#narnia fluff
chrisili · 5 months
Till next time | pt.1
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Pairing: Edmund Pevensie x fem!reader
Summary: Prince Caspian and his maid escaped from his uncles castle. After reuniting with the Narnians and unexpected visitors, Y/N learns how to sword fight, how to be tough and how to love.
Warnings: spoilers if you haven’t watched/read Prince Caspian, cursing
Genre: angst, fluff, rom-com
Word count: 4,6k
A.N.: I am a Peter girly but… when you have three Narnia one shots written and two of them are Edmund related, do you actually deserve that title? Anyways, I changed Edmund’s age a little bit because it is a fan fiction and I can and because it’s gonna be a thing in the second part. Yes, a second part. I planned this as one only but it seems too long and rushed and doesn’t make a lot of sense to keep it in one part, so yeah enjoy!
Masterlist | pt.2: coming soon
“A son! A son! Lady Prunaprismia has this night given Lord Miraz a son!” The mans voice echoed behind Prince Caspian and his maid Y/N. They had just exchanged their last words with Cornelius, Caspians teacher, before riding out of the castle. With a concerned look he stops his horse, Prince Caspian moves his head to the right, looking at her. She just puts a hand on his shoulder and gives him a reassuring smile, even if she was scared to the bones herself. He sighs deeply and nudges Destriers side for him to run off again. While being followed by Miraz’s men, Y/N was holding on to Caspian while looking back terrified.
Prince Caspian rode both of them into the woods until Destrier kicked off his back. Them on the ground now, they immediately started to get surrounded by two dwarfs, names Trumpkin and Nikabrik and a badger, Trufflehunter. Trumpkin would be taken in by the Telmarines while Caspian would blow Queen Susans old horn, given to him by Cornelius. Later they were both sleeping in the little home of the badger and the black dwarf, which was in fact, the inside of a tree.
Y/N already sat awake at the dining table with Trufflehunter and Nikabrik, all three waiting for Prince Caspian to wake up. She was a lovely girl, always smiling and always kind. She had a lot of things to be thankful for and although a lot of those things have now been taken away from her, she was still with Caspian and that was all she needed.
“This bread is so stale.” Said Nikabrik while tearing the bread into two halves, not giving the other half to Y/N. He didn’t like Y/N, it was nothing personal, she was one of them and that was reason enough.
“I’ll just give him some soup. He should be coming around soon.” Said a different voice, Trufflehunter. While the young prince had already woken up and was now silently walking in the direction the voices were coming from, was the badger giving Y/N some soup already. She nodded her head smiling and said, “thank you very much.”
“I don’t think I hit him hard enough,” replied Nikabrik and Y/N swallowed hastily, “I think that you shouldn’t talk so foul of the Prince while he is sleeping just in the same room as you are! Especially not in front of me!” She didn’t say it mean, arrogant or threatening.
“That is right and besides that, he is just a boy!” Replied Trufflehunter.
“He’s a Telmarine, not some lost puppy. You said you were gonna get rid of him.” Y/N, who had also just woken up a few minutes ago too, choked on her soup as she heard Nikabrik say that.
The badger looked softly at Y/N and then roughly back at Nikabrik, “No. I said I’d take care of him. We can’t kill him now. I just bandaged his head. It would be like murdering a guest!”
“How do you think his friends are treating their guest?” Nikabrik said while looking disgusted at Y/N.
“Trumpkin knew what he was doing, it’s not the boys fault or hers.” Just before Y/N could speak for herself, Prince Caspian jumped into the main ‘room’ grabbing one of the pokers by the fire and started to fight against Nikabrik.
“Hold it. No, no!” Yelled Trufflehunter.
“Your highness! They are Narnians, they are just trying to help!” Y/N said urgently, quickly getting up and extending her hands to calm Caspian down.
Both stopped fighting and Caspian looked at her with wide eyes. Nikabrik just scoffed and put his sword back. Y/N walked over to Caspian and he looked at her intensely waiting for a more in depth explanation. “Prince Caspian, this is Trufflehunter and this is Nikabrik. They helped us escape from your lord father’s soldiers, one was caught… but he will be alright, right?” She said looking around for an answer. “Right.” Said Trufflehunter who was now cleaning up the soup that was so sadly spilled all over the floor.
“Wait, hold on. Am I hearing this right? Prince? That disgusting piece of a man is your father then?” Said Nikabrik jumping up again holding out his sword but Prince Caspian defended himself immediately, “my uncle! And… he wants me dead.” Said Caspian now sadder than ever, having now realized in what kind of situation he really is.
Not shortly after, Prince Caspian and Y/N went out into the woods again looking for… well they didn’t really know themselves, more Narnians? In the hope for them to follow Caspian? To defeat Miraz?
“My lord!” Y/N yelled after Caspian while she was panting, hitting rocks and punching branches out of her way. “My lord please wait! I am not that fast, wearing a dress in the woods is not easy!” She said hopelessly but also slightly laughing at herself. Prince Caspian turns around and quickly runs up to her, helping her walking further extending an arm for her to hold on to it. Almost like he was her servant not the other way around.
“I really hope it’s gonna work.” Caspian said after a while, still walking close to his only friend. “My lord?” She looked at him questioning. Y/N, who unfortunately did not have the privilege of receiving the same education as the prince was visibly confused, she had no idea what he meant. “The horn Cornelius gave me. It’s supposed to help us, bring the four kings and queens back or… even Aslan.” Y/N only gasped at that and shook her head in disbelieve. She sincerely hoped that it was true but it seemed to far fetched to be real.
While they continued walking, they eventually noticed they were being followed by none other than Trufflehunter and Nikabrik. They later met Reepicheep, the bravest one foot tall mouse you’ll ever see in your living days. Soon they would talk to all the old Narnians and unite forces to fight against Miraz.
This time walking in the woods, Y/N found herself not only surrounded by Trufflehunter, Nikabrik and Prince Caspian. This time there were hundreds of other creatures with them and oddly enough, she had never felt safer in her life, in all those years in the castle than she did right now with bulls who could speak the same language as she did.
They continued walking until Caspian heard some footsteps, he extended an arm to symbolize for the others to stop and wait while he walked further, just a few seconds later Y/N heard blades hitting against each other. Metal on metal, Caspian was fighting and he was fighting someone skilled.
Y/N started running with the others, eager to help their hopefully soon to be king. When Y/N arrived in the heart of the forest, the weirdest thing happened. She saw four people she’d never seen before but one caught her eye specifically. The boy with the blue cloth and dark hair, he stood beside two girls, one seemingly younger and the other one older than him. Edmund the Just, she thought. Now having talked and laughed with the other creatures nights before, she now knew a lot more about the legends of old and she immediately saw. She kept starring at him until he eventually realized someone was watching him, their eyes met and he just looked at her. His gaze was hard to describe, he looked at her interested, fascinated even.
After first complications they followed Prince Caspian to Aslans Tomb. Days and days of planning and fighting followed, them getting into the castle, Caspian having a mental break down because of his father, High King Peter being helpless for losing so many soldiers and friends, things didn’t look too well and Y/N hated herself that she couldn’t do anything to help.
She was just on the edge of the forest collecting mushrooms and different kinds of herbs. She was so busy aggressively pulling out random weeds at this point that she didn’t even hear footsteps appearing behind her.
“You don’t look very happy.” A male voice said and without turning around, checking who it might have been she just answered.
“No. I. Am. Great,” she huffed pulling more and more after each word.
“Are you sure? Because you are killing the meadow…” The male voice replied and something happened Y/N really didn’t intend to happen. She pushed all her rage and anger at the poor man who was trying to comfort her.
“Listen, why don’t you just leave me alone and play swords like the other wanna be soldiers? I am sick and tired of you men trying to control everyone just because you are men! Your decisions have brought us nothing but misery and just because I am a woman doesn’t mean I am weak or less smart than any of you! So how about you fuck. Off!” She said while standing up and angrily turning around in the last part.
Her heart, soul and brain died at this exact moment at this exact spot.
In front of her stood King Edmund, the handsome young man she had liked since the day they met. They had not really spoken to each other yet so she couldn’t have known it was him. She clasped her mouth with both her hands while her eyes almost fell out. She didn’t know what to say and she hoped if she just stood still long enough, she would turn invisible and he’d leave.
That did in fact not happen.
Edmund stood there eyes almost as wide as hers. If you had talked to Edmund that way five years ago he would have yelled at you and made you hate yourself and your life, if you had talked to Edmund that way five years ago and you were a guy he would have probably thrown a punch at you right here right now.
But, judging by the fact that right now is not two years ago and that the person in front of him was not a random guy but a very beautiful, hardworking and usually lovely girl that he very much liked, he just nodded and said, “right, sorry to bother you.” With that he walked away. Well, until Y/N reached for his arm, not because she had anything to say, it was more of a reflex. He looked down his arm and then turned a little to look at her. She just looked at him like a fish who didn’t have enough water.
With every word she slid down more and more being on her knees and then holding on to Edmunds legs while crying bitterly. She didn’t even stop there but I’ll spare you the rest. Edmund just looked at her with wide eyes but he caught himself pretty quickly.
While she was still mumbling apologies and ways how he could kill her or probably send her to hell, he just grabbed her shoulders and pulled her up so she was standing in front of him. He smiled at her but didn’t let go of her shoulders. “Y/N, right?” He asked softly and she nodded while wiping away her many, many tears. “Good. Listen to me, I will not kill, banish or punish you in ANY way. We are ALL on edge and I forgive you.” He said very slowly and clearly so she would understand.
She nodded, “so the guillotine? I’ll get it.” She started to walk in whatever direction because to be completely honest with you, they didn’t have a guillotine.
“No no no no, no, not the guillotine.” He said reaching after her. “NO. KILLING. Understood?” He tried explaining again. Y/N looked confused at him with her tears building up again, “but I said- I said-” “Yes, I know what you said. But it doesn't matter, it is alright okay? Don’t worry about it. We all make mistakes,” then he looked a little hurt, like he remembered something from his past, “and we deserve a second chance as long as we acknowledge that mistake. Okay?”
Y/N nodded. “Good. Would it be okay for you if you took your basket and helped cooking for dinner? I have to practice with the others and some of those mushrooms look delicious.” He said smiling and with that Y/N completely snapped out of it. “Mushrooms, dinner, food, of course! Would I be okay?! That is my job! Sword practice of course how could I be so stupid, pardon me King Edmund. I should really go, cook and stuff like that.” She grabbed her basket and basically ran away from him, he just looked after her smiling to himself.
Later after dinner, Y/N sat further away from the bonfire holding herself comforting, thinking about today. Caspian walked over to her and sat down beside her, she didn’t even greet him, that’s how bad she was feeling.
“So… you’d like to yell at me too or is that a thing between you and King Edmund?” He said laughing while drinking some wine and she looked at him shocked. “How did you? Did he tell you-” “I haven’t really spoken to him but, you were crying and yelling in the middle of our base, basically. You think no one heard?” He said with one eyebrow lifted and Y/N just let her head fall into her hands. “I am an idiot and I suck.”
Caspian just nodded, “yes, do I want to know what happened?” With her head still hiding in her hands she just shook her head and Prince Caspian let it go.
The next day was horrible. Y/N was too embarrassed to look at anyone so she left early into the woods, or so she planned. On the way outside she heard Prince Caspian yelling after her, “Y/N! Y/N! Hold up!” She sighed sadly and turned around with a trained smile. “My lord?” “Yeah yeah, I have a little quest for you, nothing major. High King Peter will duel my uncle but someone has to bring him the message. … will do it, being accompanied by a giant, a centaurs and you.” He said kind of mumbling the first person.
“A giant, a centaurs and what will go with us?” She asked stretching her neck a little so she would understand better.
“ing Edmns…” he said mumbling again.
“Sorry, what?” She asked again walking even closer to Prince Caspian. “King Edmund.” He said hiding his smile, of course it was King Edmund.
“I, Peter, by the gift of Aslan, by election and by conquest, High King of Narnia, Lord of Cair Paravel and emperor of the Lone Islands, in order to prevent the abominable effusion of blood, do hereby challenge the usurper Miraz to single combat upon the field of battle. The fight shall be to the death. The reward shall be total surrender.” King Edmund read all of this off his scroll in front of Miraz and the other lords. Y/N stood a little in the back not too far from Lord Glozelle. While Edmund rolled his scroll back up, Miraz started talking.
“Tell me, Prince Edmund…”
“King.” Edmund interrupted and Y/N smirked at his remark.
“Pardon me?” Lord Miraz asked with a startled look on his face.
Edmund looked up from his scroll, “it’s ‘King Edmund,’ actually. Just ‘King,’ though. Peter’s the High King. I know, it’s confusing.”
Lord Miraz and Lord Sopespian looked at each other puzzled.
“Why, would we risk such a proposal when our armies could wipe you out by nightfall?” Miraz asked.
Edmund looked at the lords as he studied their faces, “haven’t you already underestimated our numbers? I mean, only a week ago Narnians were extinct.”
“And so you will be again.”
“Well then you should have little to fear.”
At that Miraz laughed out loud. “This is not a question of bravery.”
“So you’re bravely refusing to fight a swordsman half your age?”
Y/N turned around so her wide smile wouldn’t show. Lord Mirazs smile on the other hand faded instantly as he leaned forwards in his chair. “I didn’t say I refused.”
With a lot of talk and arguing, it was decided that they would fight each other. On their way back, the giant and centaurs in the back and Edmund and Y/N in the front, they started talking. “First of all I want to deeply apologies again for how I behaved the other day King Edmund I shouldn’t have-” but before she could finish her sentence he held out a hand and shook his head smiling. She smiled back and started a new topic, “I just wanted to say, the way you talked to these lords was incredible. I have never seen such courage before especially at your age, although I probably shouldn’t say that.” “My age?” He looked at her amused and she blushed a little, “you know, judging you are like… 15?” At that Edmund laughed out loud and she looked at him confused. “Did I say something funny?” Edmund shook his head still laughing, “no, no you didn’t. It’s just that I am 17 and technically I am 32.”
(My math goes like this: LWW Edmund is 12. I aged them up so that instead of waiting one year to go back they waited five, because. Anyways, 12 plus 5 is obviously 17 plus the 15 years they spent in Narnia before going back the first time.)
“You are older than me? I will be 17 in only two months…” she said surprised and he looked at her still amused.
“Y/N” he said. She looked at him questioning. “Would you like me to teach you some swords ‘play’?” She cringed at the word ‘play’ remembering their earlier encounter with each other. “It would be an honor your highness.”
“Just try to hit me, don’t worry too much.” And with these words Y/N swung her practice sword as hard as she could at Edmund, him not having imagined her to hit as hard as she did, he almost lost balance defending himself.
“Wow wow easy, alright, you almost killed me.”
“I am sorry but you said to hit! And not to worry!” She exclaimed straightening herself.
“Yes but this time maybe a little less force okay? You are very good but you’re wasting too much energy on one swing.”
She nodded and got into position but he looked at her feet and shook his head. “That’s not it, you have to-, wait let me help.” He went over to hit her feet softly with his so she would stand steadier. “Also you have to hold the sword a little higher.” He took her arm from behind and pushed it upwards. His gaze then slowly went to hers. They were incredibly close to each other, noses almost touching.
“EDMUND!” Peter yelled from the inside of their base. “We have to talk about tomorrow, come on!”
Edmund just kept looking at Y/N and yelled back, “Yes Pete! On my way!” He kept looking at Y/N for a few more seconds, then he slightly bowed and turned around to get to Peter.
Y/Ns legs became weak and she dramatically fell to the ground, her head red and hands sweaty. “I am done.”
Done, was also King Peter way later after he fought Miraz, after Caspian couldn’t kill his uncle and after the war was over. Y/N had been fighting very well, she was scared but determent to help and so she was a great fighter. After meeting Aslan she felt great, they had won and the Narnians were free again. It was time to celebrate, dance and be happy. Everyone was in the new conquered castle, drinking, singing, eating and confessing.
One confession should be especially interesting for you, dear reader.
“Your Majesty, can I speak to you for a second?” Y/N said after walking over to the big table where all the old and new, kings and queens of Narnia sat. Edmund looked at Peter and he nodded with a smile. Edmund and Y/N walked out of the main hall to a more quiet place. They walked down the hallway and Y/N suddenly stopped which made Edmund stop too.
“I wanted to tell you something…” she said looking at him nervously. “I don’t expect you to say it back, I don’t even expect you to answer me at all but I have to get this off my chest.”
She was fidgeting with her fingers looking down at them, she was extremely nervous but she had to tell him how she felt.
“I… well, I- the first time I saw you, I was extremely fascinated by you. You were just… incredibly handsome but that’s not all obviously! Over the last weeks I have thought about the way you think and the way you talk and I love all of it. The way you express yourself is so beautiful and the way you care about your family really made me realize how must I love you. I love you King Edmund and an awful lot of that too, it is so much love that it almost hurts and I can hardly breath. There are no words in this world to describe my love for you… I’d probably have to invent another language just to slightly express how I feel.”
She had now looked up at him and her tears started building up, not because she was scared of sad. It was because all of her emotions were too much to be held in her body, she was overwhelmed and to be honest after all that happened she was very happy to let it out. Edmunds expression was evident, he was smiling one ear to another and with that he hugged the girl in front of him tightly and laughed, “I love you too, I love you, I love you, I love you so much.”
Y/N laughed and cried more into Edmunds shoulder while she hugged him as if her life depended on it. They looked at each other and without another word they kissed both smiling and as happy as one could be. As Y/N wanted to break the kiss, was Edmund just leaning in more and more pecking her lips not wanting to let her go and she laughed even more pecking his lips back. Their foreheads rested on each other and he whispered, “I love you.”
“Ew.” Came a voice from beside them around the corner, it was now King Caspian and Queen Susan who had just gone for a little walk around the castle. Y/N eyes widened as she let go of Edmund, not immediately or hastily. “King Caspian,” Edmund said smiling nodding his head while still holding on to Y/Ns hands and Caspian nodded back smiling, “King Edmund.” They smiled at each other while Susan cocked up an eyebrow looking at Y/N questioning but she just shook her head slightly confused.
“I think we should leave them alone, don’t you?” Caspian asked Susan as they were turning back to where they came from. Susan nodded, “I wasn’t planning on seeing this as it is.”
The next morning everyone met up to send the people who did not want to live the new way, to the old place where the old kings and queens of Narnia lived also. After Lord Glozelle and Caspians aunt left with his cousin, the people got suspicious.
“HOW DO WE KNOW HE IS NOT LEADING US TO OUR DEATH?” One shouted and the others agreed, Y/N stood in the front close to Edmund and she looked worried at him but he gave her a reassuring smile just as she had done to Prince Caspian at the beginning of this story.
“Sire. If my example can be of any service, I will take 11 mice through with no delay.” Reepicheep, the mouse, offered while talking to Aslan. But Aslan only looked at High King Peter and something very uncomfortable started to build up in Y/Ns stomach.
“We’ll go.” Peter said and Edmunds heart sank into the earth beneath him, “we will?”
Without further explanation Peter just walked up, “come on. Our time’s up.”
Y/Ns mind had already gone blank while the others were talking, they were saying that Peter and Susan were not needed in Narnia anymore and that Lucy and Edmund would return. While Susan went up to King Caspian and Peter and Lucy to Trumpkin, Edmund did go to Y/N holding her hands with his.
“I am so sorry… I had no idea this was, this was how it was going to be.” Edmund said with glossy eyes looking slightly down into the girls eyes and she looked back at him worried.
“I don’t want you to go.” She wanted to say so many things, so many more words but she couldn’t, her throat was tied.
He shook his head now tears flowing down his cheeks, “I don’t want to leave.”
Y/N turned forwards Aslan, “Aslan, couldn’t I go with them? You said everyone could choose to go or stay.”
Aslan smiled at her shaking his head softly, “I am afraid not dear one. Edmund and yourself have quite an important role in the future. Things must happen the way intended.”
Y/Ns looked so incredibly sad, it was hard to look at her without getting sad yourself. “Will I see him again then?”
Aslan smiled and nodded and Edmund and Y/N looked at each other hopeful.
Their foreheads rested against each others savoring their last moments together until next time.
“I love you,” he whispered, heart hurting. She closed her eyes as she whispered back, “I love you.”
Then they kissed each other before hugging as tightly as they could. Both of them crying and everyone feeling sorry for them, they parted. He was about to let go but she held onto his hand and he looked back.
Her eyes said: don’t go.
He turned around again and cupped one of her cheeks kissing her one last time, their salty tears being the last thing they tasted from each other before Edmund turned around again and with one last look at her over his shoulder, he left.
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ilovemesomebigmen · 6 months
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𝙎 𝙊 𝙉 𝙂:
A stay with two lovers reconnected
The sheets we lay in became tepid
Your wiry arms cage me whole with
a perpetual grasp of consolation.
The stars gaze down at us with their bright Elizabethan constellations.
Seeming is the moon to be peeking a curious eye over and above, past the translucent silk hung over the open frame.
Soft is your breathing at the base of my nape, my body fragile in yours,careful to not stirre you awake.
Up to this time, the feeling of mildness unfurled entirely from your muscles softened across your face, an enthralling sight to behold indeed.
The usual crease of your brows unwinded to welcome soft kisses that beckons to your call and needs.
Who am I to 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙡𝙛? Though I lay same surface as 𝙮𝙤𝙪?
Lips of momentum capture my own, an answer of time arrived with pools of hope to drown in, deep breaths being the shores.
A wonder it was when your fingers lingered along my skin, the even now unfamiliarity of it left guilt but the same cup was drank from admist the knowing look in your eyes.
Forgiving it was.
In these moments that roam by, I'd grasp at the end that would always be here for us, for 𝙮𝙤𝙪.
And in these moments, I'd grasp the realization of importance the love you hold dear in your heart for me, a realization your warmth clasped my heart in.
𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙯𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙬𝙖𝙨 𝙚𝙣𝙤𝙪𝙜𝙝 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙪𝙧𝙫𝙞𝙫𝙚.
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┆✶┆ 𝘽𝙤𝙠𝙪𝙩𝙤 𝙆𝙤𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙤𝙪, 𝘏𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘢 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘺𝘰, 𝘋𝘢𝘪𝘤𝘩𝘪 𝘚𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘮𝘶𝘳𝘢,𝘛𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘬𝘢 𝘙𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘬𝘦,𝘚𝘶𝘨𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘢 𝘒𝘰𝘶𝘴𝘩𝘪,𝘈𝘴𝘢𝘩𝘪 𝘈𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘦,𝘒𝘶𝘳𝘰𝘰 𝘛𝘦𝘵𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘰,𝘈𝘬𝘢𝘢𝘴𝘩𝘪 𝘒𝘦𝘪𝘫𝘪,𝘒𝘪𝘵𝘢 𝘚𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘴𝘶𝘬𝘦,𝘚𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘴𝘢 𝘒𝘪𝘺𝘰𝘰𝘮𝘪,𝘒𝘺𝘰𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘪 𝘒𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘰,𝘐𝘸𝘢𝘪𝘻𝘶𝘮𝘪 𝘏𝘢𝘪𝘫𝘪𝘮𝘦,𝘛𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘶 𝘚𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪,𝘚𝘦𝘮𝘪 𝘌𝘪𝘵𝘢, 𝙈𝙚𝙜𝙪𝙢𝙞 𝙁𝙪𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙧𝙤, 𝘕𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪 𝘒𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘰, 𝘎𝘰𝘫𝘰 𝘚𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘶, 𝘔𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘰 𝘙𝘪𝘥𝘥𝘭𝘦, 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘴𝘦 𝘡𝘢𝘣𝘪𝘯𝘪,𝘚𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘶𝘴 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬,𝘙𝘦𝘨𝘶𝘭𝘢𝘴 𝘉𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬, 𝘋𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘰 𝘔𝘢𝘭𝘧𝘰𝘺, 𝘏𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘗𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳,𝙋𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝘾𝙖𝙨𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙣,𝘗𝘦𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘗𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘦, 𝘌𝘥𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘥 𝘗𝘦𝘯𝘴𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘦, 𝙇𝙚𝙤𝙣 𝙆𝙚𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙙𝙮, 𝙇𝙚𝙫𝙞 𝘼𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙧𝙢𝙖𝙣, 𝘌𝘳𝘦𝘯 𝘠𝘦𝘢𝘨𝘦𝘳, 𝘌𝘳𝘸𝘪𝘯 𝘚𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘩, 𝘙𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘳 𝘉𝘳𝘢𝘶𝘯, 𝘈𝘯𝘺 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘪𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯!!┆✶┆
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sweetpandorabox · 1 year
Peter Pevensie as a Boyfriend ⚔️🛡️
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⋆ ˚。 ⋆୨sweetpandorabox୧⋆ ˚。 ⋆
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎…⋙
Warnings ⚠️: Slight mentioned of sexual themes and some spicy stuff.
Dating this incredibly attractive, loyal protector and brave older Pevensie sibling could include:
He's really protective of you and often expresses how much he loves and cares for you, so much so that if anyone even tries to come close to hurting you by words or physically he won't hesitate to eliminate them.
He's quite a gentleman and believes that he has to take care of all the ladies in his life including his Mother, Susan, Lucy, and especially you. He would offer his arm when the two of you are waking together, he would bow to you when he greets you and he never lets you carry anything, Peter has that timeless chivalry personality about him.
Sword fighting lessons with him only for it to turn into an extremally spicy make-out session after, because of the build-up of sexual tension over time and the fact that he always wins with him pinning you down on the floor without even trying.
You are the only one that can calm him down after he blows up after fighting with his sibling or is stressing out about ruling Narnia.
He would see you falling asleep nearby the entrance of the castle waiting for him to return from a patrol ride around Narnia which he finds to be the most precious thing, then he'll pick you up in his arm and carry you to sleep in his bedroom and not your own one.
He calls you cute nicknames like Darling, Pretty, Lovely, or Princess.
Likes when you call him Pete, Darling, Sugar, or Your Highness (He likes when you call him that because it sounds so seductive coming from your mouth).
His love language is probably Acts of Services, sure he loves a good PDA once in a while and all the things you both did together as a date, but he's a natural server and protector. He shows his love by protecting you, making sure you're fed well and healthy, or the little things like helping you take off your gown, brushing your hair for you, or helping bathe you.
Ask for your input before making a big decision because he trusts you and relies on you for support especially if he has to debate it with his siblings first.
Horseback riding around the beach in Cair Paravel to watch the sunset, but the both of you would ride and share one horse with you sitting and wrapping your arm around his torso, while he leads the horse.
Whenever he sees you doing something and looks about busy he comes up behind you, and turns you to face him by spinning you around by the waist before caressing your cheek softly and then pulling you into a sweet yet passionate kiss.
He requests you specifically when he's hurt/injured after a battle or some tough fight training days to take care of him, like cleaning his wounds, being there to kiss him, holding his hand to lessen the pain, or performing some oral sex on him if he's in the mood (😏) instead of choosing his other loyal servants.
The two of you are always smiling around each other before it erupts into a fit of laughter out of nowhere ending up with you and Pete on the floor dying.
Lucy and Edmund would catch the both of you kissing or showing PDA somewhere then they'd look at each other and get grossed out saying "Eww" or "Get a room you two, there's a billion inside this castle", then you and Pete would somehow share the same mindset and start teasing them by kissing even more, or exaggerating the PDA until both Lucy and Edmund can't take anymore and run off, giving you and Pete a good laugh after.
When it comes to sex he's very gentle with you making sure to put you first before himself, despite how much you drive him crazy with lust because of how attractive you are to him, so it's mostly slow, passionate sex but he does love giving you a good hickey mark all over your neck and chest area or when you give him a bit of ear play to get him turned on.
He's actually quite funny intentionally most of the time and can be quite sassy as well which you find hilarious especially when he's annoyed, hungry, or frustrated.
Let's you wear and steal his white long-sleeve tunic for bed instead of proper pajamas because it looks adorable on you and fits slightly larger.
He falls for your cute puppy eyes every time, even if he says no multiple times or refuses your request at this moment it always works and he always says "Oh come on don't do this to me Darling" but then you'd plead and he would sigh before smiling and boom he says yes.
He never goes to sleep without solving a fight and he wouldn't let you sleep either until the both of you have a makeup kiss.
He doesn't seem to be the jealous type on the inside because he hides it so well from you, but when he sees someone staring at you for more than 5 seconds he rolls his eyes and kisses you out of nowhere.
@igncrantbliss @milivanili99 @thatdummy-girl @nighttimemoonlover
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pariahsparadise · 1 year
ye of little faith | e. p.
nav. | m.list
summary: eustace doesn't believe that edmund has a girlfriend.
wc: 800
pairings: edmund pevensie x fem!reader
warnings: VERY unedited. also it's 1am and i just wrote this in a burst of inspiration, so please don't expect it to be good.
a/n: i don't really know if this will make sense to anyone lol, i think i wrote it in a confusing way, but hopefully it's okay. it's mostly eustace's pov, i wanted to try something new. also, this exact scenario has been in my head for months now.
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“There’s no way he has a girlfriend,” Eustace tells Lucy, barging into the room. She immediately knows who he’s talking about, able to hear Edmund on the phone downstairs, voice softer than it usually is, taking the tone he automatically opts for when he speaks to Y/N.
“Why?” Lucy asks, half-heartedly entertaining her annoying cousin while she thumbs through the pages of her book. Unfortunately for her, Eustace Scrubb brightens at the attention, straightening up and launching into a rather well-thought out spiel.
“First of all, it’s Edmund we’re talking about. He’s awkward, way too hostile and bad-tempered. Not to mention, he’s barely of average height, and his hair? Absolutely ridiculous.”
“Y/N likes it,” Lucy says mildly, earning a scoff from Eustace.
“Y/N.” he says with disbelieving scorn, “As if she actually exists. You expect me to believe that a woman as beautiful and intelligent as you lot claim she is would actually be interested in Edmund? And so interested that she calls and writes to him multiple times a week? Yeah, right. I bet that Ed’s hired an escort to help him forget about how lonely he actually is. Or he’s paying some poor girl to play the part of a caring partner.” Eustace has had many such theories, the more creative ones dealing with blackmail and holding family members hostage, but so far, monetary imbursements seem to be the most likely.
“Sure, Eustace,” Lucy mumbles, having checked out of the conversation a while ago. He shakes his head at her disinterest, convinced that he is right, and leaves the room, muttering to himself disbelievingly.
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A few days later, a painting gushes out water and swallows them whole, so poor Eustace, although having taunted his cousins with his skepticisms about the magical land of Narnia and called them fools for believing in the same, is forced to confront that he was wrong. 
Eustace is soaking wet and miserable, still slightly panic infused. He can’t believe his eyes, convinced that he hallucinated the last fifteen minutes. Sitting on the ship, the Dawn Treader, he watches as his cousins are recognised as King and Queen. He’s related to royalty. 
With a humorous snort, he realises that this is more believable than Edmund Pevensie having a girlfriend.
Hell, even the talking rat next to him is more believable.
He goes to voice the same, but is distracted by a joyous whoop descending from the sky, followed by a splash in the ocean. Eustace is too busy trying to catch a glimpse of the figure underwater to notice the hopeful glances Edmund and Lucy exchange, the faint tremour in Edmund’s hands as he snatches a telescope from a passing crew member, getting a clearer view.
“It is her!” Ed cries, only barely held back from jumping overboard by Caspian, who laughs fondly at the Just King. Eustace tries to hear what the Prince tells Edmund, but all noise turns to mush the second he sees the young woman surface, a brilliant smile on her face.
At first glance, he thinks it’s a siren. He’s heard stories about their enchanting beauty and ethereal forms, and Eustace does genuinely believe that this woman is too gorgeous to be human like he is. As she swims closer, though, and the ship's crew help pull her onto the ship, Eustace notices the lack of a tail. And though her hair is soaked and strewn across her face, and her clothes suction themselves to her skin, none of it takes away from her radiance.
It also doesn’t distract him from the fact that she’s walking right towards him. 
Eustace’s mouth goes bone dry, and he gulps nervously, afraid she’ll talk to him and afraid she won’t, when suddenly, Edmund swoops past him and towards the woman. He snatches her up in a passionate embrace, hands securing her to him as he twirls her around in sheer delight.
When they kiss, chaste but heady, Eustace decides that he has never actually known anything about anything.
He’s scouring the sky for flying pigs when he hears Edmund’s self-satisfied voice behind him, “And this, my very real girlfriend, Y/N, would be my cousin, Eustace Scrubb.”
“How do you do?” Eustace says weakly, extending a hand, trying his hardest not to faint when you take it.
“Pretty well. If only Edmund would- what was it again?- stop holding my family hostage, I think I’d be great,” you rib amiably, throwing back one of Eustace’s earliest theories back into his now scarlet face.
��No, darling, you’ve got it wrong, I’ve currently got your dogs kidnapped and ready to be shipped to the pound, remember?” Edmund joins in on the fun, his smile widening as he earns a couple of chuckles from you, and a darker flush from Eustace’s cheeks. 
Eustace Scrubb, though unwilling, is forced to admit, after watching the two of you interact, gravitating towards each other naturally, at ease with the love that surrounds you, his cousin’s eyes brighter than he’s ever seen them, that it is very believable for Edmund Pevensie to be dating Y/N L/N after all. 
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maiiiwrites · 9 months
PAIRING ! edmund pevensie x f!reader
IN WHICH you entertained your lovers big slip up
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it was a quiet day in cair paravel. everyone had taken the day off to relax after the tiring week. with all the meeting and formal events planned, it's difficult to do so.
you enjoyed the silent halls on these rare occasions. no one frantically running to their duties from one place to another. a book in hand and the sun shining through the library windows, it was the perfect morning.
that is until your lover barges in the library a little bit too bizarrely. he takes a moment to catch his breath and meets your eyes. "oh aslan, that's your 'i did something bad face' isn't it?" you sighed, forgetting your book.
"it's not as bad as you think love," edmund protested. "what did you do ed."
"i might have made a tiny slip up.." he started. carefully choosing his next words. "i accidentally called you my wife while i was talking with the advisors and our people have been sending wedding gifts."
the worry and panic in his features made you burst into laughter. "you haven't even asked for my hand in marriage," you chuckled.
the corner of his lips curled upwards, a sweet lopsided smile. "and i plan to do so, my love."
edmund offered his hand for you to take. a silent invitation to see what all this madness is about. you playfully rolled your eyes at his tactics, intertwining your hand together.
you walked side by side through the castle corridors. quietly asking how he planned to spend the rest of the day, with the intention of asking him on a date.
"i plan to spend it with you, ofcourse."
you smiled cheerfully, squeezing his hand as a silent 'i love you'. he lit up at the gesture and lifted your interlocked hands to place a soft kiss on your knuckles.
finally arriving at the grand ballroom. you peaked your head inside and found piles of gifts. some neatly placed in stacks, while others were on the verge of falling.  "you certainly weren't lying about the abundant amount," you lightly chuckled. quickly saving those in desperate need of stability.
edmund smiled warmly, completely smitten by your sweetness. he watched as you shifted from a corner to another. only stopping once a gift caught your attention.
you stared fondly at a certain present given by a little girl and her father. a handmade music box. attached to it is a letter, decorated with little doodles. you gently unfolded the parchment. revealing the sentimental and heart warming message. written in beautiful handwriting are the words, "may your love last for eternity."
"ed! come quick!" you called. but, there was no response or small scurrying of his feet towards you.
so you tried again, "darling! you have to see this." you softly creased the beautifully crafted box. inside, you found a figure of you and edmund. twisting the handle to reveal its magic. a narnian melody played as mini you and edmund came to life, dancing and waltzing.
you smiled love struck and giddy from the warmth spreading through your body. "edmund, you seriously have to see this—" your sentence being cut short by your boyfriend on one knee.
"oh aslan.. you planned this didnt you? you sly king."
he smirked, already sure of your answer "is that a no?" you were probably ugly crying but edmund looked at you like you were a goddess.
"yes," you mumbled, trying to hold back a sob. edmund chuckled at your response, "yes?"
"yes ill marry you king edmund the just."
tears are now flowing down your cheeks. you threw yourself into his arms causing him to tumble back. he smiled fondly, kissing the side of your head. your cries muffled agaisnt his shoulder.
you hugged him till your cries turned into small hiccups. pulling back to pout at your now, fiance. "i hate you," you hiccuped.
edmund couldn't hide the amusement in his features, "we both know that's far from how you truly feel."
you huffed, "you plotted all this on purpose."
"i love you too darling," he giggled. swaying you in his embrace.
ed is right though, irritated was the furthest thing you felt right now. not with his arms secured around you. you melted against him, surrounded by his love and warmth.
"look at me love," ed whispered, tilting your chin up. he leaned down to press a soft peck on your lips. tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear.
"i did plan all this. i told everyone beforehand that i was going to propose, and asked their help."
you watched him slide a beautifully crafted ring. fall like leaves engraved to signify the season of your anniversary and now engagement. center is a carnelian crystal, something that reminded him of you. his source of courage, energy, and motivation. edmund softly brushed his fingers on your ring. admiring the way it rested on your finger.
"now, let's go celebrate our engagement with a ride in the woods," he smiled.
a dopey grin spread across your face, "glady." you gently put away the music box, still playing its music. happily rushing through the corridors. hand in hand with your soon to be husband
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© maiiiwrites — ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
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lightwing-s · 4 months
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pairing: peter pevensie x female! reader
requested: yes. summary: war times are complicated and feelings tent to get overwhelming. when jealousy hits peter, he doesn't know what to do, you don't know what to make of it, and you two end up... "confessing".
word count: 1,3k warnings: light swearing, battle themes, anxiousness
a/n: it was supposed to be a short blurb but i got excited.
reblogs and interactions are always appreciated ! ♡
⌜masterlist⌟ ⌜requests: open⌟
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Hordes of narnians worked frantically on preparing weapons, armors and other supplies for the incoming battle against the telmarines. The sounds of metal hitting metal flooding the hollowed tunnels of Aslam’s How, giving Peter the eerie and anxious feeling he was growing unused to while in England, the one he always felt before a fight.
He had been looking for you, wanting to talk about battle plans, contingencies, numbers. Or just talk about anything at all. He needed to clear his mind, especially after what had just happened with Jadis and Caspian, after the failed battle at the telmarine’s castle and the growing tensions of a war. 
Truth is, he didn’t know if he could do it. He didn’t think he could win it this time, not in the state their army was, shrunken and weakened. Not without Aslam.
He needed to find you, talk to you. He needed you to tell him it would all be alright and you’d win this battle no matter what, like his mother did to soothe him down. Like you once used to back in your first time in Narnia.
“Have you seen Lady Yn?” He interrupted a faun’s work to question about your whereabouts, not managing to find you anywhere.
“I believe I saw her with Prince Caspian, your majesty.” the faun replied after standing from a bow.
With Caspian. Yet again.
You’d seemed to spend an awful amount of time with him lately, something Peter hadn’t imagined would piss him off so greatly as it did. Every time he’d come looking for you, or every time he spotted you around, somehow, Caspian would be by your side. Sometimes sharing laughs, others with your arms interlaced. It drove him furious.
He didn’t understand why you had to be around him so much. He wasn’t hurt or in need of help, he wasn’t your friend like he was. What was it you two talked about so much? And why was it that it drove him so insane to just think about?
Asking for instructions on where he’d last seen the two of you, Peter lets the faun return to his work, not managing to hide his unsatisfied look before heading out in your direction. Torch in hand, he followed through the empty and darkened tunnels until he found you and the prince sitting by the Stone Table, deep in conversation, so much so that you didn’t notice his presence at all.
He stood there, watching you two chat. Caspian’s arms moved everywhere in front of him while he explained something that had your eyes glued on him, an amused smile creeping to show up on your face.
His blood boiled. His face reddened, and it’s muscles curved into a frown. Spinning on his heels, he returned to where he came from. It wasn’t until you heard his heavy footsteps walking back into the tunnels that you noticed him, the torch fire reflecting on the walls and disappearing along with him.
Excusing yourself, you screamed his name and rushed after him, not understanding what was going on at all. The quick glimpse you had of his face showed you a displeased frown, leaving you worried something might have happened while you and Caspian discussed battle plans.
“Peter, wait!” you screamed after him, almost begging him to stop and talk to you. “What happened?”
“What happened?” he suddenly stopped and turned on his heel to face you. “Nothing happened, Yn.”
His anger ridden voice only confused you more, your head bobbing to the side to stare at him in deep thought. “Then why are you upset?”
“I’m not upset,” he argued. “It’s just that we’re preparing for a battle and you’re just hanging out with Caspian and…”
“That’s what this is about then?” you cut him mid sentence. “Me spending time with Caspian?”
“It’s not about you spending time with Caspian.” Peter rolled his eyes.
“Then what is it?”
“It's not… I-it’s…” he failed to come up with an explanation, opening and closing his mouth several times. “I’m just worried for my family’s and your safety, thinking of countless plans on how to keep everyone safe while you two are just chatting away.”
“Outrageous!” you exclaimed. “Peter, if me and Caspian are spending any time together is with this fucking battle in mind because you’re so damn stuck in your own head that you won’t listen to anybody!”
“I fucking always listen to you.!” he stated in return, moving forward towards you but you didn’t even flinch..
“Yes, but what about Caspian? Your own brother? They all care about this too, they all want to bring the Narnians to safety, not risk their lives again.”
“You know it wasn’t my fault.” he defended himself, clearly getting what you were hinting on.
“I know!” it was your turn to approach him. “I know you never intended to lose them like that, I was there with you remember, I saw it in your eyes.”
You could've sworn you felt a single tear escaping from your eye, but you weren’t sure and either way, you weren’t too attentive to it to care. “But you’re too stuck in your own head, too worried if you can or not do it to listen to people that actually believe and want to help you. And what was it with the White Witch?! What were you thinking?”
“I wasn’t.” he let out quietly, you barely managed to hear. The space between you a mere inconvenience now, as you both neared each other as words spilled out of your mouths.
“And if you think that I don’t care about your safety too, you’re so wrong because I worry about it day and night. I can barely sleep thinking about your safety and if we’re going to make it out alive, because I know how impulsive and stubborn you can be, Peter, and I can’t even fathom the thought of losing you to Miraz a-and…”
Cupping your face in his larger hands, Peter ended the last bit of space between you by pulling you forward into a kiss.
At first, you didn’t know how to react, how to respond to it, simply staying put and letting his lips touch yours, too surprised by an action you’d never expected from Peter. Your Peter, the stubborn and annoying Peter that made you lose your mind constantly with crazy battle plans and insufferable jokes, now making you lose it with his lips in yours.
His warm breath hitting your cheeks and the soft caress of his thumb on your skin melting you into his embrace, returning the kiss with careful and passionate movements. Your hands tugged on his shirt bringing him, if possible, even closer.
Growing needier, hotter, more desperate, you continue your kiss without breaking for air. His lips dancing above yours, your breathing getting shorter and your chest speeding away. You felt the tip of his tongue sliding inside your mouth, touching yours in a sensation you’d never once felt before, but that you now felt desperately hungry for.
And just when you were about to return the action, stumbling steps and rolling stones broke you apart from each other.
“I-I…” Caspian tried to muster, sliding his back against the painted walls of the tunnels, feet rushing away from you two. “... Just need, erm, to be somewhere.”
Peter had pulled you closer, hiding you in his chest like a protector of your virtue, and you laid your face in it, smelling his strong and woody scent emanating from his skin. His hand rested carefully on your waist now, as he watched Caspian disappear into the shadows over his own shoulder.
“He really admires you.” you called back his attention, wrapping your arms around his torso in a comfortable embrace. “You should listen to his ideas.”
“I know,” he simply replied. “I will.”
And like that you stood for a few more minutes. Wrapped around each other, lullying to the sound of each other’s breaths. A brief moment of quiet, peace and solitude in the chaos that was battle prep.
A moment for you two, that Peter prayed with all his heart wouldn’t be the last.
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heartss4val · 10 months
𝐞𝐝𝐦𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐞 𝐡𝐜'𝐬
summary. headcanons of your relationship with edmund pevensie while dating. (gn reader)
— straight up fluff, nothing else. PART 1/?
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— Edmund leaves little notes everywhere. In the pages of your books, the pockets of your pants, etc. Usually they just consist of sweet words and reminders to eat and take care of yourself as a much needed endorphin boost. He always makes sure to fill up the entire piece of paper, front and back until there's no space to write any more loving words. — Random "I love you"s throughout the day for no particular reason. — Playful arguments over the most miniscule things, I mean seriously, the two of you bicker like a married couple. Edmund can be quite argumentative, but not in the way you expect. No, usually you quarrel over the correct way to toast a piece of bread, topics such as that. None of it is serious of course, nine times out of ten it turns into a tickle fight that ends with a cuddle session anyway. — Edmund naturally smiles excessively around you. He doesn't really think about it, it just happens. Like this guy literally GLOWS when he sees you, it's not even funny. When you look at him, he smiles. When you rant, he smiles. When you talk about your interests, he smiles. No matter where the two of you are and what you're doing, he's always grinning around you, both of you in your own world. — Even though Edmund is one of the most renowned swordsman in Narnia, that doesn't mean he's immune to the occasional injury. And so, you have to tend to his wounds quite often. Sometimes you end up scolding him if the wound was the result of reckless actions and impulsive behavior, and yes he appreciates the concern, but he just thinks it's cute how your lips form into a pout whenever he comes back with a new injury to tend to. He adores how much you care for him, even if it's just through small actions. — Absolute SUCKER for when you kiss his scars. Edmund used to see his scars as a nuisance, only there to remind him of the treacheries of war and danger. But of course, life has different perspectives for different people. So when you came around, reassuring him that his blemishes were a sign of his bravery and strength from the pain he endured, he felt like he was going to cry. And the second your lips came in contact with a particular scar just shy of his collarbone, he immediately felt comfort and a sense of safety wash over him. Maybe it was the warmth of your lips, or the alleviation of your words, whatever it was, it made him feel like maybe everything was going to be okay. — Kisses on the nape and shoulder. (goes both ways) — Since we're on the topic of kissing, Edmund has a thing for tracing your jawline before or while the two of you are kissing, or just sharing an intimate moment in general. He prefers to rest one hand on the curve of your hip, and the other hand caressing your jaw, no matter what the position is. He also enjoys trailing little pecks from the side of your neck to the corner of your lips before he finally presses his lips against yours. — Chess dates!! Yeah, it doesn't sound like the most romantic activity but, cmon, it's Edmund Pevensie. He'll find a way to make it memorable. And while he loves a fair match, (who doesn't?) sometimes he just so happens to "accidentally" put his king in danger and — oh will you look at that, you won. Yeah, maybe he changed up his moves a little so you would win, but it's all worth it to him. He adores the sight of your eyes lighting up, and how you throw your hands up in triumph and shout in glee. While you're busy celebrating, he gazes at you fondly with an impossibly soft look in his eyes. One of his hands is lying on his cheek, supporting his head, while his other hand still remains on his king. Even though he "lost", his smile is wide as ever because as long as you're happy, he's happy.
— On days when he's not busy with training or just occupied with the responsibilities that come with being one of the kings of Narnia, picnic dates are a must. He cooks up your favorite meals and packs them up in a picnic box along with the traditional red and white checkered blanket, and off you go. It's kind of just a de-stresser for him. Quality time with you and a home cooked meal to go along with it. Sometimes he brings you to brings you to picturesque flower fields, or the patch of green grass directly in front of the river front. No matter where it is, Edmund has his reasons for why he chose those specific locations. They always remind him of you. The two of you watch the sun slowly disappear under the horizon as you both lay on the checkered blanket, with your head resting on his chest and his arm lazily wrapped around your waist, it looks just like a scene straight out of a fairytale.
— On days when he's not busy with training or just occupied with the responsibilities that come with being one of the kings of Narnia, picnic dates are a must. He cooks up your favorite meals and packs them up in a picnic box along with the traditional red and white checkered blanket, and off you go. It's kind of just a de-stresser for him. Quality time with you and a home cooked meal to go along with it. Sometimes he brings you to brings you to picturesque flower fields, or the patch of green grass directly in front of the river front. No matter where it is, Edmund has his reasons for why he chose those specific locations. They always remind him of you. The two of you watch the sun slowly disappear under the horizon as you both lay on the checkered blanket, with your head resting on his chest and his arm lazily wrapped around your waist, it looks just like a scene straight out of a fairytale. — Edmund is always eager to prove his love and devotion to you. He's deeply committed to you, and loves to declare it proudly. Sometimes he writes short poems about you, recounting his favorite moments the two of you shared. He describes the way your hair blows in the wind while the two of you are horseback riding, or how your smile is one of his favorite sights, he writes about anything regarding you. He just pours out his feelings onto a piece of paper. And when the stack of poetry about you piles up too high on his desk, he ties it up neatly in a ribbon and places it on your bedside table for you to wake up to. (CHIVALRY IS NOT DEAD GUYS 🗣️🗣️ ) — Edmund has a thing for kissing your hand. Like not even as a greeting, just in general. He just thinks of it as another way of showing his love and admiration for you. He brushes his lips against your palm and trails kisses up your fingertips, like HELLO??? — All in all, your relationship with Edmund Pevensie is truly one of a kind. ∙ u guys i know i havent posted a proper story since like may, and honestly i have no excuse i was just being lazy af. also my love for edmund has kind of faded but i started writing this months ago and decided i might as well finish it. ∙ so next time i post, it probably won't be edmund pevensie related, OR MAYBE IT WILL!! i still have many ideas (don't unfollow me pls im sorry LMAO) ∙ until next time, (and trust me, there will be a next time.) xx valerie.
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russosafehaven · 1 year
Can’t Sleep?
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Pairing: Prince Caspian x Reader
Content: Fluff, Soft Caspian, Fem!Reader, Implied Insomniac!Reader
POV: Second
Warnings: None
Just a short drabble cause I can’t sleep but I’m volunteering tomorrow so
You heard Caspian before you saw him. He was always so loud and clumsy even when sneaking around. The young prince had fell into you door, opening it and crashing to the ground. It took all your strength not to laugh at the poor boy.
“My lady you’re still awake? Surely that must not be good for you”
He looked at you with concern written all over his face. You felt guilty when Caspian saw you like this. Bags hanging around your eyes, dark from many sleepless nights.
“I couldn’t sleep your highness”
Caspian frowned at you, making his way to you bed and tugging his shirt off. He climbed in under the covers pulling you down against the mattress. His skin was warm and you could feel it through your thin night gown.
“Sleep with me my lady, I’ll hold you until you can rest”
You laughed lightly and you heard him grunt, questioning you. Turning to face him you stroked his hair, soft brunette locks falling through your fingers. He was your best friend but you couldn’t help but want to kiss him.
“It doesn’t work like that. Besides you can not stay my prince. The king is already looking for an excuse to dispel your claim to the throne. You being found in my bed shall have you thrown out of the palace”
He brought his lips to your forehead, kissing gently. Caspian missed you cheek next, threading an arm around you waist.
“It would be worth it my lady. They may see you as no more then a maid but you shall be my queen one day. You will have your own throne and your own gowns. It will be magical”
He smiled and you laid together in silence. In a matter of minutes he was asleep, snoring gently. You giggle to yourself, he reminded you of a small puppy. That night your rested properly for the first time in months. Thank Aslan for the boy who held you in his arms.
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vinnieswife · 1 year
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She’s not you
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Peter Pevensie x fem! reader
words: 1,8 k
warnings: smut!, fingering, oral (fem!receiving)
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Peter was lying on the sofa in his flat, spending the evening watching the new Hobbit trilogy, when he heard the door open and close again.
You came in sighing. It was so typical. You didn't know how you did it, but you always manage to pick the wrong person. After tossing the keys into the container by the front door, you made your way to the living room.
"You're home already?" Peter didn't pretend to be happy about that.
You rolled your eyes and plopped down on the couch next to him, resting your head on his shoulder. "Why do I always hang out with idiots Pete? Why can't everyone be like you?”
Peter laughed humbly. "I don't know." He lifted his arm, and you quickly snuggled into him kicking off your shoes. "What are we watching?"
"The Hobbit."
You nodded and relaxed, grabbed a blanket and covered your body and Peter's "Marie left already?"
Peter covered his legs before sighing. "She didn't come," he admitted.  You looked up from your position, your face full of confusion.
"Peter Pevensie" Peter was sitting across from you. With one arm on the back of the couch and one leg propped up against the couch, you couldn't help but smile. "Oh no, my full name," he said, pretending to be scared.
"I can't believe it! You could have made a move," you scolded him, and he scowled with a laugh "What's so funny?".
"Y/n... I don't want to make a move. "
"Why, she's beautiful!" Peter laughed again, scratching his neck lightly before shrugging. "I don't even like her that much”
In case you didn't know, Peter's heart was pounding in his ears right now. This will be the end of your friendship; God you and Peter have been friends since the crib and he would rather repress his feelings than be nothing. "You'll never get a girlfriend if you go on like this, Pevensie! What's the matter with her?"
It was the drop that filled the glass.
"Nothing, nothing, it's just that she's not you"  Your eyes widened like plates; did he really say that?. Suddenly you realised how closely the two of you were sitting together. You were still leaning on his arm. The warmth of his skin seeped through his torso and touched the exposed skin of your back. Your whole body shuddered under his gaze, your throat so dry you couldn't swallow the lump that had formed in your throat. "Don't lie to me," he regretted saying that.
"I'm not," Peter replied quietly. All confidence left him. He regretted what he said. They both stood in silence for a while, trying to figure out what had happened. "Why didn't you say anything?" you asked.
Peter sighed and clenched his jaw. "I guess I didn't want to ruin our friendship. I would have had to find somewhere else to live, and the atmosphere would have been uncomfortable" He adjusted his seat and looked down. "Like now."
"You're stupid," he laughed. You took a deep breath before continuing. "I've loved you since we were little, Peter."
His head snapped up. Now he was the one who was surprised. "You, what?"  You nodded, confirming that what you just said was true. "You were seeing someone else, I thought you didn't like me."
Peter gulped. The air in the room changed. You could feel the heat under your skin, like someone had turned up the heat. You were still looking at Peter trying to see if you were joking. It was a joke, wasn't it?  You took a deep breath. It didn't lead anywhere. You clearly weren't the type of girl to make the first move, but this was different. It was Peter. And you'd do anything for him.
One of your hands moved over his arm before placing it behind his neck. You approach him hesitantly, but Peter knew you to well, and he just leaned in to meet you lips.
You kissed me a couple of times and it all felt the same. This was wrong. It was full of love and adoration and the sweet taste of it amazed them both. But there was something else. Passion surged and took my breath away. You didn't expect Peter to kiss like this. His hand moved to your hip, pulling you closer as his kiss became more artful.
You climb onto his lap caressing his face. Peter holds you tighter. His fingers pressed against your skin, digging into the fabric of his high-waisted jeans. You practically writhed under his grip, your body pressed against his chest as you kissed, both of your minds filled with dirty thoughts.
After waiting so long, you couldn't wait to get there because the opportunity really did come. "God, y/n". You gave him a breathtaking smile before slowly pulling his shirt off.
Peter grabbed you around the waist again and pulled you closer as he began to kiss your neck. Your hand ran down his chest, tugging at his shirt, running your hand under the fabric, caressing his warm skin, feeling the taut muscles of his abdomen. He kissed your collarbone as you whispered and moaned. His lips were still kissing your skin, moving slowly over your bare breasts.
"You have no idea how much I wanted to do that." He towered over you, supporting her weight in his arms, staring down at you and pulling her to you. You couldn't believe he was really kissing you.
"Are you going to keep your eyes on me or kiss me again?" you bite your lip and smile as you look into his eyes.
He gasped and moved closer. When he pressed his lips against yours again, his hips almost crashed against yours, making you let out a choked moan. Your hands moved over his skin, down the hem of his trousers, he lets you slide your fingers under the fabric and he moaned as you begin to plan him through his trousers.
The air in the room was overwhelming , and it was burning your skin. They were already panting, gasping for kisses, devouring each other with a hunger to kill each other.
You push Peter up and reach into your tight jeans, but he grabs your hand and stops you from undoing the top button. You held your breath, waiting impatiently for Peter to finish what he had started. His hands moved painfully slowly, caressing your spread thighs, thumbs digging into your clothed skin, making you squirm before unbuttoning and unzipping your trousers. "Lift your hips for me, my dear," he murmured, concentrating more on his actions than his words. Now, you lay on the couch beneath him, wearing nothing but a pair of black panties, and you saw his expression darken, biting his lip again.
All right. "Good girl." Peter looked sophisticated and different. Flattering and seductive was a new side of him. After all, the sweet, shy boy had a dark side.
His hand stroked your leg again, you felt the goose bumps on your skin, and when his hand finally reached the edge of his black underwear, you couldn't help but gasp as you shivered. Peter looked up, finally met your gaze and leaned down to kiss you again. His kiss travelled down your body, hitting the sweet spots on your collarbone, your sternum and down your abdomen, leaving a wet trail that made you shiver.
You stood up and reached up to pull Peter closer to you. You kissed and sucked on his neck as you felt your underwear slip completely off your legs. You started touching his trousers again, feeling his erection under the fabric. "don't tease" Peter growled, gently but firmly pushing you back on the couch as you made another mark on his skin.
Your lower belly was tense, waiting to be touched and tended to. When his lips brushed the inside of hers, you moaned and felt a kind of relief and frustration at the same time. So you didn't want him to kiss you.
"Peter," you whisper, closing your eyes and concentrating on the feel of his lips against your skin. Your head dropped back onto the pillow, your hands gripped the edge of the wide couch and you felt his tongue caress your aching clit. You hadn't had sex in a long time. Peter loved teasing you about that.
He began to move slowly, up and down and side to side, deftly turning you into a moaning mess beneath him. And when you felt one of his fingers slide inside you, you couldn't even think anymore. All you were thinking about was him, Peter.
And he pushed you over the edge. A current of pleasure exploded in your lower stomach, and the knots that formed exploded, clinging to Peter's blond hair.  "Fuck" you moaned, "I'm about to-" Peter laughed, wiped his mouth with his palm and said, "Your room or mine?" he asked with a grin. Now you're skin to skin, completely exposed.
"I don't care, just fuck me."
He took you to the next room. Lying quickly on the bed, he gently laid you down and jumped on top of you. Mocking your gentleness, he looked down at your face and saw your face pucker with pleasure and a soft moan escaping your lips.
"Peter, if you don't start fucking me now, I'll do it myself" With a thrust he filled you and paused to give you time to adjust to his size.  When he was sure he wasn't going to hurt you, he pulled back almost all the way before thrusting his hips into you.
It was simply heaven. It had to be. His movements quickened as he realized his hands were taking advantage of your hips, pressing your body into the mattress and plunging you into oblivion.
"Look, you're taking me so well," he said, panting heavily. His eyes were on your face, his blue eyes and messy hair made him stunning.
You felt your lower abdomen tighten again and you let Peter know you were close again, but so did he. His thrust became unsteady and he held his weight by clinging to the headboard. Both jumped off the cliff at almost the same time.
Peter sank to the mattress, rested his head on the corner of your neck and took a deep breath. He was still clinging to the headboard and didn't want to crush you with his weight, but you didn't mind.... Panting, you gently stroked his neck.
You had no words to say. We both knew how we felt. Rising slowly, Peter got up and went to the closet. He pulled a shirt and black boxer shorts out of his wardrobe and handed you the shirt as you sat down.
Peter grabbed you again, pulled you tight against his chest and pulled the sheets over the two of you. "y/n?" he finally said.
"Thank God your date went wrong”
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wrenwreads · 2 years
she’s enough.
having her around? edmund knows for sure he’ll be alright.
pairing/s: edmund pevensie x fem!reader
warnings: nothing
genre: fluff, edmund pining over his bsf
word count: 591
a/n: got me giggling while i was writing lmao 😭
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“It’s not fair.”
Y/N furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as her best friend plopped himself flat on her bed.
Her parents had let her stay with the Pevensie’s at a professor’s house for shelter — who would have thought they would end up being leaders of a kingdom.
She had been crowned Queen Y/N the Eloquent. Her ever so good skills in speaking benefited their home like no other. They had fixed so many conflicts without drawing out blood with her help, the siblings wondered what they would have done if Edmund didn’t accidentally smack her in the head back when they were 4.
“What is it this time Eds?” she sighed, leaving the stack of books she was carrying from her own personal library to sit down next to Edmund’s body.
“It’s just Peter— and Susan— not to mention Lucy. Why is it always me! Why not y— them this time?! As if I can’t do anything like that. It's just I need time—“
“Eds! Edmund! Breath, please” she pleaded, concerned at the speed the words were coming out of his mouth. Edmund only remained quiet, his face flat on her bed. She sighed, standing up from her position, she — lightly — hit Edmund on the shoulder.
“Sit up!” she hissed.
Another hit.
“Sit up, you twat!”
The insult had the boy standing up in an instant, shooting daggers at the smile Y/N was playfully displaying. “Who’re you calling a twat?”. Edmund sounded offended, Y/N knew him too well that the question had an action behind it for her to fall for. “No one. Well… someone with the last name Pevensie…”
“Peter, then?”
“No,” she dismissed, shaking her head jokingly. “More like Edmund—“ she shrieked his name in surprise. He had been quick, reaching towards her in seconds — his long arms wrapped around her waist as his fingers dug to her sides.
“Edmund! Stop—“ she could barely get the words out, her laughs drowning the whole room. Edmund laughed at the attempt, tightening his hold. “I suggest you take back your words, my lady. Or you’ll be trapped forever!” Edmund announced between his own chuckles.
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Their laughs only got louder. The sound escaping the room. Two fauns just happened to pass Y/N’s closed bedroom door, the two looking at each other knowingly. “I am really having a hard time believing that those two will always be best friends.” One said to the other.
“Hopefully, one of them will gain some courage. Who knows, maybe we’ll get Narnia’s first prince in three years' time.” The other replied.
The two laughed, knowing the prediction is highly unlikely — but not impossible.
Back inside, Edmund had stopped. His arms still around her waist as the two took a moment to catch their breaths. Y/N had rested her head against his chest, the rhythm of his heartbeat instantly calming her down.
Edmund watched in adoration at Y/N allowing herself to rest against him. Despite knowing each other for more than a decade — maybe even more — he still doesn’t believe someone as delicate as the girl in front of him trusts him enough to do so.
Maybe in the future he’ll finally tell her what he found so unfair. Why his siblings would continuously pester him about his buried feelings when they too had them one way or another.
For now, having Y/N allow him to wrap his arms around her, it’s enough. Knowing she confides in him as he does to her, it’s enough.
Having her around, she’s enough.
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thank you sm for reaching the end. i appreciate it a lot. feel free to tell me what you <3 constructive criticism is highly valued. also accepting prompts or requests atm. love u lots xoxo
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promptthebear · 1 year
Kissmas Day 6
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Prompt: A kiss that is leading to more, but is interrupted by a third party.
Pairing: Edmund x Reader
A/N: Finally, finally this one is done! Apparently I can't write any Narnia fic without going way overboard. Also be forewarned this one is a little spicy, but still PG-13/T so it keeps within my boundaries for this series. If you want to know how explicit I'm willing to get for Narnia characters specifically this is a pretty good benchmark. Anyway, enjoy!
When Edmund invited you to spar with him, you were immediately suspicious.
“Why on earth would I need to learn swordplay?” you asked, standing up on your tiptoes and gently pressing your lips to his “I’ve got the best swordsman in Narnia to look after me”
A blush rose across Edmund’s cheeks, a pretty red canvas for those freckles he never quite outgrew. You resisted the urge to grab hold of his face and cover it with kisses, putting your own mark between the constellations already dappling his skin.
“You’re very sweet,” your betrothed replied, glancing quickly at Abelia, the grumpy she-badger who was serving as your chaperone, before sliding his arms around your waist “And very right. But what if there comes a time when I’m not around?”
“Then I’ll just go find Peter,” you said, chuckling at the way Edmund’s nose scrunched in annoyance “Even if he’s only second best, he can at least provide a nice diversion while I make my escape”
The smack of his hand against your arse came so quickly, there was little chance of Abelia noticing. A sidelong glance at the talking badger confirmed this fact. She hadn’t even so much as looked up from her drop spindle, far more concerned with crafting an even thread than minding the two of you.
Emboldened, Edmund ducked his head and stole another kiss. This was far less chaste than the one you had given him moments before, threading his fingers through your hair to deepen it and brushing his tongue over the seam of your lips.
You tried to muffle a moan and almost failed. It was all you could do to keep upright as Edmund continued to lavish your mouth with affection, going as far as to tug at your bottom lip with his teeth before breaking the kiss and gently tilting your head to the side so he could whisper in your ear.
“Listen here cheeky girl,” he kept his voice soft, but there was a stern edge to it that nearly had you squirming “I’ve booked the training pitch for us, and I’ve been promised we’ll have at least an hour alone. No Abelia, no Tumnus. All you have to do is meet me there tomorrow, okay?
You looked up at Edmund with wide, hopeful eyes. Alone? The promise hung between you, almost like a magic spell. It sounded too good to be true.
You’d known Edmund since he’d first came to Narnia, when he was ten and you were eight. You’d loved each other in the way only children can, squabbling over card games and rounds of chess, falling asleep together by the fireside after reading on long winter nights.
At sixteen and fourteen, you’d been betrothed. Since then you could count on one hand the number of times you’d been alone, as though you hadn’t been playing at kissing and going for twilight swims only a few years before.
Reputation didn’t matter so much to Edmund’s siblings, you had been around so long they already considered you part of the family, marriage or not. Your family, on the other hand, was a different story. You were their only daughter, and being such a small household from Archenland, there was a lot riding on this marriage. So until the day of the wedding, you had to keep up appearances.
The sound of Abelia clearing her throat shook you from your reminiscing. You glanced over at the she-badger, who had set aside her drop spindle and was now making a “move apart” gesture with her claws. With a sigh, you did as you were asked, pausing to give Edmund one last kiss on the cheek before turning and gesturing to the nearby couch.
“Shall we sit? Perhaps play a game?”
Edmund nodded, bringing up a hand and running a finger nervously under his collar before he sat next to you. It was hard to tell in the rosy glow of the firelight whether or not his blush had gotten deeper, though you could certainly feel a kind of flame on your own cheeks.
Satisfied that her charges were once again behaving themselves, Abeila took up her spindle and began to wind the thread with practised ease.
“Only half an hour longer, my lady,” she warned, her voice growly by nature rather than intent “Your lady mother wants to sup with you this evening.”
“Yes Abelia.”
Under the table, you could feel Edmund’s hand brush your knee as you began setting up the board for checkers. You glanced over, and were pleased to see the usual mischievous gleam in his eye.
“Tomorrow” he whispered, giving you a small smile, which you returned.
It was high noon by the time you set off towards the training pitch. The sun was at its zenith, shining brightly over a cold, clear day. There was not a cloud in the sky, save for the ones made by your breath as you walked.
Even dressed in layers as you were, you still felt exposed. You’d borrowed a set of training garb from Lucy, which consisted of a linen shirt, leather jerkin and matching trousers. While you appreciated her generosity, they were a far cry from your usual gowns and petticoats.
You were well aware of the fact that the outline of your legs, thighs, and hips were all prominently on display in the snug breeches. Already, you’d garnered some stares from passing stable boys and squires going about their daily chores. The feeling of their eyes on you sent an anticipatory thrill down your spine. Whether Edmund had asked you to dress this way for function or his own benefit, you couldn’t say, but you were certainly eager to find out.
The training grounds were, surprisingly, empty when you arrived. Save for a few sparrows pecking about the grass, there was not another living soul to be seen. You stood on the dirt track circling the field, listening to the wind buffet the trees and the occasional birdsong while you nibbled at your bottom lip.
Surely you had heard Edmund correctly? The training pitch, tomorrow. That’s what he had said, you were certain of it. And yet here you were, without any sign of Edmund. Perhaps he had been called away and hadn’t had a chance to send notice. Or maybe Abelia or Tumnus had caught him trying to sneak off and he was attempting to explain himself without drawing suspicion to you. Or perhaps Peter had needed him to-
“First rule of sword fighting. Always be aware of your surroundings.”
Your shriek rang out, high and sudden, scaring the nearby sparrows into flight. How Edmund had managed to sneak up on you, in full plate armour no less, would forever remain a mystery. Solving said mystery, however, was far less of a concern to you than trying to connect the toe of your boot to Edmund’s shins.
“What’s the matter with you?! You scared the living daylights out of me!”
Edmund didn’t seem the least bit concerned by your admonishing, laughing and dancing away from your volley of kicks with an easy confidence. His bright eyes and wide smile made you forgive him almost instantly, letting yourself be caught when he reached to put his hands about your waist.
You stood on tiptoe and kissed him, open mouthed and unashamed. Edmund responded in kind, allowing his hands to freely roam along your body now that you were no longer under Abelia’s watchful eye.
The thick metal of his armour made it difficult for you to do the same, so you chose instead to use one hand to cradle his jaw while you brought the other up to twine in his hair. You could taste the tea he’d recently drunk on his breath, a blend of cinnamon, cardamom and ginger from Calmore you knew he favoured. A soft moan escaped your lips as Edmund grabbed a handful of your bottom, squeezing it none too gently. You pressed your body against his, hoping he could feel your warmth and eagerness through his armour, silently imploring for more.
When Edmund finally broke the kiss, you whined, which made him laugh again. You watched as he gathered up a pair of swords from the grass nearby, more than a little confused. Initially, you assumed that the remark about him teaching you swordplay was nothing more than a ruse, to mask his true plan from Abelia and anyone else who may question your intentions for that afternoon. Did he truly wish to put a sword in your hand?
“Come on, you needy thing” he said as he tossed a sword to you, hilt end down. You managed to catch it, albeit a little clumsily “I said I was going to teach you how to fight, and I’m nothing if not a man of my word”
The sword felt strange in your hand, and you held it at length from your body as though you were afraid of what would happen if you brought it too close. Try as you might, you couldn’t keep your arm from trembling slightly, which almost ousted the weapon from your grasp.
Edmund watched you for a moment, before finally driving the tip of his own sword into the dirt and closing the distance between you two.
“Second rule of sword fighting,” he announced, his voice cheerful and relaxed “Know how to hold your weapon properly”
He reached out and closed his hand around your own. Despite his armour, he had opted not to wear gloves, and you could feel the callouses on his fingers as he began to adjust your grip. You stood, entranced, while he guided you into a more natural stance, his touch leaving a trail of tingling warmth each time it came in contact with your hand or arm. When he was satisfied with your position, he stepped back and went to retrieve his own weapon.
“Alright. Now, I want you to try and hit me.”
Your astonished expression made Edmund grin in spite of himself. Had he made that suggestion to his sisters or Peter, they would’ve knocked him flat without a second thought. You were far too sweet for your own good.
“It’s alright darling. They’re only tourney swords, watch.”
To prove his point, Edmund ran the index finger of his other hand along the blade’s edge. You watched, waiting for blood to appear, but let out a sigh of relief when none followed. As Edmund had said, the blades had been blunted for practice or sport.
“See? You wouldn’t hurt me even if you wanted to. Well, I suppose you could, if you smacked me with the hilt. But please don’t. My face is the only asset I’ve got”
You laughed, the action pulling some tension from your body. Edmund smiled encouragingly, before bringing up his sword and crooking the fingers of his other hand.
“Come on then. Or are you just going to stand about admiring me all day?”
With another laugh, you took a couple cautious steps forward. Edmund watched your feet with the trained eyes of a practised fighter, but otherwise didn’t move. A few more steps and the space between you two had shrunk to little more than an arm’s length. You stared at your betrothed for a moment, once again giving him the chance to change his mind.
When no protest came, you thrust your sword forward, aiming to hit the side of Edmund’s shoulder. It was a clumsy attempt, without enough force behind it to make for a decent strike, and Edmund sidestepped it easily. You expected him to come dancing around your other side, grinning like a fool and taunting you into having another go, when you felt the flat of a blade smack across your ass.
You whirled, gasping in both surprise and affront. Edmund was roaring with laughter, nearly doubled over with the force of it. You couldn’t help but pout a little, feeling betrayed.
“Oh god, I’m sorry dearest” he said, still a little breathless “That wasn’t very sporting of me, but I couldn’t help it. Here, let’s try again, only this time I want you to put more weight on your front foot and really extend your arm. Then you’ll have better balance and a more fluid thrust, alright?”
You nodded, doing as instructed while Edmund returned to his spot in front of you. As he said, the motion was smoother and your feet felt surer beneath you as you pushed forward. Once again, you tried to strike Edmund’s shoulder, figuring that was a safe choice lest you miss your target.
This time, you managed to glance the blade off Edmund’s arm before he darted away. He let out a playful whoop, before disappearing again behind your back. You turned as quickly as you could manage, knowing he was going to try and spank you again, but Edmund was quicker. The flat of his sword struck your ass with a sharp, stinging blow. You grit your teeth, refusing to let him have the satisfaction of hearing you cry out, and spun around to face him again.
Edmund’s grin, large and knowing, was the first thing you saw after turning. It was all you could do not to toss aside your sword and wipe the smug look off his face with the palm of your hand. It reminded you of your summers as teenagers and all the times he ducked you in the river, before finally apologizing and pulling you in for a burning kiss while you’d clutched at his bare arms.
The memory made you shiver, and you wondered if perhaps this was the same sort of game. Your betrothed's face gave nothing away, whatever he was scheming was staying locked away behind that infuriating smile.
“Giving up already, are you?”
Taking a deep breath, you brought the tip of the sword up once more and pointed it directly at Edmund’s chest.
“Not a chance, your highness.”
With that, you rushed at Edmund, throwing sportsmanship to the wind and hoping you could surprise him before he was ready. For a moment, he appeared genuinely taken off guard, and you relished the way his eyes widened as you swung your sword through the air. However, a well timed feint from an amateur was no match for the best swordsman in Narnia.
The resulting vibration of Edmund’s sword clashing with yours made your teeth knock together and seemed to shake the breath from your lungs. You clutched at your aching wrist, and doubled over to kneel in the dampened grass. Your sword fell from your loosened grip, now useless and forgotten on the ground.
Immediately, Edmund was crouched beside you, having tossed aside his own weapon the moment he saw you go down.
“Oh god, sweetheart, are you alright? I’m so sorry, did I hit you too hard?”
You sat, your face protected in the cradle of your arms and knees, refusing to look Edmund in the eye. When he reached out a hand and placed it on your shoulder, you pulled away.
“Darling?” his voice dropped low, into that special, soft tone he only used for you “Darling, look at me, please.”
Even when he said your name, you didn’t look up. You waited, trying to keep your breathing even. Inside your mind, you began to count.
Edmund moved even closer. You could feel his breath by your temple, his face only a few inches from yours.
He said your name again, but to no avail. This time, when he placed his hand on your arm, you didn’t move.
The look of shock on Edmund’s face as you leapt and tackled him into the grass was one you were going to savour. Within seconds, the two of you were tussling atop each other like puppies, the world lost in a whirl of limbs and giggling.
You had the advantage, but Edmund was faster and stronger. It wasn’t long before he had you pinned beneath him, his face hovering just above yours and his arms forming a cage on either side of your head. Your legs were tangled together, one of Edmund’s knees trapped between yours, and your feet seeming to go every which way.
“You little minx” he panted, your mouths so close the two of you were almost sharing breaths “I was scared I’d really hurt you.”
“Will you forgive me if I yield?”
Edmund studied your face, the put upon pout, your flushed cheeks and the way your eyes shone with mirth, and felt what little resolve he had crumble.
“Of course. How could I stay mad at you?”
By way of apology, you reached up and pulled Edmund’s head down into a bruising kiss. He moaned, softly, before working your mouth open with his tongue, which you received without protest. Your bodies were flush together, the metal of his armour searing cold against your skin. You were about to offer to help him remove his chest plate, when your hips jerked up instinctively, knocking into Edmund’s and revealing the hardness in the front of his breeches as they brushed together.
Embarrassed, you broke the kiss and hid your face away in the side of his neck. The two of you had had many firsts together, but nothing that had ever gone below your waistlines. Edmund chuckled, the sound warm and reassuring in your ear.
“Hey, it’s alright. Don’t worry about that, okay? I just want to focus on kissing and touching you. It’s all I’ve been able to think about lately, you’ve practically driven me to distraction.”
You looked up at your betrothed, who’s cheeks were equally as flushed and eyes equally as bright as your own. You thought about the first time he’d kissed you, beneath an apple tree in the orchard. You’d been scared then, and embarrassed too, but Edmund had guided you through it with as much patience and gentleness as anyone could have asked for. Since then, you knew you’d always be safe with him.
“Alright, I suppose I’ve caused you enough suffering for one day.”
Edmund laughed again, before bringing his mouth down to kiss your neck. You moaned, tilting your head to the side to give him better access, and this time when your hips bucked upwards, you didn’t feel as ashamed. It wasn’t long before he was tugging at your collar, trying to gain access to the tops of your breasts.
You slipped a hand between your bodies, doing the best you could to open the laces on your shirtfront despite the awkward angle. That was all the invitation Edmund needed. He began a trail of heated, open mouthed kisses along your collarbones, each one leaving a faint red mark in their wake. Your body felt as though it was on fire, pleasure and want coiling deep in your stomach.
Every sense you had was filled with Edmund, his smell, his taste, the feeling of his lips and fingers exploring your exposed torso. He touched you as though you were something precious, his personal goddess of love and beauty laid almost bear beneath him. You moaned his name over and over, like a prayer, begging your most devoted follower to offer all he had in the worship of your body and soul.
The two of you split apart as though you had just been burned, Edmund scrambling to his feet while you hurriedly tried to arrange your shirtfront back into place. Above you stood Peter, every inch a High King with his face like thunder and the afternoon sunlight glinting off the peaks of his golden crown.
You kept your eyes trained to the ground, studying where the grass had been trampled0 beneath your footsteps earlier on. Any explanation for this was going to have to come from Edmund, your tongue had left you to fend for yourself and you wanted nothing more than for the training pitch to open up and swallow you up.
“Peter…I…we-” Edmund’s voice was shaky, sounding more like a little boy who’d been caught nicking sweets than a grown man of one and twenty.
“I have been looking for you. Everywhere.” Peter’s tone was even, but there was a biting inflection to each word that made you wince “The council. Has been looking for you.”
Edmund’s cheeks went from flushed to pale so quickly, you were afraid he might swoon.
“Oh God. The foreign policy meeting. Was that today?”
“Yes, Ed! It was hours ago, or would’ve been if you’d actually bothered to show up. I had a room of dignitaries and house representatives, some of them all the was from Calmoren, looking at me like I was the biggest fool ever to walk the face of the Earth, and asking where you were. As if I had any bloody idea!”
Peter’s shouts rang out through the air, clear and dripping with every ounce of disappointment the young king could muster. While his ire was directly entirely at Edmund, you couldn’t help the cold shock of guilt that was now settling in your stomach. Edmund had been distracted lately because of you, he’d even said so himself.
“I’m sorry!” you cried out suddenly, rising to your feet so you could take hold of Edmund’s hand “It’s my fault. He wanted to come and see me, that’s why he missed the meeting. I’m so sorry Pe- Your Highness.”
There was little change to Peter’s expression, saved for a single raised brow. However, his eyes seemed to soften ever so slightly as he looked you over, taking in your mussed shirt and hair, and the way you were clinging to Edmund’s arm.
“Who’s idea was it to come out here?”
You and Edmund exchanged a quick glance, but said not a word.
Peter let out a sigh that seemed to come from the soles of his boots, before trying again.
“Tell me. Whose idea was it?”
“Mine.” Edmund interjected, before you could even open your mouth in his defence “I said we were going to have sparring practice”
It was all Peter could do not to roll his eyes.
“Wonderful. Then you can be the one to explain to the council why the meeting was moved to next week.”
Any glib comment Edmund might have made in reply was silenced as Peter grabbed his brother by the collar, and proceeded to drag him off by the scruff like a misbehaving puppy. You watched as Edmund was frogmarched across the training pitch, Peter half carrying him as though Edmund wasn’t at least a good foot taller and wearing full plate armour. The look on the High King’s face told you that this was something he’d had more practice doing than he probably liked.
They were about halfway across the field when Edmund finally wrenched himself free from Peter’s grasp, which in turn caused some sort of argument to break out. You were too far away to hear clearly, but you caught a snippet or two, mostly Peter’s exasperated baritone saying something about “the wedding is in a month, just wait, would you?”
He punctuated that statement by cuffing Edmund around the ear, and though the younger man yelped in protest, he didn’t return the blow. You couldn’t help but chuckle softly, imagining that this was also most likely a scene that had frequently played out in Edmund’s life. He seemed to forgive Peter quickly, however, since he didn’t pull away when Peter then slung an arm across his shoulders.
Before long, the two of them were approaching the cluster of trees just before the path that would lead back to the castle courtyard. Just before they disappeared from view, Edmund turned back to face you, brought a hand to his mouth and mimed tossing a kiss to where you were waiting. You laughed, delighted, and returned your own volley of kisses, which Edmund then pretended to store in his pockets for later.
Edmund was a lot of things. Stubborn. Sarcastic, and well acquainted with a healthy sense of mischief. But in spite of all that, at least he was never boring.
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chrisili · 6 months
𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒾𝓈 𝓌𝓇𝑜𝓃𝑔 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽 𝓎𝑜𝓊?
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Pairing: Peter Pevensie x fem!reader
Summary: Your childhood best friend starts acting super odd and after a little incident at the train station you actually understand why.
Warnings: Spoilers if you haven’t seen the first and second movie, lots of arguing
Genre: friends to enemies to lovers? Angst? Fluff
Word count: 2,8 k
A.N.: Eh so, I actually thought this story further, like a lot but I don’t know if the rest is worth writing/reading so IF you think this needs another part eh, tell me? But again heads up, no idea if it is worth the time. THANKS FOR READING THIS ANYWAYS!
Peter hugged his beloved mother one last time. “Promise me you’ll look after the others,” she said. “I will mum,” he said with a thin voice, eyes shut tight. She loses herself from the hug, smiles at him and nods, “good man.” After having said goodbye to the other three children too, she looked at them all, “alright, off you go.”
Peter and the others grabbed their luggages and started to walk closer to the train they are supposed to go in to. “Peter! Peter!” A small voice cried out, the oldest sibling looked into the direction where the voice was coming from, it was Y/N. Y/N was Peters childhood bestfriend, they went the same way to school everyday, although going to different schools because of their genders. They lived close to each other, played outside a lot and spent their times studying together (Sometimes, because both of them were not very keen on studying anyways).
Y/N stood there with her four brothers, waiting to go into the train too. Peter smiled seeing her as she hurries over, he waves shyly trying to walk up to her. “Peter, what are you doing?” Asked his sister Susan while grabbing his arm. “Just a second, really.” He replied, giving Susan his luggage so she could put it in already. She looked at him annoyed but took it anyways.
Peter and Y/N now stood in front of each other, slightly shouting because of all the noise. “Where are you going?” She asked right away leaning in a little so he would understand better. “Some kind of professor, it’s gonna be boring really.” He said slightly chuckling. “How about you?” “A cook I think, we will probably help out in the kitchen a lot but it’s okay.” Y/N said smiling.
“Y/N come on!” John, one of her younger brothers yelled from the back. She turned around, “Yes I am coming!” She yelled back annoyed. She turned back to Peter and smiled sadly at him. “I hope you will be safe Peter, I am gonna miss you.” He was close to tears for he felt the same thing about her. When she saw that he was trying not to cry in front of her she exclaimed, “Oh Peter!” Hugging him tight with her eyes shut and tears at the corners. He hugged her back tightly, wrapping his arms around her back and crying dryly into her shoulder.
They both stopped hugging each other and with one last smile they both ran back to their families. You may be wondering, if they are both going into the same train, why wouldn’t they just say goodbye then? This was not possible due to the fact that the train didn’t have any walkable connections between the wagons. So, both were sitting in different wagons and off the families went. Y/N and her four younger brothers traveled to the mentioned cook and Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy to said Professor. Peters story you obviously know about already, Y/N arrived at a small house with no garden and no play space. They had to help in the kitchen, wash the dishes but keep quiet and under no circumstances touch. The. Food. All five of them in the kitchen, you can imagine it was a little crowded and plates sometimes fell to the ground, shattering with a high pitched sound, with the one dropping it being punished badly.
Y/Ns brothers were all younger than her. John the second oldest being only one year younger than her, 17. Oliver, the middle child, 15. Finn, 12 and the youngest Harry, 10. It was very scary for all of them but it was the scariest for Y/N, taking care of four pubescent boys looks hard already but is worse doing it.
Let’s skip time a little here, after a couple of weeks they all came back to their homes. Obviously having got to go back to school. Y/N was very happy seeing her friend again and of course the other siblings too but somehow Peter had changed over his time at the professor, he seemed more mature and even angrier, prouder and overconfident. I, of course know why he suddenly behaved so strangely having lived in Narnia for the last 15 years but Y/N didn’t and there was no one to tell her. With Peter starting getting into fights, Y/N was kind of scared of him, where was her sweet and funny Peter all of a sudden? They, naturally, grew kind of distant. They still saw each other every morning or on the streets and greeted each other, maybe smiled shortly and then continued their way.
Peter regret deeply where their relationship headed but he couldn’t have told her, she wouldn’t believe him anyways and she would think he was crazy (which she already did to be honest).
Let’s skip a little more to one fine morning, or fight morning. Y/N was close to the train station she had been using for the last years, looking at newspapers and thinking about getting some candy (which she could hardly afford but the thought was still nice). Being caught up in her dreams she only noticed her brother Oliver running up to her when he was already in front of her panting. At first she couldn’t understand what he was saying because of all the huffing but then she did, “John, he is fighting! You have to do something, the other boys are way bigger than he is!” Without having fully registered what her brother had said she was already dragged down the station. Oliver could of course, like Edmund did, help his brother too but he was a very gentle and calm soul and had no interest in fist fights.
Running down the stairs Y/N saw a lot of people in front of her blocking the view. But after some tip toeing she saw her brother, Edmund and Peter fighting against a bunch of older boys. Thankfully a police officer tore them apart and Y/N squeezed her way down to her brother. After John was done talking to the officer, Oliver and Y/N walked up to him, not very far from the other two troublemakers (Edmund and Peter) sitting on chairs by the wall.
“What on earth is wrong with you?!” Y/N exclaimed while hitting her brother with the newspaper on his head. He rubbed his head slightly, still full of adrenaline and anger from the former fight. “Nothing is bloody wrong with me! These guys attacked Peter and I helped him, that’s it.” Hearing Peters name made her slightly angry, she glanced over to Peter who was still sitting in his chair, his blonde hair slightly over his face, looking back at her. She immediately looked back at her brother with an angry face.
“It was Peters fight then, not yours!” She said in a loud voice.
“So what? Edmund helped too!” John replied with an even louder voice, almost screaming.
“That doesn’t matter at all! Edmund is Peters brother, you aren’t!” She yelled at him.
“I wish I was!” Yelled John back, almost running away with fury.
Oliver looked back and forth between his two siblings, unsure what to do but when John hurried away, he looked at Y/N and she just nodded saying he should go with him. Y/N sighed heavily looking to the ground, she picked up her suitcase and walked away too.
“Y/N!” Peter yelled from behind, now standing hoping she would stop. She did. She also turned around slightly and looked at her former best friend, she was annoyed. “What?” She said almost rolling her eyes at him. He walked closer now with small steps, almost like approaching a deer. Y/N turned around fully now, facing Peter with her heavy suitcase in her left hand and the newspaper in her right one. “I am sorry okay? I didn’t want him to fight on my behalf either, I would have told him to leave but that’s not really possible while being kicked in the face.” He said trying to smile a little at the end.
“Not hard enough…” she mumbled.
“What was that?” He asked not having fully understood her.
She just shook her head and looked into his eyes and for the first time in a year she realized how much he had actually changed. His face and especially his jaw was a lot sharper, his face was slightly longer and had matured a lot. His blonde hair was longer and it looked gorgeous on him. Having noticed how handsome he actually was she started to blush slightly, then she shook her head again trying to free herself out of his trance. The other three siblings thought about interfering but they were too amused by the drama.
“I said not hard enough! It doesn’t matter if you wanted him to be with you or not, if you hadn’t picked up a fight in the first place, he would have not been involved!” Y/N said with a firm voice, she knew her argument hardly made sense but she was angry and she hated Peters beautiful hair. He looked at her stunned, “didn’t you hear what John said? They attacked me first!”
“And god forbid you’d just walk away!” She said with the same amount of anger as Peter did.
“I shouldn’t have to!” He said trying to stay calm.
“You know what Peter, do whatever you want, I don’t care. I really don’t but at least don’t stop me, then try to apologize to me and then be angry at me anyways! Because I am done with this! Ow.” She said while turning around having felt that someone or something had pinched her. Peter looked at her confused, not even a second later Lucy felt the same thing and yelled at Susan, “OW!”
“Quiet, Lu.” Susan said calmly, looking at her sister.
“Something pinched me!” Said Lucy back, pointing at the wall.
“Hey! Stop pulling!” Exclaimed Peter turning to Edmund as he had suddenly felt the same thing, Edmund raised his hands a little in defense, “I am not touching you.”
Y/N looked at them confused and a second later the wind in the train station seemed to pick up immensely. Papers flew around, the light started to flicker and all of their hairs and clothes blowing around.
“It feels like magic.” Lucy said excited looking at Susan.
“Quick, everyone hold hands.” Said Susan after grabbing Lucy’s and Y/N’s hand. Y/N thought this was a bit silly and she didn’t want to hold Peter’s hand but she did it anyways. Edmund having a very similar feeling to Y/N just yelled, “I’m not holding your hand,” at Peter. “Just…” Peter blurred out and grabbed his brothers hand while feeling slightly warm because of Y/N’s hand in his left hand.
The five of them stood there in the train station and in the next moment they were on the beach. A beautiful white beach with the bluest water Y/N had ever seen, the other four just started to undress and run into the water laughing. Y/N didn’t pay too much attention to them, she just looked around the scenery not understanding in the slightest where she was or what just happened. When Peter looked at Y/N he walked over to her, sand on his bare feet and his shirt wet.
“You like it?” He asked her smiling from behind, he was just so incredibly happy to be back so that he barely noticed Y/Ns shocked face. She didn’t turn around, she just looked up the mountain to Cair Paravel or anyways what was left of it. “That’s not- I don’t- Where are we and why are you not freaked out, like at all?” Peter came closer standing beside her looking up to Cair Paravel too. “Because we’ve been here before.”
Later they explained everything to her, about them being kings and queens, about the white witch, Aslan, Tummnus, the beavers, the 100 years lasting winter, the wardrobe, the professor and everything else not leaving one single detail out of the story. Y/N was clearly confused and had to think about all the information she just gathered.
Peters thoughts were right, if Y/N hadn’t been magically ported to Narnia herself she would have not believed a single word but now she actually considered it.
Even later they had realized that the ruins they currently walked in had been their old castle, Cair Paravel. They found old chests and Y/N slowly understood why Peter had been so different over the last year. That night, all five of them tried to sleep in the castle ruins but Peter, he was sitting by the edge of the mountain, his legs close to his body and his head resting on his knees.
(For a better experience you could listen to Merry Christmas – Piano Version by Flying Fingers on Spotify starting now! :) )
“You know, you should really sit back a little, you might fall down.” Y/N said appearing behind Peter and sitting beside him, only a little further from the edge. He smiled at her a little tired and then kept looking straight forward into the night sky.
“I am sorry.” He said not looking at her.
“And nothing.”
“No angry remark or anything?” She asked him extra dramatic as a joke.
He just scoffs, “stop it, I am not nearly as aggressive as you claim me to be.”
Y/N just slightly laughs. “True… I am sorry too. I shouldn’t have treated you the way I did.”
“You had every right. You didn’t know, I should have been the one to tell you instead of just going around and acting like a king.”
“Yeah about that, am I supposed to call you ‘your majesty’ now?” Y/N said slightly laughing and Peter joined her. “I would be delighted if the beautiful lady Y/L/N just called me by my regular name.” He said in a jokingly kingly tone and they laughed again.
“Beautiful huh?” She said nudging his arm slightly with hers and he smiled at her nodding.
“Certainly, lady Y/L/N you must be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life.” He said bravely as the high king he is but Y/N got slightly flustered and turned her face to the front, away from Peter.
“Well you’re not the only one with good eyesight. Earlier at the train station… I thought you looked really handsome. I must have been too caught up in my own world to notice how handsome you’ve gotten in the past year.” That said he looked at her a little stunned and she quickly added, “not that you weren’t handsome before! It’s just I haven’t seen you in a while, at least not really and I was just surprised and why aren’t you stopping me?” She whined while rambling on and on.
Peter smiled at her again, “I appreciate it. I- I- Can I- Can I… kiss you?”
He said all of a sudden which may seems weird to you but you have to understand that both of them were in the most beautiful setting in the whole universe. The stars being much brighter in Narnia in the sky with the clearest beach in front of them on a little mountain, a slight breeze rushing through their hair. Having just reconnected with your best friend you had liked in a romantic way for forever, you would feel very similar to what they felt, happy.
Y/N just bit her lip, not in an erotic way. It looked more like a smiling donkey, she was just as happy and overwhelmed with feelings as he was and she nod her head up and down while smiling still. He touched her left cheek so softly that he almost didn’t feel it at all, then he leaned into her also smiling and they kissed each other, eyes closed and heads slightly tilted. It was a short but intense kiss for none of them had ever felt so safe in their entire life. Their foreheads rested against each other and with their eyes still closed they both laughed into the night.
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pinievsev · 2 months
All That I've Done
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Edmund Pevensie x GN!reader
L I S T E N T O: River - Ochman
Warnings: crying, very short, implied relationship, probably like really bad but we're getting there.
Genre: reverse comfort, fluff, angs-ish
Synopsis: Here.
A/N: When I tell you I actually screamed in joy when I saw this request I'm not even exaggerating. Tysm anon for this, hope you enjoy!
Word count: 1,022
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Your surroundings were way to quiet for your liking, the atmosphere way to solemn and even breathing felt hard. You stood a few meters away from the pevensie siblings surrounded by the remains of what used to be your home.
Exactly how long had it been? You knew time went by faster in Narnia than back home but you didn't expect it to have been so long, however long it's been.
You snapped out of your thoughts by Edmund's voice calling your name, you turned your head to see him standing right in front of you. "Here, I believe these are yours" he said handing you your old weapons and clothing. You took the daggers and fabric ,that looked untouched by time, no different from when you last saw them a year ago, from him gratefully and nodded in appreciation.
You'd been walking for some time, everything seemed so different, so quiet, the once lively kingdom now only a fraction of what it used to be.
The five of you came to a halt, taken aback by the scene unfolding Infront of you, two men in foreign armour atop a small boat in the river not too far away carrying a dwarf, gagged and tied.
Susan was quick to act, aiming at them with her bow "Drop him!" She commanded and ironically enough that's exactly what they did, dropped him in the river.
One of the men readied his crossbow yet before he could even aim he was pierced by Susan's arrow while the other cowardly fled. Peter quickly jumped in the river, saving the dwarf while you helped Edmund get the boat to shore.
Lucy used her dagger to cut the dwarf's restraints. "Drop him?!" Was the first thing he said directed to Susan "is that the best you can come up with?!"
"A 'thank you' would've been appreciated" you defended hearing Edmund snort beside you.
You laughed at the dwarf's expression when he put the pieces together "You're it?! You're the kings and queens of old?!".
It took some time to get him to trust you but it worked out after a short duel against Edmund. You learned that his name was Trumpkin and that it's been over a thousand years since you disappeared.
Trumpkin told you about prince Caspian and how he was trying to help the Narnians, how he was the one that had called for you using Susan's horn.
You spent most of the time of your journey walking by Edmund, you tried starting a conversation multiple times but he looked uninterested, trapped in his own thoughts, giving you short answers and not bothering to continue after that so you simply gave up and stuck to quietly walking by his side.
It was starting to get dark, the sky turning a beautiful indigo colour, full of bright starts, the starts you would admire at every night for 15 years. You decided to set up camp in a small clearing, you'd continue your journey early at dawn.
As you sat with Lucy and Susan quietly, you noticed Edmund out of the corner of your eye, a bit further than the rest of you sitting alone on a boulder.
Using your hands to assist yourself, you stood up, slowly walking towards him. He looked sad still like he's been for the whole time you've been back. The sound of your daggers clanging together as you walked made him turn back in alarm, visibly relaxing once he saw who it was.
Not speaking a word you sat by him for a minute or two before finally turning to look at him. "What's up with you?" You asked making him turn to you with a confused expression.
"Whatever do you mean?" You rolled your eyes, knowing very well he knew what you were referring to. "You've been looking all solemn since we got here. Are you not happy to be back? What's the matter?" He shook his head and faced Infront of him "of course I'm happy to be back it's just." He paused for a moment "it's so different, too quiet, too eerie" he explained, his gaze directed to you once more.
You nodded and moved slightly closer, placing a hand on the boy's shoulder "I understand, and I completely agree with you, but we have to keep our heads up. We need to be strong for our home, I'm sure we'll fix this." You reassured him, or tried your best to.
Your expression turned from that of compassion to one of panic as you noticed the tears making their way to his eyes. "I just can't stand to see Narnia this way, after all that I've done, all that we've done. Why did we have to leave? Why didn't we stay?" He cried with a shaky voice.
You opened your arms for him and he gladly accepted the affection, wasting no time to move into your embrace and cling to you, his handa gripping the back of your shirt as he hid his face in between your neck and shoulder.
You ran a hand through his hair, the other rubbing comforting circles on his back "it's okay. Let it out" you spoke softly to the sobbing boy in your arms.
He sobbed for a good 10 minutes before letting go of you and wiping his eyes "I'm sorry." You shook your head, your hand remaining in it's position on his back. "It's okay to cry, even as a king. You have nothing to apologise for"
He smiled slightly at your words, placing his hand atop your own which had moved from his back to his shoulder as you spoke.
"Thank you. For always being there for me." You smiled and placed a quick yet soft kiss to his forehead "you can always count on me to be there whenever you need me to, I promise" without further words he returned to your embrace a content sigh leaving his lips.
Knowing his has you by his side, always there, makes him feel invincible, like nothing could ever harm him. You can and will save Narnia like you did once, together.
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needsmth · 1 year
Hey! I’m KINDA new here so Idk how it works? But Anyway could i request a Edmund x g/n reader. Where there’s a storm and Edmund is looking for reader beacuse he’s worried, and finally he finds them in the middle of courtyard just to see them having the best time of their life running dancing spinning and enjoying the weather? (i like to Imagine that at that moment he would think something like "I wanna be theirs” iykyk)
If it’s not a problem ofc! And thank you <333
Thank you so much omg!! I loved writing this one and I look forward to getting to know you more :)
A disclaimer to all the others reading though, the reader will identify as she/her as I'm not very good at writing with non-binary pronouns. I deeply apologise.
Also, I highly recommend that you read this with the song 'Lovers Rock' by TV Girl. It just fits the mood and I swear you won't regret it <3
- slight cussing (literally just one swear word)
- tooth-rotting fluff :p
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«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Edmund is not worried, alright? In fact, he's been feeling himself as of late. But that's the problem. He's only been feeling himself when she's around.
And yes, there's very heavy rain today so there's plenty of reason to worry. Especially since Lucy last recalled seeing his best friend in the courtyard, which, he'd gladly remind to anyone, is open-air.
And no, he's definitely not speeding down the long, pristine hallways of Cair Paravel towards the courtyard. He simply isn't. He's just... Walking at a faster pace.
Edmund pays no mind as he passes the meeting room, the throne room, his own bedroom. That's not important right now.
When he reaches the steps that lead to the courtyard, he takes note of the very heavy rain. (Susan, being the most helpful person in the world says there is probably a high chance of lightning striking.)
Edmund eyes at his navy blue silk and cream-coloured linen outfit and then back to the rain. 'Fuck it,' he thinks, stepping out into the unmerciful rain that instantly ruins his hair and clothes.
Never mind that, he needs to find her.
His dress-boots stomp against the slosh that was grass and tried avoiding puddles as best as he could. Lord knows what Peter would say to him later.
The young king shakes his mind off his older brother. Not the time, he reminds himself.
Now that he's finally here in the courtyard himself, he realises how much he's never spent his time here. (A bad situation to be finally realising this, but oh well) He made up his mind on how he's going exploring again when he's not in such a state and when the fields are dry and the sun is peeking from the sky.
He continues wandering for a good three minutes before noticing the spin of a light-pink dress in the distance.
His dark eyes widen, little specks of hope visible in the irises. He rushed to where he saw it, and there you were.
But instead of the cold, wet, miserable you that he'd previously imagined, it was actually quite the opposite.
You twirled yourself around, his presence to you unknown. Your eyes were closed, but your smile shone just as bright. Occasionally, Edmund would hear a little laugh from you, an indication of the fun you were having.
His eyes widen again, but instead of surprise, it's filled with cheeky, malicious intent.
Tip-toeing quietly so you don't hear him, (although the rain made it hard to hear anything, really) his strong arms wrap around your waist, enveloping you into a hug.
You open your eyes with adrenaline, before recognising his strong jaw and milky-white skin. You laugh in relief, pulling him impossibly closer to you. When you open your eyes again, he has a handsome grin playing at his lips before he leads you to dance.
It's not like any other dance you've learned to teach yourself for all the balls and parties you and the Pevensies had been invited to.
It's a ridiculous dance, really, if you think hard about it.
The way Edmund just keeps shimmying you around him and twirling you in ways you never thought he could, it's childish of him. A side he rarely shows but will always be open to you.
Although, you did recognise some of the steps from the more elegant dances, like the waltz. When asked, he smiles wistfully and replies, "Once a king, always a king."
Most of the time your laughter filled the air, only the dark clouds and trees as your witness.
Suddenly, you stop your feet from moving. Edmund catches onto this and stops as well. His hands were still very much around your wrist and on your lower back, however.
You hear each other's panting and the both of you look up to see a wide smile on the other's face.
You take the moment of silence as an excuse to drag your eyes around his lean figure, studying the way his wet hair shone (Very attractively, though you wouldn't admit it to him. Ever.)
God, she's beautiful, he thinks, oblivious to your shifty eyes and red face. Just how much I want her by my side... He continues in his head, How much I want her to be mine.
Of course, he hadn't said this out loud. That's just plain stupid.
But one day, he'll say it. He will. It's a promise.
And with the beam of your face that you make every time you see him... Oh yes, it's a promise.
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
Hope you enjoyed!! Special thanks to @lidlowa for requesting this in the first place. Your prompt had me kicking my feet in the air and shi.
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anapotatowriter · 22 days
Hi there! I saw your requests were open and I absolutely adore your writing.
I am officially back in my Edmund Pevensie era (sorry Five Hargreeves, LOL). Do you mind writing something based on Save The Last Dance For Me by Michael Bublé?
Save the last dance for me
Edmund Pevensie x Reader
A/N: HI DARLING BESTIE! THANK YOU FOR THIS REQUEST, I REALLY LOVED DELVING INTO SOME TROPES I COULDN'T FIT IN MY PREVIOUS WORKS! I really loved this song, and gained random inspiration from a Bridgerton clip- Did I get up in the middle of the night, and write this whole thing under 3 hours until 2:34 in the morning? Yes, yes I did. Did I do this when I am meant to be studying for my finals? No comment. I hope you like this story. If you don’t, feel free to message me, and I’ll make whatever changes you would like! Also, bonus points to people who can get the different references I have made in this fic~
Summary: Edmund Pevensie is from Narnia. Y/N L/N is from Terenbithia. They are supposed to be enemies, but are they really?
Contains: Fluff basically, a little, teensy-weensy bit of angst, some political rivalry that I *really* didn't explore, a secret relationship, some use of fan language that I think is inferrable??? and a bit of jealousyyyyy! Also, my writing is trash in this fr fr.
Requested: Yes
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Now you can dance every dance with the guy 
Who gives you the eye, let him hold you tight 
And you can smile every smile for the man 
Who held your hand beneath the pale moonlight
“We now announce Queen Y/N L/N, Queen of Terebinthia!”
I stepped out from behind the double doors that announced the entry of each royal guest arriving at Cair Paravel. Light applause rang out as I stepped down the stairs, a smirk gracing my face. Four distinct members in the room didn’t bother hiding the subtle displeasure on their faces—the kings and queens of Narnia, enemies of the Terebinthian courts, and thus my enemies. My dark green dress was sewn just to contrast the yellow, red, purple, and blue of the royal members of Narnia, reflecting the political tensions between the two kingdoms. The black lace fan that hung off my wrist reflected the age-old Narnian diamonds, another symbol to rub salt in the wound. My eyes, however, wandered to the younger king, whose silver crown glinting in the candlelight was rivalled only by the sharp flicker in his caramel-brown eyes. 
I stayed as far away from the four monarchs as possible, mingling with the population of royalty surrounding us all, a ruse to put up for the family. “Queen Y/N,” said a voice behind me. I turned to meet the eyes of the prince of Archenland, his blonde hair hiding the gold crown he donned. Prince Orlando’s eyes roved over my appearance, a breathless gasp escaping as he said, “Queen Y/N, I simply must have your first dance.” “It would be an honour, Your Highness,” I responded, curtsying slightly, looking up at him through my eyelashes. I opened the fan in my hand with a light flick, bringing it up to my chest and fluttering it, bringing the prince’s attention to the diamonds that adorned my neck and the lace of the fan. My eyes flickered beyond Prince Orlando’s shoulder, meeting the similarly entranced eyes of King Edmund. A secret smile graced my face as the fan “slipped” out of my hand and onto the floor. The eyes of King Edmund and Prince Orlando followed its path, the King stepping forward only slightly before resuming an indifferent posture. I glanced down at the fallen fan, my lips parting slightly in mock surprise. The prince bent on his knee to pick up the fan, just as Edmund’s jaw clenched subtly as he stared at us. Orlando held up the fan to me, my eyes flitting away coyly before meeting his again. 
I held my wrist out to the prince, making him gulp slightly when I slowly removed the lace gloves that adorned my hand. He widened the fan’s strap and fit it around my wrist, his fingers brushing against the recently uncovered skin. But my eyes were focused on Edmund, who watched the fluttering glove as if it had done him a personal disservice. His vision flitted to my wrist, and then to my eyes. He gazed in my direction with extreme focus, making my hand tremble slightly as I replaced the gloves on my hand. Orlando offered his hand to me, which I accepted, and joined the dance floor. Moments later, the brunette king joined the throng of dancers with a partner of his own. I smirked as I curtsied, taking hold of the prince’s hands. The prince, whose blue eyes met mine eagerly, pulled me in closer with his grip on my waist. I gripped his shoulder subtly, before manoeuvring into a spin and out of his arms. The moonlight filtered through the windows of Cair Paravel, casting a light blue hue along with the orange from the candles. Despite the dim lights of the ballroom, I could feel the pair of eyes belonging to Edmund boring into me, making goose bumps rise on every inch of my skin. 
Baby, don't you know I love you so
Can't you feel it when we touch
I will never, never let you go
I love you oh, so much
You can dance, go and carry on
I glanced at Edmund for a moment, who was already staring back with an unrivalled intensity. A drop in the music signalled a switch in partners. My hands immediately left those of the prince, seeking their return to the place of comfort. Home, home, home. Warmth, comfort, and callouses which marked my heart, my hips, my body, my love. I twirled over to the man next to me, Edmund immediately taking hold of me as my dress whipped around me. His fingers dipped tantalising low on my waist, just far enough from being deemed scandalous. The warmth of his palm cut straight through the layers of satin, silk and net that adorned my dress as if they didn’t exist. His hand grasped mine firmly, intertwining our fingers as a means of saying, “I will never let you go.” The moonlight littered over his freckled cheeks, the adoration in his eyes making my heart thud pathetically against my chest. The world around me seemed to disappear as I gazed into his eyes when light applause around us broke me out of my reverie. The music had stopped, indicating the end of the dance. The fan that hung off my wrist was clasped in my hand again. I manoeuvred the fan and swiped the open fan along my cheek. He chuckled under his breath, glancing away quickly before looking back and bowing. As his face dipped just near my ear, he whispered, “I love you too, Y/N… I love you oh so much.” I smiled cheekily at Edmund, curtsying in response before walking back to Prince Orlando for another dance without a glance back.
'Til the night is gone
And it's time to go
If he asks if you're all alone
Can he walk you home, you must tell him no
“Are you going to be travelling home alone, Queen Y/N?” asked Orlando, his eyes flickering with concern. “You need not worry yourself, Prince Orlando. I can do just fine myself,” I replied, smiling. “I can drop you home, Queen Y/N if that would be safer or more comfortable for you.” “No, Prince Orlando. I appreciate your offer and kindness, but I will be fine,” I replied, sharper than intended. He nodded his head in understanding, bowing deeply one last time. He took my hand and grazed his lips against my gloved knuckles before walking out of the ballroom. I caught the eye of Edmund, who was conversing with one of the foreign dignitaries. As if sensing my gaze, his eyes shifted to meet mine. I took my fan into my right hand, placing it in front of my face for a few moments. His eyes glinted in recognition as I walked away, an invitation to follow me. I stalked through the halls of Cair Paravel, which I had crossed through multiple times in the cover of darkness and shadows. I finally emerged through the trap door into the Cair Paravel Gardens, the lingering scent of something citrus infiltrating my senses. As I admired the view, the scent of the gardens was drowned by the smell of coffee and old books. Before I could turn around, Edmund wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into the warmth of his chest. A sudden chill raced down my spine as King Edmund's arms enveloped me, the temperature from the cool gardens contrasting against the warmth of his embrace, making me shiver slightly. “Hello Darling,” he whispered, not wanting to disturb the tranquillity of the gardens. Snippets of music still drifted from the ballroom, but the incessant chattering of crowds was silenced. And there we stood, hidden by the hedges and wisteria-festooned walls of the gardens.
'Cause don't forget who's taking you home
And in whose arms you're gonna be
Save the last dance for me
Oh, I know that the music's fine
Like sparklin' wine, go and have your fun
Laugh and sing, but while we're apart
Don't give your heart to anyone
And don't forget who's taking you home
And in whose arms you're gonna be
So darling, save the last dance for me
“So, are we going to do anything, or just stand around? Because I must admit darling, I am getting rather bored,” I murmured. I could feel the way the corners of Edmund’s lips upturned against the joining between my neck and shoulder. “Maybe I should have taken up Prince Orlando’s offer of taking me home,” I said jokingly. Edmund chuckled lightly, before abruptly spinning me around and gripping me so I faced him. “Don’t forget who’s taking you home, darling. Would be a dam shame to miss out on me for some prince of Archenland,” he quipped. “You might have danced with Prince Orlando, but I'm the one whose arms you’re going to be in tonight.” “May I have the honour of your last dance, Queen Y/N?” asked Edmund as a new song began to play in the background. I chewed lightly on my lower lip, feigning contemplation as I said, “Oh I don’t know. I mean, the music’s fine, but I have already had my fun for the day, I think.” I placed the handle of my closed fan against my lips and pretended to think, watching as Edmund’s eyes tracked the shape of my lips. “Ask your question out loud instead of through your fan, and maybe I’ll agree,” responded Edmund, quirking his eyebrow. I looked away from his gaze and murmured a small, “Kiss me… please.” Before I could finish the last word, his lips pressed against mine softly, the tension leaving my shoulders almost immediately. His hands moved to my gloved ones, tugging at the fingers of the glove gently before pulling the gloves off. His hands traced the newly exposed skin, moving up my arms before placing one on my waist and holding the other one. I shivered at the contact with the skin of his palm, the hardened scars from battles finding their home in my hands. He pulled me into a slow dance, slowly, slowly, slowly tugging my heart to his. “Don’t ever give your heart to anyone else,” he said in my ear, a trace of insecurity running through his words. “I will always save my last dance for you, Edmund Pevensie,” I said in reply, holding on to him like it was my last day.
So darling, save the last dance for me
Oh baby, won't you save the last dance for me
Ooh, you make a promise
That you'll save the last dance for me
Save the last dance
The very last dance
For me
“Darling, save the last dance for me?” asked Edmund, holding his grip over my light blue gown that matched his outfit. “You have asked the same thing at every ball the last 5 years, and my answers never change, darling. I promise that I’ll save the last dance for you,” I replied, kissing him softly on the cheek. As he moved away from me to make his entrance into the ballroom and greet the royalty visiting our home, his sleeve caught on the black fan that dangled from my wrist. He lifted his wrist to his eye level, bringing mine up in the process. Instead of separating the fan from the button on his sleeve, he removed the fan from my wrist, leaving it bare. The diamonds on the fan, once a symbol of the enmity between two lands, showed the union between them. He opened the fan and brushed it against his cheek before walking away, a smile on his face as he glanced back one last time. “I love you, too,” I said to no one, the ring on my hand glistening in its position up high. I shook myself out of my reverie as the person at the doors declared, “We now announce Queen Y/N Pevensie, Wife of King Edmund of Narnia, and Queen of Terebinthia!”
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themessedupsonata · 1 year
A Little Favour
Edmund Pevensie x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your best friend Edmund (aka the love of your life) asks you to help him invite his crush on a date.
word count: 2.6 k
warnings: none ig. Slight angst but most fluff and a slight mention of sex but not really
A/N: I pictured this story happening post WW2, but I made no references to the 40s so it can be read as a modern au
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“I have for the first time found what I can truly love–I have found you. You are my sympathy–my better self–my good angel–I am bound to you with a strong attachment. I think you good, gifted, lovely: a fervent, a solemn passion is conceived in my heart; it leans to you, draws you to my centre and spring of life...”��
Edward Rochester's speech was rudely interrupted by some inconvenient person who was knocking at your door. You rolled your eyes and mumbled a "come in" loud enough so whoever was on the other side of the door could hear you.
Edmund Pevensie's head popped through the small space of the half-opened door and you completely forgot why you were angry in the first place. 
"Hi Y/N/N. Can we talk?" He smiled nervously.
You nodded and he sat down on the small couch that was in front of your bed so you could look at each other comfortably.
"I missed you, ya know?"
"We saw each other yesterday afternoon, Ed."
"Yesterday didn't count, Y/N. We were with my siblings." He pointed.
Edmund had a point. You loved Peter, Susan and Lucy; but you had multiple intimate matters that you preferred to talk about with Ed only.
"What did you want to talk about? Sounds important."
You were always closest to Edmund than of the other Pevensies. Since the two of you were four, you've been best friends. People were right, you and Ed were always joined at the hip. It was always you and him against the world and you hoped it would stay that way forever.
"I'm in love."
Your world stopped. Well, apparently it wouldn't be just the two of you against the world anymore. Now you would have to share your best friend.
"Oh, Hm… I- didn't see that coming. I mean, that’s great! If…" You trailed off with the words, but Ed seemed too lost in his thoughts that most likely involved this girl to hear you. "If you're happy, so am I!"
You knew very well that it was selfish, but you wanted him to be happy with you. You knew him better than anyone, he loved your company and even though you doubted his words a little, he always said you were cute. Why weren't you good enough for the boy you’ve been in love with for six years?
You bit your bottom lip to keep your eyes from filling with tears and discreetly cleared your throat before leaning forward slightly from your spot on the bed to snap your fingers in front of Edmund’s face, who had his head in the clouds.
"Oh, sorry. I… I'm just kind of nervous, you know? That's why I came here. I need your help to ask her out on a date." He spoke so quickly that you almost didn't understand him. He was avoiding your eyes, clearly nervous.
You sighed tiredly and knelt in front of him, placing a hand on his shoulder.
You weren't being fair. For years you were the most important girl in his life (after his sisters and his mother of course) and your approval clearly means the world to him. If you were as madly in love with someone as Ed seemed to be with this girl, you also would be heartbroken if your best friend didn't support you.
"Of course, I'll help you, Ed. I'm happy for you. What do you have in mind for the date?"
He sighed in relief and was already visibly more relaxed.
"I'm not sure. That's why I came to you. I suspect my siblings know, but I don't want to hear their taunts. Especially if she dumps me."
You ignored all the negative feelings that came with this sentence and focused only on your friend.
"Be optimistic, okay? You're an amazing guy and if she dumps you, it’s her loss. And I think I can help you much more if you tell me who she is." You suggested.
Edmund was never one to be easily embarrassed, but for some reason today he was blushing like there was no tomorrow.
"I don't think I have a chance with her, okay? I'd rather not say who she is for now. I trust you and know you'll know how to help me plan the perfect date."
Only a mad person could agree with …
"Of course I can help you, Ed."
Mad; that's what you are.
His face lit up
"Thank you so much, Y/N/N! You're the best!" He exclaimed, getting up to hug you.
You always forgot about the rest of the world when you were with Ed. You'd give anything to be able to smell his cologne, bury your face in his neck, and be held in his warm arms for eternity.
But that would never be possible.
Because he would never be yours.
You guys were meeting every day to decide how Ed could ask out the mysterious girl (Yes, he was still refusing to tell you who she was) a couple of weeks ago. You honestly had no idea who she could be because as far as you knew, you were the only girl he interacts with. Your only suspect was Chloe Chapman, the most beautiful girl of your school year. She lent her eraser to you in the biology class so she was probably very nice. But she had travelled to America with her family and she would spend the whole summer there and Edmund wanted to arrange the date for three days from now. There was no way it could be her.
Apparently, your best friend knew this girl very well. He knew her favourite flowers and snacks, (Which was very helpful as he wanted the date to be a picnic) Ed insisted it would be perfect as she wouldn't like something too expensive and elaborate while also wanting something special and unique. That day you cried yourself to sleep because a picnic was your idea of the perfect date and you loved to fantasize about sharing that experience with Edmund. But now he would realize your dream with someone else.
Life was very unfair.
To make everything worse, he begged you to wait with him until she arrived. Edmund would never ask you to stay on the date with him because he wanted to have a private moment with the girl of his dreams and didn't want to make you uncomfortable being the third wheel. But he wanted you to stay with him to give him moral support until she shows up.
That was the only time in your life you hated being best friends with him.
At that very moment, you were in Edmund's room. He told you he was going to ask the mysterious girl out this afternoon and he would be here any minute with her answer.
A part of you really wanted her to say 'yes' because Ed was madly in love with her and you didn't want him to be heartbroken if she rejected him. But you couldn't help but wish she would say' no' because if she accepts, you knew Edmund would fight until the end for their relationship to last and you would be obligated to be his maid of honour and eventually the godmother of his children. The thought made you shiver.
You nearly had a heart attack when the door burst open and Edmund appeared, looking like he had won a million pounds in a marathon.
"She said yes!" he exclaimed. You've never seen him so happy before
“Oh my God, Ed! I'm so happy for you!" You replied, doing your best to look enthusiastic.
The two of you held each other for a while until Edmund broke the comfortable silence.
“You will be there, right?” he murmured against your hair.
“Of course, Ed. I will always be there when you need me.” That was the first completely true sentence you've said to him since he told you about the mysterious girl.
"Good. Thank you for everything” He pulled away from you just enough so that he could look to your face.
You were almost sure he stared at your lips and he was just as stunned by the proximity as you were. But he gently turned away from you and went to his desk to get the little notebook you both were using to plan Edmund's date. You tweaked the last details for the rest of the afternoon, but you noticed the way he avoided your gaze the entire time and you'd be lying if you said you didn't feel like your heart had been ripped out of your chest.
Today was the big day. Edmund asked you to get ready because you were meeting the mysterious girl today and he really wanted you to make a good impression on her so you both could become friends.
Fantastic. Simply fantastic.
You picked up your favourite summer dress and put on some simple makeup. It was an outdoor picnic after all.
Edmund arranged for you to meet at 3:30 pm at a flower shop near Primrose Hill, the place where the date would happen. Arriving at the store, it wasn't long before you found him and you forgot how to breathe when you saw the owner of your heart wearing a plain blue sweater and comfy trousers that you'd never seen him wear before. Apparently, he took your advice and bought new clothes for the occasion. He looked adorable.
“Hi, Ed” You called out to get his attention.
He turned to you and you felt your cheeks heat up as you felt his gaze travel over your body.
“You are…Wow! Y/N…I don't even have the words to say how beautiful you look” he said nervously, the pure adoration in his voice making your stomach flutter.
“Thanks, Ed. You look good too” You smiled.
The two of you quickly pulled yourselves together and set out on a journey to buy the perfect flowers for his date. In addition to her favourite flowers (which coincidentally were your favourite flowers as well), he asked the seller for help buying flowers with specific meanings. You were passionate about flowers, but you never learned about their meanings and the only flower Edmund knew was the mysterious girl’s favourite. According to the seller, red roses mean romance, tulips are true love and alstroemerias mean loyalty. You were both completely embarrassed when the kind florist recommended with a smirk that Ed buy lilies too because they mean eroticism and sexuality. He bought five different types of flowers in addition to the mysterious girl's favourites and left the store.
You were slightly nervous to get to Primrose Hill because Edmund insisted on decorating it himself, despite your pleas. You loved his best friend, but he didn't have a lot of decorating sense.
He had specifically arranged for the date to be at Ed's favourite tree at 4:00 pm, the tree was set back from the rest of the park for privacy but it was still a beautiful spot. That was the two of you's favourite hangout spot since you were kids and you couldn’t help but feel a little hurt that he's using your two's special spot to have a date with a girl.
You were starting to worry that he would stop caring so much about you now that he had a possible girlfriend.
The two of you arrived on the date and you were shocked to see the most beautiful picnic setting ever. Indeed, the flowers were still missing to complete the decoration, but the delicate tablecloth was full of your favourite foods that looked absolutely delicious and the comical picnic basket gave it a special charm.
“It's way too beautiful. You didn't do this on your own.” That was the first thing you said.
Ed shrugged, but you didn't miss the boyish smile on his face.
“My sisters helped me. I thought I had already overloaded you so I asked for more help. But I am offended that you would assume that I couldn't make something beautiful on my own, Y/N/N.” He said, pretending to be offended.
You helped him put the finishing touches on with the flowers and you can't help but sigh as you look at the most adorable picnic you've ever seen.
You would give anything for Ed to have done all that specifically for you.
"It's 5 minutes to 4:00 pm" Ed commented while looking at his wristwatch.
You nodded and you two sat down next to each other.
“I don't know her” You broke the comfortable silence after a few minutes.
He looked at you with confusion written on his face.
“I don't know her, Ed. But I see how much she seems to make you happy and I've never seen your eyes so bright as when you talk about her. She clearly is your world and you wouldn't have made something so beautiful and special if you didn't love her. I'm so glad you found her, Edmund… I wish the world to you both because I feel like you were made for each other” You commented, surprised that your voice didn't choke.
Every word you said was like a knife in your heart, but it was the truth. You loved him unconditionally, and you knew that Edmund loved her as much as you loved him. He still looked confused by your words, but it didn't matter. You needed to accept that you both just weren't meant to be and that was okay. You were strong and deep down you knew you would get over it. The important thing is that Ed was happy and that you will never stop being best friends.
When you looked up from your lap, you looked at your best friend's face. He had a neutral expression that didn't give away what he was thinking, but you'd never seen him look so peaceful before.
He looked away from your gaze to look at the wristclock.
“It's 4:00 pm, Y/N. I think it's time.”
You nodded in acceptance with some unshed tears and got up off the ground, walking peacefully away from Ed so he could enjoy his long-awaited date.
“Y/N where are you going?” You heard Ed's voice after walking a little less than a meter.
You turned around, confused only to see an Edmund who was clearly trying very hard not to burst out laughing. The left hand was shoved in the pocket of the trousers and the right held the bouquet with the favourite flowers of the mysterious girl.
are the mysterious girl, Y/N/N. I can't believe you didn't notice sooner!" He exclaimed with a huge smile on his face.
“These are your favourite things, sweetheart. I wanted to know your opinion about everything because it was everything for you.
“But… That day you said she said yes” You pointed, still not believing the situation you were in.
“It needed to be believable. I really wanted to ask you out like a normal person, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship if you didn't feel the same way. I thought that if you saw how well I know you and how thoughtful I could be as a boyfriend you would want me. I'm sorry if I hurte--"
You threw yourself into his arms and kissed him passionately. His lips were as soft and sweet as you'd imagine. He tasted like home.
“Of course, I feel the same, Ed. It's impossible not to love you." You smiled, leaning your forehead against his.
He stole one more peck and held you by the hand so you could enjoy the picnic. The long-awaited date would be the beginning of the most beautiful love story between two soulmates.
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