#nest tables online
urbanwood02 · 1 month
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Stylish Nesting Tables | Modern & Versatile Furniture | Furnmill
Discover Furnmill's stylish nesting tables, perfect for any living space. Our modern and versatile designs offer functionality and elegance, making them an ideal addition to your home. Shop now and elevate your decor with our premium furniture pieces.
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Shop Dresser Drawer Collection - Bohemian Home Décor
Experience the convenience of our dresser drawer collections, which incorporate practical features to enhance functionality. Smooth gliding mechanisms ensure effortless opening and closing of drawers, while sturdy handles or knobs add a touch of elegance and ease of use.
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ceilidho · 1 year
prompt: reader is hired as a live in house cleaner because ghost is always away and he only comes back on leave and he insists she stay in the guest room. Over time he increasingly acts like she’s his live in girlfriend or something. Very confusing for reader lmao.
The job comes at the exact right time. 
The way you stumble onto your new job is a bit dicey, if you’re being honest. You’ve been meaning to get out of the waitressing life for a while—the tips are shit and the number of times that you’ve had your backside pinched has slowly but steadily climbed into the double digits. You just haven’t had direction; somewhere to go. 
Your savior comes in the form of a six foot plus soldier. Oh, he doesn’t tell you that, but his body language speaks for itself. 
At first, even the sight of him makes your belly clench and palms sweat like when you watch rock climbing documentaries or parkour videos online (all moist and clammy and you have to wipe them on your jeans before shaking his hand). He’s a one-time customer at your little roadside diner that gradually becomes a repeat offender. 
He comes at odd times, sometimes disappearing for a month or two before he’s back to sitting in the booth at the back of the diner with his back against the wall. You smile shakily when you pour him coffee after coffee. He never eats. Always sits in the same booth, dressed in the same black hoodie that does nothing to hide the sheer size of him and a black surgical mask that he never removes. He has a sixth sense for when you’re watching him from behind the counter, waiting for him to take a sip.
You never do catch a glimpse of his face. Not completely anyway. You know him only by the faint smell of gunpowder and metal that clings to him like a second skin, and the feeling of his calloused hand against yours. 
Like ice slowly chipping off a glacier that one day cracks, a huge chunk splintering off and crashing into the sea, you know nothing about him until you’re suddenly in his house. Simon, he tells you, and the sound of his name awakens something in you. He needs a housekeeper and you need a reason to leave. 
You quit the diner; barely even put in a week’s notice. 
The day you drive up the long beaten road up to his property, a cabin deep in the English countryside, clear blue skies follow you. Clouds crisp, delicate even. Simon takes you through the house, showing you to the guest room where you’ll be staying while he’s away. He never directly confirms your suspicions, but the faint tightness around his eyes when he mentions his job tells you all you need to know. No wonder he needs someone to keep the house in order. Never around to do it himself.
Then he’s gone, swift as a ghost. You wake up in the guest room to a hastily scrawled note on your bedside table and a faint feeling of loss. 
You scrub tiles and dust the top bit of the fan that everyone always misses; you mow the lawn, clean the gutters, and sit under the shade of a poplar tree with a glass of lemonade in the early evenings. If you look up into the tree, you’ll see spiders and squirrel nests. It’s almost therapeutic. 
Weeks pass at a time. Simon reemerges like clear skies between periods of rain. Sometimes even before you wake up, you can feel the change like lighting sizzling in the air, crackling hot under your fingertips and then stumbling into the kitchen to find him leaning against the counter, coffee already brewing. You blush into an apology that he waves off.
Good soldier. Better boss. 
You fall into a routine, something of a cadence that is only interrupted by Simon’s hands on your hips when he moves you out of the way to grab a mug from the top shelf. His finger brushing over the curve of your cheekbone to wipe away flour smudged on your cheek. Then he’s gone again, passing through like a ghost. 
Perhaps he’s a more tactile man than you originally assumed. Something about the way he held himself in those first few weeks in the diner suggested otherwise, the way he seemed to radiate a latent hostility. Do not get close. You read this in the general slope of his eyebrows and the scars across his muscled forearms up until he reaches out to touch you, growing more and more comfortable with you around.
“You alright, love?” said into your ear on a warm night when Simon materializes onto the couch beside you, practically out of thin air. Your heart almost bursts in your chest. 
When you turn, he’s as beautiful as ever, honey burnt eyes staring out from behind a balaclava this time. Still dresses in his standard issue tactical pants, the faint smear of grime and gore around the ankles. There’s a lump in your throat when you smile. 
He smells richer now. Deeper, like the forest floor. Like crawling through mud and spider webs and a thick, cloying miasma of desperation. 
“Sorry—I didn’t know you’d be back,” you apologize, going to rise up to your feet. It feels wrong to commandeer his house when he’s on leave, even though you live here too.
A heavy hand on your shoulder pulls you down, settling you to his side. “Off your feet now—there you go, atta girl. No sense getting up; show’s not even done.” 
He angles you back to face the TV and tugs you into his lap almost effortlessly. You do not look back, even when you feel him slip the balaclava off, hot breath fanning over your neck. Not even when fingers play over the thin line of skin where your shirt rides up. You blink like your eyes are gummy and try not to shudder when his thumb dips underneath your shirt.
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leonw4nter · 6 months
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Silver Screen
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RE2R!Leon x F!Reader modern AU (The 300 followers special!)
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You walk into the room, an iPad opened to the latest installment of the fanfiction series you’ve been following for quite some time carried in the nook of your arm and salted caramel boba tea in the other. Setting the sugary drink on the table beside your spot on the couch, you temporarily put your iPad down to get into a comfortable position in the small pillow and blanket nest you’ve made for yourself. With a pleased sigh and an excited grin, you take a long sip of the beverage before finally picking the iPad up and have the coziest time of your life.
You were having a solid few hours of the coziest time of your life until you heard some soft sniffling coming from somewhere in the living room along with the faint pads of feet against the wooden floorboards. You look up, your eyes finally focused on something else other than pixels that formed words on a bright screen. There, you see him: your roommate Leon whose face is in his hands, ears red, and what seems to be muffled crying– no, sobbing as he walks around in circles.
Concerned for your friend and roommate, you get up from your place and walk up to him. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
You place a hand on his broad back, patting and gently stroking it back and forth. Leon finally lifts his head up, wiping off his tears with the sleeve of his dark green sweatshirt.
“This author was not playing around, ended up crying.” is all he said which prompted you to try and hold back a giggle. So he’s been reading fics too, you think to yourself.
“Can I read it?” you ask, to which he nods and fishes his phone out from the pocket of his plaid pajama pants.
“Lemme find it real quick,” he responds. He’s still sniffling, the waterline of his eyes occasionally brimming with a new batch of salty tears before he blinks them away. He finally finds the fic he’s been reading, handing you his phone while he walks over to the kitchen to grab himself a glass of water to stop hiccuping.
“You sure you’re fine?” you call out before you read.
“Yeah! Fic was just really… it was just something!”
You start reading the fic, your eyes trailing on the words on the screen. The words seemed familiar so you guessed that Leon had stumbled on a fic you’ve read before. Wrong! It was your fic, a fic you finished updating around last night. No wonder it was too familiar. You stared at the phone in your hand with wide eyes like a deer in headlights, a child caught with a jar of sweets in her hands when she shouldn’t have been eating sugary things. Your gaze drifted to Leon in the kitchen, who was still somehow trying to control his breathing while chugging down water like his life depended on it. He didn’t seem to notice the sudden drain of color in your face so you continue to scroll down, checking if he left any likes or reblogs or comments on your work. Another bombshell dropped: he’s the top reader of your work and the one that’s been keyboard smashing in the comments, along with the… soulful, emotional reblogs. His account is the one that’s religiously kept up with whatever you post, whether it be new fics or just random vents. BiohazardBard, the sweet account who comments nice stuff like “Don’t worry about us, take some time for yourself! U got this!!” and reblogs with tags like “UEIXGOFQWV CRIED SO HARD U DONT EVEN KNOW IEWBRXXR”on angst fanfiction is your roommate and also your crush.
You stand there in silence, mouth ajar as you continue to stare blankly into his phone, unable to process the fact that he’s aware of your online persona but he doesn’t know that it’s you. You exit the app and turn his phone off, walking over to him in the kitchen and give him pats to his shoulder to really make sure that he’s okay. If he’s calmed down then you’re not– internally, that is.
“That fic uh… it truly was something,” you sympathetically say. “Guessed that the part where uh- she leaves him was the one that got the water works going.”
“Oh um nope, it’s the part where things were slowly spiraling down. Got anxious for them then just full-on bawled when shit hit the fan,” he explains with a sheepish smile. “This fic is just bars, I love it so much actually– Might print a copy of this to take to work when I can’t be on my phone.”
To have your fics reblogged and your account be compared to the unburned version of the Library of Alexandria is one thing but to hear your number one dedicated reader say that to your face? After a breakdown? Nothing will ever top that and he doesn’t even know he just ugly-cried in front of the author he keeps up with.
“Imagine someone coming up to the front desk to be like: “hi someone stole my bike” or something and they call you over and their resident cop is just red as hell and all slobbery,” you joke.
“Shut up! I’ll try not to cry, I’m going to build immunity,” he half-jokes before taking another gulp of water.
You lay awake at night, staring into the dark nothingness of your room. Your feelings are all convoluted– joy, fear, embarrassment, amusement, excitement– and it’s hard to pinpoint what is ruling over you. Finding out that the man whom you’ve been hinting your feelings for is obsessed with your writing? In complete adoration with the products of your mind and skill? Hopefully he doesn’t suss out on your more romantic and sappy fics, inspired by real-life events you experienced with him (with more romantic and glittery bits). It doesn’t take even a minute to decide that you’ll be keeping this secret from him in order to not make anything weird between you two. Leon already seemed embarrassed after having been caught sobbing like that by a mere set of pixels on screen so you decided that this would be best for both of you. Unable to sleep due to the combined combination of boba tea and adrenaline, you sit up and reach for your phone because reading a fic or two before bed doesn’t hurt, right?
It’s been a few days after the little “incident” and Leon’s been more open with showing you some fics he enjoys, occasionally giving his own reviews and recommendations for you. He’s still the same guy that keyboards smashes on your comments and on his reblogs, which makes you giggle since you know who’s been sending you that. He finally came home from a long day of work only to do some more work outside of office hours, catching up on reports that some absent cops left behind and was handed over to him. Making himself a cup of coffee, he stretches his arms and hands before typing away on his dingy laptop for the next 3 hours. A few hours later, you hear some giggling coming from him so you bring your head up and spot his head once again buried in his hand, ears red but from giggling this time. He swings his legs, accidentally nudging the leg of a chair so he yelps a bit, which tugs a little chuckle from you. His ears pick up on the jolly noise coming from you, his face glowing when he sees you smile (or are you just seeing things?). He asks for you to come over to him and points at something on the screen of his laptop.
“Thought you wanted uninterrupted time for work,” you ask.
“I’m on a break, I think I deserve it,” he confidently says. “Anyways, take a look at this. Starting from here until here.”
You expected that you’d see another fic of yours but it was from another account’s instead, which disappointed you a slight bit but not that you minded too much. You finished reading the lines, the corners of your lips tugged skyward with a subtle splash of baby pink tinting your cheeks.
“Damn, that’s sweet,” you comment. “Gosh, I want what they have.”
“Me too. Like, hey God I’m still here ya know! I’ve seen what you’ve done for others!” Leon adds on.
Um, hey Leon! I’m literally right here! Do you need glasses? I’m right beside you!
Since you two were having a nice moment sharing fics and fic lines, you decided to show Leon some lines from fics you love.
“Take a look at this one,” you say as you hand him your iPad. “His description of her had me clawing at walls and biting my fist.”
Leon takes the gadget from your hands with care and places them beside his laptop, reading the lines. He reads in silence and it appears that he’s going over the line again and again.
“Who wrote this?” he asks.
“Uh, scottfree.”
“I don’t think I’m getting out of this scot-free,” Leon jokes. “Pun intended.”
“And why is that…?”
“Because I wrote that.”
You look at him in confusion, two neurons in your brain making a very, very, very slow connection in this moment.
“You’re scottfree?! And also BiohazardBard?!,” you exclaim. So he’s also scottfree, the writer whose lines you’ve screenshotted takes up about a third of all images on your phone. Amazing.
“How do you know I’m BiohazardBard?!?!,” he exclaims even louder as he gets up from his seat.
“Because um– the fic you cried over some days ago is mine! And I saw your account name and profile and I found out that you’re one of my loyal readers!”
He looks like he’s ready to wither away into nothing, become dust and probably get sucked in a vacuum cleaner.
“God that’s embarrassing,” he quietly mumbles. “Tell me: is that fic the first fic you’ve read from me? My other account, I mean– the one where I post fics.”
“Scottfree? Um, no… I’ve read like– quite a lot, actually.”
He stares blankly at you, unsure on how to absorb the information dumped on him. He’s only got a half-asleep half of a brain cell now since the rest of them were allocated on getting those papers done with the other half of the remaining brain cell, which he thinks is now gone.
“While we’re at this, um. You must know that the descriptions I write for the love interests are usually what I wished I could say to you or how I’d describe you. When he’s telling her how magical it is to be around her presence? I’ve daydreamed one too many times about really saying that you,” he quietly confides in you. “If I want to write another story, I hope I could write it alongside you.”
They really weren’t playing with slow-burn romance where both of them are too shy to confess their feelings. It’s happening to me right now! I’m in the confession part of the story!
“I guess it’s a writer thing for writers to include parts of someone they like in their works because I did the same thing for my works, actually. If I wanna come up with a real sweet line, I just think about you and I wish that I’d say these to you. Maybe I’ll wish that whatever I write the love interest to say, I’ll hear you say them to me too and uh… manifesting is real I guess, I dunno,” you awkwardly laugh. “Guess the feeling’s mutual, huh.”
“Yeah. Wow, this is… this is amazing. Real amazing,” Leon softly says.
“So… what now…?”
“I guess this makes as mutuals in terms of accounts and feelings," the blond grins.
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NOTE - Once again, thank you to the lovely 310 people who decided to follow me and keep up with whatever I post :)) I first came up with this while I was washing my cats' bowls and I intended for it to be a drabble but I just decided to make it a fic in the end. Still working on other reqs rn so expect some more posts in the coming days <33 If your usernames are somehow the same as the usernames that I made up for this fic then I didn't mean that and it's just a coincidence 😭🙏 Also y'all gotta hear me out on Francis Mosses from That's Not My Neighbor, he's cute :3 Judging from my mlist, I'm not sure if I love RE2R Leon hmm I'm not too sure 🤔 Anyways, that's all and thank you for reading my fics!!!!!!!!! I <33333 UUUUUU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The dividers are made by @benkeibear , the images are made by me (sourced from Pinterest).
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writer-jamie · 1 month
| Aphrodite's Spell | Chapter Two |
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Summary: Aegon was the definition of fuckboy. He didn't care about people's feelings, fucked with no strings attached and used whoever he wanted. He never got attached. Never made friends. That was until he met you online. You didn't know him, nor his family. You were an innocent his family and their legacy tainted. Someone new. Something new.
Warnings: Talks of alcohol and drugs, some slight smut, angst.
Author's note: Thank you for all the love on the first chapter of this series! I'm feeling extremely motivated to write so I will try and get as many chapters written while i'm in this motivated mood. Can't promise this will last though, but will try my best to keep to regular updates.
Taglist: @neithriddle @sab-falco @prp-butterf1y @deltamoon666 @sewmxx
Link for taglist.
Divider: @fairytopea
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You squinted at the bright screen as you sipped on your wine.
EggTarg liked your post.
Who the fuck is called Egg?
You knew all your other likes, mainly your friends or the guys online who followed you to wank over your photos, but this Egg guy is new. You clicked on his profile and there wasn't much to see. His profile picture was the side of her face but you couldn't see much of his features. The thing that stood out was his striking hair.
Blonde. That explains a lot.
Your friends would describe you as a creature of habit. Always went for the blonde boys, smokers, "rat looking" as Lisa would say. You knew what you liked and there was no shame in that. So when you looked at Egg's profile picture and saw the blonde hair, you could have sworn you felt your heartbeat in your clit.
You finished the rest of your wine in one big gulp and placed your glass on your oak bedside table. Leaning back into your headboard, you pulled your laptop closer to your chest and began typing.
Direct Message - User EggTarg
Me: You have peaked my interest Egg 🥚
EggTarg: As you have mine...pretty name, pretty face, what’s not to like.
Me: Romanic as well as one of my favourite foods, I think you are a winner.
EggTarg: Winner?
Me: You’ll see...
You couldn’t help laughing from behind your screen, feeling a rush of heat over your body. He sent you a photo. Oh. No guy ever sends you photos, just wants sex or a hookup.
EggTarg: Image attached.
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EggTarg: You like what you see?
Me: Well I’m not blind so yeah 🤤
EggTarg: ***-***-**** call me
That was easy. A phone number and a shirtless pic in less than ten minutes. He must be either desperate or horny. You debated picking up the phone and calling him. What if he was a serial killer or a weirdo wanting to eat your body.
Eh anything would be better than going to work in the morning.
***-***-**** added to contacts as Egg.
Calling Egg…
Buzz buzz…buzz buzz…buzz…”Hello?” A man’s voice answered the phone. He sounds Egg like. “Egg? It’s Y/N?” You could almost hear his posture shift as he realised who was on the other end of the phone. “Y/N. You called. Thought you weren’t gonna.” He sounded well educated but there was something about him that seemed off. He definitely sounded hungover. “So how can I help you EggMan?” You smirked down the phone, hearing him chuckle on the other end at the new nickname.
“You fancy hanging out? I don’t do public really well but we can go out for some food or drinks?” He heard you take a deep breath in, realising quickly how strange it sounded that he ‘doesn’t do public’. “I mean I do do public just not great. My family is kinda well known and I never get any peace and quiet when I’m out and-“ The panic in his voice obvious. Great you fucked this up Aegon.
“Egg. Egg it’s ok, I don’t ‘do’ public either. My family has a lot of drama surrounding it and I usually like to go out of town for dates or stay home. Or rent a hotel.” He suddenly felt at ease with your response. “I have a hotel room booked for this evening. Rook’s Nest Hotel. Ever heard of it?” You asked, pulling up your reservation and adding an addition person to the booking. “Meet me in the lobby at 7pm?” You suggested, pausing before clicking the save button on the reservation email.
“See you there. Wear something red.” He said with a smile and hung up the phone. Cheeky cunt. You sent him quick text with a lips emoji before laying back in your bed. “What the fuck have you gotten yourself into?” You asked yourself, running your fingers through your hair.
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You adjusted your dress as you sat on the soft leather seat, nursing your red wine as you awaited Egg to show up. You looked down at your phone. 7:08pm. He's only eight minutes late, traffic is probably bad. No traffic isn't bad. He's just late. What if he doesn't show up? What an embarrassment. You debated getting up to leave, looking around seeing many couples drinking in the lobby. You knew almost everyone here by name, the staff and the regulars.
Pepper was one of your favourite bell boys. He always is the first at the door to welcome you. He has worked at the hotel since he was sixteen and he was now thirty two. You used to see him every summer when your parents would take you to the hotel for your first of many family getaways. Your father always tips well, but for Pepper he was the most generous. He saw him like a son figure, after all he only had you and God knows he wishes he had a son. Instead he was stuck with you. Even now, Pepper is the first to take your bags to your room. He never expected a tip like a lot of the other workers. He knows you give tips at the end of the stay. But normally it would be enough of a tip to feed his family for at least four months (until you showed your face again).
Denise was your favourite cleaner. She knew when you were staying and would leave strawberry chocolates on your pillow. She's also been working there since you were young. She must be pushing sixty now and definitely didn't need to work but she worked her whole life and would probably be really bored at home. She was the sweetest lady you had ever met, she felt like a grandma to you. Denise never felt a need to change her posture or attitude when she saw you or your father. She was 100% Denise and you admired her for that. Most people would stand up straighter when your father entered the room, but Denise would continue dusting or hoovering, telling your father to lift his feet or move his ass if he was in the way.
You were snapped out your daydream by Mr Mortez, the hotel manager, who placed his hand on your shoulder gently. "Miss Y/L/N. Can I get Pepper to escort you to your room? I hate to see you sat alone." You smiled sweetly at the gesture. "No thank you. I will be ok." He nodded and turned around, walking back to the reception desk, joining many staff looking at you with worried expressions.
You pulled out your phone and opened up your messages with Egg.
Me: You are a cunt
The message sent quickly before shoving the phone into your bag, grabbing your wine glass and cardigan before standing up. You walked past many couples who were enjoying each others company. Not looking where you were going you bumped into a figure who was hastily walking through the lobby doors. "Oh God I am so sorry..." You mumbled, grabbing your bag and cardigan off the floor. You rised to your feet and looking the stranger with a soft smile.
"Sorry I'm late." He said with a smile, taking your hand into his and placing a soft kiss to your hand. "Egg?" You looked the man in front of you up and down, making sure this was the same man you arranged to meet mere hours ago. "Aegon. But Egg works too." You relaxed your shoulders and put your hand on his chest, seeing his shirt was now stained red with your wine. "Oh Aegon I'm so sorry! Let me take you to the laundry room and we can wash your shirt." Grabbing his hand and walking him towards the laundry room.
Pepper looked at you with a soft smile, almost checking you were ok. You gave him a reassuring smile in return.
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You placed your key card to the doors lock and it opened with a click. Aegon followed you inside, impressed with this hotels facilities. You put your bag and cardigan down on the floor and opened the washer, grabbing the items from the shelves and preparing the stain remover and liquid. "Take off your shirt." You demanded plainly, hopeful this could be sorted soon so you could enjoy your evening.
"At least buy me a drink first." Aegon replied, a smirk spreading across his lips. You shook your head and walked towards him, placing your hands on his chest and began unbuttoning his shirt buttons. His sparce chest hair came into view as you unbuttoned his cream coloured shirt. "Don't push it." You replied. Aegon rested his hands on your hips as you continued to remove his shirt. The shirt came off quickly and just like that the moment was over. You threw the clothing into the machine and set it off.
"Let's hope that comes out. I don't fancy buying you a new shirt." You said with a smirk, walking back over to him and sitting down on the other washing machine.
"Red." Aegon said with a dark expression behind his eyes.
"Yeah. Do you like it?"
"How could I not?" Aegon replied, his hands wandering towards your hips again. You rested your hands on his soft chest. He had small blemishes on his chest as well as a couple birth marks and moles. He looked perfect. Something must be off.
"So what's wrong with you?"
Aegon's face dropped. "What?"
"Well you are literally so perfect, there must be something wrong." Aeon chuckled under his breath, an almost confident chuckle. "Family trauma, dead parent or sibling, abuse in childhood?" He couldn't help laughing at the suggestions.
"All the above." Aegon raised his eyebrows at you. "Does that scare you?"
"Nah, I'm a big girl. I can handle my bad boys."
The bumping of the washing machine was the only noise heard for miles. Almost like the busy hotel outside wasn't there. It was just you and Aegon at that moment. Nobody else mattered. You watched as his chest began to rise and fall quickly as you raised your hands up his chest, past his nipples and to the sides of his neck. You found the back of his hair that rested on the nape of his neck. The blonde locks that lay there were soft. He definitely used conditioner. It felt as if the oxygen in the room had been sucked out as he looked into your eyes with his. Placing your hands on his face, he leaned into your touch. He was touch starved. He loved the feeling you of your touch. He had had sex with plenty of women, sometimes the same booty call over and over again but nobody looked at him the way you did. Nobody looked into his eyes like you did, or genuinely made him laugh the way you did.
Aegon placed his thumb on your bottom lip, pulling it down slightly exposing your lower teeth. You leaned into his touch, wanting him to make the move, but not knowing if he would at this rate.
Also as if he could read your mind, he grabbed the sides of your face and pulled you in close. Lips gently grazing yours softly. He was gentle. You didn't expect that. The softness of the kiss.
Then it got intense. Fast. It was as if you couldn't get enough of each other. Your tongue danced in his mouth, fighting his tongue for dominance. Aegon pulled you closer, almost like he was trying to climb inside your body. He needed you. Gasps and moans were heard in the room. "Aeg..Fuck!" You groaned, running your hands through his hair and pulling him closer. "Don't fucking stop…Jesus." Grabbing his wandering hand and placing it closer to your inner thigh. Aegon didn’t stop. His fingers pushing your black underwear to the side and he slides a finger between your folds. You felt your stomach flip as he played with your wet entrance. “Oh darling so wet for me already? That’s so hot.” That nickname. “Call me that again..” You looked up at Aegon with hooded eyes.
He pushed a finger into your tight hole, a groan leaving your lips. “Darling..”
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redclercs · 1 year
INTRO: who's y/n anyway? ew.
— the one where everyone tells you who are.
warnings: ignore the timestamps please, online harassment.
masterlist ✢ next
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Soft jazz is playing in the living room of y/n y/ln's apartment in SoHo, with all the curtains pulled back the golden hour feels like a golden infinity. We're already in our second cup of coffee, a specialty brought from Veracruz, Mexico by y/n herself.
This is not our first meeting, y/n and I go back a few years, when the box-office hit 'Supercut' sent her straight into stardom and earned her a place in the public's heart. Since then, there has been no other way but up for the young star.
From humble beginnings and a list of failed castings, roles as an extra and endless photoshoots with stock images, y/n knows what it's like to work hard to achieve what you want.
"Sometimes, when I look back at my struggles I wonder what made the universe align in my favor. Hard work only gets you so far, I am incredibly lucky too." She says, eyeing the framed picture of the wrap-up day of her very first movie 'Loneliness', where she played the daughter of a struggling waitress.
"I was in about six scenes, but I couldn't have been more thrilled. It was the first time I felt like a real actress."
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Of course, there are other aspects of her life where y/n is extremely fortunate. It has been two years since she started dating Asian-American hearthrob Aidan Kim. Looks like 'Supercut' really was her luckiest strike.
"We do like to keep some things to ourselves," y/n laughs after I ask her for an update on her relationship, I want to know the details behind the lovestagrams we get on a regular basis. "We love and respect each other deeply."
Night has fallen in SoHo and while y/n shuts the curtains, I take my surroundings in once again. A loveseat with a stain on the cushion, a coffee table that Aidan brought from a trip to Nepal where he filmed his newest project, framed pictures of the couple and their families crowd the room. This is the home they have built for themselves.
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Some may argue that y/n's specialty are romantic comedies where she gets to play the doe-eyed love interest to the dark and handsome male protagonist, but y/n has her sights set on bigger things. An Oscar nomination, maybe?
"I have fun with the movies I make, but I do want to expand my horizons. I have so many ideas I want to try, I just need a shot to prove myself." She beams with hope, in an ideal world, type-casting wouldn't be a thing.
Speaking of tall, dark and handsome, just as we're about to wrap things up, the door to the apartment opens and Aidan Kim himself comes through bearing a bouquet of roses and bag of take out. A sheepish grin bursts through his face as he realizes the interruption, and does his best attempt to disappear, not before giving a proud thumbs up to his girlfriend. This peek into their private life is enough to see how much they love each other.
"Thank you so much for coming," y/n has been an excellent host this evening, and I am happy to leave her to attend to her love nest. "It was a pleasure."
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Liked by aidankim1, vicpresley, calumhood and others.
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ynstars pretty! hope you had fun babes
effmeaidan you’re only famous thanks to aid
cestbren please tell me you’re really going to be on euphoria
dropbeastsss she’s so fake idk why people like her
dropbeastsss I’m not even aidan’s fan btw
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Liked by aidankim1, jessiegrey, vicpresley and others.
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softforyn mY PARENTS
aid4nshoe you followed him to Paris? God let him breathe
loladell my friend saw her today and she refused to take a pic lmao💀
ynflowers can’t wait for you two to get married🥺
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Chelsea Gonzalez: I just- I feel like y/n is so lazy at this point. Girl you have been doing romcoms for years read a different script.
Gabriel Irwin: [laughs] I don’t think she even reads them anymore. It’s the same role every time that’s just the way she acts on a normal basis now.
Brianna Martin: that’s so mean! Honestly I just feel like she needs to switch agents, there were rumors about that marvel movie and then nothing happened?
Y/n: I just love being on set, I have so much fun getting to be somebody else and it really feels like I’m in another world.
Ryan Campbell: But your movies aren’t too distanced from your real life situation are they? You have your own movie-like love story with none other than Aidan Kim!
y/n: Oh, uh… yeah I mean, one is fiction and another one isn’t? [laughs] real life relationships are definitely not like the movies.
Ryan Campbell: But how does it feel knowing everyone wishes they were you? I know I do!
y/n: [laughs] I really think we should go back to the movie talk!
Riley Green: [cont.] I mean I loved her look on the red carpet, her stylist LOVES her.
Martha Vincent: y/n is a gorgeous woman, I think that’s why she’s so loved by the public.
Greg Zane: She’s certainly a rising It girl, I just wish we saw her more rather than her fiancé? Boyfriend?
Riley Green: Oh take that back Greg, I’m not about to get cancelled for your shade towards Aidan Kim.
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─── team principal radio: ❝ this is my first fic for a f1 driver! exciting! i hope you enjoy this series as much as i'm enjoying creating it. i would love to know your thoughts through comments/reblogs!♡❞
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yandere-kokeshi · 2 years
Yandere Kiribaku with a pregnant darling
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Warnings: Yandere behavior and pregnancy.
Authors note: All my characters are aged up to 21+. Please enjoy!
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They’ve always wanted kids with you, wanting to have replicas running around and jumping on the bed early in the morning. So when the three of you find out, Katsuki is smiling like a proud man while Kirishima is jumping up and down; spinning you around, kissing your face. 
From then on, they both treat you like pure glass, carved out of the most expensive reflector they’ve ever laid their eyes on. This means carrying you 90% of the time. 
Already, the house is severely baby-proofed, but now… since you’re carrying a living being inside you, they’re taking extra precaution from now on. That means all the corners of the tables, hallway edges or anything that can ‘hurt you’ is covered up. Yes, even the sink and toilet is sanded down.  
When your tummy starts to grow more, so does their protection and adoration. Kirishima becomes way more gentle with you, always near you and waiting for the call if you need something. He insists on carrying you everywhere, not wanting you to become stressed or pull a muscle. Katsuki, on the other hand, becomes the devil: he’s more protective and possessive than ever. 
Katsuki is snapping at anyone, including Kirishima and is always preventing you from doing things that will make you groan or uncomfortable. He, the famous cook, mostly cooks for the meals, following recipes online that’ll help your pregnancy growth and improve your immune system. 
They both are fairly paranoid, always wanting to see a doctor twice or three times a month. They always demand the best doctors and nurses, they both will come along and ask ‘important’ questions: “Is it normal for them to have extreme cravings? Are you sure? They craves spicy things, which I learned is bad for the baby online. Listen–” 
Fights rarely happen between the three of you but due to your hormones and their possessiveness… they bicker way more. They both fight over stupid things: who gets to deliver the food to the bedroom, who starts the shower, who gets to rub your feet and who gets to touch your tummy; the list goes on about the things. 
Speaking of touching stomachs, they both love to touch and talk to your tummy! Even when it’s small and the bump isn’t noticeable. Kirishima normally drags shapes along the sides of your hips and tummy, while kissing it. Katsuki will get on his knees and kiss it, maybe rub into it affectionately, almost like a cat. Though, when your tummy starts to get bigger, they will speak to the ‘brat(s)’ and tell it to knock it off for being rousey and not letting you get your beauty sleep. 
This also gives them a reason for you to wear their clothes. They love to see their outfits on you, including their boxers and hoodies. 
They both love to take care of you! Kirishima normally does the massages, lays down your ‘nest’ (grab your pillows and favorite blanket), and buys any cravings you have at that moment. While, Katsuki helps you make your favorite meals, clean the entire house, offer to do some yoga with him, and lets you sleep in as much as you want.  
They don't care what gender the baby is, sure, they’d like to have little girls with pretty eyes and hair but they also wouldn’t mind boys as rowdy as they are. 
You never get punished for doing things because of your pregnancy. If you decide to ‘act up’ or try to run away, you get away with it as Kirishima’s delusional state convinces him that you’re only doing so because of your hormones. Katsuki sees it but also goes alongside Kirishima, saying that ‘if you wanted to go outside, why didn’t you ask us?’ 
The cuddling is… to say the least: a mess. They both want to make sure you’re warm and comfortable, meaning that they both are practically laying on you. Kirishima is always cupping your stomach, kissing your neck whilst Katsuki is either laying on your thighs and grasping at your bottom or blowing raspberries on your belly.
When it comes to your last quarter of the pregnancy, they will be frantic and ready for you to pop like a balloon any minute. The minute you start to groan, they think the worst and grab the hospital bag, carrying you bridesmaid way before realizing you just sat up. 
Masterlist | Stay well and stay hydrated!!
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ©yandere-kokeshi
Do not plagiarize, repost, modify, translate or copy my work.
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lefaystrent · 9 days
Virgil/Remus college roommates AU
It's Remus's third year of college. He's majoring in a medical field because it's gross and cool, and he knows human anatomy like the back of his hand.
Remus's major is not his first choice or second or third. But it is the choice that he could live with along with hopefully making his parents proud.
Somehow, his parents still think he's an embarrassment to the family. They often compare him to his twin brother, Roman, who gained major success as a child actor.
It's not Roman's fault, and Roman tries, but there's an unresolved part of Remus that's jealous and wishes he had any attention at all.
Remus has been through a few roommates. They usually request a transfer the first month in. Either Remus is too crass or too loud or too nosey or too gross. Too much in general.
Remus doesn't know how else to be but himself. He's proud of who he is. Doesn't make it any less lonely or easy to make friends.
Remus has one singular friend. Janus who's not even a student at this college, but he does some work for some students for under-the-table pay. Otherwise known as plagiarizing papers for the tired or lazy masses.
Remus meets Janus because someone recommended him as a tutor. Janus never corrects him and continues tutoring him.
Beginning his third year of college in the dorms, Remus does not have high hopes for his new roomie. Mostly he is excited to see how long the new guy will last. Remus gets set up in the room first and waits for whenever his roomie will appear.
The new roomie is Virgil. He's an undecided major, wears an oversized hoodie, has anxiety out the wazoo, and is the cutest emo he has ever seen.
Remus has a type. His type is angry kitten. He does not realize he has a type until this moment. He kinda wants to really keep this one.
Virgil doesn't mind taking the leftover bed, so Remus doesn't have to move his stuff. Virgil's dad is also there to help his son move in. His dad is a therapist (psst, it's Emile), and is like the total opposite to his son in terms of attire and personality.
Virgil is also really close with his dad. It's clear as day in the way he waddles after him like a darkling duck while giving Remus apprehensive glances.
Remus tries to be on his best behavior, he really does. He offers to help them carry stuff, and Emile is delighted, and Remus cracks some jokes that they actually laugh at a couple of times.
Before Emil leaves, he asks Remus to take care of his son. Remus salutes him seriously and says it will be his honor.
As soon as the door closes, Virgil's timidness skyrockets. He admits that this is his first year living on campus and without his dad. Even though Emile promised he's only a phone call away and he doesn't live that far, it's still a lot for a kid to be thrust out of the nest.
Remus cheers him up by asking if he wants to see his bone collection. Yes, you heard him right. He collects bones of dead things. They're stored under his bed which he affectionately refers to as the boneyard.
Virgil rolls with it. He lets Remus chatter, and he doesn't interrupt him. Remus thinks he doesn't know what to say to break the ice, so Remus smashes all the ice for him.
Remus learns that despite this being Virgil's first year on campus, he already has enough credits under his belt to graduate and then some. Apparently, he's been racking them up at breakneck speed with online classes ever since he graduated high school early.
It was Emile's idea for him to attend university life, to push him out of his shell and make friends. Virgil has been homeschooled most of his life because he can't handle crowds and other kids are the worst. He wants to try this for his dad though, to at least be able to say he put effort into it.
Remus respects that. He doesn't understand anxiety. He's so used to throwing himself out there. Who doesn't like attention? But attention makes Virgil nervous so Remus makes a solid attempt to not pay attention to him.
Which of course makes it all the harder. He overcompensates and comes on too strong. He babbles one night their first week into classes about a documentary he watched on Ted Bundy which leads into John Winn Gacey, and then on to the Zodiac Killer.
Virgil stops him at some point, eyes like saucers. "Do you realize you've been talking for over an hour about serial killers?"
Remus thinks this is the part where Virgil applies to switch roommates on the grounds that Remus is secretly a murderer. But instead, Virgil admits he's impressed by how much he knows and asks if he's ever watched Buzzfeed Unsolved.
And then they bond over watching shows together, and Virgil calls his dad and gushes about it, and Remus feels his stomach do a little flip at how happy Virgil seems to want to share this.
It becomes a thing where Virgil calls his dad and gives him updates not only about his life but Remus. Emile always asks about him and tells Virgil to tell him hi.
Remus is dumbfounded. He can't imagine calling his folks every month, let alone every day.
The two of them find a routine after the first week. By which, that means they have no routine. Virgil is a chronic insomniac and Remus can sleep through anything. Whenever Remus catches Virgil finally asleep, he either steps out of the room or sits completely still on pain of death. It helps that Virgil often wears his headphones and blasts music.
There's a time when Remus returns early to their dorm room and hears the slight, muffled sound of Virgil's music coming from Virgil's closet. Curious, Remus opens the closet to find that Virgil has made a blanket nest for himself inside and is fast asleep. Remus closes the door back gently and never tells Virgil that he knows about his super secret napping spot.
For Virgil's part, he doesn't know what to make of Remus for the first few weeks. Remus is flamboyant and proud in his masculinity even when wearing booty shorts. He sings like a hyena and he has those weird 3am pillow talk thoughts but like all the time.
He's also so random that even when Virgil feels anxious, it somehow gets him laughing more often than not. Remus beams during these moments and doubles down, usually becoming even more ridiculous.
Remus notices early on that Virgil skips meals. He doesn't think that it's an eating disorder or anything, because he eats whatever snacks Remus throws at him. Remus is smart though, more clever than people give him credit for, and his eyes often gravitate towards his favorite little emo.
Remus begins escorting Virgil to the food court. Virgil starts eating regular meals again now that he doesn't have to brave the swarms of people alone. The first time the food court is too congested indoors even with a buddy, Virgil crowds close to Remus and holds onto his arm and trusts him to steer them through.
Remus starts offering his hand whenever things get too claustrophobic. Virgil is surprised the first time, because guys don't just hold hands like that. But Remus is far from normal, and Virgil never claimed to be, so he takes the hand when it's offered. He can't look anyone in the eyes while they hold hands, but Virgil refuses to let go.
Holding hands with Virgil quickly becomes Remus's favorite activity. So much that he offers even when they're not around other people. Virgil doesn't always take it, but it makes him go soft in a way that Remus relishes.
Virgil went into university life initially thinking that he would hate it. After some weeks with Remus, he finds enjoyment. He's happy, and his classes are fun, and he never thought he'd befriend someone like Remus. At least, he thinks they're friends. Remus wouldn't hold his hand if they weren't at least friends, right?
Eventually, Remus admits to some of his struggles with his school work. Janus helps, but he's not knowledgeable in every subject(aka, Janus is flying by the seat of his pants and Remus doesn't realize it). Virgil agrees to help for the price of sour Skittles.
Remus learns quickly how Virgil has so many credits. Virgil's got that thing where he reads super fast and has a photographic memory.
"You have super powers," Remus accusses.
Virgil flushes and mutters something about it not being fair that he has built in cheat codes. He seems to be under the impression that this detracts from his successes and that he's not very intelligent.
Remus endeavors to prove him wrong any chance he gets. He compliments him often and praises him for helping him so much. He wants to show that Virgil's effort is its own merit. And Remus proves it to him because his grades do start improving in the courses he struggles with.
There's one night that they stay up late working on one of Remus's research papers. It's worth over a quarter of his grade, so it has to be good. He's got it printed out and ready to take to class, only he gets terribly distracted when getting ready that morning and runs out the door without it.
Virgil wakes up and spots the super important paper on Remus's desk five minutes before Remus's class starts.
Remus is very surprised to see Virgil show up to his class, panting for air and paper in hand.
"You sprinted across campus to bring this to me?" Remus asks, incredulous.
Virgil shrugs, wiping sweat from his brow, "You worked really hard on it."
That's the moment that Remus thinks he falls a little bit in love.
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ashthewaterghoul · 13 days
Body & Mind - A Phantom Ghoul One Shot
So Swiss, ever the caring partner, took Phantom’s plate of food and gently knocked on their door. No response came so Swiss tried the handle and found it unlocked. He had just intended on dropping the food by Phantom’s bedside for whenever they woke up but the sight of the little Bug broke Swiss’ heart. They were curled up so small and hidden under many blankets with their back to the door. They had an extremely large plain black hoodie on that Swiss knew had been dubbed their ‘dysphoria hoodie’. Swiss walked around the nest and saw Phantom was awake, staring at nothing while tears rolled down their face. Or, Phantom is feeling dysphoric, and Swiss helps.
Words: 1925
Rating: Gen
Relationships: Phantom/Rain, Phantom/Swiss
Tags: Gender dysphoria, hurt/comfort, fluff, they/them Phantom, he/they Rain, transmasc Phantom and Rain, HRT, chest binding, Aether pops up for a second too, and transmasc Dew mention, author is projecting, implied polyghouls.
Warnings: Period talk/period-induced dysphoria, a lil mention of slightly unsafe binding practices and a tiny bit of medical language as Phantom talks about their HRT and their issues with it.
Terms used for Phantom and Rain’s anatomy - Chest and tissue.
    It was about halfway through the day when Swiss realised he hadn’t seen Phantom yet. The little Bat had been exhausted after getting back from their first tour and Swiss had taken up a few of their duties so they could rest. They both usually at least still saw each other at breakfast, if not lunch. But when Swiss saw the still-full plate by Phantom’s seat at the table, he knew something was up.
    A quick question to Aurora told Swiss that they hadn’t left their room at all yet and she assumed they were just sleeping in. Not even Phantom’s neighbours, Rain and Cirrus, had heard anything from within the room. So Swiss, ever the caring partner, took Phantom’s plate of food and gently knocked on their door. No response came so Swiss tried the handle and found it unlocked. He had just intended on dropping the food by Phantom’s bedside for whenever they woke up but the sight of the little Bug broke Swiss’ heart.
    They were curled up so small and hidden under many blankets with their back to the door. They had an extremely large plain black hoodie on that Swiss knew had been dubbed their ‘dysphoria hoodie’. Swiss walked around the nest and saw Phantom was awake, staring at nothing while tears rolled down their face.
    “Buggy?” Swiss whispered, and Phantom’s violet eyes met his golds.
    “Hi.” Phantom said quietly.
    “Bad dysphoria day?” Swiss assumed by the hoodie but just wanted confirmation, which he got when Phantom nodded, “I’m sorry, baby.”
    Phantom shrugged, “‘s not your fault.”
    “I know, but I hate seeing you like this.” Swiss let out a deep breath, “Can I touch you? Do you want a cuddle?”
    “Please.” Phantom said, and Swiss wasted no time in climbing into the nest and bringing Phantom’s head to rest against his chest while he laid on his back.
Read below the cut or on ao3
    “Has anything brought this on or is it just one of those days? You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.” Swiss said.
    They groaned, “My period’s coming soon, my chest is sore so I can’t bind, and loads of people online are calling me ‘he’ and some even saying ‘she’. I know the public don’t know, but it still bothers me.” Phantom said.
    “A bit of a downside to the masks and anonymity, I guess, but Frater can find a way to get everyone to know your pronouns, I’m sure.” Swiss said, taking a breath before going onto the next point, knowing Phantom needed logic for their addled brain that wouldn’t be able to find solutions for itself, “Your T hasn’t stopped your period yet?”
    Phantom shook their head.
    “Have you told Aether? He’s managing your prescription, right?”
    “Hoped it would just go away.” Phantom sniffled.
    “Okay, well, how about you tell him? When Dew started his T he had to get an extra shot to stop his period. I’m sure Aeth would do the same for you.” Swiss said.
    “Maybe.” Phantom said.
    “You can ask when you feel more yourself maybe, yeah?” Swiss said and Phantom nodded, “You said your chest is sore?”
    “Always happens with my period.” Phantom said.
    “How much have you been binding recently?” Swiss asked.
    “Like, 8 or 9 hours every day?”
    “When was the last time you took a day off?”
    Phantom went still and blinked rapidly as they tried to remember.
    “Buggy, it won’t help if you’re too sore to bind. You need binder breaks.”
    “I know! I just hate how I look without it. I know I don’t have a lot going on up here,” They gestured vaguely to their chest, “but knowing it’s there makes me feel like a freak.”
    “I think it’s well established that I’m the freak in this pack.” Swiss said, and smiled at the little laugh it drew from Phantom, “Have you ever tried transtape?”
    “No, what’s that?” Phantom asked.
    “It’s the stuff Rain uses. Kinda like KT tape but it’s for your chest. You can wear it longer than you can a binder and safely too.”
    “Will it make me flat?” Phantom asked.
    “Less than your binder, probably, but it will still leave you pretty flat, yeah.” Swiss said, going off what he knew from Rain’s own chest.
    “Do you think Rain would mind?” Phantom asked.
    “He gave you his old binder, I’m sure they wouldn’t.”
    Phantom nodded and snuggled their head further into Swiss’ chest, “Can we just cuddle for a bit longer? When do you have to go back?”
    Swiss angled for his phone and checked the schedule, “Really I should be going back in about half an hour, but I can delay until tomorrow.”
    “What? No.” Phantom moved to their elbows to look at Swiss, “You’ll get in trouble, you can’t!”
    “I don’t give a rat’s ass. You’re more important.” Swiss said, kissing the top of Phantom’s head and guiding them back down to cuddle.
    “It’ll make me feel bad.” Phantom muttered.
    “Well don’t. I’m a grown Ghoul, I can make my own decisions. And I decide to stay with my sexy little bat.”
    “I don’t feel sexy right now.” Phantom said.
    “You’re always sexy to me.”
    “Sure.” Phantom said.
     “What? You are. You’re the most sexy little thing I’ve ever seen.”
    “What about Rory?”
    “She’s pretty.”
    “He’s hot.”
    “You really think I’m sexy with my face full of snot?” Phantom laughed slightly.
    “Like I said before, I’m the freak of this pack.” Swiss wore his trademark grin as he spoke.
    “Don’t I know it?” Phantom said, their eye-roll practically audible.
    Swiss laughed and kissed Phantom head once more before snuggling into an easy silence, each rumbling out their own purrs as they got comfy. Phantom also started making biscuits against Swiss, kneading along the plump of his tummy. It was a behaviour that never had any sexual motivation behind it for Phantom, and it certainly took some getting used to for the Ghouls when the little Bat first started doing it, but they had all come to love it because it meant Phantom felt safe and secure.
    Swiss was sure he’d fallen asleep at some point as they stayed huddled in the dark room, the food long forgotten. But at some point, the silence broke.
    “Thank you.” Phantom said.
    “For what, Bat?” Swiss asked.
    “For helping me see a bit of logic. I hate my dysphoria.”
    “You don’t have to thank me. I’ll always want to help you.” Swiss kissed Phantom’s forehead.
    They stayed cuddled for even longer until Rain knocked saying it was time for dinner, and with consent from Phantom, Swiss called Rain in and explained the binder situation. Rain preferred transtape because he could swim with it and it didn’t press against his gills like a binder did. They had rolls of it in their room, all different colours and sizes and soon had Phantom picking out a roll of purple.
    Phantom wanted Swiss to stay with them and they kept their eyes shut as they took their hoodie off, and Rain measured out strips of the tape. Swiss was whispering little reassurances the whole time of how amazing they looked, how well they were doing, how flat their chest looked as Rain fixed the strips over their tissue. Phantom felt tears pricking their eyes from the praise.
    “And done.” Rain said as they laid the last piece and threw away the backing, “Do you want to look at it or just put your hoodie back on?”
    Phantom thought about it for a minute, and slowly cracked each eye open. Rain was stood in front of them, blocking the mirror, and also was shirtless revealing his own blue tape. Rain’s chest was similar to Phantom’s, if a bit bigger so Phantom looked at Rain as an estimate for how they looked.
    “C- can I look?” Phantom asked.
    “You don’t need my permission.” Rain smiled, “I’ll move out the way on a count of three, okay? You tell me when.”
    Phantom looked to Swiss who was beaming in pride for the little Quint, “So handsome.” He muttered and Phantom blushed.
    They nodded to Rain and they counted, “1… 2… 3…”
    Phantom’s face remained neutral as they took their chest in. They could still see a bit of the shape of their tissue but they think they could manage it. Rain always looked flat under his t-shirts and so Phantom assumed they would be the same.
    “So, you can leave it on for up to three days.” Rain started explaining, “You can leave it on in the shower and everything too. When you take it off though you need to apply something to the area so the adhesive comes off and doesn’t start breaking your skin. If your skin starts getting agitated or damaged at any point, go to Aether. He’s helped me out a lot with it.”
    Phantom nodded, “W- will you help? When I have to take it off?”
    “Of course, Bug.” Rain came over and stood behind Phantom, chin on their shoulder and looking at them in the mirror. Between that and Swiss still standing nearby staring, Phantom felt themself blushing again and buried their face in their hands.
    “So handsome indeed.” Rain said, putting a small kiss to Phantom’s neck before pulling back, “You want your hoodie back on?”
    Phantom nodded and Rain helped it over their arms and head. They looked at their side profile in the mirror and smiled wide when they looked completely flat, finding they couldn’t stop running a hand over the fabric to smooth it and couldn’t tear their eyes away from their reflection.
    “Come on, Narcissus.” Swiss smiled, “I’m hungry and you’re about to become my dinner if we don’t get moving.”
    “Hey! What about me?” Rain mock-protested.
    “You’d be dessert.” Swiss assured as he held his hand out for Phantom and Rain.
    “That’s acceptable.” Rain said, placing a small kiss on Swiss’ lips before the Multi guided the three of them out to the dining room where everyone else had already started tucking in.
    After they’d finished eating Swiss and Rain got up to leave but Phantom stayed behind. Aether was on pot-washing duty tonight and Phantom saw a good opportunity.
    “Hey, Aeth, can I ask you a question about my hormones?”
    “Yeah, of course. What’s up?” He asked putting down the plate he was washing and giving Phantom his full attention.
    “Sh- should my period have stopped by now?” Phantom asked in a hushed voice.
    “Hmm, how long have you been on T now? 5 months?”
    “Yeah, 6 in a week and a half.”
    “When’s your next period due?”
    “In a few days.”
    “It should have stopped by now, probably. I can’t do anything about this month, but after it’s done come to my office. I can get you started on these sort of booster shots that should stop it, if you want?” Aether said, work voice on despite it being out-of-office hours.
    Phantom smiled and nodded, “Thank you, Aeth.”
    “Of course, it’s my job and you’re pack. Not gonna leave you out to dry. Any other issues with your T or…?”
    “Nope. All good.” Phantom smiled, giving Aether a hug before running back to Swiss’ room.    
In the embraces of the Multi and Water Ghouls, Phantom couldn’t stop purring and kneading along their bodies. The two older Ghouls made Phantom feel loved and very handsome indeed. And with some headway to solving a couple more things with their dysphoria, they smiled at maybe having a life free from that dreadful weight.
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urbanwood02 · 6 months
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heartstringsduet · 8 months
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Really enjoyed the snippets people shared last night and really hope that you're still up for giving us all more on WIP Wednesday because I'm selfish like that 😏 Here's more of Let Me part 6. cw: grief
He finds TK standing in the middle of their living room, right between the couch and the dining table, staring into the far distance of the window. Carlos walks over on soft-socked feet, rubbing moisture from his hair that he used to have a long routine for but finds he doesn’t want to spend time on as much these days. TK doesn’t even notice him until Carlos takes the package of tea he’s clutching from his hands and kisses the hinge of his jaw. He jumps despite Carlos’ carefulness.
“Did you make tea?” Carlos asks softly.
“I was about to, I think.” TK smiles, brittle as tracing paper, as he turns his face to him. “Must’ve gotten distracted by something.”
“Did you see the red robin again? I think there might actually be a nest in the gutters closeby.”
TK huffs, nearly amused, and that is more than enough to ease some of Carlos’ own tension. “Yeah I think I just became a cat for a second there.”
It’s not the first time Carlos has found TK somewhere in their apartment, suspended in a limbo of a task he set out to do, then lost the way to it. 
Drawing at TK’s wrist, Carlos leads them over to the kitchen. He makes them both a cup of oolong and chats away as he gets the french toast he’d soaked overnight out of the fridge and heats up the pan. It was a labor of love preparing it, a little sweeter than he’d like, less cinnamon, too, so it’d taste exactly like TK’s favorite breakfast. He’d hoped it would be enough to get him to eat more today after TK skipped dinner.
Carlos does this like he now picks out an outfit he folds neatly on TK’s side of the bed while he showers after finding him sitting on the edge of the bed clutching a single sock. He does this like he puts on a show after TK scrolled through the entirety of any subscription platform they have, eyes unseeing. He does this like he sits down and helps order an online delivery of flowers to the woman TK saved on the plane and like he goes to visit his own parents and get some comfort himself while he gives TK and Owen space. He does this like he now fills any silence like TK usually would.
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@carlos-in-glasses @alrightbuckaroo @birdclowns @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @paperstorm @ladytessa74 @welcometololaland @rmd-writes @lightningboltreader @herefortarlos @freneticfloetry @orchidscript @whatsintheboxmh @inkweedandlizards @thisbuildinghasfeelings @carlos-tk @louis-ii-reyes-strand @noxsoulmate @bonheur-cafe @sanjuwrites @strandnreyes @reyesstrand @decafdino @thebumblecee @theghostofashton @kiwichaeng @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad @sznofthesticks @liminalmemories21 @fitzherbertssmolder
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devildom-moss · 1 year
Roses for You (3)
This had all started when you noticed a link between a book on the language of flowers you had borrowed from Satan’s room and the current lessons from your Seductive Speechcraft and Magical Potions classes.
In Seductive Speechcraft, you had just reached a section on the effectiveness of spells using non-verbal communication: enchanting glances, dance, and offerings. Meanwhile, in Magical Potions, the professor had been discussing the significance of using specific quantities when concocting potions; they had spent fifteen minutes just providing examples – including adding petals from two different flowers when using them for a love spell.
You couldn’t resist discussing the use of flower language – utilizing the type, color, and quantity of the flowers – to specify the magical intent of an offering as a form of seductive speechcraft. Asmo and Solomon listened intently. The same idea popped into both of their minds, and before you knew it, everyone was looking into color and number meanings, searching for the perfect combination to convey their feelings for you and try to put you under their spell. The only rule for their little competition to charm you? Only roses are allowed.
Will you be charmed by their attempts?
Three Roses - Leviathan
Word Count: +700
"I love you"
You had fallen asleep in Levi’s room last night while he was gaming. Too exhausted to keep playing with Levi, you curled up in the massive blanket and pillow nest that he had so carefully crafted before your arrival. Levi was even considerate enough to select a chill single player game as you dozed off. Ambient music, the soft clicks of controller buttons, and Levi’s occasional humming soothed you to sleep.
It wasn’t until he gifted one of the romanceable characters a flower and watched their heart gauge increase that he remembered all the research he had done that week to come up with the perfect rose color and number combination to convey his feelings for you. Levi scrambled to grab his phone and opened the tab for the online flower delivery service he had looked into (by some miracle, they had a 95% rate of 5-star customer reviews, and Levi figured that was worth a try). The delivery was scheduled for first thing in the morning with the hope that Levi would be able to surprise you when you woke up.
With the order confirmed and a tracking link for his delivery, Levi finished up his day in the game and saved before he crawled into the nest with you. He curled up with his head on your thighs and drifted into a light slumber. This was the reason Levi made nests when you planned to stay the night. His bathtub was a bit cramped, and it was more suitable for spooning than for him to cuddle up against your legs – not that he hated being your little spoon, but nothing was better than getting to bury his face in your thighs.
Levi got a notification that woke him up early. You were still asleep when he slipped downstairs and retrieved the delivery. The roses were perfect. He prepared them, trimming the stems at an angle and placing them in a vase before he brought the roses upstairs. Levi set the vase down on a table near his tub. That should be safe for now. Excitedly returning to his nest, Levi cuddled back up to your thighs, nuzzling your skin. He couldn’t wait for you to wake up – nor did he have to. The pressure on your legs caused you to stir with a soft groan.
“Levi,” you moaned, knitting your brows, and opening one eye.
Much to his embarrassment and disappointment, Levi shot up from his position on your thighs with a squeak. The dim blue light of the room was still bright enough to illuminate his blush-stained cheeks. “H-hi. Good-g’morning, MC. Did you, uhm, sleep well?”
“Morning, babygirl.” You sighed and shifted up on one elbow. You heard something like a stifled whimper from Levi’s direction.
“I-I got you a present,” Levi added quickly in a hushed voice. He scrambled up to grab the roses.
“A present?” You sat up fully, yawned, and stretched. When you opened your eyes again, using both hands, Levi held out a vase with three dark pink roses in it. Even in your half-tired state, your brain still registered the number’s meaning: three – one for each word. I love you. A tired grin found your lips. Dark pink, on the other hand, you thought, affection? No. A different “a” word. Appreciation, maybe?
You got your confirmation when Levi shut his eyes tight – his face turning a vibrant, but much softer shade of pink than the roses – and spoke louder than he intended, nearly shouting, “Thank you for loving me!”
“Come here, babygirl. Come cuddle with me.” You motioned for him to join you. Levi searched the room for a stable surface to set the roses on so he could crawl into your embrace. He was straddling your lap when you pulled him in by the hips and looked up at his flustered face. “Can I kiss you?”
Levi squeaked again and quickly nodded – too shy to give you the “yes, please” that was screaming in his head. You gave him a slow, gentle kiss that earned you soft moans.
When you pulled back, Levi was panting slightly. The blush still stained his face up to his ears. “Uhm, would you mind if we – well, could you stay here today and l-love me a little more?”
“I’ll love you as much as you want me to.”
Lucifer (1) | Mammon (2) | Satan (4) | Asmodeus (5) | Beelzebub (6) | Belphegor (7) | Diavolo (8) | Barbatos (9) | Luke (10) | Simeon (11) | Solomon (12) | Thirteen (13) | Raphael (14) | Mephistopheles (15)
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footballffbarbiex · 8 months
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player: John Stones words: 712 request: John Stones - you / your - 500 - 750 words - Going gift shopping with him while you are pregnant so you end up buying things also for the baby, all so sweet and fluff please
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“We could just get everything online, you know?” John says as he pulls up his hood a little more and tweaks his beanie beneath it. 
It was cold in Manchester. Freezing perhaps. And it wasn’t even winter yet. The icy wind doesn’t help, creating a colder environment than it is because of it. Frost lays thicker on the ground, giving the illusion of a thin snowfall. It was still slippy as hell and John made sure that you remained standing upwards. 
“It’s not the same. We get enough deliveries on a day to day basis. Christmas should be more personal.” You counter, and pull out your phone to check, once more, which store was next. It’s a list you’ve checked far too many times that you should have memorised by now but it’s always best to look again. You’d hate to leave anyone off and ideally, you’d like to wrap it all up today if possible. 
One of John’s bodyguards has taken care of one lot of bags, taking them back to the car so that you two can concentrate on remaining on your feet and not having to worry about leaving some items behind or struggling with too many. John has shown a little enthusiasm when entering certain stores but for the most part, he’s hoping not to be noticed and trying to get through this with minimal damage to his bank account. 
You pause outside Next, noticing that they have a Next baby section in this one. “I didn’t realise the baby is on your list.” 
“You of all people should know that the baby is always on the list.” you reply and wiggle your shoulders in a happy dance while throwing signals with your thumb as you walk in backwards while grinning and John follows obediently while shaking his head. 
He knows as well as you that this is going to be one of the times that you drop the most amount of money. Though you do try to be smart about it, you’ve been around enough babies to know how quickly they grow and so know how pointless it is to drop too much money on the early stages of their life when they outgrow the clothes far too quickly. Newborn and first sizes should really be kept to the bare basics. Plenty of vests and baby grows. Anything over a month to 3 months you can have a little fun with but this stage will also be outgrown far too quickly. 
Quite a few people you know, including several brands thanks to John, have already bought and sent quite the haul of newborn clothes, so that’s one less stage for you to stockpile. With Christmas sales in full swing, you fully plan to utilise them for the upcoming year, buying quite a few for the age groups past 3-6 months. You didn’t want to be caught short but were happy to pick up a few extras if needed. Of course, the sales wouldn’t count for certain seasons and they would be picked up at a later date. 
You scan the rows and tables of clothes, eyes searching every different set as you pick up a few and hold it in the air to examine. 
“I prefer that one,” you hear John say and watch as his arm extends past you to touch at the fabric of the one he’s chosen. 
“Yeah, me too.” you nod in agreement as you turn the item this way and that to get a better look at it. 
“I still can’t believe that she’ll be this size.” There’s a softness in his voice as he takes it from you with one hand and drapes it over his other as he tries to envision a very real, squirming baby in it. You turn to face him and grin as he holds it up to your bump, an action you do frequently when hanging up or folding the clothes in her nursery as you put them away. She’s not due for another month and nesting is well and truly kicking in now for you. Sometimes you find yourself sitting on the floor, burying your face into the soft fabrics and taking in the smell of the baby softener. 
Unbeknown to you, so does John. 
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loftylockjaw · 1 month
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TIMING: Current LOCATION: Pedro’s house PARTIES: Wyatt (@loftylockjaw) & Pedro (@rangervazquez) SUMMARY: Wyatt wants that vegetable lamb. Pedro isn’t giving her up. CONTENT WARNINGS: none
Plenty of people wondered how Pedro came into ownership of a veggie lamb. It was no word of a lie, what he said online. He and his colleagues went to clear up the highly Instagrammable greenhouse seating that people like to use in the winter. They’re less used in the summer because it’s too hot. The lambs didn’t seem to mind it, as they’d taken up residence in a corner. After some deliberation, the Rangers had decided they could be veggie lamb foster parents until they found some expert or another. Which sounded good to Pedro, right up until Baabara was sitting on his kitchen table and looking expectantly at him. He had turned to the good people of Wicked’s Rest when he’d tried and failed to google a care manual, and got some support. Wyatt told him they eat dandelions, which checked out in terms of them having survived in the town. Pedro had already watered her, and she wasn’t mad at him anymore…he hoped. He decided to send Wyatt a message about the offer to come by with advice. Thanks man, I’d be super grateful for any pointers with this little lady. Maybe I’m pushing my luck, but could you bring lamb milk?
Pedro was pushing his luck. Wyatt really had no intention of helping with this thing much at all, unless that feigned help would get the park ranger to relinquish guardianship over the stupid creature… so he decided to play along, assuring the man that he’d bring the milk. But he would only go so far for a bit, so the milk in question wasn’t that of a sheep. It was goat milk, because that’s what he’d had in his fridge at the time. 
Making his way over to the address given, the shifter waited patiently at the door to be let in after knocking. When it swung open, he did his best impression of a good samaritan. “Howdy there, neighbor! Hear you got yourself in a bit of lamb trouble!” He hoped that his southern accent (peculiar as the cajun dialect was) might win him a few points in the trustworthy category with Pedro, having found that to be the case in the past. Sounding humble, simple, and saying it all with a smile went pretty far for getting people to do what you wanted. 
Stepping inside as he was permitted, Wyatt followed Pedro to where the creature laid in a pot full of dirt, now looking between the two men with ears flipped forward and perked straight up. He had to admit, the creature was cute… not that soulful eyes or a pitiful cry had ever stopped him from eating what he wanted in the past, and now he had a real taste for these things. They were by far the most delicious meat he’d ever imbibed, and he wanted more. Needed more. He passed the milk (that had been warmed and switched to a mason jar that had no label) to Pedro, figuring that the request for a bottle was never part of the deal, and that he must already have one around here somewhere. 
“I gotta ask, friend… where’d you find her, anyway?” Where there was one, maybe there were more. And if he couldn’t get Pedro to give up this lamb, perhaps there was a nest of them somewhere in the woods that he could stake out and raid. The thought of it practically made his mouth water. 
He’d lived in Wicked’s Rest pretty much his whole life, and people often reminded him why he didn’t have any particular desire to leave. Sure, it could be weird - but it was their own brand of weird. There was always someone, or multiple someones, willing to help out. The fact that Baabara was adorable really helped, that was true. The feeling of relief when Pedro opened his door to let Wyatt in and saw the milk - finally, he would be able to feed her! They tried with some of the pet food they put out for four legged friends at the park rangers’ hut, but none of the veggie lambs were having any of it. “Oh man, thank you so much! You’re a lifesaver for real.” 
He set the milk down on the table near Baabara, who duly bleated at them both. “Okay! Diva. It’s like she knows who she’s named after.” She seemed to also know that nobody could resist a cute little sheep in a pot. “They just showed up out of nowhere! We found them in a greenhouse out in the park. Poor things must’ve wanted to get out of the weather. Janet from work was gonna call a friend who’s in the creature sanctuary business.”
“Streisand or Walters?” Wyatt asked with a chuckle. Ah, okay, so there were more. Living in a greenhouse in the state park—one that Wyatt was pretty sure he’d seen at least once before. “That’s wild! Are the others still there, or did all the rangers adopt one for themselves?” He really hoped it was the former, but had a sinking feeling that it’d be the latter. If that was the case, he was going to have to work extra hard to get this girl out of Pedro’s possession. 
He hadn’t decided yet if he was above shifting and just taking it by force, honestly. 
The smarter thing to do would be to get the name of this person who ran a creature sanctuary… there were untold goodies to be found in a place like that, after all. “That’s good, though, about the sanctuary,” he agreed through metaphorically gritted teeth, managing to maintain an upbeat and positive appearance. “Who runs that? Never heard of nothin’ like that out this way myself, but I spend a lot of time in the woods n’ find all sorts of troubled little critters… would be better to pass ‘em off to someone who knows what they’re doin’ than tryin’ to rehabilitate ‘em at my own cabin!” He never tried to habilitate them, of course. They were snacks, 100% of the time. Still… he glanced back to Baabara and clicked his tongue. “I do got a beautiful sunny patch that the last lamb I fostered seemed to just adore, though. Just the right amount of shade, sheltered from other things in that area, easy for me to water n’ feed…” As if to really sell the lie, Wyatt reached out and scratched the lamb beneath the chin, grinning when she let out a soft bleat and closed her eyes, leaning into the touch. 
“She fruitin’ yet?” The lamia leaned over the table to look around to her backside where there was more plant than animal, searching for those incredibly delicious sweet treats he’d scarfed up the last time. “They’re fuckin’ incredible if you ain’t tried ‘em yet, man.”
“Streisand, ‘course.” He grinned, rather proud of his naming skills. No ranger worth their salt would have left a small defenceless (they were defenceless, right?) lamb in a pot out to fend for themselves. Hell, the team lead Betty would have taken them all home to live in her veranda if it wasn’t for the fun conversation that would have ensued with her wife about why there were multiple veggie lambs sunbathing in there. If there hadn’t been people out there who knew how to handle them, perhaps she’d have got the team to write the manual on these little guys. “Yeah. we decided we’d all be good foster parents. Seemed like a better idea at the time…but this still works better than leaving them there by themselves with some food. Poor guys.” He’d figured Baabara herself would be the best judge of character when it came to deciding where she ended up, and she seemed pretty chill about Wyatt’s presence. “Never met ‘em myself. They’re an old college buddy of Janet’s.” For all he knew, they might have been a retiree who dedicated their whole house to the weird and wonderful creatures of Wicked’s Rest. It had been Janet’s sixty-somethingth a few months back. Pedro might have seen photos when he was sitting next to her on desk duty after his injury, but that was a bit of a blur. “I figure they kinda ended up doing it by accident when folks got word they had a talent for animal-handling.” Wandering around to have a look to see if Baarbara had been hiding some fruit, he didn’t think she had any yet. Although, he didn’t know if any of the others had fruit either. The whole species was kinda new to him. “Aw, cool! You got another lamb for her to hang out with? Didya give it a fun name?” Baabara should really go back to her - siblings, he presumed, but they didn’t exactly investigate the little guys’ family history. “Do you make fruit?!” He addressed Baarbara directly, who opened her eyes to bleat at him. He got the impression that the answer depended on who was asking. “I don’t see any, but I think she’s trying to say she isn’t down for sharing the fruit.”
Fuck. So they were scattered to the four winds, then. With a resigned, inward sigh, Wyatt accepted that he’d probably only be getting one lamb out of this deal. Though, as they spoke of the fruits the lambs often sprouted, he wondered if planting one of those fruits would grow another lamb… he’d have to have Mateo help him investigate, since the mare was the one with the green thumb, as it were. 
Nodding thoughtfully and doing his best to not look disappointed that Pedro didn’t have a name or any other kind of information on this creature-keeper, the lamia figured that finding Janet would be his next step on that particular ladder of overzealous hunting. He wouldn’t do this much investigating for anything other than vegetable lambs. They were just… so, so good. 
“Uh, yeah! His name is… Q-Tip.” That was a pretty good one, honestly. If he didn’t have every intention of immediately eating any veggie lambs he got his claws on, he might actually name one that. Lifting a brow at the lamb’s protest, Wyatt chuckled. “Maybe she ain’t old enough yet.” Maybe he ought to be patient… even though that wasn’t really his style. But he did have a decision to make: smash n’ grab this lamb and ruin and future opportunities of getting more info out of Janet later (at least in a way that wouldn’t end up with her hurt, scared, and/or dead), sweet talk Pedro into giving up Baabara, or be patient. Ugh. Patience. 
“They don’t live long, you know. They’re kinda like rats. Two, maybe three years tops.” He lifted his gaze to meet Pedro’s. “Hard to… say goodbye.” Eugh. “But it only gets harder the longer you wait.”
Was the fruit that good for it to be sigh-worthy disappointing that it wasn’t ready yet? He would have to convince Baabara to let him try some. If she wasn’t old enough, that was fine, she could take all the time she needed. Besides, he hadn’t even fed her yet. He didn’t have a bottle or anything, so he would have to try offering her it in a bowl. Maybe once Wyatt left; he wasn’t sure how well she’d take to eating around strangers.
Some animals didn’t like that. He himself was technically a stranger - one she was getting accustomed to, though. 
Pedro smiled. “Q-tip’s a good name. How do you tell how old a veggie lamb is? Apart from the fruit?” Janet’s contact might know. Mock-offence written on his face on Baabara’s behalf, he struggled not to laugh. “You’re not like a rat, are you, girl? You’re like a fancy little hamster. I had those as a kid. It’s sad, but…as long as they get a good life, right?”
Pedro wasn’t picking up what he was putting down, obviously. That meant that sweet talk was probably off the menu, didn’t it? That left patience, if Wyatt even managed to find this Janet lady, and… god, nope. Nuh uh. That was absolutely not a skill he possessed. He’d just keep this one alive until it fruited, then attempt the whole planting thing. And promptly have the most delicious lamb dinner of his life. 
“... listen, man. You seem like a nice guy, really. And it was awful nice of you to adopt this little snack, but I’ll be honest with you: I’m here to take it. So I’d really just appreciate it if you could make this easier for the both of us and give up the goat. Er, sheep. To me.” 
He’d really put his foot in it now. Baabara couldn’t possibly understand, and so it was his own guilt he was reading into the expression on her innocent, harmless little face. She did not look pleased. No wonder he got himself killed. He didn’t want to do that again. At the same time, he couldn’t just sit down and watch such a defenseless creature get taken away to become a snack. 
“You were supposed to help, Wyatt!” Pedro shouted, stepping in front of the pot. “Get out of my house. Before I call the cops.” 
Wyatt scoffed. “I am helpin’ I’m helpin’ me! You don’t get it. You’d get it if you fuckin’ ate one of ‘em.” He narrowed his eyes at Pedro, common sense abandoning him as he let them shift from blue to yellow, as crocodilian scales started to appear on his hands and up his arms, fingers turning long and webbed and tipped with sharp claws. He didn’t want to hurt the man over something like this, that was kind of ridiculous, but he was angry. And maybe there was more anger than was sensible that was coming from other sources, but regardless of the reason, it was an unfortunate truth that Pedro was now the target of that frustration. 
“I’m comin’ back for that thing,” he threatened with a snarl, deciding he could let it go today. He knew where Pedro lived, now. Knew where he kept her. Knew where to find more, maybe. Hopefully. As he stuffed his anger back down into the hole it should’ve stayed in, his features returned to normal. With an irritated huff, the lamia snatched the bottle of goat milk he’d brought with him and turned tail to stomp back to the front door. “Mark my words, couyon! You better keep three eyes on ‘er!”
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nouies · 1 year
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hello and welcome to this month’s fic rec featuring works that i’ve read and loved during the past weeks. as always, please check tags before reading. if you liked the fics please reblog their posts, leave kudos and write a nice comment. happy reading! 🔒 = only for ao3 users rec tag | more rec lists
— harry/louis —
໑ Nights Like These, We'll Remember by @fallingdefenceless (T, 1.8k, strangers to lovers, music festival au) this was so much fun to read. i loved the characterisations and the bands and songs mentioned. it’s a sweet take on the song “Silver Tongues”. 
໑ face to face at the kitchen table by @disgruntledkittenface (NR, 2k, exes to lovers, hopeful ending) this was amazingly written! and when the tags said “hopeful ending”, they really meant it! 
໑ My Arm Might Be Broken, But I Won't Be Broken Down by BoosBabycakes / @boosbabycakes28 (T, 2.3k, established relationship, canon, fluff and humour) omg this was so sweet and cute! the fic truly means ‘canon’ bc this is something Louis would do.
໑  🔒 Five Zero Five by Stria / @nooradeservedbetter​ (E, 2.5k, established relationship, canon divergence, pwp, dom/sub, read tags and author’s note) remember when Louis sang “505” for the first time and we all collectively lost it? well, this fic encompasses extremely well my feelings about Louis’ cover choice.  
໑ love was a pretty lie by dragmedown / @itsnothesameasitwas (M, 3k, established relationship, college au, sex while high, read tags and author’s note) a story based on the song “Silver Tongues”. this was so entertaining to read, i loved how their relationship worked, and even more to know it exists a sequel to this story so you know how they ended up. 
໑ Together We're the Greatest by @hellolovers13 (E, 4.6k, getting back together, dystopian au, read tags) this story fits very well the vibe of “The Greatest”. i always thought that song would make a nice soundtrack for an action movie. if you don’t like blood though, be careful with this one.
໑  🔒 The Light Streams Out by Stria / @nooradeservedbetter (G, 6k, friends to lovers, magic au, animal transformation) this was such a lovely read! it had pining, longing, embarrassing moments, and lots of fluff. 
໑ That's The Way Love Goes by red_PANdaaa28 / @red-pandaaa (M, 8.7k, established relationship, lilo friendship, song fic, flashbacks) this story was so pretty. it’s inspired by the song “That’s The Way Love Goes” and shows not only Louis’ support for Liam, but also the other way around. it hurt but i enjoyed it a lot.
໑ 🔒 High Tide by Stria / @nooradeservedbetter  (E, 14.3k, strangers to lovers, covid au, pwp, dom/sub, read tags and author’s note) i absolutely loved the chemistry between Harry and Louis, and it showed in all the activities they did together, and i mean it bc even shopping online together was cute coming from them.
໑ Captain Cupid by @2tiedships2 (NR, 15.3k, friends to lovers, a/b/o au, nesting, touch deprivation) this was such a fun and lovely story! Captain Niall always knows best, and this time it wasn’t the exception. there were so many moments that warmed my heart, especially the tub scene! go read it so you don’t miss out.
໑ Moments of Memories by momentofclarity / @gaycousinlarry (M, 17.8k, friends to lovers, reunited au, old louis, old harry) a beautiful story about second chances and reunions. i honestly loved the way everything was told, and how it felt like i was too an old friend who got to learn abt their life after years of not seeing them. it was cosy and sweet, and very hopeful.
໑ Hold Me How the Deep Night Has by @crochetsunsets (E, 48k, enemies to lovers, magic au, historical, read tags) my heart is still beating fast just remembering everything that i felt when i read this story. it’s about hope, about love, about time… it really cut so deep, but it didn’t hurt, i just can’t explain it. please go read it.
໑ Welcome Home by Jelon  (E, 49k, strangers to lovers, kid fic, football au, football player louis, baker harry, dad harry) i love kid fics and this one has the best elements of one. i truly liked Louis’ relationship with Max but also the passion of his relationship with Harry.
໑ your memory over me by @shimmeringevil (E, 64.3k, exes to lovers, greece au, journalist harry, rich louis, vacation) loved that this was set in Greece, and all the tension surrounding the vacation, not only between Louis and Harry who were the exes, but like with everyone there. it was just delicious and so entertaining to read!
໑ Gemma's Dad (Could Use A Guy Like Me) by @lululawrence (NR, 82k, neighbours to lovers, stacy’s mom au, age difference, summer) i loved this story bc it made me feel like i was spending summer with them (it was that or the 31°C on the day i read this). it was a sweet fic, with lots of flirting, and love all around.
— rare pairs / categories —  
໑ Bound by @ladyaj-13 (zayn/liam, G, 619, vampire au, arranged marriage, vampire zayn, human liam) this fic was amazing! it might be tiny but it had me screaming bc of how good it is.
໑ hoping it never ends by @lvinlou​ (spanish, louis/sebastian stan, E, 1.2k, established relationship, pwp) this was so hot! i usually don’t read fics in spanish but i saw this one under the pairing tag and i knew i had to read it.
໑ Quite the Pickle by @lululawrence (harry/louis/nick grimshaw, NR, 1.4k, crack, pregnancy cravings) this was so sweet and funny. relatable if you either dislike pickles or like gossip, or both lol.
໑ after hours by edensrose / @holdingthornsandroses (louis/pedro pascal / louis/pedro pascal/oscar isaac, E, 16.7k, friends to lovers, coffee shop au, dancer louis, read tags) i don’t know how else to describe this fic other than hot hot hot! but also there were so many romantic and sweet moments. it was perfect!
໑ Bloom by @ladyaj-13 (louis/liam, T, 29k, enemies to lovers, 1970s, murder mystery, endeavour au, read tags) i absolutely enjoyed this story! i was so hooked with the way everything was written. as someone who enjoys crime solving stories, this one amazed me in so many ways, and that’s not considering the romantic aspect of it bc that was great in another level.
໑ take me back, take me back by eynap / @panye (niall/shawn mendes, E, 32k, strangers to lovers, wedding au, coming out) this such a fun and entertaining read. it put a smile on my face and kept me at the edge of my seat. definitely check it out!
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