#naomi post tag
did I miss something???? I'm almost done with avalon, and only found this out after reading the tapestry from the side quest that makes you collect a bunch of pieces of it from all over the world
I did most of avalon awhile ago, so did I just forget??? I feel like that's a huge thing, everyone is always talking about defeating the pendragon, but no one ever mentions that it is the king (albeit transformed from evil magic BUT STILL) like huh?? can someone tell me when they first mention that?
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ursamajori · 2 years
hey so we put your boyfriend in a tabletop campaign and now he has a martyr complex. yeah he got protective to the point of being self sacrificial due to his lack of self worth. we gave him a found family so he had something to live for but instead he’s just committed to being a human shield to keep them safe even if it kills him. sorry
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You ever have those moments where an idea just... won't leave your head?
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degrees-of-lili · 8 months
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I've done it. I've drawn all the named NPCs Edit: For the record; Gender Symbol is their gender identity and Color is Sex/Genitalia (Blue = Penis, Pink = Vagina, Purple = Hermaphrodite). Probably self evident but I figured I'd state it. Edit 2: Added Charlie. Sorry Charlie. I've done it. I've drawn all the named NPCs Edit 3: Forgot Eden's label.
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naomiknight-17 · 9 months
My Oven Exploded
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*Dramatization, no large explosion took place
The igniter on my oven blew, and it requires a $350 repair. Luckily, I have $200 in savings, but I'm scrambling to put together the rest so! I'm doing a little
Wherein you can leave a tip of any size through my Ko-Fi with a one or two-word prompt (eg. 'Sleepy kitty' or 'big cupcake' or 'butts!') And I will do a little thank you doodle like the above! Note: style may vary
Thank you for reading and sharing this post!
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modernbaseball · 1 year
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SISTER-IN-LAWS TO SCISSOR SISTERS? According to a close source, former PGN board member Naomi Pierce and the mysterious Tabitha Hayes have officially called it quits with longtime beaus Kendall and Roman Roy respectively, opting instead to date each other. The source claims Pierce and Hayes called the Roys ‘children in slightly taller bodies’ and that their relationships ‘turned us gay’. ‘We’re done with men. I’m f***ing sure of it,’ the source recalls Naomi saying over a Pierce family dinner. Currently Pierce is sitting pretty on her share of the whopping 10 billion dollar PGN buyout as purchased by the aforementioned Roys alongside sister Siobhan Roy, who coincidentally is rumored to be going through a divorce herself. If ATN Chairman Tom Wambsgans comes out as gay anytime soon, we just might have enough evidence to construct a case for Pierce’s theory that dating a Roy really can turn you gay! +
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hogoflight · 9 months
actually yea I’d like to think post-Toa, if Apollo and Naomi are on good enough terms with each other (friends, basically) to counteract Apollo’s inevitable awkwardness and at least somewhat counteract being an absent father for 16 years, they absolutely collaborate to terrorise her more conservative family members but not enough that they can complain about it. Just enough that they feel deeply unsettled but still feel they can’t be rude.
Like Naomi says “whew, the only thing better than making music are MEN’S TITS” and he immediately shouts “YES!!!!!!!” And they high-five.
Naomi tells Apollo she accidentally mentioned him glowing once and he makes sure to explain in incredible detail what eating an LED lamp would hypothetically do to your body.
She’s also coming up with lyrics and asks Apollo what 4 organs you would arguably survive the longest (still conscious) with if all the others have been shut down and he starts getting really really into the hypotheticals here. Then Will joins in and no one can really stop them now. (The answer is apparently Brain, Heart, Lungs, 10% of your liver and one kidney btw.)
Her family decide to meet him in a Greek restaurant when he does The Thing and loudly, casually and very enthusiastically talks with the waiters in Greek like 60% of the time (all of the Oh, where in Greece are you from? And why did you move here? what job do you do? You can ask me for xx anytime I’ll give you a discount don’t even worry about it! etc. You know how it goes). He mentions his horses and his ranch and it feels like they’ve finally found something they can talk about but then he also mentions that his horses have burned down his house 5 times and they’re rather distraught.
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lesbian-parappa · 1 year
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she's kind of clueless but it's fine she got there eventually
(extra thing under the cut)
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presiding · 2 months
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naomi campbell? billie lurk?
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lurking-latinist · 7 months
Before I'd read the Aubreyad I would see Temeraire (which I had already read) being pitched as Aubreyad-with-dragons and I'd think, OK, sounds reasonable; and I guess it's true in the broad sense of "Age of Sail and the driving relationship of the series is an odd-couple friendship," and in the sense that that's apparently literally where it started. But those serial numbers have been very thoroughly filed off. I don't think there are two men in the Royal Navy more different than Aubrey and Laurence.
Except Hornblower. I guess Aubrey and Laurence look pretty similar if they're standing (as they often are in fandom) next to Hornblower. But that man has things wrong with him that are unprecedented in the human psyche.
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windowsloth · 3 months
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olive and the werewolf / crush you in my jaws
I really hadn’t planned on doing anything with these characters outside of the comic I created them for, but I’m still thinking about them/coming up with more ideas? so I’m probably gonna keep drawing more of them for a little bit
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axel-tiredstudent · 4 months
Although there's still a lot to plan and do before this story is anywhere near done and I don't even have a first draft yet, I really wanted to talk about it and share who my OCs are (since i keep talking about them in here).
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This story (called Ewordis) is one of necromancy, otherness and isolation, but it's also about love, saving and connection!
The main character is Absalom García Medina (much to his own dismay). He is 22 years old and studies fine art in university. He's also a drummer in a band with his two closest friends. Absalom comes from a long line of necromancers! He doesn't really understand or control his powers, but he's set on his goal of finding his mother's spirit, which he has never been able to do!
Almudena is Absalom's grandmother, who raised him when Alma (her daughter), passed away. They are both also necromancers. Almudena taught Absalom how to use his powers until she died when Absalom was 12. She's still with him as a spirit.
Alma died in labor. Not only was she a necromancer, but she also had prophetic visions, something not common in their family. Neither Absalom nor Almudena have ever found her soul.
Angel is Absalom's best friend since they were in higschool. They take care and support each other through everything. Angel has a beautiful voice and she can play many instruments. She's the singer, songwriter and guitarist of their band.
Naomi met Angel and Absalom when they were looking for a bassist for their band. They became close soon and shortly after he started dating Angel!
Percy is Absalom's ex boyfriend. Their relationship was rocky and difficult, which really affected Absalom. They still see each other sometimes, but Percy doesn't seem to be willing to change for the better as a person, which is why Angel dislikes him and wants him to stay away from her best friend.
Ozzie is a non human creature that Absalom meets in the realm between life and death. Ozzie doesn't remember anything of his life before appearing there and he can't go to the living realm, so he and Absalom decide to find out what he is.
Victor also comes from a line of necromancers. He meets Absalom in a graveyard, after many spirits warn Absalom of a creature eating their corpses there. That would be Victor! Victor was brought back to life by his necromancer abusive father and now he's forced to feed on human flesh to not become a mindless "monster".
The Knight of Death is one of the Horrors. No one really knows of their existence, but necromancy powers are related to the Horror of Death. How is it related to the Medina Family? What will Absalom do when faced to this Knight?
As I said before, Absalom comes from a long line of necromancers, this gift/curse always passes down to one person in the family. He got it from his mother, Alma, and she got it from hers, Almudena. Alma died in labor so Absalom was raised in a small close-minded village by his grandmother. Since it was little, Absalom has been able to see and communicate with the dead. Almudena taught him how to use his powers and insisted that this is a gift that makes them special. Nevertheless, she also taught him to hide it to avoid rejection from people outside their family. Even with their powers, there was something neither Absalom nor his grandmother were ever able to do: find Alma's soul.
When Absalom is 12, Almudena dies and Absalom, unable to find her either and suspecting her dead is related to the necromancy, blames their power for it. And so he starts seeing this power as a curse instead of a gift. Something that he doesn't truly control nor understand, something that scares him and isolates him. Absalom goes to live in a bigger city with his uncle. It spends a few rough years feeling alone and othered until, at 15, he meets Angel! They bond over their mutual love for music, being rejects in their school and their queerness. During their teenage years they both join a few bands and, finally, at 19-20, they decide to create their own music band, with Angel as the songer-guitarist and Absalom as the drummer. They are on the look out for a bassits when they meet Naomi. They quickly click and Naomi becomes the third member of TTT (Tres Tristes Trigres). A few months later, Naomi and Angel start dating! Playing with them is one of Absalom's favorite things in the world, and he trusts them more than anyone else. Nevertheless, he never tells them about his necromancy but they do notice weird, worrying things about him.
At 19-20, Absalom meets Percy after bumping into him a few times in campus and in local concerts. They hit it off immediately and start dating shortly after that. They're both interested in music and art. At first, their relationship seems perfect. Absalom (who's in the aro spectrum) falls in love for the first time and he feels really happy and loved, something he has truly struggled with for all his life. As time goes by, their relationship starts to get rocky, they fight and argue a lot, but they always go back to each other. Their relationship ends up beng really toxic on both sides. Percy is manipulative and cheats on him and Absalom is jealous and desperate for this idyllic love and comfort they had at first. But, thanks to Angel and Naomi's support, Absalom breaks up with him after dating for a year and half. During the time they were dating, Percy started noticing a few odd things that surround Absalom, like weird aggresive energies around them after they fought. No matter how many times Angel warns Absalom against it, sometimes, when it feels lonely, it goes back to Percy, looking for momentary comfort.
Regarding the necromancy gift/curse. Its origins are uncertain to the family but what does it exactlty allow them to do? The Medina family (or at least those that inherit it) can see spirits in their daily life and communicate with them (spirits may appear everywhere and they mostly can tell when someone is able to see them so they may follow necromancers around, there's more spirits in places like graveyards tho; they don't really have that much consciousness, except for the spirits of necromancers, like Almudena, who Absalom will be able to find at some point). Thanks to this power they can also search for (and most of the time) find the spirit of a specific person (but still, Absalom is never able to find Alma, which tortures him). Another thing that they can do is enter Ewordis.
Ewordis is the realm between life and death (but closer to death, as no living creatures can enter it, except for some necromancers). Ewordis is a inmense white space full of mostly nothingness and some spirits where time doesn't really exist. Absalom hides there when he gets too overwhelmed by real life, thinking that avoiding reality helps him. When he enters Ewordis, his real body is frozen in time, so he can stay there for days or weeks without truly noticing. But time itself doesn't stop. This has lead to his friends worrying after not hearing of him for days in more than one occasion. Isolating himself in Ewordis like this is something that Absalom does to cope when he is really really bad and he tells no one about it. He doesn't really understand what this realm truly is, nor where does it lead. What are the secrets that hide beyond this seemingly vast white empty unreal territory?
One day, after Absalom's mental health worsens and he goes back to hiding in Ewordis, he meets, for the first time, a demon-looking huge guy! Absalom is shocked, because he did not know of the existence of creatures like him. This "demon" tells him he remembers nothing of before being in Ewordis and that he himself doesn't know what he is. They keep bumping into each other when Absalom enter Ewordis, and it notices that this demon must be lonely. They talk a lot and become friends, and Absalom tells him about his life in the living realm. He ends up naming the demon Ozzie, after one of his favorite movies: "The Wizard of Oz". They decide to try and find out what Ozzie is.
After many spirits start following Absalom around and telling him about a monster eating their corpses in a graveyard, Absalom decides to investigate and get rid of all of them. Not really because he wants to help them, but because he wants to be left alone. He goes to the graveyard at night and he founds a thin young man crying next to an open grave. When he sees Absalom, he runs away. This young man is Victor. Victor also comes from one of the few necromancers families left. Their powers are different to those of the Medina family tho, since they are more related to the pyshical body and flesh than to the spirit. He was alive many years ago and he lived with his two siblings and his abusive father. Victor killed himself to escape his father but he brought him back, mixing his body and soul with those of other corpses. Now Victor is forced to feed on human corpses to keep their conscience. Victor loathes his father, who keeps him locked in their old mansion and forces him to keep himself alive. Thanks to his powers, his father has kept himself and his children alive for many many years.
Necromancy powers are directly related to the Horror of Death. There are many Horrors related to different aspects of existence. The Horrors are cosmic entities beyond human comprehension. More ancient that everything. They are neutral entities, not bad nor good. They just exist and keep balance. They have no human morality or feelings. Or at least, that's how it should be. So why can't Absalom die? Who protects him and why? Where is Alma's soul? Who are the other Horrors and how do their existence affect the characters lives?
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zukkaoru · 4 months
waltzes into your inbox hiiii ^^
platonic kiss with kenji + anyone
spiderman kiss with kunichuu (is this predictable of me. sorry)
bloody kiss with tachigin!!
kunichuu spiderman kiss.. falls over and blacks out (other two are under the cut lol)
Chuuya is sitting on the ceiling when Kunikida returns to his dorm. Their knees are hugged tightly to their chest, and they’re staring straight ahead, gaze unfocused. Their coat looks more like a blanket with how it’s wrapped around them at the moment.
Kunikida frowns to himself. This isn’t the first time Chuuya has shown up unannounced—if Kunikida truly didn’t want them in here without a warning, he wouldn’t have given them a key. But it is the first time he can recall them stopping by just to mope.
“Chuuya?” He calls out. “Are you alright?”
They blink slowly, then mumble something Kunikida can’t make out.
Kunikida purses his lips. He toes off his shoes, then crosses over to where they’re seated. The dorm ceilings aren’t very high, and Kunikida is rather tall himself, so he’s about at eye-level with Chuuya. When he reaches towards them, they flinch.
His hand freezes in midair.
Chuuya lets out a strained sigh. “Sorry. I’m used to Dazai being the only one who sees me when I’m like this.”
“Ah.” Kunikida nods understandingly. He moves again, and Chuuya leans into the touch. It’s slightly awkward, cradling their cheek while they’re upside down, but Kunikida makes it work. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Chuuya shakes their head. “Not right now.”
“Is there anything I can do to help?”
Chuuya shrugs.
“Let me know if you think of something, okay?”
Chuuya nods. Then, they lean forward, nearly imperceptibly. But Kunikida catches it, and he understands what they want. He closes the distance between them, slotting his lips against Chuuya’s. It’s a soft, chaste, kiss, but when Kunikida pulls back, Chuuya is smiling, so he figures it did its job.
“Will you sit up here with me for a bit?” Chuuya whispers.
Kunikida has work he needs to finish. He needs to make dinner, so it’ll be ready when Kenji returns from helping the Tanizaki siblings. He should also probably shower tonight.
“Of course,” he agrees anyway.
Chuuya’s grin is more than worth scrapping his schedule for the evening.
kenji & naomi + platonic kiss
Kenji places his finished flower crown on Naomi’s head, clicking his tongue as he does so. Once it’s in place, he steps back and grins. “It looks very nice on you, Naomi-san. You were right—the red flowers do match the tie on your uniform!”
Naomi giggles. She immediately grabs for her phone, turning on the front-facing camera so she can look at herself. Kenji has been making flower crowns for everyone in the office lately, because it gives him something to do with his hands, and Naomi is thrilled to finally have one of her own.
She’s already decided that once the flowers begin to wilt, she’s going to press them so she can keep the crown forever.
Once she’s finished admiring the crown, she sets her phone down and turns back to Kenji. She leans forward, kissing the top of his head. “Thank you, Kenji-kun. I love it.”
tachigin + bloody kiss
Tachihara’s face is painted red like the uniform marking his betrayal. The band-aid over his nose is half-peeled off, dangling awkwardly. The white bandages over his eyes are stained with blood.
But he’s still standing. He’s alive. Gin could nearly weep in relief.
They rush over to him, dodging the corpses littering the ground. They sheath their knife without bothering to clean the blade before throwing their arms around Tachihara and dragging him into a tight hug.
“Don’t,” they interrupt.
Tachihara falls silent.
There are a thousand things Gin could say, but none of them seem quite right and Gin has never been particularly fond of speaking anyway. So they pull back just enough to crash their lips against Tachihara’s. The kiss tastes coppery, and Gin doesn’t know who the blood belongs to, but it doesn’t matter because Tachihara is alive.
They run a hand through his hair, imagining red now streaked through the dyed orange. Their tongue flicks against a cut on Tachihara’s lip, and he whimpers before opening his mouth wider to deepen the kiss.
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bungobble-my-balls · 10 months
Re-reading the bsd manga and picking up more stuff now and it is an experience.
Because Asagiri and Harukawa wtf is THIS
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You can't just drop this and never bring up these two together again.
I know WHY this is here. It's at the end of volume 10 where it's revealed that Gin is Akutagawa's younger sister, so it's art showing the two younger sister's in the Mafia and the ADA.
But WHY do they look so good here! They look straight up devious too like they know something or have secrets?? Naomi I am looking directly at you because you look so suspicious here but I don't know what to suspect you of.
They're back to back and melding into eachother like they're rivals or something too, this single image feels so important but it's literally the ONLY mention we ever have of these two at the same time.
This literally gives me the same feeling of looking at art of sskk in the ying/yang position or soukoku in opposing/matching colours.
I know it's probably because they're the sisters in opposing organisations but why does this art make me feel like this is much less about their organisations and more about THEM opposing/paralleling eachother.
I am now hoping so much that this art is also foreshadowing because whatever this art of them and whatever dynamic it implies is just so interesting to think about.
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kaurwreck · 5 months
bridezillas au??
I am the loving co-steward of an extensive, two-part Bridezillas!au stemming from @sarahworm and I having watched way too much Bridezillas, an awful and manipulative program which we made @lifeandeathepub's problem. But if anyone could be worse than the production team, it would be Chuuya and Dazai. There's a part two for Akutagawa and Atsushi.
Conceptually, it's predicated on the show being more international than it is and Haruno and Naomi having tipsily submitted a submission tape for Chuuya and Dazai so deranged that the show decided to follow them for an entire television season of wedding planning rather than the show's typical structure of two episodes per bride with two brides sharing each episode. It's set in canon-verse more or less, so the boys are not supposed to talk about either the Port Mafia or disclose anything that may implicate the Special Division. They don't succeed.
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