#need to fill out my new commission sheet :)
elizernote · 11 months
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Afterwork rest 💤
Request from a friend :)
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kellystar321 · 1 year
#periodical life updates#maybe when artfight is done i'll ask for avm art reqs; that seems fun. i wanna draw the colorful sticks#(<- has been mainly drawing the stickmin sticks for twitter)#wait i also mentioned i wanted to work on my selfship blog right? fck. and also my part for that map too.#jegus jace r.i.c.k.e.c. starlight youve got so many projects huh. well its good to write them down. ive got this thing i do where once i-#finish a big project i forget all other projects ive ever had. ''i was so caught up in the euphoria of not being busy with artfight anymore#''i forgot that my other projects existed!'' type beat. future jace check here when youre done artfight. you've also got a fic to write!!#and ecas to draw! you also wanted to do an oc sexyman tourney but you wanted to draw everyone portraits first so <3#stickmin comics (charles; randy; jegus we probably cant think of montana just yet) and also i still got the requests from there :'>#maybe a commission sheet. i might do kofi commissions they sound fun. real commissions stress me out hgkjh </3#infinite art project hell hfkjhf </3 didnt do much artfighting today due to dentist appointment. it was very unpleasant.#i need a lot of dental work done. i have to go back next week (RIGHT BEFORE SAHCON TOO LMAO) and i also gotta have my wisdom teeth removed#not then i think (hopefully i dont wanna be fcked up before sahcon :/) but eventually. ugh. mimserable.#my queue's running low again. im tired of filling it back up ough u-u#my new drawing tablet came in btw!! ive been drawing more comfortably again <3 gotta update my progress reports for artfight#ive been watching secret sleepover society though hjdfjkh they played a cute potion making game!! but i'll work on the spreadsheet now hdjk#okay done and posted! gonna take my dental meds and probably sleep or add more stuff to queue?#see ya! <33
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ryanmarshallryan · 4 months
Biggest Birthday Ever - A Pred's Birthday
My birthday is coming up, and a great birthday gift would be to share some of my stories, donate or commission for some, or maybe even eat me up like a birthday cake! To celebrate I’ve written a couple birthday oriented vore stories, and here is the first of the duo, from a pred perspective. And each weekend this Pride month I’ll be sharing another new vore story so stay tuned!
Pedro woke up to the smell of pancakes wafting through his house. This was peculiar, he thought, as he did not have any roommates. Once this realization hit him, he jolted up and went to scope out the kitchen and was surprised to find his friends, Finn and Orville making him breakfast.
“What are y’all doing here?” Pedro gasped.
“Happy birthday, mate!” Orville gave Pedro a big hug, and leaned back and grabbed Pedro’s belly and shook it vigorously, “We thought we’d help you have the biggest birthday ever, by making you the biggest ever.”
The three of them had met through a gainer site, so often when hanging out eating big was a topic of important discussion. Orville was a gainer himself, and had a gut that rivaled Pedro’s. Orville was quite the opposite, having a metabolism so fast he looked underweight. Pedro thanked them for making him food.
“Oh this is only the pregame. We’re going to a brunch buffet after this.” Orville said with a smile.
“Then your favorite thai restaurant for lunch,” Finn piped up.
Orville shot him a look, “Don’t give away all the surprises. Don’t shove them down his throat… just yet.”
And so they ate. Pancakes, sausages, eggs, bagels, fruit, bacon, french toast, then for lunch pad thai, crab rangoon, scallion pancakes, and the food did not seem to stop coming. Pedro was stuffed beyond belief, but as Finn rubbed his belly his eyebrows went upward to dare Pedro to eat more.
On and on the gluttonous gathering continued, as they went to Orville’s backyard and Pedro was surprised with the sudden appearance and chanting of a whole hoax of other friends who had planned a whole surprise birthday barbecue for him. He went from friend to friend, socializing and catching up, each friend in turn showering him with more treats and desserts to try. It seemed that each attendee had brought something to feed Pedro. It was truly a gainer's dream. Pedro wasn’t sure whether the feeling of fullness he felt was more from food he ate or the appreciation he experienced.
Orville came and found Pedro and blindfolded him, letting him know there was another big surprise for him waiting to get in his gut. Orville led him over to a table and lifted his blindfold to reveal a transformed Finn. Finn was covered, head to toe in chocolate and strawberry syrups, whipped cream and frosting. He was sitting on a sheet cake, and posing like a model.
“It’s your birthday, of course you need some cake!” Finn shouted in celebration, smacking his behind to emphasize the last word. He blew Pedro a kiss and mouthed “eat me.”
Pedro needed no more encouragement than this, he bent low to the edge of the table, putting his mouth by the edge and pushed down on his side, so that the contents of the table began sliding down towards him. Entranced by the sudden chanting of “Chug! Chug!” by his friends, Pedro opened his mouth wide and relaxed his throat to let a mountain of cake and Finn slide easily into his belly. As Finn’s face came close to his he could hear Finn shouting along with excited “Woo!”s. He felt Finn’s feet kick around inside his stomach and watched as Finn’s face passed out of sight, down his throat.
Once the cake had either entered Pedro’s belly, or fallen sideways onto the ground, Pedro relinquished his grip on the table and stood up, to reveal his squirming gut, filled with endless amounts of food, cake, and Finn. He wiped frosting off his face and gave a great big belch.
Everyone cheered, as another cake was brought out, and they all began singing songs of “happy birthday” wishes to him. He could hear one voice reverberating in song inside him along with the crowd of friends. Finn appeared to be massaging Pedro’s insides, to make room for more cake. 
They all ate and ate and ate some more, until everyone at the party had either tapped out to go home, or passed out somewhere on the premises. 
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Orville, came up to Pedro, and aggressively shook his belly once more, leaning in and listening to the annoyed shouts of Finn, who must have fallen asleep in the soup of birthday gluttony.
Orville coaxed Finn to wake up enough for Pedro to hurl him up, then afterward Orville and Finn gave Pedro on last piece of cake to fill the void (not that there really was much space inside Pedro’s stuffed belly, gurgling away more food than it had ever had in it at once).
Pedro slept away, a bit fatter, and much fuller in more ways than one. He thought to himself that he must think of a way to thank Orville and Finn for planning a great birthday for him.
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sugar-plum-writer · 9 months
The Serene Peony Of Winter
Paring: Sukuna!King of Curses x Fem!Geisha Reader
Tags: Slight! mention of violence; Fem!reader; Sukuna!imagines; will be 18+ as more chapters come; slow!burn, [I want to have a good build up!], an ancient Japan romance through time with darling reader~
[If you all like it, please heart and reblog the post! to know you want to read more~ and follow for chapter updates! or leave a comment to tag you when I put out new chapters~ I will do my best to roll out UPDATES ASAP!]
New Chapter update!
@naoyagasm @janeaugustine
@teonawrites @periwinkless-universe
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1000 days, 1000 nights- but only 3 days of peace on a chilling winter night. Frozen houses, and frozen trees all soaked up the chilling breath of winter, letting it drown them in a sheet of white― pure and pristine, so pure and pristine that even the dead get company.
You had been able to bathe with hot water continually for 3 days, which is quite a luxury in the freezing winter. Rather than eating once in 3 days, you were able to eat every 2 days― gazing at the hot meal on your table as steam rose from a gift of satisfaction, into the surroundings.
"Ahahah! Y/n! You crazy girl!", Oka-San's laughter resounded in your room, as she sat wearing her new kimono, puffing her pipe
"To think you got him interested, did not die, is a miracle~ how many women can boast about it!", fanning her ōgi in front of her, sipping tea
"Do you know how much he gave?", A cheeky grin played in the reflection of her eyes― leaning in and took out a fat couple stack of Mon in front of you, "More is there but I have hidden it~ the sound of money is music to my ears!", she laughed tossing the coins in the air
"Muah! You are such a darling~"
"This meal, the hot water, this is the power of money Y/n this winter- won't be so cold", she hummed putting the stack of Mon back into her sleeves
"If we have leftover money, I will commission a new Hikizuri for you to wear this summer", finishing what she had to say she walked out after being called by one of the Maiko, silence filled the room
"But why?", gazing at your hands― and gently touching the small mark on your cheek which somehow was gone
"It's too noisy", picking up your chopsticks, and clasping your hands you prayed― grateful for the food and the hot bath due to your new patron, The King Of Curses, your new Danna. Sure a Geisha could have only one Danna at a time, but rules never applied to him anyways.
Holding your Wagasa to shield you from the cold, you walk with one of your patrons a sorcerer, wearing a light blue Hikizuri, and light-colored flower headpieces adorn your hair. With a light laugh, you walked down the courtyard.
"Oh my! it sounds delightful", batting your eyes as you smiled, "It is, if possible I would like- you to accompany me to my estate tonight", he gazed at your face
"I have people coming from the east prefecture, your dances are top-notch"
Politely without any reaction, "I must refuse, Danna-sama, forgive me― for my body is weak hence I need rest", bowed your head slightly and looked at him
"I see, maybe some other day then", he nodded, "But― be careful, word has been around", leaning in he whispered, "A strong curse has been around this area― some suspect him, to be the King of Curses", in a serious tone― eyebrows frowned
"If you get any information, regarding this, do tell me", he took out a pouch of Mon from his sleeve, which he kept in your hand
"Farewell, then Y/n, I will bring you your favorite Monaka, I know you have a sweet tooth. For now, I hope you like this gift", handing you a bira-bira featuring bells, long chains of additional silk flowers known as shidare, and a crest of the sorcerer stamped on the flattened end.
You smiled, "Then I will await your return Danna-sama, just like the cherry blossoms, waiting for spring"
"Can you wear it for me? After all I don't know if I will be dead or alive", he laughed
You looked at him, elegantly removing some hair accessories, pinning the bira-bira in your hair, and smiled. His breath hitched, and his body froze
"Beautiful, how can you be so beautiful... thank you Y/n", he smiled and bowed his head as he walked away waving
"I hope to see you alive…", you whispered, only the wind hearing your words, as it blew past
"He will die"
You froze, feeling a chilling presence behind you, you hesitantly turned around, feeling your throat dry up, and raised your head
"Quite a Lovey-dovey moment you had, how boring- don't think about him after all-", He laughed
"Sorcerers die, left and right, for a weakling like him to even reach so far- heh", the red eyes contrast with the white snow, that smirk plastered on his face, you knew it far too well
"Sukuna-sama", you bowed your head, and before you knew it, the bira-bira was removed from your hair, between his fingers- he gazed at it
"Do not wear it, especially, in front of me, toss it away, gold looks better on you anyways, accompany me Y/n", tossing the bira-bira back to you, he leaned in
"Your Oka-San sure is quite a woman, quite a gamble she has made", he chuckled, "Isn't she far too greedy?"
"She is, I won't lie, but this greediness has brought her so far", you gave a light chuckle as you looked at him
"Then if I am greedy for you- Will I be able to go as far as I want Y/n?"
Footnote: Check out masterlist for all chapters!
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sukunastoy · 11 days
Commissions for Reptile Enclosure.
So, as the title says, I'm gonna start gearing up to take commissions for buidling a new reptile enlcosure for Texas, my Savannah Monitor. Hes starting to fill out in size and he's definitely getting to the point of needing more room. I thought about buying a bigger tank, but they are stupid expensive. Its much cheaper to build one on my own. But, its still pricy.
I'd like to be able to start working on his new tank sometime next month, so soon I'll set up a commission sheet to start getting funds for this little crackhead of mine.
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copiousloverofcopia · 9 months
Hey there ghesties!!!
Here is a new fic trade I did with the amazing @sirlsplayland with their OC Marzanna and Daddy to be Secondo!!!!
Thank you so much for allowing me to write for you! Hope you all enjoy!
Commissions are OPEN, please see pinned post for Carrd info!
Timing Is Everything
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Prime Mover Marzanna is ready to give birth to her and Papa Secondo's first child. As the time draws closer though all she can think of is convincing her hovering husband to give her some space.
Also available HERE on AO3!
Read below the cut!
The bed, laced with emerald silk sheets and a mountain of plush feather-down pillows, had felt like both her sanctuary and prison. While she was never happier, Marzanna entered into the last month of her pregnancy filled with anxiety. Everything was going smoothly, her and Secondo’s child growing strong and well throughout. However, the more her belly grew, the more her husband’s concern followed suit. 
Secondo was insistent on accompanying his Prime Mover everywhere. Not allowing her to do anything on her own. If by some unavoidable circumstance he was detained, Marz knew that she would get stuck with a clowder of companion ghouls in his stead.  While she loved him dearly for his dedication, his care, and protection—it was honestly starting to get on Marz’s nerves. 
The constant hovering and keeping watch, made her feel at times more like a captive by her condition than the excited, expectant mother that she was. It wasn’t his fault, Secondo loved her so very much that even the slightest note of sadness in Marzanna’s tone, or a less than enthusiastic look on her face, has always sent him into a spiral. Determined to figure out what was wrong and how to fix it—a trait he held for no other than her. A pregnancy with its aches and pains was bound to draw that out of him, but Marz was desperate for things to return to normal.
She missed being out in the fresh air. Her place of solace in the garden—an almost distant memory now that she had spent so much time away. Only days away from her due date. Missing the warmth of Primo’s humor and the scent of budding flowers as they filled the air with the most wonderful perfume. Marz let out a heavy sigh as she laid there, her husband by her side, knowing that it would not last forever. 
“What is on your mind tesoro?” Secondo asked her, looking up from his copy of The Expectant Father . Marzanna, smiling over to him as she attempted to sit up higher in the bed.
“Argh… my back has just been awful today.” she groaned, Secondo quickly popping up out of his chair to come help her. Shifting things around in the bed until Marz had found a more comfortable position. 
“Are you alright, is there anything else I can—” 
“No Sec, stop. You’re smothering me.” Marz laughed, joking with him, but also quite serious about his hovering. “Fine… could you please hand me another pillow?”
“Of course, of course.” he replied, grabbing another pillow to adjust behind her back. Watching as the look of contemplation fell over his wife’s eyes. “What are you thinking about?”
“I was thinking of skipping the meeting today, you go ahead without me.” she told him, knowing full well that he had refused to leave her side for days. 
“Amore. That's not—”
“Sec, now you listen. I adore you more than Lucifer himself, but you have to give me some breathing room. I already have limited space because of the baby, I don't need you making it worse for me too.” she reasoned, watching Secondo’s eyes fall.
“I’m sorry, I know I have been a bit overbearing.”
“A bit?” Marz laughed.
“Ok a lot overbearing, but tesoro I love you both so much. I don't want to miss anything. I don't want anything to happen to you or our child.” he reasoned, Marzanna seeing the heaviness weighing on his heart as he spoke.
“I know. I promise you we are going to be just fine. Why don't you let me have the day. Just today. I will go about my usual WITHOUT you or the ghouls trailing after me and you will see that things will be just fine.” 
“And if I do? Then what?” he asked her, confused where this all might lead. 
“Then I will let you carry me around the Abbey for the rest of this pregnancy if you so desire.” Marz laughed. “Just give me this one day Secondo, I’m going stir crazy here.” Though he was not thrilled with her proposition, as a man who very much valued his own independence and privacy he knew just how much she needed this. 
“You promise? Just for today?” he asked, sending her a smile. A smile that told Marz he was already, reluctantly, on board. She pulled her husband down to sit beside her on the bed, staring deeply into his eyes.
“Ti mentirei, Papa?” she winked. Secondo, rolling his eyes before pressing his lips to her forehead. Marzanna’s swollen belly nestled between them as he embraced her. Little kicks, fluttering away inside, drawing both their attention.
“He is so strong.” Secondo mused, a proud father already before his child was even born.
“He? What if it's a girl?” Marz asked him. Secondo had already been anxious from them being unable to know, Marzanna wanting to keep it as a surprise for everyone. Would the Ministry have a Papa to be or a Papess to be, everyone would find out soon enough. 
“Your cruelty knows no bounds. Besides, Emeritus men tend to have sons.” Secondo kidded, feeling the sting of Marzanna’s playful slug to his shoulder.
“Uh huh.” Marzanna said, raising her eyebrow at him.
“Now shall I help you to—”
“Sec.” she whined.
“Alright I will go. I shall see you this evening amore. Please…be careful.” he pleaded as he rose from the bed. Ready to allow Marzanna the space she so desperately needed.  
“I will.” she assured him as he made his way out of their shared Papal suite.
It had only been mere seconds since her husband had left the room and Marz was ready to go. Hoisting herself up from the bed, after a bit of a struggle, and frantically trying to decide what she might wear. Knowing her usual habit had grown a bit too tight in the belly to be worn at this point in gestation. Deciding instead to go for a more relaxed dress. Sweeping her white striped tresses up from her face and into a bun as she made her way towards the door. 
As she cracked it open, she half expected to find ghouls flanking the entryway. Astonished when she found the hall had been left empty. The sounds of the Abbey echoing from down the corridor in the distance. Marzanna beamed, ready to travel around the whole Abbey. Feeling the need to go exploring it as if she hadn’t lived there most of her life. 
“I think I will head to the garden first, Primo must be swamped with all the seedlings sprouting. I bet he could use some help.” she thought aloud. Slipping on her shoes before heading out the door. Just as her foot stepped over the threshold, another nagging pain came from her back. This time much more pronounced and crippling. 
Marzanna quickly held on to the doorframe. Her hand wrapped protectively around her belly and her breathing, quickening with the pain. Her discomfort had lasted only a few moments before she could fully stand. She tried to take things more slowly this time, walking carefully down the hall towards the grand staircase.
When she reached the landing, however, the pain hit her once again. This time however it was followed by a squeezing sensation that traveled up from her back and around the width of her belly. Instantly Marz stopped, her breath stolen as she winced in pain. She was having contractions—this baby was on its way. 
“You have got to be kidding me?” she cried, angry at her body for choosing now to go into labor, but also trying to wade through the pain. Marz tried her best to continue, but the contractions became too great. Bringing the normally strong and vibrant sister to her knees. As luck would have it, one of her husband’s ghouls, Earth came traveling down the hallway. 
“Earth!” Marz called out, now doubled over on the floor. 
“Sweet Satan! Sister Marzanna, what's wrong, is it the baby?” he asked. Marz couldn’t even respond. Teeth clenched and eyes squeezed tight as he ran to her. The ghoul impressively strong, lifting her up with ease off the ground and into his arms. 
“It's time. Take me to Papa, he’s with Sister.” Marz told him, barely able to get out the words. Earth, panicked inside, hoping that he would get her there on time or suffer Secondo’s wrath.
“Maybe we should just take you to the infirm—”
“Earth, I said take me to my husband!” Marz demanded. The look of fire filling her eyes and the pain overwhelming her. The ghoul took off in a flash, careful not to injure her as he made his way to the main floor. Pushing passed the crowd of confused siblings and ghouls as he took Marzanna right to Sister Imperator’s office.
“I’m telling you… we should give it a re-release. I know what the people want.” Secondo explained. The prideful Papa, kicking back in his chair as he, along with all the other members of the Clergy in the meeting, discussed bringing back the Phallos Mortuus collection for the upcoming tour. 
“It has been 10 years.” Copia reasoned, raising up his shoulders, letting them all know he wouldn’t mind it.
“Then it's settled. I will have Mr. Saltarian contact the merch team to have them re-issue it. Anything else on the docket for today?” Sister asked, looking over the paperwork scattered about along her desk. 
“I feel like maybe another release of Seven Inches—” Papa Nihil began before Terzo lifted up his hand to shush him.
“I’m gonna stop you right there old man. Your time has ended, the Tiktokers have moved on.” his son assured him, snickering between himself and Copia. Nihil stood there, pouting to himself as the meeting continued on. Sister Imperator allowing her face to fall in her hands in frustration with the antics of Nihil and his misbegotten sons, when suddenly there was banging at the door—frantic and loud. 
“Come in” Sister Imperator called out as the door came flying open. Earth and Sister Marzanna materializing within the doorway. Secondo immediately went into full blown panic mode, jolting out of his chair, all the color having drained from his unpainted face, 
“I think I need to borrow Secondo for a bit.” Marz said, doing her best to smile through her pain. Secondo rushed to her side. Almost taking out Copia and Terzo as he went to hold her hand. The other one placed tenderly on her belly. 
“Is it?” he asked her, tears beginning to fill his eyes. The hardened, stoic Papa—softening before his beloved Prime Mover. 
“It is.” she smiled, her own tears spilling down her cheeks. Finally the moment they had waited so long for had arrived. Just as they went to head to the infirmary, Nihil drifted towards them, a look of irritation in his eyes.
“Are we going to have to continue this meeting or are we finished?” he groaned. If his father’s insolence wasn’t enough to worsen things, Secondo turned to see a large gush of clear fluid pouring from Marzanna. Drenching both her and Earth completely from the waist down. 
“We better go, NOW!” Marz howled as another intense contraction ripped through her. The three of them, taking off like lightning to the infirmary. When they arrived, Marz was instantly placed in the bed, the doctor confirming that it was already time to push. Secondo, taking onAe of Marz’s legs while the sister nurse took the other. 
“Alright Marzanna this is it, I can see the baby’s head.” the doctor told her, in position for delivery. Marz was dripping in sweat, writhing in pain, her body working too hard to deliver her child. 
“You see what happens when I leave you? You go and decide to have the baby on me.” Secondo said, trying to lighten the mood only for it to backfire in his face when Marz turned to look at him with all the fury and rage of Hell in her eyes. 
“Sec. SHUT. UP!” she screamed, Secondo deciding to do as he was told. 
“Alright let's do this.” The doctor told her as the nurse helped Marzanna curl around her belly to push. Crying and groaning as she pushed with all that she had in her. Secondo, watching as their first child was delivered onto the world. 
“It’s a—”the doctor began when suddenly Marzanna fell limp. Her body, dropping down on the bed. Eyes closed and her skin clammy and pale. Secondo’s gaze widened, feeling like he was on fire within. Sweating bullets as the doctor went to check her vitals. Their newborn child, having been carefully handed over to her father.  
“Is she alright? What's going on.” Secondo commanded, though the fear inside him caused his voice to stammer. Scared with every fiber of his being that something awful was happening to the love of his life—his beautiful Marz. The tears stung in his eyes, almost blinding him from his surroundings as Secondo waited for the doctor to say something—anything to let him know that all would be alright. Trying his best to calm down the baby who was crying its lungs out within his arms.
“It’s alright Papa, she’s gonna be just fine. Childbirth takes a lot of someone.” The doctor assured him. Secondo bursting into tears in front of them all. Not caring who saw the emotion, the relief he felt. Both Marzanna and their child would be ok.
It was hours later now when the sounds of chaos and crying returned to a quiet calmness. The room lights dimmed as an exhausted Marzanna rested in bed. Her husband loyally at her side, as their small newborn baby, slept so peacefully in Secondo’s arms. Both of them, feeling more happy than they had ever felt in their entire lives.  
“She’s perfect isn’t she?” Marzanna asked, smiling over to Secondo as he watched lovingly the small bundle wiggling gently in his arms. Quiet coos from a sweet, slumbering babe, like music to his ears as he couldn’t help but sniffle. 
“She is, just like her mother.” Secondo turned to kiss Marz. His eyes filled to the brim with his tears. Beginning to fall freely between them as they both laid gentle kisses on the baby. 
“We made her… the most beautiful thing in creation, our little Zara.” Marzanna cried, looking deep into her husband’s eyes. Having loved him more now than ever. The bond between them immortalized their love for all time in this little life they created.
“I will love you until the moon and stars fall from the sky.” Secondo promised her as he stared down at her. Marzanna, pulling him back to look at her, adjusting to be closer to him, though she was still sore from the birth. Ready to face the pain in order to kiss the man she loved and adored. Just as their lips met, the baby began to stir. Waking from her gentle sleep and erupting in a cry. Pangs of hunger for the first time having reached her belly. 
“Oh my, looks like we are getting interrupted.” Marz laughed as Secondo handed her the child. Readying the bottle to feed her, the small baby instantly suckling away, almost soothing her back to sleep. 
“I am sure it won't be the last time… seems like we will have to take our moments when we can.” Secondo smiled. Marz nodded, content to know that their family was complete at last. She leaned in to kiss Secondo, warmed by his affection as she spoke.
“You know with kids, timing is everything.”      
Notes: Ti mentirei, Papa?- Would I lie to you Papa?
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thatruperson · 9 months
I'm Glad It Started Raining
Happy Holidays to @hananono !! I was your Secret Spirit gifter this year! I hope you've had a great year and an even better one next year! You asked for for tft SeriRei, happy/silly Serizawa and fun outfits! I tried to combine them. I hope you all enjoy this little ficlet. :) Thanks for hosting @mp100secretspirit ! ~~~~~~~~
The rain came on unexpectedly and they ducked into a shop, cursing their luck, not really paying attention to what it was. He looked around curiously. Odd clothes and accessories littered the place, along with rolls and rolls of cloth stacked atop each other and photos of families and couples. Before he could ask Reigen what he thought the place might be, an employee appeared and gave them her best customer service smile. “Welcome to Photopalooza! We’re having a Rainy Day sale, 20% off all our photo packages! Would you be interested in looking them over?” She hands them each a pamphlet. 
“Er…” He says as he blinks down at the shiny laminated sheet in his hand. He’s five seconds away from apologizing and saying they’re there by mistake when he sees Reigen bouncing on his toes. “Ooooh, Katsuya, check this one out!” And then there’s a pamphlet that is way too close to his face. He pushes Reigen’s hand back a bit so he can see the one he’s pointing at. “Fantasy Playplace Package: Be the Hero or Villain of Your Own Story!” He reads it off dutifully. He blinks. “What?” When he meets Reigen’s eyes he has that gleam that tells him he’s excited by whatever this place is and the man waves a hand around dramatically. “Forget the movie! We can see that anytime. This is fate, Katsuya! We don’t have any photos of just the two of us! Let's fix that here and now!” That is true…Most of their photos together included the kids or clients or his Mother. He takes another look around the shop with new eyes. He smiles, warming up to the idea. “Yeah, sure, why not!”
Ten minutes later a very pleased employee, happy for her sales commission, shows them to a room. There are a few heavy looking trunks and she explains that they’re filled with various costumes and props. She then cheerfully explains how to change the backdrop and the various buttons to press to change the camera settings and timer. “Just call for me if you need assistance, sirs. And remember, if you break anything it gets added to your bill.” With that said, she’s gone. 
“I’ve never done anything like this before.” He says, thrumming with excitement as he pulls out a costume from one of the trunks and looks it over. “Neither have I!” Reigen says, holding up a pink, flouncy princess dress to himself with a grin. “I definitely want to see you in one of these.” He snorts a laugh. “I haven’t worn a dress since I was seven, ‘Taka, that’s all yours. Besides, I don’t think they’ll carry one of those in my size.” “These things don’t count as dresses.” Reigen scoffs. “It’s a costume! Theater!” He strikes a dramatic pose. “Is the size thing the only thing holding you back?” He chuckles at Reigen’s antics. “Well, when you put it like that, I suppose so…” “Great!” The blond replies and is sticking his head out the door and calling for help before he can change his mind.  Soon enough, the employee has brought them an equally pink and somehow even frillier dress than the one Reigen had held up earlier. “Wow, you really do have one in my size…” He says in surprise. She laughs and hands it over. “Of course! The only demographic that rivals little kids in wanting to wear one of these for photos are grown men having a good time!” His smile broadens as Reigen says, “See? What’d I tell you!” He places one hand on his chest and throws the other up in the air. “Theater knows no gender boundaries!” They quickly pull the dresses on and help each other zip up. They take one good look at each other in the cheap, plasticky dresses before collapsing on each other in laughter. “Oh my gosh, we look like off brand Barbies.” Reigen wheezes against him and they spiral into laughter again. They complete their looks with conical hats that strap beneath their chins and take a few pictures like that, acting regal in one, undignified in another, before he tosses his off and puts on a dragon suit and chases Reigen around the room, the other man shrieking in as high a pitch he can manage. Things quickly devolve from there.  “Oh my god, ‘Taka.” He pulls out a lightsaber from one of the trunks. “We gotta do this one.” They bicker for a while over who is going to play the sith and who will play the jedi. Katsuya refuses to play rock, paper, scissors as he still hasn’t figured out how Reigen always wins that game. But Katsuya wins in the end with his superior puppy eyed look and gets to play the jedi like he wanted. They don their robes and set the camera to take multiple pictures as they recreate their favorite scenes, yelling and whacking each other with the cheap lightsabers. It turns out Reigen is scarily good at laughing like Emperor Palpatine and he feels justified in making him play the sith. After that they take a stab at being mimes, completely failing at being silent. “What are you doing?!”
He laughs at Reigen’s exasperated face. “I’ve lasso’d you and I’m pulling you in, obviously!” Reigen rolls his eyes but grins and pretends to be pulled into him. Katsuya rewards him with a kiss that would have continued longer had the timer signifying the end of their booking not gone off. They stand at the front of the store in their normal clothes once again, the sun shining in through the window as if it had never rained at all. They laugh as they browse through the photos they took and choose their favorites, adding silly special effects before printing them out to keep. They choose one of the classic photobooth strip layouts, and print out three copies. One for each of them and one for the office. He thinks the professionalism of them dressed as princesses and things is debatable but Reigen disagrees and says it adds a fun element to their office and well…he can’t really deny that. He can still feel the residual joy bubbling up inside him as they leave the shop hand in hand. He brings their joined hands to his lips, pressing a kiss to Reigen’s knuckles. “I’m glad it started raining.”
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pjisskullourful · 11 months
hey my gorgeous ones!
so my funk is continuing(hoofuckinray). theres just some shit going on in my personal life& the emotional fatigue has bled into creative constipation& im really struggling to get much of anything written. i've switched off commissions for the moment, just wanting to take it a bit easy on myself while im trying to get back on my bullshit
as a please-dont-hate-me for the delays that are ongoing, here is the first almost 2k of chapter 25 of stained sheets. its all i have sofar, there are two whole more scenes to write so i genuinely cant say when you'll be getting it
thanks for any patience& understanding you swing my way. stay selfishly happy my thotties
You paused from closing the fly on your high-waisted pants - you had been trying on the outfit you wanted to wear to dinner tonight, but something had caught your eye, distracting you.
A jagged, dark line reached up from just above the waistband of your underwear. This stretch mark was brand new to your eyes. It hit you like an actual wound, your gut twisting and your mind racing.
As your throat clenched, you stopped caring about checking that your choice of outfit was cute or not. You hated this intruder on the side of your tummy. This new line was a failure on your part, maybe if you weren’t so lazy, or spent less time playing video games, you could have avoided gaining another mark in your ugly collection. You were frozen with the top of your pants in your hands.
How long had this mark been on your body? Had Damiano seen it - what did he think when he looked at it?
This was supposed to be a fun day - the day before Easter, and some friends of his were hosting a dinner that would end in an egg hunt through their garden. You were going to be meeting more of the people he had grown up with. But most importantly, you were getting to spend the whole weekend with him, there hadn’t been many of those so far this year. There was no Måneskin-business to take him out of the country, he was just your boyfriend this weekend.
You didn’t want to waste any of this precious time with your insecurities. You wished you hadn’t seen the line, because it hadn’t been as simple as noticing it. You were having a full reaction to it. The change of mood inside of you was almost a tangible sensation.
You didn’t know how to resolve it, you just knew that you wanted the unpleasantness to stop. Your  solution was to physically move away from it. You undressed without completing the try-on process, so desperate to walk away and pretend this negativity didn’t exist. You just needed to refresh yourself and then you would be able to get back on the right track.
“I’m gonna have a shower.” You loudly announced without knowing if he actually heard you. He might be outside having a cigarette, or otherwise occupied too far from the bedroom.
You went into the bathroom and stopped at the vanity, pulling your hairbrush out of a draw. You took your hair down and started brushing through any tangles. Standing in front of the wide mirror, it wasn’t easy to keep your concentration on your hair. Your eyes wanted to wander, to find other flaws in the reflection to tear yourself apart over.
Until you were given the perfect distraction. Your boyfriend came into the room, his figure filling the reflection behind you. He was dressed in only a pair of underwear, wearing a festive headband on top of his short hair. It was enough to make you smile, even though you had to feign annoyance.
“Take those off.” You said as sternly as you could manage.
“You got it, baby.” He said, promptly taking his briefs off.
You were amused, even as you rolled your eyes. You turned your back on the mirror, more than happy to put all of your attention on him. “I meant the bunny ears and you know it.”
The fuzzy rabbit ears remained fixed on his head as he furrowed his brow. “I’m confused, do you want me to put the underwear back on?”
“Damiano.” You warned, but this only resulted in getting him to say your name back to you, in a sing-songy way, delivered with a positively devilish smile. “I never should have let you take the ears from my office…”
His eyes grew wide and he pointed an accusing finger at you. “You were the one who took them.”
You let this unserious discussion progress, exaggerating your shock. “How dare you accuse me.”
“No, how dare you. I was just there to pick you up from work. You were the one who pulled them out of the cute little window display and put them on my head.” He said.
“I didn’t think you were going to walk out still wearing them. And I was kind of distracted, I was working.” You added to his recollection. “Now you must take them off before they get stretched or broken ‘cause I’ve gotta put them back, they’ll probably be part of next year’s Easter display.”
He resisted, still. “I like them. You have to agree that they look better on me than they did in the window.”
“I agree.” You said. “Now take them off.”
The thing that was stopping you from simply snatching the accessory off of him, was the knowledge of how getting too close to him would change this situation entirely. He could physically overpower you in an instant and any illusion of you having some control would be banished.
“You can ask nicer than that, kitty.” He said, very clearly enjoying this teasing.
“Can you please take the ears off for me, please and thank you.” You said, even clasping your hands together in front of yourself to further sell it.
He cocked his head to the side. “I didn’t hear a single word you said. It’s kinda hard to hear you over all of those clothes you’re wearing.”
You reminded yourself how much you enjoyed being called a ‘good girl’ as inspiration to help you bite back any sarcastic comments. You even resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
You removed the two items that you were wearing - a bra and a pair of panties. You cupped your hands to either side of your mouth and spoke at a much higher volume. “Can you hear me now?”
He smiled and nodded. “Yes, did you have a request for me or something?”
“Can you please take those ears off for me, please?” You asked.
“Why, of course I can.” He said, plucking the accessory off of his head. “Here you go.”
You snatched it out of his hand, holding it securely in both of yours. “I’m gonna find someplace to hide these from you.”
“I can’t imagine why you would think that’s necessary. I’ll get the shower started while you do that, shall I?”
This made you pause from leaving the room. “Oh, you’re joining me?”
“Yeah, unless that’s not okay? I thought we should shower together, to save water.” He said.
You smirked. “To save water. Yep, that’s fine.”
You carried the confiscated item over to where you kept your work bag. It was enough to put it into your bag and shut the zipper. If he pulled it out of there he would be in the wrong - you’d both know it, and any argument would be in your favour.
When you returned to the bathroom, it was to find him standing under the stream of water. You were further distracted from your earlier issues as you admired how great he looked when soaking wet.
He turned his head and smiled at the sight of you, beckoning you in with a curling of his finger. You stepped in, sliding the door shut behind yourself. You shouldn’t have been surprised when he was instantly drawing you in for kisses, his hands cradling your face. There were times when the two of you could share a focused shower, spending as much time washing yourselves as you did making out.
But the look he had given you had indicated that this wasn’t the case for today. You linked your arms around his waist, indulging in this as the noise of the persistent water blocked out everything else. You felt how easy it would be to melt as his mouth worked tenderly against yours.
His hands left your face, slowly moving down to where the water had already reached. He started to kiss his way off of your mouth, his lips pressing against your chin before going lower. You couldn’t help arching your back into him as his lips worked across your throat. This was the closeness that you absolutely ached for when he was away, showers (like pretty much everything else) were so dull without him.
But -
“I need to wash my hair. This shower was supposed to have purpose.” You said.
He stopped what he was doing to look up at you. “Nobody’s stopping you from washing your hair. Look, I’ll even help. I’ve got lots of time to help with washing your hair these days.”
“I could return the favour and use my volumising shampoo on your hair.” You said of his well maintained buzzcut.
He wore a deadpan expression, blinking at you. “Hilarious. I swear, you’ve missed your calling in life. You shouldn’t be doing admin work- stand-up comedy, that’s where you should be. Netflix would give you a special so fast.”
“Because I’m a special girl.” You said as he let go of you to grab the shampoo bottle.
The intimacy wasn’t totally lost in this process. The two of you remained standing very close together (even though there was ample room for each of you in here) and you took every opportunity to touch him.
When he began to massage the shampoo into your scalp, you could have let out a moan of pleasure. You shut your eyes and soaked up every second of his attentiveness. His fingers slowly dragging across your scalp was the only thing that you needed right now.
“Stop making that face.” He said, his voice so stern that your eyes instantly snapped open, you were practically ready to apologise at once. “That’s a sex face and if you keep it up you’re gonna get me hard, which isn’t the purpose of this shower, right?”
You almost began giggling, you covered your face with both of your hands. “I didn’t mean to. I, I guess I was enjoying myself a little too much.”
“I’ll say.”
You parted your fingers to peek at him. “Did I really do a sex face?”
“Oh, yes. If you want me to get specific- it was your edging face. When I see that face I know that I’m doing it right and your brain is getting all empty.” He said before instructing you to tilt your head back under the stream of water.
As he rinsed all of the product out of your hair, you physically cringed. “Oh my God, I hope I don’t make that face when they’re washing my hair at the hairdressers.”
“Relax baby, I’m the only one who knows that face is linked to naughtiness.” He said.
You tried your best to stay in constant awareness, and control, over your facial expressions as he conditioned your hair. The lack of massaging on your scalp kept you from that floaty feeling.
“What do you think, is that up to your standards?” He asked, losing the careful look on his face that he had been wearing during this task.
You tested his work by running your fingers through the ends of your hair. “It feels perfect. Thank you, Daddy.” You reached out to tap the end of his nose.
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laevigataaccept · 1 year
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Sekka 2023 - Winterized (Reference Sheet)
It's my tiger rogue! 2023 version includes more integration with the cultural inspirations from traditional Thai and Japanese attire! You can read my thoughts under the cut!
It's been two months since the Guiding Lights have left the Underdark, and it's beginning to become Winter. This is the coldest climate Sekka has ever experienced in her life, and she decides to stop shaving her head, and let her hair grow out a bit longer. Since copper is sacred to her tribe (or "streak", or "clan"), someone must be deemed worthy before being given any copper to wear. It represents someone's trust, love, and loyalties, and removing someone else's copper (or just their jewelry in general) is seen as a major offense and grounds for self-defense; her streak views each piece of copper as a piece of themselves, inherited from someone that cares about them. The Guiding Lights' adventures in the Underdark had driven Sekka to the edge with the kinds of enemies they were facing. With new copper captured from what she deemed to be unworthy owners, she had commissioned some Dwarves to purify the metal and use it to create some new accessories for her to replace what she had given to her teammates (read as: "newfound family").
Here's what the old reference looked like:
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Credits to @stephanoodle for the adorable and badass character art of Sekka <3
Looking at the new reference, there's a lot more that can be spoken about.
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The ear ornaments are little filigree covers which support the back of her ears, held in by simple piercings. The filigree pattern itself is inspired by thai lineart, such as the kranok pattern.
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Traditional Thai clothing also many times features a chain belt made of precious metals like gold. For Sekka, this metal would invariably be copper. I chose a rectangular pattern for the belt because I felt it could represent the silhouettes of people, bound together, like family. The belt centrepiece is a four-petal flower that follows the kranok inspiration.
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The pants that she wears is actually just a chongkraben- a traditional Thai garment that when girded, becomes something akin to pants, but when ungirded and left loose, would create a skirtlike silhouette like the sarong. I added a pattern-cut hole through all layers of the chongkraben for a copper ring to be inserted, for her tail to slip through. I especially like this garment because most anyone can wear it, men, women, children, adults, and everyone in between. This indiscriminate clothing with the ability to change silhouettes at the simplest tug speaks a lot to my inner thoughts on Sekka. On the field she is efficient, deadly and brutal, exploiting anything in the vicinity to keep the enemy crippled. These last few months have given her time to reflect and realize that at the end of the day, she just wants to be a normal woman with normal needs, desires, fears, and dreams. I think the chongkraben is a subtle symbol for this duality which she has begun to confront.
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Her shirt is also inspired by Thai raatpatan pattern shirts. It filled her need for something that reminded her of home, but also something that fits in both a practical and aesthetic sense.
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The way she wears the shirt is inspired by Meiji-era Japanese clothing. I found it difficult to find many references for this mixing of cultures from an era that was trying to look forward to the future but also not wanting to forget where it came from. One source suggested it was called Syosei or Shosei style, where people of the gentry class who lived in the city would mix both modern western clothing and traditional clothing. I felt it created a very elegant and unique emotion in the outfit and wanted to incorporate that. This becomes especially apparent when she adds the grey kimono over the top of the shirt, tucked neatly under her chongkraben as if it were hakama.
Seeing as it was now Winter and beginning to snow, Sekka decides to take advantage of the spoils of combat that other mercenaries and adventuring groups have contributed to the market. Direwolf pelts and Remorhaz parts seemed perfect for winterizing her clothing. I chose to use the membrane and spines of a Remorhaz as the gaiters and mantle of her clothing as some light protection and waterproofing against the snow and rain. The Remorhaz spines within the membrane also offer a bit of structure similar to whale bones that the Europeans used to structure corsets.
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The silhouette of the mantle (and loosely the body of the cloak) are inspired by the rice-straw cloaks worn in East Asia's history, for example, the mino.
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In the group's adventures along the coast, they run into a shop selling hats. We had all decided to purchase hats to accompany a pirate themed ensemble since we were about to head to sea for the next leg of our journey. I immediately thought about the round hats we had back home that farmers would wear, and also about the Wokou pirates of Japan. I felt this was a ubiquitous enough shape to add to her, and I feel it adds quite a bit of edge and an enigmatic presence to the new design. Especially with the attitude of the angle she wears her hat.
Included in each diagram is also a notation for the amount of tail she had amputated from her backstory, and the reason her tailcap is present.
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heaven-s-black-box · 1 month
Blooming Red- Lingsha &fem!kid!Reader
Return to File
Recovery date: August 17th, 2024
Description: Hello sorry if I'm bothering you but I wanted to share one of my ideas with you (this is platonic, didn't want you to get confused) . So what if the reader who is a sweet and very shy 12 year old girl appeared on the Loufu completely unconscious during the 2.4 quest, she was found and brought to the alchemy commission and was being taken care of by Lingsha due to the excessive amount of injuries on her and the reader didn't seem to be a Xianzhou native but they seemed to have a strange ability to reverse time on one specific thing Lingsha having witnessed the reader unconsciously using it an a wilting flower.
Notes: This work was recovered in conjunction with an anonymous researcher, we thank them for their contributions. This took, awhile, sorry. It's been in my inbox for literally 2 weeks, but I hadn't had a chance to start the new quest and meet Lingsha. I'm actually still in the middle of the quest, so this doesn't really touch on its events.
Word count: 865
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Y/n let out a faint groan, gnawing on the inside of her lip as a twinge of pain prickled the stiff muscles of her neck. Lingsha frowned, gently guiding the child’s head straight again so they were eye to eye.
The cauldron master gently stroked her thumb along the girl’s cheek before settling back onto her stool with a sigh.
“Are you feeling any better?”
Y/n twisted the sheet covering her legs between her fingers, averting her gaze to watch the fabric crumple up. She noted the scrapes on her hands, and the bruises blooming along her arms that were partly obscured by bandages. Lingsha had just finished changing them, and the blood stained gauze lay piled on a tray beside the bed.
Wincing as a snag in the sheet fabric caught on one of her scrapes, Y/n unraveled it and smoothed it back out against her legs. She kept the pressure light, not wanting to poke at the wounds that seemed to cover every inch of her– from her head, where a large gash split her scalp, to her feet where Lingsha had removed little shards of glass.
“I can’t help you if you don’t answer me,” Lingsha pushes, voice calm and even. “Would you like to write instead?”
Finally, Y/n looked up at Lingsha. She didn’t meet the vidyadhara’s eyes, instead focusing on the ornaments adoring her hair.
“My head hurts.”
“That’s to be expected. It’s certainly something that you don’t have a concussion. Can you tell me how you got hurt?”
Y/n shook her head.
Two sharp knocks filled the room, and Lingsha turned around before calling for the visitor to enter. Y/n’s hands tightened in the sheets as she sunk back into the pillow propping her up.
A young boy poked his head in before stepping in. He looked past Lingsha to Y/n and offered a polite smile.
“How’s the patient?”
“Her head hurts, other than that, I don't know.”
The boy came up beside Lingsha at the foot of Y/n’s bed, his eyes drifted to the bedside table where the bloody bandages were bunched next to a vase with a lone drooping flower. His lips curled down as he took in all the red, then he looked to Lingsha and finally back to Y/n.
“My name is Lieutenant Yanqing, I have a few questions for you.”
Y/n’s nails scratched gently along the fabric, flinching again as another scab caught on the same snag. She nodded hesitantly.
Lingsha pulled up another stool from the wall, and Yanqing takes a seat.
“Do you know your name?”
“Nice to meet you Y/n,” he offered her another kind smile as Lingsha began to clean up her medicine and tools. “Are you from the Luofu?”
One question at a time. Lingsha watched the two carefully, ready to step in and give Y/n more time if she needed it
It took Y/n a moment to find her voice.
“No, I’m from…” her face twisted in pain. “My leg.”
Yanqing stepped back, letting Lingsha pull back the sheets to find blood seeping into the bandages around Y/n’s calf. She made quick work of it, revealing the newly re-opened wound and redressing it. A faint frown pulled at her lips.
The wound had been sealed, maybe Y/n had tensed and it had pulled open. She seemed stressed, understandably.
“I think we should resume this questioning later.”
The lieutenant opened his mouth to speak, but quickly changed his mind when he met Lingsha’s eyes. Her silent command was enough to have him agreeing and wishing Y/n good rest before he left.
“Thank you,” Y/n said, voice the loudest it had been so far, “for everything.”
“It’s my job,” she shrugged. “Now, try not to strain again and re-open anymore wounds.” Lingsha stood from her stool and pushed Yanqing’s back against the wall. “I have some work to do, but I’ll be back later. Someone will be in to check on you every so often, but if you need anything just ring that bell.”
She pointed at the small bell beside the vase, filled with a vibrant red lily. Her eyes narrowed slightly and drifted down to Y/n’s leg where she’d just seen a re-opened wound, then they scanned up towards the girl’s face.
Y/n’s eyes widened in panic as she looked down at her leg, then back at Lingsha when she saw nothing abnormal.
“Is everything alright?”
Red splotches began to dot the white gauze around the young girl’s arm.
“Everything’s fine,” Lingsha smiled. “Though I’ll have to get someone to redress your arms.” She started towards the door, those wounds had been shallow and wouldn’t kill her in the time it took someone else to arrive. “I’ll bring you dinner, rest for now!”
She was sure it was no coincidence. Those wounds had been healed, at least to a point where they shouldn’t bleed like that, and that flower was definitely on its way out. Which meant something was changing their state, and that something seemed to be the stressed girl currently under her care.
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aller-geez · 1 year
I love your OC art and I was wondering how you're able to make them. Is there a website you use or a template you follow? I'd love to make my own OC's but don't know how/where to start
Hey there Anon! So sorry for the lag in the response, I wanted to be sure I could give you an in depth answer! It’s gonna be long, so I’ll put a Read More here~ if you have any questions, feel free to dm me!
Lemme start by saying, Thank you so much! You’re so sweet! 😭😭 it seriously makes my day to hear that, you don’t even know 😭🖤
Secondly, as for Remi and Levi, both characters started out as roleplay characters that @thekinkyleopard and I came up with about 10 years ago! The characters themselves have evolved over the years as we’ve done a hundred different storylines and bounced ideas off of each other. Draeko, on the other hand, was created less than 6 months ago, so he’s not as in depth of a character.
Now, I’ve been doing art for as long as I can remember, and creating characters has always been something I love doing. But everyone creates an OC differently. Personally, I always start with the visualization of a new character, first.
Like for instance, for Draeko, I started with just a color pallet, (ie, pastel pink, white, pastel mint green, and pink plaid). And because I’m a furry, most of my OC’s usually have an attachment of some kind to an animal (shifters, or my Hellhound), plus I wanted more of a complex character since Remi was so plain.
I started drawing a reference sheet for him, which is pretty much a large, informational sheet with your OC in a bunch of different angles, along with key information, accessories, or whatever you want people to know about your character. Here’s some examples of reference sheets I’ve done for our OCs:
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I usually start with the full body view first, coming up with details to add as I go.
(Most of my OC’s started out as fursonas, so they already had their animal form, I just would need to design a human form that matched it.)
I then come up with their personality as I’m adding details, and accessories, and naming them. And very last, I come up the details for their backstory, as well as any lore I can come up with.
Everyone creates differently, and if you’re someone without much art experience or just don’t have a want to create art, OR if that just seems backwards to you,
An easy, pain free way to create your own in depth character that can just always live in your head, or one that you commission another artist to bring to life for you, they have these AMAZING character development type sheets that you can fill out, essentially making a written Reference Sheet so someone else can imagine (or bring to life) your character accurately. Here’s just a few I found in Pinterest by looking up “character development sheet”
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As for how I create my art, I use an iPad and Apple Pencil, along with the program Procreate to freehand draw (or I also use bases or pose references from Pinterest!) all of my art from scratch!
Sorry if this is way longer of an answer than you were hoping for/expecting, but I wanted to cover as many points as I possibly could!
Like I said at the top of the post though, if this doesn’t make sense or if you have any other questions about it, shoot me a dm! I promise I don’t bite, I just suck at replying to messages (:
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Ughhh just filled out my monthly bills sheet in my planner annnnd. Things suck lol. Tasha's got chronic bladder issues which means she's on Rx food and meds and neither are what you'd call inexpensive. I used ¾ of my tax refund on a new laptop because my old one is 7 now and has a heat warped keyboard which is very not good. The other ¼ went towards new glasses I really need. But I still have payments on both of them. And I'm still paying for the root canal I had done last fall and I have a feeling I'll be needing a cavity filled at my dental hygiene appointment this month. My car insurance went up again... It's just all taking a toll on what little I've managed to keep in my savings.
Idk it's just. I work what hrs I can? And some weeks I can get 20+ hrs in and others we either don't have enough events or my health is shit and I have to call out like I've had to this week. And to make it even worse, even if I could get a full 29hrs a week I'd be extra fucked because then I'd lose my Medicaid coverage and I don't want to even think about what would happen then because I'd fall into a panic spiral. I think the max average I can work is 22hrs/wk at my current pay rate before I hit the max for annual wages.
And idk what to do. Because I'm sitting on a very fine line rn. I've got a few ideas for some new stickers and some keychains that I want to do some trial runs for, plus I'm trying to get a new commission page up not that I ever got much interest in commissions in the past. But idk if it'd be enough to keep my going without causing my high levels of stress. Which I've been told I really need to limit since every one of my health problems can be triggered and made worse by stress lmao.
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missnobodymadness · 9 months
Sorry for all the inactivity but I've been taking some time to develop my JJK OC, Jiyu, I've put together a template and have been filling it for two days now, now I just need to read the manga so I can understand the power system and all that shit a bit better, but yeah, I think it is coming out nicely for now? Still a lot of holes to fix because I need more context and I am avoiding reading more than I should on my researches (cause spoilers fklsdfjks), but at least I am getting at something here. ^^'
My new mouse is finally coming tomorrow and I will try to find a base to make her face tattos and piercings (because that's all I can draw myself :'D) so I can have a reference for when I have enough to commission an artist for her reference sheet, it may take months, maybe even years, because I am broke, but a person can dream, right? xD The only thing that I still couldn't decide on is the hair, I have no idea which hairstyle I should give her. :'D
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sliptohk · 1 year
Prompt #24: I can't wait to go home and play this hit new tomestone game but WAIT, why is my rival waiting there in my bedroom?! or Infected
Such a treasure was a rare find, collectors offering far more than Fen could ever hope in exchange for whatever secret knowledge may lay upon those ancient treasures. Secrets of smithing or engineering lost to the ages. Studies of the flow and nature of aether disbursement through stretches of the star since filled with denizens who had long forgotten their original names. Unique methods of imbuing aether into the weave of common day clothing, or worked into the structures those advanced people once called home.
Or, in the Lohro's case, some sort of time-wasting diversion most likely intended for the younger generation of that illustrious time. This one in particular seemed to have some stick shape slowly moving about on the screen. A few pushes of the button proved that it could have its direction altered, and contacting small blips spread throughout the region only served to make the entire shape longer and more cumbersome.
Monotonous, yet oddly inticing to the engineer as she frittered away the walk with that mysterious tomestone stuck firmly into her reading device. Despite its simplicity, she found herself caught up in the mediocre action so deeply as to walk by her own shop a couple times while mindlessly circling the block. Only when she finally realized she could not cross the shape with itself, drawing some odd sound and unreadable foreign text, did the huntress pay proper attention to return to the store.
A scent was on the air, unmistakable when she opened the door. Familiar scents of plants back home discernable through the tang of metal and acrid scent of chemicals she had left to separate. The disadvantage to keeping her living space within the same confines of the shop were two-fold. The first, lay in the simple fact that running a forge all night meant a toasty sleeping situation through the already impressive heat of the Ul'dah day. The second, was that when an overly enthusiastic customer decided to come calling while you were out they were able to access both bed and breakfast.
Considering that was not the charming little business the inventor was in, she did not find the unannounced visitors welcome.
"Alright, Qata, I can smell you over there! I know you did not climb down the chimney again, the smell of burning skin and hair is lacking!"
With the sound of ruffling furs, the intruder rose up lazily in bed. Arms stretched up as she let out a prolonged groan, ending in a sharp squeak, when the fog was fully worked out of their groggy mind. Or at least as much fog as could be expected from the particularly cloudy mental state of the Ooja.
"You had best not have worked any of those mixtures into the sheets! I told you there would be no more purification vessels if you gave me so much as a ticklish nose!"
Squinting across the room toward Fen, the poisoner flattened their ears, "But I need them! Desperately! If I cannot purify my mixtures then how can I know whether the resultant experimentation is tainted by those impurities?!" There was a brief pause, before she hesitantly added with the most innocent look she could work into those practically glowing violet eyes, "But yes, I neither painted my nails nor my lips. Not even a touch to the fangs! No dust gently folded into my clothing! I feel naked, Fen! Positively naked!"
"Well." The taller, red-haired miqo'te gave a dismissive wave of one hand as she moved to drop that tomestone on her desk until later, "As long as you are not literally naked."
"Why would I be naked?"
"To seduce me, of course! Bend me to your wiles to get me working on your commissions!"
The younger Keeper's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "I can speak just as well with or without clothing. There is nothing more seductive than the allure of exploration, no more intimate act than communion with our art. Except perhaps eating. I have heard that chewing has some sort of deeper meaning. Or maybe that was smoking. It was something to do with mouths. I was not paying much attention to the man who was saying it. They may have had some physical infirmity, there eyebrows kept wiggling at me uncontrollably. Muscle spasms, perhaps?" Something in Fen's words finally dawned on her, as she let out a scandalized, "You have not begun working on my commission?!"
After a tentative sniff to ensure there really was nothing lingering about the room, the Lohro came nearer to pat the back of Qata's hand. If she began to swell up or foam at the mouth it would be the little liar's hide.
"A joke, my dear swamp sister!" It felt odd calling an Ooja sister, but thus far their working relationship had been surprisingly pleasant. "Its begun. Come, we have much to discuss on the next steps in the development."
"Excellent! I can bring samples to test the apparatus!"
That earned the green-haired woman a sharp look. "Not on your life. After your displeasure at the threat of contamination you would introduce the possibility of it to my workshop?"
"Oh. Yes, that would be rude."
"Yes, Qata. Yes, it would."
Fen was entirely certain that it was an inevitability. But perhaps strenuous and repeated efforts to emphasize the importance of not being poisoned would serve to actually avoid the situation entirely. After all, a Lohro and an Ooja occupying the same space without bloodshed was a miracle in itself.
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clover-46 · 1 year
Okay. I finished making dinner so I'm back on the wagon.
We coming back strong with Gavin as a tattoo artist.
Gavin who has a slight penchant for dishing out some pain that will lead to a reward. Unsurprisingly, the people who commission him are more than happy to remove articles of clothing while he sits by the chair, preparing the stencil. They try to trick themselves into thinking that he takes glances at them as they do, but usually he's just doing his own thing.
Gavin who does amazing linework and even better coloring. And his customers report near to no pain, although that's all because their too focused on how he pays so much attention to them (a part of them anyways) that they can't think about the pain from the tattoo gun.
Gavin who is getting bored with the daily repetitiveness, and still faces it all headon with a flirtatious smile because it gets him the best tips.
Enter Freelancer, excited for their first tattoo upon leaving their strict family. Damien goes with them to a highly reviewed shop because they're nervous. They walk in to hear pained giggles and maybe they actually don't want this. But then a liquid-golden sensual voice hushes the giggles with a "Try to stay still for me. Don't you want to be good?"
Damien snorts at the obvious emotion 360 Freelancer just went through and nudges them towards the counter before taking a seat. A soft spoken man that practically is radiating calm (Cam) hands them sheets to fill out and sends them off with an encouraging smile.
Gavin's client finishes and he walks her to the front desk to pay and she's shooting her shot and trying to get his number. He only smiles and says "If you want another appointment with me, you know where to find me. I'll be looking forward if you do." He says, head resting briefly on her hair.
Freelancer can't focus on the paperwork, just watching the whole interaction with wide eyes. They watch as he peels off black medical gloves, his sleeves pushed up to reveal his own inked art. He catches them staring and winks, but Freelancer quickly hides behind the clipboard again. They fill out the paperwork and hand it to Cam in the front, who goes over it one more time before nodding.
"Gavin! Are you able to go over design work with a new customer?" Cam calls. Gavin, exits the back from where he was cleaning the tools to cross his arms over his chest and lean against the wall. Freelancer can feel their stomach erupt in butterflies as his eyes drag over them once, twice, three times before smirking.
"Oh it would be my pleasure." Before holding out his hand for them to take. Freelancer does and the whole time is worried if their palm is sweaty or not.
Freelancer who is trying so hard to explain what tattoo they want and they mention its their first, causing Gavin to grin at them as he sets his tablet on his lap and leans closer.
"I get to be your first then. I'll make sure to make it good for you." And he knows it's a cheesy line, but it still gets Freelancer to squeak and that's all that really matters before he backpedals. "Your first tattoo should look good of course."
Freelancer who leaves the first appointment with the next already scheduled, their stomach all jittery. Gavin who thinks he might have just had a renewed passion for his craft.
When their next appointment comes and the design is finalized, Freelancer is fidgeting in the seat as Gavin places the tools down on his tray. Gavin who sees they're nervous so he quietly explains what every tool does and how much it might hurt.
Gavin who lets Freelancer hold his hand, even though it makes his job more difficult. Gavin who takes as many breaks as they need, not growing annoyed.
Gavin who murmurs bits of praise as Freelancer stays still and isn't too loud. "You're being so good for me.", "We're almost done with this section." "I'm so proud of you, Freelancer."
It takes more than one appointment until the project is finished and Freelancer is struggling to find a design they would want so they can spend more time with Gavin. Gavin who isn't oblivious to the way that Freelancer's brow furrows and lips purse. At the end of the final appointment, as much as Freelancer wishes to continue sharing time with Gavin, they don't want to be like that woman who they saw on their first day here.
So they profusely thank him, give him a wondrous tip and leave the shop.
A "Deviant! Wait!" stops them and they turn to look at Gavin who rushed after them. "Are you going to ask me for my number?"
"Would you give me your number not out of obligation?"
"Only out of obligation to the feeling that I want to get to know you better. So may I have the pleasure of giving you my digits?" And he grins as their eyes widen. He knows how else his words can be taken. They aren't the only thing that can be, as he later finds out.
- 🙊
OHHHHHHHHHH MY GOD. dude if it was me my hands would definitely be sweating. DAMIEN COMING WITH THEM WAS SWEET LOVE HIM.
i was giggling and kicking my feet reading this part omg
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IWIDKAKDKDKCMFKVL28;8-@;@(@!!!!!! god i love him
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hypnolurker · 2 years
Image caption by brainstobimbos
So I just realized I have several old commissioned captions I was supposed to make public and never did. So I’ll be posting them over the next few days. Enjoy!
Commission for Jurodan based on pictures and outline they provided. Commission your own captions via my Patreon!
Three hours later…
Sam shuddered, moaned, and then pulled his cock out of Tabitha’s mouth. She swallowed with a smile, then used one finger to pick up a stray blob of cum from her cheek. Still smiling up at Sam, she slowly sucked it off her finger.
Sam tucked his cock back into his jeans and collapsed back onto the couch. “Okay, this is fucking awesome,” he said, to a chorus of agreement from the rest of the group.
Tabitha, still kneeling in the middle of the floor, giggled. Through the pink haze that now filled her thoughts, she was aware the boys were happy, and making them happy made her happy.
“Too bad we’ve lost our DM,” said Kevin. “I was looking forward to figuring out what Ser Lockholme was up to.”
“And we were about to level,” said Jim. “I was finally going to get that last feat I needed for my new build!”
Aaron sighed. “Look, we can start a new campaign.”
“And who’ll run it, you?” asked Jim. “I’m not going through another meatgrinder.”
“Better that than another boring hack-and-slash,” Aaron countered. “Besides, we’ve all sampled her now. Would you really have her go back to the way she was?”
They all considered a moment. The old Tabitha had been a great DM, but other than that she was sarcastic, combative, and harsh. Not to mention apple-shaped–one of the effects of the patch had been to move most of the fat from her now-flat tummy to her previously-flat chest, butt, and hips.
“Well, no,” Jim admitted.
“It’s just too bad we can’t have both,” said Kevin.
Sam looked up from the instruction sheet that had come with the patch, which he’d been reading while the others argued. “I think maybe we can…”
* * *
“Everyone roll Will saves,” Tabitha told the group.
They groaned and grumbled in response, but they dutifully rolled their dice and reported the results to Tabitha.
“Okay,” she said. She consulted the notes she kept carefully hidden behind the screen in front of her. “Jim, Roland is fine. The rest of you are Dazed, but you can attempt another save on your next turn.” She checked another note. “Jim, you’re up.”
Jim shook his d20 in his cupped hands. “I’m going to try Smite Evil again,” he said.
“Oh come on,” said Aaron. “You didn’t hit on a 16 last round! It’ll just dodge again.”
“I know that,” said Jim, “but Roland doesn’t!” The others groaned. “He has faith!” Jim said defensively. “Anyway, OOC knowledge is cheating.” He rolled.
“That’s a crit,” said Tabitha. “Okay, you hit. Roll damage.”
“Ha!” Jim rolled out another handful of dice. “Ye of little faith… whoa.”
“That’s, um… that’s a good roll,” said Kevin.
“Yeah,” said Tabitha. “The creature screams and collapses, dead. The maiden tied to the altar tearfully thanks you for saving her, and begs to be released.”
“Great!” said Aaron. “We free her and claim our reward from the grateful maiden.” He grinned suggestively at Tabitha. “How about we play that out, babe?”
“What?” Tabitha was shocked. “I’m not going to–”
“LARP time, Tabitha,” said Aaron.
Tabitha’s words caught in her throat. Her eyes widened as the delicious pink fog came flooding back in. It never went away completely, of course. When she was crafting or running her campaigns, it retreated far enough for her old skills, her old personality, to reassert themselves–but it still covered any questions of what she did with the rest of her time, why she looked so different now, or why she only ever wore lingerie or slutty cosplays anymore.
But when one of the boys said those magic words, it came back completely. Her thoughts slowed and stopped as she drowned in happy, horny bliss. She existed to entertain the boys, in all ways, at all times–but this way of entertaining them was much easier and more fun.
“Well, you got the killing blow,” said Aaron. “You get first dibs, Jim.”
Grinning, he took Tabitha by the hand and led her out of the room. Not long after, the moans and giggles began.
“You’re a genius, man,” said Kevin.
Sam shrugged. “I just read the instructions.” The Bimboozler™ instructions had explained that, for a few hours after initial application, the level of Bimboozling™ was adjustable, and command phrases could be installed to allow switching between different levels, so that the new bimbo could still function out in the world if she needed to. The example the instructions gave was installing a work mode she could use to go out and hold down a job, but Sam had suggested something different: DM mode.
Jim soon returned, and the other three took their turns fucking their toy. Finally Tabitha returned to the gaming table, breathless, happy, naked, and cum-spattered.
The four others took their seats at the table, and then Kevin said, “Back to the game, Tabitha.”
Her glazed eyes focused, her dazed smile turned back into a slight frown of concentration. “Okay,” she said. “XP and treasure time…”
Repost Note This is/was one of my all-time favorite captions/stories midorikonton ever wrote, and it bothered me that it was fully Gone from tumblr. midorikonton doesn’t seem to do anything online anymore, and brainstobimbos had their page nicked at some point, so I have rebuilt the original post and copied the caption. To be clear, this is NOT MY CONTENT. Tumblr keeps deleting this post, so picture this time >:/
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