,” Taalys drawled.
            “Have you punched him in the face,” Nikko asked.  “It served me well with Taalys.”
            “Wait… you two got together because she punched you in the face,” Ely’s eyes snapped up to stare at the couple, her eyes huge now.
            “She did, and I understood the technicalities of Zandalari courtship… so we ended in a proper fist fight.”
            “A fist fight!”  Ely leaned back in her chair and stared in shock.
            “Yes, it is a proper prelude to angry sex,” Nikko said with the most casual of shrugs.
            “I am not getting into a fist fight with a former paladin,” Ely blurted, shaking her head.
            “Mores the pity, cuts out the confusion,” Nikko grumbled.  “Elves do things the hard way.”
            “Well we prefer not to bleed,” Ely muttered. 
            Taalys chuckled, “Some of us.  So just snuggling happened?  What did he say the next morning?”
            “I uhhhh, well I ran away.  Left my armor too.”
            “Why,” Taalys and Nikko asked as one.
            “You see, errrr.  I woke up before he did, well most of him.  He was spooning me from behind and,” Ely flushed to her roots of her hair and up her ears.  “I was so startled by the poking that I ran away.”
            “So you don’t like him then,” Nikko snorted.
            “I don’t know.  I just know we talked the next day and he was entirely flustered and embarrassed by the poking.   The man seemed like the bad boy type… bad boys do not get flustered by their protrusions.  They are proud of them!”
            Taalys shrugged, “True enough.  I would never apologize or be flustered by my body’s reaction to a soft behind against me.  Obviously, you did not stab or turn him into a sheep.  If he has known you for more then five minutes, that should have been a clue you were appreciative, even if you bolted.”
            “EXACTLY,” Ely blurted loudly, then shrunk down when people stared.  She sighed in relief as her tea was delivered and focused on sipping that.
            “Look Ely, you are not a plushie.  You need to be more comfortable with your beauty.  This may sound funny, but you are completely oblivious to looks that come your way.   At some point you need to be more comfortable with yourself and your looks.   Think of an example of a woman that is at home in her own skin and owning her looks and abilities.”
            “Oh, that is easy Sin and the Coconut Lady,” Ely quipped.
            “Coconut lady,” Taalys asked with an arched brow.
            Ely shrugged, “You would have had to have been there to understand.”
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obstinaterixatrix · 2 years
I had like 4 dreams, 1) either I transmigrated or had to the play the role of specifically a 2nd gen chaebol and I was like uhhhh ok but I’m an ABC so I’m pretty sure there’s a lot of nuance I’m not getting, it’s like fuerdai right…? 2) last night (out of dream) my schedule has a late start today so I was like cool I can sleep in, but in this dream I kept going like no I actually start and this time no wait I was right the first time and I was just counting over and over to try to figure out when and how long I work. 3) I was trying to be alone and get some privacy but people wouldn’t stop bursting in my room or being in my space and I got pissed off, 4) I had to go with sister to the doctors for a check up but when we got there they were like ‘ooohhh you actually have to go to this area’ and that area sucks because it’s the bougie boutique place in a big city so I’m glad I woke up before having to dream-drive there
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hpdfag · 2 months
YOUR NEW THEME IS SO COOL OH MY GOD ITS LIKE MT FAV UNTIL NOW…sorry I haven’t been around much!! I’ve been so busy and I had some problems etc,,,but I’m so happy to be back :} are you in California yet?? I hope it all goes well with you and your family there, it sounds like such an interesting place as a non American who’s only seen it in movies etc…I hope you’re having fun :} last time we talked you said you weren’t feeling great, are you fine now??
I recently saw Stray Kids (the kpop group) live in Milan and IM SO HYPEDD they’re like my ult group?? Do you like kpop? If yes what’s your favs etc
Well, I hope you’re having a great day! Tell me how you’ve been doing,,
- 🧶
AAAA THANK U SO MUCH !!!!! its always fun going thru and changing things up and im glad i did ... the last theme was nice but i needed somethin fresh!! and don't worry at all, take your time, i hope you've been alright overall despite all that ^_^
and we'll be leaving at the end of the week i think! we would be leaving today but the person that was gonna watch our pets ended up in the hospital and my mom isnt getting paid till wednesday either ... but it'll all be alright!! and it's definitely an interesting place, im a little desensitized to it since all of my family's down there but there's lots to do and it genuinely always is amazing ^_^ im hoping to go to this hole in the wall game store while we're there actually ... exciting !!
and yesyes im doing much better !! i still have bad times on occasion but it's not so much an All The Time thing anymore ... i feel pretty great overall :D
and that sounds so fun !!! ive never really gotten in to kpop, ive only heard a few of the Really Popular Ones and other than that i'm almost completely in the dark ... i used to have some friends who liked uhhhh. i think it was le sserafim? and what i heard of their stuff was rlly nice !!
and i am don't worry !! :D i just woke up but im hopefully just gonna chill for today and maybe start on packing ^_^
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