#nazi mention
wiisagi-maiingan · 4 months
Again, I strongly encourage people to do research on how the Nazi party explicitly attacked modern art as being pointless and a threat to "Western civilization" as a way to discredit Jewish artists and any artist who spoke against the regime and to push them out of society. Modern artists lost their jobs, were ostracized by the art community, and the few pieces that were kept on display in museums were often targeted in fascist and antisemitic attacks.
This isn't a conspuracy theory, it's a very well recorded fact and it had a huge influence on the development of modern art and society's view of it. You can't separate the current hatred of modern art from its origins in fascism and trying to just inevitably means that you're going to end up falling into that mindset.
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prokopetz · 19 days
The trouble with self-consciously edgy urban fantasy RPGs which are explicitly set in the real world is that they always get fixated on the Second World War, and there's literally no good way to speculate about whether Hitler was a vampire or whatever – not only is it tasteless, it's done. It was cliché even in the 1990s, and it hasn't become any less cliché since. Like, at least switch up the war – I want to see an edgy urban fantasy RPG whose Secret History™ revolves around the proposition that Archduke Franz Ferdinand was from space.
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i feel like we never discuss this part of the chainsaw man lore.
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tintin is incredible at timing
(possibly) the final snippet I'll post from my story The Gypsum Maw, the previous part which follows directly before is here - I've been seeing comments asking about where to read the full thing, I'm afraid what I post is basically it - I have more pages in my sketchbook but I suspect they are only legible to me!
this post is already long so more notes and credits under the cut!
I asked for some help for coming up with friends for Chang! The gentle giant Masek was created by InkyTrink on Twitter and the super excitable Libby was created by dreamyopal, a discord mutual:
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They came up with some great character notes and were super helpful providing feedback on my designs!
Writing this felt pretty odd in ways. I graduated in 2020 during the Plague Year so my class didnt get a public art showcase. I attended one last year and it was a bittersweet experience.
Reunions feel a bit like time travel, you see people after a few years and things change quite a lot. I wanted to explore this in my post canon series, Chang has grown up, found himself and has been able to live a fairly normal life with family and friends. Tintin in a way reflects that young adult insecurity about being stagnant, like you haven't been able to fully reach adulthood properly. His fame and status as a Young Boy Reporter is holding him captive, he longs for connection but is held back by expectations from both himself and the outside world.
I've also been inspired by the concept of 'queer time,' the concept that the lives of queer people progress differently to the lives of non queer people. It takes time to come to terms with yourself and to come out. Queer people are often excluded from milestones like marriage or having children. Tintin being confronted with his peers at a university highlights his insecurity about being left behind, but he's slowly making the journey to self acceptance by talking to others, and recognising common ground he has with others.
Chang's university isn't a one to one reference to a specific institution but in Belgium there was a secular movement in reaction to the dominance of the Catholic church, in which universities played a key role. There's references to art movements that were deemed "degenerate" by the Nazis here, such as Fauvism and Surrealism.
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sayruq · 6 months
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gay-jewish-bucky · 5 months
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During Hanukkah 1932, just one month before Hitler came to power, Rachel Posner, wife of Rabbi Dr. Akiva Posner, took this photo of the family Hanukkah menorah from the window ledge of the family home in Kiel, Germany. The photo looks out on to the town hall building across the road, upon which hangs Nazi flags.
On the back of the photograph, Rachel Posner wrote in German (translated here):
Chanukah 5692 (1932) "Death to Judah" So the flag says "Judah will live forever" So the light answers
Hanukkah Sameach
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vague-humanoid · 6 months
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For a brief look into what prompted this respone
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creature-wizard · 6 months
"Respect all paths please-" How about I teach you the Parable of the Nazi Bar.
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daloy-politsey · 2 months
Take the case of journalist William Zukerman. A respected Yiddish- and English-language writer in the 1930s and 1940s, with clips in Harpers and the New York Times, Zukerman started his own biweekly, the Jewish Newsletter, in 1948. It was highly critical of Jewish nationalism and its destructive effects in the new state of Israel and beyond.
In one story, Zukerman reported about a Holocaust survivor who had recently resettled in Israel, in the former home of an Arab family. The survivor became “openly obsessed” about her morality, Zukerman wrote, after her children found some of the evicted family’s possessions. “The mother was suddenly struck by the thought that her children were playing with the toys of Arab children who were now exiled and homeless,” Zukerman continued. “Is she not doing to the Arabs what the Nazis did to her and her family?”
By the early 1950s, the Jewish Newsletter had a few thousand subscribers, and its work was republished in many other outlets, Jewish and non-Jewish, with much larger circulations — Time magazine, for instance. Not all of Zukerman’s readers, however, opposed Zionism. Each of the hundreds of chapters of the Jewish student organization Hillel had a subscription to the Jewish Newsletter.
According to declassified Israeli Foreign Ministry files found by Levin, the Israeli government was alarmed by Zukerman’s influence on American Jews. It started a campaign to keep him from “confusing” Zionists about Israel and Palestinian rights. Israel aimed a letter-writing campaign at the New York Herald Post to discourage the paper from running more of Zukerman’s work, and hatched a scheme to distribute boilerplate text for Zionists to mail to other editors, asking them not to publish Zukerman anymore. The head of Israel’s Office of Information in New York worked to have the prestigious London-based Jewish Chronicle get rid of Zukerman’s column, and he lost the position. By 1953, his work no longer appeared in the Jewish press.
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neomedievalistbr · 10 months
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only on tumblr someone with the word feral on their url will say that ppl dying as result of a military coup by a nazi group is actually okay as long as the Big Bad Putin dies, and that they should use this to bring back communism.
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just-antithings · 3 months
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Proship propaganda💀
This person writes rape smut
This person wrote a rape smut fic about a creepypasta character that is a canon a pedo
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prokopetz · 2 months
Really, the big reason I have no real interest in posting on Cohost as things stand is that there's no mechanism for viewing interactions with a specific post. I guess I don't need to be able to creep the notifications on other people's posts, but not being able to get a digest of interactions with one of my own posts? Hard deal-breaker – like, I understand the "no metrics" philosophy, but being so committed to not exposing metrics that I can't see what people are doing with my own shit is a big problem for two reasons:
It takes some fairly basic due diligence tools for online safety off the table. The widely circulating version of one of my posts could have defamatory remarks or literal Nazi propaganda tacked onto it via a reblog, and I'd never know about it unless that specific version of the post happened to cross my dashboard.
Not being able to readily tell when a non-mutual has commented on one of my posts means I can't respond to that comment, which basically torpedoes the conversational function of the reblog-with-comments model. The platform's efforts to avoid furnishing actionable engagement metrics are actively hindering engagement itself, and that's a problem when one of the types of engagement that's being hindered is "having conversations with other users".
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newsfromstolenland · 7 months
The speaker of Canada’s House of Commons resigned Tuesday for inviting a man who fought for a Nazi military unit during World War II to Parliament to attend a speech by the Ukrainian president.
Just after Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy delivered an address in the House of Commons on Friday, Canadian lawmakers gave 98-year-old Yaroslav Hunka a standing ovation when Speaker Anthony Rota drew attention to him. Rota introduced Hunka as a war hero who fought for the First Ukrainian Division.
Observers over the weekend began to publicize the fact that the First Ukrainian Division also was known as the Waffen-SS Galicia Division, or the SS 14th Waffen Division, a voluntary unit that was under the command of the Nazis.
Full article
Tagging: @allthecanadianpolitics
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communistkenobi · 6 months
wait when people talk about their "nazi" phases are they not joking/exaggerating being mildly conservative?
I remember like post-gamergate when “leftube” or “breadtube” started to become a thing online, a bunch of YouTubers focused on deradicalizing angry white men by making video essays and meme videos dunking on how stupid right wing people are (hbomberguy, contrapoints, philosphytube, shaun, etc - chapo trap house also started taking off around this time, coining ‘the dirtbag left’ and so on). They explicitly talked about this as part of their goal for generating content on youtube, and I think this helped foster an atmosphere where people would casually talk about how they were deradicalized by these channels, that they had a Nazi phase when they were younger but had grown out of it now, etc.
and like obviously white people have always been comfortable talking about their racist beliefs and bragging about how they just learned to stop being racist like 40mins ago, so this isn’t a new phenomenon, but I think in the context of lib-leftish online spaces there’s a huge willingness on the part of these deradicalized people to be very open about their past beliefs and behaviours. to read them very generously, I’m assuming it’s part evangelising (‘I got out, you can too!’), part feeling the need to be open about their past so they don’t end up in a situation where someone uncovers hidden racist tweets they made a few years ago (which is its own can of worms lol), and part a need to find empathy and understanding from people around them for past behaviours that they now (rightfully) view as horrifying. But I think a lot of people are also pretty horrified themselves by this willingness on the part of these (usually white, although I’m sure there’s diversity within this crowd) people to casually drop the fact of their ‘Nazi phase’ in conversations like it’s not a huge deal, and the fact that they’re so casual about it indicates that they probably are not super committed to all these progressive ideals they’re now spouting
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latinotiktok · 6 months
hablando de fanfics cagados.
No sé por dónde empezar pero voy a tratar de explicar esto lo mejor que pueda. Para el que no sepa hay un fandom de "countryhumans", que es países humanos (y no, no como en hetalia. eran bolas pelonas con las banderas todas pintarrajeadas en la cara. por lo menos en todo lo que es Hetalia tienen la DECENCIA de tener un medio de origen) donde todo el fandom se crea sus propias versiones y propio canon. cómo se pueden imaginar lleva a cosas muy... problemáticas a veces por decir de menos.
Bueno, por ahí de 2019 yo caí en el fandom ese, y como era un usuario de Wattpad pues me puse a buscar fanfics en esa página rancia y maligna. Y ahí encontré un fanfics del que no me acuerdo el nombre, pero era de una usuaria (? que se llamaba "mami-onu" en Wattpad. El fanfic si no mal recuerdo era uno donde la ALEMANIA NAZI volvía a la vida y decidía ir hacía un barrio? o edificio de la ONU(hasta las organizaciones eran humanos, y todos hombres también. Yaoi world.) y de ahí pasaba muchas cosas, la Unión Soviética tenía tensión romántica con la ALEMANIA NAZI. REPITO. ALEMANIA NAZI. y también El imperio de Japón y Italia Fascista estaban ahí como amigos del NAZI y creo que también eran shippeo. cuestión que esto sinceramemte era MUY común en esta comunidad, pero a mitad de la historia (o al final?) hay una fiesta por alguna razón, y en esta fiesta todos los países y organizaciones se empedan y cogen. algunos de los shippeos canonizados fueron; La ONU, la CIA, el FBI y no se quien chucha más, Norcorea y Surcorea (que eran HERMANOS EN EL FIC), Italia Fascista y Japón imperial, y LA ALEMANIA NAZI y LA UNION SOVIETICA.
y eso no es lo peor. lo peor de todo es que a este final tan ESTELAR le siguió un fanfic donde LA MAYORÍA DE LOS SHIPPEOS, INCLUYENDO A NOR Y SURCOREA QUE COMO MENCIONE ERAN HERMANOS *SE EMBARAZABAN Y TENIAN HIJOS A LO MPREG.* era horrible, los estados unidos de embarazo de rusia y perdió al bebé, portugal y españa tuvieron una hija ciega (la escritora lo trataba como lo peor del mundo), no estoy seguro si la alemania nazi se embarazo y ya no me importa. pero uno de los capítulos más absolutamente repugnantes fue uno donde China y Japón son el ship principal.
resulta que Japón era un bebé cuando China era un adulto, y China lo conocía. y lo tuvo en brazos. y pensó que era un bebé muy atractivo, lo suficiente como para DARLE UN BESO EN LA BOCA?? y se implica que el imperio japonés (quien es el padre de Japón) vio esto y lo único que hizo fue HACERSE EL MEDIO ENOJADO?? todo esto en un flashback, por qué en el presente China se estaba COGIENDO a Japón. Y OTRA VEZ SU PADRE NO DICE O HACE NADA??? btw Japón es una caricatura muy asquerosa, se viste y actúa como mujer y se implica que su padre está decepcionado en el (no hablemos de las políticas de nada de esto por que termina todo mal)
bueno cuestión que yo era un fan de seguir está serie y burlarme en los comentarios, y un día una cuenta recién hecha me empezó a responder a mis comentarios muy enojado. y se perfectamente que esa cuenta era un alt de "mami-onu" para q no le cayera una funa por decirme tales barbaridades que no colaban ni abajo de tal fanfic.
bueno, había MUCHO más en ese fanfic, y en esa cuenta en específico. pero creo que o se borró la cuenta/fanfics o se cambió de nombre el usuario ese. y francamente no tengo ganas de volver a revivir esos momentos xD. perdón por mucho texto mods de latinotiktok, pero tenía que dar mis dos granos de arena.
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gay-jewish-bucky · 1 month
If you think Magneto is automatically worse as a person than all the actual canon Nazi characters in the Marvel universe, for whatever reason, I don't trust you to be normal about real life Jews...
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