#nameless ghouls x male reader
ace-of-gay · 1 year
A Mountain is home
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I currently dont have a masterlist set up for this collection but i hope you enjoy this none the less, this will eventually be posted on ao3 but i dont have an account currently
Warnings: age regression (not very in depth) , self destructive stimming like scratching pulling on tail thrashing and hitting ones self during a neurodivergent meltdown, quite panicked reader, reader has trauma, reader is a full ghoul this time cause this is still my interpretation of a fantasy universe <3, cuddles and ghoul-piles!!!
The word muzzle is used multiple times over but is referring to a mouth cover to symbolize silence
I headcannon mountain as autistic, no shoes for lifeee yup thats all
age regression is a coping mechanism that can be both voluntary and/or involuntary it is entirely safe and reccomended by therapists if they believe it would be effective for said person but as mentioned for some people it is entirely unpredictable, if this makes you uncomfortable please scroll away thank you <3
Not betad or edited
Word count: 5,611words (it basically wrote itself)
Youd been summoned just a week ago and it already seems as though youre once again fading into the background, no one had taught you if someone of your neurotype was acceptable in todays world, the bok-hord in hell or library as you read above the one here in the church of sin was not at all up to date on whats acceptable yet.
This is your second time being summoned, your first ritual was terrifying but what made it worse is they thought you were impossible to become a domestic ghoul, the uncertainty of being sent back from this one weighed on you, if you went back again no one would be there for you.
Holding yourself back and biting your tongue from doing or saying anything including the strange chirps and trills that kept you regulated, taking it upon yourself to be even more docile and quieter than the tall ghoul behind the drums, no matter the situation not a peep has been heard from you, all you did was play your instrument, there was no jumping around putting on a presentation, the others however did so, its just practice but you hadnt earned your place, you could always be sent back for even the most minor of slip up, its happend before and you for sure wont let it happen again.
Friday nights are prime for the others, the guys in a ghoul-pile and girls raiding the fridge for snacks while watching a film, in the common area designated for only ghouls no one wearing their mask but yourself, only passing through doing your best to keep in the shadows, if youre out of place surely youll be duely punished, the first time you were summoned your family and friends were disappointed to see you sent back but your mother worst of all had said she had expected it , you had no place yet, so your room was for you the closest to safety.
Locking the door to your room as soon as you returned; taking off themask and the muzzle of sorts, some ghouls had facepaint instead but you weren't vocal so there was no reason, finally now to a safe place you let everything fall from its people pleasing manner into what felt most like yourself, jumping up and down to get your blood flowing and thoughts swarming.
"Who needs others when you can feel at home just being yourself", clicking and pacing and flapping your hands you were trying to catch up to what your body demanded, but
It just kept spilling, from the deepest places in your mind, crevasses full of discomfort, confusion, irritation and just the most overwhelming feeling that could muster  itself from your being.
Nothing was working, it was too late to regulate and your mind took to a melt down, shaking your head wasnt good enough, grabbing hold of your horns, you violently shake yourself around, tail whipping and slashing all around you, and than the crying.
Oh how the crying was the worst part, shoving the muzzle back on it didn't do much for silence but its still an attempt, everyones expectations ringing shrill in your ears, you didn't come from a happy home, your family torn apart by sinners from christs hall a completely different take on sin, as it caused harm.
Hands over your muzzle to silence just a bit more if possible and than the silent choked sobs, more physically painful but it wouldn't draw attention, thats the last thing you wanted, slamming your fists down against your thighs followed by tugging on your tail and scratching the spade of it until it hurt, the only thing that could regulate you was small jolts and shocks of pain and than it stopped, you were right back where you started, silent but this time you felt like a kit.
A tiny kit who got told that they need to learn to be normal, but for the time being there was the innocence, nothing would happen if you weren't, you were just different, and you were alone but you were still safe.
Putting the helmet back on, you take all of the blankets and pillows that are in your room and shove them under your bed, taking the cover sheet and creating a curtain between the floor and the frame, all of your tiny kit-like self holed up in one place, a place as small as the family and friends in your life had made you, maybe this time you were sent here to be safe.
Fixing up the nest you made under your bed you let yourself hide away from the world, be as small and pure as your mind could muster and let all the terrible feelings melt away, chirping and trilling quietly as you lay there eventually being held close and coddled by darkness, falling asleep you would not return to the common rooms until most necessary.
Grabbing food and hiding once more, at some point when you were in the library and had found scratch paper, a sketchbook , a couple pencils and a mess of tacks set out in a bin that had the word 'FREE' in print on it for anyone to partake in the activity of drawing, collecting the supplies and a few books on ghouls with neurodivergencies, and just a simple fairy tale, you embark back to your room.
Over the weekend you had covered the walls in the corner of the room under your bed with fantastical pictures of your dreams, and drawings of each ghoul and papas youve seen so far.
When monday came it was back to breakfast and lessons in the morning, lunch after practice around noon and communal chores, the others were very loud today, as for yourself youd been silent like predicted but you could feel eyes on you and could hear bickering but nothing quite clear of their words.
making dinner for everyone was the last thing, it was easy, it was one thing your family didn't ridicule you over, your cooking made anyone who was having a bad day feel better, there was so much passion that anyone could see and taste.
your tail flowing in an easy, comforting sway and a smile hidden under your muzzle, the first smile to bare your face outside of your room and it felt like this was what would give you your place to stay.
Dishing everyones plates with your home-made meal and taking it to the ghouls and ghoulettes where they each were was apparently unexpected and out of their ordinary, but you had no idea, how would you when you hide away, maybe they would take that into consideration. This was also one of the first times you got to hear others address you, smiles and bright eyes shared when they where blown away by your cooking, you dished up yourself and sat at the island counter crouching on a wooden stool, sitting on them hurts the backs of your legs and crouching was more like hugging yourself anyway.
Soon enough people would march in putting their dishes in the sink giving a thankyou and a smile or a compliment to your cooking, slowly eating your food, savoring each bite, the comments from others causing your tail to pick up its sway with a little flick in it, maybe itll be okay.
You go to put your dish in the sink after rinsing it off when the tall guy from behind the drums approaches, while just as quiet as you he was also playful like the others.
"Hey y/n dinner was amazing, i cant wait til next week to see what you come up with" he exclaimed, "im mountain by the way, i know i didn't exactly introduce myself at all since you first got here, we wanted you to settle in, you seemed very stressed" he added before someone shouted for him from the other room, leaving with a smile and wave.
There was no expectation for you to respond, no expectation to look someone in the eyes, you let out a small chirp joined by a small movement in your hands.
Back in your room you let your tail wag wildly,  pulling the books you'd been reading up on, you had gotten from them the fact that over the years some churches of sin have allowed a better understanding and acceptance for people and ghouls alike with neurodivergencies to be better recognized and seen as equals, there were things they didn't tell you about back in hell when you were told of your neurotype, like your sounds and movement for self regulation was called stimming and that it can be harmful but it can also be helpful just depending on the purpose and action, you had copied information from the book down on resources and important things you thought would help, these books were the most helpful and the fairy-tale was perfect however you needed a new one since youve read this one so many times you knew every line, you take the books back to the library.
Putting them back on their respective shelfs you pick out two new fairy-tales and stop by the free stuff bin, taking pencil lead an eraser and a new sketchbook, youve already filled your first one in just a few days, you dont have anymore room on the walls around your nest for more loose paper sketches so you need the sketchbook instead.
On your walk back to your room admiring the stained glass windows, lost in thoughts somewhere between regression and big feelings, letting them mingle and intertwine,
So lost in thought you dont see when papa copia started coming closer until he spoke up, "good evening y/n" a small scream torn from you as you are brought back to right now practically jumping out of your skin, your eyes big as you process who it is, the first time anyone has heard your voice in any way and it obviously had to be a panicked scream, this wouldn't sit well with your family, your mind shifting farther into regression, just wanting to be in your room again.
"My apologies little one" littleone? Is it that obvious you think to yourself, "it was not my intention to frighten you, i see youve taken a liking to the library, what books have you got there?" Hanging your head in shame and slight worry you show him the two fairy-tales and he breaks out in a grin "i remember reading those, i might have to look at them once more! A very good choice, Molto bene indeed" finishing up your silent-sided conversation you rush quickly back to your room, theres been too much interaction and what did papa copia mean by 'little one?'
After a few days of this halfsided banter from the ghouls and papa youre started to feel a little more comfortable.
A knock on your door pulled you from your slumber, the first couple times had made their way into your dream, you get up and open the door to the ghouls and ghoulettes standing in the hall, a few smiles making their way on a few faces, and thats when you realize youre not wearing your mask or muzzle, heat rushing to your ears and cheeks causing your cool grey skin to tint purple, hanging your head in embarrassment while rubbing the sleep out of your eyes, "were sorry to wake you but were meeting early today because papa has a meeting with the clergy and after lessons and practice mix we have the rest of the day off", nodding you return into your room to get changed and to put on your muzzle and mask, the group waiting outside of your room for you to walk with them.
Lessons and practice going by quickly you find yourself in the library,helmet off, curled up and tucked into one of the couches reading another fairy-tale, looking intently at the pictures, your eyes irritated from not getting all of the sleep you normally get, theyre slowly drifting shut, you can only stay awake so much longer before your mind takes you to a rem sleep.
Waking up to mountain shaking you awake he smiles gently, "hey sleepy head, i was looking for you, its lunch time but it seems as though youre tired, we'll get you to your room and ill bring lunch to you there" he was a gentle giant ghoul and although you haven't said anything to anyone youre starting to warm up to him, he puts a book mark in the book and helps you up handing you your mask, you decide to just carry it with you.
Opening your door he hands you the book and you set it down atop your bed along with your mask, "do you want me to knock when i come back?" Thinking for a moment and shaking your head 'no' you'll probably just be asleep again, taking off the muzzle you set it with your mask getting ontop of your empty bed you curl up waiting while slightly dozing.
When he returns he walks in with your plate in hand, "wheres you stuff bud? Did they move you into an unready room?" You once more shake your head, pulling up the bedsheet curtain putting your nest on display, "aaah a safe spot, i completely understand, im here if you need anything, just holler my way" he kids while stepping out.
"Can you- stay?" You mutter through a slightly broken voice, catching him off guard, youre not sure why you asked but he seems easy to open up to, hes kinda like you.
"Id be honored"
You sat there mostly quiet eating but occasionally you'd respond and every time he would be looking elsewhere but the smile on his face said he was paying attention.
The more you got to know him the more you realized youre very similar to him.
The next couple weeks youd spend lunch with him sharing stories while you sat in your nest and him at your desk, he talked about how fond the ghouls and ghoulettes and even the papas were of you, they all looked forward to you hopefully someday talk full sentences with them but for now with you slowly coming out of your shell, wearing your mask and muzzle less often and spending more time somewhat near the group, for now they were content watching you grow and become more of yourself.
You gave each person a sketch youd do of them from observation and mountain even brought you another sketchbook when he noticed you were running low on pages, you told him why youve been scared to come out of your room and your past experience with your previous summoning, you however didn't tell him why it failed but he understood itll take some time.
One evening after another one of your delicious meals you were invited to watch a movie with everyone, accepting the offer you show up in your hoodie you just recently bought and pajama pants, socks with sticky tabs on the bottom so you didn't slip on the marble floors, you balled yourself up in a beanbag chair, others had grabbed pillows or stuffed animals from the pile in the corner, you go over to look through the pile, pulling out a well loved multi-textured dog plush, smiling and taking it over to your spot with you, focused on the textures, "very good choice little wisp" mountain hummed, your tail thumping against the bean bag chair, your cheeks and ears dusted purple once more, "i haven't held one since i was very small" you return.
After the movie you gave the plush one last hug before placing it atop the pile, "you know if you want you can take it to your room with you, we have them here for everyone" he encouraged but you shook your head, "he would miss his friends and i dont want to take someone elses opportunity of loving him away", little did you know the ghouls left in the room all felt their hearts melt, this wasnt new to them, theyve met ghouls and people whose minds are permanently part kit, they wouldn't say anything until you said something first, youre part of the family, you deserve to do it on your own terms.
Just the next evening when you returned from the library you come to find a black gift
Bag infront of your door with a tag that has your name on it.
Entering your room you set everything down before you open the bag, youre met with a soft multi-texture plush almost identical to the one from the other night but this one had weighted feet,and a book of several fairy-tales with a few purple tabs on certain pages along with it. A card that says, "a plush specifically for you and your love, i hope you give him a wonderful name, and a book my mother read to me when i was just a kit, one that you dont have to take back to the library"
Holding the plush out infront to look at him your headspace slipping quickly, thankfully you were in the safety of your bedroom and he would fit perfectly into your nest with you.
With plenty of time between now and dinner time, your chores being done and someone else being on dinner duty you took right now to relax.
in comfortable clothes you lay down in your nest with your book and the stuffy you named chip cause he reminded you of chocolate chip cookies, you named him late at night when you were feeling very small and it just stuck.
Closing your eyes when the words in the book were adding to the strain, from all the light today, hunger pulling a whine from you, if you slept for now youd wake up at the perfect time to eat dinner, you might even sit with rain and talk about the books youve read recently outside of the fairy-tales.
Being pulled out of your dreams by someone gently shaking you awake and calling your name, confusion built it way to your face, he doesn't need to knock but normally he chooses to, what brought him in?
"I know youre sleepy but its dinner time and i know you like your routine,  i tried knocking but you were out cold" he states after reading your scrunched and slightly confused face, handing you your bowl, tonight cirrus and swiss made dinner together.
Mountain sits on the floor across from you as you both ate in a comfortable silence, thats one thing about him, he tries to make sure hes not being a trigger for anyone with misophonia.
Eating slowly and running your hand along the textures of your stuffy, "s'named chip" you just barely say aloud, causing him to smile, "thats the most perfect name for him, does he give the best of cuddles?" Nodding youre completely unaware of the fact hes talking to you as if you were a kit, he was just being kind and attentive for all you knew, and while yes thats completely true he also saw through your silence, hes talked to semi-permanent kit-minded ghouls and he knew it was for safety of mind.
Both of you done with dinner, you pull out your sketchbook as he gets up to take the dishes to the kitchen, standing in the doorway looking down at you with a smile upon his face, "do you want me to come back after i put the dishes in the kitchen?" Watching as you ponder for a moment before nodding, looking up at him, never once more than now have you longed for physical contact with someone but you little mind craves it.
He returned quickly to see you moving your nest about, your movements less exact and a little choppy, he could see the irritation when the blankets wouldn't flatten out so he got down to help, fixing it for you he sat back on his knees when you planted yourself down closer to the wall than normal, you pat the spot next to you while holding chip close to your chest.
"You want me to cuddle little wisp?" He questioned already taking his jacket off before you hummed in response.
Cuddling was very common amongst ghouls so there was no questions asked as to why
It was naturally so second nature for most.
Curling into him he holds you close, your head resting on his chest, you could just fall asleep right now but you fought that instinct so you could savor a moment of feeling completely safe, where youre not being overstimulated.
"When i was first summoned i read those exact same books on ghouls with neurodivergencies, i remember reading that someone with a mind like the one both of us have can easily struggle in public environments or around new people"
He retold, causing you to question how he knew you read them.
"Oh wisp, i can hear just how stirring you mind can be, i saw you walking back to the library to return them, i want you to know that you are safe here with me and all of the others, im honored to cuddle, i didn't join a ghoul-pile until several months of being here."
Nodding to yourself, taking a moment to process his words when your own  join the party.
"Jus cant do touch with others almost ever, makes brain hurt and than hurts me aswell"
Your eyes started to sleepily flutterand he picks up the fairy-tales book he brought you, opening it up to one of the purple tabs, some of his favorites.
He read you to sleep, when his pants were starting to put deep seam imprints  into his legs causing him discomfort, he goes to leave the room but is stopped by you plea for him to stay, "ill be right back little mouse."
And like promised he did return in much more comfortable clothes, a blanket and a comfort item of his own, cuddling back up with you halfway ontop of him, covering the both of you with his blanket, setting your temporarily forgotten of stuffie in the corner above your head along with his.
From than forward you and mountain spent Friday nights in your room reading and cuddling, going to lessons and practice together, he was helping you open up, when it would be your night to make dinner, which you had requested to have more than once a week instead of sink duty because soggy wet hands felt offensive to your skin, he would sit at the island watching unless one of his chores intercepted that period of time or if another ghoul requested his company.
It took five months to ease you out of you shell, at four you had brought up the regression and neurodivergency topics to the others and than out of fear you hid in your room for the weekend until dew stopped by inviting you to watch a movie with the others which you happily obliged to do so, remembering that its okay to be around others and be yourself, that night you sat on the couch behind the ghoul-pile falling asleep with chip in your arms, your tail intertwined with mountains.
Not wearing your mask unless you needed a break or everyone else was, copia had taken you aside at one point to find fabrics that looked like the others but were sensory safe so when it was time for uniforms you would feel comfortable.
At night you would go out to the garden in secret and jump around, spin, stomp, trill, chirp, coo and so much more. It helped tremendously.
Tonight unlike the others was much louder in your head and harder to feel okay, already regressed you tried stomping around and flailing your hands but without meaning to you were once more pulling on your tail and scratching it painful and raw, the garden was closed for the night with new fertilizer being put down, taking chip you trail your way down to one of the last rooms, the shiny name plate reading 'mountain' you gave a slightly too heavy knock on the door, rocking back and forth on your feet, he answers and is suprised to see you standing there with deep grey tear tracks down your face, chip under your arm and your tail in hand scratching as you fumble with your words.
Letting you in he pats the bed for you to sit down while he turns on the light and pulls a shirt on over your head, sniffles and hiccups break your silence, he take your hands and holds them for a moment, watching the spade of your tail drop small dots of blood onto the marble floor, "come with me little wisp, its okay" he leads you to the bathroom, picking you up and setting you on the counter, lifting his tail for you to hold on, he knew full well you wouldn't scratch his, tracing the scars on his tail had you questioning if he did the same.
As he took hydrogen peroxide cleaning the small cuts and scrapes pulling a hiss from you in reaction, "i know hun, im sorry ive got to be mean and clean it but weve got to take care of it so it doesn't get icky ya-know?" He soothes, "you see the ones on my tail, theyre from the same thing, sometimes i almost start scratching at them again but i normally just hold my tail and put lotion on the scars to feel like im cleaning it up once more"
Once hes done patching you up he once again takes your hands leading you to his bed and looking through his closet. His room was well decorated and filled, a queen sized pillow top mattress and black wooden four poster bed frame against the wall, he had a collection of old trinkets including a camera that takes film, your father used to have one, several gas masks, a homophone record player. On the wall above his desk was a cork board coverd in the drawing youd given him, small trinkets littler his desk, before you could look further he brings over a box of similar small trinkets setting them infront of you.
"You can dump the box out if you want, find whatever works best, i have plenty more" dumping them out you turn the box upside down organizing them, finding three, liking them the most you put the duplicates of them and all the others away back in the box holding onto the three youd picked out, he puts the box under his bed, seating himself next to you, leaning into his side as he turns on one of the movies you'd taken interest in, "hey wisp can i hold chip?", nodding against his chest, paying deep attention to his heartbeat how slow and rhythmic, tapping your tail against the bed in the same beats, occasionally humming and trilling, his left hand running up and down your back, occasionally running though your hair gently.
"Youre gonna be okay little mouse, ive got you".
Your first ghoul pile was something very special, stuffies piled everywhere, they all had banded together to make the room perfect for your comfort, your favorite music playing in the background, dew and sunshine had found you in the library quietly crying flicking around one of the fidgets mountain gave you
Humming and rocking back and forth, chip sitting ontop of your tail, you couldn't find mountain and you didn't want to taint the energy of your nest. Sunshine sat with you as dew went to find mountain, she lifted chip for a moment, carefully intertwining her tail with yours setting chip on your tails.
Dew returned around 10 minutes late with a smile upon his face, taking your open hand with sunshine carrying chip, they took you through the abbey to the lounge where the blanket, stuffy and pillow pile was spread across the floor, mountain and all the other were waiting, some of them already cuddled up, and others walking around, drawing the curtains and dimming lights, filling up a cooler to keep near the pile, mountain lead you to the group, curling himself around you with chip between the two of you, sunshine still connected to you laying back to back with you.
The first time being so close to the others all together and for once your brain lets it happen, youre not sure whose hand is running through your hair but it causes you to chirp, nuzzling you head into the hand.
Swiss tapping his forehead against yours, "youre welcome to stay as long as you need, this is your pile."
Theyre all so much more calm and centered on one another when theyre cuddled, with the warmth from all of the bodies it made it very easy to slip into a smaller headspace.
Cirrus reaching over mountain to wipe away the tear tracks with a wet cloth, they already had a feeling youd be disoriented with the news of the tour starting at the end of this month and the arrival of the outfits.
Cooing and trilling, others trilling back made you excitedly laugh.
Youve been attached to at least one ghoul at all times, they knew you liked holding tails until you had to use your charm to pass as human, copia gave you a hug before he headed out first.
This was the first time youve seen mountain wear shoes, it looked as abnormal as it felt to not have a tail.
Standing in your place when papa introduces the band, not paying attention to him but instead the piece in your ear counting down til the lights cut off and mountain and dew are counted in, mountain looks to you taking an exasperated deep breath telling you to take one aswell, feeling the lights go out and the beat of mounts drums through the floor, counting the cymbal crashes and its time for you to join in, as soon as your hands start moving, you feel it, absolute euphoria, youre radioactive with energy,  the fans going wild, youre practically thrashing as you play, prancing around and jumping when youve got time to spare you run up front adding flair and showmanship to the ceremony, interacting with the others.
By the end youre absolutely drained, enough energy to hop about and screech getting rid of the last bit of energy, if all of the tour is like this youre gonna have an absolute blast, mountain hands you a couple drumsticks for you to throw after taking a bow, and than perching yourself in 'frog crouch' on mountains riser next to his drums watching everyone go about their ending routines, people throwing stuff on stage, bracelets and flags to hand made gothic style stuffed animals, the ghouls picking some stuff up to look at em, handing them to the designated ghouls if there was a name and handing the rest to anyone else like yourself, the ghoulettes and even papa, swiss picked up a couple hand made stuffed animals bringing them to sit next to you.
When it was time to leave the stage mountain came over opening his arms, you lean forward wrapping your arms around his shoulders and he sets you down on you feet, grabbing the teddy's leaning into his side, hes completely drenched in sweat but so are you, it was practically a work out so it was worth it.
In the van having let down the human charm you wash up and slip into pajamas, the stuffies and bracelets set in your bunk you stare out the window waiting flicking your fidget around, Cumulus walks by stopping to give you a hug, "you did great wisp, your energy was so contagious. ", nodding and tapping your forehead against hers in a silent communication, you were absolutely exhausted.
As soon as mountain is out of the shower you push yourself into his chest, finally time to rest, and with your favorite ghoul no doubt,  he hands you chip, folding into one another he holds you gently, as he pulls out the fairy tale he reads your favorites in the book, looking down when youre not humming out your regular vocal stims he realizes youve fallen asleep with your head on his chest, his hands running up and down your spine, tail occasionally thumping against the bed followed by nuzzling against him, "sleep well little wisp, you were so radiant tonight.
Your room at the church of sin was finally decorated, still sleeping in your nest, the ghouls helped you assemble a proper loft bed with the mattress from your previous bed as part of the nest below, stuffies from the tour everywhere and bracelets hung on a set of racks to display them, posters scatterd on your walls, some plushies piled on the top matteress but keeping that open for the most part if someone wants to hang out. A bookshelf full of normal books and fairy-tales,  a starry curtain over your window with a matching opposite one around your nest. Chip in his spot as always hes constantly waiting for your cuddles.
Drawings of both your own and others, many interpretation of what fans saw you as, they call you gargoyle, but to the ghouls youre just a little wisp or little mouse, you were your most accurate self, you were finally at home.
(Accidentally posted the unfixed version, sorry bout that)
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ghulehthezombiequeen · 11 months
Here kitty kitty - Sodo x reader
author's note: i felt bad after dropping three angst fics and then disappearing into the void so have some wholesome sodo 🫶
also i have a headcanon that all the ghouls purr whenever someone pets/scratches their sweet spots and they just melt in your arms and its just so absjdifhfbdbdjsjak i'm in love
other things to note: no pronouns used for reader, sodo gets kinda subby so if you squint there's a bit of suggestive tones (you'll have to squint so hard you can't see though)
word count: 877
“Hey, is it true that ghoul biology is similar to a cat’s?” You asked curiously, looking up from the book you were studying. You and Sodo were in the rehearsal room; Sodo was sitting down on an amp, practicing his solos for the recording of an upcoming album, and he wanted to get it down perfectly. You were just there because you didn’t want him to be lonely. “Um, yeah, why?” Sodo asked, keeping his eyes on his guitar. 
“Well, I’m just studying for my test, and… it says that to earn bonus points on the test, if I’m able to, I have to… um… make a ghoul purr.” You felt your cheeks burn as the words rolled off your tongue, and Sodo stopped playing abruptly. He stared up at you, trying to decipher if you were being serious or not. 
“…You what?” 
“It says only if I’m able to!” You defended yourself.  “Wait, wait, wait… let me get this straight.” Sodo uncrossed his legs, putting his guitar to the side gently. He then looked at you with a raised eyebrow. “You’re asking me… to help you get bonus points on a test… and you have to make me… purr?” He grimaced. 
“Um… yeah. That- that’s what the book says, anyway.” 
“Also, remind me why are you even taking that ghoul biology class? You’re not even a ghoul!” He frowned. 
You rolled your eyes and sighed. “Papa Secondo says that it’s good for a Sibling of Sin to memorize the biology of a ghoul inside and out just in case a ritual goes wrong and someone gets hurt. And it’s a required class for me to take before I take his Latin class.” 
“….Alright, that does seem like a valid point. Alright,” He sighed, folding his arms and standing up, walking over to the couch you were sitting on and looked down at you. “I’ll help you. But only because I know how cranky Papa Secondo can get.” 
You gave him a cheeky grin. “Wait, really?! Oh my gosh, thank you thank you thank you!” You jumped up and excitedly gave him a hug. You thought you were going to have to ask Rain or Mountain to help you, which would probably take longer considering their schedules were filled to the brim with activities. 
“Yeah yeah yeah, alright, okay, get off.” He grumbled, blushing as he automatically put his hands on your waist. He’d never admit it, but he loved hugs. 
“Sorry, sorry.” You giggled, pulling away. 
“Alright, so what do I have to do?” He sighed. He looked like he was already over it, although it had barely started. 
“Here, sit next to me.” You beckoned, and he sat to your left. You glanced at your book, reading the common sweet spots to scratch. “Alright, let’s try… the ears.” 
Your hand slowly went behind his ears, your nails gently scratching the soft fluff, making them twitch at first but stilled as you continued. Sodo let out a small hiss, not expecting the sudden stimulation there. His fangs started to poke out of his lips. 
“I’m not hurting you, am I?” You asked as you stopped scratching once he hissed.  “No… you’re fine. I just- wasn’t expecting it to feel like that.” He mumbled. 
“M’kay.” You continued scratching behind his ears, which flickered down then stilled. You felt a low vibration begin, and your eyes wandered to Sodo’s eyes, which were closed tight. “M…m…mrr….” He grumbled, causing you to laugh.  “Aw, this feels good, doesn’t it?” You asked, and he nodded vigorously. You glanced over his shoulder at the open book, reading that another sensitive spot was the top of their heads and their chins. You opted for his chin, bringing your other hand to rub his soft jawline.  “Mmm… Mrrrr… mrow… ah..” Sodo’s eyes widened as his mewls grew louder, his cheeks turning red. You bit your lip to hold back another giggle, but you couldn’t contain the smirk on your face. 
“Mrrrow…. Ah- hey! D-Don’t…. Mrow… Don’t laugh at me….” He growled, but it morphed into a purr, causing your giggles to spill out of your mouth.  “Awww, you’re so cute! Are you a good kitty? Yeah?” You cooed, continuing to scratch his chin and now the top of his head where his scalp was. When you moved your hand to the new area, his tail flicked against the back of the couch, hard. It then started wagging, tapping against the soft pillow behind him. 
He started purring like crazy, nodding vigorously at your question. “Mrow… y-yes, yes…. I’m good.. I’m a g-good kitty…” 
He started to curl up closer to you, his leg already on your lap. You scooped him up in your arms so that he was curled safely on your lap, continuing to scratch and pet him. 
You had sneakily pulled out your phone and snapped a few photos of Sodo in your lap, as he never usually acted like this. He hissed as he saw you put your phone back, to which you replied with a giggle, “Photo evidence. It’s what the book says.” 
He grumbled something incoherent but kept mewing and purring. 
As you reveled in this moment, you remembered: you’ll have to do this again for the end of the year-review test. 
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eternal-kosmo-ghoul · 11 months
Hi there!
I saw that your requests are open :D
May I ask for hcs or a little scenario, if you wish, of how Swiss and Mountain would react to seeing reader (he/they pronouns, if possible) up really really late because of nightmares and insomnia? I’m thinking about fluff and platonic relationships! (Cuddles? Little kisses? Yes please)
Thank you so much for your time and for your writing! writing! 🖤
❝kiss the nightmares away❞
➵ “i’ll be your little sunshine.” —❤︎
pairing: swiss and mountain x male!reader (he/they)
theme: fluff ✿
a/n: first of all, i hope you’re doing well hon, i hope this fic can soothe some potential nerves you have there <3 i hope this fic met your standards. and tbh it can be read as platonic or romantic so i didn’t use the platonic tag
cw: insomnia sucks, that’s really it. swiss and mountain are very caring for the reader here
his head hurt so much.
normally, the insomnia never got this bad— but tonight was a particularly shitty night. not only was his day at the ministry rather rough, but y/n had just experienced a chilling nightmare that still sent shivers down his spine— which only worsened the effects of their sleep condition.
it was anything but pleasant, but he hates to say that this wasn’t the first time this has happened.
insomnia was a bitch, but they have grown accustomed to dealing with it on their own— even if it sucked.
sighing heavily, y/n’s feet carried him through the ministry halls and into the kitchen, in hopes to find a snack that’ll soothe his mind and hopefully calm his nerves down.
the fridge door swung open and y/n grabbed the nearest thing on the shelf, not even bothering to look at what he had just grabbed— or the label for that matter.
just as y/n was about to open whatever container he snagged— the sound of someone clearing their throat made y/n whip his head around to find the source of the sound.
“you know you’re holding a jar of mayonnaise, right, sweetie?”
confused, y/n turned his head to the entrance of the kitchen, and was met with a familiar multi ghoul leaning against the door frame. swiss, with his arms crossed, looked at them in an almost amused manner.
y/n looked down at his hands to see that he was indeed, holding a jar of mayonnaise. he didn’t even notice, he was probably way too tired to even function. sighing heavily, he opened the fridge and put it back inside.
“sorry, i didn’t notice.” y/n responded, looking downcast to avoid swiss’ gaze
“i can tell.” swiss replied back with a cheeky tone, before he made his way over to y/n. he could already tell something was up.
“so what are you doing up so late?” swiss asked, his tone of voice shifting into a more caring one. y/n didn’t respond, his silence was already a good enough answer for swiss, and the multi ghoul sighed.
“that bad, huh?”
“it’s always bad, swiss. but tonight has just really fucked me over.”
swiss let out another heavy breath of concern, and brought his large, clawed hand to gently rub y/n’s back— who was currently hunched over the kitchen island, head bent down. it was the most he could do to comfort the poor boy.
at that moment, heavy, but gentle footsteps, made their way into the kitchen, causing both y/n and swiss to look over at the kitchen.
it was mountain. he must’ve heard one of them come down to the kitchen. tilting his head in confusion, he turned to swiss.
“what’s going on?” the earth ghoul asked, almost innocently.
“insomnia is kicking y/n’s ass again.” swiss replied back, his tail flicking a bit as he spoke. he then went back to rubbing y/n’s back.
“damn right it is.” y/n groaned out, his forehead resting against the table as he just let swiss rub his back.
mountain just let out an ‘ah’ at Swiss’ answer. he felt bad for the poor boy, he knew how bad insomnia could get at times. all he knew now was that y/n needed some comfort.
the drummer turned to look at the vocalist, and the two exchanged a knowing look before nodding at each other. at that moment, the earth ghoul scooped up y/n in his strong arms, cradling him like a baby— which made them yelp from the sudden change.
“what the—!? hey what are you guys doing??” y/n asked almost suspiciously, wondering what in hell these two ghouls had in mind.
“what do you think, honey?” swiss said from behind mountain, peeking over the earth ghoul’s shoulder to look at y/n. “we’re going to help you.”
it wasn’t long until the trio reached mountain’s room. y/n breathed in the fresh aroma of healing herbs and fresh water, must’ve been from the decorative plants in mountain’s room.
being the gentle giant he was, mountain carefully placed y/n on the center of his queen sized bed, and it wasn’t long until the two ghouls were all over y/n.
swiss was cuddled up on the right side of y/n’s body, his head buried under the curve of their neck, while his arms proceeded to wrap around y/n’s waist and his legs tangled in the other’s. mountain then moved to y/n’s left side, his chest pressing against the smaller boy’s back softly while he draped his long arms over y/n’s and swiss’ bodies to move them closer to him. the earth ghoul’s tail was also wrapped around y/N’s leg affectionately.
the position was… oddly comfortable, and it was quite serene too. it put y/n’s mind at ease, and his muscles visible relaxed after being stiff for so long. both swiss and mountain took notice of this, and started to purr lovingly— the vibrations of their purrs only serving to further heal y/n.
“this is nice…” y/n muttered out softly, to which swiss chuckled slightly.
“told ya we’d help, pretty boy.” swiss teased back slightly, making y/n only rolled his eyes at him.
“oh shut up.” they retorted, eliciting a chuckle from mountain, who rested his chin on top of y/n’s head.
“alright, simmer down you two. i think we all need to sleep. especially you, y/n.” mountain said with a more firm, but soft tone, making both swiss and y/n nod.
swiss couldn’t resist, but he pressed a soft kiss onto y/n’s cheek to help comfort him, which in turn made them giggle from the ticklish feeling. mountain let out another chuckle and placed a kiss on top of y/n’s head, purring softly right after.
y/n definitely wasn’t expecting his night to go like this. being pulled into a cuddle pile with the flirty multi ghoul, swiss— and the sweet and gentle earth ghoul, mountain.
his insomnia was definitely bad.
but these two ghoul’s provided enough comfort for him to make him feel safe.
and that feeling was enough to allow his mind drift off into a dreamless, but peaceful sleep, appreciating the warmth of another’s arms.
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fr3akingtf0utrn · 1 year
“everything’s going to be okay, i promise.”
swiss ghoul x gn! reader
warnings: mention of suicidal thoughts, past sh scars, thoughts of relapse, relapsing, ed, etc.
- buckle up bitches, i’m sad, so this is sad. this little blurb is exactly how i feel rn.
——past memory/flashback
//switch pov/person
The screams felt overwhelming at the end, and you have no idea why. They soon we’re blurred and you barely remember even leaving the stage and being the first one on the bus.
Everything was going so well. The rituals were amazing as usual but suddenly you got that feeling.
That feeling where you can’t anymore. That feeling that takes over your entire body, controls it.
You recalled getting this feeling in the middle of the tour while hanging out in one of the ghouls’ hotel.
You guys planned on watching many movies that night but yours didn’t last long.
It was during the 2nd movie, a triggering scene came on. The scene almost being the exact same situation you bad time through.
That causing you to be zoned out throughout the entire night, staring off into space. During that, these thoughts came back. Too many thoughts.
You felt suffocated. Not because of the ghoul pile, never, but these malicious needs egged you on more and more.
Your breathing picked up and you knew Swiss noticed since he was literally on you. You tried you best to calm down but nothing worked.
Swiss moved himself to turn to look at you, his eyebrows furrowed. He was between your legs, his head was resting on you abdomen.
He placed his hand on your thigh, and gave you a look, asking you quietly if you’re okay. You felt yourself get choked up, and shook your head.
Swiss removed himself from you and you quickly sat up, breathing. You slowly felt yourself become disgusted with your reaction and you frowned.
Swiss went to comfort you but without noticing him, you went to leave.
You quickly hopped over each ghoul and announced how you felt tired and wanted to get some rest. Everyone except swiss said goodnight and love you’s, not taking notice of your disheveled body. You took your leave and carried to your room.
Swiss sat there confused, multiple thoughts going through his head. Then it hit him, he wasn’t too sure, but was almost positive.
The scene from the movie. He knew you’ve struggled with suicidal intentions since you’ve joined the clergy. All the ghouls knew because it was easy to sense someone’s feelings..including blood.
The first time they’ve ever smelt blood on you was one of the second band practices you were in since summoned. Definitely confused but never said anything.
Through the months, of course growing close, it obvious you struggled, but one day, Aether had mentioned something to everyone when you had left.
Aether had his mouth open and his eyes were on the ground, wavering. Sodo took notice, “What are you doing?”
Aether closed his mouth and gulped. His mind was in distraught, “I-..i knew something was wrong but…”
All the ghouls now gathered around, confused and interested. A tear fell from aethers eye, sometimes he hated being a quintessence ghoul. He had heard your thoughts and felt the urge you felt. The want. The need. The need to release and how you were going to do it.
His hands shook, “Y/n…i felt..” Aether took a deep breath, “remember when we smelt blood on them?” He looked up at them all, a tear fell once more.
Everyone froze, seemingly knowing what he was going on about because of his tears. It was silent for awhile, until swiss broke it, “are you sure.?”
Aether nodded, “i heard and felt everything as soon as they were packing up… it was..gut wrenching.”
They all kept that moment to themselves, not wanting to lose any trust they barely built up yet.
Swiss sat in silence as he stared where you once stood in-front of them.
He recalled when he first saw scars on your legs. All of you in the ghoul lounge and in a cuddle pile, his head on your lap. You had been wearing shorts, but they had ridden up without you noticing.
At first, he saw a big one just above your knee, assuming it was just from hell. But, he saw another one travel up farther up your thigh. And then more scattered in one spot. He lifted his head up and saw on both legs.
He had let a shuddered breath and from that moment he promised to take care of you and finally break the loneliness of pain you we’re in.
once you had made it to you hotel room, you crashed.
Sliding down the door, tears falling rapidly.
‘why now..i was doing so good,’ you sobbed as you thought that, “i was doing so good..” you barely managed to get out.
You didn’t even make it to the bed, just laying sprawled out on the floor, hiccuping. Your claws were scratching at your skin, deep marks seeping out blood.
‘please please, don’t do it, you were doing so good,’ you silently said to yourself. Having to beg your urge to not do it, you didn’t even have your blade, only having your claws.
They hurt more then you can imagine, not the same but you can’t help but think you deserve it. Deserve this pain.
A gentle yet firm knock at your door made you jump. You froze, not knowing what to do.
“..Y/n? It’s Swiss,” Swiss. Your eyes widen as you quickly got up. Frantically searching for a hoodie.
As you were digging through your bags, swiss continued, “please let me in.. i don’t want you too-..” he cut himself off. You shook your head at yourself for being obvious but finally found your hoodie.
Swiss heard you shuffling and bit his lip in worry. what we’re you doing? why were you taking so long? why-
The door clicked, slowly opening.
Swiss felt himself break at the sight of you.
You stood still, eyes to the ground, one hand on the door, the other wrapped around yourself over the giant hoodie.
Your hair covered your face, but Swiss could sense the amount of pain you were in.
“..what’s up.?” your voice was soft spoken, afraid that if you fully used your voice, it would break.
Swiss frowned slightly, almost pouting, he was annoyed at how easily you could go from having a breakdown to acting like nothing happened.
“..just wanted to see if you’re okay,” Swiss started, desperate to see your face as it was still facing slightly down. He raised his hand gently, going to cup your cheek. You flinched slightly but let it happen. “are you okay?” He asked.
You let him tilt your face up, hair falling to the side of your cheek. Swiss saw your red eyes, he also felt the sadness immediately when touching you.
“oh honey,” just by those words swiss spoke, you broke. Eyes watering, mouth twitching to a frown, and then to the ugly cry face.
Swiss quickly guided you inside your room and closed the door, you sliding into his body along the way.
He immediately engulfed you and picked you up. You seemingly weighed nothing to him as he carried you to the bed, arms still wrapped around you as you guys laid against the back board.
Your claws latched onto his shirt as you sobbed into him. Swiss felt himself start to tear up as he heard the words you spoke to yourself quietly. Words that could break anyone.
Swiss squeezed you tighter, and he held onto you, wanting your coldness to turn into warmth.
Hours passed, you calmed down but Swiss could still feel your hurt, god how much he wanted to just take it away from you.
He wants nothing more than for your happiness to be shown again. He just wants you to be back.
He just wants you.
Months into the tour, and you’ve become quiet most days. Almost never speaking after the rituals. Clearly everyone took notice, it was like you always cheered people up just by your presence, but now you felt absent.
You just locked yourself away in the tour bus rooms, or your hotel room. 
Obviously Swiss was still always there for you, but it got harder when your depression turned into anger.
Recently, you had accidentally snapped at him when he tried comforting you after you messed up during a ritual.
“Fuck me!” you whisper-yelled and kicked a box back stage. Swiss had followed you out after you stormed off after bowing.
Sitting on the box you jus kicked, you hugged your knees to your chest. You wanted to just rip out your hair but you still had your mask on and had to keep it on till the bus arrived.
Swiss saw your glamour die down slowly, your tail being the first to whip harshly behind you and frowned but walked towards you.
“hey that is not your fault, don’t blame yourself,” Swiss said as he placed his hand on your shoulder. You smacked his hand and growled.
“of course it was my fault! Lord, i can’t even do one thing fucking right,” You stood up and started clawing at your arm, red scratch marks appearing.
He watched as you paced around, your back turned to him.
“Y/n! it wasn’t your fault, that fan literally threw something directly at you!” Swiss growled back, getting annoyed by your antics.
“but it was MY fault the others got confused, including Papa!” You whipped your head to him, baring your teeth. Swiss stumbled slightly at your aggressive state.
“it’s my fault i fucked up! It’s my fault i’m holding everyone back! it’s my fucking-..” your voice broke as you spoke. “It’s my fucking fault i’m like this,” your eyes widening as tears slipped passed your mask, hitting the ground.
Swiss’ eyes were wide as well as he watched you break yourself down. “y/n-” Swiss went to comfort you, but you immediately shut him down.
“And stop saying it’s okay! it’s not! im fucking not! You comforting me is almost useless because i still have the urge,” your claws sharpened as you gripped at your mask. Swiss knew you didn’t mean these words but it stuck to me.
“oh my fuck, i cant breath,” you clawed at the mask, three marks went through the leather. You almost collapse on the ground, but Swiss made it to you before you could.
Swiss helped with your mask and covered you as you let your full ghoul form out.
He saw your red face and saw the anger in your eyes. As your eyes met he saw your sharp slits grow big and dilate. Emotions ran through you. Embarrassment, sadness, anger, panic, and guilt.
Seeing that Swiss took off his mask with you filled you with guilt. The fact he would stand by you even when you lashed out on him made you almost cry.
But at the same time, seeing his face calmed you from doing anything else. You remembered what you said and regretted it. “i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean- i’m sorry i cant-” Swiss cut you off and hugged you, “i know, i know,” He placed his head on top of yours as you smushed into his chest.
Swiss watched you silently. You faced the wall, back turned to him as you were laid down on the small twin sized bed. His heart burned for you. He wished he could take away your pain. He would give you the world if it meant you wouldn’t have to go through this anymore.
In his mind he begged himself to tell you how he feels. He wanted to claim you so badly, to make you his. He didn’t care how horrible your emotions could be, he didn’t give one of Copia’s rats ass how you looked when you were struggling the most and had no energy to do anything.
You changed him so much when you were summoned. It was like something in him switched as you guys grew closer.
Swiss stopped sleeping around, he came to realize it slightly disturbed him because all he did was think about you. But it is because he wanted to do those things with you. Not particularly sex but love.
All he wanted was you.
As those thoughts passed through his mind, he heard you groan, and shuffle a bit. He panicked as your body shook.
Quickly, he stood up and rushed to you. Your body arched off the bed and your contorted into a frown as tears slid down your face.
Swiss sat on the bed and placed your upper body to rest against him. He mumbled sweet words and moved his hand to rub soothing circles on your shoulder.
Your body stopped contorting, resting finally as you woke up. A sharp breath left you as you realized the nightmare you had. Swiss watched you, saying nothing.
You realized where you are and looked up at him. “swiss..” you whispered, and swiss swore his heart was on fire. The way you looked at him made him realize he needed to tell you.
Swiss lifted his hand to move stray pieces of hair from your face and admired you.
Realization ran through you as you looked into Swiss’ eyes. All he has ever done has been there for you. But it wasn’t just him being there for you. No, never. You were so blinded by your own emotions that you never noticed the way he looked at you. The way he admired you. The way he loved you.
In this moment, you also realized your feelings. You’ve grown attached to him since day 1. And as you two became close, years passed, you felt your heart drop when you knew how you felt.
You searched Swiss’ eyes, praying he felt the same without realizing he was doing the same.
“Swiss,” you said once more as you pace a hand atop of his when he placed it on your cheek.
Whispering your name back, Swiss smiled softly at you. You raised yourself up to him, eyes never leaving each other.
Before even realizing, you leaned into him, lips together. Swiss mentally cried of happiness as he sighed into your lips. You smiled into it and leaned back, resting your forehead against his.
Swiss’ eyes were still closed and you closed yours. Your guys’ hands stayed in the same place as you lived in the moment.
Words couldn’t describe the amount of love you held for each other. They didn’t need to. In that moment, you could feel it, and see it.
Swiss opened his eyes and glided his hand to rest on the crook of your neck.
“Let’s go to sleep yeah?” He said as he grinned stupidly at you. You smiled at him and nodded.
Getting comfortable, swiss held you from behind and curled into you, legs twisting with yours. You held his hand that was laying in front of you as you softly breathe.
You both knew it was going to take awhile for yourself to get better, but things like these take time. Simply just being present for someone can help immensely. And right now, everything was okay for once.
Just before falling asleep, Swiss mumbled into your ear,
“everything’s going to be ok, I promise,”
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succulent-ghoul · 1 year
Yeah I just wanna be held
The ghouls are like cats they can choose people and then they are stuck with the ghouls until they die. So when you a lowly sibling of sin was some how bestowed the ability to hang with the ghouls, you were surprised. Maybe it was self doubt or overthinking but early in you thought you were being bullied, like how people will pretend to like you and then shatter your soul.
And yet that never happened, the rug was never pulled out from under you. They just liked having you around. And even on your bad days whatever ghoul that was free would be with you. And even on the worst days, they'd just hold your hand listen maybe even make jokes. But never leaving you to suffer alone.
It's been a bad day it's been the worst. So when you find a ghoul in your bed waiting for you to get back the relief itself is healing. Swiss the ghoul in question immediately pulls you into bed and holds you tight. And you hold him back. Both tired and worn from the day, and craving respite after all the stress.
Swiss's hands comb through your hair, slowly scratching your scalp as you melt into the security of it all. The comfort and safety of having him hold you and maybe even love you. Quietly pressing a kiss to his chest you mumble soft goodnights before drifting off.
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dearspiritss · 1 year
“I’d Die for You.”
Mountain x Male Reader
Notes: You’d do anything for him, even if it meant leaving your whole life behind just to be with him. (3270 wc)
Warnings: Mentions of death, some vague gore if you could call it that?, blood mentions, nothing too saucy :)
read below the cut ml <3
The ministry was always a nice place to be in. Yeah, it was sometimes chaotic with all the ghouls running around, but it had its peaceful places. Like the library, your favorite place. It smelled of old books and pinewood, so comforting to your constantly racing mind. You’d grown up there, being a son of sin, but not just any son of sin. You were the priest's oldest son, meaning you had the most responsibility out of all. You were put in charge of almost everything -scheduling tours, guiding new siblings of sin, and shit ton of paperwork- your father pushing you as far as he could to make sure you’d be a good fit for the next priest. If you were being honest, you didn’t want the role at all. 
You found the job to be extremely boring. You despised the thought of sitting around in a cold office, doing nothing all day. You admired the ghoul’s lifestyle, you wished you could do what they did. They were free and got to have fun, while you were stuck in your boring and stressful lifestyle. The ghouls made sure you felt appreciated through it all though, you being the main reason they got to do what they did best. Sneaking you out of your room at night, being extremely careful not to be caught. They’d drag you to the ghouls wing, sitting you down on one of the many couches in the common room. They’d do whatever you wanted to. Want to watch a movie and relax? They’d have a list of movies and plenty of blankets ready. They adored you, but one particular ghoul always stuck out to you.
Mountain. He’d sneak into the library, going to your normal spot to check in on you. He knew that you were constantly stressed out, so he’d always find a way to make you feel better. Offering to help with the workload everyone dropped onto you, or to get you something to snack on while you worked. He took care of you. If you denied everything he offered, he’d sit with you until you were done. It didn’t matter if it was in the middle of the night, he would be right by your side. If he sensed you getting worked up or frustrated, he’d reassure you while rubbing your shoulders. Whispering sweet nothings into your ear, voice like honey soothing you almost instantly. 
You found yourself with a crush on the towering ghoul, getting goosebumps from everything he did. His low silvery voice bounced around in your head like a record on repeat. The gentle touch of his calloused palms sending shivers down your spine. The way he slowly blinked while watching you work, putting you in a trance. His beautiful long brown hair, loosely pulled into a knot made you stare. The ghoul had you wrapped around his finger without even trying, and he loved it. He loved the way you’d react when he lightly teased you. He found humans very interesting, and you were his test subject. 
“You’re still working, Love?” The sudden voice pulled you out of the book you had your nose stuck in. You looked up, spotting Mountain holding what you assumed to be a cup of tea. You nodded, rubbing your tired eyes. “I have to finish this stupid book before sunrise. My father is supposed to be testing me on it tomorrow and I can’t fail.” He hummed, making his way to sit in the chair beside you. “Why do you put up with all of this,” he spoke, a hand gesturing to the open book in front of you. You scoffed and leaned back into your chair. “It’s the only way I stay sheltered. If my father gets mad.. Well you know what’ll happen.” He gave a quiet “yep” before bringing his mug up to his lips.
“Did you need anything? I mean it’s like, three in the morning Mount.” His lips curled up into a small smile. “I came to check on you, and hopefully spend some time with you. You’ve been cooped up in here for a week now, we haven’t been able to get to you at all.” The small smile he wore slowly turned into a frown. You sighed, closing the book and pushing it aside. “I know, I’m sorry. I’ve been so caught up with everything for you guy’s next tour, it’s just taken up the little free time I've had.” He placed a hand on the side of your face, making you look at him. “There’s no need to apologize, we know you’re busy. We just wish we could help you out..”
You nodded, somewhat understanding what he said. “As soon as I’m done with this, I’ll find a way to spend time with you all..” You trailed off, a wave of exhaustion flooding over you resulting in a yawn. “How long has it been since the last time you slept, Love?” His voice was coated with worry. You thought to yourself for a moment. “I’ve been here since nine, but I woke up around five yesterday.” His eyes widened. “This won’t do, you need to sleep.” You shook your head, worried thoughts flooding your mind. “No, no. I need to finish this. I have a few pages left of this book and then I have to find the booth for the upcoming tour- I can’t Mountain.” He frowned, sitting down his tea. “Well then, I’ll help you. I can find the booth while you finish your book.”
He pulled away, taking out his phone. “Mountain- no- I won’t let you do my work. It’s not your job. I can’t, you can’t.” He shushed you. “And why not? You deserve to rest. Just tell me what to do.” You groaned, unable to deny his convincing tone. “Fine. You know the website, just tell me if you find a nice one in the price range.” You picked up your book as he flashed a fang filled smile in your direction. 
A few minutes passed and you finally finished, closing the book and putting it aside. You looked over to the ghoul beside you, his eyes fixated on his phone screen. You smiled slightly and leaned into his side. “Any luck so far?” He looked down at you and nodded. “Yeah! I found a really nice booth that would be perfect. I’m talking to the owner right now to see if it's open.” He tucked his phone away into his pocket, wrapping an arm around you. “You’ve done a lot for us, and we're so lucky to have you, but if you don’t get enough sleep we won’t have an amazing manager anymore.” Your face flushed from the sudden praise. You quickly pushed that aside and sighed. “You’re right. I guess I could rest while we’re waiting for an answer..”
You stood, grabbing the book to put it away. You felt a hand around your wrist, almost making you fall backwards. You regained your ground and turned to Mountain who was now standing. “If you thought you were gonna sleep by yourself, you’re sadly mistaken.” You tilted your head in confusion. Before you could speak, he picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. “W-Wait, Mountain!” You tried to intervene, but he wasn’t having any of it. He ignored your pleads and quickly made his way out of the library.
When he opened the door, you realized where he was taking you. “Mount, I’m not allowed in here!” He continued walking without saying a word. When you reached the ghouls wing common room, you spotted a familiar fire ghoul. “Mountain? What are you doing?” Dew’s voice came from one of the couches. “Bed time.” Was the only thing he said, not stopping his long strides down the hall. Before you knew it, you were already in his room. He gently sat you down on his bed before crawling in to lay next to you. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer to him. He pulled up the thick blanket that sat on his bed, making sure the two of you were covered. You felt his tail slither around your ankle, securing you in his tight hold.
You relaxed in his arms, realizing you weren’t getting out of the situation no matter what. He nuzzled his nose into your hair, deeply inhaling your scent. You sighed in relief, your mind finally clear after hours of constant worries. That's when you heard it. Those three little words that made you weak slipped out from between his lips. You sat up, looking him in the eyes. “What did you say?” He smiled and placed his hands on the sides of your face, cupping your cheeks gently. “I love you.” Your breath hitched, becoming shaky. “Don’t joke around, Mountain.” His eyes softened. “I’m not joking. I would never joke about something like that, Love.” You shook your head, pulling away.
“You can’t, we can’t. It’s strictly forbidden.” He pulled you back towards him, his hands firm on your waist. “We can figure it out, my love. I’ll figure it out, you don’t need to worry about anything. For now, you just need to sleep.” He pulled you back down, your head resting on his chest. A soft purr rose from his chest, luring you into a deep sleep.
The feeling of fingers threading through your hair woke you from your sleep. You slowly opened your eyes to see Mountain looking at his phone, a smile etched onto his lips. He looked down at you, eyes lighting up. “Good morning, my love. Did you sleep well?” You nodded sitting up, rubbing your eyes. “The booth owner replied-” He was cut off by a gasp escaping your lips. “Shit- I still have to get the fee’s together and call the buses-” He shushed you, shaking his head. “Relax, I took care of it. I submitted the total fees and called the tour buses. The date is set a week from now.” 
You just stared at him in disbelief. He laughed, putting his phone aside. Your face flushed a deep red as he opened up his arms. You accepted his embrace, wrapping your arms around his torso. “I wish I could come with you guys, but with the rules of the ministry it’s impossible.” He nodded, placing his hand on your head. “I know, but you’re the next priest. They need you here.” You scoffed, arms tightening around him. “The only thing they need me for is to do their work. Hell, I don’t even want to be a priest. I’ve always wanted to be in a band, kind’ve like you guys.” 
“I wish you could join us as well, I wish there was a way around this.” An idea popped into your head, not a good one, but it could work. “I have an idea that you, or really anyone, won’t like.” His head tilted to the side, obviously curious. “The only way I could escape the grip of the ministry, and my father, would be to die and be summoned back as a ghoul. It’s horrible, I know, but it would work. Just think about it.” His eyes widened in shock. “My love, dying and becoming a ghoul is a very painful process. Trust me, it's something you don’t want to ever experience.” 
He stopped, taking in a deep breath. “If you went through with this, you’d be giving up everything you know as a human. Everything will be different. The way you see and feel the world will change. Are you sure this is something you’d leave everything behind for?” You nodded, looking him in the eyes. “There’s nothing left for me as a human except stress and work. As a ghoul, I’d have everything. Freedom, the band, and you. I’d have you, Mountain. I’d die for you.” His face flushed as he nodded, giving you a small smile. “If that is what you wish, then I will help you as much as I possibly can.”
He leaned back into the pillows on his bed, gently stroking your head. “So how are you planning on doing this, dear?” You gave him a not so innocent smile. “I have to talk to Papa before anything is set in place. If he agrees, then we’ll be set. You’ll have to do some pretty convincing acting though.” He hummed, fully interested now. “Just know, I should be gone the night before you guys return from tour so that gives me about two weeks to do it. The clergy will send a message about what happened to me, but for now I’m going to keep that to myself. I don’t need you worrying about me while you’re on tour.” You reached a hand up to cup his cheek. He leaned into your touch, closing his eyes. 
“I’m always worried about you. There’s never a second when I’m not, love.” Blood rushed to your face, your cheeks turning bright red. You removed your hand from his face and covered your own. He opened his eyes and noticed this. He ran a teasing hand up your back, making you shiver. “I’ve got to say, you’re very easy to fluster. It’s quite cute.” You dug your head into his side, hiding the embarrassing look plastered across your face. He laughed and pulled you closer, placing a gentle kiss on your forehead. “You need to get going, don’t you have a test?” You quickly sat up, nodding. He escorted you out of the ghouls wing, stopping at the door.
“I’ll meet you in the library later, until then love.” He leaned down, placing a kiss on your cheek. He gave you a small smile before shutting the door. When he turned around he found all of the ghouls staring at him. “When were you gonna tell us the two of you were dating?” He shook his head, dismissing the multi ghouls' words. “Swiss- were not dating.. Yet.” A collection of laughs rose from a few ghouls, making Mountain's cheeks flush a bit. “Come on, tell us everything.” Cirrus invited him over, which he gladly accepted.
Over the next week the two of you met in the library, discussing the plan further every day. A day before they left for the week-long tour, you discussed everything with Copia. He was very against it at first, but after hearing the full plan he eventually agreed. He always knew about your dreams and was happy to help. It was the fifth day of their tour, the day you’d see your demise. You sent one final text as a human to Mountain, a simple “I love you.” You put your valuable belongings in his dresser drawer, ready for when you returned. You smiled to yourself as you walked to your fathers office, prepared on what you were about to do.
You knocked twice, hearing a stern and toneless voice inviting you in. You smiled, seeing your father staring daggers into you from his desk. “What do you need, child.” You were grinning from ear to ear. “I’m not a child. Dear Lucifer, I bet you don't even know my age.” His brows snapped together. “What did you just say to me?” You took a few steps forward, now standing in front of his desk. “You heard me.” He stood up, his chair flying backwards. He swiftly made his way in front of you, towering over you. “How dare you come in here and disrespect me, your father and priest.” You laughed in his face, pissing him off more.
“You're not my father, far from it actually. You’re just a filthy old man who knows nothing about me.” You stepped forward. “I bet you didn’t know that I wanted to be in a band. I bet you don’t know that I can play guitar perfectly. I bet you didn’t know that I don’t want to be a fucking priest like you.” He slammed a fist down onto his desk. “You’ve been around those nasty ghouls! No wonder you’ve been slacking! They’re making you filthy. You stay away from those dirty little-” Before he could say another word, your body moved on its own. A red hand mark formed on his face from the harsh slap you planted on it.
He grabbed the dagger he kept on his desk, and in one quick movement you’d done it. It pierced straight through your heart, making you fall to the ground. You sharply inhaled, the pain was overwhelming your senses. You looked up at him, a smile still on your face. The doors of the office swung open, two siblings of sin barging in. They gasped at the sight before them. Your father towering over your limp body, blood spilling across the floor. You looked at the ground, saying your final words. “See you in hell, father.” You took one last breath, death washing over you.
Mountain looked back at Copia, unsure. “I know you’re scared to see it, but we have to do this to make it look real.” He nodded, bracing himself. He swung open the doors to the office and saw two siblings of sin leaned over your lifeless body. He ran up to you, falling to his knees. His stomach dropped seeing the blood that was spilled everywhere. Tears formed in his eyes as he placed a hand over your cold face. “Dear Satanas..” He looked up the sister of sin who stood in front of him. “Who did this?” Anger and grief flowed through his breaking voice. The Sister backed away, scared. Copia rushed in, grabbing onto the ghouls arms. 
“I apologize dear sister for my ghouls behavior, I will be taking him back to the ghouls wing.” She nodded, shooing him away. Copia dragged the ghoul out of the room, closing the door behind them. He released Mountain, huffing. “That was a good performance, now we need to-” He turned back to see the ghoul wiping his eyes. “Oh dear.. Mountain, you must remember this. We’re bringing him back, you’re going to see him very soon.” The tall ghoul nodded, standing up. “We must go now, your ghoul is waiting for us.” Copia gave him a reassuring pat on the back and led him down to the summoning chamber.
The pentacle was already drawn on the cold ground of the chamber with candles surrounding it. Copia quickly lit the candles and started the ritual. Mountain anxiously waited, watching the ground as if his life depended on it. The pentacle lit up, fire shooting up from the circle. A hole opened up from the ground, a hand reaching out grabbing the edge. Mountain sped to the opening and locked onto the hand. He pulled the ghoul up and out of the portal. “Papa! He’s out!” He stopped chanting, the portal quickly closing. The fire from the ghouls' bubbling skin burned him, but he didn’t care. He held the trembling ghoul in his arms, running his hand gently through his hair. “You’re home, my love.” 
You opened your eyes, gasping. Your whole body felt as though it was on fire, and it was. The feeling of familiar arms around you and that soothing honey like voice brought you back fully. “Mountain?..” You looked up to see him with glossy eyes. “You’re back, you’re safe.” You quickly wrapped your arms around him, smiling weakly into his shoulder. “I told you I’d die for you, didn’t I?”
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emeritus-moon · 2 years
{ENGLISH} Sodo (Dewdrop) x Male!Reader
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Request : WattPad Request
Gender : Male
Who : Sodo (DewDrop)
A/N : Here you go with this Sodo x Male!Reader! I'm really sorry, I made you wait... I was expecting something better from me but I managed to make something pretty nice! I didn't know what to choose for a fight with Sodo, so I chose a funny thing with Copia and then, the idea was built little by little! I hope you enjoyed <33
- - - : Timeskip
~ ~ ~ : Flashback
- - -
A new day begins in the abbey. The whole building is pretty quiet, only the footsteps of the sisters are heard with a few chatters here and there.
Only, this usual calm is cut by the sound of mud breaking. This noise resonates in the corridors and surprises all people passing near the room from which the sound source comes.
Inside this room are the Ghouls. Usually the band is having fun or training for the various Ghost Band Tours. But today, a completely different atmosphere takes place.
DewDrop finds himself crouched on the oak table in the hall, exposing his sharp teeth menacingly towards you, ready to pounce on you at any moment.
On your side, you turn to him again, leaving the vase, which he tried to throw at you earlier, with his eyes. Your gaze illustrates the bitter anger that has awakened in you. This anger that you have always felt towards Sodo.
Why were you mad at the Ghoul? Well... The male actually always hated you. And this, since your arrival in the abbey. You never knew why he couldn't stand you, and you still don't know today...
You and DewDrop can't take their eyes off each other. The other Ghouls then notice the momentum Sodo begins to build, ready to strike.
Instantly, as the Ghoul prepares to attack you, Mountain and Aether lunge at him, holding him back from doing more damage than before.
"- Enough, Sodo! You both have done too much!
- Don't complain about having problems with Sister Imperator or Papa..."
You mock the words of Aether and Mountain, staring at them with an annoyed expression :
"- Papa won't say much... He's not Primo, Secundo or even Terzo. Not even Papa Nihil! I remind you that it's Copia."
The female Ghouls, who from the beginning stay in the back of the room, look at each other and nod when they then turn to you as Cirrus validates your words :
"- Y/N is not wrong... We will say that... Copia is a little more open than the previous Dads.
- That doesn't prevent him from getting angry whenever he wants. There Dew, you smashed his favorite stupid vase he set up three days ago."
Everyone turns to Swiss who shrugs before throwing his hands up innocently :
"- All I want to say is that you're in deep shit Sodo. And you too Y/N.
- Me!?
- Dewdrop wasn't fighting alone."
You sigh in defeat and turn your back on Swiss. You know he's right, but you don't want to own it. After all, it was Sodo who had been looking for him!
Aether and Mountain bring Sodo down from the table and as calm slowly begins to return, the front door slams open, taking all of the Ghouls by surprise a bit except for Swiss, who raises his finger and stands. from :
"Five, four...
- What happened here?
- Three, two... One...
- My vase!!"
Everyone stops doing anything in the room, never knowing how Copia will react. Knowing that he is very attached to his strange business that only he loves under this roof.
The former Cardinal rushes towards the shattered object before turning to his Ghouls, the larger pieces of the vase in his gloved hands.
"- Who is responsible for this mess, finally?"
Swiss comes out with his hands in his pockets and quickly the girls follow him. Then the other Ghouls come out. It's just you and Sodo with Copia. You stand there staring at Papa IV's vase.
You walk hesitantly towards him. Not knowing what to say, you chose the option: to apologize. You kneel in front of Dad and pick up the few remaining pieces on the ground:
"- I'm sorry Papa... It wasn't voluntary. If necessary, we'll give you another one.
- Aaaah, Amico! You know I cared about that vase! It was unique and more... I had it done!
- I know.. And again, I'm sorry. The next one will surely not replace him, but we will take one back."
Seeing that Copia remains rather calm about the situation despite his disappointment, Sodo begins to back away, telling himself that the former Cardinal thinks it's only your fault.
Unfortunately for him, the last Dad turns in his direction without really looking at him :
Copia's voice causes the Ghoul to stop instantly. He looks again at the man crouching in front of the debris before advancing a few slow steps towards him.
"- Papa..?
- I guess if Y/N broke my vase, it's not alone?
- Are you accusing me?
- Oh please... Don't take me for a uomo stupido. You fight regularly and it's not the first time that such a mess has been made."
Sodo sighs, dropping his arms to his sides as he stares away from you and Copia, annoyed at the situation.
Papa IV gets up, still with the debris of the vase in his hands. He grabs an empty fruit basket which is placed on the table of the room to deposit the broken pieces there.
Having picked up the remains on your side, you do the same as Copia as the man speaks again :
"- Know that even if I care about you, even if I am less severe than your previous Dads, you will not come out unscathed from this stupidity."
You and Sodo exchange eye contact, eyes widening, as you wonder what lies ahead. You both turn to Papa, who raises a finger in the air, like a parent scolding his children.
"- I want you to clean this whole room for me. And when I say everything, it's not to be taken lightly! Floor, furniture, windows, everything! And you're lucky that I don't ask you not the whole Abbey!"
While you sigh like sulky children, Copia moves away from you before stopping at the doorstep. He looks in your direction again while he makes strange, exaggerated signs with his hands.
"- Now I'm going back to work. And I want this room to be clean when I get back! Hop hop hop!"
With these last words, the former Cardinal leaves the room, closing the door behind him.
Sodo turns to you, a dark look fixed on your silhouette.
"Don't look at me like that. We've got something to clean up, Dewy."
The Ghoul grunts as you walk past him, running out of the room to get some cleaning supplies from the saddler in the kitchen.
Dewdrop follows you anyway, muttering incomprehensible words under his breath.
- - -
Once back in the big room, you approach the windows, a bucket of water with glass cleaner in your hands and a dishcloth holding on your forearm.
Sodo just watches you do it, holding a dustpan and a classic broom in his hands in addition to a packet of wipes.
You sit on the edge of one of the windows after opening it before turning to Sodo :
"- Well... as agreed, I take care of the windows and you take care of the floor and the furniture.
- "As agreed"? You agreed that alone! You didn't even ask my opinion!
- Do you want to clean the windows which are tricky to do? You want to clean the windows so that when the next rain comes they'll be horribly dirty and you'll be frustrated? I think you'd rather skip it, right? Say I'm doing you a favor.
- A favor, hmpf..."
Dewdrop turns his back to you, going across the room to start getting rid of the dust. As for you, you roll your eyes before starting your window cleaning.
- - -
A few hours have passed.
After Dewdrop finished dusting and cleaning the furniture and you finished washing the windows, you made the floor more clean with soap and water.
Now you are seated on the benches around the table, patiently awaiting Copia's return.
Finally... "patiently". It's a big word because it's been a while since you finished your cleaning. The ground has had time to dry, and Papa Emeritus IV is still not there. You start to lose patience.
Refusing to get upset easily, you decide to try a simple conversation with Sodo, trying to lighten the mood and keep you busy until Papa arrives.
"- Uhm... It wasn't so bad cleaning up with you.
- What?
- I mean... Did you see it? We didn't argue, we didn't fight. It's not so bad?"
Sodo just shrugs. At least he didn't pull a nasty head, nor insulted or yelled at you. You take that as a good point.
"- The furniture is clean... You did a good job there.
- Of course... I didn't want to stay there very long so- I had to do it right."
You nod. You lay your head on the palm of your hand, searching for a new topic of discussion but to no avail.
A small start takes you when the Ghoul speaks again :
"- It wasn't bad on your part either...
- Are you paying me a compliment?
- Y-you made me one too technically!
- A-a compliment!? For you!? No way!
- You're lying to yourself!
- So are you!"
You point fingers at each other like kids. Realizing you were starting an argument and on top of that for something stupid again, you turn away from each other, deciding not to say anything more and not even look at each other.
Several minutes have passed and Copia is still not there.
You turn towards the door, wondering if it will open with a Copia crossing its threshold or not.
"- Papa really takes his time."
This time, you don't get an answer from Sodo.
You turn to him again and look at him curiously. The Ghoul crossed her arms on the table and rested her head on them. One could almost say that he can fall asleep at any time.
"- Sodo?
- Hmm...
- I have a question..
- If it's too boring, don't look, then think carefully about what you're going to ask me, Y/N."
You take a long but discreet breath before exhaling and asking :
"- Why do you hate me?"
At these words, Sodo freezes.
His hands gripped his arms forcefully. You're pretty sure he could sink his claws into it, even through his black shirt.
"I told you to think carefully about your question.
- Excuse me if this upsets you. But I really need to know...
- That much?
- You hate me and I don't know why, the others don't tell me anything when I ask them when they seem to know! It concerns me, I have the right to know, right?
Dewdrop doesn't look at you.
In fact, he looks at the wall to his left, preferring to observe the paintings that are hung there rather than the person sitting in front of him.
With a sigh, you stand up. Sodo turns to you, looking at you with furrowed brows and also with a hint of curiosity.
"- What the hell are you doing?
- I go out. You can see that Papa isn't coming back. He must have forgotten us. And I can't stay with someone like you who can't even sympathize or even explain to me what's wrong!"
Fists clenched, you lose patience and start heading for the exit.
As you reach for the door, your wrists are gripped by two strong hands. You don't have time to realize what's going on until your body is pinned against the wall.
By realizing, you meet the gaze of the Ghoul present in the same room as you. You swallow hard as you try to struggle.
"- Get off me! Damn, what do you think you're doing!?
- Do you want to know why I hate you!?
- Why!?"
Dewdrop pins your wrists above your head with one hand as he grabs your chin between two fingers with another. While doing all this, his piercing eyes never leave yours.
You breathe heavily as you stare at him as well.
"- You are a man, that's all."
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion.
Your breathing calms down as you try to figure out what's wrong with you being a man.
"Because I'm human, don't you like me?
- You don't understand..."
His grip on your wrists loosens, but he won't let you go. His hand that held your chin a few moments ago rests on your hip.
Sodo lets out a sigh.
"- By man, I'm not talking about your species... You're a male, Y/N.
- A-and...? There are "male" ones in this Abbey, so I don't see where the problem comes from-
- The problem is that I'm attracted to you, idiot."
A heavy calm sets in and you don't know what to say.
You stare at the Ghoul in front of you, speechless and the creature is still staring at you. Only this time, shame and guilt are reflected in his gaze.
However, Dew' gathers his courage in both hands and continues :
"- You attract me a lot... And it's so bad...
- What's wrong with loving the same sex, Sodo..? You know it's not forbidden here, and Papa is completely open about it.
- But Sister Imperator, and our reputation... Plus- the fact that you are a male human too... We would be too badly seen...
- Dewdrop, don't you dare repeat those sentences to me. In Hell either.
- If I were to love you as I wish, I would break you!"
As Sodo's grip on your wrists is weaker, you manage to free them. You then cup his face in your hands and stare deeper into his eyes.
"- So with all this anger and so-called 'hate'... you just wanted to protect me?
- If you want to understand it like that...
- That's how I understand it, Sodo. And know that it doesn't matter what other people think, it's what you feel... It's your emotions, not anyone else's, so it's up to you."
Dewdrop hardly swallows his saliva. His eyes close as he mutters a simple "shit". Raising his gaze to you, he grabs your face as you hold his and presses his lips to yours.
His cold mask makes contact with your face, but you don't mind that much.
Sodo writes down what you told him a few moments ago and quickly, he doesn't hold back anymore. He presses you against the wall a little more, kissing you more passionately and not wanting to be separated from you for even a second.
Only, Satan decided otherwise.
As you lose yourself in your ecstasy, the door opens and a cry of surprise snaps you out of your reverie :
"- Oh, Satana, my apologies!!"
You look in the direction of the entrance to the room to find Copia hiding his eyes. The man searches for the doorknob and once he grabs it, he gives you a few hand signals before saying :
"- I-I'll check tomorrow for the room! I hope it's well cleaned! In the meantime, go and find a room!"
With these words, Papa leaves the room, leaving you both alone again.
You turn to Sodo and he does the same. You both stare at each other for a moment before laughing. Dewdrop stops his laugh and straightens up, still staring straight at you.
"- Where were we?"
A bead of sweat runs down your temple as you laugh again, but nervously this time.
You're gone for a long night with your Ghoul, dear!
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zyonsay · 9 months
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→ Hello dear reader, welcome to my Masterlist | Requests closed
Started: 23.10.23
Last update: 16.06.24
Total works: 49
I write for male and gender neutral readers and i will not change this. Someone already asked why that is, here is an explanation.
You can request any Character, we'll make it work!
→Enter the void if you dare✩
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Formula One 🏎
Max Verstappen MV1
↳150 followers special
↳Drawing 1
↳So many Kisses
↳I hear them whisper
Part 2: I hear them yell
↳Makeout Hcs
↳You look good
↳Sparring Session
↳Childhood friends to Bfs Hcs
↳NSFW Alphabet
↳Wrong moment
↳Fluff Hcs
↳Le mariage
↳Jealousy Hcs
↳Pretty Boy (Hcs)
↳Niche Relationship Hcs
Y/Ns Interlude Chapter One Chapter Two Chapter Three Chapter Four Chapter Five Chapter Six Chapter Seven Chapter Eight Chapter Nine: in progress!
Oscar Piastri OP81
↳150 followers special
↳Sleepless Nights
↳La nuit se calme
↳You keep me grounded
↳Be my Boyfriend
↳Even more Kisses
↳His cherry lips
Lando Norris LN4
↳150 followers special
↳I got a new man on me, it's about to get sweaty
↳Love you, no matter what
↳The perfect picture
↳THAT stream Hcs
↳Cute moments on stream
↳Viva Valentino Baby!
Yuki Tsunoda YT22
↳Pearl Necklace
Fernando Alonso FA14
↳La côte française
Sebastian Vettel SV5
Toto Wolff TW
↳Bustling Night
Arthur Leclerc AL12
↳To the moon
TwinkLaren x Reader LN4&OP81
↳Two for one
↳Too far away
↳Winter Season
↳I dare you
Musicians ♫
Joost Klein
↳Een Nacht
↳Begrijp je me?
Ski Aggu
↳Parisienne im Mund
Call of Duty ☠︎︎
Simon "Ghost" Riley
↳Monarch Butterflies
↳NSFW Drabble
John Price
↳NSFW Drabble
Task Force 141
↳141 as Single Dads
Across the Spiderverse🕷
Hobie Brown
↳Blinding Lights
↳Tired as Hell
Genshin Impact ๋ ⭑
↳Bartenders getting busy
118 notes · View notes
endless-weightless · 1 year
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(male) Nameless ghouls x reader nsfw hcs
(first request) More male Nameless ghoul x reader nsfw hcs
SFW and NSFW nameless ghoul hcs
Ifrit x fem!reader breeding kink hcs (request)
Short Rain overstimulation thoughts (fem!reader)
E42!Miles Morales hcs
Hobie Brown NSFW alphabet
Masky comfort drabble
Call of Duty
Toxic König hcs
More coming soon!
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ace-of-gay · 1 year
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I currently dont have a masterlist set up for this collection but i hope you enjoy this none the less, this will eventually be posted on ao3 but i dont have an account currently
Not betad or edited
Warnings: age regression, self neglect (not eating, not sleeping, etc.) slight panicked reader but not nearly enough to be a full warning, reader is a half ghoul half human cause this is my interpretation of a fantasy universe <3, cuddles!!!
age regression is a coping that can both voluntary and/or involuntary it is entirely safe and reccomended by therapists if they believe it would be effective for said person but as mentioned for some people it is entirely unpredictable, if this makes you uncomfortable please carry on thank you <3
This was originally written for my best friend so keep in mind this is our dream and thoughts and may not fit well into the ghost universe
Word count: 2,025 words
Nameless ghouls and papa copia taking care of half ghoul reader
Having spent a restless night wasnt uncommon for your or any of the ghouls, especially when seasons and elements were changing, you spent a good few weeks of the tour in your element but the farther and farther you traveled to bring enlightenment to others around the world the more the weather seemed to shift, this most recent nights travel not only took you to a new scene and new spirit of buzzing thrill but a stiffened weight of being completely out of your element, while yes it effects all ghouls it affected you far different.
Being part ghoul meant you weren't as aware of your instincts so feeling them shift always left you in a silent suffocating shock.
With so much bustle amongst the ghouls, papa having a chipper edge to his seemingly endless worries it kept the team heightened and moving, preparing and running through the setlist, this will be the biggest show yet in a city youre entirely new to.
You hid the encroaching feeling well, never once had any of the ghouls questions any difference to your demeanor; having one responsibility after another kept you busy all day nevery staying in one area for long, earbuds in and mask upon your dome, it was same as others methods of preparing just more secluded and in your zone, if there were any changes in anything at all papa, the ghouls and ghoulettes knew that they could calmly inturupt you in your flow.
Listening to every part of the setlist through the literal audio versions of it, everything on the outside seemed normal to everyone but the electric vibrations in your joints and dull ache in your head told you plenty, to the others you were staying silent to save your voice for later so to speak but to you the weight of speaking was way heavier than your desire to ask for help or for rest.
With the show quickly approaching and you having forgotten to eat you downed not one but two energy drinks, spiking youre adrenaline temporarily in hopes itd get you through the show.
All you had to do was get through the night off of artificial energy and true passion for others joy. Just like the full ghouls you spent your time during the show in your human form but unlike them you had a harder time forcing it to stay when you were exhausted.
Papa copia unbeknownst to you had his eye on you, hes the only one who saw you this morning, the deep bags under your eyes and your ghoulish grey having a pale green seemingly sickly color easily masked by your helmet, if all went well youd rest for extra tonight but he didn't see that being the only end to the night.
You were a fan favorite, when you weren't singing backup vocals you were running around stage with your hagstorm base shredding in duos with swiss, bursts of fire being shot upwards, the only time you stay away from the edge of the stage, the light from the fire glinting against the slightly matte chrome picguard, just enough to catch you right in the eye blurring your vision with a blinding flash.
to the congregation watching below your jolts you send into moving your bass guitar looked like flare but for you it was sheer panic, the blinding flash was just enough to put you on the edge of tipping into a deeply unwanted headspace at the moment.
prancing over to where mountain is perched at his drums you take yourself out of the limelight and hide yourself in the downcast shadows from his drums, with the last three chords being extended for showmanship you give a desperate glance to papa with hope that he'll see your glance, and such he does.
You station yourself once more at your mic, you stum the starting chords and belt out backup vocals for the final song, your throat aches as your human form is slipping, your eyes having small flickers of change and a small stumble thankfully met with a stomp on the down beat.
papa makes his way your direction ending the set list with 'Darkness at the heart of my love', when it gets to the part without vocals he does hand flourishes while you play your bass passing by with his mic down "tieni duro piccolo", walking his way around the stage to stand center and finish up the song.
In a blurr of time everything felt like it was on sparks of muscle memory and you were at the front with all other ghouls taking a well deserved bow with a standing ovation for each and every single one of you.
Papa copia was the first to lead off stage letting the ghouls throw picks and a few drumsticks from mountain and what not, you didn't stay long to see everything but you did notice people throwing things onstage as gifts; off stage setting down your bass in a stand you stumble into papas open arms.
Your forehead lay gently atop his chest still in your helmet your horns sit near his collar bone shaking yohr head, "i cant papa, i cant" not entirely sure yourself what you meant he hummed in understanding and hushed you, gently rubbing your back and swaying side to side, "stai bene piccolo ghoul, you can rest now. Ive got you, matter of factly weve got you"
Finally relaxing enough to let your ghoul form fall free, your tail limp all of you is exhausted and you feel so small but people always said it was weird and not good, they never listened to you when you said it was involuntary or a coping mechanism it was just permanently bad.
"Oh piccolo, shh your thoughts are so very loud my dear, it is okay to be small, the ministry welcomes all with coping, we will care of you"
He holds you closer and tighter humming a tune, and just like that your walls had fallen, there was no more fighting it, big doe ghoulish eyes staring up at him, complete silence from you.
At this point the others had made their way backstage, dew came walking over to take over while papa helped collect all the instruments. "Dew, could you please take them to the bus? We will get everything "
《~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~》in the bus now and changed in comfortable clothes dew led you to the ghoul pile nest, when you refused to sit down he stepped aside watching as you grab your comfort item from your personal bunk and made your way back to the nest laying in the center, followed by him curling himself around you.
The ghouls only ever took their helmets off when in a homely environment so dew having his helmet off was his symbol of saying you are safe.
Once everyone had finished packing up and putting stuff away they had all filed in slowly
Cumulus being the first to stop by you and dew at the nest, holding out a plush ghoul for you that she had picked up from the items thrown on stage, papa copia was next to stop by sitting with you and dew, you hadnt noticed until now that he was asleep holding onto you until mountain joined pulling him off of you so you could lean into papa as he held one of your comfort snacks and a juice, both already having been opened by him, he held you as you snacked.
Once you had finished he got up going to the front to drive the bus.
You were once more pulled into the cuddle pile by dewdrop his eyes open long enough to make sure all of your comfort items were tucked against your chest, between you both, "sleep little one, a tiny ghoul needs plenty of rest" soon joined by the rest you had finally fallen asleep, the ghouls were your element aswell. When finally at the hotel for the evening you were carefully awoken by papa, all the ghouls except dew had gotten up, but even he was awake, but he stayed to keep you warm, "it is time to go in, we are buddy system tonight, four ghouls in a room, each room has two king sized beds so its plentyful room"
You finally let go of dew and stretch, getting up to get ready you realize your overnight bag has already been packed and one of the taller ghouls hoodies layed out next to it, you could hear the ruckus at the front of the bus of all the other ghouls ready to bunk up in the hotel.
You slip on the hoodie which you now know belongs to swiss, his smell encapsulating your mind.
Papa comes up behind you placing a hand on your back "piccolo the ghouls have decided you can pick who youre bunking with, they want to be sure youre okay when tiny, loro ti amano"
You make your way to the front of the bus where you find the ghouls with their charm up. looking to papa followed by you tapping swiss, rain and mountain on the heads, the three stand up, mountain takes your bag and rain scurrys away and back with your mask in hand "are you able to use charm right now or is the mask a better option?" He questions
Taking a moment to test how well the charm feels, you point at the mask. Nodding he gently places it atop your head, he places his hand under your chin causing you to look up so he can buckle it up and tan pats you atop your head, swiss gently pulls the back of the hoodie at the bottom away from your back "curl your tail tiny" tucking it under the hoodie
Once in the room mountain sets down the bags he was carrying and helped take the mask off of your noggin, ruffling your hair causing you to chirp in response, rain and swiss hop on the bed closest to the door leaving the one near the window "copia is ordering food for everyone, hes getting youre favorite for you" mountain chimes, grabbing to tv channel guide and flipping through it.
"Movie?" You mumble causing all three of them to look over, normally youre completely silent when youre small, "you wanna watch a movie?" He questions flicking on the tv and sitting on the bed, he turns on Wall-E for you.
Sometime a few minutes later he feels you shuffle closer on the bed cuddling into his side with your comfort item in hand.
After dinner was delivered and eaten and the movie was over you had tucked yourself on your side of the bed you shared with mountain, rains lamp still on so he could read while swiss was practically cuddled ontop of him, every time you would shift or turn in bed they could hear it, causing them to watch you carefully when youd move or grumble is dissatisfaction.
there was just no way to get comfortable, this wasnt home or the bus, you werent wrapped in your family, you huff out rolling over to look at mountain, to your suprise he was looking right at you quizically.
You quickly curl into his side before he got the chance to say anything, "o parum ghoul, mi amor, papa is right, your thoughts really are so very loud" swiss sighs, pulling himself out of his bed followed by rain who lay on your open side and swiss next to mountain, it may not be a perfect ghoul pile but its better than before, rolling over when rain pulls out his book to read aloud, your head on his chest.
listen to the thrum and Rumble deep in his chest, your eyes fall closed but not before you wrap your tail around swiss' wrist where it resides clutched around mountain, your mind will feel fresh and lively tomorrow filed with the itmost of energy, especially after an evening full of cuddles and littlespace, rain places a gentle kiss atop your head and just like that you are asleep.
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eternal-kosmo-ghoul · 11 months
Hey! I was wondering if I could request some phantom x ftm reader?? Maybe he’s a bit obsessed with reader and wants to be with him in case someone hurts him?
❝sweet as honey❞
➵ “you were always a beauty to me.” —❤︎
pairing: phantom ghoul x ftm!reader (he/him)
theme: fluff ✿ , smut ❣︎
a/n: as a fellow ftm babe this request made me SO HAPPY. this is also going to be one of my first ficlets, so i can get requests done more easily and then pump out my really good shit later
cw: phantom threatening ppl for being assholes, it gets spicy at the end
oh honey you are in good hands
phantom is the most understanding and supportive baby there is
he doesn’t care that you weren’t born with a dick, you’re still his pretty boy to love and cherish
he will literally cut anyone that says anything remotely transphobic or degrading towards you
like— full on hissing and growling
“you wanna say that shit again? say it to my face, you fucking coward.”
this man full on smacked a bitch after saying something regarding your appearance
you gave him a kiss afterwards
he knows how hard you have it because of your identity, so he wants to remind you constantly how much he loves you
phantom will definitely remind you to take your testosterone if you forget
he wants to make sure you’re comfortable in your body is all
the quintessence ghoul is insanely protective of you
he had a bit of an protection problem when you first started dating— like he would even snap at his fellow ghouls
luckily you were able to reassure him and ease him about most of his worries, that way he wasn’t constantly paranoid about you <3
will shower you with love and affection if you’re experiencing bad gender dysphoria
like he’ll straight up drape you in blankets and give you so many kisses and cuddles
bros obsessed with your lips
will straight up make out with you for hours until you stop him or someone interrupts you guys
like chill bro he’s not going anywhere
phantom also fucks with he/him pussy so hard
like. really hard.
this man straight up worships the ground you walk on. he’s going to absolutely adore and lavish your body at any chance he gets
will utter sweet nothings into your ear while he’s mercilessly pounds into your tight cunt
“such a pretty boy… all for myself.. just for— mmmh~ me to love… fuck I love you so much.”
also gives you the best head
like he’d stay between your legs for hours just drinking up your juices and lapping at your clit
phantom is very addicted to your body. like he doesn’t even care about the feminine parts, he’ll always see you as a boy
and he’ll keep reminding you of his love <33
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fr3akingtf0utrn · 2 years
“I can fix that,”
Terzo x fallen angel! male reader
Warnings: nsfw 🙈, Terzo receiving, fingering, desk sex, anal(bc it’s gay), and remember it’s literally nsfw so expect the unexpected.
Summary: Terzo was looking for you all day as to wanting to either annoy you or just want to be in your company. But finally when he did, he found you slumped over your desk frustrated with the amount of work and files you had. So, he decided to help with that frustration..
(btw I haven’t check over this for mistakes)
You were very important to the band and especially the clergy, always running around having to do something. To having to go on tour, practices, helping/taking care of the ghouls, and serving all of the Papas when needed.
So, it was one particularly busy day with way to much going on.
Seestor had given you multiple files to do along with the many tasks to tend to for the abbey.
The ghouls feeding den desperately needing to be cleaned, but also needing to give them their food.
primo needing help with taking care of the gardens because he wanted them to “have a different aesthetic”.
and secondo needing help get rid of some hookers he found and fucked around with.(you obviously didn’t stay long helping with that).
Between all that, Terzo was constantly looking for you, wanting to be in his “bel angelo caduto”s presence all the time because of his neediness.
Throughout the whole day, he only was able to see you drag a body to the ghouls den and into the feeding chambers and was about to walk to you but was stopped by a sibling.
Terzo groaned internally and looked behind the sibling seeing you casually throwing the bodies down the stairs, but snapped his eyes back to the sibling when they had mention Seestor.
Focusing back to you, half the day went by agonizingly painful to get through. As you finally got everything out of the way, you crashed down onto your office chair, leaned on your knees and head in your hands.
You had to drop your 2nd form and into your full demon/fallen angel form.
Your pitch black wings stretched out and feathers littered the floor slightly. Your horns grew almost as quick as your headache did from the day, and your claws gripped into your hair.
From going into your form, you didn’t notice Terzo was trying to summon you. You had been so pent up with stress and frustration that your senses were on overload and stopped all together.
Terzo was annoyed now, and was in front of your office door opening it to see you.
You hadn’t heard him walking in, and you threw yourself back against the chair, hands still gripping your hair, and growled, your teeth grew immensely sharp and glistened in the dimmed room.
Terzo stood there, eyes wide as he looked at your disheveled form. He hadn’t seen your full form since you went batshit crazy on Nihil that one time. Which was a couple years ago.
Terzo would be lying if he said you didn’t turn him on right now from your form. Between the way you growled, to the way your chest heaved up and down.
Your eyes snapped open as soon you smelt Terzo. His scent made your pupils constrict and sharpen and your head whipped towards him.
He tensed looking into your eyes. As soon as you made eye contact, your pupils dilated and you sighed.
Terzo furrowed his eyebrows and looked how frustrated and stressed you looked, he could see it in your eyes as you looked at each other.
“You look horrible,” He said as he stayed near the door. You narrowed your eyes and raked your claws through your hair. “Thanks,” you roll your eyes.
“I’ve been trying to summon you…are you trying to ignore me?” Terzo says crossing his arms and popped his hip leaning against the doorway.
“what? You have?” You raise your head and furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “I’m sorry, Papa, it’s been a…stressful day.”
Terzo cocks his eyebrow, “I can tell, but don’t worry,” he uncrosses his arms and closes the door, hand moving to lock it, “I can fix that.”
Your legs were crossed and you were leaned back, your elbow was on your chair and your hand covered your mouth and nose. Your predatory eyes watches Terzo slowly taunt his way over here.
Your remove your hand and place it on your arm rest as he sits on your desk in front of you, his hands support him. He moves his leg to uncross yours and he was now right between your thighs.
You let out a growl, “come here.” Terzo complies and makes himself comfortable on your lap, but groans feeling you against him. Terzo runs his hand down your shoulder to your chest, feeling you.
Your hands grip his hips and bring him closer to you, chest to chest. He gasps and both of his hands are on your chest. You breath against his neck and inhale. Terzo shudders and brings a hand to your shoulder and stretches his neck and gives you more access.
“You’re pathetic.”
Terzo moans out as his hair is gripped and pulled back by your claws.
“Fuck!” He yells out as arches his back, grinding against you as you latch onto his neck. You sigh through your nose and lap up the blood at his neck. Terzo whimpers and groans as you leave marks on him, feeling the pounding pressure on his cock rise up between you both.
Your canines let go of neck and place wet kisses on the marks you left. You trail up to his jaw away from the marks and take a break to admire your work. Your claws let go of his hair and rake down his back and he shudders.
Terzo sighs out and looks into your eyes dreamily as you stare back. His eyes flicker down to your lips and hooks his fingers around your chin and lifts your head and leans down. You let out a breath as he stops a moment but smashes his lips into yours.
Both of your hands travel down to his hips as his hands are on either side of your face. You groan into the kiss as Terzo grinds down, trying to be as close as possible to you.
He lets out a strangled moan as you softly moan and release from each other. You both look down and see your clothed erections on top of each other.
You roll your hips up and bounce Terzo on your lap, claws digging into his hips.
“..ple-ase…” Terzo strains against you. You smirk and start to unbuttoned his pants and leaned back for you.
“I thought this was for me, punttano,” you tease him as Terzo rolls his hips in greediness.
He lets out a breath and looks into your eyes with lust, “it is, you’re just so irresistible, uno caduto.”
You narrow your eyes at him and lift him off your lap quickly. You flip him around, bending him and slamming him over your desk so his ass is free for you.
Terzo chokes out a gasp of surprise and his hands are on either side of him, palms hitting the desk along with him.
You glare at the sight and inhale, smelling his  arousal once more. You lean over him, trapping him underneath your big body, pushing against him.
You kicked his foot with yours, spreading his legs wider for you.
Terzo could feel almost every inch of you against himself as you held onto his hip with one hand and gripping on-top of his hand with the other, intertwining your fingers tightly as your palm hugged his ungloved hand.
Your breath fanned against his ear.
“You know, for the amount of Papas and leaders I’ve served for my time…” you started as Terzo shivered, “you’re my favorite papa.” You nipped his earlobe and in response he moaned hearing the praise and grinds his ass against you.
You remove your hand from his hip and stick two fingers in his mouth, “suck.” You commanded and he obliged. Terzo swirled his tongue around your clawed fingers.
You were able to make them less sharp and having control over them so you wouldn’t hurt him.
Once you decided it was enough lube, you lower your hand and slowly sink a finger in him.
Terzo moans aloud, feeling you long finger slowly sink inside. You curled the finger and his legs twitched against you.
You added another finger and scissored him. As you did, you whispered dirty nothings to Terzo and left bruises on him.
Adding one last finger just to be safe to not hurt him, a another moan rips throw Terzo as he grips the table and arches.
You chuckle at his form and take all fingers out making him whine, he squeezes around nothing.
He turns his head to slightly look at you, “are you ready?” You ask him and he nods, “Prendimi, usami come desideri, mio ​​signore!”
As soon as you heard that, you spit on your cock and pushed the tip in, he whimpers in response to the stretch. All of a sudden you slam into him, letting out a shaky gasp as the tightness of him squeezing you.
Terzos mouth was agape and he moved his hands in a prayer and underneath his forehead to catch it from hitting the desk. His legs shake as he feels your claws grip his hips and slowly drag your cock out.
Your cock glistened and watching him swallow you whole made something animalistic come out of you as you licked your lips
You slam back into him, smacking sounds beard throughout the room as well as the creaking from the desk and squelching from your speed.
You were now hunched over him, hands on either side and thrusting at an inhuman pace making Terzo scream in ecstasy. You grabbed a hold of the back of his neck and brought him up to you, your thrusts still going.
Terzo continued to let out repeating moans and curses from his mouth and not bothering to be quiet. But it’s not like anyone could hear you. You guys were on the top head of the clergy’s floor. No siblings to be found.
Your hand slipped to grip his throat and you bit his neck once again, your other arm wrapped securely and tight around his waist.
Terzo let out a silent scream and moved his hand above and behind his head to hold onto you. His other hand went to your arm around him.
The pounding in his chest matched the pounding in his core. You thrusts deepened as he leaned his head onto your shoulder and kissed his jaw.
“Cazzo, sono così fottutamente vicino!” Terzo gasps as your hand grabs ahold of his cock and his leg twitched.
You played with his tip as your thrusts quickened somehow.
“Vieni per me, mia piccola puttano,” you growled in his ear as your orgasm approached.
Terzo arched his back, making his ass flush against you every time you slammed into him over and over again.
Your hand quickened as well, jerking Terzo off so quickly he couldn’t let out anything. His body was twitching all over as his orgasm took over him. He came all over your hand and only a little on your desk. Him barely making a sound because of the feeling he got and his eyes rolled back.
You release him and he falls forward, his hands barely catching him before his hips hit the desk. You slipped out and he whimpered but you quickly push back into him to reach your peak.
You felt Terzo squeeze around you and heard his begging voice to stop and let out high pitched noises as overstimulation hit him. You never heard the safe word you guys had made awhile back so you sunk your claws into him, blood dribbling down his hips and slammed into him one last time.
You came with a slight roar/groan and threw your head back. “Fuck, good fucking boy..” your praise made him squeeze and you shuddered…
You released his hips and quickly noticed the mess as your eyes dilated back to normal.
“Oh caro..I apologize Papa, I didn’t mean to claw you that hard.” Your panic made you slip out accidentally making you both moan and Terzo’s head slammed against the desk.
His hands laid resting to his side on the desk, the movement causing his back muscles to move and flex.
You moved fast slipping on your boxers, and grabbed wet towels in the connected bathroom, along with ibuprofen and ice. When you came back he didn’t move an inch, only his back showing he’s still alive and breathing by it going up and down at a slightly fast pass.
You bit your bottom lip at the sight of him fucked out by his own cause, blood dripping from his hips, neck, and shoulders, bruises coming in basically everywhere on him, and his face being blurred from his paints by him being smushed into the desk by you.
He was so hazed he couldn’t see anything but the table and didn’t realize you were taking picture of him at every angle.
Once done with that, you started cleaning him up which must of awoke him by jumping at the contact of the towel.
“Hey, you’re okay, just cleaning you up, mi amore,” you mumbled as you wiped at the blood stains.
Terzo smiled and rested his head once more. As you finished with his lower half, you gently leaned him up and turned him around and picked him up. You sat down on the chair and cleaned his neck.
Terzo gave up on holding his weight up and slumped down on top of you, his arms wrapping around you lazily and inhaling softly as his head dropped on your shoulder.
“Darling, you still have slight stains on your neck from blood,” you stated but he ignored you and you smiled at his laziness.
You picked him up and grabbed a shirt to cover him. You quickly arrived at your room which was right near your office and laid down on the messy bed.
Terzo groaned and shifted as he slide off slightly and onto the bed but complied when you appeared next to him immediately.
He slid a leg inbetween your thighs and snuggled in closer to your neck as your arms wrapped around him.
You placed your chin on top of his head and closed your eyes, drowning in the warmness as your full form slowly went down from the relaxation.
You soon drifted off into sleep.
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succulent-ghoul · 1 year
More sad. This time with secondo
Secondo x gender neutral reader. Hurt comfort,, nothing specific mentioned I think. I'm to sad to be sure. no beta to sad.
A quiet drizzle covers the ministry, it's cold perfect weather for everything and yet you still can't get away from that dark cloud hanging over your head. It's one of those days where the sight of another person makes you rocket into your room crying. And Maybe that didn't go unnoticed, cause there's a slow but firm knock on your door. Half of you is screaming to open it, and the other half wants to tear apart whoever is on the other side.
So when your door opens while your still under your sheets and it's one of the grumpiest people in the ministry your maybe a little surprised. Secondo on of the retired papa's visiting a random sibling he doesn't even know. But before you can speak he's sitting on your bed and asking if your alright. You don't speak, you just look down hoping one of you would disappear.
The rain thida against the glass window as you both sit in silence. Secondo waiting and you hiding, from him or from your feelings or maybe the big bad wolf. Who knows you don't and that's what's so scary, not knowing why you feel like this. Not understanding why you took such a turn. and while your lost in thought secondo takes your hand in his and rubs his thumbs over your knuckles as he reassured you that 'everything will be fine, fratello.' and that I don't have to talk but he will listen if I want too.
After that the dam breaks. Feelings flood as you start to cry, slowly secondo pulls you into a hug as you sob. Maybe it's cause it's been years since you've felt like you could cry around someone. Or maybe it's cause you were to tired of holding it in anymore now that someone was willing to listen.
The two of you sit like that for awhile. You crying into his shoulder, him rubbing circles into your back and whispering sweet reassurances, his words a warm respite from the cold and cruel world.
Before you know it your out of tears to cry, and with that you slowly pull away from secondos warmth. But before you vanish back into your own little universe he's kisses the top of your head and tells you that 'hes so very proud' and maybe after you fall back into his arms and drift off to sleep, he'll hold you just a little longer before having one of his ghouls tend to you.
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gh0ulie-gh0st · 3 years
The Brightest Star (Male Version)
Pairing: Mountain Ghoul x Female Reader
Warnings:🍋 18+ Content 🍋, Secret Admirer, Jealousy, Big Dick Kink
Word Count: 3987
Returning from tour was always something the Ghouls collectively looked forwards to. There was one that was more than excited to be home on unholy grounds. Mountain was first of the bus, stretching high and tall as he was released from the short confines. It was hard being so tall while touring, and he was pretty sure he had developed a severe crick in the back of his neck from it. Ducking for a few months had really started to hurt the tall Ghoul. Looking around the cobbled drive he took in the sight of what was now his home. For so long it hadn’t felt like that. Less talkative and more reserved, he’d struggled to mesh with the others until they’d been shoved into a little tour bus, and now they were like a little family. He did like what he had with the others, a pile of people he knew now that he could rely on whenever he needed them, but still, something was missing even with a new family around him. Maybe that was companionship. He didn’t know, having been raised in a huge extended family and groups of ghouls, it was hard to tell. But he wanted to see a single person in the church.
You almost tripped over the small stone at the side of your door. Talking to the Sister at your side you had tripped and almost hit the floor before catching yourself on the doorframe. The girl at your side pulled you up carefully and pointed at the floor where the rock laid. It was beautiful. A bright green jade. It was sliced carefully on the corners, into the shape of a fine cut gemstone. It was weighty. You leaned over to pick it up off the floor and assessed its weight as you looked at it. You put it in the palm of your hand and looked at the milky green colour that shone in the light. It was a touching and precious gift. But Jade was uncommon, and that made it even stranger. Someone had found it and carved it by hand from the looks of it. Your heart swelled at the gift and you blushed a little before moving your hair out of your face and wishing good night to the sister that had begun to tease you.
As you closed the door behind you and turned the lights on, another present was revealed to you. A vase of soft scented roses was sat on your bedside table. Softly, you reached for one of them and looked at the stem. Someone had even taken the time and care to remove the thorns from each of the stems. A dot of blood sat on one of the stems and you frowned gently before sniffing the bright blooms. They were a mix of red, white, yellow and pink. Sneezing softly, you smiled and gathered the vase before moving them over to the little writing desk you had under your window. Mysteriously the flowers seemed to stretch in the sunlight, petals unfurling a little further to release more of their soft scent into your chambers. It was all very touching. You searched the flowers for an indication of the sender. There was nothing but the spot of blood. You weren’t a ghoul; you couldn’t determine who had sent them from that. With a sigh of disappointment, you turned from the amazing fresh flowers and picked up the jade gem, laying it on a little shelf among the others.
Maybe one day the person would reveal themselves to you. Until then, you would wonder and enjoy their gifts…and maybe try and catch them in the act.
You’d asked around for some time, seeing if anyone at all had seen the mystery person leaving gifts outside of your door. There hadn’t been one today, so there wasn’t anything to ask around about. Instead of waiting outside of your door like a viper, from previous experience you knew it didn’t work and the secret person never showed up, you decided to take a little walk. Maybe if you could find the bushes where the roses came from, maybe you could see how many had been taken. Walking along the path you hummed as the gravel crunched under your feet. The bushes of roses climbed a trellis by the large band gazebo. It was quiet here, where the bushes and maze grew a little too out of control. None of them were out of place. Each rose was large and full, blessed with colour and health. You frowned at the bushes and pinched a flower, sniffing it and sneezing again softly. Crouching down, the bottom of the roses had been covered with compost. Someone was looking after them. They’d even been watered recently. It was a good sign that maybe your admirer was coming back to this spot time after time for more flowers. Maybe there was even more rose bushes being cared for that you didn’t know about yet
Standing back up from your crouched position, you grunted as you butted heads with someone. Or well, your head butted against a heavy metal mask. Clutching at your forehead you rubbed the spot that you had cracked against the hard metal of the Ghoul’s mask. Glancing up you made eye contact with Swiss. He’d earned the nickname for being a Ghoul of many talents, and one appeared to be climbing up things. He was laid over the edge of the gazebo, his waist down rested on the tiles while his torso teetered over the edge, giving him the leverage to watch what you were doing. The strange ghoul smirked, wiggling his hips before he flicked himself over and off the roof, narrowly avoiding launching himself into the rose bushes beneath. Swiss landed on his feet with a grin, his fuzzy ended tail wiping around behind him as he presented a different coloured rose from the ones on the bush. He’d gone out of his way to get it.
“You’re a cutie, aren’t you?” He was as smooth as you had heard, leaning on the railing of the gazebo as his dark eyes glinted mischievously as you took the rose from his hand. It was almost golden in colour, like the ones from the original bouquet you had received. “A cutie? Isn’t that what you say to the girls, Swiss.” You smiled at him and twirled the rose around between two of your fingers. Swiss shrugged with a little smirk, “I say it to the cute boys like you too.” He gave you a wink and flashed sharp Ghoulish teeth before watching you spin the flower, “Do you like it?” “Oh…yeah I do.” You swallowed and looked at him suspiciously, “So were you the one that’s been sending me flowers and stuff?” You squinted at the ghoul as he rolled his shoulders in a shrug and smirked. “Say if I was, what are you going to say of do about it?” You shrugged and twirled the flower, “Probably thank you for it I guess…” Swiss had enough of pacing around the subject and instead, moved forwards, kissing you soundly on the lips, a clawed hand gently curling into your hair.
Mountain had been out collecting another bunch of flowers. He’d left the roses alone for a while for them to recover and re-bud under the attention he had been giving them. He wasn’t great with plants, like some of his brethren, but he could manage to make a mulch that was incredibly nutritious for the things, along side just taking the watering can out to them in the hot weather. The large earth ghoul fiddled with the stems of the flowers in his hands before he ducked through the little maze to go and check on the roses. He didn’t want his source of flowers to get infected with any pests and such. Mountain hummed softly and held his bunches of wild meadow flowers close as he rounded the corner to the large, central gazebo. Swiss kissed you. His eyes widened a little as he watched the other ghoul pull away from you, noting the blush on your face like you were embarrassed. “I’m glad you enjoyed those flowers and rocks, sweetheart.”
The earth ghoul felt anger surge in him. It was him that had sent you all those gifts, not Swiss! He strangled the flowers in his grasp and moved around the edge of the gazebo, his spine tingling with his glamour as it sputtered and fell. He grumbled and pulled his mask off with one hand as he approached. You tilted your head at his approaching figure, the taller ghoul black skinned and unmasked. Mountain was normally reserved about his appearance, never having taken his mask off in front of anyone. He pushed his way in between you and Swiss, putting himself in harms way. “You’re lying to him.” Mountain said, his bull like horns glittering in the light. They were wide and covered in a crusted layer of dark obsidian, his muddy coloured hair hung around them and over his eyes like a highland cow. You smiled at his cute look, watching as he glared between the strands of hair with the same muddy coloured eyes. Sharp teeth, two protruding out from his bottom lip, snapped harshly in Swiss’ direction. His reverse arrow head tail snapped and lashed, unhappy at having been revealed, but also by the fact that Swiss was stealing his hard work. “Am I? Who was doing it then?” Swiss smirked, claws moving up to poke Mountain’s nose, looking up a little at the taller ghoul.
Mountain went red, his cheeks red, his eyes hidden behind the curtain of his shaggy fringe. The stone on his horns lowered as he looked down at the cheeky ghoul in front of him, the flowers he had collected strangled in one hand and his mask still clutched in the other. “I was the one leaving those gifts for him…because I like him, a lot. You don’t Swiss. So back off.” He was still red faced but regained his composure as he pushed you back a little with a step. He blocked Swiss from your vision, towering over you with a soft pout and his eyebrows furrowed. “I got you…oh. I’m sorry, I ruined them.” He held the squashed flowers out before shaking his head and carefully taking your hand, determined first, to get you away from the teasing Ghoul behind the two of you, “Come on. He’s just trying to upset me.” Swiss snorted, “Hey! Rock brain! I’m still here you know!” Mountain shot him a glare and helped you around the corner of the maze before leaning to give the other ghoul the middle finger. “Yeah, fuck you too Mountain…I helped him…Tall asshole.”
It took Mountain a lot of long strides to walk off his anger and finally, he sighed, nerves setting back in as he finally dropped his human glamour back into place and turned to pull his mask back on, the soft muddy coloured eyes looking at you. “Can we go back to your room? I’ll explain a bit more there.” He looked at you sheepishly. “Of course!” You took his hand again with a bright smile and gently led him up the church steps, back towards your room. His hand was warm, and you were upset with the loss of it as you opened the door to your room. Mountain ducked through the door and sat uncertainly on your bed. “Uhm…” He started softly before taking your hand gently as you sat down, “I know Swiss is an ass, and he always is, but I’m sorry for getting in the way of anything…” “Oh! No you weren’t, don’t worry. In honesty, I didn’t want him to kiss me, he just sorta went for it.” You nodded softly and took his hands, enjoying the roughness of them, no doubt from the rock collecting and coarse wood of his drumsticks.
A wave of relief washed over him at the admission, “Okay. I’m so glad.” He took a deep sucked in breath, “Because I’ve been trying to get your attention for so long…but I didn’t know if you wanted it, so I left gifts for you. Its normal to leave a mate precious gems where I’m from, but Copia mentioned people like flowers…So I hand picked lots for you.” He let go of your hands as you stood up, but you encouraged him to stand. “Here.” You walked over to your shelf and pointed at the rocks and gems, “I loved every one of them, Mountain. They are all important to me.” You blushed as you watched his eyes go wide. “I’m glad, so, so glad.” His mouth curled into the gentlest smile you had ever seen. Hesitantly, he reached to wrap you in a hug, his long arms wrapping tight as he hugged you close, “I really do like you…I just. I didn’t want you to be anyone’s but mine.” His tail gently wrapped around you as well. “I like you too Mountain…I have for a while. So, don’t worry.” You stood up on your toes to give him a kiss.
The Ghoul startled at the soft touch to his lips before he leaned back in, softly nosing at you before he leaned even further and gave you a sound kiss. It was sweet, a touch of lips before he pressed a few more to you, growing a little boulder with each one. The next was hotter, the earth ghoul’s breath cascading down over your cheek before he pulled away and smiled, hugging you tight before spinning you around once and tilting his head, “Can I stay here? I don’t want to let my new gem go.” “Of course you can, Mountain.”
Not leaving for one night became Mountain often ducking through your door to give you a kiss before bed. He was sweet and enjoyed still sending you little gifts while he was on tour or brought you interesting flowers and rocks while he was back on church grounds. Swiss was practically banned from speaking to you, Mountain around whenever the strange ghoul would make an appearance. Swiss often whispered about doing it for a reaction, and you had to agree with him. It was exactly what he was doing it for, and Mountain bit most times. The multi-instrumentalist watched as Mountain made his way over this time before he licked a hot stripe up the side of your neck. Dark eyes flashed before Swiss was shoved roughly. “Mountain, hey!” You pressed a hand to his chest and felt the large ghoul quickly heave you up onto his shoulder, “Hey! What are you doing?” You wiggled and gaped at Swiss who was waving as he dusted his uniform off.
The two of you were quickly back at your room, Mountain opening the door with ease and ducking inside before he locked the door and placed you down on your bed. “He just doesn’t know when to stop.” He grumbled as he sniffled softly at your neck, hands cupping your waist before he grumbled and pressed you back into the sheets. “Hey, Mount, are you okay?” You cupped his face before he kissed you soundly, his tail snapping behind him. The large ghoul pressed you deeper into the mattress, his metal mask cold against your face as he kissed you again, gently licking at your lips before he pressed his rough tongue inside your mouth. It was a kiss you hadn’t received again, the earth ghoul’s hands grazing under your shirt and rubbing over the soft skin of your stomach, one of his hands moving to rub over a nipple softly. “I’m fine. I just…” He panted softly as you kissed the nose of his mask, “I want to have you, if that’s okay?” His thumbs rubbed gently against your hip bones.
Nodding gently, you kissed him again before moving to undo the buttons of his shirt, looking at the lithe torso underneath a trail of hair travelling down the bottom of it and into his trousers. His mud coloured eyes watched your fingers before he took your hand and kissed at your palm, moving back to slide his shirt off and undo your own, running his hands reverently over the skin before he let you gently undo his trousers. The button came undone and his suspenders went slack before you unclipped them. Carefully, he stepped out of them and pulled off his endearing orange fruit socks. Mountain returned to the bed and smiled softly as he kissed you once more, strong fingers undoing and pulling down your trousers. Your socks and shoes were removed in smooth movements and Mountain stood over your form with wide eyes, taking in the dips of your chest and the curve of your hips and stomach. Your hands reached upwards to stroke the sides of his mask. “Can I see you for this, please, sweetheart?” Softly, you dipped your fingers under his mask and waited.
His heart was in his throat as he nodded once and let you carefully slide his mask free. The balaclava followed and you were face to face with the human glamour of your love. “Everything? Your human glamour isn’t you.” You whispered and watched as he swallowed again, nervously letting the glamour drop, revealing the outwards curling horns and his sharp teeth. He smiled softly, sharp teeth glinting as his pointed ears flicked. “See, you’re beautiful.” You kissed his lips softly and watched his cheeks flush, his eyes hidden behind his fringe as his tail wiggled and wrapped around your thigh. “Brother, I think I’ll need uhm…” He felt out of his depth before he felt your hand feel him through his underwear, fingers trailing along the length of his cock before squeezing softly. Mountain lost his trail of thought as your hands slipped inside his underwear and stroked at him, making blood rush south. Moaning quietly, he grasped your hand and eased it out before ridding you both of your underwear. He looked at your dick, watching it slide free and twitch in interest, before gently trailing his hands down over your chest, tweaking a nipple before he reached your stomach and cock. His hand gripped it gently, pumping the length a few times before you snatched his face for a kiss again, distracting him from what he was doing.
“We’ll need lube otherwise you’re not going to be safe.” He whispered as he gestured to his cock, pulling his hands away from your cock, a smirk twisting one side of his mouth upwards as your mouth opened. “Fuck…Yeah that’s…something.” You muttered and reached to the bedside table, pulling the drawer open and handing the ghoul a little tube of lubricant. “I didn’t think you were that hung…Satan’s balls.” Mountain chuckled and shifted his hips, grinding himself against you as he smirked and shook his hair out of his eyes, “Not many expect it.” As cryptic as ever. He undid the cap to the lubricant before squeezing a generous amount over his fingers and kissing you again, moaning and licking at your tongue as he gently rubbed a finger against your anus, easing the tight ring of muscle before one finger slid in. Moaning against his lips, you pulled away to breathe as he twisted the finger and thrusted it in and out. “Shit…This is going to take a while babe.” You whined as he poked a second finger against your entrance and gently slid it inside, the lubricant easing the glide but not the ache of the stretch. Mountain’s other hand gently rubbed at the tip of your dick, easing the tension in your body as he moved two fingers inside of you.
Mountain kissed your cheeks, “You’re doing amazing.” He whispered as a third finger breached you. A loud moan came from your mouth as he scissored them apart and began curling them upwards, trying to tease the nerves near your prostate. He kissed your sounds away when he hit a pleasurable bundle of nerves. It shot lightning up your spine, making you arch into his torso, mouth open as you debated demanding a kiss from his lips. Moaning and wiggling your hips, you pulled back instead and tried to settle again. “Please, baby, please. Just put it in me.” You whined and reached a shaking hand to run it over his cock, teasing back the foreskin to reveal the strange head of it. It was long and curved upwards slightly, the ridges along the under side a pleasure trap and the head pointed yet soft and rounded. It was the same dark colour as his skin and you whined as he pulled back, pouring more lubricant into his hand to stroke it over his cock, making sure to cover as much of it as he could in a thin layer. The last thing the ghoul wanted was to hurt you. “Okay, lay back for me, gem. I’ll give you what I can.” Your hands smoothed over the base of his heavy cow-like horns and gave a soft tug. In response, Mountain bit a bruising mark into your shoulder.
The ghoul lined himself up with your entrance, cooing softly as he gently slid inside. He wasn’t hugely girthy, but the length of him was a stretch. Mountain pushed forwards slowly, a measured movement as he gently fed you his cock, watching your muscles clench and flutter around him, gently touching your dick to distract you. “Fuck no! Don’t-“ You pushed his hand away from your cock, “I don’t want to cum from just that baby.” You whined and shifted your hips as he slowed, leaving an inch or so of his dick outside of you. “Let me work you up to it.” He grumbled and pulled out slowly, the ridges of his cock catching on your muscles and making the movement incredibly pleasurable. He thrust back inside in a smoother movement and you moaned, wrapping your arms around his neck and breathing harshly as he began to work up into a pace, pushing your legs back to let him slide a little deeper, opening you wider as he spread you.
A steady pace had the two of you slapping against one another, his cock gliding along every pleasurable place inside you. Mountain huffed before grasping you hips and pulling you firmly onto the full length of his dick. You moaned, eyes closing tight as bolts shot up your back. Your hands reached for his horns and pulled roughly, demanding more wordlessly as his hips snapped roughly, back and forth. “You feel so good, gemstone, and look so beautiful.” He moaned and took your dick in his hands, pumping it quickly as he felt himself grow closer. “I’m close, please cum, fuck…” He kissed your lips as his hips stuttered and faltered, his cock twitching inside of you. Moaning you let your head fall back and came over the earth ghoul’s hand as he pushed himself inside of you roughly, his dick spurting hot cum inside of you. He pulled out in the rhythm and opened his mouth to pant and moan as another shot spurted over your dick and stomach, he let the smaller third one do the same before kissing you soundly. His tail wrapped tightly around you as he fell into the sheets beside you, bundling you up and close to him.
“Fuck…Remind me not to let Swiss wind you up for weeks. I can’t move. Feels so good, baby.” You reached to kiss him again, still high on the orgasm you’d been given. You didn’t feel Mountain move but whined when a luke-warm cloth wiped the cum from you. “I’m glad you enjoyed it…” He laid back next to you, tucking the two of you in, claws rubbing at your skin, “I love you.” Your heart swelled, “I love you too.”
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emeritus-moon · 2 years
Mountain x fallen angel male Reader 😻😻
The reader works at the abbey as a assistant to papa 👴🏻 and mountain can’t help but slowly fall inlove with him
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Request : Anonymous
Gender : Male
Who : Mountain
A/N :  Here you go, enjoy your One Shot with Mountain! ^^
- - - : Timeskip
~ ~ ~ : Flashback
- - -
It's been a while since you were hired by Papa Nihil.
At the beginning of your career in the Abbey, you worked alongside him until his death. Despite your species, the older Papa accepted you.
As a Fallen Angel, it's difficult for you to be confronted with Ghouls. In your past, you were never really very good friends. Because of that, Nihil did everything to save you from having to communicate with them.
Of course, he had complete confidence in you, but he feared the behavior of the Ghouls towards you. No risk was to be taken, you had to avoid that your paths cross.
Only, since Nihil's death, despite the fact that he is still here but as a ghost, the Clergy and Sister Imperator have decided that you will now work alongside Papa IV, the man that was called Cardinal before.
Of course, Copia works alongside Ghouls.
You don't really know how it's going to be. You have nothing against them because you don't have the same view as the other Fallen Angels on the Ghouls, but will these creatures have the same opinion as you? Will they put the past aside so they can be able to live with you by their side?
You are about to find out.
You walk near the large doors behind which is Ghost's rehearsal room. After a deep breath, you knock against the solid wood, waiting for an answer.
Hearing Copia's voice inviting you to enter, you waste no time and quickly enter the room, taking care to close the doors behind you.
When you turn around, you face several eyes fixed on you.
You swallow hard but don't lose your courage.
Slowly but surely, you step closer to Papa, bowing once just to him. Copia nods in greeting before turning to his Ghouls.
"- My Ghouls, this is Y/N L/N. Y/N has been working here for years and years. Initially, he was working alongside Papa Nihil. So I would ask you to welcome him among us because from now on, he will be working for me."
Most of the Ghouls remain silent, but then one of them begins to hiss like a feline towards you.
Your eyes quickly meet and the disgruntled Ghoul speaks :
"What's a Fallen Angel doing right here?
- Sodo, please. Your conflicts happened years and years ago! See even centuries! Maybe it's time to move on?"
Sodo, or Dewdrop, then turns to his Superior, baring his teeth menacingly. A second Ghoul approaches the one with a scowl in an attempt to calm him down :
"- Sodo, I think it's a bit late to rebel against this decision that our Papas made. Y/N has been here for a while, we can't do anything about it.
- I would have preferred not to know of his existence! Putting this Angel by our side is just kidding us!"
A heavy silence sets in.
You and Copia exchange uncertain looks and you can tell the former Cardinal feels very sorry for you. He had honestly hoped it would go well, even though he suspected it would be unsuccessful.
However, a Ghoulette is approaching you. She hops around, a little uncertain of her actions, but she doesn't back down. Once right in front of you, she extends her hand in your direction, smiling at you.
"- I'm Sunshine! I'm really sorry for the welcome we're currently offering you but... you understand...
- It's okay, it's okay, don't worry!"
You shake her hand and immediately, her smile widens. Copia sighs in relief, seeing that some Ghouls are still trying to put in some effort.
Having seen Sunshine approach you and start chatting, her two Ghoulette sisters also approach. Little by little, thanks to the girls, everything is done automatically.
So you meet Cirrus and Cumulus who introduce you to the other boys : Swiss, Rain and Mountain.
Swiss looks away, not sure how to react, while Rain gives you a shy little wave. A wave that you return to him politely of course.
Mountain in the background, arouse your curiosity. The male is just staring at you from the start. No other reaction is apparent on his face.
Honestly, you don't know if it intrigues you or if it makes you uncomfortable...
Your attention drifts away from Mountain and back to Copia when the fourth Papa claps his hands :
"- Good! Now that the introductions are done, let's go back to the rehearsal! As for you Y/N, you can report to Sister Imperator. Don't hesitate to talk about your uncertainties if you have any of course..."
After whispering his last sentence and giving you a small wave, Papa turns his back on you and walks back to his Ghouls.
The girls greet you and Rain as well as you walk away to report to the Sister.
- - -
You have been working alongside Copia for several months.
At each training, each Tour, each Meeting, you had to accompany them in order to make a complete report to the Clergy and to Sister Imperator.
Over these months of work, you have become closer to the Ghouls. Above all, you got on very well with the Ghoulettes and Rain. Aether was friendly too. Swiss, you would call him patient and Sodo... Sodo became neutral with you. His distrust and anger towards you has dissipated over time. You obviously take it more than well.
And for Mountain, you don't really talk to him much. But the times it happens, you have an incredible connection.
The Ghoulettes and Swiss teased you a lot about being very close when you talk to each other, but you both denied their every word.
Tonight, a new concert is underway. This one is about to end.
As Ghost makes its majestic finale, your eyes remain on Mountain. For this finale, he does everything he can to offer something magical and powerful to the public. As his drumsticks smash against his drums, the rolled up sleeves of his shirt show the sweat on his arms that makes his body glisten in the light.
A slight blush appears on your cheeks and you can't take your eyes off him.
Only, you remember your work and quickly come out of your thoughts. You quickly take notes on your report, trying to ignore as best you can the Ghoul you were observing a few seconds ago.
- - -
The concert is over. The room empties little by little when all the spectators leave. Copia arrives in the backstage, followed closely by the Ghouls.
While you're writing a last sentence on your report before continuing it on the bus later, you feel someone tap your shoulder lightly.
Turning around you come face to face with Mountain, which surprises you a little.
Your face flushes at the closeness you two have. You don't see it, but Mountain is also blushing behind his mask.
As he is about to speak, words escape him and he no longer knows what to say. All he does is sputter in front of you.
By tilting your head to the side, you try to understand or guess what the Ghoul in front of you is trying to say. But without success.
You put your notebook on a table next to you and then gently grabbed his forearms, looking him straight in the eye.
"- Mountain, take your time. Is something wrong?"
The Ghoul gulped.
He then thinks back to that day when he talked about you with Papa Emeritus IV...
It is a day in the middle of winter. The rehearsal room is empty.
You left with Rain who asked you to help put the instruments away while the other Ghouls left to have a snowball fight outside.
As you leave the room, Mountain who wanted to talk to you finally remains silent as he watches you leave. He starts playing nervously with his fingers and pays no attention to Copia coming up behind him.
The man puts a hand on his shoulder, which startles him. Papa apologizes as his gaze illustrates his concern for his Ghoul.
"- Is something wrong, Mountain?"
Mountain remains silent for a little longer before sighing, letting go of all the pressure. Maybe talking wouldn't hurt?
Copia understands that the male needs to talk. He makes him sit on his stool while he takes a chair from the room to sit beside him.
"- Tell me everything."
Mountain takes a deep breath.
He crosses his legs and clasps his hands together on his knees before finally speaking :
"- Y/N has been here for a few months...
- Mmh mh?
- Papa, I don't know what is wrong with me. Ever since Y/N first walked through those doors, ever since I met his gaze...it's been so cliché, but I felt like I needed to have him near me every day, every night. His presence relaxes me and as soon as he leaves, it breaks me..
- Do you love him?
- I-I don't know if I'd qualify my caring for him as love, Papa!
- There's nothing wrong with loving someone, Mountain..
- It's not that. But it's this story of Fallen Angels and Ghouls... How would my siblings take it if I came to like this Angel? How would Y/N see me if he knew? He would take me for a fool.
- Oh, I don't believe that. Y/N is a very open-minded male, mio ​​caro. You know, I think you should talk to him about it.
- My word, I thought that I was the one who's crazy, you seem to be even crazier than me!"
Copia laughs out loud, getting up from his chair.
He wipes away a tear of laughter that begins to roll down his cheek as he turns back to the Ghoul seated across from him.
"- Honestly, who isn't crazy here? Go for it, Mountain! Try your luck! Believe me, you have nothing to lose!"
With those words, Papa IV turns on his heels and walks out of the rehearsal room, leaving Mountain alone with his thoughts.
You continue to look Mountain in the eyes as the concern begins to mount. Finally, after taking a breath, the Ghoul speaks again :
"- I had to talk to you, Y/N.
- Of course, if you want."
Looking around and seeing that no one is looking at you, you take Mountain with you and step away from the group a bit so you can talk quietly.
The drummer looks around one last time before sighing and finally talking about what's on his mind :
"- I've been wanting to talk to you for a few months. But I never managed to take the first step. I'm not going to lie to you, I had to talk to Papa to find the courage to move forward.
- It seems important... Everything is fine, I hope?
- Yes, well no... Well yes! But no.. but-
- It's confused?
- It's confused!"
You laugh at the way Mountain speaks, his finger lifted at you as he confirmed your words and your laugh made him smile slightly.
Just the sound of your cheerful voice reassured him for a few moments. His heart warms as he begins to get lost in thought.
In order not to get lost and forget what he wants to say, Mountain shakes his head from right to left while returning straight to the point. No deconcentration is allowed!
"- Y/N, I would understand the rejection. But since you arrived... ...Satan it's like a romantic movie... I have a certain feeling towards you. And contrary to what everyone might think in Seeing a Fallen Angel and a Ghoul, that's not hate. I've really been trying to talk to you about it for days! Seeing a patient man like you with people who are grumpy or sulky like us. to be... It really impressed me! Especially since we're supposed to be enemies but you never let our past take over- And all that, just those little actions on your part, you don't know how that makes me feel. I mean... You're different, and I like what's different! Well of course you're not a thing, you're someone but what I mean is-
- I love you too Mountain..
- I knew it... I shouldn't have mentioned it, but I understand your rejection and- Wait what?
- I love you too."
The Ghoul looks at you dumbfounded.
Upon realizing that he previously misunderstood your statement, he felt ashamed and you watch as he begins to mutter insults to himself as he rubs his temples.
You move a little closer to him, grabbing his face in your hands. With one of them, you raise his mask a little before giving him a quick kiss on the corner of his lips. The male looks at you sheepishly as you begin to back away from him after putting his mask back on properly.
"- I'll join you tonight, Mountain, I have a report to finish! After that my attention will only be on you!"
You're rushing out so you can finish that damn report faster.
Mountain currently would have nearly cried out in delight if another Ghoul wasn't around. Swiss jumped on his back. Narrowly, Mountain catches him and holds back from falling at once.
"- I knew it!!
- Shut up!"
The second Ghoul continues to tease his friend as he gets off his back and runs away to tell others what he has just heard and seen.
Mountain chases him closely, determined to silence him.
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magnetforstupidity · 5 years
Aether/male ghoul reader for funsies in these trying times.
Nobody asked for it but I’ve had it in my drafts for a while and finally got the drive to edit it and put it out. I am sorry for the delay in requests, I’ve had one day off in the past three weeks and am very tired. 
BUT I wanted to put some fluffy smut out there because the world kind of. just. sucks. right now. I hope this brightens someone’s day! 
Reader is a ghoul because I love writing ghouls. Also Quintessence ghouls are Daddy, I’m not sorry and I do make my own rules. ANYWHO I’m done rambling, ahaha. 
NSFW below the cut!
You are panting as you grind down on Aether’s thigh, the ghoul unbuttoning your dress shirt slowly. “That’s it, baby boy,” Aether groans, his claws digging into your hips as he guides your movements. He keeps the pace slow, placing kisses over your exposed skin, using his other hand to caress down your chest.
Your cheeks are flushed as you look down into Aether’s eyes, biting your bottom lip to keep from moaning too loud. Aether hums in disapproval, leaning up to kiss your lip free. “No, let Daddy hear you,” he whispers, his hand making it to your naked hips. Aether is still fully clothed, having divested you of most of your garments before dragging you down to the couch.
You whimper as your erection slides against the fabric of Aether’s pants, claws digging into Aether’s shoulders as you’re prevented from picking up your pace.
Aether kisses you deeply, groaning into your mouth before pulling away. “Take my cock out, babe,” he instructs, placing your hand over the very obvious erection in his pants. You keen, leaning in to nibble and lick at Aether’s throat as you use your hands to unbutton his pants. You pull Aether’s member from the confining fabric, purring appreciatively as you stroke up the length. You grin as Aether’s breath catches, pecking his lips cheekily. You groan as Aether pulls on your tail before smacking both ass cheeks, gripping them firmly as he directs you to sit fully astride his lap.
The quintessence ghoul threads a hand in your hair, using his grip to bring your lips together again. Your tongues slick against each other as you shift your hips forward, moaning as your erection brushes against his. Aether’s hand wanders down to his jacket pocket, pulling out a bottle of lube. You snort in amusement, taking the bottle from him, “Always prepared?”
Aether chuckles, kissing the tip of your nose. “Have you met Dewdrop?”
“Touche’,” you laugh, squeezing some lube out onto Aether’s waiting hand and spreading it over his fingers. Aether brings the hand down behind you, circling your entrance before slowly sliding one finger in. He groans at the warmth, biting at your collarbone. You shift a bit at the initial burn, the discomfort quickly fading to pleasure as Aether patiently prepares you. Another finger is added after a while, Aether pulling out first to add a bit more lube. You are soon a panting mess, rocking your hips back onto his fingers.
“Oh fuck, you’re gorgeous, love,” Aether murmurs kissing a line up your flushed chest. You groan deeply, grabbing at Aether’s cock.
“Please, Daddy, I can’t wait anymore,” you whine, threading your claws through Aether’s hair to pull him up for another kiss.
Aether growls possessively, pulling his fingers out and smacking your ass teasingly as he reaches for the lube with his other hand. “Get me ready for that beautiful arse of yours then,” he groans as he places the bottle in your grasp.
You pant above him as you shakily add some slick to your hand before grabbing his dick; he hisses in pleasure as your hand strokes over him lovingly. You stand up on your knees, reaching behind you to guide Aether inside of you. You sit slowly, Aether’s hands on your hips as support. You keen as he’s fully seated, both of you pausing and breathing in each other’s scent as you get used to the sensations of the other.
You press your forehead to Aether’s, staring into his kind brown eyes. “I love you so much,” you say breathlessly.
Aether purrs and nuzzles his nose against you, “I love you, too.”
You gasp as Aether shifts his hips up, beginning a slow, soft rhythm. You rut together lazily, enjoying the warmth of each other, Aether’s hands possessive as he caresses over your skin. You whine as your cock slides against the fabric of Aether’s shirt, the bigger ghoul smiling up at you as he takes you in hand. His strokes match the pace of his hips as he places kisses along your jaw. “So gorgeous, love, taking my cock like a good boy,” Aether rambles, praise falling from his lips as he picks up his thrusting speed. The room is filled with moans and whispers of adoration, both of you getting close to the edge.
“Fuck, Daddy-, Aether, my love, please, so close,” you whine, arms tightening their embrace around Aether’s shoulders.
“That’s it, cum for me, baby boy,” Aether growls, adjusting his angle until you shout. Aether smirks and keeps that posture as he thrusts, hitting your prostate in tandem with his hand’s movements on your cock. The pressure builds, your body going taut as you cry out, seed spilling between you. Aether groans with you as he watches your face, hand wringing every last drop out of you. Your lips crash together, his kiss aggressive with need. He growls and flips your positions over on the couch, taking your leg over his shoulder and seeking his own release.
He moans as his hips stutter, a litany of praises falling from his lips as he cums inside you. The two of you try to catch your breath for a moment, your eyes meeting and smiles breaking out before Aether plops down on top of you. He nuzzles into your neck, wrapping his arms around your middle and adjusting you so he was spooning you from behind and not crushing you.
Aether wraps his legs with yours, settling his chin on your shoulder. The two of you kick up purrs, basking in each other’s warmth. You soon fall into a doze, not even rousing when a blanket is placed softly over you.
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