#needed for my AU fanfic I'm planning
iluvmatt · 1 year
new plans, m.s
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chapter four, home sweet home synopsis: coming home for the holidays has its perks; you get to see your childhood best friends again, you get to spend the holidays with the people you’ve always loved, and the list goes on. of course, it also had its cons— you have to face your best friend, matt, the one that you’re madly in love with and have been in love with since you were merely thirteen. little do you know, though, that he’s dealing with the same mixed emotions of you and the holidays; biting his nails as he waits for you to knock on his front door.
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matt was panicking; his heart was pounding within his throat and his knuckles were a soft white color as he gripped the steering wheel, waiting for chris to get in the car, as he was still in the house looking for his phone.  he couldn’t stop thinking about you, about seeing you for the first time in months. he couldn’t stop thinking about what he was going to say, what he was going to do when you were in front of him once more.
although it’s only been months since the last time you saw one another, he felt anxious to see you; as if you’ve been away for years. that wasn’t it, though. he was anxious to lock eyes with you, to see you in front of him, beautiful and ever-changing as you got older throughout the years. he was always at a loss for words when it came to you, but now he sat gripping the steering wheel and wondering what he was going to do when he saw you again. 
was he to act normal, as if your very voice didn’t send chills down his spine and flutters within his heart? was he to tell you how he felt and ultimately run the chance of you never looking at him the same ever again? his heart and his mind didn’t know what to do— all he knew was that he wanted to see you, even if he was awkward; even if his mouth couldn’t produce the right words. 
 “chris is going to be all night,” began nick, who was gripping onto the headrest of the backseat. “we might as well just leave without him.”
matt sighed, turning to look behind him at nick, who was starting to act more and more impatient as time ticked away; “we can’t just leave him, nick.” said matt softly, rolling his eyes. “you know this, he’s just as excited to see y/n as we are.”
not long after matt finished his sentence, a happy chris walked up to the door, opening it fast to sit and look across at his brother who was blankly staring back at him. matt was confused at the expression on chris’ face; chris had something he wanted to say, but was acting as if he was holding back, which irritated matt in a way that he couldn’t express. they all collectively told each other everything— entirely everything.
“what’s up, chris?” matt asked, tilting his head to the side and giving chris a small smile, which he knew always cheered him up when he was feeling down. 
“i just—,” chris sighed, looking down at his phone, only to see your contact displayed across his screen. you were simply telling him how excited you were to be at home, how you were almost landing, and just how scared you were to lock eyes with the boy who you have loved for so long. chris could feel your anxiety through the screen, but only unlocked it to type out that he loved you— that you needed to breathe, that everything was going to be fine.
“i just wish you would address your feelings for y/n, matt.” chris finished, only to hear a gasp in the backseat from nick, who was completely quiet at the conversation. matt looked away from his brother, his eyes filled with a mixture of shock and uncertainty as he put the car in reverse and headed out of the driveway— to get you. his mind was stuck on chris’ words; how could he know the feelings that he had never expressed to anyone?
“how did you know?” was all that matt could ask as he drove down the street, hands tight around the wheel, as if he was merely holding on for his life. 
chris smiled, his hair scattered across his forehead and a pink tint across his cheeks due to being outside minutes earlier as he began, “nick and i know you better than anyone in the world, you know.” 
nick chuckled at chris as he continued, “and we know when you’re feeling something different than what you’re used to, how you shut down and hide away. we also noticed how y/n was a sensitive topic to you and how you would always look over at us when they came up in conversation— how you would always smile when they would text you.”
matt rolled his eyes at the cheesiness of the words coming from chris, but nonetheless realized it was true. you made him act different; you and the adoration that he held so deeply within his heart for you. he was falling in love with you miles upon miles away, without knowing it himself.
“i don’t know what happened or why it happened,” matt stated, staring out onto the road in front of him, “one minute i only saw them as a friend, and then the next, i couldn’t handle being so far away from them. y/n in college where we’d have to hop on a plane to get to them, and me here, where we have been since we were kids. but that was the catch, it was just you guys and i left, and my heart couldn’t take it.”
“and i would see them on calls from a distance when you or nick would facetime them, i would see their texts, and i would hear their voice in voice recordings and i don’t know— i felt something indescribable. something that was close to love, almost love, but quite not love.” he finished, eyes glistening under the street lamps that reflected through the mirrors as he turned onto the entrance to the interstate. 
“not quite love?” chris questioned, taking a sip of the leftover pepsi from their trip to the store that morning. it was almost flat but chris didn’t care, he cared about matt and how matt felt, and every word that matt wanted to say. 
“it wasn’t quite love then,” said matt, “i thought it was more like a boyish crush, like the ones we had in high school. but one day they called me and wanted to talk to me about a video they saw that reminded them of me specifically— not you, nick, not you, chris. i realized then that this was new, that this was quite literally love.”
“matt is in his character development arc and we are absolutely here for it!” nick exclaimed, clapping his hands together with a wide smile plastered across his visage. “so the question is, are you going to tell them how you feel?”
“honestly, no, i’m not going to.” matt said softly, “i don’t think they feel the same way about me, and i wouldn’t want to make anything awkward between us if i were to confess.”
chris giggled, thinking about his previous conversations with you and how you would be on the floor in tears if you heard any of the words that escaped matt’s lips. chris knew your secret, as did nick, yet poor matt was clueless to the butterflies in your stomach when you thought of him and the beating of your heart whenever you saw him.
“well, you never know if you don’t try,” chris said, “sometimes you have to do things outside of your comfort zone in order to get what you want in life.” 
matt rolled his eyes at chris, although he knew that he was true. matt knew that the only way to see how you felt about him was to ask you and that scared the life out of him. he wanted to know how you felt, but he didn’t want to be rejected; he didn’t want you to look at him differently once you found out about how he felt toward you.
a few seconds passed before matt turned into the parking lot of the airport; he swore up and down that chris and nick could hear the thump, thump, thumping of his heart against his ribs. 
the three, once parked, exited from the car and headed toward the doors. nick began rubbing his hands against his arms as his teeth began chattering, only to get a side-glance from chris who was trying to speed walk to see his best friend again.
“nobody told me it was going to be this cold outside today!” nick expressed, sighing heavily as he tried to warm himself up with his own hands.
as they approached the door, chris whispered loud enough for everyone to hear him, “well, weather apps do exist for a reason, nicolas. use one.”
once inside, they walked over to your terminal and looked around for you, they were all excited to see you and they couldn’t contain it. especially matt; his hands were tapping against his sides, his eyes were narrowed as he looked around for you, and the ache of anxiety within his chest eased up as he looked around the terminal for you. 
after a few short— but excruciatingly long in matt’s eyes— minutes later, a “my boys!” rang through each of their ears as they turned around and saw you; standing there with your bags in hand and a bright smile on your face.
matt felt his heart begin racing as he looked at you; at just how much more beautiful you’ve gotten over the past months that you’ve been away at college, even though he thought you were already the most beautiful you could ever be. you proved him wrong— oh, so wrong.
“y/n!” nick yelled, running over to you as you dropped your bags and opened your arms wide, receiving a hug from one of the very people whom you’ve needed a hug from the most throughout the tiring months of being so far away from family and hometown friends. 
you wrapped your arms tightly around nick, giggling at the random little words that the two of you were throwing back and forth at your reunion. you softly looked up as you hugged him to see matt with a sweet smile on his face, causing your stomach to erupt in butterflies. god, he was so beautiful, you wanted to scream it from the rooftop so the entire world knew it. 
chris walked up behind nick, tapping his shoulder and smiling widely, “i think it’s my time to hug my best friend too,” which only received a deep sigh from nick as he parted from you, forming a frown on his face in a jokingly manner against chris; it was his secret protest. 
chris wrapped his arms around you and leaned close to your ear, whispering ‘tell him how you feel’ before covering it up by loudly expressing just how much he missed you. you replied to his whisper, a soft ‘eventually’ leaving your lips.
“i missed you even more, chrissy, you have no idea.” you spoke, tightening your grip on him as you gave him one last squeeze before parting from him, as you were ready to hug matt. you were sure that you had never been more ready for anything in your life, and your heart beating so rapidly within your chest proved it. 
you walked up to matt and smiled widely, holding your arms open as he moved closer to embrace you. you believed you could feel that rapidity of his heart against his chest coincide with the rapidity of your own heart, but you knew that he could never feel anything for you except the love that both nick and chris had for you. the respect and love of a best friend and nothing more; or so, you thought.
“i missed you, y/n,” matt whispered to you, “it was getting lonely, you know, not seeing you.” his words caused your heart to beat even faster, to the point that you could hear your own heart within your eardrums. oh, you were so in awe of this boy.
you felt his arms tighten around you as you rested your head on his shoulder, tears beginning to unknowingly form within your eyes as a crimson blush crept upon your cheeks, “i missed you too, matty.” 
the holidays were going to be much harder than you both initially thought; for the sole reason that the two of you both knew now that your feelings for one another were so much deeper than what you both had originally thought before seeing one another for the first time in months, and the other didn’t even know it. 
on the other hand, the fun part of the holidays was for nick and chris, though. they were going to get one of you to confess first or even both at the same time; all they needed was to figure out how. once they figured out how to get you two to confess, everything else would fall into place, they believed.
as they glanced at you and matt’s sweet embrace full of unspoken feelings and a sense of longing that is slowly being healed with each slight touch, they turned to one another with grins before they said in synchronicity to one another:
“let the matchmaking begin!”
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taglist: @taking-a-footnote-in-your-life​, @lostwonderwall​, @lomlolivia​, @maddymaddie​, @kylespencersvocalcords, reach out to be added :-)
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previous ♡ next | m.list  © iluvmatt, 2022.
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ash-overthinking · 2 years
Umbrella Academy spoiler musing because this won't leave my damn head-
So, in a possible S4, even if they time jump some, obviously they'll have to keep Five a teenager (I'm thinking he may get bumped to 15-ish?), so Umbrella fam, what's the likelihood we get an actual powered down teenage Five being forced out of retirement to live his worst Highschool AU life??
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strelles-universe · 2 years
Gonna say it now; Embrace the Inferno might b a bit slow in the making - not because I don't have any ideas lmao - but as y'all probably noticed, I've been on a worldbuilding spree.
As Embrace the Inferno is the last book in A Prophecy of Fire, I've decided that I really need to get at least the basics of the worldbuilding down for the groups outside of the clans. Since the second arc is the Journey to the Lake and a lot of shit is changing because of this last book, I want as many possible conflicts and plot threads available to me.
So I'm getting a bunch of stuff for the loners settled since they're the ones who'll likely be encountered the most frequently. Plus, I also wanna look at things that were happening at the same time in the Darkest Hour - figure out what's going on with Havoc and Maluri specifically.
I'm a bit of a perfectionist so while I am more used to posting WIPs to tumblr, I will mostly be transferring complete worldbuilding over so if you want to hear me ramble, join the discord server.
EtA - the link to the discord server. Seriously guys, help me organize this thing
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pixelchills · 2 months
Chill's ramblings about the DCA fandom and personal feelings and issues towards TSAMS (both positive an negative):
(I'm writing this like an essay but treating it like a diary, so if I jump from subject to another, it is because I am just typing as the thoughts hit my head. Sorry for being so wordy.)
I simply feel like I need to write my thoughts down, so why not share them with you. Maybe you can validate my feelings or something, I don't know.
So, oof, I got a fic rec from @thedenofravenpuff and I'm loving it so much I really wanna draw fan art for it...
But the problem is that it's a TSAMS fanfic and I've sworn to my name I'll never draw anything related to the show because that will make me engage with a part of the fandom I'm not comfortable with.
My biggest issue with TSAMS:
I have such complicated feelings towards the show and its fanbase and I do not wish to make my life and work more difficult because of it as it already is.
My own work and characters are already constantly being compared to TSAMS. When I first introduced Solar to my fic, he was constantly being referred to Eclipse from TSAMS. Now that the show had a character with THE SAME NAME, it has been even worse.
Dolldrop Moon has been compared to Lunar. Even though the dolldrops existed before the youtube channel was even created (and Lunar made his debut much later).
The biggest issue I've had has always been the fanbase, that takes the show as the canon for Sun and Moon from FNAF and uses it as an excuse to harass shippers like me because they think Sun and Moon are brothers.
I've first handedly seen the damage the fanbase has done to some of my friends who draw, or have previously drawn art for the show besides their own AUs and personal headcanons of Sun and Moon as lovers. I'm sorry to tag you, but @kriimhild and @fablekitty : I've seen how the immature side of the show's fans have treated you, I am so terribly sorry you've had to defend yourselves over and over again for things that were not meant to be mixed up.
I have posted some ideas of a possible Animutant Moon and Sun forming a polyamorous relationship with Solar in the future of "My Dear Daffodil" on my personal/adult Twitter account. Someone kept commenting on my posts that I was glorifying incest, because Sun and Moon were brothers and Solar was their cousin.
The post had "Animutant" in it. Not "TSAMS". These comments came from a person saying they were 19 in their profile. So it's not just kids who can't tell not every fanwork is about TSAMS. It's starting to be some adults too.
Vice versa I've had another person comment on my very clearly SFW Twitter how they're following me because I am an adult artist who draws TSAMS incest. I have never drawn TSAMS art. I ship Sun and Moon, but they're never related with family bond, because I love presenting them as lovers.
Why I ship Sun and Moon:
Because I am a hopeless romantic. I love romantic love. Every single story I write is always about love.
The only exception to this is the Poppy Playtime comic I am doing. But even then, I was originally planning for a romantic love between Dogday and the Player. Yet, I decided to leave it, and keep the relationship open for any type of representation the reader themselves will prefer.
I used to watch The Sun and Moon Show when it first started airing. I loved their playthroughs. I had a big distaste for them calling each other brothers, as well as some of the first "lore" videos they had. My biggest issue at the time was how Moon treated Sun, though. As someone who grew up with an abusive sibling, it sometimes just hit a bit too hard at home.
But it got better after Eclipse and Lunar appeared. Moon was more caring, and I started to really like his character development. There was one episode where Sun explained to Lunar that he and Moon had simply just "decided" to be brothers, despite not having a canonical relationship.
This actually made me really happy. Because the Old Moon was aroace, the love he felt was simply never meant to be romantic, but platonic. And by making Sun his brother by choice clearly indicated that Sun was always the one he loved the most - in a way that was suitable for aromantic person like him.
And it really made me enjoy the show for a while. Sun is my favourite character, and despite not always liking the way the show presents him, I always feel so much love for him, no matter the AU he is in. So I loved that Moon loved him more than anything, even if it was just platonic. Because I've always been under the impression that the canon Moon loves Sun, and is only under a virus to protect him. For me, the best part of any Sun and Moon AU is to know that Sun is the most important thing to Moon.
Why I stopped watching TSAMS:
And then that Moon I had really started to like, who loved Sun more than anyone else but just platonically, died.
It hurt so much I simply stopped watching the show. I've watched a few episodes here and there after that, but I am having a hard time liking the show the same as I did before.
Partially it's because of the fanbase. Partially it's because I don't find the lore very interesting and some of the stuff a bit repetitive. Partially it's because I am scared to see Sun eventually crumble up into madness, because he has been through so much.
I like the New Moon. He is funny and nice, what I've seen. His relationship with Solar has been interesting, and I genuinely hoped they would've been able to take the romantic route after Moon said he wasn't sure if he was aroace anymore. But as I said, I've only watched a few episodes after the old Moon died, so I don't know either of their characters that much to form any strong opinions about them. I just listen to the Monty and Puppet podcast once in a while and get a little inside to some of the lore that has been happening.
But hey, at least there's fanfics. Which is why I am rambling here today.
It is a rare treat to find Sun x Moon fanfics that aren't simply just porn, or do not include reader inserts. So since my romance-filled brain needed something to fill the void, I've started reading some TSAMS fics with romance (that wasn't between Sun & Moon) and plot in them.
I know Solar was settled to be a "cousin" to the weird family tree of TSAMS. But I simply crave for Solar and New Moon to be at least queerplatonic. Solar is not from their dimension, no matter how much they decide they're 'cousins' it doesn't make him their real cousin or relative because they're not from the same world.
Sun and Moon are brothers but they technically gave birth to Eclipse, who then created Lunar so Eclipse is technically Lunar's parent and then brother and Lunar is Sun and Moon's brother and... do you see what I'm trying to say?
The family tree is so complicated that I don't think I'm a horrible person for shipping Moon and Solar and reading fics about them. Tell me if I am wrong though.
The FIC that is making me question everything:
So Puffy recommended this fic by @theinfamousdoctorf , "Eclipse Meets His Match".
I'm currently on chapter 40, and I am genuinely surprised how much I am liking this fic so far. It got everything; redemption and character growth, the representation of Sun as the good, glowing angel he is in my mind (for canon, and every AU. He is always perfect in my eyes I love him can you tell lol), slow-burn romance, drama, excitment, plot, jokes and funny moments... even if there are a lot of mentions of sex and sexual pleasure, it doesn't feel out of the place as there is so much more to it too.
Eclipse's redemption to become better and realising he is in love with Sun has been so interesting to follow. Sun deserves the love. I love when Sun is getting loved. I literally ship him with every other animatronic in the games and love it when people ship him with their self-inserts and OCs. Because I love him so much I want him to be loved in every possible universe he is in.
Even bigger bonus to this fic is the second pairing, Solar and Moon, which I already opened up about above. I don't know how much the fic is truthful to the canon lore of the show, but I wish to pretend this fic is the canon now /hj.
I love the characters and how they're written. I love the descriptions of their flaws and hopes and dreams. How vulnerable they can get. How closely they stick together. And as an appreciation for making me tearful and excited about fanfiction in such a long time, I would hope to be able to gift the author some fan art for their fic.
But I've sworn to not draw anything for the show. For my own good. I've got too many awful comments already from the fans of the show despite never doing any art for it. I am just scared it will turn things worse.
End words:
I don't know if creating a new alias would be the right choice. So my main name/account would be spared from the confusion that the show's fans seem to stirr into, where one tsams artwork turns all of the artist' work into tsams.
I don't care if the art style would be recognisible. The artist would be me, but not PixelChills. Just so I could gift something to the author of this fic that is currently saving me from the boredom of being unable to write my own.
Thank you.
(This text has been typed on my phone, so pardon for any typos).
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venomous-qwille · 9 months
Ghost in the Machine
This is the master post for Ghost in the Machine links, character refs and FAQs.
I will try my best to keep this post as up to date as possible.
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What is Ghost in The Machine?
GITM is a DCA AU and a fic set in the retrofuture (2055ish) long after Fazco has shut down. An eccentric collector has been acquiring versions of the Daycare Attendant animatronic from closed locations around the world. The story involves a reader character who has been brought into repair the original post-Ruin DCA from the games, and hijinks ensue. There are also ghosts.
Where can I read the fic?
GITM is currently being posted on Ao3, and is updated every three weeks on Saturdays. The fic is being beta'd by the tremendously talented @bubbiethesaur. You can read GITM here!
There is also a podfic, which you can find here:
Updates to the podfic will be sporadic, so please be patient <3
Where can I see the art?
On this blog I use the #gitm au and #ghost in the machine au tags for GITM related content. If you are looking for art of a specific character, they also have their own tags: #misuta moon #nova #soleil #clip.exe #sunspot mk1 #fool eclipse #ruin eclipse #sombra #sunflower #mr sandman
Why haven't you answered my GITM ask?
One of three reasons: 1) your ask was too spoilery* 2) I'm waiting to answer it with art 3) ADHD
*spoilery includes but is not limited to: any questions about dual-AI or XYZ character's sun/moon variant; questions about character backstories and lore; questions about characters that have not featured in the fic yet (e.g Nova, Sanii, Harvest, Sunflower, Sandman etc); asks speculating about potential future scenarios (don't get me wrong, I love these asks, but I can't answer them!)
Where are all the Moons?
Read and find out. Seriously. There are at least 5 Moons who are core to the plot but I'm not going to talk about them, no matter how nicely you ask!
Does XYZ character have a Sun/Moon counterpart?
Some of them do, some of them don't. The dual-AI stuff is majorly plot related. If I'm not talking about someone's Sun/Moon counterpart, rest assured you will find out eventually. I won't be spoiling any of it on tumblr though :)
Can I create fanart of GITM?
Yes yes yes please do and please tag me when you post it so I can see it/reblog! If you are unsure if something is ok, please ask.
Can I create fanfic of GITM?
Super flattered about this. I have a longform answer to this question which you can read here. But tl;dr yes you can, please tag/credit me, do not spoil/try to write the lore, and please do not write GITM au (e.g mafia, mer, medieval). I have my own plans for this stuff and I would prefer to release the designs/stories in my own time. If you are unsure if something is ok, please ask.
Do you have character refs I can use?
There is a collection of art 'refs' for each character on the Misutamojis discord. Latest link here.
There are no proper call-out sheets/refs currently, but I have a huge body of art for the characters on this blog which should give you more than enough info for most of them. I will get around to creating proper refs eventually, in which case I will link them here.
Where can I find the playlist?
I update the spotify playlist fairly regularly, if you have any music recs you can send them over in an ask! You can listen to the playlist here!
I've heard there are secret GITM drabbles, where can I find them?
I used to post frequent drabbles from future chapters in the DCA Palooza discord, I have recently deleted the majority of them as people were going back and binging them which hadn't been the intended reading experience. Anywho, this question probably refers more to the spicy drabbles (which people have very kindly made a lot of delicious art for). These are still around! You just need to access the spicy channel and do some digging.
Is there a GITM discord?
Nope! There is a server for GITM emotes and a busy thread in the DCA Palooza, but currently I don't have any plans to make a GITM-centric discord community. If that does happen in the future it's likely I will simply convert the emotes server (Misutamojis).
It finally happened, I converted Misutamojis. You can join the GITM discord here.
Can I smooch the robots?
All of them?
All of them.
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izuke-the-zombie · 1 year
I noticed its been quite a while since you did anything with the healing spring AU (island AU), if you don't mind me asking, are you going to continue it or is it cancelled?
🌸No, it's not canceled I'm still trying to figure out how to explain this world in this Au a little better
I'm still new to Aus cuz I just keep creating more or at least just scenarios or head cannons(I've been making too many of those) and I get sidetracked a lot! I have SoooOooOoo many other new Doodles that don't involve the healing spring Au
I mean, I'm not even sure how to plan an Au properly. I know I have to make a story and follow it and a couple of times I thought why do I just try to make a fanfic (keyword try) explain it better( I REALLY suck at making fanfics).
I sometimes can't figure out how to keep an au going. I think that's the problem (and you know personal life stuff that junk to).
I mean I draw new everything's and I still have the healing spring AU Doodles that are kind of like notes to me, right now I'm trying to figure out how to make this AU deep and with angst and stuff I'm trying not to be too cutesy I'm trying to put these characters through hell, face their past and cry/hurt/awkwardness/ worry/ survive/ secrets/ mystery/ angst/ talking/ healing /bonding /pining, kind of thing I'm not sure how to make that happen
How do you put that in an Au? I sure as hell don't know! And the worst part about this is this is my favorite of all of my AUs too!!!
Sorry I don't want to make this too long I just want to figure out how you guys make these Aus and hurt these characters the right way what's your guys Secret I'm probably going to have to ask someone to help me make this AU a thing know brainstorm and all that
🌸Anyways I hope this answers your question
🌸Here's a little comic I made I just thought it was a funny scenario that would happen in the island😚✨
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Wish me luck guys.... I'm going to need it😩
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disillusioneddanny · 4 months
DPxDC Negativity
Hey this is just a friendly reminder that I'm going to put in the plainest terms that I can.
If you are telling people how they should and should not participate in fandom you are GATEKEEPING
If you are telling people that they need to read more comics before writing fanfic you are GATEKEEPING
If you are telling people that they need to do more research into canon in any form, whether that be reading wikis, reading comics, watching shows, whatever you are GATEKEEPING
If you are telling people that what they are writing is not canon compliant and therefore not a valid way to participate in fandom you are GATEKEEPING
Fandom is supposed to be fun
Fanfiction is supposed to be fun
We are not writing these stories for anyone but ourselves. And to tell someone that they are participating in fandom wrong is GATEKEEPING
There are plenty of fanfics in the DC only sphere and the DP sphere that are so far away from canon it's unreal and that's totally okay!
People are allowed to enjoy fandom in however the hell they please. If that means they are writing a crap ton of Batfam/Danny Phantom content and not very much Justice League/DP content, that's totally okay.
If someone read the Wayne Family Adventures Webtoon and decided that they want to write Danny being adopted into a loving and crazy Batfamily that is totally one hundred percent fine.
If someone wants to write Danny with abusive and neglectful parents guess what? they can.
If they want to write Vlad as being a nurturing and loving godfather to Danny, they can.
What I'm trying to explain to you all is that it's okay to write things that are not canon compliant. It's okay to write things that are so far away from canon it's not even recognizable--I mean have you even read a fantasy au or a no capes au? That's basically just slapping a characters name and face to an OC. And guess what? THAT'S OKAY.
It's also okay to want to see more people interact with the canon lore, to want to share resources and tell people about your special interests. But the moment you start doing it and it makes people feel bad-- even if that is not your intention you are GATEKEEPING.
Gatekeeping is defined as the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something.
By you telling others what they should and should not write, you are being a gatekeeper.
I get it, you want to share lore, you want to show that you know all these cool things about DC. You want more than just batfam and DP content. That's totally valid and really cool.
Do it yourself.
Don't take someone else's joy away simply because it's not what you want to see. They aren't writing it for you, they're writing it for themselves. You're just a lucky person who gets to see the beautiful works that they are putting time and effort into.
When I joined DPxDC I knew absolute shit about DC. Over the last year, I've read over 400 issues of the Batman comics, read all of the Red Robin series, and a smattering of random other comics with plans to read others. But when I started writing? I knew jackshit. My knowledge came from the Teen Titans cartoon, the Batman animated series, and vague memories of watching the Justice League animated series as a kid.
And if Dis from a year ago saw this gatekeeping shit, they would have never started writing for the fandom because they would have been too scared to be told they were doing it wrong.
Now? I'm writing DC only fics based off of what I learned in the comics and it's a lot of fun.
But I did that because I wanted to, I was starting to get more and more interested in DC and I wanted to know more. And I had access to pay for DC Infinite so that I could get access to the comics. Not everyone has that luxury.
Not everyone has the luxury of being able to read them from free sites either. Maybe they have to use a public computer that doesn't have ad blockers. Maybe their local libraries don't have access to the comics. You don't know what their situation is.
Maybe you're being well intentioned. Maybe you're just wanting to share your wealth of knowledge with the fandom. But remember, if just one person is getting hurt by your statements, that means you're no longer being helpful. You're being harmful. You're scaring off a new fan who was super insanely excited to start sharing their headcanons.
You're making people feel unwelcome. And that's not fucking cool.
Fandom is supposed to be a welcoming space for everyone, it's supposed to uplift and bring joy. Not make people feel bad for not knowing enough, or for feeling too anxious to even begin figuring out where in the 75 year history of DC they should start reading.
I know that's what kept me from reading the comics for a long time. it was just too overwhelming. It still is overwhelming for me and thats with having friends telling me where to start and what comics are best to read.
Before I end this super hella long rant I want to remind you of one last thing.
You don't know what someone has read or researched before writing their fic. You don't know just how much they know about that character or universe. For all you know, they may have read, watched, consumed every single piece of DC media in existence. But they may still interpret it different than you did and that does not mean that their Bruce Wayne is OOC because it doesn't align with how you interpret Bruce Wayne. it just means that they view his character differently than you do.
And that's such a beautiful fucking thing don't you think? That a single character, a single universe, a single fucking line can be interpreted hundreds of different ways by hundreds of different people and it's still valid.
It's what makes fandom so freaking cool in the first place.
Like one day someone woke up and they were watching Danny Phantom and they thought hm, what if I had Danny Fenton go to Gotham one day and hang out with the bats? And next thing you know, now we have thousands upon thousands of different fanfics, fan art and HCs, all because of it. All because someone had that one idea and shared it and others saw it, interpreted it their own way, and decided to create even more.
And now we're here! And this fandom is beautiful and thriving. There are so many amazing and lovely people in this fandom. There are so many discords to talk about fandom, there's so many events, a DPxDC Bang is the works, a DPxDC fanzine is in the works.
That's so fucking cool and we should be celebrating that! Not making others feel bad for not knowing as much as others.
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queenendless · 11 days
A/n: I legit don't know how to title this piece. Inspired by @xo-romiiarts and their artwork.
Also Guns for Hire by Woodkid fits this piece so listen to it while reading this or any song that gives dark!GoGe vibes.
CW ⚠️ : 4.7k worded piece with DARK MATURE themes/depictions of murder/genocide, teen dropouts/runaways, angst, hurt/comfort, romance/fluff, already established poly!teen!GoGe x fem!teen!curse seer!reader, set in an AU where the guys did go through with it ... you have been warned. ⚠️
Cause #261 and fanarts of Gojo saying yes to Geto have given me the push to finally get this out. I have been working on this since September of LAST YEAR SO I hope yall enjoy this.
And I'm working on a pt 2 to this set a few months to a year later of the aftermath. Cause Lord, Clan Head Gojo x Cult Leader Geto x Reader but they're dark now kinda I wanna explore in my own way. With them kids. Their kids. And scene.
*DO NOT REPOST, TRANSLATE, COPY, EDIT, PLAGARIZE, AND OR STEAL MY FANFIC WORK. Rather if you enjoy my fan work, then reblog, like, comment, n follow pls n thnx u.
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"You're late, Suguru."
Indeed he was.
"No … I guess you got here fast. There are several Star Religious Group facilities in the city, after all."
Something felt seriously off the moment the snowy-haired sorcerer raised his head.
"Satoru? Is that you?"
The look in his eyes … practically radiating their potent rebirth … a stark contrast to the fading scuffs of blood running down the left half of his face, down both sides of his mouth, weariness evident.
"What happened?"
This was not his Satoru. This one … had seen hell first hand. In a twisted way, they both have today. Literally at death's door.
"I see you already saw Shoko."
"Yeah, she healed me. I'm fine now."
And yet, a long sleeved uniform arm slipped out from under the sheet, swaying a bit til staying still as a lifeless corpse would be.
"No … me being safe doesn't help anything here."
Not when he failed to keep their promise to Riko-chan. She was ready to walk away from the merger with him. Choosing to live for herself rather than follow her pre-chosen fate. Yet, fate had other plans. A cruel one, at that.
"I screwed up. You're not at fault." Gojo sounded so blunt, so calm … willing to accept all the blame for their greatest failure yet.
"Let's head back."
An eerie ringing began penetrating Geto's hearing as the clapping kept going. He chalked that up as an explanation as to why he thought he misheard Gojo's next words.
"Suguru, should we kill these guys? The way I feel right now, I doubt I'd feel anything about it."
As the form of Gojo carrying Amanai's draped body was being overshadowed by the pure white radiance of the smiling clapping cultists, Geto's morality dilemma prodded his mind, unable to meet Gojo's gaze.
"No. There's no point. It looks like there are only common believers here. The masterminds who know about our world have probably fled already. And unlike with the bounty, they won't be able to talk their way out of this. The organization had problems to begin with. It'll be dissolved soon enough."
Geto, standing in the pure white room of morality, starkly contrasted Gojo as he brushed past him and stood in the crimson room of immorality.
"No point, huh? Does there really need to be any point to it?"
Does there need to be a rhyme or reason for them to act on this? Ideally yes. They may be above the laws in most cases, but even sorcerers can't enact vengeance on regular humans. Unless they were curse users or even like the Sorcerer Killer, they couldn't lay a hand on them.
Right now?
The clapping grew louder, mocking him. Antagonizing him.
Gleefully celebrating her death and their own damaged, traumatizing failure.
Geto's left hand curled into a fist.
His morals were conflicting with his personal feelings; his fist shaking in restrained emotion.
His almond eyes, weariness tainting his eyebags, finally looked up.
Out at the clapping, smiling crowd.
"It's very important that there is. Especially for a jujutsu sorcerer."
Even the cruelest scum of the Earth get away scot free, never facing retribution. Darkness grew underneath him, outstretched to reach their seemingly untouchable light, as his fractured moral code made way for his true inner self to finally show its true colors.
"But not us …"
Gojo stiffened. Slightly looking back over his shoulder, peering inside the open doorway, his radiating Six Eyes turned on at the darkened gaze of Geto's eyes slightly looking back in return.
"Not today."
Rage and distraught guides him.
He would right this wrong.
To the bloody damn end.
Now triggered by those firm, final words, Gojo's heightened state strengthened as he set Amanai's body down gently on the hallway floor, the anger he didn't feel on her behalf in his rematch against the fallen Zen'in man was finally making its appearance, intertwining with an unhinged drive for chaos in his blood as a twisted gleam overtook his lips.
Survival of the weakest. Discouragement of the strong. That's how society should be; one where jujutsu sorcerers protect non-sorcerers. That's what he always strived to uphold despite his inner demons. But now… they as sorcerers still failed in the end.
Riko-chan, Kuroi-san, the weak but good ones, now dead by the orchestration of these unforgivable heinous —
"Monkeys." Having seen that monkey assassin's standing corpse himself on his way inside; decimated and dripping with bloodied spilled guts, made Geto wish he could deal the killing blow himself back in Tengen's domain.
This would have to do, feeling ready to puke when he uttered the same word as that scarred mouthed bastard, wincing as the shadowed hole he summoned released his newest curse.
The same cursed worm draped over his shoulder, opening its mouth to pop out the handle of a cursed tool, one Geto pulled out as swiftly as Gojo began ascending to heights unbound, slicing the cursed energized blade through the air as tears sprung from his unforgiving dark eyes.
Those monkeys' glee changed to confusion then bursting out in waves of panic as the blade grew in length the more Geto spread his cursed energy into it.
Several heads got sliced sideways, splattering blood over some's prime white apparel, kicking off the shrill hysterics.
In an instant, Gojo blips out of sight only to plow through a row of them scurrying ants in his way like the cursed speedster he had become.
Blown off head chunks.
Fists jutted right through their torsos right and outta their spines.
Setting off carnage filled piñatas left and right.
Trained on every weakling in his sight, Gojo's uniform grew darker as more blood seeped further in with each blow.
Reappearing as he grabbed a randomly chosen neck, snapping it in two with ease, before blocking a panicking one that tried socking him from behind, glowing eyes narrowed in as he clenched their fist before ripping their arm right off with swift ease. Their tortured screech is heard one moment, the sound of bones crunching in Gojo's other hand the next.
Through hatred fueled adrenaline, Geto cleaved in them guts to match the mutilated limbs that rolled across the crimson spreaded floor.
Those attempting to flee were squandered as the force field of Limitless smooshed them, splattering the now cracked dented walls; minced red.
Many more sunken noggins soared in the air, sprinkling red from on high.
Screams and splatters became the symphony of Pandemonium.
Flinging the chain around the neck of one, Geto swung them like a chain and ball, crushing many others against the walls.
Those petrified hideous faces get their brains ruptured out; globby chunks vomiting out by mere cursed thought.
Many rammed right into the glass window ceiling, sending cracks racing in its wake, the pure white sunlight becoming a neon red.
Shards of glass rained down, deflected by Limitless as the pair found themselves back to back, watching with callousness as many were skewered like porcupines.
Limbless lumps of lifeless flesh plastered every inch of the once pristine interior from every wall, crevice, and even the ceiling had scarlet drenching it.
Their haggard breaths and sweaty burning faces aside, their dark craving for retribution still lingered in them both.
It wouldn't be enough.
Not until every last member was eviscerated.
Dismissing the worm, Geto scanned the room, trembling at the grotesque aftermath.
His cerise painted hands hung limply at his sides.
Amiss the madness, their residuals were there.
Fortunately they knew to an extent how to hide them. However long those held out, they couldn't waste a moment. Any longer than that spent here meant capture followed by immediate execution.
Feeling himself moving by a firm grasp tugging on his hand, his light headed state transitioned to a frigged one over what they had just committed. The solid squeeze of Gojo's sizzling hand helped pull him further out of his own unsteady mindset.
"Satoru …" He internally felt revolted at having those monkeys wretched blood covering his skin.
Through the path of red, his closest friend – his ally in genocide – turned to him with cherry-red streaking his unbuttoned jacket and the collared white undershirt, for his glowing – exhausted – eyes were scarred with the brutal truth. Reaching his stained, steadfast hands out for that stained lost face, Gojo rested his forehead against Geto’s, staring into those stricken eyes of one of his most greatest treasures.
"Come with me. Let's get away.”
Blood trickled down from the ceiling, spilling along their hair, staining their faces, but both couldn't care less as they sealed it with a kiss. Lost in the bloody euphoria, relishing in one another's warmth.
The new taste of searing iron overtook the repelling flavor of cursed spirits, overwhelming the pair as Geto clawed at Gojo's back and the latter's hands massaged the former's supple cheeks, bringing muffled moans outta them both.
It feels right … anywhere … as long as it's with each other. It's just right.
Wherever they end up, whatever it may be, may it be nowhere near here whenever whichever sorcerers would be sent to investigate this now scene of massacre.
Once partners in sorcery.
Now partners in crime.
What a send off for them, the newly dropouts.
The clapping halted.
The ringing faded.
Their hearts felt lighter.
But something still felt off.
Someone was missing.
"Y/n." Geto's eyes opened to stare into Gojo's as they parted lips. "We can't leave her behind … we can't …"
Knowing their cursed seer partner probably foresaw the bloody chain of events that had recently just transpired in the last few hours. But knowing how abrupt they can be, maintaining and willing them into your mind’s eye was still a burdening struggle, ergo you being left behind at school for tiring training.
The heavy fog of bloodlust and tension between them lifted for now Geto's eyes lightened at sensing that familiar presence. He knew Gojo sensed it as well, for his glowing eyes followed his lead, taking Riko back in his arms, the duo raced to the surface outside.
You had ran outta the car that dropped you off down the street. You gulped to stifle back the bile at the gory sight of the fallen Zen’in still standing; the bloody puddle reaching for you now.
Your gaze averted once you spotted them coming out, hurrying over, your stomach churning at how scrapped up and red they appeared, but your empathy outweighed the disgust as Geto caught you in his heavy weighted grasp.
The fear in Geto's eyes mingled with confusion and concern. "Y/n … I … we –!”
Gojo’s eyes slanted as you kept your face hidden. "Did you get a vision?”
Your shaky nod against Geto’s chest paired with your ashamed tone. “I was too late … I,” An anxious pause of silence stretched between you three. “Shoko told me where you were headed after healing you … then came another one … of course you two would get Riko’s body back …”
They waited for the heart shattering blow. The final nail in the coffin. You shunning them away, cutting ties immediately. Rejecting them for their heinous act. Fleeing away in horror to Jujutsu High, reporting their sorry asses and ousting them as traitors. All the above — !
“The system would have let these zealots slip through the cracks. They … their assassin … they all deserve to rot in hell for what they've done … all because of Tengen … Kuroi and Amanai have been avenged.” Your callous tone kinda threw them off a tad bit.
Geto gulped. “You … You're okay with it?”
Your head finally rose up, the glossy layer to those e/c eyes sparkled from the sliver of sunset. "I know I can't make up for letting you all down … and no amount of apologies can redeem my blunder … but I can do this at least. I'll bring her back to the school, back to Kuroi-san. They deserve to be laid to rest together.”
You reluctantly pull away from Geto’s warmth; uncaring about the red stains smearing your clothes now, to take the wrapped up body as Gojo gently passes her into your arms, melancholy heavy on your face but the strength of resolve aiding you in carrying her. “My place is with you two. Always. Now more than ever.”
Geto’s eyes pricked with burning warmth; your willingness to stay despite everything, as he kissed your temple. “We should be apologizing to you.”
“There's still more of those facilities in the city left standing. We're not finished just yet.” Gojo's voice spoke doom for their upcoming targets, a stark contrast to his own kiss to your forehead being so sweet.
“They all need to go. Every single one of them.” Geto clenched his veiny hands, determined to see this through to the end. “We will return for you. If you wouldn't mind packing our things for us by the time we show up …”
You nodded, sadly smiling. "Don't keep me waiting too long.”
Their brisk nods to you paired with smooches to your cheeks were all you were given before you watched them holding hands then warping away.
The driver stayed silent as they drove your contemplative self, keeping her cold self close to your warmth, back to school for the last time.
The sun had set.
Crimson painted the sky.
A young girl's life ended by a gunshot to the head.
Two young teens, forced to face the cruel reality of their lives through near death.
The Star Religious Group Headquarters.
House of the Children of the Star.
Their monotheistic religion spent worshiping their absolute God; Tengen.
Crossing the wrong sorcerers, nearly costing them their lives in the process at the hands of their hired assassin; the Zen'in clan failure.
Their facilities left as ruins scattered in ruble, collapsed craters layering the grounds, red painting the toppled stone and marble.
The trauma of near death, failing to keep their promises to protect their friends' lives, and losing to a physically gifted human … their pride as the strongest duo now tarnished.
Selfish desires made to fruition.
With Riko-chan now gone, the assimilation was now void.
Tengen-sama had evolved.
The barrier hiding the school's location was weakened and easily spotted by the Six Eyes.
You solo carried Riko to the morgue, spotting your senpai and fellow kouhai watching you from the distance, ignoring your driver hurriedly running to inform Yaga-sensei of the turn of events, but only making eye contact with Shoko as she was standing out front by the entrance, already expecting you, prepared for the worst.
You two stayed silent, understanding exactly just from seeing the acceptance in your gaze.
Seeing the covered bodies laying side by side on the tables, you prayed over the mother daughter pair, believing the guys would stop by to do the same, hopefully.
As you just finished zipping up one of three duffle bags meant for each of you in your room, you felt the ripples through the Force that is cursed energy.
The fuse was lit. The air pricked with sparks as those two set off a chain reaction.
You could visualize the facilities up in flames.
“You really are idiots.” Shoko leaned against the open doorway, smoke in her disapproving frown. “To think they'd go this far … and you're bailing with them.”
“My whole world ended when I lost my mom. My dad was a broke ass deadbeat. Then I was discovered, brought here and met you all. You became the family I needed … so I thought that was enough. But those two … they're my everything. We ride or die together. You can join us or stay here. That goes for you two as well, ya know.”
You felt Haibara and Nanami hiding behind the wall before joining Shoko in the sliding doorway. By the looks on their faces, the news spread like wildfire.
“If I go with you guys, then the higher ups will force my sister to take my place.” Haibara frowned at the guilty truth.
“Rules and regulations keep us in line, as much as they suck.” Nanami sulked.
“Those old cods view us all as disposable tools. We're not heroes. We have our own ideals, desires, lives even. And if it means I may die down the line because I choose to walk away, then I'd rather die with freedom than serve them as their obedient lapdog.” You spoke devotedly.
“I don't get it.” The blunt tone and her aversion to eye contact made you realize how left out Shoko still felt that her two crazy guy friends were willing to leave them – leave her – behind.
“It'd be nice to have you by our side Ieiri … but I know you still have Utahime to consider.” You grinned at seeing the tiny pink tinted rise to her cheeks.
“You're our classmates! To have you and our senpai be branded as curse users, I don't want to have to fight you guys!” Haibara's angry tears made your heart waver. Your own eyes burned with cursed energy.
The static film reel of seeing your guys getting savagely brutalized, Riko and Kuroi's murders, even further down the line … glimpsing Haibara scarred and pale and so damn still —
“You're still our friends. Always.”
Even with glistening chibi eyes and stubbornly pursed lips, Haibara realized you had made up your mind, reaching Nanami's hand to squeeze and be his anchor.
“It's not a crime to be a kid, but the accumulation of life's little despairs make you become an adult. Remember that.” Nanami understood that much, knowing the guys are capable of setting the world on fire when pushed too far. Like so.
Blinking back tears yourself, you nodded. “If you ever need us or change your mind, you know how to reach us.”
Throwing the duffle bags outta the window before jumping out yourself took them all by surprise. Jutting their heads out, they were relieved yet anxious spotting Geto's manta ray cursed spirit flying away, the bags and you safe across his lap and wrapped up in his arms.
His crestfallen gaze back at them was the last sight of him they received when they also spotted Gojo floating on high, gazing at them with melancholy, the living example of Nanami's parting words to you.
Knowing deep in your intuition they snuck into the morgue to pay their final respects to Riko and Kuroi before retrieving you, you kept quiet about it, trusting them wholly to catch you as well.
On that day, everything changed.
On that night, there was no turning back.
But to both yours and Geto's surprise, the boldness of Gojo as he landed right by you both on the manta ray and grasped Geto's shoulder, his suggestion for a hideaway took your breaths away.
The empty private home – one of quite many – belonging to his family's clan; this one gifted solely to him. Even as fugitives, making such a bold choice to hide there, Gojo sure is a wild child.
Wading in the waters of the giant tub to wash away the blood, flushing the pink tinted liquid down the drain, then filling up the tub once more made way for some scented oil that helped elevate the tranquil vibes.
“You're certain?” Geto scrubbed his shoulder length sudsy hair, brushing his wet locks.
“The clan has too many spots all over Japan. We crash her tonight, take what we can to sell for cash in case the geezers fry our bank accounts, then high tail someplace new. Like say, I don't know, overseas?” Gojo's lax assurance transformed him into a chibi in Geto's point of view; resting his head and arms back against the tub's rim.
Almond eyes darkened, catching the scar stretching from Gojo's lithe neck, across that toned chest, and stopping by his hip poking out of the bubbly water.
Exhaustion smeared with piqued intrigue and guilt in those blue eyes spotting the X shaped scar on Geto's sculpted chest.
Red tints colored their faces as pleased sighs left their lips at the warm water loosening up their stiff muscles, fingers weaving through each other's slick hair, bringing their faces closer, brown meeting blue as they stared longingly at each other.
The unique connection ergo magnetic attraction was evident. From clashing freshmen to still bickering but budding sophomores. And now, as fresh genocidal dropouts, they both looked like they aged a lot.
The contrasts, the similarities, their yin yang dynamic.
That and the fuzzy warmth was getting to them.
“I'm really glad you're alive.” Geto nuzzled his nose against Gojo's.
“RCT for the win.” That albino pecked the corner mouth of his raven.
Their tired giggles relieved the tension.
Brushing their bare dripping shoulders together, lips connected, initiating timid soft touches. Drool connected their heated tongues, their heated breath fanning one another's face, oh so close, wanting more.
Your hums of content grabbed their attention as you waded over to them, watching your round cheeks blowing soapy bubbles into their faces.
Running your hands down their scars made your lips tremble at the agony they went through. Entrapped in their arms, you hummed as their lithe hands caressed your supple smooth skin for they were touched by your gingerly layered kisses along their tender marked flesh.
Toru's yawning broke out, worrying you and Sugu who suggested you all start drying up. Toru was the most exhausted being actively awake using Six Eyes for 3 days straight.
But you all were, mentally and emotionally.
The electric dryer rumbled as your wet uniforms swirled within. The AC hummed in the backdrop.
Duffle bags left open as you three laid in the enormous bed, you three snuggled in close on the center.
Setting up a small simple altar in honor of Riko and Kuroi in the room gave you all some peace of mind, especially when burning some smoky incense to cleanse the place. To pray and hope that their souls were in a better place than the hell they're stuck on called Earth.
“I detest humanity. Swallowing cursed spirits made from the worst parts of their very existence for so long confirms that. Killing those cultists put my mind at ease … as horrible as that must be to you.” Suguru's weary gaze shifted to meet Satoru's now unsettlingly calm ones as they laid atop the bed beside each other, clad in just boxers, with you splayed across Satoru wearing just a large tee you all shared just cause.
“You've been feeling this way for a long time, then.” Suguru flushed as Satoru weaved his hand through those silky obsidian strands, free from the metaphorical shackles of his usual restrained bun. “I'm sorry I didn't realize it.”
Suguru's cheek nuzzled his wrist, breathing in Satoru’s cozy scent. “I never wanted you to. Or anyone for that matter. These are my own feelings to grapple with.”
Satoru's messy cat hair shook, tickling Suguru's face, closing his stinging eyes to let them rest for the moment as their foreheads touched. “Well, now, we'll carry that burden together.”
“We're branded as curse users now … we're on our own from here … and you're fine with that?” Sugu was skeptical for the most part.
“I never held hatred for anybody before … not even over Amanai's death … but I always knew my life would be spent as a living weapon for jujutsu society … a monster. And now that I've crossed the line … there's no coming back from that … but I'd do it all again …if it mended the pain you felt inside. I just … I don't want you suffering in silence anymore. I never want to leave you behind.” That soothing voice of his cracked.
Suguru was breathless seeing red in those reopened agonized eyes.
“Still … I took advantage of your heightened state and let my emotions cloud my judgment. I'm supposed to be the moral compass … yet I'm no better than those monkeys … and you nearly died because of them … I'm sorry Satoru … I'm so sorry.” Water hit Toru’s skin as the choked up weeping of his best friend smothered his shoulder.
“Hey, hey. I'm here, aren't I?” Keeping an arm wrapped around his partner, Satoru smooched the crown of Suguru's precious noggin, being tickled by those loose bangs in the face, shushing him and kissing that pierced ear of his. “And even you need to cut yourself some slack and lean on others too, ya know. And realize … you can't get rid of me that easily. You're stuck with this monster for a long time, Suguru~”
That possessive, enamored voice compelled Suguru to peak out and witness those lovesick eyes; the polar opposite to the tunnel vision of the reawakened Satoru Gojo that approached him with Riko-chan in his arms, struck right at his core.
The soft warm lamp on the side table paired with the sliver of moonlight between the curtains transformed their eyes into mini galaxies. Their own universe even to dwell in and share together.
“Hmm.” He brushed back Satoru's locks to spot the scar on his forehead and kiss that booboo. “You've bever been a monster to me. Just a goofy idiot.”
Elated chuckles hit his giant lobed ears as his resident goofball pecked his blushing nose. “Your goofy idiot, smart ass.”
Flinching at that familiar voice, the guys directed their flushed gazes to you; your cheek mushed against Toru's pillow chest, fawning over them with your e/c eyes, round with sparkles and hearts set a glow in ‘em.
“I agree with all the above. Don't mind me. Just get it on with the yaoi goodness.”
“How subtle.” Suguru's eyes crinkled with mirth.
“She's got good taste, though.” Satoru's feline grin followed, rolling you both over to smush you in between them, pecking your forehead. “Period.”
You frowned. “All the apologies in the world can't make up for me letting you two down today.”
“Nonsense.” Suguru disagreed as the back of your head cushioned in between his plush pecs. “Having you here with us makes this shitty day much better.”
“We all screwed up.” Gojo griped before it became a longer deeper yawn.
Your eyes glowed a moment before dying down, alerting them and reminding you. “Time for you sleep. Cause we got a lot of shit to think over on how to move forward. For all of us.” His exasperated sigh was met by your chaste lips as you leaned up to kiss him; him returning it to suck them up.
“Yes ma'am.” His pouting turned to a dopey grin; growing wider when Suguru kissed him goodnight too. That finally conked him out, breathing softly, when Suguru's hand wrapped around your side, turning you to lay on your back so he could see you properly; eyes clad in guilt of his own.
“Y/n, in no way should you feel responsible for what happened. That assassin would have killed you too if you had gotten involved. If we lost you as well …” His forehead met yours, letting you kiss him slowly, pulling him in to relish your personal taste. “My hope is that they're in a better place now.”
“Me too … My visions are just as much an omen as they are an aid. In this world there are no guarantees for a peaceful living … but I believe in you two … no matter what … and I know in my heart this is worth it, risks and all.”
Your honest smile made him grateful for accepting him, despite all that's happened, his tears hitting your face in response so you kissed his tears away.
“Thank you, Y/n.” His whispers met your lips as you two got caught up in another kiss when you two grunted in surprise as Satoru flipped you both over, smothering you two under his precious heat.
“‘M love you both, mmh so much.” He mewled, sleepy eyes peeking open to drowsily smile down at you two.
“Satoru, we can't breathe.” A red faced Suguru wheezed out.
Satoru languidly laughed, “My bad.”
Thankfully, you three were able to get some shuteye that night.
They're your whole world now.
Deep down inside, they know they're both monsters, for that day brought the truth to light of their dark potential.
But they're your monsters.
Your empathetic, devious, passionate monsters.
And as far as the truth goes, you too are just the same.
Three of a kind, indeed.
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imsoquarky · 1 year
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Mama O'Neil and Raph
I wasn't planning on posting again this week, and I might regret it next week butttt... I wanted to post anyways.
My 3rd piece of fanart for @happyfoxx-art's Aftermath AU Comic (using my Raph design but with the comic's injuries), I was so excited when the updates picked back up and am thrilled when I check Instagram and there's a new one. Raph needed the reassurance, they all do, and it's really heartwarming to see them get it.
I could talk about the comics & fanfics I'm reading for hours lmao ♠️ - ♣️ - ♥️ - ♦️
(Tempted to put links to my ROTTMNT designs in my Masterpost but idk if that'd be too weird... I also should probably make some kind of Masterpost on Instagram too)
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limes-sagau · 4 months
Starting My Sagau Writing Journey
Ok Im wanting to dip my toes into the Sagau writing scene and I wanted to put out about 3 ideas I have and plan on writing. Each idea will be outlined below and people are welcome to take inspiration off of them just make sure to tag me in the writing. There will also be a poll at the end where you can vote for which one you want to see first. When I finish writing each chapter they will be put up on AO3. 
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Shimeji AU: 
For those who don't know, Shimeji is a browser extension that spawns a chibi version of a character onto your browser. This character can then move around and climb on the borders of your web page and just be a cute little distraction (I know this might sound like malware but its not I've had a Venti and a Lumine Shimegi for a while now and haven't experienced anything that can imply they are malware) 
This would be more of a drabble and less of a full fic. 
Basically the characters in genshin become aware through their Shimeji and then begin acting up in your browser when you're out of the game (when you're in game you're fine).
If you leave your web browser opened when you leave your computer you will come back to it being on a weird page 
Like Venti looking at a wine website 
Diluc somehow ending up on a streaming service watching Batman 
Yae Miko finding your writing 
I'll likely start off with characters from Mondstadt and go down the list for each region.
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Kidnapped by the Harbingers (not the final title): 
Exactly as it sounds, in the middle of the night you are taken from your college dorm (or room I likely won't specify) to Teyvat after the harbingers find a way into our world. 
Haven't decided which harbinger will be sent (leaning towards Childe because I feel like it would fit best and he'd be down for that type of experiment). 
Most of it will take place in a separate castle from Zapolyarny Palace. 
If you want to know my specific location I have in mind their is a visual novel called Dottore And The Spy where you become Dottores apprentice (highly suggest this visual novel) but its main story takes place in a castle in the middle of a frozen wasteland away from civilization where both Pantalon and Dottore live. This will be the main location for the story. 
I'll also be adding in Capitano as another permanent resident of this castle because I want to write about a big strong man who is the emotional intelligence of the three main harbingers present. 
The other harbingers and the Tsaritsa will appear but they will be much more understated in their role.
I want this fanfic to go into the mental load that being locked away from the world has on a person's psyche.
Readers' powers will slowly awaken, making it harder for the Harbingers to keep us a secret from Teyvat and specifically Celestia.
This won't be a full blown yandere fic with the harbingers, they will be slightly possessive but it is more about your safety since Celestia doesn't like you. 
Celestia will be the ultimate enemy over all but the story will not be focused on shooting down Celestia from the sky as readers powers will not ever reach the strength needed to face Celestia alone. 
Harbingers plan will not have changed; they are still working to take down Celestia.   
This will be taking place after Sumeru (so no Scara or La Signora and their will be less clones)
The story will also include 
Getting to know and bond with your castle staff like maids or ladies in waiting (I know these are typically only given to female presenting reader but I want to write about gossip and forming friendships so this is what I'm going with) 
Quality time with each harbinger
Impressing Dottore with your basic levels of knowledge on Astronomy (since Teyvats sky is fake)
Eventually a runaway arch
Lots of tears and mental breakdowns, but don’t worry there will be comfort as well
Possibly NSFW after reader finally convinces everyone to stop calling them “your grace”
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To Make a Haven (Title might change):
Imposter (but reader is the real deal) AU
Reader gets killed once by a mob of NPCs 
I want it specifically to be NPCs so the reader still has emotional attachment to the playable characters
Reader seeks out a safe and secluded place  
Teyvat awakens to readers distress and opens up a hidden area of the map to the reader that can only be accessed through very specific means. 
Reader eventually starts bringing in Hilichurls to what for now im going to be calling “the Grove” 
Reader will begin messing around and experimenting with her powers and finds a way to somewhat heal the hilichurls 
This isn't a full fix it will be like layering a curse on top of a curse in order to negate some of the effects of the original curse
The hilicurls will not return to being human they will become something else (human like but not human) 
This fic will contain way more original characters 
Reader will be more spiteful in this fic but less in like a “make everyone suffer” way and more like “lets shake up the system and make everything more challenging for people because they tried to kill me” 
This fic will span over a larger span of time in world with the reader building a full city in the hidden area Teyvat made for them.
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Well those are my three ideas! after this poll is done I'm hoping to get the first chapter out with that week, but I'm a college student and it been a while since I have written fanfiction so i make no promises.
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hannah-banana-lou · 3 months
Come back to me
So to start off with, i hate a lot of fanfics that include the (y/n) character as a barely legal, fragile, tiny thing that is oblivious to sex because that is just not me! i love alot of fanfics that have a lot of world building, real life issues and are really in depth, mixed in with some smut, steamy romance and fluff. i know this will not be for everyone but for those who do enjoy that, i hope this does it for you!
Husband William afton x Wife female reader - AU.
Planning on making this into a series if people like it!
content warning: marriage issues, smut, verbal abuse, age gap couple - william (early 50's) Reader (mid/late 20's)
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Come back to me (pt.1)
A glance. A kiss. Lips crashing down unto yours. he has you pinned against the bedroom door, panting heavily. Hands exploring places they've been so many times before. yours hurriedly unbuttoning his shirt. desperation. his hooking their way into your sweatpants, teasingly close to where you need him, where you're yearning for him. his kisses moving from your lips, slowly trailing along your jaw before reaching your neck. he bites, suckles and licks the skin there, sending tingles throughout your body, reaching to your core. you're lost in the moment, feeling his beard scratch so deliciously against your skin, his lips soft but desperate. You need this. He needs this.
"mommy!" your ears prick up. the sound of one of your twins calling for you. you ignore it, trying to focus on the present scene unfolding in front of you.
"mommy, look at me!" again. calling for you. you can feel a haze slipping over you. mind going grey, unable to feel the kisses being planted.
a snap of your husbands fingers and you jump. you're in the garden, sitting on the patio next to william. the morning sun is beaming, your two children running around the garden, screaming and giggling. you glance over at william, he is staring at you. the silence between you both brooding ... deafening.
"your children are calling for you. just gonna ignore them?" he grunts out. a dig at you, most definitely.
you shake your head in response, taking the cup filled with coffee off the table, moving it up to your lips and taking a sip, you frown. it's gone cold.
the better part of the morning is spent playing with your children, trying to forget that you have a marriage counselling appointment in the early afternoon. not the first and most definitely not the last. no doubt william will find some excuse to not attend, he thinks marriage counselling is a scam, a waste of money. he refused to even acknowledge the idea until you nagged him for weeks. he eventually gave up.
you're now sat in the car, he's driving. the silence is painful. the drive to the appointment, uncomfortable.
your in the appointment. all his responses are grunts or a few word answers, while you're pouring your heart out, begging for him to just talk to you. a usual occurrence during these appointments.
You stop crying, lost in thought. maybe he was having an affair, it would explain a lot... no. yes. wait... would he do that to you? when would he have the time? god. don't be silly, he isn't cheating on you.... right? Before your mind can trail off anymore the therapist throws a question to you both.
"what are the biggest issues within your marriage? we have discussed this before briefly, however i'm curious as to the individual answers. William, why don't you start us off? yes?"
you glance over at william. he is staring directly at the therapist, poor woman, having to endure his death stare. his eye twitches slightly. he's trying to calm himself before answering. you avert your gaze back to the floor.
"Nothing is wrong with my marriage. i dont believe there are issues" your husband spits out.
the older woman nods, accepting his answer before she turns to you and nods again, signalling for you to answer.
"well... for starters i feel like he doesn't want me around anymore. he avoids me like the plague. there is no love, no affection, no.... no intimacy anymore" you begin.
william adjusts himself in his seat. clearly annoyed at the intimacy comment. you keep your gaze focused on the therapist.
"He wont talk more than a few words to me without snapping at me, he's stopped sleeping in our bedroom, he's taken the spare room instead. i never see him anymore. i'm... i... I've just had enough. it's hard living in a space that you have known as home for many years, yet feel so unwelcome at the same time" you finish. you can feel his stare burning into the side of your head.
the older woman nods again. that's all she seems to do, just nod. it can be quite annoying. she looks between you both.
"Y/N why do you feel like William has become this way with you?"
you sigh, not knowing the answer. you could only answer with what your mind has provided as far fetched ideas over the past few months. you shrug. "i'm not sure. i have a lot of ideas, none that could be close to the truth though" you respond, voice soft, deflated. like you've given up.
"One good way to get your marriage on track is open communication. Y/n why dont you share your ideas with William. it's a good place to start"
you sigh again and look over at william. he is staring at the floor. annoyed written all over his features. he looks over at you
"William..." you start with a sigh. "i... uhm... i have begun to think that maybe... you have fallen out of love with me" his gaze softens, almost looking heartbroken that you could ever think that. he shakes his head. he goes to reach out his hand, it lifts ever so slightly but stops immediately, his fists tightened, a small noise escaping his lips. almost like the whimper of a wounded animal as he quickly avoids your gaze, looking back down at the floor.
you take a moment to process what just happened. what was that noise? sound of affirmation? or denial? maybe his reaction is something to be hopeful for?
"any other ideas you have that you would like to share?" she adds quickly.
you nod, taking a deep breath. you knew he wasn't going to like this one but you had to get it out before the thought consumes you.
"William, i have thought for a while that you are having an affair." you blurt out.
his softened gaze quickly turns to a grimace, furrowed eyebrows. followed with a scoff before he stands up, grabbing your hand "session over. thanks for your time doc, see you next month" he mumbles as he pulls you out the door. the doctor looking more so confused than ever as she watches the two of you leave abruptly.
you get back into the car. oh he's pissed. maybe he is embarrassed that you brought that up? self conscious of how he looks in front of the therapist maybe?
he drives in silence before turning into an empty parking lot near a wooded trail path, probably for dog walkers.
he parks up before turning to you, face twisted with anger "An affair? an affair? .... AN AFFAIR?" He snaps. you nod "it just makes s-" he cuts you off "NO Y/N! NO! the falling out of love i can understand but an affair? i have done nothing to make you think that way"
you look at him confused.
"you're not affectionate. you're only happy when you're around the kids, you're only affectionate in public for 'appearances', you wont sleep in the same bed as me, let alone fuck me anymore, so you must be getting it from someone else!" you angrily snap out, you knew being with an older man would have it's problems but not to this extent.
he rolls his eyes. scoffs. "you're ridiculous. i am not having an affair!"
"it makes more sense than 'i'm stressed' " you quickly respond
he scoffs again but doesn't respond. just stares out the windshield of the car into the woods adorning the outskirts of the parking lot. the forest looked peaceful, serene almost. you continue to stare at him waiting for a response. receiving nothing.
you place your hand on his thigh gently "Will... Bear. please just talk to me... let me in again" you whisper. no response from him. he smiles in his mind at the use of the old nickname for him.
he was your bear. Tall, grumpy and hairy as one. Used to have you in fits of laughter when he would groan and snore, you telling him the attributes resembled a bear when you were first dating. hence the nickname.
Something snaps inside of him.
Your argument before, playing through his mind.
He looks over at you, eyes boring into yours. he reaches his hand out, cupping your cheek. it's been too long since he last touched you.
He moves from your cheek and trails his fingers through the mids of your hair before leaning down, hand clamped on the back of your head, moving you up to meet him halfway, lips on yours. slow. tender. A sense of yearning in the kiss. you let out a small surprised noise. not complaining in the slightest. just surprised, shocked even.
he pulls away ever so slightly, lips still touching. a small protesting whine leaving your lips as you desperately try to kiss him again. he stops you. nuzzling his nose against yours. hot breaths caressing each others skin. his lips soft. as you remember them. a free hand intertwined with your left hand, fingers caressing your wedding and engagement rings.
"I've not fallen out of love with you bunny" he breaks the silence, his words barely above a whisper. desperation. yearning. sadness being carried in his voice.
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ripdragonbeans · 4 months
To Whatever End // HighLord!Aemond x Mate!Reader
For @targaryen-dynasty's February Sleepover!
Btw if you can't tell it's an A Court of Thorns and Roses AU but also this is fanfic
Thank you @exitpursuedbyavulcan for being my beta! ❤️
Prompts: "I just want to please you" // "let me take care of you"
Summary: High Lord Aemond traded himself for his Court to keep those he loved safe. In giving himself, however, he found himself bound to the witch Alys Rivers and committed atrocities to the other Courts. But it's been too long. Much too long. Aemond's mate, his true love, takes fate into her own hands and goes to free him. To whatever end.
CW: blood, character death, smut, consensual kidnapping???, oral f and m receiving, unprotected sex, creampie, 3rd person
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Long silver-blond hair. A violet eye. A sapphire in place of the other. Expert swordsman. Magic wielder. Cruel but loyal. Wingspan like no other. Aemond Targaryen, High Lord of the Night Court.
Aemond Targaryen loved his Court. He would do anything and everything to keep it safe, including offering all of himself to a witch. This witch, Alys Rivers, had him on a tight leash. Very rarely was he able to do what he wished. Very rarely was he able to visit his mother, brother, or sister. Worst of all, he was forbidden to see his mate.
His mate, how he loved her so. When the mating bond clicked into place for them it made everything right. Alys Rivers, however, yanked him back as far as she could. She claimed that if he ever tried to go back to his mate she would destroy her and his precious Night Court. So, she kept him at her side; forced him to execute any innocent who dared look at her. Used his magic to raise hell on every other Court but his. The other High Lords thought Aemond to be a lover to Alys. They believed he warmed her bed to have power over them all. Little did they know that was as far from the truth as possible.
Years went by. Then decades. Then centuries. Aemond could stand it no longer. He was wearing down in the most terrible of ways. His resolve was breaking, he was becoming numb, he was beginning to forget his mate, his family, his Court. Every now and then Alys would try to lay with him. She knew forcing him would do nothing, but to make him desperate enough to be with her would break him. She was close to this, too. Her seductive ways had been beating down on him. He was desperate to get out, he was in pain, he felt guilty for even having those thoughts about Alys.
His mate. He needed his mate.
She could feel anguish, his pain, through the bond. It was enough. It had been long enough, too long, she thought. Tonight, she would bring her mate home and destroy Alys.
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As she made her way through the halls of the House of Dreams, all she could think of was Aemond. They could never talk through their bond; Alys was able to block that part. The occasional tug from either of them was all that they had to keep them together. She was so preoccupied with her thoughts of Aemond that she walked straight into Helaena, Aemond’s sister.
“Thank the gods I found you!” Helaena sighed in relief. “We just received word that Alys attacked the Winter Court. Apparently, it was out of pure amusement.” The bite in her voice was evident.
“Aemond! Was he -”
“Cregan Stark reported that Aemond was there,” her voice faded down to a whisper, “punishing those who were captured instead of killed.”
The sister’s friend closed her eyes in pain and whispered her mate’s name.
“Helaena, I'm getting him back. We are ridding Westeros of Alys and bringing him back home.”
“When do you go?”
“I am going now. Wish me luck, friend.”
“Wait!” Helaena grabbed her arm. “There are rumors of the Winter Court planning to fight back against Alys; that is why they were targeted.” She looked directly into her eyes. “Destroy her.”
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Much like her mate, she had wings. Not as beautiful as Aemond’s and not nearly as big, but big enough to fly her way to the Winter Court. The journey there was long and grueling. She tried to take no breaks and the ones that she did were brief and out of pure necessity. As she got closer to the court, she could feel the mating bond grown in strength. Yes, Aemond was always near to Alys in the Court of Nightmares, but with her focusing on the attack, her magic against the bond has weakened.
She followed that bond, followed it all the way to the Winter Court Palace. It was there she found Aemond, kneeling beside Alys as she sat on a throne, like a dog.
“Look what we have here, Aemond.” She looked the mate up and down. “I thought I told you that if she came here or you to her that I would kill her and all that you hold dear.”
Aemond made eye contact with you. He was pleading for her to leave, to be safe.
The mate said, “No. I'm not leaving you.”
Alys chuckled. “A fight you wish, then? A fight you shall get.”
“I've always been ready to fight you, ever since you took Aemond away from me.”
“Oh, but you won't be fighting me. You'll be fighting my dear pet.” She gestured towards Aemond.
Fear and denial slid over her body like ice. No.
“I refuse to fight him.”
“You see, your refusal would be accepted but our dear Aemond here made another bargain with me.” Indeed, along with the mating bond tattoo there was a new one. One that held him to his word. He believed you wouldn't try to reach him, so he vowed to fight you if you ever showed up as payment of me keeping the Night Court and the other Solar Courts safe.” Her laugh was nails scraping against rocks.
Aemond slowly rose and unsheathed his sword. Every move was painful. He tried to resist but it was futile.
He whispered to his love, “Please, leave. I do not wish to hurt you.”
“You have already hurt me by believing I would not come to you.” She let the pain shine in her eyes. “But I forgive you, Aemond. I love you.” And she drew her own sword.
“Ah, but to make it interesting,” Alys chimed in. “I will release him from his bargains should either of you deliver a devastating blow on the other.”
Hatred coursed through her veins. “You are vile,” she spat.
“That was not part of the bargain!” Aemond yelled.
Alys laughed. “It may not be, but it will still be amusing.”
His love turned to him. “I love you, but if this is what must happen, so be it.”
Aemond slowly raised his sword and readied himself to fight his mate. Just one devastating blow, that would be it. They could be free.
Their fight was a dance. Twirling to block, lunging to attack. Sweeping up into the sky to avoid. Sweat poured down their bodies. The muscles in their backs screamed with pain and exhaustion as they were constantly in the air. It was all they could to not hurt each other. However, while in the air, away from Alys’ prying ears, they made a plan.
Eventually Aemond found his sword against her throat. He pressed against her until pebbles of blood formed. The bond shook.
“I have her and I have drawn blood,” he called to Alys. “Free me, and free her, and free the Courts.”
Alys tutted. “I said a devastating blow, not a threatening one.”
Aemond’s mate looked to Alys then back to him. He whispered to her, “Now.”
She removed the sword from her neck, ignoring the slicing pain as she slid her hand to the hilt and threw it, aimed perfectly at Alys’. Practiced in magic, however, she deflected it with ease.
“How rude! Attacking a spectator!” She glided towards her. “And now you must pay the price.”
“No, you shall.”
Aemond had retrieved his sword to plunge it through Alys’ neck. He mustered all his strength and poured the magic that she had transferred to him when she was against his sword, as well as his, into the attack and sliced Alys’ head clean off. It fell to the ground with a thud.
Black blood erupted from the body, drenching her and Aemond.
Aemond could only look at his mate. “We did it,” he breathed. “She's gone and all the Courts are free.”
“Yes, we are free.”
Aemond took a step. Then another. Then another. Until he was right in front of her. He gently cradled her face with his blood-soaked hands and brought his lips to hers.
“I thought I would never see you again,” she said against him.
He pulled away. “I must tell you more, I never stopped believing in you. But we must inform Cregan that we are all free.”
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Back-to-back the couple cut down and remaining soldiers loyal to Alys until they found Cregan in his own battle. The three of them were quick to overpower the opponents.
Cregan turned to Aemond, the fact that he was standing before him without Alys trailing him hit him hard.
“Is she,” he could not bring himself to ask the full question, lest the answer be unsavory.
“She is gone,” Aemond claimed. He opened his wings to their full length. “She is gone, and we are all free.”
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Together, Aemond, his mate, and Cregan announced to the Winter Court that Alys was no more.
“We shall rebuild to be stronger,” Cregan said to his people. He turned to Aemond. “We shall unite.”
Aemond’s mate replied for him, “And together we shall rise above the ashes.”
Once the theatrics were over, the two lovers flew back to the Night Court. While they took limited breaks, they stopped right before arriving at the House of Dreams.
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Wings tucked in, they arrived at an inn, Rita's, and found a room.
As soon as the door closed behind them Aemond’s lips were on hers. They danced together as though they were never apart. But their hands wandered as though they were strangers.
He slowly slipped her flying leathers off her beautiful body, taking in every inch of her. Every curve, every scar. He crawled up her body and brushed a hand over the now healed scar that branded her neck. Her body stiffened but in pleasure rather than fear. His touch was gentle, sensual.
“Don't worry,” he said, “I’ll take care of you.” And he kissed her gently.
He pulled away and kissed down her body, paying extra attention to the junction between her neck and shoulder, biting it then soothing it with his tongue.
She extended her neck, wanting more. “Please, my love,” she begged.
Aemond smirked against her and continued his way down her body until he came to her chest.
“Gods, I've missed these beautiful tits.”
He was quick to take a hardened bud into his mouth to tease and lick. Her back arched, wanting, needing, more. His hand slid up her body to play with the other nipple, tweaking and flicking it. All she could do was moan.
He switched, giving the other the same treatment with his mouth. She could feel the coil in her stomach tighten. When he was satisfied with her panting, he continued his journey down her body. He stopped at the apex of her thighs. He looked in awe as he gently stroked her folds.
“Aemond -”
He shushed her. “I just want to please you.”
Aemond tentatively brushed her bundle of nerves and watched as she writhed at her touch.
She looked at him, desperate to see him, only to find a devious smirk on his lips.
“Look at you, so wet for me already. Have you missed me that much?” He taunted.
“Yes, of course I've missed - gods!”
His mouth was upon her, his nose rubbing against her as he feasted upon her. All she could feel was him. All that mattered was him. She closed her eyes in ecstacy as the coil within her threatened to snap.
“Aemond I'm going -” she was cut short by her own wordless scream. A wave of pleasure crashed down upon her.
Aemond, however, kept feasting on her. He did not want to stop. She tasted divine and he needed more. Her hips bucked up with each lick. The pressure of pleasure began to build up again. He then moved to suck on her bud and plunged two fingers into her wet heat. The change itself was enough to bring her over the edge again. Only then did Aemond lift his head up. Her slick coating his mouth. She reached for him and kissed him deeply.
“Now it is my turn.” She nipped at his ear.
She stripped him of his clothes and ran her hands all over his body. Up and down her hands went, taking it all in, until she got to his length.
It had been so long since she had seen it; she forgot how big and thick he was. He was already hard and his tip was red and weeping. As she ran her hand over his cock he bucked his hips up, racing for more.
His love obliged by sinking down and taking him into her mouth. He groaned as she began to bob her head up and down, tongue swirling around.
“Fuck, my love!”
She hummed in response, earning another groan from him. She could feel he was close and was ready to take his seed, but he pulled out.
Aemond pulled her into a searing kiss. “I am going to finish in you. Not in your mouth but in your hot, wet cunt.”
His language sent a thrill down her spine.
“Face down, ass up,” he ordered.
She complied, excited for what was to come next.
She felt him shuffle behind her. In one swift motion he sheathed himself fully inside her. They both moaned at the feeling of the other. Taking their time, they just stayed there like that.
Until Aemond began moving his hips.
“You feel so good around my cock,” he ground out.
He picked up speed, fucking her into the mattress. She moved along with him, wanting him to be as deep as possible within her.
Aemond’s thrusts soon became sloppy, his rhythm uneven. With each motion of his cock her pleasure began to crest.
“Aemond, please I'm going to -”
“Together. I want us to finish together.”
With one final thrust, she screamed as she tightened around him, triggering his own orgasm.
They collapsed on the bed, his cock still inside her. Together they stayed there until Aemond pushed himself up to grab a wet rag to clean them up. He pressed a kiss to her forehead before wrapping his wings around her.
I am yours and you are mine, Aemond sent down the bond.
To whatever end, my love, she sent back.
She pulled him down into another searing kiss, this one promising that they would not be separated again.
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isabel3710 · 4 months
I've dived headfirst back into my old Trolls hyper fixation with the release of the third movie. So I decided to write a little something for the idea of Branch being adopted by the Country Trolls.
I was inspired by some fan art by crunchy_coookies_ on insta and @rocksibblingsau's AU and a post they've made on this idea.
I would love to turn this into a full fledged fic one day but I'm already working on another trolls fanfic plus I got some (very loose) plans for another for when I'm done. But if I every have the time to write more I'll be sure to let you all know!
A little gray trolling sat on the edge of a dusty road, a worn looking bag sitting beside him. Branch held his ankle with both hands, it throbbed with pain and he was struggling not to cry. 
A few weeks ago Branch had decided to leave his tribe once and for all, he was tired of being bounced around from foster home to foster home. Full of people who either hated him or tried to turn him into something he wasn’t. So he packed a bag full of his prized possessions and any supplies he might need and snuck out in the middle of the night. 
At first things were great! And then he left the forest and made it to this desert of a wasteland, Branch did okay at first. He was careful to ration his food and slept with a knife in his hand.
Then today Branch had gotten his foot caught in some kind of hole and now his ankle really hurt. He had tried to stand up and power through but couldn’t without pain getting to an overwhelming degree.
He sniffed and whipped at his eyes, Branch didn’t know what he was going to do. He was stuck here with a hurt leg and he had run out of food last night. 
His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by some strange clip-clop sound. Branch reached into his bag and pulled out his little knife. He was alone out here and who knew how many things out in this strange land liked to eat trolls. 
Dust had suddenly risen up into the air and got into Branch’s eyes, he tried to blink it away as the strange sound got closer and closer. When his vision had cleared he saw the figure that matched the clopping sound.
It was a troll?
The troll looked like one he had never seen before, she had orange skin and red hair which did remind him of the trolls back home. But that was where the similarities ended, for she had four legs with hooves and a fluffy looking teal tail. Her clothes weren't neon or pastel colored or covered in glitter, but fairly plain looking; with a few dirt stains and patches.
The woman seemed to notice him too for she started to walk over to him, the clopping sound following her. “Hey sugar” she said, her voice sounded strange. Nothing like Branch had ever heard before. “Why’re you out here all alone?”
Branch sniffled and tried to scoot away on his bottom, dragging his injured leg along the ground. The hand holding his knife shook a bit. 
“Hey, hey” the woman said, her voice gentle. “I’m not going ta’ hurt you.” She knelt in front of him “what happened ta’ your leg?”
Something about this woman felt calming, Branch hadn’t met anyone who made him feel this way since his Grandma died. “I tripped,” he said, tears running down his cheeks. “It hurts really bad.”
“I’m sure it does” the woman said “mind if I take a look?”
Branch hesitated before nodding, the woman carefully took his ankle in her hands. He winced a bit in pain but stayed still. The woman tutted softly “looks like you sprained it honey.” 
She pulled out a piece of dark green cloth and tied it around his ankle. “We'll have to put some ice on it.”
“I don’t have any ice,” Branch said.
“Not to worry,” she smiled at him, “town’s not too far from here.” 
There was a town out here… “how?” He asked, “it hurts to walk.”
“Climb on my back” she said “and I’ll carry ya.” 
“Won’t that hurt you?”
She chuckled “you’re sweet, sugar, but not to worry. I’ll be fine.” The women helped Branch sit on her back before slowly standing “hold on darlin’.” 
Branch held his bag in one hand and to the women’s shirt with the other. And she began to walk, the clopping sound following them. It was then Branch realized he had no idea what this lady’s name was.
“Ms” he said “I’m sorry but… What’s your name?”
She chuckled “no need to apologize hon. I’m Ms Delta Dawn. What’s your name?”
“Branch.” He said “my name is Branch."
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aphrmoosun · 3 days
{Noa and the Beast}
Nomae: One shot
• Sipnosis.
Noa is the new leader of the clan, his responsibility was to his own. But an Echo enters their lives and they decide to kill her due to the ancient writings that defined her as dangerous. But when Noa has her in front of him, his world changes completely...
• Pair.
Noa and Mae
• Movie.
Kingdom of the planet of the apes {Half AU}
• Tags.
Nomae, interspecies relationship, interspecies sex, interspecies romance, yes it is a ship fic, smut, romancing, Beauty and the Beast, Half AU, Noa hunt Mae, but the Noa falls in love with Mae, Long One Shot, Writer isn't English Native Speaker, etc
• Other nomae fanfics.
You and Me
No words
• Noa and the Beast [One Shot]
**First Act**
The day was coming to an end. Noa was returning home with a successful hunt. He and his friends had managed to catch a pair of rabbits and a adult deer, earning them a warm welcome.
The situation was difficult for the village. Since his father had died, he and his mother were the only hope for their survival. They had to lead the rest to survive, and that was his duty as the new leader of the village.
"Well done, son," his mother said.
Noa sat down beside his mother, hugging her and offering her a piece of food, which she refused.
Their happiness was interrupted by some apes who arrived running and shouting.
"It's an Echo! We've seen one near here!"
Noa managed to understand what one of them was saying.
"Calm down," Noa said, standing up and addressing them. "It's probably just passing through. Echos usually move when it starts to get cold."
"This one is different. We've heard it talk! It was settling near the village."
Another ape spoke up, frightened.
"Don't worry, it won't hurt us."
"You don't understand. Echos are evil, the farther away from us, the better."
"If that means underground, even better."
Many of the apes supported the idea of killing the Echo.
"We can't act impulsively. We need to think with a clear head."
Noa defended the idea of reaching a consensus.
"You're our leader. You must defend our home from those things!"
The ape began to feel the pressure from his village. Everyone wanted to see how the new leader would handle a dangerous situation.
"Fine! I'll take care of it myself." Noa didn't like the idea, but he said, "Tomorrow, I'll go to where you saw it and bring back proof that the Echo is no longer a problem."
Noa received a big ovation, but he couldn't take his eyes off his mother, who disapproved of his attitude.
**Second Act**
Anaya and Soona, Noa's best friends, were already ready to go after the Echo. They were determined to accompany their leader, not just as friends, but as family.
The plan was to approach the Echo on foot, without horses, so as not to scare it, and kill it with the arrows they used for hunting. But Noa had taken something else from the village - a remedy that they took when they felt pain, in case he couldn't bear the scene, he would give it to the Echo himself.
It would have been just another Echo, but the idea of being able to hear one talk for the first time had haunted him all night. What if he could talk to it? What if it could defend itself by talking? What set them apart from animals if they couldn't talk?
But his village needed him. They had never encountered an Echo like this before, and it was a danger to his people. It was written that way.
When they were far enough from the village, Noa turned to his friends, stopping them.
"I have to go alone from here."
"What? No, we're not going to leave you." Soona approached him, grabbing his hands.
"Soona, I have to do this alone. I'm the leader now, and I have to be responsible for my words and my responsibilities towards our people. And one of those responsibilities is taking care of you too."
"I don't care about your position. We also want to take care of you."
Anaya joined the two, and they ended up in a three-way hug.
"I'm sure I can handle this. But I need to do it alone." He finally convinced them.
Anaya and Soona walked away, and he began to walk forward. He didn't look back, it would be easier to fulfill his responsibility alone and as the leader he had to be.
**Third Act**
He could observe her easily. She didn't seem to have seen him, and she continued with her life as usual. She walked back and forth, going to and from the river near the home she had built.
She was very resourceful. With the help of stones, branches, sticks, and leaves, she had built a kind of settlement near the river. She had everything she needed to survive just a few steps away.
Noa couldn't help but analyze her. From her physical features to her delicate movements. What she seemed to be doing was cooking with leaves and fruits he couldn't recognize.
They had warned him that this Echo was not normal. If she could talk, it was already very different from the ones he had encountered before, but he had never imagined what he had in front of him. If it weren't for her small body, little hair, small eyes, small hands, small waist, the bulge on her chest, and small feet, he could have sworn he was looking at an ape.
But he had to push those thoughts out of his mind. He had come to kill her, and he had already wasted too much time analyzing her.
He raised his bow and placed the arrow right at the Echo's heart direction. His hands were shaking. It was the first time they had shaken like that. He had to admit, this wasn't a normal hunt. He wasn't going to kill her out of necessity, nor did he need her skin or any part of her body. He was going to kill her because he feared her. Not just him, but his people. And that had to be his thought, his people were waiting for him to bring back proof of the event.
His vision became blurry as his heart began to beat strongly, he couldn't look. He released the arrow without being able to see well where it was headed.
He heard the Echo's despairing cry.
**Fourth Act**
Noa found himself in front of the Echo. His blurry vision and sweaty hands hadn't allowed him to hit his target. His main objective was the Echo's heart, but due to his nerves, the arrow had ended up hitting one of her sides.
She looked at him with open, frightened eyes, trembling while she held her side. She had pulled out the arrow and was trying to stop the bleeding.
Noa could have stood there, watching her die from bleeding, but he couldn't help but approach her and offer her a piece of cloth from his own arm to stop the bleeding.
The human looked at him doubtfully, taking the cloth.
He didn't know what to answer. Why had he attacked her? Why was he helping her? Because his heart was in constant struggle over what was right against his mind.
Echos had to be kept away. They wouldn't approach them, and they wouldn't live with them. Beyond the Valley was forbidden to cross because Echos were there.
The elders of his clan described them as monsters that killed each other, creatures that took everything around them and massacred it. Wild animals that would kill their own siblings for power.
But in front of Noa, he saw a smaller creature than him, harmless, and not having harmed them, alone, and with no signs of damage to nature around her. Not even signs of fires or dead animals.
Noa crouched down beside the human and covered her wound, helping her stop the bleeding.
"I don't know why. Neither do I."
**Fifth Act**
Noa had decided to move the unconscious Echo to the nest of leaves covered by a roof of branches. At least there, she would be comfortable and covered in case the sun bothered her or it rained. But he had to go back to the village, he had to go back to Anaya and Soona, because if he took too long, he was sure they would come to see what had happened to him, and that wouldn't be good.
He had to do it quickly. Kill the nearest animal he could find, so he would have something to feed the Echo when she woke up, but also use a significant part of it to show in his village, her heart.
A hare had been the sacrifice for his plan, he didn't have time to go for a bigger animal, and with the hare's heart, he was sure his village would calm down.
He took long strides, quickly, so as not to take too long. Right where he had left them, Anaya and Soona were waiting for him. They ran to hug him and looked at what he was carrying.
"Did you do it?" Soona asked, stepping back from the hug.
He was lying. He was lying to his friends for an Echo. But he didn't have another choice.
In the village, they received him as the leader he was. With hugs and praise towards him. He couldn't bear the weight on his chest. He was lying to everyone.
"Son, are you okay?" His mother was the only one who could feel something in him, and she didn't take long to approach him and ask questions.
"Yes, why wouldn't I be? We've gotten rid of that Echo! Isn't that right?"
"Because it's the first time you're acting like the leader of the clan." His mother hugged him. "I know it's hard, going against your ideals to follow the clan's ideals. No one asks if you're okay when you come back, they just receive you as the leader."
"I'm fine, mom."
She was the only one who could discover everything if she noticed his strange behavior. So he had to act normally... how was he supposed to act normally after supposedly killing an Echo that hadn't done anything to them?
**Sixth Act**
That same morning, Noa had gone back to where the Echo was. He expected to find her where he had left her, but he was surprised to see her standing, trembling, by the riverbank.
"Hey, you shouldn't be there."
She jumped back, trying to get away from him.
"It's okay, I'm here to help you."
"You're the one who hurt me."
Well, he couldn't deny that.
"I'm sorry. Please, let me help you."
"H-how can you apologize for something like that?"
She had started to breathe with difficulty, holding her wound.
"Sh, it's okay. We'll talk when you're cured."
Noa held her wound again, seeing how it was still humid, and proceeded to clean it, forcing her to lie down on the nest.
The ape had brought new bandages in case he needed to change them, so he proceeded to change them.
"I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you."
"It's hard to believe. Did you think I was livestock or something?"
"No, my village is scared of you, and they wanted me to kill you."
"And, why didn't you?"
Noa continued to change the bandages, unable to look her in the eye.
"I don't know. I didn't want to kill you personally, without knowing you. But it's my duty as the leader."
That information silenced the human. She grabbed his hand with the one he was using to clean her.
"Well, as the leader, stop. You've done your duty, you've tried to kill me, give them that information, and I'll run away from here. That way, you can say I escaped."
Noa shook his head, turning his hand to hold hers.
"No, you're already dead to them."
**Seventh Act**
Noa had been going back and forth from the village to where Mae, the Echo, was for a week.
During the day, he took care of his leader duties, and at dawn, he would return to the human's nest, where he would cure her, feed her, and take care of her. In those moments, they would talk, forgetting about the ape's attempt to assassinate her. Mae had opened up completely to him.
A human who had lost her family recently and was trying to survive away from the rest of humans who had hurt her. He didn't understand how they had hurt her if she didn't have that physical aspect, only the wound he had inflicted on her. But she explained that the wounds those humans had inflicted on her were not visible on her body, but in her heart.
Noa felt like seeking out those humans and defending the human to make her feel better. But she told him she was already learning to forget them.
"The wound is much better."
He didn't like how she was healing so quickly. Mae would have to leave when she was fully cured, that had been their agreement, but he wasn't ready to say goodbye so soon.
"Yes, I can do things on my own now. You should rest more at night and not come to see me."
"I don't need to rest. I want to come see you."
The ape continued making the meal, actually watching how the fire was made.
"You know I've forgiven you. You don't have to keep feeling guilty. Forgive yourself too."
"I-I can't. I failed my village. But I also failed you. If only I had shot higher, you would be dead and I wouldn't have met you."
"But you're a good ape and didn't do it. If it had happened this way or that, it wouldn't exist anymore. The reality is that we've met."
**Eighth Act**
That day, his mother wouldn't leave his side. She observed him closely without speaking, but that made him even more nervous.
"What? What's going on?"
He stopped in front of her.
"Son, you can lie to the whole world, but not to your mother."
"What do you mean?"
"Your nighttime escapes, the lack of sales, your fatigue during the day. Tell me, son. Where do you escape to?"
"Nowhere, mom. Just... I go climbing alone to relax and sleep."
"Yesterday, you slept very late, the sun had already risen. And you started talking in your sleep."
Noa averted his gaze so she couldn't keep reading him like that.
"Your dreams mentioned Mae's name."
"Oh, nonsense. I don't know anyone by that name."
He turned around, trying to ignore his mother's comments so as not to get more nervous.
"Son, do you sneak out at night to see Mae? Is she the Echo you didn't kill?"
"Mother! I don't know what you're talking about!"
"I've known you since you came out of me. Small, hairy, and noisy. Since you were very young, you showed that you weren't like the rest of the apes. You were very analytical and more intelligent than most. Your father knew that you took twice as long to think things through, just like your grandfather."
"That's why I knew when they asked you to fulfill this responsibility that you would take your time to think it through and not do it, because you're a fair son of mine."
"Mom, I couldn't kill her. She hadn't done anything to us and lived peacefully alone by the river. She didn't pose any danger like the elders make us believe."
"I know, son. I know you very well."
His mother hugged him, and he took refuge in her arms. Taking a weight off his shoulders since he wasn't the only one who knew about Mae's existence.
And not just the two of them anymore. One of the aoes in charge of the birds had overheard their conversation, hiding from mother and son.
**Ninth Act**
That morning, Noa found Mae packed and ready to leave, with her things in a backpack and the fire extinguished.
"Where are you going?"
"I have to leave now, Noa."
"What? No, why? You're still hurt. You can't leave yet."
"I'm not hurt anymore, Noa. You saved me."
"No, no, no, no."
Noa grabbed the girl's hands, trying to stop her.
"We knew this moment would come. I'm very grateful that you gave me the opportunity to meet you."
"No! It's the other way around. I tried to kill you and you forgave me, letting me into your life."
"That doesn't matter anymore, Noa."
"Yes, it does. I came here to kill you because I thought you were an animal, a monster, a beast. And I ended up realizing that the only beast here is me."
"Don't be so hard on yourself."
"I have to be. I can't forgive myself because if I do, I'll think I have a chance with you and it's not like that. I can't, n-no..."
Mae grabbed his cheeks, making him lean his forehead against hers, looking into his eyes.
"You're not a beast. You're my savior, but I have to leave so I don't cause you more problems."
Noa shook his head and leaned in to kiss the human, savoring the sweet taste of Mae's mouth.
They separated as they heard horses and apes cries.
**Tenth Act**
Noa was startled. The only apes near the river were from his village. And it couldn't be, they didn't have any nighttime exploration planned.
"What's going on?"
"I don't know."
He turned to the human, grabbing her cheeks to make her look at him.
"Don't worry, you hide. I'll go see what's happening."
Mae looked towards something behind the ape's back, and he turned to see what had caught her attention, finding his friends.
The two apes ran to hug him.
"You don't know what's going on in the village. Maximo told them about the Echo and they're all coming to kill her."
Anaya explained quickly, without taking a breath.
"How did you know?"
"Why didn't you tell us?"
Soona responded with another question.
"I couldn't. She was in danger."
"We're your friends! We would have helped." -Soona raised her voice.-
"It's okay, guys. We'll discuss this later. Now we have to help the Echo." -Anaya turned to Mae.
"You have to distract them while I help her escape." -Noa grabbed Mae's hand.
"No!" -Soona refused.- "You're the clan leader, you have to give them explanations after what they found out. You have to be consistent."
The ape couldn't refuse. His friend was right.
"Mae." -he turned to her, grabbing her shoulders.- "You're going with Soona and Anaya, they'll help you."
"I'm staying with you." -Soona gave him her back as he said goodbye.-
He couldn't make her change her mind, as the apes were approaching.
"Echo. It's better if you get on my back and I'll run." -Anaya offered her back to Mae, and she got on without taking her eyes off Noa.-
**Eleventh Act**
The group of apes arrived, finding Noa and Soona together. Both apes were standing side by side, bearing the gaze of the rest.
"Where is she?"
"We know, Noa. The Echo is still alive."
"We have to kill her before she attacks us."
"She's a demon."
Several apes spoke at once.
"Silence!" -Noa shouted, making them all quiet.- "She's not a demon! We're the ones who pursued her and tried to kill her without harming us."
"She'll do it, it's written."
"The elders say so."
"The elders are wrong!" -Noa shouted again.- "And the laws are wrong!"
"Noa, step aside!"
Several apes approached violently. He couldn't let his clan lose respect for their leader.
As the leader of the eagle clan and respectful of his clan's ancient tradition, he began to sing. He still hadn't joined with any bird. Due to his father's death, he had decided to wait out of respect for the previous leader. But now... it was the only solution he could think of to regain his clan's respect.
He continued singing, and no eagle came.
"It doesn't work like that!"
"What eagle would want to join you after you betrayed us?"
The apes' voices enraged him. His voice rose above theirs, and a large eagle with a strong presence landed on his arm.
When Noa looked up, he was surprised to see the eagle Sun, his father's eagle. Known as the strongestin its nest and stubborn like his father. Everyone feared and respected it.
**Twelfth Act**
Most of the apes kneeled before Noa, who stood proudly, looking at the eagle on his arm.
"It can't be, the eagle Sun has finally chosen its new master."
"It can't be, Noa, he's a traitor."
"Maximo, stop talking like that about the clan leader. He's already proven with actions that we should trust him."
One ape began to defend him, and most of them joined in. Noa knew he had regained his title as leader.
"We can't forgive his lie!"
That ape, Maximo, ran forward. Noa saw his intention to go after Noa and Anaya, so he stood in front of him, growling.
"You're not going to pass!" -he shouted, making Maximo take a few steps back.- "The Echo is my responsibility." -Noa began to address everyone.- "If anyone has a problem with her, they should come to me and I'll resolve it."
Maximo walked away with his head down.
The rest of the a apes roached to congratulate him on his union with Sol, and Soona stepped aside, observing him. In the end, it hadn't been necessary to help him; he was the clan leader, and she regretted having doubted it.
**Thirteenth Act**
The next morning, Noa met with Mae again. Anaya had told him the location where she had hidden her, in the cave where the three of them used to hide as children when they wanted to escape from their parents or play pranks.
Anaya had confided in Mae about the location, knowing how important it was to her friend Noa.
The ape and the human looked at each other intensely when they met. Mae was sitting on a rock, holding a piece of fruit, and had heard him enter. She was anxious to see him.
"Noa!" -she stood up, looking him up and down.- "Didn't they hurt you?"
"No, no, Mae." -Noa put his forehead against the human's, closing his eyes and breathing in her scent more closely.- "Y-you, are you okay?"
Mae let out a laugh.
"I'm fine. You faced your clan for... for me."
"Yes, for you. But I know that's not as scary as riding on Anaya's back and climbing up here with his rough scaling."
"Anaya took good care of me, you don't have to worry."
"I know."
Neither of them wanted to break the silence that followed. They hugged, feeling each other's skin so close. Mae's breath hit Noa's lips, and he couldn't resist anymore, leaning in to kiss her again, this time knowing every centimeter of her lips and mouth as he introduced his tongue.
Mae whispered the ape's name, and she pulled away, placing his lips on her cheek.
"You shouldn't kiss me like that. And I won't be able to leave if we keep doing this."
"Then don't leave. There's no need, no one wants you to leave. Come with me and live in my village, with my clan."
"No! Noa, I don't want to bring you more problems."
"You're not going to bring more problems." -Noa hugged her.- "Since I met you, you've brought nothing but joy and laughter and good thoughts to my life. You've made me happy, and I don't want to lose you."
Noa shouted happily, hugging the girl and lifting her up.
"You make me so happy, I love you!"
Mae looked into his eyes, unable to respond since she had lost her breath.
The human leaned in, kissing him again, this time with tenderness, and pulled away after a few seconds. As if her lips had given him strength and air to speak, she responded.
"I love you too."
**Final Act**
Mae moved in with them. The village had welcomed her with open arms when they saw her arrive with their leader.
Noa's mother received her literally in her arms, in a strong hug.
The Echo, the beast everyone had feared, had found a place in everyone's heart. She had sought her place in the village and now fulfilled her responsibilities so that no one would ever have to take care of her again.
A certain leader wasn't very happy about it, since it meant they spent less time together, but he was happy seeing how everyone had learned to love her.
There was even a moment when he felt jealous of the attention she gave to the other apes.
Mae dedicated herself to healing and feeding the smaller or injured apes, or those who were lonely. This made her spend more time with others than with him. But he couldn't say anything, he had to fulfill his clan duties too.
At least he had the hope of ending the day and finding her in his nest again.
Mae sighed in his ear. Noa couldn't help but lie down next to the human and kiss her from her cheek to her neck. He had seen her sleeping already, but he missed her and needed to feel her in his arms.
He placed himself on top of her, lifting her clothes and pushing them aside. It wasn't the first time they had done it, but he had understood that those garments were important to cover the human's attributes. For the apes, it was rare to see those clothes, but Noa's ego grew when only he could see her like that.
Naked, trembling from his kisses and caresses, and so sensitive that she responded to every touch he gave her.
He introduced his virility, making her moan, making them both moan. His thrusts were quick and concise. That night, he needed to feel her with urgency. The desperation in his chest to make her reach climax and hear her scream his name.
That scream and the contractions of the human's vagina around his penis made him come with a grunt.
"Mae, Mae."
He leaned on her, placing his elbows on both sides of Mae to avoid hurting her, and waited for his heart to calm down after coming.
"I love you."
He heard Mae.
"I love you too."
The ape responded before falling asleep next to her.
His life had taken a huge turn since the Echo, his Echo, had entered it. From believing he was going to kill a beast, to believing he had become one, to falling in love with an Echo. She had saved him from drowning in a life full of desperation and lies. She had entered his life to make the monsters that haunted him disappear. Mae was, is, and will be the love of his life forever.
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amethystfairy1 · 6 months
✨Hello hello!✨
I'm Amethyst (she/her), and I'm your local fanfic gremlin. I've written a lot for a lot of fandoms, right now I am caught in the Hermit/Traffic/Empires brainrot, and if that's how you've ended up here, welcome welcome!
The tag for my random blog stuff is: #amethyst rambles
And I also always post here whenever I post on A03, be it with a new chapter or an entirely new story! #amethyst updates
Right now, I have two WIP AUs!
Through the Sky-Blue Cracks 🌤️
My Hot Guy/Cute Guy, Over-City/Under-City AU that has a lot more going on in it now, it's grown pretty big and is organized in chronological order, not by publishing order, so I write up and down on the timeline filling in parts and pieces as I go!
TTSBC takes place in a modern/slightly sci-fi AU with superheroes, biotech, secrets to hide, trauma to unpack, and as much humor as I can attempt to fit in as well!
Features the local superheroes crushing on each other, anxious writer meets intrepid reporter, the drama professors who can't keep their hands to themselves, penpals gone wild, resident middle-aged married couple who happen to be a mobster and a mad genius, the local cottagecore lesbians, bad boy butterfly and cat lady, protective big sister, Zom-Mom and Sentient Glowstick, a very tired Guy-in-the-Chair with a permanent headache, and more yet to be added! I've got lots of plans left for this AU, so if you're interested, please come check it out!
Tags for the AU are:
#through the sky blue cracks
#ttsbc au
#ttsbc ficlets
Traveling Thieves 🪽
My dark fantasy AU! This one has some heavy themes going on, so I'd encourage reading the tags carefully before jumping in! I'm very proud of how it is turning out, dealing with breaking out conditioned headspaces, survival in a sick system, negotiating power imbalance, the power of friendship (no, really), and of course we've got elves, mercenaries, magic, swords, sorcery, rogues, redstone, and lots more fun stuff like that! Also lots of adorable birbs, one traumatized fiery boy, a mer with an attitude, a good doggo, and hurt/comfort galore! Giving everyone a chance to believe that they've all got a shot at getting lucky.
Tags for the AU are:
#traveling thieves au
#traveling thieves ficlets
Amethysts Scribbling Corner 📝
A little side project of mine to try and stretch my writing style!
My prompt requests are always open! I do not promise to fulfill anything, nor do I promise to fulfill anything within a reasonable time frame, BUT if you have any sort of thoughts/requests/recommendations I absolutely love to hear them and engage with them!
They can be as broad as a simple one-word prompt, or you can even give a brief description of a couple of sentences!
Feel free to request where you want the fic to take place, too! Especially when we're talking Hermit/Traffic/Empires stuff, if you want it to be within the Minecraft server world of that specific series, within a certain one of the Life Series, a modern AU, a fantasy AU...or even TTSBC or Traveling Thieves if you have ideas for them!
Just know that if anything requested for TTSBC or Traveling Thieves contradicts or maybe overlaps with any future plans for those AUs, I might not be able to accept them 😓
As far as rules go...I do not write NSFW. I am happy to write romance and let things get a little spicy 🔥 but keep in mind I'll always end up fading to black...also no heavy gore, body horror, things of that nature. I am very much a fan of writing whump and hurt/comfort though, so please send those ideas my way!
When I need some inspiration I dip into the request bin, and I keep all the requests I receive stored for future reference!
Tags for the series are:
#amethysts scribbling corner
I think that's all that going on with me right now...so yeah! I use this blog for my scribbling corner prompts as well as asks about any of my AUs or writing projects! I love getting the chance to ramble about my worldbuilding, so by all means, give me an excuse and I will make entire posts about that sort of thing!
My DMs are open and I promise I'm not scary! I love rambling and making fandom friends, so feel free to reach out if you wanna chat!
Thanks for coming by! 💖
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folkookie97 · 11 months
❝ drunk confessions (1) ❞ — jjk
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
— SUMMARY: ❝Jungkook was intense. An emotional mess in your life even after the breakup. But you couldn't help but miss all his chaos during those endless late nights when you were cuddled up with another man.❞
— PAIRING: ex bf!jungkook x ex gf!!reader (soft bf!taehyung)
— TYPE: angst | ex lovers!au, non-idol!au
— WORD COUNT: 1,738
— WARNINGS: argument, curse words, alcohol, toxic!jungkook, jungkook is bad at feelings, emotional infidelity, mention of sex, mention of bf!taehyung, based on From the Dining Table (Harry Styles)
— NOTES: jungkook as toxic ex bf kills me every time i think about him.
— RELEASE DATE: July 15, 2023
— CROSSPOSTING: ao3, wattpad, spirit fanfics
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Your eyelids couldn't close. Stinging sensations arose in the waterlines of your eyes with every frustrated attempt to reach the sleepy darkness. Your own body defied the human need to at least take a nap.
You were screwed. You knew better than anyone how endless the early hours of the morning could be.
Your nightly sleep had been a mess ever since storms of thoughts and reflections became a routine for your brain during resting hours. You couldn't relax when your mind insisted on filling you with confusion by recalling all the conflicts of the past few months.
And most importantly: recalling that damn phone call.
The last one you had with Jungkook.
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You remembered all the details. It was possible to feel once again how strong your heartbeats was when the phone rang that night. Your hands, sweaty with sudden emotion, struggled to answer the call as quickly as possible, afraid that something you had been waiting for so long might accidentally end up in voicemail due to lack of swiftness.
The memory of how the phone fell silent for long seconds as soon as you called Jungkook's name. A part of you was afraid that the call hadn't been intentional, just something like a misdial.
You two hadn't spoken to each other for weeks, and maybe Jungkook wasn't even planning to call you that night.
Even if that night was very significant to you.
To relieve the flutter, you swallowed hard at the mere thought that your enthusiasm might have been in vain.
A sigh could be heard on the other line when Jungkook's name was mentioned once again.
"I can't do this anymore, (Y/N)."
The girl's heart skipped a beat for a moment, and you could swear a buzzing sound echoed through the room.
"What are you talking about?" You asked.
"Me and you. Us. Our relationship is so complicated. A real mess..." The boy sobbed. You could feel that his voice was so broken as your heart.
"Kookie... if this is about our last fight, I'm sorry. It was such a stupid reason. I know, but I..."
The male scream echoed through the device, startling you not just because of a thunderous volume but also because it was followed by Jungkook's laughter.
A sarcastic laughter.
Lack of emotional intelligence in arguments had always been a characteristic of Jungkook's personality. He was a chaos. A hurricane ready to destroy everything in its path.
And lately you've been hating that habit about him.
Jungkook's intensity made you fall in love with him two years ago. But it had also made our love being so messy and toxic. Turning sunny skies into deadly storms.
There was no longer a sweet relationship for you.
"Can you hear yourself? You're almost begging me. That's because I wanna leave you. It's so pathetic. You're so clingy." He said.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you checked the time on your phone's screen, the hard brightness hurting your vision.
"Jungkook, I don't wanna fight right now. It's only ten minutes until my birthday. I thought you were calling to wish me an early happy birthday or..."
"Or what?" Jungkook laughed, his sobbing merging with the bitterness of his laughter. "Did you think I wanted to apologize for that day?"
"You said you were sorry..." You reminded him, biting your lower lip to suppress the waterfall of tears streaming down your cheeks.
"I used to feel. But only until I drank these two whiskey bottles and turned me into a tearful wreck." The sound of glass shattering on the floor was heard. Your desire to ask if he hurted himself was almost bigger than the urgency to keep your crying unnoticed. "Do you know why I'm drinking on a Wednesday night?"
You refrained from answering. His question was almost rhetorical, a pure melancholic rambling of a drunken human being.
So dramatic like Jungkook always used to be.
"I was with Lori today," Jungkook's confession triggered a pain in your stomach. Your effort to not vomit at his words was utterly depressing. "We saw each other, had sex like we always do. She's good at what she does. She always rides my dick and also looks like a porn actress when she's on her knees giving me a amazing oral..."
Maybe Jungkook would laugh when your disguise fell. You thought he would pause his monologue to mock how your sobs were constant and how pathetic you seemed.
Or maybe he would keeping rambling until the pain of your broken heart became unbearable and your brain convinced you to end the call.
However the thought of Jungkook crying like you were doing had never crossed your mind. Not even for a single second of your life.
He was sobbing like a child who got hurt on the playground; helpless and seeking the comfort of some trusted adult.
Before you could filter the words, the question had already escaped your lips.
"Why are you crying?"
And realizing the chaos inside his mind, Jungkook laughed again amidst tears. A sorrowful laughter.
"Because she's not you, (Y/N)."
The girl widened her eyes. The tears turned crystalline and your pupils dilated as Jungkook's words caused stumbles in your heart.
What was he trying to say? How drunk was he to lay his feelings bare for the first time since the breakup?
The anticipation of a confession pained your mind. A variety of scenarios emerged every second.
"I love you so much, (Y/N). I love everything about you. And this feeling it's killing me because missing you hurts too much." He sighed. The sound of breaking glass resurfaced and you swallowed hard as you picturing that scene. "When Lori told me she saw you yesterday, I swear I was desperate to talk to you as soon as possible."
"Yesterday she was wearing my old shirt..." You interrupted feeling a intense burning in your throat. "That Guns N' Roses shirt that you bought me in our first month of dating."
"You left it here at home and your damn scent was still on it. I needed a way to overshadow it and I..."
"Fucked your coworker."
Jungkook was speechless for a while. No comforting words could deny the injustice of the situation. He knew that you didn't deserve to see Lori wearing that shirt that had once been so special for both of you.
You didn't deserve to suffer through any of it. You didn't deserve to shed your tears or be broken-hearted for someone so unworthy.
Jungkook knew that you didn't deserve to be destroyed by the chaos he brought into others' lives.
He loved you. But he didn't know how to make you happy. He didn't know if he could ever fix your heart.
Was he selfish for wanting to try get your sweet love back? Was it too late for you two?
"Jungkook, I need to hang up."
His heart instantly broke at your warning and the formality in your words.
"(Y/N), please," The boy begged with a trembling voice. "You need to listen to me. I've been holding back everything I feel for you for so long, I need..."
It made you furious. You could even cry with rage.
"You've been holding all this bullshit back for a long time? Then keep holding it back for a little while longer." The words came out harsher than intended but you weren't in the mood to regret it. For the second time that night you checked the time on your phone screen and wiped away the tears from your cheeks with your free hand. "It's already my birthday, Jungkook. You didn't even call me to apologize or wish me a happy birthday. You just wanted to hurt me. Hurt my heart. My feelings."
"My baby, I'm so sorry. Fuck. I swear I..."
Your classic pet name pushed you over the edge.
"I don't wanna talk to you today." You admitted. "I love you. I swear I fucking love you. I love you much more than I would like and than I should."
You sighed hearing Jungkook cry. You were definitely not used to the pain you felt when you heard him cry.
"But I'm tired Jungkook. I'm tired of loving you and I'm getting tired of you."
"I love you, (Y/N). I just wanna try to fix things. I'm trying, baby. I swear I'm trying."
"I know, Kookie." At least you really knew that. "But I don't wanna deal with this whirlwind of emotions that you've been hiding for years. Call me when you're sober if you truly love me and really wanna try to fix things."
And in that early morning, when the clock struck 12h02 AM, you had your last call with Jeon Jungkook.
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Your request for him to return with real sobriety not happened. Hypotheses swam through your mind over the next few months. Did he regretted the brief expression of feelings? Were the love confessions and desperate crying just a delusion resulting from alcohol?
You couldn't know the true cause for Jungkook's ghosting but the choice not to seek the truth haunted you at night, when your head rested on the pillow and your eyes were unable to close.
"Darling, are you okay? Why are you crying?"
With a slight startle, you directed your attention to the male body beside you. The young man had his long fingers wrapped around your waist tracing caresses on your bare skin.
His lips were pressed into a thin line and his eyebrows furrowed in a countenance that indicated excessive worry. He looked a lot like the guy you used to love.
Actually the one you still loved.
The name Jungkook almost escaped you in a tearful whisper.
"Yes, Tae. I'm fine. It's just... just a nightmare."
The man soothe you with a sweet smile and pulled you into a hug. It was a square smile different from the typical bunny smile Jungkook had. However the image of your ex-boyfriend remained permanent in your mind as Taehyung caressed your hair. Your heart hurts with the contrast between your thoughts and the cruel reality.
Both of they were extremely different yet had similarities that made your stomach churn.
And as Taehyung tried to pull you into a deep sleep whispering lyrics of romantic songs in your ear, you wondered if Jungkook's name would show up on your caller ID someday again.
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