#nah but seriously though i'm really proud of this one :)
steakout-05 · 10 months
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it's a bit late, but here's the finished art for Jetpack Joyride's 13th anniversary! i can't even begin to tell you about all the memories i've had with this awesome game! here's to another decade of jetpack-related chaos!!
(i gotta clarify that the champagne bottle is referenced from an official JJ artwork for the apple soda jetpack and that the 13 might look a little wonky because i'm not very good at lettering,,,)
+ a few bonus wip screenshots under the cut (only a few though cause i didn't screenshot my progress as much)
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(craig was gonna have a beer glass but i decided to just have the red cup instead because it was easier to draw lol)
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that's all i screenshat,,, screenshotted before i went into Ultra Autism Focus Mode™ and finished the art,,,
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magical-wishies · 4 months
To love or not to love, that is the questio-
Ok whoops wrong reference. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! I made a MV of the song "Darling Dance" by Kairiki Bear featuring my favourite little tricksters for the occasion!
I'd rather you go straight to Youtube to watch it because Tumblr always finds a way to cut the quality, lol.
Eng subtitles are available too!
Here it is! Hope you enjoy my pride and joy. Basically like a hopeful child but in video format. Reblogs are specially appreciated because Youtube sucks at promoting new channels!
This also acts as a behind-the-scenes post, so let's get straight into that, shall we?
MV Project 1 "Darling Dance"
Illustration time: 37 hours
Editing time: Approx. 30-35 hours
Total: 70 hours
*Cough* Holy freakin' moly does making an MV take so long. Before you roll off your bed, I'll say that part of the reason making the art took so long was because I have trouble drawing Marx consistently.
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Here's some unused assets! Look at them, they're all salty over not making the cut.
In all seriousness though, a lot of times I don't really see a lot of editors/ MV makers getting appreciation for their efforts. And now that I've personally experienced making an MV for the first time, it's also increased my admiration to the people who dedicate their time to this! All the kudos to them.
Now, I'll go scene by scene then comment along the way! Spoilers ahead!
Verse 1
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Pretty good for what it is. In the first image, you see that heart behind Magolor? I discovered the motion of it on complete accident lol. Capcut is hard to figure out..
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I also really like the color palette of 2nd image. That art of Marx was the last one I did during production (aka I drew it this morning), and just look at him. He's such a bastard he's the best.
Pre Chorus 1
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Mmmm yeah it sure is the pre chorus! I put a bar behind the text in the middle because I didn't want people to stare into their soulless eyes for too long. That probably worked!
1st Chorus
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When I first added in the expression change, I fangirled over it a little on the first rewatch. Like, come on! They suddenly look mischievous, and the color change on the background! I know I drew it but still!
For the rest, I experimented a little with all the "Nah"s! I think it ended up well. Most of the lyric editing in this MV is completely original, so I had a couple of things to try out!
Verse 2
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This song is horrifically outdated because it says Twitter instead of X!! (/sarcasm)
This scene is my second favourite. I'm really proud of the details on the tabs and the editing at the beginning! Wish I could put more images but the app only allows ten. Bummer.
Pre Chorus 2
I think it's cute, and I used it as my pfp on YouTube! That's about it though.. image limit is killing me I can't put anything here :(
Chorus 2
...Not gonna spoil it! I like how I drew them, but there ain't anything notable. Unless you look at the last image I put right before the bridge. :)
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This is where my editing comes in freakin' clutch. Ooooooh it's so satisfying to look at. Chef's kiss. Also those Marxs (Marxes?) are really cute.
The second part of the bridge is nice as well! I tried to make the lyrics snap to the rhythm. Glad I added that tv effect in the bg too!
Chorus 3
This scene is my favourite! Wanna know why?
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This sequence right here. I think I will etch it into my brain forever... I love me some snappy editing. Like a lot. Like a lot a lot!
The second part of the chorus is like the original song's MV! I loved the hearts popping in and out whoever thought of that is a genius. Putting it into the MV was a good decision!
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And that's a wrap! Hope you enjoy the MV as much as I enjoyed making it. And, stay tuned for next time! I have a feeling a certain jester is getting his own solo MV...
Feel free to leave your thoughts either in the Youtube comments section or here. See you around!
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dracocheesecake · 1 year
Oh I just wanted to ask if you have any platonic! Kai x reader headcanons with dynamic like big guy protects smol creature and maybe being a father figure to them?
Actually yes! Warning, though: Kai isn't exactly a great person.
Father-Figure!Kai x Reader Headcanons:
Why are you so smol and weak? It's not worth taking your chi, really. It would be like eating celery: you burn more than you get out of it.
Someway, somehow, though, for whatever reason, Kai can't seem to get rid of you. At first it seems that you keep on running into each other, and then Kai starts cracking a slight joke or two, full of self-satisfaction. "Alright, I refuse to believe it's destiny at this point: you just have to be stalking me. What, are you a fan or something?"
Then this eventually progresses until you somehow bump into him again, and Kai gets so fed up that he just decides to take you along for the ride with him- supposedly, until he decides just what to do with you.
Kai, of course, in the midst of this rash decision, forgot that you are very mortal and still require things like rest stops, food, warmth, sleep, etc.- Transporting you around isn't exactly like carting around luggage. Kai gets annoyed when you point this out to him, but does (reluctantly) provide for you- while claiming that he's just getting you stronger so he can take your chi later.
He's actually a decent cook, but don't ever critique him. "What? I haven't done this in 500 years, I'm a little rusty. Besides, if you were really hungry, you'd eat anything put in front of you without complaint. Eat or starve."
However, as time wears on, you notice Kai starts being a little less harsh on you. His occasional sardonic remarks become somewhat more playful, and sometimes are punctuated by him rubbing his knuckles against the top of your head in a manner one could almost call...dare I say...affectionate?
You find Kai making you little gifts: a cloak to keep you warm ("It won't be on my head if you freeze to death, at least.") A blade of your very own ("You're weak and small. You need some sort of protection. What? Did you think I was going to follow you around to play bodyguard forever?"), etc.
Kai will also start training you a little as well. It seems harsh and unforgiving to you at first, almost to the point of being cruel- but when you complain to Kai he laughs in your face. "Harsh? You call this harsh? You have no idea how easy I'm being on you. You should have seen how I trained my soldiers!"
*Sarcastic gasp* "You moved me at least half a centimeter! What an improvement!...Nah, fifty push-ups. Now."
When you actually start improving, he actually praises you- though at first it's more as if he's praising his own abilities as a mentor- but you can tell he's actually proud of you, how much you've managed to accomplish in such a short time.
However, if you do somehow manage to run into trouble, Kai is there in an instant- he's not letting anything happen to you, even if you can supposedly handle yourself. If you ask him about it, he just shrugs and says that if anyone's going to take your life, it's going to be him.
Kai also yells at you whenever there's the slightest chance you'll get hurt; the louder he yells, though, the more it shows he cares- he might accidently let a few words slip, such as "Do you have any idea how worried I was?! Do that again, and I'll throw you off a cliff myself! Maybe I should turn you into an amulet after all, and keep you out of trouble!"
Kai grumbles under his breath, calling you an idiot, all while he patches you up with more gentleness than you thought him capable of.
Also expect him to carry you around alot. You have tiny legs and it's faster and easier. Sometimes, though, Kai will scare you by running as fast as he can on all fours, laughing while you scream at him to stop, clinging to his fur for dear life.
Seriously Kai loves messing with you. He calls it his prime source of entertainment. At first his teasing and jokes at you are cruel and dark in nature, and often at your expense; but steadily they start turning more light-hearted, and even get a laugh or two out of you (which makes him smile- but you didn't see it).
Basically Kai doesn't want to outwardly admit that you've grown on whatever little shred of heart he thought had long withered away in his chest. Over time, he's almost come to see you as the child he'd never had the time to have.
When he finally does take your chi, he wears your amulet around his neck, close to his heart. It was hard- harder than he would admit, even to himself- but in his mind, it had to be done: at least this way, he tells himself, he won't lose you.
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
emma, i adore everything you write, seriously. you've quickly become one of my fav writers here on tumblr, and whenever i'm in need of some comfort i come to your blog and reread one of your fics. ♡
if you're still taking requests, how about either steve or eddie tying a ribbon (or anything, really) on reader's ring finger as a makeshift wedding ring while they're talking about marriage? like, all domestic and fluff.
it could be a baby blurb or a drabble...anything, really. and no worries if you can't/don't wanna write this! ily anyways <3
also, congrats on 500 followers ♡♡♡
amy hi!!! i am such a fan of your blog, this means the world to me!!!!! i really really loved writing this for you, so i hope you like it!! come say hi anytime please <3 this was just screaming eddie and his rings to me in a post-graduation moment<3 | 1.1k, fem!reader, fluff fluff fluff
"I can't believe it's over," Eddie says. You're tucked into his side where you both flopped down onto his bed. His fresh high school diploma is propped up on his desk and his green gown lays crumpled on the floor. The entire group had shown up for the ceremony and you have a stack of polaroids in your pocket of everyone and the new grad. It's been a wonderful day.
"I thought Higgins was going to cry when he shook your hand," you say. "He looked so relieved when you walked off stage." Eddie's palm traces up and down your arm lazily, his other hand playing with your fingers on his chest.
"Me and him both." He hums, a sound you feel in your bones since you're so close. "Thought Wayne was gonna crack a rib when he hugged me." He sounds unbearably fond and a little in awe. Eddie has never stopped being surprised at how much people love him. It's been kind of an overwhelming day as a result, which is why you're taking a breather here before you head out to his graduation party.
"He's proud of you, Eddie," you scold him. "We all are. I am."
"Gotta figure out what's next, I guess." He's quiet for a few moments and you sling a leg over his, turning so you can see his face better.
"Well, what do you want to do?"
"No idea, sweetheart." He looks down at you, taking his time roaming over your face. "Never got that far in the planning." The only thing he's been sure about is you.
"We could stay here. Get jobs and stick around and make sure the kiddos graduate high school."
"Think Harrington could get me a job at Family Video?" he snickers. You roll your eyes.
"Or we could move out of Hawkins, try somewhere new?"
"We'd have to come back sometimes," he reminds you. "Otherwise we'd never hear the end of it." You adopt a serious expression and nod.
"Of course." His eyes are sparkling and he looks so happy. You want to look at him forever. "Maybe Corroded Coffin will go on tour and you'll be a super mega rockstar."
"Nah," he says. He brushes some hair off of your face, the pads of his fingers gentle on your forehead. "I'd miss you too much."
"I keep saying 'we' for a reason, Eddie." You feel shy all of a sudden for having to spell it out for him and your face heats. "Where you go, I go." The way his eyes soften and his mouth forms an 'o' would be funny in another circumstance, but all you feel is tenderness.
"I see," he whispers. "So you wanna stick around then, huh? Hitch a ride on the Munson express?" You burst into laughter and smack his chest lightly before sitting up.
"We were having a moment!" you sputter out, giggles overwhelming you. He follows you up, turning on the bed so his knee presses into your thigh.
"Okay, okay, calm down. Bring the moment back." His hair is a bit of a mess so you run your fingers through it though you know you'll never succeed in taming it. "I just had a thought," he says, softer, eyes on your movements.
"Oh dear," you mumble. He smirks but continues.
"Think about the future for a second, yeah? Me and you doing whatever we want wherever we end up."
"Sounding good so far, Eddie." He reaches up and pulls your hands down into his lap, tracing your knuckles with his thumbs. His expression is earnest and fond and maybe a little nervous.
"And we decide that we want to make things a little more official. Since you're it for me."
"And you're it for me," you say back, your usual refrain. The realization at where he's going with this makes your fingers tingle and your eyes start to burn. You feel like your heart is going to burst open. Eddie seems to realize that you're catching on so he hurries his words.
"So we have a little party and invite all of our friends and somewhere in between the drinking and the music we get --"
"Married," you breathe out. "You wanna marry me, Munson? Is this a proposal?" You wouldn't mind if it was, but you know this is something that's far down the line.
"No," he says. "Wait, yes. Yes I want to marry you. No this isn't a proposal. Not a real one, anyway."
"Okay," you reply. "Just checking." You know that Eddie loves you but this feels like something else. It feels bigger. It feels forever.
"So, what do you think about that?" he asks. You realize you never gave him an answer, however hypothetical it may be. You surge forward to kiss him and land a little left of his mouth in your excitement. He laughs and you try again, this time taking his bottom lip between yours so that he might get a clue as to how you're feeling.
"I think that sounds great," you say when you pull away. He untangles your hands and pulls off one of his rings. "Eddie, oh god, I'll lose that, you don't have to --"
"Doesn't matter if you do, sweetheart," he says. "I just wanna see what it feels like for a second." You're a little confused but surrender to him as he lifts your right hand and then furrows his brows.
"Oh, shit. Wait, is it left or right hand?"
"Baby," you say, unable to contain the smile on your face. "I have no idea." He holds his hands up in front of him and flicks his eyes between them before coming to a decision.
"Left, I think. Let's go with that." He gently picks up yours and slides the metal onto your ring finger. You both gasp as he does it. He just holds you there, unable to tear his eyes away.
"Looks good," Eddie says, voice a little raw. "Looks real good." He brings your hand up to his mouth so he can kiss the new addition. If this gets any more tender you might explode, so you surge forward again to kiss him.
"I love you," you say into his mouth. "I love you so much." He moves to kiss down your jaw, your throat.
"I love you," he replies between pecks. "Gonna marry you someday." You groan at his words as he sucks a spot on your collarbone.
"We're gonna be late to your own party, right?" He pulls away to grin wolfishly.
"That's the plan." You can't believe you get to have him forever. You can't wait.
tags: @ruinedbythehobbit @superflannel @eddiussy @greenclues @sunlitide @gloryofroses19 @carpediem1219 @themarvelousbee @sunshinehollandd @katsukis1wife @imherefortea @spideyboipete @lonelywidow @louderfortheback @actual-mom-steve-harrington
want to be added to my tag list? send me a message and specify for steve, eddie, or both!
reblog, send feedback, requests open, masterlist here!
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randomgentlefolk · 5 months
The warning earned a chuckle from me lmao. Because why did I literally gasp while reading the first line xd
The warning for eps 166...didn't make me laugh at all.
Yayy Gwen is finally awake!! I guess thanks Leland for removing the thorny plants so she won't hurt herself :|
Nah cause Leland really dare try to kidnap a girl who asked whether he's okay after she herself just woke up from an intense nightmare 💀
Bro has the GUTS. THE AUDACITY. To start ranting about the kids he's kidnapping.
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This scene is so emotional, and I am so glad Gwen is finally starting to know who Leelathae is. Though I won't lie, I'm a little disappointed that Leland is the one to tell her :/ I was expecting a family moment with Jack and the other pastel kids. But it's all good since she finally gets to know her :D
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I would like to apologize in advance. Serpent Leland kinda made me laugh due to his abs lmaooo.
But it's pretty cool how Gwen and Frederick sees Leland as a threat (tho unintentional), though with different perspective. Gwen sees Leland as a big bad wolf while Frederick sees Leland as a serpent.
HECK YEAH!!! You go, Frederick!!! For once, his ability to misunderstand something is actually resulting in something wonderful and amazing!!
Aww the Possum immediately hugging Gwen <3
Oh uh whoops. Can Curtis see through that glasses? Hopefully...
Guys, Leland is throwing tantrum again :/ but i can see how using Laverne as a weapon against him is a really useful tactic. Considering how in the past, he bought Laverne to be a replacement for Jack. So turning Laverne against him probably feels like a 2nd betrayal for him.
OOHH....Aww man. Damn. I can feel that comb hitting Leland's hand and pushing the thorns in. Ouch...
NAHH NOT CELSO!!! My man this is why you don't scream your move when doing stealth move 😔
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Did Frederick just do a Judo move.
I looked it up and this move is called shoulder throw or Seoi-nage.
Ahwguwau Frederick actually learning from moments where he got hurt and being brave tho!! So proud of him <3
I love Aurelia and her comments man XD
Frederick immediately checking up on Gwen and making sure she wasn't hurt. These guys deserve their happy ending Lambcat c'mon :')
But of course! Let's start from the beginning of chapter 166...
Lorena would be so proud if she see how Frederick tied his dad with her vines.
Yeah, Gwen definitely should start on the second page... Just reading the first page by glancing could lead to many misunderstandings.
May I just say, I love how Gwen is being stern(is that the word?) To Aurelia about how she needs to read that book and that she really want to know about her mother. Hah! Again, I love Aurelia's comment (this time about the war literally happening downstairs XD)
(Cue that batman transition music (i forgot the era))
WUJWJWHWAIB THEY??? ARE ADORABLE!!! Awww Leelathae reading them a story with Jack and Gwen & Jamie's onesie!! Also their plushies!! I'm having cuteness overload....
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Oh. Okay. That's not good. I suppose there's a side effect after giving birth to the children? That's...depressing.
But before we go deeper into that, birthday party!!
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I must say, I absolutely adore how chaotic Lorena seems to be lmao. Look at her and her little sword XD and Maria looking really elegant. She really does give the eldest sister vibe. Gwen looks so cute with the pigtails! (I forgot the hairstyle name). Jamie with the fruits and Gwen with the fruit and cooking utensils!
Also it seems that the pastel family is having a small party for birthdays instead of big ones like the plaid kingdom. I wonder why they don't invite the plaid family over? Blaine and Lance would be 6 and 5 years old at this time, so they're probably at the academy already. But what about Leland and Isolde?
Man, this family is genuinely so wholesome and that makes me even sadder for what's about to happen. CAUSE DAMN??? Leelathae passing out while holding the cake, and Jack noticing like 😭 AND THEN JACK RUNNING TOWARDS HER LIKE MARIA AND LORENA RUNNING TOWARDS GWEN I'M GOING TO CRY.
R.i.p cake (i had to do it)
Ahh I see. Okay. So the left ventricle (which is a part of the heart) is weakening and it can't strengthen back up? That's what I'm getting, at least. I wasn't aware something like this could happen. I'm just researching, and is Peripartum Cardiomyopathy (PPCM) the correct term for this? I don't know anything about childbirth beyond what I learn in school so... this one's purely based on searching the symptom in google.
Okay, let's see... *puts on glasses and squint my eyes* *clears throat*
Peripartum cardiomyopathy (PPCM) or also known as Postpartum cardiomyopathy is an uncommon form of heart failure that happens toward the end of pregnancy or in the months following delivery, when no other cause of heart failure can be found.
(This information is taken from American Heart Association website. I hope that's alright?)
Symptoms of PPCM that we've seen in Leelathae:
- Fatigue
- Shortness of breath
- Chest pain
- Feeling lightheaded or faint
- Dizziness
For now that's the only things I can note. I mean, I'm not even sure if that is what Leelathae is going through. But it seems likely. I don't have anything to add on this matter right now, so what if we go back to the story. Shall we?
"I'm going to perish...from a broken heart"
OHHHHH, OKAY DAMN LEELATHAE. Man... this reminds me of the broken heart syndrome. It's pretty interesting. If I'm not wrong, it's a heart condition that comes from extremely stressful situation or emotions. And it is possible to pass away from it. So yes, you can die from a broken heart.
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Oh man this just got depressing real quick... The kids sitting beside Leelathae's bed, the medicines piling up overtime, Leelathe crying and Jack hugging her...
Leelathae :( she just wants to see her kids grow up and her husband man... and yet because a certain jealous man just had to steal a portrait...damn it Leland.
The witch!! It's her!! :0000
That's nice of her to offer to listen to Leelathae's vent :) though she does mistake her for a witch :')
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THIS WHOLE TIME. IT'S THE WITCH LMAO. Okay actually being mistaken as a witch has a perk this time!! And does this mean Leelathae can bake??? Like mother like daughter real.
The panel of the witch hugging Leelathae is actually pretty sweet haha. They're besties now X)
I wonder how this spell will work....
That's it for now. 2 episodes in a post! Wooo! I gotta stop procrastinating... this post was so long lmao.
Mono out! (Ngl I'm still in lmao)
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sparkiekong · 4 months
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Siblings in Henford 10/15
John smiled, “We could sit down over dinner, and you tell me about what's changed in our brother. Maybe I can help somehow?”
Elita looked at him, dead serious. “Sure, dinner sounds nice. You got any blood? or can I just drink a bit of yours?
John seems a bit confused at first but doesn’t skip a beat really. “You can, I don't know if it's going to be any good though, me being green and all, but you're welcome to try.” He holds out his arm for her without even giving it a thought.
She laughs. “You were supposed to freak out, not take that in your stride... nah, I'm just messing with you, I eat normal food. A vampire that eats normal food, eh? Who’d thought!”
He laughs, “Living in our family... that felt normal to say. It's weird being with folks who act "normal". I rarely know what to say to them. I just figured if that’s what you need, that’s what I should give. It didn’t seem out of the ordinary to me.”
Elita shrugs, “You should try going to school again. I’m supposedly seventeen years old now....”
John shakes his head emphatically, “Ooh, no thanks. One trip through school was enough for me.”
Elita smiles, “I only have a little while before I leave. So, it’s not all bad.”
John sits down at the counter, “It goes by fast. Let's sit down to eat… I’m starving!”
John and Elita eat quietly when John decided to ask a question, “Oh hey, what do you think if I posted some of my vegetables on simstagram? I want to show off my hard work.” He slides the images over to her on the table.
Elita panics for exactly one second before she looks down at his selfies of him and his actual vegetables. “John... don't... don't post that stuff on social media man. Seriously, trust me on that one, and just... don't.”
John completely oblivious, “What's wrong with the eggplant? it's huuuge! Shouldn't I be proud of it?”
Elita shakes her head, “You should be proud of it, but this is one of those... "Trust me bro." moments. Promise.”
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sarandipitywrites · 6 months
saran's year of writing (2023)
hey y'all! saw a couple posts like this floating around and thought i'd hop on the train, because this year has been WILD for my writing (in a really good way). let's start with the bullet points version and i'll put the details under the cut. here we go:
shared snippets of my work with other, actual humans!
made friends?!
started (and finished!) draft 2 of Dead Roots, Dark Water
wrote 1 short story for every week in october (that's 5 stories in a month! that's great for me!)
first NaNoWriMo in 10 years (and i finished it!)
drafted and re-drafted The Art of Empty Space
started draft 3 of Dead Roots, Dark Water
details, links to projects, me getting maybe a tad too personal, and those all-important wordcounts under the cut:
i just realized i only started participating at the beginning of october, but it feels like i've been hanging out with you all the whole year 😅 maybe that means i should cut back a bit? nah...
really though, this year was the year i started taking my writing more seriously (not in a 'gotta get published' kind of way, but in a 'writing makes me happier than anything else and that's enough reason to set aside time and energy for it without feeling hella guilty' kind of way) and seeing you all posting your work and being so positive and encouraging to each other was what helped me get up the nerve to join in. and i can say without a doubt that it's the best choice i've made all year. y'all are such a supportive community and i've never once felt like i was encroaching or didn't belong here (and for me, that's really saying something)
so i guess what i'm getting at is: THANK YOU! i've loved reading your snippets and projects this year, and i'm way more confident in my own than i've ever been 💜 y'all are good peeps
Dead Roots, Dark Water
word count (edited and written): 187,789
that's a lotta words! DRDW is both my longest work wordcount-wise, and the work i've dedicated the most time to... probably ever. and i'm SO happy with it, it's a little concerning (/positive)
DRDW is now on its THIRD draft, and (assuming i don't do a massive re-edit) should be ready to start posting in 2024! *excited screaming* i've never released anything i've written in its entirety (the snippets i've been posting are actually a lot more than i've ever shared before), so this is MASSIVE for me and i'm both excited and terrified! overall, though, it's a very, very good thing
Short Stories
this october, i decided to challenge myself to do several things i don't ever do: write short stories; write them on a timeline; and share them. and i did! i wrote one short story for each week in october, and posted them here. they're far from my best work, and due to the timeline, they never could have been my best, which oddly i think helped make it easier to post them? they were also the first pieces i shared here (or anywhere)! they're not awesome, but i'm proud of them and i'm proud of myself for sharing them
NaNoWriMo and The Art of Empty Space
i've done nano once before, ten years ago. i was in college and had a lot more time then (and a job where i could spend the entire day just writing - i didn't know how good i had it), and even so i remember struggling to reach my word goal. but by the power of writing everything in wingdings so i can't second-guess my word choices, i made it this year! and even though i decided to challenge myself by writing a romance-heavy project (something i've historically avoided because IT'S HARD FOR ME, DAMNIT), i love AES and its characters and that feels fucking awesome.
even though my brain decided to spring a surprise plot restructure on me and now i have to rewrite like half of it. it'll be better for it, though, so it's all good 🥲
What's Next?
my plan for early 2024 is, of course, going to be to work on draft 3 of DRDW with the hope of getting some chapters posted (they are LONG, so i'll probably post to tumblr in chunks and the full, unbroken chapters on Ao3 due to formatting). once that's ready, i'll be able to return my attention to AES and getting draft 1.5 all written up. i've mostly figured out where the plot's going there, so it'll just be writing it up to figure out the gaps. if i'm able to write something for november again next year (which i really hope i will; nano did some great things for AES), it'll probably be one of the other Jak & Daxter fics i have kicking around in my head, because i am Obsessed (and switching it up between working on fanfic and original fic seems to work well for my brain).
i've been not super active here for the last month or so because Real Life Work is kicking my ass, but hopefully that will calm down and i'll be able to do more of what i want: writing wild shit, reading your wild shit, and screaming about it together 💜
good vibes and best wishes to everybody in the new year 🥂
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mlmxreader · 2 years
Affection | Dewey Riley x m!reader
@satan-incarnate-666 asked: OHOHO IS THAT DEWEY RILEY I SEE???? MY BOY!!!
can i req dewey circa scream 1 x m!reader with like, a super cute first kiss that has reader reeling dewey in by sticking his hands in dewey's back pockets?ive always found that like super cute LMAO
summary: you and Dewey have been through a Hell of a lot together, but one night might just change the nature of your relationship.
tws: alcohol mention
Dewey spent a lot of time at your place, especially when you were home alone as neither of you had the luxury of moving out of your childhood homes yet, but it wasn't exactly a bad thing as you had both grown up together, even if you were a year younger; he went through everything with you, from school through to college and university, all the way through getting your first jobs together. He worked with the local police, while you took a job at the local hospice. You were proud of him, though, you had to admit; he had worked so hard on everything and even though people didn't always take him seriously, you always did; you always supported Dewey and made sure that he knew that you would never leave his side. It wasn't just that, though, there was so much more to it.
The long nights Dewey spent in your bed with you, comforting you after bad episodes, ones that made you shake and cry and beg for it to all stop; the nights when he would just lay there beside you while you talked for what seemed like years, only to be violently reminded of the quickness of hours when the sun came up and the birds started to sing. The nights when he would creep over just to cuddle you simply because he had missed your presence; phsyical affection almost constant. Hand holding and he would swing his hand a little when he walked beside you. Resting his head on your shoulder in the back of the car when on road trips with friends. Singing and dancing together in the kitchen. Little pats on the shoulder or the back when he walked past you. Small reminders that he did, in fact, love you.
His sister, Tatum, was out at a party with her boyfriend Stu and his best friend Billy and his girlfriend Sidney, when you went over to see Dewey; the door was unlocked, so you let yourself in, only to find him yawning and stretching, seemingly aching as he grabbed a beer from the fridge and leaned against the nearest counter. Music played faintly from the living room speaker, and when you looked at him, you frowned a little.
"Bad shift?"
"Nah," he shook his head. "Just tiring."
"You wanna talk about it?" You leaned against the counter opposite so effortlessly and so casually that Dewey almost wondered if he was just fooling himself.
But he shook his head, and dared to smile a little, sheepish. "I'm good... thanks."
In truth, some of the banter that the lads at work had poured upon him was weighing heavily on his shoulders; the way they teased him about not admitting his feelings for you, the way that they suggested that there was more going on between you just because he kept that photo on his desk. The one a member of your family had taken when he had come over for a family party, and you were hanging off of him, grinning as you wore his cap, his arm around you to keep you both steady and close. That was the night he had realised. The night he had realised that his feelings for you ran much different than just friends; the night he had realised that he wanted you to be his boyfriend but wasn't quite sure how to say it.
"Y'know," you hummed. "Maybe we ought to do what we used to do... chuck on a really bad film, get in bed and snuggle up, do the cold bed dance."
Dewey couldn't stop the grin that came to his features. The cold bed dance, of all things. "Really?"
"Yeah," you nodded. "I mean, why not? Your sister's not here, your parents are out... we've got the house to ourselves."
He drew a little closer, standing within arm's reach but not quite close enough that he could feel your breath on his skin, the tips of his ears and nose turning a light pink as he looked down at your lips for a moment. "I... maybe I should... maybe I should just go to bed."
"Before you do, there's, uh, there's something I should say," you started, "but I'm not really sure how to phrase it... so, would it be alright if I showed you?"
Dewey nodded, and when you put your hands in his back pockets, he froze, only to relax a little when you pulled him in real close and planted your lips on his, smiling when he kissed back so softly; his hands gripped the counter either side of you, doing his best to keep himself steady, but when you pulled away, he couldn't help but to giggle. Blushing furiously as he cleared his throat.
He couldn't even bring himself to speak, staring at you with that lovestruck puppy dog gaze, his brown eyes so full of it that it made you feel almost sick from the sweetness as you grinned and awkwardly looked away for a second.
"So, uh-"
"Ice cream?" He asked. "I, I mean, tomorrow - ice cream? For a date?"
You looked at him, smiling as you nodded. "Sure... if I can stay the night."
if you liked this fic, REBLOG IT - you SHOULD reblog it; spam likers WILL be blocked. as will blogs that refuse to reblog or to give feedback. if you don't wanna reblog, then you'll get blocked; reblogging is the BARE MINIMUM. don't just "like", REBLOG
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yallemagne · 1 year
So, on a plane yesterday, I skimmed through the rest of P.N. Elrod's book, Quincey Morris, Vampire.
It's not very good. It's poor fanfiction. I do not support attacking fanfic writers or the stereotype of fanfiction being the epitome of bad writing (most of my writing is fanfiction and I'm rather proud of some of it [some bc a good deal of my older work is amateur]), but it's a rather amateur plot where Elrod spends the entire book rewriting the book she's supposed to be building off of, not desecrating.
Now, Elrod has quite a few vampire books, so I think this story is just a self-indulgent take on a neat lil idea she had, but she felt the need to discard all of Bram's vampire lore and all of Bram's plot and squish her own in. I respect Elrod as a fellow fanfic writer, but I don't respect her character assassinations of Jonathan and Renfield and the attempts to justify the assault of Lucy and Mina. Though I guess that Dracula was an unreliable source? Hopefully, the intention was not for the reader to take Dracula's claims seriously.
Since I skimmed, I cannot say that I am the best source. I did read the beginning part up until Dracula starts claiming Jonathan is an insane adulterer. Then I just couldn't take any of it seriously. I mean, I couldn't really take it seriously when Dracula and Quincey were just... having a calm conversation but whatever.
Spoilers of course.
So, in the story, Quincey's body is dragged from the sleeping team's side by wolves and they cannot find him once they wake. Why did the wolves drag him? Because Dracula is apparently alive and has figured out that Quincey is a vampire. Dracula blackmails Quincey into coming with him back to his castle. If he had refused, Dracula would have murdered Quincey's whole team.
And yet after that, the book tries to claim that Dracula was secretly in the right the entire time.
Dracula has green eyes. It has no plot relevance, I don't believe Quincey remarks on the change from red to green, it's just a dumb detail that keeps being shoved down our throats.
Through Dracula's guided questions, Quincey realizes that a woman he had sex with years ago that drank his blood and forced him to drink hers was a vampire (apparently she's also a character from one of Elrod's other books). Why didn't he change into a vampire sooner? Dracula claims there are two different types of vampires, and he's the cooler one while Quincey is the lamesauce one. So Quincey only has to drink animal blood. Quincey worries that his tainted blood may have killed Lucy but Dracula's like "... nah".
Quincey confronts him on everything, but Dracula has a bullshit answer for anything. I feel the only bearable way of reading this is the interpretation that Dracula is gaslighting Quincey. Quincey says "you killed Lucy, you fed on her repeatedly and she died of blood loss". Dracula says "no that was your fault. she would have gotten better if you just left her drained of blood". Dracula claims that Mina's still gonna become a vampire, but bc she wished hard enough I guess she got to not be hated by God anymore. And he claims he broke off his connection with her amicably, and they're totally cool now.
He claims that he was in the right to kill Renfield because Renfield was a madman and would have hurt the team... when he only attacked Dracula in defence of Mina. This is so damn ableist. Dracula, you can't claim self-defence when you are a fucking vampire with the power to hypnotize people. That was a gratuitous use of force against a mentally ill man that was of no great threat to you.
Worst of all, when told of Jonathan's account of the Weird Sisters assaulting him, he's like "oh, I didn't interfere. I watched. they had their way with him several times. and he liked it. I mean, he had an ensuing mental breakdown, but he was totally down with being raped in his sleep every night." He claims that Jonathan was just oversensitive to the paranormal and that everything he wrote in his journal was delusions. He gaslights Jonathan. Apparently, there were servants in the castle. Dracula, you fucking twit, that would be the strangest thing to fucking lie about, and you know it. When questioned why he locked Jonathan in his castle and left him for dead instead of taking him to Whitby with him, Dracula waves his hand like "eh. couldn't. don't ask me to elaborate. I'm still an amazing host."
Quincey later denies Dracula's claims about Lucy's death being all their fault, but he never contradicts the claims about Mina and Jonathan. In fact, he constantly repeats the part about Jonathan being oversensitive. So? He agrees with Dracula that Jonathan and Mina being assaulted was okay? He agrees with the ableist notion that Renfield needed to be "put down". Maybe I just skimmed over a part.
Dracula forces Quincey to drink animal blood and stuff. Shows him the ropes. Quincey goes out and actually finds Arthur and Jack still grieving him. He does not reveal himself. I was glad that Arthur and Jack don't have their characters assassinated. They end up shooting a wolf and Dracula gets mad and Quincey is like "you literally had my body dragged away by wolves, they were acting in retribution, you don't get to kill them for it".
Blah blah I dunno, Quincey moves back to London. He tries out his cool vampire powers to harass some lower-class people. He bites a sex worker (super uncomfortable with this part, he says himself that he felt betrayed by the fact his vampiric paramour forced vampirism onto him without his consent while he was in the throws of passion, and he does it to someone else?) He meets Elrod's OC.
Bertrice Holmwood is a Mary Sue. Okay? She's a manic pixie dream girl, she's a strong independent woman that needs no man (except that she sorta blackmails Quincey into sleeping with her), and she doesn't feel like a real human being.
She's yet another hastily shoved-in plot device. She's Arthur's older sister by exactly one year and her whole deal is that she's the black sheep of the family because she's a girlboss. Ugh. She's less of a character and more of Elrod's vague idea of a cool woman.
"Black sheep", Arthur loves her! They're on good terms and they're very protective of one another. She's not ostracized at all. But here's the thing, if she always existed and she and Arthur had such a close relationship, why was she never mentioned in the original book? Now, I'm not gonna get mad that Bramothy didn't make Elrod's OC canon. I'm gonna get frustrated that Elrod so poorly shoved her in. If Arthur is not an only child, why did all the managing of his father's funeral fall to him? Why was she never present or mentioned in scenes pertaining to Arthur's grief? Because she's not... real. And it doesn't fit the original story for her to be real.
I would have vouched for her role in the story if she had been Jack's secret sister instead. Jack having a sibling that he doesn't really interact with during the course of Dracula is realistic because he has a job and he's not a noble. You could even make her Quincey's sister visiting from Texas upon receiving news of Quincey's death. But. Well. They're not Alabamian so the sex would be out of left field then /j.
She is told the events of the book and is like "I'm gonna kill VH for hurting my baby bro" and like. Fair. Honestly, I appreciate that the book calls out VH's manipulation methods instead of trying to twist it like VH was the secret evil all along and Dracula was the good guy. It seemed like that was how it was gonna play out in the beginning, but Quincey empathizes with VH while still criticizing his methods. It's a human take on VH. Sucks what Elrod did to Renfield, Mina, and Jonathan, though.
Bertrice hangs out with Quincey a lot, but my eyes glazed over for those parts bc of all the written-out lower-class accents. Despite her being rich, she hangs out in exclusively the slums of London apparently. It makes her less likeable honestly. Stop gentrifying the neighbourhood, Bertrice. But one scene I did read was when she took him to a fortune teller that used tarot cards to explain his whole situation. One of them was "you've been lied to" and from Quincey's later insistence that Lucy's death was none of their faults, I think he rightfully took it to mean that Dracula was lying? But he doesn't apply that logic to his interpretation of Mina and Jonathan's story, nor Renfield's death...
Quincey reaches out to Arthur and Arthur is a bit spooked.
Arthur: You're dead! You're a vampire! Begone! Quincey: I'm actually a good vampire. 'Just drink animal blood. Arthur: You're lying! Quincey: I'm not. Arthur: Oh, okay. It's good to have you back.
Quincey tries to talk to Van Helsing, but Van Helsing refuses to believe him. Jack on the other hand...
Jack, on the other side of a door: Quincey, is that you? Quincey: Yeah. Jack: If it is you, open this door. Quincey: Okay, but don't freak out. VH: DON'T LISTEN TO HIM HE'S A MONSTER. Quincey: *opens door* Hey. Jack: Ah, hey bud, good to see you again.
It's funny how easily Jack accepts that Quincey is alive and totally chill, especially with VH screaming at him that it's all lies. You would think that he'd at least be equally as unsure as Arthur. VH storms out I think, and Quincey explains to Jack everything-- that VH is probably just defensive bc if Quincey is a vampire and totally chill, that opens the door to the possibility VH was wrong about Lucy. But he restates numerous times that Lucy was dead, she died of blood loss, the Bloofer Lady was not Lucy because that vampire fed off of children, and there was no part of Lucy left to reason with.
VH apparently kidnapped Arthur and Bertrice. Why? I dunno, because he was paranoid about Quincey. But he cages them and that's just super weird. Quincey tries to remedy this by having Jack reason with VH. When that doesn't work, Quincey tries to reason with him with a *bit* of hypnotism. It doesn't work. VH shoots him several times in the chest and, assuming Quincey is dead, crosses himself and leaves.
Quincey isn't dead, he's fine.
Uh? The End? The Harkers never show up, so they're unable to defend themselves against Dracula's claims against them. It really frustrated me. And of course, Renfield couldn't defend himself, and Quincey only barely argues on his behalf before blindly believing Dracula. VH serving as an antagonist felt okay seeing as he's not vilified, he's just painted as a grieving, irrational old man. That's realistic. Except for his kidnapping of Arthur and Bertrice... which was just... so melodramatic.
Also just... so I mentioned that Bertrice and Quincey have sex and it was kind of coerced. I don't recall when this happened, it's really that pointless to the plot. So Bertrice springs it on Quincey that she knows he's a vampire, and in the high stress of that confrontation, she asks him to have sex with her and bite her. He does. Eh.
All in all, the book kind of reads like a very self-indulgent work of fanfiction. Whatever Elrod wished to put into the story, she put in with disregard to the actual events of the book she was basing her work off of. It honestly wasn't the worst Dracula fanfiction I'd ever read, though the victim-blaming was atrocious. I appreciate that Bertrice was a bit more than just a fuck-buddy for Quincey. Her protectiveness over Arthur is a bit of a character trait. I also like that the Suitors are still bros. The conversations between Jack and Arthur that Quincey listened in on felt like I was reading a better story for a bit, their friendship felt real.
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darrelodin · 7 months
Fic Writing Meme
Tagged by @auncyen - tagging @chronicdelusionist. @onadacora (but don't feel obligated obviously!)
1. How many works do you have on ao3? 6
2. What’s your total ao3 word count? 263,444
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Persona 5 and Undertale in the past, though it’s been quite some time for the latter haha. I also had one fic back on FF.net that was for FFTA, and BOY did I overreach on that one
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Would That Make You Sad? (522) which was done because I had fallen in love with Onadacora's "Would That Make You Happy?" (which if you never read please do if you're an Undertale fan, it's the best fic ever, in my humble opinion), and I wanted to try doing a little spin on it based on some character's she'd introduced, combined with inspiration by Chronicdelusionist's comics based on the Underswap AU [If that reads like a bunch of gibberish, you avoided the Tumblr Madness of Undertale and I envy you].
The Phantom Thieves In: You Have Got to be Kitten Me (397) which is a fun little AU/what if where Joker and Morgana swap bodies post-Kaneshiro and deal with that fallout. It's... Almost done, I swear.
A Shining Moon (225), which is a 'What-if?' story about Mishima's thoughts at the tail-end of the Kamoshida arc, and if a sliiiight change had happened.
Regrets (171) was just me feeling like torturing Morgana with his heartbreaking, and writing some Joker & Haru comforting him.
The Magic Arrives at Macy's (36) was a silly idea of an employee at Macy's meeting Papyrus on the job. Absolutely ridiculous, but I love it in concept anyway.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always do, even if it takes me some time! If someone put the time in to respond, I always want to thank them and provide some sort of response, because it means a lot to me that they read what I wrote!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmmm, I really don't have one tbh. I don't like writing stories that end all angsty.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Due to being the only actually complete one, A Shining Moon XD
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Nah, though I did get one particularly heated comment on A Shining Moon at one point, though it's since been deleted by the original poster.
9. Do you write smut?
Have I? Yes. Will you find it? Only in WTMYS, I've never posted any other anywhere haha.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nah, though I like the idea of it. Auncyen and I have spitballed ideas in the past but neither of us have the time for that lol.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nah, though I often provide feedback to my fellow writers and suggestions.
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Oooh that's tough. I like a lot for many different reasons. I can't think of just one!
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but probably won’t?
Hmm, I really don't have any atm. The WIPs I got that won't be finished (i.e. the Undertale ones) are safely dead in the water sadly.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I feel that my dialogue writing is really good. I can get into the character voices fairly well, and often keep a scene flowing just based on that alone.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Overthinking, exhaustion and IRL getting in the way.
Eh, more seriously, I could improve upon getting character thoughts and motivations across without dialogue. Describing scenes could go better as well.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
If ya ain't proficient in it already, this way lies madness.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
According to FF.net, Persona 4 apparently.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Honestly, I think The Phantom Thieves In: You Have Got to be Kitten Me. It's about characters I feel for, I've put a lot of effort into it and I'm really proud of how my writing has improved throughout it.
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purposelynana · 2 years
Vegas And Pete, An Essay.
Genuinely I did not watch any KinnPorsche before episode 12. I tried to watch episode 1 and then nah I just couldn't take any of that seriously. Then, I decided to just saw it through GIF and clip which scattered around Tumblr and Twitter. But episode 12 is really the one that changed the game for me.
It's always fascinating to watch a broken relationship. That's why, subjectively Love Mechanics is such a dear to my heart. Because its depiction about love is truly ugly. Because in real life those unfortunate situations could happen to you despite its trigger warning. It sparked discussions whether it was about the stupidity surrounding its characters, or perhaps the plot which is closer to makjang rather than an actual young-adult romance show. To me this kind of tropes is constantly evolving and left me with so much new perspective.
And then came, episode 12 of KP. We came so far from dead-fish kissing era. KP's love scenes already proved that. But there was something different in Vegas and Pete, something sinister lurking behind the shots and lighting. Everything was designed to be weird and strange. And hell, I can't stop thinking about it. It seemed like a B-movie because of the Dutch angles, but at the same time the lightning and its colors reminds me with Wong Kar Wai's stuff. Okay. This sounds like a complete bonkers. It was by no any means that this series is an outstanding piece of art. It still has plenty of problems but that particular scene, it did something to me. It was so unsettling and yet, we kept watching it to kill time. Why? Is this some kind of foreshadowing? Is it me being dramatic ass bitch? After all this is just some tv-show that will probably gonna sit comfortably at the back of my mind.
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In addition of the technical aspect of the scene, we moved into a rather controversial point and generate its own conversation revolving that. Which is the treatment of BDSM practice. Yep. People have their own takes, it's fine. A lot of discussion narrowed to one specific thing. Trauma can lead someone to their preferable sexual activity but I dunno I'm not a psychologist and certainly not a BDSM practicer. Yet, it was rather engaging to find discussion and people trying to give their analysis for that matter. And to me, it felt like I was gaining new knowledge.
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Vegas is still maddening piece of shit. The series didn't walk away from his horrendous attitude that had been portrayed in the novel. But the screenwriter clearly removing a few harmful traits which makes him yeah not so far from redemption, even though, subjectively, he doesn't need any redemption arcs. What for? We love a character who's proud being a bad guy.
Meanwhile, Pete. Ah Pete. What a treat to get something as complex as him. If this is called VegasPete The Series, it would be wonderful to see what makes him, him. Is it child abuse? Is it the days that he spend during Vegas' captivity? What is it? What is it that makes him entrancing? Because to me he never stood out, he was lurking in the back, and the choice of production team to made him as invisible as possible paid off because by the time he was on his own story arc, he was explosive.
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Oh God.
The acting, oh my god. Rarely I found a pairing that complete each other in terms of acting. The last time is definitely Ohm and Nanon. And now this. Whatever BoC did on their workshop, it worked. My god. I was bawling to see the emotional scenes. I was relieved when finally they got their happy ending. I was mad because maybe I'm not going to see such a brilliance in a long time. BIBLE BUILD RULESSSSSS!!!!
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In conclusion, it seems conflicted for me to recommend KinnPorsche because as a whole series this is not the greatest thing out there. In fact, I have so much disapproval towards everything except the cinematography and how they handled VegasPete. It felt like all over the place. It appeared to be that the 3 directors who helmed this, never consulted with each other. So, sometimes it did sense like 3 different series put into one.
Now I wonder someone on youtube make a VegasPete cut. Come on universe do your thing.
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a very suitable song for vegaspete indeed.
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secretsstash · 1 hour
Thank you babydoll for taking the time to respond to all the questions, AND including a gif. You're a real one for that (you deserve to get your ass ate 😉). But nah seriously, thank you for your honesty, I appreciate it. To all the guys that live by you, you're welcome and you better be taking notes or else I'm going to make her all mine. Pretty, smart, funny, hot body and has a good perspective on love, what more can you ask for. You truly are a good girl, you deserve all the love your soul desires. It's a shame we didn't cross paths in life sooner, I would've loved being the first to give the little you the love you needed. But since I'm not, that's why now you're stuck with me =P I'm always going to show you love. Aside from everything, I'm proud of you for loving yourself to not lower your standards and putting up with bullshit. That's why I'm so fond of you, have a soft spot in my heart for you, and will always be here to water you and see you grow. I know how it feels to reserve yourself, yet your heart yearns and having to ignore it because you know yourself deep inside on the love you deserve. So in case your mind is playing tricks on you, speak kindly to yourself because you're doing amazing *pets your head and caresses your cheek*. I like how you stick true to what keeps you happy at heart, but even though you're happy with simple gestures, you deserve someone that goes over and beyond for you because something tells me you do the same when you're in love. I don't mean to get too personal but you're one of a kind, I gotta protect you in any way I can. As for everything else, I only have three things to say. One, your favorite roleplay is interesting and adorable, and I'd love to find out what your kinkiest wet dream and dirty secrets are ;). Two, you have pretty eyes. And three, when am I getting my caramel sauce? =P
Thank you again for answering. I enjoyed reading and getting to know you more (reblog more posts like this and yes I'm telling you what to do 😏). Have a good day my precious dirty little angel
I'm adorable, aren't I? ;)
thank you for the message, I really appreciate it! If I tell what my dirty secret fantasies are, they wouldn't be secret, would they? I need to keep some kind of mystery :p
thank you for complimenting my average brown eyes 😅
you bring a jar, I make the sauce - it's a simple transaction, really :p
you have a good day too 🤗
0 notes
Hey y'all! So, for just under a year, I've had a review for the Season 6 finale of The Good Doctor sitting in my drafts. There's barely anything, and I've never had the motivation to get around to it, so I'm going to do a really quick one here. I'll try and do a more in depth one with that draft in the future, but the finale season (😭😭💔) premieres in a couple of days, and I want it out before then. I'm super busy and tired so I don't have the energy for the full thing lol, so here's just something to ease my mind.
I'm sad to see Danny go :(. I'm glad he's doing what's best for him and that he's not mad at Jordan (because yeesh I understood him but that hurt me, hurt on all sides lol), but I'll miss him </3. Maybe one day he'll come back :') (although in current context I doubt it buuut you never know). And poor Jordan too 😭.
Also thank goodness Jerome and Jared are okay xD. I mean okay is a relative term here but yk. Anyway, I'm so glad they're okay we went through enough this episode 😭❤️ xD.
AAAHHHHH PARK AND MORGAN ARE BACK TOGETHER!!! WHOOO YAYYY FINALLYYYY!!! They took their sweet time huh xD. Like, the show lol. Still, they're gonna be a family together :'DD I'm so happy. They're adorable, I love them <33.
:OO Andrews is quitting! That's wild tbh. I mean good for him, and Dalisay too, but dang xD. Brave move man, lol. You better hope it works out xD, with her I mean. But nah, I'm happy for them :DD.
Iirc Lim and Glassman were with the patient who couldn't move or was almost brain dead or something like that, and I'm so glad they found a way to help her improve :'). I'm proud of them <3.
I don't remember who was on the case with him but I remember Asher's patient's father (I believe) died and I felt so bad for him 😭. Poor Asher :(. And poor the guy's family! They just kept doing heartbreaking things this episode xdd. Also the little Asher and Jerome moment at the beginning of the episode <33 my lovelies.
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHAUN AND LEA HAD THEIR BABY :'DDDDD!!! I'M SO HAPPY FOR THEM HOLY CRAP 😭😭❤️❤️❤️🥰🥰😭❤️😍🤩🥳🥳🥳🥳❤️. AND THEY NAMED HIM STEVE AARON AAAAAHHHHHHHH 😭😭😭😭😭💔❤️❤️❤️❤️!!! I'm not okay thank you very much <333. I love them all so much :'))).
Y'all can't/don't believe how much I'm stressin. Again, I do not deserve this xd.
Anyway but him sending the gift was so cute 😭😭😭💔💔❤️❤️❤️. But just aUOAGH he was SO CLOSE TO GOING INNNN-
Once again, I don't deserve this <3.
xD But seriously, even if the hat part made me SAD, I loved the whole storyline <33. And I am so glad Glassman sent a gift xd. They'll make up eventually :')). It would be absolutely WILD if they didn't, and it will be pain until they do, but I'm sure they will lol.
Anyway!! There was a lot of drama between people this season (though there always has to be), and sometimes it was stressful, but I really enjoyed this season. There were so many great moments and I just love all these characters so much <333. And let's not forget the new characters!! Danny and Dani (I still find it absolutely wild that they never addressed that btw lol) were icons, and I was sad to see both of them go but they were really good for their time on <3. They were both super unique and I also loved seeing a disabled character in Dani :D. Her journey helping Lim with her own journey was amazing, and I kind of relate as a disabled person <3. And Danny was also super great, it was nice to see him stick to his reasons and decisions a lot. For a one season character he was really complex and I like that :)). Also his relationship with Jordan was great <333. It was also wild to see Kalu return this season lol!! It took some adjusting (though I enjoyed that time too) but I love having him back :DD. I love all of these guys so much and I can't wait for next season <333.
Sooo yeah!! I absolutely loved this episode, it was so dramatic and so good. I'm so excited for the next season!
This has been my review for. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 6, Episode 22: Love's Labor
I loved it, it was such a culmination of the season. I'm scared of the drama but also so excited for it, and everything else about next season. I'll be back then for my review of. . .
The Good Doctor, Season 7
See you then!!
0 notes
rebornchampion · 6 months
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"Your damn Vileplume kept knocking me out, and you assholes kept taking my money."
"I sure as hell see you as the enemy, right now. But we'll work out the finer details after the fight."
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"Oh no! Who am I even offending here really? They're Meteor Grunts. That's number one, they're cultists, that's number two. And honestly? Do they even count as people? I sure as hell don't think so. I'm with Saphira here. Lets just kick their ass, blow em up, and move the hell on."
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"Damien, stop... What they did was wrong, but they aren't our enemies."
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Damien: world! Everything goes back to them! And you want to show them mercy?! After everything they've taken from us!"
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"I know, Damien...trust me, I know..."
"Because of them, Nim was killed and turned into what she is now, because of them, my Aunt is dead, because of them, I got to experience death, and because of them, Crescent drove my friend into joining when he was at his lowest." "I. Know… Though but…these four people? Right here? Right now?" "….They haven't wronged me….they haven't taken from the people of Alamissa or Sashila… I know who my enemies are…and they aren't them."
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"I definitely try. Though...credit goes more to my wife than anything. Without her I don't think I would've changed much at all... C'mon on outside with me. If nothing else it'd be better to let all those sour feelings out than keeping them in."
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Damien: Seriously...
"Nah, it's not like that. It's just. You remind me of myself way back when. The part I'm not exactly proud of... Back in Reborn, me, my friends Victoria, Adrienn, Arclight, and Amethyst had just delivered what we felt was a major blow to Team Meteor. We were riding the high of victory...~"
Damien:....You felt like nothing could touch you...
"Bingo. So, we got a "hot tip" that Lin, the leader of Team Meteor was hold up in the fake Devon Co. building. We just...rushed right in...caution be damned...it was a half-assed plan, honestly...and all we got for it? Victoria and Adrienn ended up electrocuted, Arclight lost an eye...and...Amethyst was beheaded...right there in front of me."
"Reality came hitting hard. All I could do was just cry~"
"Point is, I'm honestly no better every now and again... And knowing me? I'm liable to let anger take the wheel again." "But the fact that you're aware of it is good. Means you're already on the track towards getting those impulses in check. Good on ya."
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"Thank you for trusting me. You take care, alright?"
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thecontumacious · 2 years
this is about the rice purity test so i think this is kind of suggestive??
like the reader have this mindset like mysta that they can pop off innuendo every single damn time that can make ike eveland mald. When they found out that there rice purity test is really really high— higher than shu—
i wonder what there reaction will be—
"Wait, how much?!"
a/n: now before you guys ask, yes this is possible (although in the rarest of cases)
reminder that all my work and others in the fandom are purely fiction and intended to entertain, not to be projected irl. 
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Vox Akuma 👹🌹
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you're on the same wavelength of sussy as vox
yes it's that bad
come on child, let's off you to a priest (つ▀¯▀ )つ
as the king of the past and well many years of seeing all sorts of sussy people like yourself, you take the top tier (second only to him actually)
ike has double the headache when you two are together
bless the poor man
it was one day that you and him were collabing together--discussing something only chat to wonder why youtube has yet to ban you two--that the idea of rice purity test scores were brought up
"actually i've never taken the test. too busy and stuff," you hum, madly clicking away at your game
"huh?? well, you should take one soon. i bet you it's super low," vox laughs
you don't deflect this and only smirk, "see if it's lower than you?"
"hah! keep dreaming, love," he retorts
why is he proud of his low score
"alright bet. after this round i'll test it out."
and after you do finish up, you and vox take a break while you busily search for the online quiz
"found it yet?"
"yep, no need to worry over my ass."
"really? i've been thinking about it this whole time though."
"oh you have, haven't you?"
"yep i have, baby."
suddenly you're quiet.
much to yours, vox's and the chat's dismay
"uh, y/n? you good?"
"huh? yeah i'm cool," you answer quietly but vox knows something is up
"the test intimidating ya' much?"
you giggle, "i've seen worse things."
"oh? care to tell me what?"
"y/n? seriously, are you good?"
"i take it back," you suddenly report.
vox raises his eyebrows, taking a sip of his tea, "take what back?"
"that i've seen more intimidating things," he hears you gulp from the other line of the discord call and this is the first ever time he's seen you like this
"look, y/n my dear, i know you like the suspense and everything, but i'd like for you to be clear with me what's going on. you've been kinda quiet for the last few minutes," vox tells you, sitting upright
you sigh, "mytestscoreisninetyseven."
"your test score is fucking what???????"
even chat believes that their devices are acting up
you, the person who's always connected to vox on a god level in terms of being sussy, has a purity test score higher than even shu yamino's????? *95 btw
"you sure you're not fucking with me right now??" vox is still in complete denial apparently and honestly so were you when you realized you weren't checking off much of the boxes...
"yes??? here, lemme just show you the test screen. i fucking swear this is not some getup this is literally my score. bro, i'm just as spooked right now," you busy yourself by setting everything up
and in the next minute, vox and the chat see for themselves that you truly were a pure golden 97
"well, mysterious phenomenon aside...," the demon trails off and although you had just heard him get shocked over it, he literally turns over 180 as he spoke in a baby voice, "aweeee, y/n-chan is actually as innocent as a baby! oh you sweet little thing, come here, let daddy take care of you. this world can't taint your innocence when i'm around."
somehow, you don't know if you should be proud of your "achievement" or not bcs the moment vox decided that you were pure as per the results, he's treating you as though you're a baby
ofc he's just teasing you mostly
examples include:
"oh wait but you don't know what a #@!&8 is right, y/n? nah, you're too innocent to know. don't google it okay?"
"ayeyayai, that language. who taught you how to speak like that?"
other boys utc!
Mysta Rias 🦊🔶
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much like him, you're terrible at being innocent for just five fucking minutes
yes officer it's this one. oh and the orange one too.
be it on stream or jail, mysta has officially found himself another dirty minded friend besides vox
you discuss it with him what role you play with him okay (╬≖_≖)
he found out the first time when it came out on the wee hours of your off collab with him, ike and nina
hoo boy, someone get ike some ear plugs
mysta was actually the one to bring it up first
"hey, now that i've thought about it, you've never told us your rice purity test scores, y/n," he thought aloud, vox and nina agreeing as they too were just as curious as him
ike on the other wished you could hand him those earplugs( ༎ຶŎ༎ຶ )
"oh guys come on, it's probably as low as you guys," the novelist rolls his eyes, taking a sip of his probably alcholic drink to forget he ever was in this conversation
you hum, grabbing your phone, "actually i've never taken it before."
vox adds, "well like what ike said. it's probably super low like us two. ain't that right mysta?"
he chortles as he went to pat your back, "come join the sussy trio of nijimilo, y/n."
"i'd be so honored, mysta," you wiggle your eyebrows. "gimme a sec okay."
but chat was pretty much already vouching that you'd have super low test scores, judging by how many suggestive innuendos you make on stream that rivals even that of mysta--
sigh, mysta says he's never been prouder of you(つω`。)
actually not just chat, everyone in the room
but as they chatter away through the night, your own commentary lessened quite a bit as you read through the test even deeper
mysta who happened to be quiet in the conversation and sitting next to you grew genuinely worried and super curious
"hm? something up, y/n?" he asks you, peering over your shoulder
you hide the screen away from him, "h-hey mysta! i'm fine."
"ah? what's this?" he starts to wiggle his eyebrow, smirking in a way that you know he's up to no good. "why are you shy? you already know it's pretty bad though, right?"
"u-um, yeah, i did," you take a deep breath and just decided to suck it in. rip it off like a band aid. you show the detective your screen, "except the results says otherwise."
he looks over and his eyes are as wide as the universe
his first initial response?
this of course had to catch the attention of everyone else as they stopped their conversation
"mysta!" you scold, hiding your phone
"hey, hey, what's up?" nina asks you two
you just shrink while mysta remains scatterbrained
"got the test score back? how bad is it?" vox smirks leaning over to grab your phone but you quickly hide it in your pocket. the demon frowns, "um, you good? embarrassed about your score is it?"
"bro that's not it, that's not it," mysta shakes his head and you honestly don't know what to do. "can i tell them? can i please tell them???"
seeing as there was no point in hiding it anymore, you let him.
"guys, chat, y/n's score is a 97," mysta announces, emphasizing every single syllable at the last phrase. and just like him, everyone is as bamboozled
he grins, leaning into the mic, "they're just an innocent kid."
"oh fuck off, mysta," you pout, crossing your arms
but he doesn't for a very good while (-`д´-)
if you thought him and the others (excluding ike) teasing you about your oddly high score during the collab was bad enough
mysta thought it was good to add to your misery even after you went home
he absolutely does not let it go and although he's just joking around, you sometimes rly regret telling him your score at all
taking the test at all
ah well what's done is done
"hey kiddo, close your eyes and ears for this bit."
"um, why? and stop calling me that."
"it's not kid friendly. adults only."
"shhh just trust me okay. now go close your eyes and ears."
"mysta i swear i will hunt you down and break your arms myself--"
again, what's done is done ┐(-。ー;)┌
Luca Kaneshiro 🦮🔆
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to me luca can be sussy but bro come on from here on out, yall know that this is the seiso line of |_・)
compared to you, luca has absolutely nothing
he also just rly likes to believe that he can be unseiso but when talking to you, he knows only a fraction of the things you understand
voCaBulaRiEs if you will १ |˚–˚| ५
he doesn't necessarily scold you for being super sussy. if anything, he sorta appreciates it??? he says he's learning new things with you around
lucubs are genuinely worried for luca's wellbeing whenever you collab with him
don't want our precious golden retriever of a mafia boss to be tainted by your unholyness (?), demon
but luca likes having you around on collabs and discord calls when time permits bcs he thinks you're good company^^
it was in one of these said collabs that the topic of rice purity tests came up
"thank you for the superchat! boss, what's your rice purity test score?" luca reads aloud one of the messages. he chuckles, "for chat who doesn't know, the rest of luxiem actually took the test too. mine is 93 i think?"
you sip at your drink, nodding, "yep, it was 93."
"what's yours, y/n? now that i think about it, we've never really known. did you take one?"
"huh, i actually haven't! i haven't gone around to take it yet. hold on," you place your drink back down and quickly type away rice purity test onto the google search engine. "all these are the same right?"
"yeah, doesn't really matter which one. they're the same everywhere."
"alright gimme a couple minutes, luca."
"i gotchu," the mafia boss grins, turning to his chat to more of the superchats he had missed. while waiting, he stumbled across one that made him laugh, "y/n, someone said on superchat that they bet you're gonna get super low. as low as mysta or vox."
you snort, "probably true. what do you think, luca?"
"would i be a bad friend if i said yes?? i mean, i've watched your streams, y/n," he laughs. "they're as bad as vox or mysta when they're being super unseiso."
but then luca doesn't get a response from you
for a second he goes to check on discord to see if he's misclicked on anything or if you accidentally muted yourself but everything seemed alright
"uh, y/n? you there?"
"hm? yeah, i'm here," you do respond to him, but a lot... quieter? was it him or did you sound nervous?
"you okay? you sound a bit off," he tells you while frowning
you on the other hand can only look at the many boxes you've left unchecked in the list, surprising yourself
even luca thought you were pretty bad, what was this tom fuckery? ⊙︿⊙
"hey luca, are you sure all tests are the same?"
he raises an eyebrow, "supposedly yes. why? did something happen with your test? i can get you the same link i used."
"w-wait, no need. it's just um," you tap your fingers against the keyboard and you finally admit in a tiny voice, "mineisaninetyseven,luca."
"sorry what?"
"lucaaaaa," you whine, thinking he was just teasing you so you could say it again
but he interjects, genuinely not hearing what you said because of the low volume you spoke in. "no, no, wait. i didn't actually hear you. what was it??"
"ninety seven????"
ah finally got it did he ( ╥ω╥ )
"wait how is that possible? not to sound offensive, but like??? you get what i mean right??"
it's more so a battle of both wonder and confusion in this stream, for you, luca and chat
even after, luca kept bugging you about how weird your result was
so yes, he's nice enough not to tease you about it (too bamboozled by the fact you're actually 4 points higher than him)
facts are though, you still know a lot more about the art of being unseiso than him despite the... contradicting truth of the test scores
he really doesn't mind it, just slightly confused.
for the way he treats you, it doesn't change as well bcs luca kaneshiro is nice like that uwu
Ike Eveland 🖋💙
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yall know how this is gonna go down
he gets migraines when you are in a fairly unseiso mood (even worse if mysta and or vox is there. god the dirty pick up lines just don't stop)
ike feels like he should always bring a stash of his holy water every time he's gonna meet with you o.0
on a more serious note though, besides that, you're good company around him and as long as you're behaving accordingly during his streams, he's mostly okay with it
b e h a v e
moving on (。・・。)
he was on a discord call with you and mysta actually, casually talking about your days and schedules for the rest of the week
though you and mysta resonated far too much on being unseiso together, ike had to admit this discord call was one of the more tamed scenarios so he can't really complain
trust ike, he's seen worse
"oh my god, you guys i'm gonna leave this call if you continue to talk about these things," the novelist groans jokingly, tapping on his desk while resting his head on his hand
you giggle, "it was mysta who started it!"
"huh?? did not! you insinuated it!"
"i insinuated nothing! you're the one having the perverted mind!" you argue back
ike can only sigh from behind the screen watching you two banter like you were siblings
he swore you guys were but refused to tell anyone
"no, you're the one perverted!" mysta retorts
you huff, "mysta, you literally have a purity test score lower than goddamn vox. you're absolutely perverted! ike, back me up."
"to be fair, y/n, you're probably super low. maybe even as bad as him," he admits
mysta says, "see? we're both as bad. wait, hold on, how much is your rice purity test score? i don't think you've ever told us."
"oh shit, yeah i haven't even taken it."
ike rolls his eyes, "i don't even know if i should encourage you to take it, y/n."
you laugh, typing away on the google search engine to look for the test anyway. "you'll be fine, ike. i know yours and mysta's. wouldn't it be nice to know mine?"
"um, i don't see the purpose of knowing that fact but sure, i guess?"
i can just hear him say all these things in my head you guys o(TヘTo)
"what's the real point of you taking a rice purity test anyway? i'm betting you're pretty low," mysta snickers
"just to get a more concrete number i guess? it's just for fun."
"all the more misery for me it seems," ike deadpans, sourcing laugh from you and mysta
"wanna bet how much they'll get, ike?" the detective asks him, ike hearing his grin behind his voice
"probably like a 50 or lower?" he guesses
and when you don't respond to any of the boys' commentary about you, ike calls you. it's only then you respond to what he says
"huh? what's up?"
ike frowns, "you good? you were quiet for a second, y/n."
"n-no, i'm fine. just taking the test."
"oh my god ike, imagine if their purity scores are actually pretty high. is that even possible??" mysta wonders, leaning back against his seat as he waited for you to finish
ike shrugs, "i think so. probably very rare though. but with y/n? i can't imagine that happening to be honest."
"ummmmmm so about that," you suddenly chime in, seemingly anxious. ike notices this and goes to ask you first
ike pauses, comically cleans his ears and asks you as though you'd just muted yourself, "sorry, you were saying?"
"ike i'm not kidding," you laugh nervously
"not kidding? about what? hold on, i'm behind. guys tell me what's going on here."
but you and ike ignore mysta as you two have a somewhat serious but also comedic conversation about your phenomenal test score
"then how much is it?"
"A NINETY WHAT?" ike exclaims, literally jumping out of his seat and denying what his ears had perceived for him. "A NINETY FUCKING SEVEN? y/n, you????? a ninety seven????"
then there's mysta who's only getting things right lol ●︿●
"I DONT KNOW U GUYS I SURPRISINGLY DON'T CHECK MUCH OF THESE THINGS???" you stare head on at the bold and very clear number before you, way higher than what you deserve for all the misery you've caused ike eveland
"i honestly don't know how to feel right now," said man confesses, a hollow in his chest as he lets the truth dawn on him
why? because you, the cause of his headaches for your unseiso jokes, is a few points above shu's. if you top even shu the pure, where the hell did he rank ☜(`o´)
whatever happens though, even if you scored 97 on that test, the fact that you still cause him misery because of your impurity proves that he should still bring his holy water with him
bless ike eveland ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭
Shu Yamino 🔮✨
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he's a generally chill guy and can put up with your unseiso behavior so i personally recommend you shu yamino
don't take advantage of him okay
don't teach him weird shit (ง •̀_•́)ง
so in collabs and the like, shu will usually just laugh off whatever dirty pick up line (that he understands) or he doesn't actually get what you mean and your joke instantaneously becomes dry as hell
i personally recommend you shu yamino ┐(°‿°)┌
it was one of the yaminion's questions that came up in the superchat where they wanted to know about your rice purity test score, catching the curiosity of the rest of the chat and frankly, shu himself since he too never thought to ask
"huh, i actually never asked you either. you okay with telling us, y/n?" he asks like the gentleman he was
you frown, "i actually haven't taken the test. lemme go do it real quick and i'll come with the results. wait here shu and chat!"
as he waits for you, he makes himself busy by going through the superchats he missed, thanking and skimming them
he laughs when he reads one that says, "i bet y/n has it pretty low"
and it seems that chat was agreeing with the statement
at the mention of you, shu remembers that you've been awfully quiet as though you weren't there anymore
he calls out, "yo, y/n?"
"hm?" you hum, voice softer than before
shu begins to suspect something, guessing that it probably had something to do with the test you're taking. he chuckles, "you good? been quiet for a good while."
"o-oh, i'm fine. just peachy."
just peachy?
shu laughs even more, "just peachy? you don't really say that. you sure you okay? is it the test? did you finish?"
you groan, rubbing at your head when shu basically spoke your mind out loud. "okay fine yes i did"
"uh huh then?"
shu's obliviousness rly kills you sometimes, especially right now ;-;
"shu, my score is uh"
"your score?"
"yours plus 2"
well that was one way to put it
"mine plus 2? 95 plus 2? wait what?" it's only now that shu realizes why you were nervous
and he can't help but laugh at it
your face is red from the embarrassment as you bombard shu, "wh-why are you laughing, huh??"
"bro, your score is higher than me! it's super funny. cause you're the one usually coming up with the rly unseiso jokes," and he doesn't cease his laughter which further incriminates you
"shuuu stop laughing :<<"
"i'm sorry but it's so hilarious and weird??? i guess it is because the test is more about what you do than what you know but still," he grins. "besides, why are you so embarrassed? isn't this like a good thing or something?"
"it's you laughing at me is what makes me embarrassed dammit," you huff \(`0´)/
and well as previously mentioned, shu is a super chill guy and usually doesn't hold onto jokes on one stream to the next
ofc unless if someone brings it up, but the worst shu yamino can do is rly to laugh at how ridiculously contradicting it was
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storiesofteyvat · 3 years
I hope I'm not late. Diluc, Childe annd Xiao With a Male!S/o who is a Element Crafter. And At first they don't under stand what He means, Untill during Battle, He Literally Starts Creating beasts from the elements around him. Like for example, during a Battle where they're outnumber S/o starts doing some weird avatar bending Movements, and Literally Creates a Rhino From Dirt and Rocks.
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Elemental Crafter S/O
Pairing(s): Childe, Diluc, and Xiao x Male Reader
Warnings: A few profanities used but nothing drastic!
a/n; nah you’re not late! You’re actually my first request! :D I hope you enjoyed this and have a nice day! I decided to make the reader a geo catalyst user since I though it fit the request, hope you don’t mind!
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The dude is seriously amazed by his boyfriend’s abilities, he’d end up praising the h/c-ed boy for his amazing work and may offer him to help out whenever Childe has some ‘business’ to attend to.
The moment he found out was during a commission y/n had decided to take up but the two of them ended up getting outnumbered by a group of mitachurls, and while the harbinger could easily take them on, he wanted to see what y/n could really do.
Childe was like a kid during Christmas, he was absolutely amazed with what his boyfriend could create in mere seconds. He’d show y/n off to anyone he comes in contact with, and often brags about him to his fellow Fatui members. (He talked about y/n so much that Scaramouche threatened to cut off his lips if he spoke about his ‘AmAzInG bOyFrIenD’ one more time.)
“Hold on, I got this.” y/n muttered to the harbinger as he brought out his catalyst. Before the enemies could get in another attack, they were instantly bombarded by what seemed to be rhinos made of rocks, causing them to die in mere seconds. Childe stared at his lover with wide eyes, trying to process what had happened until he let out a laugh and wrapped his arms around y/n.
“Wait a minute! So you could do this the whole time?!” The harbinger asked with stars in his eyes. “That’s amazing, babe! Show me what else you can do!”
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He was shocked to say the least. Diluc had never seen y/n during a battle and just assumed that he didn’t even have a vision to begin with, but that all changed when the two of them came across three abyss mages.
Watching y/n skillfully create such beings just from rock was astonishing to him, and he was quite proud to be courting such a strong person.
“Diluc, watch out!” y/n shouted as he quickly took out his catalyst and ran behind the redhead, conjuring up an elephant made up of rocks to crush the abyss mage before it could harm him.
The battle was over in just a few minutes, and on the way back to the city Diluc couldn’t help but ask a few questions. “...I didn’t know you could do something like that.” He said, breaking the silence. y/n shrugged as he walked beside him. “It’s nothing much, I just picked it up a few years ago.”
“Well, I found it quite amazing. Perhaps you can show me a bit more later on.”
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Xiao was baffled, amazed, yet confused as to why y/n would hold back such power. How could he such beautiful create things so easily? He personally wanted to see more, but would never express it.
He found out while the two of them were out on a walk, encountering two ruin guards on the way. And while he could easily take care of them, y/n had other plans.
“Wait, let me do it.” y/n said to the Adeptus, causing him to give y/n a look of both confusion and concern. Before Xiao could complain, his lover was already making his way to the ruin guards with his catalyst in hand.
The two machines looked over to the male and readied their missiles. But before they could attack, a stampede of what seemed to be buffalo shaped rocks ran towards them, destroying them in just a few minutes. “What were you thinking? If those..whatever they were, didn’t come? You could have died!” Xiao said harshly to the h/c-ed boy, a sharp look in his eyes. “That was a completely reckless move, Archons forbid if you get hurt like—” “I made them, actually..”
Xiao still reprimanded y/n for his ‘idiotic idea’, he did give him some praise for his attack method. “Next time, just show me your abilities without putting your life in danger...but I will admit, your methods are quite interesting.”
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